#Zack sang
imtalkin · 7 months
Guys I can’t believe it’s finally happening 🥺
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bad-boy-999 · 2 years
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Dans la version "director’s cut" de Zack Snyder, vous serez invités à plonger au cœur de la saga de SF, avec des versions plus sexy et plus violentes de Rebel Moon : Chapitre 1 : Calice de Sang et Rebel Moon : Chapitre 2 : La Malédiction du Pardon.
Une paisible colonie sur une lune aux confins de l’univers se retrouve sous la menace des armées du tyrannique régent Balisarius. Dès lors, Kora , mystérieuse étrangère, devient le meilleur espoir de survie des villageois dont elle partage le quotidien. Chargée de recruter des combattants aguerris pour repousser le Monde-Mère, Kora réunit une petite troupe de soldats : des marginaux, insurgés, paysans et orphelins de guerre qui ont en commun le même besoin de rédemption et de vengeance. Alors que l’ombre d’un royaume tout entier s’abat sur la plus vulnérable des lunes, une nouvelle armée de héros voit le jour.
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I was really enjoying the faith in the future promo and i loved the Zack sang interview but like why are you so pressed about this man talking about his kid. It's cute. Let it go.
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daisyblog · 1 year
YN Tomlinson & Harry Styles
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Our Story Masterlist Summary: YN Tomlinson is Louis's sister and is in a relationship with Harry Styles. Louis discusses a small part of their relationship on a talk show.
Warning: swearing
A/N: I’m thinking of making this into a series. Let me know what you think.
“Alright I’m Louis Tomlinson..and I've just been on the Zach Sang show talkin’ ‘bout all sorts..check it out” Louis introduces the show whilst sitting on the brown leather sofa. ---
“We have Louis Tomlinson..It’s nice to see ya” Zach began.
“Hello hello” Louis announced.
“Does it still piss you off when people call you Lewis ‘cause that is not your name?” Zach asked.
“No because people back home..basically right..I mean my name is Louis but I didn’t luv’ it when I wer’ younger..once I was old enough..don’t know why just didn’t really luv’ it so I got known as Lewis, all me friends from home call me Lewis and then I get there on me..on me..first day at The X Factor wiv’ Simon and you know wha’ I mean all the judges and he called me Louis and like you know wha’ I mean there's 3,000 people there..I’m absolutely brickin’ me’self..I’m not about to say..excuse me a minute you’ve got me name wrong..even though it is me actual name..you know..so then it stuck..so I’m kinda both..kinda both..there’s a little story about my name” Louis explained whilst laughing about the pronunciation of his name.
The host laughed at Louis's response and continued to ask “Why were you not a Louis fan growing up..did you feel like Lewis was more serious..did it give you a..”. Before Zach could finish, Louis interrupted “Do you know what it was..when we wer’ younger..me sister YN would constantly say me name..like constantly Louis this and Louis tha’..and it was fookin’ annoying” both hosts laughed at Louis’ re-enactment of his sister “So one day..I told her me name was Lewis..and it just stuck to be honest wiv you”.
“So basically YN is to blame for why you didn’t like your name growing up” Zach continued to laugh.
“Yeah..pretty much” Louis laughed along with the host.
“Talking about your sister YN..” Louis began laughing and shaking his head, whilst sitting up straighter “Why are you laughing?” Zack asked.
“I..I just know what’s comin’ mate” Louis stated whilst readjusting the black hat on his head.
“Your sister YN is in a relationship with Harry Styles…right?” Zach confidently asked.
“Here we fookin’ go...ugh yeah she is..he’s a brave lad let me tell you” Louis began, again making the two other men laugh at his words “No..no…I’m only jokin’ but yeah they’re together”.
Zach asked, whilst continuing to laugh “What do you mean brave…brave because she’s your sister or..”.
Louis realised what he said could have been misinterpreted and began to explain “Ohh no..I..I..don’t mean brave because I’m gonna go all big brother on him..but..I..brave 'cause she’s sumit else man” Louis added with a laugh “..like she’s me sister remember so she’s like the female version of me..you know what I’m sayin”.
“Aw..I thought you meant like brave because she’s your sister and..you know the whole don’t go near her type of thing” Zack explained.
“No..no…if anything I should have had a rule for YN to stay away from Harry” Louis joked. “No..in all seriousness..even at the beginning I was..uh I don’t know how to feel about this..ya know..me sister and me bandmate..me best friend”. Zach interrupted “Yeah..it must have been a bit of a shock for you..like what do you even do in that situation?”.
