#Zandalari Bear Form
findmeinshattrath · 1 year
Zandalari druid "bear" forms would be so much cooler if they included the tails an ankylosaurus should have
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toothydeerwow-blog · 7 years
NEW Zandalari FERAL DRUID FORM & All Forms | Battle For Azeroth
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The new Zandalari Troll Feral Druid form is finally here! This is an in-game preview of the new awesome dinosaur looking cat form!
Currently they do not have an animation, but for sure will most likely have animations next build.
The Zendalari Guardian Druid form now also has animations, so I included those in-game, along with a few of the other forms (Travel/Flight) in-game emotes like (sleep/dance, etc)
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thefoldedbird · 2 years
how about some small introductions for your wow ocs? 👀
Hell yeah! I would love to ❤️ I apologize in advance as I have a lot of these dudes.
She’s a human mage that went from no magic to being patroned by a very old deity to revive Vol’jin. She cannot return home unless she is successful. Apparently far from the first person her deity has done this to but the others are implied to have kinda…died. Is just trying to roll with the punches but the pressure is getting to her.
A grumpy old green troll and the captain of a horde trade ship. Once upon a time he was quite the ladies man. Took a sword to the face about a decade ago and the wound never quite healed right.
She’s 58 years old but hasn’t smiled in 50 thanks to a bargain on behalf of her parents to a demon. She currently studies fae magic and enchantments. Is not actually magic herself. Her neighbor is simply an nuisance. Her two adopted sons are her pride and joy and she has and will again murder to keep them safe.
Eril’s first son. A troll that ran away from home as a child. She raised him on her small farm on the Eastern Kingdoms but he’s since gone back to Kalimdor with the intention of reconnection with his tribe and proving himself to them as a hunter. He’s a mama’s boy with a very soft spot for cows. Could easily be described as a mom friend.
Sad’iekke (Sadie)
Eril’s second adopted son. A zandalari boy and an ex-priest of Rezan. He’s young, naive, curious, anxious, and has a considerable amount of family trauma to work through but he’s sweet as honey and ultimately just wants to be a really good healer. Too nice for his own good sometimes.
My Gurubashi troll. He’s an older dude and kind of an ass. He’s got a big voice, has a hot temper, yells a lot, and will start a fight just for fun. His wife poisoned him right before he left for Zandalar. He gets jumped by goblins and left for dead in a ditch. His pride takes the brunt of the damage.
Was a knight but sustained an injury in her leg and didn’t treat it properly. Now she can’t put weight on it and now uses magic to float around and travels in hopes that she can find a way to fix it. Can’t bear to cut it off. Is fatigued 110% of the time. Is named after the tomato, yes.
A dragon! Part of the emerald dragonflight. Their dragon form is very Aztec in design. They’re a partier with a deep love for drums and dancing.
Is a wizard in a similar situation as Orla. Except he’s also a cowboy whose magic staff is just a gun that fires whatever he tells it to. Still looks, sounds, and requires reloading like a normal gun. He’s a real jovial dude who’s just trying to vibe. Mostly a joke character.
Jeanne & Mintawix
A Gnome and a Goblin respectively who are both very in love but very bad with their emotions so they just send each other hateful poems in the mail with bombs attached and call the other their Pen(emy) pal to cope.
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lehouxnap2 · 3 years
SNK characters as world of warcraft players
Eren - Fury Warrior (Human, worgen)
Has 2 mains, human and worgen. Eren thinks human is the superior race even though everyone knows is the most boring. He's the typical alliance player that rages at you. "You horde scum" Not so good at first. Gets better at playing with time. Always in war mode.
Mikasa - Arms Warrior (Human)
Top dps and she's really good at pvp. Overall a natural good player. Eren always asks her do to duels and she always kicks his ass. Not interested at anything, just wants to play with Eren. Does RBGs with him.
Armin - Frost Mage (Human, Female Draenei)
Big nerd that knows all the lore and is pretty much always raid leader, he's really nice when players don't know the mechanics. Always trying to do achievements. Too scared to do pvp. Does freaky shit in rp moonguard.
Jean - Guardian Druid (Worgen)
Every worgen player i've met was a little bit of a simp im sorry. But Jean is genuinely a good guy, he just wanted to get a girlfriend when he was younger then grew out of it when older. Started as a feral until he realized being tank helps to queue faster in dungeons. It's raid leader when Armin can't make it. Main tank
Marco - Holy Priest (Draenei)
Think of the nicest player that ever helped you, that's Marco. He helps new players when they don't understand or get lost. Big patient fella, if you need gold he's gonna help you in that too. Top healer in raid. Sometimes switches to Shadow. Does random bgs with Jean just to have fun (doesn't like it much because it can get toxic)
Sasha - Marksmanship Hunter (Pandaren)
She used to be those hunters who ruined your day by tanking with her pet getting everyone wiped. But learned how to properly play and now she's top dps. She met Jean when he was tanking with his bear and raged at her in the whispers. They are besties now <3 Loves doing cooking proffesion, that's how she met Niccolo.
Connie - Enhancement Shaman (Dwarf)
He think dwarves are a funny looking race that's why he chosed them. Average player who just wants to have fun. Regardless of what he's doing pvp of pve he never rages. As a shaman he let's the elemental pets do all the work and gets overconfident, the reason why he loses. Fools around a lot with Sasha
Reiner - Protection Warrior (Orc)
Used to be Worgen and be part of the same guild as the rest but changed to Horde because of race benefit (everyone does that nowadays) He only did it because his friends did, so he feels sad about it. His new guild is called Marley. Top and main tank of the raid. Still talks with his past guild but Eren is pissed at him for leaving the Alliance and always attacks him when he has the chance.
Bertholdt - Fire Mage (Troll)
He likes trolls because they are tall and chill, just like him. Same story with Reiner. Being a Fire mage pretty much makes him top dps and someone you don't want to fuck with. He could be one of the best pvp players but prefers to keep it low and have fun. Does R Arenas with Reiner.
Annie - Windwalker Monk (Blood elf)
Same story with Bert and Reiner. She's one of the best pvp players, and does R.Arenas. A lone player, when not doing pvp she works in her proffesions and enjoys the beauty of WoW. Her dad showed her the game when she was young. Reiner and Bert asks her to do stuff together but she rejects them. Likes the company of Armin or Bertholdt alone.
Historia - Discipline Priest (Voild elf, Vulpera)
She has 2 mains. Void elf to be with her guild, and Vulpera to be with Ymir. She's always nice and helping other players but most of the time she wants to do achievements with Ymir and do holiday events. Has the BEST transmogs of them all. And pretty mounts.
Ymir - Affliction Warlock (Nightborne)
Amazing pvp player, but not a big fan of it. Specially because it can get really annoying and childish. At first she carried Hisu in dungeons because she was a "noob" giving her advice on how to properly play. Ymir when really bored likes to troll others and sometimes camp them until Historia tells her is enough.
Levi - Assassination Rogue (Gnome)
Known as one of the best players in WoW. Big fanbase. Kenny, his uncle, teached him since he was a kid to play the game and ever since then he mastered it. He chosed Gnome as his main because even though gnomes are always the butt of the jokes he thinks getting your ass kicked by one is satisfying. Used to play with his two friends until they quit the game, then had his own guild and they also quit the game. So he feels nostalgic sometimes.
Hange - Beast Mastery Hunter (Night elf)
Geek. Knows all about lore but also is really good at being BM hunter. You just can't escape their traps ;). Big big fan of WoW, you are not sure how long have they been playing this game. Never misses Blizzcon events. They are always with Moblit who remindes them to take a break from the game and go have some rest. They have a lot of rare objects and mounts. Likes to hang around with Levi.
Erwin - Retribution Paladin (Human)
Do I even have to say something? He's a human paladin. Guild Master of Survey Corps, used to be really active when younger but as he got older doesn't appear much. He did a lot of pvp, one of the best. Was raid leader along with Mike and Nile. Just like Eren he believes in the Alliance and knows a lot about lore. Ask him anything.
Porco - Feral Druid (Zandalari troll)
He thinks zandalari are the coolest race blizz has ever thought of. He's an average good player. Played a lot with his brother Marcel. Until the later quit the game to focus on other stuff. Used to make fun of Reiner for being bad at it, but now they play mythics+ together.
Pieck - Guardian Druid (Tauren)
Average good player, she's calm and trust her teammates in raids even when things might not look so good. Second tank. Loves being a druid because she can carry her party members in deer and bird form. At some point she met Jean and exchanged tips
Zeke - Elemental Shaman (Pandaren)
He's that player that frustrated you so much you wanted to throw your computer at the floor because he wasn't doing the mechanics right or in bgs. And you know he's doing it on purpose. That troll motherfucker that ganks you even when hours passes and you wonder why people like him exist. Has a monkey pet named as "Monke" that he takes everywhere. Has macros where he says weird shit before you kill him. But he's actually a really good player when serious. Raid leader of his guild. If there's one player Zeke won't fuck with, is Levi.
Falco - Restoration Druid (Tauren)
He and Gabi are new players but learn fast, Falco likes to enjoy the game slowly appreciating the stories, characters, and overall have a good time with his friends. Ends up stressed healing Gabi's ass since she keeps tanking without a care. Tells her she should listen to Reiner's advice as a tank.
Gabi - Protection Warrior (Orc)
She saw the way Reiner played and wanted to be just like him. Gabi levels up really fast with war mode and dungeons. Problems comes she lacks experience so she needs Falco by her side healing her. Eren once saw her in war mode not giving a crap she was a low level and ganked her.
