#Zukos little burned ear my beloved
myartsing · 2 years
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Post coronation kissies bcs I’m a simple person ♥️
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missturtleduck · 4 years
hi i saw ur requests were open and i would love if u could do a sokka x reader :) where reader is really shy and he likes to tease her and flirt with her to see her all flustered but she denies him actually liking her bc she thinks it’s just his personality to be funny like that. but then there’s the classic oh no there’s only one bed thing? thank you!
Ooooh I loved writing this! Tropes? Love them. Fluff? So fun, so sweet. I hope you enjoy, anon, and have a very happy holiday! <3
Sokka x shy!Reader
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It was a well-known fact that Sokka was a tease.
Now, he wasn’t a tease in the common sense, more that he took some joy in being a so-called comedian. Y/N seemed to be the person in their gang that got the brunt of his teasing. Every time he came up with some sarcastic quip, she would laugh along with everyone else – though most of the time she was the only one who found him funny – but then there were the other times.
She had been sparring with Zuko, who was surprisingly adept with swords for a bender, when Sokka had come by whistling with faux innocence. As he took a seat on the floor, his eyes were trained on the fight. Feeling his blue-eyed gaze boring into her, she felt her entire body flush. Steadying her breathing, Y/N pushed down the flustered flutter bats inhabiting her stomach. A frustrated cry escaped her lips as she pinned Zuko’s blades to the floor with her own.
“Sokka,” She breathed out, hating how hot she felt. “Sokka, w-what are you doing?”
He grinned. “Just enjoying the view. You know, I always thought red was Zuko’s colour, but you are boasting a lovely shade today.”
Absently, Y/N put a palm to her face, only becoming more flustered as she realised her skin had in fact became darker. As the blood rushed faster through her body, she looked desperately at Zuko for some reprieve.
“Sokka, are you here for any reason other than being a complete clown?” Zuko said, sighing in pure exasperation even as Y/N had him pinned.
The boy ignored him completely. “Has anyone ever told just how adorable you are? Because you really are.”
“Sokka,” Zuko said again, his voice less patient. “Go away before we make you.”
“Alright, alright,” He tutted, hands in the air as if in surrender. “I’ll leave you two to your dance lessons. Call me if you fall; I’ll come and catch you.”
Waiting for him to be out of earshot, Y/N groaned, dropping her sword and freeing Zuko. Her entire face was on fire. Sure, it was a metaphor, a hyperbolic one at that, but if Zuko decided to shove his ignited palm in her face, it would not manage to be as hot as she was feeling now. It might be slightly less sweaty. Ew.
Lowering herself to the ground, she sat, stretching out her aching limbs, pouring water over her roasting head. Y/N, needless to say, was mortified by Sokka’s teasing, but when was she not? She was somewhat shyer than her female friends; Katara had this maternal instinct about her that kicked into overdrive as soon as someone seemed needy. It was honestly scarier than the Avatar State. Toph was just... Toph. The girl was at least four years younger than Y/N and utterly terrifying, approaching people and situations with no fear. Then there was Suki. Suki had a knack of getting people to like her, being the loveable, charismatic leader, she was.
And that left Y/N.
Y/N struggled being heard in many a conversation. Ask her to take a compliment? No. No. Not happening. No thank you. Her shy demeanour was labelled cute by a few different people, though they all seemed to be joking – especially Sokka.
“Do you want me to sort him out for you?”
Y/N looked up, meeting Zuko’s very serious gaze for just a moment before staring at the ground. “No, it’s okay. He’s like that with everyone.”
“What?” Zuko frowned, slumping to the ground too. “What are you on about? He doesn’t flirt with everyone!”
“That wasn’t flirting!” She insisted, feeling that bashful flush creeping in again. 
“He was just teasing, like he does with everyone!”
Zuko’s lips quirked. “He called you adorable.”
“Yesterday, he called Momo adorable.”
“He said you flushed was your colour.”
“And he said that red was yours, sunshine.”
“Oh, Y/N, I’ll catch you if you fall!”
Y/N stammered. “He could have been talking to either of us!”
There was some silence between them. Y/N didn’t usually mind sitting in silence with Zuko, who was just as awkward as her most of the time. However, the wide, toothy grin like a catgator’s was highly disconcerting.
“Zuko, I don’t know what you’re seeing, but he wasn’t flirting,” Y/N said finally, quietly commanding. “He’s just messing around like he usually does.”
The prince sighed, suppressing his mischievous grin. Raising his swords, the pair charged each other again.
In the midst of a war, there wasn’t much space for fun. With the constant movement between the Western Air Temple and many significant locations to build their defences after the Day of Black Sun, Y/N found she hardly had time for anything other than training and strategizing. Sure, she may be considered meek when compared to her peers, but her mind was sharper than her blade.
After watching Aang master firebending, Sokka masterminding a prison break, and Katara nearly murdering a man – all with Zuko’s help – she had some whiplash. She might even say that she had been somewhat blindsided by them, but she didn’t particularly mind. It was when they moved onto Ember Island, however, that Y/N found there to be an issue. In all the excitement, or terror, of being separated from Haru and the others, and possibly murdering Sparky Sparky Boom Man, the gang ended up hiding out on Ember Island.
Spirits, did Y/N love the sunshine. The sand? Not so much, nor the swimsuits. Nevertheless, she much preferred it to Aang’s beloved ancestral temple.
“Okay,” Zuko said as they all collected together in the house, “So there’s a bit of an issue.”
“Fire Nation?” Katara asked, eyes narrowing.
“Worse,” Zuko said, voice grave. “There are seven of us, and only six beds.”
The teenagers all looked between each other with varying looks of embarrassment and disgust. It was Toph who spoke first.
“Well, I for one do not want to share a room,” She scoffed, stomping her foot – a reminder of her power. “I can already hear all of you when we sleep on the ground. I am not missing out on my chance for a quiet night of sleep.”
“That seems fair,” Zuko hummed as he pulled a hat off of a dresser. “Everyone else, unless they have some reason why not, will put their name in here.”
Sokka whined, pointing his finger at the heir of the Fire Nation. “Fine! But they should get the biggest bedroom.”
Y/N swore Zuko smirked. “Done.”
Sat on the floor watching him write names, the group waited anxiously to see who would be sharing a room at least for that night. Mixing up bits of paper, he seemed to be building up some bravado, akin to a showman about to pull a jackalope out of a hat.
The boy cursed under his breath as Zuko continued on with his little show, the piece of paper disintegrating as easily as a leaf floating in a breeze.
“And Y/N!”
She met Zuko’s eye, entire body hot, sending a psychic message along the lines of sprits, no, Zuko, no, please, Zuko, don’t do this.
Despite the fact that Y/N knew Sokka was only joking with his teasing, somewhere along the line she had ended up falling for it – for him. It was sudden and violent, the way a meteor crashed through the atmosphere, roaring, brilliant, and completely obliterating anything in its path. Currently, Y/N was that metaphorical meteorite, burning up and crashing into the earth.
