#a daddy look if ever there was one
endrimer · 4 days
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ithinkdogshouldvote · 7 months
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Rouge-like tendencies, courtesy of grandpa
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fireladybuckley · 4 days
I can’t believe a boyfriend made a silly sex joke to lighten the mood after both partners had a moment of vulnerability. The audacity. The horror. The normalcy! Unbelievable. How dare a conversation about feelings turn to levity. How dare a couple have a light chat about trauma-related things over dinner that doesn’t turn into an incredibly deep heart to heart instead of a joke and moving on. Unbelievable. I’m never watching this show again! 👎🏻
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ride-a-dromedary · 5 months
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[I'm sorry for your loss.] It was a long time ago. The wounds don't heal, but they become more bearable.
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riickgrimes · 3 months
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I thought about ending it, just stopping it all. But then, then it would just be nothing, wouldn't it? All of it for nothing. I couldn't do it, but I still decided to die.
I've been writing you letters the whole time, reaching out to feel something. Writing, just to imagine you could read them. This is my last one, the last letter I write to you that you'll never see. I love you.
I don't see the dead anymore. Or the ones I lost. Or the sun, the sky, or the water. I don't see you anymore. I just see what's ahead- metal rotors and gun oil and blood, what I have to do, what I can do to help save the world, even if you don't know I ever did that. I love you so much. I love you so, so much.
I tried. Please, just know I tried. I tried- but I failed.
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moongothic · 7 months
You know I was wondering if Crocodile ever did have any kind of involvement with the Revolutionary Army in secret (lest the Government finds out and revokes his Shichibukai status), what kind of involvement would that even have been
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And now, with both the Vegapunk/Ohara flashback and Kuma's flashback, it's being made very clear to us that the Revolutionary Army was broke as hell 22 years ago. Like the fact that this has been brought up twice now in a relatively short span of time is interesting to me, that's usually a sign it's not an unimportant plotpoint
But you know who would have had money to help fund the Army
A funny little warlord who would eventually go and build a fucking casino to run for funsies. A warlord who had to give the Government some of his Pirating Income to keep his warlord-status
Like Crocodile hated the Government anyways so why not help fund the Revolutionary Army in secret, out of spite if for no other reason
Vaguely related, but I keep on remembering this scene (post-Enies Lobby), which at first glance just seems like a basic Lore Dump
But then there's the
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(Or "however", she says "no ni" in Japanese and you could translate that in many ways, I would probably have gone with "however" but that wouldn't have fit into the speechbubble)
Mind you, the conversation just kind of ends there, next we see Garp realize he probably shouldn't have mentioned Dragon infront of such a massive audience, so wherever that "yet" was going to lead to we will never find out, because Oda conveniently changed the subject before we got to it
And you know. Like yes, Robin could be just expressing her shock over finding out that the leader of the Revolutionary Army had a child with someone
But also, Robin was a part of an organization that was trying to overthrow one of the founding countries of the World Government in an explicit attempt to go against said Government (compared to like, Blackbeard, who currently wants to make Fullalead into a "pirate country" that's a part OF the World Government)
Like you don't have to be a genius to look at Crocodile's ultimate goals and compare that to what Dragon is doing and find a few similarities here and there maybe
(Also like, Crocodile's equivalent in Romancing SaGa 2 is meant to be Wagnas, the queer-coded leader of the Seven Heroes (whom the OG Shichibukai are based on) who "hoped to help the world". You know, an interesting detail and all.)
