#a precious little bean must protect
mel-kusanagi · 2 years
i should also show you kind of a concept design of my somewhat god of war oc: meet little hnoss!
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in norse mythology, hnoss is one of freya's daughters whose father is named odr - a name which one of its meanings is "the angry one" (sound familiar? ehe). so here, she is the daughter of kratos and freya.
hnoss is roughly near atreus' age in gow 2018. she's a bit shy and soft-spoken, rather to be more close to her family - especially to her parents whom she loved very dearly. despite her quietness, she inherits both of her parents' rage (it's debated whether it is mostly from her father or her mother) if you happened to make her angry. either way you're fucked if you did lmao (don't make her cry either! again, have you seen her parents?)
she's also born with a birthmark on her head that's similar to her father's tattoo as she shows it with pride. she even has his eyes.
that's all i can show you about her vhjvvbkjsbvvhj. here's also some lil doodles of her too! i just love her already
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acollapsar · 2 years
every single time i watch a tv show and there’s a guy named ‘sebastian’, the character is 9 out of 10 times always an uptight, pretentious and/or snobby dick. and every time it happens i’m just over here like “oh of course his name is fucking sebastian”. it’s just one of Those™ names, huh
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thebluemoonjune · 5 months
New Beginnings (Richonne One-shot)
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A pregnant Michonne is ready to welcome the new year with her family, Rick, Carl and Judith. She is thankful to where they have reached and hopeful for better days ahead. A New Year's Richonne oneshot. No saviour arc, no Negan.
A joyful new year always began with the sharing of meals and desserts that spoke to people's spirits. Additionally, we shared them with family and friends, demonstrating that our blessings were also theirs.
They called for a home to belong to a community, comfort, food, and safe water. They both required a secure haven for their well-being and for their existence to have meaning: a utopia rather than hell on earth. They owed it to each other and their precious children to fight back against an entity that could devastate everything, that turned friend against friend and separated them in innumerable ways. They were a family and a team that were prepared for the future and now that they had it, they'd protect it. A new year.
A new life does not begin with a gift wrapped in colourful bows and the promise of security, but rather as a path through the unknown with a degree of fog and frost. As a result, it requires a determined heart to seize it, daring feet to traverse it, and a brave sight to remain alert to its curves along with its peaks and valleys. If there were any other way, people would not live such lacking lives from birth to death. To achieve more, one must accept the feeling of danger and risk as one strives for the far distance. The world at large had been devastated and transformed. It had fewer people in it. So many people perished, yet it didn't stop life from going on. As she watched Judith play with Gracey, Michonne stroked her full-term stomach. One day at a time—that's how they took it.
“Did you get the black eye bean?”
“Yep. Now you ain’t gotta rip my head off for it.”
“I’m not that bad!” Michonne watched her husband tilt his head to the side, eyebrows raised to the sky. “Okay, maybe a little, but just a little… My mom used to cook on New Year's for good luck… I want us to start our new year right.”
“Carl always hated beans—beans of any kind.”
“Well, he eating it today. Judith too. No one and I mean no one, is getting off.”
“Yes, ma'am!” He chuckled at her. “You know, you never talked about your mom much, or both your folks for that matter.”
“I never realised…”
“Is it painful?” The couple stared at each other till Michonne broke the silence.
"No, not anymore… My mother was upbeat, opinionated, and the ultimate decider of everyone's life journey... Like any good army drill sergeant, she planned what to do, the schooling, and the fun that followed. Did I ever mention that I was homeschooled?"
“I was… till I was eleven years old.”
"I could see that. She was a drill sergeant?"
"No, but she acted like one." Michonne laughed, stoking her stomach, before cracking a weary smile. "She was actually a writer; children's books... Strange, huh?"
"Nah... makes perfect sense..." His eyes softened. "She made you."
“I can’t tell if that’s a compliment, Rick…”
“It’s a compliment.” He couldn't take his sight off her.
"I hear you… My father did nothing but work: work at his job, work on the house and work on getting enough sleep so he didn't fall asleep on the way to his firm. He inspired me to become a lawyer. He would sometimes grin or laugh, and when he did, the world brightened for those brief minutes. Then he'd fall back into his whirlpool of worry."
“He sounded a lot like my old man.”
“He probably was… They were good parents—not perfect but good enough. That’s all they can hope—that we can hope.”
“We’re doin' fine and we’re gonna do a whole lot better.”
“Alright, whatever you say, old man. Don’t you have to help, Daryl? Don’t keep him waiting.”
“I can cancel, stay with you… Ain’t no big deal.” Pulling her closer, he planted a longing kiss on her lips, causing her to giggle when he finally broke away.
“No, you go. I just have the peas left. By that time, you should be all done and you can fetch Carl from Edith and Judy from terrorising Hershel and Gracey.”
“Soon she’ll have someone else to nag… You sure you’re right? You been out of it since yesterday.”
“I’m fine, Rick you worry too much… They’ll be here soon, any day now. It’s normal.”
“I never thought this would happen again, for us.”
“We deserve it, Rick... A new beginning, as you said… Now go.” Rick planted a kiss on her forehead, then her belly, before she turned from him to continue the preparation of their celebration meal.
“If anything happens, send for me. I’ll come to you as soon as possible, Okay?”
“Go! I send for you.”
Regardless of his wife's words, he couldn’t help but stall and linger at the kitchen exit. She was late in her pregnancy and he wanted to treasure every second till the baby arrived. He was thirsting to be by her side. They never expected to ever have this. He never thought she’d allow herself the chance after all that had happened in the past. However, she gave him one and gave their family one as well. After being hit with a side eye, he managed to make his way to Daryl. When they completed their duty at hand, he fetched Carl and Judith to go home.
The family of four placed themselves in their seats for lunch after Michonne snatched Carl to help her set the dining table. Rick took Judith into his lap, knowing that he’d have to feed her since she was even more picky than Carl.
“Since we're here, I think we should say what we’re thankful for… and our hope for the future.” Michonne’s eyes never left her boys for one second. “ Carl?”
“I just want things to be the same as always and I’m thankful we’re all here.”
“Me too, Son.” Grinning at Carl’s answer, Rick leaned over to rub his head.
“Did you say ‘me too’ to not come up with something different, Grimes?”
"Maybe, but I mean it. You know that.”
“Well, I know that… I’m thankful that I found you. I’m thankful for getting me out that day, even if you were an asshole afterwards.”
