#a bit of self indulgence with influence from my two faves
just-another-siimp · 2 years
Sand - Kyle Garrick x Reader
Just a little blurb about the reader and Kyle going to the beach, and talking shit while they're at it. Written for my beloved @mydogeatscoffeecups & @komorebiiiiiiii
Warnings: Probably a 16+ warning on this because wow Gaz is yummy istg, it's just fluff, and some sunburn. PUT SUNSCREEN ON KIDS.
Sand. It burned bare feet on summer days as hot as this, children ran across it ignoring their parents' yells for them to slow down as they hurled themselves into the water. Gaz had suggested bringing those portable deck chairs Price never used, it was hard to imagine that Captain sitting on the beach soaking up some sun. When you’d asked he was more than happy to let you both borrow the chairs, not after making you promise to put sunscreen on every 2 hours. Apparently the last thing he needed to deal with was two of his (children) best operatives were burnt to a crisp. 
Sitting in the sand next to you was the aforementioned sunscreen, the sun felt abnormally hot on your skin, a hint that it was perhaps time to reapply. A while ago Gaz had left to go and get ice cream, mumbling that it would be a travesty not to have a cool treat. Sunscreen could wait a little longer, a extra pair of hands went a long way in the world of sun protection. 
You could feel him staring, brown eyes drinking in your sun touched skin as he returned from the ice cream vendor.  Opening your eyes it was a surprise (and a blessing) to see him standing shirtless in front of you, he’d left with a shirt on but now it was tucked into his shorts. He shot you a lopsided grin, you melted just like the ice cream in his hand. His skin glistened in the sunlight, beads of sweat training down his chest leaving an onslaught of sinful thoughts in its wake. The sight alone was delicious, he was delicious. So much so that you’d almost forgotten about the melting ice cream in his hand. 
“Got your favourite, it’s a little melted but it’ll do.” With the slightly soggy cone in your hands you made quick work of the melted ice cream before it trickled onto your hands, covering your eyes with your free hand you looked up at him head tilted to the side.
“You’re the best- did you get something for yourself?” 
“Yeah an ice lolly.” Ah here we go with the pretend British words.
“You mean an iceblock?”
So it began, the argument about what words were proper ‘english’ and what words were made up. Kyle liked to remind you that if it wasn’t the Queen's English it wasn’t real, you liked to remind him that she didn’t create the English language. By the time the argument was over your ice cream and his ‘ice lolly’ had disappeared, the two of you enjoying the last dregs of sun as it set. 
The ride back to the base was filled with shitty radio music, the kind both of you hated but sang to. Cherishing a moment where you didn’t have to worry about being thrust into a gunfight, where you could just be with each other pretending everything was alright with the world. Neither of you wanted to leave the car, stealing a few brief kisses before having to pretend like there was nothing going on between you. 
His hand rested on the small of your back as he opened the door to the base, touch lingering as you walked ahead of him. You could feel his eyes following your movements as you peaked into the kitchen, shoulders tensing as Soap cheered at your arrival home. Taking a moment to look back at him, you mouthed the word ‘tea?’ to which he only nodded. Only once you had all relaxed did Price grunt, catching your attention as you pulled the tea bag from Kyle’s mug. 
“What is it Captain?” 
“You’re sunburnt, the both of ya.”
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paperclipninja · 1 year
1941 thoughts
Just finished re-watching ep 4, after getting side-tracked by the opening sequence last night that led me to this post about the significance of the music Bentley plays for Aziraphale, and I tell you, nothing can convince me that we're not going to get a third part to the 1941 story in season 3. NOTHING.
The 1941 sequence in season 1 gave us the beautiful moment with the books being saved, Crowley walking on actual fire (pretty much) for Aziraphale and was part of a series of flashbacks showing that Crowley shows up for Aziraphale time and time again. Lovely, heart feeling many things here (as is a certain angel it seems).
The 1941 minisode in season 2 is an immediate continuation of the scene from season 1, with grateful Aziraphale insisting there must be something he can do to repay Crowley *fans self*, we discover that hell caught on to Aziraphale and Crowley's alliance at this time and Aziraphale steps in to help Crowley out of a pickle with angry Mrs. H. But that's not all.
We hear Aziraphale call Crowley his friend, twice. First, when trying to placate Mrs. H by offering to fill in for the magic show 'on behalf of my...good friend here' and then back at the bookshop, after Crowley thanks Aziraphale for getting him off the hook, 'no need to thank me, that's what...friends are for'. This is a significant insight imo, Aziraphale almost catches himself on both occasions but rather than stopping himself, he allows the follow through without correction.
We also get the unwavering indulgence and support of Crowley for Aziraphale's magic show; from the practice and Crowley pre-game inspo speech in the bookshop, suggesting a bigger act, 'isn't there somewhere we can buy tricks?', to the amazing bullet catch. I know the bullet catch scene has been discussed a lot and I'm not going add any new insight there, so as has been confirmed and observed, this is the ultimate display of trust between the angel and demon (I mean, as we find out, if Aziraphale tells Crowley to 'trust me', he does!), showing us yet another aspect of their deepening relationship.
Cue the dressing room with the coupliest couple who ever didn't couple, a radiant Aziraphale interrupted by Furfur, whose attempt at a gotcha moment is thwarted by banana-fish-gorilla-shoelace-with-a-dash-of-nutmeg (Aziraphale getting Crowley out of a pickle yet again) and we find ourselves watching the two drinking wine over candlelight and toasting to shades of grey. Ok ok ok.
Both the bullet catch and the photo swap-out happened while the miracle blocker was on. Which means that both Crowley and Aziraphale were put in positions to protect the other using only themselves, their own skill and thinking. The throw back to season 1 paintball and knowing Crowley is not a fan of guns, and repeatedly seeing that Aziraphale isn't great at magic, simply emphasises how big a deal both those instances of stepping up for each other actually are. But they also show something else I think.
They demonstrate that Aziraphale and Crowley's ability to perform 'miracles' is attributed to more than them being an angel and demon with special powers. There is a role that will plays for each when required, perhaps the influence of their time with humanity, but also the power of connection. I was going to say love, and perhaps it is love too, but the connection Aziraphale and Crowley have to one another means that they want to ensure the other is safe, will take a risk and bet on themselves in a time of need because they trust each other and don't want to let the other down. Also something to consider when thinking about why their 'tiny half miracle' to hide Gabriel was so powerful (that's a whole different post though). So what's my point here?
The minisode ends with our two faves very relaxed and enjoying one another's company, but also knowing that the trust there is absolute and reciprocated when it matters. There was a bit of a revelation for Aziraphale at the end of the season 1 sequence, they're now very in sync and on the same page it seems at the end of the season 2 scene, but it still feels like there's another piece. There are so many references to 1941 and when you view the season 1 and season 2 1941 parts right after one another, they read as a self contained developing story.
But you know what stories have? A beginning, middle and end. Right now, it feels like we've only seen two of those. And I will remain on this hill until proven otherwise, because as the lyrics of 'Moonlight Serenade' (the tune playing in the Bentley at the opening of ep 4) say:
Let us stray till break of day in love's valley of dreams. Just you and I, a summer sky, a heavenly breeze kissin' the trees.
And there's still a whole night before daybreak, just saying.
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earlgreytea68 · 2 years
Hello! You recently mentioned that you were listening to Taylor Swift’s new album quite a lot, and honestly, same ))) I wanted to know what songs are your fave, obvs, but also, which ones you find more interesting, captivating, clever? Which one got the best lyrics, which one best music and rhythm? Basically, what I’m trying to say, talk Midnights to me, please :)) P.S. I almost forgot to ask, if any of the songs got you thinking of fob?)
With pleasure!!
My favorite song on Midnights is Question...? and my favorite, like, passage of Midnights is Question...?, Vigilante Shit, and Bejewelled. I adore every single one of those songs and I think that's the strongest stretch of three songs on the whole album. I have seen some hate for Bejewelled and some of its lyrics make me cringe but also like it's totally what I would want to play as an anthem to perk myself up.
I actually love all the songs on the album, except for Labyrinth, which I find a bit dull, tbh, but that happens! But this album just *moves* and it's full of great refrains and the usual perfect bridges and sometimes I think Jack Antonoff gets to be a bit too self-indulgent of his quirks (I really hate the effect on the bridge of Question...?) but mostly I love when Jack Antonoff and Taylor Swift make music together and I appreciated that this album just felt...really fun and less earnest than evermore? I love folklore, but evermore just kind of felt like too much to me, and I'm happy to be going back to having more fun.
I've listened to Question...? the most, and I was just thinking as I was listening to it tonight that I feel like it's kind of crept in to influence my Christmasfic this year, like, its attitude full of "what if"s, and that line about "I just may like to have a conversation," like, all my characters about each other hahaha they're all longing for a conversation. Idk, the relationship in Question...? just feels so instantly complex and interesting to me, like, I want to know so much more about those two people.
Sweet Nothing is kind of a theme song for all of my characters, though, I feel like every fic I write is about a Sweet Nothing kind of love.
Mastermind is totally a Mattrick song from Swan Song. It doesn't sound like a song Matt would sing or write, but it's a song Matt would *think,* if that makes sense.
In general I really appreciated how this album was Taylor kind of accepting that you've got be a bit of a schemer to be a success, which is a theme of Swan Song, too, and so it resonated with me. I mean, Anti-Hero is also very Matt Usher: One day I'll watch as you're leaving 'cause you got tired of my scheming. I like to see Taylor owning "I'm smart and that's okay."
Okay, my favorite lyric on the whole album is: I'm the wind in our free-flowing sails and the liquor in our cocktails. ...Ugh, I just love that line.
I also love, also from Mastermind, "I'm only cryptic and Machiavellian because I care," ha, makes me laugh.
Mastermind is just so tropey, she just writes a trope song so well, that's just a full story, beginning to end, and when you're done you think, ...I've read that fic and it was GREAT, Idk. Her songs can sometimes feel like an entire ship, self-contained.
"Draw the cat eye sharp enough to kill a man," is, I think, a great opening line, even though I've seen some people hating on it. I think it's great! And I also enjoy "situation-ship" as a term in Glitch. And "no one sees you lose when you're playing solitaire" from Dear Reader.
In general I like the refrain of Karma and appreciate what she's doing there but "karma is a god" just always completely throws me, it's, like, all these metaphors of what karma is and it just feels like that one could also be personal to Taylor: her cat, her boyfriend, her beautiful weekends, her relaxing thoughts....a god. Idk, it bothers me every single time I hear it lol
Okay, so, Fall Out Boy-wise. Taylor Swift is on the record that Pete Wentz is basically her favorite lyricist of all time and that she's been influenced by him, and sometimes I feel like I can sense that influence. Sometimes she does something and I think, That's a total Pete Wentz move. And sometimes it works, but sometimes I think it just doesn't work, because actually what Pete Wentz does is incredibly hard and he makes it look like just anyone can stumble into all those perfect double and triple meanings but it's really, really hard to do. So, to be unkind, that "Get it off your chest, get it off my desk" in "Lavendar Haze" reminds me of a Pete Wentz move, to take an idiom with words in common and juxtapose them (like broken hearts and broken stallions that I just wrote about). But to me it doesn't work here, I don't get it, what are you getting off your desk, why are these two things going together? Is it that you're talking about her relationship and she doesn't want it on her desk? Idk, I just feel like the juxtaposition there doesn't really add anything. She does it again in The Great War: You drew up some good faith treaties, I drew curtains closed. I feel like that one is slightly more successful.
I also appreciate when a Taylor song picks up some Pete Wentz tropes, like in Maroon when she's like "laughing with my feet in your lap like you were my closest friend," or in "You're on Your Own, Kid," with "He's gonna notice me, it's okay, we're the best of friends," yeah, Pete Wentz also is always trying to figure out if someone is his lover or his best friend lol.
Also, "don't put me in the basement when I want the penthouse of your heart" could have been the name of one of Pete Wentz's LJ entries lolololol
And High Infidelity is such a Fall Out Boy title, Pete Wentz is kicking himself he didn't think of it first
Ironically my very least favorite lyrics on the album are from her collaboration with her other favorite lyricist of all time. I just find Snow on the Beach unbearable lyric-wise, it's just...too much? Like, trying too hard the whole way through? And then culminating in lines I absolutely hate: Your eyes are flying saucers from another planet, I'm all for you like Janet. I just cannot with those two lines. So, I've always had this great fantasy of what could come of a Pete Wentz / Taylor Swift team-up and then I heard Snow on the Beach and was like, ...Idk, never mind lol
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paaopalpoerepr33 · 1 year
Was tagged by @lysistra (ty!) for four albums I’ve been listening to lately! Unfortunately I have only slowly been recovering my old mutuals because for the life of me I just can’t remember handles 😭 so I will tag @touchhorseexperience @treefr0gz @johnnydlux @combustibabe and anyone who wants to
Drinking Songs by Matt Elliott
I forgot how I found this album/trilogy of albums (Failing Songs and Howling Songs) but they all have a very similar sleazy, dark cabaret, insidious sort of indie 2000s Baudelairean vibe to them which has been so good to me especially since I started reading Moby Dick. It’s a little hokey, but also self aware. Really just for a certain mischievous or indulgent mood. If you liked A Series of Unfortunate Events as a kid, it’s like an adult version of the soundtrack! (Elliott notes magnetic fields as an influence so it makes sense.) I love: The Guilty Party, CF Bundy, The Maid We Messed, What the Fuck Am I Doing On This Battlefield?
