#a bit late to call that a christmas gift but oh well
More playlists!
(The playlists will most likely change in the future as I remember or find more songs! Some titles will also likely change because there's a few I don't like)
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steveslevis · 6 months
‘tis the damn season
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chapter contents/warnings: exes to whatever the hell this is, a little bit of smut, angst, weed and alcohol use, mutual pining, steve is an idiot and is afraid of commitment </3, barely proofread (sowwy)
w/c: 5.3k
The first big frost of the season blankets the town of Hawkins when you arrive on Wednesday night, the bits of ice glittering on the orange and brown leaves making the barren streets seem less intimidating as you make your way through your hometown for the first time in months. 
There’s a sense of anticipation and dread that fills your stomach while navigating the streets you know so well, knowing you’re going to be asked the same mundane questions about college in the big city a thousand times over during the next three weeks. You know that’s not the only thing filling you with dread for the weeks to come, but keep telling yourself that’s all you have to worry about — right?
The first evening you arrive in town is jam-packed, since your friends insisted on having a so-called “Friends-giving-mas” as the night that you arrived, due to your anticipated absence on the aforementioned Christmas. You spend a few hours with your mom and dad before leaving, enlisting your mom to help you make some cookies for the party, promising you’d leave her and your dad some behind. 
The clock hits 7 p.m. and you’re finally finished getting ready, having just thrown on a red velvet, long sleeved dress that hit just above your knees and your best black boots, Robin had requested everyone to look their best so she could take photos with her new camera throughout the party. You grabbed your secret santa gift and jacket, checking yourself in the mirror one last time before leaving your room. 
“Alright, I’m leaving.” you call out as you bound down the stairs and into the kitchen.
“Don’t forget your cookies, sweetheart! They’re on the table.” she replied from her place next to your dad on the couch, watching some rom-com while he was dozing beside her, “if you need us to come pick you up, we will.”
You let out a laugh at her remark, knowing that you were only walking to the next house over on the road, so picking you up would be ridiculous. 
“Oh, I think I’ll manage just fine.” you joke in return while grabbing the plate of cookies, “love you guys!”
The outside of the Harrington’s house is gleefully lit with warm string lights, wreaths already adorning the front windows and main door to the house in anticipation of Christmas in a few weeks. You always admired the way their house looked during the holidays, but knew it was only a cheery facade to hide the dysfunction that lay within the halls of the residence.
You knew the family all too well, having grown up next to Steve your entire life. You were the same age as him, grew up attending all the same parties as him, but ran in completely different circles than him — well, up until your senior year of high school at least. 
Long story short, being best friends with Robin led to you ultimately becoming so-called friends with Steve Harrington as well. The two of you had what you now called a stupid summer fling before you left for Chicago in August, but the rest was history. The two of you had agreed to stay civil and not let the remnants of any unresolved feelings come between your friendship and the rest of the friend group.
So here you were, knocking on Steve Harrington’s front door on a random Wednesday in late November, cookies in hand as you stood there, shivering. You faintly hear Robin say that she would get the door, then hear footsteps pad towards the entrance. 
You’re greeted by your best friend with the strongest hug you swear you’ve ever experienced, and you feel like you might not ever be let go if she has anything to say about it.
“Oh my god! I missed you so much.” Robin exclaims, the widest grin on her face as she grabs for your hand, “everyone’s in here, we’re just waiting on Nance and Jonathan then we’ll be ready to eat but come in! I have so much to tell you about everything you don’t even know—” 
You follow behind her wordlessly, smiling to yourself as she rambles on about college applications and band and Vickie — who just so happened to be in the kitchen helping finish making the mashed potatoes so you had to be quiet — and everything that she can think to fit in a conversation to catch her best friend up on after months without. She leads you to the dining room after dropping off the cookies, where you hear two familiar voices having a very passionate conversation. 
“I’m telling you, man, I’m cursed—“
“You’re not cursed, Harrington. I’m telling you, you’re just looking in the wrong place for love.” Eddie retorts to his frustrated friend, rolling his eyes at him.
“Oh yeah? And where should I be looking?” Steve snorts, haphazardly tossing forks, knives and spoons atop the napkin at each seat of the table.
“I’ve been saying ever since what happened this summer, you should be going after — oh shit, Y/N!” Eddie interjects, cutting himself off when you trail in behind Robin.
The metalhead pulls you in for a bear hug, whispering in your ear about how he promises not to ask you boring questions about college like everyone else. As you’re being engulfed in his embrace, you hear the sound of silverware tumbling to the ground from the other side of the table, followed by a string of mumbled curse words from the dropper.
You pull away from Eddie’s hug to look at where the noise is coming from, only to see Steve fumbling with a fork and spoon while trying to stand up from where he was just kneeling. Your gaze lingers on him for a moment too long, taking in everything about him that you told yourself you didn’t miss. Eddie gives you a knowing look and you roll your eyes, knowing that he’s trying to tell you to not make things weird, so you try your best.
“Stevie, how are you?” you call to him while walking around the table, putting on the best oblivious and excited face that you can.
“H-Hey, Y/N.” Steve says, feigning coolness as he pulls you in for a quick hug, nearly stumbling over his words when you use the nickname you always loved to tease him with, “I didn’t know you were coming tonight.” 
His eyes flicker over to Robin momentarily, who shoots him a guilty grin before mouthing ‘sorry’ over your shoulder.
“Yeah, it was kinda last minute on my part, I just so happened to be coming home tonight since my finals were all at the beginning of the week. I kinda forced Rob to tell me when it would be so I could crash it,” you lie, trying to throw the blame on yourself instead of her, “sorry if I messed anything up, I-I’ll lay low and won’t eat if that messes up numbers or something—“
“No!” Steve rushes to retort, shaking his head at you adamantly, “I mean, shit—sorry. No, you’re not messing anything up at all, you know you’re always welcome here.” 
The smile on Steve’s face is genuine as he speaks, but there’s a glint of sadness in his eyes while he scans yours for any sign of hesitancy. You give him a small smile in return, quickly moving your gaze from his to push down that sinking feeling in your chest you know is coming. Your chest aches as you focus your eyes downward, realizing that this night would be a lot harder than you had convinced yourself that it would be. 
“Well!” Robin interjects, interrupting the growing awkward silence filling the air of the dining room where you stood. She reached for your hand while smiling over at you sympathetically, beginning to drag you towards the kitchen as she spoke, “gotta go say hello to everyone else before dinner!”
Your best friend whirled you around to the rest of the guests–which was just Nancy, Jonathan, and Vickie–who were all in the kitchen putting the finishing touches on the meal. 
A slew of awkward questions about Chicago ensued in the moments leading up to and during dinner, but you took them in stride as they distracted you from the bright eyed boy across the table who kept sneaking glances in your direction any chance he got. You explained your major, what you did for work outside of class time, and talked about all the new friends you met in the short few months you’d been gone. You could’ve sworn Steve’s jaw clenched at the mention of a date you went on prior to leaving for break, but you didn’t put too much thought into it. 
Dinner goes by fairly quickly, and then it’s time for Secret Santa gifts in the living room. Robin begged everyone to participate, and even went through the effort of making sure you and Steve didn’t get each other, partly to not ruin the surprise of you being here and partly to diminish any awkwardness that might arise from it. 
You had drawn Jonathan’s name, so you gifted him a few rolls of different camera film. Each person had to guess who their Secret Santa was, but apparently your gift was pretty obvious since he hadn’t been able to find any film like it anywhere near Hawkins, so he guessed you first. 
Your turn rolled around and a small red gift bag was sat in your lap. You immediately knew who your gift was from, halfway from the grin plastered on his face and halfway from the smell lingering from inside the back in your hands. 
“Thank you, Eddie.” you giggle out while pulling out four perfectly rolled blunts from the gift bag, courtesy of the best dealer in Hawkins.
“It’s always a pleasure,” he jabs back, “we can fire one up after presents if you’d like.” 
You nod quickly at him, grinning widely before turning back to the circle where Robin was handing out gifts.
It’s not long before drinks are flowing and laughter is spilling through the Harrington residence, something that’s happened very few times within those halls. The night seems to go by too quickly, you notice how quickly when you check and it says 11 P.M. already, even though it feels like you’ve only been there a few hours. You’re sitting on the couch with Robin and Vickie, giggling their way through a story about some guy in the Hawkins band, when the sight of the back door sliding open and closed catches your eye. 
You turn your gaze to see Steve stalking into the cold on his own, head turned down as he walks towards one of the ice-slicked pool chairs on the deck. A frown passes over your face as you furrow your brows, excusing yourself from the couple on the couch as you slip outside to follow him with your bottle of wine, one of your newly gifted blunts and a lighter in hand. 
It’s the last thing you should be doing tonight, really. You shouldn’t be following Steve Harrington – the man who was too afraid to say he loved you and too afraid to commit to you – onto the porch. You should’ve stayed inside and drank some more wine with the rest of them and let yourself cut loose for once, but you just couldn’t do it. You just had to talk to him – you weren’t so sure what you wanted to talk about, but you just felt the need to.
“You alright?” was all you could slip out as you closed the sliding glass door, watching the brown haired boy from afar, making sure you weren’t making the wrong decision.
“Yeah–Yeah, just needed a little bit of fresh air.” Steve stammered, eyes widening for only a moment when he notices that it’s you that followed him outside.  
You only hum in response, stepping closer to him as you sense no annoyance or anger in his voice, finding a spot on the chilled pool chair next to his. After setting down the bottle of wine you’d been nursing throughout the night, you took the blunt you’d brought as a peace offering between your fingers and waved it in front of his face.
Steve looked up for a moment, gaze shifting between the blunt between your fingers and your lips that curled up into a mischievous yet friendly smirk. His own lips perked up in a lopsided smile, raising an eyebrow at you when you brought the blunt to your lips, followed by the lighter.
“Would you like to partake?” you joke while puffing smoke through your lips, mixing with the cold puffs of breath coming from Steve’s. 
“I’ll never say no to that,” he retorts, reaching to grab the blunt from your fingers. 
There’s a breath of comfortable silence between the two of you as he inhales, then lets out a long exhale before focusing his gaze back onto the pool in front of him, onto the ice forming on the pool cover as a way to avoid your eyes. 
“So, how’s the Stevie Harrington been faring since I’ve been gone?” you joked after a moment more of the quiet, shoving any nerves down that were threatening to force you to run back inside. 
Awful, utterly dull and extremely depressing, was what Steve wanted to say. 
He wanted to tell you how he fucked up so badly, how he hasn’t been the same since the last time he saw you, how he hasn’t even been able to look at anyone without thinking of you. He wanted to grab you by the cheeks and pull you in for a kiss and never let go. He wanted to scream and tell you how much he regretted ever letting you leave without knowing how he really felt, but he couldn’t now. It was too late, so he just said; “Oh, y’know. I’ve been fine. Just the same shit, different day.”
Steve wanted to kick himself for saying something so lame, something so uninteresting when the most interesting person in the world was sitting right in front of him. 
“Does ‘same shit, different day’ just mean you’re stuck being the same old chauffeur-babysitter you’ve been for the last two years?” you tease, reaching down to grab the bottle of wine at your feet. 
“Yeah, I guess you could say that.” Steve chuckled, giving you a warm smile as he took another puff. 
It only took a few moments to finally break the ice between the two of you, then things fell right back into place, right back into a comfortable normalcy. There was something that put you so at ease being outside with him, being able to talk to him without the looming thought of who would be the first to say “I love you” or who would be the first to leave waving over both of your heads. 
The next hour went by in a breeze, and it seemed the party inside died down by the time the two of you decided to walk back in. Steve closed the sliding glass door behind you two and you noticed only Eddie and Robin were left standing in the living room. Vickie was presumably in the guest bed, where Robin was about to head to. Jonathan and Nancy had left twenty minutes prior, only popping their heads out to say a quick goodbye before driving off.
Robin said a quick goodnight to you before heading up the stairs, along with a promise to see you tomorrow for a girl’s day. Then, it was just you, Eddie and Steve in the living room, Eddie at the couch setting up his bed for the night while the two of you stood in silence by the sliding glass door still. 
“I–I guess I should probably head home for the night,” you say, breaking the silence between the three of you as you start towards your bag and coat on the other side of the room.
“Why don’t you just stay?” Steve interjects a little too loudly, the weed and wine in his system instilling some false confidence in him. “It’s so cold out and I’m sure at this point your parents already think you’re staying anyways.”
You stop on your toes at Steve’s voice, cheeks heating at how interested he sounded in you staying there for the night. It’s not like it was a far and dangerous walk, Steve just wanted an excuse to be around you for longer. You turn around to look at him, then to Eddie, who was giving you a tired smile.
“We can have a sleepover on the couch,” Eddie chuckles, reaching for one of the pillows he was setting out for himself to move it to the other side of the couch for you. 
“I don’t have any clothes,” you suggest, looking down at your velvet dress that would be extremely uncomfortable to sleep in. 
“Oh, I’m sure Stevie has some clothes that you can sleep in!” Eddie says, shooting a smirk in his direction.
“O–Of course I do, I’m sure I still have your favorite pajama pants up there if you want them.” Steve says hurriedly, as if you would change your mind if he didn’t answer quickly enough.
You give the two of them a smile, pretending to contemplate the decision for a moment before nodding. You could’ve sworn you heard Steve let out a breath of relief at your nod, but he turned towards the stairs before you could acknowledge it. Without a word, you follow right behind him up the stairs, slowly realizing the effects of the cherry wine and weed are coming to the surface. 
Steve steps into his bedroom and you follow behind him, a situation the two of you knew all too well. 
You don’t know what led to this, but there you were, in Steve’s bedroom, him towering over your space on his bed as he pulled you in for a heated kiss. Tongue against teeth, hands against cheeks, legs tangled together, just like they were meant to be. 
This wasn’t supposed to happen, you swore to yourself you wouldn’t come crawling back every time you were in town, but here you were. 
Somehow coming upstairs for a stupid pair of pajamas led to Steve giving you that look of lust and utter desire, led to you becoming a willing participant in his games once again after swearing you would never touch him again, led to you letting him sneak his way into your heart – and pants – yet again. 
Your head is spinning as he kisses you, his lips slotted into yours like they belonged there, a perfect fit. You’re unsure if it’s the wine, the weed or the sheer yearning that’s making you feel like this, but you don’t want it to stop any time soon. 
There’s a gnawing feeling in your stomach when Steve props his knee up on the bed next to your hip, you know you should stop before he gets any further, but the ache between your thighs is outweighing any thought of what would come after he spreads you open. 
Steve groans into your mouth when you pull him closer, fingers intertwining with and tugging the hair at the nape of his neck, and you only smirked against his lips in satisfaction. You knew everything about the boy who was turning to a puddle just from the touch of your fingers. You knew exactly how to make him tick, and him the same for you.
“Fuck,” Steve breathes when he finally pulls away from you, full lips parted as he stares down at you. There’s a twinkle in his eye that you haven’t seen in so long, one you used to mistake for love but now only know to be pure lust. “I–I’m sorry I just, I need–I need you.”
You stare at the desperate, doe-eyed man in front of you for a long moment, mind wandering to a place of fear as you think about what you’re about to do. 
Instead of saying anything in reply, you close the space between the two of you once again, smashing your lips into his in a feverish and bruising kiss. Steve is on you in an instant, gently pushing you back and up on the bed, letting your head fall on his pillows. You can tell by the way he stumbles on his way up to you that he’s intoxicated — on the weed or the wine, or you, you’re not sure — but you soon realize that you are too.
A hand wanders toward the hem of Steve’s sweater, tugging at it quickly as he pulls away from the bruising kiss. He wastes no time in pulling the cable-knit up and over his head, tossing it to the side while sitting up on his knees to take you the sight of you in. Your skin was hot and your eyes were blown with lust, cheeks flushed and lips parted as you stared up at him.
You’d only been under him for a minute and had completely folded to his touch. You cursed yourself for letting your inhibitions crumble so quickly, but another part of you didn’t actually care, the same part of you that wanted to claim him as yours forever. 
Steve’s eyes trailed over you, from your cheeks to the low neckline of your dress, over the curve of your hips, ending on your thighs spread on either side of his knees. The crushed velvet of your skirt bunched where your leg met your hip, letting the fabric ride up enough for Steve to see exactly what he was searching for. 
He sucked in a breath at the sight of your white lace underwear beneath, having to hold himself back from diving in right that second.
“You’re so beautiful,” he groaned, hands tracing over your hip bones while lowering his lips to yours once again.
A moan falls from your lips as his meet yours, his knee coming up between your thighs, creating friction against your core.
“Fuck—Stevie,” you say, choking back a pitiful whine while grinding against his thigh desperately, “please, I need you.”
You swear you hear Steve nearly choke at your words, three words he’d been dying to hear from you for months. 
“I know, I know, baby.” he coos at you, trying to keep his cool as he strains against his pants, “I’ll take care of you.”
You nod feverishly as he leans down to pepper kisses along your neck, taking his sweet time while trying not to get drunk off the scent of you.
“This—This doesn’t mean anyth—this doesn’t change anything,” he stammers between kisses, peering up at you as he speaks, “we can still stay close—keep being friends after this.”
You hum in agreement, ignoring the dread building in your gut as you do. You want to be more than friends, you want to scream at him until he admits that he loves you too. But he nearly said it doesn’t mean anything, so you’re convinced he wants nothing to do with you after tonight, nothing but a friend to laugh with and a pretty face to fuck on every break from college. 
You push the thoughts from your mind, focusing on the boy in front of you as his hands begin to massage your inner thighs, inching closer and closer to your core with every circle. Steve chuckles lowly as you let out a whine of anticipation, teasing you silently as he gives in to your desires.
Steve knows your body like he knows his own, so what comes after pulling off your dress is nearly second nature to him. One large hand trails to the waistband of your underwear while the other reaches for your breast, nipple peaked from the exposure to the cold air conditioning. You moan in surprise when he wastes no time in putting his mouth to work on your other nipple, tugging your underwear down your legs simultaneously. 
His fingers immediately fall to your core once you’re free of the underwear, fingertips circling the bundle of nerves at the top as you let out another whimper. 
His moves are careful but quick, he knows you want to waste no more time, and you’ll whine about his teasing if he doesn’t act soon. 
He’s out of his boxers in an instant, one hand keeping contact with your clit as he situates himself above you.
“You look so good like this, sweetheart.” Steve says, voice low as his eyes raked over your body, “so pretty spread out for me, all fucked out for me even though I’ve barely touched you.”
“Stevie…” you whimper, reaching a hand up to him, but he pulls from your reach with a smirk across his face.
“Tell me what you want from me,” he says, leaning down to press a kiss to your cheek as he lines himself up with your slick, teasing the tip against you slowly.
“I—I need you, Steve.” you beg, cheeks flushing at the admittance, “I need you to fuck me, please.”
“Well, since you asked so nicely.” he retorts with a smirk, sliding into you with ease.
You both let out a low moan as he bottoms out, filling you in a way you haven’t felt in a long time. You forgot how thick he was in the time you’d been gone, your body wasn’t used to the stretch of his cock inside you, but it still felt like he was meant to be there. Like he was the only one who could make you feel this way.
And you were right, nobody could make you feel that way. Nobody else could touch you and make you fall apart in less than five minutes like he could. Nobody else could get you so riled up over a few praises thrown in with some condescension (which you embarrassingly loved too much) like he could. Nobody could hold off from cumming long enough to give you three orgasms before getting one of their own like he could. 
Nobody did it like he could.
This doesn’t mean anything you repeat in your mind, clinging to his arm like your life depended on it after the two of you calmed your breathing and cleaned up. You weren’t sure if you were repeating those words to convince yourself or to ease your own mind about what just went down, but you knew they stung your heart more than any fighting words the two of you had ever exchanged.
“I missed this, cuddling with you, holdin’ you like this.” was all he slurred out against your hair, pressing a sleepy kiss into the crown of your head.
“Yeah, me too.” you mumble in return, accepting the warmth of his embrace as sleep finally took you in, ignoring the gnawing pain growing in your chest.
The spice of Steve’s cologne mixes with the familiar scent of his room, filling your senses when you wake, nearly sending you into a panic. You sit upright in the bed, turning to face the boy you claimed you wanted nothing to do with romantically just a few hours ago. Steve is sleeping peacefully next to you, plush lips parted and brows furrowed as he subconsciously pouts about the loss of your touch. The alarm clock behind him read 2:03 A.M., meaning you hadn’t been out for too long, but long enough to sober you up somehow. 
Shit. Shit. Shit. I gotta get out of here. Is all you can think as you stumble out from under the comforter, knowing you would never live it down if anyone found you’d slept in his bed, especially with your limbs entangled like they just were. You quickly dress in the clothes you’d originally come into the bedroom to fetch, and snuck out of the bedroom without a sound. 
Before making it to the living room, you turned toward the dimly lit kitchen for a glass of water. What you weren’t expecting to be faced with in the kitchen was Eddie, but there he was, leaning against the counter with disheveled hair that probably mirrored your own. 
“What a night so far, huh?” he jokes as you shoot him a knowing glare while trudging across the tiled floor. 
“Don’t even start with me, Munson.” you warn, absentmindedly reaching your hand up to the cabinet for a glass while shaking your head.
“Woah, don’t get that attitude with me! I didn’t say anything,” he laughs, setting his own glass into the sink, “but that also doesn’t mean I didn’t hear anything.”
“You did not,” you snap back, eyes wide and cheeks flushed with embarrassment as he gives you a shit-eating grin, “there’s no way you heard anything because nothing happened.”
“You’ve always been such a bad liar, Y/N.” Eddie laughs, stepping out of the kitchen to walk towards the living room where the two of you would be sleeping. 
A sigh escapes your lips when Eddie leaves, letting you be alone with your thoughts finally. There was an ache in your chest that wasn’t going away any time soon, and it was in that moment that you wondered if you would ever be able to get over Steve Harrington, or if you would be in a continuous cycle of hurt and comfort for the rest of your damned life.
You collected your thoughts as you downed a glass of water, throwing back two ibuprofens with the last chug for good measure, before finding your way back to the living room. Eddie was on his side on the long side of the L-shaped couch, leaving the shorter side for you to sleep on. His eyes were closed as you laid down with your feet next to his own, but you knew he wasn’t asleep yet. 
“I won’t tell anyone, I promise.” you heard through the darkness after turning off the table lamp once you were settled.
“I know.” you sigh in return, staring up at the ceiling that was only lit by the streetlights flowing in from outside. “I just don’t want to live like this forever, I–I can’t keep being the secret that Steve is too embarrassed to talk about.”
“He’s not embarrassed of you,” Eddie said, voice barely above a whisper, just loud enough for you to hear, “he’s just afraid of fucking everything up even more than he already has.”
If only he could say that to my face, then maybe I’d believe it, you thought to yourself, chest tightening at just the thought of the brown-eyed boy who was fast asleep upstairs. 
You don’t reply to Eddie, unsure of what to say back, unsure of what you could squeak out without breaking down. 
“Goodnight, Eds,” is all you say in return, though you know you won’t be getting any sleep. 
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
After falling asleep for all of fifty minutes around 5 in the morning, you decided you had to leave. 
The entirety of the almost four hours you laid on Steve’s couch consisted of staring at the ceiling and fighting off tears while thinking about how you regretted everything you said and did over the last twelve hours. 
Coming to the Harrington house was a mistake, even stepping foot back in Hawkins was feeling like a mistake at this point. 
The only words repeating in your mind were This doesn’t mean anything. This doesn’t mean anything. This doesn’t mean anything.
You eventually had enough of the self-loathing and inability to sleep, so it was time to go. It was time to hastily change out of the pajamas that smelled too much like the boy you loved too hard, and time to go collapse in your own bed. There was no telling if you’d actually fall asleep once you made it there, but that was beside the point.
It was when you finally made it back to your parent’s house, to your childhood bedroom, that you swore that you wouldn’t see Steve Harrington again for the rest of Thanksgiving break, and hopefully would avoid seeing him again for a long while, for the sake of saving yourself from another heartbreak.
tags: @carinacassiopeiae
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vivwritesfics · 4 months
ok now that i got confirmation u like 5sos... may i pls request down bad rookie logan based on try hard 🤪
Noelle I love you but i couldn't work a song fic for this one, tried it from several angles, so i am gifting you an angsty bestie logan thing
idk if Fort Lauderdale has a beach, now it does
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"I hate it when you're not here," she said down the phone as she laid back on her bed.
Her alarm clock sitting on the dresser flashed a ridiculous time in the morning, but she knew that wasn't the time where Logan was. The exhaustion was worth it to get to speak to him.
"Yeah, I know," he replied, sounding just as tired as she was. But this was because he had just woken up, not that he hadn't yet slept (like her). "But I'm coming back soon."
But it wasn't his home, was it? Not anymore. No, his home was shitty shitty England, wasn't it?
Florida didn't feel right without him there.
But he was out living his dream, so she couldn't bring herself to hate him. She could never bring herself to hate him.