“In my defence, I didn’t know you well yet, and I still kept you around when I sent the others away. That’s gotta count for somethin', right? After all, we were the same.”
“You didn’t know or trust me, but that didn’t stop you from checking me out, did it?” 
“You noticed that?”
“Judith and I are still here, you know?” They both crackled at their son’s embarrassed distaste for the current topic but kept going.
“You not kicking me out is part of the reason I put up with your behaviour.” Rick sighed at her pettiness. “Us being the same and me longing to stay with you guys is another part as well, though I didn’t realise that last part just yet... Carl?”
“You and Judybug saved me. You don’t know how much you two did. Thank you for making me one of you and thank you for being my best friend and not letting me chicken out… You gave me a second chance, all three of you and I love you so much for it… What I want is all of you safe and sound and happy, and by my side. The baby included, of course. Thank you for giving me back my family.”
Her eyes welled up with tears of unfathomable affection. The happiness dripped from her eyes and they were soon all overcome with shared emotion. It was such a warm, heart-gripping moment, only disrupted by Michonne's booming grunt of pain. At that moment, she came to face the fact that she’d been having contractions all day. Part of her was in denial, only being focused on celebrating New Year's the right way with her family. She stood up, grabbing the tablecloth, and Rick understood immediately. He knew she was acting weird.
"Carl, go grab Siddiq!”
“It’s happening now?”
“Yeah! Go!”
Childbirth has always been risky. It makes little difference that it is natural. It is also quite natural for a mother or baby to die. That is why they had made so much progress in medicine for safe childbirth. Michonne and the infant were in far more danger now that the world had changed. Rick became aware of a massive natural birth occurring at his feet. It had struck him, just now. Panicked and fearful, he still stayed by her side. It was his job as a father and a husband. No matter how hard it was on him mentally, she was having it a thousand times worse. She was the one in pain; she was the one in danger. He sat behind her and supported her back with every push, encouraging her whenever she began to falter.
“Rick!” She cried out in search of unconscious comfort for her partner-in-crime.
“I’m here, darlin'; I’m right here! You’re doing great!”
“Why did I think this would be easier the second time around?”
“Because you’re amazing; that’s why! You’re doin’ great!”
They traverse till the drawing of beautiful angel breath, serenaded by freedom. A sign of their baby's existence.
A happy new year was partly about starting again and partly about being grateful for all the blessings that had been granted the previous year. It was a warm welcome to new fortunes and the courage to confront problems gracefully and compassionately. Rick stared at his family as their attention fell to the newest member; his son from his departed first wife and his adopted daughter. They had fought so hard and lost so much to ensure they made it. reminding him of the bad, his mind ran to his dear, long gone friend Hershel, and his words to him,
 'Things break, but they can still grow. These little bristles, they'll take root,'.  
His wife was spent but she still held a peaceful smile on her face, gawking at their son swaddled in her arms, the first biological child between the two of them. Judith slipped her finger into his outstretched palm and watched as the tiny body curled around it. His gentle breath touched the back of her hand. Her playful day already slipping away as she observed her new brother.
Rick was going to speak again when Carl spoke first.
“We can’t use fireworks to celebrate but we do have the sparklers! It’ll be nice just to have something, right, Judy?”
“Alright, you two go now. I’ll keep Michonne and the baby company.”
Carl took Judith after she planted a kiss on her new baby brother and off they went. Michonne, feeling her husband’s eyes on her, allows their gazes to meet. They both knew this was what they struggled and fought so hard for. It wouldn’t be easy but year after year, he would make sure his children—all three of them—lived the best life, a full life. Michonne stretched out her hand.
“Rick…” Her words were weary and had a dream-like quality to them, as she seemed to crave the solace of rest, the enticement of the nice bed beckoned to her tired body.
“Darlin, what's wrong? Uncomfortable? Tell me, I’ll get it…” She shook her head, confusing him.
“His name; I have it.”
“Yeah?” His tone was gentle as he lowered his body next to her and she placed their newborn in his arms. “What is it?"
“RJ. Richard Daniel Grimes Junior... Do you like it?”
“I grateful…” Rick's eyes grew damp. He didn’t expect her to name their little boy after him. “You sure?”
“I’m sure… He’ll be as smart, sweet and determined just like his namesake… Just like his dad.”
“Thank you.” Bending over, as he kissed her forehead and whispered into her ear.
“No, thank you.” 
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cursedvibes · 8 months
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look at tiny little curse Tengen, she's so cute
small precious bean must be protected
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penguinsledder · 6 months
To be clear: I love NATLA's Team Avatar casting. They are precious beans who must be protected.
NATLA has many issues but Team Avatar's actors is not one of them.
I love these little snowball actors, I do not necessarily enjoy their scripts and their portrayal of my all-time beloved characters. But I love these kids haha they deserve their roles (and better scripts)
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good-yonji-au · 1 year
So I discovered this AU about 5 hours ago and it has me in a chokehold. Your Yonji is a precious bean and he must be protected at all times, and Sanji being a big brother is everything I didn't even know I wanted. <3 I hope you don't mind the influx of questions I have after going through the whole tag.
So speaking of Sanji being a big brother, have he and Yonji ever hugged? If so, what prompted it? Is Yonji more touchy-feely than Sanji in general, or are they both pretty touch-averse?
How does Yonji fight? Did he develop his own style of fighting after leaving Germa 66, much like Sanji did, or does he still fight the way he did when working under Judge? Is he still really good at fighting, or does he easily become a nonfunctional, overwhelmed mess, bombarded on all sides with everyone's heightened and fraught emotions?
Does Yonji's prosthetic arm have attachments and hidden weapons? How does he upkeep it? Does he know how it works decently enough do to it himself, or does he have a mechanic that he goes to for tuneups?
Who taught Yonji tailoring and fashion? Sanji had Zeff to help him become a master chef, so did someone take Yonji under their wing in a similar fashion? Or is he entirely self-taught?
Does Yonji ever feel bad for leaving his brothers and sister behind? Unlike Sanji, who had normal human emotions from the get-go, Yonji's been on both sides of the fence, and he knows what it's like to be the sociopathic killing machine their father turned them into. Does he wish there was some way to trigger what happened to him in them as well? Do he and Sanji ever talk about their family? We know Sanji was the only one to regularly go and visit their mother, but do you think Yonji has any memories of her as well? Does he beg Sanji for stories about her?