Floch - Unholy Death Knight (Human)
Level 58 DK. That dude that all he does is complain in the chat. In bgs he shits at everyone for not doing their job while he has low dps. In trade chat you are always gonna see him having a discussion about how the game is dead, everything sucks, back in the day "when classic was good". Always joins Eren's RBGs.
Im sorry this was so much fun to do. I didnt plan this
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Shadows Rising Lore Facts
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Character Histories
Saurfang’s late wife’s name was Remda [pg. 79].
The name of Thrall’s young daughter is Rehze [pg. 130].
Flynn Fairwind won a boat known as The Prowse in a dice game and renamed it to The Bold Arva after one of his old first mates who died tragically in a harpooning accident [pg. 112, 118].
Flynn also once had a parrot named Bong-bong, although he lost the pet in a card game to a goblin known as Krazzet the Bishop [pg. 120].
Flynn’s mother, Lyra Fairwind, was a thief. When he was but a child, she was caught and hanged [pg. 156-157]. Before Shaw, Flynn had never told anyone about his mother [pg. 166].
Mathias Shaw’s grandmother, Pathonia Shaw – infamously known as the “Silver Cutpurse” –, was also a thief. She was caught three times and eventually given the ultimatum of either joining the Stormwind Guard or hanging for her crimes. Valuing her life, Pathonia agreed to work for the crown. She would eventually pass her trade skills down to her daughter – Shaw’s mother – and Shaw after her when his mother died [pg. 205-206]. Pathonia was known to wear an inordinate number of rings, although for some reason, she bore only a tied red string on her right ring finger [pg. 206].  
Shaw likes to spend his free time whittling bird statues [pg. 204].
Shaw once had a small private cabin in the Arathi Highlands [pg. 204].
The Zandalari
Noble houses with connections to the crown’s former spymistress, Yazma, were punished for their ties to the traitorous priestess. That said, families who could prove that they had not been involved in Yazma’s schemes were absolved of any wrongdoing [pg. 63].
Apari, the leader of the rebellious Widow’s Bite organization, is Yazma’s daughter. She was once one of Talanji’s closest childhood friends and was held to be more desirable than the princess herself [pg. 99, 189]. Despite her familial ties, Apari sided with Talanji when news of Yazma’s treason came to light, only to regret her decision when the princess inadvertently left her trapped under a pillar that had fallen on her during the Battle of Dazar’alor [pg. 191, 227]. The injury she sustained from the pillar wounded her grievously, preventing her from bearing children [pg. 188].
Neither Talanji nor Apari ever wanted to have children [pg. 189].
Loa draw their power from worship [pg. 145, Quest: House of the King]. Destroying the shrines and idols of a loa can weaken them severely [pg. 145].
Because of the bond her father made with Bwonsamdi, as the loa weakens, so too does Talanji [pg. 145].
Although the Necropolis may appear somewhat small on the surface, many tunnels run below the great mausoleum [pg. 150].
New Zandalari mothers traditionally bring their infants to the Great Seal to sit among the waters there, which are said to be formed from Rezan’s own tears and capable of blessing one with health and longevity [pg. 188].
The prison in Dazar’alor is made of gold, much like the rest of the city [pg. 202].
While many of the details surrounding blood magic are still vague, Apari and her followers were able to power and command a magical storm using the blood of a lone Zandalari troll they ritually sacrificed as fuel [pg. 100, 190].
Miscellaneous Lore
The Void naturally seeks out and reveals deception in others [pg. 87].
With the power of the Void at her disposal, Alleria can sift through another person’s memories and thoughts, although the process proves to be quite painful for the person having their memories plumbed [pg. 92-93].
The Old Gods are said to be able to use the smallest thought to drive any person mad. They can also wrench any information they want from anyone, no matter how willing the subject [pg. 92].
Shaw despises sailing [pg. 113].
When the armistice was signed between the Horde and the Alliance, the Alliance ceded control of their encampments on Zandalar and abandoned them [pg. 161].
The Proudmoores have a gallery in their keep that hosts a grand collection of maps, charts, sea-faring gizmos, nautical artifacts, and even oil paintings depicting members of the Proudmoore family and beloved friends, including King Anduin Wrynn [pg. 168].
The Pandaren from Wu-Song Village have a saying – “the oldest ginger is the most pungent” [pg. 177].
Thrall can understand Thalassian [pg. 172, 183].
Shaw knows some Zandali but is not fluent in it [pg. 203].
It takes approximately four days to sail from Zandalar to Stormwind on a Zandalari vessel [pg. 264-265].
Although all souls now head directly for the Maw, Bwonsamdi has the power to seize and save the spirits of his followers, which he did with King Rastakhan [pg. 217, 259, 279-280].
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swampgallows · 4 years
The horde doesn’t really “need” more races to be able to play druid per se... but you gotta admit it would be cool as hell to have more druids especially if they get super unique forms like the Zandalari do. There’s a lot of potential I think :)
yeah it’d be super sick!!! i cant remember exactly what the troll lore was for darkspear druids in cata but i figure they’re but a stone’s throw from orc druids!! what do you think the cat form would be? just another wolf? bear form is on brand, but what about boomy? my god can you imagine an orcish owlbeast... oh my god
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kargathbladefist · 4 years
pulled up to the thunder bluff zepp platform and found what was very obviously a new character there switching between her mounts. hanged out at the back but eventually they keyboard turned around and noticed me and walked up and was like “whats your bear form” (was in flight form on zandalari druid) and i showed her she was just like “cool”. i forgot how inconvenient this zeppelin is and realized i could have flown in the time it took just to wait for it, but i couldnt be bothered to and HS was on cd but god it was awkward. i think this is probably a kid cause they were like “why did’nt you just fly to ogrimmar” and i was just like im too lazy lol and they then just jumped around the zeppelin innocently doing their /mountspecial
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Becoming the Best: Morgo'Boondax
Full Name: Morgo’Boondax
Age: 23 in HY
Race: Zandalari Troll
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Dazar’alor, Zuldazar
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Alignment: Neutral Good
Occupation: Arcanital, sorcerer, enchanter, small-time adventurer
In-Game Character Name: Morgoboondax
Faction: Horde
Server: Wyrmrest Accord
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Looking For: Chill people to tell awesome stories with! Long-term RP partners are welcome and encouraged.
You Might Know Him If:
You have visited the golden city itself and frequented the Arcanital wing, or the district in which sorcerers like Morgo would reside.
You have seen him around in Orgrimmar.
You have heard of his great deeds and magical prowess!
You have sought him out for his magical services.
RP Style: Mirroring, adaptable, para (including multi), and novella. I love comedic roleplay, though I can enjoy darker themes as well. Short posts tend to be my go-to when out and about in the city. No snoo-snoo, obviously.
Themes: Comedic, casual RP I’m more inclined to, but Morgo can adapt himself to more dark and serious situations, especially so as of late.
Face/Voice Claim: As seen in-game (FC), Popcaan (VC).
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Description: Standing at an average height of 8’2”, Morgo possesses the same lean and muscular build that many of his brethren do, if not a little thinner. He bears the physique of a track athlete, more or less, with a toned pair of legs and some decent meat on his bones, though he is not without the qualities that his bookish disposition would portend to. If put side-to-side with another troll, he’d look dreadfully frail in comparison. The sorcerer could often be seen outfitted in his golden raiment, the look of quality sewn into every stitch, as well as a few of his own magical modifications. Even from afar, the sheen of enchantments and golden lining were present (and ever radiant) upon his form, calling to attention that he was truly a beacon of culture. His hair, on the other hand, was an exotic set of spiked-up curls, bright pink in color. If his taste in fashion wasn’t enough to allure attention, his hair would definitely do the job.
Morgo is an incredibly anxious, but golden-hearted troll that will always set himself aside to prioritize those he loves and cares for. While his quick-to-forgive and scapegoatish nature could at first be seen as naive optimism, he isn’t as gullible as he tends to present himself as, often taking initiative when it comes to revealing injustices and punishing them accordingly.
Likeness: Twinky troll boy.
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Morgo's content will always be marked with the hashtag #frogboyfiction
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Loa: A Complete Lore Guide
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Summary list followed by an individual deep dive.
*Loas are roughly categorised for simplicity and may not 100% fit their section (eg Hakkar the Soulflayer appears serpent-like but may not be one, Jani can be argued to be both dinosaur and reptile).
What is a loa?
A loa is the name trolls give to the beings they worship, such as the Wild Gods. While beings such as the Celestials and Ancient Guardians are Wild Gods, trolls specifically worship what they consider to be loa.
Loa can live on to be reborn if their physical form is destroyed but not their spirit.
Summary list of loa
Aquatic loa
Gral the shark loa (Zandalari).
Krag’wa the frog loa (Darkspear, Zandalari).
Torga the turtle loa (Zandalari, Tortollans).
Bird loa
Akil’zon the eagle loa (Amani, Zandalari).
Jan’alai the dragonhawk loa (Amani, Zandalari).
Bear loa
Nalorakk the bear loa (Amani, Zandalari).
Rhunok the arctic bear loa (Drakkari).
Cat loa 
Bethekk the panther loa (Gurubashi, Zandalari).
Eraka no Kimbul (or “Kimbul”, Farraki, Zandalari, Tortollans). 
Halazzi the lynx loa (Amani, Zandalari).
Har'koa the snow leopard loa (Drakkari, Zandalari).
Shirvallah the loa of tigers (Darkspear, Gurubashi, Zandalari).