Her favourite time of year was when Logan came home. For the Miami Grand prix, for Christmas, for her birthday. Yeah, he'd never miss her birthday, if he could help it. It had been that way since his karting days, but back then his parent's used to pay for him to come home. Now he could afford it himself.
She let out a yawn, one she hoped he couldn't hear.
"Jesus, what time is it there?"
She didn't answer it right away, but Logan worked it out in his head. "Three in the morning, right?" He asked and she let out a hum. "Shit, go to sleep, you psycho," he said through a laugh.
She rolled her eyes at him, but she couldn't hide her smile. Not that she needed to hide her smile on the other side of the world. "I'll be awake for the race," she mumbled, her voice groggy.
"Just sleep," he said, voice soft. But it always was with her.
This was the way it always was around the Miami Grand Prix. She had the day marked in the calendar, and it couldn't come sooner.
Logan was all she had in Florida. It was pathetic, wasn't it? That he was her only friend in Florida. Without him there, she was lost. Working, sleeping. Working, sleeping. Working, sleeping.
But then Logan was back. Her best friend had returned. He was there before the rest of the grid, spent as much time as he could in Fort Lauderdale with his family.
And, of course, her.
His best friend, the one he had left behind to go out and live his life.
He'd missed her, missed her so fucking much. But he was busy. He had his family to spend time with, had a race to prepare for. No matter how hard he tried, he just didn't have time.
And that fucking sucked.
Oh well, at least their phone calls were at normal times.
(Not oh well, she really wanted to see him, really wanted to spend time with her best fucking friend).
And then Logan got mad. Maybe she was trying too hard to spend some time with him. He was a busy guy. If he could have, he would have made time for her. But he absolutely did not have time for her. And her constant insisting was getting grating.
It was stress, too. That was what had Logan shouting at her down the phone. 
It wasn't taken well, to say the least. She hung up on him, tears springing to her eyes. Fucking asshole. All she wanted to do was spend fucking time with him. Fuck that fucking asshole.
She ended up at the beach, with almost no idea how she got there. The beach was empty as she sat in the sand, but that wasn't surprising. Even spring breakers didn't stay on the beach this late. But there was something about staring at the waves as they crashed against the sand.
Of course, Logan felt incredibly guilty about losing his shit at her. He stared down at his phone for a good minute before he tried to call her back.
He tried again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again.
Eventually he bit the bullet, got into his car and headed to his house. He didn't see her own car in the drive, but didn't let that bother him as he climbed out and knocked on the door.
He should have guessed that she wasn't there. It made sense the more he thought about it, where else was her car?
If her parents knew where she was, they would have told him. But Logan could take a guess. He climbed back into his car, backed out of the drive, and headed to the beach.
When Logan saw her, his heart dropped.
She hadn't done this in years, and it had never been his fault. When they were kids he'd sit there with her. He'd let her sit with her head on his shoulder, he'd drive her home after. And now she was there and it was his fault. 
Slowly, Logan climbed out of his car. His hands were shoved into his pockets as he headed towards her.
Even kicking the sand, she didn't hear him. Not until he was sitting down beside her, copying her pose. Logan opened his mouth, ready to apologise.
But he didn't get that far.
"Do you ever feel so... out of place?" She wasn't looking at him, instead looking at the reflection of the moon on the water. "Like everyone else has left you behind?"
Logan sucked in a breath. After a year on the grid, it was a feeling he knew all too well. Hesitantly, he placed his arms over her shoulders. "Maybe you should leave Fort Lauderdale." His voice came out as more of a mumble, a struggle to hear. "You know, travel for a while."
She sucked in a shuddering breath. "Where the hell would I go, Logan?" She spat. But her head fell forward. "I didn't mean to say it like that."
"No, it's okay." he squeezed her tighter. "You could come stay in London with me, come travelling to races with me. God knows I miss the fuck out of you when you're not here."
The noise she made was somewhere between a laugh and a scoff. "Come stay with you? Are you serious?"
He nodded.
She leaned back, digging her palms into the sand. "Okay, Logie Bear, I'll take you up on it. Just... try not to fall in love with me."
It was a joke, of course it was a joke. Why else would she have said it like that?
"No promises," he mumbled, voice barely audible as he pulled her closer.
If you enjoyed this, please feel free to buy me a coffee
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missredherring · 9 months
Wrong Until You Make It Right
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Joel Miller x Plus Size!F!Reader
Rating: T
Word Count: 3k.
Summary: After a long day when his kitchen sink starts leaking, there's only one person he thinks to call. You make a house call and Joel gets a wake up call.
Contents: no outbreak!AU. No kids!AU. Co-workers to lovers. Power imbalance (contractor/subcontractor). Reader is nicknamed "Patches."
A/N: This is a Secret Santa gift for the lovely @covetyou!!!
I hope you like this, Lo. All of your prompts were great and I had a hard time passing up Dieter giggling about butt plugs, but I couldn't resist Joel pining over his pretty subcontractor plumber.
I was going to try and wait to post this closer to Christmas but I'm so impatient to give it to you!!
I know nothing about plumbing except for what Google told me. Not beta'd; all mistakes are my own. Divider by @saradika-graphics.
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Joel’s feet are wet. Why are his feet wet? 
He blinks his eyes back into focus from where he’d been staring blankly at the dishes and looks down at the floor. There’s a small puddle at his feet which explains the deeply unpleasant sensation of wet socks, but not why or where it came from. He opens the cabinet under the sink and a few more trickles of water rush out to settle around his feet too.
He sighs, and for one sweet second he considers going out to his truck, getting the sledgehammer, and just smashing through the whole damn kitchen. But then he thinks of the work and money it’d take to fix everything after his temper tantrum and sighs again. He turns on his phone’s flashlight and looks under the sink. There’s the usual pipes and nothing is obviously broken, but there is a puddle at the bottom of the cabinet to match the one on the floor. He hears another drop of water fall as he closes the door. 
His head hangs between his shoulders and he squeezes his eyes shut for just a moment. His phone is in his hand and ringing before he really knows what he’s doing. Your name is on the screen and his gut is mixed between the flutter of anticipation to hear your voice, and the sick twist of ‘oh shit.’ He shouldn’t be calling you this late after an even later day, but he has a plumbing issue, and you’re the one he always calls for plumbing issues. Ok, not always, but for the past year and a half you’ve been his plumber of choice. 
Your tiny voice is yelling at him by the time he makes up his mind to not hang up on you.
“Did he butt dial me or something? Man…” You’re talking to yourself and it sounds like you’re moving your phone away now so it’s his turn to call out your name.
“Patches, uh, hey. I meant to call you.” He says quickly. He grabs a kitchen towel and throws it on the floor, soaking up as much of the water as he can, moving it around with his already wet foot.
“What’s up?”
“I have a problem at the house. Kitchen sink is leaking.” 
“I just checked the kitchen pipes yesterday. Did something–”
“No, not at the site. At my house. There’s water all over the floor and–” He can feel the need to explain himself mix with the nerves in his gut and it’s an effort to stop the words. “Could you come over and take a look at it please? I know it’s after hours. I can call someone else.”
“Don’t worry about it, Miller. I’m leaving the site now, so I’ll see you in a bit.” You say and end the call. 
He’s left looking at his phone’s clock and rubs at the back of his neck, suddenly aware of his sore back and arms and the weight of tiredness behind his eyes. Joel takes the gamble and finishes the remaining dishes in the sink. He can give you the curtesy of a cleaned up workspace at least. When he’s done he goes under the sink again and turns off the water valve. 
Another hanging kitchen towel catches his eye as he straightens up and he tells himself that he might as well dry and put away the dishes while he waits for you to get here. Right after he changes his socks.
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Headlights flash through the front windows and his phone chimes with a text. He checks it even though he knows it’s from you, and a moment later you’re knocking at the door. 
Joel saw you just this morning, passing you in the site’s upstairs bathroom as he left to meet up with the materials supplier. He already has the urge to give you a wide berth, to leave the room you haven’t even entered yet. As he opens the door he knows, deep down, that being alone with you is a bad idea.
You’re standing on his doorstep, still in your preferred work uniform of a t-shirt branded with your plumbing company’s logo and a worn pair of overalls. Sturdy boots are on your feet and you’ve got a tool bag in one hand as you shove your phone in a pocket with the other.
All of a sudden he regrets everything. Calling you was a mistake. You shouldn’t be here, all round and soft and looking like you’ve walked out of every dirty dream he’s had since he was a teenager just learning what to do with a stiff dick only steps away from his bedroom, his couch, his kitchen counter. Hell, he’d happily deal with his back and knees aching tomorrow if you let him fuck you on the stairs right behind him, or up against the door after he closes it.
You raise your eyebrows at him when he doesn’t say anything and just stares at you. “You said you’ve got some busted pipes? You’re gonna have to let me in if you want me to look at them, Joel.”
He nods and moves out of the way. His hand is fidgeting at his side, but he's happy to let it go, relieved that it hasn't done something dumb like reach out for you instead. “Thanks for coming over so late. I appreciate it.”
“You know, there’s a porno that starts out like this,” You say as you pass him, a teasing grin on those lips he does his best not to think about. “The genders are usually flipped –which is just a ridiculous waste of potential– but don’t worry, all I have in here are my work tools. I left my other tool bag at home.”
You laugh and it’s all he can do to force some kind of sound out of his mouth that he hopes to God sounds like a laugh instead of a groan at the thought of you watching porn. 
“I promise I can pay, no need for a trade of services.”
You click your tongue and give him a look over your shoulder. “Shame.”
Joel finally closes the door behind you, pointing the way to the kitchen. It’s the only other room on this floor with the lights on, so you find it easily and Joel follows you, watching the shift of your hips as you walk. He’d always thought the overalls looked good on you, hugging the lines of your belly and ass and making him want to pop the buttons at your hips to see how far down your shirt went today. He's seen it ride up your sides, revealing skin and rolls that his fingers itch to touch. 
They’re covered in stains and patches, just like every pair you own, but he recognizes this pair and that patch on the back of your leg. It was one of the first jobs you'd worked together and he was still keeping an eye on you, getting the feel of how you worked and how well you fit into an established crew all trying to get the job done on schedule. 
The denim had gotten caught just at the back of your knee on a nail that had been sticking out while you checked a pipe fitting. You didn’t care much, just glad the skin underneath hadn’t been caught as well. The next time he saw those overalls there was a patch over where the hole had been, the stitches neat and straight in a way Joel knew his mother would’ve admired.
He glances away from that same patch and the others that have since joined it when you set down your tool bag on the counter. 
“You said the sink was leaking?” You ask him with a curious tone. It was the same one you used when triaging plumbing issues. There's what the client thinks the problem is and what actual problem is, you'd told him when he'd asked about the obvious ‘customer service’ persona you used. He was good enough dealing with customers, but you had a way with them that made him wonder just how much patience with stupidity you had. He hopes it’s a lot because he’s feeling really stupid right now, as you give him another look.
What the fuck is wrong with him? He’s been in a hundred different kitchens, bathrooms, and houses with you, but somehow you being in his own home, in his own kitchen feels different. He likes to savor a pot of hot coffee at that table when his schedule allows for it. That counter is where he dumps his stuff from the day and shakes off his responsibilities as head contractor for a few hours before he has to do it all again. 
Now you’re here in the middle of it, and all his brain can do is wonder how you’d fit in those scenarios. Would you join him at the table, watching the sun come over the trees while you both wait for the coffee to cool down? Would you want something to eat first, needing something in your stomach instead of having caffeine first thing in the morning? Would you lean against him as you tug your boots off and take a moment to rest there, pressing your face into his shoulder tenderly before making a face and moving away to tell him he stinks? 
Joel’s done his damnedest to keep things professional with you, despite the attraction he feels, but now those lines are blurring. There's a familiar curl of desire starting in his gut and he knows he can't let his thoughts wander much more or he'll just make it worse. When he'd changed into sweatpants after getting home, he certainly hadn't thought he'd need the camouflage jeans could provide. He swallows and falls back into the safe zone of work.
“Yea. I was washin’ up and water was coming straight outta the cabinet underneath.” 
You hum and pull out a small flashlight from your bag. Clicking it on, you open both cabinet doors and go down on your knees. After a second you roll back onto your bottom to sit on the floor. He watches as the extra fabric of your overalls stretches over your thighs and the denim creases and pushes into you, and when you readjust to get more comfortable he can’t stop the thought of taking you down to the floor himself. The way you’d laugh at him as he’d wrestle with your clothing, trying to get his hands on any part of your warm skin he could until you took pity on him and helped, lifting your hips up into his as you move them out of the way for him. 
You’re up to your shoulders in the cabinet by the time he blinks the fantasy away and he catches the tail end of what you’re saying. 
“-- you aren’t trying to fix this yourself. Most guys think they can do it.” You say, your voice muffled and echoing at the same time somehow. 
He scoffs. He’d been hired to clean up the aftermath of underqualified “Mr. Fix-it’s” plenty when he was starting out and building up a client base to branch out into contracting. 
“I know enough to shut the water off and call someone who knows what they’re doing. I don’t mess with plumbing or electric, you know that.”
“Right,” There’s a pause before you speak again. “I’m surprised you called me actually, Joel.”
His brows pull together in a frown you can’t see. “Why’s that?”
“I get the impression that you don’t like me much. You’re always scowling at me.”
“I scowl at everyone.” He says, but you’re not wrong. He often finds himself scowling when he catches sight of you on the job. It’s not because of anything you’re doing, it’s because he has to remind himself to stop ogling you while you’re both at work.  
Instead of saying anything else you motion to the faucet. “I can’t tell much right now. There’s no giant holes or disconnected pipes. Turn on the water and let’s see what’s going on.”
He nods and after stepping around you he flips the faucet handle all the way back. 
It happens all at once. The only warning they get is gurgling and the interrupted flow from the spout before something breaks and it’s no longer a drip but a full spray of water coming from where it shouldn’t.
The handle is slammed back down and he’s standing there with his hands held up and a driving need to do something to fix the mess. You’re still leaning into the cabinet, taking a final look at things before he hears the squeak of the water valve being turned off again and you emerge.
You’re soaked. It’d splashed some onto his pants, but you’d gotten a direct hit. Your hair, your face, and down your chest: it’s all wet, dripping onto his floor. 
“Shit, Patches,” He’s all out of kitchen towels. “Hang on.”
You’re where he left you when he comes back, towel in hand. He can see how tired you are in the tight lines around your mouth, the dark circles under your eyes, and the way you’re slouching over your lap. He hands you the towel and you nod in thanks.
It’s a brisk rub down that leaves your hair even more of a mess and the way you hold the towel to your chest in an attempt to draw out some of the water that’s seeped into the denim makes him regret giving up the towel. He holds a hand out to you and helps haul you up to your feet, both of you grunting with the effort. 
“Well,” you start. “From what I saw it’s an easy fix. Just needs some new fittings and fresh tape. I know I’ve got the tape on me, but I’m not sure about the fittings. I can definitely take care of it tomorrow though.”
He nods and is trying to think of something else to say, to keep you longer, when you do it for him.
“Could you get something from my truck for me, Joel? I’ve got a bag of clothes, behind the driver’s seat.” 
“'Course.” He says and you pull out your keys from one of the numerous pockets in your overalls. He wouldn't have minded having to find them himself. Your truck is somehow neat and dirty at the same time and the bag you mentioned is easy enough to find. 
He’s jostling the duffel bag, shuffling the handles in his hand, back and forth as he comes in when he’s stopped in his tracks. You’ve unhooked your overalls and taken off your shirt. The denim is bunched at your waist, held up by your round belly and leaving your chest bare except for your bra. Joel doesn’t know what he’d do if you’d taken that off too, even though it must be wet.
There are red marks on your ribcage and indents on your shoulders where the elastic has pressed into you throughout the day and he wants to soothe them, rub his thumbs and fingers over the marks on your sides as he kisses your shoulders. 
You’re leaning so casually on his counter like it’s something you do all the time. Like you’re just waiting for him to come back. He knows you’re doing just that, but the domesticity of the scene you make is too strong deny and to keep blaming it all on the strong physical attraction he has for you. The thought is clear in his mind and it breaks through all the bullshit he’s been telling himself for the past year in a half: this is what he wants. To come home with you after a long day and spend the rest of the night relaxing together. 
His heart trips over itself and he understands that this is it. He can’t avoid it anymore.
“Here.” He says and you jump a little at his voice. He hands over the bag and doesn’t speak again until you pulled a shirt on. “I like you plenty and that’s the problem.” 
You're in your underwear in front of him with one leg in your own pair of sweatpants. You're bent over, your breasts swinging a little with your movement. There is no shy turning away, just a grateful shucking of wet clothing and he’s only looking at your face and eyes now. 
“You’re damn good at your job and I’ve been trying to be professional around you,” He pauses and rocks his jaw. Then he says your name, not the nickname he gave you or your surname or anything else. Just your name. “I like you a lot, as more than a coworker and these feelings haven’t gone anywhere in the time I’ve known you. If you’re not interested, this won’t change anything at work,” He promises. “But I’d like to see if there’s something there, with you. If you want to.”
He shuts his mouth with a click and almost winces as what he said comes back to him. If Tommy heard about this, he’d never hear the end of it. Hell, he might not have the smoothest lines out there, but he said what he needs to.
You pull your arms into your shirt and there’s movement under it before you’re pulling the wet bra out from an arm hole and tossing it on the pile of clothes. The sigh you let out is gusty and full of relief. 
“Thank fuck it’s not just me. You’re one stubborn man, Joel Miller, but I’m glad we’re finally talking about it.” You reach out to him and smile when he takes your hand. It looks small in his, and he can feel the calluses on your palm catch on the calluses on his fingers. “I’d really like that.”
It’s Joel’s turn to sigh in relief and he squeezes your hand. “I was gonna order a pizza. D’you want to stay for dinner?” 
You narrow your eyes at him and take your hand back to poke him in the gut. “Feeding me won’t get you out of paying for work, you know.”
Joel shakes his head and gets his phone out. “Not even if it’s from Ty’s Place?”
Your lips purse in consideration and it’s with a giddy feeling that Joel realizes that he doesn’t have to push down his urges anymore. He gives into it and leans down to kiss your pretty mouth.
It takes a second for you to reply. “...maybe if you get breadsticks too.”
He chuckles and kisses you again.
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starrayblogs · 9 months
Not So Rock-Hearted || Floyd (Trolls) x Reader
a/n: a little something before christmas :3 likes and reblogs are appreciated, have a fun read!! ALSO my asks are open to questions about this fic c:
another a/n: tags~ @brights-place
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✩ previous chapter
iv. There You Go
“Aww, do you have to go?” Viva pouts, holding onto your hands. You chuckle.
“Yes, Viva, I have to.” You reply, rocking her hands in yours a bit. “I’m not the only one leaving either, you’re going too.”
“Ugh, I know- It’s just that it’s gonna feel like forever until we see each other again.” She turns away, pulling her hands away to cross them. You lean your body to put yourself in her field of vision, smiling. She makes eye contact with you, and her frown eases, a giggle bubbling from her throat.
“We’ll see each other next week.” You lean back, before your entire body jumps a bit from Poppy surprising you from behind.
“And we’ll be doing the second Trolls Kingdom Secret Holiday Gift Swap!” She says, fists to her face with a wide grin. 
“What’s that?” Viva and Branch’s brothers collectively ask.
“Oh, I’m so excited! Okay, so, basically, I send an invitation to all the Troll tribes with the name of someone inside the letter. Then, whoever you got is the troll you have to give a gift to!” Poppy exclaims, proceeding to grab Branch after the explanation.
“And we’ll be delivering the letters three days prior.” He says, looking to everyone else before back to Poppy.
“I’ll be looking forward to it, Poppy. And telling Barb about it so we don’t get flooded again.” You follow up the last part with a chuckle.
“You’ve gift swapped before?” Floyd speaks up, and you let out an exaggerated ‘phew’.
“Yeah, it happened… a few days after the World Tour, actually.” You look to Poppy for confirmation, who nods her head. “And I’ve never even met the troll I got, so I was kind of panicking until Poppy pitched in an idea.”
“You’re welcome!” She says, and you chuckle. “I’m so excited to see who you’ll get this time.”
“Please let it be Barb, that way I know what to give this time.” You joke, leaning onto your motorcycle behind you.
“Well, we’ll just have to see whose name lands in your hands!” Poppy sings with a cheeky grin.
“Right…” You smile back, getting a weird feeling in your gut about her grin.
“Well, I’m so pumped for this gift swap thing!” Clay quite literally pumps a fist in the air. “But we better get going before it gets too late.” He says, rolling his hands before reeling it behind him.
“Right! Well, it’s been a fun weekend, you guys. I can’t wait to see you for the holiday!” Viva waves bye to everyone as JD calls Rhonda, who is a sentient car (to your surprise). 
Your head tilts as you feel yourself already starting to miss Viva, even after spending almost your entire weekend by her side. She meets your eyes and runs up to give you a tight hug, which you return just as tight. “See you again, Veev.” You tell her softly when she pulls away.
“I can’t wait to spend holidays together again, amiga.” She says quietly to you, and you giggle.
“Get home safely, okay?” You let go of each other and watch as she walks away.
“Of course, get back safe too!” Viva replies, waving by the car door before making her way inside.
You watch Branch and Floyd huddle around the car door to say goodbye to the rest of their brothers. The sun is setting when Rhonda drives them away, JD saying a quick ‘I’ll be back as soon as I can!’ to Floyd and Branch.
You hum, turning your back and getting on your bike. “Are you sure it’s safe to drive back at night all alone?” A gentle voice approaches you, making you look up just as you are about to turn the key.
You turn to Floyd, who looks at you with furrowed brows. You smirk, leaning on top of your fuel tank. “Worried about me, Cotton Candy?”
His eyes flutter for a moment before stammering a reply. “Well, yes, I am. What if you get hurt? I wouldn’t want that to happen.” He says.
You perk up a little from the tank, your eyes widening as your smirk is wiped away. “Ah, well… You don’t- you don’t have to worry, I’ll travel safely.” You reply, stuttering over your words a bit. 
He lets out a smile as he sighs. “Good…”
His relief about you getting back safely makes your chest feel light.
“Make sure to have your lights on when it gets dark, alright?” He walks closer to you, holding one of the handles on your bike and causing you to sit up straight. Your cheeks are warm again. “I wanna see you for that gift swap, you know?” He looks at you with that gaze again—that gaze he held with you when he performed with his brothers.
There’s so much care in his eye, accompanied by that sweet smile on his lips. He doesn’t break contact as he waits for your reply.
“Right… I… I wanna see you too, so I’ll be sure to get home in one piece…” You utter softly, not even sure if you are loud enough for him to hear. He chuckles, pulling his hand away from the handle.
He says goodbye, following with your name leaving his lips in a way that makes you melt a bit inside. “Have a goodnight.”
“You too, Cotton Candy…” You manage to give him a reply, before watching him give a small wave and turn his back as he walks back further in Pop Village.
When he’s further away, you feel a smile spread across your face as you laugh to yourself quietly. You catch yourself and quickly cough, turning the key to turn on the bike. “Okay, cool.” You tell yourself, beginning to turn the vehicle around. “Stay cool! He’s just…” You shrug your shoulders as you begin to drive outside Pop Village.
He’s just a regular troll! Sure, he’s cute, and his voice is as pleasant as whatever those classical trolls play, and- You groan, picking up the speed as you ride through the night.
“Oh my gosh, Barb is going to tease the hell out of me.” You realize. You throw your head back quickly and groan louder before quickly facing the road again. “This is not cool.” You glance at yourself in the mirror. “This isn’t ‘rock’.” You tell yourself, glancing back up again.
You inhale deeply and lean closer to the bike, kicking up the speed again. You can’t let yourself get attached, not this easily. You’re not risking it with a world as cruel as this, taking things away no matter how much they mean to you. Keep it cool. You look at yourself one last time in the mirror. “Hard as rock.” You tell yourself, before looking ahead with a frown.
You woke up the next day. You came back home quietly, heading straight to your home while everyone was already in theirs. You slap your hands to your eyes as you collectively cringe and smile about your thoughts last night. 
When you bring yourself to a stop with a long exhale, you sit up from bed. You get ready for the day before riding your bike to Barb’s Fortress, calling out to her to show that you’re back.
You hear her voice exclaim your name and feel her hand ruffle your hair from behind you. “What’s up!? How was your little vacay in Pop Village?” She says, leading you to the lounge area.
“It was great.” You reply, chuckling as you think back to it briefly. “Thank you for letting me spend time with Viva.” You follow up, taking a seat with her on the (rather roughed up) couch.
“Hey, no problem.” Barb reassures. “That’s what best friends are for, right?” She smiles softly, her hand on your shoulder. You huff out a laugh and nod your head.
