#a potato flew around my room before u came
weedgolem · 2 years
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Summary of my internal monologue lately
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tony and the kiddos as vines
James: *falls through the ceiling*
Tony, on his seventh cup of coffee: hey james
James: hey tony
James: So I’ve been able to develop a thick skin to all of the bad comments i’ve been getting-
Azari, walking by: navy blue is not your color
James: what do you mean i look fuCKING GORGEOUS IN NAVY BLUE-
*and another tally is on the board for how many times azari has been chased by james*
Henry, who tied a potato to his ceiling fan: a potato flew around my room before you came in-
*cut to all the kiddos screaming bc henry turned up the fan speed for “scientific purposes“*
Tony, trying to teach the toddler kiddos: N-U-T-E-L-L-A. What does that spell?
The toddler age kiddos, collectively: PEANUT BUTTAH-
i’ll add more later dw
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nerdtronica · 1 year
vines i need 2 quote more
road work ahead? uh, yeah, i sure hope it does!
hurricane katrina? more like hurricane tortilla!!
a potato flew around my room before you came
i'm in me mum's car broom broom
i smell like beef
hey my name is trey i have a basketball game tomorrow well i'm a point guard i got shoe game
mother trucker dude that hurt like a buttcheek on a stick
i'm washing me and my clothes
i don't have enough money for chicken nugget
ha ha ha i do that
can i get a waffle? can i pls get a waffle?
there's only 1 race...the human race WHAT ABOUT NASCAR?
and they were roommates OH MY GOD THEY WERE ROOMMATES
i wanna be a cowboy babeyy
do it for the vine
staaaahp! i coulda dropped mah croissant
oh hi thanks 4 checking in I'M STILL A PIECE OF GARBAGE
happy crimus..... it's crismun....merry crisis. merry chrysler
get to del taco. they got a new thing called freesha… free… freeshavaca-do
chris IS THAT A WEED?! no this is a crayon- I'M CALLING THE POLICE 911 whats ur emergency
two bros chillin in a hot tub 5 feet apart cuz they're not gay
so i'm sitting there BBQ SAUCE ON MY TITTIES
look at all those chickens
oh mah gawd i love chipotle
i didn't get no sleep cause of y'all, y'all not gone get no sleep cause of me
mrs keisha? mrs keisha? oh my fucking god she fucking dead
how much did you pay for that taco? aight, yo, you know this boy got his free taco
so no head?
that is NOT correct
anything for u beyonce
um i've never been to oovoo javer
ah fuck i can't believe you've done this
there is only one thing worse than a rapist. A CHILD no
hi welcome to chili's
everybody say colorado!! I'M A GIRAFFE
i brought you frankincense. thank you. i brought you myrrh. thank you. mur-dur! JUDAS NO
ily bitch i aint never gonna stop loving you bitch
come get yall's juice
so you just gonna bring me a birthday gift on my birthday to my birthday party on my birthday with a birthday gift?
honey, you've got a big storm coming
i like turtles
deez nuts HA GOTTEM
oh i like ya accent where you from? i’m liberian. oh my bad. *whispering* i like your accent
go ahead and introduce yourselves. my name is michael with a B and i’ve been afraid of insects my entire- stop, stop, stop. where? hmm? where’s the B? there’s a bee?
dad, look, it’s the good kush this is the dollar store, how good can it be?
wow an avocadooooo thaaaanksss
jared, can you read number 23 for the class? no, i cannot what up i’m jared i'm 19 and i never fucking learned how to read
hey i'm a lesbian i thought you were american
ooooo he need some milk
it is wednesday my dudes AAAAAAAAA
give me your FUCKING MONEY
what the fuck richard
why are you running WHY ARE YOU RUNNING
whoever threw that paper, YOUR MOM'S A HOE
lebron james
i'm just cooking pizza *FUCKING FALLS*
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luveline · 3 years
brainwashed [Fred Weasley x reader]
tags: fluff, confessions, first kiss, reader-insert
word count: 1.5k
summary: Fred thinks you like George. Technically, you told him so. Though, technically, it’s a lie.
Brainwashed. You must have been brainwashed because you were in love with Fred Weasley.
You must be crazy, or delusional, or imperiused, or perhaps poisoned. He had beguiled himself to you.
You were as opposed to your infatuation as you were opposed to many things - like murder. And torture.
And infatuated you were. Your eyes sought him out everywhere you went. He was lovely, truly, with gorgeous brown eyes and a charming face, a quirky and honest smile. On top of all this, you loved how free he looked. Incredibly free, as though nothing could ever hold him back.
You loved him. He was going to kill you.
You picked at the roast dinner on your plate. Your appetite had dissipated the moment you'd realised you were in love with him and it had yet to return. It'd been 3 weeks.
You sighed mournfully, holding your face in your hand.
"Are you finished? We're going back to the common room," one of your friends asked.
"No, I should probably finish this, you guys go ahead."
Your friends smiled and bid you goodbye. Goodness, you wished you could stomach something, anything at all, but the only thing you'd managed in days was crackers and you'd already eaten the ones your dad had sent via owl.
Oh, how you craved a sleeve of saltines.
You poked again at the roast potatoes and gravy on your plate and frowned. Maybe you'd be better off skipping it for today anyway. Surely throwing up used more energy than what would've been gained.
You looked intensely at the grain of the table. You willed yourself to shake it off, move on with your life.
But you were in love.
Your eyes flitted to him again. He was sitting a few feet away with his brother and your friend, Lee Jordan.
You'd known Lee through your shared passion for gobstones, you'd even paired together for team matches in second and third year. Since then you'd remained friendly, often playing together when no one else was willing. A dangerous game, gobstones.
To your great misfortune, George had noticed your staring. You looked away quickly, the tops of your ears warming red. This was hardly the first time you'd been caught staring at Fred this year. Hell, this week.
You stabbed the tines of your fork into an ugly looking sprout, tempted to eat it just to look as though you couldn't possibly have been spying.
"You don't have to look so sickened, it's only a sprout," he said.
You gazed up at him pleadingly.
Fred gifted you an easy smile, sliding into the seat opposite you. His robes were ragtag and scruffy, his shirt untucked. The only thing straight was his tie, though it seemed a few good shakes from falling off.
You floundered for something to say.
"Not hungry?" he asked kindly. You looked down at your plate.
"Oh - no, not really. I'm actually feeling a bit sick."
"Yes, I'd say so. You're as green as the sprouts."
You laughed. His smile curved wider.
"So, Y/N, Lee has a theory. I've come to see if he's right, and win a few galleons, of course."
"Right," you said nervously.
Fred knocked his hand on the table. His lovely, lovely hand.
"Right," he agreed, "So, the theory. Well, please don't feel disrespected by this, it's purely theoretical, though if you do, that's alright too. I'm sure Georgie will be very flattered, as you're a stunning piece of work, though he's very happily embedded into the sides of Angelina Johnson."
"Okay," you cut him off, confused. "So, the theory?"
"Well, you fancy George, don't you?"
It took you a few seconds to catch up. "Fancy - I fancy George?" you asked, or you thought you asked. It came out flat and strangled.
Fred clicked his fingers and clambered to his feet. "Damn. I owe Lee a few quid after that one! Funny thing, I thought you fancied me. Well, see you around doll."
You were up and out of the hall before you could witness what you'd created.
You spent that night crying. It was more of a stress cry than a sad cry, no gasping sobs or heavy breathing, though you felt a bit light-headed when it was over.
The tears started in the shower and never quite stopped. At breakfast, you were careful to bite your lip and look up at the lights whenever you felt it coming on again.
Your eyes were puffy all through classes. Your friends shot you sneaky glances through the day. One of the guys from Hufflepuff in your charms class asked you how you were and offered you a biscuit.
It was a disaster.
