#Your telling me fries drew this?
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Sorry I have been dead lol my body decided it would be cool to punch itself for funsies
this is Yuta, by @bunnwich ! I tried incorporating textures like paper to make the image look cut out and chewed up but aesthetically
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cherienymphe · 2 years
Bubblegum Bitch (Rafe Cameron x Reader)
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Warnings: NON-CON, attempted sexual assault, dumb!reader, bimbo!reader, kook!reader, underage drinking
➥ banner by @vase-of-lilies​ ​​
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summary: ...because you’re just too dumb to look out for yourself, Rafe takes matters into his own hands.
You hung onto Sarah as she helped you into her house, your ankle screaming in protest with every movement. You were thinking that maybe you should’ve listened to the blonde when she told you not to climb so high on the rock, but the sunset was too pretty, and you wanted to get the perfect picture. As much as your ankle was hurting, it was kind of worth it.
“Okay, sit here, and I’ll get some ice,” Sarah told you, depositing you on her couch.
“Okay!” you chirped, distracted as you flipped through your phone to study the pictures you took. “They came out so pretty!”
You showed Sarah as she neared, and she sent you a warm smile, a soft chuckle escaping her.
“Yeah, but next time, let’s come up with a less dangerous way to get the pictures,” she advised, bag of ice in hand.
You hissed a bit when the cold touched your skin, relaxing as it started to soothe the ache.
“Your mom would kill me if you got seriously hurt again.”
You knew what Sarah was referring to, of course.
That one time you were at a bonfire and leaned too far over to roast the marshmallows, something that took forever for that particular part of your hair to grow back from. Or that time you weren’t paying attention while dipping some punch at a party, and the glass bowl holding it all fell all over you, shallow cuts adorning your feet for weeks. Your face fell some as you thought about how mad your mom had been at Sarah for not looking out for you better.
It didn’t seem fair to you.
It’s not like you were some kid who couldn’t do anything right.
“It’s just a sprain…I think,” you added, shrugging. “She doesn’t have to know.”
Sarah gave you a look at that, and just then, movement on the stairs caught your attention.
You looked up, eyes landing on a familiar face, and you smiled at the sight of him. Sarah’s brother Rafe was someone you mostly saw in passing. Sometimes you found yourself interacting with him, offering him some of your fries to which he’d dryly decline, or the odd occasion where you were in his way, hurrying to move at the mean sneer on his face. Rafe always seemed to be in a bad mood when you were around, and because Sarah assured you he was just like that, you always tried your best to cheer him up.
“Hey, Rafe,” you called.
Sarah looked over her shoulder at the sound of your voice, huffing to herself. She rolled her eyes as she turned back around, and you blinked at him when he didn’t return your smile. You watched him sigh, ignoring as you he asked Sarah where their parents were.
“Out,” the younger girl quickly replied.
You watched Rafe throw her a look at that before his gaze landed on you again.
“Any reason why she’s here?” he asked, and your brows drew together.
Something about his tone didn’t make you feel good, but you brushed it aside when Sarah just shook her head, quietly telling you to ignore him.
“I do,” she said, standing to her feet. “I’m going to get something to wrap it.”
You smiled at her as she hurried upstairs, and when you looked over, you found Rafe’s gaze on you as he leaned against the kitchen counter. You noticed that he stared at you a lot, especially when Sarah wasn’t around, and you didn’t know why. You watched his blue eyes fall to your ankle where you held the ice, and he brought the beer in his hand up to his lips.
“What happened?” he mumbled around the neck. “Try to walk and chew gum at the same time?”
You blinked, frowning a bit just as he chuckled.
“No?” you replied, confused by the odd comment. “I was taking pictures of the sunset, and I needed to get on some rocks to get a good picture…”
You trailed off when he started to laugh, shaking his head at you.
“Of course, you were,” he slowly commented. “I don’t even know why I asked.”
You didn’t know what to say to that, and you chewed on your lip, glancing away as he continued to eye you.
“Are you going to Topper’s party, tonight? I’m going with Sarah,” you tried to change the subject, smiling at him.
Rafe stared at you in silence for a while, strangely and with a frown on his face. After some time, he scoffed, pushing himself away from the counter, looking at you from beneath his lashes.
“He’s kind of my best friend, Y/N,” he slowly said. “Why wouldn’t I?”
You shuddered at the sound of your name coming from his lips. He always had a way of saying it that made you feel…uneasy. It was like when you drank just enough to feel bad but not enough to ignore it. Your chuckle was light, not thinking of that for some reason, and you nodded.
“That makes sense.”
Rafe was nearing the stairs just as Sarah reappeared at the top of them, and he kept his gaze on you for as long as possible.
“You should probably stay home though,” he threw over his shoulder. “We wouldn’t want you to fall in a hole somewhere after you’ve had too much to drink.”
Your friend hissed his name as she passed him, a deep frown on her face, but Rafe only chuckled to himself. Again, the comment had your mind wandering in confusion. Topper’s mom kept their yard to perfection, and there wasn’t a patch of uneven grass, let alone any holes. Sarah heavily sighed as she neared you with some gauze, mumbling to herself.
“He’s such an ass,” she voiced. “Seriously, just ignore him.”
That was what she always told you, but it was kind of hard to do. Rafe had a way of stealing your attention sometimes whether you wanted to give it or not, and it wasn’t just because he was pretty. He was so different from Sarah, and you guessed he fascinated you in a way. Always so grumpy and unhappy, and it seemed like no matter how much you tried to cheer him up or at least get a smile out of him, it never worked.
…and you didn’t know why.
“Don’t sweat it so much,” Kelce chuckled later that night. “Rafe is Rafe.”
He smiled at you, flicking your chin, and making you join him. Two of his friends were with him, Topper glued to Sarah’s side, and Rafe nowhere to be found. You didn’t remember their names, although you were sure you’d met them before. Their faces did look familiar, after all, and you felt bad about not being able to place them.
They didn’t seem to care much though as they returned your smile.
“That’s a cute dress,” one of them said, reaching out and pulling on the end. “You always wear the cutest stuff though.”
“Isn’t it?” you added, spinning around and making the skirt fly up a bit. “Sarah picked it out!”
“Sarah has great taste,” the other told you, eyes looking over you and admiring the dress.
You imagined he liked the color just as much as you did, and you started telling him about how it was the last one, and Sarah had to almost fight some lady for it. You were taking a sip of your drink when you took a step back, bumping into someone, and you jerked when the cold liquid spilled onto you. You gasped in shock, more than grateful when Kelce grabbed a napkin and started dabbing at the fabric.
“I got it,” you told him, reaching for it instead, but he smiled at you, insisting.
However, another hand came between you and snatched the napkin away. You blinked in shock, looking up just as Rafe’s other hand grabbed your arm, starting to pull you away.
“Hey, Rafe,” Kelce nervously chuckled. “We were just… She had an accident so…”
He trailed off, and you looked between him and Rafe as the blond pulled you away. He gave Kelce a look that you couldn’t place, the other guy and his friends sort of shrinking in on themselves.
“Uh huh,” was all Rafe said, and you stumbled with him in confusion as he led you away.
“What are you doing? Is it Sarah?”
Rafe softly chuckled to himself at that, shaking his head.
“Is it Sarah,” he mumbled, sounding more like a statement. “No, it’s not Sarah.”
He roughly let you go, making you stumble, and you frowned as he threw the napkin at you.
“Here,” he spat, huffing to himself as he looked you over. “Clean yourself up.”
You slowly did as he said, carefully watching him as he watched you, jaw clenching and eyes hard. There was that sour feeling again. Here you were, at a party and surrounded by so many people, but it strangely felt like you and Rafe were the only ones in the room. There was an uneasy feeling in your chest, and you bit your lip.
“Are you…are you mad at me?” you nervously asked.
It was a silly thing to ask because why would Rafe be mad at you? However, his rough treatment wasn’t like him. In fact, you couldn’t ever remember a time where Rafe had so much as touched you. The look he gave you was enough to curdle milk, and when he sighed, your shoulders drooped in relief.
“Nah,” he drawled, lips pressed together as his eyes met yours. “Who could be mad at you? That’d be like getting mad at a child.”
You blinked, but before you could ask him what he meant, he gruffly told you to find Sarah and stay out of trouble. You frowned a bit, still wiping at your dress as you slowly turned and did as he said. When you looked over your shoulder, Rafe was still watching you, and you guessed he wanted to make sure you found Sarah okay.
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“…and…just what are you doing?”
You straightened a bit, pushing yourself to your knees as you looked up to find Rafe looking down at you. His face was pinched as he studied you, and you grinned at him, hands resting on your thighs.
“Hey, Rafe!” you suddenly remembered that he’d asked you something. “My phone fell under the couch.”
You gestured to the piece of furniture, and you were just about to bend over again when Rafe reached down to grab your arm, pulling you to your feet. You eyed him as he did the same to you before taking your place. You crossed your arms over your chest, watching him, and your confusion at his strange attitude disappeared when he reemerged with your phone. A delighted gasp left you as you reached for it, pausing when Rafe held it out of reach.
“You know, I think you’d lose your head if it wasn’t attached to your body.”
That was something your mom said often too. His eyes looked between yours, and you swallowed when he moved closer. His chest brushed against yours, and your heart raced.
“Thanks for getting it for me,” you finally said, reaching for it again to no avail.
Confusion filled you.
“If I give it to you, what will you give me?” he murmured, and you blinked, brows raising a bit.
“Well…what do you want?”
Rafe only rolled his eyes at that, chuckling before dropping your phone in your hand. You held it to you just as he moved, and you were startled by the feel of him reaching down and pulling on the end of your skirt, pulling it down some. You hadn’t even noticed that it had ridden up, and you looked at him with a smile, thanking him.
“Where’s Sarah?” he suddenly wondered, plopping down on the same couch you’d just been searching under.
“She said she was on her way, but I think she’s still with Topper.”
You watched Rafe’s blue gaze linger on your legs, and you looked down, fearful that you’d scratched yourself or something in your search for your phone. When you didn’t find anything, your eyes met Rafe’s when you looked up, and you watched the corner of his mouth curve upwards.
“You’re too nice, you know that?”
“Me?” you laughed. “I don’t think so. No nicer than anyone else.”
Rafe snorted at that, and you moved to sit down next to him as you waited for Sarah.
“If it wasn’t for Sarah, so many people on this island would eat you alive, you know.”
You didn’t understand what he meant by that, frowning, and that just seemed to amuse Rafe more. He didn’t elaborate either, opting to run his eyes over you instead, and when they landed on your skirt, he reached over to pull it down where it had ridden up some again. You softly thanked him, and he pointed at you at that, tongue pressed to the inside of his cheek.
“That,” he said, shaking his head. “That is exactly what I’m talking about.”
You curiously eyed him as he stood just as you heard a vehicle in the yard.
“You shouldn’t be thanking me for something like that,” he told you with an unreadable smile. “I might take it the wrong way.”
You watched Rafe’s back as he made his way towards the stairs, only looking away when Sarah rushed in, repeatedly apologizing.
Rafe always said things like that to you, things you didn’t quite understand. To be fair, there were a lot of things you didn’t understand, but especially the things Rafe seemed to say. Why wouldn’t you thank him for making sure your skirt was pulled down? Why would he take that the wrong way? In what way?
When you’d brought it up to Sarah one day, she’d merely scoffed and called him a sick pervert before apologizing again for leaving you alone with him.
“He’s so…sleazy, sometimes, you know?”
You didn’t know, actually. Outside of his mood swings, Rafe was at least respectful to you. At least, you felt like he was, but Sarah talked about her brother like he was the scum of the earth or something. You watched her as she sprawled over her bed, eyes trained on the ceiling.
“One minute, I swear he can’t stand you and then the next it’s like he’s too into what you’re up to.”
You frowned at that, this being news to you, and Sarah seemed to realize what she said. She sighed, pushing herself onto her stomach, and your eyes met hers.
“Rafe doesn’t like me…?”
You weren’t surprised by how much it hurt to hear. Rafe was your best friend’s brother, after all, and while you two weren’t friends, you’d never been anything but nice to him. You always tried to offer him things and ask how he was and smile at him whenever you saw him.
“It’s not that he doesn’t like you,” she confessed, throwing you a sympathetic glance. “He just doesn’t think the best of you.”
You deflated some, frowning as you tried to remember if he’d ever said anything to you that you missed.
“It’s why I hate when he comes around when you’re around. He’s always being an asshole, but don’t take it too personal, okay? He’s an asshole to almost everyone.”
You’d heard that before, but still. You’d never done anything to Rafe, and hearing this made you a little sad because Sarah didn’t even say why he didn’t like you. You sat there, feeling stumped and second guessing everything. Rafe said funny things sometimes at how much pink you wore, or he’d shake his head when some jokes had to be explained to you, and he certainly seemed to get annoyed when he came downstairs to find you bending over in the fridge.
Sarah had assured you though that Rafe was just like that.
When you found yourself at another party, you did your best to stay out of his way. You didn’t want to upset him anymore than you already had, even though you didn’t know how you’d done it. You were with one of Topper’s friends that you’d seen in passing, giggling and struggling to stand with every second that passed. As you finished the last of your drink, he quickly poured you some more, and you pressed your hand to your mouth to keep from burping.
“Sarah’s going to have to carry me home,” you told him, your words coming out more jumbled together than you’d intended.
He laughed at you, an arm snaking around your waist to help you stand. You eyed his dark hair, smiling at how it contrasted with his light eyes.
“I can take you home whenever you’re ready,” he offered, and you felt yourself perk up.
“Really? Oh my God, thank you,” you sighed out. “I always feel so bad when Sarah has to look out for me.”
His pink lips pulled into a smile, and you returned it. It felt like his hand on your waist was the only thing keeping you up, and you leaned into him, feeling beyond grateful.
“You should probably finish your drink before we go though,” he suggested, and you nodded.
He was so nice to get you another, and you didn’t want it to go to waste. He helped you put one foot in front of the other as he led you across the beach and in between the bodies. You stumbled a few times, and you thanked him each time he kept you from falling flat on your face. You asked him how he knew Topper, and when he told you they went to school together, you smacked your forehead.
Almost everyone here went to what some people dubbed as Kook Academy.
“Duh,” you giggled, shaking your head.
You were just about to ask him which car was his when you were ripped away from him. Your eyes widened in shock, and you dropped what was left of your drink as you tripped over your feet. It took you a moment to realize what was going on, and when you glanced up, you smiled at the sight of Rafe. You’d been trying to avoid him for his sake, but you were always happy to see the blond.
“Hi, Rafe!”
He wasn’t looking at you, one hand on your arm and the other pushing against the chest of your new friend. You frowned in confusion as you took in the scene, realizing they didn’t look so friendly, and you noted this was the first time you’d seen Rafe really mad before.
“What the hell, bro?”
You watched Rafe shove him away, the other guy almost falling back.
“Are you crazy? You don’t think I know what you’re trying to do?”
You looked between them, and Rafe didn’t wait around for Topper’s friend to straighten himself up. You had no choice but to follow as he dragged you away, and his fast pace made your head spin even more. You asked him to slow down, but he ignored you, and you could feel your stomach turning. When he made it to the familiar black truck, he practically pushed you inside when he opened the passenger door, and with his hands on the vehicle, he had you trapped.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” he asked, his voice harsher than usual, and your brows knitted together. “Are you that stupid?”
You blinked at him, lips parting, and at that, Rafe slammed the door shut with a shake of his head. You stared at it for a few seconds, only sitting back and slowly putting on your seatbelt as he slid into the driver’s seat. The ride to your house was quiet, and you were reminded of what Sarah had told you. Why didn’t Rafe like you? What had you done now?
He was just as quiet when he made it to your house, and you noticed that your parents weren’t home. You struggled to get your door open, but it didn’t matter much when Rafe was suddenly there, yanking it open…and yanking you out too.
He didn’t care to be careful, forcing you towards your door, and he snatched your purse before you could. You wrapped your arms around yourself, shuddering at the cool ocean breeze as you stood in your dress, the flowy skirt of it kissing your thighs. When Rafe finally got the door open, he all but shoved you inside, and this time, you did fall.
You whimpered in pain, sitting up to take off your shoes, rubbing your foot just as he slammed your door closed.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” he repeated, slower this time as he brought his hands up. “Huh?”
You were drunk and confused, blinking and desperately trying to understand why Rafe was so mad. You’d done your best to avoid him all night—these past few weeks, actually. You didn’t like making anyone mad, especially Rafe considering his relation to Sarah.
“You realize he was going to hurt you, right…?”
You laughed at that, throwing Rafe a frown.
“What? Topper’s friend? No, he-.”
“He what? He plowed you with alcohol—maybe a few drugs—and was just so eager to take you home?”
You hesitated, a frown forming.
“I mean…we were drinking just like everyone else was, and I feel bad when Sarah has to take me home,” you said, much quieter now.
Rafe let out a laugh at that, and you finally decided to try and push yourself to your feet. You stumbled when Rafe neared you, so close, and your eyes widened. Rafe was so close you could feel his body heat, and he gestured to you with both hands as he leaned in.
“He was going to rape you. Do you get that?”
You flinched, chest tightening as you shook your head.
“No, he wouldn’t do that…”
“…and how do you know? You just met him, tonight,” Rafe spat. “You don’t know shit about him!”
You blinked, and you could feel your eyes burning because Rafe was so mad, and you didn’t understand why. Topper’s friend had been nice to you all night, looking after you and getting you drinks and keeping you company. You had the hardest time believing Rafe’s words, and you shook your head.
“He was being nice,” you argued, but Rafe’s anger and harsh words had you doubting that, now.
“…because he wanted to fuck you, you-.”
He cut himself off, heavily exhaling, and he glanced away. You watched him as his eyes fell closed, a bitter chuckle escaping as he shook his head.
“Do you have any idea how crazy you drive me?”
You almost didn’t hear him, and when he turned his cold gaze back to you, you swallowed.
“Are you really that stupid?” he quietly wondered, tapping his temples. “Huh?”
You pressed your lips together, the sound of your heartbeat loud in your ears.
“I’m stretching myself thin here just to make sure all those guys you think are your friends don’t have you lying down in their backseat somewhere…”
“…but like the dumb broad that you are, you think they’re being nice and friendly and that they actually care about you outside of what’s under your tiny little dress!”
You looked away.
“Every day I find myself wondering how the fuck did you even graduate? How did you even make it this far on your own?”
You struggled to swallow, your gaze finding the floor.
His words had you shifting on your feet, heart sinking at the familiarity of them. You were never the smartest, you knew that. It wasn’t like you hadn’t tried in school, tried to understand things that came so naturally to other people. You remembered your tutors getting so fed up and frustrated, leaning against the hall and listening as they told your mom they didn’t see how you’d ever pass. You remembered enlisting classmates for help before they too gave up and just took pity on you by doing your work for you.
“Hey, it’s okay,” they would tell you with soft smiles. “You really tried, and that’s what really matters.”
You looked up when Rafe huffed again, tears in your eyes. You had no idea that Rafe thought those things too, and you reached up to wipe your eyes.
“I mean, you’re always parading around in this crap that barely covers your ass,” he sneered, gesturing to your dress. “Always smiling and giggling at everyone.”
You sniffed.
“None of those guys are ever laughing with you, they’re laughing at you.”
“Why are you saying this to me?” you whispered.
“…because someone needs to,” he threw back. “…because you’re too fucking dumb to look out for yourself.”
Rafe neared you, reaching out and clutching your dress, yanking you closer.
“Do you know what that guy would’ve done? Hmm?”
You shuddered when his other hand came up to clasp the back of your neck.
“He would’ve gotten you in his backseat, probably wouldn’t have even waited to get you home…”
“Stop,” you pleaded.
“He wouldn’t have listened to a single word you said, too busy trying to get your legs open and his pants off.”
His hold tightened, and you winced, a few tears skipping down your face as he walked forward. He forced you to stumble back.
“He would’ve fucked you even more stupid and-.”
He cut himself off as you hit his chest, lips trembling and desperately trying to keep yourself from crying. You couldn’t stop, and Rafe huffed, rubbing his hands over his head as he let you go. Rafe’s chest was heaving, and when his eyes met yours again, you couldn’t hold his gaze for long.
“You’re so pitiful, you know that?” he murmured, coming near you again. “Every time you open that mouth to say something stupid, I just want to shove my cock in it.”
Your eyes widened at his words, stumbling back when he gripped your roots, scalp stinging.
“…but that’s all you’ll be good for, huh,” he mused, his other hand circling your chin. “To be split open and filled up.”
You reached up, grabbing his wrist, but Rafe didn’t care, leaning in and nipping at your cheek.
“…and if it’s going to be someone, it might as well be me, right?” he breathed, brushing his lips over your trembling ones. “Those other assholes on this island don’t look out for you like I do.”
Rafe wasn’t giving you time to think, and before you could stop him, his mouth covered yours. Rafe deeply inhaled, tongue tasting the inside of your mouth, hand roaming over you, completely ignoring your own as you tried to stop him. He roughly pulled at your dress, and you heard the fabric rip, a noise of protest leaving you.
You thought that Rafe didn’t like you.
It was what Sarah said, and Rafe himself had called you dumb and stupid and every other thing you’d tried to pretend you weren’t. You didn’t always pick up on things, but would Topper’s friend really have hurt you? Rafe was smarter than you, so he would know, right? He’d seemed so sure of it, but as his hands squeezed your frame, you recalled his words.
Wasn’t Rafe doing the same thing?
You gasped when his teeth sank into your neck, and all your breath left you when your back met the floor. You mumbled his name, but Rafe didn’t seem to hear you, yanking your panties down your legs, his own pants partially undone. When his fingers found a home between your legs, you whimpered, jerking at the feel of them sinking into you. He groaned at the feel, and your nails pressed into his arm.
You felt like your brain was short-circuiting, eyes rolling as he thrust them into you, massaging your walls. Rafe hovered over you, his nose brushing yours, and your hands reached out to scrape at the carpet. Your chest arched when Rafe curved them, and he kissed you again, a deep moan leaving him as you clenched around him.
“Rafe, stop-.”
Your words were abruptly cut off when he pressed on your stomach, holding you down, and you trembled, body buzzing. When he pulled them out of you, you felt disappointment, no time to linger on it as the head of him pressed to you. He pushed in slowly, inch by inch, and your stomach arched against his firm hand. Your mouth fell open at the stretch, toes curling, and Rafe made a shushing sound.
“You can take it,” he murmured. “Open your legs.”
He rested in between them on his knees, and his free hand was on your thigh, parting them further. A high pitched sigh left you as he filled you to the hilt, fitting snuggly and holding himself inside of you. The turn the night had taken made your head spin, along with the alcohol, and you threw your head back when Rafe’s hand traveled from your stomach, thumb pressing against you.
“You’re so fucking wet,” you heard him groan. “Dripping around me.”
He started to move, pulling out before swiftly pushing his cock back into you, making you squeeze your eyes shut.
“This is all you needed, huh? Someone to fuck your dumb little brains out.”
Your lashes fluttered, and Rafe was blurry through your tears, but as you blinked, he cleared up. He leaned in to press kisses to your face, hips snapping against yours, the sound of skin slapping against skin loud in the living room. You couldn’t focus on much besides Rafe’s cock in you, hands tight on you and holding you in place so he could fuck you like he wanted.
“You know how many times I wanted to bend you over? Wanted to stuff you full of my cock just so you’d shut up?”
You whimpered, hands grasping at his back and arms as he leaned over. His forehead was pressed to yours, one of your knees completely pushed back as he drove himself into you. He was hitting something in you that had your breath hitching with every thrust, and the earlier events of the night were in the very back of your mind.
When he sat up, pushing both of your knees towards your chest, you cried out. You could see his eyes focused on where he disappeared into you, sliding into you and watching the way you dripped around him. You could feel yourself squeezing him, greedily trying to suck him back in, and Rafe chuckled.
“Nothing to say? Too busy taking my cock?”
When you didn’t say anything, he laughed again.
You could only bite your lip, chest heaving, and when you looked up, Rafe’s gaze was on your breasts.
“Touch yourself,” he told you, satisfied when you did. “Make them hard for me.”
You were a moaning mess, a fire in your core as Rafe rutted into you. You could hear it, hear the wet sound of you squeezing him and every dip of Rafe’s cock. You softly moaned his name, and Rafe asked you to do it again. Feeling drunk in more ways than one, you did, gasping when he spread your legs again. His arms hooked under your knees, his chest brushing yours, now, and Rafe pressed his face into the crook of your neck.
“Any of those assholes even look at you for more than two seconds, and I’m showing them who you belong to,” he promised.
You could feel your stomach tightening, walls fluttering around him, and you could only lay down and take Rafe’s unrelenting cock.
“This pussy is mine, now,” he breathed. “No more leaving the house like you do without me.”
“Rafe,” you gasped, breath hitching. “I’m going to…”
You trailed off, losing your breath, and Rafe kissed the corner of your mouth.
“You’re gonna come? Yeah?”
You nodded, lips parted.
“So, I should probably keep going, huh?”
“Uh huh.”
“What if I just stopped?”
Your heart skipped a beat.
“No,” you desperately argued. “Please-.”
“You wanna come?”
“Yes…please,” you moaned.
You could feel his eyes on your face as he lifted his head.
“Look at you,” he whispered. “So hungry for my cock. Can’t even keep your eyes open.”
You didn’t have the mind to argue with him, squeezing him and loving the way he stretched you out.
“This is right where you belong. Spread open and desperate for me,” he hummed, pressing open mouthed kisses to your neck. “My dumb baby girl, only good for milking me dry.”
He continued when all you could do was whimper.
“Isn’t that right?”
 At your silence, Rafe stopped, only the tip of him remaining. You tried to lift your hips, fucking yourself onto him, but from this position, with his arms keeping your knees bent back, you couldn’t. You whined, tears kissing your eyes as your chest heaved against his. You frantically nodded, another whiny moan escaping.
“Yes,” you breathlessly gave in. “Yes, yes.”
Rafe snapped his hips against yours again, smoothly thrusting into you, and you came around him with a cry. You couldn’t keep quiet, gasping and moaning as Rafe fucked you through your high. He held you in place, body trembling underneath him, and Rafe groaned when he started coming too, spilling into you. A light sheen of sweat coated both your frames, and you shuddered when he pulled out of you.
You felt completely worn out as he crawled over you, and his hand circled your chin, lifting it. The head of him pushed past your lips, and he groaned when he softly told you to clean him up. His eyes met yours as you looked up at him, lips wrapped around him as he reached down to brush the dampness from your cheek.
“Do a good job, and I might clean you up too.”
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beardedjoel · 11 months
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series masterlist | main masterlist | ao3 | ✨kofi ✨
summary: 2.3k words; you're home alone while joel is out with his brother. he butt dials you, and you hear some very interesting things. warnings: 18+ MDNI, no apocalypse au, pre-established sub/dom relationship/dynamic, dirty talk, pet names for reader, joel says some dirty ass shit about pretty wife, allusions to smut at the end a/n: just a short little ditty inspired by this ask - you're an absolute saint for putting this idea in my head it had me kicking and giggling my feet to think about and write. enjoy!!!
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You sigh, leaning back on the couch and curling up a bit more. The blanket draped over you has fallen, so you tug it up a bit and snuggle your arms underneath the plush fabric. It still carries a lingering scent of Joel and you happily breathe it in as you train your eyes on the screen. You’ve put on a mushy romance film, the type Joel doesn’t typically jump at watching with you. It’s not that he won’t, because one look from your desperate eyes will have him rolling his and turning the movie you’ve requested on, anyways. But a man has his limits, and he’s said no more than one of that genre every few months.
Joel is out tonight with Tommy, grabbing drinks to fulfill their monthly tradition. They often have a beer at yours and Joel’s place, or go out for just one after work, maybe, but once a month they have a full-on night out. You encourage it, wanting Joel to stay close with his brother. You never had such a close relationship with your family like he does with his brother, and you know their tough upbringing drew them together. 
You also don’t mind having the house to yourself for the evening, you think with a wry smile, basking in the quiet comfort and being able to pick whatever form of entertainment without your well meaning husband griping about it. You’ve got on one of the newest rom-coms you’d noticed on Netflix the other day, and have a lazy smile as you watch, feeling fully content. You’d made a hearty batch of fried rice for dinner, leaving a plate made up in case Joel came home drunk and starving (he always did). 
A sudden trilling tone interrupts your daze, and you pause the movie and sit up to see your phone lit up and ringing. Joel’s name flashes on the screen, along with a photo of the two of you together, taken on a sunny day when you went hiking. It makes you smile briefly before worry settles in, wondering why he’s calling right now. It makes your stomach sink a bit, hoping he’s not gotten into trouble, or worse, hurt. You scramble to answer, your fingers fumbling with the buttons until you pull it to your ear, your breath hitching as you try to swallow and get the words out.
“H-hello?” you say quickly into the receiver, clutching it close to your ear. You hear a staticky sound, loud and grating as the call finally comes in. You yank it back from your ear, your brows knitting together in confusion. The sounds become a little clearer as you listen closer, and you can hear the buzz of multiple, overlapping conversations and music. You breathe out in relief as you realize Joel is okay, and nearly laugh at how worked up you got in the first place. Your mind just goes to that terrified place, wondering how the hell you’d ever live if something happened to him.
You almost hang up, smiling with the burst of relief when you catch the tail end of something Joel is saying. You know this was an accidental butt dial, and you really should hang up, but after your scare, you want to hear your husbands safe, comforting voice… just for a second. Just  a second, and then you’ll hang up, give him his privacy. 
You press the phone close to your ear, trying to make it out. You hear the distinct sound of both of the boys’ laughter, Joel and Tommy, and you can tell just from that noise that they’re well into their drinking for the night. It’s a lighthearted, deep laugh, one that he doesn’t do very often. It makes you smile and you sigh a little, putting your chin in your hand.
“-and then I fell right down, right there on the damn street… Theresa was pissed, lemme tell you…” you hear Tommy’s voice slurring out, a little distant but still clear enough to make out. Joel howls with laughter and you can picture him, trying not to choke on his sip of beer, clapping Tommy on the shoulder.
“Fuckinhellbrother,” Joel slurs, like it’s one full word.
“I know, I know. Your missus is lucky she ain’t out with us right now,” Tommy replies.
“She’d sure as hell be laughin’ at our asses, if ‘m honest.”
Your eyes widen at the mention of you. You feel a twinge of guilt press on you but you can’t find it in yourself to hang up just yet. You just want to hear a little bit more… you think devilishly to yourself.
“What’s she up to tonight? Probably sittin’ at home missin’ you,” Tommy teases his brother.
Joel chuckles. “Guarantee she loves it, probably got one of her sappy little movies on. Silly fuckin’ girl...” You smile at how well he knows you and press the phone a little closer.
“C’mon, know you watch ‘em with her, too,” Tommy slurs a bit.
“Can’t say no to a face like that… and a mouth like that…” Joel says boldly. You feel your eyes go wide and you hold back a gasp. You feel your cheeks starting to burn a little to hear the way Joel’s being so open with his brother, the implication behind his words heavy with innuendo.
“Chriiiiist, here wegoagain,” Tommy says quickly, slurring. You furrow your brow, picking up on the fact that Tommy has heard Joel talking like this before, like it’s completely normal for them. You start to feel a pleasant little swirl deep in your gut at the fact that Joel brags about those particular abilities of yours.
You think you hear them both chuckle a little bit. “Know I can’t help m’self Tommy. Fuckin’ body of an angel, mouth of a fuckin’ devil, lord. Could go on about it f’days.”
Tommy seems quiet for a moment, just listening. “You always brag too much, brother. ‘Sides, she says nothin’ but sweet things and you know it. Nicest little gal around.”
“Who said anything about the things she’s saying?” Joel quips back. 
“Fuckin’ hell. Yeah, I get it, your wife gives good head, yeah?” Tommy snips, but it sounds more playful than angry to you. 
You can picture your husband, face flushed from the alcohol and hair a little messy, leaning forward and grinning in that devilish way. “Suckin cocks’s not the only thing she’s good at. Practically everything, really, but lord does that woman know how to do just what I want. She’s a real good listener, my girl.” Your thighs clench together and you feel your breathing hitch. Just Joel basically calling you a good girl from afar has you feeling like an animal in heat all of a sudden. You throw the blanket off as you feel your body starting to warm up and a soft smile comes to your face. 
You hear silence from Tommy’s end, maybe too stunned to speak, clearly giving Joel permission to keep going.
“Y’know the best part? I got her listenin’ so good, she’ll do just about anythin’. Let me fuck her whenver I needta, you get me?”
“Christ Jesus, Joel, whatever the hell was in this fuckin’ beer got you too open tonight…”
“Can’t a man brag about his wife without gettin’ hounded? Jus’ wanted to share a lil love for my sweet gal.”
“Alright, alright, but shut the hell up now,” Tommy says with a howl of laughter, and the phone goes a little quieter, assuming Joel adjusted in his seat. 
“Jealous, jealous…” Joel taunts. 
“Shut. It. Or we’re gonna have a real bar fight on our hands here,” Tommy threatens teasingly. Their words continue to jumble a bit, and you can tell they’re both reaching close to their limit on beer and liquor for the evening. 
“Oh, fine,” Joel finally says, vowing to get off the topic. 
You feel a surge of pride that you witnessed something so special, so pure, despite the filthy things he was saying about the two of you. It just felt like pure love and adoration, even when you weren’t in the room to hear it. It makes your heart skip a little bit to know that Joel talks so highly of you even when he isn’t around you, going so far as to brag about such intimate things with his brother. You know it was lewd, but it made you feel that warm feeling you get whenever Joel shows you off in any way.
Lost deep in thought, you’ve already started to tune out their next batch of teasing and laughter as they move on to a new topic, so you decide to hang up the phone and let them get on with their night. 
You feel a lingering pride to be Joel’s wife sticking with you as you when you go back to watching the movie. Your heart feels so light and free right now, and you find yourself yearning for him to come home just so you can unload some of this love onto him as it bubbles up inside of you. 
Another hour and a half later, you hear keys jingling outside the door before the lock clicks and the front door swings open clumsily. Joel spots you instantly, curled up on the couch with a wide smile as soon as your eyes flick over to him. You sit up and stretch a little, taking in the full, broad form of him fumbling about as he walks in.
“Oh, hello there,” he says in a low, goofy voice. He stumbles in a little, a goofy smile on his face as he tries to take off his shoes. 
“Feelin’ good, handsome?” you tease him, trying not to laugh at how absolutely adorable your husband is when he’s a little drunk.
“Better ‘n good, now. Home with my pretty girl…” he coos. You stand up, bounding over to him and wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling yourself close as quickly as you can. 
“Oh,” he puffs out as you practically slam into his chest. One hand immediately wraps around your waist, drawing you closer, the heat of his hand burning through your thin tee shirt, and the other splays across the back of your head, pulling you in for a long, deep kiss. You moan quietly, a little desperate mewl climbing its way out of your throat as his lips devour you. You can taste his evening - beers and liquor and… a cigar? You should chastise him for that one, you think, but you know Tommy can be a bad influence so you let it slide in lieu of some more kisses from him. You deepen it and slide your tongue into his mouth, and he happily returns it, tongues skimming each other for a few moments before you pull back, gently biting his bottom lip on the way.
“Hell, what’d a guy do to deserve a kiss like that, hm?” Joel muses, a little tipsy sounding. His hand comes around your head to stroke your cheek, thumb lingering as he traces down the soft skin there.
“Just wanted to show you all the things I’m good at, since that’s what you said, right?” you tease him, knowing he likely won’t even be able to piece in together in his current state.
Joel’s face scrunches up a bit, his brows drawing together as he tries to wrack his hazy brain for any clue of what you’re referring to.
“Not just good for ‘suckin’ cock’?” you say, your voice low, a furtive little whisper right near his ear. You peel back a bit to see his eyes widen a little, more confused than ever.
“Butt dial, darling,” you tell him, pecking his cheek.
Joel laughs, a nervous yet comfortable laugh, able to read you well enough to know you aren’t upset about what he said, just amused. His laugh turns to a low chuckle, a little mischievous glint in his eye. His hand slides down from the small of your back to you ass, giving it a gentle, swift pat.
 “And aren’t you a naughty girl for listenin’ in on my private conversation, hm?” he teases, bringing his lips within an inch of yours.
“Couldn’t help myself, had to hear what my husband really thinks of me.” You move your lips the slightest bit, brushing against his in a soft touch. “Good thing it’s not anything I didn’t already know…” You pull back suddenly, giving him a wink and putting a little space between the two of you.
