#a nice towel as soon as the nice hot water is gone. no. you'll face the harsh temperatures without any kind of protection
tardis--dreams · 10 months
I love this hostel. They're like 'oh we're gonna make your room sooooo cozily warm you'll forget the icy winter cold outside ♡' and then go 'ahhh the bathroom! The room where people are most likely to be undressed and therefore exposed to the Temperatures™️ ! Let's make it.. hmmmm.. -20 degrees! Perfect'
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yourmidnightlover · 4 years
ssa hotchner: chapter 2 - one week
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TW: threats, language, talking abt abuse/what happened to y/n the night before, mild drinking
WC: 5,116
series masterlist
you woke up to the bright sun peeking in through your window past the hills, shining brightly into your eyes. you sat up, and rubbed your eyes in attempt to wake yourself up even more. you looked over at your clock to see the tie was already half past 6 a.m.
you didn't have to go to work for the first time in what felt like forever. trudging out of bed, you made your way into your bathroom and started the hot water.
the cut on your face looks exponentially better than it did last night. the handprint's swelling on your face had gone down quite a bit, but the bruise on your arm was definitely still there.
you brushed your teeth while you waited on the water to warm up. once the shower was ready, you shed your clothes and hopped inside. you took your time, letting the events of last night try to sink into your mind.
after you finished up, you used a towel to dry your hair a bit and got dressed in some leggings and a large t-shirt. you figured you might as well be comfortable if you didn't have anything else to do.
going back into your living room you decided to read the note that was taped to your gate. you pulled the bin out, followed by the shoe box, followed by the note.
you've been receiving them for close to 7 years now, ever since that high profile case you did for the bau. honestly, there was no telling if the letters were from more than one person. they are all typed and printed out.
at first they were all 'thank yous' for putting away a serial killer, but then came the anniversary of him being in prison... and people got a bit angry. then, people who were grateful for you putting him away forgot about it, as they should since they have lives of their own, and all that was left were the people who were angry.
the people who would wish you were dead. the people who think you should be inside there with the other killers. the people who were upset about you putting their 'true love' away for good. those were the people you were scared of.
the people that knew your address.
the people that sent you death threats.
those were the terrifying ones. the ones that kept you up at night, looking out of your window, trying to see if anyone was truly out there. nobody ever was. logically, you knew that nobody was out there lurking.
but if you told big bro, he would go all fbi on the letters. he would try to figure out who sent them, and send them to jail themselves. you didn't know if they were truly a threat, so what's the point in poking the bear? if they got too terrible, you would tell him. maybe...
you son of a bitch. you should've been his last victim so you wouldn't be here and he would be. you're nothing but a manipulative little bitch.
you don't deserve anything you have handed to you.
go die, bastard.
you folded it back up and placed it in the box, the bin, then pushed it underneath the couch.
were you worried? of course. would you tell anyone? not yet. if your fear became unmanageable, you would let someone know.
the only problem with the notes is that there was no return address. you put up security cameras everywhere around your gate in hopes of catching the culprit(s) on video, but sadly they were able to hack into the cameras you had gotten.
you would check the video footage after you received a note or picture. the time stamp went from 8:54 to 9:03, meaning they probably hacked into it before they got there.
maybe garcia could find whoever hacked into it every night if you needed her to. surely she would be able to work her magic when necessary.
you went into your room to check your phone for any new messages.
a <3: what're you doing for lunch today? feel up to spending time together two days in a row? let me know whenever you can; there's no case today.
you: i don't have any plans at all today, i guess i'll just have to suffer through another lunch with you.
and... sent.
unknown number: hi, y/n. it's spencer. i just wanted to know how're you doing? is the cut on your face okay?
you: hey back genius :) i'm doing pretty well, all things considered. my face is looking much better than it was before i went to bed, thank you for asking.
while waiting for a response, you decided to clean the house a bit. you vacuumed your rugs, washed the dishes in your sink, did your laundry, and that was pretty much all you had to do today. everything done before 10 a.m.
checking your phone, there were two more messages, one from each of the guys.
a <3: great! would you mind just meeting me at the office around 11:30?
you: that's no problem at all. any place in mind?
you checked the other message from spencer.
spencer :) : i'm glad you're doing well, y/n. and to clear things up, your face didn't look bad at all last night, bruise and cut included.
what a little charmer...
you: thanks for the clarity, it's very appreciated. so how've you been since last night? save any other damsels in distress?
you put your phone down and decided to start getting ready. you opted for some blue jeans, high rise, and a lavender halter top. you paired that with some white high-top converse and threw on your gray blazer spencer brought you from last night, after you retrieved it from the dryer.
wearing something so casual, you decided to just wear your natural hair to the office. you did, however, need to cover the remnants of your adventure last night so aaron wouldn't be upset upon seeing something.
you used some good ol' color corrector, concealer, a bit of foundation, and some powder to cover the bruises and fail to disguise the cut. then again, there's not much that can be done to cover that up.
you checked the time on your phone, 10:53, and saw two more message notifications.
a <3: i was thinking about ordering some mexican food to the office so we could just stay there.
you: i'm good with anything, so that sounds great! i'll see you soon.
you sent the message and hopped over to the one spencer had sent you.
spencer :) : sadly, no other damsels. although i suppose that could be considered a good thing to most. oh! and if you were wondering, i got your number from garcia. i wasn't stalking you or anything, no worries.
you: yes, i'm glad i was the only damsel in need of saving last night. also, if i were to find out you had been stalking me, i don't think i'd be afraid. in fact, i'd probably be more flattered that THE dr. spencer reid would consider me stalk-worthy.
was it flirtatious? yes. would it make him flustered? probably. would i enjoy being the person that flustered him? absolutely.
you got into your car and began the journey to quantico. the drive isn't very long, only about twenty minutes. you hopped out of the car, and made your way to the front desk to check in. looking over your shoulder, you saw none other than spencer reid walking up to you before the woman gave you your visitor's badge.
"hi there, damsel," spencer smiled as he greeted you. you walked closer to him after thanking the lady.
"hey, hero," you laughed as you both got closer. "is it too soon to hug you?"
"oh, uhm... not at all. i was actually-yes. i do want to- i'm just gonna..." he stuttered as he opened his arms for you to snuggle into.
"i like your hugs," you surprisingly announced.
"th-thank you," he smiled as he rested his chin on your head, secretly enjoying the coconutty scent that wafted off your hair into his nose.
"yea this is gonna be the new greeting tactic for us. just saying," you huffed into his chest.
"i wouldn't mind that at all," he laughed before you pulled back from his embrace, giving his shoulders a little squeeze before relinquishing all contact.
"okay, i'm here to see aaron. i'm assuming he's in his office, like always?" you rose one eyebrow in question before feeling a hand on your shoulder, turning to see aaron.
"i'm not always in my office," he rebutted as he embraced you in his arms. "how are you?" he asked nicely.
"i'm good! i hope you aren't overworking yourself like you usually tend to do," you voiced into his chest. he pulled back, not releasing your shoulders but looking deeply at your face.
"what's that?" he pointed to your cheekbone, his brows furrowing in concentration.
"oh, pshh. it's nothing," you shrugged as you waved his hand off, noticing spencer behind aaron with a look on his face that suggested you tell your brother what it was.
"y/n. what happened?" he pushed, giving you his 'brother' look.
"fine," you huffed. "i was gonna have to explain it eventually," you rolled your eyes. "last night before i left, ron got a bit handsy. before he did too much, spencer showed up to return my jacket. things got out of hand, ron might've slapped me, spencer might've pushed him against a wall, all's well that ends well," you grinned in hopes that he wouldn't have understood a word you just uttered.
"ron slapped you?" he asked in disbelief, his face still showing no emotion as per usual.
"yea, but spencer stopped him before he got to do anything else. oh! i don't have a job at all anymore, so i'm free for the next two weeks," you pressed your lips together.
"reid was there?" he turned to face spencer, who's face looked like a deer in the headlights.
"yup. i don't know what would've happened if he didn't show up. i really owe him, aaron," you said, trying to calm your brother down from the edge he was not-so-clearly teetering on.
"well, reid. uhh, thank you. and y/n. you should've told me this the second it happened," he ordered, looking at you shooting daggers.
"sir, yes, sir," you nodded off. "i'm sorry i didn't tell you. i just knew you'd be upset and i figured since everything's okay now that it wasn't important," you shrugged, trying to diffuse the situation.
