#a random... casual... work day... a random... regular... shower...
Levi Ackerman - NSFW Alphabet
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A/N: i'm bored so i'm just writing these nsfw headcanons for all my comfort characters, don't judge me. feel free to request - i posted request rules so go check it out :)
enjoy! nsfw under the cut :P
A - Aftercare (what are they like after sex)
The first time you have sex, Levi needs a lot of comfort. He'd never been that vulnerable with someone before and it took a lot for him to open up like that, so aftercare for him is the priority. Once sex becomes more frequent and he gets used to everything, he's the one to clean you both up but he still needs more emotional reassurance than he'll admit.
B - Body part (fav body part of themselves/their partner)
He isn't a vain person, so he'd probably say his arms just because of how much you love them. He wasn't too fussed at first but because of all the attention you give them he's started growing fonder of them.
His favourite part of you is your neck and collarbones. He didn't even realize he had a thing for that until he met you, and whenever you wear chokers he can't take his eyes off you.
C - Cum (where do they prefer to cum?)
Levi prefers to cum on your stomach, purely because it makes it easier to clean up. (He's always very mindful of any mess.)
D - Dirty secret (self-explanatory)
It obviously couldn't happen because of his status, but it sends a shiver of arousal through him whenever he imagines you humiliating him in public. It's something he wants to try in private, though he's nervous to talk about it with you.
E - Experience (how experienced are they?)
Levi is a virgin, since he doesn't have sex with people he doesn't genuinely, 100% trust. You'll have to guide him through everything at the beginning, however he's a quick learner and picks it up pretty fast.
F - Favourite position (goes without saying)
He likes missionary a lot because it lets him feel close to you, and he'll melt if you wrap your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. He also gets shy sometimes, so this position is perfect to hide his face in your neck.
G - Goofy (are they goofy or serious in the moment?)
Other than the odd sarcastic comment, he's generally serious. If he's in a vulnerable position then joking around doesn't calm his nerves at all.
H - Hair (opinions on grooming etc.)
Levi keeps his own hair neatly trimmed. He'd prefer if you keep yours vaguely under control but, as long as it's clean, it's up to you how you keep it.
I - Intimacy (how intimate are they during sex?)
It takes him a while to fully open up to you, but sex becomes one of the most intimate moments you ever share with Levi where he truly breaks down all his walls for you, just the two of you.
J - Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He doesn't tend to masturbate unless he's really desperate. Something about it just makes him uncomfortable, but he also has urges sometimes when you aren't available.
K - Kinks (again, pretty self-explanatory)
When you first started sleeping together, Levi had more of the control because he thought that was the way it was 'supposed' to be. However once you brought up the idea of him being submissive, your dynamic shifted. He was extremely hesitant at the beginning because he wasn't used to being in such a powerless position, though as soon as you managed to get him into a submissive headspace it became a regular occurrence.
Levi is a sub at heart who needs a soft dom more than anything. Some of the kinks you've explored that he likes are bondage, light impact play, praise, orgasm denial and marking (as long as the marks are hidden during the day.)
He also definitely has a bit of a humiliation kink but he's still working up the courage to tell you.
L - Location (favourite place to do the deed)
His favourite place is a tie between the shower and his desk. Sometimes when he's had a long day and doesn't want a full scene, he likes to have sex in the shower (also it makes clean-up easier). Although if he feels like subbing, as long as the door is locked, one of his favourite things is for you to cockwarm him while he's trying to work.
M - Motivation (what gets them going)
Showing skin is a sure-fire way to get him riled up. I personally headcanon Levi as demisexual, so he doesn't care when other people show skin, but if it's you? All you have to do is leave a couple buttons undone, expose your chest a little, and he is done for. Also, slipping casual praise into conversations will sometimes start pushing him into a submissive headspace, especially if you've done a lot of scenes with him recently because he starts responding to that tone of voice.
N - No (something they'd never do)
He doesn't like intense pain play - he's had enough pain the rest of his life so he needs you to be gentle with him. He also wouldn't want a harsh or strict dom, preferring to have you take care of him instead.
O - Oral (preference in giving, receiving etc.)
He enjoys both equally. Before you'd had sex you wanted to ease him into the experience carefully, so you gave him his first blowjob and he almost sobbed from the stimulation. Buuuuuuut alongside that he would also happily spend hours between yours legs - the praise you give him as he pleasures you and the feeling of you clenching around his tongue is almost enough to make him finish without any physical touch.
P - Pace (are they fast, slow, quick, rough?)
If it's just against the wall in the shower then it tends to be a bit faster, and on the odd occasion Levi feels more dominant he can get rougher, but he is usually perfectly content to let you decide the pace entirely.
Q - Quickie (opinion on quickies)
They're good sometimes, especially when you're both very busy with other duties. They're good to relieve basic urges, but Levi would never choose them over a full scene.
R - Risk (how open are they to risk?)
Levi is open to a bit of experimentation, but never anything exhibitionist. He can't risk the possibility of someone catching him in a compromising position, considering his importance in the military, so he insists that you keep all bedroom activities private.
S - Stamina (how long can they go for?)
As expected, at the start Levi had pretty low stamina since it was all so new and overwhelming. It gotten a little better since then but he also has a fairly quick recovery time to make up for it.
T - Toys (opinion on using toys etc.)
He doesn't particularly enjoy using toys on you, but adores when you use toys on him.
U - Unfair (how much do they like to tease?)
He'll only tease you a little when he's in a dominant mood and you've been doing something to piss him off, but the rest of the time it's not something he does at all. (He kind of likes when you tease him though.)
V - Volume (are they loud or quiet?)
Levi is cautious to control his volume so that other people don't hear, but his whimpers of pleasure can get quite loud sometimes.
W - Wild card (random headcanon)
During a scene once, while he was deep into subspace, he accidently called you mommy. When he realized what he said he was mortified, and almost started dropping. You had to quickly assure him that it was perfectly alright, that you weren't upset with him, and that you don't mind it if he wants to keep calling you that. He only uses that name for you when he's really, really submissive, and it's adorable hearing the tiny whimpers of "P-please mommy..."
X - X-ray (what's going on... down there?)
So many people seem to think that this man has a monster cock. He is 5'3 there is no way. He's a little smaller than average, in length and girth, but that just means you can hear him whine when you take his whole length into your mouth.
Y - Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
His sex drive is low most of the time. He has so many other things he has to focus on everyday, so sex doesn't cross his mind that much. Sex is more of a stress relief that he doesn't think too much about until it happens.
Z - Zzzzz... (how quickly do they fall asleep after?)
Being an insomniac, Levi takes a while to settle down to sleep, although it's always a little easier when he's comfortably next to you. (definitely the little spoon)
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suckerfordr3 · 3 years
Priorities - Part V
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“I moved out here just about four years ago. I got hired as an analyst and packed my bags, moved countries and didn’t look back, I was all of 21. I wanted to have an adventure. It was more about exploring a new city and country than about the job but I fell in love with it, the job was great and I was good, I worked hard got promoted even signed on some clients of my own and it paid well and I was happy. Monaco is barmy. It’s like no other place I’ve been before and at some point I got caught up in it all. I’d met a group of friends and they kind of adopted me into their life and with them came the parties. I didn’t date much aside from you know casually, nothing serious. There was this one guy, a trust fund rich type, we were friends, maybe friends is stretching it a little but we knew each other well enough and after a bad day at work on a random yacht party by the marina, we hooked up. We didn’t talk about it afterwards, it was a meaningless encounter. Just getting out stress and…” you pause from your rambling, taking in a deep breath and you continue.
“I realised around two months later that I hadn’t had a proper period, I’m not exactly the most regular person so I wasn’t worried but I went in for a check up and they told me the one thing I didn’t really want to hear. I was pregnant.”
“I decided to keep it, it wasn’t a religious or morality thing, I just kind of knew that I wanted it.. him, I wanted him. A couple of months later Luke popped out. It was all kinds of drama, from my family, my friends thought I’d lost my marbles. And he, uhh Luke’s father, I mean more of a sperm donor I guess, he bailed. Stopped hanging out with any of our friends, I think he still lives here but he didn’t want to be around. So I had Luke all for my own. And he’s 2, he’s a brown haired little boy and he’s adorable. And there’s not one part of me that regrets any of the sleepless nights or even the 14 hour delivery or the constant financial worry of raising a kid in this fucking expensive city, he’s my everything.” You didn’t cry like you’d expected, instead you felt a little relived to be able to tell Daniel something real about you. If it was a deal breaker then it would be his loss, Ethan’s words rang in your ears.
“I haven’t really dated since then, Luke is two, and you’re the first guy who I’ve gone on a date with since becoming a single mom. And whatever this is to you, a random hookup or if you’re looking for a date, a relationship, a cliff diving drinking buddy or a whatever in me, I just felt like you should know. Cause he’s literally a part of me and the most important thing in my life.” You finish speaking, and evaluate quickly in you head your monologue, and you decide whilst it wasn’t the most eloquent speech, it was good enough for carrying through your sentiment.
Daniel hadn’t made a peep till you had finished speaking. He carefully unfurled his arms from around you and stepped inside. You didn’t follow him. You stood running through all the worst case scenarios before shrugging on your discarded top. If you are going to be rejected then maybe having some clothes on might save you some dignity. When Daniel returns you see him carrying out a bottle of water and your phone. Some part of your brain thinks that maybe he’ll ask you to find a ride home.
Instead he hands you your phone and opens the bottle of water and gives it to you. You drink from it wordlessly and put it down. Daniel then proceeds to place his hands on your face, cupping your cheeks, making you lock eyes with him. You notice how intense and deep his brown eyes are.
He pulls you into a kiss. It’s different from any of the kisses you’ve shared before, Daniel moves his lips against yours, open mouthed but tenderly as if to shower you with affection. His hands hold you in place so he has all the control but there’s no fighting or dominance displayed. He kisses you and it feels vulnerable. And your heart melts more than a little when he pulls away.
“Thank you for telling me y/n. I can’t even imagine what a fucking cunt Luke’s father was to abandon not only you but his kid, ducking coward. I’ve known you for all of two weeks and I don’t think anyone will be able to pry me away from you if you’d have me. Which brings me to your little ramble about this being a random hookup, it’s not, I told you the first day I met you that I feel like we clicked. And I’ve got killer instincts, y/n I really really want you” you feel your eyes water a little as you let out a tiny laugh for being an emotional wreck.
“So if you’ll have me I’d like to date you, I promise not to steal you away from your little man, he’s the most important person in your life and I’ll strive for at least second. I just would really like to spend time with you and figure this out. And honestly you being a hot sexy young mom is kinda of a turn on” Daniel adds the last part with a cheeky smile, you can’t help but wiggle your eyebrows at his statement earning a laugh from Daniel.
“So you big idiot can I see a picture of him already or do I have to grovel?” You smile up at him and pull up your phone to show him Luke, you show him some pictures from the ultrasounds, videos from his birthdays, even him taking his first steps, Danny coos and awes at his baby pictures, the last one you show him is one of you holding him for the first time, you’re crying, your hair is sweaty and you look like a huge wreck. So you try to brush pass it but Daniel swipes the phone out of your hand running inside and sitting down on the sofa You let out you a sigh of disapproval, “Danny no give that back I’m huge and nine months pregnant, if you want to say new born Luke I’ll show you something else” you run behind him, you stand in front of him and try to swat your phone away from him hand but he’s much stronger than you so you stand no chance. He pins your hands together easily with one hand makes you sit on top of him and traps you with his arm whilst zooming in on the picture.
“Shut up babe, this is beautiful, was anyone with you during your delivery?” He says looking with awe at the picture. You give up struggling and lean into his bare chest, his stubble tickles your neck “My sister had our whole family over for her my nephews birth, I missed it cause I was just working but mum kept me in loop, god 14 hours must have been tough” sounding a little sad towards the end imaging you going through childbirth without support.
“Yah no umm I was alone, I had a really nice nurse, didn’t speak much English though and my brain couldn’t really deal with speaking French at that moment but she coaxed me through everything, really nice woman so I wasn’t fully alone.”
Daniel nuzzled his nose behind your ear and then places a kiss on your cheek mumbling “I’m sorry you had to go through that” sounding genuinely disheartened at the thought.
