#a medicine cat and a warrior from another clan
androgynous-fox · 2 months
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the actual difference between warrior cats and watership down btw. if you even care.
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t4tdanvis · 1 year
Glad i’m not the only person who thinks leafpool and vylad go together
vylad and gene are like leafpool and crowfeather but if she COULD fix him
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denkies · 1 year
🐈 clan-confessions  Follow
i'll never say this publicly but honestly i think tigerstar had some valid ideas about having one big clan. obviously he was super wrong with all the violence and force, but one big clan could solve a lot of issues. No more border patrol fighting, more food for everyone during leaf-bare season, no drama involving cross-clan mates, etc etc. a lot of deaths could be avoided if we all took care of one another instead of fighting all the time
🌠 fishluvr76  Follow
ok are we all going to ignore that anon is siding with a literal DICTATOR??? :/
🌸 sweet-tooth  Follow
That's not what they meant and you KNOW it. They brought up some valid points about preserving lives, and denounced Tigerstar's actions as much too violent. Starclan above, no cat can have an opinion these days...
🌒 singlequeen7  Follow
Honestly I don't know how I feel about this... each Clan is beautifully unique and has their own traditions, which would fade away if Clans were desolved altogether. But OP makes a valid point about less violence and food scarcity. I hate the idea of sending my kits off to become Warriors, only for them to die during a stupid argument about Sunningrocks. A pile of rocks is NEVER worth a cat's life, whether they are in your Clan or not. And we have lost lives like that before.
🍄 medicinepawz  Follow
I agree! Traditions are important, but every medicine cat knows that working together saves lives. Sharing herbs can stop the spread of greencough, and sharing prey stops kits from crying from hunger. We really need a better system, because I can't cry myself to sleep another night, blaming myself for not having enough cobwebs to stop a kit from bleeding out in front of me.
🐅 lonelywarrior5346-deactivated
leave it to a woman and a medicine cat to emotionally manipulate proud warriors into giving up our PURECLAN bloodlines and Clan patriotism lolol
🍄 medicinepawz   Follow
🐛 bug-enjoyer  Follow
> complains about "emotional manipulation" (it wasn't?)
> proceeds to be misogynystic AND racist in the same sentence???
> we get it babygirl, you want to fuck Tigerstar. weird ass mf.
🐈‍⬛ moondrops  Follow
"Lonelywarrior5346" is Flintstep from Riverclan btw
🌸 sweet-tooth  Follow
🫐 berrycloud  Follow
🌌 dorkstar  Follow
nah bc which one of you killed this dude yesterday lmfao 😭💀
🌸 sweet-tooth  follow
🐛 bug-enjoyer  Follow
@ dorkstar say sike right now 😭😭
🌌 dorkstar  Follow
border patrol found him dead in a ravine 😭 yall play too much
🫐 berrycloud  Follow
when i said get his ass i did not mean like this
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everybody-loves-purdy · 4 months
With a bit of inference, Moth Flight’s Vision is an accidental tragedy about generational trauma.
Moth Flight’s Vision is a book which tries to justify the medicine cat abstinence rule, and it fails at this. This is mainly due to the exceptional circumstances Moth Flight was in when she gave up her kits. And obviously you have the fact she was a very young mother with four children in a time before a nursery system and when Moth Flight herself was also navigating being the first ever medicine cat. But I want to bring up another aspect of Moth Flight’s Vision that heavily influences our titular character’s decision to give up her children and bar all medicine cats from ever having mates or kits: Trauma.
And I want to stress that at no point so I think the Erins wanted to make this a story about trauma. But boy did they accidentally make a pretty compelling story about generational trauma. You need to squint a little though but trust me, it’s there. Accidentally put in the narrative like some of the best stuff in warrior cats often is.
So the trauma I am referring two comes from two cats in her life, her mother Wind Runner/ Windstar and her mate Micah.
So if we start with the former, Wind Runner at the start of Moth Flight’s Vision is very critical of Moth Flight. She has no patience for Moth Flight getting distracted and her lack of hunting skill, and voices how she dislikes Moth Flight’s lack of prey contribution to the clan, and frequently insults her and makes snide remarks to her. Such as you can see in just this one example.
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All this leaves Moth Flight feeling inferior and feeling like she is wrong.
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All this cumulates in an argument in which Wind Runner lists how irresponsible she believes Moth Flight to be tells Moth Flight she is a danger to her clan. And Moth Flight believes her, and runs away.
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Now after this once Moth Flight returns as a medicine cat we don’t really get anything like this from Wind Runner again but the damage is done. Now here’s where the inference has to start coming in a bit. Who wouldn’t be left with a complex after this? Who wouldn’t be left with the need to prove themselves however they can? Moth Flight certainly sets out to please Wind Runner and prove she can be useful to her clan in the early part of the book when she’s receiving this abuse. So why would it just evaporate later when she actually finds something she’s good at and can be of great use to her clan doing? Just put a pin in that for a moment.
Also while we’re talking about Wind Runner; Moth Flight has a conversation with her dead siblings about how she wishes she could please Wind Runmer, which leads to her dead siblings saying that the reason Wind Runner is so harsh towards Moth Flight is because of the trauma she experienced when she lost her kits. Wind Runner’s trauma is ultimately what is causing her to inflict trauma onto Moth Flight.
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And now we move onto the second inflicter of trauma in Moth Flight’s life: Micah. Don’t worry, unlike Wind Runner, Micah didn’t inflict any trauma on Moth Flight through his own actions. Unless you count dying in a tragic accident right in front of Moth Flight. In which case yeah, his actions did inflict trauma on her. At least it was an accident.
Micah’s death deeply traumatises Moth Flight. She cannot bear to be in WindClan due to it, she lives in ShadowClan for a moon, avoiding going home due to her grief, and then only travels back once she realises she is pregnant, and decides she wants to be with kin.
The stage is set. The Erins have a young cat set up about to have four kittens that she’s going to give away and change the medicine cat code forever. What they do not realise is that the trauma they have influenced on this character can most definitely be inferred to have an effect on her actions surrounding her children from this point forward, ultimately being perceived as a large push as to why she gives them up.
The book wants us to believe that she gives up her kittens because it is just inherently impossible to be a medicine cat and have mates and children. Which isn’t true as cats such as Leafpool and Yellowfang have since proven wrong. And obviously there are the exceptional circumstances Moth Flight herself has been subjected to during this period. But her trauma can also be perceived to pay a huge part in her feeling like she cannot balance her duties and her children.
To start off with. The first moon of her kits life is fine. Moth Flight steps back from medicine cat duties and lets the very knowledgeable Reed Tail take primary healer duties for the clan. The book skips over the first moon with her kits and therefore we can assume nothing important happens, and no issues come from Moth Flight raising her kits for this first moon. Moth Flight does reflect that how she did on occasion try and do checkups but her kits always called her away. And here, while Moth Flight is reflecting on this, we get this paragraph:
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So here we learn two things:
She feels ready to stop having Reed Tail help her when her kits are a moon and a half (6 weeks) old.
Moth Flight does not want to let go of her kits for any amount of time. She equates Slate saying that she can leave the kits for short periods to them not having a mother figure in their lives. And she thinks her kits can only receive adequate love from her.
So with point 1, Moth Flight’s kittens are still little babies. And she feels that she should go back to being a full time medicine cat when they’re still that young despite having Reed Tail to hold the fort, and dismissing him as her helper entirely after this point. And here I’m going to bring back the idea of inference. I feel that this could stem from Wind Runner’s abuse at the start of the book. Wind Runner left her daughter feeling so compelled to be useful to her clan that she’s throwing herself back into her work far too early in order to keep her mother happy and be of use to the clan in the only way Moth Flight feels she can be. Is any of this written in the book? Hell no. But I feel that you can absolutely infer that Moth Flight’s drive to get back to work so soon is due to the lasting trauma and insecurities her mother had imposed on her.
Point 2 is a lot to unpack and here, and this is a point that comes up again, how Moth Flight feels compelled to take care of her kits personally rather than hand them off to babysitters due to their lack of a living father.
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So if we use some of that inference here, we can infer that Micah’s death has left Moth Flight insecure about leaving her children alone. She feels that she is the only one who can properly take care of them in her clan. And, undoubtedly by accident, this idea comes back. There are two incidents with her leaving her kits to be babysat and irresponsible babysitting causes the kits to get hurt. The first is where she goes to a gathering and Rocky encourages three of the kits to climb a rock but tells the fourth she’s not ready. So the very next day she climbs the rock. She falls, she gets hurt. And not once does Moth Flight get angry at Rocky for encouraging her children to climb a big rock, oh no, she blames herself.
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There isn’t one second where she thinks about how it’s Rocky’s fault this situation arose. She entirely blames herself for it, and the situation is never even discussed with Rocky.
And then something similar happens later on. Storm Pelt is supposed to be watching the kits while Moth Flight goes to RiverClan. And then all four kits end up following her and one of them falls in the river. She doesn’t blame Storm Pelt for any of this. She doesn’t have a single word of blame to say to him about him allowing all four of her children to follow her to RiverClan. And from that we can infer (even though again, the book doesn’t say) she feels the blame lies with herself. This inference can be strengthened given that this is the incident which causes her to feel she should give up her kits.
On top of her feeling wholly responsible for her kits at all times no matter who is looking after them, the main other way they distract her from her medicine cat duties is when she suddenly becomes paranoid that some horrible tragedy has befallen them while she isn’t watching them. And I think all of this paranoia and heightened sense of responsibility regarding her kits all comes down to Micah.
He died traumatically in front of her eyes. She feels extra protective of her children because they no longer have a father. And we can infer that her paranoia of them meeting a gruesome fate has come from her witnessing the painful death of her beloved Micah.
And where does this leave us? All this trauma stemming from both her mother and beloved? Well, Moth Flight decrees that medicine cats must not have mates or kits. She then inflicts trauma onto her own children by separating them and forcing them all to live apart. The trauma that Wind Runner and Moth Flight experienced can now be inferred to have trickled down to both Moth Flight’s kits, and many, many medicine cats for decades to come. The book wants you to believe this is because kits can distract from medicine cat duties, that they can pull a medicine cat away from important duties. But that only happens in Moth Flight’s Vision due to poor babysitters or mainly Moth Flight becoming paranoid that her kits are going to die horribly like their father once they’re out of her sight.
