#Youn's Kitchen
i've been watching youn's kitchen and now youn's stay and i'm so in love with the idea behind these shows. excellent work by na yeong seok and his team.
and i thought youn's kitchen s2 was so difficult but then i immediately started youn's stay and boy it is hell?? the place is so fkn huge for 5 people to run it. and wooshik running around the whole place, i feel so bad for him xD hope he got paid well for all this.
also youn yuh jung is incredibly funny.
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k-star-holic · 1 year
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'Seo-jin!' An uncomfortable tit-for-tat, could it come out next season?
Source: k-star-holic.blogspot.com
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khakilike · 2 years
I’m glad Woo-shik got someone to help him this time; he had to work *so* hard on Youn’s Stay. The new intern looks pretty cool, whoever he is 🤷‍♂️.
(Kinda weird that Youn Yuh-jung isn’t in this, but I suppose Oscar winners don’t do variety shows 😜.)
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silverhairsimp · 8 months
who's gonna take care of you? k. bakugou
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I am sicker than sick and couldn't sleep last night so here's some bakugou fluff.
Pairing & CW: Bakugou x f!reader. Reader and Bakugou have two kids. Brief mentions of pregnancy from Mitsuki (Reader is not actually pregnant). pure, sickly sweet fluff.
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Katsuki looks at the clock hanging above the kitchen sink, 7:24am. Usually you’d have been up for at least a half hour by now, maybe more. The kids have to be to school at 8:30, it’s only a 12 minute drive, but they like to get there early and play with their friends before their day of learning starts. He looks at the two of them sitting at the counter, digging into their fresh pancakes and waffles with a variety of fruits. They were similar in a lot of ways, but your daughter refuses to eat pancakes, the same goes with your son and waffles. And what kind of number one dad would The Bakugou Katsuki be if he didn’t make his brats happy?
“You two stay here and finish eating— gonna go check on your ma’,” he calls out to them before heading down the hall, only to stop with a hand on the doorframe to look back at them. “And no eatin’ spoonfuls’a syrup this time! That shi— crap’ll give you diabetes.” 
The two of them laugh at their dads empty threat, knowing they’ll at least sneak one or two spoonfuls before he gets back. 
He has an office day today, full of paperwork and unfished reports that need to be submitted by the end of the week. He’s been working overtime, which means you have too. Working overtime at your own job and taking care of the kids when he gets home too late or leaves too early for work. 
“Baby—“ he calls out when he pushes open your bedroom door. Your cheeks are flushed red, your brows are knit together, you’ve got a mound of blankets on you, yet your feet are sticking out from the bottom. “Hey, y’doing okay?” He asks as he gets closer, sitting next to your sleeping form on the bed when he reaches a hand out to cup your cheek, followed by placing the back of his hand to your forehead. “Jesus babe, you’re burnin’ up. Might be running hotter than I normally do…” 
His words are laced with concern as he heads to your shared bathroom, grabbing a washcloth and wetting it with as cold of water he can get before wringing it out. For good measure, he grabs the thermometer and to confirm his suspicions.
“Open up for me, baby.” He brushes his thumb over your cheek and your eyes finally open when you bring your hand up to touch the cold cloth on your forehead. “‘Ts cold…” you mumble and he slips the thermometer underneath your tongue. “Yeah and you’re hot—“ he waits for the thermometer to finish rereading before he adds: “101.9 to be exact.” 
You try to sit up, “I’m fine…”but the pressure in your head is too much so you flop back down into the pillows. “I don’t know what year you think I was born, but I know what fine is. And you, are not fine.” 
“But the kids— they have school, you have work— I have things to do around the house.” You try to protest in between a fit of coughs, but he plants an arm against the bed, palm down at your side caging you in. “you know the hag— my mom,” he corrects when you give him the glare, “she loves taking them to school. Eijiro too. I could call either one and they’d drop ‘em off. And with work, that’s one of the perks’a bein’ your own boss.” 
He leans down to press a kiss to your cheek, trying to hide the wince at how warm your skin is. Gods you must feel like shit. “Lemme call my mom—“ he steps out of the room and gently closes the door, calling in a favor to the woman who always saves his ass. 
‘Yeah, y/n sick, real sick. Need someone to drop off the beats at school. What? Morning sickness? No she’s not pregnant again. She’s sick sick. Got’a fever of almost 102. Yeah, they ate. Yes, lunches packed. Ugh— what kinda father do you think I— mmgh. Thanks ma. They’ll be ready for ya.’
He comes back in the room slight shake to his head as he thinks back to the conversation he just had with his mom. Your youngest is 6 and she’s been itching for another grand baby, but that’s too bad. She’s got two good ones to love on anyway. “Moms comin’ to pick em up in 15.” 
The two of you can hear the padding of feet running down the hall and your two replicas appear in the door frame. 
“Mommy what’s wrong? Did you catch a bug?” Your 8 year old son asks you as he pushes his hips to the bed. He may have his fathers eyes but he’s got your color hair and the sweetest personality to match. 
“Ew! Why would mommy catch a bug!! That’s so yucky!” Your daughter chimes. She’s got that ash blonde hair to match her fathers and definitely gets his personality. 
“Yeah, squirt, mama’s not feeling great so your Gramma Mitsuki is gonna take you to school.”
“Katsuki— you really shouldn’t have asked your mom to come all the way here.” 
“You say all the way here like she doesn’t live 8 minutes down the road.” He smirks at you, knowing damn well she wasn’t gonna miss the opportunity to be involved in your kids’ lives. 
“Daddy, why can’t we stay and take care of mommy like she takes care of us when we’re sick?” Your boy asks with those gorgeous ruby red eyes peering down at you. “You guys have to stay in school and get good grades. You wanna have your own agency and be the number one hero like your daddy don’t you?” You smile at the two of them and lift your hand off the bed to cup their cheeks one at a time. 
Your daughter flexes her little muscles and grits her teeth. “Yeah mommy! We’ll get strong so we can take good care of you some day!” 
Each of your kiddos leans in to place a kiss to your cheek, it’s no use trying to stop them either. They’re both stubborn, just like you and Katsuki. 
“Go get cleaned up before Gramma gets here— and don’t think I can’t smell the syrup on those sticky fingers, you little shits!” 
It’s no use trying to protest the language when you hear the fit of laughter and screams as they run back down the hall. 
Katsuki gets up to make sure they’re heading out to wash up and grab their school bags while he makes another call to the agency, letting Mina know he won’t be in. 
You’ve nearly fallen back asleep by the time he comes back with a hot bowl of homemade soup, a freshly squeezed cup of orange juice, a ginger shot and two pieces of toast. “They’re right ya know. You’re like super woman to them— and even she needs help sometimes.” He presses a kiss to your forehead and turns on the tv for some back ground noise before he grabs his computer and sits next to you in bed. 
“Katsuki. You’re gonna get sick if you stay here—“ you try to protest and he just smiles and puts the cold rag on your forehead. “Yeah… and when super man needs help; I know you’ll be there too..” He lands a fat one right on your lips and smiles. The two of you share everything together. Even the cooties…
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pynkfairyheart · 5 months
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pairings: Onyankopon x black reader
warnings: fluffy, suggestive ending
inspired by this vid
“Ony” you called out as you walked into your shared home.
“In here” he called from the kitchen.
“Hi baby” you cheesed as you walked up behind him, your arms wrapping around his bare torso.
“Hi, mama” he lifted an arm, shifting his body so he leaned against the counter. Enveloping you into his arms so he stared down at you. “How was your day, baby?” he scanned your face.
“It was good” you sang. “It was a lil busy at the salon today, but I had a cancellation so I jus did my nails instead. look.'' you put your hand in front of his face. your long square shaped nails filled with gold sparkles and gold charms.
“They look pretty, baby. You’re so talented” he grabbed your hand admiring your work.
“Yeah? Plus, they go super well with the promise ring you got me” you smiled, your eyes looking up at him with pure adoration.
“They do” he chuckled, as he adjusted the ring he got for you last year when you started dating.
“Can’t believe i’ve had this for a year” you looked at your hand.
“You hinting you ready for me to get down on one knee? Cause if that’s the case just give me a month to have everything ready nd I got you mama” he smirked, pulling you closer so your bodies were touching.
“No that’s not what i’m hinting. m’just saying it’s probably time for me to get you one.”
“You should, I think I should get one. Whatchu think?” he held up his bare hand with a smirk.
“Yeah? Want me to get you one?” you smiled.
“Nah youn gotta get me one ma, I mean you can if you want to, but you don’t need to spend any money on one. we can wait til our wedding” he shrugged.
“Or I can just give it to you now” you said just above a whisper. pulling out a black velvet box, you gently place it into his hand. taking a step back to gauge his reaction. “Open it, baby” you whispered when he just stared at the box.
“What is this ma?” he looked up, his voice brittle.
“Just open it baby” you said softly.
With a shaky breath and even shakier hands, he opened the box. Inside a gold band with a rose engraved into it
“I wanted it to match mine, but if you want, we can make some alterations” you tried to see his face, your nerves rising as you watched him put the ring on. heart hammering as you watched him clench his hand into a fist.
“No this is perfect” his voice was raspy as he stared down at his hand.
“Baby?” you cautiously walked up to him. your hands gently caressing his face as he finally raised his head to meet your eyes. “Oh papa” you whispered as you pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. wiping away the tears that fell from his eyes. “It’s okay, baby” you soothed him, as you looked at the tight grip his teeth had on his bottom lip. “It's okay to cry” you hugged him tightly.
“This is…I don’t even know what to say princess. thank you” he sniffled bringing you into a hug once again.
“Of course, baby.” you sighed. “Look now we’re matching” you held up your conjoined hands. “Ain’t gon be able to tell us shit” you giggled.
“Nah they definitely not” he laughed along with you. “Ion know how im ever gonna be able to repay you mama” he shook his head, admiring the ring you got him.
“You don’t have to repay me Ony. I just wanted to visibly express my love to you pa.”
