#a full rendered lineart shit
purplecladmerchant · 6 months
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I don't need you to be different... I don't need you at all.
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fionnaskyborn · 11 months
art hard, me tired, me have no time, couldn't finish it ;;;;;;;w;;;;;;;;;
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krembruleed · 6 months
alright, the other day i loosely implied that i would make a behind the scenes/tutorial type of thing. momma didn't raise no liar, so here goes nothing i guess!
step 1) rough sketch
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honestly i skip this entirely if have a really concrete idea of what i want to do. sometimes compositions are just beamed into my brain from On High and a sketch is unnecessary.
step 2) 3d ref
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this is where i refine the composition, lighting, camera angles, props, etc. i use DAZ studio for model posing and blender for almost everything else (props, horns, lighting, rendering).
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here's a 10 minute video on how to pose models in DAZ if you're interested in doing something like this! it's not very hard! basic posing requires almost no technical know-how.
i've heard magicposer and virt-a-mate are also good for model posing, but i don't have any experience with either program.
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after i'm done posing, i transfer the models to blender so i can work on props, environment, and lighting because doing it in DAZ is ass. you can see that i went overboard on the ref for the paladin i worked on last year by modelling armor.
step 3) lineart
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at this stage i'm synthesizing my 3d models, reference images, and style choices into lines.
the 3d likeness of my models is poor because I don't have time for that shit, so this is where my humongous folder full of bg3 screenshots comes into play.
for example: looking at my screenshots, astarion's forehead tilts back towards the back of his skull, much more so than my reference model. his chin and jaw are sharper and longer, and the transition between his brow ridge and nose is almost a straight line. if i combine the information from my 3d model and astarion's face, i get something like this:
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3d models aren't fleshy (ie, tummy rolls, wrinkles, muscle deformations, butt squish) unless one puts in A LOT of effort like absolute madman chris jones.
you guys know bernini, right? he has a couple great examples of this. see how hades' hands press in on persephone's leg?
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this is what we want to add in the lineart because it's too much effort for 3d. laziness is king.
i guess i draw clothes at this stage too, but for some reason there aren't many in this image. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
step 4) base color
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i have a little color picked palette that i use for everybody so i get their skintones right before i start messing with colored lighting. i'll use overlay and hard/soft light layers clipped to the base layer during the shading step later.
step 5) shading
if you thought we were done with the 3d part, guess again! i posterize my 3d reference so i can see the shapes of the shadows and highlights better. if i'm not feeling it, i can go back to 3d and change the lighting really easily.
could I make a cel shader for this? yes. am I going to? No. custom shaders are for people with intelligence and I am fresh out. posterization it is.
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from there, i do a pretty standard cel shading deal that i usually blur and set to low opacity. (for this image i stuck to no blur because i had been looking at a lot of morebird's art and was really feeling the hard edges)
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photoshop is what i use for final rendering because it has bangin tools. the brush customization alone make ps worth it, but i also particularly abuse puppet warp, noise generation, the camera raw filter, and layer styles.
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step 6) background
i put the least effort possible into a background and then i blur it into oblivion so you can't fathom the depths of my ineptitude.
and then i have a finished image! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
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nicki0kaye · 10 months
Hello fellow artist
you are not charging enough for your commissions
I know why--the fandom/online economy includes a lot of our friends who are also super broke, so it feels like a dick move to charge them more than 20 bucks
but your shit is worth so much more than that.
ESPECIALLY if you're doing any rendering. ESPECIALLY if that rendering includes color.
Sketches should be messy--if your shit isn't scribbly spagetti, what you have should be charged as lineart, because that's what it is. It just may not be 'final line'. Labeling it as a 'sketch' fucks with everyone's perspective of what a sketch should look like, how much detail it should have and how much effort it should take to make it.
The gap between what ppl charge for full line, even messy line, here in online circles and what ppl charge 'in the industry' ie for commercial use in magazines or TV ads or websites, is massive.
I'm talking full body line of one character, no rendering, being easily 300, and a full render with color reaching into 3k or higher, depending on the amount of detail.