Is this all a stretch? Absolutely. I have no doubt this was absolutely not the intention of the Erins at all. But in the words of Todd Chavez:
Isn’t the point of art less what people put into it and more of what people get out of it?
And thats what I get out of Moth Flight’s Vision. A story about how tragic trauma can be, not only for an individual, but also for others if it becomes generational.
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sparrowsoupp · 4 months
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some of the most iconic queer poster children of the warrior cats fandom. happy pride to the girls gays and theys (particularly those who enjoy brawling feline content)
dabble in my headcannons for these pairings under the read-more button if i’ve piqued your interest…
RAVEN x BARLEY (gay x gay)
i know there’s been a bit of controversy going around about these two and how they could be seen as toxic, with barley being insecure over ravenpaw’s connection to thunderclan. i get that perspective for sure, but i think it’s representative of REASONABLE flaws in a real relationship. obviously it’s not ideal that they never completely resolve it (since it’s ‘solved’ in the graphic novel but reopened in ravenpaw’s novella) and i wished that they addressed that more concretely (i say about a fucking middle grade book about talking cats LOL) but even more so i think you could see it as a realistic relationship as with issues in those, they often subdue and reoccur at intervals. it’s just about talking it out with your partner 🦭👍 plus if the majority of their relationship outside of this is good (which i definitely see it as, since obviously the books have to take place at points of conflict for there to be interesting things to write about) then it seems to be a somewhat small flaw.
that being said i haven’t actually read the books this comes up in so take my opinion with grains of salt, just online discourse about it. totally get if your life experience makes you see their interactions another way as this is just my two cents based on my experience with people.
overall i’m not a superfan of the sickly-sweet reputation these two get but i do like them for what i see them as, which is a Normal Relationship with Some Flaws. i like that they find solace in each other in a peaceful place after fleeing their less peaceful pasts. it’s a great dynamic (and i’m a sucker for farms) and i think they compliment each other’s personalities really well, with barley bringing ravenpaw out of the shell he’s been forced into and ravenpaw inspiring more cautiousness in a very brash barley who would otherwise probably jump into fights at the drop of a hat.
on a somewhat unrelated note, as a kid did anyone else wish that ravenpaw dropped his paw suffix? or blue/firestar granted him an honourary suffix for everything the poor kid went through? this isn’t like a super big meanigful thing but it just annoyed me when i was younger that the paw suffix kind of belittles him to apprentice level when after the fuckery the poor kid went through i think he deserves more recognition from the clans than that.
OKAYYY old women! while fanart of the two of them being in a loving happy relationship is very cute i like to take my old woman yuri one-sided and traumatic.
i think that yellowfang would have an unrequited crush on bluestar. what’s there not to like?! at the point when they meet bluestar is a compassionate but commanding cat in the prime of her leadership. after a bit of her being in the camp i think bluestar would also start spending a curious amount of time in the medicine den… unconciously she definitely saw the appeal in yellowfang from the getgo- it definitely strengthens the reasoning of her surprising decision to defend yellowfang as a member of thunderclan depsite risking a full on war with other clans from it, and her other clanmates lives in the process. obviously bluestar’s a leader that wouldn’t base a decision like that just based on a crush, and it was definitely because of what she wants her clan to stand for, but it’s Not a downside that the cute lady she used to see at gatherings gets to stay a while
bluestar’s definitely not letting it occupy her mind though, of course, totally not (the lady has Trauma from her relationship with oakheart and i see her as having an attatchment issue where she doesn’t feel like she deserves to have a healthy relationship, especially after losing mosskit. she’s just not fully ready yet). yellowfang pines as she watches bluestar throw herself fully into her work to distract herself from the growing feelings, and at some point probably grows annoyed with the cat-and-mouse and starts dedicating herself fully to her own work as a medicine cat too. there are moments of sweetness and clarity and words on the tips of tongues, but just as unexpectedly as they come bluestar will turn her head back to her duties.
unfortunately once tigerstar’s betrayal happens all cute flirting comes to a screeching halt as bluestar is consumed by the paranoia. on the good days she’ll hold stilted conversation with her clanmates, but not so much on the bad days. yellowfang hurts as she watches her crush sprial into madness and dysfunction, the likes of which is only heightened when the fire happens and yellowfang passes- completely insetting bluestar’s hatred for starclan for taking her love (who she still does have deeply-buried feelings for) away from her.
overall, can you tell i love inflicting mental anguish on bluestar? it’s my favourite hobby. i’m not even joking.
LEAFPOOL x MOTHWING (bi x lesbian)
okay this one might make you realise i love doomed yuri. Anyways,
put simply, i think leafpool and mothwing find each other attractive and secretly hook up on a frequent basis for some…. Funny Business. Hanky-Panky, if you will. ‘no-strings-attached’ yeah right i don’t think sapphics have ever pulled off a no strings attatched relationship without casualities.
mothwing definitely wants to confess but leafpool by that point has been forcing herself to move on and ends up telling mothwing about ‘liking’ crowfeather right before mothwing works up the courage (reading leafpool x crowfeather for the first time in the canon books geniunely felt like someone’s ao3 crackship. i guess that’s what traumabinding will do to two mfs). or maybe mothwing notices that leafpool is pregnant (which HOW THE HELL DID NOONE NOTICE IN CANON) and backs the hell off from that. maybe a very angsty argument over that… delicious.
how very ‘good luck babe’ by chappell roan of them! i think things end pretty awkwardly for mothpool and neither leafpool nor crowfeather are really in love with each other they’re just something shiny and distracting from each of their respective circuses of personal lives. i literally hear the clown music playing as they run away together. maybe it’s tinnitus.
they probably pine for each other forever and ever after that, neither falling in love again because they never get over each other. damn. how awkward is it to see your kind-of-ex at the moonpool every month…
anyway thanks for reading though beau’s cat rambles! if youve stuck it out to here… a tip of the hat to you
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fallenclan · 1 month
you mentioned something about your "notes" before, is there any chance we could see them if they're not spoilery?
they're not especially interesting, just the outline of what i wanted the comic to be, but sure :) i'll put them below the cut
Osprey: Feather?
Osprey: What’s wrong?
Feather: (pause, then crumbles) You’ve always been able to read me better than anyone else. It’s just…
Feather: [sigh] What’s the point? Nobody wants to believe me, I know that. 
Osprey: I’ll always want to believe you. Try me?
Feather: (stressed smile, but relieved)
Feather: It’s been going on for moons. Ever since Ravenstar became leader…
(big camp view to indicate time passing)
Feather: That’s everything, I think. I just- don’t know what to do.
Feather: I can’t go throwing out baseless accusations about Ravenstar--the clan loves him. He was chosen by Starclan. Nobody will believe he’s the reason I can’t speak to them.
(view from entrance) Osprey: You need to find the final cat, then. Someone with a strong connection to Starclan.
(cat silhouette) Feather: Yeah. I just don’t know where to start. Or how to do it without Ravenstar suspecting anything.
Feather: I know what he’d do if he knew. I have you to think about, and Snowkit and Harekit.
Osprey: Whatever you need, I’ll do everything I can to-
Honey: I think… I might be able to help you.
(paws padding along)
Feather: Stay quiet. Try not to act out of place.
Dark: (glances back to Honey. She looks determined)
(exiting camp)
Feather: (thinking) Almost out of camp. Then we’ll be-
Raven: Ah, Feathersight.
(he and Flamefall are sitting just outside camp, as if having a chat)
Feather: Ravenstar. Good evening.
Raven: Going out for herbs?
Feather: Er- borage. Yes. And Honeysong is helping us carry.
Raven: (stares)
Feather, Dark, & Honey: (stare back. Feather is sweating so bad)
Raven: Well, don’t let me stop you. Best of luck.
Feather: Thank you, Ravenstar.
(they pass by them. Ravenstar looks unperturbed. Flamefall frowns.)
(wide shot of fallenclan territory. They traveling. roadtrip)
(they descend down into the Cave)
Dark: You’re lucky y’know, most warriors never get to go to the Glowcave. Even I’ve only been twice.
Feather: Once.
Dark: That you know of. Anyway, can you really see ghosts?
Honey: All the time. When I was a kit, they were so vivid that I thought they were real half the time. Now they’re always wispy and faded like the wind is tearing them apart. 
Feather: (pauses, looking forlorn and troubled)
Feather: (looking forward) This is it.
(all 3 standing looking at the shrooms. establish)
Feather: Have you ever seen Silverbelly?
Honey: The dark bengal molly with the scar on her shoulder? Yeah, she hangs around the medicine den a lot. She’s my great-grandmother, right?
Feather: That’s right. She was…
(he trails off, trying to find the right words. fails)
Feather: She was a great cat. Fallenclan misses her.
Honey: (looks sadly at him)
Dark: So, what now?
Honey: We’re supposed to drink the water, right?
Feather: No, that’s usually only necessary for leader ceremonies. Normally they just… appear.
Dark: Like that?
(shakey, shadowy form stands over the water)
Feather: (eyes widened) Stars…
(zoom on shaky form. Big big eyes)
Honey: She wants us to drink.
Dark: What? How do you know?
Honey: (steps up and drinks the water)
(shadowy forms explode out of every crevice, screaming and incoherent)
Shadows: (very glitched and broken) STOP HIM! STOP HIM!
Honey: (terrified)
Feather & Dark: (terrified. Feather curls around Dark as if to protect him)
Honey: One more?
(shadows dissipate)
Feather: Stars, I… I could barely understand them.
Dark: Did they say…
Honey: One more. The last one.
Honey: There’s another cat.
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featherclan · 3 months
Dartclan lives in the rockiest part of the mountains, previously neighboring Featherclan. Their relationship with Featherclan was also rocky at best. Dartclan is known to be calculated, as well as looking after their own being their main priority. The other clans think they're cold by nature, but Dartclan also has the hardest time with prey and their territory is dangerous by nature. If one were to take a peek into their everyday life, they would see how much the cats care for one another. They have the least amount of clan members usually. Except for Featherclan now.
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Hollowstar is Dartclan's leader. He is often seen as somewhat controlling and cold, but what he does is the best for his clan. In his eyes anyways. The clan appreciates him and respects him. He hasn't steered them wrong yet. He considers the clan his family, and has a kit that came from outside of the clan. His current apprentice is Lakepaw, one of the deputy's grandkits.