“Yeah…” You say, patting her hand on your shoulder before she pulls away. Then you remember what Poppy said. “Oh, yeah, we should be expecting invitations from Poppy for the Holiday Gift Swap in a few days. So, we probably shouldn’t get flooded like last time.” 
“Oh my gosh, again?” Barb says in a breathy voice. “I hope I get someone I know this time.”
“Honestly, I hoped I would get you.” You chuckle, punching her in the shoulder.
“Ohoho, that would be awesome.” She laughs, nodding her head in agreement. “Anyway, what happened on your trip back to Pop Village? Anything interesting?” She asks, turning herself on the couch to face you with crossed legs.
“Oh, you know. Poppy decided to hold a small get-together reunion type-of-thing,” you explain, rotating your wrist. “Actually, it wasn’t just me and Viva catching up. You remember those trolls on stage when we arrived at Vacay Island?”
“Oh yeah, the dark green one-”
“And the other green one-”
“And there was the purple one-”
“And the pink o-”
“Floyd.” You say his name faster than you said the name of the other brothers, catching Barb off guard and widening her eyes a bit.
“Alright, they were there too?” Barb follows up slowly.
“Yeah, and they’re Branch’s brothers. Then we kinda all got to hang out together. But when we left the party, me and Viva caught up a bit more by ourselves.” Barb hums.
“What happened at the party? Were there nachos? If there were, please tell me you brought back some.”
“No, there was menudo- which you should still totally try.” You chuckle. “Anyway, they convinced me to perform a rock song for them.” You recall, smirking a little.
“Aw yeah, rock rep!” Barb pumps a fist in the air before turning back to you. “And then?”
“Then Brozone, that’s the band of Branch and his bros, did a song too. Floyd’s a real performer, you know.”
You let that compliment slip out a little too nonchalantly. Your smile turns to a laugh, which turns to a cough, which turns to a forced smirk. “Y-yeah! He caught my eye, ya know? Just with how, you know… he kinda looks like us, but less rugged, yeah…” You try to explain coolly.
Barb squints her eyes, raises her brow, and leans forward toward you, quietly staring for close to a minute. “You think he’s cute, don’t you?” She blurts.
You begin to cough violently, feeling your cheeks warm up as you try to cover up your violent reaction with a laugh. “Wha- ha, Of course not! I think he’s interesting!” You correct her.
“Right… You think he’s cute.” Barb leans back, raising her hand with a smirk. “No judgment, by the way.” She says before crossing her arms.
You hide your face in your hands and groan, dragging them down your face. You glare at her smug face with your flushed face before sighing, shoulders slumping too. “Okay, maybe I think he’s cute.”
“Knew it.”
“But! I don’t… I…” Barb’s smirk falls as her face shows concern, her hand unfurling to reach out to you.
“What? What’s wrong?” She asks.
“I don’t want to get too close. What if something happens?” You say quietly, hugging your arms.
“Like what? Nothing’s going to happen, I mean- those bergen things don’t eat you anymore, and all trolls are united. What’s got you scared?” She places a hand on yours. “Doesn’t mean that we’re hard rock doesn't mean you gotta act that way.” She says, chuckling a bit. “I mean, you’ve seen my dad.”
You sigh. “I know, it’s just… It’s what I’m used to. You know that.” You look up to her slowly, meeting her eyes with your furrowed brows. 
Barb nods her head slightly. “I know… But I’m telling you that it’s okay now. You’ve got this, there’s nothing to worry about.”
You hum, inhaling deeply as you fix your posture and feel her hand pull away. “Okay… Okay.” You reply to her, but say it to reassure yourself at the same time. You two sit in comfortable silence before Barb speaks up again.
“You know, I think you two would actually look cute together.” 
“Barb!” You groan, slapping your hands back on your face and sinking into the couch. You were right when you said Barb would tease you about him.
✩ next chapter
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transformee · 9 months
The Naughty List
“The f- uh, can I help you?” Rick wasn’t sure how else to respond in the moment as he walked into his living room to find a large man in a red costume hunched over next to the fireplace.
“Oh, wonderful! Yes, perfect timing as a matter of fact. I was hoping I could wrap up this last stop quickly.” The man put his gloved hand on the mantle and hoisted himself upright, leaving little doubt as to his identify as he turned to face Rick. The beard, the belly, the suit – it was all there.
“Ok then, errr… Santa. I’ll play along. Did Jace put you up to this? How did you even get in here?”
“Why, through the chimney of course, just like always! Things just took a bit longer this year, but here I am!”
“Yeah, I mean, aren’t you a bit late? It’s almost New Years…”
The normally jolly look on Santa’s face soured a bit, although Rick didn’t notice. “Well, there are a couple billion more people than there used to be,” said Santa, dripping with rare sarcasm. “And no one is happy with the simple things anymore, so everything has to be bigger and bigger and better than ever before for social media and-“ Santa snapped out of his little rant, coming back to his senses. "But enough about that. Those gifts are reserved for those on the Nice list. These Naughty stops are usually much faster," he said with a chuckle.
"Ah, so I'm on the Naughty list, eh," Rick said with a smirk, now convinced that this was just a prank or little bit of roleplay that his boyfriend Jace had arranged. "What does that run these days? A few extra lumps of coal from inflation?"
"Sometimes yes, actually. It varies quite widely though, you see. And I do tend to save something... special for my last stop. it makes the rest of my year until next Christmas season much more enjoyable! And you, my little Dickie, have been on the Naughty list for so long, you finally earned that last spot..."
"Dickie? No one has called me that since I was like-"
"8, in fact."
Rick's previously amused expression slowly darkened. "And how the hell would you know THAT? I've never told anyone that, not even Jace."
"Oh, you know how all the songs go... I've been watching you for a long time, Dickie. Or would you prefer another moniker? Big Dick Rick, perhaps?"
"Ok, well, I don't have time for this anymore. Suit yourself." Rick turned around with a huff, intending to leave and accost Jace over the weird interaction in their home.
"Very well - I'll do just that!" A red cloud enveloped Rick from behind as Santa blew a handful of red dust that he had fished out from a punch on his large traditional belt. Rick coughed and waived his arms around before the cloud seemed to thicken and swirl around him until...
Just a quickly as it had swallowed him, the red cloud dissipated and left Rick wide-eyed and speechless. His clothes had all evaporated with Santa's smoke, and he was hovering a few inches above the ground. Santa just smirked as Rick spun his arms and legs around, trying to orient himself and regain some control.
"Ah, that's better! As you said, Rick, I don't have time for this early, so let's get this show on the road. I was going to give you and Jace the same special treatment that I usually save for my last stop, but I just thought of something different for you. Now... come to Santa!"
Rick's ass started to pull backwards towards Santa, with the rest of Rick floating along with it. Meanwhile Santa quickly unbuckled his belt and let his trademark pants fall to the floor, releasing his jolly belly and reveling a modest-but-erect cock aimed right at Rick's ass.
"Wait! Wha- what are you doing?!? N- EE!" Rick's protests ended with a high pitched squeak as Santa's cock slid right into his hole, leaving him mounted mid-air on Santa's crotch. A small moan escaped both their lips before Rick snapped back to his senses, albeit momentarily.
"N- no! This isn't- JACE! Jace! Ja..." Rick's words slurred and his eyes rolled back slightly as a bit more red dust sprinkled down from Santa's glove above his head.
"There, there... Just relax. That'll make this next part faster and more enjoyable for both of us," cooed Santa in Rick's ear. And with that, Santa leaned forward slightly and started to rub his gloved hands down Rick's muscular thighs, rounding his knees before pulling up slightly on his shins and feet. Again and again, Santa gently tucked Rick's lower body up towards his own as the changes slowly became more and more noticeable. With each pass, Rick's legs diminished in size, rounding off and lifting up towards their new home. Santa's balls hung low as Rick's feet finally made contact, merging and sinking inside. Within a matter a moments, Rick's legs had been fully engulfed by Santa's nuts, which now sat slightly larger in Santa's hand. He rolled them around with his gloved fingers, eliciting another louder moan from them both. And then, at least the most perfect or most awkward time...
"Rick, babe, was that you? Did you need help with something?" Jace descended the stairs down in the hall in front of the living room, giving him a direct view of the show. "Babe, what did yo-" Jace's eyes grew wide like saucers at the sight of his legless cross-eyed boyfriend magically suspended out from Santa's crotch. He would have been speechless even if a bolt of Santa's dust hadn't smacked his as soon as he turned the corner, leaving him frozen in place. A few muffled screams faded quickly as the calming effects of Santa's magic took hold.
"Oops! Well that was some interesting timing... Sorry about that, Jace, but you'll just have to wait there for your turn. Don't worry - it won't be long!"
And with that, Santa refocused on the task at hand, quite literally. "Well first, we need to do something about these big broad shoulders of yours!" Santa reached out his large hands and started to caress and press them on Rick's traps, pulling down and back and around from the base of his neck. Just like with his legs, each pass of Santa's hands brought accelerating changes as Rick's muscular shoulders and arms began to smooth down and slowly merge into his torso. Rick's biceps flexed a couple final times on reflex, but that didn't last long as they disappeared into the rest of him. Rick's new shape was becoming more and more clear unbeknownst to him. He simply remained a moaning mess mounted on Santa's cock.
"Mmmmmm, now for the best parts," Santa moaned as he reached back down towards his balls before stroking upwards. He hadn't forgotten that Rick's rock hard cock was still protruding, but not for long. Rick let out his loudest moan yet, and his eyes rolled back again as Santa pressed his cock against his abs, again and again, pressing it deeper and deeper until only Rick's smoothed abs remained. Rick groaned one last time before a different sound finally emerged - more of a gurgle. Santa purred at the new noise. "Mmmmmmm, yes, that's what I've been waiting for. That's what I love to hear..." Shifting his focus one final time, Santa stretched out with both hands as far as he could, just barely able to reach Rick's handsome face. Santa gently caressed Rick's cheeks as he pulled backwards, stroking what remained of Rick's body with both hands all the way down both sides from head to hips, stopping only to give Rick's pecs and nipples a squeeze on the way. The little bit of Rick's consciousness that struggled to hang on quickly lost its will as it felt like Santa's cock was growing inside of him with every stroke. The reality of course was slightly different as it was actually Rick's body dwindling in size. His mind was too mushy to notice however as Santa gave his pecs and nipples one last tease before they disappeared, causing that gurgling sound to bubble up from within Rick again and a dab of drool, or at least something that looked like drool, to dribble out the corner of his mouth and down his chin. Rick's hips had already disappeared into Santa's at this point, leaving what was left of him firmly attached. Santa's floating magic was barely even needed at this point as Santa had shrunk what was left of Rick down down past 3 feet to less than 2. His hands now easily reached all the way around Rick's body, so it was time to finally focus on Rick's head. Santa's gloves gently slid around his face, smoothing his forehead and chin back and down. It only took a few strokes before all that was left was Rick's tiny face on the tip of Santa's significantly larger rock-hard cock. Any illusion of Rick's torso was long gone, with cock veins clearly straining along what had been his body. Cum clearly leaked from his lips as he bobbed up and down a bit, and Rick's glazed eyes could only stare straight up at Santa's jolly face smiled down at him from above. And with that, the last thing that Rick saw was Santa's gloves bearing down on his one last time for one last tug, as his final features smoothed away, leaving just an engorged pink drooling head on the end of the dick that Rick had always been.
Santa groaned as Rick's transformation completed, with every last bit of nerve and fiber finally merged with his own.
"Nnggghhhhhhh, Big Dick Rick indeed..." Santa moaned as his new python of a cock started to soften slightly, all the while continuing to drool. "And for your first performance..." Santa's eyes gleamed as he turned and his mouth drew into a wide smirk... 'I'm going to need a volunteer!"
Horrified didn't even begin to cover it as Jace remained wide-eyed and frozen, staring at his former boyfriend leaking onto the floor from between Santa's jiggling thighs.
"For you, Jace, I've saved the usual 'gift' I give at the end of the season. This one is more for me really, but every now and then a recipient even enjoys it too! Now, don't be shy..." Santa playfully motioned for Jace with his index finger, calling him over.
"Mmmmm... mmmmmm!" Jace tried to cry out but could only manage a muffled protest as he felt himself lift off the ground slightly and twist and angle directly towards Santa. Then, suddenly and far faster than Rick had hovered, Jace was flung across the room in an instant, like a magnet flying to it partner. Jace's destination was far from a magnet however, as Big Dick Rick barreled his way between Jace's lips with a satisfying *schlorp*. Jace gagged from having such a massive member suddenly down his throat, but he quickly relaxed as a light sprinkle of that familiar red dusted his face. His eyes crossed and rolled back as he started to go to town on his former boyfriend, using every trick and tongue that he had ever learned. Santa practically roared in pleasure.
"Good lord, boy! I didn't even suggest... any...JESUS, you're good at this!" Santa could barely form a thought while getting what must've been the best blowjob of his life. He only wished it could've lasted longer, but Rick was so... so... sensitive...!
Three souls groaned as Santa's body started to buck and his 'gift' started to pour into Jace. A torrent of cum and mass and magic erupted from Rick's old lips straight down Jace's throat - far more than should have been physically possible. But this was no normal load, as Jace's body started to quiver. Not that Jace could discern anything further, but Santa's ample body was undergoing a change of its own. His belly shook like a bowl full of jelly as it receded inwards, all while Jace's breathing grew more labored. His tight-fitting clothes groaned, stretching at the seams as Jace expanded in all directions. Every part of him inflated like a balloon as Santa's did the opposite, with the disappearing mass revealing a sculpted physical behind. After the magical climax, Santa slowed stepped back, sliding his cock out of his cock's boyfriend's now-chubby face. Jace slumped to the floor on his knees, leaving his rotund rear end sticking up in the air.
"Aahhhhhh, that always feels soooooo much better, like the best version of getting your hair cut." A barely recognizable figure chuckled over the comatose boyfriend on the floor. Santa's traditional clothes started to shimmer and warp as they slowly reformed on his body. His coat pulled in quickly and tightly, foregoing new sleeves while his baggy pants snaked out from the ground, wrapping themselves around Nick’s tight thighs with a trim fit before covering the softening cock inside, sealing it in its new home.
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"This is what can happen to those on the Naughty list, gentlemen. Now, we can revisit your Naughty status near year, depending on your behavior of course. But with that, I think we can call this season a wrap! Time to hit up somewhere warm like Miami and have some fun for a bit!” And with that and a little strut, Nick made his way out of the house, giving Jace’s ample airborne ass a little slap along the way. He stretched his muscles, now on full display, and summoned his list with a puff of red smoke to cross his last names off for the year. However…
“Well what’s this? Did I miss one somehow? I guess we have one more quick stop this year, Rick!” said Nick as he pawed at his crotch with a smirk. “Now let’s see. Bryce… Bryce… are we Naughty or Nice! Ah ha! N-“
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year to all, especially @bizzhideaway ! 😁
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7s3ven · 9 months
BUY ME PRESENTS. harry potter
( master list )
IN WHICH… Y/N L/N’s situationship, Matteo Riddle, isn’t the best boyfriend material and when he forgets to buy her a Christmas present, she finally breaks it off. Luckily, she knows someone who’ll do everything Matteo didn’t.
“Some guys get the girl everybody wants and forget she’s still the girl everybody wants.”
Warning: Matteo and Y/N kinda swear a lot, oh well
“It's a packed holiday and I got options, babe. If you don't wanna buy me presents. Drink me like a warm glass of milk
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If you're not gonna race here from the North Pole to Beverly Hills. Just to keep my stocking filled. Well, I know somebody who will.”
Christmas and winter was a big deal at Hogwarts. Long strings of tinsel littered the stone hallways and shiny, delicate ornaments were hung up everywhere.
A H/C-haired girl rocked back and forth on her heels as she waited outside the Slytherin common room. She sighed, clicking her tongue. “What’s taking him so long?” She whispered under her breath.
Matteo was usually one to be late, but not on important days. Today was Christmas for goodness sake, Y/N’s favorite holiday.
Finally, the door to the common room slid open and Matteo walked out. His white shirt was messily tucked into his pants and the top few buttons were undone, irking Y/N who always looked perfect.
“Yo, Clarisse said you wanted to talk to me. Shoot.” Matteo shoved his hands into his pockets while Y/N lightly scoffed.
“Did you forget what day it is?” She questioned, arching an eyebrow. If the present in her hand didn’t give it away then she didn’t know what else would.
“It’s Christmas, Matteo.” Y/N uttered, “Does that jog your memory?”
“Oh, yeah. I just woke up so I’m still dazed.”
Y/N could smell the cigarette smoke in his breath. “Or stoned. Why are you still smoking? You know how I hate it.”
Matteo carelessly shrugged. “It relieves stress, babe. I am quitting. Just give me like, two more months and I’ll be done.”
Y/N bit back a snarky retort. He always said he was quitting but he never actually did. “Well, anyway, I got you a gift. Merry Christmas, Matt.” She held the box up, smiling.
Matteo slowly took it. He opened the lid, his eyebrows raising at what was inside. “You got me… something from Vivienne Westwood?” It was clear that Matteo wasn’t as rich as his Slytherin friends were. With no parents or caretaker, all he could do was leech off people.
“It’s a lighter. You never light the candles in your room, which is… weird because that’s what they’re for. But, I guess you can use it to light cigars too. I also overheard Draco complaining about how he doesn’t have that but wants it. You can fit in with your friends with it.” Y/N shrugged.
“Jeez. This must’ve cost a lot.” Matteo held the lighter in his hand, whistling at how it shined. “Fucking hell.”
“Hey, Matty, we’re gonna open presents. You joining us?” A slim blond girl peeked her head out of the common room, grinning. “I got you a real good present this time.”
“You’re too sweet, Lina. I’ll be in a minute. I think you’ll like your present too.” Matteo chuckled before he glanced back at Y/N. “What are you still doing here?”
“What? No present for me?” Y/N said it in a joking manner to hide the pit she felt in her stomach.
“Why would I get you something?”
Y/N lightly scoffed. “I don’t know, Matteo. Maybe because we’ve been seeing each other for the past year?”
“Hey. We haven’t been seeing each other. I just find you when I want a good fuck. Know your place, Y/N. It’s not like we’re dating.”
Y/N sharply clicked her tongue in annoyance. “Right.” She sarcastically smiled, “What was I thinking? My place is obviously to be at your beck and call. My apologies for the mixup. Have a good day, Matteo.”
Y/N spun around, walking away. She heard Matteo laugh in disbelief and one part of her wished he would run after her and hand her a gift. He didn’t. He strutted back into the Slytherin chamber and back to those insufferable girls.
Y/N sat on the stairs amongst the green, red, and white decorations, staring at the ground. She was clad in a short black and white fur blazer and a skirt. Fleece leggings lined her legs, keeping her warm, and she had her Ravenclaw scarf wrapped around her neck.
She lightly sniffled, playing with a silver bracelet her friend had given to her as an early present. She wasn’t too sure what she was upset about right now.
Perhaps it was because she was lonely in the Ravenclaw common room. Everybody was gone, not even her study partner had stayed behind this year. Or maybe it was because of a certain brown-haired boy who was as heartless and oblivious as always.
It was most likely the latter.
Y/N wanted to feel happy, especially since today was Christmas, a holiday she enjoyed a little too much. But with no friends to laugh with, no family to return to, and not even a boy to sit next to the fire with, she felt sad.
“Are you actually crying?”
Y/N hadn’t even noticed Matteo approach her until it was too late. At least he had thought twice before leaving her alone.
He stood in front of her, fiddling with the multiple rings that adorned his long fingers. “Seriously, Y/N? Just because I didn’t get you a Christmas gift?”
Y/N glared up at him. “Can you try being nice for one second? Who knows, you might like it.” Throughout the whole year, Matteo and Y/N had something going on. They were never in a confirmed relationship but they weren’t merely friends either.
Though, in the past few months, the two couldn’t seem to stop bantering.
“Look, I’ll get you a gift tomorrow. Happy?”
Y/N quietly scoffed as she stood up. “No. You always forget things like these, Matteo. It’s getting annoying.” Y/N turned around to walk up the stairs but she barely took two steps before Matteo grabbed her wrist.
“Where are you going? I thought we were going to spend Christmas together.”
Y/N tauntingly raised an eyebrow at Matteo. “You were giving me the silent treatment up until now. I had to bribe that girl, Clair or whatever her name was, to let me see you.”
“Her name is Clarisse.” Matteo corrected her.
Y/N stared at him, wondering how he thought it was a good time to correct her. “What? I’m trying to make a point here and you’re concerned about her name? Unbelievable. Maybe I should find some people who actually enjoy my presence.”
Matteo sneered. “So, what? You just gonna go back to that Potter boy? You’re leading him on, Y/N. We both know your heart belongs to me.”
“Belonged.” Y/N corrected him, “Past tense. This thing we have between us is done. I’m not going to be a stupid late night call for you anymore.” She forced Matteo to let go of her and walked away, ignoring his shouts that echoed around the corridors.
“I taught you everything! I taught you how to stand up for yourself! I made you popular! I practically created you from nothing!” Matteo angrily exclaimed at the bottom of the steps. “You can’t leave me!”
Y/N glanced over her shoulder at the enraged brunette. She smiled. “Watch me.”
The last thing Y/N heard Matteo say was when he furiously shouted her name, his booming voice showcasing his fiery rage.
Y/N knocked against the Gryffindor painting, sighing. The Fat Lady seemed to notice her mood.
“What happened this time?” She asked. Matteo and Y/N were no secret; they were the talk of the school with Matteo being Voldemort’s son and Y/N’s cousin being a death-eater. A year ago, it was even rumoured she was one herself.
Y/N stared up at the Fat Lady with teary eyes. “Matteo. I… broke it off with me.”
“Oh, honey, I know it may not seem like it now, but it was the right decision.”
Y/N softly smiled. “I know… I know.”
“Are you here to see the Potter boy?”
“Yes. Is he here?” Y/N wasn’t even sure if Harry was at Hogwarts. During second year, he had gone to stay with Ron.
“Of course. And the Weasley boy and the Granger girl. They’re all here.” The Fat Lady swung backwards, smiling, “Go on, dear.”
Y/N stepped into the Gryffindor common room, looking around. “Harry? Hello? Anybody here?” The room was empty. Y/N glanced over at the crackling fire and went to sit beside it, warning her cold hands.
She quietly clicked her tongue, staring at the blazing flames.
“Y/N?” Hermione questioned, walking up behind the H/C-nette, “What’s wrong?” Y/N quickly stood up, embracing her brown-haired friend into a tight hug.
“I did it.” She whispered, “I ended things with Matt- I mean, Riddle.”
“Oh… Are you feeling okay?” Hermione gently sat Y/N down on the couch, rubbing comforting circles into her back. “Do you want anything? Any water or food?”
Y/N stared at her hands. “Is… Harry here?”
“Yeah. I’ll get him.” Hermione stood up and went to fetch the boy. “She and Matteo broke things off.” She whispered in Harry’s ear, which sent a rush of excitement through the brunette. He never did like Matteo after all. He was a playboy to put it simply. Not only that, but for the longest time Harry had liked Y/N.
Matteo didn’t appreciate her but Harry did. He could treat her better than Matteo ever could.
“Hermione told me what happened. Are you okay?” Harry sat down beside Y/N, holding a neatly wrapped present. He heard Y/N heave a sigh.
“I think… I mean, obviously I’m a little sad but it feels good knowing I won’t have to deal with his annoying ass again.” Y/N uttered, eliciting a small amused chuckle out of Harry.
“Yeah… I got you something, by the way.” Harry handed the gift over to Y/N with shaking hands.
“Oh… that’s sweet. You didn’t have to.” She smiled, carefully unwrapping the present.
“I wanted to… you said that was your favorite book so I bought you the limited edition cover one… with a bit more.”
Y/N raised her eyebrows in confusion as Harry. She slowly opened the novel to a page tabbed with a (favorite color) sticker note.
Merry Christmas, Y/N. Thank you for being such a loyal fan throughout my career.
- Your favorite author
Underneath the short message was the writer’s signature as well as a polaroid picture of Harry and the author.
“Oh my gosh… how did you… what…” Y/N was at a loss for words as she turned to Harry and tightly hugged him. “I don’t have a present for you… I’m sorry.”
Harry smiled as Y/N pulled away. “It’s fine. Having you here makes up for it.”
“Are you sure?” Y/N furrowed her brows, “I can buy you something tomorrow. Or I’m sure I have a have a golden snitch lying around here somewhere.” Y/N pulled a snitch from out of her pocket, “Remember this, Harry? You almost choked to death on it in your first game.”
“What the… how did you…” Harry was as flabbergasted as Y/N now. She laughed, handing it over to him.
“Well, after you almost swallowed it, nobody really wanted to play with it anymore. So I asked Wood to get it for me. We spent a good time cleaning it.”
Harry chuckled, staring at the small golden ball in awe. “That’s… amazing. Jeez. Riddle really doesn’t deserve you.”
Y/N’s shoulders visibly shrunk at the mentioning of the brunette’s name.
