#Youngkyun x you
kgyeomiex · 2 years
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Pairing: Hwiyoung x reader
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: There aren’t any, at least not in this chapter.
Genre: bits of angst | Fluff
requests - open
“Many things interested her, and nothing satisfied her entirely,”
One unexpected family visit turns into one big roller coaster ride. You were supposed to come to California to visit your grandmother, but one visit turns into meeting someone you couldn’t bear to be around… The more you wanted to be away from him, the more he showed up everywhere… Was it fate? Or a coincidence?
Previous Parts: 
Part 1
Part 2~
Although you happened to recognize the boys right in front of you doesn’t mean you were a fan... The only reason you happen to know at least one of them is because your sister practically shoved her phone in your face every time, she would see a new picture of her damn husband.
“Uh... I think she’s a fan,” you heard one of them whisper to the boys and at that moment you knew you had to correct the boys right away because off the bat they assumed you were another fan. They probably assume that you were trying to look for them however you were trying to do the complete opposite.
“Oh no, I’m not,” the moment you happened to blurt that out, you looked at their faces and they went from smiling to looking at you in complete shock. Oh, did you say something wrong?
“Oh uh...” You could tell one of them was completely speechless until suddenly one of them thought it was okay to speak up.
“I know it’s none of my business but why are you here?” Well, you had no idea how to even take that question but just as you were about to answer you suddenly felt your head throb and you felt yourself feeling a bit lightheaded.
“Um... I came be-” you felt dizzier, so you tried to take a step, but you weren’t okay. You almost lost your balance but instead of falling to the ground one of the guys was quick to catch you.
“Guys I think we should take her to the hospital,” one of them said in a very deep voice.
“I’ll take her,” you had no idea what was going on; however, you weren’t okay.
“I’ll come with you, after all, I did hit her with the door,” yeah, he was the reason behind your throbbing head. The two approached you and both grabbed a hold of your arm.
“Youngbin, where are we supposed to go?” So, one of the guys that were holding on to your arm was named Youngbin?
“Take the van and head back to the hotel, Youngkyun and I will get a taxi and take her to the hospital,” Youngbin says, and you continued to stand there trying to get yourself together however you felt your head spinning... Before you knew it you suddenly felt completely nauseous, you had no idea why, but you could feel vomit slowly rising and you looked at the boys as they spoke...
And before you know... Right there you leaned forward and threw up...
The boys all pushed back except for one... One of them grabbed the back of your hair and held it for you as you continued with your business. You were surprised because that was probably the sweetest thing a guy can do however you felt like complete shit at this point.
When you finally finished vomiting, low-key embarrassed by your action you lifted yourself and the boys looked at each other, and then Youngbin spoke up.
“Yeah, we better take her now, we will see you later.”
“Well, the good news is that you do not have a concussion, you will have a mini bump, but you are okay,” your doctor says informing you and you nodded.
“But wait... If I’m okay, why did I throw up and why did I feel dizzy?” You asked the doctor and he chuckled.
“Must have been something you’ve eaten because you're throwing up wasn’t caused by the bump. The dizziness is due to a lack of hydration. I recommend drinking something that has electrolytes. I will be back and will get you an ice pack, you should probably put it on that bump of yours and you should be good to go,” you just nodded your head and then looked over at the two boys who were on your side.
To be honest you were a bit shocked to see Youngbin and Youngkyun still standing right beside you. If anything, you were expecting the boys to drop you off and go on with their business however they did not seem to do that.
You lifted yourself from the bed that you were sitting on and you looked at the boys.
“You know you two don’t have to be here right...” You said looking over at the boys who were staring at you and one smiled.
“I know, but I feel like we are responsible for you especially because my friend here almost gave you a concussion,” Youngbin says smiling and although you were a complete asshole to him, you couldn’t help but suddenly feel bad.
Youngbin wasn’t a bad guy at least that you know of and right now you decided the least thing you can do is say thank him especially because he decided to bring you here to the clinic when he didn’t have to.
“Um... Hey, thank you again for bringing me here,” before Youngbin can say anything the doctor returns with a pack of ice and hands it over to you.
As the doctor was about to talk to you, Youngbin’s phone suddenly started ringing and he was quick to excuse himself.
Youngbin’s Point of View
I told the boys to go back to the hotel, and to be honest, I wasn’t expecting any of them to call however one of them decided to call me and that’s when I knew one of them must have done something for them to suddenly call me.
“What did you guys do?” I asked the moment one of them answered the phone and it wasn’t long until I could hear Sanghyuk panicking on the other side of the phone.
“Uh, we may have a tiny problem,” I wasn’t surprised by the response. The only thing I was worried about was the problem the boys got themselves into.
Aish I should have gone with the boys back to the hotel room...
“What kind of problem are you referring to?” I instantly asked a bit scared of what Sunghyuk was about to tell me however instead of him talking I suddenly hear Jaeyoon speaking.
“Our manager is coming to our hotel room! If Youngkyun and you are not back in this room not only, will you two get in trouble but so, will we.” What on earth do I do now?
I knew I had to think of something quick. I mean I know I can easily make the boys stall the manager, however, Youngkyun and I would have to go straight to the hotel room and have no time to drop off the girl...
At this point on I have no idea what I’m planning to do but I must think of something fast before I get in trouble.
“Alright I’m on my way,” I informed the boys, and it wasn’t long until I ran off to where Youngkyun and the girl were standing awkwardly next to each other.
They looked right at me, and I didn’t know what I was planning to do but I must think of something quick.
“Uh... Do you have a specific time you have to be home?” I asked Y/N and she just stared at me confused.
“Why...” Instead of answering her, I smiled and then smiled over at Youngkyun.
Your Point of View
How on earth did your life turn out to be this way? One minute you’re forcing yourself to be a nice sister and go to a concert to a group you didn't even listen to... Then the next thing you know your sister forgets the tickets and happens to sneak in... You get abandoned basically the whole night and at the end of the show instead of finding your sister, you found your sister's idols instead with a head concussion.
Why? Just why...
“Why do I have to go with you guys to your hotel room again?” You asked Youngbin confused, he awkwardly smiled and looked over at you.
“You see our manager is heading to our hotel room and if he sees Youngkyun and I missing we will be in so much trouble...” Youngbin tries to explain and although you tried to comprehend what he was trying to say it got you thinking.
Well, if their manager gets mad at the idea of them possibly leaving the hotel room, how will they react when they see me in their hotel room?
“So... It’s bad for you to be gone from your hotel room but okay for you to bring a girl over?” You asked and Youngbin's eyes widen.
“Oh no... I was just about to ask you... Do you mind hiding?” Wow... ONE CONCERT = Almost head concussion, meeting your sister's idol, heading to their hotel, and finally PLAYING HIDE AND SEEK WITH THEIR MANAGER.
“Wow... I haven’t even met you for that long and I am already getting told to hide?” You said confused and to be honest a bit annoyed, however, they both looked over at you with pleading eyes.
Why do you have to be nice...
“Fine,” the boys cheered and before you know it you felt the car stop and you, at last, arrived at the hotel.
Just by the looks of things... Just from today, you can automatically tell that this is going to be one hell of a trip. You have a feeling that this trip won’t be like your other visits...
“Why did you bring her here with you?” One of the boys asked and all you could do was stay quiet and stand behind Youngbin and Youngkyun.
Okay first of all if it was up to you everything would have been different. You wouldn’t have gone to their dumb concert anyways. If you didn’t show up, then you wouldn’t be in this damn predicament in the damn first place.
Without even noticing you were so lost in your thoughts that you were looking right at the guy who commented.
“No offense,” you snapped back to reality and looked at him.
“None taken I guess,” you were offended but to be honest you didn’t even want to be there in the first place so who cares!
“Look, we didn’t have time to drop her off just to make it here before the manager does. So, the best thing we could do was come here and then see what we do after,” Youngbin spoke to the boys as they all continued to stare right at you.
Is there something on your face?
“She is some crazy fan doing this just to get closer to us,” one of them whispered to the boys. Did they forget you were in the room? Did they think you wouldn’t be able to hear that?
“You guys do remember I’m here, right?” You said looking at them and you noticed Youngbin hitting the one who commented on his head.
“Anyways if it makes you feel any better, I’m not a fan once again and don’t worry I don’t think I would ever be caught dead listening to your music so don’t worry about me,” you didn’t mean to be an asshole, but these boys have nothing to worry about.
All of the boys looked away and decided to keep their comments to themselves this time. That’s much better.
The boys continued to talk till they all suddenly got quiet when they heard voices outside their door. You looked at all of their facial expression and watched how they went from calm to panic in a matter of seconds.
“He’s here!” Youngkyun mouthed and they all looked at you and began to look around the room.
“Where do we hide her?” Whispered one of the boys and you watched as all of them were freaking out. By the looks of things, it must be their manager...
Instead of saying a thing you just looked around and found a room. If anything, you’ll just hide under the bed if it’s necessary, but you were pretty sure that the manager wasn’t going to look around the room for girls. Unless they’ve done something like this before.
As you departed from the boys you heard the whispering stop.
“Where did she go?” One of them suddenly asked.
“Who cares open the door,” damn who would have expected them to take so damn long. You stood and waited for the manager to be gone at last.
Youngbin’s Point of View
I have no idea where Y/N possibly went but one thing I did know is that I had to get the manager to not suspect a thing. I shouldn’t have brought Y/N back to the hotel, but this wasn’t planned.
Hopefully, everything goes smoothly, and I can return the poor girl to her home. What I still don’t seem to understand is how can she not be a fan and still show up at our concert.
My train of thought was gone when Inseong opened the door for the manager. He walked in and looked right at us.
“Glad to see you’re all here,” the manager says examining the room from up to down and even from left to right.
“Of course, why wouldn’t we be here?” Jaeyoon asks as he smiles and puts his arm around me.
“Just have to make sure you didn’t go wander off, you have to get some beauty sleep for tomorrow’s show,” just from body language I could tell the manager was suspicious.
Did he see us bring the girl?
I watched as the manager looked around one last time and then began to walk to the door. He smiles and looks at us.
“Tomorrow be ready by 8, you have rehearsal,” from that point on without anything else being said he looked at us and walked to the door.
I felt a bit guilty about lying so suddenly but what can I do?
I watched as he opened the door and before I know it, I see him step out and close the door behind him. As soon as the coast was clear the boys all breathed out and began to talk about how relieved they felt that he left.
However instead of joining the conversation, I began to wander off and look for Y/N,
Where is she?
Your Point of View
After hearing the boys convincing their manager that it was just them in the hotel suit you realized they are terrible liars. If you were the manager, you would have guessed they were lying but hey it’s none of your business.
“Where’s Y/N?” You were about to step out of the room when suddenly you heard the boys talking among themselves. You stopped walking any further.
“I don’t know but Youngbin why is she here again?” Didn’t we go over this already?
Sounds like the boys don’t seem to trust you however you can’t do much about it. Right now, all you want to do is go straight home and sleep. You weren’t planning to tell your sister about anything that has happened, and you still won’t. It’s nothing to be proud of especially since you aren’t a fan.
“I told you already that we didn’t have time to take her back home, so I brought her here,” Youngbin says and instead of letting the boy continue with their conversation, you decided to cut in and go home already.
“Alright I’m ready to go,” you said stepping out of the room and all the guys staring at you.
“Where did you hide?” Youngkyun asks you and you pointed at the room and then looked over at the rest of the boys and smiled.
“Don’t worry I didn’t steal anything if that’s what you’re wondering,” since they are so sure that you’re a crazy fan you just had to let them know you didn’t steal anything; not like they probably believe but still you thought you should let them know.
“We weren’t thinking that” Youngbin instantly blurts out and you smiled.
“Look it’s okay if you think I have bad intentions but trust me all I want to do is go home... So do you think you can tell me the address of this hotel?” You asked them to look around the room.
After that incident, you were expecting Youngbin to call you up a taxi and you could go home but nope. One thing you can say for sure is the boys are a bit extra with the situation.
They asked a favor for someone that was their translator in the concerts to borrow his car and Youngbin decided to go drop you off himself and you denied him over and over but didn’t seem like he knew what no meant.
Eventually, you had to say yes just because he kept insisting over and over however you were expecting just the two of you to be in the car, but Youngkyun and another member decided to tag along...
This seemed like a never-ending cycle, all you wanted to do is go home.
Was that too much to ask for?
“How long have you lived in California?” Youngkyun asks as you all sat in the car in complete silence.
“I don’t live here,” you have no idea why they are even bothering to spark a conversation however you weren’t all that rude.
“So, you’re on vacation?” Youngbin asks glancing over at you from the passenger seat and you nodded your head.
“Yes, my plans originally consisted of spending time with family, possibly reading, and maybe going out on adventures on my own instead here I am in a car with a group my sister adores,” you began to babble on and they all looked at you and you awkwardly looked away.
Maybe you should have kept your comments to yourself...
“So, wait, you came to the concert because your sister likes us?” Inseong asks and you nodded your head.
“Then why isn’t your sister around?” Now here comes more questions.
“It’s a long-complicated story that I don't feel like going in debt with,” you said glancing at the boys they all exchanged looks with one another and then stood quiet.
You weren’t being mean to them on purpose... You were just extremely annoyed with everything that just happened and right about now, you need sleep.
“Here we are,” you opened your eyes and looked over at the house and then back at the boys.
“Thank you,” you were planning to just thank the boys and go on, but you started to suddenly feel bad about how you treated them.
“And... I’m sorry for the way I’ve been acting. I’m sorry to complicate your visit and I hope from this moment on we don’t run into each other, so I don’t complicate your time here,” you said looking at the guys from the window and they just stared at you.
“It’s okay... Sorry about your head,” Youngbin spoke up and you smiled and nodded your head.
After this point on you didn’t want to see them again. Not because you didn’t like them but because you didn’t have intentions of begin friends or letting your sister meet them. You know how your sister gets and this is for their safety...
You backed away from the car and watched as they took one look over at you and then drove off.
Now you can go back to normal vacation and hope that you won’t have any incident like this happen again...
We all know that’s not how life works…
To Be Continued 
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all-about-kyu · 2 years
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Summary: The moment Mingyu saw you on the beach in that skimpy bikini, it was over for him. Pairing: Mingyu x fem!reader Rating: R18+ Genre: smut Tropes: spring break au Word Count: 1,525 Warnings: language Smut Warnings: public sex, body worship, breast play, unprotected sex, creampie
Chapter 1: Honey Flavored Lips ៚ WITT Masterlist ៚ Chapter 3: Patience is Key
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The last thing Mingyu wants to do right now is sit in the bungalow. He slept on the couch last night and will be for the whole week; he’s not the most pleased with the arrangement, but at least it’s a comfy sectional. He weighs his options and ultimately decides another day on the beach couldn’t hurt at all. If anything, that’ll be the most fun option without getting absolutely drunk at 2 pm in a club. The club is a half-hour drive away into the city anyway. It’s not very easy to do without a rental car. He doesn’t even bother to ask the others if they want to join him. Changmin and Hyunguu are off exploring the town and the jungle that lies just behind it. San and Jaehyun went to the nearby city earlier, and Youngkyun is likely still a recluse despite them being in a tropical location.
He leaves the house after preparing, and, of course, he lacks a shirt. Why should he wear one when he is on the beach anyway? His hair is up and out of his face, and he still wears a silver chain despite his lack of clothing on his upper half.
Luckily, the beach isn’t too busy despite the nice day. He sets up his spot and stays sat on the sand for a while. There are a few other people in his surrounding area but not too close that he feels like he’s on top of them. It’s not too hot that he feels the need to be in the water, and the wind isn’t too strong to make him feel the need to bake in the sun, either. It’s just all around a really nice day.
He notices a gorgeous girl walking up the beach and toward the beach blanket set up nearby his. Her bathing suit leaves just enough to the imagination that Mingyu wants to know more. It couldn’t hurt to at least try, right? The moment she’s settled and laying belly down on her place, Mingyu glances over. His glance must’ve been more of a look because she looks over at him and giggled quietly.
“Enjoying the view?” you ask flirtatiously.
“Is it so bad if I am?” he flirts back.
You chuckle, flipping your hair over one shoulder, “You trying to do something about it?”
Mingyu smirks, leaning back on his hands behind him. He looks up in the sky for a second, then drops his gaze back down to you. You’re giving him a rather suggestive look. It conveys very clearly to him. He returns your gaze, and it tells you all you need to know.
“There’s a private bathhouse over by those palms.” you jerk your head in the direction of the trees.
“I do need to learn the beaches a little better. Care to show me where you mean?”
You stand up, brushing a bit of dry sand off your chest and stomach. You can feel his eyes on you, and you absolutely love how easily you can get a reaction out of him. You walk over to him, swinging your hips a little extra, and stop right in front of him. You squat down, resting your butt on your heels. His eyes are transfixed on your chest, which is now basically at his eye level. You reach out a hand in his direction.
“Let me show you around then.” you ask with undertones of flirting.
He takes your hand, “Show me the way, beautiful.”
You’re pinned to the wall of the bathhouse the moment you step inside with the tall man. His lips are immediately on your throat, pulling sweet sounds from you. He has one hand holding your hip while the other is playing with your chest. Your hands find their way around his neck and up into his hair. You gently tug at the locks soliciting a quiet groan from the man. His hand travels around to your back from your chest. He pulls the string that’s holding your bikini top shut, and then you feel the release of the fabric.
“So fucking beautiful.” he sighs, “If we weren’t stuck in this stupid building, I’d spend so much time making you feel good. We don’t have a whole lot of time, though, do we?”
