#You have committed crimes against skyrim
greysmuseum · 2 years
You have committed crimes against skyrim
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pacixfrisky-reborn · 2 years
Ankha just immediately kisses Frisk. No flirting necessary.
Invade my inbox. Flirt with my muse. @immortal-queen-ankha
"Hey, that's cheating~!" Frisk giggled, before kissing Ankha back, sliding his arms around her tightly.
He did at least giving her wide rear a firm smack. She did need a LITTLE punishment for breaking the rules, after all~
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jagged203 · 7 months
Minor reason that i like Oblivion better than Skyrim but it's still a fun thing to point out:
Skyrim guard arresting you: By order of the Jarl, stop right there. (Calm, weapon drawn but still relaxed) You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her peoples. What say you in your defence? (Will hear you out, voice not raised, evn and consistent tone and level of volume, indicates that thr crime hurt Skyrim and it's citizens making it more personal)
Oblivion guard arresting you: STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM!! (Loud enough to blow my earsrums out, forceful, incredibly angry) YOU VIOLATED THE LAW!! Pay the court a fine or serve your sentence (This man is quivering with rage, he specifically says "violated" the law evoking much worse imagery than "committed crimes", about 2 seconds away from snapping and killing you outright)
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skyrim-forever · 10 days
you're in his DMs, I'm yelling "You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people. What say you in your defense?" at him
we are not the same
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m-aiq · 9 days
"You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people. What say you in your defense?"
M'aiq would never commit any crimes! This is obviously a set-up by M'aiq's evil doppelganger, Q'iam.
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mewtwoandme · 6 months
M&M, you have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people. What say you in your defense?
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ms-katonic-of-tamriel · 9 months
Skyrim's MQ Boss wasn't meant to be Alduin
Read a rumour/fan theory the other week that Skyrim's boss was never meant to be Alduin, but instead Uriel V who'd somehow managed to not die in his Akaviri invasion centuries prior after all, but was returning with an army of dragons, having unlocked the secrets of his dragon blood and mastered the Thu'um.
And that makes the game make SO MUCH MORE SENSE and SO MUCH MORE COHERENT.
It literally changes everything.
First the Civil War now actually ties in directly to the MQ, because Titus Mede has no intention of surrendering, and the Legion are therefore opposed to the threat... but Ulfric might actually be allying with a mighty warrior who's promised to reinstate worship of the Nine, can more than deal with the Dominion and might want his former provinces back once he's ascended the Ruby Throne. Suddenly the Thalmor simultaneously look a lot less all-powerful and rather more nuanced, because now they're acting against a genuine threat to their people. Perhaps they even help you fight Uriel because they'll take any ally over the Septim who'se going to devastate Alinor and commit full on war crimes on them.
And suddenly your Civil War choice MEANS something. Because you are also picking the game's ending by making that choice - side with the Empire and defeat Uriel, or side with Ulfric and place Uriel on the Ruby Throne.
And of course there's those on both sides who don't agree with their leaders - Stormcloaks who think Uriel's a power-hungry madman and Legionnaires who think actually a returned Septim who is also Dragonborn has a better claim to the throne than Titus does. The Civil War questline on either side could involve dealing with dissidents... or joining them, which also paradoxically means you could pick a side then make the other choice in the main quest. Maybe persuade Ulfric Uriel doesn't have his best interests at heart and persuade him to help you off him. Or persuade Tullius he'd be better off supporting the true Dragonborn.
The Dark Brotherhood questline also suddenly matters, because here's an assassination contract on Titus Mede. Do you take it or turn traitor and sell the Brotherhood out to the Penitus Oculatus (earning the Wrath of Sithis as a result). True white knights can of course opt for the more traditional destruction of the DB.
The Greybeards and Blades get more interesting. Arngeir's neutrality in the face of the canon civil war is entirely to be expected - he's a monk not a warrior, and the destruction the Thu'um could wield in any mortal war is a good reason to fight in none of them. But here's a war involving two Dragonborns. How should they react to that? And here's the Blades lacking a purpose for years with no Dragonborn, and now two come along at once. Uriel might have a tempting offer for them. Meaning actual consequences for not killing Paarthurnax - they go and side with Uriel for self-protection if you refuse to do it, and take Paarthurnax's location with them, meaning you need to get to the Throat to try and save him from Uriel's dragons, and a real risk of failing.
