#You don't need to invalidate other ships to make yours valid
genocidalfetus · 7 months
Brain Rot PSA
Whether you ship Kerry with V(masc/female/trans), Johnny, V AND Johnny, or V/Johnny and another NPC or OC...
You are correct
Kerry Eurodyne is for everyone.
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I'm not lying when I say at this point, there's more posts condemning and harassing fans that ship Riz with anyone than there are ACTUAL RIZ SHIPPING POSTS.
With the amount of posts I've seen where people claim Riz shippers are running rampant everywhere and ruining the fandom, you'd think those kinds of posts and blogs would be inescapable. That if you go into the "Riz Gukgak" tag, every other post will be ship oriented. That the most popular Riz blogs are filled with ship content.
Yet going into the tag for ANY ship with Riz, you'll see week and even months long gaps between posts. Going into the "Riz Gukgak" tag itself, you'll find more posts berating shipping Riz than actual posts shipping Riz. These people are upset over something that's not happening.
I know not everyone tags their posts, but that just makes all this ship-centered anger even more baffling. It means if you're constantly seeing shipping posts with Riz, you are actively seeking them out.
You are making the choice to look for things that upset you. You are making the choice to find what little content there is of something that upsets you and distressing yourself over it. If you can easily avoid fan works that cause you distress, you are making the active decision to let a certain type affect you. Your constant anger over these works existing is self inflicted.
You are the one letting a very small portion of fandom make you feel invalidated. While you cannot always control what makes you feel insecure, seeking out that which does is by your own volition. If something existing in such small amounts makes you feel invalid, then there are two things happening.
1.) You are incredibly, irrationally insecure about yourself. If all it takes to make you feel invalid is the existence of something you don't like, that is something for you to personally work through. It's not everyone else's job to ensure you're always feeling valid in your own personal label.
2.) You are using your identity to attempt to control people and stop them from doing things you personally don't like. Playing the "fans doing this makes me feel invalid" strategy doesn't work when the thing you claim they're doing is not actually happening. You are using your identity to validate your unnecessary anger towards something you don't like.
I understand the strong connection we can feel towards fictional characters, and I understand how important representation is. However, when you use those feelings to justify your harassment of others within a fandom, all your doing is throwing a tantrum. You are doing the equivalent of a toddler going, "People aren't playing how I like to play, they need to either do it my way or stop."
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xjulixred45x · 1 year
The Paladins (+Lotor and Allura) x Komori!Reader.
reader: feminine
Genre: Headcannons
Warnings: nothing worrisome. fluff.
And he knows you is like "PROTECT AT ALL COSTS"
chances are they saved you from some group of idiots with bad intentions. So Shiro is a good listener after that. you stay with them because well, there is not much choice.
Cleaning up the castle a bit, cooking with Hunk, making sure everyone is well fed and happy, you pretty much become a space mom.
And Shiro is the space father.
Try to help you reach things on the high shelves. Although he finds it cute, he himself will lower things from the high wings to avoid future accidents.
He is not very sweet but he will eat everything you cook.
Yui is about 1.58 and Shiro is more or less 1.80, HUGS WOULD BE FANTASTIC.
He is by far the most gentle of all. Understand that having that attitude all the time can be a great mental drain, so if you need a break or be the one to take care of for a while. Count on him.
Saying how he appreciates how you raise the morale of the group in your own way .
It's too cute, I can't-
It is the most difficult by far, but not impossible (especially with your attitude).
At first he saw you more as a victim, a poor soul in a way. I didn't expect you to be so...lively afterwards.
See how, despite everything, you continued to be happy, cheering everyone on-CHEERING HIM, taking care of him, worrying about everyone...
It made me see you more as a survivor than a victim.
It made him respect you for handling the situation like that. At the same time he began to show more interest, in a way.
Similar to Shiro, he shows his appreciation to you for acts of service. Not only helping with the heavy stuff, but also being the first to jump in front of you if there's an attack on the castle.
Again, he doesn't have a sweet tooth, but if you ask him to try something for dinner, he'll pretend to grudgingly if he does.
When they move into some sort of relationship, not much changes, except that it's more open and the protection kicks in.
If Keith gets mad at something or someone(coughcofLANCEcofcough) he will go straight to you to vent, this is especially true when he becomes the black lion pilot. You want to know if what you are saying is valid or if you are getting carried away.
You are by far the most trusted person on the ship (along with Shiro).
Lance is the one who falls the fastest, and falls HARD
Make it very clear to him when he wants something with you, but not in the same way as when he is casually flirting with someone. They are like a little more personal questions, you know if he can have something with you.
Lance misses life on earth a lot, it is a fact, that you want to take care of him, listen to his problems and assure him that he is not the "seventh wheel" of the group means A LOT to him.
Also since you don't invalidate his concerns and contrast them with real, positive facts about him, he doesn't have to be the clown of the group to be able to talk to you.
That's probably why he fell in love so quickly.
Chivalrous ASF, opening the doors, giving up the seat, helping with heavy things that he can barely carry, etc.
There's also a bit of insecurity about dating you, he's full of doubts about whether he's really enough for you, comparing himself to the other paladins in the party. Although you shut it up immediately because you know it's true.
