#a customer saw me drawing and was like ‘oh are you student’
crepusculum-rattus · 2 years
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have a rlly messy work doodle where i just gave phil my own hairstyle 👍
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gwndolnfrankln · 2 years
your beauty never ever scared me - eddie munson x reader
part ii of i'm not in love
🎧.˳⁺⁎ summary: unfortunately, you and eddie haven't been talking for months since the incident, but lately fate has other plans when he went missing the morning after you saw him.
⋆ pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
⋆ warning: 18+ mdni, exes to lovers, fluff, mutual pining, angst, slight swearing, slow burn, a lot of yearning, make-up sex, p in v, grinding, half-assed dialogue, miss author loves to describe her surroundings a little too much
⋆ wc: 7005
⋆ a/n: thank you sm for reading my first eddie fic! i truly appreciate the support from the previous one, and as promised, here's part 2 ♡ my writing may got a little rusty since i got busy, but i hope you'll enjoy it as much as i had fun writing it :> (taglist still a work in progress)
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“We’re in the Forest Hills trailer park in east Roane County. We don’t have a lot of details as of now, but we can confirm that the body of a Hawkins High student was discovered early this morning. Police have not released the name although we are told they’re currently in the process of notifying the family.” 
With a mustard-yellow envelope in hand, your local school’s name blared from the compact tv, which surprises you from the latest. The flickering lights of the old printing shop made the place seem like a sullen hospital hallway, other than the presence of sunlight creeping in through the screen entrance doors. The news was always on from the small television set, stationed far high up against the gray striped walls. You've become a frequent visitor to the shop—befriending other photographers and travelers who needed physical prints from their out-of-the-country expeditions. It’s a welcoming shop despite other unpleasant aspects, but once the news is on, everyone gathers to listen in. 
“We also don’t know yet if foul play was involved. But whatever has occurred here is sure to touch a nerve across Hawkins.”
“Must’ve been Munson's kid for sure." You snap your head back at the owner, who's busy stamping piles of business papers behind the counter. You plop your coin purse down on the wooden surface, separating silver coins from the bronzes. “How much?” The disgruntled tone in your voice receives a snark, which slows him down from important paperwork to check the number of coins you brought out so far. 
“Hey, aren’t you a senior from that school? Then you might've seen Eddie from Forest Hills. Y’know, the one on the news.” Your ears flare up in heat at the careless assumption. Warmth boils into the hearth of your stomach when you slam your camera bag on the counter, making other customers perk up at the sudden aggression. “How much of your bickering do I have to take before you let me pay for my photos, Mr. Owens? If you need my opinion about Munson’s kid, then so be it. I’ll tell you one thing.” 
Oh, where to start? At the top of your head, you could only remember the little things. The small intricate details of his chaotic, yet wildly interesting canvas; all splashed in his favorable paints of red and black. Eddie used to draw on you under oak trees. Instead of carving his initials onto the barks of a tree, he would rather write his name messily on your forearm. 
The tingling sensation was vividly unforgettable from the marker’s tips, to his gentle fingers guiding your skin to mark you his special spot. You have the keys to his sacred collection of metal-rock records, which he doesn't mind; sometimes, he'd stick pink post-it notes onto your favorite Ozzy albums to play the tunes extensively before you bother to knock on his bedroom door. 
The same Munson kid who'd read you lore books in his bed, all cuddled up beside you with his curls tangled up around your shoulders. His showcased dimples, his hoarse morning voice, and the soft kisses between your laughs. You applied for the first four shifts on Scoops to secretly buy him a camera for his new club poster, which you've quit after you saved up enough money to purchase a standard model at Starcourt. You kept the package stashed inside your closet, waiting for the day to witness the gleeness on Eddie’s face when it’s finally his. 
From the ground up, the soles of your feet weigh heavier on your legs as the shop’s customers wait for an outburst, yet guilt turns down the anguish too quickly. 
Before Mr. Owens opens his mouth, you set down a random assortment of coins then storm out past the door’s angelic chimes, getting lighter on your feet as you lead yourself far away from the shop. As you unclasp the parking chains of your bike, the photographs fall out of the half-open envelope, letting most of the photos scatter clumsily on the rough gravel. You curse under your breath when you tie the stack around an elastic band, but paused when Eddie’s photograph faced you on top of the others; the monochromes perfectly forming a certain clarity to his Hellfire shirt and the curls on top of his hair. As much as you want to study his face, you instinctively press the picture down the side pockets of your jeans, then carefully place the envelope inside the bike basket before you take off on the long winding road.
The pedals of your metallic bike screech on the rocky pavements, the pitch hurting your ears as you set your foot down on the road to halt the tires. The quietness of the streets doesn’t feel right to you. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you want to stop by the movie store to listen to Steve bicker for hours rather than the news at home. Before Starcourt mall was destroyed out-of-the-blue, you used to work shifts with them at Scoops, fondly reminiscing the times when you ate left-over ice cream with Erica between breaks, witnessing Steve’s flirtatious customer services with Robin, and the ridiculous navy blue sailor uniforms you have to wear for work. You stop in your tracks when you catch sight of the familiar colored bikes parked in front of the family video store. You perk your head up towards the glass-paneled windows to see your previous co-workers, alongside Dustin and Max busily typing on a computer. 
“I never said that!”
“Seriously, you guys, maybe on a Monday you can play around, but it’s Saturday. It’s our busiest day. Oh hey, Y/N.” The bells of the entrance door jingle behind you as you lean on the counter, helping Robin arrange a variety of sci-fi VHS tapes. “Robin, I empathize but this cannot wait.” Max nods towards you while Dustin mindlessly scribbles on his cork board. “Aren't you supposed to be at school right now?” A teasing smirk forms at the corners of your lips as Steve frowns disappointedly at the intrusion. 
From the counter's bottom shelves, Robin places a laminated sign on the registrar beside you, muttering a small thank you when you finish setting up the tapes. “Calling Eddie’s friends is an emergency?” 
Unease seeps into the air you breathe, taking whatever little strength you have from the printing shop into nothing. Every fragment of the case reminds you of the life you used to know—the shot of his trailer park on the tv, the association of the Munson name, and now what seems like an Eddie investigation case instigated by Dustin. Was it all just a coincidence? A really, really bad one?
“Can you fill them in while I do this?” Now it was Dustin’s turn to peak frustration, facing Max as she shifted her gaze to the three of you, waiting for a thorough explanation. “Fill us in on what?” Out of instinct, the knuckles of your fist pop with your clenches; your heart palpitates aggressively inside your chest. “Please, Max.” You whisper worryingly, completely frozen in your spot. 
Keyboards clackle through the overbearing silence as Max recounted yellow police tapes, Chrissy Cunningham, and Eddie Munson himself, who fled from the scene this morning. Dustin asks the four of you to look into his close contacts and call every name on the list. A few minutes later, you manage to write their names on the back of crumpled receipt scraps, then dial their numbers on one of their work telephones—most of them unavailable. 
Hesitancy hinders you from saying his name on the first phone call. Hearing yourself say it for the first time curls the tiny hairs on your skin. But one phone call after another, your internal fears creep away from your genuine words; the callers asked in some instances if you’re a close friend of his rather than a sick prank call, which is a definite plus. “Hey, guys, I might have a lead.” Everyone turns back on their seats, lending their ears to hear what Max has to say. “Apparently, Eddie gets drugs from some guy named Reefer Rick, and sometimes Eddie crashes there.”
After an interesting argument between the two friendly gentlemen, Robin was able to find Reefer's account when she checked the computer systems to track down the infamous drug dealer. “That’s out by Lover’s Lake.” The satisfaction on everyone’s faces was a feat in itself; a drizzle of hope. The tightness inside your chest eases momentously, yet bits of dread pinch you still as a board. “It’s a perfect place to hide.” Robin stood from her seat and went to look for her keys, while Dustin and Max walked around the counter to grab their bags. When the last customer exited the store, Steve and Robin made some last-minute shelving checks before each and every one of you took off to Reefer Rick’s house accompanied in Steve’s car.
The mast of darkness enveloped your line of sight except for their flashlights, slashing the dusty particles in the air. Frayed leaves crunch under the soles of your sneakers, while you tower behind Robin, who was busy checking behind the foggy windows of the house. You left them to examine the rustling sounds behind the bushes, until your eyes caught sight of the shack near the lake, seemingly abandoned in its rusty state. 
“Hey, guys?” Max’s light blinded your eyes as you turned around, the other three walking towards you. The shy winds cradled your skin, seeping through the thin fabrics of your flannel when your figures neared the shack. 
Everything about this place felt like it was pulled out of a camp horror movie, or maybe you were just too scared of the dark.  “Hello? Is anyone home?” Her voice permeated the large empty space as she walked in, mostly filled with boat equipment and carpentry tools. You observed with great caution, careful not to touch anything in the oily containers. “What are you doing?” Dustin reprimanded when Steve stabbed a random tarp with his oar, the sound of scratched plastic almost caught you off-guard. “He might be in here.” Steve kept on jostling the rowing stick onto the blue tarp, and you swear you could've taken that thing from his hands right now.
“Don’t worry. Steve will get him with his oar.”
“I know you think you’re being funny, Henderson. But considering almost everyone has nearly died a hundred times, personally, I don’t find it funny in the slightest–” In a flash, metal chains clanged the ceiling’s grasp as you stood back, accidentally tripping on a bucket of half-lidded paints, staining your clothes in the process. Quick, heavy footsteps thumped loudly on the wood while Robin wrapped her arms around you, helping you get up from the red puddle beneath you. 
You sway unsteadily in her arms; utter shock loomed over your bare features as familiar patches caught your line of sight. A terrible sound reverberated through the steels of the shack when Steve's back was slammed hard against the wall, his chin cornered with a shard. “Woah, woah, woah, Eddie! Eddie! Stop!” Dustin’s shouts hindered the attack. Steve was squirming under his hold, ready to defend himself at any given moment. “It’s me. It’s Dustin. This is Steve. He’s not gonna hurt you, right, Steve?” Eddie casted Steve a murderous look while he nodded. “Steve, why don’t you drop the oar?” Steve groaned when Eddie clenched his fists on the shirt material, the oar clattering loudly to the ground.
“What are you doing here?” The tremble on his final word heightened your drawing sadness, the firmness in his voice faltering slowly. “We’re here to help.” Robin spoke up beside you, which made Eddie turn around. Despite the growing panic that crossed the room, his brown eyes managed to find yours in a magnetic instant, his gaze troubled and confused. “Eddie, these are my friends. You know Robin from band.”  Robin awkwardly imitated her trumpet-playing just to get the picture of what she does on the bench. “This is my friend Max. The one who never wants to play D&D.” Max quickly waved with her flashlight in hand; worrying looks streaked her face as she watched Steve struggle under Eddie’s grasp. The short introductions seemed to fly past him, his unreadable stares lingered on your skin like a cord. “And Y/N, our school’s photographer. She was with us the other night."
"Eddie, we’re on your side. I swear on my mother! Right, guys?” All heads nodded in unison, including Steve’s, who was still held at a critical point. The suspenseful seconds washed away when Eddie finally let go of Steve, then slowly walked towards the other side of the room to lean against the wall, shaken and terrified. The messy tangles of his hair, the unkemptness of his clothes, and traces of his fear weakened you to the bone. Such grief binded you to him, an unspoken mutuality that you cannot explain for the simplest of causes. The same laid-out causes you’re afraid to face; the same old half-spoken truths that wreaked havoc on your miserable fates. Unfortunately, the deepest cuts are still there, distantly shared in all its glory, bleeding for all the times you’ve spent apart. 
“We just want to know what happened.”
“You won’t believe me.” Eddie’s sniffles broke down while everyone gathered around him, careful not to get inside his personal bubble. Your shoes screeched on the pattern of paints you left behind as you stood closely, sharing this newfound silence. 
“Try us.”
The winds howled at the heavy curtains flinging past the white edges of the shack’s small windows. Everything you knew about the town, the world, changed at a shocking note. The horrors of the recounted scene paralyzed him; Chrissy’s death now a daunting reminder of his cowardice. All you could do was nod and listen, clinging onto every word. 
You both shared a look while he described the grotesque encounter, hoping that he’d get the comforting message through the lenses of your eyes. “I…I didn’t know what to do, so I…I ran away. I left her there.” You shifted your gaze, not knowing what to make of this. There was a certain willingness in you, a plea to switch places with him, take his pain as your own. The sight of his aching guilt unfurled your inner clenches, fist deep into the ugly remainders of the past. You kept to yourself for the whole evening while Dustin explained the ultimatum of their situation, which surprisingly wasn’t the first time it has ever happened to them. You and Eddie were the only ones who didn’t know much of it, unaware of the interdimensional beings that roamed somewhere in their world.
“Someone should stay with Eddie. Guard the place till morning.” Robin groaned at the suggestion, who abruptly stopped before the exit way. Arms crossed and a few meters away, Steve sent you a knowing look, a signal you've familiarized yourself with since you knew him. 
You and Steve have very similar childhoods: neglected, half-spoilt, parents on business trips and a home mostly occupied for rowdy parties and formal gatherings. That’s a look of a guy who wanted you to stay; a friend who used to be so jealous of your precious freedom, now taking it as his perfect advantage. “I have plans for tonight, Henderson. And Robin has curfew, which leaves…” This was not the first time you wanted to punch him. Steve is an achiever with his wrong timings. But they didn’t know. Still, it’s a bad idea. You couldn’t imagine yourself staying the night with Eddie in Reefer Rick’s house, after everything he’s been through. He loathes you, and he definitely should. You want him to hate you, so you could stop—
“Fine, I’ll stay. You guys better be careful, okay?” All your personal deflections sinked down miraculously, reminding yourself that not everything revolves around your own thoughts, and maybe, just maybe, this could be a decent step forward. To what, you don’t know yet. After a few pats on the back and a couple of goodnights’, you walked back to the quiet shack with your head hung low, so low that someone could mistake you for a Christmas candy cane. The door creaked scarily as you pushed it open, your careful eyes darting to Eddie’s figure, who was tucked under the uncomfortable tarp, lying down sideways on the boat. His eyes were puffy red, his cheeks clearly dried up from the tears. You cautiously placed your duffel bag on the nearest makeshift table, putting aside the crumpled-up cans and sneaker bars on its tethering edges. 
“Did you forget something?” You turned around to see Eddie sitting on the edge of the boat, slurping his new can of beer. His fixated stare had a clutch on you, your guarded front crumbling to cements. “No. I’m staying over.” You swear you could hear him gulp loudly, then to make matters worse, choked and coughed on his drink. The colors of his face turned beet-red when he placed his can on another indescribable pile. He clapped his knees when he stood up from the edge, and slowly made his way towards you, eyeing the red stains on your shirt. “It gets really cold past windy hours. We should head back to the house.”
You’ve never been inside Reefer Rick’s home before, but it seems like Eddie knew the place so well as much as his own. As soon as you walked inside, the constriction of your arms mellowed with the homely warmth, despite the history of the house. A loud thumping sound from the other room pulled you out of your thoughts, making you run towards the source. “Shit, shit, shit.” Eddie hopped on one foot while he placed the right amount of pressure on the other one to numb the pain, whispering more curses under his breath once he felt your presence kneeling close to him. 
"This is a nightmare." Eddie winced at the searing pain from his foot, closing his eyes as you untangled his shoelaces to loosen the tightness of their rubber straps. He's terribly overwhelmed—intoxicated from the number of beers he had drank; adding to that Dustin's greatest revelation ever known to mankind. Your fingers slightly brushed his freezing knuckles once you took his shoe off, wiggling it easily off to the side. 
"Why are you helping me?" His voice sighed through his curtain of dark curls, the air from his direct lips punctuating all your senses at once. You glanced up at him with your mouth slightly apart, taking in his daring brown eyes, the faded rashes from his cheeks and every delicate crease lining his rough features. 
"Because you're hurt." You bit your tongue before you could say any more. Eddie slouched in his position; his shoulders stooped smaller than an inch as he reached for his toes. “I’m fine now. Thanks.” It took him a few seconds to stand, struggling to bend his heel. “Wait, let me just.” Your hand managed to wrap itself around his leather sleeves to firmly guide his balance. With no other choice, he accepted your offer and was finally able to hold his ground. In a fleeting moment, you noticed Eddie glancing at your fingers for a bit longer than usual, until he willfully pulled it back to his side. 
“I…you should…there are clothes upstairs. You better change.” Before you could answer him, he swiftly maneuvered to the other side of the house, leaving with multiple questions running through your mind all at once. You don’t know how to feel. In some parts, you feel angry for deceiving him with your cut-off reasons. Other times, his closeness has washed you anew, despite how miniscule or scarce it's been shown. 
The stairs creaked under your feet as you stomped on the steps, tiptoeing around unlaundered socks clinging on the corners of the stairwell. You made sure to close the windows and shut the drapes before you change in one of the unsettled rooms. The chilly air tickled your skin, the coolness rubbing onto you like smooth fragrant soap. 
You took off your shirt and noticed that the paint solidified itself onto the fabric; the dampness no longer felt. As you rubbed off the flakes with your thumb, your bare arms tingle and flush at a certain presence in the room, making you look. 
Your bra tightly wrapped itself around your plumper regions, flustering on his watchful gaze. You never thought it possible that the swelling heat would graze itself with the coldness of your shoulders; an arson of confliction and raging want. Your body screams for his length, his space, his missing piece; an incomplete puzzle you gracefully memorized by heart. 
He couldn’t move in his place, paralyzed in a Medusa-like trance, carefully taking in the laces of your bra straps, the wisps of hair tickling the nape of your neck, and the slow heaving motions of your chest. Your numb fingers accidentally dropped the shirt on the floor, which made you pick it up; the denims of your waist tightened around the archness of your back. Unbeknownst to you, Eddie can’t stop looking at the pads of your bra, perfectly cupping your breasts like a housewarming basket. You coughed once you finally retrieved the fallen fabric from the floor, then hurriedly put on the blue button down from the bed as Eddie returned normally.
The silver rims of his watch glistened as he placed a stack of folded blankets on the edge of the mattress, whiffing the strands of hair out of his face. The doe outlines of his eyes waited for you to finish buttoning up, before he could start hearing himself. “I’ll be sleeping in the room next to yours. If you need anything, just…” You felt the creases of your cuffs bend as his gaze traveled down the plumpness of your lips to the shining flecks in your eyes. “Knock."
His adam's apple bobbed through the skin of his throat while he played with one of his rings, then glanced at you for a slither of a moment, before he turned his back on you to leave. The door was slightly ajar when he left, spiking your fallible tendency to take it as a secret hint; a hidden letter on a scrabble. You sighed as you pulled the blankets over your head, concealing whatever door your delusions barged into. 
Even when you’re covered in the most comforting of quilts that any man in the cold could have asked for, it can’t shield you from the fact that you don’t want him to be alone. Your sides longed for its match, an exerting piece, willing to complete you like a sacred locket. It pains you to see him that way, to see him try to be so strong for everyone and seamlessly make sure that you feel comfortable around the house. 
As his walls are crumbling down, all you could do was just sit there and watch like a knight who can’t do anything to fight off his dragons. Since the moment you saw him, defeated and ashamed, you want to take him in his arms and hold him until the entanglements of his suffering looped off its clots. It’s not enough that you’re just here. You have to do something, anything to be there for him.
The worthless feeling tossed and turned inside you, churning your organs like whipped dough. Before you know it, your legs brushed the sides of the bed, then you paced out of the room with your blanket in hand. Every step gets heavier and heavier as you near the room, but your insistence didn’t stop you from trying. Your knuckles knocked on the door’s timbres while you tiptoed, your feet getting sweaty from the nerves. 
In less than a second, Eddie opens the door, and you rush inside without a word. The moonlight cascaded the lines of your shadows as you stood there, your shoulders raised and your breaths quickened. The feelings you tried to conceal broke from its cages when you turned around to face him, his beautiful brown eyes widening at the tears streaming down your cheeks. 
His brows furrowed in contemplation as he watched you curiously, checking the door’s metal knobs then onto you in passive strides. 
"I can't sleep."
"What are you doing?"
No one hears the other with the simultaneous blurt-outs, which later proceed through the tunnels of silence. Your voices echoed the room even without the possibility of its reach to do so, with the walls not being high as it is. "I can sleep in the other room if you want."
"That's not what I want." The lump on your throat hinders you from speaking in a normal manner. Mentally, you're holding onto a steady rail with the height of your emotions, but unfortunately it's too difficult for you to even look at him; to be near his presence; to be seen by him. "I'll sleep downstairs, then." 
"No, stay." Eddie stops twisting the door knob in his hand, frozen in his spot. His stare was still avoidant, yet the sides of his body were awaiting more of an answer. "You can sleep here. Pretend I'm not even in this room, or any place at all in the house." The flash of hurt in Eddie's eyes made you want to roll your words back at the tip of your tongue and swallow it in the depths of your throat. You hate to admit it—and you swear you'd rather go back in time to change it—but you've implied another thing to what you said. 
"Well I'm not sleepy either, so." After a quick glance from his watch, he locks the door and waits for you to go to bed, but you don't. All you can hear is the ticking of the clock, the brushing trees surrounding the lake house, and the tiny cracks beneath your toes. Whatever strength you mustered outside inflated in an instant, melting like the icicles under the summer sun. You don't know how to act around him anymore, or imagine yourself in the same room as him. Eddie knows you so well—too well in fact—that you won't come here uninvited without an important reason. The fate of this unfinished business is up to you now, and how he's going to handle it will be etched into your dreams forever.
“I’m not here to ask for forgiveness. I don’t deserve it.” The lids of his eyes flutter down to his feet when you speak; your voice raspy yet firm in truth. “But I want you to listen to me. I need you to listen, before…you try to run away from me again.” Memories from last summer rolled into the screens of your mind like an old camera reel; every scene heart-wrenching and scarred like a broken mirrorball. 
“Please, don’t start.” Eddie tears his eyes away from the floor to look at you, his hurtful expression displayed massively. 
"When can you let me? Everyday, I visit your trailer and you're not there. I go to school, I see you and you brush me off like a stranger. Is this really how it's going to be from now on between us? Merely strangers?" 
You can feel your crumpled heart curl to see him so stoic; unreachable and tall with his spiky walls of avoidance. 
"Okay, fine. Now's your chance. Look, my day hasn't been going well for me lately. And I appreciate your sincerest participation to stay with me today, but please, please, please do not bring that up."
"You barely let me finish five sentences."
"Well I don't want to hear it, okay! I don't need to hear any more, because I know." Eddie clenches his fists, then lets it go shakily to calm himself. What could he have known? He's no mind reader, yet you're finding it hard to shake away the fraying nerves engulfing your entire body. "You don't know. It's not all that simple. No matter how hard I try, it still sounds so stupid." Stupid is just an above-the-surface term to the careless path of thought candy you left behind. You'd rather throw yourself to some pack of hungry wolves than be in the dumbest situation you unknowingly put yourself in.
"No, no, you're right. It's stupid. But you know what's even crazier? I used to believe that there's…more to this. I don't know about your intentions about the whole thing, but I bet it's never similar to mine." His staggering words struck you like arrows in a battlefield, and you can barely dodge every single one of them without a breather. The realization of his hidden insecurities flowed out of his tiny box and into the clutch of your hand; not having an ounce of an idea on whether or not to keep it in your palms or stash it somewhere else. 
"Then tell me." You take a step forward as your curious gaze pinned itself onto the brown streaks of his irises. Your footsteps wake his tired features and his shoulders straighten in a jagged line when you stand a few feet away from him. Your shadows mingle with his as the dotted lights of the moonlit sky brighten in all its celestial beauty, wishing that the night will end in much better terms. 