“In that kind of mood tonight, are we, doll? Little bit bratty?” Joel asks with raised brows. “Gonna have to make you prove to me everything I told Tommy is true then, aren’t I?” Joel’s eyes go hungrier, a deep, feral need growing in his core and showing up right in his dark irises.
You shrug and turn to walk away, but Joel grabs onto your wrist, spinning you back against him. “Nuh uh, not so fast. You’re comin’ with me, darlin’” he spits out. In a split second his arms are on either side of your waist, hoisting you up and then tossing you over his shoulder so that your head is hanging down his back.
“H-hey!” You giggle, swinging your feet to try and get down, knowing it’s no use, and if you’re honest with yourself, you don’t want to escape, of course. Not from a hold this good.
Joel’s hand reaches up and smacks your ass hard as he carries you towards the stairs. “Now let’s go and you can tell me all about everything you heard me sayin’ tonight.”
You smile wide, feeling your mind and body already buzzing for your husband and all the things he seemed to have in store for you. It was going to be a fun night, indeed.
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plw taglist: @aphterthoughtt @bbyanarchist @amy172 @hazzaismyreligion @ohheypedrito @msmorningstaarr @kamcrazy123 @madhere @paleidiot @saverockandroll54 @daddy-din
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loveharlow · 6 months
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SEVEN - 006
PAIRING ‧₊˚ JJ Maybank x Fem!Reader
SYNOPSIS‧₊˚[7.4k] based on 1x06.
WARNING(S)‧₊˚ swearing, mild violence, gun violence/graphic depictions of gun use, mentions of drowning, arguing, entrapment, references to mild bullying
A/N‧₊˚ Idk if y'all can tell but I be eatin the kie x sarah x reader drama up when i'm writing like it's too fun to write
˗ˏˋ series masterlist ˎˊ˗
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“SORRY, YOU’RE STAYING WHERE?” Kiara asked grabbing a tray of food as John B leaned against the counter and you trailed behind her with a pitcher of drinks. The Wreck had opened for the day not too long ago.
“Tannyhill.” He said shortly, eyes wide and unexpecting as he leaned his forearms on the counter.
“So, you’re living with Sarah Cameron.” Kie said with a tight-lipped grimace. 
“Look, the only reason I’m living there is ‘cause her dad bailed me out, alright?” The Routledge boy reassured, following you both out to the table where JJ and Pope were lounging inside of The Wreck. “And it’s way better than foster care which, by the way, is where I was about to go.”
“So, do you have membership to the clubs now?” Pope perked up curiously, legs kicked up on the wooden surface. Kiara sat the tray of fries down while you poured the drinks into each respective cup before taking a stand behind JJ’s chair that was next to Pope’s, leaning your arms over it as you bent nonchalantly behind him, stealing a fry from his hand over his shoulder.
“I don’t know, Pope.”
“What about those golf carts they drive around? You get one of them?” He questioned again, amusement in his brown eyes. “Does it come with a sweater vest or do you have to buy one of your own?”
“Look, you promised.” Kiara cut in disappointedly, returning back to the original topic of conversation. “You said you weren’t with her…” John B just shrugged as if he wasn’t caught in a lie.
“Bro, just own it. She’s got you.” JJ scoffed. 
Kiara just ignored the blonde. “If you wanna hang out with her, that’s fine. But I’m letting you know that I’m not doing anything with Sarah.” She continued on, affirming the boy. 
“Do you guys see her here?” JB cut in shortly, annoyed. “No? Right, okay. A little focus would be fantastic. We’ve got the map, right?”
“It’s out of whack ‘cause the guy was ganja’d when he drew it.” JJ piped in. 
“It’s more so due to the fact that the coast has changed.” You offered, looking down at the blonde. “But it deffo looks like he drew it after ingesting a whole eddie and downing half a bottle of Everclear.”
“We just have to look for the landmarks that haven’t changed.” Pope spoke to no one in particular as he surveyed the map. 
“What about the old forts?”
“Battery Jasper.” Kiara threw out with full confidence. Pointing to a clear spot on the map in the middle of absolutely nowhere. Looks were shared around the table before everyone shrugged, you all hopping up and heading outside of The Wreck and into The Twinkie.
“WE’RE IN BATTERY, RIGHT HERE.” Pope had the map pressed up against a rock, still reading it as the remaining four of you looked out at the expanse of land in front of you. Nothing but grass and trees for miles. “So if this is parcel nine, then it’s somewhere northeast of here. Over there.” He concluded, pointing ahead.
“That’s not Tannyhill,” JJ began, squinting his eyes. “That’s a subdivision.”
“Tannyhill Plantation was the entire island.” John B told him. “Over time, it got sold into smaller pieces.”
“So we’re looking for an old stone wall…” Pope pondered, heading back into the van without a word. The rest of you simply followed, loading into the van with JB as the driver and following Pope’s verbal lead. “The road should split up here. You’re gonna take a left.” He said after a few minutes of driving.
John B made an unnecessarily sharp left turn, sending the three of you in the backseat flying against the wall of the Twinkie. After a few curses and groans, you looked to see what was stone wall. “This is it.” Pope claimed.
“Are you kidding me?” Kiara exclaimed, hopping out of the van as the rest of you followed. Looking up at the house, it was immediately recognizable.
“The Crain House?” You asked incredulously, eyes wide and jaw slack.
“Worst-case scenario.” JJ quipped. “I heard that Mrs. Crain buried her husbands head on the property.”
“Honestly, I don’t really believe the stories about this place.” John B shrugged, taking the first step and leading the group through the thick mess of greenery that led up to the house itself. You were constantly swatting leaves and branches out of your field of vision as you walked.
“Which stories did you hear?” JJ inquired.
“The one where she killed her husband with an axe and that she’s been holed up ever since.” Kiara replied. “On certain nights, when the moon is full, you can see her in the windooow.” She teased, wiggling her fingers in a spooky motion. 
“Okay, it’s not funny ‘cause it’s all true. I swear to God, guys, this is all real. I knew Hollis.” JJ preached. 
“Hollis Crain? The daughter?” You asked, tilting your head in his direction as you dodged a branch. 
“Yeah. She was my babysitter.” He told you, holding up the next branch for you to walk under, releasing it just in time to swat Pope in the forehead. “She told me all about it. About her mother, what happened in the house. As a kid, she heard all these stories about how her mother had killed her father. Hollis didn’t believe it. Until that night…” He trailed off.
You groaned at his dramatics, stopping in your tracks to cross your arms and shift your weight. “What night?” You asked, feeding into JJ’s theatrics.
“When Hollis was six years old, she heard her parents arguing downstairs. So, she goes down there to see her mom washing her hands in a sink full of blood. Her mother says she just cut her finger. Next morning? She says her father and her split up. But then, Hollis noticed something — her mother going in and out of the parlor constantly, hands full of plastic bags. Weeks pass and Hollis decides to use the outhouse. And as she’s using it, she looks down, and there, in the outhouse, is her father’s head looking straight back at her.”
“...You are so full of shit.” John B protested, throwing his head back and walking off.
“Wait! Dude…” JJ grabbed his best friend by the shoulder. “You sure you wanna do this? She’s an axe murderer and… you got a cast on.” 
“I don’t give a shit, JJ.” John B said angrily. “I’ve got nothing to lose, right?” He threw the blonde’s words back at him. “You guys comin’ or what?” He spat before continuing his journey further onto the Crain property, the rest of you reluctantly following.
Stopping in what seemed to be a garden just a handful of feet from the front door, John B turned around. “Here's the plan. We need to look for the wheat near the water, like it said in Denmark’s Letter.”
“What kind of water? Like, pond water?” Pope replied.
JJ chuckled. “Bong water?” He tried to joke. John B just twisted his face and ignored at his childish tactics.
“Look, I don’t know, just look for water.” He demanded before continuing to lead the group. He crept around the foundation of the house, crouching in front of a small entrance that led under the structure. “C’mon, it’s the only place we haven’t looked.” He urged the four of you, turning on his flashlight and crawling through the entrance as the rest of you piled in, single-file behind him.
You coughed as you stood to your full height and dust filled your lungs. The crawlspace was filthy, smelly, and festering with mosquitos. You clicked on your mini flashlight, scanning the space. 
“There’s not even water on the pipes.” JJ judged, rubbing his palm against the pipes that were so dry, the interaction sounded like nails on sandpaper. 
“There’s not a drop of water here...” Pope said, irritated.
“Know why we didn’t find it?” Kie sighed, turning her sights to John B. “Bad karma.”
“God, here we go…” JB rolled his eyes.
“We had a good thing going. And then you decide to rope in Barbie and now, trail’s gone dry. Coincidence? I don't think so.” The brown-haired girl mouthed-off. 
“This is exactly why I didn’t want to tell you about Sarah. What the hell’s the deal with you two?” Then his eyes landed on you, standing a few feet behind Kie between Pope and JJ who were also listening in on the not-so-hushed conversation. “You three.”
“I just got bit by three fatass mosquitos, I’d like to opt out of this particular conversation-” You spoke with a snarl, swatting another mosquito that flew across your vision as Kie’s voice sounded out again, cutting off yours.
“Nothing’s the deal.” She spat, offended.
“Is it because I kissed you? Is that your problem?” John B’s head whipped to the side when Kiara’s palm made harsh contact with his cheek, the remaining three of you making simultaneous ‘O’ faces of shock from the sidelines. 
“Stop treating me like I’m some girl who’s obsessed with you instead of your best friend who’s actually trying to look out for you.” She reprimanded sternly.
“Did you, uh, hit me?” John B grimaced, turning back to face her. Kiara simply held up her right hand, her backs to the three of you.
“Skeeter.” Was all she said.
“Yeah.” Then John B was slapping her back. You threw your hands up in the air as Pope exclaimed and JJ chuckled at the two.
“Woah, hey!” Pope threw out, then John B was holding up his right hand, this time with his palm on display since he was facing you all, presenting a flattened mosquito stuck to his palm. 
“Skeeter.” He retorted firmly, eyes squinted. They started playfully slapping each other’s faces and arms back and forth as the remaining portion of you went back to looking once the show had ended. You flashed your light up and down, side to side but still nothing. And the mosquitos were eating you from the inside out…
Why were there so many mosquitos in a basement? 
Aiming your flashlight down, you started tapping the toe of your foot lightly against the ground, catching a certain blonde’s attention.
“Tap dancing, are we?”
“No. Mosquitos.” You dismissed him in your focus, stepping up onto a wooden platform and tapping your foot on top of it. It sounded hollow. You paused, kneeling on top of the structure and knocking on it, still hearing that same hollowed-out echo. 
“Yes, princess, there are mosquitos everywhere.”
You sighed, shining your light through the crack in the planks but it was pitch black. “Mosquitos swarm near water.” You told JJ. “Still water. They need it to hatch eggs. So, why would so many mosquitos be in a basement with seemingly no water?” You almost sounded like you were talking to yourself with the way you were mumbling, looking for something small, your sights landed on a small pebble in the gravel under the house, picking it up before dropping it through a space between the wood. Planting your ear against the ground, you waited, until seconds after dropping the stone, you heard water splash.
“You find somethin’?” JJ asked, you being unaware that he was still watching you. You turned to him with your full attention now.
“Help me move this.” You whispered to him, already starting to pull the planks up in a frenzy. The other three pogues seemed to notice that the two of you had found something and started to help move the planks until a good chunk of them were out of the way.
The five of stared down as a well stared back at you, a least a couple dozen feet deep. 
“Well, well, well…” Pope muttered in the ring of silence.
“That was a good dad joke.” John B told him, never taking his eyes off the well, a smirk breaking out on his features. “We’re gonna need a really big rope.”
“NO FUCKING WAY.” Kiara spat, pacing the patio of The Chateau — Sarah Cameron was sat next to John B, presenting as unbothered as ever. You sat on the farthest cushion right across from JJ and Pope. “You brought her here? So what? She’s in on this now?”
John B looked to his two guy friends for help, Pope simply shrugging his shoulders and muttering an ‘I dunno’ before JJ threw his hands out. “All I care about is her cut coming out of your share.” He directed at JB, pointing his finger for emphasis. 
“This is our thing.” Kiara scolded, pointing to everyone but Sarah to further prove her point. 
“I’m just a tad uncomfortable with this…” Pope added. 
“When are you not uncomfortable?” John B tried to defend the blonde girl.
“I rode here on the back of JJ’s bike pretty comfortably.” The curly-haired boy sassed back from JJ’s side. 
“It’s true. Most relaxed I’ve ever seen him.” 
“We were all comfortable until you brought her.” Kiara shot out, not making eye contact with Sarah, who had finally had enough.
“Stop talking about me like I’m not here!” Was the first thing the blonde girl had said since her arrival.
“I mean, you could always go home. Just a thought…” You spoke nonchalantly, shrugging from your seat across the patio. Sarah eyed you meanly before looking at John B, scoffing.
“I told you.” Your eyes squinted and your head tilted to the side.
“Told him what, exactly? That your a liar?” Kiara argued before Sarah’s attention whipped around to her.
“No, that you’re a shit-talking bitch.” She told Kie, turning to you next. “And you’re a lying slut.”
Chaos broke out — voices over voices, JJ and Pope betting money as the three of you argued over one another.
“When have I ever lied to you, Kiara?!”
“You get somebody close to you for like a month and then completely turn your back on them-”
“I’m a slut? I’m sorry, how many boyfriends have you cheated on? This year alone?-”
“Everybody, shut up!” John B stopped the arguing. “Kie, Y/n, you are my best friends, right?” Both of you just looked away, giving him his answer but not the satisfaction of hearing it. “And Sarah, you’re…”
“...Say it.” She said, a sly smile on her face.
“...You’re my girlfriend.” John B proclaimed, a boy-ish grin on his face. You couldn’t help but groan and throw your head back, all eyes turning to you as you brought your angry gaze back down.
“You met her like three whole days ago, John B.” You fussed, crossing your arms over one another. “What happened to using her for information? And I quote ‘getting what we need and cutting her loose’?”
“...You said you were using me?” Sarah asked her “boyfriend” sadly. 
John B shook his head in the smallest of motions, avoiding her eyes at all costs. “No.”
“Yeah, you did.” Pope refuted his claim. “You said those things...”
“Look, love just walked in, okay?” He tried to reason with you all but you couldn’t help but laugh bitterly.
“Three days!” You laughed out. 
“I didn’t expect it, it just kind of happened. And I’m not gonna deny it.” He continued, ignoring you. 
“Well,” you got up from your seated position, hands slapping your knees. “If Clueless is in, count me out.” You told him, hands in your back pockets. 
He shrugged like a child. “I’m not choosing, if that's what you're getting at.” He stated bluntly. You nodded your head, biting the inside of your cheek and looking around before deciding to walk off, heading for the dock.
“JUST CONSIDER IT.” JJ threw out the idea from his place beside you, leaning against the wood of the pier in front of The Chateau, Kiara and Pope having a separate conversation in front of you.
“I’m not considering anything, JJ.”
“You don’t have to like it. None of us do. But John B isn’t willing to choose and we can’t do this without you.”
“John B clearly can. He knew how we felt about her and he did everything we advised him not to do.” You snarled, looking out at the water. “None of you know her, not really. You think I just up and decided to hate Sarah Cameron one day? No.” You scoffed. “She creates a false sense of security and then when you start to rely on her, she uses it all against you.”
You both sat in silence, JJ not wanting to question you any further for the moment.
“What if he chooses her?” JJ asked you after a couple moments passed. You brought your eyes back to his, wind blowing your hair in your field of vision, voice small as you spoke.
“Then he’s a worse friend than I thought he was.”
YOU DECIDED TO MAKE YOUR WAY HOME AFTER WHAT WENT DOWN WITH JOHN B. You didn’t intend on making him choose between you or Sarah but you felt as if this whole thing had spiraled out of control. Maybe the biggest part was that you felt lied to. He promised there was nothing happening between them and when it came down to it, he couldn’t even make a decision between two of his life-long best friends and a girl he met less than a week ago. Something behind his logic, or lack of, struck a nerve within you. 
Opening the front door to your Figure Eight home, you were greeted with two muddy paws against your thighs.
“Aww, Marley!” You exclaimed, throwing your hands out to the sides. “What did you get into?” You shook your head, patting the stains on your denim shorts as you kicked the door closed behind you and walked to peer out of the patio door, seeing holes galore in the backyard. You looked down at the animal, hand on your hip. “You know, she’s gonna flip.” You told the dog as if she could reply back.
Her fur was covered in brown and black, muddy paw prints left behind by her pattering feet. You just sighed, bending down to scratch the top of her head as she leaned into your hand. “Guess it’s my fault for leavin’ you. I’d go crazy if I was stuck here alone with her, too. C’mon,” You threw your head out in the direction of the garage door. “Let’s hose you off so I can cover your tracks.”
You started walking but stopped when you didn’t hear Marley trailing behind you. You peered back over your shoulder to see her sitting patiently. “No, absolutely not.” Was your reply to her pleading puppy-eyes, a whine leaving her closed lips. “I am not picking you up, Marley. You’re a big girl, c’mon.” The golden retriever made no move. “I’ll give you a treat after. You wanna a treat, girl?” 
Her ears perked up in the slightest of motions and suddenly the medium-sized dog was sprinting towards you, basically running into the garage door that was still closed. You just giggled, opening the door for her to run out and hop into the metal tub in the parking space that was bought especially for her. Tying your hair back and grabbing the length of the hose, you started to hose down your mess of a dog.
YOU WERE SOAKED BY THE END OF MARLEY’S BATH. You smelled of Pumpkin Spice pet shampoo and wet dog, strands of golden hair stuck to your arms and legs as you rinsed out the tub and let it flow down the driveway. The dog in question was probably running a muck in your room where you’d locked her so you could clean up in peace — covering up the holes in the backyard to the best of your ability and mopping the floors. 
Once the dog-tub was water-free, you kicked it back to it’s original position in the corner of the garage. The sound of your mother’s SUV pulling up into the driveway could be heard as you turned the hose off and put it away. She must not have seen you in the dark of the garage as she got out of the car, heels hitting the concrete as she slammed the driver’s side door shut. Her cell phone was pressed between her shoulder and ear and she fought to get her purse up onto her arm.
“I don’t care what you do, Cameron. Or how you do it for that matter. Just do something because this is both of our asses on the line.” She spat to whoever was on the other end of the line — Cameron? Maybe it was a new hire at the office.
Her eyes shot up and seemed to finally register your presence, a look of shock filling her features for a moment before it faded into something else. Something more irritated. “We’ll talk about this later. Hopefully, you’ll have gotten rid of the problem by then.” Was all she said before hanging up.
You had turned back around at this point, focused on putting Marley’s bath supplies back into their respective cabinets and shelves. 
“I didn’t expect you home.”
“Neither did I.” You replied bluntly.
“You know, it’d be nice if you could be home more often. You still have responsibilities, and that dog does whatever it wants.”
You stood to your full height, facing her now as you crossed your arms. “I could say the same for you.”
She scoffed, shifting her weight. “I have work. A job. You just run around with your delinquent friends all day and night. Your room is empty for days on end.”
You shrugged, jutting your bottom lip out. “What are you lonely, or something? We barely talk when I am home.”
“You want to talk? Let’s talk.” She crossed her own arms, staring you down.
“Not really-”
“I heard John B had a pretty nasty fall from The Hawk’s Nest last night and you and your friends were there.” You veered your neck back at her statement, a look of offense written across your face.
“What’re you keeping tabs on me now?” 
She just shrugged and shifted, pointing her chin towards the ceiling as if she knew she had you cornered. “Word travels fast on the island. The real question is what were you kids doing up there in the middle of a thunderstorm? Everything I hear about that little posse of yours is dangerous.”
All you could was laugh humorlessly, pushing yourself off of the garage wall and heading for the door back inside of the house. “I’m not doing this with you.” You told the woman, shaking your head. 
“Answer the question, Y/n!” She called after you, following you into the three-story house and slamming the garage door closed behind her.
“No! I’m covered in mud, water, and dog hair and you’re pissing me off!” You were practically stomping up the stairs. “Everytime I come back to this house you interrogate me. Calling my friends delinquents as if these aren't kids you’ve known for years!”
“Well, clearly I have good reason to-” You stopped at the top of the stairs, turning and staring down at your mother who was still at the bottom, making no moves to follow you up. 
“Maybe it’s time I question you because I have a fair few of my own.” You spat. “How did you find about the Hawk’s Nest because there were only six of us there when it happened? When did you and Shoupe get all buddy-buddy? Or better yet, how’d you manage to scrape up the money to buy a house on Figure Eight so suddenly? And don’t think I’m dumb enough to believe my father’s life insurance was enough to cover it.”
She didn’t say anything. Anything at all. Your mother just stared up at you with a look on her face that you’d never seen before it. It was angry, dark — borderline evil. It made your heart thump out of your chest and your knees get weak. It was a look that a parent should never direct at their child. 
With one last glare, you turned your back and went into your own bathroom to clean yourself up, not neglecting to slam the door behind you.
YOU SIGHED AS YOU HOPPED FROM THE HMS POGUE ONTO HEYWARD’S BOAT. After your shower, Pope had picked you up from the short pier in the back of your house with Kie lounging in the boat. He said something about JJ and John B needing a tow after conking out in the middle of The Marsh.
Approaching Heyward’s boat that was still in the middle of The Marsh, you and Kie edged towards the front of the HMS Pogue, preparing to step off. Extending your legs, you made it onto the other boat without fail, Kiara following you into the Alp where the two boys in question were.
“What did you do?” You asked annoyed, still reeling from the events of earlier — both of them. 
“The alternators not…alternating, anymore.” JJ told you, throwing his hands out. 
“Did you check the plugs?” Kiara suggested, stepping in front of you and approaching the boys as you leaned on the entryway. 
“No, you should check ‘em. Give ‘em whirl.” They handed her whatever tool they’d been using, stepping away.
“You guys are useless…” You let the two guys walk by you, stepping further into the space with Kie. “Uh, is this a joke? There are no plugs, like at all.” She muttered.
Suddenly, you heard water splashing, turning around and walking back out to see that JJ and John B had jumped into the water and were swimming towards the HMS Pogue that was getting farther and farther away.
“What’re you-” You started, cut off by the sound of banging coming from below the deck of the boat.
“John B! John B, let me out!” Came an unmistakable voice. In a haste, you lifted the hatch in the floor, coming face to face with Sarah Cameron. Not giving her time to speak, you just huffed and ran towards the edge of the boat.
“What the fuck?!” You yelled at the three boys across the water, Kiara and Sarah on each side of you now. Both equally as angry as you. “Are you serious?” 
“Get your asses back here!” Kiara demanded.
“We can’t!” Pope shrugged with a sly smile. “Not until you three work out your issues!”  
“You can’t just leave!” Sarah tried.
“There’s food in the cabin and JJ rolled a blunt!” John B shouted back. The three of you ignored them, kicking off your overalls and stripping down to your bikinis.
“This is ridiculous…” The blonde girl muttered under her breath, kicking her shorts off of her ankles.
“Well, I’d rather drown than be here with you, so…” Kiara retorted, taking her shirt off. 
“Fine. Be my guest. Maybe you’ll finally shut the hell up.” Sarah shot back. 
“You don’t even know where you’re going.” The two girls continued arguing as the three boys drifted farther away.
“I don’t care.” Was all the Cameron girl said back before jumping into the Marsh water, just as Pope revved up the engine on the smaller boat and they sped away. Sarah cursed them before turning around and swimming back to the boat, screaming and going under before popping back up.
“Ah! I got stung by a jellyfish! Shit!” She cried, still swimming back to the boat.
You rolled your eyes and turned away from her, fixing the ties on your swim suit. “Maybe next time don’t jump into The Marsh.” You reprimanded meanly.
“Thanks for the advice, after the fact.” She retorted, climbing onto the boat and sliding against the side.
“It’s not like you listen anyway...” You shrugged, leaning against the boat. 
“Kiara, you know what they say about curing jellyfish stings,” Sarah ignored you, talking through heavy breaths and looking up at the brown-haired girl. “You have to pee on me.”
The girl simply cringed. “I have a better idea.”
NIGHT HAD FALLEN AND YOU WERE SURE THE GUYS WEREN’T COMING BACK FOR THE THREE OF YOU ANYTIME SOON. The night air was cool and Sarah was high off of the weed left behind, courtesy of JJ himself. She’d been laughing and talking about nothing non-stop for the last hour.
Kie was sat next to her in the cockpit of the boat while you sat on the hardtop, swinging your feet.
“Hey,” Sarah piped up, interrupting her own giggling. “Would you rather…have, I was imagining you like this just now, it was pretty funny.” She was directing the question at Kiara. “Would you imagi- would you rather…have nipples for eyes or have eyes for nipples? Imagine if you get really old and your nipples, your boobs get saggy, your nipples, if they were your eyes, you could see if your shoes were untied.” 
She attempted to laugh it off in her impaired state but took the hint when Kie gave her a side glance, no humor present in her expression. “Is this like your first time smoking or something?” 
“...No.” Sarah said lowly, looking down.
“Could’ve fooled me.” You muttered, annoyed by the girls incessant laughter and talking. 
After a couple moments of tense silence, Sarah attempted to speak again. “Hey, Kiara…”
“Oh my God.” She cut her off. “Enough the ‘Hey, Kiara’ bullshit.” She turned her entire body to face the blonde, a hard look in her eyes. “Why’d you do it?”
“...Why’d I do what?” Sarah played dumb.
“We were best friends.” Kiara started solemnly. “We stole beers from your dad’s fridge, we watched movies together, we cried about boys...” She reminisced. “And the next thing I know, the entire school thinks I have a crush on you because you started a rumor that I did.”
“It was just a joke.” Sarah tried to dismiss, rolling her eyes.
“To who? Because it wasn’t funny for me. And when it spun out of control? When it went from people saying I had a crush on you to saying I tried to kiss you? To saying I was stalking you? That I had a shrine? Was it still just a joke then?” She reprimanded. “You never even bothered to clear it up. Just fed into it. You just cut me off like nothing happened. I mean, really, what did I do?”
You continued watching the interaction happen from the hardtop of the boat. “You liked me.” Sarah blurted. “...When people get close to me, I feel trapped. And…I bail. And then I blame them for it.” She got out, turning to look Kiara in the eyes. “I’m really sorry…And I miss you.” Then her eyes were on you. “Both of you. Do you think there’s a chance that we could be okay again?” She was looking at Kiara again.
“Honestly. I don’t know.” Sarah simply nodded and bit her lip, accepting the answer before turning her sights to you once more. 
“Y/n?” She called. You assumed she was waiting for your answer to the same question, all you could manage was a huff of air to leave your lips. 
“What a bunch of bullshit.” You breathed out, an incredulous smile on your face as you looked away for moment. You could hear Kiara sigh.
“No, Kiara. If you want to forgive her, by all means be my guest. But me and you?” Your eyes were on Sarah, glaring at her. “We will never be ‘okay’ again.” You mocked.
“What do you want from me?” Sarah spat out. “I apologized-”
“You apologized to Kie. Not me.”
“Well, I’m sorry. For…whatever I did.” She slurred, slouching further against the inside of the boat.
“Whatever you did?”
“You were the one sneaking around with my brother, Y/n!”
“And you're still downplaying the situation! That’s not what happened nor is it why our friendship ended and you know it.” You disputed, anger filling your tone.
“Our friendship ended because you tried to make the situation into something it wasn’t.”
“You never even considered the possibility that what I told you was true. You called me a liar, turned me into the school slut-”
“He’s my brother.”
“That doesn’t mean he’s not a bad person, Sarah!” You said with finality in your voice. “And if you can’t see that, then maybe that makes two of you.” Was the last thing you said before hopping down from the top of the boat and disappearing around the corner, away from the two girls. 
THE THREE OF YOU SAT ON THE EDGE OF THE BOAT, WATCHING THE BOYS ARRIVE AS THE SUN CAME UP. You’d slept in the helm of the boat while Kiara and Sarah slept out in the open. You hated to admit how lonely you felt hearing them giggle in the middle of the night but it was quickly overshadowed by the memories of what was said between you and Sarah. A small part of you wondered how Kiara could forgive her so quickly. So easily.
“Let’s not give them the satisfaction of thinking this worked.” Kiara whispered to the blonde next to her. You simply kept quiet. Because for you, it didn’t.
“So, did you guys, you know…” Pope led on as the smaller boat parked next to the bigger one. You said nothing as you hopped off the edge, from one boat to the other. 
“Reconcile our differences?” Kie finished for him.
“Nope. Not even a little.” Sarah shook her head. “But we’re…willing to work together?” She said, turning to Kiara who nodded in agreement as they both stepped onto the HMS Pogue. 
“You know what? That’s victory.” JB cheered, dapping up Pope. “You guys ready to jack some loot?”
YOU ALL WAITED UNTIL IT GOT DARK ONCE MORE TO RETURN TO THE CRAIN PROPERTY, FULL PREPARED THIS TIME. Rope, pulley, flashlights. You were equipped with the gold-mine starter kit and ready to throw John B down into a well beneath a murder-house.
Parking in front of the house but still out of sight, John B hopped out of the driver’s side to round the van and open the side door, pausing. “I wanna say thank you guys. Seriously.” He told the five of you whole-heartedly. “It means a lot to me that you’re here tonight.”
“Of course, man.” Pope assured him softly, giving him a special handshake. 
“All right, we done with this circle jerk?” JJ cut in. “Can we go do this?” 
“Let’s go get that wheat in the water.” Pope exclaimed, jumping out of the van first, followed by Kie, then Sarah.
“Weed? I’m up for weed.” JJ said, letting you get out before him. You rolled your eyes, a small smile breaking on your face as you climbed out of the van. The first one in hours.
“Wheat, J. He said wheat.” You corrected. You all formed a sort of single-file line, hopping the fence one by one. You all walked as quietly as you could through the tall grass and bushes, sticking as close together as possible. Out of the blue, a light in front of the house lit up your frames, the six of you scrambling to duck and hide, turning your flashlights off.
“Why would a blind lady need motion sensor lights?” You hissed frustratedly confused. 
“Let’s throw a rock at it.” John B offered. You all looked at him stupidly.
“That’s a really good idea. Let the axe murderer know that we’re here.” Kiara said sarcastically. 
“Do any of you have a better idea?” 
“What about the breaker in the circuit box on the porch?” Sarah asked. “We used to play hide-and-seek here as kids and if we were brave enough, we’d go all the way up to the porch.”
“No, no, you’re not going into the house alone.” John B protested.
“I’ll go with you.” Kiara volunteered herself before turning to you. You simply raised a brow as if to ask ‘what?’. Only then did you notice that the rest of the group was staring at you as well, then you got the hint, smacking your teeth.
“Christ, fine, I’ll go, too. Just… stop looking at me like hungry orphans.” You mumbled, getting up and walking towards the house, slightly crouched.
“We’ll wait for your signal!” Pope whisper-shouted as the three of you disappeared into the thick of the bushes. You let Sarah lead the way, seeing as she had an idea of where you were going and what you were looking for.
“She must have a generator plugged into the main power supply.” Sarah informed from the front of the line. The three of you crept up the porch steps, the wood creaking ever so slightly as you did. You aimed your flashlight at the circuit box in question, using your empty hand to open it. You quickly noted a problem.
“Where are the breakers?” Your face twisted in confusion, visually following the wires that were connected to the box. “It goes inside.” You said annoyed, pushing the circuit box door back closed. You turned back to the two girls behind you, a weary look shared amongst the three of you before Kie took it upon herself to carefully open the gate in front of the back door, twisting the knob quickly but quietly.
Pushing the door open, the three of you slid inside swiftly as the door creaked, making your face twist. You all treaded carefully through the dark home. You nearly jumped out of your skin when a cat yowled beside you.
“Shi- get out of here you mangy thing!” You whispered, pushing the feline away with the toe of your shoe. You follow the wires on the ceiling to the location of the breakers, Kiara wasting little time in switching the generator off, the house and surrounding areas going pitch black as she did.
You all let out sighs of relief, small victorious smiles breaking out on each of your faces. “We should probably get out of here now.” You advised, the other two agreeing. You hadn’t even lifted your foot to step away before a whirring sound echoed throughout the house, the three of you throwing yourselves against the wall and out of sight of whatever was around the corner.
You could barely hear one another breathing, contemplating whether you should stay put or make a break for it. It wasn’t long before you heard the sound of heavy-breathing and what sounded like a cane hitting the floor accompanied by delayed footsteps. 
You could feel your heart in throat as you tried your hardest not to move a muscle, the footsteps growing closer by the second. Fear rushing through your veins when you heard a voice call out.
“It’s late, Leon.” An old, raspy, elderly voice spoke — Mrs. Crain. “Too late...” She coughed, cane still hitting the floor ferociously with every step. You swore you could’ve cried when the woman in question rounded the corner, standing right in front of you three with no clue. “I can hear you, Leon. I’ve been waiting all night!” She screeched, whipping her head in your direction so fast you were surprised her neck didn’t snap in the process.
Her teeth were yellow, her hair was dead and gray, and her eyes were white. Pure white. The three of you screamed simultaneously before booking it in the direction you came. You don’t know how you ended up splitting from each other but you did. You ended up in some old dusty study-type room, the only exit being a window. You ran over to it, using all your strength to pull it up but it wouldn’t budge.
“Where are you, Leon?!” Her voice scratched your ears with the way it echoed. You cursed as you continued pulling at the window, eventually giving up and running out of the room. Fortunately, you ran in just time to find Mrs. Crain swinging aimlessly at Kiara with a fire poker. You took the opportunity to grab the object when she swung it back once more, snatching it and throwing it across the room.
Sarah entered just as the old lady turned around and gripped you by the arm, the blonde grabbing Kiara as you pushed Mrs. Crain off of you and ran into the room with the other two. Sarah closed and latched the door shut, Mrs. Crain banging from the other side. 
She’d managed to find the stairs the led under the house where the guys were, you and Kiara following her down in a hurry. 
“Guys!” All three of you called, sprinting through the crawlspace. 
“Woah, what’s goin’ on?” JJ asked as you accidentally ran into him, the blonde stabilizing by your upper arms.
“Mrs. Crain is up there. She’s trying to kill us with a fire poker.” Kiara breathed out. 
“We locked her in the parlor but we have to go. Like, now.” You said frantically. 
“Okay, code red.” JJ said, releasing your arms and heading back towards Pope. He leaned over the well, shouting down. “John B! Get back on, man!” The rest of you grabbed the length of the rope, using all of your man power to pull the boy back up when the you all fell, the rope pulling up nothing.
“Where is he?” Kiara panicked, crawling to the well to lean over it. “John B?!” His voice came back up but no one could tell what he was saying. It was just a faint echo. His next words were clearer, however — he was calling your names.
“He’s drowning! We gotta pull him up!” Sarah assumed the worst as you scrambled to grab the rope again. 
“John B? Get back on the rope, we’re gonna pull you up!” Pope called down into the well. Once JB affirmed that he was secured, the five of you began pulling once more, much more synchronized this time. You were using all the strength you had to pull him up when a gunshot made your ears ring.
You ducked, as did the rest of the group, your grip on the rope loosening. Pope and JJ hurried to tie the rope so it wouldn’t drop any further as you all scurried around the crawlspace, hoping the blind woman would think you were gone.
Only problem? None of you knew how to shut the hell up. Another shot rang out and that’s when you all decided you had to make a run for it. You saw John B’s muddy hand gripped the edge of the well before you bolted, knowing he’d be a little behind but just fine. You sprinted out into the yard, practically launched yourself back over the gate and threw yourselves into the van.
JJ started the van without John B inside as more gunshots sounded, the boy running behind his own van for dear life. 
“John B, come on!” The boy caught up, launching himself into the back of the van and sliding the door shut as JJ sped off. 
“Everyone okay? No bullet holes?” JJ questioned from the driver’s seat.
“I think I’d know if I was shot, right?” Kiara asked, hands patting her frame. 
“You look disgusting.” Pope breathed out, the statement directed at John B who looked more like a mud-man than a teenage boy.
“And you smell even worse, my God.” Your face winded with disgust. 
“What the hell just happened?” Sarah ran her hands through her hair, throwing her head back.
“All-time Pogue Hall of Fame, baby!” JJ cheered, giving you a high-five as you basically sat back to back as he drove.
“That bitch is possessed.” Kiara said.
“How can she move that fast?” John B breathed out, and you wondered how he could talk without minding the substance all over his face, including his lips.
Suddenly, John B pulled something from his pocket or under his thigh, it was hard to tell when he was the same color all over. “What is that?” You asked, squinting your eyes as he used his thumb to wipe away the debris on the object, revealing the unmistakable color of gold. “...No motherfucking way.” You scoffed.