I know its scary to raise your rates, viscerally I know that, but we are hurting each other by asking for so little for so much. It skews everyone's perception of what art by demand is worth, and reinforces that you can't possibly make a living wage doing art you love.
If you're in highschool, fine, charge 25 bucks for finished work, but if you're an adult being commissioned by other adults, raise your prices.
Art is a luxury item, made on demand, and not everyone can afford that. That doesn't mean you shouldn't be paid what you're worth. Yes, even if its fanart.
And if you're a fan of an artist who raises their prices; support them. Gas them up. Save up to commission them. Please.
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stychu-stych · 3 months
lol I’m sure someone has asked this at least once but how does it feel to do art in such a permanent medium? Artists are often times their own worst critics and I just wonder how you navigate that. When you look back on the tattoos you have done in the past what do you feel? Is that something you’ve somewhat overcome at this point?
Also I love your art sm. Your style is so so nice to look at. Your character acting+designs and rendering makes them feel so tangible and expressive. It’s so lovely I want to eat it so bad. I also really like the slightly more sketchy lineart a lot that you do. Just a personal preference but it scratches my brain in just the right way. Also your blood/gore omg👀
It took me a while to answer to this question jdhsjs
Not gonna lie, working with such a permanent medium can be stressful as f 😭 Especially at the beginning. And yeaaaah, I'm definitely one of my worst critics jdbdjdhdh It was hard at a beginning, I compared myself to others, more experienced artists a looot. I've always thought that I have to do better (the studio I worked at the beginning of my journey didn't help at all, hearing that my second tattoo ever looks like shit was traumatic) Beginning of my tattoo journey wasn't easy, there was a lot of crying and panicking that I def "destroyed someone's skin" 😭 Especially that I was mostly self-taught tattoo artist (not by choice but that's a material for another story and I don't want to bore you all with my talking about toxic tattoo studios and how my full tattoo journey looked like)
But now I think I'm fully reconciled with my old tattoos. I learned that everything can be fixed, I also talked with few of my first clients that told me that getting tattoos from me was really nice experience and even the tattoos are not perfect, they still love them because they had a great time and they felt safe with me as their tattoo artist
Also when I see my first tattoos after years passed I can say they wasn't so bad for a beginner
Here comparison between my 3 months and my 3,5 years experience and I'm proud of both of them
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And thank you 💖 Tbh I've never liked doing lineart (it was one of this toxic traits when you think that lines have to be clean). And when I let myself go with more sketchy artworks life suddenly became better
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juni-ravenhall · 3 months
im thinking a lot about "what i want to do with my art" lately and i also have many years of figuring shit out already as an adult so i will post some general advice stuff that might help ppl
art should be fun. if you hate doing lineart then stop doing lineart. if you hate rendering and shading then stop doing it. if you hate anatomy then stop doing it and just draw funky shapes. if you love one color then use that color. if you love doing complicated detailed patterns then start doing those more. if you love drawing circles then make art with lots of circles. do what is fun to you, with the only exception being someone giving you good money to do something not fun, if you need the money.
u dont have to have 1 art style, consistent art is only relevant for commissions/jobs where u are supposed to deliver a specific style/quality/etc that u were paid for. if ur not getting paid or making a portfolio for a specific type of job, then draw however the fuck you want and dont care about anything. have 500 different styles and techniques, or just have 1 if thats how you work. it doesnt matter and everyone is different
the way to develop and evolve quickly is to draw as crazy as possible. push yourself as far as possible and dont care about anything dont worry about anything. fear holds you back. actively choose to draw crazy and push things far. no cringe no limit no rules no anatomy no perspective no color theory fuck everything and go crazy.
dont think "i dont know how to draw a ball room full of dancing people with fancy clothes" "i dont know how to draw a gallopping horse" just start drawing it and see what happens. when you get stuck you look up reference and tutorials. this is how you find out what parts you struggle with so you can then get specific help.
try to draw as bad as possible half the time. think, im going to draw this really fucking bad and ugly. im going to make the worst fucking horrible drawing. do it on purpose. fuck the concept of beauty and quality and perfectionism. draw bad on purpose. draw crazy on purpose. it will help you find freedom.
