#a lot of those girls had chemistry and need to discover lesbianism
dykeandballs · 8 months
good morning
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favberrys · 3 years
I'm bored and in a kkg brainrot mood, so i'm just gonna rant about my opinions of kakegurui ships and i will make some headcanons:
Ok i had to start with them bc they're just too iconic, i think they have one of the most interesting and complex dynamics in kkg, they really got me obsessed with them, it's probably my number one kakegurui ship and the reason i started watching the show and reading the manga. Honestly yeah their relationship has some power imbalance, since sayaka is kirari's secretary, and is probably disfunctional, but contrary to what some ppl say kirasaya is not abusive, kirari never physically or emotionally abuses sayaka throughout the story. Anyway they're a 10/10, peak lesbian yearning, if they don't kiss at least one i will jump the author. Probably one of my fav ships ever, i think they're made for each other and i can't see kirasaya with anyone else, they're just so good together and their chemistry is >>>>>>
Ok this one is kinda an unpopular opinion bc most people like yumary, but honestly i can't get invested into it, there's something in this ship that doesn't make my heart go "fuck yeah they should be gfs". Personally i don't ship yumeko with anyone bc i can't imagine her in a relationship since her main thing is being a compulsive gambler, her existence revolves around it and she forms relationships when they're useful for her gambling games. I think yumary could be friends with benefits for some time, but after a while mary would probably break it off because i don't think she can handle a sexual/romantic relationship with yumeko and after a while it would make her go nuts. A friendship between them is already messy and complicated and honestly i don't think they are compatible that way. Yes they have chemistry and there's probably some mutual attraction but to me it's a no. Also can cishet dudes stop fetishizing this ship ? My vote is 6/10, mostly bc mary doesn't seem much physically comfortable with yumeko, idk mary just seems off with her in that sense and i prefer them as gambling partners or friends.
I honestly love this ship, especially after reading the manga, they have such an great dynamic, i think they both care about each other, they have chemistry and i think they're compatible and that their personalities compliment each other, mary is often loud and aggressive and passionate while ririka is more closed off and quiet, they're like fire and ice and this case i think the saying "opposite attract" works with them. Mary counts on ririka and i love the fact that she is so comfortable with her physically (mary is almost always the one to initiate the contact, holding her hand, touching her head, etc) and ririka gets inspired by mary to be her own person and chase her goals. Plus they're really cute together, aesthetically i find them the most attractive couple, i'll give them a solid 9/10
Lmao i don't even know if this is the correct ship name for itsuki x kaede, ok i don't hate it and i think they could work as a couple, it's not my cup of tea bc m/f ships bore me, but i like their relationship, they have the kind of old married couple dynamic that always works. 6/10.
I can see it happening, i don't ship it, but i don't mind it either, i'm kinda neutral about ryota x yumeko, but i think he's one of the ppl who care about yumeko the most in that academy (with also mary ofc), the ship is boring bc ryota is bland (he's a good guy don't get me wrong and he defo doesn't deserve the hate he gets) and as i said previously i don't ship yumeko with anyone. Sorry i gotta give it 5/6 out of 10
Ok i love midari but just like yumeko, i don't ship her with anyone bc i see her as someone who's too much unstable for relationships, but i know that canonically she loves/likes/is attracted to yumeko so i don't hate this ship, i think it's decent, the only problem is that yumeko hates midari. Still i think that since they're the most insane mfs in that school somehow this ship could work. 6/10
Again midari in my eyes is kinda unshippable, but this ship is not bad at all, they would have that kind of bickering married couple dynamic like itsuki and kaede, i like it but it doesn't do much for me. 7/10
Jsjssjsksk i looked the name of mary x ryota's ship on wiki so if it sounds weird it's bc i don't know their ship name and i have looked at the first site google gave me. This ship is hard no, mainly bc ryota is very bland and i consider mary a lesbian (i read that she is a canon lesbian but idk if it's confirmed by the author, let's say lesbian mary is just my hc) so shipping her with men feels like a hate crime to me, mary is for the girls only, 4/10.
They are kind of cute together right ? I think they're adorable, tsuzura is mary's first love and i think that someone like her would make mary very happy. I still haven't finished kkg twin, so my opinion on tsuzura is incompleted and it might change, i don't hate her but i find her character a little basic/boring so even though this ship is cute it doesn't make me fall in love with them. 7/10 bc probably also tsuzura had feelings for mary and they have a healthy dynamic, you can see they love each other.
I enjoy this crackship, i know that they both like different people but i headcanon that they were together during middle school or that midari had at least a small crush on sayaka during that time, before kirari came to hyakkaou i like to think that they explored their sexuality together so midari was probably sayaka's first kiss, her first date, etc, so they would have history together and we also see that midari knows sayaka bc her character is described through her pov during tower of doors. I find this ship pretty funny bc sayaka is always so serious and composed and midari is a ball of chaos. 7/10
This is another crackship i don't mind and find hilarious, yeah i'm a huge kirasaya stan but i'm also a multishipper and sayaka deserves all the girls in the world, so the more the merrier. I like to think this ship as one sided love in which yumeko sort of pines after sayaka and i think it would be very interesting to see kirari being jeaulous that sayaka is getting yumeko's attention. We saw jeaulous/protective sayaka in kakegurui, but i would also like to see how kirari reacts when someone tries to take sayaka away from her, it would be really interesting. Obv this would create some tension between kirasaya and also between kirari and yumeko, almost a sort of love triangle dynamic. My opinion is that yumeko is just too unstable to settle down, also they both probably would get bored/lose interest in each other after the heat of the moment. 6/10
Sorry but i really can't see it happening not even if i squint, but i really enjoy the ririsaya fanfictions and i think those works are pretty great even though i don't ship them very much. It would be interesting if both twins were in love with sayaka and there was some tension/coldness between them for a while bc they liked the same girl (maybe i read too many fanfictions). My headcanon is that both sayaka and ririka had a crush on each other when they first knew each other and for sayaka it was probably pretty confusing bc she already had feelings for kirari. I see them as friends, 7/10
Again idk if this is the correct name of the ship, many said that yumemi and saori are a healthier/mentally stable version of kirasaya and i agree. the dynamics are similar bc we have the secratary that is willing to do everything for her boss and the relationship is a little more balanced, i think they would be very cute together, but sadly they had very little interactions and if i could see more of them i would probably ship them even more. I like them 7/10.
Sachiko x Mary
I didn't even find a ship name for this couple, so they must be pretty unpopular, i like both characters and their antagonistic dyanamic is very interesting, but i don't ship them much bc i think mary needs/wants someone who is completely different from sachiko, who wants to make mary her pet and mary is someone who cares very much about her freedom, her indipendence and wants to make her own choices and this completely clashes with sachiko's extremely sadistic and domineering nature. I prefer them as enemies who have some sexual tension or enemies with benefits or one night stand adventure, but nothing more. 5/6 out of 10 bc the only mary ship i really love is meariri and i also like tsuzumary a bit.
Sachiko x Mikura
This is probably one of the most unhealthy relationships in kakegurui, but i kinda like it. Their dyanmic is pretty much vertical with sachiko who has all the power and makes mikuro do everything she wants and mikura who is completely obsessed and devoted to sachiko (my opinion is that she developed a sort of stockholm syndrome towards sachiko). I think that someone like sachiko could never have genuine romantic relationships bc of her extremely sadistic nature, she sees ppl like toys to break and what she enjoys the most is seeing ppl suffer, so the only compatible person with sachiko is someone extremely masochistic like mikura. Giving them a 6/7 out of 10 bc their interactions are fun/interesting and spice things up.
Rin x Ibara and Yumeko x Kirari
Hard no to both of them, i don't ship incest, yall can do what you want but personally it's a huge no for me. When i first started watching the anime at the beginning i thought yumeko and kirari had some sort of tension and could have been enemies to lovers (lmaoo i was so naive), but then i discovered they were cousins and i saw more kirasaya interactions so i got completely turned off by this ship. 3/10 to both of these ships.
Sachiko x Sakura
Now this ship is very sexy, idk why i like it but i do, yes i don't see sachiko with anyone besides mikura, but this pairing is not bad at all, even though it's a crackship. I think they would be rivals with benefits and would argue a lot and then make out/have hot sex. 7/10 (maybe it's too high but since these are just my opinions i won't be objective)
Mary x kirari
Uhm is there really someone out there who ships them ? Yeah i thought they had some sexual tension in s1 with that tea scene, but it's a no from me, i don't like it and i don't think they're compatible in any way, i can't see kirari with anyone who isn't sayaka. 4/10
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sparklebitch · 5 years
Dan and Phil’s Impact
Okay this is going to be long and rambling because I’m trying to type it on my phone in the car and my thoughts are all over the freaking place and I don’t blame you if you don’t want to read the whole thing I’ll put a tldr at the end lmao.
So first of all I’ve been watching Dan and Phil since like? 2014~ And for a while there wasn’t a minute that went by where I didn’t think about them. Their videos got me through so much shit in my life. Even dumb video game videos were like my reprieve from real life. And yeah a lot of stuff was super cringy and I was definitely borderline one of those creepy people that wanted to know everything about their lives (obvs not anymore lol) but that aside they were such good freaking influences on me? I looked up to them so much and, sure, I have a lot of role-model-worthy people in my life, but no one like them.
Everyone around me is so aggressively religious (although a lot of them are totally cool about it and not bad peoples !! But the rest of them are total dicks) and I felt like I couldn’t... question myself I guess? About literally anything. I felt like I couldn’t question religion, sexuality, the things I liked, what I wanted to do, who I wanted to be. It was like everyone’s lives revolved around church stuff and people were basically born knowing what they were going to do? And there I was, an awkward, sexually confused, homeschooler who had 2 friends that she wasn’t even that close to. I felt like I was the only one in the world like this. Everyone seemed to have a place in the world, except me. I often thought that maybe it was a mistake that I was in this world, that there was some cosmic screw up and that I was never meant to be born. I felt incomplete and it was so confusing and horrible. I was sure that that feeling was never going to go away. I had no one to talk to, no one to explain to me that it was okay to screw up. It wasn’t the end of the world to question things or yourself, everything was going to be okay. All I wanted in my life was for someone to tell me that.
Then I found Dan and Phil. And yeah, they’re two British boys on the internet that will never know who I am. But that’s okay. They don’t need to know me to have an impact on my life. I mean, who’s ever been impacted by a song? A movie, a book, an actor, an artist? The human race is always searching for someone or something to look up to. Religion, famous people, a father figure, a friend. Someone. And that’s what they were to me.
People didn’t understand what it was that I liked about them. And, if I’m being 100% honest, I guess I didn’t really know either. Sure, they’re funny, and the chemistry between the two is very compelling but there was just something about them that spoke to me. I loved them. More than I had loved anything in my life. I looked up to them, and listened to the things they said, listened to the things they believed it. Through them I discovered so many of the things that I love in my life. I started writing and drawing because of them! It’s crazy to think that I am the person that I am today because of them. I can’t imagine what I would be like if I hadn’t watched their videos.
There’s a lot of uncertainty in my life right now as I’m finishing up getting my General Associates and I’m in the process of starting a daycare with my older sister. It’s a lot for me to process because for the longest time all I wanted to do was get away from here. I wanted to go somewhere and be someone new. And it wasn’t until recently that I realized that’s not what I actually wanted. I love my family and my friends, I love living here (aside from the bigots but they’re everywhere so there’s no escaping them). What I really, truly wanted was to be myself. It wasn’t my family and this town that I wanted to get away from, it was the me that I was pretending to be. I just wanted to be myself, that was all. I didn’t care if it was in a big town with new people, i just wanted people to know me. I wish I knew this back then, then maybe I wouldn’t have gone into a tailspin when I was getting ready for college but hindsight I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
When I finished high school it was like I was paralyzed. I didn’t know how to make decisions for myself or do anything on my own. All I knew was that I was not straight, seemingly surrounded by homophobes, and I was very very tired. So, toward the end of summer my mom pushed me enrolled me at a community college near home (which I am grateful for lol) and then I was going to transfer to a university after 2 years. Things started to feel better after that. Around that time I also started taking medication for depression and anxiety and it has only completely changed my life. No longer am I the super quiet painfully awkward person who’s so afraid to say something wrong that she instead stays silent, not telling anyone about my interests or passions in fear that I would be ridiculed, hiding core parts of me while the whole world passes by. I was talking and making jokes, I wasn’t constantly terrified to talk to people or to even simply leave my house to go places. Things were better. I was happier!
But as the time for me to transfer to a university drew near that paralyzing feeling crept back into my skin. I hated my classes. I hated college. I was suddenly plunged back into the world of endlessly scrolling through social media and watching the same shows on tv over and over, isolating myself from everyone and everything trying to ignore the world around me. I felt like everything was hopeless again. I was only occasionally watching dan and Phil videos at this time, having very reluctantly grown away from them (it was a sad day when I realized that I didn’t care if I skipped a video or two. I literally cried that day). But I was bored then, so I started watching their videos again. This was around the time that dan posted his video on depression (that’s a while other long ass post I could make but probably won’t because I’m already tired of typing) and i damn near called my mom (even though she was just downstairs) on the spot to tell her what I was feeling. Hearing that there was someone else out there that felt like I was was enough. But not only that, he explained that recovery is not a straight road. There are twists and turns, there are setbacks. It’s not like I was going to get better and everything was going to magically be awesome all the time. Some stuff was going to suck. I was going to go through shitty times and that was okay.
Because of him, I ended up going back to the doctor and explaining that my meds weren’t working anymore, and I got it taken care of. I feel so much fucking better now than I did before, and I know that it’s okay if I don’t always feel this way. I told my parents that I didn’t want to go to a university and they were okay with it, provided that I finished my 2 year degree at the community college. And while some things still suck, and I’m still worried about my future and whether or not I’m going to meet someone and fall in love, things are absolutely positively 1000% better than they have ever been. And a lot of it is thanks to them. Obviously it was me who actually took the steps I needed to to get here, but it was because of their being my role model that I had the courage to get where I am today.
Dan and Phil have such a unique platform and following. They could say jump and so many people would (metaphorically ofc) jump off the cliff, me included. But they don’t do that. They use their fame to positively impact people. They use their platform to encourage people and talk about important things in life. They share things about their lives in the hopes that it will help even 1 person out there... and I’m not the only one who they’ve positively impacted. The number of people that owe everything to them is crazy.
Okay so now I’m going to go a little bit into labels. (Not too much tho I’m seriously tired of typing lol). Dan talked about them a lot in his video. An entire freaking chapter of it was dedicated to labels. When I was younger I knew that I liked girls. I liked boys too though, so I just shrugged it off as Really wanting to be friends with girls. I didn’t know what the word gay meant until I was like 12 because I was a very sheltered child. My parents never talked about it and the only time I ever remember hearing the word before then was when one of my siblings called another sibling “gay” at the dinner table. The only thing I knew about the word was that my parents Did Not Like it. While I eventually stumbled onto the internet and learned a Lot of things, and a lot about labels, I became overwhelmed. There were so many words with so many meanings, and lot of times people didn’t agree on what the literal definition was. (Like bisexual meaning Only men+women vs. just like.. more than just 2+ genders) So for a long time I identified as pansexual because.. I didn’t know what to do. And based on my experiences on the internet, being bi was basically saying that you were excluding people. Idk it was fucked. The label ‘pan’ didn’t really feel like it fit me either, but it worked for the time being.