Where does Yonji live? Does Sanji swing by to visit him every so often, or do they keep in touch by air mail, does Yonji join the Strawhats or just travel with them?
Does Sanji ever have a "O shit, I think I might actually love him" moment when it comes to Yonji? It could be something domestic like laughing together in Sanji's kitchen they work together to prepare a meal, or something like seeing Yonji about to be injured or even killed in the middle of a fight and going "This is the only little brother I've got, not on my watch, dammit!"
Lastly, do you have any songs in mind for you AU, aside from the ones you've used for your animatics? Some that came to mind for Yonji are:
"Stray Italian Greyhound" by Vienna Teng
"To Be Human" by Sia
"Zephyrus" by The Oh Hellos
"Stigma" by V
And I think "Soap" by The Oh Hellos maybe fits Sanji's feelings toward having his brother back in his life and being willing to extend a second chance to him after seeing how he's changed.
Holy shit that's a long ask! Lemme see...
So speaking of Sanji being a big brother, have he and Yonji ever hugged? If so, what prompted it? Is Yonji more touchy-feely than Sanji in general, or are they both pretty touch-averse?
They've hugged, mostly at WCI arc. But for the most part they're touch adverse (despite being touch starved). Yonji enjoys instigating physical affection to anyone but he's not great at taking it.
How does Yonji fight? Did he develop his own style of fighting after leaving Germa 66, much like Sanji did, or does he still fight the way he did when working under Judge? Is he still really good at fighting, or does he easily become a nonfunctional, overwhelmed mess, bombarded on all sides with everyone's heightened and fraught emotions?
Yonji very rarely fights anymore. He usually quickly gets overwhelmed and becomes a mess, yes, due to all of the emotions. Whenever he gets into a fight he loses control of his Haki and it's a bad time. However, if he has a goal, (protecting someone, getting something etc.) he can power through it. His fighting style is still mostly brute force punching because he hasn't learned any other way. However, when he joins the Revs, he gets taught to be more smart about it.
Does Yonji's prosthetic arm have attachments and hidden weapons? How does he upkeep it? Does he know how it works decently enough do to it himself, or does he have a mechanic that he goes to for tuneups?
It used to! He broke a lot of them/refuses to use them. He knew how it worked enough to keep it functional up until he meets the Strawhats and upon finding the frankly horrendous state of the prosthetic, Franky helps make Yonji a new one, specialized for tailoring! He rarely gets issues with the new are but if he does he can usually troubleshoot himself or attempt to contact Franky.
Who taught Yonji tailoring and fashion? Sanji had Zeff to help him become a master chef, so did someone take Yonji under their wing in a similar fashion? Or is he entirely self-taught?
For the most part, he's self-taught! Maybe I'll give him a mentor but I'm usually pretty adverse to making OCs for my AUs. Hmmmmm. He definitely had a training arc under some big name shops at one point though.
Does Yonji ever feel bad for leaving his brothers and sister behind? Unlike Sanji, who had normal human emotions from the get-go, Yonji's been on both sides of the fence, and he knows what it's like to be the sociopathic killing machine their father turned them into. Does he wish there was some way to trigger what happened to him in them as well? Do he and Sanji ever talk about their family? We know Sanji was the only one to regularly go and visit their mother, but do you think Yonji has any memories of her as well? Does he beg Sanji for stories about her?
*smacks yonji on the head* This good boy can fit so much guilt complex in him! He's guilty about everything all the time! Yes, he does want to help Ichiji and Niji, which comes into play post WCI. While Sanji and Yonji tend to avoid talking about Judge or their siblings, Sora has been brought up before. I know I haven't mentioned it on tumblr yet, but I sometimes draw Yonji with a necklace, which is supposed to be a trinket of Sora's that Reiju gave to him when Yonji ran away. Yonji's memories of Sora is hazy and he pretty torn up about it. Yeah, he asks Sanji for stories about her. <3
Where does Yonji live? Does Sanji swing by to visit him every so often, or do they keep in touch by air mail, does Yonji join the Strawhats or just travel with them?
He lives on this random island along the Grandline! Something kinda like Saboady or Hand Island. The Straw Hats (specifically) Sanji has visited few times post the initial meeting but Yonji does not actively travle with them. He might had, like, one adventure with them but otherwise he's not part of the crew or anything. He does get the SH's den den mushi number and keeps in touch that way. Occasionally he'll send packages- usually at the behest of Sanji at the behest of Nami, lol. Later, Yonji ends up getting roped into joining the Revs and he splits his time between being at his shop and at Baltigo.
Does Sanji ever have a "O shit, I think I might actually love him" moment when it comes to Yonji? It could be something domestic like laughing together in Sanji's kitchen they work together to prepare a meal, or something like seeing Yonji about to be injured or even killed in the middle of a fight and going "This is the only little brother I've got, not on my watch, dammit!"
YES! Specifically Yonji crying and gushing about how good Sanji's cooking is. Yonji is a little foodie and while he can't cook to save his life, he does happen to know a good bit about how food gets made and really learned to appreciate the effort that goes into cooking. Sanji is not normal over this fact. He has the "Don't touch my brother!" moment at WCI screaming at Judge. Which sends Yonji into a blubbering mess. (A lot of things happen WCI lmfao.)
Lastly, do you have any songs in mind for you AU, aside from the ones you've used for your animatics?
My ass doesn't actively listen to a whole bunch of music but I have made a playlist for this AU! The vibe mostly is like upbeat songs with sad lyrics lol.
Forgive my terrible terrible taste in music:
Thank you for the songs! Gonna snag 'em and add 'em to the playlist hehe.
Also, thank you for the ask!!!! <3 <3
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nkn0va · 7 months
Hi i'd like to request some flustered noel vermillion please.
Precious embarrassed bean, must protect.
Noel Vermillion
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-To be honest, it probably doesn't take much to fluster Noel. You're most definitely the poor girl's first relationship, she has no idea what to do.
-A kiss on the cheek, a headpat, holding her hand, just about any form of physical affection you initiate first will likely do the job. And don't even get me started on if you do it in public.
-Makoto teasing her on that matter much to Tsubaki's (<3) dismay only makes it worse. If steam could literally come out of a person's ears, it'd probably be coming out of Noel's if her friends ever see you show her affection.