"I see the way everyone looks at me, and I know all my precious nicknames to heart. The freak who repeated high school twice, the Kirk Hammett wannabe, that one scary dude who heavily worships the devil. My friends would tease me about you, and it has always been 'poor you dating ugly old me'. And deep inside, I know you're ashamed to be with a guy like me. To be smothered with my ugliness, to be with a loner who plays guitar in the middle of the woods, to be with a guy who couldn't tie his shoelaces properly.” You kept your mouth shut, not knowing what to say. Your quiet reaction kept him going.
“Deep in my bones, I hoped for more than just a summer thing. We agreed for an expiration date, but I didn't…I don't want summer to end for us. Never at all." Time seemed to stop with every pouring word, coated with the ultimate belief that only says one thing: he wants this as much as you do.
“All this time, you've been avoiding me because of what the town thinks of us? Well, to hell with them.” His eyes flickered into yours, carefully releasing his tightened fist to center his attention on you. Focused yet bewildered, he examines the shine of your hair, your slightly quivering lips, and the folds of the blue button-down loosely hugging your waist. Breath against breath, you inhaled through the compacts of your chest, letting your anger flow down into a peaceful stream.  
"Look, I was also scared. I'm just…used to being treated invisibly by people I know. I barely see my family for the holidays, my friends don't care about me, and my past relationships weren't entirely the best on the scales of 'healthy'. But with you, everything just tipped over for me." You exhale through your lungs when you finish, but the discontinuity urges you to speak more. Let it all out.
"You see me like no other. You spoil me with your special post-it notes, the small private concerts in your room and your sheets of handwritten lyrics that reminded you of me. The little things..you just..you're perfect. There was never a time when I felt scared of you. You never ever scared me, Eddie. You're too beautiful to even fit the category.” 
You’ve never called him beautiful before; never through a spoken word nor from a small written paragraph. The sound ringed and reverberated in the most natural of notions; not from the voices in your head, nor from any intrusive thought, rather from the farthest extent of your feelings. The quiet distance pulled you into him, a vacuum of bodies questioning the unreadable space you immersefully share.
A small tear trickled from the wetness of your lids when you blinked in his touch. His calloused palms cup the wetness of your cheeks, occupying your vision with his blurry thumb. Your fingertips travel the construction of his shirt, caressing the warmth of his linen folds. 
In a flicker of a moment, you tilt your head slightly as he gently grazes his fingers to the nape of your neck, his features softened. “You think I'm beautiful?” He whispers thoughtfully, completely enamored with the crinkle of your eyes when you conjure up a pleasing smile. The shadows of his hair envelop your line of sight as you examine his collarbones closely, tugging the fabrics of his shirt bashfully towards you. Your daring eyes locks into his, almost like a secret confirmation, drawing him near you in a ready invitation. 
Nothing in the world could ever prepare you beforehand when you feel his lips crash into yours, his plumpness blending your chapness. His dark curls tickle your face when he sinks deeper into your ravenous kiss, gently nibbling on your bottom lip. The momentum was extraordinary, and you missed every rhythm with so much longing. You grin against his toothy smile when he steadily pushes you to the bed, covering your whole waist with his large palms.
“God, I miss this.” He mutters in between kisses as your hands sneak under the hems of his Hellfire shirt, making him shudder blissfully under his breath. He bites onto the side of your neck as a subtle punishment, then licks on the same spot to lessen the ting. Eddie pulls back to marvel at his handiwork designating the base of your neck, showcasing his wonderful set of cheek dimples you love so much. You gently press your thumb around the lobes of his ear, brushing the tangles away from the sides of his face. Your knees graze the hardened fabric between his pant legs, carefully playing with your movements while he grunts against your ups and downs. 
He stares at you disappointedly when you stop, but as soon as you straddle on top of him, he grins widely like a child in Charlie's chocolate factory. Your fingers grasp his shoulders as he unzips your jeans in a flourish, then slowly slides his light fingers between the hip of your panties. His hungry lips left your jaw, leaving a trail of kisses down to your gasping collarbones and the line of buttons covering your eagerness. Your nipples tingle as he unbuttons your top then pecks the warm skin underneath your breasts, softly caressing the other with his rough palms. 
His teases throw you in a whirlwind of pleasure and havoc, completely ruining your well-moderate facade for the whole evening. Careful not to break his legs, you pull your denims down to your ankles, which he tossed in the corner of the room. With a starving look in his eyes, his hands squeezes your bare thighs, then slowly sneaks his ringed fingers under your panties to clench your ass cheeks. You groan against his ear, thrilling you to bounce on top of him, his length throbbing under your wetness. “Give it to me, Eddie.” Your breath fan warmly against his upper lip while you unbuckle his belt, the coldness of the metal channeling your inner impatient wants.  He leans his forehead against yours as he lays you down on the sheets, kissing you passionately on the lips before he hurriedly takes off his garments, the sight intensifying the indescribable heat going through your body.
A flock of butterflies dances inside you when you catch sight of the tattoos stationed on his chest, the light hairs on his forearm and the feel of his rough happy trails against your flabs. The warmth of his cock strokes your half-open folds, his pinkish tip slithering under your sensitive clit. Faded stars cascaded your vision once he finally slid his hardness inside of you, your nails pinning his upper back. 
Your legs wrap itself around his waist as he slowly shoves his cock in your tightened grasp, your mind going hazy from the largeness. The pain of the surprise all went away when his fingers intertwined yours, leaving sloven kisses on the crook of your neck down to your shoulder. His head of hair nuzzles the pillow close to your ear as his delicious pattern of slams continues to rise above its peak. 
It’s incredible how every push tears you apart in a good way. A shameful gasp left your lips as his thumb flicks your clit in circular motions, while his cock monstrously devours your insides. Beads of sweat trickle down your forehead when your inner thighs stretch at his extensive motions, getting bigger than the next. He raises his head to look at you, grinning from ear to ear, happily taking in the pleasurable strokes on your face. 
“Cum with me, okay?” In between breaths, he gently places his calloused palm on your cheek, his hips quickening against the crinkled sheets. You stare back at him and nod, feeling the pressure of his cock harden stickily around your walls. His tangled curls tumble down the space between your fingertips while you reach out for him, setting in the downcast flutter in his eyes. He deeply groans at how his cock effortlessly glides and withdraws from your pussy; a slippery slope that’s impossible to contain himself with.
Like a force of lightning, he leans his chest forward, pouring himself on your lower abdomen and splaying his cum on your stomach. Quickly, he bounces out of bed and retrieves some tissues from the bathroom to clean you up. You sat up limply from the bed to take the tissues, but instead he wipes the fresh cum off your chest with great concentration. You’ve never seen him behave so nervously before. He was patting you dry like he spilled coffee all over your most favorite shirt.
“I don’t know what went over me.” He chuckles softly as he crumples the last tissue in his hand, throwing it in a bin closer to the door. You let your hip rest on his bended knee, calming the nerves coursing through his trembling figure. “You don’t have to know.” A small, reassuring smile creep the corners of your lips, resting your palm on top of his knee. 
A gust of wind sweeps the flailing orange curtains, silkily brushing your skin like smooth ribbon. “All I know is,” He whispers softly in the small space between the two of you, your bent wrist kept in close contact with his fingertips. 
“You find me beautiful.” The teasing hint in his voice liquifies your insides, his restlessness fading with your inability to look at him straight. His coffee brown eyes follow the direction of your fingers on his curly ends, then the plumpness of your thighs. “The prettiest.” He lunges forward with his arms wrapped around you, crushing you in a passionate kiss. Carefully, he pulls his arms away from the pressure of your back, then rests his elbows on the disorganized sheets, caging your vision with his heavy fixture. 
Every little thing he does transfixes you to a thrilling paralysis. Nature fades at the sight of him, surpassing your high observant tolerances for your surroundings. He’s like a blinding light, the afternoon sun, and a white flashlight in a darkened room. 
Most of your days started to revolve around him the moment he shone on that stage with his band in middle school—battling his heart out to the music and the good impression of the judges. The admiration has always been about him, and he doesn’t know that you did for a very long time. The gods of fate swept at your feet when you encountered him on the second week of freshman year, pinning Hellfire recruitment posters on the school’s cork board. 
It used to be a silly little crush, ridiculous with no strings attached, but through the passage of time, you realized that it was more than what you believed it to be. You cradled into his chest, taking in his familiar scent and the steady, heaving motions of his stomach. All night, you’ve been thinking about what would've happened if you never joined Dustin and the others at the video store, or raise your tone at Mr. Owens for ridiculing Eddie at the printing shop.
What would happen if you declined Nancy’s request for the photos, and never went to the campaign at all? What would happen if you never encountered Eddie in the middle of the forest that day, or chased him outside the night you decided to end things with him? 
These kinds of thoughts sink in like quick sand—with no capability to heap it into a bag and throw it away into the ocean of other nightmares.
For the first time in a while, you observe his state of rest—the shadowed lashes of his eyes pointing down to his hollow cheeks; his brows fixed in a calmer line and his pink swollen lips, exhaling peacefully. You wished—somewhere in the deeper crevices of your mind—that you get to spend many of your quiet evenings with him someday. Your imaginations start as you invite him to your empty house, where you both cuddle up on the couch and count the stars from the ceilings of your bedroom, until you pass out after the forty-sixth star. 
You swear you'll never let him out of your sight again, no matter the cost of that promise, even after everything the town says about him. Or what they'll do to him. You don't care if you have to hide him in that damn tarp and ship him to California alongside yourself. There won't be any more expiration dates, no more judgement, and no more hiding.
No matter the cost. No matter the price.
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cdyssey · 10 months
Wishlist (1.03)
LOL, that lady dropping off that very outdated machine and Janine having to accept it with a smile is a distillation of customer service.
What I love and simultaneously hate about this episode is that it calls attention to the very real and bleak reality that so many public teachers face when it comes to supplying their classroom. God, kudos to the show for drawing attention to it, but it’s so harrowing that it’s even such an endemic problem in the first place. Teachers shouldn’t have to pull from their own pockets to give their kids what they need, but they willingly do every single day.
“And I said that’s a few too many questions.” Never change, Melissa.
That red houndstooth coat on Ava oughhdhshsh.
“Oh, Lord, the boy is in the trash.” AKQOQKSJAJSJSN.
“I know what it’s called. It’s called trash.”
“I know that if this feels like you, you might be a serial killer.” Gnenfndnd.
Gregory’s smile when he says he likes clean is so cute.
Looove Ava being a social media savant. She is creative, and it shows in that area, as well as the ways she approaches various problems in the show.
DNWKDNNSNS. “It looks like you went into an office supply store and bought the first five or six posters that you saw.” [Cue Gregory kicking bags under his desk.]
Set design appreciation: Peep Gregory’s desk and how everything is meticulously straightened and ordered. Not one notebook is crooked.
Janine seeing Barb use her last tissue always gets me a little.
“And I know she comes from that generation that doesn’t ask for what she needs.” Yup.
“People like Johnny. It makes them sad.” GNSJWOWQKSSJJA
Ava has an OnlyFans and sends out feet pics confirmed
“She’s the most aggressively offline person I’ve ever met. She responded to my Paperless post with her ATM code.” AHAJQNSNSNS
#RollTide - I scream every time I hear that. It’s the slogan for my fave football team. 😭
Melissa helping her wife unpack her boxes. ☺️
Ava evil laughing when Janine threatens to quit ANDNSNS. Loooove that deep blue on Janine. The golden jewelry accents are perfect too
“My kids don’t have half the supplies they need most of the time, but they don’t need to know that.” […] “Our job is to build them up, make them confident. Is it nice to have stuff? Sure. But my students do not need to feel less than because they do not have stuff. So, we talk about what they do have, not about what they don’t.” Ugh, so, so good.
“Oh, hell no! I’m keeping all that.” AIQJQKQKWOWJDISINSNSIWKS, Barbara Howard, I love you so much
Janine interpreting all the kids’ drawings and being good at it. 🥺
SCNDNDNSN, good end stinger pay off to the trash machine.
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reanbowful · 1 year
Weak hero when someone they like does kyudo (Archery) and is the manger od the club (addition! is that they may or may not have a fun club they don't know about)
Hello and thank you for the request! Although, I’m not sure what a fun club is. I’m guessing it’s something like a fan club? (because that’s what I wrote in)
Also, I might’ve gotten a bit carried away writing the narratives for each character so it will just be 4 of them for this 😭 (I’ll try to keep them shorter next time!)
“wow that’s so cool”
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if you do archery
(gray, ben, alex, eugene)
gray yeon / yeon sieun
Gray doesn’t have a lot of expression on his face. So might not show it, but when you told him you did archery he was intrigued.
“Yep! It’s a Japanese martial arts form of archery.”
He would probably do an extensive research on the topic.
The next time you guys see each other, man is already a kyudo expert.
“Ashibumi, placing the footing. Dōzukuri, forming the body. Yugamae, readying the bow. Kyudo archers should draw their bows so that the drawing hand is held behind the ear. If done improperly, upon release the string may strike the archer's ear or side of their face.”
“Wow Gray~ Never thought you’d be so interested!”
Cue a blushing Gray.
“I had some free time.”
He won’t tell you this. But since your school is kinda like a sports school, they have this social media page where they would upload pictures and videos of their prominent students.
Curiosity has no bounds. So, when Gray clicked on the page and sees your face on multiple thumbnails of the videos that was uploaded, he proceeds to watch every single one of them.
His respect would grow for you with each videos that he watches.
He would smile to himself, watching as you draw your bow, when he saw a comment came up.
At first, he was just slightly amused. But when he clicked on the profile of the commented, he can’t help but let out a small chuckle.
‘Supporting Y/N from X school’s kyudo team.’
Looks like he’s got a few competitions.
ben park / park humin
Ben will be your number one hype man.
Believe me when I say this, but if you tell him you are doing anything sports related. At every event. Every competition. Every examinations. He will be there.
It doesn’t matter if there’s a typhoon or a storm, or a flood. This man will make sure he shows up complete with a custom printed shirt of your name. And a hand decorated bulletin board with lights and all.
When you hit an accurate shot, he would cheer so loud that he got scolded by one of the staffs.
“Oh, right. Sorry.”
“That’s my girl by the way.”
Now, while he is your number one supporter, doesn’t mean that you don’t have a bunch of other people filling in the auditorium just to catch a glimpse of you.
In other words, you are pretty damn popular.
At first, he sees this as an absolute win.
You’re so talented and he’s soo happy people are appreciative over your abilities.
He completely underestimated just how obsessed these “supporters” could be when it comes to you.
He didn’t think much of it when they first started. You were, after all, just another high school student like him.
Well, a star player and a national teams candidate.. but that’s besides the point!
It happened when he was getting some drinks by the vending machine when a few students from your school passed by him.
“Oh look, it’s that Eunjang boy.”
“Who? What’s someone from Eunjang even doing here?”
“Apparently he likes y/n or whatever. He keeps calling her his girl.”
“For real? Geez, what does she even see in him.”
“Who knows, maybe she’s just talking to him out of pity. I wish he would stop coming tho, he keeps yelling and distracting the players. Poor y/n honestly.”
Despite having a thick skin, Ben couldn’t help but feel self conscious. Was he really distracting you? What if you get in trouble because of him? He wouldn’t want that! No, but you would’ve told him if that was so. But, no! You’re way too nice for that..!
In his turmoil when he headed back to the auditorium, the school has concluded the competition and were in the middle of handing out awards.
Your eyes were scanning the crowd when Ben walks in. You instantly beamed and waved at him happily.
It was then that he decided, no matter what people say about him or the two of you. He will stay.
You were all that matters anyway.
alex go / go hyuntak
(this one is my personal favourite)
He was running errands for his mom, literally just got back from the store. In shorts and slides with groceries in his hand.
He saw that a new dojo just opened near his house, something about archery.
He could hear the sound of the arrows hitting the target with a thud whenever he passes by the place.
Alex never really had the chance to stop by since he was always in a hurry, but now that he sees it. The place looks fancy as hell.
There goes the sound of arrows hitting the target again.
Alex looked around to see no one guarding the front door, so like any other genius, he lets himself in.
To the right, one of the practice rooms is open.
He peeked a look in.
The room has high ceilings and wooden flooring. To the front of the practice room was an open grassy area with circular targets.
“Ahh.. that one was a bit lacking.”
It was literally like those kdrama shots when the guy saw their love interest for the first time realised the person they meet five seconds ago is the love of their life. That is Alex in that moment.
You had been practicing your shoots for an upcoming competition with another school.
Today is the friendly match day. Which explains why the practice room was open for public.
Though most of those that came would be from your opponent’s and your respective schools.
“Um, excuse me. Are you here to watch y/n?”
“Huh? What?”
The guy pointed at your figure, currently chuckling over missing the target to your friend.
“Are you here to watch Miss y/n? Because if you are, you need to be registered as a supporter for X school.”
“Oh! Oh, no, sorry. I was just passing by.”
“Do they always practice here, by the way? Do you- do you know?”
The man glanced suspiciously but shrugged.
“They practice regularly on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. But since a competition is coming up, it’s everyday in the weekdays.”
Alex nodded with an “Ohh.”
He smiled to himself as he walk back home.
Everyday of the week, is it?
You might just found yourself a new supporter.
eugene gale / seo juntae
Eugene would be so starstruck!
He loves anything that isn’t school work, so that includes sports.
When you told him you were doing kyudo, he would adjust his glasses and lean in closer to you in order to hear more about it.
“Wait, so—it’s like archery but the bow is around two meters tall?!”
Like Gray, Eugene would search up more on the topic. It will be his new obsession for the rest of that week.
You would often find him murmuring to himself while taking notes, watching a professional examination or competition video.
Since you thought he was already in so deep anyway, you decided to bring him with you on one of your practice sessions.
As you lift your bow and release your shot perfectly, Eugene’s eyes would lit up.
All of the videos he watched pales in comparison to seeing the real thing.
Eugene hadn’t even realised he was spacing out yet when your figure approached him in his seat at the corner.
“So, am I as cool as those guys you watch on your phone all the time?”
“I- You were so cool!!”
(why does y/n feel like ben park lol)
“Anyways, I think I’m gonna grab a drink.”
The shuttle in him comes out.
“I’ll go get some for the both of us! What would you like?”
When he returned, he noticed a few younger girls wearing a slightly different uniform from you murmuring outside your practice room.
“Hi! Are you here to meet someone?”
The girls looked at each other and handed him a plastic bag full of snacks.
“Are you y/n’s manager? Can you give this to her for us?”
“Eh? Um.. I’m not her manager, but, I can give them to her for you.”
The girls beamed up and thanked him before leaving.
He guessed that he wasn’t the only one that got his heart struck by your charms.
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obi-nob-kenobi · 2 years
Fandom AU || Obikin
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Original thread on twitter
Hello_There_Ben is an (in)famous ao3 writer. The king of Dead Dove for a popular fandom. Hes been friends with artist Darth_Vader for years on tumblr. After 5 years they meet in person at a convention, seeing each other for the first time. And fall in love.
Hello_There_Ben Aka Obi-Wan Kenobi is a corporate lawyer. But since he was a teenager he’s been writing fics and posting them on every site you can think of until finally settling on ao3. Though he knew his fics aren't for everyone, to his surprise he’s gifted with art!
Darth_Vader aka Anakin Skywalker is a recent engineering masters student graduate, but back in undergrad he would stress draw. One day he got curious and went into the DDDNE tag of his favorite show, and came across Hello_Ben's fic and HAD to draw for him.
aka a very self indulgent AU but also an obikin meet cute 
After they began talking. A lot. Ben gave him tips on surviving College (it's been a while for me but you'll get through it) just as Vader stayed up and talked with him during Ben's divorce (I'm so sorry, seriously what can I do for you?) But they never saw each other's pictures.
That is until Anime Coruscant comes into town, just a 20 min bus ride from Obi-Wan's townhouse. Vader messages him that he has an artist table at the con and maybe they can finally meet up. Obi-Wan used to go to that con, stopped when it got too big, but bought his ticket. 
And the day of the con the nerves set in. He's finally gonna meet his online friend for the first time. Is he gonna get weirded out he's older (even tho he's never hidden his age, just had 30+ in his bio)? And when he finds Vader's table he's met with the most gorgeous man.
Which only makes him EXTRA nervous. Obi-Wan is in a casual-ish cosplay of their fandom (idk maybe he writes thorki or Hannigram) and he's getting self conscious of how he looks. He also has some coffee and pastries as a snack for Vader as a "hi glad to meet you" offering.
He approaches his table just as Vader finishes a purchase with a customer. He looks at Obi-Wan with his gorgeous blue eyes and handsome smile and Obi-Wan chokes on his tongue as he just spurts out "hello there" And Vader recognizes him immediately "Ben??"
Vader reaches over for him across his table. Almost knocking over his own display in an attempt to hug him "it's so good to meet you!!" And then Vader drags him over to his side of the table, and oh Vader is taller than him. Tall and handsome and full of sunshine.
Vader sells mostly prints of his work seen all over tumblr and Instagram. He also has cute stickers and buttons related to fanfic stuff (friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, Dead Dove etc) and he's getting a good amount of sales! But now all his attention is on Obi-Wan.
"Thank you for coming, I didn't expect you so soon. How's the con? Did you get anything yet?" Vader talks excitedly, already out of breath when he finally asks "oh, I didn't even ask if Ben is okay to call you by. You can call me Ani, or Anakin." A beautiful name for him.
Obi-Wan manages to get his own name out and Anakin's smile is so bright now learning it "Obi-Wan? That's such a cool name!! Why go by Ben?" It was a nickname growing up, but also more anonymous since he's a lawyer. Don't need clients to find his ao3 and tangle it with his work.
So the con goes well, Obi-Wan stays with anakin and helps him with his table. After they eat at Denny's just to talk more and it's really like talking to an old friend. Despite their age difference and distance everything they do is comfortable. Anakin has to get  To his hotel soon and pass out. He explained he actually drove 8hrs to the con the morning of set up so he's exhausted and its catching up on him. Obi-Wan walks with him to his hotel... only there's a party going on. And Anakin isn't sure where he can sleep.
He didn't know anyone else coming to the con, but he saw someone said they had room for one more to help pay and he took it, since the cost would be much less than a hotel by himself. But the host of the room had other people over. "Absolutely not, you're staying with me"
And Anakin looks at him, shocked but grateful "Are you sure? I don't want to inconvenience you." "Do you want to sleep on the floor? Come on" So taking Anakin's car they go to Obi-Wan's house. And he's already dotting on Anakin, giving him a fresh towel and--
Offering snacks but Anakin laughs saying this was more than enough and he owes Obi-Wan a lot. Obi-Wan jokingly says to join him for dinner again tomorrow night, and Anakin replies "Thai or sushi?" 
"Its a date" and then disappears into the shower and Obi-wan is FUCKED
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wisterialilies · 2 years
Event Special for @hanaposa12
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・''・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・**・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・''・
Hello hello!! It’s good to see you again! :D Thank you so much for your kind words and for participating in my event! I hard time deciding Floyd and Ruggie for type 2 since they both seemed to compliment your personality well, so I ended up choosing one then using the other for type 1, haha. Anyway, I hope you enjoy~ <33
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・''・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・**・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・''・
You’ve got a letter from…Floyd Leech!
Someone knocks frantically on your dorm room’s door and when you answer it, you see a first-year student standing there. He looks nervous as he quickly thrusts an envelope into your hands. “Y-You better tell F-Floyd that you got this, o-okay?!” Without waiting for your answer, he takes off down the hall, muttering something about needing to get back to work or get squeezed.
…What was that about? Oh well, no matter. You examine the envelope you’ve received. It’s black and your name is written at the front with purple ink. There’s also a seashell logo at the bottom right corner. Huh, has Azul started selling stationary now? Well, that'd be no surprise. You open it and inside is a single page of paper. It’s mostly white with black boarders, thank goodness. It’s definitely easier to read purple ink on white paper rather than black, after all.