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Crestfur is the current clans deputy. She's mentored a lot of the current clan members, and is highly respected because of it. Not a soul questions her kit's father. It's absolutely none of their business that he was an outsider. She currently has four kits that are all adults, though one now rests with starclan. Their three grandkits also have a parent outside of the clan, but no one seems to bat an eye.
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Greenmask is one of the kindest members of Dartclan. She can fight, but is better at escaping nasty situations. The clan does it's best to protect her, since she's also one of the smaller members and she is a very good medicine cat. She currently has an apprentice named Fluffypaw, who will become the second medicine cat of Dartclan. Dartclan is the most strict with medicine cats, meaning Greenmask isn't allowed to have a mate or kits. But that doesn't mean she can't dream.
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Darknettle is a warrior of Dartclan. When she was an apprentice she was made an example of in front of the whole clan. She thinks Hollowstar still holds that over her, though he was the one to give her the holly leaves. He was also the one to arrange her and her mate getting together. There was a long period with little to no kits, so Hollowstar has been encouraging kits. Her mate's name was Halfheart, and initially they got along. Well enough to have two kits before they broke up. Everyone in the clan was expecting this, and Hollowstar really doesn't mind as long as there are more kits.
This is the final clan! I know these were all relatively long posts, but I enjoy talking about them all. I'm hoping at least someone enjoys knowing more about these cats that are going to probably only show up for one or two updates. Also they will not be going on the allegiances since that is mainly/only for Featherclan and Featherclan's passed cats. If I ever feel like adding them I might, but do not expect it lol.
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omenousraven · 7 months
Hermitclan Warriors- First Half!
I said I'd release them all at once, but there are a LOT of hermits, so take the first half of the Warriors!
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Rotblaze (A.K.A Cleo)
Rotblaze is a strong and confident senior warrior with a bit of a temper. She has a specific moral code and has at times deemed it to guide her despite any conflicts with Warrior code. Kind of a loner, but still fiercely protective of her own as long as she herself can still feasibly get out of trouble. She dabbles with the scrap tinkering but primarily uses it to make strange art pieces rather than being a tinkerer.
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Falsestrike (A.K.A False)
Fiercely protective, loyal and brave, Falsestrike is often on the front lines in battle. Known to be one of the best fighters in Hermitclan, a legacy she hopes to pass down to her apprentice, Deerpaw.
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Impdapple (A.K.A Impulse)
Impdapple is a kind warrior who tends to play by the code, as well as being fairly easy going, he's close friends with Flametuft and often uses his contraptions to help train his apprentice, Flutterpaw.
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Wrendog (A.K.A Ren, credit to @smoozie for the name!)
Strong, fierce and prideful, Wrendog often finds himself desiring places of power, to be in the front lines of battle and general fame. He's more traditional as far as his skill goes, however, focusing primarily on hunting or fighting rather than tinkering.
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Mossfur (A.K.A Bdubs, @smoozie thought of the same name as me this time lol)
A small, fluffy tom who seems rather child-like at times, a sweet heart with sudden explosions of anger all said in a voice that makes others often laugh it off or quote it. Often he doesn't let this get to him though. He's mentor to Peacepaw, and surprisingly good at it.
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Cubfur (A.K.A Cub)
A smart warrior who knows the ins and outs of the clan very well, usually very reliable.
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Silverfox (A.K.A Etho)
A smart senior warrior who used to be a great fighter before his depth perception was thrown off because of injury. Now he's known as a tinkerer for Hermitclan, often lending a paw to Flametuft's bizarre contraptions or helping out where he can.
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Sunfeather (A.K.A Grian)
Mischevious, and surprisingly smart in a way that is often seen as a double edged sword thanks to his pranks, Sunfeather is another more traditional warriors if only because he seems too often mess up tinkerers work if he tries. He has a rather good representation among his clan, with being trained by Voidstar and looking out for them all. Adopted older brother of Flutterpaw and mentor to Patchpaw.
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Burstscar (A.K.A Doc)
One of the examples of an expert tinkerer, Burstscar can often be seen working on something, usually it's insane but it doesn't often help the clan in any active way. he achieves all his other duties though, so nobody can complain. Got his scars from an explosion while he was working.
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Scarheart (A.K.A Scar)
A kind warrior who was born with lame hind legs, and thus got his training fairly late. At first he was training under Stressleaf to be a medicine cat but after the tinkers made him a mobility aid he exists in some weird in-between where he helps with both but isn't quite either. Surprisingly good at hunting and fighting despite the limitation.
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bonefall · 1 year
Better Bones AU Masterpost
Last Update: 8/23/23, Version 1.0
"What is the Better Bones AU?"
I'm so glad you asked, convenient question-speaker!
Better Bones (BB) is a full-series rewrite project that seeks to have a more conclusive stance on anti-authoritarianism, revamp the bonds and beliefs of individual characters to make more interesting drama and politics, and overhaul the progression of morality and history throughout the timeline to make the society of the Clans into a living, changing culture.
To do that, we've got 5 goals;
Fix the tangled family tree and give it clearer rules, expanding on kinship between cats while not neglecting friendships
Make the environment accurate to northwestern England, including education on how different biomes are managed and lists of local flora and fauna, to understand how environment has impacted Clan culture.
Build out technology by giving the Clans tool use and food preparation, additional traditions and customs, their own language, and medicinal treatment guides from sniffles up to HRT.
Change the themes of canon by addressing its problematic elements, giving the cats consistent politics and making the narrative conclusively anti-authoritarian.
Be cool as fuck, with wilder deaths, more clanborn villains, bloodier battles, and even MORE complicated innerClan drama
BB is told in notes and outlines, with the "end point" being a full skeleton for the entire series complete with chapter-by-chapter notes, which anyone would be able to write out fully, just as if they were a ghostwriter being handed a draft.
This project is open-source. I encourage you to take any inspiration from this AU that you'd like, or use the Clan culture expansions for your own projects. They don't HAVE to be warriors-related, we have a few folks who like to apply parts of this project to Rainworld! Go bananas.
I only ask that you don't steal any drawn art (as seen in the fanart, character summaries, and culture expansions) to pass it off as your own. Please respect the contributions of these artists.
"Boy howdy! Where do I start?"
WOWZERS another perfectly timed question I'm proud of you
HISTORY LESSON. This is a "brief" summary of the ENTIRE history of BB, breaking down each block of history into Periods, divided into Eras. It sprawls from the founding to the most recently completed arc. NOTE: BB does not cover arcs until they are complete. ASC has not been completed at the time of this post.
Character Summaries Every character gets a redesign and a summary, covering who they are, their role in the story, and their connections to everyone around them. NOTE: You are encouraged to put your own spin on the designs if you'd like! I do not design with genetic accuracy or MAP-friendliness in mind, so you have my blessing to alter them or request a modification for an animation.
Clan Culture Expansions Crafts, Herb Guides, the flora and fauna they encounter on a regular basis, and the Clanmew conlanguage is all in here.
Family Tree Overhauls This is almost done i swear
Fragment Bin This is where I'm going to eventually be putting everything still "WIP" material. I call these "fragments" because the full story isn't planned yet, but I talk about the little 'pieces' that I want to shuffle around. If you're new around here, basically I just sorta babble about a wishlist and then work through it with ask/reply suggestions.
FAQ I'll need this too at some point im sure
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mist-cat · 2 years
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Still hyperfixating on ClanGen! I've made a lot of clans but none of them ever stuck like this one, so now introducing...
The ChimeClan Leaders
They've had far too many cats in their ranks to count over their 460 moons and 5 leaders, each and every one very dear to me. Other than the info written in the art, here is a fun fact about each! JawdawStar as a new leader had to immediately prepare the small clan for a war with a neighboring clan, FadedClan, and lost many lives defending their right to the territory. Lost his final life fighting a FadedClan child apprentice.
AcaciaStar took on 9 apprentices during his time as a leader, only for a tragic fate to befall all but a few despite his best efforts to keep them safe. Promising to never take another apprentice after RushPaw was hit by a car, expecting him to die and being emotionally distant ever since.
RushStar was not a very notable cat, exiling all warriors who broke the code, even exiling half-clan kits with their parent despite many extinction events happening under his rule. Only 6 cats were left by the time he died, 3 elders, 2 medicine cats and BuckLilac.
BuckStar lost almost every single one of his nine lives protecting his remaining clanmates from venomous snakes and DOGS, so many dogs. Repeatedly drove off foxes in small patrols and was an all around powerhouse. Listed as a calico in game but all white anyways! I think that's fun.
MartenStar's arrival in the clan as a kit was followed by many loners joining the dwindling clan despite having almost never done so before! Righteous but recently injured a sweet, thoughtful mediator as punishment for.. something?? left a scar right across their throat. Has a rivalry with another new warrior who was led to the clan by starry pawprints.
Small pixel sprites and boxes taken from the game! Please go check it out, it's so fun, it's so important to me.
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rippleclan · 4 months
RippleClan: Moon 42
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Carnationspeckle recovers from birthing strains. Fennelspot does his best to prop up Spike’s body and feels growing concern at the rancid smell coming from the broken and twisted part of Spike’s back.
[Image ID: Carnationspeckle sits in the back while Fennelspot looks after Spike. Under Carnationspeckle, it says - CONDITION: RECOVERING FROM BIRTH. Under Spike, it says + INFECTION.]
Lavenderpaw was curious about Spike. Why wouldn’t he be? Shadowdrop, who had only recently come back from his punishment for causing one molly’s death, saves the life of another? A molly that most likely knew Cinderella?  Lavenderpaw was no historian, but it was quite the story! Of course he wanted to know more!
Despite that curiosity, Lavenderpaw didn’t get much of a chance to see Spike. Scrubmask loved to keep him busy. StarClan, that warrior was tighter than a leather strap! Every day, it was “Lavenderpaw, here’a why we patrol” and “Lavenderpaw, warriors help where needed”, there was no time for fun! Lavenderpaw’s littermates seemed to enjoy their apprenticeships. Palepaw learned from everyone she could about being a meditator. Wasppaw and Puddlepaw got to have fake arguments and pick apart famous trials of the past. Ripplepaw had a mentor that could interview ghosts! What could Scrubmask do? Snap at Lavenderpaw for humming?