-Even if it's in private, show her enough affection and her brain just kinda...shuts down. Her head goes empty for a little bit before she fully processes what just happened. She'll eventually hug you and bury her face into your body to hide the beet red blush on it and faintly mutter at you to please stop.
-It's pretty obvious she doesn't mean it though, deep down she loves it. It makes her feel all warm and tingly inside, she feels safe and loved. Eventually she'll stop protesting and lets it happen.
-It's as amusing as it is heart-stoppingly adorable.
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happybird16 · 1 year
Pet Names 🐾
a silly little drabble for @chaotic-on-main's Cringefest!!!
Levi x gn!reader
Warnings: vague thoughts of cheating, but other than that it's just cringe
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The front door closes behind you with a solid click, signaling your arrival home and the end of a long day. As you hang your bag on the coat rack, a sigh of relief escapes your lips, carrying away the weight of the day's work. The familiar sounds and scents of home envelop you, offering a sense of comfort and solace.
To your surprise, it seems Levi has finished his meeting earlier than expected. The sound of the washer and dryer fills the small entryway, their rhythmic vibrations reverberating in the air. Swiftly kicking off your shoes by the door, you call out into the house, "Levi, I'm home! Work sucked, but what else is new?"
However, there is no immediate response. Your voice must have been muffled by the noise of the laundry appliances. Curiosity piqued, you make your way down the hallway, guided by an unfamiliar sound emanating from the bedroom.
"Levi?" you call again, the sound growing clearer as you approach. The tone you hear is unlike anything you've heard from him before—a soft, baby-talk-like cooing, filled with tenderness and warmth.
An uneasy thought flickers through your mind—could he have someone in there with him? Suppressing your rising horror and disbelief, you move down the hallway with cautious steps, the silence only disrupted by the hushed glide of your socked feet on the polished hardwood floor.
"You're such a sweet girl, aren't you? Such a perfect little Princess," Levi's gentle whispers reach your ears, tinged with an unexpected affection. Pet names and endearing terms aren't usually part of his vocabulary. The silence between his words is filled only by the distant hum of the washer and dryer, and the gentle hum of the AC. Could he be practicing pet names? The thought amuses you, momentarily easing your disbelief.
Finally, you reach the bedroom door and steal a glance inside. The sight that greets you brings a mixture of delight and amusement, and you can't help but stifle a giggle with your hand.
Levi is sprawled across the bed, his body curved protectively around the small form of your cat. The rhythmic purring from her tiny frame fills the room, a testament to the contentment she finds in his presence. With adoring eyes, she nestles herself against his chest, one paw kneading into his shoulder while the other stretches into the air, blissfully reaching for an invisible goal.
Amidst this heartwarming scene, Levi exclaims with exaggerated surprise, "Oh, look at that belly!" His hand gently scratches the cat's exposed stomach. "So soft! You're getting a bit fat, huh, sweet tea? My fat little pussycat."
He playfully catches hold of her paw, his thumb tenderly pressing against the small pink pads. "Look at these beans!" With his other hand, he dives into the depths of her fur, offering a soothing rub behind her ears. The cat responds with a contented meow, leaning into his touch. "Such a precious little face," he murmurs with genuine adoration.
It's hard to believe that Levi was initially hesitant about having a cat, citing concerns about fur and litter. Yet now, seeing him engrossed in these tender moments, your heart swells with warmth and joy. You lean against the door frame, a wide smile spreading across your face, as you silently observe this adorable interaction.
"You're such a good girl for me, huh? Daddy's little lovebug," Levi continues, unaware of your presence in the doorway. "You deserve an extra treat tonight, huh, puss?"
Amusement bubbling within you, you decide to join in on the fun, interjecting with a playful tone, "You give Matcha treats?"
Startled, Levi's body jolts, causing the bed to shake. Even Matcha appears momentarily taken aback by your sudden arrival, sitting up to stare at you with wide green eyes. Flushed with embarrassment, Levi's cheeks turn a vivid shade of pink, extending all the way to the tips of his ears.
"How long-" he begins, his usual gruff tone making a swift return.
"The whole time," you interrupt with a mischievous smile, deciding to playfully tease him a little further. "Why don't you call me your sweet little pus-"
"Shut the fuck up," Levi hastily cuts you off, his face deepening in redness. His embarrassment is palpable. "Don't you dare ever tell anyone."
Laughter bubbles up from deep within you, filling the room with a lightness that washes away the stress of the day. Walking over to the bed, you sit down beside Levi, patting Matcha softly between her little ears. As you lean in to give Levi a gentle peck on the cheek, you assure him, "Your secret is safe with me, my sweet little lovebug."
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― pairing : Jeongin x fem! reader ― content warnings : fluff, grease! au - therefore it's the 50's, reader has a corruption kink, Jeongin is a nerd super shy small bean we all must protect, reader was Chris’ fwb ― word count : 2.232
― notes : this fic looks familiar?it is! I’m reposting ALL my works on this brand new blog and therefore please, bear with me! as always, askbox is always open and feedbacks are always welcome 💌
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Chris part one | part two // Changbin // Jisung // Hyunjin // Seungmin // Minho // Felix // Jeongin
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Jeongin waved goodbye at his girl-friend, right in front of the school gates. He held his books with one arm, and his smile was gentle, happy and wide. His hair was long and wavy; some strands of the bangs fell into his eyes sometimes, reason why his hair was always a little bit ruffled. In addition, his big, round glasses constantly sliding off his nose provided to make him appear even cuter, especially when he fixed them using his index finger – or during classes, with his pen. Damn him and his oversized light blue sweater which made him appear even smaller- «Please, stop.» Jisung’ voice made you snap out of your thoughts. «Mh?» you questioned, turning your head towards him and the others, with dreamy eyes. «Oh no, she’s doing it again.» Seungmin said, quickly getting up from the small cement wall where you all were seated. «Yeah, it’s scary.» Minho answered him, looking anywhere but carefully avoiding meeting your gaze. «What?» you asked, confused, looking at your friends. «What am I doing?» «Listen, doll. You… How can I say that…» Changbin sighed heavily, holding the bridge of his nose between his index and his thumb, closing his eyes as to find the words he needed, while you patiently waited for an answer with furrowed brows. «You’re looking at the poor boy like you want to eat him.» Felix completed his friend’s sentence, and Changbin nodded, silently agreeing with him. «I don’t loo-» «Yes, you do!» somehow, they all managed to say in perfect synchronization, making you gasp in shock, quickly placing a hand on your heart. First of all, how dare they lie like that and most importantly, steal precious time from your “Let’s stare at Jeongin and imagine to taint his soul by fantasies about him whining in pleasure under my control” sessions? «Well, it’s not my fault Jeongin looks like a perfect babyboy.» you licked your lips to emphasize the concept, turning your head to said boy, only to blush faintly as his eyes momentarily locked with yours. “He must have heard these idiots screaming”, you thought. 