Not to mention, during the time Robin spent with Baroque Works, if Crocodile was ever in contact with the Revolutionary Army at all, considdering she has the ability to easily spy on people and that she didn't trust Crocodile one bit, it wouldn't be unsurprising if she ever spied on Crocodile and/or just overheard a phone call or knew about Crocodile having secret spending habits or something
(Mind you, I'm not saying "she knew" Crocodile was involved with the Revolutionaries, more that she might've been Suspecting Things, that "yet" being about her connecting the dots while unsure if her conclusion was right or not)
Of course Crocodile's plans can't have been Dragon Approved by any means, especially considdering the Army had been looking for Robin for over 10 years (pre-timeskip)
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Four years of which were with Crocodile. Like if he was FULLY allied with the Army and KNEW they were looking for Robin, surely he would've called Dragon and been like "hey I found the kid from Ohara, wanna come hang out" or something. But no, he had bigger plans and kept Robin a secret from the Revolutionaries and the Government alike
Also like, I have seen people question why the Revolutionaries weren't involved with Alabasta's rebellion at all, and "Oda hadn't come up with the Revolutionaries yet at the time of writing" (/"OP was meant to end at Alabasta at one point so there would've been no reason to introduce the subplot at that point") aside Between Baroque Works being a secret organization working undercover (thus the Army might not have been aware of the civil war being manufactured), the framing of the King making him look bad and very much the type of monarch that deserved to be overthrown in the Army's eyes, and Crocodile maybe lying through his teeth about what was happening in the country... Yeah, the Army's lack of involvement with Alabasta suddenly makes sense
EDIT Minor addition: Just realized that because Crocodile was technically working for the Government, if the Revs ever did send forces to participate in Alabasta's civil army and taking down the throne, the Government could've easily ordered Crocodile to step in to stop the rebellion and take down the Revolutionaries, right? Because he was supposed to be on the Government's side, right? And surely the Army wouldn't have wanted to fight against Crocodile if they were secretly allied (Croc's secret betrayal aside), and if Crocodile refused to fight the Revs the Government could've seen that as a reason to revoke his Shichibukai rights (which wouldn't be great if they wanted to keep Crocodile in a position where he could fund the Army?). So it could've also been a case of it being for the best for everyone's sake to let this one play out "naturally"
But my point is
I'm just deeply intriqued by these little details and wonder if I'm Actually Masterfully Connecting The Dots Like a True Genius or just seeing a pattern where there's none. Like this is far from confirming the theory, I'm just saying, the pieces do kinda fit together do they not
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writertyozzie123 · 24 days
Dndads tumblr I feel the need to unleash this monstrosity on you, you're welcome:
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dear god….
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alumirp · 29 days
The Smallest Sugar Daddy in Town
we always see law as the sugar daddy its time to turn tables and change things, luffy as the sugar daddy BUT not dilf luffy but just regular luffy right
the catch its: he doesnt know he has that sugar daddy behavior. everyone else knows ofc but he doesnt. hes the son of a very rich senator and a even richer diplomat, real old money, and he has this...thing, going on with one of his friends, law
law, it's your really broke med student who is kind of a genius, but he's an orphan with little to no family who has to work really hard to be able to pay his tuition since he had a drug problem some months ago and couldn't get a good scholarship
they met at a bar where law works and law was nice to luffy who couldnt choose a drink back then, law helped him pick something fruity and sweet but with little alcohol so hes friends would pick on him for drinking straight up juice at a fucking bar and then Luffy kept coming back and soon they became friends, much to law's irritation bc the boy its just clingy and annoying and also has that really pretty smile that he uses everytime he wants law to go out with him and he knows law cant say no to that smile
next thing everyone knew was that law has a better job at a really good company where he did very little work and got a really good paycheck and that was..strange, bc law had no qualification to work at such company nor conections to just get the job so easyly or so they think, but they soon discover that the company is owned by... Luffyt. actually no, it's one of his father's investments, but the shares are all in Luffy's name for some reason so he just demanded they hired law and that what they did
and then law gets an apartment in which the rent it's just ridiculous cheap for a place that good, its big, clean, close from both work and school and also belongs to...luffy. and then comes the car, a gift this time, and then luffy is also the one paying law tuition
and law gets red like a tomato everytime his friend point out those things, when they call luffy his sugar daddy and make fun of him bc well, luffys younger than him. but he doesnt deny none of this bc well luffy is some sort of sugar daddy
of course law had tried to say no to all those gifts and everyting else (not for the job tho, he would never say no to such a good job) he like REALLY tried but theres monkey d luffy that cant take a no, its a lost battle so law just...aceppts it with red ears and cheeks and a heart beating so fast he thinks hes going to die bc hes been in love with luffy for a long time now, even before it all, the sugar daddy thing, had started.