The contents of the letter read…
Dear Angel,
Bet you’re surprised to get a letter from me, huh? I saw Jade writing one probably some sort of threatening message, ahaha and it looked interesting, so I decided to write one too. Good thing I have you, otherwise there’d be no one else fun to write to.
Anyway, you’re wondering why I’m calling you ‘Angel’ all of a sudden, aren’t you? See, Azul just had a bunch of angelfish delivered to Mostro Lounge and they’re all so pink and cute. Reminded me of you. Oh, and they glow in the dark too. Azul’s planning to display them in the lounge’s aquarium. Probably hoping it’ll bring in more customers.
I dunno though. I saw them before, in the ocean, and they looked prettier hanging around the other glow-in-the-dark fishies – like those silver Moon Pufferfish and Golden Spotted Stingrays. But I guess land-dwellers won’t know what they’re missing out on. Their loss, ahaha. Don’t worry! I’ll show you the real deal next time. Doesn’t that sound like fun? A night date in the ocean where it’s just us and the fishies.
But for now, you’ll just have to stick with what we’ve got up here. Oh yeah, you were probably studying before you got my letter, right? When you’re done, come down to Mostro Lounge. Make sure to bring your art stuff. I think you’ll like drawing the new fish. And you’ll get a complimentary drink too! Just don’t let Azul see you or he’ll make you pay for it.
See you soon, my cute Angel!
- Floyd
P.S. That sardine better have delivered my letter properly. If he didn’t, I'll make sure to give him a good ol' squeezin’.
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・''・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・**・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・''・
What your relationship would be like with...Ruggie Bucchi!
- Alright, so starting off, Ruggie would love how easy it is to make you laugh. He’ll crack jokes often – both good and bad ones – just to get a laugh out of you. He probably has a stash of joke books hidden away in his room too, having gotten them just to learn a few more jokes for you. Oh yeah, he also discovered a new way to pester Leona by telling him some godawful jokes.
- He thinks your ability to remember even the smallest of things is very useful. Sometimes he wishes he has the same talent; maybe serving Leona would become easier if he did. He’ll also get a bit bashful when you remember small details about him, since he doesn’t think there’s much in particular about himself that’s really worth remembering. It’ll definitely make him feel loved though.
- When Ruggie first saw how often you compliment people, he thought you were doing it to butter up to them. After all, for him, he sees everything as a dog-eat-dog world and the only time he would compliment someone was if he wanted to get something out of them – with you and his granny being the only exceptions, of course. So after he realizes you’re being genuine and your compliments come straight from the heart, Ruggie can’t help but worry a bit. At some point, someone is bound to try and take advantage of your kindness – or so he believes. Though he won't try to change your view on others nor force his beliefs onto you, he’ll often remind you to be more wary around people.
- Ruggie will be great at helping you keep from procrastinating. It’s one of the many skills he’s picked up after serving Leona for so long. But if he notices that you’ve been working particularly hard and need a break, he’ll make sure that you relax and rest up properly. Heck, he’ll even do your work for you if it’s time sensitive.
- Though he tries not to show it, Ruggie can be pretty skittish at times. He’s as easily startled by loud noises and jump scares as you. He won’t jump or scream, but he’ll stiffen up and his ears will flatten as close to his head as possible. It’s actually pretty cute, so it can serve as a distraction for you whenever the both of you get startled.
- No need to worry about him telling you scary stories! He doesn’t even like hearing about them in the first place. Well, to be more exact, he doesn’t like the effect they have on him. He’ll be perfectly fine when you tell it to him and be not at all frightened. But afterwards, when the story begins repeating in his head, that’s when he starts to get paranoid. He’ll be more jumpy than usual and will most definitely be glued to your side. And no, he will not admit that he’s scared. Ruggie will vehemently deny it and insist that he’s the same as always. Great way to get him to stick to you for a few days though, if that's what you want.
- He isn’t a big fan of rainy days as he finds it unpleasant to get wet, so he’s always more than happy to spend the time indoors with you. Since rainy days set a great mood when it comes to writing mystery novels, I can easily picture you working on one while Ruggie lounges next to you with one of your plushies in his hands, sometimes just staring up at the ceiling and listening to your pen scratching against the paper, and other times reading over your shoulder and offering you ideas.
- When it comes to shopping for cute clothes, it’s a territory he’s completely unfamiliar with. Before he started dating you, there was not a single time where he had to do such a thing. So although he’ll gladly tag along during your shopping trips, don’t expect to get any fashion advice from him. For Ruggie, anything and everything looks wonderful on you.
- Now, plushies. For some reason, I think Ruggie would love gifting them to you. If you didn't have a collection before, you'll end up with one after you start dating him. And anytime you two ever pass by a claw machine while on a date, you can bet that he’ll become determined to win you a plushie. And surprisingly – or not – he’s quite good at playing claw machine games. Then again, he has to be if he wants to keep the machine from sucking up his money.
- Going out with you on a sunny day so you can draw any plants or animals that catch your eye is one of his favorite things to do. Not only does he get to spend time with you, but he also gets to eat! That’s right, eat. Don’t be surprised if you look up from your sketchbook and see him munching on some freshly picked dandelions. For him, food is one thing he can be absolutely shameless about, no matter whom he’s with. It’s not always bad though. Sometimes he’ll share some edible wild fruits he found and they can be quite delicious.
- Leona occasionally comments on how you’re too good to be Ruggie’s girlfriend, but it never fazes Ruggie. As a matter of fact, he feels proud every time he hears something like that. Proud that he can call such an earnest, kindhearted, and cheerful person like you his partner. Out of all the guys you could have chosen to date, you chose him – him, a hyena from the slums. Though he doesn’t quite understand what made you pick him in the first place, he understands how lucky he is and works hard to make sure he’s worthy of staying by your side.
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nickgerlich · 4 months
At The Movies
I have many fond memories of going to the local movie theatre when I was a kid. My pals and I would ride our bikes for what seemed an incredible distance (it was only about two miles), lock them up to a street sign, and pay a modest price to enter.
I couldn’t tell you what we saw, but I do know I loved that old theatre. It was like the theatres you could find in nearly every town, even the small ones. They were where people went for entertainment, to see and be seen, to socialize. Marquees and signs were often spectacular, resulting in civic pride.
Sometimes I am amazed to find that towns of only a few thousand supported not just one, but sometimes two or three theatres. Canyon once had two theatres and one drive-in; Tulia—with only about 4500 residents—once had three theatres.
In the century that has elapsed since many of these theatres opened, much has changed. Whereas there was virtually no competition at the time, technology slowly eroded that market position. Radio and television provided people with options, something they could do at home. Later, cable television saw our choices grow exponentially. Stir in VCRs and then DVD players, and suddenly we had less and less reason to venture out to watch a movie.
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Concurrent with increased competition among how we entertained ourselves was the push to the suburbs, which saw sprawling cineplexes with as many as 20 screens being built. All of these combined to tap nails into the coffin of the historic theatre. There have been resurrections in some towns in recent years, usually community-based efforts to restore and save what they have. It takes millions of dollars, though, and even if these success stories result in special event venues instead of functioning movie theatres, it’s still good.
I have become very enamored of historic theatres in recent years, this time photo-documenting them on my travels, and writing about them for magazines as well as on my Insta. It’s a great passion, because tracking them down takes me to many dying cities screaming to be photographed in their entirety, not just the theatre.
Today, the competition continues to increase. Streaming services have made it difficult for the suburban megaplexes to survive. Blockbusters are increasingly few and far between. Direct-to-streaming as well as content created by Netflix, et al., give us many reasons to stay home. Besides, even if there is a blockbuster, we know it will be available via streaming soon enough. Oh, and never mind what COVID did to theatres. They have had a hard time recovering.
Were it not for Barbie and Oppenheimer last summer, it would have been a dismal year for theatres. The much-publicized Taylor Swift tour then led to a concert video for fans not able to see her live, and this too was shown in theatres.
Which leads us to the current problem. “Finally!” the students said. ”He wrote more than 500 words just getting to his point!”
Chains like AMC are having to reinvent themselves, or face extinction. AMC plans to show more concert videos, which they assume—I mean hope—will have the same draw as Taylor Swift’s. It’s an idea worth trying, but they must first convince artists to shoot these in the first place.
But which artists would customers be willing to pay good money to watch a concert video? Taylor Swift, yes. But U2? Rolling Stones? Beyonce? There could be a lot of hits and misses alike.
And then there’s AMC’s effort to pad revenues by upping the viewing experience, as well as to merchandise it. Collectible popcorn buckets that fetch $25 and private-label AMC-branded snacks have helped, but still not nearly enough to erase a $182 million loss last year.
Like some restaurants and retailers, AMC is shuttering under-performing locations, while building new ones in areas it thinks have a better chance of surviving. But when one of those behemoth movie houses is closed, there are few ways to repurpose them. Once upon a time, churches might rent one, much like they did with dead malls. Those days are over, though, with church attendance in steep decline.
Unless AMC and their competitors can truly rise from their own ashes, it’s going to be tough going. There are too many other ways for us to watch a movie. I am perfectly content with my streaming. I have only been to one movie since COVID; I had to see what the Barbie thing was all about, if only to be able to discuss it. But before COVID, I only watched one movie in a theatre for several years prior.
Given the choice, I would definitely go see a movie in a vintage restored theatre, though. I would do it not so much for the film, but for the experience. Those old theatres were magical; cineplexes are about as sterile and saccharine as it gets.
Meanwhile, I continue my pursuit of the old, the long gone, the forlorn. Because I can put myself in that motion picture, a movie in my mind that has no price of admission. It’s a good show.
Dr “Fade To Black, Roll Credits” Gerlich
Audio Blog
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violettelueur · 3 years
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↳ featuring : ryomen sukuna from jujutsu kaisen
↳ warnings : mention of sex, mention of hickeys and grammar issues
↳ form : imagine
↳ published : 22 january
↳ pronouns : she/her
↳ word count : 3.7k
↳ synopsis : (modern!AU) after your lectures, you decided to pay your tattoo artist boyfriend a little visit only to then be persuaded to let him draw a tattoo design on you even though you never actually wanted a real one to be marked with.
↳ barista’s notes : just a little gift to you all before today’s episode and the reset the ‘coffees in progress’ list (wip) when i get enough sleep and after my disgusting online classes, i hope you enjoy the free cup of coffee everyone ʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ♡ - also i feel like this is the longest imagine i have ever posted ʕ ㅇ ᴥ ㅇʔ
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Having a morning full of tedious lectures was not someone’s ideal day and it was definitely not yours. Although, there was nothing you could do but pursue them through with as much enthusiasm and determination that you could possibly muster while being impatient about the hands on the clock taking forever to move a single inch.
However, at this moment in time, you were able to escape the suffocating lecture hall after many hours for today and was now walking down the busy streets of Tokyo with a white plastic takeaway bag in one hand while the other was occupied with your tote bag that was resting on your shoulder, which surprisingly kept hold of some of your textbooks as well as your laptop giving you some reassurance that the bag that your boyfriend gave you was going to last for quite some time.
Looking around the busy quarter of the capital, you began to notice a few high school students roaming about here and there with some hanging out with their friends - mostly likely going to a cafe or to the nearest karaoke lounge that they could find - while other were either rushing home as they entered the station or to their part-time jobs that they had managed to obtain for a few extra bucks to save up for their next step in life. Noticeably, there were also a few adults out and about with some working as street-food vendors selling delicious treats that you would be craving if you weren’t so full while others were dressed extremely professional with their laptops out on their cafe/restaurant table to what seemed like they were on their lunch break.
‘He should be on his lunch break right now, but if not, I’ll just put his food in the shop’s fridge’
Continue walking to your destination, you finally reached to a quieter area with the city leading you to then stand in front of a glass order with a ‘closed’ sign in front along with another extremely noticeable sign proudly stating ‘Malevolent Shine’ to which if you had said that to any tattoo fanatic within Japan, they would instantly know what you were talking about.
Opening the door, there was a sudden noise of a ring being heard leading you to immediately look up to see the silver bell that you told him to arrange since he always got annoyed about the number of potential clients popping up without his acknowledgement only to tell him that they didn’t book an appointment at all causing him to become more irritated - and as a matter of fact, you couldn’t blame him at all.
Looking around the tattoo shop that you had entered, there wasn’t a single person in sight leading you to come to the conclusion that you were right about his lunch break since his assistant would be at the front desk if they weren’t. Although there was no one to greet you, the dark atmosphere did. It gave an odd sense of comfort with its hints of red that could calm a customer down if they were worried about the tattoo they were committing to having on their body or if it was their first - especially when it came to him.
“Oya~ ain’t you a sexy customer? But I’m afraid we’re closed, but I don’t mind giving you a private session if you want, kitten” someone smoothly stated, leading your eyes to slowly shift to the person who was leaning against the desk with a confident smirk on his face. There he was, the mastermind behind the whole shop itself.
“Well, I’m not coming in for a tattoo but I am here to give a little gift, Sukuna,” you mischievously stated, as you lifted the white bag with the takeaway you had ordered for the man himself, leading him to look at you in surprised before tilting his head indicating you to come to the back with him.
Following his lead, you placed the bag on his table once you reached the backroom before placing your tote on the floor beside the table’s leg so it didn’t fall, letting any of your precious studious contents to be lost as well as avoiding any damage to your laptop.
“I’m surprised you’re using the bag, kitten,” Sukuna suddenly commented, as he sat on his chair while pulling out the white styrofoam box of Thai food that he always ordered along with a bento box that was wrapped in a black cloth.
“Well, how could I not? You did buy it for me,” you quietly mentioned as you took off your black longline coat before placing it behind your chair since there was nowhere else to put it.
“Did you make this?” Sukuna quickly questioned as he lifted the bento box causing you to nod at his question once you saw what he meant leading you to state, “I didn’t know if you were going to stay back tonight, so I prepared some food for you in case,” causing Sukuna to smirk since you were right about your assumption and it did catch him by surprise since he didn’t mention it to you today when he left your shared apartment.
“Thanks,” he quietly muttered before pulling his chair closer towards you so he could place a lingering kiss on your cheek to show his appreciation towards you. “How was class?” he then asked, as he began to unwrap the cloth of the box to your surprise since you bought his favourite item from the Thai restaurant but made no mention of it.
“Annoying, it was suffocating in there but the lecture was interesting so that’s a plus,” you answered, as you began to scan his messy desk that displayed the many drawings that he was working on. Some of the designs that Sukuna was drawing were almost complete, while others were in the same situation but for some odd reason, it was crossed out as if he was unsatisfied with the outcome that it was going to have which lead you to be perplexed since some of the drawings were incredibly detailed and beautiful. However, you didn’t have the eyes of an artist like your boyfriend did, instead, you had the eyes of someone that was able to analyse things exceedingly well hence why you decided to pursue a career as a criminal lawyer.
“How has the shop been while I was away?” you asked, as you carefully picked up one of the designs that the tattoo artist seemed to have scraped leading him to answer with an annoyed huff. “A pain, there’s been so many dumbass people coming in thinking they could just walk in and get a tattoo done immediately without even booking a meeting,” Sukuna answered before taking a bite of the soy-glazed fried chicken you made as he then continued with, “it was a good idea to get the bell since I could see if it was a customer I knew or not,”.
Looking at your boyfriend, you couldn’t help but smile at the man as he continuously munched the context in the box as if he hadn’t eaten in the past week when in reality he had been raiding the fridge back home only just this morning. Slowly, you turn your head back to the paper that you were holding as you continued to admire the work of art right in front of you. 
To be honest, it was quite simple compared to all the other ones that were lying about on his work desk but that didn’t mean it wasn’t beautiful. The light sketch depicted a short section of a branch or stem decorated with different types of beautiful flowers and next to it was the same design with the only difference of it being coloured lightly in case the client wanted to have options.
“What happened here?” you asked before tilting the paper to the side, letting Sukuna have a glance at the design he decided to discard.
“Oh, the client cancelled since I wouldn’t have sex with her,” Sukuna casually stated leading you to nod before taking another look at the design with a small smile on your face. Sadly, it was such a waste since the design was beautiful and it was disappointing to not see Sukuna put this beautiful art into life.
Some people might wonder why you were so calm about the statement he had just given you, heck even his younger twin brother Itadori Yuji thought it was weird that it didn’t bother you as much as other girls would have been. The reason was that you were so used to him having female attention as well as male attention and it wasn’t a surprise when people would book an appointment with him just for a fling or hoping for something more than just that - and even though you were calm, there was also a hint of jealousy and fear within your heart that you couldn’t help.
It was like the first time you saw him in your second year of high school.
Stretching your arms, you had finally finished the last sheet of the budgets for the school clubs leading you to carefully clip the pile of sheets into the folder as you then stood up from your desk before quickly heading out of your homeroom, so you could give the documents to the student council president, who was a third-year within your school.
However, as you were walking past a few classrooms with some people greeting you with a smile, you came to a sudden halt when you saw a whole crowd of female and males students in front of you leading to a blockage of the halls and a blockage of the classroom you need to go through to hand the documents to your senior.
“Did you hear, I heard he was back?!”
“I can’t believe he’s back, I missed him so much!”
“I like Yuji’s kind and goofy personality, but how could you not love a bad boy like him?”
‘Bad boy?’
Carefully, you managed to find a gap between the sea of students and forcibly made yourself fit within the gap before badly struggling to make it through the arc of the classroom door leading you to nearly trip the second you got the chance to push through the gap to ender the class. Quickly looking around, you found your senior sitting next to someone who looked like your friend and basketball club member Itadori Yuji - well more like a mature replicant of the boy you were used to. However, unbothered by the sudden appearance of the new third-year, you speedily made your way to the council president and handed him the booklet that he needed today leading you to receive his gratitude.
Yet, before you could even take a single step away from your senior, you unexpectedly felt someone grab your wrist causing you to quickly turn around to find Itadori’s replica behind you leading to a few gasps coming from the students from the outside as well as in the homeroom.
“Is there an issue?” you firmly asked, as you looked down at his hand that had a tight grip on your wrist causing you to have a small glance at the two black bands that were tattooed around his wrist - even though it was prohibited to have any in your school, you weren’t the type to scold someone for having them since you weren’t sure on how the teacher’s thought it affected someone’s education.
“Have you ever thought about getting a tattoo?” the salmon-haired third-year curiously asked, as he began to admire your wrist by gently turning it for your veins to come into view before beginning to trace your skin with the tip of his thumb causing a light shiver to go down your spine due to the ticklish feeling as well as his deep voice which was the complete opposite to what you thought it was going to be.
‘So this is the infamous Sukuna everyone was talking about’
“Not really,” you answered as you looked at him causing his eyes to look back at you before you continued with “I don’t think it would suit me at all,”.
“I disagree,” Sukuna counteracted, as he went back to admire the blank canvas of your wrist that he wanted to draw on so badly. No not draw. Mark. “I think you’ll suit something, maybe something on your neck or collarbone at best actually,” Sukuna mentioned leading you to give him a confused expression before he then proceeded with his speech by saying, “I’ll convince you one day and mark you brat”,
“Ah...good luck with that idiot,” you stated in an annoyed tone leading to a few of the admiring student to gasp at your wording as well as sudden confident as they were scared on what was going to happen to you now since Sukuna wasn’t the type to tolerate insults in a nice way no matter what gender you were. However, exceeding the audience’s assumptions, Sukuna began to smirk excitedly at your attitude as he suddenly found you more interesting than any other girl he has met at the back of the school.
“Be prepared, little kitten”
‘That nickname….’
Back then Sukuna was known to be a playboy from what you could recall, every week there was news on the new girl he had managed to convince to meet at the back alley of the school while you were just being a model student with the dream of going to law school. However, during the middle of the school year, you began to realise that the common scandalous news that seemed to be popular enough for it to be on the front cover of the newspaper began to gradually fade as Sukuna slowly pushed himself into your life since you were close with his twin brother due to your friend being part of the basketball team as the assistant coach - she even mentioned that ever since Sukuna came into your life he had stopped his acts and change slightly because of you to which, of course, you denied at the time.
It was during the first term of your third-year that you agreed to give Sukuna a chance since he was constantly annoying you by popping up at the school gate after school to ‘walk you home’ ever since his graduation - when in reality it was to take you out somewhere - without fail even when you had to stay in a few hours. However, you had given him three conditions since you were still conscious of the consequences of dating someone with such a disgraceful built reputation - much to his dismay, he shockingly agreed.
If you are going to have a fling with someone behind my back, don’t think about seeing or talking to me again.
I know you are sexually active, but you have to wait until I’m ready.
Don’t tattoo me.
Let’s just say that Sukuna had managed to keep condition number one in check and you didn’t have to worry about it at all, while with condition number two he didn’t have to wait that long for you to give in to your desires which you could tell he certainly enjoyed when you finally gave him the ‘okay’.
Number three though...
“Do you want to try that design out?”
Breaking from your daze, you quickly turned your head to find your boyfriend staring at you - with the bento box practically empty at this point - while tilting his head to the paper that was still within your grasp.
“I think you giving me hickeys are enough in my opinion, babe” you jokingly mentioned leading to both you and Sukuna laughing at each other slightly.
“I mean, do you want me to draw it on you to see how it looks?” he then asked, causing you to look at the floral design one last time before giving him a hesitant nod.
‘Trying it out won’t hurt right?’
“I need a confident answer little kitten, where did that feisty attitude of yours back in high school go?” Sukuna teased, causing you to give him the side glance before giving him the verbal permission that he wanted, leading him to smirk at you since knew his mockery would get you to give him what he wanted since you were also the stubborn type - a side that he always loved to play with.
Grabbing his pen and a black pot full of his thin-tipped coloured skin markers, he wheels his chair even closer to your before pausing, leading you to look at him in confusion since you had already pulled your wrist in front of him, the same area he had grabbed back in high school.
“You’re wearing a lot of clothing today,” Sukuna muttered as he began to fiddle with the collar of your white silk dress shirt causing you to look at him with extreme confusion before mentioning, “well it is getting colder since the Autumn season is coming around,” leading him to hum in an understanding tone as he continued to play with the smooth fabric.
“I want to draw on your collarbone area, I don’t want to draw on the area where the client wanted it to be,” Sukuna stated as he lightly pushed away your wrist leading you to realise why he paused. “You can,” you quickly mentioned leading the tattoo artist to look at you to see if you were lying, only to see nothing but the light of the trust within your eyes.
Slowly, Sukuna began to reach over to the top button to then unhook it from its loop before continuously doing the same with the others until enough skin of your shoulders were exposed with the top half of your shirt resting on the side of your arms to which then he slowly moved away the right-hand side of your bra strap to fully expose the canvas that he wanted to mark so eagerly.
Admiring the skin that was in front of him, Sukuna began to trace the area with his thumb before leaning in to place a chaste kiss on the same side of your neck before cradling your face on the other side with his other hand - as if it was a way for him to say ‘thank you’ for letting him do this.
Regrettably pulling away, Sukuna quickly grabbed his black pen as he then leaned in towards your collarbone to start drawing the outline of his design on his now favourite canvas causing you to shiver somehow due to how ticklish and weird the sensation felt when the ballpoint pen continuously gently gilded upon your skin. However, what got you shaking the most was the constant feeling of your boyfriend’s breath being felt on your upper body now that your shirt was basically off - it wasn’t completely off to the same feeling when you were underneath him the first time you allowed him to make his claim on you.
“Baby, it feels ticklish,” you commented, the second you felt a different sensation upon your skin leading Sukuna to glance up to check if you were alright like you were an actual client before placing another kiss on your jawline in a way to comfort you since he had switched to his skin markers to colour in the design he had drawn on you.
“You’re being a good kitten though, you’re not moving a lot then I thought you would,” the tattoo artist whispered leading you to quiver as his deep voice was not helping so much with your beating heart - erratic to the point where you thought he could hear or even feel.
