#a nap is always a good thing 🤭
alwaysneedyforsir · 2 months
three words: brown butter brownies
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Making Up For Lost Time - Edmund Pevensie x Reader
Based on the following two requests:
can we get an enemies to lovers with edmund that has smut in it??
PLEASEE an edmund smut,, preferably something with a risk of getting caught? or not bb i don’t mind- but a lot of dirty talking too 🤭
It's not necessarily enemies to lovers? But I really hope you enjoy it, this is probably my favorite thing I've written thus far.
Summary: You and Edmund are definitely feeling the effects of your arranged marriage.
Warnings: Language, Smut, not proofed!
Female reader
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You couldn't take much more of him, nor him you. The both of you knew why the marriage had to happen, Narnia couldn't risk another war, and Calormen was losing resources due to the Great Desert. As a compromise, Peter, Caspian, and Susan met with Prince Rabadash to secure a compromise. A truce between the kingdoms and a new way for the resources to be traded was sealed with the promise of a marriage between you and Edmund.
And neither of you was happy with it.
It didn't help that you had shared chambers either. You and Edmund had asked The High Kings and Queen about a switch in rooms but they only pushed further.
"Imagine what the people would think if the newlyweds weren't sharing a room?" So you were forced to live with him. Fall asleep next to him each night, and wake by his side every morning.
Granted, Edmund wasn't intolerable. He just wasn't tolerable either. He was a handsome man, sure, but that face also came with his quick wit and sharp tongue, two things you'd grown to loathe.
He'd challenge you, yes. But his tone of speech was never rude or condescending. But the biggest thing you hated about him, he was always so charming. So sweet. So fair.
He didn't earn the title of The Just King for nothing. But it just added fuel to the fire.
He'd always let you use the bath chambers first, and never complained or protested when you took longer baths.
He didn't pressure you to do anything on your wedding night. He simply kept to himself, offering you a smile and a "goodnight" from his side of the bed. You had been told what was to come, your mind was full of stories from other women in your life. Horror stories.
"It is ever so painful."
"Not pleasurable at all!"
"I can hardly wait until it's over!"
Needless to say, when your new husband had simply wished you a good night and went to sleep, you were surprised. The next morning you woke by his side, finding it odd that he had barely moved an inch. You were basically in the middle of the large bed, Edmund sleeping soundly on the edge, right where he was the night before. You were gone before he'd woken up.
Edmund never failed to greet you kindly, entering the room quietly just in case you had decided to take a nap. He never raised his voice to you either.
Was he snarky and sassy? Of course. But he had always treated you and your family with kindness and respect. It was insufferable. Sometimes you wished he'd just be rude so you would have a real reason to hate him, aside from the fact that he was your husband but you never seemed to communicate. You had gotten used to the fact that there would never be any sort of friendship, let alone a relationship, between you and Edmund, so you resorted to hating him.
The only time he'd gotten angry with you was when you hadn't returned to the bedroom one evening. Unbeknownst to you, he began searching frantically for you, creating quite a stir in the grand castle, only to find you asleep in the library. He cursed to himself before picking your sleeping form up in his arms and bringing you back to your room.
You woke up that morning in bed, confused at first about your location, but relaxing when you saw Edmund's sleeping form next to you.
As you rolled out of bed and made your way to the bathroom you heard his voice.
"Don't do that again." You froze, turning around. His dark eyes were on yours and he was very much not asleep.
"Do what?" He sat up, giving you a view of his very shirtless torso. You averted your eyes immediately.
"Not come back." Your confusion brought your eyes to him again. His lanky, but well-built frame, was now sitting on the edge of the bed.
"What?" He rose from the bed, a hand running through his dark hair. You stare at him while he walks toward you, stopping less than a foot away from you.
"You didn't come back last night. Don't do that again." He brushed your cheek with his hand, and leaned forward, pressing a kiss there too. You could feel your cheeks heating at the proximity. The last time he'd been this close to you was your wedding. He hadn't touched you since then either.
He pulled away quickly, stepping around you.
"Did you bring me back?" You turned your head to face him.
That night, there was a ball between the great nations. Narnia was the gracious host to Archenland, the Conglomeration of Nations, Ettinsmoor, and of course, Calormen.
You hadn't seen Edmund since the morning. You had been whisked away by maids to get ready for the celebration. The ball was for you and Edmund, another party after the wedding you guessed.
You were dressed in a gorgeous light blue gown with intricate white floral stitching and lace along the neckline. It was gorgeous. The long sleeves were fitted and the back laced up like a corset. Your hair had been fixed down with small braids throughout as to not disrupt the crown you'd also be adorning for the evening.
Then, you were whisked away to the celebration, the guests awaiting the arrival of the newlyweds. Edmund was waiting in the corridor, dressed in the same light blue as you, his silver crown on top of his head. He looked very handsome, more so than usual, and suddenly your thoughts were filled with images of you and Edmund dancing together, of Edmund touching you, his large hand on your waist, maybe even his lips on yours.
You blinked, eyes meeting his. What had he just called you?
"I said are you ready to go in?" Your cheeks heated once again and you nodded, looking away from him. He chuckled and then he laced his fingers through yours, effectively making your heart stop.
As soon as your introductions were over, you slipped away from Edmund's side. The thoughts kept popping up in your brain. Why did you keep thinking these thoughts? Edmund didn't want to marry you, let alone consummate the marriage, so why did your brain keep doing this? You hid yourself well by the banquet table, keeping away from the crowds.
"Queen Y/N?" You turned at the use of your title, looking at the sheer opposite of your husband. A man with blonde hair and blue eyes was staring at you with a dazzling smile. You found yourself preferring Edmund's dark hair, brown eyes, and ever-present smirk.
"I am Prince Cor of Archenland. It is very nice to meet you, M'Lady."
You had to stop yourself from reacting to the name Edmund had called you only an hour before. You'd much preferred it coming from his mouth than Prince Cor. Oh now you'd done it. This poor Prince was trying to make small talk with you and now you were thinking about your husband's mouth? The blush creeping over your cheeks and shoulders was enough for you to shake yourself out of your thoughts.
"It is nice to meet you too, your Highness."
As you and Cor began to make conversation, Edmund's wondering eyes found you. His hand tightened around the goblet he'd been holding and his gaze narrowed.
"Who is that?" He hadn't even noticed he was interrupting his brother.
"Who is who?" Peter replied.
"The bloke flirting with my wife, that's who." Peter held back a laugh.
"Ed, I hardly think Prince Cor would flirt with Y/N, this is your marriage celebration after all. Besides, she wouldn't flirt with someone else so shamelessly."
Edmund wasn't even listening and was halfway across the ballroom before his brother could finish speaking.
"I really do believe that astronomy is one of the most interesting subjects one can learn about-" The Just King interrupted the blonde prince, swiftly interjecting himself into the conversation.
"Hello, My Love." Your face burned at the new name. Then he turned your face to his and kisses your cheek. You could feel your heart in your ears and you looked down, suddenly interested in the floor. "May I ask what you and Prince Cor are talking about?" The blonde man looked uncomfortable.
"We were speaking-"
"I believe I asked my wife, not you." Cor lowered his head in a nod in return, quickly and quietly exiting the conversation. If looks could kill, Prince Cor would have been dead on the ballroom floor in mere seconds from Edmund's piercing glare.
You began to slip away from your husband before his strong hand wrapped around your arm and gently tugged you back. His front was lightly pressed against your back, his head lowered so he could speak into your ear.
"And where do you think you're going?" His voice sent shivers down your spine. His hand trailed up your arm, resting where your shoulder meets your collar bone, visible from the Sabrina neckline of your dress. "Are you trying to make me jealous?"
What? Were you dreaming?
"Because it's working, darling."
Edmund's hand grasps yours again and he begins to lead you out of the room, desperate to get you alone. It isn't until you are outside of the boisterous party that you speak.
"Where are we going?" Edmund stops to look around, before ushering you into a corridor adjacent to the party. "Edmund!"
"Shh!" His hand covers your mouth and he presses his front to yours, making sure you are silent and unseen as guests walk past the hall. He looks at you and almost melts at the beautiful, wide eyes looking up at him. He removes his hand from your mouth, placing it on the wall by your head. You don't even register that the other is on your waist.
You speak gently, making sure your voice is hushed.
"Edmund, why are you jealous?" Your husband takes a deep breath before glancing down the hallway. "Ed?" Your hand timidly reaches up to bring his face back to yours and his eyes widen at the contact.
"You were talking to another man. At the celebration of our wedding."
You had to stifle your shock.
"Edmund, you are my husband, you have no reason to be jealous of a prince from a neighboring kingdom." His lips quirk up a bit.
"How can I not be when you are showing more interest in anyone else but me? I am your husband and you are my wife. I should be by your side tonight." His words are so surprising and you are glad for the wall behind you, and the man in front of you, for the extra support to stand.
"I thought you would want your space."
"Why in Aslan's name would you think that?" You look at him again, taking him in completely, the way he looks in the blue fabric, his dark hair framing his face with that godforsaken crown making him look better than he had a few hours ago. "Y/N, why do you think I wouldn't want to be near you?" His eyes search yours and you blink away, far too flushed under his heavy gaze.
"You haven't ever wanted to before." The words hit him like bricks.
The words begin to spill out before you can stop them.
"You always sleep on your side with your back to me, you are always gone when I wake up, I never see you except when you come to get ready for bed, and on our wedding night you didn't..." You push through the embarrassment. "You didn't even touch me. I know this marriage isn't what we had wanted but I thought that maybe we might have been friends-" Edmund cuts off your monologue with a kiss. Your first kiss since your wedding night.
His hand moves from the wall to your neck and the other pulls you to his body, needing to get closer to you.
Your body reacts immediately, melting into the kiss, hands resting on his waist.
It ends too soon, Edmund pulling away first, putting his hand back on the wall while he catches his breath, but the other remained on your waist.
"You think I don't want to be near you?" He stares at you with an incredulous look on his handsome face. The closeness of his face to yours is enough to make you blush, again. "Darling, I haven't..." He takes a moment to breathe, his tongue darting out to wet his lips. "I didn't touch you that night because I didn't want to hurt you. I'm so bloody drawn to you that I have to sleep on the opposite side of the bed turned away from you so I don't taint your virtue. I leave in the morning because-"
Your hand covers his mouth as another rowdy group of guests wanders by the corridor. You wait for them to leave before speaking again, keeping your hand plastered onto his face.
"So, you don't hate me?"
He shakes his head.
"You never did?"
You remove your hand from his mouth and the two of you just stare at each other. Unmoving. It feels like minutes pass before he covers your mouth with his again.
His hand returns to your neck, pulling you to him once more.
"I'm sorry I ever made you think I didn't want you. You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen and I am the luckiest man alive to have you as my wife."
"Edmund..." The kind words hit you straight in the heart.
"And now, it seems I have something I have to make up for." His smirk appears and it sends your insides to mush.
"But Edmund I-"
"Shhhh." He smiles, his head dipping to yours. "Don't want to get caught, now do we?" He kisses you again, this one full of heat and passion, the lack of contact between you only adding fuel to the fire.,
Edmund pulls your body flush against his and groans into your mouth. You falter at the glorious sound but he is there to support you
His kisses travel down your neck to your collarbones.
"Edmund... What are you doing?"
"Making up for lost time, darling." He grins at you again. "Now be quiet." He kisses you again, his sneaky hands running down your sides to your skirt. He breaks the kiss to look down, his hands pulling the fabric up to your waist.
"Fuck." Your eyes went wide. You'd never heard Edmund use that kind of language before. His eyes lock on yours again.
He looks perfect. He's a king. Your king. Your husband.
"Are you ok with this?" You nod yes multiple times, making him smirk yet again, and then you gasp at the contact of his fingers against your womanhood. Your hands grip his shoulders for support, his muscles tensing at the fact that you are touching him. That he is touching you. His fingers find no resistance due to the effects of his words and his ego grows. You bury your face into his shirt when his fingers slip into you. Though foreign, it is an immensely pleasurable feeling and you can't help but want more.
Then he begins to move them. You push further into him to silence your mouth, the feeling far too wonderful to not have a vocal effect.
But then his thumb brushes on something that makes you let out a loud moan. Your face flushes in embarrassment.
"Do you want everyone to know that I'm defiling you in the hallway?"
Oh dear, you're afraid his words combined with whatever he is doing with his fingers are going to kill you.
He repeats the same action but kisses you once more, your moans muffled.
Edmund can tell you are getting close, you've begun to shake, you're gasping into his mouth, and you are practically rutting into his hand. He makes the conscious decision to break the kiss to suck on your neck, covering your mouth with his free hand to silence any escaping sounds. Then, his thumb presses up again and his fingers hook inside of you and you convulse around him.
He is in awe of how gorgeous you are and what he'd just done.
As you catch your breath, your trembling hands find the waistband of his trousers and gently begin unbuttoning them, eager for more. His eyes avert to what you're doing and he curses again. You falter.
"Do-do you want me to stop?" His head shakes back and forth.
"I think I'd die if you did, love."
Edmund begins kissing your neck once again while you free him from the confinement of his tight pants and you gasp. He laughs into your neck, sending goosebumps throughout your entire body.
"Don't get shy on me now, darling. You wanted this, right?" You nod and feel him smile into your skin.
He makes quick work of your undergarments, tossing them to the side, lining himself up with your lower half.
He halts and you look into his eyes, body shaking in need and anticipation for what you had been so scared of on your wedding night.
With your eyes on his, he pushes into you, stopping when you push against him.
"Are you alright?" His voice is next to your ear.
"Just one second." Edmund waits, trying to distract himself from the way your body is clenching around him. Your small voice brings him back to reality. "Edmund."
"Yes?" You notice the rasp in his voice, the strain in his muscles. To ease him, you follow your instincts and roll your hips against his and his hands grip your hips in response, stifling the moan wanting to leave his throat.
"Fuck. Y/N. You can't do that." It's your turn to smirk. You do it again and he presses your body back into the wall. The soft grip on your hips tightens and his eyes meet yours, blown with lust. Then, they narrow at the smirk on your lips. "Oh, so you think that's funny do you?" He begins to slide out of you and your eyes roll backwards. Then he slams back in.
The moan that escapes your lips sets a fire in him and his hand claps back over your mouth.
"How many times do I need to tell you to be quiet?" He begins to move his hips again, the feeling ten times more wonderful than just his fingers. "Is this what you wanted?" You can barely comprehend his hushed words. "Is that why you were flirting with him? To make me jealous so I'd finally touch you?" His free hand worms its way back to the apex of your thighs, finding that place that made you squirm in no time. "You're lucky I love you." You don't even register his words as you come undone.
Edmund follows behind, pushing into you one last time before falling into you. His breathing is labored and the two of you don't speak while you catch your breath.
"Edmund!" Your heads snap toward the sound of Peter yelling his name.
"Dammnit!" He quickly makes himself presentable and you follow suit, making sure your hair isn't wild and your skirts are back in place. He takes your hand, smiling at you, before leading you back out of the hallway.
"Edmund!" Peter's back was to you.
"Peter, stop yelling, I'm right here!" The High King turns around, a glare present on his face.
"Your guests are wondering where the two of you have been! You disappeared thirty minutes ago! Get back inside, now."
Edmund doesn't reply to his bother, opting for an eye roll instead. Then he turns to you offering you a bow.
"Shall we get back to the celebration, my queen?" You giggle.
Peter may have overreacted just a bit because the only people wondering where the two of you had gone was him.
Edmund pulled you to the ballroom floor, his arms draped around your waist. You settled yours around his shoulders with a smile. The rest of the party seemed to disappear as he bent down to place a soft kiss against your lips.
You rest your head against his shoulder and whisper into his ear.
"I love you too."
AHHHHH! Y'all I'm really proud of this and hope you enjoy it. :)
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lustfulslxt · 7 months
Dom!Chris makes his girl wear one of those vibrators that’s controlled by an app while they’re in public and tells her any noise she lets slip out is an extra spanking she gets while she’s bent over his lap later 🤭
Trouble - Chris Sturniolo
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warnings : dirty dirty nsfw, dom!chris, spanking, use of toys
“We have to get it!” Chris exclaims, shoving the item in my face.
I can’t help the chuckle that emits from my mouth as I push his arm away, so that I can actually see what he’s holding. As I’m reading it, he impatiently shuffles on his feet.
“Come on, you’ll love it!” He whines, trying to convince me.
That’s when I realize it’s a vibrator that you can sync to your phone through the We-Vibe app, and control the settings that way. My face heats up at his comment, suggesting that I would love it, because he’s absolutely right.
“I don’t know.” I say, pretending to be unsure.
“Oh, please! This would bring you to your knees for me.” He taunts, his lips curving into a smirk.
My eyes go wide and I turn my head to the side, avoiding his gaze for a split second. When I look forward, I see him looking at me with a proud smile on his face as he nods his head.
“Yep! We’re getting it.” He states, walking to the register with it.
Biting my bottom lip to prevent my lips from growing into a wide smile, I follow behind him, giddy and excited for what’s to come. We get to the register, and Chris hands the box to the cashier with that same smile on his face, a smile of accomplishment. He turns to look at me, sending me a quick wink that lights my insides on fire. He doesn’t have to do much of anything at all, I’m always ready and eager for him.
Chris pays and grabs the now bagged box, tossing an arm around me and pulling me into him. “Let’s go, lover.”
We get out to the car and Chris instantly opens the door for me, planting a kiss on my cheek before closing my door and happily skipping to his side. He gets behind the wheel, reaching back to set the bag on the backseat.
“I cannot wait to use this on you.” He grins, starting the car up.
I watch as he puts the gear in reverse, then places his arm behind my seat and looks back to watch as we pull out of our parking spot. He notices me staring and a smirk pulls to his lips as he puts the car in drive and starts our trip home.
“You’re so cute, I love you.” He smiles, placing his right hand on my thigh as he holds the wheel with his left.
“I love you more.” I say, softly rubbing his hand on my thigh, before pulling my phone out to begin our music playlist.
Chris and I have been together for almost three years, and it’s been nothing short of amazing. He’s always been good to me, and we hardly ever seriously fight, but if we do, he’s quick to make things right before we end the day. He’s very loving and it shows through all of his gestures; gifts, compliments, the way he speaks of me to others, the way he talks to me, how he touches me.
Don’t get me wrong, he can be a real sweetheart in the bedroom; gentle with his touch, sweet talking me, never pushing me to my limits. Other times, he’s a nasty freak. I love both versions of him, in my opinion, it’s a perfect mix. He gives me whatever I need, whenever I need it. If I need soft Chris, he’s exactly that, making love to me in such a sensual way. If I need hard Chris, he’s exactly that, fucking me dumb until I can’t take it anymore.
I just know, with this new toy we got, I’m getting the freak tonight, and I can’t be more thrilled.
“Baby, do you want to go to dinner tonight?” Chris asks, turning down our street. “Nick asked me earlier, and I just remembered.”
“Oh, sure.” I respond, “What time?”
“I think he said around six, but I’ll have to double check to make sure.”
“Sounds good.” I smile at him.
I look at the time on my phone and see that it says 2:12, which gives me enough time to possibly take a nap before having to get ready. I don’t need to do much but shower, get dressed, and maybe a light makeup look, so I could definitely squeeze in a two hour nap.
“Can we take a nap when we get in?” I ask him as we pull into the driveway, “Before dinner.”
“Already planned on it, baby.” He grins at me, shutting the car off once we enter the garage.
He grabs the bag from the back and gets out of the car, quickly walking over to my side, opening the door for me. Grabbing my hand, he helps me out and shuts the door for me. Before he can walk us inside, I stop in my tracks, causing him to halt and expectantly look at me.
“What’s up?” He asks.
I grab his cheeks and pull him into me, placing my lips on his, giving him a soft and sweet kiss. Sometimes, I just need to show him I love him, especially when he’s a gentleman.
“You’re the best, let’s go.” I smile to him, pulling him to the door.
He smiles back at me, squeezing my hand in return and following in suit. We get inside and immediately head over to our room. Chris places the bag on his dresser, both of us kicking off our shoes. I instantly jump in bed, sprawling out beneath the blankets, Chris repeating my actions.
I flip onto my side, him pulling against me, our bodies meeting to create a much appreciated warmth. His arm rests around me, his hand up my shirt and holding my breast. My body’s firmly pressed against his, his breath hitting my neck as he pulls me impossibly closer. I scoot back, pressing my ass against his crotch, very slightly shifting to tease him just a bit. It doesn’t take long at all before I can feel his dick stiffening behind me, poking into my cheek.
“Y/N, what do you think you’re doing?” Chris asks in a warning tone.
“Napping?” I retort, feigning confusion as if it were nothing but obvious.
“Don’t play with me, or we’ll skip dinner and I’ll fuck you into tomorrow.” He whispers in my ear, his hand tightening around my boob.
Chris has always been able to see right through me, whatever it is, he can read me like a book. There was no hiding anything from him, he knows me like the back of his hand.
“That actually sounds more appetizing than dinner.” I whisper back, pushing my lower half into his even harder.
In one swift motion, he flips me onto my back and is hovering over me. His right knee is placed in between my legs, as his other leg straddles mine, his erection sitting directly on my thigh. Both of his hands are set on the sides of my head as he holds himself upright, staring down at me. His lips faintly brush against mine, but pull away before I can capture them in a kiss. He drags them across my cheek, leaving my skin beneath him tingling.
He makes his way toward my ear, kissing right below it and pressing a few kisses on my neck. I can’t help my heavy breathing at this point, he always knew what got to me. His mouth reaches my ear once again and he plants a wet kiss onto it. I feel his tongue run across my earlobe before his mouth wraps around it, sucking softly, eliciting a soft moan from my lips. Suddenly, his hand grips my jaw and he slams his mouth on mine, shoving his tongue in my mouth as he kisses me deeply.
