softcryz · 22 days
you know what I want… [:
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Finally revealing your identity, sibling mine
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Okay, but-- snrk-- seriously, this is great!! Haha. Ha. I gotta show someone else this
Thank you!!
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zarithial · 11 months
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basilthymee · 1 year
hi basil i am asking everyone to kill my good friend Zoc Softcryz on tumblr by drawing Infinite Possibilities; Creation Unending. we need to kill aum
on it chief
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6 notes · View notes
talking to zoc in vc and is there like a thing With people getting murdered in elevators in ace attorney? I know of THE murder but are there more
you are the normallest person i know about AA so i thought to ask you. of course.
fuuuck are there any more elevator murder cases. i’m not sure. i only know through aa1 to aa4 and i Think there is only one elevator murder case and it is The One
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dailyjidols · 2 years
Is there a reason you haven't reblogged my post yet?? I used the tag and everything!!
Hi there! First of all, thank you so much for tagging us in your work! We really appreciate it. I'll go take a look in the tag and make sure we didn't miss anything. Secondly, tagged posts are usually liked by me (Mod Rise) and I add them to the queue later on. We get a lot of tagged posts and don't want to reblog the same release(s) too much all at once, hence the queue and shuffling. If there's a post you really want us to reblog ASAP, you can use the submit feature on our main page. Or send us an ask with a link and we'll get to it when we can. The only thing that would stop us from reblogging your post is if it's about NGT48, and ZOC/METAMUSE members/solo projects/spin-off's, etc due to previous controversies with these groups and their members. Hope this helps! Again thanks for using our tag! -Mod Rise
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durianinspectors · 1 year
Hungry, Hungry Walruspode
Knock... Knock... Knock! 
The sound of polite, yet assertive, knocking rang on the door of cargo container.
"Hsein Yue, this is Candy Double and you're live on Mayacast! Please can you tell our viewers why our informants tell us you've been hiding out with a Wu Ming squad in a Durian shipment in New Hypatia Dock #619 for the last two weeks while the crisis of Brutus's blockade continues to roil New Hypatia."
The heavy door of the container creaked open and the incandescent eyes of a Hsien's multispectral visor glowered out through the door.
"Miss Double, you are jeopardising our operational security and placing yourself in considerable personal liability by broadcasting our location. I must ask you to cease broadcasting and leave the area immediately."
Candy Double dramatically rearranged her long, blonde hair, thrust a comically oversized, pink microphone at the Hsien's face and turned to give her speech to a hovering camera remote.
"Don't worry, I'm accompanied by my personal security detail, the Candy Corps! There's nothing on this dock that could possibly put a dent in our Maghariba Guard! We've even contracted Oktavia Grímsdóttir to keep an eye on the local Walruses, and she's told us that they all look like totally boring, mundane, marine mammals. Now, it's obvious that you're using ridiculous Walruspode disinformation to conceal some murky, repressive, Yu Jing secret agenda! Please could you tell our viewers all about it?"
As she finished her speech, she noticed that the Hsien seemed to be staring past her into the distance and ignoring her. She could just hear the muffled reply he made into his helmet mic.
"Message received. All squads, take your positions and proceed as planned. If the Candy Corps jeopardize our mission, you have full license to take appropriate punitive measures."
He turned to look at her. Ignoring a loud splashing noise behind her, she looked straight back to confront him for the camera. She refused to be intimidated by the Imperial Service and this should play well for the audience at home.
"Miss Double. Your lack of belief in the critical importance of my unit's mission to safeguard Yu Jing fruit supplies is extremely misguided. If you need to see things with your own eyes to believe them, I suggest you look behind you. Then run. Leave us to handle this."
As she span around, a gargantuan, flippered animal as tall as a two-story building erupted from the water of the docks, waving cruelly hooked tusks in the air. It turned to look right at them and let out a deafening roar. The Walruspode was here.
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[ Mission: Hungry, Hungry Walruspode ] [ Theatre: Dock #619 ] [ ISS: YueFei23 ]
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[ HAQ: Camerones ]
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[ ISS won the initiative roll and opted to go first, planning to put damage into the walrus as soon as possible. A Wu Ming core link deployed on the left flank, where they were later joined by an Impersonation Marker. A Celestial Guard monitor deployed centrally, with Hsien Yue Fei himself as Walrus Hunter in a haris with a Zhanying and Crane on the right flank. ]
[ Haq counter deployed, naming Oktavia Grímsdóttir as Walrus Hunter, a Maghariba Guard in the backfield and the Nazarova twins ready to zip down both flanks.]
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[ Initially the walruspode started in the table center. It projects a huge 16″ ZoC and has Guard, which forced a lot of the deployed units towards the table corners. While it has no active turn, it can dodge 2″ and fail guts ... which gives it some options for taking cover and moving towards units attacking it. ]
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Wasting no time, the Celestial Guard Monitor put some smoke down to cover Hsien Yue Fei. He tested the explosive “walrus hunter” rounds in his HMG by deleting the Candy Corps Total Reaction remote, then fired a sustained fusillade into the Walruspode. As he did this, Crane Wang crept behind a billboard to secure the closest battlefield territory. [ Hsien Yue Fei had some bad luck with his first roll against the Walruspode and it was able to make two dodges and a guts move forward into cover, where it threatened Major Lunah and the Sophotect with it’s huge ZoC. After about 5 orders, the Walruspode took 6 wounds, enough to safely secure 2 OP. ]
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The Wu Ming on the left flank had been biding their time on the Walruspode stakeout by playing cards with a local dock worker, who had introduced himself as Bob.
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Following the notification of Candy Corps meddling, Wu Ming #27 turned, and gave Bob a very long stare. Something didn’t seem quite right... #27 decided Bob had been winning more than his fair share of hands, which was more than enough justification to fire a full burst of multirifle fire at him. Bob threw off his cunning disguise and revealed himself as Hussain Al-Djabel by hitting #27 and #38, the squad’s Heavy Rocket Launcher, with some kind of nerve gas shotgun blast.
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Salt water must’ve got into #27′s multirifle magazine, because none of the rounds penetrated Al-Djabel’s armor. The Fiday had been taking proper care of his ammo, and it killed #27 outright and knocked #38 unconscious. [ The dice were crazy here, Al-Djabel was hit 3 shock rounds, including a crit... but made his four armor saves. The Wu Ming failed five saves in a row! OUCH! ] #12 decided he was in too close to use his HMG, and pulled a pistol on Al-Djabel, but wasn’t able to shoot him down.
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Despite the Walruspode breathing down her neck, Major Lunah bravely moved her position forward to see Zamira’s bike. Luckily the Walruspode dodged, freeing her to gun down the criminal biker.
The Hsien dropped prone to avoid possible incoming fire from the Maghariba Guard and used the opportunity to send a salvo into the Kameel, blasting it apart. [ ISS made solid progress by wounding the walruspode and stripped two enemy orders and a warband, but losing two Wu Ming to Al-Djabel was a bit of an unwelcome surprise. ]
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Though badly wounded, the Walruspode turned and roared as the Candy Corps Beast Hunter fired his Panzerfausts into it’s rear, without wounding it. Oktavia shot a couple of missiles at the Walrus, then the Maghariba Guard moved up and put a wound on it. Between the various missiles and heavy shells, it somehow managed to dodge forwards and threaten to gore the Maghariba. An Ayyar also ran out and tried to hurt the Walruspode, which turned and gulped down one of his holo-echoes. The Ayyar laughed and opened fire, but it turned out his breaker rifle couldn’t hurt the beast at all.
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[ Once the Maghariba was in the Walruspode’s ZoC, it became very risky to move the TAG... so Oktavia just had to do her job and try to bring it down. ]
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With the Maghariba locked down, Oktavia reloaded her Harpoon Launcher, looked the Walruspode in the eye, and fired until she brought it down. If she properly files her claim to the New Hypatia DIU Field Office, she is eligible for a sizable cash reward as well as getting her ammo expenses paid in full.
[ Haq’s last order of the turn went into knocking the Walruspode Unconscious. The Maghariba didn’t have a chance to reposition, which left it in a pretty tricky spot. ]
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Not taking any chances, the leader of the Durian Inspection Unit immediately put a salvo into the Walruspode, making sure it was quite, quite dead. [Though we left the model on the table, for dramatic purposes, at this point we ruled that it stopped blocking LoF. At the end of Turn 1, both sides held two table quarters each, scoring no OP for table domination.]
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Major Lunah could now clearly see the Maghariba Guard, where it had been locked down outside cover by the Walruspode’s threat. She put several viral sniper rounds through the pilot’s compartment, rendering it just as dead as the Walruspode.
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With some careful maneuvring, Wu Ming Forward Observer #42 managed to pop up with his boarding shotgun up and get revenge on Al-Djabel, making sure to relieve his corpse of surplus card game winnings.
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A Garuda dropped in on the right flank and shot Zuleyka Nazarova dead. Good police work has to carry on, even during crisis operations, and it’s a solid accomplishment to take both the criminal Nazarova twins off the street at last. [ Turn 2 ended well for ISS, removing the Maggie, Al-Djabel and Zuleyka removed the most immediate threats and we still solidly held the table with Major Lunah projecting a good ARO threat and a Garuda threatening the right flank.]