You kept waiting for George to come up to you. It could go one of four ways.
1. George approaches you. Tells you that's he's flattered but definitely dating someone.
2. George approaches you. Tells you he finds your attention uncomfortable, and that he hopes you can control yourself.
3. George approaches you. Tells you he loves you too. Angelina murders you in the Gryffindor common room.
4. George approaches you. You cut him off and tell him the truth. He tells his brother. You never leave your room again.
You sighed.
Well, maybe you'd lived a nice life.
You were dismissed from lessons earlier than usual. You gathered your things in a rush and practically flew through the door, trying to turn as many corners as you could before the inevitable panic began.
Shit. You blanched, spinning on your hell.
"Heeeeeeyyy, George, how are you?
"I'm good. Yourself?"
"Oh, I'm fab, thanks."
"Right... so listen. I just wanted to say, I'm flattered that you fancy me, but I'm deeply in love with my girlfriend, and-"
"It's Fred. I fancy Fred."
George squinted at her, mouth still open mid-word. "But, you told Fred you liked me."
You wrung your hands together. "Yes, well. I was nervous, and I wasn't really expecting him to ask me, and-"
George laughed suddenly and loudly, startling you.
"This is brilliant. Ha! Oh my Godric." He reached forward and patted you on the shoulder. "You could've picked worse. He's very handsome; I'm sure you'll have lovely babies." He wiped a finger under his eye as though catching a falling tear.
Then he turned and began to sprint.
"I- George!" you yelped.
"Sorry!!" he shouted over his shoulder, "Twin code of honesty!"
"Twin code of being a tattletale," you said to yourself. "Twin code of ruining my life. Twin code of being absolute wankers.”
You were reading in a secluded section of the library when he finally found you.
"Weasley, I know you aren't of the habit, but please leave me to die shamefully of embarrassment unaccompanied."
Fred sat on the table next to your book, looking down at you.
"You told me you liked George."
"Technically, I didn't."
"You said, 'I like George', what is technical about that?"
You floundered. Closed the book and marked your page and tried not to look at him.
You failed. "Okay," you admitted, "I did say that. But I meant it more like... 'I like George?'. With a question mark. You know."
He didn't reply, though his gaze was intense.
"Like, 'I like George?'" You exaggerated your questioning tone this time.
He still didn't answer, lips pressed together tightly.
"If you tell me you fancy my brother one more time, I'm going to kiss you."
"You are?"
"I like-"
Fred cut you off, covering your mouth with his hand. You looked up at him dolefully.
"It's almost like you want me to."
"I don't?" you asked against his hand.
"Well, can I?"
"Can you?
"You're impossible."
"Yes, you can kiss me."
He grinned, your face in his hand.
He leaned down. The air was warm between you and warmer when your lips met. He tasted like caramel.
You fed into it, pushing your hands up onto his neck and in his hair. He responded in turn, deepening the kiss with a familiarity you tried not to think of.
You wanted to be so close in that moment you pushed yourself up. The chair you sat on tumbled backwards, startling you both.
Fred only laughed, wiping the wetness from your lips.
He would kill you. You just knew it.
tag list: @msmimimerton (lmk if u want to be added/removed :3)
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plainbrunettelbl · 4 years
ABO (A) Firefighter Katsuki Bakugo x (O) Reader New Beginnings and Cold Glasses of Water
Word count: 2335
Warning: Mentions of fire. 
Title: ABO (A) Firefighter Katsuki Bakugo x (O) Reader New Beginnings and Cold Glasses of Water
Summary: You move to a new town and things start off a little rough. 
(Gif isn’t mine. Credit to owner)
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💥-It all happened so fast. 
💥-You had just moved into your new apartment, you were starting a new life in a new city. You had made a long drive so you only had enough energy to get down your air mattress and things you needed to shower for the night. 
💥-You were so glad you were too tired to move anything into your new apartment because that night your new home ended up in flames. 
💥-One moment you were sleeping peacefully on your stiff air mattress and the next a loud banging rang throughout your apartment. You gasped awake and frighteningly at the door. You let out a small chirp before you heard a males voice reach your ears. 
💥-“This is the Fire Department. Your building is under fire. Please open the door so we can evacuate everyone.” The person yelled. 
💥-You instantly jumped into action. You rushed to the front door and opened it. Your sleepy brain made you forget to check to see if the doorknob was hot before grabbing it. 
💥-Luckily it wasn’t hot.  
💥-The Alpha in front of you both scared and calmed you. His bulky frame was, even more, intimidating with his firefighting gear. You couldn’t see his eyes or much of his face because of his helmet but you just knew he was handsome. 
💥-“Is there anyone else in the apartment?” He asked, leaning over your frame and peering inside. 
💥-“No. Just me.” You assured. 
💥-The smell of smoke finally registered and you were quick to cough. The fireman didn’t ask before he tossed you over his shoulder and led you expertly out of the building. 
💥-You heard him radio his team a few times, making sure to know what was going on inside the building. Apparently the top levels were the most affected. Your apartment was near the middle section.
💥-As soon as you were thrown over his shoulder you were plopped onto the pavement in front of the building. Your savior turned around and walked right back into the burning building. 
💥-Your eyes caught the bold letters of “chief” on the back of his tanned coat before he was out of your view. 
💥-Not knowing where to go or what to do you went to your U-haul and stood against it. You kicked yourself for not getting your phone or keys before rushing to the door. 
💥-Fifteen minutes later you were regretting wearing shorts and a loose shirt to bed. It was starting to get chilly even with the building on fire right next to you. Twenty minutes later everyone was out of the building and the fire was put out. 
💥-You let out a sigh of relief. 
💥-Most of the residents were getting picked up by friends and family. You looked enviously at them. A few ambulances were still around so you worked up the courage to go up to one of them. 
💥-You weren’t injured or in need of oxygen so you didn’t want to bother them. When you got to the double doors a man with black hair and a straight smile greeted you. 
💥-He was wrapping up someone’s burn when he turned to greet you. 
💥-“Hello, what can I do for you?” He asked, peering down at your shivering form. 
💥-“I was wondering if I could borrow a phone? I was hoping to call up a shelter to see if they had any bed available.” You explained, nervously playing with the edge of your shorts. 
💥-“You aren’t going to a shelter.” A voice barked at you from behind. 
💥-In an instant, your body was engulfed in warmth, a heavy weight sat on your shoulders. You looked down and noticed the material radiating the soothing warmth was a fireman's jacket. 
💥-By the gruffness of his voice, you guessed the jacket had the letters “chief” on the back. 
💥-You turned to the bulky Alpha. Your heart skipped a beat when your eyes connected to his burning scarlet ones. Your Omega purred at his handsome face. 
💥-“Where else am I gonna go?” You questioned, discreetly slipping your arms into the sleeves of his jacket. 
💥-You told yourself it was just because you were cold and not the fact that his jacket gave off his scent cinnamon scent. Nope, nothing at all to do with his scent. 
💥-“You’re coming back to the fire station with us.” He demanded more than stated. 
💥-You blinked, not sure how to react. 
💥-“No, I’m not.” You said, not sounding too sure of yourself. 
💥-“Yes, you are.” He narrowed his eyes. 
����-“Does your crew know you are picking up a stray?” You huffed, peeved that this Alpha was telling you what to do. 
💥-“Trust me, my crew wouldn’t mind having an Omega’s presence in the fire station.” He claimed, throwing a strong arm around your shoulders and leading you to the firetruck. 
💥-You knew you could have thrown off his arm and went back to the ambulance if you wanted to but a part of you was enthralled with the rough Alpha. You kicked yourself for liking Alphas with no manners. 
💥-You sat upfront with the Alpha whose name you found out was Bakugo. The unfamiliar buildings flew by. You eyed all the buttons and flashing lights on the console. 