“Be a good girl for me tonight, and I’ll give you everything you want and more.” He says once he pulls away.
I’m physically incapable of saying anything as he repositions us once more, now laying behind me again. I can’t help but feel his hard on pressed into me, and I want nothing more than to take him right now. I can practically feel his smirk against my neck, already knowing he feels proud for getting me worked up. He never fails to leave me stuck stupid, anticipating what’s to come.
“Baby, you almost ready?” I hear Chris call out from the bedroom.
Emerging from the bathroom with a sheepish look on my face, I look down to the towel wrapped around me. I literally just got out of the shower, and he wants to know if I’m almost ready.
“Bro.” He deadpans once he takes my appearance in. “I thought you maybe only had lip gloss to put on or something, and here you come, completely wet and naked.”
Despite his complaints, I can see his pupils dilate as his eyes roam my glistening body. He licks his lips at the sight of me, before bringing his hands in front of him, showing me what he’s holding; the vibrator we had bought earlier.
“It’s sanitized and ready for use.” He grins, holding it out for me.
“You wanna use this at dinner?” I ask as I take it from him.
“Yes.” He nods, “Doesn’t it sound exciting? Risking an orgasm while we’re out in public?”
I shyly smile at him, nodding my head in agreement. He pumps his fist in the air, cheering in satisfaction. I just shake my head with a giggle coming from my mouth, then grab my clothes and head into the bathroom. I quickly get dressed and put the vibrator in place, eager to see how the night goes. After exiting the bathroom, I brush my hair and apply products like deodorant, lotion, and perfume. Deciding to skip my makeup, I just slip my shoes and grab my purse, sliding my phone in it.
“I’m ready.” I tell Chris, who’s now scrolling on his phone as he sits on the bed.
He looks up and smiles at me, standing up and placing a kiss on my head. “You look gorgeous, let’s go.”
Once we made it out to the van, Chris and I sat in the back, with Nick and Matt up front. It’s just us four for dinner, and I’m glad because I don’t know how brutal Chris is going to be, and I’d rather not lose my mind in front of a bunch of people.
Nick’s music played throughout the car, faint conversation coming from the two up front. My mind was drifting from them talking, to the music playing, to Chris’ hand rubbing my thigh. Suddenly, I could feel vibrations on my core, emitting a very loud gasp from my mouth.
“Are you good?” Nick asks, eyeing me from the front seat.
I clear my throat and swallow nothing, “Uh, yeah. Sorry.”
I have no excuse to give him, unable to use my brain properly as the vibrations continue rushing through my bundle of nerves. I look at Chris, noticing the wide smirk on his lips as he watches me fidget in my seat. I take in a deep breath, pressing my feet into the floor of the van in an attempt to relieve myself of the pleasure. Luckily, the vibrator stops as Chris pushes my hair out of my ear.
“Any noise you make tonight is an extra spanking you’re getting when I bend you over later.” He mutters into my ear.
My pussy’s actually throbbing, desperate for stimulation, aching for him to be inside of me. I can’t help but squeeze my thighs together, trying to feel any sort of pressure. I want nothing more than for him to bend me over and rail me as we speak, and having to wait for it had me gritting my teeth.
Throughout the rest of the ride, Chris hadn’t turned on the vibrator, letting me drop my guard of course. Once we get out and head into the restaurant, Nick walks ahead of us to speak with the host. Within a minute, we are being directed to our table for the evening.
As soon as I take my seat, the vibrations start back up, causing me to abruptly jerk and let out a small whimper. Of course, Nick and Matt look at me in confusion while Chris tries his best to conceal his growing smile.
I clear my throat again, trying to ignore the sensation coursing through me. “Sorry, cramps.”
The two boys nod, understanding, before their eyes are directed to their menus. I look over at Chris with a glare on my face, which only prompts him to turn the settings higher. I drag my bottom lip into my mouth, biting down hard to prevent any sounds that are threatening to come from my mouth.
“That’s two, baby.” He states, only loud enough for me to hear.
“Two?!” I ask, eyes widening.
“Mhm.” He nods, his smile evident. “Just now, and in the car.”
“That’s so unfair.” I say, pointing out how he started this game after the first slip up.
“Them’s the rules, ma.” He chuckles, adjusting his grip on his phone.
I can’t help but watch closely, unsure of when he was going to stop the vibrator, or turn it up. I’m on the edge of my seat, metaphorically, but also literally. I can’t bring myself to get comfortable, knowing Chris would use it to his advantage.
As the waiter walks over, I can feel the vibrations growing stronger, causing me to tense. I don’t have to see my face to know that it’s deep red, I can actually feel how hot it is. Taking in a deep breath, my hands clutch my thighs, needing something, anything.
“Hello, my name is Noah, and I’ll be your waiter tonight. Can I start you off with some drinks?”
“Root beer, please.”
“I’ll have a Dr. Pepper.”
“Pepsi for me, thank you.”
Everyone looks at me, expectantly, but I can’t even speak. I’m scared my voice will betray me, showing that I was in a pleasurable struggle. I glance at Chris, my eyes begging him.
Instead of turning off the toy, he smiled at the waiter, “She’ll have a Dr. Pepper as well.”
“Okay, I will be back with those shortly and take your order then.”
As soon as he walked away, Matt and Nick turn to each other, then to Chris, then to me.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Matt asks.
Nick continues, “You seem really off.”
Before I can even attempt to spit a word out, the vibrations increased even more, causing my jaw to drop as I deeply inhale. Luckily, just as quick as it came, it all stopped.
“I’m good.” I say, my breath a little erratic.
I can see the two are not convinced, but I really don’t have it in me to make up a story that’ll lead them astray. Fortunately, they drop it and return to their menus once again. Chris’ hand comes in contact with my thigh, rubbing dangerously close to my core, I can feel the heat from his fingers.
“You’re so hot when you struggle to be quiet.” He whispers into my ear.
I ignore him, biting my lip as I attempt to regulate my breathing. We all quickly decide what we want to eat just as the waiter comes back with our drinks. After ordering our food, we dive into different conversations.
“We should get little canvases and paint together.” Nick suggests, smiling at the rest of us.
“That sounds so fun! I love painting.” I agree.
“We could get different types of cartoons or even blank canvases, both would be fun.” Matt adds.
Chris hasn’t said a word, so I look over and see him buried into his phone. As if feeling my gaze, his head lifts up with a devilish grin on his face. Immediately, I feel the buzzing between my legs, more intense than it’s been all night. My eyes shoot open as a lewd moan falls from my mouth, I quickly cover it with an exaggerated cough. Chris shakes his head, tsking me.
My mouth falls open again, silent moans coming from it. Chris continues to knead my thigh, adding to the pleasure that was coursing through me. I can feel the knot build in my stomach, close to unraveling. I lay my head down on the edge of the table and quickly grab Chris’ hand from my leg, using it to muffle the sounds that were sure to leave my mouth. As the pressure continued building, I clench myself around the vibrator, extremely close to letting go. I bring my mouth to his palm, biting at the skin in order to silence the inevitable moans pouring out of me as I can’t help but give into the orgasm, releasing all over as my legs tremble.
“Shame on you, cumming without daddy’s permission. You’re in big trouble when we get home, baby.” Chris says to me, his voice raspy.
“We need to go.” I plead, now extremely aware of the wet mess in my pants.
“Sorry boys, Y/N’s gonna be sick. I think I should bring her home. I’ll cashapp you for the dinner.” Chris announces, standing up and reaching for my hand.
“Feel better.” Nick and Matt say in unison.
With that, Chris is pulling me to the exit of the restaurant. As soon as we make it outside, he’s guiding me to a car that’s parked on the side of the road.
“I ordered an uber. I knew you weren’t gonna make it.” He informs me, sensing my confusion.
We get in the car, immediately starting our journey home. Throughout the whole ride, Chris gets handsy with me; rubbing and touching every part of me. He is just as eager as I am. As soon as the car comes to a stop outside our place, Chris is bidding the driver goodbye and dragging me inside.
We make our way downstairs to our bedroom, shutting and locking the door. Instantly, he has me pinned against it, his lips slamming onto mine in a feverish kiss. One of his hands wraps around my throat, the other diving straight into my pants. He grabs the vibrator, pulling it out and wrapping his mouth around it, sucking my juices off. I can’t help the whimper that leaves my mouth, nothing but turned on by the sight.
He sets the toy on the dresser next to us, his hands now going for my shirt, swiftly removing it with ease. His lips meet mine again, his tongue entering and exploring my mouth. His hands are groping every inch of me, feeling me up and down, causing moans to emit from me. As his mouth works down my neck, his hands go behind me and unbuckle the strap of my bra, letting it fall loosely on my arms before he pulls the entire thing off. His hands find their way to my breasts, squeezing them and tweaking my nipples.
We’re moving in such a fast and hurried pace, hungry for one another. Each of us could only ever be what the other needed in times like this, and right now, we were both insatiable. You would think we’ve been deprived of pleasure like this our whole lives, now finally having a taste and not being able to get enough of it. But that isn’t true. Our sex life has always been more than fulfilling, but there’s something about him that makes me go feral.
His hands unbuckle my jeans, letting me remove them as he takes off his shirt. I’m not left in nothing but my underwear, him in his still in his pants. He slides his finger in the waistband of my panties, tugging it and letting it snap back into place. He raises an eyebrow at me, nodding his head towards my bottoms, indicating he wants me to take them off, so I do.
“Go sit.” He states, intently watching me.
I do as he says, sitting pretty on the edge of the bed, watching his every move. He stands in front of me, his eyes blown out and full of lust as he looks down on me. Remaining eye contact, he slowly begins unbuckling his belt. In such a slow pace, he pulls it from his pants, folding it up and setting it aside. His fingers then grasp the button of his pants, undoing it, all whilst still looking me in my eyes. He lets his pants fall, leaving him in his very restricting boxers, as his dick stands tall, creating a tent in the clothing material.
He steps directly in front of me, his hard on now eye level with me, directly in front of my face. He puts a hand on the back of my head, bringing me closer to his erection. His opposite hand palms himself through his boxers, rubbing his cloth covered member over my lips. Just as I’m about to put my mouth on him, he pushes my head back.
“As much as I want to have your pretty little mouth around my cock, it’s gonna have to be another time.” He says, “You remember how many you’re getting?”
“Three.” I whisper, my breath hitching in anticipation as I stare up at him with doe eyes.
“Four. Doubled because you’re a bad girl and came before I said you could.” He smirks, licking his lips.
His hand wraps around my neck, trailing up to my jaw. He’s directly above me, staring down at me with his hungry eyes as his thumb trails over my bottom lip. He pulls it down, letting the pad of his finger keep it in place.
“Suck.” He states, leaving no room for questions.
I take his finger into my mouth, licking and sucking just as he wanted me too. He’s then pulling me up from the bed, his hand once again around my neck. His lips meet mine in a soft and tender kiss, opposite of how I know he’s going to be in mere seconds. Switching places with me, he’s now against the bed as I stand in front of him. He sits down and pats his lap, aware that we both know that I know the drill. I lay across his lap, my bare ass laid out perfectly, awaiting my punishment.
“You know what to do if you need me to stop?” He asks, his hands palming both cheeks.
“I-I remember.” I nod, my breathing slightly picking up.
“Count. If you fuck up, we start over.” He reminds me, his voice sickly sweet.
Just as I give him a hum of confirmation, his hand strikes down, a loud smack echoing the room, a stinging pain following in suit, as well as a yelp from me.
“One.” I moan out, his hand now rubbing the tingling area.
Another smack.
Another smack.
Another smack.”
“F-four.” I cry out, my skin undoubtedly red.
We repeat the process another four times, time seemingly moving in slow motion until we reach the last spank. My ass now tender and tears falling down my cheeks as he kneaded both cheeks, soothing the pain, eliciting moans from me and a pool of wetness between my thighs.
“Such a good girl for me.” He praises, flipping me around on his lap so I’m now straddling him. “You’re so beautiful, ma. I can’t wait to wreck you.”
With that, his lips are on mine, hungrily kissing me. We move in sync, our lips lapping one another perfectly. His hands continue massaging my ass, the stinging pain dissipating with every motion. A moan escapes my lips and he uses the opportunity to shove his tongue in my mouth, swapping saliva. One of his hands travels in between us, coming down to my heat. His cool fingers come in contact with my clit, rubbing it ever so slightly, causing me to whine into his mouth.
He pulls away from me, lifting me from his lap as he stands. “Bend over.”
I follow his order once again, my torso laid out the bed with my ass on show as my legs hang down to the floor. I hear him shuffling behind me, realizing he’s removing his boxers when I look back. He lifts one of my legs up, giving him better access to me. His fingers find my folds again, running through them, slicking them with my arousal. I moan at the feeling, pushing my ass closer into him for more.
“So wet and needy for daddy.” He smirks, grabbing his dick and placing it at my entrance.
He softly pushes the tip in, rubbing my clit as he does so. He takes it back out, before repeating the same action. Next, he’s slamming into me with no warning. A loud scream falls from my lips, molding into a moan as it dies down. He begins thrusting into me, his pace building quickly, pulling me closer to him so he could fuck me deeper.
He lets out a low groan, “I love the way your pussy welcomes me inside, because it knows we were made for each other.”
“Fuck, daddy, you feel so good.” I moan out, my face immediately scrunching in pleasure.
His takes my hair and puts it in a makeshift ponytail, wrapping it around his hand for leverage, tugging it with every thrust into me. My mouth is hung open, pornographic noises falling from it left and right, unable to contain my pleasure. His strokes increase in speed and strength, my entire body jerking at his new pace.
“Look at you, you’re taking me so well baby.” He moans out, his breathing heavy.
“Mhm.” I whimper in agreement, overwhelmed with pleasure.
“Gonna cum all over my cock, baby?” He asks, his pelvis digging into my ass with every pump.
“Yes, daddy. I’m so close.” I cry out, the familiar knot building in my stomach for the second time tonight.
His free hand reached below me, meeting my clit and rubbing fast, tight circles into it. I was a writhing mess beneath him, unable to form a single thought as he fucks me senseless. With the rough pounding and the stimulation on my clit, I’m in tears. It’s so much, but it feels so good. I can feel the drool falling from my mouth, quite literally being fucked dumb.
“I know you’re close, mama. Let go.” He says, sending me over the edge.
My legs shake and quiver, my fists clenching the sheet beneath me so hard that my knuckles turn white. My face contorts with pleasure as my vision goes white, metaphorical stars spinning around me as I do, in fact, let go. His thrusts continue, never faulting in the slightest. His hand never wavers, still rubbing my extremely sensitive bundle of nerves.
“T-too much.” I cry, not able to come down from my first orgasm.
“You can do it, mama.” He whispers from above me, placing wet kisses along my back.
Him repeatedly hitting my g spot, his fingers working my clit, and his mouth leaving goosebumps down my skin is enough to send me overboard once more. Tears streaming down my face as I cum for the third time, silent moans escaping my mouth as I bury my face into the bed. I can hear him moaning behind me, his hips sputtering as his thrusts fall uneven. Seconds later, his hot load is shooting into me as throaty groans emit from his mouth. He continues fucking his nut into me, his pace now slow and soft, before he pulls out altogether.
His hands meet my ass as he holds himself up for a moment, catching his breath. I lay there, spent, feeling his presence disappear for a minute, only for him to return mere seconds later. My legs are suddenly spread, a warm wash cloth wiping up the mess we made, causing me to slightly flinch before sighing in contentment. He cleans me and himself up, before putting me to bed properly, as all of my energy left my body with every orgasm. He crawls into bed with me, wrapping both of us in a blanket, and planting a soft kiss to my lips, my cheek, and my forehead.
“I love you, pretty girl. So good to me, mama.”
a/n : not proofread sorry. hope you enjoy! send in more reqs pls 🫶🏼
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boothillssugarmomma · 28 days
Hii! If I may request something for Jing Yuan OR Ratio it'd be great BUT if this happens to be not your cup of tea I really understand and it's all good >:D <3 I love both of these men sm it's insane, but can I request either one of them with a dragon/vidyadhara reader who bites to show affection and she's just a lot more cuddly in privacy. Ratio could just be reading his book and she just takes one of his hands and nips at his wrist, or his shoulder when she hugs him from the back, and she leaves pretty marks all over her man when they're intimate. I just think it's really cute and I needed to at least share the idea with someone TuT Thank you! <3
Hiii, I had SO MUCH FUN with this idea! God It was so cute! (TMI but I find soft biting to be like a great love language) I actually did BOTH Jing Yuan AND Ratio for you because who am I to not finish what I started 🤭 I hope you like it!
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Nibbles & Nips
(Jing Yuan x Fem!Dragon/VidyadharaReader) (Ratio xFem!Dragon/VidyadhardaReader) SEPARATE STORIES
cw-: biting, marking, mention of heat, slight suggestive manner
please don't steal my work!
Taglist🎀HSR Master List🎀Other Lists🎀
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"Oh, hey my love..." Jing Yuan was sitting in his chair glancing over papers. He looked a little busy but he always made time for you.
He smiled softly as he told you about his day of training Yanqing and how he was about ready to take an afternoon nap. His cheek resting on his hand as he glanced over his papers again.
The general has that lazy yet smug smile on his lips. "I'm sorry if I don't seem too excited to see you today my love...I assure you I am~..." He chuckles before glancing up to meet your gaze again.
You take a glimpse around to see if anyone's watching before you quickly walk over to his desk and slide into his lap. "I missed you today..." You whine and nuzzle your face into his neck.
"Oh, I missed you too, my dragon..." Jing Yuan chuckles softly at your whines. He hums quietly as he smiles. "How was the rest of your day? Anything interesting?" He said with his usual casual tone. He leans forward to give you a quick kiss before wrapping his arms around your waist.
Your scaly tail slides back and forth as you giggle. "My day was ok...not as exciting as I had hoped..."
"Aww... Why is that...?" He hummed softly as he nuzzled your neck. Seems like whenever he's around you, he's suddenly a bit clingy...but only a little, of course he has to keep his dignity as a General.
Even in front of you, his lovely girlfriend. He nuzzled you a second time before he pulled away to stare at you intently.
"Should I take you on a little date, darling?" It sounds more like a statement than a question. "I just so happen to have free time~"
"Hmm...maybe tomorrow...for now I just wanna cuddle..." You whisper softly as you start to nibble on his neck cutely.
"H-Huh?" Jing Yuan seems to be taken a bit off guard, he wasn't expecting your sudden nibbling on his neck. He couldn't help but shudder from time to time.
A small and soft blush is present on his cheeks, even the lazy General couldn't help himself when his beloved nibbles on his neck.
"Darlinggg..." He chuckles quietly, he hums quietly while he gently caresses the back of your head, slowly making his way up to your horns.
"Do you think I could...bite you more?" You whisper meekly.
Jing Yuan quickly lets out a quiet hum before looking at you with a smirk as he lifts your chin with two fingers. He looked at you with his piercing gaze as a playful glint can briefly be seen on his sharp irises.
"Bite me as much as you like, my dragon..." He teased as he lowered his neck to give you a better angle to bite.
Your eyes gleam with happiness as you start to take his armor off. "You're the best!"
Jing Yuan chuckles softly and he helps you undo his platings easily before taking off his upper garbs, leaving his upper body bare. It reveals a lot of scars; some light and small, others are large, deep, and jagged. "I have to look the most impressive after all~" He seems to tease, he couldn't help but chuckle at his own humor.
"Are you sure it's ok?" You whisper as you open your mouth and lower your face to his shoulders.
"Of course, darling. I am very certain." He whispers softly before suddenly shuddering when he feels your breath near his body.
It looked like he wasn't expecting it so suddenly, but the General contains his composure and just hums quietly as his hand made its way to your horns, gently caressing one before snaking it through your hair. He looked at you affectionately with his piercing gaze.
You giggle softly as you nibble on his shoulders and arms, leaving little bite marks before kissing each one. "It's my way of showing you...that I love you..." You mumble as you kiss a bite.
Jing Yuan let out a quiet hum, he seemed to be enjoying every kiss as he could feel his heart thumping in a steady but loud rhythm in his chest.
He couldn't help but let out another shudder as you left more bite marks, he couldn't help but find these tiny acts of yours...incredibly endearing.
"So you're showing me your love by biting me..?" He chuckles quietly before pulling you a little bit closer towards him and wrapped his arms around you.
"Yep!" You smile brightly, your tiny dragon teeth shimmering. "Is...that ok?" Your tail gently wraps around his leg.
His cheeks are lightly tinted with pink as he looks at you endearingly. He pulls you in tighter, feeling your body flushed against his warm bare chest in an embrace, it looked like his heart was just overflowing with affection as he chuckles softly.
"Darling, you're just so...URG...adorable. Of course, biting me is okay. But if you keep going like this, I don't know what I would do..." Your General teases.
You quickly bite his other shoulder and nibble on the spot. He peers down and sees your tail wagging back and forth gently, sparkling in the light.
Another low chuckle escaped from him, he didn't expect that you'd bite him again so soon.
He pulls you in closer before whispering into your ear, his warm breath gently caressing your sensitive skin, "My, a wagging tail? You're like a dragon in heat right now, darling~." He teases with a playful glint in his eyes as he nuzzles you.
You let go of his shoulder and pout. "We both know what happens when I'm in heat...so don't make fun..."
His thumb gently caressed your cute pout while he gave you another quiet chuckle, he found you incredibly adorable to the point where he couldn't help but tease or sometimes poke fun at you.
"My apologies, darling. I couldn't help it, you look extremely adorable right now..." He whispers softly before suddenly pulling you into a deep kiss.
You gently nibble on his bottom lip as you giggle into the kiss. Your tail stops wagging and curls around his leg again.