Bend Will suddenly a much more key Shout because you need to learn it as part of the main quest so as to deprive Uriel of his dragons so you can get to him and kill him. Of course, every time you use it, you get that bit more power-hungry yourself, and once you've freed a dragon from Uriel's control, there's the option to free it or enslave it yourself. The dragons do leave in peace once freed, but of course you now have wild dragons out there who could be a risk further down the line. The Greybeards approve of you freeing them, but the Blades prefer it if you just kill them.
And finally, there's the third option. The Evil Bastard option. Maybe Titus isn't a legitimate emperor, but the true Dragonborn doesn't have to be Uriel. Maybe you want the throne for yourself. There's a route to that too. First off, there needs to be an actual vacancy, so you need to join the Brotherhood and off Titus. Secondly, pick a side in the Civil War - the Empire is easier, but it's possible with the Cloaks. Take Skyrim for the Empire, off Titus via the Brotherhood, deal with Uriel, and a grateful populace crown you instead... or persuade Ulfric to turn on Uriel somehow, off Titus via the Brotherhood, drive the Empire out of Skyrim, deal with Uriel then move into Cyrodiil to take it for yourself. You also need to have been using Bend Will to acquire Uriel's dragon army - mandatory for the Stormcloak side, also useful for the Empire route if part of your pitch is dealing with the Thalmor. You need Legion support to be Emperor and Tullius is hard to persuade - but gives in very easily if you've Bend Willed enough dragons.
Any allies you made among the Thalmor get thrown under the bus if you pick this route, obviously. Or do they? Accepting Thalmor assistance makes defeating Uriel easier, but they have more on you too. Meaning if you go this route, you need to throw them under the bus somehow, or they manage to get word to Ulfric/Tullius that you assassinated Titus as part of the DB and stop your reign before it even begins.
OR there's the other Evil Bastard option. The Blades can nullify the Thalmor and are happy to take care of this... but only if you kill Paarthurnax. In other words, suddenly the game's choices all become very very relevant.
That's the game we could have had. Sigh.
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yanderes-galore · 6 months
May I please have yandere vilkas with a darling who's the harbinger of the companions? Romantic concept if possible please *leaves Holliday cookies for you* have a great day ^^
It seems I did this request at a good time! I will accept those cookies, thank you~ Here's your Vilkas!
Yandere! Vilkas with Harbinger! Darling
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Scenting, Werewolf behavior/Mate mention, Manipulation, Possessive behavior, Violence/Murder mentioned once, Dubious/Forced relationship.
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Vilkas has been known as a hothead and often doesn't trust newcomers.
However he holds you in high regard, especially when you manage to cure Kodlak.
Vilkas has also been shown to despise his beast blood and often refrains from wolf transformation.
While he may seem to not trust people often, no doubt due to childhood, he accepts you as the new Harbinger.
By the time you do become Harbinger his obsession has already settled in.
This is because Vilkas has already fought alongside you.
He has seen your prowess and while he hates being a wolf himself... he can see you use your transformation well.
Being the Harbinger of The Companions no doubt means you've been given beast blood, making you a wolf.
As a result I assume werewolves in Skyrim exhibit possessive behaviors, especially towards those they like.
Vilkas may fight transformation, but he finds himself attracted to your smell as a wolf.
You also rank higher than him now.
Vilkas respects you as Harbinger, even more so when he comes to terms with the fact he has romantic attraction to you.
Vilkas has already promised to be your shield-brother until death takes him or you.
Yet now he feels he wants to be more than that.
Even as your follower he still has such thoughts.
It makes him disappointed when you don't have an Amulet of Mara on, yet he hopes someday you will.
Until then he vows to be loyal to you as Harbinger.
Vilkas has a strong moral code.
He has been shown to not tolerate crime, even by the Dragonborn.
Which means, unless your life is threatened, don't expect Vilkas to blindly slaughter.
Admittedly the beast inside him wishes to claim you/be claimed by you as Harbinger... but he fights the urge to kill for it.
He may nearly lose it if you're already married... but not surprised.
However such a thought makes his jealousy rise, the beast in him begins to wish to claw out...
Honestly his possessive feelings may indeed make him kill, even when he tries to fight it.
If he does see you have an Amulet of Mara on, he nearly pounces on you.
He'd gladly take the opportunity to be your partner forever and ever.
It even pleases his beast half if he hasn't been purified, the idea of having you as his mate makes him beyond happy.
Vilkas is no doubt possessive due to the beast blood.
If he is indeed still a wolf and he + his brother aren't cleansed yet, he shows wolf-like behavior.
