#a band of people who help him learn to care and love and heal
princesssarcastia · 8 months
calling all Leverage fans out there:
if you're at all interested or preoccupied with Elliot Spencer's relationship with Damien Moreau, can I interested you in Micheletto and Cesare Borgia's relationship in The Borgias?
Consider a man. A dangerous man; perhaps the most dangerous man in the world. A man for hire, well-versed in death and spycraft and making things happen for the rich and the powerful. And one day—one day that dangerous man meets a powerful man, a powerful man he chooses to serve, to do terrible bloody work for. Anything and everything the powerful man asks, the dangerous man does, to the point where the powerful man trusts the dangerous man implicitly, without instruction or specification. To the point where the dangerous man becomes an extension of his will, of his self.
Until one day, the dangerous man is asked to do something so horrific, he can't bear to work for the powerful man anymore, and he walks away.
And the powerful man lets him.
God, does that not sound exactly like Elliot's history with Moreau? Have any Leverage season 4 aficionados ever wanted to see what that service looked like, from both sides?
Well, here's your chance. And truly, Micheletto (here, our Elliot analogue) and Cesare's (Moreau) relationship bookends the whole show; shapes it; makes all things possible and delivers something meaningful and emotional and horrific, all the same.
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soov · 1 month
Aphrodite’s favorite son, 𝐏ark 𝐒unghoon, was flawless in every aspect. From looks to personality and reputation, all seemed to make him the epitome of perfection. However, there was one thing that he didn’t master: fighting. This is the story of Sunghoon’s downfall in a capture the flag game, or worse — him getting saved by one of Hades’ kids.
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“SCOOBY GANG” : the most popular friend group in chb. the oracle once said they are a boy band in another universe...?
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𔓕 PARK SUNGHOON! & his priv @ heartmiuccia
 aphrodite’s favorite child and the olympus’ most cherished demigod. loves prada, anything fashionable, and doing his skin care routine. falls in love too easily and with too many different people.
 son of zeus and cocona’s older brother. thinks he’s really funny for calling most gods his siblings since... they are technically his siblings. no one finds it funny, though.
 son of athena. head of the chess club that he founded. learned how to play most instruments with sunoo (he says jay is really gifted with musical knowledge).
 son of poseidon. absolutely DESPERATE for a sibling, and updates his bio daily. his dad was more present in his life than any other demigod’s... blame poseidon for being madly in love with his wife for decades.
 son of apollo. head of his cabin and the most skilled when it comes to healing. natural blond who always cuts sunghoon off when he says they’re twins.
 son of iris. has helped many demigods to come out by making rainbows with the colors of their flags show up on top of their heads (made them venmo him cash later). #0 gojo satoru stan who claims that he met his mom.
𔓕 NiSHiMURA RiKi! ( Ni-Ki )
 son of nike. fed up with the jokes about “niki and nike”, him wearing nikes slash his mom, her not being creative with his nickname, and so on. he’s considering squaring up against people since he’s going to win, either way.
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past 𓏸 archive 𓏸 future
GENRE opposites attract, percy jackson au, smau | PAiRiNG park sunghoon & f!reader
© SOOV, 2O24.
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genevawrenn · 8 months
I'm back because q!Fit is hurting my soul again.
He went from a mission and no one to having a son, a boyfriend who adores affectionately tormenting him, and several other islanders who would fight at his side if he needed help.
This man comes from a land where trusting someone could equal your death and the loss of all your hard-earned progress to a place they need one another to survive.
And those walls dropped quickly when it became outside evils intending to murder their children, needing to band together to even survive Quesadilla Island.
Assigned a child and learning to love him, Ramon was the first being to break the anarchist's shell. Allowing the smallest amount of light through to a long shaded heart, feeling the warmth of the tiniest pinprick of brightness that began to melt the ice formed around the organ covered in ancient wounds.
Protecting any youth even if they weren't your own, he found kinship in the eyes of a paranoid old blonde crow. He found reassurance and patience in the form of a beautiful man with nightsky hair who enchanted him slowly, waiting all the time he needed. He found whimsy following a sun-kissed brunette sprint through the server intent on building his factory who made him laugh with his antics.
Many, many more friends, far too many to even name which is something Fit never thought would happen.
He found people who cared, and asked nothing in return.
He found love. He found a family.
From a place of nothing; not even peaceful butterflies or shining fireflies among the lava casts and destroyed landscapes. The only insects were things that fed on decay and could blend into their surroundings all others far too easy a target and having died out long ago.
On this wonderful, healing new land Fit had found a harmony he never felt before. He found people who wanted to celebrate his birthday and shower him with gifts, begging him to let them protect him too.
He found a place he belonged and was missed in his absence. He found a place where his legacy wouldn't be reduced to a single line on the communicator if anything happened. People here made their chest warm with joy instead of dread, his soul so full of amazing memories in only eleven moons.
He found people who cared. And he's going to fight like fucking hell to keep them but now with the people he loves most at his side, refusing to leave him ever again.
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calxia · 1 year
By chance do you have any thoughts on Aether and Phantom or anything with Phantom and the older ghouls? I'm quite curious to see your take on it.
I still have yet to give my anonymous self a name.
- Curious Nameless Anon
One day I'll actually learn how to control myself when writing asks but that day is not today so have almost 1k of build-up to Phantom meeting Omega for the first time Anon!
Phantom’s not very good at his quintessence magic.
He was summoned from the pit during a time when there were no quintessence ghouls in the abbey to teach him, and even back in the pit his magic had only just settled into being. There was Swiss, who knew some basic quintessence skills, but Phantom couldn’t ask him about it after the rough start he had with the others. It was fine. Phantom handled having little control of his magic just fine.
Like yeah sometimes he would accidentally jolt people with pure quintessence if they got too close, and yeah, he couldn’t even heal a papercut or slightly ease a headache, but he managed. He’d never accidentally scorched someone with it and he’d never melted someone’s brain accidentally so it was all good. And sure, he couldn’t really switch off the whole quintessence empath thing but it was only overwhelming some of the time. He had been handling it just fine for the tour anyway so who cared if he couldn’t do what others could?
Copia apparently.
When they returned from the tour for their winter break all the band ghouls got assigned their chores, but instead of getting a chore assigned Phantom was pulled into Copia’s office. Papa looked exhausted from the tour and seemed like he had aged 10 years from where he was sitting hunched over at his desk. The young ghoul stood in front of him nervously playing with his tail. He was too anxious to sit down. Why had only he been called into Papa’s office? And why did everyone else get their assigned chores but not him?
“Do you know why I’ve called you into my office Phantom?” asked Copia. The ghoul shook his head briskly and shifted anxiously where he stood.
“Normally, quintessence ghouls will help out in the medical wing while not touring,” started Papa,” However am I right in saying that you do not have the skills or experience to be of any use there?”
Phantom tucked his head down in shame. He knew that he wasn’t useful to the clergy outside of being a kind of decent guitarist, but Copia saying it out loud made it hurt even more. He was hardly even a good ghoul, let alone a good quintessence ghoul. He couldn’t even do the basic skills that most quint kits could do because he’d never had anyone to teach him in the pit.
“Aether and Omega are due back next week, so you will be put on cleaning duty until then and they will train you when you return. We need to get you all trained up before the higher-ups realise you are unskilled, si?” Copia said.
He froze. He’d heard so much about the older quintessence ghouls in their absence. He had been summoned to take over for Aether after a tuberculosis outbreak had decimated one of their sister chapels and the two elder ghouls had been sent over to help tend to the sick and dying. They had already left the ministry before he’d taken his first breath surface side so he had never met them. They were highly respected and loved by the clergy, and even more respected and loved by the current and past band ghouls. Phantom had been present for many of Special’s rambling speeches about how much he missed Omega and how Omega was one of his favourite ghouls.
He was nervous about studying under two such renowned ghouls, but it was necessary. If the higher-ups found out just how useless he is he’d be sent back to the pit no matter how well he played. He could only hope that they would be kind and patient with him.
The week passed quickly. Phantom spent his time flitting between his cleaning duty and practising what little he could do with his magic. He’d gotten to the point where he could form little harmless sparks of magic across his body, but this was hardly useful in the long run. The band quarters were empty. Everyone was busy greeting their returning pack members but Phantom had elected to stay in his lonely room. Why should he go and disrupt the reunions when he had never met them before?
