#a bummer but i guess we'll see what happens
ohplasticheart · 1 year
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allsassnoclass · 1 year
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crehador · 7 months
10th live is honestly the first one i'm not... that... hyped for 🫠🫠🫠 already knew it was possible (even likely) but if they do songs from rhyme anima s2 only and not s1... 😭😭😭
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un-love · 2 years
drunk voicemails – 1
tw: implications of death in joshua's
reblogs are appreciated :D
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seungcheol: honey, i'm on my way back from work and i saw this new flower shop around the corner. something good will happen to you today. that's what the sign in the window said. naturally, i thought of you. you'rw the good in my life. SO i stopped to get you something and that's when i realized i don't know what your pick is. is it lilies? did you know there's something called blue orchids? they also had that. how do i not know your favourite flowers? if i had to pick flowers that remind me of you, i would pick sunflowers. they're yellow and warm and welcoming. everything that you are. i think that's what prompted me to buy y— shit. the bus is here. i'll see you tomorrow. tell me what your favourite flowers are
jeonghan: i wasn't expecting this to go to voicemail, what should i do? i'm a little drunk, baby. but i would've wanted to call even if i weren't. i want to ask you to come over, i want to run my hands through your hair, kiss the dimple beneath your eyes. are you sleeping okay? i'd give anything to see you fall asleep in my shirt again. haven't touched it since you threw it on my bedroom floor. your skin peeking out from in between the hem of my shirt and the blanket you refused to sleep without. do you still sleep with the air conditioner on? are you still listening? i'm sorry there's so much i didn't say.
joshua: do you remember promising to take me to your hometown? i couldn't sleep and ended up thinking about that. the bucketlist i made for us is still tucked away in my bottom drawer. i wanted to tuck us away too. t-u-c-k. protect you from everything, you see. now i catch myself thinking, 'was that too ambitious of me? would something have changed if i hadn't insisted on leaving game night early that friday?' all the moments of you i would've held. infinitely mine. i dream about it, sometimes. how you would've laughed showing me the love letters you received back in high school. if you would've taken me to your favourite waffle shop back home. i heard they're taking it down soon, i can't decide if i should go alone. maybe i will. i have to go now. this is my last message to you before they discontinue your cell service...yeah. i had to call. i love you.
jun: i knew you wouldn't pick up but hearing the beep hurt more than i thought. what do i do? i thought we were okay. that we finally made it through the mess. i almost saw a faint white light at the end of our tunnel. guess i was wrong, huh? i don't know if we'll ever forgive each other for what we've caused. never knew disasters could feel mind numbing and still look beautiful from afar. are you happy? i will never forgive myself for bending over backwards to let you walk over me again, and again, and again, and again, while you bled me dry. i keep replaying the night in my head, the final minutes before my whole world collapsed in on itself. i swear i felt time move backwards. but it's all the same to you, isn't it? i don't know why i called–
soonyoung: hey, it's .. uh, it's me. i saw that you called. i'm painfully aware of the probability of it being an accident, but here i am, hoping that it wasn't. want to be more than an accidental call to you. what does that make me? no, it's pathetic, i know. i just wanted to hear your voice anyway. maybe you'd have been surprised to see my caller id and said my name out loud, you know? did you delete my number? that would be a bummer. i was hoping to catch you brfore passing out, always liked how my name sounded on your tongue. anyway, this went straight to voicemail. it's alright. i'm alright—[beep]
wonwoo: are you okay? i never really knew with you. brought you flowers and left them at your doorstep when i know you needed me, but i couldn't give them to you myself. i should have come in. i should've held your heart in my hands and counted stars with you till we both fell asleep on the fading blue mattress in your balcony. did it rain that night? i remember wondering about the flowers, if you left them there or if they sat safely upon the table top, in that glass vase you bought at the local market. i think i left my heart at the doorstep next to those flowers–[beep]
woozi: hey, you. um, so..i finally got it down. 영원한 사랑이 있다면, 그건 당신이겠죠*. the post chorus was seeming too empty and now i've got it. took a bottle, or two, but hey, we're here. i don't know how i'll feel about this in the morning but i think i'm done with the songs now. i couldn't wait to show you ... hear what you think of them, that's why i'm calling. it's funny, thinking of the time when i hesitated to display even my finished works. haven't i come a long way? i know i always had help along the way but something's changed recently. they haven't listened to this one yet, and..i still have a feeling they will like it. i think it's you who did this to me. no wait, that sounds menacing. i've yet to come up with a title. i promise i will let you listen to this one before it comes out.
i wrote it to you.
