#a few days later but I'm definitely much happier with the flow now
the-amber-raven · 11 months
things left unsaid
“What happened? Is he – was it a blood clot?” Bobby was parsing through every moment he had seen Buck during their shift – had he missed Buck favouring his leg in some way? Or rubbing his chest? Coughing? Damn it, he’d known the risk was too high, why was Buck always so stubborn? His entire body was pulsing with fear-fuelled adrenaline as he considered all of the worst case scenarios. He was so focused on his own imaginings that he almost missed the nurse’s hurried reassurance. “No, no, not a blood clot. Mr Buckley was brought in by paramedics after cutting himself.” Bobby froze. -- Or, the episode tag to 3x06 Monsters, wherein Bobby makes an entirely incorrect assumption about what Buck ‘cutting himself’ means but at least it actually forces them to have a conversation and resolve some things.
Chapters 1/1 | Word Count 8,657
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chelleztjs18 · 1 year
Dandelions (S.J)
Scarlett Johansson x Actress Female!Reader
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Summary: When love comes between friendships.
Warning: None, just a little angsty fic.
A/n: Hello! It feels good to be back here with my very first fic of Scarlet Johansson. It was inspired by this sweet song but for some reason i feel angst from it so i wrote this. I hope you like this fic! To angst lovers, i have more coming. :D Happy reading!
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Her fingers rake through your hair, giving you soft touches on your head that takes you to cloud nine. You know you fell in love with her since the first time you both met at a charity event. Since then you both became inseparable. She has been so sweet and caring to you.
Having a picnic with her under the tree on a field of dandelions on a beautiful day feels definitely so nice and wakes up the butterflies in your stomach for real.
Her green soothing eyes locking gaze with you. The smile that was patched on her face is insanely beautiful. You feel okay when you see her smile. You look at her lips then back to her eyes. Your mind quickly plays all of the smiles and laughter when you two spend time together.
Your heart beats like crazy. She looks back deep into your eyes. You love the feelings of her body on you. You can feel her front lying on yours. One of her hands lay flat on your chest and prompt her head up. Her fingers run smoothly on your face and give a rush of soft electric waves all over your body. It's the best feeling and you can never get enough of it.
Gosh, you adore her so much. Her voice is like a melody to your ears. All the teasing sweet words she says and you love the little vibration from her body onto yours when she laughs at your jokes.
Her eyes drinking the view of you under her with awe. It gets so hard for you to breathe when she is looking at you. The sunlight for sure makes her beauty look even more flawless.
Her hair sparkles perfectly as if you see stars even though it's broad daylight.
"You look so beautiful." You told her as your right hand cups her left cheek.
"And you are so adorable." She replied, followed with a giggle as she held your right hand then kissed it softly.
"I love how I feel when I'm with you. You have made me happier since we met. I love how I am when you are with me. Promise me that you won't ever leave me." She adds and her eyes twinkles. You see her cheeks blush.
"I won't go anywhere. I promise." You smile and give her assurance she needs.
Your heart beats fast and slow at the same time as soon as you see her face get closer to you and her lips meet yours. You love the softness brushes your lips and how she doesn’t let go of the kiss for a few seconds. You can say it was a few seconds of a trip to heaven and back.
Every kiss you had with her felt so real, including this one until you heard a familiar voice interrupt everything. “Aaaand, CUT!” You feel her lips leave yours right after that. You internally complain, NO..NO, you secretly hate it.
“That was a wrap, everybody!” Pat, the director announced and everybody on set cheered and clapped at the same time.
Lizzie smiles at you and then quickly gets up, so do you. Trying hard to hide how you really feel. You smile back at her as Pat comes to the both of you.
“Lizzie, Y/n! That was awesome! I really love the chemistry both of you have! Every single kiss scene you two did really warmed my heart. Are you sure both of you are just friends?” Compliments flowed freely out of his lips followed by a joke and a teasing smirk.
All you and Lizzie did was laugh. You laughed nervously but you saw her laugh with no problem. Gosh, you wish you could hear her thoughts now to find out what her laugh means and that blush, why did she blush?
A few minutes of talk later, Pat finally left you both alone.
“Wow, today was easier than I thought. So, I’ll see you next week for lunch as we planned?” The brunette asks with an excited tone and a huge smile as her hand reaches your hair to clean some dandelions off your hair..
“Oh yeah, of course. You better not cancel on me.” You replied with your little joke. “Of course I won’t. By that time, I will already miss you, silly.” She responds. You see her smiling again but then you realize it wasn’t for you as she waves to the direction behind you.
You turn your head curiously only to find Robbie smiles at Lizzie while talking with some of the cast. Your stomach churns, your heart aches. You tried to hold back a disappointed sigh. Yes you are jealous. How could you not?
You have been secretly falling in love with her and have been there for her. Of course, by the time you decided to make a move, you also saw that Lizzie and Robbie started to see each other. You retreated yourself from your plan. All you could do now is to accept the fact that being her best friend is the only way to stay close with her and to love or care about her.
“Ohhh, Le boyfriend is here.” you tease Lizzie with a fake french accent and it makes her laugh. She rolls her eyes playfully. “Yes, y/n. Don’t be jealous, you know that I see you more than I see him, right? Plus you’ll see me again next week.” Lizzie replies with her own version of teasing. She hits your arm in a frisky way as she giggles. You and Lizzie love teasing each other casually.
”I know, I know. So how are things with you and Robbie?” You pitched the question to change the topic. “We are good. He’s just busy with his band and sometimes we argue a little but we handle it pretty well so far. It has its ups and downs.” Lizzie tells you her private life comfortably.
As she speaks, Lizzie notices a familiar face. “Oh Scarlett’s here, y/n.” she informed and her elbows nudged yours knowingly for sure that the blonde actress is here for you. Lizzie waves at her excitedly before she smiles at you and then proceeds to give you a kiss on your cheek and bids her farewell.
"I'll see you next week, okay? See you, y/n. Also, that was a good kiss scene." you feel Lizzie’s hand gently rubs up and down your upper arm followed by a teasing wink.
Your mind always wonders if Lizzie really meant all the teasing banter she does to you or it was just a pure joke to her. Sometimes you swear that she looks at you in the eyes differently as if she has feelings for you but you always think maybe you were wrong and never take any actions to it. You don’t want to ruin the friendship.
You are lost in your thoughts as you watch Lizzie do little small talks and laugh with Scarlett.
Scarlett’s voice greets you excitedly as soon as she gets in front of you. “Hey, y/n?” the older woman instantly gives the warmest hug possible. “Hi Scar.”
“How was the last filming today?” Scarlett asks while trying to keep herself together as she looks at your eyes then to your lips before her gaze gets back to your eyes again with her hands in her back pocket to contain how she really feels. She knows what scene you had to do with Lizzie today. The second you told her about it a few months ago, her heart kept wishing that it would be her who does the kissing scene with you, not Lizzie nor another actress in your other movie you play.
