#a cowards move
couslande · 10 months
i joke and jest and jape about aus. but know that this is what real ferelden patriots look like in my minds eye.
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geezmarty · 5 months
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hi falin hiiii (titties out vr on twitter)
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dendromancer · 11 months
no because stede is truly humanity's strongest soldier he just had sex with the love of his life, and it was the first positive sexual experience of his life. and then ed tells him that he considers last night a mistake, and you can see how much it hurts him but he understand ed is panicking so he says that they can be whatever they want to be without pressure. and THEN ed says out of the blue that he's leaving to become a fisherman apropos of nothing. and this definitely fucks with him since he believes what ned said about ed liking him only because he's an amateur
anyway if i was stede i would have fallen off that balcony hoping to get head trauma
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flufflecat · 1 year
this is the most beautiful creature on earth and I will kill someone if it asks me to
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fox-guardian · 5 months
personally 👀 if u would like to elaborate on the saw au 👀 i am listening 👀
hi <3 this ask is months old <3 but i am answering it now teehee
SO. TMA SAW AU (disclaimer: i have only seen the first two movies so idk if these are very like. film accurate style traps)
basically it's just. what if a saw movie happened to the archive gang. they're all in one big space that's like a big trap in the sense that they all have the same time limit but they all get their own little traps also <3 the breakdown is this:
Jon is gagged with a camera in his mouth that he cannot remove without a key, it's strapped to his face with horrible rusted metal, y'know. Once time runs out, the battery powering the camera will leak down his throat killing him so so painfully <3 He cannot speak and must find other ways to communicate with the others.
Sasha has what is essentially a VR headset strapped to her head and she can't remove that without a key either. The headset is showing her the live feed from Jon's camera, so she essentially has to see through his eyes the entire time. When time runs out, two big ol' spikes will stab her in the eyes and give her a good ol' fashioned impromptu lobotomy <3
Tim's trap is a bit different from the others'. Instead of a contraption, he was injected with a paralytic prior to the gang waking up, and is paralyzed from the waist down. He needs a key to obtain the antidote for the paralytic. Rather than having a specific time when he suddenly dies, he's essentially either relying on the others to help him move/get the key/antidote for him, or he needs to move himself despite his paralysis in order to live. So when time runs out, it's either find a way to move anyway or wait for the paralytic to travel further through his body and kill him slowly after experiencing many terribly side effects (hypotension, bronchospams, and renal failure)
Martin is even more different. His trap is less about his death and more about saving the others. He's placed in a big freezer where he basically needs to find the others' keys in blocks of ice (joshua gillespie core) and if he doesn't, they'll definitely die. He also has the option of finding the key to unlocking his own door and simply escaping without saving the others. He also also has the option of only taking some keys, but not all. He will know which will save who, and gets to choose. The trap itself isn't that difficult, but there's A Lot Of Ice, and it's Really Cold and he's Already Been There A While so there's a chance of dying of hypothermia if he can't find the keys fast enough (or if he spends the time finding the others' keys after he's found his own).
Jon, Tim, and Sasha all wake up in the same room together. Jon wakes up first and is able to watch a video tape explaining what's going on, but it can't be watched more than once, so he has to explain what's happening to the others without being able to speak. He can't speak, only play charades and listen.
Sasha isn't able to see except through Jon's eyes, so he has to rely on the two of them to make sure she's not walking into more danger. She also is unable to understand any of Jon's explanations since a lot of it is through body language and She Can't See That, so they have to work together so she can watch Tim translate. She can't see through her own eyes and is forced to watch through someone else's.
Tim either has to trust that the others will come back for him (and that they won't die somewhere in this building) or get them to carry him around, slowing them down but giving him more of a chance at survival. He either has to take action, or simply wait and trust.
Martin has to make a choice between risking what's left of his life for other people (some of which who don't care about him), or saving himself. Even if the others find the room he's in, it's locked from the inside so it is entirely on Martin to save both himself and everyone else. Not only do the others have to rely on each other, but they all have to rely on Martin. The door will lock behind him when he leaves, so if he doesn't get everyone's keys, then whoever is left without one will die.
idk if these traps are entirely fitting for all their character's and flaws and whatnot, but for the research trio i thought it'd be fun to do an audio/vigilo/opperior with them and then martin gets to play god suddenly lol.
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moeblob · 8 days
As an attempt at a polite "going forward" comment...
I do not plan to draw for Three Houses or Hopes for a long while. I know a lot of my followers are from the past four years and I appreciate that you followed me at all! But if you are only interested in the art of those characters I wanted to be clear and say you can unfollow me at any point if what i draw no longer aligns with what you want to see.
I might draw for other FEs (like Heroes or 13/14/17) but I do not want to get involved with 3H any more. I do have other interests and across tumblr, twitter (now inactive), and sometimes on discord I've heard enough "I thought it was (FE3H character)".
This is not one person doing it and it is not simply one character being mistaken. I simply want to distance myself from 3H and have unfollowed a few people that reblog art of it because it just leaves a lingering bad taste in my mouth.
