#a later gorilla to fight @v@
candycryptids · 1 month
Quick! Your OCs are being dragged to the dancefloor by a friend - how do they react? Does the amount of people around influence that reaction? Or the kind of music played maybe?
GHFNFJDJFHB!? What a fun question omfg
Chuu has a vice grip on the sofa she’s sitting on if there’s more than 5 people at a party lmao. She’s not gettin up. N o p e. (Can sometimes be lured out onto the dance floor with a Waltzing number, but will rarely stay for longer than 2 songs before she’s found a way to slither out of being an active party participant. She’d rather chill and eat snacks and watch OTHER people look silly on the dance floor.)
Tuesday is ecstatic to be invited to the dance floor- but he only really knows how to do the stuffy Ishgardian Ball Dance when he first gets invited out to a party lmfao. The amount of people present doesn’t really impact his willingness to come out to the dance floor, but once he learns more ways to dance or even how to just, ‘feel it’ and make it up as he goes he gets much more excited about dancing to upbeat or quicker songs. He is Very good at not stepping on Toes :) (almost as if somebody didn’t want to deal with smushed toes…. 🤔)
Tangy is so zazzed to dance. She is…. Not the best at ballroom dancing or like, whatever you wanna call a couples dance, so. Watch your toes! It doesn’t matter how many people are there but being the center of attention can be kinda daunting :’> she’d rather dance to more upbeat music than slow dances so she’ll probs bow out for drinks and a snack during those to take a breather sjfjdkfs … pls also imagine her doing classic ‘dad’ dance moves or something from the Peanuts x3 [cut cos it’s Long 🫢]
….. 🤔 Ishi will gladly dance with a friend (or friends!) at smaller gatherings- and even invite others out to the floor x3 but at bigger more official events? She’s probably grateful for the excuse to step away from whatever Politically Charged Chat she’s been roped into regarding allied tribes or intercity relations. (She isn’t trained in dance, but will readily learn and follow somebody else’s lead •v•)
Mochiie is someone who’s reluctant to take an invite to the dance floor no matter how many people are present if there’s already people dancing and there’s not much space. He’s uh… conscious of his tail. (Poor guy sent a lalafellin couple sprawling once when he got tangled up in his feet, so he tries to be Overly Cautious now)
😂 Colette will indulge a friend in a dance, and relies more on being able to lift/twirl/dip her dance partner for flair - it’s an All-Eyes-On-Them situation. If Eorzean weapons didn’t have a habit of cracking under the pressure she’d probably be a tank. She prefers music with dramatic flair, to match her flashy dancing style. She laughs a lot more when it’s a Smaller group, there’s less performance pressures 🤧 (I should REALLY pose her dancing with Setsuna at some point… I’ll have to bug my partner for some files x3)
🤔🤔🤔 Levraut was the hardest for me to figure out. He’s classically trained in Ishgardian Dance? But he hates it. He thinks the whole thing looks silly, and he’s not so into huge parties (since they’re usually hosted by The Rich And Influential And Expect A Certain Class Of People yk) … he’d be a hilarious ‘sexy lamp’ for someone to dance with though… I think it would take him some time to feel comfortable dancing in the center of everything but he wouldn’t mind kinda grooving in place around the edges.
Until he’s 5 cups in. And then you have to haul him off the dance floor before he makes more of a fool of himself than he currently is, and tries to start a fight with the Violinist, because it quote ‘sounds like you’re killing the cat what made the strings all over again’ (regardless of if that’s true or not; a drunken Lev craves Rowdy Brawling and will Incite It)
… 🤨 I think that’s everyone if only because I don’t have a solid idea what the Trio would be like in a Party situation
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sydsaint · 8 months
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Summary: Knight faced a devastating loss at Crown Jewel. But his GM girlfriend isn't about to let him lose his confidence over it.
You're sitting backstage at Crown Jewwel with your fellow General Manager, Adam Pearce. The two of you are discussing teams for the upcoming Survivor Series event while the main event is going on out in the arena.
"Now if they want us to run Judgment Day vs Cody, Jey, Sami, and a fourth person. Does that mean we're not doing a Raw V Smackdown match?" You ask Pearce who shrugs at you.
"Maybe they plan on making the women's match Raw v Smackdown?" He suggests. "Which, is a bit of a disappointment, I will admit."
You nod in agreement with Pearce's observation. "I know. I was looking forward to kicking your ass at Survivor Series." You tease him with a laugh.
"Right." Pearce chuckles with you. "La Knight, Grayson Waller, and Austin Theory being your core team, right?" He asks you knowingly.
"Well, they do work very well together." You grin. "Anyhow, congratulations on picking up the Creeds from NXT." You add. "Those two are very much future tag champs. And Ivy is decent as well."
Pearce nods and the two of you mingle some more about work. You are mulling over more Survivor Series ideas when Grayson and Austin show up from the locker room.
"What are you two doing out here?" You raise a brow at the pair when they make their way over to you and Pearce.
"We came looking for you," Austin replies.
"Yeah, didn't you see what happened out in the ring?" Grayson adds.
You turn away from Pearce with a worried look. "What are you two talking about?" You ask them with worry.
"He lost, Y/N. Not clean." Austin answers you.
"Oh no." Your heart drops in your chest as you turn back to Pearce. "Adam, I'm sorry,"
Adam nods and steps out of the way for you. "It's alright, go take care of your man." He smiles at you.
"Thanks, Adam." You match his smile and briefly turn back to Grayson and Austin. "Go back to the locker room, I'll catch up with you two later. okay?" You ask them.
"Hey, we want to help, Y/N." Austin protests.
Grayson nods in agreement. "Yeah, he's our friend too, Y/N." He reminds you.
"I know I know." You sigh. "But I doubt he wants to see either of you right now. Even if it is as friends. Just, go back to the locker room please?" You ask them again.
Grayson and Austin both begrudgingly nod and turn to leave. "Tell him we said that we're sorry he lost," Austin asks you.
"Yeah, and that we're here to chat if he wants to." Grayson nods.
"I will. Thank you two." You nod and head off to console your boyfriend who is surely a mess of self-pity and angst right about now.
For more than a month now you've been listening to Knight boast and brag about how he was going to beat Roman tonight. And of course, you've been believing in him. But now that he's not only lost but lost by cheating? You can't imagine how shitty he feels right now.
You make your way down to the gorilla entrance just as Knight has finally dragged himself up the ramp and through the curtain.
"Shaun, hey sweetie." You drop the professionalism in your tone that you usually carry when you're at work.
"I lost," Knight replies in a broken tone that makes your chest hurt. He's usually so carefree and confident. But not this time. Not now.
You take a step forward with open arms and offer Knight a hug. He leans forward without hesitation and buries his face in your shoulder in defeat. He might be twice your size and almost a foot taller than you are, but right now he might as well be a little kid the way he clings to you in defeat.
"I know baby. And I'm sorry. I should have banned Jimmy and Solo from ringside." You scold yourself silently for your assumption that Solo would be too tired from his fight with Cena which Jimmy was supposed to help him with.
"I was so fucking close." Knight scolds himself. "And I let it slip right through my fingers." He sighs into your shoulders. "Like a damn fool."
You bite your lip and try to come up with something comforting to say. Anything to make Knight feel better.
"Hey." You speak softly. "Come on, Shaun, sweetie. You did your best and gave it your all. Screw Roman for cheating, okay? And trust me, if I could do something about it, I would." You assure him. "You're still the megastar I love, alright? And you know the fans still love you, win or lose."
"I know." Knight sighs but stands back up straight again. "I still feel like shit though." He adds. "Hell, I'm surprised the two stooges aren't down here with you to rub it in."
You giggle and shake your head. "They wanted to come down and see you, but I sent them back to the locker room. And hey, they said that they were sorry you lost, just so you know." You correct his assumption.
"Now come on, I've got about an hour before the post-show press conference starts, and you've got meet and greets to get to. So let's go back to the locker room and get you cleaned up and back to the sexy, confident guy I know and love." You grab his hand and start leading him through the backstage area.
"Whatever you say, darlin'." Knight nods, a small smile playing on his face as you lead him away from all the noise.
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Judges 18: 22-24. "The Fight."
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What happens after the kids and the young adults head off to join the Academy of the Court of the Assembly? It is called an empty nest.
The Shoftim says this alarms Danites, the "superiors" or "governors" as it means a bunch of zealots who have become fully indoctrinated are on the way to the office to try to make things right. The empty nest therefore terrifies everyone in spite of the fact it is the strongest indicator one is nearing Shabbat and its global counterpart the Mashiach.
The prior frame says existing officers must create a world that is good so that young people are able to acclimate to a world that conforms to what they are going to learn in school and the shule. The current frame addresses what happens when it is their turn.
In v. 22, the success of the Academy is measured not in time but in distance. The distance from age 13, which is age zero in the Torah is the measurement used to gauge how grown up someone is. One must not exceed age 50 before demonstrating all 600 masculine qualities, but one can cross the distance by age 14 if one is determined. So the secret is to call all the men together as soon as possible after one begins to put distance between childhood and adulthood.
The Court of the Assembly will identify candidates for entitlement who close the distance sooner rather than later. So the sooner the nest is empty the better.
Prince Willy, the Gorilla Girl recently gave one of the crown princes, who is barely a toddler a whopping cocaine crack sneazing fit on national tv. That's not quite what we had in mind, but these things apparently happen.
Now for the verses:
22 When they had gone some distance from Micah’s house, the men who lived near Micah were called together and overtook the Danites.
 23 As they shouted after them, the Danites turned and said to Micah, “What’s the matter with you that you called out your men to fight?”
24 He replied, “You took the gods I made, and my priest, and went away. What else do I have? How can you ask, ‘What’s the matter with you?’”
The Danites ask Micah, the Brotherhood of the Juice why the men are be trained to "shout" or fight or take over their jobs. The answer is "what did you expect?"
Try reading the Shoftim as if you were a young Jewish boy or girl and this section of the text will make more sense.
The Values in Gematria are:
v. 22: When they had gone, they overtook the government. The Number is 7579, ז‎הזט‎ ‎ ‎"it is this..."
v. 23: They called out the men to fight. The Number is 8079, חאֶפֶסז‎ט, hafeszat, "Do not lose out..."
v. 24: Whats the matter with you? The Number is 11434, יאדגד‎ ‎"will emphasize."
Loss is discussed in Vayishlach where the journey from youth to adulthood can be found. The tract features Hamor, "The donkey" and his son, Shechem, "the fervent one". They lose no time in trying to fit in with a city culture that is happy, plentiful, and opportunities to get married and own property.
Wherever these cultural conditions are not found, within an uncircumcised city, persons young and old have a right to ask for conditions of equality so that the expectations set by the shule for the correct operations of the government can be met:
18 Their proposal seemed good to Hamor and his son Shechem. 
19 The young man, who was the most honored of all his father’s family, lost no time in doing what they said, because he was delighted with Jacob’s daughter. 
20 So Hamor and his son Shechem went to the gate of their city to speak to the men of their city. 
21 “These men are friendly toward us,” they said. “Let them live in our land and trade in it; the land has plenty of room for them. We can marry their daughters and they can marry ours. 
22 But the men will agree to live with us as one people only on the condition that our males be circumcised, as they themselves are. 
23 Won’t their livestock, their property and all their other animals become ours? So let us agree to their terms, and they will settle among us.”
24 All the men who went out of the city gate agreed with Hamor and his son Shechem, and every male in the city was circumcised.
So the Fight at the City Gate must be encouraged as we all know, evil does not sleep.
Titwilly is a good example. His attempts to addict a member of the Line of Succession shows supremely inferior judgement and future as well as current generations should react to this in the utmost. The Prince of Wales has duties within the government. If he's busy with his crack or crack dealer instead of governing and makes attempts to create a flaw in future instances of government, then he should be removed and a suitable candidate should be found before any more time is lost.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 years
Gale Reviews: Miraculous World Shanghai: The Legend of Lady Dragon
Spoilers below.
-OH some lore!
-Wow for Shifu, his students got bought out.
-She got robbed. So she failed badly
-Like the intro to this. Damn its crisp
-So Marinette is living her best life right now. Love that ladybug and chat noir bonding.
-Marinette gotta deliver a gift to the post office for her uncle.
-Marinetter got a lot of information on Adrien, some of which I'm question means of which she acquired. XD
-So Marinette realized she could use the gift delivery as a chance to maybe meet up with Adrien. That isn't really that bad. Its actually really clever.
-Gorilla is best boy.
-Adrien just wants to spend time with his dad. F*** YOU Gabriel.
-Oh damn! Gabriel has the Prodigious! And apparently its more powerful than the miraculous? WTF. Nooru knows about this
-Gabriel of course sucks and won't listen. Because Gabriel is a desperate whore.