Due to Sukuna concentrating, you couldn’t help but keep silent to help him continue with his work causing you to glance around your room with your eyes before landing upon a wall where there was a multitude of messages written leading you to carefully scan the writings that were visibly presenting themselves.
As expected, there were messages of encouragement - not that the arrogant Sukuna needed it to be honest, but it was nice of the client to do so - and a few drawings from other tattoo artists that Sukuna had famously done. However, not to your surprise, there were a few numbers here and there causing you to sigh since you couldn’t help it - you couldn’t blame your boyfriend for being an extremely handsome man.
Unexpectedly, you felt another kiss being placed upon your cheek causing you to look towards your boyfriend with a smile on your face - it was as if he knew what you were looking at. “I’m finished by the way,” Sukuna announced, causing you to look at him with widened eyes since the drawing session was a little faster than you had anticipated.
Reaching over to a drawer in his desk, Sukuna suddenly pulled out a mirror before passing it to you, leading you to lift up the little instrument to see the result that was drawn on your skin.
“You changed the design,” you quietly stated, as you began to tenderly trace the design with your index finger as you began to admire the piece of art that was masterfully drawn on your collar bone. The tattoo beautifully depicted a single strand of a blooming lavender across your collarbone with each petal in different shades of purple while the buds that weren’t in bloom were in a slight pale pink shade making you smile more since Sukuna drew this straight from his head causing you to have a hint of proudness for him.
“I wasn’t going to give you that previous design, it doesn’t suit you one bit,” the salmon-haired artist mentioned as he continued with, “I’m not going to let that disgusting design touch your skin, especially since this is the first time you let me mark you somewhat,” as he then moved behind you before placing his chin on your shoulder to look at you through the mirror you were holding.
“I might let you mark me permanently then,” you suddenly announced causing your boyfriend to look at you with a surprised look on his face leading you to giggle at his reaction.
“Yeah, let’s break condition three then, you can mark me this one time,” you informed him as you turned to look at him, causing Sukuna to give you his classic smirk before possessively grabbing your chin leading him to lean closer to you.
“Let me mark you then”
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© violettelueur 2021 : written and published by violettelueur - do not steal or repost
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levisgirll · 3 years
Hi! It's me again the levi hc anon haha.. How are you doing? I was wondering if you could do a hc on Levi having a crush who's good with kids. OR a scenario where he doesn't still know his crush that well and they're in an orphanage and a kid runs to her yelling "Mama!" and then Levi's like 'I lost my chance with her.. She's not single" and then he somehow gets to know that she doesn't have kids and she is single. Thanks!
𝐀 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 (𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐀𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
→ Text: Omg hello there! thanks for coming back with another request 🥺💕 I am doing alright (just getting so tired nowadays cause of work-) I hope you are well though! also, this is such a cute idea for a request so thank you for sending it! I hope you like it and sorry for the delay <3 enjoy it :,) 
Synopsis: Y/N has started her new job as a nurse caregiver in a orphanage institute, wanting to look after kids who don’t have any family or parents and show them support and love. Levi, mistakes this as Y/N having kids and he is quite upset about it, defeated after he was getting to know her ever since he bumped into her in his tea shop which she usually goes to.
cute fluff, modern au, headcanons imagine ♡ —
Levi has been noticing his rather loyal customer recently in his teashop. She would come in usually all the time around the same time, and get the same tea that Levi would prepare minutes before she comes in.
He developed a small which later grew to a big crush on her and he decided to take his chance to get to know her and chat with her.
“Here, it’s on the house. Also, I didn’t get your name?” Levi said while handing her drink, and then started to clean the counter.
“That’s nice of you, thanks! And, its Y/N. I assume yours is Levi?” Her smile was beautiful to him, he loved how you always gave him that smile to him only after you both have gotten close and having small chats once a while.
He sometimes wished you stayed longer and would hope there won’t be any customers in the store whenever you came in, because of the short time you stayed there, he wanted to spend every minute of it!
“So, what do you do for a living? You seem to work.” He said while crossing his arms and taking a seat right next to you. Y/N could smell in his scent which was a scent of pure black tea which he just brew for you, the scent of fresh green leaves, floral and a nice fresh mint smell. “I am a nurse working in a institute.” You say with a smile and turned to glance at him, looking handsome than ever.
“Oh? I see, that’s interesting.” Levi said, he started to become more curious about you and he was dying to know more about you too. But he decided to take things slow and also because, he did feel kind of nervous when talking to you, especially if he starts to stutter or becomes lost of words every time he makes eye contact you, because to him, you looked pretty in his eyes and he admired your beauty and personality.
“By the way, I will be shutting my teashop for a couple of days so I was wondering. Do you want to hang out tomorrow? Of course, if that is a-alright with you.” 
‘Shit, I fucking stuttered.’ He thought to himself and cursed in his mind when he realized that, and now you could see a slight blush on his cheeks. Y/N chuckled and then got up taking her purse and approaching the door to leave, “Sure, I would love that. I finish work early tomorrow, Soo maybe you could meet me there after I am done with work?”
Levi felt pleased and happy to hear how Y/N accepted his offer, now he can have a longer time to spend with his crush and he was happier than ever, getting a fuzzy feeling inside of him. Wishing tomorrow was here already. “That’s fine with me, I will pick you up then and I will find us a place to hang out.”
“Sounds like a plan! I’ll see you tomorrow, Levi.” You gave him a small wave and left his tea shop place. Oh how he adored you so much, and throughout the day he was thinking of what to wear and even where to take you, and how you would look so beautiful, also how lucky of him being able to even see you.
The next day approached, and Levi was exactly on time, and he was around the parking lot of the institute. “Hm, Reiss Royal institute? Why does that ring a bell.” He wondered but let the thought leave his mind once he started to think of you and how he was soon to see you.
“Hey Levi!” Levi looked up immediately from his phone and looked towards Y/N who was waving at him and walking towards him. He quickly put his phone away and he got off from his car as he was laying against it, and Levi was now fixing his posture, nervous a bit but stood still.
“Oi, Y/N How-” As Levi was about to ask how Y/N was doing, he was caught off guard as he saw a child running towards Y/N and she quickly grabbed her hand.
“Mama! Look I drew this for you!” The little girl said with a big happy smile and Y/N bent down and started to ruffle the girl’s hair. “Awh really? This looks amazing. I will make sure to keep this.”
After hearing that, the little girl got so happy and quickly went and hugged Y/N around her neck, while chuckling. “Thanks Mama! I will draw more for you!”
Levi, now stood there still, all speechless and his eyes widen. ‘Wait it can’t be....Is that her kid?’ He thought and suddenly went sad, feeling quite upset how Y/N might have already been in a relationship and was just thinking of Levi as a friend this whole time.
‘I..I lost my chance with her. She clearly is not single.’ As soon Levi thought that to himself, his trace of thoughts was cut off as Y/N waved her hand towards his face. “Hey, I’m talking to you! What’s wrong? You suddenly went quiet?” Y/N said in a concerned tone, not sure what made him change so quickly.
“Sorry. It’s just, your kid surprised me that’s all.” He uttered and looked away from you, feeling quite let down and how he finally lost his chance with someone he finally had feeling for and actually loved for the first time.
But, Y/N quickly held on his hand to get his attention and he turned around, looking at her. “Wait.” She then furrowed her eyebrows and suddenly started to chuckle. “Haha! Levi, That is one of my students! You don’t actually think this was my child right?”
Now, Levi went red, feeling rather embarrassed how he mistook the little girl as her daughter. Y/N kept on giggling and Levi would beg her to stop but, he felt relieved and smiled. He later then realized that, after getting to know her well that she worked actually in a orphanage institute academy and was a nurse there for the kids, and was loved by all the children that called her ‘Mama’ by how caring, affectionate and kind-hearted she was as she treated them and helped them and this made the kids thinking Y/N was their role model Mum!
Y/N would now then, tease Levi, knowing pretty well how seeing him really surprised by what happened and how he was wondering if it was actually her child or not was cute and funny to her. She then reassured him that she doesn’t have any kids and she was actually single. “O-Oh. I see...” Levi said sitting there with a slight blush, now feeling that his chance is back and he was now getting butterflies in his stomach. It was clear to Y/N that with his response that he was kind of happy to hear that instead, and it made her wonder if what she felt for Levi, was the same with him feeling towards Y/N.
In one of their hangouts, Levi finally takes his chance now, before he loses it and regrets it. He took his shot and finally asked you out as his girl. “Y/N, I want to get to know you better..” He said nervously and he went and grabbed your hand, which he caressed lovingly. Y/N went red and her eyes would widen and Levi looked at it, admiring how beautiful they were as the stars in the evening sky was reflecting it. “I want you in my life, so will you...be my girl? Is that alright.” 
Y/N smiled at him, happy how Levi finally took the step and Y/N reassured Levi that they would be having such a loving and happy relationship and that made his world hearing that, especially from you. Just though your words, made his life better and he knew from then on, he would now be happy with you and he couldn’t be asking for more than that as long as you were by his side.
Now, ever since you both started to date and go out together. Levi would always pick you up from work after you were done. Never missing a day, after all you were his priority. With this, the kids would notice Levi and see him now and then whenever they follow Y/N to the parking lot. And the kids were curious who he was and they would be behind Y/N and looking at him, a bit scared. They then liked him as Y/N explained to them that he was not scary at all and he was actually really kind and sweet. This made the kids call him Dada and some calling him Dad too!
“Wait, I’m not your- Tch, Whatever Brats.” Levi said and ruffled the kids head as he bent down, greeting them with a small hand shake, they all quickly liked him. He lowkey liked that though, at how they referred to him as Dada and Dad but he won’t admit that! “Hey Levi! Don’t call the kids that!”
The kids actually love and ship you both, they always tell Y/N when coming by to her nurse office if she is seeing Levi after school and they would ask to tag along to see him. Giving him some craft arts they made and giving it to him as a gift for always coming by to see Y/N. And, ironically Levi on that same day bought many gifts for the kids such as sweets, their favorite chocolates (since he asked the little girl what kind of chocolate the students liked) and some toys.
You then noticed Levi smiles a lot when the kids come to him and you started to find that cute and when you mention that on your way back, he denies that and goes “No, they are annoying brats anyways.”
Okay this was really cute and sweet to write so thank you for the request anon :,)! And if anyone out there enjoyed this then please leave a like, a message or a reblog! Thanks and I hope you all have a great day ahead  ♡♡♡
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jadequeen88 · 3 years
A Waitress’ Worst Nightmare
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A/N: Written for the BNHA Degeneracy 9-5 collab! THIS IS 18+ MINORS DNI
Warnings: TW.sexual harassment, TW.oral(recieving), TW.degredation TW.nipple play, TW.Mommy kink
Pairing: busboy!Keigo, linecook!Dabi, f!waitress!Reader
You’re a college student just trying to get by. The biggest worry you should have right now is if you had enough time to finish that psych paper or when you were going to meet up with your calculus study group. Instead, you’ve got a much larger problem facing you...A problem that has permeated through every aspect of your life. Your coworkers were Grade-A-Assholes who decided making your life miserable was on the top of their to do lists.
You thought waitressing at the 24/7 diner downtown would be a breeze. Money was tight and since you were 21 and almost done with your undergrad, you wanted a little more financial independence. Little did you know when the owner hired you that you’d have to work alongside the two biggest shitheads in the city.
First there’s Keigo. To the untrained eye, he could almost seem charming. But you found out pretty quickly what a dick he was. He was working as a “busboy”, but in reality he didn’t do anything but flirt with every woman within his field of vision. Keigo would leave the tables a mess until there wasn’t a clean one left in your station and you’d be forced to do his job for him.
“What, babe? Stop getting your panties in a twist. I’m real busy these days. You know I’m practically running this place now.”
Oh yeah. How could you forget? He took every opportunity to remind you of that fact. Keigo’s dad happened to be buddies with the owner, garnering a sense of trust with the old man. He slowly weaseled his way into running day-to-day operations while the elderly owner stayed home most days.
Although the diner needed another busboy to pick up his slack, Keigo refused to tell the boss to hire another. You overheard a phone conversation between Keigo and your boss just last night:
“Nah, boss. We’ve got it covered here. No need to hire another busboy. The waitresses are just finding reasons to nag. Women, am I right?”
You were fuming.
As bad as Keigo was, his friend Dabi was exponentially worse. The line cook was, without a doubt, a drug dealer. The only motive he could possibly have for working there is having a place to do business with his “customers”(and of course, to help Keigo make your life a living hell). It clearly wasn’t because he needed the money since you’d seen his “friends” slip him generous wads of cash when they stopped by the restaurant. If cleaning up Keigo’s messes sucked, trying to put in customer’s orders with Dabi was pure torture. 
“Eggs over easy instead of scrambled? I dunno, Princess. Sounds like it’ll be a pain in my ass. Whatcha gonna give me if I do it?”
Then he’d lick his lips with his long pierced tongue, leering at you over the counter. Gag... You wondered if that ever actually worked in his favor. 
One semi-decent thing you can say about Keigo is that he’d never actually laid a finger on you. The same can’t be said for Dabi. You learned after your first day to wear shorts under the skirt of your uniform. You were behind the counter slicing lemons when he took his spatula and lifted the hem of your skirt. Before you realized what he was doing, he was calling out to his partner in crime.
“Fuuuuuck, Kei! Look at the ass on the new girl!”
You wondered what was going on until you felt a breeze and realized it was your ass that was on display. You’d slapped the spatula away and straightened your skirt, but not before they both got an eyeful of your black, lace panties. You cried for ten minutes in the bathroom after your shift that day.
The day you’d been dreading was finally upon you. No, it wasn’t a big test or project due... You had to ask off work for your cousin’s wedding. That meant dealing with Keigo (who was now in charge of making the schedule each week).
You squared your shoulders and went over what you would say over, and over in your head so you wouldn’t stumble over your words when you had to face him. 
“I need to have Saturday off for my cousin’s wedding. I can work the Sunday morning shift instead.”
This was repeated on a loop in your brain as you walked down the darkened corridor towards the office. You let out a long sigh and gently rapped your knuckles against the wooden frame. The sound of shuffling and muffled voices seeped through the thin faux wood and a moment later, the door swung inward. The thick cloud of smoke and strong, skunky smell almost knocked you flat on your ass. Instead of seeing Keigo alone working on the schedule, you saw that he and Dabi were hotboxing in the small office.
Knowing they were back here getting high while you closed the diner by yourself was the last straw. You slam the door behind you and stomp forward to lean over the desk Keigo was propped up behind.
“Listen you shit heads!” you slammed you fists on the desk knocking over a jar of pens. “I am so fucking sick of slaving away in this shit hole while you two get high and fuck off back here. You’re going to let me have Saturday off or I swear to Christ, I’m calling the boss and spilling my guts! About the weed, the drug deals, the snarky remarks, the groping, EVERYTHING! I’ve had enough!”
There was a moment of silence then the two of them burst into a fit of laughter. In a blind fit of rage, you leap across the desk and grab Keigo by the throat. When you made contact and squeezed as hard as your small hand would allow, a whimper escaped his throat and his eyes rolled back.
Now it was your turn to laugh.
“Oh, you’ve gotta be kidding me,” you gripped your fingers tightly again to see if you could pull any more sounds from him. He didn’t disappoint. This time it was a whimper followed by him nervously mumbling.
“Heh, Kid... Seriously, knock it off. This shit isn’t funny.”
Your eyes traveled down the front of his body and when they landed on the crotch of his baggy khakis, your suspicions were confirmed. This loser who acted like a certified pussy-slayer popped a boner just from you choking him.
You leaned in close to his face, using this as your chance to get revenge for all the hell he had put you through. “Aww little Keigo... Not used to being roughed up?” you cooed. “Dumb little baby Keigo...I bet if I kept this up, you’d come in your pants like a dirty slut, wouldn’t you?”
You felt movement over your shoulder and heard a deep chuckle. “Dude you’re so pathe-”
Dabi gasped as you grabbed him by the crotch with your free hand and squeezed. He was already hard. You met his eyes and see panic etched across his features. A sadistic grin spread across your mouth as you tightened your grip. His head fell back and let out a whimper almost as needy as Keigo’s. 
“You’re both going to do exactly what I say or I swear, I will tell every girl you ever try to speak to what a couple of pathetic virgins you two are...”
“Ungh! Plea-please... Harder! I... I need more!”
Your hand lands hard across the blonde’s face, drawing a pathetic whimper from his throat. He thrust his weeping cock along your shin whimpering, craving more pressure to relieve his suffering.
“You don’t get to tell me what you need, Keigo. Shut your fucking mouth and be grateful you get this much.”
You throw your head back against the office chair and hum as Dabi eats your cunt like it’s his last meal.
“Mmm... See Keigo? See what a good boy Dabi is being? He knows his stupid mouth is only meant for one thing... Making Mommy’s pussy feel good.”
The praise causes the dark haired man between your thighs to moan into your clit sending a pulse of pleasure through your lower body. The ball of his piercing circles your clit and you feel the familiar ache of an impending orgasm begin to tighten in your belly.
Keigo starts shoving Dabi away from you with a growl. “This is bullshit! I haven’t even had a chance yet!”
Dabi elbows him, ”Fuck off Kei! I almost had her finished off!”
Furious from being jerked back from the edge of your orgasm, you grab a fist full of blonde hair in one hand and black in the other. You pull their flushed faces up to look you in the eye.
“If you want to come at all, you will shut...the fuck...up... and get me off. Now”
Dabi wasted no time in diving back into your dripping slit, panting heavily while he ran his pierced tongue in and out of your swollen entrance. Keigo attacked your neck, whimpering as he planted sloppy kisses down your collarbone until his tongue was licking long stripes up you clothed nipple.
“I think you can do a little better than that, baby,’ you cooed into Keigo’s messy blonde tresses, sweetly tucking a strand of hair behind his ear. He took that as his cue to remove the clothing between your hardening bud and his hot, wet tongue.
Keigo latched onto your nipple, nursing it with vigor while he gently grazed his fingertips over the other. You heard him mumble something into the soft swell of your breast.
“Speak up,” you pull him away from your nipple with a pop, “I didn’t catch that...”
“I-I said... I...”
Your attention was drawn to the man between your legs as he began to suck down hard on your clit. The hand you had wrapped in Keigo’s hair tightened causing him to cry out.
“Mommy! Please! Wanna be your good boy! Wanna make Mommy come...” He sobs as he starts frantically licking and sucking your neglected nipple. This pushes you over the edge and your long awaited orgasm rushes over you. 
After you come down from your high, you push them off and begin getting dressed while the two men you left on the floor look up at you with wide eyes.
Dabi, still panting from eating you so vigorously, chokes out a little half sob.
“But.. where are you goin? We did what you asked!”
“Yeah babe! what the fuck!”
You eyed both men and let the tension hang in the air before turning and walking to the door.
“Give me the whole weekend off. Then we’ll arrange something Monday,” you look over your shoulder, “As long as you don’t piss me off before then..”
You walk out of the office with the biggest grin you’ve had in a long time and feeling a lot more relaxed. Maybe this job was going to turn out better than you expected. 
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goldencuffs · 3 years
@lamenweek day five: traditions
Damen doesn’t think he’s supposed to feel so bone-weary at thirty-one.
Everything in his body aches, and he’s already greying at his temples. Last night, he had gone to bed at eight.
Theomedes doesn’t look up from the Ios Financial Times when Damen enters the Drawing Room. The table already has been set: Damen’s seat is, as usual, is to the left of his father, exactly fourty-seven centimetres apart. Damen’s food has been already served, because his father got here before him, and everyone gets served the same time as Theomedes.
Damen’s entire life has been dictated by these traditions, guidelines and precedents.
Some of them are good, but most of them are like this: nonsensical and elitist.
Even Theomedes’ and Damianos’ tea is prepared via strict protocol: one teaspoon of loose tea leaves per cup, heated to a hundred degrees celcius (seventy for green tea), with a tablespoon of organic, raw honey added straight to the teapot.
(It’s amazing tea, though).
Theomedes says, “Your food is cold.”
Damen stares at the pile of mash potatoes and salmon. “I’m not hungry.”
He also hates salmon, but Theomedes is the only one who sets the menu for the week with the head chef. Last week, they had roast beef and vegetables four times.
“You’re not still sulking are you?” Theomedes finally says, three minutes later.
Damen grips his table fork. He forces himself to do the breathing exercises Makedon had taught him.
In an ideal world, he wouldn’t reply, but in this one, everyone answered to the King.
“No, sir,” Damen says, and shoves a polite bite of food in his mouth.
“You haven’t had a meal with me in three weeks,” Theomedes says, and he sounds hurt and disappointed.
“Hmm,” Damen says. “I’ve been busy. You know I’ve been working on the preservation of Marlas with Nikandros.”
Theomedes crosses his fork and knife over his plate. Instantly, three different staff members rush forward to clear the table.
Damen’s plate is cleared too; no one eats after the King has left. Another useless, bane tradition.
“You know I did what’s best for you,” Theomedes says, looming over Damen.
When Damen nods, Theomedes kisses his temple. “You’ll realise it sooner, rather than later.”
“Yes, sir,” Damen says quietly, and rises only after Theomedes has left, as is protocol.
An hour later, the itch under Damen’s skin becomes unbearable, and he finds himself burrowing under the left corner of his mattress for certain… supplies.
He pulls on the red, shoulder-length curly wig with little care, and then the faux-leather beret. It’s peeling and terrible, but Damen doesn’t care.
The rest of his outfit is just layers: sunglasses, two coats, scarves, and a muted shirt, to hide as much of his body as possible.
He normally doesn’t leave so early in the day, when he’s being patrolled by guards and the Kyros.
Luckily, it’s only Nikandros who catches him, right outside his door.
His expression is flat. “You’re not serious. You’re leaving now? We’re in the middle of drafting the Delpha treaty!”
Damen shrugs. “I have to go.”
“You don’t have to—” Nikandros cuts himself off with a sigh. “Whatever. Can you please bring me back those caramel slices?”
Damen grins. “You got it, boss.”
Once he’s past the Main Foyer, the rest of the journey is easy: Damen takes an hour and a half train ride from Central Ios to Andris, and then a fifteen minute bus ride on the eighty-six. And then finally, an eight minute walk to the Andris Office District.
There’s a small bookstore there called Pocket Bookmark, painted emerald green, the lettering done in gold.
Inside, it’s not too busy: it’s not quite the end of a business day, and the customers in here are high school students, skimming the Shakespeare section, and a man hovering near the new releases.
Damen keeps his head down, weaving through the aisles.
Nicaise, the mouthy teenage cashier rolls his eyes when he sees Damen approaching, lifting up the wooden flap on on the bench, allowing Damen to duck through.
“Thanks, kid,” Damen says, mussing his hair.
“Ah, fuck off,” Nicaise grunts, but fondly. He’s warmed up to Damen ever since Damen bought him his first car. (Nothing too flashy, obviously).
Damen hurries all the way to the back, opening the door marked, No entry, and then goes up the narrow steps, which always make the worst creaking noises.
There’s another door a the small porch upstairs, and Damen fishes out the key in his pocket to open it.
Instantly, he’s hit with the smell of butter chicken simmering on the stove, and his mouth salivates. He dumps his entire attire by the small settee in the hallway, inhaling gratefully.
The second thing he’s greeted with is Wendy, who meows and claws at his leg.
“Come here, baby,” Damen murmurs, picking her up and holding her to his chest. She purrs and curls up, like a big ball of fluff and he kisses her head. “I love you so much.”
She meows in response, and snuggles closer.
Laurent turns off the stove in the tiny kitchen. He looks over his shoulder for just a second and scrunches his nose. “Ugh, she’s such a slut. I’ve been petting her for the last hour, but apparently I’m just not good enough.”
