#Zenki skk
leodehurlvant · 20 days
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Was thinking about what ghibli movie various bsd ship would star in, first up : zenki skk as porco Rosso and Gina!
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After the last chapter, I have read many who think of Fukuzawa&Fukuchi as a more soukoku-y couple than Fukuzawa&Mori and I personally disagree.
Soukoku duos to me are ones where both components of the duo find themselves mostly disliking and not understanding the other at the beginning, just for them to be forced to have a partnership together and fight, becoming then basically unstoppable even with all of their differences in terms of personality and beliefs. In (gay)-anime-tropes terms, they are all - roughly, because their characterization at times goes beyond that - red and blue power couples, tinted with a sort of philosophical theme (the most blatant, Shin Skk and the whole “we want to live but what can we do to deserve this life?” concept) and a “I hate you, but I don’t, and I trust you” vibe. There is just a magnetism that leads and ties them together wheter they want to or not and their powers just either mesh together well or one of them needs the other to work at the max of their capabilities (Soukoku and corruption).
Which, in terms of the two Fukuzawa’s relationships, fits more Fukumori, with Fukuchi and Fukuzawa being instead “childhood friends who understood and loved each other at the beginning but took different choices in life + the one who got away”. We have yet to learn more, but with also how Fukuchi accuses his ex bff and doesn’t apparently seem to know Fukuzawa is (was) an assassin - and has seen some fucked up stuff as well -, I’d say, they sure know each other well, but have drifted apart and don’t seem to understand everything about the other anymore.
All of this just to say that discovering the ties between Fukuzawa and Fukuchi, along with Zenki Soukoku, actually leads to one realization, and that’s how Fukuzawa is very specific regarding what he wants. 
He is criminalsexual. He likes (war) criminals and (war) criminals exclusively. If a man hasn’t committed illegal atrocities, he doesn’t want him. If the criminal has some knowledge about blades, be it a sword or surgeon scapel, and is the leader of a squad or organization, that’s even better. Even if he might have to file up some divorce papers later on (he draws the line at hurting his children and cats), he is committed to his tastes in men.
And I think that’s beautiful actually. 
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flamie-42 · 8 months
The ADA dorms pt3
*at Mori's Office* Mori: so we are agreed we wont speak of this again Chuuya and Akutagawa: *nods* Kouyou: oh you all are staying the night now? Seems like things are getting serious. Chuuya: Ane-san I saw you there last week, are our doctors not good enough for you? Kouyou: ....
Part 9 ~ Part 8 ~ Part 7 ~ Part 6 ~ Part 5 ~ Part 4 ~ Part 3 ~ Part 2 ~ Part 1
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rosalinesurvived · 2 months
Mori and Fukuzawa having to explain to Yosano that they still love each other, even though Mori abused her
Dazai and Chuuya having to explain to Akutagawa that they still love each other, even though Dazai abused him
Akutagawa and Atsushi having to explain to Kyouka that they’ve fallen in love with each other, even though Akutagawa abused her
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seri-tonin · 8 months
I see no difference love is love
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glue-thief · 2 years
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port4shippers · 4 months
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kale-cheeze · 10 months
"Nemesis? More like boy I wanna kiss" -all my favorite gay BSD ships
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lucifermeo · 2 years
speaking of skk generations my fave headcanon is just like how chuuya sees dazai and goes "mannn i might be as inhuman as they go but i can't be as bad as THIS guy" as his motivation fukuzawa must also look at mori and go "mannn i might like killing a little too much (read: so much so that killing people might've become my reason to serve the greater good rather than the other way around) but i can't be as bad as THIS guy" to cheer himself up too
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knockyasocksoff2022 · 5 months
Which of my WIPs would you all like to see finsihed first
RANPOE - Vampire poe / human Ranpo - HS AU (2 chapters so far)
2. RANPOE - Realtionship Reveals
3. SSKK - Vampire Aku / Human Aku - HS AU (still in drafts)
4. SKK - Glasseszai AU (one chpater so far)
5. SKK - Big city move to Small town/teen love/running away together AU
6. SKK - Dazai kills himself and therer's time travle so Chuuya can save him / getting together - HS AU (seven chapters so far)
7. SKK - sickfics
8. SKK - realtionship Reveals
9. KUNIDAZAI - Angsty/fluffy getting together fic (7 chapters so far)
10. TACHIZAKI - Jun joins the mafia AU (12 chapters so far)
11. TACHIZAKI - Realtionship Reveals
12. TACHIZAKI - sickfic
13. ZSKK - Relationship Reveals
14. ZSKK - Teacher Mori / Parent Fukuzawa - angst / getting together
15. Anything Yosano x Kaji
16. KUNIKIDA - Hunting Dogs Au
17. KUNIKIDAZAI - Relationship Reveal/sickfic
18. FYOLAI - sickfics
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disaster-bay-leaf · 8 months
i could probably write an entire essay on the generations of soukoku and how the good/evil dichotomy is beginning to get muddled as time passes after the war
(this user is starved of analysing shit in essays)
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Yall!! Send me a ship or character and a random sentence and ill write a lil drabble!
No nsfw, any genre ok! Lets do this <3
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cryptidnest · 3 months
As a fandom we need to talk about the parallels and differences between sskk and zskk
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flamie-42 · 8 months
ADA dorms saga pt 5
*The Port Mafia and ADA meet to discuss alliance details* Fukuzawa: I think this will start our organizations in a direction of becoming better allies in our fight against the evils of this world. Dazai: *whispering to Yosono* Is the President making bedroom eyes at Mori? Yosono: *whispering* Dazai you have been staring at Nakahara for the entire meeting. Dazai: You really want to go there?