when looking at other ppls art for inspiration, separate between "i like this thing" vs "i want to draw more like this thing". all art that you like doesnt have to be relevant to how you draw stuff yourself, you can appreciate x type of art without your art being anything like that at all. this is especially important about things like clean lineart, rendering, amount of detail, """correct""" anatomy or perspective or shading, etc. just bc you like some art with beautiful shading doesnt mean you have to want to do beautiful shading. or maybe you do want that! thats why you figure out which ones are aspirational to you and which ones are just amazing and cool but not what you enjoy doing with your art.
the "2 cakes" concept - it doesnt matter whatsoever if someone else drew the same thing as you "but better" (in your eyes). your thing is still unique and has value existing because only you are you and your art is your art. ppl are happy theres now 2 cakes instead of just 1.
i already said this but Just Try. Just Go For It. some of my favourite comics are actually "badly drawn" from a generic perspective. but theyre unique and interesting bc every human is unique and interesting. you can draw stick figure drawings, comics or animations. you can draw simple or complex, good or bad, or go back and forth between styles and techniques, draw good one day and bad the other, make a comic where every page is a surprise in quality and style, nothing matters, do whatever you want forever.
the things you think are "bad" or "boring" or "cringe" or whatever other negative word might not be that to other people. someone might see your "ugly doodle" and love it so much they want it printed out on their wall. and even if some ppl dont like something, other people will like it. the ppl who like it are the ones that matter. not everyone has the same taste and thats how it should be.
draw for yourself. or draw for other people if that makes you happy, but do things that make you happy. draw your favourite things and your obsessions and express your feelings and draw your favourite characters and use your favourite colours or brushes. draw things that your friends like and send it to them. do things that make you smile. draw things that youre thirsty about for that matter. happy pride month. cringe is dead
if you have a hard time picking up the pen dont start thinking "i cant draw". youre probably suffering from some stress, mental illness or ND symptoms or something. try to find out how to solve problems in your life that are making you stressed and overwhelmed and not able to have fun making art. get help, talk to a counsellor, talk to a doc. and make sure you aren't pushing yourself to make art that isnt fun for you, bc that in itself will make you unhappy.
if you feel stuck, aside from looking up references and tutorials, try different techniques and materials. try a new software. try drawing on paper or on a tablet or paint on a canvas or try new pens and papers. make a collage. do papercrafts. sculpt. do something different than what you usually do
CLEAN YOUR ART AREA whether its a desk for your tablet or a table for your paper or stand for a canvas. make it EASY to pick up the pen / brush / whatever and start drawing. dont put objects on top of your tablet / papers / easel / whatever. make space for your art and keep it organised. it should take 1 second to start drawing without having to clean anything first.
if you feel like youre just bad at drawing, like i said, draw bad on purpose. draw crazy on purpose. fuck all the rules and perfectionisms and what you "should do". dont worry about anything just draw the worst and craziest you can. you can do this. i love your art. you exist. youre unique. you are you
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void-chara · 1 year
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My gift for the @technoblade-gift-exchange !! i was assigned to @simplepotatofarmer who asked for dsmp rivals duo. i hope you like it Loyal!
rambling about headcanons, designs, and my process and stuff under the readmore, because i wanna talk about it but dont want the post to be super long !!
i had originally planned to not have a background and then at the last second i decided to speedrun drawing one in a few hours so um. quality difference but its fine. also unrelated but im pretty sure everything about how i draw animals and anthros makes it very obvious i used to be in the warrior cats fandom lol. anyway onto the designs!!
the gold on techno is scars from the totem at the execution, which i think is a pretty common thing for techno designs. he isnt supposed to be a piglin, but rather similar species of anthropomorphic pig. also his mane and tail fluff are naturally brown but he dyes them pink ^_^ so cool !! um. i maaayyy have forgotten the crown until i was way too far into the piece to add it. haha. oops. pretend its missing because. uuh. hes in a casual outfit. "but he still has the cape" yeah its comfy. "but dream has a mask thats not casual" dream is dream he does Not relax fully ever. see entirely intentional i would never make a mistake.