Dinosaur loa
Gonk the raptor loa (Darkspear, Zandalari). 
Pa’ku the pterrordax loa (Zandalari).
Rezan the devilsaur loa (Zandalari).
Torcali the direhorn loa (Zandalari). 
Insect loa
Elortha no Shadra (or “Shadra”), the spider loa (Vilebranch, Witherbark, Gurubashi, Farraki, Zandalari).
Kith'ix the C'Thraxxi loa (Zan'do's followers).
Reptile loa
Akunda the thunder lizard loa (Zandalari).
Hakkar the Soulflayer (Gurubashi, Vilebranch).
Hethiss the snake loa (Gurubashi, Zandalari).
Jani the saurid loa (Zandalari).
Quetz'lun the wind serpent loa (Drakkari). 
Sethraliss the snake loa (Zandalari, Sethrak).
Sseratus the loa of serpents and snakes (Drakkari).
Tharon'ja the wind serpent loa (Drakkari).
Troll loa 
Dambala (Darkspear, Zandalari).
Grimath (Zandalari).
Lukou (Darkspear, Zandalari).
Samedi loa of the grave (Darkspear).
Zanza (Zandalari).
Other loa
Akali the rhino loa (Drakkari).
Bwonsamdi the loa of death (Darkspear, Zandalari).
G’huun an Old God of blood (Blood trolls).
Hir’eek the bat loa (Blood trolls, Darkspear, Gurubashi, Zandalari).
Mam’toth the mammoth loa (Drakkari).
Ueetay no Mueh'zala (or “Mueh'zala”), the loa of death (Farraki).
Tip jar
Deep Dive into the loa
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Gral is a shark loa of the sea that is worshipped by the Zandalari tribe. It is said that he knows even the deepest and darkest parts of the ocean and watches over every voyage. He is known to be wise and powerful.
Five years before the war in Zandalar, the naga tore down Gral's temple Atal'Gral and killed every last one of his followers. Gral was weak from the attack and remained missing for many years. When the naga returned, he did too, hoping to defeat the force’s leader Summoner Siavass and he has sworn revenge upon Queen Azshara should she come up from where he knew she currently could not leave.
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Krag’wa is a frog loa honoured by both the Darkspear tribe and the Zandalari. He is known to be powerful, but also impulsive and demanding. 
His followers used to bring him offerings from all around the Frogmarsh in Nazmir. The trolls began listening to the whispering darkness and in response Krag'wa stored some of his power in the totems that surround his lair. He refused to bend to the will of G’huun and so the blood trolls began attacking. Every one of his worshippers were slain and he was made weak, having to restore himself. Once strong again, he enacted revenge upon them.  
He later participated in the final charge against the blood trolls in Year 33, led by Princess Talanji. He opened the way to their leader Grand Ma'da Ateena and also participated in the defence of Zuldazar when Zul sought to destroy the Great Seal. He held off blood trolls coming from the Blood Gate.
Crawgs are former tadpoles of Krag’wa that have been corrupted by the blood trolls' blood magic.
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Torga is known as a wise and benevolent loa with the tortollan people making pilgrimages to him to hear his stories. He is worshipped by both the Zandalari and the Tortollans. 
Torga was killed by the blood trolls in Nazmir. They  consumed his flesh and used his blood to raise undead and to summon Jungo, Herald of the Blood God. The location of his body is known as Torga's Rest. Bwonsamdi later summoned the Spirit of Torga  to the turtle loa. He later was reincarnated as a young turtle and now sits at the head of the tortollan Lashk.
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Akil’zon is the loa of eagles, worshipped by the Amani and Zandalari. 
In Year 26, Hex Lord Malacrass stole his essence, placing it into one of the Amani's most talented shamans. He also appears in Zul'Aman where his spirit is chained by Zul'jin. His is freed when the chieftain troll is killed. In Year 27, Akil'zon appears again in Zul'Aman where his spirit is chained by Daakara. He is freed when Daakara is killed.
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Jan’alai is the dragonhawk loa, honoured by both the Amani and Zandalari. 
Alike Akil’zon, Malacrass stole his essence, imbuing it into one of the Amani's deadliest rogues. His spirit is chained by Zul'jin and similarly is freed when the chieftain troll is killed. He again is also chained in Zul’Aman and freed when Draakara is killed.
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Nalorakk is the bear loa worshipped by the Amani and Zandalari. 
He, alongside Akil’zon and Jan’alai, also has his essence stolen and chained to Zul’jin as well as in Zul’Aman and is freed alike the former two loas.
The Amani decorate their Amani Battle Bears with magic amulets and ceremonial masks to honour him.
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Rhunok is known as the Bear of the North, loa of arctic bears and is worshipped by the Drakkari.
In Year 27, his prophet first tried to absorb the loa's power but absorbed too much and subsequently killed himself. Priests of Rhunok quickly resurrected the prophet and he returned to making attemps to steal the loa’s power. To stop his prophet and end his suffering, Rhunok asked an adventurer to revive him and then slay him. It is said he will one day return as his spirit lives forever.
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Bethekk is a panther loa recognised by the Gurubashi and the Zandalari,
She was held in Zul'Gurub against her will when the Hakkari were attempting to resurrect Hakkar in Year 25.
She is represented on Azeroth through a champion of her choosing. High Priestess Kilnara holds this position. Kilnara is the sister of the previous champion, High Priestess Arlokk, who was killed a few years ago, meaning Bethekk was forced to choose another and chose her sister.
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Also known as “Eraka no Kimbul”, is a tiger loa worshipped by the Farraki and Zandalari.
Centuries ago, Kimbul's temple in Vol'dun was attacked by a naga army led by Summoner Mepjila. Unfortunately, Kimbul arrived too late to save his followers from death. He hunted the remaining naga down to the last and none escaped, however as he killed the naga leader she cast a spell that cursed the souls of Kimbul's followers into unending torment. Until their souls were freed, Kimbul could not accept new followers. He took a powerful artifact known as the Ring of Tides as his trophy from the battle with Mepjila.
In Year 30, Kimbul was summoned by the Sandfury tribe at Zul'Farrak so they could sacrifice their prisoners - Aramar Thorne, Makasa Flintwill, Taryndrella, Hackle, and Murky - to him. Kimbul showed respect to Makasa and Hackle for they were predators and not prey, and he was the Prey's Doom. Kimbul told them that they had nothing to fear from him and vanished.
In Year 33, Kimbul can be found at the Temple of Kimbul in Vol'dun. The naga attacked Kimbul's territory looking for the Ring of Tides. Seeking his help against the naga threat, the tortollan Tortaka tribe spoke to Kimbul at his temple. Kimbul tasked an adventurer with entering the Shadowlands where his cursed followers continued to fight for eternity and slaying Mepjila's spirit to break her spell. With his followers at peace, Kimbul moved to protect the Tortaka tribe from the naga with the adventurer as his avatar. Afterward he accepted the Tortaka as his followers. Kimbul also participated in the defence of Zuldazar when Zul and his forces sought to destroy the Great Seal. 
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Halazzi is a lynx loa honoured by the Amani and Zandalari.
He suffered the same incidences in Zul’Drak. 
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Har’koa is a snow leopard loa honoured by the Drakkari and the Zandalari. Her mate is Loque'nahak.
After the Drakkari turned on their gods in Year 27, Har'koa was the last of the gods to be subdued and the trolls used her power in order to curse her children. Witch Doctor Khufu is able to contact other gods, adventurers are sent to aid Har'koa. After freeing her children Har'koa sends adventurers to help other loa: Rhunok, Quetz'lun, and Akali. She is saddened that she couldn't aid other loa such as Mam'toth.
While able to aid the other loa, Akali is ultimately slain by his prophet, which causes Har'koa and Witch Doctor Khufu to work together. Har'koa helps adventurers in fighting against the prophet to ensure his death.She sends adventurers to meet with Tol'mar, who directs them to destroy the Gundrak leadership.
Shirvallah is a tiger loa worshipped by the Darkspear, Gurubashi and Zandalari.
Their last champion was High Priest Thekal. Thekal had another high priest, who wielded The Warmace of Shirvallah. Long ago, it was lost to the sea with the high priest who wielded it.
Shirvallah was also held in Zul'Gurub against their will alongside the previously mentioned loa.
By the time of the war against the Iron Horde in Year 31, troll druids had created a way for all druids to take on a half-tiger form like those of Shirvallah's champions, called the Claws of Shirvallah.
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Gonk is the loa of raptors honoured by the Darkspear and Zandalari. Gonk's high priest is Wardruid Loti.  He is the loa of shapes and master of the hunt. The followers of Pa'ku and Gonk do not get along.
Gonk taught the Darkspear tribe how to contact the loa in a different way, allowing them to serve all the nature spirits at the same time instead of only one at a time. The other loa, such as Shirvallah, were against this but Gonk forced their hands in order to defeat Zalazane, who had trapped several loa inside the Emerald Dream. Through this, the Darkspear became druids, although the other loa are not happy about it and want the trolls to continue worshipping them one at a time.
Gonk did not just speak to the Zandalari. For his Raptari, his followers, Gonk is not just a fragment or piece of him, but physically there, a real voice they can listen to in person.
In Year 33, he aided Loti and Hexlord Raal against the Crimson Cultist within of Zanchul, the Speaker of the Horde became imbued with the powers of Gonk and Pa'ku. The Speaker was informed that they had to choose between the loa. Those who chose Gonk went out to find him Garden of the Loa, where in exchange for them raising a shrine for him he accepted them into his pack.
