#Ziohime's Fanfiction
zios-plotbun-farm · 5 years
Random IronStrange Fic Idea that just hit me
I just got the best fanfic idea for IronStrange just now while scrolling through my dash. *w*
I saw a Inaheartbeat blog and was hit with the idea of maybe Strange or Tony or both [don't matter who] gets hit with some stray magic by accident or villain. This causes them to have their hearts animated/manifested like in the film and now have to corral them to hide their crushes/feelings for the other. Adding Peter to make it even more convoluted because parental feels awwww. XD It'd be freaking hilarious and fluffy.
And maybe add what I like to call the SupremeFam Protection Squad which includes the following: May, Ned, Christine, Wong, Rhodey, Pepper, Happy. Oh not to forget the Cloak, FRIDAY plus the bots can't leave them out. UwU
I'd say this should just be fluff, humor, and family drama. No angst but...the idea of Tony's heart being all scarred and battered in appearance because of all the betrayals and events that's happened is hard to resist. By the way his heart is would be super shy around anyone Tony isn't super close to although it still tries to follow Strange. Stephen's could also have the same problems too.
If anyone writes this or something similar or already has please add a link on here to it. I would love to read it.
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by Ziohime
IronStrange fanfiction ideas that I'm probably never gonna write because I'm more artist than writer and am horrible at using words. (Why brain why do you do this to me? TwT)
So here I posts these to see if anyone is willing to adopt these plot bunnies of mines or get inspired by them. (I'm not picky with which one you choose I just want more ironstrange to read lol)
So come see these if you're looking for an idea or prompt to write or something to get out of writer's block. :D
Words: 781, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Iron Man (Movies), Doctor Strange (2016), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Tony Stark, Stephen Strange, Peter Parker, Harley Keener, Riri Williams, Christine Palmer, Wong (Marvel)
Relationships: Tony Stark/Stephen Strange, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Tony Stark & Stephen Strange, Peter Parker & Stephen Strange, Christine Palmer & Stephen Strange, Stephen Strange & Wong
Additional Tags: Tumblr, Social Media
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zios-plotbun-farm · 5 years
IronStrange Fanfic Idea/Prompt #1
One because I have like 20 more IronStrange stories that I have saved on my PC that I can’t even write cause I’m an artist not a writer. No good with words. TwT So here I am posting on this blog of mine to see if anyone is willing to adopt this plot bunny of mine. Send me links if you do. That and credit me too please and thanks. Oh this was idea of mine was inspired by this post here  so thank you @ occasionaldoctorstrange for inspiring this idea of mine. 
Tags: IronStrange, Social Media, Tumblr, Comic Cons, After IW/EG alternate ending aka Tony Lives, no Pepperony & Morgan Stark
Stephen ends up getting a tumblr account cause he was sick and tired of not understanding what Peter said when he visited him at the Sanctum. Plus he found out that Wong was better at using Social Media then he(Stephen) could which even he found was pathetic. So Peter is the one that recommended using Tumblr and helped him set up his account and tells him about the fandoms. Which leads to talking about the Avengers fandom even though Strange isn't an avenger he got lumped in with them since he's seen helping them with magical threats. Tells him about Avenger themed blog with him having a few so if he didn't want to do anything elaborate to just do a role play blog focused on himself.
Stephen ends up enjoying himself on his blog which gets a bit popular for how in character and detailed it is about Dr.Strange. Ends up getting an ask to role play with this well known Iron Man blog that’s also popular for how in&out of character it can be. He decides to give it a shot and finds the person to really be quite spot on and funny.
Turns out Peter had gotten Tony to make a Tumblr blog and nudged him into turning it into a iron man/tony stark role play blog at the same time as Stephen. Since this was an elaborate plan to get Tony and Stephen to be friends/together cause they kept arguing and pulling each others pigtails. Wong, Peter, and FRIDAY came up with it aka that being Peter and FRIDAY with Wong & Christine only lending a little bit of help.