“I know, I know, it’s just…no one’s ever done this before. loved me the way you do.”
“Aww, well im glad to be the first” you pouted.
“First and last” he smirked. “Now I know you said I didn't have to repay you” his hands traveled down to her thighs.
“But i'd love to show you another way of how much I appreciate you.”
okayyy first fic everrrrr nd if anyone reads this please please pleaseeee give feedback, i am open to constructive criticism. also isnt that video just so cute<333 I've been thinking about it for so long
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ughthisisntright · 1 year
Lap of Luxury | Sugar Daddy!Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Reader
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Summary: As a young woman without much income, a joke of a job, and an unfortunately expensive taste, your curiosity one evening leads to a string of events far out of your control.
Warnings: Age gap (reader is 23, Bradley is 40), suggestive themes (no smut), fluff
Word Count: 4,635
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“Babe,” your best friend slurred. “You need to get on Seeking Arrangements! These guys- they just buy you stuff! And give you money!”
Another conversation about your not-so-much of an income, splitting a bottle of wine with your best friend, and her insistence on helping you has devolved into this. Discussing a sugar daddy arrangement from a site for older folks. You couldn't imagine a worse way to spend your night.
“Aren't they, like, old?” You ask with a sneer. Your friend just laughs it off.
“And rich!” She squeals. “You’d never have to work another shitty job again! C’mon just try it!” She grabbed your phone from you and fumbled with it to download the app.
“Ugh, what’s your password?” She showed you the screen where the app store was asking. You hesitate before typing it in and allowing her to do the rest.
“Okay first thing’s first,” she places her hand on your knee, mostly to steady herself. “Never use your real name. So you're going to be…”
She starts typing on the phone, probably using her galaxy brain to come up with something truly brilliant. And by brilliant, that means ridiculous.
“Genevieve,” she states finally. You don't hate the name, but it's not yours. You made a mental note to change it when you're sober. “Everything else will be the same. And…”
She starts scrolling through your camera roll. You'd have freaked out but really, there wasn't anything there she hasn't seen already. She taps on a photo of you she took a week ago at a vineyard the two of you had visited (on her dime) and handed your phone back to you,
“Voilà! Welcome yo Seeking Arrangements,” she grinned at you. You looked down at your profile and sighed.
“Now what?” You ask flatly.
“Find someone!”
“How? I don't know how to use this!”
“Ugh, you're so boring sometimes…”
Thus began a hunt for the “perfect man” to fund your broke self’s habits. It was all a drunken blur from there, and you passed out on your couch after about two hours of playing around on the app. You had no idea there were so many men willing to give their money away to young women with no regard. But it was working out in your favor.
You woke up the next day with a pounding hangover, cottonmouth and your phone on 5% battery. Your friend was nowhere to be found - as usual after drinking binges like that. You mentally kicked yourself for allowing it to go this far but, realistically, you didn't care to go into work today anyway.
A quick text to your boss and a shaky walk to your bedroom to plug your phone in preceded your chug-fest in the kitchen. Drinking straight from the tap wasn't fast enough, but it would suffice. You groaned as you finished gorging yourself on your borderline acceptable tap water, went to the cabinet, and pulled out your bottle of painkillers. You popped two extra strength tablets and washed them down with yet another healthy gulp of water.
You walked back to your bedroom and laid in the quiet dark on your bed. Just as you closed your eyes, your phone buzzed. Once, then twice. You pick it up to see you have missed messages from men on that confounded Seeking Arrangements app. You groan and set the phone down again, remembering just how horribly drunk you got last night. Drunk and stupid, it seemed. You hear another buzz and pick up the phone in frustration, unlocking it and then scrolling through the messages and threads you'd started last night.
Genevieve. What a stupid name. You quickly changed it to your name and kept scrolling through. You deleted many of the threads, only stopping on a few men who were even remotely close to your age bracket. All tech startup guys with nothing better to do than wine and dine young women into their panties. Typical.
You’re about to delete the app when you see one face in particular that doesn't piss you off like the rest. You open your conversation from the night before to find it was pleasant, not sexually charged, and genuine. You smile briefly before clicking his profile picture. He’s handsome, too handsome. What’s the catch?
You open his profile to see his age, what he does, and where he is. He’s forty, lives nearby in San Diego, and is an aviator for the Navy. The military thing would have been a turn off if the conversation you’d had didn't look so… refreshing. You scroll to see his net worth - nearly one million. Unheard of among these other men. He must be well-off.
You scroll more and see he’s very close by. A block away. You excitedly - but cautiously -  type a message to him.
You: So sorry, I fell asleep. I think it's wild you’re still single at your age. How doesn't that mustache pull women nowadays?
You bite your lip and quickly turn the brightness down on your phone, the blue light making your migraine worse. You see him typing and your heart flutters.
You can't believe this is happening. How did you let your friend talk you into this? Were you crazy? Desperate? Or just lonely? You watched the bubbles on screen appear and disappear as the man on the other side of the screen typed his response to you.
The self-loathing part of your brain told you he was figuring out how to turn you down gently. Tell you you're too young for this, to go find someone your own age, chase your dreams, and whatever other sentiments he could think of. You wanted to hear it, but you also didn't. This was all too much.
Until it wasn't.
Bradley Bradshaw: No worries, sweetheart. I see you're nearby - let me come get you and treat you to brunch. Mimosas?
You stood outside your apartment with your cutest outfit on, though to someone like Bradley, it could be considered… revealing. You didn’t have much, hence the entire reason your friend had convinced you to join that stupid app in the first place. Regardless, you stood waiting for Bradley to come pick you up for your impromptu brunch date.
Could you even call it a date?
Your mind swam as you stared down at the photo of him on the app. He was handsome, yes. You just weren’t sure if this made you one of those gold-digging, shallow women who you were sure were all over this app. He looked as though he’d spent a lifetime laughing, living. The wrinkles you could see that weren’t airbrushed out of this photo seemed deeply set. A good sign that he wasn’t as stuffy as some of the other guys you’d apparently spoken to.
Was this just a giant ass mistake?
What if he was just another one of these guys looking to fuck a younger woman and then give her some hush money? Or even expensive gifts in lieu of hush money? You didn’t want to be the dumb trophy on some older man’s arm. And that was when it hit you - you actually liked Bradley. It was just a small crush, of course, you’d hardly known him. Hardly even spoken to him. But from the little interaction you’d had he seemed like the genuine article.
Before you could psych yourself out any more, you heard the low rumble of a classic car getting closer. You popped your head up to see a bright blue classic Ford Bronco headed your way. Your eyes lit up - having an affinity for classic cars - and you simply prayed that this was Bradley coming to get you. 
The car came to a stop right in front of you, and the aforementioned Bradley was looking out the window at you with a grin. He pulled his aviators down the bridge of his nose and looked you in the eyes. A genuine kind of look on his face that had you melting inside.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he said kindly. “Are you ready to go?”
You nodded wordlessly and shoved your phone into your small purse. Bradley jumped out of the Bronco and approached you. He was incredibly tall, compared to you, and he didn’t have this dominating presence that you kept thinking he would have. No, he was like a giant teddy bear - someone you could imagine curling up with at the end of the day and getting nothing but hugs and kisses from.
“You’re even more adorable than that picture on the app, you know,” he tilted his head sweetly to one side. Your cheeks flushed a bright red, though you weren’t sure if he would notice.
“I-I’m happy I’ve surpassed expectations,” you croaked. “God, I’m sorry-” He chuckled and shook his head.
“I’m nervous, too, sweetheart,” he admitted kindly. “Let’s get to where we’re going and we can be nervous together.” He took your hand and led you to the passenger side of the Bronco. He opened the door for you and helped you get up into the seat. He waited until you were situated before closing the door and walking coolly to the other side and getting into the driver’s seat.
“I hope you don’t mind. I chose a more secluded spot than I normally would,” Bradley admitted as he pulled away from the curb. “Not because I’m embarrassed, but just because I’d hate to have people I know giving me shit.”
“I completely understand,” you say softly. “I would die if someone I knew saw me doing this… Whatever this is.”
“I’d say we can put off putting a label on it until we’re sure, yeah?” Bradley looked over at you with a smile. “No pressure, no fakery, no stress.”
“I love the sound of that,” you said sweetly, looking at him with a smile.
Soon, you arrived at a small brunch joint on the outskirts of the city. Bradley had assured you he’d never seen his buddies here, and you assured him that your friends are too broke to afford this kind of place. Sharing a laugh, Bradley cuts the engine and gets out of the Bronco. He walks to your side and helps you out before linking your arm with his.
“I’ll treat you right, okay?” He said sweetly as he walked you in. You only smiled in response and allowed him to lead you inside. He gave his last name coolly to the hostess and she ushered the two of you to a more private booth at the back of the restaurant. Bradley pulled your chair out for you and let you sit first. What a gentleman. He took his seat across from you and removed his aviators.
Those eyes were mesmerizing. Beautiful brown that you swore had little flecks of gold in them. You could get lost in those eyes if you weren’t careful, so you quickly picked up the small menu and looked it over. Yikes. You for sure wouldn’t be able to afford this.
“So, I can tell this is not something you usually do,” Bradley said softly. “Me neither, if I’m honest.”
“Honestly? My friend made me do it. We were… Drinking last night. And she convinced me this would be a good idea.” You admitted candidly. “I didn’t know what to expect.
“Hah! Sounds exactly like what my friend did to me,” he admitted right back. “I forgot the app even existed until you messaged me last night. Then, I just got this… feeling. Like, if I let this slip by, I’d regret it the rest of my life.”
“Hence, why we’re sitting here having brunch together,” you finish for him. “I have to admit, Bradley, you don’t seem like the type to go for… younger women. You’re mature, put together, and seem like a zero-bullshit guy.”
“Yeah, well, the Navy sort of beats that into you,” he laughs softly. “Women are usually deterred by the military thing. They automatically think you’re looking to get married, or they think you’re active duty and are going to lose you. So they don’t even bother trying.” He looks up at you. “I’m just trying to find someone to spoil. Someone to care for, and someone to care for me right back.”