“We could go to yours or-”
Before you can finish your thought, he takes one of your nipples into his mouth a swirls his tongue around it. His hand that had previously been untying your top returns to your chest, playing with the breast not occupying his mouth. Your breath is stolen from your lungs, and you grip his hair just a bit tighter so as to hold onto a bit of sanity. You start to grind against him, hoping that he catches your drift and fucks you soon.
“God damn,” he moans slightly, “you okay if I fuck you raw? I didn’t bring anything with me.”
“If you don’t fuck me in the next thirty seconds, I’ll leave and find someone who will.” you threaten, though there’s no intent behind it.
Mingyu chuckles slightly, knowing there’s no true threat to your words. His lips continue to kiss paths across your body in any way he can. You snake your hands down his muscular form and into the front of his bathing suit. You feel a shot of arousal run through your body and center itself in your core, just thinking about how well he’ll fill you up. He lets out a shaky breath as you start to move your hand around his member. His hand moves away from your chest and glides across your side to tug at the strings holding the lower half of your bathing suit together. The moment one side falls loose, his fingers quickly find your clit and rub circles on it. It takes everything in you not to crumble against his body.
“You’re so wet. Bet this pretty pussy would take me so well.” he muses between a few kisses to your collarbones, “Let’s see if I’m right.”
You can’t think of anything to say. Your brain is practically mush hearing and feeling how he worships your body. You simply shove his bathing suit down as best you can to finally release him from the fabric. Within moments he’s fully inside you, and if you thought you couldn’t think straight before, now is even worse. He waits a few moments to allow you to adjust to his size. Still, he kisses any skin he can reach on your body, whispering praise between each one.
“Y-you can move; please move.” you practically moan.
“So fucking pretty, and you take me so well. Fuck, ‘m gonna start moving now, pretty girl.”
When he starts moving his hips, you swear that you see heaven. He’s hardly started, but you already have a continuous stream of moans and whimpers escaping your lips. Your back is pressed against this wall rather uncomfortably, and your hair is definitely a mess, but right now, all you can think about is how good he’s making you feel. He’s an expert with his hips, rocking them at a pace that isn’t too fast or slow. His fingers never stop drawing circles against your clit. You clench around him slightly, making him groan against the junction of your neck and shoulder.
“If you squeeze me like that, I don’t know how long I’ll last, beautiful.” he warns you.
“Can’t help it,” you breathe out, “you feel so good inside me.”
Soon enough, Mingyu’s pace becomes rougher and slightly uneven. You couldn’t care less since your high was quickly approaching. You feel like you’re on cloud nine, high off of the adrenaline of fucking a stranger in a public place. Just as you’re about to topple over the edge of an orgasm, you hear someone outside the small bathhouse. The man fucking you couldn’t seem to care less, though. You moan loudly but try your best to muffle the sound against his neck.
“Don’t hide those pretty sounds,” he tells you, “those guys out there are just my housemates; they won’t mind one bit.”
Normally, something like that would make panic swell in your belly. This time though, it makes you feel more of a rush of arousal bolt through you. Tossing your head back against the wall of the building, you let your moans fly free. The tall man warns you that he’s about to cum, and you let him know he’s more than welcome to cum inside you. When he does, it triggers your own orgasm, and he carries you through it with the continued stimulation to your clit, now combined with him toying with your nipples again. His hips slow to a stop. Both of you pant, trying to catch your breath. He chuckles slightly and rests his forehead on the wall beside yours.
“I, um, I never caught your name.” you admit.
“Mingyu,” he informs you, “that was one hell of an adventure for being strangers, huh?”
“Mmh,” you hum in agreement, “You gonna be around the rest of the week?”
“Name a time and place, gorgeous. I’ll be there.”
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COPYRIGHT STARLITMARK 2023© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED — reposting/modifying any fic, or piece of original writing posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations are not permitted.
Networks: @caratwritersclub​ @kwritersworld​ @k-vanity​ 
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lost-inthedream · 1 year
Love your sf9 stuff!
Was wondering if you could write an SF9 reaction to their s/o being horny in the middle of the night?? Thank you!
Sorry for the late answer. Thank you for requesting!
SF9 reaction to their s/o being horny in the middle of the night
Pairing: SF9 x female reader
Warnings: oral, fingering, masturbation, mentions of sex, everything in this piece happens with consent.
Bonus song rec: UFO, by Gemini ft. Seori.
smut content under the cut
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You deliberately wake him up, but with kind touches. Once he asks what the problem is, you say you need his help. "Nightmare??" he supposes pulling you closer, which obligates you to be explicit. He chuckles with a hint of malice and tells you to undress both of you then he is gonna do the job. The way he penetrates you is rather romantic at this time.
Waking him up is harder than you expected. However, the more you talk profanities into his ear as you lay very closer to him, the wetter you get. "You nasty" he finally moans back in a low tone. "Yes, I'm the nastiest!" you whine out excited. "Will you fuck yourself on my dick right now?" he asks with a jerk, knowing that this is all you want. You just need to climb on top of him.
Jaeyoon immediately smiles at your filthy approach under the sheets but he is lazy. He slowly palms you back to reach your folds. "Are you wet?" He sounds curious but also hazy. Anyways, he is pretty caring and starts pumping your hole with two fingers as soon he figures out that you are lubrificated.
This boy is easily woken up. The first complaint that reaches his ear gets him alert. "Yes, doll". When you kiss him in the mouth, he gets it right away. You won't even need to move, he blindly goes to your bottoms and removes them, you are curious to discover what's he's going for. Maybe he will eat you out, maybe he will tease your entrance with those thick fingers of his.
He wakes up so lost and confused, you have to kiss him into comprehension. Since your kiss is much dirtier than he expects in the middle of the night, he slowly understands that there's something off. He places his hand spread onto your butt cheek and massages its flesh. "Oh shit, my princess needs to be fucked back to sleep". He will do it still half-asleep and still clothed but it's perfect to have your eyelids heavy again.
Dragging him out of dreamland this late is harder than anything. He turns to the side and purrs at your approach. You are almost giving up, resigned to only sucking on his fingers when he suddenly asks if you need your pussy eaten out. "Please, my love" you cry, pulling his damp fingers out of your mouth. He clumsily slides underneath the blanket, intruding between your legs.
Yoo Taeyang:
Taeyang having a hard-on even though he is asleep is quite frequent. He often fix it without bothering you when his cock wakes him up. It goes differently when you are the one opening your eyes to your wet pussy instead. You palm him tenderly, with a pouty in your lips and kisses onto his neck. "What's it, baby girl?" he asks, feeling his member hardening into your fist. "Give it to me" you implore. Just a few more strokes and he stretches you out.
He can't do nothing but whine once you interrupt his rest so you apologize. It's embarrassing but you're still very needy. You spread your legs, intent on taking care of yourself when Youngkyun start sucking on your shoulder and covers your hand with his. He stops the circles you were making with your fingers and checks your arousal without a word. Your fluids are enough to coat his digits thus he rubs your clit with ease.
You all have established something similar to free use, hence you start touching his body as your whines fill the room. He takes a while to wake up, you humping his front with effort. At some point, he hisses a curse and grinds back on you before sliding his hand between the two of you. Just a small movement and his half-hard shaft is free for you to play with.
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slytherinshua · 9 months
genre. fluff. warnings. a little profanity and a lot of kissing. hwiyoung flirting SKDJS HELP. ME. i don't think it's suggestive at all, but...? pairing. hwiyoung x fem!reader. wc. 948. request. no. a/n. ITS INSANE HOW DELUSIONAL I AM FOR THIS MAN LIKE IT DOESNT EVEN MAKE SENSE HOLY SHIT IM SO DOWN BAD IM SCREAMING EVERY DAY BCUZ HES SO SKDFJHSKD(@#*$(???????
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You loved watching your boyfriend write songs. He liked to do things the nostalgic way— spending his time in an old car garage with a crappy sound system set up, an electric guitar and bass at his disposal. He wrote down lyrics in a little notebook. He said he got more inspiration for the song when he wasn’t staring at a computer. 
Youngkyun had already been writing for an hour before you arrived with coffee for him. Your heart raced whenever you stepped into the garage, sliding down the metal garage door after you stepped in. You had made a lot of memories with your boyfriend in this old garage. You had even spent some dates here, and participated in more than a few makeout sessions.
Youngkyun looked as stunning as always, but what you would never get tired of looking at was his long hair and bare face. There was no arguing that the mullet style suited him the most, and it drove you absolutely crazy to think about. Along with his rings, oversized t-shirt and 4 or so loose-chained bracelets on his left hand, he looked like a proper rockstar boyfriend. You slid the iced americano over to him, flashing him a smile which he mirrored.
“Thank you, baby.” He muttered, focusing back on the lyrics he was jotting down, taking a short break to sip the coffee. You sat next to him, watching him work for a few minutes before taking out your phone. You heard a frustrated groan after a while and looked up.
“Need a break from this— ‘fucking frustrating.” He mumbled, tossing the notebook onto the table. He looked over to you, grabbing your wrist to pull you over until you were sitting on his lap. You wrapped your legs around his waist, pushing some strands of his pretty hair behind his hair.
“You’ll get it eventually. You always do.” You reassured. Your hand lingered on his face, feeling his soft skin beneath your fingers. You traced his cheekbone and he sighed, closing his eyes under your touch.
“Just want a distraction for now.” He told you, leaning his head back to rest on the top of the couch. His Adam’s apple bobbed up and back down as he gulped.
“Pretty.” You whispered to yourself— ever enamoured by your pretty boyfriend and his attractive features; one of the most attractive being his neck.
His lips lifted at your comment, and he opened his eyes again to look at you, “I was the one who wanted a distraction, not the other way around.” He reminded you, teasingly smirking at the way you quickly brought your eyes back up to his face from where they had previously been focused.
“We’re both a distraction to each other. I have a shift in an hour…” You trailed off.
“And it takes 45 minutes to get there from here.” You completed.
Youngkyun laughed, “Then I have 15 more minutes to be distracted by you.” He pulled your face down to meet his, starting to kiss you slowly. He had always been a passionate kisser, sincerity and warmth shown to you every time his lips touched yours.
“Guess I’m going to be late… Again.” You breathed in between kisses. Not spending too much time talking before finding Youngkyun’s lips again— they were too addictive not to want to keep kissing. His lips always tasted like the orange lip balm he used.
“Is that a problem?” He questioned, pulling your waist closer to him. You shook your head immediately, both of you giggling at the situation. Your boyfriend sighed as you slipped your hands into his hair, the gentle movements of your fingers folding through his locks massaged the tension from his head, relaxing him further.
He kissed your lips again, always soft and gentle with you despite his evident frustration with his work. He had been shown enough many times in the past that letting out his pent up frustration through gentler actions worked the best. He just needed relaxation and attention, and you were more than happy to provide both.
He wished he could have your lips on him all day, especially when you shifted yourself to be able to kiss his neck. Your plush lips pressed short kisses to the side expanse of his neck, slowly travelling towards his Adam’s apple. Once you pressed another gentle kiss to it, you pulled your head back up, untangling yourself from your boyfriend and finally standing up. You glanced at the time on your phone and let out a laugh, slightly short of breath from all the kissing.
“10 minutes late already. Not too bad.” You grinned at Youngkyun and he scoffed. He held your hand back, stalling a little longer until you had to leave.
He gave it a gentle, loving squeeze, “Thanks for the distraction. Can I take you out for dinner after work?” He offered, staring at you with such an adoring gaze. He was so in love with you it felt like he was going crazy.
“I’ll make sure I look pretty for you, then.” You responded with a smile, “Gotta match up to you somehow.”
He frowned, “You already look absolutely gorgeous, angel. Don’t look too pretty. I’ll get a heart attack.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” You assured him, grabbing your bag and heading towards the garage door, “Love you!”
He smiled as he watched you leave, calling out that he loved you too before you shut the door behind you. He picked up his notebook again, fiddling with the pen before starting to scribble words down. Thanks to your little distraction, he had found the perfect lyrics to finish the song.
↳ sf9 taglist: @eternalgyu
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faes-land · 2 years
Day 7: Voyeurism - Hwiyoung
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Pairings: Warlock! Hwiyoung X Female Reader
Genre: SMUT
Word count: 1,392
Warnings: Spooky Voyeurism, masturbation (male and female) 
Youngkyun sighed as he sat in front of his scrying mirror. He could use any reflective surface to see, but this was the one he dedicated to his scrying. Sometimes what he saw were visions, other times it was things happening in real-time.
He wasn’t entirely sure what he was looking for tonight, but he was going to let it take him wherever he was meant to be. If he wanted to, he could will his seeing to anything he could think of. But for tonight, he didn’t have anything in mind, except for you. You were a human that he began to take a liking to. Warlocks and humans weren’t supposed to mix, but it can happen since all beings coexist. It is a slight taboo in the supernatural world, but stranger things have happened.
Youngkyun hadn’t been the traditional type, but his coven leader, Youngbin, was. He knew that if he got himself involved with a human he’d be in deep shit. He remembered the time Sanghyuk was with a human; it didn’t end well for him. Youngbin almost banished him from the coven.
There was one thing that seemed different about you that Youngkyun couldn’t put his finger on. You had an aura about you that wasn’t fully human; he just wasn’t sure if he should tell someone about you or not to help him figure it out.
He closed his eyes and thought of you, focusing on where you could be now and what you were doing. Youngkyun took in a deep breath before opening his eyes and seeing your figure show up in his mirror. At first, your image was a little fuzzy, but after he concentrated on you a bit more, you were clear as day. He smiled to himself as he watched you dance in your room; he wondered if this was in real-time or if this was going to happen. He noticed the time from the small glimpse he had of your phone; this was happening now.
You had a big T-shirt with your favorite band on it and underwear on, something Youngkyun had seen you in often. He watched you dance until you got tired, wishing he was there and having fun with you. This will have to do for now. You looked so beautiful, practically glowing as you had that euphoric look on your face from dancing to your favorite songs. This was one of the things Youngkyun had loved to watch you do; he loved seeing you enjoy yourself and being present in the moment.
It had been getting late, but Youngkyun couldn’t take his eyes off you. You hadn’t done anything for a little, just scroll on your phone and listen to slower songs on your playlist. He felt a sense of comfort as he saw you, feeling like he was laying in your bed with you and hearing those same songs. As Youngkyun watched you, he noticed a glow about you that he had only seen on other witches. He knew you were human, so why was this happening? It was faint but bright enough that he could see it. Youngkyun blinked a few times to make sure he wasn’t seeing things, but the glow was still there. Maybe he could pursue you after all.
After a few minutes, you had put your phone down next to you on your bed and looked up at the ceiling, your hand that was laying on your stomach and fiddling with the bottom of your shirt was now moving its way up underneath your shirt. Youngkyun gulped when he noticed your other hand was playing with the waistband of your panties. He watched as you moved your shirt higher up on your body, exposing your breasts to the open air of your room.
He knew he shouldn’t be watching you doing this, and that he should stop, but he couldn’t look away. You were beautiful and the glow he had seen before was a little more prominent. He could feel himself getting hard as you started to play with your nipples, teasing yourself. Your legs rub together to create friction and your nipples hardened. He’d watched you in his scrying mirror before, but you had never done this before.
Youngkyun was now palming himself over his pants and he was becoming harder with each passing second. He really should stop looking at his scrying mirror, but he also couldn’t help but imagine he was there with you in bed. He wanted to be the one to play with your body and make you feel good. You shouldn’t have to do it yourself. Youngkyun saw how the hand that had previously been fiddling with the waistband of your panties was now teasing your clit. He heard a faint moan come out of you and it was the most beautiful thing he ever heard. He hoped that one day he was the reason you were moaning.
Youngkyun couldn’t take it anymore, he had become too horny watching you. He took his pants off and his erection was now free from the confines of the fabric. He hissed when the cool air hit his now exposed cock. He grabbed a little bit of lotion and began to pleasure himself, stroking his now fully hard dick. The more he saw you pleasure yourself, the more he would imagine what it would be like to be there with you, being inside you. He wished more than anything that this stupid scrying mirror wasn’t between you two.
Youngkyun groaned when he started to stroke himself faster. Your movements on yourself had also become faster and you started to writhe around in your bed. Youngkyun was so glad that you didn’t do this under your blanket; he loved that he could see everything you were doing to yourself. The only thing he wished was that he could see your hand between your legs; the barrier of your panties was frustrating him, but in a weird way, it made the whole thing hotter. Even though your panties had little butterflies on them.
He heard you moan out again, this time a little louder. He could see that you now had your fingers inside yourself, moving them slowly as you palmed your clit. Your other hand was still tweaking your nipples and enhancing your pleasure. Youngkyun was now going faster on himself and teasing his swollen tip with his thumb. His breathing was become labored as he kept up his movements. He was getting lost in his thoughts of you, wanting to know what it would feel like to have your hands on his dick, or your lips around his tip. He wondered what you tasted like, and what it would be like to have your legs around his head.
You had become close to your orgasm as you went a little deeper inside yourself. You wished you’d had someone with you to get you there, but your hand will have to do. You moved a little bit faster, knowing that would take you closer and closer to where you wanted to be. The more you played with your nipples, the more sensitive your body became. After a few more movements on your clit and teasing your inner walls, you had reached your orgasm. Your toes curled into your sheets, and your eyes were fluttering as you came down from your high.
Youngkyun was in disbelief at how pretty you were when you came and it triggered his own orgasm. He came soon after you did, his cum landing on his stomach and on his hands. He stroked himself a few more times before he caught his breath. He looked at your serene face; you looked so kissable. One day he would find you and kiss you whenever he wanted to.