Lucky for Lavenderpaw, his mother was deputy. While Weedfoot was still sick, she could boss cats around again. That’s how Lavenderpaw ended up Fennelspot’s apprentice for the day.
“Bubblemoon and I are some of the only living clerics to have dealt with broken backs,” Fennelspot explained as he darted about the medicine den. “We’ll be talking at the half-moon meeting for a while about Spike’s condition. I need to know that you can handle any sniffles or complaints the Clan may bring up while I’m gone.”
“You’ve given me a lot of medicine to help,” Lavenderpaw said, eyeing the vast assortment of ointments and powders along the walls. “If I have any questions, I can ask Palepaw.”
“And if it’s a true emergency, send Scrubmask to collect me,” Fennelspot reminded him. He placed a small jar into a leather pouch, tightened the twine around it, and slid it around his neck. “Carnationspeckle should be coming in sometime tonight for something to stop her milk. The kits stopped nursing a while ago, but Carnationspeckle’s still producing milk. I have a sage and parsley she needs to add to her next meal, give her the small pouch next to Spike.” Fennelspot and Lavenderpaw glanced Spike’s way. The loner spent most of her days lying quietly in her nest, silently watching visitors or turned to the wall. The latter was true that day.
Lavenderpaw leaned close to Fennelspot and whispered, “Should I do anything with her?”
“Just keep your eye on her and get her anything she needs,” Fennelspot said. “Spike? I’ll be back early in the morning. Lavenderpaw will help you while I’m gone.” Spike shifted her paw, the only sign she heard Fennelspot at all. Fennelspot sighed. He touched noses with Lavenderpaw and trotted out into the chilly winter sunset.
Lavenderpaw examined the den. Being cleric for a day would be fun! Just looking after the Clan, just like he already did. He had to admit, all the medicines were certainly interesting. He trotted up to Carnationspeckle’s prepared bundle and studied each herb and concoction. As his thoughts drifted, he settled on a song.
“Come join claw in paw, brave warriors all,
And rouse your bold hearts at fair liberty’s call;
No tyrannous acts, shall suppress your just claim—”
“Or stain with dishonor the dear Ripple’s name.” Lavenderpaw’s head spun toward Spike.
“You know The Movement’s Call?” Lavenderpaw gasped. Spike grew still. “Don’t go quiet on me! I love The Movement’s Call! How does a loner know that song?” Spike sighed deeply.
“Help me face you,” Spike muttered. Lavenderpaw bolted over. He carefully helped Spike stand on her front paws and, keeping her back straight with the brace, slowly spun her around. Lavenderpaw could smell the infection in Spike’s heavily covered wound. He wondered if Spike could groom herself with her injury. Surely Fennelspot was grooming her. So why was her fur so rough and ragged below her wound?
Lavenderpaw set Spike down with a thud. Lavenderpaw flinched as Spike hissed. 
“Sorry!” Lavenderpaw gulped. “Let me find something for the pain.”
“No, it’s fine,” Spike groaned, waving Lavenderpaw off. “I’ll tell you if it gets worse.”
“How do you know a Clan song?” Lavenderpaw asked, sitting beside the injured loner.
“Because, long ago,” Spike sighed, “my father lived in the Clans.” Lavenderpaw scooted closer. “I don’t know what else you expect from me. He knew the song, so he taught it to me.”
“Who is he?” Lavenderpaw asked. “Is he still alive? What Clan did he come from? Were you coming to join us when the horse trampled you?”
“You’re asking too many questions,” Spike huffed, her body tensing.
“You turned to talk,” Lavenderpaw pointed out. His smugness was as strong as the horse’s blow.
“My father is still alive,” Spike said, rolling her eyes. “He and my mother raised me until I was six moons old, at which point he went back to wandering. He stops by our den a couple times each moon to see how my aunt, mother and I are faring. Were faring. Until my aunt got pregnant and started bringing back all these Clan teachings my father never thought to share with us.”
“Cinderella was your aunt,” Lavenderpaw gasped. “We thought you were related!”
“And now I’m in the Clan that caused her death,” Spike muttered. She placed her head between her paws.
“In our defense, Shadowdrop got Cinderella pregnant. We had nothing to do with it. We helped you, didn’t we? We aren’t so bad.”
“You helped a dead cat. You have many skills in the Clans, but even you and your ancestors can’t fix an infected spine. I don’t get the dignity of dying around my kin, just like Cinderella.”
“You’ll see your parents again. I promise.”
“And who are you to make that promise?” Spike’s cold eyes hardened Lavenderpaw’s resolve.
“The deputy’s son, thank you very much.”
“Is that supposed to impress me?” Lavenderpaw stuck out his tongue. For the first time since he met Spike, the injured loner chirped softly, whiskers twitching in a quiet mirth.
“Oh, when my sisters were sick,” Lavenderpaw explained, “we visited all the time to keep their spirits up. Fennelspot said it helped them recover faster. Maybe if we spend some time together, your infection might go away.”
“I don’t believe that’s how infections work.”
“Please? I want to hear stories from a real loner, someone who knows what life is like out there right now.” Lavenderpaw couldn’t help but wiggle his flank in anticipation. Spike sighed once more, stretching out the breath until Lavenderpaw thought he would explode from the wait.
“What else do you want to know?” Spike groaned.
“Truthfully,” Lavenderpaw chuckled, sitting in a loaf in front of Spike, “I want to continue singing The Movement’s Call with you. You have a good voice!” Spike rolled her eyes, but cleared her throat.
“In freedom we’re born, and in freedom we’ll live;
Our hearts are ready,
Steady, Friends, steady.”
(Lavenderpaw: 8, male, warrior apprentice, bold, likes to sing)
(Fennelspot: 99, male, cleric, insecure, trusted advisor, incredible runner)
(Spike: 17, female, loner, wise, good speaker, lore keeper)
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Scrubmask can’t imagine what her life would look like without Downstar. They both spend time with Mosskit, who has greencough.
[Image ID: Scrubmask and Downstar face Mosskit, who has + CONDITION: GREENCOUGH written under him. Downstar says “Tell us that story you were so excited about, Moss.”]
(Scrubmask: 59, female, warrior, gloomy, fast runner, good hunter)
(Downstar: 101, female, leader, adventurous, trusted advisor, very clever)
(Mosskit: 3, male, kit, bullying, stares at fire)
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Tempestkit disappears from camp as a blizzard begins to pick up. Downstar leads a patrol after the wayward kit.
[Image ID: A patrol marches through the snow. From left to right, the patrol includes Rustshade, Fennelspot, Wasppaw, Mousesong, Puddlepaw, Shadowdrop, and Downstar.]
Fennelspot predicted it the day before; a massive blizzard tearing into the territories, cursed by Stormfoots, those twisted Spirits of Shadow born from their namesake in the Dark Forest. Downstar was quick to act and ordered the caretakers to lead preparations around camp. She disappointed Wildclaw, who thought it meant reprieve from kit duty, when Downstar put her in charge of shoring up the nursery. Carnationspeckle worked with the artisans to find the best spot in camp for a bonfire; they would need the warmth. Clammask darted about, making sure everyone had a den to fortify or a job to do in prepping for the storm. Even James got off his lazy flank and helped out.
“If we cook the prey we have into dishes like pemmican,” Downstar muttered, studying the fresh-kill pile, “we can feed the Clan with well-preserved food throughout the storm.”
“Do you suppose it will be a long blizzard?” Weedfoot asked. Her voice was congested, the symptoms of whitecough still clinging to her pelt and slowing her down, but she could largely do her job now.
“That’s what Fennelspot predicted,” Downstar sighed. “He was right about the darkhound, so I assume he’s right about the storm. Wildclaw, where are you going?” Downstar looked over at her daughter, who walked with Trumpetkit and Tempestkit away from the nursery.
“Mom, I’m just escorting them to the dirt place!” Wildclaw groaned. “The nursery’s ready for the snow.”
“Good,” Downstar sighed, nodding as Wildclaw ushered the two black mollies around the shipwreck. 
“You seem more like yourself today,” Weedfoot hummed. “More like you were when we founded RippleClan.”
“I work well in a crisis,” Downstar admitted. A snowflake danced over her whiskers, making her shiver.
“StarClan, the snow’s starting already?” Weedfoot groaned, looking up. “Fennelspot said the storm would start in the morning. It isn’t even sunset yet.”
“Hurry, everyone!” Downstar yowled to the scurrying cats around camp. “We have less time than we thought. Focus on the essentials. Rattlepelt, Rabbitjoy, Carnationspeckle, start cooking and make sure the fires are lit!”
“The apprentice’s den isn’t ready for the snow,” Puddlepaw called, sticking his head out.
“You’re sleeping in the nursery with the elders then,” Downstar barked. “If the snow will be as strong as Fennelspot says, I don’t trust the shipwreck to keep us warm. Weedfoot, get Oilstripe and Mosskit into the warrior’s den.”
A sudden caterwaul caught the Clan’s attention. It came from the dirt place.
“Tempestkit!” Wildclaw yowled. Shadowdrop, who had been bundling leather pelts at the edge of the warrior’s den, bolted past Downstar. Downstar and Weedfoot joined him in the race to the dirtplace.
When the trio turned the corner, Trumpetkit’s tiny teeth were buried in Wildclaw’s leg. The tip of Tempestkit’s tail slipped through the thorns that covered the top of the rocks, keeping the dirtplace separate from the rest of the world. Oilstripe had Trumpetkit by the scruff and finally pulled her off.
“Tempestkit, get back here right now!” Shadowdrop roared. He soared onto the rocky border, but the hole in the thorn wall was only big enough for a kit; Shadowdrop stuck his paw through and frantically waved about, but Downstar could see Tempestkit’s fluffy pelt streaking toward the forest, snowflakes catching on her black fur.
“Trumpetkit, what are you doing?” Oilstripe snapped, throwing Trumpetkit down. “That’s your aunt!” 
“You nearly drew blood!” Wildclaw groaned, licking her back leg.
“Tempestkit wanted to go on an adventure like Aunt Duskkit did when she was our age,” Trumpetkit whined. She sunk into the sand, big golden eyes bouncing between each panicked adult. “She said if I distracted Aunt Wildclaw, she’d bring me back a gift!”