You appreciated his honesty. You liked skipping around the nervous chatter, the lies, the embellishments. This was a far cry from some of the dates you’d been on in the past - boys pretending to be men that they’re not. Bradley clearly went through that when he was your age. And he clearly realized it doesn’t work long-term.
“You’re saying all the right things, Bradley,” you chime. “I just want you to know… I’m not after your money or whatever else it is you have to offer me. I’m not sure what I’m after here, but I’d like to explore this. Whatever it ends up being, or not being, I’m interested to see where it goes.”
You’re surprised to hear those words coming from your mouth. An hour ago you were just about ready to call this whole thing off. You were sure this would make you lesser than; lump you in with all the other desperate girls your age just looking to get rich and not work for it. But, honestly, you didn’t care about money - your friend did. If this all worked out, if Bradley ended up being more than just a Seeking Arrangements date, you’d have to thank her for being such a gold digger.
Oh, the misery.
"I do too, sweetheart,” Bradley said sweetly. “No pressure, no fakery, no stress.”
Brunch went exceptionally well. Bradley told you stories from his time in the Naval Academy, TOPGUN, and even a few missions you were pretty sure he wasn’t supposed to share. He told you about his parents and how he followed in his dad’s footsteps. He told you about everything. He was a man who’d lived. You couldn’t grasp, still, how a woman his age wouldn’t want him.
You shared stories from your years in college, your job, and from your childhood. Absolutely nothing compared to the nearly twenty years he had on you. You felt silly telling him about yourself, but he was genuinely interested. He asked so many insightful questions, held your hand, and maintained eye contact. You thought maybe, just maybe, he was falling for you.
You’d be remiss if you didn’t admit you may be falling for him, too.
When the bill came, Bradley snatched it away from you with a mischievous grin. You playfully pouted at him and he just waved you off. He took his wallet out and slid a credit card into the book and held it until the server came back. Clever little devil.
“I told you I’d spoil you, sweetheart,” he mused. “This is me spoiling you. But, I should warn you. This is only the beginning.”
You grinned at him and nodded, relaxing back in your seat. He was just so cool. His entire demeanor, his attitude - devil may care kind of air about him. You enjoyed his youthful aura, especially since you knew he was not quite as youthful as he used to be. It was truly a breath of fresh air.
The bill was paid, you’d successfully drank three mimosas, and Bradley was looking at you with stars in his eyes. He walked you out of the restaurant and to his Bronco. He looked down at you once the two of you were on the passenger’s side. Brushing some hair from your face, he smiled softly and pulled you just a touch closer.
“Well, I’m dying for your review, sweetheart,” he said with a grin. “Did I live up to expectations?”
Your mouth felt dry all of a sudden. Did he? Did he? You’d just spent three hours chatting with a man nearly twice your age about his life, your life, and genuinely enjoying each other's company. And he wants to know if he lived up to expectations? You smiled widely, no longer able to conceal the excitement you felt in your gut about this.
“Very much so. I’d even be so bold as to say you’ve surpassed them,” you took his hand in yours gently. He responded by squeezing your waist a little tighter.
“Then,” he said in a lower tone than he’d used earlier. “You wouldn’t find it uncouth of me to do this?”
Before you could even think of a witty response, his lips were on yours in a gentle, tentative kiss. Your initial shock washed away quickly as your lips pressed back against his. He was gentle, nothing extravagant, nothing lying beneath the surface - just a kiss. His hands slid around your back and upwards, pulling you impossibly closer. Your hands found purchase on his large biceps, squeezing as he drew you nearer.
Like in the movies, you felt an instant spark. Little electrical pulses all over your lips, your cheeks, and wherever he touched you. His hands seemed to be made for you. They seemed to know exactly how to hold you, how to caress you, and how to make you forget all except him and this moment.
And all too quickly, he was pulling away from you. He looked down at you with gentle eyes, a small quirk of his lips. You stared back up at him with your mouth hanging open ever so slightly. He brought his hand up and swept his thumb over your bottom lip. You almost had to squeeze your thighs together to relieve the mild ache that warmed your core.
Bradley let out a soft chuckle and opened the door for you. Like earlier, he helped you into the Bronco and then got in himself. He started the vehicle and started driving away from the restaurant. Your mind swam with the possibilities. He could be your father, but you wanted him. You wanted him to be the man in your life. Just from this one little encounter. You were sure you wanted him.
It really was like the movies.
You noticed eventually that you were nowhere near your apartment, or his. In fact, San Diego wasn’t around you at all. You’d traveled north, and then west. To a small little shopping center away from town. You looked at Bradley curiously and he met your gaze as if on cue.
“I’m not done with you yet, sweetheart,” he said coolly. “I’m taking you to the beach. But you need a bathing suit. And, honestly, so do I.” He grinned at you and pulled into a parking spot. Just great! He was already blowing his money on you. Part of you felt guilty, but the other part of you - the part that was still listening to your friend - wanted to see this all through.
He pulled you into a store that sold probably the most revealing swimsuits for the most outrageous prices. You cringed every time you looked at a price tag even though Bradley had assured you nothing was too expensive. Finally, after looking at a one-piece suit that was anything but “one piece,” you pulled Bradley to you.
“I cannot let you spend this kind of money on such little fabric, Bradley,” you pleaded. He simply smiled down at you and nodded.
“I understand completely,” he looked around at the options and narrowed his eyes. “Let me find something worthwhile then.” He kissed your cheek and walked off to search for a suit for you. Dumbfounded, you stood back and watched for a second. Then, without even thinking, you started looking for one for him to wear. Like some kind of girlfriend would.
You picked up a red pair of trunks, the shorter kind that have come into style recently. You weren’t sure if these would make him look younger or just plain silly. You didn’t really care, though, you wanted him to wear them. You figured this would be a good color on him.
When he eventually found you again, he had his hands behind his back. A shit-eating grin on his face, you’d notice. You held up the trunks you’d chosen for him, a small smile on your face.
“How are these?” You asked sweetly. He nodded in approval and then brought a one piece suit out from behind his back.
Your eyes bugged out of your head when you saw it - bright red, just like the trunks you’d chosen for him.
You let out a genuine laugh and smiled up at him. He pulled you in for a quick kiss before taking the trunks from you and walking to the register to pay. You followed behind him but quickly tucked yourself against his side at the counter. He’d picked up a pair of aviators for you, a couple of towels, and some sunblock. Once he paid, he took your hand and led you out of the shop.
“Let’s change into these before we head out. I wanna get right into it when we get to the beach,” he handed you the swimsuit and gently pushed you in the direction of the bathroom. He went to the men’s room to change, and you changed as instructed.
When you arrived at the beach, you were in awe at how gorgeous the scenery was. Not a person in sight, either. Perfect, you thought. Bradley hauled you to the sand like a little kid and laughed at your protests.
“The water is fine! Come on, let me see that suit I got you.” He pinched your sides and tickled you into submission. You shoved him off of you with a wheezing laugh and tore your clothes off to reveal the swimsuit. His eyes traveled down your body in a very uncharacteristically obvious way.
“Wow, sweetheart,” he grunted. “Red is definitely your color.” He took his t-shirt off and tossed it aside. He was surprisingly muscular for someone his age. It added to his charm, you decided, that he was able to stay in such great shape. “How about me? Red a good color on me? Someone my age?”
“Yeah, actually. Those make you look at least ten years younger,” you teased. He laughed and watched you take off towards the water. He followed behind you and let his feet get wet from the waves.
You, on the other hand, were the young sprite who was going deeper into the water. You let the water lap at your thighs before traveling out a little further. The cool water felt amazing on your skin, even better with the sun beating down on you. You closed your eyes and let the waves rock you from side to side. You surely could get used to this.
You suddenly felt hands on your hips, a firm grip. You jumped slightly before turning around to come face-to-face with Bradley. The sun made his eyes sparkle just as you’d predicted in the restaurant. You looked at the age on his face and sigh softly. It’s not as obvious in the sun. Not something you expected.
“You forgot something,” he said softly. He propped the pair of aviators he bought on your face and gently pushed them up the bridge of your nose. He poked the tip of your nose with a boyish grin. “Perfect.”
“You’re gonna let me get a sunburn, too?” You chide with a poke to his ribs.
“Oh, never,” he said with a scandalized look on his face. “Here, turn back around.” He produced the bottle of sunscreen and smirked.
You turned around without hesitation. You felt his hands all over your back as he spread the sunscreen around your skin. He rubbed up and over your shoulders, kissing them gently when he was finished. He traced your spine on the open back of the swimsuit he bought you. You shivered ever so slightly when his hands brushed your skin so gently. He worked the sunscreen into your neck before gently turning you back around and working it over your collarbone. You saw the hesitation in his eyes when he went to drag his fingers lower, but your lack of protest replaced his hesitation with determination. He massaged the sunscreen into the swell of your breasts slowly. Your breath caught in your throat at the touch. The familiar ache between your legs returning.
He moved on to your arms and the tops of your ears. He then put a silly little stripe of it on the bridge of your nose, making you giggle. You took the bottle from him and repeated the gesture on him. He grinned proudly and pulled you close again. His lips crashed onto yours in a hungry kiss, more intimate than the last.
You knew then that you could get used to this.
You grinned widely and charged at Bradley, jumping into his arms. He laughed and caught you with ease, spinning you around as you wrapped your legs around him. He playfully tipped you backwards so your hair brushed the water. Your squeal of excitement rang out clear as day, making him smile brighter than you’d seen.
He pulled you back up and you buried your face in his neck. His skin was slick with sweat and sunscreen, and he smelled still like the subtle cologne he wore. He held you securely against him, never daring to drop you.
You pulled your head back and kissed him again. It came easier now, kissing him. It was more exciting, less anxiety-inducing. You liked the way the walls had been dropped and the affections came easier. He gladly kissed you back, tugging your bottom lip between his teeth. A soft, more needy than intended whimper left your lips at that.