Atsushi: Guys be quiet, Im trying to listen to the Boss Dazai: Go back to trying to subtly check out Akutagawa and stop bothering us adults
Part 9 ~ Part 8 ~ Part 7 ~ Part 6 ~ Part 5 ~ Part 4 ~ Part 3 ~ Part 2 ~ Part 1
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ragingstillness · 1 year
BSD 107 - spoilers and meta
Ok I’ve scrolled down enough to tell that no one else is talking about it so I’m gonna lose my mind here. I am very very biased. 
So obviously we’re getting parallels between skk and sskk in that they’re both fighting each other and trying to get the other out of some sort of danger caused by Fyodor and/or Fukuchi. Have we considered the zskk implications of this? 
I’ve been saying all along that I think Mori’s gonna be a huge part of saving the day in this arc but the way it’s going a/sagiri might agree with me. 
Because up to this point Mori is the one thing Fukuchi hasn’t accounted for. To our knowledge. Obviously if Fukuchi’s done any research on Fukuzawa he’d know that the two of them have a contentious relationship at best but that can be explained by their status in Yokohama. Their true past, fighting together as reluctant bodyguard and reckless doctor, was dictated by Natsume and idk exactly why but I don’t think Fukuchi was able to get into anything of Natsume’s (quite possibly because Natsume’s a fucking cat most of the time lol). Not to mention that while Fukuchi would have access to most military records, I don’t think he’d have time to read through them all, and would have to justify accessing the top secret ones. One of which is Mori’s involvement in the war. We’re still not clear on why Mori was a top secret military asset but it’s not super important. Obviously Tachihara would be able to pass some information onto Fukuchi but Mori seems to have been aware of Tachihara’s background and ability and would have taken measures to guard against that, not to mention Jouno could also intercept the information. 
All this to say that I don’t think Fukuchi is as aware of Mori as he should be. I think he’s taken control of so much of the Port Mafia by turning them into vampires that he’s written them off, unaware that when he closed his net, the puppetmaster slipped out. And as far as we’ve seen, aside from Dazai’s rebellion and a few small independent actions by ppl like Kouyou and Aku, the loyalty Mori’s cultivated is absolute, especially among the higher echelons. Fukuchi can’t control the Port Mafia, not really, without wresting control of it from the man who already has that control. 
Mori is the king of pragmatism, the knower of all secrets. He sees where the tide is turning and throws his support behind whoever is going to let him come out on top. And tellingly, even at the beginning of this arc when everything was going to shit, Mori picked the Agency over the Hunting Dogs. He went personally to rescue Kenji when last we saw him. It gets mentioned in that recap that Mori going personally is something Fukuchi wouldn’t be able to predict. He’s the fly in the ointment, he’s the important piece Fukuchi’s forgotten and it’s going to stab him in the back. Knowing Mori, likely literally. 
Especially now that Fukuchi’s stabbed Fukuzawa. Now I can debate about how romantic zskk is all day, but regardless, Mori seems to keep a particular eye on Fukzawa at all times. So if Mori remains free and not a vampire at this point, do we really believe he doesn’t know Fukuchi’s stabbed Fukuzawa? Hell no. I fully expect Mori to interfere in that fight very soon and we’ll get to see just how unstoppable the two of them were when they fought together in the old days. The tiny flashbacks we’ve seen where Mori mentions how unstoppable they are take place post the destruction of an entire organization by Mori and Fukuzawa alone. The only people to have ever done that before are Chuuya (accidentally in Suribachi city), Dazai and Chuuya (working together on Mori’s orders), and Odasaku (on a suicide mission). We are long overdue a look at the original soukoku. 
Sidebar, there’s also significance to Mori’s specific ability. Elise is, as of right now, one of the only abilities we’ve seen that can speak and definitely the only one who appears to be able to take independent action. I fully believe that we have never seen her used to her full potential. Which would be very in character for Mori to keep in his back pocket. But clearly, a/sagiri is pulling out all the stops this arc, no reason to believe he won’t pull this one. 
tl;dr I am very excited by this arc and think that now we’ve seen Aku and Atsu, Dazai and Chuuya, we’re going to see Fukuzawa and Mori, and it’s going to be amazing. 
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bluemooniegif · 9 months
(BSD manga spoilers)
One thing I don't see a lot of people mention when talking about the generations of Double Black is the characters responsible for forming each duo (Natsume with Zenki Soukoku, Mori with skk, and Dazai for sskk).
How do you view each duo in the context of their "parent" figure? And why do you think skk wasn't passed down through Fukuzawa or Chuuya?
What I'll say here draws heavily from this post, so definitely check it out!
First thing to consider is that though the name Double Black implies that both members of the duo are 'dark' characters, one of them always has a personality that fits more with the 'light' side. Both characters draw heavily on the parts of their personality that they themselves consider 'dark,' but they are objectively reflections of yin and yang- dark and light, balancing each other out. Of the Soukoku pairings we know, the 'light' or yang characters are Fukuzawa, Chuuya & Atsushi; the 'dark' or yin characters are Mori, Dazai & Akutagawa.
With this in mind, it becomes easier to pick up on patterns that only affect the yin or yang members of our skk duos. Yin characters are more sadistic. Yang characters have weird haircuts. Yin characters form new skk duos. Yang characters are the 'more masculine' ones. Fukuzawa and Chuuya didn't pass down Double Black simply because they are too heavily associated with the light, if you get what I'm saying.
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