“During a blizzard?” Weedfoot hissed. She looked between Trumpetkit and Tempestkit’s hole in the wall. Shadowdrop continued to frantically claw at the hole, as though if he stretched far enough, he would snatch Tempestkit’s tail. Shadowdrop screamed and jumped off the rocks.
“You’ve been staying in the den next to the dirt place for moons!” Shadowdrop roared at Oilstripe. “Didn’t you see this hole in the wall?”
“I don’t watch cats use the dirt place, Shadowdrop!” Oilstripe hissed. Downstar had enough of it. She raced back into the main clearing, where the Clan was nervously waiting to hear what happened.
“I want all our codekeepers with me, now!” Downstar yowled. “Tempestkit has run off. We need to bring her back before the blizzard grows.”
“Does that include our apprentices?” Rustshade asked as Mousesong shook out her pelt, ready to go. Downstar nodded. Wasppaw and Puddlepaw hurried to their mentors. Wasppaw stood proud beside Mousesong while Puddlepaw rubbed against his father, searching for answers in James’ face.
“Mom, I’m coming with you.” Shadowdrop ran up beside Downstar, leading the rest of the crowd out of the dirt place.
“No,” Downstar huffed. “Trumpetkit and Mosskit need you.”
“I am coming with you!” Shadowdrop snapped. “She is my daughter, it is my responsibility to look after her.” Downstar hesitated. How responsible could Shadowdrop be when his kits came about from such a selfish act? 
“Oh…” Downstar groaned, jaw tense, “Wildclaw, don’t let the other kits out of your sight!” Wildclaw stood to the side with Trumpetkit and Mosskit, who had stumbled out of the quarantine den. Wildclaw pulled them both close. “Fennelspot, with us! The longer we wait, the further she gets!” Downstar’s patrol formed around her as she hurried out of camp. A cold wind ushered them out as the sky above darkened.
Fennelspot and Mousesong beat the patrol to the other side of camp where the dirt place wall gave way and Tempestkit made her escape. Mousesong sniffed the ground and growled. 
“All I smell is the dirt place,” she said, nose curling.
“She ran that way,” Shadowdrop said, pointing his tail toward the forest.
“Tempestkit!” Wasppaw called. “Tempestkit, it’s cold out here! It’s not that exciting!” Another sharp wind blew in Downstar’s face, sending a barrage of snow into her eyes.
“Pray to our ancestors she has the good sense to turn around,” Downstar growled. “Follow her trail.” 
At their leader’s command, the patrol charged into the growing blizzard, calling Tempestkit’s name.
(Fennelspot: 99, male, cleric, insecure, trusted advisor, incredible runner)
(Downstar: 101, female, leader, adventurous, trusted advisor, very clever)
(Weedfoot: 90, female, deputy, charismatic, steady paws, formidable fighter)
(Wildclaw: 34, female, caretaker, fierce, trusted advisor)
(Puddlepaw: 8, male, codekeeper apprentice, thoughtful, morbid curiosity, oddly observant)
(Trumpetkit: 3, female, kit, nervous, plays in mud)
(Tempestkit: 3, female, kit, troublesome, loves to eat)
(Oilstripe: 46, female, historian, charismatic, ghost speaker)
(Shadowdrop: 34, male, warrior, sneaky, good teacher, eloquent speaker)
(Rustshade: 86, male, codekeeper, sneaky, learner of lore)
(Mousesong: 18, female, codekeeper, loyal, keen eye)
(Wasppaw: 8, male, codekeeper apprentice, strict, interested in clan history, eye for detail)
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[Image ID: Shadowdrop, Downstar, and Tempestkit cuddle close as snow falls around them and Downstar says “I will die as many times as I need to keep you both warm.”]
Tempestkit shouldn’t have been far. She was still a kit, unfamiliar with the territory. The forest wasn’t thick yet. Tempestkit should have been leaving the scent of the dirt place  in her wake. But as sunset arrived, the snow grew thicker. Downstar’s paws grew numb. And the patrol was no closer to finding Tempestkit than they were when they set off.
Shadowdrop yowled as the thickening blanket of snow under his paws sent him tumbling forward. He smashed his chin against the cold ground. Puddlepaw and Rustshade helped him up. 
“This is ridiculous!” Shadowdrop groaned. “Where could she have gone? How have we not found her yet?”
“It’s the Stormfoots,” Fennelspot gulped. He stared into the harsh blowing snow. “They’re hiding her in their snow. I just know it.”
“They aren’t taking my granddaughter from me,” Downstar hissed. “We keep going. We don’t go home until we find her!”
“The snow’s starting to collect on the ground,” Puddlepaw pointed out. “We’ll start seeing pawprints sooner or later.”
“We don’t even know if we’re still following her,” Mousesong huffed.
“Then we split up,” Rustshade said. He glanced around and added “If you were a kit on an adventure, where might you go?”
“I would go see the river,” Wasppaw said. “I was curious to see it when I was little.”
“You didn’t grow up with stories about your dead mom,” Mousesong grunted. “Wouldn’t you want to see her grave for yourself?”
“Maybe she’s not thinking,” Shadowdrop said, casting a cold eye at Mousesong. “Maybe she just picked a direction and wondered what was out there.”
“Fennelspot, I know what you’re going to say,” Downstar groaned, “but I think we should split up.”
“That is an awful idea!” Fennelspot gasped. “The storm will only get worse. This is the sort of weather that gets cats killed!”
“And my daughter is out there,” Shadowdrop hissed, tail thrashing. “If my mother thinks we should split up, I’m following her.” 
“We don’t know where Tempestkit went,” Downstar reminded the group. “It’s more important to find her and make sure she’s warm than worry about ourselves. This is what we train for.” Wasppaw nodded, gaining a second wind. Mousesong copied her apprentice, tail brushed against his side. 
“Howlingwind, Celestial of snowfall, hear us o Blessed One and repel these Stormfoots from our shores.” Fennelspot squeezed his eyes tight as he prayed.
“Fennelspot, take Wasppaw and Mousesong to the Great Northern River,” Downstar ordered. “Rustshade, Puddlepaw, head south. Shadowdrop and I will continue west.”
“We have to go back to camp when it gets too dark,” Fennelspot huffed. “I mean it, Downstar. We can’t find Tempestkit if we freeze to death.” Downstar stayed silent as the snow tried to tear Fennelspot’s voice away. Shadowdrop curled into himself as he braced against the wind. His eyes met his mother’s. There was a quiet agreement no plea could break.
“Be quick, everyone,” Downstar ordered. “Find her!” Shadowdrop and Downstar joined each other’s side and hurried against the screaming snow. From that moment on, they might as well have been the only cats in the territory.
If the situation wasn’t so dire, Downstar would have thought the storm to be a beautiful thing. Soon the snow would drag the pine branches low and cover the ground in a white blanket that reached Downstar’s chest. But the storm had only been blowing for a short time. When Downstar ran over the snow collecting on the dead grass, she could once again see the grass through her pawprints. The dark trees were dusted rather than smothered. But the lack of thick layers meant nothing when the falling snow tore at Downstar’s eyes. She didn’t feel when her paws hit the ground and her face was ready to fall off. 
Downstar wasn’t sure where they were in the territory. The snowfall turned the world white. Shadowdrop and Downstar scoured each area they found, calling Tempestkit’s name and searching in each little cranny. Sometimes Downstar forgot whether they had searched a certain bush or tree yet and Shadowdrop had to redirect her. She prayed it was her worry clouding her memory and not the freezing fangs of frostbite.
“Pawprints!” Shadowdrop finally shrieked. “I found pawprints!” Downstar had been checking under a large exposed root when Shadowdrop called for her. Sure enough, there was a small trail of kitten sized pawprints emerging from a bush and hiking through the snow.
“Tempestkit!” Downstar yowled, jogging alongside the tracks. Shadowdrop kept his nose to the ground, searching for a scent amidst the churning storm. The wind screamed and knocked Downstar off-balance.  As she steadied her paws, she spotted a large stone jutting out of a gentle slope. A small hole broke through the haze of white that slowly turned black in the coming night. The fading pawprints led straight to it. Downstar shoved Shadowdrop and turned his gaze to the hole.
Downstar and Shadowdrop fought to squeeze inside. From the size of it, the hole may have been a fox den, although if it was, all trace of its creator had vanished. The more concerning feature of the den was the black kitten huddled in the back, shivering so hard Downstar thought she would hurt herself.
“Tempestkit, what were you thinking?” Shadowdrop groaned. He wrapped himself around his daughter. Downstar suddenly realized that between all of Shadowdrop’s new duties and the Clan’s effort to help Tempestkit and her siblings find their place in the Clan, she had never seen him properly curl up with his kits. It seemed natural for him. He’d endured his punishment with dignity, he wanted to be a father. Perhaps Tempestkit noticed that. Perhaps there was more to her misadventure than following in the pawsteps of her long-dead aunt.
“I’m cold,” she whined, pressing into her father’s shoulder. Downstar licked Tempestkit’s fur the wrong way, trying to warm her up. She was so cold, she didn’t feel alive.
“We need to start a fire,” Downstar muttered, glancing out into the storm. The world suddenly turned a deep, unbreakable blue, shifting into dark grays in the snowfall. 
“With what?” Shadowdrop huffed. “Everything is wet. Mom, Tempestkit needs warmth. Come here. Please.” Downstar crawled beside her son and granddaughter. She pressed into both of their dark pelts and tried to pour what little heat remained into them.
“I’m ready to go home now,” Tempestkit muttered into her father’s fur. “I had my fun.”
“I don’t think we can move,” Shadowdrop said. “I… I don’t know where we are.” Downstar pushed her son closer. Shadowdrop nudged Tempestkit between them, giving her the majority of the extra warmth.
“We’ll sleep here tonight,” Downstar sighed. “I’ll keep you both warm.”
“Focus on Tempestkit,” Shadowdrop huffed. “She needs it more.” Downstar wrapped her front paws around Tempestkit, but squirmed closer to her son.
“I will die as many times as I need to keep you both warm,” Downstar promised.
The world screamed her to sleep.