"it is important. it will always be important because you're important to me," he emphasized before taking a deep breath. "as long as you'll tell me next time i think i'll be okay."
"great! now when's the food supposed to get here because... food," you excitedly asked as you followed aaron as he turned to go to his office.
"it'll be here in about 10 more minutes," he announced as he motioned for her to sit beside him in the chairs in front of his desk. "so... what's the full story of what happened?"
"are we really gonna talk about that right now?" you huffed, clearly over the situation from last night.
"yes. we are. harassment is a serious issue that should be dealt with accordingly. you know that, y/n," he reasoned, propping his arm on his desk as he looked at you with his stern face.
"i do know that. i also know that he only ever did that to me. he has a wife and two kids; he'd never do anything to put them in jeopardy," you announced, trying to convince aaron not to press the issue any further.
"but he would be willing to risk a law suit from you because of what happened?" he questioned in defiance, not accepting the ask to drop it.
"i wouldn't give him a law suit, aaron. you know that," you remarked, leaning in towards him slightly.
"you should. logically, you should sue him for hitting you. and i'm assuming for whatever else he's done to you in the past," he corrected you.
"how do you know he's done anything in the past?" you questioned, aaron nodding his head to the side. "right. profiler," you sighed. "look, he used to call me names i'm uncomfortable with, but now i won't have to deal with him. i don't work there anymore and never will again."
"you may not work there, but what if another woman starts working in the office? who's to say he won't harass them as well?" you looked down into your lap, fondling your fingers in avoidance. "look, i'm not trying to be rude about it. i just don't like seeing you hurt, and to know that the guy who hurt you isn't getting anything done to him is ludicrous."
"i know. you've always looked out for me since we were kids, but i'm not a kid anymore. i'm a grown woman and can take care of my own business when i need to," you replied softly, placing your hand over top aaron's in comfort. "but thank you, for always caring. i know you do it because you love me, even though you don't say it often," you laughed, trying to bring some light hearted-ness to the situation.
"i do..." he nodded along. "love you, that is," he added with a rare smile.
aaron has always been there for you. ever since you were kids, because of you dad he would take the role of protector for both you, sean, and your mom.
because of his role of 'protector,' he has this external shell that he feels as though he can't shed. in his mind, if he sheds it he's not able to mask his feelings, leaving not only himself but also those he protects vulnerable.
"i love you too, a.," you smiled back, giving his hand a gentle squeeze before releasing it from your grip. aaron took his phone and checked the time.
"the food's here now," he announced as he went to go pick it up from the front desk.
when he returned he gave you the food and you began to eat together, him telling you the latest garcia story that got quite the kick out of you until his attention went elsewhere.
"... so...?" aaron asked sneakily, a sly grin appearing on his face.
"... so what?" you furrowed your brows in question as you took a sip of your drink.
"you and reid, huh?" he widened his eyes in suspicion.
"what about me and reid?" you wanted to press him further, even though you knew exactly what he meant.
"that's exactly what i would like to know. what's going on with you and reid?" he finalized, pointing his fork accusingly at you.
"nothings going on with me and spencer," you raised your hands in defense. "i just drove him home after he intervened in the... situation, last night so i made sure to thank him. he texted me earlier today to ask me how i was holding up after yesterday evening- like a gentleman," you pointed out, raising your eyebrows to establish some sort of dominance you knew you didn't have over your brother.
"right," he said in a sing-song voice, you rolled your eyes at his tone.
"shut up," you scoffed as you threw away each of yours' trash. "so, i think it's time for me to go," you smiled as you turned to face aaron from the doorway.
"ahh, right," he sighed with a small grin. "i actually talked to strauss about getting you onto the team," he raised his eyebrows.
"did you, now?" you smirked. "what'd she say about it?"
"she said that you'd need to fill out an application, and that if you were to be hired there'd be a trial run first to see if everything would work out smoothly," he announced happily.
"really? so there's a chance i could work here?!" you squealed, rubbing your lips into a tight line from the excitement.
"a pretty good one, at that. i actually have an application right," he reached over his desk to retrieve a couple pages stapled together, "here," he smiled, handing you the application forms.
"oh my gosh!" you shouted, throwing your arms over your brother's stomach and squeezing him tightly. "this is so exciting! do you think i'm actually qualified?" you asked, pulling back from his embrace.
"are you kidding? of course you are?" he asked incredulously. "just fill those out, return them to strauss, and i'm sure she'll review them quickly," he nodded.
"right. i'll get going now," you smiled widely. "thank you, a. thank you so much," you said, giving him one last hug before you whooshed out of the door, papers in hand.
you walked down the stairs and out of the glass doors towards the elevator. the doors started to close after you pressed the 'lobby' button, but there was a brown satchel stuffed between them to stop the from closing right before they shut. once thy opened back up, you noticed who the bag belonged to.
"hey, spencer," you smiled, scooting over in the elevator to make more room for him.
"hey, y/n. how was your lunch?" he asked, returning your smile.
"it was pretty good. aaron gave me an application for the bau, which is very exciting," you bit back a wide grin.
"really?" he asked happily, his eyebrows raised, you nodded in return. "that's so great!" he said cheerily, wrapping his arms around your waist an lifting you off the elevator floor as the two of you giggled together.
"i know! if i'm being honest, i'm a bit nervous about it, y'know?" you said as he placed you back onto your feet, your hands still on his biceps.
"why? we already know you'll fit in well and do great. what's making you nervous?" he asked, his head tilting slightly as he looked at you with a confused expression.
"i don't know..." you started. "i guess since i've only worked at one job, doing one thing, moving nowhere, staying stagnant, i just don't know anything else," you shrugged.
"it's actually incredibly normal to feel nervous about a new job. over 80% of working professionals feel nervous or anxious when starting a new job," he clarified as the elevator doors opened, you both walking out together. "think of it this way: you know the material, you're more than qualified, you know everyone you'd be working with, and you're passionate about what you'll be doing. there's no doubt that you'll do amazing," he encouraged as you continued the walk to your car.
"thank you. at least i know i'm not the only one that gets this way," you sighed. "so why'd you walk all the way out here?" you giggled. "don't you still have work?"
"uhh, yes. i-i do have to work. i just f-figured- i just wanted to uh, talk to you?" he stuttered out, clearly not realizing how charming it was.
"well, thank you, spencer. i really enjoy our little chats," you nodded as you unlocked your car. "thanks for walking me out. i'll see you?" you asked.
"yea, yes. i will uhm, see you later. goodbye, y/n," he smiled gorgeously.
"see you later, spencer," you grinned back as you closed your door and began to drive off after buckling up.
halfway home, you got a call from someone. you pressed the bluetooth answer button on your radio to answer.
"hello?" you replied, readjusting your hands on your wheel.
"y/n hotchner. i can't believe you were at the office and didn't even bother to say hi to me!" emily's voice rang through the speakers.
"emily! hello to you too," you giggled.
"you even said hi to reid! but not me?" she shouted. "what gives?"
"sorry, i just kinda ran into him, i guess. well, he ran into me," you corrected yourself.
"what does that mean?"
"well, he kinda stopped me while i was in the elevator so he could talk to me. he's such a good friend," you complimented.
"only friend?" emily asked suggestively.
"yes, em. only friends," you laughed at the insinuation.
while it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to be more than friends with him, it certainly wasn't the right time for a serious relationship in your life yet.
"righhtt... anyway, that's not the only reason i called you," she stated.
"and why did you do that?" you asked as you turned onto the highway, a straight shot to the street with your house on it.
"i wanted to know if you'd like to come with us to a bar after we get off of work tonight?" she asked.
"hmm... who's 'we'?"
"well there's me, morgan, garcia, and you if you'll come?"
"sure, it sounds fun," you agreed. "besides, not like i have anything to do with no job and all," you laughed out.
"great! now we could probably convince reid to come now that you're going!" she exclaimed.
"jeez, em," you huffed as you rolled your eyes and turned onto your street.
"you know it's true. morgan's already teasing him about it and everything," she snorted out over the phone.
"oh poor spencer..." you grimaced as you thought about the relentless teases.
"yea, yea, yea. but you're coming, and there's no backing out! i'll just pick you up before i head to the bar. be ready at 8, ma'am. dress hot, please, garcia and i already agreed to it," she demanded.
"yes ma'am, sounds good," you nodded even though she can't see you.