He watched as you got off your bed and went toward the mirror that was on your closet door; this was where he could see you from. Youngkyun felt like you were looking right at him as you got closer to the mirror. You composed yourself and looked directly at yourself. You smirked before saying, “Did you enjoy yourself, Youngkyun? I can see you too. We should do this again sometime,” then you winked and Youngkyun wasn’t able to see you anymore.
So you were just like him after all.
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restlessmaknae · 2 years
like the night sky [hwiyoung]
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You realise after getting to know your co-worker (who’s also a part of a punk-rock band) that everyone’s a bit lost sometimes, and there’s always more to people than you would think so.
➳ Characters: punk-rock band member!Hwiyoung x female!reader/you
➳ Featuring: P1Harmony’s Keeho, Cherry Bullet’s Haeyoon & Jiwon, SF9′s Chanhee
➳ Genre: band au, slice of life, fluff
➳ Words: 5.3k
➳ Warning: mention of food, insecurities (let me know if there are more!)
➳ A/N: This story can absolutely be read on its own, but it’s also part of my ‘kids in the dark’ series which centers around two fictional punk-rock/rock bands including Hwiyoung’s, Ten’s, Juyeon’s and Yeonjun’s stories. Check out the other stories if you’re interested!
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Sometimes you wish that you could be cool like your best friend Jiwon who knows exactly what she wants - finishing her business degree as a top student, then landing a job at either Samsung or SK Telecom as a marketing assistant - or as passionate about your dreams as your co-worker Keeho who's currently working to save up money to do a backpacking trip around Europe within a year because he doesn't want anything to limit him, he just wants to enjoy life while he still can. Sometimes you wish that you could have a specific dream like so or something that you want to do with your life, but truthfully, you don't have anything like that.
You've always been interested in fashion, but dropped out of uni after a year because you realised fashion design wasn't your thing after all, and since then, you've been kind of lost. Everyone seems to have it all together but you. Yet, you also know that whatever you want, you need money, so you're working at a convenience store five days a week, covering the night shift on Fridays and having the Sunday shift every second weekend. This way, even if you find your calling in the near future, you have some money you can use as you don't want to burden your parents even more.
Still, that uncertainty is gawking at you, and sometimes you find it difficult to wake up motivated and go to work. Being this lost and aimless in your life isn't something that you like to deal with, but it's something that you must do either way. Even if you're terrible at concealing it sometimes.
“Are you okay?” Another co-worker of yours, Youngkyun, inquires when you let out the third sigh of the morning as you're arranging the shelf in front of you while he's loading some items onto the opposite shelf.
“Yeah, sure,” you mumble absentmindedly, already used to telling everyone the same because you don't want to burden them. Probably everyone else has it worse than you. At least, you have a job, you should be thankful for that, too.
“Alright,” he breathes out, not too convinced, yet he's kind enough not to press the buttons. Youngkyun is a nice guy. You don't know him that well since he usually has the slot after yours while you have your shifts with Keeho or Haeyoon most of the time, so you don't usually exchange a lot of words. Yet, yesterday, Keeho spent more time in the staff toilet than between the shelves, so Youngkyun is covering his place today, that's why you're there together.
You don't want to talk about the matter though since it's not like he can help you and it's not like you're close. Still, something tugs at your heart because he not only noticed that something was off, but also decided to ask about it which is usually quite rare when it comes to others’ observations regarding your behaviour. There are worse and better days, that's all.
You continue loading the items and arranging the shelves in silence for a while, but even with the ladder under you, you have a difficult time reaching the top shelf. You let out yet another sigh when a plastic bottle falls from the top shelf onto the ground.
You're about to get down from the ladder, but Youngkyun is faster, and already reaches it out to you when you get down halfway.
“Thank you,” you say, a bit taken aback, but he just shrugs his shoulders.
“No problem,” he mumbles, and looks at you for a few seconds longer than he probably should because you grab the bottle from his hands as quickly as possible. Truthfully, since you've never interacted a lot before, your surprise is newfound when you recognize the hazel brown shade of his eyes and the way his chin-length hair slightly curls at the back of his head. You remember that you were a bit baffled by his slightly longer hair when you first saw him because guys your age don't have such hair, but it suits him, you have to admit it.
You don't ponder over his worried eyes though, you turn back to the shelf instead, continuing what you've been doing. Youngkyun doesn't speak up either, and so you think it's enough of an interaction for one day, but around half an hour before the end of your shift, he speaks up, asking if it would be a problem for him to leave now.
“I've talked about it with Mr Kim, he says it's fine, but I've wanted to ask you, too,” he explains as if you could go against anything that Mr Kim - your boss - says. Plus, it's not like the peak time is just before closing hours.
“Sure. I'll manage.”
“Thank you so much. I really need to leave now to be in time for the soundcheck,” he justifies, directing a relieved smile at you, and you nod, trying to mirror his actions.
You don't even think too much about it, but as he leaves the store, waving you a coy goodbye, and puts on a leather jacket, you wonder whether he's like an aspiring artist or something because who else would go for a soundcheck looking like that?
Then again, it could be something you don’t have any idea about, and maybe he also has it all together unlike you.
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The thing with Keeho is that even if you don't ask him anything, he'll just say whatever comes to his mind, and the next time you see him, it's no different. He goes on about how he thinks his stomachache and three-day long diarrhoea (you didn't need the details, but anyway) was because of the raw fish his Japanese friend has made him eat, and how much pain he's been in and so on. So when he goes on to say how lucky he was that Youngkyun could take his place, you decide to shoot your shot, feeling curious. You try to be subtle though, so you say:
“He did leave a bit early due to some soundcheck, but I've managed.”
“Oh yeah. It must be because of his band,” Keeho shrugs as he's currently going through the pre-packaged sandwiches to see which ones have their expiration dates soon. That's good enough, he's occupied instead of watching your facial expressions, hence you pry further.
“He's in a band?”
“Oh yeah. It's pretty cool, isn't it? It's called Rebel Rhapsody, and they're making rock slash punk-rock music. I've seen them once, actually accidentally because my bro - Kevin - from international school knows the guy who's the drummer of the band, so we went to one of their gigs,” he chatters without a care in the world.
You should be surprised that he once accidentally saw his co-worker playing in a band instead of knowing it beforehand, but it's Keeho, and it seems like he knows the whole neighbourhood. He has a lot of friends from the international school he went to, he has the friends who are the sons of his mother's girlfriends, he's friends with his neighbours and probably even a lot more people, they are just who you know of.
“Ah, I didn't know,” you mumble under your breath, and the boy hums as he places a still good sandwich on the shelf.
“You might be able to get to know him better. Mr Kim said that we'll need to arrange our schedules again once the new semester starts and Haeyoon and Chanhee know about their classes. So we might not have all our shifts together which is just saaaad,” he pouts like a child as he turns to you, looking for confirmation. You let your lips curl upwards at his antics.
“I know, it's sad. But who knows? We might still have all of our slots together,” you shrug, and seeing the boy's radiant smile, you know that it was worth it. It's so easy to make him smile, but it's not that easy the other way round.
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Keeho was right. You do get to know about your new schedule a few weeks later. Since you don't have uni or anything else besides this job of yours, you're fine with anything, it's up to others instead.
It seems that you have more night shifts this time, and just like Keeho has mentioned, you're separated for two days out of the five. You have half of your shift with Haeyoon and the other with Youngkyun on those two days which is more than fine with you.
The fun(ny) thing about working at this particular convenience store is that whoever has the shift can decide on the songs you listen to, and since Keeho is just so full of song recs, you usually let him put on some playlist and blast it through the speakers. Obviously, there are some songs that are out of the question (containing swear words and such), but Mr Kim is usually in the back office area dealing with the supplies and invoices, so he doesn't have anything against Keeho's playlists that can contain anything from Nicki Minaj to Taylor Swift.
On the other hand, Haeyoon is more of a slow song type of girl, so you listen to a lot of ballads and R&B songs with a sprinkle of fun, usually upbeat songs to compensate for the chill, sometimes sleep-inducing songs. When you had your shift with Youngkyun for the first time when he covered for Keeho, you went for an online radio station like always, and since he didn't say anything about the music, you didn't ask either.
However, the next time you have your shift with Youngkyun and he arrives after you (he's not late, you're just early), you feel the need to ask if he would like to listen to something else. Maybe even see for yourself if he prefers heavier songs given the fact that he's part of a band.
“Oh, it's fine with me. I don't mind listening to the radio,” he shrugs his shoulder casually, and you hum, turning back to the counter to spray it with some antibacterial surface cleanser and then wipe it off.
Today, he has his hair in a man bun, and gosh, it does look good on him. His chin-length hair makes it seem like he’s some kind of royalty, and gives his face a softer shape, but with him pulling his hair into a bun, his features appear more mature and chiselled. You have a difficult time imagining him in a punk-rock band, but it’s not like looks are everything.
“So uhm…” Youngkyun breaks the silence that falls over the two of you (excluding the new N.Flying song that’s coming on the radio), and you turn towards him, tilting your head curiously. “Are you studying at uni like Haeyoon and Chanhee?” He asks tentatively, probably for a conversation starter rather than anything else, so you don’t think too much into it. It’s not like you have anything to hide, right?
“Ah, no. Uhm… I’ve dropped out.”
You’ve already received multiple reactions to such a statement, people looking at you with either pity, sadness or disappointment. Youngkyun, on the other hand, doesn’t seem taken aback at all. He seems rather unfazed, and you’re already thankful for that, but for his words, even more so.
“If it didn’t seem right, that’s good, I guess,” he concludes solemnly, and the empathy he oozes makes you speechless for a moment. You try hard to find the right words to say, but nothing comes out. You just look at him, wondering what he might be hiding under those hazel orbs, and what layers are there to him to react so supportively to an otherwise (usually) shocking sentence.
“How about you?” You mutter when you find enough will in you to pull yourself together, shaking yourself out of your own awe.
“Me neither. I'm working here and also at a music store.”
Somehow, you aren’t surprised by that. If he’s in a band, there’s a high chance that he enjoys music, and what better way to work than work somewhere where you’re close to what you like? Also, you aren’t surprised that he has two part-time jobs because he’s not a full-time employee here like you, so if he’s not making that much money with his band (you have no idea), maybe he needs it.
“I bet they have better background music than we do,” you blurt out without thinking too much into it, but he bursts into this caramel-sweet laughter, and it’s gooey, it’s warm and it’s addictive. Something tugs at your heart, sending your lips into a bit of a crooked yet nevertheless genuine smile.
“It’s not better, it’s just different,” he explains nevertheless, a smile still hiding in the corner of his lips. “I’m actually in a band, and they let us practice there, so it’s great,” he adds casually, and you think that it’s a good sign that he has let you on this fact himself, so you dare to ask:
“Yeah, Keeho said that you’re in a punk-rock band. How did that come about?”
It’s a funny story, he says, and it’s actually one. He and an ex-member of the band were classmates and they stood beside each other in the school choir, so they got close, sharing the same passion for music (even if school choirs are probably the furthest thing from what they’re doing now, and that’s exactly why it’s funny). Juyeon - their drummer - and Ten - lead vocalist and rhythmic guitarist - lived together after Juyeon had moved to Seoul. They didn’t know that they both liked music until it just came up during one of their conversations. After that, they’ve started looking for members who might be interested in starting a band, and Youngkyun and Wooyoung having advanced from school choir to a school band joined them after finishing high school.
However, before you can ask him about how they come up with songs and arrangements, a customer comes in, and you greet her, Youngkyun going back to the cash desk after sending a smile at you. You turn back to the shelf only to smile to yourself, curious how his story would continue, hoping that it wouldn’t be as awkward between you two from now on as it was before.
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It’s not awkward at all, it seems. You and Youngkyun continue getting to know each other through small talks between cleaning the store, arranging the shelves or dealing with customers. You get to know that he’s more confident in his guitar skills than his singing, but the other members are very supportive and help him out whenever he struggles with singing. He also lets you know how one of their previous members left the band when you casually ask you about it, and even though it’s kind of an infuriating story (Wooyoung leaving for another band), he says that they’ve grown closer with Ten and Juyeon even more since the incident, but they’re still hoping to find another singer.
You also talk about how you’ve dropped out of your fashion designer major, and that you have no idea what you want to do from now on which comes as a great relief - to be able to say it out loud at least. Youngkyun isn’t judgemental - he never is around you though Keeho always calls him out because the boy is sometimes cheeky with him -, he points out that you’re still young and have plenty of time to figure things out.
“I know, it’s just that there are so many people around me who are my age and they have something to brag about - having a degree, doing internships, having their own flat, going abroad and such. Meanwhile, I don’t have any of those,” you admit what’s been really bugging you lately, especially seeing your acquaintances' photos on social media about their graduation.
“I used to think like that, too. With our band still trying to break through, it’s difficult not to undermine your achievements,” he hums solemnly, halting in filling the shelf and turning towards you with his body. You turn to him in return, searching for his hazel-brown eyes that shine under the light coming from the lamps above you.
Some time ago, you were icky about being close to him. Not because it was him but because you preferred when people didn’t invade your private space. However, you’ve grown accustomed to being so close to him that you can spot the moles on his face, your hands brushing when you reach into boxes together, your shoulders brushing when you look at stock information together on the computer screen and your fingertips electrifying each other’s when you hand each other the keys. So many tiny things that make you unfazed when it comes to your other co-workers, but when it comes to him, your heart does somersaults, and your cheeks dress in so many different shades of red and pink, it’s almost embarrassing.
How can you not react like this though when Youngkyun is just so kind, so attentive and so understanding? His empathy is something that you appreciate a lot, and whatever you talk about, you just feel… normal beside him. Not the odd one out. You feel at ease, and it’s not something that a lot of people can make you feel. Not to mention his dimples that pop out whenever his lips curl upwards, a sight that makes your heart beat a million times faster.
You try to pacify your heartbeat this time too when it feels like his gaze is searing into your soul. Nevertheless, his raspy voice when he speaks up sends a shiver down your spine.
“Have you taken some time off for yourself ever since you started working here?” Youngkyun asks, and you blink confused.
“Of course. I’ve taken my days off as I should have.”
“No, I didn’t mean it like that,” he corrects himself, some awkwardness lingering in his words. “I meant that have you taken yourself somewhere nice or tried something out that you’ve wanted with the money you’ve earned?”
Oh. Now it makes sense why he had such a question because no, you haven’t. You’ve always tried to save up in case something calls to you, and you need the money urgently, but truthfully, since you still live at home with your parents and they don’t want you to move out until you have a “more serious” job, all you do is pay for your expenses such as food and travel, you don’t really spend money on yourself.
So you shake your head, too struck by the realisation to mutter out a few words.
“I think you should. You worked hard in the past years, you really deserve to see what you can get yourself with the money you’ve earned,” he mentions seriously, and suddenly, you feel like a child being caught red-handed.
“How about you? Did you do so?” You blurt out in all your confusion, and seeing the boy’s perplexed expression, you feel amused. Huh, so it’s not like that the other way round either.
“Well, I’m busy with practising…”
“Well then, I’ll do it if you do it too,” you shrug casually, and you’re about to turn back to the shelf, but Youngkyun’s question catches you off-guard.
“You mean we should do something together?”
You try not to appear too dumbfounded by his question because that could backfire, but oh gosh, did you really phrase yourself like that? Not like you would mind, honestly, but still… Even just the thought of spending time with Youngkyun out of the store seems scary yet exciting at the same time, and you can’t stop your heart from jumping up and down with all the overwhelming emotions that are washing through you.
“I mean…” You clear your throat, blinking up at the boy who’s towering over you, and all you can see is curiosity. No judgement, no protest, just curiosity. Which only prompts you further. “We can if you want to, but we don’t have to. I’ve just said so because it seems you aren’t treating yourself either. Which, you know, isn’t a problem, but you’ve just mentioned that I should, so…” Your voice trails off when you realise just how much you’re blabbering, and even the boy’s lips curl upwards at your rambling, so you feel like it’s better if you just shut your mouth.
“Okay, we can do so,” he gives in without hesitation, his lips stretching into a wide, sunshine-like smile. You smile back at him, but it’s so automatic, you don’t actually realise it until you turn back to the shelf to continue loading it.
Gosh, just what did you get yourself into? Going somewhere other than the store and doing something together with Youngkyun? You would have never thought you would reach this point, but you don’t mind. You really don’t.
So you just continue smiling to yourself until a customer comes and duty calls.
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After agreeing on doing something together, slowly all the details come together. You don’t rush anything, and since you’re working most of the time, you don’t even have time to discuss it further.
However, sometimes you stay together at the store after closing for the day, talking about your upcoming day-trip and you start walking to the metro station together as well. It’s natural, so you don’t think too much into it. It’s not like the boy walks you all the way home because he goes in the opposite direction from the station, but still, it’s more than just spending time together at the store.
Even when Keeho learns that you’re taking a day off and teases you about it once he asks what you’ll do, you don’t mind. He also blurts out that Youngkyun has been talking about you for some time, so it’s not like he didn’t see it coming.
“Come on, it was so obvious. Like you are both the types to be all shy and reserved and you both need time to open up, but you’ve been smiling so much ever since you have shifts together. I bet it’s not because of the repainting of the walls,” Keeho explains as he points around you, and you can’t help but laugh at his assumption. While it’s true that Mr Kim has decided to have the staff room and the front of the store re-painted and it looks much better than before, it’s definitely not because of that.