When the Atal'zul began their uprising against Rastakhan, Loti hurried to save Gonk to find Gonk had already slain the attackers who sought to kill him and drain his power. Gonk was among the army that King Rastakhan gathered to kill Zul. He was tasked to lead his followers to the Temple of the Prophet. Following the death of Rezan, Gonk ordered for a full retreat from Atal'Dazar. Noting that only Rezan's power could keep Bwonsamdi from claiming King Rastakhan, who was sorely wounded and ageing fast due to Rezan's death, Gonk revealed that he would offer Rastakhan his own power if not for the fact that it was not Gonk's domain to challenge the loa of death.
Gonk participated in the defense of Zuldazar when Zul and his forces sought to destroy the Great Seal. 
During the assault on Zuldazar Gonk discovered that the void elves sought to corrupt his children with their dark magics. 
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Pa’ku is a pterrordax loa worshipped by the Zandalari. Pa'ku is the master of the Zandalari's navy and her high priest is Raal. The followers of Pa'ku and Gonk do not get along.
In Year 33, Loti and Raal against the Crimson Cultist within Zanchul, the Speaker of the Horde became imbued with the powers of Gonk and Pa'ku. Following the death of Dregada, the Speaker was informed that they had to choose between the two loa. Those who chose Pa'ku were delivered to the loa by Raal by flying on the back of Ata the Winglord. After the Speaker earned Pa'ku's admiration, the loa instructed them to raise a statue to him so that all the trolls of the land knew they had bargained.[5]
When Zul betrayed Rastakhan and stabbed him, Pa'ku took the king away to Zeb'ahari.
Pa'ku participated in the defence of Zuldazar when Zul and his forces sought to destroy the Great Seal. 
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Rezan is was a devilsaur known as the “Loa of Kings” worshipped by the Zandalari.
Rezan is first encountered in Year 33 when his follower, King Rastakhan, was near death after being betrayed by Zul. Rastakhan was unable to be revived because his soul was in the grip of Bwonsamdi, loa of death. The Zandalari appealed to Rezan to confront Bwonsamdi and claim back Rastakhan's soul. He was successful.
At Rezan's temple, Zul's followers sought to drain Rezan of his power in the same way the Drakkari once did to their loa. Rastakhan and an adventurer killed Vilnak'dor, the troll performing the ritual, and once he was freed Rezan unleashed his fury upon the Atal'zul and their Kao-Tien allies. 
Rezan was among the army that Rastakhan gathered and led the charge into Atal'Dazar atop Mount Mugamba. During the confrontation with Zul, Rezan was slain. Without his power keeping Bwonsamdi at bay, Rastakhan began aging fast. Rezan's essence was used by Zul to revive Dazar, first king of the Zandalari.
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Torcali is a direhorn loa revered by the Zandalari trolls. She is a loa of the harvest.
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Also known as “Elortha no Shadra”, Shadra is the spider loa honoured by the Witherbark, Gurubashi, Farrak and Zandalari.
The Witherbark one time collected her most potent venom from her. The Forsaken, wanting her venom, wished to summon her and to do so summon her, it was required to know her true name (Elortha no Shadra). After Shadra was summoned and killed, her venom was sent to the Undercity.
Shadra was also held in Zul'Gurub against her will during the time when the Hakkari were attempting to resurrect Hakkar the Soulflayer in Year 25.
At Jintha'alor after the Cataclysm in Year 28, the Vilebranch tribe drank Shadra's blood and performed mass sacrifices for her. The Wildhammer wanted to kill her in advance before she could be directed to them, while the Forsaken once more wanted Shadra's venom for their apothecaries. At Shadra'Alor, she was once more summoned and killed.
In Year 30, Shadra communicated with Vol'jin through visions. 
Shadra, alike Kimbul, was summoned by the Sandfury tribe at Zul'Farrak so they could sacrifice their prisoners - Aramar Thorne, Makasa Flintwill, Taryndrella, Hackle, and Murky- to her. But Taryndrella, dryad daughter of Cenarius, stopped her from doing so. Shadra backed away,
In Year 33, her own high priestess Yazma trapped Shadra in the Shrine of Shadra in Zuldazar. Yazma thus consumed Shadra's might in the name of Zul, killing Shadra in the process, and transforming herself into a spider-like troll. Yazma told Shadra to "die forever", suggesting that she is deceased for good.
Kith’ix was a C'Thraxxi generals and worshipped as a loa by Zan’do’s followers.
Trying to find the Discs of Norgannon keeper Loken unearthed the tombs of Kith'ix and his fellow C'Thraxxi general Zakajz and sent them to slay Tyr and reclaim the discs. Kith'ix and Zakazj overtook Tyr and his allies in the lands that would become the Tirisfal Glades. Tyr chose to hold off the C'Thraxxi alone so his companions could escape. In the end, Tyr sacrificed all of his remaining power and life force in a blinding explosion of arcane energy that killed Zakajz and nearly killed Kith'ix. Kith'ix survived and blindly fled southwest. The ancient loa inhabiting the area buried Kith'ix beneath the earth so that no other creature would disturb it.
Eventually the sentient dagger Xal'atath led the troll Zan'do and his followers to the forbidden mound, where they discovered that it was not rock but the hide of some monstrous creature. Believing it to be an undiscovered loa they performed rituals—offering blood sacrifices and plunging Xal'atath into its hide—to awaken him. Kith'ix brutally slaughtered the trolls.
Kith'ix reached out with his mind and found the aqir, having hidden deep underground since the fall of the Black Empire. The C'Thrax rallied the insectoid swarms to reclaim the surface of Azeroth once more. As both Kith'ix and the aqir expanded their power, they constructed a vast subterranean empire known as Azj'Aqir. The Zandalari rallied the tribes against this new foe and summoned the loa to fight by their side, tearing through the aqiri ranks and even wounding Kith'ix. The aqir were forced to retreat and Kith'ix, gravely wounded by the loa, fled to the northeast with a contingent of its closest aqiri followers. 
The Amani tracked the C'Thrax's trail far to the northeastern woodlands. In a final savage battle, the entire tribe flung itself in a suicidal attack against Kith'ix and its remaining insectoid minions. Only a tiny fraction of the troll army survived. Even so, the C'Thrax succumbed to its tireless hunters.
On the site where they had killed Kith'ix, the trolls established a new settlement. It would one day grow into a sprawling temple city known as Zul'Aman. 
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Akunda is thunder lizard loa worshipped by the Zandalari. He represents storms and new beginnings.
Akunda was poisoned by his follower Akunda the Exalted, who took his memories from him. Using Akunda's power, Akunda the Exalted wiped the trolls at the temple of all of their memories. After Meijani and an adventurer from the Horde discovered this, they used Akunda's powers of the storm to slay Akunda the Exalted. Akunda restored the memories of his followers. Akunda offered his gift to the adventurer, allowing them to call upon the Boon of Akunda whenever they commune at an Altar of Akunda.
Akunda later participated in the defence of Zuldazar when Zul and his forces sought to destroy the Great Seal. 
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Hakkar, also known by his title “The Soulflayer”, is a blood loa honoured by the Gurucashi and Vilebranch. He is known to be destructive and malevolent.
A troll attempted to summon Hakkar on Zandalar many millennia ago. While he was stopped, it led to the breakout of a plague of corrupted blood which tore through the Zandalari Empire killing thousands of trolls.
Around Year -1,500, the Gurubashi trolls sought aid from ancient, mystical forces to aid them in their terro and famine. Hakkar heard the trolls' call and decided to aid them. Hakkar gave his secrets of blood to the Gurubashi and helped them extend their civilization across most of Stranglethorn Vale. Though he brought them great power, Hakkar wanted more and more for his efforts.[4] He filled his adherents with murderous rage and reveled in their dark emotions and fed off the blood they spilled. The Gurubashi realized what kind of creature they had allied with and turned against him. The strongest tribes rose up against Hakkar and his loyal priests known as the Atal'ai.
As Zul'Gurub continued to expand, the Zandalari's pleased surprise turned to disquiet. When they discovered the nature of Hakkar, they were horrified. The jungle trolls banded together with the Zandalari and rose up in open revolt. The budding empire was shattered by the magic unleashed between the angry god and his rebel children. The trolls succeeded in destroying Hakkar's avatar and banishing him from the world. Even his Atal'ai priests were eventually driven from the capital of Zul'Gurub. After his defeat, the various troll tribes of the jungle began battling each other and the Darkspear tribe left the continent.
The exiled priests fled far to the north, into the Swamp of Sorrows. There they erected the temple to Hakkar. The great dragon Aspect, Ysera, learned of the Atal'ai's plans and smashed the temple beneath the marshes. 
Around Year -18-19, some of the Gurubashi would continue to use Hakkar's blood magic, especially in their war against the humans of Stormwind. Green dragons that had been left by Ysera to guard the Temple of Atal'Hakkar had succumbed to another force, the Emerald Nightmare. The descendants of the Atal'ai returne to find that its guardians were disoriented and vulnerable. Both the Nightmare and the trolls dragged the dragons down into the depths of madness and corruption. The Atal'ai began their gruesome rituals to summon Hakkar into the world. Jammal'an believed the summoning of Hakkar will bring the Atal'ai immortality. A green dragon named Itharius called for help from the Cenarion Circle, who in turn sent an Alliance force to cleanse the temple and put an end to the Atal'ai's efforts.