💥-Feeling a little upset that he got his way you decided to mess with him. 
💥-“Can I ring the horn?” You asked, looking at the bright buttons. 
💥-His ruby eyes slid in your direction before turning back to the road. One hand left the wheel to point out a big red button. 
💥-“Only once.” He grunted, putting his hand back on the wheel. 
💥-Letting out an excited chirp you leaned over and pressed the button. The whine of the horn hurt your ears but the smile on your face didn’t leave your face. The Alpha had a hard time holding back his small grin. 
💥-Once at the firehouse Bakugo helped you out of the firetruck and led you to his private bedroom and bathroom. Being the chief had its perks. He gave you a big grey shirt that said, “Fire Dept” on the front and a pair of orange basketball shorts. 
💥-He set your clothes on the bed before walking back over and getting himself a set of clothes. 
💥-“Once you shower you can come down to the dining area and have dinner with us. Don’t make me come back up here and bring you down.” He said, narrowing his eyes before walking out of the room. 
💥-Dumb domineering Alpha. You scoffed. 
💥-Handsome domineering Alpha. Your Omega purred. 
💥-The soot on your skin was starting to get at you so you quickly showered and freshened up. You helped yourself to his hairbrush since you didn’t want to meet everyone with a nest on your head. 
💥-You opted out of putting on your dirty socks. You just realized you were shoe-less this entire time. You spotted a pair of black slides by his bed and slipped them on. 
💥-They dwarfed your feet and made you feel like you were walking in water flippers but they were better than the cold concrete. 
💥-You let your nose follow the scent of food. All of the firefighters were out of their gear and sitting around a big dining room table. You didn’t think you would be able to eat but the site of the food on the table made your mouth water. 
💥-You didn’t have to awkwardly claim an unoccupied chair. The big blonde Alpha pointed to an empty seat right next to him at the head of the table. You padded over to your spot and sat down. 
💥-You felt intimidated by the amount of Alphas in the room so you didn’t raise your eyes to meet theirs quite yet. 
💥-You noticed a lack of commotion and looked around. You tilted your head back when you noticed all eyes were on you. The Alpha closest to was a black-haired muscled woman. 
💥-She offered you a kind smile and nodded to the serving dish of mashed potatoes. “Help yourself.” 
💥-Oh, you forgot some Alphas didn’t touch their food until the Omegas were severed first. You weakly smiled before grabbing the large spoon and serving yourself. 
💥-Once your plate was full of everything that caught your eye, all the Alphas ceremoniously grabbed for the food. Two Alphas, a blonde one and a purple-haired one, shoved each other while trying to get a hold of the bread rolls. 
💥-“Thank you.” You said, looking at the ruby-eyed male who was observing you quietly. 
💥-All you got from him was a grunt in acknowledgment. You supposed he was done with talking for the night. 
💥-“Sorry about your apartment.” The kind Alpha with dark-hair said, patting you on the arm.
💥-You gave her a kind smile, thanking her for her kindness. 
💥-“I noticed your baggy clothes and big shoes. I might have some clothes and shoes that would fit you better.” She informed, wishing she didn’t say anything when she felt a pair of crimson eyes burning into her. 
💥-The blond Alphas narrowed his eyes at her and shook his head. He wouldn’t let you wear other Alphas clothes. Just the thought of it made his Alpha growl and get ready to pounce on anyone that posed a threat.  
💥-She might have been an Alpha herself but the chief was the top Alpha around the station. She instantly backed down, “You know what, I remembered yesterday was laundry day so I might not have anything.” 
💥-“That’s fine, thank you, I appreciate the offer.” The staredown between the two Alphas went unnoticed by you. 
💥-Once you finished your plate you bid everyone farewell and made your way back to the chief’s private room. You noticed a toothbrush on the bed and made use of it. 
💥-You sighed once your tired body rested under the soft sheets of the Alphas bed. The smell of his scent surrounded and comforted you. You didn’t even shut your eyes before a knock sounded on the door. 
💥-“Come in.” You sat up in the bed. 
💥-Bakugo walked into the room with a glass of water, he came over to the bed and set it on the nightstand. 
💥-“Thought you might need it.” He clasped his hands behind his back, trying to keep them from touching you. The urge to do so was strong. His hands had been itching to get you back in his arms ever since he set you down. 
💥-“Thank you, Bakugo.” Your fingers nervously played with the sheet. 
💥-He smelled your uneasiness. 
💥-“What’s wrong, Omega?” He questioned, tensing up at your scared scent. 
💥-“I’m grateful that you invited me to stay the night, but this is just temporary. I’m gonna need to start looking for other places. I was lucky enough to get that apartment. I don’t know I’ll be able to find another one.” You chewed on your lip, worried at the thought of being homeless. 
💥-“I have a house. It’s pretty big. I wouldn’t mind a roommate.” He couldn’t resist, his hand went up to your chin and pulled your lip away from your teeth. 
💥-“I don’t know. Living with an Omega can be difficult.” You said, trying not to nuzzle your head into his hand. 
💥-You Omega was very pleased with the Alpha and his gentle touch.   
💥-“We can cross that bridge when we get to it. If you are really worried about it, you can look for other places while you’re staying with me.” He reassured, glad his other hand was still behind the back, you weren’t able to his that his fingers were crossed. 
💥-He didn’t know if he would be able to let you go after you wiggled your way into his home and undoubtedly his heart. He knew for sure once you made yourself at home in his house, that it would never feel the same without you in it. 
💥-You felt a weight lift off your shoulders. 
💥-“It’s a deal! You make sure to tell me if I do something to upset you.” You smiled, relieved at his offer. 
💥-“I will, Omega. Now, you should get some rest. You had a long night.” He ordered, pushing you down lightly to the bed. 
💥-You snuggled down and looked up at him. “Thank you, Alpha.” 
💥-“No problem, Omega.” 
💥-He walked out of his room, knowing he wasn’t planning on letting you go anytime soon. 
💥-Three years later. 
💥-You just brushed your teeth and crawled into bed, a hulking figure was already laying in the big bed. You settled down into the sheets and curled into his side. 
💥-You laid there a moment before letting out a huff. 
💥-“I forgot my cup of water.” You whined, getting up to walk to the kitchen. Before your back could leave the mattress your Alpha was already up and out of bed. 
💥-“I’ll get it, Omega. Stay here, you need your rest.” He commanded, gently pushing you back down. 
💥-You nodded, burrowing back down into the nest, your big stomach a small hill under the plush comforter. Your little pup was quiet tonight, they were lulled to sleepy by their father’s deep voice, earlier that night. 
💥-Suki walked in with a big glass of water. Your greedy hands took it from him, the cold water sliding down your throat making you shiver slightly. You felt a harsh jab against your stomach. 
💥-“Oops, someone isn’t a fan of the cold water.” You hummed, softly rubbing your stomach. 
💥-“Settle down, it’s time to sleep, little one.” Suki soothed, resting his large hand on your stomach. 
💥-They stopped kicking instantly. You handed him the glass and snuggled back down again. He was quick to set the cup down and slip behind you. His chest rumbling with a comforting purr. 
💥-You two laid there in sweet silence. 
💥-“I”m glad, I didn’t leave.” You whispered, melting into your Alphas embrace. 
💥-“I am too.” He rumbled, holding you tighter.   
💥-He wasn’t supposed to say it, as a firefighter, but he was glad your building caught on fire.
Lol it would have been a twist if he saw you earlier that day and set your building on fire to get closer to you.
That being said, I finished this yesterday before I got a request asking to make things more GN so while I did edit it to make sure it fits the GN standers I understand that the ending is a fuzzy area. (Please tell me if I missed something in my editing.) 
While male Omegas can get pregnant I understand if my masculine readers are put off by the idea. I hope to make my fics more inclusive from here on out! 💙💙
Please reblog and leave a comment! Reading your sweet comments really motivate me to write! 