Since Zuko apparently couldn’t read minds, she chanced a glance at Sokka. She expected some sort of joke, a quip, anything. Instead, he was deadly silent, stony in his face, staring too at Zuko. Was he blushing, or was she making it up in her head? This question soon slipped from her brain as she those baby blue eyes were staring straight at her.
Tui and La, Agni, spirits above; he hated her.
“Cool!” She said, though it came out more like a squeak. “I’ll see you tonight, I guess.”
“Y/N, we have the entire day before- “
She cut Suki off. “Yep, busy today! Busy, busy, busy. Plenty of strategic planning to do before the big day!”
And she was gone. Even Aang, renowned creator of the air scooter, had never seen a person move so fast, and Y/N wasn’t even a bender. In her haste, she didn’t catch the sly looks, nor the disapproving one courtesy of Katara. She definitely didn’t catch the shy grin on Sokka’s face, muddled with complete embarrassment. Getting as far away from the house as possible was her current goal, and she achieved it with insane speed – and longevity.
For an entire day, Y/N managed to see none of her friends, excluding Appa and Momo. Her animal friends seemed very concerned and very interested in her noughts and crosses diagrams in the black volcanic sand of Ember Island. It was only when Yue began to rise above the horizon that she thought it would be safe to come out. With what felt like a walk of shame, she trekked back to the beach house, a sleeping Momo cradled in her arms like a baby. Even Appa, who had been occupied with all sorts of made-up games throughout the day, was beginning to sway, eyes drooping, weighed down by sleep. Settling them down in the warm sand, Y/N climbed the wooden stairs.
Being quiet used to get her everywhere unseen; it didn’t work that night. Wordless, her friends’ good night wishes falling on deaf ears, she entered the biggest bedroom, alone. Falling face first onto the bed, she muffled a frustrated scream into one of the too many decadent pillows adorning it. Heaving herself onto her back, Y/N groaned dramatically with the effort it took. This bed was so soft. She tried to think of a more comfy, luxurious bed she had ever been on – and failed. The four-poster frame was casting odd shadows across the dark room. It felt especially lonely.
She felt especially lonely.
Sitting up, a low rumble filled the silence. Her stomach was apparently rather unhappy with the distinct lack of food during the day. Y/N had forgotten about that. She weighed up the options; go out and face embarrassment, or skip dinner for the first time in her life. Fortunately, she needn’t think long.
“So, everyone’s going to bed, and I remembered you hadn’t eaten.”
Of course.
“Oh,” Was all she could manage, mentally kicking herself for her utter lack of articulation. “Th-thanks, Sokka.”
Flicking on the light, the shadows no longer seemed odd, nor did the room feel lonely. There, in the doorway, stood Sokka. He was pretty – something that always took Y/N by surprise even though she saw him every day. Sure, he hadn’t grown into his gangly limbs yet, but he was getting there. His shoulders had gotten broader, his arms larger from training. She couldn’t help but imagine how comfy he’d be to lie against, how warm his hold would be.
“I brought snacks?”
Opening her mouth only to close it again, Y/N felt like a fish thrown mercilessly out of water. Instead, she managed a timid pat on the bed. He was slow to react, slower to move, and she only felt more inadequate. Whatever Zuko thought he saw at the temple was wrong.
“Wow, this bed is soft,” Sokka gasped, bouncing lightly on it like a small child. “It’s like sitting on a cloud!”
Y/N couldn’t stop the giggle that passed her lips as she took a slice of fruit from the platter he had brought in. For the briefest moment, infinitesimally small, Sokka ceased with his childish antics and just looked. Brightening, he seemed to thrive – delight – in her laughter, continuing to goof about with the numerous pillows and posh looking decor.
Y/N looked up at him from her laughing, stomach aching with joy. “What?”
“I didn’t know you could get prettier,” He said, brows furrowed, eyes sparkling.
She turned mute in an instant, feeling that all too familiar flush again, only this time it was close – more intense. Silent, she took another piece of fruit, eating it in moments, anything to give her time. “You’re teasing me again, aren’t you?”
He frowned. “What? No. I’m not- “
“It’s okay if you are!” Y/N insisted, her smile plastered on and her heart aching. “I know you joke about with us all, and it’s just how you are. It’s not a bad thing, and I know you’re just joking and- “
“Y/N,” Sokka said, almost incredulous. “I’m not joking. I have never joked about that kind of thing with you.”
She stopped dead. “What?”
It wasn’t a question – well, not to Sokka at least. That one word was her address to the universe. It was astonishment, frustration, incredulity, sheer joy, so many emotions all wrapped into one simple word. The moments that passed between that word and their locked gaze spoke a thousand more words, sang a hundred more emotions.  
“You didn’t know?”
Her head was empty. “Prettier?”
“That’s what I said, isn’t it?” Sokka chuckled weakly, moving the platter to the side.
“Prettier,” Y/N repeated slowly, looking up at him, “As in I was already pretty?”
“Erm, yes?”
“You think I’m pretty?”
“Tui and La, yes.”
“Okay,” She said, testing the waters, “And you like it when I blush?”
“Yeah, you look cute,” He admitted, sheepish as he rubbed the back of his neck.
Looking down, bashful, she recalled training with Zuko. “The word you used was adorable.”
No words came in response to that, only a gentle hand on her cheek. Guiding her face up, Sokka looked at her and saw her. Y/N could see him reaching for words that danced in his mind and away from his grasp, so many more pretty, teasing words he could say. But he wasn’t teasing, not really. He certainly wasn’t when he pressed his lips to hers. It was sweet and easy to melt into; she didn’t need to be shy, not with him.
They shared more sweet kisses, laughing under the moonlight in that fancy bed they got to share. Fruit, a bed, kisses; they shared them all, drifting into an easy sleep as the moon began to slip away into daylight. Basking in the prospect of a lazy morning, they made the most of it.
They weren’t even mad when they found out Zuko rigged the entire thing.
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raikangaru · 4 years
See You Again /2 - Zuko x Reader
Warnings: none
soulmate au one shot
part one
The (hair colour) haired girl couldn’t stop smiling the moment the maids had walked into her room,”Lady (your name), you are up and early today,”the maids were shocked to see their lady beaming and smiling from ear to ear. “Oh, I had a good sleep,”she lies through her teeth, trying to downplay her mood, the maids look at her skeptically but dropped it since it was their beloved lady. “My lady, Lord Audoro has arrived. Your father prepared breakfast for you two,”another maid had informed the young woman, who frowned at her maid but nodded her head, she helped herself out of bed, allowing the maids to assist her in getting ready.
“And all done, my lady.”She looks at herself in the mirror, the memories from the night before replays in her head and a faint smile appears on her face, she traces her lips reliving the feeling of her soulmate but she sighs in disappointment as her mother enters her room. “My child, so beautiful and so grown. Lord Audoro and you make a great couple,”her mother gushes and the said girl rolls her eyes, her and her soulmate would make a great couple. “Your father and I won’t be joining, to give you two lovebirds some private time together.”her mother says in a singsong voice, grabbing her arm and dragging her to the gardens where breakfast was spread out and her arranged husband-to-be sat. The young man stands as they approach him, “Lady (mom’s name), Lady (your name) good morning,” he gets out of his chair and move to pull (your name)’s out, “my lady,”he slighty bows, she flashes a smile before taking her seat.