"alright, love you, bye," she said, holding out the 'e'.
"love you too, bye," you said as she hung up the phone, finally turning into your driveway to be met with your gate.
you entered the code and the gate opened, allowing you to drive half a mile up to your house. you had always wanted a nice, big house as a child. the kind that people had in movies, and everyone looked at online. you signed a lease for this house a while back, and got an amazing deal on it sense you knew who owned it previously.
unlocking your door, you walked into your house with the papers in hand. you walked into your dining room and started filling the papers out easily. it was only 1 p.m., so you had a while before you had to start getting ready for going out with them tonight.
you threw on a maroon colored corduroy skirt, tucking in your spaghetti strap, black tank top. adding some black  heeled booties, you added a few silver pieces of jewelry.
after adding some mascara, lip gloss, and a bit more powder you felt like you were ready to walk out of the door. you did a few spritzes of perfume before grabbing your black crossbody purse, letting it hang on one shoulder before grabbing your black denim jacket, dashing out of the door to emily's car.
"hey em," you said as you swung the door open, crawling not-so-gracefully inside.
"hey there," she said as she examined what you were wearing. "i seriously did my makeup for half an hour and you come out looking like that? it should be illegal to look that hot, y/n," she rolled her eyes with a huff.
"are you kidding me?" you replied, looking over to see what she was wearing herself.
she had on a short, black dress that had a low neckline, allowing tasteful cleavage to show through. she wore that with some red pumps to match her lipstick and some shimmery eyeshadow.
"okay, you can't say that. you look hot, em! don't sell yourself short," you punched her arm playfully.
"yea, yea, yea," she said, beginning to drive out of your driveway.
once you arrived to the bar, it looked like it was almost full. the music was loud, and you could feel the base through your feet on the floor. it took you about a minute until you could find the others, derek, pen, and spencer, sitting at a booth in the corner of the bar.
because of how crowded it was, you sat across from penny and derek and in between spencer and emily. you were practically on top of spencer because of how small the seats were, the poor guy.
"damn, you look great, y/n," derek gushed before looking at spencer with a smirk. "don't you think, pretty boy?" he laughed out, earning a jab from penny in the stomach.
"play nice, derek," she scolded him. "but you do look great, y/n. your legs look amazeballs in that outfit... like wow," she exaggerated.
"oh, shush," you blushed. "i'm kinda hungry... you guys?" you asked them.
"i could go for some cheese sticks," emily replied.
"i ate before we came here," spencer replied with a smile, leaning into your ear a little bit to answer.
"so cheese sticks and... cheese fries? i adore cheese fries," penny added.
"i'm okay with whatever. i'll go order," you said as emily got up to let you out.
"i'll help," spencer added as he scooted out with you.
"great, any drink requests?" you asked, pointing out to all three others.
"jack and coke," emily requested.
"anything fruity they have!" pen told you.
"whiskey, on the rocks," derek said with a smile.
"you've got it," you said as you turned around, realizing how crowded it was as you tried to weave through the first few people in your way.
you felt a hand grip yours firmly, turning to see it was spencer's hand you felt a sigh of relief wash over you. he leant down to your ear to talk to you, so you leaned a bit closer to him.
"i'm gonna put my arm around your waist so we can get through easier. is that okay?" he asked. his breath on your neck and ear almost distracted you from the question.
"y-yea. that's uhm... that's okay," you nodded your head as you felt his arm snake around your waist, pulling you closer to his side.
you moved one of your arms around his torso in return, squeezing yourself further into your side so you could avoid bumping into as many people. you could smell his sweet cologne, and the smell of what seemed to be coffee and old books. the warmth of his entire being was undeniable, drawing you closer to his presence.
eventually when you made it to the bar, you both kept your arms around the other. after ordering the food and drinks, you finally pulled your arm back, but stayed just as close to him.
"have you filled the application out yet?" spencer asked sweetly, leaning into your body.
"yea, i finished them just before i got ready to come here, actually," you nodded your head with a smile. "i guess you could say i'm a bit eager to start working."
"i think that's a good thing," he smiled brightly.
"oh, it definitely is!" you agreed. "i'm just so bored at the house. i've only been gone for a day and i need something to do, y'know?" you shrugged.
"busybody?" he questioned.
"oh you have no idea," you laughed, pushing his shoulder back playfully.
"i guess it runs in the family. hotch is always working on something as well," he mentioned. "so working at the bau would be a great fit for you both."
"yea, i sure hope so," you said longingly. "so what else do you do for fun... besides reading and working, of course," you asked.
"uhmm, i enjoy magic, i guess," he expressed.
"really?" you perked up, straightening out your posture at what he revealed.
"yea. i know a few little party tricks. wanna see?" spencer proposed, you nodded eagerly. "okay," he licked his lips as he began digging into his pocket and pulled out a $20 bill, also getting a pen. "watch..." he said as he jabbed the green paper with the pen.
"okay?" you squinted your eyebrows at what he was doing, unsure of where this trick was leading.
he then started to drag the paper around the pen, not tearing the bill at all. you felt your jaw drop in awe as he continued playing with it. then, he drug the pen all the way out of the bill, not a hole in sight. he made the bill disappear, leaving you stunned.
"what? how did you-? where did it-?" you stuttered, looking at him accusingly.
he reached around your hair, behind your ear and pulled out the same twenty dollar bill as earlier, a smug look on his face as he did so.
"okay... wow." you said as you began slow-clapping in awe. "i'm thoroughly impressed, spencer."
"thanks," he smiled shyly as he tucked the bill back into his pocket. "i've been doing magic since i was a kid. it's one of my hobbies when i'm we're not trying to catch serial killers," he shrugged.
"i'd say you've picked a good hobby," you chuckled. "i bet kids love it when you do them, huh?"
"yea, it's quite the entertainment for children," he nodded. "i love their reaction to it. it just makes me happy that i can bring a smile to their face."
"that, spencer, is fascinating," you complimented as the bartender handed you the drinks and spencer the food to take back to the table.
walking back was much easier than your journey to the bar, people actually making way for others with their hands full of refreshments. at least some people still had their manners.
"okay guys," you addressed as you began passing out the drinks, "here is your whiskey, jack and coke, and a tequila sunrise for pen."
"ouuu! i like the sound of that!" penny cheered as she took a sip of the drink, her eyes widening with delight.
"thank you, ma'am," derek thanked as he took a sip of his drink.
"absolutely perfect, y/n," emily relished in her beverage.
the rest of the night was fun. you laughed, joked, and danced with the girls. you even got to know spencer a bit more, much to your liking.
the next day you turned in your application, and was surprised when you got the job on the spot. you would begin your trial run in one week.
and you couldn't believe how fast that week went by, because as soon as you blinked, you were in the bullpen of the bau at your very own desk.
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courtrae89 · 4 years
Queens of Odins Eye Vikings/SOA crossover AU. Final Chapter part 1.
Warnings: smut, intercourse without condom (always use ptotection folks) language, minor arguments, cheating, tiny bit of pregnancy kink, but barely there, and bitchy friends being bitchy to each other 😂😉
I know it's been a very long time, but I really wanted to finish this, however I think its going to take at least one more part. Love you guys!
This fic is a collab with the beautiful, lovely crazy talented @laketaj24 @imgoldielikehawn @grungyblonde
“I promise I’ll be back home to you soon Hap, I’m so sorry babe I have to go. I’ll call soon.. I’ll be home soon” I flipped the phone shut quickly, the shower curtain sliding across the rod signaling the end of my conversation with Happy. “forgot my towel, but seeing as your not dressed yet, maybe I didn’t really need one” Ragnar smirked, pulling me against his chest. I gasped feeling that his chest wasn’t the only thing hard, I could feel his member against my thigh as he leaned in to plant sloppy kisses down my neck, making his way to the valley between my breasts.
As much as I hated to admit to myself, gods he felt good. His hand reached around and yanked my head back by my hair, a moan falling from my lips. “fuck.. I love it when you make those sweet fucking noises, get on the bed. All fours. I want to hear you choke on my cock.” I of course did as he said, crawling on to the bed, turning to face his beautifully crafted cock. The Gods must have favored him greatly to give him such blessings. I was still sore from the night before.
“open your mouth.” Opening my mouth nice and wide for him, sticking my tongue out, my mouth was already watering in anticipation for him. He slid his cock between my lips, bringing it back out to slide it around my lips, coating them in my spit. “fuck you take my cock so good.” His cock slipped back into my mouth, and with each stroke he forced it down my throat a little more.