Cuddly! Lots of hugs and kisses on the cheeks. Especially if you did something like cook for the WHOLE group or just walked a healthy line between helping everyone and helping yourself.
He definitely wants to introduce you to his family (especially if you don't have one of your own)! He assures you that they will receive you and love you just as much as they love you!
! kitchen companions!
Both can spend hours and hours exchanging recipes, telling cooking stories, experiences, etc. and never get bored.
They have something like a system to be able to make meals between the two of them so as not to overload the other with work. eg, you the desserts, the dinner, you the dinner, the desserts, miti miti, etc.
They taste each other's food 🥺
Hunk is also considered the most morale booster in a certain way, so under no circumstances will he let you feel bad or inferior to them just for not being a paladin! You help in many other ways!
Hunk is also considered the most morale booster in a certain way, so under no circumstances will he let you feel bad or inferior to them just for not being a paladin! You help in many other ways!
It's the best shoulder to cry on if things get too tense or if you just can't keep happy for once, that's okay.
similar to Lance, he wants to introduce you to his family, his parents more than anything, he knows that children naturally love you, but it is very IMPORTANT that their parents approve of you.
Needless to say, you have it around your finger ;).
She's used to being the one the group cares about most as the youngest, so your joining is a breath of fresh air.
Don't get her wrong, Paladins respect her, but not in the same way that YOU respect her. You still see her as a child, but you also recognize her brilliant mind and trust her to protect you.
You are very aware of her, whether it is for her to bathe, remember to eat, sleep long enough, etc. You remind him a lot of a mother hen.
She may seem upset about this at first, but it's really because you remind her of her own mother, which makes her nostalgic and somewhat sad.
But he quickly gets over it because he KNOWS you're doing it with their best interests in mind.
Love your food, really love it, especially if it tastes like peanuts.
If he gets in trouble with Lance or any of the Paladins, he goes and hides behind you, like a little kid with an evil grin.
Damn gremlin.
Girls' nights Girls' nights Girls' nights Girls' nights Girls' nights-
They become friends very quickly! She gets along very well with paladins, yes, but with you it's a whole new level.
I doubt Allura has ever been attracted to a woman, so when she starts to see you differently, she doesn't know what to do or whether to act "normal."
I'll probably even go to the other paladins for advice because lance and Koran don't help much.
I think she is the one who tries the most to hide this crush, more because she wants to give the image of a confident and determined leader, she wants to take the courage to say it.
And when she says it, she also gets nervous and somewhat clumsy. But adorable.
PROTECC will not hesitate to use brute force if you put yourself in danger.
Protective, even worse than Keith.
Afternoons of hair care with the space mice (seriously LOOK AT HER BEAUTIFUL HAIR).
Let's be honest, you probably met him when he was held prisoner by the paladins and he had some degree of appreciation for you at first.
But then you started to worry about him (maybe because he reminded you of yourself when you were saved by the paladins) and you couldn't leave it like that.
So, for the sake of his mental health and your peace of mind, you made sure he was…comfortable in a way.
The Paladins+ Allura OBVIOUSLY didn't want you to do them, but there was little they could do to stop you.
You brought him food, water, things to entertain himself, blankets in case it was cold, you tried to make small talk, etc.
At first he just thought it was out of pity, so he rejected you the first few times.
But he realized pretty quickly that it was more like... empathy. you felt identified with him. So he wasn't so rude to you and started to appreciate that, you treated him like a living being regardless of his race. he likes you
When they let him walk through the castle of lions, he will most likely thank you for the good treatment compared to how the paladins saw him.
Try to "thank" you in other ways, mainly helping you out when the other paladins aren't around or can't handle it, learning a little more about human culture, and generally speaking more generally to pass the time.
If Allura and Keith were bad with overprotection, Lotor is that squared. Now that he appreciates you, there is no escaping affection.
Also, Lotor is TALL, even taller than Shiro, he could easily throw you over his shoulder and not even break a sweat.
He just can't help but find your human being too ADORABLE.