“I won’t be joining you two, enjoy breakfast,”her mother leaves the two, the moment they were left alone the atmosphere had become awkward, the feeling of dread over takes her as she thinks back to her dark haired soulmate, the (hair colour) haired woman looked at everything but the man before, while his eyes were concentrated on her. “It’s a beautiful day, today but it’s nothing compared to you,”his voice startles the girl, she shivers in disgust but hides it well, “oh, uh thank you,”she awakwardly says, she shakes her head and sitting up in attention, as a woman she was to serve her husband, she takes the teapot and serves the man before her, she fills his plate with food before doing the same with hers. “Shall we eat?”she takes her chopsticks.
A maid interrupts their meal and the young woman sighs in relief as she could not take any minute longer with Audoro, he was nothing like her soulmate, she has been uninterested with whatever he had to say. She had nearly rolled her eyes off as the man constantly boasted about himself, she thought his head would’ve popped from how large his ego had gotten. “I apologise my Lord and Lady but your father had requested for both of your presence,”the maid bows, they both nod their head but before she could get up Audoro had pulled her chair back, helping her to stand and taking her hand. She thanks the young man and pulls on her hand but he refuses to let go, she sighed and let him hold her. The doors swing open to the large living room and a man covered in heavy robes stands before her father, his whole aura exhumed power and royalty, as soon as the young ‘couple’ walked through the door all the attention had turn to them.
As if time had stopped, (eye colour) eyes and ember eyes meet, she pulled her hand away from Audoro and ran into the awaiting arms of her soulmate, a warm feeling overtakes her and a wide smile plastered on both their faces. “Zuko, you’re here!”She says breathlessly, he strokes her hair, drinking in her beautiful features, the two intoxicated with each other while the people around them held a bewildered expressions on their faces. “(your name), do you know who that is?,”her father interrupted the couple, she hesistantly let go of her handsome soulmate before facing her father. “She is my soulmate,”she was cut off by the ember eyed man, who was staring at her father with a burning intensity. An audible gasp escapes her mother as all eyes are on the royally dressed male,”who are you to foolishly claim, my wife-to-be? What can you benefit her?”Audoro smugly smiles as the (hair colour) haired woman stiffens while her partner held a relaxed face.
“My my! You are an idiot boy, do you not know who I am?”Zuko grips his soulmate’s waist as his stares at the other man who had not answered,”I am the Firelord of course,”Zuko laughs as everyone’s faces morphed into shocked ones, (eye colour) stare up at the man before her, their eyes meet. His held nothing but determination to claim his other half, “I can offer her everything, even the world,”his hand caress the girl’s pink cheek.
As realisation sweep the room,”I’m so sorry Firelord Zuko, we did not mean to be rude,”the girl’s father scrambles to apologise, him and his wife bowing down. “The only apology I’ll take is, your daughter,”her parents nods, looking at their daughter but she was too engrossed by the beauty in her arms, “take me Zuko,”her voice drops an octave, almost seductively and Zuko shivers in delight, “it would be my pleasure, darling,”he turns towards the door, leading him and his soulmate out, holding her close to him.
“It’s good to see you again, darling”
m a s t e r l i s t
herro! i am so sorry for not updating last week, i have been swamped with classes and i’m having troubles with money, i am a little low on it atm. so it’s been a little hectic on my end, if you guys have any idea with like simple jobs online or something that can earn even a little cash, suggest it to me, please! Anyways, i’m sorry, if you enjoyed it please leave a like and some comments for me to read, thanks! have a great day!
all the love xx
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flickityfics · 4 years
Don’t Play With Fire, Chap 7 First Day of Work
Um..to answer your concerns Sokka there's no need to worry. This may embarrass you to read but its all perfectly normal in women's body. The throbbing and slick you've mentioned is from arousal and the ones you mention that come randomly isn't always arousal but the way the body is trying to self clean or protect your genitals from tearing and dangerous bacteria's. Sometimes your vagina can even..well for lack of a better word let's just call it sweating, so for example say you're moving around a lot and you feel you're self dripping but its a different feeling from arousal just hot and a wetter feeling which again all normal, if you're feeling uncomfortable just wipe yourself and go through the day. I'm Glad you're taking my advice seriously and it's good to hear you're doing well with your situation. So far I haven't found anything about body swapping? gender swapping or transference of any kind I'm so sorry. Just keep staying low and being careful, we'll figure this out soon.
Sokka, It's great to hear from you! We're still putting up fliers of Appa around Ba Sing Se and looking all around places. Toph and Katara are always fighting though, Katara won't let us play our tricks on anyone or even explore or relax, its all work work wor-  
                                               Anyways Sokka you better be pulling your weight and not having Suki cleaning up after you and do try to stay out of trouble okay, I do worry you know, we miss you a lot.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  -The Gaang
Sokka laughed hard seeing Toph's lone foot print right underneath his sister's and Aang's writing, seeing that told him more about her than words ever could. He really missed his family/friend group. Before he could get any sadder he folded the letter and stuffed it in his pack heading to work, he'll write a responding note later tonight.  
Sokka was full of energy heading towards his new job. He's curious to know how different it'll be from the other ehem manlier jobs he's done. 'Honestly how hard could a girl's job be? Katara complains all the time but I bet she was just being dramatic'  he figured. With everything double checked and his breakfast packed he went out for the semi-long walk to work.  Upon arriving to the building, Sokka went straight through the door finding the elder lady waiting for him.
"Hi, so what will I be doing today?" He asked with all the enthusiasm he could muster.
"We start by checking our list of customers who dropped off their laundry, with the other workers we'll go wash together then hang all the laundry to dry and fold, lastly we pack and send out the clothes." she explained.
"Alright sounds easy enough." Sokka followed along as she gave him a tour of the place and areas he'll be needing to know.
After a few tiring hours did he have breakfast, the work ended up more tiring and tougher than expected but he got the hang of it pretty fast and turned out he was the fastest and strongest there which turned out some of the girls didn't like. On his first day an older girl by few years was sabotaging all his work trying to get him trouble and after explaining that to the elder boss lady was he able to stay working. 'women are crazy, guys just nod at each other, find their spots to work, get paid then leave without any word to one another'  He couldn't believe how cut throat it was working as a girl alongside other girls. Just a few more hours and he'll be able to relax and enjoy Zuko's company at the Jasmine Dragon, 'oh my god I didn't just think of stupid fire bending Zuko as nice company?! I've got to get a hold of myself, I'll just blame this dumb girl body and girly brain, ick .'  He mentally shook himself from the strange feeling that came over him towards another guy.
Sokka came through the door of the tea shop dramatically falling in the doorway trying to catch Zuko's eye. He spotted Zuko in the kitchen and waved to him obnoxiously, he could honestly say he liked the perplexed and fearful look in the other boys face from the scene he was causing. Walking towards the kitchen, he sat himself down waiting to tell Zuko about his day.
