#a little quieter
[Mermaid Thena/fishermen Gil AU]
Heyyyyy I just wanted to know if you could do one where thena splits her tail and spends a day with gil on land? I think it would be really cute to see thena trying to understand the humans strange ways! (Gil would find it cute too!🤭)
Btw I love for your thenamesh fanfics <3
Thena jumped as another bolt of lightning split the dark skies outside the window.
"What did you do on days like this before?" Gil asked as he tightened another screw behind her.
"Most don't do a lot of swimming," she shrugged, leaving her seat below the window and joining him on the floor again. "It's like walking on a windy day--not unmanageable, but far from pleasant."
Gil grinned, nudging her ever so slightly with his elbow against hers. "Look at you, talking about going for walks."
Thena smiled at his praise, tucking some hair behind her ear. She watched as he moved to a different screw, bringing the pieces of wood together. "What is this?"
Gil made the final twist of the screwdriver as she picked up the instruction booklet. "The store has fancy names for everything, but really, it's a regular shelf."
"Exactly," he confirmed, accepting another screw from Thena for the other side. "Although I want it for something other than books."
"What are we going to put on it?" she asked, and Gil got that funny smile on his face again. He got it sometimes when she asked what they were going to have for dinner, or what they were going to watch on the box.
"Well, I was thinking it could kind of," he made a shy kind of expression and shrugged his shoulders, "be yours. So you can put your stuff on it."
"My stuff?" She tilted her head as he stood the frame of it upright, making a wooden box with an open front and back.
"Yeah, like the things I bring you home from work, or just things you would want to keep here and look at."
Thena considered it. There were other shelves in the house, ranging from the shelves in the kitchen that held their food, to the shelves in Gil's office room, although he was moving around the things inside there an awful lot lately.
Some of the shelves in the living room had things Gil had found while fishing--shells and bottles and treasures of that sort. She lifted her hand to touch the necklace safe around her neck.
Gil looked out the window after another roll of thunder boomed outside. "Will Ikaris be worried about you in this weather?"
Thena rolled her eyes; she had not forgotten about her brother and his recent 'visit'. "He'll be fine. Makkari and I would often go current surfing in weather like this."
"That sounds--fuck."
Thena looked over at Gil and the sudden exclamation. She didn't really know what it meant but it only ever came out in times of frustration. "What's wrong?"
He sighed, examining one of the screws he had added. She had seen him use them before, when he had replaced the door hinge (which she had broken accidentally). "It's gone in crooked. I'll have to get it out."
"Hm," Thena mused as she scooched closer on her knees on the rug. Gil attempted to unscrew the thing but it seemed quite solidly driven in.
"Okay," he grumbled, leaning back on his heels as he looked around them. There were a few spare screws, another two shelves to add, and all the packaging spread out around them.
"I can try," she offered, leaning in to see what he had done, and how to undo it.
"It's okay, it's not--Angelfish!"
Thena gripped the screw in her teeth and pulled, dragging the metal right out of the pressed board. She dropped it into her hand and licked her lips with a frown; it tasted awful.
"A-Are you okay?"
She smiled; Gil could be panicky at times, but she knew it came from a very caring place. She held up the screw for him, "here."
He looked between her and the thing in his palm a few times. "Your teeth are pretty strong, huh?"
Thena tilted her head at him to the right, watching as he made another attempt at things. She moved it in the other direction to see what would change in her perspective. "Yours can't do that?"
"Nothing like that," he smiled as he adjusted it more to his liking this time. "Our teeth are pretty strong, but I think I'd chip a tooth if I tried what you just did."
"Hm," she mused as she resumed watching him work. She liked watching him use tools and do small tasks like this. He seemed so focused on them, and it was fascinating to watch his hands utilise the different kinds of tools he had for different things. "Sorry Ikaris drowned your toolbox."
"That's okay, Angelfish." And he meant it, too, because he never seemed to tell lies. He looked at her as he twisted the screwdriver over and over. "Maybe it's time for a new one, anyway."
"Actually," Gil muttered as he tested the sturdiness of the shelf before reaching for another. "Maybe I'm overdue for a run to the market."
Thena tilted her head at him, hoping he would keep going until he reached his point.
He gave her a wink, which made something in her stomach flip like a salmon in a waterfall, "wanna come with me?"
Thena leaned forward on her hands and knees, getting nice and close to him, "really?"
He nodded, setting down his tool and reaching for her hand. "I think it might be okay if I take you with me. We'll go on a weekday, to the far side of town, you can stretch those legs of yours. What do you think?"
Gil laughed as she threw herself against him, her arms around his shoulders like he did for her often. He was so sturdy he managed not to fall backwards even with all of her weight suddenly leaning on him. He rubbed her back through the soft shirt she was wearing (a hoodie, he called it; it was the comfiest of all of them yet).
She sighed, purring against his arm as the scent of him washed over her. There was plenty of his scent on his hoodie, too, but being close to him was like being over a steam vent, or lying in a sunbeam on an embankment. It made her brain feel foggy and her body feel relaxed.
Gil let her settle in his lap, his legs bending around her with his hand at her shoulder. "Maybe we can find something for your new shelf."
"I have to add the things I already have." She was referring to the little trinkets Gil had brought her already, from a marble to a uniquely coloured shard of seaglass, to a toy he got from buying lunch one day.
"There'll be plenty of room," he promised, sitting back and admiring their - his - work. "Hungry?"
She nodded.
"I'll put on some lunch. Do you want a snack?"
"Yes please," she smiled, although him cooking did mean she couldn't sit in his lap anymore (unfortunate). "Sardines?"
"Comin' right up!"