Will have them finding out about IronStrange cause ships will always be a thing even about famous heroes even if they don't interact in public much. Although its a minority until Tony or Stephen get a suggestion to role play this which they do. It found it to be quite nice to get their feelings out and so keep doing it. Which increases their fans, fan base and the pairing's popularity.
Both end up sharing with the other hints about the people they like not knowing that the other was said person. Give each other advice on getting the others attention which they sometimes try with hilarious effect. Both tend to chicken out and then screw it up.
They go to a comic con as themselves separately with no one finding out about them. Peter, Wong, and Christine convince them to go to it so they could relax although its so they could run into each other and figure out who the other was. End up using their user names as an alias, which was a suggestion by Peter since they didn't want to be confirmed as the real deals, and so fans recognize them cause of their blogs.
Then fans of both blogs find out that both bloggers are at the con and try to get them together to meet up. Which after they do find out that the other is the real thing accidentally revealing each other to their fans. Who go crazy and forced the two to leave the con while Peter as Spider-man distracts everyone. Afterwards they talk, telling each other their feelings and kiss which Spider-man ends up filming and posts on his own blog. Which causes their fans to go crazy and starts a small social media melt down.
So yeah this all I got down for this idea and you can use as much or as little of this as you guys want but at least keep the pairing the same. There is so few IronStrange fics compared to Stony or Pepperony or other pairings. That and I need more good fics to read I’m running out ahhhh >_< 
Oh and should I post my other ideas or no? I kind of want to just so someone can use them cause I sure as hell am not. Not enough writing talent plus I have yet to see a marvel movie lol. XD 
Prompt 2
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zios-plotbun-farm · 5 years
How Marvel could have possibly let Tony survive Endgame
They could have given him extremis to enhance him enough to survive using the gauntlet, with or without medical/magical help afterwards.
Like make him have used it on himself because of Civil War because of chest injuries. Or after infinity war cause he knew he'd need that power boost to fight Thanos. How enhanced he was could change but so long as he had the healing factor it would work. Especially considering how many people use it in fanfiction creatively already.
And yeah the virus didn't work correctly in the iron man movie but he was able to neutralized it which means Tony would have been able to figure a way to make it work right.
Plus this could have also been a way to link in Iron Man 3 to the whole plot besides being a filler movie just for Tony. Could have been plot relevant this whole time.
But noooooooo they had to kill Tony who deserved better!
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zios-plotbun-farm · 5 years
IronStrange Fanfic Idea/Prompt #5
Here is number 5! :D Its a long one and was inspired by the fanfic The War is Far From Over Now by Dont_call_me_Carrie which is great and you should all read it even if its not Ironstrange. Its hilarious especially if you also read the side series that has missing scenes from the TWFFON told by other characters. 
But yes I loved the idea of accidental world domination with Tony as our kind overlord all because the people around him thought he wanted that is funny as hell. Then I though of the idea of adding Stephen in as his consort and pulling in the Masters of the Mystic Arts who are just amused by all this. They don’t care much since they are too busy with managing other dimensions to care about the Sorcerer Supreme’s boyfriend shenanigans lol. He’s not evil so its fine to them plus he’s helping to make their jobs easier. Its not the most put together since I just wrote down what came to me but here you go. =w=
Tags: IronStrange, Time Travel, Accidental World Domination, AlmostSkynet!JARVIS + LilSis!FRIDAY
Both Tony and Stephen get flung back in time by the Time Stone as Stephen was giving it away to Thanos since the stone didn't like the supposed 'one' option they had to win.The Stone likes Stephen a lot quite fond of him really plus with Stephen having also fallen head over heels for Tony, it couldn't let Tony die just so they could win.So they're in the past and Tony is just fucking done with all the bullshit that's just happened to him and will now happen again to him if he let's it. So Tony decides to screw it and just tries to win against Thanos and everyone else by himself, with Stephen [who won't let him do it alone no matter how much he pushes him away] and his company behind him. Set either right after New York or right before it with later Tony not joining the Avengers.
Maybe include the Sorcerers as an added department into SI Industries to better protect the world after Stephen is made Sorcerer Supreme. This also better helps supply their Magic Order and help the areas they are stationed at.