Since Zuko looked like he was trying to ignore him, he caught the uncle's attention instead, "Hey old man when's the jerk's break?" To other's he may seem like an uncouth girl but he really didn't care for appropriateness right after work.
"You can't talk to him lik-" Zuko was just about to rant when he heard his uncle guffawed loudly.
"Oh nephew don't worry about my feelings, I love this young lady and her wily ways, its quite refreshing from your gloomy moods." he expressed. Zuko could only scoff at his uncle's slight rub towards him.
Sokka stuck his tongue at Zuko watching as he just rolled his eyes in return.
"I'll let my dear nephew  off for the rest of the day. Please take him away and show him how to have fun for once in his life." His uncle practically begged.
The two conspired against Zuko and all he could do was hang up his apron and get dragged by Miyuki's whims, he'll never admit to either of them that he likes getting pushed around, he'll keep that to the grave.
"Great! Let's get a table, I've got tons of stuff to share about my day." He grabbed Zuko by the arm and lead him to a free spot.
Sokka waited to be settled at the table, ordering before turning around to unleash his rant. He was weirdly giddy wanting to tell Zuko about his day.
"You won't believe my day." Sokka shook his head tiredly, "So I get there, the boss lady is nice but oh man some of those girls are mean. I had one try to sabotage my work by telling me to place stuff in the wrong place and they're very particular about where things go so that messed me up some. The washing part was tougher than I thought, I had to wring and scrub the clothes til my fingers cramped and wrinkled, ugh it was tiring. Drying was easier and folding strangely calming, the whole clean-up routine was just easy and besides the rude girls, I liked the job overall and think I can stick with it." He ended with a flourish, elbows on the table smiling at the fire prince, laughing internally with Zuko's stoned-face reaction to his long-winded story.
"Sounds like a frustrating day to me, welcome to the job world I guess." Sokka could't believe Zuko's flippant reply, he honestly thought he would be more caring to his woes and again what's with himself wanting Zuko's sympathy?
"Excuse me, that's funny coming from someone whose probably never had a hard labor job before. I'm guessing you had it easy since your uncle was able to provide you one. You don't know the struggles of running around and being told flat out no or when you finally get lucky it only lasts for so long before you're replaced or treated like crap and running yourself exhausted for people who don't care but keep abusing you til you can't go on anymore." Sokka had no idea why he was throwing everything at Zuko. His emotions just started bursting maybe its the way he knows Zuko's privileged, entitled fire prince jerk that he is has everything handed to him and  just pretending to be undercover as some regular civilian to get to Aang. He could only huff in annoyance at himself and Zuko for letting his emotions get the better of him, he decided it was just best to stay quiet and not look at Zuko lest his hostility for the guy becomes more prominent.
"Well, I do find serving customers and cleaning after everyone frustrating and tiring most days. I've been assaulted by older women pinching my bottom cheeks, jealous boyfriends harassing me when their girlfriends try to be flirty at me, even got some few girls who stalked me for quite some time or the rude customers I hate who are disrespectful to me but mostly my uncle, I just want to burn them to a crisp, nobody disrespects my uncle and his beloved tea shop in front of me. I actually do know how hard laborious work can be especially with not much help and little pay." Zuko looked at the girl in front of him with all the openness he could muster. He knew she had it rougher than him but it wasn't like he didn't have his own hardships, they were just different from hers.
Sokka huffed in annoyance even more hating being so temper mental while Zuko explained himself calmly and free of judgment for his part. 'why am I such a child?'  he thought lamely.
"Ugh, sorry for being rude, I guess I'm more annoyed at the fact that I got turned down for most jobs just because I'm a girl. I know I can do the tough jobs, I've done them before and I like working hard and with my hands so it makes it more frustrating not even giving me a chance just by one look at me." He drummed his fingers nervously on the table still embarrassed about earlier.
Zuko couldn't help finding Miyuki's mannerisms and  temper cute, just seeing her emotions displayed out in the open and being ridiculous was refreshing and exciting to witness. Most of his life was closed off of emotions and barely a few months now he's been trying to open up to his feelings, they were scary but freeing and seeing Miyuki so unafraid of her emotions filled him with more confidence each day.
"I get it and if you'd like something more.. uh manlier to do, I can train you in dual wielding after whenever you'd like." He offered.
"Oh? Is that a date dear Lee?" Sokka jumped on the chance to embarrass him, something about seeing Zuko so flustered had him feeling awesome. He liked being back in control and harassing the poor teen.
"Ugh no, if you don't want the training then I won't bother." The tips of Zuko's ears went red as he looked glaringly at Sokka.
"Nooooo, I want the training really." To soften the blow of annoying Zuko did he mentally shrug and go for a kiss to the bender's cheek. He gasped in total surprise as he felt heat around his lips and a waft of what could only be the fire bender's particular scent, it was in his nose so thickly and strangely addictive he wanted to keep his nose to the other's cheek and soak it up forever even be mixed in it. 'What 's wrong with you?! Why are you smelling another dudes scent, stop! Stop it nooooow!'  he couldn't believe how soft a cheek could feel and was that a bit of scruff he felt, it felt so rough on his lips he actually didn't like that. Finally did he pull away and hope to agni the shudder he felt coursing through his body didn't show outwardly.
Zuko was surprised from the peck, it happened so fast but had him feel deeply warm from such a sweet kiss. "Um, how uh- or I mean.. What else did you like about the new job?" Yeah, his brain was done for.
Sokka rolled his eyes playfully, "How bout we talk more about it on the way to walking me to my place?" He held out his hand nervously.
"Okay." Zuko agreed grabbing her hand walking out the shop and down the familiar path to Miyuki's place.
The two caught up with each other's day, some more teasing, awkward flirting and plans for the next time they meet unaware of the mischievous moonlight's gaze upon them.
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pink-bird-30 · 4 years
Zutara Week 2020 Day 2-Counterpart
Hi, here is my submission for day 2 of Zutara week!!!
(Yes, I’m aware it’s already day 4, but lets ignore that I’m late to the game here)
Anyways, I hope you like my interpretation of this day’s theme of Counterpart!
If you’d like to read my stories all together, here’s the link to my FF.Net:
(https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13657644/1/Zutara-Week-2020-All-Works )
Happy reading!!
Its was a quiet night in the small fishing village.  All the towns people had gone to bed early in fear of the full moon.  It was ever so often the moon would pull an evil spirit from the depths of the land, plaguing their streets with fear and death.  Every month, one child would go missing from a house hold, no one knowing how and when the spirit invades their home.
To protect themselves, the village people board up their windows and leave a gift for the spirit to take.  If a villager forgets to leave the evil moon spirit an offering, their youngest child shall be taken.  If the household has no child, their lives were taken without thought.
This night, the villagers were confident their horror would end for good.  For two weeks have passed and the Painted Lady graced their village to protect them from evils in the night.  But little did they know there was another spirit roaming.  Ready to protect their small fishing village along with the beloved Painted Lady.
From afar, the Painted lady lies awake watching the village as the moon rises high above the calm waters.  She made sure to wait until the moon was at its highest point before making her move.