“We did it, baby!” He whooped, holding the gold bar up in the air. “I did it!”
“Oh, my God!” JJ supported him as he drove, eyes looking back when they should on the road. The van was filled with cheers, so loud you were sure any houses you passed on the road could hear. 
“You guys were gonna be rich!” Kiara broke through the cheers. “Like Kook rich!”
“Full Kook!” Pope started, the rest of you joining in joyously. The Twinkie had never been more lively or celebratory. After days of being chased, shot at, arrested, jumped, and targeted — you all had done it.
You had found the gold.
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feedback is appreciated! thanks for reading.
SVN Taglist; (let me know if you'd like to be added!) @esquivelbianca @fallingwallsh @calmoistorm @i-love-ptv @liability28 @rivaiken @sophiahristov @rafxcameronss @ldrvinyl @purplerose291 @boo22sstuff @heartsforandrewgarfield (striked means i'm unable to tag you!)
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upsidedownwithsteve · 11 months
Love Sucks V. The Sickness
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Vampire!Steve Harrington x fem!reader
He’s just a gloomy, little guy.
The Masterlist 🩸
Steve couldn’t get sick.
You knew that. He knew that. Steve knew that you knew that. The information had come after a long conversation underneath the warm sheets in your bed, hands clasped together between chests, noses almost touching, talking about how Steve had died.
How he hadn’t felt pain since, not unless he was hungry. He whispered about forgetting what it felt like to feel sickly, to have a stuffy nose when winter drew in, how the sting of sunburn felt on his skin in the summer. At first, you envied your boyfriend, longed for the immortality, the immunity. But living came with so many feelings and not all were good, not all were nice. But god, to feel meant that you were alive, right?
It’s why, when you came home from work one day to find Steve curled in your bed like a cat, you humoured him.
The vampire was pale, like always, a summer tan from who knows when faded and old, his hair unsettled and floppy, his eyes tired and red rimmed. He wasn’t too hungry, he’d just fed a few nights before but his fangs were out, two white tips peeking out his mouth. He was frowning, grumpy looking, nose wrinkled.
“Hey, handsome. S’wrong?” You crossed to your window, still open from the when Steve had shimmied it up and crawled in.
“I’m sick,” Steve coughed feebly, a fake sounding thing that didn’t really itch at the back of his throat but you cooed all the same. “I think I have the flu.”
You suppressed a smile, moving to crawl onto the bed with him. You didn’t tell him he couldn’t get sick, you didn’t like to remind the boy of his undead state - it didn’t seem polite. So you cooed again and sought him out under you duvet and pillows, threading your fingers through his hair as he stretched towards you, head seeking out your lap.
“You are?” You queried, voice filled with just as much concern as it would if Steve really was ill. “Baby. Can I get you anything?” You bit back another grin. “Soup? Medicine? A hot water bottle?”
‘Baby.’ Something inside Steve’s empty chest throbbed and ached. He felt warm.
You both knew Steve didn’t eat any real food, nothing solid anyway. He said pizza tasted like sand and anything too crunchy hurt his fangs so he lived off of coffee and he stole your ice cream in the summer. You also knew medicine wouldn’t do a thing for him, but the thought meant more than the reality.
When he pouted and nodded morosely, mumbling requests for a hot water bottle you fetched one and slid it under your sheets with him, relenting all too quickly when he pulled you in with it. He was cold, as usual, no fever to be found in his skin but you curled around him like you were willing him better, hiding your smile in his neck and pretending you didn’t see his grin either.
So you stayed like that until the sun set and the October chill leaked into your bedroom, until your stomach growled and Steve relented and released you from his arms. He pouted as you picked at some cheese fries, lingering in your kitchen like a ghost, waiting for you to be free once again, hands all for him instead of dinner.
“I’m sick,” he claimed again, forlorn, sniffling. “You gotta make me feel better.”
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winchesterwild78 · 2 months
Taking Care of Each Other
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Characters: Dean Winchester x Reader 
Warnings: Dean and his silly walls (yes that’s a warning), Smut!, unprotected sex (cover it up people), aftercare 
A/N: Last anon request for what aftercare would look like between Dean and the reader. I’m using the character, Dean, but this does not follow the Supernatural story at all. No disrespect to anyone, this is a work of fiction. All work is my own. I do not give permission for it to be taken. This was written and edited fast, please overlook any errors. 
Minors DNI 18+
Dean Winchester, the green eyed man that rolls through town every few months for his job that he can’t tell you about. All he says is it’s “the family business” and his brother, Sam and him took it over when their father died. 
You hadn’t planned on sleeping with him the first time you met him, but one thing led to another and let’s be honest, how could anyone say no to him. He was built like he was carved by the gods and he was a very skilled lover. He took you places in the bed you’d never been and he always made you feel like you were the only woman in his life.
You were sure that wasn’t the case, but it was nice to think you were. Even if it was only for a few days. 
“Hey, sweetheart.” You heard the familiar voice behind you. You turned around and came face to face with Dean Winchester. “Hey, Dean. Good to see you”, you turned to fill the coffee of another customer. 
You felt his eyes on you the whole time you helped customers. You came back to his table to take his order. “Do you want your usual, Dean? Cheeseburger, fries, drink and a slice of cherry pie?” He touched your arm “You know me so well, sweetheart.” You pulled away. “I’ll put your order in, Dean. Sammy not joining you to eat?” 
“No, Sam didn’t come with me on this trip. Is everything okay, you don’t normally pull away from me.” “Yes, I’m just busy, Dean. We all can’t be our own boss.” You didn’t mean to sound snippy, but you were tired of the yoyo relationship with him. 
He sat back and watched you working. He loved watching you work and interact with people. That’s what drew him to you, your sweet personality and your kindness. He often thought about you on his hunts. Dean wanted to tell you about his life and what he did, but he needed to keep you safe.
Dean’s order was ready so you grabbed it from the window and walked it over to him. “Here’s your order, Dean. Let me know if you need anything else.” Dean looked at you “Thank you, Y/N. Um, what time do you get off?” “I get off in about an hour, why?” “Well, I was hoping we could talk.” “Talk?!? Ha! I didn’t know the great Dean Winchester knew how to talk with his clothes on.” 
“Wow, okay. Sorry I asked. I’ll eat and be out of your hair.” Dean looked defeated. You walked away and your heart broke. Why did you talk to him like that? He didn’t deserve it. You walked around the diner helping other customers, but your eyes kept looking over at Dean. He’d barely touched his food. You felt a pang of guilt in your chest.
Once your tables were cleared you walked over to Dean and sat across from him. “Dean, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that to you. It’s unfair and just mean. If I’m being honest I’m just hurt. I feel like our relationship is just a convenience for you when you’re in town. I don’t know anything about your job, and you keep all these walls up. I care about you. If I’m being completely honest, I’m in love with you.”
Dean’s green eyes looked up at you and he took your hand. “Oh sweetheart, I’m sorry. My life is hard and I just wanted to protect you from it. I care about you too. You’re not just a convenience for me.” 
“Dean, then please trust me enough to tell me about your life. I want to know all about you. The good, the bad, and the ugly. I’d give up everything to be with you. I know you have walls up, but dammit, Dean I’m going to break them down if it’s the last thing I do.” Dean smirked. “I know you will, darlin’. How about after you get off we go back to your place and talk. If you want to.” “Dean, I’d love to.”
About 2 hours later you were pulling into your driveway with Dean behind you in the Impala. Dean climbed out of the car looking sexy as ever. You bit your lip. You shook your head, No! Stop it. You can’t end up in bed with him. You’re here to talk.  
Dean walked up and looked around. “The house looks great, sweetheart.” “Thanks, Dean. I’ve tried to keep it up. I just finished remodeling the inside. Shall we go in?” Dean shook his head yes. 
Once inside your dog, Tilly came bounding up to Dean. She always loved him and was excited to see him. Dean sat on the couch and Tilly jumped up and licked him while wagging her tail. He laughed as she covered him with licks. You loved his laugh. 
“Dean, I’m going to go change. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”  “Okay, Tilly and I will be here waiting.” “You can grab a beer if you want.” Dean nodded and you turned to head towards your room.
Dean stood up and walked around looking around at how things had changed since he was last there. “Looks good, Tilly. She’s been busy.” Tilly wagged her tail at Dean. He opened the fridge and grabbed a beer. As he sat down on the couch, you came back into the living room with an oversized shirt and shorts on. Dean smirked, he realized the shirt you were wearing was one of his. 
“What’s so funny, Winchester?” “Oh nothing, just that shirt was mine.” You looked down and blushed. “Well, I like it. It’s comfortable.” You and Dean stared at each other for a few minutes. You felt yourself leaning in. Tilly jumped up and you cleared your throat. 
“So, Dean, what did you want to talk about?” You asked softly. Dean shifted on the couch and turned towards you. “Sweetheart, I wanted to talk about us. You know my job takes me all over the country. It’s dangerous and has cost me people I love. I’ve tried to keep you out of it to protect you. I wouldn’t survive if something happened to you too. He took a deep breath and let it out. Sammy and I hunt things, monsters and other bad things. All of it is real, ghosts, vampires, werewolves, you name it. We cross the country protecting people and helping families that are in danger.” Dean placed his hand on your face, running his thumb over your cheek. “You mean too much to me. I meant it when I told you that you were the only one I’ve been with since we met. I think about you when I’m gone and can’t wait to see you again.”
“Sammy didn’t come with me this time because I asked him to stay at the bunker. I wanted to come and talk to you. I’m not here on a job.” You sat on the couch staring at Dean trying to take in everything he told you. “So, monsters are real, and you go around the country killing them? You’ve been doing this since you were little? Oh my god Dean. That’s horrible. I’m so sorry you had to grow up like that.” 
“Hey, Y/N, I’m fine. It just made me tougher.” You took your hand and placed it gently on Dean’s face. “It’s still not right. I’m sure your dad did the best he could, but you deserve so much more.” You leaned close, stopping halfway hoping he would move the rest of the way. Dean looked in your eyes and moved towards you. 
He placed a soft kiss on your lips and you kissed him back. Dean’s tongue swiped your lips asking for entrance. You opened your mouth slightly and Dean deepened the kiss. You moaned into his mouth and more when you felt his hands trailing up your body.
Dean loved to touch you and be close to you. After what he told you about his childhood and life, you realized he craved touch because he was so touch starved. It made your heart hurt for him.  
His hands played with the hem of your shirt and you pulled out of the kiss long enough to remove your shirt. Dean bit his lip when he saw you weren’t wearing a bra. “Damn baby, just as beautiful as ever.” 
He pulled you onto his lap and his hands trailed up your body from your hips to your breasts. His calloused hands slowly cupped your breasts and you moaned. Dean took his left thumb and index finger and squeezed your left nipple, while he took your right one in his mouth. He started sucking. Pulling a loud moan from your lips as your head leaned back.
He smirked around your nipple. Dean knew all the spots that drove you wild. You knew how to drive him wild too. 
Feeling the slick pool between your thighs you knew you wanted Dean. Through the thin material of the shorts you had on, you could feel Dean’s hardness through his jeans. You moved your body down into his erection. Causing a growl to come from his lips. “You’re playing a dangerous game, sweetheart.” You looked in his eyes, now dark green with lust. You bit your lip and pulled him in for a deep kiss.Your walls clenched. Between pants you pulled back “Dean, take me to the bedroom, please.” “Are you sure, sweetheart?” “Yes, Dean. I want you.”
Dean picked you up and carried you to the bedroom. He laid you on the bed gently before closing the door with his foot. Dean removed his shoes and shirt, and slid his jeans down looking directly in your eyes. 
He drove you wild when he did that. He knew it too. You groaned and leaned your head back, Dean chuckled. He made his way to the bed and hovered over you, kissing your lips. His lips trailed down your neck, biting your pulse point making you moan. Dean continued kissing down your body until he got to the waistband of your shorts. He looked up at you through his eyelashes.
He was asking for permission to remove them. You nodded yes and he hooked his fingers and pulled them down with your panties. You lifted your hips to help him. Dean threw your clothes to the side and kissed his way up your thigh. He used his hands to gently part your legs. Exposing your dripping wet core to him. 
You could see his hardness through his boxers. You both looked at each other with lust and love in your eyes. Dean slid off his boxers and his hardness sprang free. You huffed out a shaky breath. Dean was the biggest you’d ever had. He filled you and made you feel things you hadn’t before. 
As he climbed between your legs his hand slid up your thigh. He used his right hand to part your folds, feeling your wetness and need. You bucked your hips into his hand and moaned. “Please, Dean.” “Patience sweetheart.” He purred in your ear. 
You felt his fingers dip into your wet pussy and his thumb rub circles on your swollen clit. Dean moved his fingers and thumb faster, helping you chase your much needed release. You moved your hips into his hand. You were close. Faster than you thought you’d get there. “Dean…I’m….close.” Your breath hitched
“I know baby, cum for me. Come on, let it all go.” Dean whispered. With a deep moan you came hard, squeezing his fingers and releasing your juices. Dean pulled out his fingers and leaned up, capturing your lips. “You ready, baby?” Dean asked as he lined himself up to you. You nodded yes. 
Dean pumped himself a few times and placed the tip at your entrance. As he pushed in you both gasped and moaned. It had been far too long since you two had been together. He pushed the rest of the way in bottoming out. Dean stilled himself for a minute, trying to compose himself. 
He didn’t want to cum too fast, but you felt amazing wrapped around him. Dean’s movements were slow and meticulous. He was savoring every second he had you in his arms. His lips found yours as he slowly moved in and out of you. Your hands slid up his back and into his hair. The sound of moans and pants of pleasure filled the room. 
You’d slept with Dean many times before, but this time felt different. Something had shifted between you two once he told you about his life. 
With every touch and kiss you felt Dean’s walls coming down. His eyes filled with so much love and relief. Dean’s head rested in the crook of your neck as he slowly moved in you. His hot breath on your body sent chills down your spine. Your hands traced up and down his back, feeling how his muscles moved. 
Your resolve was wearing down. You didn’t want to fall deeper in love with him, because you didn’t want to be hurt, but you couldn’t help it. In a breathy voice you whispered “I love you, Dean. So much.” Dean stilled and looked in your eyes. He softly kissed your lips and said “I love you too, sweetheart.”
This was the first time he’d ever said it to you. Usually he said he cared about you or you meant a lot to him, but he never said ‘love’. As Dean got closer to his release, he sped up a little. With one final thrust he spilled his hot seed deep inside you. Coating your walls with white ropes of cum. 
He slowly pulled out as he felt himself softening and got up to go to the bathroom. When he returned he brought a warm washcloth to clean you up. Dean cleaned you gently, leaned up and kissed your lips before leaving the room. 
When he returned he had brought you water. Handing you the water, he grabbed the sheet and covered you both up as he crawled in next to you. When you placed the cup down, he held out his arm for you to lay on. 
Dean pulled you close to him and you laid your head on his chest, delicately tracing his tattoo with your finger tips. He kissed the top of your head “I do love you Y/N, so much. I’ve been a fool. I should have told you a long time ago.” You looked up at him “Shh, it’s okay baby, you told me and that’s all that matters.” 
Dean smiled and kissed your lips. “Hey, move in with me. Move in with me and Sammy.” You sat up “What?! You want me to move in with you?” “Yes! That way I don’t have to be away from you. You can have your own room if you want or we can share my room. What do you say?” You looked at Dean’s face so full of love and eagerness, “Yes. Yes, Dean I’ll move in with you.” 
He smiled and captured your lips with his. You laid your head back down on his chest and he pulled you tighter. Being with Dean was always amazing, but afterwards was your favorite part. It’s when Dean’s softer side really showed. He always made sure you were taken care of and felt safe. He loved holding you and would trace patterns on your back. At first you thought it was random movements, then you realized he was actually writing his name with his finger tips. It was the sweetest thing you’d ever experienced. 
Moving in together was a huge step for you too, but you knew you would always take care of each other. 
Tags: @nescaveckdaily  @kr804573 @k-slla @jackles010378 @jawritter
@xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx @roseblue373 @cheynovak @jassackles  @chriszgirl92
@suckitands33 @arcannaa @n-o-p-e-never @ladysparkles78 @smoothdogsgirl
@hobby27 @manicjk @stoneyggirl2 @1-read-the-hobbit-in-1937
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𝕿𝖜𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝕿𝖊𝖒𝖕𝖙𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘 | 5
read chapter 1 - here [MASTERLIST]
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screencaps and gifs: Pinterest
Pairing: dark!Joel Miller x Fem!reader
Warnings/tags: MDNI 18+, DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT,DUB/NON-CON, Auctioning people, Dom and Sub dynamics, Drinking, food, kissing, possessiveness, flirting, praise, Degradation Oral M, Orgasums, manipulation, showering, blowjobs, talks of the gulf war, Cum eating, UNprotected sex wrap it before you tap it kids, THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONTENT YOU CONSUME
Summary: It's finally time to move into Joel's home with some help from Tommy of course
WC: 2.6k
A/n: this is pretty dark that's your final warning
For notifications follow - @sinful-mind-joyful-fics
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"Feel better?" Joel asked, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.
"Yeah," you replied, sitting down beside him. The comfort of the robe and his presence was grounding.
"Good," he said, leaning back against the headboard. "Do you want to order room service? We could use some food after all that."
You chuckled softly, the normalcy of his question a stark contrast to the whirlwind of emotions you had just experienced. "Yeah, that sounds nice."
Joel reached for the room service menu on the bedside table, handing it to you. "Anything in particular you’re craving?"
You scanned the menu, trying to focus on the words rather than the thoughts swirling in your mind. "Maybe something light. A salad, and... maybe some fries?"
He nodded, dialing room service and placing the order. As he spoke, you couldn’t help but replay the recent events in your mind. The intensity of your connection with Joel, the overwhelming passion, and the way he made you feel both desired and vulnerable.
When the food arrived, Joel set up the small table by the window. You joined him, the evening view of the ocean providing a serene backdrop. The atmosphere was calm, almost surreal after what had just transpired.
Joel dug into his meal with enthusiasm, but you found yourself picking at your salad, your mind still preoccupied. Each bite felt heavy, your thoughts tangled in a web of uncertainty and introspection.
"What's on your mind?" Joel asked, breaking the silence. His voice was gentle, yet there was an underlying note of concern.
You glanced up at Joel, forcing a smile. “I’m just tired, that’s all. It’s been a long day.”
Joel’s eyes narrowed slightly, skepticism evident in his gaze. “You’re sure that’s all it is?”
“Yeah,” you replied quickly, avoiding his gaze and taking another slow bite of your salad. “I’m fine, really.”
He watched you in silence for a moment, then nodded. “Alright. But if there’s anything bothering you, you should tell me.”
“I will,” you lied, hoping he wouldn’t press further.
The rest of the meal passed uneventfully. Joel occasionally reached over to touch your hand, his gestures filled with a tenderness that contrasted sharply with his earlier possessiveness. It was this duality in him that both drew you in and made you wary.
As you both finished eating, Joel stood and moved behind you, placing his hands on your shoulders and gently massaging the tension away. “I know it’s a lot. But we’ll figure it out together.”
You nodded, closing your eyes and leaning into his touch. The warmth of his hands and the steadiness of his presence were comforting, even as your mind continued to churn with doubts and questions.
As the night wore on, you found yourself drifting towards the bed, Joel guiding you gently. The weight of the day and the emotions it had brought left you feeling exhausted. Joel pulled you into his arms, his embrace both comforting and possessive.
“Get some rest,” he murmured against your hair. “We’ve got a lot more to enjoy this weekend.”
You nodded, closing your eyes and letting the sound of his heartbeat lull you into a restless sleep. Despite the comfort of his arms, the uncertainty lingered, a silent companion in the darkness.
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"Tommy, help me with this mirror, will you?" you asked, smiling as you unloaded Joel’s truck with your things. The move-in process was both exciting and nerve-wracking, but having Tommy around provided a welcome distraction.
Tommy looked up, a bemused smile playing on his lips. "Sure thing," he said, walking over to give you a hand. As he grabbed the mirror, he glanced over at Joel, who was directing the movers with a stern expression.
"Man, he’s in full-on boss mode today," Tommy remarked, his voice low.
You chuckled nervously, trying to brush off the unease you felt. "Yeah, he’s been pretty intense lately."
Tommy gave you a sideways glance, his expression thoughtful. "You know, Joel’s always been the cold type. Even to me, his own brother. He’s got this wall up that’s hard to break through."
You raised an eyebrow, curious. "Really? He’s never mentioned that."
Tommy set the mirror down and leaned against the truck, a far-off look in his eyes. "Yeah. There was this one time when Faith tried to get close to him. She had this vibrant personality, full of life and attitude. Joel couldn't stand it. Her energy clashed with his cold demeanor, and he just... couldn't take it."
Your interest piqued, you asked, "What happened?"
Tommy sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Well, Faith and Joel weren’t really a couple. It was more like a one-night stand. Faith’s always been very sex-positive and into some pretty kinky stuff. She thought she could handle Joel’s intensity, maybe even break through his tough exterior."
You raised an eyebrow, surprised by the revelation. "Really?"
"Yeah," Tommy continued, his tone thoughtful. "Faith was always pushing his buttons, trying to get a reaction out of him. But instead of warming up to her, Joel just shut down even more. They didn’t even have a fight; it was just this cold realization. Whatever happened that night, it shocked even Faith. And trust me, it takes a lot to shock her."
Your curiosity piqued, you asked, "What do you mean?"
Tommy shook his head, a hint of discomfort in his expression. "Let’s just say Faith’s used to being the one in control, and Joel didn’t play by her rules. She never talked about it much, just said that Joel was too much for her and left it at that."
You frowned, the story stirring a mix of emotions within you. "That sounds intense."
Tommy nodded, his expression serious. "It was. Joel’s a complex guy. He cares deeply, but he has a hard time showing it. Sometimes his way of caring comes off as controlling or possessive."
You glanced over at Joel, who was now talking to one of the movers with an intense look on his face. The man you had come to know was multifaceted, and hearing Tommy's perspective added another layer to your understanding of him.
"Does he ever... change?" you asked, unsure of how to phrase your concern.
Tommy shrugged. "Sometimes, but it takes a lot. He’s got to really want it. Just be careful, alright? Joel’s got a good heart, but he can be overwhelming."
You nodded, the weight of Tommy’s words settling over you. "Thanks, Tommy. I’ll keep that in mind."
As you finished unloading the truck, Joel came over, his expression softening slightly as he looked at you. "Everything okay here?"
"Yeah," you replied, forcing a smile. "We’re just about done."
Joel nodded, his eyes lingering on you for a moment before he turned to Tommy. "Thanks for the help, bro."
Tommy gave a nod, but his eyes were still on you, a silent message of caution and support. "Anytime."
As the last of your things were unloaded, you and Joel sat around the living room, cartons of Chinese takeout spread before you, the conversation flowed more easily. The comfort of the food and the familiarity of Tommy's presence made it easier to relax, even if just a little.
Joel reached for a carton of fried rice, scooping some onto his plate. "Remember when we used to get this stuff all the time, Tommy? Back in the old apartment?"
Tommy chuckled, nodding. "Yeah, those were the days. Cheap takeout and late nights. We were living the dream."
You smiled, watching the two brothers share a moment. It was clear they had a deep bond, one forged through shared experiences and hardships.
"Speaking of old times," Tommy said, leaning back in his chair. "Remember that one story from Desert Storm? The one with the snake?"
Joel laughed, shaking his head. "Oh man, how could I forget?"
You leaned in, curious. "Desert Storm? You mean the Gulf War?"
"Yep," Joel replied, his tone taking on a more serious note. "Tommy and I both served. It was... intense, to say the least."
Tommy nodded. "There was this one time, we were out on a patrol, and we came across this snake. It was huge, just sitting there in the sand."
Joel picked up the story, his eyes twinkling with the memory. "So, we're all standing there, staring at this snake, not sure what to do. And then Tommy, out of nowhere, decides he's gonna catch it."
Tommy grinned, shrugging. "What can I say? I was young and stupid."
Joel continued, his voice animated. "So, Tommy goes after this snake, and it starts slithering away. He grabs it by the tail, and it turns around and hisses at him. The look on his face was priceless."
You laughed, imagining the scene. "What happened next?"
"Well," Joel said, leaning in. "Tommy managed to catch the snake and, believe it or not, he actually scared it off. We were all just standing there, amazed that he didn't get bitten."
Tommy shook his head, a fond smile on his face. "It was a crazy time. But that's what we did, you know? We looked out for each other."
You felt a sense of warmth at their camaraderie, appreciating the shared history between them. "It sounds like you guys have been through a lot together."
Joel nodded, his expression softening. "Yeah, we have. And we've always had each other's backs."
As the evening wore on, the conversation shifted to more lighthearted topics. Tommy shared more stories from their time in the military, and you found yourself laughing along with them, feeling more at ease.
After a while, Tommy stretched and yawned. "Well, I should get going. Thanks for the food and the company."
"Thanks for coming by," you said, offering him a smile.
"Anytime," Tommy replied, giving Joel a brotherly pat on the back. "Take care, you two."
Joel walked Tommy to the door, and you couldn’t help but notice the brief, meaningful look they exchanged. Once Tommy left, Joel turned back to you, his expression softening.
"How about a shower?" he suggested, his voice low and inviting.
"Sure," you replied, your tone a bit distracted. "I’ll go first."
You headed upstairs to the bathroom, closing the door behind you. As you turned on the water and let it heat up, you leaned against the sink, staring at your reflection in the mirror. The steam began to fog up the glass, and you sighed, stripping off your clothes and stepping under the warm spray.
You were trying to clear your head, wash that boy right out of your hair, as your grandma used to say. The hot water and steam were your solace, giving you a moment of peace and contemplation. Thoughts drifted to your art, the desire to paint again growing stronger. But your reverie was shattered when the shower curtain abruptly opened.
Joel stood there, stark naked, a mischievous grin on his face. “I meant us both shower,” he said.
You instinctively covered your body, shock and embarrassment flooding your senses. “What? NO! Go away!” you exclaimed, trying to shoo him away.
Joel laughed, unfazed. “Come on, it’s fun, trust me,” he said, stepping under the shower head beside you.
He reached out to push your hair back, but you stopped him again. “I said no, Joel,” your tone was firm, shifting from surprise to frustration.
Joel’s smile faded, replaced by a look of determination. He didn’t budge when you tried to push him out of the shower. Instead, he stood there, unyielding, his arousal blatantly obvious.
“You think this is a joke?” he muttered, turning off the shower head. When you moved to turn it back on, he grabbed your hand, yanking you out of the shower.
“Joel!” you protested, your body dripping wet, but he didn’t listen. The water left a trail of droplets as he dragged you into the bedroom.
He threw you onto the bed, pushing you onto your back. “You think I’m fucking joking?” he snarled.
You tried to sit up, but he shoved you back down. Fear shot through you, realizing this was no joke. Joel climbed on top of you, straddling your chest, his balls hitting your chin. “Joel, please get off me,” you begged, feeling claustrophobic.
He taunted you, hitting your face with his dick. “Suck my dick,” he demanded.
Your eyes widened in horror. You’d never done that before, only helped him with a handjob during your birthday vacation. “Wh-” you began, but he seized the opportunity, shoving his dick into your mouth.
You gagged, his sadistic chuckle echoing in your ears. He grabbed a fistful of your hair, thrusting harshly into your throat, making you gag over and over. Tears streamed down your face, mixing with the water from the shower.
“Come on, I know you love it,” he taunted, gripping your head with both hands and forcing himself deeper into your throat. "That's it," he groaned, thrusting shallowly.
The sound of your gagging and choking filled the room. You took breaths through your nose as he thrust deeply one last time, and you felt a hot, steamy rope of his cum hit the back of your throat, its salty taste overwhelming. You finally managed to break free from his grip, sitting up and spitting his cum out of your mouth.
“What the he-” you started, but Joel cut you off, hitting you square across the face. Shock washed over you, your wet hair clinging to your skin, your throat hoarse from crying and gagging. You felt terrified and overwhelmed.
“GET AWAY FROM ME,” you shouted, standing up, naked and affirmative.
Joel seemed momentarily shocked by your defiance. “Excuse me?” he said, stepping closer as you instinctively backed up.
He grabbed you, pulling you close. “You forget the facts, sweetpea,” he said, his voice cold and possessive. He sat you down on the bed, brushing your hair out of your face, his fingers tracing your skin with a soft, sinister touch. “I bought you… and that means you’re mine.”
Joel's grip on your arm loosened slightly, his eyes softening just enough to make you question your own fear. "You need to understand something," he said, his voice low and deceptively gentle. "I'm doing this for us. I want to protect you, to make sure you're happy."
You tried to pull away, but his hold was firm. "Joel, this doesn't feel right," you whispered, your voice trembling. "You can't treat me like this."
He sighed, his lips curling into a semblance of a smile. "Oh, but I can. You see, you've let me into your life, into your heart. And now, you have to trust that I know what's best for you."
Your heart pounded in your chest, a mix of fear and anger surging through you. "This isn't love, Joel. This feels like control."
Joel's eyes flashed with something dark, but his voice remained calm. "Don't say that," he murmured. "You don't understand. I care about you so much that sometimes it scares me. I just want to keep you safe."
Tears welled up in your eyes, but you refused to let them fall. "You can't keep me like this. I'm not some object you can own."
His expression tightened, his voice dropping to a softer, yet still firm tone. "You're not an object. You're my partner, my everything. I need you to understand that. I need you to trust me."
You swallowed hard, your mind racing as you tried to think of a way out. But Joel's presence was overwhelming, his dominance subtle but pervasive. He leaned in closer, his breath warm against your ear. "I want to make you happy," he whispered, his lips grazing your neck. "I want to give you everything you deserve."
Your resolve wavered, the fear and confusion clouding your thoughts. "Joel, please, this isn't right."
He cupped your face in his hands, his thumbs brushing away the tears that threatened to spill. "Shh," he soothed, his voice almost hypnotic. "Don't fight it. Just let go. Let me take care of you."
You closed your eyes as his words continued, "Don't overthink it," he murmured, his voice almost a lullaby. "Just trust me."
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kwallanghae · 2 years
twenty two days before we go our separate ways (twenty two days of not falling for you) | yoon jeonghan
content: fluff; angst (because ofc); fake dating; friends to lovers; some joshua x reader; adults who are in their 30s and have jobs;
word count: 20.3k
summary: there’s a special bond between you and jeonghan, and no one was surprised when you announced you were together. to you, it’s a surprise no one realised it wasn’t real.
warnings: language; allusions to sex and suggestive language; (brief) descriptions of vomiting; jealousy and possessiveness;
after a five month hiatus i have returned with a HOLY WHY IS THIS SO LONG fic hope you enjoy :)
also i’ve decided i want to label my fics the same way fob write song titles
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“You have got to be kidding me.”
His eyes widened, then slowly closed in embarrassment. “Look, you’re the only person I could ask…”
“There is no way I’m going to fake date you, Jeonghan!”
In all the years that you had spent knowing Jeonghan, you had never gotten fully used to the shenanigans and plots, half of which you were a pawn in, half were levied against you. Right now, it was easy to say you preferred the latter. Especially given that unlike your mutual friend Soonyoung, he never went too far. Jeonghan had a perfect skill for being outlandish but never unacceptable. Although, this time felt too far. This time felt ridiculous.
“It’s only for three weeks!”
“Twenty two days! Three weeks! Thats three separate, wait no FOUR separate Saturdays I’ll have to spend cozied up to you, pretending to- ugh.”
“Don’t gag.”
Gagging was excessive, in all fairness. Jeonghan was a gorgeous man, and the string of broken hearts he carried on his shoulder was evidence enough, which made you so much more suspicious of his words. Why were you the only person available?
“I just need to get this girl off my back at Wonwoo’s wedding, and it has to be believable, because you know that Jun and Seungcheol cannot keep a secret, so if they know then Jiwon will know, and if Jiwon knows then I’m trapped. Cmon, please.”
“Three weeks is so long.” You whined, throwing yourself down on the couch. You had always been one for the dramatics. Perhaps thats what drew you to Jeonghan, why you were good friends.
FRIENDS. Specifically.
“Look it’s not like you wouldn’t get anything out of it!” Jeonghan begged, kneeling in front of you in a desperate attempt to have you look his way. “It would make Joshua so jealous.”
“He would only be jealous if he actually had feelings for me, Han, and we both know he doesn’t.”
“That’s not true, I am so completely sure he has feelings for you, he just doesn’t know it yet.” Jeonghan’s hand was on your shoulder, rubbing it soothingly, as you were reminded of how helpless and pathetic you felt when it came to Joshua. The gorgeous American who never seemed to spare a glance in your direction. Sure, you were all friends, and he obviously cared about you, but only as a friend. It was clear the way he looked at other people, it was a way he had never looked at you. It didn’t take a genius to figure it out, and for the most part you would like to say you were pretty good at spotting when people had feelings for you. 
When you were eleven and there was pesky Seokmin who kept throwing pencils at you when he thought you weren’t looking, it was obvious he had feelings for you, which you quickly shut down because who would want to go out with someone who had to resort to petty violence to get your attention? And Mingyu, who would avoid you like the plague all of year 12 until he could muster up the courage to tell you about his feelings for you, which you had obviously seen coming. You were always one step ahead - you didn’t like being caught off guard. Jeonghan was the only person you felt like you could trust to trick you, if that made sense at all. Even when he was being a menace, you still felt somewhat safe. And that was really working against you at the moment.
“You know,” He spoke with a glint in his eye that you couldn’t have missed, even if you wanted to. Oh, how desperately you wanted to. After being friends for so long, you could read Jeonghan too well. “He’s just broken up with Heejin. I bet we could try to make him jealous? Make him realise his feelings for you?”
You sniffled slightly, burying a laugh at Jeonghan’s cunning expression. “You’re just saying that so I’ll agree to go out with you.”
“Maybe. Is it working?”
You pondered for a moment. When Jihoon got married just a few months prior, you didn’t have anyone to go with, and you felt devastated watching the gorgeous boy hanging off Joshua’s shoulder. Jeonghan was quick to offer to ditch his date for you, but it didn’t make the ache in your chest dull any faster. You didn’t want to relive that, and you definitely didn’t want to seem lonely and desperate - you didn’t miss the concerned glance from Joshua last time. It would be nice to seem more desired, even if it was fake. It’s all about image, right?
“You know if we do this you won’t be able to flirt with anyone at the party.” You reminded him. “We’ll have to keep up the ruse that you’re actually interested in me.”
“Is it too late to take it back?”
“Yah, Jeonghan!”
“Kidding! Who wouldn’t be into you? Well…” He trailed off teasingly, and it’s moments like this where your glare settles in across from him that he feels so lucky to be secure in your friendship. “I wouldn’t dream of ditching you.”
“I can’t believe I’m doing this.” You whispered to your ceiling, and you didn’t miss the grin that spread across Jeonghan’s face. Lucky bastard. “Fine, starting from tomorrow we will be fake dating.”
“Thank you, thank you, thank you Y/N!” He grabbed your hands, pulling you up from the sofa to celebrate with him. “I will drive you everywhere, don’t worry, and whenever you don’t feel like cooking I’ll cook for you, and-“
“Woah, slow down, I’ll pass on the food. I’ve seen you in a kitchen.” You hushed your friend, letting him settle. “Besides, if we’re going to do this, we need rules. Everything needs to be out in the open.”
You never liked being caught off guard, and you were going to make sure you weren’t.
You settled back down onto the couch, and Jeonghan disappeared to grab something from out of your fridge before settling against you, cuddling to your side. “So what’s the backstory? People are definitely going to ask how we got together, we should probably get a story established.” 
“Hmm, what about, you watched me kill it at karaoke, and you were so overcome with adoration and horniness that you confessed your undying love for me, and-“
“Absolutely not. I refuse to say any of that.”
“That’s okay, I’ll tell them.”
“No way!” You shoved him playfully, groaning as he elbowed you in retaliation. “Low blow, Han. Let’s try to think of something more realistic. What about you went on a date and it made me jealous, so I confessed?”
“Yeah, except we’ve both dated other people and it’s never caused jealousy before, I don’t think anyone would fall for it.” He told you, and you cursed under your breath because he was right. “What about we got tipsy and made out? And then realised we liked each other?”
“That works, I guess. It’s a little crass but it’ll do.” You nodded at Jeonghan, and grabbed a piece of paper from your coffee table. “Now rules: obviously we can’t tell anyone.”
“No shit.”
“Don’t be rude, we have to write the obvious too.” You rolled your eyes at Jeonghan, jotting down the words escaping your mind onto paper. No one can know this is fake.