Despite your soft nibbling, he remained unbothered as he deepened the kiss even more, he pulled you in closer towards him and let you sit upon his lap once again.
You feel his warm hand making his way to your horns, tenderly caressing them with a soothing and loving touch.
"I love you..." You whisper softly against his lips.
You hear a quiet groan from him as you said those three simple yet meaningful words to him, he pulls away from the kiss and looks at you with his warm and fond gaze.
He was smiling yet he was also flushed pink on the cheeks. He takes a deep breath before holding your face with a gentle touch, staring at you like you were the sun, the moon, and the stars.
"Darling...I love you too..very much." He whispers softly before kissing your forehead gently.
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The Dragon's Bite...
(Ratio x Fem Dragon/Vidyadhara!Reader)
cw-: biting, nipping, bruising mentioned, night after mentioned, a bit suggestive at times
🎀 authorsnote: I kinda went off in my own little world making this 🤭
please don't steal my work!
Taglist🎀HSR Master List 🎀Other Lists🎀
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You were super confused as you woke up to hear water running from the bathroom.
Wasn't it like...midnight!?
You climbed out of bed, shifting your tail as to not step on it, and went to the bathroom where the source of the sound was from. You gently open the door and smile as you see your husband taking his daily bath.
Home late from work, again, he's been working so hard. This caused the golden eyed brainiac to turn his head, slightly lowering his book with a soft questioning look.
"Oh it's just you my love, how did you sleep...well... technically you still should be asleep?" Ratio's chuckle and peaceful voice finally breaks the unspoken gaze as he motions for you to come in.
"You look tired...you should join me...then we can go to bed."
You kneel next to him in the tub and sigh with a tired smile. "Not right now...but Aeons you look handsome..."
He lets a small chuckle escape his lips as he sets down the book on the side of the bath and raises his hand to run his fingers across your cheek.
"And why is that? If I may ask."
He gently positions himself to be facing you, making it easier for him to appreciate your beauty and gently rests his chin on your forearm as he gazes into your eyes.
"Your eyes...hair...smile..." You giggle softly as your scaly tail wags across the ground. Pearly white fangs sticking out as you smile at him.
His eyes lit up with wonder and amusement, his fingers slowly trailing up to your cheek to graze gently against your dimples.
"I could say the same to you, darling. You're the most beautiful being in the universe..."
He gently presses his lips against your forehead, giving it a soft peck before lowering his lips to your collarbone, kissing it gently.
You lean forward and nibble at the hand brushing your face, leaving small marks on it.
As you nibble on his hand, Ratio lets a deep chuckle escape his lips, feeling his heart flutter from your endearing gesture.
"You are adorable, sweetheart."
He says as his hand gently slides down from your cheek and gently rests on your shoulder, giving it a soft squeeze.
"Hmm how was work?" You whisper as you motion for him to turn around, which he does, and you nibble on his shoulder as he talks.
He lets a soft sigh, his eyes closing as he smiles with amusement.
"I have solved another complex algorithm. Nothing quite interesting."
He leans back into your touch, his eyes still closed as he tilts his head to the side and lets you plant light bites on his shoulder.
"Everything you say..." You trail off as you leave another bite on his shoulder to make a heart shape with another bite. "Is interesting!"
He lets out a warm chuckle as he feels your teeth on his shoulder, a warm smile tugging on his lips.
"You are far too kind, sweetheart...sometimes for your own good"
He gently maneuvers his arm to slide a strand of your hair between his fingers and tugs it playfully, a mischievous smile forming on his face as he brings his free hand to rest in the water.
Your tail slides over to his other shoulder, slithering over it and tickling his cheek while you continue to nibble on him.
A quiet chuckle escapes his lips as the scales and tip of your tail tickle him, his hand trailing up to your chin to lift your face and plant a gentle kiss on your lips.
"Be a little more gentle, darling. You're not eating me, my dragon."
Ratio whispers in a playful tone, the corners of his mouth tugging in an amused smile before pressing his lips against yours in a deeper, but gentle kiss.
As you both pull away you pout at his words. "But I'm just showing you I love you~" You whine as you kiss one of the bites.
He lets a hearty chuckle escape his lips as he looks into your eyes, a smile tugging on his lips as he sees the pout on your face.
"You are being far too adorable, sweetheart."
He slowly turns around in the tub again and brings a hand to your chin, caressing it before leaning forward to plant a soft kiss on your lips, gently cupping your face as he deepens the kiss.
You smile against his lips and bring a clawed hand to slide over his shoulder and up into his hair.
He smiles against your lips, his eyes closing as his tongue slowly traces over your lower lip as he gently places his other hand against your waist.
For a moment as he kisses you, he pulls you closer to him, well with what he can without the barrier of the tub, his tongue slowly slipping inside your mouth.
He brushes his tongue against your fangs before seeking for your tongue, trying to fight for dominance.
You let out a low groan and a playful sigh as his tongue 'wins' in your mouth.
Ratio lets an amused chuckle vibrate in his throat as he hears your groan, his tongue gently slipping against yours, his hand that was on your chin slides up to your hair, gently tugging on it just enough to make you gasp.
As you gasp, he deepens the kiss, his tongue slowly wrapping around your own and caressing it, before slowly pulling away and gently nipping your lower lip.
Your eyes shoot open with a smirk. You pull away from the kiss. "And what was that my dear doctor?" You tease him with a seductive gaze.
He lets out a quiet chuckle, his eyes gleaming in mischievousness as his fingers slowly trail through your hair, gently tugging it as a small smile crawls onto his lips.
“Call it, payback, sweetheart.”
He whispers, gently placing a thumb on your chin, before lowering his lips down to trail kisses on your neck, gently nipping your skin.
"...I love you..." You groan out as he bites down hard, kissing it immediately after, before moving to another spot.
He smiles against your skin as the words slip out of your mouth, gently nipping on your neck and biting down hard as he continues, the vibrations of his breath ghosting over your skin as he murmurs a word in between breathless bites.
“I love you too, sweetling.”
"Hey how about you get out of that bath...and we move this to the bedroom?" You smirk softly.
He chuckles softly as he hears your proposal, his eyes gleaming with mischievousness and hints of lust.
“Eager, aren’t you love?”
He murmurs softly as he lifts himself up from the tub, a teasing smile on his face as he holds his hand out for you to take.
"Yeah you might wanna get dry first~" You toss a towel at him and stand to take his hand before planting a kiss on his nose.
A soft chuckle escapes his lips as he catches it, swiftly bringing it over his toned and muscular frame and beginning to run it all over his torso and arms.
“And what about you, my dear?”
He asks, a teasing smile on his face as he watches you gently planting the small kiss on his nose before back to you and pulling you close.
"I'm not the one who took a baAAATH!" You yelp as he pulls you down into the water. You squeal as your clothes get wet.
Ratio looks at your clothes, now completely wet and clinging to your body as he flashes you a devious smirk and a teasing look on his face.
“Well, looks like I did a good job getting your clothes wet. But I assure you, the night has just begun, my love.”
He whispers teasingly, a mischievous smile on his face as he watches you with a predatory look in his eyes.
"Oh ho ho!" You glare at him playfully before sliding your clothes off and placing them on the floor, leaving a puddle of water. "You're cleaning that later..."
Ratio watches as you slide out of your drenched clothes, the sight of your body making a smile break out on his face.
“Oh, I don’t mind. Though...you should stop being so damn distracting, or I just might make an even bigger mess.”
He says, his tone laced with teasing and teasing, watching you with a hungry expression, his eyes roaming over your body in an almost greedy way.
"You're going to pay for that~" You smirk as you straddle his lap before tying your hair up so it doesn't get in the way.
A devious look appears on his face as a playful and teasing smirk tugs on his lips.
“I would gladly pay the price, my love.”
He whispers, his hands slowly trailing down your waist, gently running them over your waist and pulling your frame closer to him, his tongue slowly trailing along the crook of your neck.
"You remember the word yes?" You smirk with lust in your tone.
His grip tightens on your waist, his eyes slowly trailing down to yours, a mischievous smile tugging on his lips as he speaks with a sultry tone.
“I do. And I remember your word too. We will be using it, later.”
He purrs, gently nipping your jawline and planting a light kiss on your lips.
"Good..." Your eyes narrow seductively before you pull away and open your mouth, leaning closer to bite his shoulders and biceps.
His eyes widened in pleasant surprise as you start to bite his shoulders and arms, a low groan escaping his lips and his arm flexes slightly as you bite his arm.
“Getting feisty aren’t you, darling?”
He purrs, his free hand gently wrapping around your neck and giving it a soft squeeze.
Your tail flicks back and forth, sloshing the water a bit. "Cmon doctor make your dragon feel good~" Your horns glow a soft hue as you smile with glee.
He lets a soft chuckle escape his lips as he watches your tail flick and slosh the water around, his gaze trailing over your horns that are glowing in a beautiful hue.
“Oh my dear, you’re a work of art. Even if you aren’t a path of The Hunt follower...”
He leans forward to gently trail his tongue over your neck as he lets out a pleasured sigh.
“You make my mind become a mess...”
"And here we go~" You smirk knowingly.
Ratio was sitting in his office, doing some final corrections on some papers. When all of a sudden, a certain annoying blonde-haired man walked in and started whistling and laughing.
Ratio sighed deeply and muttered a curse under his breath before looking at Aventurine.
“What do you want, gambler?”
He said irritably, looking up from his work and narrowing his gaze.
"Tough night with the missus?" His co-worker laughs and fiddles with a coin in his hand.
Ratio narrowed his gaze, giving the purple-eyed man a displeased look before taking a glance at his shoulder and arm, where there were visible bite marks and hickeys.
“It’s none of your business, you dim witted imbecile…”
He said in an annoyed tone, going back to his work and continuing to proof read his papers.
Aventurine clicks his tongue and shrugs. "Hey hey no need to get hostile there..." He turns and walks out, leaving Ratio to himself.
"Idiot..." He curses under his breath as he glances over in the mirror and starts to laugh. A bite in the shape of a heart is settled on his arm.
"Oh she's going to pay for that..." The golden-eyed man smirks.
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mountttmase · 4 months
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Winter Sun - Chapter 5
Note - lil early treat as the game is on tomorrow. this is probably one of my favourites so I’m super excited for you guys to read it. Once again thank you sm for being so lovely I just adore you guys 🥺 also I added in a anons suggestion last minute I hope you like it 🤭 and feedback is appreciated as always 🩷
Pairing - Mason Mount × Reader
Word count - 6.1k
Warnings - series will contain fluff, smut & angst
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You didn’t know if the heat was getting to Mason, but he could barely keep his hands off of you as the week went on.
Every night the pair of you ended up in one of the others room to let off some steam and you were beginning to wonder how you’d survive without him when the holiday finished. Even during the day he’d try and sneak you off if he could. Pretending you’d gone for a nap or to make a call so he could quickly make the pair of you cum and you couldn’t lie, you were having the time of your life.
It wasn’t just the sex though. He was right, you were his for the week and no matter where you were or what you were doing he was practically glued to your side. You were having the best week with him and all your friends and the little arrangement only made it even better.
You kept to your side of the deal too, making him breakfast and lunch if he wanted it. Treating him to ice cream when you were out even when he refused and making sure he always had his sun cream on but you knew he was secretly loving being taken care of in this way. Often finding him staring at you longingly as you made him something to eat like he wanted to pull you in and not let you go.
You felt good. Better than good, you felt wanted and needed and even though you both promised that the friendship came first and no feelings would be involved you noticed you’d started to slip.
You thought about him constantly when he wasn’t around, only feeling truly content when he was next to you and you felt yourself becoming in tune with the way he acted towards you. One misplaced glance or change in the tone of his voice had you spiralling but you were too afraid to say anything to him in case you made a fool of yourself so you kept it in. Trying to be as relaxed as possible around him.
You’d had a great week by all accounts though, getting drunk in the evening and soaking up the sun in the day and before you knew it there were only a few days left. Today was a little different though as you were meant to be having a girls day and Carly had arranged for the four of you to go pottery painting whilst the boys had their own thing going on but when you left you realised they were coming with you. Ben explaining that due to the weather their speedboat experience had been cancelled so they were tagging along to paint with you.
‘I’ve never done pottery painting, I don’t think I’ll be any good’ you told Mason as you all approached the building. Him holding the door open for you and you smiled as you walked passed him.
‘You decorate your cakes all fancy though, surely you can’t be too bad’
‘I guess we’ll have to wait and see’ you winked. Joining everyone else as a sweet older lady explained what you had to do.
Once she was done you were all allowed to go and pick your pottery, and once again you felt Mason brush up besides you as you looked for something to paint.
‘What are you thinking of painting?’ You asked him, eyes scanning the shelves for something exciting and you watched as he picked up a small stubby sort of vase before sending you a wink.
‘Wouldn’t you like to know’ he laughed before turning on his heel and making his way over to sit with the rest of the boys. Leaving you stumped before turning back to your only other hope.
‘Carly? Whar are you painting?’
‘Gonna paint Ben a mug I think, and maybe a little bowl for my cereal’ she mused, grabbing the biggest bowl she could see before taking it back to the girls table. You watched with a smile, knowing how much she loved her cookie crisp but your eyes were soon wandering over to Mason like they always did.
In the end you picked up a mug, wanting to paint Mason something too and then a mug for yourself before joining the girls. Sitting and gossiping as you let your creative juices flow and even though you were trying your hardest to paint something nice for Mason your lines were all wobbly and you thought it looked silly but you hoped it liked it.
For your own mug you decorated it with little strawberries and daisies, this coming out a little better than Masons but you were clearly taking too long as the girl’s had gone to join the boys to show off what they’d made as you were finishing up.
‘That's pretty’ Mason smiled, taking up the seat next to you. ‘The mugs not too bad either’
‘Oh hush it you’ you laughed. Secretly enjoying his compliments and you knew you were blushing as much as you tried to hide it.
‘Sorry, but it’s true, I am a bit concerned though. Please don’t tell me you’ve spent this whole time doing that’
‘Of course not’ you laughed, nodding your head to the side and you watched his eyes light up at the Spider-Man mug you’d painted for him. ‘I know it’s not great but I thought it might look good on your mug tree I got you’ you laughed, referring to the one you’d got him as a house warming gift and you watched his eyes soften as they flickered back between you and the mug.
‘You painted that for me?’
‘Of course. Just another little thank you of mine’ you teased but you could tell he was touched that you’d made something for him.
‘I guess I should show you what I did’ he laughed, a nervous expression on his face as he went to retrieve his item but you were more than confused when he set it down in front of you.
This looked nothing like the vase he’d picked up before. It was covered in little hearts of all shapes and sizes, pretty flowers and a few cupcakes hidden in here and there plus a slightly bigger pink heart that had gwen Stacey’s pink mask inside. Making you smile as you recalled all the times you’d spent watching it together and you loved the way both of yours tied in together without you meaning it too.
You were just about to ask what it was when you noticed the word tips carefully written in a fancy font on the front and your eyes shot up to his nervous ones.
‘It’s for your bakery. Thought it might look nicer than the coffee jar you’ve got sat by the till’ he laughed and your heart melted instantly.
‘Oh Mase’ you laughed. Dropping your brush and pulling him in for a hug and he held you back just as tightly. Tucking his head into your neck as he was a little shy and your heart thumped at how lovely he had been.
‘Bit of luck I painted something for you now huh?’ You laughed. Pulling back to look at his flushed face before his eyes darted to the Spider-Man mug in between you.
‘I’ll treasure it forever’ he laughed before helping you pick everything up and take it over to where everyone else’s were. The lady let you know they’d take around a week to be finished and you all wrote your addresses down for each piece before going to grab a quick lunch so you could get back to the villa. The weather now changing and after your busy morning and early afternoon, all you could think about was heading over to your chair and blocking out the rest of the world.
Well everyone but Mason at least.
He was still in the kitchen grabbing himself a drink, promising to follow you outside shortly to join you and with a quick, sneaky pinch to his bum you took the few steps from the kitchen to outside.
‘You coming in, y/n?’ Ben called, motioning his head into the pool as you walked around the edge towards you but you shook your head. Heading straight for the lounge chair you’d claimed as your own so you could get set up with your book however Ben seemed to be having different ideas. Stopping you in your tracks with his hands on your shoulders and the cheeky smile on his face unnerved you. ‘Come on, I haven’t seen you in there once this week’
‘So? I don’t want to’
‘But you have to, it’s the rules’ he laughed, turning you so you were now facing away from him, his chest pressed against your back as he bent slightly before lifting you from the floor.
‘Chilly I swear to god, put me down’ you shrieked, voice full of fear but you could tell he thought it was all hilarious. Swinging you from side to side as you thrashed and kicked your legs, your breaths short and sharp like you couldn’t take enough air in and as your eyes began to sting from fear you couldn’t help but let out a frightened whimper.
‘No can do, everyone needs to go for a swim or you can’t say you’ve had a proper holiday’ he laughed, swinging you back one final time before launching you into the water.
Everyone’s laughter and cheering was suddenly silenced, all you could hear was a rushing noise as you tried to fight your way to safety. You didn’t know what way was up and what was down and the more you struggled the more lost you became. Your lungs burning as you resisted the urge to open your mouth and scream but you were so frightened you didn’t know what else to do.
I’m gonna die, the only thought that was rushing through your head but the sudden feeling of someone’s arms around your waist as they dragged you up and back to the real world knocked the wind out of you.
You were gasping for breath instantly, your hands gripping onto someone’s strong shoulders as you tried to calm your aching lungs before you felt their hand on you back so they could pull you into them. Your arms snaked around their neck as you hid your head into them and they rubbed up and down soothingly to try and relax you before pulling you flush against them with their lips to your ear.
‘It’s okay, you’re safe now. I’ve got you, yeah? I promise it’s alright’
‘Mase’ you whimpered, booming coughs erupting from you as you clung to him even tighter. Wrapping your legs around his waist as he held you to his chest tightly and you knew you were going to be fine.
‘I know, Muffin. I promise I’ve got you’ he told you gently as he slowly walked you to the steps of the pool, gently walking you out whilst you clung to him like a koala and once you were up the steps and on the side you let yourself slide down his body so you could stand on your own. You could feel him start to pull back, probably wanting to check you were okay but you were having none of it. Small sobs now poring from you as you realised you were okay, the shock of it all finally hitting you and the embarrassment of everyone having seen you flapping about like a wet fish made you hold him even tighter as you cried into his neck.
‘Y/n I-‘ Ben started from behind you but Mason was quick to cut him off for you.
‘Don’t, Ben. Just don’t’
‘I didn’t-‘
‘Ben I swear to god if you don’t fuck off right now’ Mason growled, his body going stuff as he pulled you impossibly closer to his body. ‘I mean what the fuck were you thinking?’ He roared, but you didn’t want to start and argument so you pulled back in the hopes he’d look at you. He looked furious, cheeks flushed as his brows pitched together and you could feel the anger pouring from him but you watched his expression soften at the sight of you.
‘Can we just go inside’ you whispered through your tears and without so much a look in Bens direction, Mason lead you into the kitchen and away from everyone else before picking you up by your thighs and placing you on the counter.
‘Are you okay?’ He whispered, holding you by the jaw so she could get a good look at you and even though you were still crying and taking in strangled breaths you nodded your head. ‘What happened?’
‘H-he threw me I-in. I p-panicked’ you stuttered out before he pulled you back into his chest so you could calm down. You knew you were fine but your heart was still beating out of your chest and you were thankful you had Mason to grip onto.
Once you were calm again you pulled back to look at him, a soft concerned expression on his face as he placed a soft kiss to your forehead and you couldn’t ignore the goosebumps that traveled over your arms at the gesture. His touch was grounding you more than you thought it would but the feel of his lips on your skin made you feel even better.
‘You really don’t like the water do you?’ He asked softly, a small smile on his lips and you shook your head softly as you rubbed at your eyes. ‘Can you swim?’ He questioned gently and you took a nervous gulp before answering.
‘No’ you whispered, wanting to look away out of embarrassment but his non judgemental stare settled you and your carried on looking into his gentle eyes.
‘Y/n’ he sighed, but you could tell there was smile behind his voice as he slightly scolded you. ‘You need to tell me things like that. How am I supposed to look after you if I don’t know?’
‘Sorry’ you chuckled but he just shook his head before pulling you back into his embrace.
‘It’s alright. Just as long as you’re okay’ he mumbled, pulling back to look at you and you sent him a reassuring smile.
‘I’ll be fine’
‘Good’ he laughed before dropping his head to press a light kiss to your lips.
You froze, that’s against the rules being your first thought but he didn’t seem to be reacting in any way so you kept your cool and acted like what he’d just done was normal even though it was anything but.
‘Do you fancy going out for a bit? We can head to the beach rather than hanging here, I just know if I see Ben I’m likely to throttle him’ he joked, squeezing your waist lightly and you agreed, still a little embarrassed about the whole thing so you let him help you down so you could quickly leave.
You tried to be quick, drying yourself off and changing into a new bikini and a pair of shorts before chucking on an over shirt and trainers snd meeting Mason in the hall outside your rooms.
He was dressed in shorts and a tank, clearly throwing his own outfit together pretty hastily but looking at him still made your knees weak. The fact he’d have his tattoos on show for you today too made your tummy flip so when he held out his hand you took it straight away before he led you outside and thankfully you didn’t see anyone on the way out. Following Mason with your head down and once you were out he steered you towards the main town.
‘Thought we could have a walk on the beach maybe? Or look round some shops?’
‘Sounds perfect’ you smiled, squeezing his hand gently as you followed him down.
You arrived at the shops first, the pair of you looking at all the trinkets and souvenirs before Mason asked if you’d like to play a game and you looked up at Mason with a confused expression.