“Hey it’s alright don’t pity me, I’m happy I’m good and it wasn’t all bad I got a little dude out of it, now I’m never alone.”
You turn around to straddle him, kissing him once on his nose and then again on his dimples before placing a soft peck on his lips to let him know that it’s okay.
“Can I meet him? If that’s not too quick ” Daniel asks you and you don’t really know what to say. “I didn’t really think about that” his face fell at your words. You think for a moment, before saying “But I think I can arrange that” Daniel smiles widely at you “really?” he asks, “yah sure why not?” You tell him smiling at how happy that made him.
“You know I haven’t seen my nephew in two years, he’s grown up so much and I didn’t get to see it, I’m gone all the time any way but I used to get the summers and winters with him, I’m worried he’s forgotten me.”
“I’m sure that’s not true babe” you say as you rub his back, “you’ll see him soon, I’m sure you’re planning a trip as soon as it’s feasible. Some things in life are out of our control and no one saw this pandemic coming, so don’t blame yourself for not being there for him, I’m sure he’s got a lot of growing up left to do and you’ll be there through that. Plus I’m sure you’re his hero, an F1 driver for an uncle, he must be your biggest fan”
“You know?” Daniel looks up to you surprised.
“I didn’t until today actually. Ethan my best mate and emergency babysitter found you on Netflix, you looked very hot, didn’t watch much though in case you weren’t okay with it”
“no no that’s alright I’m pretty sure millions have seen it by now, nothing is there that I hadn’t approved to be put in or filmed. I was going to tell you but you beat me to the confession portion of our date. So are you impressed by me being such a hunky high performance athlete?” Daniel asks you whilst wiggling your eyebrows suggestively. “Nope you’re still a dweeb, just one that is apparently paid millions to drive around in circles” you tell him in jest. Daniel feigns offence at your comment “I don’t drive in circles, I drive in complex circuits in the fastest and most competitive motorsport in existence” he tells you. “Sure buddy, whatever helps you sleep at night” you tell him trying to return to the lighthearted rapport you shared with him, Daniel apparently has the same idea as he proceeds to tickle you. You let out a shriek telling him to stop and trying to get away “nope not until you admit I’m a sporting god and the pinnacle of human performance” he says smiling at you struggling.
You were still sitting on his lap so your best bet was to free yourself and make a run for it, but Daniel had other intentions, sensing your motive he tightens his grasp on your waist and moves you and himself so that he has you pinned onto the couch with him on top of you.
You’re too busy laughing and squirming to realise that you in all of that movement the top that you were wearing had ridden up leaving your midriff exposed down to your underwear. Neither of you had bothered getting dressed after drying off and you could see all of Daniel’s tattoos, you thought to yourself that he really is a work of art.
Daniel’s hand stopped moving, you stopped laughing and the two of you locked eyes. His eyes burned with need and you are pretty sure yours mirrored his, it had been way too long since you felt this kind of desire. He hooked his fingers into the lower hem of your top and pulled it off you wordlessly. You pull him towards yourself trying to get him to kiss you but he denies you. Instead he says to you “let me take care of you” you raise an eyebrow questioningly but you quickly understand what he means when he palms your breasts from the outside letting out a groan at how well they filled your hands. Thank god for pregnancy. You moaned when he slipped his hand past your nipples which never quite recovered from breast feeding and were quite sensitive to any touch. Daniel noticing your sensitivity decided to zero in on your pleasure. He tool your bra off deftly and took an areola into his mouth. You let out a loud moan when his teeth made contact Daniel deciding not to push you too hard the first time around let you go and maintained a more gentle touch. His one hand was cupping your other tit and the other wandered to your underwear. Slipping through the band he used the pads of his fingers to locate your clit, he knew he found it when you let out a breathy moan. His ministrations continued but having his hand and mouth on you was getting overwhelming, “Danny I literally haven’t had sex in almost three years, I’m not going to last if you continue like this” you said to him breathlessly.
“Three years really babe?” He says releasing your nipple from his mouth. “Yup” you say pulling him in for a kiss, but before his lips touches yours he whispers to you, “better make this worth the wait then” and he plunges two of his fingers into your already wet folds, your moan is swallowed by his kiss and you realise you might be in some amount of trouble in the arms of this man.
Link for part 1
Link for part 6
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sugar-petals · 4 years
SuperM Fluff & NSFW Notes
↳ 🌹aka some of their romantic antics plus random 18+ imagines 👋
warnings ⚠️ rated (super) m, boyfriends hc, porn mentions, partial fem!reader, sex toys
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since baekhyun knows how to make scented candles, he creates one for you as a birthday present with your favorite fragrances.
every entry in mark’s diary involves fond thoughts about you.
taemin kisses you more than his cat kkoongie on a daily basis so let that sink in. his smooch obsession is getting out of hand.
lucas, having giant fingers after all, learns how to knit in order to make you a warm scarf. he’s still a bit clumsy with it and had to call kun for advice, but the result is surprisingly proper and quickly becomes your favorite item. it’s a little huge but well, he thinks in his dimensions. lucas’ next project is a beanie.
ten overwhelms you with pet names. in fact, he seemingly seems to come up with a new one each day.
kai is a candlelight dinner, rose petals and music kinda guy. he does every old-school thing in the book.
taeyong can cuddle endlessly in bed. he just doesn’t wanna leave.
lucas gladly shares his sweaters. they’re ginormous so, perfect cuddle material.
baekhyun is already a fool. so — when he falls in love, he becomes an even bigger fool. or, the contrary happens: he becomes dead silent around his partner because he’s so enthralled. he can take this more seriously than you think.
mark likes to write little cards and many many texts to express his love.
lucas is the type who can help you put on your jeans when they were shrinking a bit too much in the dryer. he’s pretty sexy like that and things can get really touchy.
cheesy fucking kai, and there’s only one guy who would do this, has actually lowered himself over a puddle once so you would have a bridge. brushed it off like a daily workout rep.
not one shower missed without baekhyun joining you. yes, it’s not always sexy time, he likes it when you shampoo his hair and whisper sweet nothings. and obviously: it’ll all devolve to a laughing fit.
taeyong is the type who wants to be proposed to.
taemin will get a motorcycle license and take you for a frequent ride. he loves getting those kind of back hugs.
both ten and lucas are great at making bracelets. wayv’s dorm is fully equipped with charms, strings, and pearls, so expect matching ones for you.
we’ve seen it, that one’s his favorite move. kai wraps his hand around your shoulder when you walk together.
mark will ALWAYS share his melon.
making you swoon on a DVD evening is lucas’ favorite hobby. he will buy you the most sugary-sweet romance movies. he will often browse streaming sites to select the latest sentimental plots. all these dramas seem to have a male lead who is suspiciously tall and lanky.
if you allow him, taeyong customizes your white tees with his cute drawings.
since taemin swims in money thanks to his profession as the god of kpop (yes, this is a registered job name because i say so), he can fulfill you any wish. he’s stingy and pouty when the shinee hyungs can pay, and the motherfucker baekhyun is even richer since his albums have been taking off so he opens his mochi wallet when superm is gathered, but you... are a different case. taemin will humbly empty his entire pockets when he overhears you gushing over something. there’s a voice in his mind going: must splurge!!
mark loves christmas, you establish an annual tradition to stage a whole couple evening.
baekhyun likes to play charades and especially do karaoke with you. he’s always cutely wiggling his butt and dances like a drunk uncle. he hits the high notes anyway and makes sure you score 100 points.
taeyong can make out with you while at the same time making sure that the milk doesn’t get burned on the stove. kiss’n’stirr multitask tyong alert. gotta make sure the cocoa is served in time, you know.
all the members enjoy playing board games. yep, imagine the fun and sheer chaos.
lucas has the funniest laugh ever indeed. he’ll react to all your jokes, no matter how lame they might be. intensely reassuring.
taemin’s hand is basically glued to yours.
taeyong and mark are the kinds of boyfriends that spoil their partner with skincare. fancy a nice face massage with a nice fragrant oil?
baekhyun has been baking heart-shaped pizzas ever since you started dating. he just can’t make them round anymore.
mark will join you on anything you’re currently bingewatching. 
kai sometimes — only half-jokingly — goes down on both knees bowing forward with his hands on the ground just to show how much he wants to thank you. in case you didn’t notice: this guy treats you like a deity.
ten usually gets confused glances from the other members whenever he gets the current date wrong: he simply loses track of time with you.
lucas makes a habit of buying you flowers every other week. but on unpredictable occasions, and he arranges them in places you’d never expect.
taemin will build you a weird-looking snowman to make you laugh, and give it an even stranger name. ten will build one that looks like you. kai doesn’t build snowmen, he just stands there challenging you to throw snow balls at him.
mark will hang out with you at the beach constantly bringing his guitar. he’ll serenade you all the time.
returning from three months of touring, baekhyun has once climbed your balcony when your parents were in the other room. yep, he was that desperate to see you. somebody give this man a rope and helmet.
taeyong writes down heartfelt confessions on 365 folded slips of paper so you can open one every day. your reactions will range from ‘awwh!’ to straight-up tears.
ten does regular couple yoga with you. a mildly challenging form, not the circus acrobat version. he’ll do the difficult parts anyway. you can pretzel this guy up, he’ll do anything to make you laugh.
when it rains you hook your arm around his, and lucas always holds the umbrella. even the wildest gush of wind can’t make it turn inside out. you arrive home entirely dry. xuxi is so cute, he’s also a great source of cooling shadow in the summer without even trying.
taemin’s skinship overdrive doesn’t stop with endless hand-holding, back hugs and kisses. he wants to lay down in your lap whenever he can. he looks damn pretty with his hair splaying there. if you work on your laptop, you can pretty much count to ten and he’s already nestled there.
kai does pushups with you on his back. it’s a staple. each time he does one, he says ‘i love you’. he increases his count every day.
it’s no secret that taeyong is great at acting or pulling off any outfit and costume. expect roleplay of the finest kind — literally. he looks good in a firefighter uniform. you’ll be burning up pretty much automatically.
taemin can’t keep his tongue in. it’s terrible. he’s always in the mood for head. his sloppy noises are the absolute worst, it turns you on way too fast.
lucas had some major problems finding condoms that fit him.
ten and taemin are so switchy, they have an unresolved power struggle going on. begs for a dominant third party to help them out.
kai owns expensive latex gear.
baekhyun may be the king of vocals and breath technique, but if you push him far enough he does get hoarse.
taemin often jokes how kai will one day break his dick from fucking too hard.
meanwhile, mark’s dick is already falling off – from fucking too often. this guy has some major hormones going for him. no surprise, a guy who can promote in four kpop groups at the same time is a stamina king.
taeyong likes eating pussy with another party involved. three’s a crowd my friend. sometimes it’s taemin who unleashes his spit waterfall power, sometimes it’s baekhyun who preoccupies himself with nibbling at the inner thigh while taeyong digs in.
taemin owns the most underwear.
mark takes valerian drops because he is so nervous in bed. it never really goes away, it’s his nature.
taeyong keeps a lube collection. a different flavor for all occasions. he likes associating certain scents with specific body parts.
kai has a heels kink. he literally goes wild over it.
taemin likes to have sex with favorite glasses on.
taeyong and kai are the most likely to cry during sex. baekhyun as well if you rough him up enough. 
mark gets rock hard the fastest, followed by kai. he’s a grower.
taeyong gets the best inspiration for a song when he gets a casual dick riding.
taemin watches extremely x-rated erotic thrillers and bdsm flicks that are heavy on the plot. he gets more invested in the characters and actors than you think. since his japanese is amazing? of course he also owns a giant 90s hentai collection. 
when he’s jerking off, baekhyun chokes himself. a) because he’d make too much noise otherwise and b) because asphyxiation is his favorite thing.
kai feels pleasure in his every cell. he cums the hardest. and, as you can expect, his body expresses it the most extremely, accurately, passionately. if you’ve seen it even once, you’ll never look at him the same again.
taemin has less experience than his discography claims, but more than you’d think. he researches sexual techniques as well. you can brace yourself.
mark has not just a tiger inside, but a freak inside, waiting to be unleashed.
sex while gaming is a go-to activity for baekhyun.
lucas has the best stamina when it comes to getting head.