Laurent is in his after work attire: which means he’s as half dressed as possible. The shirt he’s wearing is one of Damen’s, and his shorts are the pair that shrunk in the wash; they ride too high up his thigh.
Laurent’s just come out of the shower: the hair at his nape is still wet, and his skin is pinked and glowing. Even with the curry, Damen can smell jasmine and coconut.
Laurent has got this sweet, soft smile that lights up his eyes.
It takes Damen’s breath away: not just Laurent, but this entire picture of domesticity. It’s all Damen’s wanted his entire life.
He means to make a snarky comment about Wendy, but what comes out is: “Marry me.”
Laurent drops the wooden spoon, eyes wide.
Damen grips Wendy too tightly and she lets out a shriek and jumps out of his arms.
They stare at each other for a moment. Damen’s heart is racing.
Laurent blinks. “Oh, sorry. I think I hallucinated for a minute.”
Damen steps forward, smiling. “It wasn’t a hallucination. Marry me.”
Laurent makes a small noise in the back of his throat. “Are you asking me or telling me?” He swallows, eyes darting all over Damen’s face, his body. “I don’t see a ring,” he says quietly.
Damen groans, rubbing a hand over his face. “Shit, I know. I had this whole plan, I was going to propose with the Queen’s ring, but obviously I’d have to talk to my father first and—” He sits down at the kitchen table, pulling out his phone. “There’s a courthouse ten minutes from here. It’s Thursday night, so they’re still open. We just need to show up with a signed ‘Intended Marriage Certificate’. It’s like three pages, we’ll be fine.”
“…Oh.” Laurent has gone very still. “You’re looking up courthouses. You’re serious.”
“Shit,” Damen says, watching him. “I’m so sorry. You—Do you want to marry me, Laurent? Because I’ve been dying to marry you since I first saw you. Er. No pressure, though.”
Laurent glares at him, affronted. “Of course I want to marry you, you fucking idiot!”
Damen leaps to his feet, grinning and flushed. “Fuck yeah! Let’s go print this form and—”
“Damen!” Laurent laughs, looking a little crazed. “We can’t just—Just wait a minute.”
“Alright. Shoot, baby.”
Predictably, Laurent flushes pink. “Is it even legal? Aren’t there special ceremonies for royals? And—and the King still thinks we broke up!”
Damen winces a little at that.
After an entire year of sneaking around, of meeting up in discreet hotels, and making plans to move in together one day, Damen had fucked up three weeks ago.
Drunk and enamoured, he had kissed Laurent outside his bookstore after a date. There had been photos—and the only saving grace had been the fact that Laurent’s face had been inscrutable.
But the fact that he was a commoner had been enough for Theomedes to unleash his rage. He had ordered Damen to break things off with Laurent, and Damen had pretended to, but… Well, Laurent had been hurt. It had been the first time he had realised how shaky their entire relationship was, how quickly it could come crumbling down.
Damen had spent days convincing him otherwise, and Laurent had finally agreed, but there had still been shadows in his eyes.
Now—now, though, Damen realises exactly what he can do, what he should have done months ago, to make Laurent realise he’s it.
“Fuck the King,” Damen says. He finally closes the distance between them, gripping Laurent’s hands. “Laurent, listen. I can still get married legally in a civil ceremony.”
“But—” Laurent bites his lip. “I don’t want you to get into trouble. And,” His voice grows small. “I know there’s so many rules and traditions you have to follow. I’ve read about the whole tradition where your father is supposed to gift you a diptych piece.”
Damen’s heart is warm. He smiles down at Laurent, smitten. “You’ve read up on royal wedding traditions?”
Laurent colours even more. “Of course.”
Damen kisses him hard, unable to bare the love swelling up inside him. Laurent flings his arms around Damen’s neck, his mouth emitting small, sweet gasps.
When they pull apart, Damen presses his forehead to Laurent’s. “Fuck the King,” he repeats. “Fuck the customs and rules and traditions. You are the only thing that matters to me. Just forget everything for a moment and answer: do you want to go downtown and marry me?”
Laurent’s smile overtakes his face, his eyes shining. “Yes,” he says softly. “I want to—so much.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t ask you in a better way or give you a ring or—”
“Stop. This was absolutely perfect.” He sighs. “You’re perfect.”
Damen kisses him again, pressing him to the counter. “I want you to have my mother’s ring.”
Laurent buries his head into Damen’s chest, overwhelmed. He nods.
Damen drops a kiss to his hair. “Get changed, baby. We’re getting married.”
Laurent looks up at him in wonder. “We’re getting married.”
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aeneozen · 3 years
albedo x fem! reader
fluff !! cafe au
playlist was for jeno but it fits here so yes
i hate english this sucks so bad but as long as you get what im trying to express then its fine ig ;-;
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“and what would be your order for tod-”
you paused the moment you looked up from the screen in front of you, making eye contact with the extremely handsome customer.
“a cup of long black please.”
“that’ll be $5.60- what’s your name ?”
why the fuck did you ask him that ?
you couldn’t stop staring at him, his black outfit hugging his form perfectly, the rings on his hands made him look even more attractive. you can feel your brain short circuiting just at the sight of him.
“… albedo.”
he swiped his card before sitting down at the back of the cafe, hands reaching to play with the flowers on the table.
“be careful !”
you were snapped out of your thoughts by your co-worker grabbing your wrist, stopping you from spilling the coffee in your hands.
“sorry ! I wasn’t paying attention.”
“as long as you’re not hurt, it’s fine.”
she smiled as she wiped the floor clean and handed you another cup, gesturing for you to get to work. you shook your head slightly, trying to forget about albedo. this isn’t like you, getting distracted by a stranger you literally just met.
“here’s your coffee sir.”
albedo looked up from the flowers and thanked you softly. you were about to leave when he stopped you.
“were you hurt back there ?”
“oh- I’m fine, thanks for asking though.”
you smiled nervously, hands fidgeting with the apron you’re wearing.
“mmm, you’ve burnt yourself, come here.”
he pulled your wrist gently, leading your hands onto the table before taking a hello kitty plaster out of his wallet.
you couldn’t help but laugh, “hello kitty plaster ?”
“it’s for my younger sister, she gets hurt often.”
albedo wrapped the plaster around your ring finger, smiling at the thought of klee and the way her plaster fits perfectly around your finger.
you didn’t think he could get more attractive than he already is, but the moment you saw his smile, you were sure your brain started frying.
“t-thank you, I’ll be going now.”
you gave him a quick smile and practically ran back to the counter, hiding behind your co-worker as you tried to calm down.
albedo would come over every friday afternoon, drinking the exact same thing at the exact same seat. all he did was sit there, drink the coffee and stare at the flowers.
he would also ask for long blacks made by you, and specifically you, no one else.
your co-workers often teased you for this and many of them tried to get you to talk to him, and to ask for his number. but you were always too shy to do so.
however, everything changed when he brought his sister over for that one friday afternoon.
“albedo says you’re really pretty !”
“klee !”
“what ? it’s the truth ! didn’t you say lying is bad ?”
“yes, but in this case it’s-”
“then we shouldn’t lie at all ! right ?”
the cute little girl dressed in red looked up at you, eyes sparkling, waiting for your response.
“yeah, lying is bad.”
“see !”
she huffed at albedo before running towards the small fish pond in the cafe, leaving the two of you standing there awkwardly.
“I’m so sorry.”
“don’t worry about it !”
“but you really are very beautiful.”
you swear your heart stopped for a few seconds when you heard the words leave his mouth. your whole body heated up as you smiled, thanking him softly, too embarrassed to even look at him in the eye.
“this is his number ! call him soon okay ?”
klee came running towards you and thrusted a piece of paper with albedo’s number written on it. you looked up at him as he looked away, ears extremely red from what just happened. he’s not going to be telling klee anything about his crushes from now on anymore.
“yeah, he comes here every week just to see her !”
the two of you could hear klee and your co-workers gossiping about the two of you, and that made albedo turn even redder.
“I uh … can I have your number ?”
he suddenly blurted out and stared at you, the intensity shocking you a little.
you typed your number onto his phone and bid him goodbye as he ‘dragged’ klee out the cafe, plopping her onto his motorcycle before zooming off.
over the next few weeks, the two of you talked everyday and you found out that he’s an art student and looking for beautiful things to draw is his favorite thing to do.
there was nonstop flirting between the two of you, be it on text messages or in real life. and it was so obvious that even klee could see it.
“albedo’s here !”
your co-worker tapped your shoulder, making you turn around and look at the white haired man walking into the cafe, flowers in his hands.
“what’s the special occasion ?”
you asked as you continued wiping the glass, eyes flickering between the glass and his face.
the flowers were suddenly so close to your face that you had to take a step back and tilt to one side to look at him.
“they’re for you.”
your hands stopped cleaning the glass as your eyes widened, blinking a few times, processing what you just heard.
“would you like to go out with me ?”
the cloth in your hands fell onto the floor and you started panicking. you didn’t think he would be interested in you, considering the fact that he’s so attractive and perfect and-
“you don’t have to say yes I just-”
“no- I would love to go out with you !”
you practically shouted as you snatched the flowers and hugged them, shocking almost everyone in the cafe at your sudden outburst.
albedo smiled at you before leaning closer to your face.
“you’re really cute when you’re shy.”
“I- uhm you-”
his hand reached towards your head and patted it slightly before muttering a small “bye”.
you buried your face in the flowers and inhaled deeply the moment he left, leaving you in your own fantasies.
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xiaomoxu · 3 years
Lucien - Mind’s Quest: Arriving With The Crowd
A date from CN server which hasn’t been released on EN server yet. Might contains some spoiler.
Please beware of roller-coaster emotions from this. A sweet moment yet has a deep meaning between them, is ready to serve you~
*) I put [...] on my thought about some scene.
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Translations under the cut~
Part 1
??: Lucien, MC, we met again.
On the way when Lucien and I get off from work, suddenly a familiar voice came from behind us.
We spontaneously turned around and saw our neighbor, Mr. Zhang, carrying a supermarket bag and beckoning to us with a smile.
Mr. Zhang: Recently, I saw you two commuting to and from get off from work together every day. It's a really good relationship.
MC: Mr. Zhang also helps your wife buy vegetables every day.
Mr. Zhang: My wife’s legs are not good, so I will run more errands. It’s not the same as when you are young.
Mr. Zhang: I remember MC said last time that you were going on a business trip, when would you leave?
MC: I will leave tomorrow.
Mr. Zhang: Oh my, it's no wonder! Then I won't bother you, so I'll leave you two.
Lucien: Okay, I understand, please be careful Mr. Zhang.
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Mr. Zhang smiled and looked at us again, then strode away.
I received an outdoor reality show a while ago. I planned to go to the countryside of a neighboring province to shoot for three months. I heard that the signal over there is not very good and it is inconvenient to communicate.
In order to make up for the time when the two places were about to be separated, Lucien and I made an appointment to spare some time every day before departure.
Almost all the spare time was used by us when commuting to and from get off work, visiting the supermarket, and buying breakfast.
Even if it is somewhat "inseparable" in the eyes of others, I still feel that this time is far from enough.
When I was thinking about it, Lucien gently squeezed my hand, recalling my thoughts.
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Lucien: How do you plan to spend the last night at home?
MC: Speaking of it, it might be a bit boring...
MC: In fact, my luggage hasn't been packed yet, so I'm always worried about what's left.
Lucien: Let me check it with you later.
Lucien: There is a distance between the shooting location and the urban area, so you still need to prepare well.
MC: Okay.
I looked up at the bright evening sky, and couldn't help but move closer to Lucien, entangled his arm.
MC: But the weather is so good today, let's go slowly.
Lucien: Alright.
As he said that, Lucien slowed down, we dragged a long shadow and walked slowly towards home.
Early the next morning, Lucien escorted me to the station.
After taking the luggage out of the trunk, I stood still and did not move.
Standing at the gate of the station, the dismay of parting suddenly surged up.
Lucien turned around with a sense and helped me stroke the messy hair in my ear.
Lucien: This time it's my turn to help you take care of the green plants. Don't worry, I will take care of them.
Lucien: And for you, if you need my help over there, remember to tell me.
MC: Okay.
I opened my mouth, but couldn't say anything more. Lucien sighed lightly and pulled me into his arms.
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Lucien: It's ok, the words you want to say, I understand.
Lucien patted my back lightly, as if he wanted me to feel at ease.
I gradually calmed down, feeling the breath in his arms a little greedily, wanting to save a strength for myself.
None of us spoke, just let time pass quietly.
A radio alert sounded vaguely in the station, and the restraint on my waist was loosened. I also let go of my hand and raised a smile to Lucien.
MC: Phew... Recharge completed.
Lucien: It seems that the big producer is ready.
MC: Um! I will work hard, strive to go and return early.
Lucien: Okay, I'll wait for you to come back.
I waved to Lucien, pulled up the luggage and walked into the station.
After passing the security check and walking far away, I couldn't help but look back.
At the entrance of the station people were coming and going. I don't know who they are going to go to or who they have just said goodbye.
Lucien still stood on the spot, looking at me from a distance.
A train came into the station, and the crowd quickly engulfed him.
But knowing that someone is watching, has filled me with confidence.
Exclusive Radio
Lucien: The question just now is almost like this.
Lucien: After you go back, you can adjust your opening report based on today's discussion.
Lucien: Do you have any other questions?
Student A&B: There's none.
Lucien: Okay, that's all for today.
Student A: Huh? There is another hot search on the news.
Student A: "The villagers broke the news that the film crew was polluting the environment...This film crew seems to belong to the company "Miracle Finders", right?
Student B: Yes, I saw their propaganda a few days ago, saying that they are going to the neighboring province to shoot a reality show.
Student A: Local villagers said that they dumped sewage into the river and also posted photos.
Student B: This is too unqualified, right? Do you want to destroy people's environment in the name of local customs?
Lucien: ....
Student A: Wait a minute, Professor Lucien is the consultant of "Miracle Finders" .....
Student B: It's, Professor Lucien, we didn't have other meaning...
Lucien: It doesn't matter. It's a matter of fact. If the film crew really makes a mistake, it is normal to be criticized.
Lucien: But I want to know, did the photos on the hot search actually capture the scene where the show crew dumped sewage?
Student A: Not really, only pictures of the river.
Lucien: Then we better not draw conclusions so quickly.
Lucien: There is no objective fact of "the program group dumped sewage" in this photo, only the result of "the river water was polluted."
Lucien: People can stand from different angles and use this result to infer many different stories.
Lucien: There is only one true fact.
Lucien: How do you prove it, are the stories you heard were the facts?
Student A: I.....
Student B: Look, the program group issued a statement to refute the rumors!
Student B: They also did a picture comparison. It turns out that the picture on the hot search is a picture several years ago.
Student A: Huh? Then someone maliciously spread the rumors.
Student A: ... Sorry Professor Lucien, we were a little impulsive just now.
Lucien: There is no need to apologize to me, it is essentially the fault of the rumors.
Lucien: However, since the thesis is about to start the topic, you can use this matter to remind everyone.
Lucien: Whether you are doing research or encountering social events, don't be too impatient. Set your mind down and analyze the logic carefully.
Lucien: I will also look at your logic loopholes during the defense. So, I hope you will prepare it well.
Student A: Good professor, we must prepare carefully!
Lucien: Well, let's go back.
(Lucien left the room and close the door behind)
Lucien: Huh? No phone, no news...
Lucien: Forget it.
Part 2 - Main Story
I settled down at the shooting location and confirmed some shooting-related matters. It was too late when I got back to my senses.
--The whole day's hard work hits my body, but the unfamiliar environment makes me sleepless.
I unlocked the phone and saw that the conversation with Lucien was still staying in the report after arriving.
Suddenly I wanted to talk to him, so I raised my arm to find the signal direction and knocked on what I saw today.
MC: "Today, I was dealing with emergencies, the network was unstable, and the scene was very chaotic..."
MC: "But fortunately, I saw a very interesting book on the way, specially introduce words with special meaning."
MC: "For example, this one."
I posted a photo of a page in the book with the Greek word "pathos" on it.
T/N: The Greek word pathos means "suffering," "experience," or "emotion." It was borrowed into English in the 16th century, and for English speakers, the term usually refers to the emotions produced by tragedy or a depiction of tragedy. "Pathos" has quite a few kin in English. A "pathetic" sight moves us to pity.
It means the sense of yearning and longing for those who are absent.
I waited for a while, but Lucien didn't reply, he should have fallen asleep.
I confidently continued to type on the keyboard and talked out all kinds of experiences in one mind.
MC: "The villagers are very kind and hospitable and helped us a lot."
MC: "The air is also very fresh, and a faint fragrance of green grass can be smelled everywhere."
MC: "But there are so many bugs! Thanks to you reminding me to wear long pants yesterday."
I told everything from morning to night, and when I was about to say something, my phone suddenly shook.
A video call invitation appears on the screen.
I sat up, scratching my hair twice before press the answer button.
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MC: You haven't slept yet...
Lucien: Well, just after finishing the report, I received your self-thinking message.
Lucien: I thought I couldn't wait for your good night today, but I didn't expect to receive a "big gift before going to bed".
MC: I don't know if you're still awake, is it bothering you?
Lucien: How come, I didn't feel disturbed.
Lucien: It should be said that I am very happy to see you share these experiences, in every detail.
Lucien: It seems that I am also experiencing these with you.
Lucien picked up the phone on the side and swiped, and smiled in a good mood.
Lucien: The book you took is also very interesting. The author has developed such a rich interpretation just around the word "pathos".
Lucien: This is the first time I know what this word means in Greek.
MC: Does this word exist in other languages?
Lucien: Well, I remember that this word is often used in English to convey the appeal of artistic works. It also means "sympathy" and "suffering".
MC: When you say this, you feel that there is a subtle connection between these two interpretations.
MC: Missing or longing for someone you care about can be considered "suffering", right?
Lucien: Maybe it is true.
Lucien: When the person you care about is not around, everything about her becomes more conspicuous, which makes people more aware of the fact that she is not around.
Lucien: Just like today.
Seeing that I was a little confused, Lucien pointed to his mobile phone.
Lucien: I saw some people on the Internet saying that the villagers at the filming location are somewhat dissatisfied with you.
Lucien: Is this the emergency you dealt with?
MC: ....I thought my actions for solving the problem were fast enough to keep you from discovering it.
Lucien: I thought you would talk to me about this sooner, so I have been waiting for your news.
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I was stunned for a moment, and then quickly smiled at Lucien.
MC: Don't worry, those on the Internet are all rumors, I’ve already solved it.
MC: In fact, we get along very well, and we promised to let the guests help a family draw portraits tomorrow.
Lucien: Well, then I won't worry about it.
Lucien paused, and suddenly moved closer to the camera, seeming to want to see something clearly.
Lucien: Why you keep supporting your arm like that, is it not comfortable?
MC: No, because the signal at this spot is better...
MC: The accommodation conditions here are actually pretty good, and the rooms are clean and tidy.
MC: Except for the occasional signal, you have to looking for the angle yourself.
Lucien: I can imagine how you would look for a signal while holding your phone.
MC: You're teasing me again!
Lucien: Alright, I won't teasing you. It seems that you can sleep well tonight.
I lay down again holding my phone and patted the hard bed underneath.
MC: Newcomers may still have to get used to the bed for a few days.
Lucien: In this case, I will lie down with you.
Lucien turned off the top light and walked to the bed to lie down. I followed and turned off the ceiling lamp, leaving only the small lamp beside the bed.
The screen went dark, and Lucien's face also looked a little fuzzy.
We lie on each other's sides, looking at the screen, as if we were lying face to face.
Lucien kept looking at me. I was a little embarrassed by him, and my eyes began to drift around.
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Lucien: Where are you looking at?
MC: ... I can't sleep, I want to divert my attention.
Lucien: It's better to close your eyes first, and I'll help you.
Seeing Lucien's encouraging gaze, I closed my eyes, and his low voice quickly came from my ears.
Lucien: Next, can you tell me what sound you can hear over there?
I pricked my ears and listened carefully, perhaps because my vision was blocked, my hearing became extremely sensitive.
MC: There is the barking of puppies and the roar of the machine.
MC: The alarm bell of a car rang...It was a bit noisy.
I subconsciously covered my head with a quilt, remembering that Lucien was still watching, and then secretly revealed half of my face.
Lucien: I seem to forget to remind you to bring earplugs.
Lucien: If you bear with it, the owner should wake up soon.
As soon as Lucien's voice fell, the noise outside the window stopped, and the world returned to silence.
Lucien: Is it quiet?
MC: Well, it feels quieter now than before...
We were silent in unison. Maybe the night is getting darker, and there is no other sound in my ears for a long time.
I don't know how long it took before I vaguely caught a tiny movement.
There are small ups and downs in the steady, it is Lucien's breathing.
I brought the phone closer, and subconsciously let my breathing keep up with his rhythm, as if we were in the same space.
My mind slowly calmed down, and my consciousness gradually drifted away in this sudden connection.
MC: Lucien...
Lucien: Hm?
MC: Good-
Did I say "good night"? It was too late to confirm, and my mind was gradually empty.
I do seem to be a little sleepy.
I don't know how long it took, Lucien's breathing gradually became even longer.
The girl on the screen is asleep, but she seems to have not released the phone yet.
Lucien sighed almost inaudibly, then curled the corners of his mouth again.
She was right, "The yearning and longing for those who are not around" does make people suffer.
Lucien gently stroked the sleeping face on the screen with his fingers, and spoke softly.
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Lucien: Good night.
Part 2 - Memory Silhouette
Half a month has passed since the shooting. On weekend mornings, I was putting on makeup while chatting with Lucien.
MC: Professor Lucien has worked hard, and accompany me to get up early on weekends.
Lucien: It's okay, I just came back from buying breakfast.
MC: Huh? You finally remember to have breakfast on time!
Lucien: I heard that the spring limited soup dumplings from the Huxin Road store will be off the market in a few days.
Lucien: Thinking you might like it, I bought it.
Lucien: However, I forgot that you were not at home and accidentally bought two portions.
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Lucien fiddled with the bag on the table and sighed softly.
I touched my flat stomach and sighed.
MC: I knew I should have eaten it again before I left, now I have to wait until next year...
Lucien: Then wait until next spring, we will buy it the first day it goes on sale.
MC: Okay! Then if you want to eat more today, just eat one for me.
Seeing Lucien nodded with a smile, I just patted the sunscreen on my face and closed my makeup bag.
Lucien: How do you feel that your dressing time has become shorter today?
Lucien: It usually takes at least half an hour before you come knock on my door.
I hummed twice, leaned close to the phone and tapped on the screen.
MC: Professor Lucien may not be aware of it. Make-up takes time and it takes time to remove makeup.
MC: At days, moving bricks are precious as moving gold, and I’m sleepy at night, so I don’t want to bother to remove my makeup.
MC: And now, it’s more important to be able to concentrate on talking with you for a while.
Lucien looked at me, smiling at the corners of his eyes and eyebrows.
Lucien: It seems that I was too accustomed to this intention before, and I will cooperate more with your time in the future.
Lucien: Speaking of this, I found a lipstick at home yesterday, which should have been dropped by you.
Lucien got up and disappeared from the screen for a while, and when he returned, he had the lipstick in his hand.
He opened the lid and showed it to me. I recognized that this was the one I carried with me before. The paste had already bottomed out.
MC: Actually this one is about to run out, just throw it away for me.
Lucien: Do you like this color very much?
MC: Yes, it's very versatile.
Lucien thoughtfully twirled out the remaining lipstick. I looked at him with a curious expression and couldn't help but smile.
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MC: Lucien, in your eyes, are the various lipstick look similar?
Lucien: Just looking at it, it's a bit difficult to tell.
Lucien: But after you apply it, I can see the difference.