dream is an original shapeshifter species i came up with because i couldnt decide what i wanted him to be. i havent decided on a name for the species yet but i plan to make almost every solid-color or nearly solid color mcyt into this species. theyre mostly involuntary/unconscious shapeshifters. so like they change slowly over weeks or months to adapt to their surroundings, with little conscious control. basically i wanted him to be like five different things so i shoved them together lol, rabbit ears but in a pattern that looks like an axolotl, a cool tail, TOE BEANS tho you cant see them. this was actually the first time ive ever had a dream design im happy with so thats really nice.
i um. i made full use of my time lol, i spent a bit over a week on the lineart, another week on the coloring, and maybe a week and a half on rendering. unless i suddenly became shit at math(which is possible) that adds up to roughly the amount of time i had to work on it. im really proud of myself actually since i usually take a while to do art, and i wasnt sure i would be able to make something id be happy with in this amount of time. but i did! woah!! this was my first time participating in a fandom gift exchange and it was so fun, and also helped motivate me to draw more instead of getting distracted like i usually do (classic adhd moment) lol. anyway super cool!!
Loyal if u decided to read all this for some reason then again i really hope u like it!! u are so cool and i really love ur rivals duo opinions and creations so i hope u like this! i know theres been shit happening lately, i hope ur doing ok!!
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art-crumbs-main · 8 months
I'm a queer artist who wants money.
You're (perhaps) a person with money who wants queer art.
Let's make some magic happen.
Let's talk Commissions!
[SR text: "Let's talk Commissions!"]
Character Art Prices
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Bust (Click for quality):
Sketch - $12
Colored sketch or lineart - $15
Lineart with flats - $17
Simple shading - $20
Full render - $45
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Half-body (Click for quality):
Sketch - $15
Colored sketch or lineart - $18
Lineart with flats - $20
Simple shading - $25
Full render - $55
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Full-body (Click for quality):
Sketch - $20
Colored sketch or lineart - $23
Lineart with flats - $25
Simple shading - $30
Full render: $65
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Backgrounds (Click for quality):
Solid color/No background - Free of charge.
Sketchy background - $5-15 (Depending on complexity.)
Painterly lineless background - $15-45 (Depending on complexity)
Full-lined, full-detail, anime-esque background - $50-150 (Depending on complexity.)
Extra stuff:
Props - $1-25 per prop depending on detail. This usually includes things a character is holding, but may include for example, a painting or family photo hanging on the wall, if that's an important focal point.
75% off any extra characters in each piece.
Things I will do:
Mimic styles of popular media
Pixel art
Sprite edits
Character sheets
Fandom content
Ship content
Tasteful nudity
Headcanons (diversity and otherwise)
Homestuck panel edits
Things I will need to clear before you request but aren't necessarily off the table:
Extreme violence/Gore
Other NSFW
Depictions of mental illness
Things I will not do under any circumstances:
Draw for free. If you come in my DMs asking for free art, I will personally take you to the top of the Eiffel Tower and hang you from it by your shirt. (Though, if you put it in my asks, I may respond with a little doodle when I have the time and energy.)
Proship: This covers incest, pedophilia, shit like that. I don't wanna fuckin' draw that.
NSFW of real people.
Hateful imagery (hate symbols, racist characatures, dogwhistles (I will look shit up if it seems strange.))
Self harm or suicide.
Drug abuse.
Depictions of domestic abuse.
Depictions of sexual violence.
Anything that gives me the ick. I reserve the right to refuse service to anyone, yadda yadda.
Anything, if you're personally a dick to me.