Her heart belongs to you. She has been secretly keeping her feelings to you all this time. You never tell Scarlett about your feelings with Lizzie but she sometimes notices how you look at the brunette whenever the three of you hang out.
Scarlett always looks at you the same way you look at Lizzie but you never notice it. She sees forever in your eyes while you are sure that Lizzie is the love of yours.
Little that you know Scarlet wishes for you all the time. When you are looking at her, she never feels so alive and free but to you, when Lizzie looks at you have never felt so happy.
“It was good and easy.” you answer and your cheeks blush as soon as you remember how the kiss felt to you. You smile awkwardly. Scarlet looks at you dearly with a little smile, thinking how happy she is everytime she sees you.
Scarlett has been venting out with you about her marriage for a while. You know in the back of your head every story she told you while she cried and you held the tissue box. He takes her for granted. You have been a very good listener and have been there for her even when she was going through her divorce until it was finalized a year ago. All the sweet things you do and care give her made Scarlett fall for you.
A lot of what if’s halt her steps to confess her feelings for you. Worry fills her heart that you will walk away from her if she does so. Her mind sometimes wonders if you will like an older divorced single mom, let alone being in a relationship with one.
“How’s the launching preparations for your new product? I’m so excited for you. Are you ready? Thank you for inviting me to have lunch with your business partner.” your hands do a little exciting clap expressing how thrilled you are.
Your words stop her bouncing thoughts in her mind. “Of course! Yes, I’m ready. Are you?” she tries to answer it as if she was not thinking nothing about you, followed with a smile.
“Yeah, let’s go.” As soon as you are about to leave, Scarlett stops you. “Wait, y/n. You forgot something."
You turn around and find her holding up to you a dandelion. "I forgot what, Scar?"
"We are in a dandelion field so at least you have to make a wish and blow it, silly. Here, one for you and one for me." Scarlett suggests with a playful smile.
"Oh, i don't know about that but okay, i'll do it." You smile with agreement and take the dandelion.
You close your eyes and make your wish, so did she.
Both of you blow the dandelions at the same time. You wish on every one that Lizzie will be yours someday and Scarlett wishes that you will be hers.
A/n: Welp, that's all for today folks! I hope u enjoy it. Let me know what you think. Reblogs and comments are highly appreciated. Follow me for more and see you in next!
Taglist: @madamevirgo @musicinourlips @unstable-sapphic-hoe @fanboy7794 @chloe7076 @b0mbdotc0m @trikruismybitch @ichala @californianwhiterabbit @honey-sweet-hiraeth @imfuckinggenius @sxfwap @chaekhan @daenerys713 @luvmcgrath @stupidsapphicsstuff @pattypavo @marvelwoman-sugarbaby @imdoingsortagay @savethefbees @frvny @franfineashell @heyyoweveryone @ygtft-chen @yaaskasey @sweeet-likeeee-cinnamonn @paumxmff @dopeyouth @beaniejennie @ineedafinghug @idkwhatimwriting @lucydiibi @mainly-rebloging-fics-i-like @gloriousfoxruins @grxvitye @mcubreakdown101 @aos22 @wandanatstan @paulawand @yeeterthekeeper @femalehomosexual666 @snowdrop1026 @modernmonalisa @nothingisrealanyway @idamaemann @sweeterlust @royalityofmultifandom @playboysaleen @peabrain112 @gwhaley127 @harleyswanda @bodhi-j @darth-rain @cristin-rjd  
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A TMI post about M3nstruation
I've seen many posts about deleting period trackers etc. and I was going to write a post about how I tracked my period without a tracker but no one needs that. No one ever told me how to do it, and most can figure out how to put a check mark on a printed calendar, write random dates on a piece of paper, or continue to use electronic options if you choose.
While thinking about how I used to track these things I realized that there aren't a lot of posts about what happens during perim3nopause or m3nopause and thought I'd share my experience. I'm 55 (probably older than some of your mothers) and this started over ten years ago, so some of the details may be a little off but I still remember most of it.
I was always regular. Not every 28 days regular, but every 27 - 30 days regular. Sometime in my early 40's that changed and things became less scheduled and then it turned into a bloodbath, literally. I started having very heavy flows for weeks at a time. The time between periods was erratic but short (one time I had a heavy period for over three weeks, had five or six days off and it started up again).
I think that went on for a year or two and then things started slowing down. I would get my period less often and they became lighter and shorter. There was no schedule, and it happened whenever it happened but it slowed down over a number of years. And then one day it stopped and I was pretty sure I was all done. Until six months later surprise - Aunt Flow's back in town for a short visit (pro-tip - don't get rid of your supplies until you are extra positive you're all done). I had another short visit a few month later and then I was done for good.
I had a few hot flashes but they were not frequent; unfortunately the night sweats were frequent and miserable.
I think my schedule started getting erratic around 42, and I was done done at 53.
Fertility and the loss of fertility can be an emotional issue, and as I was going through it all I wondered how I would feel when it was over, but I'm so much happier on this side of things. I've gained some weight and there are definite downsides to aging and the loss of hormones, but I am so much happier now - I wouldn't go back for anything.
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wonniexy · 3 years
# SPRING AND PUPS | park jay.
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Spring became your favorite season in fourth grade, when a child not much taller than you were at the time strolled into your classroom, exactly thirteen days after classes began, and introduced himself as "Jay, from Seattle." Not a word more (despite him being something of a talker, you discovered days later), not a word less.
He had a black backpack over his shoulders, as if to distinguish himself from the masses of what were mere nine-year-olds, a small white bunny puppet hung from one side of his zipper, and his school uniform seemed to fit him far too big, so much so that you asked yourself if they had gotten his size wrong.
If spring didn't become your favorite season at that exact moment, you're more than convinced it surely happened always because of Jay.
You can thank his smile, your long conversations about this and that (starting with cherry blossoms on your lunch breaks and ending with why his favorite books should be placed on the top shelf of your bedroom bookshelf), his constant stroking of your head with his right hand, the way he enters your house without even knocking anymore and the way he stops by for dinner every Friday night, then stays over in the guest room (which might as well be his by now) after watching a movie with your entire family and making bets with your dad about what team will win the Sunday soccer game.
You can thank his existence itself and what he's become to you in such a short time that it was almost hard for you to notice.
"Can I touch them?" Jay asks, in a whisper; a faint whisper due to two baby rabbits who seem to be sleeping the first of many quieter sleeps of what will be their lives from this day forward.
"It might be best to wait a while, Jay." You answer, eyes glued to the little bodies of the two pets. They're so cuddly, with their little eyes closed and tummies going up and down rhythmically and steadily. "They're newborns and I think the mother needs to confirm that she has them under control." You continue, pointing your index finger at the larger rabbit, almost anchored to her pups. "Just for a few days, at least."
Jay sighs and, returning to the child he's always been, crosses his arms and rises from his position. "It's not fair; I don't think I can wait. I even dressed for the occasion!"
You can hear all of his disappointment in his words. Jay loves animals, especially rabbits.