They figure Tony is slightly immune to Infinity Stones because of the Arc reactor even after removing it since its energy was absorbed by Tony.
Stephen is placed as the head of the medical department of SI since Tony wants to use his prosthetics, BARF, Cradle and Extermis. Could lead to Tony helping retired disabled/injured soldiers get on their feet and create a security team/department that combines with former SHIELD agents (if it falls again not sure yet)
Tony is fine with Thor and Banner. Mostly since they only had a few damaging incidents between them and Tony compared to the rest of the team. They end up developing a better relationship after Tony hires Jane Foster + Darcy and Betty Ross for the Infinity Stones and to get rid of Thunderbolt Ross.
Tony makes FRIDAY Stephen's AI assistant and who helps Stephen overlook the Sorcerers since JARVIS is Tony's assistant. Also a way to protect and keep in contact with Stephen who Tony also makes a body armor to help better protect him besides robes aka the black body suit [which he makes from nanites like his suit]
At first Tony is just trying to step up his game against Thanos with Stephen so neither realize the jokes about world domination until later. But after they figure it out Tony just finds it amusing with Stephen being a mixture of amusement and exasperated. Both are seen as the 'rulers' of Earth by other realms, alien planets and dimensions.
Wong is Stephen's Second in command with the sorcerers and helps advise him after the Ancient One steps down. Christine on the other hand is his right hand woman with the Medical Department of SI who still does operations when requested by SI or Avengers.
So that’s all I got for this idea here. Again please keep the pairing the same if your using this please and link any works inspired by this here. I want to read what you guys come up with and have other’s read them too. xD I hope with all my prompts and ideas I can help increase the amount of fics in the ironstrange tag on AO3 or FF.net or even Wattpad. 
Prompt 1  Prompt 2  Prompt 3&4
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zios-plotbun-farm · 5 years
IronStrange Fanfic Idea/Prompt #2
Ok so here’s my second prompt which was inspired by these two lovely posts A & B plus that one post of Tony and Stephen being compared to Snow White and Her Prince which I can’t find =w=;
Anyway this isn’t as long as my first prompt because I didn’t get hit with as much inspiration for this story compared to the tumblr one. But I feel its still good since in this one quite a few characters end up fighting in dresses against a hack magic villain lol ^w^ might draw them someday.  
Story Premise: This story being a mixture of MCU, Snow White, and Sleeping Beauty just so people know before reading it in full and not finding it to their tastes.
Tags: IronStrange, Stucky, Magic Shenanigans, Pocket Dimension/World, Humor and Angst hidden in humor
Some hack magician/sorcerer gets the drop on the Avengers and pulls everyone into a alternate dimension world using a relic. Tony was the one first hit and when he wakes up he finds himself in the role of Snow White. Then he finds out that the evil queen who is his step mom is Obadiah Stane which causes him to run and escape him. [by the way both Tony and Stane are in drag aka dresses of the characters]
The seven drwarves end up being some of the other avengers but not all of them. They start trying to figure out how to get out of this pocket world and where the magician is but can’t since he’s distracting them by adding more elements to the story world. Stane get powers similar to Maleficent from Sleeping beauty. Which has Steve show up as Sleeping Beauty cause the magician couldn’t hold him anymore. The villain can only hold a number of people using the relic so he put the extras as characters but the longer they stayed the less he could hold them and had to release them. Although he could limit them as in turning those that drwarves into chibis/kids.
Tony gets cursed by Stane into a deep sleep that is actually draining him until he dies. Those that are with him find a fortress to hide themselves and safeguard Tony which is where they find Steve who also is asleep but not being drained. Later Stephen comes across them who is also the prince of Tony’s story who has to kiss him to both wake him up and return his energy so he won’t be bedridden.
Bucky at some point ends up getting confronted by the Evil-Queen!Stane that turns into Maleficent!RedSkull before attacking him. Bucky has to escape and meets up with the ‘fairies’ Nat, Wanda, and Clint. Who had found out that the villain was hiding out in the evil queens castle where the Magic mirror is who had talked to a servant(Yinsen) that told them about a strange magician.