A sharp knock echoed through his room, and Phantom paused where he was idly strumming on his guitar in thought. All the ghouls should have been celebrating the return of the quintessence ghouls so why was someone knocking on his door? He placed the guitar on his bed before opening his door.
A tall broad ghoul blocked the doorway. He rippled with millennia-old wisdom and power, yet still had a somewhat calming and kind air to him. Phantom shrunk back a little and peered up at the other through his salt and pepper fringe.
“They warned me that you were young, but they didn’t quite tell me that you were barely old enough to be separated from your birth pack.” Stated the ghoul, his voice rich and velvety in a soothing way.
“No wonder you don’t know any quintessence control then Kid.”
At that statement, he lifted his hand to let it rest between Phantom’s horns. The younger relaxed under the soft, familial touch and rumbled out a quiet purr. The larger ghoul chuckled and started to run his fingers through the soft curls.
“Don’t worry, me and Aether will make sure you learn everything you’ll ever need to know kit.” And with that Aether let the smallest trickle of quintessence touch Phantom and watched all the tension drain from his form.
Omega may not have been around for the quintessence ghoul’s first few months, but he sure as hell was going to make sure that such a sweet ghoul would be treated well from that point onwards.
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hanna-lulu · 2 years
i’ve been comparing the usa now to germany circa the late 1930s and it is not a favorable comparison.
let’s see what we’ve got:
increasing antisemitism
increasing transphobia
increasing ableism
continued oppression of indigenous peoples
laws being introduced to ban gender-affirming care and remove children from their homes if they are allowed to live as they wish
books being banned for having honest and age-appropriate portrayals of race/racism and queerness/homophobia
pushing maid (medical assistance in dying) on people with disabilities and even people who are just poor (this is more in canada but i’m including it here anyway)
a right wing that is seen as ridiculous and absurd, yet is somehow still managing to hold onto power while liberals/leftists laugh it off as if they’ll run out of steam
it’s important to note that in the 1930s, when hitler came to power, the international community thought he was a joke. his overblown rhetoric was silly, his history was laughable, and nobody took him seriously. they thought it would all blow over. also, he wasn’t saying anything that a lot of people didn’t secretly agree with. antisemitism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, and racism were widespread throughout europe and the usa, and a lot of people had less of a problem with what he was saying and more with how he was saying it. (think kanye west’s antisemitic comments, which joe rogan did attempt to stop him from making so blatantly, but didn’t actually disagree with.)
the first medical and educational facility for gender affirming care was in berlin. did you know that? the institut für sexualwissenschaft (known variably in english as institute of sex research, institute of/for sexology, or institute for the science of sexuality) was founded in 1919 and headed by magnus hirschfeld, who was both gay and jewish. he helped build a library in the institute that was dedicated to the topics of gender, eroticism, and same-sex love. the research undertaken there regarded sexual health of all people, gay, transgender, and intersex, as well as counseling and treatment for alcoholism, gynecological issues, venereal diseases, contraceptives, and more. sexual reassignment surgeries were performed successfully there. the goal was to help those who were suffering because they could not live as who they truly were and to educate the common people, because people fear what they see as different, what they cannot understand.
you won’t find the books in that library today. they were burned as part of the nazis’ campaign of terror and censorship. in 1933, 6 years before world war 2 officially broke out, the institut was broken into and looted by the deutsche studentenschaft (aka the german student union). young adults who had spent their formative years surrounded by hateful rhetoric were accompanied by a brass band as they destroyed this oasis of understanding and knowledge. hirschfeld himself had fled germany years before, as he had been targeted numerous times by nationalists/far right “activists”.
berlin once had a thriving queer community. germany was a home to many jews, my own great-grandparents included. my great-grandmother’s younger brother had a learning disability. their home turned on them out of fear and ignorance, the people told by their leaders that other human beings were not really human, but degenerate filth. my great-grandparents escaped with their lives. many– my great-grandma’s brother included– did not.
the concentration camps that imprisoned and killed so many jewish, queer, and/or disabled people (as well as romani and political prisoners, and japanese-americans IN THE USA) are not consigned to the past. our prison system disenfranchises those who are placed in it and uses them for unpaid labor. refugees are caged for daring to hope that our country– the so-called “land of the free”– would take them in when their homes turned on them. indigenous people are ridiculed and attacked for wanting to help our planet heal and for asking to conserve the land that was stolen from their ancestors. almost a hundred years since the holocaust, and we still haven’t learned.
don’t look away from this. it’s not going to blow over. those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it, and we are already experiencing a resurgence of fascist beliefs and rhetoric.
write to your representatives. VOTE. protest if and when you can. show them that we are HERE and we refuse to be written out of the history books, banned or burned away. we are human beings. we live and love and deserve to do so with dignity.
and if appealing to your humanity isn’t enough, remember this poetic version of a quote by german lutheran pastor martin niemöller, an early nazi collaborator and antisemite who later changed his views and opposed hitler’s oppressive regime:
“first they came for the socialists, and i did not speak out–
because i was not a socialist.
then they came for the trade unionists, and i did not speak out–
because i was not a trade unionist.
then they came for the jews, and i did not speak out–
because i was not a jew.
then they came for me– and there was no one left to speak for me.”
there is always another enemy in fascism. anyone who is different will eventually be a target. white supremacy is poison, and fitting the mold of a “perfect citizen” cannot keep you safe. queer infighting and pushing down people who you find “too weird” will not stop the people who hate all of us. to the far right, we are all wrong to our very cores. solidarity in the face of oppression is the only way to survive, live, and thrive.
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chipchopclipclop · 1 year
love ur baldurs gate 3 oc so much. idk anything about the game but i genuinely likes him. i wish hes a real character bc i would buy the game for him
thank you anon i know this message is weeks old but ily and also im going to use this ask as an excuse to dump information about him now (swagdor lore (swaglore)) for anyone who cares
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general stuff;
hes 49 years old as of game time
necromancy wizard, learned scholar, heavy interest in the boundaries between life and death and undeath, researching different types of resurrection unrelated to god worship (just not a big fan of asking for favours yknow)
stoic even keeled personality, reacts neutrally or stone faced to most things (this does not mean hes uncaring, hes got a curious nature). he used to be very showy and loud when he was younger, he finds that now very embarrassing
used to be a leader of an adventuring band in his 20s, fell apart when his group were defeated in battle leaving him lone survivor, wasnt a necromancer back then
has a distinct lack of self regard, half of him believes he'll be more of use untethered to the chain of mortality (undead in some fashion, or just thinking his corpse more functionally useful) the other half is just still struggling with survivors guilt (lol)
wanders around looking for old crypts and tombs to help his arcane pursuits, do-good's alot accidentally while he does, though most people get scared of him when he reveals the necromancy magic so hes got a mixed reputation (has some sort of misnomer like The Specter of so-and-so that wyll probably recognizes and laughs about)
will go along with just about anything if it amuses him, and has a weird sense of humour. hard to catch off guard or fluster, he yes-and's people alot to see how far they'll go with something or out bluff them (sometimes this causes them to try and beat the shit out of him)
truthful about his feelings when asked, but rarely volunteers his thoughts on things of his own accord, this gives him a weirdly mysterious image at first to most people
treats his raised corpses with care befitting living beings outside combat, and used to even raise some for company even if they were functionally just puppets.
he likes skeletons more than zombies (smell…)
his fake in game quest line is called 'The Wandering Necromancer' and involves inquiring about his old adventuring days of times past and learning why he's so into skeletons. He eventually reveals his past and you can bring up his groups old misadventures (oh my god you were the backstreet boys???) and he is very embarrassed by it. He reveals his group was felled by a lich, and he never found their bodies so hes always been curious on a way to speak with them again somehow.
plot continues BLAH BLAH eventually you find out that lich is still around and swagdor's old friends are now in its undead service so you go to kill it <3 but on the way he considers if he should take the lich's place so he can have his old companions around again (even if they're in his undead service) and try to give them some semblance of new twisted life again. You either help him with the preparations (yay phylacterys) or go bro you need to Move On. Man. and instead choose to release their souls when the lich is killed.
swagdor is stronger as a lich but also becomes even more detached from concepts of mortality (his sense of danger is basically nill now regarding others... its okay if u die ill bring u back somehow :) <- unnerving smile) and also all his dead friends are talking to him in his ear so he's constantly got a sense of being away from everything.
unliched swagdor moves on properly and begins The Healing Process (better late than never king) and seems more present in current ongoings, finding a place he can really set his feet. He's also less obsessed with death but sees his necromancy instead as a means to help and speak with wayward souls of the dead.
useless trivia corner: his names swagdor bc i based him off an old div2 oc i made when i was playing that game with aqua, where i used one of the randomly generated names they gave me and put the word swag into it (lol) i now am using his div2 swagdor's adventures as a semi basis for his new bg3 versions background thats why his younger versions outfit is based off that one captain armour set i never took off in that game
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btspeedfreaxx · 2 months
I realize it’s been a while. I sincerely apologize. Life has just been so busy… and I think I speak on behalf of all my BT/DZ brethren, sisteren and non-binary friends when I say that it truly hasn’t been the same without either Acchan and Issay in this world.