Dan’s comments on labels really got me thinking. I don’t think I’m a lesbian, but I don’t really know about bisexual either. When he said that he loved to use the word queer it just.. fucking hit me in the chest like a ton of bricks. I literally couldn’t breath. And it’s not like I’ve never heard people use the word queer. Tons of people identify as queer. But it was just something about the way he explained it? And maybe it was just the fact that it was him explaining it because, as I said before, I look up to him. He has a huge impact on my life. Saying queer gives me comfort. It feels less... restrictive I guess, for a lack of better words. I don’t know if this will be /the/ label for me, but that’s not the point. There doesn’t have to be a label for me. I, no one, should have to be pressured into finding a label so that other people have something to call you?? Fuck labels. Fuck people who pressure you into picking one. You be you.
So, in conclusion (honestly I feel like this has all been so incoherent I apologize) I don’t want to hide forever. I don’t. I hope that some day I can have even a fraction of the courage that Dan has to tell the people that I care about who I truly am. And the first step is telling someone.
So, to everyone who sees it here, most of which probably know or don’t care,
I’m bisexual, bitch. And I use the word queer.
It took so much fucking courage for dan to post that video and I have crazy amounts of respect for that man. I’ve said it a thousand times already, but I’m going to say it again. I’m so. Fucking. Proud of him. And I know he’s probably going to get thousands of stories like this one (if he hasn’t gotten that many already) but I’m going to tag him anyway. @danielhowell , you’ve changed my life. You’ve changed millions of people’s of lives for the better. Thank you. Thank you for everything you’ve done.
Tldr; dnp mean everything to me, even though I’ve grown away from them, they have been and always be a big part of who I am and i am so fucking proud of Dan.
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gotatext · 6 years
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yo, im not gonna lie guys, im super drunk, so this bio is like.... completely ocpy and pasted but;.... pls plot with me..... im so excited to bring this baby here.... i feel it is the perfect place to write her and i hven’t had the chance to in so long ..... love me..... and greta........ please im so excited this is back, last time i played jack..... n willow??? i think....... maybe archie too...... dont even remember...... who i fuckin played..... but i was here...... and queer..... loud..... and proud..... god this dumb bitch needs to sleep.....
20. born in marfa, texas. luvs wearing gingham print dresses and cowboy boots. vert into art and pornography, and particularly the combination of the two. wants to do a PHD on gender studies and female autonomy in porn.
( kristine froseth | she / her | cisfemale ) hey, you hear ( young lady, you’re scaring me by ron gallo ) playing over on the ( rv lot ) ? that’s where ( greta o'driscoll ) lives! i heard they moved in from ( marfa, texas ) exactly ( four months ) ago. they’re very ( zealous ) but also pretty ( erratic ). maybe that’s why davie keeps calling them the ( libertine ). starlit is full of people, but this ( 20 ) year old is really going to liven things up around here! ( nora | 23 | she / her | gmt )
personality: easy-going, deceptive, manipulative, self-reliant, profound, amiable, nihilistic, self-serving, laid back, independent unmotivated, self-corrupting, charming, lazy, impulsive, alluring.
likes: art, music, philosophy, DC comics, arcade games, candyfloss, fish and chips on the beach, deep red lipstick, marijuana, dogs, Kate Moss, late-night strolls, chemistry, suspenders, cigarettes, herbal tea, gallows humour, cold coffee, long showers, brown eyes, tchaikovsky, dr. seuss, DJ sets, magnolias.
dislikes: bananas, coffee, mental mathematics, children, misogyny, the imaginary future, literature, Wes Anderson films
muse tag
aesthetics: a bubble of pink gum on chapped lips, mom jeans, a beaten up pair of adidas, strawberry laces, knee-highs, chapped lips, split knuckles, bruises you try to cover with concealer, stick and poke tattoos, sleep caught in your eyes on a lazy afternoon, alien conspiracy theories and sci-fi paperbacks, doc martens with fraying laces, the red string of a thong peaking out purposely from jeans, a rucksack permanently packed for the move, a streak of red across your lips, roller blades, cut knees, not eating your greens, smiling with a mouthful of blood, feet pounding the earth until your soles bleed crimson, sleeping in a cherry lip balm and scrunchies to keep the wild locks from your eyes.
cliffsnotes on biography
 - she’s called greta (under witness protection), and she’s a serial dater. she’s incredibly restless and doesn’t settle. before she came to seattle, she’d lived in 8 different cities in 3 years. born into a single-parent house with two older sisters so always surrounded by women and as a teenager she often let boys walk all over her bc she just craved male attention  -   every place she goes, she becomes a new character, someone who’s a figment of her imagination, as if each city is repertory theatre and she’s a character actress, so as a result everyone from her past views her as a completely different person depending on when she met them.   -   she’s been involved in a series of destructive relationships because when people discover she’s not who she pretends to be she often gets explosive and defensive.  -   (tw gun) she’s now under witness protection and moved to connecticut because she shot a previous boyfriend in self-defence and his family are trying to have her done for murder, but she got tired of being moitored so is now even on the run from the police / her faked identity.  - easy to get along with (provided you don’t anger, provoke or question her too much) because she WANTS your character to be entralled by her and will do whatever it takes to win them over. she wants everyone to love her   -  big into sports. big into gender politics. big into art. does a lot of art installation pieces to do with female and queer bodies. massive feminist. low key quite scared of powerful men bcos of her ex. wants to start a female only lesbian commune. big fan of the honey bee.
full biography
trigger warnings: drugs, domestic abuse, gun.
you never meant for it to happen. you’d heard the stories, of girls who let their man walk all over them, and thought to yourself “i’ll never be one of those girls…” the kind that eat low-fat yoghurt and drink slim fast to shred a few extra pounds because he said she was getting round in the tummy, or the ones who spent their evenings tied to a kitchen sink drinking wine while him and the boys played poker, wishing god, if only I could get out of here. not you, not you raised by strong women, four bright shining beacons. single mother with her hard-as-nails attitude and her stony glares, elder sisters (twins) one ginger, one blonde, one doctor, one lawyer, both determined to take a bullet to the brain and a hammer to the patriarchy before they let a man touch them without asking. you were always so inferior, so insecure and small, like a bird (like a sparrow) with blonde plaits down your back sucking tropicana whilst your bosom buds sucked dick, their lips permanently ripe with stories of their sexual exploits, fake tan and glittered nails whilst you sat in the unbroken egg of virginity wondering what it was like to be loved. one day you found out. 
lily milligan’s parents gone and a free house for the night, bottles of ouzo and tequila swiped from your mother’s liquor cabinet thinking she wouldn’t know (she always knew) your legs, hardened from pep squad, slut dropping on a kitchen table because the boys thought it would be fun to get the quiet girl drunk. you’d never had a sip before that night. band t-shirts, denim shorts and the split soles of rotten converse that you refuse to let go of, you still clutched with both hands to your youth, but in a tube top now (borrowed from alice carmichael who had a sister in college) and a short tennis skirt, your feet not in trainers but in thigh-high boots. uncomfy as hell but lily said you needed to look sexy. you didn’t know if you wanted to be sexy. you didn’t know what kind of girl you were, if you were even a girl at all. but robbie looked at you like he knew exactly who you were, like he knew you better than you knew yourself, and his lips had the pink cupid’s bow of a movie star, and his hair was dark locks, curling like a mane. his hands were soft, and suddenly on your waist, and after three more shots his lips were on yours and his name was the only sound in your head and on your lips as you lost it in lily’s college sister’s bedroom beneath the glare of a T-Pain poster. you bled for what seemed like hours, his hand still in yours, kissing on the sofa as truth tellers and daredevils continued to spin a bottle of unprecedented youth. you thought it was love. robbie was the one. he loved you, you knew it, how else could someone be so soft? but soon he grew bored, scrunched up your paper heart and set it alight. then came the tears, the hatred, the ‘fuck robbie, in fact, fuck all boys.’ and that you did.
you were known for being easy. any boy could be yours for a night, as long as he promised to love you for those few short breaths and pants before you cried yourself to sleep. you felt poisoned, but poisonous as well, as if by ensnaring these young boys you were gaining power over them, and not the other way around. soon it started to work. they’d want more, but you’d deny them it, sick of sucking off silly schoolboys, they’d call you a tease, a vixen. maybe you were, but you couldn’t help but want older men. you got the history teacher first time, him bending you over his desk to sneak a hand up your tennis skirt as the after-school clubs carried on next door, unawares. love didn’t exist, not for you. it was nothing but a game for pretty young girls to play, bubble gum in their canines and a hand tugging at the hem of their cheer skirt.
there was so much anger inside of your small body, ‘beware of boys and their hook-like words’. hockey helped. there was something formidable about the feeling of a stick like a weapon in your hands and the thwack it made against thighs in the heat of a scrum - “slipped, sorry!” - you’d utter with a snakeskin smile, millicent quinn knowing that you’d hit her on purpose because she shagged robbie at that party last week. she couldn’t prove it, cobbled acne on her forehead turning green with disgust. ben came into your life like a car crash. two years your senior, with a baseball jacket and shoulders like a god. he became your personal hero. on the pitch, he was lethal. together, you could bring anyone to their ruin. each day after last period he’d be waiting in his car. you’d leap into his arms like a girl-half starved, love me, love me, love me, your heated kisses the envy of every junior girl. he was yours for three blissful years, utterly yours, and you were his, his star-spangled girl, and he was your knight - you were both the same, playing games, always difficult to predict. it was a shock to all when he proposed, high-school sweethearts find love in south dakota.
the engagement was a bittersweet affair; three months – you barely out of your gingham print skirts and into a graduation gown, him, a surly quarterback towering above your sisters, cigarette at his lips and a scowl like a fart in a lift. they hated him. so did you. but you were eighteen and in love, and he fitted the cookie cutter mould. everyone wanted him, and you had him. you had him and you were happy, happy, happy, and he loved you. he said he’d give you the world, anything you wanted hand-picked and given to you. instead, he gave you a jack russell terrier and a flat you couldn’t swing a cat in, wallpaper peeling like the rotten bits inside of you, the bits that only he knew. and you got tireder and tireder of the sad excuse of a life he’d picked out for you, him out doing god knows what to pay the bills, and you dancing on tables to pave your way to stardom, and this was love, this was real, until the shine wore off and your fresh-faced, dimple-cheeked cheerleader facade faded and the ugliness started to reveal itself, the whining, the petulance, the sharp-tempered cruelty, the mind games, the need to always win, win, win. he was dull, he was boring, he was nothing like the boy the girls had said he was and no chiselled six-pack could hide his lack of anything remotely interesting, your patience wearing thin until it snapped like rubber, a rucksack on your back, running shoes on your feet and the joint bank account emptied into your eighth grade birthday wallet.
you built your small fortunes working the casinos of sioux falls, a crimson dress and an attitude to match. bookish archie with his little dipper freckles was fun for a month before he became just as dull and dreary as the rest. a three-hour bus and you were in minneapolis, bright eyed and bushy tailed, fresh meat ready for the pickings. a hostel here, a friendly co-worker’s sofa there as you made what you could by taking off your clothes and shaking your ass like you were back in pep squad, doing what you did best. you met your fair share of creeps, and soon it was back on the road to escape a wide-eyed stalker and a restless itch for more. milwaukee, chicago, you made the roads your own. log cabins and lodgings, and the occasional motel, a beaten up pick up truck purchased at a scrap merchants – you got a few miles out of it before it bit the dust, and when you finally set it alight after nights spent lounging across the driver’s seat, a parka tucked over you as a duvet, you were sad to see it go. you’re nomadic by fault, never attaching to place, people or things, creating a new personality in every place you go like a character actress; each town is a different repertory theatre, and you’re the star. a compulsive liar, you even fib about your own name, to some you’re ellen, nineteen, bookish, a law student who likes smoking and cosmos. to someone else you’re rita, you’re twenty-five and look young for your age, like smoking, comics and fucking in public places.
in the bright lights of michigan, you found charlie, sweet charlie, too good for you, though you let him spoil you while he thought you were the small town girl of his dreams. next came abigail, who was fun until the jealously kicked in, and then luke, gorgeous luke, dangerous, exciting, who despite his temper, despite the fights, despite bruises down your spine and your teeth marks on his arms, loved you with the strength of a wildfire. there was destruction in your wishbones, a savageness from the field, from the pitch and now somehow in his arms, you were godly. he was cruel, he was careless, and he refused to fall at your feet like so many other boys had, which only you made you want him all the more. you were rage incarnate. you hated him so fiercely you thought you might kill him, so he played the only card you wouldn’t predict; proposed.
the house you shared was a backstreet flat in detroit, you make your name as a downtown singer while he foots the bill with pills. they have a drug for anything these days, to dull the senses, to pick them up, to drive you to insanity or pull you out of the madness hole. the two of you live like criminals on the run (you never told him that you were, living out your days as the enigma he wanted you to be), you with your voice like caramel and fishnet legs. you were his and his alone until his hand was at your throat and the gun was in your hands screaming at him to stop, stop, stop, until a bullet stoppered his brain, crimson staining linoleum as you cast yourself out like lucifer. self-defence was decreed the moment they saw your violet neck, black tears and headlight eyes and mind screaming red, red, red like the pom-poms you shook so willingly in school and the insides of his skull. you were gone, and “you” was born, renamed “greta”, boxed, shipped-out, and next-day delivered to vegas where under witness protection you were a student, blank slate, fresh-faced in a place where no one knew your name, doing what you always did and starting again.
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lightsandlostbells · 6 years
Skam Austin episode 4 reaction
part of me is laughing at the number of people in the Facebook comments asking, “Is this on Netflix?”
Episode 4
Clip 1 - Sad couch crew
I felt Tyler and Shay were being friendly to Megan here, not snide, at least on a superficial level. Though I guess you can take their excitement about the concert as passive-aggressiveness.
Tyler mentioning the Illuminati - how very Isak. TBH I really hope Julie is making both Shay and Tyler gay, since they’re dividing up the Isak moments between the two. I’m fine if Tyler doesn’t get the big season-long arc and it goes to Shay instead, I’d love to see her get it. But it’s just going to leave such a bad taste if they’ve made Isak into a wlw with no equivalent to the gay male representation that already existed, when there are many supposedly straight female characters who could be have been made into wlw. Especially the Vilde equivalent, who you could easily give a story about discovering and accepting her sexuality, or the Chris character, who didn’t have her own season and really didn’t have any substantial character issues suggested on the level of Vilde’s home life, and would benefit from a meaty arc. 
I love Shay, she’s definitely one of the highlights of the show, I’m just tired of all the fighting over whether it’s better for S3 to focus on a gay boy or a lesbian and seeing a lot of gross shit in the discussions that’s either minimizing the importance of an f/f storyline because homophobia is worse for men in Texas/lesbians don’t have it that bad/lesbians are already represented on TV because they’re accepted by straight men who find them sexy/someone doesn’t care about lesbians and will only accept Evak 2.0, or minimizing the importance of Evak/another m/m storyline because Skam and the other remakes already have gay ships so don’t get greedy/gay men are already accepted because look at all the m/m on Tumblr and AO3/people only want another Evak because they’re disgusting fetishizers. It’s fucked up how most of these talk relies on the assumption that there can be only one LGBT story on Skam at a time and not pushing back on why it goes without question that S1 and a hypothetical S2 about Grace/Daniel can both be about heterosexual relationships. 