they pretty much had kissed some times and touched each other but nothing more than that and law its starting to get anxious bc god knows he has the hots for luffy and hes about to die is he doesnt get dicked down reall good real soon so the day Luffy shows up at the company to visit Law, all happy and loud as ever, Law is quick to push that boy into the chair and sink to his knees, ready to spend rest of the day with a dick down his throat or else his name its not trafalgar d water law
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kaiiscottage · 1 year
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꒰when the adopted daughter raised by queer parents grows old <3꒱ྀི
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katsmtmsdoodles · 9 months
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Day 4 of drawing Matt's teen facts because the Li Wilsons make me sad!!
S2E5: Link is always a Chelsea player for Halloween and his dads go as his biggest fans :>
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manitapaleta · 1 year
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mommy? sorry. mommy?? ...sorry.
S2 milfs!!! and Marco hehe
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nicnacsnonsense · 4 months
You know, I think Clark and Lex’s relationship really could have benefited from a safe word. Something either of them could have said to the other to communicate “your current line of inquiry is infringing on my privacy in a way I cannot elaborate on without further compromising my privacy, so I need you to redirect or drop it.”
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skrunksthatwunk · 4 months
look i know dethklok is a quaint little menagerie of dudes with mad parental baggage (minus nathan he's in the control group) and that the fandom also gravitates towards those conflicts and themes and stuff because fuckin duh obviously but like. well. um. does anyone else get just like.. Absurdly emotional at murderface calling skwisgaar his strong and brave little soldier or is that just my particular brain poison
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twasbrillig71 · 9 months
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hadesoftheladies · 2 months
hate going for christian weddings sometimes because i always see the prettiest women with the ugliest men, the sermon is always some shit about wives being slaves (but not like bad slavery, mutual slavery except the husband is a benevolent master which makes it okay) and making babies for their husband, the music is always lame, the mc is always weird and obnoxious, and older women keep fucking asking me when it's gonna be my turn and never take no for an answer.
#mine#personal#brief storytime in the tags#one of my family friends got married and i was happy she was happy#her parents are like an aunt and uncle to me#i was happy to share that moment with them#we cried and laughed together#and my friends#their other daughters were on the line and looked gorgeous#it was just beautiful watching us all grow up in a way and move on to “the next” together#BUT#im a pastor's kid#and my dad loves weddings#he drinks them in whenever he can now especially because they make him happy and he's had to attend a lot more funerals this year#he's been burdened a lot by how many people he's had to bury and how many hospital visits he's had to do#so i was happy to see him happy too#it just all felt so bittersweet to me#because i know how badly my parents want this for me and for themselves#there was a daddy-daughters dance at some point and i could feel my dad beaming beside me watching that#and i was a little sad about it because i was like im never gonna give you that#this could be the best thing i could ever give you and i will never give you this#i can never kneel at an altar in front of a pastor and swallow that sermon#i would never marry a man in my generation#if i married a woman you and almost the entire tent filled with people that watched me grow up would not attend#my happiest day would be another funeral for you#it was worse because im kind of a small celebrity in this community because of my parents and their siblings who are politicians#so people i barely knew kept coming up and asking me when it would be my turn and how they so looked forward to the day#and i was like i love that we're a community here and i missed the pestering of aunts since i left church#but at the same time i was glad to remember why i left#there is no freedom to be myself at all with them because all they do is project their beliefs and ideas on me because that's what children
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