“Do you know what..I didn't handle it too well at that start” Louis laughed.
“What do you mean?” Zack asked, curious as to what Louis meant by his statement. "Well...I found out at the same time as the rest of the world...you know wha' I mean...and I was just so angry because...you know she's me sister..and he's me best mate" Louis explained whilst picking at the skin around his nail, a nervous habit he had. "But..I..I eventually calmed down and..me Grandad had a bit of a chat with me about it all..and I won't go into detail...but he just made me realise that I had to let YN make her choices..and I'm so glad I did 'cause look at them both now" Louis ended with a chuckle. "So..you weren't suspicious or anything...like you didn't know?" the host questioned. "If I'm 'onest..no I didn't have a fookin' clue man" Louis laughed "But..when I think back..I should have seen it" Louis began to explain whilst moving the microphone closer to his mouth "like I remember her comin’ to stay at our flat in London once..and her eyes would literally fookin’ follow the lad…but at the time I just didn't realise…and then after the photo was leaked..she came on tour wiv us when we wer’ in the band…she was like our stylist's assistant type of thing..and..um…wherever Harry was YN was not far away��they’re the same age and liked the same kinda stuff so…yeah”
“What was that like having your sister on tour with you?”.
“Uhh..well she was too busy wiv me best mate” Louis laughed at his own joke “Do you know what…I loved having her there wiv us..It was nice to have that part of home wiv me you know”.
“You’re exposing her secrets Louis” Zach laughed along.
“She’ll fookin’ go crazy on me when I see her” Louis joked “No..If I’m being honest..I’m so grateful that she’s got someone like Harry..we’ve been through some shit times and..I..I’m just so glad that she’s got a lovely lad..that’s all I want is for me family to be ‘appy” Louis smiled at the host, trying to indicate that he wanted to move the conversation on “..and she is ‘appy”.
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ashwhowrites · 1 year
FD part 4
I am very sorry for how long this took to come out. I hope you guys love it and was worth the wait. As always, I love to see your reactions so feel free to tell me what you thought!
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Eddie called and called. Leaving voicemail after voicemail. He was panicking, and he had no idea what to do. He knew that if this moment ever came, he'd be screwed. And here he was.
It didn't take long for the media to find out, and Eddie felt it was leaked. And he knew by who.
They were on the cover of every magazine
"Biggest couple in the world called it quits! But why?"
The fanbase was split, some on her side and trashing Eddie's name. Some on his side believed she was the issue, and that's why she was never public about her relationships. Eddie wanted to come clean right away, but Zack refused to let him.
He said letting the fans try to figure it out would bring more attention to them. But Eddie didn't want anyone turning on her, but Zack believed it would impact Eddie's fame. And Zack only cared about Eddie's career.
He hated that he had no way to get in touch with her. He wanted to apologize over and over. He wanted to find any type of way to fix the mess he got himself into.
Just as Zack hoped, Eddie's name was in every magazine. A week has passed and no one has even seen Y/N. Paparazzi outside her house, just waiting for the second she walks out to capture how she looks in the breakup stage. But she hasn't made a sound. She hasn't been active on social media, everything on her end was silent.
Two weeks and the media was craving her side of things. Her fans begged that she says something about what happened. Her management team wanted her to speak of what happened, clear her name, and end Eddie's career.
She didn't want to end his career. But she was an artist, and artists show their pain through their work. So, she released a song.
She wrote every emotion she felt, sang with all the betrayal on her mind, and sent the record out to the world. She felt happy with the way the song turned out. She didn't care if people liked it or not. She didn't care if Eddie heard it and was upset. She wanted to take back all the power she lost.
He wanted her because of her famous daddy, she took the title and made it her own.
It didn't take long for "famous daddy" to reach the top of the charts and for everyone to talk about it. The media loved the drama. Articles were written about what each lyric meant and the exact way it related to Eddie.
Zack was on cloud nine, the exact reaction from her that he was hoping for.
Eddie on the other hand was suffering. He hated how different everything was. The song they made together was so in love and happy. All of that disappeared in her new song, and it made his gut turn.
"Perfect! The pop star has released a break-up single, definitely leading to a breakup album. All the songs will be related back to you. That keeps everyone searching your name and keeps everyone connecting things back to you. You know what we have to do now, right?" Zack asked
"Apologize publicly and leave her alone?" Eddie questioned, but he knew that wouldn't be the answer. It would be the right answer, not the one Zack was looking for though.