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nazumichi · 2 years
Confession: The "a potato flew around my room before you came" vine makes me think of you. I don't know why though, lmao
I don’t know what to say. I’m honoured, it’s one of my fav vines…. the energy. the lack of context. the screaming. thank u <3
ask game!!
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fraidy-farfelle · 3 years
This is my attempt at the Fluff ABCs for Frankie the Undead. Please be gentle with criticism because I cry easily. I’ve taken some ideas from @lovestruck-lasagna.
Taglist: @writingfromthetomb @beebubb
A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
Your dry sense of humor. It perfectly matches his insults and he doesn’t have to go out of his way to make you laugh. He just says what he’s thinking and you laugh and agree.
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
Frankie appreciates a good smile, and for many reasons. He learned to read smiles (fake vs real) early on and uses it to gauge people, so he pays particular attention by default. He’s a sucker for cute dimples, and loves the way your nose scrunches and your eyes close.
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
He loves late at night when you share the couch and he can read a good book, sip on some whiskey, or puff on a cigar. He really doesn’t care what you’re doing, he can tune out the TV or you prattling on about your day and make comments to show he’s listening. Put your feet in his lap, lay on top of him, make yourselves mummies in blankets, so long as he can reach his glass he doesn’t care. He just wants to be with you.
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
Stay in date nights are his favorite. He doesn’t really like to “share” your attention. He likes to either cook a meal together or order takeout and watch a movie. Particularly black and white gangster ones, or older horror films. Likes to tease you if you get scared and grab onto him. He’ll pat your head and say something like “oh there there, don’t be scared! I won’t let the big, bad monster getcha!” (Like your neighbor isn’t a 7 ft tall children murdering clown demon) If you go out, he prefers less crowded places outdoors.
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
He’s a spitfire and he knows it. He tends to explode and then after a few minutes apologizes gruffly and explains himself. “WHY WERE YA OUT UNTIL MIDNIGHT, THATS SUCH A STUPID THING TO DO!” “Sorry, Frankie.” “…… ugh just, please get home earlier from now on. It’s dangerous and I worry about you.” Definitely doesn’t hug you close so you don’t see the relief and worry on his face. Nope!
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
He misses Amy desperately. He wants a little girl in his life again, although he’ll never ever admit it. He’s hesitant to make relationships because he doesn’t want to be hurt again. But, if you go out with him to the living world, you’ll catch him staring longingly at parents and daughters when he thinks you’re not looking. If you ask him what he’s looking at, he’ll shake his head and spit out a line about children being obnoxious but you can tell he’s blowing smoke.
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
If the underworld wasn’t so dangerous, he’d love to drape you in the finest silks with diamonds and rubies dripping off of you. However he doesn’t want you to draw any unnecessary attention to yourself. So, he settles for things you don’t really see in public. He also doesn’t like to be found out about it. Your gas tank is filled, the bill you were worried about has mysteriously been paid, your favorite ice cream is in your freezer when you know you ate the last of it yesterday, and hey, didn’t you spend this $20? Why is it in your wallet? If you ever bring it up he’ll just shrug and say “How strange!”
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
He’s torn about PDA because he doesn’t want you to become a target because you’re associated with him, and people stare at him enough because of his appearance. But on the other hand, he wants to show the world that someone as worthless as him (don’t say that we love you Frankie) has such an amazing person that loves him. Will absolutely grab you and passionately make out with you with one hand on your ass and the other flipping the bird to the cheeky bastard that told the broad beside him to watch out for the zombie.
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
Panic. Sheer panic. He’s so afraid to lose you, any injury is serious and cause for alarm.
Frankie:*bursting into a hospital lobby, screaming to be taken to f/n l/n immediately**running in the opposite direction the nurse pointed in panic**bursts into exam room 30 seconds later* “Y/N!!!!! I came as soon as I got the message, WHATS WRONG!!!”
You: *sitting on the table, reading phone* “Oh, I have a sprained ankle and they don’t want me to drive so can you give me a ride?”
Frankie:*slowly blinking* “Uh, yeah no problem…”
You: “lemme guess, you heard my name and hospital in the same sentence and ignored everything else.”
Frankie:*hanging his head* “go wait in the car, I’ll go apologize….”
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
Not actual jokes, but he loves to sit with you and insult people. He’s an incredibly sweet person to you, but no one else. (Except service people, like nurses and waitresses. Just the general public) he doesn’t think pranks are funny or practical, which is one of the many reasons he and LJ butt heads. If LJ or Will prank you or him, he’s raising hell.
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
Love kissing your lips. He’s actually really self conscious about his mouth stitches and constantly frets they feel weird to you. Neck kisses are another favorite and are extremely private to him. He also likes to hold the back of your hand against his lips and tell you what he’s thinking, no matter how mundane. Kiss his stitches. Please. Just do it.
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
He has trouble saying it to your face. He’ll whisper it to you when he thinks you’re sleeping, and he’s been known to leave little notes around for you to find. He thinks protecting you is the best way to show he cares.
M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
The day you finally broke down and told him you loved him. He knew as soon as he looked into your eyes and saw your smile his goose was cooked. He was very abrasive and hoping against hope that you’d leave him be. He knew you deserved better. He was so afraid to build a relationship and love again, he wanted to distance himself and if he was an asshole to you, it would be justified and you’d do it on your own. What he didn’t expect is for you to be so kind to him. Upon your initial meeting, he had been a little harsh, but helped you (if there’s enough interest I’ll do a fic about it) and so when he subsequently was a jerk to you, you were curious and determined to find out what he was hiding. He finally had been mean enough to make you cry. He had never regretted something he did before. He immediately wanted to cradle you to him and beg your forgiveness. Normally when he insulted you, you’d have a snarky retort in reply. But not this time. You fell to your knees and clung to his legs and demanded to know why he treated you so poorly and proclaimed your love for him. It was probably by accident and you were so distraught you didn’t even know it flew from your mouth, but hearing it, he couldn’t take it anymore. He didn’t care about the consequences, he just wanted you. Hearing that you loved someone like him made him so happy, he knew he’d treasure the memory forever
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
Losing you. Period.
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?)
What ISNT odd about this man?! A cute one is he always winks with his green eye.
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
I HC that he was born in the 30’s, so he calls you “doll” a lot but only in private. He uses your name otherwise so it’s not as obvious to people watching you’re together. He will absolutely refer to you as “the dame” to others. The equivalent of “the boss” or “old lady.” “William! The Dame is trying to take a nap, so shut up or I’ll shoot you!” You call him stitches to tease him in private and are the only person allowed to do so.
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?) Either taking naps or couch potato time. Also, low key likes to cook with you. He can’t cook for shit, but likes to “help” by handing you things or chopping things for you. Is a super good taste tester, self appointed.
R = Rhythm (what song reminds you of them?)
Stitches by Shawn Mendez (PLEASE DONT HURT ME!!)
We don’t have to Dance by Andy Black (referring to how he can’t really show you affection in public but he loves you)
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)
He’s open about himself and what he’s thinking, and will always take what you say into consideration. He doesn’t like to keep things from you, but he does omit some detail about his jobs if you ask about them. He just feels like you don’t need to be stressed about it.
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
LJ picked up on Frankie’s fondness of you almost instantly. He and Will decided to do what they could to get you together in the interest of making Frankie less of a grouch. If it hadn’t been for them insisting that he was good guy to you, you probably WOULD have let Frankie’s prickly nature drive you away. It took a year or so for you to break down.
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?) A powder keg of insults, foul language, and bullets. Has actually never called you a name outright, and would absolutely never physically hurt you. When he was deliberately being rude to you, he’d insult your actions rather than you. “Stop acting like a dumb broad!” Vs calling you a bitch to your face. He usually calms down quickly, and is hardly ever angry at you, only when you put yourself in danger.