‘Whenever me and my family go away we get each other a magnet’ he told you, head motioning inside one of the tourist shops at a giant wall of magnets. ‘You go in here, I’ll go into the shop opposite and we can buy each other one. You know, one that reminds us of the other’ he explained but your silence made his face falter. ‘Or if that’s weird we can just-‘
‘No Mason I love it’ you giggled, squeezing his hand before letting go. ‘I’ll meet you out here in a sec yeah?’
‘Okay’ he nodded shyly before you both went in separate directions. There were a few you were considering but in the end you picked up one that looked like a rooster as it reminded you of Nando’s and you’d seen them everywhere this week and once you’d picked up a few more things for people back home, you felt your phone buzz in your pocket. Carly’s name flashing up on your screen and you felt nervous instantly. She wasn’t around when the pool fiasco happened and you knew she was probably worrying where you were.
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You met him outside where he was looking at you with a cheeky smile before quickly swapping the little paper bags they were hidden in, both bursting into fits of giggles when you saw you’d bought each other the same one.
‘You fancy a walk on the beach? We can stay away from the water if you want’ he smiled but you just laughed and took his outstretched hand. Walking along the shore as he intwinted his fingers with yours.
It all felt so surreal, getting caught up in the moment even though you know you shouldn’t have, but the way he was acting so soft and caring with you made your heart flutter and you had to remind yourself often that he was still just your friend.
He stopped suddenly, pulling his phone out his his pocket before seemingly trying to take a picture of the sand in front of you and you were confused as to what he was doing until he threw a peace sign up in the air, looking down to see his shadow on the sand so you joined in as he took a few more. Both giggling away until he placed his arm around your waist and pulled you flush against his side before popping a kiss on your forehead and snapping a picture.
You looked up at him carefully, his bright eyes looking down into yours and the urge to kiss him was stronger than ever. He beat you to it though, planting another illegal kiss on your lips softly before taking your hand again so you could carry on walking.
‘You feeling better now, Muffin?’ He asked quietly, a hint of worry still in his eyes but it needn’t be there.
‘Much better. Thank you for looking after me Mase’ you told him sincerely, wrapping your arms around his waist so you could hold him close. ‘Sorry for ruining your peaceful afternoon’
‘Don’t be silly, I’d rather hang out with you anyway. I was thinking, maybe we could grab some dinner out? Unless you wanna go back, we can do that too’ he told you, rushing at the end like he thought he’d overstepped but you were enjoying your alone time with him so you sent him a reassuring smile.
‘No I like the sound of that. Maybe we could have a little picnic on the beach? I don’t think I’m looking too presentable to be sitting in somewhere’ you laughed, looking down and your thrown together outfit and still damp hair but the soft smile on his face relaxed you.
‘I mean I think you look great but whatever you want’ he winked, squeezing your sides playfully.
After another quick walk around the town, Mason pointed out a take away pizza place and put your order in before you popped into the small supermarket opposite to grab some drinks and sweet treats before taking your food back to the beach so you could eat and watch the sunset.
Even though you didn’t like the water, there was something about sitting by the sea and the sound of the waves that made you feel at peace. And sitting with Mason as you spoke casually about future plans and how he was looking forward to the rest of the season made your heart sing.
‘I know we haven’t known each other too long in the grand scheme of things, but you know I’m really proud of you, don’t you?’ You told him softly, watching the most heartwarming smile stretch across his face before he patted the space in front of him so you’d sit in between his legs. Once you were comfortable his arms snaked around your waist and you placed yours on top of his as he pulled you as close as he could to him. His lips by your ear so he could speak to you quietly.
‘I’m proud of you too, Muffin’ he whispered, the smile in his voice evident but you both started giggling as he kissed the side of your head. ‘I’m serious. You’ve got your own thing going on and you’re so successful and like I’m just so happy for you, you know? No one deserves to be happy more than you’
‘You deserve to be happy too’ you told him, moving your shoulders round slightly so you could look at him and you almost melted when his hand came to rest on your cheek so he could stroke it gently.
‘I am happy’
‘Yeah, I know it was a big choice to go up there and have everything change. And yeah maybe there are certain things I would of liked to of kept the same but I think it’s worked out pretty well’
‘I think so too’ you whispered, your smile mirroring his as he continued to gently stroke your cheek. ‘Though I miss having you around’
‘I miss you too’ he smiled
‘Hmmm me or my cakes?’
‘Your cake’s obviously’ he laughed, making you roll your eyes playfully as you looked away from him but he was quick to hold you closer and scatter kisses on top of your head until you looked back. ‘I’m kidding. It’s mostly you’
There was that feeling again, wanting to kiss him more than anything and you knew he felt the same because his eyes kept flashing down to your lips as they flickered all over your face. You figured you’d just take the plunge, he’d kissed you twice already today so you reached up and thankfully he caught on and met you in the middle.
Kissing Mason like this made you feel giddy. You were breaking every rule in the book but there was no intent behind it, just two people showing the other how they felt and you hope Mason could tell how much you appreciated him for everything
‘Thank you for this week, Mase, I was really worried about coming but I’m so glad I did. I’ll never be able to repay you’
‘You don’t have to thank me or repay me’
‘But I do. I really appreciate everything you do for me’
‘Well do you send me cakes a lot’ he winked, ‘and you're always there for my games, good times and bad you're by my side so I appreciate you too. More than you know’ he told you softly. A warm fuzzy feeling spreading over your skin and you didn’t have the confidence to look at him anymore so you faced forward as the pair of you snuggled closer and listened to the sound of the waves crashing on the shore.
‘Shall we head back? You’re starting to get cold and I don’t have anything for you’ Mason asked after a little while and even though you were content in his arms you knew it was getting late and you’d have to head back soon so you begrudgingly nodded.
‘Okay’ you whispered, taking a slow walk back with his hand in yours the whole way. When you got back, the house was silent and you weren’t even sure if anyone was in so you made your way down to your rooms after putting your leftovers in the fridge. Standing awkwardly outside your doors as he scratched the back of his neck.
‘You wanna come in here for a bit?’ He asked, making you raise your brows at him suggestively but he was quick to settle you. ‘Nothing like that, I just thought we could hang out for a bit. Watch a movie before bed?’
‘You sure?’
‘Yeah I just… I don’t wanna leave you yet like it feels weird to me’
‘It feels weird to me too’ you admitted shyly and your heart stuttered at his soft smile. ‘Listen, I’m just gonna have a quick shower, get changed and run upstairs for a water. You want me to get you anything?’
‘Why don’t you get us some snacks, I’ll let you pick’ he told you and with a final kiss to your forehead he let you go.
After your shower you found one of your nicer sets of pjs and you made your way upstairs but the sight in front of you made guilt rush through you. There was Ben, his face sat propped up on his fists as he leant against the counter and you could see how miserable he looked just from a glance.
You felt awful, you knew he hadn’t meant anything in a mean way earlier and when his eyes flickered over to yours you sent him a sympathetic smile.
‘You’re back’
‘Yeah we got back about fifteen minutes ago’ you told him as he sat up but he kept his eyes glued to the counter as he nodded his head and chewed on the inside of his cheek.
Without another word you made your way over to him, touching his shoulder so he’d turn a bit before pulling him into your arms. You felt him relax immediately as he held you tightly and you rubbed his back gently hoping to let him know everything was fine between you.
‘I’m so fucking sorry, y/n’ he told you quietly but you could hear the emotion in his voice and it was breaking your heart. ‘I honestly had no idea, I was just trying to have a bit of fun’
‘I know Ben. I know you didn’t mean it horribly and I’m fine I promise. I don’t tell people I can’t swim cause it’s a bit embarrassing but you didn’t know that’ you reassured him as you pulled away but kept your hands on his shoulders. ‘As for Mase I think he just got a bit scared but I’ve had a word with him. There wasn’t any need for him to speak to you like that’
‘It’s fine I deserved a telling off’ he smiled shyly and you couldn’t help but let out a small laugh. ‘You promise you’re alright?’
‘Fit as a fiddle’ you winked before walking over to the fridge. ‘I was more embarrassed than anything else. Like me, a full grown woman who can’t swim?’
‘Well if you fancy a lesson I can try and teach you. We can call it part of my apology’ he offered and even though you were petrified you wanted to do something to make him feel better.
‘You know what, I’ll take you up on that’ you laughed, shutting the fridge as you gathered your haul in your hands. ‘Let’s start in the morning’
‘It’s a deal’ he winked, a bright smile on his face and you felt better than you had all afternoon knowing you were fine.
‘I better take these down to his majesty’ you joked, motioning towards your full arms. ‘I’ll see you in the morning though, yeah?’
‘Course. Have a good night y/n’
‘You too’ you smiled and with a quick kiss to your cheek you both made your separate ways to your rooms. You didn’t bother knocking when you got to Mason's room, walking in so you could drop the snacks and drinks straight onto the bed but after you’d shut the door and finally caught sight of him, your mouth went dry.
He was lying horizontally across the bed on his side, flicking through the channels to find something to watch clad only in a pair of tight black Calvin’s. As soon as you made eye contact he sent you a sweet smile, shuffling up a bit straighter before patting the space in front of him and it felt like your heart was going a mile a minute as he helped you get settled. His warm skin pressed fully against yours as he tangled your legs together and wrapped his arm around your middle, but it was the light kiss pressed against your temple that made you blush harder than anything.
‘Comfy?’ He asked softly, lips right by your ear casing goosebumps to erupt all over your skin, you just hoped he wouldn't notice and when he didn’t say anything you just nodded and let him hit play.
It was a comfortable silence, but then again you were always comfortable around Mason. The pair of you munching your way through your snacks as you absentmindedly watched the film that was on until you felt him reach for his phone. Tapping away for a few minutes before he placed it back on the bed until you felt your own phone buzz on the side table.
‘I’d get that if I were you’ he told you quietly. Eyes not leaving the tv and you thought it was a bit weird of him but you didn’t question it. Reaching for it to see who it could be but you were surprised to find it was Mason trying to airdrop you something. The first thing looked like a picture of you taken from behind at a beach bar the other day and you felt your heart race as you pressed accept.
You weren’t prepared for what was coming through to you though. A full album of candid shots of yourself from nights out and day trips that Mason must have taken sneakily and you felt your whole body flush as you flicked through them. Seeing yourself through his eyes a little and you’d sworn you’d never felt more beautiful than right now.
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‘Mason? What the hell is all this?’ You asked, looking up at him with a wide smile and you watched his cheeks turn the same shade of pink yours probably were.
‘Just some pictures I’ve taken this week that I thought you might like’ he told you. Trying to shrug it off but you knew he knew what he’d done was special to you. ‘I thought maybe you could use some for your daily instagram dumps you seem to love. Do you like them?’
‘I love them, thank you’ you told him. Pulling him towards you tighter and you shivered as he kissed your shoulder.
‘That's okay. I know the others were constantly asking the boys to take pictures and I didn’t want you left out. I’ve kept a few for myself though’ he teased. Making you laugh as you looked back up at him.
‘I suppose I’ll allow it’ you smiled. Reaching up to kiss his jaw before your eyes went back to your phone so you could look through them again and try and find your favourite but it didn’t take long for your eyes to go heavy. It had been a long and slightly stressful day and the warmth of Mason's body and the calmness that you felt about being around him was sending you to sleep quicker than anything. He must have felt it, moving you round so your front was now pressed against his chest with your head in his neck but you knew you couldn’t get too comfortable. Sleeping in the same bed was against the rules.
Not that you’d stuck to the rules at all today.
‘Just gimme five minutes and I’ll go to my room’ you told him quietly, the rumbling of his chest as he laughed waking you slightly but not too much.
‘Don’t be silly, stay here tonight’
‘But Mase-‘
‘But nothing. Just go to sleep, Muffin’ he whispered into your hair and you knew your skin was covered in goosebumps.
You didn’t say another word, just snuggled down further into him as he held you even closer. His hands absentmindedly stroking over your skin and lulling you further into sleep, the last thing you remember being his lips on your forehead as he pressed feather light kisses to your hairline.
When you woke up, you knew it wasn’t morning yet. The sky was a little lighter than when you went to sleep but your thoughts were confirmed when you quickly checked your phone and the time read 03:47am. You weren’t sure why you were awake but you quickly dashed to the loo, carefully untangling yourself from Mason as to not wake him but you saw his eyes open when you returned. You had been contemplating going back to your room but he opened his arms for you as you stood awkwardly and you couldn’t deny him.
‘Sorry, Mase. I didn’t mean to wake you’ you whispered, crawling back into his arms but you let him spoon you this time, smiling at the feel of his arms around you and his lips pressed to the base of your neck.
‘S’okay’ he whispered back, continuing to press small kisses over the bottom of your neck whilst he let his hands wander your body carefully and before long you could feel yourself getting turned on.
You weren’t sure if this was his intention or if he just wanted to feel you but you knew your breathing had gotten deeper as he began to massage over you waist and hips before finally taking your bum in his hands and you couldn't help but moan a little bit. Yes the pair of you had been touchy all day but you’d missed his hands on you like this and once he could hear how he was making you feel he started taking things to the next level.
It was your thighs next, hands reaching forward to massage them softly whilst he littered your neck with kisses and it wasn’t long before you felt him prodding you in the back which caused you to let out a little chuckle. ‘Shhhh’ he laughed, letting his hands travel inward to part them before hooking one up and over his body. Leaving you open for him to do as he pleased.
You felt you hips moving before you’d even realised, grinding your bum down onto him and the chuckle that left his lips would have almost left you embarrassed but you didn’t care. You just wanted to feel him again.
‘You just can’t wait can’t you, baby? So needy for me’
‘Please Mase’ you whimpered. Your spine tingling at him calling you baby but thankfully he didn’t want to make you work for it. Just as needy as you it seemed as he pulled your shorts from you and freed himself just enough to be able push himself into you. One arm wrapped around you to hold you close as the other hooked under your thigh to hold it up as he bucked his hips into you from behind and the kisses he was pressing to the back of your neck were driving you wild.
It was lazy and delicious, the pair of you taking it as slow as you could so you could just feel each other rather than chase your highs. Not having sex for the aim of getting off but just because it felt good to be pressed up against each other, to feel him rock his hips in and out of you just like he knew you loved whilst whispering the most heavenly praise in your ear.
You look so fucking beautiful
Feels like you were made for me, you know that?
Let me hear all those pretty noises you make. I don’t care if anyone hears us I wanna know how good you feel
You’re doing so well for me sweetheart
I’ve got you, let go for me gorgeous
When you’d finally come down from your high, you could still feel him pressing the most delicate kisses to the back of your neck until he was burying his face in there. Taking a huge breath like he was absorbing you in and couldn’t wipe the smile off your face.
The pair of you didn’t move, Mason just feeling heavier and heavier as he sunk into you even more. Falling straight back to sleep so you joined him knowing you’d hadn’t felt this content in the longest time.
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liked by masonmount, carlywlms_, benchilwell and others
Y/n a day well spent 🩷
view comments
masonmount ✌🏻
y/n ✌🏻
declanrice that pizza look insane
y/n It was 👩🏻‍🍳😘 there’s a few slices in the fridge if you want some
carlywlms_ missed you this afternoon 💜
y/n I’ll be there to annoy you tomorrow 💜
okaylaaa omg the magnets 😩 @woody_ we need to get some before we go
y/n they had so many, it’s hard to choose 😭
woody_ I’ll take you tomorrow 😉
benchilwell 💛
y/n 💛
laurenfryer_ you didn’t want to show everyone your Spider-Man mug, no?
y/n I didn’t want to embarrass everyone else with my skills
lukeshaw23 tell Mase that’s not part of his meal plan
y/n It’s a one off treat 😉
masonmount let me tell you, I’ve had many treats this week 😌
__nads hope you’re having the best time 🩷 everyone’s asking after you 🥺
y/n thank you, i hope it’s okay going okay 😂
__nads sugar mumma is still standing 😉
masonmount can you post me up some brownies for when I get home please? Or just whatever’s left over tomorrow, I’m not fussy
y/n @__nads ignore him please 🙄
masonmount no no, she owes me
__nads I’m not getting involved in your domestic 😭
Tagged: @footiehoemcfc @prideofpd @yoursselo @chelseachilly @willow-writer-ivy @mm-vii @katharinanadiaa @mmountseb @carlottawllms @saltyheartnightmare @masonmtxo @harvestmount @chillymountsjess @treblebluesblog @pulisicsgirl @bluesswift @feelinglikeineedlotsofnaps
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elsweetheart · 1 year
texts with dealer!ellie part 2
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🎀 makin these r so fun i had to do another <33 mentions of weed, mentions of death (in a jokey way) sexual flirting ,, ya thts it enjoy
e: Babe, you gotta come quick it’s an emergency
e: Babe
r: wh at???? what i just woke up from a nap what happened??
e: I think I’m dying.
r: ellie???? what’s wrong?????
e: I’m gonna die and the only thing that will save me is a pretty girl on my lap smoking my weed with me
e: Come quick… I can see the light
r: r u fucking serious ellie ?? u scared me !!!!
e: I’ll have you know it’s a very serious situation.
r: just for that i’m not coming over >:((
r: suffer the consequences!!!!!
e: Come on it was a little funny
r: no. mad at u.
e: 📞 I’m calling the waa-mbulance
e: 👶 <- You
r: you’re not helping yourself. now i’m even more mad
e: I’m sorry! Just wanna see my girl
e: Can you blame me
r: yes
e: I know you wanna smoke a little weed
e: You’re like
e: A little bunny… and the weed is your lettuce
r: ok… true …..
r: why can’t u come here i just woke up :(
e: Because I don’t wanna have to bring aaalll my stuff to create the most perfect roll you’ve ever laid eyes on
e: I’d like to do it from the privacy of my own desk thank you.
r: so pre roll it and bring it to me loser :(
r: you owe me for scaring me :(
e: Good point
e: Alright I’ll come
e: And then you’ll come… if you know what I mean
r: get ur mind out of the gutter williams
e: You know me baby, always thinking with my dick
r: well bring ur dick with u. u need to make it up to me 🙄
e: When bae wants to fuck but you left your dick at home…
r: are you coming or not
e: Yes ma’am just let me roll
e: Leavimg now do you want me to pick up some food
e: Leavinf
r: no need to yell ……
r: can u plsss bring me coffee i’m a sleepy girl :(
e: I like you being a sleepy girl. I’ll bring you breakfast. Coffee’s bad for you
r: so weed is good coffee is bad? got it
e: Hey. I don’t let you smoke that much weed either. Sassy pants
e: Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed huh
r: yeah it might have something to do with my girlfriend texting me and telling me she’s dying. not sure though
e: Alright brat 🙄
e: Ok I’m on my way. You can go back to sleep I’ll let myself in
r: mmkay ellie
e: Good girl
r: 🤭
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chelseypprimrose · 11 months
Handy With His Hands / handyman!negan x housewife!reader / 18+ / pre-apocalypse
Warnings ⚠️ : unprotected sex, adultery, oral (f receiving), rough sex elements
Summary: being a housewife is quite dull, especially when your husband is a corporate jackass- until a sexy handyman comes to fix your shower.
A/N: I got this little saucy story in my head while reading some handyman!joel miller stories and I just thought: Negan + handyman? so hot! my stories are always something out of a cheesy porno scenario but idec , i know i’m never going to have these fantasies happen to me in the real world so i believe it’s self care to let my dulu stories write out on paper 🤭 please enjoy 🤍
not proof read yet 🫣
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“can you please just get someone to come and look at that thing? i’m sick of having to take cold showers!” you exclaimed, your voice travelling from the kitchen to the living room where your husband was on a phone call. “i’m on the phone, honey.” he replied back, hidden annoyance in his tone, recognisable to you but if anyone else was to hear, they’d think it to be cheerful. you cursed him out in your head, counting down the hours until he was going to be gone on his long business trip. finally, you’d be able to take a break from your expected housewife duties, one of your favourite things to do when your husband was away, catch a few rays in your back garden, take a dip naked in the swimming pool. you had to find thrills where you could as your life was a revolving door of the same boring routine, day in and day out. you craved for something, some sort of adventure to come into your life and completely turn it on its head, you were still waiting on that day unfortunately.
you’d been married to your husband for around three years now, even if it felt like forty. it had been a fairytale at the beginning, he’d get you flowers every week, freshly picked, take you out for dinner at least four times a month, he’d seemed like the perfect man to get married to, until you were locked in, bounded by the commitment and paperwork. he’d neglected those responsibilities, it was rare for him to even take you out for a date night anymore, it was usually just forcing you to go to dinner meetings so he could show you off to potential clients, having to spend your evening being hit on and leered over by slimy old men, your body used to close business deals. always buying you some diamond necklace or earrings after the fact, to keep you happy. you spent most of your time at home when not being used as a dress up doll for your husband, cooking, cleaning, keeping the house in perfect condition - not that he ever noticed.