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Haq responded with a moderately cunning move by the Ayyar, who holo-echoed up and moved to surprise shot Major Lunah with a custom-painted Panzerfaust. Major Lunah correctly guessed which holo-echo was the Ayyar and sent a viral shot at it, though neither shot hit home. The Ayyar decided to re-holo and take a second shot, this time Lunah dodged... and got hit by a panzerfaust shot, killing her outright. [ I admit, I’m rusty playing against holo-echoes and missed my chance to delay my ARO. Ooops! ]
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The removal of Major Lunah’s cross table fire lane unlocked a route for Fiddler to zoom forward. She advanced and sent her two jackbots climbing up the right flank where they could shotgun two of the Wu Ming team. Both Wu Ming took a single wound, but failed to kill the Jackbots... leaving them covering the link with vulkan shotguns.
[Haq turn 2 ended with both sides holding two table quarters again, though fiddler’s jackbots were a menace and would need to be removed.]
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Hsien Yue Fei popped up and removed one of the Jackbots with a cross table shot. This let the Sophotect use a Yudbot to heal #38 with her Heavy Rocket Launcher, the perfect tool to take out the holo-echoed Ayyar. The somewhat tipsy beast hunter managed to stagger out of the inferno unwounded, though #38 was not quite careful enough to avoid an ARO from the remaining jackbot, which knocked her unconscious again.
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Helpfully, the Yudbot zipped up again to help, but this time the Sophotect couldn’t revive #38, muttering something about a missing cube. Wu Ming #88 gave his Tinbot a rough kick in frustration, then shotgunned the last Jackbot, wishing he’d thought to do that before #38 stuck her head out. The Garuda had plans to move forward and shoot a Rafiq, but strayed inside range of an Al Hawwa hacker and got isolated.
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Hsien Yue Fei and his haris advanced into the quarter in front of them, carefully gunning down the beast hunter. 
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The Chaiyi Yaokong ran forward and dodged to place it’s repeater in range of the Al Hawwa. Crane Wang attempted, unsuccesfully, to isolate it and positioned himself to defend approaches to the Hsien.
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While this was going on, Hsien Yue Fei had time to find a safe spot behind a billboard, where he had time to meditate on the rich diaspora of business activities in Dock #619.
[ ISS turn 3 ended with a couple more enemy units dispatched at the cost of some or our own. They still had strong dominance over the closest table quarters but had failed to press forwards into the enemy table half.]
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The Asawira finally jumped into the game. Pushing towards the ISS it engaged Crane Wang, gunning him down. Then it cruelly demolished the Chaiyi Yaokong. Despite some formidable firepower, one Asawira couldn’t dominate the table on it’s own and the DIU negotiated a ceasefire. Hsien Yue Fei granted Candy Double an exclusive after-action interview, attempting to repair diplomatic relations with Haqqislam before word got out about this unfortunate friendly fire incident.
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[ Final result: ISS 3 - 1 Haq. ]
“So Hsien Yue, it seems like Oktavia Grímsdóttir single-handedly killed the Walruspode and saved New Hypatia’s shipping from a voracious new predator.”
“Miss Double, having witnessed the real threat of the Walruspode, I don’t doubt you will now faithfully relate the tireless hours our Yu Jing forces have put in securing Dock #619 to track down this dangerous beast.  In fact, while we politely thank you for your help, I think we could have managed quite well without the distraction of your Candy Corps. As a responsible journalist I’m sure you’ll share your footage of my Heavy Machine Gun fire hitting the Walruspode.”
“That all sounds very exciting! Let’s go to Oktavia to hear what the Human Sphere’s premier Harpooner has to say about her career crowning victory...” “Vill einhver ykkar vinsamlegast borga mér? Ég er orðinn leiður á bullinu þínu.”
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“Did you get any of that, Cameraccoon?” “What? You didn’t even tell me to start filming real Walruses. I thought we were just here for Brutus!”
0 notes
faeri-fiction · 2 years
The little nine-tailed fox was as pure and elegant as he had seen before. She suddenly ran out into the sun, fur glistening like snow and ran in front of him. Zilan couldn't help but be dumbfounded for a moment.
At this moment, he understood a little bit, the beauty in the legend of the nine-tailed fox that the wolf official said.
Xueli was very happy to see the Big Snow Wolf woke up, so she came bouncing over, and asked him, "Your awake! How are you? Are you still uncomfortable with the wound?"
Seeing the little white fox running up to him, Zilan happily howled and said politely despite the effort, "I am...the son of the wolf king and wolf queen of the Ninth Layer Heavenly Wolf Realm, named Zilan. May I ask where is this place? Did you help me heal my wounds?"
What Xueli heard at this time:
Big Snow Wolf: "Si elt...lon som vi lon hadron lorv ailn hadron laev vi lon ninth layill heaventiv hadron realm, enamid zilan. Yik si zoc deheir hase ert bott? apr ven sayd czek roen evd folthsz?"
Xueli: "?"
A wolf and a fox looked at each other for a while.
The surrounding white deer and rabbits watched them nervously.
After a while, Xueli turned her head to the others and said, "This wolf...doesn't seem to be able to speak?"
This doesn't seem to be coherent speaking, instead it sounded more like gibberish. Just now she felt that the immortal energy in this wolf was very strong, far better than the white deer and little rabbits, and even stronger than her aunt who was a mortal cultivator. The wolf was injured. With such seriousness and such level of cultivation, there is really no reason why he can't speak.
But Xueli doesn't know much about the world outside the fairyland, and she's not sure if there are creatures that are full of immortal energy but unable to communicate, just like fairy grass that can't open their consciousness.
Thinking about it this way, Xueli is not sure if this huge snow wolf is really intelligent.
The little rabbit on the side asked worriedly: "If he can't talk, is it possible that he will eat meat?"
Xueli said: "Don't worry, I'll try again."
Seeing the little nine-tailed white fox, a white deer, and several rabbits whispering to each other, Zilan frowned slightly.
In Zilan's eyes, this kind of scene is completely different.
There are many kinds of beasts in charge of the stars of the nine heavens. Besides the nine heaven's own immortal realm, each kind of beast also has its own small fairyland in the lower layers of the nine heavens. Different from the same race in the upper fairyland, the lower fairyland is full of various spirit beasts and small immortals living together, and occasionally even wild beasts from outside will wander in by mistake, and then slowly open their spiritual conscience in the fairyland.
Many gods and beasts have different origins, the timing of conferring gods and becoming immortals, and the reasons for holding constellations. The culture and language are completely different from each other, and it was difficult to get in at the beginning. And the residents in each small fairyland naturally follow the main beast and speak the language of their main fairyland, so it is difficult for fairylands in charge of different constellations fairylands to communicate.
Zilan had never heard of the language these little animals were speaking in the nine heavens. He had been diligent and hardworking since he was a child, and has outstanding scholarly talents. Although he does not speak all the languages ​​in the Nine Heavens, he has generally heard them and can speak several of them. It's a bit like an old language from a thousand years ago, with words from ancient languages vaguely mixed in it.
The nine-tailed fox disappeared a thousand years ago, and the languages have changed drastically during this period. Five hundred years ago, the nine-fold genius sage chose the common language of the nine heavens. Now not everyone in the lower fairyland can speak it. If the one in front of him really is the nine-tailed fox that has been extinct for a thousand years, and what he fell into was really a fairyland controlled by the Nine-Tailed Fox, it was quite normal for the people inside not to understand the Common Language.
Zilan had not yet recovered from the shock when he first saw the Nine-Tailed Fox.
In other words, he really didn't know much about the situation he was in.
How can the nine-tailed fox still exist in the world?
Where the hell is this?
How could this little nine-tailed fox be here alone? Is she the only one?
Countless questions lingered in his mind, but when he lowered his head and saw the herbs brought to him by the little white fox, he was startled again.
Obviously, she found it specially for him. It is indeed the healing fairy grass that Zilan saw in the wolf land. It seems that the little fox dug it from the mountain by herself. This fairyland does not look very abundant, he didn't know how much effort it took to find such a fairy grass for him.
There was a warm current flowing through his chest, and Zilan couldn't help but feel moved. Seeing this fairy grass, it is self-evident who painstakingly took care of the many crisscrossing wounds on his body.
But the most urgent thing is to find a way to communicate with the little white fox.
Zilan thought about it, closed his eyes and looked for something on his body.
Faced with the language barrier in the fairyland, the nine heavens is not completely helpless.
Immortals, gods and beasts naturally have their own way of storing things, and Zilan soon found the elixir he wanted from his divine realm.
This is the Tongyu pill used for communication in the nine heavens. After taking it, they can understand each other's words even if they don't understand the language. It's just that there are very few people in the Nine Heavens who don't know the common language. Zilan is not often far away from the wolf environment, so he doesn't have many opportunities to use it. He only has the ones that were put in a long time ago for emergencies, and there are only three left in total.