Even when not transformed he finds comfort in your scent/warmth.
He would gladly nuzzle into/hold you in private.
It gives him confirmation you're his... be it willingly or by force.
Due to you being Harbinger you can assume Vilkas would be more submissive around you.
You're higher in the order even if there is no real "leader" to the Companions.
As Harbinger he'll listen to you for the most part but may rebel your order once in awhile if it feels it goes against his interests with you.
Overall, Vilkas is still loyal to you as Harbinger, not just because of his obsession.
Most of the time he'll submit to you and serve you...
Although, if he feels he'll lose you or the chance to be yours, he'll do anything to prevent that from happening... even going back on his word and committing a few violent acts.
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terminallyworkingonit · 5 months
Every time I catch my child doing something they aren’t supposed to, I just cycle through random video game confrontation lines.
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“You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people. What say you in your defense?”
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Self explanatory
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“You never should’ve come here.”
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“I’m down, Rios!!”
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There’s probably more but I can’t think of them rn
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To this day I am still amazed by how much important lore did the TES card game have.
Great War Lore, the state of the Imperial city and imperial army during it, the fact Boethia was backing the Thalmor, Lord Narafiin committing genocide in the Imperial city before they can stop him etc.
Dark Brotherhood Lore, why did the brotherhood fall? Why doesn't Astrid trust the tenets and the listener? Why does she recruit so many people to the "family"? What happened to the Bravil and Wayrest sanctuaries?
Clockwork City Lore, what happened to clockwork city, Sotha Sil was apparently working on a Replica of the Heart did you know that? We have an entire scene about Almalexia murdering him where we can see her mask breaking and her despair seep in as his old friend simply let's her kill him without a word, begging him to say ANYTHING to her. Shat happened to Alfie Fir, one of Dyvathy's clones, last survivor of her family? What about the ring of Hircine, why was it cursed when Sinding got it?
Sheogorath Lore. Did you fucking know the CARD GAME has the explanation for why Sheogorath turns into the Cheese for Everyone Guy from his previous characterization as a manipulator and a sadist maliciously fucking with people from Daggerfall? It has further Jyggalag Lore? It has an entire plotline about the Imperial Legion committing war crimes in the High Rock Reach against Reachfolk Refugees from Skyrim AND against a Mara congratulation to further Imperial control on the region? All happening between Daggerfall and Morrowind given how Vivec is still alive?
Like, it's incredible how of all things the fucking card game ended up getting a this really important lore and in the end the only people who still remember it are probably me and 4 other people tops.
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hello it is I the insane catboi from the stream site here to ask you a question of your OCs
for all of them
what is their favorite faction in their game?
what is their least favorite faction?
how often do they F--- around? and of those times how often do they end up finding out?
What is their favorite faction in their game? I have to say the classic four are really great :D
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There's also a lot of cool minor factions, like:
Bards College (Jokir likes it), Vigil of Stendarr (Naythaa likes it), Volkihar Vampire Clan (Tar likes the vamps there), Knights of the White Stallion (we can hang with Sir Mazoga), Arena (Cay loves it), East Empire Company (Sunny was having a blast), House Telvanni (Vic learns to love them)... (don't tell Vehk but I really wanna join the Sixth House shh)
What is their least favorite faction? Not everyone played enough factions to have an opinion, but some of them do have a least favorite: Both Sunny and Vic thinks Camonna Tong is dumb. They also think the other's Great House is dumb. Acelta genuine loathes Mythic Dawn and Knights of the Thorn. Cay is not okay after the Dark Brotherhood purification. Pem doesn't like the Guard Faction XD All Dragonborn don't like the Blade.
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I played Skyrim first and I was wary of the Blade when they asked me to join them in Morrowind and Oblivion. Apparently, Skyrim gave me the bad preconception about the Blade!!! They are legit good guys in previous games!!! They really help me throughout the Main Quest and they're all very polite and kind! AAAAAAAAHH what the heck Delphine?!
How often do they F--- around? and of those times how often do they end up finding out? We're talking about me, the dummy dumb, playing Bthsd games. Have to say everything I do is F*** around. Testing magics, physics, game mechanic and such. Most of my finding out was dying. Other times was off to jail or reload the save.
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Parkour accidents include: "I can make that jump." "This is a short cut." "I thought I chose Feim but it's actually Wuld."
Magic accidents include: "I didn't know chain lighting can attack my allies!" "I got burned by my own fireball?" "I failed to cast Slow Fall and I'm out of magicka."