Luxury Absolute by Clair Cassis
If you know me, you know Velvet Cacoon/Clair Cassis have been almost daily listening for the past year and a half or so. Recently more into Clair Cassis. Black metal doesn’t exactly cut it for me as much anymore because everything else pales when I listen to them; there are such subtle textures I’m constantly amazed and fawning!! The paired, lilting syncopation between the guitars and keyboard?? Ughhh. It gets me every time. And for such tiny “morsels” as Josh refers to CC songs… they’re just so hefty for a minute or two. Faves: antique sea smoke, rosewater cake, under sleepy grey elms
Come, Arrow, Come! By Festival
I’ve been in a mood to rehash my old string indie favorites from the 2000s-early 2010s but by that I mean mostly cello rock/baroque or chamber pop stuff that used to come up on the Rasputina Pandora radio station when I was in high school lol. I have no background for this band whatsoever, and it took a bit to remember and track down this one song, “Bind us all” in particular which prompted me to listen to the whole album. I love the vocalist’s timbre sm and I really appreciate the harmonies, polyrhythms and the low fi quality too. I wish they’d put out more stuff!! I recommend Boxcar, Bind Us All, Blown Light.
New Mexico by Oppenheimer Analysis
Just seeing the word Oppenheimer everywhere triggered this one. One of my favorite coldwave sorts along with Martin DuPont. Not even sure what to say! Subterranean Desire is a hit for a reason— it’s one of my favorite songs to come mind whenever I’m thinking about melancholia and pursuit/loss of the desired object in psychoanalysis and idk if they were thinking of Tatlock/psychoanalysis when they wrote it but it’s so spot on! Incredibly weird to have a concept album written about the Manhattan project like this though. It is just so. Quirky. Favorites: Subterranean Desire, New Mexico, Security Risk, Cold War.
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effervescentdragon · 2 years
Unpopular opinion on Mr. Finwe?
Hi friend! I saw this yday but i knew i was gonna have to think abt it a bit and i didnt have the brainpower, but now im good :) its going under the cut bcs its LONG xD
So. Finwe. Well, first of all, i think i approached his character through what i absolutely admit was my projections and my identifying first with feanaro in canon and then lalwen in my fanon, and the way i set up her character which was more like therapy for me than anything else. so this will be very much headcanony and to be taken with a grain of salt bcs my referencing anything is scarce and far in between and very much biased to the point of pick-and-choose. i take no criticism :D
okay so we know it takes two to tango right? so what im guessing is that feanaro-born-of-fire-strongest-spirit-in-all-motherfucking-realms had to get that livefire from somewhere? im guessing finwe. idk, i mean, im all for divorce if things arent working, but im also all for fathers especially putting in the fucking work with their kids from the first marriage. now idk if finwe put too much work or too little, im guessing kinda both, and i hc him like. feeling bad abt miriel for feanor so just indulging him a lot, to the detriment of his other kids. findis especially in my verse, she resents finwe a lot for that, but she loves him, so she transfers that to hating feanaro. lalwen, on the other hand, was daddys little girl and feanaros fave sibling, and she never even saw how much her father manipulated her into self-sacrifice, not until she was dying, when stuff finally fell into place with her. i think he was a very calculated person, and i think he did love his kids, as much as he could love anyone honestly? because of such a huge responsibility, he just - idk, i think he couldn't deal with it properly, so he manipulated and played the game so that his children took up the slack that he left behind, which was detrimental to their relationship. i also think he (un)wittingly flared feanaros flames about his disdain abt his step-mother especially, but moreso even his siblings. i think finwe didn't live up to what he was supposed to be, what he was duty-bound to, which was to take care of his people but more than anything his family, but that he wasn't going to accept not being "great", so he just did that infuriating thing mentors do - let you make your own mistakes in a way that disawovs any influence of theirs which results in making mistakes. i think he was more of a mentor than a father to his kids, to every one of them, but especially feanaro (and lalwen in my verse), where he saw his kids were bound for greatness (by his own standards) and then kinda groomed them so that he could accept the accolades for their greatness, because he made sure they loved and respected him above anyone else.
i think he didnt bother that much with the rest of his kids, which resulted in resentment. for findis, it was transferrence of that resentment to feanaro which fucked her relationship w lalwen, bcs lalwen was unable to see what findis did, but findis was just wrong enough in her misdirected hate for lalwen not to even take her seriously about the stuff she was actually right about. then we have nolofinwe, who was honestly in my opinion the most well adjusted of them all. he was kind enough to know how to temper his own resentment so to think of the greater good - the people he was leading. i think he was the best leader out of all of them. he did have that fire-string in him, which showed in the despair when he challenged morgoth to a duel. i dont think finwe ever saw that. arafinwe on the other hand, him im very unsure about. he was the baby of the family, and with that came what i believe a huge influence from indis as opposed to finwe, and i hc him and findis being the closest to their mother, bcs they saw the other three being as insane as their father and went "nope. we're gonna just chill, bcs nobody else has ANY chill in this family". so im not sure about him and his character, but imma figure it out at some point. soon hopefully.
basically, this whole huge rant comes down to one thing - i think finwe shuldve done better.
thank you so much for asking!! i hope this made sense :)) <3
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mr-face-both-ways · 4 years
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Stex Appreciation Month: CB!
Can’t trust anyone these days, remember I can face both ways!
Ah yes, my url’s namesake, i finally had time to finish and post something lol i’ll post the others soon
Questions answered under the cut! This is extra long because he is my Fave and im Biased 
Fave song: There’s Me hands down, the whole scene including That Was Unfair is just so good in establishing CB’s, Greaseball and Dinah’s characters so well, plus the melody is just*chef’s kiss* and the fact that its technically a villain song?? Love that, plus the parallels of him finding Dinah alone and upset and comforting and supporting her and lending her a hand up and sending her on her way after she’s cheered up, with post race 3 where he’s the reason Rusty’s alone and hurt on the floor, kicking him when he tries to get up (looking at you 1991 boot) and mocks and insults him, leaving him alone with his confidence broken as he leaves laughing. What an absolute bastard!! But when There’s Me is taken out, you don’t properly see his two sides, both the bad and good sides are important to his character! He’s a contrary dude but that’s just him! Plus the actual song has one of my fave melodies of the show, I can and do listen to the intro from the ost on repeat, plus that lil bit in the japan vid?? So cute?? And the contrasting styles to that and Wide Smile?? Amazing, love it
Fave actor: Once again my fave actor list is gonna be like 5 people lol, the great thing about C.B’s material is that his attitude and demeanour can change based on his inflection, movement etc so! Michael Staniforth is a given, his Wide Smile really demonstrates his range which imo not many others have been quite as good, plus what extremely little footage and photos there are of him he was extremely expressive and just fun to watch! I’ll also go with Peter Rees, Andrew Prosser, Hans Johansson, Oliver Rhoe Thornton (and what the heck let’s also go for early Kapa Kitchen and Daniel Ellison)
Fave ship: Ohh boy this is super self indulgent but CBGB honestly (has the fandom given it a nickname? Greaseboose?? idk) I love that in the older scripts him and GB high five (that us boot where cb does a lil jump to hit GB’s high five?? Adorable) and actually talk like friends?? Like Greaseball is a jerk to pretty much everyone and for him to be friendly with him is just sweet. Not to mention its Greaseball who tells his gang that CB’s a “mean machine”, is always calling out to CB in the races and a recent thing that clicked in my brain is that when CB says “what a race, what a team!” and GB’s like “shhh! ohhh you mean me and dinah?” like did he just think that CB was about to out that they were working together during the race to crash the other engines in front of Dinah so he shushed him, then realised he was talking about GB and Dinah?? then just the whole exchange after sabotaging Rusty?? Duet One Rock and Roll? That GB just lifts him up like its nothing then they just kinda sit on eachother?? Those two are in cahoots I tell you!! Plus to me i get the vibe that they’ve been working together for years?? I just love their dynamic haha (and CB’s the only one i think who calls him GB that’s so cute) oh and platonic CB/Dinah is top tier, I feel like Dinah’s a very emotionally honest person so CB would feel like he could actually trust her?? And thanks to the new megamix Canoose/Elektra can have one right, as a treat
Fave thing about him: His independence! All the other characters are very much driven by either winning the races or finding love (or both), and C.B. just...doesn’t care. What you “are” is a big deal in Stex, like the engines, coaches and freight all have their identities shaped by their titles, and that can influence how they feel about the above two subjects “nobody can do it like a steam train”, etc and looking at when C.B. does participate in the races him and his partner tend to take the lead so he is good at racing!! But he chooses not to in order to make his own fun (at the expense of pretty much everyone else). He also seems to have a level of self-awareness, take his verse in Freight for example, he knows that as a brakevan he has to essentially serve the freight train, perceptually at the back of the train. But instead he uses his “purpose” aka his brakes to not do what he’s been told and to disrupt the train, and gets away with it by presenting himself as the innocent helpful brakevan! He’s just doing his own thing, (poor Rusty but,,) good for him!! And of course I have to say again, his two sides, and the ambiguity of it?? Like is he good, bad?? He’s both and neither?? An absolute force of chaos, but it only really works when both sides are present. Plus he a cutie tehe
Random headcanon: I think he’s unnervingly observant, even moreso than Pearl, and has amazing peripheral vision. That and taking notice of things like vibrations on the rails he’s very good at telling whose around before they’ve fully come into vision. He’s always watching everything around him, and isn’t necessarily being creepy, he’s just trying to get as much info on the current situation as possible. I think he likes to have some control and be on top of things?? I also really like the ex-boxcar theory (I first saw this theory on the old bellesdomain forums, rip) and I think that maybe when he was converted it was very difficult for him, having to deal with people, and having the CB radio to control what he hears helps ground him and keep his thoughts less cluttered?? He might’ve also forgotten a lot of his boxcar days, so when he says “you know I’m to blame but you don’t know my name” maybe he doesn’t even remember his original name?? And never got a new one as just the Red Caboose, so he clung onto the CB radio to give himself a sense of identity when his previous identity was stripped from him?? IDK
Unpopular opinion: This wagon can hold so many spicy takes he’s not a murderer lol but at the same time i can see where people can think that considering the lyrics reference several real-life train crashes even if they don’t make sense for CB to be there which tbh I put down to Stilgoe going tehe railway incident reference! I think he’s travelled around a lot and done a lot of questionable things, and maybe he was responsible for those crashes in the stex universe?? or maybe he’s just lying?? he’s definitely responsible for some shit, but considering he crashes 5 (!!!) engines during that one race night and being publicly humiliated after race 4 he doesn’t get in trouble and besides, all those engines are back for light at the end of the tunnel, they’re fine lol. Another thing is that I haaaate how CB has like no agency anymore in the current version like everything he does is for money, he’s basically a henchman for the engines (and everyone knows what his deal is and he isn’t in train jail?? what??) and they got rid of the pre-race 4 bit “just for me, I’m in this just for me” (in that slightly twisted there’s me melody) and Electra desperately pleading “help me caboose, help me caboose” to just the generic “I’ll help you win” at the end and not really its own little bit anymore like he barely has his own motivations anymore, it actually makes me really sad :( it really just doesn’t feel like CB anymore, though his character has been really disjointed since like 2007 when they got rid of there’s me. He’s just kinda bland now, like before he instigated a lot of the conflict, now others tell him to do something and he does it. I could like him more if he had an ounce more depth, like why is he so motivated by money? Maybe go into that old vs new tech theme and bring up that now that there’s new tech that can do the job of a brakevan he’s now antiquated and has to go into crime to get by?? Idk just please give me something, I think CB’s always been a bit of a fan favourite because he had multiple layers to his personality but new boose just has a whole lotta nothing :/ 
Anyway let’s end on a positive note at least we got pride lighting and a solo in the megamix so that’s something I guess XD 
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bold-moves · 4 years
Better Than You Think, 001: The Dark Knight Rises.
I want to start writing out why I like some of the movies that most people hate. The narratively derivative, corny, critically panned action movies that people write off. Those are my faves. So here goes.
Not as groundbreaking as Batman Begins or as critically acclaimed as The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises stands as the odd one out of Nolan’s trilogy. It has some tonal similarities and the action is equally fantastical but for whatever reason, it’s not everyone’s favorite. 
It’s definitely mine though and I’m going to explain why for a bit.
I’m going to contextualize this and say, that I don’t like Batman. As a boy, I did for sure, but as I’ve grown up, I strongly believe that this guy is totally lame. Sure, singularity of purpose is admiral and I’ll give anyone that, but this dude is totally lame by my standards. He alienates his relationships, he’s totally detached from the world he’s in and his money insulates him from even his own cause. The idea that I will use my wealth and resources to strike fear into criminals is kind of an asshole way to go about it. Spider-man uses his powers to rise to the occasion of his responsibilities and Batman uses his resources to hold criminals responsible for what has happened to Gotham and had he spent his time intimidating corrupt judges and politicians instead of projecting his anger and loss on criminals, maybe the people who really have influence in the city would be galvanized and inspired to their jobs. But like the wealthy, resourceful, and privileged, they protect their own and Batman is absolving the elite with his “powers.” He’s a bit like Che Guevara to me. You have someone who comes from a wealthy background, sees the world and how fucked up it is, decides to do something about it, romanticizes his campaign, and when he’s actually in a position to make permanent change, he denies it and indulges is addictions to conflict and virtue signaling. 
He also looks cool on a T-Shirt.