Grabbing a handful of hair in each hand he began to fuck my face without warning “I know you love chocking on daddy’s cock, don't you baby?” I did my best to moan out an answer, but that wasn’t good enough, Ragnar reached behind me spanking my ass. I almost came between the sting of his rings on my ass and the rawness in my throat, but I knew better. I was going to be a good girl for him today, tonight.. well that was a different story.
Without warning the bedroom door swung open Ragnar never lost his rhythm, and I never took my eyes off of him. “ahh starting without me again old friend, one might think you want Court all to yourself and a little to often recently” Floki always had a jealous side, especially when it came to Ragnar. It was kind of that way with all the men that had been in my life I suppose.
Without second thought to what Floki was implying Ragnar continued to fuck my face, my sloppy moans becoming louder “ you ever make her cum just by sliding your cock down her throat my friend?.... get the fuck out Floki, you'll have her tonight, we both will.” With a scowl on his face he turned and walked out the door, just as quickly as he had come through it.
Ragnar could be insatiable, and today was definitely one of those days. Walking out of the front door together, he stops grabbing me by my wrist and pulling me back to him wrapping his arm around my waist, and looking at me with that hunger still in his eyes, his hand wraps around my neck and he gives me a sloppy kiss. “I'll see you at the bar in a few hours. Make sure Charlie is around, I may need to see you alone in your office for a bit.” Chuckling Ragnar finally made his way to his bike, the engine thundering as he took off for the club house.
I shook my head in disbelief, I had gone so far down this hole, I wasn’t sure how I would get out, but I had a plan. On still shaking legs, I made my way to my truck. Once inside I took a deep breath, I needed to get my head right before I called Happy again. Grabbing the rearview mirror to make sure my lipstick was still in tact I let out a scream, startled by the ghost that sat in my back seat. “what the fuck Brie! Are you fucking kidding me? Trying to kill me? Is that you, or are you playing one of your games again?” Bri laughed, fucking laughed! “oh it’s me sweetheart. You wanna tell me what the fuck that was I just saw?” I scoffed turning back around and starting the engine.
“I had to do something Bri, I couldn’t run away from it. It’s true, I don’t have to be attached to this club, but people I love are attached to this fucking town, this fucking club, and that fucking asshole has ruined everything!” I was pissed, my voice raised with each word, not because I felt like I was being slut shamed, but because why the fuck did she get to run away!
“Court, don't. I can feel it, don’t start on me. I had a million reasons to do what I did.” Bri’s death glare from the back seat caused goose bumps to spread over me. I knew her powers had grown tremendously, it wasn’t likely that they had ceased to do so while she was away. Still there weren't many I backed down from. “a year and a half Bri? Well your back at least, no doubt just in time for the final scene. Ivar has been insufferable, maybe now at least you two can hash this shit out.” I threw the truck in drive and pulled away from the curb, Bri's face unscrunching, a smile lightly playing at the corners, before she began to chuckle lightly. “you got balls bitch, but remember mine are bigger.” Oh how I was aware.
I dropped Bri off at her club and made my way to the bar, making good time. “Good morning Charlie! I gave him a bright smile. He chuckled “morning boss, you have a visitor in your office.” The devious smirk on his face confused me. “Thanks Charlie, be out in a bit” I called over my shoulder, making it to my door quickly, my heart was in my stomach, what if Ragnar beat me here and wondered why it took me so long to get here. I guess he would find out before the days end that Bri was back anyway.
I swung the door open, fully expecting those I icey eyes to be staring back at me, instead rich mahogany eyes stared back at me. I had longed to see those eyes for weeks, I was frozen. “I had to make sure you were okay.” Those words made me flash back to this morning, the desires I felt, the guilt was a heavy feeling in my chest, but I was doing what I had to. “Court come here… please” Happy broke my haze of guilt for the moment.
“Happy, God’s I’m so glad to see you.” I quickly dropped my bag in the chair by my desk, rounding it to curl myself into his arms. “Babe please don’t take this wrong, but you can’t be here, Ragnar, Floki, they could be having the place watched.” Hap tensed at those names, he hated having a constant reminder that I still wasn’t his completely. “I was careful, Charlie helped me out, but I could give two fucks, they’re just two more faces to add to my collection.” I understood his frustration, but he was jeopardizing everything I had been working so hard for. If they didn’t trust me I was as good as dead.
“Hap it ends tonight, I’ll be back in Charming and sporting your crow within the month baby, I just need you to let me finish this, without threatening everything I’ve done the past year and a half!” Hap scrunched his face, and pulled away from me, offended, hurt I would accuse him of putting me in any kind of predicament. “you think I’m not careful, that I wouldn’t do anything to keep you safe, to help you see this through? I’ve been sitting on the god damn side line for over a fucking year waiting for YOU Court, YOU! I asked you to take my crow for fucks sake, this ain’t no fucking joke to me, get your shit together and fucking come home, or I’ll fucking end it, the SONS ain’t worried about no war between us and OE!” I wasn’t really that surprised by his outburst, he was right, but I WAS worried.
“fuck…Ubbe…keep fucking me just like that baby” Ubbe's fingers tangled in Kia's hair, her back was flush against his chest, fucking her from behind. Those deep, hard, long thrusts driving Kia to the edge. Ubbe had his face burried in Kia’s neck, leaving bites followed by soft wet kisses to sooth the pleasurable pain he was inflicting on her, his grunts and moans filling the air. “This pussy will always be mine baby, Ivar could never fuck you like I do, I’m done with his games, you’re mine Kia, this pussy is mine, and soon you will be swollen with my child again." Ubbe had increasingly become more and more possessive, and as toxic as it could be at times, it was enough to pull Kia over the that edge, causing Kia to scream out his name over and over, her whole body shaking, eyes rolling, a woman possessed, her orgasm squeezed his cock so fucking perfectly his knees nearly faltered, “Fuck Kia, yes fucking cum all over my cock.” Ubbe's mouth fell open, and his orgasm washed over him. His cock spraying his hot seed inside her for the third time this morning, neither of them could stand any longer, the look of bliss on their faces as they fell to the bed. Ubbe took her face in his hands, kissing her with hunger still, he would never get enough of the way Kia made him feel so fucking good.
“You ever love anything so much you’d do anything to protect it?” Hap had heard that line before, but it was just as much true in my situation as it was in Jackson's. Hap leaned into me, his face a mere two inches from mine. “Come home Court, I’m done with the cat and mouse shit, take them down, protect your people and get the fuck out so we can move on.” He had said all he was going to, without a word he kissed my lips softly, and turned to walk out the door. “I love you Hap, and I’ll prove it I promise.” Hap didn’t acknowledge my declaration, he was gone. “FUCK” my head hurt, and it wasn’t even 9 am yet, what a fucking day it was going to be. “you alright boss? Sorry if over stepped, I didn’t think you would mind a visit from an old friend.” Charlie had stuck his head in my office hearing my frustrated growl, he looked like he was worried he had made the wrong move, but I wasn’t upset with him. “Its okay Charlie, you did right. Thanks”
Across town..
When he finally caught his breath Ubbe opened his mouth, “I meant what I said Kia, we're done with Ivars games, I don’t care what we have to do. We can runaway, fuck, everyone else has. Bri, Hvitserk. Court almost made it out. We can go, start over.” Kia wanted the same, but she wasn’t blind by the orgasm that had taken over earlier, she knew without a doubt Ivar would hunt her down, she wasn’t going to take Isla from him, he would likely kill them in the most painful way, and she damn sure wasn’t leaving her baby girl alone with that motherfucker.
“Ubbe, we’ve been over this a million times, you know that’s what I want, but you don’t have a clue what terror awaits for us if we do.”
Some queens they all turned out to be she thought. Bri was no where to be found, ran away from her problems, leaving her to take the brunt of Ivars madness. Court leaving the only man that truly treated her as an equal, to be stuck between not one but two that treated her like property, but that’s what they were right “property of” whichever biker they had fallen for. And lastly herself, forced to be with a man that she had once loved so deeply, but despised with every fiber in her being now.