They had a plan, a great plan.  But it will only work if Tui and La were on their side.
The Painted Lady watches the water of the river ripple, causing the reflection of the moon to distort in various shapes.  The light illuminates the river, showing each individual ripple in its current.
Sighing in contentment, the Painted Lady centers herself, waiting for the signal from her partner before making her grand entrance.
In the village, a deep howl erupts, jarring the peace and serenity of the sleeping villagers.  A disturbing creature appears, ready to hunt the streets of the small fishing village. Its horrible dark aura basking the village in darkness and fear.  Its body smoke-like, spreading far a wide to engorge on anything in its path.
As the dark spirit roams it takes its offerings from each home in turn.  As the spirit arrives to the village square, it stumbles upon a home with no offering, no boarded windows, and no lock.  A fire like rage enflames the evil spirit, making it grow twice it size before breaking the door down and entering the home.  It’s smoke searches every crevice of the home for a child, but only stumbles upon a couple sleeping in a bed.
Swiftly, the spirit slashes at the occupants but is surprised to see flames erupt from the slashes at the bed.  The flames consume the bed in a matter of seconds, destroying the decoy bodies.  The spirit realizes its mistake and quickly moves to evacuate the house, but is stopped by a figure hidden in the dark corner of the room.
The only visible part of the person was a Blue Spirit mask.
The evil spirit recoils seeing the good spirit in his presence.  The Blue Spirit unsheathes two identical swords from his back and moves into a defensive position.
“Damn, you’re ugly.”  The blue spirit scoffs before jumping midair slashing his swords in a downward motion.  The evil spirit moved quickly, gliding across the room away from his prey.  The Blue Spirit flips over, chasing the evil spirit down the hall, and passing the room that was set ablaze moments ago.  Dogging right, the evil spirit made an escape for the back door, breaking it open with inhumane strength to free themself from the burning building.
The Blue Spirit runs after them at a brisk pace, hoping the Painted Lady can see the blazing house from across the river.
“C’mon, you can do it.”  The Blue Spirit muttered to himself as he chased the evil spirt past the village square, heading straight for the fishing pier.  The evil spirit’s smoke shoots out behind them, temporarily blinding the Blue Spirit.
The Blue Spirit slowed down to catch his breath.  The foul tasting smoke tore at his lungs, feeling like a million daggers attacking him at each intake of breath.
From the fishing pier, the Painted Lady waited for the evil spirit to make their appearance.  According to local legend, the evil spirit disappeared into the water after indulging in their offerings and slaying any resentful villagers.
As the evil spirit approaches, they notice a light fog taking over the fishing pier, blocking out the powerful full moon.  Coming to a full stop, the spirit takes in their surroundings noting something was deeply off.  Typically it was simple, come in, take their offerings and leave.  But tonight felt different.  The spirit felt threatened for the first time.
“Oh, evil one.  You have done your last haunting.”  The words echoed across the river, setting the evil spirit on edge.
In defense, the spirit threw their smoke all across the river, trying to find the person halting their escape.  The thick black fog searched long and wide for the challenger, but came up empty.
“You know,”  A soft voice spoke close by.  “If you were a real spirit, you’d be able to find me anywhere.”
The spirit lets out a frustrated cry before turning to strike out at the intruder.  But it was becoming increasingly difficult to see in the thick white fog surrounding them.
A deep chuckle radiates somewhere to the left of the spirit, “Here I thought you were something mystical.  Pathetic.”
Then all at once, two swords came slashing forward hitting the evil spirit in the chest, sending them flying into the river.  The spirit braced for impact, but it never came.  
The river wrapped its unforgiving tendrils around the evil spirit, whisking it away from the pier and hold them high above the village.
“You are never to harm an innocent again, is that clear.”  The feminine voice roared.
The evil spirt tried to move their arms in the water, but it was no use.
“Also,” a male voice chimed in.  “You must be tried for your wrong doings.  You have blood on your hands, and these people deserve justice for your terror.”
And just like that, the evil spirit was stripped of his cloak and armor to reveal a man, an ordinary man with a bad attitude.
The Painted Lady releases the man onto the pier into the clutches of the Blue Spirit.  Behind the fishing shed, the village’s leader came forth and approached the Blue Spirit and the evil spirit.
“Yoh, how can you do this to your own people?  We are your family!”  The older gentleman howled in despair.
The evil spirt laughed, “My family, fah!  When I had no food, no shelter, no child.  You all treated me like dirt.  I had to make you pay, all of you!”
The Painted lady released the thick fog that encapsulated the village and step foot onto the pier.
“There is never a reason to resort to murder of innocent lives.”  The Painted Lady said before turning to the village leader.  “Village leader.  You may take this man and do as you please.  Our job is done here.”
The village leader bowed to the two spiritual legends before taking Yoh from the Blue Spirit.  Thus leaving the two of them on the pier, watching the fog fade away…
“Zuko…Zuko! Wake up!”
The exiled prince opens his eyes to find himself curled up beside the waterbender.  He wasn’t sure how he got here, his arms wrapped tightly around her waist, her long dark hair tickling his chin, and their legs tangled together.
Under normal circumstances, this would be a nice situation to be in.  But given that the rest of their friends were sleeping a few inches from them, especially a certain waterbender’s brother, it was best for him to move away as quickly as possible.
Zuko blushes before untangling himself from Katara and rolling back onto his sleeping bag.
“Er..Sorry.”  Katara rolls over to look him in the eyes, her blue eyes seem to shy away from his before meeting them again.
“Don’t be..but um…”  Katara hesitated for a moment before pushing forward.  “What were you dreaming about?”
Zuko smirks as he reaches out to tuck a stray curl behind her ear, “Trust me, you wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”
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shewhowasbornlucky · 6 years
Read on AO3
Life has given them all another chance. Old wounds are hard to fix.
It was at the twilight of their lives that dishonored Prince and powerless, former Fire lord Ozai met Lady Ursa again. His cell was dark – it was always so dark he could not see past his own nose – but he needed not light to see who the person in front of the bars was. Her perfume filled the air, and it was as if time hadn’t passed between them. The scent carried memories he had sworn to forget.
He breathed, and hated every second how fire no longer escaped from his lips.
Ursa had to squint to see him. Coming from the outside, where the sun shone as bright as ever, her husband’s cell seemed like a nightmare. She could make his form, though. His shoulders were still broad, although she was sure exercise was out of his routine. His hair had grown so long it reached his hips – lifeless and disheveled, it resembled a mop more than a prince’s pride. She recognized him nonetheless; his eyes were just the same; fire gleaming in the dark. The Avatar could take the fire from his very soul, but he could never take it away from his eyes.
She had loved the man before her with everything she had. Had imagined ruling by his side, feeling his warmth caressing her. Ursa imagined them both behind the fire curtains of the throne room.  Their destinies were joined from the moment they locked eyes for the first time! He gave her a golden crown, and she gave him a piece of her mind, and two beautiful children. She imagined waking up every single morning, until her dying day, in his arms.