You're suddenly reminded of the day when, three years after your friendship began, he first brought you to this place, for the sole reason that you had asked him why he never broke away from the same white stuffed rabbit you had seen him bring with him on his first day of school in your elementary days.
He had shown you all the rabbits there were, taught you their names ("most of them were made up by me" - not true) and then gave you an in-depth lecture (as in-depth as a middle schooler's lecture could be) on how those animals lived, how to care for them, and so many other things.
You still remember the warmth and happiness placed in his eyes as he spoke.
You laugh a little at his words, following his moves and rolling your eyes. "All you did was wear sweatpants and sneakers, Jay."
"When I could just as well have been wearing my favorite shirt and my everyday dress shoes, you should add!" 
"Dress shoes are not everyday shoes." You say, shaking your head and shifting your gaze from your friend to the bunnies that, underneath, you'd also like to cuddle immediately. "I still find it amazing that Lily became a mom, you know?"
"You said the same thing about Phoebe last year." Jay laughs, softly. "But I can relate. We grew up watching Phoebe and Lily be born and, now, we're watching them become moms to some beautiful puppies. Time goes by so fast..."
"Don't start crying, now, though." You look at him, barely holding back a laugh.
Jay Park is your best friend. You like the way he expresses himself, how sunny he is, how dramatic he is, and how willing he is to talk about anything. Jay really is your best friend and, perhaps, you are the only one who knows where to hit him without hurting him, just as he knows where to hit you without hurting you.
The boy turns to you and raises his eyebrows a little. If, in fourth grade, you could look him in the eye with no problem at all, now it's hard not to raise your head a little so you don't have to come face to face with his chin.
"I could and there would be no harm in it." He says, and then gives you one of his classic tongue-in-cheeks.
"Childish." You mockingly hit Jay's head with one hand as a familiar voice comes from behind you and your best friend turns in the direction of Mrs. Hong, Jay's neighbor and owner of all the rabbits in the garden. You've counted them all, you and Jay, and taking into account the two newborns, they total thirty-eight.
"Are you two still bickering?" You hear her laugh. For a little woman over eighty, her laugh is loud, but very pleasant to the ear.
"We're just keeping Lily and the puppies company." You say, before Jay can even open his mouth to fake cry in front of Mrs. Hong about the blow to the head you just gave him.
"They're gorgeous, aren't they?"
"They're a wonder." Jay replies, approaching the cage again and lowering himself onto his knees. "They look so...peaceful. Serene. I don't believe in miracles, but after all the suffering our Lily went through..."
You see him stick out his index finger and gently stroke Mama Rabbit's fur from outside the cage. Lily is half awake, as if trying to keep an eye on the pups, but she seems to let go of the contact of Jay's skin with her snow-white fur.
"She's been strong." Mrs. Hong says, nodding and taking you under her arm. "She did really well."
"We knew she could do it." You squeeze the woman's arm a little tighter, making eye contact with Jay and smiling broadly.
Jay nods at your words, then turns one last time to the bunnies and stands up.
"Have you thought of names to give the rabbits yet, Mrs. Hong?" He asks, approaching you and shaking some dirt off his pants.
"I was hoping you could do it this time. I know you've done it before, in the past, but I want these two new entries to be yours. Yours and special."
"Ours meaning that we'll be the ones caring for them? Ours meaning that we will be their current owners? Ours meaning that-"
Mrs. Hong laughs at the happiness that Jay exudes, from the words that flow relentlessly from his mouth and from his entire body. He almost seems to want to jump to exaltation. "Yes, little Park. Yours."
You both jump to hug the woman, thanking her and thanking her and thanking her again, and then hugging each other and screaming like crazy. You're both happier than you've ever been, you might even say.
When you break away, you go to crouch down in front of the cage where the two baby rabbits are still sleeping blissfully and where Lily, the new mom, seems to be holding them close to her.
"Hey babies, hi!" You begin, wrinkling your nose and shaking your head here and there. "We are your new owners! I'm y/n and this right here is Jay!"
Jay laughs at the way you interact with the two pups and lightly taps you with his elbow. "If I were them, I wouldn't want you as my owner." He laughs.
You turn to face him, smiling falsely at him, only to hit him much harder with your own elbow, nearly knocking him over.
"I choose my future baby first." You say, blowing.
"Go ahead," Jay laughs at your action, "but at least make sure to pick a cute name too - you kind of suck at that stuff."
This time, Jay actually finds himself with his body slammed into the ground.
You burst out laughing, and he does as well, struggling to get up. He definitely wants to cry.
"Not so sure about the everyday dress shoes now, huh?"
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New Man - T. Holland
@starshonerose and I love Tom Holland a bunch and this kinda just exploded into my brain when I was listening to King Ed Sheeran.
Hope y’all like this! I was happy about it when I finished it but idk how y’all will feel!
Original story by Sarcastically-defensive17
Send in a request if you want! (And if you don’t mind waiting while I drown in uni work)
Anthony was... something. He was a careless boyfriend, a liar, a cheater, and just an all round twat.
Tom couldn’t help the anger he felt every time he saw his overworked, muscular arm wrapped around Y/N’s waist.
I heard he spent five hundred pounds on jeans, goes to the gym at least six times a week.
Sure, Tom worked out. A lot. He was Spider-Man, he had a physique to uphold, but Anthony was something else.
Letting Y/N go was one of the worst decisions he had made. They didn’t part on bad terms, they simply didn’t have time for each other and decided it was best to break up.
Now, he can’t help but wish he was Anthony, and wish he didn’t have to hear about her new man.
Wears both shoes with no socks on his feet and I hear he's on a new diet at watches what he eats. He's got his eyebrows plucked and his asshole bleached; owns every single Ministry CD.
The man was the definition of a douche bag, and Tom knew his only chance was to remind Y/N of the woman she was before Anthony worked his way into her life.
The type of woman that she would pride herself on being.
Tribal tattoos and he don't know what it means but I heard he makes you happy, so that's fine by me.
Being Harrison’s little sister, she was around a lot. And so was Anthony. He couldn’t deny how obviously happy he made her, and that in turn made him happy.
Sure, he was determined to get through to the woman, but if she told him to back off then he would listen to her.
Still lookin' at your Instagram and I'll be creepin' a lil'. I'll be tryin' not to double tap, from way back ‘cause I know that's where the trouble's at.
“If you are looking through my sisters Instagram again, mate, I may have to smack you,” He heard Harrison’s voice ring through their shared house.
Somehow his best friend always knew that he was creeping on the old memories they shared.
“Can’t help it,” tom mumbled. He knew he shouldn’t, but he couldn’t help but notice how much happier she looked when she was his. Before she found Anthony.
He can’t help but think she is faking her happiness.
Let me remind you of the days when you used to hold my hand, and when we sipped champagne out of cider cans. I guess if you were Louis Lane, I wasn't Superman just a young boy tryin' to be loved so let me give it to ya.