*(if there's an eternal love, then you're that person)
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niuttuc · 1 month
Thoughts on last week’s B&R?
It is incredible how many individual small decisions that make sense in isolation can come together so bafflingly stupidly when you look at the whole picture.
They wanted to make a new un-set. Why not! Unstable was well-received and having an actual functional draft environment and cohesive creative worked great for it!
Un-sets are a testing ground for stuff magic isn't quite ready for yet. Plus people loved the delivery on Contraptions in Unstable, so we can explore more of that space!
Alright, we have figured out attractions, playing close to the chest with something very similar to Contraptions, but since we want to still try some out there stuff, we discussed with our printer and we think we can make stickers work!
Stickers are fun! We tried to put the test runs on and off cards and sleeves a couple times and it didn't leave residue, so it should work great! It's wacky, and there's no way we'd try that in black border magic.
Alright, we got a solid thing going on, people are having fun! But people are reluctant to try silver border cards... Wouldn't the set do better if people felt like they were allowed to play with the cards? Plus, to make a cohesive draft environment, most of them aren't too weird anyway.
OK, we can make this work, we'll just make the ones that don't break the rules too much legal in commander, just have to be careful about the cards not being too good in Legacy. We don't have the budget to test for legacy, but we'll be safe, we know what we're doing! Plus, what's the worst that could happen, at worst we ban a card.
We can't mix borders within printing sheets and it's too late to rework the printing sheets for the set... We'll find a workaround, that's fine.
Attractions and stickers are the first mechanics of their kind, but they're the main mechanics of the set! If we don't make them legal, we'll only have a handful of cards legal, and would be disappointing. It's fine, our Rules Managers can make it work, that's the biggest challenge.
What a fun lighthearted set this was throughout the design and testing process! I'm sure people are gonna love it!
Oh, the glue for our stickers went out of business... Well, we'll delay the set until we can replace it, I guess, bummer.
Alright! It releases literally the same day as another product, but it's still the same fun, wacky set, can't wait for people to see it!
Over 50 cards get banned in vintage, half the legal cards from the set. For the sheer logistical implications of the mechanic, and a couple outliers. The entire concept of Unsets is once again in jeopardy.
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marshallpupfan · 6 months
First Marshall Merch. Update of 2024!
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Using some of my recent Christmas money, I bought a few things I happened to spot on Amazon. Speaking of merchandise, did you know the new Jungle Pups toys are already available in the United Kingdom? Not so here in the United States yet, of course. They sure do like making us wait sometimes! 😅
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First off, this "Squish Plush" from GUND. It's an interesting one, that's for sure. I've known about these for some time, and although I've seen some in stores based on other franchise, I've yet to see any of PAW Patrol. Fortunately, they're sold on Amazon, and it only took a few days to arrive, too!
I need a better name than just "Squish Plush". How about... Egg Marshall? Or "Eggshall Plush"! That kind of works. lol
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Next, this "Take Along Buddy" plush, also from GUND. You know, they always make some fine plush dolls, and I'd say both of these dolls are no exception!
To be honest, I didn't think they were going to make one of Marshall at first. You see, while browsing Twitter/X one day, I'd seen an advertisement about one of these, but they only showed Chase. A friend did some research after that, but the only listings she could find were of Chase, Skye and Rubble. I thought they decided to pass up Marshall this time, which was certainly a bummer... but then, about a week ago, I seen some for sale on Ebay, and much to my surprise, they had Marshall! And... well, of course I couldn't resist getting one!
However... for the price ($20), it's smaller than I expected.
And that's it for now! Well... kind of. Something I forgot to mention on my last merchandise update is that, outside of the items I showed off, I received a few other things, too. You see, the bad thing about owning such a large collection of Marshall merchandise is that, when my family tries to buy me things for Christmas or my Birthday, they're often not aware of what I already own... so they take a guess and hope what they found is something I don't own.
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(Sorry about the brightness...)