In Year 25, Yeh'kinya tricked adventurers into taking an Ancient Egg from Jintha'Alor and infusing it with the essence of the defeated Avatar of Hakkar into a Filled Egg of Hakkar. Prospector Ironboot revealed that Yeh'kinya wasn't about to keep the world safe, but to bring the god Hakkar back. However, it was too late as Hakkar had already reborn in Zul'Gurub. The Atal'ai priests discovered that Hakkar's physical form could only be summoned within the ancient capital of the Gurubashi Empire, Zul'Gurub. In order to quell the blood god, the trolls of the land banded together and sent a contingent of High Priests into the ancient city. Each priest was a powerful champion of the Primal Gods but despite their best efforts, they fell under the sway of Hakkar. The Zandalari knew that they did not have the resources to scour the Atal'ai and their leader, Jin'do the Hexxer, from Zul'Gurub. They sent word through the Darkspear tribe. A large Horde strike force was sent to Zul'Gurub in turn. The Horde charged into the temple city, and though they the killed the priests and Jin'do, they were too late to stop Hakkar's summoning. Manifesting as a force of death and insanity, Hakkar poisoned the blood of the Horde's champions but he was unaware of the poison entering his veins as he fed on them and was consumed by his own magic.
The still burning kernel of Hakkar's power, was brought to Molthor and the heart was banished.
In Year 28, the Atal'ai in the Sanctum of the Fallen God have recovered a significant portion of his skeleton and seek to restore Hakkar back to life. The Atal'ai transported most of the blood they produced to Zul'Gurub. Meanwhile, Vilebranch tribe of the Hinterlands left Hakkar in favour of Shadra. Jin'do recovered the body of two high priests, High Priest Venoxis and High Priestess Jeklik, and then enlisted the aid of Zanzil the Outcast to resurrect them to serve Hakkar. Though adventurers working for the Zandalari trolls Maywiki and Chabal only succeeded in destroying Jeklik's body. Some time later, the Zandalari trolls under Zul united most of the tribes and aided in restoring Zul'Gurub to its former glory for the purpose of rebuilding the old troll empire. They hoped to use Hakkar in order to wage war on the other races of Azeroth. Adventurers in Zul'Gurub saw Jin'do, now going by name "the Godbreaker," holding Hakkar in submission and stripping out his power to infuse into himself. Upon destroying the spiritual chains holding the Soulflayer in place, Hakkar turns on Jin'do, and utterly destroys him, leaving only the corpse of Jin'do the Broken. He then vanishes, promising to return. 
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Hethiss is snake loa worshipped by the Gurubashi and Zandalari. 
Like the other Gurubashi loa, Hethiss was held in Zul'Gurub against his will during the time when the Hakkari were attempting to resurrect Hakkar the Soulflayer in Year 25.
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Jani is the saurid loa worshipped by the Zandalari. He is known as Patron of Scavengers, the Lord of Thieves, the God of Garbage, Master of Minions, the Keeper of Secrets and the loa of discarded things. Jani looks out for people  such as the orphans and the poor and appears to be very protective of his children, as well as being quite the trickster, polymorphing those that hurt his children to humble them.
In Year 33, while killing some thieving saurid harassing a merchant, Jani appears as "The Big One" and attacks an adventurer. When they go to investigate a pile they are captured in the Big One's jaws, who reveals himself to be Jani. Jani is furious that the adventurer would kill his children and to teach them a lesson, he changes them into a saurid and forces them to go bite the one who originally sent them, Nokano. 
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Quetz'lun is the loa of wind serpents worshipped by the Drakkari. 
In Year 27, she was betrayed by her prophet and slain to drain her power. Right before her physical manifestation was destroyed, Quetz'lun created her own private underworld nightmare in which she dragged all her former worshippers and high priests into. 
Her spirit will assist players in killing her prophet. After a ritual, she is drawn into the material world where she will be able to reclaim her power from the prophet. Once done, she brings him into her underworld domain to kill him over and over again.
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Sethraliss was a snake loa worshipped by both Zandalari and Sethrak. She had power over lightening.  
During the Aqir and Troll War in Year -16,000 years ago, Mythrax the Unraveler slaughtered troll and sethrak.. Sethraliss sacrificed herself to save them, but though she struck Mythrax down Mythrax was still able to destroy the disc at the heart of Atul'Aman. Sethraliss' devoted followers transported her remains and built a temple around them while they awaited her rebirth. Sulthis, Vorrik, and Korthek worked together to seal Mythrax within the great pyramid.[4]
Years later, Korthek grew power hungry and sought to free Mythrax to conquer Zuldazar. He gathered like-minded sethrak and declared himself emperor. Other sethrak who were still loyal to Sethraliss were forced into hiding. Vorrik returned to his personal sanctum years later, he could still feel the ancient power of Sethraliss there, which he took as a sign that his loa endured.
In Year 33, General Jakra'zet of the Zanchuli Council allied with Korthek, and though Korthek was slain Jakra'zet successfully stole the keys to Atul'Aman and completed the ritual to revive Mythrax by sacrificing himself. The sethrak needed Sethraliss but she was yet to be reborn. The adventurer sent by Vorrik to investigate found a group of Zandalari who wanted to corrupt her into a dark loa that would lay waste to Vol'dun. The trolls were defeated and Sethraliss was rejuvenated.
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Sseratus is the the loa of serpents and snakes revered by the Drakkari.
Slad'ran was the high prophet of Sseratus. He sacrificed her hoping that it might help them save their home. He swore the Scourge would suffer for the sacrifices the Drakkari had been forced to commit.
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Tharon'ja is the wind serpent loa honoured by the Drakkari. He is trusted guardian of Drak'Tharon Keep and the patron of those who defended the borders of Zul'Drak.
In Year 27, his own followers turned on him because to the threat of the Scourge and lies of the Lich King. His own Prophet killed him in Drak'Tharon Keep and claimed his power, driving the loa into the spirit world.[2]
Zur'chaka the Bonecrafter summoned Tharon'ja's spirit in order to communicate with him at the Za'Tual boneyard in Year 30.
Dambala is a troll loa honoured by the Zandalari. 
He is only mentioned in Shadow Hunter Ty'jin's ability Blessing of Dambala.
Grimath is an old Zandalari loa spirit honoured by them.
He is known to have been contacted by Zandalari trolls to aid them in tracking a direhorn.
Lukou is a troll loa honoured by the Darkspear and Zandalari. 
She is mentioned in Shadow Hunter Ty'jin's ability called Blessing of Lukou.
In the RPG, she’s noted as the loa of healing and respite, and grants the ability to heal allies. Her power has no effect against undead in the area - she grants the capacity to heal, but she has no power over the restless dead.
Samedi is the loa of the grave, honoured by the Darkspear.
Shadow Hunter Kajassa asked adventurers in Nagrand to use the Samedi Fetish to help shadow hunter souls move on and send them to Samedi.
In the RPG, it is mentioned that he is the loa of cemeteries and the restful sleep of the dead. In Samedi's eyes, the undead are abominations that should be destroyed.
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Also known as Zanza the Restless, Zanza is a loa of the Zandalar tribe found near the entrance to the Cache of Madness in Zul'Gurub. He is also honoured by them. 
He reveals that he created the magic used in Elven Librams which were originally his Savage Guard. They since stole Zanza's magic teachings and used them against the trolls.
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Akali was the rhino loa of rhinos worshipped by the Drakkari. 
In Year 27, he was held in chains by his worshippers outside the gates of Gundrak. Adventurers freed Akali who is quick to kill his subduers. However, the Prophet of Akali notices and drinks of the loa's blood, claiming some of his power. Infused by power of the loa, the prophet swiftly kills Akali.
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Bwonsamdi is the loa of death worshipped by the Darkspear and the Zandalari.  Bwonsamdi's temple is the Necropolis. The spirits of all trolls on Zandalar go to him upon death and he brings the spirits of any who worship him into his realm, the Other Side. He grows more powerful the more souls are in his care.
Before they were driven away from the Echo Isles by Zalazane and his hexed trolls, the Darkspear tribe once worshipped the spirit. During the liberation of the Echo Isles in Year 27, Vol'jin tried to recruit Bwonsamdi to his side for the battle against Zalazane. After Vol'jin and his fellow Horde warriors proved themselves worthy, Bwonsamdi agreed to help them against Zalazane. With the battle won Bwonsamdi took his leave.
In Year 30, Vol'jin found that his shadow hunter powers were being withheld by the loa. Bwonsamdi contacted Vol'jin and told him that his injuries, self doubt, and conflicting loyalty toward the Horde has made the loa forsake him. Bwonsamdi showed him various visions. The Death Loa wished Vol'jin would use his influence to create as much strife and war as possible, for that would mean more souls would be sent to the other side on his behalf. Vol'jin refused. Vol'jin eventually proved his conviction and reaffirmed his identity, regaining both Bwonsamdi's respect and his powers. Bwonsamdi received the souls Vol'jin sent from the battles between the Shado-Pan and the Thunder King's forces.. At the end of the war, Vol'jin's companion Tyrathan Khort was near death. Vol'jin pleaded with Bwonsamdi to spare Tyrathan. The loa complied, knowing he would have his soul now or later, it did not matter.
In Year 33, King Rastakhan was betrayed by Zul and near death, Bwonsamdi claimed his soul and at first refused to give it back because the loa of kings Rezan had been keeping Rastakhan from him for too long. Rezan threatened Bwonsamdi into complying. When Rezan was slain by Zul, Rastakhan began to age quickly.