“Besides, I’m rooting for you two. I’m all about self-love, you know, but I really hope I can say that this store has brought you two together, and I could see it for myself. Like that would be soooo romantic,” he coos into your ears as he’s walking past you, brushing his shoulders with yours.
You blush too deeply to be able to get back at him, but no matter how much he claims that your day-trip seems like a date and you claim that it’s not (your best friend is the same), you can’t get it out of your head when you take the train to the coastal town together with Youngkyun, him talking about band stories while passing by cities and you sharing family stories about summers and school trips and whatever that comes to your mind. You listen to snippets of Rebel Rhapsody’s songs through the earphones he shares with you and watch as he blushes hearing your compliments. You point out certain fractions in the beautiful scenery on the other side of the window, both of you taking pictures of it (and of him, too).
When you get to the town, you start by walking along the main road, going through the market square and trying out some food and drinks at the different vendors. It’s just the perfect day for such an activity, the sun shines but not too bright, just enough to make you feel warm and comforted (or maybe it’s Youngkyun’s presence).
After filling your belly, you walk to the coast, drawing tiny little nothings in the sand with your shoes, dipping your feet in the cold water, walking all the way to the lighthouse to look into the unknown from there while taking many pictures of the scenery (and each other), laughing when seagulls attack you or the wind gets into your hair, making all the time spend on brushing and styling it in the morning worthless. Though from the sweet smiles and heartfelt giggles that you receive from the boy, it’s all worth it.
After all the walking, you sit down on a bench along the coast and look around, thankful that you’ve decided to come here and you did it with Youngkyun on top of that. It’s just so tranquil, not only the scenery and the scattered dots of people in the distance, the light blue shade of the sea, but also the light breeze that caresses your cheeks, the sound of the waves crashing against the shore and the boy’s sound breathing beside you.
“It’s pretty, isn’t it?” Youngkyun speaks up, his voice coming out raspy yet still oh so gentle. His voice is just as calming as his personality despite its depth.
“It is,” you hum, taking a deep breath before you continue. Something’s been weighing down on your chest, it’s time to let it out. “It’s making me see things in a different light. We’ve come across many people today at the train station, on the train, at the market and here along the shore as well, and everyone probably has their own worries and uncertainties. A lot of them seem to enjoy what they’re doing. Like you wouldn’t say to that lovely old lady at the juice stall that she doesn’t have a serious job or tell the ticket inspector to find something else. I guess I was just too hard on myself, too fixated on the girl who thought that she had to be a fashion designer at all costs or else, she wouldn’t matter.”
When you say it out loud, it seems so mean, so burdening. The truth is, that’s what you’ve been telling yourself these past years, and it’s true that it’s very ill of you to tell that to anyone, let alone yourself. Ever since you became uncertain about your uni major and eventually dropped out, you’ve been making yourself feel less because of it. Hearing yourself admit it, it’s just as bitter as it is deliberating; as if you’re crawling out of a cage you’ve put yourself in.
“You aren’t that girl anymore. You’ve changed, and that’s okay,” Youngkyun breaks the silence when he realises that you’re too up in your head to add anything else. “Besides, if you hadn’t gotten into your major, you would have been upset over it and felt like you missed out on your calling. While attending university, you’ve realised that it’s not what you want to do, so you don’t have regrets now,” he adds gently, watching your reaction attentively as if he was afraid of you going against his words, claiming that it’s not like that.
On the other hand, he’s right. It would have been so much worse if you hadn’t made it, if you hadn’t given it a chance, so that you wouldn’t have been able to see it for yourself that you actually don’t want to go down this path.
“Do you have any regrets because you’re working two part-time jobs to be able to make music?” You turn to him, curious if he wishes his life turned out any different. The way his lips curl upwards and he runs a hand through his hazelnut-locks so smoothly tells you the answer that you’re searching for even without his confirmation.
“No. I have two very close friends because of music, they almost feel like brothers I’ve never had. Music is also a kind of creative outlet for me that’s still a bit… personal. Juyeon likes to say that I’m able to tell through music what I can’t put into words, and I think he’s right.”
“Well, your music really speaks to many. I hope it’ll find many more people that need it,” you tell him encouragingly, and he gives you that crooked yet beautiful half-smile that makes him appear like a prince, so elegant yet still so soft, and you wish you could capture this feeling in your chest, the warmth that radiates off of him, the comfort that moves into your heart and the way his face lights up at the compliment. All of it is just so different, so scattered, yet when they are together, it makes the experience magical. Much like the notes in a song that result in something so grand and beautiful.
You continue smiling at each other, sharing heartfelt words over the sounds of the waves crashing and the hustle-bustle from tourist groups walking along the shore, and you realise that he was right (as always): you really needed this. All of this, Youngkyun included.
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Your best friend - Jiwon - likes to say that life is like the night sky; sometimes you hate when it comes because you want daylight to stretch on further just so that you can enjoy the sunshine, the warmth and the lack of dark, sometimes you really love it and look forward to it because days can seem endless and the sky darkening means that no matter how much today sucks, it’ll be over soon.
You agree with her, but you would also add to her words that it’s nice to look up at the night sky because of the stars that always come up. They shine bright, they continue lighting up the way for people wandering the streets, and if it weren’t for them, there would be constant darkness. They seem like such tiny particles from afar, but just how much impact do they have? It’s truly fascinating.
You feel like meeting Youngkyun was like finding a new star on the sky; he’s been around you for sometime before you got to know each other, but you’ve never paid much attention to him, never got close. Since then though, you’re looking for him, waiting for the time to see him, and you appreciate the light and warmth he brings into your life. There might be other stars on the sky, other things that could make you happy, but it was him that lit up your way. You might not know where you��re headed still, but you’re trying to be okay with it.
And him? He’s doing well, Rebel Rhapsody has been asked to perform at more places, and they’ve even entered a competition that could secure them a record deal. You’re supporting him as much as you can, truly hoping that their music will find those who need it just like you do. So even when he’s not with you, you just put in your earphones and listen to their songs, your heart feeling a bit lighter every time.
And you two? Everyone around you two (especially Keeho, Jiwon and Youngkyun’s bandmates) seem to be prepared for the confession you have when you announce that you’re together, and since then, you can’t hear the end of it that they’ve told you so. You don’t mind though, after all, you can’t always see all the stars on the sky, and it takes time to find the one that’s meant for you.
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A/N: Thank you for reading my story! It means a lot to me. ❤️
This whole series actually started with a drabble&moodboard challenge back in 2020, but soon enough, I’ve realised that I would like to write more about this band that I’ve put together (Rebel Rhapsody), and then the “rival” band (Gen Z Tragedy). Punk-rock was something that I’ve gotten into when I was younger (meaning: around 13), and it’s still something that has a special place in my heart. So even though it took 2 years, that’s a wrap for this series! Hope you’ve enjoyed it, and even if you haven’t read all the stories, thanks for reading this one! *-*
If you’re interested in other fics of mine and/or other SF9 stories, you can sign up for my taglist here.
Hope you have a lovely day/night! ❤️  
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dahlia-krp · 5 months
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❀ 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖿𝗈𝗅𝗅𝗈𝗐𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖿𝗅𝗈𝗐𝖾𝗋𝗌 𝗁𝖺𝗏𝖾 𝗌𝗍𝖺𝗋𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝗍𝗈 𝖻𝗅𝗈𝗈𝗆: ━ ◦ ❀ [ DAY6 ] Park Sungjin (rose) ━ ◦ ❀ [ DAY6 ] Kim Wonpil (sunflower) ━ ◦ ❀ [ SEVENTEEN ] Wen Junhui (hyacinth) ━ ◦ ❀ [ SF9 ] Yoo Taeyang (dahlia) ━ ◦ ❀ [ STAYC ] Lee Chaeyoung ( Isa ) (peony) ━ ◦ ❀ [ SF9 ] Kim Youngkyun ( Hwiyoung ) (sunflower) ━ ◦ ❀ [ RED VELVET ] Park Sooyoung ( Joy ) (poppies) ━ ◦ ❀ [ ONEUS ] Kim Geonhak ( Leedo ) (forget-me-nots) ━ ◦ ❀ [ ZEROBASEONE ] Sung Hanbin (baby's breath) ━ ◦ ❀ [ MONSTA X ] Im Changkyun ( I.M. ) (hibiscus) ━ ◦ ❀ [ NCT ] Lee Donghyuck ( Haechan ) (roses) ━ ◦ ❀ [ THE BOYZ ] Choi Chanhee ( New ) (tulips)
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You have 48 hours to add our two mod accounts; The Shopkeeper and The Florist. If you fail to do so within the given time, the character will become available again. Welcome to our blossoming garden! ♥
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divinefireangel · 1 year
The way ur red hair reaction is always my reaction when i see red hair LOL ❤❤ i thought u meant youngbin at first and took me a Moment to remember who youngkyun was sgishkdgktda
NEVER BE SORRY FOR REPLYING "LATE" time is an e(x)ternal construct whether or not people follow it so why bother with it!! u're never late, don't say it, it was just tumblr delivering the response a little late hehe - or at the right time tbh.
if u ever do want to talk to someone about ur life idm dropping my @ - if u'd like to confide in someone "anonymous" (literally) about things bothering you. I'm wishing u the best though - i hope things get straightened out soon! Or however you like them!!!!!
also re: writing - don't force it, ik that's easy said and hard to do (i used to struggle with coming to terms with the times when i wasn't writing) it should bring joy to you and not be a chore,, good luck!!!!
-your ever faithful (lmaoooo) and fun: babytasy!
I don't even remember when you sent this 😭😭
Ik you said not to feel bad for not replying to your asks but how can I not feel bad 🥺 you deserve more appreciation and attention than I give 😭
Idk about life atm, ig it's kinda good? Idk. Too many things, good and bad are happening.
As for writing inspo, idek anymore, sometimes I get inspo but I'm busy, rn I do have an idea but idk where to start 🥲
What's hot in your life?
I will wait patiently till Tumblr delivers your ask safely to me 🥹
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daybreakx · 5 years
The Seeker
➵ hogwarts au, slytherin! hwiyoung x slytherin! neutral reader, enemies to lovers kind of.
➵ not requested. I just love Hwiyoung and I couldn’t help myself. 
➵ warnings: magic inaccuracies, mentions of infirmary, Hwiyoung acts like a brat, a mean ravenclaw for a change,
➵ word count: 3.5k
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Hwiyoung knew he was screwed. 
He knew it the moment the bludger hit him and he felt the air leave his lungs, and although he wasn’t flying too high, the hit against the sand had made everything worse, so much, that he didn’t even remember being taken to the infirmary, or anything else three days after that.
And then, the words he dreaded came out of Zuho’s mouth: “You can’t play Quidditch anymore”. It wasn’t permanent, or that’s what Zuho had rushed to say after seeing Hwiyoung’s expression, but his team captain was already looking for someone to replace him, which didn’t help Hwiyoung to feel any better.
“At least he’s asking for your opinion” Zuho shrugged “You can help to choose your replacement”
“Is that supposed to make me feel better?” Hwiyoung scoffed.
“I guess” Zuho gestured once again, a litttle shyer this time. “I’m sorry about this”
Hwiyoung sighed for the hundreth time in the day, he had finally left the hospital wing, with his arm on a sling and he’d faced looks of pity from a lot of people, he didn’t need his friend apologizing as well. “It wasn’t your fault”
Zuho still felt guilty, being the Beater and having your own Seeker thrown out of his broom by a bludger always felt like you weren’t doing a good job. Plus, Hwiyoung was his friend, not only his team member, and seeing him hurt was painful for Zuho as well. 
“I still have duelling club, I guess, unless Flitwick thinks I’m too maimed for that” Hwiyoung’s attempt of being ‘optimisitc’ only made Zuho feel worse, but he couldn’t help it, and his mood was going to be one thousand times worse the next day, at the Quidditch tryouts.
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“What are they doing here?” Hwiyoung groaned, eyes immediately fixing on you.
“Uh... trying out for Quidditch, I guess?” Rowoon was trying to be supportive of his friend as well, but Hwiyoung’s ever growing bad-temper was making the Hufflepuff go through hell as well. “Where are you...? Hwiyoung, no!”
Before anyone could stop him, Hwiyoung was in front of you, the same pissed expression you’d seen a million times before was installed on his face. “You’re not trying out for Seeker” he declared, his index finger pointing at you. 
“Why not?” raising both eyebrows, you pushed his hand away from you “The spot is available right now”
“Not for you” he repeated, annoyance clear.
“You don’t make the rules, Hwiyoung” you shrugged “Plus, I asked Baekho and he said yes, he’s the Captain”
“Hwiyoung, knock it off” Rowoon placed a hand on his shoulder, giving you an uncomfortable smile “He’s not taking being out of the team too well...”
The long-haired boy pushed Rowoon’s hand off his shoulder, “This is not about me being off the team! It’s about them” he pointed at you once again.
It wasn’t a secret how much Hwiyoung disliked you. Having to ‘deal’ with you in whatever aspect just pissed him off, and you honestly found it amusing. Competition was motivating for you, not a drag like Hwiyoung made it for himself. He had enough dealing with you during classes, and on Duelling club, where Professor Flitwick had to interfere in your duels more than once so you’d put an end to the confrontation before hurting each other with complicated spells not even he remebered teaching you. And now you were once again being a nuisance, following him into the Quidditch team, just to prove a point: You could do everything Hwiyoung did.
Rowoon looked mortified as Hwiyoung continued his tantrum and you stood there blank-faced, holding the broomstick you’d borrowed from Taeyang, while your parents sent yours from home. “Are you done?” you questioned, looking at the nonexistent watch on your wrist.
“What do you mean am I done?” Hwiyoung scoffed “You’re not trying out for Seeker”
“Watch me” you smiled, walking away from both boys and into the field.
Rowoon technically had to drag Hwiyoung to the bleachers before he went looking for Baekho to yell at him as well, and sat down next to him, giving him a warning that he should behave, in the end he’d get a say in whoever would be the new Seeker for Slytherin. But still, much to Hwiyoung’s dismay, you were the quickest to catch the Snitch out of everyone who tried out. It would be stupid to vote against you, but he still did.
And of course, everyone, even Zuho, ignored his call. 
“What’s the point of asking for my opinion if you’re going to ignore it?” Hwiyoung complained, following Baekho as he kept the Quidditch balls in the chest.
“I didn’t expect your opinion to be stupid, Hwiyoung”
“I’ve told you a hundred times it’s temporary, and they’re a good player, we need one specially for the match against Gryffindor”
Hwiyoung rolled his eyes. “You could have chosen anyone else”
“I think it’s time you face whatever unidentified feelings you have for y/n and grow up” Baekho ennounced, growing annoyed himself, he closed the chest with a loud thud and turned to Hwiyoung “They’re staying as a substitute Seeker and that’s final”
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN UNIDENTIFIED FEELINGS I DON’T...” Hwiyoung trailed off, face burning red from both embarassment and indignation. 
“I said what I said” Baekho called before leaving Hwiyoung standing in the middle of the field by himself.
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It was true that being the new Seeker for Slytherin was making you gain a lot of attention. It wasn’t something that you liked too much, but still accepted it as best as you could.
You weren’t happy about the issue that had given you, in the end, the spot of Seeker on the team, unlike what a lot of people including Hwiyoung himself thought, but he was too stubborn (or stupid) to understand that. You were never able to talk some sense into Hwiyoung, who seemed determined to continue on disliking you, no matter what you did.
“Good luck out there” Chani laughed, standing next to you before you left for the field to start the Quidditch match. 
“You’re going to need it more than me, Chani” you smiled at him.
It was some innocent teasing between Seekers, plus, Chani wanted to bother you a little becuase no matter how much he fought with Hwiyoung, he still felt really bad that his friend was out of the team, although he knew it wasn’t your fault.
You were actually very nervous about the match, it was important for you to make a good impression and not make everyone in Slytherin regret choosing you as their Seeker so you felt a lot of pressure. Luckily, it turned out to be an easy match, despite having Chani as your direct opponent for the Snitch, you managed to catch it before him. 
“I told you you’d need it more” you patted Chani’s back playfully, taking off your Quidditch gloves.
“Ha-ha, it’s beginners luck” he replied, you could tell he was low-key annoyed, but that was usual Chani whenever he lost, it was in his nature, at least he wasn’t trying to fight you like he did with Hwiyoung. The latter was the one who probably wanted to fight you, leaving as soon as you caught the Snitch, back to the Slytherin dorms willing to disappear and save himself from the everyone celebrating your game, but it was during dinner that he finally snapped.
“You did awesome!” a first-year Slytherin celebrated “I’m so glad we beat Gryffindor! We might even win the Quidditch Cup!”
“Maybe” you smiled at him “But it’s all the team who’s making it possible you know...”
Hwiyoung was just a few seats away, but he was paying attention to everything. When it came to him, people didn’t applaud as much, of course it was a win for Slytherin, but half of the time everyone said he was part of the team because his family used intimidation to get him in, or that he was great at charms and dueling because he’d learnt Dark Magic all of his life. Nobody said any of that to his face, but Hwiyoung still knew.
He got up, getting the attention of the rest of the Slytherins around and stomped out of the Great Hall. You winced, knowing he must have felt pushed aside all day, you just wanted to talk to him, although it was certain he would reject your reassurance.
“Hwiyoung” you called after him, as he was on his way to the exit “Wait a second” 
He turned around with a groan, giving you the chance to see perfectly the way he rolled his eyes. “What do you want?”
“I just- Well, are you alright?” you looked down for a moment, suddenly getting insecure as you stood in front of him. 