His heart basically stopped one night when a notification chimes on his phone. A DM from Y/N’s Instagram account. His heart raced, trying to figure out if he accidentally liked a picture from long ago.
The message was simple: You busy? I can’t stop thinking about you.
She tried to convince him to spend the night with her, and he was considering it, until he remembered that she was with Anthony. He hated the man, but he knew it wasn’t right.
This isn’t the type of person Y/N is. How unhappy is she?
I don't wanna know about your new man 'cause if it was meant to be you wouldn't be callin' me up tryin' to... 'Cause I'm positive that he don't wanna know about me.
A few days after, Harrison spent the day with his sister, consoling her after an intense argument with her significant other.
Tom didn’t know what it was about, but he was ready to pull his brown hair out in frustration when the following day the two were all over Instagram professing their love for one another.
Yet, Tom still receives messages from her, reminiscing on their relationship and subtly flirting. He couldn’t help but let his feelings flow through his fingertips and engage in the flirtatious comments.
I don't wanna know about your new man; We'll get there eventually. I know you're missin' all this kind of love but I'm positive that he don't wanna know about me.
She was so different. He noticed how unhappy she was deep down. She hid it well. How she would spend hours forcing herself to slim down. She changed her diet, he noticed that she was selling the near hundreds of books that she had read countless of times.
It was like she became a new woman for Anthony.
He had just hoped she made the changes for herself.
You were the type of girl who sat beside the water readin', eatin' a packet of crisps, but you will never find you cheatin'. Now you're eatin' kale, hittin' the gym keepin' up with Kylie and Kim.
He took the plunge and knocked on her door one afternoon. He was met with her, wearing athletic wear and a frown deeply set on her lips that he had always admired.
“What’s going on, Y/N?” He practically barged his way in. “Anthony here?”
She shook her head, following him as he took a seat on the lounge.
“He’s out with some work mates.”
He gazed around the house. It was as if Y/N didn’t live there. The comfortable quirkiness that used to inhabit every room she occupied was fading, and he hated it.
“What’s going on?” He repeated his question, eyeing her carefully as she dropped her gaze to her feet.
“Nothing? What do you mean?” Her voice was soft, and her posture radiated discomfort.
He wanted nothing more than to pull her to him and hold her like he would before.
He should never have let her go.
“What happened to my Y/N?” He was sad. He was angry. He was frustrated. He was worried.
“I’m not your Y/N, Tom. There’s nothing wrong with me.”
“Why’re you selling your books?”
“Don’t need ‘em.”
She huffed through her nose, “what is your point, Tom? I have stuff to do.”
“My point, darling, is that you are a completely different person,” he stood, placing his hands on her shoulders softly. “What is going on?”
She refused to meet his eyes, instead stalking off to the kitchen where he noticed a distinct lack of real food.
Y/N was the type of girl who loved to indulge in a greasy burger or chips from the local fish and chip shop. Now, all Tom could find was protein shakes, weight loss supplements, kale. His face contorted in confusion.
She noticed Tom eyeing the open pantry, and the grocery bags full of vegetables.
“Anthony convinced me to try this new diet. Said it wouldn’t hurt to lose a few kilos,” her voice was quiet, fearing the reaction from the brown eyed man.
“He told you to lose weight?”
She nodded softly, eyes downcast.
“You’re joking.”
“If Harrison knew about this-“
“Harrison won’t know about anything tom!” She snapped, her eyes meeting his. He practically melts at the view, despite the fierce look on her face. “There is nothing for him to know because nothing is wrong.”
He pulled his brows together, frowning at the woman who he knew deserved so much better.
“Y/N, he is trying to change you! You are already so different to the person I know you are and it’s scaring me. You aren’t the type of girl to waste her time trying diets and dressing up just to post a photo to Instagram. You are the type of woman that is who she is. You’re the woman that prefers to be comfortable and happy rather than lose a few kilos and put your health at risk.” He had moved a lot closer to her now. His hands were on her face, wiping a tear away that she didn’t realize had fallen. “You’re the woman I am in love with.”
That struck a nerve inside of Y/N. She wasn’t angry, nor was she upset. She was simply confused.
She had tried for so long to move on from Tom, as they both decided they needed to focus on their own lives, especially with Tom traveling here and there to film.
She found Anthony when she was at her lowest and she can’t bear to lose another man that she had in her life. She couldn’t tell herself that she loved Anthony. She knew her heart still belonged to Tom, but she was determined to try to move on.
But Tom’s words through a metaphorical spanner in the works.
Okay, you need to be alone
And if you wanna talk about it, you can call my phone
“I-,” her voice was shaky, her mind racing to think of what to say. All she knew was that his hands on her face was conflicting her thoughts. She shrugged him off, “I need you to go. I need to be alone, Tom. Please.”
He nodded silently, moving towards the door before pausing.
“If you need me, give me a ring, Y/N. I mean it. You deserve better than him.”
I just thought I would tell you, 'cause you oughta know. You're still a young girl tryin' to be loved, so let me give it to ya.
The late nights messages stopped for a few days, until one night a simple message read: “Am I really that different now?”
His heart broke as he apologised to her. He didn’t mean to upset her that badly, he simply wanted her to acknowledge that Anthony was changing her so much. The man grew more controlling as the days went on; even limiting her from visiting her brother because of Tom and his brothers being around.
Everybody was quickly getting fed up.
Baby, I'm not tryin' to ruin your week, but you act so differently, when you're with him, I know you're lonely.
The messages ended in a phone call, Y/N’s sob filled voice flowing through the receiver and Tom whispering sweet nothings and reassurances through the device.
“Darling, you don’t need to stay with him,” he told her. He kept his voice low as to not alert Harrison to their call.
If he found out his sister was in such a tough spot with her controlling boyfriend, he sure as hell wouldn’t let it go on without his fist connecting with Anthony’s face.
“I don’t know, Tom. He loves me,” she replied, her voice as turning up in a question at her last word.
He simply sighed, “If you decide you want to leave him, you know where to go.”
He told her the same thing every time he ended a phone call.
Please remember you're still free to make the choice and leave. Don't call me up, you need to show me.
Almost a week later, a soft knock reverberated through the wooden door, and Tom opened it to revel Y/N in one of her oversized shirts and skinny jean combos that he adored so much.
She smiled wider than he had seen in the entire time she had been with Anthony.
“I broke up with him. He didn’t want me to see you anymore because he saw our messages. I couldn’t lose you again,” her voice was soft, the way it normally is. “You up for a burger?”
Tom’s beaming smile matched hers and pulled her into a bear hug.
His Y/N was back.
I don't wanna know about your new man
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captainkippen · 6 years
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Cyrus and TJ's relationship can be described as ‘almost-something-not-quite-there-yet” and has been at that stage for a rather frustrating six months. He's not sure why it's taking them so long to do about it, but Cyrus is certain that TJ must have also acknowledged the tension between them because there have been a few near misses so far where he's thought 'this is iT, he's going to tell me how it feels’ only for TJ to break off what he was saying and turn it into some unrelated ramble. Thanks to this, it's becoming more and more common for him to feel like he's about to tear his hair out when the two of them spend time together. He doesn't want to push TJ to do or say anything he's not ready to do or say, but Cyrus figures it's time to take matters into his own hands or they might actually be stuck at this glacial pace of romance for the next fifty years. He doesn't think he can take fifty years of longing looks and heartfelt texts that lead to nothing. He'll go insane.