Sorry I couldn't think of much more for this part :')
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tubbytarchia · 1 month
You don't have to publish this ask but I just need to vent to someone who might understand, cause like, I'm over here like "I don't like fh or scott sorry, I promise though I won't talk about it or maintag just letting you know so you don't waste time since I know there's overlap between us, also I have a lot of interesting ideas about them still but I won't talk or write about them because I know that would make some of you upset and more than anything else I want everyone here to have a fun time and ship and let ship <3" and these unproblematic only fh fans will turn around and be like "oh so you're homophobic? You're the most annoying person on the planet? You're just trying to start a ship war? You're the problem with fandom" like BITCH?! Never met people so determined to make their actually quite comparatively good and healthy fandom toxic
This is where it stops being funny and actually genuinely really upsets me, is that very few people dare to talk about "toxic" Flower Husbands, let alone maintag it (and they should be able to! Because it's not fucking hate? Its valid discussion and expression of opinion that doesn't attack anyone). A few people have been more vocal about it recently and I've seen more people besides you come forth NOW, because you didn't want to upset anyone or get shittalked etc in the past for holding a different opinion to the overwhelming majority. I know people who've joked "am I just insane? Am I just stupid for seeing something here that everybody else is vehemently against?". There's evidently people who have just shut up because otherwise they'll get burned at stake, or they stay in their own little circles
And then a few too many FH posts that dare even imply any negative qualities about FH from a character standpoint get a little bit seen, and suddenly FH tag is full of 10 people defending their ship's honor because how dare you!! The way these people are so fucking volatile about fuck-all upsets me so much. Like, haha, we've been proven right I guess! You DO get burned at stake. These people probably aren't even bothering to read any such FH interpretations if they even SEE any, and don't just see 5 other posts claiming "oh my god can people just shut up about toxic FH and write characters breaking up for NORMAL reasons" (genuinely baffling concern that I've seen like at least 3 times btw??) that just leads them to believe that this is a wide-spread "problem" that needs neutralizing? They take even the thought of such posts as personal attacks that prohibit them from shipping FH for some reason? Like dude I fucking dig FH? Just for not always the same reasons as the majority but I guess I've sinned and shouldn't be allowed to speak lol. And these people don't HAVE to read interpretations they don't like, goddamn, look past?? Block if it hurts you that much?? As you said, the Tumblr traffic fandom is largely really kind and healthy so I can't fathom where the hell these guys come from. And then they proclaim the people who have largely shut up or kept to themselves "the problem", and that's the exact response that has been feared lmao
sorry. Long answer but fuck. I'm so sorry anon. The Flower Husbands scene is truly miserable if you dare think of them as anything other than cuddly and cute and teasing at most. Your interpretation is invalid because. ? homophobia I guess lmao
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littlestarofthewest · 9 months
hello! before i start i wanna let you know i don’t mean anything hateful by this, it is my genuine curiosity, i’m not trying to be disrespectful, i’m just really interested on your morston opinions. i personally, really am disgusted by the ship. mainly because of the established dynamics in the game between them and the fact that john joined the gang at 12, and arthur would’ve already been 22, and they would’ve never seen each other that way and they basically grew up as brothers, they were raised by the same men, and at the end of the game they even call each other brother. i know you’ve reblogged some morston stuff and i don’t hold anything against you, i really enjoy your writing and you seem like a genuinely cool person, i am just curious.
Hey anon,
I'm going to see this as a question in good faith and will try my best to answer. First of all, there are a lot of posts out there that argue in favor of morston a lot more eloquently than I ever could, but I will try to give you my pov based on what you brought up in your ask.
Personally, I can see John and Arthur both as siblings or as a romantic pairing (obviously not at the same time xD). Many points have been made against it being a romantic relationship, pretty much the ones you made, and as such I have enjoyed fics and art where they are brothers and I even have written some fics that go with that viewpoint. 
Then again, I think there are also valid points to be made for a romantic relationship and arguments that sort of "invalidate" the reasoning behind them being brothers. 
Yes, they have a 10 year age gap. I personally know couples in real life with big age gaps who have perfectly healthy relationships while people close in age are horrible for each other. It's no big leap for me to think that those two characters could be in love and have a great relationship based on that. 
Did they get to know each other when John was 12? Yes. That doesn't mean Arthur perved on him from that day forward. Suggesting that always makes me wonder what weird character traits people put on Arthur. Kids are inherently unsexual. If that doesn't apply to people who hate the ship, then they should probably sort out their own feelings towards children. Fast.
Did they grow up together? While lots of people like to portrait them as brothers from an early age, I think different interpretations are valid as well. Yes, Arthur was 22. He was involved in the criminal activities of the gang and based on how you see the timeline there's a chance he's also been in a romantic relationship. The chances of him even caring about a 12 year old he doesn't know are slim. He could have very well not cared much about John at all until he was old enough to be of any relevance to him. 
I know siblings who have no relationship/love for each other despite growing up in the same house (while also actually being related by blood). So while I don't want to invalidate "found family," I can very well see it not apply here at all. Besides, I find it odd that found family supporters are so dead set on pressing the characters into a nuclear family with Dutch as the dad and Hosea or Mrs. Grimshaw as a second parent while John and Arthur are their sons. Found family is supposed to mean all kinds of different relationships.
And as an add on, while I too enjoy depictions of Arthur holding up a bratty John by his leg or the scruff of his neck, it's complete nonsense. Have people in fandom ever met a 12 year old in real life? A 12 year old boy can very well have the size of an average sized woman (and logically also weigh as much). Of course he's still a kid and needs to be treated and protected as such, but I feel like there is this fandom interpretation that depicts him like a toddler/small child to make any involvement with Arthur later on more scandalous. He was a street kid who managed to get by on his own for a long time. Infantilizing him for outrage is absurd. 
Also, in 4 years in fandom while being in contact with a large amount of morston shippers, I never encountered anyone who shipped them before John was grown up. There might be content like that out there, but I'm not in support of it.
Their established dynamics in the game can be interpreted to anybody's liking. Do they argue like siblings or haze each other to keep positive feelings they can't express without making themselves vulnerable at bay? Does Arthur go out and save John because Hosea tells him to, Abigail asks him to, he loves him like a brother or because he loves him like a romantic interest? Does Arthur tell John to go in the end because he wants to protect his brother or the love of his life? 