Hwiyoung scowled again, “Why do you care out of nowhere? Isn’t this what you wanted all along?”
“I never-”
“Oh, please” he cut you off “All you do is ruin everything for everyone else, specially me, I wish you would get out of the way. Why can’t you just disappear?”
You stood frozen in the spot as he spoke, his words weren’t supposed to hurt you the way they did. You knew Hwiyoung, and you’d gotten used to bickering with him every single time you were close, but this was different from that, his words were dripping venom and his eyes were the coldest you’d ever seen them. It hurt, when it wasn’t supposed to hurt. Moreover, pretty much everyone had heard it, you weren’t even sure as to why they were paying attention to you two, both you felt extremely humiliated. Turning around once again, the former Slytherin Seeker left you standing on the door of the Great Hall alone.
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“I think you need to apologize” Rowoon said “Everyone heard you, and even if they hadn’t, what you said still wasn’t nice”
Hwiyoung glared at his friend but didn’t say anything, it still didn’t hit him that he had crossed the line. He thought everything would go back to normal, they way it usually did and you two would be bickering by lunch. But it wasn’t like that, in fact he didn’t see you for a couple days, not in the Common Room or in the Great Hall, and deep down he felt a little concerned but would never admit it.
“Where’s y/n?” he finally asked another of the  Slytherin kids, since the duelling club was getting together and technically everyone was there, except for you. 
The kid shrugged, “I heard Zuho say they dropped out of duelling club, they had enough activities already”
“It was just this and Quidditch” Hwiyoung insisted “Plus, I haven’t seen them in the Common Room or-”
“I don’t know” the kid cut him off “Why don’t you just ask them?” 
Hwiyoung shook his head, staring at them like they just told him he would grow another head overnight. Still, it made him uncomfortable that you were out of the duelling club, and given the look he was getting from a few other Slytherins, he knew he had at least a little to do with it.
It was only confirmed by Zuho later, when he said you’d mentioned it at Quidditch practice, saying it wasn’t a big deal and you’d be fine without duelling club, but Zuho also said that Baekho had to convince you to stay as Slytherin’s Seeker. 
You were trying to study for Herbology in the Common Room, the book opened in front of you as you sat with your legs crossed on the floor. None of the information seemed to stick to your brain no matter how much you reread it, you certainly needed a distraction but you also needed to get your studying done.
“I thought you’d vanished from the castle” Hwiyoung crossed the door to the Common Room, standing in front of your working space. 
“Are you talking to me?” you didn’t look up, though you had no idea what the name of the Flesh-Eating tree from the picture was, you turned the page.
“Of course I’m talking to you” Hwiyoung let out a low scoff “You see anyone else here?”
You closed your book, and still not glancing over at Hwiyoung, picked up your bag from the floor. “I don’t see anyone here” you strode to your side of the dormitories slowly.
“Wait– are you– are you still angry?”
“I don’t get angry at strangers” you spoke over your shoulder before finally getting inside the dorm, leaving Hwiyoung planted in his place, his mouth slightly agape.
He learned what you mean the hard way, of course, since you were out of duelling club and no one else wanted to duel him without having a whisper of ‘dark magic, etc’ going around the room, or when you didn’t even flinch as he called your name in the Common Room, and everyone stared at him until he looked back at them, and when you got paired up for an Astronomy project and all you said to him was ‘it’s done’ before giving him a parchment full of information and you kept your own, not even discussing anything with him. Hwiyoung’s friends had given up on telling him to say sorry, because he wasn’t going to, and honestly, at this point they thought you wouldn’t even take his apologies, plus, at least there wasn’t anymore fighting. 
But Hwiyoung didn’t like it at all, everything that he wanted was for things to go back to the way they used to, even if it meant he’d spent all of his time bickering and competing with you. There was no point in competing if neither of you could win against each other.
You frowned when you saw him on the bleachers. If there was one thing Hwiyoung avoided at all costs was showing up at Quidditch practice, and you thought today would be no exception, specially since it was a friendly game between Slytherin and Ravenclaw and you thought he wouldn’t want to hear people cheering for you, no matter how unimportant the game was. 
It was being fun, both teams needing the exercise and enjoying the fact that some people of your respective houses were there though it wasn’t an official match. It wasn’t a big deal, until it became one.
Hwiyoung watched attentively as you yelled something at the other Seeker, descending quickly as the Ravenclaw kid followed making gestures and rolling his eyes, the rest of your teams floating around you to get a better look at the confrontation that not even the captains had begun to stop.
“What did you call him?” you growled again.
“Come on y/n, you know it’s true” he shrugged “And I’m right”
“Take it back” you warned for the first time.
The Ravenclaw snorted, “Take it back? Why?”
“I said take it back” dropping your broomstick, you gave him the second warning.
“What? You’re going to become a Death Eater too?” he looked over at Hwiyoung and smirked at you “I don’t think he’ll like it if you joined”.
It had been a stupid comment, about how it was better that you were the Seeker for Slytherin because he didn’t want to hang around ‘Death Eaters’ like Hwiyoung, and he should have gotten more hurt during the Quidditch match that got him out of the team, and it infuriated you. You knew first-hand about Hwiyoung’s family reputation and how much shit he always got for it, and somehow it didn’t matter how angry you still were at him, you were not going to let someone insult him like that. 
“Fine, if you won’t take it back I’ll make you” you searched for your wand between your Quidditch robes, but before you could do anything at all, Baekho was already on the ground making you turn away from the confrontation. 
“What the hell is wrong with you?” the captain hissed “You can’t just–”
“I can when people act like assholes” you cut Baekho off “And he did! You can’t go around accussing people of being Death Eaters!”
There was a collective gasp and Baekho shook his head as the rest of your teammates hit the ground as well. The Ravenclaw Seeker sneered again, “We’re all going to pretend it’s not true?”
“You call anyone that again and I’ll make sure no word comes out of your filthy mouth for a month!” you struggled with Baekho’s arm as he kept you from reaching the kid with your hands, one still holding your wand tightly.
“Let’s go y/n,” this time Zuho grabbed your shoulder after picking up your broom from the grass “You don’t need to waste your time on him”
You followed Zuho after Baekho gave you a begging look, he didn’t want to cause a bigger scene or get his substitute Seeker suspended. Hwiyoung was speechless the whole time, being perfectly able to hear the confrontation and seeing you stand up for him was something he didn’t expect at all. 
You were still fuming in the Common Room, sitting in a couch as Zuho’s cat snaked around your legs waiting for you to lift it on your lap. Zuho had gone to his dorm to change but you remained in your Quidditch gear, waiting for Baekho to get there, he’d probably yell at you again but honestly, it didn’t matter. Instead, it was Hwiyoung who arrived, and once his gaze set on you, he started fiddling with his fingers as he approached the couch.
“Thank you” he said in a whisper, looking down and then into your eyes “Thank you, for wha-what you did back there you didn’t have to”
You looked back at him and sighed, “It was no problem, people shouldn’t say those things about you”
Zuho’s cat went to get Hwiyoung’s attention this time, and the boy lifted him off the ground immediately. “Well, they’ve always said it so...”
“I know” you nodded “But you’re just a brat, not a dark wizard so it’s time it stopped”
Hwiyoung laughed, “I know and I’m sorry”
“Well, you’re welcome, Hwiyoung” you got up, petting gently the cat’s head you turned around to head to the rooms. 
“No wait!” Hwiyoung startled you by how loud he spoke and he gripped your wrist quickly. “Please wait, I have something else to say”
“Uh.. I don’t think... just leave it like this?” you winced, hoping he wasn’t going to say anything about you leaving him alone again, at least no one would see the humilliation this time.
“No,” he let go of your wrist but still bit his lower lip, a little impatient and afraid you’d leave “I am sorry. I’m sorry for what I said the other day, and I’m sorry for the way I’ve acted towards you, please talk to me again”
He sighed, “I’m sorry for– for being an asshole, please talk to me again”
“We don’t talk, Hwiyoung, we fight and bicker and...”
“I don’t care, let’s do that again, I miss you” your hand flew to Hwiyoung’s forehead in a second, trying to confirm he wasn’t sick or something. His face flushed at your touch but he didn’t add anything else.
“You what?”
“I miss you, you don’t even pay attention to me anymore and I know it’s my fault but please, I don’t want you to act like you don’t know me and–” Hwiyoung started a full monologue while you took a step back and sat down on the couch again, Huru had jumped from Hwiyoung’s arms and settled itself on your lap ready for the show as well. “...I don’t have anyone to duel with, and then I realized Baekho was right and I might actually like you like you, which makes me feel so dumb because you probably hate me now...” he shut his mouth immediately. It was probably the most you’d ever heard him speak and you were shocked by everything that he blabbered. “You- You can omit that part...”
“You like me?” 
“I – maybe –”
“Maybe?” getting up and earning a bothered hiss from Huru, you hit Hwiyoung’s shoulder “You are a brat and an idiot! and I’m going to put that silencing spell on you instead!”
“If you’re lying, Hwiyoung I swear I will...”
“I’m not lying,” he lowered his voice “I do like you, you’re incredible and you’ve put up with me for so long... am, am I forgiven?”
You sighed with a hint of amusement, “You are, just because I’ve always thought you’re cute... Did it ever occur to you, that when you have things in common with people, it could work to befriend them instead of just pushing them further away?”
Hwiyoung winced but immediately smiled at you, “You think I’m cute?”
“Do not push your luck right now” you warned, hitting his other shoulder this time. 
“Oh but I will,” he smirked “I’ll duel you for a kiss”
“I am ready to kick your ass again” you grinned back at him, but you were certain that no matter who won, you would still end up kissing Hwiyoung.
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milkybonya · 3 years
love me without labels
warning: a little nsfw (it never goes further than making out, though !), mentions of alcohol/drinking, curse words, Hwiyoung calling you princess (in the most gender-neutral way)
pairing: playboy!college!Hwiyoung × never been loved!(gn)reader
summary: y/n is just a little sick of never having dated anyone or doing anything remotely similar, so they call upon their college's playboy to teach them just what it all feels like. and then they maybe sorta accidentally fall in love <3
word count: idk but it's 1k+ but definitely less than 5k maybe i think
[a/n]: btw i dont know how to kiss either so pls ignore anything thats wrong :")
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another shitty day at your shitty college, sitting in the shitty front row of the shitty lecture hall. the prof who clearly doesn't want to be there any more than you do begins his boring lecture. his monotone voice makes you drowsy and you almost fall asleep... until you feel someone kicking you from behind.
snickers follow the kicking when you turn around, as Hwiyoung and his cohort try to hold back their laughter, looking away from you. clearly, one of them kicked you. clearly, they're tryna mess with you.
you look forward at the prof, who somehow is noticing none of this even though you're right at the front. what's more surprising is that Hwiyoung is behind you, though, and not at the back of the lecture hall.
"can i help you?" you quietly ask the annoying people behind you.
"why are you glaring? go back to your nap, y/n," Hwiyoung spits out, laughing.
you shake your head and turn back to the front, unbothered. they're like this with everyone, annoying like school kids even though you're in your junior year of college now.
once class ends, you make your way out of there as quick as possible, overhearing one of Hwiyoung's friends saying, "clear signs that y/n lives a lonely life."
you scoff hearing that and roll your eyes, but you know it's true.
waiting for the bus, you watch as Hwiyoung leans against his huge, obnoxious motorcycle. he runs his fingers through his hair, holding his helmet with his free hand. you just know he knows people are watching and loves it. some pretty girl walks up to his and he hugs her in a way that suggests something more than friends... although, many of the people in his life are more than friends.
"Hwiyoung sleeps around with everyone, doesn't he?" you overhear someone also waiting for the bus saying.
"that's the 5th girl i've seen him with this week, and it's only Tuesday."
you shake your head, and right as you do, Hwiyoung meets your eyes. maybe you're imagining things, but you can swear he's looking at you when he throws you that smirk before riding off with that girl holding onto him.
hugging your pillow tightly, you fight back tears as another episode of your favourite k-drama ends. the two leads end this episode with a passionate kiss, and you squeeze your pillow.
when will that ever happen to me, you think, frowning.
your phone vibrates and you check who messaged you. it's your friend, sending you photos of them on a date with their s/o yet again. you groan at the horrible timing and let your body fall backwards onto your bed.
for some reason, Hwiyoung comes to mind. he must be having so much fun with that girl right now, you think.
to lighten your sour mood, you reach into your fridge for some drinks and start blasting some of your favourite happy songs. dancing the night away in the dark of your apartment, lit only by a few candles and your TV screen, you feel drunk as time passes.
luckily, you're on your own, so you won't make any mistakes, right?
hm, i wonder what Hwiyoung is up to, your drunken mind thinks. your drunken mind also tells you that it would be a great idea to text him right now.
HWiyoung! whats uo ?
y/n? why are you messaging me?
ok ridue. your're so mean
what's ridue? is everything okay?
okay? hah! since when have htings every been okay?
life sucks ! i';m so lovey nnnn i'im so loneoly,,,, i'm oloveby
okay, i have no clue what you're saying right now.
your phone slips out of your hands as it starts to ring, and you bend over to pick it up. Hwiyoung's calling, and you don't hesitate even for a moment before answering.
"y/n, can you tell me why you're messaging me like that?" he asks. "i'm busy right now, you know."
"yeah, with that bitch?" you spit out.
"what bitch? i guess you're right, cause i'm talking to a bitch on the phone right now, huh."
"fuck you!"
there's a moment of silence as Hwiyoung seems to realize what's happening.
"are you drunk right now, y/n?"
"drunk? what's that? krunk? hahaha!" you slur, falling onto your bed.
"listen, i don't know why you messaged me when you're drunk, but contact someone else to come help you out, okay?" Hwiyoung says before hanging up.
your phone falls to the ground again as you shut your eyes, falling asleep.
bzzzz. bzzzzz. bzzzzzzzzzzzz--
"y/n! wake up!" your friend screams into your ear when you finally answer his call.
"class is starting and attendance is mandatory, remember? we're watching our classmates present, today!" Taeyang tells you.
"oh, fuck!" you shriek, sitting up... but a splitting headache forces you back down onto the bed.
"you better come here in five minutes, or you'll lose a huge chunk of your grade," Taeyang says before hanging up.
he sounds just like a professor, you think to yourself.
for the sake of these free attendance marks, you manage to throw some clothes on, chug some water and fill your water bottle before leaving. you just know you look like a mess, but you couldn't care less right now.
you make it just in time, hobbling over to where Taeyang has saved a seat for you in the back.
"why do you look so... god, you smell like alcohol!" Taeyang whines.
"shut up," you groan, drinking from your water bottle.
"so you were drunk last night, huh y/n?" Hwiyoung asks, walking behind you to find a seat.
you ignore him and he smirks, continuing to walk past you.
"what the hell was that?" Taeyang asks.
"i don't know... all i know is that i need to find myself an s/o, 'cause i'm going insane."
Taeyang shakes his head at you.
"i have no clue what you're on about, and i don't even want to know."
that night, you're drinking again. this time, you're not drunk, sticking to only one can and something that has low alcohol content. it helps you think more clearly, and you wonder about what the solution to your lonely problem could be.
some people are fine with being single, but it's not that way for you. people make fun of you for it and it drives you insane, it's damaging your mental health and your grades are plummeting because of it. it may sound dramatic, but it seems like you can't do anything until you get an s/o.
why can't you get an s/o?
it has nothing to do with looks, nor personality. is it... your lack of experience? your lack of skill? but how can you gain any of those things without an s/o in the first place...
you gently pat your head, urging it to find an idea.
oh! Hwiyoung! Hwiyoung is the answer! as a notorious player, teaching you how to do something like kissing for example won't be a big deal, right? it's not like he's devoted to any one s/o... he's always sleeping around with anyone, so maybe you could turn yourself into one of those people to gain the experience you need to date?
your logic is a little insane, but it seems to work. with the alcohol in your system providing you with all the confidence you need, you send a message to Hwiyoung before shutting off your phone and heading off to bed, satisfied with yourself.
hey, Hwiyoung! firstly i'm sorry for drunk-texting you. i actually have a favour to ask. this is super absurd... i don't think i can even say it through text. could you come to my apartment tomorrow, saturday afternoon, so i can explain? my address is ________
the next morning, you wake up to the sun hitting your face. you sit up and stretch, checking your phone to see who texted you. there's a messaging from Hwiyoung saying he'll be there at 3.
huh? there's a message from Hwiyoung?!
you type out a message to say you've changed your mind, then delete it. it just wouldn't make sense for you to back out without even having told Hwiyoung what all of this was about.
you could always lie when he gets here and make up some other favour... but it just wouldn't make sense.
you're caught in a strange place and all you can do is wash up, eat breakfast and at least try to study before Hwiyoung gets there.
[a/n]: joker by big naughty fits this part really well and i just can't explain why.. it's like the soundtrack
the doorbell to your apartment rings and you jump off your desk, racing to open the door. you take a few deep breaths first, straighten your shirt and then enter.
"hi, y/n..." Hwiyoung says in a deep voice. he opts for awkwardly waving at you rather than hugging or shaking your hand, since he doesn't know you all too well.
he looks around your apartment right away when he steps inside and removes his shoes. this is all so y/n, even though i don't even know them that well, he thinks to himself.
"so what's the favour, princess?" he asks, sitting on your couch.
your ears twitch at the sudden pet name.
"well... why don't i grab you a drink first. do you want tea? coffee?" you ask, just trying to avoid the inevitable.