Enter Bane. Bane is the hero of this movie for me. He is literally from the bottom. The movie deviates from the comics which depicts Bane as a person of color from a fictional country in Latin America, whose father was a failed revolutionary that escaped the country and due to the archaic laws of the country, is forced to serve the sentence of his father. He grew up surrounded by criminals and in this basin of crime and misery, built his mind and body to rival Batman. In this prison he hears about the tales of “The Great Bat of Gotham,” the personification of his own fear of the bats infesting the prison and decides to, unlike Bruce Wayne who uses his own fear of bats to strike dread into his enemies, kill the great Bat and subdue finally his fears.
He is not inspired to project his fears and insecurities on criminals. He does not pervert his responsibilities. He targets the thing that he fears and with singularity of purpose, sets out to conquer them by any means necessary, and always with the means he’s inherited from his isolation and resolve, not his wealthy parents.
Now back to the film. Bane, is equally romantic as Bruce, but practical. This is a person of great will and with will we can cut through our human failings and rise to our great potential. He is always aware of the true nature of things and will not let money, the constructs of society or those who believe they are in power adulterate his vision. There is no second personality. No playboy. No concessions. “No one cared who I was until I put on the mask.” Unlike all of us, scrambling to be known and validated, he has given up his face and uniquely personal ambitions to become, not a superficial symbol, but an agent of change. The bringer of true justice and the vicious wind that will blow away corruption. His response to evil and crime is not a crusade to strike fear into the evil and criminal. He wishes to protect true innocence. In the movie he fights off prisoners to protect young Thalia.  He wishes to defend those who truly cannot defend themselves. In the comics, His father is a coward. His mother, violated and murdered. His youth and innocence, burgled by a system that claims to bring justice but enlarges itself on the plunder of its own hypocrisy and inefficiencies. Bane purifies himself and purges his humanity to defend a principle of true justice.
This inspires me to no end.  Until I saw this movie, I didn't want to get big until I saw this movie. As soon as the movie was over, I went to Walmart and bought a pull-up bar. To be so intimidating. To be so replete with resolve. To use simple and devastating speech. To place the hand on the shoulders of some tiny, self entitled money bags and ask him,”do you feel in charge?” At the time, I was working at a Japanese company, taking shit all day, struggling within the customary submissive constructs of working for a Japanese boss. I had been training in martial arts for over a decade by that time, I was bilingual, I was fucking dangerous and instead I was taking orders all day from people I could crush with my bare hands. Seeing Bane was so inspiring for me at that time. I have this need to keep driving, and fighting. To not let peace defeat me. This was something I learned from this film. 
One of the other lines that really stung me was when Catwoman was urging Batman to escape the city with her, pleading, “you don’t owe these people anymore, you’ve given them everything.” To me at that time, I thought of all the placating, and self adjusting I had done to fit in. All of the time I’ve tried to make society value me. All of the time I've pleaded for love and just a chance to be happy. I was tired of working for that. I didn't owe these people anymore. When Batman responds saying “Not everything. Not yet,” I thought of a version of myself that has gone all out. A version of myself that has engaged that final gear of existing. Intense. Achieving. Severe. And this severity is something that I wanted to be associated with and I hadn’t given to the world, not yet. Over time it became less about the people and more about doing it for myself. In my recent viewing of the movie, another line has stood out to me. A concept that I think more accurately describes my current mood. While Bruce Wayne is in the prison, doing push ups, trying to regain his strength so that he can escape, a fellow prisoner asks him, “why build yourself?” and Bruce responds, “I’m not meant to die in here.” I don’t think this line was supposed to have that much of an effect but it  really spoke to me this time.
I’m so driven to self overcome. I joined the army to breakdown the habits that a comfortable civilian life had infected me with and to add another element of lethality to my arsenal.  I can’t stop thinking about how to improve and fortify and often people do ask me why I’m so intense. I often ask myself this as well. The idea of “not dying in here,” is the answer. “Here,” being an unrealized self. “Here,” being the prison of  conditioned impulse and self sabotage. “Here,” being the pressures to be something I am not. “Here,” is being content, agreeable,and submissive. “Here,” is the prison of weakness and the suppression of heroic ideals.  I build myself so that I can escape all debilitating humanity. 
So this movie, although not as revered as the other two Batman movies, is a banger and filled with the  “hard-style”, self-overcoming concepts that give me the chills. I always come back to this film when I need inspiration and a kick in the ass. I invite you to take a deeper look at what's going on. Take a chance on a line of dialogue and think about it a bit and if you find yourself on the bandwagon of disliking or liking something because everyone else does, ask yourself,
“Do you feel in charge?”
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briannamarguerite · 5 years
omg the fic characterization thing. majority of fics (popular ones esp)are written in third person narrative in louis' pov and they paint harry as this irresistible,mesmerizing,charming enigma and louis as the enamored starstruck spectator. It's annoying that this happens so often without any real focus on louis' characterization and (1/2)
with an undertone of insecurity and low self esteem always attached to his character . i understand characterization in relation to plots and that authors relate to different characters and so that influences how fics are told yes but it's interesting this very rarely happens the other way. Absolutely no disrespect to anyone but I just wanted to get it out as it's not talked about very often. Sorry if this reads rudely i just don't know how to word it better. (2/2)
Hi bub! Thank you for indulging me, this ask made me think for quite a while on something that I’m interested in, which I always appreciate.
TBH, I haven’t consistently read Larry in about a year-and-a-half (blame an MCU and sterek hyperfixation, not anything about the fabulous writers in this fandom). But I have seen this complaint alot over my four years (!!!) here. So I went to the Big Bang fics from this year just to see, and all the most popular ones were a total mix of POVs and there were famous louis and non famous harry and vice versa. I didn’t read them, but a lot of the writers were people I’ve read before and they write fairly complex portrayals of both guys.
I do kind of wonder if that is actually a trend in fic, because I see this discussion a lot where someone will anecdotally say... oh it’s always Louis’ POV, and then a numbers person will go and run the data and it comes back that it’s equal or something. I think when we don’t like something it feels like it’s more prevalent than it is ... because its hounding us on the same points that annoy us in the fandom. (IDK if this is accurate, it’s just my guess on how I think we tend to react as humans.)
It’s also super fraught because it’s real people fic, so of course it becomes this feedback loop, right? So with fictional characters, there’s a bit more of a free-for-all and canon can be ignored. But when you interact with RPF (which I love rpf, so don’t take this as bashing it), I think it can become more complicated. And whereas an author might think, I enjoy Louis’ sharp wit, I want to write inside his head AND I want to tell a story about internalized homophobia, it ends up reinforcing a message about IRL Louis that exists surrounding him as a real person no matter how much we tell ourselves fic Louis is separate, rather than just ... hey this author wants to tell this story this certain way. 
And--there is that message that Louis is insecure and a homophobe and that his goal in life is to heap praise upon Harry that is SO LOUD sometimes coming at the fandom from a lot of directions, that just one more (ie fic) can feel like the breaking point. It’s very frustrating when it FEELS like a culmination of something, when for the fic writer, they might just enjoy writing in his tone of voice. 
On top of all that, Harry has pulled back so much from showing a lot of personality in terms of off-the-cuff conversations, that he’s becoming a bit of a blank slate. Whereas Louis has made his insecurities a talking point that he’s brought up several times. 
So is that bleeding into fic choices?
What I would love to pay someone to do is filter by dates, and see if there are literary trends that reflect the different time periods of the fandom. What were the fics that were most popular when Louis was considered a homebody? (can you believe that time existed???) What were the fics when Harry was dating T-swizzle? Was there a huge reactionary swing? Were there more bearding fics at the time? What about Zayn? Was there a severe drop off in side-pairing Ziam (which used to be a given)? Is Shiall going to be an anachronism in two-three years? I would love to see some analysis and how it connected to real-time events. 
Bottom line, the cool thing about fic is you can always find something that will fit your tastes in how your faves are portrayed! And we have so many fabulous writers in the fandom exploring lots of different styles and tropes and pairings. God bless fic. 
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nalufever · 6 years
1,2,5,6,7,13,20,23,30,33,40,50,53 and 54 for the game for writers please! (Happy Holidays as well
Bless you, for sending an ask!
1. Favorite place to write.  I almost always plop myself on the desktop computer for writing. At odd times I make notes on paper or my phone - but for actual flowing words - I need the comfort of a full-size keyboard!
2. Favorite part of writing. LOL Um, reviews. Like a spoiled child, I NEED validation. Not even kidding. Feedback is my lifeblood. ;)
5. 📚 or authors that influenced your style the most.  MMM! I want to wield words like Terry Pratchett,  Douglas Adams, Isaac  Asimov, Piers Anthony, Anne McCaffery!  The mastery of humour, wit, dialogue, and characterization; to this and more I aspire!
6. Favorite character you ever created.  A minor character who grew to have QUITE the impact on the story~ Mary the maid (from Into My Debt). She's got a lot going on. The more I used her to move the story along, the more her personality grew and developed. 
7. Favorite author.  From published works? So hard to choose! I've already mentioned the style influencers - they're my faves to read as well. Gonna add a few fanfic authors here! @impracticaldemon (she’s a good friend and frigging talented) @brokenbookaddict (from the Flash fandom ~ I love her content and masterful storytelling) @soprana-snap (always fab content) @snogfairy (polished and smart) @hidetheremote (smutty and passionate about writing) @petri808 (smutty and fun ^^) @caffeinewitchcraft (incredibly talented and awe-inspiring ~ it’s a good thing I’m a bit buzzed or I’d be too shy to add her to the list) Okay ~ that’s sufficient. Just know that there’s more I could add but for the constraints of time and space.
13. How do you deal with writers block?  Sometimes I switch to another project and sometimes I spend time with a new/old fandom! And lots of times, I give myself permission to come back to a WIP after watching some TV or reading or whatever real life wants me to deal with ~ ;)
20. Post a snippet of a WIP you’re working on.  Fairy Tail (Natsu's Stars in Lucy's Sky):
"What about what I want?" Lucy couldn't stop her petulant words. "Desire like this is a two-way street." Her legs shifted to try to ease the ache newly awakened. "I have wants just like you do."
"I have every intention of giving you what you need--" Natsu rolled onto his side and threw a leg over Lucy's hip, panting his words, "It's up to you when and where. Keep on pushing and I'll claim you now. I can't resist."
23. Single or multi POV, and why?  Here's where I expose my ignorance. Lots of time I'm just writing and the POV shifts on its own. Most of the time I try to keep it single - but - there are times I fail!! Why? I'm trying to keep it clean/clear so the readers can follow easier.
30. Favorite line you’ve ever written.  Goodness! Usually something in whatever I posted last! Or if it was from real life ~ or just SPEAKS to me. Okay, that jobs my memory! I'll have to hunt for it. From something ever so old, but, it fits the criteria!! Here we go! 
When Lucy was honest with herself, she knew Natsu was her choice; whether or not he would choose the same, was immaterial. He was the person she wanted and needed to become the happiest person she could be. She would pick him time and time again, no hesitation. Lucy dated less and less the more she understood her feelings for her team mate. It didn't matter to her how well a potential boyfriend seemed suited for her, Lucy was willing to wait - not settle for second best.
Natsu held his own understanding of his needs and wants. He didn't put it into something so pedestrian as words, he had gut feelings that guided his actions. When the slayer needed a snack, he'd head over to Lucy's place. If Natsu wanted someone to play a game, why, Lucy was always first choice. Play a prank? Lucy. Bath? Lucy's tub. Sleep? Lucy's bed. Relax? Lucy's bed with Lucy in it.
Natsu was content to live his life without vocalizing his goals. Lucy didn't need for Natsu to declare her importance to himself; it was enough the truths in their hearts could speak to each other. Days and weeks and months snowballed. The nightmares faded, new memories forged stronger bonds. Waking up limbs entangled, face to face, breaths mingling, it was effortless to close the gap to each other's lips and greet the day smiling.
All right - more than one line - but this, to me, felt like I was summing up their relationship in the best possible way.
33. Do you listen to 🎶 when you’re writing? Often music, anime ops and ends or instrumentals ~ never TV (because I'll stop writing)
40. Original Fiction or Fanfiction, and why?  More fanfic ~ I have a few ideas for original stories - but I'm still 'honing my craft' in the fanfic arena. *shrugs*
50. Weirdest story 💡 you’ve ever had.  I've had a few WEIRD prompts suggested to me (Wendy's ass growing gigantic and making Romeo lose his mind for one) ~ but, the oddest story I've written from my own brain would have to be a very short RWBY fic. I'm confident that It's the weirdest on account I received this comment: 'An interesting concept. Would be fun to watch develop. What sparked this particular crack to form in your mind?'
It's short, so here it is: (A Dance With Fists)
Mercury wiped the trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth and grinned. "That all you got, little girl?"
Batting her eyelashes, Yang tilted her head as she rubbed her knuckles on the neckline of her shirt. "Funny, I was just about to ask you the same question." Smirking, she raised both hands to inspect her nails. One hand was flesh and the other a cybernetic copy. "Without your little friend to mess with my mind you're gonna have to STEP up your game." Shifting her feet, the blonde added a sly dig, "That's if I didn't damage your fake leg too much already."
"Oi, and here I thought you weren't into manly men." Mercury sniggered, gave Yang a broad wink and a suggestive twist of his lips. "My third leg isn't fake, darling."
"Did you want the truth or something that will make you feel better?"