“earth to Kia.. are you listening to me?” Ubbe pulled her from her self loathing thoughts, she looked at his concerned face, those blue as ice eyes that all three of the men she loved in her life had possessed. “sorry babe I was just daydreaming about your little fantasy life” Ubbe gave her a look of disbelief “Its not a fantasy, it could be reality if you would just get your head out of Ivars ass and help me make it happen” Ubbe was frustrated now, his post orgasmic bliss gone. She clearly hadn't heard a word he said, “but you know as well as I do” Kia jumped up from the bed cutting him off as she landed on her feet “you know damn well what would happen, I’m fucking sick of talking about it, this is just how are fucking lives are for now Ubbe, I’m not putting my babies in an even more fucked up situation for you” Ubbe tried to cut in, get a word in, but when Kia was on roll, there was no stopping her. Kia paced the room ranting, picking up her clothes. Ubbe stood to stop her, try and calm her, but she was out the door before he could reach for her. Ubbe sighed, “great talk Kia.” he blinked a few times, did that really just happen?
Kia wasn’t ready for those conversations, and she wouldn’t be until Ivar could be half way rational, she wasn’t sure that would ever happen though. They had been miserable for over a year now. The sex was still fucking amazing, especially when the hate they had for one another boiled over into sexual tension, but they both thought of someone else when they came, and the after glow of that orgasm only lasted so long.
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Kia pulled into the parking lot noticing Courts Tahoe pulling behind her, once her car was parked in front of her shop she took a peek at the clubhouse, eyes scanning to see any signs of Ivar, she wasn’t looking for another fight, she just wanted to meet with her client and do what she loved doing best. “What the actual fuck” Kia had to do a double take, her heart slammed in her chest, those last words she spoke to her sister, her best friend and fellow queen running though her head. “freak” how she ever said those words she wasn't sure, but she remembered that feeling of betrayly, though all the time that had past, that feeling had dissipated. She was still pissed though, the bitch never bothered to come back, try to make amends, that's not what family was about. Kia's eyes narrowed as she flung her door open, stepping out of the car, but before she could make her way over she spotted Bri holding on to the hands of two little boys no older than 5, they were a perfect mix of ocean blue eyes, and lovely bronzed skin, they were identical, they were twins, but Bri had only been gone for no more than a year and a half… how could this be, were they actually the product of Ivar and Bri's love? Before she could fully approach Bri, Court was beside her, the same look of bewilderment on her face. “Are they….?” Before she could finish, “it would appear that way” Kia let out, fuck how powerful had Bri become while she was hiding away, and is that why she didn’t come back sooner?
Honestly I don't have the tag list anymore, I'm so sorry! I hope to have part two in the works and finished before this upcoming week comes to an end. Love you guys!
@whenimaunicorn @pokeasleepingsmaug @bloodyivar @ivarsshieldmadien @ivars-heathen-army @therealcalicali @sparklemichele @ivarsrideordie @vikingsbifrost @starrynite7114
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multifandomfanficss · 4 years
A Summer Job in Gotham
Prompt: The OC is Jim’s cousin and she starts her summer job filing papers at the police station. She meets a couple familiar faces along the way.
WARNGINGS: Abusive Father
"Are you fucking kidding me?! You're so stupid!" I wake up to hear my father screaming at my mother. Another morning I wake before my alarm to the sound of my parents fighting. Actually, it's more like my dad fighting and my mom listening. This isn't the first time and I know it won't be the last. I get out of bed and run straight for the bathroom, turning on the shower and slipping out of my clothes. I step into the hot water and close my eyes, taking in the nice feeling. I spend a couple minutes just enjoying the feeling before I begin to wash my body and eventually my light brown hair. After washing a turn off the water and step out of the shower. I wrap a towel around me and go to pick out my clothes. I just grab a pair of jeans and a long sleeve shirt. Keep your outfit simple and you won't be noticed. I wait for my dad to leave the house for work and then I go downstairs to get some breakfast. I grab some bread and quickly start to butter it, until I see my mother trying to choke back tears. I hug her. "You really shouldn't let him treat you like that." I tell her. "It's okay, Andi" she tells me. "It's not okay, mom! You need to stand up to that asshole." I inform her. "Andrea Lee Clark! Watch your language!" She exclaims. "I'm sorry mom, but it's true." I respond. "Please don't forget to talk to your cousin about that summer job after school." She reminds me. "I won't." I promise. I kiss her, grab my breakfast, and rush out the door to the bus. I hop on the bus and take the first available seat I see. I look out my window, watching all of the miserable people doing their daily business on the streets of Gotham. I see both the poor, living in pain, and the filthy rich, not giving a damn. It's disgusting how nobody seems to care. We go through our lives putting one thing first and one thing only. Ourselves. When we put others first it's only because WE feel pain. Not the other way around.
The hours tick by as sit in my full school. I just want it next week. The last day of my senior year can't come any faster. The last bell rings and I rush out of class, practically run down to my locker. I can't be late to meet my cousin at the precinct. I stuff the homework into my bag and throw my science text book into my locker. I then throw my backpack over my shoulders and close my locker door. I exit the school and begin my short walk to the police station.
When I arrive the whole place is buzzing with action. I look around for my cousin. An officer approaches me. "May I help you, miss?" She asks. "Yes, do you know where I can find Jim Gordon?" I ask. "Right this way." The woman offers a smile as she walks me to his desk. "You can wait here. He should be back any moment." She informs me. I thank her and she disappears to do her job. I take a seat in his chair and open the file in front of me. It is full of pictures and statements from people from the circus. I look at the outside of the folder again and read aloud the title. "Jerome Valeska." I say quietly. "Interesting, right?" I hear a voice come from behind me. It makes me jump. I turn around to see my cousin. "Hey, Jim. You scared me." I say giving a smile. "Hey, Andi. Glad you're already looking at the Jerome files. I need you to go through and find every other file we have on him." Jim informs me. "I didn't even do a job interview yet." I say laughing. "We're short staffed and could really use somebody as quickly as possible. A woman named Kristen Kringle will train you." He responds. "You'll just being doing filing and stuff like that." He adds. "Okay. Also, why do you need the Jerome files?" I ask. "We need to copy them and bring them down to Arkham." He answers. "Come on, I'll show you around." He offers. He leaves his desk and I follow.
Jim shows me around the precinct. He ends to tour at my office. We walk in to see a pretty woman in a cute outfit with a pair of glasses. She has her brown hair tied up and she is surrounded by officers who are trying to flirt with her. It's actually less of a flirt and more of a sexual harassment. "Don't you think you men should be getting back to work?" Jim interrupts them. They all awkwardly leave the room and Kristen appears to look more relaxed. "Hello, Detective Gordon." Kristen speaks. "Hi, Kristen. This is Andrea-" He begins. "Andi." I interrupt. "You're going to be training her." He finishes. "Okay. Nice to meet you, Andi." She greets me. "Her first assignment is to find all the files relating to Jerome Valeska. Do you think you can help her out?" He asks. "Sure thing, Detective Gordon." She responds with a smile. "Well, I guess I'll leave you girls to it. Andi, you know where my desk is. Bring me the files when you're done." He says. "Good luck." He adds before exiting the room.
Kristen and I mostly make awkward small talk as she teaches me to learn my way around the files. I mostly don't pay attention to her. I enjoy spending my time reading through the rest of the files on Jerome Valeska and the circus. The room has a boring feel to it until I hear a knock on the door. I look up to see a tall man with dark brown hair and big black glasses. He fiddles nervously with the file he's holding "Ms. Kringle, I have a file for you." He says excitedly. "Thank you, Mr. Nygma." She responds. He glows at the sound of his name coming from her lips. "Edward Nygma." He says putting a hand out to greet me. "Andi Clark." I say shaking his hand. "So, Ms. Kringle... What is harder to catch the faster you run?" He asks. "I don't know." She responds. "Your breath." He says pleased with himself. I begin to laugh and he smiles at me. "Mr. Nygma, would you please do me a favor?" Krista asks. "Anything!" He responds in excitement. "Would you please give me some time to work with Ms. Clark? I was told that I have to train her." She informs him. "Of course, Ms. Kringle. It was nice to meet you, Ms. Clark." He says as he exits the room. "Nice to meet you too Mr. Nygma." I say as he walks out the door. "Thank God he's gone." Krista says quietly. "Why? What's wrong with him?" I ask, displeased. "He's just creepy." She responds. "And his riddles drive me crazy? How am I supposed to know the answers?" She asks. "Just give him a chance. He seems sweet and to be fair his riddles are pretty good." I say with a laugh. "Well then you like him so much, you date him!" She says a little angry. "He's way too old for me and he's not really my type anyway." I tell her truthfully. "Why don't you date him?" I add. "He's too nice. I don't deserve a nice guy like that." She begins. "And to be completely honest he's a little boring for my taste." She says the last part a little quieter. "Whatever. I'm sure whoever he ends up with will be a very lucky lady." I say finishing off the conversation and getting back to work.