"No! This is the perfect time to get you in the booth. Writing the break up from your point of you. She called you out, she embarrassed you, and truthfully, outshined you pretty damn well. She has the power to make the media believe what she wants, we need to reverse that."
"That doesn't make any sense! Reverse what? She sang about the truth. She talked about falling in love and having it all be a plan. She talked about being used for her daddy's name. Everything she said was real, you expect me to make it seem like she's lying?" Eddie couldn't stand this man. But he easily found out the truth about what being famous was all about doing anything to get your name ahead.
"Stop with that nonsense. She's a fucking girl singing about how her boyfriend broke her heart! She's releasing the same shit everyone else is. You are the man, you come out and sing about your side, and everyone always believes the man. You write about how she's lying, she's throwing your name in the dirt so she can come out on top. Every boy who has ever been wronged by a girl will love the song. They'll relate to you. It's you versus her, and you are going to win."
"So she can hate me? So all her hard work is easily thrown to the side all because a man said she was making shit up? Do you not hear how fucking ridiculous that sounds? She has had this career for years, she worked hard to keep her reputation real and that's exactly why she hid away from relationships. You want to take that all away from her?"
"Eddie, I am your manager, I don't give a shit about her. I'm hired to make you a star. I got you the contract with her dad, which he can't get out of no matter how much he hates you, I got you at the top, I got your name known. Your constant arguing about everything is really pissing me off. Write the fucking song, record it, and we will release it."
Eddie watched as Zack slammed the door behind him.
He stared at the notebook in front of him. Countless songs were written about her, but none that villainized her. If Eddie ever got the chance to make it up to her, and he wrote the song, it would take any progress he made.
It was his career or hers.
Y/N knew with the release of a new song would cause even more drama. But she was tired of being played and being hurt. The release of the song was the first thing that made her smile in days. She felt a sense of comfort when people shared her song and their story. For once, she wasn't alone.
Her management dealt with endless calls, begging for interviews. At first, she wanted to say no, not bother to give him any more publicity.
But if he could use her for her name, why can't she suck his name out for her own benefit?
She had a performance set for tomorrow and an interview following. As she sat in her make-up chair, she hated how sad she felt. Almost like preparing to actually sing the song live, reminds her Eddie did truly break her heart. It wasn't a song she made of random characters, it was her and her pain.
"Y/N? Ready?" Her dad came in, a sad smile on his face. She knew he felt bad for her and he hated that he was stuck in a contract with the boy who broke his daughter's heart.
"Yeah," she breathed, standing up as she checked herself in the mirror. Eddie wanted to use her? Fine, she's going to ruin his career.
"EDDIE! COME HERE!" Zack screamed, turning the volume up on the TV as Y/N began to sing. Eddie felt like his heart froze on the spot. There she was, looking beautiful as ever. Makeup done to perfection and her hair framed her face nicely. Her face looked soft and angelic. Nothing like the bitterness in her tone as she sang with anger and betrayal.
Eddie felt his stomach drop at the guitar she was strumming. The same guitar they wrote their song together on. The guitar used to have pictures of him in the neck, but now broken hearts filled the empty space.
"Been fantasizing and crying, been romanticizing
About all these boys who ain't never gon' like me
I don't know why I thought it would be different this time
Thought you'd be the one, but you're one of those guys
Can only blame myself, I made it up in my mind"
Eddie hated the sad look in her eyes. Hated that she blamed herself for simply liking a boy. Blaming herself for falling for his lies and tricks.
"See! You did Eddie boy! Here she is singing live, broadcast all over the world, singing that she thought you were different. Maybe we'll put you in acting next." Zack snickered. Eddie hated the way Zack had zero empathy for anyone. Y/N never let the fame get to her, she was real and always felt everything she had with every emotion.
"I guess devourin' all the power is all you've ever known
You're sittin' on an empty throne
Do you get off from holdin' me from my potential?
Are you scared that I might bruise your ego?"
This is the first time Eddie allowed himself to listen to the whole song. He was a coward, and he was scared to face her. He was scared of what she felt and how much she hated him.
He wished he could explain that everything he felt with her was real and that he wished he never made the deal with the devil next to him. He didn't want to be alone, and he hated knowing he was at the top from stomping on her. She was suffering at the bottom while he basked in the glory.