Case in point, these two items my brother bought me. I'm certainly grateful, and I appreciate the thought.
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It's just too bad I already own both of them. Well, maybe I can find a spot for them somewhere... maybe around the house, so it's not just my room that contains Marshall merch. lol
My aunt also tried buying me some Marshall items, too.
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Such as this Mighty Movie Marshall plush. This is actually one of the first products I bought of The Mighty Movie, back before the film was even in theaters. I'm not sure what to do with this extra one though.
She also bought me one other item. She said it was "cube" shaped, which confused me at first. I figured she found the same thing my brother had just gifted me, and I wasn't sure what I was going to do with a third one.
Instead, it was...
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...um. Well, I didn't expect that. I think she saw the red hat and assumed it was Marshall. Again, it's the thought that counts!
Actually, in terms of Rubble & Crew characters, Charger is my favorite of the bunch. In that sense, she technically DID pick out my favorite, just... the wrong cartoon. lol
And that's all for now! For real this time. I'm hoping that, at some point this month, we'll finally get those Jungle Pups toys! Come on, Spin Master, don't make me book a plane over to the UK. Seriously, don't make me do that; they have a bunch of exclusive merchandise that can't be found in the United States, and given how I can't resist buying merch of Marshall, I'd go bankrupt within an hour. lol
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mx-piggy · 9 months
Here's my weekly Futurama review, a day late. Spoilers ahead!!
I didn't care for the Prince and the Product. It's about on par with the Covid episode for me, if not below it.
I've read through some opinions of it to get a better understanding of what it was going for, so that somewhat justified what the episode did with the melodramatic A plot of Leela 'falling in love with' the Prince with minimal explanation given, with it being like a soap opera, which is why there are commercials between each scene. But, I still didn't like it overall.
I've never been a fan of anthology episodes, especially Futurama's. I like the Anthology of Interest episodes, but that's about it. Other than that, I guess I'm a bigger fan of Saturday Morning Fun Pit than most, just because the GI Zapp segment kills me. So, maybe part of my dislike for this episode is because I'm naturally bored by anthology episodes. But, in the case of this episode, it really failed to hold my interest regardless.
For one, I hated the A plot with Leela, Fry and the Prince. It felt like it should have been a Comedy Central episode because of how it treated Fry and Leela's relationship in such a disrespectful way. I understand now that it was supposed to be over-the-top, but I still found it really unpleasant considering the fact that this season they've actually committed to Fry and Leela's relationship, and seeing this conflict occur with very little explanation as to why it happened just felt really irritating. It didn't really entertain me, other than Fry being so supportive of Leela that he would fight for her to be happy even if it was with someone else. But, at the same time, I kind of hate how unequal this makes Fry and Leela's relationship, and how unpleasant it makes Leela come off. I really wish that Leela wasn't just reduced to 'woman that Fry loves' in this episode; it does a disservice to her character, and makes her come off kinda horribly. She just didn't feel like her well-rounded, fleshed-out self in this episode, and it was just such a bummer to see her break Fry's heart like that without really caring about it; like she doesn't owe him anything, but at the same time Leela only dumps Fry for the Prince because she's under a 'science spell'- a joke that did make me laugh a little. Even if she's under a spell that makes her fall in love with the Prince, surely that doesn't mean that she'd also abandon all of the compassion that's integral to her character? It just seems like poor, lazy writing, which I feel bad saying with the WGA strike. Maybe I'm just being stupid and overthinking this weak episode of Futurama.
Like I said, I only really liked seeing Fry be so supportive of Leela, and then them being in their knight outfits. I also liked the macaroni portrait of the King's wife- I thought that was funny at least. Other than that, I found the A plot to be really irritating and unpleasant, and it's a shame it had to come as one of the last episodes we'll see for a while.
I really didn't care for the toy commercial segments either. The wind-up toy segment was forgettable to me and I refuse to rewatch it any time soon lest it put me to sleep. I didn't like the car toy segment because it just felt really mean-spirited without being particularly funny, with all of the crew being horrible to Zoidberg and then Zoidberg dismembering the crew. This one felt too cluttered, with it trying to be a Ring parody, a car thing AND the thing with Zoidberg. It just wasn't that fun to watch. Also, I saw this article headline which said that this was also a FNAF parody, so I watched it expecting something FNAF related, and then when I actually read the article it said something along the lines of 'it's not an overt parody of FNAF, but the similarities are striking', which is really dumb to say, because it's always obvious when Futurama is parodying something (see: Parasites Regained, with the DUNEg beetles- remember that slightly grating joke?).