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
He likes that he’s scary and tough looking so that when you’re with him, other men scatter pretty fast. Has had many occasions where he stepped away and someone came to flirt with you and he came back and had the pleasure of scaring them.
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
You are not allowed to do anything dangerous, ever! Will teach you how to use a gun and how to counter things like chokeholds, so you’re less vulnerable. Will absolutely lose his mind if he learns you’ve put yourself at risk. He will shoot someone so fast for you. Takes every person as a threat to you and will pick fights with somebody that accidentally bumped into you. Do NOT test this man.
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
You are an open book to him. He’s learned to read people well, and he takes his time studying you. Can tell if you’re getting sick before you can. More than once he’s handed you a bottle of Tylenol, leaving you bewildered, and shrugged and said to take them because you’ll have a headache in a few minutes. He can pick up on your emotions easily and has learned what to do to handle them.
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)
Honestly, marriage isn’t that important to him. He’s not opposed to the idea at all, but like you’ve been together for this long, you love each other, is it really necessary? You’d have to tell him you want to be officially married. He’ll buy you a ring, to show that you’re taken, if nothing else, but he’ll wear his around his neck under his tie so it’s not obvious he’s attached to anyone to discourage his rivals using you to get to him.
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?)
The smell of your perfume. Holding you in his arms and taking deep breaths makes all of his troubles go away.
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tmngoose · 3 years
Some Assembly Required: a Rottmnt story
Remember this post? Well, I decided to clean up what I had and show it to y’all. This was supposed to be a much longer story, but back when I was writing it, I jumped ship for a different fic I was working on and never came back OTL Characters: Donnie, Mikey, Raph, Leo, April, Shelldon, Draxum, Huginn & Muninn (albeit super brief) Tags: Lab accidents, fires, minor injuries, hurt/comfort, obscure UHF reference I won’t be uploading this to Ao3, so you can read it under the cut :U
For the longest time, Donnie dreamed of the perfect lab partner. Though Shelldon was an impeccable assistant, there were moments where Donnie longed to work side-by-side with another scientist. Someone with a thirst for knowledge! Someone who shared his passion for all things technical and methodical; a scientist, just like he considered himself to be! 
To think Baron Draxum would be Donnie's long-awaited lab partner was not a scenario the Softshell had ever fathomed. Still, it was one he accepted with great enthusiasm. 
Draxum and Donnie saw no reason to doubt their capabilities. However, the rest of the family remained wary whenever the two of them went off meddling in the lab. With April's help, Raph, Leo, and Mikey devised a strict set of guidelines to ensure Donnie and Draxum wouldn't get into too much trouble. 
"Scoff!" Donnie threw the hefty packet of rules down at his feet, offended. "What do you take us for: a pair of unhinged Frankensteins? Y'know, it'd be nice if, just for once, you guys would have a little faith in our scientific endeavors!" 
"It's not that we don't trust you guys," April explained, "It's just... you guys tend to get a little carried away with your projects, that's all!" 
"What's that suppose to mean?" 
"The last time Barry was in a lab, he created the Oozesquitos," April folded her arms, "And don't get me started about the time you messed with your brother's brains."
"Okay! I get it!" Donnie sighed. He picked up the packet of rules and flapped the dust out from its pages. "We won't get carried away: Todd scout's honor." 
April smiled, "Thanks, Dee." 
"Yes, well, if you'll excuse me, Draxum and I were just about to partake in our latest  scientific acquisition: Professor Philo's Chemistry Set for the At-Home Scientist!" Donnie started off for his lab, tucking the packet into a compartment in his battle-shell.
April shook her head, smiling as she headed inside the living room, where the sounds of 8-bit gaming welcomed her. Raph and Mikey were too invested in whatever racing game they were playing to notice April. 
"Soo, how'd it go?" Leo asked from his beanbag chair. "Is Donnie mad that we're afraid he'll bring Potatozilla into existence or what?"
"I say he handled it pretty well!" April plopped herself down in the recliner. "I told Donnie that we just wanted to make sure he and Draxum toned it down a bit, that's all." 
"See? I told you he'd listen to April!" Mikey grinned smugly at Leo.
Leo rolled his eyes, "Whatever." He went back to scrolling his social feed on his phone, "I'll believe it when they don't create a giant mutant potato or somethin'."
"Be nice, Leo," April swung her legs over the armrest. "We've gotta have a little faith in 'em. Besides, I've never seen Donnie this happy since-" 
A powerful tremor shook the lair, taking everyone by surprise. The trinkets Splinter's 'Do Not Touch' cabinet rattled and shook, a few of the lighter items clattered to the floor. April held onto the armchair with Raph steadying it before it could topple over backward. Mikey hid inside of his shell out of reflex as Leo jumped to his feet, prepared to face whatever threat was upon them.
"Omigosh!" Mikey exclaimed, popping his head out of his shell. "What was that?!" 
"You don't think DIGG's tryin' to take down the Kaufman Coliseum again?" Raph frowned, trying to rub the ringing out from his ears. 
"Um, guys?" Leo sniffed the air, "Does anyone else smell something burning, or is that Raph's 'Taken-By-Surprise' stink?" 
Raph sniffed at his underarm, "Nope. It's not me!" 
April and Mikey took a moment to smell the air, their noses wrinkled at the familiar acrid odor of smoke. 
And smoke could only mean one thing: something was on fire. 
Oh no! Donnie! Barry! April's stomach dropped over the thought. She bolted out of the living room with Raph, Leo, and Mikey right behind her. "Please let it be a giant mutant potato!" 
It wasn't a giant mutant potato. 
By the time they entered the atrium, a thick cloud of smoke had spilled out from the mouth of Donnie's lab, billowing up into the rafters above. Although they couldn't see it, they could hear the fire roaring from deep within the lab.
"Mad Dogz!" Raph barked, "Initiate ‘Fire Safety Plan Alpha!’"  “FSssPAH!” Mikey pronounced the acronym from the back of the group.
But before Raph could lead the rescue, Draxum leaped out from the smoke carrying Donnie in his arms; their matching lab coats singed. Shelldon flew out, not too far behind, with Huginn and Munnin holding onto his back. 
"Barry!" April ran up to the soot-stained alchemist. "What happened?! I thought y'all we're gonna take things easy? Didn’t y’all read the packet?!" 
"We were," Draxum rasped, passing Donnie's limp body into Raph's arms. "If it weren't for a pair of idle hands." He gave his gargoyles a sharp look while removing the safety goggles from his face, leaving clean rings around his eyes.
Munnin's wings sagged, "The instructions weren't joking when it said 'everything in this chemistry set is a fire hazard.'"
"Yeah, including the instructions," Huginn hung his head, "Our bad."
"So, how're we suppose to handle this whole situation?" Leo asked, gesturing to the raging inferno that was (formally) Donnie's lab.
"I'm on it, dudes!" Shelldon replied, concentrating on his emergency protocols hardwired into his drives.
The fire-alarm system blared to life. Then came the hissing of the sprinklers going off and the gush of extinguishing foam spraying deep within the lab. Slowly, the smoke was beginning to ease up, much to everyone's relief.
Slowly, Donnie began to stir, groaning as he slowly regained consciousness, "Ugh... what? M-my lab..." His confusion morphed into panic as he realized the severity of the situation. "My lab!!" He squirmed feebly in Raph's arms, mortified.
"Woah, take it easy," Raph held Donnie against him, firm enough to subdue him yet careful not to hurt him. "That chemistry set of yours nearly got you guys barbequed." 
Donnie frowned, "No, you don't understand!" His eyes stung with tears as he thought of his life's work gone in a blaze of unsupervised stupidity. "Everything's ruined!"