Not to be one of those obnoxious people referencing YA novels in response to real life situations, but it makes me think of Katniss at the climax of Catching Fire when her group of Tributes is fighting the Career Tributes and she fires at the force field instead. Remember who the real enemy is. 
That’s a joke, don’t take that too seriously.
Anyway I’m tired. 
Considering how shitty he’s been acting previously, Tyler not laughing at Marlon’s comments and just deliberately eating a potato chip is a step up for him.
Speaking of the chips, they disappear in between shots and I guess Tyler could be putting the bag on the floor between takes or something but it looks like a regular old continuity error.
Marlon is a mega dick and I dislike him but I kinda can’t believe that I agreed with him about the team’s social standings vs. their practice time. But it was Marlon who said it so it sounded like a dick move.
See, he’s been such a dick that it’s hard to feel sorry for him! But also he’s in the right to feel hurt about the concert.
I don't have much to say except he is the least convincing person to be talking about how he’s not upset and he doesn’t care. He’s so obviously pissed.
There’s just not a shred of chemistry between these two. I don’t get why they’re together, I don’t get what they like about each other, they barely seem to have much fun together. There isn’t much of a rapport.
Pointless personal anecdote #1: When this clip came out, I watched it on my phone at a graduation party, and I'm not kidding, in the few minutes while I was watching some middle-aged parents started talking about wanting to move to Texas when they retire, and they named cities and singled out Austin as a bad choice because “it’s been overtaken by liberals,” lmao. There was no way they could have realized I was watching a show set in Austin. The stars just aligned.
Clip 2 - Kelsey, no
Grace is really concerned about Kelsey sleeping with Daniel so soon, probably because what happened in her own past messed her up.
“Ever since I was a little girl watching the Super Bowl, I knew I was going to lose my virginity to a football player.” .... when I was a little girl watching the Super Bowl I only cared about seeing the commercials with the pretty horses.
“It was like he was going down on me, but in my mouth” … oh my God … someone SAVE this child.
Kelsey, you don’t even know what anyone going down on you in the “correct” place feels like, and this just makes you sound like inexperienced and Not Ready . And I’m glad Meg and Grace are suitably horrified.
Oh, they actually mentioned the issue of insurance, that’s good. But she looked a little uncomfortable with the topic of insurance, so if she has a similar financial situation to Vilde, insurance might be an issue? Or, as was hinted later via texts, she might have a super religious or conservative mom who would not take her to the doctor. She might be able to go to Planned Parenthood for birth control except I’m not sure if minors can get prescriptions for the pill without parental consent because well, Texas.
I checked out of curiosity and it looks like the only type of birth control you can get at PP without parental consent are condoms and lol, Grace already had that covered.
“You know you should use a condom, right?” “What if he doesn’t want to use a condom?” “Then you know you shouldn’t have sex with him.” YES. JESUS. Thank you Grace.
“I talked to Jo this weekend and I prayed about it last night” Oh come on, they’re going to have her mention praying about Zoya’s participation on the team and then not even address the sex-religion topic? Okay. Kelsey doesn’t even have to be abstinent or opposed to premarital sex, not all Christians are, I feel like it just makes sense for someone to be like, “Isn’t having sex before marriage against your religion?” And if Kelsey objected to the question on the grounds that they’re making assumptions about her religion, they could always come back at her with “Well, you assumed Muslims couldn’t dance.”
Kudos to Grace for talking sense about the Zoya situation and being very calm and careful about the Daniel thing.
Clip 3 - Backseat
The editing at the start of the clip made me think the mom might be talking to Megan at first but no, the mom is on her phone. Mom’s communication skills weren’t so great in this clip.
The dialogue is pretty on the nose and super specific to the theeeeeeme, with the mom putting all this implied pressure on Megan, but the passive aggressiveness about Megan’s dad is sadly accurate to how certain married-with-kids dynamics are, with the parents always at each other’s throats and dismissive of each other and not caring about how the kids react to these constant fighting. 
I saw some people wondering why Megan was sitting in the backseat and honestly, that didn’t seem too weird to me. It’s not typical but I’ve ridden in the backseat even when I was the only passenger before (usually because sometimes riding in the front seat makes me sick)  but I could see like, a moody teenager wanting to text her boyfriend and not wanting her mom to glance over at her phone. Although the simplest explanation is that Julie wants to hide the parents’ faces.
I didn’t even notice the giant concert posters at first, I was focused on the homeless man. I am assuming he was there to remind us of the stakes to succeed in this world if you’re much of a “dreamer” as Meg’s mom puts it, where if you don’t get a good job that can be you living on the streets, and to get a good job you need to get a degree from a good school, and to get a degree from a good school you need to perform well in high school, and if you make one mistake you are ruined, RUINED forever. 
Meg trying to ask her mom for relationship advice and instead getting reminded that her parents have a shit relationship, lovely. 
The difference in the tone between the coworker call and the dad call is very telling. Right off the bat, when the dad calls, the mom has a pissed-off attitude. They’re at the stage where they fight just to fight.
Also, note the guilt trip caused by the mom yelling at the dad for not remembering she was going to her friend’s (and like, who cares, I mean this might be part of a larger problem but this sounds like the pettiest shit to argue about) and saying people show they appreciate and support each other by listening and taking interest in their loves, when that’s exactly what Megan didn’t do (skipping Marlon’s show that he was so hyped for) and that’s how she feels she can make it up to him (by buying tickets to the concert he had mentioned).
And the mom says people show they care by listening when she doesn’t even listen to her own daughter and interrupts her when she’s trying to ask a question, and she’s definitely not paying attention to Megan’s life. Like, how is it that they can miss that she’s not on the dance team? Surely the team has some performances or competitions that they’d attend? Fundraisers? I can see them not attending all of Megan’s dance performances, but any of them? 
Megan’s mom is a piece of work, though I’m sure the dad plays his part in the dysfunction too, I don’t want to put it all on the mother.
Clip 4 - Straw
Franz Ferdinand???
Not that this is the point but I’m intrigued by this locker setup. But I am from a place with cold cold winters so the idea of having one of these lockers in January seems terrible.
I was curious if Kendrick Lamar was actually supposed to perform in Austin on Friday, so I checked it out, and lo and behold, it was a real concert. Good job, Skam Austin.
It kinda just makes me sad that THIS is how Meg gets Marlon’s attention again, by buying (probably) expensive concert tickets.
“you two are smashing in that bathroom by the nurse’s office” at least you’re nearby if you need offbeat advice and some condoms? Oh wait, this is Texas. Never mind the last one.
This is my chance to talk about how gross I find the word “smash” in any sexual context. It just sounds uncomfortable and makes me think of potatoes.
Shoutout to Tyler’s Prince shirt, certainly a unique wardrobe choice.
Man, Kelsey is just such an easy target. Especially with the way she talks, like-like-like … blood in the water. Tyler and Shay are not here for Kelsey and Jo right off the bat and once Kelsey opens her mouth, it’s doom.
At least Kelsey had the sense to keep Zoya on the team list even if it was for self-serving reasons.
I applaud these actresses for effort, but every version of the iconic spoon scene has felt forced compared to the original. Josefina, my darling, if you’re going to be seductive with your straw, you might wanna purse your lips instead of letting it roll around in and out of your mouth.
I think it’s great that Jo and Tyler spoke Spanish to each other, and that they didn’t have subtitles, but lol at the brazenness of asking that question right in front of Shay when Shay could possibly speak Spanish herself. Or lmao, anyone who has taken Spanish I could understand what she was saying. (Like what if Shay was his girlfriend? Kinda think Jo isn’t concerned with technicalities.)
Calling him jefe, lmao, wow.
Tyler referring to Kelsey as Drew Barrymore made me laugh. Do kids these days have a firm grasp on Drew Barrymore’s legacy? What has she been in recently other than Santa Clarita Diet?
Maybe instead of references to Romeo + Juliet, we can get allusions to Ever After, The Wedding Singer, or Never Been Kissed. (Maybe not that last one.)
Also, I’m glad Meg spoke up for Kelsey so they weren’t just bashing her new friends.
Clip 5 - Internet quizzes should not be used to make major life decisions
Zoya is just looking through a book while Kelsey is talking.
Some of Kelsey’s rules: 
“Always act classy”
“No cursing, fighting, messy hair or appearance” while wearing the uniform
“Positive vibes ONLY”
But yeah, here’s another example of why the dance team wasn’t the best way to adapt russ because like … of course Kelsey is being rude and ridiculous, and I can’t say I’m on her side against Zoya, but … if the team founder calls a meeting to discuss rules, it’s expected that you will be there to discuss the rules and not blow it off? 
With Vilde’s bus, first of all, russ was several years away and they had time to pull it all together. A dance team is going to require some results in the near future, especially if the team is school-approved and getting them out of P.E. Someone is probably going to be checking up on the girls and making sure they’re not getting P.E. credit for sitting around and doing nothing. Second, pretty sure a bus group is not going to require as much day to day practice, training, and energy as a dance team.
I don’t know, however silly Kelsey’s motivations might be, if you sign up for someone’s dance team … you should expect to dance, dude. That goes for all the girls.
When prompted to give her opinion of Zoya, Jo cleverly deflects with the quiz, as her opinion of Zoya is clearly ❤️❤️❤️
I do love and appreciate Grace trying to persuade Kelsey to rethink the whole sleeping with Daniel thing. Not being too harsh, but being firm and not hesitating to point out all the ways it’s not a good choice.
Also being like “keep in mind he’s not your boyfriend” thank youuuu.
Kelsey sure doesn’t like that part about people judging her for having premarital sex. At least they might bring it up in the aftermath of hooking up with Daniel?
“That definitely didn’t happen.” “It did happen and she can’t eat Sweet Tarts anymore.” Jo continues to be the shining star of this show, I laughed out loud at her delivery of that line. 
Whenever one of the Chrises is like “I was totally wasted” about their first time, I’m just like 😧
Kelsey saying option A on the quiz, for her “boyfriend” and her being closer once they sleep together, is the most depressing thing. Stop this train before it goes off the rails.
Oh God. Kelsey does not need to be anywhere near a penis at this juncture. The way she starts giggling and laughing when Grace suggests to think about what turns her on about Daniel … you are not ready to have sex. You are barely ready to talk about sex. None of the Vildes has seemed so young and not ready to go through with this.
Kelsey did not talk about not wanting to be involved in lesbianism, hmmmMMMM. Foreshadowing? Or maybe Julie just realized that people didn’t like the casual lesbophobia if you don’t have a lesbian character? 
I haven’t been all that complimentary to the actors on this show, but I do want to give Kelsey’s actress some props for reciting that whole monologue, which is just a detailed Teen Vogue photoshoot.
It’s amusing that Kelsey integrated the Kittens uniform into her erotic fantasy but sad that Kelsey still wants to be a Kitten so much. She’s not wearing a uniform for her own group, whatever she might want it to be, she’s wearing a Kitten uniform in her ideal scenario.
You know Jo is listening to this fantasy and getting inspiration for her next Kelsey makeup experiment.Also, it makes me laugh that they’re having this discussion in a library.
Overheard in Bouldin - TMI Girl in Library: “People get turned on my different things all the time. My cousin’s thing is dirty socks. She keeps a pair of her ex-boyfriend’s in a Ziploc bag under her bed.”
May we one day meet this intriguing cousin of yours, Jo.
But don’t encourage this Daniel nonsense.
It’s too bad we didn’t get the classic doctor visit but lol, a school doctor in Texas might not be able to be so blatant with the sex ed tips, so I get it. And ultimately I would prefer if Julie tried out new scenes instead of trying to recreate old ones.
At first I thought Kelsey maybe didn’t know who Kendrick Lamar was. Which is perfectly plausible, let’s be real.
“When I have ever asked you for anything?” In the short time Meg has known you, Kelsey ... find Jo, join the dance team, get closer to Penetrator Jo, give you her birth control pills.
Clip 6 - Bowling
Kelsey’s outfit is almost exactly what she described in her fantasy! No access to a Kittens dance uniform, but otherwise very close. Follow your dreams, kids. 
“Martin had a dream … Martin had a dream …” look, I like that Skam uses a variety of music and not just white indie rock, but can we like … quit syncing music by black artists talking about black cultural topics to scenes of this white dude being a big deal.
Look at that dipshit taking up two parking spaces. Fuck offffffffffffff
Kelsey looks so happy and Daniel looks like he’s already 75% checked out.
How long is this Kendrick bowling montage going to go on?
Ha, Kelsey easily had the worst bowling score of the four of them.
“Daniel just touched my ass.” The way Kelsey was thrilled about this was kind of cute and alarming.
Kelsey wanting Meg to stay with them as long as she can makes me think she really just doesn’t want to go through with the impending loss of virginity.
“Then how’d you know my name at Talent Night?” I mean ... you do go to school together, and Jo is on the football team with a high social profile. I could name a lot of my high school classmates by name even if I’ve never spoken to them.
Is Julie going to go full Chris/Eva with this version to give the shippers their day in the sun? I love original Eva/Jonas but Meg/Marlon is an unpleasant trainwreck so I can’t say I’m disappointed. I mean I can’t say I love Meg/Penetrator Jo either,, but I’m not sad about this version of Eva/Jonas not being endgame.
Penetrator Jo is still sleazy in at least a few respects (don’t be a cocktease) and we have still have to meet his girlfriend but his memory of her seems legit so maybe he does really like her. Unless, I don’t know, he stalked her IG and remembered some relevant details and embellished this whole story?
Lmao, I can get why people might think the “No Signal” scenario would be a contrivance but that exact thing has happened to me, so I buy it.
I will give Julie this credit, she’s good at setting up Fredag/Friday scenarios where we think one thing will happen, and instead something else occurs that’s completely different from the fan theories. I figured it would be as simple as Meg or Marlon missing the concert, not that we’d spot Marlon (or “Marlon”) with Abby
I don’t think it’s Marlon, though. That seems a lot like Tyler’s walk, and the person doesn’t seem to be wearing Marlon’s ugly shoes. 
General Comments:
It’s kind of depressing to see people in the FB group and in the comments be like, “I haven’t seen the original show but could Grace be a lesbian? 😃” and the replies be like “No, Noorhelm is coming 😃”
Another “fun” aspect of having this show on Facebook: the MAGA edgelord assholes who leave comments on the episodes about “cucks” and “libtards.”
My opinion of Grace rose so much in this episode just by how doggedly she is trying to bring Kelsey back to earth. and telling her she can back out of this choice. 
In the texts, Grace said she would buy condoms for Kelsey - good job - and later, when Kelsey asked the girls what she should wear for losing her virginity, said, “I know what Daniel will be wearing” and said that she put condoms in Kelsey’s purse - excellent job.
I feel like Grace would roll the condom on Daniel’s dick herself if it meant Kelsey had safe sex.
Abby was stressing over finals on IG so I’d bet that was a hint she needed something to help her out, hence meeting up with Marlon/Tyler for Adderall.
I was wondering what kind of music would be on Skam Austin since original Skam had all sorts of high-profile artists, and that would not be cheap, but so far, it seems like Facebook spared no expense with the soundtrack.