“Oh…” Harry instantly noticed, “Sorry, too soon?”
Y/N silently shook her head. “No… I’m fine…” She turned her head, beaming at Harry with a smile that made him melt. “You’re right, he didn’t deserve me. Thank you for the book, Harry. It’s wonderful.”
She embraced him once again and Harry could feel his cheeks heat up at the contact. There was a small jingle and as Y/N lifted her head, she couldn’t help but laugh.
Mistletoe floated above the pair, jingling as if to remind the two it was there. Harry gazed over Y/N’s shoulder at Ron, who held his wand in one hand and was giving Harry a thumbs up with the other.
“It’d be rude to defy the rules of Christmas, especially with how much you love it.” Harry uttered.
Y/N laughed again. “I suppose so.”
“You don’t have to kiss me for real. You can kiss me on the cheek or something or”- Harry was cut off when Y/N grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulling him forward and kissing him.
Harry was the complete opposite of Matteo. The Slytherin boy was rough and uncaring while Harry was soft and gentle. The brunette with glasses carefully grasped Y/N’s hands, squeezing them tightly.
“I don’t know if this is too soon, Y/N.” Harry said as he pulled away slightly. “But, I like you. I’ve liked you for ages. Ever since first year. And the only reason I didn’t like Riddle was because I hated how he had managed to attract your attention. I think you’re wonderful and you shouldn’t be stuck with someone like Riddle. You don’t have to give me your answer now… but just consider it.”
Y/N gazed at Harry, her heart doing flips in her chest. This was a feeling she hadn’t felt in a long time. She shyly adverted her eyes. “I… I don’t know what to say Harry. I think I like you too… but I feel like it’s too soon.”
“I don’t mind waiting. I just need you to know that I’m willing to race here from the North Pole to Beverly Hills. Just to keep your stocking filled.”
Y/N giggled. “That’s cute, Harry.” She leaned forward, pressing another chaste kiss to his lips. “Merry Christmas, Harry.”
“What the fuck, asshole?!” Matteo’s loud shout caused the Great Hall to fall into silence. They all watched as he stormed towards the Gryffindor table, slamming his hands in front of Harry. “You kissed my girl!” He exclaimed.
Y/N turned her head, staring at Matteo with furrowed eyebrows.
“What’s going on?” Her friend tugged on her sleeve.
“I’m… not sure.” Y/N replied, craning to get a better look.
“What are you talking about, Riddle?” Harry asked, confused.
“You know who the fuck I’m talking about! Y/N fucking L/N! You kissed her!” Matteo was getting angrier by the second.
“Hey, dude, relax.” Lorenzo grabbed Matteo by the shoulders, forcing him out of the Great Hall. The rest of his friend group followed.
Y/N sighed, standing up. “I’m going to talk to Matteo.” She announced.
“What? Are you crazy?” Her friend tried to get Y/N to sit back down again.
“He deserves an explanation… and I also want to make it clear that we’re no longer a thing.” Y/N followed after the Slytherin gang and jogged to walk beside Pansy, who was lagging behind.
“What’s gotten into him?” Y/N questioned Pansy, who seemed to like her the best out of all the girls Matteo hooked up with.
“I don’t know.” Pansy sighed, “He just started acting mental after he found out you and Potter were going out. But, he doesn’t really deserve to be mad when it’s his fault.”
“Matt, dude, what’s gotten into you?” Theodore asked as Matteo silently seethed.
“I fucking hate Potter.” He uttered through gritted teeth. He looked up, spotting Y/N. Instantly, the fire in his eyes disappeared.
“Riddle.” Y/N greeted him calmly, nodding her head in acknowledgment. “There seems to be a misunderstanding.”
“Why did you kiss Potter?” Matteo demanded, clenching his hands into fists.
“Why can’t I? I’m free to do whatever I want. After all, it’s not like we’re dating, right? You said it yourself.”
Matteo angrily exhaled.
“Besides, what are you gonna do? Are you gonna kill me, Matteo?” Y/N taunted. “Like you said last year because you didn’t want to commit to someone? Instead of committing to a girl, you would rather kill her?”
“It was a joke!”
“Jokes are supposed to be funny! Fuck you, Matteo! You piece of shit!”
Matteo, in a surge of rage, grabbed Y/N by the collar. Lorenzo stepped forward to interrupt the situation, but Harry beat him to it.
“Don’t touch her.” Harry glowered at Matteo as he pulled Y/N away from his grasp. “You made your choice. Deal with it because it’s your fault you lost Y/N in the first place.”
Y/N sighed, brushing the wrinkles out of her blouse. “I hope we can talk again under better circumstances, Riddle. Good day.”
Y/N walked off and Harry followed close behind.
“How good did that feel?” He questioned, grinning.
“It felt amazing!” Y/N grinned, “I can’t believe I just sweared at the Matteo Riddle and got away with it.”
“So, what do you say we have some fruitcakes and figgy pudding to celebrate?” Harry slung an arm around Y/N’s shoulder while she playfully scoffed.
“It’s January, Harry.”
“Yeah? So? It’s never too early to celebrate Christmas.”
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creamhoodie · 9 months
𓆩♡𓆪 Period Play 𓆩♡𓆪
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A/N: A Christmas Eve gift also helped me get through my period this week. synopsis: Gojo stimulates you while you are on your period (afab reader, reader uses a tampon, set during Gojo's jujutsu high days, all characters are young adults)
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“Why didn’t you go on today’s mission?” Satoru Gojo said, opening the door to your dorm room and poking his head in. 
“I’m sick,” you said motioning to the state you were in: lying in bed with a heating pad on your stomach and a box of chocolates next to you. The background noise of a chick flick you were watching filled the brief silence.  
“Bummer. I missed you out there today,” he said, now fully coming into your room and closing the door behind him. He plopped himself down on the edge of your bed and looked closer at you. “Wait when you say sick you mean-“
“I’m having menstrual symptoms, yes Gojo,” you told him, a little annoyed at his presence. While you did admire him for being the strongest, you found he could be arrogant sometimes and he was always teasing you. 
His crystal eyes seemed perplexed, almost stumped.
“Oh well, are you feeling okay?” He asked unsure, it was the first time he sounded unsure of himself. 
You failed to hold back a laugh.
“So all it takes to stump the great Satoru Gojo is some period symptoms that’s very funny,” you giggled. 
He narrowed his eyes.
“No. I know about this stuff plenty of the women in my clan went through it. I just didn’t wanna seem insensitive is all,” he said genuinely. 
“Oh okay. Well I appreciate that,” you said, accepting his words then adding, “Gojo those are mine!” when he popped a chocolate into his mouth. 
“Can I stay here with you for a bit and hangout?” He asked, licking his longer fingers for any residue of the chocolate. 
Now it was your turn to narrow your eyes. 
“Why would you wanna do that?” You asked.
“I told you, I missed you out on the mission today,” he replied. 
“Did you? I thought I always slowed you down,” you said. 
It was true that he was infinitely stronger than you and even without his abilities his body never seemed to tire as he was in perfect shape despite his raging sweet tooth. 
“Sometimes you do, but you’re good company and I like saving you,” he said with a hint of pink in his cheeks. 
His words made your heart beat pick up speed and his stunning crystal eyes becoming puppy like wasn’t helping. 
“Okay you can stay and ‘hang out’ or whatever you called it,” you conceded. 
“Sweet,” he cheered, kicking off his shoes and rummaging around until he was sitting beside you under the sheets. “What?” he asked innocently as you watched him make himself comfortable. 
“Nothing. Now give me my chocolates we can share but I’m holding them otherwise you won’t.” 
You had ended up restarting the chick flick for Gojo to watch it from the beginning. He teased the cheesiness of it at first.
“You seriously like this type of thing?” He asked, brows raised. 
“I do. I like romance and sweet gestures,” you replied a little defensively. It was a guilty pleasure especially because the romance in your life had been lacking lately. 
“Okay hold your fire I was just asking. No need to get all defensive on me, doll,” he said snickering. 
You ignored him but took the last chocolate as payback for his teasing your heart relishing the way his voice turned boyish as he exclaimed “hey!” 
As the movie progressed Gojo seemed more invested, no longer making witty remarks. He had also allowed for his knee to rest against yours under the sheets, the slight contact making you blush. You dared not look up at him however, not wanting to be caught. It was unfair that he got to sneak all the glances he could at you (and unbeknownst to you there were plenty!) but it would be so obvious if you looked up at him. 
After a while you dozed off. 
You only came to when you felt Gojo shifting under you. 
“Gojo?” you asked, groggily as your mind registered your position. 
You had ended up laying on his chest and on top of him in your sleep as he sat there in a relaxed fashion like your own personal recliner. 
“Good morning, doll. You missed the ending but I gotta say it wasn’t as bad as I thought,” he teased. 
From where you were laying you could smell his natural scent as well as his musky earthy cologne, the smell of him was enticing to your pheromones. “Like how I smell?” he was clearly amused and you looked up at him now, he was watching you intently.
“Gojo stop being weird, I just woke up. Sorry for falling asleep on you,” you said, straightening yourself up so you were sitting next to him again rather than laying on him. 
“Your face is red,” he teased. 
“Because it was hot under the blankets,” you deflected.
His grin said he knew otherwise. 
“You’re cute when you’re sleeping,” he said. 
Again, your heart began to pick up speed and to your horror you felt a second heartbeat in a much more intimate area.
“Okay, well since the movie is over you can go now. Thanks for keeping me company. See you on the next mission,” you said, trying to force nonchalance when you felt anything but. 
Gojo laughed and leaned closer to you. 
“See you on the next mission? Why are you talking to me like we’re just colleagues?” 
He came ever closer still, bridging the gap between the two of you so you could smell his minty breath. 
“Isn’t that what we are?” you asked, blinking slightly. Time seemed to stop with him and suddenly you were hyper aware of everything from his long white eyelashes to his lush pink lips and of course his signature crystal eyes. 
“Ouch, I would have at least called us friends, but you wanna know something?” his voice was like molasses as if he wanted you to take in every word. 
“What?” you asked.
“I don’t just wanna be your friend,” he confessed. His lips were on yours and you exhaled a breathy moan you didn’t know you had been holding in. “Fuck, do that sound again,” he whispered between kisses. 
You did, it was easy with the way he was making you feel breathless as his tongue and lips completely intermingled with yours. 
Your hands went instinctively to his undercut, always having wanted to touch it, you did now, fingers grazing the blunt hair texture causing him to moan into your mouth. 
Hormones raging you struggled to wrap your legs around his waist, but luckily he knew what you wanted. 
Effortlessly, he positioned you two so he was in front of you in a sort of missionary fashion, your legs draped around his shoulders, he bent forward to give you tongue filled kisses. 
“I’ve wanted this so bad, you have no idea,” he whispered to you. 
“Me too,” you came clean at last. You made out with him some more and you felt his erection through his pants against your sex causing you to come back to reality. “Gojo, I'm on my period, remember?” 
He blinked as if remembering but he was as witty as ever.
“So? A little blood doesn’t scare me. Does it scare you?” he teased. 
Your face flushed with heat. Of course it didn’t scare you but the prospect of him seeing you in that manner did.
“Gojo!” you whined in disapproval.
“I’m kidding, god you’re so fucking cute when you’re riled up. There’s plenty of other ways for us to have fun,” he said. 
As if to demonstrate, he resumed kissing you, his hands inching up your shirt hesitantly, you nodded to give him approval and he continued. You sighed in bliss as you felt his large hands cup your breasts as he continued to kiss you. His thumbs massaged the nipples that were hypersensitive from it being your time of the month. 
“Feels good doesn’t it?” he said softly to you as your lips broke apart. 
You could only nod, eyes rolling back in pleasure. He continued to massage your nipples and as he did he grinded his clothed erection against your clothed sex stimulating you as much as he could. 
“Gojo.. so good,” you moaned. 
“Call me Satoru,” he said, his voice shaky, almost vulnerable. 
“Satoru..” you moaned, indulging his request and you didn’t miss how his eyes softened at you doing so. 
“Fuck, can I take your shirt off?” he asked his voice heated and eyes still soft, a thrilling combination that was making your stomach leap with butterflies at what it could mean. 
“Yeah,” you said, granting him permission, it was getting too hot anyways. 
He eagerly popped open the buttons of your top and you didn’t miss how one went flying in the air. 
“Sorry. I’ll fix it or get you another. Just so excited,” he said breathlessly.
“It’s fine Go- Satoru,” you assured him, unhooking your legs from his shoulders and opting to sit up to help him shrug the sleeves off until the whole thing was discarded and forgotten on the bed. 
You hadn’t been wearing a bra so your full breasts were exposed. Gojo had always taken peeks at your breasts and down the cleavage of your shirt when you weren’t looking. It was all too easy for him given the height difference. Now faced with your exposed breasts he couldn’t look away, feeling like an adolescent again seeing a pair for the first time. 
“Fuck,” he whispered, again cupping them with his hands. You trembled, loving both his reaction and touch. “your tits are fucking perfect.”  
He bent forward and to your amazement he began sucking on your nipple while his other hand worked the other nipple, massaging it with his fingers again. 
It was all too much and somehow much more sensual than you would have ever expected foreplay to be. 
He looked up at you from where he was sucking your tit, blue eyes not leaving your face. His lips felt so good, the stimulation against the sensitive skin so pleasurable, you couldn’t help but grab his head to hold him in place. 
He was bringing out sides of yourself you didn’t know existed, a new sexual confidence you hadn’t had before. Between him and your hormones, the racing of your pulse in your veins and clit you just wanted more of him. 
This newfound confidence caused you to move his head between you both your tits now, pressing your arms against yourself closer so your tits were fully enveloping his face.
“Yeah that’s it, suffocate me with your tits baby,” he groaned, his words muffled but decipherable against your skin. 
“Oh god,” you moaned, your lips quivering completely on the brink of losing it now at the new endearment he had called you. 
You mentally cursed your cycle for cock blocking, you wanted him, no you needed him desperately. 
“You wanna be fucked so bad, I can tell,” he teased and you figured not even a face full of tits could silence his playful personality.
“Shut up,” you replied but loosened your grip so he could come up for air, now his face was flushed and snowy hair was a full on mess, plastering down on his forehead with sweat. 
“It doesn’t take six eyes to tell you wanna be fucked, even a blind man could tell,” he said. 
“So what are you getting at? You seem in a similar state yourself,” you asked. 
“Well my offer still stands. I wouldn’t be the strongest if a little blood scared me,” his eyes glowed mischievously. 
You chewed on the inside of your cheek as you contemplated it. You were wearing a tampon after all, maybe he could stimulate your clit a little and help you orgasm? 
“Mmm, okay Satoru but we can’t do much else besides clitorial stimulation because you know,” you said. 
He perked up.
“Sounds good to me. I’ll do only what you want,” he said. 
He got off the bed positioning himself on his knees in front of you, pulling your legs closer to him so you were within perfect reach. His long fingers reached for the ties of your sweatpants and you suddenly felt shy. You began to overthink: this was your first time hooking up with him, what is too much too soon? What if he didn’t like it? Even worse, what if you smelt even though you had been keeping up with your hygiene more than usual because of your period? 
He sensed your hesitation, pausing.
“Hey, you okay?” he asked softly, voice serious for once. 
“Yeah I’m fine,” you replied, ever the people pleaser. 
He knew better.
“If you’re uncomfortable we don’t have to do anything. I just wanna make you feel good that’s all,” he said genuinely. 
You searched your feelings. You wanted him, you always had, and now you had your chance to be with him. What was stopping you? Just fear, fear that he wouldn’t like it or he’d judge you. 
“I want to, Satoru I’m just..” your words drifted off. Luckily, he knew, he always seemed to know. 
“Scared? That’s okay. I’m right here with you. I’ll take care of you,” he said. 
His sentence.. it was the very same sentence he had told you on your first ever mission when you were paired up with him. You had been so scared then and he had said these exact words to you, and it was then that you had begun to fall for him. It was something so little but it meant so much and as the memory played in your head it gave you the assurance you needed. 
“You can go ahead now,” you said nodding to him. 
“Yeah? Alright, let me know if you wanna stop at any time. You’re in charge,” he said, visibly excited. 
With that, he undid the tie of your sweatpants and you helped him slide off your body along with your underwear, he placed your garments carefully on the floor. 
Your bare sex exposed to him now, you didn’t feel as embarrassed as you thought you would have. Maybe it was because of his reassurance and the way he treated your clothes with such care that showed you he’d be non judgmental. 
“Wow, you’re incredible,” he praised as you laid completely nude to him.
 He used two fingers to feel up your wet folds making you shiver and your breathing hitched when he found your clit. He started rubbing your clit with his two fingers in a circular manner. He loved the way you let out a little ‘oh’ your face taking on an expression of absolute ecstasy.“That’s a good girl, your moans are so fucking sexy,” he said. 
He was enjoying himself as well, making you feel good turned him on but then again everything you did sexually or not had always had an affect on him. You had said clitorial play only, and he was fine with that, after all he was a master of worshiping the clit. 
Lucky for you, his fingers weren’t the only ones that were well versed in this art form. He inched forward, slicking his tongue across your precious pearl. 
“Oh- Satoru- fuck yes!. mm,” you sounded unhinged, extremely in heat and all because of him. 
It was everything he had wanted since he had seen you for the first time and as he continued to lap and simultaneously rub at your clit he enjoyed the view of your naked tits rising and falling with each breathy moan. 
“Keep going, fuck, please keep going,” you begged taking full advantage of his earlier statement of you being in charge. 
He had no intention of stopping and he had taken to licking the rest of your sex, tonguing your fleshy labia lips as well. He felt that he could spend infinity here between your thighs eating you out, and god did you smell good. He wasn’t the type of man that entertained foolish unrealistic fantasies of women smelling like roses down there and he was experienced enough to know what a pussy smelt like and yours with its heated metallic scent and taste was sending him over the edge. 
“So good,” he lapped at your arousal, “so fucking good.” 
Hearing how turned on he sounded made you pulsate more and you couldn’t help yourself, like you did before you reached down and took hold of his head pressing his face against your pussy. 
It was criminal how insanely good he was at this, criminal how he had withheld this ability of that smart mouth of his from you. God, how many times have you two had spare time from finishing a mission early? Countless and to think you could have spent that spare time with him like this.
Your moans began to sound wet and guttural as tears rolled down your face from the immense gratification he was making you feel. As you felt yourself getting closer to climaxing, your grip loosened on his head as you fell back against the bed, hands falling back as well and gripping the sheets. 
He glanced up at you, his face slick with both sweat and your arousal as he continued to pleasure you. The way your hair was matting to your forehead and was disheveled brought him glee since it reminded him of when he’d ruffle the top of your hair to tease you. 
“Satoru, I’m so close,” you whispered. 
“I know, I know,” he cooed gently as he paused, opting to only stimulate your clit with his fingers now. The raging erection that had been present during this whole ordeal pained him now and he wanted nothing more than to sink into the deep warmth of your pussy, but he understood that wasn’t possible right now. He’d later jerk off to the thought of you (not for the first time) to relieve himself, right now he wanted the focus to be on pleasing you. He found your most delicate spot and set a rhythmic pace. 
“Yes, Satoru right there just like that!” you exclaimed enthusiastically knowing that if he kept his motions in this tempo you’d soon orgasm. He followed your command, eager to watch you hit your peak and he decided to aid you in that regard by talking dirty. 
“You’re so fucking hot, you know that? Always have thought so from the moment I saw you.” 
His words earned him a yelp from you and caused your knees to buckle, that made him smile… so you love when I talk dirty to you, doll, he thought to himself. 
“You know how many times I thought about taking you as my own while we were out there all alone together on missions?” 
He kept the same tempo you had instructed and he put his free hand on your waist, fingers kneading down the thick flesh of the side of your ass.
“Better yet, you know how many times I stroked out to you when we’d go our separate ways for the night staying at whatever dingy hotel we could find?” 
By this point his words, his confirmation that his attraction to you ran as deep as yours for him was making your toes curl. 
You were so fucking incredibly close as if standing at the edge of a cliff, body full of adrenaline. 
“Truth is I may be the strongest but you’re the only thing that can render me completely weak, doll,” he whispered. 
And off the cliff you fell into a cloud of pure bliss as your body released its orgasm. It felt so good, better than anything you had experienced. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, closing on their own accord. 
It was a fulfilling end to this symphony of pleasure he had brought you. 
“Satoru… that was amazing,” your words slurred and were almost buzzed as if you were drunk. 
To think this was the pleasure he had brought you only with his tongue and fingers. You were willing to bet that the pleasure he could bring you was limitless but for now you focused on catching your breath feeling as free as a cosmic star. 
“Can I stay with you? I’m not the type to hit and run,” he said after you finished redressing yourself. He had cleaned you (and his face) up before gently handing you your clothes and straightening himself up to his full height. 
“Yes I suppose you can,” you said awkwardly not knowing how to go forward in this new dynamic with him. 
He seemed to pick up on that. 
“Things don’t have to be weird between us, you know they can keep being how they’ve been,” he said.
“And what does that mean?” you asked looking up at him from where you sat at the edge of your bed. 
“It means I can still do this,” he said ruffling your hair, causing you to protest. He leaned forward, hands resting on the sides of the bed as he eye level with you “and I can do this,” he added, kissing you softly. 
You moaned against his lips, enjoying the way his lips felt against yours. When your lips broke apart he said: 
“Now should we cuddle for a while? You can enjoy my scent freely without having to pretend you don't,” he offered.
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albaskies · 6 months
And if I didn't know better
Or: One evening, Ginny reflects on her choice to step up for Teddy, while trying to navigate her grief for the loss of those who never could. Also on AO3:
She isn’t quite so sure what made her decide to step up for a child when she was hardly an adult herself. Not that she’d done much at first - she’d barely ever been there during the first year of his life, and she’d only gathered the courage to rock him to sleep a few months after she’d moved back home. It was more of a feeling, as if she’d accepted the responsibility deep in her heart before she could even trust her own limbs to hold him properly. 
It feels like a lifetime away, now, as his little body is curled up against hers and his turquoise hair shines in the dim candlelight. They lay on several cushions and blankets scattered on the floor; an old white sheet stuck on four chairs hanging on top of their heads, covering the ceiling. They’ve built a fort, you know. Right after playing dragons and running around on invisible broomsticks (‘Feet on the ground, Teddy, please’). All in their living room, all after having dinner. 
Harry’s sent word that he’ll be home late - problems at the office. He sounded very disappointed to miss out on having Teddy over for the night, one of his favourite weekly activities. He usually sleeps over on Fridays, but they might have to switch it to Saturdays if Harry keeps on getting held back at work.
Ginny is seriously doubting that her strategy to try and wear Teddy out before bedtime has been effective, as Teddy’s eyes are still wide open and shimmering with energy. The cup of warm milk she’s offered him hasn’t quite done the trick, now left unfinished and forgotten on the floor right next to him. But then again, Teddy’s undergoing that toddler phase where nothing in the world can get him to wind down unless he decides to, thank you very much. How did Hermione call him? A threenager? Where did she even hear such a ridiculous thing?
She looks down at him again, as he has started to move his tiny hands and notice the corresponding shadow movements reflected on the sheet. His expression is full of wonder, not a care in the world, and she’s so grateful for the look in his eyes (and, yes, for the rare moment of quiet as well) that she feels her heart could explode.
‘Look, Teddy,’ she says, joining her thumbs and wiggling the rest of her fingers. ‘Isn’t that an eagle? Oh my, how did it get here?’.
Teddy squeals with laughter, unable to contain his excitement - the sweetest sound in the world.
‘Again, Ginny, again!’.
She regrets it, to have hesitated back then. It’s not that she didn’t care for him when he was a baby - quite the contrary, actually. She’d known she loved him so much since before he was even born; that one Christmas morning when Tonks had grabbed her hand and had gently placed her on her pregnant tummy.  But she was scared, terrified of messing it all up, of not being good enough. She still is sometimes - she’s just learned to cope with it better, or maybe to hide it better. She reckons that nobody really knows how to deal with a child from the beginning, especially when it’s not their own; and they are all a bit broken now anyway. But it doesn’t really matter, does it, as long as they’re there for each other, as long as Friday nights are still about dragons, invisible broomsticks and animal shadows on a fort sheet ceiling.
Harry had dived into the role with all his seriousness and solemnity because, well, what else do you expect. He’d tried so hard to get Teddy to like him from the start, as if there could ever be the risk that he wouldn’t. He’d show up to Andromeda’s house bearing so many gifts that she’d had to beg him to stop once and for all, for the love of Merlin. 
‘I just want to do something nice for him, you know,’ he’d told Ginny later, his brows furrowed and his glare focused on his tea mug.
‘But you already do,’ she’d said, her hand gently squeezing his thigh. ‘You’re there for him. That’s as nice as it gets.’