My ask box will continue to remain closed on this account for a little while longer which I apologize for. If you are okay with continuing to follow me but have something you would like me to tag as a warning please DM me for it! I do not want you to be uncomfortable if you want to stick around but I do not have the ask box open for a couple reasons currently.
Thank you very much for your time and I hope you can find artists who can provide art for topics you like.
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forcebookish · 11 months
"topmew don't like each other," "topmew only tolerate each other because they're in love," "topmew were never happy together"
meanwhile, topmew throughout their relationship:
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seriously, are you all robots? do you not know what smiles are? what laughter is? fun? y'all are weird
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tasteofyourblood · 2 years
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meatsex · 3 months
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horsefigureoftheday · 1 month
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Someone should make this but with horses
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selahsworld · 6 months
odysseus really said "i can kill a baby but I draw the line at cheating on my wife"
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fauvester · 2 years
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old man snoring noises
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secret-sageent · 11 days
Thinking fondly of the time my parents were being super controlling and so I yelled at them and went to my room but they followed me to my room and tried to open the door but I had locked it and when they asked me to open the door I said "I can't hear you there's a door in the way"
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frankiebirds · 4 months
FUCK william reid all my homies hate william reid.
i know they try to retcon his reason for abandoning diana and spencer to make him more sympathetic but a few things: a. it's very much a retcon that i think contradicts what's established in revelations. b. i don't think the "better" reason makes him any less of a scumbag and c. i think he's lying to himself about why he left to make himself feel better.
walking out on your ten-year-old son and mentally ill wife because her mental illness is too much for you to handle is pathetic it makes you pathetic. diana doesnt even know what day it is when william leaves and she tries to get him to take spencer with him because she knows deep down she can't take care of him. it's one thing to be overwhelmed—that would be sympathetic and understandable.
i think what people miss sometimes is that it's established that diana was diagnosed with schizophrenia and on medication for it before spencer was even born, as she mentions going off her antipsychotics for the duration of her pregnancy in memoriam. diana's diagnosis is not recent in the flashback in revelations, she was diagnosed at minimum ten years prior. it's not like this is some new, overwhelming thing he's struggling to get used to (not that it being sudden would make abandoning her better). i always gathered that she was fine and had a handle on things at first, but her illness slowly worsened and she became less good about taking her medication.
again. being overwhelmed would be understandable and sympathetic. even considering divorce. but go to counselling. get her the help she clearly needs. especially because you have a child. sure, fine, you're overwhelmed because your wife is seriously struggling to take care of herself and manage her mental illness. but how the hell is your response to that to leave her with your ten-year-old? especially when she's asking you to take him with you because she knows she can't take care of him by herself. how is your response to that to go "bye severely mentally ill wife! bye ten-year-old son! oh, how will you two manage now that the household consists of a woman dealing with severe mental illness and an actual child? idk. figure it out."
and i know it's contradicted by memoriam, but my headcanon has always been that part of the reason he left is because he found a "normal" woman and wanted to go have his picket fence, abandoning the family that needed him in the process.
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good job william. you fucked up a perfectly good ten-year-old. look at him, he's parentified now.
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tchaikovskym · 11 months
Howl's moving castle movie did a lot of things differently, but I think I should point out that Howl had full on cool as hell wizard spells/battles in the book, that, in my humble opinion, beat the whole bird war thing
I mean:
Howl’s arms moved, heavily, as if he was lifting a large weight, until they were raised high above his head. He shouted out a strange word, which was half hidden in a crack of sudden thunder. And the scarecrow went soaring away.
Sophie and Michael looked too, and found a huge cloud boiling and twisting just above the chimney tops. It was black and rotating on itself violently. White flashes that were not quite like light stabbed through the murk of it. But almost as soon as Michael and Sophie arrived, the clot of magic took on the shape of a misty bundle of fighting snakes. Then it tore in two with a noise like an enormous cat fight. One part sped yowling across the roofs and out to sea, and the second went screaming after it.
A ball of pale fire rolled lazily up in the distance. It must have been enormous. The bang that went with it only reached the watchers when the fireball had become a spreading tower of smoke. The line of people all winced at the blunt thunder of it. They watched the smoke spread until it became part of the mist on the marshes. They went on watching after that. But there was simply peace and silence. The wind rattled the marsh weeds, and birds began to dare to cry again.
Howl only needed to take one look. He stood up in a hurry. He held out one hand and spoke a sentence of those words that lost themselves in claps of thunder. Plaster fell from the ceiling. Everything trembled. But the stick vanished and Howl stepped back with a small, hard, black thing in his hand. [...] He held the black thing between both palms and pushed his hands together. The Witch’s old heart crumbled into black sand, and soot, and nothing.
The room turned dim. Huge, cloudy, human-looking shapes bellied up in all four corners and advanced on Sophie and Michael, howling as they came. The howls began as moaning horror, and went up to despairing brays, and then up again to screams of pain and terror. Sophie pressed her hands to her ears, but the screams pressed through her hands, louder and louder still, more horrible every second. (this is from when howl got mad abt sophie messing with his shampoos and indirectly making him ginger btw)
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pcktknife · 2 months
yall...we are officially post-timeskip
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