Grace and Shay had IG posts reacting to the Santa Fe High School Shooting. IDK how much Skam Austin would address gun violence in the episodes itself in the future, and I can think of ways it could go very badly, but sadly, as one of the biggest concerns of American teenagers today, it would be very relevant, and that’s what Skam’s supposed to be, after all.
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tumblunni · 6 years
Man, god, im just suddenly thinking about "ak/ur/oku" and like.. How the fuck did that even become such a huge thing in early 2000s fandom? Dear god so much early gay shipping in fandom was super unhealthy "sinful" bullshit made by straight people for fetishy purposes rather than genuine representation. But a/kurok/u was such a weird one because it was like.. Just globally accepted and never aknowledged to be problematic?? Man i still remember how lil 13 year old me didnt know there was anything wrong with it, like seriously when stuff like this becomes popularized it ends up sending bad messages to actual queer youth. Learning about your sexuality via the internet cos there's no sex ed irl for you, abd you end up stumbling into toxic fandoms before you have the critical thinking skills necessary to know that this stuff is bad and shouldnt be imitated. Like seriously one of the things i worry about EVERY NIGHT AT 2AM THAT KEEPS ME FROM SLEEPING is that stupid lil 15 year old me made a post on deviantart going like "are pedophiles really all bad? I mean it sounds like an illness. I mean maybe theyre just scared and they want help." Like im terrified constantly that someone will find that old thing and judge me as if i still believe that apologist crap, or as if it was actually an opinion i formed from a fully developed mind, rather than from a kid who (as far as i knew) had never met a pedophile, thinking about pedophiles in the abstract, while being influenced by fuckin pedophile-dominated fandoms and having NO IDEA. and of cooooourse i wanted to believe that i was mature for my age, i thought that was a compliment.. Uuuuugh...
Sorry, going a little offtopic there.
But anyway isnt it kinda weird how akur/oku was just.. Not even regarded as pedophilia? And when i was a kid it wasnt just me not understanding the gross parts of the fandom, i legit never thought axel was that much older than roxas. And it was one of the more popular gay ships cos at that point as far as we knew it was the only person axel had any sort of backstory with, and he cared so much about this guy that he was willing to sacrifice his life to help sora even when he knew roxas would never come back. At the time without further context it seemed like a reasonable assumption to make? And it wasnt until Days that i realized axel was intended to be an adult rather than a teenager, and even worse A LOT OF PEOPLE WHO MADE THAT SHIPPING ART KNEW THAT. Uuugh it was so gross in retrospect to go back and see all the clues i missed that these people were fetishizing roxas's inexperience and veey much writing him as underage. AAAAAAA!
Anyway im glad that shit is now recognized as shit and now we have canon evidence of this dude being old as balls. And honestly i love the relationship of him as a big brother/dad to roxas and xion a lot more, even though as a kid i was desperate for any kind of queer representation in kh. Like.. I never really actually liked the ship that much or felt any chemistry? I just latched onto a few bad writing flubs that could potentially be interpreted as Gay Evidence because i was SO damn desperate! Like i felt like i had to support all these gross abusive ships in fandom cos if i wasnt then i was being 'homophobic', i mean they were THE ONLY AVAILABLE OPTIONS, right? :( Its only now ive grown up i can see how wrong that was, and how people just used it as an excuse to make gross shit and get away with it. Like how in Black Butler all these 'yaoi fangirls' kept erasing the rarest of rare things, a canon trans woman, because 'its sexier if its gay'. Ughhhh. And seriously that discourse still exists for poor Grell, and there's still a lot of these shitty bigoted people pretending to be allies, but like seriously this was EVERYWHERE in 2005! And lgbt rights and even lgbt communities at all were way smaller and less available to the poor teenagers who really needed that positive influence while they were figuring out who they are. So man the abusive side of yaoi fandom was WAY more powerful, and wya more.mainstream, with barely any criticism. And the whole content of this fandom was creepy fuckin adults making pedo porn, and kids who just discovered they were queer and tried to headcanon their favourote characters as being like them. Fucking predator heaven! So yeh that ruined KH for me and definately made me scared of returning to Black Butler for almost a decade. And then i found out that the manga itself has none of that pedo shit and that one of the fandom's biggest abusive gay man archetypes was actually a trans woman this entire time, and just gahhhhh....
Also like seriously this is a tad offtopic but can we kill the anime trope of either everyone looking young or everyone looking old? Or creepy things where just one character looks the wrong age in order to fetishize pedophilia? I dont think kingdom hearts was one of those intentional ones, like i mean there's super bad shit where its like 'this 5 year old looking person is really 9000 years old/actually 18 and just hasnt had their growth spurt yet' (somehow its even more insulting when theres not even a magical excuse) Or the other way around and we have a character thats canonically underage but drawn looking sexually mature with big ol knockers so its somehow okay. The existence of those horrible things is why i end up feeling uncomfortable even seeing ambiguous ages as just a trope in completely innocent anime, yknow? Like in pokemon and digimon all the 10 year old protagonists are exactly the same height as all the adults, and all the female love interests for ash have to be early bloomers in terms of chest and hips, while notably Iris is the only one who actually looks her age and also the first non love interest. Its another reason why i prefer the new art style for the latest season, they make everyone look like kids and Lillie continues to look like a kid even though she's the main girl and has all the cute scenes with Ash. The girls even got very normal looking kiddy swimsuits in the beach episode! Why is that so uncommon, to find the bare minimum thing of underage kids not being sexualized at the beach??
Soooooo yeah, thats at least part of why kid me thought axel and roxas were within a similar age range. Like i thought roxas was maybe 16 and axel was 18?? Somehow?? I dont even know, kingdom hearts isnt even SUPER bad with the 'kids look like older teens,all adults look like age 20 at the most' anime syndrome. Its probably more because id been raised on games and anime that followed that trope, before i played kh. And as a kid you just dont really know the exact differences between 'old', like i mean i knew teenagers were tall and boys get a growth spurt, so somehow it made sense to me that axel could be the same age as roxas?? And man even if i knew he wasnt, i was barely educated at all about pedophilia and i didnt know the nuances of it. I just knew 'its bad for adults to marry kids' like man i was really behind the curve in general learning due to my undiagnosed autism and abusive parenting so like HERE'S 12 YEAR OLD ME NOT EVEN THINKING ABOUT THE SEX ASPECT. And i didnt know that adults in relationships with teenagers was bad too, or like 16/17 year old teens dating kids... I was so fuckin dumb... I really cant believe that not only did i believe stupid adults saying 'pedophilia isnt bad if you're non offending, its okay to make cartoon child porn as long as you dont physically abuse real kids' but also i somehow just DID NOT EVER REALIZE that axel was an adult and roxas wasnt even a goddamn older teen...
So yeh im making a lot of excuses for why my stupid younger self was blindly parroting bullshit, but im not trying to excuse how goddamn wrong and bad it was. I still wake up ashamed in the middle of the night for crapoy decisions i made as a dumb kid, and in terrified that some shreds of it might still exist out there on the internet and maybe someone else could read it?! Gahhhh! Seriously could i have accidentally helped spread that bullshit brainwashing to other kids? And seriously when people say this shit is harmless they just need to look at this, look at how being into problematic yaoi is such a common 'phase' for ACTUAL CHILDREN. Like its not fuckin NATURAL for kids to fall into this stuff, they do it because they dont know any better but the people making the goddamn founding blocks of the fandom are fuckin grown women fetishizing gay men or grown men fetishing lesbians. There's people who do know better who actually conciously decide that a/kurok/u is a good ship while knowing all the goddamn details of what it actually is and exactly what theyre supporting by shipping it. Ughhhhh!
So yeh fuckin Please Stay Safe In Fandom, Kids
And pedophiles have absolutely none of my sympathy, please ignore that goddamn shit i wrote as a little kid being fuckin groomed by a fandom without even knowing it.
This also applies a lot to the rest of LGBT+ aside from just gay shipping, like seriously it took me til age 18 to find any positive representation of trans people or even a proper explanation of what being trans is, yet before i was even 8 years old i'd seen a million 'lol gross man in a dress who gets sexual gratification from wearing women's underwear' jokes in kids shows. And when i was 12 i'd already been exposed to the fuckin hell of m/pre/g thanks to its prevelance of untagged n/sf/w shit in the kh fandom. And by age 15 i'd been exposed to pedophile apologists arguing whether child porn was okay if they only got off to that and didnt personally abuse that kid with their own hands. All of that shit but actually learning about homosexuality and gender in sex ed would have been 'too much' for someone my age...
God what a fuckin mess. Fuck im really really fuckin worried that any of my ignorant comments at those ages could have been read by other ignorant kids and contributed to that disgusting fandom atmosphere. Fuck i think about this so damn often im so damn ashamed of how ignorant i used to be yet i know the adult fuckfaces making pedo shit never reel one lick of shame any damn day of their life. I used to excuse their shit as an actual kid cos i just ASSUMED they would be ashamed and want to seek help! Gahhhh..
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leightaylorwrites · 7 years
Leigh Dissects YA Fiction: They All Fall Down (Chapters 9 - 12)
Chapter Nine
Levi certainly wasn’t grieving Olivia’s death…
Of course not. Why would he be grieving his ex-girlfriend? That would imply that he cares about anyone other than you and with this being a YA book, it’s unlikely that a romantic lead would be so complex. 
[...] his open varsity jacket making his shoulders look even broader.
A specific sport isn’t named. Does the author think all varsity athletes get the same jacket? There are emblems, symbols, and other things that are specific to certain sports. This is what happens when you base your YA book on your own nerdy high school experiences and don’t do basic research: you get things wrong.
“Why is everyone so certain Levi Sterling is going to jail?” I demand.
You can’t demand a question that has to be answered by multiple people when you’re only with one person. Also, didn’t you, like recently, say he might’ve been a murderer or rapist?
I nod sympathetically, supposing that’s a legit enough connection for a guy like Josh to shed a few tears.
Because for a masculine boy to cry, it has to be legitimized.
Was he kidding? Girls like Olivia and the rest of them on that list didn’t hang out with nerds like me. But guys don’t always know that.
Okay, even if we’re going with the ridiculous idea that people don’t have friends in different circles, the same would be true for boys. Geeky boys and jocks wouldn’t hang out. Why wouldn’t he know this?
“I missed you last night,” he says right into my ear, with a secret, sexy voice that should have every cell in my body jumping up and down.
You’ve spoken for a total of three minutes.
“I had…” Movie night with mom. “Something else to do.”
Why can’t she just tell him the truth? I get it’s geeky but it’s not like you were committing a crime.
A flicker of distaste crosses his expression as he conciders what could possibly have been more important than his game, and his gaze shifts in the direction where Levi had been. “Out with your parolee?”
Dora doesn’t tell him the truth about her whereabouts as a way for the author to throw in cheap tension. If she had a legit reason or given an explanation (like how I said spending time with her mom is ~geeky~), then it would’ve worked. Without that, this is just lazy writing.
“Good thing, ‘cause they're saying he was there and was having a deep and heated conversation with Olivia before she died.”
Did this book have an editor?
“Good thing you weren’t with him.”
He’s said good thing twice in the past quarter page. Either the author discovered a new phrase while writing this chapter, or someone stans NCT.
“Listen, I know it’s not going to be really fun under the circumstances and all, but a bunch of kids are getting together at my house tonight. Will you come?”
Y’all really about to have a party when someone just died. I get the popular kids are supposed to somewhat suck but there’s sucking then there’s being horrible people.
“We’re changing clothes, you freakazoid!”
Outdated reference is outdated. Most of this author’s demographic does not know that song. Has she ever spoken with an actual teenager? In this century?
“His parents passed away many years ago.”
Please be related to the cult I’m probably totally wrong about.
“I never got into the house but I’ve heard it’s amazing, with an indoor swimming pool and a ten-car garage adjacent to some of the prettiest parts of Nacht Woods.”
Good Lord. First, it annoys me when characters who are loaded go to public school with a bunch of people who are nowhere near as rich. School zoning doesn’t work like that, with only one megarich kid and everyone else being middle class. Second, why are we getting this awkward splooge from Generic BFF’s mom instead of having this description when Dora gets to the party later????? Why is this writing so bad? Where is the editor?
“The grandfather, who’s retired, of course, made a killing on Wall Street, as I understand it.”
What is this SENTENCE?! I suck at grammar and sentence structure and all those technical things but damn, I know I could do a better job at this editor who works for an actual publishing house.
“Really hit it huge in the go-go eighties.”
“Where’d they go-go?” Kayla asks, making everyone laugh.
Not me.
“It’s the idiots who can’t handle the peer pressure. But, okay, you girls use common sense.”
Fucking hell. If they’re pressured into drinking then they’re not idiots. That’s why it’s called PRESSURE. And why are we acting like people with common sense don’t drink? They’re not mutually exclusive.
“(...) I’d love to just sit around that table for house with a family that is so whole and happy. But I only have myself to blame for that.”
Shut your melodramatic ass up.
Chapter Ten
God save me.
(..) what feels like a half-mile-long driveway (...) At least fifty cars are in the drive and along the street.
Driveway. It’s called a driveway. You just used it in the last sentence.
She’s cute - and has to be freezing - but, really, nothing extraordinary to look at.
What a fucking bitch. Honestly, Dora, please die.
“We’re going into the woods.”
Yes, now it’s the point in the book where a Native American burial ground is invaded by drunk suburban white teens who literally have no respect for the land. This includes our protagonist. And if you’re thinking she’s going to mention how wrong and disrespectful this is, bring your expectations of this author down. No, further. FURTHER. Yes, that low.
“We’re at Meesha mound.” She leans closer and lowers her voice. “Indian burial ground, you know. Cool, huh?”
To be fair, Dora says her “very” is sarcasm but like?? Nothing is done or said about how horrible it is that they’re doing this. Or even the improper and offensive usage of “Indian.”
She misses my sarcasm and takes me down a dark path.
Obviously bad metaphor is obviously bad.
“I like Sisters of the List,” Kylie Leff says, leaning into Amanda. “We’ve been blood sisters since kindergarten.”
Can I return this book and get cult lesbians instead? Side note, if you want to watch something about a cult lesbian, AHS: Cult was AMAZING and its best season since Coven.
She holds up a single knuckle and Amanda meets it with one of her own in the most feminine and lackluster knuckle tap in history.
We get it. Fem = bad, hot fem = bad, weak fem = bad.
Why was Dora expecting some epic knuckle punch when Kylie only used one knuckle? Does she think she has super-strength?
It’s Candace Yardley, number ten, who up to this point has been virtually silent. Once again, I take a second to admire her dark good looks; she is runway perfect.
Why is this book so racist?!! Having the Asian character be silent until Dora is ready to comment on her ~dark good looks~?? And she has to be at the bottom of the list? What IS THIS?!
She smiles at her best friend.
How many times must we be reminded that Kylie and Amanda are gal pals, heteros, and that this book has no room for lesbians? Petition to save Kylie and Amanda from this hetero dumpster fire.
I take the vodka bottle and let a few drops touch my lips, the flavor like bitter grape cough medicine.
One, you can’t taste much with your lips. Two, that’s not what vodka tastes like.
“You bitches cray.” She sings the last word on a laugh. “But I need to get fried.”
Let’s play “spot the Token black character.” I think the usage of the word cray is a testament to how old this book is. Back when white authors thought it was fun to use cringe aave. You gon finna catch me is SHAKING.
“Thank god that chapter is over” - me after every chapter.