Nothing felt any better than that.
Their children would be conquerors – their children would be legends. Hymns would be written about their greatness, and he would put the entire world at her feet. He would love her as much as she loved him, and nothing else would ever matter. They would be terribly, utterly happy, as it should be. As she had always dreamed.
But those were the dreams of a naïve girl. The fantasies that were stripped from her the very moment she made her best blend for her Fire Lord Azulon. The very same day she heard her daughter’s words on her husband’s order to kill his own blood. The day she came into their chambers and saw him looking through his knives.
She took a step forward, and pulled down her cloak. Her hair, before a lovely shade of brown, had gotten grey – it reached her lower back, and seemed to flow like silk or liquid. His hands ached with the yearning to bury his fingers in it. It was always soft, and it always smelled of orange blossoms.
“You have returned to me,” the disgraced man said– his voice a mere whisper. A cough follows his words; he had forgotten what it was like to talk to someone.
Ozai did not dare hope for a response. He knew she was a creature straight from his dreams, but he was tired, and he was done, and he was never known for keeping himself from indulging in his pleasures. He took a deep breath, and marveled at the vivid smell of her. If it was a dream, he hoped to never wake up.
This time, however, the woman in front of him did not run to his arms and kissed him for all he was worth. The woman straight from his nightmares did nothing but stare at him in the same fashion she used to, before when they were husband and wife. Before, when there were no murders to cover and no sins to acknowledge. Before, when their love burned brighter than ambition, and family, and crowns, and death. Before, when it was just the two of them.
“I have returned to my family,” she corrected him, and it almost sounds soft. A loving mother scolding his child. He wanted to laugh, but the only sound that came out of his mouth was another cough.
“You’re… you’re real,” he croaked, and got closer to the bars in an attempt at getting a better glance of her. She stood there, draped in white, bags under her eyes and a red nose.
Zuko, he thought, and hated how it sobered him up. He looked in her eyes, trying to see the pain he knew would be there if her beloved son had left their world. He did not find it, but that did not relaxed him either.
“You lied,” she said, studying him with cold eyes.
“You promised you would come back.”
She scoffs, indignant as always. As if missing her was his problem and not her doing. “You hurt my son. You destroyed my daughter.”
Ozai laughed, and shook his head. Her brows furrowed. She grabbed his hair, and pulled hard, forcing him to look at her eyes. There is fire in her, so he knows. It had been sleeping before. It now burns hot. She looks at him with piercing eyes, and he has the grace to lower his glaze, to tremble before her.
He knows a lost battle when he sees one, so he accepted her blow with honor, if such a thing could be found in a disgraced man.
“I loved you with everything I was, and there was never a moment where I didn’t think of you,” he finally said, after a pause, with a trembling voice.
Her lower lip shook and Ursa bited hard on it. “Your brother has died,” she said. “He wanted you to know he was sorry.”
There was a pause too long for it to be comfortable. Ursa looked in the darkness, searching for a sign on his face that would betray the man she had adored. Any signs that the charming man who had promised her the world was there, somewhere. That the man whose small laughter had made her knees tremble was there, with ther. That her lover had mended his way.
Darkness overtook them, and she could not see a thing.
Ursa was no longer a little girl neither an impressionable woman – she would not cry for a man who did not have a heart. She clasped her hands together, and waited. Waited for the man she loved to appear. Waited for her dreams to shatter for one last time. Waited for her family to mend itself – to come back to normal.
“What for?” Ozai finally asked, turning away from her. His tone was unreadable, but she knew better. He was never a good liar for those who knew him. That is why, she suspected, he never allowed anyone to get close to him. “I am not the one who died.”
His attempt at humor was not a surprise, and she did not even bat an eye. How a man on his knees would manage to act so blinded by his idiotic pride, she did not know, but she could not say she expected anything but that from him. “Agni knows what he meant by that,” she huffed and rolled her eyes “– how he thought you deserved it,” she spat, her voice soft as a song. “But I supposed you should know.”
He made a noise of acknowledgement, but did not say more. She thought she saw his shoulders tremble, but she blamed her stupid reveries in the lack of light.
Silence surrounded them like an old lover, the only thing betraying her presence being her soft breath and the fresh scent.
She, immaculate and lovely, shouldn’t be there around the filth, Ozai thought grimly.
“How was it?”
Her eyes were back on him, and he trembled. “Peaceful,” she says, as soft as a whisper. “He went on his sleep.”
He snorted.  “Fit for a lazy idiot,” Ozai said, and Ursa could hear his sneer. Could hear the way his voice betrayed her true feelings.
“He went in his sleep, surrounded by those who love him,” Ursa said, her tone never flickering.  “Who will cry for you once you live this place, my love?” she asked, and moved her hand to caress his bony cheek.
Her touch was so soft he felt he could cry out loud. Her warmth caressed him, and Ozai closed her eyes.
“Have you come back to torture me?” he asked, laughter in his voice. It broke her how much he seemed to enjoy the prospect of it. “Haunt me, my sun. It’s been too long.”
“You could have had it all,” she said, and there was a ‘we’ that seemed to take his breath away if only for a second. She frowned. “I could have loved you until my last breath!” she did not know whom she is angry with – herself, or him. It should sicken her how eager she was to forgive and forget. To want to hug him and never let go. To lose herself to a love that consumed her and burned everything it touched.
Her loving words hurt more than any curses she could’ve said to him. That any knife she could’ve thrown at him.
“I could have forgiven you, but you had to hurt them. You broke us,” she reproached, and he did not need to look at her to know she was pouting. That she was glaring.
“There was a war,” he said, and it sounded pathetic to her ears. He wasn’t even trying to sound convincing.
“They were blood of your blood,” she said, and she felt her tears burning at the corner of her eyes, but did not let her tone flutter. Ursa had practiced for years by his side.
Ozai opened his mouth, tried to say something, but failed miserably.
“You are a monster,” she laughed, full of disbelief. “You were one back then, but I couldn’t see it. How foolish I was, to think that love could change you! You, who killed your own father. You, who rejoiced in your nephew’s blood. You, who can’t even mourn the death of a brother!”
“I can’t mourn a brother I didn’t have!”
“You didn’t have one because you never accepted him to begin with!” she yelled back, her voice echoing in the small walls of his cell. “You push people away, and play with them like toys and pawns for your own entertainment.”
He was shaking then. Wanting his tormentor to be silenced forever. Wanting that nightmare to end at last. Wanting her torture to keep on going until he was done, and he was freed, and he could never have to deal with her painfilled eyes anymore.
“Are you any different, my love?!”
“Everything I have ever done was to protect those that I love and care about!” she said, her fists clenched. “My mistake was loving someone who did not deserve it.”
He accepted the blow, but he couldn’t say it did not hurt.
Bitter tone, he said, “foolish girl, indeed. Weak and pathetic – couldn’t even do something for yourself—“
Ursa laughed, interrupting him for the first time. “Always so predictable,” she shook her head. “Iroh was right, though I can’t say I’m surprised.”