Crime accidents include: "By order of the Jarl, stop right there!" "You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people. What say you in your defense?" "Stop right there, criminal scum!" "Stop! You violated the law." "It's all over, lawbreaker!" "We're watching you. Scum."
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xolaanii · 1 year
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quackquack-20 · 1 year
TIL that Festus Krex from the Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim is voiced by the same guy who voices Winnie the Pooh and I can't stop thinking
"You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people, what say you in your defense?"
"Oh, bother"
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ladytanithia · 10 months
All the lines - tag game
Tagged by both @dirty-bosmer and @mareenavee - thank you for the tag!
Tagging the rest of my friends, but as always, you're under no obligation to either read or participate. Conversely, if you're not tagged, you can still join in, but tag me so I can see your answers!
@gwilin-stay-winnin @skyrim-forever @thechaosdragoness @thequeenofthewinter
The clean list of questions is here: All the lines tag game
A line from your fic that makes you laugh
Okay, it's not a line, it's a segment, for context. From Chapter 15 of "Out of the Ashes"
Once they were outside, Tel whistled – or tried to, and only partially succeeded with the scarf over his face – and shook his head. “Damn, woman, I can’t believe you spoke to a General like that and didn’t end up in the stockade.”
“Speaking your mind isn’t a crime, Tel, and I didn’t disobey any orders. I asked him for permission to be candid, and I also made sure to include ‘with all due respect.’ My father taught me that. I know when I’m within my rights.”
Teldryn chuckled. “I like a woman with cast iron balls. I bet your dick is bigger than his.”
Miranja grinned and blushed with a mixture of amusement and embarrassment. They were still standing between the door guards, and there was no way the guards hadn’t heard the whole conversation, but they were wisely keeping their mouths shut. She knew the barracks would be abuzz later, though.
A line from your fic that makes you sad
From Chapter 22 of "Dalliances with Dunmer" (name deleted to avoid spoiler, Miranja's first great heartache and loss, but not her last)
Miranja had washed their tea mugs and was putting them away when a knock sounded at the door. She opened the door to the bluish face and sandy mane of Elder Othreloth. He carried a beautiful Dwemer urn and put on a kindly smile when Miranja greeted him.
“The blessings of Boethia, Mephala, and Azura upon you, child,” he said with a little bow. “Your loved one has been committed to the holy fire, and his earthly remains are entrusted to you.” He offered her the urn, and she took it reverently and invited the elder inside. He politely declined, stating that he needed to get back to the temple.
“Thank you for taking the time to bring this to us, Elder,” Miranja said softly.
“It was my honor,” Othreloth replied. “Mephala cloak you, my dear.”
Miranja closed the door and embraced the urn tightly, the tears flowing once again as she wished she was holding ******’s intact, warm body and not an urn full of cold ashes. Neloth had come up behind her at the door, and now he turned her toward him, took her head in his hands, and kissed her forehead tenderly. Quietly, he asked her for some paper, some ink, and a quill. She told him where to find the items and sat down with the urn at the table near the hearth to commune with ****** while she waited for Neloth to take care of business.
A line from your fic you're proud of
From Chapter 20 of "Out of the Ashes." The war did nothing for Miranja if not force her to mature and do some serious introspection.
She had taken Ulfric’s bracers as a memento, and after her bath she sat naked on the edge of the bed while Tel took his turn bathing, turning them over and over in her hands, stroking the leather with her thumbs, thinking about the man who had worn them. For all the good it did, she wondered if she might have persuaded him to take better care of his Dunmer and Argonian citizens if he hadn’t been obsessed with his crusade against the Empire and the Aldmeri Dominion. Thinking of the Aldmeri Dominion made her think of Ondolemar. There were too many regrets, too many what-ifs. But her biggest what-if was this: what if people just minded their own business when it came to others’ personal choices that didn’t affect them – like religion or who they slept with – and worried about the important things, like love and the pursuit of happiness, enjoying what they had been given and sharing any excess with those less fortunate? She’d said it many times before and still stood by it. People were all just trying to do the best they could with what they had, trying to live peacefully and survive the hardships of life so they could enjoy the fruits of their labors. No one had any business intentionally making the lives of others harder than life already was.