How has it already been a year-?! Today especially has been very very rough. However much I have healed since perhaps one of the 2 worst days of my life… here today it feels like all that grief, loss and regret came flooding back to me. Like it just happened. Yet in the blink of an eye, it’s now been a full year since we lost Issay.💔 just the mere thought of that makes me want to cry… yet I’ve out poured so many tears over him… that it’s to the point where it psychically hurts today. Nothing comes out, And yet they don’t stop. Ever since that day, I’ve never stopped thinking about him. Or Acchan. Both are forever my eternal heroes.♾️🥹
It’s thanks to Atsushi that Issay saved my life. I’d known about his existence for quite some time, but never payed much attention to him. Until the last stretch of 2021, stretched into the start of 2022.
**Trigger warning folks- I want to tell my story… but this gets dark. So if you want to skip ahead, I completely understand. But in short form… I’d somehow managed to crawl out of the abyss from a 4 year battle with addiction that almost k!lled me. I don’t want to go into details- but during that time I did many awful things. To my family who were just trying to help; to the few friends from highschool that I managed to keep with me, who I then pushed away. When I realized what I had done, I found myself in an abyss, even darker than the last. It was extremely lonely- I felt so numb, isolated, and distant from the world. Like I was floating. I almost didn’t make it.
But within this abyss, I got to know Issay. And I fell head over heels in love with this endlessly fascinating and charismatic man, who was so Unapologetic about who he was, and seemed to share so much in common with my own self. So much of our views on life were the same. Reading about his story… about how he came to write Matsu Uta. It’s amazing how an artist who doesn’t even know you exist can strike you where you feel it most- for somehow his lyrics for Matsu Uta spoke exactly to how I felt in that time. I’d found a new saviour. Which is why I chose to sing Matsu Uta above.⏫ it made me realize that I wasn’t alone. That I wasn’t a burden to my parents or anyone.
“I’ve been here since some time ago
Staying here, sleeping in a standstill
People pass me by
The wind passes me by too
Dreams? Despair? Or is it hope?
I wait for you…
I’m just waiting for you
A plethora of times pass me by
A plethora of dreams pass me by
Flickering shadows keep dancing
While I simply stand defenseless
I just want to stand here and wait
I wait for you…
I’m just waiting for you”
(*lyrics translated by Yoshiyuki and taken from their site ;p),
It’s because of that song, because of Issay that I saw a light. And it kept me going, bit by bit. One small baby step at a time. And even when I stumbled back- I now had both he and Acchan’s bodies of art and music to catch my fall, and to comfort my wounds whenever I needed solace. Had it not been for either of these bands, especially Der Zibet at that time, I would not be here today.
Acchan and Issay didn’t just save my life, through them they changed my life, and transformed me into a far better person than I was back then. even after their psychical passings- I feel I still continue to learn more and transcend my inner self, through their legacies of which I swore to carry out, and through every single fan/person who knew them personally. Who continue to do nothing but outpour in love and praise for the 2 of them. For how genuinely compassionate and caring about the world they were. Their “love story” truly opened my eyes towards my own views on life, love and what it could mean.
So Acchan, Issay… if you are somehow reading this. From the bottom of my heart- since I’ll never have the chance sadly to say this to you both in real life. Thank you, so much. 🥹🌸🖤🦇🥀✨♾️ I hope and pray wherever it is you 2 are. You’re at peace. And you are where music and love are up there.
In the meantime, with whatever time I may have left here on earth- I vow that I will never ever shut up. About either of you. 🖤 I love and miss you both so much.♾️🥹 forever and always.
🌈✨ see you over the rainbow someday. Thank you all for reading. Please take care… cherish all that you love. And live life to the fullest that you can.
🦇🥀 rest in power my beloved count. A forever legend to me. Always. https://youtu.be/DY0rVs3pT9A?si=ccO-KWJ-rLJsvZUV
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yay855 · 1 year
Honestly I do like how Warcraft initially had Orcs be generic evil monsters, only to turn around and say they were victims of the literal demons causing these wars just as much if not more so than the humans, Dwarves, and Elves... and then the humans, dwarves, and elves turned around and literally enslaved the orcs long enough for their demonic taint to fully fade, by which point nearly all of the Orcs had lost all sense of cultural identity and no longer had a homeland to return to. So they managed to free themselves and fucked off across the ocean to another continent entirely, settling down in a literal desert and finding out that there were several other races the humans didn’t care for or just didn’t bother helping, the Trolls were considered nothing but monsters and the Tauren were nearly going extinct thanks to Centaur aggression, so the Orcs, still reeling from their loss of identity and all but the oldest among them having been born slaves, chose to help these people. The Darkspear Trolls were welcomed into the Barrens with open arms and the Tauren given military and material aid against the Centaurs- and then a group of undead managed to break free of the Lich King’s clutches and regain their mental freedom and senses of identity, and the Horde welcomed them in too! Maybe not with love, the Forsaken are a pretty gloomy people who use biological warfare with gusto, but still allies.
The Orcs did fight with the Night Elves from time to time, but that’s because the Orcs lived in a freaking desert and a savannah and desperately needed wood to build homes and light fires for cooking and such, and the Night Elves chose to go to war over their forests being cut down instead of, say, help the Orcs learn about druidic magic and teach them how to upgrade their new home’s environment so they don’t have to intrude upon Night Elf territory.
And basically every conflict between the Alliance and Horde since then has been caused by the humans and their allies refusing to let bygones be bygones and accept that the Orcs were betrayed and forcibly turned into monsters but have since healed and only seek stability now.
...and then Blizzard turns Garrosh Hellscream, son of the man who freed the Orcs from their demonic enslavement, into a bloodthirsty villain who waged war for the sake of waging war and who accidentally murdered the leader of the Tauren.
Then they made Vol’jin, the wise and compassionate leader of the Darkspear Trolls and personal friend to Thrall, leader for literally a single expansion before killing him off in an opening cutscene.
And then they turned Sylvanas, a former High Elf turned banshee turned queen of the Forsaken and an extreme pragmatist seeking only to protect her new people from those who see them as nothing but unnatural monsters, into the villain by having her become the new warchief of the Horde, and then blame her for things her new political opponent did with glee but now speaks out against as if it was all her fault, as well as meaningless babble about honor from a man with none. Now she’s fucked off to who knows where, abandoning her post and the people she fought so hard to protect.
I just... the Horde’s story was one of persecuted minorities banding together for mutual protection and support against human aggression, but they’re still treated like the aggressors and the villains in every expansion, and their iconic characters are all killed off with no (good) new ones introduced in turn. Meanwhile the Alliance’s golden boy Anduin Wrynn went from a spoiled brat of a prince to a grown man and genuine leader, the three Dwarven clans have made efforts to reunify under one banner while the former King Bronzebeard has become an avatar of Azeroth itself, the Night Elven leaders are now both present and still alive, and even Gilneas is part of the Alliance despite their centuries-long isolation. And also the gnomes are there, but they never really played a major part in the story to begin with. Meanwhile the Alliance has allied with elves who use void magic (which, in this universe, is as bad as demonic fel magic, just with less of an awful reputation because the Void Lords are more subtle and are playing a longer game than the Burning Legion), abandoned their longstanding allies the High Elves for dipping into Fel magic to stay alive, and the Nightborne (literally a faction of Night Elves who were enslaved to demons for a time) allied with the Horde despite both factions helping them.