Yes, they call each other brothers. Just like other game members call each other brothers. If I remember correctly, Dutch even alternates between brother, son and other things. I don't see it as a fixed term that solely indicates one type of relationship. People in the past have also called each other bachelors and similar terms to not openly admit a homosexual relationship. You can take the term at face value or not.
Like I said, many of these things have been discussed in the past, so I'll skip ahead to what I consider the most important point. It doesn't matter. Nobody needs valid points to justify their ship. There are ships with characters that haven't even met in canon and ships that even cross fandoms. 
I take two characters that I vibe with and since I like romantic stories, I put them into one. I'm also especially fond of AUs which makes canon even less of a factor. 
You being disgusted by the ship is perfectly valid. I don't need to hear good reasons. If that's what you feel then I accept that. The only thing I ask is that other people do the same for me, and especially don't try to actively harm others because of their ships. There's a reason why terms like "your kink isn't my kink, but your kink is okay" and "ship and let ship" were established early on in fandoms. It's healthy for all the parties involved. I interacted a lot with fans who very much disliked morston and blacklisted the hell out of it and we still get along just fine. 
Long story short, people grow up in different circumstances with different experiences, and much likely they will project things onto characters and have a variety of interpretations of canon or simply enjoy making stuff up that isn't there. That's the beauty of fandom. 
I hope that answers your question? And thank you for your interest in another person's pov. Sadly many people in this fandom jumped to conclusions and hatred rather than taking a moment to consider other people's feelings. So kudos for that.
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erithel · 1 year
This is no way meant to be a hate ask and look i want to like the idea of canon klance and i want to like canon Keith but lbr if the writers had made klance or any keith ship canon they would have done it in worst way possible with the ship being only meant to benefit Keith while simultaneously being detrimental to the love interest. Cause fact is that Keith was writers pet, the top priority, the self insert, they destroyed all the characterization and agency and roles of other characters for the plot and story and then destroyed said plot and story to make Keith super cool hero character.
I keep seeing posts like how canon wouldnt suck if (insert Keith ship) had been canon and i am like, canon sucked because they priortized a lbr white coded able bodied character over canonical characters of colour who were reduced to torture porn, hate sinks, and comic relief. Canon sucked because the characters who were established as important parts of the story were reduced to side characters and plot devices so that Keith could shine brighter. And a canon Keith ship would not have helped any character other than Keith, and if anything would have reduced the other character as an eye candy comforter.
Again this is not meant to be a hate ask. It is just been frustrating to be in this fandom especially as a darker skinned woc to watch this show and fandom still treat characters of colour as woke points while using them to prop up Keith
I have debated over responding to this message, mainly because there are some things in here that could potentially cause drama on my page if I even respond to them in any way.
However, there are some points in here worth addressing, so...
First and foremost, I am going to say that I can see your intention is not to make this a hate ask. However, it does come across that way to some degree. The main reason being that you are making valid points about the other characters, but you are doing it by pushing Keith's character down - and that is the stuff I don't really like to see, here.
I'm not trying to invalidate your view on things, because I realize your point was literally this, just the other way around. I'm just saying for the sake of my own page, I've had a lot of asks in a similar vein and it's not really something I'm interested in discussing in asks.
Of course everyone can like and dislike whichever characters they choose, but I do like to keep things as fair and equal as possible across the board. So, I am always open to discussions and opinions on why a character or another deserved more and better, but only if they do not come at the expense of another character.
And with this, specifically - I just don't see this version of Keith you are referring to, so there's not even much I can add to that part of your ask.
To the other parts, however, this very much illustrates the need to having diversity in the creation process of shows and movies.
Unfortunately, a lot of studios and execs and whoever greenlights these things still rely on the "token" aspect when it comes to diversity.
As your ask proves, it doesn't do any good just to simply have characters of color, for example, if they are reduced to stereotypes or insignificant parts.
This is where the actual diversity should come in - because it needs to happen behind the scenes for there to be a change that will actually mean something.
In my opinion, experience is so much more important than any title or rank or connection. It is important to actually include and receive input from creators who understand a situation on its basest level.
I consider myself to be a very empathetic person who tries my best to understand human nature and emotions. But I, as a white person, will never have the same experience as you, a person of color. It's literally and physically impossible.
But that's the whole point.
Because if a book were to be written about the actual experiences of growing up as a poc, there are insights and stories you, anon, could offer than I could only take a wild guess at. And vice versa.
I'm not saying that creators should only create based on their own personal life and experiences. But it is important for larger projects such as shows that want to include a diverse cast to actually employ people who understand what it is like.
Because it's not enough to just throw a darker skinned character in a show and say "Hey look at us we did it. Diversity! Woohoo!"
And it is just bad storytelling all around if any character in any given situation is only there for the purpose of the "main character" (or any other character).
Because what really makes a story interesting is the diversity that can come from the different experiences and opinions of the various characters - how they can clash and converge and change and grow.
The final thing I will add is that in my mind, Keith is Asian and Galran, so...mixed. I understand a lot of trouble could have been avoided if the showrunners had just confirmed this was the case while the show was airing, but, well...we can't change the past.