The segment I liked the most was the rubber duck/egg people (?) segment. It made me laugh more than the rest of the episode did. The plot was kinda dull, as is standard for most of the Futurama anthology episode segments. But, I won't deny that I was entertained by some of the jokes, such as duck-Kif's wearied groan being a quack noise. And, at least it had a sweet Fry and Leela moment in it to sort of make up for the A plot. I liked the duck designs more than any of the other designs in the episodes, maybe because they were just really cute. I don't think that this segment made up for the rest of the episode, though.
I think maybe this episode felt a little lazy because it was too similar to Saturday Morning Fun Pit, with its segments parodying media aimed at kids. Not only that- and I'm absolutely overthinking this- but I don't think it makes much sense for this soap opera-esque A plot to have commercials for products aimed at children. Plus, they never really felt like commercials anyway, like they were supposed to be. At least with SMFP, the segments were parodying kids shows and commercials for products aimed at kids, rather than telling kind of morbid stories with toys aimed at kids. Like, the only reminders that these were supposed to be commercials was the beginning and end of each segment, where the voice over said '[insert toy]: buy it'. Again, maybe I'm just thinking about this too hard, but to me this makes the episode feel so muddled and clumsy.
Overall, I think this was just a really dull, unengaging and messy episode that at its worst was grating. I disliked this episode so much and what it did, so much that I feel like I must be missing something. I'd really appreciate some insight, so if you have any please let me know.
I feel bad about being so negative, and I'm worried that people are going to think that I'm a Futurama snob who can't be pleased by anything this show does anymore; sorry if that's how some of these reviews have come across. I really have liked a lot of this season overall, even if my reviews have been quite critical. Maybe I look stupid for getting so heated about this silly episode of a TV show. The bottom line is that this is my favourite show and I care a lot about it. I care about it when I love an episode, and I care about it when I absolutely don't like an episode. I'm really hoping that episode 10 is better than this.
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the-s1lly-corner · 9 days
Elaboration on why you think you already know why your face is hurting? If you're open to it
Bad teeth, horrid teeth, I kind of ramble. Heads up I briefly mention mental health stuff and child neglect but I dont really dive deep into it but you guys know I like to add warnings just in case
Saying this now, admin does not know any terms when it comes to tooth stuff or dentist stuff so take descriptions with a grain of salt + when future plans for my care were discussed it was while I was still all fuzzed out on the gas they give people sometimes <\3
Very likely I'll probably delete this since this is a bit of a touchy thing
Got my dad's small mouth/jaw and my moms fucky teeth- idk what or if theres something running genetically in the family but the afabs on my moms side have teeth there are very susceptible to rot. At one point it was so tight in my mouth that a tooth just. Started cracking?? Said tooth happened to also have a cavity soooooooo.... and it was one of my front teeth too so triple bummer...
Add in the fact that when the cavity first formed my parents werent. Really around.. so uh.. no dentist visit for YEARS until the tooth cracked further, brushing can only do so much in this case + horrid mental health made self care hard. Bed rotting is very real and its horrible- will get onto just how bad the tooth was in a sec
Didnt get taken to the dentist til I was 17 when the crack worsened. First trip had to get a tooth pulled because I had two and a half teeth crammed in one space. Baby tooth never came out. Now one of my adult teeth rests mostly under my tongue. But the tooth removal DID relieve some of the pressure on my lower jaw!! Yay!! Theres still a gap but it's a little smaller than it was before. Dreading my wisdom teeth
Anyways back to the fucked up cracked tooth. Details are fuzzed since this was about 2ish years ago and I was on that funky gas because anxiety + literally the first time I could consciously remember going to the dentist + body sometimes jerks so... yeah!