Chapter Eleven
“YOLO, baby girl. Which translates into ‘have some fun.’
Petition to have white authors never write black characters again.
I can smell beer, and the sound of rap is barely drowned out by loud boys and girls laughing. Really? On the night after the girl they all planned to vote for class president next year has died? They either don’t care or… they don’t understand death.
You fucking asshole, Dora. Some people have different coping methods. And, how would you know they don’t care or understand death? Do you think you’re the only person in your whole school who has lost someone?
They don’t know how permanent death is. But I do.
Earlier, we learned that Generic Good Boy is a fucking orphan. He lost BOTH parents. You lost ONE brother. Shut up.
“Like I said… YOLO.”
Stop. I’m begging.
“You know what I remember about you in middle school?” (...) “You were hydrogen in our Dress Like an Element Day in science.”
Listen, I like the fact that Dora and GGB have natural chemistry as characters whereas Dora and GBB are forced like hell. But could the author not think of a more interesting element? Why would GGB remember this in particular? Even if he thought Dora was cute, it would make sense for the element to be something less common and therefore more easy for the reader to see why it was so memorable.
“You’re the Latin expert.”
She’s a junior in high school.
“(...) he lives to meet pretty girls.” The way he says it makes me feel like I really am one of those pretty girls.
Because he just told you his grandfather likes pretty girls? An old man? That makes you feel pretty? Really? That?
“Wait--I want to kill her, er, say hi.”
Ignoring this horrible attempt at humor, Dora is upset with her friend for drinking at a party. I’ll point you to Dora’s weird grape cough medicine vodka from her cult meeting in the woods.
“I play on two travel teams--hey, Ryan--and lots of these kids are from all over this side of the state.”
They came all the way out here for one party? Are there no parties in their own neighborhoods?
“Kenzie.” The older man nods in approval. “Of course.” Flashing an easy, wide smile, he looks down--way down--at me. Instantly, I can see where Josh gets his gifts--his height, the build, the sort of raw masculinity mixed with charm that rolls off him. That’s hereditary, I suppose.
I just threw up.
This man is at least sixty, given that his grandson is a high school junior. And Dora just spent a paragraph lowkey lusting after him. I haven’t witnessed something so grossly uncomfortable since Throne of Trash the series we don’t acknowledge.
“You were absolutely correct, Josh. She is a refreshing change.”
Get it? Because she’s not like those other girls.
“You’ve taught me everything, Josh says, a respectful note in his voice. “Including how to pick quality girls.”
Women aren’t avocados.
He pats my hand and shifts in his seat. “Let’s change the subject. I understand you’re on that list that does nothing but objectify lovely teenage girls.”
You can’t call out the list for objectifying them when 1) you’ve done that since you met Dora, 2) you act like a fucking pedophile while you’re touching her, and 3) you follow up the fact that the list is objectifying the girls by calling the girls “lovely.”
“But his legacy lives on, right back in Nacht Woods.” He angles his head toward the back of the house. “He’s buried there, too.”
So not only has this author disrespected Native Americans with using their burial ground for horror aesthetic reasons, but she’s also allowed a white character to be buried there.
“Not him, per se,(...) but the things that mattered to him. I made a place to honor him.”
I know we need exposition but it makes no sense here. They’ve spent half a page talking about this dead dude, rather than the scholarship Dora wants.
“How do I apply?”
“No application necessary, dear. You just have to finish the ropes course Jarvis built in Nacht Woods (...) You look fairly athletic.”
Oh my god. How many ways can this author metaphorically shit on this burial ground?
“Quit hittin’ on my chick, Rex.”
Dora’s next thought is her freaking out about Josh calling her his girl, which okay, I get. But… shouldn’t she be a tad bit concerned about this creepy pedo man who just offered her a scholarship as long as she completes The Hunger Games?
“She’s a total brainiac (...) I think that’s hot.”
“Quite,” his grandfather agrees.
Chapter Twelve
I haven’t had anything to drink since my one sip of grape vodka, but Molly’s borderline tipsy(.)
We’ve got clarification that her vodka was grape flavored (ew) but what the hell is “borderline tipsy”??? Either she’s tipsy or she’s sober. Tipsy is the full in between of sober and drunk.
“But the weirdest thing of all was the texts disappeared about ten minutes after I got it. I can’t find it in my deleted texts, nothing.”
(...) ready for dark looks from my list sisters(...)
We’re really using this name?
But I won’t tell these girls that. They’re wack.
I love 2001 slang.
Also, you guys don’t know how hard it is for me to not make a Malibu’s Most Wanted reference right now.
Having to post all my notes/opinions means I’m having to read over some of the book again and if you can believe it, these are considered the good chapters compared to what comes later.
Using my irritation as free entertainment? Enjoy my writing as free entertainment, too. I’ve got a freebie book called Epic here.
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oncethrown · 7 years
@demetriusa said:
huh. you're such an optimistic person! my take's been that all of this points to Aline going down the same path as the other females characters. And, in this case, it would hurt even more. I'm not sure the messy narrative needs her,and if she's been brought on only bc she's lesbian, and they couldn't not have her...why not work first on all the problems with the characters we have already on the show, though? there's no time to do them all justice, really.
This is why I’m optimistic:
1. Shadowhunters is both bringing new characters in, and shedding old ones. 
2. They are developing the main characters (other than Clary, coming back to that) out of the two dimensions they had in the source material. So Isabelle is warm and nurturing and smart as hell instead of just Girl For Clary To Jealous At, Jace’s cockiness grows out of hurt and vulnerability and growing up in an environment of neglect and abuse, instead of him just being a beautiful blond spouting one liners, and Alec is not just Tall Gay, he’s had several episode spanning story arcs, and he’s one of the best fleshed out characters on the show. 
3. The new intro I hate so much makes a point of introducing all the main characters. 
Which Means!
They are looking for the right mix for an ensemble. 
The Dearly Departed
Raj, Lydia, Jocelyn,  Victor Aldertree and Camille are gone because they stopped serving a function. Robert is gone because he’s a redundancy on Maryse, and Maryse is 200% more compelling. Gretel got cut because she was just Maia 1.0, and thus a redundancy.  
Guest Starring
Maia has interacted with all the main characters, been in most of the episodes since she was introduced, and made it into one of 2B’s main storylines-- the clave as oppressors. She’s a win. 
Imogene was the villain for a couple of episodes, but isn’t the type of character the show was able to support constant interaction with. 
Dot’s role was rewritten from “like a big sister to Clary” and self sacrificing whilst being evil-ed on a boat, to Magnus’s world weary, moderately sassy friend. They are trying to find something to do to keep her around. 
Meliorn has been completely rewritten too, from Isabelle’s conveniently connected lover, to important representative of the Seelie Court. 
Sebastian is driving a whole new plot, which, if they writers have any talent or mercy will give us a fantastic new direction to go in for season three. Valentine is a terrible villain, and even the books only stayed shackled to him for half the story. The show is looking to upgrade it’s big bad. 
Raphael has suffered from Simon’s character growth, because he is now pointless as Simon’s antagonist. Simon’s storyline supports itself without him, so Raphael got tossed into Isabelle's story line, which also didn’t work, so they just ended that relationship in the last episode. Maybe he goes somewhere from here, maybe he doesn't. It’s too soon to tell, but he could easily be the next person shuffled off.
B Plot Extraordinaires!
Luke is being given his own circle to bounce off of with Maia and Ollie. Ollie, it has to be said, currently has more plot and character development than Clary after two scenes. She’s new in a job, wants to do well, and has discovered a secret. She’s been on screen for less than 120 total seconds and is better written than Clary. 
Simon has absolutely gotten the most character development, from nerdy friend, to fledgling vampire, to fledging vampire trying to be human, to acceptance of vampire-dom while finally dating the girl he’s always wanted, to being a daylighter, to ditching Clary and embracing his full downworlder reality. 
Magnus is currently in the middle of a storyline that is developing him out of “Main Character by Proxy” and into a fully fleshed out pillar of the plot. His storyline revolved entirely around Alec up until the moment he and Valentine swapped bodies, and now the plot is focusing on his past and internal struggles. A lot of his plot is still about love, but the building blocks for giving him his own stories entirely independent of the Institute A Plot are already laid out, the basement is nearly finished, they are going to start building the main floor any day now. 
The A Plot Ensemble (and, unfortunately, Clary)
So with Luke and Simon supporting their own storylines away from the main Institute drama, and Magnus gearing up to do the same, our leads are Jace, Alec, Isabelle and unfortunately, Clary. 
I bet we start to see this coalesce tonight. Isabelle talks to Clary about her relationship struggles with Simon, and also talks to Jace about it. Aline comes in, creating some sort of Sebastian drama that from the previews, I’m guessing explodes in 2x17. Maybe Isabelle’s recovery comes up, this leaves most of our Institute characters involved in a plot together. 
Alec is probably going to to be off in a side plot with Magnus, but it’s going to be a net growth for those two characters. 
And Aline is coming into the A plot, to talk to all of the main core. Essentially, this is a chemistry audition. Does she work or not? Can her character arc compliment this group? Is there a storyline with can give her in B-Plot land? 
So yeah... I agree that things are sort of a mess, and they are not using all of their characters to their advantage, but I also feel like it’s still early enough for them to be figuring this out, and especially with the hints, about the season 2 finale completely changing the show, I bet that by that point they lock into a workable ensemble, figure out the relationships once and for all (probably kill 2-5 characters) and haul ass forward from there. 
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ossyuche · 5 years
What Do Men Find Attractive?
First of all, what do you think defines attractive? It’s interesting because a guy friend of mine said his girlfriend would be what he would call pretty even though he didn’t think she fit the mold of what society called pretty. Does that mean there can be an openness to different types? I’ve wondered. Exactly what makes someone pretty? I know this is a sensitive question so no pressure in answering.
Second, for whatever it is, can guys learn to compromise on looks or be open to different types? I’ve wondered because I thought about something for me that was similar. I will it admit in high school I only went after the charming popular guys. The high school jocks. I could have said well I can’t help what I like right? Then I realized I was being superficial and should instead go after less superficial things. So I now have a crush on a guy (that’s another story) who is less of the charming type but very likable. I realized I should see what’s important. It seems your dating advice encourages women (chemistry vs compatibility something like that right?) to focus on those things over things that people value in a more superficial sense.
Lastly I’ve wondered how much of the obsession with finding a hot girl is really about attraction. It seems like it would be an of course, guys want the pretty girl because she is pretty right? Then I thought of my old high school crushes. I realized some of them I liked not really because of them, but actually because I enjoyed the praise I felt of having won the attention over of someone so impressive. It made me feel important. Really though, frankly I think it’s actually using someone. I’ve wondered if that’s something our society could work on.
Let me know what you think! Deep questions I know. No pressure in answering.
Three different questions. Three different answers.
What do you think defines attractive? Can there be an openness to different types? Exactly what makes someone pretty?
The reason this one is tricky is because the answer is both objective AND subjective.
Objectively, there are traits that are almost universally considered attractive. Per Wikipedia:
Men, on average, tend to be attracted to women who have a youthful appearance and exhibit features such as a  symmetrical face,  full breasts, full lips, and a low waist-hip ratio. Women, on average, tend to be attracted to men who are both taller than they are as well as taller than other men, display a high degree of facial symmetry, masculine facial  dimorphism, and who have broad shoulders, a relatively narrow waist, and a V-shaped torso.
Sounds about right. Look at the cover of most beauty and fashion magazines and you’ll see a lot of stereotypically attractive people staring back at you.
At the same time, everybody has personal tastes and preferences. Some men like women who are curvy. Some men like women who have no body fat whatsoever. Some guys are turned on by fake boobs. Some guys are turned off by them. Some prefer tattoos and piercings. Some wouldn’t look twice. Some gentlemen prefer blondes. Some prefer ethnic. Go to Pornhub and take a look at what men look at. Top searches include: lesbian, hentai, MILF and step mom. There was almost equal representation of men looking up “mom” and “teen.” So when you ask “what’s attractive?” I would only point out that there are broad generalizations on what women and men find appealing — and there are lots of exceptions to those generalizations as well.
Can guys learn to compromise on looks or be open to different types?
Yes, but it’s important we get our definitions straight. I don’t believe you can talk yourself into finding someone attractive. Attraction is not a choice; it’s a feeling. When any client of mine goes out with a guy where the chemistry is less than a 6, I tell her to move along. However, as burgeoning couples get closer and more intimate, there are many (if not most) of my clients who discover that their 6 can develop into an 8 or a 9.
To your original question, a man generally won’t compromise on looks in terms of going out with someone he doesn’t find physically appealing. But are guys open to different women who aren’t their “type?” Absolutely. When I was in high school, I was into skinny model-types from all the magazines and TV shows I consumed. Then I dated someone my senior year who was short and curvy and discovered I loved that, too. To this day, my favorite physical type is short, curvy, dark-skinned brunettes. Salma Hayek, Kim Kardashian, etc. I have NEVER had a girlfriend who looked like that. To me, dating around is like fine dining: the more you are open to trying different things, the more developed your palate gets, the more you can eat in any restaurant and find something you like. But still, you’re going to have your favorite dishes — just don’t think you have to marry one of them to be happy.
I’ve wondered how much of the obsession with finding a hot girl is really about attraction or about having won the attention over of someone so impressive?
I think it’s impossible for most people to separate their motives from their desires. How many women stop to think about WHY they like “bad boys” even though we all know objectively that they make for terrible long-term partners? They don’t. They feel something, go with the feeling, get burned, and go back for more of the feeling. The brain chemistry that is associated with attraction is very much like cocaine or meth — powerful highs that make people — men and women alike — do otherwise irrational things.
The brain chemistry that is associated with attraction is very much like cocaine or meth — powerful highs that make people — men and women alike — do otherwise irrational things.
My take as a 46-year-old former slut in a 10+ year marriage is this: I think the obsession with “hot” is largely a maturity thing.
When I was a kid, I was attracted to EVERY girl who fit the description in the Wikipedia entry. Essentially, if she was physically appealing, I would have a crush on her, regardless of what her personality was like. Now, I STILL find plenty of women physically appealing, and in an alternate universe where I was single, would gladly have NSA sex with 25% of the female population. But after all my experience, I know better than to think that strong attraction + good sex = happiness.
Which is why I can be attracted to so many people and be the world’s safest husband. It doesn’t occur to me for one second that I’d be happier with anyone other than my wife. That’s what I mean by maturity.
Men who are still driven by the need to get the hot girl literally only see women for their looks. They don’t see women as having value beyond that, so they place a disproportionately high premium on it. Witness the rich men/trophy wife phenomenon. But, as someone crude and wise once said to me, “See that hot woman over there? Some guy is getting sick of fucking her right now.” Which is precisely my point. Since most of life and marriage is not about sex and attraction, it seems short-sighted to place the highest value on sex and attraction. If a random guy asked me for blanket dating advice, I’d tell him to look for two qualities first: happy and sane. Brilliant is a bonus. Hot is a bonus. Because if you are with someone who is unhappy and unreasonable when dealing with conflict, you’re never going to have a great marriage — no matter how rich and attractive the both of you are.
Thanks for the thought-provoking question. If you liked my answer, please share it with a friend, and issue your comments below.
   The post What Do Men Find Attractive? appeared first on Dating Coach – Evan Marc Katz | Understand Men. Find Love..