It is obviously the most important thing to figure out the situation between him and this fairyland now, Zilan immediately took out one and let it appear in his mouth.
The Tongyu pill melted in the mouth, and Zilan felt a trace of spiritual sweetness flowing through his throat, and then, the voice in his ears changed immediately.
The little nine-tailed fox is talking to the white deer.
The white deer said, "Xueli, do you really want to keep this wolf here for treatment?"
The little white fox said: "Yes! He's injured so badly, I can't leave him alone, or he might die."
Zilan was taken aback when he heard that, he didn't expect to hear the little Nine-Tailed Fox talking about him with the white deer after taking the Tongyu Pill, he was inevitably a little embarrassed. He's grown up now but because of the cold disease he couldn't leave home too far, and he hadn't had contact with girls much, so he was a little reserved for a while.
But he still tried to speak again: "Hello, everyone. I am the son of the wolf king and queen of the Ninth Heavenly Wolf Realm. My name is Zilan. I landed here by accident. May I ask where this is?"
Xueli was discussing with Bailu what to do next, but unexpectedly, the big snow wolf was so weak that he barely opened his eyes to look at her, and made a guttural howling noise from his throat. The sound is very similar to the previous one.
Xueli tilted her head in confusion, and blinked at him.
Bailu was even more puzzled and asked: "Why is this wolf still howling after being so badly injured? Is it uncomfortable somewhere?"
Xueli said: "I don't know, he seemed to be saying the same thing just now, maybe he is uncomfortable."
Zilan was slightly surprised when he heard their conversation. He thought he could communicate with the little fox and the others after taking the pill. He could indeed understand the conversation of the little fox and the others, but they still reacted like he's totally incomprehensible.
Xueli and Bailu didn't understand the snow wolf's reaction and continued talking.
The white deer said: "But such a big wolf, we don't know if he has opened his mind. If he is left in the forest like this, will it be bad?"
Xueli thought for a moment, and replied: "When he recovers from his injury and can move around, we can put him in my house first..."
The conversation came to an abrupt end here, Zilan was hearing this, the little nine-tailed fox had just finished half a sentence, and the rest of the sentence became an irregular "ooohooohoo".
Zilan was caught off guard and was cut off from the conversation, which was even more unexpected, and his brows furrowed even deeper.
He never expected that the effectiveness of the Tongyu Pill would be used up in just a few words.
Normally, in the nine heavens a Tongyu pill is effective for at least one day, but in this place, it obviously doesn't even last for a sip of tea, only three or four short sentences.
Not only that, but the pill is supposed to be able to create a dialogue between people on both sides, but now it has become one-way, and only his side can understand it.
Zilan originally thought that although three pills were few, they would definitely be enough to clear up the basic problems, but such a sudden change caught him off guard.
Is it because of the special circumstances of the Nine-Tailed Fox's fairyland that only those who take the medicine can't understand each other? Or, the pill doesn't work for a Nine-Tailed Fox?
Zilan didn't know the situation clearly, but he didn't dare to use the pills again. He is now in poor physical condition and very weak. He has just arrived in a completely strange place and his mind is not as clear as usual. The remaining two Tongyu pills suddenly became precious. He can't use it indiscriminately, so he had to put it away first, and planned to wait until the critical moment to use it. Although he only heard a few words just now, he was able to deduce some information.
Such as......It turned out that her name is Xueli.
Zilan shook his head slightly.
Thinking of the little Nine-Tailed Fox who had just firmly said that he could not be left alone here, and that she would not hesitate to tell her friends that she was willing to let him live in her own home, Zilan couldn't help feeling turbulent, and an indescribable feeling arose in his heart, which was unexpected, he was moved again.
At this time, he was at the most helpless and seriously injured in his life. At this time, someone who can selflessly extend a helping hand to him is tantamount to a life-saving grace. What's more, the little white fox is so determined, she can't even understand his words, and doesn't know that he is the young master of the Ninth Heavenly Wolf Realm, but she is willing to heal his wounds, find herbs for him, and defend him in front of her friends.
He doesn't know much about girls his age, but no girl has ever done this for him.
Zilan was both confused and shy. He knew that the other party probably didn't have any special thoughts, but he couldn't help but feel at a loss, so he cast a grateful look at Xueli.
Xueli didn't notice the "look" of Snow Wolf, she was still explaining to Bailu seriously: "...if he lives in my house, it will be convenient for treatment, so you don't have to worry too much. If it is confirmed that he is not dangerous, he will be treated later. When his injury is recovered, we will let him find a cave in the forest or something, and let him live there, so that nothing will happen."
Hearing what she said, Bailu knew that she had an idea in her heart, and she was not afraid of this huge wolf, so although Bailu cared about Xueli, she still nodded her head and said, "Well, if there is anything that needs our help, you must say it."
"Oh! I know." Xueli shook her tail.
As she spoke, Xueli remembered that the herbs that should have been fed to Snow Wolf hadn't been eaten yet, so she lowered her head, pushed the herbs to his mouth, and touched him lightly with her little paw.
Zilan knew that this herbal medicine should be taken, so when he saw it, he opened his mouth and ate it.
Xueli thought it would take a lot of effort to make him understand what she meant, and she had already planned to take a bite first to signal, but she didn't expect the wolf to eat it so easily, and was surprised instead.
Zilan's injury is not at all hopeful. Even after bandaging, his persistence to stay awake had reached its limit. After taking the herbal medicine, he felt drowsy, and he closed his eyes again and fell into a deep sleep.
After Zilan fell asleep, Xueli still couldn't hold back her interest and circled around him.
In fact, not only Xueli, other animals were also shocked when they first saw such a huge foreign creature, but fear and vigilance were greater than curiosity, and they hadn't been able to take a good look at him before.
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I was told I was mean to old people
I was told I was mean to the elderly (like at the age of ELEVEN) that I was mean to old people and it stuck.  If you are old and a mother, don’t tell your kid they are mean to old people when they happen to be mean to you. They are just being mean to their mother. Now I have to mean to ALL the OLD people to make up for it. THANKS OLD MOM... 
HERE’s my POINT- THE CURSE of having shitty eggs (one that don’t want to come out and be babies while I am STILL YOUNG!!!) is that I have been trying to make a BABY with my fertile husband now for a year. I don’t NEED one. I just didn’t want to be an old mom. I asked him to go to to the doctor and at first he claimed he didn’t know how. (This is what he does when he’s reluctant- I assume that’s just what we all do including husbands) Like how he doesn’t know how to make coffee when it involve’s work. I rebutted With a WELL KNOWN little app called zoc doc and husband was on his way to the sperm counter. Turns out I am the one who needs to see a gyno.  I HATE SHOWING MY JUNK. I don’t want to show it to anyone let alone some doctor who has the privilege to literally judge my junk against more women’s junk than most of the general public.  Aaaanyway while I did think this was going to be easier I wish I could understand why it’s so easy for my peers to face OBGYNs. I can’t even work my way up to an appointment. 
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zoctech01 · 3 years
Top 9 Tips for the CISA Exam Success
Any exam is cracked with perseverance, dedication and most importantly focused studies. Often it happens that fewer but dedicated hours of studies can help you pass the exam with flying colours. And as far as the CISA exam success is concerned, it is easier to crack if one knows the key to effective preparation. The CISA exam tips that we are going to share with you shall surely help in your CISA exam. So just follow the golden rules, and you’re already halfway there!
Before moving ahead with the 9 tips for CISA exam success, let’s clear some common questions.
What is CISA?
Well, the acronym CISA stands for Certified Information Systems Auditor. The professionals engaged in the IT/IS sector playing the role of auditors at the expert or practitioner level are associated with this position. Their roles and responsibilities revolve mainly around audit, control and security. CISA certification is a gateway for such professionals to prove their credibility and acquired skills on paper to excel in their career in the same field.
The CISA exam can be pretty strenuous and to prepare accordingly is our first lookout. The exam shall contain multiple-choice questions based upon the major CISA domain and training to evaluate the CISA job practice areas of the candidate. These domains can be listed as:
Information System Auditing Process
Government and Management of IT
Information Systems Acquisition, Development, and Implementation
Information Systems Operations
Protection of Information Assets
The exam scorecard ranges 200-800 words out of which a minimum of 450 marks are required to pass the exam. So, to acquire marks that justify your calibre, here we share with you the top 9 tips for your upcoming CISA exam.
9 Tips To Ace Your CISA Exam:
1. Course Books are your Bible:
The ISACA books should be your bible for CISA exam success. The CISA Review Manual also should be thoroughly studied as it shares the first-hand experience of attempting the CISA exam. Along with the Coursebooks, you should also take the help of various authentic study materials available online and offline.
Recommendation: You can apply for the study materials offered by ZOC technologies which will help you in concept clarity and smart study along with expert guidance and pro-tips.
2. Strategise and Streamline:
It’s important to know that there is no perfect study plan that shall suit everyone as it varies as per the requirement of the candidate. To devise and strategize the study plan, make sure you allocate slots to prepare for the written exams, practise tests, and training to be thorough with every concept in the stipulated time of your exam date. Give your preps exams and practice tests sincerely as it shares the insights of the level of difficulty and exam pattern of the main CISA certification exam.