“What about once it’s all over? You know, when you’re off being married to Joshua, and I’ve got myself a new sexy partner?” Jeonghan questioned, wiggling his eyebrows and nudging you.
“Ew? Why did I agree to this?”
“Because deep down you love me and my shenanigans.” Jeonghan popped a cherry in his mouth, chewing on it slightly, staining his lips red. You looked in disgust as a sliver of crimson drool slipped down the corner of his mouth. 
“Deep, deep, deep, deep, deep down.”
“Didn’t deny it.” He winked. “So can we tell people eventually? Or are we taking this to the grave?”
“Okay, how about this? No one can know this is fake until we’re married to other people. There, that gives us plenty of time.” Jeonghan nodded thoughtfully, and you quickly jotted down the addition. 
“Oh, pass me the pen, I have a good one.”
You let the pen drop out of your hands, pushing it to Jeonghan, who started scribbling something down. You looked over his shoulder, reading out the words…
“…We can’t be cliche and fall in love with each other- are you taking this seriously at all Han?”
He laughed, and you swear he would have spit cherries all over you. You cursed slightly, feeling suddenly very tempted to push him off the bed. “Dickhead.”
“A future junior partner at Kim-Byun Legal Services shouldn’t be using that kind of language, Y/N.” Jeonghan teased, smirking at your frustrated expression.
“Shut it Yoon. And take this seriously! If we fuck up everyone will find out, including Jiwon.”
He shuddered at the mention of her name. “God and she won’t leave me alone. Fine, what other rules do we need?”
“Hmm, we need to post each other on social media. Instagram is a must.” You told him, and to your surprise he hummed in agreement - you really were expecting more of a pushback. Jeonghan never liked tainting his single and available persona, and he was yet to ever post a S/O photo anywhere. “You don’t sound upset?”
“You’re right. It won’t be believable if there’s nothing online, at least on your social media. Besides, the more we commit, the more jealous Joshua will get, and the more Jiwon will realise she needs to back off.”
You nodded, writing it down. “That means we’ll probably have to pose for photos, go on dates and such.”
“Eh, we already hang out loads, we’ll just have to add cheesy captions. Doesn’t sound difficult at all.”
Jeonghan was right. You had spent way too many years being friends with him to ever feel uncomfortable around him, and with that boundaries were out of the window. Half of your outings looked like dates, and this wasn’t even the first time the two of you had used that ambiguity to convince others you or he wasn’t available. It was the first time you were actively deceiving people though. Perhaps that was why you felt on edge. All the other times, you had just let people come to their own conclusions, this time you would be lying. Was that why your heart was beating more? Was that what was causing the sudden discomfort as you laid in Jeonghan’s arms?
“Okay, that’s three rules, do we need anything else? Is there anything we’re forgetting?”
He thought about it for a moment, then brushed it off, letting the thought roll away from his shoulders, while yours stayed tensed and rigid. “We can probably add as we go along. Leave it on your fridge, oh but hide it when you get guests.”
“Well duh.” You rolled your eyes at him, grabbing a cherry out of his bowl. You chewed it softly, and groaned in surprise at the way it burst open. “God these are way too ripe, why are you eating them?”
“They still taste good, and they make me look like a vampire.” He grinned at you, showing off his stained canines (and chin, but you decided not to focus on that). “Just spray me with body glitter and I’ll have hoards of fangirls.”
“You already have hoards of fangirls, and fanboys.” You reminded him, rubbing at the corner of your mouth where cherry juice exploded down.
Jeonghan watched as you missed the trail of juice that had begun to dry on your skin. He smiled, and before you knew it he had licked his thumb, wiping away the red line from your mouth. Your breath hitched as you watched his eyes, trained on you, the part of your cheek right next to your lips, so much so that it felt like that’s all he was looking at. He smiled, drawing his finger back, with a satisfied look on his face. 
“There,” He whispered, barely audible had you not been pressed up against him. “You can get a taste of the Yoon Jeonghan Boyfriend Treatment early.”
“Gross, you got your saliva all over me.” You whined, pushing him away. “I gotta wash my face now.” You ignored his chuckles as you made a beeline for the bathroom, eager to get him off of you, in every sense.
“You better get used to my saliva babe!” He laughed as you walked away from him. Cute.
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It’s a strange feeling to ponder on your time with someone, but that’s what you watched yourself do in the hour before you were, technically, officially going out with him. The hour until midnight struck, you were in bed, teeth brushed, pajamas on, and only Jeonghan on your mind.
You’ve spent more of your life with him in it than without him. He was in the year above you at school, but you and him always gravitated to the same napping spot under the bleachers, and from there a comfort was born. Even before that, he was always around, his friends were the older brothers of your friends, and you had known each other by association, which made it easier to grow into an easy friendship come middle school. Half of the times you had suspected someone’s growing crush on you, it was Jeonghan whispering rumours into your ear. He had always looked out for you, and as the two of you aged and grew closer, you looked out for him too, until you two felt most comfortable together, and not with anyone else.
It had never stopped the two of you from dating, of course. He was hot, you were hot, and other people realised it. In your case though, it had been a force driving boyfriends away. They could never quite get used to how close you and Jeonghan were, and you had been accused of cheating or leading them on more times than you could count. Meanwhile, Jeonghan’s flings always came rushing to you on advice and inside intel, seemingly loving your presence - until they realised that he would never put them above you, and suddenly you were the bitter best friend who could never let him date in peace.
And you had friends, mutual friends who in turn formed a large group that you welcomed and blossomed with. But no one could ever come in between you and Jeonghan. The two of you existed in a little bubble, never to be popped or disturbed. You could imagine the delight some of your friends would express once you told them you two were an item, they were always the teasing that you two were secretly dating and hiding it from the world.
But you were an adult now, the two of you had been out of high school and university for several years now, and still you weren’t dating, despite being so close, it drove your friends mad. You knew that you didn’t need to explain it, as long as you and Jeonghan were on the same page. Boyfriends would come and go, but Jeonghan was always your priority. It had always been platonic, but you knew that if nothing else lasted, your friendship with Jeonghan would. He knew it too. 
You turned, groaning into your pillow. How were you going to go to this wedding? Part of the beauty of your relationship with Jeonghan was that it was simple. It had never once felt complicated to you, just because other people didn’t understand it doesn’t mean you didn’t. But not dating for over a decade and suddenly starting to go out? Only to break it off three weeks later? That felt too complicated to explain, or even comprehend. Would people even believe it?
You were so tempted to text Jeonghan to call it off, to find another stunning specimen to hang off his arm and scare away Jiwon. She was all bark, no bite - no matter what hurtful words she had spat at Jeonghan when he tried calling their thing off, she wouldn’t go up and make light of those threats. Ultimately, she was harmless, but terrible at taking hints. Hence why he’s created this dumb plan. It wasn’t too late to back out was it? You grabbed your phone, and it dinged in your hand.
12:01. Shit.
And there it was, a text from your loving boyfriend.
Hannie: Happy first day of dating, baby ;)
No backing out now.
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Day 1 - Saturday 3rd November
After the reminder Jeonghan had sent of your month long promise, you had rolled around your bed until you finally nodded off, and then subsequently overslept, which was only made clear as a banging on your door began to wake you.
Jeonghan was here.
The knock (which was always made with the full force of his fists - you swore that one day he was going to break your door down) was nothing other than courtesy. Jeonghan had his own set of keys to your apartment, and he wasn’t shy about using them. You could already hear him fumbling with the keys, and the muttered curses under his breath. You couldn’t wait to make partner and get out of this place and to somewhere with more soundproofing, you were certainly sick of hearing the muffled grunts and moans of your neighbours who had nothing better to do than spend the nights in each other(’s arms). But it did allow you those few seconds of awareness before Jeonghan barged into your home.
The door finally swung open, and there he was in his full glory - your new boyfriend. Even thinking the word in association with Jeonghan gave you a shudder. There was something about thinking of Jeonghan that way that just felt so… alien. It wasn’t like you had never had those wandering thoughts, but that was all they were: visitors who didn’t stay long. Now, the label was here for three weeks, and you were way too tired to comprehend just how long that really was.
“Why aren’t you up? Don’t you remember we’re helping Minghao set up the venue today? We’ve also got to make an all so important announcement, in case you forgot.”
You groaned, smoothing down your bedhead as best you could to be semi presentable. “I know, I just overslept. Struggled to fall asleep last night.”
He looked over at you as you stumbled out of bed, grabbing the coat hanger that had your outfit off your dresser as you walked slowly to the bathroom. “Just give me 20 minutes to get ready.”
“Are you feeling okay Y/N?” He asked carefully, walking closer to you. “It’s not too late to call it off, I don’t want to stress you out, especially with everything going on with work.”
It was certainly a tempting offer, and one you had been considering just the previous night. But looking back at Jeonghan’s concerned expression, you were reminded of why you even agreed in the first place. Yes, you wanted to make Joshua jealous, and that was your main goal, but Jeonghan had never let you down, and you weren’t going to let him down either.
“Don’t worry. Wonwoo’s wedding is on the 24th. Four Saturdays, I can definitely last that long.” You told him, blinking away the puffiness in your eyes. He didn’t seem too convinced, but you knew Jeonghan was too far in it to say anything else. “Twenty minutes, then we’ll go.”
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Day 1 (cont.)
You weren’t too sure when it happened, but somewhere along the car ride, Jeonghan’s spare hand had nestled into yours. It felt somewhat romantic. You were no stranger to holding his hand, but it meant something different this time. Of course, something deceptive, but still different.
As the car pulled to the stop, you squeezed his hand comfortingly. 
You and Jeonghan smiled at each other, and to anyone who could see past the tinted windows, you were putting on your best show even before you walked out of the car. Of course, knowing Seungcheol, he was probably waiting outside the venue, and this sort of attention to detail that Jeonghan had mastered was crucial considering your friends.
Your hands detached as the two of you got out of the car, only to join once more as Jeonghan rushed to your side, draping his arm across your shoulder and kissing your hand. You were almost shocked by his actions, the ones that felt so loving, until you heard the all too familiar screech of his would be best friend (had that title not been taken by you, long ago).
“Yoon Jeonghan! Did you and Y/N finally confess your love to each other?!” Seungcheol yelled across the parking lot, jogging up to you.
“Showtime.” Jeonghan whispered in your ear, nuzzling his nose against your skin. It was so sickeningly puppy love, you had to hold yourself back and be reminded that this is your life for the next month. “Seungcheol!”
He walked up and hugged his friend, and you followed suit, before settling back at Jeonghan’s side. Seungcheol couldn’t hide his grin, going on and on. “I knew it! For years, you guys said there was nothing there, but I knew it would happen eventually! I told you so, didn’t I Jeonghan? And all you ever said, Y/N and I are just friends, they would never see me that way, but HAH! I was right!”
Seungcheol kept rambling, barely even speaking to you, truthfully it felt more like he was yelling at characters on a screen rather than friends he had known for all his life (at least in Jeonghan’s case - you only got to know Seungcheol as you got closer to Jeonghan).
“Everyone’s going to be so shocked, even more so than when Wonwoo finally proposed.”
You scoffed. “No one was surprised when Wonwoo proposed, we were all surprised he hadn’t proposed sooner.”
“Same sentiment they’ll have with us, I guess.” Jeonghan shrugged, tightening his grip around you. You held your bated breath as you thought about just how close you were to Jeonghan, that if you reached out just a little you could tuck that stray hair that was in front of his face away, you always thought he looked so much nicer when his face wasn’t covered-
“…dating?” Seungcheol’s sentence finally trailed off, and you realised he was waiting for your answer. Shit, you hadn’t paid any attention, and it was clearly evident by your lost expression. “God you two are still in the honeymoon phase, pay attention to me as well, not just your boyfriend.”
Your nose almost curled so instinctively at that word. Boyfriend. It still felt so wrong to use for Jeonghan, and by the way he tensed only ever so slightly beside you, you knew he felt the same. As if you were claiming him, but you knew Jeonghan wouldn’t want that, that’s why he froze. Wasn’t it?
“Come on, let’s go inside, you can tell everyone you’re finally dating!”
You and Jeonghan followed Seungcheol, who chattered away to Jeonghan as you walked in silence. You were always the more quiet of the pair. Not exactly introverted or shy, but picky with your words. You hated the idea of saying something you didn’t mean. Jeonghan was careful too, but it was like he had everything ready before anything else was ever said. Jeonghan was always careful, always clever. 
He had never been the boyfriend type. Everyone knew it. He had flings, some that even lasted months, but never relationships. He went on dates, but only those that ended up in a hookup. The word boyfriend had never been used to describe him, only used as a wish others had hoped he would fulfill. Your friends would always tease, of course, that he could never be a boyfriend to anyone else because he was too busy being a boyfriend for you, but the two of you knew it wasn’t that. No, Jeonghan could never be a boyfriend to anyone because he didn’t want the expectations that came with it. Jeonghan did as he wanted, on his own terms. But a boyfriend has a role to play, and Jeonghan would die before he gave into that. It was always frustrating for him that his friends never seemed to understand that, but now it played right into his plan. And you understood, so did anyone else need to?
As Seungcheol ushered you in, you were surprised to see just how many of your friends were already gathered, moving chairs and dusting the floors, with Minghao set in the centre, directing everyone. Wonwoo and his fiancee were doing their best to cut costs, with Minghao acting as wedding planner, and all their friends chipping in to help out where they could, which of course is how you all ended up setting up a wedding venue inside a dusty old warehouse. Minghao assured them it would look beautiful, if and only if everyone listened carefully to every instruction he gave, without deviation. To say you and Jeonghan were scared of pissing him off was definitely an understatement. 
Eyes snapped to you and Jeonghan at the sound of the door closing, and even more gathered in your direction as Seungcheol started yelling about an announcement.
“Y/N and Jeonghan have something to say!” He yelled across the crowds (well, 30 or so friends), apologising silently to Minghao as he glared at the older boy.
You froze, hiding your head in Jeonghan’s arm as the pressure of being watched suddenly settled into you. He smiled at you, and wagged your hand held in his at everyone. “Y/N and I are dating!”
Everyone erupted into gasps and shouts, but were all effectively shut up by Minghao’s yell. “Get this place clean first, then gossip!”
Jun walked up to you, handing you a mop and reading off instructions Minghao had given him on everything that needed to be done today. “But seriously, I am so happy for you guys. Good luck fielding everyone off though, everyone’s gonna have so many questions.”
You walked over with Jun to where Chan, Yeeun, Sakura, and Seungkwan were all mopping the floors. The youngest pushed you gently, grinning at you. 
“I can’t believe you and Jeonghan are finally dating!” Chan grinned. “Took you guys long enough.”
“I guess it’s been a long time coming.” You hummed, as you started cleaning the floors with them. You looked back to where Jeonghan was, now surrounded by friends who were congratulating him. It filled you with a strange pride to know you were a prize to be congratulated for winning. Of course, they don’t know it’s not real. But the illusion still felt victorious.
“Is everyone here? It’s been ages since we all met up.” 
“Yeah! Oh, everyone but Joshua, he had to cancel last minute.” You felt your shoulders threaten to drop at the news Soonyoung shared. “Of course, the day we’re cleaning away the dust and mould, he can’t make it.”
Sakura hit his shoulder softly. “He would come if he could. There was an emergency at his firm.”
There was no skylight, but you were sure that if there was one, the clouds would have covered the sunlight.
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You were only a year younger than Joshua, only a year younger than Jeonghan, but he had already been a junior partner at his firm for three years now, while you were spending every spare hour at your office in a desperate attempt to prove to the asses behind the desks in the floor above yours how much you deserved to be partner. 
You weren’t surprised when Joshua was made partner. He was incredible, a talented lawyer who saw shortcuts and loopholes no one else realised were there. He was so dedicated, and smart, and dreamy, although you were sure that last part wasn’t one of the qualifying traits for partnership. 
Your whole life, you were a step behind him. Most of that was just the fact that he was a year ahead of you: he graduated first, he took his bar exam first, he joined a firm first. Meanwhile you were the sad kid following him from place to place.
It was no secret Joshua cared for you like a younger sibling. Of course, he wasn’t always around, he couldn’t be. He had too much to do, too many places to be. But he cared about you, and always made sure you knew. What was a secret were the feelings you had for him, locked in a cage next to your heart, with a bluebird that sang love songs to fuel your adoration for him. Only Jeonghan knew, and he had been sworn to secrecy. (It didn’t matter that he had been - he could keep a secret easily, and he would have never given away one of yours.)
When you were seventeen, and Joshua left you to go to university, that was the first moment you realised just how much you cared for him. You ended up in the same university, and then later the same law school, and now the same city. The years you shared in law school, cuddled up in sofas trying to decipher notes from lectures, and questioning the sanity of professors formed a budding love, and one that you only realised when he left you once more. You followed him and Jeonghan place to place, in a desperate attempt to have him realise just how you felt, and he never did. You were his Y/N, always around, always there for him, but never an option. And while he dated, you did too, but no one seemed to replace him. All your exes blamed Jeonghan for your failed relationships, when they should have blamed Joshua. 
And now here you were once again, back home from cleaning up Wonwoo’s rented warehouse, once again wishing he had noticed you, wishing that he would finally see you in a different light.
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Day 2 - Sunday 4th November
“You have to pose more like you’re my boyfriend.”
“What does that even mean?”
“I don’t know! But you’re not very good at this.”
Jeonghan groaned, shoving your phone away from his face like a disgraced celebrity. The two of you had met out for coffee and, in your case, highlighting case notes and writing out forms, while Jeonghan edited scripts. You always thought Jeonghan should have gone into law like you and Joshua, he certainly had the intelligence for it, but he didn’t particularly have a drive to become a lawyer, and in his eyes it was too much work if he wasn’t motivated. Times like this convince you that perhaps he was correct. 
Except now that the two of you were dating, there was also the task of creating the evidence necessary to post your relationship, and it was tedious and confusing having to show the difference between you as friends and you dating when nothing has changed. 
“We might as well just post a photo of you or I in lingerie if you want to make it look more like a real relationship.” Jeonghan said teasingly, although you didn’t miss the hint of frustration in the growl of his voice. 
“Let me see the photos you’ve taken at least.” You handed your phone to Jeonghan, moving your attention back to the case in front of you. Malcom Optics vs. Kim and Hogan. You wanted to tear your eyes out. “These are boyfriend-y enough!”
“They look like all the other photos I have of you!”
“Everyone else was convinced we were dating beforehand, that’s definitely relationship kindling.”
You reached our for your phone from his hands, grabbing a highlighter. “It’s not enough. Apparently, something has changed.”
“Fine then. Kiss me.”
You dropped your highlighter, and it clacked to the floor.
“Excuse me?”
“You wanted to show that something has changed, what do people in relationships do? They kiss.” Jeonghan explained nonchalantly, leaning down to grab your highlighter. “We can post a kissing photo, you’re right, it’s more believable this way.”
“It’s not like we’ve never kissed before, anyway.”
He was right, and you cringed at the memory of being drunk with Jeonghan. The two of you had spent a couple of nights in university drinking your problems away on the floor of your dorm when your roommate was away (and considering the sheer number of parties she spent her time at, you and Jeonghan had a semi frequent tradition), and one such night after an emotional day of being accused of cheating, you ended up making out with an equally wasted Jeonghan, only for the two of you to wake up with an insurmountable feeling of dread and regret. The two of you had always known whatever relationship between the two of you was platonic, but that night destroyed any sort of wondering. There was no way you had feelings for him if it resulted in that awful dread. And it made you so nervous to experience it once more.
You got up from the desk to sit on Jeonghan’s lap. The seats at this coffee shop were comfortable, but not enough for two people to sit together. Jeonghan felt himself tense up as you settled into his lap. It had been way too long since the two of you kissed, and a strange feeling settled in his stomach.
“Ready?” You asked him, moving your phone into position.
“Guess I have to be.”
Jeonghan placed his hand so his thumb nestled just in front of your ear, holding the back of your neck securely, and closed his eyes as he kissed you, waiting for the click of your phone camera, which came quickly. You quickly pulled away to look at the results, ignoring the way your stomach dropped. It meant nothing. But why was it lingering?
“This actually looks good. We look like we could actually be dating here.”
You hummed in satisfaction, moving back to your desk to focus once more on this case, and you hoped Jeonghan missed the coy smile on your lips. 
He was too busy thinking about how his own felt.
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Day 7 - Friday 9th November
“Sofia is hosting a party, we’re going once you’re free from work.” Jeonghan’s voice was gravelly over the phone, and the reception in your office was so bad, you were barely getting every other word.
“Who’s Sofia again?” You asked, hardly paying attention to the question. Instead, your attention was trained on the office door on the other side of your office, where your coworker, Eunwoo, resided. You just watched as two senior partners had stepped in, and it had been now 26 minutes since the door closed. Were they going to promote him over you? Or perhaps he was getting fired? You had seen him grab one too many pens from the office storage room, he could have been selling them to make a bit of side money. Probably not. But could he?
“Vernon’s sister, try to keep up.”
“Right yeah, sister.”
“Who’s sister?”
Jeonghan sighed on the phone, and you winced at his tone. “You’re working too hard. Or overthinking. One of the two. Either way, you need this party.”
“I’ve got so much work to do, Hannie.” You told him, taking note of the time. There were two shadows by the base of Eunwoo’s door. Someone’s feet? Was the meeting over yet?
“But it’s a Friday! You can work on the weekend. I’ll drive you, and I’ll stay sober so I can take you home. Besides, Joshua is going to be there.”
You perked up at the sound of his name. “Really? He’s actually coming?”
“Yeah, he called me earlier to make sure you and I were coming, and I told him you were. You don’t wanna flake on him, do you?”
You sighed. Your resolve was always diminished when Joshua was involved. 
“Fine.” You smiled, imagining Jeonghan celebrating on the other side of the line. “I have to stay back late though, can you bring me a change of clothes? Something comfy though.”
“Got it, I’ll bring dinner and your sexiest ensemble. Bye!”
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Day 7 (cont.)
Just like he promised, at 7:43, Jeonghan showed up at your office door, with your clothes (which were a lot tighter than you would have liked) in a bag and a pizza box in the other. He settled on the other side of your desk as you finished up, and listened as you bitched about the meeting Eunwoo had which lasted a whole 34 minutes, which is insane for what looked like an unscheduled meeting, and were they really going to pick Eunwoo over you? I mean he’s a good lawyer but the pens!
Eventually he managed to get you to stop talking and follow him to his car before driving you over to Sofia’s new place. She had just moved, to a much more relaxed neighbourhood, hence the big party. While you and your friends were close to or had just reached their 30s, with you being on the cusp at 29 (Jeonghan is old and is already in the decade ahead of you, a fact you have mentioned to him several times), Sofia was still in her early 20s, and that was definitely reflected in the party she had set up (with the help of Vernon, who was perpetually stuck at 16). Music was blaring from the house, and you silently cursed Jeonghan for dragging you out. You knew exactly how this party was going to end - with you drunk, having embarrassed yourself in at least three different ways, and passed out somewhere to nurse a major hangover in the morning. At least this time Jeonghan would stay sober, true to his word, and could take care of you. Hopefully that comes with making sure you don’t embarrass yourself, but you wouldn’t bet on it.
You instinctively reached for his hand as Jeonghan led you to the house, and you were reminded of your job. This was a big party, your friends would be there, you had to play the role you were given. Beside you, Jeonghan was reminded of the same fact.
You almost forgot everything as you approached the front door, and saw him waiting for you. Joshua waved you over, and you felt the air knocked out of you as you and Jeonghan walked up and he engulfed you two in his arms.
“I heard you guys finally started going out! Took you long enough to ask them out, Jeonghan.” Joshua’s voice was honey mellow and so soothing, you were sure just like honey it was antibacterial. You hadn’t even entered the house, and you already felt drunk on his touch. Yet your heart seemed to drop at the fact that Josh didn’t seem at all jealous or upset at this development. That’s probably a good thing? But it definitely wasn’t the outcome you wanted.
“We should get Y/N to the kitchen, I’m sure they want something to get their mind off of work.” Jeonghan told Joshua, who let you slip out of his arms as he led the two of you inside the house.
“Tough week Y/N?” Joshua asked delicately, placing his hand on your shoulder, and every worry you had seemed to drain away, only for the reminder of Eunwoo’s closed door to come right back.
“Just feel like I’m putting in effort that will never be recognised.” You grumbled, and leaned closer into Jeonghan’s side. Joshua’s sweet gaze reminded you of your goal: you wanted so desperately for him to be jealous, so you nuzzled your forehead against Jeonghan’s bicep. “Luckily I’ve had my boyfriend here to make everything better.”
You don’t think you could ever get used to that word, and evidently neither could Jeonghan, who felt as though he was choking on air. You felt the vibrations of his discomfort, but Joshua didn’t seem to notice. 
“Ahh, young love. Or, I suppose newfound love. I really am surprised you two didn’t start dating earlier.” Seungcheol’s voice suddenly permeated the air, and you watched as he settled next to Joshua, facing you and Jeonghan with a friendly gaze. “You drinking tonight, Jeonghan?”
“Designated driver.” He told him, running his thumb up and down your arm. Jeonghan didn’t miss the way Joshua looked at that small action, and he felt a glimmer of pride under his skin. “I think Y/N will want a drink though?”
“Oh god yes, Seungcheol, will you mix me something? Put those bartender days to use.” You hooked your arm around Seungcheol’s and let him guide you to the drink station (Sofia’s kitchen island which had a cupboard fully stocked with alcohol and mixers).
“Wow, you and Y/N.” Joshua smiled, and Jeonghan grinned coyly at his friend. “Why’d you finally ask them out?”
He stole a glance to you and Seungcheol. You didn’t notice his gaze, and why would you? You were too far away. But you seemed so in your world, like you always had been, something Jeonghan found endearing.
“Just realised I wanted more. Didn’t want to lose them to someone else.”
“As if you would ever lose Y/N, you two are stuck together. Honestly, I was a little jealous of it growing up, they would always pick you over me, guess this is another case of that.” Jeonghan hadn’t realised until now how Joshua’s skin was tinted pink, the blush of alcohol settling over his cheekbones. Was that why he was rambling like this? “But then I realised I had to find my own Y/N, make my own soulmate. Anyway, I’m glad you finally asked them out!”
Joshua stumbled back towards the drink station where you and Seungcheol were waiting for him. Yeah, Jeonghan wasn’t too sure he would be able to make Joshua jealous. But he owed it to you to try anyway. You weren’t always as aware as you wanted to think you were, but Jeonghan was, and he was acutely aware of the way you froze and smiled as Joshua approached you.
Over a decade had passed since you were seventeen, and you were still completely whipped for Joshua Hong. 
Jeonghan knew this, he went into this knowing it, but why did it feel different now?
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Day 7 (cont.)
Two hours in and you were officially drunk. It didn’t take much - you were out of practise from your days of drinking through the night as an undergrad, and too often your nights our were at charity functions and galas where you had to stay on the safe side of tipsy, and not let loose like you were currently doing. 
You had lost Jeonghan a while ago, instead having spent most of the night with Joshua, catching up and taking shots together. He’d been having a stressful time at his own firm, and was happy to accompany you as you drank your worries about Eunwoo and making partner away.
“It’s just so stupid, cause Eunwoo is my age! He’s not more qualified than me, and he’s definitely not a better lawyer than me, cause he steals pens!”
“You mentioned the pens!”
“It’s important!”
You felt a tear roll down your cheek as you drunkenly recalled the events of the day, and before it several more followed. Joshua didn’t notice, you made no sound, but the stress of being at the office for 53 hours this past week only to get no recognition became so overwhelming so quickly, too quickly for your drunken self to register.
“Josh, did you make Y/N cry?”
You barely registered that Jeonghan had walked up to you until you heard his voice, the voice you had been missing for the whole party. 
“H-Hannie…” You choked out in sobs, reaching your arms out for him. He obliged, pulling you close to him, letting you cry into his torso.
“Y/N, you’re crying?” Joshua questioned, but you could barely hear him, your face pressed against the fabric of Jeonghan’s shirt. It wasn’t a comfortable position, to cry sitting down into someone’s chest, but right now you weren’t thinking about that. 
“Hannie w-where did you g-go, I miss- I missed you.” You sobbed, barely sounding out the words. “St-stupid Eunwoo and h-his stupid pens.”
Jeonghan cooed, running his hand through your hair soothingly. “Maybe we should go home? You need to get to bed. Josh, I’ll see you tomorrow? Say goodnight to Seungcheol for me.”
Jeonghan grasped your hand, pulling you up, and guided you out of the house to the car. 
“Why are we l-leaving?”
“You’re way too drunk. Besides, we’re helping set up Wonwoo’s venue tomorrow, better get some sleep.” Jeonghan reminded you, tucking you into the passenger’s seat and clipping the seat belt around you. You hummed, shuffling until you felt comfy, and curled up as close as you could. Your eyes fluttered closed as the car started, and soon you felt yourself dozing off, the salty tears slipping past your lips.
“You’re such a good boyfriend, Hannie.”
Had you not been so drunk, maybe you wouldn’t have said it so easily. Maybe he would have felt more uneasy about the term. He hadn’t even noticed it until you were well and truly passed out, gone to the world.
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Day 8 - Saturday 10th November
The streaming sunlight that peeked through your blinds was enough to awaken the deep nausea within you, yet the banging in your head begged you to stay in bed. This was such a gross hangover, and one you hadn’t had to deal with in years. 
Who let you drink this much?
With as much strength as you could muster, you stumbled to the bathroom, luckily you had an ensuite, and felt the contents of your stomach escape up and out through your throat into the toilet bowl. The base of your throat burned, and so did your eyes, as more tears threatened to escape over the fiery sensation. You stayed there, waiting for another wave of nausea, when you felt Jeonghan’s hands push back the hair from your face, and rub your back soothingly. 
“Why did I drink so much…” You whispered, your voice hoarse and sore.
“You’re just too out of practise, Y/N.” Jeonghan told you, pulling you up slowly. “You need to spend more nights drinking with me and not at the office.”
He handed you a glass of water, which you greedily took from his hands, gulping it down as fast as you could without suffocating, until you went to fast and started coughing it all up. 
“God you’re a mess when you’re hungover.”
“Thanks, Jeonghan.”
He grabbed the box of panadol in your bottom cupboard drawer, handing it to you. God, he was far too familiar with your apartment, although you were fairly familiar with his. Well, actually not quite as familiar, because he still has a roommate (and according to Jeonghan, they are necessary for the nicer apartment he lives in on his salary, even though you’ve told him is useless since he spends most of his time here) that you never wanted to bother.
“We have to be at Wonwoo’s venue in three hours, you think that’s enough time to get ready?” You nodded, swallowing the pills quickly. 
“That should be enough time for the panadol to kick in.”
“Good, because I’m only being this nice to you until then.”
You frowned mockingly. “Don’t you have to be the sweet and caring boyfriend?” You cringed at the way that word sounded as it came out of your mouth, and watched as Jeonghan did too. “God, I don’t think twenty days is enough time to get used to that.”
“I don’t think a lifetime is enough time.” Jeonghan let himself out of the bathroom, leaving you alone on the tiled floor. “Take a shower, then come and get some food!” He yelled, and you closed the door behind you, terrified of whatever horror he had cooked up (and you used the term cooked very loosely here).
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Day 8 (cont.)
It had become a tradition for you to start holding hands with Jeonghan when he would drive you. Somewhere along the car ride, his hand met yours, and they joined, not a word to be said. You didn’t think about it. You wondered if he did.
The venue wasn’t too dissimilar to last week, but it was way cleaner. Once again, you and Jeonghan were separated, sent to do different jobs under the watchful eye of Minghao (and his faithful minions Jun and Jihoon). 
“Do you think he gets stressed out or is he just like that?” Sakura whispered to you. She was friends with Wonwoo’s fiance, and wasn’t all too familiar with Wonwoo’s friends. You felt for her, most of the people here were on his side, and you were one of the only people Sakura knew here, having met previously in university. 
“Both? He is a little bit like that, but Wonwoo is a close friend, I think he just wants everything to go well.” You told her in hushed breath. “We all want it to go well. Wonwoo is such a good guy, so is Eliza.”
“I know!” Sakura gushed, a little loud but not enough to catch the attention of Minghao. “They’re so cute together, I was so excited when she told me she finally got engaged.”
You smiled, making marks with electrical tape at each measure for Seungcheol to place chairs at later on. 
“What about you though? Are you going to get engaged any time soon?”
You gulped, feeling awkward under the heat of her questioning gaze. “Jeonghan and I have only started dating, marriage is so out of the picture right now.”
“Don’t be modest! Chan told me you and Jeonghan have basically been together since high school.”
“That’s an exaggeration.” You told her, not meeting her eyes. It felt so strange, so deceitful, to keep up this lie. Were you a bad person for this? It was harmless, just a little lie to keep Jeonghan from Jiwon, but it followed you everywhere.
“We were just friends back then.” We’re just friends now. “We’ve just always been close.”
“Uh huh, and did you have feelings for him all this time?”
Wrong guy.
“I’ve always loved him.” You told Sakura, and she began to giggle once more.
That one wasn’t a lie. You have loved Jeonghan for a very long time. It’s just always been a platonic, simple love. You wondered if it still was, and then you wondered why it wouldn’t be.
But it was clear that no matter what it is, it was no longer simple.
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Day 11 - Tuesday 13th November
“Y/N! It’s Wonwoo.”
“Oh, hey Wonwoo! What’s up?”
“Nothing, nothing! Look, I know I haven’t been hanging out much-“
“Stop, don’t apologise! You’ve been planning a wedding, and we’re all so excited for it!”
“You’re too sweet, Y/N. Anyway, I wanted to congratulate you and Jeonghan!”
“Oh, you heard?”
“Can’t stop hearing about it. Mingyu was being a little pissy when he found out, kept saying this must have been why you didn’t like him back in year 12, instead of the fact that he face planted into a pool in front of the entire year group two days before he confessed to you.”
“I forgot about that!”
“Don’t worry, I put him in his place.”
“Ahh, thank you Wonwoo.”
“Of course. How did it go, by the way? Who asked who out?”
“Oh, I don’t wanna waste your time…”
“No no! Eliza wants to know too, go on.”
“Ahh, well, we were just hanging out one night and… one thing led to another…”
“My god did you fuck him on your leather couch because that poor piece of furniture has seen more than enough-“
“No! No, we made out, jesus Wonwoo.”
“Sorry, sorry, go on.”
“Wait what do you mean seen more than enough?”
“Okay you didn’t hear this from me but you should ask Soonyoung what he got up to that week two years ago when he was house sitting for you.”
“Oh god oh god...”
“Anyway the story?”
“I’m burning that couch.”
“Moving on.”
“Right, well we realised we both had feelings for each other, so we just decided to go for it.”
“That’s so cute! That reminds me of when we were all in uni, I got this call from Jeonghan in the middle of the night-“
“Sorry Wonwoo, the doorbell’s just rung, that’ll be Jeonghan. Do you wanna say hi?”
“Nah, I should get back to wedding planning. Have a good night Y/N!”
“Night Wonwoo.”
You hung up the phone as your door opened, Jeonghan’s figure standing in the doorway.
“I got kebabs!”
You ran up to rip the food out of his hands. “God I love you.”
He grinned smugly. “I know. Let’s eat!”
“Don’t sit there!”
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Day 12 - Wednesday 14th November
cheolie_cherries: you guys are sickeningly cute 🤮 🤮 sunshineseok: about time you started dating! julijuli33: oh my god he’s actually taken 😭 good for y/n but we lost today wonworld: congrats guys!!
You couldn’t help but smile at the comments on Jeonghan’s instagram post of the two of you. There was a sneaky one he had taken of you working (which you had called and immediately asked him to take down, and of course he refused), as well as the kiss photo, to really prove the two of you were dating. Looking at it now sent flutters to your stomach. You had never seen yourself like this. Sure, you had dated, but it never really got all that serious, and you weren’t one for PDA, so photos like this were rare. That was probably what was causing this feeling. Right?
“Earth to Y/N.”
You snapped your head up to see Eunchae, your newest paralegal, at the doorway between your office and the hallway, grinning at you with a stack of files in her hand. She walked in, placing them on your desk.
“These need to be checked for errors.” She told you, and you waved her off.
“Got it. Anything else I can help you with?”
“Hmm, you could tell me what it is that’s on your phone making you look so giddy?”
“Nothing!” You quickly yelled, cringing at the volume your voice was raised to. “It was nothing, just having a good morning.”
“Mmm, sure…” She smiled knowingly at you, before walking away, closing the door softly behind her. When you heard the click of the door, you groaned, letting your body fall against the desk. That was too close.