I just... at every turn the alliance is praised and upheld as being righteous for waging war with their former slaves, while the Horde is depicted as evil and backstabbing despite having been founded and lead by persecuted peoples seeking community and understanding from one another. But if you actually look at their actions as a faction rather than just their leaders’ personalities, the Alliance is instigating conflicts with races who would mostly be fine with opening negotiations, even if they don’t really trust the Alliance due to a long history of oppression and genocide. And the Horde’s leaders undergo character death or literal death to keep having them be the villains, even when the Horde’s actual populace and military fight those characters too! The Alliance’s new allies are ones of convenience, half of whom would (and in the case of the Dark Iron Dwarves, did) backstab them in any other circumstances, while the Horde take in refugees and victims to help them recover. Blizzard keeps trying to have it be both ways, to have the Alliance be the righteous heroes and the Horde be monstrous villains, while still having the Alliance be racist colonizers and the Horde be victims of the Alliance and the burning legion.
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bambsik · 1 year
Time for Helen Amell's dynamics with her team! Of course I could add everywhere: It was difficult at first and it's complicated, so I'm writing it here to not repeat myself
Morrigan: I wrote a separate post about them here because they're awesome. So, long story short, they're best friends now and would die for each other. I can only add that in my canon they both learned spirit healing magic from Wynne, because they both have to admit now that these stupid people they travel and fight with are important and they need to take care of their stupid health (and also each other). So they are both growing as a person. 
Leliana: That’s actually interesting because when I created Helen, I thought she was gonna romance Leliana. But she looked at her and simply said: No. Not the crazy chantry lady. Plz no. Helen likes her, but can’t take her seriously because of the whole Maker thing. She sees that Leliana would want to get closer, but that just won’t work. They have too different worldviews.
Dog: Spider is of course best friend of Helen’s :) She loves him from the first sight and is amazed that he chose her. From having nothing in the Circle Tower to have A DOG FRIEND? The best feeling ever.
Zevran: When she saw Zevran lying on the ground and begging her to take him into her crew, she just thought: yeah, he matches this band of idiots. And she was right. After the first untrust was overcome, she discovered that she really likes listening to his stories. That she likes the way he talks, even if she’s not really comfortable with the flirting part. But she sees his approach to people as some kind of defense mechanism. So she’s not taking it seriously. They’re definitely friends, sometimes it gets very cringy or awkward, but they’re friends.
Wynne: Helen and Wynne have probably the worst relationship of all. Like, it’s not bad, but it’s very one-sided, because Wynne would like to be friends and all, but Helen sees her only as some old Circle mage, who has problems with some spirit and her health. Helen wanted her to leave even, when she and Morrigan learned the spirit healing magic, but Wynne pressed to stay. So she is here, but she is kinda and outsider. At least to Helen.
Sten: This is probably the most surprising to Helen, I swear. She opened the cage mostly because of Morrigan’s suggestion (also, having some big ass warrior in the party while fighting darkspawn could be quite useful, no?), and this grim qunari guy was the first to become her friend. Like??? The more she was mean to him, the more he seemed to like her. Of course she found a way to piss him off by asking too many questions, but still. She doesn’t understand what’s going on in terms of their friendship, but she’s kinda grateful for it. It’s interesting, for sure. 
Shale: Golem friend! Helen treats Shale with sympathy. Can’t say they’re besties, but definitely like each other's company. They find each other very interesting. 
Oghren: As I mentioned before, Helen learns a lot from Oghren, mostly in terms of human relations and being carefree. The way he has this easy approach to almost everything… Total opposite of Helen. They don’t agree on everything, but definitely like each other. They do these drinking nights when they can, there's a lot of talking, singing, making stupid jokes. Little sunshine in the middle of the Plague. Also, Oghren helped Helen to develop that romantic side of her, by being definitely not romantic at all. 
Alistair: I put him last because this is the most interesting to me. I didn’t expect ANYTHING that happened in this relationship. 
So, he didn’t make a bad first impression, but connection to templars gave him minus points at the beginning. They fought together and there was a distance, but it wasn’t bad, but then he just dumped all the responsibility on her. Like, she was lost, first time this far after they took her to Circle, not to mention this Grey Warden chaos and everything. And then he questioned her decisions, he was furious even! So there was lots of arguing, crying and things like that.
But slowly, as the time passed, they both saw a different side of each other. The crucial points to their relationship was the Fade, where Helen saw Alistair was her friend in his vision, and then turning back to Ostagar. 
She definitely started seeing him as someone different. More vulnerable and someone not so religious as she first thought. Someone who just wanted to have a family, who craved having someone close to him, who lost his father figure and a friend. Someone with a hard past, just like hers. And later, when Oghren joined, she saw that innocent side of Alistair. And she liked it. 
Slowly, their mocking each other became awkward flirting. 
So, when Plague almost reached Denerim and there was Landsmeet coming, she said: I don’t care anymore. And kissed this asshole. And realized that he’s an idiot, but her idiot. 
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experimentjr · 2 years
Hildr’s backstory
HEEEEY!!! Let’s start the Valkyries backstories, starting from the support group, it’s Hildr’s time. Really hope you all like it cuz it took a lot of time to make but keep in mind that this is a “short” version of her backstory and I want to illustrate it as well as the others and, it would help me a lot if you could become a Patreon, since I will post it first there.
Now onto the backstory!!!
Since little, both her and her sister Brunhilda knew they were special. With an ease to befriend any folklore creature, the two lived alone with their mother, far from any other human contact. It was only when, at 15/16, Brunhilda was kidnapped by beings that reminded of trolls and came back as one of them, that they discovered their true potential: to turn into any folklore creature. Their mum then explains to them that both had come from a special family and that their father was a terrible man whose desire to control all forest creatures birthed them two.
Hildr was a kind and nice soul and to hear that about their father made her feel sick and with a bad feeling about him, her sister, on the other hand, couldn't help but feel a shiver of excitement and a desire to learn more about her gift. So, in an argument Brunhilda had with her mother, the girl decided that she was going to go out to find her father and told Hildr if she would stay with her mother or if she would go with her. The pressure of having to choose between the two people she loved the most was so much that she just kept hyperventilating, her eyes going from her mother to Brunhilda until she fell to her knees, closing her eyes and her hands on her head. Brunhilda knew that such a choice was too much for her sister and decided to go alone in search of answers, leaving her mother and sister at home. A few seconds passed between her fall and Brunhilda's departure when her mother hugged her and sighed to herself to follow her sister and keep her safe, then she went to the bedroom and brought her an amulet and a bottle with something ornate on both of them: “Lifðu án ótta” (live with no fear) and “lækna þá sem þurfa” (heal those in need) respectively. Her mother wrapped the bottle in a band and placed it around her neck. As for the amulet, she said it was for her sister and told her to follow her.
Hildr left the house with two bags of food and water and ran to Brunhilda. Her sister seemed happy to see that she had followed her and with supplies, as it had been such a stupid idea to leave without taking anything. The smaller sister then put the amulet around her sister's neck, "Mum said it's for luck" she said. The two then traveled across the country in search of their father, passing through various villages, cities and kingdoms, being impressed by all kinds of creatures and civilizations, going through ups and downs, as well as joining more and more creature forms and knowing more about the history of magical beings but, due to certain events, Hildr decided that it would be better for them not to show their folklore forms. As time passed, the girl saw more and more violence and cruelty while the bigger sister cared only about power.
While looking for more magical creatures and more information about their father, the two pass by a witch who is saved by them and, as a reward, teaches them about the ways of magic and how to use it. More and more Hildr was leaning to forest creatures and their healing spells while Brunhilda was leaning to large creatures and their offensive spells. After a few months, the witch says that Hildr was adapting to magic extremely easily and her sister would make a great familiar, so said that they could help take her village from a vile jarl but Brunhilda decides to help only when Hildr begs her to do so and the witch says they might find something about what they're looking for.
Together, the three set out for Hexental, the witches' village, to take it for themselves and dethrone the jarl. Upon arriving in the big city, Hildr and Brunhilda feel that Hexental had an absurd amount of magic in the air, and the witch explains that before, this place was a meeting place for several folkloric beings as it was the resting place of an ancient giant who long since passed away by the great god Thor. Not knowing who this Thor was or what a god was, the two receive an incredulous look from the witch and give them a brief explanation about the god of thunder, making Brunhilda even more excited to know more, and Hildr afraid and scared with the explanation about Thor. The witch would explain more after the jarl's defeat and asked how they were going to go from here. Hildr wanted a more subtle and secretive approach, but long term but Brunhilda didn't want to listen to her sister and headed towards the jarl's longhouse. Obviously Hildr couldn't let her sister attack an army alone, so she followed along with the witch. Her sister seemed to have been born to battle and did so with such ease that she resembled a war goddess, but Hildr could never stand to see violence and witnessing such an act had always been in extreme circumstances.