Recommendation: Make a daily schedule to cover topics and training sessions and revise cumulatively at the end of each day. Also, give practice tests until you’re sure that you have excelled in your weaker section.
PS: You can customise your plan with us and get insights into the CISA exam.
3. Club up with Study Groups and CISA Community:
CISA community is an excellent platform to connect, communicate and comprehend the CISA exam structure. It helps you to expand your horizon of knowledge and take up knowledge from other professionals in the same field. Study groups are also a major factor that can help you to give your best through guidance and tips.
Recommendation: Make sure you are regularly connected with the CISA community and study groups to get regular updates and ideas for CISA exam success.
4. Review your Progress:
The self-assessment is very important to evaluate the level of progress you have achieved through your studies. It will also help you in time management during the exam. Make sure you review all the mock tests, find out the loopholes and work accordingly in the same concept.
Recommendation: Trust the ones who are already in the same field. Enquire about your reviews and grow your knowledge. Get expert reviews and prepare for striving your test!
5.Channelise your knowledge:
It often happens that MCQ turns out to be confusing. CISA exam is an exam for professionals and can trick you in many ways. The acquired knowledge and presence of mind plays the role here. Make sure you channelise your knowledge and answer the questions which best suits the asked question. You can develop it through various CISA mock tests and problem-solving assessments.
Recommendation: Do not go for free online tests as they would not be able to provide accurate assessments. Trust only the ISACA accredited companies to apply for exams and its training process.
6. Learn, Think and Become an IS auditor:
The mantra to be CISA certified is to imbibe the approach of an Information Systems auditor. Lay emphasis on the technicalities of system auditing and perspective as you start the preparation. CISA’s five domains should be thoroughly studied and implied in practice for a better concert clearance while writing the exam. Make sure the experience you gain is as per the guidelines and approach of ISACA.
Recommendation: Get proper training from experts to get insights into the auditing field even though you have prior experience. Sometimes, others’ advice can open new doors of thought. ZOC technologies offer experts with myriad experiences so you can find out the best human resources in one place.
7. ISACA is your guiding light:
ISACA is the governing body of the CISA examination and hence, it offers the complete guide to make your pathway for the CISA exam. The updated guide of ISACA is the guiding light that offers lots of useful information for the exam. You can download the ISACA guide from here. This guide gives a proper analysis of the exam registration process, dates of the exam, deadlines of documentation, and candidate details. It also covers the information on the domains, exam questions, length, pattern, languages, etc.
Recommendation: Always stay updated with the yearly updated guides issued by ISACA. Be aware of the change in the pattern of examination and mind map your preparation accordingly as per the weightage of topics. Get regular updates from ZOC if you think you need a push factor to lay the groundwork for your CISA exam success.
8. Be Exam-Ready:
Exam day is an exciting as well as a nervous day even for the professionals. Ensure that you are well-prepared for the exam with a proper exam kit, well-rested, and have a clear presence of mind. Also, stay hydrated and have enough food and fruits to maintain concentration. Do not stay up late to revise as it would only lead to anxiousness. Be confident that you are well prepared and have given the best during your exam preparation.
Recommendation: It is recommended that if you are planning to do a last-minute revision, you go for selective study. Cover the important topics, summaries and have a quick revision on the concepts you’re doubtful about.
9. Review before you submit:
Before the submission of the exam, analyze and self-assess your every question. Pay attention to the critical and confusing question. Sometimes, the confusing questions are often the one that seems simple so read twice and understand the gist of the same. Lastly, have faith in the answers that you opted for without a second thought. You may spoil your next questions if you stay anxious about the earlier answers. So, just trust your instincts and preparation.
Recommendation: It is important for the candidates to stay focused while answering and manage the time accordingly to attempt all the questions. Your knowledge and practice have to be showcased in the best way in the exam. So, make sure you work on that factor too.
So, if you’re sceptical about taking up the CISA exam just because you don’t have a mind map to start its preparation, you can follow the above tips and plan your CISA Certification accordingly. Similarly, you can talk to one of our experts of ZOC Technologies who can share their experience and personal guidance to bring out the best in the exam in a limited time frame! So, raise your doubts about the CISA exam and preparation with us.
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softcryz · 4 months
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ONE MORE TIME fire emoji
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Yeah okay. Ye.ah. Thirteen Flowers Bloom and Times Lost in Bliss save me. You guys understand how cruel this is right. I'm okay
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Hey! Apologies for the inactivity, but it's time for a Zoc post!
Recently I've been wondering why I haven't been able to draw asks quite as frequently as I used to, and I realized it might be because I'm trying to force myself to stick to one style. Which.. Doesn't exactly work, considering my art style constantly changes and I'm always trying new things.
Trying to confine myself to one style just to look neat seems to kill the brain, so! As a notice, from here on out, this blog's probably gonna have a very inconsistent style!
(It already kinda did, but you know what I mean!) (It probably won't even be all that noticeable, actually...)
Still, I'd like to hear what other people think about this? See how many of you actually mind and whatnot. I hope that's okay!
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zarithial · 4 months
I saw you reblog my ask game and decided why not
1. First impression? I saw you first when I kept attacking zoc with drawings of wawa. I saw that you guys were friends and thought "ohhh another gift art target >:)"
2. Current impression? You are a friend. We don't talk much but I think you are really cool. Love seeing you on my dashboard
3.Nicknames, idk I just say zari
4.Fav design? I love all your ocs. With canon scugs I do love your Arti quite a bit though
5.Advice. don't be hard on yourself, you are doing your best
6.Food. popping candy, if I could say a drink I would say any grape soda
7. I would say you're tall. I always imagine you as tall
8. Artwork I love. This is tricky since I love all your stuff. Just gonna be safe and say that I still really love the artwork you made for me during the last art fight
9. Animal. You are drake, if I had to say real animal it would probably be komodo dragon or any reptiles really
10. Fun fact. Did you know the US navy gives sea lions video games
i took so long to get tot his.... raghhhhh
thank you so much ray!!!
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captainkirkmccoy · 7 years
Jim’s fingers tapped out morse code on his jumping leg. 
When he was through, he started again. 
A cool hand covered his and pressed it gently onto his knee, stilling both. 
“It’s illogical to be nervous.” His business partner, Spock, told him. 
Jim snorted. “I don’t know what I’m more worried about--that he’ll punch me in my face or laugh in my face.”
Spock considered his options. “Both are possible.”
Jim threw his head back, banging into the headrest. They were three hours into their four hour trip to Atlanta, and there was a ring in his pocket that he picked out five-years-ago, hoping, praying that one day he’d be able to give it to his best friend. Spock had called him illogical then too. 
“You didn’t see his face, Spock.” Jim pushed his palms into his closed eyelids, color exploding behind them. A headache was starting to form there and he was sure he was going to throw up. 
“If you believe that Leonard’s feelings for you are true, then there is nothing to fear, Jim.”
Jim had fallen in love with his best friend way before he knew what falling in love meant. Having lost his father before he was even born, he hardly had a functional couple role-model, and spent most of his adolescence thinking of Bones as his hero, protector, partner-in-crime. It wasn’t until his sophomore year of high school, when Bones had taken Jocelyn Darnell to prom, that Jim realized that he was 1) Bi and 2) so deeply in love with Bones that it hurt to see them line up on the lawn across the street for pictures. It hurt to think of Bones anywhere but with him. 
He had thought distance and experimentation was the best way to fall out of love with Bones. He spent summers at his grandparents’ estate in Iowa, distancing himself from the person he physically hurt at leaving behind. 
“What if I was wrong? What if he was just pissed over something else?
Leonard McCoy made his way through the packed lunch crowd of Persimmons, dodging shopping bags and the pushed backed chairs of the Atlanta Elite. The exclusive establishment was a bit too high brow for his taste, he hated any restaurant that had a dress code, but his best friend of over thirty-years, Nyota Uhura, refused to discuss business anywhere else. 
And there she was, in her usual corner circle table by the fireplace, where she could be found at any day of the week, holding court over her media contacts and the various waitstaff that fawned over her. 
He kissed her cheek and took his place in the high backed seat across from her, noting the wine glass that was stained red that told him she’d been working here for the day already. 
“So?” He asked, rubbing his hands together as he waved away a waiter that tried to offer him a wine menu. “Is it possible?”
She rolled her eyes. “Of course it’s possible. It’s done, in fact.”
He breathed a sigh of relief. 
“But...” She tapped a quick message out on her phone and pushed it aside before letting her chin fall into her palm, propping her elbow up on the table in a way that he was sure she would never do if he were one of her contacts. 
“But what?”
“Can I ask you a question?”
“Of course.” 
“Two weeks ago you were about to move across the world to get away from him. Now you’re proposing?”
Leo avoided her eyes to nod at the waiter, who was standing attentively waiting his order on the other side of the fireplace. “A whisky neat. Please?”
Nyota narrowed her eyes at him but he ignored her. 
“It took me a while but I get it now.”
“You’re going to need to give me a bit more than that.”