Instead of scaring him away, it only spurred Bradley on. His hands cupped your rear possessively and he carried you back to shore. And you knew where it would go from there.
He set you down on one of the towels and crawled over you. His hands gripped your hips tightly as he explored your skin with his mouth. Your hands slid up and into his hair, whining softly as he ravaged you with that perfect, experienced mouth.
“I need you to know, sweetheart,” he grunted. “This isn’t a one-off.” You tilted your head, sweat on your brow.
“I’m going to take you out, bring you home, make you mine,” he explained further. “I’m not ready to let you go yet. I hope that’s okay.”
“It’s more than okay,” you breathed. “I’m not ready to let you go yet either.”
“Good,” he said before kissing down your stomach, dangerously close to your aching cunt. “Because I don’t want to go too fast.” He kissed back up your stomach and to your lips.
A pitiful little moan left your lips in protest. He chuckled softly and looked down at you.
“We have time,” he said simply. You wrapped your arms around him and laughed softly. His lips connected with your collarbone before he lifted you back up.
“Let’s order something and eat dinner here. Sound good?” He suggested. You nodded with a grin, kissing his cheek. As he was busy ordering something for dinner, you looked down at your phone for the first time since that morning. You opened it up and looked at your conversation with Bradley on the app. You bit your lip and closed the app. Then you took a leap.
You deleted the app.
Bradley was the only one you cared about among the list of men you’d chatted with. And in a stupidly short amount of time, you started picturing yourself with this man. This real man. He turned to you and smiled as he spoke on the phone with the place he was ordering from. The look on his face when he looked at you was enough. This, eating dinner on a secluded beach, was enough.
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Tagging people who may enjoy: @roosterscock @cherrycola27 @roosterforme @roosterbruiser @beardedladyqueen @seresinsweetie @sebsxphia
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heli-writes · 1 year
Marriage of Convenience, part 8: injuries.
Pairing: Yoriichi x you
Summary: Yoriichi's friends think that Yoriichi is too lonely and needs a wife and family to take care of him. They propose a marriage of convenience to a woman who's in need of a husband. The arrangement of the marriage is simple: both parties live their lives as before, y/n takes care of Yoriichi as a wife and Yoriichi keeps unwanted men (and demons) away. Love is not required, friendship is appreciated. However, how detached can one be when living so close to each other?
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9
Series Masterlist
Yoriichi wakes up abruptly. He feels restless. Was there a noise, he thinks. He sits up and grabs the sword that even at night always is at his side. He looks over at (y/n) and (y/s/n). They both sleep peacefully in their respective futons. Yoriichi slowly gets up and slides the sword out of its sheath. He slowly moves to the bedroom door and exits the room silently. His eyes slowly get used to the darkness in the hallway. Right now, he only can hear his own heartbeat. He makes his way to the living area, slowly creeping along the hallway. He pushes the door open with his foot and a loud bang, hoping to gain a sense of surprise. There's nothing. The kitchen looks the same as Yoriichi and (y/n) left it in the evening. There's still the faint smell of cold food and dish soap in the air. Nothing points towards an intrusion of any sort. Yorichii lowers his sword. Was I wrong?, he thinks, Why did I wake up? I'm sure I sensed something, he thinks.
Suddenly, he hears a crack in the floorboard behind him. He whips around and is face-to-face with (y/n) who rubs her eyes tiredly. "Why are you up?", she asks him while suppressing a yawn. Her eyes fall onto the sword in Yoriichi's hands. "What is it?", she whispers as fear creeps upon her. Yoriichi turns to the window and stares out into the blackness of the woods. "Nothing.", he tells her. (Y/n) takes a few steps towards him and takes hold of his arm. He can pick up on her hitched breath and sped-up heart rate. Slowly, he eases his stance. One of his hands let go of the sword and he puts his hand on her lower back. "Let's go back to sleep.", he says while leading her back to the bedroom.
Outside of the window, deep in the darkness of the forest, six yellow glowing eyes watch the pair retreat to the bedroom and lie their heads on their pillows in a false sense of security.
There was a loud chatter outside. (Y/n) lets out an exaggerated sigh. "(Y/s/n)! What are you up to?", she yells from the kitchen. The boy went outside some time ago with his ball. "Yoriichi, can you keep an eye on the stove for a second?", (y/n) yells. Yoriichi makes his way into the kitchen. "Thanks", (y/n) says quickly and pushes the wooden spoon she was holding in her hands. "Keep stirring the paste.", she instructs him while rushing outside. Yoriichi does as he is told while he watches (y/n) and (y/s/n) through the kitchen window.
"Buddy, seriously, you have to be more careful.", (y/n) says while leading (y/s/n) inside. "What happened?", Yoriichi asks. "He kicked his ball into the pile of firewood and it fell on top of him.", (y/n) anwers while gathering some first aid things. She carefully cleans the wound on (y/s/n)'s knee and then wraps a bandage around it. "You're really good at this.", Yoriichi notes. (Y/n) gives him a sly grin. "That's nothing you should see me doing stitches.", she proudly replies. Little do both know that Yoriichi will get to see (y/n) stitching skills rather soon.
It was supposed to be a slow night. Word of demon activity on the other side of the forest reached Yorichii. Upon further research, he came to the conclusion that the demon terrorizing a village of woodcutters was just a low-level demon. Indeed it was just as Yoriichi thought. A demon with a blood demon art not worth mentioning kidnapped young children and ate them. It was not even a real fight. Yoriichi beheaded the demon swiftly and efficiently.
He reached the path that leads home when he caught a faint smell of blood from another direction, the direction to the nearby village. He hesitates for a moment, tempted to go home and look after (y/n) and (y/s/n). Knowing that he can't leave the helpless villagers to themselves, he turns around and takes off to the village.
The first thing he saw when entering the outskirts of the village were bodies. Men, women, and children scrawled in unnatural positions across the streets. The smell of burning buildings and death rose high in the sky. Yoriichi races through the streets, his sword held high. He follows his instincts, they lead him right where the demons are. The village square comes into sight and a demon comes into view which pushes a severed leg into his mouth which seems to widen to fit the body part into it. Yoriichi raises his sword and sets off to attack. To behead the demon and end this massacre. Just when his weapon was supposed to make an impact on the demon's neck, a piercing scream filled the air from the opposite direction. Yoriichi took on the profession of a demon slayer to save lives, not for the glory of the kill. Thus, he swiftly adverts his attack and turns to the other side. He didn't see any danger in the demon behind him, which was too occupied with his meal. However, being focused on the danger that lures in the direction of the soul-piercing scream, Yoriichi misses the puddle of blood through which a hand appears and grabs him by the ankle. This in return gives the feasting demon enough time to drop the leg and sink his fangs into Yoriichi's shoulder.
Yoriichi reacts quickly and beheads the demon behind him. The second demon, however, retreats into the puddle of blood. Without paying attention to his injuries, Yoriichi takes off in the direction of the scream. In a side street, he finds an injured woman. Her throat has been clawed out by a pair of sharp nails. Incapable of speech, the only sound the woman lets out is a rattled breath. She's beyond survival, Yoriichi thinks. Before he has to face a decision no one should have to make, a pair of hands shoots up from the blood puddle beneath the woman and attacks Yoriichi. The arms seem to stretch endlessly and Yoriichi needs to retreat quickly. I need to lure him out of his hiding, he thinks to himself. He's sure that if he just cuts off the arms, the demon will just regenerate them without showing his true body.
By now, at least six pairs of arms hor out of the puddle and are reaching for Yoriichi. I need to find a way to stop the arms without cutting them off, he concludes. Since Yoriichi followed (y/n) to this village many times, he knows the layout of the streets. He can use this knowledge to stop the demon. Yoriichi quickly retreats into the labyrinth of streets and switches directions every few seconds. More and more arms reach for him and follow him through the village. A roaring laughter fills the air and the demon mocks him for trying to escape.
As he makes his way through the village  the demon doesn't notice that Yoriichi lead him right back to where they started: the blood puddle in which the demon hides. Yoriichi comes to an abrupt stop and so do the arms behind him, caught in a web of knots that Yoriichi created throughout the entire village. A raging howl comes from the puddle. Hundreds of arms stretch out of the puddle and spread into all directions. The demon's only got two choices: Come out of its safe hiding in prospects of untangling his arms or wait until the sun burns off his limbs, and hopefully the rest of him as well. It's an arrogant one, Yoriichi thinks, it will come out. The demon proves Yoriichi right when it raises out of the puddle. However, it hides between the masses of his own arms. I have to cut through the arms and neck in one attack, Yoriichi decides. He readies himself for the final attack and takes off. Swiftly, his sword cuts through the first few layer of arms. Unlucky, the demon saw the move coming and quickly moves out of reach. Instantly, the arms regenerate and set off to attack Yoriichi again. Yoriichi can advert a fatal blow, but a clawed hand scratches his face and blood runs into one of his eyes.
Quickly, Yoriichi brings some distance between them. Yoriichi notice how their movement slowed down and so does their regeneration after a few cuts. I can tire him out, Yoriichi thinks to himself. He starts focusing his attacks on the arms and cuts them off as often and fast as possible. Unlucky for the demon, Yoriichi is known for his incredibly fast swordsmanship. The demon becomes visibly slower and slower. Eventually, Yoriichi can dodge its attack while getting closer to the core of the demon. In an attempt to protect himself, he pulls all of its remaining arms around him. I can see where you're hiding, Yoriichi thinks to himself. He sets off for another final attack and this time he succeeds. He cuts through the ball of arms diagonally and his sword connects with the demon's neck before that one can react. The last thing Yoriichi can see before the demon dissolves into nothingness, are the words 'lower moon two'.