In Nazmir, the Zandalari forces sought the aid of the local loa to battle the blood trolls. Bwonsamdi's worshipper Hanzabu brought a Horde adventurer to the Necropolis to meet with him. After tasking the adventurer with cleansing his temple of the spirits who had abandoned Bwonsamdi for G'huun, Bwonsamdi agreed to pledge his powers to the fight against the blood trolls in exchange for one million souls. The ritual to finalize their contract was interrupted by Grand Ma'da Ateena, leader of the blood trolls, but she was successfully fought off.
Talanji and the tortollans called on Bwonsamdi to communicate with Torga's spirit. Bwonsamdi would only comply with a deal, the soul of another loa in exchange for communing with Torga, but Talanji refused. Instead, the souls of the blood trolls that had eaten Torga's flesh were used in exchange for communing with Torga.
Bwonsamdi participated in the final charge against the blood trolls led by Talanji. He prevented the adventurer from dying because they still had a debt to pay him.
Rastakhan made a deal with Bwonsamdi: If Bwonsamdi gave him the power to take back his empire, then Rastakhan would elevate Bwonsamdi above all other loa. Bwonsamdi accepted the deal on one condition: that the king's bloodline would be devoted to Bwonsamdi. Later, as Dazar'alor came under attack from Zul and Mythrax, Bwonsamdi empowered Rastakhan to kill Zul. 
After the Urn of Vol'jin is delivered to Atal'Dazar. Bwonsamdi appears saying to bring the urn to his necropolis instead, as he hasn't seen Vol'jin in quite some time. There Bwonsamdi discovers that Vol'jin spirit isn't in the urn.
Seeking to learn where Vol'jin's spirit had gone missing, Bwonsamdi tasked the adventurer and Talanji with performing a seance with the aid of some of Vol'jin's friends from life, Gadrin and Rokhan. They succeeded in contacting him deep within the Shadowlands, and he tasked them with slaying G'huun as justice for the sons and daughters of the loa and the heart of Zandalar. 
Following the deaths of the Horde's Champion of the Light and Jadefire Masters during the Battle of Dazar'alor, King Rastakhan urged Bwonsamdi to aid his forces. Bwonsamdi created a blood moon and raised the dead to fend off the Alliance. Bwonsamdi also raised Grong into a Revenant and turned him against the Alliance after Horde adventurers slew the giant gorilla. When the Alliance reached King Rastakhan. Rastakhan was still ultimately killed. As Talanji held her dying father, Rastakhan's pact with Bwonsamdi was transferred to her as he took his final breath. Bwonsamdi himself then appeared before Talanji, who demanded to know what he had done to her, unaware of the pact her father made that bound his bloodline to the loa of graves. In response, Bwonsamdi merely revealed that her father never told her about their bargain. 
Vol'jin's spirit, Talanji, and Baine Bloodhoof returned to the Necropolis to reveal that Vol'jin had been calling for him. They confronted Bwonsamdi to ask him if he was the one who had told him to make Sylvanas the Warchief, which Bwonsamdi denied. Bwonsamdi agreed to help them find out who had really told Vol'jin to put Sylvanas in charge.
Bwonsamdi opened a Death Gate to one of his rivals in the ownership of souls: the Lich King. Like Bwonsamdi, the Lich King told Vol'jin that he was not responsible and that Sylvanas was upsetting the balance of life and death.Realizing that Vol'jin's spirit was getting help from some other power, Bwonsamdi also sent them to speak to the Val'kyr Eyir Eyir did not allow Talanji to enter her hall as she was a priestess of the death loa. Eyir informed the group that Vol'jin had been "touched by the hand of valor". Back at the Necropolis, Bwonsamdi mused that while Eyir and the Lich King were not his only rivals they were the ones he thought most likely to be behind it. He urged Vol'jin to search not the living world but the Shadowlands for his answers.
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G’huun was an Old God inadvertently created by the Pantheon during their experiments on the other imprisoned Old Gods, as the titans tried to find a solution to the problem that they posed. He was worshipped as a loa by the blood trolls and they consider themselves to be his children.
In Year 33, his prison began to weaken and  G'huun's corruption begun spreading across the land. He also started wresting control over the souls of the dead from Bwonsamdi. G'huun corrupted Hir'eek and turned him into his servant. Adventurers worked alongside Jo'chunga and struck Hir'eek down in order to weaken G'huun's forces.
With the seal of Atul'Aman destroyed by Mythrax, and the seal of Nazwatha destroyed by the Cataclysm, Zul and his allies, General Jakra'zet and Yazma, worked to free the Blood God by undoing the last remaining seal, in Zuldazar. The plan was to have G'huun replace the loa as the trolls' new god. The seal was ultimately destroyed by Mythrax during the invasion of Dazar'alor. A group of adventurers entered Uldir and slew G'huun before he could break free.
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Hir’eek was a bat loa honoured by Blood trolls, Darkspear, the Gurubashi and the Zandalari. He is known as the Lord of the Midnight Sky.
Like the other loa of the Gurubashi tribe, Hir'eek was held in Zul'Gurub against his will during the time when the Hakkari were attempting to resurrect Hakkar in Year 25. 
After the Cataclysm in Year 28, adventurers in the Cape of Stranglethorn were guided by the spirit of Hir'eek to spy on Zanzil the Outcast's meeting with the Shade of the Hexxer.
In Year 30, before entering the Ancient Passage just prior to his assassination attempt, Vol'jin noticed a flock of bats flying out of the cave. He thought of Hir'eek and wondered if it was a warning.
In Year 33, was corrupted by G'huun and the blood trolls,[7] and subsequently slain by an adventurer with the aid of Jo'chunga and his poison. His death was mourned by the Zandalari. His spirit presumably returned to the Emerald Dream.
Mam’toth was the loa of mammoths homoured by the Drakkari. When he learnt of his worshippers' plans to steal his power, he destroyed himself, his temple and all worshippers present, creating in Mam'toth Crater.
Moorabi was the high prophet of Mam'tothdrank of the loa's blood and gained some of his power hoping to defend Zul'Drak.
Also known as Ueetay no Mueh'zala, is the loa of death honoured by the Farraki. He is known also as the Father of Sleep, the Son of Time and the Night's Friend.
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the-nerd-beast · 5 years
Playable Race concept: Ice Trolls
commissioned by @prototype-heart 
*disclaimer: This is a post for fun, it is in no way meant to be taken seriously. I have thoroughly combed the lore before making this post and is just a “what if” scenario just for shits and giggles and is meant to be taken with a grain of salt.*
Race: Ice Trolls
Faction: Horde
Languages: Zandali, Orcish
Summary: Ice Trolls are the largest, physically most powerful subspecies of troll still alive. Long ago they formed a powerful empire, the Drakkari, which rivaled the that of the Zandalari in size and power. Claiming the icy wastes of Northrend they clung on, until in recent history they were destroyed by the Scourge and betrayal from within. Now you could probably count the remaining living Drakkari on your fingers, a tribe doomed to extinction.
However from them originated several tribes that left the empire, such as the Winterax, the Icetusk and most notably the Frostmane tribe. The Frostmane tribe is the largest tribe of Ice Trolls that remain, not only numerous but even thriving despite the constant conflict they have with their neighbors the Dwarves of Dun Morogh. They have great respect for the Zandalari and through them have joined the Horde, even integrating the remaining Drakkari into their tribe where they have enriched the tribe for the better.
Hunter, starting pet is a white bear (bear)
Shaman, totems resemble those of Darkspear but encrusted with ice.
Mount: Rhino
Breath of the North Wind: Active. The user blows a cold and bitter wind, dealing X frost damage and reducing the  melee, ranged and spell haste by 15% of all enemies in a 90 degree cone in front of the caster. 12 yard radius, 10 second duration, 3 minute cooldown.
Dire Fortitude. Passive. Reduces physical and frost damage taken by 1%.
Survivalist: Passive. Increased chance of looting meat and fish.
Clinging to Hope: Passive. Buff duration increased by 25%.
Whippin’ Up Some Voodoo: Passive. Alchemy skill increased by 15%.
Dances: Same as Trolls as new models would be based on those rigs.
Customization: Skin color, hair style, hair color, tusks, tattoos.
Male Flirts: 
“10 gold if you can find which part of my body is the warmest.”
“My need for you is dire.”
“You checking out my tusks or should I walk by again?”
“How much does a mammoth weigh? Enough to break the ice”
“I may be blue, but believe me I am happy to see you”
“No need for a fire when I can keep you warm”
Female Flirts:
“If you are cold without a scarf I could wrap around you instead.”
“You know, cuddling is a great way to get warm”
“Is that an icicle in your pocket or are you happy to see me?”
“Never thought I would see something more beautiful than the northern lights, then I saw you”
“My lips are lonely, let them meet yours”
“Black ice ain’t the only thing I’m falling for”
Male Jokes:
“Dwarves are such lousy neighbors, always shouting and drinking and firing their guns!...and not inviting me!”
“Ice ice baby”
“Mammoths are great mounts, they have plenty of space in the trunk!”
“Winter is coming”
“Don’t you have someone else you can annoy? Friends? Family?...Poisonous reptiles?”
“You wanna build a snow troll?”
Female Jokes:
“The cold never bothered me anyway.”
“I’m a frigid bitch? Flattery will get you nowhere”
“Ugh why does Durotar have to be so hot?”
“The Alliance and Horde are fighting again? You guys need to let it go.”
“What is the average temperature in Zul’Drak? There isn’t one.”
“Never play leapfrog with a rhino. *rubs butt* Trust me.”