taemin throws his head back during sex. and no, he doesn’t T-pose. i’m kidding — of course he does. but only when he’s on his back.
taeyong tends to grip a pillow when he cums.
or he humps one when he’s by himself.
ten has the best taste in sexy time playlists.
baekhyun has the best taste in singing his own playlist along.
oh, the things kai has bought at a gas station at 3AM.
baekhyun sucks strap the best. he can open his mouth the widest, drools a lot, and makes the best noises unsurprisingly.
how to turn on lee taemin? he likes getting slapped.
since he’s the most avid and most diverse eater, lucas’ sperm tastes the best. he’s shove 50 fruits into his system just to give you a sweet experience.
mark is absolutely a starfish. 
kai wears fishnet tops if you fancy it.
curiously, baekhyun out of all people doesn’t announce when he’s cumming. you’ll hear it, though.
taeyong’s dildo collection is one for the books.
taemin has visited a pro dominatrix a couple times. needless to say, he was the #1 favorite client at the dungeon. having fully submerged into a fantasy world, taemin was one whip crack away from falling in love with the mistress. but then covid happened and the venue closed.
mark’s dick looks really pretty.
taemin can grind on the strap at every humanly possible angle. he’s almost always ready to take it. he carries a prep kit.
kai — that fucker — knows how to make you wet the most with his bare hands. prepare for the thigh ride of your life, too.
taeyong, baekhyun, and taemin have the best arches. kai is coming for the top three as well. ten’s arch is so good, it can’t be considered one anymore.
baekhyun knows every adult movie out there. theoretically, nothing can shock him. in reality, he melts in your hands.
taeyong is so sexually active with you, he has quit eating garlic.
kai will exploit your muscle kink in any way he can.
taemin, being a devil, has that one button on his phone that he can press when you go out for dinner. he’s OBSESSED with getting you off. once you head home, it’s basically running down your thighs.
ten has once opened a condom with scissors to scare away a date that grew weird on him by the time it got to the do.
lucas is too tall for doing missionary normally.
this will surprise nobody: mark is great at constantly keeping up the dirty talk.
baekhyun’s car is sort of like a brothel on wheels. he can’t count how many times he got down and dirty in there. he cleans it all up by himself.
kai can technically grip you the hardest but he’s the gentlest and great at caressing the whole body.
taemin has the easiest time saying what precisely he wants. he is also the best people reader — most your wishes he can pretty intuit. taemin observes your interests well.
ten likes his hair pulled and makes angelic noises when you do so.
baekhyun likes camgirls and erotic chats with strangers online. he spends a lot of money for nsfw internet encounters.
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amazinglyegg · 3 years
Random headcanons for Paladin Danse because I love him (based on these prompts by @/silentshayshores-2 !)
How do they feel about people shorter / taller than them?
Danse is used to being taller than basically anyone else due to being in power armour 24/7. He's also just very tall (I used to hc him as short but it seems like the general fandom consensus is Tall Danse) so he doesn't mind people shorter than him. Taller than him, however? Catch his fight-or-flight reflex kick in the second he realizes that. He has been trianed to fight people / creatures taller than him, so he's not scared or amything, but it's rare anything other than a supermutant or a deathclaw is taller than him. He'll warm up eventually.
Their sexuality?
Canonically he's multisexual and I agree with that. Demisexual bisexual with no real preference
Preferred weather?
Very sunny days, little to no clouds in the sky. He likes being able to see clearly and the heat never bothered him too much, especially not in compared to rain or snow.
What's their sleeping schedule?
In theory, 11pm to 5am. In reality? Probably more like 2am to 5am, the rest of the hours spent tinkering, reading, or just laying there in the dark staring at the ceiling. Out in the field he takes turns with whoever he's travelling with. Has fallen asleep in his power armour in the past. Scribe Haylen and knight Rhys have a silent agreement not to wake him up when he does
How's their cooking?
He knows cooking well on a survival level. Purifying water, scavenging, making sure food is safe to eat. He can make meals out of basically anything found in the wasteland, from mushrooms to bloatfly to questionable canned meat. He learned this even before he was taught in the Brotherhood, it was the only way he survived on his own for so long before moving to Rivet City. Cooking for taste? Not so much. He IS a fast learner, but he'll always put safety and preserving rations over taste factor, even when you have enough food to spare
What's their sleeping position?
When he's in a sleeping bag or sleeping around others: on his side, legs partially drawn and arm resting under his head/pillow. When he's alone he will fall asleep on his stomach, starfish spread out, probably drooling. Doesn't let anyone see him sleep like that, though.
Who do they go for comfort?
Cutler used to be his number one, and the person he confided most in. Since then, while he definitely has some friends, he's not close enough with anyone to talk to them. Even if he was, he feels as if he needs to be perfect in front of everyone to be seen as a good leader, meaning he'll rarely if ever open up. He's talked to Haylen a few times, but always apologizes after.
Something small that they enjoy?
Standing at the edge of the Prydwen, watching the sun rise. He always wakes up in time for it, and it reminds him of how far he's come, and how lucky he is to be in the Brotherhood
How do they feel about physical contact by others?
He's built high walls and is very closed off in general, making most close interactions with others somewhat awkward. Even things such as pats on the back or bumping into others on the hallways stopped being common since he was ranked to Paladin. Did I mention that he's been a Paladin for ten years? Danse is too touch-starved to know what to do, and ends up silently pushing others away with his awkwardness around the whole thing. He refuses to let himself lean into most gentle touches out of fear of letting his guard down and being seen as weak (see: who do they go for comfort) but if you manage to break down those walls and give him a real, warm hug? Expect him to burst into tears immediately
What is enough to bring them to tears?
See: above. Also, the crushing guilt of feeling as though he failed his team. He'd never dare cry in front of others but in the rare times he's sure he's alone and won't be disturbed he'll let it out, blaming himself and probably getting drunk. Other than that, he has a soft spot for orphans and got teary-eyed reuniting Billy with his parents during the Kid in a Fridge quest
Biggest pet peeve?
Rude people, especially people who talk over him during a conversation. He expects to be listened to when giving orders, so somebody shutting him up by talking over him or blatantly ignoring him in a conversation is a big sign of disrespect.
How well do they take care of themselves?
He never got the chance to have good hygiene until he got to the Brotherhood, meaning while he's completely fine with getting dirty / being unable to get clean / etc., he deeply appreciates personal hygiene when available. Showering, brushing, flossing, sometimes even moisturizing and going all-out. When it comes to mental health or self-care? Not so much. He has a habit of putting other peoples needs above his own, and especially after blind betrayal he becomes a little bit too self-destructive for his own good. He'll easily exhaust himself attempting to prove his own worth via working for hours on end, ignoring sleep, food, and even water until someone steps in and stops him
What's something they like that may be surprising to others?
He really likes children! The easygoing ones are always nice to be around and the closed off / mean ones are a challenge to win their trust. He has a soft spot for most children (especially squires) and is often caught showing them his armour / weapons, or even giving them piggy back rides when he thinks nobody is looking (we all see you, Danse)
Do they consider others family?
The closest thing he's ever had to a family is the Brotherhood, but that's mainly formality rather than actual family. He's been through so much with Recon Team Gladius that he might as well consider them family, but deep down he truly doesn't know what family means. He has nothing to base it off of, and thus he really doesn't consider anyone family.
Any bad habits that they have?
He smokes, but only rarely, and never as a social act. It keeps his hands busy and his mind quiet when he starts to overthink. He also has a habit of giving people the silent treatment when he's mad at them. He'll still do any work he has to do with them, but his conversations will be even more formal (and awkward) than before, and at any slight mention of their arguement he will find an excuse to leave. Give him enough time and he'll muster up the courage to apologize, but it's tiring to wait until then
What's their idea of a perfect vacation?
Danse generally doesn't like regular vacations, since he doesn't like being away from work for that long. Taking the Saturday off to go fishing or something is probably the closest he'll get to a proper vacation, and the most enjoyable for him
Do they get lost easily? Will they ask for directions if they are?
Danse's sense of direction is... alright. Not notably bad, but not amazing. He is good at not acting like he's lost, however. He'll keep calm and collected the entire time and act like he totally meant to take that three day detour in the wrong direction, totally. He will ask civilians for directions when he gets lost, but judges their character harshly before deciding whether he trusts their word.
How well do they accept advice?
Danse doesn't like being criticized, especially by people he's not close to. He's big on standing by all his orders, so comments on his choices make him think the person commenting is questioning his leadership. When it comes to friends or close teammates, he ends up either taking criticism way too harshly, or doing what he does with most comments and ignores it. He'd much rather learn from his mistakes than be called out
How much do they swear?
He isn't particularly against swearing, but it depends on the circumstances. He'll swear often in general (usually terms like "(god)damnit" or "what the hell") but very rarely swears while directing at a person, either talking to them or about them. He'll only curse someone out if he's really angry. He's very lenient on letting others swear
Is there anything they're bad at?
Other than holding a casual conversation? He's fairly bad at anything that takes fine motor skills. He's tried picking up hobbies like drawing or knitting, but he doesn't like working on such a small scale. Also has absolutely horrible handwriting, mostly due to not learning how to read until he was at least a teenager, but that doesn't help his case
What's their morning schedule?
He has a good internal clock that wakes him up early every morning. If he's on the Prydwen he'll exercise, shower, brush his teeth, shave, whatever, and go eat breakfast. If he's on a mission he'll usually skip exercising and clean himself as best as he can and check over his supplies, power armour, and their plan for the day. He likes having the mornings to himself
Any past injuries?
He has plenty of injuries and scars across his entire body. Most notably his eyebrow scar was from a fight with raiders alongside Cutler, several months before they joined the Brotherhood. Cutler was the one who gave him stitches. He has a gunshot wound in his shoulder, deep scars on his thigh from a Yao Guai and permanently messed up knuckles from punching things (people, or inanimate objects). His injuries become fewer and farther between the more he uses his power armour, but that doesn't protect him from everything.
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Meeting and Dating Charlie MacKenzie
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(Not my gif)(Requested by @jotaro-spengler​)
(Sorry this post took so long. I literally changed the entire meeting story last minute because I’m an indecisive perfectionist so it took a lot longer to write than expected. Hope you enjoy!)
- You and Charlie getting together was really all Tony’s fault. He just had to go and mention you: shine the spotlight in Charlies mind right on you and say look here you fool, a beautiful woman who you already care about and who already cares about you.
- That wasn’t really how it happened of course. All Tony had actually done was say something along the lines of “now take a look at my sister-”, using you as an example in some scenario he came up with rather than giving his friend a recommendation. 
- But, in Charlie’s half listening mind, all he heard was “take a look at my sister” and take a look he did. 
- You were a little younger; which tended to be the case when it came to younger sisters of friends that were his age, and you were pretty. You had a nice personality, you thought he was funny on occasion, and you weren’t a total stranger who he could easily find a flaw; that he didn’t already know about, in. 
- Why not give it a shot? Worst case scenario, you say no or he breaks your heart and loses his best friend in the future. But hey, it was Tony’s idea to begin with, right?
- So he visits you at work, making small talk; as per usual since this was a fairly normal occurrence for the two of you, before trying to ask you out as casually as he could. 
- Initially, you think that you’ve misunderstood him or that he’s misspoken, then you think that he joking, …and then you just think he’s gone crazy. You quite literally ask him if he’s feeling alright because it’s so out of the blue and unexpected.
- But, once you come to terms with the fact that this is a legitimate request, …you agree. 
- I mean, it’s not like the idea never popped into your head. You’ve known the guy since middle school: of course you’d considered it; though you’d never imagined that it would actually come to fruition. 
- Nevertheless, here you were, giving each other somewhat awkward smiles and arranging a time and place. 
- Your first date is initially going to be just a regular dinner at some diner down the street that the two of you; and your brother, often frequented but you quickly find that it just feels wrong to go there: like the two of you are still just two friends. 
- So you scratch that idea and find yourselves wandering around town, buying some food from a street vendor and taking in the atmosphere of the night. What started out as a; frankly, uncomfortable first date ends up turning into one of the best you’ve ever had.
- It’s no surprise that the two of you get along. The question is whether or not you fit as a couple so; regardless of whether or not you’d normally do it, you decide to have your first kiss before the night is over to test out the romantic chemistry between you. 