“I love him.” This was said quietly, drowned out by the gentle crackle of the fire. Nyota heard it though. She didn’t miss a thing. 
“I just--” She shook her head. “I love you both.” At his raised eyebrow, she screwed up her mouth. “If you admit that to Kirk, I will quit and you’ll have to found a new PR exec.”
“My lips are sealed.”
“So why now? It’s been...thirty something years?”
“I’m an idiot that took too long to figure things out. And when I realized that it would be months until I saw him again--with the way we left things..things just clicked.”
She rolled her eyes and muttered something that sounded suspiciously like “Men.”
The waiter placed the highball glass in front of him and he took a sip, relishing in the warmth that spread at the smallest amount. 
“Thank you.” He told her after twenty minutes of going over details--Nyota wasn’t called the best publicist in town for nothing, her attention to detail and creativeness was unparalleled, which is why he knew he could trust her with something as important and terrifying as this. 
Jim knew he had to see Bones. Now. 
He would lose his nerve if he didn’t and Bones was fucking nowhere to be found. 
Finally, after his third trip to Zoc Doc, the emergency clinic that Bones ran, a car pulled up just outside the curb. 
“Aye! Get in Jimmy boy!”
Jim ducked his head to see through the passenger door. “Scotty?”
“You better get in, lad. Got a bit of a trip.”
Jim did. 
What followed was an exercise in patience and managing his nerves. He almost threw up, he was so anxious, the ring burning a hole in his pocket, his fingers aching from how tight he gripped the edges of the leather seats. 
They went by the elementary school where they met and Bones stood up for him on the playground. 
They went to the Stewart’s where Jim worked and where Bones used to keep his company on Sunday night late shifts. 
They went by the wheat fields where Jim used to pretend to run away to and Bones would always find him and make him realize that there was something worth coming home to. 
At every place was a notecard with a clue for the next place. If this was Bones’ apology tour, he was getting damn nostalgic with it 
Scotty was no help, obviously. Just shepherded Jim from place to place with a grin and uncharacteristic silence. 
“You’re not even going to give me a hint?” Jim grumbled, climbing into the backseat after the fourth place. 
“Nah.” Scotty said and pulled away from the orchard where Jim had broken his arm and Bones had carried him into town. 
The car slowed on a familiar tree-lined streets where the houses started out close together and grew far apart with every passing mailbox. 
“We’re going home?” Jim whispered. 
This was the street he grew up on. The street he had met Bones on. Had watched from a window across the street, using walkie talkies to communicate and staying up late to use morse code through their flashing lamps and flashlights until a parent yelled at them to go to bed already. 
And on the lawn of Jim’s childhood house--where his mom still lived-- was Bones. Fucking gorgeous, with just enough stubble that Jim felt a bit weak. If he weren’t sitting he might have swooned, Jesus Christ. 
Jim breathed deep, in and out, like Bones used to tell him to when the panic attacks started or he woke from a bad dream at a sleepover. Bones who never told Jim to get over it already, who never left Jim to deal with it on his own, who was always there. 
“Hey,” Bones said when Jim got out of the car. Was he fidgeting? He was!
Jim couldn’t help but grin. “Hey yourself. You going to tell me what this is all about?” 
Bones nodded, reached for him. “I can show you.”
Jim’s heart stopped. He felt like someone had dropped a bucket of ice over his head. “Hold on.” 
Bones raised his eyebrows. “What?”
“Hold on. I have something to say first.”
“Really?” Bones frowned. “Because I have something pretty damn important to say first.”
“Wanna bet?”
Bones rolled his eyes. “Go ahead, you infant.”
Jim cleared his throat and then got down on one knee. 
He was not prepared for the string of curses that Bones volleyed at him. 
“Are you fucking serious, right now Jim?” Bones felt as if someone had dumped a bucket of ice on him. His heart stopped. His mouth dried up. 
Jim froze, hand mid reach into his pocket. “Um, yes?”
Bones felt the laugh, hysterical and bursting, bubble up from the pit of his stomach until he was shaking. He threw his head back and howled. 
Jim was up in an instant, hands feeling for his shoulders, his head, his cheeks. “Are you okay? Jesus, you’re not breathing. Jesus.”
Bones leaned forward so that his hands were on his knees as he laughed so hard that his vision blurred. “Marry. Me.” He managed to choke out. 
“Well, yeah, I was going to ask you but um. Obviously it’s hilarious so-”
“No.” Bones straightened, reached into his back jean’s pocket and pulled out a the band that had belonged to Jim’s dad. The one Winona had given him with her blessing. “Marry me?”
Jim’s eyes widened to a comical size. “Oh.”
His answer was to pull Bones into a kiss, a deep, long overdue kiss. 
Somewhere in the background, Spock handed Nyota a hundred dollar bill--a holdover from a bet made some time ago, and Scotty whooped. “FINALLY”! 
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Cygwin Download Mac
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Cygwin Download Mac Version
Cygwin Download Mac Installer
Download/Install the Cygwin Toolset. Cygwin is a collection of GNU and Open Source tools that provide a Linux-like environment for Windows: using it we can install and use llvm (which includes the GCC compilers), Clang (which includes Clang compilers), GDB (a debugger used by both compilers), and make/cmake (tools that which we use to specify how to build -compile and link- C programs). Cygwin terminal free download - ZOC Terminal, Telconi Terminal, MacPilot, and many more programs. The Mac instructions as a guide. Download cygwin.zip and extract the contents onto your portable drive or hard-disk. You are advised to extract to the root directory of a drive (e.g. Navigate to your drive and/or folder where the files were extracted, and you will see three files. Cygwin This folder contains all the necessary files.
Please download one of the latest releases in order toget an API-stable version of cairo. You'll need both the cairo andpixman packages.
See In-Progress Development (below) for details ongetting and building the latest pre-release source code if that's whatyou're looking for.
Binary Packages
GNU/Linux distributions
Many distributions including Debian,Fedora, and others regularly includerecent versions of cairo. As more and more applications depend oncairo, you might find that the library is already installed. To getthe header files installed as well may require asking for a -dev or-devel package as follows:
For Debian and Debian derivatives including Ubuntu:
For Fedora:
For openSUSE:
Precompiled binaries for Windows platforms can be obtained in avariety of ways.
From Dominic Lachowicz:
Since GTK+ 2.8 and newer depends on Cairo, you can have Cairoinstalled on Win32 as a side-effect of installing GTK+. For example,see The Glade/GTK+ for WindowsToolkit.
From Daniel Keep (edited by Kalle Vahlman):
Go to official GTK+ for Windows page.
You probably want at least the zlib, cairo, and libpng run-time archives(you can search on those strings to find them in thepage). That should be it. Just pop libcairo-2.dll, libpng13.dll andzlib1.dll into your working directory or system PATH, and away you go!
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That gives you the base cairo functions, the PNG functions, and theWin32 functions.
Mac OS X
Using MacPorts, the port is called'cairo', so you can just type:
And to upgrade to newer versions once installed:
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If you use fink instead, the command toinstall cairo is:
In general, fink is more conservative about upgrading packages thanMacPorts, so the MacPorts version will be closer to the bleeding edge,while the fink version may well be more stable.
If you want to stay on the absolute cutting-edge of what's happeningwith cairo, and you don't mind playing with software that is unstableand full of rough edges, then we have several things you might enjoy:
We may from time to time create a snapshot of thecurrent state of cairo. These snapshots do not guarantee API stabilityas the code is still in an experimental state. Again, you'll want bothcairo and pixman packages from that directory.
Browsing the latest code
The cairo library itself is maintained with thegit version control system. You may browse thesource online using the cgitinterface.
Downloading the source with git
You may also use git to clone a local copy of the cairo library sourcecode. The following git commands are provided for your cut-and-pasteconvenience.
followed by periodic updates in each resulting directory:
Once you have a clone this way, you can browse it locally withgraphical tools such as gitk or gitview. You may also commit changeslocally with 'git commit -a'. These local commits will beautomatically merged with upstream changes when you next 'git pull',and you can also generate patches from them for submitting to thecairo mailing list with 'git format-patch origin'. To compile theclone, you need to run ./autogen.sh initially and then follow theinstructions in the file named INSTALL.
You may need some distribution-specific development packages to compilecairo. If your are using Debian or Ubuntu, you may findadditional details for Debian-derived systemshelpful.
Git under Linux/UNIX
If you can't find git packages for your distribution, (thoughcheck for a git-core package as well), you can get tar files fromhttp://code.google.com/p/git-core/downloads/list
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Git on Windows
You can use Git on Windows either with msysgit or git inside Cygwin. Msysgit is the recommended way to go as the installation is much simpler and it provides a GUI. In all cases, make sure the drive you download the repository on is formatted NTFS, as Git will generate errors on FAT32.
See the msysgit project for thelatest information about git for Windows. You'll find a .exe installerfor git there, as well as pointers to the cygwin port of git as well. This is all you need to do.
Download and run the Cygwin Setup.exe from Cygwin's website. Walkthrough the initial dialog boxes until you reach the 'Select Packages'page. Click the 'View' button to display an alphabetical list ofpackages and select the 'git' package.