It was, in the most technical sense, confirmed here, but I do understand that most people will view that as too little too late, and that's understandable.
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writeranon69 · 1 year
omori fandom imma be honest, I genuinely dislike Photobomb/Bushfire
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Like, I genuinely hate it, I do not see those two working out whatsoever
After what Aubrey's done (the madwoman pushed Basil into the lake and bullied him for four years???), I really don't think those two would be together at all. Aubrey and Basil need, like, an arbiter to help make sure the mood isn't awkward or tense.
And I see that as Sunny!
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Now this is for a variety of reasons, but with how close Sunny was to Basil and Aubrey when they were younger (and even when they're older still), I can see Aubs and Basie dating Sunny at the same time, which causes them to love each other too through time.
And before any one says this isn't realistic, believe me, I know...all of the main cast needs metric tons of therapy for even the possibility of this occurring beforehand, but, I like to think.
This isn't invalidating anyone who likes/ships Photobomb btw, I'm just stating my opinion and headcanon here. Ships are made to be subjective depending on how a person takes in certain media. Every ship is valid (except the obvious ones you insane people who ship Mari/Sunny and/or Kel/Hero, literally WHY would you do that) and you're allowed to come to terms with your own choice based on how you see the characters.
It's why I also heavily dislike Kelbrey (and if people want a long Tumblr Post for this ship as well then I may create that); I don't see Kel and Aubrey being together at all.
But am I going to get into an argument with someone over a ship? No, of course not, that's stupid, why would you do such a trivial thing over fictional characters?
looking at you amourshipping shippers
TL;DR: I don't think Photobomb works without Sunny, mending Basil and Aubrey's relationship and leading to Flowerbed/Burnt Sunflower and all ships are valid (except the obvious)
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blue-shiver13 · 11 months
Doubt you’ll respond to this publicly, but at least you’ll read it.
It’s cool you like HeavyMedic and all, and it’s great that there’s a plethora of content both in Valve and fan created content around the ship, but it’s kinda shitty you bash other ships that also ship Medic with other mercs, like EngiMedic, on your Twitter.
Sure, it ain’t a canon ship and it’s not as popular, but why hate it for literally no reason other than you don’t agree with it? I quote from your Twitter post:
“I fucking hate engimedic and the amount of good drawings it has from its community. I don't give a fuck about anything you say about it it's not canon and it literally has some mild evidence of being abusive. Heavy and medic have no domination lines directed DIRECTLY at eachother”.
So just because it’s not canon and you think it’s abusive, in your opinion, it’s therefore invalid and deserves hate? Additionally, a lot of people don’t even push for EngiMedic as canon, they do it because they enjoy the ship, like many other ships. I personally don’t ship HeavyMedic, but I still like the art and content people make of the ship.
But to sit here and bash a group of people for liking a ship because it’s not canon, and basically saying it doesn’t deserve the good art it has because of that, is childish af. Honestly grow up man, there’s nothing to hate about it. It’s one thing to not like or support it, but to sit here and bash it because you think HeavyMedic is superior and the only ship that should exist is crazy stupid.
First off, I didn’t bash the group I bashed the ship. I’d rather people who ship it stay away from me due to what I say in my third point. I never said it deserves hate and all I did was give my personal opinion.
Second, that post was from 2 months ago during a time I was more unstable than I am now. I have changed and I’m more accepting of it even though it can still sometimes send me into a downward spiral. Thank you for setting me back by a long time, you’ve only fueled my instability and inability to accept other views more.
Third, I have trauma that links to engimedic to the point where at times my mental state has gotten worse from just knowing it exists. I know it sounds crazy but this is what happens when you’re someone who used to be chronically online and almost half of the people you knew were abusive as shit. Due to other parts of my trauma I am unable to see Medic shipped with anyone but Heavy.
Fourth, I am a neurodivergent minor. I am HIGHLY attached to my view of TF2 and other views make me INSANELY uncomfortable. My view of TF2 is a hyperfixation of mine that I have had for 3 years.
Fifth, you’re a coward for not doing an ask on your real account. if you don’t like me or my opinions then you don’t need to follow me or interact with me. But if you want to interact so badly like you obviously do, use your normal account and don’t hide behind an anonymous ask like a coward.
Sixth, YOUR view of TF2 is not less valid than mine but if it includes something in my DNI I just prefer you keep those headcanons away from me due to my attachment to my view of TF2.
Finally, I have a question for you.
Why me? Why don’t you go bother someone else who’s actually done things that matter? You can literally just block me if you don’t like me, so why bring this up to me? Do you want to “change me” and if so, you did a terrible job at trying.
Oh yeah I almost forgot.
The only other ship between medic and another merc I’ve publicly bashed is a literal proship between Medic and Classic Heavy, HIS FUCKING ABUSER. So if you want to say that I “bash other ships that also ship Medic with other mercs” you’re showing me you have a problem with me bashing a proship.
If you were only referring to engimedic then you would only refer to engimedic.