- It may not be the most romantic first kiss in the world; considering the fact that you literally both talk about and agree to it like it’s some sort of business deal or logical course of action, but you enjoy it nonetheless and it gives the two of you some clarity. 
- He likes you and you like him and the two of you are happy together. You just hope that it lasts....
- Charlie really doesn’t care about what other people think, in fact, he sort of likes to bother and gross people out so he never minds engaging in a bit of pda. If he feels like kissing the hell out of you, he’s gonna do it; regardless of whether or not there’s people around. 
- Interlocked arms or holding onto his arm as the two of you walk together. He likes having you close to him so literally securing you to his side by your arm is a helpful form of affection. 
- Handholding. He’ll usually swing your arms back and forth whenever you do. 
- Cheek kisses. He’s a fan of both giving and receiving them so it definitely goes both ways. 
- Excited, feverish, and passionate kisses. You tend to just lay one on each other at random; oftentimes catching the other person a little off-guard, so these types of kisses are pretty common in your relationship. 
- Kissing in the rain; sometimes with him kicking his leg up in the air behind him. 
- He tends to just call you by your given name; or a teasing nickname on occasion. He finds that using pet names just aren’t his thing and that a lot of them cause him to roll his eyes more than anything else. 
- The two of you really don’t have a “usual” cuddling position since you tend to just do whatever feels right or makes the most sense. Some days you cuddle with your head on his arm, other days he’s the big spoon, and sometimes you’re the big spoon. 
- Back scratches and shoulder kisses. 
- Taking baths together. 
- You know the meme about the person getting into their partners shower fully clothed so that they can ask them a question? That’s the type of shit that he does constantly. Sometimes you just have to sit back and consider the fact that you may be dating either an idiot or a crazy person. 
- Getting his help when you’re trying to pick out your outfits. 
- Going to his open mic nights. 
-  Having poems written about you. …They’re pretty bad....
- If you're dating Charlie, you have to stop caring about how other people view you because there’s no way you’re not going to do; at least a few, ridiculous things out in public together. The two of you are constantly doing dumb shit so just try to ignore any judgmental looks you may or may not receive. 
- Chasing each other around and playing other childish games. 
- Frolicking and dancing like children of the night~
- Double dates with Tony and his girlfriends. 
- Diner dates. 
- Wandering around the city together. 
- Buying from different street vendors and food trucks. 
- Cruising around town with his top down and the radio turned to your favorite station. 
- Sitting out on his roof with him. 
- He loves seeing you smile so expect a lot of dumb jokes and comments that are meant to make you laugh. 
- Teasing each other. You like to call him “nice” just to mess with him. 
- Convincing him to do different things with you. You know that it wasn’t his idea to go on that Alcatraz tour with Tony so it’s safe to say that he can be persuaded into accompanying you just about anywhere. 
- Taking different classes together; though you probably shouldn’t take him to those sorts of things …for the sake of your teachers sanity. 
- Getting visited at work. He’ll always insist that he was “in the neighborhood” but he absolutely was not and totally drove all the way over just to see you. 
- Speaking of work: he would definitely offer to help you with whatever task you had to do just to ease your workload and spend more time with you. It would also probably get him into the good graces of your boss so the man/woman would be a lot more lenient with him hanging around. 
- Finding your own ways to quiet his rambling. He tends to just keep talking whenever he’s nervous or feeling shy so you’ll have to learn the best way to quiet him whenever he gets like that; which usually means you’ll be kissing him or saying something he wants to hear. 
- Telling each other stories. His are usually exaggerated to an outrageous degree but you never really mind; it’s sort of more amusing to see where his brain takes him than to just listen to a normal story.   
- Family get togethers. You’ll usually sit in the kitchen with him and his mother while Tony and his father watch some sports game in the living room. 
- Interesting interactions with his family; namely his father. The man’s a little hard to get along with but he’s certainly entertaining. 
- He'll always check on you before leaving you alone, making sure you’re okay before he ditches you to do something; even if it’s just using the rest room for a minute. 
- Him getting advice from Tony. Regardless of whether or not you want to picture yourself as the mans sister, he’s going to be your best ally when it comes to surviving your relationship; so you might want to get on his good side if you weren't already.
-  Having to get through his sabotage stage. 
- Charlie tends to get scared and break up with people when things are getting too serious so don’t be surprised if; or when, it happens to you. The good thing is that, if it’s meant to be, he’ll come to his senses and dedicate himself towards getting you back; usually with some big cute gesture. 
- Just not feeling like yourself? No problem! He’ll be completely understanding and accept that you just aren’t happy; all while doing whatever he can to put a little pep in your step. 
- He’s not an incredibly jealous person but he is cautious. He’ll never refuse to let you hang out with someone or do something but he will keep an eye on your relationships with other guys. Not because he doesn’t trust you but because he doesn’t want you winding up in an awkward position because you couldn’t see the red flags of encroaching romance. 
- He’s somewhat protective of you; oftentimes sticking out his own neck to save yours. Although he’ll usually; awkwardly, try to settle things in a peaceful manner after an aggressive outburst at someone or something; usually because he only then realizes how big and threatening they are. 
- The two of you fake fight every now and again but real fights only happen once in a blue moon. You get along incredibly well so it isn’t often that you can’t settle things in a peaceful manner; especially since he approaches you very calmly whenever he has a problem. 
- Because most of his issues with you are reasonable, fights usually end before they even begin. But if they don’t and you wind up having a legitimate argument or fight, he’s always willing to apologize; especially since he’ll feel extremely guilty for upsetting you. 
- He mainly shows you that he loves you but he definitely isn’t opposed to saying the actual words. 
- As afraid of marriage as he normally is, he actually proposes to you pretty quickly. I guess when you know you know? 
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maxenceandrebisset · 4 years
YUTA as a boyfriend || NCT
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So you are here for our cherished Osaka prince? Then you are lucky because this one is longer than the other ones I have made so far.
Let's just state right at the beginning of this, that you and Yuta are for sure absolute soulmates if you started dating each other. Many people have prejudices towards him if they don't put the effort and time into getting to know him better - they think that he is rude, veracious, or that he doesn't care a bit about others, but that's not the truth, and you know that.
With this being said, it is obvious that you two would be friends at first - because he is quite social, and not scared to go literally anywhere, it is hard to tell where the two of you would meet. It could be a café, thrift shop, restaurant, convenience store, a gym, or just in the busy city center. Either way, you would have to stand out in some sort of way for him to notice you and start to pay attention to you more than he regularly does to people - unique hairstyle, clothing, you having a cute-ass dog who would go up for him for petting, you being confident in comparison with other girls around you either in the way you would speak or just present yourself to people, or you being Japanese, to begin with because I strongly believe that Yuta would like to stick up to Japanese girls even though he looks like a dude who would love to experiment more than other members.
I would see him experiment with a few girls - something like a one-night stand sort of thing - but this would hardly ever turn into something more like a relationship or a regular sort of thing. We all know that this boy is quite an experience one when it comes to the love life (you all know what I mean and why I am saying this), but because he would really want to take his time before starting a serious relationship, I think that he gained these experiences and knowledge from this so-called "experimenting".
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So, you two would be friends for quite a while - going out quite regularly, visiting each other, and watching movies or anime together to early morning hours, constantly calling and texting each other whenever you would have a free minute to do so (even if you didn't), sending memes, funny videos, and stuff like that to each other every single minute, and waiting with pure excitement for the response fo the other one. And then after a few months of you being extremely close, filled with relying on each other through the hard times or whenever you wanted to enjoy a bit of quality time with someone, you two just casually made out while watching a new episode of your favorite TV show on the couch in your apartment, giggling like two idiots, any exclaiming that it took both of you long enough.
He would be both extremely soft, but also quite "rough/cocky" with you. It would really depend on the situation and on the mood you would be having. 
After a tiring day in work behind, whenever one of you would have a downcast mood - being sad or disappointed about something that happened to you or to someone around you, which would deeply affect you in some way -, or simply when you would have a soft mood for no reason, you two would just lay in bed or couch for minutes or even hours, cuddling, talking in soft-spoken words, complimenting each other or just discussing a completely random topic that would pop up in your heads at that moment. He would shower you with loving pecks all over your body, borrow you his clothes, that would be extremely cozy for you as it would be a few sizes bigger than your regular clothes, or he would buy some big bar of chocolate, wanting you to eat as much of it as possible while repeating several times that he doesn't care if you gain weight because if it softens your spirits and cheers you up, then it is worth.
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He would want you to do the same thing for him as well, even if he didn't ask for it directly and tried to hide his own sufferings from you, because we all know how many times he has been angry, down, or frustrated because of the treatment he is getting in the group and because of the way some people think of him. Here the long period of your friendship, in which you got to know each other in every single detail, would be helpful because you would see in a second if Yuta is going through one of these moods, even if he tried to cover it. For a few seconds, he would try to change your mind and repeat that he is completely fine, but after the initial rejection, he would just break down in front of you and let you comfort him and raise his spirits with some good meal, you would cook for him, with you taking him out to some shopping mall for a shopping spree, with you taking him on a walk for some fresh air, or with you gifting him with some attention in the privacy of your home.
With this being said, we move on to the part of him being "cocky" with you. Many times, you gifting him some attention when he would be upset, would turn into something more heated than you planned. And I believe that we all know how much of a favorite and enjoyable activity this would be with someone as experienced as Yuta (he would always want to try new things in this, spice it up every single time, make it heavenly for both of you), but because this is rather a soft version of him being a boyfriend, I won't be going to nasty details about you sleeping together. 
Him being cocky would mean a lot of PDA as he is quite shameless when he is in his confident mood - holding hands, kissing in public, hugging, being clingy, slapping each other's ass in a teasing manner, or going as far as a little more wild touching when the two of you would get drunk late in some pub. Yuta would casually whisper nasty things into your ears, flirt with you without caring a bit if others are listening to you, and compliment every single thing on your body or the activity you would do, which would make you aggressively blush mostly because of the number of compliments you would be receiving from him.
Dates would be really colorful - it would be a wide range of dates, from the stereotypical romantic ones like restaurants, cinemas, picnics..., the artistic ones - you going to get a tattoo together, designing your clothes, shoes, visiting a gallery of modern art... to the "physical ones" like going on walks, riding bikes, going on a hike, to the gym together, or him teaching you football if you didn't already know how to play it. But every time, he would want to make sure that is a hell of a special one for both of you as they wouldn't be as regular as at normal couples because of his idol life and hectic schedules.
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But unfortunately, I think that fights might be a normal thing in your relationship. Both of you would be really strong-minded, sometimes too stubborn and honest for your own good, so these traits would just add the oil to the fire during your arguments as you can all easily imagine. You would definitely scare the hell out of people if you started to argue in front of them, but the thing is, that you would be absolutely okay after a few hours, maybe even minutes because you would get the things like this off your chest quicker than if you tried to talk them out, so even though it would be quite terrifying, it would be a way in which you would solve your problems.
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When it comes to the family, we all know that Yuta is definitely going to be a big family guy, despite the fact that he might not look like one to some people. He would want to introduce you to his family even before the two of you would officially start dating, and here comes his preference of Japanese girls in place because his family seems to be a Japanese traditional one - they would maybe accept his girlfriend being Korean, but I am not that confident about them being okay with him bringing home a western girl. Of course, he is someone who doesn't give a damn about what people usually think of him, at this point, but at the same time he treasures his family so much and I think that he himself really wants to marry a Japanese girl one day and live the "traditional" Japanese family life as he misses his homeland in Korea so much.
I can imagine him wanting to have a boy - of course, he wouldn't mind a girl as well, but I think that he really wants to have a son in his life. You know, teaching him a football, being this super active, motivating dad, who would hype him up, and would be considered extremely cool and funny by the boy's friends. The one who would be open to his son about everything - every question, every problem, or whatever discussion his son would want to have with him -, creating a special close bond thanks to this.
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Well, and the two of you would of course never stop being the cool, edgy, but deeply loving and caring couple.
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shunsuiken · 4 years
fluffy scenarios of kita, akaashi, and iwaizumi staying up with their fem s/o because she's studying for a big exam please & thank you
im serious when i tell u i couldnt stop smiling when i wrote this, thanks for requesting anon <3
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kita, akaashi and iwaizumi staying up with their fem s/o because she’s studying for an exam.