“alright, i’ve got someone coming round to look at the shower, i’ve got to leave for my flight dear. i love you. i’ll give you a call when i land.” he says, his suitcase rolling on four wheels beside him, his head coming down for a peck on your lips, absolutely no spark or electricity through the kiss, not like it used to be. you mumbled a love you back, as you watched him walk out of the front door, a sigh of relief when the door shut behind him. you took your apron off, placing it on the hook next to the cabinets in the kitchen. walking upstairs into your shared bedroom, you quickly changed out of your clothes, putting on a new two piece bikini you’d treated yourself to a couple weeks ago, topping it off with a pair of sunglasses to keep the sun out of your eyes. grabbing a towel on your way out, you slid the patio door open, folding out the towel and placing it on the sun lounger, sitting down on it and lounging out. connecting your phone to the bluetooth speaker outside, you decided to put on your relaxing mix, hoping it would help you get a small nap in before the repairman was here.
it was really hard to get one on such short notice, how your husband had been able to get one the same day baffled you, probably pulled some strings with one of his business buddies you thought. while you had good money in the bank, you despised how your husband would treat other people that weren’t in the same tax bracket as you both were. you were the more generous person in the relationship, giving to various charities when you could, even though it annoyed your husband to no end when you did. in a selfish way, you revealed in it, any subtle way you could piss him off without making it obvious that was your intention, you’d jump at the chance. giving money to those who needed it AND being able to make him angry - win win scenario.
you’d been sat in the back yard for around a hour, lightly snoring as you went in and out of a light sleep, you hadn’t heard the doorbell go the multiple times it had, being awoken when the wooden side gate hit the fence with a loud crash. “holy shit!” you shouted, pulling your sunglasses off your eyes to look towards the gate, seeing a man standing there with a large toolbox in his hand. “hey, didn’t mean to scare you doll. no one answered the doorbell and i saw the gate was unlocked so.” you got yourself up from the sun lounger, taking a couple steps towards the man so you could get a better look at him. damn he was fine, a tight white t-shirt with black cargo pants, covered in what looked like dust, white paint, other substances you could only assume he’d gotten from his line of work. a tattoo peeking out from underneath his sleeve, one on his forearm as well, steel-toe capped boots making slight clink noises as he moved on the concrete path underneath him, you thought he was too attractive to be a handyman, a ‘magic mike’ dancer sure, you give over everything in your bank account to see that little fantasy come to life. his hair slicked back and beard trimmed neatly, your eyes couldn’t help naturally scanning over his muscular, dominating frame.
“hi! you must be the handyman my husband ordered?” you asked, eyebrow raising as you put your hand out for a handshake. “well, i work for the same company, i’m Negan.” he introduced himself as he grasped your hand, meeting yours. his hand felt slightly calloused, a side effect from his job you gathered, you couldn’t deny how sexy they made you feel, being used to the smoothness of your husbands, it was a unlikely turn on. “oh right! i’m y/n. thank you for coming on such short notice, i’m absolutely sick of having cold showers, don’t know how much more i can take of it.” you joked, a small smile sat on your face. “i’ll show you where it is so you can get cracking, i bet there’s more things you’d rather be doing, so hopefully it won’t take too long.” you motioned for him to follow you, walking through the patio door.
Negan followed you into the house, unbeknownst to you, his eyes glued to your small bikini bottoms, showing off your ass in what could only be described as gorgeous. he knew it was wrong, looking at the bosses wife in such a way but he couldn’t help himself, becoming a recent single man again, he hadn’t had the time to get back into the dating scene which in turn meant he wasn’t getting any action and it was driving him nuts. he was only a man, when he’d got the call from your husband, he wasn’t expecting his wife to be home alone, dressed in a bikini, looking good enough to devour.
you got to the en suite bathroom, opening the door, showing him where the controls were. “here it is, i have no clue what’s wrong with it, it just won’t let any hot water through.” you stated, you’d never been good with stuff like this, your husband had always had people on call to fix problems around the house. “i’ll be fine doll, i’ve dealt with this problem loads of times before.” he waved it off with a laugh. “would you like anything to drink? to eat?” you questioned, putting on your best innocent smile. “i wouldn’t mind a coffee, doll but don’t make one on my account.” he beamed back at you, turning away to grab something from his toolbox, you took a look at his tight cargos as he bent down, they shaped the muscularity of his thighs perfectly, his ass looking perfect in them. “i’m sure i can rustle something up for you, how do you take it?” you asked, a slight smirk on your face from how you’d worded the question to him. “no milk, two sugars please. i like it sweet.” he bantered back, leaving you to saunter off to the kitchen.
you returned back to him, slightly boiling coffee in hand, placing it on the large counter where the sink and mirror were placed. “so, how long have you worked with my husband? i don’t think i’ve heard about you before?” you quizzed, knowing the names of your husbands many business partners and staff, you’d have remembered a unique name like Negan, you were sure. “ah not long, used to be a gym teacher before this job, needed a change and i’ve always been good with my hands.” you laughed, the image of Negan bossing around a load of pre teens making you smile. “i wouldn’t have pegged you as a gym teacher, to be honest with you!” he laughed right back at you, turning his head to look towards you. “yeah, a lot of people have told me that, i loved working with the little shits all day, gave them a run for their money, i can tell you that much.” he grimaced, realising what he’d done. “sorry doll, don’t mean to swear, pretty unprofessional of me.” you giggled again, shaking your head at him. “i don’t mind, stop worrying! it’s nice to be in the company of a man who doesn’t change himself to suit other people.” Negan took notice of that, wondering if you were talking about your husband. “well, that’s fucking me all over doll. so, what do you do?” you sighed, knowing how what you said next would come across. “housewife, i stay at home, look after the house and get taken to business dinners when i’m needed.” he noticed your drop in tone, he could sense that you weren’t really happy with that but he didn’t want to speak out of turn. “well your doing a bang up job, this place is immaculate.” you blushed, your husband had never complimented your hard work, always just expecting the house to be sorted, never thinking to thank you for your efforts. “thanks, it’s nice to hear that. i’ll let you get on, if you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask.”
it was about a hour later when Negan had finally finished the shower, it now letting out hot water again. “you are a angel, finally i can have a nice shower!” you exclaimed, hands clapping enthusiastically, Negan laughing at your actions. “absolutely no problem doll.” he smiled at you, trying to escape his thoughts of you taking said shower, the bubbles dripping down your body as you washed them away, how good you’d look naked. “so, stop me if you have somewhere to be but i just got finished making dinner, i forgot i was alone so there is more than enough if you wanted to stay for some?” you asked sheepishly, expecting him to decline, a young single man probably had better things to do on a friday night than sit in with a boring housewife for dinner. “i’d love that doll. let me just take my tools back to my truck.” you freaked out internally, you were excited to spend some more time with this devilishly charming man, he was a breath of fresh air compared to the people you had to hang around with when you were with your husband. always other couples that were all business talk, how many sales they’d made that year and how much they were getting for their bonuses, it became exhausting over time.
you plated up the chicken florentine, along with some vegetables and sauce, bring the plate from the counter to the dining room table, the dimmed lights almost highlighting your body, you’d changed into a pretty sundress while he’d gone out to the truck, deciding a bikini wasn’t proper dinner attire, not bothering with underwear, if your plan was to go your way. placing the plates on the table, you grabbed a bottle of wine from the vast array of choice from the wine cooler and glasses for you both. you took a seat just as Negan walked back through the door, his eyes rising up as he smelt the food from the table. “fuck me doll, that smells good!” he clapped his hands together as he sat down beside you, starting to eat. “i hope you like it, i didn’t know if you ate meat but…” you trailed off. “no i do, i’m not one of those vegan pussies, don’t worry.” you laughed, his vulgar language causing a stir from within you. you poured out a glass of wine for you each before tucking in yourself. “i’ve got to say, i’ve never had such hospitality from anyone before, i’m always called to clients houses but the most i’m offered is a drink and then they leave me alone to work, this is a nice change.” you smiled, hoping you hadn’t been too much in his hair, you just couldn’t stop yourself, you wanted to know more about the intriguing man. “well, i aim to please. hospitality gets drilled into you as a housewife, it’s sort of all i’m good for.” you said, taking a sip of your wine, feeling like you were softly venting a little due to feeling comfortable in Negan’s company. “i’m sure your good at other things doll, better than the shitheads i normally encounter in this job.”
“well i understand that, i’ve met my husband’s clientele and they aren’t my type of people. always boasting about themselves, not caring about others, i hate it really.” you confessed, knowing you were opening up to much to a man you didn’t really know but you felt at ease, like you could speak freely, unlike when you were in your husbands company. you and Negan had finished eating, you finished the last of your wine, taking your plates to the dishwasher, bending down to place them inside, not remembering you had no panties on, fully on show for Negan and he’d definitely noticed. he’d almost done a double take, seeing your pretty pussy on display, a grin widening on his face as he understood the message. he got up, walking towards you as you raised up again, going to put the cooking utensils in the dishwasher when his large hands wrapped around your waist, you turned to look at him.
“you know doll, i think i should thank you for such a lovely evening. don’t you?” you looked up at him through your eyelashes, your chest heaving up and down with deep breaths as your heart began to beat irregularly at the closeness of such a gorgeous man. “i don’t know… what did you have in mind?” you questioned, your arms coming to meet at the top of his neck, wrapping around to pull him closer as your faces were inches away from each other. “i think it would be fair payment to screw your pretty little brains out, right over this countertop.” you moaned out at his statement, his hand coming to tug at your hair softly, before yanking harder, testing the waters. “i think, you should put your money where your mouth is, Negan.”
he growled, backing you up to the countertop that was behind your back, slightly pushing you against it. he captured your lips in a heated kiss, his hand still pulling at your hair as you whimpered into the kiss, silently begging for his hard touch. no one had ever been so rough with you, husband included. “i know how much you’ve wanted this, don’t think i didn’t notice how you aren’t wearing any panties, you were planning for this, weren’t you doll?” he whispered against your lips, his other hand now going underneath your skirt, dancing on your thighs before he got to your wet heat. “i don’t just offer dinner to anyone that comes to the house, you know.” you whimpered out, feeling his finger tips on your clit, moving small circles on top of it. “i’m hungry for dessert now doll, open those pretty thighs for me sweetheart.” he lifted you up onto the counter, your legs sat on his shoulders as you lifted your dress up enough for your whole pussy on display for Negan. his tongue met your hot skin, licking a stripe up your core, starting slow. your hand came down to meet his hair, gripping tightly around the strands that had fallen loose from his slicked back style. you moaned out, not used to the feeling of having such a skilled man between your legs, savouring every movement you felt him make. so methodical and well thought.
he sucked on your clit harshly, you squeezing his head slightly as your thighs contorted together, trying desperately to grind yourself closer to his tongue, chasing the blissfully sinful feeling that was racing through your body. “fuck-fuck! Negan, i’m not- going to last much longer if you keep doing that! fuck!” you panted and whined at the impending arrival of your orgasm, he chuckled at your confession, pulling away from you to back up. “i want to feel you doll, i want to feel you clench around my dick, turn around for me.” he purred, letting your stumbling legs fall back onto the ground as you turned to face the counter, your nipples standing erected through the thin material of the dress, contrasting against the cold marble.
he dropped his cargo pants, letting them fall down to his ankles, his impressively large piece now hanging out, you felt the bulbous tip playing around on your entrance, running up and down your folds at Negan’s movements. he finally entered you, holding a tight grip on your hips, nails slightly digging into your soft flesh, letting your pussy stretch out to accommodate his girth. he pulls out, and slides back in with little to no hesitation, finding a happy pace between rough and soft. you moan out, one hand coming to wrap around your throat as he moved his pace to more rough. “fuck doll, you fit me so well- taking me so good baby.” you whined out again. “please, please! harder! i need you, Negan- fuck!” he grinned at your begging, leaving your lips like a pretty song. he obliged, upping the ante to absolutely rock you.
you gasped, pulling your head up from the counter to see the light illuminating from the landline phone situated near the window, your husbands name on the caller id.
“fuck, fuck! stop i need to answer him!” you tried to manoeuvre your body to grab the phone that was finger tips away from you, pushing your body closer before negan reached out over you to grab it.
“better answer it before he gets suspicious dollface.” he clicked the green button, passing it down to you, your face bright red with nervousness.
“hey-hey honey.” you breathed out, finding it hard not to make pleasurable sounds while Negan was still fucking you rough, you could barely talk with his hand still grasped around your throat. he showed no mercy.
“i just got to my hotel, did Negan manage to fix the shower?” your husband asked, you allowed a small grin to peak out on your face, thanking god your husband couldn’t see you right now. “yeah, he did a really good job, such a nice guy!” you drabbled on, hoping he wouldn’t ask many more questions, fearing you couldn’t stay quiet for much longer. “that’s great, so i’m going to try and get some sleep before the big meeting tomorrow. just wanted to let you know i got here okay. i love you.” he said, you almost dropped the phone from how rough your stomach was hitting the side of the counter, Negan relishing in the predicament you’d found yourself in. “ok-okay honey. i love you t-too.” you gasped as Negan proceeded to smack your ass hard, the sting catching you off guard, making it harder to find your words for your husband. “are you okay? you don’t sound too well?” you rolled your eyes into the back of your head, wishing he’d just fuck off so you didn’t have the anxiety of having to string sentences together. “yeah i’m fine, think i’m just a bit ill. i’ll l-let you get some sleep. love you. bye.” you quickly got out, pressing the red end call button, slinging the phone off the counter, the object hitting the ground with a smack. “you are such a bastard.” you slightly laughed with another moan. “didn’t want him worrying about his dear wife now did we doll? thank you for the five star review though, i appreciate it.”
the wet sounds still echoed around the room, you could feel yourself getting ever so closer to what you knew would be a world shattering climax. “fuck, i’m so so close, please! fuck!” Negan held you firmer in place, his hips snapping against your behind, his dick filling you up to the brim. “let go doll, come all over my dick.” that was all the permission you needed, you let yourself climax, sobbing in pleasure, waves of pleasure rippling through you, nearly too intense for your body to handle it. you cried out his name, your fingernails digging into your own palms as you circled your hips, riding out your orgasm.
Negan wasn’t too far behind, he couldn’t help but spill inside you, quickly pulling out to finish the rest on your now red glistening ass, from the countless spankings he’d given you. you both almost collapsed, breathless, unable to get your heart rates back to normal for the time being. Negan held you to his chest, your back meeting his torso in a warm embrace, chests heaving. you felt the sticky ropes of his seed on your dress, making it stick to your ass as you licked your lips to regain some moisture back as they’d gone dry from all your moaning and whining. his hands ran up and down your body, coming to play with your breasts over the material.
“fuck doll, do you have any more repairs for me to do? because i would gladly fix every goddamn thing in this house for this again.” you laughed, turning around to look at him, face beat red from the strenuous actions you’d both participated in. you reached behind him and pulled open one of the cabinets behind his head, the wood snapping with the force, taking it off its hinges so it hung off.
“whoops. you might need to take a look at that.”
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
Dad's Babygirl -Pedri González
Inspired by the video of Pedri being incredibly sweet to that babygirl at the LaLiga ceremony!
Note: Apparently Pedri doesn't have a solo picture with the throphy☠️🥴*Sighs in defeat*, but here's one with my in-laws🤭😌
Summary: You and your babygirl are supporting your favorite '8' at his first LaLiga ceremony.
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You met Pedri when you both were sixteen, at seventeen you entered in a romantic relationship, have been together for three years and eleven months ago had a little blessing, a little unexpected blessing but a very welcomed one. Your little babygirl, Mía. Mía González.
She was the eyes of everyone in the family, yours and Pedri's. Both of you managed to make it work, at the beggining it was hard but you as a strong couple and as a good team with the help of your parents, eventually got the rhythm of the things and adapted to your new lifestyle.
You never thought about having a baby at a young age but now you can't imagine your live without your little princess.
"Gonna be good?" Pedri asked you once more, his hand on your thigh carressing it softly with his thumb as he drived towards Camp Nou, he wasn't playing because of a discomfort in his right thigh but he was going to be in the LaLiga winning celebration.
"Yes, mi amor. Don't worry, we'll be also with Fer and your parents" You put your hand on top of his smiling. Your promise ring noticeable as Pedri couldn't help but smile.
"Cualquier cosa me dices, ¿Sí? No quiero que estés incómoda o estresada y mucho menos con la señorita que ha estado muy revoltosa el dia de hoy" (You tell me if anything happens, yeah? I don't want you to be uncomfortable or stressed and mostly with the señorita that has been very moody today) He looked quickly behind where your baby was sleeping in her baby seat.
"She's sleeping, hopefully that little nap extends the whole match" Pedri laughs knowing she had already half an hour asleep and her naps usually last for about a whole hour. You laughed "Only one can hope" You say to him and he laughed a little more
Indeed, Mía had been moody today from screaming around the house, not wanting to eat her lunch, resulting in you forcing a bit of her meal into her mouth, kicking and throwing her toys at the wall. You were delighted when she pulled her arms up to you and fell asleep in your chest.
"However, it's not the first time we have been to a game, Pepi"
"Hostias, eso lo sé" (Yeah, well I know that) He smiled "But I always worry for my girls. I just don't want anything bad to happen. Not to her and definitely not to you." You smile leaning over to kiss his cheek
"Mi campeón" You whispered as he grabbed your hand and pulled it up to his lips "We'll be fine, don't worry, this is your night" You smiled pulling his hand to your lips as well. When he was done parking, he got out as you grabbed yours and Mía things, you felt both of yours and Mía's doors open and smiled at your man and babydad.
"Look who's awake" Pedri said grabbing from you the ear plugs to put them to Mía softly.
She was softly babbling, still sleepy
"Hi bonita" Pedri said getting her softly out of her seat and grabbing her into his arms, Mía let herself fall into his shoulder wrapping her little arms around him. He grabbed your hand as you started walking inside the stadium "Sure you don't wanna sit with me?"
"We'll be fine" You smile watching Rosy come down to you, she wrapped you in a big and warm hug softly swinging you both side to side
"Oye mamá, te ves muy guapa" You blush giggling
"Thank you, Rosy. You are looking really good too" She smiled before moving towards her son and her granddaughter while Fernando, Pedri's dad came over to hug you.
When you turned around Rosy was with the babygirl as Pedri came up to you to greet his dad and turn his attention to you
"Sure-?" You laugh nodding
"We'll be fine, amor. Don't worry" He nodded smiling lightly, he wrapped you in his arms quickly giving you a few seconds long kiss
"Te quiero"
"Y yo a ti, lindo" He pecked your lips once more before returning his attention to the baby giving her a few cheek kisses as well and one to her mom's cheek
"Me tengo que ir pero si algo pasa-" (I've gotta go but if something happens-)
"Que no pasará" (It won't) Fernando said making Pedri sigh a little blushing, he just wanted to protect you all.
"You know where I am" He finished, you nodded and watched him walk towards his place as you went to yours. Getting into your seats you greeted Fer, who had came from the bathroom and even greeted, Pedri's cousin.
Rosy passed you back Mía who was slightly fuming throwing her hands at you, she stayed calm the rest of the night. You watched the game quietly and even though Barcelona lost, you screamed and yelled when Robert did that goal in the last minute.
Pedri had gone inside the tunnel to change into his kit so he could be present of the ceremony, you were pointing to Mía where her dad was, as she excited wriggled her legs. She was soon to be one year but you hadn't make it possible to make her say dad or mom.
Even though you wanted her to say mom so badly first, that night you wanted her to say dad and put the cherry on top for Pedri's cake. You took of one of her ear plugs and talked in her ear
"Papá, Mía, over there, that's papá" You said smiling widely as she started babbling. You looked at her, she was a copy of both of you, the perfect combination.
Pedri held her and she looked like him but you held her and she also looked like you.
The things that she did got from her dad were her love for bananas and those big brown eyes, meanwhile she had your smile and hair.
"Venga, vamos abajo" Fer said, grabbing Mía's bag as Rosy lend you a hand whilst walking down the stairs. Once you were inside the pitch your eyes scanned the crowd to see your dark haired boy, when you suddenly feel hands on your waist, that made you turn around.
You saw the pretty eyes and beautiful you were so in love with, leaning into him
"Congratulations, pepi. You deserve this so much" You said looking up at him
"Gracias mi vida" He smiled kissing you softly before he returned his attention to the baby who was asking for him with her chubby hands "Wanna come with papá?" You moved her side to side, doing as if you were gonna give her to Pedri but backed away and he followed your game making Mía laugh
"Pa...pa!" Pedri and you stopped everything you were doing
"Did she...?"
"¡Papá!" She repeated herself over and over again as you and Pedri shared amazed looks, eventually people around you three heard Mía's yells and the ones who knew she hadn't said her firsts words yet, smiled excited
"Sí, bonita. Yo soy papá" Pedri said as you gave her to him, his eyes were glassy and his smile was bigger than before.
"¡Papá!" She was yelling over and over again, liking the reaction she got from us, eventually Fer, Rosy and Fernando were hugging us and hyping her up to say it once more.
And from that moment forward, she didn't left Pedri's arms, and it's not like Pedri wanted to let her go, Mía did not even let herself grab from you, there was this part where Pedri had to go and do an interview, but when Mía saw your hands extended to grab her and Pedri's arms undoing his strong hold to pass her she started fussing and grabbing herself from her dad's jersey, which she had one exactly like his but with the words "Papá" written
"C'mon, Mía. Papá needs to go"
"Don't worry, I'll handle it" Pedri winked at you, kissing your lips and turning around to make that interview
Later you were talking with Rosy when you saw Pedro and Mía still sat on the grass with the two flags of Pedri's town and birthplace on the floor, when Mía stood up and hugged her dad once more before placing a kiss on his cheek as Pedro laughed and tickled her. You zoned out from what Rosy had said and looked at the two loves of your life playing around as if nothing, as if they were at home.
"The three of you are so whipped for each other" You turned to Rosy with a smile "Mía dies for you and for Pedro, whenever she doesn't see you two around she goes crazy. Mi hijo y tú are the same with her. And with each other. I'm so glad you're part of our familia now, Y/N" She hugged you tightly
"Thank you for letting me be part of it" Both of you looked once more at Pedro and Mía "Mía loves me" You said after a few seconds of silence ", but she's definitely a daddy's girl"
"And Pedro's crazy for his babygirl" Rosy completed "Like father, like daughter" You laughed "Go with them" She pushed you lightly as you walked towards them
"Look, ahí viene mamá" You heard Pedro say as Mía looked at you surprised but then smiled, you sat in front of Pedro and Mía "Too far away, señorita" He said wanting you closer to him, you smiled and did what he asked "This is one of the best weeks and days of my life"
"You deserve each and every single one of them, Pepi. You've worked hard for what you wanted and you got it" You smiled at him pushing a bit of his hair out of his face "There are no words for me to describe how proud of you I am. You're simply amazing"
He smiled kissing your lips "And you two are what makes me wanna get better everytime" You couldn't resist and kissed him once more before leaning over and kissing your Mía, who shyly got her face inti her dad's neck, you two laughing "My best supporters, my girls" He hugged you both tightly
Until you felt how Pedri let himself fall onto the grass, taking the two of you down laughing with him watching the starry Catalan night with a smile.