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eyesontheskyline · 2 months
I have a confession, I've developed a dislike for Jemily (stans). I used to love Jemily, enjoying videos and bookmarking lots of Jemily content. However, since joining Tumblr, I find myself avoiding Jemily hashtags. Perhaps it's because of my personal stance against cheating in any form, or it's because some fans insist that Emily is 100% lesbian and that JJ is her one true love. I don't mind if Jemily happened before Will, similar to Jeid. I have no issue if Emily is with a woman on the team, like Tara, for example. However, I can't see the appeal of breaking up a marriage with two children. I dislike the implication that her marriage for all these years was just a facade for her true love, as some Jemily stans suggest. Besides, Emily has dated guys before, she could be bisexual. I truly don't understand why people keep pushing her sexuality, and I despise it.
Yeah so I think there's a subset of the fandom that took "they originally wanted to make Emily a lesbian" and then decided that they would make Emily a lesbian themselves. Which is fine and valid and whatever. I think I've said before though that what I can't really get behind is holding other people to a version of a character that never made it onto the screen. It feels pretty clear to me (ymmv) that canon Emily Prentiss is either bi or straight (I think bi), because she's had multiple relationships and (unnecessary) flirtations with men and chemistry with more or less everyone. (I also like her with Tara.)
There are people who go their whole lives in relationships with men and come out as lesbian, obviously, but there are a whole bunch more people who are bi, so invalidating all relationships with men in order to make the wlw ship work just feels biphobic to me. Same for JJ obviously - she and Will have a loving relationship for years, and it doesn't feel fair (to me) to the character to hand-wave that away with 'she was gay all along here's the proof'.
So yeah I get your frustration.
I don't think this is about the ship though, really. There are always little pockets of fandoms that start giving 'truther' vibes - as if their interpretation is the only one that's right, like, factually and morally, or whatever, and it's just kind of hard to get any enjoyment out of the fandom with that vibe around. (It's a little subset of the Grebecca crowd in the Crazy Ex Girlfriend fandom, if there's anyone else here who's familiar with both - people who can produce a fistful of receipts to show you why they think the writers were pointing toward a specific ship, instead of just letting people ship whatever they personally find the most compelling.)
I'm a casual early-Jemily shipper, but nothing about Jemily is enjoyable for me past the point where JJ and Will are established. The gifs and edits and fic can be fun, but I think I'm probably with you in that the reality of establishing a relationship between them at that point just breaks too much of what is working in JJ's life to be any fun for me. I think other people ship differently than that, though, which is fine. There just needs to be a bit more 'ship and let ship'.
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noona96n · 2 years
sorry you are getting hate for shuri/namor :(
every fandom I’ve been in, this obsessed energy against enemies to lovers pops up and it’s like these people don’t know how to enjoy their own goddamn ships without invalidating another one. it’s like there’s a scarcity mindset on what can be shipped and every ship needs to prove it’s worth both realistically and morally. like just celebrate your ship and keep it pushing - the more ships, the better! bc people will have options!
I pray to god that Shuri/Namor doesn’t ever become canon bc what I’ve learned in other fandoms (reylo lmao) is that canon just makes it worse. once it’s canon, the discourse is insufferable AND valid bc it’s source material critique. You can put that energy towards canon ships, but non-canon ships?? just move on 😭
oh anon why r u apologizing? ure not the one sending me hates or flooding my notes w/ anti fun rhetoric for Shuri x Namor
honestly, i don't expect the antis to apologize to me either bcs if they're capable of realizing their wrong in policing others' experience, they're more than capable of realizing that fandom stuff can also be just about vibing & having fun & going batshit insane, it doesn't always have to be about what's morally right & politically correct.
fandom, like human, is multifaceted.
i really don't understand why people need to put down others + what others like, i really don't. why? what comes out of that experience? it's such a strange concept for me tbh
idk if it's about validating their ships (at least i don't think so) bcs many ships can exist in parallel. seriously. i myself ship Shuri x Namor AND Shuri x Rir AND Shuri x Okoye... i just prefer Shuri x Namor more bcs of the dead dove do not eat & unhinged quality of it
in terms of canon-izing Shuri x Namor, i don't think it's gonna be so... look, im a shipper but i also understand the reality of what it looks like in such a big production like marvel lol + I don't think they have such presidence in the comics, so yeah
also @ the antis, we're very aware of all the fckd up shit going on w/ Shuri x Namor (age gap, power imbalance, kidnapping, threats of violence, literally murdering of moms, & acts of war)... we ship it anyway bcs it's just fun to explore not nice things in fandom space! das it
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epickiya722 · 1 year
You know, something i think should be said...
Let people complain. Let people dislike stuff. Literally no one should be obligated to like something, just because someone told them to or because their motive to disliking it "doesn't make sense".
Honestly, i really wouldn't care less that these antis and dudebros don't like Bakugo or bakudeku. This doesn't effect my opinion or my life at all, so why should i. And that should be valid for them too.
Because, you can just unfollow, block or mute someone or a tag you don't want to see. No one should be telling you not to just because they personally think it's too much.
But you know what the problem is?
They aren't just complaining. They are LITERALLY going around and targeting specific people, because they think they should. Because they want to. And people agree with them.