He watches as the wind blows away the bits and pieces of the demon. What is a lower moon doing in a place like this?, he ponders. This is a small, unimportant village. Places like this are usually not targets of lower or upper moons. Moreover, this demon wasn't alone. By the look of the state of the village, there were more than just the two demons that Yoriichi killed. Yoriichi doesn't have much time to brood on this. He needs to help the survivors and put out the fires to prevent further damage to the infrastructure of the village. When he sets off to help the citizens, he can hear shouting at the edge of the village. Upon investigation, he finds a team of demon slayers who were sent to the village. "Yoriichi, thank god you're here!!", one of them shouts when he sees the burgundy-haired man. "What happened here?", another one asks. He quickly brings them up to speed. "How lucky you were in the area! Things could've been so much worse without you!", they all agree in relief. "But Yoriichi... you're hurt. Your shoulder bleeds really bad!", a demon slayer notices. "I'm fine.", Yoriichi brushes him off. "Where are the medics? These people need help.", Yoriichi says as he points toward the village. "They're on their way. We were sent first to...", a demon slayer starts but the sound of his voice becomes more and more quiet to Yoriichi. Instead, a shrill whistle spreads in his ear and his sight begins to turn. The demon slayer doesn't get to end his sentence as Yoriichi faints before him and everybody quickly tries to grab Yoriichi before he knocks his head into the cold hard ground below.
"Quickly! He's losing too much blood!", a voice yells. "How could this happen? Isn't he the strongest?", another voice asks. "Shut up, Tahiro! We need to get him medical attention!", someone else bites back. "Why don't wait for the medics?", the second voice asks. "Because the villagers need them. His wife is our best shot. She's a healer.", the first voice answers. They stumble forward, in the darkness of the forest, heaving an unconscious Yoriichi with them. "We're almost there!", one of the slayers wheezes as he sees the glowing of a lantern that (y/n) lit in front of their house, in hopes that it will lead Yoriichi home.
A milky veil seems to lay over Yoriichi's eyes when he regains consciousness again. Bright light falls into the room and he groans when he feels the pain in his shoulder. He tries to move his other arm to grab his shoulder but is incapable of moving it. When the veil slowly fates and his senses start to sharpen again, he hears the clattering of kitchen utensils in the other room. He sighs and closes his eyes again. There's an unfamiliar pressure on his left side but he doesn't have enough energy to care. Suddenly, the door to the bedroom opens and more clattering can be heard. He slowly opens his eyes and sees (y/s/n) with a tablet. He carries two glasses of freshly pressed juice which are filled to the brim and they swap over with every step he takes. Upon his arrival, the air is filled with the smell of something burned. Yoriichi tries to sit up in order to help him, but something keeps pushing him down. When he takes a closer look at his side, he notices (y/n) lying on the uninjured side of his body. Her hands clench the side of his yukata. She's nuzzled into his side and there is a dried crust of tears beneath her eyes. Suddenly, Yoriichi's heart feels heavy.
(Y/s/n) pulls on his sleeve to get his attention. When he turns to the boy again, (y/s/n) tries to give him one of the glasses. Some drops of juice land on the blanket with which Yoriichi is covered. Yoriichi awkwardly sits up, trying not to wake (y/n). He thanks (y/s/n) and takes a sip of the juice. It's awful. It's way too sour and some kernels still swim around in the glass. "Did you make it yourself?", Yoriichi asks the boy hoarsely. The boy nods enthusiastically in response. "It's very good, thank you.", Yoriichi tells him. (Y/s/n) gives him a proud smile. (Y/n) stirs at Yoriichi's side. (Y/s/n) quickly shushes Yoriichi and climbs over to his mother. He pulls the blanket over her shoulder and pats her hair. Yoriichi can see that the child is worried about his mother. After a few seconds, Yoriichi asks him: "Did she cry because of me?". (Y/s/n) stares at him for a second or two and then nods. Yoriichi has to look away from (y/s/n)'s blank stare. Suddenly, he hears the tapping of (y/s/n)'s bare feet on the floor and then the boy crashes into Yoriichi's lap. The boy grips onto the blanket and hides his face into Yoriichi's chest. Yoriichi can't help but gently stroke his hair.
"What a fool I am.", Yoriichi thinks, "I wasn't careful enough. I got hurt and my family had to cry because of it. They deserve better. I should be ashamed.". Lost in his own thoughts, he doesn't notice how (y/n) wakes up. "Yoriichi!!", her voice suddenly reaches his ear. When he looks up, he sees her hovering next to his face. Her hair is disheveled and there are imprints of his yukata on the side of her face. "Are you fine? Are you in pain?", (y/n) starts to ramble. "I'm sorry.", is all that Yoriichi manages to say. (Y/n) stares at him for a second. Then, tears start to well in her eyes. "Oh, Yoriichi! You silly man...", she weakly says before crushing into his arms. (Y/n) wraps one arm around Yoriichi and (y/s/n). She sinks her other hand into Yoriichi's hair and pulls him close so that her nose touches his neck. She breathes in deeply and feels Yoriichi hug them back.
They stay for this for a while. While Yoriichi still feels guilty for worrying (y/n) and (y/s/n), he also feels warm. He hasn't felt like this in a long time and he's not ready yet to let go of them.
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yanderepuck · 9 months
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It is your first winter in 19th century Paris and it's snowing! You bundle up, getting thick leggings on, and the warmest coat you have. You grab gloves and a scarf, and while putting on your hat you hurry outside to the garden.
You walk around the flowers. How has Vlad managed to keep flowers alive even in this winter? What kind of magic gardener is he?
While walking around the back of the castle you spot Charles and get an idea.
Giggling to yourself you pick up snow to form a snowball. Once you have it loosely packed you get a little closer and throw it at his back.
He jumps and you laugh. "Gotcha!" You start to make another snowball.
"What was that?" He tried to look around at his feet to see what you threw but sees nothing.
"It was a snowball, silly," you smile, holding another one in your hand.
"A snowball?" He looks at your hands.
"See?" You hold it out to show him. "Don't you want to have a snowball fight~"
Now he looks confused.
"Don't tell me that you never had a snowball fight when you were youn-" then you remembered that other kids wouldn't play with him when he was little. He didn't get to have normal childhood experiences. "Here," you get closer to place the snowball in his hand and take a few steps back.
"Throw it at me!" You spread your arms wide, making yourself a big target.
"Won't it hurt?" You shake your head. Charles looks down at it then at you. He hesitates but finally throws it.
It hits you right in the chest and falls apart, falling to the ground. You laugh and immediately start to make another snowball. Charles watches you before bending over to make one of his own. As he starts to stand you hit him with another one. He laughed this time and throws his at you.
You two run around the snow covered garden making snowballs and throwing them at each other. You go to throw another one but when you turn around Charles is right behind you. He puts his arms around you and pulls you close.
"I got you!" then gives you a kiss. You giggle, dropping the snowball and kissing him back.
You both decide to go back inside to warm up. Going to the kitchen Charles makes the two of you a cup of hot chocolate.
"I used to have snowball fights all the time when I was little. Every first big snowfall all the kids would go out and form teams and throw snow at each other," you smile as you recall the memory.
"I never got the chance to play in the snow," Charles sips his drink, sitting next to you on the couch of the living room.
You snuggle up next to him as you sip from your mug. "Not even with the kids in town?" He shakes his head. Either he had never seen them playing, or they don't come out much when there is a lot of snow. "It's so much fun!"
Charles puts his free arm around your waist to keep you close. He looks at the fire that is in front of you. "It was fun," he smiles. "Really cold though."
"The best part is coming back inside and sitting next to the fire with a cup of hot chocolate," you look up at him, giving him a big smile. He gives you a kiss and hums.
"Maybe we can get Docture and Viovide to join us next time," he sounds so excited to play like that again.
You caught softly and rest your head in his shoulder. "Good luck convincing them of that "
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yappingespurr · 1 month
Who is Alyssa?
Wonderful question I thought nobody would ever ask! I did. I asked
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Alyssa Drache is Cassahn’s guardian and older sister
She’s gentle, almost grandma-like in her mannerisms. The type that would bake you cookies if she knew you’d be visiting, or would have a gift and blankets ready for your arrival. The kind that would listen to your worries without a single judgement.
She’s a WHM and BRD. Not a big variety, but she isn’t a fighter. She prefers to stay in the back to protect others. She only picked up BRD as a way to protect her house believe it or not.
However, she’s an avid gatherer and craftswoman. Her personal cup of tea is a botanist, but you’ll always find her in her kitchen making something delicious to eat. Sometimes it’s freshly made bread.. yum.
She always works with her hands, always trying to create. Especially in the arts. If you can’t find her at her house she’ll be found at Mih Khetto’s Amphitheater singing for the children. A daily babysitter for those little menaces, a break for their guardians. She tries to teach them manners, and this group of kids would kill for their teacher… Especially her brother Cass.
If she asks the children to behave for the day, they will. Perhaps it’s her gentle nature that the kids want to protect. Either way, the Wood Wailers don’t worry as much about them anymore… Sometimes. Occasionally Alyssa would get sick and the children would become menaces to society for the few days she is gone. Gods forbid a certain Viera was in town. Didn’t he teach them how to pick-pocket? Who knows..
Speaking on that Viera, Alyssa is known to help out orphans around Gridania and the rest of Eorzea. When she makes food she often makes “too much” and hands out plates to any straggling adventurers or families in need. She’s a generous woman.
Ah right, the Viera. She keeps the man out of trouble…… More like keeps him alive. Irrelevant. Her and Miounne(Her best friend btw, they have tea together) talk about him often, he’s quite the topic for the Au Ra honestly. Miounne would think the girl is starting to like him. How interesting.
How interesting indeed. Turns out the two had a mutua—
Sorry. A different post.
Alyssa isn’t that tall, quite the small dragon. It’s hard for her to reach heights the average citizen could get to. Even the Elezens would get her a ladder or step stool if she needed it. She’s often soft-spoken about such matters though. Gods knows how embarrassed she gets standing next to everyone in Ishgard.
As stated, she’s a gardener. She prefers to wear more of a cottagecore-like outfit. Loose clothes that cover most of her body. Jackets to help warm her up. Cute but practical shoes. She has her fighting clothing of course, but at home she just wishes to be comfortable. She gets dirty out in the field so it’s easier even if the clothes stain.