If you want to build using gcc, you will also need to select thefollowing packages:
'automake' ( anything >=1.7 )
'git' ( no need to click on this again if you did so above )
Cygwin Download Mac Version
Whether you build with gcc or not:
Click 'Next' and Cygwin setup will download all you need. Afterdownloading, go to the directory where Cygwin is installed, and run'cygwin.bat'. This will open a command prompt.Mount anexisting directory on your hard drive, cd to that directory, and thenfollow the 'Downloading with git' instructions above.
Cygwin Download Mac Installer
If you want to build using Visual Studio and still want the latestsource, you will need cygwin, but you will only need to select the'git' package. See the VisualStudio page for more details.
Download and install zlib. Build zlib from its /projects folder, and use LIB RELEASE configuration.
Download and install libpng. Build libpng from its /projects folder and use LIB RELEASE configuration.
Install the MozillaBuild environment from here: MozillaBuild
If you chose the default install path, you'll find in c:mozilla-build several batch files. Edit the one corresponding to your version of VC++ (or a copy of it), and modify the INCLUDE and LIB paths. You'll need to add the zlib and libpng INCLUDE and LIBpaths. Also include <your repository>cairosrc, <your repository>cairoboilerplate, and <your repository>pixmanpixman to the INCLUDE paths. Here's an example (your paths will vary obviously):
Launch the batch file you just modified. It'll open a mingw window. Ignore the error messages that might appear at the top of the window.We'll now build everything in debug configuration. For release, replace CFG=debug by CFG=release
Browse to pixman's folder (pixmanpixman), and run make -f Makefile.win32 CFG=debug
Browse to Cairo's src folder (cairosrc), and run make -f Makefile.win32 static CFG=debug.You now have your library in cairosrcdebug (or release).You can build the remaining ancillary cairo parts with the following steps, or go enjoy your library now.
Browse to Cairo's boilerplate folder (cairoboilerplate), and run make -f Makefile.win32 CFG=debug
Browse to Cairo's test pdiff folder (cairotestpdiff), and run make -f Makefile.win32
Browse to Cairo's test folder (cairotest), and run make -f Makefile.win32 CFG=debug
Browse to Cairo's benchmark folder (cairoperf), and run make -f Makefile.win32 CFG=debug
Building in Visual Studio
You can create a Visual Studio solution and projects for each of these: pixman, cairo/src, cairo/boilerplate, cairo/test, cairo/perf. Check each project's properties, make them all makefile projects, and set the build command (NMake) as follows. This example applies to cairo/src in release configuration, residing in C:WorkCairosrc, with the Mozilla Build Tools installed in C:mozilla-build:
Modify the paths and the configuration as needed for the other projects.
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0 notes
kristielynnhiggins · 5 years
Beauty and the Beast fantasy romance book series
Once Upon A Time... there was a horrible curse. Beauty and the Beast with a twist. What if the woman was the one turned into the Beast? Beauty and the Beast with a lot of fantasy action adventure and fairy tale realms. “READ FREE sample chapter below” & then download fantasy action-adventure fairy tale book for FREE. http://www.kristielynnhiggins.com/BOTB1PartA.html "Beauty Of The Beast #1 The Mysic Rose: Part A: The Flower, The Sword, And The Kiss" Chapter One: The Beast: "Stand your guard!" Han shouted as he held a wooden sword, taking an attack position against a boy.  The commander's red cape draped his left shoulder, and he had short black hair and a trimmed beard.  He told the boy, "I shall attack first."
Blue-gray hills surrounded them as a cool crisp breeze swept through the tall grass.  The multitude of knee-high blades rippled like waves across an ocean.  Edward drew his wooden sword, taking a defensive position.  He stood by a large Cobalt Oak in the land of Naught.  The silver-blue tree shaded them as a Crimson Jay chirped to the new sun's cycle.
Edward said, "I am ready, High Guard."
Five more High Guards surrounded a carriage, watching the fight, and they cheered on the boy prince as a carriage driver tended to four horses.  The steeds needed water before the last stretch of their journey back to the Fletching Kingdom.  The journey to anoint the Prince a potential Emperor was over.  A little girl with an open book watched the practice duel.
"Quiz me," she pleaded to one of the guards.
Von took the book, asking, "What is a nal?"
She smiled, smoothed her hands down her plain brown dress, and then answered, "A nal is a measure of time.  There are twenty in a day; it's what we call a sun's cycle."
"Good..." Von replied as he glanced up and noticed Han was ready to begin, so he hurried the next question by asking, "What is a mite?"
She giggled and then answered, "A nal consists of a hundred mites; it also measures time."  She beamed with pride, knowing the next fact as she said, "There are two thousand mites in a sun's cycle."
"Well done," Von said.  "What is a zoc?"
"It measures distance.  A horse can run a zoc in six mites."
"Good, good..." he said as he handed the book back, turning his full attention to the Prince and commander.  "Let us watch the duel."
Han thrust his small wooden sword, and Edward blocked.
"Excellent," the commander told Edward.  "Now we need to work on countering."
Han repeated the attack, and Edward blocked and thrust toward the Guard's belly.  Han blocked and stripped the Prince of his sword, and the weapon fell near the carriage.
"Never believe you have the upper hand," Han told him as his face hardened for the sake of the lesson.  Edward was so much like his father the King.  He was so arrogant and fallibly confident.  He wasn't cruel but self-centered.  The commander hoped his future King would be a good ruler and one with a heart for the people.  Han stated, "If you let up your guard in the least, your enemy shall take advantage."
The Prince bowed his head in defeat.  He hated losing.
Edward spoke, "I do not see why I have to practice the sword."
Han sighed and then said, "You must learn to defend yourself, my lord."  He leveled his blade on the Prince as he added, "You must be able to protect yourself."
The little girl gasped, dropped her book, ran to Edward's sword, and picked it up.  She ran behind Han, jumped on his back, and placed the wooden blade next to his neck, and then the girl declared, "Not as long as there are High Guards to protect him."
Han laughed, and then he questioned her, "So little one, are you a High Guard?"
"Yes," she answered.
He grabbed the sword and rolled her off his back into his arms.
Edward kicked the dirt jealous that Han's attention was on the girl, and then he said, "Girls cannot be High Guards.  Girls are not allowed to handle weapons."
Han put the child down and looked her over, and then he told her, "You know the Prince is right, little one.  What's your name?"
She admired the man towering over her as she answered him, "I've only been called girl.  I'm–"
"The peasant was never given a name," Edward interrupted, looking down on the girl.  "Her mother died when she was born, and she has no father and so has no name.  My mother the Queen took pity on her and made her my playmate."
Han rubbed his black beard, examining her, and then he questioned, "You are what, eight?"
"Nine," she replied.  "Two seasons younger than the Prince."
"Why haven't you picked yourself a name?" the commander questioned.
She batted her big brown eyes as she replied, "I don't know what to call myself.  I was also told only someone from the court can name me."
Han glanced over those gathered, focused on one of his men who was an Archer, and grinned.  He questioned her, "How about Pluck?"
"Pluck..?" she repeated.
"Pluck is not a girl's name," Edward stated as he sneered, wondering why the commander never picked a name for him.  He was the Prince and was far more worthy to receive a name.  Edward said, "Anyway, is that not the heart, liver, and lungs of a slaughtered animal?  Why not call her Entrails?"
Han frowned, shaking his head as he spoke, "Never mind the Prince; he can be spiteful when he loses a duel."  The commander turned his gaze back to the girl.  A name was very important; it identified who you were, who you could be and once given, no one could take it away.  Han told her, "Pluck also means resourceful courage and daring in the face of adversity."
She smiled as she said, "I like Pluck."  She delighted in how the word rolled off her tongue and that it was something that belonged to her.
"But Pluck is not a girl's name," Edward insisted, stomping his foot.  "It is not proper."
"True...  True..." Han spoke as he looked at the girl.  The Prince was right, the name wouldn't be accepted in the Fletching Court.  Han suggested, "Perhaps I should pick another."  
"No.  I like it," she said as she pleaded with her small hands, fearing he would take it away before it was hers.  "Really, I like Pluck.  Please, let me keep it.  Something that's mine."
Han's face softened.  The poor child... to have nothing in this world, not even a name.  He raised his wooden sword, tapped her on each shoulder as if knighting her, and said, "Pluck it is."
Edward rolled his blue eyes as he asked, "How much longer until we leave?"
Han looked at the carriage driver.
The driver replied, "If we're to ride nonstop to the castle, the horses should rest a few more nals."
"We shall wait a few more nals," Han stated, scanned the prairie, and then he questioned, "Why don't you play, my lord?  It isn't every sun's cycle you're allowed beyond the walls of your castle."
Edward's pout vanished as he started, "Well..."  He looked over the blue-gray hills and saw a forest in the distance as a mischievous grin crossed his face.  "I could busy myself for a nal or two."
"Good then.  Stay where we can see you and don't go into the forest," Han instructed him, then turned to his men, and ordered, "Bulwark and Von, keep an eye on the children.  The rest of us shall ride ahead to the village and pick up our supper.  We shall be back within the nal."