This is why i get kinda pissed when they use the "oh but they hate [this character]! So their feelings are invalid and they're bad" Like,,,, so WHAT they do. You don't have to share their opinions. You don't have a right to control someone's feelings. And you certainly don't have the right to go to their posts and insert your insults on their person. Just go away.
Sorry for this, i'm just sick and tired of seeing people, even some bkdks, agree with antis just because their current target doesn't like Uraraka, or Kirishima or Tsuyu or whatever other character there is. Leave people alone and stop trying to dictate their feelings.
This -> They aren't just complaining. They are LITERALLY going around and targeting specific people, because they think they should. Because they want to. And people agree with them.
That's where the issue lies for me.
We all have our own blogs to do what we want with then. But to go as far as to literally going onto someone else's blog just to complain, or just to be an ass is like... just why?
Who cares you don't like this ship or character? No one is benefiting from your hatred if you go around and throwing at at others just because they don't share the same feelings.
Why even go as far as to try to change someone's feelings about something or troll them?
It's not like it's helping you because all you are doing is building yourself on negativity you and others don't need.
Hate the ship, hate the character. It's what everyone does. It's not a big deal.
People can complain, people can express their feelings. It's just how they can go about it.
Complain on your own blog, yes! It's YOUR blog, your space. Complain on someone else's post that happens to be a positive post about the character you hate? NO!!
I have crossed blogs that don't like Miruko, and I love me some Miruko, but am I not going out my way to reblog their posts and dispute with them or go in their inbox. I really could give a damn about whether they like her or not. I'll just be on my own blog expressing how much of a great character she is and the headcanons I have for her. That sounds a whole lot better.
No one should be targeting anybody on anything.
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who wants to hear me rant about how fandoms treat asexuality and aromanticism for a bit?
To me, it seems like there is no place where amatonormativity is more rampant than shipping spaces. And it's infuriating.
The way many fandoms treat lgbtq+ characters is sketchy at best - there are several instances of explicitly gay characters being shipped in straight relationships, and other such invalidation of sexualities, but that is a wider issue that I won't go into here, because my main issue is the complete eradication of aspec identities.
Aro and ace representation is rare. Good aro and ace representation is even rarer. And I know what you might be thinking. So is gay and lesbian representation! So is pan and bi and polyam representation! But here's the thing. If fans don't like the overwhelming straightness of characters in canon media, they will fix it for themselves in fanon. They will put straight characters in gay relationships. They will put characters who have no canon love interest in relationships (gay or otherwise).
And this is where the problem lies.
In a society where romantic relationships are valued over nearly everything else, it's rare and exhilarating to find characters who aren't in relationships, whether they are explicitly stated to be aro/acespec or not (which is even more rare). And fans invariably take those characters and ship them with other characters, because heaven forbid a character be happy without a romantic partner who will 'complete' them!! /s
It is obvious that to most people, queer representation in media/fandom is important... until it comes to aspec identities. Because the allos don't seem to give a shit about us and it fills me with rage. We deserve to be included in those spaces, and we deserve to have our identities respected in the same way that gay/lesbian/mspec identities are.
And there will always be queer people who say "oh, well if they've not got a canon love interest it's okay... that's not aphobic... if you tell us we're not allowed to have those ships, that's erasing our identities" and yes of course if it's not canon aromanticism there is nothing *strictly* wrong with shipping those characters but just. just have a think for a minute. If you are so openly eager to ship those characters, and you get so outwardly upset when you can't, what message is that giving to aspec people? you're telling us that unless there is a 'valid' reason not to, you think that being in a relationship is necessary, normal, the default state of things. You are upholding amatonormativity and yes, that is harmful.
And that doesn't only hurt aspec people!! not even allos are in relationships 100% of the time - when you're pushing this agenda, it is harmful to everyone. We need to de-normalise the need for relationships. Characters and people are allowed to be single and live fulfilling lives and not need to have a partner!!
thank you for reading my angry rambly rant i hope it makes sense and if you are allo and think i am being too harsh i do not care because i am fed up of you overlooking and outright excluding us <33
allos are welcome and encouraged to reblog but I would ask that you don't add on! aspecs I would love to hear your opinions, if you want to add anything to what ive said :)
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canongf-archive · 1 year
hi hi! hope this is ok, i dont really send asks often but something has been bothering me for a bit... ive been interested in a guy for a while now, to the point im pretty sure i really really like him (cant stop thinking about him!) but he's from a game i havent played myself because i know i'd be too scared to play it (it's not particularly scary, im just scared easily) so i know i probably wont ever play it... i just watch playthroughs and consume other forms of media (for example manga and a movie) but i feel guilty for still liking him, and im scared that if i start "officially" selfshipping with him and interact with others (esp those who are fans of the same game) they'll think i'm fake or not valid... i know this is silly but i really needed to let this out, any ideas on how to deal with this? im struggling 😭 i really dont wanna force myself to play a game thatll mostly stress me out but i feel like i dont have the right to love him
hi hi hi!!! it's perfectly okay!!! 🖤
anon, i need you to know something. love, whether it's giving it or receiving it, is not something that you have to earn. love exists when and where it's supposed to, and that's all there is to it.