The Magician they are fighting is using the relic to create previous enemies of the avengers as characters in the story as his minions to undermine them and destroy them. Reason for the angst tag.
List of Roles
[Can be changed except for Tony, Stephen, Steve and Bucky]
Snow White= Tony
Prince #1= Stephen
Aurora= Steve
Prince #2= Bucky,
Red Fairy=Wanda,
Blue Fairy=Natasha,
Green Fairy=Clint
Evil-Queen/Maleficent=Obadiah/RedSkull combination
Lackeys= Raza’s terrorists & Hydra soldiers
Prompt 1  Prompt 3&4
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zios-plotbun-farm · 5 years
IronStrange Fanfic Idea/Prompt #6 & 7
So here is another post of 2 ideas I had put together cause they aren’t that detailed. Although I figure if I went over the A/B/O!verse one again I might end up getting more details as I think it over. Might have to edit this if I do tho hmm =.=
But anyway the first idea is a simple Social Media fic focused on YouTube that has Supreme Family plus Domestic ‘New Avengers’ mixed in. (New Avengers as in no Rogues so Civil War happened but Tony is ignoring them afterwards and living his own life without them happily /ignores IW & EG/) 
The next one on the other hand is an ABO fic as in Alpha/Beta/Omega universe so if you don’t like that might want to skip it. Although this fic idea is essentially taking the normal versions of Tony & Stephen and pushing them into a ABO universe where they have to make sense of it. Aka they get placed into the in universe counterparts and have to deal with being an alpha and hidden omega plus all the stereotypes and rules that come with it. Have fun trying to make a sense of that idea cause I don’t think I could have if I did write it. ^_^;
Prompt #6
Tags: MCU, IronStrange, SpideySon, Youtubers, Social Media, Supreme Family, Domestic New Avengers]
Peter ends up convincing Tony to make YouTube videos together with him and at some point also drags in Stephen into them too. They also get other people like Harley and other Avengers to cameo in the videos too but its mainly the 3 that are in the videos. 
The fans of the channel then start shipping IronStrange cause they see the chemistry between the two men and coined the name. Peter tends to encourage the fans since he agrees with them although this exasperates the two heroes [although they are high key anxious about it since they do like each other and are wondering are they that obvious about it and if the other is aware of their feelings]
Prompt #7
Tags: MCU, IronStrange, A/B/O verse, Dimension hopping, Omega!Tony, Alpha!Stephen
Both Tony and Stephen used the Gauntlet to help destroy Thanos and his army since only Tony hadn't been enough. Both die but end up having their souls put into different versions of themselves in an alternate universe. Tony waking up after his crash and escape from the Ten Rings while Stephen wakes up in his home after a days long shift. Both end up with the memories of their selves so they immediately know about secondary genders and what they mean. Both are very shocked and weirded out about it and promptly decided that they wouldn't let their instincts/biology control them. Queue Tony and Stephen finding ways to block any kind of influence pheromones/voices can be used on them. Then they try to figure a way out to defeat Thanos before he comes again without either of them having to sacrifice themselves like in the previous universe. Sadly Drama keeps happening.
Tony figures maybe Stephen also came with him so has him called in as medical consultant because of his torture/chest but not really. Stephen also thought Tony came back but wasn't sure and couldn't confirm since he still hadn't been rescued yet.
Both try to figure ways to increase they're resistance against their new instincts since compared to others they seem to be able to hold back. Other Tony already had a few things going since he hid his actual gender and acted like an alpha instead of a omega because the company.
This is all I got for these ideas please link any works made for or inspired by this post on here I’d love to read them. :D Here are links to other prompts I have.
Prompt 1  Prompt 2  Prompt 3&4  Prompt 5
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zios-plotbun-farm · 5 years
IronStrange Fanfic Idea/Prompt #3 & 4
So this time I’m posting 2 ideas together since they’re pretty short compared to the first two I posted. One is a Soulmate AU the one where splashes of color appear where you soulmate is injured. That I was inspired by a One-shot on ao3 which I have to look for although considering all the soulmate fics ughhh....