Why were you even ogling? You had work to do, and you would be damned if you spent too long staring at your phone and it cost you the promotion. 
They were announcing the newest junior partner next Friday, making the decision at the end of this week. You had to win. So you turned your phone onto silent and placed it face down on the furthest corner of your desk, burying your head into the paralegal’s work. No matter how much it beckoned you back, you would not lose.
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Day 15 - Saturday 17th November
When you and Jeonghan stepped into Wonwoo’s venue the Saturday before the wedding, you were practically expecting a fairytale, and that’s almost what you saw. Minghao had dedicated so much time, you knew Eliza and Wonwoo would be so shocked when they finally saw the finished product.
Still, there was much to be done, and with less and less time, everyone was rushing even more to get as much as they could done. This time, you and Sakura were stringing up fairy lights across the pews for the optimal mood lighting, as Minghao called it, and a fire hazard as Jihoon called it (so they compromised to have it on the ceiling above the pews, meaning you had to stand on a 3 decade old ladder while Sakura tried her best to guarantee it didn’t collapse).
You slowly got down from the stairs, guided down by Sakura, when you saw Joshua waiting for you, and you felt your heart beat out of your chest.
“Hey Y/N, can I borrow you for a sec?” He asked, his deep brown eyes looked through you, as if they knew all your secrets.
“Yeah, I mean, Sakura do you…?”
“No, go ahead, I need a break anyway.”
Joshua offered you his arm, to which you took, and he led you to the corridor, secluded, hidden from prying eyes.
“What did you want to talk to me about?” You asked, waiting for Joshua as he glanced away from your view.
“Look, I really am happy for you, I promise,” He began, and you recoiled slightly, holding your elbows. What was he going to say? “But I’m questioning Jeonghan.”
“Like, as a person?”
“No, as a boyfriend.” The word dripped with malice from Joshua’s lips. “Look, I know you’ve only just started going out, but he went out with a lot of people before you,”
“So did I.”
“Yeah but that’s not the point, Y/N. I’m just saying, he’s putting on this whole show of being a good boyfriend, and being faithful and kind, but he never has been before.” You stood there silently, rocking slightly, but it didn’t seem to stop Joshua. “He’s known you practically all his life, he could have had you at any point, why now? And why is he suddenly acting so different compared to his past relationships?”
Joshua put a hand on your arm gently. “I’m not trying to hurt you, but if I were you, I’d be more suspicious of his motives.” He began rubbing circles into your forearm. “I love you, I don’t want to see you get hurt.”
“What about Jeonghan? Don’t you care if he gets hurt?” You asked, your voice barely a whisper.
“He’s not the one I’m most worried about.”
You stepped back, and Joshua’s hand quickly dropped from your arm. “I need to go.”
You turned away, and walked back to the venue before he could say anything.
“Just think about what I said, Y/N!” Joshua yelled behind you, but that was the last thing you wanted to do. 
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Day 15 (cont.)
You were quiet the rest of the day, feeling more drained from that interaction than the intense physical labour Minghao was making you do (maybe it was the combination of both that killed you). You don’t think anyone noticed, aside from Sakura, who realised you weren’t talking but didn’t say much, but you were terrified of someone else realising, so when Jeonghan approached you with his car keys in his hand you didn’t hesitate to drag him out to the car park before anyone else could follow.
The two of you had been on the road for ten minutes in silence before Jeonghan finally broke it. “Are you going to tell me what’s wrong?”
“Who said anything’s wrong?” You did your best to speak nonchalantly, but Jeonghan didn’t miss the quiver in your voice.
“I’m not an idiot, I can tell when you’re upset.” You were still five minutes from your apartment, you couldn’t dance around it for that long. “Tell me what’s wrong.”
“Joshua pulled me to the side, asked me if we could talk, and then he told me I should be suspicious of you and your motives.” You admitted, looking out the passenger window. You felt choked up. How could he think like this?
“That’s what you’re worried about, Y/N?” Jeonghan questioned, a slight smile on his lips.
“You’re not?”
“Josh has been super stressed at his firm right? It’s cause one of the senior partners was caught embezzling. That, and he’s the only one of us going to Wonwoo’s wedding without a date.”
“Yeah, of course he’s going to act weirdly.” He brushed off your concerns with such an ease you forgot why they upset you in the first place. “Don’t take it to heart, I’m sure he’ll get back to normal soon.”
You breathed out a shaky sigh, feeling your doubts subside and settle. 
“It’s cute you were so upset though.” He teased, and you groaned, cupping your face with your hands. “You were so worried about what people thought about me, about your boyfriend.”
“Shut up, Yoon.”
“How can I? My partner cares about me too much.”
“I regret everything.”
He chuckled, stopping his remarks as he watched you calm out the corner of his eye. A secondary realisation as to why Joshua was acting like this was on the front of his mind, but it was nowhere near as comforting. No, this thought was one that was now threatening, and could result in losing you forever. 
Jeonghan didn’t want to think about the implications of Joshua being jealous. Instead, he focused on you, and the way you stared out the passenger window.
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Day 15 (cont.)
“Have you still got that 12-pack at the back of your fridge?”
“Go nuts.” You told him, kicking your shoes off and lying down on the carpet on the floor. You and Jeonghan had made a mutual decision to pretend the couch wasn’t there until after Wonwoo’s wedding, then you could go shopping for a new one, and until then there was always the floor. “I haven’t been drinking much, trying to just get through this wedding and the promotion.”
“How’s that going?” Jeonghan asked, and you heard the faint pop of a bottle opener from your kitchen.
“They said they would make their decision on who would be the next junior partner by the end of the week, and make the announcement the next week. It’s Saturday now, and I haven’t heard anything, so I know what that means.”
Jeonghan settled next to you, handing you an opened beer bottle and clinking it against his own before taking a swig. “Don’t be too worried, maybe they’ll tell you you’re getting the promotion on Monday.”
“You give your everything to that firm. They’d be stupid to not want you as partner.”
“They would be stupid! How’s your boss?”
The two of you spent your evening reminiscing and complaining (two of your favourite pastimes) as you drank more and more, getting gradually more drunk, unlike on the night of Sofia’s party where you got embarrassingly shitfaced way too quickly. At some point in the night, you had cozied up to Jeonghan, and now you were nuzzled up in his arms, too comfortable to even consider moving. 
“God, this whole thing is so stupid!” You yelled, throwing your pillow across the room with as much force as you could gather, sending it a few feet ahead of you. “We gotta fake date to get people off your back and onto mine, meanwhile Joshua’s not gotten jealous once and we haven’t even seen Jiwon!”
“Don’t say her name three times, or she’s gonna appear.” Jeonghan told you, wide eyed, taking a quick look around the room just to confirm she wasn’t there. 
“She’s coming to the rehearsal dinner though!” Jeonghan told you, wagging his pointer finger in the air, making you giggle. “And that’s Friday, so it’s coming up soon.”
“Ahh the rehearsal dinner. What are we rehearsing again?”
“We’re rehearsing how to fake date, Y/N, we’ve been over this.”
“And we have a whole dinner for it?”
“Yes! How kind of Wonwoo.”
You burst into fits of laughter, lolling your head into the crook of Jeonghan’s shoulder as you laughed, and he followed suit. Moments like this were ones where you felt so comfortable with him, like the bubble was intact once more. 
“We should start rehearsals now!” Jeonghan exclaimed, grabbing your elbows excitedly. “What do people in relationships do?”
You shrugged, and his arms moved with your shoulders. “I don’t know, you’re basically my first boyfriend.”
“Well you’re the first time I’m being a boyfriend.”
“What does that mean?”
“I don’t know.” He admitted, giggling. The two of you were so far gone, and neither of you had the capacity to realise it. “But I know people in relationships kiss! Kiss me Y/N!”
“Ew gross, you have cooties.” You pushed away his pouted lips.
“No I don’t! I’m vaccinated against cooties!” He whined, pulling you closer to him.
“What if I have cooties?”
“Just kiss me!”
Jeonghan grabbed your face, guiding it to his own, where his lips met yours in a kiss. It was delicate, a kiss for the sake of kissing, and you relished in the feeling. There was a comfort to kissing Jeonghan, a comfort you hadn’t felt for several years. He was comfort, and his kisses were a perfect specimen of that comfort. Kissing him was returning home after a winter’s day.
But decisions were sobering, and the feeling of your lips against his suddenly drained all the alcohol from Jeonghan’s body. He pulled away slowly to see you still half lidded, barely aware of your surroundings. He stole a glance at the clock on the wall, 2AM. Maybe the two of you should end the night here, before you did something you couldn’t go back from.
“Time to sleep, Y/N.”
“Don’t wanna.” You shrugged him off. “Wanna kiss you more!”
Jeonghan chuckled. “Me too. But we can’t.”
As he tucked you into bed, you were already on the verge of passing out, but he was wide awake. Jeonghan found himself hoping the hangover would be a bad one, a distraction from the memories he knew would flood back. He didn’t need to be reminded of how stupid he could be.
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Day 16 - Sunday 18th November
Your hangover wasn’t as bad as last Saturday, but you still didn’t feel like dealing with the pounding headache. This time, as you went to wash your face and drink water in the bathroom, there was no Jeonghan to hold your hair back and give you panadol. He wasn’t in the kitchen causing a mess (cooking) either. No, your apartment was strangely quiet without his presence. As the pain in your head began to subside, you checked your phone to see a message sent three hours prior.
Hannie: work emergency - had to leave early. drink lots of water <3
Something felt so off about the message. Jeonghan’s boss was fairly laidback, and he had never had work emergencies that made him go to the studio on weekends. But you were also way too hungover to question it.
You hoped Jeonghan’s hangover had already passed. 
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Day 18 - Monday 20th November
You called Jeonghan twice. It went to voicemail both times.
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Day 19 - Wednesday 21st November
There was a flurry among the paralegals that day. You tried to ignore it, to keep your head down, but the amount of papers flapping in the air made you feel like there was a hoard of pigeons down the corridor. You hated the ‘open door unless in a meeting’ policy at work: half of the lawyers your level didn’t even follow the rule anyway. You wouldn’t have followed it had you not wanted so desperately to show what a good team member you were, and yet here you were, on a Wednesday afternoon, with nothing to show you it.
There was an annoying rap against your open door, and you briefly lifted your head to see Cha Eunwoo leaning against your doorframe. Eugh. Cha Eunwoo. The two of you were in the same cohort: graduated from high school in the same year, graduated from uni at the same time, went to the same law school, and both went straight to Kim-Byun Legal Services, where you’ve spent the entirety of your careers. And throughout law school and now work, you have wanted to beat Cha Eunwoo no matter the cost, and you never managed it.
“Can I help you? I’ve got quite a bit of work to complete.”
Eunwoo waltzed right in, taking the seat in front of your desk. “I have news, but you have to promise not to tell anyone.”
“Do I even get a chance to say no? Not interested?”
Eunwoo was smart. You were smart too, but you liked to think (and Jeonghan liked to tell you) that you were smarter than most of those law students you competed against. Sure, they studied hard, they were good lawyers. But you were quick witted, and they couldn’t keep up. Eunwoo could. If it were anyone else, you wouldn’t be opposed to playing dirty, to pulling little tricks where you could to show him up, but Eunwoo would catch on. The only thing he didn’t seem to notice was how desperate you were to beat him. He never realised the battle you constantly fought, and it killed you. So you had to work twice as hard, three times as much, and play by the rules, just to win a challenge where you were the only one competing.
“I made partner!”
(At this point you stopped writing. This was the first time Eunwoo had ever managed to completely distract you.)
“I’m not supposed to tell anyone before Friday, that’s when they’re announcing it. But I get the new contract this evening, and you and I came in together, I know you would tell me if it was you!”
No shit you would. You would love to act all classy and poised, only to rub it in his face that you won! You did better! But no, Eunwoo won. Throughout everything, this was the first concrete time he’s won, and it’s shattered your reserve. You’re a good actor though, something that helped you get through this job, so you keep your head down.
“That’s great Eunwoo, congratulations. We’ll celebrate properly next week, I’ve got a rehearsal dinner on Friday though.” You met his gaze with a smile, even though there was rage behind it. Eunwoo didn’t seem to notice. “Now, I’ve got to get back to work.”
He nodded, barely containing his grin, shuffling out of your office. “See you later Y/N.”
God you wanted to cry. You wanted to yell and scream, cursing the world, the senior partners, and most of all Cha Eunwoo, who had showed you up once more.Your composure was slipping, a veil that threatened to fall off your head and reveal your facade to the world, but you refused to lose it at work. Instead, you closed the door as gently as you could, and hoped to god that the third time you called him, Jeonghan would pick up.
“Please, please, please pick up…” You whispered, as if you were summoning him.
“Hey, this is Jeonghan. I can’t come to the phone right now…”
Fuck. Voicemail. Once again.
You heard a beep and considered hanging up, but instead decided to send a message.
“Hey, um, I don’t know if you’re just busy, or you’re mad at me, I really hope it’s not the second. I haven’t heard from you in a while. That’s why I’m calling, I guess. Oh, and I’m not gonna be partner. I got passed over for it. Cha fucking Eunwoo made partner. Fuck. Sorry, I’m rambling now. I hope you’re doing okay? You know you can always come to me, but if you don’t want to that’s okay I guess, I’ll leave you be.”
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Day 19 (cont.)
When you went home that day to punch your pillows and scream about Cha Eunwoo, the last thing you expected was to see Yoon Jeonghan walk in with chicken and beer as if nothing had happened, which was especially strange, as it was so expected on a normal day. But something was off. Something had changed. You just couldn’t quite put your thumb on what it was. 
“Are you mad at me?” You asked, your eyes more glassy than you realised. You could barely see Jeonghan, but you knew he had that stupid damn smile. Right now it was infuriating. “Is that why you disappeared?”
“No, never.” He told you, setting the chicken down on your dinner table. “Things really have just been so busy at work, I’ve barely had time for anyone.”
“But you have time to drop by with chicken?”
“Cha Eunwoo is an idiot compared to you.” Jeonghan told you, opening the can of beer with a hiss. “They missed out on not promoting you.”
You didn’t say anything in response, just stuffing your mouth with chicken. Jeonghan passed you a beer can. “Maybe I shouldn’t. I’ve got work in the morning, and last time we drank I didn’t remember anything after we started bitching about that one actor, Park Sunwoo.”
Jeonghan smiled at you, but you barely noticed, your expression trained on the can in front of you.
“Yeah, I don’t remember either,” He told you. “But one can’t hurt. We drank way too much last time, I’ll keep you in check.”
You shrugged, opening the can, and clinking it against Jeonghan’s. “Thanks boyfriend.” The metal made a satisfying clank noise, and you missed the way Jeonghan looked over at you. Maybe it’s changed, or maybe you’ve been missing it for a long time.
Jeonghan is your blind spot. You didn’t like surprises, you didn’t like feeling caught out, and you would always make sure you weren’t, until it came to Jeonghan. No matter how fast you ran, he always seemed to beat you by a few seconds. No matter how strong you were, he could always lift more. You and Jeonghan both had that same competitive drive, but you could never quite match him. As a teenager it pushed you to be better and better, but you’ve come to accept it. You’ll never beat Jeonghan. That’s why it’s always better to be on his side. 
You were observant, but you let your guard down around him. That was how Jeonghan won. He never let his guard down around anyone. He didn’t need to have it up around you, he didn’t keep secrets from you (and you didn’t keep them from him). But he kept everything close to his chest, and he wouldn’t let himself get caught out at any moment.
You wondered if it was hard for him to never reveal himself fully. You knew he still kept to himself around you. It was the only way he could still play tricks, pull pranks, and he loved it. He wouldn’t stay reserved if he didn’t want to. Still, it’s tough to feel like you can never fully reveal your facade. 
But there were moments he did. Like tonight, as he tucked you into bed once you fell asleep, and kissed your forehead with a sweetness he didn’t know was there. Maybe he would reveal it to you one day, but all in good time. 
You didn’t like feeling caught out. Jeonghan hated it with everything he’s got.
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Day 21 - Friday 23rd November
“How are you feeling about seeing Jiwon?” Jeonghan didn’t answer, but the grip he had on your hand tightened as he stared down at the road. 
He and Jiwon were a bad match. He knew that, he knew that from the moment they met and she started talking about having a husband around at home to help with the kids one day. Jeonghan knew he could never be that. Sure, he had daydreamed about settling down, raising a family. Jeonghan could never be the husband Jiwon wanted him to be. Could never be the husband he wanted to become. But she was just so pretty, and she would stare down at him with a feverish grin that just made him weak in the knees, how could he say no to her?
So for three weeks, they went out, which for Jeonghan just meant promises of another day he never intended to keep so he could get back to her apartment. But she fully intended on keeping those promises, and soon she was the one setting up dates, and changing her name in his phone (which really freaked Jeonghan out, because, when did she have access to his phone?) to seem more like a girlfriend. Maybe Jeonghan wanted a girlfriend, but he definitely didn’t want to be a boyfriend, and now he was stuck acting one.
Jiwon didn’t believe him when he told her weeks later that they were incompatible. Why would she? She believed every lie that dripped from his lips, and couldn’t wrap her head around why it suddenly changed overnight. She thought he was lying, just trying to keep her away, but a good girlfriend doesn’t give up so easily.
And so began the midnight calls, the uninvited show ups to his workplace or his apartment (Seungcheol definitely had a fun time telling her off, not that it kept her away), and the letters slid under your door begging for your help getting Jeonghan back. This is what led to the whole thing. She seemed to calm down once Jeonghan posted you on his instagram, but neither of you could predict what she would do when she saw you together. 
She was Eliza’s sister in law (Eliza’s brother’s wife’s sister, who just had to attend), so her attendance was expected, and you knew it made Jeonghan all the more nervous, especially in the way he would speed round corners. It didn’t frighten you, but worry for your friend escaped you anyway, and you squeezed his hand whenever the car revved. 
Jeonghan pulled into the street along Wonwoo’s house, seeing cars littered along the side, and Jeonghan pulled the car into park. You took his hand off the gear shift and brought it to your lips, kissing it comfortingly. “Everything’s gonna be alright. I promise.”
“You promise?” He took a glance at you, and smiled cheekily. “Well what happens if you break the promise? What do I get?”
“I’ll cook you an actually decent brekkie to apologise, not those rubber pancakes you’ve been serving me these past few weeks.”
“Hey! You love those pancakes!”
“The texture is so chewy and terrible Jeonghan, I’m begging you to just use a recipe.”
“I don’t need one.” He huffed, but he never let go of your hand.
You rolled your eyes at his dramatics. Honestly, he was right. You did love the pancakes. Of course, they were way too chewy and tasted of nothing without lashings of sugar and lemon, but you loved that Jeonghan had been making them for you all the past mornings you had spent together. 
“Cmon, it’s time to head inside.”
The two of you walked hand in hand towards the door, and you could feel the deep breaths Jeonghan took to calm his pulsing heart. He really didn’t want to cause a scene or do anything to ruin Wonwoo’s rehearsal dinner (or god forbid the actual wedding), but he felt so much more secure with your hand in his.
You weren’t surprised to see Wonwoo’s place completely packed. He and Eliza were having a fairly small wedding, but with the sheer number of family members on Eliza’s side, their starter apartment was bursting at the seams. You held onto Jeonghan as tightly as you could, and still you felt like he was slipping from your grasp.
“Y/N! Jeonghan!” A familiar voice greeted you, and you turned to see Jun greet you. You hugged him gently as he started going on about seating plans (there wasn’t much of a plan, with half of the guests eating off of paper plates on the floor, but Wonwoo had made sure to save his nice carpet for you and a few of his friends). “Don’t worry, the two of you are together, of course. Minghao stayed up all night setting up this seating chart.” You scanned your eyes to see who was attending, and saw most of your friends, minus one. 
“Is Joshua here?” You cut Jun off with a worried look. “He was acting really weird last Saturday.”
“Yeah, he’s helping out in the kitchen.” Jun told you, pointing down past the archway to where there was (hopefully steam) pouring out. “He seemed fine to me though, he’s probably over whatever it was. Oh! Mingyu’s just arrived. He’s so late, that goddamn best man should have been here an hour ago! Got to run.”
Jun rushed past you, leaving Jeonghan and you hand in hand in the entryway. Jeonghan turned to look at you. “Is this a I want to see Joshua and flaunt our thriving and perfect relationship at him so he gets jealous?”
You pushed his shoulder. “No. It’s an I think I should be avoiding him thing. I’m still a little shocked by what he told me.”
Jeonghan smiled down at you. “Good luck avoiding him when we’re sitting with him at dinner.”
“Yeah, you really have to pay more attention to Jun’s rambles. They often contain useful information.”
You groaned, leaning your head against his arm. He smiled, leading you towards the carpet, where Seokmin and Seungkwan were already seated. You waved a hello towards them, not wanting to remove yourself from Jeonghan’s side.
“God these two are way too cute together.” Seokmin spoke, nudging Jeonghan’s side. 
You blushed, hiding your face as much as you could. Jeonghan was almost shocked at your display, you were far too good at playing the doting S/O, but it was working. He watched the way Joshua stared at you from the kitchen doorway. He knew without a doubt from the way Joshua looked over at you how jealous he was. That was what he wanted, right?
After a few minutes of small talk, Joshua eventually sat down next to you (even though there was a free space between to Jeonghan and Seokmin, which Jihoon ended up filling, with his husband settling in next to him) and the rehearsal dinner began. Luckily, with Minghao as wedding planner, there was never a free moment for Joshua to steal your attention. Jeonghan wasn’t sure if you or him was more glad about the fact, but he kept an arm around you at all times, separating your shoulder from Joshua’s. 
As the dinner went on, with less formality and more people moving around the space to congratulate the future couple and catch up with old friends, your ‘table’ settled into a comfortable talk. Jun was right, Joshua seemed fine, which only made Jeonghan feel more uneasy. It helped settle your nerves though, and Jeonghan realised your grip on his side had loosened, and you were leaning towards Joshua ever so slightly. No one else at the table would realise, but Jeonghan knew, and he was sure Joshua did too.
“Honestly I’m still surprised Jeonghan actually had the guts to ask Y/N out.” Seokmin said offhandedly, and you looked up at Jeonghan with a cute grin. You were so good at playing the role, but why didn’t it feel like a role anymore? Jeonghan must be losing his touch if he was falling for your act. 
Joshua took a sip of his wine, smiling as he spoke. “We all thought you two would never get a date before you realised you liked each other. Good thing you finally manned up to it, Jeonghan.”
Your gaze suddenly snapped towards the crowd. “Why does everyone always assume Jeonghan asked me out?” Jeonghan tensed, and everyone surrounding you looked away from your inquisitive gaze. Joshua opened his mouth to speak, but he was cut off by Jiwon’s commanding presence. 
She was so short and petite, keeping to herself, but she walked with such a force that commanded attention. Her eyes were trained not on Jeonghan, but instead focused closely on you. 
“And who did ask who out?” She asked sweetly, but you felt your tongue go numb under her gaze. 
Jeonghan held you closer to his side, and you settled into him with comfort. “We kissed, and both decided to go for it. It was mutual.”
She hummed, still staring at you. “Well. I’m happy for you two.” And with that, she turned on the ball of her foot, walking away like nothing happened. You let out a shaky breath, and felt Jeonghan do the same. As Seungkwan and Seokmin started hissing gossip about Jiwon, you reached out for Jeonghan’s hand, relishing in the comfort of his touch. 
“God she’s terrifying.” You told him in a whisper. “At least it’s over.”
He grinned at you. “Damn, I was looking forward to your breakfast in bed special.”
“You think I’m serving you in my bed? You would spill it everywhere, no way am I cleaning up that mess.”
“You wound me, babe.”
Jeonghan knew Joshua was staring, maybe that’s why when the urge to kiss you overcame him, he took it, placing a kiss on your cheek, as close to your lips as he could get. You let him, only to wonder why well and truly after.
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Day 22 - Saturday 24th November
You were awoken by the now familiar smell of Jeonghan’s rubber chicken pancakes, and you followed the smell out to the kitchen.
“How do you always manage to wake up before me?”
“You always sleep in way too late.” He told you, flipping a pancake onto your plate and pushing it towards you. “Last day!”
“It’s the wedding today. After today, we will no longer be officially dating.”
“Oh, right.”
You didn’t realise how quickly three weeks could pass. There was a strange sense of dread that passed through your system, although you blamed the pancakes. It felt weird that after everything, tomorrow all would be as it was before, as if this whole ordeal never happened. 
“We’re gonna have to stage a breakup, of course.” Jeonghan told you, still flipping pancakes. “But we can plan that out tomorrow. In the meantime eat up! We’ll have to leave in an hour.”
You nodded along, feeling too tired to speak so early in the morning (10:30). Jeonghan sat down next to you, shovelling down pancakes as quickly as he could (how he managed to chew through those was a mystery to you) before excusing himself to your bathroom while you continued eating. God, why were these so salty today? Jeonghan’s latest prank, you suspected, but you didn’t have the strength to confront him, especially once you heard the splash of the shower turning on. You began cleaning dishes, not waiting for Jeonghan to finish showering before you stole the hot water, and giggled as you heard his shrieks. Hopefully the wedding would give you a little bit more energy.
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Day 22 (cont.)
You and Jeonghan arrived at the warehouse at 11:40. You still had a few minutes before the ceremony would begin, and knowing how these things tended to go, you knew you had plenty of time. You walked hand in hand with Jeonghan, and tried not to think about how this was the last time you would be able to as you settled into a pew. Soon after, Joshua sat down next to you, clearly dateless. He didn’t say anything, and aside from a nod of recognition, you didn’t say anything to him either, instead choosing to rest your head on Jeonghan’s shoulder. 
Silence is comforting, whenever it’s done right. With you and Jeonghan, silence never felt awkward, it was just a frame of being with him. It was relaxed, you felt no need to fill the air with meaningless speak. Your silence was interrupted as Seungcheol ran up to Jeonghan.
“Han, we need your help. Wonwoo can’t find his cufflinks, he’s dropped them somewhere, and it is freaking Mingyu out, please come look.”
Jeonghan looked at you, but you smiled. “Go help them. I’ll be right here.” He hurriedly followed Seungcheol to Wonwoo’s dressing room, cursing him under his breath.
You were left alone with Joshua, and the silence suddenly felt suffocating. It didn’t seem to bother him, as he spoke quietly about the venue. “Isn’t it all so gorgeous? Minghao really did a great job pulling this off.”
You hummed, leaning over to point out the fairy lights strung along the ceiling. “See those? That was all me.”
“Ahh, I was wondering. They’re my favourite.”
You smiled, and Joshua turned to face you properly. “I’m sorry about what I said, Y/N. I didn’t mean to scare you. I think I was just jealous.”
Your eyes widened. You felt strangely off guard. “Jealous?”
“Yeah. I just broke things off with Heejin, and then having not dated anyone seriously in, I think ever, Jeonghan suddenly lands a great person like you.” He admitted shyly, squeezing your shoulder with his hand. 
“I landed him, too.” You reminded him, but you could barely process what you were saying as you realised he hadn’t moved his hand. 
“Of course. You two are good together.” He told you, and you smiled.
“We are.”
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Day 22 (cont.)
The pop of a champagne bottle was one you couldn’t miss. As you entered the reception hall, your eyes gravitated towards the bar, and you pulled Jeonghan along with you. 
“I can’t believe how many of our friends are married now.” You told Jeonghan as you waited for the bartender to return with your drinks (or water, in Jeonghan’s case. He was determined to stick to his word until the very end). “First Seungcheol, then Soonyoung - who even saw that one coming - then Jihoon and now Wonwoo.”
“We’re getting into that phase of our lives.” He shrugged. “Makes sense to me.”
“Yeah but what about you and me? We’ve never even properly dated.” You pouted. “What happens when they all leave us?”
“Then we’ll have each other.” He told you. “Have you already started drinking? The reception’s only just begun.”
You grinned sheepishly. “We got here late! Anyway, it’s been such a hellish few weeks! Let me have this.” The bartender approached you with a shot glass that you quickly downed, and you pulled Jeonghan to your assigned seats (next to each other, of course). You were greeted by the same table as the night before, and you waved to Seokmin and Jihoon who sat opposite you. 
“Where’s Joshua?” You asked, and giggled when Seungkwan pointed towards the flailing figure on the dance floor. 
“He’s already drunk and living his best life.”
“Good for him!”
At the mention of his name, Joshua stumbled over, grabbing your hands in an attempt to pull you to the dance floor with him. You looked over at Jeonghan, your boyfriend for only a few more hours, but he waved you off. “Go enjoy yourself.”
You grinned, letting Joshua lead you. Jeonghan smiled as he watched you, his chest tugging with a strange feeling. 
“Why’d you let him take Y/N?” Jihoon asked. “You know he likes them.”
The tugging in his chest felt stronger, but Jeonghan ignored it. “As long as they’re having fun.”
It doesn’t matter anyway. They like him too.
Seokmin and Seungkwan eventually joined them, and Jihoon and his husband went dancing as well. Jeonghan instead placed his attention on his phone, flipping through all the stories of Wonwoo’s wedding venue he had been tagged in. There was one, posted by Soonyoung, that he couldn’t seem to tear his eyes from. You were in the corner, next to Jeonghan, and there was something so sweet about the way you stared at him. It was dangerous, convincing him of something that wasn’t real. 
“Hey Jeongie.”
Jeonghan looked up to see Jiwon, sat in the seat that once belonged to you. She had that same cat like gaze that made him fall for her initially, but now he felt nothing. He really was bad at committing, he couldn’t even commit to finding Jiwon attractive.
“Hi Jiwon. What are you doing here?”
She cooed, running her hand up and down his arm, much to Jeonghan’s discomfort. He looked away, breaking the eye contact she was trying to keep. 
“Did you leave me for Y/N?” She asked, tutting under her breath. “I remember everything you told me, how they’ve never really dated. They’re not partner material, Jeongie, I am.”
“I didn’t leave you for Y/N,” He began, a shiver trailing up his spine. “We ended it because I didn’t want to date you any more. Y/N came after that.”
Jiwon leaned close, her lips barely separate from Jeonghan’s ear, and he couldn’t lean any further back in his chair. “Maybe not for long. They don’t seem to like the way we’re talking.”
Jeonghan tore Jiwon’s hand from his arm, looking to the dance floor to see tears close to spilling out of your eyes. When you met his gaze, you ran away, not willing to let him see you like this. Why did it feel this way? Joshua glared at Jeonghan, and quickly followed you as you ran down the corridor. 
“Jiwon just stop!” Jeonghan raised his voice, cringing at the volume (and the heads that turned towards the commotion). “It’s over, just leave me alone, please.”
He ignored her whimpered sobs as he got out of his seat and scrambled to find you, but the sounds of Jiwon crying made him feel awful. He didn’t exactly handle their relationship well, and he wasn’t handling what was left of yours well either. 
As he ran to find you, his heard lurched when he heard your own voice muffled by cries.
“It’s s-so dumb…”
“Clearly he was just trying to make her jealous, Y/N.” What was Joshua telling you? 
“He wasn’t doing that.”
“You don’t deserve someone who will use you.”
Jeonghan couldn’t deny the guilt those words caused on his poor heart. Sure, you knew what was happening, but he was still using you, wasn’t he? It was his idea to start this whole fake dating thing.
“I wouldn’t use you like that.”
Just as he had caught up to the sound of your voice, Jeonghan caught a glimpse of you in Joshua’s embrace, with his lips on yours. And his aching heart shattered.
You pulled away from Joshua to see Jeonghan’s forlorn expression, a sight you don’t think you had ever seen before. 
“Hannie, I promise, it’s not what it-“
“Looks like? What a cliche Y/N.” He scoffed, moving away from you.
“Hey man, I kissed them.” Joshua spoke, dropping a protective arm over you, one that weighed you down and you wriggled out of quickly. “Besides, serves you right for using Y/N to make Jiwon jealous.”
“You’re so fucking stupid Joshua.” Jeonghan spat. “They were using me to make you jealous, looks like it worked, huh?”
“No, Jeonghan, wait-“
“Deal’s off, Y/N. We’re no longer dating.”
And he ran. And no matter how fast you ran too, you knew you wouldn’t be able to catch up to him.
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Day 23 - Sunday 25th November
You woke up on Wonwoo’s couch with a massive headache and chest pain, although you knew only one of those was due to your hangover. He and Eliza ended up taking you home, luckily they weren’t going on their honeymoon for another week. Wonwoo was rubbing your back as you vomited, and the worst pain was knowing that it would never be Jeonghan doing this role anymore.
“I still don’t get it.” He admitted. “Although most of these weeks have been a blur for me.”
“I’m not really supposed to tell you.” You told him, sipping the glass of water in your hands. “We made these rules.”
“Tell me anyway, because no matter what it is it’s not worth losing him forever.”
You sighed, and settled against the tiled floor. “It’s a long story.”
“It’s a Sunday. Quit stalling and tell me what happened.”
“Fine fine!” You gasped, shoving Wonwoo slightly. “So pushy.”
“You know how Jiwon wouldn’t leave Jeonghan alone?” Wonwoo nodded along with your story. “Well, we knew she would be at the wedding, and Jeonghan really wanted her to take the hint that he wasn’t interested, so we decided to date. Well, fake date. Just to get her off his back.”
“And you agreed to this?”
“I didn’t really want to? But…”
“You were in love with Joshua.” You stared at Wonwoo in shock. He smiled back at you. “You’re not as difficult to read as you like to think you are. Maybe the other idiots we call friends can’t see it, but it was fairly obvious to me.”
“But you didn’t realise Jeonghan and I weren’t actually together?”
“Just continue the story already.”
“Well yeah. Jeonghan convinced me we could make Joshua jealous, so I agreed. We said we wouldn’t tell anyone, and we would post about it online so everyone believed it was real, and then once Jiwon backed off at the wedding, we would call it off.” You recalled the story, rubbing your head as the pain settled and you felt like your skull was cracking open. “God do you have any painkillers?”
“I don’t really get hangovers.”
“You lucky bitch.”
“What happened at the reception, Y/N?”
You cringed at the flood of memories. Most of the time when you got drunk and made bad decisions, your brain saved you the embarrassment of remembering everything. This time, you couldn’t escape the images. Of Jiwon and Jeonghan, of the way Jeonghan looked at you, the way he ran away from you. 
“Joshua and I were dancing, and when I looked back I saw Jiwon flirting with Jeonghan.” You gulped, feeling an all too familiar lump in your throat. “And I ran off.”
“Why’d you run?”
“I don’t know. And then Joshua kissed me, and I thought it would be perfect, but it felt wrong.”
“I don’t know! And then Jeonghan saw, and I don’t know why but he was so upset, and then he left. He left me, Wonwoo.”
“You really don’t know why he was upset?” Wonwoo questioned, and you met his gaze with a confused expression. “Even after all this time, Jeonghan can still surprise you, wow.”
“What do you know?”
“I know that just like you, Jeonghan is not as difficult to read as he thinks he is.” Wonwoo told you, stroking your hair. “Nine years ago, at 2:30 in the morning, I got a call from Jeonghan, who was so excited because he finally got the nerve to kiss you, and he went for it. And then the next day, nothing. And you two continued this dance around never going out, even when everyone could see how much you liked each other.”
“That’s not true, I don’t like Jeonghan.”
“Then why is Jiwon bothering you? Why did you even agree to this whole thing? There are easier ways to get close to Joshua that don’t involve pretending to date your best friend.”
“I…” For once, you didn’t have anything to say.
“You do know, Y/N. You have to stop acting so blind when it comes to Jeonghan. All the signs are there, you just don’t want to address them.”
He offered you his hand, pulling you up off of the bathroom floor. “Want to know why we all thought Jeonghan asked you out? It’s because we all knew he likes you. It’s actually pretty obvious.”
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Day 24 - Monday 26th November
There was a knocking at your door. This wasn’t like Jeonghan’s courtesy knocks before he let himself into your house, this was a gentle knock that barely reverberated through the room. 
You walked up to let Joshua into your house. He was shocked to see you like this - tear stricken cheeks, eyes and nose red and running. 
“You look…”
“Shit, I know.” You finished for him. “What do you want, Joshua?”
“I wanted to apologise.” He looked over your shoulder expectantly.
“Fine, come in, but you can’t come any further than the entryway. I just don’t want everyone to be spectators of this.”
Joshua followed you in, shuffling awkwardly. He acted as if he had never been in your apartment before. You weren’t entirely sure he had been. You let him shut the door gently behind him, and you leaned against the wall, blocking him from moving any closer in. 
“I shouldn’t have kissed you while you were dating Jeonghan. I’m sorry.”