"Yes, sir," Bulwark and Von replied.
"This way," Edward commanded the girl as he scurried through the tall blue-gray grass as if chasing something.  "I saw a Prairie Toad.  Let us see if we can catch it."
"Where?" Pluck asked as she ran after him, carrying the Prince's wooden sword.  "I don't see a toad."
"There!" Edward shouted as he pointed at the imaginary amphibian.
He needed to get them closer to the forest and then wait till the Guards were not looking.  He glanced at the girl.  All he had to do was convince her to follow him.  He smirked.  She was very devoted to him; it might not be as hard as he believed.
He told her, "The toad is heading into the forest."
She stopped and shook her head as she insisted, "We can't.  Han said we're not to go in."
Edward also stopped and spoke, "He did, but who is the Prince?"  He raised his chin to show his authority and said, "Anyway..."  A sly grin crossed his face before he stated, "I shall need a Guard to accompany me."
Pluck's face brightened as she pointed to herself and questioned, "You mean me?"  She motioned back the way they came and asked, "But what about Bulwark and Von?"
The children looked across the prairie to the warriors.  The two High Guards were distracted by a traveler asking directions.
"We shall not be gone long.  They shall not even know we are missing so come," Edward commanded her as he headed into the forest.  "It shall be an adventure like those told in stories."
"I don't know," she said as she followed him, searching the trees.  "What if Necroms live here?"
"Necroms..."  He laughed and then explained to her, "They are only stories told to scare little children."
"I am a child..." Pluck stated as she apprehensively scanned the forest, gripping the sword tightly.  "I am scared."  She bit her lip, not wanting to go but did, desperate to protect the Prince no matter how frightened she was.  Pluck said, "There are reasons children shouldn't go into dark woods."
Summer green shrouded the forest as Black Feathered Yaws sang to the new sun's cycle.  Their high pitched shrills echoed across the forest as pine scented the air.  Trunk Beetles buzzed about the children as Edward led them down an animal trail.  The canopy thickened the further they ventured.  The woods darkened as the sun found little passage into the forest domain, and the air grew cool.
"We better go back," Pluck suggested as she searched the shadows for monsters as misshapen trees frightened her.
"Are you afraid?" Edward questioned as his heart pounded for the excitement, knowing nothing would turn him back.
"Yes," she admitted.  "Please, let's return."
"A little farther then we shall.  Look..."  He pointed to a structure hidden in the vegetation and asked, "What could it be?"
"A temple?  Maybe..." Pluck replied as she saw statues of a Woolly Tiger, Fire Lion, Striped Cheetah, and Ghost Panther guarding the overgrown entrance.  Their cold stone eyes glared at them, warning them not to enter as she stated, "I don't think we should go in."
"Nonsense.  There is nothing to be afraid of.  There is no one else out here."
"That's why I'm afraid," she admitted as her little hands trembled.  Pluck readied the wooden sword as she said, "I'm the only one here to protect you."
In the distance, Bulwark and Von shouted, "My lord...  Prince Edward..."  Their cries were frantic as they questioned, "Where are you?"
Pluck started to shout.
"No," Edward commanded, staring at the temple that beckoned him.  "I am not done with my adventure.  They shall find us when they do.  Come."
"I think we should let them know where we are."
Edward turned to her, and his piercing blue eyes stared at her as he asked her, "Do you love me?"
His question surprised her, so she didn't answer.
"Do you love me?" he repeated.
"Yes, I have always–"
"Then come with me," Edward interrupted, feeling nothing for her.  She was an object; the girl was something to own and something to rule.  He attacked her heart; it was the one muscle vulnerable to words... to lies...  A simple gesture from him and then a smile, and she was his.  His mother had taught him well.  He told her, "If you love me, you shall do as I say."
Pluck didn't answer him only nodded.
Edward rushed into the structure, following a long pale-white hallway.  Brass torches lit the stone passage that looked as if it hadn't been used in a very long time.
"Someone is here," she said.  Everything within Pluck told her to run and flee from this place.  She told him, "Someone had to light the fires."
"Let us see," Edward said as he steadied himself on a cold stone wall determined to continue.  The temple had to protect something, and he had to know what it was.  Edward told the girl, "This is my kingdom and anyone here is my subject."
Pluck bit her lip again, and then she said, "That doesn't mean they'll obey you."
The hall opened to a large room with a round blue pool.  Steam hovered above the water like a ghostly mist.  A bush grew from a platform in the middle of the water and on it, a single white flower budded.
Edward's eyes widened as he uttered, "A Mystic Rose!"
"A what?" Pluck inquired and when she saw it, the flower's beauty awed her.
"A Mystic Rose.  It is written they possess great power," Edward spoke as he licked his lips greedily and deeply breathed, smelling the flower's sweet aroma.  "It is said the Rose was the only magical thing brought to the Fletching Kingdom."  He rubbed his palms as he stated, "I must have it."  
"Maybe you shouldn't.  It belongs to someone," Pluck insisted as she noticed more statues of large cats encircling the room.  "Please, let's leave."
"I am the Prince.  What I want I possess," Edward declared as he crossed stone steps to the bush.  Glittering sparkles surrounded the Rose like fluttering pixies.  He carefully grabbed the stem of the white Rose, broke it from the bush, then waited a couple of moments to see if anything would happen, and headed back.  Edward said, "See...  Nothing...  Now let us return."
Pluck looked around as she held her breath, and then she sighed and studied the Rose as she asked, "May I touch the Rose?"
He thought on her request, and then he replied, "You may but only once."
She touched the white petals of the Rose with her left hand and slid her index finger down its stem.
"That is enough," Edward spoke as he pulled it away.
"Ouch..." Pluck said as she put her finger to her mouth.  "The flower bit me."
"Huh?"  He examined the stem, and then he told her, "It did not bite you.  You caught your finger on a thorn.  See..."  Edward showed her as he said, "There is a little blood here."
The thorn absorbed the blood as she looked at it.  The Rose's petals changed from white to blue.  Pluck smiled and giggled, and the Rose's petals turned yellow.  
"How pretty," she uttered as she looked at her index finger, and her eyes widened as magical sparkles materialized.  The multicolor lights danced about like fairies, and a black dot appeared on her fingertip.  Two black lines shot from the circle and split, curving around to the top.  The lines joined and created four separate rings up to her knuckle, and then the sparkles faded.
Pluck questioned, "Is this magic?"
"No..." Edward answered her and then said, "It looks like a tattoo.  Do you not know magic happens only for those with Royal Blood?"  He examined the markings.  No peasant would receive the power of his Rose.  He told her, "The Queen shall not like that you have a tattoo."
Her faced reddened with embarrassment and fear, dreading the Queen's wrath, and then she said, "It's your fault I have it.  You're the one who stuck me with the thorn."
"My fault?" he questioned, and then told her, "Do not blame this on me."
Pluck pouted as she said, "I am, and I'm going to tell the Queen."
"My mother!" Edward uttered as he cringed.  "You cannot.  I command you not to."
Her face grew stern as she spoke, "You'll have to do better than that."
Her disobedience outraged him as he questioned her, "What did you say?"
She folded her arms and then replied, "I want something for my silence."
"Give you something, hah!"  He looked at the yellow Rose and told her, "I shall not give you the Mystic Rose."
Pluck laughed as she said, "I don't want it.  I want something else."
"What could you want?" Edward questioned as he looked around the room as if it would be there.
She blushed, before whispering, "The Kiss."
The Rose's petals changed to pink.
Edward's face flushed as he uttered, "My first Kiss... but that is for my betrothed."  He looked her over like she was rabble before he told her, "Anyway, you are not royalty."
"That's true, but the Kiss only pledges your heart to the one," Pluck said as she giggled.  "Not that you'll marry me.  I know you can't marry a peasant."  She fiddled with the wooden sword as she stated, "This is all I want."
He thought on her proposal.  The Kiss was meaningless to him.  If it shall buy her silence...  He answered, "Agreed.  I shall give you my first Kiss and in exchange, you shall not tell my mother it is my fault you have the tattoo."  He then added, "Or that I gave you the Kiss."
"I agree," she said as she blushed again coyly.  "I'll ready myself."  Pluck placed her hands behind her back and puckered her lips.
Edward took a deep breath, gathered his courage, and leaned toward her lips ready to meet them.  Before they kissed, a howling wind whipped in, chilled the air, and flickered the fires lighting the room.  The docile stone faces of the statues magically became angry, and the children heard large cats rage.  The Rose's hue became purple as fear filled Pluck.
"Who dares?" a woman's voice demanded like the roar of a lioness.  "Who dares steal the Mystic Rose?"  A woman fair as an Angel Dove soared into the room like a white apparition.  She pointed a slender finger at the Prince as she questioned him, "Is it ye?"
Both children paled.
"Speak up child!" the woman demanded.  "Is it ye?"
Edward looked at Pluck, and then he stepped forward, replying, "Yes.  I took the Mystic Rose."  His fear turned to anger as he declared, "This is my kingdom, I shall take what I want."