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—kita shinsuke.
kita is 100% the type of person who has a consistent sleeping schedule
like bitch will sleep at 10pm and wake up at 5am bright and early and fucking gorgeous
you’ll never catch this guy slippin’ (the inarizaki vbc will upvote this statement)
the latest he’ll stay up is midnight which means that hes going to take more of the afternoon and evening to study
you’ll be studying with him in his room and kita will make sure the surroundings are peaceful enough for you to study effectively
he never hesitates to help you with some topics you don’t understand for the classes you both take
sometimes gives you studying tips that are really helpful
you check the time just to see how far you’ve come- its almost 10pm
youre worried about kita because bby has to sleep and you don’t want him to stay up for you !!
“kita?? kita where’d you go?” you’ll call out, thinking he’s already getting ready to head to bed
but you find him in the kitchen and you smell... noodles??? you watch him pour them into two separate bowls huh?
“i know you’ll be staying up late so have some noodles to regain energy.” he’ll carefully glide the bowl over to your side of the table, his black-dyed hair tips were still damp from taking a shower earlier
oof sis were u that focused on ur work that you didn’t realise he went down to cook you sth??
you have your notes in your hands, walking over to the table and sitting down “you’re not heading to bed yet? you don’t have to wait for me yknow.”
he turns the stove off, bringing his bowl of noodles to the table. “don’t you still have a few topics to cover? let’s continue.”
your face goes :O but your heart goes 💓💓💓
unbeknownst to himself, he’ll casually play with your feet under the table while he asks you questions to answer omg :( hes so cute tf
youre basically having a midnight study date with him
he’ll also compliment you when he feels like you’re running out of energy because he knows it gives you energy boosts :”)))
—akaashi keiji.
i firmly believe that this bby is a master at all nighters and does them when necessary
so when 9pm or 10pm hits, you both are in the kitchen making coffee because you know you still have much more to study
you love watching keiji make coffee like sometimes you stop stirring your own just to watch him and when he notices hes like “😳😳 what”
and you just shrug “you’re cute”
i guess keiji’s not used to your random compliment bursts so he just //blushes//
and then u give him a kith because his cute face deserves it
youre also wearing his sweater because he has an abundance of them in his closet and you totally raid it every few days
you guys head back to his room and begin studying again
the night is tranquil and the house is silent, it truly feels so serene when you put aside the thought of your final exams
then you remind yourself of the reality and it feels like shit all over again
akaashi obviously senses your distress so he put a hand on your outstretched leg. the warmth plays with your cool skin, relaxing your nerves a tad bit
it was the little things he did that made u feel better and maybe if you squint a little harder, you’ll know he’s telling you “i love you”
akaashi’s gonna be finished with his coffee within five minutes LMAO hes a fast sipper
youre wondering how hes able to pull this off every few months but i guess everyone has their own secret super power no?
at some point you find yourself dozing off at 1.30
“you ready for tomorrow?” “absolutely not” pfft. akaashi’s gonna think. he’ll drag your ass to his bed so you can sleep properly and avoid straining a muscle
“get rest, love, you should at least be awake for the exam.” is the last thing hear before you fall asleep on his comfy sheets
—iwaizumi hajime.
lots of chaos in the beginning and thats because you two made a stupid joke about godzilla and now you can’t stop laughing like a dumbass  every time you look at iwa
“y/n look at me-” “PFFFTTT” its literally the middle of the night and youve probably awoken the dead 🤷🏻‍♀️ no biggie tho
lowkey makes it easier for you to study because you’re awake awake yknow?
iwa defs likes to take care of you. he’ll pass you a drink to sip on whenever it looks like youre about to lose concentration and asks you from time to time if you feel like youve studied enough
WILL GIVE YOU A MASSAGE but you tell him no because that’ll only make you sleepier
asks you questions about your exam material. he sometimes gets confused by the question because he doesn’t take that class
he actually finds it cute when you have to shut your eyes to think of the answer and when you open them, hes staring at you fondly
its like “😳 is there something on my face you porcupine”
this will lead you two into tickle fights and iwa convinced (not really) you that you should have regular tickle fights because ENERGY and BRAIN AWAKE 👍🏼
“call me a porcupine one mo-” ok this is cute because he tickles a spot that is super ticklish for you and you look- omg- you look so adorable all smiley
back to the studying part haha oh no youre starting to get sleepy
but you don’t wanna sleep yet!! you barely covered enough but iwa’s been watching u study and hes pretty sure you’ve covered the entire book since you started earlier this morning
idk i just feel like it would be nice if you laid flat on his lap and he just asks you questions and you try to answer them
his touch is just very nice and makes you feel safe yknow :)
you end up dozing off most of the time but you do try your very best to stay awake pls stop ur making iwa combust
after fifteen minutes of questions, you’ll surrender, exhausted
“tired?” you’ll hum in agreement and he’ll flip you over just to carry you into bed, tucking you in
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smoochi-dazai · 4 years
Hello there, can you do headcanons on how Atsushi, Dazai, Kunikida and Chuuya would react if they found out their fem s/o could sing opera? Like she’s not a professional, but she is self taught and has a powerful soprano voice and she sings Carmen’s Habanera like an angel basically? And they find out through her singing in the shower, through karaoke, etc. If you want to do this imagine thank you! 🙏💕🌹🍷✨
✿ “  Love is a rebellious bird ” ✿
—> Bungo Stray Dogs, Atsushi, Dazai, Kunikida, Chūya + PM Dazai | Reader
—> Sweet | hcs
—> Description | Atsushi, Dazai, Kunikida and Chūya react to a s/o who’s a talented, self taught opera singer. 
+ I’m not sure how this turned out, sorry for taking so long <3 This is my first time writing for Atsushi, Kunikida and Chuya so i was super worried. TwT
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Nakajima Atsushi 
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✿ Atsushi along with his s/o lived together, similar to Kyōka - Dazai suddenly roomed these two together with some kind of scheme. Using a cover up of keeping her safe, even though the s/o was plenty able to protect herself.
✿ The least Dazai expected was for these two not to start dating. It had been a couple months time before they even developed some feelings, but the love was intoxicating the air. 
✿ Eventually becoming more affectionate publicly, small kisses on the cheek, hand holding- it was all some cute puppy love. Forming into something more genuine.
✿ While his s/o were roomed together with him, it wasn't uncommon for Atsushi to be out of the house at work. Or the other way around while his s/o still searched for a job.
✿  Thankfully Atsushi recommended to be an assistant at the ADA, if his s/o had no interest in all the violence and fighting as a proper member. 
✿ The day Atsushi was first introduced to his s/o’s powerful voice for singing was while she was in the shower.
✿ He had towels for s/o and a spare change of fresh new clothes, but the poor boy didn’t want to interrupt their singing. opening the door ever so slightly, he put the clothes inside then shut the door again. No intension on invading his s/o’s privacy.
✿ Atsushi would mostly likely sit outside the door to listen to his s/o’s singing. It captured his heart honestly, poor boy was speechless. 
✿ Never had he heard such a strong voice, he saw you as such a beautiful singer, let alone someone who slept right next to him ?! he couldn’t believe his ears.
✿ Poor boy ends up being hit by the door when his s/o came out of the bathroom, now changed in light clothes and a towel over their shoulders that had been partially dampened..
✿ Atsushi stared at his s/o in awe. Unable to say a word he just stares at s/o for an uncomfortable amount of time. 
✿ Once Atsushi snaps out of it, he’s complimenting his s/o all day. 
✿ When I say all day, I mean all day.
✿ Atsushi had no idea you were capable of something so, amazing. He knew you were talented, but never grasped the fact you could control your voice for opera?!
✿ He wont force you to sing for him or anything, but every once in a while he may ask. 
✿ Overall, Atsushi was in love with the singing. He wouldn't question much, he’d be too busy complimenting it all. 
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Dazai Osamu
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✿ These two first met at the cafe beneath the ADA’s head office. 
✿ While the others were screaming at each other over work, Dazai left for some peace and quiet. The least he was expecting was a new waitress coming to his table with the cutest little smile.
✿ Dazai would do his typical flirts, asking to commit a lovers suicide.
✿ Each time he was declined, for obvious reasons haha.
✿ Visit upon visit, Dazai would show up much more frequently then the rest of his friends in the ada.
✿ They started to be on a first name basis which was a surprise, because even the ADA members call him by his surname.
✿ The day Dazai visited and found the cafe trashed up because of a group of thugs? he was beyond upset. s/o was knocked out cold on the ground, while the head of the cafe was clenching onto his hand that bled. 
✿ After the ada caught the ones behind the attack and taught them a lesson, Dazai offered to take care of s/o at his place. She meekly accepted his offer.
✿ Being around someone more casual was refreshing and new, the rest of the people he knew were always work busy and overall just rude to him. Stick in the muds as he’d put it. 
✿ S/o was gentle with him, always worried if he got injured- it was odd. 
✿ At first he began rejecting her, but she’d still come to his place with groceries and cook for him.
✿ Falling her her more and more, Dazai joked less about his suicidal tendencies. Becoming more serious with his issues, he’d vent to s/o for relief. Even when she didn’t say anything in return, it was still comforting. 
✿ Eventually these two started dating, Dazais flirtatious habits died off and he was always focused on his s/o. Some may say he was a bit obsessive, but Dazai was just afraid he’d lose what made him want to live.
✿ Their first date was simple, going out to town and just walking together hand in hand. They ate together, shopped a little- that was until he felt his s/o insist on pulling his arm, pointing at a building across the street. 
✿ Dazai thought his s/o was pointing in the direction of a pathway leading to a river.
✿ “ You want to commit a lovers suicide in the river? “ I never said he completely got rid of the jokes- even if they hold a little truth. 
✿ “ No moron! Karaoke is tonight !! “
✿  “ oh. “
✿    Pouting, his s/o dragged him to the building. Not minding that they were alone, she just wanted an excuse to sing for her lover. 
✿ Thats the night she first sung for Dazai- he wasn’t aware of her talent in singing before-hand so this man was in pure awe.
✿ Dazai leaned back in his chair, eyes never once leaving his s/o’s form when she sung to him. A smile formed on his features uncontrollably, the singing wasn’t any singing of a casual for fun. It was Opera- 
✿ He constantly wanted to speak up and say how amazing his s/o was, but stayed respectful. keeping his mouth quiet.
✿  Afterwards, Dazai showers his s/o in love. Kisses, words- you name it. 
✿ “ Your voice was so powerful, ah~ I could die! “
✿ Dazai claims that if it were to continue he may faint from the beauty, saying his s/o was an angel sent from above to take care of him.
✿ His s/o better be prepared- because the next day she goes to work. all the ada detectives were sitting down like usual, but that's when Dazai takes it upon himself to drag s/o onto his lap and start bragging about her. 
✿ Dazai tries to make her sing again, but the poor girl is embarrassed looking down at her lap.
✿ Overall this boy is all over his s/o, bragging to the world that she is talented as hell. Will often tease her for blushing when he asks her to sing for him. 
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Kunikida Doppo
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✿ This man didn’t plan on meeting the woman of his dreams for another 3-5 years as he stated many times, which would then lead to marriage. 
✿ But when you became an assistant at the ADA he couldn't keep his eyes off you, always coming with excuses as to why he’d stare.
✿ Dazai constantly teased him over this-
✿ “ Is it true? Kunikida has the hots for our new assistant?~ “ Dazai teases, only to be tossed away. 
✿ “ I am only keeping an eye for her for the safety of our office, plus she may need guidance around the office. “
✿ “ Sureee.. “
✿ He never planned on becoming super close to the new assistant, but the way she smiled at him always kept his heart fluttering. The determination held in her eyes whenever he gave advise, it was something he appreciated. 
✿ Unlike Dazai, she wasn't always on her ass. The potential love of his life was always on her feet, keeping her work a priority. 
✿ It got to the point, she was kunikidas go-to person for assistance. Need coffee? she’d get it for him, need to shut up Dazai? he is already out the window. She’d never failed to meet his expectations, a true blessing. Even helping his with paperwork became a regular whenever he was fatigued. 