She could tell she hadn’t fully convinced him, just as she knew that he hadn’t been exactly truthful either. He wanted to do something nice for Teddy, sure, stepping in those daunting godfather shoes as smoothly as possible. But he wanted to do something nice for himself too, for his much younger self, trying to give away all the love and attention he’d been missing all his life. And she couldn’t really blame him for that, now, could she.
‘Gin,’ he’d murmured, his whisper almost pleading. ‘I don’t think I know what I’m doing.’
She’d moved her hand from his leg to his jaw, resisting the urge to cut him off with sarcasm, ‘Have you ever, though.’
‘Nobody asks that of you right now, Harry. You’ll figure it out.’
He looks at her, still unconvinced. ‘But Tonks and Lupin -’
‘No,’ she’d shushed him, gently pressing a finger on his lips. ‘Not even them.’
That’s the thing - nobody had asked her to, either. And it’s not that she’d felt compelled to act as an unofficial godmother only because of her relationship with Harry. He’d certainly never expected that of her. 
She’d felt hurt when her mum had implied that once. As if that ring that Harry had placed on her finger dictated all of her choices, as if she had to have a reason to desire to care for Teddy. As if she hadn’t known Tonks and Lupin, too. 
No, Teddy's become part of her life because of a very careful and important choice she’s made. It has been so incredibly natural, and it has required quite some effort, both at the same time. But it’s always been there, no matter what. 
There hasn’t been a single Quidditch match she’s played without looking for him and Harry in the stands; there hasn’t been a single house she and Harry have looked at without thinking about what room could become his for when he stays over. There hasn’t been a single time she hasn’t thought of him when looking at the clear blue sky.
‘And what about this?’, she asks him, still twisting her hands to give life to dark shapes on the sheet.
Teddy lets out a sweet chuckle. ‘A rabbit!’.
‘Good job, Teddy!’’ 
He claps his hands in excitement and his hair seems to have become an even brighter shade of blue.
‘More, more!’
‘Let’s see. What about…’ Ginny says, continuing to move her fingers. ‘This?’
He seems to think about it for a second, squeezing his eyes, wrinkling his nose. Then he beams.
‘A wolf!’
A beat.
‘Er - no, it’s a dog -’
‘No, it’s a wolf!’
‘Teddy -’
And before she knows it, he starts howling. 
‘Wolves aren’t scary, Ginny! You shouldn’t be scared!’
She looks at him in horror. Total panic. Her mind blacked out. That’s the one thing she hasn’t brought herself to do with Teddy yet - talking about his parents. Or even mentioning them, to be frank. She’s quite selfishly left that to Harry, because what does she know about this stuff, he’s a child, she doesn’t want to mess it up for him. She’s quite sure that she would, if she tried. She can’t even think straight after he’s seen the shadow of a wolf rather than a dog, after all. What a stupid way to react to a child acting his age, playing and having fun. Stop this. Don’t be a git, please stop this.
It’s almost as if Lupin and Tonks never enter the bubble that she creates when she’s with Teddy - which is absurd, nonsensical, completely idiotic. But,  well - her insides knotting in guilt at the mere thought - it’s easier this way. She feels ashamed of herself, absolutely fucking revolted. Now that he’s inadvertently brought it up though, a three-year-old braver than she’ll ever be, and he’s opened Pandora’s box (some famous Greek witch, she reckons), she's at a loss for words. It’s so subtle that she should just let it slide - she must, actually. He hasn’t even asked her anything, he hasn’t even made the connection. He doesn’t even know. 
Her mind is racing out of control and he hasn’t even done it on purpose. She’s the one who’s acting like a lunatic. She doesn’t know why she feels like she should say something, doesn’t even know what, because it would all sound wrong anyway.
You know, Teddy, she almost hears herself saying, but you know, Teddy, what exactly? Why can’t she get this thought out of her head? He’s blissfully unaware, and he’s just a child that is playfully pretending to be a wolf, what the hell wrong with you, Ginny, pull yourself together. 
She continues spiralling as she notices that he’s stopped howling, and is now observing her with curiosity. 
Fuck, you’re going to traumatise him, aren’t you. 
As she looks at him more closely, she notices that his eyes, that have been blue like his hair for months now, have now turned darker - a warm, chocolaty brown. And instead of feeling even more horrified, she simply calms down, her panic gone.
Funny how Lupin can offer her comfort even in death.
She is staring at the empty desk in front of her. The bell has rung and all her classmates have left already, but somehow she can’t bring herself to get out of the classroom and head to lunch. Not yet, because she is staring at the empty desk in front of her so intensely, almost as if she could get it to talk to her. She remembers sitting there, less than a year ago, just before her memory had gone blank into one of her many blackouts. She remembers opening her diary on her lap, bored to death at the sound of Professor Lockhart’s pompous voice, she remembers jotting down a few thoughts pretending to be taking notes. Then she remembers a voice, his voice, and nothing more. Maybe if she stares at the desks hard enough, it will come back to her, maybe she will remember how she got from the classroom to Hagrid’s shed and then back to the castle again… 
‘What are you still doing here, Ginny?’.
She blinks once, and then once again, trying to bring Professor Lupin’s greyish frame into focus. She isn’t sure since when he’s been sitting on the chair in front of her.
‘Are you looking for something?’, he asks, watching her carefully. She must look rather lost, because he quickly adds: ‘You did well in class, today.’
‘I - er, no - I mean, thanks,’ she blurts out. His dark brown eyes are still focused on her, studying her in detail.
She clears her throat, as if to gather her courage. There is something she’s been wanting to ask him, actually, but she isn’t even sure that she should bring it up. Percy has made it clear that she shouldn’t talk about it with anybody, but Percy doesn’t really understand what it feels like, doesn’t it? To lose control, to not know.
‘I suppose you were wondering what happened on the train a few days ago?’, says Professor Lupin bluntly, as if it’s the most obvious thing on the planet.
‘How do you -?’
‘You wouldn’t be the first to ask.’
As she observes him a little more closely than ever before, she realises he must be much younger than he looks. He has a few grey locks of hair here and there, his face is tired and emaciated, but he doesn’t have wrinkles around his eyes and mouth like her dad. 
He smiles, encouragingly. She clears her throat again. 
‘My brother Percy’s told me about the Dementors,’ she mutters, her glare back on the desk. ‘I know they make people feel bad. It’s just -’.
She suddenly hears it again, that low, yet so familiar voice, telling her she should not be frightened. Then flashes of light, blood, screams, and her clothes are unexplainably damp. 
She shivers, subtly patting her robes. She’s fine. She’s fine.
‘I did some things last year,’ she hears herself say. She doesn’t even know how she’s managed to gather enough strength to.
‘I just fear - well, I guess I worry that the Dementors will make me do them again.’
Professor Lupin falls silent for a few seconds. He continues to watch her, but has now stopped smiling.
‘From what I’ve heard, you haven’t chosen to do any of those things.’
He’s heard, then. She doesn’t wonder why - she reckons stories must travel fast among Hogwarts staff, too.
She would normally be ashamed, but now she can’t help but feel a hint of relief, stemming from Merlin knows where. After all, yes, he’s heard, but he’s still talking to her like she isn’t any different; he’s heard, and he’s still offered her chocolate. 
‘Don’t worry, Ginny, Dementors can’t make you reenact your bad memories. They surely make you relive them, though,’ he furrows his brows, as if an unexpected thought has suddenly crossed his mind. ‘Do you - er - have enough support here?’
She’s taken aback by this question, shame creeping on her cheeks. ‘I’ve got four brothers here,’ she quickly responds, but she knows that this isn’t what he means. She sighs. He seems to understand.
‘I’m working on it,’ she sputters, defensively. ‘It’s not exactly easy to make friends when all the girls in your dormitory think you’re a freak.’
It comes out spontaneously, but she immediately regrets using that tone with a professor. However, to her great surprise, he bursts into laughter.
‘I guess you’re right,’ he says, throwing her an enigmatic look. ‘But believe me when I say that friends are the most precious gift that Hogwarts can give you. Real friends will help you overcome all the hard times; and if they think you’re a freak, well, they’ll choose to be freaky with you.’
He stops smiling, suddenly looking rather thoughtful, but then quickly shakes his head. Somehow, she ends up with the strange feeling that he’s no longer having this conversation only with her.
‘Might I suggest,’ he adds, now back to his reassuring tone. ‘That you perhaps try to talk to other students that might have had - how to put this - a similar experience to yours? Harry’s a good friend of your brother’s, isn’t he?’
She feels it coming - the blush. One of the big ones. One of the bad ones.
‘No! I don’t think -’, she hisses, suddenly horrified, redder than she’s ever been in her life. ‘I don’t think that would work.’
He raises his eyebrows, the corners of his mouth slightly twitching.
‘Well, you never know,’ he states matter-of-factly. He then stands up, patting his hands on his legs. ‘But now I must really let you go. I wouldn’t want you to feel unwell during your next class because you haven’t had any lunch.’
She nods, grabs her things, mutters an awkward ‘Thanks’. Just when she’s about to leave, she hears him speak again.
‘It may be hard to understand now, but what happened to you doesn’t define you. Please, don’t ever forget that.’
It’s true, she doesn’t understand that quite just yet, but she will remember those words for the rest of her life.
For now, she’s busy spending the next few days ridiculously terrified by the thought of Professor Lupin telling Harry about their conversation. She imagines Harry looking at her with pity, disgust even, as a stupid little girl who can’t bring herself to make some friends. But this doesn’t happen - Harry barely ever looks at her, and when he does he seems, well, normal. She’s quite glad of that, for one. She’s also so incredibly glad that Professor Lupin respected her enough to keep her secret, that he could be trusted.
Years later, she’ll regret never having told him that she and Harry had fallen in love. She’ll reckon he would’ve liked to know that, he might have even been delighted. She’ll figure, as a punch in her stomach, that she’d assumed they’d have more time.
‘You know what, Teddy, you’re right,’ she finally says, gently stroking his hair. ‘Wolves aren’t scary.’
He beams, looking rather satisfied with her answer, and pulls up his back to sit against a big pillow.
‘Let’s play another game!’
Ginny sighs at his never ending source of energy; her hopes that relaxing under the fort would somehow make him drowsy are completely shattered. She quickly glances at the clock on the wall - if Andromeda finds out that Teddy's been up so late, she’ll never hear the end of it.
‘Time out, Teddy,’ she says, faking a yawn. ‘We should really go to bed now.’
Teddy frowns, pouting his lips and wrinkling his little nose.
‘What if we read the story of Babbity Rabbity?’, she then intervenes tentatively, hoping to jump in just in time to prevent a tantrum. ‘Come on, you love Babbity Rabbity…’
But Teddy isn’t having it. He shakes his head fervently, now crossing his arms.
Ginny wonders if this is the time to be a bit more assertive with him, if she could dare, even. Sometimes she feels like she’s still tiptoeing around him - she’s the one giving him all the fun and games, but when it comes to discipline, she finds that she’s quite rattled. He’s not her child, after all; she fears it’s not her place. Most of the time, she finds herself wondering how Lupin would deal with his son’s tantrums; she would love to see what Tonks would do. She reckons she would do anything to learn a bit more about parenthood from them both, even though (and to only remotely fathom this, her heart sinks) they haven’t had the chance to be parents for long. They would’ve been brilliant at it, though - this is merely her fantasy, sure, as she actually doesn’t know. Tonks and Lupin will remain fundamentally pure in her memory, because she doesn’t like to remember their flaws, especially not in relation to Teddy, and it won’t do any good to anyone, anyway.
‘Why don’t you finish up your milk first?’, she tries again, pointing at the abandoned mug on the floor. With a flick of her wand, she mildly warms it up again. 
He nods enthusiastically, but something goes wrong when he grabs the mug and he spills all the remaining milk all over himself and the blanket. He immediately looks up at her, his eyes filled with remorse and anticipation, almost as if he’s realised he’s gone a step too far. Ginny is aware that Teddy’s clumsy to the point of exasperating his grandmother, and that he might even expect a scolding for his little distraction, but she feels a sudden rush of affection towards him instead.
‘All right,’ she says, standing up and taking him in her arms. ‘Time for another bath.’
She could easily scurgify and dry up his pyjamas, but she remembers how good it would feel when her mum would bathe her and then wrap her in a warm towel, always offering her snuggles and kisses along the process. She repeats the same ritual with Teddy, even playing with some dragon and quaffle toys in the water with him, just as her mum used to - only that the toys, at the time, were old and faded, sometimes missing a paw or an eye. 
She wraps him in the softest towel she can find, swings him in her arms while dancing across the hallway to reach her bedroom, and pretends to drop him on her bed. He laughs so hysterically and uncontrollably that his hair becomes curly. Her heart couldn’t be any more full.
She retrieves his pyjamas bottoms with a quick ‘Accio’ and helps him wear them, but decides to leave his milk-stained t-shirt on the bathroom floor. She ransacks first Harry’s, and then her own clothes drawer in search of something clean for Teddy to wear that isn’t the top of Harry’s Auror uniform, a pair of mismatched socks, a bra or some old Christmas jumpers. 
That’s when she sees it, stuck in the back of the drawer - a hint of green. She touches the cotton fabric and seizes it. It still feels soft, despite having been left unworn and forgotten in a drawer for years.
She realises her hands are shaking. She’d never thought she could’ve forgotten.
Ginny had never assumed she could smell dust before, but now she’s quite positive she’s been in the wrong all her life. As she sits in the dining room of 12 Grimmauld Place, taking a break from the massive amount of cleaning her mother has decided to subject her to since they’ve moved here (no exceptions, not even today), she feels like every inch of her body is covered with dust. Her hair, her fingers, her nose - to the extent that she thinks she can actually smell it. And it’s not great, considering that the more extensive the efforts they make to clean up the house, the more the house seems to turn out filthier than before.
Today it’s only her and her mother on cleaning duty, though. Everyone else is too preoccupied with what’s going to happen tomorrow - the tense whispering and nervous pacing are becoming almost unbearable. Her mum is worried too, of course, but she reckons that trying to tidy up this wreck of a place is the only way she knows to distract herself at the moment. Ginny is, for one, happy to oblige. She’d never thought she’d say this, but she’d rather dust every single one of those house-elf heads hanging on top of the stairs with a toothbrush rather than giving in to everyone’s anxiety.
Amused by the thought, she gets up to go and do just that, but someone barges loudly in the room from the door behind her back.
‘Wotcher, Ginny,’ says a ringing voice. ‘So, where's the party?’
Ginny smiles at Tonks, who has styled her hair in a bright purple ponytail today. Before she can say anything, Tonks hands her a little parcel, wrapped in crumpled paper that must have once belonged to an issue of the Daily Prophet. She recognises some of the scattered, black-inked words - ‘The Boy Who Lies?’, or: ‘Let’s hope he hasn’t got a scar on his forehead or we’ll be asked to worship him next’, and: ‘Delusional teenager’, ‘Better skilled at seeking attention than golden snitches’,  ‘Expert Circe Bryce confirms that orphaned children often employ cunning strategies to cope with their abandonment complex (more on page 8).’
‘Sorry,’ utters Tonks with an apologetic half-smile. ‘That’s all I could find.’
Ginny shrugs and lets out an unlikely high-pitched cackle. Laughs at the irony of it all. Everything seems to be overflowing with Harry these days, even her birthday presents. 
She rips out the paper, unsure whether she’s more eager to see what’s inside or to get those stupid printed words out of her sight. The first thing that she finds is soft and bright green, an unmistakable green, and she already knows what it is.
‘You didn’t!’, she cries out in complete disbelief. ‘No way!’
‘Heard you’re a big fan.’
Ginny wields a Holyhead Harpies t-shirt in her hands as if it’s a trophy, her most prized possession, and her eyes are sparkling.
‘The design is from 1981, the year you were born, I s’pose,’ continues Tonks with a satisfied look on her face, pointing at the golden print on the front of the t-shirt. It reads Holyhead Harpies in a curly font, never seen before. ‘I thrifted it from a small shop in Diagon Alley. I should take you there some time.’
Ginny nods with excitement, although she’s only listened to half of what Tonks’s said, too busy marvelling at her new t-shirt.
‘Come on now,’ adds Tonks, sounding very amused, pointing at the half-opened parcel. ‘There’s something else in there.’
Ginny opens her eyes wide and immediately dives her hands into the wrapping paper. She finds something thin and folded - when she opens it, it reveals a moving picture of Gwenog Jones darting through the air on her broomstick.
‘She’s a badass, isn’t she,’ comments Tonks. Ginny doesn’t respond right away, too busy mentally scanning the walls of her bedroom back at the Burrow to decide where to hang the picture.
‘Blimey, you’re spoiling me, Tonks,’ she manages to let out after a bit, still holding the t-shirt with one hand and her new poster with the other. She then throws her arms around Tonks’s neck, squeezing her tight. ‘Thank you, so much.’
She doesn’t quite know what she’s done to deserve Tonks’s affection after knowing her for barely over a month. It’s true, they spend most of their days together under the same roof, but they seem to have just instantly connected regardless. Tonks embodies everything that she aspires to be one day, plus she’s bold, unbelievably funny, and doesn’t coddle her. It feels good to be surrounded by women that aren’t her mother for a change - soothing, even. For what may be the first time in her life, this summer she’s truly felt the urge and longing for female companionship - maybe because she’s finally started getting used to it, back at school and here at Grimmauld Place. And now that Hermione’s back to fussing over Harry with her brother, and her mother is too busy running around barking at people, she’s really only got Tonks to rely on. What amazes her is that Tonks doesn’t seem to mind - on the contrary, she appears to be rather thrilled to spend time with her when she can, unbothered by their age gap, almost taking her under her wing. In a time of her life in which she feels left out, a spare, Tonks has chosen to give her some purpose, to make her feel necessary. She doesn’t know why she does it, only that she’ll be eternally grateful for it.
‘Ah, it’s nothing,’ smiles Tonks, gently pulling away from her to give her a pointed look. ‘I’m sorry that we didn’t celebrate you more, though.’ 
She doesn’t need to add more about lingering wars, resistance movements and impending Ministry hearings.
‘What are you talking about,’ says Ginny, brushing those thoughts off quickly. ‘This birthday’s been dashing. Even your cousin’s made me a card.’
That’s quite true, actually. Her mum's baked a cake and everybody (well, except some angsty black-haired teenager, know anyone?) gathered around the table to sing her ‘Happy birthday’ first thing in the morning. Then she's opened her gifts - a jumper from her parents, quite a few boxes of Honeydukes from all her brothers, and the unexpected birthday card from Sirius, with the handmade drawing of a flying hippogriff that waves hello and smirks at her. Hermione's got her a book, unsurprisingly - but that’s frustrated her a little, because she knows she won’t be able to reciprocate on her own birthday, except with a stupid singing card and (if she’s lucky) with a box of chocolates stolen from one of her brothers. 
Tonks chuckles lightly. ‘Has that special boy wished you a happy birthday?’
Ginny shrugs, and just as she’s about to mutter a resentful ‘Barely’, she realises with a pinch of guilt that Tonks is talking about - well, another boy.
‘Michael’s sent me an owl,’ she says, blushing softly. ‘Said he misses me.’
‘Bet he does,’ remarks Tonks, observing her very carefully all of a sudden, as if she wants to read her mind. She waits a few seconds and then, rather out of the blue, she simply adds: ‘Don’t ever settle, all right?’
Ginny frowns, puzzled. ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’
Tonks doesn’t answer, but winks at her, laughing. ‘You’ll understand with time, you’ll see.’
And indeed, she will.
Ginny wonders if the small shop in Diagon Alley is still there after the war. She’d like to find it now, pay it a visit, maybe purchase something in Tonks’s honour. They’d never managed to go together, in the end.
She exhales heavily and taps the vintage Holyhead Harpies t-shirt with her wand, shrinking it just enough to fit Teddy perfectly. She reckons he should keep it; she doesn’t seem to have it in her to wear it, anyway.
Teddy falls asleep peacefully wearing that t-shirt and maybe it’s pathetic, maybe it’s irrational, but she can’t help hoping that his mother’s touch will comfort him in his dreams tonight. 
She’s so deep in her thoughts that she doesn’t notice that Harry’s arrived home until he plants a gentle kiss on the back of her head.
‘Tough evening?’, he asks softly, gesturing towards Teddy.
Ginny sighs, leaning her head on his chest. ‘It was fine.’
He seems to understand, though, and decides not to push further. They hold each other in silence for a while, their eyes captured by the little boy snuggled under the blanket and asleep in their bed. Staring at the past and the future, all at once.
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hearts401 · 11 months
A Shitty Brother Kinda Christmas
(7,441 words)
Evan invites Michael over for Christmas after not speaking to him for over two years now. Shenanigans ensue
Michael was cold.
He was also annoyed and bored and excited and the slightest bit nervous.
But right now, he was just cold.
He was sitting out in the middle of nowhere waiting for a bus that had either already come or was nearly a half an hour late.
He was praying it was the latter.
It didn’t help that he’d had literally no time to prepare. Evan had called him at six in the morning and he’d had to rush to find a gift and means for transportation and it didn’t help that everything was closed for Christmas. So he’d thrown on the only coat he had and went for the first bus he could catch. Now he was stuck out in the snow waiting for a bus that might not even arrive.
But some things were worth getting hypothermia for.
Unfortunately for Michael, this was not feeling like one of those things. But it was a second chance, and he’s fucked up too much to give up on a second chance. Frankly, when Evan had asked for his number, he’d already expected not to hear from him ever again, and he’d made peace with that. As much peace as he could at least. It wasn’t something he thought about a lot, and he doubted Evan thought about it much either.
But today his head’s been full of it, as unpleasant as that is.
When the bus finally pulled up, the driver assured him that the snow was what caused the delay, and apologized profusely. Michael didn’t care, he was just glad it came at all.
The bus was almost entirely empty, which made his life a lot easier. He clicked on his phone, not that there was anything to look at. It was Christmas, after all.
When Evan had invited him, he’d known it would be disappointing to Jeremy; He always looked forward to Christmas, but he promised they’d have their own little Christmas when he got back, but this was the first time he’d spoken to Evan in… Forever. His little brother had a house for god’s sake! A house! And he lived with his friend! That friend who’d punched Michael, the friend who always let Evan stay over his house, the friend he’d totally definitely not gotten into a fist fight with more than once all because of his own stubborn attitude.
So yeah, Michael was a jerk. But in his defense, Gregory was stubborn too.
His phone pinged and he picked it up. It was Evan again. Geez, why did he keep calling? Michael had already agreed, he didn’t want to talk to him right now, not yet.
But he can’t keep putting it off, and he doesn’t wanna seem like he’s avoiding Evan. (Even though he is, technically.)
“Hello? Hello, hello?” He said, “What’s up?”
“It’s me.” Evan said, “Just wanted to make sure you’re doing okay? I’m really sorry it’s such short notice.”
“It’s whatever.” Michael replied, “The bus was late though.”
“It’s Christmas, that’s expected.” Evan replied.
This was weird. Not a bad weird, but not a good weird either.
“Yeah.” Is all he said, “Uhm, is there anything else you need? The service here is ass.”
“Uh, no, I was calling to tell you if the bus hadn’t come to just forget it because I didn’t want you to keep waiting. It’s cold outside.”
“No shit.” He said with a dry laugh, “I’m gonna go now. Bad service, you know how it is.”
“Oh? O-Okay, yeah, bye.” Evan said.
“Bye.” Michael said before hanging up and sitting back against the seat.
“Shitty service?” He mumbled to himself, “Idiot.”
“Well, that sucked.” Elizabeth said. She was hanging decorations she’d brought since their house wasn’t “Christmas ready” in her words.
“He’s probably just tired.” Charlie said, “I’m sure he’s happy you invited him.”
“Well maybe the invitation isn’t what’s got him in the dumps and maybe it’s more the timing?” Elizabeth said.
Evan shrunk back, “I really didn’t notice how close it was getting to Christmas, I just… I couldn’t decide if I wanted to invite him…”
Elizabeth shrugged, “Fair, I guess. I usually invite him over but he spends his Christmas with his friends a lot.”
“His friends?” Charlie asked, “Jeremy?”
“And those other kids from middle school.”
Evan scrunched up his nose, “He still hangs out with those guys?”
“Yeah?” Elizabeth climbs down the small step ladder she was on, “They’re his friends.”
Evan huffs, “Yeah, I know.” He mutters.
Charlie offers a small smile at him, nudging him, “He’s not bringing any of them, it’s just him, Ev.” She says, “I’m sure everything will be okay.”
He nods slowly, “Yeah, yeah I guess.”
“Hey, Evan?” Gregory calls from the other room where he’s helping Sammy set up for dinner.
“O-oh, yeah?”
“Why does Michael do that weird ‘hello? Hello, hello?’ thing?”
Evan blinked, “I… I don’t know, actually.”
“Oh my god he does that all the time I don’t think he even realizes it!” Elizabeth said, “It drives me insane!”
Charlie laughed, “Yeah, Sammy says he does it every time he calls him.”