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capriciouswriter207 · 10 months
A story of dread
Chapter 23: Quiet nights
Jimmy and the Shadow Queen formally meet. Etho and Bdubs speak about the future.
Story summary
They say the land was cursed.
Maybe it was true. Maybe it was just a story some bard made up that some people believed and started to spread. Be careful where you tread, or who you trust, for the curse could manifest at any time.
Only few remained of those who had stayed behind - those with truly nothing left to lose, or anything to gain. They were too intrinsically tied to the lands to leave, or too stubborn to accept defeat or to believe it could affect them. These people thus lived under the ever-looming threat of the curse, never knowing when it would strike, cultivating a culture of dread and distrust.
And the curse chooses its next victim without discrimination.
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the kiss with no music. just them.
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ruporas · 1 year
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post ep 11
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the-enby-bird · 2 months
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meowmeowmeowmoew :3
felt like doodling some ravage and deadlock amica content but deadlock's root mode escapes me so i drew @blighted-lights's beastformers deadlock design. becausee i love him. i love him so much
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allulily · 2 years
something abt the sandman i find very funny actually is how in the cereal convention there's the bit with the conferences with women and how they don't use their femininity as how they "collect" and it's funny because the corinthian absolutely does
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puppyeared · 10 months
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couldnt decide on drawing fish or horsies
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getawayfox · 1 year
Soft snowflake kisses for @rockingrobin69 🤍
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possamble · 6 days
trying to get kiki's characterization right (at the same time as navigating a falin who's gotten into a tense situation with people she doesn't know very well AND without the assistance of laios or marcille) is highkey kicking my ass ngl
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xitsensunmoon · 8 months
Ohhhh so that's why I'm always a lurker until the hype is gone!! Because the hype is!!! Overwhelming!!! Fucking hell why didn't I know this about myself!!!
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Travis using Death Defy—which, btw, is REALLY good: once per assignment, when you take one or more marks, you instead escape unscathed due to your quick thinking and take apparently none—is actually so funny because it's against PTSD-induced stress. Fully just locked it down like, "not today, PTSD, I am focused and BUSY."
But, the context of it is wild in that like—notwithstanding Marion negating this mark himself, as Luis was probably going to do but ultimately decided to hold it—the Death Defy mechanically prevented Nathaniel from passing out while driving an airbike that is carrying Marion and the unconscious Jean through an exploding minefield. Nathaniel loses consciousness or fully dissociates or whatever it was going to manifest as and Marion doesn't grab the wheel in time, and it probably kills all three of them.
Literally defied death by focusing up and out of the PTSD episode all "It's mental illness, so I should be allowed to think my way out of it!"-style there, huh.
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lvstharmony · 2 months
I love kind people <3
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armor-eater · 1 month
I’m finally caught up and bro. All the fandom has been going on and on about how horrible Shuro is but like. He’s not bad at all ???
I honestly like him! He’s awkward in his own way and so repressed that it’s insane. I usually hate any of the men whose whole thing is ‘I’m hopelessly in love with a woman who doesn’t seem to really know I exist’ but Shuro seems so sincere about it. He truly likes Falin, and respects her a lot! He’s just so repressed that he doesn’t seem to realize that he’s doing the same thing Laois was doing- making assumptions about how close they were and not realizing that their two cultures had differences in what’s appropriate. 
Yes, I don’t think he truly knows Falin and only thinks he loves her (well, he does love her but it’s more of he loves the idea of her) but I also don’t think he hates Laois as much as it seems. Laois just annoys the piss out of him. The real reason they fought was because Shuro was worried about Falin- a worry that is incredibly well founded!
Idk, there’s plenty of things to be annoyed about with him but I think the fandoms being a little rough on him.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 months
HC hyrule, resuscitation
I finally got a job!!! I'm working at our local animal shelter
So for my bonus blorbo, HC wild?
I cant remember their jobs beyond time and hyrules 😭
"Okay, I need your opinion on this."
Hyrule glanced up from his snack to look at Wild, and he smirked mischievously. "Is that why you made me some food? To bribe me?"
Wild laughed. "No! I just--it's this medical scene in a show."
Oh heavens. Hyrule watched him, quirking his mouth and pulling a hesitant expression. "Uh... sure."
Smiling, his friend turned on the TV, pulling up a show. Hyrule didn't recognize it, but he wasn't sure that was a good thing or not. When the scene played, it showed two medics kneeling by an unconscious person.
"He's not breathing," the medic noted worriedly.
Hyrule raised an eyebrow, narrowing his eyes as he watched it play out. When the medics didn't bother checking for a pulse, he shifted uncomfortably. Before he could really say anything, the patient suddenly had defibrillator pads on them, and the television medic said, "Clear!"
Hyrule blinked. "Wait, did they just--"
The patient jumped with a shock, and the medics glanced at the monitor. "We got a heart beat!"
The scene paused. Hyrule glanced hesitantly at Wild, who looked like he was about to burst out laughing.
Hyrule's expression soured. "You just did that on purpose, didn't you?"
Wild burst out laughing.
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box-dwelling · 1 year
Cat pair owners, do your 2 cats fall into the pattern of one being a really clever active hunter who constantly wants to explore and is really extroverted with new people, and the other being quieter but an absolute baby lap cat cuddle bug when they trust you? I feel like every cat pair I've had or met has been like this.
Also it's not that they lack one of the traits of the other type just that they tend to prefer the other. Like a quiet baby will still go wild for a toy but they ask more for cuddles than they instigate play. And an adventurous cat will still curl up for a cuddle but most of the time they want to play and explore
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ngl i lowkey hate how quite a bit of fandom has turned Basil into this 'uwu i'm so shy' character, when the book contradicts that entirely.
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