As soon as I finish finding all of the files and learn my job along the way, I pile them in my arms and carry them to Jim's desk. Normally cases don't have this many files, but the collected statements from every person in the circus, as well as some of the audience. That's more witnesses than usual. I approach Jim's desk and place the files on top neatly. "Ready to go?" He asks. "Go where?" I respond. "To Arkham. We gotta drop off the files." He says in a matter-of-fact sort of way. "Alright. I'll grab my jacket!" I say practically running back to my desk in excitement. I have a pretty good feeling that this isn't a normal thing so I can't pass up an opportunity like this. I grab my jacket and quickly walk back to meet Jim. Then we hop into his car and drive off to Arkham Asylum.
"A few rules before we go in." Jim begins to speak as we approach the gates of Arkham. I nod. "Don't make eye contact and don't speak to them." He orders me. "Yes, sir." I say with a laugh. We stop at the gates and a security guard opens them for us. We park his car and enter the large building. On our way to the office we pass what appears to be like some sort of cafeteria. There are many people locked in the room doing various activities. Some are speaking to each other and others are keeping to themselves. I scan the room and that's when I lay my eyes upon him. The reason I'm here. Jerome Valeska. His hair is slightly messy, but still looks good and his smile is large. He laughs like a mad man, which makes sense because that's what he is. A crazy, barbaric madman who killed his mother. Then he turns his head. His eyes lock with mine and the corners of his mouth turn up into a large grin. He approaches the metal fence between us and wraps his fingers through the holes. "Hello, Gorgeous." He says to me. I refrain from speaking, but I can't look away from him. Jerome looks down to my hands to see the files and then looks back up to my face. "Are you here just for me, doll face?" He asks with confidence. I just keep my mouth shut as instructed by Jim. "Surely a lady this beautiful would have a loud mind. Why don't you let some of those voices in your head out to play? Speak to me." He orders. Then I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up to see Jim standing behind me. "Let's go." He says quietly as he pulls me away from the red headed maniac.
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hopeless-lovex0 · 5 years
Kim Hongjoong Fanfic
Warning: Angst. Cheating. Heartbreak. Cursing. Fluff.
Hello fellow Atiny and Kpop stand, I wasn’t able to post Wednesday nor Thursday and I know some of you guys were looking forwards to read part 6 but without further ado here is part 6 of I Have A Dream 🥳🥳
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She woke up to the sound of rain lashing down on her rooftop, the silence of the house being disturbed by the harsh water droplets falling from the dark sky.
The vibrations of thunder shake the small two-story house and emits a loud creak from within the place. Y/N tensed up for a second fearing that the small place would cave in on itself but then lightly chuckling from how crazy that would be.
She laid there a couple more seconds before hearing her alarm clock, the irritating ringing causing her to flinch from how unexpected it was. Sluggishly she lifts up her hand and slams it against the annoying piece of technology, the force of her hand causing the alarm clock to fall to the bedroom floor.
Letting her hand hang over the side of the bed she lays there a couple of minutes contemplating whether she should get up and go to work wanting to stay in the comfort of her warm covers the rest of the day, but then she realizes that Mrs. Park would scold her if she didn't take care of herself. Moving under the sheets she lets go of the pillow she was cuddling against and finally sits up, the darkness of the room making her think it's still night.
She hears the continues pitter-patter of the rain hitting her window making her turn towards it. She HATES the rain, the dark clouds surrounding the sky and the heavy feeling it drags along with it. She hates the memories that somehow always make their way back to her.
It was raining when she found them together, the rain falling down on her when she was breaking down somehow causing her to lose herself for a couple of days. The worse days of her life she would say, she was scared of how much she had changed after that night barely able to recognize herself in the mirror.
After a week she was finally able to come down to earth and take care of herself, she'll be damned if she let a man break her down. The thought of her baby also served as a motivation to her, wanting to give birth to a healthy baby and live in the small house she resides in now.
The room across her turned into a nursery after living in the village for a month. She felt the happiness of having a baby creep up on her letting her know that she was going to be alright with or without a man.
Shaking her head, she carefully steps out of the warm mattress, watching her step for the fallen alarm clock. Stumbling towards the dresser she opens it and takes out an outfit for the day, making sure that the clothing complimented each other or else Mrs. Park would roast her being the fashionista she is.
Setting her clothes down on her bed she walks towards her bathroom and turns on the showerhead, placing her hand over the water to make sure the temperature is just right for her. Feeling the warm water trickle down her hand, she turns towards her sink and takes her toothbrush and toothpaste figuring that she should just shower and brush her teeth at the same time as to save time.
Washing down her body with a little bit of struggle from the small baby bump she sighs to herself, the thought of her struggling with a much bigger belly to clean herself makes her huff in defeat.
Finishing up her shower she slowly steps out the tub and takes the white fluffy towel placed next to the curtain. Patting herself down she wraps it around herself and walks out the bathroom towards where she laid down her clothes.
She slipped on her comfy dark jeans and white long sleeve sweatshirt, the outfit was plain but still stylish as to not upset Mrs. Park with her lack of fashion.
Walking down the stairs, she steps over to the main entrance towards the shoe cubert. Kneeling down, she carefully opens the bottom of the cubert and takes out a pair of dark blue rain boots. Cleaning everything up she walks towards the small white couch near the exit and sits down with a huff, all the walking around making her lose her breath.
Leaning back against the couch she sits there a couple minutes rubbing her stomach before she sits back up and tugs on the rain boots knowing that her ride will be here anytime soon.
As in cue, honking comes from outside her house and Y/N curses out loud, quickly and carefully scrambling to get her belongings and to not keep the person outside waiting. Once at the door she shoves everything inside her purse and takes the raincoat next to the door as well as her keys not wanting to be locked out her house later on.
Once outside she locks her door and then walks towards the car parked in front letting the big water droplets hit her raincoat, too lazy to open up her umbrella.
She opens up the passenger door and quickly sits down wanting to get out of the rain already. “ Woooow look at you! The wet dog look is amazing on you!” She hears someone say on her left, snorting out and rolling her eyes at the driver.
She turns towards Kyung Mi, the villages teacher and lightly punches her in the arm already getting used to her teasing knowing she means no harm with her comments.
“ You like it? I got inspiration from you after that one time you fell in a puddle.” Y/N snickers out watching as Kyung Mi begins to turn red from embarrassment. “ HEY! You know we never talk about that okay! It could hurt my reputation around here.” Kyung yells at her not wanting to remember such humiliating memory.
“ What reputation? You take care of little kids who drool and slobber all over you and on occasions piss on you.” Y/N laughs out causing Kyung Mi to roll her eyes but she doesn't miss the twitch from her upper lip letting her know that she's holding back a smile.
“ Yeah laugh all you want but in a couple months you'll be getting slobbered and pissed on too.” Kyung says as she points towards Y/N baby bump. “ Yeah well, I can't wait for those times because at least I’ll finally have my baby with me.” Y/N says as she taps her stomach causing Kyung Mi to coo at her from the driver's seat.
“ Okay you cheesy momma bear stop with the cute stuff, you'll make my cold heart melt.” Kyung says but still gives her a small smile letting her know that she’s happy for her. “ Did you hear the big news recently?” Kyung asks her and Y/N shakes her head in confusion.
“ You know that big house a couple ways away from the town square?” She asks her and Y/N hums in acknowledgment while looking out the window. “ Apparently, there's a group of people moving in today. My neighbor said that he saw tons of people working on furnishing it and getting it ready yesterday.” Kyung says as she drives towards the town square where they both work at.
“ Really? Didn't someone say that the house was for celebrities or something since it's so expensive to rent?” Y/N mumbles out confusing plastered all over her face. “ That's why is such a big deal, apparently the people moving in are celebrities! Can you believe that!?!?” Kyung exclaims out loud startling Y/N at the same time.