Apparantly the nerve in that cracked front tooth was nearly exposed. Like there was just a thin layer of... tooth.. stuff.. in the way, according to the dentist you could easily see the nerve behind it?? How I wasn't in constant pain was beyond me because jesus fucking christ
Dental plan! Sealed the tooth/glued it together because the main reason I got taken to the dentist to get the damaged assessed was! Graduation photos were coming up very fast and my mom didnt want me to have a cracked fucked tooth in my photos, but she also didnt want to do anything that could make my face swollen
So cue a "we're gonna come up with a plan later, for now we're going to metaphorically and literally hold this tooth together with glue until it cant keep it together anymore!" Soooooo
Here we are!
Reason I think my tooth is the problem is because it's on the same side right above that tooth, though now that I sit here aggressively breathing in through my nose to try to pin point WHERE it hurts (because unfortunately its ine of those "general areas but not exact" things), it feels too high up to be the tooth.. I mean I'm not gonna rule it out because I know bodies are weird but
Idk I'll probably bring it up to my mom, I'm kind of on edge since I know mouth tooth stuff can escalate quick and cause some NASTY complications
At least my actual teeth dont hurt at all??
If not the teeth its likely a sinus infection, I have been having a fucked up nose (running and stuffy) though I've mostly been attributing that to the weather... shrugs.. guess we'll just have to see!
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cosmicjoke · 9 months
Ehhh... alright, well, the official translation has one line that makes it seem less likely that Gojo is still alive. In the fan translation, it seemed Gojo said to Yaga "I thought you said there was no such thing as a sorcerer dying with regrets", but here he says the opposite, that Yaga said there was no such thing as a sorcerer dying without regrets, and then Gojo saying he hopes this isn't just his imagination, which to me implies he doesn't have any regrets. If that's the case, then it seems likely he really is dead.
What a bummer if that's the case. If it is, then I'm gonna' say this is a seriously unsatisfying and flawed way to end Gojo's story. Just no good, man. The only thing I'm good with is that, at least, Gojo says here that he loves everyone. The thing that was really rubbing me the wrong way was that there was no acknowledgment of Gojo's connection with others. But even still, the seeming confirmation too that Gojo was only fighting because he enjoyed it, rather than for what he's been claiming this whole time, which is to create a better world for the young jujutsu sorcerers, is still majorly contradictory and irritating. I just don't like it at all.
Plus the whole thing seems like a major ass-pull. You declare Gojo the winner in chapter 235, only to open chapter 236 with him dead already and some half-assed explanation as to why. Even if you're one of the few people who can makes heads or tails of all the convoluted explanations of cursed techniques, and can come up with logical reasoning for how this happened, it was still handled extremely poorly and disrespectfully, not only to Gojo, but to the readers, in my opinion. To keep baiting them and faking them out with cliffhangers, only to go back on what appeared to be happening again and again, week after week, giving a false sense of hope, only for it to amount to nothing, and then to just kill Gojo off screen, so abruptly, is just lame, bad writing. It's manipulative, dishonest writing. The real kicker to me is in chapter 235, when Sukana appears genuinely terrified of Gojo casting hollow purple, his own, internal monologue admitting that if it hits him at close range, he's dead. There's no acknowledgement of that whatsoever here. It's like it never happened. That was Sukana's own thoughts, and yet, we're meant to, what? Assume he was just lying about it? To himself? What was the purpose of that, other than to fool the reader? If Sukana had been able to cast cleave before Gojo was able to cast hollow purple, okay. But that's not what happened. Gojo cast hollow purple, he hit Sukana dead on, Sukana was said to have no CE left and no ability to heal himself. Gojo should have been able to just kill him right then and there. Instantly. But we're supposed to believe that Sukana just took a direct hit of hollow purple, that it didn't do shit to him, and he killed Gojo in the next second, despite Sukana's own, internal admission that he should be dead. Like I said, bad dishonest writing. Blah.
We'll see next week, I guess.
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paulinedorchester · 8 months
Random notes on World on Fire S2e4:
This thing now has multiple writers. That's never a good sign, in my experience.
Kasia is now so detached from Harry that she's going around calling herself Miss Tomaszeski. (But in proper Polish usage she would be Miss Tomaszeska. Why doesn't the series trust us to get that? Never talk down to your audience!)
Speaking of surnames, when are we going to find out what David's is?
Speaking of names in general (and forms of address): "Mr Danemere"? What happened to "Sir James"?
Henriette describes Webster as "a dear friend" and looks glum. Are we going to learn nothing about what's happened to him, to say nothing of Nancy?