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joelletwo · 5 months
apropos of aaaabsolutely nothing happy EST wound fucking wednesday. this post is just for that one reader
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[ID: rendered robots franchise fanart of oppie and megs (the recent cartoon for kids iteration of them) stradding each other mid-wrestle. they both show wear and tear. megs, scowling, is punching op's grille-abdomen, warping the metal, other hand gripping his shoulder to pull him down into the hit and falling backwards a bit with the momentum himself. oppie, frowning deepy or grimacing, has one hand gripping megs' thigh and the other on one of his shoulder spikes to keep him from being able to maneuver or escape. he reels back with the punch but still rests stably on splayed-out knees, one slid under megs, adding to megs' unbalance and making him kick out his own leg that oppie straddles.]
pre-canon war stuffs........................ that can at least exist in my mind palace of Not Really Knowing Jack Shit
ONE good turn deserves another i would say...... meaning a big trip thru the lb tab collecting a folder of relevant unconscionable violence vibes i didnt even get to use all of*/push as far as i could have. and then a lot of time doing chain-licking meditations on big blocky 3d shapes. and then a lot of time wrestling with that one csp 3d model pose set. WELL. when i saw what u were sketching the other day i lost my fucking mind trying not to say anything kjsdfg so hopefully good sign this will be received well o7 <22
*my dreams of putting tfs in clothes was not an appropriate venture for first times drawing tfs. YET
+ just the lines bc good lord i drew so many details on Those Things. looking at other ppls art styles. i didnt even have to do that i dont even need to feel bad abt the bits that broke my spacial understanding no one is doing 1:1 replicas. but it was kind of nicely meditative to whittle away at actually i enjoyed it
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[ID: same pic, colors and shading removed to show oppies lineart was a bright blue and megs' a bright orange]
things i gained a heightened appreciation for in this venture: the way that megs' pelvis design elements look like he has a jacket tied around his waist. CUTE. his BIIIIIG fucking boots i didnt get to show off. his faaaaaaaace chiseling. oppies 1:1 accuracy little windshield wipers. difference in frame between them (most of the robots seem to have narrow waists but i like that i can accurately draw megs still a little Built there. fun!) the joiiiiinnnnntt articulation logic on these guys is so neat kudos to. franchise full of robot designers that are extra incentivized to make them at least somewhat real-world workable.
+ honorable mention: THEYRE SO WIIIIIIIIIIIIIDE. taking up the entire 4:3 frame space in episodes. throwing out half the oversketch notes i took of the csp models bc they simply did not matter and would not be visible underneath both of these guys blocking each other kjghsdf
anyways. to say. HAPPY TO BLOG AT THE SAME TIME AS YOUUUUUUUUUU and heres to another year of getting to know the most delightful wonderful realm of things and ways to get weird with things thru it vicariously and firsthand. dearly beloved blogging bestie who i hope has a nice day ^_^!!!!
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agentmaineapologist · 4 months
I just realized I haven't made a full on post yet so here it is lmao:
Commissions Open
♤ Prices for full render:
- Head: $25
- Bust: $30
- Waist up: $35
- Full body: $45
- +1 Character: +$10
- Background: +$20
- Special Effects: +$5
- NSFW: +$5
- No Lineart: +$5
- Dynamic Posing: +$5
- Halo Armor/Robotics: +$5
♤ Payment methods: Methods include PayPal and Cashapp and my policy is that you can pay at any time but you won't get the finished piece until you pay the full amount.
♤ Specialties: I specialize in monsters/disturbing creatures (though no one really buys those so I don't have many examples), halo and halo-type armor, robotic characters, regular characters (human or not), and furries of any kind. And remember, everything has a price tag, NSFW included. Only thing I won't draw is illegal/immoral shit (||necrophillia, pedophilia, disgusting fetishes, etc||.)
Keep in mind I will be carding people who request anything NSFW. I don't sell that shit to minors, so have ID ready if you want anything like that.
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If any of this interests you, feel free to dm me and we can start discussing specifics 💯
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drtanner · 2 months
God I should be drawing but I'm pissed off about how long drawing takes for me and you're all going to hear about it now.
I'll admit it! I'm sickeningly envious of the artists whose work I see on social media every day when they call something a "quick doodle" or say that they "try not to take more than an hour" on pieces like it or whatever and it's like. Full colour, shaded, usually at least somewhat rendered, meanwhile I've been working on my poxy lineart for several hours and it's still not finished. If I were colouring and shading this fucking thing it would take me two weeks.