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Original source: https://www.evanmarckatz.com/blog/understanding-men/what-do-men-find-attractive
from WordPress https://hotandsizzlingonline.com/what-do-men-find-attractive/ via IFTTT
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kartiavelino · 6 years
Alfre Woodard On Her Sexy Scenes For ‘Juanita’
Actor Alfre Woodard has performed some memorable and iconic moms in her veteran profession: Winnie Mandela in Mandela (1987); Carolyn in Crooklyn (1994); Loretta Sinclair in Down within the Delta (1998); Wanda Dean in Vacation Coronary heart (2000); Camille Wright in Love & Basketball (2000); Alice Pratt in The Household That Preys (2008); Oiser within the 2012 remake of Metal Magnolias. Simply final yr, she performed Cookie Lyons’ mother Renee on Empire, and returned to her position because the infamous Mariah Dillard in Netflix’s Luke Cage. Extra In Celebs: ‘Black-Ish’ Star Marcus Scribner On Colorism In Hollywood The Golden Globe and Emmy winner expands her work with Netflix in her newest undertaking Juanita, the place she performs a single mom of three grown youngsters who take her with no consideration and have her wishing for a while to herself, if solely to determine who she is and what precisely she desires from her life. Juanita was written by her husband Roderick M. Spencer, but it surely pulls no punches in exploring her sexual needs. BET spoke with Woodard concerning the film and her co-stars, Blair Underwood and LaTanya Richardson Jackson, in addition to her husband’s involvement within the undertaking as screenwriter and the viability of a streaming platform like Netflix transferring ahead. BET: It takes a whole lot of braveness for somebody to confess that his or her life is simply not working, however that’s precisely what your character Juanita does. Have you ever ever discovered your self wanting to vary the narrative of your life? And in that case, how did you go about it? Alfre Woodard: When Juanita says “I’m a ghetto cliché, it’s a touch upon how folks look on her scenario. She shouldn’t be having a tragic life, it’s simply gentle annoyance that almost all mothers, it doesn’t matter what ghetto you’re in, even when you’re in a flowery condominium constructing or an upscale a part of city. It’s simply that it builds, and that’s what occurs to her. It’s taken her a lifetime of individuals ignoring her wants and her satisfying different folks’s wants outdoors of the house and within her dwelling, and it lastly simply sooner or later snaps. And we see it really occurs to her when her good friend [Ms. Berman], the girl that she cares for and will get excessive with on the medical heart, when she passes on it’s like, you gotta do it. To Juanita it’s like, I gotta do one thing for myself, and also you see her scrape her little cash collectively. I’ve by no means needed to change the narrative of my life as a result of I’ve had goals since I used to be 5 years outdated – really 4 years outdated. I’ve had goals and I’ve gone for them. It retains altering as a result of you understand, you’re a five-year-old [person] so there’s not one [dream] you wish to preserve sticking to whenever you’re 20 or 30, however I’ve all the time had one thing in entrance of me and moved in direction of it. I thank God it’s by no means occurred the best way I wished to as a result of it forces me in numerous instructions, which has given my life a whole lot of spice. However no, I consider in consistently making a transfer and mixing it up. Having the ability to be open and versatile, in addition to being able to pivot and shift in a single’s life, is a vital life talent to have, isn’t it? Woodard: I feel it’s instinctual. It’s kinda like–I ask myself this so much – what do I really feel like consuming? What do I’ve a style for? My mom used to do it, so I do it, and if I can’t get what I’ve a style for, I don’t eat, even when I’m hungry. And my husband goes, “I simply can’t consider that, why gained’t you simply eat?” And I say, “No, that’s not what I’ve a style for,” so I feel it’s instinctual. The factor about Juanita that I like is that after she does make a transfer she discovers she’s an agoraphobic. That’s how closed off from life she is true in her neighborhood and proper the place she’s been for most likely highschool, work and every part has been within the neighborhood. She hasn’t seen a panorama so she didn’t even know she had bother with open areas. So it’s not that she heads off to find herself, however she heads off, and she or he opens up, to every kind of issues. So that you get the inconvenience with the potential of journey, and romance, and deepened spirituality. And even the romance and the great intercourse, it’s like yeah, all that’s good however she nonetheless is aware of… that sense of satisfaction coming from inside isn’t full. That’s why she says I gotta preserve transferring. We predict she’s coming again as a result of we all know she is aware of the place life is sweet, and it feels good and you are feeling revered and brought care of in a partnership, however that’s nonetheless a partnership. She’s acquired to be okay with simply herself. Not okay. She’s gotta be happy in a deep method with herself. Juanita has a sizzling and steamy love affair–at least in her fantasies–with Blair Underwood within the movie. On a scale of 1-10, how snug have been you being that up shut and private with scantily dressed Underwood and the way did you two put together in your on-camera “love” scene? Woodard: Initially, you understand my husband wrote this for me, proper? So Blair Underwood shouldn’t be in Sheila Williams’ e book, Dancing on the Fringe of the Roof, which that is based mostly on. However Robert, when he was writing it, he deeply is aware of all of my girls relations for the previous 40 years. I say he is aware of the best way the phrases fly out of their mouth, the best way their hips swing and irrespective of how skilled they’re, those that work as nurses aides or those that work in firms, they nonetheless have that factor, and I knew he knew tips on how to clock it. So, I knew he may discover Juanita and her voice, and the very first thing he stated was, “Okay, the world is wanting over this lady, wanting previous her, and so, each lady wants a fantasy life, so… Blair Underwood!” However, even her fantasy lover is trifling – ain’t that one thing! So, he stated, the one method that that is going to work is that Blair will do it, it needs to be him, as a result of no person can play Blair, and he stated each time she says his title, it’s Blair Underwood, as a result of that’s the complete fantasy. So we referred to as Blair instantly, and Blair beloved it. Robert instructed him that is what I’m writing and Blair stated go for it. Blair’s spouse stated, I’m so glad Robert wrote this for Blair. She stated, “Blair is a idiot! He’s simply loopy!” Blair and I shot some even crazier stuff. You already know, I’ve identified Blair since he was a pet. L.A. Legislation was his first [show] and I did the pilot of that, and we’ve labored for 25 years on South Africa collectively – New South Africa, Free South Africa and The Artist Ground, so I do know him effectively, so it’s effective being enthralled with folks you understand. It turns into a contest to ensure folks go like, Oh yeah, that was sizzling! So it’s a whole lot of enjoyable doing that. You already know, actors, we prepare collectively, you naked your butt and your soul to one another whenever you’re coaching, in order that’s what we do. Most individuals are afraid to indicate these elements of themselves, however an artist can’t reside with out displaying these elements of themselves. Your finest good friend within the movie Kay-Rita is performed by LaTanya Richardson Jackson, spouse of Samuel L. Jackson, and also you two have some nice onscreen chemistry and appear fairly linked as effectively. Are you buddies in actual life? Woodard: She is my girlfriend without end! We didn’t even follow. They needed to cease us yapping between scenes about different stuff and we’d be speaking about [their children] Zoe and Mavis and Duncan, and would hear Clark say motion and carry on speaking concerning the children in our scenes, however yeah, she is my sister. She’s not my S-I-S-T-A-H, she is my S-I-S-T-U-H. We have been simply honored that she got here and did that work with us. One other nice second within the movie is your dialog with the character Peaches concerning the plight of Black boys in Juanita’s neighborhood of Columbus, Ohio. Why was it so vital to deal with the epidemic of disproportionate incarceration of Black males on this movie? Woodard: As a result of my husband is Caucasian and his youngsters are blended youngsters which suggests they’re African-American youngsters.  So his son is now 25, Duncan, however Duncan acquired placed on the curb outdoors of our home at twelve o’clock within the afternoon at 16 years outdated! Got here out of my home, we have been all inside, from taking part in movies, and on the steps he acquired placed on the curb as a result of he regarded like any individual. So it’s in there as a result of it’s part of all people’s life. Persons are like ‘Why are all these black boys sitting on the curb?’ – as a result of it’s designed. And you understand, it’s within the film now as a result of it has all the time been in our lives since my brother, who is nearly 70. Don’t deliver up a narrative when you’re not going to inform each side of it – the entire fact. Additionally, Juanita will get into unlikely alliances – the alliance between Juanita and the indigenous group; the alliance between Juanita and the lesbian…To have the ability to acknowledge the truth that alright don’t be taking a look at me, you’re not my kind, and be trustworthy and have amusing about it and know that we’re there collectively, and we’re taking place collectively as a result of take a look at all people right here taking a look at us – it’s simply plenty of methods of individuals understanding that they’re stronger of their alliances, even one to 1, than they’re on their very own. I like all of that. How do you’re feeling concerning the push to vary the principles for streaming providers being thought of for awards consideration? Woodard: Proper now, with filmed leisure, the taking part in discipline has been thrown up within the air and we don’t know the way it all goes to land. Everyone is scrambling. Let’s name it a chessboard or a recreation board. All of the items are up within the air and all people is scrambling for a spot of energy when it lands. However the fact is, we’re going to have much more of our leisure on totally different platforms, totally different gadgets. I knew I used to be nuts after I stated oh my God, no person ought to watch a film on a sensible telephone. You’ll be able to’t see the cinematography for God’s sake, and all these issues, however you understand, time strikes on, and there’s no option to say we’re gonna preserve this purely in a specific vein when the movies and the films that we’re making and receiving don’t match into that slot anymore. So I feel it’s a dialog value having, but it surely’s like saying, you’re not likely my brother or my sister. You’re my stepsister or my cousin as soon as eliminated. It’s like you understand what? We’re making filmed leisure and you understand, the definition of tv — Roma shouldn’t be a TV film – it’s a movie. We all know what’s TV and what’s movies which might be made and streamed on a monitor in your house referred to as a TV, and I feel which you can’t maintain again that tide, so it’s value a whole lot of dialogue about how we are going to do it, however I feel it’s a purism that will be unable to carry, saying that streaming content material… you don’t actually need the Actual Housewives of Mars competing for finest image. I shouldn’t say that as a result of I like… I’m not gonna say which Actual Housewives however I like certainly one of them. It’s additionally that when Juanita drops, it drops in 150 nations. They dubbed the heck out of it so folks within the Highlands of Tibet can stroll round quoting Juanita. That’s highly effective, and we get to instantly hear a narrative a couple of lady on a river in an East Indian province. It’s a highly effective factor, and so I feel we’re on this space however we have now to simply redefine it, however I don’t assume simply having the knee-jerk closing out is gonna work. It’s like saying tighten the borders. Effectively, you understand what… What’s arising subsequent for you by way of tasks? Woodard: I’ve Lion King popping out this summer time, I’m taking part in Sarabi to Donald Glover’s Simba, and proper now for the previous seven months and I’ve one other month to go, I’ve been taking pictures SEE with [Jason] Mamoa up in British Columbia, in order that’ll come out most likely within the fall. Juanita is streaming now! http://feeds.bet.com/~r/Betcom-Celebrities/~3/UlAoGkTP3XI/alfre-woodard-juanita-interview.html The post Alfre Woodard On Her Sexy Scenes For ‘Juanita’ appeared first on My style by Kartia. https://kartiavelino.com/2019/03/alfre-woodard-on-her-sexy-scenes-for-juanita.html
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omnivore-bibliosaur · 7 years
  Happy holidays everyone! I’m in the midst of creating stocking stuffers full of winter seasonal cheer. Today I’m sharing holiday romances that will keep you warm as we stroll towards the Winter Solstice and indulge in festivities with loved ones, colleagues, and ourselves. Although I’m posting this now, it is by no means finished. I’ll try to add more books (published within the last five years) to future lists as I discover them. Until then, happy listening!
As always, I would love to hear about holiday romances that you’ve enjoyed! Please share them in the comment section below!
That Old Emerald Mountain Magic: A Christmas/Holiday by Cara Malone
Eitan’s Chord: A Lesbian Fairy Trio for Chanukah by Shira Glassman
A Christmas for Carol by Emily Sharp
Winter’s Solace by Magnolia Robbins
Snow Globe by Georgia Beers
A Holloway Holiday by Voss Porter
Mistletoe Mishap by Siri Caldwell
  That Old Emerald Mountain Magic: A Christmas/Holiday (2017) by Cara Malone Join the conversation on Goodreads!
“Carmen hasn’t had snow on Christmas in ten years. Her family has grown accustomed to beaches and extravagant tropical vacations, but she still remembers the snow in Massachusetts when she was a kid. When her dad decides to book a cabin in the idyllic, snow-capped mountains of Colorado for Christmas, the rest of the family is skeptical – why trade palm trees and warm weather for a snowbound ski resort? Carmen’s in the same ‘bah humbug’ mood until she meets the impossibly optimistic, endlessly intriguing Joy and their worlds collide – quite literally – on the slopes. Joy has lived her whole life on Emerald Mountain and watched a lot of people come and go through the resort town. She has learned to expect a certain amount of impermanence here, but Carmen makes her hope for more than just a vacation romance. Can Joy help Carmen and her family rediscover the true spirit of Christmas?”  via Amazon
  Eitan’s Chord: A Lesbian Fairy Trio for Chanukah by Shira Glassman Join the conversation on Goodreads!
“Fairy magic requires fairy intimacy, so when the three Chanukah fairies—cute butch Latke, enthusiastic party girl Dreidl, and their elegant leader Menorah—decide to help an impoverished young couple, a fairy romp is in order! Eitan, a trans man, and his cis wife Abigail work retail and live on love in a studio apartment with broken blinds. If only Abigail’s beaded jewelry would sell online, they’d have a little more cash, but nobody’s biting. While they sleep, the fairies bring the miracle they’re looking for. This story features spicy behavior and is not for children.” via Amazon
  A Christmas for Carol (2017) by Emily Sharp Join the conversation on Goodreads!
“A modern spin on a beloved Christmas classic. After the passing of her best friend, Jacqueline Marley, Elizabeth Scrooge heads up the powerhouse financial firm of Marley and Scrooge. Bitter and angry, love is the furthest thing from her mind. But then she hires a new employee. Carol Cratchit is looking forward to her new job as the personal secretary to Ms. Scrooge. Despite the simmering sexual tension which heats up between them both, Carol couldn’t ever imagine being with someone so cold and heartless. When Scrooge hires Carol to help her with a personal issue outside of work, Carol reluctantly agrees. But with each meeting, Carol begins to see past the hard exterior and sees something inside of Elizabeth that she has been longing for. For a miracle to happen this Christmas, and give the Happily Ever After both need, Elizabeth and Carol have to look into the past, focus on the present, and find the magic they both need for the future.” via Amazon
  Winter’s Solace (2017) by Magnolia Robbins Join the conversation on Goodreads!
Katlynn Walker thought she had it all: a dream job in Silicon Valley. A beautiful California beach house. The love of her life. But her world crumbled beneath her feet the moment she found her best friend in bed with her fiancé. Desperate to escape her harsh new realities, Katlynn flees to her Massachusetts hometown of Wellesley, to spend Christmas at her sister’s cottage. Finding a new love was the last thing on her agenda, but when Katlynn reconnects with an old friend, everything she thought she knew about herself and her future is called into question. Iris’ life changed the minute her mother got sick. With her quiet, cozy world in Wellesley suddenly turned upside-down, there’s no room for more complications — especially not the resurgence of a college crush she thought she’d put out of her mind long ago. But when she finds herself spending the holidays next door to her old classmate Katlynn, Iris can’t ignore the chemistry between them. As the two women navigate their separate heartaches, will they crack under the pressures of life around them? Or can their new bond save them both? via Amazon
  Snow Globe (2013) by Georgia Beers Brisk Press Join the conversation on Goodreads!