"Thinking of good lyrics?" Zack asked, watching as Eddie stared intensely at the screen.
"Yeah. I got the perfect song in mind." Eddie said with a smirk
After her performance, she moved on to the interview. Eddie was curious as to what would be asked and how she would answer.
The interview started relaxed, the interviewer was polite and asked about Y/N's career and upcoming work. Then moved on to the reason for the song.
"Is it true that you and Eddie broke up because he was using you for fame? The fans believe your song paints that picture. Any thoughts on that?"
"Well, I think the title speaks for itself. But yes, we broke up because he was in it for the name. If honesty means telling you the truth, I mean." She laughed at the end, and Eddie felt his cheeks heat up with embarrassment. The world knew he was a shallow asshole, but he deserved it.
"Were you ever worried about that? Or had suspicions?"
Eddie wanted to shrink in his spot, remembering how desperate he was to lie to her and have her believe him. How he made her sound crazy for thinking he was out for blood.
"Yes, in the very beginning. I am suspicious of everyone and funny enough, he was the one that made me realize that. When we met he said he had no idea who I was, so I believed him. He didn't look at me like he knew who I was, almost like he was trying to see in me, see the color of my soul. So I thought he was different, he gave me a million reasons to believe it. All his reasons were lies."
But they weren't, and Eddie wished he could get her to believe that. But he lost his place to make her believe his words. There was no trust between them anymore and he was to blame for all of that.
Eddie focused on writing the perfect song, something that would grab everyone's attention and make her curious enough to listen to it. It was the only way he would get her to talk to him.
Eddie recorded the song and sent it out before Zack could stop him. Eddie wanted to write his side, and his side meant admitting his guilt and regret.
The media jumped on immediately, dissecting his lyrics and quoting them on social media. He smiled at some of the reactions, people still hate him but he was happy he got some respect back from her fans.
"Why do I forgive white men so easily? This song has me hoping they make up"
The buzz would catch her attention, he knew it would.
"Find it hard to say I'm sorry
But I'll make it up to you somehow
I guess we lost our focus
And it's killing me that we could go to war like this
But I'm standing here with you just tryna be honest
If honesty means telling you the truth
Well I'm still in love with you"
Y/N hated that she listened to the song. She hated that her eyes stung hearing him say he was in love with her. She wasn't sure if it was another lie to make sure he looked good or not.
Her fans were quoting his song with their comments. Her feed was covered in him and his stupid voice. She felt bitter that everyone was quick to forget all the pain he caused. She needed to remind herself too.
"will you tell me anything I wanna hear to control how you're perceived?"
She hit the post with a small smile. Fans already blowing up her post and putting his name in the comments. He was quick to dm her and she felt scared to open it. She blocked his number so she could avoid his words, knowing she was too weak to stay away.
"Nothing makes up for what I did. I will do anything I can to show you that I want you over any career. I'm sorry and my feelings for you are real. I am in love with you, I was since the start and there were so many times I wanted to tell you the truth and save you from the pain I knew that would come. I've been selfish. It's time I show you that I want you for you."
She felt herself typing before she could stop herself. "Want me? You say that as your manager writes you a big check. A career that would be nothing without me."
"How can I prove this to you? I will leave the label altogether if it proves that I want you way more."
Y/N stared at the message, leaving his text on seen as she shut off her phone. She didn't know what to think. Did she love him? Would his leaving prove anything to her? Could she even believe that he would do it?
Her head snapped up at the sound of her tv-
"Eddie Munson has dropped his management team and label with a tweet:
"I'm picking the girl. Fuck my management and the label"
@lolz-0110 @gaysludge @hmcmlfcyy @omgvirtualcupcakecollection-blog @bibieddiesgf @holyheadharpies99 @bakugouswh0r3 @cloudroomblog @emma77645
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @slightlyvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergent @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93
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aineryeo · 2 years
Lookism, South Korea — 갱단의 삶. » "The Gangster Life"
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J-High School, Central Seoul. In South Korea, offer more than your soul.
Main Masterlist ; The Macrocosm
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Warnings: Heavy Spoilers, Violence, NSFW.