-what do you MEAN 15 years ago? Gabriel how deep is this evil hole
-Marinette honey no, I love her. but wow. Her parents are so happy tho.
-Marinette's parents are the best. STOP SALTING THEM.
-Her uncle is so happy to see her.
-I love The uncle.
-Gabriel is such a jerk. Adrien just wants to spend time with him.
-Oh wow the restaurant looks great.
-SABINE'S REAL NAME IS XIA PING! I am so happy to know this!
-He is making good points. She could get lost.
-Marinette tracking him. also Kwami speak all languages. Neat
-I just realized... did neither ladybug or chat noir tell each other that they are out of Paris?
-Adrien out with his dad (Gorilla) for walk is precious.
-Oh Gabriel being a jerk. what else is new?
-How does Gabriel know about this all? I am so confused.
-Fei is back. She is strong. Also She is a kind person.
-Oh no... she is actually trying to rob people.
-Oh she can disguise herself.
-PLAGG is still Plagg. I missed seeing plagg.
- So if Marinette had stayed at the restaurant and chilled with her uncle. ADRIEN WOULD HAVE SHOWED UP. This is what happens when you are TOO THIRSTY!
-Marinette found him.
-and Fei just robbed her. Like HOW DID MARINETTE GET ROBBED SO EASILY?! Marinette is confirmed easy mark.
-Marinette she just robbed her don't help her
-and marinette just realized she is LOST IN SHANGHAI!
-Oh damn Fei is kicks butt.
-Adrien is so happy Marinette is in Shanghai! Thats so sweet. The Uncle ships it. The Bird ships it.
-Adrien you are a sweet bean. But I want to sock you for calling her just a friend.
-HOLD UP, HOW CAN GORILLA HAVE AN EAGLE action figure. Isn't this special suppose to take place between season 2 and 3? I am so confused.
-Marinette is lost, and she is lost.
-Adrien just confirmed she is always late.
-The old lady trying to help. Thats so nice.
-Fei, that guy is the d-bag that screwed over your adoptive dad!
-Guy is such a d-bag
-So Fei was being a jerk.
-Oh they are trying to return the necklace.
-Oh Fei speaks French, how convenient
-Fei feels guilty. GOOD
-Goriila is a bean.
-Chat noir transformation remix! Nice.
-They are making the police efficient here.
-Well Fei is gonna keep feeling guilty about this.
-Chat noir making Parisian heroes look good.
-Fei is gonna feel super guilty about this.
-They found the earrings.
-Fei is pissed.
-Tikki found Marinette.
-Fei got fast hands
-Fei redemption arc now.
-Fei gonna fight them.
-THE GUYS FROM EARLIER!? They are great.
-Chat noir calling ladybug out of concern for marinette. So cute.
-Gabriel is such an a**hole. He remembered Marinette but not his own son.
-Fei revealing origins now. Oh damn.
-The guy is the one who ruined everything.
-Liar revealed. What a shock (not)
-So this guy is gonna be akumatized. Well he is a jerk. Gabriel knows how to pick em.
-King Money?! NICE NAME.
-Oh damn King Money looks boss as heck.
-Ladybug is finally here.
-I saw that sigh. You love your kitty Ladybug.
-That ladynoir is so strong.
-Fei is pretty boss.
-I love that vault. The cave looks sweet.
-The guy realized it, kind of a smart man.
-What was Hawkmoth planning for 15 years?!
-Oh damn that power! Oh snap.
-The dragon guard look sick.
-Hawkmoth pulling a baller move with that. Like "B**** I aint fighting your guardian."
-Ladybug on the scene.
-Fei unlocked the power.
-WOW LADY DRAGON LOOKS REALLY COOL. And the Renlings looks kind of cool. Prodigious seems interesting.
-Renlings, the spirits of Human values. And, most of them look better than the Kwami, except plagg. Plagg is the best.
-Oh wow so they have neat requirements.
-Only noble people can use the dragon.
-Revenge aint noble
-This akuma maybe one of the best ones yet.
-HAWKMOTH GOT THANOSED. So Hawkmoth cares instantly loses. XD
-"Is that good news or bad news?" Chat noir, you are right. But thats your dad
-Ladybug and Chat noir getting their butt kicked.
-Fei also getting wrecked.
-Zag confirmed furry
-Fei just left them high and dry.
-And Chat noir is dead! ANGST.
-Ladybug gonna talk some sense into her.
-The mascara smeared. Thats real sadness.
-Cue power of friendship talk.
-Fei saves her with the power of friendship.
-dragon v. dragon fight!
-Oh I like this lucky charm.
- Yaloshi is his name now? (these subs are confusing)
-Oh snap, the power of team work! And fighting in the belly of the beast.
-They tied up the guy.
-Fei should have killed the guy.
-Meishi is adorable.
-Oh fei, marinette AND Adrien are celebrating his birthday. Thats cute.
-They BOTH SAID IT! I Cant even! (also I see you Adrien, you aint slick)
-The boys crushing on Fei.
-Adrien has such soft looks for Marinette.
So overall. The beginning was a tiny bit cringe, but not as bad as the trailer made it out to be.
I really liked Fei. She grows on ya. And I liked Lady dragon. I liked the renlings
I will say it is a better special in terms of Lore and plot than the NY special. It was lacking in the love square interactions that I wanted. But they were still cute when they had them. I do think there are a few plot holes, like Eagle being an action figure. WHEN DID THIS SPECIAL TAKE PLACE. (Edit, found out it was an animation error, NVM)
Also, now the elephant in the room? Was the special racist?
The answer is, no.
It wasn't racist, so we can all calm down about it?
So I give it an 8/10
The lore being my favorite parts.
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ryukyuan-sunflower · 4 years
Major Symbolism in Episode 20+21 (Another MugenxFuu Post)
Episodes 20 and 21’s series of images has been going through my head a lot recently, and I think that it is about time I rant about it.
I’ve written before, how Sara is a symbol of a maternal figure for Mugen. But today, I’m gonna go into something else…
Episode 20’s series of images alludes to Mugen and Fuu not only having feelings for each other, but also the concept of marriage, parentage and the idea of being abandoned. A lot of these details bridge and connect with multiple parts of the episode.
The Sad Bride
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The woman upon the boat is dressed in a traditional uchikake wedding kimono. What is happening is “Yomeiri-bune”: a traditional Japanese bridal procession on a robune rowboat.
The robune boat carries the bride’s household possessions at the front of the boat. The bride sits behind the possessions. Behind her, the bride’s two parents sit, wearing black. This boat carries the bride across the canal, to her husband. This traditional procession is still held in one place in Japan: Ibaraki during “Suigo Itako Ayame Matsuri”, or the “Iris Festival”
Here is a video of it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApIeJ384oDo
There are some key details about the bride in the scene of Samurai Champloo. While I think it could be a tale of Sara’s life...I think this is more related to Fuu’s future.
1.The bride has no household possessions. Fuu also has no household possessions of her own. The two women are incredibly poor.
2. The bride has no parents seated behind her. Fuu also has no parents to send her off and celebrate her marriage someday, as her father abandoned her, and her mother died of illness
3. There is a willow tree to the left of the scene. This one may not be major, but willows are symbols of grief, and in Japanese culture, are thought to attract ghosts. For such a sad symbol to be shown in a composition of a marriage seems intentional.
4. The bride is not smiling. Should a bride not be smiling upon her wedding day? It is supposed to be one of the most joyous moments of a woman’s life. She must be unhappy about the arrangement. This exact composition of Fuu’s unhappy face can be seen later, where Fuu is shown in front of glittering blue water. She must contemplate which of her bodyguards she will give up. But I’ll get more into that later.
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Notice also, in the composition of the scene, how Fuu is on the far left, where the bride is. Sara and Jin are standing close together, where the parents ought to be seated. Mugen however, is a far distance from them all.
Sara is clearly a maternal figure in the episode, as her entire story concerns her child. Jin also has some parallels to the Sunflower Samurai, and plays a very fatherly role for Fuu throughout the series. I wonder if this position is intentional.
At the end of the robune procession, the boat delivers the bride to her husband. When a woman is given away to her husband, she is also saying goodbye to her father and mother.
There seems to even be a symbol of this.
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But it is not to say Fuu wanted to give up Jin. It is clear that after Jin leaves with Sara, how upsetting it is for Fuu. She breaks down into tears. Though, it is important to note how childish these tears are. It is a comical scene, where Mugen gets frustrated and stomps off. It is nothing like the painful moments that Fuu cries when she thinks Mugen is in danger/dying (In episodes 14, 21, 25 and 26).
This seems to be Fuu clinging childishly to the closest thing she has to a father figure (Jin), similar to how this whole journey is her trying to find her father: the last remnant of her past.
The Mother and Child
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While walking, the four travelers pass a mother carrying a child. The father is nowhere in sight. Again, this is an allusion to Sara and her son. But it is noteworthy that the only character to look back at the mother and child is Fuu.
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The mother has light brown hair, like Fuu. The son has black, wild and unruly hair and orange clothes. More on the orange later.
The next symbol shows how this is not only about Sara...but about Fuu contemplating a future: the fear of being abandoned by a husband and left with a child alone, the same as her mother was.
The fear of being abandoned by Mugen.
The Pinwheel
The mother and child have a yellow pinwheel.
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I’ve talked in other posts how pinwheels seem to be a symbol of childhood innocence, and of rebirth. However, we have seen a pinwheel in only one other scene in the series. And it is almost the exact same color. They could have chosen any color for the pinwheel, but I cannot help but feel this color choice is deliberate. Mugen flicks the pinwheel in Episode 1, just moments before meeting Fuu for the first time. 
Rather than childhood innocence, this pinwheel flick could have another meaning entirely. In Chinese culture, the flicking of a pinwheel means to “turn one’s luck around”. Why this is notable, is, in Episode 1, we find out Mugen is not Japanese at all, but Ryukyuan. The Ryukyu Kingdom was a tributary state of China, before being invaded by the Satsuma Domain. For that reason, there is a blend of both Chinese and Japanese culture in the Ryukyuan Islands.
Perhaps Mugen flicked the pinwheel, as a way to wish himself good luck in getting some food. Little did he know, this meeting would greatly change his life.
Furthermore, the pinwheels start to shift into sunflowers. Fuu’s face pans across the scene, as if a symbol that she has come to a realization, or is pondering something important.
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This could be a symbol of Fuu coming to a realization of her feelings for Mugen, her fear of the future, and the fear of being abandoned by him, the same as her father abandoned her mother. 
This fear and realization is reinforced throughout the rest of the episode.
The Boy with the Monkey Mask
During the festival, Sara asks Mugen and Jin to pick out a gift for her son. Mugen proceeds to grab a small child, and asks what he wants.
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1. The child responds that he wants Mugen’s sword. He’s a little fighter.
2. The child is wearing a monkey mask. This is important because in the previous scene, Mugen, Fuu and Sara bathe in the hot spring. When Sara asks Fuu what Mugen looks like, she gets extremely flustered and proceeds to say: “Honestly, he’s less than human. He’s more like a monkey or a gorilla.”
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However, we know Fuu is lying, because when Sara asks, “What?” Fuu sinks into the water and blows bubbles.
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The fact that the line and the mask is a scene apart, seems intentional yet again.
3. The boy is wearing orange, similar to the orange of the boy on the woman’s back earlier that only Fuu looked at. Also, Fuu in her childhood, is seen wearing orange...and was abandoned by her father.
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This boy is a symbol of Mugen and Fuu having a child together. To reinforce this is the thoughts going through Fuu’s head, Mugen asks Fuu what they should get for a boy. Fuu remembers Sara’s request of taking one of them with her. It is at Mugen’s words and her own thoughts, that Fuu suddenly runs away in tears.
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We know that she is pondering the choice Sara gave her: Mugen or Jin. We know that she knows Mugen will willingly leave her. We also know that she chooses Mugen to stay, despite this.
And this is where we see that previously shown picture of Fuu’s sad face, emulating the face of the sad bride. Fuu is afraid Mugen will either abandon her, or will not love her.
Jin is the one to chase after Fuu and appears behind her, not Mugen. He is far more reliable, and would seem to be a better husband. Fuu could very easily marry a man someday that she does not want to be with, because Mugen is not the type to marry. But  despite all of this, Fuu still chooses Mugen to stay and complete her journey.
The two episodes’ composition largely features Mugen and Fuu, while Jin plays a more minor role.
Not only does she give up Jin, but also the entire Episode 21 barely features Jin. It becomes about Mugen facing Sara twice...and it also becomes about how Fuu’s love for Mugen stops Sara from killing him,
Sara’s words to Fuu
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She chooses Mugen.
Sara’s Words to Mugen
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Sara tells Mugen they are alike, and mentions the closest she came to happiness was having a child. It also zooms in on Mugen’s face here. 