"coffee should do it," he says, leaning back.
you can't help but admire how good he looks as you make the coffee. his hair is slightly wet and very curly, sticking to his forehead because of the rain outside. his tight, black jeans don't miss a single curve of his legs, and the black leather jacket that he wears over his white t-shirt shines under the ceiling lights.
you suck in a breath and look away, returning to the coffee packets and mugs in your hands.
"here you go," you say, finally handing him a mug.
he thanks you and blows over the drink before taking a sip.
"now will you tell me what i'm here for?" Hwiyoung asks, eyeing you.
you scratch the back of your head, nervous but ready to just get it over with.
"yeah, so... i need you to teach me something. i'm not sure who else i can ask."
Hwiyoung raises an eyebrow at you, clearly intrigued.
you clear your throat and sit up straight, heart racing in your chest. hey, if this gets weird or he doesn't agree, you can just move on and avoid him for the rest of your life!
it won't be that easy, though.
you squeeze your eyes tightly shut.
"i need you to teach me... how to kiss," you mumble, hoping he heard you.
"how to kiss?" he repeats but louder.
you nod, avoiding his eyes, and he smirks at you.
"well where did you get that filthy idea from, princess? are you just tryna get in bed with me?" he asks, the tone of his voice low.
"no! no, i swear no! this is genuinely just.. kissing and nothing else!" you clarify.
he cocks his head to one side, still smirking at you.
"well, what's in it for me?"
you bite your lip. you hadn't thought that far...
"my grades are suffering. if you could help me with that, i'd appreciate it," Hwiyoung offers.
"tutoring? sure, i can definitely tutor you!" you agree.
Hwiyoung nods.
"are we starting right away today, or?" he asks.
your heart races at the thought, and you stay silent.
"okay, looks like you need some time. what day, when and where am i meeting you?" Hwiyoung asks.
"Same time, same place, same day of the week as today," you say.
He nods again, standing up to leave.
"sounds great. i'll see myself out, then, princess."
Hwiyoung leaves, his half empty coffee cup still steaming on the coffee table. you're left wondering how this all ended up working out.
exactly a week later, you're just the same. peacefully studying at your desk, or trying to, when the doorbell rings and you jump up to open the door. Hwiyoung looks the same, too. his hair still long and curled, his clothes still black leather jacket on white tee over black skinny jeans.
"am i teaching you first or are you teaching me first?" he asks, setting down his bag.
"i think it would be better for my anxiety if you taught me first," you say, knowing you wouldn't be able to focus on tutoring if you knew that Hwiyoung would be kissing you just moments later.
"okay.. are you fine with sitting on the couch?" Hwiyoung asks.
you nod, and the two of you sit beside each other. there's a huge gap between the two of you, and Hwiyoung chuckles.
"come closer. i can't just kiss the air, princess," he points out.
you shuffle forward 'til you're close enough.
"okay... so what exactly am i teaching you? the types of kisses? how to kiss?" Hwiyoung asks.
"how... to kiss," you mumble.
"okay, princess. so, have you kissed before?" Hwiyoung asks.
you shake your head, no, and he grins as you hang your head low.
"so i'll be your first kiss? is that... okay?"
you look up at him, a little shocked that someone like him is concerned about someone like that. nonetheless, you nod, yes.
"okay, well, when you kiss... you can't just go straight in, or your noses will hit each other's and that'll suck. you have to go in with your head tilted, like this."
naturally, Hwiyoung's hand reaches up to hold the back of your head. he draws close, tilting his head to demonstrate. his lips are just centimetres away from yours, but he doesn't let them touch. you let out a huge breath of air after he moves away. your heart was racing and he hadn't even kissed you, yet! so what would a kiss with Hwiyoung be like then?
"S-so... did you get that?" Hwiyoung falters, clearing his throat and hoping he won't stutter again.
something was off about that... something was off when he leaned in. immediately, he felt his face getting red and his heart hammering in his chest. that stuff never happens to him. maybe it's 'cause he's being put on the spot and asked to teach how to kiss?
"yeah, i got it," you mutter, nodding along.
"it's also helpful to do stuff with your hand. you noticed how i was holding the back of your head, right? stuff like that makes it better and more... enjoyable?"
"so i should hold the back of your head, too?" you shyly ask.
"only, if you want, princess. you can also hold the person's face or cheek or whatever, like this--"
Hwiyoung large, warm hand cups your left cheek. his thumb swipes back and forth over your face.
"doing something like this is good, t-too," Hwiyoung stutters yet again, blown away by how the contact of his hand and your soft face is making his heart race again.
he carefully pulls away, weirded out by his own emotions.
"what else?" you ask, eager to know more.
"uh... well some people also like to run their fingers through the other person's hair... or have their arms around the other person's shoulders, waist or neck. sometimes rubbing their back, sides... it's all up to you. i think it'll just come naturally to you in the moment when you figure it out, princess," Hwiyoung explains.
you nod, pressing your lips together.
"i'll try actually kissing you this time, if that's okay," Hwiyoung says.
you slowly nod.
"just close your eyes and try to follow me, okay? it's okay if it's messy or weird. you'll figure it out with time."
for some reason, Hwiyoung feels the need to be gentle with you. that's why he keeps clarifying, asking if you're okay, and taking things so slowly.
he holds your face in both hands and leans in... then he stops and lets out a laugh.
"close your eyes, princess. it's so much easier that way. and there's no need to pucker your lips like that."
you feel super embarrassed but do as he says, and this time, Hwiyoung properly closes the gap between the two of you.
his lips feel soft and magical on top of yours. your hands, which are at your sides, ball into fists as butterflies rage within you. so this is what it must feel like, you realize.
Hwiyoung finds himself stroking your cheeks with his thumbs as his lips are still pressed to yours. it's a completely unconscious gesture, and so is him gently tilting your head back to deepen the kiss. he feels your lips part as you let out a gasp, and he wastes no time in entering with his tongue, exploring the inside of your mouth.
he pulls back to chew on your bottom lip slightly before he realizes that he's completely gone overboard and he should probably stop, now. so, he slowly pulls away, your face still in his hands until he lets go.
the way you're glowing makes his heart race even faster, and so does the way your eyelids slowly flutter open.
"i-i'm really sorry, i went overboard--" Hwiyoung starts.
"is that what it's like?" you ask.
"is that what... kissing is like?"
"uh... yeah?"
you burst into a smile, touching your lips with your fingers. Hwiyoung's face becomes a mirror of yours, a smiling mess.
"i-i think it's best we stop here for the day, princess. can you tutor me now, instead?" Hwiyoung asks.
you nod, telling him you'll grab your notes from your room and will be back. in the meantime, Hwiyoung shakily reaches for his own things. he feels so weird... his heart has not stopped pounding and he wonders if it's some kind of health problem. his face and ears feel hot. he tries to remember if this has ever happened before with any of the other people he's been with... but no. perhaps it's just your shyness rubbing off on him!
when you come back, you help him go over the most important things: the units that will be on the upcoming tests. you kindly explain and re-explain anything that Hwiyoung doesn't understand, help him go through some practice problems, and even help him make a test review.
hours pass with the two of you studying like that, until you notice your living room has gone dark. the sun has set!
"oh... i should probably get going," Hwiyoung says, starting to pack up.
"but you didn't even eat anything! i'm so sorry--"
"no, it's okay, princess. you can feed me next time, okay? i'll be off," Hwiyoung says, standing up and quickly walking to your door.
you watch him open it and step out, closing it behind him.
during the week, at your classes, you and Hwiyoung act like strangers. it's only on those saturday afternoons that the two of you get intimate.
on another one of those afternoons, you're tugging at Hwiyoung's hair as he kisses you deeply. he lets out a moan right into your mouth before he breathlessly pulls away.
"princess, that... had no right to feel that good," he says, stroking his own hair and wondering why he felt so good when you pulled on it.
"that means i'm doing a good job, right?" you ask, smiling brightly.
"well let's move to the homework i gave you last week so i can see if you're doing a good job, too," you say.
Hwiyoung pouts slightly but still pulls out his work. you sit close to him as you explain, and he can't help but stare at your side profile as you talk.
"Hwiyoung? are you daydreaming again? i asked if you could explain how you got to this answer."
"a-ah, yeah..."
after another hour of tutoring him, Hwiyoung leaves your apartment. his legs feel weak as he walks towards the elevator. reaching for his chest, he feels his heart racing yet again. this really isn't good.
he pulls out his phone and asks to meet with an old friend of his.
"wait so... this person you didn't care for at all asked you to teach them how to kiss, and now you're catching feelings?!" Chani clarifies.
Hwiyoung puts down his glass, hard, onto the bar counter.
"no, i'm not catching feelings! i'm telling you i'm getting heart problems whenever i go there, and it's been getting worse," Hwiyoung explains.
"have you ever caught feelings before?" Chani asks his friend.
Hwiyoung blinks back in response, staying silent.
"exactly, so of course you wouldn't know that this is what it's like to catch feelings."
"no... it can't be. right?" Hwiyoung asks, taking a long sip of his drink.
"it definitely is. and you're telling me you're always sad when you have to stop kissing them, that every move they make drives you insane, even though they don't kiss you well. man, if that isn't catching feelings, then i don't know what is!"
"i don't know anything about them, though. i only see them on those saturday afternoons," Hwiyoung says.
"do you want to know more about them?"
"yeah," Hwiyoung mindlessly mutters.
"well, there you have it. you're literally whipped!"
"huh? wait, no--"
"just accept it, Hwiyoung. accept it and go learn more about them, already. i've been worried about you. you always fuck people without feeling a thing but pleasure. you've never cared for anyone except for your friends, and even then, all your friendships are fake except ours."
Hwiyoung tightly holds the glass in his hand. Chani's right, but it hurts.
"quit being a coward, okay? just see where your feelings take you!"
sat in your lecture hall, you scramble to copy Taeyang's notes. he watches over you, shaking his head.
"i can't believe you went to a party again this saturday and didn't get to do your work. firstly, you went without me, secondly, how do you keep going every single saturday?" he asks.
you tell him to shut up so you can finish writing, until a tall body approaches you, towering over you. when you look up, you meet eyes with Hwiyoung, who has a nervous expression on his face.
"hi, y/n. is the spot next to you taken?" he asks.
"yeah it--" Taeyang starts, but you cut him off.
"no! you can sit, if you'd like," you say.
Hwiyoung thanks you in a low voice and takes a seat, pulling out his stuff to start studying.
"wow, Hwiyoung is actually prepared for class? Shocking." Taeyang remarks.
"actually y/n has been tutoring--" Hwiyoung starts. you quickly cover his mouth with your hand.
"Hwiyoung's just changed, i guess!" you say, panicked.
Taeyang throws you a weird look, but doesn't question things any further. you move your hand away and mumble an apology to Hwiyoung, who just smirks at you.
once class starts, the three of you are silent as you focus on the lecture. Hwiyoung doesn't make a ruckus anymore, and you feel proud to see he's actually started to change after you began tutoring him.
"hey... wanna go to a place you like to grab some food?" Hwiyoung asks you once the lecture ends.
you don't know why he's suddenly attempting to befriend you, but you can't say no to him, either. Taeyang has to rush off to his next class, and you tell him you'll fill him in on things later. he throws you a wink before he leaves, and you yell at him to stop being so annoying.
"have fun getting laid," he whispers in your ear before running off.
Hwiyoung watches your interaction with Taeyang while smiling wildly. so this is how you treat your loved ones? this is how you joke around with your friends? why is his heart fluttering ?!
"let's go! i know a good off-campus place that's nearby," you declare.
you don't realize it, but a lot of people are watching you and Hwiyoung. some of them even try to take stealthy photos, too. Hwiyoung is used to this, but he doesn't want you to get hurt by the rumours that they'll probably be spreading.
he takes off his leather jacket and throws it on your head.
when you question him for that, he just says, "keep it on, princess. a lot of people are watching, and i don't want you to get hurt by any rumours they could spread about you."
you wear it like one of those runaways in a historical kdrama, who wears a robe over their head to hide themselves.
"should we just run?" you ask Hwiyoung, looking up at him.
he smiles slightly and nods. you don't even think about it when you reach for his hand and start to run, pulling him along with you. everyone on campus wonders who the daring person is that is pulling Hwiyoung along with intertwined fingers, and why and how you're making him smile so hard.
neither of you notice the stares anymore, though. even Hwiyoung is entirely fixated on you and the way you breathlessly laugh as you try to run to the place you were headed.
once you finally make it there and pull open the door, the two of you shake yourselves off and walk inside, still laughing. Hwiyoung then takes in the place you brought him too, trying to remember every detail.
the two of you talk over food as if you're normal friends, not strangers who would meet once a week to do each other favours. Hwiyoung asks you a lot of questions and the conversation never runs dry. he nods and listens carefully each time you answer, and you can imagine him jotting down your answers--that's how earnestly he listens to you.
you start to see him in a new light. not as the popular jerk of your campus anymore,, but as someone you maybe actually care for? and want to spend time with? yet you can't help but worry about if he even feels the same way at all.
by the time the two of you leave, it's dark outside. Hwiyoung offers to walk you home, but you say it's all good.
"call me when you get home at least, okay?" he asks as you walk further away.
you nod, but then wonder why he asked you to call and not text. still, you end up calling him, and your phone call with him lasts way past midnight.
he listens to you fall asleep, your answers turning into hums until all he hears are your soft breaths.
"sleep well, y/n," he says before hanging up.
Hwiyoung spends more time with you from that day on, and Taeyang is very suspicious. he notes the way Hwiyoung looks at you with genuine care and adoration, not the empty lust he'd usually look at people with.
"y/n... i think Hwiyoung likes you," Taeyang tells you one day in the library.
"what?!" you exclaim, almost dropping your bag that you had just picked up.
"he looks at you... in a certain way... like he loves you."
you shake your head at Taeyang, but secretly wonder if his words could hold any truth to them.
"hey, y/n! and Taeyang!" Hwiyoung greets you both.
Taeyang raises an eyebrow at you, probably trying to point out how Hwiyoung said your name first.
"ready to go?" Hwiyoung asks, and you both nod.
he had texted you saying he wants to take you both somewhere and that it's a surprise. you feel suspicious about all this, but you find it hard to say no to Hwiyoung.
you walk in between the two boys, listening to Taeyang's complaints about a professor for one of your classes. Hwiyoung slips his hand into yours, taking your hand with his into his pocket. when you look up at him, he simply smiles while looking at the ground.
butterflies rage within you and you furrow your eyebrows together, trying to get it to stop.
"everything okay, y/n?" Taeyang asks.
"y-yeah," you stutter in response.
Taeyang continues talking, Hwiyoung continues stealing glances at you while he holds your hand, and you continue trying to get the heart fluttering feeling in your stomach to stop.
"where are you taking us, Hwiyoung?" Taeyang asks.
Hwiyoung smirks, then says, "don't kill me, but i'm taking you to a party. a lot of my old friends are there, and honestly i'm just a bit sick of them. i'd rather hang around with you two..."
"well then you could've ditched the party and we couldv'e went elsewhere?" Taeyang points out.
Hwiyoung shakes his head and says, "no, they'll kill me if i don't show up. you'll do me this one favour, right?"
Hwiyoung starts rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb, and you feel electricity all over your arm. your breath hitches in your throat and you can't think clearly.
"well... if y/n's okay with it," Taeyang says.
Hwiyoung looks at you with an expression that you can't resist... and that's how you end up at a loud house party. it's not a place you'd usually be at.
Taeyang gets drunk just 20 minutes in and joins the people who are dancing in the livingroom, leaving you and Hwiyoung to yourselves. Hwiyoung keeps you close, your arms looped. you, on the other hand, keep a close eye on Taeyang.
"are you worried about him?" Hwiyoung asks, concern on his face.
you nod, and Hwiyoung calls over one of his friends.
"Chani! can you do me a favour? can you keep an eye on that boy right there?"
Hwiyoung's friend, Chani, rolls his eyes but walks over to the livingroom, taking over the dj booth and watching over Taeyang.
"is that okay?" Hwiyoung asks.
you nod, but still feel slightly uneasy.
"are you okay?" Hwiyoung asks, pulling you closer.
you don't know how to respond. you're not sure if it's because you're pressed this close to Hwiyoung that you feel so warm or because it's so packed in this house.
Hwiyoung's lips curl into a tight smile.
"i'll just say hi to a few more people and then we can leave, okay? they'll be too drunk to even notice we're gone," Hwiyoung says.
you pout at him but still follow his lead as he introduces you to people that you doubt you'll ever remember later. his introductions lead you to a bedroom where a few people are talking.
"your s/o?" someone asks Hwiyoung, looking at you.
he smiles in response but doesn't say anything. it makes you feel uneasy.
"well, we're off for some more drinks. you can have this room to yourselves," Hwiyoung's friend says before the group of people leave.
you and Hwiyoung are left alone in that room, all to yourselves.
"well... we should leave, now," Hwiyoung says, moving towards the door.
yet something within you makes you stop him. you reach out to pull on his sleeve.
"Hwiyoung... i need to make something clear," you say, "what are we? what's going on with us? we stopped meeting on weekends to... do whatever we were doing before and now we're acting like friends... but suddenly you take hold of my hand like it's nothing?"
you feel relieved getting all of this off your chest. it's all been like an itch, bothering you in the most lowkey of ways but eventually making you lose your cool.
"we.. can be whatever you want us to be, princess," Hwiyoung says in a low voice, taking your hand in his.
"but what do you want us to be?"
"i don't know. i'm not fond of labels and i don't really get them, but i just want to be close to you, princess. i want to listen to you, be here for you and have you at my side at all times."
you blink at him as he speaks, and he smiles.