"I've got everything I wanted, I'm really happy with it but I don't think I need anything else besides you two"
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Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld
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axel-skz · 1 year
hey!! I have a request🤭;
Ok what about chan w a vv sleepy s/o like their always falling alseep everywhere or they can fall alseep rlly easily not like narcoleptic but just sleepy🤷‍♀️
Chan had always been very accepting of the fact that you were always sleepy. You had a talent of falling asleep anywhere and everywhere, he was actually a little jealous. He struggled to sleep. It made him feel good to look after you though. Randomly feeling you fall asleep on his shoulder or somehow leaning on him or holding his hand.
It made him happy. He felt like you trusted him. To be able to fall asleep without worries around him. He slowly started to keep items in all the spaces he was in regularly. Things that would help keep you comfortable. He had a special drawer in his office with a nice pillow and there was always a blanket on the back of the sofa.
People noticed it in his live and he chalked it up to him taking naps in the office. But no, it was for you. He kept snacks for when you woke up and felt hungry. He would turn his music down as to not wake you as well as shushing anyone who came in.
You never realised just how strict he was about his shushing when one day, you were half asleep and jisung came in. He said something, fairly quietly. But there was Chan. This man, fully jumped like it was jumpscare in a movie. Then turned and so dramatically shushed Han that you would think he was Hyunjin.
He really loved you and made you feel so comfortable in your own skin. He never let you feel nervous or self conscious about it. He’d always say, ‘I get to hold you while you sleep. How could I be upset? I’m winning here.’
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A/N: I’M CRYING RN! OMFG DO NOT LISTEN TO SAD SONGS WHILE READING THIS! I was listening to same boat by Lizzie Mcalpine and I’m just breaking down. The thought of someone so loving and accepting- my soul is dead.
Listen to cielings if you really wanna cry cus Istg that would hit so hard.
I hope this was better then the other stuff I’ve been posting lately :’) my brain is just not on my side lately and I’m so tired and sad. It’s hard to be anything rn.
I said this in my other post, todays song is Muddy water.
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merbear25 · 17 days
Hi, can you please write nsfw headcanons about Axis having spicy dreams about a fem!reader?
Hello! I had some fun thinking of what kinds of dreams they'd have, so I hope I did them justice. I had the most fun with Japan's, honestly. 🤭 Thank you for sending in this request. I hope you like what I've written for you! 💜💜
CW: NSFW, MDNI, fem!reader, vaginal penetration, headcanons
Having a wet dream about you (Germany, Italy, Japan)
You were always strong-willed, able to handle yourself in any situation. However, that night he dreamed of you unraveling beneath him, completely and utterly losing all sense of self.
With a face that typically held a poised expression, your jaw was slacked and he had you panting for more. Only you could make looking pathetic sexy. Pushing both of you over the edge with one final thrust, he was abruptly woken up by his alarm.
Looking down, he groaned at the mess he made. However, the little bit of extra effort in the morning wasn’t something he was going to let sour his whole day.
Heading out the door at his normal time, he was at the track punctually, waiting for the other two to arrive. Japan was on time and Italy was running late just like every day. Looking over, he saw you coming.
His mind immediately recalled the dream he had of you, but he tried with all might to keep his composure, no matter how awkward he felt about it. You informed him that you thought it’d be a good idea to get back in the swing of things and start exercising again. He felt like you adding that being under his guidance would be the best decision was unnecessary, but that was mostly due to it making it hard to suppress the hue on his cheeks.
Clearing his throat, he instructed the session once Italy finally arrived. Remaining focused wasn’t something he thought he’d be struggling with that day.
With the cool wind coming through the window, rain started pitter pattering against the shingles. You were cuddled up with him, slightly shivering from the sudden chilly weather. Wrapping his arms around you, the sweet embrace easily drifted into wandering hands and heated kisses.
Curled up in his warm arms, he thrusted into you. Despite the early morning calling for lazy motions, you were hitting all the right spots for him. The nice breeze casted over him, sending a shiver down his spine. His breath was hot in your ear as he cooed sweet nothings upon climaxing.
Stretching under his newly soiled sheets, he didn’t have a care in the world. Feeling completely relaxed, he lazily made his way throughout the house.
Going about his day as normal - relaxing under a tree, eating, napping, taking a stroll in the park - he caught sight of you coming out of the shop.
Without thinking twice, he called out to you and made his way over. The conversation alluded to no lingering remnants of the previous night’s dream, seeing as he saw no real reason to dwell on it.
Exchanging pleasantries, he always enjoyed chatting with you. You were so kind and easy to talk to. With the wind picking up, you shuddered from the drop in temperature, immediately taking him back to that precious moment that never happened.
You’d just finished eating dinner and were now in the kitchen doing the washing up. You looked so sweet with the pink bow from your apron tied behind your back. You took really good care of him, leaving him wanting to give you a bit more attention that night.
Wrapping his arms around you, he kissed your neck tenderly, whispering how good you were to him. Yanking your skirt up, he thrusted into you with fervor that had you quaking. As you gripped the kitchen counter, you bit your bottom lip so as to muffle your low moans. Cupping your breasts from behind, he placed soft kisses along your shoulder. With a final wave of ecstasy consuming you both, the vibrations from his phone pulled him out of the post-nut haze.
Pondering there for a moment, he had a difficult time wrapping his head around the dream he just had. Besides the obvious, you weren’t his wife. You weren’t even dating. Trying not to overthink it, he proceeded to clean up.
Already shifting to that day’s list of things to do, he was out the door. Though the day was admittedly long, everything went off without a hitch and the dream felt like it was ages ago.
Seeing you outside of your place on his way home, you asked if he’d eaten yet. You told him that you’d prepared a bit too much food and if he’d like, he was welcome to join you.
Taking you up on your offer, he was thoroughly enjoying spending quality time with you. Offering to help clean up, you were grateful for his kind gesture. Trailing behind you, he saw you put on an apron, making the dream feel all too real.
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sammiesallow · 1 year
could i get some sebastian and ominis (separate) x reader headcanons where the reader is like always rlly tired and on the verge of falling asleep right then and there😭 (bonus points if reader does actually fall asleep💀)
ME THIS IS ME IRL /GEN. I fall asleep everywhere omg!! This is very self-indulgent!
Sleepy! (Ominis, Sebastian)
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Ominis Gaunt 🐍
He sleeps in class a lot honestly.
So when he notices how much you sleep?
He's concerned at first, wondering if you're getting enough sleep
You fall asleep on his shoulder or just complain about being tired all the time
You eventually tell him that there's no reason for it, you're just sleepy
Ok now he thinks it's cute
Holds you hand in class? BOOM you're asleep
Or hanging out in the undercroft maybe, you just lay down on him and immediately you're dozing off on his lap
He loves how cute it is, but still wants you to focus in class
So as much as he doesn't want to, he'll wake you up if you sleep for too long
If you're frustrated about it, he's here to comfort you
"I'm just so tired of being.. Tired all the time"
"I understand darling, I'll be here for you whenever you need me"
Naps in the undercroft on your free days!
Lay there in your casual clothes and cuddle
Seb in the corner: "GET A ROOM 😭😭🤢🤢"
But ominis is the sweetest when it comes to sleeping, so he thinks its so cute when you're just. Asleep for no reason
Sebastian Sallow ⭐️
Let's be honest here, sebastian is an absolute idiot?
He's a rascal, and the first thing he thinks of is to prank you.
It'll be completely silent and he'll drop his book on your desk as loud as he can
Scares the shit out of you
"I'M AWAKE!!!"
He's not sweet like ominis, but does also get worried when he notices it's frequent
Will look over at you and you'll be dozing off
"You good??"
Asks you about it after class
You just explain to him that it's always been that way, you're just tired
He doesn't care after that 😭
Snaps his fingers in front of your face to wake you up
(You bit him once, he doesn't do that anymore)
After y'all start dating, his favorite thing to do is wake you up with kisses!!!
Grabs your hand and kisses the back of your palm
Or on the cheek
If he doesn't wake you up, he'll put his scarf on you!! (+10 points if you're in a different house🤭)
You try to give it back?
"Keep it, Green looks better on you"
Give him YOUR scarf!! It'll make him fall asleep cause it smells like you
He loves it. Even if you ask for it back.. You're not getting it back.
also likes naps in the undercroft!
Sometimes even sleeps there instead of the dorms
He ain't a peaceful sleeper bro he's out like a light and snoring with drool and everything
It's cute tho
If you're sleeping on the couch, he'll kiss you on the forehead to lightly wake you up
"It's time to wake up darling.."
I can imagine you just moaning and groaning like a kid cause you don't wanna get up
definitely teases you
"I know, i know, life is soo hard"
Y'all are so in love though, he's the sweetest
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little-emerald-snake · 2 months
I come bearing another potential "sequel" idea. Obviously you don't have to write this. I randomly thought back to the "Sebastian with a reverse PA" story and, well...
Let's say f!MC decides she wants to return the favor, in a way. She decides to get a piercing of her own that can help stimulate them both. My mind says either a tongue piercing or a fourchette piercing, but that's completely up to you if you decide you like this idea 🤭
Anyways, she gets it and it becomes so hard not to ruin the surprise and she's holding off because it's still healing. She has to keep coming up with excuses for why they can't (too tired, have to study, etc). Both Seb and MC are sexually frustrated so by the time she feels it's healed enough, it's feral while also trying to be careful with both piercings.
(I'm just realizing how both my requests have a bit of a theme to them. Don't know what that says about me 🤣 Anyways, much love 💜)
Piercings pt3 - Sebastian Sallow X F!MC
My lovely cyan1de, your brain is absolutely filthy and I love it 🫶🏻. I’ve taken your inspo but I changed the piercing to something with a little less heal time for the stories sake. Hope you like it anyway 💕. Thank you as always for the requests!
Warnings: descriptions of healing piercing, please have mercy and if you get a ‘spicy’ piercing let it heal fully/follow aftercare instructions so you don’t get an infection, modern college a/u, unprotected p-in-v, oral f receiving, mattress fucking?
2k words
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Things had been incredible between them. While they had no label per say, they very much went on dates, spent the night with each other and hooked up fairly regularly.
She knew his birthday was only a few weeks away and while he swore he only wanted to spend the day with her and refused gift ideas, she had a fun little idea that had manifested after a saucy conversation or two about piercings.
After talking plenty about his she’d decided to ask what he’d think if a partner were to get one. He chuckled and gave her a wild playful look, hair messy from the combination of sweat and her fingers carding through it. “Wouldn’t mind it. What? You thinking about getting one?”
She’d only shrugged playfully, pretending to mull it over. She couldn’t deny the fact that she had in fact been thinking about getting a piercing ever since their first encounter. “Well if you do decide you want one-“ he paused to wiggle his brows and glanced at her bare chest “or two…I think it would be hot. But don’t feel like you need one just because I got one.”
She’d of course done her research of healing and pain and decided her top contender was a VCH piercing. Between the benefits, healing time, and the aesthetics of it she decided that would be the piercing she got.
Her roommate had agreed to go with her and hold her hand while she got it done, all kinds of on board for her and Sebastian since she seemed to be really happy since they’d started hooking up.
Thankfully the piercing wasn’t too painful, a big pinch and a bit of soreness but nothing she couldn’t handle. Her roommate had been hysterically laughing since she’d gotten home to look at it and her first words uttered were “She’s so pretty!”.
The next day Sebastian had tried to come over between classes for a bit of midday fun. But she’d quickly made the excuse that she was really tired and needed a nap. She’d also carefully evaded going back to his after a coffee date by saying she had to do some extra studying.
Luckily she’d been able to just get away with a good blowjob for him on the couch during their movie night at his place later in the week. He’d started to get a little suspicious after about two weeks of evaded sexual encounters or only blowjobs. “You know you can talk to me right? Like if something is wrong…is something wrong?”
She quickly waved him off just saying she’s been having some hormone changes which have made her tired and have a lower libido. In all honesty she was having an incredibly hard time telling him no, but she was almost halfway through the recovery and was determined to surprise him with her new piercing. “Love, is this because of your period?” He’d said while nipping the spot just below her ear, grinding against her thigh. “You know I don’t mind a bit of blood, I’ll still take good care of her. I promise.”
She of course already knew this since they’d already had period sex and he hadn’t been deterred in the slightest. Of course he’d been all too accommodating of her surge of desires during her ovulating week though.
He whispered incredibly sweet things and treated her like a princess but they definitely were a very sexually active couple. So when his hands began to wander when she stayed the night just a few days into her third week of healing she was losing her battle.
He whispered raunchy filth into her ear, rubbing and grinding against her inner thigh and moving closer to her crotch. One intense drag against her had her wincing and her mouth falling open.
Sebastian immediately stopped, cupping her face in his palms. “What’s wrong, love? Did I hurt you? Are you okay?”
She finally broke down, just three days before his birthday she felt like it was unavoidable at this point. She flashed a shy smile, looking up at him cheekily. “So you know how I talked to you about getting a piercing right?”
Sebastian’s lust lidded eyes popped and she swore she saw them sparkle. “You didn’t.” He looked down between them as if he’d see it through her clothes. He looked back up with wide eyes. “Holy shit…what did you get pierced?”
She laughed and rolled him off of her, carefully shimmying out of her pajama shorts and spreading her legs for him. “Surprise! Happy Birthday.”
His eyes darkened and he looked up, licking his lips. “Gods I’ve missed your pussy…and now she’s all pretty for me. God you know you didn’t have to do that.”
She smiled, blushing as he looked back down in awe. “I wanted it. It wasn’t just for you, promise. What do you think?”
He licked his lips again and she practically moaned from the look on his face. “How long till it’s healed?”
She bit into her bottom lip nervously. “Healing time is 4-8 weeks and it’s been 3 weeks and 4 days.”
His eyes widened. “You got it to be healed perfectly on my birthday…” he crawled up the side of her body, holding her neck carefully in his palm and he whispered against her lips. “Naughty girl.”
He kissed her deeply, tasting her and groaning into their kiss. She could feel his arousal against her thigh and it had her moaning into his kiss. He pulled back, eyes dark and lusty. “You can’t make those sounds, not when I still need to let that pretty little pussy heal up baby.”
She practically whined against his lips. The soreness had long since disappeared and she knew if she kept things clean that it would likely be fine for them to fool around a bit. She pushed at him till he was shoved out of bed and standing beside it, confused. “You’ve showered, right?”
He nodded, a confused tilt of his chin as she waved him towards the bathroom. His gray shorts doing very little to cover all the freckles littering his skin or the bulging mass thickening between his legs. “Go wash your hands then come back to bed.”
His eyes bulged and he hurried to the bathroom. He came back quickly, sliding into bed with her. She could smell his hand soap and smiled up at him as he crowded over her. “What are you comfortable doing? I don’t want to hurt you.”
She reached between them, palming his erection through the sweatpants he wore and hummed softly with approval. “I need this tonight, that is, if you’ll give it to me.”
He ground against her hand, leaning down to nuzzle into her neck and inhale her scent. He groaned, rolling his hips harder before frustration pulled somewhere inside him and he reached down to free his aching cock. It sprung free, cool air kissing his swollen leaking tip, silver barbell glinting in the low light. “Gods I’ve needed your pussy.”
She giggled breathily as he notched himself at her entrance, sitting up to watch the head of himself disappearing, his eyes fixed eagerly on her brilliant new piercing. His mouth practically watered with the urge to roll his tongue against it, use his tongue to flick the jewelry over her sensitized clit. “Does it increase your stimulation?”
She nodded, gasping as the head of his cock sunk inside. She was tight from their lack of fucking and she felt him pulse excitedly from inside of her walls. “Y-yes, even just cleaning it and looking at it in the shower, whenever I bump it, feels so good.”
He groaned in agony, shutting his eyes and sliding another inch or so inside, rolling his hips to increase her friction and spread the wetness. “Gods your so fucking tight. Been too long since you've been stretched around my cock, love.”
She nodded, gripping his shoulders. His hand slid down, barely pressing against the jewelry and she cried out, legs wrapping around his waist. Holding himself back was going to be a feat and a half.
He sunk the rest of the way inside her and she constricted around him. He nudged the jewelry against her clit again and her head tossed backwards in pleasure. The sight of her falling into pleasure was absolutely breathtaking. He groaned, adjusting to straddle on leg, bringing the other so her knee hooked up over his shoulder, now spread apart his pubic bone ground against the piercing and had her moans heightening in pitch.
His thrusts were slow rolls that casually surged to desperately needy thrusts that he couldn’t hold back no matter how badly he tried. She felt far too good and it had been far too long. “God you’re cock, oh and the way your r-rubbing the piercing. Fuck, I’m gonna cum!”
He chuckled as she gripped the sheets and arched up as she tightened like a vice around him. He tried to keep a cocky tone in his voice but it came out far more strained than he’d hoped. “Oh yea? Already, baby? That little piercing really does help you out, doesn’t it?”
He pressed a thumb right over the jewelry and she lurched up, practically shrieking as she rippled around him, crashing over her edge so fast. He groaned, surging his hips through her orgasm till she finally stilled, loud cries dulling to whimpering coos.
He pulled out of her, having her look down at him in hazy confusion as he settled, laying himself between her legs, spreading her warm thighs open in front of him. She flushed all the way from her cheeks to her thighs as he groaned, spreading her open and grinding his hips against the bed, glutes flexing and drawing her attention before he whispered in a gruff tone. “Fuck it.”
He dove in, licking her cunt from her silky wet opening and up to her newly decorated clit. He moaned at the taste and she frantically reached for the mass of fluffy hair. “S-Seb you can’t! You just fucked me there!”
He made another groan, rolling his hips steadily against the mattress. “I don’t care. This pussy is mine and I’ll eat it whenever I want to. I don’t care if your fresh out of the shower or freshly fucked and filled with my cum. I’ll taste you whenever the fuck I feel like it.”
Heat pooled deliciously between her legs as his tongue flicked precariously over the jewelry through her hood. He teased it over her clit, ran his tongue below it and tortured her with direct pressure that had her absolutely wild and all the while his hips never stopped against the bed.
The sight from between her legs had her quickly climbing the rungs of another orgasm. Her tugs in his hair became more urgent as her toes curled against the warm blankets and her thighs bracketed his head as she arched up into his talented tongue.
She came, shuddering and loose against his face and she didn’t stop till finally he lifted his head, licking her shiny wetness from his lips and chin.
Her eyes bulged when he sat up and she saw the strings of cum trailing from his cock to the blanket. Had he really fucked their sheets till he came while eating her out?
His eyes met hers and he glanced to where she was looking, chuckling and using that low satisfied tone that made her tingle. “How about I change the sheets while you shower off so everything stays clean?”
She swallowed, nodding and getting up into shaking feet and padding into his bathroom while he tossed sheets into the wash. He joined her and a whole new fresh wave of arousal rising inside of her as his erection slipped between the cleft of her ass and she was suddenly wondering if the slap of his balls against her clit as he fucked her from behind would feel as good as it sounded.
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dreamingofep · 7 months
Sinned Awakening pt. 16 🩸
An AU Elvis fic
(Vampire!Elvis/Vampire Austin!Elvis × reader)
Character/Fandom: Elvis - Elvis (2022)
Request: No
Prompt: Getting promoted to be Elvis full time housekeeper, you realize the man holds secrets beyond belief and your undeniable attraction makes you fear the unknown. [Fem!Reader]
TW: Cussing, tension, angst, fingering, SMUT, mentions of blood/gore!!!
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 6.5k
A/N: Hello and welcome to part 16! These two are just too much and I’ll never be normal about Vampire Elvis please forgive me🤭 Lots of mentions of blood in this one please be warned. Please enjoy this next part. The end is coming near🫣🥺
A reminder, this is Vampire!Elvis so there is going to be mentions of blood/gore from here on out. If that's not your thing, sorry but it's needed for the story.
If you'd like to start from the beginning, start here I hope you enjoy and message and comment what you think!
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In the next few hours, you took a nap and didn’t want to leave his bed. It was too comfortable and he was holding you tight, making sure you weren’t going anywhere and resting like you should. His body presses against your back and molds into you flawlessly. Time was ticking and your time here in Vegas was coming to an end. You knew once you both left here, real life would come closing in and your life couldn’t go back to any sense of normal. All you could do for now was lay here with Elvis and enjoy the moment. You can feel his lips start to kiss your neck, peppering his love onto you. Your eyes are still closed but he knows you’re up, your heartbeat beginning to rise. He continues to kiss you, his hand pushing your hips back into him more. 
“Hi sugar,” he slurs lazily.
You hum softly, pulling his arm tighter around you. He keeps kissing you, nipping you softly and grumbling at the soft flesh.
His hand trails down to lift your pajamas, his fingers lightly touching your thighs and up your torso.
You sigh at his touch, groggy from sleep but it feels all too good.
“Mmm…baby,” you sigh. 
“I need you,” he groans, pushing his hard cock into your ass. 
You groan too, wanting him to take care of you like he’s promised. You melt You start to adjust your body to lay down on your back but he stops you, keeping you on your side. 
“Stay like this baby,” he coos. 
You nod your head and he pushes you back into his body. His hands devour your skin and continues to pull up his pajama top he let you borrow. He gently lifts up your leg and runs his fingers through your folds. He’s not in a rush, he’s taking his time and exploring every inch of you. Every tender and electric touch has you reeling for more. But he’s patient and is doing it his way. Your moans press him to keep going and show him how much you like this. 