All of the advice for getting faster at art is along the lines of "OH JUST FOCUS ON DRAWING QUICKLY AND DON'T WORRY ABOUT QUALITY! THE QUALITY WILL COME ON ITS OWN WHEN YOU GET BETTER AT DRAWING FAST! :))))))))" and it makes me want to chew glass because that's already my fucking drawing technique. I know it's going to take me an age to draw anything so it's a hustle from the start; no warmups, just get straight into it, there's no time for shit like that or we're going to miss our deadline. This sketch isn't as good as it could be but it's good enough. It felt like I was focusing well but it's already nearly midnight and we're only half done. Oh, that doesn't look right - but there's no time to fix it now, I need to get the colours down. Doing it that way looked good when I did it over there, why does it look like shit when I do it again over here? I can't remember how I did it the first time, surely I'm doing it the same way, but if I was, it wouldn't look so terrible. This would look a lot better if I knew how to blend but I don't have time to learn, there's too much to do and I can't afford the time it'd take to experiment when I can't guarantee it'll get the result that I want. This piece looks like dogshit to me but it's the best I can do; here's hoping no one notices how bad it looks! Aaaaaand post! 👏
It's exhausting! Having the Patreon means I draw at least a couple of times a month when I might otherwise just gravitate towards doing nothing for years at a time, but god. It takes up so much of my time and I'm seldom happy with what I make, and for all of the effort I put into it, it feels like I haven't improved in a decade. There's shit I drew years ago that looks better than the stuff I put out now and it's fucking infuriating. How did I do that? I can't remember. I've added all kinds of new techniques to speed up my art but it still seems to take just as long as ever and actively looks worse for it (but it's a cinch that if I went back to doing things like I used to, it would take substantially longer now). What's wrong with me? Why can't I get better?
I work so fucking hard, and for what?
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cardboardclownery · 1 year
need to save up some pocket money, so im opening commissions more officially!! any support is greatly appreciated :]
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painterly style: $14
full render: $10
flat colors: $8
lineart: $5
detailed props: +$3 each
additional characters: +$3 each
simple background: +$2
detailed background: +$5
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lineart: $8
flat colors: $12
full render: $17
painterly: $25
lineart: $10
flat colors: $14
full render: $20
painterly: $27
lineart: $14
flat colors: $18
full render: $24
painterly: $30
detailed props: +$8 each
additional characters: +$10 each
simple background: +$5
detailed background: +$10
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CAN Draw
ship art
body horror
general horror
(artistic) nudity
WILL TRY to Draw
detailed mechs/robots
detailed weaponry
fetish art
political/discriminatory content
general gross shit thats hopefully common sense
once youre submitting your order, please provide as much detail on what you want as you can!! knowing exactly what you want will save both of us some trouble, as well as providing any necessary references for the commission.
after your order is in, ill contact you as i work on your commission to make sure youre satisfied with how its going, so please keep an eye out for that! if you wait until the commission is complete to make changes, there will likely be an additional fee.
DO NOT use my work commercially without my permission. if used anywhere publicly, credit through linking back here or to my neocities website would be preferred, but any format of credit for my work will do if thats not possible for any reason.
i have the right to decline any commission that makes me uncomfortable.