A line from your fic you think could have been better
Truthfully, half of the first chapter of "Dalliances with Dunmer" needs reworked, since the story told me it didn't appreciate my only wanting it for sex - haha! But if I had to choose a specific line, I'd be hard-pressed. This paragraph gets on my nerves. And yes, Miranja was an impulsive and rather immature character when I started this fiasco, but she's always had a good heart and would never intentionally hurt anyone (who wasn't trying to kill her first).
As a dedicated disciple of both Mara and Dibella and a highly sexual person regardless of her religious affiliation, Miranja had made it her personal mission to practice her arts with every race she could. She had been with Imperials, a few Nords, a Breton, a Redguard, every race of Mer – including Orsimer, which had been the most primal sex she’d ever had – even a couple of Khajiit. She still wondered what it would be like with an Argonian – that was the only one she hadn’t crossed off the bucket list, but she hadn’t yet found one with whom she felt a connection besides her friend Madesi in Riften, and he wasn't romantically interested in humans. Some people, especially jealous women, would call her a slut, but she simply knew what she wanted and wasn’t afraid to go after it. If she was a slut, then she was an equal-opportunity slut, or so she might have referred to herself if she’d been familiar with the term. She generally tried to stick with single men, and she didn’t actively pursue married men, but if a married man pursued her and she was also attracted to him, she might enjoy him once or twice before cutting him off. She wasn’t out to destroy families, after all, and she could imagine how boring monogamy could get. Variety was, after all, the spice of life.
A line from your fic that makes you want to punch a character
From Chapter 17 of "Dalliances with Dunmer" (probably a character EVERYONE loves to hate)
It was snowing again when they went outside, but the weather hadn’t kept Rolff Stone-Fist away.
“This place reeks of gray-skin filth!” he bellowed as he swayed drunkenly down the stairs. Even from several feet away, Miranja could smell the alcohol on him. Her stomach clenched with anger and helplessness; she despised him for doing this every night, but she couldn’t do a damned thing about it because the guards would protect him, right or wrong. “Let’s go the other way,” she said to Talvas, and they took the long way back to the inn. “I’m sorry you had to see that. And that’s not even the worst of the things he says.”
A line from your fic that makes you go 'aww'
From "Hrefna's Crush" (I know I've shared this before, at least with my picture of Hrefna's painting if not in one of these tag games)
That was another thing Hrefna loved about Sondas: he called her pretty nicknames. Sometimes little flower, sometimes honeybee or butterfly, sometimes princess, sometimes sunshine. It made her feel special. Bursting with excitement, she fetched her art book and showed Sondas her painting. The other men had moved off toward the house to sit on the edge of the porch and talk and drink and relax, and the women were busy cleaning up after dinner, so it was just her and Sondas sitting on the bench now. Even so, she pressed close to him, using her picture as an excuse.
Sondas looked at it for a long moment, nodding and smiling a small, almost sad smile. By the hair and the clothing, it was pretty obvious that she had painted herself and Sondas. Finally, he said, “You show promise as an artist. Keep at it and maybe you’ll be famous one day.”
“Do you know who it is?” she asked him, quietly and more subdued. She waited nervously for his answer as he considered how to reply, and by the time he spoke she realized she was holding her breath, and she sucked in a big lungful of air.
“It’s obviously a lovely young Nord princess with her dream man,” Sondas said gently. “She’s a free-spirited, loving young woman who has the ability to look past people’s appearances and judge them by their hearts and deeds. She’s smart and intuitive and capable of making her own educated decisions about things. I’m sure she’d be a wonderful catch for that remarkably handsome Dunmer prince there, if she was a little older or he was a little younger. Something tells me it’s just a passing fancy and she’ll find a prince more her own age before too long.”
Hrefna’s tender young heart broke a little more, and she frowned at the ground with tears in her eyes. “Yeah, and the prince is probably going to marry some beautiful queen with dark hair and green eyes who’s even more amazing than the stupid little ugly princess.”
A line from your fic that's full of symbolism
From Chapter 13 of "Out of the Ashes"
Miranja usually had the most vivid dreams in the hour or two before waking, and this Middas morning was no exception. This time, her dream involved being in the Imperial Legion, but in the manner of dreams, it didn’t quite make sense. Instead of fighting the Stormcloaks, they were fighting dragons, and instead of Ulfric being the leader, Alduin had returned again to lead his army of dragons. For reasons Miranja wasn’t able to determine, Paarthurnax was apparently dead, which gave her a profound sense of loss, yet also added determination to defeating Alduin once again. Good had to triumph over evil. Didn’t it? This time, defeating Alduin involved cutting out his heart, but when she stabbed through the heart and held it aloft on the end of her sword, she felt a deep, searing pain in her own chest, and when she looked down, there was a gaping, bleeding hole as if she had cut out her own heart instead of Alduin’s.