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findmeinshattrath · 11 months
Thought I'd just list my favorite versions of the druid forms (base versions only) to kill some time
Cat Form - Troll
Bear Form - Kul Tiran
Travel Form - Night Elf/Worgen
Aquatic Form - Zandalari
Flight Form - Worgen
Moonkin Form - Kul Tiran
Tree of Life Form - Tauren
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masteroftheelements · 5 years
Shattered Glass
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“ I couldn't take it, couldn't stand another minute Couldn't bear another day without you in it”
Tali stood outside the gates, she was back home. She stood up and looked at the gates of Zul’Gurub. She had made home here once, and now to return after these long months away, nearly a year. Taking a step, and then another. She had heard whispers of her Drakkari mate Rohun had made his way back from his excursions in Zul’Drak. He would roosting here, maybe even waiting. With hope in her heart she met with Vol’toka at the base of the stairs to complete her induction into the clan. A trial was given, and while Tali hadn’t succeed she was still given leave to enter the clan and return home to prove her self more to the others. Starting back into the role of Quashi, the shaman was eager to see just what trouble the Shadowtusks were vested in. Tali had met with the current Warlord, Ni’gi. The two were eager to speak with one another, building reportage speaking about their pasts. But their talk soon spoke of loved ones, only to have Vol’toka mention about Rohun; just the person Tali was seeking. Vol’toka mentioned then how he had come home and he and Ni’gi were mated. Tali felt her heart give and tug with emotions that she had thought to keep from her face. But the shaman was never as skilled at keeping walls standing, and the wave of emotion took her. The two women stared in horror at each other, one feeling pain and the other aghast that they had caused so much pain. Fleeing from facing the woman Tali took refuge in the hut of one of the clan’s mates she had grown to know Ix’zel. 
“I never planned that I would leave you there alone I was sure that I would see you when I made it back home And all the times I swore that it would be okay Now I'm nothing but a liar, and you're thrown into the fray“
The day passed to night, Tali remained in the hut avoiding most contact with the clan; not wishing them to see her in this state. When the cries of her clan woke her, she heard the pained voices calling out through the network through the skull. A healer,...they needed a healer. Gathering her supplies she turned to a scared looking Zandalari Ix’zel; she had heard the pained voice of her mate Xuku’jin. The two raced towards the outskirts where Zhen’tazi seemed to be making a delivery, and to their good fortune could help port them towards where the clan was last seen. Using a bit of clever portal hoping and copied portal workings the two emerged into a scene of chaos. The Mossflayer chief lay dead and dying. Tali’zara took to work immediately healing the wounded and the sick.  Spinning on the balls of her feet she wielded the power of water to help wrap about those who were injured in the fight. With grace of the Loa the fight ended soon, with the heavy axe of one holy prelates,  Jabblok. The clan spoke with Ren whom was once Mate to the Chief, she had stayed on to over look those of the Mossflayers whom remained. Moving on from the city, they headed deeper still in search for Zul’aman, in hopes of speaking with the Amani leaders. 
“Red like roses Fills my head with dreams and finds me Always closer To the emptiness and sadness That has come to take the place of you”
Upon waking Tali found that some of the clan had returned from hunting or rousing from their sleep. She had helped those who were still injured, healing with water and to help mend bone and flesh. When she rested she was staring into the flames, hearing the call of the element pouring out towards her rage to her hurt and pain. When she saw an all to familiar figure step inside the hut with Ni’gi behind him. Tali stood nearly backing away, she hadn’t wanted a confrontation, not here. Her body stood rigid, she wanted to flee, to run away. She made to having nodded to the both of them, making to leave. A grumble of a voice made her stop....his voice. Tears nearly betrayed her as she would have gladly hid behind her fathers wooden mask. Large hands touched her face gently as the mask was removed by a nearby clansmen. Red eyes stared out at Rohun, she could hear Ni’gi speaking with him telling him how could he love her when he already had another mate. Tali felt each of her words stabbing at her as if it were the blows of an axe. Ni’gi gave her a choice, but she knew the choice was made. Tali had always stepped aside for others, allowing love to rule out. She felt the tears stinging her eyes, she didn’t want to see him hurt, more so that she knew she didn’t want Ni’gi to be the one to take his hand. Tali turned and kept her back to the pair, she would not cause issues for the couple. She knew Rohun only ever followed his heart, and if that was with another woman then it was with another mate. Taking her mask from her fellow clansmen she stepped out into the chilly air, the sounds of a knife. Turning back she watched as the Drakkari had thrown his ear down in front of Ni’gi and he too left for the woods. Tali stared out at his retreating form, she let a breath escape her. “Goodbye....my heart....my wolf....” she turned and left for the sanctuary of the stone mountain, tears streaming down her face. 
“You're not the only one who needed me; I thought you understood You were the one I needed, and you left me as I always feared you would Would I change it if I could? It doesn't matter how The petals scatter now Every nightmare just discloses It's your blood that's red like roses And no matter what I do Nothing ever takes the place of you”
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sistah-tidereader · 5 years
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Mene’kua & Mene’nui - Zandalari Fanon Loa
-------------- T H E ☀ T I D E B R I N G E R S
The Twins of the Tide - Mene’kua, the Pale, and Mene’nui, the Shadow - are believed, by some, to be two aspects of one loa.  Their binary nature is often likened to the layers of the open ocean: the photic layer, where the sun’s rays give life to millions of microscopic creatures, and the aphotic layer, where dwell a untold number of alien beings that have never known light, each relying on the other but never giving ground. However, the Zandalari druids who revere the philosophy of balance understand the Twins to be a representation of the phases of the moon, and thus have named them the Tidebringers, for they give breath to the ocean, causing it to swell and wither in turn, endlessly.
The ceaseless rhythm of the tide forms the basis for the Mene’rai druids’ philosophy: “The tide will bear the willing and drown the unwilling.”  In other words, fate cannot be fought, and what is set out before us is immutable and enduring; those that understand this shall prosper, and those who fight it will inevitably fail.  These druids walk the world with absolute surety, believing that whatever befalls them is what was always meant to pass.
Mene’rai who find perfect harmony with the philosophy of the tides are said to have the ability to see the future among the waves.  Called Tidereaders, these druids gain this valuable insight in exchange for the burdensome knowledge that what they have seen cannot ever be changed. For this reason, Tidereaders are often reclusive, and are disinclined to share their visions with others, lest those poor souls fall victim to the madness of inescapable fate.
{ Big thanks to @thewardancer for the brainstorming and inspiration <3 }
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cryinglittlepeople · 5 years
my new oc is a zandalari troll, which is different from my other troll oc! 
for the uninitiated:
Zandalari are taller, and both their ears and tusks are slightly bigger. They also have hardened bumps on their face and shoulders.
They have glowing blue eyes without pupils
They aren’t cannibals 
They have a quite rigid class system 
 They have a king or queen, unlike other trolls who have an elected tribe leader. Troll tribes (esp the Darkspear) act like a kind of communal family with no real class divide, while Zandalari live more in service of their king/queen, and class status.  
They’re much closer to their religion than other trolls. Directly communicating with their loa, rather than just receiving signs and messages like the others.
While all trolls have a close affinity for dinosaurs, the zandalari are so close to them that “dinomancer” is a profession, and druids will turn into dinosaur forms, while other troll druids transform into the more classic bear/tiger/owl forms.
Zandalari adorn themselves very liberally in gold jewelry and colorful feathers. While other trolls will decorate themselves with face paint and body mods. ALL troll races use the skulls and bones of their enemies to decorate themselves and their clothes tho.
my girlfriend once described it as:
“Zandalari trolls are city trolls, while tribe trolls are country folk. Even though they both live in the jungle.”
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What determines what druids can shapeshift into?
Judging by quests from the druid class hall, old animal form quest chains, new dialogue from 8.1.5 content, and more, it seems as if the wild gods and senior druids determine what animal forms their followers take on, but druids can ideally shapeshift into any animal they want, even an animal that’s half-man and half-cat. This would explain why druid forms not only vary radically from race to race but also embody a wide range of creatures.
The night elves seem to have been blessed with their specific animal forms in part by the wild gods Cenarius and Ursoc. Ursoc’s dungeon journal entry, while a little vague, says that he’s, “closely linked to the druidic power of shapeshifting” [Dungeon Journal: Emerald Nightmare, Ursoc]. A quote from the Legion Druid Class Preview webpage reads, “Through communion with nature and the demigod Cenarius, Lord of the Forest, Druids are supernaturally endowed with the gift of shapeshifting, allowing them to take the form of all manner of nature’s creature”. Additionally, outdated text from the aquatic form quest says, “The time has come for you to learn more about one of the various animal aspects that Cenarius has blessed us with the ability to change into” [Quest: A Lesson to Learn]. Of course, this dialogue could be interpreted to mean that Cenarius has not necessarily chosen what forms druids take on, but rather given them the ability to shapeshift, since he was the one who brought druidism to the night elves and tauren in the first place. Ursoc, on the other hand, might be the reason why night elves and tauren have bear form, hence his being linked to shapeshifting. The Kul Tirans and Zandalari, however, get their animal forms from somewhere else.
Unfortunately, I do not have a max level horde character, so I’m not terribly familiar with Zandalar content and what the quests dealing with the loa have to say about this topic, although I do know the trolls’ shapeshifting abilities come from their connection to a multitude of loa. 
Arthur Tradewind, one of the Kul Tiran Thornspeakers training under the Drust druid Ulfar, says, “I keep trying to convince Ulfar that a goat form would be amazing” [Quest: Balance in All Things]. He goes on to say, “But he always starts talking about ‘dignity’ and I stop listening,” implying that druids can possibly shapeshift into any animal of their choice, provided they have the means and the right teacher. 