(Shadowdrop: 34, male, warrior, sneaky, good teacher, eloquent speaker)
(Fennelspot: 99, male, cleric, insecure, trusted advisor, incredible runner)
(Downstar: 101, female, leader, adventurous, trusted advisor, very clever)
(Puddlepaw: 8, male, codekeeper apprentice, thoughtful, morbid curiosity, oddly observant)
(Mousesong: 18, female, codekeeper, loyal, keen eye)
(Rustshade: 86, male, codekeeper, sneaky, learner of lore)
(Wasppaw: 8, male, codekeeper apprentice, strict, interested in clan history, eye for detail)
(Tempestkit: 3, female, kit, troublesome, loves to eat)
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[Image ID: Fennelspot looks up at smoke in the sky, saying “Everyone, follow the smoke!”]
Fennelspot ordered Wasppaw and Mousesong to head back to camp when Wasppaw reported an unshakable chill seeping through his body. Standing beside the freezing river, searching for a missing kit, would only tear apart their skin and hurt them more. They simply had to turn back. Rustshade must have had the same thought, as he and Puddlepaw were already home when Fennelspot’s group returned.
Downstar and Shadowdrop didn’t come home that night.
“Downstar!” Fennelspot yowled, his voice muffled by the thick snow. “Tempestkit!” 
The storm had finally subsided shortly before dawn, leaving the world smothered in snow. As soon as the weather cleared, Weedfoot picked a few well-rested trackers like Scrubmask, Halibutdusk, and Carnationspeckle and sent them back out with Fennelspot to find their missing Clanmates.
“You said they went west?” Carnationspeckle huffed, breath frosting around her as she stood by Fennelspot.
“The storm is over, why aren’t they coming home?” Halibutdusk groaned from his lookout point on a low oak branch. “Shadowdrop! Shadowdrop!” Scrubmask stayed quiet, focused on scenting the air. 
“I’m going ahead,” Fennelspot sighed. “I need to pray. Yowl if you see anything. Downstar’s still alive out there.” That was an indisputable fact. The storm was strong, but not enough to take all of Downstar’s lives. Not yet, at least. Fennelspot had to hide his gaze, however, at the thought of Shadowdrop and Tempestkit. 
The rest of the patrol kept calling out, but Fennelspot found a quiet spot under a pine. The weight of the snow dragged it off the branches, leaving huge, awkward piles around the trunk but bare needles above. The pine sat beside a small opening in the forest canopy, revealing a bright gray sky. Fennelspot closed his eyes. He had to keep his ears sharp. At a time like this, StarClan surely would not stay silent.
A storm within a storm gives the dark a chance to shine. Look to the sky for the call to action.
Fennelspot gasped, eyes fluttering. This was it! The moment of the prophecy! Tempestkit was the storm in the storm! Shadowdrop went to find her, he was the dark. The second half… Fennelspot locked his eyes to the gray clouds. The sky was still.
“I’m looking,” Fennelspot begged softly.
The color of the clouds shifted. A slimmer of darker color slipped into the corner of Fennelspot’s gaze. It rose into the high clouds. The aging cleric realized it wasn’t just another cloud. His eyes could follow the trail back into the trees.
It was a smoke stack.
“The smoke!” Fennelspot yowled. “Everyone, follow the smoke!” He didn’t wait to see if the others head his cry. He ran into the trees, towards where the drifting smoke disappeared. His feet skidded in the fluffy snow and his legs had to push against its weight. As usual, Scrubmask was right behind him.
He saw the fire before he saw Downstar. It was a small fire composed of the barest of essentials. Heavy smoke drifted from the burning branches. Downstar had cleared away the snow around the fire and placed Tempestkit beside the flames. Downstar stared into the fire, unaware of Fennelspot’s arrival.
“Downstar!” Carnationspeckle dove through the snow, snowballs knotting in her leg fur. Downstar snapped out of it as Carnationspeckle wrapped herself around her former mentor. “StarClan, you’re so cold!” Fennelspot focused on Tempestkit. Somehow, the little kit didn’t seem to have frostbite or any major damage from the cold.
“Have you been with her all night?” Fennelspot asked. Downstar nodded softly, her focus returning to the fire.
“Is Shadowdrop still with you?” Scrubmask asked. Downstar did not reply.
“Tempestkit, how do you feel?” Fennelspot asked the young kit.
“Like I’m in a lot of trouble,” Tempestkit gulped.
“We kept her warm,” Downstar muttered. “We kept her warm.” There was a den behind Downstar. Only two sets of paws left the den in the heavy snow.
“Carnationspeckle, care for Tempestkit,” Fennelspot gulped as Halibutdusk finally joined them. 
Fennelspot slipped past Downstar. His nose quivered in the chill. He braced himself and stepped inside. His eyes quickly adjusted to the light. Shadowdrop was still inside. He laid with his back to the exit, curled around cats who were no longer there.
He would not be joining his mother and daughter by the fire.
(Fennelspot: 99, male, cleric, insecure, trusted advisor, incredible runner)
(Carnationspeckle: 44, female, caretaker, compassionate, fish-like swimmer)
(Halibutdusk: 34, male, warrior, gloomy, masterful storyteller, clever)
(Scrubmask: 59, female, warrior, gloomy, fast runner, good hunter)
(Downstar: 101, female, leader, adventurous, trusted advisor, very clever)
(Tempestkit: 3, female, kit, troublesome, loves to eat)
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Halibutdusk is grief-stricken at the loss of his brother.
[Image ID: Halibutdusk faces Downstar and Wildclaw. Under Halibutdusk, it says + CONDITION: GRIEVING. Under Downstar, it says LIVES LEFT: 6.]
Halibutdusk couldn’t stop wondering; did his mother lose a life first, or did Shadowdrop growing cold push her over the edge? Who left their body first? Whose death resulted in the others? At least Tempestkit survived. At least he had that vague comfort. 
Downstar called Halibutdusk and Wildclaw into her den while Fennelspot prepared Shadowdrop’s vigil. The trio hadn’t talked much since they brought Shadowdrop’s body back to camp. Wildclaw had been busy reuniting Mosskit and Trumpetkit with their wayward sister, Downstar had to make sure the vigil went according to plan, and Halibutdusk… he couldn’t really think.
When the two surviving littermates entered their mother’s den, Downstar paced around her nest. She showed no signs of the cold that stole one of her lives. Halibutdusk shifted awkwardly as he waited for Downstar to speak. Wildclaw beat him to it.
“This is my fault, right?” Wildclaw huffed. “That’s why you called me in here. I let Tempestkit get out of camp, and Shadowdrop died.”
“No,” Downstar growled, clawing the ground at the very thought. “I will never blame you for this.” Wildclaw was stunned into silence. “I didn’t punish Oilstripe for letting Duskkit sneak out all those moons ago. This is more Tempestkit’s fault than your own, and even she’s realized what she did was wrong.” Halibutdusk distinctly remembered Downstar tearing into Oilstripe for letting her adventurous daughter slip around her, but Halibutdusk didn’t have the heart to bring it up. 
“Then what do we do now?” Wildclaw groaned. 
“There’s nothing to do, Wildclaw,” Downstar sighed. She sat in her nest. “We just mourn. I brought you in here because…” Downstar took a deep breath, closing her eyes and collecting her strength. “There is a chance Shadowdrop… might not make it to StarClan.” Halibutdusk didn’t know his heart could fall any further.
“Why not?” Wildclaw hissed, the fur on the back of her neck prickling. “How do you know?”
“Duskkit greeted me in StarClan when I lost my life,” Downstar explained quietly. “She told me Shadowdrop would be put on trial when he entered StarClan for how he handled the situation with Cinderella.”
“We already put him on trial!” Wildclaw snapped with a thrash of her scarred tail. “He’s already been punished! He’s done so much good, he doesn’t—” Wildclaw stopped herself, jaw tight. “I’m going out. I’ll be back for the vigil.” Downstar let her daughter go, leaving Halibutdusk standing alone before his mother. 
Halibutdusk slowly approached his mother. Downstar scooted over. Halibutdusk slipped into the nest beside her. He pressed into his mother’s side.
“They’ll let him into StarClan,” Halibutdusk gulped. “They have to.”
(Halibutdusk: 34, male, warrior, gloomy, masterful storyteller, clever)
(Downstar: 101, female, leader, adventurous, trusted advisor, very clever)
(Wildclaw: 34, female, caretaker, fierce, trusted advisor)
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sketchsprite · 2 months
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combining my current interest with my forever interest here is psych as warriors... quick blurb ab the plot and character details below
shawn is a kittypet living near a twoleg neighborhood. his dad (an ex thunderclanner) picked up and left the clan after separating from shawn's mother, and life with twolegs is all shawn has ever known. shawn has kind of started running off on his own, wandering around and he meets acornpaw (gus) - a medicine cat apprentice of thunderclan. the two become besties over time. shawn's "ability to be hyperdiligent "psychic" abilities are presented in the form of starclan - who he had heard tales of from his father, but always assumed that were just made-up stories - speaking to him. someway or another, acornpaw mentions it, and sablestar (chief vick) has her interest piqued. she decides to drag along her deputy, bristleheart (lassiter) and his apprentice, poppypaw (jules) to interrogate the kittypet. shenanigans ensue.
this is just the basic introductory plot! i would love to work on this more and i would love further recommendations. im not 100% set on names or designs yet (though pineapple is technically a valid warrior name) but any suggestions are much appreciated! here are some more character things i thought of hehe
has a little pineapple pendant on his collar!! very protective of it.
knows very vaguely of the clans, as his father would sometimes tell him stories of his "glory days" in the forest.
has no intention of joining the clan... but probably hangs out there more than he does with henry or at the twolegplace.
probably has a longtail vs rusty esque fight with bristleheart, minus the getting his collar ripped off - that is where he draws the line!
acornpaw (gus):
tentatively the medicine cat apprentice right now, mostly because im only on season 3 and dont know if there are any fitting characters to be his mentor at the moment.
is very skilled at herb knowledge and applications
good friends with poppypaw, overall liked within the clan!
keeps his side of the med den very organized - he can't speak for his mentor's side.
bristleheart (lassie):
very judgemental and skeptical of shawn when he first learns about him - just like canon!
very short-furred cat - think an oriental shorthair - minus a very fluffy salt n peppa chest
someone please get this cat some brown contacts
decently young for a deputy, but he absolutely worked hard for his position
very overprotective of his clanmates (though he doesnt like to show it), especially his apprentice, poppypaw. she was wounded and left with a torn ear on one of her first border patrols and he feels very guilty that he wasn't able to stop it
poppypaw (jules):
pretty close to having her assessment! she has been working very hard to have a flawless warriors exam
doesn't mind her ear being torn - she thinks it looks really cool!
will often accompany acornpaw herb hunting
quick on her paws and very resourceful
sablestar (vick):
a noble and wise leader, very fit for her title!
still has all nine lives - i like to think shes a relatively new leader
while she keeps up a level-headed facade, she definitely has a silly side to her as well
leader mark is the white tabby "m-shape" on her forehead!