“He does!” Sammy said, “Every time. I asked him about it once and he was just as confused as me! He just does it. It’s like an instinct.”
Gregory laughed too, “That is funny as hell I’m never letting him live that down.”
“Oh, speaking of living things down,” Evan hopped off his bed and headed to the kitchen, “You’re gonna be on your best behavior. If you and him fight, I’m sticking you both outside.”
“If you put me outside with him I’ll bury him alive in the snow.” Gregory said.
“I’m serious.” Evan said, “I don’t want you fighting with him.”
It’s not that Evan didn’t appreciate Gregory standing up for him, but it was stressful. He didn’t want his friend hurt for him, and he certainly didn’t want to spend Christmas breaking up his brother and his best friend.
Gregory looked over at Evan, “Yeah, of course.” He said, “No fighting.”
“And that means no punching, kicking, swearing, snapping, pushing, shoving-”
“Okay, okay, okay, no fighting.” Gregory said, “But he needs to back off sometimes, I’m gonna let him know.”
“I can let him know.” Evan said, “We’re going to have a nice Christmas like a family!”
They all turned to look at him.
“We’re going to have a nice Christmas like a… decent dysfunctional patchwork family…” He rephrased, “I-I guess.”
Gregory laughed at that, “It’ll be fun, I’m sure.”
“I wish you could’ve invited Nessa,” Evan said, “I’m sure she’d have loved to meet Mike.”
When Michael finally arrived, he was met with the entire house laughing at him. Even Evan couldn’t hide his amusement at seeing his brother pull up to his house soaking wet and shaking like a leaf.
“You look great.” Sammy said.
“Piss off.” Michael muttered.
“Come inside, you look like you’re gonna freeze to death.” Charlie said.
“I feel like it too.” Michael muttered.
They brought him inside and Evan found himself suddenly regretting every decision that led up to this.
He felt sick, and he realized with a shock that there was a reason he had avoided Michael. He didn’t know what to say to him, what to do with him, or what to talk about. What do you say to your big brother who you ghosted for nearly two years after getting his number? What do you say to the person who ruined your life? What do you say to the person who treated you like shit and almost killed you and only formally apologized a couple years ago?
Gregory must have noticed because he discreetly led Evan back to his room and sat down with him.
“Not ready?” He asked.
“Not at all.” He said, flopping onto his back.
“What is it?” Gregory asked, laying down beside him.
“I don’t know. I haven’t spoken to him in forever and I was cool with that but then we did talk again and then we split up again and I just… How can I never speak to him again after that? How can I not give him at least a chance to be better? But at the same time… I don’t want to talk about The Thing, and I don’t want to bring it up but I can’t move on if I don’t and I feel sick thinking about it because what if it goes wrong? What if I fuck it up? What if he fucks it up? What if all this bullshit was for nothing this whole time and I’m just gonna end up hating him more than I already do?”
Gregory listens intently, staring at Evan, “You know, I told you not to invite him.”
“I know but-”
He continues speaking, interrupting Evan, “But! You insisted. Why?”
“Because I want to give him another shot.” Evan said.
“And he came because…” Gregory raises his eyebrows expectantly.
“Because he wants to take that shot.” Evan said, slowly understanding.
“So, you want to give him a chance? You don’t have you, you don’t owe anything to him, especially forgiveness. Do you wanna cut this short? Nobody would blame you if you did. I sure as hell wouldn’t.”
Evan sits up, “I guess.”
Gregory smiles, “Why don’t you take some time, dinner’s not done yet. Nobody’s rushing you, and I’m sure Michael is just as nervous. The only difference is that he deserves it.”
Evan laughs a bit at that, “Be nice.” He said.
“No promises!” Gregory called as he walked out of the room.
Frankly, Gregory was right. Michael was just as nervous. In fact, he wanted to curl up in a ball and sink into a hole and die right about now. He didn’t know where to sit so he ended up standing awkwardly off to the side.
Unfortunately for him, Sammy was quick to act like he owned the place. Gregory and him were like siblings, to be fair.
“Come on Mike, sit down.” Sammy said, “What’s wrong, are you nervous?”
“No. Not at all.” He muttered, “I just prefer standing.”
“Yeah, well, you look out of place with the Christmas decorations and I need to take photos so unless you wanna be my santa clause, I suggest you move.” Elizabeth said.
“You're as blunt as ever.” He muttered.
“Thanks, I try my best.” She replied with a grin.
He sat down next to Sammy, pulling out his phone, only to have Charlie grab it away from him, ignoring the indignant noise he made.
“Aw, Jeremy? Are you guys dating yet?” She teased.
“Wha- no! Give that back!” He lunged, reaching for it, but she snatched it away too quickly.
“Come on, Mike, you’ve gotta have something interesting in your life, how’s my dad?”
“Uncle Henry’s doing fine.” He answered as he continued to chase her around, “Give it back Charlie!”
“What pictures do you have? Aw, is that your dog?” Charlie pulled up a picture.
“No, it’s Jeremy’s! Now give it back!”
“What’s its name?” She asked.
Michael looked over at Elizabeth and exaggeratedly gestured at Charlie, but she just laughed at him.
“She missed messing with you, this is your own fault.” She said.
“She’s right, messing with Evan isn’t as fun. He doesn’t get mad like you do.” Charlie said.
Michael scowled at her, but he couldn’t deny that it made him feel a lot better though. 
When Gregory and Evan returned, Michael offered a smile and a small wave at Evan, that his brother slowly returned.
Evan was pale, but Michael didn’t mention it; He probably was too. Although that could just be from sitting out in the snow for half an hour.
He was still a bit upset about that.
Elizabeth invited him to sit beside her, which ended up sticking him right beside Evan, who had Gregory on his other side, who had Sammy next to him, and then Charlie beside him, and then it came full circle back to Elizabeth.
Great, cool, cool cool cool cool cool. This could go one of two ways:
One, it goes horrible and awful and everything that could go wrong does go wrong.
Or two, it goes fine and Michael’s overreacting.
But he could tell Evan was uncomfortable, and the tension was uncomfortable for him as well.
He took a breath before standing abruptly, “Actually, I ate at home and I could totally just grab a hotel or something so I’m gonna-”
“You’re not leaving.” Evan said.
Michael turned to him, “I’m sorry what?”
Evan shrunk back, “I-I just mean- you can stay here. Uhm… Unless you really don’t want to which is fine but you know you should stay here with us because it’ll make it easier and honestly who sleeps in a hotel on Christmas Eve I mean-”
“Okay! Okay. That- we can do that, that’s fine.” Michael said. He sat back down slowly, staring hard at his plate.
“And I can tell you didn’t eat at home.” Evan said, “I don’t like that you’re lying to me.”
Michael doesn’t reply to that, shrugging.
Evan’s eyebrows furrow, but he doesn’t say anything else. Gregory leans in next to him and whispers something, though.
So it went bad. Not awful, but bad. Michael didn’t eat much, but the food was good. Henry knew how to cook, and it seemed like he’d taught the twins how to cook as well.
Elizabeth leans back in her chair, “So, now that we’ve invited Michael, who wants to send a call to dear old dad? I have his number.”
Evan groans, “Not again with this…”
“Please, please Evan it would be so funny please.” Gregory shot up in his chair, “Please you didn’t let me do it to Michael let me do it to your dad.”
“Do what to Michael?” Michael asked.
“They wanted me to prank call you guys and send you random shit. Gregory, my dad will find and kill us all. I hope you know that.”
Prank call his dad? Prank call the William Afton?
“No wait I like this idea, Ev, we should do it one hundred percent.” Michael said.
“See? He agrees.” Elizabeth said.
Evan rolled his eyes, “You guys are the worst.”
“We’re the best actually.” Charlie said, “And it’s uhhhh… five against one.”
Evan sighed, “Do what you want. I need to set up our room anyway.”
Charlie cheered.
“I actually think I’m still in his contacts.” Michael said, “He keeps texting me, I don’t read 'em though.” He didn’t tell them that he repeatedly hesitated and refused to block his dad for a reason he himself couldn’t fathom. But to be fair, Lizzie hadn’t blocked him either. In fact, she still messaged him back sometimes. Even if the conversations weren’t friendly, he couldn’t imagine talking to his dad ever again, he didn’t know how she did it. 
“And we don’t wanna start today, let’s use Charlie’s phone.” Sammy said.
They spent the night sending random images to William until he blocked them, and then they went on to relentlessly call Jeremy, who had apparently been asleep, before they went on to call Gregory, and stayed on call with him while he and Evan set up.
It was weird how normal this was. It was weird how quickly it had become just spending Christmas together instead of unloading 15 years of bullying and 21 years of loathing.
But then again, they were the Afton family, pretending to be normal was their whole thing. They did it for the first eighteen years of Michael’s life.
But he could sit back and enjoy this before the incredibly uncomfortable conversation that was inevitable. If him and Evan would quit avoiding it.
Gregory then came in to let them know the room was ready.
Sitting down in Evan’s house was one thing. Sleeping in it was a whole other thing. He felt like a teen again, when his dad was in the hospital for one of his springlock accidents and Michael had to stay with Henry while he was gone. That had sucked. His dad hadn’t wanted to bring him over Henry’s house, so he hardly knew Charlie and Sammy, and because of that he’d felt so out of place in their house. Not to mention his siblings were there, and by then he was sick to death of them.
Thinking back on it, he did have a lot of issues as a kid. Maybe he still had them. Who was he to dwell on it, though.
Michael Afton has issues, like that’s news.
This time he made a point to sit beside Elizabeth. She wasn’t the best choice, but she was the only one who still messaged him. Despite how she acted, she always wanted a family. But she got the Aftons, which is more like a classification than a family.
She gave him a disappointed look, but he ignored it.
The decorations in the room were really cool. They had lights strung up on the walls and they’d put up blankets to hang over them, as well as covering up the window. The floor was layered with blankets and pillows, and Michael noticed it looked like a nest.
He had taught Evan how to make nest-like pillow forts when he was only four. Michael had been seven, and hadn’t even been good at teaching, but Evan had really enjoyed it. Michael hadn’t enjoyed teaching him, but it kept the kid quiet and that’s all he’d needed. But this fort was obviously not a product of his teaching, since it was unlikely Evan remembered that.
Weird that he’d remember that. It felt like a karmic “fuck you” from the universe.
Evan was really enjoying this. He didn’t feel as anxious anymore, and it felt almost normal. He had been preoccupied with everything else to think about The Thing and it made him feel a lot better about it. He was also proud of the pillow fort, which Gregory had helped with a lot. They’d had it planned for a while, and he was glad it turned out so well.
Good food, good bed, good friends, and so far no issues with Michael. None that he wanted to talk about yet, at least.
This was a good day! A great day! And hopefully a great Christmas day would follow!
He was quick to pull his friends into it and talk to them about it. He loved how cozy it looked. Like a shiny little nest. It was awesome and he loved it so much.
“Wait. Wait! I need my camera!” He went out to the kitchen, “Gregory? Do you know where I put my camera?”
“I put it in the end table drawer! The bottom one, next to the couch!” Gregory called back.
“Awesome. Thank you!” He grabbed it and ran back into the room, “Mike get in the back you’re the tallest, Gregory and Charlie, I need you guys up front. Elizabeth, get closer to Mike, come on. Sammy, you’re perfect there don’t move. It’s on a ten second timer so hold that for a moment!”
He ran over to them, positioning himself beside Michael and behind Gregory.
He went to grab his camera when it was done, smiling at the picture, “It looks awesome, I can’t wait to print it.” He said.
The others crowded over to see.
“You’re pretty good at sitting still and looking pretty.” Charlie teased Michael, “It’s your one redeeming quality.”
Michael shoved her face away with his hand, “Oh piss off.”
“He said the thing again!” Sammy cheered, “He said it earlier too. I feel like I’m in England every time I talk to him.”
“Did I tell you guys about that time Evan screamed ‘you cunt’ at the top of his lungs?” Gregory said.
“No! No! You promised you wouldn’t tell them about that!” Evan wails, grabbing Gregory’s arm.
“He was playing a racing game or something and he just lost big time. Huge time. Horribly. Awful. It was embarrassing.”
“And he just shouted at the top of his lungs. In the most British I’ve ever heard him, it was insane.” Gregory continues, “He had to apologize to our neighbors. It was hilarious.”
Evan covered his face, “It was awful, I felt so bad.” He groaned.
Michael chuckled, “That’s funny, Lizzie was always the one who used British slang. She got it from our father.”
Elizabeth shoved him playfully, “Okay Mr. I-Say-Bloody-Hell-And-Piss-Off-Every-Five-Seconds.”
“Pi- leave me alone!” Michael said indignantly.
“He almost said it again!” Charlie said, laughing.
“Jeez, you people are impossible.” He said.
At that moment, his phone rang. “Oh, shit, it’s Jeremy. I’ll be right back!”
Evan watched Michael leave, his head tilted slightly to the side.
Gregory nudged him, “Feel better?”
“A bit… Thanks.” He answered.
Gregory smiled, “I told you it’d be okay.”
Evan nodded, “I’m stressing out a bit still but I do feel better. Maybe I was just overreacting.”
“Mike is being super weird though.” Elizabeth said, “He’s not usually like this with his friends.”
“Well duh,” Charlie said, “he’s overthinking just as much as Evan is. He’s just shit at hiding it because he’s not a ball of fear and sadness the way Evan is.”
Evan frowned, “Well I wish he’d just act normal. I don’t like that he keeps lying to me. He makes everything harder than it has to be.”
Charlie hummed, “He’s just scared. Like a little animal in the woods.”
Evan couldn’t stop his sudden and loud laughter at that.
But he did feel angry. He wasn’t going to say it, he wasn’t sure he was ready to say it, but he felt it. Michael wasn’t even trying.
“I’m gonna use the bathroom real quick.” He told Gregory.
Michael knew the call wasn’t Jeremy. He also knew it would end long before he wanted it to. It’d been one of his friends from middle school, and they had hung up several minutes ago. But he liked the silence while it lasted.
“So, you’re avoiding me?” Evan asked from directly beside him. 
Michael jumped with a shout, nearly falling off the couch.
“Jesus Christ, Evan!” He gasped, “Don’t do that!”
Evan didn’t react, “Whatcha doin’?”
“Sitting… on the couch?”
Evan’s eyebrows furrowed. He looked like Dad when he did that.
“No, actually,” he said, “you’re being a bum. Alone on Christmas? Come on, we’re heading to bed now.”
Michael nodded, “Yeah, okay.”
They spent the night doing random things. Charlie told some scary stories, they watched a movie, Michael showed them his playing card collection and Evan beat Gregory at war at least ten times, and Elizabeth got a whole console out and they played a few different games.
Of course, the tension did not leave. Everytime he accidentally bumped into Evan or one of them said something a little too… Iffy… it only got thicker.
When he looked over at his little brother, he noticed he was asleep. Him and everyone else.
Well, except for one.
“Can’t sleep?” Gregory asked.
Michael shrugged, “Who can sleep on Christmas Eve?”
Gregory eyed the others, “Them, apparently.”
Michael chuckled, “Yeah, I guess so.” He said.
They fell silent, and Michael laid down on his back, staring at the blankets hung above him.
“You know I don’t want you here, right?”
“Yeah. I know.”
“But he does. Don’t ruin that for him. Or Elizabeth. She said she’s been trying to get you to come over for Christmas.”
Michael stares at him, “I don’t talk to her a lot, I thought she was just being nice.”
“She was.” Gregory said, “I don’t doubt she was. But she still likes talking to you. I don’t know, don’t you think maybe she actually cared if she asked every year?”
Michael scoffed, “I told her every year that I spend my Christmas with Jeremy. Or Henry.”
“Speaking of Henry, what’s he doing for Christmas if Charlie and Sammy aren’t there?”
Gregory sat up, “Charlie said He remarried or something.”
“Really?” Michael said, “That’s… He didn’t tell me that…”
“I might be wrong but that’s what I heard.”
Gregory looked over at him, “You’re kind of a loser, you know that?”
Michael stared at him for a moment before he burst out laughing.
Gregory shushed him, “You’re gonna wake them up, shut your mouth!” He hissed.
Michael flopped over on his back, still laughing, though he tried to keep quiet, “You are incredibly blunt.”
“Well, to be fair, I don’t particularly like you very much,” Gregory said.
“I can tell.”
When Gregory heard him go quiet, he glanced over his shoulder.
Evan woke up with a pillow being chucked at his face the moment he sat up.
So he stayed down.
But he could hear Charlie and Michael laughing.
Michael sounded like he’d been doing this for a while, and Charlie kept squealing. The noise was quickly giving him a headache, but it made him feel better about the day, and that’s all he needed anyways.
The day?
Holy shit it’s Christmas.
Evan bolted upright, “It’s Christmas.”
Gregory laughed, “Yeah, it is.”
Elizabeth threw herself on Evan and pulled him into a hug, “Morning sleepyhead!” She said, “You’re the last one to wake up.”
“We’ve been waiting forever.” Sammy groaned, “So I started chucking pillows at you and seeing if you’d wake up.”
“I told him not to.” Gregory said.
Evan smiled, “You guys are amusing. Has anyone made breakfast?”
Charlie points at Michael, “I told him to.”
Michael pushes her finger away from his face, “And I told her that I have not cooked something edible since I was 15.”
Elizabeth shuddered, “That lasagna was not edible.”
“Har har har.” Michael muttered, “at least I tried.”
Charlie sat up, “Me and Sammy made dinner, it’s someone else’s turn.”
“I vote Greg does it.” Sammy said.
“What? Why me?” Gregory whined, “I always do it!”
“I’ll make it.” Evan said.
“I’ll come help.” Elizabeth jumped to her feet.
She grabbed Michael’s arm, “I’ll show you what edible actually means.”
Charlie waved Michael goodbye with a smirk on her face as he scowled.
Evan took out the stupid cinnamon rolls in the weird circle can thingy? He didn’t know anything about them but they were good so who cares.
Michael frowned, “This is breakfast?”
“You look like you live off ramen noodles, shut up and enjoy Christmas dinner as it should be.” Evan said.
Michael blinked a few times.
“… You don’t… You don’t actually live off noodles, do you?”
So Evan learned several unpleasant things about Michael’s eating habits.
But so far, so good. He’d only felt soul crushing anxiety twice since Michael got here!
So… Good?
He wasn’t sure but it wasn’t bad so that had to mean something.
Despite joking around, Evan was a bit irritated. Michael was still being weird and it didn’t help that Elizabeth clearly didn’t understand the tension.
“You two are too quiet, come on, it’s Christmas.” She said, “Loosen up!”
“I’m just tired, Liz.” Evan said.
She flicked his forehead, earning a yelp from Evan.
“Well, don’t be, it’s Christmas!”
He didn’t like how much this reminded him of home. He didn’t like that this reminded him of his sister avoiding and ignoring his problems or his brother never listening to him.
They were all so different, but some things never change.
Unpleasantly, his mind drifted to his dad. But he pushed those thoughts away. He didn’t know why he always thought of his dad when he talked to his siblings.
“Evan, it’s done.” Elizabeth said, “Do you wanna frost it?”
Evan nodded, “While they’re still hot.”
She smiled at him, “Then we can open gifts? You’re gonna love what I got you, I promise.”
No, his siblings were nothing like his dad. No doubt they have pieces of him in them—No doubt Evan did too—But they were not him.
Maybe he could learn to live with those pieces. He’d done it with Elizabeth.
But it was just so much harder with Michael. Even now, when they were laughing and pretending to be okay, he felt dissatisfied. He wanted more than this, he wanted reassurance that his brother actually wanted to change and didn’t just feel bad. What if Michael was doing this for himself? To make himself feel less guilty? Less at fault?
As cruel as it sounded in his head, he found himself regretting giving Michael this chance. He didn’t deserve closure, not when it had taken Evan over a decade to get his own closure. He knew Michael was trying, but why did he get to decide when this change of heart came along? Why did he get to decide when this ended?
He settled in his seat beside Gregory, who was talking to Charlie and Sammy. Elizabeth was quietly talking to Michael, and Evan stayed quiet. He had things to think over. A lot.
When they finished, Charlie and Elizabeth practically dragged him to the tree.
Michael hung back, and Evan felt a twinge of… Something. Sadness? Anger? He didn’t know. But it was something.
Elizabeth insisted he opened hers first, so he did. It was a camera. Except it was yellow and had little bear ears and…
“It’s Fredbear!” He exclaimed, “It’s so cute! Oh my god, Lizzie, this must have taken forever!”
“Charlie helped with it,” She said.
He looked it over, “And it’s brand new… Smile!” He pointed it at Elizabeth and Charlie, snapping a photo quickly, “Oh my god, I love it, Liz.”
She grinned, “I knew you would.”
Gregory smiled at Evan, pushing a small box closer to him.
Evan unwrapped it slowly, before slamming it down and giving Gregory a playfully harsh look, “You did not.”
Gregory laughed, “I really did.”
He held up the sweater, “This is so dumb I’m gonna wear it for the rest of my life.”
The sweater was black with a skull on it, but it was sporadically decorated with random Christmas things. It looked so strange and out of place and he loved it.
Of course he got Gregory an equally ugly sweater, one with flowers on it, but the middle of the flower was replaced with Glamrock Freddy, one of the characters made for Fazbear Entertainment after his father had sold it off in response to the horror rumors about it.
Evan knew they weren’t true, but they still made his skin crawl sometimes.
Sammy bought him a crochet kit, with a bunch of colors for him and Gregory to mess with. He must have remembered Evan mentioning that he wanted to pick it up as a hobby.
They continued exchanging gifts, and Michael was quiet for the most part, as if he was dreading something, which Evan found amusing; of course he was nervous, he’d had one day to find thoughtful gifts for people he hardly spoke to.
Suddenly, just as Evan was going to stand, Michael tossed something to him, and he jumped in surprise.
“I didn’t know what to get you, to be honest. I, uhm, I hope this isn’t a shitty gift…” Michael said, “I also hope it doesn’t like… ruin your day… it’s a hit or miss, so I’m taking a shot.”
Evan blinks a few times, “Alright…”
He carefully unwraps the gift, gasping softly when he sees it fully.
The fur is worn, and the stitches are messy—the handiwork of his uncle, no doubt—and one of the ears has a hole in it, but there’s no mistaking it.
It was Fredbear.
The original plushie.
The one he hadn’t seen since he moved out of his dad’s house.
He’d had another, one that Gregory’s dad had made for him, but it’d never been quite the same. It also didn’t talk to him.
… Well maybe that was a good thing.
He didn’t take his eyes off it as he spoke softly, “Where… did you get this?” 
“Dad sent it to me since he didn’t have contact with you. He didn’t give me a chance to say I didn’t either. Henry patched it up and it’s just been collecting dust for the past few months.”
He stared at it. It reminded him of a lot of things. The animatronics on stage that terrified him, being bullied, his nightmares, his dad, The Thing, meeting Gregory, that day he broke his ankle, that time Mike almost hit him with his car his first time driving it, when he spent that first night with Gregory, and so many other things.
“Huh…” He said.
“Is it… a good gift…?”
“Yeah, yeah I missed him.” He said, “Thank you.”
Michael smiled.
Elizabeth stood up, “Well, that was sweet,” she said, “let’s get this picked up now.”
They all groaned, and Lizzie clicked her tongue, “Come on, guys, this isn’t our house, we can’t trash it and leave.”
So they picked up. It wasn’t hard, but at some point Charlie bumped into Elizabeth, who playfully pushed her away, and then that ended with the two of them wrestling each other to the ground. Sammy jumped in and for a moment Evan thought Gregory would too, but he didn’t.
So the two of them just continued cleaning while Charlie squealed. And he glanced over at Michael.
He was picking up alongside them, and Evan couldn’t stop himself from laughing a bit.
Michael frowned, “What? What am I doing?”
“Nothing, nothing, it’s just funny that you’re cleaning. We were lucky if Dad got you to pick up a sock, much less your room, much less Henry’s house.”
Michael scoffed, but didn’t say anything.
Thanks for participating in the conversation, I’m glad we’re talking. Evan thought sarcastically.
Gregory looked like he wanted to say something, but he bit his tongue when Evan gave him a look.
“No fighting, I know,” He muttered.
God this sucked a lot.
Michael didn’t know what to say. And he was annoyed that Evan would bring that up. He got so much shit from his dad for not picking up his room, but he could never bring himself to care. He’d hated that house, he’d hated his dad, he’d hated his siblings, and god he’d hated his little brother.
Not that he knew exactly why, though.
His thoughts were interrupted by Elizabeth grabbing his arm, “It snowed last night, do you guys still get snow over in Utah?”
“What? Of course we do!” He said, “Why wouldn’t we?”
“I don’t know, you seem so grumpy I thought you must have never experienced a good thing in your life.” She said.
Evan winced and Michael frowned, “I’m not grumpy.” He said.
“Sure, as if you haven’t been moping around. You know, if you were just going to sulk this whole time you shouldn’t have come,” Elizabeth crossed her arms, “Nobody forced you to come, but you’re acting like this is the worst place to be right now.”