You clicked your tongue, not moving position. “Yeah, that was messed up. You’re Jeonghan’s friend. You’re my friend. I felt like you were just fighting over me to compete with him.”
“Y/N, that’s not true.” He reached his hand out to caress your arm, but you pulled it back. 
“What’s even been going on with you?” You asked. “I’ve barely seen you since your breakup, none of us have, and you were a total dick the whole time Jeonghan and I were dating.”
Joshua scoffed, and you gasped at his attitude. “Yeah well you guys weren’t actually together though, right?”
“That doesn’t matter.”
“Yes it does!” He raised his voice as he began to yell. “Why are you upset? It’s not like you were cheating or anything, it wasn’t real.”
“Are you kidding? You didn’t know we weren’t actually together! What’s your excuse?”
“My excuse is that according to Jeonghan, the only reason you were even pretending to date was to make me jealous, and now you’re upset that it worked? I’m jealous. I’m jealous that Jeonghan got to go out with you and play the part of boyfriend, even if it was fake.”
“That’s not the reason.”
“Oh, so you didn’t want to make me jealous?”
He was staring at you with an intensity you hadn’t seen since law school, and it reminded you of the Joshua you once knew. The Joshua you fell for. And as you met his gaze, you realised all your feelings for him were gone. Every desire for him to fall for you like you had fallen for him had dissipated, because you weren’t sure you had ever fallen for him. You loved his drive, maybe that was all you loved. 
“I did.”
“So what changed?”
“What do you think, Josh?”
He scoffed, dropping his gaze to the floor. “Of course. Of course I can’t beat him.”
“No, just,” He sighed, shuffling away from you. “Why do you always choose him?”
“I don’t, but I’m choosing him now.” You told him, And you were. After twenty two days with Jeonghan, Joshua didn’t feel as important to you anymore. 
Joshua turned to leave your apartment. “Josh.” He looked at you, and you met his gaze for the last time. “You should have kissed me all the years I was pining after you, not once I wasn’t an option anymore. Maybe it would have been different.”
He left without another word, and your door shut so gently as he left. 
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Day 25 - Tuesday 27th November
You hadn’t been blocked. You could still see the messages, you knew he was reading them, he just wouldn’t respond. He wasn’t picking up either.
“Cmon Jeonghan…” You whispered under your breath. “Please just pick up.”
“Hey, this is Jeonghan. I can’t come to the phone right now…”
You groaned at the now too familiar sound of his voicemail. Was he ever going to talk to you again?
Okay, it was kind of your fault. Had it been anyone else, this would have felt so obvious, but you were so oblivious when it came to Jeonghan, and now here you were, pining for your best friend, hoping he would finally return. 
“Hey Han,” You started talking, but you had no idea what to say. The only thoughts running through your mind were please just come back to me, but you weren’t sure how to say that without bursting into tears. “I, uh, I really want to talk to you, please. I miss you.”
You hung up, only to find your fingers reaching for the contact once more.
“Hey, this is Jeonghan. I can’t come to the phone right now…”
“Hi again. I want you to know that, umm, I spoke to Wonwoo. He called me an idiot, basically.” You chuckled as you recounted that morning, although you knew Jeonghan probably wouldn’t be laughing as he listened. If he listened. If you two weren’t… wherever this had led you, you know he would probably laugh at that, but he wasn’t here anymore. “I didn’t know. I should have known, but I didn’t, and I just really want to talk to you. Please.”
“Hey, this is Jeonghan. I can’t come to the phone right now…”
“Hey, um, I didn’t like the kiss. The one with Joshua. I think I did kiss him back? But I didn’t like it. I would choose our posed cafe kiss so much sooner than the one he gave me. I don’t even want it. Please talk to me.”
“Hey, this is Jeonghan. I can’t come to the phone right now…”
“It was so stupid of me to be jealous of Jiwon. I know you don’t like her, I just, I was so drunk and stressed out, I freaked out. It was so so stupid, and I’m sorry, but I hope you know that it was jealousy because I wanted to be in her place. God, this is so embarrassing.”
“Hey, this is Jeonghan. I can’t come to the phone right now…”
“I don’t think I like Joshua? I know, drastic turn. I think I just looked up to him, growing up. He’s always been so out of reach and ahead of everyone else, I think I mistook it for love when it wasn’t. I don’t love him.”
“Hey, this is Jeonghan. I can’t come to the phone right now…”
“I know I fucked up. Well, Joshua fucked up most of all, but I shouldn’t have run off like that. But you ran too. You didn’t let me explain. And last week, you disappeared. I know you said you were busy but it felt like you were running from me? And I fucked up because I ran, so you’re no better than me.”
“Hey, this is Jeonghan. I can’t come to the phone right now…”
“Please ignore what I just said. I’m not upset with you. Well, actually, I am. I think I’m mostly upset with myself? Or mostly upset with Joshua? But I’m still a little upset with you. Please can we just talk?”
“Hey, this is Jeonghan. I can’t come to the phone right now…”
“I’ll leave you alone after this one, I promise. I just… I miss you. And I think I need an explanation, because I’ve been clueless about this for way too long.”
“Hey, this is Jeonghan. I can’t come to the phone right now…”
“I love you. In every sense of the word.”
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Day 26 - Wednesday 28th November
You felt so strange in front of Jeonghan’s door. Although he spent so much time with you in your house, very rarely would you visit him in his. You and him would always blame his roommate, but truthfully you knew it wasn’t that. Even though Vernon wasn’t the tidiest or most respectful of privacy, you were happy when he was around. No, Jeonghan’s house was a barrier between the two of you, a final wall he had placed to protect himself. And now you were destroying the that sanctity. 
You almost felt bad, but you were so desperate for him to talk to you again. Sure, the two of you had arguments, but nothing like this, and you weren’t sure that without drastic measures, you would ever even see Jeonghan again. So here you were, your knuckles rapt against Jeonghan’s door, waiting to see him.
The door swung open, but Jeonghan wasn’t there. Instead stood Vernon, who looked like he had only rolled out of bed at the sound of your knocking. Honestly, had it been true, it wouldn’t have surprised you, despite it being 8:30 in the evening. You had no idea what this boy’s schedule was, if he even followed a set one.
“Oh, hey Vernon.”
“Hey Y/N.’
You shuffled on your feet. You and Vernon were friends - you practically grew up together, why did this feel so awkward?
“Cool party, by the way.” He cocked his head in confusion. “Sofia’s party! Two weeks ago, I know you helped her set it up. It was fun, from what I remember, Jeonghan dragged me along to it and I got very drunk very quickly.” Okay, you were rambling now. That helped. “Speaking of, is he here?”
“Jeonghan? Is he home?”
“Nah, he’s um..” Vernon trailed off, and you cringed. Clearly he had told Vernon to ward you away. “He’s staying back late at work. Do you, do you want me to tell him you were here?”
You sighed, feeling your shoulders slump. “Don’t bother. Have a good evening, Hansol.”
“See you around Y/N.”
Vernon let the door shut in front of him, He hated lying, and unlike his roommate, he was absolutely terrible at it. 
“If Y/N comes, just tell her I’m out.”
Jeonghan wouldn’t talk to Vernon. He barely spoke to Seungcheol, who was dropping by every night to check up on his friend. He hadn’t seen him for more than a few minutes every day as he left for work and stumbled back home afterwards. All Vernon could hope for was that you solved your issues with him soon. A grumpy Jeonghan was a nightmare, a heartbroken Jeonghan was a ghost. 
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Day 27 - Thursday 29th November
Eunwoo’s office had been mostly empty for a few days now, but today he picked up the last two boxes to take to his new office, a floor above. Instead of seeing his smug face across from your office door, all you saw was a clean desk, no files or loose papers across the surface like there had been before. It felt like a cruel reminder of what you were so close to gaining. Partnership. Jeonghan. You couldn’t tell which was making you more depressed currently. 
You barely noticed when Eunchae walked up to your office, knocking gently against your open door. “You alright, Y/N?”
“Hmm? Yeah I’m fine Eunchae. Can I help you with anything?” You spoke, not lifting your head to meet her gaze. You didn’t want her to see the bags that had formed under your puffy eyes. It’s hard to fall asleep these days.
“I just wanted to say you should have been the next junior partner, not Eunwoo.” She barely whispered, and you understood why. The office behind her was practically haunted by Eunwoo’s cheery spirit. “He’s a good lawyer, but he barely pays attention to us and the newer lawyers. You take good care of us.”
You smiled at her words. “Thanks Eunchae.”
She walked in, letting the door close behind her. You had given up all pretence of following the dumb rules like commandments, and Eunchae caught on quick. “That’s why you’ve been so sad this week, right?”
“That’s.. half of it. How have you noticed?”
She shrugged. “I’m smarter than they are. What’s the other half?”
“Boy troubles, I guess.”
She leaned in. “Is this about your boyfriend? The one you posted on insta?” You nodded, and she smiled, pleased with her detective skills. “What happened?”
“He didn’t tell me he liked me until too late, and now I’m realising that I like him too, but he won’t talk to me.”
“I’m sorry, why doesn’t your boyfriend already know you like him?”
“It’s a long story.”
“Okay..” She trailed off. “Have you told him how you really feel?”
“Yeah, but he won’t talk to me anyway.” 
“Tell him again.” She advised. “People are stupid, they don’t believe what’s right in front of him. What have you got to lose, anyway?”
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Day 27 (cont.)
“Hey, this is Jeonghan. I can’t come to the phone right now…”
“I don’t want to fill your inbox, so I swear, if you don’t respond to this, I’ll leave you alone forever. But god I’m going to miss you if you leave. You’re such a heartbreaker, Hannie, you’re about to break mine. I’m in love with you. I’m sorry it took me so long to see it. Please just, let me know if you feel the same, or if everyone was wrong. I guess if I don’t hear from you again I’ve gotten my answer. I.. Goodnight, Jeonghan.”
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Day 28 - Friday 30th November
You hadn’t heard anything from Jeonghan. All night, you stayed up, staring at your phone, hoping it would light up with a call, a text, anything. God, you would even settle for a subtweet, but nothing. When 5AM hit and the light of dawn peered in through your blinds you had given up. Jeonghan wanted nothing to do with you. 
You called in sick to work. It wasn’t difficult, crying will make you sound all stuffy and blocked. You hoped the sniffles that slipped from your lips weren’t understood as what they truly were: forming scars. Whatever, it gave you an excuse to stay in bed all day.
You kept your promise, not to bother Jeonghan again, but couldn’t find it in yourself to delete conversations or photos. Your heart was shattered, and the pieces were lost deep in the text messages he sent, you couldn’t delete them so easily. 
You made one phone call, to Wonwoo, when you woke again at 5PM.
“He hates me, Woo. I think I lost him forever.”
“If that’s really the case then he’s an idiot. Just like you.”
You felt no desire to reach out to anyone else, or let anyone know you were alive. You didn’t feel alive. All you wanted was to sink into your mattress and hide from the world. The blankets covering your face would have to do in the meantime. It was a weak shield, but you were hidden all the same, and that’s all you needed.
Someone came to check on you earlier, or perhaps it was just your neighbour. You heard the knocks, but pretended no one was home. They left quickly. You felt so forgettable, so discarded. What a pathetic existence.
9:21 PM flashed across your phone screen, but you didn’t seem to notice it. It was silenced on your kitchen counter, far away from you, because you knew if you kept it nearby you would do something stupid. And you were careful. You needed to be even more careful than before, now that you were nursing a broken heart. 
When the knocks on your door sounded you hid even further away. They would go away, they all did. And the knocks did subside, replaced instead by the clink of keys. Fuck, was it your landlord? What was he doing here? The door opened, and you pulled the sheets tight over your head. Hopefully he would just leave.
You heard footsteps slowly lead to your room. Fuck, was this a home invasion? Maybe you should be more scared, but you couldn’t find it in you to do anything but stay in a frozen position. Your bedroom door creaked open, and you felt your heartbeat in your eyes.
This was it. You were going to die, and you couldn’t even see Jeonghan one last time before some stranger took you out in your own home. Well, the apartment you had rented  for years. God, you were almost thirty, and you were about to die alone in a starter apartment you never bothered to leave. Why was this world so cruel?
Fuck. It wasn’t your landlord. It was Jeonghan. Somehow, when being confronted with the person you’ve been trying to reach for days, your confidence disappears.
“I know you’re not sleeping, Y/N.”
Maybe if you didn’t respond he would go away? Did you even want him to? Why weren’t you doing anything?
“I saw you left your phone in the kitchen. You’ve got a voicemail, by the way. It’s from an hour ago. I’m gonna play it for you, okay?”
“Hey Y/N. It’s me, obviously. I um, you’re right. I shouldn’t have run away. I was being a coward. I’ve been a coward the entire time we’ve been friends, because I don’t know when, but at some point I feel so hopelessly in love with you and I’ve been hiding it this entire time. Fuck, I really need to see you. Can I come over?”
Your protective sheets were pulled from your head, and you were met with the sight of Jeonghan, who’s eyes were as puffy as your own. He smiled down at you.
“You look like shit.”
“So do you.”
“Yeah, well, I was heartbroken.” Jeonghan grinned as he spoke. God, he was so beautiful. “I thought my best friend who I’ve loved for years didn’t love me back.”
You sat up, reaching for Jeonghan’s hand, which he gladly gave you. “Why didn’t you ever tell me before now?”
“Had to protect my fragile heart.” He told you, locking into your eyes. You were frozen in place once more. You had never once thought of Jeonghan as fragile, yet here he was, baring his soul to you, like a glass canary had been placed in your hands. “I was so content to just hide it all my life, watch as you fall deeper in love with Joshua, and then I discovered I really loved being your fake boyfriend. I never thought I would enjoy being a boyfriend, but something about being with you makes it so easy.”
All the walls you swore you would put up had been torn down by Jeonghan before you could even begin construction.
“Besides, what exactly was I supposed to think when you hated our first kiss?”
You gasped. “I didn’t hate it! We both agreed it felt weird the next morning.”
“Sure, I definitely thought that, and wasn’t just agreeing with you to save myself the embarrassment of rejection.”
You cringed as you thought of that fateful day. “I don’t know Hannie, when I woke up that morning things felt as if they had changed, and it scared me.” You blushed, feeling regretful of your naivety. “I was so scared of things changing for the worse I never considered that they could get better.”
Jeonghan’s hand met your jaw, pulling you towards him with such a sense of nostalgia. “What about now? Are you still scared?”
“A little.” You whispered. You didn’t need to say it any louder, you knew he could hear you. “But I don’t want my fears to hold me back any more.”
“Oh yeah? Show me.”
You rolled your eyes at Jeonghan, before doing exactly that, and capturing his lips with your own. No fireworks, no eruptions. Kissing him was the comfort you had craved for years. Jeonghan was your home.
You pulled away from him, letting your eyes flutter open. “That count as proof?”
He hummed. “I don’t know, why don’t you show me again?”
“You’re such a loser, Yoon.” You teased, but did exactly as he wanted.
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Day 1 (of forever to come) - Saturday 1st December
This past month had no shortage of you waking with Jeonghan in your apartment, but this was the first time you had woken up beside him, arms tangled together. Your phone was buzzing incessantly under your pillow, and who thought it was a good idea to interrupt your sleep so early in the morning?
Oh, Wonwoo. You should probably give him peace of mind, after everything he’s done for you.
“Hello?” You spoke groggily, trying as best as you could to whisper so as to not wake Jeonghan, still asleep next to you.
“Y/N? Have you seen Jeonghan recently? I know you guys are fighting, but Vernon told me he left last night without saying anything and he’s still not back yet, it’s already 10.”
“Wow, Vernon’s up early on a Saturday. I’m not even out of bed yet.”
Wonwoo hissed through your speakers. “Take this seriously! Your best friend is missing!”
Jeonghan stirred, and before you could say anything, he spoke instead. “Y/N, tell your friend to hush, I’m trying to sleep.”
You stayed silent, and Wonwoo was silenced too. 
“Is that…”
“Yeah, he’s here with me. He’s not missing, you can tell Vernon he’s alright.”
“Holy shit! He’s in bed with you?”
“He stayed the night…”
“Get it.”
“Shut up Wonwoo.”
Jeonghan reached his hand over to you. “Lemme talk to him.” You obliged, handing the phone to him.
“Hey Wonwoo, no nothing happened. Well, Y/N confessed their undying feelings for me and told me how incredibly attractive and sexy I am and how I’ve ruined anyone else’s love-“
“Yep gotta go, bye Wonwoo!”
You snatched the phone from Jeonghan, only to see the call had already ended. “You snake! Stop badmouthing me to our friends!”
He gasped in mock offense. “Bad mouthing? Never! That’s basically what happened last night, anyway.”
“You’re missing the part where you confessed first.” You reminded him, pushing against his arm, but he resisted your force, instead wrapping his arms around you and holding you as you squirmed. “Let go of me you weasel.”
“Weasel? Are you gonna pay for the damages you’re causing my heart?” He pouted, and you wanted to badly to shove (kiss…) that pout off his face. 
“More like ego.”
“Wonwoo has always known how incredibly whipped I am for you, he doesn’t need a reminder.” Jeonghan whispered above you. “Do you?”
You nodded slyly. “You’ve got a decade of reminders to make up for hiding this from me for so long. You better get cracking.”
Jeonghan leaned over to kiss your forehead. “Why rush it? We’ve got the rest of our lives, and I’m going to make sure you never forget just how much I love you.”
AN: i think this is the first time i’ve ever written a happy ending but goddamn i love this fic
+ read the university kiss scene here!!
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zepskies · 1 year
How would Beau comfort reader who’s gotten home from work and is feeling overwhelmed and sooky? I’m in need of comfort my the cutie patootie pls and thank you beloved 🫶🥺
Hello, my love!
I know it's been a while since you requested this @chernayawidow, but I’m so sorry you’re feeling down. It’s my pleasure to fulfill this prompt for you! 😘💞
AN: This is sort of a sequel to “Didn’t Mean to Stay,” but can be read as a stand-alone.
Word Count: 3,000 Tags/Warnings: 18+ only! Smut, lots of hurt/comfort, fluff, and feels.
Imagine: Beau gives you the support you need.
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You heaved a sigh while climbing up the short flight of stairs to your apartment. Why the hell you decided to live on the second floor, you had no idea…
Okay, mainly for the safety aspect of being a single woman living alone, but at least for the past year, you hadn’t been all that single (or alone, for that matter).
Seeing Beau’s truck in the parking lot reminded you that your boyfriend was already home from work. It was rare that you got here after him, but you perked up a little.
I hope he got something for dinner. Your stomach began to rumble at even the first stray thought of food. After the ridiculous day you’d had, you’d happily eat your weight in just about anything.
A hearty sandwich, Chinese lo mien, a whopping burger with fries…hell, you’d eat a whole damn bag of pizza rolls. As long as it was hot and you didn’t have to cook it.
Once you managed to insert your key and unlock the apartment, immediately there was too much sound coming from the living room. Guns and blasting and whoops and hollers. It all grated on your ears and your frayed psyche.
You grimaced as you locked the door behind you.
“Are we being invaded?!” you called.
Mercifully, the cacophony ceased as you walked into the living room and found your boyfriend with a sheepish smile. On the TV was an old western classic, The Magnificent Seven.
Typical, you thought. Your Texan cowboy loved his westerns.
“Sorry. Too loud?” he asked.
“Just a touch,” you replied.
“Well, I’m glad you're home.” Beau nodded at the TV. “Was gonna ask you what your Netflix password is.”
“What, don’t tell me you settled for 1960s cowboys?” you quipped.  
You dumped your purse on the coffee table and sunk onto the couch next to him. Beau slid an arm around your waist and pulled you in closer. You obliged by shucking off your shoes and resting against him, with your head on his shoulder. You let out a long sigh.
“Well, that was my fallback plan. See, damn Netflix booted me out and I’m really gearing up for that new season of Cake or Cake,” Beau said, with a somewhat childish smile that almost succeeded in tugging your lips upwards as well. Your brows drew together.
“Cake or…oh my God. You mean Is It Cake?” you asked. You nearly slapped yourself with your own hand as it came up to cover your eyes. Your shoulders shook with silent laughter.
“Ah, yeah. That one.” Beau grinned.
“I just can’t figure out how I keep guessing so wrong," he continued. "It looks like a hat. It should be a hat. How the hell is it actually cake? These guys are just so damn talented, I’ll tell ya. I mean, I’ve eaten my fair share of quality cake, but I ain’t never eaten a hat cake…though that does sound good to me, now that I think about it. Heh, I could finally say, ‘if that ain’t real, I’ll eat my own hat.’ And I’d actually be able to take a bite.”
Now, normally you found boyfriend’s diatribes incredibly endearing. Beau was a talker, and you appreciated having him with you at social gatherings. Not only was he great at connecting with people (something you very much admired), but the man was damn good at filling a silence.
Today, however, he was feeding the headache pulsing behind your eyes. You loved him dearly. Yet you were tempted to dig your nails into your own arm just to stop yourself from snapping at him to please, stop talking.
“Speakin’ of food, that reminds me. My stomach’s damn near ready to eat itself.” He eyed you. “What’s for dinner, baby?”
Your hand slid from your face and slapped onto your leg. Your head slowly turned to him.
“I don’t know, Beau. What’d you cook?” you said tartly.
It was an effort, considering how comfortable you were while tucked against him, but you moved his arm off your hip and lifted your heavy-feeling body off the couch. Shaking your head, you trudged a path over to your room.
You didn’t see it, but Beau frowned. Though you heard him follow after you. You did your best to go about your business, unbuttoning your pants and starting on your blouse. You were just so damn tired, and probably still anxious. Even your hands were trembling and fumbling with the buttons.
Still, you sensed him coming closer, saw his sock-covered feet out of the corner of your eye. The rest of him was comfortably dressed in sweatpants and a wool sweater you bought for him last month; he was getting better, but still acclimating to Montana winters.
“You’ve been here all this time,” you grumbled. “You see how late I’m coming in, and you don’t think, hey, my girl’s gonna be tired. Why don’t I figure out how to work the stove so she doesn’t have to worry about feeding my six-foot-ass, bottomless pit—”
Beau’s hands stilled yours, and he took over unbuttoning your blouse to help you. He bent his head enough to catch your eyes, smiling a little at your grumpy face.
“All right, all right. I see your point,” he said. “You had a bitch of day, huh?”
“The longest of my damn life,” you said. The stress of each moment played behind your eyes. So much that they stung with unshed tears when you raised your gaze to meet his.
Beau’s brows furrowed in sympathy. He paused in what he was doing to stroke your cheek and press a tender kiss to your forehead.
“And I wanna hear about it, but first, you go take a nice long shower,” he said. “What do you feel like eating?”
“Food,” you said petulantly. But he was being too sweet for you to be all that annoyed with him. A reluctant smile was growing across your lips. Beau smirked.
“You in the mood for Italian? Chinese? Maybe feeling a little adventurous and wanna try that Greek place down the street?” he suggested. “I think they deliver.”
By now he’d worked your blouse open. His hands were finding their way along the curve of your waist, smoothly across your skin, then meeting at the small of your back. He pressed the heel of one hand there, where he knew your shitty desk chair often made you ache.
You gripped his strong arms for support and leaned into him. You let out a sigh and rested your cheek against his chest, where he dropped another kiss on the top of your head.
“Greek sounds good, actually,” you confessed.
“Mmm, hell yeah. You want chicken, steak, or lamb on your gyro?” he asked. You felt the reverberation of his hum, and it was weirdly soothing. Though his question reminded you of one of your favorite movies that you too often quoted to him: My Big Fat Greek Wedding.
“What you mean he don’t eat no meat?” you said with a giggle. Beau’s lips moved to your forehead, and you felt the shape of his smile.
“It’s okay, I make lamb,” you both said together.
He chuckled and held you a bit tighter, secure and comforting. “All right. Lamb it is…you think they got cake on the menu?”
When you laughed, it was muffled by his sweater.
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After a hot shower, good food, and three episodes of Is It Cake later, you were falling asleep on your corner of the couch.
All through dinner, Beau had listened to you vent about your day. About the problems your coworkers had hoisted on you to solve in the midst of a massive project you were already tackling. How your boss then blamed you for not coming to her first before you overloaded yourself, and how you’d very seriously contemplated going to HR before you figured just dealing with it would cause you less grief in the end.
Your boyfriend listened and gave his two cents, both supportive and fair. That was another thing you liked about him; he was always fair.
Now, he roused you out of your drowsy state when his arms wrapped around your frame and lifted you up.
You whined in protest. “Whaaat? Don’t move me.”
“Nope, you’re goin’ to bed,” he said, in his sheriff’s voice that boded no argument. You grumbled, but you still snuggled closer to his chest and pressed your sleepy face into his neck.
Smirking, he walked you into the bedroom and laid you down on your side of the bed. He came to your place often enough that he now had his own side, complete with his own nightstand and a couple of drawers of your dresser, even a bit of closet space.
You really should’ve just told him to move the hell in already, but you weren’t like Beau. He was a man of action. He processed things quickly and made decisions just as fast. His job demanded him to be that way.
You tended to drag your feet. You also tended to worry, and weigh pros and cons, and you were cautious by nature. Even dating this man had been a slow process, for which he’d been very patient with you. (And you with him, especially in the beginning as he learned to open up to you.)
The evidence was plain to see, as he raised the blankets and helped you roll underneath them. You just took him by surprise when you grabbed the front of his sweater and pulled him down with you.
“Hey!” he laughed. He had to brace himself against the mattress before he crushed you. His knees fell on either side of your hips while your arms twined around his neck.
“You’re a wily one, even half-asleep,” he remarked. You smiled and threaded your fingers through his soft brown hair.
“Like a rattlesnake in the tall grass,” you teased. In fairness, the two of you had gotten into watching David Attenborough's nature documentaries.
Beau’s brows raised, his smile deepening.  
“Oh yeah? Better not mess around then,” he chuckled. “I might just get bit.”  
You snorted. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
You leaned up until your lips were nearly brushing his. Beau’s eyes lowered to your face, taking in all the things that felt more like home than his little trailer near the woods.
Just before you would’ve closed the small breadth of distance, you veered away from his mouth and went for his neck instead. He even flinched at the tease of your teeth playfully biting him.
"You little vixen!" He laughed deeply as he unwound your arms from his neck. He pinned you down to the bed and pressed his hips down into yours over the sheets. But it was his claiming lips that stopped you from fighting back.
Your shoulders trembled with giggles that he swallowed up, kiss after kiss. Your eyes closed as he dragged the sheets down away from your body. His hands caressed you through your thin tank top, brushing over a hardened nipple with the back of his hand, then squeezing your breast through the fabric.
You sighed into his mouth. “I know I kind of started this, but I’m really tired, baby…”
“Who says you gotta do anything?” rumbled his rich voice.
A tremor of heat ran through you. Even with your eyes closed, your exhausted body responded to his touch. His lips drew a hot, wet path down your neck, all while his hands did sinfully good things, sliding under your tank top and gliding against your skin. You let him take it all the way off, followed by your pajama pants and cotton panties, though he paused to squeeze your ass in appreciation.
“Someone’s been doing squats,” he noted, grinning down at you.
“Nah, just an extra slice of that honey cake,” you retorted. Apparently, the Greeks liked honey on everything.
Beau’s head tilted. “Huh. Well, I do like me some cake.”
You laughed, then jolted with a yelp when he slapped a bare cheek.
But you couldn’t just lay idle when he started on his own clothes. You sat up and helped him raise the sweater up and over his shoulders, but he stopped you.
“I mean it. You just lie back and relax,” he said, giving you a charming grin. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes; he was just too damn good to you.
While he finished taking off the sweater, your hands drifted down to the waistband of his pants. You caressed the hardening length of him, earning a hiss and a groan from him.
“Can’t I just…” you tried.
With difficulty, Beau grabbed your wrist. He raised a brow at you and guided you back down.
“For once, I’m ‘a need you to listen to me,” he said, kissing your cheek and then the other side of your neck.
You breathed a laugh, but it caught on a moan as his fingers brushed through your wet folds. He made a sound of approval. And those nimble fingers gathered some of your wetness and began circling slowly over your clit.
You sucked in a breath and arched against him. You even whimpered a little as his free hand wound through your hair, giving him further access to your neck. He hummed against your skin and grazed his teeth under your ear.
“I gotcha, baby. Whenever you need it,” he said, low and steady. You gripped his arms for dear life as two of his fingers slipped deep inside you. You panted into his neck, rocked your hips mostly in time with his fingers as they twisted and pulsed around your tightening walls. His thumb rubbed against your throbbing clit.
“Please,” you whispered into his neck, squeezing your eyes shut. “Want you inside me.”
“We’re gettin’ there,” Beau nodded. He was breathing harder too, just from anticipation. The sounds you were making, the way you were squeezing his hand from the inside had him painfully hard.
“Now,” you insisted. Your hands moved to grip his hair, and your lips met his in a devouring kiss.
Beau matched your passion with closed eyes and furrowed brows. He’d had a plan for you at the start of this, but what kind of man would he be if he didn’t abide by your wishes?
So he withdrew his fingers from your slick pussy, even though you uttered a shuddering breath. It took everything you had within you to remain still and resting against the pillows as you caught your breath. You wanted to wrestle down his sweatpants yourself and show your boyfriend how appreciative you could be.
But you also appreciated what he was trying to do. You watched him with tired, but still hungry eyes as he kicked off the pants and the boxer briefs and returned to you, bracing a forearm above your head after he spread your legs and raised up your knees.
He lowered himself between the warm cradle of your thighs and kissed down your chest, licked between the valley of your breasts.
You arched up again when his tongue found your nipple, swirling around it, and finally taking it between his teeth. His hips rolled against yours, making his cock press against your core teasingly.
“Beau, for the love of God,” you moaned.
He chuckled. “Maybe you oughta learn how to be patient.”
You grabbed his bearded face between both hands and raised him up to you. He noted your challenging brow, but also your smile.
“Maybe you shouldn’t tease the rattlesnake,” you replied.
Beau laughed and ducked his forehead against yours. “Okay, darlin’. I’m sorry.”
He nosed at your cheek, angling for a kiss. You tipped your head back and welcomed his lips, especially when his tongue slipped past to tangle with yours. His forearm was braced above your head, but his free hand left your hip to line himself up to your entrance.
Another shudder went through your body as he finally slid home inside you. The shape and feeling of his cock was familiar as it stretched your inner walls, and you caught his moan in your mouth.
Your legs wrapped around his hips and squeezed, forcing him in deeper. His eyes screwed shut as he lost focus for a moment. He didn’t think he’d ever get tired of the feeling of you, or the sound of your voice, or the way you trusted him, but still tried to give as much as you took.
He pulled out nearly all the way, slowly sliding back in so you’d feel every inch. You clenched on him as a tremble ran through your body.
You uttered a broken gasp of his name that spearheaded goosebumps across his skin. And his next movements were faster, though just as deep.
He followed the encouragements of your voice, especially when he shifted his hips at an angle he knew would make you writhe. His fingers stroking your already sensitive clit, in time with his last wild thrusts, had you threatening to rip out a chunk of his hair. Instead, you gasped in his ear and dug your fingers into his hips.
His own release followed yours shortly after; he could only resist you squeezing the life out of him from the inside out for so long. And you held him afterwards, even though he still had a trembling arm braced above you.
Your hands smoothed up and down his back, trailing lightly with your nails. His breath was hot, but not uncomfortable against your neck.
You felt absolutely boneless as your legs slid from his hips. He pulled out of you soon after, but your embrace kept him from moving very far. He rested on his side, and you turned towards him. You both knew you’d have to deal with the sheets and the cleanup, but not just yet.
You carded your fingers more soothingly through his hair and drew his face back to yours.
“Thank you for taking care of me,” you whispered. And you didn’t just mean in this bed. “I haven’t had that in a long time.”
Beau’s smile crinkled the corners of his eyes. “You don’t gotta thank me for that.”
“Yeah, I do,” you nodded. Your lips formed a tired smile before they pressed softly to his. “I love you.”
Beau took a moment to brush a sweaty strand of hair away from your face. He’d believed in second chances before he met you…just not for himself. Meeting you made him swear by them.
“Love you too,” he said.
And the warmth of that bone-deep knowledge was more satisfying than even the heftiest slice of cake.
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AN: God, I love Beau. I miss Big Sky. 😭 But feel free to let me know what you think of this one! It's only my second time, but I really do love writing this guy. ❤️
And tell me...are you team cake 🍰 or team pie 🥧?
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Big Sky Masterlist
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sweet-as-an-angel · 1 year
Giving Spencer Head for The First Time [Spencer x Reader]
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Warnings: 18+, Graphic Depictions of Oral Sex (M Receiving), Handjob, Inexperienced Spencer, Submissive Spencer, Teasing, Edging, Orgasm Denial, Petnames, No Pronouns used for Reader Except ‘You’.
From between Spencer’s thighs, looking up at him beneath your lashes, you could see his chest heave, his lips parted and his eyes hooded as he looked upon you. On your knees, you placed your hand on his, held him, kept him grounded. And you smiled.
“You can back out if you want to,” you said, voice low and incongruous to the compromising scene unfolding. Spencer’s trousers lay pooled at his ankles, and, squeezing his thigh with a feather-light softness, you watched him swallow thickly, his eyes squeeze shut, then open as he tried to gain some semblance of control over his body. Which, if the rate at which his cock was stiffening was anything to go by, you could see he was failing to do.
“No, no—“ he said with haste, shaking his head, eyes widening. “I want to — I really do. It’s just…” His flickering gaze settled on you, and, with all the patience in the world, you sat back in your calves, looked up at him and waited for an answer. You never broke eye contact once.
“I’m just worried that…” Spencer’s fists clenched, unclenched, his knuckles whitening. He swallowed again. “Just scared I won’t do it correctly,” 
You felt your heart thrum, the quiet tone of Spencer’s voice leaving you with the insatiable need to care for him, to reassure him. Your smile widened, eyes crinkling beneath the weight of your friend’s genuine nature. You swore something akin to doubt flashed in his eyes. You sought to alleviate him of it.
“Spence,” you said, limbo-low. Your hands slid up to the precipice of his thighs. Squeezed. His breath staggered. “You don’t have to do anything.” You shifted as you felt your calves grow numb. “Just let me take care of you,” You pressed your lips to his thigh, chaste even amidst the situation. Spencer gasped. Quiet.
“You ready, Big Boy ?” Your eyes shone as you gazed up at him. And, in that second, Spencer forgot anything and everything that wasn’t you.
He nodded, for he did not trust his voice would not betray him and belie the fried-nerve feeling of ants crawling beneath his skin, of butterflies in his stomach. You wore your smile, never faltering for a moment. And, turning your attention to where Spencer needed you most, with careful, eager hands, you traced your nails up the sides of his thighs, coming to stop only at the waistband of his boxers.
You could see the wet patch forming at the front. Before you could allow Spencer to anticipate what you would do, you ran your tongue across the cotton, tasting salt and warmth. Spencer’s breath shuttered, eyes screwing shut, head thrown back. The space between your legs warmed at the sound of the beginning of Spencer’s unravellment.
This whole situation has been the by-product of a discussion between yourself and Spencer, who, after being grilled as to who his most memorable sexual encounter was, cracked.
“Never had one before,” he told you, staring down into his glass, tracing the rim with a slender finger. Ruminating. He didn’t — couldn’t — look at you, even as you drew close, eyes wide and lips parted. You refused to believe him at first, but the unmistakable flush of pink on his cheeks and the shallow glow in his eyes told you that he was in fact being truthful. You had no clue as to how you’d never come to learn this before, especially since you and Spencer had been best friends for years. But, as you asked him to “Look at me, Spence. Please,” you realised why.
He was embarrassed.
You knew he’d held some shallow insecurity towards never having scored a date with anyone before, despite you telling him many times that: 1.) he could date anyone he wanted because he was an incredible person (and very attractive), and 2.) if he actually went up to someone and asked them out, he’d stand a much higher chance of actually going on a date. But alas, Spencer had never tried. And so, here you were. Until, from somewhere within the back of your mind, perhaps the culmination of fantasies you’d never even think to divulge to your dearest friend, that an idea volunteered itself.
“We’ll,” you said, looking down at Spencer’s drink, trying not to find his gaze. “What if…I helped you ?”
To that, Spencer simply looked up at you, the crease between his brow forming as he considered (and likely tried to discern) what you were suggesting. You bit the inside of your lip, sucked at the gum, and elucidated. “What if I gave you an experience so you…don’t feel as bad about it anymore ?” Your heart hammered in your chest. You liked Spencer, truly, you did, and the idea of not only being rejected by him, but losing your friendship, haunted you. And yet, you had no idea why you suggested such an idea. But, after a second’s silence, then two, then three, Spencer seemed to boot up again, his eyes widening.