Mercury rushed Yang, they struggled. Each punch Yang landed was a solid blow, making him smile wider. Mercury savoured the pain; half mesmerized by her golden hair and the fire in her eyes. He was a sick man, he knew that. He couldn't think beyond this moment, grappling with this girl who hated him. Pain was pleasure and he wanted everything Yang could give him.
53. What does writing mean to you?  Writing is a chance for me to reach out and share some of my excitement in a fandom. Validation from reviews - appreciation from favs, follows - it means I get to leave an indelible mark on this world. Something I MADE touched people and can be discovered however later by fans when they search, looking to read about their OTP or fandom. It's immortality.
54. Any writing advice you want to share?  Write! Self-indulgent fics! Clichés! Original works! Talk to your internet friends and support them and they'll return the favour. Read books. Live life and when inspiration strikes - take that idea in a choke-hold and spew word vomit on your page. Take a few days and then edit with a vengeance. Ask your beta for help and listen. Whatever they have an issue with needs adjustment. Maybe the direction they think you ought to move, you don't have to agree with - but the base 'wrongness' is right. Keep working!
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obvidalous · 6 years
Writing Questionnaire
Thanks for the tag, @alyssalenko !! And sorry this took me so long!! ;)
I’ll tag @rpgwarrior4824 @natsora @starsandskies @bronzeagelove @thealexmachina @ripley95things @mrscullensrutherford @ladyinthebluebox  @trajektoria (if you haven’t done this already and want to do this!)
Short stories, novels, or poems?
Honestly, all of it, for reading or writing. I read everything, I just love literature!
What genre do you prefer reading?
Same thing, I don’t really have a preference. Mystery, sci-fi, romance, comedy, fantasy, historical fiction, … you name it. I like fictional and dystopian universes in general. And the drama, I can’t get enough of the drama xD
What genre do you prefer writing?
That would be romance. That’s my biggest self-indulgence, lol. I like writing things that make me smile!
Are you a planner or a write-as-I-go kind of person?
I’m a little bit of both. My stories are always driven by specific scenes that are planned in advance and I have a general outline, but for the rest I write as I go to fill in the blanks and I go where the inspiration takes me.
What music do you listen to while writing?
It depends, it’s different for each chapter and sometimes I don’t listen to music at all. But I usually pick a song that conveys the emotion I’m trying to describe. And I never choose more than two songs for the same chapter/prompt, otherwise too many feelings are involved and it can get a bit confusing.
Fave books/movies?
My fave book is in fact also my fave movie, lol. The Lord of the Rings, of course. What a masterpiece.
But the best book I’ve read recently is The Power by Naomi Alderman. Very interesting and well-written, I 100% recommend it! And I don’t watch that many movies. The first to come to mind is Finding Neverland. It makes me cry every goddamn time!
Any current WIPs?
My main fic, Wake Up, and some other reyder prompts and fluff stories. I also want to go back to original work. But I don’t know when or if I’ll ever have the time...
If someone were to make a cartoon out of you, what would your standard outfit be?
A pair of blue jeans should be involved, and either sneakers or Doc Martens.
Create a character description for yourself:
Oh man, that’s a tough one… But let’s give it a try xD
“She drives too fast, smokes and drinks too much, daydreams too often. Curses on every occasion. Doesn’t really care about her look, doesn’t give a shit about her age. Always keeps her hands in her pockets and a smile upon her face, because what’s life if you’re not smiling? Her laugh is her shield, sharp humor a coping mechanism. She loves good puns, and the banter. If she teases you, it’s because she likes you, so don’t be afraid. She finds it easier to be positive about the others than about herself. She shrugs a lot. And she hates to cry.”
Do you like incorporating people you actually know into your writing?
I used to think I don’t put people I know into my writing, but I now realize that I do tend to incorporate expressions and behavior of the people around me. One character, in particular, is really influenced by someone really dear to me, but I think that this is something that came to me over time, it wasn’t planned at all.
Are you kill-happy with characters?
Oh no. I really don’t like killing my characters. If I do, it’s only because it serves the purpose of the story. It’s never gratuitous.
Coffee or tea while writing?
I’m a tea person, and I never drink coffee.
Slow or fast writer?
Slow, too slow. I hate it, and I’m so sorry for that :’(
Where/who/what do you find inspiration from?
Everywhere, books, movies, songs, fanfics, art, people in the streets, the smell of food, memories, jokes, … Once I get an emotion, I start thinking about how I could turn it into a story, and snippets come to my mind. Then, it’s all a matter of putting the pieces together.
If you were put into a fantasy world, what would you be?
Haha, probably a witch. I’d love to have magic powers. I would use them only to do good, though, and kings and queens from the whole world would seek my counsel. I could overthrow realms overnight and create empires with a simple wave of the hand. Wouldn’t it be nice?! 
(Alas, oh my dreams of grandeur! LOL.)
Most fave book cliche? Least fave book cliche?
I hate sexism and misogyny, intolerance and disrespect. Everything that has to do with this, even if it is to denounce it, just makes me cringey.
My fave cliché would be the “together we are stronger” trope. I love nothing more than seeing lovers or friends overcoming obstacles by working together as a team, using the skills of each other to defeat adversity and make things right. That’s the positive message I want to read about ;)
Fave scenes to write?
Happy fluff, fluff, fluff!!
Most productive time of day for writing?
Most of the time I write in the evening, sometimes very late. But I can write at any time, it’s mostly a matter of inspiration and motivation.
Reason for writing?
Simply because I need to. I need to put those stories into words, I have all those things to say and that’s the best way I’ve found so far. I write the stories I want to read, and I share them because I believe some people could like them, too. When that happens, that’s the ultimate bonus xD
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felicityb-reviews · 7 years
Review Roundup - Week 2 January 2018
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Hello loves!! My name is Jace (aka Felicity B), and this is your Review Roundup for the second week of January 2018!! I can't really tell if I liked this week in music better than I did last week. There's a better variety songs, at least.
Beware (Stray Kids)
I really wanna like these kids, because it's obvious af that JYP does not.
Nothing they've released has really been up my alley. Beware (I realize that the actual name of the song is GRRR Total Law of Madness, but sis...) sounds like a better produced version of Wolf, and you'd think that was a good thing because Wolf was a poorly produced mess. But this song takes itself so fucking seriously. It's not terrible, but it's not something I really want to listen to again.
I don't get JYP's angle with this group. First, there was the survival show that wasn't really a survival show (which I'm glad, because I fucking hate actual survival shows). And before that was Hellevator, another overly serious song that makes me roll my eyes. And now this. I really don't wanna be a dick because this is their second release and they're teenagers, but I'm not a fan of being growled at by a bunch of high schoolers and then having my ears assaulted by nasal singing (because, of course, their vocalists sound like they're trained by the same people who trained JB). It's not a fun experience.
Do betta, JYP.
Rating - 1/5
Going Going (Jang Wooyoung)
Oh look, it's another JYP act with a bad song!!
Okay, the song isn't that bad, but there's not enough positives for me to overlook the negatives. Of which there are many.
Firstly, this an uptempo that drags; I literally could not wait for the new section to begin, because I was ready for the last one to end. And this is New Jack Swing, baby. My black ass fucking loves New Jack Swing (yes, even The Boys). But I could give you an entire playlist of K-Pop songs in the style of NJS that are W A Y better than this.
Secondly, Wooyoung doesn't sound particularly good singing on top of it. The rap bits were the best parts of the song, for me. Which is about 90% not his fault, because whoever was on vocal production duties was slacking. His voice sounds like dude dropped them on the beat, adjusted the levels a lil bit, added some reverb to sound like he actually did his job, and went tf home.
Thirdly, the arrangement of this song is weird af. What do I mean by that?!?! There are two choruses. Yes honey, you read that correctly - two choruses. The song starts out with a section you'd assume is the chorus, but when you get to the second chorus, it's something completely different. In fact, you don't hear this first "chorus" till the end of the song again (which, in hindsight, I'm glad you only hear it twice, because the lyrics make me roll my eyes so hard and the vocal melody has the weirdest rhythm pattern). I guess that's not too weird when I write it out, but it majorly throws you off when you hear it play out in the song. For me, anyway. Which is surprising, because Red Light and I Got A Boy are All Time Faves™ of mine (with Oh! being a runner up). But I guess I just don't like it here.
Once again - Do betta, JYP.
Rating - 2/5
Don't Leaves (Block B)
And here come the ballads!! We're not mad at it, tho.
We all knew what kind of ballad Don't Leave Me was gonna be. More of a midtempo than an actual ballad, Don't Leave Me sounds a bit like a B1A4 or Seventeen song, but with Block B's track record as of late, we're not gonna dock points for that. Don't Leave Me starts out with a filtered percussion section that they unfilter for about 2.75 seconds before getting into the verse, almost as if they're reassuring us that they haven't gonna completely left of center with this ballad. Which is nice, because it creates a nice transition (not the word I'm working for, but you get what I mean) into the verse. And from there, they layer in more elements to create a nice backdrop for Block B's vocalists to actually show us what they can do.
Because God knows Shall We Dance was literally Zico and the boys. It was fucking ridiculous.
From the teasers, I thought I was gonna hate this (or be extremely apathetic to it ) but I should've known better. These B1A4 style/YG template ballads always get me, sooner or later (*WINN4R cackling as Fool plays in the background*). This isn't something I'm gonna put into Heavy Rotation (because God only knows my hyperempathetic ass doesn't need another reason to randomly be thrust into a depressive episode), but I wouldn't relegate this to Shuffle Bait.
Especially with Zico and P.O sounding as good as they do here. Granted, Zico sings half his verse and P.O doesn't rap at all, but you gotta take those small victories where you can find them. And they have really nice singing voices, too.
Rating - 4/5
The girl from back then (LONG:D)
This, however, is a ballad that's going right into Shuffle Bait. If I even download it, at all.
Where is the LONG:D that gave me All Night, sis?!?!?! The intro literally sounds like the Sad Piano Music™ that Youtubers download en masse from those royalty free music sites. Like, I was literally tempted to skip this release all together, but I rather like the way LONG:D's vocalist sounds (if Baekhyun was a properly trained and a baritone who actually needed all that chestiness in his mix, with a dash of Kang Seung Yoon's rasp).
The girl from back then sounds like a more generic version of Seventeen's Campfire. It's not what I'd consider a classical ballad (has too much going on), but it's just as boring as one. On repeat listens, the Gospel influences (however faint they are) did grow on me, but I can't even see myself wanting to listen to this when I'm in the mood for downtempo ballads. LONG:D's voice puts this into Shuffle Bait, but just barely.
It's too anybody of a ballad, sis.
Rating - 2.5/5
Dongwoo's demonic ass starting this song with a whispered "Anywhere, Anytime" should have prepared me for how catchy this fucking song was gonna be.
Tell Me, like Wooyoung's Going Going, starts off with the chorus. But instead of giving us two different choruses when no one needed that in their life, it makes a very typical pop song sound a lot more interesting than it actually is.
Now... What Tell Me's composers/producers did isn't original by any stretch of the imagination. I know it seems a little counterproductive to mention this before I explain what they did (and why it's so cool), but I just know someone is going to try me on this.
Tell Me (after Dongwoo terrorizes us with the raspiness in his voice) starts with the chorus, but a very stripped back and simplistic version of it. If you're not paying attention (which I might not have been the first time I listened), you could easily mistake it for the verse. That surprised me, because composers/producers don't usually start out their songs with the chorus being sung, if they have the chorus first; they usually play the chorus melody using some kind of instrument that sounds important (like Orange Caremel's Magic Girl, for example). Tthey'll also usually have it going at full intensity, so when it switches to the verse it's very obvious that what you just experienced was the chorus (since that's usually the most important aspect of the song in pop music).
So yeah, nothing too left field, just an interesting twist on an oft used formula.
Outside of that, this song is a very typical INFINITE title track. Very intensity, much dramas. Which I don't hate, because they're one of three groups in K-Pop who can do a song like this, and not bore me to death.
Rating - 4.5/5
Secret Garden (Oh My Girl)
Secret Garden is Orchestral Pop. It's not just typical, it's cliche af. Even IU, circa 2010, wouldn't have touched this with a 10ft pole.
But God save us all, I really like this song. And it's not even that I'm OMG trash (their anti-South Asian foolery during Windy Day era, combined with my general disinterest with anything they've done since then, stopped that right in it's track), but that chorus melody, sis. It's just so G O O D!! That, combined with the sweet, almost milk chocolatey texture of the instrumentation makes me feel like I'm floating. And you know what, 2018 is all about me livin my best Gife™ (Gay Life), but it's also about me being self-indulgant and liking what I like, no guilt attached.
I will say that I wish that this song had more live instrumentation in it. Those strings are definitely synth generated, and it's kind of distractingly obvious. The percussion is also too heavy for this type of song. It feels like I'm listening to a demo that OMG's company decided to send to a mastering house and release, cause they couldn't be fucked to work on the song anymore. It doesn't ruin it for me, but I can't help but notice these things.
Rating - 3/5
Glow (Choi Jaemin featuring EZ KIM)
Glow is a Sad™ song for Sad Days™. This is a song that throws down a blanket of it's angst and just revels in it. And while that isn't something I'm trying to listen to On The Daily™, I can save this for for those really bad days I just need to cry out those ugly emotions.