Okay: why would a Polish national spy for the Nazis? Poles, as Slavs, were considered subhuman in Nazi ideology, fit only for unskilled labor.
The French plotline has shifted to Brittany. Fine. But I keep seeing signs posted with the word Juden — a reminder, perhaps, that Henriette is Jewish, Jewish history in modern Brittany is basically nil.
I'm guessing that we'll see no more of Connie, Eddie, etc. Bummer.
And my, Jan is a perceptive child, isn't he?
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
[Confession Corner] I'm a little worried we might not be getting any press tours for Challengers or Dune pt2 with all these strikes going on eyes👀😭
Lol thanks for your confession Anon 🤭
Glad to see someone isn't afraid to do Confession Corner Sunday!!! 😁
This is a SAFE PLACE, so yea....I totally understand your feelings and apprehension about this.
I, too, have wondered how the strikes might affect the upcoming press tours that Zendaya and the rest of the cast have for their upcoming films. 🥴 🤔
It seems that if SAG goes on strike, actors won't even be able to promote their films.... not even on social media (so I've heard).
I'm not trying to jump to any conclusions, but that would be kind of a bummer, since sometimes the press tour and interviews are the most fun part! 😅😁
I just hope that Hollywood can give the writers (and the actors) what they're asking so that everyone can be HAPPY, and we can go back to our regularly-scheduled programming lol. 🥰
Re: "Challengers"
I kind of got the impression that Zendaya, Josh and Mike all already did some interviews for the film ahead of time? I kept seeing those bts pics and video clips, and it looked like they we're all doing interviews together? I could be wrong though.
Re: "Dune: Part 2"
I don't think any of the cast has done any interviews for it yet. So idk what's gonna take place.
But yea, I guess we'll see what happens?🤷🏾‍♀️
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austinslounge · 11 months
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Welp... Looks like "The Bikeriders" is supposedly slated to come out on October 20th, but might get delayed an opening due to the writer's and actors strikes going on in Hollywood. 🥺
This is kind of a bummer, but it would be nice to get a proper press tour and premiere for this movie.
I guess we'll see what happens!
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danielgaycia · 10 months
ok here is the abridged summary of all my little thoughts while watching all in. nobody asked but where else am i gonna put em
aussie open vs adamjf
not much 2 say abt this one except good job fellas and the kangaroo kick was fun
mercedes moné in the seats serving crucifix HIII 😍
jack perry vs hook
limo birds eye view shots were cool. hook hot. glad he won
thought this was v good, loved when joe did the wanking motion and nigel said "if you speak cockney rhyming slang, he's calling him a merchant banker". ily nigel
kinda wanted joe to win but i understand why he didn't if we're leading up to an eventual cmjf ii situation
trios match
juice is so funny i love him. pleasantly surprised that bcg won this!
bucks vs ftr
truly could not predict who was gonna win this for a while there, kept thinking "damn if ftr loses this and then cash is incarcerated that would be such a bummer note for them to end on". but hey!
stadium stampede
i love chaos and violence and jon moxley's tits
when mox brought out the skewers and commentary said "what is wrong with jon moxley??? what is wrong with him?!" the answer is nothing he's the specialest princess. wish i was a mom in a van getting a little kiss from him
skewers sticking out of the head made me laugh a lot
orange cassidy broken glass duct tape situation was crazy
mox and eddie getting so close mox's blood got on eddie's face...
women's world championship
ok toni won me over this match. sorry to be a drag queen about it but her hair looked so good i would love a wig in that exact style
wish shida retained... am i a meanie if i say the saraya win felt like it just happened bc they were in the UK
coffin match
obviously hard to gaf but christian cage is mother and i did enjoy hearing excalibur say “coffin flop”
hob vs the acclaimed
didn't love the 'three men teaming up to hurt julia' moment
why did the scissor party make me emotional.....
mjf vs adam cole
max's little titty flex when they announced him.....
i genuinely gasped aloud when adam took the shirt off of mjf
mjf unable to tombstone adam..... my heart.....
the tie moment was so funny 2 me
playtime for max :~) he's such a good face actor i love him. silly chair moment
not 100% sure how i felt about the beat for beat recreation of the whole crying -> reassurance -> 'just do it' belt betrayal moment -> hugging it out thing with the roles reversed. the fact that it was a repeat with no change kinda felt weird to me although i get why they haven't broken this team up yet, they're pure money n this is a business. we'll see i guess..... ok those are my thoughts thx!