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wc-confessions · 2 months
Since it's disability pride month I am dedicating this confession to lesser known/underrated disabled WC characters!
Everyone knows and loves cats like Briarlight and Brightheart, but there's quite a few others that aren't talked about as much
First off, One-Eye and Halftail, the two first arc elders. They don't show up much due to being in the Elder's Den, but when they do, they're a delight to see. I love One-Eye's bickering with Smallear and how she helps Brightheart a bit in A Dangerous Path! They're also the parents of Mousefur and Runningwind! One of whom dies fighting Tigerclaw in the same book Halftail dies of smoke inhalation after the fire. I like to think Runningwind rushed into battle against Tigerclaw impulsively since his father had died not long ago. Mousefur, on the other hand, takes after her mom in the new prophecy and onwards as a grumpy old lady lol. Very great characters, I love them a lot!
Speaking of the 1st arc, Brokenstar. He's honestly a really entertaining and threatening villain, and people don't talk about him much or his disability. Him and other cats with damaged tails like Berrynose and Finleap aren't really talked about in conversations about disabled characters. I find Brokenstar very interesting, not because of his motivation (or lack there of lol) which is pretty generic, but because of his lasting effects on the clans. His reign directly or indirectly led to several key events in the first arc or beyond. Tigerclaw becoming the deputy of ThunderClan was caused by Brokenstar killing Lionheart (canonically, we don't know who killed Lion, but I think it was Brokenstar), him being still alive led to Nightstar not getting nine lives and dying in Rising Storm. Which led directly to Tigerstar taking power. He directly killed several cats, but his orders and actions led to many more that wouldn't have happened had he not been leader, which I will not list out because this confession would be way too long. Another thing I like about him is that he is a fantastic villain in OOTS. People often depict the main leader of the Dark Forest being Tigerstar or Mapleshade, but in reality, it's actually Brokenstar. Tigerstar is more of a secondary leader to him. Brokenstar was the first Dark Forest cat to cross into the living world, and he later seemingly detects StarClan cats at the border to the Dark Forest somehow and confronts them, so Jayfeather and Spottedleaf have to sneak in, and he leads Flametail into the Dark Forest so Ivypool can ghost kill him (but this plan was foiled by Tigerheart), and in The Darkest Hour, Ivypool refers to the plans as "What Brokenstar is plotting". So yeah, he's the leader of the DF, not Tigerstar, and Tiger wouldn't have gotten very far without him lol. Crazy how we got multiple disabled leaders and deputies in the first arc and then not ever again, unless you count Berrynose lol
Next is Volewhisper! Who has quite a few parallels with Cinderpelt! One of their back legs were both injured by a villain's scheming (Tigerclaw's trap for Bluestar and Brokenstar making kits fight rats), they were both then inspired by a senior clanmate (Yellowfang and Nightpelt), and Cinderpelt chooses to become a medicine cat while Volewhisper chooses to be a warrior instead. I find him very fun and he's one of my favourite characters in Exile From ShadowClan!
The next cat I wanna talk about is a bit controversial due to some pretty bad writing choices by the team. Finleap. I really really loved him in Darkest Night and River of Fire. He and Twigbranch had a really sweet relationship, and I love how he follows her to ThunderClan. I also hate Sandynose, but that's besides the point. They were really cute and I liked them a lot... but then The Raging Storm happened. Where instead of focusing on the actually interesting plot of Twigbranch struggling to be a mentor, they decide to make her nice, sweet, and sort of goofy boyfriend... a jerk. He's rude he gives her the cold shoulder, it's awful, and so out of character. At least he actually does apologize for it and improve his behaviour, which I admit was a sweet moment in an otherwise pretty bad plotline. Then, after that, he's sort of a background cat. He briefly stands up to The Impostor after Twiggy is punished. In Sky he has a sort of friendship with Nightheart. He and Lionblaze laugh at Nightheart after he gets bit by a Squirrel, but later in the book Nightheart thinks of him in a positive light and he's one of the first cats that Night thinks of telling about Sunbeam. Overall fun guy, nice character despite one really bad book (which is basically every warriors character lol)
Some other underrated disabled cats who I don't really have as much to say about:
Fallowfern (deaf)
Shrewtooth (PTSD)
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yellowfang thoughts
the more i think about it, the more i realize how much of a deeply, deeply tragic character yellowfang is. everyone talks about how much she fucking sucks after she becomes a starclan cat, and they’re absolutely correct; she goes from the cool grouchy grandma to a complete fucking hypocrite. and for the longest time i thought this was completely OOC for her, but it recently hit me over the head that it might not be. to say that this change in character was intentional would be giving the erins WAY too much credit knowing who they are, but the more you think about her life and what she went through, the more it makes sense in a twisted sort of way.
starclan forced her into a life she never wanted. she wants to train as a warrior, but she is cursed with the power to feel other cats’ physical pain and badgered into becoming a medicine cat by sagewhisker until she gives in. she falls in love with raggedstar, but as as soon as things go south for her he offers no support. when she dares to go against the destiny that was laid out for her, when she continues to meet with him and becomes pregnant by him, starclan punishes her; not just by having two of her kits die, but by condemning the surviving kit to become a tyrant and a child murderer. he turns against his parents; he kills his father and frames his mother for his own crimes not knowing who she truly is, and yellowfang is forced to watch this all unfold from a distance, unable to tell her son the truth and wondering how things could be different if he knew. and finally, for the good of the clans, she has no other choice but to rip out his eyes and then poison him. her own son, the kit she herself bore, dead at her own claws. a cruel twist of fate for a cat who never wanted any of this, who just wanted her own life.
so by the time she gets to starclan, her experiences have changed her. so many innocent lives were lost and the clans were nearly destroyed because she disobeyed, because she went against their will. she even forgives sagewhisker for being so shitty to her because now she’s convinced that she was the one in the wrong and her mentor, a messenger for starclan, was acting in her best interests all along. she’s become so thoroughly traumatized by everything she went through that she decides she cannot let another cat experience what she experienced. now that she’s a part of starclan, she has the power to prevent something like this from ever happening again. but that’s just the thing. she’s a part of starclan. she’s a part of the system now; the very same system that screwed her over. and the system chews people up and spits them out until they become just another cog in the machine. so instead of going to the root of the problem and questioning the level of influence starclan has over living cats, she not only perpetuates the cycle but becomes an active participant in it.
and because firestar is the son she should have had, she sets her sights on his descendants.
she cannot prevent leafpool from bearing kits, as these kits have their own destiny they must fulfill. so she tells leafpool she must give up her kits, just as she had to. she lies to squirrelflight that she will never have kits of her own and that the three are her only chance to be a mother so that she will take them in. when they arrive in starclan moons later, she and others have the audacity to judge whether they are worthy to join their ranks or should be damned to the dark forest for their actions when they not only did exactly what they were told to do, but did the same things that she did and still went to starclan for (though to give her some credit, she is at least more sympathetic than the other judges and even defends them; perhaps out of guilt?). she allows ashfur into starclan on the basis that he “loved too much,” because her relationship with raggedstar warped her view of what healthy love should look like. she forces the kin of firestar’s kin—namely, jayfeather and dovewing—into destinies they want no part of; they’ll learn to love it, just like she did.
and she thinks she’s doing the right thing. she’s learned the hard way that going against starclan will only lead to more suffering. she’s convinced that she’s helping them, that by acting this way she will be able to prevent them from making the same mistakes that she made. but she cannot see that she is only inflicting on other cats the exact same suffering that starclan inflicted on her.