The opportunity to make a move arises when Bex and Bowie finally settle on the date of their wedding. At first there's a little hesitation, the engagement has been called off and called back on more than once now and they're all starting to wonder if they'll actually ever do it, but when it's only about a month away Cyrus figures they're finally safe from any drama and starts concocting a plan.
“I need to book dance lessons,” he says offhandedly when they're all lazing around Buffy's house one day. He's sprawled dramatically across one of the couches with his feet up on TJ's lap and a bowl of popcorn on his chest. It's a movie day but the horror flick they're watching is so terrible that nobody's been paying attention for the last forty five minutes. “For the wedding. There's going to be waltzing, right? I don't know how to waltz. Andi, do you know where Bowie's getting his?”
Andi eyes him suspiciously. She's well aware that Cyrus knows how to waltz. He had taught her to waltz when they were twelve. His mom had made him have lessons as a kid. Cyrus is fantastic at waltzing, even if he does say so himself. However, TJ doesn't know that. He gives her a look that says 'play along I'm begging you've and she sighs.
“At the dance studio on second street, I think,” she says. He's so blessed to have such good friends. “Bex knows one of the girls that runs it so she's giving him a discount.”
“You don't know how to waltz?” TJ asks curiously, perfectly on cue. “Don't you do dance for your P.E classes?”
Cyrus shrugs. “It's not ballroom.”
The thing is, he's concocted the perfect plan. TJ doesn't know Cyrus knows how to waltz, but Cyrus knows that TJ does. TJ had surprised them all with this knowledge a few weeks ago at a school dance. Jonah wanted to impress a girl he liked, TJ offered to show him how to dance and everyone got their happily ever after. Except Cyrus. TJ had not waltzed with Cyrus. He's still a little bitter about it.
“I could teach you,” he offers. “Save you the money.”
“Really?” Cyrus says, grinning. “Awesome. Yeah, that would be great thanks.”
Cyrus mentally marks phase one of mission ‘get TJ to admit his feelings’ a success.
TJ comes over on Saturday. Cyrus’ mom and stepdad have gone out to some barbeque with friends and won't be back until later so he's taking advantage of an empty house as much as he can. He makes sure to run to the store in the morning to grab some of TJ's favourite chips and soda (Baja blast Mountain Dew because what else do you expect from a teenage boy), and does a rush job at tidying up even though TJ has definitely seen the house in a much worse state than it is. He's been over during family events - he knows how wild they get. There's an odd nervous sensation thrumming in Cyrus’ veins. He has no reason to be on edge. It's just TJ. He tells himself this over and over, trying to calm down, but still jumps when he heard the front door opening and TJ yelling a greeting through the house. He's been letting himself in since they were fourteen now. It's a standard.
“I'm down here,” he yells back. They're going to be practicing in the basement so he's moved the ping-pong table out the way and set up the stereo so it's ready to go. TJ's socked feet thud down the stairs and he beams at him when he comes into view. He pulls Cyrus into a sideways hug and quickly releases him, making a beeline for the Mountain Dew. Cyrus rolls his eyes - typical.
“So how do you wanna do this?”
Cyrus shrugs. “You're the teacher.”
“You got music?”
He hands him to remote to the stereo. TJ fiddled with it for a moment before switching it on to a rhythmic rock beat with a grin. He puts it down, shrugs off his hoodie and walks towards Cyrus.
“You ready?” He pulls Cyrus towards him, positioning them both carefully.
“We're really just jumping into it, then?”
“Of course. I'm gonna lead and I'm gonna explain the steps as we go, okay? Try not to step on my feet.”
Cyrus does step on his feet, several times, quite deliberately. Each time it sets them both off in a bout of giggling and they have to pause for a moment. The afternoon continues in much the same vein, Cyrus pretending to be terrible and making TJ laugh and feeling like his whole world is complete everytime he catches TJ smiling softly at him. His heart thumps when their faces get close together and he hopes and prays that his palms aren't too sweaty where they're clasped in TJ's. It feels right, the two of them together like this.
There's a moment, when they're coming to the end of a song and slowing down where Cyrus thinks this might be it. TJ might say something. They're looking into one another's eyes, the world around them faded slightly, and he's holding his breath waiting for him to say anything. Then TJ coughs, ducks his head and pulls away, announcing they should take a break and get some lunch, and Cyrus kind of wants to scream in frustration. This plan is going to take longer than he expected.
As it turns out, the plans takes much longer than he expected. TJ gives him three more dance lessons before the wedding and nothing comes of them. It's the most irritated Cyrus has ever been with him, which he realises isn't technically fair because TJ isn't a mind reader and can't possibly know Cyrus is losing his grip on reality as a result of all these pent up emotions between them, but he can't help it.
The evening of the wedding is a beautiful one. It's being held in a large white tent in the park which is lit up with beautiful handmade lamps dotted around artfully, illuminating the flowers and chairs that have been set up for the ceremony. In the dark outside, fireflies flicker in and out of existence. The stars above them are almost unusually bright. It seems like there's a certain amount of magic in the air.
Cyrus may or may not cry during the vows. He and TJ sit together, knees pressed up against one another like always, the edges of their hands touching ever so gently stop them. He thinks he might have heard a sniffle or two from TJ as well, but he doesn't comment. TJ is sensitive about those kinds of things. Bex and Bowie are so obviously in love, they both nearly sob during their vows, and for a moment Cyrus envies them with everything he has. He wants that one day. To love somebody so much it consumes him, but it makes him happier and a better person in the process. He thinks about the boy sat next to him and how it feels like he's pretty close to that already.
In typical Mack fashion, they throw a stellar party for the reception. There's a live swing band and a lot of loud laughter. Champagne flows freely and a disco ball that he suspects was Andi's idea glitters above the makeshift dance floor. Cyrus watches in amusement as the guests get drinker, the dancing gets worse and the jokes get dirtier. Everyone's having such a good time. When the first waltz comes on, he catches TJ's eyes across the room.
It seems like time stops as he walks towards him. TJ meets him in the middle with a wide smile and pulls them both on to the dance floor, taking Cyrus’ hand and placing his own on his waist. Cyrus forgets all about pretending to be terrible but TJ doesn't seem surprised in the slightest.
“I knew you were faking,” he laughs.
“I don't know what you're talking about,” Cyrus says, but he can't hold back his own smile. “... How'd you figure it out?”
He rolls his eyes. “I know you better than anyone, Cy. You're my best friend. You think I don't know you can dance? Your mom's shown me the pictures of your ballroom classes before. I'm not totally stupid.”