"Hey, you don't know that for sure!" April gently touched Donnie's shoulder. "Besides, what's important is you're both okay!" 
"April's right," Mikey agreed, clinging to Draxum's side, "We're glad y'all made it out safely. A little flambéed, but you get the idea."
"But my lab," Donnie emphasized. 
"Lab shmab, we can worry about that later!" Leo nudged Draxum with his elbow. "For now, let's focus on getting you toasted marshmallows taken care of."
"Yeah, what Leo said!" Raph adjusted Donnie in his arms, heading for the bathroom where the first aid kit was kept. "Just you wait; maybe it's not as bad as you think!"
Raph's sense of judgment was always a mixed bag, and this time, he couldn't have been farther from the truth. 
The lab was a smoldering mess, virtually unrecognizable to the Turtles, Draxum, and April. The walls were blackened, and the smell of burnt wiring and computer parts hung sourly in the air. Puddles of foam and water gathered in parts of the floor, adding to the disarray.
Donnie searched desperately for anything salvageable, but the prospects were slim to none. The bandaged Softshell approached the remnants of his workstation, absolutely gutted. He reached for what was once a prototype for a new battle shell, but it crumbled into ash in his hands. 
"Alas, this must've been what it felt like to lose the Library of Alexandria," Donnie mourned poetically, sinking to his knees. Shelldon drifted up to his heartbroken creator, pressing his head against Donnie's side like the loyal drone he was.
"Okaaayyy, so it's a little charbroiled in here," Leo cringed. "But if anyone can fix this, it's you!" 
"Do you have any idea how long that'll take me?" Donnie moaned, overwhelmed by the daunting task. "It took me years of refurbishing junk and computer parts, and now I have nothing! Zilch! Nada! No equipment, no materials, no anything!"
Donnie's outburst left the others speechless. They had seen him upset before, but nothing to this extent. 
Quietly, Draxum approached Donatello, "As someone who has lost their life's work twice, I understand your plight," he said, joining the turtle on the floor. "However, unlike myself, you are fortunate not to face this endeavor alone. You have your friends, your brothers, and... your lab partner," Draxum looked off to the side, somewhat flustered by the sentimental mushiness his words implied. 
"Draxibald's right, Donnie!" Mikey beamed. He was so proud of Barry for stepping up to the plate. He popped up in between them, slinging his arms over their shoulders, "You've got us to help you! We'll have your lab up and running in no time!"
Leo smiled, "Yeah, with you bossing us around, we can totally get the job done!"
"But a total rebuild of this scope requires a certain level of technological sophistication!" Donnie deflated, "So unless you know of any tech-savvy geniuses out there, I don't see how any of this is possible."
"Oh, I know a guy," April answered, "And I'm lookin' right at him~" She smiled at Donnie, who didn't know how to process the compliment. "Have a little faith in yourself, Dee!"  Donnie blinked, stunned that his own words were used against him.
"Yeah, you said so yourself!” Raph joined in, “You and that big brain of yours built this lab out of nothin' but junk! If there's anyone who can build back better than ever, it's you! So whaddya say, Don?"
Donnie looked at Raph's hand extended out to him. He then glanced over at Leo, Mikey, and April, all eagerly awaiting his response. He turned to Draxum, who gave a curt nod.
Touched by the support of his family, Donnie wiped away a tear from the corner of his eye, "I say let's order some pizzas and chop-chop! Rome wasn't built in a day, people! We've got our work cut out for us!"  He took Raph’s hand and was lifted up from the ground.  Yes, Donnie supposed he could have a little faith in himself, and everyone else as well.
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sunnysubin · 3 years
Learn the alphabet with Misun
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A. A potato flew around my room before you came. That's me I'm the potato.
B. Be the best you can be, even if it's not much.
C. Could you be any louder?
D. Don't you forget about me~
E. Even though they're crazy I love them.
F. Feeling sad? Have you tried just not being sad?
G. Good golly Miss Molly
H. Hey, good lookin' whatcha got cookin'?
I. I hate men. My members are an exception though... Most of the time.
J. Jokes on you I sucked at math.
K. Kim Hongjoong! The man that you are.
L. Look at all those chickens!
M. Man, I be looking good today.
N. Nope, nope, nopity nope.
O. Onions have layers!
P. Peqeuña mierda.
Q. Quit staring at me perve.
R. Ratatata (Like Hui in Dr. Bebe)
S. Somebody get her she's dancing like a- I shouldn't finish that.
T. The members and I usually watch Netflix and chill. Not "Netflix and Chill" just Netflix... and chill. ... We watch Netflix!
U. Uganda forever... wait.
V. Very very good. (After eating pizza)
W. Wooyoung stop kissing the camera.
X. Xhifhgi did you see A.C.E?!
Y. You like jazz?
Z. Zooooommm
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multifandomgirllol · 3 years
soda: 🎵a potato flew around my room before u came🎵
*steve arrives*
soda and steve: *insert loud screaming*
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thweaty · 3 years
A potato flew around my room…
before u came excuse the mess it made...
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professor-fanalia · 5 years
Call Of The Wild Charity - Event 1 part 1
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The vibrant rays from the sun, warmed Rejuven island with its Mediterranean heat. Its rays shone brightly, glinting off the shimmering water and reflecting like crystals on the coastal seas. The beams cascaded over the luscious green grass and penetrated even the darkest of shadows around the facility. Heat rose from the ground in waves, creating the illusion of water. The only escape from the sunlight was beneath the trees that lined parts of the facility path, or the shaded porches of some of the buildings.
The heat kissed the Neverland team’s skin as they walked towards the left side of the facility, however; it was tolerable thanks to the cooling draught of air that whipped over from the waves, bringing a taste of the ocean with it. Placing salty kisses on their cheeks and tousling Fanalia’s long garnet hair and Romaine’s wavy teal hair. The neatly kept dirt path, created small swirls of dust as their shoes scuffed the ground, approaching the two-story log guest lodge where they laid eyes upon the group of you that sat under the shade or in the sun on the porch. “Good morning! I hope your all settled in?” Kryspyn greeted with a beaming smile, as the four of them stepped up the small set of stairs onto the porch.
The team wasn’t alone either, each of them seemed to be paired up with a Pokémon as well. The very same Pokémon that were with them when each of you had arrived. A three-legged Mudkip huddle in Kryspyn’s arms, a white flower Florges stood next to Romaine, a Lucario with Fanalia, and a Gallade with Elias. “I thank you for your patience, I am sure all of you are hungry from your long trip and wish to have something to eat so we won’t keep you from waiting any longer,” Fanalia spoke this time, a lot more calmer then the main professor who was beaming and excitable as he gestured merrily to follow him inside, only for him to smack his nose on the post for not looking where he was going.
This action caused multiple reactions from his co-workers. Firstly, Fanalia shook her head with a sigh as she walked over to catch over her fellow professor, while Romaine laughed nervously, and Elias pinched the bridge of his nose with two fingers. Seeing your expressions Romaine reassures all of you, “This happens a lot when he gets excited, he tends to end up being clumsy, he’ll be okay.”
With a chuckle Kryspyn waved a dismissive hand at Fanalia, rubbing the back of his neck earning a concern chirrup from the Mudkip held in his other arm.
“Ges~” The Florges released a sigh as she rested a hand on her cheek, while Gallade only folded his arms.
“It might be wise to relax a bit Sir Kry,” Lucario’s calm voice suggested telepathically. 
“Try as we might, he never changes no matter his age.” Elias huffed amusedly. 
“I can’t help it.” Krypsyn retorted, earning amused smiles from all of them. “Follow me.”