“Mackenzie Campbell has no idea her life is about to fall apart. She’s bright and attractive with a good job, a comfortable home and an impending Christmas wedding she’s been planning for months. So when her girlfriend bails less than two weeks before the nuptials, Kenzie’s picture perfect Christmas world is turned upside down. Determined to hold on to at least some shred of her dignity, Kenzie snags her best friend, Allison, and flees the cold of the Northeast to take the honeymoon anyway. The Rainbow’s Edge is an enormous LGBT resort in Southern Florida, and its atmosphere of sun and fun seems to be just what Kenzie needs to help take her mind off of her lost relationship. But can a few hot dances, a mysterious suitor, and a handful of rum runners help her figure out what it is she really wants?” via georgiabeers.com
  A Holloway Holiday (2016) by Voss Porter Dark Hollows Press Join the conversation on Goodreads!
“Under the stress of the holidays, can Cara Spencer and Dre hold it together? Or do they need a little Holloway Holiday magic? At the behest of her brothers, Cara Spencer Holloway picks up the mantle of holiday entertaining, left behind in the wake of her parents’ untimely death, but now she’s beginning to second-guess her every decision. What if she can’t measure up to the memories? What if her brothers don’t think she’s good enough? And why in the world has her partner, Dre Martin, been acting so strangely? Join the Holloway clan as they realize all they truly need is a little holiday magic!” via Amazon
  Mistletoe Mishap (2017) by Siri Caldwell Brussels Sprout Press Join the conversation on Goodreads!
“Ready…set…yes! It seems like a simple challenge: who can make the other person take the Lord’s name in vain the loudest and the most often with the least clothes on before Christmas. With only twelve days to prove that all those years together do not mean she’s forgotten how to goad the love of her life into unbuttoning her own blouse, Kendra has no time to waste. If only Viv played fair… Will mental arithmetic, a little too much coffee, and mistletoe threaded through belt loops help two science professors laugh and love their way through the holidays?” via Amazon
Holiday Romance 2017 Happy holidays everyone! I'm in the midst of creating stocking stuffers full of winter seasonal cheer. Today I'm sharing holiday romances that will keep you warm as we stroll towards the Winter Solstice and indulge in festivities with loved ones, colleagues, and ourselves.
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Mariko Nakamura
((This is one of my NaMoWriMo characters!))
Hi there! I'll be handling your critique today, so please check under the cut for your profile and my thoughts! -Kyo
Name: Mariko Nakamura Gender: Female Sexual Orientation: Lesbian Age: 17 Birthdate: 29/01/2000
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Group/Organizational Affiliations: Liston Mural Club
Best Friends: -Lauren ‘Mango’ Holloway has been her best friend since they were both kids. She is the reason Mariko joined the mural club in the first place. She loves her as a friend, and along with Will, makes up Mariko’s initial friendship group. -Callum ‘Mouse’ Matsumoto is Mariko’s cousin, and goes to the same school as her. He and his family recently moved to her town, and her mother half-asked-half-forced her to hang out with him from time to time. Their relationship is a little awkward as they hardly know each other, but they get along well. -Jazz Sanchez is one of the students at the mural club. Mariko argues with them a lot at first, as they both have strong opinions on what should be going on, and they’re both headstrong people. Other than this, Mariko gets on well with Jazz and they bond over their taste in movies and songs. -Will Weston is her other childhood best friend, though they both met when they were 12. For an awkward month as 13 year olds they went out, promptly leading to each one finding out they like the opposite sex. Will is usually the voice of reason when Mariko gets ideas in her head. -Charley Henderson is a girl in the mural club who is new, like Lezlie. Her father is the new English teacher. Charley gets on okay with Mariko, but there’s a lot that Mariko doesn’t know about her. -Lezlie Jenkins moved to Mariko’s town at the start of the year. They met in a shop, then Mariko saw her again at school. Mariko falls in love with Leslie, but she has no idea if Lezlie feels the same. Relationship Status: Single at the start of the series, then taken by the end. Significant Other: Lezlie Jenkins Other Relationships: -Miss Mendes is the head of the art department, and runs the mural club. She’s Mariko’s favourite teacher, and she helps her out a lot in pursuing an art career. -Mariko is very close to her mother, especially after the divorce, and looks up to her. When she came out, although her mother didn’t understand well, she was accepting of Mariko. However they have different ideas of what Mariko should do with her life. Where she wants to be an artist, her mother wants her to do something more academic like law or maths, which is the cause of a lot of heated discussions between them. -Mariko’s relationship with her father is very rough. She blames him for splitting up her parent’s marriage, and for then marrying a woman 20 years younger than him. His father is also a traditional man, and is convinced that Mariko just needs to find the right man. Although he cares about her, Mariko’s father is often absent from her life and doesn’t show up to important events in her life. When she was 15, her art was shown in an ‘amateur’s gallery showing’ and he turned up to it 10 minutes after it had finished.
Height: 5”5 Build: Mariko is short but slim. She has okay leg muscles from biking to her school most mornings, and doing sports in-school. Skin Tone: Warm tan Hair: Mariko’s hair is choppy, and it hangs just below her shoulders. It’s fairly thin, and completely straight. Her hair is black, with hints of brown at the ends. Eyes: She has round, hooded eyes that are slightly far apart. They’re a light brown with flecks of darker brown in them around the pupil. Identifying Marks: Mariko has a small tattoo of a lightening bolt on her left collarbone. Her, Will, and Mango got them done together at the same place. His is a cloud, and Mango’s is a sun. Appearance: Mariko has a slightly pointed nose, and thin eyebrows that she fills in. Her hair is messily cut, as she did it herself, but it’s always brushed and knot-free, but usually in a beanie. Mariko has no freckles, but she has a few acne scars on her face. Her jaw is sharp and pointed, and her shoulders aren’t broad like some of her friends. She’s fairly short, but wears heels usually to make up for it, or boots. She likes wearing anything, but usually wears a t-shirt and shorts if it’s weather appropriate. Her fingers are long and thin, and she usually has her fingernails painted any colour she likes.
Backstory: Mariko’s lived in Liston her whole life, after her parents moved there before she was born. When she was eleven, Mariko’s parents divorced after it was discovered her father had been having an affair for the past four years without telling anyone. She lived with her mother on weekdays, then went to her father’s on weekends, though more often than not she’d aim to organise plans with her friends on the weekend so she wouldn’t have to be there constantly. She was friends with Mango her entire life, as they met in preschool, and as they lived close they went to the same schools. Mariko met Will when she moved up a school, and went out with him for a very brief period. Afterwards, she discovered that she didn’t like guys like that, but just dismissed it. It was when she was 14 that she realised she was gay. Mariko had a passion for art, and slowly began to improve as she got older. When the year started at school, she joined the Liston mural club along with Jazz, Will, Mango, Mouse, Charley and Lezlie.
Personality: Mariko is lively and energetic. She’s a wild spirit, and she’s the one who drags Will and Mango out to parties on school nights. She can sometimes be brash and impulsive, and speaks without thinking with brutal honesty, which ends up hurting people’s feelings and she’s had more than a few arguments due to this. Mariko is very open about who she is, but doesn’t talk much about how she feels with her friends, as she doesn’t really know how, which can lead to her lashing out harshly to some of her friends and family who don’t deserve it. Although she isn’t ashamed of who she is, sometimes her father’s negative comments can get to her, but she won’t let anyone know that due to her ‘pride’. She acts without properly considering any of the consequences sometimes. Mariko has a good sense of humour, and is very creative. She’s incredibly protective and defensive over her friends, to the point she’s willing to fight someone if they hurt them, which she has done before. Mariko is a hopeless romantic, and shamelessly flirts with people, sometimes jokingly and sometimes not. She has lots of bad ideas that usually end up with her in trouble if Will isn’t there to stop her, and she’s usually fun to be around in general. Motivations: Mariko is motivated by her friends and family and how much she cares about them, and by her determination to become an artist and make money off of doing what she loves instead of being stuck behind a desk all day. Current Goal: Get Lezlie Jenkins to go out with her. Life Goal: To get her art in a professional gallery. Motto: Those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind. Best Quality: Loyalty, creativity. Worst Quality: Anger, thoughtless. Fears: Being rejected. Hobbies: Mariko enjoys all types of art, whether it’s digital or painting. She also loves long drives, and got her license as soon as she came of age. She goes on long road trips with her friends, but also bikes to school with them every morning. Talents: Art, chemistry, biology, drama. Skills: Determined, fast-reader.
Influential Memories: When she kissed Will Weston in Year 9 and realised she didn’t like guys. The first time her, Mango and Will all went camping together on Sansack hill. They talked all night and it was really fun, and Mariko found out things about her friends she didn’t even know. When her work got in an ‘amateur’s gallery’. At first she was proud, then only Mango and Will showed up even though her father had promised to. Her mother was away on a business trip, but her dad had no excuse and it spoiled the night for her. Role Model: Her mother. She looks up to her for being so strong throughout the divorce with her father, and for being successful despite the odds stacked against her. Crush: Lezlie Jenkins. Source of Embarrassment: Mariko often gets ashamed of herself after she yells at one of her friends or gets in an argument, and is also ashamed of the fact her pride gets in the way of apologizing. That, and Will has hundreds of embarrassing pictures of her on his phone. Source of Pride: Mariko is proud of herself for achieving and improving her work constantly, with or without her mother’s approval of her art.
Much like your previous submission, I get a good sense of what Mariko looks like and what her personal style is based on her appearance section. However, I think this section could benefit from a quick edit to organize it better - it reads like a series of scattered thoughts, and it could definitely be cleaned up, especially under the "Appearance" subheader. Try describing Mariko from the top down: start with her face, then her hair, then her body and clothing, then accessories. This could help improve the flow in this section.
I like Mariko's personality description and I feel like I have a good handle on what kind of person she is. It also feels well-organized and there's a logical flow to the details you've included. If I were going to make one suggestion about this section, it would be to consider your sentence length - some of your sentences are very long and could be cut into smaller pieces so that they're easier to understand.
Mariko's backstory is fairly sparse, and again, I'd like to see more details about how she got involved with the mural club or how she became interested in her hobbies. I do appreciate that she doesn't necessarily have a "traumatic" backstory like a lot of LGBT characters do - it's nice to see characters who are LGBT just because they are, not because something happened to them. Consider adding more information here that ties in aspects of her personality or relationships, but it's not really necessary.
Overall, I feel like you have a good start with Mariko. There are a few improvements that could be made, but she's pretty solid as it is. If you decide to revise her and resubmit after NaNoWriMo, I'd love to take another look, but until then, I hope this helps. Good luck!