*Most of these are going to be short, either one-shots or very few chapters because I still prioritize Marry Me First above all else but I'd like to work on other things every other time too. :-)
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௹ Jake Kim (No. 1 Boss of Big Deal from Gangseo)
10 Things I Hate About You (1999): "On the very first day in Jerry Kwon's new school, he instantly falls for Ryang Sang-min, the girl of his dreams. The issue is that Sang-min is forbidden to date until her ill-tempered, completely un-dateable older sister (You) goes and dates someone too. In an attempt to solve his problem, Jerry singles out the only guy who might potentially be a match for Ryang (Name): His Senior and the person he can always rely on, Jake Kim."
*Set in a school environment & an alternate universe where Jake now attends J-High School, this includes the rest of the crew heads & Big Deal. There are no four major crews and no significant gang activity, but Jake is still renowned as Gapryong Kim's son. Sinu Han is also present.
௹ Johan Seong (God Dog of North River Gangbuk)
He's Just Not That Into You (2009): "The lives of these South Koreans overlap as they navigate the complexities and pitfalls of modern relationships as both friends and lovers." — You are tangled in a midst of blind dates and relationships only to be given the best advice you have ever received by a certain man who saw you in your woe after being dumped.
*Set in an alternate universe where the original cast lead relatively normal lives away from the gang life. Johan is sort of a playboy here! His mom is not sick, and his dad is not a deadbeat who is "in America", he's now still friends with Zack Lee and Mira Kim.
௹ Samuel Seo (Workers, 3rd & 4th Affiliate President | Former Big Deal)
W — Two Worlds Apart: In real life, Samuel Seo was just a drawing. You were one of the main artists in the team creating the webtoon alongside Taejun Pak, but after being pulled into the world of Lookism, you get entangled in the gang activity according to the plot... Which means you know exactly what will happen. Which also means... You are the most valuable person that Samuel can get a hold of. Or anyone, for that fact. But no one else has to know that but him.
௹ Kim Joon Goo (Goo Kim)
Bad and Crazy: The duo since the beginning was given a new team member to look after them after a certain circumstance. Two bads, and one crazy... Crazy because you think you could actually hold them both down.
௹ Park Jong Gun / Yamazaki Yuzuru (Gun Park)
Bad and Crazy: The duo since the beginning was given a new team member to look after them after a certain circumstance. Two bads, and one crazy... Crazy because you think you could actually hold them both down.
௹ Kuroda Ryuhei (Workers, 2nd Affiliate Director - Circus | Nomen)
She's Dating the Kagiroi!: In a desperate and stupid attempt to make Mitsuki Soma jealous as well as like him back, Ryuhei forces you to help him after you unknowingly messed up his "ultimate chance" with Mitsuki.
௹ Jace Park (No. 2 of Burn Knuckles, Central Seoul)
Can't Help Falling in Love: You are about to tie the knot with your handsome boyfriend, Choi Jong-in, as set by both your powerful families, but apparently, you're already married to... A complete stranger!?
௹ Euntae Lee (Vasco - Hero of Burn Knuckles, Central Seoul)
Way of the Househusband: It has been years since Euntae Lee, previously known as Hero Man: Vasco in his prime years, was involved in any gang activity. But his fame as the No. 1 of Burn Knuckles... or Leader of the Homeless... or Brekdak's Successor is not so easy to shake off after all...
௹ Eli Jang (Big Daddy - Hostel of Gangdong)
How I Eli Met Your Mother (2014): After Yenna's mom has passed, Eli has put all brakes on his love life. But this is the story of how Eli Jang fell in love again, finding his own "Big Mommy" — Something Warren Chae and Sally Park calls you for fun.
௹ DG / Dagyum Kang (James Lee)
W — Two Worlds Apart (DG Edition): In real life, DG a.k.a. James Lee in the past was just a drawing. You were one of the main artists in the team creating the webtoon alongside Taejun Pak, but after being pulled into the world of Lookism, you get entangled in the gang activity according to the plot... Which means you know exactly what will happen. The catch? Well, let's just say DG already met you way before he changed identities. And he's been looking for you ever since you've disappeared that day; to him, years. To you? A couple of days.
*This is set in a universe where instead of meeting Samuel Seo first, you meet DG instead. [Requested 📌]
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Original Art Gallery: What you are visualized as + Scenes from the series with multiple characters (mostly from the characters listed above) !