Having a child with Fuu could be his first shot at happiness.
This dialogue completely emulates Mugen’s dialogue with another woman: Koza in Episode 14, in which she asked Mugen if he is happy now. He tells her he hasn’t thought about it. Koza then went on to say “Fuu is happy because she gets to be with you. I want to be with you, like she is.”
A Distance in Episode 20. A Closeness in Episode 21.
Throughout the episode, Mugen and Fuu are barely shown next to, or across from each other. They are always near Sara or Jin instead.
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There is is a sense of a distance forming between Mugen and Fuu. But by the end of Episode 20, Fuu still chooses Mugen to stay with her. And Episode 21, they are finally close again, stuck alone together.
She throws herself on top of him to save his life and tends to his wounds which are close, intimate acts.
Other Blatant Hints
Aside from the visual symbolism in the episode, there are other clear indications of the character’s developing feelings for each other during these two Sara episodes, but not expressing them.
Fuu and Mugen see each other naked in the hot spring. This is a painfully common romantic anime trope.
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Fuu gets jealous of Mugen’s attention to Sara.
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Mugen gets jealous of Fuu crying over Jin and comically stomps away. He agrees to stay with Fuu, even though he clearly could’ve abandoned her, and only claimed to stay to fight Jin. Now with Jin gone, he has no excuse as to why he’s sticking around.
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Fuu’s Declaration of Love
Fuu throws herself in the way of Sara’s blade, in order to save Mugen’s life. This action was committed only mere seconds after Sara’s haunting words to Mugen: “It’s as if you’ve never been loved by anyone.”
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Fuu throwing herself in the way is proving Sara’s words wrong. Mugen is loved. This is why Sara gasps and stays her blade. Like her previous words, she is unable to read people’s feelings.
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Throwing her own life in the way for Mugen’s life to be spared could have easily gotten her killed too. To me, this seems to be an allusion to “Shinju” or “Double Suicide”. Lovers’ suicide was surprisingly common in Japanese history, and there have been famous Tokugawa plays written about the subject such as “Love Suicide at Sonezaki” and “Love Suicide at Amijima”. 
The symbols of a sad bride, a pinwheel, a child with a monkey mask, Fuu’s choice and Fuu’s sacrifice all allude to her feelings for Mugen, and her fear of an uncertain future with him.
Now, combine this giant list of symbols, with the numerous amounts of far more major MugenxFuu scenes, blatant dialogue, interviews of the voice actors and Shinichiro Watanabe, etc...and what you have is a canon subtle romance. 
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feralnumberfive · 3 years
The Rewatch Academy: Episode 1 of Season 1
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"We Only See Each Other At Weddings and Funerals”
I am in no way a good analyst so my little analysis and speculations probably sound a bit goofy or pretty wild and probably mean nothing at all. Everything I put into this post about each episode is purely what I noticed or thought, whether it's funny or serious. I will be making jokes, so please just leave it at that (in no way am I trying to make fun of an actor and or character!) I am also in no way saying I noticed this stuff first. This is just what I noticed while rewatching these episodes
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1x01 | 1x02 | 1x03 | 1x04 |
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☂️ In the Pilot script, it has a woman giving birth to a baby boy in Poland in 1984 (potentially Five or maybe even Luther??) 
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☂️ “Picture Book” is an absolute bop and no one can tell me otherwise
☂️ What if someone saw this parade of carriages and noticed that there were seven? Later Reginald announces that he adopted 6 kids, so I wonder if anyone saw the carriages earlier and heard Reginald's announcement and became confused
☂️ The concert hall in the Pilot script is in New York, which I assume is safe to assume in NYC. The script also mentions later that Diego drops the monocle in the Hudson River
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☂️ The Pilot script originally had Allison in LA, and Klaus in Amsterdam (which he was supposed to be levitating in that scene)
☂️ Diego was originally supposed to be pretty brutal and violent
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☂️ I am a huge POTO fan so having a medley of the songs from the musical is so awesome to hear. The first time I watched this episode and heard the violin starting to play, I was like “Huh, this really sounds like POTO” and then I realized it was! It gave me chills and still does to this day overtime I watch this scene
☂️ The dark and mysterious tones of POTO really matches the vibes of TUA well. It’s just so good, especially as a way to introduce Vanya. The first song Vanya plays is “Phantom of the Opera” which is a nice symbolism when introducing the Hargreeves Siblings. The song itself is Christine discovering who her true Angel of Music is, a strange masked man that everyone knows well but they truly don’t know who he really is, like with the Umbrellas and their separate personalities and struggles as actual human beings and not just as the superheroes the public knows them as. It also plays while showing Diego, who is a mysterious masked figure at that point. 
☂️ “Angel of Music” is basically Christine asking her angel to guide her, which is ironic that it plays while Klaus is getting out of a place that guides him down the right path, knowing that he’s immediately going to go do drugs again and to go down the “wrong” path
☂️ I wonder if the voice in Luther’s spacesuit as he receives his message is an automated voice or his robot named “Ben” like in the comics. I doubt it’s the latter, but who knows
☂️ Okay, here’s another POTO thing. Diego picks up his knife and wipes the blood off of it and tells the family “Your family is safe now” right as the start of “Think of Me” plays. The first lyrics of the song are “Think of me, think of me fondly” which can be seen as Diego wants the family to truly view him as a hero that saved them
☂️ Aaaand here’s another! Again, while “Think of Me” is playing, one of the parts in the song where Raoul sings “Long ago, it seems so long ago, how young and innocent we were” plays while the paparazzi begins questioning Allison about her father and siblings
☂️ Okay okay, last POTO thing. I especially love that "Music of the Night" plays when Klaus wakes up in the ambulance at night. It's so awesome! Especially since the song is basically about giving into your darkest desires, which Klaus clearly did
 ☂️ Goddamn is the music in the show amazing, and I’m not just talking about all of the fun lyrical songs! Jeff Russo you get a thumbs up from me
☂️ Ta-da! Here’s some portraits that are shown of the siblings with Reginald when they were young that are shown in the show
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☂️ Even the first person Vanya sees when she arrives home doesn’t greet her/welcome her back 
☂️ Emmy and Elliot really played that awkward hug and greeting between Allison and Vanya well. You can feel the awkward tension (hey sisters)
☂️ According to the pilot script, Diego wears his mask practically all the time like in the comics
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☂️ Luther was literally supposed to have a gorilla body in the pilot script
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☂️ “Oh, YoU gOt BiG, lUtHeR”
☂️ Godddd the song playing while Vanya looks at the books on the shelf in including her own is 👌
☂️ Ah, there’s a book called “Lunar Living”
☂️ It might just be me, but it seems like the light shining onto Five’s portrait is ever so slightly askew
☂️ Vanya leaving the lights on and sandwiches for Five reminds me of someone leaving food outside for a stray cat
☂️ Five was originally supposed to be gone for over 22 years in the pilot script
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☂️ I wonder at what point in each of the siblings’ lives did they realize, or at least they thought, their brother wouldn’t be coming home 
☂️ Babies 
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☂️ There’s so many ape and monkey pictures and diagrams around Reginald’s office. Foreshadowing for Luther?
☂️ I love Klaus’s theme. It’s heard in almost every episode https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJa9H8SY4wQ&list=OLAK5uy_k2NJivpu0PIwxrOmPVrqN4umBZaahOGWI&index=6
☂️ Why does Reginald have two pictures of himself featuring aircraft? In one of them he’s outside a private jet and the other is him inside a cockpit
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☂️ I must say that the dialogue in the pilot script definitely closely mirrors the dialogue of the comics 
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☂️ “Told me I should be careful who to trust” 👀
☂️ Something behind Elliot is moving
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☂️ I was hoping for this to be a gazelle of some sort above Five’s portrait, but It’s an Gemsbok. However, the Gemsbok is an antelope and all gazelles are antelopes
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☂️ “The Walker” playing during the bank robbery scene is 👌👌
☂️ Luther is ready to throw hands
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☂️ These robbers really decided to rob a bank at 10:05 am?
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☂️ I just love Five popping out of nowhere criss-cross applesauce 
☂️ Something that hasn’t been explained/fully shown is Five’s ability to teleport objects. He teleported the gun out of the guy’s hand and replaced it with a stapler
☂️ Five’s teleportation noise reminds me of something going really fast, like an aircraft breaking the sound barrier. It’s almost like a mini sonic boom, but not as loud
☂️ Okay so I’ve noticed this in most of the episodes, but I don’t think when Five teleports he makes an actual noise. I’ll point this out more as we continue through the episodes. At the bank scene when Five is on the counter, it appears that the first time he teleports the bank robber whips around when Five speaks. The second time the robber turns to Five simply because he doesn’t know where he went and he’s searching for the threat
☂️ “That’s one badass stApler”
☂️ When Ben asks if he has to go into the Vault, he looks at Klaus for reassurance even though Luther is the one speaking to him
☂️ Five was still pretty cocky back in his youth. They, or more like Ben, have more bad guys to take care of and he’s just chilling with his hands in his pockets and leaning back/slouching like he’s bored. His tone with the robber also proves that and the way he just happily bounds out of the bank
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☂️ Sir, why are you looking at the camera
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☂️ Luther’s little wave to the reporters when the Umbrellas come out of the bank is cute
☂️ The pilot script didn’t include a flashback of a bank robbery, but instead to the Umbrellas training when they were younger. There’s too much to screenshot to I’ll summarize it.
-Luther bench-presses over 500 lbs
-Diego has been holding his breath for about six hours and he flips Reginald off
-Klaus levitates stuff
-Allison is slacking off and when Reginald tells her to continue her training she simply rumors him that she doesn’t have to
-Ben is fighting guards and Reginald calls him “Number Six” to which Vanya, who isn’t supposed to be down there, corrects him that his name is Ben and reminds Reginald that they have names
- Five very quickly and quite brutally rips off the heads and limbs of training dummies, snaps their necks, and stabs them. He is referred to as “A ruthless little war machine.” Reginald calls him “Perfect”
☂️ The pilot script implies that Reginald had alien life mounted on the walls of his office
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☂️ There wasn’t a dance scene in the pilot script
☂️ Not to get super into detail about this, but Luther’s room is filled with a lots of models and paintings of aircraft, mainly from WWII. Almost all of them are of Allied aircraft, and more specifially Commonwealth aircraft, like the RCAF. So this could be more of a clue to the Umbrellas living in Canada
☂️ Diego giving that Wildebeest head the stink eye aways makes me laugh
☂️ Klaus is dancing with Reggie’s urn in a Waltz fashion, so maybe he’s just doing that or it’s the ballroom dancing lessons they received as children peeing through
☂️ I love Diego’s dancing skills
☂️ Fuck you Five for ruining their dance party
☂️ Honestly Five’s portal is pretty powerful. Here’s a description of it from the pilot script
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☂️ I like that when Luther tells everyone to get behind him and Diego copies him with “Yeah, get behind us” Luther lets his brother use himself as a shield instead be pulling the “I’m the leader, I’m the strongest” card
☂️ When Luther and Diego are shielding their siblings, Diego has his arm stretched out to guard Vanya
☂️ In the pilot script Five’s body is smoking when he comes out of the portal
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☂️ What if when Five fell out of the portal he got knocked out so he just laid face down on the ground unconscious aksdhfjsafhd
☂️ “So are we gonna talk about what just happened?” No bitch, let him make his sammie first
☂️ Diego and Klaus had some sort of bet on Five’s time traveling in the pilot script
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☂️ Here’s another example of Five’s teleportation possibly not making noise. When he teleports around while his siblings are questioning him, it looks like they only look at him when he appears and not when they hear a noise
☂️ Five in the pilot script is actually 62
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☂️ “What part of the future do you not understand?”
☂️ I like that Five styled his hair to the exact style it was when he was actually young, but eventually gets looser throughout the season
☂️ Five is so oddly calm when talking to Vanya in front of his portrait
☂️ “Well, there are worse things that can happen.” “You mean like what happened to Ben?” Yeah there’s also an apocalypse on the way lol
☂️ Five actually got a hug in the pilot script! 
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☂️ An ironic moment from the pilot script considering that Five is an assassin and has killed tons of people but this siblings don’t know that
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☂️ When Diego is talking about their names and numbers in the courtyard, Five sighs, which I’m sure he’s just bored/has better places to be and is annoyed, but I’d like to view it as “Shit, I don’t even have a name”
☂️ Funny tidbit from the pilot script during the funeral scene “Whatever the hell you are”
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☂️ Diego talks about how he assumed Reginald sent Luther to the moon because he couldn’t stand the sight of him, so he must be talking about Luther being like a “failed” leader or something? Like he couldn’t keep the team/his siblings together? Diego doesn’t know about his ape-like body so he’s not thinking about that.....