«See! She did that again!» Hyunjin exclaimed, holding onto Jisung’s arm as he blowed out a puff of smoke. Jisung chuckled quietly, along with Chris. «I suppose we could go to the library,» Chris smiled teasingly, as he took his car keys from his jacket. «And see if under the name “succubus” there’s a picture of her face.» You restrained from the instinct to throw your backpack at him. «Yo, Mr. Australian mate,» you said, quickly getting up from the wall and slightly patting on your ass to get rid of eventual traces of cement that stuck on the fabric of your jeans. «If we’re going to the library, you’d better fuck me in the history section, or else I’m not interested.» Needless to say, later that afternoon, Chan fucked you in the history section, your back pressed against the shelves and a hand tightly pressed against your mouth.
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You absolutely loved your relationship with Stray Kids. Among the group of Pink Ladies, you were the only one who got along with them the most; actually, they basically considered you one of them, more like their Pink. You also really loved your relationship with Chris: the two of you loved each other in a friendly way at the point where you could really hold a friends with benefits relationship without catching feelings for each other. It was purely physical attraction, and the fact that you had many kinks in common made it easier to have fun and release your pent up stress and frustration due to school. Another thing the two of you had in common was, apparently, your corruption kink. Both you and Chris had a massive crush on two of the most pure souls in the college campus. If you had a massive crush on Jeongin, Chris had a huge crush on his cute girl-friend which always hanged around with him. «Look at her,» Chris elbowed you one day, during lunch. «She scrunches her nose when she doesn’t like her food, she’s so cute!» «Look at him,» you answered back immediately. «His sweater is so big he has sweater paws, he’s adorable!» The both of you would spend the majority of your lunches like that, ignoring your friends muttering how weird the two of you actually looked. «You know they’re literally two tables away from ours,» Jisung pointed his fork at you, «and you could literally talk to them, right?» Chris shook his head, and you did the same. «Han, look at me, and then at him,» you sighed loudly, staring at Jeongin, «He’d never want to have anything to do with me» you finally adverted your eyes from the boy, focusing on your food once again. Oh, if only you knew that both Jeongin and his friend actually heard the whole conversation that you and your friends just had, and that they both had a crush on the two of you, too.
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«Uhm, sorry! Wait!» you froze in the middle of the hallways, recognizing that voice. You turned around, as slowly as a deer blinded by sudden lights, only to face Jeongin, in all his pureness, standing in front of you. «Y-Yes?» you said, your heart picking up pace just by seeing his cute and embarrassed smile. «Hi, well, you drop-I’m Jeongin!» he greeted, a cute mixture between shy and cheerful, holding his hands out for you to hold, while a faint blush covered his cheeks. You smiled as well, trying not to squeal at the cuteness of his sweater paws, and simply held his hand as you greeted him, introducing yourself as well. «You-You dropped this.» Jeongin said, holding out your keychain. «I thought you’d be sad if you didn’t find it anymore.» he shyly explained, as he placed the small keychain in the palm of your hand. «Thank you, Jeongin. You’re really sweet.» “babyboy”, you mentally added. Jeongin’s cheeks were now a deep shade of red, and you wondered that if you were to kiss his cheek now, you would feel your lips burn due to how undoubtedly warm his skin was. Curiosity had the best of you, and you reached out, pecking Jeongin’s left cheek: his skin was indeed super warm, but also super soft. You could smell the faint scent of shampoo that still lingered on his hair, making you want to ruffle it as well, but you restrained yourself. The transaction between Jeongin’s shocked expression right before erupting into a wide grin was absolutely priceless, and you were more than happy to be the one that caused it. «I’ll see you around then, Jeongin.» you winked at him, before walking away; as soon as you were out of Jeongin’s sight, you excitedly sprinted towards the parking lot, knowing you’d find the boys there, in order to tell them what happened. What you saw as soon as you reached there, however, made you suffocate an even more excited squeal down your throat. Chris was kissing the girl he had a crush on – Jeongin’s friend, as he pushed her against his car, her back turned towards your direction. Fate wanted Chris to open his eyes and meet your gaze, and you instinctively held your thumbs out, silently cheering for him and showing him your support. As quickly as you arrived, you turned on your heels, deciding you would call him later to tell him what happened with Jeongin.
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«I can’t believe you finally made it!» you exclaimed, holding your pillow as you watched Chris sit next to you on your couch. «I’m so happy!» Three weeks passed since you saw them in the parking lot, and with everyone’s surprise, Chris and the girl become a couple rather quickly, making you the happiest friend in the world. Needless to say, as soon as you saw them kissing, the both of you instantly interrupted your friends with benefits relationship. «Now, we only need you to settle down with your crush.» Chris shrugged, playing with the zippo lighter in his hands. «I don’t think he likes me.» you sighed, holding your pillow even tighter to your frame. «We finally talk and we sat at together at the library to study together, but,» you plopped back on your bed, staring at the ceiling with a dejected expression. «I’ve slept around a bit too much for him to be interested in me.» Chris’ unexpected laughter interrupted your speech, and you threw your pillow at him, without sparing him a glance. This was your self-pity time; he had no right to laugh at your misery. «Doll, you’re saying this but half an hour ago you told me you’d love to see him tied up to your bedpost,» Chris said, slowly lying next to you as he sustained his weight with his bent elbow and his head on the palm of his head. «Chris, don’t.» you warned. «All needy and whiny, asking for mo-» the squeal that escaped your lips made Chris laugh even more at you, which were now shifting on your bed like a fish out of water. «I want him so much.» you whined, hiding your face in another pillow, «And he’s so cute and funny!» you added. «Chris.» you said, lifting your head to look at your blonde friend, which was looking at you with an amused smile. «I want to have sex with him and hold his hand and date him and taint his pure babyboy essence.» «So?» Chris shrugged. «So,» you mocked his tone. «I’m in danger.» Chris did not answer, but simply rolled his eyes at you, before hitting you with the pillow that you previously threw at him.