Despite the girls' efforts, they were arrested and taken to the jarl. Hildr knew it had been a bad idea and didn't know what Brunhilda had in her head to jump headfirst into an army until they were facing the jarl, where when he asks about what they came to do in his realm and recognizes the witch , Hildr discovers her sister’s plan and tries to stop her just about as Brunhilda transforms into an ogress and dethrones the jarl on the spot, scaring the soldiers around her and taking the village for her own. Hildr turns her face to the scene and is in disbelief that her sister acted in such a way against another living being, let alone one like them, a human. The witch is static because she didn't know that Brunhilda could become a magical being but, given to how easy they were with magic, it made sense. She looks at Hildr as she was sure the smaller sister also had the same power. Hildr yelled at Brunhilda as she sat on the jarl's throne, asking if she had any idea what she had done and, to her sister's answer, explained to her that a jarl was not a king, but someone who led a village under the name of a king. Brunhilda says they would see it later because what was done was done. Hildr says that would "bite them" later.
The news of the jarl's death spread through the village like wildfire on a dry day, and the name of the village's new leaders flowed through the mouths of the citizens: Brunhilda and Hildr. After that, several citizens crowded in front of the longhouse demanding an explanation. Brunhilda had never been good at speeches and was extremely misunderstood when she said that she "killed your jarl for you". The citizens were enraged, uttering slander and promises to arrest and even burn them, drawing an equally aggressive reaction from Brunhilda, and had it not been for both Hildr and the witch to calm the people down and explain the situation, it would have ended in another fight, this time including the entire city and only calmed them down as the witch in question was none other than the strategist of the jarl who had disappeared months ago. The witch explained to the citizens how corrupt the jarl was and how he used the people's silver for his own benefit. She then showed how precarious their village was in many ways and how even the village's defense was so flawed that in the last few months, several attacks had taken place and that had allowed them to enter and dethrone the jarl, then ended up asking if they would really want a man who didn't care about them ruling over them. The citizens were slowly beginning to understand the danger they were in and how the arrival of the girls actually saved them.
Despite the distrust of some citizens, a party for Brunhilda and Hildr was held to give thanks for the jarl's defeat. While they were drinking and partying, Hildr asked about the witch not telling her that she was the jarl's right-hand man and the witch retorted that they also hid the fact that they were of special bloodline. Hildr doesn't understand what she's talking about, so the witch calls her into a room inside the common house and opens a bookcase like a door, to take her up several flights of stairs until they reach a gigantic cave where witches would’ve made their coven, the skeleton of the ancient giantess still intact, now covered by the geology, fauna and flora of the cave. The witch introduced her to the coven of Vanæsvölvas. As she descends the stairs, the witch explains to Hildr that witches are the followers of the first users of magic, the ones they call the Æsir and Vanir, the gods, and that despite their efforts, humans only managed to replicate nature's magic poorly, but the gods, they could use it as they saw fit, and had passed on such skill to a few, both she and Brunhilda being those few.
Hildr couldn't believe what she’d just heard. She knew he was special on her father's part, but she didn't know she came directly from supernatural beings. In fact, what were gods? The question the girl had asked a few hours ago finally began to be answered. The witch explained everything she knew about who the gods were, what they did, their enemies and their motives. From the god of thunder to the god of hunting and finally, as it passed on the wall of the individual in question, the allfather, the one who reigned above any being, Odin. The realization of what the witch thought was sacred and worthy of worship scared Hildr, but the fact that she had so much knowledge about this special group made her curious and accepted to join their group when the witch asked her to join. The two continued for a while longer walking through the coven and learning about the history of witches (how the magic of humans were taught by the goddess Freyja and that’s why they are also called Freyjabarn) and some magic that was being used throughout the cave, until they remembered the party and would have to go back so as not to raise any suspicions. Before they returned to the community house, Hildr was sure that Brunhilda could not know about this as her lust for power could lead to catastrophic results.
Back at the place, the girls are surprised by Brunhilda, who was waiting for them, sitting in an office chair facing the bookcase they came from. Scared, Hildr tried to come up with an excuse but realized she was completely intoxicated by alcohol and had fallen asleep sitting up. This had been a relief to her sister, but the witch found it odd that Hildr didn't want to tell her sister the truth and why come up with an apology, since she should know too. Hildr explained to the witch how Brunhilda would not be fit to receive such knowledge as she would want it for herself so Hildr would do everything she could to keep her from having knowledge of the coven. Within weeks, the girls had already decided to stay there (mostly because of Hildr's pleas to stay) and start a new life.
Time passed and more people were receiving the idea of ​​the new jarls in a very positive way, or at least, Hildr, since it was she who had the political skills to do so because, in addition to learning from the witches, she was always open-minded for the new and different, meanwhile, her sister wielded military power and was equally feared as respected for her astounding strength. The case of the ogress form that she had taken a few years ago was nothing more than rumors and legends that Hildr and the witch had spread with the help of the convent and that Brunhilda accepted to maintain order in the village and also that would help her to spread her name throughout the country as a living legend, which caught the attention of a soon to be living legend: Sigurd, who had not yet killed Fafnir.
Upon learning of Brunhilda's divine strength, Sigurd, who had tried before to kill the beast and failed, came to ask Hildr's sister to help him kill the beast and, if he succeeded, she would receive a large share of the gold the dragon kept. More out of a desire to end a mythological being than for gold, the bigger sister accepted right away, but Hildr, who was really the one giving the orders, gave them a day to think about it. The witch, who had now turned her right arm, said that they were low on gold on account of Queen Gudrun, who demanded a percentage of her village’s gold in exchange for “protection” and that it would be a good idea. What happened later was an intense argument between the sisters, as Brunhilda felt that she did not have the same power in the village as her sister and that she had felt that for years. Hildr thought she was crazy and insulted her, resulting in her sister slapping Hildr hard across the face. Even though Brunhilda immediately regretted it, the damage was already done.
The next day, Brunhilda and Sigurd had left for the dragon's lair without their sister's farewell or even her blessing. What Hildr didn't know was that this would be the last time they would ever see each other. The news of the dragon's death, along with a huge amount of gold, arrived in a caravan weeks later with a note from Brunhilda that she was going to spend extra time with Sigurd. The jarla wanted to see her sister, but she understood that the fight they had would not be easily forgotten and besides, she needed to focus on her witch training and her village, but she would not handle what was to come a few months later: the death of her sister at the hands of Gudrun, now known as the ogre slayer.
The news of her sister's death came through Sigurd, who had been saved by Brunhilda, and who only carried her amulet with him. The news shook her sister to such an extent that she could no longer lead the village, but her mourning for Brunhilda's death was short-lived as word had arrived that Gudrun's army was heading towards Hexental. Hildr had to make a quick decision, so he gave the order to evacuate the city to everyone who didn't want to die, which many accepted immediately, while others decided to stay and fight for what was theirs. Sigurd was one of them as he owed a debt to Brunhilda, who had had an affair with her during their time together. Before the big day, Hildr spent most of her time in the coven, contemplating the pictures of the witches before walking through the main hall and stopping in front of the statue of Odin and Freyja and starting to fiddle with the bottle she had been given by her mother and her sister's amulet that was now around her neck. The girl, weeping, apologized to her mother for not protecting her sister as she had promised and asked Odin, that even then she never had made such a prayer, to guide her spear into Gudrun's heart. Finally, on the way back up to the common house, Hildr recognized Sigurd's strength of will and decided to leave him her two most precious possessions, knowing that she would not live enough to see tomorrow’s sunrise.
The sky was filled with black clouds before the great battle. Hildr looked up at the stormy sky, and with a lift of her spear aimed directly at Gudrun's army, a lightning struck her weapon. With extraordinary strength and impeccable aim, her spear was driven straight into the queen's heart, piercing it completely. What ensued was a fierce battle, with Hildr using her magic to raise the dead so that they would continue fighting even if their bodies could no longer take it. The battle that would go down in history as the most violent battle in the country, with the overwhelming defeat of Hexental, ended with a heavy rain, cleaning the battlefield. The only survivor was Sigurd, who lay down, feeling his limbs.
Hildr was woken up in Valhalla by her sister, who was in tears and hugged her tightly. After the reunion, it was explained to her that the two were part of a very important lineage and her father was right there, on the other side of the big table where the Einherjar ate. Their father was the great god Odin and, without further ado, Brunhilda said that he would make them two Valkyries. The surprise was great, but she cried out for her father to make them now, as she needed to help someone and even asked her sister to accompany her.