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Flops With Style, Consolation And Bling From Swarovski Havaianas By Store Flip Flops
At first look it seems ironic that Europe, long disdainful of American-model capitalism and haughtily happy with its womb-to-tomb smorgasbord of lavish authorities-managed goodies, ought to be tightening its varied belts, while on this facet of the massive pond we continue to tinker with our economy to conjure up just the right combination of American-style socialism and the free market activity needed to assist it. But for the definitive Ibiza seaside celebration, head to Bora Bora, half means along d'en Bossa seashore. The spontaneous character is good for going out, however sometimes not for the longer relationship. You can see some of the city partitions and ruins of a Greek theater. The white sands of this beautiful seashore are fashionable throughout summer time with each locals and worldwide visitors to the Mother Metropolis of Cape City, South Africa. If you buy a product from an internationally recognized producer there's each probability that the product will last and last and provide very many years of fine service. Whereas hidden in the island of Crete, Europa was having fun with the caress of Zeus, her father Aginor despatched his three sons and his solely grandson Thassos to seek out Europa and instructed them to look until they discover her. Not only can you dine right here through the day however when the sun goes down you can have enjoyable on the beds on stilts at Nikki Seashore. Athens Calm down caters to a blended-age clientele and is a big sauna directly throughout the road from one in every of Athen's widespread golf equipment, while the smaller Hera caters to a more mature clientele. Internally, you can take 3-four drops of untamed oregano oil in a glass of water 2 occasions per day. The country side should be woke up and embraced; spare a while and visit these Greece's chiseled parts i.e. the smaller villages and cities. Depending on the time of year you propose to journey, each to and from Greece, can have a significant impression in your selection of a price range journey Greece choice. Greater than 200 years age, they started the idea that each citizen ought to take an active half in Authorities, historians regard them because the founder of western civilization. Another great choice when selecting which Greek islands to go to during your journey is Crete. Try to hold your itinerary in a manner in an effort to spend extra time exploring these islands and fewer on stays. The island has fancy resorts, mountains, beaches and villages to keep you busy. 1. The "if it feels good then do it" method of art instruction. You may't go to Athens with out dropping by the Parthenon. Consequently, many foreign buyers have been energetic in purchasing residence properties in Greece. The island met occasions of glory and financial robustness, but in addition occasions of decline. If you happen to love summer season, Greece is the ideal vacation vacation spot since it has various seashores! My best buddy actually tried fenugreek supplements in large doses, and she mentioned that it didn't assist her, and she also mentioned that she by no means seen the maple syrup odor in her sweat or urine, so maybe the herb just did not work together with her specific bodily chemistry. Three days after our first assembly John invited me again to his residence…it turned out to be essentially the most luxurious penthouse in town overlooking the Gulf of Siam…a private elevator, five stand alone balconies with gardens and mini-waterfalls, a sauna, enormous living room, three or 4 bedrooms, and Bacon lithographs hanging from all the walls. Take pleasure in music, fire-jugglers and drumming around the huge bonfires which are lit throughout the summer season vacation season. // Lunch = limitless gentle drinks, water, wines from the native wineries, Greek barbeque with recent meat and seafood, Greek salads, breads & dips. Remarkably when talking about land use change emissions, nations such as the USA, Europe and China have been in the year 2000 web absorbers of CO2 owing to their aforestation (planting new forests) and reforestation (re establishing old forest areas) applications. One of the vital widespread places in Greece is Athens which is a must visit region for any traveler here. Bear in mind, still questions go unanswered as to how the bigger European governments and the IMF will continue to maintain Greece going with out placing more money in. It offers them an opportunity to make a massive savings, which they'll spend elsewhere throughout their vacationing period. In this museum, you'll absolutely have a wonderful time looking at artifacts from the traditional intervals of Greece. Nice for households or those that want to get off the crushed truck you possibly can go to Ruma Nationwide Park. Whereas Crete doesn't precisely have a scene, this island that's common with all sorts of travelers does have a LGBT-owned mattress and breakfast, a handful of LGBT bars and establishments, seashores and a usually welcoming environment, making this one other nice stop on a vacation to Greece. It has fashionable buildings but nonetheless retains a small a part of the town that homes its older buildings. Secluded coves surrounded by gigantic cliffs and palm and pine tree forests abound in Greece, and one ought to undoubtedly see the country's stunning seashore of their lifetime, it's an expertise you possibly can't overlook. This island has pebbled beaches, restaurants and an inviting city. It is the same location from where the Olympic Flame starts its journey and gets carried to the sport venues. The traditional Chinese language liked and appreciated flowers a lot that they positioned fresh lower flowers of their temples, and created art works illustrating flowers on scrolls, silk fabric, vases, plates and gadgets of embroidery. cheap hotels huntsville al Turns out the other Europeans - Germans and Scandinavians, in particular - are paying Greece's payments, since these international locations have achieved a significantly better job of managing their economies (though how significantly better off their economies could be if they didn't excel, too, at ladling out the swag, we could never know). Britt Goodwin (2005) and Jessica Lindgren (2006) took dwelling the finalist locations within the two years that Huge Brother Sweden was co-produced and filmed with the Norwegian present. If nice weather is vital to you, the winter is likely one of the worst times to see northern Europe. Based mostly on scientific data, folks across the Mediterranean basin had lower charges of cardiovascular disease in comparison with People who, for all intents and functions, consumed the identical relative quantity of fat. In 1672 another controversy erupted over the character of sunshine: Newton argued that mild was some sort of a particle, so that gentle from the sun reaches the earth as a result of these particles might travel through the vacuum. So, both get your flights booked properly in advance, or decide the time when yow will discover much less crowd in any respect locations. In the city's center you will discover such sights because the Archeological Museum, the Maritime Museum, the Folklore Museum and Paraportianí. The Greek phrase "filoxenia" means "love of strangers", thus the journey nurse will find themselves welcomed into Greek life with nice exuberance. Italy or Greece can be good choices in case you are restricted to a winter trip. Entanglement exhibits us that it's attainable to link collectively two quantum particles - photons of light or atoms, for instance - in a special method that makes them successfully two components of the same entity. It is a well-known proven fact that there are more Greek individuals speaking their native language residing outside Greece than there are within the nation itself. Astypalia is definitely two islands which might be connected by an isthmus, with most of its guests being Greeks. Good costs, good meals, good music, are available in and go searching." They say in good English. Then, to further show simply how tough these guys are, their very own support staff pours a bucket of water on their heads, pummels their backs, and slaps them in the face a few occasions…. Of historic importance to the lesbian community and all the time filled with lesbian vacationers, Lesvos is a should-see for girls on trip to Greece. There are the typical Greek lodges, along with villas, residences, rooms, hostels and camping obtainable for people travelling in Greece, with 'island hopping' a favorite amongst many individuals, younger and previous alike!. This is one of the famed ‘White Villages' of Andalucia, and Carratraca has been famend for the healing properties of its sulphur-water springs for tons of of years. The very best time to visit it is late winter early spring when is the rain season. If an individual is curious about residential housing in that part of the nation, the most effective guess at this point in time is apartments (which can be discussed in more element shortly). If you're going to Greece, then absolutely the Acropolis is in your high ten list because this is a very great historical site within the country. Whereas this will make one, who can not draw or paint, be ok with themselves for awhile, it teaches completely no fundamentals within the visible arts. Due to the large number of people who travel to Greece each and every year, one of these actual estate funding is proving to be very profitable for a significant number of overseas nationals. This nice temple was constructed between 447 and 338 BC. It's thought of a masterpiece of historic Greek structure and a symbol of perfection in its magnificence and charm. The far end of the seashore (away from Ibiza Town) is calmer, with less individuals and house music. Make sure to use a professionally designed equipment, too, so your proposal will look nice. Hyperbole: The meals was so good it obtained day off for conduct. It reminds of calendar from Greece, with photos of stark white houses surrounded by blue skies and waters. Finding an lodging that can fit your requirements and funds in Greece generally is a tricky business. Whereas discovering the right way to use scorching, pressurized carbon dioxide to re-harden stone surfaces, Greek engineers have learned about ancient strategies and are reconstructing as much of the temple as potential. Greek gastronomy might not be as famous as different European connoisseur, but as soon as you are in Greece, you will understand why people love visiting Athens other than sightseeing and historical past exploration. In recent years, Lanzarote in Canary Islands has developed as the perfect low-cost holidays within the solar. The saddle will get moist throughout this process, you should utilize a suede brush throughout cleansing to assist half any greasy suede. If you wish to journey to Greece, you too can find some higher fare flights from Italy, take a ferry from Italy to Greece, or just make a connecting flight from Spain to London with Ryanair, and from there to Greece with EasyJet. In truth, by the 5th century BC, pottery had turn out to be an industry and pottery portray ceased to be an necessary art form of historical Greece. Greece is mostly standard for its art, tradition and literature. Right here in Corfu at a distance of roughly 2 km from Benitses you will find a museum that houses particular collections of shells from the sea, fossils of fishes, corals, and enamel of sharks, sponges together with different marine remains. The National Backyard is an ideal place to go to if you feel the need to get in contact with nature whereas remaining throughout the metropolis correct. The authenticity of the place could be enjoyed with a whole lot of relaxation and joy. So, in case you really feel famished and open to try the Greek gastronomy, you shall consider making an attempt all these dishes together with a number of more that may be seen in the menu chart. Traditions, language, music, meals, and wine are all major elements of the Greek culture and go away a long-lasting impression on all vacationers that visit it. Visitors can hearken to traditional Greek folk music, Dimotiko Tragoudi, which originated within the early 9th century while partaking within the rich delicacies of the country.
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shadowsatlantis · 7 years
Dreaming up Atlantis - Chapter 1 God Save the Dreamers
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What do you want to be when you grow up? The question is asked to every kid. The answer is supposed to be whimsical. I thought that was the point. How can a small child plan for their future when they are still ruled by imagination? That’s what I think now. But back then I was always jarred by the inevitable, “Oh you can’t be a singer without a way to make money.” To be an artist means you will be starving. That was my programming. I have a rebellious nature, so I grew up determined to be ok with being starving. I got off on the wrong foot.
I would always shoot for the moon, but I was keenly aware of the limitations. I couldn’t fly. I didn’t have a space ship. Not to mention, the moon was in space where I couldn’t survive even if I could somehow miraculously escape the atmosphere. But I never stopped believing. Underneath my sad awareness of impossibility, I somehow managed to bumble through being a dreamer. I’m not usually the one to sit and tell stories. I’m usually the one listening. Unless there’s banter to be had, and then I’m all talk. I thrive on small talk and silly quipping. I can’t say as though a good intellectual discussion is out of the question, but when someone goes off talking about their thoughts all the time without room for the volley, I get bored pretty fast. It’s one thing to have something to share. It’s another to have a discussion about it.
Because of this, I don’t talk about my past much. If what I have to say can’t be said in a minute or less, I don’t bother. When people sit and force me to listen to their long winded stories for 15 minutes, inside my mind, I’m screaming, “Are you ever going to stop talking?” The value of telling our stories should be reserved for writing. And so, for all those who have forced me to sit and listen to their constant babble, here is my life story.
I grew up in Los Angeles. It was back in the days where we had high pollution, and couldn’t breathe. My school was full of mean kids who liked to prey on sensitive kids. If you reacted, they would continue their abuse. I reacted, so I was in the pantheon of the teased. I spent my days wishing I was someone else, making up stories in my head. My bubble was safe. My imagination, impenetrable. The school was called Holy Trinity. But I called it Holy Tragedy. The church bells would ring, and I would listen to the music. The sun would shine into the window, and I would watch the dust floating in the air. I was the kid who would sit for hours playing with my little “people” who lived in the perfect worlds I would create for them. I was a god.
One day we had a creative writing assignment. It was an essay on the family pet. I had a goldfish. So I had the brilliant idea of writing from its POV. My way of personifying a fish’s life was unique and funny. The teacher read it out loud to the class. Everyone laughed and cheered. And when it came time to reveal the mystery author, the class gasped in awe that it was me, that weird, dirty kid with divorced parents and a cool older brother who played on the flag football team. From then on, somehow I started building up a rapport with the kids I had grown to despise. One of the “popular” boys who sat behind me in class kept asking me what I was writing in my journal. I would lean in and cover it so he wouldn’t be able to see it. I didn’t trust him. But eventually he pestered me enough that I told him I was writing a fantasy book. We were in the 5th grade. He was impressed, and from then on he started defending me, and telling everyone I was an author.
That was when my dad was transferred to Washington, DC, and we moved away from L.A. So much for finally being accepted. Dad was in the Airforce, but we never lived on a base. He was in the aerospace field, working on Titan missiles. Apparently, he was a minuteman in Montana when I was born. I must have been about 4 when my parents split up. Half the week was spent at one place, and half at the other. To me I just had parents who lived in different houses between San Pedro and Long Beach, the harbor area of Los Angeles. My brother and I were tricksters. My mom would get out the wooden spoon to “punish” us, and we would leap around out of her reach, taunting and saying “oooooo the wooden spooooon.” Even though it was a broken situation, I liked my two homes. But when that DC job at the Pentagon arrived, our fragile existence was blown to bits.
My dad had gotten remarried, and my little brother came into the world. My mom took the opportunity to move to Colorado, where she had always wanted to be. It was 1984, the year the Olympics were in Los Angeles. Having to start over as a 12-year old who had finally earned acceptance with my peers was a contributing factor to my continued psychosis. Teenagers are fragile creatures. It is a time of developing hormones, and deciding how we fit into the world. My stepmother and I never got along from day one. She was a hard-headed woman, and I was a troubled kid turning misguided teen. It was a bad mix. While home became the clash of the titans, I had no choice but to make the best of school life.
I spent the first year watching the way kids did things in public middle school. I wore my brother’s heavy metal shirts, even though I didn’t like the music. I had been in a Catholic private school before with a uniform, so I never knew how to dress to impress. When I came back the next year, I had been to see my mom, and visited my fabulous granny in Austin, Texas. I got a makeover. The women in my life were determined to help me fit in.
I had new clothes, makeup, and a new attitude. I was popular for the first time, even considered pretty for the first time. I participated in the weird games that teenagers play with each other. I needed to fit in. I changed my very nature to become popular. I was even mean. Sometimes ruthless. It was my way of lashing back at the world for being so cruel. I became even more cruel. More manipulative. Me as a villain was a very bad thing, because I found I was better than everyone else at it.
One day, one of the girls I knew said I would make a cute couple with the most popular boy in school. I watched him for a while and calculated my conquest. Then I made my move. It was entirely strategic. I did it just for the challenge. But what I discovered was love. We actually did make a cute couple. And he was nice. And he genuinely liked me. So we had a semester of perfect love. It brought out the real me.
When summer hit, my parents decided I would move to Colorado to live with my mom. The conflict at home was just too much to bear. I denied it at first, preferring to believe my version of the story. I wrote to my boyfriend, saying I would be back, and we would start high school together. But when summer was over, my belongings showed up in a box, and I was now a Coloradoan. I grew up with a broken heart. But that was my first real heart break.
At first I tried my technique of changing who I was, and being ruthless. But the wind was gone from my sails. I no longer cared what people thought of me. I started to drink. I was now a party girl. My older brother was always good at making friends. He was a musician. His buddies became my buddies. I was the one sister who was part of their crew. I dressed how I wanted, did what I wanted, talked to people I thought were interesting. I auditioned for the top choir at school and made it, so choir became my life. Every year I went to high school, everyone thought I was a senior. I had lockers in the senior hall. We had an open campus, so I would leave school with my friends and smoke weed. I would empty out half a bottle of juice and fill it with vodka.
My mom was an international journalist, so she would travel. My brother and I would stay at home alone. Naturally, we had giant keg parties. We got in trouble a few times, but ultimately, our teenaged years were the essence of freedom. Everyone looked up to us. My brother’s band would play at the house, and people drove by every weekend to see if our little “underground venue” was popping. 6 times out of 10 it would be.
My brother moved out before the end of high school. His buddies had a big house in downtown Fort Collins on Mason Street across from Avogadro’s Number. Much to my mom’s relief, that became the place to party instead of our place. The train went down the street. We would put pennies on the tracks and find them flattened later. We played music. Dungeons and Dragons. And we drank. I suppose they did harder drugs. That was just what happened in that town. We owned Fort Collins. Every street belonged to us.
I fell in love with my brother’s best friend. He was a genius. He would serenade me with classical guitar. He was incredibly hot. The manager of Avogrado’s. I was in high school still. At first he was cautious about his best friend’s sister, but over the years, he had to submit to our chemistry. I would leave school and crawl into his window. We laughed a lot. But he liked drugs. He would disappear for days with his lesbian drug dealer, and show up again without an explanation. I would be upset, but he would fall back into my good graces immediately with his charm and good looks.
When my senior prom came around, I arranged a beautiful pink princess dress. He backed out. I tried to go with some other older guy I had met, but decided I wasn’t inspired. I didn’t attend my prom. I got drunk instead. I knew he was depriving me of an important American rite of passage. I decided it didn’t apply to me anyway. I cut up the princess dress into a mini skirt with a tank top, and rocked it at a concert instead.
I was in love with my genius, high school sweetheart, and he had decided not to be my prince. We stayed together for 3 years. That’s a long time in my world. Eventually my brother lashed out at him. He was mad that his “best” friend treated his sister like shit. Somehow years went by, and the genius never really understood why my brother betrayed him. So much for the awareness of dudes. I graduated in 1990, and joined a band called Perspectives. That was to be my future. It lasted for a while until they all decided to kick me out. I was kind of a slut. Guys don’t like it when a girl sleeps around in a group. Lame. My future was in ruins. I got my first place. A nice one bedroom apartment at Horsetooth Reservoir above Fort Collins. I had a dog named Shawnya. She was the love of my life, a beautiful Australian Shepard/pointer mix. She stayed with me through thick and thin, always my emotional support.
She got hit by a car once and fractured her pelvis. I brought her into the vet. They said they needed to operate and cut off the ball of her femur in order to get the pelvis back into place. But when they went into the surgery, they had cut at the wrong angle. They closed her back up and sent her home, scheduling another surgery date. They didn’t give me pain killers for her. They wanted to discourage her from walking on it. For weeks, her leg dangled lifeless as she hobbled on three legs. Otherwise she would lie in the bed and cry.
I spent hours holding a heating pad on her hip. I imagined light coming out of my hands. I had read about light healing. This was my first experience with it. When I brought her back in, she was limping on her leg. They said that shouldn’t have been possible. They took an x-ray and were amazed. They brought in specialists. The bone had grown back into its socket. They didn’t need to operate after all. It was a miracle.
I went in and out of depression. I was a miserable child turned angry teenager. But I had a hunger for knowledge. I was raised with religion. But the church didn’t practice what it preached. In Catholic school the kids were cruel to me, and the teachers never did anything about it. I would cry, and they would ignore me. I would have my revenge. When I was confirmed, and my adulthood in the church consecrated, I announced that was I was no longer Catholic. I prayed every night like I was supposed to. But more often than not, I would end up meditating. I would leave my body and travel through the cosmos. I would contemplate death for hours. I would wonder where the universe ended. I would try and remember where I was before I was born. I would reach out across the world and feel people on the other side of the planet.
I always believed in God. But I couldn’t wrap my head around the finite depiction of heaven and hell. I couldn’t imagine that church was the only way to reach an understanding. I went to the public library and took out books on theology. I liked Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoist philosophy. What struck me about Hinduism was their concept of time, and above all, reincarnation. It struck a chord in me. So I branched out and found New Age philosophy and occultism. I had struck gold…
(Stay tuned for chapter 2)
Mara Powers is author of the critically acclaimed series Shadows of Atlantis. www.shadowsofatlantis.com
(Stay tuned for chapter 2)
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