He slowly pushes a finger inside of you, your walls wrapping tightly around him. Your breathing begins to quicken and you can feel him grinding himself against your ass. You smirk at what he’s doing, always doing the naughtiest things to you and you  end up loving it. 
“Baby…” you pant over your shoulder.
He hums softly as he keeps grinding against you, his finger teasing your hole. 
“What honey?” He asks dreamily. 
“You keep this up, and you’re gonna come all over my ass,” you tease. He gives a small chuckle and doesn’t stop what he’s doing. 
“And that’s a bad thing?” He teases. Your cheeks turn red and you burry your head in the pillow. 
He watches you try to hide from him and he gives your neck more kisses. You can feel him adjust his body down on the bed a bit, still touching you in all the right ways. You feel his warm cock press against your folds and he takes his hand to help guide it into you. He pushes a few inches into you and stops, making you gasp from the penetration. 
“Is that better?” He says cheekily. You nod your head at him, “yes… oh God,” you moan. 
His hips grind slowly into you, only giving you a few inches at time. It felt good, but it was agonizing and you wanted more of him. You start to swivel your hips back, trying to get him to give you more. His hand is quickly on your hip and stills you. 
“You take what I give you baby. Stay still,” he commands. Your heart beats wildly and you nod your head at him, trying to listen. 
“Were you goin to sleep the rest of the day hmm?” He asks cheekily, stuffing you more. 
“No, I want this. I just want you to do this for the rest of the day,” you whine, feeling him push his entire length in and quickly pull it out of you. You plead for him and try to get him to move but he doesn’t listen. 
“Hmm, I think that can be arranged,” he replies, putting his cock back inside you, moving slow and steady. 
You groan when you feel him, closing your eyes and letting him take control. His fingers find your bud again and rubs it softly, bringing you to the brink of ecstasy. 
“You’re coming to my show tonight, right?” He says low, his voice sending a shock through you. You sigh and squeeze his hand tight. 
“Y-yes… I’m going,” you cry out. He lets out a pleased sigh and snaps his hips into you harder making you groan in agony, then slowing down again. 
His mouth gives you all the attention you can possibly desire and makes your skin feel tingly. He makes short, gentle moans as he moves slowly inside of you. He’s never made love to you like this, it felt so tender, so soft, different than ever before. You can swear he loves you-
Oh God, you want him to love you with all of his being. You want him to be deeply and madly in love with you and say it to you a thousand times over. You’ve never been a hopeless romantic, you saw things very black and white and didn’t get carried away with your feelings. It took you a while to confess you were in love with someone. But with Elvis, your feelings for him hit you like a train. He made you see the brightest colors you never knew existed. Everyday you spent with him, the stronger you felt for him. 
The thought of this makes your heart flutter and you groan as he drives his hips firmly into you. You look over your shoulder at him, getting to see the most beautiful sight. His tussled hair covered his forehead and his eyes are heavy with lust. Your brains screams at you to tell him you love him. Its right at the tip of your tongue and has been for some time now. 
“El… I… I…” you pant.
He kisses your cheek and you can feel a smirk form on his lips.
“What baby? Tell me,” he says, his hips lazily swiveling into you. You’re breathless and you can barely keep it together. You groan in agony and try to say what you want but it just comes out in breathy sighs. The coil in your belly tightens and his insistent hips drives you to the brink of madness.
“I… love… I love this,” you moan. He hums in delight, kissing you more.
“Mhmm… so do I baby. So do I. So wet and tight.”
He continues to slow fuck you, whispering the most naughty things in your ear and before you know it, you’re coming undone and he follows shortly behind. You lay there clinging to each other, hearing the short breaths and and sighs of each other, love fluttering in your heart.
Hours pass and Elvis convinces you to get out of bed and makes you eat dinner. You try to protest, but your grumbling stomach won the argument. You wrap yourself in a blanket and shuffle your way into the living room. He watches you eat, not saying a word as he sits next to you. You can feel his hand slither up your thigh and back down again. You shoot him a stern look and pick up a bottle of water.
“You were the one that made me get out of bed, the least you can do is let me eat without any distractions,” you tease. He chuckles to himself, his hands continuing to wander up your thigh.
“Well… you see… I’m starving too,” he teases. You look at him deviously, shaking your head.
“What kind of hunger…” you insinuate, looking into his intense blues.
He smirks and looks down at his hand on your thigh, rubbing soft circles with his thumb.
“Hmmm… A little bit of both… but I want to keep my promise and get you back in that bed,” he says smugly, his hand slowly pulling the blanket off your body. You let him do so and he watches you sit there. He starts to lean in for a kiss and the banging in the door jars you out of your skin.
Elvis lets out a frustrated groan and he quickly helps you put the blanket back over your shoulders.
“Go back in the bedroom,” he commands. You nod your head at him and make your way in , keeping the door open. You hear him open the door quickly and growl before speaking.
“What do you want? I told you not to disturb me today,” he seethes.
“I know. But this couldn’t wait…” you hear Jerry’s voice say. His tone is serious and unwavering and makes your heart beat anxiously. You peek your head out of the room and see Jerry standing in the doorframe holding a white envelope in his hand.
Elvis harshly grabs it out of his hand and opens the envelope. He reads it quickly and throws it down on the ground.
“No! I don’t need to do anything for that piece of shit. He can’t tell me what to do,” he hisses.
You step out a bit further, wanting to see what’s going on.
“What is it?” You ask gently.
Elvis snaps his head back at you and his eyes are ignited with anger.
“I told you to wait in the bedroom,” he scowls.
“No, what’s going on? What is that?” You ask looking down at the letter on the floor.
Elvis looks back at Jerry who is staring at you wrapped in just blanket.
“You better look anywhere else right now or I’ll kill ya, you understand me?” He growls. He listens to Elvis and looks down immediately. Elvis looks back at you and sighs.
“Its Raphael. He wants to meet with me. Discuss my… abilities,” he grumbles.
“Your abilities? What does that mean?” You ask scared.
Elvis directs his attention back to Jerry, “tell him im not meeting. I have shows to put on and better things to do than beg for his mercy,” he growls before slamming the door in his face.
He looks back at you, trying to collect his composure.
“Daniel told him about you and I. He thinks I’m weak and I’m a threat to our kind. He’s questioning why I won’t compel you to forget it all. He wants to discuss what there is to be done about me… and you…”
“And me? What does he want to be done with me?!” You ask panicked.
“You know too much. He thinks you can expose us,’ he explains.
“Well we need to explain that’s not the case! I’m coming with you to Graceland, I’ll be with you twenty-four-seven, that has to be reconfirming!” You try to rationalize.
“Raphael isn’t reasonable. He won’t accept that. It’ll just be easier to leave town as soon as possible and avoid him at all cost,” Elvis seethes.
You feel the world closing in again, not liking the feeling of doom and dread hang over you.
Fucking Daniel. Piece of shit won’t stay out of your life and is continuing to ruin it.
“Okay so what do we do til then… do we just wait and hide,” you ask. 
“No. I won’t have him control you like that. I won’t cower to him. Everything is going to be alright, I promise you,” he snaps. You notice his eyes turning red and his chest heaves the longer he looks at you. You don’t exactly know what to say to him, and the state that he’s in, he could either go on a rampage after Raphael or go on a feeding frenzy.
“I know… I trust you. Are you alright?” You ask gently, watching his eyes get darker.
He sucks in a sharp breath in and looks away from you.
“Yeah… I just uh… I haven’t eaten in a few days,” he confesses.
“Well… do you have anything here? To drink,” you say carefully. 
You wince at your words though because you are his drink of choice of course. He must read your mind because he smirks at you devilishly.
“Not exactly. I’m all out if vials so I’m just going to have to wait for my men to get some more,” he explains.
You stay quiet and nod your head at him. You hate to even ask the question that popped in your head, but you had to ask anyway.
“Umm, have you ever been fully fed since I’ve been here?” You ask. He shoots you a shocked look and furrow his eyebrows.
“Well, no. I haven’t been fed fully in some time… Why?” He asks uneasy.
“It’s just-, I mean, theoretically, there’s still a chance that you can compel me, that’s all,” you say gently.
“Baby, don’t go there-,” he says sharply.
“Elvis I have to. There’s still a possibility, you have to admit that. You’re not at your top strength,” you press. That thought made you shiver. He already seemed so 
“No, I won’t even think of that possibility. Because its not conceivable! We are made for each other,” he confesses. He takes a few quick strides to you and pulls you into him, making you look into his blazing eyes.
“Please understand, even if I could, I wouldn’t compel you. I need you too much to make you just forget and leave me. No matter what Raphael does or says, we belong together, I know it,” he affirms. You melt instantly at his words and burry your face in his chest, thankful for his patience. 
“Yes. I want to be with you too,” you whisper. He hums and runs his hand in your hair, soothing all your worries. 
“Please feed. If I’m too much of a temptation and you can’t have me in here while you feed, please tell me. I don’t want to make anything difficult for you,” you say weakly.
“No no baby. You don’t need to worry about that. I’ll be okay,” he says softly giving your forehead a kiss.
What if you feed from me…
That idea pops in your head for the first time and it makes you realize he might be right about everything regarding your bond. It didn’t necessarily scare you as much as you thought. You saw him in need and you wanted to help in anyway. You could only do so much for him being human, and the way he craved your blood made it a little tricky. You didn’t exactly know if he would lose control or not but something deep down told you he wouldn’t. 
“What is is baby?” He asks concerned. 
“It’s nothing,” you say with a smile. 
Elvis leaves you to get ready for his first show of the night. You weren’t going to the dinner show and he insisted on going to the midnight show instead. Around 9:30, there was a knock on the door. You were confused as to who it could be. You cautiously go to the door and open it it slightly. You’re relieved see it’s Jerry with a woman standing behind him. 
“Hi y/n, this is Ellie, she’s going to do your hair and makeup for the show. Elvis insisted on pampering you,” he explains. 
“Oh wow, that sounds so nice…Please come in,” you say, opening the door wider. 
Ellie quietly steps inside and sets the cosmetic bags down. 
“I’ll leave you two alone. Y/n, make sure to get down stairs by 11:45.” He informs you before shutting the door behind him. 
Ellie keeps quiet and she pulls a chair for you and starts working on your hair. You have never had anything like this done for you before. You were fully prepared to do your own hair and makeup but you were really excited to look extra nice for him tonight. 
“May I see what you’re wearing tonight? Just so I can plan out your makeup look better,” she explains. 
“Sure, it’s right on top of the piano there,” you address. She makes her way to the piano and examines the dress. She looks back at you and gives a slight smile. 
“You’re going to look gorgeous,” she says sweetly. 
She take her time with your hair and makeup and help you in the dress once she’s done. You thank her repeatedly, thankful for her time. She leaves and you make your way to Elvis’ bedroom to get a look at yourself in the big mirror. 
You barely recognize yourself, you never dress like this let alone have this much makeup. She curled your hair in big soft waves and your bangs swept to the side dramatically. Your makeup had to be your favorite thing. She drew on bold black eyeliner with the wings of it reaching out almost to your eyebrows. The inner corners of your eyes have red eyeshadow on them, complimenting the red of your dress. 
And complimenting his red eyes…
You love the choice of red lipstick she put on you. It was a darker red than the dress and completed the whole look. The neckline was more revealing than you expected. There’s a faint bruise on the side of your breast but it’s not overly noticeable. You realize there was one thing missing; the necklace. It glistens on top of the piano and you carefully pick it up and put it over your head. The cold chain makes you shiver and you straighten it out so it hangs in the middle of your chest. You glance over at yourself one more time and take a deep breath before making your way downstairs. The diamonds in the TLC and the lightning shimmer and shine, screaming at anyone that may look your way, that you are his. 
You make your way to the showroom and there’s a large line eagerly waiting to get in.You only stand there for a few moments in line when one of Elvis’ men escorts you out of the line and into a private booth. You were very close to the stage and were going to get a great view of him here. The air buzzed with anticipation as the room filled with more people. 
You got looks as people passed by the booth, wondering who you were and why you were sitting alone. It didn’t bother you, you were too excited to see Elvis perform.
The house lights dim and the rumble of the band starts playing the opening vamp. The crowd bursts out in applause and screams. You can barely sit still as you watch the gold curtain start to rise. 
Then you see him. 
He walks out on stage in a white jumpsuit with gold and black detailing on the collar and lapels. He takes your breath away he looks so good. You’ve only seen pictures of him in jumpsuits and those pictures did not do him justice. They looked so much better in person and were tailored to fit every inch of him perfectly. One of his band members help him get his guitar on and he makes his way to the mic. He spreads his legs when he’s standing there, waiting to jump in and sing the first line of the song. 
You hear girls screaming his name and see some crying. You can’t blame them, he was stunning tonight and just how he was standing up there exuded sensuality. It made your mouth water. 
He belts out the first few lines of See See Rider and the entire place is on fire. The shaking of his leg, probably brought on by nerves, is so distracting. It just sways your attention to those long legs and his hips. 
Song after song, he’s electric. He teases the crowd with the slightest movement of his body and the girls go nuts. You can’t tear your eyes away from him as his hips thrust to the beat of the song. It has you drooling. You know exactly what those hips do and for him to tease the entire crowd like this should be a crime. You can’t help but squirm in your seat. The things he was doing up there is something you’re very familiar with when it’s just you two in his bedroom. You blush as your mind wanders elsewhere and you feel your panties begin to get wet. 
It was over an hour of back to back song that had you feeling things you shouldn’t have. You didn’t care because you were sure there were other women feeling the same way. The only difference you were lucky enough to get to go upstairs with him and have your way with him all night. 
The closing number Can’t Help Falling in Love plays and the entire crowd is on their feet cheering and screaming. You are too and you are in awe of him. You had no idea what kind of show he puts on after being here so long. It was captivating and spectacular. You couldn’t wait to see him and congratulate him on a great show. Jerry escorts you quickly out of the showroom and you gets you upstairs. 
He walks into the penthouse glistening wet from the shower and his hair is tussled about. He wears a dark blue jumpsuit now that laces up at the middle of his chest. His eyes are covered with a dark pair of sunglasses but you can see his eyes find you instantly in the crowd. This jumpsuit too clings to his body perfectly, showcasing everything you wanted to see right in front of you. You wanted to run to him, leap into his arms and feel his lips crash into yours. He once again reads your mind and makes a bee line to you, pushing past anyone that tries to greet him.
He pulls you in for a kiss and pushes your body into his, melting away with dozens of people watching. He has so much passion, so much urgency, you can’t catch your breath. He starts pushing you backward in the direction of the bedroom. Your heart thumps in your ears knowing that you have dozens of people watching what you two are doing and where you are going.
Elvis pauses before you two get to the bedroom door and turn his head to the crowd.
“Party is over. Everyone get out,” he demands.
He pushes the door open and gets you in the bedroom quickly, locking the bolt and looking at you with dark eyes.
“Baby, you were incredible out there. Oh my god… I couldn’t take my eyes off of you! I never knew what you could do up there!” you praise, reaching up to give him a kiss. He kisses you back with need, both of your chests heaving against each other. 
“Thank you honey. God you look so beautiful let me take a look at ya,” he says stepping back from you and making you do a little twirl. His hands softly caress your silhouette from your shoulders down to your hips. 
“Jesus you’re stunning I can’t get enough of ya. I was so happy you were there. I can tell you really liked it…” he teases, his hand trailing down more to your core and lightly rubbing there. 
You look at him embarrassed, “you can tell?” You ask shyly. 
“Mhmm… it feels like your body is on fire and your honeypot is overflowing,” he says smugly. You giggle at what he just called you. 
“Honeypot? I’ve never heard that one,” you giggle. 
“Well, I’ve told you, you taste like honey… it seems fitting,” he teases, pushing your body back into his and continues to kiss you. 
You stop briefly to catch you breath and look up at him and go to take off his glasses. Red eyes look back at you and he wince. 
“Honey are you okay? You don’t look so good,” you say gently, seeing the black veins under his eyes spread more and his blood red pupils bore into you.
“You didn’t feed, did you?” You press. He shakes his head and looks ashamed. 
“No. My men couldn’t get any blood today. There were vampires in the blood bank stealing some already and they didn’t want to make a scene,” he explains. 
He carefully rubs his thumb across your cheek, taking a deep breath as he looks at you. You grab his hand and squeeze it, trying to reaffirm him it’s going to be okay. 
The longer you look at him, the more you realize he’s not okay, he’s starving. You feel his body begin to shake against you and he feels colder than normal. 
Your brain races and you are scared of what might happen if he goes another day of not feeding. Your mind keeps flashing to the text you were reading saying how vampires must feed or they will get so frail. You don’t want to see Elvis get like that. If anything he needed to be extra strong for the remainder of his shows and in case Raphael was to come around and challenge him. 
You take Elvis’ hand and have him sit in the edge of the bed as you stand in between his legs. His shoulders are slumped, not how they usually are where they exude confidence and power. His face looks a bit sunken in too and he looks more gaunt than usual. Your heart aches to see him like this. You wanted to help him in anyway you can. 
“Baby?” You ask gently. 
“Hmm? He responds in a daze. 
“You need to feed.”
“I will, tomorrow. I’m sure they’ll get some for me-,” he tries to explain but you cut him off. 
“No. You need some now…” you urge. Your heart pounds in your chest as you try to manage to get the words out of your mouth. 
“I want you to feed from me.”
He shoots his head up, not believing the words that came out of your mouth. He shakes his head at you and gives you a stern look. 
“Baby no I-I-I…. I can’t hurt you. It’s going to hurt,” he says panicked. 
“I know… but I’ve been thinking about it… this is what you do for your Chosen…” you say softly. He stares at you in shock, getting to hear you admit that you are indeed his. 
“Oh God honey…” he groans as he pulls you in between his legs more and he presses his lips on your exposed chest. Your heart continues to pound and you know this has to be torture for him. 
“Honey… that’s something you do when you’re both vampires… the bite hurts so much. I don’t want to cause you pain like that…and what if I can’t stop,” he explains. 
You place your finger up to his lips and quiet him. His eyes aren’t changing back to his normal blue and he looks so needy. 
“It’s okay. I want to give this to you. I know you can stop. Please let me give you this one thing,” you say, placing a kiss on his forehead and run your hands through his hair. You pepper kisses on his cheek and down his neck. 
“Please, let me take care of you in this way.” You whisper in his ear. You can feel his hands grab onto your hips tighter, getting turned on by your words. 
“I want you to make love to me… then I want you to feed,” you tell him. 
A deep growl comes from his throat and he quickly pulls you into the bed, laying you on your back. You let out a surprised squeak and look at him looming over you. His hands reach for the v cut of the dress, ripping your dress clean off of you. You gasp as his hands are everywhere all at once and leave electric sparks in you. 
You reach for the laces that are keeping his jumpsuit closed and begin to pull it off of him. He helps you and shakes his arms out of it, leaving himself naked in front of you. Like he could be anymore beautiful, he somehow looks more attractive fresh off the stage of a long show. He spreads your legs wide for him and he groans as he looks down at you. He kisses your legs, working his way up to your torso then your breasts, licking and lapping at your nipples. You moan, loving how he makes you feel. 
His fingers find your bud and he slowly starts to rub you gently, gathering the slick that’s formed there after watching him seduce the entire crowd in The Hilton. Your hips buck into his hand, getting the most pleasure from this. His mouth covers you in kisses, covering every inch of you with his lips. You can feel his cock push up against your folds and slide it up and down making you both groan in agony. 
He pauses briefly and looks at you concerned. 
“Baby are you sure? We don’t have to do this,” he says softly. You shake your head at him and sit up to grab his hand. 
“Yes I’m sure. I want this. You need this,” you assure. He huffs lightly and places his hands back on you, squeezing and holding you tight. He leans down to give a kiss as his chest heaves. 
“Okay, are you ready for me?” He asks sensually. 
You whimper softly and nod your head at him. You watch as he grabs his length and lines himself up to your entrance, slowly pushing his cock into you. You moan as you feel his length stretch and fill you just how you wanted. You look into his dangerous eyes and watch how they analyze every single detail of your body. He moves slow, taking his time and letting his hands do some of the work too. He squeezes your breasts and takes turns sucking and licking both of your nipples. 
The more you look at him, the more you realize he’s nervous. You made Elvis Presley nervous… you never thought you’d see the day. 
You squeeze his arms to reaffirm him to keep going. His chest heaves and he closes his eyes and winces. He rolls his hips slow into you and even though this feels good, you want him to move more. 
“Mmm daddy,” you whimper. 
He looks at you concerned and stops. 
“What is it baby? Am I hurting you?” He asks, releasing his tight grip he has in your hips. 
You shake your head fervently, “no you’re fine… it’s not that. I want you to fuck me harder. Please,” you beg. 
His eyes grow wide and he bites his lip. 
“Jesus baby, you’re trying to kill me.” He grumbles
“Please Daddy. Don’t make me beg, fuck me.”
He grunts as he puts his cock back inside you and holds onto your hips again for leverage. 
You gasp when you feel him pound his hips harder into you and hit the most sensitive spot inside you. You squeeze your eyes shut and groan loudly as he fucks you better than you’ve ever experienced. 
“Ahh yes just like that,” you cry out. You feel him put pressure on your lower abdomen, creating a newfound pressure inside you that has on the verge of collapse. 
You open your eyes again and your heart gallops uncontrollably when you see him above you. His fangs have descended and he looks at you hungrily, like he’s ready to devour you whole. You tightly grab onto his arms and make him focus on you. 
“Baby, it’s okay. You’re okay. Just take a bite,” you coo. 
There’s a grumble in his chest and he nods his head. 
“Where?” He asks breathlessly. 