“You…you would do that for me ?” He said, voice almost quivering, thin. You smiled, placed a hand atop his and squeezed it.
“What are besties for ?”
And so, here you were; stationed between Spencer’s legs, mouthing the cloth restraining his member. You could feel the force with which Spencer gripped the comforter, his head lying against the backrest of the sofa. Tracing the stiffening shape of him with eager lips, you hooked your fingers over the edges of his underwear, tugging them down. Pulling back, you dragged your nails down the expanse of his thighs, felt goosebumps form along his skin in your wake. His cock was only half-visible to you, bulging beneath the cotton as if trying to escape. You slid his boxers so far before Spencer’s weight prevented you from relinquishing him of his burden. Your voice sang to him, called to him: “Spence, Sweetie, I need you to lift your hips for me,”
He did so, though without full commitment as he could only find enough strength and will to bring his hips an inch or two from the sofa before dropping back down. Meanwhile, you slid his boxers over his knees, heard them drop to his ankles, disturbing the buckle of his belt and causing a minute clink to be heard.
Spencer was long, veiny, his tip already reddening, beading with pre. You watched for a moment, took in all the details and twitches and the most prominent vein. You felt your core tighten.
Evidently, you must have been admiring Spencer for too long as, cracking an eye open, lips parted. He looked down at you. “What is it ?” He asked, that same quiet, thin tone as when you’d confronted him earlier present in his voice. Panic, perhaps. Or the tides of his insecurity lapping at his consciousness again. You placed your hands back on his thighs, rubbed up, down, saw his eye twitch. You smiled.
“Just seeing what a big boy you are,”
You saw Spencer’s chest stutter, his eye twitch and his lips pull further apart, as if trying to mouth around some invisible mass. Felt his breath halt. You leaned in, unravelled your tongue and, in full view of Spencer, flattened your wet muscle to the base of his cock. Spencer gasped, gripping the comforter, his hands gloves with white-hot strain. You drew your tongue up the length of his shaft, slow, deliberate. The sound of Spencer’s whining cut through to your core, sparking electricity within. As well as another idea.
You stopped just short of the tip, thin, viscous streaks of pre tingling on your tongue. Your breath hit against the sensitive skin of Spencer’s shaft; sent a shiver up his spine. And, when you didn’t move, remaining steadfast, Spencer’s eye cracked open, pupils gleaming and dark. “(Y/N)—“ he breathed. “Why…why’d you stop ?”
You felt yourself growing more and more feral by the minute; especially as that worried look crossed his disposition. You restrained yourself, resisted the urge to pounce on him and fuck him silly right now. You retracted. Spencer’s body twitched, he leaned up by a fraction, as if to reach out to pull you back. You knew you had him eating out of your palm, and if you were to be his first, you would be memorable. You’d make sure of it.
“Beg for it.”
Such a simple command, and yet Spencer only looked at you, dumbfounded, as if you spoke a language that did not yet exist. One beyond his fathom.
“I said—“ you brought a hand to the base of his shaft, took the girth between your fingers. You squeezed. Spencer yelled, his back arched and eyes screwed shut. A crease formed between his brows, the veins along his forehead starting to bulge.
“Beg for it.”
Spencer breathed heavily, his chest heaving, his hold on the blanket pulsating, the ebbing forming in his stomach tightening. Quietude. Then, he swallowed. Licked his lips. “Please (Y/N),” he said breathless, voice malnourished and skeletal. You could hear the cracks forming and you hadn’t even given him head yet.
“I need you — please, please touch me—“
You gave his shaft another squeeze, harder this time. He gasped, threw his head back over the lip of the backrest, his mouth hanging open. “Please,” he whispered.
You felt a sharp, cruel smile cross your features. And you made no effort to hide it.
“I’m barely touching you and you’re already whimpering. I have half a mind to just leave you like this and watch you struggle to get yourself off,” You let go of him, brought your hand to your mouth to spit into it. But that second of removed contact was too much as Spencer’s eyes snapped open, widened, doe and helpless, and searched for you.
“No!” He whined, softly enough to let you know that you possessed his submission, held all the cards, but packing enough volume that you could hear just how desperately he needed you. His fingers unfurled from the comforter; he looked to sit up. You got up onto your feet, your hand shooting out and flattening against his chest. You served him a sharp look, pushed him – persuaded him – to lie back down. His heart pounded beneath your touch.
“I call the shots here, Spence. Don’t make me angry or I’ll leave you all alone.”
He blinked at you, lips parted and gobsmacked. His gaze dropped to the floor, his lips threading together in resignation  — submission. He obeyed, lay back. You smiled. 
“Good boy.”
Now, hand lubricated, you got onto your knees, attached your fingers to the base of Spencer’s cock and felt him pulse. His tip was even more red than before, leaking profusely. 
“Hmm, I’m impressed. I’ve never seen anyone get this worked up so quickly.” You told him. You worked your hand towards the tip, falling just short before descending to the base again. Spencer’s chest fluttered, his breath shuttering, a light moan laced between his feathered panting. The closest thing to a cohesive response.
“I always thought you’d be big, but never this big,” you continued. As pre wept from his tip, you gathered it beneath your hand, used it to slip your hand up and down the expanse off his shaft with artificial ease. Faster. Your core clenched; you bit your lip. “Always wondered how you’d feel inside me,”
You gave Spencer another squeeze, grip tightening around his cock. He moaned — yelped — high-pitched and restless as your words reached him, stirred electricity in his centre. That, and the hold you had on him, enacting what he’d only ever been able to dream about.
Already, you could tell he was getting close. Even after only a few minutes, you could feel him twitching in ways he hadn’t earlier, seen the way he bit his lip, trying to keep from permeating the air with his moans. Telltale signs you’d witnessed in him before. Only once, when you’d heard him pleasuring himself, and when you’d peaked in, he was on the precipice. Making the same face as he did now. He never lasted long. Even by his own hand, he’d fall victim to an orgasm sooner rather than later. And you knew he wouldn’t last long now, especially with someone else pumping him, bringing him to the edge.
“You close, Baby?” Your voice was soft and concerned. The song of deception. Spencer, with his eyes squeezed shut and his faculties long since scattered to the four winds, nodded, the gesture a chore with his head bent over the back of the sofa. But not lost on you. “Use your words, Spence.” 
“Ye-yes,” he fumbled, voice weak, barely capable of standing on its own. Cracking.
“Look at me,” you said, firming your voice. Your wrist was starting to ache, but you persevered, feeling an expanding wetness between your legs become apparent as the sound of squelching and breathy, virgin moans filled the space.
Spencer, perhaps out of fear of you leaving him high and dry, or a simple carnal need to finish, could only open his eyes. His body had little strength or will to make him sit up, to give you anything more than a glistening, pleading, half-lidded stare; a symphony of euphoria the soundtrack to your front-seat viewing of his destruction.
“Am I the first person who’s ever touched you like this?” You knew the answer. You just wanted to hear him say it. Wanted him to admit to how you were unravelling him, inch by inch, strand by strand. His lips fell apart, but no answer prevailed. Particularly when you brushed over a sensitive spot just shy of the tip — one you’d intentionally missed before. He moaned, loudly, his back arching into your touch, eyes clenching shut.
“Oh no, you will answer me,” you said. Your grip on his dick began to loosen, soften. The sound of panic - hyperventilation - fell from Spencer’s lips.
“Yes!” He exclaimed, voice cut and scathed with ecstasy. “Yes– god, yes! you are–”
You bit the inside of your lip, the urge to relieve yourself of the heaviness forming in your core, the electric euphoria growing there, becoming too all-encompassing to ignore.
“Did you imagine that your first would be me?” This was a genuine question. Not that you’d stop now if the answer was anything other than what you wanted to hear. But still, the ego trip would be worth the risk.
Spencer quietened. A second’s deliberation to cross an already destroyed boundary from which neither of you could ever return. Long enough for your heart to slip and drop.
“Yes,” Spencer breathed, quieter than before “Only you.” 
And bounce back.
Fireworks fizzled in your chest, the urge to smile burned your cheeks. Your newfound vigour showed as you moved faster, hungry still, across Spencer’s shaft. He cried out.
“Mmm, good boy,” you said, voice glazed with a sweetness. “Being so honest.”
He was on the verge now. One step from falling into the throws of an orgasm.
“(Y/N),” he whimpered. He almost sounded scared, afraid of the static euphoria threatening to overtake him, to send him spiralling into a bursting, rippling, all-consuming ecstasy. His hands gripped at the sofa beneath him — whatever was within his grasp — leaving marks where his nails clawed at the fabric. “I’m so close—“
“I know, Baby,” you said. You smiled, thin and pensive. “I know.”
Without warning, you released him. Sat back on your calves and watched the scene unfold.
You thought he hadn’t noticed at first with how his breathing remained hasted, stumbling and staggering with breathy moans, whines and gasps. But, as the seconds rolled by, you saw the crease in Spencer’s brow deepen. Then his eyes slipped open. He saw you, sat back, doing nothing but gaze at him, doing nothing to alleviate the heavy, sopping, red, ravenous monster between his thighs. The one you had created. He groaned, hard. Whined.
“Why…why’d you stop?” He asked, his voice gaining volume the longer he was left unattended. The pleasure in his stomach was beginning to ebb away, fleeing him, shedding. He wrapped a hand about his base, and, biting his lip, tried to finish what you’d started. 
Not that you’d let that happen.
You came out of nowhere, grabbing Spencer’s wrist, bent it ‘til he winced, mouth widened in a silent cry, and his fingers slipped from his cock. Your face, narrowed and harsh, scowled.
“Oh no,” you said, almost tutted. “You don’t get to finish until I say so.”
“W-what?” His voice was high with incredulity, breathless with betrayal. “Why?” You couldn’t ignore the sound of betrayal, of injustice, in Spencer’s voice. It made something between your legs tighten. You leaned closer, and, as if to mirror you, so did Spencer.
“Because I wanna see you screaming and crying and begging by the time I’m through with you.”
You scarcely gave Spencer time to unpack your statement before you took his softening member between your lips and slid your tongue across the tip. Spencer cried out, hips rutting up in reflex, his body acting if it’s own accord. He gasped, breath knocked out of him.
You could taste salt as your lips engulfed the tip, allowing Spencer the small mercy of accustoming himself to this new feeling before overloading him. It was potent, viscous and sticky, having dried some before you book him into your mouth. You sucked, gently, and watched Spencer’s face scrunch up, his teeth bared as the foreign feeling of being touched by someone other than himself settled in his core. You hummed, the vibration causing Spencer to groan, his vein to twitch.
Your tongue lay flat against the side of his member as you mother the tip, descending an inch and taking more of him into your waiting cavern. You know Spencer would be long, but after what you’d seen — felt — you knew he would be a challenge. And you weren’t one to back down.
“(Y-Y/N)”, Spencer whispered. “Please, please— suck me,”
He didn’t have to ask you twice.
You filled your lungs with as much air as they could carry and took another inch. Spencer jumped, a shock of euphoria, and clenched his fists. Gasped. You sucked. Hard. Spencer cried out, moaned, his back arching and forcing another inch into you. You suppressed a gag as he grew closer to the back of your throat, focussing instead on tracing his most prominent vein with your tongue.
“Right there—“ he gasped, “Please, don’t stop,”
His pleading was difficult to ignore. Dismiss. You sucked, pulled yourself up to his tip before plunging back down on him again. A ceaseless, remorseless rhythm. And Spencer could only let it happen. Your name fell from between his lips just as you’d always pictured it would; pleading and desperate. Anguished at the prospect of denial. He writhed beneath your touch, held down only by your hands gripping his thighs, inching closer and closer to his with every passing second, leaving crescent grooves in the sensitive skin just shy of his groin.
Your cheeks, hollowed, showcased an enthusiasm — and competition — you’d never exhibited before. Your steadfast need to be Spencer’s first and last; to be all that he could ever dream and more. To show him he’ll never have it as good as you can give him.
On a withdrawal, you took a deep breath and, preparing yourself for what was about to come next, took more of him, swallowed an inch or two more. The tip of your nose was tickled by dark, curled hairs. You persevered, the warmth of Spencer’s body drawing you in. You could smell the soap he’d used to wash himself with earlier that day.
At the sudden engulfment, Spencer gasped, his hips lifting as his stomach tightened, spasmed. He only seemed able to return to form when you squeezed his thighs, a silent command. You could feel him twitching. He’d be close soon. Very soon. And you had no intention of stopping him this time.
With a sly hand, your fingers slid closer to Spencer’s groin until you were just a centimetre from your goal. You looked up at him from beneath your lashes, saw the effect you were having on him: panting, moaning, forehead beading with sweat and his eyes welded shut as he tried to acclimatise to this gifted euphoria — to the many shades of ecstasy you draped him in. Your name was a spell written on his tongue, your touch the key that fit into his soul. His missing link. Everything he’s ever needed.
With slow, creeping fingers, you slid your palm beneath Spencer’s member, felt for what you were searching for. Found them.
You wrapped your fingers around his balls, and, at the unforeseen contact, Spencer let out a shrill gasp, jumping as you handled the sensitive skin. Your heart almost leapt into your throat as Spencer’s movement disrupted your rhythm, and you stopped. His eyes shot open and he stiffened. You glared back up at him, all that you needed to say written in your stare. Sit back down. Now.
And, as you ran your thumb over the skin, gently, Spencer’s breathing evened out. The ebbing of his phantom orgasm reminded him of all he needed to do. He sat back against the sofa for what you would make sure would be the last time. With a firm band, you let Spencer know exactly how little authority he had here. You gave his balls a squeeze. His half-lidded eyes glued shut once again as any neglect he may have been feeling faded away, replaced instead by a spasming between his legs, a twitching in his cock. You felt it, too. You almost grinned.
You resumed your pace before Spencer’s orgasm could elude him for a second time, sucking his cock, slipping your tongue in the groove of his tip, tasting the salty residue as it collected in your throat, just thin enough to cling to the inside. A reminder. And your handling of his testicles left Spencer almost welding himself to the sofa, pushing himself further and further into the fabric; anything to prolong this feeling — to not lose his sanity as you brought him hurtling towards salvation.
He was leaking profusely, practically draining himself of his fluids as his body clenched and perspired and quivered beneath your touch. Spencer wasn’t even forming words anymore, your name lost amidst the newly-formed tears bundling and streaking his cheeks; the half-thoughts and breathless moans that permeated the room, reminded you that this was in fact real. And, in the last moments before Spencer’s crashing end, you looked up at him.
Breathtaking may have been an understatement;  with his brunette tendrils sprawled behind him, his hairline and forehead dampened with sweat, tears slipping from between his eyes, he could have been the attribute — the image — of Humanity’s greatest Vices: Lust.
You knew you were in the last stretch. You just had to bring it home.
Gorging yourself on Spencer’s aching, sobbing member, you massages his balls in your hand, your fingers pulsing around them, squeezing them, moulding them. The ache in your throat and your jaw scarcely reached your mind as you dedicated yourself to breaking Spencer. Once and for all. And, as he practically wept, chest heaving and stuttering as he cried, panted, moaned, you swallowed, tightly, around his cock, making sure the tightest part of your throat engulfed his swollen tip.
Time stopped. Spencer’s jaw unhinged, his back arched, his heels dug into the floor. A second passed. Then, a strangled, wanton, anguished moan tore from the depths of his very being, a banshee scream as something within him snapped. Then, ecstasy. Sheer, unencumbered euphoria — the likes of which his infinitely ingenious mind couldn’t even begin to conjure.
“(Y-Y/N)!“ he cried, his voice tangling about your name like vines, tethering his very soul to you, your angel touch. Thick ropes of semen flowed from his tip, stray beads filling your mouth, coating your tongue, while the rest slid down your throat. You swallowed, both to prolong the waves of Spencer’s orgasm — the sculpture of Desire his face has become — and to glean the viscosity, the rawness, of Spencer’s load. Every time you swallowed, he moaned, helpless, his voice losing power with every excursion. Wilting. Leaving him capable now only of whining when your throat constricted him, milked him for all he was worth.
A minute passed. Spencer remained pinned to the sofa, weighted by his own fatigue. His eyes were no longer bolted shut but rather seemed to rest, the harsh lines protruding from the corners as he clenched them tightly receding, leaving him with an expression of the most serene. His cock still twitched every once in a while, but you could feel him softening by the second. He was spent, that much you knew. You withdrew, slowly, making sure that the both of you heard the obscene friction between your cum-coated tongue and his saliva-sodden member, ensuring you left a parting flick of your tongue across his slit, sending a jolt through him.
You sat back on your calves, panted. The haze which had overcome you, driven you to the extreme of taking Spencer to the edge of insanity and back, was beginning to settle, solidifying and sealing away your  possessive streak until it would be called into enlistment again. The taste of Spencer lingered in your mouth, beneath the crevices of your aching tongue, between your teeth. Your cheeks, tinted warm with exertion, we’re hot to the touch, your forehead moist with beads of sweat. Evidence of your doings.
Eventually, his breathing evening out, Spencer cracked his eyes open, chocolate pupils glistening, as if lit by the illumination of a third, newly opened eye. Realisation. He swallowed, Adam’s apple dipping and rising, and licked his lips.
“Did—“ his voice rasped. He flinched. “Did you finish?”
You suppressed a laugh and opted instead for a smile. For a super genius, Spencer really didn’t know much. You brushed the gap between his thighs, rested your arms atop them like planks of wood, and perched your chin atop them.
“That’s not how it works, Spence,” you said. The heat between your legs was receding, though a wetness remained, threaded into the fabric of your underwear. You shifted, tried to move so you couldn’t feel it. “But thank you for your consideration.”
Spencer looked down at you beneath hooded eyes. Light no longer danced in them with lust, an internal partner. Instead, something else dwelled.
A fractional whimsy, perhaps. Or…
“Why don’t you teach me how it works, then?”
Your gaze, softening as fatigue overtook you, sharpened. Your brow furrowed, lips parted. Pupils dilated.
You were surprised.
When you didn’t say anything, Spencer leaned forward, finally able to muster the strength to do so, and met you. The top of his nose, button, tapped yours. He smiled. A watery, uncertain, yet enthused smile.
Regardless of how scarcely you believed it — how confident your dear, sweet, inexperienced Spencer had become — you refused to let the chance pass you by. And you smiled, wide and unabashed, and, one hand coming to grip his tie, you pressed your nose to his, peered into his eyes.
“I’d like nothing more, Doctor Reid,” you said, pulling him in by his tie and pressing your lips to his. And there, you could feel his smile broaden.
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously and it is greatly appreciated :-)
Masterlist Masterpost
Yandere Masterlist Juicy Original Content <3
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Merry christler
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Something for @bunnwich s event thingy. Vincent’s favorite holiday is Christmas and giving gifts to everyone.
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Also here’s a silly goofy thing I drew. The couple is Vincent and Julian, who argues about which holiday is better. They love each other, they are so silly. The other random guy is Morgan my other oc.
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pedroscurls · 8 months
Dirty Little Secret (Part 4).
Character(s): no-outbreak, age-gap!Joel Miller x fem!Reader Summary: You attend the joint bachelor and bachelorette party in Las Vegas, which gives you and Joel enough time apart to figure out the feelings that are beginning to develop. Word count: 5.7k A/N: Thank you everyone for being so patient with me. I haven't had the motivation to write up until recently, so here's to hoping that the motivation stays! (also here's the dress Reader was wearing)  Warning: age-gap (Joel is in his 50s, reader is in her early-30s), light dirty talk, sneaking around, masturbation (joel through facetime) SERIES MASTERLIST - ultimate masterlist
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It’s been a little over a month since you and Joel began sneaking around. He comes over to your apartment whenever he’s finished with work. It’s easier for him to be at your apartment than for you to be at his house; there’s less of a chance of being caught since Sarah and Drew rarely stop by at your apartment unannounced. 
The joint bachelor and bachelorette party is this weekend and while you’re excited to celebrate with Sarah, Drew, and the rest of the bridal party and groomsmen, you’d rather spend your weekend with Joel. It starts to scare you how much you enjoy his presence and how often he’s staying the night at your apartment. You try to tell yourself not to get too attached because this “relationship” you’ve started with him was never meant to be permanent. 
After all, you and Joel are just having fun. This isn’t meant to turn serious, but the more you spend time with him, the more you feel the butterflies swarm in the pit of your stomach. Joel makes you feel like you never have before and you aren’t sure if it’s because of the sex or if it’s because there’s something deeper that you’re beginning to feel for him. 
Whenever you’re alone, you continue to tell yourself that you’re not meant to settle down. Marriage and commitment isn’t something you want and you’re sure Joel isn’t interested in it either – especially not with someone of your age.
You’re packing your luggage when you hear the sound of a knock. Standing from the floor, you walk towards your door and open it to find Joel with a bag of food and a small grin on his face. You look at the time and realize that he probably finished work early, but before you can even speak, Joel steps in and wraps an arm around your waist. He dips down to peck your lips and sighs contentedly. 
This has become a routine. He comes by after work, pulls you into his arms, gives you a gentle kiss, and exhales a breath that tells you he’s relieved to be here with you. It makes the butterflies begin to flutter in your stomach and you can’t help but lean into him and hold onto his broad frame. 
“Hi,” you finally say. 
“Hey, darlin’,” Joel says, pulling away from you to remove his boots and shut your door behind him. 
“Whatcha got there?” you smile, pointing to the bag he’s holding.
“Burgers and fries.” 
You let out a groan and pull on his arm, leading him towards your kitchen. “Yes,” you laugh. “You read my mind.” 
“I just know what you like,” he winks. Joel sits down and pulls you onto his lap, an arm draped around your waist as your arm snakes around his shoulders. He finds that he loves being around you, loves the way you make him feel; there’s an excitement that he feels whenever he’s around you and the more he spends time with you, the more Joel begins to feel that there’s something more to this. He doesn’t know how you feel, but Joel realizes that he wants more of this, more of you; he hasn’t felt this happy in so long, but it also scares him. After Sarah’s mom and a handful of other failed relationships, Joel made a promise to himself that settling down or even getting into a serious relationship was no longer in the cards for him. But you… You came out of nowhere and Joel constantly is thinking about you whenever he’s not with you. It’s daunting and overwhelming when he realizes that the feelings he has for you are much more serious than he had planned for. 
He has to tell himself that whatever’s going on between the both of you has an expiration date. Once the wedding is over so will be your relationship with him. Joel tries to keep this relationship purely just sex, but something shifted in the last month. He’s spending more and more nights at your apartment and he’s coming by more often too. Joel tries to convince himself that the sex is the reason why he keeps coming back, but that’s only part of it… And Joel isn’t yet ready to admit to himself that this can be something deeper than either of you expected. 
“So,” you say, pulling Joel from his thoughts. “The joint bachelor and bachelorette party is next weekend.” 
“Hm,” he mumbles, looking up at you. “You excited?” 
“I am, actually. It’ll be nice to just getaway.” 
“From me?” Joel asks, teasingly. 
You roll your eyes. “I will miss you.” 
Joel grins and the feeling in the pit of his stomach doesn’t go unnoticed. “Yeah?” 
You nod, leaning in to peck his lips lightly. “What am I gonna do without you?” you sigh teasingly. “All those clubs and bars we’re gonna go to, all the drinks and dancing…”
Joel’s eyes narrow and suddenly, he feels jealous. It creeps slowly, but all he can think about now is the amount of men that most likely will be throwing themselves at you. It’s hard not to think about the possibility of you dancing with another man, taking someone back to your hotel room, having a night of fun with someone other than him. It angers him and it only makes the feelings he has for you even stronger. This isn’t supposed to be serious, but why is he getting jealous and upset over something that you have every right to do if you wanted? 
“Hm,” Joel repeats. 
“I’m just kidding,” you reply, taking note of the shift in his demeanor. “You know I’m joking, right?” 
Joel shrugs and takes a bite of his burger, looking up at you and trying to mask and cover what he was truly feeling. “I know,” he mumbles, swallowing his food. “‘Sides, we ain’t officially together. You can do whatever you’d like, darlin’.” It pains him to say it, pains him to actually see the disappointment in your features, pains him when you get up from his lap to walk into the kitchen. He knows he upset you with his response, but Joel forces himself to stay seated, forces himself not to address the obvious tension that now lingers in the air. 
He wonders, by your reaction, if you’re feeling the same way he is. While it does excite him to know that you might possibly have the same feelings, it also scares him because Joel knows this can’t be more than it is now. 
You fill up a glass of water for yourself, back turned to Joel, as you think about what he just said. It shouldn’t bother you this much, but it does. It reminds you that the feelings that were beginning to stir inside of you are only one-sided. Joel doesn’t want a serious relationship with someone as young as you, someone as damaged as you. 
Joel bites the inside of his cheek and lets out a quiet sigh. He stands from the table and walks over in your direction, arms slowly wrapping around your waist. He feels you stiffen momentarily before you lean back against him. Joel finds that he loves having you in his arms, loves the way you lean into him, loves the way you fit perfectly against him. 
“I will miss you too, darlin’,” he whispers into your ear, gently placing light kisses along the side of your neck. “But I’ll be right here when you get back.” 
You shut your eyes and sigh quietly, moving your hands to rest on his forearms. You try to push your feelings down, try and forget the possibility that this could be something more, and you turn around in his arms to look up at him. “What will you do without me?” you tease, biting your lower lip.
Joel smiles, linking his hands together at your lower back. “Be miserable, I suppose.” 
“So dramatic,” you giggle, moving your hands to his hair and playing with the curls at his nape. You notice that his hair has gotten just a tad bit longer than when you first met him and it gives you more of a reason to run your fingers through it. 
“Would it be okay if we just have a quiet night?” Joel asks. “Work was exhausting and–”
“You think I’m only using you for your body?” you gasp, feigning a shocked look on your face. “I mean, that’s a huge plus, but I like having you around.” 
“Oh, I do like the sound of that, darlin’.” 
You smile and lean up to peck his lips. “So, does that mean we get to cuddle?” 
Joel nods. “Cuddle and a movie?” he suggests. 
“You spoil me,” you laugh. “You bring me food, ask to cuddle and watch a movie? You sure you’re real?” 
Joel chuckles and kisses your forehead. “You deserve the best, darlin’. Come on.” He pulls away and takes your hand, leading you towards your living room. He sits on the couch and props his feet on your coffee table, patting the spot next to him. 
You grin and join him instantly, curling against his side as you bring your legs underneath you on the couch. You lean into him and Joel grabs your throw blanket and drapes it over both of your lower halves. Joel turns on the television and puts on some random movie because he knows that as soon as the movie starts, you’re gonna start to fall asleep, especially when you’re as comfortable as you are now. 
Your arm is draped over his midsection and your cheek resting against his shoulder. Moments like this make you feel calm, make you feel safe and it’s really only when Joel spends the night that you actually get some rest. You find that his presence is soothing, but you know that you can’t tell him that. 
“You gonna fall asleep, ain’t ya?” Joel whispers.
“No,” you respond, shaking your head. “I’m just really comfy.” 
Joel doesn’t respond, but he smiles. He looks down at you as his arm wraps around your shoulders to pull you closer. He sees your eyes slowly begin to close and he finds himself just getting lost in this moment. He had a stressful day at work, but the entire day, he just couldn’t wait to see you. 
You have become the best part of his day, whether he sees you or not. You will either give him a call or a text just to let him know that you’re thinking of him and it makes him feel so special that sometimes he can’t even put into words the feelings you give him. 
“Okay,” you mumble, “I might fall asleep.” You move to lie down, resting your head on his lap and Joel lets out a soft chuckle. He gently brushes your hair away from your face as he stares down at you, gently tapping the tip of your nose. 
“Wanna head to bed?” Joel asks.
You shake your head and grab his hand, bringing it to your chest as your eyes remain shut. “I’m comfy here.” 
Joel smiles to himself and nods, lacing his fingers with yours as you held his hand against your chest. Slowly as the minutes pass, you fall further and further into a deep slumber and Joel lets out a contented sigh. He looks around your apartment and bites his lower lip. This gives him a lot to think about and now that you’re going to be away for the weekend, Joel hopes that he has a better understanding of his feelings for you.
A few days later and Joel’s getting ready to leave your apartment. He sees your luggage near the door and after an eventful past couple of days with you - and also you giving him a show of what you were going to wear while in Las Vegas - he feels a heaviness that settles in the pit of his stomach. He knows that you are only going to be gone for the weekend, but a lot can happen in two days… and a lot can happen while in Las Vegas. 
“Text me when you get there?” Joel says, pulling you into his arms. 
“Of course,” you smile, leaning up to peck his lips. “Will you be here when I get back?”
“Ain’t goin’ nowhere.” 
“I mean, can you be here in my apartment when I get back?” 
Joel bites his lower lip and he sees you grab an extra set of keys. Before it can even register in his mind, you’re handing him the keys and the hopeful look in your eyes captures his attention instantly. “Sure,” he responds. “I’ll be here, baby.” 
You smile and wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him into a tight embrace. This almost feels like it’s a glimpse into the inevitable goodbye that you and Joel will have to do when all of the wedding festivities are over. You hold onto him a little bit longer and you feel Joel tighten his grip around your waist too. 
“You gonna be a good girl while you’re out there?” he teases, letting out a quiet chuckle. 
You narrow your eyes at him and tilt your head. “If I’m not?” 
Joel licks his lower lip and smirks. “Then I guess we’ll see, won’t we?” 
“Tease,” you smile, kissing his cheek. “Yes, I’ll be good. Just for you.” 
Joel grins. “That’s what I like to hear.” He holds you closer to him and lets out a quiet sigh, pressing his lips into your hair and shutting his eyes. “I better get goin’ then, darlin’.” 
You nod and pull away slowly, looking up into his eyes. “Yeah, me too. I’m meeting everyone at the airport.” 
Joel nods and kisses your forehead. “Alright, darlin’. I’ll talk to you soon, yeah?” 
“I’ll let you know when we land.” 
“Have fun, baby.” Joel pulls away and reaches out for your door knob, turning it slowly as he looks over at you from top to bottom. He smiles to himself and opens the door. “But not too much fun, okay?” 
“I’m all yours,” you tell him quietly. 
Joel hears that and he smiles to himself, reaching out for you to pull you back into his arms. “All mine, huh?” 
You nod and look up at him, biting your lower lip. “All yours.” 
“Good,” Joel says, moving a hand down to grasp your backside. He squeezes it and watches as you let out a quiet gasp, hands moving to rest on his chest. He pecks your lips again and then pulls away. “If I don’t leave now, I ain’t ever going to.” 
“Wouldn’t be a bad thing.” 
Joel chuckles. “But you need to be at the airport, darlin’.” 
“I know,” you sigh. “I’ll see you in a few days, Joel.” 
“See ya, baby.” 
You land in Las Vegas, feeling the dry air hit you instantly. It’s so dry and it’s so hot, but all you can even think about is getting to your hotel room and giving Joel a call. You sent him a text once you landed to let him know that you and the rest of the party landed and he had responded with a thumbs up emoji. 
Drew and Sarah are hand in hand as you all enter the hotel, watching them check the party in. You lean against the wall and let out a quiet sigh, pulling your phone out to see that Joel had sent you another text asking if you could give him a call when you got the chance. You notice the way the excitement settles in the pit of your stomach, knowing that you get to speak with him soon. 
Once Drew and Sarah check in, he hands you all your own key card and tells you all to get some rest before the festivities of tonight. They have the entire night planned and you know that you need as much rest as you can. You hug Drew and Sarah before going to your room and setting your luggage near the bed. Lying back on the bed, you grab your phone and dial Joel’s number almost instantly. 
He picks up after the second ring and you can hear him shuffling in the background, like he’s walking barefoot in his home. 
“Hey, darlin’,” he says. 
“I’m in Vegas and it’s so hot,” you sigh, draping an arm over your eyes. 
Joel chuckles and it makes you smile. “How was the flight?” 
“Not too bad. Kept thinking about you though.”
“Oh yeah?” 
“Yeah,” you reply. “It’s hard not to, if I’m being honest.” You bite your lower lip, imagining that Joel’s lying down next to you and with the phone pressed against your ear, it’s almost as if he’s right there. With you. Close to you. 
“Been thinkin’ about you too, darlin’.” 
Your stomach flips and you turn onto your stomach, burying your face against the pillow as you’re smiling so big. You can’t even think about tonight because all you want to do is stay on the phone with Joel. 
“Why ya mumblin’?” Joel chuckles. “S’that so surprising? That I’m thinkin’ about you?” 
“A bit,” you reply honestly. “I’m just–” you sigh. “I’m just me.” 
“And that’s why I’m thinkin’ about you. Because you’re you.” 
“I’m not that special.” 
Joel lets out a sigh. He wants to tell you that you’re so special that he thinks about you all the time, that whenever he isn’t with you, he’s counting down the minutes until he gets to be with you again, that you’re so special that ever since he’s met you, he’s thinking of so many other ways to be with you. 
And he wants to be with you, more than you even know. 
“Guess that’s a conversation to have in person,” Joel finally responds. “What d’ya have planned for tonight?” 
“Drew and Sarah have the whole trip planned,” you reply. “But it sounds like there's going to be a lot of clubs, so they told me to get as much rest as I can.” 
Joel tightens his jaw. All he can imagine is what you’ll be wearing, how beautiful you’ll look, and how he won’t be able to be there to see it in person. As he thinks about tonight, he can’t help the jealousy that begins to bubble inside of him again. He knows that there will be men trying to talk to you, trying to dance with you, trying to buy you drinks… And he also can’t help but think about the possibility of you bringing someone back to your hotel room. He knows he shouldn’t be jealous, shouldn’t feel this territorial over you, but Joel’s starting to realize that he likes you. A lot. 
“Doesn’t sound like my kind of party,” Joel chuckles. “I hope you have fun though, baby.” 
“I’d rather be spending tonight with you,” you sigh. “As much as I love going out and dancing, I’m starting to enjoy our quiet nights in.” 
Joel can’t help but smile. It makes him wonder if you feel the same way; it gives him hope that maybe this could work. “Me too. I’d rather you be here too.” 
“Do you wanna see what I’ll be wearing tonight?” you ask, biting your lower lip. 
“That depends,” Joel chuckles. “Is it gonna make me want to rip it off of you?” 
You whimper. “Joel…”
“What? M’being serious, darlin’.” 
“Okay, maybe I’ll just describe it…”
Joel tsks and lets out a quiet chuckle. “Nuh uh. You’re sending me a picture of what you’ll be wearing tonight. Maybe FaceTime me while you’re getting ready?” 
You blush and turn on your back, feeling the butterflies swarm in your belly. “You just wanna see me.” 
“I do,” Joel answers honestly. “Will that be okay?” 
“Of course it’s okay,” you smile. “I’d like to see you before I go out tonight.” 
“So, FaceTime me while you’re getting ready?” Joel repeats. 
“Yes, sir,” you grin. 
Joel lets out a quiet groan that shoots straight to your core. All you can imagine is that sound against your ear as he’s thrusting into you. “Y’know what you’re doin’, don’t ya?” 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
“Naughty,” he growls. “I’ll let you get some rest, but I’ll talk to you in a few hours.” 
“Yes, sir.”
“Oh, baby,” Joel chuckles. “You’re gonna pay for that when you get back.”
“Hell yeah, it’s a promise.” 
You’re woken up to the sound of your phone buzzing. You sit up from the bed and rub your eyes, seeing the unread text messages from Drew and Sarah – they had sent a list of clubs that they wanted to check out that night. It looked like it was going to be a lot of fun, a lot of dancing and drinking, but your mind lingered on Joel. 
You stand from the bed to grab the red dress that you were going to wear tonight. You set it on the bed and take a photo of it, sending it to Joel before you go to the bathroom to take a quick shower. It only lasts for fifteen minutes and once you step out, a towel wrapped around your frame and hair dripping on your back, you hear your phone ring. 
Leaving the bathroom and walking back into your room, you pick up your phone and see the countless text messages from Joel and a couple of missed calls. Laughing quietly to yourself, you answer your phone and see Joel’s face appear on the screen.
“Been callin’ you.” 
“I was in the shower.”
“And you were supposed to call me while you’re getting ready,” Joel chuckles. 
“That included my shower?” 
“Especially your shower.” 
You smile to yourself and walk back to the bathroom. You set your phone down on the counter and smile at the sight of Joel. You can tell that he’s staring at you, trying to get a glimpse of something more than just you in your towel. 
“Did you see the dress?”
“Oh, I saw it.” 
“What do you think?” 
“I think I’d like to see you in it.” 