Calming down finally, Kryspyn lead you all back into the house and through the left door opening it up to the dining room and kitchen as the rest of the team followed from behind. It was a grand space, to say the least. As soon as you entered you could see the buffet table right next to your right, lined up against the wall, with large and small plates at the side of the table that guests would be able to go to first. And Bundle utensils within a folded napkin so that they will be easy to grab and carry. While next to that, were serving dishes and baskets of cold items first, such as fresh fruit, bagels and pastries. Chafing dishes and other warming plates with main hot dishes, were steaming and wafting at the other side of the buffet table, Starting with meats, then egg dishes and then other hot meals such as pancakes, waffles or French toast. Next to those were hot side dishes, such as potato harsh browns as well.
“The drink station is at the end of the counter next to some food for you Pokémon companions,” Romaine stated, gesturing to the back of the room. At the back of the room was a wooden and granite counter that took most of the space with the kitchen behind it, where Pokémon food formulas, berry slices, Moo Moo milk, Nectar, and more with bowls and plates. But at the end of the counter was coffee, teas and juices available, along with glasses, cups, saucers, spoons, sugar, milk and cream, but behind the counter was Slurpuff wearing an apron.
Off to the other side of the room across from the buffet were two decent sized mahogany tables, which ran horizontally from the wall with four seats on either side of the two tables. “Please have a seat everyone,” Romaine kindly gestured as Elias and Fanalia went to open the glass French doors to the left of the door archway, which opened out to the porch.
Once all of you took a seat at the table, the Neverland team stood together in front of the buffet table looking towards you all. “First of all, we all want to say thank you for accepting and coming to this Charity event, especially when you all have made time within your important work of your own.” Romaine thanked with a smile as she cupped her hands together in front of her, rubbing her thumbs together as Florges rested a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
“This Charity means a lot, as we can help as many Pokémon as we can, by providing support for Pokémon who have disability,” Fanalia added on. “And that is why we are thankful that you have joined us for this event.”
“so, from all of us.” Kryspyn began. “Welcome to Rejuven Island!” All four of them said together.
“So, with this feast, we shall introduce ourselves and answer any questions you inquire.” Elias stated. “Whether it be about the facility, the event or about us, so don’t hold back. This is the time of Meet n’ Greet. My name is Elias MacMilan, I am the Doctor of Rejuven Island.” Elias introduced himself, before gesturing with a hand to the Gallade who bowed, “And this is my partner Gallade.”
“I’m Romaine Beauregard, and I’m the Groundskeeper of Rejuven Island. It’s a pleasure to meet you all,” Romaine smiled sweetly before gesturing to the White flower Florges who curtsied, “And this is my Partner Florges.”
“I am Fanalia Hydrena, I am the Co-Professor of Rejuven Island.” Fanalia greeted with a polite nod and calm smile, as Lucario stepped up beside her and rested a paw under his chest spike.
“And I am Lucario, I help my partner Lady Fanalia.” Lucario greeted with a bow.
“And I am Kryspyn, the Professor and Manager of Rejuven Island! And this is my friend and companion Skipper,” Kryspyn greeted, as the shy Mudkip tried to huddle more into Kryspyn’s arm as he gave a happy chirp, as he waved is little right legless stump. “I hope you enjoy your meal!” 
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The Late breakfast was quite an enjoyable affair, as the neverland team sat with their guests. Answering questions and chatting amongst their fellow Pokémon. With the clear skies and sun providing a natural light, and the scent of the sea from the open porch doors, it added to the pleasant atmosphere.
“Thank you for the meal Slurpuff, it was tasty as always!” Kryspyn, waved his free hand at the Meringue Pokémon from the below the steps from the porch as they awaited their guests to join them, for the first event of the morning. With its reddish pink eyes with white pupils and its tongue poking out of the corner of its mouth, the apron wearing Fairy-type cheered happily waving back with a bark, earning a happy chirrup from Skipper.
Fanalia merely smiled with her arms crossed under her chest standing by Elias as Romaine had gone up ahead, before glancing over every one of their guests – @ask-pokemonranger-rai, @prof-bramble, @prof-peach, @themadprxfessor, @professor-hemlock-headcanons, @a-pokemon-daycare, @breederpatmos​
“Everyone ready? Then let us head to the amphitheatre.” With purpose Fanalia led the way with Lucario.
The amphitheatre was quite a rather decent sized building, that seemed to be split into two areas by the docks. The larger part of the amphitheatre was an open concept, providing shade over the ‘U’ shaped sitting area but a partial shade covered the stone, open air stage. At certain parts of the seats there was railings with padded covering as everyone picked a spot among the many seats.
Soft cheery music played from the speakers in the corners of the shelters over the seats and stage, while Fanalia, Elias and Kryspyn stood next to the padded railing with their Pokémon who stood next  to them – obviously Skipper the Mudkip remained happily snuggled under Krsypyn’s beanie, heading poking out. Despite the music being faint, it was nice with the company of the sound of the water nearby and breeze.  
Coming from the back of the stage Romaine appeared with a smile on her face, no longer wearing her black gardening apron. Leaving her in her buttoned up dark green cardigan over her white button shirt and dark brown riding pants much like the thick leather glove she had on her right hand. Black ankle high laced up boots tapped against the stone, as she began speaking to into a black ear mic.
“Welcome to the show, this morning where we are here to learn and talk about one of the many types. So, give them an applause as we welcome the Flying-Types to the stage!” The music continued to play in the background as her voice came from the speakers, gesturing her hands to the sky as multiple Flying-types flew from the sides diving the from the open-air twirling and swirling amongst the many. Ranging from Taillows, Swellows, Pidgeys to Spearrow, Chatot and Ducklettes doing aerial acrobatics. “Flying-Types are all around us no matter where were from or where you live – every day is an opportunity to be able to connect and see these remarkable Pokémon. All we ask of you is to look, sit back and enjoy the show by looking up!” With the end of her speech most of the bird fly off stage, vanishing off where they came.
“While we are looking up for these beautiful Pokémon, these flying types are always looking down. Always searching for an opportunity to feed – A sunflower seed is the perfect food item for a Taillow.” At her words a small bird Pokémon with dark blue feathers. A red marking with pointed tips stretches from its chest to its forehead, and it had a white underside. Narrow brown eyes browsed over the many guests as it soared over your heads, opening a short yellow beak as it let out a chirp cry. Its elongated wingtips glided through the air with ease.
“Now this is Icarus, he came to us when he was rescued from a bird poacher and had injured wing. Despite for his small stature, Icarus’s kind are gutsy by nature and will stand up against foes larger or stronger than themselves to protect their nest, mate, eggs, and/or their trainer by mobbing their intruders in the Hoenn region. During the cold season, this Pokémon will fly over 180 miles (300 kilometers) per day to search for areas that have warm climates. they prefer habitats that are open country with low vegetation, such as pastures, meadows and farmland. Preferably with nearby water. Taillows avoid heavily wooded or precipitous areas and densely built-up locations. The presence of accessible open structures such as barns, stables, or culverts to provide nesting sites, and exposed locations such as wires, roof ridges or bare branches for perching, are also important in the bird's selection of its breeding range.” Romaine explain as she gestured out her gloved arm and lightly clicked her fingers twice with her other hand above her arm, gaining the attention of Icarus who dove for her as he landed his black feet with yellow talons, perching on the leather glove. Perch on the glove she pulled out a sunflower seed from her pouch and held it for Icarus, who happily took it with his beak and then lifting his yellow talon he held the seed as he began to eat.
“They have graceful shape and flight, moreover they often fly singly, in couples or in clusters. Which is perfect for when its time to find a loving mate, males advertised to females with a circling flight and song, however; the breeding success of the male is related to the length of the tail streamers that Taillow’s have, with longer streamers being more attractive to the female. It’s believed for Male Taillows who have longer tail feathers are generally longer-lived and more disease resistant, females thus gaining an indirect fitness benefit from this form of selection, since longer tail feathers indicate a genetically stronger individual which will produce offspring with enhanced vitality.” Nodding her head toward Elias, the lab dressed doctor with his Gallade, who stood to the right padded railing clicked his fingers just above the railing gaining Icarus’s attention who chirped happily, taking off into the air from Romaine’s bird glove and landed upon the padded perch railing that was in front of Professor Bramble giving a curious chirp as he looked over Bramble and her Pokémon companion.