☂️ I love that Klaus reaches his arm out to guard Five, and that Five simply glares at him and bats his arm away
☂️ When Luther broke Ben’s statue, I can just imagine Ben yelling at Klaus “Seriously? Klaus, why didn’t you stop them?”
☂️ So I’m sure this is just a continuation error, but you can’t see Five walking away in the shot of Ben’s statue hitting the ground. Considering that he had just left, he should still be visible in the background. Again, probably a continuation error or maybe he even teleported inside
☂️ A detail I love about Luther is that his fingernails are dark due to the gorilla DNA
☂️ The bank robbery scene in the pilot script is after the funeral. Not much was changed for the actual first episode, just a few different scenes. Also the Umbrellas were described as gods
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☂️ Vanya drawing the tattoo on her wrist hurts my heart
☂️ “Together, you will stand against the reign of evil” gives me chills 
☂️ “This is your home and always will be” is great foreshadowing to S3, and hurts my heart when I think about how it is in fact no longer their home
☂️ When I first watched this episode and saw Pogo watching Vanya I knew something was pretty sus
☂️ Just some gold dialogue from the pilot script during the scene of Five, Allison, and Klaus in the kid area and Five is complaining about coffee (but in the pilot script everyone but Vanya is there)
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☂️ “An entire square block. Forty-two bedrooms, 19 bathrooms” goddamn the Academy is HUGE. Also 42 is just one away from being 43 👀
☂️ “I know how to do everything.” Yeah, like survive an apocalypse and professionally kill people :]
☂️ I’ve pointed this out before, but the license plate on the car that Five takes to Griddy’s says HERMES, which is the license plate of his car in the comics
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☂️ The exit sign in the background is only half lit up to where it says EX and if my memory serves me correctly that’s the door Vanya and Leonard enter the Academy through in episode 6
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☂️ Diego telling Klaus to lean back is like “Ugh I don’t want him with me, but safety first”
☂️ I love that they added his feral chimpanzee smile from the pilot script into he show
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☂️ “You won’t be going home.” Cocky smartass strikes again. Not to mention he smiles when he says that. He also says this to the men before he kills them in the pilot script
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☂️ Before I even knew about TUA, I had heard of the “Istanbul (Not Constantinople)” scene and looked it up. I remember thinking “Wow, that kid is scary.” Now I think “Wow, that old man is scary.”
☂️ I love the little salute he does before he blinks away, and the way his basically just plays with these men like a cat playing with its prey. He knows he’s going to kill them, but he wants to have fun doing so
☂️ Five had some fancy moves in the pilot script
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☂️ Five teleporting his tie around the man’s neck is another example of him teleporting an object. Can we see more of this actually happen in S3 please?? I also love the fact that he takes it off the man’s body and puts it back on
☂️ The way he calmly, or tiredly, snaps the man’s neck is chilling to see from a child’s body. This was also included in the pilot script *chanting* Feral Five, Feral Five, Feral Fi-
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☂️ It’s honestly such a cool and iconic scene on the show. It truly shows that Five is fully capable of handling himself, and is/was great at his job
☂️ Having the city at night in the background of Diego dropping the monocle is really pretty
☂️ I really like the way they revealed Ben. Having watched both season and now watching this scene again is a bit awkward when Ben doesn’t talk. He’s probably just tired of Klaus 
☂️ “The world ends in eight days, and I have no idea how to stop it.” This line combined with the music and the previous scene of Five in the apocalypse is powerful and chilling and I love it
☂️ I love that they have The Umbrella Academy theme playing during the credits in both seasons
Feel free to comment or reblog with things you have noticed too!
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sephiwhore · 3 years
Ok but literally all the cyberpunk oc questions? LETS GO CHOOM!!! -thosetwistedtales
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Bet you didn’t think I’d actually do it >:3 Okay well I technically didn’t, I did skip some of them cause I couldn’t think of anything, I’d already answered it, or the answer was just “no”.
Without further ado I present, All The Questions about Tess, answered under the cut!
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full name: Tess Valere
birthday: She has no idea, and for most of her life she didn’t even know birthdays were a thing
gender and pronouns: Female, she/her
nicknames or aliases: V (obviously), her surrogate brother called her Tessa
sexuality: a big ol bisexual
ethnicity: a big ol white girl
affiliations [corporation/gang/themselves/etc]: she grew up on the streets of Heywood, so certain Valentinos would help her out now and again. She’s nowhere near loyal to them, but she’ll try to avoid killing them during jobs
what languages do they speak?: English, conversational Spanish, and she knows a handful of Japanese words
alignment: Chaotic Good, but she dabbles in Chaotic Neutral
color(s) you associate with them: cyan and black and after Johnny comes into her life, red
theme song: Unbreakable by Fireflight
what heavenly virtue would you assign them? Humility
what deadly sin would you assign them? Wrath
what is their biggest strength? Sheer fucking perseverence, mostly fueled by spite
what is their biggest fear? Losing the people she loves, because throughout her life those have been few and far between and she’s lost a good number of them
what is their biggest weakness? Again, the people she loves
are they confident in their abilities? Oh you bet your ass she is, so confident that she stormed Arasaka Tower with nothing but her revolver and her cyberdeck
what is their opinion on cybernetics? They’re a necessary evil. Her brother dealt with cyberpsychosis so in a way she resents cybernetics, but she also knows that you won’t get far as a merc in Night City without a few implants
do they have a good sense of humor? Yes, very dry and sarcastic
how do they cry? When she cries it’s either from rage or panic, very little in between
how do they laugh? Quite subdued, usually the most you’ll get out of her is a hearty chuckle. Very rarely does she go into a full laughing fit
do they smoke? She started smoking after Johnny popped up in her head cause she felt bad for his situation (after she stopped hating him anyway) and figured she could give him this one thing. And now she smokes like a chimney.
do they drink? She’s been dealing with alcohol dependence and borderline alcoholism for half of her life
what kind of drunk are they? As she drinks more it progresses from pretty chill, then VERY affectionate, and then Fightey
do they take any drugs? She knows how she is with alcohol so she avoids drugs like the plague
preferred weapon: For close/mid-range, a nice beefy revolver (Overture) or Johnny’s Malorian. Long range, a sniper rifle.
combat style [stealth/melee/brute force/etc] Depending on the environment, it’s either stealth with a silenced pistol and lots of quickhacks, a John Wick style headshots-galore shootout, or sniping from a distance
primary stats [ex: intellect] Intelligence and Reflexes
biggest weakness in combat: She sometimes forgets to watch her back, and tends to ignore injuries and see the fight through when retreating would probably be the best course of action
threaten or charm? Depends on the target, she’s great at both
lethal or non-lethal? For corpos, the more malicious gangs (Tygers, Animals, 6th Street), or anyone who has hurt innocents, full lethal. If she’s just infiltrating a warehouse full of workers, non-lethal
leave quietly or send a message? She sends a message WHILE leaving quietly
strategy or improvise? Improvise
hair style and color [is it natural? do they change it a lot?] She has synthhair so she can change the style and color at will (I have no idea if that’s how it actually works but I say it is) but she usually sticks to come kind of short sideshave/undercut in some shade of blue.
eye color: Natural eye color is green, but she usually has black scleras with a red circle
height: I had her at 5’8 until yesterday when I realized ya know what, I want a tall girl. So she’s 6 feet.
describe their body type: Skinny, small tiddies, but still fairly curvy
describe their style: Dark colors, leather jackets, lots of boots (also Johnny’s tank top and aviators)
do they wear makeup? Very smudgey eyeliner. Her upper lip is tattooed black and she usually leaves the bottom one bare
tattoos? any significant ones? Lots of tattoos that I haven’t figured out yet, except fir a modified version of the Valentinos neck tattoo, the V being to honor her brother Ven (she took on the name V to honor him too)
scars? Random ones here and there from random gunshots, stabbings, and other work-related injuries
piercings? A bunch that I can’t remember off the top of my head
cybernetics? Gorilla arms, the charge jump ankle ones, eventually she gets synth lungs as a preventative measure cause of the whole smoking thing
favorite place in night city: The streets of Heywood because they’re home to her, despite all the awful memories growing up. After Johnny comes along, she starts to like high places, and she loves to hang out on the patio outside Kerry’s house
favorite tv show and/or movie: She loves horror movies, except ghost one cause she doesn’t believe in ghosts so she just finds them dumb
favorite vehicle. do they prefer cars or motorcycles? Vastly prefers motorcycles, she hasn’t really driven a car much since she was a teenager. Her favorite is Jackie’s Arch.
favorite food: She sees food solely as a source of fuel, she will eat whatever is easiest
favorite drink: Tequila
favorite song: Black Dog :3
favorite type of weather: She LOVES the rain (but the water kind, not the acid kind)
favorite radio station: Vexelstrom, and then Morro Rock cause Samurai :3
favorite pastime: Working out, shooting ranges, Jackie and Vik got her into occasional boxing
what are their parents like? what kind of relationship do they have with your character? She had no memory of her parents and assumes they’re both dead
do they have any other family members? what kind of relationship do they have? She has a “brother”, who she knew only as Vendetta (or V). He found her on the streets and took her in when she was 10, and raised her from then on until he “died” 12 years later. Their relationship was great, despite the fact that he was not a very nice person to everyone else but her. 
who is their closest friend? Of course Jackie, and then Kerry (and Johnny ofc)
who are their other friends if they have them? Nope! :D
what are their exes like? any significant ones? She’s never really had a serious relationship, mostly just flings and acquaintances-with-benefits
are they in a relationship? with who and how is it going? Johnny! And it’s uh. Well, ya know.
who are their enemies? She has a passionate hatred for whichever corpo makes cyberpsychosis medication, and for Max Tac cause she sees them as responsible for the loss of her brother. And of course Arasaka.
have they ever lost anyone important to them? Her brother, Jackie, Johnny
would they betray their own morals for their loved ones? Abso-fucking-lutely
have they ever sacrificed something for someone they care about? if so, what? In one of my two canons for her, she gives Johnny her body
where did they grow up in night city? if not from night city, where are they from? The streets of Heywood, then in a shitty apartment in Heywood
how would you describe their childhood? Miserable
were they well-off, poor or somewhere in between when growing up? After Ven took her in, they did have an apartment but because he needed monthly baloperidol (cyberpsycho meds) injections, they were quite poor
what kind of education did they receive? The only real education she ever got was “how to shoot a gun”
what is the biggest lesson they learned growing up? Everything and everyone in the world is going to try its best to destroy you. Destroy it first.
what is their happiest memory? A few weeks after Ven took her in and and it finally hit her, this was real, she had a home, someone that cared for her, and she never had to go hungry again,
what is their most painful memory? Watching her brother, in the middle of a psychotic break, being gunned down. After that it would be saying goodbye to Johnny (in the canon where that happens)
have they kept any meaningful mementos from their past? One of the revolvers she owns was given to her by her brother, and all of her piercings and a couple of her tattoos were done by him so they’re mementos, in a way
is there anything they would change about their past? She would do anything to save her brother.
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alexredgrave · 3 years
personality, 3, 9, 12, 15, 16, 20, combat, 4, 8, appearance 4, 7, 10, relationship, 1, 5 assdhdjfk sorry I couldn't chose
Thank you so much for the ask ❤ This is gonna be a little rambly because I'm very, very tired, however-
tarot card: The Chariot
five positive traits: First and foremost, V is a man of his word, through and through. He's also strong, both emotionally and physically, charismatic (not in the way Johnny is, just an extrovert, friendly, pleasant to be around guy), emotionally mature and kind.
what deadly sin would you assign them? Wrath. V is not short tempered, he's usually chill and easygoing and not very fast to anger. When he does get angry, however, he tends to go from 0 to 100, he can get violent and even cruel.
what is their biggest weakness? He's a terrible liar, not very smart or cunning and his actions are often easily predictable and easy to manipulate.
do they care about their appearance? do they like it? V cares about his appearance more than he cares to admit. He considers himself a little ugly (he's especially self conscious about the blemishes and little scars on his face) but he also thinks he compensates with his "cool" attitude.
how do they cry? He's an ugly cryer. Not very loud but mostly unrestrained. Definitely not stoic.
primary skills [ex: handguns]: Athletic, handguns and blades.
lethal or non-lethal? Non-lethal with civilians and guards (if he can help it), usually lethal with everyone else. He really doesn't have a problem with killing people who are or would be out to kill him.
describe their body type: medium weight, on the leaner side. He doesn't have defined abs (his stomach is the littlest bit soft) or huge muscles but he's got strong arms and legs.
tattoos? any significant ones? He has a lot of tattoos, most of them from the same artist (his friend and former fellow Bakker, Laetitia), making up a single piece that covers most of his body. V started it while he was still with his clan (the first part being the butterfly on his chest) around the same time he started transitioning. That makes them significant not by design but because they were part of the process of him reclaiming his body. Aside from those, he has two other tattoos: the flower on his neck he got after moving to NC and the "together forever" tattoo Johnny gave him.
cybernetics? Optics (he had those even prior his arrival to NC to correct severe myopia he used to have), processor and, later, gorilla arms.
what are their parents like? what kind of relationship do they have with your character? When V was 5, his mother Reina, left her husband and joined the Bakker clan. V remembers very little of his father and, even if the other is supposedly still alive, he has no strong desire to reconnect with him. A few years after joining the Bakkers, Reina died during a fight with the Wraith, and from then on the clan raised him, in a non-nuclear family that V still considers to be his "real family". Sadly, sometimes after the Bakkers joined the Snake Nation, V ended up cutting ties or falling apart with most of them.
what are their exes like? any significant ones? His only significant ex, as well as one of his very few exes, is another former Bakker named Danny Wilson. Danny and V where childhood friends. They started dating at only 16 years old and were glued to the hips for many years to follow. However, their relationship eventually started to crack, further deteriorating after the clan joined the Snake Nation. At 25 years old, V found out Danny had been cheating on him and that ultimately lead to V leaving both him and the clan.