The other is where the MCU versions are thrown into a Zombie apocalypse world that had no heroes or aliens but same people from their world. OP yes but oh won’t it be fun to mess with until they figure out a way back home while helping out and blowing through everything lol. >w<
Prompt #3
Tags: IronStrange, Zombie!verse, Dimension Hopping
Tony and Stephen somehow get transported into a universe where there are no heroes or aliens just normal humans but it has been taken over by zombies. [either government experiment gone wrong or something] Both end up using their own expertise to create a decent human base and protect it while looking for a cure that the people can create themselves without magic. While they do that they also try to find a way back home or get someone back home to bring them back.
Wong with help of some masters look for ways to get a portal open. Maybe later get help of scientists to open since magic alone can't do it. [idk]
They are able to set up a way to communicate with the couple but not travel through until way later.
Zombie virus might be a failed attempt by the government to try to make something like the super soldier serum.
Prompt #4
Tags: SoulmateAU, IronStrange, Splashes of colors from injuries, IM1 start
Strange knows things about Tony that most don't know just from the fact of their bond. Secrets that he hadn't understood until later in life when he understood the implications. But he doesn't know who it is until Tony's attack and kidnapping comes up the next day that he realizes his soulmate is Tony. Christine is the one who convinces Strange to contact Pepper and Rhodey and tell them what has happened to Tony to give them clues on how to find them. Later when Tony comes back they meet which doesn't go very well but Stephen won't take any of Tony's bullshit but is still sympathetic to what he went through.
They don't immediately get into a relationship Stephen is just there for Tony when he can be. They just talk about things and this causes for Stephen to let some of his own arrogance go as well seeing what Tony is going through.
Stephen is the one there to rescue Tony after Stane took Tony's arc reactor out of his chest since he couldn't get there in time before collapsing.
Tony can't hide his palladium poisoning from Stephen so both of them try to figure a way to help though they get more and more desperate as the year goes on. Tony realizes he's fallen for Stephen and the same for the neurosurgeon but try to deny it cause of what's happening. They end up fighting about Tony's use of the suit since its pushing him to die even faster.  
These are all the details I got for these ideas so you can add or take out as much as you guys want to use but please do keep the pairing the same I would appreciate it. Not enough IronStrange I need more to reeeaaddd. Also add links of any works inspired by these prompts on to here I would love to read them. :D
Prompt 1  Prompt 2
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zios-plotbun-farm · 5 years
IronStrange Idea/Prompt # 12
Another ironstrange fic idea I had saved. Sometimes I wonder if maybe doing a few sketches or drawings of these ideas would get people to try and write them....That or make me write them instead but eh =w= 
Tags: Were!Tony, After CW, Before IW, Alternate First Meeting
Tony is notified by FRIDAY about an abnormality nearby which he goes to investigate where he encounters an inter dimensional wolf like entity that attacks him. He gets injured by it since he had used his newly made nano tech suit that still had a few problems with it aka not strong enough to hold against a powerful magic creature. He finally ends up driving it away with his repulsors sending a direct attack to the face/eyes but not without getting a bite from it that broke into his suit. Later he ends up falling into a minor coma with a high fever before waking up to find all his injuries healed even a few old ones from past fights.
He also finds out afterwards he has new abilities from his AI and friends who had looked after him while unconscious and noticed the changes in his body. They get the biggest surprise when Tony transforms into a werewolf type being inside his lab and gets locked in by FRIDAY to keep everyone safe til morning. During which FRIDAY documents everything happening to Tony and taking multiple scans of him until he turns back.
Stephen on the other hand had been tracking the entity with some other sorcerers and had caught it after Tony fought it off and weakened it enough to be captured. They figured out it had attacked someone else who had fought back quite viciously since it was heavily injured already. They started a search to find out who it was since certain entities can cause weird sicknesses and injuries on those they injured. It isn't til they sense Tony transformation do they find out where and who was attacked.