if youre interested, order through my artistree here!! thank you so much for your support!!! :]
also if you can, please message me through tumblr or discord and let me know if youve sent an order so i know to check!! thank you :P
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fleouriarts · 6 months
who are your biggest artistic influences my furry friend? we had art classes together for years but i still feel like i don’t know 😭
😭😭😭 honestly thats probably cus a lot of my artistic influences are specifically internet artists that ive been following for several years and not things i couldve brought up in art class. you know that lame ass mr smith wouldve hated me if i said 'yeah i draw like this cus of some bts fanart girlie on twitter'. thankfully i have the Archivist's Temperament and save like literally everything thats had an effect on my style... so below is a journey thru my artistic influences (and various insp folders on my computer) as far as i can remember
of course the most basal Dorian Influence is disney movies. you are my brother in arms in the lion king fandom so you know this. whenever i am feeling extremely artistically bankrupt i try to revitalize myself by rewatching the lion king, atlantis, and treasure planet. and also the prince of egypt but thats dreamworks LOL
in 2016 i found the first "online" artists i distinctly remember wanting to imitate, which were sara kipin and celia lowenthal because i was obsessed with how they used color to block out their illustrations. ive also been following dimetrodone(/dimetrodrawn/deinocheirus) on here since 2016 and love all the shapes and colors in her work
in 2017 i started doing more detailed shading because i saw bts fanart by the artist tyu_naxx on twitter and loved how they did it (below is like THE piece that made me change my whole shit up)
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around then is also when i started trending towards using limited palettes and that was mostly inspired by various national parks promo artworks that would only have like 5 colors in them. wish i remembered who made these but heres ancient scans of some postcards i got at sequoia national park that changed me
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in early 2019 i started wanting my style to be more cartoony so i would constantly peruse the backlogs of kiwi, officialspec, skunkes and mimiadraws to get whatever inspiration i could from them
in late 2019 i completely pivoted for some reason and started doing lineless rendered semirealistic stuff instead. i think that was mostly cus i hated doing lineart. one of my biggest inspirations in that era was atissi
in 2020 i remember i went crazy stupid on using glow effects and chromatic aberration on stuff and i genuinely think all of it can be traced to this ONE piece of bts fanart by lordizxy on twitter like i was fully obsessed (putting it below also in case it gets deleted somehow)
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mid 2021 was when i got tired of semirealism and thought it was too amorphous and restricting so i went back to cartoony shit. i was still looking at the artists i listed for early 2019 but i also added artists like iplidl, catmunches, and chunkysoup22 to the mix
2022 was an inspirationless nightmare i have no clue what i was doing for that entire year. the artblock was BAD. i mostly just looked at art from all the artists i mentioned before while artistically wandering in circles. a lot of this was me trying and failing to figure out whether i wanted to do more dynamic yet less rendered art or... the opposite of that
thankfully in 2023 i finally FIGURED THAT SHIT OUT. i would say the current dorian art era started with this silly drawing of graydon and riley hivemind as a dogboy and a catboy ⬇️
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you can kinda see the influences of all the cartoonists i listed above but a lot of the way i draw now is just. me trying to not make myself hate doing art. ive always hated redoing a line 30000000 times for clean lineart so now its sketchy. rendering my art was making my drawings feel super stiff so now thats all messy too. etc etc
i think Right Now the artists i go to for inspiration the most are still kiwi and skunkes, but i also found the artist robottoast recently who makes RIDICULOUSLY good furry art, its so full of life and personality and i definitely need to commission them someday. the most recent singular piece thats changed my whole shit up is this scott pilgrim fanart by benadieshekiel (also below) because i really liked how the clothes were fully rendered while the skin and hair are less detailed with clear lineart. so sometimes i do that too
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ok i think that is as full of a chronicle of Dorian Influences that i can give you rn. i was not lying when i said i wanted to yap. hope you enjoy <3
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bakatyler · 1 year
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Hey, y’all! I do commissions for 𝕄𝕆ℕ𝔼𝕐
I’ll make a fancy infographic later- BUT FOR NOW:
I'm a lil guy who draws thingies!
Scrunko art, Furry art, Peoples art- I dabble in everything!
LGBTQ+ friendly!
NSFW friendly (with very little experience).
Very communicative with a roughly 1-2 month turnaround on my comms so far.
Won't do certain topics (ie. no hateful or creep shit)
My rates are:
$20 for Sketches
$40 for Lineart
$50 for Colour w/ Basic Shading
$75 for Full Render
Extra $15 if I'm also designing the character
Every additional character adds $20
Background adds $15 to $30 to Total (though im not the best at backgrounds so this is a risky buy ._. )
Streaming Assets (Overlays, Promos, VTube, etc.) pricing varies and negotiable.
"Chibi"/Norb-ified art will be at a reduced price.
No rates are final, all are negotiable and may be reduced/increased based on complexity, requirements, etc. etc. yada yader
*Tips appreciated, but not expected!