Few days later, you spotted Chris and Jeongin sitting on a bench while talking, but you did not give that interaction too much importance.
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Neither Chris, his girlfriend and Jeongin showed up at school for a week, no one among your friends knew why. You could have suspicion about why a couple could skip school for a week, but, Jeongin? You and your friends decided to have another extra meeting at the Frosty Palace, so you could have dinner while elaborating new theories. After all, few years ago there had been a mysterious incident revolving around aliens not too far from your hometown, what if they kidnapped the three of them? «Han, what if something happened?» you sat with your back towards the entrance door of the Diner, so you didn’t mind anytime the bell rang, signalling new customers had arrived. «Jeongin doesn’t skip school, he’s-well, he’s Jeongin!» you added, furrowing your brows and nodding to empathise the concept. You did not have time to question why Han’s eyes widened at the point they were basically the size of a pan, when you felt someone sitting next to you on the red leather couch. As you saw an arm snake around your shoulders, you instantly assumed it was Chris, but something was different. Did he change his cologne? «Hi, doll.» Jeongin’s voice said, a little bit too cheerful to sound seductive. “Wait, Jeongin?” you thought, before turning your head at the speed of light. Jeongin was sitting next to you, his arm around your waist, but he looked like a totally different person: his glasses were nowhere to be seen, his hair was nicely brushed back and fixed with grease, he wore a leather jacket and a black shirt, and high waisted jeans. «I-wha-Hi.» you stuttered, eyes locking with Chris, who was standing behind him with a smug grin, affectionately hugging his girlfriend. «Consider this as an early birthday present.» your friend say, winking at you , before sitting with you and the others. «What’s with the new look?» you asked Jeongin as soon as the others started talking about random, uninteresting topics and the two of you could talk. Jeongin smiled, now his hands were resting on his lap as he timidly played with his fingers. «I’ve liked you for a while,» he explained, «I saw Chris and my friend getting together and I asked him for some advice.» You felt your head spin as your breath hitched. Jeongin had a crush on you? Since when? When did the planets align to grant your wish? «I have a crush on you too, but,» you smiled, reaching out to take his hand, intertwining your fingers. «I want it to be clear that I like you regardless of how you look like.» Jeongin’s cheeks flushed red once again, before nodding cutely. «I know.» «Good boy.» you whispered, leaning in to kiss the corner of his lips, before turning your attention on your milkshake. «Do you want to go to my house? So we can hang out?» Jeongin’s question surprised you, making you almost choke on the sip of milkshake you just drank. Without thinking about it twice, you said goodbye to the others in a very rushed way, as you leaded a blushing and giggling Jeongin out of the Frosty Palace by holding his hand. «Have mercy on the poor boy!» Changbin called out, and you glanced back at Jeongin, which shrugged, before winking at you. “This babyboy is going to be the death of me”, you smiled to yourself, as he suddenly  escaped your hold just to drape his hand around your shoulder, kissing your hair as you kept walking.
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all works © lettersfromaphrodite
Do not modify, repost, translate or plagiarize my stories. I only publish my works on tumblr & AO3.
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aurasoulhikari · 25 days
Zexal Month Week 5 Day 27: S is for Siblings
@zexalmonth Ok this was hard cause I love all the siblings in Zexal but I feel like I had to give it to the Tenjo boys Haruto is a precious bean that must be protected at all cost!!
Kaito had his eyes closed relaxing enjoying the soft breeze and shade of the tree he laid under before hearing familiar wheels and footsteps.
"Do you think he's asleep?" He heard his little brother ask quietly.
"M-M-Most likely Haruto-sama." He heard Orbital speak. "K-Kaito-sama's vitals are stable."
"Mm good he needs more sleep." Haruto whispered softly. "He works so hard even if it’s for himself now."
"B-But make no mistake Haruto-sama, K-Kaito-sama w-will always care about you." Orbital said.
"Hehe yeah I know he does." Haruto chuckled softly. Kaito heard Haruto sit down at his side yet didn’t make any notion that he was awake. He was curious about what Haruto and Orbital will talk about.
"Nii-san always took care of me even before we got dragged into the whole Numbers situation." Haruto replied softly. "And you would help him look after me too."
"K-Kaito-sama in fact built me originally as a n-nanny bot all to help raise you, b-but now I look a-after you both because y-you two are important in my life." Orbital admitted. Kaito couldn’t help feeling warm hearing this, he knew that he treated Orbital roughly and often pushed him well beyond his limits. But he trusted his creation to assist him in his Number Hunts and to help him look after Haruto. To hear Orbital speak his true feelings gave him a surge of fondness and pride.
"I care about you too Orbital." Haruto said happily. "You, Nii-san, father, and all the friends we made too. It's thanks to them we can even come back here to the villa and enjoy these days like we used to."
Kaito inwardly smiled agreeing with his brother. They wouldn’t be back here were it not been for Yuma and Astral he owed them a great deal and though he wouldn’t admit it. He truly saw them as friends and he will stand by with them through anything.
"And I'm gonna make sure to get strong too." Haruto said. "So that someday I can duel side by side with Nii-san and be just as great a Duelist as him."
"I-I'm sure y-y-you will Haruto-sama." Orbital agreed. Kaito smiled, opening an eye.
"It helps you have the drive for it." He said. Haruto and Orbital jumped and looked down at Kaito who looked at them, amused by their reactions.
"Nii-san! I’m sorry, did we wake you?" Haruto asked, worried.
"Don't worry I wasn’t that deep in sleep." Kaito assured with a smile, sitting up. He looked at Haruto and smiled gently, patting his head.
"How do you feel about me teaching you how to duel?" He asked.
"Really?!" Haruto gasped excitedly.
"You're well old enough to have a Deck at least." Kaito hummed. "I can make you your own Duel Disk and D-Gazer and Chris and I can help you practice."
Haruto cheered, tackling Kaito in a hug making Kaito grunt yet smile at how happy his little brother was.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you Nii-san!!" Haruto cheered. Kaito smiled fondly patting Haruto's head before he laid back down.
"But for now let’s just rest." He said. "You too Orbital."
"E-Eh?" Orbital yelped surprised. "B-But K-Kaito-sama-"
"Don't make me turn it into an order Orbital." Kaito warned with a closed eyed smirk. Haruto giggled while Orbital meeped but readjusted himself to settle next to the brothers.