He frowned, his jaw tight. “You seem to forget I know how to read you as much as you know me, my husband,” she said, her voice back at being a soft caress. “Your brother’s ceremony will be held tomorrow morning. You may want to pray for his spirit, and your own. Agni knows you won’t be granted the mercy of a swift passing around your loved ones like your beloved brother.”
“You saw Father,” Azula never asks questions – she only states facts and waits for them to be confirmed. Ursa shared that trait when she was younger. She knows her own mother hated it, she could almost smile.
Azula is surprised at how unreadable her mother’s face is, but that does not stop her from trying.
“Yes, I did.”
“I haven’t visited in years,” the princess admited in a small voice, waiting for her mother to confess. She balances her weight on her feet, almost dancing-like, as if the situation didn’t bother her at all. As if her curiosity was simply picked, and the thought were not eating her mind.
“Not much has changed,” Ursa said, walking with her daughter.
“Was he happy?” the princess asked, looking promptly at her nails.
“With what?”
“Was he happy to learn of General Iroh’s death?” General. Never Uncle. Azula might have made peace with her past and her wrongdoings, but some things never changed. Ursa supposed she felt safer that way – rejecting someone before they could reject her was her most trusted tactic.
Ursa considered her daughter, looking at her as discreetly as she could muster. “He acted like it,” she said, hoping the princess would catch on.
Her daughter was not one to disappoint. “But you don’t think he was,” Azula said, stopping to watch her mother’s reaction.
Ursa’s only reply was a short shake of her head, and Azula’s lower lip trembled. It was then that Ursa noticed her daughter’s shaky breath, and the way she played with her hands.
“Azula—“she called, but was soon interrupted by the princess nervous, silly laughter.
“I know I shouldn’t care – I know it’s wrong,” she smiled, almost apologetically, but it fell cold as ice. Fake. Her lower lip trembled, and the princess was gone, leaving the girl behind. “But I… I- he is my father. It is stupid, and pathetic, but I-”
Ursa stopped her, one slender hand on her daughter’s shoulder. The warmth of her touch seemed to serve to calm her.
“I love him too, my darling.”
What happened next surprised them both equally. Azula’s warm arms found their place around her mother, and she hugged her tight. Ursa did not notice her own crying until she heard her daughter’s muffled sobs.
“He does not deserve it, and it doesn’t make sense, but I do,” Ursa said, caressing her hair.
“I-I wish…” Azula stopped herself, suddenly small and frail. Ursa understood. She wanted her daughter to know so.
With her eyes closed, she nodded, feeling her daughter’s body trembled in her arms. She held Azula tighter.  “Life has given us all a second chance.”
“We mustn’t be crying over him,” the princess said, firmly. The façade of a perfect warrior, crying and all. It is probably what she thought Ursa wanted to hear, and it breaks the mother’s heart. She wanted her to know that it was okay, that she would never harm her for showing emotions. That she felt grateful she could confide in her that way.
All words died in her throat.
“I think he loved you,” Ursa finally said, and she knew that was something that had clouded her daughter’s mind and troubled her sleep ever since she got better. Was she loved, or was she simply groomed to become a warlord? Was she something more than her bending? Did she mean anything for him?
“No one who has known you,” she continued, pushing a strand of hair behind her ears, “–really know you, the girl I always thought you could be – could do so without loving you,” Ursa’s whisper was accompanied by a soft caress to Azula’s cheek, and she smiled despite her tears. “But his love… his love has always been consuming.”
“You didn’t let him destroy you,” she pointed, and looked away, as if ashamed of her own vulnerability. Of the way her father had destroyed her.
“I wasn’t there for the worst part. But I am here now, and I am willing to make things right. I owe you and your brother as much.”
“So you don’t think Father can…?” Azula asked, her hope clear in her eyes.
Ursa shook her head sadly, “I don’t.”
“But you still love him.”
“I suppose I’m not any better than him, after all.”
This was written for the Royal Family Week but it’s been so long I’m actually ashamed of it :( 
This follows my headcanon that Urzai actually at least cared for each other. I hate to think of a woman tied in marriage to a man she detested, passive and barely her own character, when in stories the prompt is so easy to find. I do like the story they made for Ursa in the comics, but I don’t appreciate hot it takes from Ursa’s complexity in the show :(
I’d rather see a complex relationship between complex characters, I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Also, this is supposed to take place 18 years after the show’s canon. I hc that Azula escaped from the asylum, spent a decade travelling around the world, working as a bounty hunter or guarding towns, before she finally made the decission to come back home.
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zukoofthenations · 7 years
Chapter 3: Noren’s Tale
Read also on FF and AO3
Noren led Ursa and Zuko to a small, open-air serving area opposite the stage. The food it served was much plainer than what Zuko was used to: simple noodles with some pig chicken egg and Koala sheep sausages. For his hungry stomach though, it was the best food in the entire world. He dived in as soon as the bowl was set in front of him.
However, Zuko only got two bites in before his mother interrupted. "Zuko, what happened to your manners?"
Zuko looked up and noticed his mother was giving him The Look. He may not have been on the receiving end of The Look as much as Azula was, but he could sense his mother's disproval. Realizing what was wrong, Zuko guiltily straightened his back, made sure his chopsticks were in his hand properly, and made an effort to take smaller bites.
He also looked up at the man sitting across the table. "Thank you for buying us this food, sir."
Noren looked surprised when the boy addressed him. "It's no trouble. Zuko, was it? Feel free to ask for seconds, growing boys like you need to eat."
Zuko smiled, nodded, and continued eating, albeit at a politer pace.
Ursa watched the scene before her with humorous eyes. "You seem to have a way with children, Noren. Are you a father?"
Noren gave an uneasy laugh at that statement. "No, I'm afraid life hasn't led me down that path just yet."
Ursa took a bite from her food. "Well, you certainly would be well-suited for the role. Much better than my late husband."
Zuko froze just before he was about to take the next bite. Why was mom talking like dad was dead? Well, he had to admit he wasn't sure about seeing his father again anytime soon, but still…
Noren raised an eyebrow. "Did something happen?"
Ursa had another bite of food, looking pensive. "Let's just say my son and I need to make a fresh start somewhere far away from my in-laws."
Noren nodded, accepting this explanation. Zuko went back to eating.
When all of them were almost done with breakfast, Noren started the conversation back up again. "So tell me, do you have a favorite play?"
Ursa beamed. "Oh, that's an easy question. Love Amongst Dragons!"
Zuko just rolled his eyes. He was considering taking up Noren's offer for seconds, but decided that he was full enough and finding someplace to sleep took priority.
"Well, you probably already know this, but my troupe puts on that play every year. If you're still around in a couple of months I'd really appreciate it if you came by," Noren offered.
"Oh, I'd love to," Ursa replied. "I haven't gotten a chance to see a well-done production in years. I don't think Zuko has seen any plays outside Ember Island."
"Ah, I've heard that the troupe there is an embarrassment to the profession." Noren nodded.
Ursa smirked. "You know, your name seems like such a strange coincidence."
"How so?" Noren asked.