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stereax · 1 year
So based of Timo’s exit interview and Tom’s quotes from today, I get the impression he may not re-sign, especially with Ruff returning (Timo was asked about Ruff’s coaching and playing 3rd line minutes and he skirted around the question but his expression was quite telling), which would be such a bummer because he’s such a dynamic player and a power forward this team is lacking and I loved watching him play. Tom also mentioned they may acquire a first for this draft which I’m afraid means trading Timo’s rights. All speculation on my end but just based on what Tom said, it didn’t sound as promising as Bratt re-signing. On the other hand someone on Twitter mentioned Timo followed a realtor on IG located in NJ, so. July 1st is so far away.
Honestly I'm just waiting for any actual info. We can guess at straws all we want but that doesn't reflect on what will happen (see Bratt). I do hope Timo stays though. We'll see.
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woodsfae · 2 years
Babylon 5 S01E12: Signs and Portents
edit: less depressing, whew!
Fingers crossed for Susan/Talia content, since it opened on Susan Ivanova! Ivanova needs a timed sunlight lamp for those difficult, dark wake-ups.
Secret Jump Point? If the Raiders are hopping in and out with almost no notice, and are disappearing two hours before they should be able to get to any known jump gate. It would make sense.
Sinclair wants to investigate what happened to him in his missing 24 hours. Logical.
I'm always down for G'Kar bickering with Londo Mollari.
"Before you set out on a journey of revenge, dig two graves," is what G'Kar's deep and only desire to see the Centauri genocided reminds me of.
A ponytail-less Centauri-ess? She's awfully cheerful. "Fire, death, pain, *collapses*" Better forewarned and forearmed as to any destruction of Babylon 5, of course!
"She's been wrong before. On my first birthday she said I would be killed by shadows."
Oh. Yeah, that's definitely going to be how he goes out, and probably this episode, too.
Delenn! I've missed you. And immediately, mystery and suspense. There is a high level of mysticism implied, with just enough skepticism that I'm never quite sure how sci-fi or magical the setting is. An intriguing blend.
Aspiring to rule things is so tedious. The glory would turn to ashes so quickly. All that paperwork. *delicate shudder*
If I was Aunt Prophetess I don't know that I could stay in a place where I was continually seeing death and destruction.
Raiders aboard Babylon 5, eh? Gnarly. I'm not sure if their goal is to steal the Centauri Eye, to destroy Babylon 5, or some combination of those and other things. Either way, I'm guessing there will be some death and destruction a la Aunt Prophetess.
Getting real fae vibes. Be careful with your words when speaking to oddball folks asking "What do you want? Is that really want you want?" Big bummer that Londo's deep desire is for the Centauri to have the undisputed Empire in the Area again.
It's so easy to bring weapons on Babylon 5 and attack people with them. Garibaldi is falling down on the job. How on earth do the ambassadors not have permanent security details on them? Still, I support people stealing from the Centauri ruling class.
"The ship's too small to make its own jump point," more tech details! Large vehicles can do solo jumps. More questions abound with this info.
No one better ever doubt Aunt Prophetess again. Ladira, per Londo.
"The Shadows have come for Lord Kiro. The Shadows have come for us all!"
Kosh out-weirding the weirdo "what do you want" guy. And doing it by being less cryptic than any point so far!
This is a far better space battle than many I've seen. The station really helps with pinning down where and how far. But did they get the thief and Lord Kiro? I couldn't quite track that.
I very much doubt that's the last we'll see of the Raiders, Garibaldi.
They did not catch the thief and Kiro, who was collaborating not brave, and is now being double-crossed! By the Raiders! Who's ransoming him and the Eye! And blackmailing him! It really is no more than he deserves.
The Shadows got Kiro and the Raiders. What are the Shadows?
"A gift, from friends who don't know you have,"
and it's the fucking Eye. Fae vibes increasing. good fucking grief. I have no idea what's going on.
"We will find you, Master, we will find you,"
who the hell is Morden?! I do not know what's happening.