Now then, her and her younger brother. She is quite protective over him. She knows he gets into a lot of trouble and can be quite mean. However, she also knows he still has a heart. He’s youn—
“She’s dead. Stop talking about her.”
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“…I wonder if he misses me too?”
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cutecherrygirl · 1 year
Minho imagine
Cat snuggles + Minho cuddles
Warnings: fluff, Minhos cats, cuddles, slightly suggestive
Srmary: Minho and you have been dating for long time but he never got a chance to Introduce you to his beloved cats and so today ist that day.
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There was a small problem. Well maybe not so small. Well, Minho had invited you over to meet his cats for the first time. You two had been dating for a year now and he thought it was about time . The cats were at his parents house, and sense they had already met you, they were out of town for a week. Now the problem was that they absolutely loved you.
Ever since you walked in and Minho introduced you to Soongi, Dori and Doongi they have been all over you. Now technically that was a good thing, but he also invited you over so you two can spend some time together. You were going to order Pizza and have some Ice cream afterwards, but as he glanced over to the living room he saw the girl he adored more than anything...playing with his cats.
As much as he loved being in Stray kids, it meant that you two couldn't be with each other as much as you wanted to. He also couldn't be with you out in public. He has snuck you into his dorm before and all the guys know you, but who could really blame him for wanting you all to himself.
Now the only thing standing, well technically lying, in his way were hia fur babies.
As he stood, with his elbows resting on the kitchen counter, he looked over at the couch. You had dozed off, with Soongi on your lap, Doongi on your chest, and Dori in between them ( I WANT). He felt a strange feeling of jealousy...for his cats.
You haven't kissed, hugged or cuddles him since you walked through the door. To be completely honest, he was tired of it. So he started plotting a way to get his girlfriend away from his cats. After few minutes of deliberating of what he should do, he finally got an idea.
He stalked his way over to you, his socks sliding over the floor. Once he gpt to the couch he gently sat down and pulled the cats off you. It took some effort and he may or may not have been left with few scratches on his hand. Once at your side he took a deep breath. "This is the only way.." he whispered with a sly smirk on his face.
He pressed his lips on yours gently and looked at you lovingly. When he realized that won't wake you up he decided to let his Cat side slide in and gently licked your cheek.
It was warm...and slightly wet!? You weren't sure what it was, and as you slowly opened your eyes you saw the culprit. Minho was sitting next to you, stating into your now open eyes. " Hello my Cheshire cat" you smirked at him.
"Hey kitten ~" A blush krept up on ur cheeks at the nickname. He moved forward nuzzled his face into your neck "I want some love too" he whined. A smile moved to your lips.
"Aww baby, are you jealous?" He sat up and looked at you longingly. His eyes piercing your soul.
"Maybe..." You laughed and opened your arms for hug, cause lets ne honest, theres nothing better than a Minho hug. Well, almost anything.
Instead of hugging you, he brought his hand to your cheek, "Y/N..I love you" you looked at him lovingly, your eyes traveling to his lips. He was looking at you too.
"Can I kiss you? " Youn smiled, no matter how many times you kissed, he always asked if you were okay with it. He wasn't nervous, he just didnt wanted to make you uncomfortable. You nodded.
He titled your head up slightly and brought his lips over to yours, his hands traveled to your waist pulling you even closer and your hand shifted to his neck. He ran his tongue slowly along your bottom lip asking, and you granted his request happily. His to tongue slipped into your mouth, the feeling of his tongue on yours never chased to amaze you.
You played with his hair at the base of his neck, and gave it a light tug. A deep growl came from Minhos throat, then you felt him smirk against your lips. Gently, he bit your bottom lip causing you to moan in return.
Eventually, you both needed to breath and you pulled away, "I love you too Minho~" you looked up at him smiling, "now come here." You opened your arms and Minho moved forward. Your arms wrapped around him, keeping him close. He nuzzled his face into your neck, occasionally kissing it lightly. He traveled upwards, planting small kisses along your jawline, chin and then back down to your neck.
"I dont think ill ever let my cats near you again," he mumbled. You kissed the top of his head and chuckled softly. The two of you stayed like that for awhile. Eventually, you both fell asleep.
A few hours later, you had reluctantly woken up to the sound of the front door closing. Your boyfriend, however wasn't there. With a sight you yawned and stretched your arms. Once you sat up you looked around. Just as you turned towards the door way, Minho walked in.
He was carrying boxes and a small bag. "Did I wake you? Im sorry." You smiled and shook your head.
Dont worry babe, what you git there?" You walked over to your boyfriend and kisses his cheek.
"Well..I didn't really feel like cooking so I went and pick up some pizza. And to make our plans for this evening come true I also bought some ice cream (whats your favourite Ice cream flavour?) And I've got some Cherries." Your eyes lit up with joy, Minho smiled at you " well sense its getting late, why dont yiu stay here for tonight?" He smirked playfully.
Well only if we can cuddle up on the couch and watch frozen" Minho nodded happily and placed the pizza boxes on the counter. He then suddenly picked you up and hugged you.
"I missed you so much, you know that? " You giggled softly before showering his face with soft kisses as you held into him.
"Ive missed you too baby " He smiled and pecked your lips as he sat you both on the couch and prepare the pizza and put ice scream into bowls. Then he turned the move on. You both shared each others ice cream and pizza. You had so much fun together and laughed at Olaf scenes, Minho didnt hesitate to sing Elsa song and bless your ears 🤭.
The cats had managed to get back on the couch, this time with the both of you. Thats where you remained until the next day.
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k-star-holic · 1 year
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What's in You's Kitchen, and what's not in Seo-jin?
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whistlebell · 1 year
Encanto Mod List 🪄
Hello everyone! 👋
I did my best to compile all the mods, but I used so much that I'm pretty sure I may have left out a few. Sorry! Let me know what I've missed, and I'll do my best to find the source and add it to the list!
Please note that I own/have made none of these mods. All credits go to the incredible authors and mod makers from Nexus and Naver behind these beautiful mods and retextures!
Script Font, Kitsch Interface, Love of Cooking UI Recolor
Delloti's Flower Retexture, Medieval DNT, OnOff Map Retexture, Seasonal Fences, Seasonal Floorings, Stardew Foliage Redone, Yatho Lee Meteorite, Zenith Farm, Lumisteria Short Flowery Grass, StarDust's Maps Retexture, Better Resources, DaisyNiko's Tilesheets
Overgrown Fairy Buildings, More Overgrown Fairy Buildings, Rocky Junimo Hut, Romantic Greenhouse, Statues as Obelisks, Tanga Forest Gold Clock, v1.4 misc recolour, Fish Ponds by Gweniaczek, Flowery Bin, Glass Jar Mailbox, Medieval Tractor Garage, Hot Air Balloon Retexture
Mi's and eemie's Butterflies, Cuter portrait for MrGinger, Mermaid Replaces Mariner, Cuter Fatter Goats, Solip's Coop Animals, Altaria Horse Replacer, Aquarium Fish Retexture, Pet Hamster Retexture
Zyr's Multipurpose Shed, Cozy Farmhouse Kitchen, Lnh's Barn, Lnh's Coop, Lnh's New Slime Hutch, Ria's Third Farmhouse, Rustic Country Town Interior, Shed is Cafe, Spacious Greenhouse,Yet Another Wallpaper Mod
Yellog's Furniture, Gwen's Medieval Craftables, Modern Floor Lights, Cosy Cafe, Shyzie's String Lights, Greenhouse Furniture, Shyzie's Rugs, Cookie Run Kingdom Lightning Rod,Flower Power Furniture, Ornamental Garden Furniture, Cookie Run Kingdom Ostrich,Who's Happy New Year Furniture, Industrial Furniture Set, Outdoor Decorations (swings, fountains, etc.), Cookie Run Kingdom Furniture, Cookie Run Kingdom Crops, Cookie Run Kingdom Craftables
Better Artisan Goods, Better Crops and Foraging, Better Fishing and Beach Foraging, Better Gems and Minerals, Better Rings, Lux Food Mod, Museum Artifacts Reimagined, MSaturn Floaties, Sprogs Floral Tappers, Aesthetic Garbage
Luo Li's top and skirt26, Do Eun's Female Body, Animals and Mythological Creatures Stuff, H Youn's Hair, Beommung's 140 tops pack, Geulhwa's sleeves, Rago's loose fit sleeve, Rago's overfit sleeve, Jjolipong's Closet
Alex Portrait, Alex Sprite, Adorable Kid Portraits, Toddlers like Parents, Seasonal Aideen Portraits
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inbrightshadows · 1 year
*shoves part 3 of tiny turtle baby Casey Jr out from under my rock*
Inspired by Cass Apocalyptic Series by somerandomdudelamo
go here for part 1, here for part 2
“We’re not feeding him worms!” Mikey yells with an outrage is so thick he could bottle it up and sell it as a seasoning.
Donnie throws his hands up. “Mikey the internet literally says that’s what we’re supposed to feed him!” He gives his phone a vigorous shake, just to drive the point home.
Leo grabs the arm with the phone and drags it down to his level. He flicks through the screen for a second, ignoring Donnie’s eye rolling and general huffiness.
“It also says we can feed him fish and small shrimp. Or fruits and veggies if he’ll eat them.” “I’ve got strawberries and grilled mackerel.” “Raph can help cut it up small for him.” Raph sets the Casey Jr containment mug down on the counter. Donnie glares at it, muttering darkly, but relents at Leo’s look. “Ugh. Fine. You’re probably depriving him of vital nutrients but whatever, just ignore Donnie- hey! Wait, those are my strawberries!”
Mikey turns away from the counter to shake a strawberry at Donnie. “One: you turned him into a baby turtle, Two: he’s tiny so he can probably only eat one anyway, and three: you turned him into a baby turtle!” “Uggggghhh fiiiiinnne.”
Raph peacefully takes a knife to a small piece of grilled mackerel while Leo… 'supervises.'