Contrary to what I said about Secret Garden, Glow is a song I felt like could have been beefed up by some electronic elements. The bass could have been thickened up in post, because it feels too limp for a song like this. Hell, they could added a low af ass sine bass to sumplement the bassist, and I wouldn't have minded. Overall, the production of this song is very loose. And I get that super tight production in an emotive song like this would have bleached out all the emotion, but more could have been done to tighten up how the elements don't really blend together. Especially the vocalists. They don't really fit together like they should, and I guess that kind of enhances the experience since this song feels like one long ass disonant chord, but still.
Teenage me would have played this song to death. Which makes me glad that I'm not that person anymore.
Rating - 3/5
Lonely (Jo Kwon)
See... I wanted to be petty, and just post his dance videos with Lia Kim, but we're trying to be a better person in 2018.
This is a really nice ballad. Not something I'd put on Heavy Rotation (i feel like a fucking broken record), but if he H A D to do a classical ballad, it wasn't as bad as it could have been. I'd have preferred a ballad like his duet with Gain, Q&A, but it was nice of Mr Kwon to remind us plebians that while he is a Dancing Diva™, he did get his start as a ballad singer.
I'm gonna need him to throw it back to his Animal days for the next release, tho. This was nice and all, but I need to see him featuring in Hyuna's next comeback with those shiny red boots and a trope of male dancers.
Also in red heels.
Rating - 3/5
Candy Pop! (TWICE)
Firstly, can I just say that TWICE's Japanese team are R E AL L Y giving these girls the push to be huge, because this video is ridiculously high budget. That is the best animation I've seen in a J-Pop music video. And I used to be a huge J-Pop stan before I got into K-Pop.
Secondly, whoever put that pink monstrosity on my girl, Sana, needs to be fired. I just can't, sis.
Do betta, JYP.
Lots of people are not a fan of Candy Pop, and I can't lie - that's partially why I like it so much. I will admit that I'm a sucker for cutesy pop tracks like these, but I'm also a petty bitch who's no stranger to loudly stanning TWICE because people want to talk shit out the side of their mouths about their supposed lack of talent.
News flash Marleigh/Zeno - the concept of talent in K-Pop literally doesn't fucking matter, because your level of talent does not dictate the kind of music you produce. Groups like SPICA and Mamawhomst Mamamoo have songs that vary wildly in quality, because some of the people they've worked with get lazy af when they work with vocal groups.
Anyway, Candy Pop will do just fine in Japan, because TWICE already have a sizable following there and it fits within the sonic landscape. It also has some pretty cool musical twists, like a halftime break for a post-chorus refrain. I definitely like One More Time better (Candy Pop can get aurally tiring pretty quickly because of that chorus, which is why that post-chorus breakdown is appreciated), but Candy Pop is pretty great, too.
Rating - 4/5
Spotlight (MONSTA X)
Monsta X may have revisited their debut sound, but I don't want to stab them all for it. It's a Christmas miracle!!
Spotlight is Monsta X doin' what Monsta X does best - intense trapstep uptempos with choreography to match. The difference between something like this and Trespass (*shudder*) is that they're taking themselves W A Y less seriously. They look like they're having fun ruining our lives with how hot they are, and even though Spotlight isn't something I'd describe as ~fun~, that still translates to the music.
Spotlight was quite the surprise for me when Universal Japan dropped the video on us. Mostly because it was a Japanese release with a full MV on Youtube (don't look at me like that, Japanese companies are allergic to digital releases actually making sense), but also because I had no idea MX was in Japan.
Spotlight is a banger. It brings me joy to see MX showing their sons how to make music like this and not be absolutely boring or pretentious af. This song is definitely going on Heavy Rotation.
Rating - 4.5/5
Stagger (Cheetah)
This song makes me extremely uncomfortable.
And I get that that was the point, with the video featuring Cheetah in various states of intoxication, but... God, I just feel so fucking unsettled anytime I listen to this song. It feels Wrong™. I get the concept (it's actually pretty cool), but you can't just be outchea makin' songs that no one wants to listen to more than once. That makes no sense, sis.
How does one even describe this song?!?!?! First, there's that horn (I think) sample that has been manipulated to all fuck. There's no way in hell they just copy n pasted that from somewhere with it sounding like that. That's like the base of the song. And then you've got that stilted drum machine patterns, combined with parts of the song playing in reverse. Cheetah almost doesn't fit in this song with how sharp her rapping is, but it works (I guess), because it adds to the disonant atmosphere of the track.
I'm here for artistry and experimentation in popular music circles, but can we make songs that people can actually, you know... LISTEN TO?!?!?!?!?!?
I will say that I'm here for the preview she showed at the end of the video, tho. Ma'am outchea givin us High Fashion Butch™ with a tropical beat, and my wig was instantly in tatters.
Rating - 1/5
20th Century (V.E.I.L)
Idk who V.E.I.L is, but I love this song.
The quickest way to get me into your band is to give me New Wave. Or NuDisco. Or Deep House. Or Lo Fi Electronica (like 20th Century). To be honest, you could give me any number of throwbacks to the '80s or '90s, and I'd fucking love you.
But that's neither here nor there.
20th Century is a fun af song, and I wonder when this became such an oddity in K-Pop. Companies these days (as well as stans) are obsessed with perfection in their groups, at the cost of personality. And granted, it's always kind of been this way, but it's at an all time high these days. Every group performs like a well oiled machine. Which is great. But they look like robots. And with the music these agencies give their groups, it's not a pleasant experience. Very rarely is a terrible one, but at least when it's bad, it registers a reaction.
Anyway, 20th Century sounds like something I'd expect from the Polysics (now that's a throwback to my weeb days, if I've ever seen one), but more on the electronic side. It's got that same Lo Fi/'90s feel to it, but it's dressed up in '80s synthpop. Which is never a bad thing. A part of me almost wonders what this song would be like if an idol group promoted it, but she quickly hushes up when my logical side reminds her an idol group would never promote anything with production this Lo Fi.
I mean, there's TAHITI's Tonight, but sis... Let's not kick 9muses 2.0 while they're down.
Rating - 4/5
Butterfly (Weki Meki)
Fascinating how Weki Meki had to have their comeback delayed because of trouble with a shareholder, but they were able to push out this song for the Winter Olympics.
But I'm sleep, tho.
Weki Meki's Butterfly is a cover of the 2009 OST for the film Take Off, originally by Loveholics. Weki Meki's cover was released in honour of the 2018 Winter Olympic Games.
Um... I like Weki Meki's cover more than the original.
Weki Meki's cover is in the style of synthpop, and that fits the chord progressions and song structure a lot more than the pop/rock arrangement of the original. It also brings out the nostalgic vibes of the song, because these types of chord progressions were used very heavily in the '80s/'90s. After listening to Weki Meki's cover, the original just sounds flat and poorly produced. Which I mean, K-Pop didn't really have good production till about 2013/2014.
The video linked above doesn't feature the full song, so here's a lyrics video that does.
Rating - 4/5
Electric Kiss (EXO)
Yes, I do realize this song has been floating around the EXOnet since around November, but I haven't seen an official release featuring the full song till this dance practice. And I've been wanting to cover this forever.
You guys, tell me why I thought EXO was really about to throw some 5th Harmony/BO$$ type shit down with that intro?!!?! I really thought I was about to get EXO outchea, flexin' on these heauxs, but maybe we aren't ready for alladat. Lordt knows the way EXO L reacted to Lotto shows it.
But that's neither here nor there, sis. What matters is how amazing Electric Kiss is. She starts out strong with heavy brass stabs and an even heavier drum beat, and only builds from there. Miss Kiss is not playin' games with us, ladies. She might not have been the BO$$ style flex that I thought she was gonna be, but that doesn't mean she's a slouch, neither.
When teasers for a Japanese EXO album turned up on SM's YT channel (which makes no fucking sense, but okay, girl), I was iffy. With singles out like Love Me Right ~romantic universe~ (as if adding a subtitle would make that song any better) and Coming Home, I was not hopeful. But Electric Kiss bangs harder than anything EXO has released since Call Me Baby. I never would have expected a Japanese EXO campaign to net me music this good with how bad their Japanese singles have are, but I really should've known better. EXO has always thrown down when it comes to the music, and Electric Kiss is a certified B A N G E R!!
I was tempted to put this in the Fabulous Five, but the songs there deserve to be, so...
Rating - 4.5/5
Refresh (TSUN featuring YUMADA)
So I see y'all just gon' hit me with the a sexier version of Blah!??!?!?! We really doin' that, sis?!?!?!
Alright, sis... Don't be mad when you see these rough ass body rolls.
Refresh, like I mentioned above, is a sexier version of Planetarium's Blah. It's the same kind Tropic/RnB hybrid arrangement, but the instrumentation is more Tropical than RnB. Miss TSUN's singing definitely gives Refresh an RnB vibe, tho. The production here is a little loose, but it's not too glaring obvious.
Rating - 3.5/5
The Fabulous Five
5. Timeless (Jaehyun, Doyoung, and Taeil of NCT U)
Firstly, I need someone to tell me what song this sounds like, because it's been bothering me since release. These chords sound vaguely familar to me, I just can't tell what song Timeless shares them with.
Moving on.
When SM annouced that the NCT U Trio were making a comeback with a ballad for SM Station, I was not pleased. Station ballads are notorious for being lackluster af, and I was annoyed that SM really wanted this to be the song that followed Lower.
This is me eating my words.
I'm a little blown away at how amazing this turned out. NCT is a "group" (if you can even call them that) that has always come as more machine than man, so a ballad release (especially a Station ballad release) is the opposite of what I wanted from them. But they sound so raw and vulnerable here, it's a little heartbreaking.
Doyoung, Taeil, and Jaehyun are all very nice vocalists, but it is clear that Taeil is the main vocal of this unit, sis. Like... A bitch really started tearing up during his parts!! Doyoung and Jaehyun have the technical skill, but Taeil was really outchea singin' for his life!! And his belts are so nice?!?!? Fuck... He's really giving Taeyong a run for his money as my NCT bias, and I don't need this.
I can see why they wanted to do a live video here - K-Pop producers have a tendency to overdo the vocal production when doing studio recordings. And while that results in perfect vocals, it comes at the cost of any emotion or integrity in the vocal performance. And for an artform like K-Pop where the ability to emote isn't high up on the list of requirements for idols, that's a big fucking deal. Especially when ballads are usually used as more of a way to show off vocal ability than what they're supposed to. Which is kind of ironic, considering most main/lead vocalists have shit technique, and are usually picked for their ability to belt really powerfully (read - holler real loud).
I definitely would not have liked this if it was studio recorded. Yes, they're recording this *in* a studio (them vocals is too clean, sis), but... Y'all know what the fuck I mean!!
Rating - 5/5
4. Full Moon (Dreamcatcher)
Dreamcatcher said in a recent interview that they do enjoy their sound, and most of the members (literally everyone except one; and even then, she just wanted to branch out a lil) would like if they could go darker. So I guess this is their agency honoring that.
Full Moon is a very typical Dreamcatcher song (which makes sense, since this is their anniversary release) with symphonic elements mixed within a heavy rock backdrop, which gives off the vibe of heavier J-rock and VISUAL KEI songs. And you wouldn't think that would make for a very pop friendly song, but their composers/producers use very pop-friendly chord progressions and song arrangements. Add in the members of Dreamcatcher (who have voices that are very suited to pop music), and you have a formula that shouldn't work. But it does.
It works, oh so well.
The video linked above doesn't feature the full song (I'm guessing they're gonna release the full video with their March comeback, because the song is already out in full), so here's their performance at their fan meeting that does.
Rating - 5/5
3. I'm all ears (Kim Taeyeon)
I'm all ears is a song from Taeyeon's Christmas album (which I might have downloaded, but never listened to). I'm guessing the video release is a gift to the fans type dealio, because she's not promoting it.
I find it interesting that I'm all ears was included on a Christmas themed album, because it feels springy. In fact, this song almost feels like Taeyeon heard Jessica's Because It's Spring, and decided that she wanted to make her own version. Which I'm cool with, because I like I'm all ears better. I like when Taeyeon gives us light and airy. Beltyeon is annoying, because her belts sound pinched and nasal. And Taeyeon relies on them far too much to cover up the fact that she can't emote very well with her voice.
But this is good.
I'm definitely putting this song on Heavy Rotation. I know, #Shocking. But if anyone peeped how I was fawned over Twenty Something from last week's list, it really shouldn't be that surprising.
Rating - 5/5
2. Love You (Eom Ji Hee)
Now this is a real throwback to my youth days (don't ask, I'm not about to become That Kind™ of blog).
There's something so... Nice™ about hearing something this raw and unmastered, especially since we're so used to hearing such high production values in K-Pop. And I know I've clocked other songs on these lists for having loose production, but the difference is that this is SUPPOSED to be low production; this is literally a girl singing with her backing band with a camera on. I could point out all the things "wrong" here, but they don't really take away from the performance. The songs I've clocked for being low production, however, were studio recorded affairs that missed the mark. And granted, not everyone can afford to send their shit to a professional mastering house, but it's not hard to get harmonies to sit nicely in the mix.
Anyway, this is another song that sounds real familiar (I'm pretty sure this is a cover, because even the vocal melody sounded familar, and that's a big fuckin no no), but it sounded real nice. This is musics I'm trynna listen to on good days when I can't sleep. The video is even perfect for it, with it's starry projection on the band!!
Rating - 5/5
1. Diamond Girl (MxM BRANDNEWBOYS)
Remember how I said you could give me any kind of throwback to the '80s and/or '90s, and I'd be happy?!?!?!
Diamond Girl is exactly what I'm talking about.