Stephen and Wong are the ones who end up talking to Tony and the rest about what has happened to him and who they are. Later Stephen ends up the one to help Tony to control his new abilities and shifting since its permanent. He helps Tony accept his new condition and work through his aversion to magic.
Tony ends up assigning pack like roles to those he thinks of as family and friends. [Peter&Harley=cub, Rhodey&Pepper=pack mate]
Tony has a spectrum to shifting from full human with minimum abilities to Full Wolf creature with super strength & speed but control gets harder to keep as he shifts. His genius mind allows him to have a higher level of control compared to others but his traumas make his episodes a lot more aggressive than normal.
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zios-plotbun-farm · 5 years
IronStrange Idea/Prompt #11
This one is pretty short and I didn’t have another that was the same size to post with it so its only this one for this post. XP lol I was an inspired by a fic but I can’t remember the name but it was good. It had Mordo being Sorcerer Supreme who kicked Stephen out and he became homeless after being dropped off in New York where he then meet Tony. 
So this one is just basically what would happen if instead of the Sorcerers accepting Stephen as their new leader they decide to select one among them that has more experience then Stephen. They also decide to punish him for using the time stone by banishing him from the order but are lenient and just let him go (with a sling ring & the cloak since it won’t leave him) since he still saved earth. So he goes back to his old life but with a better attitude, extra abilities, and companion. 
Tags: Spidyson, Strange Family, Surgeon!Stephen, AU
After Strange saved the world using the Time Stone Mordo gets placed as the Supreme Sorcerer by the other Masters although some disapproved(Wong). Because of his breaking of the natural laws Mordo banishes Strange from Kamar-Taj but lets him keep his magic as a reward for saving their dimension. Strange, after being dropped off in NYC, decides to go back as a surgeon using his magic to fix his hands. He ends up hiding himself since if the sorcerers didn't want him he didn't want to be found by them later after having to restart his life again. He's less arrogant and more open to different patients when he goes back to work at the hospital. He also keeps practicing his magic to not get rusty in case something happens like the wormhole again.
Later when Tony comes back from the fight after Siberia Pepper looks for the best doctors to help heal. Strange is one of those Doctors who was recommended since Tony had some head injuries from when Steve smashed his face plate.
Also ends up helping Tony overcome the latent mind magic Wanda used on Tony subconsciously that keeps turning his thoughts negative and lowering his self esteem after Stephen senses it. 
Queue Stephen helping Tony heal from his supposed Team leaving him and work through the trauma of it and past problems. Also helps with guiding Peter since Tony is anxious about being an impressionable teens role model alone.
Queue again Supreme Family while Stephen and Tony fall for each other. [When Thor and Loki come to the NY Sanctum they get turned away by the master. So Thor goes to Tony to help them so lots of stuff happens there.]
Possibly have Stephen and Loki team up to locate and deal with magic threats that the Avengers keep running into. Stephen starts to build his own magic library with the help of Loki and Tony. Maybe future problems with Mordo and the other Sorcerers happening?  /need more research for more ideas/
This is all I got for these ideas please link any works made for or inspired by this post on here I’d love to read them. :D Here are links to other prompts I have.
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zios-plotbun-farm · 5 years
Tumblr media
This is a sketch of Tony and Stephen in my Pirate AU that I designed and made up based on a PMV I wanted to do based on the HTTYD song The Dancing and the Dreaming. For the AU I flipped between it being they were Pirates or Vikings but I liked the pirate thing more since I had read a few fics that had them sort of like pirates. Here are a few notes on this AU that I wrote while I was designing these two. I’m directly copying so no editing these which I might do later on a different post. 
Howard was a blacksmith turn businessman/merchant. Taught Tony his blacksmith skills who was a prodigy. 
Stane took over Howard’s business and had Tony framed & ordered killed. Rhodey & Pepper were friends/employees who fled with him.
Rhodey was a freed slave who bought his freedom that Tony befriended. Tony hired him as an employee when he was looking for work.
Pepper fled to help Tony too but also so she could get out of an arranged marriage.