"Curse ye, arrogant one!" she shrieked.  "Ye shall regret the sun's cycle ye transgressed this temple."  She floated above them as she questioned them, "Do ye not know I am Fairah, Protector of the Rose?  Curse ye!  If ye had only asked, the Rose would have been ye's."  Fairah hovered to the ceiling as green currents of electricity surged across her body.  Her long white hair stood on end as power flowed through her ghostly form as she yelled, "Ye do not deserve the Rose!"  
"My Prince," a voice shouted from outside the structure.
"Han, here!" Edward replied, hoping his guards would save him.  "I am in danger!"
Fairah raised her hands, forming a ball of electricity in her palms as her solid white eyes glowed green.  She told him, "They shall not reach ye in time."  She flung the energy, and the ball hurled toward him.
Pluck's heart skipped, seeing Edward in danger, and she shouted, "My lord!"  She rushed toward him and pushed the Prince out of the way as she yelled, "Look out!"
Edward landed on the stone floor and rolled to face Pluck as the energy hit her, throwing her back, but she didn't fall.  The power lifted her into the air like a great wind.  She screamed as green electricity surged through her tiny body, whipping her brown hair about.  Roars of Woolly Tigers, Fire Lions, Striped Cheetahs, and Ghost Panthers filled the room with unbearable noise.  Edward covered his ears.  A turquoise energy exploded from Pluck, blowing the Prince's black hair.  The power shredded her dress, ripping it from her body, and she covered her nakedness with her arms and knees.  
"I'm burning!" Pluck shrieked, reaching her hand toward the Prince.  "Save me!" 
Paralyzed by fear, Edward shook his head as he covered his eyes with his hands and screamed, "Make it stop!  Han, save me!"
Short beige fur sprouted from Pluck's body as a long tail formed.  Tiger like claws replaced her nails and her canine teeth lengthened.  Pluck screamed again, but she sounded like a Ghost Panther.  Her hair changed to fiery-crimson and grew longer into a full mane.  Her eyes changed from brown to emerald green, and her legs grew, becoming more cheetah like.  The power lowered Pluck's small frame to the floor.  She wept, wrapping her furry arms around her ill-fated form and shivered as tears streamed down her face.
Edward scurried away from the ghastly sight, making Pluck cry all the more.  Han, Bulwark, Von, and the rest of the Guards rushed in with their rapier swords readied.  Bulwark and Von hurried to the Prince and carried him out of the temple as Han rushed toward Pluck, and then he halted.
"By Fletching!  What beast is this?"  He lifted his sword to strike her as he yelled, "Crell spawn!"
"Do not hurt the child," Fairah commanded.  "She is only cursed."
"She?"  Han lowered his sword, examining the beast more closely as he inquired, "Is that you, little one?"
Pluck turned to him, furry beige face wet with tears and quivered out an answer, "Yes."
Han pointed his slender sword at the apparition and asked, "Is it a fight you want, witch?"
"No," Fairah replied, and then she told him, "My duty 'tis over.  Ye may leave in peace."
Han turned to the men who were still with him and ordered them, "All of you out."  They did as commanded, and he removed his red cape, covering Pluck, and then ordered the woman, "Change her back."
His request surprised Fairah, and she told him, "I cannot as I said, there is a spell on her."
"Why did you do this?" he demanded.  "Why this hideous form?"
"The punishment was meant for the boy, but she pushed him out of the way."
"But why?" Han repeated.
Fairah couldn't understand why this man didn't know.  All of Fletching should know.  Fairah answered him, "He stole the Mystic Rose which I am the protector of."  She motioned to the bush in the center of the pool and said, "They should have known better."
"Known?" Han snapped, and then he questioned, "Who are you?"
Again he surprised her as she asked, "Ye do not know me?  I am Fairah and this last place of magic has been protected by the king's decree since the foundation of the Kingdom."
"My dear lady, I am Han, Commander of the High Guards," he said as he swiped his sword, pointing to the room.  "I have not heard that this land is protected.  You must have been forgotten by the passing of time."
"I have been forgotten?" Fairah uttered as she contemplated the possibility.  "Then the boy knew not to take the Rose or that in asking he could have had it."  
Han nodded.
"So I punished him for only being an arrogant child."  Fairah looked at Pluck with compassion as she restated, "Or should I say, I condemned her."
Han demanded, "Take back the hex."
She explained to him, "Even with my powers, I cannot but..."  Fairah floated down next to the girl as she said, "There is a way."  She waved her hand over the child and spoke, "If she can receive what was promised this sun's cycle before the Mystic Rose, the curse shall be broken."  She lifted into the air as her ghostly form vanished slowly.
"Where are you going?" he demanded.
She paused mid-air and told him, "There is nothing more for me to guard here till another Rose blooms."
"What about the child?" Han asked as he felt helpless to comfort Pluck yet alone help her through this tragedy.  "I cannot take her back to the castle like this.  Since our birth, we are told to fear Necroms.  We are to despise and kill any we might come across.  Look at her."  He turned Pluck to face Fairah, and then he continued, "She's the very embodiment of what we hate.  I understand, but the others shall not.  They shall throw her into the dungeon or kill her."
Fairah shook her head with disdain as she said, "This is how they praise heroes now?"  She looked around the Temple and then replied, "The child may live here.  Few people venture into these woods, so she should be safe."  Fairah looked once more to the girl as the tragedy of what she cursed her to became clearer in her mind, and then Fairah vanished without another word.
"No," Pluck pleaded, turning to the High Guard.  "Don't leave me here, not alone."
Han felt for the girl.  Her life had been hard enough but now with the curse...  Han told her, "I am sorry, but you can't return with us.  They shall not understand.  Too many in the court still fear the myth of the Necroms."  He left and returned, placing on the floor the supplies they purchased in town.  "Here is some food," he stated, and then he started out.
"No!  Don't leave me."  Pluck grabbed his leg as she begged him, "I don't want to be alone."
Han's heart broke as he placed his hand on her furry head, and then he told her, "I vow as a High Guard I shall return tomorrow."  He beckoned to her, so she would look to him, "Little one..."
She lifted her feline eyes.
"You sacrificed yourself to save the Prince, a duty that was ours.  I shall not let you be forgotten like the protector of this temple," Han told her as he helped her onto her new legs, not knowing what to say to ease her pain, then noticed the wooden sword on the floor, and remembered his duel with the Prince.  "You have proven yourself, so rules or not, I shall train you to become a High Guard.  You have earned that right... now dry your eyes.  Tears are not becoming of a warrior.”
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Beauty Of The Beast #1 The Mysic Rose: Part A: The Flower, The Sword, And The Kiss
Click above and download the free fantasy ebook and continue the story of Beauty of the Beast #1 The Mystic Rose: Part A: The Flower, The Sword, And The Kiss. Download from places like Amazon Kindle, Google Play Google Books, Barnes and Noble Nook, Apple Books iTunes iBooks, Kobo / Walmart ebooks. 
A new approach to the classic fairy tale. The story of Beauty and the Beast with a twist. What if the woman was the one turned into the creature?
A realm of adventure and peril mingled with romance, friendship, and sword and sorcery. Join Pluck as she travels through a strange land of danger and intrigue as she finds allies and foes alike in her search to lift her monstrous curse. A story like Beauty and the Beast but with more action and menacing darkness.
On the planet Terra when recorded history began, Man coexisted with the Necroms. Necroms were intelligent catlike humanoids. The dawn of this period was known as the First Age of Magic. In the Second Age of Magic, a war broke out between Man and the Necroms and by the middle of the Second Age, Man was nearly wiped from creation. Those who survived fled Wellspring and journeyed across the sea into the unknown, finding new homes and creating fortified domains. In the Third and final Age of Magic, Man established five island kingdoms: Commery, Fletching, Morgog, Swelldom, and Hort.
In the First Age of Metal, Man turned from the lost art of magic to the might of weapons as they discovered iron then steel. Large armies were created, and Man fought amongst themselves, forgetting the Necroms into myth. For generations, the wars continued until an arranged marriage between the two strongest kingdoms of Commery and Morgog ceased the bloodshed, and so Man established the first Emperor and Empress and the tradition of Amalgamation. When both the Emperor and Empress of the Five Kingdoms died, the two strongest kingdoms' heirs married and crowned a new dynasty, and so began the Age of Amalgamation.
During this age, a witch placed a curse on a girl named Pluck. The curse had been meant for a boy, Prince Edward of Fletching, for stealing the Mystic Rose. Pluck transformed into a Necrom with the Kiss, Edward's first kiss as her only redemption. The Kiss wouldn't be an easy task since showing her face meant her death.
Beauty Of The Beast Epic Dark Fantasy Action Adventure Sword and Sorcery Novella Series:
Beauty of the Beast #1 The Mystic Rose:
1. Part A: The Flower, The Sword, And The Kiss
2. Part B: A Vow Of Love And The Challenge
3. Part C: Hearts Betrayed And Blood Revealed
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Beauty Of The Beast #1 The Mysic Rose: Part A: The Flower, The Sword, And The Kiss
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