“ What if they are cute! I can finally find myself a hot and rich girl Y/N! I can move out of this place and I'll take you with me. How amazing would that be!!” Kyung says excitingly taking one hand off the steering wheel and placing it on Y/N’s shoulder slightly shaking her as she talks.
“ Don't get your hopes up MiMi, it's probably just a bunch of old businessmen wanting to take a break.” Y/N chuckles out while patting Kyungs hand that is still placed on her shoulder. She hears Kyung sigh out and watches as she nods her head “ You're probably right, but that doesn't mean there won't be a cute assistant or even maid so I'll take what I can get.” Kyung says as she smiles at Y/N causing both of them to go into a fit of giggles.
Feeling the car stop, Y/N looks up and sees that they are parked in front of her job which seems to already be opened as the lights from inside are on. “ Don't worry, you'll probably find a nice girl to settle down with sooner or later.” Y/N says as she turns towards Kyung and pats her on the head causing Kyung to snort out a laugh.
“ Okay fashionista I believe you. Now go and have fun at work and call me later on if you need a ride home in case it's still raining okay?” Kyung says as she watches Y/N exit the car. Turning around Y/N gives her a thumbs up and watches as Kyung finally drives off towards the village's small school.
With a deep sigh, Y/N turns around and walks towards the boutique already expecting Mrs. Park to shove down some food down her throat in order to keep her healthy. As she walks closer she hears Mrs. Park’s loud voice coming from the back of the room and she shakes her head not once regretting ever applying here. Walking towards the back she prepares herself for a day filled with clothing and pampering.
They had left earlier than expected, the big bus taking them to Incheon arriving earlier in the day. From fear of having to pay more than they were told staff immediately rushed to getting every single boy in that bus and making sure their luggage was placed in the bottom portion of the bus.
In under an hour, they were able to get everyone on the bus and help with some last-minute packing before they finally set out towards Incheon.
The bus was quiet apart from some constant shuffling from some of the guys who had gone back to sleep, the rain combined with the smooth driving lulling them back into dreamland. Towards the back of the bus sat San, staring out the window as the rain fell heavily from the dark clouds.
He wanted to sleep, the heaviness from his eyelids and warmth that wooyoung was providing from beside him causing him to yawn but he couldn't. Mind wrapped up with the thought of her.
How was she doing? Was she taking care of herself? Is the baby okay? Does she know the gender? Constant unanswered questions floated inside his head and caused him to lose sleep multiple times throughout the 3 months that went by.
Turning to look towards the rest of the guys he located the one he was currently thinking about. Two rows away from him sat hongjoong, leaning against the window knocked out and snoring loudly against it causing it to fog up. San glared in disgust, how could he sleep so soundly after what he had done, sleep so calmly knowing that he ruined Y/N’s life and could have potentially ruined her trust in men altogether.
He glared at him with pure fire in his eyes and as if Hongjoong felt the intensity of his stare he watched as Hongjoong stirred and slightly woke up turning his head lightly then snapping his head back once he realized it was San who was staring at him.
Letting out a scoff San finally removed his stare from Hongjoong and continued to look out the window. He felt his body relax from the calming atmosphere and with that he lets his eyes close, letting sleep envelop him like a blanket.
. . . . . . . . .
“ San... San Hyung wake up, where here already.” San hears as he feels himself being shaken awake by wooyoung. Lifting his head from where it was resting against the window he catches sight of the big almost mansion-like house resting on top of a small hill.
Gathering his things, he shoves his phone into his pockets and lifts himself off the seat noticing that wooyoung decided to stand there and wait for him. Walking out together, San notices that he was probably the last one to exit the bus as the rest of the guys are already running towards the house in excitement and also in fear of getting wet from the small drizzle of rain.
Shaking his head, he begins to walk towards the house with wooyoung in toe. Up close the house is actually smaller than it looks like from down where the bus is parked but nonetheless still a decently big place. Arriving at the doorway he notices all their luggage stacked up against the left side of the big entrance and he quickly walks towards it wanting to take a shower and eat.
The rest of the guys seem to have the same idea because all at once they rush towards the mountain of suitcases and bags to last them a month startling the manager that would be staying with them.
“ Now, this is a big place but you guys will still have roommates just to make sure you guys spend more time together okay?” Says the manager and the guys grumble curses under their breaths seeming to have been looking forward to getting their own room which won't be happening now.
They wait as the manager takes out a clipboard from his bag and begins to call out names. San waits for his name to be called then immediately feels his body turn cold when he realizes that the only person left to room with is Hongjoong.
“ Okay last but not least San and Hong-” begins the manager but before he could finish San harshly interrupt him. “ No. I won't room with him so either you give me my own room or change roommates with someone else.” He says and he doesn't miss the way Hongjoong flinches from his tone.
The manager begins to stumble over his words, never have seen San tense up like he did just now and how hostile he was towards Hongjoong. In his mind, he prays that this break can somehow rekindle their friendship.
Seonghwa noticing how flustered the manager got from the situation decides to speak up not wanting to make him or the rest of the guys uncomfortable. “ I'll switch roommates with San, wooyoung and him can get a room together and I'll stick with Hongjoong.” He says and watches how the manager lets a breath out of relief and nods his head multiple times.
Not being able to stand the tense air the manager quickly turns around and begins walking towards a long hallway calling the boys after him and leading them into their rooms.
Once they are all finally settled in their big rooms, they all begin to unpack wanting nothing more than to eat, take a long hot shower and sleep. San is still tense from the situation and Wooyoung seems to notice because he grabs San by the shoulders and takes him back towards the front entrance.
“ Come on, let's go get some food and clear your head while we're at it. I'll let the manager know so we don't get in trouble.” Wooyoung says as he shoves his feet into his worn-out sneakers. San doesn't seem to hesitate and does so as well wanting to get out and relax for a while.
Grabbing ahold of some umbrellas they both exit the big house and begin to walk towards the path leading to the town square. San mindlessly walks after wooyoung not knowing where they are going. “ Where exactly are we going?” San asks and they walk a couple minutes in silence before wooyoung answers him.
“ I woke up before you on the way here and I did some research on this place. It's a pretty small village, only about 4,000 people live here but that's good since we won't be recognized. I also saw that they have a really popular restaurant around the town square. Good food and good service so that's where we are going.” Wooyoung says and San only hums in acknowledgment trusting that wooyoung knows his way around from just google maps.
Walking for a couple more minutes they immediately know they are in the town square from how light up and lively the place is even if the weather isn't the best at the moment. Walking deeper into the town square, they get looks from the locals and hear as they start to whisper but none seems to recognize them probably just talking about a new face in town.
They continue to walk before they stop in front of a small restaurant filled with people, the small establishment bustling with life. Walking up towards the door they are immediately surrounded by the smell of meat and kimchi making their mouth water from the scent. They scan around the place and quickly realize just how packed it is, the whole place filled with various families and couples.
“ Should we just order to go? ” Asks wooyoung and San quickly agrees, not in the mood to be surrounded by people. They step up towards the small counter and greet the little old lady sitting behind it before they start to order, knowing that if they just get for themselves the rest of the guys would kill them so they place a big order for everyone.
Being told that the order would take 30 minutes max, they decide to sit against the bench located in front of the window and wait for their food. They sit there in silence but San can see from the corner of his eye that wooyoung want to say something, opening then closing his mouth multiple times.
Finally gathering his thought wooyoung begins to speak. “ You know we can't keep this up right...?” He says and San lets out a sigh from the question. “ I know... I want to forget about it and go back to the way it was but I-.. I don-...” San stumbles over his words not knowing how to express himself, wooyoung seems to sense this because he carefully places his hand on his shoulder and San brings his hand up to grip onto his hand letting him know that he appreciates the gesture.
“ You are the only one who knew how I felt about her and how much I suffered in order to let her be happy with hongjoong. I saw how happy she was with him and how in love she was and it broke my heart knowing that it would never be me and then he does that to her. ” San says not missing the way his voice starts to quiver.
Taking a deep breath he begins to speak again. “ It felt like a punch in the face after she texted us and I wanted nothing more than to take her pain away. I should have let her know, even if it wasn't my place or yours we let her get hurt by not telling her sooner and it honestly breaks my heart.” he says and wooyoung brings him into a hug knowing that San needs to let everything out.
“ And then we found that pregnancy test and it just felt like someone took my heart and ripped it into pieces. Can you imagine the excitement she went through when she found out she was pregnant? She always said that she wanted kids, and the minute she finds out she might be having one everything else just went downhill.” San says as he grips onto wooyoung, wanting to be held by someone.