✿ He never involved himself with romance, especially around work. But he couldn’t help but fall for you as time went by, dazai pointing it out made it more obvious to himself. he was changing because of his s/o.
✿ It takes a couple years to actually get together, this man is always busy with his work and ideals. So even though it takes so long, id say its worth it. He deeply cares for his s/o even if he isnt always fun and romantic- 
✿ The first time he hears his s/o sing was when they were off work for once, just resting at home on the couch. However, kunikida still insisted on working from home. 
✿ His s/o had to convince him to leave.
✿ “ Can you at least listen to me sing? I’ve been practicing... i thought you’d want to listen. “ 
✿ Sing? this was the first time he heard of his s/o singing. He never wrote that down, time to add it to the list of talents he figures out his s/o has.
✿ He was convinced to listen to one song, thankfully. So his s/o dragged him to the living room, siting him down as she sat in front of him. 
✿ At the start, he never once put his notebook down. Writing random jots in there about she could only assume- it was about her. 
✿ So while singing, she carefully takes the book from his hand, catching Kunikidas attention. 
✿ After the singing, Kunikida was almost in tears- nowhere in his notebook did it say his girlfriend would be this talented. 
✿ He’d grab her shoulders, staring eye to eye with her. It was an intense stare only to be glossy, tearing up. Explaining how that was so beautiful. 
✿ Overall, Kunikida is gushing over the beauty. There will be a lot of explaining as to how his s/o is perfect in his eyes. 
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Chūya Nakahara 
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✿ Chuya first met his s/o through the Mafia, s/o weren’t all that special. Just another person beneath him in terms of rank, he didn’t know much about them honestly.
✿ It wasn’t til he ran into his future s/o during a meeting with fellow executives and their leader, Mori. 
✿ S/O was playing with Elise on the opposite side of the room, Chuya was much more focused on Mori for obvious reasons at first. But then his ears pick up on s/o braiding Elise hair and humming for her. 
✿ Honestly it was pretty sweet, s/o was a beauty he’d admit. 
✿ Suddenly, Mori called s/o over. Advising her to follow Chuya on a mission to retrieve information from a colleague in question. 
✿ At first Chuya would question why she of all people would be sent with him, but that look in her eyes gave it away. S/O wasn’t any normal mafia member, her dull eyes still held a sparkle. Serious about their mission.
✿ Something about it was intimidating? 
✿ Its never right to judge a book by its cover, Chuya knew that. But he still couldnt grasp that someone as motherly as the s/o was capable of hurting even a fly.
✿ S/o was there to keep him under control, Mori was all too aware of Chuyas hot-headed approach to issues. But Chuya still was trustworthy enough.
✿ It became a regular for s/o to join Chuya on jobs.
✿ Turns out she was born without any kind of agility. She was the most human you could get, but that didn’t stop him from admiring her. She seemed like a mystery at first.
✿ S/O was capable of high levels of martial arts, even rivalling him. Though Chuya still would have the upper hand, just from having a little more experience in the mafia. 
✿ s/o would lure people in with her singing, then he’d deal with them.
✿ S/O gained the nickname ‘ Siren ‘ for her beautiful vocals, while deadly even without Chuya at her side.
✿ After almost a year working together, Chuya gained feelings for the women at his side. the feelings were mutual, s/o and Chuya were just too caught up in work to confess. 
✿ He would compliment s/o for a job well done, her singing was truthfully very alluring. 
✿ It was only recently where he found her on an empty bridge in Yokohama. 
✿ She seemed to be preparing to sing on her own, maybe practicing for future missions. If she sung on the streets she’d probably make more money then the mafia gave her. 
✿ Chuya kept himself hidden away in the shadows of night, watching his s/o who was doing small exercises for her vocals.
✿ S/O began to sing opera, which was new to him. Shutting his eyes, Chuya couldnt help but smile. He never saw himself dating such a talented young women. Someone to call his own. 
✿ Even when he’d murder someone before her eyes, she never once seemed disgusted. Never found herself question his motives, not even tease him for his outbursts. 
✿ He adored his s/o through in through. 
✿ When his s/o finishes singing, he’d finally reveal himself. out of the blue, his s/o would be pulled into a hug.
✿ “ That was beautiful, who knew i’d date someone so damn talented. Holy shit. “
✿ Chuya wouldn't bombard his s/o in compliments like others, it would be more shown through actions. A kiss on the head with his arms wrapped around her waist. 
✿ Chuya would be happy, alone on the bridge with s/o.
✿ Overall this man would get a little distracted on missions because of that beautiful voice, may have to snap him out of it during serious times. Be prepared for hugs, and many pecks on the lips. 
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Bonus !! Port Mafia Dazai 
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✿ Dazai first met his S/O in Lupins bar, one night where he went to meet with  Odasaku for a couple drinks. He heard a women in the opposite corner of the bar humming to herself. 
✿ Having nothing to do with her, the smaller hums were relaxing to just think during before he made his leave.
✿ Frequent visits later- Dazai found himself showing up for her, more then the drinks. Often alone, he’d just come to listen to the women hum, or even sing sometimes. 
✿ She rarely properly sung in order to leave the peace at the bar serene. Having no interest in making someone uncomfortable.
✿ One day he visited and finally spoke to her, even praising her just for a mere tune that created a beautiful atmosphere in a normally gloom bar.
✿ Days on end, Dazai would insist on her singing for him. Free time? he’d be spending that time at the bar. He was often curious as to why the talented women was stuck at a cheap bar like Lupins. Yet, she never seemed to answer his question. So he left it be. 
✿ That’s how they end up getting closer and started dating. Visiting almost everyday to see one another- The women never questioned his often dull expression as days pass by. 
✿ Who knew she had been the single thing keeping him to hold some faith in humanity, or even himself. 
✿ As the visits became daily and they started dating, she often would leave the bar and sing for Dazai outdoors. It allowed her to use all her vocals, no matter how loud she may be. 
✿ Hums, small tunes, singing then- Opera. Something she always found interest in. Feeling confident to sing for Dazai after really knowing each other.
✿ The first time his S/O grabs his hand before he even sat himself down, he knew something was up. Rather it was good or bad had been the real question.
✿ “ I wanted to try something new for you “
✿ Dazai had no idea what he was instore for, but accepted it anyways. Sitting himself on the ground crisscross. 
✿ That was the first time she had sung an Opera for him. It was purely her voice, no instruments in the background or some music video online. It was live, right in front of his eyes. 
✿ Boy was this mafia executive in Awe. His S/O was beautiful, and not just that. She was talented !! 
✿ Dazai being in the mafia hasn’t any experience in the world of singing, yes he often would hum random tunes through boredom. But her voice was so strong, and held control throughout the whole performance. 
✿ Once his S/O finished singing, Dazai was speechless. Eyes sparkling like a child as he stands up and grasps her hands. There was hardly space in between them, but he pays no attention towards that. 
✿ “ That was outstanding !! How’d you do that ?? “
✿ Honestly he didn’t give her time to answer his question, before asking a million more. Dazai was just in love with her voice, even more than before. It was stronger then any person he’s fought against. How could someone be so talented and it not be an ability or something?
✿  Overall this boy is in shock, he’s absolutely in love with the singing and insists on his s/o doing it more for him on the days off work.
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ginkgowritings · 4 years
Hi!!! I love to see new hc writers around~ can I ask for some cute and domestic hcs with our boys? (If that’s too many then I’ll happily settle for just my boy gavin uwu)
Thank you for the request fellow birdcop fan~ I hope you enjoy it!
Once you’re dating and staying at each other's places regularly Gavin starts looking after himself a lot more!
His sleep schedule will improve and so will his diet.
Gavin generally wakes up first, but he stays in bed with you as long as he can just enjoying your presence.
He makes sure to keep his food fully stocked so you always have nice food to eat. He can’t have you basically living off ramen like he used to.
You’ll get in the routine of trying to cook together for almost every meal. Originally, it’ll be a bit messy but as you both learn how to cook better you slowly become perfectly in sync.
Loves randomly grabbing you by the waist and pulling you into a kiss as you both move around the kitchen. It can be a kiss on the lips, cheek, forehead, basically anywhere he can reach quickly and surprise you.
Every workday after both of you are home you always eat dinner together and talk about your days. Gavin loves to hear about what you did that day and all your plans. He’s a bit hesitant to share details about his work at first as it isn’t always safe and he doesn’t want you to worry, but he gets more comfortable as time progresses.
At home Gavin is clingy. He wants to be next to you and preferably touching you constantly.
This leads to regular cuddles, whether it’s both of you hugging and entangling your limbs together as you relax or leaning against each other lightly as you both do something else.
You play video games together a lot. Gavin sometimes lets you win but he tries not to make it obvious. It’s totally obvious you just pretend not to know.
You help him look after all his plants. Gavin’s plant death rate goes down a lot with your assistance. He appreciates it so much and loves watching them grow.
Now that his plants are thriving he keeps getting more plants, eventually, he’ll just have houseplants everywhere. Gavin’s cactus army.
Besides plants, he starts decorating his home with lots of couple photos, especially ones where you’re smiling brightly because they’re his favourites.
He has a boxing bag at home and teaches you how to box. He wants you to be strong enough to fight if needed though he hopes you won’t need it, and he enjoys working out with you.
At home with Gavin is all about relaxing and spending time together before you both need to go to work again, so your comfort is always a priority.
If Kiro could he’d just stay in bed with you all day. As a result, you both suck at waking up in the mornings, always trying to prolong it as much as possible by repeatedly snoozing the alarm.
Savin ends up with a spare key so he can come in and drag Kiro out of bed when needed.
Part of your waking up troubles is due to your bad sleep schedules. You constantly stay up together just talking about anything and everything. You don’t mean to do it, you both just get too into talking to each other and before you know it it’s 3 AM.
Kiro isn’t the best cook but he’s still a foodie. As a result, he knows all the best restaurants in the city that deliver and is super excited to share them all with you.
You order food at least once a week, eventually you’ll try every restaurant in the city. On every other day, you make basic meals together.
Movie night is a regular thing! Kiro is up to watch any movie as long as he can do so while cuddling you and eating lots of snacks.
He shares his movie chips and popcorn with you, that’s true love.
Like Gavin, you play video games together a lot but he’ll never go easy on you. Luckily, he’ll usually prefer playing on a team with you and versing someone else online so you’ll rarely have to compete against game monster Kiro.
You play Animal Crossing together to relax and his island is very chaotic. He just places everything he likes with barely any organisation so he eventually asks you for help to make his island nicer. When he’s on tour you’ll have virtual Animal Crossing dates!
Gives lots of random hugs and is generally pretty clingy. Lazy cuddles are always a must and one of his favourite ways to relax.
Kiro has a plushy collection and it’s only increasing with your influence. He always prefers cuddling with you, but they’re still nice to have as extra cuddle buddies.
Uses his free time to try new things with you. You end up trying all kinds of things together at home, anything from painting to at-home workouts.
Likes to play songs for you whether his own songs or a cover. Whenever he’s making a new song you’re the first to hear it.
Always wants to be close to you when writing songs, even if it’s just sitting next to you or holding one of your hands. It helps him think, especially if he’s writing love songs.
Homelife with Kiro is always super fun! There’s never a boring moment even when you’re just relaxing, he’ll always find a way to make you laugh.
Please force this man to sleep I’m begging you.
Somehow he always manages to wake up on time even though his sleep schedule is trash and that can’t be healthy.
If you insist on staying up until he goes to bed with you he might improve a bit, he doesn’t want you to be unhealthy too. However, he’ll often sneak out of bed once you’re asleep and stay up.
Once you notice this you’ll have to take more precautions. Cue Lucien having to sleep in your iron grip where he can’t escape without waking you.
He’s a decent cook and will cook quite regularly, but he’ll also have quite a few heat-up meals for when you’re both too tired or just don’t feel like cooking.
No matter how long you’re together he’ll always enjoy teasing you when he can.
Leads you on with make-out sessions that he abruptly stops. You’ll be making out passionately, and just when you’re about to try and take it further he’ll just “That was nice, now back to work :)” and go back to his desk.
His home is ridiculously clean, the only clutter is the occasional stack of heavy textbooks and research papers but they’re always organised and put away quickly.