"In Love Amongst Dragons, the Dragon Emperor took the name Noren when he entered the Mortal World," Ursa explained. "Now you, a man name Noren, direct that very play. Unusual, isn't it?"
Noren wiped his mouth. "Well, you may have a point there, Ursa."
Zuko's mom stiffened beside him and stood up. "I'm certain I haven't introduced myself."
Noren seemed to realize he'd made a huge mistake. "Oh! I –"
Ursa pulled Zuko to his feet. "Zuko, we have to go," She turned to Noren. "I don't know what kind of game you're playing… Thank you for breakfast. Good day." She started to walk away, pulling Zuko along.
Noren stood up and called out to them. "Please, don't go! Sit down! Let me explain!"
Zuko looked behind at Noren, but didn't try to stop or slow down his mom. It's not like he really knew the man.
Noren took a deep breath. "When we were six, you kicked me in the stomach and pushed my face in the dirt."
Ursa suddenly froze when she heard those words. Zuko accidentally crashed into her from the momentum.
Noren started walking towards them. "When we were twenty-one, you shattered my heart."
Ursa turned around. "It can't be…"
Noren came up right in front of them. "And now, you're going to walk away before we even get the chance to have a proper conversation?" Noren looked Ursa straight in the eye. "My dear Ursa, don't you think you've hurt me enough?"
"Ikem," Ursa breathed.
Zuko didn't have any idea about what had just happened, but from the tears and smile on his mother's face he knew it had to be something significant.
Ikem led Ursa and her son to his home so they could talk in private. As soon as the stepped under his roof, Ursa realized that Zuko was practically falling over.
"Zuko, love, what's wrong?" She asked.
Zuko's eyes fluttered and he leaned more on her. "We've been up and walking all night, mom. I'm tired."
Ursa realized that he was right, and was tempted to slap herself not noticing sooner. She'd been running on adrenalin ever since she found out about Azulon's punishment for Ozai, but Zuko was still eleven and recovering from a major injury.
Ikem, being the absolute dear she'd fallen in love with, provided a solution. "Zuko, how about you take a nap in my bed while your mother and I talk?"
Zuko nodded and let himself be led into a bedroom in the back of the house. When Ikem came back, he whispered in Ursa's ear, "Let's go out to the prop warehouse so we don't disturb him."
Ursa nodded and followed him out that way.
When she walked through the familiar doors, Ursa couldn't help but laugh. "Look at all this clutter! I guess the new director isn't any more organized than Grandma Guchi!"
She soon zoned in on the masks that hung off the wall. Just seeng them again made her think of happier times. "These masks… They're so beautiful. When I was in the palace, I secretly had a set of these made to remind me of the acting troupe," she told Ikem. "To remind me of you."
As Ursa picked up the Dragon Emperor mask, Ikem came up behind her. "After you left, I died," he reminisced. "Not literally, but I may as well have."
Ursa turned and looked at her beloved. He looked so sad.
"Everyone in town knew us as Ursa and Ikem. Sometimes, folks would come up to me and tell me things would be okay, but deep down they knew they were lying," Ikem continued. "Other times, they wouldn't say anything. They would just stare, like I'd been disfigured. Maybe I had."
Ursa felt terrible for making him go through that. Ikem deserved better.
"It was too painful to stay here, yet it was the only home I'd ever know," he continued. "So I did what people do when they want to forget their own misery. I went down to Forgetful Valley."
Ikem took the mask in his hands. "And there – the most amazing thing happened. You know how people talk about the spirit world? Well, it's all true." He put the mask over his face.
"A powerful spirit walks through Forgetful Valley from time to time… and if you're lucky enough, she will give you a new face. A new identity, a new life! I came back to Hira'a as a different person."
Ursa removed the mask and touched her love's face. "It all seems so impossible. But here you are, right in front of me. My dear Ikem, with a new face." Her heart felt like it would burst with joy being right next to him. "Really though, why didn't you use your new life to marry and have children?"
Ikem closed his eyes. "Ursa, you know why."
A long time ago, back before Azulon and Ozai had ruined everything and Ursa and Ikem were still the town's favorite love story, he'd said that he would never be able to look at another girl since her beauty had ruined him. Ursa finally understood just how true those words were.
She looked back down at the mask. "So Ozai was lying, then. He never found you. Your new face kept you safe this whole time."
Ikem put his hand on her shoulder. "Ursa, tell me honestly, why did you escape the palace? Are you in danger?"
Ursa bit her lip. Talking about this to anyone could be dangerous in so many ways. But then again, this was her Ikem.
"Have you heard about how Prince Lu Ten passed away, and Prince Iroh retreated from Ba Sing Se?" she asked.
"I'd heard about the prince's death, but there isn't much news about the movements of the war here." Ikem replied.
Ursa took a deep breath. "Well, Ozai apparently tried to use his brother's misfortunes to take the right to the crown. Fire Lord Azulon took this to be a grave insult to his firstborn, and wanted to give Ozai a punishment that would fit his crime by killing Zuko."
Ikem's eyes were wide in shock. He almost looked a little sick.
Ursa wasn't done though. "I found out because Azula, Zuko's younger sister, had overheard their conversation and she was teasing her brother about it. I had no doubt that Ozai would do it: Azula may be a useful tool for power to him, but he has no love for Zuko. I thought about making a deal with Ozai or begging the Fire Lord for mercy, but that would only be a temporary solution. Even if Zuko's life was spared this time, he and Azula would surely be the victims of Ozai's quest for power again somewhere down the line. I had to get them away from there."
"I tried to escape with both my children, but Ozai must have realized what I was planning and was waiting for us. He tried to kill Zuko with fire, burning his face in the process. I managed to get him away, but I had to leave Azula." Ursa felt a few tears crawl down her face.
Ikem sucked in his breath. "I see. I thought Azulon and Ozai were evil for taking you away from me, but to try and do that to your boy…"
Ursa nodded. "Sometimes I still can't believe I tolerated that horrible man for twelve years."
Ikem turned his face and looked pensive. "That burn on Zuko's face, it's going to scar, isn't it?"
Ursa nodded again. "He'll have a reminder of how cruel his father can be for the rest of his life."
"You know, the spirit I met could help your son with that. Give him a new face, one without a scar." Ikem suggested.
Ursa's eyes widened. "You really think so?"
Ikem nodded. "She could also give you another face as well, make it easier to hide from Ozai. He could look all over the world for you two and he'd never find you, because your faces don't exist anymore."
"Or I could return to the capital, get Azula out of there. She wouldn't recognize me, but at least she'd be safe and away from Ozai's influence…" Ursa considered.
"Or, you could start a new life here," Ikem suggested. "With me. We'll say Zuko's father passed away in the war, and you and I met while traveling. We could get married, and start the life we thought we'd have before this whole thing started."
"I don't know, Ikem…" Ursa was pretty sure that Ikem's plan was too good to be true. "I have to think about my children."
Ikem looked heartbroken.
Ursa took his hand. "Come on, let's go see that spirit of yours."
"Alright," Ikem nodded. "I need to arrange for the troupe to practice without me for a while, you should gather some supplies and wake up Zuko."
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