“ I LOVE her wooyoung, and I'll travel the whole world to find her again and be the one to mend her back together. I want to be the one who she calls home and lays asleep in my arms at night. I want her child to call me dad because I know damn well I can be a better one than hongjoong.” he sniffs out, trying his hardest to keep himself together in public.
“ I know you will and I want you to know that I support you 100%. Y/N deserves the whole world after what she's been through and I know that you are the only one who can give it to her.” wooyoung says as he pats San on the back wanting to comfort him as best as he can.
They sit there in each others embrace for a couple of minutes before San finally pulls away, lifting his trembling hands and wiping under his eyes to get rid of the tears that managed to slid down his face. Chuckling to himself he shakes his head and turns to look at wooyoung. “ Hey.. Thanks man I really neede-.... Wooyoung..?” San begins to say but stops once he notices wooyoung’s flabbergasted expression. Lifting up his hand he waves it in front of his face and that seems to snap him out of it.
Wooyoung stutters out something but can't seem to form a proper sentence, noticing San’s confused expression he slowly lifts up a shaky finger pointing at something across the street. San turning around as he had his back towards the window looks at what wooyoung seems to be pointing at before his heart stops completely.
Across the street where a small clothing boutique stands in place are two women talking animatedly under the cover of the store, trying to shield away from the small drizzle of rain. They watch as the older lady of the duo leans forward to place a kiss on the other woman's cheek before leaning down towards her stomach and kissing it as well.
That's when San finally takes her whole appearance in having been staring at her face the whole time. The swell of her stomach causing her white long sleeve sweatshirt to stretch out, letting everyone know that she is currently pregnant.
They both stare in awe as they watch the older lady walk away with a final goodbye and other one walk the opposite direction opening up a big clear umbrella and holding it above her head.
Watching her walk away snaps them back into reality and wooyoung seems to gain his ability to speak again, whispering out the name of the girl they just found “... Y/N..?” he says and San turns around to look at him still too shocked to speak.
They stare at each other for a couple of seconds before the old lady at the register calls out their names letting them know that their food is ready. Scrambling to pay for the food they both exit the restaurant and rush back towards the house knowing what they have to do. Arriving there in under 10 minutes from how fast they were running as well as how close it was they burst through the doors startling the people who are present at the kitchen across the entrance.
“ GUYS COME HERE RIGHT NOW!” Yells out wooyoung and from the sound of his voice, the guys seem to know it's urgent as they rush out the kitchen all already dressed in their PJs.
“ What happened?!?!?” asks SeongHwa as he sees how shocked they are from their facial expressions, San not even uttering a word out just staring into space.
“ We found them.” San says, sounding like he's out of breath and all the guys stare at each other in confusion. “ Found who..?” asks Yunho and wooyoung grabs his shoulder in excitement.
“ We found Y/N!”
Wooyoung screams out and the rest of the guys gawk at them, minds immediately going blank from the information just thrown at them.
“ What do you mean you found Y/N?!?!? You mean to tell me you saw her here? At this location?!?!” Mingi utters out too surprises to even raise his voice. Wooyoung nods his head rapidly and they all fall into silence.
“ Wait! San said them..? Does that mean that she is actually pregnant..?” calls out yeosang and the rest of the guys snap their heads towards the dancing duo, eagerly waiting for one them to answer. They watch as San lifts up his head, the same flabbergasted expression on his face and he nods slowly causing the rest of the guys to gasp out in shock.
They knew there was a possibility of that pregnancy test being positive, they just didn't expect it to be true.
They all stand in silence taking all the information in before San jumps up in a hurry startling the rest of guys from how fast he got up. “ Guys... Where's Hongjoong...?” He asks and the rest of the guys tense up quickly losing color on their faces.
“ He left a couple minutes after you guys left, he was mumbling something about being alone.” Jongho says and the rest of the guys curse out. “ What direction did he go?! Did you see where he went!?!?” Wooyoung fires at him rapidly, not liking where this is going.
“ He walked the same direction you guys went, towards the town square, but instead of going all the way into the center he walked towards the little village houses.” He says and San and wooyoung completely freak out.
“ FUCK.” yells out San and the rest of the guys flinch from how mad he sounds. “ What?!? What's wrong with that?!?!” calls out SeongHwa and they watch as San spins around to look at them.
“ That's the direction Y/N was heading!” He growls out and the guys feel a cold shiver go down their spins, not liking what's about to happen.
. . . . . . . . . .
Hongjoong pulls his black puffy jacket closer to him, feeling shivers all over his body from how cold the night is the rain not doing anything to help it as well.
He knew that he should have brought an umbrella or put on more layers to keep himself warm, but the tense atmosphere around the house revolving around him and the guys was suffocating and he just had to get out of there.
He walked down the path leading towards the town square but instead of going all the way into town he branched off into the road leading to the village houses. When they were close to arriving he woke up from his deep slumber and watched all the little houses filled with families, along the way passing a small park and that where he was standing now.
Walking in the rain, he quickly found an empty bench to sit on and rest. He inhaled the fresh air the village provided feeling different from the air polluted city, and he lets the water droplets hit his face. He watches as a couple runs for cover from the rain, having their hands covering their faces so the rain won't hit them. He watches as they finally find cover under a house and burst out giggling leaning against each other and finally giving each other sweet pecks on the lips causing Hongjoong to wince at the sight.
Looking away he feels his throat clench up and his eyes to water but he stops himself from crying. Ever since he did what he did, he has never hated himself more than the day she left, every day he would sneakily go to her abandoned apartment not wanting the guys to know. He would lay on her side of the bed and grip onto her pillow, sobbing loudly not wanting her fragrance to leave the plush fabric. Even going as far as buying the same perfume she would wear and spraying it back on her pillow, trying so hard to keep the memory of her in his thoughts.
It was hard every day to live without her and Hongjoong never realized this after she left, taking everything he loved about her with her. Not knowing if she was pregnant or not he prayed that he could find her before she possibly gave birth, wanting to be apart of her and his child lives again.
Humming seems to break Hongjoong out of his thoughts and he swears he's heard that hum before. It takes him a minute to remember the song being hummed before he jumps up in a hurry and wildly looks around the park wanting to find the source of the humming.
The song is familiar to him only because it's the song SHE always used to sing, telling him that her mother used to sing it to her when she was younger and since then has stuck as a little tradition.
Snapping his head towards the road he sees a figure walking closer and once they walk under the light located in the entrance of the park he feels his brain stop working.
Walking calmly under the slight drizzle of rain is Y/N rubbing her belly bump and humming to it causing Hongjoong to stifle a sob. “ It is real then.” he thinks to himself as he sees her in all her pregnancy glory. She seems to be glowing and the baby bump makes her 10x more beautiful to him, knowing that the child she is carrying is his.
Snapping out of his thoughts he sees a car pull up next to her and his heart starts to race watching as the person rolls down their window.
“ Y/N you little snake!” yells the person inside the car and Hongjoong relaxes a little knowing that the person inside is a woman.
Watching as Y/N walks towards the car, he hears her laugh out loud and it makes his knees wobble from hearing her laugh again.
“ Hey Mimi, what are you talking about?” questions Y/N and the person inside lets out a huff. “ I told you to call me if you needed a ride back home! What the fuck are you doing walking in the cold rain dumbass! Don't you know you could get sick! Are you trying to get sick? What about the baby? I swear I'm like your mother taking care of you!!!” Rants out the girl inside and all Y/N does is let out another laugh and walk towards the passenger side.
“ Get inside right now and you're staying over tonight okay? I gotta make sure that you don't get sick and endanger my godchild!” the female who he now knows as Mimi yells out before opening the passenger door and gesturing Y/N to get inside the car.
He begins to panic once he sees that Y/N is about to walk away from him once again and he starts to walk towards the car weakly calling out to her. He's too late as he watches Y/N close the car door and the car speed down the road leaving him behind in the park.
“ Y/N...!” he finally screams out her name and runs after the car but stumbles on his way out the park falling to his knees and reaching out a hand towards the car, watching as it moves away further from him.
Hearing someone call his name, he turns around to see the rest of the guys running towards him. San being the one leading the pack of overgrown children, they finally stop in front of him watching as Hongjoong breaks down again mumbling one name that causes the guys to look at each other.
He's calling Y/N’s name.
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