Tony takes in Peter at some port since he was an orphan and his aunt’s 2nd husband kicked him out. Becomes Tony’s cabin boy(pseudo son)
Tony has a blue magic crystal embedded in his chest surrounded by a tattoo seal that’s saving his life. (Mind/Space stone) During his escape he was injured and was about to die from the attack before a mysterious stranger forced the stone into his chest and bandaged him up after preforming a lil ritual on his chest. Later Tony woke up to see himself healed and a glowing stone embedded inside him.
Tony likes to modify his ship to make it better and more defensible. 
Tony builds up his crew after fleeing with Pepper and Rhodey using his own personal funds that he hid away while he was still under his father’s thumb.
Tony fights with makeshift weapons and inventions he makes in his ship and at ports when he talks to other blacksmiths for small jobs to make extra cash.
Stephen gains a magic necklace(time stone), Magical Axe & Wrist bands(shield/whips), Coat/Cloak(Sentient and can morph)
Stephen’s hands were crushed as punishment for doing illegal dissections of bodies. He is/was a doctor and herbalist.
Wong saves Stephen’s life and decides to stay with him after he sees the magic items Stephen has and to teach him magic since he was naturally gifted. He wants to led Stephen to meet his teacher the Ancient One to maybe initiate him as a future Sorcerer.
Christine is a daughter of a doctor who taught her his skills at home. Who later for practicing ‘illegally’ was accused as a witch.  She escaped and joined with Stephen who helped her reluctantly when he escaped being killed.
During his sailing and accidentally becoming a pirate and Captain he came across his magic items that he was attracted to. They then bonded to him and made him their master(relics)/guardian(time).
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zios-plotbun-farm · 5 years
IronStrange Fanfic Idea/Prompt #9 & 10
Here’s another double posting of my fanfic ideas with one being mostly Supreme family oriented and the other fantasy based. 
Prompt number 9 is basically how Tony (plus Stephen) accidentally or on purpose end up adopting a bunch of kids and take care of them with the help of the New Avengers. Could add in some angst by making them deal with the Rogues + Barnes but I only came up with family fun and drama for it.
Prompt number 10 though is Tony and Stephen remembering their past lives from MCU after being reincarnated into a Fantasy world. Stephen being the first to remember cause he’s a sorcerer again and magic helped him with Tony remembering cause of a near death experience.
Prompt #9
Tags: MCU, IronStrange, Supreme Family, IronKids, Keener Kids, Riri Williams]
Tony somehow ends up adopting a bunch of kids without meaning to and Stephen his boyfriend is dragged along for the ride. They become the Strange Family plus extended Family curtesy of the New Avengers.
Adopting Situations: [RIRI]One of the kids is in foster care and trying to get out fast by being a genius, [KEENER]Mother is dying from a fatal illness and she had named Tony as their guardian after knowing for so long, [PARKER]Co Parenting
Tony adopts both Keener Kids with Harley taking after Tony and his sister surprisingly bonding well with Stephen cause he is a doctor and she's really into magic girls (Sailor Moon, Magical Doremi, Mew Mew Power, Cardcaptors etc) and medicine. She could also be a possible future sorceress cause she’s a natural with magic.
The kids decide to do a choreography performance of Young Gods while alluding to their adopted parents aka Tony and Stephen and so they can piss off the Rogue Avengers. Listen to it its a great song and just so you know Tony is definitely Mom and Stephen is Dad.
At some point there is a misdone spell and Tony gets turned into a woman for a time during which the kids tease him and call him Iron Mom instead of Dad. 
Just thought of this right as I’m posting this, but maybe they could have Morgan by accident cause they didn’t know Tony could get pregnant while being cursed? Queue Tony stuck as a woman for 9 months until Morgan arrives during which Stephen figures ways to reverse it. Happens at the end of the story maybe after all the drama passes or a short sequel fic after the first is finished idk.
Prompt #10
Tags: MCU, IronStrange, Supreme Family, Fantasy!verse]
Something happens that causes Tony to remember his past life as Tony Stark aka Iron Man in his new life in a Fantasy World (possibly a near death experience that was similar to Afghanistan maybe?) Parents are still alive but not that different from his last life [mostly his dad]. Stephen also remembers his past life after some magical incident but figures he's the only one until he hears about Tony. Cue meeting together and interacting.