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Do you have any funny stories about holidays with your family? I saw that graph about the Jewish holidays, and I was like "they're guaranteed gonna have some hilarious stuff"
One year my great grandmother was really on my dad’s nerves so he dressed in a full gorilla suit for Passover seder and she was just. so fucking resigned to it
we all have an additional set of call and responses for the seder, like when they read “and god heard their moaning and their lamentations and said” and everyone yells “QUITCHER BITCHING”
There is a rabbi Jose, and my godfather is named Jose, so we invite him because he’s family and we love him, but also so we can point to him at the relevant portions and cheer for him
sometimes when we get to the plagues we throw props at each other like plastic insects and foam hail balls
there’s a running thing about does the first born child or first born son die, and my baby brother likes to stoke that argument by pointing out he’s safe
my mom hates the thing about the one frog v. many frogs
I always read the bit about being delivered from Egypt because one time I was delivered from the land of Egypt, so when I say “me” I mean me as a Jew and also me as me that one time
sometimes at passover we dress the cat up as pharaoh though
he hates it real bad
one year we hid the afikomen and none of the kids could find it and grandpa then forgot where he hid it and we didn’t find it until we were moving out of that house. the matzoh was still good
my family is ashkenazi but one year we went to my best friend’s house and her mom is Sephardic, so we were confused by the additional table dressing of the green onions, and the family told us it comes later in the seder. so like, imagine our shock when suddenly sweet little Rachel (the mom, who is a very small woman) and Karen (my friend) suddenly snag the scallions off the table while we’re singing Dayenu and start swinging on the rest of us. it devolved into a terrifying vegetable duel and we all had green marks on us for the rest of the night. I had scallion in my hair the whole car ride home and nobody told me
Edit: Hanukkah is the holiday when the cat tries frantically for eight nights to set himself on fire and we fight desperately to not let him
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betsonbetty-blog · 6 years
Now What? Part 6
I am so sorry this part took a lot longer than expected to be posted. The main reason being monday classes began again and I have been studying for the GRE which I will be taking on tuesday. That being said next chapter might also be a little later than usual. Hope you enjoy!
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Part 6
Adrien saw the time then continued to lay on his bed and looked around his old room. There was so much that had changed since he was last here. Adrien felt the familiar tugging on his chest as nostalgia took over. How he missed his parents. He understood, especially the day the twins came into their life, his father has never been a good parental figure. Hell. He recalled all the times he, not Chat Noir, but him Adrien had gotten stuck in between an akuma attack and ladybug. Style Queen was a perfect example of this. He couldn't understand how his father was ok with such things. If Emma or Louis had been in his shoes he would have died before anything bad happened to them. He wished for his children to meet his parents. If only mom hadn't disappeared. Things would have been different. Adrien used to think that after finding out Hawkmoth was his own father. However, he learned he wouldn't want to ever change it. It made him who he is, and it led him to the love of his life. A soft smile spread across his face. His little family that was soon expanding. He shot up at the realization that his younger self is probably head over heels at the moment. From the little bit of what he remembered, he knew that was exactly what was going on. A small chuckle escaped from his mouth. There was a knock on the door and then opened. "Adrien," Adrien stared at his father as he walked in. It took everything in Adrien to not cry and run to him. After Gabriel fled the country he had not heard from him. "How are your piano lessons coming along? I'd like to hear a couple of pieces," Gorilla moved the couch in the all too familiar position. Lucky for him he has learned to appreciate the piano and really hone his skills. He never pressured Emma or Louis to learn, but Emma loves to sit next him while he plays. Eventually, she expressed how she wanted to learn to be just like her papa.
Adrien stood a little straighter staring at his father. "I think you will be pleased with my advancements," he then sat in front of the piano. Notes in front, he knew the song all too well. One of the clearest memories he has of his time in the future was playing Fur Elise for Marinette and Emma. Memories of his family brought yet another smile to his face. He debated on closing his notes. By now it was muscle memory. He finally went against it, for young Adrien would kill him. He shifted a small bit trying to stall as he figured out how well he should play. Gabriel raised an eyebrow for Adrien to begin. The keys were soft under his fingertips.
By the end, Gabriel was impressed. "Very good, Adrien. I am glad you finally took the piano seriously. Continue practicing, I have business to attend to. I will be back tomorrow morning. Also, don't forget next week you start shadowing me," as Gabriel turned to leave, Adrien hugged him. Too soon the moment was over. He returned on his bed once the coast was clear. His cell phone vibrated next to him. Princess flashed on his screen. Be there soon love you. How naïve had he been in his younger years. Four years calling her princess, one and a half of which he insisted she was just a friend. That was something Mari definitely has always teased him about.
Marinette tied her hair back into her iconic low pigtails. She had thought it over and even if her friends see her as she is going to the Agreste mansion it is ok. Ladybug is missing Marinette is not. Nevertheless, she still didn't want to risk the possibility of exposing anything. She opened the hatch of her room and headed down to the kitchen/living room area. "Oh honey, I thought you were still with Alya. Did she go home already?" her mother's gray eyes looked up at her.
Marinette scratched her head. It had been so long since she had seen her mom look so young without any gray hairs. "Yes, she did," Marinette had an idea at that moment, "that reminds me. Adrien wanted to hangout. I'll be home later," Marinette thought about it more, "can we have game night tonight?"
Marinette really missed game nights with her parents. Ever since she became a mom and fashion designer she hadn't had a proper game night. Game night with her children was still fun, but they had their bed times. It would be nice to have an uninterrupted game. "Oh, that sounds fun. I will tell your father," Sabine made her way to the door that leads downstairs and turned around, "I almost forgot. Ladybug and everyone else have yet to capture the akuma. Please be safe. The fight moved a couple of miles away, but please let me know when you're with Adrien." Sabine then disappeared into the stairs. Marinette grabbed her old purse. She couldn't help to smile at one of her first creations. The purse brought back memories of first making it to carrying Tikki in it for years. There were so many chocolate stains inside from all the cookies it has carried. She walked to the kitchen and grabbed a couple of snacks. If she knew his father, she knew there are zero to no snacks in that household.
The Agreste Mansion was not too far from the bakery. She just had to make it there quickly. Luckily, she did. She pressed the familiar button and the camera came out. Nathalie's voice came through, "good afternoon Marinette, I will let Adrien know you are here. Feel free to come in," the gates opened in front of her. She knew her husband would rush to meet her.
Sure enough, she didn't even touch the door by the time Adrien opened it. Putting an arm around her waist and his other hand cupping her face, he pulled her into a kiss. When they pulled away he surprised her with a rose. "Every Princess should have a rose. My princess in particular deserves the world and more. My beautiful sublime exquis-."
Marinette gave him sultry look and interrupted him. "Ever the romantic, Chaton," she tapped her finger on his nose and winked. Adrien pulled her closer and a soft giggle escaped Marinette. "It has been a while since you called me Princess," she gave a smile that reached her eyes.
Adrien kissed the top of her head. "Only because we have another princess among us and you're my Queen, but right now you are princess," Marinette kissed Adrien with a little too much excitement. Had he not been expecting it, they would have fallen as they had so many times before. "Let's get inside," Adrien grabbed Marinette's hand and immediately intertwined fingers.
Once in Adrien's room, he ran got on couch making a motion to Marinette to follow. Marinette laid on Adrien as he wrapped an arm around her, "Adrien, I'm worried. Our younger selves are in charge of our lives right now. What if something bad happens?"
Adrien held on to her tighter, "we may not remember everything that happened, but we know us. Eighteen, twenty, twenty-four, doesn't matter, we are smart. Just have faith. In the meantime, how do you want to spend our anniversary?"
Adrien smirked and raised his eyebrows, Marinette knew that look all too well. She poked his sides, "you know we can't do that! Let our younger selves go at their own pace."
Adrien shrugged, "it was worth a try. Anyways, we don't have a real job right now and no kids." Adrien gave her a mischievous look, "how about we play some Ultimate Mega Strike V?"
Marinette's eyes narrowed at her husband, "you are so on! Let me text my mom really quick."
The clock read eighteen hundred when Marinette suggested Adrien to go with her to dinner and game night with her parents. Adrien was very deprived of basic parental love and throughout the years Tom and Sabine had given that and much more. He quickly jumped at the idea of spending the evening with his in laws. Adrien let Nathalie know he was going to be with Marinette and they went on their way. (A/N: I just had to say as I am writing this sentence I just imagine Nathalie stone faced but the moment they leave just super excited to see him with Mari. Ok Moving on.) They semi-rushed to the bakery to avoid being spotted, but alas their luck had run out. "Adrien! Mari!" Marinette recognized that voice a mile away. Alya was dragging her boyfriend and walking to her friends. Once she reached them Marinette noticed both her friends seemed off. Both Adrien and she knew why but played it off. "What are you two doing together?" Alya's eyes fell on their hands and winked at Mari while Nino did the same to Adrien with a slightly audible dude.
Both Adrien and Marinette laughed nervously, "I invited Adrien to game night with my parents."
Nino put his hands on Alya's shoulders, "come on Alya let's leave the lovebirds." No matter how old they got their friends teasing always managed to get the couple looking like tomatoes.
Sabine and Tom greeted Adrien as warm as always. He could tell they had just made dinner. He had a chef at the mansion, but nothing could ever compare to Sabine's cooking. Tom put an arm around Adrien's shoulder, "how have you been son?"
Every time Tom called Adrien son he couldn't help to give him a huge smile. "Thank you for having me tonight. I have been good. How about yourself?"
"Everything is good. It is nice to have you around," Tom and Adrien made their way to help the girls set up for dinner.
The night was filled with laughter and love. Tom and Sabine knew this was one of many first to come. Sabine called Nathalie to let her know Adrien would be spending the night. They looked over the two teens who had fallen asleep on each other. "Takes you back doesn't it," Sabine looked softly at her husband and made their way to bed.
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sujus-girl · 6 years
Disclaimer: This is just for fun, so please don’t take it too seriously. This is not an official profile or anything like that!
I actually had a lot of fun making my guide to JBJ, so I was like?? What other group do I love that doesn’t get the attention they deserve? …. PENTAGON
Are y’all ready to cringe? To sigh? To question what is going on with these children? Then, without further ado, I present to you: Pentagon: My Shitty Guide to 10 Toddlers
Group Name: Pentagon
First appeared on a show called Pentagon Maker, which was called a survival show, but SPOILER ALERT: Cube decided to do the right thing and debuted all 10 members together
If I’m going to be 100% honest, I still dk where to find the full episodes, but there are a ton of clips on youtube, and, honestly, I was satisfied with just watching those
Beware because they’re very. Very. very. Loud
The fandom name is universe and i just think that’s so cute OKAY?