but you're not silly for feeling this way! especially because, yeah, sometimes people can be unkind about these kinds of things. but something that helps me is thinking about the worst possible scenario. which sounds a bit extreme, i know, but hear me out!
say, you start officially shipping with this character. you're in love and happy. and then, worst case scenario, some dick on the internet finds out that you haven't sat down and played the game because it would distress you, and they get unreasonably upset. and tell you that you're fake or invalid. and then what?
maybe it hurts your feelings. maybe you feel a bit upset and embarrassed for a while because someone took time out of their day to be unkind to you. which is an understandable and valid way to feel! but then what? the world hasn't ended. you and your character still exist. all of the reasons why you fell for them in the first place haven't been wiped clean from your memory. all of the feelings you have for them haven't been stolen from your heart. it hasn't rewired your chemical makeup, you're still a good person and you're still in love. nothing has really changed. nothing has been lost. but you're still in love, so think of how much you've gained.
anon, you don't have to prove yourself to other fans on the internet. you don't have to prove yourself to anyone. you don't have to jump through hoops, you don't have to force yourself to be upset, to be scared, to be uncomfortable in order to love this character. you can just love this character. in whatever way feels right to you. that's what self shipping is all about.
and if someone gets upset with you about the way you love and tries to make it your problem? that's on them, that's their burden to carry. any reasonable person doesn't care. any reasonable person is happy to see you enjoy things the way that's best and easiest for you to enjoy things. and that's all.
i am sending you so much love, anon! it sounds like you and this character really have something special! i'm so excited for you to continue your life together! and if anyone gives you a hard time, tell them to eat shit. 🖤
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Lol. Imagine turning off all forms of communication because you don't like people telling you support for a take sucks. I didn't need to watch the video. The time stamps were a dead give away that this was a dishonest video.
1. It doesn't acknowledge the fact that it makes no sense for CRWBY to "queerbait" because they've never shy'd away from lgbt rep.
2. All their arguments are based on the same arguments homosexual fetishizing, horny on main fuckers, that being their Maladjusted, oversexualized perception of basic platonic interactions.
3. Brings up that animators, not even the writers themselves, hyped up the two as a pair, which is where I say those animators are idiots, and gg, brought bad press to a show who's company was already receiving bad press for other, more valid reasons.
And that's just based on the time stamps. I really didn't even need to look at those to know it's the unhinged ramblings of mal adjusted nut jobs, because that's all you people are. Pissed off creeps who have nothing better to do than get pissed off over your ship NOT BEING CANON.
Additionally, and this is coming from someone with same sex attraction, guess what? I've written my share of relationships from both ends of the spectrum. I know what proper romantic development looks like because I've read and mimicked proper romance. Qrow and Clover ain't it. Hell, I've seen fan fiction writers do it far better than the what you suggest the source material was supposedly doing.
I wanna make this very clear, this isn't directed at fair game shippers, but instead the morons on their high horse about their ship not being canon. You make that part of the community look bad. Kindly get off the internet and go touch some grass. You can have your ship, that's whatever, but if you're going on a stupid tirade because the writers dare do their job and make their masterpiece in a way you don't like, then you can fuck off. Your complaints are invalid.
To non toxic shippers. Write fan fiction. Consume it, relish in the fan arts. Just because it's not the source material does not mean it can't be equally fulfilling. You are valid.
To the echo chamber idiots like the poster of this link who turned off all their shit so they can't receive any sort of flack for it. I've got 5 words for you.
Your. Ship. Isn't. Canon. Cope.
Tumblr media
Oh and smooth brain? Doesn't matter if you intended on it being for only 3 people. Not only did you post it on tumblr, but you included blog tags, meaning everyone who skims those tags can see them, MEANING it's fair game, no pun intended. Don’t like me responding to your garbage take on old news, then don't publicly post shit.
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stickthisbig · 1 year
For the violence asks; 2 (as a thought experiment), 6, 16
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
If by "thought experiment" you mean "make a will save to resist this psychic damage"
Well obviously as the tallest one Zillah must be the toppiest one. The idea she might be a romantic failbox of a bottom is clearly, uh, misogyny? Yeah. Misogyny. And ageism, probably.
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
By far the most annoying fans are shippers who insist that the canonicity of their pairing is a thing that matters. I don't mean people who only ship canon pairings, I mean people for whom their ship getting together matters, like their validation hinges on whether canon directly and explicitly acknowledges the relationship, a thing which they usually also think invalidates all other pairings. For every one of them, their self-worth and/or The Movement relies on whether some idiots on TV kiss, and I need them to not
16. you can’t understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
I don't understand stories with an M rating. This is the internet. Use the fuck word and get your dick out.
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fluffyselfships · 2 years
You don't need to answer this ask since it's for your mini vent, but just know that your f/o loves you very much and that honestly no offense to that person but gatekeeping a character and invalidating everyone else who loves said character is super rude and I don't think they should be given any attention. Your feelings tho on this are valid, I'm very sorry they are making you feel uneasy when self shipping is supposed to be fun and freeing.
ahh ty anon ;; i appreciate it hdjs<3 i dont get invalidating other shippers at all like :(( i dont like doubles for some but im not gonna invalidate them bc everyones valid
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