People from their past lives aka Rhodey, Peter, Wong etc are also present in their current life but in different ways, and they don't remember their past lives beside maybe in vague dreams about it.
Tony legit adopts Peter in this world cause his aunt and uncle died from sickness.
World has a bit of Sexism and Racism which Tony intends to change quite forcefully. Aka Tony wants his friends back [Rhodey, Pepper, and Happy] even if they won't be the exact same.
Soulmates are a thing in this universe but are quite rare. Both Tony and Strange find out they are Soulmates here although not the normal type since they both come from a different life. /normal=half + half make whole, weird= 2 wholes that balance each other out/
Will probably have family drama with Maria, Howard, Tony and Stephen since Royal obligations and rules but Tony won’t let that stop him though. Maybe have family reconciliation between Howard and Tony to get over past hurts from last life idk?
I might end up drawing designs for Fantasy Tony and Stephen if I get inspired but don’t count on it. =w=; 
This is all I got for these ideas please link any works made for or inspired by this post on here I’d love to read them. :D Here are links to other prompts I have.
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zios-plotbun-farm · 8 years
Modern Heroine Plotline #1
Warning this is about my self-insert fanfic story if you don’t like theses kind of stories please just skip this and ignore it. But if you do like these or at least are willing to read it and help me develop it better. You’re welcome to give me some suggestions on improving it.
Early Years 0-4
To start this is a self insert where the main character is reborn as a female Naruto. She can’t seem to remember how she died nor her name but that’s all she forgot, everything else in her life she can remember. Her name is still Naruto Uzumaki, but considering her memories of him she instead just goes by Naru Uzumaki. Easier to separate herself from the canon character that way. She’s her own person not a girl copy of him. [Plus she dislikes the name Naruko]
When Naru’s reborn her awareness is slightly awake so she can slightly remember what happened that day even if its really blurry. Which had been caused by her underdeveloped senses and newborn brain. Naru was awake for the fight between Minato [her new dad] and Obito this was when she realized where she was and who she had become.[Cue internal freakout]. Her adult awareness was then pushed back and trapped deep inside her small baby brain when she blacked out from the sealing. This was so her brain doesn’t burn out from so many memories from a past life that it wasn’t developed to hold yet. So for the next 3 years Naru’s adult mind is locked away inside her mind/sealscape while her brain learns to deal with so much information. Her body during the time is on autopilot and acting like an advance child since her past memories and muscle memory trickle down as her brain gets use to it. 
My explanation to how Naru kept her memories from her past life and not have her little new brain explode and become a vegetable. Its because those memories are being stored as extra spiritual energy inside her body. Also if it weren’t for the fact she was an Uzumaki and having an over abundance of Yang chakra, her chakra system would have become highly unstable from the major imbalancement. So as Naru grows her time to be ‘awake’ and self aware increases more and more from 5 minutes to 10 minutes to 30 to an hour. 
During the 3 years it takes for Naru’s mind to adapt she gets over the shock & loss of having died and being reborn. She comes to terms that she won’t see her past family again [or for a while maybe] and that now she has been born to be the future savior of the Elemental Nation by defeating an evil goddess and meglomaniac. That last one took a while and Naru only accepted half of it. [She’s fine being Naruto but she can’t be ‘the child of prophecy’ or what ever considering she isn’t the incarnation of Asura. She’s the incarnation of a 21 yr old woman who was obsessed with anime & cartoons.]
So to keep her mind off such heavy expectations she focuses in getting her body in shape. For first 3 years of life she tries to use the time she can be aware to train up her body to walk, run, learn the language, & draw/write. During that time she also visits the Kyuubi in his cell and trying to build a tolerance to his hate filled chakra and KI since she can sense it to a very high degree. Her high chakra sense comes from her going from a chakraless world to chakrafull one. At some point the Kyuubi wakes up early because of her quick development. Naru then tries to establish a good friendship & partnership with him even when he’s very aggressive towards her at first.
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