Diamond Girl is a funky n (most importantly) fun throwback to the '90s (with a little bit of '80s synth work thrown on top for good measure). The bass work is a highlight for me, and that damn "my diamond girl" hook won't leave me the fuck alone. That, and the "treat you like a gentlemen, like a gentlemen" (which is literally the same rhythmic pattern and interval as Chuu's "you attack my heart, you attack my heart" in Heart Attack) refrain are certified ear worms. Even the biggest pop haters couldn't resist those lines getting stuck in their head.
Like... I really don't know how to describe what I like about this song. Sure, I picked some stuff out, but that's just the tip of the iceburg. This song is balls to the walls A M A Z I N G!!!
2018 is the year of groups with lackluster debuts making amazing comebacks, I guess.
Rating - 5/5
Alright, babies, that's it for this week!! Don't forget to tune in on Friday for the next installment in my Jonghyun tribute with the first SHINee Feature Spotlight at 6pm EST, and next week at 6pm EST for this week's Review Roundup. Love you, guys!!
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sunsounds · 7 years
Hello^^ For the writer thingie :1. / 2. / 3. / 5. / 7. / 9. / 10 / 11. / 21. / 23. / 25 - and 18 if you'd like to. I hope it's not too much just do what you feel comfortable with. PS: I love your writing. Have a great day n night
thank you??? so much??? and it’s definitely not too much, this is pretty fun. i’m still shocked that ppl are actually sending me asks.
1. my name that i use here and in writing is Kavi, though it’s not my real one bc i don’t feel comfortable sharing that online?? i do prefer this one actually, it means “poetry” and we all know i have like two interests
2. oooh, i’m not sure if you mean poetry books or prose ones, so i’m going to do both and say bloodsport by yves olade is phenomenal and i’d die for crush by richard siken and also night sky with exit wounds by ocean vuong killed me (i have like a billion amazing and less famous chapbooks that i’d rec too, so anyone who wants that list is free to ask but i felt like i shouldn’t barrage y’all with that unless you ask). i’d say that all of them have fairly influenced my writing in that i aspire to write like that. for prose, which hasn’t really influenced me much in my own writing: at the moment i’d say the aftg series and trc series are my faves, although i suppose that the night circus by erin morgenstern did actually influence my prose writing a bit and it’s one of my all-time faves. i’m sorry, you didn’t sign up for this long paragraph of text abt books, i’ll shut up now.
3. that’s actually a difficult one to answer bc i don’t watch many movies and don’t really feel they’ve affected my writing much??? the dead poet’s society would be one of my favorites, i guess
5. i definitely do not need a certain atmosphere to write, i tend to block out everything while writing. nonetheless, i like being on my bed with my computer and music playing while writing best.
7. i generally begin with a small snippet that keeps floating through my mind and work from there, whether that line becomes the first line or ends up as the ending. speaking of endings: how do i end??? i don’t even know??? i write until it feels like an ending and then i’m done, or something like that
9. probably the night?? i get odd bursts of inspiration then
10. um, this is more what it is ideally and probably not very accurate bc the accurate thing is “horrible” but i’d say my writing is … visceral. an assault of imagery. tugs into your heart and makes it almost bleed, makes it feel bc poetry should be, out of everything else, something that makes ppl feel. 
11. i generally ignore everyone and everything. i listen to music and let it fade into a vague hum in the background and give into the words, don’t care abt really anything except for the fact that writing exists. i twist myself into what the words are casting me into. i zone out a lot and just give into it and actually am really terrible if interrupted bc i can’t tear myself away until i feel like i can’t wrench out anymore out of myself.
21. a self-doubt would probably be that i’m actually really terrible at poetry and fake-deep and everyone saying otherwise is just being nice?? like, of course i’ll always be able to grow and change and be better but what if i can’t?? what if i’m writing terrible poetry and it’s just that other ppl are being nice and i’ll never be able to change my terrible poetry??? one that’s probably pretty common that i don’t really feel is the worry abt what other ppl feel, i’m way too self-absorbed to do that
23. i have no clue how to write soft poetry, HOW DO PPL DO IT??? but yeah, i think i like capturing dangerous ppl best. and i like dysfunctional relationships, by which i mean that what i write is usually just abt ppl who make each other worse and maybe aren’t even terrible (dangerous, though, always dangerous) but are terrible to and for each other and that’s the dynamic i like best???
25. despite me being totally unqualified to give advice, the advice i’d give to any aspiring writer is to write. it doesn’t matter if it’s a stupid, self-indulgent fanfiction that you’re convinced is a failure or if it’s that depressing poem you think you probably shouldn’t write bc it’s so emo and stupid. write it anyways. writing is abt making the readers feel, of course, but first it’s abt you. it’s abt you being a person and growing and not being able to get something out of your head till it’s on a page and it doesn’t matter how terrible it is bc the second draft will be better. or maybe it isn’t, but still?? in an year if you keep writing your stupid poems then your poems will be better, you’ll keep reading and you’ll learn what it takes to make something good and writing is always evolving and just??? i’ve seen so many ppl that are convinced their work is terrible and i sorta want to throw things at them bc it doesn’t matter, as long as you like it then it doesn’t matter. growth comes after the terrible, emo twelve-year-old poetry and not before. this probs isn’t very coherent and i’m still unqualified to give advice and you definitely didn’t sign up for this long paragraph of text, i’m sorry, but just write okay?? regardless of how bad it is or how bad you think it is
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guitarpanda8 · 5 years
A Week of Eating with Haile Thomas, the Teen Vegan Sensation and Founder of HAPPY
Meet Haile Thomas, the 18-year-old health activist, vegan food & lifestyle influencer, and the founder/CEO of the nonprofit HAPPY (aka, Healthy Active Positive Purposeful Youth). Michelle Obama has said that “Haile is an example for all of you, what your little powerful voices can do to change the world.”
Read on to see what the teen vegan powerhouse eats in a typical week. 
Starting Monday off on the right foot is always my #1 priority, because we all know how easy it is to fall into the “I miss the weekend!!” trap. In the morning, I’ll usually have some kind of warm drink since it’s typically pretty chilly (I’m talking 30 degrees or lower) during this time of year. I like to alternate between the biggest hug, a mug of super rich and creamy coconut matcha, golden milk, and lemon ginger or peppermint tea.
During my teatime, I really enjoy being away from my phone and doing some gratitude/intention journaling or just gazing out the window indulging in my obsession with clouds! That always starts my day on such a peaceful and positive note, and I can move onto emails or project planning with a clear and ready mind. Mondays are often my day just to catch up and get back into the groove of anything I was working on the week before. I almost never schedule meetings on this day because I want to ensure I can be fully dedicated to getting back into work mode.
Monday lunches are all about replenishing the energy I’ve used up in the morning and continuing the momentum. And because I’m an entrepreneur who works from home, I have the absolute joy of just getting up and heading over to my kitchen to make anything I’d like! Lunchtime also provides a much-needed mental break from any of the work I was focused on, which is so great. My go-to is a quick lively bowl with some greens, roasted veggies, quinoa, and either a tahini- or cashew-based dressing. These kinds of lunches leave me dancing, happy and rejuvenated! I’ll usually photograph what I eat to post on Instagram later in the week.
Tuesdays are normally the start of meetings, interviews or recipe testing for the week. When I’m really busy and have video shoots, or I’m working on content for some of the awesome brands I get to work with, I try to make my meals ridiculously easy. I start the morning off with some homemade granola (Golden Milk Granola is my fave!), a little bit of oat milk and fresh fruit. It takes me like 5 seconds to put everything together in a bowl and head to my desk to start working for the day.
On busy days like this, I tend to rely on snacks more than anything as I don’t want to interrupt my concentration or schedule too much — sunflower seed pesto with fresh veggies, or avocado toast loaded with mushrooms, pickled onions and some tangy artisan vegan cheese are definitely go-tos.
My mom, sister and I tend to alternate the responsibility of cooking dinner throughout the week. If I’m still working around 4:30/5pm, my mom will start making one of her classics, like Jamaican Escovitch Tofu or Oyster Mushroom Curry with coconut rice. There’s literally nothing better than the sizzle of a skillet and the smell of rich, cultural spices wafting through the air. And when it’s time to eat? Her food is literally the definition of comfort, filling up my belly and spirit. Any day my mom cooks is my favorite day.
When it’s super cold out or snowing and you live in a small town in upstate New York, heading to a yoga class or the gym isn’t really an option. Instead, I love using apps to get some movement in at home. I try to do this at least four times a week, because when I do, I can really feel the difference in my energy and mood! Getting my heart pumping always leaves me feeling physically, but even more so, mentally refreshed.
I have a bit more pep in my step as I start the day. My refuel varies from veggie tofu scrambles with lots of cheesy nutritional yeast to really fun and creative oats. Both are super customizable so it is never really the same experience each time I eat them. For the tofu scramble, I like adding shiitake mushrooms, colorful heirloom cherry tomatoes, onions and parsley, with my one true love, avocado, on top! For my oats, I really go wild with the combos because I believe oatmeal should never be boring…so you can catch pumpkin, sweet potato, almond butter, berries, candied pecans, orange zest, and more in my oatmeal.
Because it’s the middle of the week, I love spicing up my schedule to re-energize.  If I’m not already traveling or working on a cool project, I like to go on cute mini adventures during lunch. Some of my favorite things to do include: visiting a u-pick farm or a new vegan restaurant for inspiration, going for a stroll and taking photos at an art park like Storm King, or heading to open skate at our local rink. It just adds a nice break in the part of my work that can be heavily screen based.
If you can’t tell by now, diversity within my week is super important to me…or else I’ll go a little crazy! It keeps me inspired and energized. Thursdays start with some reading. I’m doing a 50-book challenge this year and aim to get in an hour or two of reading before I start the day! It’s so peaceful and fun for me to dive into a whole other world or a really interesting topic for a few hours before I dive into mine.
A little later, I start filming some videos for a course I’m working on for my nonprofit, HAPPY. This takes up most of my time during the day because there’s limited daylight, but it’s a lot of fun working on planning and production and then finally putting everything together when I shoot!
Dinner is a lovely, spicy, incredibly flavorful vindaloo using Beyond Meat’s sausage as a protein. With its incredible texture and flavor, this sausage is one of my favorite vegan products to experiment with from time to time.
Fridays are my day for planning content for the week ahead. I make a list of all the recipes I’d like to share and photos I want to take for my Instagram. Then I double check my fridge and pantry for ingredients and map out what I’ll need to do for lifestyle shots. And because I am currently working on a book (!!!), I majorly prioritize writing at the end of the week and usually split my time pretty evenly between both activities. I like Friday to be just a really chill and reflective day, so I don’t usually schedule any meetings either. As I’m in the zone planning and writing, I love having something hearty to power me through — like roasted purple potato wedges with mashed avocado to dip in!
In the evening, I wind down work a little early and watch a documentary (I’m also doing a 100-documentary challenge this year!) or read some more with the fireplace crackling, some lo-fi music playing softly in the background, and my whole body wrapped like a burrito in the coziest fluffy blanket. This is the best time for hot cocoa and coconut whip!
Saturday breakfasts are always kind of fancy — and I love it. My family and I go all out, making crepes, pancakes, tofu Benedict, or whatever we’re really craving at the moment. It’s so much fun spending time with each other in the kitchen, laughing, talking about anything, and combining our creative powers to make the best breakfast. We’ll set the table, bust out the apple juice from our local farm, and dig in — all smiles style.
The rest of the day is mainly spent working on the content I planned on Friday, so most of our weekend lunches and dinners end up being Instagram recipes!
Saturday nights are my favorite. This is when I really get to indulge in some self-care. I’ll throw on a face mask, deep condition my hair, take a magnesium soak, and binge watch Nailed It! or Worst Cooks in America. It’s honestly the best.
Sundays are my day for more R&R but also for preparing for the week ahead. I’ll start the day off by setting intentions and goals for the new week. When Monday comes around, I’m more focused and work with a clearer sense of purpose. Then it’s time to head to the farmers’ market! Whenever I’m in town, I try my best to make it there. Then I can shop locally for everything I need for the next few days or any special recipes I’m developing.
The farmers’ market is always an adventure. Often I’ll find really amazing ingredients, such as Hen of the Woods mushrooms, sea beans or watermelon radishes, that aren’t normally available at my regular grocery store. There’s a lovely Indian food vendor who makes the best chickpea yellow curry with idli, so I always grab a container of their food for lunch before heading back home with my veggies and other fun stuff from the market!
The rest of the day I spend with family. We watch movies, do DIY projects, and have a pretty fun and sometimes pretty intense game night at our house that I always look forward to. It’s these moments that make the weekend so sweet.
Source: https://blog.williams-sonoma.com/a-week-of-eating-with-haile-thomas-the-teen-vegan-sensation-and-founder-of-happy/
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kaleraniel · 8 years
Whenever we write, it’s something we do together. We may not always actually talk, but we both contribute more or less equally (whether or not Terra actually notices it and doesn’t chalk it up to eir own thoughts ahaha) Anyway, thought we should make a list. Or rather, two lists. Fics in progress, and fics we haven’t started but want to.