Ofiicial Music Videos: Gorilla, Can You Feel It, Critical Beauty, Pretty Pretty, Run Away, Like This, Violet
Personal Favorite Non-Title Tracks: Thank You, Beautiful, You Are, Spectacular, and Lose yourself
Aight, we have ten members to go through this time, so BUCKLE UP, MY FRIENDS
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Jo Jinho
The oldest member of pentagon
Vvv smol baby. Is only 5’6”
Is scared very easily lmfao
May be smol but has A HELLA SET OF LUNGS
High note king that leaves almost everyone shook
Used to be in SM the Ballad, but left and became a trainee again under cube entertainment
I guess he gave vocal lessons to cube trainees like Yoo Seonho (someone pls KINDLY let me know if i’m wrong)
Drops a bunch of covers and spoils Universe with his voice, thx boo
Usually gets paired with hongseok for stuff?? Idk
Has a room by himself in the dorms, lucky boi
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
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Lee HwiTaek (Hui)
The leader of this mess
Got pretty popular after the song Never was released, then continue to leave people quaking after Energetic was released
Is an A+ Singer and Producer, we love a talented man
Is vvvv scared of everything and also has a lot of tears (we love a man in touch with his emotions)
A former JYP trainee
Got7’s JB said that one time, Got7’s Mark got into a fight with him, Hui, and B.A.P.’s Youngjae and Day6’s Brian had to translate the argument LOL
Also in a subunit called Triple H that consists of him, E’Dawn and Hyuna
Also has a room to himself
Has a fanboy named Yoo Seonho that loves him vvv much, and they even went to vietnam together
also appeared on this variety show called hyena’s on the keys and flaunted his composing SKILZ
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
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Yang Hongseok
A former YG trainee
Was on the show that created iKon, and it was…. Oof
He was new at the time, so it was kinda awkward and tense, but it got better
Is obsessed with working out, and has the abs of a greek god as a result
Reads books in his free time, and enjoys studying foreign languages
He moved around when he was younger, so he can speak Mandarin and English (we love an intelligent man)
Apparently the mom?? Cooks and cleans for the babies in the dorm
Shares a room with E’Dawn
Also really likes Iron Man… and Jinho
The members say he’s the worst at dancing in the group LOL
It’s okay though, cause he’s vvv talented in other aspects
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
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Kim HyoJung (E’Dawn)
“I have no fear” not even two seconds later *HIGH PITCH SCREAMING*
Can reach an octave i didn’t think human possible
A little weird, but that’s okay!
Is also in Triple H with Hui and Hyuna
Hongseok’s roommate
Is really good at dancing, wow
Kinda looks tired 24/7, but we’re pretty sure that’s just his face. Like you know how some people have resting bitch face? E’Dawn has resting tired face.
Sry, i just really like tattoos, lol
But yeah! E’Dawn has multiple tattoos! Since it’s like 1 in the morning and I’m kinda tired, I’m not gonna try and think of all of them, but they should all show up if you just google e’dawn tattoos lol sorry
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
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Go Shinwon
Has trouble keeping his clothes on apparently
Like for real, just casually pulled his pants down and took his shirt off multiple times in pentagon maker
Is scared of animals because one time because… um…. let’s just say that there was an unfortunate incident with his pet hamster when he was in like middle school... yeah
Was eliminated during Pentagon maker, but four remaining members broke into cube late at night and put up posters saying they wanted pentagon to debut as ten
Gets mad real easily
Has broad shoulders… Like real broad. Edawn and yanan fell asleep on his shoulders and they were comfortable
Shares a room with Kino
Also really likes Mcdonalds?? Like, this boy put on a burger hat and ate a mcdonalds burger.
Really hates bugs LOL
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
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Yeo Changgu (Yeo One)
Has a visual that a lot of foreigners seem to really like? That’s just something I noticed, I know it’s not the general consensus
Is also an actor, he appeared in a webdrama called Spark and was the main actor for a historical drama not too long ago
Shares a room with yanan
Is yanan’s biggest fan
Has a laugh that can revive wilting flowers tbh
Talks a lot too
Sucks at table tennis
He and hui put ducktape on their legs and ripped it off
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
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Yan An
“Annyeong chingudel”
He’s from Shanghai
Hella model vibes, amirite or amirite
He injured himself when preparing for the Ceremony album, and he had to sit out and everyone was vvv sad and vvv worried
Got better and is back, and more random than ever
Sometimes says things that are real funny, even if he doesn’t intend for it to be
“What are you talking about, this is plastic”
“You… You’re in big trouble!”
“Korean name is Yanan. Chinese name is Yanan. English Name? Yanan.”
Also once called Jinho a foreigner, even tho Jinho is Korean and they were in Korea?
May be tol and handsome, but he’s really just a big toddler
Scared of roller coasters
Roommates with yeo one who loves him v much (yeo one has the right idea, y’all)
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
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Adachi Yuto
A japanese prince
AN ATHLETE! Played baseball and used to do soccer
A former JYP trainee
Good friends with Yuto (U) from ONF because they both used to be JYP trainees and also NCT’s Yuta
Shares a room with Wooseok and will laugh at anything he says
Milk couple
Can’t eat spicy food for shit
Hella tall
Also appeared predebut at ISAC 2015 for futsall
A bby that is afraid of many things. Especially the dark. On pentagon maker, the crew turned off the lights and he real cutely went “pd-nim~” and i almost cried it was so cute
“What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?” “Ice cream.”
Says he can’t do aegyo, but he hella cute already, so it’s okay
Also once danced shirtless and i almost sued, you a child Boi (i say as I am younger than him)
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
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Kang Hyunggu (Kino)
A whole cutie
I legit that he was my age or younger cause he was just so adorable
Only 4 days younger than yuto and 4 days older than wooseok, but he a whole baby
They did a vlive for wooseok, yuto, and kino’s birthdays and when they were getting into teams, hongseok was chosen to be in kino’s team but he said it so emotionlessly that kino got all pouty LOL
A dancing king
“I was going to go easy on you, but you called me Hyunggu”
Has a lot of friends in k-pop, he vvv popular
Shares a room with shinwon
A laugh that motivates me to be a better person
Saved the entire world by eating watermelon in front of cameras BLESS
“Get it Kino Beauty”
Proceeded to destroy yanan’s face with makeup RIP
Makes funny faces that i sometimes screenshot and send to my friends at 2 in the morning
ALSOALSOALSO, he had this little dance solo in Critical Beauty and I was LIVING for it
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
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Jung Wooseok
The baby of the group
He was sleeping backstage once and yuto put a chocopie in front of his mouth and he sleepily tried to eat it and i was :((((( he was so cute
Really likes yuto, they’re usually paired together for stuff. Like dorms
Really likes anime, legend has it that if you play samurai heart at exactly 1:23 AM, wooseok will appear behind you and sing along
Imitates an opera singer and achieves an octave that i would imagine isn’t humanly possible for someone with a voice as deep as his
Has a fanboy names Lai Guanlin from wanna one, and he will not let anyone forget about his precious Wooseok
Once did an eating broadcast with super spicy food and accidentally got some in his eye and the rest of pentagon thought it was the funniest thing ever RIP
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
That was a journey! We’re almost done, though!
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Videos Of Pentagon to Watch! Weekly Idol with Victon and Momoland! (X) This crack (?) series that I live for (X) The VLive that was all sorts of mess (X) Triple H Weekly Idol (only Hui and E’Dawn) (X) This clip from Pentagon Maker that was all sorts of mess, even with only 4 members (X) Hui, Wooseok, and E’Dawn trying to cook (X) This other VLive that was all sorts of mess (X) Pentagon Heyo TV (Mafia Game Cut) (X)
AND THERE YOU HAVE IT! A VERY SHORT, SHITTY GUIDE TO PENTAGON! I hope this helps anyone wanting to get into Pentagon, or even just makes an Universe smile! Now go and bask in the glory that is Pentagon’s craziness! Bye!
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saleintothe90s · 5 years
372. The Daily Show year end spectacular, 1998
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(part 1) (part 2: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gXj1uPZBSqU)
I finally have a holiday treat for everybody! Back in 2004 when I ran a fan site about The Daily Show, this girl whose name I sadly forget now sent me a tape of old bits from the Craig Kilborn years (1996-1998). Comedy Central is a jerk about not releasing old Daily Show footage from this era. There’s none of it on YouTube either because I guess people lost their tapes through the years or can’t get them digitized. Heck, I use a DVD recorder and rip the DVD to Handbrake on my Mac.
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I found this one excellent clip on YouTube from November 14th, 1996 that should give a feel of the show back then. Correspondent Beth Littleford goes to a pig farm and um helps the pigs. Craig didn’t dress up, he’s almost in his PJ’s! For some reason tiny drawers were on the set:
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The segment “this day in Willis history” was dropped due to a lack of interest:
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Anyways, back to 1998, Craig’s final year on the show. i think I have the entire episode of the 1998 year end show -- except for the Vince Vaughn and Gennifer Flowers interview. Those are lost to the times. That’s ok.
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Now in 1998 you knew your show was hot if Jerry Springer made an appearance. I know, that sounds to trashy now but he was big back then. He introduced us to sex obsessed 1998. 
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Back when Craig hosted, and there were clip shows like anniversaries or year end shows, they actually dressed up. Could you imagine Jon doing this? NO.
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You know what though, our baby boy Trevor dressed up for the year end show this year. Yay Trevor!  
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Correspondent A. Whitney Brown drops by:
“Craig, unlike what was reported by abc, cbs, nbc, fox news, cnbc, cnn, and msnbc the year in politics wasn’t only about oral sex in the oval office, it was about worldwide economic turmoil, the collapse of Russia, etnhic fighting in Kosovo and about how all of these were affected by oral sex in the oval office.”
I was trying to remember if I watched this during Christmas break ‘98 when I was a sophomore in high school. Then I saw this animation, and yup, I watched it.
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“Facing the wrath of the Islamic world, the President hid behind Monica. Not a bad strategy, because everyone knows Muslims won’t touch pork” (crowd groans). 
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Yeah, back then Daily Show had some low blows. It didn’t help that those Vanity Fair photos of Monica were kinda unflattering and made her look older. I think it was the hairstyle. 
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“If its one thing we’ve learned from this scandal its ... here’s how you hug your wife ... and here’s how you hug your girlfriend!” 
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There’s a bit of a tape skip, and it goes into Brian Unger’s segment. Brian was the best Daily Show correspondent back then, and he was fiiine. He still is fine, 20 years later! 
“For nine months, networks gave us nothing but bad, cheap sex night after night after night...and in the morning they told us it was journalism. While some of you asked, ‘how do I explain this to my children?’ some of you asked, ‘how can I talk openly about hummers and get paid for it?!’
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Brian goes to D.C. and tries to stir some soup up.
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“We’ve just gotten a late breaking development that [...] President Clinton was singing ‘mmm-mmm good, mm--mm-good, that’s what Lewinsky’s soup is, mmm-mmm good.”
There’s another 5 Questions clip package. I brought up the best of 1997′s Five Questions a few years back, like I said before it was a trademark of the show back then. 
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“Why don’t you whip out your vacuum cleaner, and we’ll take a look.”
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Queen Latifah: NO!
Craig: That is correct!
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“Staff Egghead” Stephen Colbert discusses the technology of 1998. Mostly Viagra jokes. Remember when India and Pakistan were testing underground weapons? I remember being scared by that.
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Koko the gorilla also chatted on AOL in 1998! Because that was a thing, celebrities chattin’ on the AOL. All she said was “Apple Drink”. Gorillas still use Windows 95!
I was disappointed that super correspondent Beth Littleford wasn’t in this special, I think she was off shooting Spin City around this time. 
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“Wow! 1998 was a long year. We’ve really learned a lot -- maybe too much.  [...] It wasn’t a pretty year, but it sure did put out!”
After this show and into part 2 of the videos I uploaded is a clip segment of Brian Unger and A. Whitney Brown’s last night(s) on The Daily Show.  They left when Craig did in December of 1998. Sadly I don’t have Craig’s last episode, just the interview he did with Jon Stewart on his last episode. 
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Jon’s a tiny guy! 
Bonus: Bob Mould-Craig Kilborn: "Little Drummer Boy" - a clip from the 1996 holiday show with Bob Mould who composed the original Daily Show theme song.
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saltyblazestudent · 6 years
The Video Game Industry
Video games have come a very long way. From humble beginnings as a simple interactive exhibit to an entirely new form of interactive storytelling and ways to experience adventures with friends. The video game industry has been ripe with change, controversary, technological strides, and amazing works of art and commentaries on society.
Key Terms-
DLC- Downloadable content available for a game offered for a small extra price after the full release of the game.
Micro Transactions- Payments made with real money to get in game currency used to buy in game content.
FPS/TPS- First person shooter/ third person shooter.
Cabinet Game- An arcade style video game built into a cabinet like structure.
Console- a gaming device that can be used at home by plugging it into a TV screen.
Sandbox environment- A game environment that allows the player to roam where every and do almost whatever they want.
Triple-A Games- games that are very popular, make great sales on release, and is usually annualized to release a new game every year or two.
 Historical developments-
The first video game was invented in 1958 by Physicist William Higginbotham and it was called Pong. The game was created was by Higginbotham as an interactive exhibit for the Brookhaven National Laboratory Group. The game was displayed on an analog computer and was based off tennis with players using two knobs to control two parallel bars bouncing a ball in between them. This simple concept was eventually ported to an arcade cabinet style and later an at home console game and led to the development of other cabinet style arcade games and at home video game consoles.  