Now for some examples of my RAW EBIC ART!!
These are my favourite personal pieces I've made, spanning several years
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Below are some examples of commissions I have done over the last 4 years that people were very satisfied with!
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Here are some more minimalist pencil sketches I did for Gobril, where I (attempted) to make a new goblin picture every day for April!
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And here's a collection of promotional art I made for my VTubing career as well as my Layout, back when I did that!
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so please... find it in ur heart to feed this lil guy ur money so it can buy candy and also pay rent and stuff
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ducktracy · 2 years
15, 16, 22, 24
15. Biggest artist pet peeve?
already answered!
16. What's the most daunting part of your process?Ex, planning, sketching, lineart, rendering etc
HMMM.. PROBABLY sketching, just because it’s when my ideas all begin to coagulate. my thumbnail sketches are always very very rough and inarticulate just because they’re purely to get a rough idea down. tying into the last ask, here are some process pics i had saved:
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the thumb was drawn on my laptop trackpad LOL, but the clearest differences lie between the thumb and the sketch. it’s the stage where i sculpt the construction, make sure perspective is working, see if things are flowing within the layout. it’s the stage that involves the most thinking, but it’s also one of the most rewarding processes. i love it because of how intimate it is. it’s where i’m trying to get into the mind of what i’m drawing!
22. When is your prime time to work on your art?
IN THE MORNING! i’m definitely a morning person, and being on a regular 9-6 schedule with work has helped me get into the grind of being productive in the morning. i have the most energy and haven’t run out of steam! if it’s for a personal piece though, i’ll maybe start around 10-11 rather than 8 or 9.
24. How do you deal with artblock?
i just try not to force it! i’ve had an easier time dealing with it as a full time artist than i used to—like no shit i can’t draw, i‘ve drawing 40 hours a week! realizing the earth doesn’t explode if i don’t post a piece of art every week has been good for me.
a more accurate answer though is to just surround myself in what inspires me. watch films! watch cartoons! seek out artists i like! listen to music! i try not to give into negativity and try to be as forgiving as possible as i can. i’m not any less of an artist just because i’m not drawing for myself all the time. absence makes the heart grow fonder, and i find that the longer i take a break from personal art, the more eager i am to get back into it again. sometimes i do have to force myself to climb onto that saddle, but i know me and my habits well enough. as long as i’m alive, i’ll always have art to draw. trying to force it does no favors! i’ll get there when i get there!
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noro-noro-noro · 2 years
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i finished my work tasks again so i’m sooo chatty on here today~~~ 
anyway i think doing digital art was great for me & i’ve been enjoying it a super lot when i DO do it! but i lost a lot of what i liked about my art style when i went from traditional & i don’t know if i still have it... my lines.....my monsters......my beasts......i’m not as good as traditional art as i used to be!! i used to just draw whatever on the back of worksheets & shit in middle school & high school. if i struggled with the anatomy i would just cut that limb off or put some weird body horror shit coming out. but now instead of something i do for fun when i’d otherwise be bored, drawing is something that has to be done Right TM. 
it’s not like i haven’t improved either. i’ve learned a lot about colors & rendering stuff & cool effects. it’s not like i’m not happy with my art right now either......but i’m kind of not. somewhere along the way it became easier for me to draw a person than the things i always used to like drawing. i would rather go back to what i used to do but it’s not fun to draw that way digitally & when i put my pen to paper in my sketchbook it doesn’t feel the same. but i’ll get over it! 
it’s all bc of lineart. the more art i do the less lineart i have bc i hate refining a sketch into nice lines, so i just paint directly over the lines most of the time & everything is time consuming. also i’m over-reliant on pose references. i’m so bad at drawing a person. if i can’t find a pose reference or get a good pic of myself i just don’t do it
anyway just thinkin some thoughts ^_^; in conclusion i should draw dys more bc she’s 1. full of lines, 2. not a person, & 3. i made her out of everything i liked drawing in 2012-2016. & 4. she’s my first oc. my babygirl forever. my violent woman. i’ve been neglecting her for gacha game characters.
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