10 Things I Hate About Jake Kim - Jake's outfits!
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prismaticpichu · 3 months
I think I legit had one of the best dreams I’ve ever had in my life~
It was one of those dreams where you’re in the perspective of someone else, right, and I was in the perspective of Zack Fair, surrounded by a gorgeous looking library (ShinRa manor but beautified somehow), with Sephiroth ofc nose-buried in a book somewhere right beside him. Best part tho?? I had a golden singing voice and was singing You Will Be Found from Dear Evan Hansen, trying to break through to Sephiroth. And about halfway through the song the tempo shifted and the lights dimmed and then Sephiroth started singing an original song about how he’s a monster, with Jenova melodically whispering throughout the number and encouraging him and cooing to him until our voices gradually merged into a harmonious crescendo of a broadway musical song and whatever the hell Seph was singing, getting louder and louder and louder and louder and louder and loude—
Until, the music suddenly stopped, and Sephiroth just mumbles sadly:
“…I wish someone was here.”
And then Zack (me) has a “wh-what…. WHAT?!” reaction, and I had a first person pov of Zack grabbing Seph by the shoulders and shaking him all “I JUST SANG A WHOLE ASS SONG ABOUT BEING HERE!!! DID YOU NOT HEAR ME SING ‘YOU ARE NOT ALONE’ LIKE 17 TIMES DURING THE BRIDGE??? I’M RIGHT HERE, SEPH!!”
Annnnnd then I was sucked back into reality.
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mischiefbuckley · 5 months
today’s thoughts are consumed by thinking about Oliver’s interview on the Zack Sang show. Very good interview overall Zack always does a fantastic job researching and asking good questions to his guests like me also being a One Direction and 5SOS fan I do enjoy the Louis interview and the 5SOS ones as well and even Niall has done a few in the past and now recently Luke had one talking about his second solo album
Anyways back to Oliver… love all the commentary on his part regarding the show and his view on Buck coming to terms with his sexuality in his 30s and how he viewed that himself when approached with the storyline and how he was very happy with the direction his character arc was taking. As I’ve mentioned before I did barely become obsessed with 911 in the span of a month now with yk seeing the trending storyline of Buck coming out as bisexual and seeing the positive response from the fans. Again what made me want to see the show was the Instagram story that Oliver posted concerning some of the negative feedback that was given and I do like how that was mentioned in the interview. I do appreciate how positive Oliver has been about the whole process and it’s very refreshing to see an actor be so devoted and dedicated to an amazing storyline about giving representation to a character and standing by it and all of the other queer representation in that has always been present in the show since the beginning.
also oliver saying he brings a cheekiness to buck that no one else can like yes completely agree 🫶🏻
and then the mention of the tsunami episode had me laughing cause yeah first watch those episodes had me balling my eyes out so him mentioning that people won’t visit the Santa Monica pier because of the episodes was very funny to me
and him mentioning coming to visit Portland because of the vegan options like yes come visit please 🙏🏻 (I live in the middle of nowhere Washington but I’ll make my way over if he ever goes lmao)
lol and the buddie mention at the end of the interview made my night when I watched that I was screaming but also Oliver I wanna hear your ideas my guy
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Power Rangers (2017) fic rec list: (UPDATED: Jan, 2024)
Hello there, as someone who loves this movie, I decided to make a list of fics that’ve read, or am about to read, to anyone who is interested:
Note: I’m only putting here fics that I’ve read. So if someone knows a fic they might want to recommend, let me know! XD  There are currently almost two thousand works on the power rangers 2017 tag on AO3, so be sure to look around and dig for stuff you might like.
NOTE: Remember to check out the author if you like their stories! Leave comments and kudos and reblog stuff you like, apreciation is always important
Illustrated Story: @theone-with-thestuff​ ‘s power rangers sequel: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5 , part 6, part 7 , part 8
MultiChapter fics (post-canon)
Rangers with Attitude by SmokeyCut : A sequel to the movie that is very in synch with the power rangers universe, both in how the story is told and how light it feels. THat doesn’t stop the drama from happening though. Awesome battle scenes and a very engaging take on Tommy, and the 2017 universe as a whole.
Power Rangers 2: Sythesis by SatanSpeaks (mature) : This fic is a piece, it’s another sequel to the movie, but with a much more bleak look on the universe as a well, however, it doesn’t dive too much into it and it has plenty of hopeful moments to spare. It’s a fic that leaves you on the edge of your seat, start to finish, biting your nails hoping everything will work out.
we gladiate but i guess we're really fighting ourselves by sunnydalehart: “The rangers don't really know what they're doing, but they really are trying their best.” -- Another post-canon fic with good romance, and team-bonding, check it out!!! (Trimberly) (Billy/ Jason/Zack)
Power Rangers 2: Rise of the Green Ranger by IzzyIniguez: Rita loses her coin, but finds a new power.  The rangers learn to be a team and meet the Tommy and Tamsin Oliver, the new (twin) kids in town. Sparks fly and tempers flare between Kim and Tommy, and Trini and Tamsin. I think this might be one of the most original takes on 2017 Tommy Oliver out there.