Cut to a casual conversation over the urinals. I did request a lighter episode! edit: pfffft, here's where that gif goes, lol.
More plot! A lighter episode that's Big Plot focused. Just what the doctor ordered. The Minbari rejected every potential commander for Babylon 5 till Sinclair's name came up. They handpicked him via noping their way down a list of generals and rulers.
And, though Garibaldi didn't say this, they kept it so quiet, Sinclair didn't even know it wasn't just an assignment.
Aunt Prophetess sees the death/destruction for Babylon 5, still. Although she doesn't see absolutes. Nice that her visions aren't deterministic. Her bow seems like a very deliberate choice. Is a much higher status also in Sinclair's future?
It’s a few days since I watched this, so I can’t recall where in the episode this gif goes, but I’m giggling over the Boys having a conversation over the urinal.
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Solidarity forever! For the union makes us strong.
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greywindys · 1 year
Weeb anon returns :'D : Samurai Flamenco wedding suit cards in the spinoff app is probably the most infamous example, but there was also Lucky Star (wedding scenario official art), I think Hibike Euphonium and a couple more yuri anime I'm not caught up on (girls in wedding dresses are a lot more popular, wonder why :P ), Kaworu and Shinji from Evangelion had wedding ring merch and wedding outfits for merch… I'm sure there's more of it though, Japan is always on top of its subtle fanservice merch.
Interesting what you're saying though! Again, might just be me coping, but I honestly feel like Jamie and Damon could crack at some point, if only to spite bigots, since the world is pretty ugly these days and they're punks at heart (not the correct technical term… but y'kno what I mean lol). Kinda like MCR used to make out on stage just to piss off some crowds. I think their perspective has definitely shifted over the years, especially since they're getting a lot of younger LGBTQ fans and they know it. Damon's out there dancing with a pride flag, singing "are you tranz like me?" and kissing Seye in all fairness haha. But they probably don't want to undermine 20 years' worth of work and ending up getting asked about 2doc every interview or sideline Noodle and Russ even more than they already are. I dunno, don't wanna play a mind reader. TLDR: I'm not starry-eyed thinking it'll ever happen, but I see a small possibility of them being fine with it now more than ever, whereas there was no chance a few years ago.
Ahhh okay! I'm learning a lot here. I'm very basic with my anime/manga consumption and really haven't ventured out of the shonen genre....ever idt lol. Up until recently I had only read or watched 4 different series. Thanks for sharing what you know!
I guess I'm skeptical of them not because I think they're uncomfortable with the idea, but moreso because I don't think they care enough about really developing the lore and characters. I also don't think the ship aligns with either of their personal, for lack of a better word, "headcanons" about 2D and Murdoc. Of the two, I think Jamie would be more likely to go, "fuck it" and let the writers do whatever. He already kind of does this - since P4, it's been the writers who have been the source of all the 2Doc hints we get in interviews, tiktoks, etc. Afaik, Jamie isn't involved in that.
Damon, as far as I know, doesn't seem to have any semblence of shipper vision. During P5, he said in an interview that 2D was happy Murdoc was in jail, and wanted him to stay there forever haha. And most recently, if I remember correctly, he said he didn't care about the PR side of Gorillaz at all, which I assume included the character interviews, lore updates via social media etc.. All of which he is entitled to feel! But I bring them up to support my impression that he isn't a shipper, and I wouldn't expect him to go to bat for 2Doc if he wanted to make a statement. But I might have missed some things, so if you or anyone reading this knows of any counter-evidence, I'm open to hearing it.
And that's true that canon 2Doc would probably be the final nail in the coffin for Russel and Noodle's relevance. And that would be a bummer, ngl. I'd feel bad for my friends who are fans of them.
That all being said, I think you bring up some good point, and ia that Jamon are both supportive of the fans and LGBT community, and are comfortable being open about that. But does that overlap with their respective interpretations of 2D and Murdoc? Idk. I think if I was placing a bet, I'd put money on Jamie giving Noodle a girlfriend before any ship between the guys. But my main theory is that management will eventually see that 2Doc is popular and accepted by enough of the fandom that it will help them trend lol. But I'm also not expecting anything...but it's fun to conjecture about.
We'll see how this post has aged after 20 years 🤣
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