He tells you about his research but he isn’t always able to explain it in a way you’ll understand without a science background. He’s aware of this and just happy that you’ll still listen to him and remain interested even without understanding everything.
Likes hearing about your work too and is always willing to offer his opinion on anything you’re unsure of or just want to improve.
Will let you practice your proposals in front of him before you have to present to Victor and helps you improve them. He’s not shy when giving feedback and it’s always constructive.
You almost always have a big puzzle on the coffee table that you’re working on together. Lucien is ridiculously good at it and it’s a nice way for you both to relax together while still stimulating your minds.
Always prioritises your health and has the expertise to back it up, he can tell when you’re on the verge of getting sick and will immediately act to prevent it. If only he looked after himself properly too.
Movie nights where you watch old movies together while relaxing on the couch, occasionally getting distracted by the presence of each other.
You and Lucien both help each other improve in different aspects, bringing a nice balance to your relationship and home life.
Victor always wakes up at least an hour earlier than you and works out. After he’s done and showered he comes back to the bed and gently shakes you awake, planting a kiss on your forehead as you slowly open your eyes and look up at him.
On his rare lazy days, he loves staying in bed with you but rarely stays in bed for too long as he’s insistent on eating breakfast at an appropriate time.
He’s always cooking for you and loves watching you eat his food.
Tries to teach you how to cook but regularly gets frustrated so he still cooks by himself a lot.
When your cooking eventually improves he’s super proud and glad that he taught you.
When you’re both very busy he’ll find the time for you to meal prep together, making meals for at least a week so you’ll both have one less thing to worry about.
Doesn’t have many if any unhealthy snacks at home but makes up for it by making you pudding every so often.
You’re his taste tester for any new recipes. He always acts confident when presenting them to you, but internally he can be pretty nervous.
Knows your schedule really well so he always plans meals and time together around that.
Being at home with you is just so natural to him, it just feels right. He can’t imagine his home without you regularly around anymore.
Due to this, he’ll casually blurt out stuff like “When we’re married...” or “When we have kids...” without thinking about it because to him it just seems like something that’ll inevitably happen.
Asks about your reports and general work stuff even at home. Work is important to him and he wants you to be as successful as you can be. If you need help with anything he’s always happy to give you advice.
His home is originally relatively bare, he has a sleek decoration style with no clutter and basically no personal touches. However, with your presence, little personal touches start being added whether it’s a souvenir from trips you took together, a plush he won you at a fair, or just random things you both bought that reminded you of each other.
Homelife with Victor is calming and steady. Though there’s a regular routine you’re never bored and you’ll always enjoy the presence of each other.
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Ch. 4, Mi Cielo
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18+, violence, smoking, canon timeline, 2.2k words
The neighborhood is quiet when you arrive and Carillo sends two of his guys ahead in order to clear out any guards. You follow behind him and Javi covers your six. A short one steps out from the alcove, immediately holding his hands up and dropping to his knees for one of the officers while the other moves forward, stabbing the other guard in the chest before surging up the stairs. Carillo motions for the two of you to follow, all three guns constantly sweeping your surroundings. A blue light glows from the store sign across the street, lighting the first floor up with the bizarrely bright hue. The three of you keep moving towards the sound of chatter upstairs, Carillo’s hand on his officer’s shoulder and Javi’s hand on yours. The shooting starts quicker than you expected as a guy lifts his rifle on the stairs, Carillo taking him down in one shot. The officer kicks open the door on the landing and all hell breaks loose.
They take down two guys each and you drop to your knee, aiming around Carillo to take down two more as Javi shoots a guy in the head. Once all of them are down, you glance over to see him tucking his gun into his pants and stripping his vest off. You didn’t even notice the woman lying in the corner on a dingy mattress. He kicks the bastard away from her before covering her up and whispering something to her as Carillo gives you a hand to your feet, nodding to you. The officer does a final sweep of the apartment before heading back downstairs.
“Javi is she alive?”
He nods towards you as he cups her face, “Helena… te voy a sacar de aqui, ¿si? Te lo prometo.” She cries as he picks her up, holding her to his chest. You move out of the way for him before following them down the steps. Behind you, you hear Carillo yell down to the street, warning that she’s coming outside. A gunshot echoes a second later.
When Steve arrives at la tienda, he’s pissed and honestly he has the right to be. You and Carillo look at him and then each other between sips of beer while he beelines towards Javi, “How is she?”
Javi sighs, “Sedated.”
“She going to be okay?”
Javi takes a drag and you answer for him in a hushed voice, “Physically she’ll be fine.
Mentally… fuck man.”
“I haven’t got a fucking clue, Murphy.” Steve watches Javi before blowing smoke out his nose.
“You fucking left me behind on purpose didn’t you? Both of you,” he glares at you and you stare back at him, unflinching. Javi starts to protest but he cuts him off. “If we’re gonna be partners, I don’t get left behind. I didn’t come all the way down here Peña to sit on the fucking sidelines. Fuck, Lucio just got here too and she’s already being shown an ounce of respect.” They stare at each other in some sort of silent pissing match before Steve turns back to you and Carillo, who’s sipping that damn beer. In any other situation, his silence would be comical. “Whatever’s going on here... I’m all in. Is that understood?”
Javi blows smoke in his face, about to give a retort but you stop him. “Si, gringo. But you’ve really got to work on your fucking Spanish okay?” He glares down at you but Carillo chuckles next to you which makes you smirk. Javi just broods some more.
Finally he hands him a beer, sighing, “I hope you know what that means Steve.” You down the rest of your beer as Javi comes to stand next to you, letting his hand rest on your shoulder lightly. Carillo notices the movement but doesn’t say anything. Even though the guy is rough around the edges, he’s growing on you by the minute. The flashing lights of the ambulance streak away finally, and the store owner brings out another round of beers for the four of you. No one says anything after that, and Steve finally steps away to call Connie to let her know he’s fine and would see her tomorrow. Glancing down at your watch, you realize how late, or early, it actually is and you feel the tiredness take over your body.
Excusing yourself, you go over to the jeep and climb in the back seat, letting your head fall back. You vaguely hear someone join you and feel the jeep rock when he climbs in. “¿Qué quieres?”
“Are you okay?” Javi’s voice is gravelly, which is a weird sound when you’re used to it being so rich and smooth. You turn your head, blinking at him in the low light.
“You’re asking me if I’m okay? I’m fine. Are you?” You turn so your back is leaning against the door and you’re angled towards him. You can see Steve through the driver’s side window, still leaning against the pay phone box.
“I don’t know,” he swipes his hand over his face in his signature motion.
“Was she just an informant?” In the back of your mind, you hate yourself for even asking but you can’t help it.
“Si, hermosa. But she didn’t deserve that, no one deserves that.” He sighs heavily, his shoulders dropping under the weight of the past few hours.
“I know Javier,” you lightly grasp his hand that's on the back of the seat, squeezing it as Carillo gets in the front, quickly followed by Steve. As the engine starts up, you close your eyes against the small vibration running through the frame. If everyday was going to be like this, you were in for a hell of a ride.
“Lucio, wake your ass up,” Steve isn’t as nice as Javi when it comes to waking you up between transportation modes, but you blink your eyes open to the early daylight, groaning at the brightness. The heat is already stifling and your shirt clings to your back with sweat.
“Headquarters?” Hanging the headset up, you hop out of the chopper and jog across to Javi’s jeep. He’s already inside and smoking.
“No, we’re going to the apartments first. Get cleaned up and then we’ll go in,” you nod at him as you climb in the back, throwing your jacket in before you. Steve clambers into the front, all limbs and no coordination.
“How the hell did you ever become an agent when you walk around like a baby giraffe?”
“Would you shut the fuck up, it’s seven in the morning.”
“Would both of you shut the fuck up until I have at least one cup of coffee?” Javi smiles at you through the mirror and you laugh. At least he seemed to be in better spirits now that it was daylight.
As soon as you parked in front of the apartments, Steve was bolting up the steps and calling back to you that he’d see you at the office. Something about him beating you both there and putting up a board. You ignore him and the dark haired one beside you as you pad towards your door and unlock it.
“I’ll make some coffee and breakfast… if you want,” Javi pauses at his door, his keys dangling in his hand. You smile at him, suddenly aware of the shyness he still possesses around you after all those years.
“Let me shower and then I’ll come over, huh?” He nods and fumbles with his keys as you enter your apartment and shut the door. The blackout curtains do a hell of a job at keeping the light out, and you make a mental note to enjoy that on your next day off. Digging through your bag, and then a box in your bedroom, you finally find some semblance of a casual but professional outfit. Kicking off your boots, you hurry towards the shower, ready to get the grime off of you and wash your hair. You hum some random song you heard on the radio, and by the time you get out and get dressed, your wet hair leaving little tiger stripes on your shirt, you can smell the bacon from down the hall. Tucking your button up shirt into your jeans, you apply mascara and brush your teeth, followed by your hair. You don’t bother with perfume, but you haphazardly throw your deodorant into your purse before pulling your boots back on. You give your hair one last squeeze with the towel before locking up and heading back down the hall. Knocking, you push the door open and find a sight you thought you may never see again: Javier Peña standing over a stove, shirtless and in jeans, with wet hair and a hand towel draped over his shoulder while he cooks. You whistle slowly, letting him know you’ve intruded, “Smells wonderful.”
He smiles at you and pushes a cup of black coffee towards you, “Drink up.” You take it before exploring his apartment. It’s a little bit bigger than yours, and there’s art on the walls. Looking around, you spot his bookcase and curiously thumb over the titles, mumbling to yourself. Eventually, you feel his eyes on you and you turn to catch him leaning against the counter, a cup of coffee in his hand, “Thank you.”
“Why?” Pushing past him into his kitchen, you grab at the bacon. It’s soft and flimsy in your fingers, just like you like it. Half of the pieces are crunchy, since he likes his crispy as hell.
In regular Javi fashion, he pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs. His shoulders are tense and the muscles strain with every movement, you can’t help but stare. “Helping find Helena.”
“I didn’t do anything, Javier,” you set your coffee down and dish up the food he’s made onto the plates you find in a cabinet. Sliding one onto the bar, you motion for him to sit while you search for the forks. He watches you, but obeys and waits patiently, knowing it’ll annoy you more if he helps. Finally, you hand him a fork and hop up on the kitchen counter on the other side of the bar, between the sink and entrance way wall. You lean up against it so that you can face him and cross a leg under you before starting in on the eggs.
“You helped, and you didn’t question me or get angry at me,” he says softly. His brown eyes search yours before looking away.
“Why would I have gotten angry at you?” It’s a genuine question and you’re confused to say the least. When he doesn’t answer right away, it dawns on you, quietly you ask, “She’s the girl, huh? She’s always been an informant?”
“I wanted to tell you, but I knew it wasn’t going to make a difference then. We were already fighting constantly, I’d already fucked up by moving here. Hell, I’d fucked up back in Texas too.” He bites his lip and rests his forehead against his fist, his other hand grasping his mug.
“Javier, eat,” you point towards his food and he sighs, picking up the fork and shoving eggs into his mouth. “No, no habría. It needed to happen.” You sip your coffee, a weight slowly lifting off your chest at admitting that.
“You wanted it to happen?” His brow furrows as he looks across at you, the hurt in his eyes making them almost black. You sniff, suddenly aware that what you said wasn’t how you meant to say it. Sliding your almost empty plate away, you hop off the counter and walk around to him, making him turn the barstool to face you. You can see the anger crossing his face, but he’s trying to stop it.
“Oh, Javi, no. That’s not what I meant. It needed to happen for us to figure some shit out. We weren’t good for eachother. We both acted so stupid on that last case, we let our fights come between us and it almost got people killed. That can’t happen here, it won’t.” He nods as you cup his face, pleading with him to look at you, “Javier, this is a fucking warzone but we have another chance to fix whatever the fuck this.”
The anger immediately disappears from his face, his lips parting as he sharply breathes in. He grasps your hips and pulls you between his legs before kissing your forehead, “Hermosa, it’s fucked up down here. I wish I could make you go back, you stubborn woman.”
You pull away to look at his face, rubbing your thumb across his cheekbone, “Javi, I accepted this job because I’m here to take down a monster. Whatever else comes out of it is a bonus. This is our last chance, because this is truly life or death. If we fuck up, we fuck up everything. You have to know that before you agree to whatever… whatever it is we agree to, I guess.”