“I’m just… nervous…” He said slowly.
“Nervous? About what? You came because you wanted to see us, didn’t you?” She challenged, “You’re just being dodgy today, I don’t know. You just nudged gifts to us and mumbled ‘thank you’ and hung back, why aren’t you at least trying to participate?”
“I am trying! I’m just not feeling it, okay? Why do you even care, you’re not the one who invited me!”
Elizabeth scoffed, “I invite you every year and every year you shut me down, but not Evan? Is this even about him? Because it feels like it’s about you!”
Michael stared at her, “I’m trying my best!”
“Avoiding us is your best!?”
He fell silent. One look at Evan and Gregory told him they had been thinking the same things.
He really had been neglecting his sister, hadn’t he? It’s not that he meant to, it’s just that he didn’t know how to talk to her. Her life fell apart pretty quickly once their father’s parenting… declined… but even then she still reached out to their father. Whether she actually thought he could change or if she was just doing it for herself, though, he had no idea.
He was trying to settle these things one at a time! why did he have to fuck up with both his siblings?
“She’s not wrong.” Gregory said, “You’ve been weird lately, and it’d be much easier for everyone if you just… I don’t know… talked? You’re not getting anywhere sneaking around like a dog.”
Michael felt his anger spark at that, “I’m not sneaking around! And don’t call me a dog!”
Elizabeth clenched her fists, “Well if you were really here to make amends, you’d put some effort in, but instead this feels more like a shitty way of getting closure and making yourself feel better-”
Evan stepped forward then, “Okay, that’s enough!”
“-And maybe if you hadn’t almost killed Evan he wouldn’t hate you so much!”
The whole room fell silent.
Evan stared at her, “Elizabeth…”
“It’s true!” She said, “It’s true! He’s always done this! You just avoid us, you shut us out, like that will help, and then you come crawling back for forgiveness so you don’t feel like shit about it!”
“Elizabeth!” Evan shouted.
She turned to look at Evan, and they locked eyes for a moment. She sighed, “I’m going… To go to the gas station for a bit. Call me if you need me.”
Michael watched her go, silent. His gut was twisting and he felt sick.
He was a shitty brother all around, wasn’t he?
He couldn’t even get his sister to like him. Not that he’d tried very hard. Elizabeth made herself feel untouchable. She avoided her brothers because she didn’t want to be caught in the middle of whatever they were doing. She hadn’t been talking about Evan, not entirely. She was probably lonely, he realized.
He looked at Evan, “I didn’t… I’m… I’m sorry…”
Evan stared at him, “Do you want to talk about It? Now?”
Michael laughed, but it was dry and humorless, “No, but I’m willing to, if you want to.”
“We’ll leave you guys alone.” Charlie said, grabbing Gregory and Sammy and pulling them away.
“Liz is right, you’re not really proving anything other than the fact that you feel bad. Which is… It’s annoying.” Evan said, “I know you feel bad, I’ve known that since I got out of the hospital when I was ten, Mike. I don’t need to know you feel bad, I need to know you care and want to make an effort to change.”
“Well, I am trying I just-”
“Don’t know how?”
Michael looked up at him.
“...Yeah.” He said softly, “I don’t know what to do, I hardly know you guys anymore.”
Evan sat down beside him, “None of us do, it took Elizabeth years to even look at me, and even longer for us to finally start actually talking. There’s a lot of things we can’t fix. Elizabeth will always be blunt, that will never change. It’s something she got from Dad. She can’t help that, but she can make it better.” He looked up at Michael, “And I think you can, too. If you just talk to me, but you won’t. And that’s making it hard. I don’t want to push you or bother you but I really really need to just… understand this.”
“So… About The Thing…”
“Yeah, The Thing. Me almost dying, you putting my head into heavy machinery? That Thing?”
“I… I still have the scar, you know? It healed over pretty well though, head wounds do that. But I still dream of it, you know. Do you have nightmares?”
“Of seeing my little brother’s head get crushed like a grape? Yeah,” He took a deep breath, “Hard to forget that when I spent at least five minutes staring at it.”
Evan stares at the floor, “... I don’t even remember when it happened. I didn’t feel it at all. Not until I woke up, at least.”
He takes a deep breath, “I… Can I just ask you why?”
“Why did you do all that? Why did you treat me like that?”
Michael fell silent. He never talked about the why. It’s not that he didn’t know. He knew. He had known since he started, since he watched his brother’s skull get crunched in front of him.
“I thought it was funny,” He said, “I didn’t like that Dad did all that shit to me. He obviously enjoyed it, and I enjoyed doing it to you. Some kind of fucked up stress relief, I guess.”
Evan stares at him, looking hurt, “That’s brutally honest.”
“You said you didn’t want me to lie to you.”
Evan nodded, “Yeah.”
They sat in silence for a bit, before Evan spoke.
“I don’t know if I want to forgive you or not,” He said, “It’s not that… It’s not that I don’t think you’ve changed but… I still have nightmares. I still remember these things that happened to me and they… they suck. But sometimes I feel like a jerk because I know you’re trying and I know you don’t get why this is so hard for me but… But I really hate you. I hate that you are here for closure, I hate that you are here at all. But I invited you.”
“I think I do get it.” Michael said.
“I… I haven’t blocked Dad yet, did you know that?”
“Really? I blocked him the day I moved out.” Evan said.
“I keep not wanting to. I keep thinking, ‘what if something happens? What if I need to talk to him?’ even though I know that’ll probably never happen.”
“So I guess I can get where you’re coming from. In a weird twisted way, you know? I don’t know how to cut him off, but I don’t know how to talk to him. It’s like there’s a door open in front of me and I’m too scared to walk through it but what if I close it and it locks? What if there was something good in there?”
Evan doesn’t take his eyes off Michael, before he says, “Give me your phone.”
Michael blinks at him, tilting his head, but he slowly hands Evan his phone, “What’re you doing?”
“Blocking Dad.”
“What!? Did you not hear anything I just said?” He reached for his phone, but Evan was quicker and pulled away from him.
“There’s nothing behind that door, Michael.” He says, startling Michael with his intensity, “Nothing that you want or need. You left that room forever ago and you deserve to stay out of it for the rest of your life. You and Liz.”
Michael watched him and his hand dropped back to his side.
Maybe Evan was right. Maybe there was nothing behind that door. Maybe he was just wishing there had been something in that room. It’s like he was closing and opening it in hopes for something new.
“Always available for cutting off shitty family members. I’m incredibly good at it.”
Michael laughed, “... Yeah… you are.”
Evan stood up, “I think that’s enough for now, I don’t know if I forgive you, honestly.”
Michael shrugs, “Eh, that’s not the most of my worries,” He says, “I guess this was something of a test run?”
“If it was, I think it turned out okay.”
When Elizabeth got back, Michael took her aside to talk to her. Evan didn’t listen in, but he knew what they were talking about, and he did indeed see them hug tightly. It wasn’t Evan’s business. He left it alone.
So things weren’t fixed. But they were better. They had wrapped old wounds. Nothing was healed, but they weren’t bleeding anymore, and that was good.
The rest of the day was fun. Elizabeth insisted Michael stayed, but he had to go home eventually, and there was a mutual understanding that he needed some time alone after all that. It was overwhelming, and Evan was definitely done with seeing his family for a bit. They weren’t friends, but it was something.
He watched Michael walk outside, where Jeremy had come to pick him up.
“Hey, Mike?” He called.
“Thanks for coming.”
Michael smiled at him, “Thanks for letting me.”
Not forgiveness, and in the end he would always prefer the family he’d made for himself, but otherwise this went well.
That being said, he was never inviting that many people over for Christmas again. He should’ve gotten them together for Thanksgiving instead.
Gregory pulled Evan back inside, “Dude, it’s freezing, come inside.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
Gregory looked inside, “This place is a mess. What happened to ‘we can’t make a mess and leave it’?”
Evan laughed.
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atinylittlepain · 11 months
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Chapter Four
no-outbreak!Joel Miller x f!oc
series masterlist
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warnings: 18+ violence, physical injury, but there will be hope
a/n: this is a heavy chapter, i am not going to lie. as always, i have done my best to treat this heavy content with respect and truthfulness. i am not out for shock and horror, but honesty, yes.
The burdens that you carry now
Well they're not of your creation
So let's not weep for their evil deeds
But their lack of imagination
Sweetheart Come - Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
There’s no denying winter now. Fall is always fleeting, and by the end of November, there’s no calling it anything other than cold. Sarah didn’t come home for Thanksgiving this year, a new boyfriend with parents to meet and a promise for Christmas. A small hurt still, tempered by how he and Dolores spent the holiday. No turkey, no stuffing, no stir or stress to any of it. A meal shared, simple as that, like any other day. 
It’s been a slow gift, this new and unfurling closeness. Touch is always cautious, and quietly asked after. Every new okay, allowing for a bit more so that now, some things have become simple comfort instead of anxious and unknown. Like in the evenings, nothing even has to be said, already expected that they will settle down and around each other on the couch, and if she has grace to give, she’ll read aloud to him from whatever book she’s currently working through. Like in the mornings, sleep still making everything small and quiet, it isn’t uncommon for his hand to find the dip of her spine as they pass around each other in their shared routine, and it isn’t uncommon for her to lean into that touch, to pause in his palm. And around noon, whenever he stops into the diner, his hand will often catch hers when she slides his check across the counter, the slow sweep of his thumb over her knuckles. 
“I might be late picking you up today, gotta help John with all the end of the month paperwork. You okay hanging here a little after four?” He tries to ask it casually, but the truth is, he doesn’t feel very okay about it at all. And he has no business feeling that quick curl of worry in his throat all because of the smallest, stupidest deviation from their usual routine. 
“Of course. If it’s easier, Sal can drop me at the station after we close?” He isn’t sure which idea he likes less, her waiting around for him at the diner, or her coming anywhere near the station when she doesn’t have to. But closer to him always feels better these days, so he nods, a reluctant break of his hand from hers. 
The thing about all this closeness is that it has only made that meanness, that hate blossom in their separation. Sometimes all he can think about when she isn’t around, the things he would like to do to husband. She has told him more, quiet in the night, things that make his heart stutter and then clench like a fist, like a jaw snapping shut. And today, moving through the day, he works all the poison over in his mind until John asks him from across the office what he’s scowling about. Oh, nothing. Nothing that anyone else could ever know about.
“Well, you got the last of this under control? I gotta pick up the kids from the bus stop pretty soon here.” Joel nods, working his mouth around civil words, polite words, sighing the instant John closes the door to the station behind him. He isn’t sure if husband has called this month. John hasn’t mentioned it, and Joel doesn’t want to ask. And there’s no point in telling himself that he shouldn’t. Shouldn’t be in the slow spiral of whatever this is with her. Because he is, and all the good of her makes him forget about shouldn’t. But the reality remains. That there is a man in Nebraska who called her his wife. That there is a man in Nebraska that Joel has imagined violence upon. An equal and accounted amount of it. 
“Hello?” Sudden and startling, he nearly jumps in his chair at the sound of someone at the front desk. Not dressed in his uniform, but he’ll have to do, getting up and walking out to the front of the station.
“Hello, sir, how can I help you?” Just passing through, no doubt. Tall man, thin man, wiry and a little worn-looking. A strange time for him to be here, though. One of the extreme types, he figures, cross-country skier or the like. The kind that enjoy pain, probably looking for directions up into the mountains for a novel excursion.
“Are you Officer Davis?”
“No, he just stepped out. Did you speak to him over the phone or something?”
“Oh yeah, a couple of times. I tell you what though, he hasn’t been much help.” Yes, definitely a tourist, probably out from Denver, full of himself and full of shit. Wearing an expensive-looking flannel beneath a puffer jacket, Patagonia, and making some snit, some little tiff about something, calling John like that. 
“Well, what exactly are you needing help with?” 
“Are you a cop?” Said with a raised brow and a once-over, and Joel has to remind himself that yes, this is part of the job, grinding his teeth to hold back a grimace. 
“I’m Officer Miller, yes. Could you tell me what you talked with Officer Davis about so I can see about helping you?” 
“My wife, we talked about my wife.” A strange feeling. A sick feeling. Pinpricked vision and a hard rush in his ears. Not just passing through, not just a tourist, and not from Denver. Suddenly, he’s not sure how he imagined this man, even though he built him in his mind over and over, a piecemeal Frankenstein that’s full flesh and bone and body before him now. 
Smaller and slighter than he imagined. But aren’t all monsters much bigger in our brains? Easier to fight something that looks just as evil as its rotten core. But this is just a man wearing an expensive-looking flannel beneath a puffer jacket, Patagonia. A tired-looking man at that, drawn and dark circles under his eyes. A man that wears glasses. Men that wear glasses aren’t supposed to be the ones beating their wives. Give him someone with tattoos up and down his arms, someone with enough muscle for it to menace, someone with greasy, long hair and a sneered scowl. This man looks like he goes to work everyday from nine to five in a cubicle, this man looks like anyone else, this man looks like someone who would never be suspected, someone who would never be caught. And just like that, it starts to make sense to Joel. 
“Your wife?” His wife, who is going to be dropped off here any minute now.
“Yessir, I’m Charlie Wright? I’m sure you’ve heard about what happened back in June. There was a car, reported stolen around your parts and well–”
“Oh yeah, I heard about that. With all due respect,  I’m not sure why you’ve come all this way after five months. Wherever your wife has gone, I can assure you she ain’t here.” At least for a few more minutes, at least enough time for him to get this man far away. No time for fight, not with the fine line of risk he’s currently walking just by having this man in the station. 
“Are you sure of that, officer? Has there been any kind of a search effort for her? I’m sorry, if you could just empathize with me here. I’m only a man who’s trying to bring home his wife.” No, not now to that quick flood of fury threatening up his throat. He clenches his fists behind his back until it feels like the skin over his knuckles may split. 
“I’m sorry, but it’s like I said, after five months, I reckon your wife is long gone from anywhere around here.” Whatever the man says back to him, he doesn’t hear it, eyes flickering over his shoulder to movement in front of the station. 
And what comes next happens so slowly, so stupidly. 
Dolores no longer feels anxious around the station. After five months, a figuring that it’s fine, that there’s nothing to fear or fret over. So when Sal pulls up and drops her off, she is barely even considering the building, idly walking over to it as she reads the back of a book she picked up yesterday from the library, using her shoulder to open the door and step inside. 
The rest does not happen slowly. A flash, a bright burst of motion. Something that sounds like a curse, a garbled, grunted you fucking bitch. Her book drops to the ground, spine splayed and cracked open, all the pages getting smeared to the side in an unfortunate crumple. And Joel can’t move. Husband has his hands on her. And Joel can’t move. It’s like husband knew exactly how he was going to move the next time he saw her, fingers closing around her throat, cage and crush as he walks her back until the terrible length of his body is pinning her up against the wall. And Joel can’t move. But husband isn’t just out for fear, a method to the way he takes one hand and clamps it over her nose and mouth while the other stays wrapped around her throat. Husband is looking to take something from her that’s past the point of fear. And Joel can’t move. 
Husband is saying something to her, sneering something to her, though Joel can’t hear it through the pure panic flooding through his brain. His whole body screams to move faster, to get big and mean and loud, but he feels so very small, shocked into a slow, stuttering step that stops just as soon when suddenly husband lets out a curdled scream, his whole body recoiling from her in a tight curl, bent at the waist and clutching at his hand. 
There’s blood, and that’s not right. Not the fact of it, of husband’s blood. The not right comes in how husband’s blood is smeared on her lips and dragging down her chin. In how there is nothing behind her eyes as she slumps back against the wall, a slow slide into a posture that he recognizes, curling in on herself, hands clasped behind her neck and her head ducking between her knees as she comes to sit on the ground. It’s a posture that’s taught to people to take when they’re afraid for their lives, a last hail Mary of protection to all the most vital, soft parts of the body. And Joel finally moves. 
Second drawer from the bottom in the front desk, a pair of cuffs that he’s never been sure why they’re kept there. But now he doesn’t have to think at all about grabbing them, doesn’t have to think about how to pinch the back of husband’s neck in his hand and take him all the way to the ground, a knee pressed between his shoulder blades as he collects his flailing wrists and snaps them together in metal. There’s a fine flood of red dripping down husband’s left hand, perfect punctures on his pointer finger. It looks deep, it looks like it hurts, and Joel is glad for it. 
The station has a single cell, used mostly and infrequently for folks needing to sober up after a particularly miserable night. Husband is still groaning and panting in pain as Joel hauls him down the hallway and behind the bars. All a bit cartoonish, all a bit garish. Lock and key and all that. And he only lets out a breath when the door to the cell is shut behind him. Much more important things that must be tended to. 
His thoughts had been moving so slowly, if there were any thoughts at all, that suddenly it’s like a rubber band snapping back into place, breaking the surface, big gasp and a quick flood of frenzy and fury and fret, needing to make all of this right when he got it so very wrong. She’s still curled into and over herself, the heels of her palms pressed into her ears. And he’s not sure if it’s okay to touch her right now, erring on the side of caution as he kneels down in front of her, calls for her once, twice. Dove, Dovey. It’s enough to get a flicker of her eyes, seeing him, enough for her hands to fall from her ears, though she still stays all tucked up. The blood has already dried, rusted flakes of it on her skin, and he has to tamp down his own want to get it off of her as quickly as possible, settling instead for something slow, a careful coaxing of  it’s okay now, please, let’s clean up, please, let me, please. 
She’s still not quite looking at him, not quite looking at anything, something unfocused in her unblinking stare as he leads her to the bathroom, a small mercy that it’s down the other hall. A hand on her shoulder, an ask that she doesn’t say no to, lets him move her to sit on the edge of the toilet. A hand held on her knee as he fumbles to get a paper towel damp in the sink, still afraid that she will be gone if he doesn’t keep a pulse running to her. 
He kneels down in front of her, and he tells himself that he has to be so careful, so gentle, violence already starting to split all her seams, all that slow stitching, all five months of it. And he can, for her, slow fingers tilting her chin for him. He is meticulous in his work, every last reminder of red until all that’s left is the suggestion of it and the shake in her lip. She doesn’t say a thing, shrugs out from under his touch, all he can do to make space as she stands up and shuffles over to the sink. And it is a shuffle, a limp, something heavy held somewhere in her body that she’s dragging with her. She dips her head under the tap, like prayer, like holy, lets the water run over her turned face until Joel starts to get worried. Pink water in the porcelain when she straightens back up, a slow unfurl of her spine. Still in her uniform, his stomach curls when he sees the spatter on the starched blue collar of it. 
“You sure you got this covered for the night?” 
“Not a problem, reckon your wife would have my balls if I kept you here any later.” 
“Well if he gives you any trouble, I’m a phone call away, you know?”
“Yeah, John, I think he’ll be just fine once he sobers himself up.”
“Alright then, I’ll see you tomorrow. Thanks for taking care of this.”
“Sure thing.”
Joel made two phone calls. The first was to Patty. No explanation needed, not a thing said, already understood when she came and picked up Dolores, a careful arm curled around her shoulders and a murmured promise of home and clean clothes. Only a cursory glance to Joel, an implicit command for a conversation later. 
The second call was to John. And he had been ready to tell him the truth when he got to the station. But husband didn’t say a thing when the officer asked him what the hell happened, just kept his hands tucked between his thighs, a blank look on his face. Drugs, alcohol, drugs and alcohol, enough of an excuse for John to sigh and shake his head and agree that yes, he would have to be held overnight. And Joel is doing him a favor really, by staying overnight to keep an eye on things so he doesn’t have to. Joel is doing him a solid, Joel is a real pal, Joel is a real good guy for letting his partner off the hook like that. And really, Joel doesn’t mind, craning his neck to watch John’s car pull out of the parking lot, no, he doesn’t mind at all. Really, Joel is happy to stay at the station with the man in an expensive-looking flannel and a puffer jacket, Patagonia, getting striped and slanted between metal bars. 
The thing about the station is, it is very old and very small, and not very serious at all. Just enough power behind those silver stars to keep things in order over the years. But because the station is very old and very small, there is nothing like a security system, nothing like cameras recording anything. So no one else will get to see. Only him and husband bearing witness when Joel steps into the cell and closes it behind him. 
“Here’s how this is gonna go.” Husband scoffs, tips his head back until his skull rests against the wall, slumped on the paint-peeling bench. 
“You’re gonna get in your car, and you’re gonna go back to Nebraska. And you ain’t ever gonna come looking for her again.” Husband thinks this is a joke, Joel can tell, the way he tilts his head to the side, grimacing up a smile. 
“Like it or not, officer, that’s my wife you’re talking about. And by law, I can drag her sorry ass just about anywhere I want to.” Only him and husband. No one else will get to see how silence falls, only for a flicker, before Joel takes two steps toward husband. And she isn’t here now, so he can get as big and mean and fearfully fast as he wants to. 
Easy, really, anger makes it feel like nothing. Like nothing to get husband back down on the ground, prone and gasping little broken breaths with Joel’s hand clamped around the front of his throat. And he could, right now, he could. Break this man and bring what’s left of him to lay at her feet. He wants to, so very badly, let his hand crush that flutter, that pulse. But just on the heels of that anger is something else. Something small and sodden and sighing. All he can do to let a flame of frustration tamp it down, hauling husband up onto his knees, giving him enough coughed-in oxygen so he can understand what words come next. Speaking slowly, right in his ear. 
“By law, I could show the bruises that will surely be on her throat to any cop in a fifty-mile radius and have you put in jail for a very long time. But I don’t think that’d be enough, do you?” What did Dolores tell him at the bar that night? Once, right here. To temple, that’s right. Where Joel settles the mouth of his gun now. And there is no monster. Something far more pathetic before him now, beneath him now. A blubbering man, a begging man, tears and snot shining up his face. Please, please don’t, please don’t do this. 
Fear feels good, right. Making something right when his finger curls against the trigger. A burst of sound, a sob tearing through husband’s chest as he keels over, breathing hard, relieved and retching all at once. Joel lays a single kick to his stomach, sending him skittering back on the floor.
“Here’s how this is gonna go.” A hand gripped tight in husband’s hair to hold his face up, to make sure he is listening so very closely.
“You’re gonna get in your car, and you’re gonna go back to Nebraska. And you ain’t ever gonna come looking for her again. And if you don’t do as I say, that cartridge won’t be empty the next time you and I cross paths.” He lets him go, lets him slump back on the floor, still heaving. 
Not another word is spoken. The door to the cell is left open. By morning, husband is gone.
“She didn’t eat anything.” 
“I don’t know if she slept, I doubt it.” 
“Okay, thanks.” 
“You and I are gonna have a talk.” 
“Okay, Patty, later.”
“Yeah, later.” 
The house is quiet and still when he goes inside, ears pricking to the sound of Patty’s car pulling away. Her door is cracked, the thin light of morning slipping and slivering down the hall. He’s not sure how much of anything is okay right now, silent and standing in the doorway. At the very least, she’s not in her uniform, an old sweatshirt he had offered her when the nights kept getting colder. Not bruised yet, but blooming fast, a smear of dark red across her throat. 
“Is he okay?” It shocks him, startles him. He almost asks who, is who okay? But he knows who she’s asking after, asking for, and it makes him dizzy, makes him sick. 
“He’s gone, Dove. You don’t have to worry about him now.” Her brow pinches and pulls down, a full-tilt crumpling of her expression that forecasts tears, though they don’t come, just that tremble to her lip. 
“I hurt him.” Like confession, like sin, and he can’t stop himself from trying to sweep it away, two big steps to kneel between her legs where she’s sitting on the edge of the bed, hands on her knees to hold her where she is and tell her no, you did the right thing, you had to, it wasn���t that, it wasn’t bad or wrong or regretful, do not regret what you did, what you did was right, what you did was escape. And something else too, sorry. Sorry that she had to, because he didn’t, at least not in time. 
“Is he really?”
“He is.”
“He’s not coming back, I promise.” And this startles him too, the wrecked wail she lets out, head held in shaking hands, shaking shoulders, and shaking ribs that ache with sound and sob. And this isn’t relief, at least not entirely. It’s a mournful sound, it’s a losing sound, it’s a lost, longing sound. 
The thing about a cage is that it becomes comfort once it is familiar. And the thing about monsters is that it doesn’t take much to become one. Just power and presence and taking something that does not belong to him, and never did. Part of her still loves that man, part of her is still kept by that man. And what Joel did, well, a keeping of his own, wasn’t it? A deigning and deciding of his own. 
Something inside of him cracks, fine fissuring lines that splinter and snap, slumping back on his haunches, his hands slipping down to only a weak curl around her ankles as her whole body heaves. The loudest he’s ever heard her, a pure posture of agony in the way her spine snares and snarls up tight. And because of the crush of pain around her throat, the sound is near terrifying, broken and rasped, wounded animal,  and so very not right, big, hot gasps of not right. 