[Not me crying over this conversation ㅠㅠ]
MC: Unexpectedly, Professor Lucien is also have a talent for such things...
Lucien: This is not my talent.
Lucien: You make these colors look clearer and more beautiful.
It sounds like a joke, but his tone is very sincere.
I was a little embarrassed to look away, and my heart was filled with sweetness because of his attention.
MC: Do you have any favorite color?
Lucien: I have. What I see now is the one I like the most.
My cheeks were slightly hot, and I was about to say something when the phone alarm rang suddenly, interrupting my thoughts.
Lucien: Is it time for assembly?
MC: Mmhm, how can time pass so fast...
MC: Then I'll go out first.
Lucien: Be careful on the road and take a break.
Lucien waved his hand as I did, and the sunlight shining in the room reflected his smile more clearly.
After finishing the call, I also subconsciously glanced out the window.
Although we can't spend this weekend together, but fortunately, we still enjoy the same sunshine.
Part 3 - Main Story
It has been a month since the shooting started, and the daytime sunshine gradually warmed up.
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Three poles on this day, we set up the machine under the sun, but a guest did not wait.
Perhaps because of the sweltering weather, the guests were not very enthusiastic about their work, and even began to find all kinds of excuses to try "ask for leave".
Physical discomfort, temporary travel, family affairs... all sorts of things like
The reasons for yes and no are endless, which makes us very embarrassed.
I communicated privately a few times, hoping that they would cooperate with the work, but within a few days, the old drama will repeat itself.
Today was another morning without anyone. My colleagues took turns to the residence to persuade. I also made a few calls to the guests’ agents.
Fortunately, after some coordination, the guests finally came forward, and we started the machine in the afternoon.
But in this state, the shooting process becomes a bit difficult. The venue is not cool enough, there are too many retakes caused by the wear, and I don't like interactive sessions...
Little things that did not constitute a problem have become problems. I tried my best to explain from them, so that my colleagues and guests did not quarrel.
In order to ensure the quality, I temporarily decided to stop work ahead of schedule after the key parts were taken.
I took advantage of the break time and prepared to go to the nearby supermarket to buy some supplies to comfort everyone.
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Along the way, the villagers who came home passed by, and the sound of conversation and the roar of tricycles filled the evening breeze.
Although they looked tired, everyone was happy on the way home.
I suddenly remembered the days when I left work with Lucien before I left. At that time, I also had the same happiness as them. It was expectation and stability.
I don't know what Lucien is doing now. Did he leave work on time? Did he eat well? I took out my cell phone, but found that there was no signal.
I turned off the screen, walked silently to the entrance of the village, and suddenly a bright light shrouded my head.
The street light was on, and the warm light spread on the road outside the village. In front of the platform not far away, a bus full of passengers was pitting in.
Looking at the scene in front of me, I seemed to be gently pushed by a force and changed the direction of advancement.
I got on that bus.
Clerk: Welcome!
MC: ....
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Originally, I just wanted to take the bus to relax, but I didn't expect to sit at the terminal --- the railway station accidentally.
The power that clamored in my heart drove me to buy a ticket for the fastest return to Loveland City.
When I walked out of the Loveland City Railway Station, it was raining heavily outside.
I watched the pedestrians passing by in the rain, and the reason for escaping gradually returned to my brain.
I walked into a nearby 24-hour store and sat down. I was looking at the night view outside the window and combing my thoughts. My phone suddenly vibrated, and Lucien's messages popped out.
Lucien: "Are you done?"
MC: "Well, it's finished."
I thought about it and added another sentence.
MC: "it's raining outside."
Lucien: "It's a coincidence, it's raining in Loveland City."
Listening to the patter of rain, I calmed down a bit and dialed the video call.
Lucien quickly picked it up. With the light on, I saw the familiar room behind him at a glance, which seemed to be my living room.
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MC: Lucien, are you at my house?
Lucien: Mmhm, the rain is a bit heavy, let me move the green plants on your balcony.
Lucien: Are you still outside?
MC: I'll go out to buy something for everyone, and I'll go back when the rain drops a bit.
Lucien: It's already a bit late, so be careful when you go back.
MC: Don't worry, I am fully equipped.
As I talked, I nodded vigorously, as if to prove something, and as if I just wanted to convince myself.
Under the bright light, Lucien's dark circles were obvious, and his face looked a little pale.
There was a bit of sourness in my heart, I subconsciously moved closer to the screen.
MC: Lucien, what have you been up to lately?
Lucien: There is a study at the end, and the things at hand are a bit trivial.
MC: Is it very hard? You look a little haggard.
Lucien: In order to avoid blemishes as much as possible, it is indeed a bit harder.
Lucien: But it will be over soon, don't worry about me.
Lucien: But you seem to be very busy lately. Have you encountered any difficulties?
MC: There is a little problem...but fortunately, it is not difficult to solve.
I hesitated for a moment, thinking that I secretly ran back to Loveland City like this, I always felt a little embarrassed, so I changed the subject.
I glanced at the room behind him, and suddenly caught a bright color near the window sill.
MC: Lucien, what's on the windowsill...?
Lucien: Recently, a new flower shop opened near the research institute. There are many type of flowers and they are very beautiful.
Lucien: So I bought some privately and put them in your house.
MC: Well, I want to see it too.
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Lucien switched the camera to the rear, and I saw a row of flowers on the windowsill, almost in full bloom.
It can be seen that these flowers are taken care of by Lucien very well, but the colors are all gorgeous, and they are inevitably dazzling when they are placed together.
always feel that this is not in line with Lucien's style, so I spoke with some doubts.
MC: Lucien, did you choose this all?
Lucien: I just chose the type of flowers, and the clerk helped to match the others.
Lucien: What's the matter?
MC: Nothing... they are bloomed very well.
MC: Is it time-consuming to raise so much?
Lucien: It does take time to change the water and pruning, but once in a while, it can be regarded as a kind of rest.
Lucien: Sometimes it is a little more comfortable to do things according to your own will, right?
I vaguely think that he meant something. Did he find out what he sneaked back into? It shouldn't be so obvious....
Just as I was thinking about how to respond to him, Lucien turned back to the camera and met my gaze.
Lucien: What about you, is there anything you really want to do now?
MC: Yes, I really want to go home, and immediately sleep for three days and three nights, and then go to eat hot pot and soup dumplings.
MC: I also want to watch movies and dramas instead of the ones I made myself.
Lucien: I thought that at least one of these wishes was related to me.
MC: Of course it is related to you. These are all things I want to do with you.
MC: It’s just that sometimes I don’t dare to think too much. It would be a little sad if I remember that you are not around.
I lowered my eyes, on the opposite side, Lucien did not speak for a while. Only after a while, I heard his voice again.
Lucien: In fact, every time the flowers bloom and wither, I also get annoyed.
Lucien: It would be nice if I could see it with you. If I raise it with you, it might be able to bloom longer.
Lucien: I am used to witnessing these moments with you. When you are not around, it is really uncomfortable.
I looked at his slightly bent eyes, and the bottom of my heart loosened for a moment, like a seed coming out of the soil.
MC: Then next time there are flowers blooming, please send me a picture.
MC: Although the network on my side may be delayed, it can be considered as a witness with you.
The smile on Lucien's lips deepened, and he nodded gently.
Customers opened the door one after another, and I glanced out the window. The rain had stopped.
Worried about revealing my position, I hurriedly moved closer to my phone.
MC: Lucien, the rain stopped on my side, I'm going to catch the last bus first.
MC: Let's continue tomorrow, go to bed early. Good night!
Lucien: ... Alright, pay attention to safety. Good night.
As soon as Lucien's voice fell, I hung up the phone in a hurry, and quickly bought a ticket to the neighboring province.
The sky was still gloomy, but my mood faintly became lighter.
One-sided thoughts may be troubles, but if this trouble gets a response, it turns into some kind of power.
The feeling of wanting to escape disappears. Between parting and reunion, I will run as soon as possible.
Because I know he is waiting for me.
Part 4 - Main Story
The filming work has been going on for two months, and the sense of summer has gradually become clearer.
It wasn't until the evening when the heat subsided. Colleagues walked to the restaurant one after another. I took out my mobile phone and walked to a place where there was a signal, and left a message to Lucien.
MC: "I have finished work, is Professor Lucien still busy?"
The words "The other party is typing" appeared at the top of the dialog box, but soon stopped and changed to a video call invitation.
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I hurriedly picked it up and Lucien's figure appeared on the screen. He was wearing a white coat and seemed to be still in the laboratory.
Lucien: Sorry, I may have to work overtime today.
Lucien: When checking the data, we found some problems, and we need to "rescue" them.
MC: Is it serious?
Lucien: Fortunately, it's just a bit time-consuming to process.
Lucien rubbed his eyebrows, and my heart tightened suddenly as I looked at his tired face.
MC: I remember that you were finishing up last month, is it almost to the deadline?
Lucien: It's less than a week.
Lucien: This time I brought a newcomer, and there are a lot of things that need to be run-in in the details.
MC: They might feel a little nervous, it's the first time they take on an important job.
MC: But with Professor Lucien, everyone will be able to find the way out smoothly.
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Lucien smiled and moved a little closer to the screen.
Lucien: I find that in your eyes, "Professor Lucien" always seems to be very powerful.
MC: Not only "Professor Lucien", in my eyes, Lucien is omnipotent.
MC: As the saying goes, those who can do more work, but you can't force yourself too much.
MC: Maybe you can’t rest assured now, but I have a tip to make you feel better.
Lucien: Oh? I really need it. Please tell me your advice, teacher MC.
MC: When it's really difficult, just give yourself a wish.
MC: In this way, every day we are moving towards that final wish and we have overcome many difficulties without realizing it.
MC: For example, arrange a vacation or travel, as long as it is something you like to do!
Lucien looked at me for a while and suddenly laughed.
Lucien: Thank you, teacher MC. I understand.
Lucien: In fact, this wish has always existed, maybe I'm just too impatient.
MC: What is Professor Lucien's wish?
Lucien blinked at me and skipped the question.
Lucien: If I remember correctly, your filming is also coming to an end.
MC: Well, the part of the reality show has basically been filmed, and I will go to the neighboring city next week to make up some empty shots.
MC: It is estimated that I will be able to go home soon to appreciate the flowers and plants that Professor Lucien has taken care of!
Lucien stretched his brows, and the smile in his eyes became deeper.
Lucien: Well, they are also looking forward to seeing you.
The neighboring city’s framing plan is based on the theme of "going home from work", for which the on-site director summoned a group of extras.
However, it rained suddenly before the filming started, so we had to buy an umbrella temporarily and distribute it to everyone.
I looked at the monitor and thinking about the moving line. I saw the light of the traffic light blurred in the rain, like a wet oil painting.
Considering that the theme of this reality show happened to be related to painting, my heart moved and decided to change the shooting plan.
MC: Please use an artistic way to express the theme, we will do slow-motion processing.
Think of this block as the background of the painting. You can use the props to simulate the people in the painting.
The actors seemed to be very interested in this suggestion and tried them.
MC: Let's try it first.
The camera moved slowly on the slide, the light slid between the transparent umbrellas, and the crowd moved closer to the camera and dispersed.
I seemed to catch a glimpse of a somewhat familiar figure in an instant, but in a daze, the figure disappeared again.
...How could Lucien be here? I must have saw it wrong
I blinked vigorously, forcing myself to concentrate.
Some of the people in this "painting" singing, some strode across the puddle, and some pulled out a stack of papers from their bags and threw them into the sky.
The night scene oscillated in these chaotic lines, and seemed to be lit by the warm atmosphere.
A piece of A4 paper flicked in front of the camera. After a brief loss of focus, the familiar figure suddenly appeared in the line of sight.
MC: ....?
I refocused, but found that the scene in front of me was not an illusion.
A narrow gap was opened between the crowds, and I saw Lucien holding the umbrella, walking towards me.
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He didn't make any movements, but just followed the crowd forward.
The light-colored coat was stained with some rain, which did not weaken his refined temperament at all.
This is the "Professor Lucien" I am most familiar with. He walks in the crowd calmly, as if he just got off work.
The splendor in front of me instantly lost its sound, and my eyes could only follow him closely.
But why is he here, why did he join the group acting team?
Doubts and surprises are intertwined in my heart at the same time, I really want to run to him immediately. However, at present, the only thing I can do is to look up from behind the camera.
It seemed that I had been waiting for a long time, and the moment I looked at him, I looked into his full of emotions-eyes.
In the next second, he took out a familiar lipstick from his pocket, twisted his fingers apart, and slowly started writing on the inside of the umbrella.
Perhaps it was because the people around him were acting in an exaggerated manner, and his movements did not appear abrupt.
I subconsciously stared at his umbrella and slowly pieced together what he had written.
P-A-T-H-O-S, is the word we talked about.
The continuous rain water glides along the umbrella surface as if soaking it.
There is a faint bitterness in my heart, it is the smell of yearning and longing.
After a brief gaze, Lucien passed the equipment and stopped beside me, as if accidentally covering the umbrella over my head.
I came back to my senses and refocused my attention on the shooting until the group actors had all gone.
MC: Cut!
MC: Xiao Fu, tell the actors, just follow the feeling they just did, and take another shot later.
My colleague walked to the side to greet the actors. Seeing the atmosphere loosen, I breathed a sigh of relief and turned to face the person behind me.
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I took a straight step forward, squeezed his sleeve, and poked his cheek again. Lucien leaned down cooperatively, and let me touch him.
MC: Am I really dreaming...
Lucien: Do you need to check again?
The smiling eyes are so near. As if bewitched by the light, I opened my arms to embrace him.
The faint fragrance of green grass enveloped my breath, and I couldn't help but move closer.
MC: Lucien...
Lucien: Mmhm, It's me.
He was holding an umbrella in one hand, and he held me tightly on my shoulder with the other. I didn't care if there were other people beside me, and buried my face in his arms.
A real touch came from under my palm, and the tips of his hair flicked gently in my ears, itchy.
At this moment, without the barrier of the screen, even if I bury my head in his arms, I can clearly outline his appearance.
Lucien gently patted me on the back. I don't know how long it took before I heard his voice.
Lucien: Is it confirmed now?
MC: Hm.… It is indeed our Professor Lucien who has replaced the actors.
MC: But why are you here?
Lucien: Now I'm here, will it affect your work?
MC: No way, you just provided a super awesome picture.
I remembered the busy work he said before, and subconsciously stroked the back of his hand.
MC: Is your research over?
Lucien: It's just ended today.
MC: Why didn't you take a break first...
MC: It’s a few hours’ drive from Loveland City to here.
Lucien: Compared to the past few months, a few hours is nothing.
Lucien: Besides, someone suggested before that I should give myself a wish to face the problems.
Lucien: Now that the problems have been resolved, I will come to realize this wish.
I looked into his eyes and suddenly understood what his "wish" was that he didn't tell me that day.
MC: But we have to go back to the countryside after the filming today. Is such a short time enough?
Lucien: Not enough.
Lucien: But the moment I saw you, I still thought it was worth it.
Lucien: I just don't know.. Does this suit the "going home" theme required by the big producer?
I looked at his questioning expression, and couldn't help but gently squeezed his face again.
MC: Totally suitable.
MC: Lucien, welcome back.
Part 4 - Memory Silhouette
After a brief reunion, Lucien will return to Loveland City.
After the filming was over, my colleagues took the equipment back first, Lucien and I got on the bus to the station.
There were not many people on the bus at this time. We sat side by side by the window, and the neon lights circling outside the window passed by.
This short reunion still made me a little dazed. I stared at Lucien's reflection on the car window, as if I couldn't see enough.
The bus stopped for one stop, opening and closing the gap between the doors, Lucien turned around, with a helpless smile on the corners of his lips.
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Lucien: Suddenly holding it so tightly, are you afraid that I will run away?
He raised our tangled hands, and I realized that I had just accidentally used some strength.
I let go hastily, and reluctantly hooked his finger again.
MC: It's a bit, after all, "sweet dreams" are always too short.
Lucien: If this is your dream, don't worry, it won't slip away easily.
Lucien gently folded his fingers and clasped my fingers.
Lucien: Speaking of it, I'm very curious, why didn't you choose the Loveland City for your shooting this time?
I paused and thought about the words before I spoke.
MC: Loveland City is a bit far away from us, and suitable shooting sites have not been approved for various reasons.
MC: But there is another reason that I don’t want to shoot in Loveland City.
Lucien: Hm?
I paused and thought about the words before I spoke.
MC: At first, everyone was back at their home. If they were in Loveland City, they might not even want to work.
MC: Especially knowing that I'm in the same city as you, I can't help but feel sorrowful.
Lucien smiled and stroked the back of my hand lightly.
MC: But how do I remember that you seem to have sneaked back once halfway through?
MC: Huh?! How did you know..
I looked up at him in surprise, but Lucien smiled and clenched my hand, pulling me closer.
Lucien: When you called me that day, it was in the store, right?
Lucien: There is an activity label on the shelf behind you, and I saw the words Loveland City.
Lucien: Moreover, the call that day was particularly smooth. Normally, your signal in the village should not be so good.
MC: ... Then why didn't you break through me?
Lucien: You look a little shaken, I have been waiting for you to tell me why.
Lucien: But you didn't, and you comforted me in turn.
Lucien: So I guess, at that time, you didn't really want to escape, you were just pissing off, or wanted to calm down, right?
The stop announcement of the bus intervened in our conversation, and after a short stop, we continued to move forward.
The night scene outside the window quickly receded, and only Lucien's smiling eyes stayed on me.
I secretly sighed in my heart. Maybe it is because he always looks at me like this that he can always guess any of my thoughts.
MC: I should have guessed it a long time ago, nothing can be hidden from you...
MC: But thanks to you chatting with me at that time, I didn't really waver.
MC: Knowing that someone was waiting for me to go home, it instantly became full of energy.
Lucien: Silly, you have worked very hard.
Lucien: Compared with the past, you already become stronger and braver.
Lucien: Instead, I need to get strength from you now.
I looked at his slightly frowning eyebrows, and there was a burst of soreness in my heart, and I leaned over to embrace his waist.
MC: Can this give you a strength?
Lucien: Hmm... But maybe you have to hug a little tighter.
MC: You are shameless.
With that said, I moved my body and moved closer to him.
A muffled chuckle came from the top of his head, and the temperature between his arms soon covered his back. I leaned on his shoulder and suddenly thought of something.
MC: By the way Lucien, who told you about the filming location?
Lucien: If I told you, would you blame that person?
MC: Of course, it's not right to disclose the itinerary privately
MC: But criticism belongs to criticism. Since it was revealed to you, I will still personally thank this person
I reluctantly rubbed his chin and buried my face in his shoulder.
I felt Lucien resting lightly on the top of my head, and a slight vibration followed his voice.
Lucien: I'll tell you when your work is all over.
Lucien: Now there are only two weeks left, and we can enter the countdown to go home.
Lucien: I hope that when you see me again, you can still be as happy as you are today.
MC: I will definitely be happier than today.
The bus kept entering and leaving the station, muting our tail sound in the slightly bumpy carriage.
I counting in my mind, there are three stops, two stops, one stop left. I'm going to say goodbye to him again.
However, the rainy season is about to pass.
I think it will be a clear sky on the day of reunion again.
Part 5 - Main Story
The three-month shooting is finally over.
Before the hottest day came, I quickly packed my luggage and returned to Loveland City.
As soon as I got out of the station, I immediately looked around, looking for Lucien's figure.
The moment I dragged the box in the crowd, a familiar call suddenly came from my ear.
??: MC!
I turned my head and saw Lucien standing outside the security line of the station, his eyes gazed deeply on me.
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MC: Lucien!
MC: Excuse me, please let me-
I dragged my luggage around the crowd, and ran towards him. Seeing Lucien, I rushing towards him, I simply let go of the luggage and jumped into his arms.
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Lucien: .... Be careful.
Lucien warned me like this, but his arm had already hugged me tightly.
Rarely, he didn't lean over to hug me and carried almost all of my weight in his arms. I had to stand on tiptoe so I could barely touch the ground.
There was a slight suffocation in the chest, and none of us willing to let go.
MC: Lucien... I miss you so much.
Lucien: I miss you too.
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A low breathing sound came from my ear, Lucien let go of me a little bit, his fingertips slid from the top of my head to my shoulders, followed by his eyes inch by inch.
Lucien: Our big producer seems to be tanned, tired and thin.
MC: Really?
I also raised my hand and stroked Lucien's cheek, rubbing it with affection.
MC: Our Professor Lucien has also lost a lot.
MC: It seems that I have to eat more delicious supplements these days!
Lucien smiled and nodded, and pulled the two luggage behind me.
Lucien: Then let's go home.
MC: Well, this time I really "go home"!
After returning to my home after a long absence, looking at the familiar furnishings, I finally let go of the tension that had been in the past few days.
Tired from the long journey, I quickly changed my clothes, walked into the room and opened the curtains, and at a glance I saw the flowers that Lucien kept on the windowsill.
It is a new variety that has never been seen before, and it is still in full bloom.
Lucien walked up to me and was slightly taken aback at the scene on the balcony.
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Lucien: ... It seems to be brighter than I imagine.
MC: Imagine?
Lucien's eyes flickered. I thought maybe he didn't know much about flower arrangements, so I volunteered to pick up an empty vase.
MC: It’s okay, just a little adjustment.
I picked a few flowers of similar color from a few bunches of flowers, trimmed them briefly, and put them in the empty vase again.
MC: Look, is this better?
Lucien: It looks a lot better.
Lucien: Before, I just followed the maintenance instructions to raise it, but it turned out that it needed to be adjusted like this.
MC: The most important thing is to keep the flowers well, I just add a little ornamental.
Lucien: In order to make flowers and people happy, it is best for us to raise them together.
Lucien: If you raise it next time, can you please help me arrange the flowers?
MC: Of course, it's on me!
I raised my head confidently, Lucien rubbed my hair with a smile.
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Lucien: In return, I have a small gift for you.
Lucien turned around, picked up a small box from the coffee table and handed it to me, opened the box and there was a lipstick inside. The authentic rose red reminds me of the handwriting printed on the transparent umbrella on that rainy night.
Lucien: Choosing lipstick for the first time, I don't know if you like it.
MC: It looks so beautiful...Why would you think of buying lipstick?
Lucien: I just think this one should suit you well.
Lucien: Want to try it?
MC: Yes!
I picked up the mirror on the table and was about to turn the mouth red, and suddenly met Lucien's gaze from the mirror.
MC: You, why are you looking at me all the time.
Lucien: Can't I watch it?
MC: Not really, just a little embarrassed...
I turned around while I was talking, only to find that he was still looking at me in good time.
MC: .... Lucien!
He was amused by the way I was bulging. He seemed to think a little bit, and came over to take the mirror from my hand.
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Lucien: Sorry, it's been a long time since I looked at you like this, I really don't want to miss any of your expressions.
Lucien: But if you are not used to it, I have a compromise.
Lucien: I'll help you put it on, how about it?
This fresh proposal made my eyes bright, and I quickly turned to face him.
MC: Okay, I won’t miss any of Professor Lucien’s special offer!
MC: But did you even know this...
Lucien: I'm not that good, and I may need you to be a "guinea pig."
Lucien: But I will try to be careful.
MC: It doesn't matter, Professor Lucien's "fault tolerance" here is very high.
Lucien: It seems that this is a special treatment for me.
Lucien: Come, sit by my side.
Lucien took me to sit on the sofa, tucked the hair beside my face behind my ears, and then focused on the lipstick.
He opened the lid skillfully, and squeezed it unnaturally
His gaze rested on my lips for a while, and I opened my mouth slightly in cooperation before he made the first stroke.
The moisturizing paste pushed against the lower lip, Lucien lifted my chin unconsciously, extending the color stroke by stroke.