A line from your fic that contains an Easter egg
Umm, I don't think I have anything like that in any of my stories... at least not that I can remember.
A line from your fic that's shocking
Chapter 4 of "Dalliances with Dunmer" - yes, the whole damned chapter. One person was so scandalized and disgusted, they left me a great flame to add some controversy and provide me some free advertising, lolololol.
A line from your fic you want to talk about more
There are probably a lot of them, but nothing specific comes to mind at this moment. There are some instances where Miranja is spiteful or defensive, and she has done some petty, childish things - I like putting those little flaws in, because it makes her more real. No one is pure and good and kind all the time, and we all have our bad sides and unkind moments. Teldryn has a knack for making her self-evaluate.
All right, I'm done! Everybody, wake up! Stop drooling on your desks! Time to move on to the next class!
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papyrus126 · 1 year
Video Game Idea: Transformers
NOT for players 16 and under. (Really don’t care, but must be address for legal reasons)
Mix between Skyrim and Fallout 4
Must refuel every now and again! Based on frame type chosen, player may have to refuel more often! Refueling stations are placed in certain locations throughout cities. During war, both factions have own mess hall along with fueling stations around in bases. If neutral, scanner on map will give locations of mining veins and mecha selling energon. Due to the times, it will not count against karma unless people are offlined/threatened.
Choose Your People: Whichever you choose, your people will respond better to you
Nova Cronum
Crystal City
Choose Your Frame Type: Each one has their strengths and weaknesses- including fuel levels
Flight frame
Story Begins:
First day online:
No sound besides player’s character breathing. Turning around, player watches as the Well of Allsparks slowly dims to nothing. A voice calls out from behind; player turns to see random mech. Backing away slowly, they only advance faster. In response, player turns and run (Player runs a short distance, dodging through random obstacles in basic tutorial of movement). The random mech catches up, pinning player down. Player then flipped over and knocked into attempted unconsciousness. Short cut scenes play along the way (first: initial capture, second: loading player into transport of sorts, third: falling out of transport after shot down, final: silhouette of random mech (based on chosen people) kneeling over player, then reaches towards them. Screen finally goes dark) (save point)
Player wakes in hospital berth. Player handed basic medical supplies and energon to start. May explore hospital and collect more supplies by stealing if going the bad route. (Cut scene having reached the front door) Player ushered out the door. (Save point)
Player steps into crowded city. A comm is sent by boss (don’t know who yet, work in progress here) outlining player’s job based on frame type. Point on map appears to direct player to job. Once arrived, cut scene plays (player meets boss who’d commed them, who then tells the player to punch in. Once done, player character steps through the doors. (Save point)
Job done, (a week at this point) player character punches out and rushes with everyone else from the building. Player’s apt. will appear on map, but player may explore. Few menial task scattered here and there. (Cut scene) At apt., the place is trashed, a note left on table, signed by The Council along with a summons. Character doesn’t understand, becomes frightened, throws it away. Character grabs a cube of energon, slugs it back, then heads to berth. (Save point)
Different menial tasks for explorative players from apt. Return to work. (Cut scene) Stepping up to the door, it flies open, character jumps out of the way. Random npc struggles against cops for thievery crime they didn’t commit, character watches npc beaten into submission before shoving through the crowd now in the doorway during event. Player may now explore workplace. Entering a back employees only room, another npc has the stolen object and laughing about it with two others, tossing it around (will be player’s first weapon based on frame type). Character steps out from hiding, calls out npcs. Npcs gets mad, chases after player. Player must escape aggressors. Successfully escaping, player runs into the boss. Npcs skid to a stop a distance behind with stolen weapon in plain sight. Boss directs authorities alongside them to arrest the three. In turn, the weapon is now the player’s possession as a reward. Player has now unlocked weapon’s training. Does not begin until next day. Work end, return to apt. Deal with whatever, then head to berth. (Save point)
Weapons training tutorial. Point on map leads to training building. Take time to get used to weapon, but don’t be late for work. Boss will make bullslag reason to have you shifted around to the most dangerous task (Will offline, must retry day) Report as usual. Return to apt after work. (Save point)
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who-is-shades · 1 year
"Halt! You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people! What say you in your defense?"
Im a thane fuck off
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