In progress, in order of current motivation to finish (kind of)– *“"sequel”“ to fake dating au. Just need to add some stuff (maybe up to 1k? We can’t shut up about these two and their healthy communication I mean talk about goals, right) and tweak the characterization to fit the established au. Motivated by time, mostly. Hope to get it up by Valentine’s Day. *gym au where it’s gay and such a pity Javert’s has prosopagnosia and always distracted by Valjean’s arms, and how Valjean’s never seen Javert out of uniform and doesn’t recognize him in workout clothes and is ever so distracted by his runners calves. Absolutely tragic. *dw doctor/TARDIS fic. I think I’m into that a lot because of that symbiotic relationship. I’m always about symbiotic relationships, probably given my own nature, haha *dæmon au, because that’s always important. Won’t be finished anytime soon. *magic au, because it’s almost done and why not? *leverage ot3 fic, since we don’t expect that to be too long, and also I mean it’s leverage so that’s always good. *phone call perceived unrequited perfectworldshipping fic, since we still think that’s really good and just the right amount of angst that is satisfying as hell. At least for us to read. That bittersweet kind of thing, where they’re just a hair’s breadth too late, they miss each other by just a second, if they had only reached out sooner but it was never the right time. Both of us love that shit so much. Kind of wary of posting two 5+1 fics so close together though. *Vampire!Javert, even though we’re undecided what direction to take that one right now. We have up to the bridge, but we can take it to the potentially nsfw direction or somewhere else that’s sfw. *self indulgent fic, since it’s self indulgent. Also at a standstill since we lost so much of it. Might not ever post because it’s fairly personal with the amount we project our own struggles with depression onto Javert. *sad fic, because that seems short. It’s hard to write. Haven’t been struck with that inspiration where the words come with that yet. Terra wants to write that more than I do, out of some kind of desperation to prove we can do something other than sickening fluff we can hardly bare to edit lol. There’s no rush. We have two modes: sickening fluff that apparently makes people scream and/or laugh out loud (which is? Unexpected? That funny stuff is fun to write but we never expected it to be as much fun to read), or angst fic that will break you. Absolutely no in between. *the other sad fic, which is also really personal, but it’s also half informative so somehow the part of us who loved to educate overtakes the anxious part of us hahaha. That fic requires an actual map so we can get things in order, and more research than we’re willing to put in at the moment. So, standstill. We know exactly where we want to go with it though. Probably the fic we actually use words to talk to each other about the most. Usually it’s just feelings, melding together in that writing zone to where we are really one with each other and not separated at all. That can be fun too, but I like talking. *the one where Javert is a ghost. We have the beginning, but Terra’s more interested in how Javert works and functions as a ghost rather than actual plot and I’m stuck on what to do so it’s at a standstill. *wolves fic, because that’s such a good quote we can’t not use it. Don’t know where we’re quite going with it exactly. Have a vague idea but nothing solid. *Vegas au, requires casefic which means a case and we aren’t quite sure how to handle that yet. Of course, because it revolves around casefic, we can’t do much with it yet but we have the first scene written out that probably will need redoing at a later date but whatever. It’s Vegas. *butter for lube. I hate Terra for this. So much. *touchfic, requires massive reworking. It’s 25k. Like half of that is going to have to be rewritten entirely or cut and that’s going to take so much time and effort. Totally know where we’re going, it’s just how to get there that’s the issue. *3rd person POV fic. Know what we’re doing, just not sure how to make it into a good fic. Also we keep getting distracted by OCs, so large sections of that are going to have to be cut or at least severely minimized. Those are just the things we have actual parts written, not just outlined.
To write, in no particular order– *REVERSE GROUNDHOG. We’ve been wanting to write this for literally years. And we have about 80% of it planned to a T in our brain. We just. Need to write it. And figure out that last 20%. *werewolf Valjean, for obvious reasons. There’s never enough supernatural (not the show, although the influence is most definitely there) AUs nor creature!aus *superhero AU, fight us okay *coffeeshop au #3, where jvj is a crime novel author and lowkey uses the cases Javert mutters about in his books that Javert’s a closet fan of. Idea half stolen from Paper Monsters, a cherik fic. *olive garden au aka coffee shop au #1, which Terra promised Stephanie like four years ago *Coffeeshop au #2, which is so similar to the Australian au that we might scrap it, or just write it for our own enjoyment and never post. *the one we call Mercy, with swensonvert and raminjean, which is decidedly nsfw and will go to the Shame Account. *buddy cop AU inspired by… oh what’s that movie. With the two lady leads. It’s kind of recent and super good. *leverage au with the Les Mis faves, of course. I wish we had more straight up Leverage ideas, because that’s such a good show. We yell at each other about it so much. *ink on skin soulmate au because we love soulmate AUs. *dw dæmon au where humans are the only species who have dæmons and the Doctor is absolutely fascinated by this. Thought of this yesterday, so it’s pretty new. *the one where the main pairing is Javert/Seine with lots of suicidal ideation. *Toulon nsfw fic. We don’t know how to introduce the nsfw aspect, honestly. And our Jean le cric isn’t canon characterized and it bothers me. Terra says run with it, "because fuck it it’s fanfiction,” but it bugs me. Technically, it’s partly written, but it bugs me so much I’m not counting that. *TiMER soulmate au. That one’s interesting because it plays off the idea of people evolving and growing, how the person that’s “perfectly comparable with you” may meet you earlier on (and at that point, you are good with them) but their timer doesn’t stop then. Javert’s timer resets and resets to the point where he thinks it’s faulty and Valjean’s remains constant, only skipping around near the barricades because Javert himself is fluctuating then too. Anyway that’s a lot of fun but requires a lot of looking things up in the brick and referencing the Les Mis timeline often. *music au, because we love those too, and although we collaborated with Star on the one we did for the Big Bang, we’re still not satisfied because it doesn’t /exactly/ match up with the one we constructed in our head. It’s good and we enjoy it immensely, but it doesn’t scratch the itch. If we end up rewriting it with the same plot points and stuff, we won’t post it. Might change it up, making Valjean a solo piano or luthier, but always secret composer Madeleine and always concert master Javert. *coffeeshop au #4, where they keep meeting on accident during rush and leave post its on each other’s coffee and only know each other by their coffee names. Occasionally they talk in line but it’s just a meet-cute honestly. We don’t expect this to be long, just a cute little idea. Javert always freaks out with the reveal and makes things longer and harder though, even when we expect that of him. *possibly doctor/surgeon!Javert and Valjean always coming to the ER because of shit he gets himself into by performing mostly selfish actions. Javert has beef with him for some reason. Maybe mugged him when he was a student of important things that held him back, or otherwise heavily inconvenienced him and he pressed charges, of course. *lowkey artist Valjean, who is really good but doesn’t think he is. Don’t know if this should be modern or canon era. Inspired by a friend who has Valjean hair we met at fiddle camp. He’s very good and does both realistic and caricatures that really capture people and that’s such a Valjean thing. *white collar inspired fic, half planned out. Valjean as an art thief and Javert as his pursuer. When Javert puts him away the first time, Valjean’s just gotten in with bad people. He changes when he gets out. His motives change to be more Leverage-like, and it becomes almost a game of cat and mouse. In his forgeries he starts writing stuff to leave Javert, little post it notes on the wall where a painting used to be, etc. Javert is confused but honestly missed chasing Valjean. Then after one incident where Valjean handcuffs Javert to something and leaves him there after banter/lowkey flirting, he leaves these files proving how corrupt the people he’s robbing are, as well as proof that the paintings get returned to a good place or the money from the sale goes to a good cause with only a little bit missing to pay for Valjean’s own humble life. Javert starts doubting. Valjean sees him on the bridge, paints him, then breaks into Javert’s house to hang it (and also buys him food because Jesus your fridge is barren, must feed you). It’s even signed with his real name and painted in his own style. Javert is kind of touched, even if he’s pissed off that Valjean could break into his apartment so easily (he changes his locks and only gets halfway through the milk before it goes bad. There’s a reason he doesn’t keep much food. It’s because he’s never home to eat it). Then, when Cosette is in danger, Valjean panics and doesn’t know who to go too except Javert. Javert comes home one day to Valjean pacing in his front room (and is annoyed he broke in /again/, why can’t he ring the doorbell like a normal– he doesn’t know why he could even thing of Valjean as normal and then thinks he should be more angry a know criminal is in his home and somehow looks like he belongs there). And then minor casefic- Javert helps him in exchange for his freedom. After, Javert manages to get Valjean as a consultant with an ankle bracelet thing a la white collar because damn it, he’s definitely gone for him. The first time Javert visits Valjean’s house he’s annoyed because Valjean has an original Monet hanging in Cosette’s room, which means the one they think is real is actually a forgery. That’s been developing in our brain for a long time too. We should just write it already. *TWEWY au, where Valjean ends up dying the same week as Javert. It’s a normal Game, of course. Unsure if we should have Reaper!Javert or not. Still working out the logistics of that. Who should be Conductor, Game Master, other reapers. Composer, even. *modern au where Javert’s a cop and keeps pulling over former criminal Valjean who’s now a successful and well know businessman. They end up making out against the side of Javert’s cruiser after many cop-based innuendos. Valjean’s license plate has 24601 in it, obviously. *original!weird friends AU. Featuring Grantaire/Javert friendship that neither will admit is friendship, born of over a year of arresting Grantaire for being drunk in public and various other minor crimes and watching him in the drunktank. They talk about being mentally ill, so bipolar lithro Grantaire and prosopagnosia lowkey depressed Javert. They talk about Grantaire’s unrequited crush that’s both ideal and hell for him, and teases Javert relentlessly about his not so lowkey crush on Valjean. Probably Grantaire POV. Grantaire crashes his car/motorcycle through Valjean’s shopfront window, and Grantaire just has him call Javert, totally unknowing that this is the guy Javert’s crushing hard on and has to deal with that awkward mess while very drunk and very manic. Possibly recognizes Valjean as Cosette’s dad, idk. Arranges for them to meet up very sneakily, because they’re not friends and this is just to make Javert shut up about this guy, yes totally, not to make him happy or anything. Shut up. They’re not friends. (Wow that was almost entirely Terra there. It’s late. We’re tired and not used to separation.) *AU!weird friends au where everything is the same as the above au except Grantaire has a vine account (Vine will be mourned). Obviously set when Vine was still alive and well. Consists mainly of Grantaire filming Javert while mentioning Valjean and watching as Javert attempts to be chill but is totally /not/. May involve him dropping massive amounts of paperwork, or spilling boiling hot coffee on himself. Definitely features him threatening Grantaire with arrest, not like that phases Grantaire anymore. Cosette sees his vines, mostly the one where Javert actually sees Valjean and walks straight into a street sign or trips over a parked car or something, and recognizes “oh my god that’s my dad”. They gleefully try to get them together and Grantaire’s vines consist of them actually meeting and Javert crushing harder than a 12 year old girl and Valjean’s being absolutely smitten with him. Probably told strictly through social media and video descriptions? It would be fun to try that since the texting was so fun in fake dating. Grantaire’s name is drunktank420 and you can’t stop me. *Canon era transman Javert. Can’t stop us. It’s ideal. …there’s more, because there’s always more. We are always thinking of fic. Anything cute or neat that happens in real life you can bet one of us latches onto it and an AU is born right there. It’s 5am we should sleep. Fic is too much fun for the both of us, which is why I completely endorse it. I would love to explore Valjean’s PTSD and anxiety more and having Javert learn how to calm him down or see the signs to remove him from his stressors. Also, obviously, Javert’s depression, suicidal ideation, and recovering from his suicide attempt. And his prosopagnosia, ADHD-ness, and his dyslexia in more detail. I put bits of it in almost everything but we want to examine it more.
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jasonwhorl73-blog · 6 years
A Week of Eating with Haile Thomas, the Teen Vegan Sensation and Founder of HAPPY
Meet Haile Thomas, the 18-year-old health activist, vegan food & lifestyle influencer, and the founder/CEO of the nonprofit HAPPY (aka, Healthy Active Positive Purposeful Youth). Michelle Obama has said that “Haile is an example for all of you, what your little powerful voices can do to change the world.”
Read on to see what the teen vegan powerhouse eats in a typical week. 
Starting Monday off on the right foot is always my #1 priority, because we all know how easy it is to fall into the “I miss the weekend!!” trap. In the morning, I’ll usually have some kind of warm drink since it’s typically pretty chilly (I’m talking 30 degrees or lower) during this time of year. I like to alternate between the biggest hug, a mug of super rich and creamy coconut matcha, golden milk, and lemon ginger or peppermint tea.
During my teatime, I really enjoy being away from my phone and doing some gratitude/intention journaling or just gazing out the window indulging in my obsession with clouds! That always starts my day on such a peaceful and positive note, and I can move onto emails or project planning with a clear and ready mind. Mondays are often my day just to catch up and get back into the groove of anything I was working on the week before. I almost never schedule meetings on this day because I want to ensure I can be fully dedicated to getting back into work mode.
Monday lunches are all about replenishing the energy I’ve used up in the morning and continuing the momentum. And because I’m an entrepreneur who works from home, I have the absolute joy of just getting up and heading over to my kitchen to make anything I’d like! Lunchtime also provides a much-needed mental break from any of the work I was focused on, which is so great. My go-to is a quick lively bowl with some greens, roasted veggies, quinoa, and either a tahini- or cashew-based dressing. These kinds of lunches leave me dancing, happy and rejuvenated! I’ll usually photograph what I eat to post on Instagram later in the week.
Tuesdays are normally the start of meetings, interviews or recipe testing for the week. When I’m really busy and have video shoots, or I’m working on content for some of the awesome brands I get to work with, I try to make my meals ridiculously easy. I start the morning off with some homemade granola (Golden Milk Granola is my fave!), a little bit of oat milk and fresh fruit. It takes me like 5 seconds to put everything together in a bowl and head to my desk to start working for the day.