And then, as he was on the brink of going to Valhalla, Sigurd saw both Hildr and Brunhilda descend from the skies as Valkyries. The eldest of the sisters then kissed her lover and took the amulet, wrapped her hands around it, shining the amulet in pink and gave it back. The shorter one took the bottle she had given him, wrapped it in her hands, and from within it, a pink liquid shimmered for a moment, then poured a drop into the warrior's body, which healed completely. The two thanked him for the help he gave them and that these were gifts for him, thus returning to Asgard and thus becoming definitive Valkyries.
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wxlfchris · 7 months
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❝ Strength isn't about breaking bones but how you handle being broken ❞
[1994.10.03] Outside of Seoul, South Korea
𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦: Energetic, lively and always eager to help, Chris wears a smile and tries to brighten up the day for everyone. Warm, friendly and nurturing. Insomniac and overworks himself. Can be rather forgetful and tends to overbook himself when people need him. Playful most of the time, serious the rest. He can be rather annoyed when people don't listen to him after he gives advice and is the type who will hold that against them. Worries about those under his care
𝐵𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑: Born from the Moon Goddess and an Alpha, Chris grew up with a world of responsibilities on his shoulders and the strength to carry it. He was meant to take over the pack when he turned 21 but his father was killed when he was 17 due to an attack from a larger pack and while Chris and the majority of the pack survived, it did cause him to end up with scars that never really healed properly. He took over the pack and somehow knew that the place which would be safe for them was going to be the place in which he was born. He began his business shortly after they settled so that he had money flowing through and ever since then, they’ve managed to stay off the radar with hunters. He was hired by Irene to renovate the club and the two have formed a good friendship since.
For a quick fact sheet about Chris, click here.
𝑃ℎ𝑦𝑠𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝐴𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒: 178cm (5'8); short, dark brown hair and brown eyes; deep scars over his back; piercings, four (4) both ears. Chris has a tattoo of a crescent moon behind his right ear. His wolf is a large deep brown wolf with gold eyes, he is nearly twice the size of a normal wolf
𝐼𝑛𝑓𝑜: Chris is able to full shift but cannot half shift. He has super strength, inhuman speed and heightened senses. All of these abilities increase during full moon. He is a skilled fighter. He loves popcorn, the moon and stars and hiking. He spends a lot of time outdoors. Chris dislikes liars, people who never listen to advice and high-pitched noises. He's only ever lost one fight and that was when he was younger and learning how to train, he fought his father's beta and lost but after training and working hard, Chris grew stronger and was able to win. Chris has never lost since.
Chris never met his mother, she was only ever the moon but he has felt her warmth when he was younger.
Chris’ ex used to be in a band but due to a busy life, he was left behind but still wishes her well.
Chris has a soft spot for bunnies
Chris likes being shirtless and can more often be found shirtless than wearing a shirt
More information will be added here as it is discovered
𝐼𝑚𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑃𝑒𝑜𝑝𝑙𝑒: @moongoddesselene (🌙) @shuhua-cb (🌸)
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Bisexual, no lean. Dominant, soft. Top
𝐾𝑖𝑛𝑘𝑠: breeding, marking, primal play, oral, pet play, praise/worship, bondage, teasing, dirty talk, roleplay, food play, size difference, knotting, orgasm control, titles
Chris goes into rut on the 25th of each month for 5 days
He will not submit and only knots during his rut. He's more likely to knot another wolf than those who are not
Chris is someone who needs physical contact with his partner, even if it is as simple as holding hands
𝐼𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑙 𝑇𝑦𝑝𝑒: Chris has a preference for those who are soft and sweet, he tends to find himself drawn to them a lot but his ideal type is someone he can take care of but also is able to trust himself with. He doesn't need someone to constantly worry over him but he is the one who does the worrying and caring for. Chris likes someone who has a bit of fire to them at times but overall, he is a man who wants to be able to take care of his partner rather than being taken care of
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spooksverse-asks · 10 months
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Finally got these guys' official refs done(technically finished this the other day, but didn't have time to upload before work)! :D After first sketching their concepts a few months ago(minus Zaira, who was already made), I finally got around to figuring out everyone's colors and especially in the boys' cases, their personalities and such!
I hope you like them! ^w^ Here is all of their bios again, just-in-case!
- Zaira Oldest child and daughter of Mai and Callum. She's a kind of awkward and nerdy girl, but she is very passionate with a big heart and energetic nature when she's in her element. She has some slight healing powers as inherited from her dad, Callum, though is nowhere near his level of power. In terms of regular talent though she can play the saxophone, specifically tenor sax, as she's a pretty prominent member of her school's marching, wind ensemble, and jazz bands. Despite her more Chinese heritage, even if she herself is only a 1/4 Chinese, she's actually a huge fan of Japanese culture. She's a bit of an otaku in that aspect, having gone to quite a few anime and cosplay conventions, with her favorite manga/anime being Sailor Moon. Aside from her siblings she is quite close with her cousins too, especially Vera as they have similar interests in magical girl and romance animes and often go to conventions together. - Hannah Second child and daughter of Mai and Callum. She is a kind-hearted and total firecracker of a girl, who always tries to help out with any problems but tends to get in more trouble with her reckless nature and random powers. These powers are inherited from Callum, being luck-based but more random, with her also being able to summon things that can be helpful in whatever situations she is in. She is a very outgoing and honest person, always up for a fun adventure, but she is not without her own insecurities. As a younger child a lot of them were centered around her dyslexia, as she had a lot of reading and learning difficulties that made it hard for her to feel like she was on an even learning field with her peers. Though she has received plenty of tutoring and help since her diagnosis to perform better than she had before, there are still moments where she struggles and feels like she can't measure up to her classmates' levels. - Porter Third child and oldest son of Mai and Callum. The only child seemingly without any sort of powers, but he tries not to dwell on that fact too much. Comes off as the most responsible and "sane" one of his siblings, often acting as the voice of reason that tries to pull them back when they go to far with something. Generally regarded as a good, studious "golden child" by his peers and adults alike, but truth be told he has a quiet wild and rebellious side deep down. Always bottles up his more negative feelings inside, causing him to come off as quite scary when he finally does unleash his emotions. Gets along greatly with his "Aunt" Alana, as she also knows what he goes through is like and often encourages him to just be his own best self. Perpetually exasperated by his cousin Korey's antics, often having to calm himself from starting a fight when all the cousins are hanging out together. - Westley "Wes" Youngest child and son of Mai and Callum. Being the youngest in the family and quite sickly as a child, he was often coddled growing up which has caused him to become quite an anxious young lad. He is more of a people-pleaser and always craves other peoples' approval, becoming so stressed out when things aren't going good and often forgets to advocate for his own interests. He has learned overtime how to relax and take care of himself, primarily getting a lot of his thoughts out through journaling and creative writing. He has inherited his mom's love-sensing abilities, having a fine-tuned and almost psychic ability to know when love is around or notice the slightest of change in someone's love. Often gets roped into shenanigans with his sisters as they try to use their powers together to help people, and his cousin Vera as she finds his useful for her match-making. Ironically for him, despite have love powers he has no interested in romance for himself, identifying as ace. 
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positivelybeastly · 9 months
Have you ever wondered if Hank would be better of without the X-Men?
So, this is an interesting question, and I hope that this answer is similarly interesting - mostly because it starts, like most interesting answers, with, it depends!
I think that when Hank was just first starting out as an X-Man, as a member of the Original Five X-Men, it was a genuinely good environment for him.
Yeah, he was a seventeen year old involved in superheroics far beyond his logical grasp, but it was very much to his benefit that he was with people who understood what it was like to be ostracised for powers and gifts that you were granted by birth, that you struggled to control, that you had to hide to get by.
He wasn't really, truly fulfilled as a normal high school/college student - he kept having to hide just how brilliant he was, both physically and mentally, for fear of sticking his head up above the parapet and being kicked back down. For all his flaws as a mentor, Professor Xavier was an intellectual equal (at first, anyway) for Hank, someone who could meet him on that level and engage with and nurture him.
And it really can't be understated just how good it was for Hank to make friends his own age, because he really just did not have that many of them beforehand. I can name one, Jennifer Nyles. That's it.
So Bobby was obviously an amazing anchor for him, and Scott and Warren ended up being good, stable friends who, at least at that juncture, were good influences on him, keeping him focused - I also think that Warren, especially, would have been a very stabilising presence for Hank, as the only other physically mutated mutant he had seen up until that point (not counting Bobby, who can turn his Iceman form on or off).