“You remembered to de-bone the fish right?” Leo stares at the little pieces of fish on Raph’s cutting board, hunting for any sign of a dangerous shard. “It came without bones, Leo,” Raph says with all the patience of an older brother utterly done with his little brother’s nonsense. “Cool cool cool, but you checked that they didn’t miss any little ones, right? Sometimes they don’t get them all.” “I checked,” he sing songs through gritted teeth. “Ok but you’re super sure, right? I mean. Not that you would have missed that but, like, he’s just so tiny-” “Leo I swear-”
There’s a thud of someone barging into the lair immediately followed by a voice that has every turtle in the vicinity- except the one confined to a mug- freezing.
“Casey Junior!” the elder Donatello yells through the lair. Panicked looks fly between the brothers. Casey Jr chirps a greeting. Donnie slams a hand over the top of the mug to muffle it.
“He’s back early!” Leo hisses, whipping towards the entrance to the kitchen. “Well gentlemen- and Leo- it’s been an honor. I’ll tell Gram-gram everyone says hi.” “What do we do what do we do?” Mikey leaps up and clings to Raph, who clings back.
“Casey Junior?” the elder Donatello calls again, confusion and a bit of concern creeping in. His footsteps come closer. Donnie, looking like he’s two seconds from leaping onto the ceiling, shoves Casey Jr’s mug in a cupboard.
“What are you doing?” Raph hisses. “What does it look like? I’m prolonging my inevitable demise! Now get away from the scene of the crime.” Donnie says, shoving his brothers toward the door. “Wait- Donnie! You can’t just shove a baby in a cupboard and leave!”  “He’s fine! He’s in a mug!” “That doesn’t make it better!” “Well it will have to do, I can’t just leave evidence lying around!” “He’s not evidence he’s a baby!” “I baby-ified slash mutated his nephew! He’s going to murder me. Which I know because he is me and if someone did that to my family I would murder them.”
Leo scrambles after them, visibly torn about leaving a baby- mug confined or not- in a cupboard.
“Aw, you do love us…” Mikey coos. “You know I love you guys. I’ve literally told all of you that before!” “Yeah but it’s nice to hear it!” “Awwww Don-don,” Leo coos, the opportunity to menace his twin an instant distraction, “Would you avenge me if I got murdered?” “No,” Donnie lies, “If anything I’m more likely to be the one doing the murdering.” “Would you avenge Raph?” Raph asks, pouting. Donnie reaches out and pats his arm. “They would be dead before you started rigor mortis.” “Awwwww-”
Ahead of them, someone clears their throat. The young turtles freeze.
“As touching as it is to watch you all swear vengeance for each other I seem to be missing a nephew.” Donatello the elder leans against the entrance to the lair, eyebrow raised. Only the fact that he hasn’t bothered to take his hat and coat off betrays his worry.
Donnie shrinks back behind Raph’s shell.
“Uhhh… We…” Raph’s eyes dart to each of his brothers but finds no help there. Especially not from Donnie, who is busy pretending he’s not there.  “We… haven’t seen him?” Raph says at the same time as Mikey squeaks out “He went out?”
Donatello frowns. Mikey’s head slowly sinks down deeper into his shell until only his eyes stick out. Leo, certified best liar of the turtles, steps in for damage control.
“He went out for groceries, he was worried since we were getting low.” Leo opts for a casual lean against Raph’s arm. He flips his hand and shrugs in a little ‘what can you do,’ motion. Donatello squints at the three of them and then eyes Donnie carefully peeking over Raph’s shoulder. Donnie freezes and slowly sinks back down. Silence settles around them, every second adding another pound of pressure.
“… Right. Casey Jr, who is notably very uncomfortable venturing to the surface on his own, went out to get groceries. Alone.” Donatello steps past them.
“Yeah I mean, just a couple things? A little literal milk run to get his feet wet, y’know? Gotta fight the fear and all that.” Leo turns and follows him, his brothers trailing after him. Over Raph’s shoulder Donnie makes several alarmed motions. Leo raises an eye bridge at him. Donnie points violently toward where Donatello is walking toward-
Walking toward the kitchen.
“Ahhh y’know, why don’t we all go to the living room?” Donatello turns and raises an eyebrow at Leo, a flat frown on his face. “…Why don’t you want me going in the kitchen?”
“Whaaaaat? Who said anything about keeping you out of the kitchen. You’re a big, strong, independent turtle and you can go wherever you want. I just thought, y’know, the living room might be… more comfortable. For your old man bones.” Leo gives Donatello his best grin. Donatello returns it with a flat stare.
“Suuurrre. We can go to the living room.” “Really!?” Mikey exclaims, halfway to drooping in relief. “Yeah. Once I get coffee. From the kitchen that you’re totally fine with me walking into.”
Leo’s brothers exchange nervous looks. Leo is not so easily broken. He’s kept secrets from his twin before. How much harder can lying to an adult Donatello possibly be?
[part 4]
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Just a drabble.
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The living room of your small apartment was a radiant summery orange as the sun poked its way up above the clouds. The long windows that looked down upon the cityscape below refracted said light, and prism colors started to dance around the room and bend against the many many picture frames of you and your family with Hoseok. A smiling boy and girl positioned between the two of you in a round frame was the focal point of the mantle piece; the rest of the house being full of sillier photos of the people you'd come to love so much.
Hoseok could be heard from the girl's room, a grumble of complaints coming from the doorframe. Your youngest always hated waking up this early to get ready for school. Hoseok had a way of going about it though, where he would bribe her with the delicious cereal bars so loved oh so much and would promise to make her bacon on Wednesdays since he didn't have to be into the office for another few hours. This was what reluctantly got her out of bed and had her sauntering towards the kitchen without paying attention to the time at all. He would put pigtails in her hair so the whole apartment would smell like the apple detangler that she loved so much. Once she got to school, however, she never wanted to leave. Unlike you, your daughter loved math and science and would spend all her recess time reading books about space under the branches of a nearby tree while the rest of the students played. Hoseok was quite proud to hear how studious she was when the two of you had gone for a parent-teacher conference a couple of weeks prior.
Your boy was now twelve, so he was usually able to get up on his own. He definitely developed his own fashion sense through stealing his parents' clothes, which you found to be quite adorable considering most kids that age usually just go to school in graphic tees. He has dreams of being a fashion designer, so the two of you had gone out and bought many sketchpads and designer books with the models preprinted onto the pages. It was important to both you and Hoseok that your children's interests were never taken for granted, and that you were able to provide support wherever that may be. So when your son came home with painted nails and drawings all over his arms, the two of you knew he would have his mother's creative and artsy side. You loved the varying differences in your children's personalities.
Hoseok then ran into the room holding up your daughter as though she were a fighter plane and made silly noises as he flew her about and into the kitchen, her giggles following shortly after. Your son hustled his way out of the hallway frantically trying to collect his schoolbooks while he rubbed at the eyeliner he put under his eyes. He gave you a look which read "uh can you help?" But with kindness and urgency, as your kids gave you and Hoseok the utmost respect.
It was times like these where you felt the strongest wave of emotion. Mornings with your family were never going to not be important to you; especially after not having that as a child. Suddenly you were back to the dining room from the farmhouse twenty years prior, sitting all alone in the dark and spoon-feeding yourself the stale cereal as you waited for the right time to wake up your siblings and tell them to get ready for the bus. There was a crack in the table, as there were many imperfections in the house, and you would rub your finger over the sharp edge which threatened to leave a mark if you pushed against it too roughly. The wallpaper was falling off the ceiling and you wondered if the house felt the same way you did; pretty on the outside, but deteriorating in regard to the parts the public never saw. It was a burning house and you were burning with it.
You vowed long ago to never let yourself set your new family on fire like your father had.
In a way, it was you rekindling the relationship you had with younger you; a parent sitting at the table with a child who'd presumed she'd been forgotten even though you weren't there physically. She would always feel like someone was watching over her, and you hoped she knew it was herself. You wished you could go back and tell her that the things her father said to her weren't true. That she was worthy of love. That she did belong somewhere. That she wasn't a failure. That she'll make it out of this situation alive and that she'd go through trial and error with people whom she'll love wholeheartedly but will never love her until she gets the family of her dreams with a man who's nothing like the one in her old household.
So when your son came up to you and said "mom, I really really love art," you knew your reply would always be "I'm so proud of you for your drawings, let's hang them up on the fridge" because the man in your house had forgetfully thrown them away amongst his other papers.
When your daughter said she was feeling lonesome, your first reaction would be to console her and tell her that there is so much life to live and there are some parts she'll have to face alone, but never fully. That she'll always kindle people's hearts with her kindness and her love for life, a contrast from the man who told you that it was because you were unlovable.
When your husband made your kids those sandwiches they loved so much and spent a long time cutting them up into stars just to see a smile on their faces, a part of that kindness went to the you who never got it. When your husband insisted on taking trips as a family somewhere where everyone would love and would spend an hour playing with the kids on the playground, the you from before found some happiness. When your son was jamming out to music, Hoseok would be the first to walk into the room and offer to dance with him. When your daughter got older and expressed her concerns with her weight, Hoseok would be the one to hold her and tell her she's beautiful regardless of physical appearance.
When your son goes through his first heartbreak, your husband would be the first to tell him about how he'll love a lot of people in his life and not all of them will be good, but he will be good because he is a lover. When your daughter has her first anxiety attack, your husband will be the first to make her tea and offer the chance to watch a movie which will eventually become her favorite because she associates it with a good memory.
Last night he took a lamp off the living room table and placed it in the middle of the floor. He moved the furniture around to make more space and then emptied out cans of paint into the roller container and painted the living room while dancing with his kids whom you both adored so much.
And when your kids go off to college, Hoseok will be the first one to cry and give a hug and try to convince them to go out to lunch one more time as a family just to spend every moment he has with them before he can't see them everyday. And your son/daughter will smile and say they can't because there's just oh so much to unpack and he'll understand and cry to the songs he remembers playing that night they all danced in the living room together and will set his phone wallpaper to a picture of them.