 5 Times Jason Scott Was Protective of His Team by notawriters: Jason-centric goodness!!!!      
Zack Taylor Designated Driver Squad by iwasnthere622 : Zack didn't have the best school record. His friends help him fix that. -- This isn’t as much a sequel fic as it is a Zack sequel fic, exploring his life after becoming a ranger, and how he relates to his new friends. The chapters go through his bond with each of the rangers, and it’s an amazing piece of Zack Taylor fanfic, enriching what we already saw in the movie. One of my all time favourites!!
Been There, Done That by TaikoTurtle: The team has a bonding camping trip up on the mountains, but after a series of unfortunate events, Kimberly has to figure out how to make things right, including her feelings.
One More Ride by magimumu: (NEW!) : Uber driver Trini picks up Kim on a rainy evening. (TRIMBERLY)   (This short one is amazing! Like poetry! Can’t recommend enough!)
***NEW!!!!! - (This is) Good Weird -  by Laslus -----  Poly Rangers fic!!! -  Or: The Huge Colective Denial of FeelingsThe first time Trini notices, they are around the fire. She looked at the whole picture, feeling the warmness she usually felt when hanging with them, how she finally felt like she belonged somewhere. She should focus on that, on the happiness she felt as they sang off tune, how they were a picture together. Oh.
All of the Above  by songofsunset : This short one shot is a perfetc mood setting piece, with rangers hanging out. In a few senteces, it grasps both each ranger’s personallities and the nature of their both. Sweet fluffiness all around.
Just let me love you when your heart is tired by milkyegg_carton: A cure little fluff about the aftermath of the battle with Goldar!!
walk me home by twoorangecookies: A nice little, well, it’s canon complaint but it’s sort of a missing scene, but it’s also sort of an AU where Kim asks Trini to walk her home.
Campfire Dance-Off by Skyland2704: team bonding fluffiness!
we carry each other (we’re just different colors) by hearden: This is a fascinating fic, about the rangers before being rangers! Seriously! There are so many character beats, and a very good grasp on the characters!!
am i the only living soul around by younglegends: A story told backwards,going from the aftermath of the movie to the very beginning. Again, another rich story exploring the characters and their core! An awesome read about the power rangers that really makes a point about their evolution and their bond in face of their sttrugles. I always go back to this fic for inspiration.
Do Better by iwasnthere622: One of the best jason centtric fics out there, exploring his role as leader and the way he shoulders the burden.
Dildo Wars  by cabooseachievables : I think this is one of the most fun pieces of fanwork I’ve ever read, seriously, just pure delight from start to finish as the rangers start a prank war between themselves.
**********NEW!!!!!!!!! Riding Shot Gun by zipzipnada:   --Kimberly finds out her new friends have never tried weed before, and knows for a fact Jason is a shotgun king.