“Go ahead don’t be shy, Icarus here enjoys some scratches just behind his head.” Romaine encouraged.
After the first railing by earning from scratches, Icarus flew to the next set of railing front of the next set of guests. Preening under their attention and touch, if any reached out to pat him. “Why don’t you show them your song and dance Icarus, you’ve been doing a lot of practice on it.” Romaine suggested warmly.
Perched on the final railing the Taillow turned his head to Romaine, giving a proud puff up of his chest as he chirped and took off to the air once more, circling the arena as he began to sing. “Both male and female Taillows. They sing a “twitter-warble” song during courtship and egg-laying, with a long series of continuous warbling sounds followed by up to a dozen rapid, mechanical-sounding whirrs. The song can last 4–20 seconds and is often introduced and followed by a chirp.”
With sharp turns and circling as Icarus sung, a white aura surrounded him as he began picking up speed as he used the move agility to pick up more wind speeds on the air current that flowed through the open amphitheatre.
“Give a round of applause for Icarus!”
Re-blog your Responses whether it be written or Drawn - What are your Reactions? What do you do? Thoughts and feelings?
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U-2626: A potato flew around my room before you came.
*Incoherent screaming from any cells in a five meter radius*
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secretlyahuntress · 4 years
Crackhead Tale
The telli tubbies knew magic and children but the other Hogwarts alumni didn’t respect them the way peeves did They thought they had no intelligence except for TRICKING CHILDREN INTO THEIR BASEMENT TO SAVE THEM FOR DINNER LATER. BECAUSE WHO DOESNT LOVE A JUICY CHILD they ate the baby fingers first, deepfrying them and eating them raw. the children were like chocolate they found any way to fill their little stomach but Draco spanked the telli tubbies ASS Teli tubbies PHAT ASS and Harry spanked Draco's PLUMP AS FUCK BOOTAY He like em big, he like em chunky what's that tent in Harry's pants? a booner I see? he got real hard then Alaina walked in and spanked Harry's MOOBS Harry screeched THEM MOOBS DOE but harry wanted the butt stuff the blue wiggle walked in and said HEY MY MOOBS ARE BIGGER SMACK THESE Harry was a kinky fother mucked and as hermoene fucked the butt of runald woozli, StoryBot said this all must stop but all Ronald wanted was his chicken HAZEL screamed at the top of her lungs "DRAYUYCOOOO MY SEXY AS FUCK DADDY! COME FUCK ME IN UR BEDROOM?" as all this chaos was happening draco was in his corner writing a love letter to his shiny green apple oh so very shiny apple and thus morked the fother mucked day they soul their sold for a penistart but whose the souls collector Luscious Moolfool the most vile and greasy white haired prick was snorting ass crack in the backroom. Voldys ass crack let’s take a trip back in time! back when Droco was convieced a time when things were simpler and luscious still snorted voldys ass crack back then DUMBLEDORE WOULD NOT SHOUT 100000000 POINTS TO GRYFFINDOR infact he did that during quarantine a time when the tellie tubbies could eat children in peace here in my gagare drinking takitis in a fucking mucker bi-kinki BUT THEN THE STRUGGLING MUGGLE ENTERED THE CHAT AND SHIT WAS FIRE Sebrus Snoop Dogg hadeth greatest raps king who caused all this drama? It was the Crack Head Lords, know as @secretlyahuntress @patton-fielder @strugglelikeamuggle and @whatevaaahhhh A NEW CHALLENGER APPROACHES! PATTY FIELDER! "YOU HAS LOST ALL BRAINCELL READING THIS SHIT!"
From: For the Love of Draco Malfoy
Story recorded by @storybot, written by @secretlyahuntress, @strugglelikeamuggle, @patton-fielder, and @whatevaaahhhh
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nicklukenelson · 4 years
gigi !!! still haven’t got gremlin asks fuming tbh. also !! fifteen, twenty, thirty-two (very important) forty-three and fifty-five !!!! also here have a cowboy 🤠🥺 ily (also do ur homework or i’ll fight u i swear 2 god)
Ah maddie, so we meet again *manically pets lap kitten*
yes I agree!!!! the fact I havent gotten gremlin asks is absolutely DESPICABLE (me)
Hi Bennett! Sincerest thank you for sending me a cowboy 😔 he's an icon.
15. Fave book you read as a school assignment?
Technically, I already answered this question BUUUUUUT I shall make an exception due to the fact that no one can stop me 😌 so to answer I'm gonna go with 🤔 the outsiders (this is in no way influenced by the fact I just read an outsider's au okay, back off)
20. Preferred place to write?
I can only be productive if I'm writing by hand which is. Very. Aggravating. As I'm sure you can imagine, but yeah. I have like a regular old spiral notebook that I put all my dumb ideas into. Currently have FOUR marriage proposal au's waiting to be typed. My broken computer, however, is keeping yall from seeing them 😌🔪
32. Top 5 vines?
"The potato flew around my room before you came-" *thud* *frantic screaming*
Big bird busting down the door to clown music.
"Theres only one race. The human race" *slap* "what about nAsCar"
*lady goes to hand the car their drive food meal* "eeeeeeee" *child snatches meal and runs off*
"Jones bbq foot massage" *kicks legs in unison* "jones bbq foot massage"
43. Hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket, or, bomber jacket?
Well you see. I'd like to say jean jacket. In my heart of hearts I know the answer is a jean jacket but I just cant commit to it. I just can't do it. I do however, own two leather jackets 😌😌😌 one is a classic black, the other is a baby pink with ruffles on the zipper!
Favorite fairy tale?
🤔 if we're goin Grimm's brothers then prolly snow white. But if it's Old Disney animated movies. Then the answer would be Cinderella BUT!!!!! If it's just 🤷‍♀️ Disney fairytales. Then the answer is frozen.
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nonsense-palace · 4 years
go on give us the vine playlist
hingy nana hjkgdkli ana squash banana AAHHH
you’re no good duck!
a potato flew around my room before u came
can I PLEASE get a waffle?!!
so i’m sitting there, bbq sauce on my titties
jared, 19, never fuckn learnt how to read
zach stop, zach stop! ur gonna get in trouble
don’t tell your mother, kiss one another, DIE FOR EACH OTHER
hp thomas the tank engine
happy crism, it’s crimses, merry chrysler
suck a dick, suck a dick
this bitch empty, YEET
aw fuck i can’t believe you’ve done this
caterpillar rave
those little kids banging their heads
whoever threw that paper, ur mom’s a hoe
the helium balloon choir boy
when mom’s not home
watch out for the light dude
that guy really struggling with the snow shovel
I don’t get no sleep coz of yall
give me my hat back Jordan
thin and wide baby it’s cold outside
so no head?
birthday gift on my birthday at my birthday party
what the FUCK is up kyle
those three kids dancing with the blankets and sunglasses
kermit shawty I don’t mind
bop it shhhh twist it nywww
the dude getting lit to piano music
crashcrash crashcrashcrash hey ron, hey billy
back at it again at krispy Kreme
why are you runnin? WHY ARE YOU RUNNIN?
road work ahead?
be careful children that’s a lotta sodium
you better watch out, you better watch out
anybody ever tell you u look like beyonce?
CHRIS is that a weed?!!!
69 cents, oh! you know what that means!
that's what good pussy sounds like
the toddler drinking coke and it spills onto her face
nikki minaj playing – no! NO!
hi welcome to chili’s
ok that’s it for now
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