"i want this, too," he says before he suddenly presses his lips to yours.
as if you've been yearning for this, your instincts immediately take over. your mouth knows to follow his lead, your hands know to gently pull on and stroke Hwiyoung's hair, and you still feel just as many butterflies as you always have.
you pull away for a second to catch your breath, and you meet Hwiyoung's eyes. like Taeyang told you, there's something different about them. they sparkle and you can see yourself inside them.
you're about to lean in again, but Hwiyoung gently stops you.
"i'm scared i'll take things too far, so let's stop here, princess" he almost whispers, pressing a kiss to your forehead before guiding you out of the room.
you feel dazed as he guides you out, calling a drunk Taeyang over and helping him walk as the three of you head back to campus to part ways. all you can think about is how you know exactly what you and Hwiyoung are, but at the same time, you know nothing at all.
with Taeyang safely home, Hwiyoung walks you home, and it's then that you muster up the courage again to clarify things once more.
"Hwiyoung... do you... like me?" you ask.
he takes a hand out of the pocket of his jeans and uses it to grab hold of one of yours.
"i guess so," he says.
his lack of confidence makes you uneasy, yet again.
"does this mean we're lovers?" you ask.
"do you want us to be?" Hwiyoung asks back, looking at you.
you nod, yes, and he smiles, patting your head.
"then we're lovers, 'til death do us part," Hwiyoung says, dramatically.
both of your laughs fill up the night and Hwiyoung swings his arm in yours, pulling you closer.
well, this isn't the happy ending you'd imagined. your first 'relationship' isn't even a proper relationship at all, but you've still got someone to love and be loved by, right?
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kgyeomiex · 2 years
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Pairing: Hwiyoung x reader
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: There aren’t any, at least not in this chapter.
Genre: bits of angst | Fluff 
requests - open
“Many things interested her, and nothing satisfied her entirely,”
One unexpected family visit turns into one big roller coaster ride. You were supposed to come to California to visit your grandmother, but one visit turns into meeting someone you couldn’t bear to be around... The more you wanted to be away from him, the more he showed up everywhere... Was it fate? Or a coincidence?
Part 1~
More Parts:
Part 2
It was about time you got out of your neighborhood and flew to another state to visit some family. The thing about where you lived was that you didn’t have people like you around there. You had no idea what you did to have people hate you so much but you didn’t care. If anything you liked being alone.
The moment you get to California, your goal is just to spend some time with the family that you haven’t seen in a long time and be away from the negative energy. Right now you need to be calm and just relax after all this is a vacation.
“OH MY GOD!” Just as you were lost in your thoughts, you looked over to your sister and sighed.
“What now?” Your sister always has to turn the smallest thing into a dramatic scene... You shouldn’t even be surprised by this response anymore.
“SF9 IS COMING TO CALIFORNIA WHILE WE ARE HERE!” All you did was just stare at your sister as she continued to stare down at her phone.
You see, you have an older sister who was completely obsessed with K-pop. There hasn’t been a day where she doesn’t mention any groups in the K-pop community. You always asked your parents why didn’t you get a normal sister or even become the only child... They never seem to have an answer so it sucks.
“And?” You asked her and she rolled her eyes.
“Of course, you wouldn’t understand. Why do I even bother telling you?” You shrugged and continued to wait till your parents came back to you and your sister with the new rental car they were borrowing.
“Do you think they (parents) would let me go to their concert?” You glanced at your sister and shrugged.
“I mean I don’t think so, but how are you possibly supposed to get there?” You asked your sister and she looked left and right and then back at you with a huge smile.
“Duh! With the car, they rent,” That’s true, but the moment you took one look up... There you saw a sign that said:
You were going to let your sister be happy, but you decided what kind of sister would you be if you didn’t try to burst your own sister's happiness... Not a very good one.
“Sorry to rain on your parade, but...” You grabbed your sister by the shoulders and turned her to face the wall. The moment she saw the sign, her face went from a smile to a frown.
“You gotta be kidding me,” You simply shrugged, and for some reason knowing that your sister wasn’t going to be able to go to the concert she wanted to go to make you smile. It’s not that you didn’t want to see your sister be happy; however she’s been a snob.
“Try again next time... If they come back,” you simply said, winking over at your sister, and from that point on, both of your parents walked over to you two with the keys to a car.
“Ready to go?” Your mother asked the two of you and you nodded.
“Ready than ever.”
You glanced back at your sister and noticed she still had that frown glued to her damn face.
“What’s wrong with Y/S/N?” Your mother asked and you quickly gave your mother a look.
“It’s not worth asking, “ Your sister shot you a glare and at that moment your sister decided to open her mouth and be dramatic as usual.
“I swear the universe is completely against me! The moment we come here for a vacation... My husband shows up in town and I can’t go see them!” Your sister shouted and all eyes were on her. Honestly, you always seem to question how you are even related to her.
“Oh calm down, your husband doesn’t technically even know you exist,” your mother says, causing your sister to suck her teeth and storm to the car. You took one look at your mother and laughed.
“Finally someone has said it,” from that point on, you all walked toward the car you were renting out and were now on your way to your grandmother's house.
At last, when the car came to a stop, you took a look out the window and saw the same house you visited 8 years ago. Wow, it looks the same. You looked over at your sister who was passed out right next to you and you looked back out the window.
Hm, should you be a nice sister and wake her up? You slowly brought your hand to her shoulder but suddenly stopped and smiled.
Why on earth would you wake up when she looks so peaceful sleeping. You grabbed the handle of the door and made your way out feeling happy at the thought of your sister sleeping in the car and not being around you talking about lord knows what.
“Where’s Y/S/N?” Your mother asks, interrupting your thoughts and you look at her and smile.
“She’s playing dead in the car,” after that being said you walked off and went to get your belongings and you glanced over at your mother who was looking over at the car and then over at you.
“Did you just say she’s dead?” Wow you told your mother she was playing dead and the only thing your mother heard from that statement was she’s dead.
“No, I said she’s playing dead,” You tried to correct yourself but you noticed that your mother was opening the car door and was now tapping your sister. Wow, one-joke turning into your mother freaking out.
You shook your head in disappointment and now had your suitcase and bag in your hands and walked to the door. You know how good it feels knowing that you will be around family and less around people that are annoyed back at home.
By the time you were at the front door, you took a look back and noticed your sister dragging herself out to the car, your mother talking on the phone, and your father pulling out suitcases.
Should you ring the bell or just wait till everyone approaches you? You pulled out your phone and you didn’t have a single text. Eh, what the heck... You rang the doorbell and patiently waited for someone to open the door.
In a matter of seconds, you could hear someone approaching the door. At least the door finally opened and there you saw your grandmother standing right there before you.
“Sweetie,” your grandmother automatically says as she sees you standing right in her.
“Where is everyone else?” Your grandmother asks as she pulls you into a quick hug; however it wasn’t long until she looked behind you and saw how hectic everyone looked. You still question yourself how you turned out to be the only normal one in the family.
You went to the same room you always stay in every time you visit your grandmother. It still looked the same as it did a couple of years ago. The room was still empty. The only thing you had in the room was a bed, a dresser, and a bean bag chair but other than that... Your room was empty.
You put your suitcase on top of the bed but instead of unpacking you walked over to the window and just looked around.
It felt the same as when you were 10. Maybe nothing will change and maybe your vacation will turn out exactly how you think it will.
“WHAT!” You heard screaming ruining your train of thoughts and at that moment you knew you had to go see what was wrong.
You stepped out of your room and walked quickly to the living room finding your sister there with her phone in her hands. Oh no, why did you show up... You already knew your sister was going to say something about the usual problems that included her obsessing over these Korean boy groups...
You tried to walk off hoping that your sister wouldn’t have noticed your presence but it was a little too late to walk away now.
“Y/N!” She grabbed your arm and you looked over at her.
“Please say you’ll come with me.” Oh god, what is this crazy sister of yours talking about? You looked at her and then looked at your arm that she had a grip on.
“First of all please remove your hand away from me and second of all what are you talking about?” You asked your sister and she smiled.
“So I happened to find a way to get to the concert, however, mom and dad said I can only go if...” Your sister stopped talking and you just stood there and you continued to stare at her waiting for her to finish up with what she was saying however she just smiled at you.
“So... are you going to finish that sentence or is this the part I walk away?” You asked your sister and she just sighed and again she placed both hands on each shoulder and looked directly at you.
“I know!!! I know you hate when I mention k-pop around you but please... Please do this one thing for me...” What is your sister talking about? What does she mean to do this thing for her? What are you missing?
“You completely lost me..” Your sister looked frustrated after you made that comment but how can you not be confused? She didn’t even finish what she was saying and she was expecting you to understand her? Does that make sense?
“Look, can you please come to the SF9 concert if I asked you?!” Your sister asked, pleading. You were about to automatically say no however you knew this was your time to make her beg... This was your time to make her promise you that she will do any favor you ask her to do.
“Hmm... Are you paying for my ticket?” You asked, crossing your arms and without even giving it a second she automatically nodded her head.
“If I say yes... What am I benefiting from this?” You asked your sister and she began to look around and then looked at you right away.
“I WILL do anything! Please!” You loved moments like this especially when it’s perfect timing to use this to your advantage.
“Anything?” You asked your sister and she quickly nodded her head. You smiled evilly at yourself and sighed.
“If I say yes, you promise to leave me alone after this right?” You asked her and she nodded her head automatically.
“AND! You promise to do my part in the cleaning?” You asked and your sister took a minute to think about that however she nodded her head. Well, you could say yes right about now but there was one thing left.
“Get on your knees and beg,” at that moment your sister did as she was told and you were in complete shock. Wow, your sister was extremely desperate for these tickets.
“I’m kidding!” You quickly grabbed your sister by the arm and she got up and looked at you. Well, you could be an asshole and say no... Or you could give your sister a break for once, and well... Go to this concert...
“Fine...” At that moment you were pulled into a hug and you were completely shocked. What the hell just happened? Is your sister hugging you?
After agreeing on this, you knew there was no way to back down now... The truth was you didn’t want to go to any concert however since you said yes, your ticket was paid for and your sister had them.
“Y/S/N! Are you ready to go?” You asked patiently waiting in the living room however you haven’t seen your sister since you said yes.
“Almost done!” She screamed out and you pulled out your phone. You were hoping that you could go and get this over with. You wanted to curl up in a ball and watch a movie but nope here you were getting ready to listen to music your sister enjoys.
“I’m ready!” She snapped you out of your thoughts and you got up and took one look at your sister. She went all out. She had a cute outfit on and even her makeup done.
“Wow... You have really outdone yourself this time,” You said walking past her and she quickly followed behind you.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
By the time the two of you finally arrived, you looked outside of the car and saw a huge line waiting outside of the arena. Holy shit people really do listen to these boys.
“We’re here!” Your sister clapped and you could feel your father staring at her probably judging her or maybe that was just you.
“I see that...” You said still admiring how long the line was... It was from the front door of the arena till the very end... Cross that you couldn’t even see the end of the line...
“Let’s go!” Your sister says opened the car door and your eyes widened.
“Wait what... You’re telling me that we have to wait in that huge ass line... You gotta be kidding me,” You said looking at your sister, and you felt your father's eyes on you.
“Stop complaining for one night, and go have fun.” Did your father just say have fun? Is this man crazy?
“For your information, there is no way I will have fun here... And there is no way I will stop complaining until the night is officially over,” you said and your father just shook his head in disappointment.
Eventually, after basically dragging yourself out of the car you were now standing in line watching everyone around you already fangirling over this boy group. What are they called? Sff? Sf5? You didn’t care, you just came just so your sister can leave you alone after this.
“You have the tickets right?” You asked your sister and she smiled.
“Of course, they are right...” she says and she suddenly stops talking to you looking right at you...
“Wait... I gave you the tickets right,” Oh god... Just when you thought you were doing a good deed for your sister everything goes completely wrong!
“Please don’t tell me you forgot the tickets,” you said looking right at your sister but just from her not talking you could tell off of her facial expression that she fucked up and completely forgot the damn tickets...
She was completely quiet, you have no idea what is even running through her mind, and to be honest, you were a bit scared... Your sister was obsessed with this group so for this to happen... It was going to be a scary experience to watch.
“I...” She began to say and her eyes suddenly began to water.
Please don’t cry... PLEASE DON’T CRY.
“I... I,” you weren't the type to usually ever show your sister any type of sympathy or even any type of affection however you didn’t want your sister crying... Especially around all of these people because who knows they probably would assume that you are the reason she’s crying.
You pulled your sister into a hug and you could hear already cry. Oh lord. What the hell do you two do now? Your father just left and he was coming back once the concert was supposed to finish...
You didn’t want to deal with your sister feeling sad so you had an idea that might be illegal...
“Look I have an idea,” you said and your sister slowly pulled away and looked right at you when tears fell down. You wiped away her tears and sighed.
“How about... “ you stopped talking when suddenly your sister decided to interrupt you out of the blue.
“How about if I sneak in!” Wow, you had the same idea however it came out of her mouth... So if she gets caught... you’re pretty innocent.
“Yeah sure..” She instantly smiled and you were a bit taken back at how bipolar your sister was just crying a couple of minutes ago... However, instead of questioning her you just let the girl live.
However, you took one look down and the moment you looked up you noticed your sister was gone and out of your site. Where the hell did she go?
Just from that ... You had this feeling today was probably going to be a long day...
After going back and forth trying to look for your sister, you didn’t see her anywhere on-site... There was no one outside which must mean your sister got in without a problem... But what the hell do you do now?
You looked around and sighed...
Well, are you supposed to just stand out here and wait for your sister to come out or something? You didn’t know what to do to kill time but since there was a coffee shop nearby you decided to treat yourself and spend time there... Might as well, right?
You pulled out your phone and noticed people coming out of the arena. Did the concert finish? That must mean your sister was supposed to come out...
You began to walk around looking everywhere to find your sister but nothing. It was overly crowded so you quickly texted your sister saying you were going to meet her somewhere that had fewer people.
As you walked basically behind the arena, you found yourself in an alley. You have no idea how you even ended up here however you thought maybe your sister must have stayed inside to try to meet the boys... Aish that sounds like your sister...
You noticed a gray door and you had an idea. Maybe you can get in there and find your sister and stop her before she embarrasses herself. PERFECT!
Slowly you walked over to the door and before you knew it everything happened so quickly. The moment you grabbed a handle on the door you were about to pull it open till suddenly the door opened and you suddenly felt yourself on the ground.
You were so determined to get inside that you didn’t even carefully get a hold of the door, you carelessly grabbed the door and now you were on the ground because of that mistake.
“Oh, my!” You heard a deep voice say as you were on the ground and the moment you looked up you suddenly see about nine guys hovering you looking down the ground... Right at you...
“Hwiyoung did you kill her?”
“What no...”
“How was he supposed to know anyone was on the other side of the door?”
“You should always be careful opening doors.”
“Hyung, are you always careful?”
You had no idea what was happening but one thing you did know was that these boys were having a conversation right in front of you as you were trying to process life.
You felt your head throbbing at the pain. You eventually got yourself off the ground and sat up.
“She’s up!”
“Are you okay?” You looked at the one who was speaking to you and you began to rub your head.
“No I died, can’t you tell?” You fired back feeling your head throbbing and the guy looked completely taken back by your remark.
Usually, you’re not much of an asshole but you were in too much pain to care. You were planning to pick yourself off the ground but you suddenly see a hand from one of the guys right in front of you... They were offering their help...
You grabbed a hold of the guy's hand and we were now on your two feet. You looked up and there you saw nine guys all staring at you.
“I’m sorry... I-” before the guy could continue to say anything else, you suddenly recognized one of the guy's faces and realized... You were standing in front of the group your sister practically fangirls over.
“Wait... Are you boys SF9?”
To Be Continued 
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fantasywritings · 3 years
Lazy Sunday Morning- Kim Youngkyun (Hwiyoung) scenario
genre: fluff
pairing: Hwiyoung x reader
Warning: contains nudity (no mentions of anything sexual tho)
Summary: nothing better than a shower with your loved one, first thing in the morning
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The sun broke through the window, causing you to wake up. But something was out of the ordinary, you woke up to an empty bed, trying to figure out where your other half was.
You immediately worried since you didn’t hear him coming home last night, but before anything, you went to your bathroom to freshen up, and only then start looking for him.
As you made your way to the bathroom the sound of the water hitting the ground caught your attention.
“Kyun?” You called out, hearing a sweet “I’m here” from his side, that made you sigh in relief and proceed with your morning ritual.
After you brushed your teeth, you let your clothes fall to the ground, quietly making your way to the shower, slowly moving the curtains.
“morning” you greeted him with a smile
“hey baby” he said with a smile
you have reached a level in the relationship where there is no shame or embarrassment. At first, Youngkyun used to be shy and flustered, but after a while of being together the shyness finally faded away and was replaced by comfort.
“Have you slept well?” He asked, you nodded and hummed a “yes” as you stepped inside the shower, putting back the curtain and standing under the shower head, letting the water fall on your body.
“I didn’t want to wake you up, I got home late last night from practice and just fell asleep right away” Youngkyun wasn’t usually the type to shower first thing in the morning, therefore he explained his reasoning.
“You got into bed without showering?” You looked at him, pretending to be disgusted; earning a laugh from him. You both know that at this point of the relationship there isn’t much that can actually make you feel disgusted.