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On a somewhat related note, it appears the Druids of the Talon get their flight form from the Idol of Aviana and, by extension, the wild god Aviana. When the idol was stolen during Legion content, Thisalee Crow commented that she was unable to shift into a storm crow without it [Quest: Defense of Aviana]. Quest text from that chain also says that the “idol acts as a link between the Druids of the Talon and the powers of flight granted to [them] by Aviana” [Quest: You Can’t Take the Sky from Me]. Flight form may be a unique case, however, since it doesn’t appear that any of the other animal forms are currently restricted by the use of or connection to an idol.
To reiterate, it’s a common belief that druids can only adopt animal forms related to the wild gods they worship, but choice bits of dialogue like the aforementioned blurb from the Legion Class Preview webpage or what Arthur Tradewind says about a goat form makes it seem as if druids can generally shapeshift into whatever creature they want. After all, as far as we know, the Drust didn’t base their animal forms off of any wild gods (although it’s surmised they were taught druidism by a wild god). 
Druids are, undoubtedly, also influenced by their environment when it comes to first picking their animal forms. Each race’s unique forms have a tendency to resemble creatures native to their homeland and/or surroundings, which would explain why Druids of the Flame opt for an animal like the scorpion while the Zandalari take on forms more reptilian in nature.
One could even conjecture that tapping into new and different power sources provides druids with access to more forms. Fringe druid sects, like the Druids of the Flame, Nightmare, and Fang all employ the use of strange animal forms (scorpion, roc, spider, snake) that aren’t practiced by the druids of the Cenarion Circle.
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That said, I suspect that the only thing preventing druids from shapeshifting into anything they want is likely the absence of a teacher that can instruct them how to take on those new forms. The best and most magically endowed teachers for the task would, obviously, be the wild gods, hence why most druid forms appear to resemble them in one way or another (e.g. the bear and Ursoc, the storm crow and Aviana, pack form and Goldrinn, and the troll druid forms and their loa). However, some like Ulfar may well be powerful enough on their own to take on the essence of a new animal and teach it to their followers while others, like Elerethe Renferal and Fandral Staghelm, can use their connection to powerful primal forces like the Emerald Nightmare or the Firelands to learn new animal forms. 
Link to #druidweek introduction post here!
Link to previous #druidweek post here!
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calywitsune · 5 years
End the Nightmare Pt. 2
Erelae expected death to bring the enveloping warmth of the Light but while this warmth was pleasant, it was not all encompassing.
This was not death. It was unconsciousness fading away. And with the returning of her consciousness came her senses, unfortunately in the most uncomfortable way. Every fiber of her being ached and her chest felt heavy, but clear. She was grateful for that at least. Slowly she pried open her eyes to a view of treetops above her, gentle sunlight dappled the trunks.
A shifting to the side caught the draenei’s attention. Erelae let her head loll to the side - there was a human soldier laid on the ground under a tree, bandaged and cared for with the utmost attention. Her eyes were closed and she was still now, but the warrior could see the steady rise and fall of her wrapped chest. Her armor lay nearby the same tree stacked neatly.
Then a sharp hiss from the Erelae’s left. She took her time forcing her head in the opposite direction to find the source. Another human soldier, male this time, was staring with anxious eyes. He too was bandaged with his right arm in a makeshift sling. Raising a finger to his lips he signaled for her to stay silent, as if she had the strength to or the cognisance to consider it - then he pointed a finger away from their location to the far end of the clearing.
Erelae couldn’t lift her head to look, nor did she want to. Her mind was whirling with questions and she tried to clear the mental fog by simply staring at the gaps in the treetops.
“Ah fuck! That hurts!”, a loud yelp rang out in the quiet after some time. A deep, hoarse, yet soft voice muttered something in response, and Erelae’s heart skipped a beat. She knew that voice.
As soon as the name passed her lips there was a gasp. Only a beat or two passed before she heard frantic shuffling in the dirt, then large footsteps approaching. The familiar shape of her mate filled her vision, leaned over her body with the most relieved expression one could ever envision. He cupped her face with both hands, eyes scanning over her rapidly.
“Oh my shield,” he whispered, stroking her cheek with his thumb, “thank the Light you’re awake.”
Erelae made to reach up and cover his hand with her own, finally realizing his cape had been draped over her body. So that had been the source of warmth she felt.
The troll gently tried to urge her back down as she forced herself up onto her elbows, but resigned to holding her against his chest when her arms darted around his neck. Mani rubbed small circled into her back to soothe the shaking that had overcome her in that instant; eyes occasionally drifting up to the soldier across from them, who was gawking at the scene with a mix of confusion and distrust. It didn’t bother the troll in the slightest, this was the first time in a month he had the chance to hold his mate like this and no looks were going to take that solace.
When Erelae was able to speak without faltering she lifted herself from Mani enough to look him in the eyes. “I vould nag your ear off in any other circumstance.” she half chuckled. Mani breathed through his nose, but a slight smile tugged at his lips.
“You cannot be angry with me, the Northern Kingdoms are not Alliance territory are they?”, he chided as he pulled Erelae’s hand to his chest. “Besides, you could not expect a healer to stay from his tank for so long.”
His face fell stony then, “How are you feeling?” The draenei sighed, glancing down at her body for a brief moment before answering.
“Shaken...but alive, obviously thanks to--”
“No, Erelae, tell me specifics.” His tone was grim, serious. He was always serious when it came to caring for her and other members of the troupe, but this time his words sent a chill down her spine. When she only stared at him with narrow eyes, he let his hand drift to her midsection.
“My love, I checked you thoroughly...you are with child.”
Her heart seemed to stop. With wide eyes she frantically searched for anything in his face that would belie this revelation, though she knew he would joke about no such thing. Her chest rose and fell rapidly in dread and she grasped at Mani’s arm.
“No-- no no no no I can’t be,” she stammered, shaking her head in disbelief, “zis can’t be happening-- Mani you must be mistaken you have to be mistaken!” The troll made to interject her panicked words, telling her everything would be alright.
The sobs constricted her throat, and staring up at him with tears streaming down her face she choked out, “but ze blight…Oh Mani I kept going into ze blight I-I fell to it...I didn’t know…” She could feel eyes on the two of them now, the other soldiers awake and present watching the scene unfold.
Mani simply stroked her hair in comfort, bringing his forehead to Erelae’s and assuring, “It’s still alive, don’t worry. You’re both going to be safe I’ll make sure of it.” She could only nod in response.
It only took another half day for Erelae to recover to the point she could easily carry herself once again. Mani had rescued a handful of other human soldiers on his way off of the battlefield that day he came to her rescue, all of whom sat scattered around the concealed clearing he had scouted for them. They were on their way to full recovery as well, but with only one healer - even one as skilled as Mani - it would take time; especially considering Erelae and their unborn child had been his top priority.
The pale draenei sat beneath a shady pine, observing the soldiers while Mani had stepped away. Two of the humans were from her own squad and came to speak with her. An older man, most likely around mid to late 40’s with dark brown hair in a low ponytail and soft eyes, and a plucky young girl no older than 25, a round face shaped by a blonde bob. They were kind, checking on her well being and graciously thanking her for trying to protect them. The girl admitted to her that she was frightened by the Zandalari at first, but when she witnessed him tending to Erelae and the others, her fears were quelled by how gentle he was. While the draenei understood how she could have initially had the impression of danger, she couldn’t help but laugh to herself, as she knew how timid the man could be.
The three of them chatted about a number of things during their wait; Mani had informed them of what transpired after he carried them from the fray. It was hard to comprehend the sight of Jaina swooping in on a ghost ship, or the ensuing decimation of Lordaeron. No one spoke up against or for one faction or the other in this instance. It was beginning to sink in that they were fighting a war with no satisfying outcome. At least none they could imagine at this point.
At some point the same man who had attempted to “warn” Erelae of the troll amidst them the previous day had approached the three comrades. He pointed his good fingers at them, reprimanding them for being silly enough to fall for the guise of kindness Mani was supposedly putting on. He quickly lost his air of authority when Erelae had risen silently to her feet and stared down at his smaller frame. Though she was shorter than the average draenei, she still towered over every human she met. She had begun accusing him of the same, asking why he allowed the troll to even treat his wounds in the first place if he was so untrustworthy. Luckily for the poor fellow, Mani arrived shortly thereafter, and the topic was dropped in his presence. Still, Erelae kept a close watch on that man and his associates afterwards. She could not let them run off and expose a “Zandalari spy”.
That evening while the soldiers slept, Mani and Erelae concocted a plan of action for the next morning. Everyone was well enough now to make their way to an Alliance camp a fair distance from their location, but that was not the most imperative thing to arrange. Mani was dead set on staying close to his tank’s side now despite her continued resistance. Eventually they settled on agreeing he could accompany her into the camp in his bear form, claiming he was her mount from back home who had found her after the battle. She would find the commanding officer and demand to be sent back home for the safety of her child.
And so, the next morning at dawn, the Zandalari healer was nowhere in sight. A large black bear lay around Erelae’s form protectively. When questioned she simply claimed he had finished his duty and left, leaving her with directions to a camp. And the bear? Just her loyal mount who had arrived too late to the battle, but in time to assist them to safety. She could tell not everyone believed her story, but no one spoke out against her statements. The warrior hoisted herself onto the bear’s back and lead the march without another word.
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