“Anywhere you want,” you tell him. You hold onto him tight, knowing this is going to hurt like hell but you couldn’t care less. You wanted him to feel good. 
He takes his hand and gently rubs his thumb across your cheek and leans down to kiss you. His other hand gently caresses your breast, kissing there and licking it. You can hear him suck in a sharp breath in between his teeth before looking up at you. 
“Right here. I want to bite right here,” he growls, rubbing his thumb on the underside of your left breast. You breathing quickens and the idea of him biting your breast has you on brink of death. 
“Okay baby,” you say breathlessly nodding at him to do so. 
He slows his thrusts and puts his hands on both your breasts and he starts to lick the area he wants to bite. His tongue feels delightful on you and you arch your chest into his mouth. Elvis groans softly and looks at you one last time to see if you want to change your mind. You place your hand on the back of his head and push his mouth onto your breast again. His hand squeezes it gently and he opens his mouth, his long fangs glistening in the low light. 
Elvis lets out another low growl and that’s when you feel it. His sharp fangs pierce your soft sensitive flesh and you let out a loud scream. He was right, the pain was so intense and it radiated through your body like wildfire. You had never experienced such pain. The more he clamped down the worse the pain seared within you. You gasp and groan at the feeling as tears well in your eyes. 
Then you hear him start to drink your blood in big glutinous gulps. You continue to have your hand in his hair pushing his head on you and your other hand claws at his forearm, trying in someway to relieve some of this pain. You then start to feel him move his hips ever so slowly into you, giving you the most intense feeling of pleasure and pain. You cry out his name and gasp for breath. Elvis takes his mouth off of you quickly, looking back into your tear filled eyes. 
“Oh God baby, I’m sorry it hurts. I’ll be gentle I promise. You taste so damn good I can’t get enough,” he groans. You smile at him and watch how your blood drips from his fangs. 
“Mhmm… take more baby, it’s okay,” you tell him through gasps.
You don’t have to tell him twice and he’s back licking the wound he’s created, making sure to not let a drop of you go to waste. His hips pound into you more and you feel like you’re on a different planet right now. 
He goes in to take another bite but this time, it doesn’t hurt as much. The feeling of his fangs re-entering your flesh stung but it felt more tolerable. It almost felt good. 
You hear him moan as he drinks more and his hand wanders down to find your clit. This brings a jolt to your body and you arch up into his mouth again, pleasure burning through your body. He moans into you and rubs your clit faster, bringing you to the brink of orgasm. 
“Baby, oh God baby please,” you plead. He stuffs his entire length inside you with a grunt and that’s all it takes. Your core squeezes around him and you cry out his name. This felt euphoric and you didn’t want it to end. You can feel your heart beat out of your chest and your arousal spill out of you. He groans loudly as he continues to drink and he feels your core squeeze his cock tightly. His hands rub your nipples and give you another wave of pleasure. 
Elvis takes his mouth off of your breast and he’s just as breathless as you. 
“Fuck you’re killing me. Didn’t think you were going to cum when I was feeding,” he groans, thrusting in and out of you slowly. 
“It felt good…. It felt really good,” you admit breathlessly. 
He smirks down at you and brushes your hair out of your face.
“Which part baby? My cock or my mouth?” He asks deviously. 
“Both. Both felt so good,” you whimper.  
“God honey that’s the best thing you could ever tell me,” he smirks. 
“If you need more, take more,” you say. 
He quickly shakes his head and he carefully rubs his thumb at the bite mark, wiping the remaining blood. 
“No baby I can’t. My venom will get inside you and I don’t want you to feel that,” he tells you. “That was more than enough trust me. I haven’t felt so satisfied in years,” he coos. 
He looks down where you two are connected and moves ever so slowly. When he looks back up at you, his fangs are gone and his eyes are starting to gain a blue color. You reach to kiss him and he groans into your mouth. 
“You’re so perfect, made just for me,” he groans. 
He snaps his hips into you like an animal, watching your face grow with more pleasure. 
“Ahh Elvis, oh fuck please,” you cry. 
“You’re being so good for daddy,” he groans. 
You both moan when he comes inside you, overwhelmed with emotion and overstimulated at this point. You writhe on the bed and you can’t stop moaning to him how good it feels. He is gentle with you as he slips out of you and pleased beyond comprehension. 
The bite mark he’s left stings and you try to not move too much. He notices you’re uncomfortable and leans down and gently licks the wound. 
“It’ll stop hurting in a second baby. You did so good,” he praises looking up at you with adoration. 
You smile at him and pull him into the bed with you. 
“How do you feel?” You ask.  He smiles at you and his eyes gleam brightly. 
“Honey… you have no idea. You’ve spoiled me. I feel so good. The way you tasted and the way you wanted me, I can never get over it. Thank you. Thank you for letting me do that,” he coos giving you a long a passionate kiss. 
You lean over to kiss him and rub your hands on his chest. 
“Of course. I’m glad you enjoyed.”
He glances down at your breasts and carefully rubs where he bit. He hums softly and looks back up at you. 
“It’s all healed baby,” he says in gently. 
Your fingers trail down to your chest and don’t feel any open wound. You’re just as shocked as he is and are more convinced that this whole bond you two have might be real and more intense than you realize. You liked him feeding from you. It was sacred and intimate. You knew that you belong with him.
As a vampire? As a human? You still had to figure out what world you belonged in but you knew that hell would have to freeze over to keep you two from being apart.
Tagging 🖤:
@powerofelvis @burninlovebutler @neptuneismysister @velvetelvis @ccab @presleyenterprise @loving-elvis @theresalwaysep
@prompted-wordsmith @sillybookmarks @dkayfixates @ellie-24 @rktismylife-blog. @myradiaz @tacozebra051
@18|kpeters @flwrs4aust @emma181873
@austinswhitewolf @eliseinmemphis
@everythingelvispresley @chasingwildflowers @idontwanttoputanything . @ohjustpeachy
@elvisalltheway101 @austinsmutler @kingdomforapony @generoustreemystic @kendralavon7 @lettersfromvenus @claire-elvisgirl
@ashtag6887 @burnthheparaphilia @richardslady121
@returntopresley @iloveelvis @rjmartin11 @that-hotdog @louisejoy86 @misspresley @cattcb @annapresley8
@arrolyn1114 @raginginkedslut@epthedream69
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leaentries · 1 year
luke hughes x chubby!reader headcanons part 1
part 2
SFW & NSFW under the cut!
now good ole lukey is so enamored with you, it’s honestly insane
he just loves watching you. but not in a creepy way, he just loves watching you…function? like watching you do small easy tasks such as, putting on your makeup or folding your clothes. he just loves watching you and admiring the way you look naturally
going off of this: you in his clothes. now it’s no secret buddy boy is very large. hes tall and has plenty of muscle to show off his years of hard work and dedication to hockey. just the way his hoodies and sweatshirts hug your body just right, makes him lose his absolute shit. i mean, cmon, your beautiful full body being covered in his hockey team? his name? he’s whipped.
let’s talk wearing his jersey. this is where luke forgets how to do literally anything in your presence. i wouldn’t be surprised if he got so distracted at the sight of his name and number on your body that he slipped on the ice. (not him actually falling for you—🤭)
if you show up to his games wearing anything but his jersey, you will have a very pouty luke on your hands
moving on to our fluffy cuddly lukey boy
he can’t live without your cuddles, without feeling you 25/8. poor jack had to get used to seeing you guys smothered in each other on the couch VERY quickly
RUNNING YOUR FINGERS THROUGH HIS HAIR!! he will absolutely melt into putty. him laying on your pillowy breasts or soft-round tummy, while you massage his scalp is the definition of heaven for him. dude genuinely doesn’t believe there is anything better in this world
nap time 😴 y’all 100% have a daily nap time cause baby boy gets tired and wants to hold you (more like you hold him cause he’s so bbg) i’m not joking as soon as y’all hit the bed and you’re in his arms, he’s out like a light.
he loves carrying things for you. doesn’t ever let you carry anything on your own and is ALWAYS there to help you when you need it
luke can be a bit awkward at times, but he somehow knows what to do when your upset or just feeling down. wrapping his long arms around your plush body, pulling you into his large frame. he will just hold you and hug you tight until you are ready to talk about your troubles
he’s the best listener. lukey is just so attentive to everything you say, listening and watching with all the love in his eyes. and he doesn’t just look at you like that when he’s listening or engaging with you either
dude is literally 😍😍😍 the second you get anywhere near him. there are actual pictures quinn has taken of him staring at you like you are the only thing that matters. now of course luke doesn’t know about these pictures, but what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him :)
this man just lives to place kisses all over your body, leaving hickeys and marking you all over so everyone knows your his
is in love with your soft plushy thighs
will mark them up for days, till you can only wear pants for about a week straight. well, unless you want the world to see what he’s been up to in between your thighs (he obviously wouldn’t mind, but also doesn’t want people getting the idea of your body in their minds)
i’m talking, you on his lap, his hands gripping your thick hips so tight there will probably be bruises the next day. but in the moment y’all don’t care. he just wants your body on his and as close as humanly possible. grinding down on his beautifully large cock until you both cum in your pants
he. loves. your. tits.
he loves how heavy they feel in his hands, how round and soft they are, how perky your nipples are. although, nothing can top the gorgeous stretch marks on the side of you tits, it makes him absolutely feral. (honestly your stretch marks in general are one of his biggest turn ons) one of his favorite things during sex or anything sex related is giving your boobs the attention they desperately needed.
he’s a big softy and prefers intimate sex over rough sex any day
being able to cover you in his love and show you how beautiful you are is his #1 priority. burying his face in the crook of your neck to hide his moans and whimpers because you just make him feel so so good
cumming together >>> anything else
a/n - this is definitely a little self-indulgent lol. but luke hughes is a chubby girls man. i definitely have more to say, so lmk if y’all want a part 2??? thank you for reading :))
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wildflowerluver · 1 year
Hello love!! Requesting soft Hotch 🤭 maybe Aaron stays at work later than expected (typical lmao) and s/o is watching Jack and he walks into his apartment and finds the two of them cuddled up on the couch/his bed asleep waiting for him 🥰🥰🥰
(obsessed with this request, ty anon <3), soft hotch, fem!reader, jack calls the reader mom, 500+ words
aaron has a habit of working late.
he’s the boss, he doesn’t like leaving before the other members of the team. that being said, he has a habit of grabbing too many files to fill the time and feeling like he needs them all done before he can leave. 
it’s a slippery slope that aaron has tried to break, especially with you into his life. you get home before him always and are there to get jack from his after school care. 
family dinners started to become a more regular thing rather quickly. it was an unspoken thing amongst you and aaron that you, him, and jack would all have dinner on night’s aaron wasn’t on a case.
sure it seemed like such a simple thing, but it was a newfound family dynamic for all parties involved.
but, tonight isn’t one of those nights.
the last case had flooded the team with a slew of paperwork and all had to go to hotch for review. it was an exhausting process and aaron barely had time to even drink anything. when he checked the time on his phone, a bright 8:32 flashed back at him; or, three hours after he was meant to be home. 
aaron sent you a quick text, apologizing for his absence and letting you know he was wrapping up and he would be home soon. 
you didn’t answer his message and for his entire drive home, aaron fears you're mad at him. time had slipped away from him and he completely forgot to text you.
the apartment is quiet when aaron walks in. he opens his mouth to yell out that he’s home but stops when entering the living room.
you and jack are asleep on the couch, him resting on your chest with his head right under your chin and arms wrapped around you. a blanket is haphazardly thrown across you two. aaron’s heart pangs at the site.
he keels down next to the couch and place’s a hand on jack’s shoulder.
jack shifts before you do, the young boy is a much lighter sleeper.
he rubs his eyes and sits up, though his fist is still clutching your shirt. 
“hey buddy,” aaron greets his son. “you and mom fall asleep?”
jack extends both arms towards his father, no doubt asking for a hug. “yeah,” jack answers into aaron’s shoulder. “we were waiting for you to get home.”
aaron kisses his forehead. you stir next to them from the commotion, eyes lolling to land on your lover. “hi honey,” aaron greets, ducking down to kiss your lips. “sorry for keeping you waiting.”
you wrap both of your arms around your boys. “no worries, jack and i had a good nap. right buddy?” jack giggles as you ruffle his hair. 
aaron seats himself on the couch beside you. jack crawls into his lap and reaches out with open hands as if to pull you into the cuddle. you settle into aaron’s side and beam.
oh how you love your little family.
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skzooweemama · 5 months
hear me out.
tickle fight w minho🤭
just an idea, no pressure🙊
say less!! much love for the sassy bunny <3
okokok had a tough time coming up w an idea for this one BUT!! i took inspo from when he, changbin, and felix played pool and minho got all up in felix’s face…
like i was just imagining tickling him for being a little shit?? and him taking revenge?? yes plz.
(i experimented w some formatting/structure, so i hope it's not too confusing to read. though i like writing in second person, it can be tough to work w sometimes. i apologize in advance!!)
"goddammit!! i swear he's cheating!!" you cry out, nearly throwing your pool cue to the floor in defiance.
felix catches it before you can. "he's not." he sighs in mild defeat. "thing is neither of us are very good and he is."
lee minho, infamous bunny bully and your boyfriend, had been whooping up on you in partnered pool all day. you'd been partnered with just about every member (save for changbin, he was always minho's partner) and in each game you lost. minho wasn't super great at pool by any means, but he was calculating and crazy competitive. and he got lucky a lot. which is why he was currently trying to sink the eight ball while you and felix desperately tried to catch up.
"preying on the weak is a coward's move, minho!" chan called from the couch. he had been your first and best partner, but after one game he tapped out for-what seungmin called-"old man reasons".
minho, who was chalking his cue, stuck his tongue out at chan. you rolled your eyes.
he could be so childish.
"it's not personal, jagi. i know it's hard to lose so much, but it's for your own good." minho shrugged, placing the cue chalk down. you gave him a look.
"oh really? how's that?" you asked, watching out of the corner of your eyes as felix missed another shot.
minho gave you one of his signature grins and lowered himself into the perfect position to finally sink the eight ball.
"it builds character." was all he said before tapping the cue ball just so- sending the eight ball ricocheting off the side of the pool table and right into a waiting pocket.
the cheers he let out should've been illegal. it's not like he was hurting for a win (unlike some people (you)).
"yes!" he exclaimed, clapping changbin on the back. in what seemed to be sudden burst of energy from the win, he rounded to your side of the table and got in your face, letting out a sort of growl.
you looked at him, eyes wide, completely taken aback by this behavior.
was he truly becoming a cat? after all this time?
"god, you are such a weirdo." you said, reaching up to flick his forehead. "good game. let's go again."
"i can't, i'm tired now. i need a nap." minho answered, turning to put his pool cue away.
changbin piped up at that. "tired? it's like 10pm. are you going to bed?"
minho shook his head. "i'm going to take a nap." he leaned forward and pressed a quick kiss to your cheek. "see ya."
true to his word, he headed out of the game room and down the hall towards the room the both of you were staying in.
such a weirdo.
soon enough since it was getting late and they had a schedule tomorrow, the members started to follow minho's lead. they had a long day and definitely deserved the rest, but you were on a mission. you had to get better at pool so you'd be a slightly challenging opponent for minho in the future.
totally not because your ego was bruised after all those losses.
no, of course not.
you played by yourself for a while, working on consistently hitting the brightly colored balls into specific pockets. the few times you tried to get the ball to bounce off the side of the table, it didn't work. you still had a ways to go before you could compete against minho. and seeing as it had been at least an hour since he went to "nap", you decided he probably wasn't coming back out.
whatever, the two of you hardly ever played pool in the first place. what did it matter if you were good?
"oh good, you're still awake. ready for a rematch?"
it seemed you spoke too soon.
your eyes found minho standing in the doorway, bare-faced and wearing his glasses. his hair was sort of messy, confirming that he did in fact take a nap like the psycho he is. he was also wearing one of your old twice hoodies, and you made a mental note to grab it later. minho was a notorious hoodie thief.
"are you going to let me win for once?" you asked, crossing your arms over your chest.
minho scoffed and walked into the room, grabbing a cue from the rack. "of course not. i don't go easy on anyone. not even you."
you knew that would be his answer. no matter, you planned for this. "alright, fine. then i propose a handicap. to make it fair."
"and that's different from me going easy on you how?"
"you can play however you want, as long as you observe it. i know how clever you are, you'll figure it out." truthfully, a handicap wasn't that much different than minho deliberately going easy on you. but pool made him competitive, and if he was feeling competitive sometimes he liked a challenge.
minho looked at you for a long time, before eventually shrugging. "what's the handicap?"
"for every one shot you take, i get two. sound fair?" minho scoffed at your words, shaking his head.
"you're on. i've seen how you shoot, jagi." he replied as he racked the balls.
you smiled to yourself. "you might be surprised."
safe to say minho was not surprised.
you were just as terrible as you had been all day, even after all that practice you told him about. he almost felt bad for you. sure, you were great at many things he wasn't and you had a knack for picking up skills rather quickly. it just seemed like pool wasn't one of those skills.
now, he was just about to win again, and honestly... it felt just as good as all the other times.
"min! take your turn! i know you want to rub this in, so consider it rubbed..." you groaned, leaning on the table as you watched your boyfriend analyze the layout of the balls.
minho decided he had about two options to get each of his balls in. one he could do from where he was currently standing and it had a pretty decent chance of being successful. the other, however, required a lot more caution, and for him to be standing on the side of the table you were on.
safe to say he chose option two and sauntered over to your side of the table.
you turned towards him as he approached, giving him a questioning look. "couldn't you have just hit the green striped one from where you were standing?"
minho nodded. "i missed you."
"missed me? what are you-" he pressed a finger to your lips.
"let me concentrate." he said, earning him a glare as you gave him some space.
minho leaned onto the table, lining up his shot. it required some maneuvering to get his cue just right, but with a sharp thrust of the stick, the ball went rocketing into a corner pocket.
"let's go!" he cheered quietly. you scoffed behind him.
he had earned a second shot, so he walked back around to the other side of the table and lined up his next shot. the green striped ball went in as well. minho looked up at you with a gloating look, his smugness only growing when he saw a smile pull at the corner of your mouth. you were so whipped. it was cute.
now, for the eight ball.
this shot was tricky. the cue ball wasn't close to the black ball at all, so it meant he had to use one of your balls to hit it into whichever pocket he called.
"back left corner." he said aloud. with a deep breath, he lined up his shot and hit the cue ball just a bit harder than he would usually and sent it flying down the table, colliding with your ball, which collided with the eight ball...
...and sent it straight into the pocket he called.
minho practically threw his cue to the ground in his excitement, letting out a (soft) cry of excitement. something just came over him when he made good plays in pool- he couldn't help it.
that was certainly clear when he went running around the table again just to get in your face and brag.
except he didn't actually get to brag, because suddenly your hands were grabbing at his sides and he was being dragged to the ground.
"this'll teach you, you jerk!" you cried out as you staged your attack, tickling wherever you could reach while minho was still trying to understand what was happening.
he didn't even realize he was laughing until you started laughing with him, but then the sensations hit him like a truck. the familiar feeling of being tickled set his nervous system on fire as peals of laughter escaped his lips.
"NAHA!! jahahagi plehease!!" he choked out between laughs. "what did i dohoho?!"
you were sitting on his hips now, keeping him trapped beneath you as you went to town on his sides and abs. "what did you do? you really don't know?"
minho shook his head desperately.
"you've been an insufferable gloat all. day. long." you told him, punctuating each of the last three words with pokes to his bellybutton, earning some seriously embarrassing squeaks. "i decided it was time for me to put you in your place."
minho tried to come up with a witty reply, but your fingers dancing against his sides (getting dangerously close to his ribs) seemed to swallow his thoughts whole. all he could manage was a weak cry when you switched tactics and started massaging his ribs before he fell into wild cackles once again.
through his ticklish haze, minho could see you were having a great time. your cheeks were flushed and you had a wide smile on your face. seeing how pretty you looked was almost worth this punishment.
almost, but not quite.
a swipe of your fingers on his sensitive upper ribs was enough of an incentive to turn the tides. he grabbed your hips where you were straddling him and turned you both quickly to the side, ending up on top of you.
your eyes widened in surprise as you realized what he did. minho, still panting and giggling, brought his lips to yours in a soft kiss. it was the most affectionate he'd been all day, but it wasn't at all innocent.
while you kissed, he dug his fingers into your armpits.
"GAH!!" you screamed, trying to squirm away from his deft fingers. unfortunately, it seemed that he was just as good at pinning you as you were him.
minho smiled and pecked the side of your mouth. "aw, did you really no expect this?" he teased, worming his fingers deeper into your underarms. no matter how hard you tried to clamp them to your sides, the ticklish sensations never stopped.
you let out a shout of frustration as you laughed, batting and pushing at minho as much as you could without exposing more tickle spots.
"PLEHEASE!! min, i'm sohorry!!" you whined.
"oh are you? you started it so don't even act-," he was interrupted by someone clearing their throat.
chan stood in the doorway with his arms crossed, clearly half-awake and annoyed. "as much as i'm sure he deserved whatever started this, some of us are trying to sleep."
you pushed minho off of you with burning cheeks, unable to meet chan's eyes. minho chuckled and patted your back.
"we'll keep it down. sorry, chan~"
chan just grumbled out a "thanks" and walked away.
you groaned and leaned into minho, burying your face in his shoulder. "that was way too embarrassing..." you muttered.
he chuckled and pet your hair gently. "oh c'mon, it's just chan. nothing he hasn't seen before." you groaned again. "let's go to bed, hm?"
you nodded and minho stood up, grabbing your hand and hauling you to your feet. the two of you shuffled off to bed, feeling extra tired from the various competitions of the day. you didn't mind, though. life would be boring otherwise.
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