The 1970’s was the decade that arcade style video games became mainstream. Even a year before Pong was ported to a cabinet there was Atari’s 1971 game Computer Space a simple joystick-controlled game where you control a small spaceship and the first Arcade Cabinet game. These successes paved the way for all sorts of companies to start developing some of their own games to be made into arcade cabinets and played for a few cents a play. One of the most famous arcade games is Pac-Man a Japanese game licensed and distributed in the U.S. by Midway games and released in 1980. This is a simple arcade style game in which the player uses a joystick to control a small yellow circle shaped character named Pac-Man. The goal of the game was to earn points by going through a maze eating small dots while Avoiding Blinky, Pinky ,Inky, and Clyde four ghost who chase you through the maze. This simple yet incredibly fun game led to many sequels spinoffs and even a Hanna Barbara cartoon series.
Pac-Man isn’t the only game or character to receive mainstream popularity. The Japanese company Nintendo had a game and a character that would truly become timeless, he was a short Italian plumber, that wore a red hat, overalls and a large mustache and had a very funny accent. His name was Mario and the first game he was featured in was a 1981 arcade game called Donkey Kong. This game had Mario trying to rescue Princess Peach from the giant gorilla Donkey Kong. The player would use a joystick and buttons to guide Mario up platforms and over barrels being thrown by Donkey Kong. Mario would later get another main role in Mario Bros which introduced Mario’s brother Luigi. Mario has since become the face of Nintendo and is their flagship Character and shows no signs of losing any popularity.
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  It was popularity such as this that helped gaming companies make the next big leap from the arcades to peoples’ homes. These consoles usually had the same games you could play in an arcade preloaded onto them so you could play them as much you wanted for free at home. The first at home console was created in 1967 and was called simply the Brown Box and offered only six games ping pong, tennis, volleyball, hand ball, a chase game, and a light gun game. The Magnavox Odyssey was another early at home console that was so primitive to modern standards that it didn’t even have audio. These early 2-D arcade consoles eventually led to the rise of another technological breakthrough in the industry, 3-D gaming. These were not 3-D in the sense that the images appeared to be jumping out of the screen but more with the art style and how the games were graphically improved. For example in Super Mario Bros the character models are created from small colored squares called pixels. These pixels are colored and stacked into shaped to create a 2-D shape on the screen such as the image of Mario. Fast forward to the 3-D tech breakthrough and the number of pixels being used to create Mario increased dramatically, this meant the game developers could make much more detail character models that you could view from any angle. These advances in 3-D character modelling led to the development of one of the most famous consoles created, the Nintendo 64 was a huge leap forward for mainstream gaming and introduce help introduce the concept of a handheld controller with smaller buttons and a small joystick instead of a single joystick for controls. 
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The N-64 also brought amazing games such as Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart, James Bond: Goldeneye, and Mario Tennis. The popularity of the N-64 paved the way for other companies like Sony and Microsoft to hone in on the gaming console market with the release of the Sony PlayStation and the Microsoft X-BOX.
Notable Artists-
           The gaming industry is filled with brilliant artist, studios, writers, programmers, and other types of creators that dedicate their time and effort to creating beautiful and stunning games for us to enjoy.
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Shigeru Miyamoto- Creator of the Mario Franchise Japanese game developer Shigeru Miyamoto has one of the most creative and colorful imaginations in gaming. The worlds and characters he creates are colorful, cartoony, fun, and most of all memorable. Miyamoto claims to have been inspired by stories such as Alice In Wonderland in his design of the game world and the characters who inhabit it. Miyamoto has created characters such as Mario, Luigi, Donkey Kong, Bowser, Goombas, Toad, Yoshi, and countless others.
Rockstar Games- Rockstar Games is a company the develops and produces some of the most detailed and expansive Sandbox Environment Games that not only present the player with amazing film quality level story and script writing but also a massive world to experience it all in that feels very close to real life.
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Rockstar has published numerous successful game franchises such as the Max Payne, Grand Theft Auto, Red Dead Redemption, Bully and many others. Rockstar games are notorious for amazing sales records as well with Grand Theft Auto V  has made over $6 billion dollars in sales since its release in 2013 and Rockstar’s newest release of their Wild West epic Red Dead Redemption II making $725 million three days after the game was put out.
Recent Trends-
           Video Games like any other form of media is subject to trends and the consumers demanding video games that are new, exciting, and interesting. In the 90’s the trend was first person shooters which were popular with computer gamers. First Person shooters consist of putting the player in the first person view of the protagonist, this makes actions like shooting at enemies much easier and more immersive. Games that pioneered this “FPS” (First Person Shooter) genre were games like Wolfenstein, and Doom. The FPS trend evolved in the late 90’s and early 2000’s and was greatly influenced by the 1998 movie Saving Pvt Ryan. After the film’s release there was a huge spike in WWII themed FPS games. A couple of these games almost recreated the Omaha Beach scene from Saving Pvt. Ryan perfectly, allowing player to take part in one of the most famous battles of WWII. Trends in gaming have again evolved with the popularity of the “battle royale”(BR). The BR genre consists of dropping up to 100 players on an island or other large area and having the play area slowly shrink as the players fight for supplies, weapons, shelter, and to be the sole survivor.  Games like Player Unknown’s Battle Grounds and Fortnite popularized the genre and now larger annual game titles such as Battlefield and Call Of Duty have included BR game modes in their newest games.
Exemplary Examples-
An amazing and fairly recent example at how far gaming has come and shows just how amazing gaming can be as a mode of storytelling. Rockstar Games’ Red Dead Redemption II is the sequel to the Highly praised Red Dead Redemption. After an eight year wait Red Dead fans flocked to stores to pick up the high anticipated sequel, and they were not disappointed. Red Dead II raked in not only over $725 million after only three days but also almost universal praise from the media. The game was in the news not only on gaming websites and magazines but also in the mainstream media. The game takes place in America during the year 1899 and has a strong Wild West theme to it. The game offers over sixty hours of gameplay just with the main story but adding in side activities and side missions to that play time can exponentially increase the play time for Red Dead II.
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Red Dead II offers fun and in detail activities besides the main story missions, such as hunting. Hunting in Red Dead II consist of travelling to a location on the huge map where the animal your hunting is found for example if you want to hunt Alligators you must go to the swampy southern end of the map, if you want to hunt elk you must go to the snowy mountains in the north of the map. Once in the region of the animal you must rack it by looking for clues, once the animal is tracked you must decide the best weapon to take it down with-out damaging the skin. Animals skins that are intact and in better shape when you hunt them can be sold for more money or crafted into clothing for your character in game. This hunting mechanic is just one example of Red Dead II’s highly immersive world.
           The video game industry lives on game developing companies that actually create the games. These companies like any other industry vary from small independent companies with a limited number of employees to large corporations and conglomerates that push out Triple-A games on a monthly basis.
An Example of a smaller independent developer is Tripwire Interactive. Tripwire specializes in FPS games especially “hyper-realistic” type FPS games like Red Orchestra and Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad. The Red Orchestra games were a welcome change to the type of gameplay offered from most WWII themed FPS games at the time. While other games feature fast gameplay with things like regenerating health and a Heads up Display (HUD) that displayed a mini map, health bar, and ammo count, Red Orchestra cut all that out. Tripwire focused on making a more realistic experience. This included mechanics such as realistic bullet ballistics with shots staring to arch over a certain distance, excluding a HUD feature altogether, and having the player venerable enough to be killed by a single bullet to add to the realism. These mechanics later carried on into other Tripwire games such as the Pacific Theatre WWII game Rising Storm and the Vietnam War game Rising Storm II.
An example of a larger and more corporate game developer that makes games similar to Tripwire. Dice Studios is a very well-known studio most famous for the production of the Battlefield franchise and more recently the Star Wars: Battlefront franchise. Dice is owned by Electronic Arts or EA a huge gaming development conglomeration that has many smaller game developers working for them. Dice has been making battlefield games since 2002 with the first title being a WWII FPS called Battlefield 1942. The game saw great success and EA recognized this and now has Dice pumping out Battlefield games almost every two years.
           The demographics of gamers are actually a lot more diverse than one might believe. The usually stereotype is that gamers are either boys between the ages of 7-17 or young men in their twenties that live in their parents basement. There’s also a major stereotype that females do not like video games.
64% of the US general public play video games, The average age of the male gamer according to a Nielsen survey is 33 years old, according to the Entertainment Software Association the average age of female gamers is 37 years old. The countries that make the most from gaming revenue are The US bringing in an average of $25,426 million, Japan with $14,048 million, and China with a whopping $32,538 million.
           The gaming industry and its companies are not immune to controversary and culture movements.
The Grand Theft Auto Controversaries- Rockstar Game’s Grand Theft Auto (GTA) franchise is their most successful and most controversial franchise. The games are usually themed around crime and the main storylines have very graphic violence, drug use, and sexual content. The sandbox nature of the game also allows the player the opportunity to commit violence against non-enemy NPCs (non-playable characters) or go on shooting sprees until the cops kill you. GTA V came under harsh criticism for a playable scene In the story mode in which the player is forced to torture an FBI prisoner for information with anything from shock with a car battery, pulling teeth with plyers, or waterboarding. This scene especially got lots of media attention with many people asking the question if GTA games are to violent especially in today’s culture. Rockstar however uses this publicity and actually counts on it with each GTA release because it ultimately drives up their sales.
The Doom Controversary- On April 20 1999 two high school students Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold entered their high school armed with guns and homemade bombs. They killed twelve people that day and themselves, and in the subsequent investigation it was found that the boys were fans of one the first popular FPS games Doom. Doom is centered on very simple gameplay with an interesting story with the main character traveling to Mars and to Hell to fight demons. It was the demonic themes and violent gameplay that led some to believe that Doom was actually sending Satanic subliminal messages to players trying to corrupt them to violence.
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smilepal · 2 years
7. How many times have you either completed or restarted the game?
11. Are there any characters you genuinely can’t stand? Why?
19. What’s a mission or side gig you hated?
For the V questions!
Cyberpunk ask game for @katsigian 🥰🌸
7.)  How many times have you either completed or restarted the game?
Hmmm. I restarted Hiro’s playthrough twice now—once because I realized I’d gotten to the end and didn’t have a perfect relationship with Johnny/had permanently missed some of the stash weapons and cars, and the second I actually managed to complete the horrible suicide ending and the devil ending on my Ps4. Then I started a playthrough on my Ps5, but I’m not sure if I can make myself do the devil ending again. I MIGHT, just for the completion but I absolutely hated that one, and it felt so OOC for Hiro. I definitely want to do the star, temperance and sun endings for him though. I’ve also gotten fairly far in a playthrough of Hiro’s brother Avi, before accidentally saving over it 😭 And the partially completed walkthrough of femmeHiro. So technically this is his fourth(?) iteration.
11.)  Are there any characters you genuinely can’t stand? Why?
I absolutely loathe Anders Hellman. I understand that everyone has different tastes (I certainly cannot talk) but he's never been my favorite. He’s a little weasel, and he’s rude to V even in the Devil ending when you side with Arasaka. Just why? Bryce is the other I don’t like. I’ve never been crazy about Meredith, which is a shame because pretty mean lady, but she’s just too Corpo for my liking. I think if she was a nomad or somehow closer tied to the gangs/street kid lifepath I’d have a much different opinion of her.
19. What’s a mission or side gig you hated?
I never enjoyed the Sinnerman quests, first for the chase portion, and then for the gruesome parts that come later. I understand that there’s probably some deep significance or philosophical meaning there, but it was lost on me, and I wish it was something I could skip and still have full completion of the game. Don’t get me started on the last fight in the Beat on the Brat quests. Even with a melee build and legendary gorilla arms I still hate it, and would happily never play again if I had any say in it. I can’t imagine how hard it would be on a more challenging difficulty or sub-optimal build for it.
Thanks for asking!! Always so fun~ :3
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alexthegamingboy · 6 years
Toonami Weekly Recap 8/25/2018
Attack On Titan Season 3 EP#02 - Pain: Kenny, now working for the Interior Squad, pursues Levi with members of his group, but Levi manages to escape. Mikasa hears the commotion and leads the other scouts in defense of Historia and Eren, which involves killing other humans, something they have never done before. In the Capital city Mitras, the government receives a message from Lord Reiss that Historia and Eren have been captured. Following their savage battle with Kenny's group, Armin and the rest are traumatized of having to fight and kill other humans which Levi consoles them. They interrogate their prisoner and community leader, Dimo Reeves, who helped the Military Police, but he fears for the future of his company and the people in Trost. Levi offers him protection for the people of Trost in exchange for his help. Elsewhere, Hange approaches Erwin to help, suggesting that Eren will be eaten if they do not rescue him. With Reeves' assistance, the scouts capture some Interior Squad soldiers and torture Sannes, the man who killed Pastor Nick, about the whereabouts of Historia and Eren. They discover Historia is the real heir to the throne and conclude she is being held by her father, Rod Reiss. Later, Reeves is killed by Kenny for betraying him, unaware that Reeves' son is witnessing it. 