Once he'd gotten over his thankfully brief period mooning over Jean (fuck off, Bendis), they ended up becoming extremely good friends, too - their shared emotional sensitivity and capacity for compassion and love made them really good friends, which is something you see come back quite a bit in the 90s and in New X-Men.
It's also telling that it's when he leaves the X-Men here, he ends up fucking up his life fairly quickly, falling into bed with a Secret Empire spy and turning himself furry in a fit of intellectual hubris - he needed them to occasionally drag him out of the lab and remind him, hey, Hank, the rest of the world still exists! If he'd had Bobby, Warren or Jean present to keep his head screwed on, he genuinely might not have done such a dumb thing to himself - or if he had, he would have been with people who could've helped.
Where it gets a lot muddier is when it comes to X-Factor in the 80s and then just the X-Men from the 90s all the way up to, well, now. The problem is that Hank is . . . Hank is really useful. He's often the heart of the team, so he's the guy that a lot of people come to for advice about their problems, or, at the very least, someone who feels the need to care for people who are having problems (you see this a lot in New X-Men, where he's constantly taking it upon himself to be there for people).
But he's also the big guy AND the smart guy - he's, like, three parts of the Five Man band group archetype all in one, which is honestly why you see him almost constantly on the flagship X-Men teams, like X-Men Blue in the 90s, the New X-Men in the early 00s, the Astonishing team in the mid 00s, etc, he's just useful on a team.
But the problem is that Hank has a really hard time looking at a problem and saying, no, I can't solve it, or, no, I don't have the time to do that, or, no, that's not something to do with me. He's just not wired that way. He's inclined to help. He's inclined to try. He's inclined to study and poke and prod and heal and learn. He's been like that since he was a child, when he was dismantling bus engines on the school lawn - this happens because that, that happens because this, because because because - he wants to know. He wants to solve.
So, what happens when you give him problems he can't solve?
He tried so damn hard to fix the Legacy Virus. He tried so damn hard to fix the Decimation. He threw himself into the problems, he pushed himself to his limits, he did things he knew he shouldn't be doing, he put himself in danger, he put others in danger, he didn't think clearly - because I need to solve the problem. I need to help. I need to fix this. Because if I can't, no-one can.
And the problem is, on the X-Men, that's generally true!
There is no-one on the X-Men who can do what Hank can do! The instant the news came in about the Decimation and just how real and far reaching it was, who did everyone look to? They didn't look at Cyclops or Emma Frost or Wolverine for solutions, they looked at Hank, and he thought, well, if I can't do it, who can?
Genuinely, back in 2005, who stood a chance of fixing the Decimation? Look at the X-Men rosters. Look at the list of the 198. Who the fuck can solve this? Maybe Mr. Sinister? MAYBE? And that's if you trust him to?
And that pressure is just so ugly and unpleasant and crushing for Hank, because Hank is a social butterfly. He loves to talk to people, he loves to make people laugh, he loves to get vocal, repeated affirmation that he's good, that he's a genius, that he's loved, that he's cared for, because he's so frightfully insecure and anxious and dysphoric. And the instant that you shut him in a lab or send him out on a mission by himself, it's like you're setting a pressure cooker on the highest setting to see how long it takes before it bursts. He needs a social life.
Even when the X-Men spurned him after the failed intervention (which, fuck, that could be its own post), they STILL had to go back to him! Ororo Munroe, goddess of the elements, mistress Storm, the leader of the X-Men, told Hank that she was contemplating giving him to S.H.I.E.L.D for crimes against time and space and nature in Uncanny X-Men #600. And yet, the instant the M-Pox happens, who does she turn to?
She turns to Hank. Poor, dependable, unable to say no, Hank.
You see it even again in Rosenberg's Astonishing X-Men. Havok doesn't know who to talk to about his weird dreams and tech problems, so who does he go to? Does he talk to anyone at the Xavier Institute? Does he talk to an Avenger?
No, he goes to Hank. Who's living a completely normal, happy, academic life at Harvard. He's trying to heal Banshee from the Apocalypse infection. He likes to eat Portobello Patty Melts.
Within five minutes, Reavers turn up and start shooting up the place, and Hank loses his job.
Because Havok, like every other X-Man, has a learned pattern of behaviour - if you have a problem, go see Hank. He'll fix it.
Suffice it to say, this is not a good thing for Hank. No wonder he fucking cracked. No wonder he just started losing it. No wonder the version of him we see in Battle of the Atom has lost his wits. He has to be the doctor, scientist, biologist, mechanic, engineer, armchair psychologist, pathologist, linguist, chemist, physicist, pilot, athlete, genius, to basically an entire community of people.
By this point? Yes, Hank would absolutely be better off without the X-Men. Hell, I feel like he was better off without them from 2009 onwards, where you can see an appreciable difference in how happy he is to be working at S.W.O.R.D versus how he is at the Jean Grey School or on any of the X-Men teams he joins after that point.
This also highlights why he's so different on the Avengers and Defenders, why he's so much happier and goofier and light-hearted - it's not just because his boyfriend Simon Williams is around (though that certainly helps), it's because they usually have, like, four geniuses on a team at any one time, and it lightens the load. He doesn't have to be every genius under the sun, he can afford to just be the big strong guy and take it easy a bit. The positive reputation and public affirmation that comes from being an Avenger versus an X-Man certainly doesn't hurt, either.
There's also a weird, distorting effect that Hank's years away from the X-Men has caused - he was one of the original X-Men, so he has tenure and prestige, and he's generally one of the oldest around, so he knows what he's doing, but he also missed out on a very long period of time for the team (1974-1991) where a lot of very strong friendships, like Kurt-Logan-Piotr, Jean-Ororo, etc, formed, so he doesn't have that bond with them.
There's a distance.
Everyone knows Hank, but not everyone knows Hank. There is such a clear, defined difference between how someone like Scott or Jean talks to Hank, versus how someone like Kitty or Ororo does. I really don't think it's a coincidence that if you look at who's around when Hank is dying in All-New X-Men, it's mostly people who know him but don't really know him - it's Logan, it's Ororo, it's Kitty - so when he says he's fine, even as his heart is bursting in his chest, they believe him. They don't know how to tell if he's really fine or not. If that had been Jean, or Scott, or Warren, that would not have happened.
But what about Bobby, you cry!
What fucking about Bobby. The guy has the emotional sensitivity of a brick, and I'm firmly of the opinion that he and Hank stopped being truly close friends during the Utopia era, when Hank tried to emotionally confide in him about his PTSD and Bobby just told him to sit and spin on it. You compare how they are in Defenders and X-Factor or 90s X-Men with how they are during the JGS era, and it's night and day clear that they're not close anymore.
But that's yet another discussion, for another time.
TD;DR: the X-Men were a good place for Hank initially, but as time has gone on, and the mutant community's problems have become increasingly more dire, they've become a profoundly toxic environment for him. He doesn't have fun, he doesn't have many close friends there, and they treat him more and more like a utility as time goes on. When we get our resurrected Beast back in a few months, I hope he goes back to the Avengers and never returns.
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Tag game, Stranger things edition
@hargrove-mayfields tagged me so you know I have to do this. Thank you so much!!
Ride or die ship: Hollogrove. Heather and Billy are my bread and butter. Like so much of my stranger things content is them. I just love them healing and growing together.
Most annoying ship: St*ncy. I just hate it. What Nancy did to Steve was kind of something you can’t return from. I have seen the effects of a similar relationship on one of my irl besties and I would never wish it on anyone. I would cry if that ship happened in S5.
3. Second favourite ship: Either Elumax (platonic Elucas) or Eddie x Chrissy x Steve x Jonathan (with Jonathan, Eddie and Steve dating Argyle and Chrissy dating Robin. If someone has a ship name please suggest in the comments). I adore these ships as the developed relationships there are just *chef’s kiss* but the people who haven’t met? Just so much cute potential for love!
4. Favourite platonic dynamic: Stobin is my platonic tea. I adore Steve and Robin and believe whole heartedly that they are disabled besties. Platonic soulmates.
5. Underrated ship: Hollogrove obviously but Cunningway, Cheerscoops, Photocheer, Stargyle, and Murrlexi. Those ships are also so top tier but underrated. There are so many more.
6. Overrated ship: M*leven. Again I hate it. It is so teenage abuse romanticized. And too many people think that it is healthy or OTP. To be honest, Mike is a bit of an ick for me anyway.