Cyrus prevents himself from saying 'that's debatable’ but it's a close call. TJ seems to read his mind and laughs anyway.
“I don't get why you needed to pretend, though,” he says. “You don't need to come up with excuses to hang out with me. You could tell me we're going to go sit in a field in silence for four hours and I'd still come because you'd be there.”
Cyrus sighs. “I know… it's just. I don't know. It's stupid, never mind.”
“No, what is it? Tell me.”
“I think…” he takes a deep breath. “You say you're my best friend, and that's true, but I also think you're more than that. And you have been for a really long time.”
TJ just keeps looking at him, saying nothing. Cyrus continues.
“Maybe it's just me that feels that way… but I don't think it is. I was hoping maybe if we got some one on one time doing something romantic maybe… maybe you'd say something?”.
“You pretended you couldn't dance because you wanted me to admit I have feelings for you?”
“Well, obviously I do. Even Jonah knows that. Why didn't you just ask?”
Cyrus gapes at him. He can't believe it was that easy. TJ hadn't even hesitated to admit it. “... I didn't think of that.”
“You know, for the smartest guy I've ever met, you're kind of dumb,” TJ says with a fond look. “You could've told me how you felt too.”
“Oh… hush,” Cyrus says. “Stop smirking it's not funny.”
“It's pretty funny,” TJ grins. Cyrus pushes himself up on to his tiptoes to reach him, and just to wipe the amused smile from his face he presses a gentle kiss to his lips.
TJ makes him want to tear his hair out sometimes, but it's in the best way possible.
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blueangelicrose · 5 years
A New Beginning: Chapter 9 (part 1): The Sister Arrives
It was a bright and sunny day outside. Flowers blooming and birds singing, it was the perfect day for having a picnic or just having a good time in general. Unfortunately that wasn't the case for Josephine. It had only been a week or two since the convention and had gotten back to work, and she was already in a bind. She was trying to retrieve an ancient relic that had been stolen from a sacred church that laid hidden deep in Inkwell Isle's forests. The church was once Inkwell's most powerful influence of Christianity since way before the Devil made his presence known on the Isle. It was referred to as, "God's doorstep", for it was believed that once you took one step in the church, you would immediately feel as if you were almost in Heaven itself! The church was so highly revered and spiritual that even the atheists paid their respects to the congregation of the church. They even donated money and items just to get on the church's good side. Back then, the church was God's most divine house and was not to be disrespected. But as the years went by and the Devil had set up shop in the city, the church goers became less and less. Eventually, all the citizens either gave up hope of ever being freed from the Devil's grasp or had just forgotten that the church was there in the first place. And of course it didn't help when the Devil placed several of his minions to lead the church goers astray from attending the church. The church then faded away from Inkwell Isle's history books and the citizens memories. But God wouldn't let the precious place that His people worshipped and loved him in to go to ruin. He sent his angels to guard and keep up the place in order to keep His spiritual powers flowing throughout the building in order to protect all the living creatures that lived in the surrounding forests. God also decided to use the church as a place to store some heavenly relics for the angels to use just in case of an attack on them, the church, or some of the other priceless treasures from Heaven. Unfortunately, just a few hours ago, one of the imps from the casino somehow managed to sneak into the church and stole a sacred dagger that was used in one of the wars between Heaven and Hell. It was said that it could cut through even the most thickest of armours, weapons, shields, and even spells. This weapon was called, "The Dagger of God's Wrath." And only the good Lord knows how such a low level demon managed to sneak inside the church and steal such a priceless treasure. But now it was up to Josephine, who, by the way, volunteered to take the mission for personal reasons, to retrieve the weapon, interrogate the suspect, destroy the suspect, and then put the weapon back to where it belongs.
But, from what should've been a simple task, is turning out to be a major pain in the butt! She chased, hunted down, searched high and low, and chased again the little imp until she came upon the city limits. She knew that if she were to continue chasing down the little imp into the city with her wings on full display, she would definitely cause a ruckus. So she shape shifted herself into that of a humanoid cheetah woman to keep herself on low profile. She then charged after the imp at full speed. The imp looked back, and was frighteningly surprised that instead of a pretty angel chasing it, it was a menacing but attractive looking cheetah lady! It continued running for it's life until it reached an alley corner and hid behind it. As it nervously peeked out of the corner to see if she was there, it sweated profusely and swallowed hard, fearing that she was right there. But as it looked back, she was nowhere to be found. It raised a brow and looked back and forth to see if the coast was clear. All seemed calm and clear. It breathed a sigh of relief and wiped its nervous sweat and without a care in the world walked away hoping to get to the casino before Josephine caught up to it. Unfortunately for the creature, it was not so lucky, kinda funny and ironic since it worked for a casino and had supernatural powers. As soon as it turned the corner of the block, it literally bumped into a pair of slender feminine legs. He nervously looked up, and saw a very ticked off cheetah lady with arms crossed and giving it a look that said, "Really? You think I'm THAT dumb?" Responding to this development, it slowly backed away, turned away, started to walk away, then made a break for it. Josephine sighed, continued to chase it until she was in front of the imp.
The imp then tried to run in the opposite direction, but was inevitably caught. She picked up the imp by its scruff and had it look her in the face. Without saying a word, she held out her other hand for the imp to give back the blade. The imp looked back and forth between her eyes and her open hand, until it finally got the message. (Not very sharp, is it?) It smiled nervously and held up one if its hands up to tell her to hold on for a minute while it used its other hand to, what seemed like it was going to hand her the blade. But really it was digging around its bag to grab something else. And she wasn't able to find out until it was too late. The imp flung a dark purple colored powder at her face, literally BLINDING her! As she screamed in pain, she had no choice but to drop the imp and try to wash the stuff off. The imp took this chance and made its escape. Unfortunately for the imp, it accidentally ran into a gang of werewolves, who by the way, owed a great deal of debt to the Devil's Casino. They recognized the little imp and decided to take away the bag to see if there was anything valuable in it to trade in for some cash to pay for their debt. Although stealing from the Devil just to pay back their debts that they owe to the Devil, is probably not the smartest idea in the world. They pretty much took everything that looked valuable in the bag and LITERALLY threw the imp away from them. And when the imp tried to get the bag back, one of the werewolves gave a menacing glare and snarl basically telling it to back off and for it to scram. The imp got the message and swore to them that the boss will hear about this and that they were going to regret it. Most of them didn't pay much heed into it, but the somewhat smarter and paranoid ones were a little more cautious to the little demon's warning. They decided to change to another one of their secret hangouts until they were in the clear. Then trade the stuff that were in the bag to various pawn shops to earn enough money to pay off their debt.