Shipping Fics:
BY THE WAY, THE AUTHOR tworangecookies has plenty of Trimberly works if you’re interested, I can’t recommend enough to check them out, you’ll definetly find something for your tastes, both on AO3 and on tumblr @5ivebyfive. Another tumblr with fics in this universe is @magicmumu2
you’re my sunshine by titaniaeli: Short, fluff, and engaging, basically a tale of Jason falling in love with his team. (RANGER POLYCULE)
 in a hopeless place by twoorangecookies: (AU) This is one of my favorite fics. It’s an Outsiders AU, and I never had contact with The Outsiders, but I do love how consistent the rangers are even in an Alternative universe. This fic is well paced, and leaves tense with each cliffhanger, not to mention the forbidden romance, which is just *cheff’s kiss. (TRIMBERLY)
The Heart part 1 by The Otter Limits: While this fic is a sequel to the movie, I’m putting it here, because its main focus is the relationship between Trini and Kimberly. I really love this fic because it has a very heavy dose of Angst. I’m not sure it’s everyone’s cup of tea, but I do love the melodrama involved. Also, there is some neat world building about the rangers’ powers and the universe they live in. (TRIMBERLY)
The Hunt For Love by magicmumu: Awesome Valentine’s day Fluff, what else can you wish for? Honestly, the dialog between the characters as they go on an scavenge hunt it’s so amazing, you can’t help reading this with a smile on your face. Can’t recomment enough. (TRIMBERLY)
Fire meet gasoline by twoorangecookies: (mature) A cute little soccer AU, with that good old rivals to lovers premise. What more can I say? Go check it out!! (TRIMBERLY)
Clarity by thebrightestbird: I think this was the first time I read about this ship, and interestingly it immediately spread to be fond of it in the tv show universe as well. Great stuff!!!  (ZACK/JASON) 
with my feelings on fire (guess I'm a bad liar) by movingforthesakeofmotion: The one where a date night turns into exposed secrets and discoveries. (TRIMBERLY, CRANSCOTT)
We can have all that we ever wanted by theshipstorulethemallwrites: 5 Times Someone Thought The Rangers Were Dating and 1 Time They Were
Turning sweet love into poison by twoorangecookies: (EXPLICIT) this fic is Intense, and I really advise you to look into the tags before going in. It deals with heavy subjects like body dysmorphia, so be mindful. Now that that’s out of the way, this fic is delicious to read, two traumatize characters navigating a complex situation, it has all those spices for those who love some heavy Angst in their romance. (TRIMBERLY)
Legacy of Power by Hearden (Mature, but the collection has Explicit fics): (INCOMPLETE) .This fic is interesting because it’s sort of a nice multiverse mix between the tv show and the movie, with the simple premisse of having TV Kimberly and Tommy meeting the 2017 rangers. It’s one amazing fic, very well written with an awesome premisse and solid character work. It’s specially awesome to see two versions of Kimberly knowing and interacting with one another.
*****NEW !!!! -- Shut up and Drive -  by Twoorangecookies --  (Sort of a power rangers meet Fast and Furious, but R rated 😈)  Trini is looking forward to start her new career as a rookie cop. She isn't the best at relationships, so she goes out one night just looking for a thrill. Then she stumbles on a scene that is not her scene at all and more thrill than she asked for, and she meets a woman that is the most annoying, obnoxious woman she's ever met. A woman she wouldn't go for in a million years. At least...that's what she thinks.
PS: I have to say, it’s really interesting to go through fandoms, not only to meet how diverse people’s interpretations can be, but how rich and creative they are as well. Just the ammount of Tommy Olivers I’ve seen for the 2017 universe is stagering, not one version is the same, and that, I think, is also very precious.
Anyway, remember to comment, reblog, and all that stuff that shows authors your apreciation. Feel free to add fics you might’ve read and are not here, I’ll sure try to do so as I find new ones. I tried to categorize stuff as best as I could.
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imtalkin · 7 months
ARIANA’S ZACK SANG INTERVIEW! Part one is on Monday! She said there’s gonna be two parts ♥️
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bad-boy-999 · 2 years
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DM louis for fucks sake
0 notes
Got to see Bryan Danielson win the AEW World Championship live?
Got a scenario where both PAC and Christian Cage were able to get big wins?
Got to see both Zack Sabre Jr. and Nigel fucking McGuinness?
10/10 show, no notes. Although if Chris Jericho starts saying Fozzy have performed at Wembley twice now, then I get to say I sang Final Countdown at Wembley with 50,000 people in attendance.
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redcracklestan · 9 months
fun fact: the song that Ivy and Zack sang during the karaoke scene was made by a group called boston
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sonlisasims7 · 3 months
Generation 1 Week 8 Part 2
(I love seeing Foxbrookians interact with their pets)
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Georg found Adoniram telling ghost stories at the park. He was skeptical at first, but then decided to join in.
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Evgenia hung out with Eadburga and they sang a duet together!
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The Boys are chilling at the club.
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While Maria and Malati are gossiping about their exes.
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(God, I love this little family so much)
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Georg came over to help Hilding with the twins but not before accidentally breaking his computer.
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Narcissus heard that Maria broke up with Yuuki again and went to try his luck. He was pretty upset to be turned down as well (and they also argued about fish vs bugs for some reason lol).
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Yuuki looks pretty smug after seeing Narcissus be rejected.
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Zack came over to watch over the boys while Angeline was at work.
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After work, aunt Tambudzai and uncle Georg also came over and needless to say, tensions were high.
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(Is she calling him a spineless jellyfish here?)
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Maria and her NPC trainee had to put out a fire at her ex-boyfriend's place (who is also a firefighter mind you)
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