His movements were very light, I was a little itchy, and was blocked by him, so I couldn't move, so I kept blinking and looking around.
Lucien seemed to have not noticed my struggle, so he put on lipstick slowly and didn't forget to look around, as if admiring his own work.
Lucien: This color really suits you, and looks better than I imagine.
MC: Is it "imagination" again?
Lucien: ,After all, it is a gift for you. Since I bought it, I have been imagining the way you put it on.
Lucien: Now, I can finally see it with my own eyes.
Lucien's fingertips gently rubbed along the edge of my lower lip, as if tracing its shape.
I caught a glimpse of the flowers behind him, and my heart trembled slightly.
I don't know how Lucien faced his longing, maybe it was a short daze interspersed with his busy work, maybe it was a "wish" in my heart...
I didn't deliberately think about it, but I felt that it was like a shadow.
I gently held his face and looked at him seriously.
MC: Lucien, now I am back.
MC: Whatever you think of or what you want me to do, you can tell me directly.
MC: After all, during this time, I have also accumulated a lot of wishes about you...
MC: Just as we "compensate" each other!
Lucien looked at me in silence for a while, and finally raised the corners of his mouth.
Lucien: Since I got my wish just now, now it's your turn.
Lucien: What do you want me to "compensate" for you?
I spread out Lucien's hands, seeing that there was still the lipstick that he had just rubbed off on his fingers.
I suddenly realized that it is precisely because there is no barrier at the moment that we can directly leave marks on each other.
And the long separation that I experienced made me want to be more greedy at this moment, leaving more proof of existence around each other.
I followed my heart to stood up and kissed his lips.
Lucien: ...
The newly applied lipstick rubbed against the corners of his lips, like a small blooming flower, dotted on his fair skin.
This color is really beautiful.
MC: If I want this kind of compensation... is that okay?
Lucien met my gaze, raised his hand and rubbed the corner of his lips, and suddenly laughed.
Lucien: Of course you can.
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He hugged me up and let me sit on his lap.
Sunlight spreads on us through the gauze curtain, adding warmth to the narrow distance.
Lucien: I thought before that you might need to adjust to your original life for a while... Lucien: Now it seems that I am the one who has been worrying too much.
I took the lipstick from his hand and made a few letters out of thin air.
MC: Remember the "pathos" we talked about before?
Lucien: Yes, I remember.
MC: Later, I read the book carefully and found that there are actually two kinds of misses described by this word.
Not only do I miss the other person when we are separated, but even if the other person is right in front of me, I still long for him.
MC: So, although we are not in the same place in the past few months...
MC: But to me, I never felt separated from you.
Lucien raised his head slightly and looked at me, his eyes seemed to be filled with shards of light.
Lucien: So, even if I am a little greedy now, is it okay?
MC: It’s okay.
Lucien: I not only want to see unique colors, but I also want to leave colors related to me in it.
Lucien: Is it okay?
He took my shoulders and seemed to draw something on my shoulders with his fingertips.
I lowered my head and looked over. The little red he rubbed with his fingertips just now was drawing another "flower" on my shoulder.
MC: Of course, after all... this color suits me very well.
Lucien stared at me deeply, his gaze slowly sliding from my eyes to my lips.
In the drenched sunlight, he held my face and dropped a feather-like kiss on my lips. The soft touch feels like a kind of gentle comfort, which makes me fall into it bit by bit.
I closed my eyes and felt him pull my chin slightly. I opened my mouth slightly, and his breath quickly swept through my perception.
The jaw was clamped by him, and a slight pain melted into the hot breath, which made the kiss look a little eager.
I put my arms around the back of his neck and responded carefully, the pain quickly dissipated, and he asked for it even more with burning sensation.
The faint scent of rouge faints between the lips, I don't know if it comes from the lipstick on his lips or mine.
The shoulders were gradually clasped by him, and the cold air from the air conditioner came in through his fingers and was warmed by his palm.
Every skin that touches him is conveying pleasant sensations. I keep my eyes closed, but my eyes are full of brilliance.
The wet and rainy season that I have just spent alone is all illuminated by the snuggle at this time.
I don't know how long it took, the temperature on my lips slowly faded, I opened my eyes and saw a mess of rose red on Lucien's lips.
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MC: Lucien, the lipstick--
Lucien: It's all spent.
We reached out to each other at the same time, trying to wipe off the fainted lipstick. But no matter how you rub it, it will leave a shallow trace.
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We looked at each other in embarrassment and couldn't help laughing together.
MC: What to do.. am I ugly now?
Lucien: No, it's cute.
The eyes of the person in front of me are like water, and the sunlight seems to have washed away the complexities in these eyes, showing a bit of pure satisfaction.
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Lucien embraced me again and stroked my hot cheek patiently.
Lucien: Any other wishes?
MC: There are a lot more, I feel I can't finish it for several days.
Lucien: It doesn't matter, I will be with you for many days.
Lucien: Those missing seasons, let us make up for it together
Notes from me: I can’t helped but giggling and crying over this date. The writer really gave us how Lucien’s feelings towards MC. They will loved each other for sure, with any circumstances ahead them. My wish just, please give them a happy moment like flying kite maybe? Anyway, thanks for visiting my blog and always reading Lucien’s date, and give him love~ xoxo
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a-wildemusing · 3 years
The Three of Us: A Late Night at the Cafe. 
word count: 1,676~
genre: Kenma x platonic!reader, Kuroo x Platonic!reader.
warnings: nothing I can think of. probably any mistakes.
summary: Y/n took the late shift at the Cafe they work at. It’s been a slow night until unexpectedly a whole volleyball team decides to get a late snack. 
a/n: this is part of a series I’m doing, called the Three of Us. Its made up events and adventures with being best friends with Kuroo and Kenma. Hope you enjoy!
The Three of Us. ✨ Masterlist. ✨
The night was going to be a long one, you thought. As a courtesy to your boss lady, you said that you would take her closing shift so she and her family could spend the evening together. It was her son’s birthday. You wanted them to spend as much time with her family as possible. There was no class the following day, so it all worked out. You could sleep in and your boss lady can relax. 
A few customers came in, but it wasn't overwhelming. Even at the last hour, you even told your co-worker they can go home early. You have done this many times before. Taking the closing shift wasn't anything new to you. The boss lady did not hesitate to trust you.  
It was a quiet night. Only two people came in for drinks after your coworker left. They left after a short stay. You were on your own after that. From the front window of the cafe, you looked out. Occasionally, a car passed by. As the minutes passed, the streets began to clear. After catching yourself spacing out, you decided to keep busy and start cleaning a little.
You had your back turned from the door. Cleaning the counters a little while waiting for closing time. There were still forty minutes left. You were minding your own business. Humming along with the low melody of the song playing over the speakers.  
This sort of quiet was sometimes enjoyable to you. However, it was beginning to feel a little overwhelming. You went too deep into your thoughts. 
The past few months have been interesting. There were many things coming up soon. Summer break was just around the corner. Graduation was drawing near for third-year students. In the coming term, Kuroo will be attending university. Kenma and you were going to be third years. Everything felt a little overwhelming. 
As you sighed, you began to organize some things. Your work routine slowly returns and you try not to space out again.     
Your ears were alerted to the chimes from the door. A smile soon appeared on your face as soon as you turned around to see your smirking best friend. You had a slightly confused expression on your face, but the smile was still prominent. Kuroo was standing with what seemed like the whole volleyball team. 
“Welcome!” You cheerfully said putting down the rag you were using the clean moments ago.  
You smiled at Kuroo. “What are you guys doing here? I thought you guys had practice” 
“Y/n, can I still order?” Lev interrupted Kuroo. Lev walked towards you with heart eyes. Kuroo rolled his eyes and sat at the nearest table. Kenma follows him. Both of them are watching you. Before giving Lev your full attention, you shook your head at the two. 
“Oh. yeah! Of course,” You said cheerfully as you made your way to the cash register. “What can I get you, Lev?” 
The rest of the team lined up behind Lev to order and offer a small greeting as well. After taking some orders, you take a short break to make the drinks or give the snacks to the boys. Even though they had practiced, everyone was so lively. Kuroo caught your eye as you glanced over at him. A smile spread across his face. It was as if he knew you needed the company. 
Kenma finally came up to you to say hi when it seemed you had a small moment to yourself.   You handed him a box to go. 
“Hi, Kenma.” You smiled. “I saved that for you.” 
Kenma opens the box to see a piece of apple pie. He smiles, and thanks you before sitting with Yamamoto. Then you went back making drinks again.
Once everyone had their food and drinks. You went around chatting with everyone. Yaku and Fukunaga were the two you ended up with. The two of them took care of you by protecting you from Lev, Inouka, and Yamamoto from simping too hard or bothering you. 
All in all, it was a good time. You felt so much better. The thoughts you thought earlier weren't so bothersome to you anymore. 
In time, the volleyball team began to slowly leave. Everyone said goodbye and thanks to you.  Before leaving, some of them helped you stack some of the chairs on top of the tables. All that remained was to mop the floors and finalize the cash register. 
Soon the only person that was left was Kuroo. Kenma was actually feeling tired and went home with the rest.
“Thanks for tonight.” As Kuroo grabbed the spare mop, you said softly, "I was kind of feeling weird." You moved the mop side to side as you slowly walked backward, not making eye contact with him.
"I remember you telling me you would be taking the night shift and we ended practice early. So why not.” Kuroo said while he mopped an area a little further apart from you. “But what’s up?”
“I don’t know.” You shrugged. 
“I am sure you do. How am I supposed to give you amazing advice if you don’t tell me what’s bugging you? How can your elder help you?” Kuroo teases you. 
You shake your head with a small smile on your face. “You are only one year older than me... Shut up.” 
A chuckle escaped Kuroo's lips. Then he taps your mop with his. Bringing your eyes up to look at him. As you hold the mop and pretend to be holding a sword, Kuroo follows your lead and does the same. 
“I don’t know…” You softly tap your mop with his a couple of times. “What are we going to do without you, Kuroo?” You leaned the mop by the counter. 
“What do you mean? I’m not leaving.” 
“Yes, you are. This is your last year. Graduation is coming soon.” 
“Yeah, oh. We have been together since we were kids and I don't know... Maybe I'm just being weird.” You looked down.
“No. No. you’re not. To be honest with you. I thought about this.” 
“Really?” You looked back up to meet Kuroo’s eyes. There was a seriousness to them.
“Yeah, really. I was thinking that I get one whole year without you and Kenma. How peaceful will that be.” 
You nudged him playfully, “ Hey!”
Kuroo starts laughing, putting the mop that he was holding down next to yours. He leans on the counter to keep his balance. 
Kuroo as he calms down. “It’s not like I’m leaving the face of the Earth Y/n. Plus, you are going to the same university as me.” Kuroo teases. 
“I know! Okay…it’s just I-I’m... I’m going to miss you.” You give him a small smile. 
But with that Kuroo starts laughing again.  
“Oh come on, Kuroo let me be sappy for a second.” You sighed and gave Kuroo a shove. “You’re my best friend...my annoying older brother. God. Maybe, this is going to be a nice break from your teasing!” Your vision slowly started to blur. You shocked your head. 
“I’m going to miss seeing you every day,” Kuroo said, as he walked towards you. He wraps you in a hug and you return the hug. “But don’t worry. It’s going to be like I haven’t left. I’m going to bug you and Kenma as much as possible.”
You rolled your eyes but hugged Kuroo a little harder. The both of you stayed like that for a bit.
“Hey, come on. I know you still have to finalize the cash register and it's getting late.” Kuroo lets go of you. 
You and Kuroo completed the cleaning and you completed the cash register after your conversation. The cafe was locked. The two of you walked home together. It was a quiet walk and train ride home. Each of you taking a moment to ponder over the small conversation you both had. 
There was going to be a lot of change. Getting used to not seeing each other every day was going to take some time. However, you knew Kuroo and Kenma would be your closest friends for a long time. 
*Kenma and Y/n during the first two weeks of their third year*
Your alarm went off and when you saw it was the third special alarm you woke up so quickly. A burst of energy helps you race to get yourself ready and out the door. Your third alarm was your last warning before you were going to have zero time to make it to school on time. 
You knew if you were waking up late, Kenma would be as well.  Your hair was a little messy, your uniform wasn't tucked in completely, and there were some papers trapped in the zipper of your school bag.  
“We're going to be late, Kenma!" You barged into Kenma’s room. Kenma is still lying in bed. Opening his eyes gradually, he gazes into the distance towards you by the door. 
“Kenma! Let's go!" You threw his uniform at him. Despite still being confined to his bed, he slowly begins to rise. 
“What do you mean...Kuroo is not here yet.”  Kenma rubs his eyes. 
After a brief pause, you turned your attention to him. Your face displays a sad smile. It's then that Kenma realizes what's going on.
“Oh.” He grabs his uniform.  
Kenma and you were finally out the door and rushing to school. You both were able to catch the train. Both sitting down, you placed your head on Kenma’s shoulder trying to catch your breath.
“How did Kuroo manage to keep us from being late for so long?” You look up smiling at Kenma. 
“I don’t even know.” Kenma takes out his handheld console. 
You lifted your head from Kenma’s shoulder when you felt your phone blowing up with text messages. You smile to yourself seeing who was texting you. Kuroo was texting you asking if you made it on time and if you and Kenma were at school yet. You message him back and then put your phone away. Placing your head back on Kenma’s shoulder to watch him play his game.
end notes lol 
~ Kenma and Y/n were so distracted by the game that they almost missed their stop. ಥ‿ಥ
~Kuroo is stressed af bc of Kenma and Y/n and he doesn’t even go to same school as them anymore lol 
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cheri-translates · 3 years
[CN] Shaw’s Creative Date
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date, 创意之约, which has not been released in EN! 🍒
This date features S2 Shaw, but contains no spoilers for S2!
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[ This date was released on 13 May 2021 ]
Removing the VR headset, I rub my slightly sore eyes. Seeing the familiar modern furniture leaves me in a momentary trance.
MC: I finally cleared it - this game about the ancient times is pretty immersive.
Aside from completing missions, the game also has a rich plot written in a classical literary style. As a “workshop apprentice”, I successfully created a string of wood carved persimmons.
Rotating my aching wrists, it’s as though the sensation of carving products is still lingering on my hands.
MC: It’s a shame that I could only do that in the game...
Just when I’m about to continue grumbling, my phone suddenly rings.
Tapping the answer button, a familiar voice drifts lazily to my ear.
Shaw: Not a sound from you even during the weekend. What are you up to?
MC: I just played an immersive game, and it’s pretty fun.
At the other end of the line, Shaw makes an “oh” sound, then continues asking.
Shaw: Are you planning to stay at home today?
MC: Mm. I finally finished a big program, so I’m pretty comfortable playing games at home.
Hearing my response, Shaw’s tone lifts slightly at the end.
Shaw: It’s just a game. You can play it anytime, can��t you? The weather outside is great. Staying at home is such a waste. Why not take a stroll outside?
My gaze sweeps over the VR headset. While I’m hesitating whether or not to agree, a thought suddenly flashes across my mind, and I have an idea. 
MC: Shaw, why don't you accompany me somewhere?
Shaw pauses for a moment, his subtle breathing drifting over the phone along with the electric currents.
Shaw: Where do you want to go?
MC: I’ll keep it a secret first. You’ll know when you get there. It’s definitely a place you wouldn’t expect.
Shaw chuckles softly, and he seems to stretch.
Shaw: All right. Since you invited me with such magnificent hospitality, I’ll reluctantly keep you company.
Soon after, the both of us stand at the entrance of a wood carving studio. Shaw tilts his head, looking me up and down.
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Shaw: You sure we’re not at the wrong place?
I nod my head.
MC: How is it? I already said you definitely wouldn’t expect it. 
Shaw arches his brows, a somewhat surprised expression in his eyes.
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Shaw: When did you get a new hobby?
Not giving Shaw a direct response, I lift my hand, raising my phone to his face. The picture on the screen features the string of wood carved persimmons I made in the game.
MC: Look at this string of persimmons. I carved it bit by bit in the game. Looks good, doesn’t it? I plan to carve a replica based on this later.
Shaw leans closer to give it a sweeping glance, his expression a little subtle.
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Shaw: ...the object in the picture isn’t too bad. But do you like it that much that you must carve a string of persimmons?
MC: Don’t underestimate this small string of persimmons. Slow work yields fine products. The smaller something is, the more patience and carving skills are tested. Also, this is the first wood carving I made in the game. Furthermore, “everything will go according to one’s wishes” is a wonderful message and well-wish. Making it myself will feel very meaningful.
[Note] For the translation of “everything will go according to one’s wishes”, What MC says is “柿柿如意”, which is a pun based on the popular well-wish “事事如意” (“everything will go according to one’s wishes”)
“Persimmon” is 柿 (“shi”). “Everything” is 事事 (“shi shi”)
Shaw: But based on the level of complexity, you can’t make it without having a foundation in carving.
Predicting that Shaw would say this, I make a fist, lifting my head up confidently. 
MC: Don’t underestimate me. I think I’m naturally talented in handwork. If I can make it in the game, I might be able to in reality.
Hearing my “lofty aspirations”, the corners of Shaw’s lips hook upwards, and he elongates the tail of his sentence coolly.
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Shaw: Fine, I’ll wait and see. 
Probably because it’s the lunch break, only the boss is in the shop.
After telling the boss my purpose in coming, he very quickly prepares the wooden block and burin, then comprehensively explains some matters I should take note of.
[Trivia] A burin (刻刀 - “ke dao”)  is a handheld steel tool used for carving metal or wood
MC: Draw a design first, then trace a copy onto the wooden block, then...
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Hearing me mumble to myself, Shaw can’t help but arch his brows.
Shaw: It’s no use simply memorising the steps. You’ve got to get started to get the feel of it. 
...that make sense.
Very soon, I successfully draw a design based on the picture. However, I keep sensing that something’s missing when I look at the picture of the string of persimmons in my hand.
Darting a glance at Shaw, who occasionally looks at the drawing paper in my hand, I turn my body to the side, displaying the drawing paper in front of him.
MC: Shaw, didn’t you brag about being the “best in hand-drawn sketches” in your department? Want to take a look and make adjustments for me?
[Note] For those who are unaware, Shaw is the only graduate student in the archaeological department of Loveland University, so... of course he’s the best in everything LOL
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Shaw’s brows arch slightly. Grabbing a pen on the table casually, he starts making amendments quickly.
Shaw: Done.
Unexpectedly, with just a few strokes, the fullness and lushness of the persimmons are outlined, and the entire picture instantly becomes much more vibrant.
Once all the preparatory work is done, the next step is to saw the sides of the wood carving. Placing the wooden block on the machine, I test out suitable positions.
All of a sudden, Shaw presses on my hand.
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Shaw: Didn’t the boss mention that it’d be safer to place it a little beyond the peripheral line?
While saying this, he pulls on my wrist, causing the wooden block to shift to the side slightly. After verifying that it’s in the right place, he releases my hand.
Wood carving in real life is much more difficult than I imagined. The more I tell myself to be calm, the more my hands refuse to obey.
I take a deep breath - 
Shaw: Tch, aren’t you going a little too fast?
Right after he finishes speaking, my hand suddenly trembles, and I saw a small hole into the wooden block.
Shaw pauses for a few seconds, then bursts into laughter mercilessly.
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He leans over, pointing at the small hole, his eyes gloating over my misfortune.
Shaw: Heh. Did someone take a bite out of the persimmon? It’s actually pretty creative.
Faced with Shaw’s mockery, I pout without saying anything. Then, I mimic his usual tone and glare at him.
MC: Why are you laughing so loudly? My hearing is good, okay.
Shaw casually props himself on the table with his elbows. He turns his head to the side and watches me, eyes filled with interest and a smile.
Perhaps because we’re too close in proximity, I seem to feel his warmth encasing my surroundings.
Smelling the scent of peppermint at the tip of my nose, I subconsciously turn away, muttering softly.
MC: Stop crowding over here... it’s a little warm.
The corners of Shaw’s eyes lift upwards slightly, and he sweeps a gaze over my face. He chuckles, sitting down on the chair behind in a wilful manner.
Not long after, I painstakingly saw the overall outer shape of the wooden block. After that, I start using a chisel to carefully craft the outline and thickness.
Probably because I’m unfamiliar with the techniques, the thickness of both sides of the wood carving are very different despite me putting in a lot of effort into correcting it.
I steal a glance at Shaw who is behind. After some hesitation, I clear my throat.
MC: Erm, could you help me with a little something?
Shaw loosens his shoulders.
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Shaw: You want my help?
MC: Since you look like you don't have much to do, why not adjust the thickness of the outline with me?
Shaw doesn’t respond immediately. He folds his arms and leans against the wall, both legs placed casually.
Beneath the sunlight of the scorching afternoon sun, the corners of his lips tilt upwards, revealing a mischievous smile.
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Shaw: Someone made a solemn vow earlier that she could do it by herself. So, in order for you to experience this fully, I refuse.
I don’t even spare Shaw half a glance after this, heart sinking as I lower my head in silence, focusing on the wood carving alone.
Perhaps grasping some tricks, my actions are gradually much more proficient than before, despite slow improvement.
The doors to the shop are suddenly pushed open. A parent walks in with a little boy.
The boss greets the new customers. Shaw suddenly lifts his arm and waves, walking over to the boss.
Shaw: Boss, give me a burin too.
Thinking that Shaw was suddenly “pricked by his conscience” and is planning to help, I lift my head to look at him in anticipation.
Unexpectedly, after getting the burin, Shaw picks up the leftover linden wood that I had sawed off earlier.
He stands near the window, lifting his hand leisurely. Against the light, that head of bluish purple hair is even more eye-catching.
Shaw: It’s boring to wait. I’ll try it with you, and give you some competitive motivation.
He reveals a confident smile, his tone not at all humble.
Shaw: I’ll also show you what it means to be “naturally talented”.
Shaw deliberately sits down at a table that’s further away from me.
Seeing that my gaze continues to linger on him, Shaw lifts his eyes, asking teasingly.
Shaw: Why are you staring at me?
MC: ...you already know the answer. Also, you’re pretending to be mysterious. What exactly do you plan to carve?
Shaw: You want to know? All the more reason not to tell you.
With this, he lowers his head, the tip of the pen making rustling sounds. He’s likely drawing a design on the rough paper.
Pursing my lips with a “hmph”, I decide to throw myself into crafting the wood carving.
Just as I strive to painstakingly carve the appearance of the wood carving, the little boy who accompanied his parent here seems to be restless.
He runs around the shop, and finally scuttles to Shaw’s side.
Little Boy: Big Bro, your hair’s really cool!
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Shaw releases a “hmph”, paying no attention to the boy. But the little boy is fearless, and continues curiously.
Little Boy: Big Bro, what are you carving?
Unintentionally hearing this, I hurriedly perk up my ears, turning my body towards Shaw secretly.
Shaw glances at the boy from the side, placing the prototype wood carving on the table and leaning it from side to side.
Shaw: Make a guess.
The boy stares at it for a while, then exclaims excitedly.
Little Boy: I see it now - it’s a fish! Big Bro, did I guess correctly?
Shaw doesn’t deny it, revealing an expression which says “you’re pretty knowledgeable”.
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Shaw: [aww he sounds so affectionate] Little Imp, your eyesight isn’t bad.
Little Boy: But why do you want to carve a fish?
The boy doesn’t seem to understand, and is also slightly disdainful.
Little Boy: Fishes are so unimpressive. If it were me, I’d carve a big tiger. It’s the king of all creatures, and it’s so impressive!
While the boy speaks, he chuckles in satisfaction.
Shaw laughs, then purses his lips.
Shaw: A wooden carved fish is much more interesting than your big tiger.
The boy has an expression on his face which reads “nonsense”. Shaw casts a sidelong glance at him, scoffing softly.