While on the other side of this perplexing situation, Josephine was writhing in agony as the powder in her eyes was starting to burn like fire. It was so intense that it felt like Hellfire had been thrown at her face by the Devil himself. She didn't want to make this situation any more worse than it already was and attract any unwanted company. So using her teleportation abilities, she moved to somewhere more private and secluded to remove the powder from her eyes. There was only one place that she could think up on the spot that matched those descriptions. And in an instant, she teleported to the creek in the woods where she and her sister first met the Cup Brothers. Ever since her childhood days, she always wanted to go back to the woods where she and her sister spent that wonderful year with their Earth family. Those were happier and simpler times. Where she and her sister could relax and be actual normal kids without the fear of their lives being at risk at every single corner that they turned. And she could never forget the day where her sister fell in love for the first time. She never felt so happy for her sister before in her entire life when that happened. Josephine dubbed the creek where it all started as, "First Love Creek." So when times got tough for her and her sister, she would remember her favorite memories to make herself happy. And her sister falling in love on that day was definitely in the top five of her most favorite memories. As she was wrapping up from traveling down memory lane, she carefully inched close to the rushing water. When she reached the waters edge, she fell to her knees and started scooping the water with her hands and started to wash her eyes out. She managed to get the powder out from her eyes, but the magic effects from the powder wasn't so easy to get rid of. She finally recognized what the powder was and was immediately infuriated. The imp had thrown at her, "Blinding Powder", and just like the name suggests, when thrown in someone's face, it blinds them for 24 hours, if the victim doesn't get killed while doing something stupid. Josephine knew that she was going to have her work cut out for her for the next 24 hours. The first thing she needed to do was to find a temporary home to live in until she could find that imp, or somehow break into its boss's headquarters and retrieve the dagger. But most of the money that she had was spent on sea fair, necessities for hunting down demons, and of course, fashionable clothing and such. She had no choice but to earn some quick cash for her to be able to afford living anywhere.
About an hour or so later, she had reverted to her human form, she decided to wear more or less showy but still fashionable clothes, and painfully reported back her situation to her superiors. They were a little shocked and a little irritated that something like this happened. But they digressed, and told her to do what needed to be done in order to bring back the relic. But not to harm any civilians and not to get discovered at any cost. She agreed and promised that she would do her absolute best to abide by those rules. As soon as she signed out, she grabbed her guitar, a fold out chair, and a pair of sunglasses that she had stashed away in her own angelic inventory. She then headed towards Inkwell's most busiest and populated place for people to go and relax; Inkwell Isle's Central Square. She figured if she could use her angelic voice to get her enough money to get to a decent place to stay, then she was willing to give it her all. She placed her little setup right in front of a beautiful water fountain. With her guitar at hand and the guitar case open wide on the ground for people to put money in, and of course with her brilliant disguise as a normal human woman on, (sunglasses included), she was ready to sing! She sang for hours and hours, and even though she was blind, she could still see the gray blurry figures going to and froe not even stopping to listen to her sing. And even though she was blind, she could tell that not a single person had thrown any money in the case. Frustrated at the harsh treatment, she decided to just sing to herself some songs that her mother taught her from all the travels that she spent going back and forth between dimensions. She figured that it could relieve her from the harsh critisim and a chance to reminisce about the happy parts of her childhood. She started to quietly play a sad but sweet lullaby that was written and played by an up and coming Mexican mariachi musician. As she played quietly, figuring that no one wanted to hear her sing, she started to wonder how her sister was doing, and if she met up with their mother at the convention yet. As she was lost in her thoughts and was playing the last music notes of the song, she suddenly heard clapping and then a charming southern like male voice. "Well, well, well~ ...... I heard a lot of things in my day, but I never heard such a sweet and soothing sound as your voice my dear. And that's coming from me! Do you mind if you could play that song again for me, but a bit louder this time?" She wasn't sure what to make of this strangers compliment and request. She was about to ask him who he was, but she was cut off. "Oh dear! You're blind? But you can still play the guitar! That's quite something! And I see that no one has had the courage to give you payment on your wonderful services! If I may, would you please play that song again and teach me the lyrics? But of course you will be rewarded most generously." He gently grabbed one of her hands and put a couple thousand dollars in the palm of her hand then closed it to tell her that it was her money to keep. She couldn't read how much there was but could tell that it was a lot judging by the thickness of the bundle of cash in her hand. She was about to refuse and say that it was too much. But the man cut her off again saying that he just wanted to hear her sing. She couldn't help but be flattered by his words and agreed to his strange song and teaching request. She sang a song that you can find on You Tube under the singer that my character sounds like: Song: Remember Me from the movie Coco
Singer: Anna
YouTube name: annapantsu
"Remember me~
though I have to say goodbye,
Remember me~
don't let it make you cry,
for even though I'm far away I'll
hold you in my heart,
I'll sing a secret song to you each
night we are apart,
Remember me~
though I have to travel far,
Remember me~
each time you hear a sad guitar,
know that I'm with you the only way
that I can be~,
until you're in my arms again~,
Re~mem~ber~ Me~!!!!"
To Be Continued....
End of chapter 9 (part 1).
To be continued in chapter 9 (part 2).
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chukwudobelum · 5 years
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For me, the definition of positivity is hardwork into action to defeat laziness, For laziness takes the place of negativity. Your success is in your hands, achieving success is your capability to do more work. Remember the theme our 3rd Inspirational article"My Dream My Aim". It is your aim to make plans for success, the positivity to train can be reading habits, the positivity to train can be waking up early in the morning, the positivity to train can be your good manners etc.
I can remember a comrade of mine telling me that ' hey! Mike the gym is good to you ', for me that sounds nice, it pleased me hearing that from someone who I thought would have given me a bad comment on the new development of my body. Relating this to the positivity I trained, you will see that it took me my time, effort, days, months, to get a good look of my body shape. It is good when people see the positivity you trained as success in your life, career, and in academic life. Success doesn't come from above, a price was paid to see it manifesting in your life, do not be discouraged when, friends, family, neighbors look at you doing something difficult that will give you joy, and fame you tomorrow and tell you it will be very bad after doing this things, and later on your story becomes something else bad. Always guide your thoughts with this ' it must end in praise '. The people we see in our individual viewpoints today as successful figures trained their good names either in hardwork or in hardwork, that is just the common truth.
Train something positive, and be happy, I will say in my quote " kill the laziness in your young age, and be happy in your old age ", working hard when you are fit, healthy for the work, also my spiritual father will say " whatever you eat in your young age will determine how healthy you will be in your old age ". In training something positive there are so many ups and downs one must surely face, or pass through to get to the success top, or height of the positivity.
When you train, and get good positivity, negativity becomes an alternative in your life, career, and even in achieving your good dream, for positivity with take the place of negativity, and all other enemy that would have taken you down the drain.
Training something good is never easy, be it habit, good manners, moral, or even good timing.
Yes the year (2019) is gradually coming to an end, there will also be so many departments on success, and failure.
- Department of those who will thank God (The creator) for the gift of life.
- Department of those who will thank God for success in career.
- Department of those who will be grateful to God for success in business.
- Department of those who will be grateful to God for fame, and not shame they achieved.
- Department of those who will be grateful to God for success in academics.
- Departments of those who will be grateful to God for married life.
- Department of those who will be grateful to God for they never go bankrupt.