You chuckle and comb your hair back away from your face, turning your phone to lie back as the screen now shows the ceiling of your bathroom.
“Where d’ya go?” Joel asks.
“Putting on my bra and underwear.” 
“Can I see?” 
You feel a blush appear along your cheeks and turn the camera to face you. Joel lets out a quiet groan at the sight of you, completely bare. 
“Well, fuck,” Joel finally says. “You are just–” 
“Wish you were here,” you interrupt, pulling on your black lace panties and matching bra. You can hear Joel protest when you cover yourself, but he’s still looking at you like you’re the most beautiful person he’s ever seen. It makes you feel so special and you wish you could just reach out for him. 
“I wish I was there too, darlin’.” Joel smiles to himself, completely enamored with watching you get ready. He knows that your attention is elsewhere, but he finds that he likes this, likes being able to see you in your own element. 
It gets loud when you turn on the hair dryer, but Joel doesn’t mind. He sees your hips sway and it looks like you’re singing to yourself, the sound of the hair dryer drowning it out. He can’t help but notice the feeling that settles in the pit of his stomach like always. 
And when you finish with your hair dryer, Joel watches you look over in his direction. Your eyes meet through the screen and Joel wants to blurt out how much you mean to him, how much he can’t wait until you’re back. 
But he doesn’t. 
You take your phone and bring it to the room, setting it against the television as you begin to pull on the red dress. It’s casual, but it’s a single strap that rests on one shoulder. The dress is completely fitted and shapes your curves, but what catches Joel’s eye is the way the top of your dress is cutout at the waist, revealing part of your abdomen. He also sees the thigh-high side slit and it literally excites him, his manhood stirring awake at the sight of you. 
“Do you like it?” You ask, taking him out of his trance. “Is it too much?” 
“You look fuckin’ incredible.” Joel reaches down to readjust himself and he sees you catch him, the subtle movement of his hand moving down and away from the front facing camera. 
“Did you just–”
“Shush,” Joel interrupts. “I can’t help it. You just look amazing.” 
“Are you going to…” You begin, pointing downwards. 
“You know…” 
“I don’t know,” he replies, teasingly. “Am I going to what, baby?” 
“Touch yourself?” 
“Ya want me to?” 
You nod, biting your lower lip as you reach for the phone to bring it closer to you. “If you want. I mean, I’d like to see you–”
Joel interrupts you by undoing the buckle of his belt. “Whatever you want, baby.” 
Now it’s your turn to watch. He sets his phone down on his nightstand, adjusting it so that you can get a clear view of him. He’s sitting on his bed, leaning back against the headframe as he shimmies out of his jeans and boxers. You gasp at the sight of his erected manhood and Joel reaches down to grasp himself, eyes falling shut. 
“Talk to me,” Joel mumbles, tugging on his length. 
“You look–” you bite your lower lip, eyes averting between the movement of him stroking his member and with the look on his face. It’s something you’ll have to commit to memory, how he’s touching himself at the thought of you. You watch as Joel tilts his head back, giving you a clear view of his exposed neck down to the shirt that he’s wearing, so tight around his arms, muscles flexing as he continues to stroke himself. 
“I wish I was on top of you,” you finally say, licking your lips. “Riding you…”
“Fuck,” Joel growls, tightening his grip further around his length. All he can think about is you, all he can see is you. Even behind his closed eyelids, you’re all he can imagine. On top of him. Rolling your hips. Feeling your walls tighten around his manhood, milking him with each movement. It’s enough to bring him closer and closer to the edge; his hand isn’t the same, but this will have to do. 
Until you get back home. 
Until you’re back with him. 
“I wish you could feel how wet I’m getting,” you tell him, seeing his hand quicken its pace. You can tell he’s close, can tell that he won’t be able to last any longer, especially when he opens his eyes and stares straight at you through the screen. His jaw is slack, lips parted slightly, and continuous groans leaving his lips.
“Oh fuck,” he mumbles, his eyes taking in your frame and noticing how your eyes stay solely focused on him and his movements. Joel’s never done this before, never has had someone watch him jerk off, but it excites him. It excites him so much just from the way you’re looking at him, the want and desire filling your eyes. It excites him enough to send him over the edge.
“Come for me, Joel,” you whisper quietly, but loud enough for him to hear. 
That’s all it took. He tries to cover his tip, but he just makes a mess of his release, seeping through the cracks of his fingers. Joel’s entire body shudders because he loves the way you say his name just as much as he loves the look you always give him. He tugs on his length a couple of more times before leaning back against the bed frame, breaths coming in heavily as he stares at you with a lopsided smirk. 
“I made a mess,” he chuckles. 
“Wish I was there to clean it up.”
Joel’s eyes narrow at you through the screen. “Naughty girl.” 
“Only for you.” 
You watch Joel get up from bed, clad in only his t-shirt as he disappears from view. You assume it’s so that he can clean himself up and your phone quietly notifies you of a text message from Sarah and Drew. They’re leaving soon and you’re supposed to meet up with them in about half an hour. You don’t want to get off the phone with Joel, but once he comes back into view, he picks up the phone and smiles at you. 
“You really do look beautiful, darlin’.” 
“Not too much?” you repeat. 
“Not at all, baby. I’m a tad bit jealous that other people are gonna get to see you like this. In person.” 
“I can wear it for you when I get back.”
“Oh, I’d like that very much, darlin’.” 
You smile, biting your lower lip as your heart soars at the sight of him. The feeling you have for Joel is something you’ve never experienced and you have to wonder if this is what Sarah and Drew feel for each other. It can’t be possible, though, that maybe you’re falling in love with him. 
With Joel.
With one of your best friend’s dad. 
“I better get going, Joel.” 
He nods, but you notice the way disappointment flashes across his features briefly. “Be safe, baby.” 
“I’m not sure if I’ll be able to give you a call when I get back to my hotel room, but I promise I’ll try.” 
“Sounds good, darlin’.” Joel wants to tell you to have fun, but not too much fun. He wants to tell you not to get too crazy, not to allow dirtbags to get in your space, to keep your guard up, aware of your surroundings, but he doesn’t. He keeps his mouth shut. Joel sees your smile before you say bye and when the call finally ends, Joel sighs. He feels an emptiness settle in his chest; he thought that having you away for a few days would help him figure out his feelings for you, but instead, it’s doing the opposite. It’s making him more confused, more scared because deep down, Joel already knows how he feels about you. 
Part of him just hopes that he has the courage to tell you. 
And he hopes that you at least feel the same way. 
The entire weekend in Las Vegas passed all too quickly. You can’t even remember everything that you did; you just remember a lot of drinking and a lot of dancing. Despite all the fun you did have, you just couldn’t wait to get back home. To Joel. 
You’re groggy and exhausted by the time you walk up to your front door. There’s still a lingering hangover and you just want to be in bed, in Joel’s arms, and sleep for a few days. You’re hopeful that Joel will be at your apartment like you asked him to, so when you unlock the door and open it quietly, you can faintly hear the television. 
“Joel?” you call out, dropping your luggage near the door and removing your shoes. 
You hear his footsteps approach you and you let out a quiet exhale. Turning around, you see him leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest and a small smile lining his lips. 
“You’re alive.” 
You roll your eyes and walk over to him, trying to hold in your excitement at the sight of him. It was only a few days and yet, you were missing him every second. You wrap your arms around him and bury your face against him, inhaling his scent and reveling in the feel of his muscles when his strong arms snake around your waist. 
“I’m exhausted,” you mumble. 
“You look it,” Joel chuckles. 
You pull away just enough and gently smack his chest. “Mean.” 
Joel smirks and takes your hand, leading you down the hallway and to your bedroom. Without hesitation, he scoops you up into his arms and lays you back on your mattress. You stare up at him, arm wrapping around his shoulders and hand playing with the hair at his nape. 
When he lays you back, you pull him down with you and Joel settles between your legs, arms resting at either side of you. You can feel his weight on top of you and it brings you comfort, blankets you in safety and security; this is where you belong. With Joel. 
“Thank you for being here when I got back,” you say, arms snaking around his shoulders as you play with his curls. 
“You asked me to be here, so…” Joel smiles. “Here I am.”
You look down at him and gently peck his lips. It’s odd how comforting this is, how safe you feel, how you’re beginning to yearn for more moments like this. 
“Missed you,” you whisper, beginning to run your fingers through his hair. Your eyes slowly fall shut, feeling Joel’s cheek rest against your chest. 
“Missed ya too, baby.” Joel responds, looking up at you. “Wanna take a nap, darlin’?” 
You nod and feel him get off of you to lie next to you instead. You turn on your side and Joel curls up right behind you, arm draped over your waist and tugging you flush against him. He places soft kisses along the back of your shoulder before he buries his face against the side of your neck. 
“I can get used to this,” you whisper as you slowly begin to fall asleep. 
Joel nods against you and all he can think about is having more days like this, more moments spent with you, and he wants so badly to tell you how he feels. Seeing you run up to him, the smile on your face, it gives him a warm sensation in the pit of his belly. 
The brief time away from you just confirmed his feelings for you, but he knows that it can’t be more than what it is. Joel doesn’t deserve you, but he can’t find it within him to pull away, to distance himself from you. He knows holding onto you for as long as he can will inevitably break his heart, but he would rather have you this way than not have you at all. 
“Me too,” he finally replies, placing one more kiss on your shoulder before he allows himself to sleep as well. 
taglist: @she-could-never | @joeldjarin | @janaispunk | @jessie8605 | @untamedheart81 | @paleidiot | @vickie5446
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mariaofdoranelle · 1 year
Look at Us Now - ch. 18
Fic masterlist
Warnings: very light nsfw?
Words: 2,6k
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“Do my boobs look too big in this?”
Aelin snapped her head back to Lysandra, that question unexpected given the birthday party they were in. She was pretty sure her friend was only being that vocal because they were alone at the table, the kids letting loose nearby with the entertainer. “What?”
Lys showed her phone—the photoshop app, to be more precise—and insisted, “Do my boobs still look freakish?”
She rolled her eyes and analyzed the picture, zooming in Lys’ boobs. Lysandra Ennar, the only person Aelin knew that made her breasts look smaller with photoshop. “They look amazing, just as they do in person. Remind me why you use those apps again?”
“Aelin Galathynius, this is a judgment-free zone,” she chastised in a low tone, the poorly-concealed crinkle in her eyes giving away that her offense was nothing but a joke. “This is an illusion, just like that pink bikini you bought with me.”
She took a sip of her milkshake, squinting her eyes at Lys. That bikini did work as a real-life photoshop, pushing up what needed to be pushed up and hugging her body like it had been made exclusively for her body. Too bad Rowan was too busy ignoring her to notice.
“Leave the pink bikini out of it.”
“Fine.” Lysandra blocked her phone and left it with the screen facing the table. “But will you ever tell me what happened on that trip?”
“Nothing happened on the trip,” Aelin lied.
“I don’t believe you.”
“You shouldn’t,” Aelin said before busying her mouth with chocolate milkshake.
Lysandra gasped. “Did you guys do it?”
Aelin wrinkled her nose, disappointed with herself. “No.”
“Boo!” Her friend leaned back on her chair, wearing a vacant stare. “Don’t you miss it when people were just like, ‘Hey, wanna do it or not?’ and that was it?“
Aelin choked on her milkshake. “Are you talking about college?”
“What? No!” Lys chuckled, her eyes filled with mirth. “Like, thousands of years ago when everyone was gay and poly, and people drew themselves having big orgies in vases or something.”
Aelin threw her head back, laughing. “I think they were drawing because they didn’t have cameras, Lys.”
“Still.” Her friend’s eyes narrowed, not happy to have her theory debunked. “I doubt that Ancient Aelin would be in the same situation you’re now.”
She waved Lysandra off, mostly because a godsend server approached their table with more fries and mini hot-dogs. The amount of food at children’s parties made her resent adult ones a little. When did people decide that a bunch of different cheese is proper food?
She posted the picture after Lysandra edited it completely, but her mind was going a mile a minute.
Maybe Aelin should channel Ancient Aelin.
Not literally, but after so much talking and waiting and looking for clues, maybe she should just drop a blunt question and see how much of her relationship with Rowan was salvageable. If all that waiting was leaving them somewhere or not.
And after Aelin decided to put an end to this blind anticipation, it was like nothing existed besides her goal. Every person there wasn’t Rowan, the one she needed to talk to. Every stretch of time was too long before she found him. The space between this venue and his house felt twice as long.
“You’re antsy,” Lysandra said without taking her eyes off the phone.
“I’m watching the kids.”
“Liar, liar, pants on fire.”
Aelin frowned, her food tapping. “There’s this thing I have to do. Do you mind watching Maisie? I can pick her up at your place. Or you drop her at mine. I’ll owe you this one.”
Lysandra raised an eyebrow, skeptical. “Are you making me babysit to get laid?”
“No.” Aelin felt her cheeks heating. It wasn’t a lie because she had no guarantee of getting laid, but it was part of her intention.
“Pity.” Lys picked on her nails, a nonchalant expression on her face. “Because Maisie’s a little terror, I’m only watching her for a good reason.”
“Fine,” she said through clenched teeth, resigned. “I need to see Rowan, but I’m not sure what’s gonna happen. Happy?”
“Very.” Her smile was nothing short of devilish. “Auntie Lys is happy to take over.”
Turns out Maisie wasn’t excited about that. Instead, she decided to come with Aelin.
“We should play freeze tag,” her little girl said at the same time her phone pinged.
Aedion: who’s the chick you posted a pic with
“Not now, honey. What about some TV, and we play freeze tag later?” She suggested while typing.
Aelin: wouldn’t you like to know
Aedion: tell me
“No!” Maisie shouted inside the car. “The TV is there forever, I want to play with you and Daddy.”
Aelin held back a flinch. Even if their family was a lot closer these days, they still had separate lives. Playing all three together was a frequent occurrence now, but not enough for Maisie to discard the opportunity.
This was one of the things she was hoping to change today.
“What about the drums, Mais?”
She typed while waiting for her daughter’s response.
Aelin: she’s my soccer mom bestie
Aelin: we bond over motherhood and my cursed love life
“I do like my drums,” Maisie agreed in that stubborn way of hers, making Aelin fist pump inside her mind when her phone pinged again.
Aedion: can her husband fight
She snorted, affectionately rolling her eyes before opening Rowan’s garden gate. She wouldn’t give Aedion the satisfaction of knowing that her friend’s a single mom, especially since Lys is too good for her manwhore cousin.
After setting Maisie in the garage and making sure she was safe there, Aelin rounded the house towards the backyard and knocked on the kitchen’s back door.
It was an odd sight. Rowan’s kitchen was a mess, his sink overflowing with dirty dishes while the utensils were scrambled over the counter, looking no better than Maisie’s play kitchen. He was already leaving through the other door when he turned around and let her in.
“Hey.“ Rowan gave her a small smile. ”I heard Maisie’s drums and thought it was a ghost. The party’s over already?”
Indeed, the kid’s drums were loud and clear two rooms over. She wondered why Rowan’s parents bought the chaotic ones instead of the ones with headphones.
Aelin shook her head. Not the time to think about drums.
She took a step deeper inside the kitchen heart thrumming as his expectant eyes watched her.
“We need to talk.”
“We do,” he said before taking off his apron and hanging it near him, his movements stiff. “Do you want me to start?”
“I’ll do it.” She tapped the side of her head. “I’m ready.”
When she said it, Aelin didn’t know she was, in fact, not ready.
She watched his open—if not a little uneasy—face, recalling some rules of non-violent communication inside her head. They hadn’t needed to strictly follow it in a while, but Aelin didn’t want to risk it. She wasn’t above making a scandal, but she wanted to show Rowan that he didn’t need to hide. No matter what happened, they could still be civil. No need to run away from her or shout.
She opened her mouth, but the words didn’t come. Step 1: communicate everything that happened without blaming your partner. Since this conversation was a last-minute decision, she didn’t know how to explain everything that was happening, or even what part of the last six years to explain. She didn’t want to say a huge monologue and overwhelm his brain either.
Then she thought of step two. Telling how she felt.
Ever since they met? That whole bloody emotion wheel.
Rowan hadn’t said a word while she struggled to articulate hers, and the way he was struggling to not let her know he was struggling made her mind race even more. His face would look neutral, if it wasn’t for that mildly-veiled worry in his eyes, his lips pinched. His body would look composed, if it wasn’t for that tension in his shoulders, or the way he discreetly fiddled with his fingers, his feet silently jiggling.
Aelin cleared her throat. “I know this goes against what we learned in therapy about healthy relationships, and respecting your partner’s autonomy, and…” she trailed, then stopped and squared her shoulders. Her eyes were determined and intent on him. “I know you can do whatever you want. But, in this conversation, I’m not giving you an option where you don’t end up with me. Together. Romantically, to be loud and clear.”
Rowan blinked. One, two, too many times for her poor, agitated heart. Then he took a step back while letting out something that was between a shaky smile and a wheezy puff of breath… and gave his back to her.
Aelin’s limbs slackened as she watched him open an oven and retrieve a cake. Without even properly rejecting her.
She felt a sinking feeling in her stomach, her heart aching from the weight of his rejection. All that effort, her blunt declaration. It was all in vain.
After placing the half-decorated chocolate cake—he never baked those. What’s going on?—in the counter, he ran to the living room and came back with a bouquet so big Aelin could barely see his face behind it. Kingsflower was the main feature of the bouquet.
Aelin took a step back, feeling like she's lost control of her own jaw. Her favorite cake and her favorite flowers.
Rowan tried to fix some edges of the unfinished chocolate frosting with a butter knife. Frowning at his incomplete work, he asked, “Have you ever felt like it’d be easier to die for someone than to hire a band and perform a cheesy love song for them?”
Her chuckle was watery, a little confused. “Why would you do that?”
“The whole story is a bit long, but I brainstormed a very extensive list with ways to convince you to be with me. Together. Romantically, to be loud and clear,” he replicated the last part of her inarticulate speech around a sheepish smile.
Aelin flung herself at him, her arms squeezing his middle and her forehead leaning against his collarbone when she whispered, “You never lost me, Rowan.”
“Yes, I did, and it was my fault.” His tone was just as low as he caressed Aelin’s hair against him. “I hurt you. I wasn’t there for you. I lost you.” His voice broke in the last sentence, his eyes glossy. ”I lost half of Maisie’s days too.”
“It’s on me, too.” Aelin stroked his cheek, small but reassuring. “There’s so many things I wish I’d done differently back then, but—“
“You can’t do the right choices when you’re not in the right state of mind,” Rowan quoted their therapist.
She gave him a weak smile. “Exactly.” She whispered, “I’m so sorry. For the delay, for every angry phone call, for—“
“Shh.” Rowan tangled his fingers on the back of her head, tilting her face to his as his gaze roamed over her face, searching. “I’m sorry too.”
Aelin licked her parted lips, eyes intent on Rowan’s as she felt her body temperature rise. He dipped his head, closing the distance—
“MOMMY!” Maisie screamed, shooting through the hallway as fast as a bullet. “GOTTA POO.”
Aelin startled, detangling herself from Rowan on instinct.
“Okay, honey,” she shouted, despite her breathlessness, after her daughter went to the bathroom that was right next to the kitchen. “Tell me when you’re done,”
Aelin laid her eyes on Rowan’s lips, distracted with the way his tongue licked them, and mumbled, “We must have from two to five minutes until she finishes.”
His lips closed to accommodate his snort. “Are you sure you want more kids?”
She swapped his chest, then left her hands there. God, those were nice to grope. “You’re not funny.”
“Not my strong suit, indeed.”
Without warning, Rowan pulled her face toward his, stopping for a second when the tip of their noses brushed to give her time to pull back. None of that. Aelin slid her hand to the back of his hair and pressed their lips together.
It was absolute heaven.
She opened up for him, letting his tongue in as he touched her face and hair with tender caresses. Aelin was already melting into his touch, but when she pushed her full body against his and grabbed a chunk of his hair, the mood shifted. Now, the way Rowan’s tongue massaged Aelin’s was as sinful as the way she pressed her full body against his.
Tasting her mouth like it was his, Rowan held her waist and hips like they were his lifeline. She took it was a cue to press herself against him until she left his cock bulging behind his pants, the friction making him hiss.
Rowan nipped her neck in retaliation, until it became a full ministration against her pulse point. Her moan against his ear was low, but enough to make him squeeze her waist harder. Aelin squirmed against him—
“Mom?” Maisie called from the bathroom.
Aelin took a step back, thanking Mala that Rowan looked a little amused by it, instead of annoyed like any other man would. “You done?” she shouted in Maisie’s direction.
“No.” A pause. “Have you ever had a clogged butt?”
Aelin grimaced. Not her favorite conversation topic while making out with her baby daddy for the first time in years. “Every now and then, Mais. Must run in the family, huh?”
“This sucks!”
“It never happens to me!” Rowan cut in. “My poop moves like my stomach’s a water slide because I eat green stuff that aren’t M&M’s.”
Her dad’s snark made Maisie groan. Loudly. Like a tiny teenager. “MOM! I need to unclog my butt.”
Aelin’s sigh against Rowan’s chest quickly became a chuckle. “I’ll be right back.”
He gave her a small kiss. “Go.”
“And when she left the house to meet the prince—“
“No!” Maisie shouted, interrupting her bedtime story. She was dragging her eyelids open, clearly struggling to stay awake. “She’ll meet with the witch.”
Aelin frowned. “Honey, the witch is evil. We have to run away from her, remember?”
She leaned on her elbow. “But the evil witch deserves love, too.”
“Fine,” Aelin said while Rowan put Maisie back into a sleeping position. He was never good at coming up with stories, so he just sat by their daughter’s bed while Aelin struggled to think of a tale Maisie liked. “And when she left the house to—“
“But why does she want to live with the prince? Her dad is nice.”
Aelin gave a strained smile, her patience wearing thin. “Because that’s what happens when you grow up, love. At some point, you’ll want to move out—“
“No.” Maisie crossed her arms, pouting. “We’ll live together forever, and travel together to all the places, because we’re friends and we love each other.”
That was enough to melt Aelin’s impatience. She grinned, pecking all over Maisie’s face and laying next to her in her bed. Rowan’s eyes were crinkled with joy next to them, but Aelin’s only focus was on making Maisie sleep.
“Okay, Maisy Daisy. You’re right about that.” Aelin caressed the girl’s pale blonde hair, not caring to explain that her opinion would change the second she became a teenager. Maisie started to let herself drift because of Aelin’s cuddles, they hugged until it was sure the little girl wouldn’t wake up anymore.
Aelin got up and rounded the bed until she was next to Rowan. She lightly scraped her nails against his shoulders and neck, making him shiver, and whispered, “Come on.”
Their day consisted of freeze tag, family meals, and clandestine kisses when Maisie couldn’t see. They would tell her when it felt right.
Rowan took a last peak at Maisie and adjusted her night lights, before sending Aelin a heated look that told her it was time to move to another bedroom.
When they stepped out of Maisie’s room and were out of earshot, Rowan threw Aelin against the hallway wall and captured her lips with his.
A/N: my main plot line ends here and now I’m just stretching things with lots of fluff and minor conflict just to keep things going. I’m emotional.
You can get notified when I update by either turning notifications on for @backtobl4ck-fics or entering my (sometimes glitchy) tag list!!
I couldn’t tag the people in bold, sorry!
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freddie-77-ao3 · 5 months
Snippets of the Travis Stoll fic because i need motivation:
“I’m mature because you left me to take care of an entire cabin of people when I was twelve.” Travis rubs his arms self-consciously. “I had to grow up. Kids would die if I didn’t.”
Travis Stoll loses his virginity when he is twelve years to a sixteen year old daughter of Demeter on the grass behind the Ares cabin, and honestly, he wishes that their landmines had blown him up.
He is twelve years old and a counselor now, and Tammy is in charge of the camp store.
He's counselor now. The children shivering on the floor of cabin eleven, they're his responsibility.
But he doesn't have enough money for blankets and toiletries, and Tammy-- Tammy tells him that if he comes with her and does what she asks, she'll give both of them to him for free, so he does.
He goes with her.
He's twelve years old. He knows what rape is. Knows this isn't it, because he consented, right?
Travis’ leg is bouncing up and down. It’s a bit rhythmatic, and calming, if anything could be considered calm.  He’s tense, and stiff, and the sound makes him wince every once in a while, when he forgets it’s his leg that’s tapping on the cool flooring, and not someone else’s winding footsteps. Malcolm would just pop! Into existance, scaring the shit out of Travis, but at least letting him know it wasn’t someone else, but… Travis doesn’t want Cecil, or Connor, -or anyone else really- to see him like this. 
Not now, when they’re all so scared- when he’s so scared. 
“Come on,” Travis fake whines at one point in an attempt to forget everything, “Drop the illusion! Become your true self!” He pouts, as Malcolm continues to ignore him, typing something without looking, at a speed that most would probably consider fast.  “Your authentic identity! Drop all pretences in a society that worships fakeness! Embrace your realist inner spirit! Should I go on?”
Malcolm sighs, and while he rolls his eyes, he mutters, “You’ve been spending too much time in Cabin Ten.”
“Have not,” Travis scoffs.
“Have so,” but he shifts anyway, ceasing the- admittedly childish- argument (which was not cool, thank you very much, some of us have bad and annoying coping methods, Malcolm-), the short blond hair shifting to a slightly longer, curlier brown, and the grey eyes turning green. 
It didn’t change much, really- Malcolm was still incredibly short- seriously, 5’2?-  but Malcolm now had two bandages around his mouth and nose which were slightly wrinkled due to his mouth being shut. 
Travis assumed Connor put them on. Malcolm often didn’t bother with bandages, and Drew was more clinical in her approach. It didn’t matter, really, except it made Travis wonder if Malcolm was missing them. His friends. His friends Travis has taken from-
Malcolm nudges him, whispering, “Hey. You alright?”
Travis opens his mouth to respond, but the only thing to come out is a strangled sigh. 
Travis is prone to wandering. He thinks it might be a Hermes kid thing, the reasoning spread somewhere in between the cabin being so incredibly small that you share bunks and sleep on the floor, and that if you ever have to go to the bathroom in the night, chances are the entire cabin knows about it because they either get stepped on, or move, or the fact that Hermes is the god of travel.
Travis doesn’t really like either explanation- he was selfish like that, wanting one thing to himself, just one thing, but, well. He was counselor, wasn’t he. Chiron always said, counselors have to share, counselors have to–
Why isn’t he allowed to be selfish?
Travis started in on the waffle fries, drizzling them with syrup first. 
 “You know they’re called waffle fries,” Malcolm pointed out, looking slightly disgusted, “because of the shape, not because they’re actually made of waffles.”
“Don’t limit me.”
“It’s another cabin eleven thing, isn’t it?”
“Camp thing, really. Surprised you haven’t noticed yet- you’ve been here, what, two years now?”
“It’s not like I often go to the dining pavilion,” Malcolm retorted, and Travis gives a Cheshire Cat grin at the opening Malcolm has given him.
“So you admit you never eat? Cause you know what that sounds li-”
“I do not have an eating disorder, I simply prefer eating in the kitchen before everyone else.”
“So what problem did this come from- ooh, wait no, let me guess- it is because,” Travis waved his arms for dramatic affect, “you were having too many sensory overloads so you got permission to eat in the kitchens, come on, Mr. Pace, congratulate me!” Travis half bowed in his seat, but Malcolm didn’t seem to notice, staring at his own hands a moment too long. 
“Hey,” Travis tries. “You okay?”
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floralhuqzz · 8 months
What is love about? (Johnnie Guilbert x fem reader)
*. ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚
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warnings: none
summary: y/n always drinks coffee in the mornings in a cafeteria near where she lives, when she spots a guy who caughts her attention
english is not my first language so i apologize if theres any misspelled words, etc🖤🦇
i woke up by the sound of my alarm. I grunted as i took my phone and adjusted my eyes to the brightness of my phone as i turn off my alarm. It was currently 8 am so that meant that i had to go to work in a few hours… i sat down and scrolled through my phone a bit. I got up from bed and put on my slippers as i yawn and stretch,, i open my closet and start looking for a good outfit,, i work at hot topic so you can imagine how my work clothes looked like. I finally picked an outfit and did my makeup and brushed my teeth before picking my bag and going outside.
your outfit:
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Since i worked at a shopping center i always went to Starbucks for coffee. I ordered a cappuccino as i sat down sipping on my coffee as i pulled out my sketchbook and my pencil case. i checked the time and i still had 1 hour until my shift starts. i didn’t know what to draw so i started to look around trying to get an inspiration when i layed my eyes on a black haired beautiful guy.. he had an amazing style and makeup..i must say he is really god damn hot… (i <3 emo guys ).
he suddenly makes eye contact with me and i look away. i look back at him and he kept looking at me over and over again “maybe it’s because he likes my outfit” i thought to myself. he sat down two tables away from me as he scrolled through his phone as he took a sip of his coffee.. ill to draw him. i couldn’t keep my eyes away from him..
i started drawing him.. trying to draw as many details as i can,, after 30 min he finished his coffee and wanted to leave but i took my opportunity and approached him..
“hi..” i smiled a little, i was so fucking nervous
“oh hi” he smiles as he puts his phone in his pocket as he spoke
“umm i hope doesn’t sounds weird but.. i drew you” i said a little embarrassed as i gave him the drawing
“holy fuck! you did this in 30 minutes?!” he takes my drawing and smiles
“yeah i can draw pretty fast,, i like your style” i smiled still a little nervous
“i love this, thank you so much…i like your outfit and makeup and..pretty much everything” he smiles as he looks at me up and down.
“thank you” i blush as i smile
“i dont wanna sound like a stalker but.. ive noticed you are here pretty often”
i look a bit confused but i chuckle a bit
“yeah i work at hot topic”
“youre kidding?! i fucking love that store” he smiles
“i can tell” we both laugh
i check the time on my phone, i had 3 minutes until my shift starts
“fuck i have to go to work, im running late” i take my stuff
“hey can i get yo-“ i interrupt him
“its in the back of the paper” i smile as i start running to the store
he checks the back of the drawing and sees the instagram username,, he smiles and sets on walking home.
johnnie’s pov:
i start walking home as i kept thinking about that girl at the cafe,, i get home as i sat down in the sofa and start looking at the drawing again for the millionth time.
“whats that?” jake says
“nothing” i put the drawing in my pocket
“was that a drawing?” he smiles
“come on johnnie we are best buddies…im like your ketchup to your fries, you are the dick to my balls-“
“jake thats fucking gross” i sigh “a girl g-“
“A GIRL?” he took both of my shoulders “okay dude...YOU TALKED TO A GIRL?” he smiled “THIS IS A MOMENT OF HISTORY”
i laugh “ok can you let me finish?”
“so i went to Starbucks today and i spotted this girl..and then she gave me this” i take the drawing from my pocket and show it to jake
i blush
“what?- jake we just met”
“and?” he crossed his arms
“and i dont think…thats the case,,maybe she just wants to be my friend”
“you are so fucking blind” he turns the paper and sees the instagram username “SEARCH THE USERNAME NOW”
“okok calm the fuck down” i take my phone and open instagram “found it”
“GIVE ME THE PHONE” he takes my phone and starts looking at her posts “oh she is hot.”
“dude you better get with her or i will”
“omfg you are a prick” i take the phone and start looking at her pictures as i..blush?
time skip when y/n finishes work and gets home
y/ns pov:
i check my phone and i see a notification of a new follower on instagram.
“johnnie guilbert..” i thought to myself
i check his instagram,, he was really pretty…its like everything about him was perfect. i blush as i kepts stalking his instagram and i receive a new message
“hiii im johnnie (the guy from the cafe) :)”
“omg hi!”
“how are you? how was work?”
“im good, work was pretty boring ngl,, hru! ”
“im good im good, brushing my teeth rn”
“its 5 pm…”
“who brushes their teeth at 5pm? hahaha”
“i do 🤓” he sents me a picture
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"you are a weirdo"
"you are a weirdo for not brushing your teeth"
"ok geez fine ahhsha"
"ive gotta go ill text you later :)"
"aww ok, bye bye <;3"
i placed my phone next to me as i layed in my room as i thought about johnnie for a while.. i think i have a bit of a crush on him.
time skip to 8pm*
I went to the kitchen and started to make myself some dinner as i was going through my phone as i saw a story from johnnie
"This could be fun", i thought to myself as i joined his twitch stream
johnnies pov:
"hey how is everyone doing??" i started reading my chat
"why do i look so happy??" i read someone comment "well today i met this...girl..." i smiled as i saw chat going crazy "yeah yeah.. so i met this girl today and she was like...everything i ever dreamed about like... chat im begin dead serious..and she gave me a drawing!" i take the drawing that was laying on my table and showed to the camera "isnt it perfect? look at the details" i point out every single detail "it looks like a photo" i read "yeah it does!"
i kept reading the chat for a while
"is she beautiful?" i read "yes she fucking is" i smile
a notification of a donation popped on my screen.
"you are so cute stop it haha <3 -from the cafe girl"
when i saw that message i literally wanted the ground to swallow me whole.. i didnt know what to say so i froze.. i completely forgot that i posted a link to my stream in my instagram stories...i was so fucking stupid-
"just kill me already.." i put my hands on my face blushing from embarrasment
i see a notification from my phone and i see that it was from y/n.. i see that she sent me a picture of her laptop from where she was watching my stream "someone is blushingggg"
"oh shut upp"
"i will if you ask me on a date"
"tomorrow 4pm at my house, what do u say???"
"ill be there ;)"
i look at my computer to read the chat "HE IS BLUSHING SM" "SO CUTE" "WE NEED TO FIND THIS GIRL!"
"oh sush chat" i laugh
....to be continued
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inquisimer · 1 month
for da4 lace!! my love!! [ fix ] sender gently fixes receiver’s hair
hap fri ro!! that lil "what is happening to me" in the da4 trailer absolutely broke me so here have this ;-; for @dadrunkwriting
Lace stared at her hands. They felt separate, like they weren't even part of her. The shook slightly and she clasped them together to stop it, twisting her fingers into a knot to keep them still.
"Hey. It's okay."
A slender hand encircled her smaller ones, stroking soothing comfort across her knuckles. Drew's callouses were in odd places, from the staff he'd always wielded, and new ones from the maneuvers he had to do now that his left arm was lost to him. But they were comforting.
"What's happening to me?" she whispered, unable to keep the quaver from her voice or the tears from her eyes as she looked up at him. The rest of the Veilguard were off doing--whatever they did when the Lighthouse settled down. She couldn't have them seeing her like this. But Drew--he understood.
Things changed. Sometimes things changed irrevocably. But how did you accept that, how did you keep going? She thought she'd known. But it was different when it was her hands, her blood, her....spirit? Soul? It was different when it was her, and not the sky that was exploding.
Drew's hand tightened around hers and she looked up.
"We're going to figure it out," he promised. Dropping her hands, he brought his to her face and tenderly tucked the escaping tendrils of her updo into the braided headband that stretched across her crown. "Whatever it is. We will figure it out. And if it's hurting you--"
He broke off, his jaw flexing with something like anger. Drew didn't get angry, she knew, but he got frustrated when he couldn't see the easy answer, or when there was no easy answer. She took a deep breath, searching for that certainty that had kept her so steady through all of the Inquisition.
She found it in his hand on her cheek, his thumb pressed into her chin.
"Your magic," she asked haltingly. "What was it like, when you first...got it?"
Drew hummed, sliding his hand up and back to the messy knot at the nape of her neck. He fumbled for a moment, but he'd had years to get fair dexterity with one hand alone. Her hair fell loose down her back and he combed through it, then gathered it into his fist.
He cocked his head at her. "Tell me what you feel."
The air crackled. Her tongue tasted like metal and her fingers felt heavy, like they were layered with stone. And deep in her gut, an urging: give give give. And the knowledge that if she gave, it would be beyond her control.
"Too much," she ground out. Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes; how foolish. But she was a dwarf! This wasn't even something whispered in shadowed corners, because it wasn't possible.
She gritted her teeth. When Rook returned, she would be having words with Solas. For now, she dipped her head as Drew worked the magic he'd conjured and his hand to fix her hair into a fresh knot, a smoothed out braid.
"That's what I felt, too," he said softly. The iron in the air and the crackling over her skin dissipated as he stopped casting. "Too much. But it's just different. You'll adjust, Lace. You're too smart--once we figure this out, you'll be the best dwarven mage this world has ever seen."
She snorted, despite herself. "Dagna would have a field day."
"Should I have--"
"No," Lace grinned, shaking her head. "We have enough problems, all on our own."
"We'll solve them," Drew said softly, laying his arm across Lace's shoulders and drawing her into a hug. He rested his chin atop her head. "We always do."
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