“You still love me” he protested
“I love my dirty boyfriend very much, yes” you smiled, earning another laugh from him, which made your heart flutter. You brushed the hair from his face, gently, shooting a warm smile.
“You look beautiful” he smiled and caressed your face softly.
“You too. How was practice?” You asked, squeezing shampoo to your hand.
“It was good, tiring, we covered new parts of the choreo” he explained and you nodded while washing your hair.
“It’s going pretty well, I worked hard for it so it wasn’t easy, but I think I got it” he said while washing off the shower gel from his body.
“I’m proud of you” you said, making his cheeks redden a bit, cupping his cheeks in your hand and pecking his lips innocently, earning a sincere smile from him.
“Alright, should we get the day started? A cup of coffee for my man?” You said, Youngkyun chuckled and nodded. Following his response, you closed the water stream and pushed the curtains away, starting your day together.
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all-about-kyu · 2 years
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Summary: Jaehyun finds a cute little café with a cuter owner on the first day of his vacation. Pairing: Jaehyun x fem!reader Tropes: spring break au Genre: smut Rating: R 18+ Warnings: language Smut Warnings: face fucking, degradation, name calling, slight dacryphilia Word Count: 1,875 Note: Thank you to @baljinciaga​ for beta/proofreading this!!
WITT Masterlist ៚ Chapter 2: Bikinis and Bathhouses
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“Yo, this place is fuckin’ nice!” Mingyu bellows the moment they enter the bungalow.
“You’re the one who booked it. I’d hope you’d think it’s nice.” Youngkyun pokes.
He slips past the older and heads straight to the room he had been assigned to share with San. Changmin follows behind, wheeling his suitcase with him. Passing by the oversized sectional and the stairway, he finds his place in the master suite. Though Kino does complain about the red hair man getting the suite, it is only fair. He put the largest portion of money into the rental and should have the biggest space.
“Enjoy that couch, Mingyu. You’ll be sleeping there for the next week.” Jaehyun teases, “Maybe if you had put more into your idea, you wouldn’t be sleeping there.”
Mingyu grumbles but tosses his bag into the corner and flops onto the L-shaped sectional. Jaehyun climbs the flight of stairs and finds his roommate, Kino, already lounging on his chosen bed. Jaehyun takes one look at the garishly ugly cyan bedding and sighs. At least the view was nice, he could easily watch the beach outside his window, and by proxy, people watch as well. He has no idea how Mingyu managed to get a bungalow directly on the beach for the price he did, but he won’t complain.
“When are you thinking about going down there?” Hyunguu asks.
“Not today. I was gonna get changed and wander around the village. Did you wanna tag along?” the brunette replies.
“Nah, I’m gonna get settled for a little. That plane ride took me out.”
Jaehyun nods and grabs a random t-shirt and a pair of shorts from his bag to get changed. He ends up in a rather bland ensemble; a black t-shirt and black shorts. He puts on one of his silver chains to give some diversity to what he’s wearing. He overhears Youngkyun and San chatting about something when he exits his room. He can’t be bothered to eavesdrop, though. Once down the stairs, he sees Mingyu and Changmin lounging on their phones on the sectional. He asks them if they want to join him, but they’re still recovering from the flight, just like his other friends.
The village is cute enough; nothing jumps out at him, but nothing seems too boring. It’s a small village. He didn’t expect it to be a party town or anything like that. He sees a small cafe on one of the side streets and decides to go check it out. It’s a small little building. It seems to have been repurposed due to how the structure looks like the original architecture of the village. Other places look newer and more modern. He likes how this place looks, though; it has character in a good way.
The bell at the top of the door chimes quietly when he enters. He sees a girl behind the counter. She’s clearly bored out of her mind leaning over the counter. There’s no one person in the small building besides the two. She’s scrolling through her phone and hasn’t even said a word to Jaehyun; she hasn’t even looked up from her phone yet, for that matter.
“Excuse me,” he cuts through the silence, “are you open?”
You look up at him and immediately start sizing him up. You’ve never seen him before. Not many people know about your little village when the city is less than an hour away. He’s pretty. He’s really pretty. The way his hair is just wavy enough to give texture but not wavy enough to be frizzy (also thanks to the lower humidity today). The chocolate locks are mixed with bits of highlights. They aren’t overdone or too contrasting from the brown, but there enough to show.
“Yeah,” you nod, “it’s just not busy. It’s never really busy.”
“Well, you got time to tell me about this place?” he asks.
“There’s not much to know, honestly. How about I get you a drink, and then I’ll tell you.”
“Buying me a drink already? I don’t even know your name.”
“I never said it was on the house.” you tease back, and tell him your name in an offhanded comment, “Do you want a tea, coffee, fruity drink?”
“I’m Jaehyun. You can just surprise me with the drink.” he shrugs.
You start making a coffee for him. He seems like a black coffee kind of guy, but in this heat, an Iced Americano is the best bet. He just watches you for a while. His eye practically burn holes through you. When you hand him his drink, he smirks at you.
“I guess you know how to read people well.” he pats the bar stool beside him, “Come sit and tell me about this place. Though I’m much more interested in you.”
“I am working, you know.” you tease again, still coming around the counter to sit beside him.
“Didn’t you just tell me that it’s never really busy here?” he raises his eyebrow at you.
You sigh and start telling him about the village. Being born and raised here, you were raised to know everything about this place. You tell him what your grandparents told you about growing up. A whole lot of folklore and culture that not many people know about. He’s not paying attention much; you know that. His eyes have been scanning all over you since you sat down. Even when he sips on his coffee, he’s still fixated on you. Honestly, you would be doing the same if you didn’t get randomly lost in a rant about one of the folklore stories that doesn’t make sense to you to this day.
“So, did you remember any of that?” you ask, knowing he didn’t remember a thing.
“Honestly, much rather learn about you.”
“What about me?” you ask.
You lean forward, putting your elbows against the counter, and rest your head against your interlocked hands. You know exactly where this is leading, and you won’t stop it. You haven’t had the chance to hook up with anyone nearly as attractive as the man in front of you. It’s not often you see any new faces around here. Even when you go to the city, you don’t often get to have a hookup.
“You own this place?” “Yeah, it’s a family-owned business, but my parents retired.” you explain, “Are we going to continue with these mundane conversations, or are we going to skip right to the fun part?”
“Damn, right to the point.”
“You aren’t subtle, Jaehyun.” you chuckle.
His phone buzzes, and he checks it almost immediately. You can see him replying to a text. He writes back a reply as quickly as humanly possible before looking back at you. A smirk paints itself across his lips.
“Well,” he starts, “if you’re down, my housemates are all at the beach right now. We’ll be completely undisturbed.”
“How can you be sure they won’t come busting in while we’re at it?”
“They won’t.” he says definitively.
“So reassuring.” you tease, “I guess it couldn’t hurt to close early today. Give me ten minutes.”
He nods, and you go about your business shutting down everything you need to. Understandably, your mind was in other places, so you’re running on autopilot as you clean. His eyes follow you around the small cafe. The heat of his stare only serves to make you feel more ready to leave. You toss your apron on the hook next to the door to the storage room and then grab your bag. Jaehyun’s waiting by the door when you finally return to his side. He’s just as excited as you are despite him trying to seem calm and collected on the surface.
“Shall we be off?” he asks, pushing the door open for you.
“We shall.” you smirk.
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“Oh fuck,” he groans.
You drop to your knees when he gets you into the room he’s staying in. You don’t waste a moment pulling his shorts down and getting his cock in your mouth. Jaehyun has a handful of your hair. He’s not holding it tight enough to pull it but just enough to let you know he’s in charge here. You look up at him with doe eyes as you place gentle kisses along his length. Once in a while, you lick gently; he shutters slightly when you do so and tightens his grip on your hair momentarily.
“You look like a slut on your knees for me. How about you get to work and suck me off properly.”
You whimper at his degrading words and loll your tongue out of your mouth. He smirks down at you; you take that as permission to begin. When your lips wrap his tip, you tease him still. You circle your tongue around him and hum slightly as you do so. While he is enjoying it, you aren’t listening to what he told you to do.
“Since you can’t seem to listen to simple instructions, I’ll take over. You’re already so cock drunk you can’t even suck my cock properly. So, sit there and be a pretty little whore for me.”
You think you could cum untouched from how he talks to you. Before you can protest, promise that you’ll do it properly, he fucks into your mouth. He sets a brutal, fast pace. Your eyes start tearing up as he continues to use your mouth. Your hands come up to his thighs to brace yourself. His thighs are firm too. Maybe he’ll let you ride them later.
“Are you gonna cry? You already look like a pretty little cockslut with how you’re letting me use your mouth. Crying’s only gonna make you look even more like one.”
You try to shake your head in disagreement, but how he uses you doesn’t allow for many replies. He pauses for a moment and then thrusts again with an even rougher pace. You moan around him and maintain eye contact for a few moments. When you close your eyes, he gives a particularly hard thrust. Making your eye open again, and a mewl escapes your vocal cords.
“If you want me to cum in your mouth like the cumdump you are, you will keep your eyes on me. Understood?”
You attempt to nod and watch how his face contorts in pleasure as he continues to fuck your mouth. You feel so used in the best way possible. You’re sure you’ve soaked through your shorts at this point, but you can’t be bothered to let him know that at this moment. His pace somehow grows rougher, and you can tell he’s getting close. His grip on your hair tightens, and he fully buries himself in your throat. With a loud groan, he cums down your throat. It takes him a few moments to recuperate, but once he does, he gently pulls back and looks at you with dark eyes.
“Should we get you taken care of too? You’ve been rubbing your legs together, trying to get anything you can out of it for the better part of the time. Sluts like you just can’t take care of yourselves, can you?”
“Fuck me?” you ask with pleading eyes.
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lost-inthedream · 1 month
SF9 favorite positions for cockwarming
Pairing: sf9 x female reader
Genre: fluff-smut
Warnings: penetration
Bonus song rec: Deep Ocean, by WayV
Read under the cut
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You are sitting on his lap wearing your favorite oversized t-shirt and your panties are placed aside "You don't have to do anything, baby". He loves how domestic that is: the TV is on, maybe it's a reality show or a romcom. His dick is all the way inside you and he can tease your clit with his fingertips from time to time. But just by brushing over your delicate nub, a small tear of arousal pours out of you. You are supposed to enjoy quality time, after all.
He is very fond of staying naked for a while after you had sex. During this time he may pull you close as if he would cuddle you, your big spoon. Instead, you and he are just waiting until he has a new erection so he can push it inside you and keep it there. Your sex is still sensitive from the intercourse but he shushes you "Please, let me stay close to you".
He likes his sweetheart on top of him on lazy mornings. It's easier to become intimate with him because he sleeps with few, if any, clothes. Climbing on his chest as he grabs your ass is natural. You ask why he is hard just to have him chuckling and immediately making himself fit into your humid hole. "Why are you wet?"
Sanghyuk can't stay much in the same position when he is inside you. As a result, your cockwarming sessions will be a bit chaotic with you asking him to persist a bit more. Being close to him is so delicious, his muscles feel nice against your skin. You normally get to be on top, using your weight as an instrument to keep him still. You kiss his cheeks, stroke his scalp and consequently earn plenty of "love you's" from him.
Okay, you all took some time to figure that out. Yet, based on the fact that Rowoon loves getting his dick sucked (and also giving oral because of his blessed oral fixation) he enjoys having you warming his cock in your mouth. The way both you and him feel intimate in such circumstances fascinates him. You can even close your eyes and give in to the scalp massage he gives you. "Sugar, you can stop whenever you feel like".
His baby girl looks so pretty wearing a skirt with no panties, especially when you motion him to make room for you to sit. He smiles and straight up pulls his shorts down so there's no barrier between your sexes (he didn't have any underwear either). Juho keeps working on his songs while you smell his neck and get sleepy.
Yoo Taeyang:
Taeyang stirs more than he should when you are trying to warm his dick but you find it lovely. You often convince him to get naked and let you take care of him when he is exhausted. So you sit on his cock and kiss him lazily. You shush him with open-mouthed kisses and pin his wrists onto the mattress.
Youngkyun places you on his lap, none of you are wearing bottoms. His thighs feel soft under you and he toys with yours, sinking his digits in your flesh here and there. His breath is so slow, so deep and soothing, it's like meditation. You feel yourself melting on top of him, moaning low at the soft stretch his unmoving thickness causes in you. "Is it too deep?" he asks. "It's perfect" you answer, pinning yourself more to his body.
Warning: light degradation
He doesn't have a favorite position because he hates cockwarming. The maximum you get from him is making him punish you with it. I mean, he makes you hold your mouth still with his length inside while he is scrolling down on Instagram (of course he kisses you gently after he is satisfied). On another occasion, he pushes himself all the way into your pussy from behind and makes you answer a call.
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fairy-seong · 3 years
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kim youngkyun x fem!reader
genre: smut
trigger warning(s): sexual depictions, oral sex (female receiving), overstimulation
kinktober day 19 prompt: overstimulation
“Come on, baby, I know you can take it,” Youngkyun smiles at you, breath fawning over your heated core. “Doesn’t this feel good?”
His tongue licked a straight line to your clit, lips sucking gently on the used bud. You whimper when his fingers enter you again. Youngkyun’s eyes search for yours as he kissed your abused pussy.
“Doesn’t it feel good, baby?” he asks one more time, forehead resting against your mound while he licked off your juices.
Your fingers tangle in his hair, words unable to form from all the pleasure. Youngkyun promised you he will make today a night to remember, but you never expected him to make you cum so many times in a row.
He barely let you touch him before he pushed you on the bed, heated kisses ravaging your entire body.
“Babe,” you can barely stutter before Youngkyun’s mouth stole another moan.
Louder than you intended to, probably loud enough for his members to hear you from the living room, but fuck. How could you hold back when your boyfriend was eating you out so divinely?
“Do you want me to stop?”
Your eyes narrow at his question. Your body felt like breaking apart with each second; limbs turning numb and your mind hazy, but you still craved more.
“Baby, use your words. Tell me what you want,” your boyfriend teased, teeth gently grazing your sensitive clit.
You almost jolt at the sensation, fingers tugging at his wavy strands a little harder.
“You wanted to cum so bad earlier,” he hums, pressing his lips to your folds again, “you were so needy and cute. How could I stop after just one orgasm?”
You almost groan, thighs closing around his head as you push his face even closer to your body. Youngkyun giggles, kissing your inner thigh sweetly.
“Don’t worry, baby. I will give you what you want.”
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glossyeon · 3 years
11:00 || kyk
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pairing: dom!youngkyun x brattysub!reader
warning: pet names, slight degradation, pwp, fatcock!youngkyun, unprotected sex, tit slapping, reader has total impreg!kink, daddy!kink, rough sex, slight fingering, dom!youngkyun, bratty!reader
word count: 0.5k
synopsis: it’s 11pm. the perfect time to get fucked.
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“No” you seethed at him glaring. you were desperate for more.
Youngkyun simply smirked, teasing the entrance of your swollen lips with the angry tip of his dick once again that night.
“I said no!” you whined desperately, clutching onto his toned arms for support as your body gave out. you couldn’t take it anymore, you just can’t.
head falling back into the damp sheets, you moaned at the sudden touch of his long digits against your pussy. the air felt hot, with every breath you let out making it warmer
“come on baby” youngkyun cooed, grinning with his eyes in a fucked out expression. his dick was still hard, and you marvelled at how his black locks started to cover his face, falling forward with each push he gave against your sensitive slit.
He wasn’t thrusting in you, but he certainly wasn’t just humping you either. pulling you by your arms up into his hard chest like you were a rag doll, he spared you no mercy. “I thought I taught you better than this hon, spread those thighs for daddy”
you instinctively obliged, as you opened your legs wide and embarrassingly for Youngkyun to feel you. “that’s it” he sighed relieving, remembering to give one of your hard tits against his pecs a nice squeeze.
At your contorted expression of pain and pleasure, he didn’t hesitate to slap it lightly when you avoided his gaze, shutting your eyes.
“Look at me when I fuck you” he growled lowly, halting his movements to grab you by your cheeks and to force you to look at him. Your eyes were hazy with sex, but burning as they were greedy for more.
“do it properly then” you spit, tired and restless with the foreplay.
Youngkyun smiled almost sinisterly at you, going absolutely insane with how you’re acting right now. He casually massaged your breast with one hand, then slapping the tit repeatedly with fast force.
you whined at the sensation of delirious pain, only making your walls clench at nothing but air. shoving your hips against his cock in hopes of getting it inside successfully, you actually are able to get a bit of his tip into your vagina.
“shit” Youngkyun grumbles, fading out as he throws his head back and now grabs onto your round boobs for support.
at this point he forgets the dominating facade, the two of you realizing that if he didn’t get his cock in fast you would both pass out for exhilaration, so you allow Kyun to slide in just a bit.
“Daddy” you whined, crying out like a bitch in heat. you were completely, and utterly fucked for this man, and his member wasn’t even fully in yet. Your boyfriend smiled at the name, ego inflating as he rocked his hips at a maddening pace. He only stilled softly when he heard your hoarse voice say.
“fuck, make me pregnant with your baby” you cried out without thinking twice.
with your eyes closed and the situation unfolding so fast, you didn’t realize he had stopped until you were pulled to the end of the bedpost, strong hands holding onto your ankles as you lied down in exhaustion.
“say that again” he whispered.
You sat up straight, making proper eye contact this time with him.
“Cum inside me baby” you sighed, cum almost dripping from your entrance before youngkyun shoves his fat cock inside you.
“That’s it princess, just like that”
(Copyright 2021 © Glossyeon // all rights reserved)
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