- Department of those who will be grateful to God for promotions, and awards of merit they received.
- Department of those who will be in deep regret for not achieving a dime.
- Department of those who will curse their fate.
- Department of those who will blame other people for not helping them to achieve success.
- Department of those who will be ashamed of themselves for being lazy.
- Department of those who will be in regret of following the wrong way to achieve success.
- Department of those who will blame themselves for training negativity, using it as a corner Stone instead of positivity. And many more.
Ask yourself this question ' if appeared in this Inspirational article several departments of both success, and failure where did I fall in? '. Had it been you trained something positive, you should have been smiling for you have fought a wonderful fight, and you give it a win jollification, for success is happiness.
It is never too late until you give up, the year is coming to and end, but never the end, another year (2020) is also close to start, or begin it's semester, it depends on how you prepare yourself now, your business, career, academic life etc, that will grantee you the level of success you want or need. Say No to laziness ( negativity ), and say yes to hardwork ( positivity ) for hardwork is success.
A common question people ask often is how those who make it to the top attain their success, remember in achieving anything good, or bad a price must be paid, one of the many answers to the this question could be hidden in what they adopt as their daily rituals.
Any practice or pattern of behaviour regularly performed in a set of manner.
Rituals help to develop healthy habits as well as the discipline you need to succeed (positivity).
Introducing new rituals into your daily life can seem intimidating at first, but it is something that you can achieve. It starts with deciding what daily ritual or rituals you want to adopt, committing to them to at least thirty days (30 days), and then tweaking them if necessary. The process won't, and can never always be an easy or consistent one, but with the potential benefits that come with it are innumerable, I ( Chukwudobelum), I'm a witness.
Waking up early can be challenging especially if you don't see yourself as a morning person. However, waking up early before the sunrises could give you a great head start, and get your day on the right track. When you are early to rise, you are more likely to racing against the clock because you Sept in until noon. Learn to wake up early for the nature also will bless, and make your day good.
You have likely heard so much buzz about meditation that if you didn't care about it before, you are curious to see if what all the hype is about now. It is a practice where you use techniques to train your attention and awareness. The ultimate goal of meditation should be to make yourself mentally calm, and emotionally stable. For those that are new to meditation, you can start by getting comfortable, and preparing to sit still for a few minutes, you then focus your attention on your inhale, and exhale, and follow your breath for at least two minutes.
Planning your day early should help you better manage your time as you will know exactly what your objectively for the day are, and you won't get lost in all the fluffiness surrounding you (like watching TV). Always have a note book, write down the things you want to accomplish, while also using that time to brainstorm your tasks. Have you thought about a ceremony that has no planning committee, you should be the chairman planning committee of your dream, for your success is in your hands.
Getting so caught up in your desire to succeed can keep you from living a balanced life. To stay grounded, don't forget to connect with the people, and things that you love. A failure to do so could result in you neglecting your support system or the things that make you who you are.
There are endless benefits of exercise, and this may be why so many successful people have it on their list of daily rituals, which I (Chukwudobelum) have adopted that to be the third on my list of daily rituals, you also can have it on your list, for it will make you fit to achieve success. Barack Obama, former president of the United States, said he would start his day early so that he could prioritize exercise. Exercise could be a key to success, because it is said to improve your cognitive functioning. Exercise can help build your mental strength, which is something you will need to overcome the obstacles you may face. This goes to say that although has many benefits for your body, it does a great deal for your mind, too. Exercise acts as a confidence booster while, at the same time, nourishing the body with endorphins, and everything else that comes with increasing ones heart rate. Make it a habit, and you live to see many more years.
Adult life can be so hectic that you seldom find time to read books, I can remember one famous person who I once read his history, who takes reading seriously - WARREN BUFFET, he dedicates 80% of each day to reading, in his philosophy,he says that " when you read, your knowledge builds up like compound interest ", this is a true one, as well an inspiring one, reading takes you to places you never has been before, it opens your eye to know what you could have lost. Reading will tell you of the history, it will place you in a dilemma of not going back to failure if you make it a habit. Reading helps you to know the ' true ', and ' false '. With this in your mind, be selective about the books you read, as highly successful individuals tend to choose education over entertainment, though indulging in fantasy, fiction, and all other kinds of genres probably won't really hurt you either.
You never can tell when inspiration will strike, I can remember vividly a day I was on a bus travelling, in my bag I had no notebook, and my phone was battery low, an inspirational was flowing from a fellow passenger, to me it was sounding so banal for I had nothing to jot down Good things he (the passenger) was saying, though I can still remember the theme of his sermon that very morning (the theme was a true disciple), that taught me a big lesson of my life. So always carry a notebook around with you, this gives you a chance to jot down notes, and ideas that you would otherwise forget. You can have a number of notebooks, and place them in your daily bag, office, and anywhere else you are regularly. When everything is written down, you know that your best ideas are kept in a safe place. Some people may choose to keep this idea notebook separate from daily journal, and others might be happier combining all of their experiences, and ideas into one singular place, so find what works best for you.
With consistency, you should begin to see yourself blossoming into the successful person you have always envisioned yourself to be. Training something positive have been said in so many paragraphs in this article is not, and can never be easy, try alot of different things, and be honest with yourself about what works, and what doesn't work. In no time, you will have your own positive habits that help push you into being what you consider a successful person, even if that is not the same as what it is for everyone else. Just don't give up, remember it takes real grit to stand up to failure.
In training something positive can also be greatly driven by other people. By having good friends, show me your friend and I will tell you who you are like they say, sometimes the type of friend we keep determines the type of success we have, when you surround yourself with good people, staying phlegm with them you will come to realize that bad friends doesn't help. When you surround yourself with good friends, keeping bad friends becomes the least things you will never do.
- Surrounding yourself with the right type of people can help success come more naturally to you than being around those who might hold you back, or even take you down the drain.
- Keeping close to people with big Dream and plans for themselves, because seeing other people's drive will keep you hungry to reach your goals.
- Negative attitudes you know can drag you down work ethic, and don't offer any Inspiration, but people with positive attitudes can help keep motivation, and morale help.
- People who ask lots of questions may provide a different angle on an issue or an idea, which could ultimately lead to an important breakthrough for you or your business.
The people we choose to surround ourselves with impacts the way we think, act, and feel on a day-to-day basis. A young football player is going to succeed if he surrounds himself with people who push him to become better, not people who distract him from his potential.
To conclude, you are the sum of who you spend your time with, I will say in my quote that " anyone who calls you good names, but doesn't want to show you how to be good is never a friend ". Make sure that you are directly involved with people who lift you, Inspire you, and motivate you to do, and be more. As you grow and your business grows, this might mean changing friends, and colleagues, and that is part of life. Just trust that hardwork, positivity, and keeping your sights high are things you cannot risk deviating from if you want the life of your dreams. To add up I will say " many wants to jump on the bandwagon of my Media , not because I'm too good, but because there's something to gain ". Remain positive to success!, and fill your days with good people and be good.
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