Shaw: Forget it. You wouldn't understand even if I told you.
Little Boy: Who says I wouldn’t understand? I’ve already learnt many things!
The boy grumbles in dissatisfaction, his arms akimbo, pestering Shaw unflinchingly.
I try my best to control the smile at the corners of my lips, and suddenly have an idea. Clearing my throat, I pretend to be a bystander, inserting myself into the conversation.
MC: What this little boy said is correct. Young man, you can’t look down on others just because you’re older by a few years.
Little Boy: Hmph! That’s right!
My “encouragement” enables the boy to be even less willing to back down, and he purses his small mouth.
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Shaw: Oh?
Hearing my response, Shaw lifts his eyes, a mischievous smile curling the corners of his lips upwards.
Shaw: What is it? You also want to know?
MC: Since you started it, it’s only right for you to talk about it more.
Shaw: Since the both of you are pretty eager to learn, I’ll broaden your knowledge.
Next to the window, the rays of light are bright. Shaw arches his brows wilfully.
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Shaw: To put it simply, this is related to the history of “fish culture”. Since ancient times, fish have represented auspicious signs and well-wishes.
Little Boy: I know about this! Is this how people wish each other “may you have abundance year after year”? I heard my teacher mentioning it before. It’s because “鱼” and “余” are homophonic!
[Note] The well-wish the boy is referring to is “年年有鱼”, which is a pun based on the proper saying “年年有余”
“Fish” is 鱼 (“yu”), while 余 (also “yu”) means abundance
Shaw: In that case, your teacher only told you half of it.
Shaw fiddles with the burin in his hand, spinning it casually.
Shaw: Fishes are an embodiment of luck. Patterns of fish can often be seen on antiques.
MC: What’s the origin of wooden carved fishes then?
Shaw pauses for a second before responding.
Shaw: Over seven thousand years ago, the most ancient wooden carved fishes were in the Hemudu culture. Based on conjectures, they were likely used for praying and well-wishes.
[Trivia] The Hemudu culture was a Neolithic culture spanning from 5500 BC to 3300 BC, located south of the Hangzhou Bay in Jiangnan in Zhejiang, China
Shaw speaks indifferently, but the boy listens at the side, his eyes wide.
Little Boy: Big Bro, you really know a lot! You’re even more incredible than my teacher!
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The corners of Shaw’s lips hook upwards with pride.
Shaw: I guess so. Little Imp, remember to read more books and learn properly.
The boy runs away contentedly. My gaze lands on the wooden carving in Shaw’s hand that I can’t see quite clearly yet.
I didn’t expect the wooden carved fish to have the same symbolism as the string of persimmons. I tilt my head, feeling slightly emotional.
Time flows by as the seconds and minutes pass. Before realising it, the sky dims, and the studio lights are bright.
Swinging my hands which have almost lost all physical strength, I release a long sigh.
At the other side of the table, Shaw lifts his chin towards me.
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Shaw: Progress isn’t going smoothly? 
Looking at the half-finished product with uneven contours next to my hand, I shake my head a little despondently. 
MC: Looks like I won’t be able to finish it today, and would have to come back next time. Also, the actual wood carving is light-years away from what I expected...
Hearing my soft grumbling at the end, Shaw arches his brows.
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Shaw: Just by looking at it, the string of persimmons isn’t easy to make. But you dug this pit yourself, so I’ll wait and watch you fill it up.
Ignoring the teasing tone in his voice, I purse my lips.
MC: I definitely won’t give up. What about you? Are you done with the carving?
Shaw has an expression which reads “of course”, and he nods unhesitatingly.
Shaw: It was done a long time ago.
I’m stunned for a moment, both surprised and curious.
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One hand supports Shaw’s cheek lightly. With a stretch of his long arm, the wooden carved fish is brought before my eyes.
This is a bright coloured wood carving of a fish. It has a roundish head and a chubby belly, and looks extremely adorable.
I lift up the wooden fish sculpture with both hands, as though instantly struck by its adorable shape.
Shaw: Excellent workmanship with profound symbolism. Your goal has been overtaken by me.
Behind the table, Shaw arches his brows in satisfaction, casually twisting the burin, his pose utterly flamboyant.
Even though his carving is indeed not bad, the moment I lift my eyes and see Shaw’s insuppressible pride, I can’t help but remain silent.
With the sudden impulse to sing a different tune, I deliberately purse my lips, speaking calmly.
MC: It’s just like this I guess. In terms of exquisiteness, I’d give a passing mark at most.
The smile on Shaw’s lips retracts slightly. While looking at me from the side, he releases a “hmph” from his nose.
Shaw: You have the nerve to criticise me? Why don’t you look at your own standard. Also, this is my exclusive design. It’s much more creative than you making a duplicate from the game.
Hearing the unwillingness to back down hidden in his tone, I can’t help but smile secretly.
Shaw glances at me indifferently. He seems to catch the secret smile on my lips, and an indiscernible light flashes across his eyes.
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Shaw: Hey, shouldn’t you return it to me after touching it for half a day? You don’t like it anyway.
MC: Who says-
Almost making a slip of the tongue, I hurriedly change my words.
MC: Actually, on closer inspection, it seems that your carving is pretty okay.
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Shaw: Just “okay”?
MC: ...I’ll add one mark for its symbolism and origin then.
Pleased with this, Shaw rolls his shoulders, chuckling softly.
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Shaw: You still have some taste.
He crosses his leg over the other, his eyebrows suddenly furrowing. He seems to blurt out what’s in his mind.
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Shaw: But the head of this fish seems a little too round... Hm, it’s a little irksome. Looks like I need to make some corrections.
MC: No it isn’t? It looks just right like this!
Afraid that Shaw would snatch it back, I hurriedly fold my hands over the wooden carving, and notice a hint of slyness in his eyes.
He leans closer abruptly, instantly closing the distance between us.
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Shaw: Looking at your posture... What is it? Can’t bear to return it?
Specks of bright light reminiscent of daytime dance on Shaw’s bluish purple hair, outlining his expression and making it look even more triumphant.
I blink my eyes.
MC: Since you’re already done, I think I should observe it for a while longer, and have some “luck” rubbed off on me. I might even be able to quickly and successfully finish my wood carving too.
Shaw turns his head, the corners of his lips turning upwards relaxedly. A pondering smile surfaces in his bright eyes.
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Shaw: You’ve got taste. If you really like it, it’s not that I can’t give it to you.
My heart stirs, eyes widening as I look at him. But I have the feeling that there should be a second half to his sentence.
Shaw leans back relaxedly, stretching casually.
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Shaw: But I need to make up for the costs.
...just as I guessed.
Cradling the wooden carving in my hand, I lift my chin towards Shaw.
MC: Go on, what’s the “fee”?
Shaw lowers his head, pretending to deliberate for a few seconds. Then, he lifts his eyes, meeting mine.
Shaw: When you’re done with your wooden carving...
Shaw: It belongs to me. 
[Note] There are actually two ways one can interpret this line because it’s kept purposefully vague. It’s simply “归我”, which means “belong to me”. This means we can’t be sure if he’s asking for the wooden carving or MC herself :>
Shaw: How is it? Isn’t it very fair?
Light falls on the tips of Shaw’s hair, reflecting a bright and sly smile in his eyes.
Before I can react, he has already stood up.
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Shaw: All right, that’s how it’d be.
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🐟 Phone call: here
🐟 Support the cafe by dropping by the tip jar!
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pinkoptics · 3 years
AU-gust 2021 Prompts
3. Hipsters / 16. Hippies
Erik detests hipsters and hippies and, to be honest, isn’t even sure what the difference is, nor does he particularly care. The things he will do for Charles…
Modern AU. Still have powers. Grumpy Erik. Adorable Charles. Meet Cute. Silliness.
3392 Words
Erik hated everything about this place.
Absolutely everything.
He could write a dissertation on its failings, which were abundant.
Its first sin was being directly across from his apartment building. When he looked out his window, he saw it. When he stepped out of the lobby doors, he saw it. When he pulled his car out of the parking garage, he saw it. It was an unavoidable part of every single day of his life.
Its second sin was what it had replaced. Previously, there had been a diner. A kosher diner. A diner that had tasted like his childhood. It had been a hole in the wall, never looked quite clean, but the coffee had been strong enough to caffeinate an elephant and the food almost as good as his mama’s. Most people had passed it by. Just another slightly dingy New York eatery that you didn’t give a second thought. Quiet. A refuge for those in the know. Then came the hipster gentrification, ruining not only his precious diner, but the neighbourhood in general.
Its third sin was its name. Plant. In and of itself the name ‘Plant’ was harmless, inoffensive. Just a word. It conjured images of a vegan eatery, bistro, restaurant, or maybe if taken 100% literally, a store that sold plants. All of which would have been fine. He had nothing against plants and, sure, he ate meat (kosher meat), but happily ate vegetarian dishes as well. But no, it was not a plant store or even a vegan eatery, it was a vegan coffeehouse. Coffee came from plants, Erik knew this, so the name passed on that technicality, but it did not scream ‘coffee.’ Why not ‘Bean’ if it needed to conform to the trendy one-word-naming that had for reasons unknown come with the gentrification. It was couched between ‘Table’ (a restaurant) and ‘Sweat’ (a boutique gym). Plant did not equal coffee, and that knowledge crawled under his skin every time he saw the stylized lettering.
Its fourth sin was the coffee. Erik wasn’t particularly picky about his brew, whether at home or out. Cheap diner swill, the finest Italian espresso, the Keurig at the office, the ridiculously expensive machine that produced the perfect cappuccino at Emma’s apartment, whatever. Plant’s beans were fine as beans went, the roast satisfactory, but then ruined with its accompaniments. They carried a variety of ‘mylks.’ Yes, with a ‘y’. He preferred lattes, and would have been fine with oat or almond— if only it was spelled with a fucking ‘i’. Every time he saw the pretentious letter, he felt the urge to take a sharpie and commit as many acts of misdemeanour graffiti as necessary until all the ‘y’s were gone.
Its fifth sin was its staff. He could have tolerated their always sunny dispositions (even if it were literally impossible for any customer service employee to be that happy all the time). He could have tolerated their ridiculous hipster (or was it hippy?) apparel, moustaches, beards and hairstyles (what was even the difference between the two?). What he could not handle was the way they called him ‘friend.’ Every. Single. Time. He could count his friends on one hand and none of them worked at Plant. Their ‘peace, love and joy’ vibe made him grind his teeth and wish he had a mutation that would allow him to send them back to the 1960s.
And yet…
“Good morning friend! Amazing day, right?” It was, in fact, pouring so hard the streets were borderline flooding. “Usual? Or do you want to try—”
Erik had long ago learned to immediately tune out the suggestions, but was sure he caught the word ‘sage.’ Who in their right fucking mind wanted sage in their coffee? Yes, he was inside the loathed establishment wasting precious brain cells wondering why anyone felt the need to mess with the simple perfection that was coffee and milk. Yes, he was there often enough that the employees knew him on sight. Yes, he had a usual order.
It wasn’t his fault.
It really wasn’t.
It was the fault of a pair of the bluest eyes he had ever seen.
This shouldn’t have been the case. The whole thing was ridiculous, utterly ridiculous. The entire story more at home on the W Network or Hallmark, than in his very real, not-a-rom-com, life. And yet, here he was, having his 24th latte with mylk in a row and questioning his very sanity.
It had all started, just over a month ago, directly in front of Plant. To this day, Erik wasn’t sure whose fault it had been. He’d been on his phone, eviscerating a junior partner for a monstrous fuck up, and so livid that he was not at all paying attention to his surroundings. The blue-eyed man he’d run into, however, had claimed equal distraction, so perhaps the blame rested on both of their shoulders.
They had crashed into each other— papers flew, his phone flipped through the air and they ended up in a heap on the sidewalk, Erik atop the smaller frame beneath him. Already late for work, already pissed off with the junior partner beyond reason, Erik had been ready to re-direct his anger and tear whoever it was a new one, when the aforementioned blue eyes had arrested the words in his throat. He had admitted this to no one. Hell, he barely admitted it in the sanctity of his own mind because he was not a 12 year old girl, but a senior partner in one of the most prestigious architecture firms in New York. He did not go soft over a pair of gorgeous eyes (except, apparently, that he did), particularly when he hadn’t even seen the face that went with the eyes, which could have been grotesquely unattractive (it wasn’t).
The mouth that went with the eyes was absurdly red and absurdly kissable. The face angelic. To his eternal, internal embarrassment he had thought that exact word— angelic. He wished he could have blamed his temporary insanity on hitting his head, but having fallen on top, he couldn’t. If anyone had a concussion it was the ocean-eyed, ruby-lipped angel man. The ruby lips had spluttered apologies in a gorgeous British accent (not something Erik had until now found to be a turn on) as they scrambled off each other, righting clothes and belongings.
“Your phone!” the man had moaned. “Is it all right?”
The screen did appear to have a crack, but in another moment of lunacy, Erik pocketed it before the Angel could see and muttered something about it being fine. Instead, Erik helped him to collect the papers that had fluttered every which way, including the road, where they were already being demolished by a steady stream of vehicles.
“I hope those weren’t important.”
The man laughed, it was a very nice sound. “Not as such, no. I’m sure my students will be delighted to hear that their papers were torn asunder. They already mock me for printing them at all. I could mark them on my laptop like a proper 21st century individual, but there’s something about the feel of paper and pen that I just cannot let go of. It’s— and, as I go on and see your expression, I realize a simple ‘no’ likely would have sufficed.”
What did he see in Erik’s expression? A man besotted? Enamoured? Smitten? Any other number of words he had never used in regard to himself or anyone else in his entire life? Fuck. Erik tried to school has face into its usual disdain for the world and ninety-nine percent of the people in it, but if he was as in control of his facial muscles as he was of his thoughts, he knew he was failing miserably.
Erik handed him the last of the papers they could possibly retrieve. “I agree— about the pen and paper, I mean.” He did. As incredible as design software was these days, he always started on paper. The precision needed to draw the perfect straight lines and angles of a new building gave him a feeling of immense satisfaction in a way little else did.
“Oh, well, glad I’m not the only one who hasn’t forsaken the old ways.”
His smile.
Fuck fuck fuck.
Erik cleared his throat. “Let me buy you a coffee.”
Had he just said that?
Traitorous voice.
Was he gesturing at Plant?
Traitorous body.
He’d never been inside. On principle. Apparently, principle flew out the window for charming British men with cornflower (cornflower?!) blue eyes. The man blinked those eyes, as though not expecting the kindness.
Erik gestured at the papers. “I’ve clearly set your work back and I’ve ruined your—” cardigan. Erik blinked as his clothes came into focus. The man he was suddenly, desperately, attracted to was wearing a baggy, grandpa cardigan. Erik began to wonder if he had never woken up that morning. Maybe he was still in bed, across the street. Maybe this was a fever dream.
“Oh! I’ve dozens more just like it. It’s nothing.” He swatted ineffectually at the dirt covering one sleeve.
The man cocked his head. “Well… all right.”
So Erik had. In the end it had been a tea, not coffee. Earl grey with mylk. The interaction had ended there, awkwardly. Most likely his own fault. He didn’t do flirting with random strangers he’d just plowed into on the street. He didn’t generally do flirting at all. Moreover, he was now very late and had the junior partner’s fuck ups to fix before this afternoon’s meeting with their client. So, he’d left, stumbling over his goodbyes.
The day that followed hadn’t afforded much opportunity to think on the chance encounter. Not with employees to castrate and clients to placate. It wasn’t until he was home, looking out the bank of front windows at Plant that his thoughts drifted back to Blue Eyes. Which was, unfortunately, what he had christened him in his head because he’d never gotten the man’s name. Erik had gone to bed, mind clouded with thoughts, dreamt of him, and woken up with those same thoughts. Emma had always said his was one of the most disciplined minds she had ever encountered.
So much for that.
It was only a complete loss of that discipline that could possibly explain why he’d unnecessarily crossed the street the next morning and entered the obnoxious establishment for a second time, without even a moment’s hesitation. His eyes had immediately scanned for a mop of just overlong brown hair (yes, he’d noted that too, as well as just how much he wanted to run his hands through it). When they’d landed upon said hair, curling delightfully upon Blue Eyes’ forehead, Erik had been genuinely surprised. This clearly made the man a Plant regular, which should have been a point against him — a massive point — yet here Erik was, seeking him out regardless. Blue Eyes had looked up at him then, gifting him with a smile and acknowledging him with a nod, before returning to a set of what Erik had to guess were re-printed term papers.
Such was the story of how Erik had become a regular customer with a regular order.
Most days Blue Eyes was there before he came in, sometimes working on laptop or in a notebook, other times reading a book or a journal. Erik had caught a title once — The Oxford Journal of Genetics — which led him to conclude, that along with clearly being a professor, this proved the man must have a brain to back up the looks. Another point in his favour, as Erik had no patience for stupidity, no matter how pretty a package it came in.
Erik’s day was such that he usually needed to take his order to go. The few days where he could scrape together a few extra minutes, he grabbed his own table. He hadn’t once attempted to kid himself that it was because he enjoyed the ambience— that level of denial would have been absurd. No, it was clearly so he could spend a few extra minutes trying to stare, in a way that wasn’t blatantly obvious, at his… crush. Crush. He might as well think the word because that’s what it was. Only days after meeting him, Erik had caught himself, pen poised, about to doodle hearts on his notepad at a meeting. The mental pinch and knowing look Emma had sent his way had made him extra testy for the rest of the day. The wide berth everyone but Emma had given him was a testament to that.
And yet…
He never approached Blue Eyes. They exchanged nods, occasional hellos, but never anything more. Out of all of his out of character behaviour — and there was a lot of it at this point — this rattled him most. Erik had a reputation in professional and personal circles. He was confident, forbidding, occasionally arrogant, and brazen in pursuing designs no one else thought possible to execute. Erik went after what he wanted in life with borderline fanaticism.
He did not sit and observe from afar, mentally warring with himself, while also berating himself, for not having the balls to ask to join him, or buy him another tea, or inquire as to what he was reading. There were any number of conversational openings, but 24th latte in, he still hadn’t taken any of them. With each passing day the side of him that decided against it (or ‘chickened out’ as the nastier part of his mind supplied) became stronger and stronger. Blue Eyes hadn’t engaged with him either. Maybe he wasn’t gay. Maybe Erik wasn’t his type. Maybe he was already in a relationship. The chances that he was being just as melodramatic as Erik was being in his own head seemed slim. So, Erik continued to act foolish — alternately wondering how long he would continue to do so and how good a kisser Blue Eyes might be with lips like that.
It was on latte #26 that everything changed— no thanks to Erik.
He had decided to sit at a table that day and engage in his usual ‘I’m staring but I’m not staring’ routine. He was in the ‘not-staring’ portion, scrolling through his emails without really paying attention to any of them, when he was startled out of it by the chair across from him suddenly becoming occupied.
Blue Eyes.
“I can’t take it anymore.”
“You come in here every day. Every day. Sometimes you stay, sometimes you don’t. It’s baffling because there is one thing I know for certain— you hate it here. No, you loathe it. And, there are literally dozens of other coffee houses within walking distance. You clearly don’t belong—” Blue Eyes gestured up and down at what was likely Erik’s three piece suit, then at Plant in general, where there wasn’t a single person so much as sporting dress pants. Erik counted at least two man buns, one head of dreadlocks and a form of baggy pants Erik didn’t even have a name for. “—and I am fascinated by things that don’t belong. Things that don’t make sense. Puzzles. You don’t make sense. There is no way the coffee is that good. And yet, here you are. Oh! Where are my manners? I’m Charles.”
Blue Eyes — no, Charles — extended his hand across the table and, reflexively, Erik took it, shaking it gingerly.
Charles laughed. “I don’t bite. I entirely talk too much, ask anyone, but I don’t bite.”
Erik rather wished that he did.
“How did you— my suit?”
Thankfully, Charles seemed to follow his meaning. “Oh no, the suit is only corroborating evidence. As is the way you look down your nose at everything in here. It’s your mind.” Charles tapped his temple. “Telepath. I swear to you I haven’t dug any deeper than the surface swirl of utter distaste for this establishment. Then I’d know, wouldn’t I? Wouldn’t be here asking.”
Telepath. Blue E— Charles was a mutant. Erik was fairly certain his knees went a little weak. Good thing they were sitting. However… what on earth could he say? ‘I’ve essentially been stalking you’ hardly seemed like an opener that was going to get him where he wanted to be. Erik cleared his throat, buying time, as those keen eyes continued to look at him expectantly. While Erik wasn’t verbose, he also never found himself at a loss for words, except for here and now, where the truth was exceptionally embarrassing.
His pause, it seemed, went on too long because Charles jumped back into the fray. “Good lord, I’ve ambushed you, haven’t I? Clearly, you don’t have to answer the mad man who mowed you down on the sidewalk and then ambushed the peaceful solitude of your morning coffee. I apologize and will bugger right off if you tell me to. However, if it helps any, I don’t like it here either. It’s trying too bloody hard to be ‘on trend,’ isn’t it? For a cultural subset who pride themselves on not being pretentious they’ve entirely failed, haven’t they? And, I’m English, I know pretentious.” He laughed self-depreciatingly at that.
A beat for his mind to catch up to the second verbal barrage and Erik finally had a response. “If you like it as little as I do, then why are you here?”
Charles’ mouth formed a perfect little ‘o’ of surprise. He scratched the back of his neck and, for a moment, looked everywhere but Erik. “Blast. I’m caught, aren’t I?”
His cheeks reddened adorably. Since when did Erik find anything adorable? Since now, apparently. This man broke all of his rules.
Charles gave an adorable (christ) little shrug of his shoulders. “I suppose I best come clean.” He looked Erik squarely in the eye. “You’re gorgeous. You bought me tea. I came back thinking I’d ask you out. But you’re so… I lost my nerve. Have been doing the same daily ever since.”
“I’m so… ?”
The cheeks reddened further.
“Entirely too gorgeous for me.” Charles gestured at today’s grandfatherly cardigan. “Besides that—”
“You’re perfect.”
Fucking hell. When had his mind decided to say things without his permission?
It produced another, adorable, surprised little ‘o’. “I’m sorry— What?”
In for a penny…
“I had never set foot in Plant before we crashed into each other. Never would have because I do hate everything about it. Everything except you, who I thought were a regular—”
“I thought you were a regular.”
“— and wanted to ask you out.”
“I’d never been here before ei— you wanted to ask me out?”
They stopped, collective words sinking into respective minds.
Charles threw his head back, laughing. “If I didn’t know better—“ He tapped his temple again. “— I’d think you’re having me on.”
His laughter was infectious and Erik found he was smiling despite himself. He gave his own little shrug. “I don’t lie.”
“No, you don’t, do you? I can’t believe we both—”
“Me either.”
“This is too much. Wait… Why are we still here?”
“I’m sorry?”
Charles leaned forward and plucked Erik’s latte with oat mylk from his hand. “Can I buy you a coffee? A real coffee? Where they know how to spell the word milk? At the cafe I actually frequented before I began co-starring with you in a romcom so terrible my sister wouldn’t even watch it?”
He was already standing up, as if assured Erik would say yes, which every single bone in his body was blaring loudly for him to do. It didn’t seem to matter to any part of him that he would be blowing off work, a thought he discarded as quickly as it appeared. Just another out of character thing to add to the list. He followed. “I’m Erik, by the way.”
Charles looked back, as he collected his belongings, and grinned sheepishly. “I know.”
That was the last time Erik set foot in Plant until exactly a year later. He ordered latte #27 with Blue-Eyed Charles on his arm, after having crossed the street from their apartment, to celebrate their first anniversary. As Charles smiled at him over his Earl Gray with mylk, Erik found he couldn’t quite hate the damned coffee shop as much as he had before.
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