At first, he isn’t sure what it is, maybe just her body acting out some deep desperation in her hands reaching and grabbing onto his coat, still in his coat. Fists in fabric, asking him for something he is afraid to give her, though he does. An awkward contortion, lifting up onto his knees so he can bring his palms to span the shake of her back. She curls over him, into him. And what she says, what warbles up from her chest is an even sharper devastation. She thanks him, quiet and caught between gasps, thank you. Once, twice, his arms tightening around her to steady his own shake now. She thanks him for this undoing he has caused, and it in turn is his own quiet destruction. Because he would do so much more, unasked and unbidden. Dangerous, what he would do. 
There’s no making sense of it, of the strange stir of grief and grace. Eventually, everything slows down, turns silent, and he’s still holding her, and she’s still holding him. 
Nothing is said, not when bodies have already made so much clear. She lets him lead her to the bare light of the window, careful palms tilting her jaw so he can see what must heal. Asks her where it hurts the most and she just makes a dry sound that tries to be a laugh. There have been much worse hurts than this, he knows. 
Maybe mercy, that there is always something that must be done around the fact of the land and the animals. They sniff into the morning cold, silent but close. Bleats turn into puffs of pale air, the flock already beginning their slow wander for the day, snow crunching under foot. 
It’s a leap, a lurch of his heart to take her hand in his. She lets him, unspoken relief. Unspoken, all of it. But staying, both of them.
@cassiopeia @eleganthottubfun @anoverwhelmingdin @sscorpiiio @joeldjarin @casa-boiardi @suzmagine @syakhairi @spookyxsam @northernbluess @hier--soir @joelsgreys @wannab-urs @tieronecrush @trulybetty @softlyspector @noisynightmarepoetry @csarab615 @ratoonstown @harriedandharassed @survivingandenduring @lizzie-cakes @beskarandblasters @pedrostories @pr0ximamidnight
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lunarheslwt · 8 months
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28th appreciation fic recs: January edition
Hi! Welcome to the first fic rec list of 2024! I wanted to put together all the fics I've read and loved over January for this month's 28th appreciation, so here they are! Click on the links for full tags and summaries. If you read any of these make sure to show the authors some love by leaving kudos and comments, and sharing any fic posts!
🌸 Morning comes by @nooradeservedbetter
(5k / E / Sub Top L, Dom bottom H)
The stranger gestures at what they’re wearing, and oh, it’s not a shirt, it’s a white crop top, black lettering star against it. It says I ♡ SUBMISSIVE MEN in bold, capital letters.
Thoughts: we simply need more pwps that explore dynamics like this, this was delicious, and I looove how natural the chemistry between them felt. So good.
🌸 Dreaming of a green Christmas by @hellolovers13
(4k / E / Size queen L, xmas smut)
Harry opens the wrong package by mistake and finds the sex toy Louis ordered for himself. That's not an opportunity Harry can pass up on.
Thoughts: its never too late to indulge in some christmas smut, its got size queen L ffs what are you waiting for!! Its hot, its a snack to be devoured, it's a little gift, in short.
🌸 Sweet baby by @jishlerfics
(5k / E / kink discovery)
“Haz,” he said, “do you like being held down?” Taking a shaky breath, Harry finally looked Louis in the eyes. “I think so.”
Thoughts: this is part one of a series that I'm excited to read. This is perfect and sweet and hot in every way possible, i loved it so much.
🌸 Revelatory experience by @justanothershadeofblue
(3k / E / religion kink)
Harry's not sure if it's the sound of Louis' voice, the thrill of the forbidden, or just that he's really fucking horny, but he's about to find out how well the velvet cushion in this dark little wooden booth hides a stain.
Thoughts: this was so fucking hot. Like, they're in a confession booth. That should be enough of an appetizer for y'all to go read this!
🌸 Jaerie's Kinktober: Sounding by @jaerie
(3k / E / sounding)
Louis has been casually dating Harry for a while, but tonight he plans to stay in for a much needed stress relief night of self love. He unexpectedly shares that particular love with Harry. When they discover this, they go all in.
Thoughts: so hot. We need more sounding fics. Meanwhile, do yourself a favor and indulge in this. Also love the lil bit of imperfect sex at the end.
🌸 With a sea view by @greeneyesfriedrice
(5k / E / boat smut)
Stepping onto the main deck, Harry grabs a maroon towel, squeezing all the water he can out of his hair, though it’s similar to how a dog dries off after a bath. He doesn’t bother drying the rest of his body, that’s what suntanning is for. He places the towel into a small bin and looks around. Time to find Louis.
Thoughts: so goddamn hot. But also very sweet and they're so in love which is a god tier combination. Laur never has a miss.
🌸 Heaven in these sheets by @thepolourryexpress
(3k / E / bunny! hybrid Louis)
“Bunny wants attention, hm?” Harry murmurs, turning his head and brushing his cheek against Louis’. Louis lets out a pleased noise at the feeling, ear flopping over Harry’s head as the man moves. “Please,” Louis pouts lightly, scraping his nails gently over Harry’s chest. “C’mon.” Or, Bunny Hybrid Louis has it out for his boyfriend’s phone.
Thoughts: bunny Louis is so sweet and precious, harry is the ever doting bf, and it just makes for delicious smut that also just made me feel!!!!
🌸 Mr Tomlinson by @canonlarry
(4k / E / CEO omega L)
Louis is a billionaire CEO who makes grown men cry and rival companies crumble. He's also an omega. Harry is the quiet cupcake of a man he calls his alpha and the only one who gets to see Louis as anything less than fearsome
Thoughts: powerful ceo to all, gets taken care of by partner behind doors is such a fav trope of mine and this one is SO good. I loved this one so so much.
🌸 it's always me that ends up getting wet by @loveislarryislove
(2k / E / role play, dubcon fantasy)
As Louis takes a step towards the stairs to look for his husband, his eye lands on the small round table at the foot of the staircase. It's thin and spindly, so they don't usually use it for much besides decoration. But today, there are three objects sitting on top of it. A blue policeman's hat. A small, silver key, that Louis recognizes as belonging to a pair of handcuffs. And a note, written in Harry's distinctive handwriting: I'm waiting for you downstairs ;)
Thoughts: this was so insanely good, I love a good roleplay fic and I ate this up. Every single word in this was addictive.
This is a short list, bc I've been really busy and tired. But I hope I get to read more next month. Anyways If you check these out, give these works some love. Fic writers I love youuuu X
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alexielve · 9 months
HELLO EVERYONE!! This is a bit late but Merry Christmas! This year, I got @woollymutt for the squealing santa event, sooo I hope you enjoy your gift! Thank you for hosting this event again Hypah! @squealing-santa
Pairing: Miles x Hobie (PLATONIC !!)
Warnings: This is a tickle fic, if it's not your cup of tea keep scrolling!!
Being spiderman was never easy, whether it was saving whole dimensions from collapse or being shoved against a train violently and being told you were a mistake. Miles definitely could say he wasn't fond of his job, but hey, it's what had to be done. In between all that, there was definitely an added bonus to having the abilities he did, like having to run from a very annoyed Hobie who was chasing after him.
"WAIT- Wait Hobie let's talk about this yea?"
If you're wondering what got Miles into this situation, let me enlighten you. Earlier that day, Miles and Hobie were hanging out in his Hobie's dimension (It's the perfect place for crashing, can you blame him?) and unbeknownst to him, he had eaten something Hobie was waiting on eating all day.
The chase had started at least ten minutes ago, but no matter what Miles did and no matter how many sharp corners he bent, he could never seem to get Hobie off his tail.
Miles paused mid swing, and landed on a roof, with no sign of Hobie at all. Sighing with relief, he took a seat and laid back, closing his eyes.
"Finally, not being chased by that annoying, angry brit."
"What was that mate?"
Miles jumped and opened his eyes, screaming slightly as Hobie immediately pinned him down before he could escape.
"How did-"
"I was here the whole time, don't question it. Now what were you saying about me being an annoying, angry brit?"
Miles squirmed and smiled nervously, seeing how Hobie's face had a mischievous but still mildly annoyed grin on it.
"Wait- Wait Hobie I swear- I'm sorry man cmohon-"
Hobie huffed at Miles' frantic squirming and pleading, but in response, he only switched their positions so that he held Miles in his lap, lowering his hands closer and closer to the younger spider's tummy.
"Your sorries won't get it back, and I think I deserve some revenge for you calling me annoying yea?"
With that, Hobie dropped his hands, drilling deep into the muscle of Miles' tummy.
"Yes yes I know, I want to see you laugh as well so you're stuck until I get bored. Who's a ticklish little spider Miles? I think you are with how much you're laughing~"
Miles went red at the teases and laughed harder, thrashing in Hobie's hold, but no matter how much he squirmed, Hobie had a solid hold on him.
"Stop squirming mate jeez, you're more like a wiggly snake than a spider."
Hobie chuckled and switched to squeezing and pinching at Miles' sides, drawing out sweet giggles from the younger.
"IhIhI proHohOmiHihise- IhIhi wohOhon't stEheheaL yOhour foHoHOod-"
"Yea? Good~ Now onee last thing~"
Miles threw his head back as he burst into loud cackles, caused by the continous onslaught of raspberries that were being blown on his neck.
"Okay okay I'll stop now, you're so ticklish."
Hobie chuckled as he paused, allowing Miles to curl up into a ball, still giggling from the residual tingles.
"So have you learnt your lesson?"
"Don't steal food unless I really need it."
Miles laughed as he ran off again, jumping and swinging away from where they were.
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seonghwanotes · 1 year
new years eve | jeong yunho
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pairing: yunho x reader
genre: fluff
word count: 953
a/n: this was originally a collab but i completed the ending bc the writer i collabed with had closed her acc so yeah, this had me thinking for a lil bit. ALSO THE GIF 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 im getting bias wrecked big time, i cannot imagine being yunhonotes 😭 (21 Aug 2021)
a/n: as i write this, it is 28th sept 2023 😭 had this in my drafts for a while, did not proofread at all so will just post this up for now x
It was finally the most awaited week of the whole year, Christmas week. It was a family tradition for everyone to start preparing for Christmas when December came by but this year round, you were away from your family and you were spending it with Yunho and his friends. Considering that everyone was busy with their own schedules and you finally got a break till New Years, you began your preparation a little later than usual.
But as usual, Christmas went by in a blink of an eye. Right after you had taken down the Christmas tree all by yourself, you let out a loud sigh, feeling a little sad. It certainly felt a little different since it was something you’d do together with your family members but it didn’t feel as lonely since you were with your loving boyfriend.
You grabbed your phone off the couch and took a picture of the now dismantled tree, sending it to Yunho who was at practice with the boys. Not even a second passed, he had seen your message and immediately called you.
“Oh, hello?”
“Y/N, how can you take down the tree without me helping you out? It must have been hard, especially with the upper part of the tree.” He scolded you, making you chuckle.
“Yunho, it’s fine. I was gonna do it by today anyway and I was free after you left so I just got it done. You would be home later anyway. I used a chair in case you were wondering.” You replied back, earning a sigh from him. You didn’t need to be next to him to see his pout and know that he was upset for not helping you out.
You waited for a bit as you sat down, grabbing your gifts you got for Yunho along with the gift wrapper. You set your call on speaker mode and put your phone down. You could only hear some of the boys whispering to each other but it wasn’t too audible since the background music was blocking their voices out.
“Okay, okay. I’m sorry I didn’t wait till you came home but tomorrow’s New Years eve! You know I don’t like keeping the tree up for longer than 3 days. Anyway, I’m going to the supermarket soon to get some stuff for our dinner tomorrow.” You told him, still not getting a response back. “Should I get champagne too?”
You and Yunho spent a homely Christmas together as everyone was with their family except for the two of you. It was not much but work has definitely made your lives much more busier, causing you two to not get presents for each other in time that you were doing it pretty late. Not that it mattered to you at this age but you felt bad for not carrying out a simple task.
You started wrapping your presents, occasionally glancing at your phone to see if he was about to end the call since he wasn’t answering you back. There was some light bickering among the boys but you couldn’t hear what they were talking about. “Jeong Yunho, If you wanted to help me out so badly, do me a favour and ask the boys what they would want for gifts or I’m wrapping vegetables for all 8 of you.”
Your threat seemed to slightly work as you heard Mingi chime at the other side of the call, “Ya, I don’t want vegetables this year. You better ask her for her size or I’m asking her myself!”
Size? Your size for what? You were about to voice out but Yunho cut you to it. “Well, that sounds fine. Go ahead, baby.”
“So you want me to get vegetables for them?” You questioned, earning a yell from Jongho.
“Y/N! Don’t listen to hyung! Get us what you feel like getting us except vegetables… what? Oh, no mint chocolate for Hongjoong hyung and Seonghwa hyung. We love you!” He yelled, making you laugh. These boys were enough to make you feel like you were at home.
“Not sure why I’m on speaker mode but okay.” You answered back, hearing someone getting a hard smack. You were about to end the call but stopped when Yunho called out. “Baby, wait! One more thing.”
“Your hand is almost the same as San’s right?” The question almost came out as a whisper, Yunho knowing you would get agitated at that question since your hands were the size of a child compared to his delicate giant ones.
“You know the answer already. Why are you even asking this? Are you getting me a bracelet from Pandora or what?” You asked him, sealing the gift wrapper with a ribbon on top for Yunho’s gift, which was a Rolex watch and matching rings that you’ve been eyeing for a while now.
A silence was heard initially, then a voice followed along. “Yeah, would rose gold do?”
Your cheeks flushed, “Ah, um, yeah. See you later then. Tell the boys to be early tomorrow. Oh, I’ll get 3 bottles of champagne then, okay?”
“Okay, sure thing. Yes, 3 is fine. I love you.” Yunho replied, sending a kiss through the call.
“Love you too.” You responded and ended the call.
One gift wrapped and there was more to go. You sighed, pushing them away for awhile and opened your laptop to surf the internet, making a list on what to buy for the boys, wanting it to be meaningful as well. Even if Christmas wasn’t as joyful as you wanted it to be, New Years was going to be the most memorable holiday you had in a while and you couldn’t wait for it to arrive.
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the-offside-rule · 10 months
Jack Grealish (Manchester City) - Snowman
Day 9 of Christmas
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Y/n and Jack had bee running around the house since late last night, making sure that their daughters Kayla and Sophie's Christmas was perfect. They had laid out Kayla's Manchester City kits on the sofa, along with her various other toys from 'Santa'. Jack had taken the pleasure of eating the biscuits and the brandy since Santa apparently prefers a glass or two of brandy before leaving the house and going to the next.
The sunlight had just about shone through their curtains when they heard their daughters barging through the door, Kayla slapping down hard on her Dad, with Sophie trying to jump up on the bed. "Dad! Wake up! Santa came!" Kayla squealed. Sophie had given up on climbing the bed and ran over to her mum's side of the bed and poking her, babbling along. Y/n smiled and lifted the 2 year old before patting Jack beside her. "Jack, love." He grumbled. "Can we skip Christmas this year?" He asked. "No!" The two girls replied. "Silly dad!" Kayla giggled, pulling at his arm. "Can we go? I wanna see the presents!" He groaned and nodded, before hopping out of bed and throwing on his night gown. Oh god how he had turned into such a typical Dad on Christmas day.
They crept downstairs, Jack leading them all. He opened the door slightly and peaked in. "Oh dear, I can only see coal-"
"No!" Kayla nearly sobbed. "Only messing." Jack replied before opening the door fully and turning the light on to show a living room full of gifts, big and small. Kayla ran around, not knowing which to open first. "Y/n let Sophie waddle around, touching all the presents and grabbing some to bring back to help open, whilst Jack sat beside Y/n and watched Kayla run around tearing into her gifts. "Why's it got your name on it?" Kayla asked. "Well, Grealish is your name too, sweetheart." Jack replied. "I would've liked Haaland better." He looked back to Y/n who hid her laugh by smiling with Sophie at her colourful new toys.
As the day went by, Jack helped Y/n in the kitchen as they watched their daughters play outside in the snow. "We'll bring them in soon. Make sure they don't get sick." Jack said as he cut the carrots. "Let them finish the snowman first. This is the first snow they're actually allowed to play in." Y/n said. "I know I just-"
"Hi mum! Hi dad!" Kayla said sprinting in and running upstairs, whilst Sophie stood at the door giggling. "What's funny?" Y/n asked. She pointed at Jack who forgot he had Kayla's Christmas headband still on his head. "What? Do you not think I look stylish, Soph?" He asked while posing and making her giggle even more. "Silly daddy." Y/n chuckled along as she bent down to zip up Sophie's coat a bit more. "You haven't called me that in a while, love." Jack joked. "Jack, I-"
“Dad?” Kayla asked. “Can we use this scarf?” Jack looked at the designer scarf she held in her hands. “That’s Gucci.” Jack said. “You named your scarf?” Jack shook his head. “No, no. It means it's special.” Kayla’s eyes lit up. “So it’s perfect for our snowman. He’s special too.” Jack looked over to Y/n who looked back amused, almost to say 'Do it.' Jack let out a sigh and nodded. “I suppose so.” He said. Kayla cheered and ran outside, chucking the scarf around the pile of snow with coal as a mouth.
"Mum!" Kayla called in. Both parents looked out as Kayla pointed to what they believed to be the snowman. "It looks like dad now!" She shouted, making Sophie burst into a fit of giggles. Y/n laughed. Jack simply looked over to her, the same way he did the first Christmas he spent with her. Oh how the times had changed. From having to spend them away from eachother, to now spending them with their two daughters. He loved this woman and he loved the two little ladies out the back, laughing at something that bared no resemblance to him bar the Gucci scarf. "It's identical." Jack said. Y/n turned back to face Jack and nodded, matching the same face of love and adoration as he did. "The spitting image, love."
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kiiriminna · 9 months
This is part of series of connected PKNA/Donuno -oneshots, that I'm slowly starting to translate. I'll eventually drop the whole thing in AO3, but consider this as a Christmas present!
This short fic takes place right after PKNA #13: The Darkest Night (you can find it on Tumbrl; try @uncaaj).
On his way back to Duckburg from Bravestone, Donald felt tired, fatigued and irritated. That the Evrons had the gall to choose Christmas night out of all nights to attack a peaceful little town… And to top it all, when Commander Westcock had finally waltzed in – being fashianably late, like he was some big shot...! – then, as a reward for all his troubles, the man had dared to treat him with such an aggressively overbearing manner that even now it made Donald to grit his teeth.
“Nothing I do is ever enough, right?”
‹…Are you talking to me, Duck Avenger?›
“Ah… it was nothing, One. I'm just a little tired.”
‹Then rest. I can pilot the Duckmobile on remote control.›
The offer was certainly tempting. Tomorrow there would be an early wake-up call, when the boys would rush downstairs to open their presents, and right after breakfast they would have to go round to Grandma's for Christmas dinner.
“Well, if you’re sure you don't mind...”
‹Why would I? Even heroes need to sleep sometimes, you know.›
“This hero would need a couple of months or a year to catch up on his sleep deprivation”, Donald yawned as he wrapped his cape around himself and took a more comfortable position in his pilot's chair as the green indicator light on the dashboard lit up as a proof that the remote control was turned on.
‹I'm afraid that I can't offer you such a long nap, but would half an hour be okay for the first aid? I'll wake you up when we arrive to the Duckburg.›
“Thank you, One.” He leaned his head against the headrest of the seat and let his tired eyes fall shut. “Oh, and sorry.”
‹Why so, hero?›
"I didn't find anything to buy you for a Christmas present," Donald answered with a bit of a grimace. "I'll try to come up with something after the holidays... but my funds are hardly enough for anything very fancy, let alone your biggest wish."
‹My… what?›
“You know”, Donald insisted with a worn wave of his hand, “that something that you wouldn't be able to buy even if you had all of Ducklair's possessions at your disposal.”
‹Oh… that.› One chuckled, sounding  oddly fond… well, not all that odd, actually; the AI was little by little starting to behave much more human than what Donald had first thought he was even capable off, or what One himself was willing to admit. “No need to worry about that, Duck Avenger… You already gave it to me – or part of it, at least.›
Donald's heavy eyelids fluttered open. “What?! I did? When?”
‹When you said we were friends.›
He did remember it: One puzzled expression and slightly widened eyes as the AI demanded confirmation from him of what he had just said.
“I do not understand…”
He could hear a smile in One's voice as he answered: ‹You do understand, hero. You just need time to process.›
Indeed. As Donald turned One's words over in his tired mind, the pieces slowly fell into place, and he suddenly felt heat on his face. "Was… your great wish just that? a friend?”
‹It’s definitely a large part of it›, One admitted. ‹And there’s nothing “just” in it, either. I'm afraid that without your, erm, inspiring company I might well have end up losing my mind, just like happened to my poor brother Two… although I do believe I could do with a little less of your questionable humor.›
“Aww, One… I didn't know you were such a sentimental type of a person!” Donald cooed with a teasing voice to hide his own affection. Did he really mean that much to One – him, Donald Duck, the hot-headed klutz, and a golden child of misfortune?
The AI sighed heavily. ‹I guess I made a mistake telling you this, didn't I?›
“There's no reason to feel embarrassed! I think that was an adorable thing to say, you big, green dork!”
‹Please stop.›
Donald grinned and relaxed again against the back of his seat. In a way, he would have liked to tease One a little more – after all, the AI never let pass any change to tease him – but on the other hand, One was in control of the Duckmobile right now, and the smooth ride could quickly turn into a bumpy one if his partner got irritated enough.
“Okay, okay; I’ll let it slide. But it was still really sweet.”
“And despite all that, I'm still going to buy you a present, so don't get too fussy about it. That's what friends do.”
One was silent for a moment. ‹If that’s the case, then I must give you something too.›
Ouch. And once again, his wit had come back to bite him on the ankle. “You have already given more than enough”, Donald hastened to assure. “The Duckmobile, the Extransformer Shield, the secret base at Ducklair Tower… not to mention all the delicious snacks you've made for me.”
‹If giving gifts is, indeed, a part of friendship, then it also applies to me›, One countered, with a serious tone of voice that clearly accepted no arguments. ‹But now, you really need to rest. I'll wake you up once it’s time to get out.›
“I trust in it”, Donald said with a yawn and curled up in his seat. “I trust in you…” he mumbled, before mechanical whirring and light rocking of the Viittamobile's lulled him into the land of sleep.
Through his dream he could hear One’s familiar voice sighing, ‹What wouldn’t I do for you, hero…?›
A few days later, Donald gave One a framed autograph of Duckie Starry, the shining star actress of Anxieties, who had been more than happy to hand one for her hero Duck Avenger. The AI had clearly been delighted by the present and then squirmed awkwardly as he offered Donald his own gift: a vintage miniature model of the flagship of the original Star Battles trilogy.
‹It’s nothing special… I don’t know all that much about your interests outside of work…›
“Are you serious?! No way, I love it!” Donald blurted, genuinely amazed. “I don't understand how you even got your hands on this! I thought these would cost a fortune -” he broke off, giving One a hard stare. “…You didn't pay crazy sums for this, did you?”
One smiled shyly. ‹Not at all. I got my hands on several broken models cheaply and assembled this from their parts. I understand it means that  this model’s monetary value is about non-existent -›
“Who cares?” Donald said and gently hugged the model to his chest. “I will treasure this forever! I remember how I used to beg my grandmother and uncle Scrooge to by me one of these when I was just a little chick…"
‹And you didn't still get it?›
Donald snorted. “From Uncle Scrooge's point of view, miniature models are just a waste of money, and my grandma, on the other hand, thought that I would just have broken it right away – which, admittedly, is probably quite true. I used to be a little rascal back then…”
‹I could argue that you're still quite a rascal on this day›, One pointed out with a grin.
“Haar haar. Which one of us was the noisy brat who keeps eavesdropping on our neighbors, again?” Donald purred back.
‹I solemnly swear that nowadays I exclusively limit such actions to our dear friend Angus Fangus.›
“Ah, well then. He’s a special case, after all”, Aku laughed. “Okay, work calls. May I have my outfit, One?”
‹Of course, hero. Would you like me to prepare a little snack for you after you return from the scout tour?›
“I certainly wouldn't mind if you had a couple of sandwiches waiting for me by then.”
‹It's a deal.›
Little later Donald, now all suited up, climbed into Duckmobile and waved his hand to One, who had followed him to the underground hangar in one of his smaller and more mobile forms. “See you soon!”
‹Good luck. Bread and tea will be waiting upstairs when you're ready.›
Donald smiled. Being the Duck Avenger had always been an awesome experience – the danger, the excitement, the adrenaline rush pulsating in his veins – but it was all made even better by a friend at his side; someone whom he could trust, who helped and supported him and, when necessary, even patched up the wounds he received during the nightly ventures.
I wasn’t any lesser as a hero before I met One, Donald thought, and if necessary, Duck Avenger could definitely survive without him again…
…but even still, now I really hope there will never be a day when he no longer stands by my side…!
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