On busy days like this, I tend to rely on snacks more than anything as I don’t want to interrupt my concentration or schedule too much — sunflower seed pesto with fresh veggies, or avocado toast loaded with mushrooms, pickled onions and some tangy artisan vegan cheese are definitely go-tos.
My mom, sister and I tend to alternate the responsibility of cooking dinner throughout the week. If I’m still working around 4:30/5pm, my mom will start making one of her classics, like Jamaican Escovitch Tofu or Oyster Mushroom Curry with coconut rice. There’s literally nothing better than the sizzle of a skillet and the smell of rich, cultural spices wafting through the air. And when it’s time to eat? Her food is literally the definition of comfort, filling up my belly and spirit. Any day my mom cooks is my favorite day.
When it’s super cold out or snowing and you live in a small town in upstate New York, heading to a yoga class or the gym isn’t really an option. Instead, I love using apps to get some movement in at home. I try to do this at least four times a week, because when I do, I can really feel the difference in my energy and mood! Getting my heart pumping always leaves me feeling physically, but even more so, mentally refreshed.
I have a bit more pep in my step as I start the day. My refuel varies from veggie tofu scrambles with lots of cheesy nutritional yeast to really fun and creative oats. Both are super customizable so it is never really the same experience each time I eat them. For the tofu scramble, I like adding shiitake mushrooms, colorful heirloom cherry tomatoes, onions and parsley, with my one true love, avocado, on top! For my oats, I really go wild with the combos because I believe oatmeal should never be boring…so you can catch pumpkin, sweet potato, almond butter, berries, candied pecans, orange zest, and more in my oatmeal.
Because it’s the middle of the week, I love spicing up my schedule to re-energize.  If I’m not already traveling or working on a cool project, I like to go on cute mini adventures during lunch. Some of my favorite things to do include: visiting a u-pick farm or a new vegan restaurant for inspiration, going for a stroll and taking photos at an art park like Storm King, or heading to open skate at our local rink. It just adds a nice break in the part of my work that can be heavily screen based.
If you can’t tell by now, diversity within my week is super important to me…or else I’ll go a little crazy! It keeps me inspired and energized. Thursdays start with some reading. I’m doing a 50-book challenge this year and aim to get in an hour or two of reading before I start the day! It’s so peaceful and fun for me to dive into a whole other world or a really interesting topic for a few hours before I dive into mine.
A little later, I start filming some videos for a course I’m working on for my nonprofit, HAPPY. This takes up most of my time during the day because there’s limited daylight, but it’s a lot of fun working on planning and production and then finally putting everything together when I shoot!
Dinner is a lovely, spicy, incredibly flavorful vindaloo using Beyond Meat’s sausage as a protein. With its incredible texture and flavor, this sausage is one of my favorite vegan products to experiment with from time to time.
Fridays are my day for planning content for the week ahead. I make a list of all the recipes I’d like to share and photos I want to take for my Instagram. Then I double check my fridge and pantry for ingredients and map out what I’ll need to do for lifestyle shots. And because I am currently working on a book (!!!), I majorly prioritize writing at the end of the week and usually split my time pretty evenly between both activities. I like Friday to be just a really chill and reflective day, so I don’t usually schedule any meetings either. As I’m in the zone planning and writing, I love having something hearty to power me through — like roasted purple potato wedges with mashed avocado to dip in!
In the evening, I wind down work a little early and watch a documentary (I’m also doing a 100-documentary challenge this year!) or read some more with the fireplace crackling, some lo-fi music playing softly in the background, and my whole body wrapped like a burrito in the coziest fluffy blanket. This is the best time for hot cocoa and coconut whip!
Saturday breakfasts are always kind of fancy — and I love it. My family and I go all out, making crepes, pancakes, tofu Benedict, or whatever we’re really craving at the moment. It’s so much fun spending time with each other in the kitchen, laughing, talking about anything, and combining our creative powers to make the best breakfast. We’ll set the table, bust out the apple juice from our local farm, and dig in — all smiles style.
The rest of the day is mainly spent working on the content I planned on Friday, so most of our weekend lunches and dinners end up being Instagram recipes!
Saturday nights are my favorite. This is when I really get to indulge in some self-care. I’ll throw on a face mask, deep condition my hair, take a magnesium soak, and binge watch Nailed It! or Worst Cooks in America. It’s honestly the best.
Sundays are my day for more R&R but also for preparing for the week ahead. I’ll start the day off by setting intentions and goals for the new week. When Monday comes around, I’m more focused and work with a clearer sense of purpose. Then it’s time to head to the farmers’ market! Whenever I’m in town, I try my best to make it there. Then I can shop locally for everything I need for the next few days or any special recipes I’m developing.
The farmers’ market is always an adventure. Often I’ll find really amazing ingredients, such as Hen of the Woods mushrooms, sea beans or watermelon radishes, that aren’t normally available at my regular grocery store. There’s a lovely Indian food vendor who makes the best chickpea yellow curry with idli, so I always grab a container of their food for lunch before heading back home with my veggies and other fun stuff from the market!
The rest of the day I spend with family. We watch movies, do DIY projects, and have a pretty fun and sometimes pretty intense game night at our house that I always look forward to. It’s these moments that make the weekend so sweet.
Source: https://blog.williams-sonoma.com/a-week-of-eating-with-haile-thomas-the-teen-vegan-sensation-and-founder-of-happy/
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suaine · 7 years
Yuletide letter 2017
*cracks knuckles* Alright, let's get this party started. At first, there are a few things to know about me, none of them very important:
I will read almost anything if you write it with passion and kindness. That doesn't mean it has to be fluffy and happy all the time, though I do prefer a general trajectory toward happiness. If you can, I would like you to write this story because you believe in it, not because you want to please me. I'm usually easily pleased, and there aren't a lot of things that will turn me off.
That said, please avoid writing about death or rape, graphically or just their impact and aftermath. Both things are hard for me to deal with and even if it's canon I'd rather not have to be exposed to it during the already super emotionally taxing holiday season.
Generally I love all self-indulgent tropes. There is nothing too cliché, no path too well-trodden. I love adcenture stories and cracky fun slices of life and everything in between. I'm equally into swords and sorcery as well as space ships. There isn't a well-crafted AU I don't love if the characters stay true to themselves. Feel free to go a little bit wild.
Fandom: Star Wars: Aftermath - Chuck Wendig
I didn't expect to be able to sign up so I couldn't nominate everyone else on the team, but feel free to include them all or any of them in combination. I just want to hear more stories about these idiots, Sinjir most of all. After Rogue One, I'm full up on tragic heroes, so if you can find hopeful, loving paths to put them on, please do.
Oh, my relationship with this canon is a difficult one. I still haven't dared to read the last book and I'm trying to get to a place where I can forgive fate and Chuck Wendig for personally giving me hope for my fave pairing (Jom/Sinjir) and crushing it under the bootheels of miscommunication. (Basically, we tweeted, he was vague, I misunderstood, I thought Jom/Sinjir was gonna happen, and it really hurt when it didn't) But! I'm absolutely 100% in favor of Sinjir getting a happy ending EVERY WHICH WAY possible, including but not limited to any pairings you might enjoy, and I'm more than happy for you to sell me on them.
I love the team so much, every single damn one of them. I love the snarky bits and the hopeless bits and the resilient bits. I love that this is not the happy ending we expected from Return of the Jedi and I love Rae Sloane.
I honestly don't know what kind of prompt I should give you. I've enjoyed stories of Sinjir showing up in TFA times, I love alternate universes where things played out differently, I love introspective pieces and action-y bits. I love the humor that is always inherent in Wendig's writing.
Fandom: Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator
I absolutely love and adore this game and I found my perfect route only to realize that in the scope of the game it couldn't happen - Robert needs to take care of himself for a while, a year isn't nearly enough to put him back together. But we can try. The player character can absolutely try. In many, many ways. Also, I love any and all iterations of Amanda and Val interacting and maybe more.
I absolutely enjoy every route in this game, though some characters resonate more with me than others. Robert is the one that I feel closest to, maybe because he's quite damaged in very specific ways. Maybe it's because if you play your cards right you get to fix his relationship with his daughter and I actually have two fathers who will never be as big a person as that.
The core aspect of the game for me is giving Amanda every happiness she desires, she deserves to be loved and appreciated and she deserves to grow into exactly the woman she wants to be. Val and her interaction were my favorite amazing surprise.
I'm actually quite invested in a future where Robert gets better and realizes that the player character (let's call him Jake) has always been there. I'd like to see that recovery, soft, playful, unassuming friend dates, supportive moments, nighttime monster-hunting adventures.
Fandom: Critical Role (Web Series) RPF
The last few months I've fallen into an awesome hole: catching up on a 100+ episode webseries that has 4+ hours of footage per. It. Was. Ridiculous. And amazing. And I accidentally once read a comment (on youtube) about how Matt separated Marisha and Taliesin because jealousy. I adore Marisha and Taliesin's friendship but also I can't help but go extra defensive when I read stupid stuff like this: so, tell me about the many ways that Matt and Taliesin love each other, all the bonding, whether bromance or romance. The three of them once went to party in the desert together for a few days. Also, I loved the team playing themselves but d&d style during Liam's one shot - why not put them all into Exandria, but as themselves (and adult)? Adventures!
I mean, what is there to say? I'm really invested in the entire group's happiness and love. It's pretty obvious that they're close and I love that so very, very much. I've been crying like a baby at the latest episode (114) and how much they care about each other and their characters, and the last few minutes of ep 113 were really intense after Laura realized what was happening. I love how sometimes the lines between character and actor get a little bit blurred.
I don't really have a lot to add to the optional details, maybe all I need to say is this: feel free to go anywhere your heart takes you.
Fandom: Star Wars Legends: The Old Republic  
I adore Theron Shan and his ridiculous squib/secret agent/mama issue plot. He's everything I ever wanted from a Republic character - pragmatic and still idealistic, hopeful and sarcastic, complex as the force itself. I love stories about his tech abilities, about his smarts and his work ethic, and how deep down he is much more like his mother - and Revan - then he would ever admit. (OMG the Revan connection is such a narrative kink for me. Revan (girl Revan for me, incidentally) is such an influence on how I see the character - grey, but still undeniably good.
There is nothing, absolutely nothing, that means more to me in TOR than Theron in love with my lightside male Sith Warrior. Obviously, you're in no way obligated to include my player character, but whatever you want to write I would ask you to consider that fact your canon for the story - please don't break them up or write him with other people. You don't have to include this in particular, but please don't negate it.
I haven't played the newest chapters because of time constraints and I don't know a whole lot of spoilers except that... something happens... with betrayal and Theron? I honestly didn't want to read up on it because often experiencing it makes it very different to whatever might show up on a twitter rant. Here's the thing: betrayal and the sith warrior. Theron being a double agent to save the love of his life by breaking his heart. Just saying. That makes one hell of a story.
If you want to write something romance free, how about the early days of Lana and Theron's partnership? The minituae of running the alliance? Theron doing his job because he's a competent, sarcastic assholes. Theron making peace with his mom. Theron making peace with the force.
Fandom: Star Trek: Discovery
I love everything Star Trek and this new thing feels very much in line with everything before even where it's completely out of left field (I mean, the hairless klingons take some getting used to for sure). Michael Burnham is the best, but I would literally love any story about any of the characters, as long as it feels like Star Trek. I missed this world and this universe and this SPACE so much. Tell me everything, anything, DISCOVER.
Okay so obviously this is a developing fandom that's going to fucking explode. This is an amazing thing to be at the start of. I love everything Star Trek and as of today which is just a few days after ep 4, I love everyone on that boat except Lorca who I very much love to loathe.
Michael is amazing. My gay mushroom man is amazing. Tall gangly alien is amazing. Twitchy redhead is amazing. The klingons are super weird cannibals. I want to see exactly where Discovery is going – all the weird alien planets they can explore. There's a war, sure, but that's not a warship, it's a science vessel. Let it do science.
I personally love all the tropes Trek ever gave us and there's basically so many to choose from that it would be too hard to list them all. You want to give an old episode plot a new coat? Go for it! You want to explore some cute character moments? Be my guest! You want to write cute ship fic about mushroom man and doctor snarkadoodle? Please, please do.
Fandom: Folgers "Home for the Holidays" Commercial
Folgers is a yuletide fandom if I've ever seen one. Pretty much all the stories are yuletide stories and I've read them all. I think it's obvious why we're both here and neither of us can pretend that this is wholesome and pure. But here's the thing: just because something is problematic doesn't mean it can't be fun and happy. I mentioned in another request that I'm full up on tragedy, so here's the deal: a Folgers story where they get what they so obviously want and figure out a way to be happy.
Two things: yes, porn is totally acceptable though obviously not required. You can, but you don't gotta. And AUs are also a perfectly lovely way to explore this kinky as hell prompt. I think we're both here for the kink – if not, I'm not sure why you offered this fandom at all and this is your get out of jail free card: just dump this request in a dark hole and never think about it again. Some of my other requests have quite accessible canons and I won't be offended if I show up on the pinch hit list. I've been there, it's not a terrible place to be ;)
If you want to go AU, please keep the delicious and terrible fact that they're siblings who so very obviously want to bone. I'm with you, friend. We're both in this kinky hole together. I'm not into this fandom for realism – angst, sure, that's what makes it great, but that doesn't mean we can't have a totally unrealistic romantic comedy style happy ending. Think Do Começo ao Fim.
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