Information Available for Public Disclosure: Anti-Personnel omni-directional mobility gear. 
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable EP#02 - Josuke Higashikata! Meets Angelo: Angelo sneaks Aqua Necklace into the Higashikata residence in the hope of killing Josuke's mother Tomoko, but Josuke manages to catch it before it can kill her and traps it inside a bottle. When Josuke's grandfather Ryohei comes home, however, Angelo, remembering that Ryohei was the one who put him in jail, tricks him into setting Aqua Necklace free and kills him. Despite using Crazy Diamond's ability to heal Ryohei's wounds, Josuke is saddened to discover that his power can't bring back those who have already died. As Josuke and Jotaro spend the next few days thinking of a plan to stop Angelo, they become surrounded after a rain storm floods the house, allowing Aqua Necklace to move freely through puddles and mist. Angelo attempts to kill Josuke by sending Aqua Necklace through a humidifier into his mouth, but Josuke traps it in a rubber glove he had swallowed earlier. Upon finding Angelo's physical body, Josuke takes revenge for his grandfather by trapping Angelo in a rock.
Pop Team Epic EP#09 - Dancing with a Miracle: Popuko and Pipimi encounter a young runaway boy while visiting New York City. Other skits include Popuko ordering latte art, Pipimi attempting standup comedy, and the girls trying French cuisine.
My Hero Academia EP#16 - In Their Own Quirky Ways: During the obstacle race, Todoroki effortlessly passes each obstacle with Bakugo in hot pursuit. At the last obstacle, Izuku uses his wits to pass through both and win the race. However, his victory is short-lived when he learns that by being first place, he is the top target for the next round.
Black Clover EP#36 - Three Eyes: Licht is restrained by Yami. All the children return to the village and Noelle learns the details of the fight at the caves and is upset that she was left behind and Asta might still be at risk. Asta and the others remain stuck in the caves as Finral has run out of magic and cannot teleport them. Three more Eye of the Midnight Sun members suddenly appear through a portal to free Licht. Licht reveals that the three are actually the strongest members of the Eye, even more powerful than himself, and collectively call themselves the Third Eye. Licht further explains that as the three leaves of the clover represent Integrity, Hope and Love, the Third Eye chose to become the clovers exact opposite and named themselves Rhya the Disloyal, Vetto the Despair and Fana the Hateful. Rhya can copy the magic of others and copies Yami’s darkness magic. Vetto can use Beast magic and manages to destroy Yami’s katana with a single blow. Fana can use spirit magic similar to Yuno, but while Yuno is contracted to Sylph of the Wind, Fana is contracted to Salamander of the Fire. As the Third Eye all try to kill Yami they are suddenly stopped by the arrival of three other Squad Captains, Nozel Silva of the Silver Eagles, Charlotte Rosary of the Blue Rose, and Jack the Ripper of the Green Praying Mantises.
Hunter x Hunter: The Chimera Ant Arc EP#109 - Taking Stock × And × Taking Action: The time has come for Gon and his friends to infiltrate the palace and confront the Royal Guard, who are making preparations for the upcoming selection. As his concerns about Komugi increase, the king starts questioning his own existence and purpose.
One-Punch Man EP#03 - The Obsessive Scientist: Armored Gorilla tells the story of Doctor Genus, a brilliant young scientist with plans to artificially evolve humans, but becomes disillusioned with the world. Dr. Genus eventually discovers the secret to immortality and makes himself young again, clones himself multiple times, and then works on animals and humanoids to create the monsters that make up the House of Evolution. Saitama cuts off the narration, at which Armored Gorilla summarizes that Genus just wants to capture Saitama for his experiments. Genos destroys Dr. Genus's eight-floor tower, prompting Dr. Genus to unleash his ultimate creation, Carnage Kabuto, who at first is afraid of Saitama's aura of overwhelming power. Kabuto asks Saitama his secret to his strength, at which Saitama happily tells him, Genos, and Dr. Genus. Kabuto attacks Saitama, but when Saitama realizes that today was supposed to be the big supermarket sale, he quickly punches Kabuto into pieces, and leaves with Genos to rush to the sale. Afterwards, Dr. Genus abandons his research.
There will be a My Hero Academia Marathon this Saturday and Destiny 2: Forsaken launches September 4.
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imagine-lcorp · 6 years
Mustang Ride (Part IV)
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A/N: Hello again, my dearest!! I hope you’re still enjoying this beautiful holiday season and that everyone is having fun. Here’s a late xmas present for you, part IV of this series, beacuse I know i left you wondering about the story. But not just that!!! Until next wednesday I will be posting new content each day so we can finish this year and start the new one with great vibes. So stay tuned and stay beautiful <3<3<3 love you guuuys!!!
Lena Luthor x Shapeshifter Reader//Word Count: 1,931
Series: Part I - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V
The first thing that caught your attention was the long line of blood splatter that dripped to the floor on one side of the van. Then you saw the agents, struggling in a fight with something that wasn't human or animal anymore. Looking at that thing made your hair stand on end and your heart pound. Suddenly, you felt as if you were nine years old again, watching a horror movie that would leave you with nightmares.
Supergirl was first to react, jumping inside and trying to separate the agents from the beast's claws. You had to shake yourself back into action when one agent escaped his hold. He came stumbling towards you, holding his right side, and you caught him before he could fall to the ground. You saw his bloody hands trying to cover the wound, a deep claw scratch the size of his forearm, and walked him quickly to the sidewalk. By the size of the wound, you guessed it was polar bear guy in that van.
The other agent came out of the vehicle a moment later, safe and unharmed, and you called for her to help her partner. You could hear Kara inside the van with that animal and, if the growls and metal snapping were any indication, she was having a hard time taking him down.
"Go, she may need your help." Said the agent that now you recognized as Vasquez. "I got him." She assured you and then both of you turned your heads at the sound of tires skidding.
Another DEO van was coming to your aid, they were going to be fine. You nodded at her and returned to the van. Supergirl was pushing polar guy against the right side of the car, holding him by the arms while he was gripping her with his clawed hands and trying to bit her face. It was a relief she had bulletproof skin or she could have ended like shredded paper.
He drifted his attention on you once you jumped inside. His bloodshot eyes were looking at you with frenzy and a fury you could only expect from a rabid animal. You swallowed hard before taking a step further and, once you did, things happened too fast for you. He broke away from Kara's hold, sprinting in all fours to jump on you.
His claws sank into your shoulders and his hot breath was on your face after landing on the ground. A broken cry came out of your mouth as polar guy placed himself on top of you. You didn't move. You couldn't. You felt like that could be the difference between keeping your face and using a Guy Fawkes mask for life. But even with no sudden move, you saw him open his mouth, revealing sharp teeth about to tear your face apart.
Your face remained intact, after all, thanks to Kara. In one second, she launched herself at polar guy and took him for a flight. She made a few barrel rolls with him hanging from her hands before heading straight to the back of the van and tossing him inside. He fell unconscious in an instant and only then you stopped holding your breath. DEO agents came to attend your wounds immediately after that but you made then go with the other agent. They could patch you up later. With everyone safe and secured once again, you went straight to the DEO.
The injured agent was taken to the medical bay while you helped Kara and J'onn put the three men in containment cells. You couldn't help the discomfort at seeing polar guy being pulled down from the van, he hadn’t changed his appearance. You guessed he couldn't. White hair had grown over different parts of his face, mixing with his brown hair. He appeared to have a crooked jaw from the extra teeth that tried to come through and, where his nails were supposed to be, he had sharp long black claws.
You put your hand on one of your shoulders, where he had buried those claws, feeling the marks he had left you. They weren't that deep but they had surely hurt. The other two didn't present the same changes as their friend but walked inside their cells with a few protests. There no signs of anything out of the ordinary as if they were just common criminals.
"Hey, (Y/N), are you alright?" Kara put a hand on your arm, stopping you outside the cell blocks. She had seen the way you had reacted, or rather paralyzed, when you saw polar guy. She had been taken by surprise too but she could tell something was bothering you.
"Yeah, I'm fine." You tried to shrug it off. "I just wanna know what the deal with those guys is."
"We all do but you should go and have that checked." She pointed at the shoulder you had been rubbing when they brought polar guy in. "You just got back and we wouldn't want to send you home again."
"Okay." Your shoulders slumped, knowing you couldn't really argue with her. "But call me if you find anything, please."
"As soon as we have anything new." She promised, pulling her sunny smile at you, and you watched her walk in the direction of the operation room.
You should have gone to the medical bay after she left, but you didn't. Your wounds weren't that bad and you were sure they would be healed before lunch. Right now, you only wanted a few moments to yourself, at least until Kara came back with some updates about the investigation. There was something about all this you couldn't exactly pinpoint yet and it made you feel uneasy. So you walked on the opposite direction, towards the training hall.
A training sequence started and you walked to the center of the room. You tried to recall exactly what had happened today. Turning into a frog helped you dodge lasers while you thought about the bank robbery. It was obvious the three men had relied on their powers to get away with that. When you had a couple of spherical robots within reach, you smashed them with some of your gorilla strength. Then, there was the fight with those men. The fact that they hadn't transformed into something else during the whole brawl made you have second thoughts about their abilities.
Finally, polar guy attack, the halfway transformation and that look on his eyes. It was fear what you had felt and that sudden realization made you want to tear apart everything. Your mind had drifted away, to the day you first discovered your powers and had thought yourself a monster. To the day you first used them to save a life and believed you could grow up to be like those mythical heroes. To the days in Roulette's ring, when you couldn't think about anything else but survive.
All of the cardboard people ended up ripped and slashed by the claws and teeth of the wolf you had turned into. After chewing and spitting the last of them, you let out a harsh breath. The training sequence was over but you stood there, growling as you looked into space.
"(Y/N)?" You were pulled out of your thoughts at the mention of your name.
You turned your face to look at Lena at the bottom of the stairs of the training room, watching you with a concerned look. You shook your head, trying to clear the thoughts in your mind and transformed back to human.
"Sorry." You looked between her and the rests of the cardboard people. "I was...training."
"I can see that." She examined the pieces of cardboard scattered around the floor and her brows knitted in a worried frown. "Kara told me what happened. Are you alright?"
You had wanted to give her the same answer you had gave to Kara, shrug it off like it was nothing. But it was something and the little demonstration during the training sequence had made it obvious.
"No." You finally admitted with a heavy sigh and went to sit at the bottom of the stairs.
"What's on your mind?" Lena took a seat near you, watching your features chance as the thoughts on your mind did.
"Do you know what I was afraid of when I was a child?" She saw a frown appear on your face but you didn't look at her.
"The dentist?" She half joked trying to ease the upcoming conversation.
"Yeah", you scoffed with a faint smile, "but also werewolves." Lena waited for you to continue. Whatever you were thinking it sure wasn't a good memory. "I was nine when I watched this old movie, you know, about a man cursed to turn into a werewolf every full moon. It was all black and white and a bit ridiculous but... it still managed to give me nightmares. This boy in my class would make fun of me because of that, but one day", you rubbed the back of your neck, "he crossed the line."
It had been during the last day of school before winter break. After the last class, you couldn't wait to get home and along with everyone, teachers and kids, you stormed out of the building. You said goodbye to your friends and you were walking home when Jeffrey and his friends grabbed you by the arms. You had tried to scream but everyone else had already left and fight back was no use being three against one.
They dragged you to the small forest behind the school, where they let you fall to the ground but didn't let you stand up. Jeffrey was laughing, telling you they were going to let you there, at the mercy of the big bad werewolf that lived in the forest. He was going to eat you alive or turn you into a werewolf too, in which case Jeffrey would sent hunters after you, or so he said.
You were nine, in the woods with a band of bullies, thinking about the prospect of becoming a monster, or being killed by one. The werewolf popped up crystal clear in your mind with his fangs and claws, his blood stained fur, and his black eyes seeking you through the trees. The scream that came out of your lungs was enough to make them retract from their intentions, or at least you thought it had been that way. They had run away, leaving you to howl at the trees alone.
"That's how you first discovered your powers?" Lena felt her heart sank with that revelation and you simply nodded.
"I had transformed into a wolf without knowing how." You took a deep breath. "And even after getting used to my powers I... I feared I would lose control of them."
"Like a werewolf." She completed your thoughts.
"Yeah..." You trailed off and Lena knew, with just that, what was exactly happening on your mind.
"(Y/N), what happened to that man won't necessarily happen to you." She said while taking your hand and only then you turned to look at her.
"I know. It's just that seeing him...he made it a real possibility." Your tone was almost desperate. "I need to know what happened to him, Lena, or I'm going to lose my mind."
"We'll find out." She said with confidence and kissed your temple. To be afraid of turning into someone you were not but that could be, was something Lena knew how it felt. So, no matter what, she was going to be there for you.
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