"V-V-Very well Kaito-sama." Orbital conceded. Kaito smiled and relaxed holding Haruto close enjoying this moment as sleep took him.
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traumatizedbymay2016 · 5 months
Ok this might be a little bit tinfoil hat, but I feel like a large part of the reason that Tony Stark ended up being the de facto soul of the MCU was that he was in a different genre to everyone else. It feels so obvious to me.
Every other Avenger stars in some variation on character versus character conflict the majority of the time, and the exceptions I can think of are still (generally) external (character versus society and character versus fate seem to be common secondary conflicts). Tony is the only character who stars predominantly in character versus self conflicts.
For starters, the Iron Man trilogy is way better when you recognize this distinction. Whiplash and Killian are lame villains, yes, but it's because they aren't the antagonist at all. At best they're secondary conflicts, but at worst they're straight up just the inciting incident. The real antagonist of the story is the flaw that Tony is grappling with --- in Iron Man, it's his willful ignorance and isolation from the world; in Iron Man 2, it's his fear of needing help or being a burden (and secondarily his fear of his impending death); and in Iron Man 3 it's his crippling anxiety that nothing he ever does will be enough to protect the ones he loves. It's relatively rare that we see any other character perform this kind of introspection at all, let alone see an entire story built around it (Thor: Ragnarok is the only one that readily comes to mind).
Even weirder to me is that this somehow persists into crossover films. Age of Ultron features Tony grappling with the way the remnants of his Iron Man 3 anxieties are interfacing with his mask of hyper competence; Civil War centers around Tony deconstructing that same mask and attempting to hand the reins over to someone else; the examples are abundant (even if they're handled worse here than in the standalone films).
And I think that's why so much of the Marvel discourse that the interwebs seem hell bent on showing me ends up presenting every Marvel character as "uwu soft precious pure bean" heroes who are nuance-free portrayals of goodness and light in spite of their own laundry lists of mistakes that they move past but never really grow from, only to reach Tony Stark and present even the most understandable of mistakes as though they were pre-meditated and cold blooded decisions for which he is responsible and can never be absolved. If the narrative never forces anyone else to properly reconcile their actions, then those actions were clearly justified; when it does so to Tony, that sends the message that his actions are clearly worse or of greater significance than the others' are.
But that difference is about presentation. It's about the story being told and the conflict being centered, not the culpability or severity of the actions at play. I'm not sure any Avenger has ever screwed up as royally as the time that Thor's coronation got crashed and he decided to get his friends together to attempt frost giant genocide, but the narrative chooses not to focus on that in favor of other elements of Thor's progression. Weighing it as lesser is purely based on bias.
And here's the thing! I understand that 1) protagonists are not necessarily good people and 2) good people can and do make mistakes. I actually prefer characters who can do something terrible --- whether as a result of ignorance, trauma, or panic --- and then, in time, learn from those mistakes and become better people. I would argue that makes a character more compelling, not less so. In fact, the very way that the narrative never even acknowledges the potential for Steve Rogers' actions to have a negative consequence when even bare minimum common sense would dictate that there must be at least a little downside is part of why I don't enjoy the character.
But so much fan meta fails to engage with this in any meaningful way, and so you end up with situations where people are ranting about Tony blasting Sam after Rhodey got knocked out of the sky while entirely ignoring the obvious and understandable distress that would cloud anyone's judgement in that situation in favor of treating it like an intentional act of malice on Tony's part; in spite of the fact that there are dozens of instances in the MCU of heroes attacking each other with greater force in lower stakes situations --- Thor choking Tony in Age of Ultron comes to mind.
Age of Ultron is actually the perfect case study in this phenomenon, as it stands. Tony's arc in the movie is an explicit continuation of his arc in Iron Man 3: He's terrified by the vision of his teammates dead and the world at risk, and is desperately trying to solve that problem on his own in a panic. This leads to the objective mistake of Ultron's birth and near rise to power, which the fandom all-too-happily places the blame for squarely on Tony's shoulders.
Except Tony is just one piece of the puzzle. At a minimum, Bruce Banner was equally involved in the creation of Ultron; a task perfectly in line with his established character trait of pursuing scientific advancement at any cost. Cinematic parallels between the birth of Ultron and the birth of the Hulk are unsubtle, to say the least.
Thor could (and should) have provided some instruction to the two pertaining to the literal magic gemstone they were studying, but went off to go celebrate another victory. Wanda used her mind control powers to influence the situation in the direction of Ultron. Hell, I find it hard to take Steve's "sometimes my team mates don't tell me things" line seriously when the lab is a room made entirely of windows inside his house.
The cherry on top, obviously, being that even if we ignore all available subtext and let Iron Man be the sole creator of Ultron, the Avengers were still effectively functioning as a team and were properly equipped to prevent Ultron from enacting any real damage to the world when they intervened in the vibranium deal with Klaue --- but a certain pair of Avengers were literally fighting on Ultron's team at that point, enabling him to retrieve the needed vibranium and capture Helen Cho.
They're not culpable for that, though, right? How was it said... "She's just a kid"?
With the final irony being that the selfsame Avenger in question would go on to marry the Vision. A character who is literally just "What Tony Stark intended Ultron to be." But when it comes to Vision coming out worthy to wield Mjolnir, that's not Tony's fault, is it? It was a team effort, or a happy accident, or the Mind stone intervening. Never mind that it's personifying J.A.R.V.I.S., Tony's creation. Tony's not the one who does good things, he's the one who makes mistakes.
Meanwhile from the perspective of someone who loves the man versus self narrative, Age of Ultron is about Tony admitting his mistakes and quite literally learning from them and doing better next time. He spends the film taking responsibility for the places he messed up and working to understand how he can do better, and the next time he tries, he does do better. The narrative functions as intended.
But because there isn't a single other character in the room willing to admit wrongdoing --- or, perhaps more accurately, there isn't a single other character in the room that the narrative is willing to force to admit such a thing --- the implication to someone who isn't acclimated to the cycle of Fail, Learn, Succeed that characterizes Tony is just that Tony is The One Who Made Ultron. I mean, Bruce Banner gets more remorseful about being mind controlled to unleash the Hulk than he does about having been an active participant in the creation of a malevolent AI.