and if that isn’t tragic, i don’t know what is
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namenotfound0 · 4 months
My take on the new Warriors arc (Changing Skies)
- Skyclan will start starving and start fighting amongst themselves
- Leafstar will become fully blind
- Leafstar will die
- Hawkwing becomes Hawkstar
- A Cool new deputy will be appointed in Skyclan (Violetshine isn't the coolest but she could maybe get more development post-Rootspring)
- Skyclan will finally get good (hoping Frecklewish becomes interesting again)
- Tawnypelt will defy Tigerheartstar and probably say something about morals being more important than Clan loyalty (echoing when she left Thunderclan)
- Tigerheartstar will lose a life to the Big Bad (probably some twoleg problem or another - ex. fire, tree falls)
- Tawnypelt will sacrifice herself
- Moonpaw will be training as a warrior
- She'll start hearing things and confide in Jayfeather, Alderheart, or her mentor
- Moonpaw will visit Starclan
- Someone will tell her that she's ~destined~
- Riverclan will be trying to repair itself and will stay out of the drama
- Crowstar will happen at some point in this arc
- Breezepelt or Appleshine are likely deputy picks
Main plot:
(Not entirely specific timeline order, but I'll try)
- The Prophecy about the Moonpool is delivered by Shadowsight, worrying Tawnypelt
- The twolegs start construction and drive Skyclan to a great hunger and threatens to block the entrance to the Moonpool
- The Skyclan cats are divided, with some not trusting Leafstar's leadership as her vision - and sickness - gets worse
- Tawnypelt feels undervalued in her clan
- Moonpaw starts hearing voices
- Skyclan cats start hunting on Shadowclan territory behind Leafstar's back
- A gathering takes place, where Tigerheartstar accuses Leafstar of being incompetent, and Moonpaw collapses from "visions"
- Shadowsight either decides to mentor Moonpaw or says her "visions" are dangerous and she is not to be trusted
- Tigerheartstar turns the other Clans away
- Tawnypelt tries to convince him to take action with the other Clans, but he refuses
- Tawnypelt ventures to rally support from the other clans
- Squirrelstar is too new to leadership to lend a paw, Riverclan is still trying to get itself together, and Skyclan is a mess
- Crowfeather steps up for Tawnypelt, admiring her courage and determination
- The medicine cats, especially Jayfeather, Whistlepaw, and Frostpaw, will be uneasy after a long time without any visions or anything
- Moonpaw's "visions" get darker, hinting at the destruction of all the Clans and the fading of all of Starclan
- Leafstar joins Crowfeather and Tawnypelt on their mission, while Moonpaw separately seeks Starclan's guidance at the Moonpool
- Moonpaw gets trapped inside the cave with the Moonpool after a rockslide caused by twoleg construction, and she falls into the Moonpool
- Crowfeather, Tawnypelt, and Leafstar watch the rockslide and are fearful about the loss of connection
- Tensions rise between the Clans, with Shadowclan having a border dispute with Skyclan, and with Skyclan being left without a leader or any prey
- Moonpaw drowns and arrives in Starclan, where she is greeted by the regular cast (Bluestar, Yellowfang, Firestar), and the original leaders (Thunderstar, Windstar, Shadowstar, Riverstar, and Skystar) as well as Gray Wing
- The Starclan cats inform Moonpaw that the Clans must band together to find a new land once again
- Moonpaw doubts how she could be helpful, and Firestar assures her that she is the one
- Crowfeather and Tawnypelt help Leafstar as her sickness becomes more and more apparent
- Tawnypelt goes to Thunderclan and Crowfeather accompanies Leafstar to Skyclan
- Moonpaw reawakens on the edge of the Moonpool, still trapped but with a message
- Tawnypelt reasons with Squirrelstar and they stop fighting with Shadowclan
- Leafstar finally succumbs to her sickness after uniting Skyclan with Crowfeather's help
- Tawnypelt returns to Shadowclan with Squirrelstar and together they convince Tigerheartstar to work with the other clans
- Moonpaw escapes and finds Thunderclan, Skyclan and Shadowclan sharing territory as the twolegs build
- Hawkwing is unable to receive his nine lives, but acts in place of leader for Skyclan
- Moonpaw convinces the clans to all meet, and shares what she learned in Starclan
- Squirrelstar believes her completely, but Riverclan is hesitant as they just had issues with Starclan
- Crowfeather asks where they should go, and Ivypool steps up and says they should head toward *place* (whatever happens in her Super Edition is almost certain to introduce their next location)
- All the Clans agree when the twolegs get more aggressive with their building, and they head off on the journey
- Moonpaw starts getting visions again, this time of their new home
- Tawnypelt and Harestar both die protecting the Clans
- Crowfeather assumes the position as leader of Windclan, though unable to receive his nine lives
- Rootspring and/or Tree see the ghosts of Tawnypelt and Harestar at night before they jump up and join Silverpelt
- They arrive at the new territories and Moonpaw becomes a ghost cat (like Rock, so not dead-dead) and turns into the new connection to Starclan (Like how Rock is the connection to the Ancients and Stoneteller is the connection to the Tribe of Endless Hunting)
Now I know the Erin's would never kill all three protagonists in an arc, but this is the only way I see the books getting fresh new plot points while also keeping with everything they've announced. Plus, Tawnypelt is super old, Crowstar has been a long time coming, and Leafstar is not only widely hated but literally stated to be facing some sort of challenge with her vision. I think it's only logical that these three would die to make room for a new roster of interesting protagonists. As for Moonpaw... I don't like that she can be named "Moon"paw and have visions and have there also be a conflict with the Moonpool. Like, they could have called her ANYTHING else.. but they went with "Moon". I think it would be super interesting if she became a sort of immortal figurehead for Starclan. In all honesty, I'm not sure how this would work, but I think it would be super cool. Maybe she gets a Starclan form and can travel between the worlds? But only sparsely and she can only be seen by Tree and Rootspring + giving medicine cats visions & omens.
This was just a fun thought experiment for me - don't take anything I said too seriously, I just love to theorize (if you also like My Little Pony and want to read my theory of how Gen 4 and Gen 5 connect, I have a post on that here)
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kiwi-lizard · 2 years
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I'm currently been obsessing over Clangen and I have created four clans to play that all live in the same area and have connected stories!!!
Welcome to Dampclan! ------------------------------------------------
Basic summery: Dampclan is the smallest clan at The Edge of The World, they live in a once beautiful cave that is situated next to the lowest camp of Bluffclan, sharing a border with them and Morningclan. Their camp is marked by a large oak tree protruding from the ground and at the base of it there is a small hole that leads down into the decent sized cave. From the far south portion of the wall there is a stream that runs into the camp and flows through in a small lake in a dip in the rocks that eventually leads to another small hole, though no cat goes there because it leads to a steep drop. Because of their dark environment, the cats of Dampclan have very good eyesight and navigation skills.
Lore: Dampclan did not always exist in the form it is in today, back many moons before it used to be known as Mossclan. The clan was much larger at the time and the cave they occupied with filled with greenery and moss, despite all the happiness, Starclan was never happy with them. The medicine cat at the time, Leafjaw, had received an omen of death and starvation sweeping over the clan with her being helpless to do anything. As the leader, Hollystar, and Leafjaw were trying to figure out what to do about the omen, one of their warriors named Maplepond had been visited by a Starclan cat in her dreams. She was told a long wait lays ahead of her and after bringing this up to Leafjaw, the medicine cat believes she must be the one to save the clan. In an order from her leader, Maplepond is told to leave the clan and head for the twoleg fishing place to wait, informing her that she will know when to come back. Scared and alone, the warrior takes some travelling herbs and makes her way over there, meeting many cats in the process who she brings along to stay with her. Some went and more came along as she continued to wait, 100 moons went by before she was visited by the Starclan spirit of her brother, Hatchlight, who showed her the way back to her old home. Now 136 moons old, Maplepond leads a group of loners and former kittypets to what used to be known as Mossclan, now all it was was a barren cave with only reminders that cats had lived there. She names herself as leader of the new clan, goes and recives her nine lives from The Crashing Waters and names the new clan of cats as Dampclan.
Clan Qualities: Unlike the other three clans in the area, since Dampclan is so new that are still establishing their own culture and finding out who they are, separate from the old Mossclan. Due to how the cave was structured, there was nowhere to make proper nests or dens out of and nowhere to dig anything out, therefore Dampclan has began to become known as construction workers. Cats will go up to the surface and drag many things like sticks and branches down to the cave and create walls for dens, using weaving techniques and sap to keep them together. Moss is also commonly used in this clan as the roofs of dens since there is no need for much protection from things above but also as coats to wear while in camp. The cats wear long coats of moss that are fashioned to stay on their bodies and keep them warm while in the cave and especially in cold months, the cats also decorate the coats with whatever they would like to differentiate them. The moss coats are also traded with Bluffclan for goods that can only be obtained on the mountain, seeing as that clan needs to keep warm as well.
Clan Relations: Onionclan - Good friends! The clans are quite close as they are both made up of previous non-clan cats. Bluffclan - Uneasy alliance. It's a general rule that you don't want to get on Bluffclan's bad side, they are the biggest clan in the forest and even being neutral towards them is for the best. Morningclan - Enemies. Though Bigstar, the leader of Morningclan, is trying to develop an allience with Dampclan, most of the cats in the clan itself hold distain for Dampclan and state that Maplestar should have never come back.
Event tidbits: Seedstalk was never meant to become a medicine cat, being apprenticed to the previous medicine cat, Brightspirit, one moon before she was meant to be made a warrior. The reason she was assigned to be one is because a lot of cats were getting injured early on in the development of the clan and it was too much for Brightspirit to handle. This infuriated the medicine cat, putting his hatred towards Seedpaw and her become distant with him, even though they shared the medicine den. Brightspirit died of whitecough after refusing to let the two medicine cats see him and Seedstalk did not mourn his death.
Whisperpaw is a very odd cat among the clan, the first cat from outside to be brought in after the clan was established. Brightspirit had found her as a kit next to her dead mother and siblings, she was the only kit who managed to survive from the litter and was brought back to the clan. Later on when she was at her apprentice ceremony, after touching noses with her mentor, Curlshell, he proceeds to fall over and die due to a leg wound he had received a couple of moons back that had become infected. This lead to cats being wary of Whisperpaw and thinking she was cursed, Maplestar taking her under her wing.
Applespot wasn't the first deputy of Dampclan, the previous deputy had been a cat by the name of Ermineheart. She was very popular in the clan and was very close with Maplestar, them having been friends while the leader was waiting for a sign to come back. In an unfortunate turn of events, she was picked up by some hiking twolegs while out on a hunting patrol and was taken off with them. Maplestar held out hope that she would come back and only appointed Applespot as being the new deputy after they receive word from Onionclan that her body was found not far outside of their territory. She did not leave without ripple effects however, when Maplestar had a litter of two kits, she named one of them Erminekit after her old friend.
Applespot actually has two adopted children named Leopardclaw and Rabbitflower. They were found near the edge of their territory without a mother in sight and were brought back to the clan, the ginger tom then took them in. They have grown up in the clan not knowing they are of kittypet origin, Leopardclaw always being more skilled than her sibling and constantly showing them up no matter what it was. Rabbitflower is resentful of their sister, wishing they could be leader one day to finally be out of her shadow. (Rabbitflower and Leopardclaw pictured below)
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Another cat I have not shown above is one of the newer cats of the clan, Rockstep. He was a former kittypet named Rumble and he is a shameless senior warrior who acts as the main construction worker for the clan and the local emotional support dad. He likes to gossip with Seedstalk about clan drama and is one of the oldest cats in the clan.
Condorheart came to the clan as a medicine cat seeking refuge from the harsh weather of leaf-bare. He was recognized very easily as being one of the three medicine cats (at the time) of Bluffclan and when questioned why he had left, he talks vaguely about a horrible tragedy that he could not bare to face. The clan accepted him in under the condition of becoming one of their medicine cats since Brightspirit was getting old, he accepted but requested to never attend gatherings and keep his place in the clan a secret.
I really hope you guys enjoyed this!! The other three clans listed here are also clangen saves I have going with just as much story, if not more than Dampclan. I want to make lots of art of these guys and expand on the story more over time.
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