And even though the kids are still small and the years have yet to go by, there's not a day you regret loving and giving your heart to people. Because even though you gave it out to the wrong person a few times, there was never a time you would say you regretted it because the thing you know best about yourself is your capacity to love. Boundlessly and endlessly.
And Hoseok wasn't there for all of it, but he'd be there for the rest of it and that was good enough for you. Because in a way, he was always there. When you had those nights with your father where you couldn't walk into school the next day without falling asleep. Where home life got so rough you'd find yourself silently crying in the school bathroom. When looking at yourself in the mirror became too difficult of a task so you'd have to shower with the lights off. When everything was too much, but you envisioned having a family of your own one day and someone who'd love you the way you'd loved everyone else. And you got it.
And he was currently feeding your eight year old bacon and looking at you with the most adoration you've ever seen a human being muster.
For once, everything was okay.
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enden-k · 1 year
-> Sees Youn uploaded something -> Goes to kitchen -> Makes iced coffee -> Cleans room -> Comes back to enjoy art with the respect it deserves
aksbckjasbcjk ?! 😳 hope it went well with your iced coffee ahahhshj
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Devil in Disguise... Part 29/?
Lee Bodecker x reader
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<Part 28<
Warnings: 18+ readers only, swearing, implied murder, death, house fire, naked, office sex, unprotected sex, choking, gagging, spanking
Lee smirked proudly to himself as he listened to you explain your masterplan  whilst you sat in his lap at the kitchen table. "Damn, Sugar, should I be worried? How'd y'know know all this?" He asked looking up at you, his large hand stroking the soft skin under your skirt.
You bit your bottom lip as you played with his shirt collar, shrugging your shoulders. "I like to read crime books." You smiled.
Lee raised his eyebrow at you, "Ain't youn' girls s'posed to read romance books n' fairytales?"
You rolled your eyes, "If I was five, maybe, but I ain't." You huffed.
"Okay, darlin', I ain't mean nothin' by it." He smiled as he reached up and stroked your cheek, "I was just curious about why my sweet little sugar was such a mastermind?" He chuckled softly making you blush.
You shrugged bashfully, "I can't help it," You smirked at him, "Besides, it's your fault."
Lee's eyebrows raised, "My fault? What I do?"
You giggled, "I only read crime books so I understand your work." You admitted with a blush.
Lee's lips stretched into a wide grin as he pinched your chin between his thumb and index finger. "I love you, Sugar."
Lee shut the door of his cruiser before he began to make his way towards the still smoking house. He frowned and looked around the scene before he looked at the deputy in charge.
"Wha'cha know, deputy?" He asked, his hands on his hips.
"The neighbour, Mrs Blair, said she was woken up at one this morning by a strange sound coming from next door. When she looked out the window, she saw that the house was on fire. By the time the fire department arrived, the house was pretty much engulfed. They only just got it out not that long ago." The young deputy gulped. "And that's not all, sir. They found a body."
Lee let out a heavy sigh, "Shit."
The deputy nodded, "Sir, a neighbour across the street... Hmm, said that... Hmm, that-"
"Spit it out, deputy." Lee glared at him.
"He saw you leavin' the house just before half ten last night." He frowned.
Lee nodded, "Of course he did, Deputy. I dropped, Mrs Riley, home last night. I was down at the bar with my girl's grandpa n', Mrs Riley, was there, drunk as a skunk n' causin' problems." Lee frowned, noticing the deputy's lack of eye contact. "What is it, deputy? Don't believe me?"
The young deputy shook his head looking panicked, "Of course I do, Sheriff... I just, thought, after all the trouble she's put you through since her son passed, I thought you would just have, thrown her in the cells or something?"
Lee let out a short chuckle, "Son, I ain't gonna punish a woman grievin' for her son n' looking for someone to blame. She needed someone to help her n' as Sheriff, I have a duty to protect." Lee nodded looking down to the floor briefly, taking a deep breath, "How do they think the fire started?"
The deputy sighed, "She was laid on the sofa, sir. Looks like the fire started in the same place, so most likely she was smoking and fell asleep."
Lee reached up and took his hat off, pushing his hair back before replacing his hat.
"God damn..." His brow creased as he looked back at the burnt home. "Alright, deputy, I'll leave you to it. Keep me updated." Lee tipped his hat to the deputy before heading back to his cruiser, a smirk threatening to curl at his lips.
Of course Mrs Riley's neighbor saw him, Lee wanted it that way. He wanted people to see him being the good Sheriff, helping a drunken grieving mother into her home safely. How was Lee to know when he left Mrs Riley she'd light a cigarette and fall asleep on the sofa with it where she'd knocked over a bottle of liquor, the perfect fuel for a house fire?
"Come in!" Lee shouted out to whoever was knocking on his office door. Lee looked up and began grinning as you opened the door. "Baby girl, wha'cha doin' 'ere?" He asked as he walked round his desk.
He leaned down and pressed a kiss to your lips as he pushed the door closed and locked it before pulling the blinds shut to give the two of you some privacy.
"I heard the news." You placed your hands on his chest, "I wanted to make sure you were okay?"
Lee nodded as he slipped his arms around your waist. "M'fine, Sugar." He smiled, "No need for ya' to come down 'ere."
You began smirking as you trailed your fingers across his firm chest. "Actually, I have another reason for comin' down 'ere."
Lee's brow furrowed, "You do?"
You hummed and stepped out of Lee's arms smirking and walked over to his desk. "What do you think of my coat?" You asked him, holding your arms out.
Lee looked you up and down with a frown. He shrugged. "Ain't it a little warm to be wearing a rain coat, Sugar?"
You bit your bottom lip and wrapped your hands around the belt of your trench coat. "You're right, Sheriff, it is." You untied it and pulled the material off your body, letting it fall to the ground around your feet. "Much better."
You let out a playful giggle as Lee stared at your naked body, lust filling his eyes and his cock hardening in his pants. He stared at your chest, watching your nipples harden from the cool air.
Lee gulped and ran his tongue over his bottom lip. "What's this?" He asked with a smirk.
You rolled your eyes playfully, "I know you've been thinkin' 'bout fuckin' me in your office with just this on." You held your left hand up to show your engagement ring. "What better time than now?" You grinned at him.
Lee let out a low growl and closed the gap between you, crashing his lips against yours as his large hands grabbed your waist, pulling you close.
He pulled back with a grin and quickly swiped the contents of his desk to the side. "Bend over, darlin'." He spun you around delivering a harsh slap to your backside making you yelp.
You bent over his desk with your heels still on, your ass in the air and gave it a wiggle. "This how you want me, Sheriff?" You smirked at him over your shoulder.
"Left leg up." He ordered as he unbuckled his belt and pushed down his pants enough to free his cock. He wrapped his hand around his cock as you did as he said. "Good girl," He smirked to himself as he reached down and ran his knuckles through your folds. "Fuck, Sugar, already so wet for me."
You let out a little whimper, "Please, Sheriff," You tried to push yourself closer to Lee's fingers.
Lee chuckled softly, "Don't worry, Sugar, I'll give ya' what you need."
Lee placed his left hand on your waist as he took a hold of his cock and lined the bulbous head against your wet core before he began to fill you.
"Relax, sweetheart," Lee slowly pulled back as he ran his hand over the small of your back soothingly. "Good girl." He whispered as he pushed back inside you with ease. "Fuck," Lee moaned as he bottomed out.
You curled your fingers around the edge of the desk. "Please, Sheriff... More." You begged softly.
Lee smirked, "Such a desperate little whore." He slapped his large hand against your packside before he reached forwards and grabbed a hold of your left wrist and pulled your arm behind your back. "Don't worry, Sugar, I'll fuck ya' just how you want."
You let out a deep groan as Lee quickly pulled out and pushed back as he held your left arm behind your back. As Lee fucked into you, his eyes were fixed on your engagement ring as it sparkled. A sense of pride filled his chest and made him move with more force.
He slipped his arm under your leg and held your wrist as he leaned over you. You let out a low moan as you felt Lee's tummy press against your back, your cunt squeezing around him. He reached round and wrapped his right hand around your throat lightly so he could raise your face from his desk, crashing his lips against yours in a needy, sloppy kiss. His tongue forcing its way into your mouth as you moaned deeply.
Items on Lee's desk began to rattle and fall onto the floor as the desk began to shake fiercely.
"Fuck, Sugar," He smirked against your lips, "Yer pussy was made for me."
You cried out, "Yes!" You groaned deeply as Lee touched that spot. "Oh, God,"
"Shh," Lee moved his hand up and forced two of his fingers inside your mouth, pressing your tongue down to silence you. "We ain't want my deputies to 'ear ya' bein' a whore, do we?" He smirked as he hit that spot again that made you cry out around his fingers.
Lee didn't care who heard. You were his girl and if anyone dared say a word to bad mouth you, he'd take care of them.
"Shit!" Lee growled, your cunt squeezing his cock.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head and a muffled scream left your mouth as you felt your orgasm rip through your body.
Lee's right hand gripped your hip firmly as he hammered into, "Fuck!" He stilled and came inside of you making you moan and arch your back as you pushed yourself back onto him.
Lee removed his fingers from your mouth and replaced them with his own mouth, kissing you softly.
He pulled back from you with a soft smile. "Did I hurt ya', Sugar?" He asked and slowly began to peel himself from you.
You shook your head, your eyes tired as Lee helped you to stand on your wobbly legs. "Worth it." You mumbled, smiling to yourself.
Lee rolled his eyes with a heavy sigh. "C'mon, I'll take ya' home." He smirked at you. "Maybe I'll have lunch... Between your legs."
Tags: @hawkeyes-queen @boringandbored @lewisroscoelove @fangirlfree @am-i-rite-ladies @calimoi @wintasssoldier @gh0stgurl @chrisevanseagletattoo @hcaldwell016 @coffeebooksandfandom @buckssweetheart @adoreyouusugar @lli95s @buckysforeverprincess @povlvr @hereforthemarvelidiots @avocadotoasts-world @smash-styles @auntiegigi @smile1318
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