I just think it's interesting because so much of the fandom buys into the idea that the characters who never admit that they were wrong actually never were wrong, and that therefore Tony Stark is the worst; but at the same time, the whole heart is gone from the MCU as a franchise. There are still individual fun properties, especially when your particular favorite character is on screen, but you can feel in the places where the fandom is even still a fandom and not a toxic pile of self-consuming sludge that there's something missing.
As frustrated as I am that the fandom is like this, though, I'm more sad that other characters never got to have this kind of introspection. There's just so much missed potential for growth in so many of these characters.
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brandwhorestarscream · 6 months
Red alert must be freaking out so much poor thing 🤣
I can perfectly imagine him being forced to go to sleep, only to wake up really scared because his abdomen is hurting and finding baby Tfa red alert, between his legs, giving her opinion
Aksjskaka poor Red Alert wakes up more than halfway through labor, already crowning and body doing it's own thing to push her out. She's delivered fully less than 2 kliks after and only Primus knows how he managed to sleep through the initial contractions. It's such an odd sensation, feeling a sparkling's shoulders, then body, then little legs pass through him
At first, there's silence. Red is hyperventilating, scrambling to turn on the lights. He knows what just happened, his legs are numb and shaking and his sensory horns are sparking, and it's happened to enough members of the ark. He knows. But his baby is silent. He's terrified, mind immediately jumping to the worst possible situations. It's stillborn, or- or it's aeration tubing is clogged with fluid, or-
He turns on the lights and sees the tiny sparkling lying deathly still in a puddle of fluid. Their optics are closed. They're not moving.
"Oh no...!" He rushes over to them, servos hovering anxiously above their body. "No no no... what do I do, wh-what should I- no please Primus don't do this-!"
Ratchet gets a hysterical call at 3 in the morning and at first he thinks it's more of Red Alert's paranoid delusions but then he hears the head of security sob and choke out, "Th-They're not moving, Ratchet! My baby's not moving!" and he practically teleports to Red's room. Medically overrides the door to force his way in and finds him with a still and silent sparkling in his arms.
He immediately takes the tiny, slimy bundle from him and scans for vitals. And wouldn't you know it, her spark pulse is fine. Her systems are all functioning. What...?
Carefully, he props the newborn against his shoulder and gently smacks her bottom. Nothing. Pats her back. Nothing. Even pinches the heel of her pede. Nothing. Red is hysterical, demanding to know why he's not doing anything, please save his sparkling!
Turns out, she's just stubborn. Not every baby comes out screaming, and she's a surprisingly peaceful, surprisingly stubborn newborn. In fact, she refuses to cry or even open her optics until Ratchet has to stick her with a needle to get an energon sample. Then, oh boy, here come the tears. Red Alert heaves the biggest sigh of relief when she screams, beginning to wail like the world is ending and squirming to get away from the medic. Her EM field, previously tightly tucked against her body, flares out in a desperate bid to find her mother, find protection from the scary mech hurting her!
Red scoops her up and kisses her still-sticky helm a thousand times, crying tears of relief as he thanks Ratchet over and over for "saving" his sparkling. He's gotten so attached in the 5 kliks he's had his precious baby bean, and can't stand the idea of losing her. The medic explains that she's fine, and is in fact really healthy: some babies just don't cry when they're born. "She must feel really safe with you, Red. That's why she was so calm." Silly girl was born asleep XD
The statement makes Red Alert blink in surprise though. "She?!" He gapes. "Wait, i-it's a-?!"
"Yes indeed. Congratulations, you have a daughter."
Red Alert is amazed. Having a girl is so rare! Only 1 in every 13 sparklings is a femme, he's so fortunate! He has no idea what he's going to call her, but he couldn't be happier regardless 🥰 he can't wait to introduce her to Inferno!
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jokarlekin · 3 months
Otter, precious, must protect
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Made this little bean for a friend, enjoyed it too much and finished it <3. Sadly I only had references for a short time, so I suppose you cannot recognize that this supposed to be an African clawless otter (Aonyx capensis)- Meh, enjoy the little bean anyway !
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laneynoir · 2 years
SHHEEP sign up sheet!
For any who are unaware of what SHHEEP is, we are an appreciation club, specifically for hobbit hair being soft. But also the general hobbit culture protection.
For the history of our organization: https://at.tumblr.com/friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog/friends-you-have-heard-the-decree-thou-must/qalj4d2aapvg
To join our little club, you can comment or reblog with a Tolkien quote. Once you receive a hat, then you have been accepted as one of our fellowship!
The members of our club so far include:
@friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog our esteemed leader, and keeper of the clan.
@laneynoir second in command, and keeper of the knitting needles (I knit the initiation hats)
@milesasinmorales Official Burglar
@heckin-music-dork Official Residant cat.
@to-be-frank-i-dont-care Official Protector of Midnight Snack.
@sotwk Official Sweet Dreams Elf
@starryeyedrogue Official Protector of the Second Breakfast
@gayassvampire Official Barduil Fanatic
@blueberryrock Official lord of the blueberries.
@auttumnsayshi Official protector of gardens.
@chipperskipper Official Keeper of Hedgehogs
@iarwainjones Official Watcher of the Daffodils.
@a-burr-a-hobbit Official Keeper of Hobbiton Mischief
@jordie-your-local-halfling Official Stabby Child
@iotaqizm (you've yet to choose a title)
@mrfrodosstuff (you've yet to choose a title)
@kobaltdragon (you've yet to choose a title)
@technically-bean Official Keeper of Swords
@local-pirate-king Official Pirate
@avacado1sh Official Gremlin
@shanesotherlittleshop Official Gaurdsman of the Archives.
@frodothefair Official Queen of Old Westfarthing
@mangosforlife Official Partaker of Revelry!
Our precious animal division:
Professor Moragan Minerva Mewiarty: Official Parrot (cat)
Joanie: official spokeshorse of Rohan (horse)
SHHEEP Discord link will be sent when you ask (via dm)
After joining, don't be afraid to put it in your bio! You are a part of SHHEEP now... You belong with us precious.
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bcllbcy · 4 months
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"...omg! Such a precious little bean!! We must protect all of them! Wait...why are they called cake cats? We don't EAT them do we?!!"
---- 🛎⚙ ----
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noneuclideanwhimsy · 1 month
I am so sorry but the fandom would infantilize you to hell and back because of how positive you are most of the time.
I can honestly see that. Little Mx Happy Ending, precious cinnamon roll uwu bean that must be protected 😔
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