7. One thing to change in canon: Destroy any hints or hopes of St*ncy or M*leven or any abusive relationship. Stop the characters putting up with it, to the extent that it is romanticized. Abuse is not good or something to be idealized. And actually include canon disabilities please.
8. One thing canon did right: Making Robin a lesbian and allowing Max and Eleven to have a strong friendship which is not focused on the boys. That trope is so overused so I am glad it was not used.
9. A thing I am proud of creating for the fandom: I am really proud of my Hollogrove stuff because there is so little content for my babies. But some of my work for @disabledbillyandsteveweek is also something I am super proud of and I can’t wait to show people.
10. A character who is perfect to me: Heather Holloway is my queen. Like she is so sweet and caring but obviously has so much depth potential. The Duffers really made a mistake not giving her more screen time. They could have done so much.
11. Most relatable character and why: Robin is the most relatable character for me. Her social awkwardness and passion for certain topics is really relatable to me. We are both band kids, lesbians and we even look fairly alike!
12. Character I hate most and why: Karen. Moral trash who willing flirted and tried to seduce a child her daughters age. She also put down other teenagers simply because she was being petty??? Like she is the adult in this situation. Even though she backed out of meeting Billy, the fact that she ever flirted with him is creepy. If you reversed the genders, the fandom would be freaking out and be like it’s so creepy!! It’s still the same situation?? Of course, it is creepy. Neil Hargrove is a close second.
13. Something I have learned from the fandom: To be more confident in sharing my opinions and work. Before I met a lovely group of people in the fandom I was so scared of being attacked for my preferences in the fandom but they showed me that despite us all not shipping or producing the same thing, we can all still support and respect each other. It really helped my social anxiety around sharing stuff, particularly for this fandom, online.
14. Three tags I seek out on ao3: I don’t actually read much stranger things on ao3 but Hollogrove, Hellcheer, and fantasy au’s are probably my top three for the fandom. I really want to see more fantasy au’s that aren’t just werewolves or vampires. I might actually write one now.
15: A song I strongly associate with otp and/or my favourite character: Pretty Brown Eyes by Cody Simpson for Hollogrove for a YouTube edit I saw. Love that song for them. Love Story by Taylor Swift is a close second.
I’m tagging @stranger-themes-blog, @carito-dorito , @mrsblackruby , @iloveyoubillyhargrove. Please don’t feel obligated to do this but I thought that I would share this with other stranger things fans.
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nonchalant-taste · 2 years
I wish I was a better writer. I'd love to write a stuffing fic that focuses on a post game Aki.ra and him coming to terms with his own appetite. A healing kind of fic, you know? I've always hc'd that he has a large appetite, but holds back to be polite / not a bother due to things people have said to him before. He eats out so often with friends and seems to enjoy going all around Tokyo to try new meals, but there's so much commentary in the game about how despite all this, he still doesn't eat properly. From Mor.gana... his actions in Leblanc... And Especially when it comes to post-December. The game even tells you he lost a ton of weight, to the point that it's the first thing the thieves notice. I'd imagine after coming back from jail he'd have a much harder time than before too; probably going so far as to pass up curry in the mornings because he just can't bring himself to.
It'd be sweet to see the thieves band together to try and encourage him and help him get back into old habits. Ryu.ji and Ha.ru probably being *especially* encouraging haha. But yeah, people suggesting to go out to eat for hangouts-- like A.nn raving about a new crepe he has to try, or Ryu.ji dragging him off to a ramen place for a breather-- always pointing him towards seconds if he's up for it. Maybe even specifically picking places they know Aki.ra would enjoy, or at least used to enjoy. Aki.ra probably has no qualms with it when it's someone else wanting to go (And how can he deny seconds when Ryu.ji is so excited for him to try this new flavour like that,) but he won't ever suggest places himself.
They probably take it as a huge W when one day he does ask to go out though. Externally they're all normal about it of course, but there's a huge unspoken sigh of relief. As the months of this go on, it gets more natural for him to take seconds (And even thirds,) without their goading, and he's definitely begun to put on some weight. (Probably by the end of it, more than he started out with. His casual shirts fit far more snugly, but he's too happy making memories and excitedly indulging himself for once with his friends to care.)
He's smart enough to catch on to what they're doing, but I think Aki.ra would be pretty touched by the fact that they're all making a conjoined effort as opposed to upset or anything. It'd probably be a bit embarrassing to learn how they've doted on him (And how he totally fell for it without noticing in those first couple weeks?) but yeah, ultimately he's glad for it. It's hard to stay mopey and away from food when you've got people like Ha.ru offering premium shit. (Aki.ra's a chronic anti-waster and you KNOW she'd take advantage of that. He'd be wolfing down 'leftovers' until bursting with her.)
Ah, I just realized this post doesn't have a lot of stuffing, oops. I'll admit I'm mostly focused on the healing aspect of it, but once Aki.ra realizes the others are accepting (and some even into,) his appetite he'd definitely try to push his limits out of curiosity. Sure, he could put it back no problem when he was younger, but he's grown a lot now and so did his hunger, probably. If he can take down the cosmic tower burger down with ease (Hell, even two of them back to back? I'm still reeling from that bit in one of the mangas where he eats two for Yus.uke. He doesn't even get sick from it. He doesn't even FEEL sick from it.) then just what else can he do...?
whoops. this got long. sorry for clogging up the dash i just needed to get my thoughts out. ✌️ eating and wg as a form of healing is everything to me. Aki.ra, the one who never asks for anything and never takes more than he needs, finally getting the chance to just go all out and enjoy himself is everything to me. Does he not deserve it. Take him back to the Wilton buffet you monsters,
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ariadnestars · 6 months
I held myself together for so long. Day after day I woke and greeted the day ahead knowing there was nobody waiting for me. There was no prince charming. There was no false hope of the delusional daydreaming girls always allure themselves into. There was only me. And somehow that was enough. It had to be.
I learned to feel alive. To actively look for things that reminded me of who I was, things I used to love. Day after day I tried to be grateful. I tried to be better. I humbled myself into knowing my truth was not the only one. That the change I desperately wanted to see in others I should also seek for myself. I tried to be stronger. To be wiser.
I neglected all kinds of social interaction for a whole year. I would not love anyone, partner or friend, before myself. It was my journey. Mine. And I carried myself up that hill step by step. I cried and I bled. I prayed and found God for the first time in my life not because I was told so, but because I felt it inside myself.
I held myself together for so long before you so I knew what I was capable of. For me to be certain that I was enough for me. That I will always be enough for me. Even when I'm broken. Even when I'm low. No matter the situation. I can do it. I can manage to heal myself.
But then you came. With your soft smile and light jokes. Like a magnet pulling me out of my orbit. You conquered me day after day. You showed me I could be taken care of, even if I was completely capable of doing it myself. That I wanted you to take care of me. I wanted your gentle hands and your steady arms holding me. I wanted you. Over and over again.
You came swiftly and I made room for you in my life. Suddenly my thoughts were constantly adorned by your name, and for the first time in forever, that was ok. I felt myself fall, slowly, into you. To begin and to love you more and more each day. To make you my world and let my guard down.
And then, one night, I feel something start to shatter. Maybe it was time slowing down as I watched you go down the hall and leave me behind. Maybe it was the anger of seeing another trusted person do this, knowing I could never bring myself to do this to anyone, let alone to him. And the doubt of what that meant. The worrying thoughts that resurfaced, about the day before and more.
Now I pace around this matter. For I love him, but also deserve to be true to myself after all. He didn't make me his priority when he expected me to be at his backing call and slept the whole day, while I was sacrificing my grandma's heart to be with him for a while. Or when he changed our plans without a second thought for a rehearsal in a band with people he seems not to enjoy very much these days, while I was ready to sacrifice an hour of my study for us. And although we talked through all of these things, I can't help but think about them now. He changed our plans again without warning me, again. He left me at his backing call, again.
And then we spend the whole day together, like the fool I am. Helping him clean everything. And when we were done he was so ready to call up all of his friends (or guys he knew-but-wasnt-really-friends-to-begin-with?) and shove me into a bunch of people I don't know. I was so worked out. I am shy. It is not simple for me. I am afraid of meeting new people, and simply learned to deal with it. And it is not because I deal with it that it is less of a hazard.
And then he was ready to let me go back. So he could make the most of his time. But when he changed his mind, not for me, and I refused, he turned his back on me. And I held myself together.
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