“Y/n, us. I agree to us. Stop calling it whatever. It’s us.” He pauses and glances at your lips before closing the distance, your lips parting for him as your tongues dance against each other. In that single collision, it simultaneously feels as if nothing and everything all at once has changed.
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lajulie24 · 4 years
D for hanleia pre esb!! ❤️
Thank you kindly for the prompt, and for your extreme patience with the long time I took to finally fulfill it! This idea ended up racing past drabble and well into fic rather than ficlet territory, so think of this as part 1 of a two-part fic. Also, this will be a long post since Tumblr seems to deal poorly with “read more” links in asks these days. Title is a reference to a line in Abra Moore’s “Four Leaf Clover.”
D. Subtle kindnesses.
Let go of all the big deals
Damn it. Leia really wished Evaan were still here.
I wish Mama were here, her thoughts continued, before she could stop them. Or Winter, or Aria. Papa. Memily. Even Aunt Rouge, Aunt Celly.
It was easier when she didn’t let herself go there at all, but apparently she’d opened the floodgates simply by thinking of Evaan—who was still alive, just elsewhere with the rest of her people, keeping them safe, leading them in the way Leia couldn’t right now.
Evaan would know what to do with this, this mess that had become of Leia’s hair. She would’ve laughed, wielded the comb, helped her work out the little bits of resin that lingered in the strands. A few washings with Chewie’s shampoo had actually done a brilliant job at getting out most of the sticky sap that had exploded all over them, but it couldn’t work miracles.
Leia worked the comb through her hair slowly, wincing as she hit another tangle.
“How’s the grooming goin’, Your Worship?” Han called from outside the door. Frankly, she was surprised he hadn’t sent out a search party for her, given how much time she’d been at this already, but perhaps he had enough experience with Chewie to understand that this was no simple job.
“Fine,” she called back. “Just great.” She took up another section and began working the comb through it, gradually, carefully. This was honestly the longest her hair had spent fully down in quite some time; normally she took it down, brushed it, and put it into her sleeping braid, or pulled it out of the sleeping braid long enough to put it back up in her familiar crown braids. Now that she had spent so much time with it, she noticed not only the tangles and remaining bits of sap, but the split ends.
She hadn’t cut it since Alderaan. She’d been neglecting it, frankly; it had been this length for years, but regular trims helped maintain its health and texture. When she was home, she and Winter would trim one another’s hair. Or she’d get Memily to do it. TooVee could do it in a pinch, but normally cutting hair wasn’t a task you would give to a droid. It was too personal, too intimate for that.
TooVee would’ve claimed it contrary to her programming, anyway. A stickler for protocol, that one.
“Need anything?” Han called. He was actually being surprisingly considerate about this whole thing; somehow he seemed to have caught on to hair = private and had made sure to keep everyone else out of the crew quarters while she tended to this.
There was one tangle that didn’t want to come out. A little nest of hair that defied her, no matter how carefully she worked to unwind it, her efforts achieving nothing but a sore scalp. Such a sad little knot, she thought. A little snarl of hair and resin twisted all within itself, about two inches from the bottom.
She tried again. Nope. It wasn’t coming out.
Surely Han had something she could use. What did Chewie trim his fur with, anyway?
“Han?” she called. “You still there?”
“Yeah, you need something?”
“Do you have a scissors? I’m going to have to cut this bit out.”
“Sure thing.” Footsteps left down the hall, and Leia busied herself trying the knot again. Just like her, continuing to work at something even while it was hopeless. Optimism? Stubbornness? A little of both?
The footsteps came back, and then the hatch opened enough for Han’s arm to slip in, a beard- and pelt-trimming scissors in his outstretched hand. Leia took it. “Perfect, thank you.”
The door closed again, and after a slight pause—
“Ah, you need any help with that?” Han’s voice sounded tentative.
Leia considered that for a moment. She’d figured she would probably have to just cut out the offending knot for now and figure out how to fix it later, because she definitely was not going to be able to even it out all the way around by herself. But she also knew from experience that having one bit of hair that didn’t match the others would be a real pain. And it did desperately need a trim—
You could ask Han to do it.
“Uh, maybe?” she answered, stalling for time while she thought this through.
She wasn’t sure why she felt so weird about asking Han to help trim her hair; she respected her culture’s hair traditions, but she’d never thought she was personally all that attached to them. Certainly she’d had it down in front of others before. She’d even had it down in front of a man before.
Yeah, a man you were involved with. And it was kind of a big deal when you did that. And that had been before, when her planet and her culture were not in danger of extinction.
But also, that had been before. She had been doing a lot of things lately that she hadn’t done in her life before.
Like asking random men to cut your hair for you?
Except Han wasn’t some random man, not at all, as much as some of her colleagues on High Command might think of him that way. As casual and as brash and as infuriating as he could be sometimes, he was her friend. And he had seen her at some of her worst already—narrowly escaping death by being crushed in a wet trash compactor could do a lot to help you bond, right?
Then she remembered the other thing he’d done that day, the thing that told Leia that there was more to the man than swagger and bravado and a frequently professed love of money. The thing he’d done quietly, and without ceremony.
It was after they’d escaped the TIEs, after he’d scoffed at her assertion that the Imperials were surely tracking the Falcon to Yavin IV, after she’d dismissed him as a mercenary and strode off, leaving him and Luke to gossip or whatever it was men did. They’d all stunk of garbage, so later Han had offered use of the real water showers and the autovalet.
After Han had gotten Luke set up in the ‘fresher (with Luke still both fascinated and terrified by the newness of cleaning with a continuous spray of water), Han had quietly approached Leia.
“Hey,” he’d said, “you’ve had a hell of a day.”
“Yes.” That was an understatement, one she was trying not to think too much about.
He’d beckoned toward the corridor. “We got a medbunk. I c’n help you get fixed up. Might not be much time for that once we land.”
“I’m all right,” she’d said.
“Yeah, I know,” he’d agreed. “But who knows what was in that garbage. Don’t want those wounds to get infected. Really drag down your revolution.”
She’d stared at him for a moment.
“If you want, I can get Chewie to, uh, chaperone or whatever,” he’d said, obviously misunderstanding her silence as mistrust of his intentions. Honestly, she’d just been surprised at his mention of the wounds hidden by her white dress—how did he even know they were there?
“No, that’s all right,” she’d said. “This way?”
It was unexpected, how gentle he’d been as he’d cleaned and applied bacta to her injuries, somehow knowing exactly which spots would have been hit by the droid and other devices. At the same time, she’d been relieved to find him casual and matter-of-fact about the whole thing. No pity or patronizing, just care, like they were comrades in battle. And when she’d asked him—how did you know? he’d answered simply. Used to be one of ‘em. Long time ago. Another life.
“Another life,” she’d repeated.
If she could trust him with the wounds from the worst day of her life, when they barely knew each other, she could certainly trust him with this.
“Uh, yeah, could you come help?” she called, and a moment later, the door slid open.
Thank you for the ask!
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missmentelle · 4 years
Hey. Can you please try to explain what is bipolar disorder? After reading some medical articals about it i still don't understand
Basically, bipolar disorder is a mood disorder that causes people to cycle between very high highs and very low lows, without a whole lot of time in between. It’s a disorder that impacts absolutely every aspect of a person’s life if they have it, and untreated bipolar disorder can be a very unpleasant and scary thing to go through.  Everyone has ups and downs when it comes to their mood, but people with bipolar disorder experience a very extreme version of this. If a non-bipolar person is in a “blah” mood, they might have low energy, trouble concentrating at work, and be a little short-tempered with the people around them. A person with bipolar disorder who is going through a depressive period, on the other hand, might stay in bed for a week straight, unable to eat or shower, or otherwise be unable to do the things that they normally want to do.  Likewise, when a non-bipolar person is in a good mood, they might be more cheerful than usual and feel like they have a bit more energy for daily tasks. A person with bipolar disorder, on the other hand, might feel so euphoric that they’ll sometimes act without considering consequences. They might give away treasured possessions, engage in casual sex when that’s not the norm for them, or stay awake for more than 24 hours for no reason. Their behaviour will completely out of character for them, and may greatly concern their loved ones. 
People with bipolar disorder also have moods that aren’t really connected to what’s actually going on in your life. If you don’t have bipolar disorder, your moods are probably largely tied to the things that happen to you - if your partner surprises you by cooking you your favourite meal, you’ll feel happy, and if you get laid off from your job, you’ll be sad. You may have the odd day or two where that’s not the case, but it will generally be the way things go down. If you have bipolar disorder, however, your moods and your life events really don’t have much to do with each other. Mood episodes just kind of happen to you, and having good or bad things happen to you don’t really have any impact on you. Your best friends could all get together to throw you the most amazing birthday party in the entire world and you’ll still stay in a super-depressed state, or you could lose your job and have your cat die and still remain euphoric and on top of the world. Your moods become a roller coaster that you can’t steer, and without treatment, you can’t get off the ride. 
People with bipolar disorder experience their moods in “episodes” that may last weeks, days or hours, depending on the type of bipolar disorder they have. There are three kinds of “episodes” that a person with bipolar disorder may experience:
Depression. Fairly straightforward - this is a period of low mood, low energy and low motivation. You might feel like everything is hopeless and have no interest in things that are normally important to you. You might also experience crying, vague feelings of guilt or shame, overeating, loss of appetite, excessive sleep, insomnia, irritability, restlessness or suicidal thoughts. 
Mania. This is a state of such intense euphoria and energy that you may be unable to function. You will likely speak very quickly, struggle to stick to one topic of conversation, and find it hard to stay still. You may find yourself doing irrational, high-risk things that you’d never do ordinarily - racking up charges on your credit card, trying substances you wouldn’t normally try, even committing petty crimes in some cases, etc. In some people, manic episodes will cause psychosis. People having manic episodes may have delusions, like believing that God is speaking to them or that they are immortal. 
Hypomania. This is a period of elevated mood that doesn’t quite meet the criteria for mania. You don’t experience psychosis and you may retain the ability to function normally and keep attending work or school. However, you are still not yourself, and in your elated mood, it’s possible likely that you will act without giving much thought to the consequences - you may overspend, make an inappropriate comment to a coworker or make impulsive decisions you might not normally make. 
What kinds of episodes you have and how long they last depend on the type of bipolar disorder that you have. There are three different varieties:
Bipolar I. This type of bipolar disorder involves full-blown manic episodes that can last for a week or more - not every “high mood” episode will reach the point of full mania, but there’s a history of it happening. The mania can be so severe that the person requires hospitalization, as their actions while manic can make them a danger to themselves and others in some situations. It will be very, very obvious that something is wrong when the person is manic, even to people with no knowledge of bipolar disorder. Their depressive episodes don’t tend to reach “full-blown depression”; when their moods are low they will feel kind of crappy and low energy, but they don’t tend to reach the same depths of depression as Bipolar II. 
Bipolar II. People with this kind of bipolar disorder do not experience manic episodes - they only experience hypomania. Their depressive episodes, on the other hand, are long and very intense. They often experience depression that is more severe than what you’d see in “regular”, non-bipolar depression. It won’t necessarily be obvious that a person with Bipolar II is actually bipolar - they are often mistaken for having regular depression, as their hypomanic episodes are seen as them “having a good week” or “getting over the depression”. As a result, it can take a very long time to get properly diagnosed and treated. 
Cyclothymia. This is a disorder where people cycle quickly between high and low moods - their mood swings are less severe, in that they don’t meet the criteria for hypomania or depression, but they still disrupt the person’s life. The mood cycling tends to be more rapid than other kinds of bipolar disorder - each episode usually lasts only a few days or hours. 
Why do people get bipolar disorder? We have no idea. We don’t understand how it works, or why treatments for it are effective. The exact brain mechanisms at play are still a mystery. We do know that it runs in families and that there appears to be a strong genetic component to it - although the disorder isn’t entirely genetic. If your identical twin has bipolar disorder, you have around a 40% chance of getting it yourself. If your fraternal twin has bipolar disorder, your odds drop to 5% - which is still a lot higher than average, as only around 1% of the population is bipolar. The disorder affects males and females roughly equally, and it tends to come on in your mid-twenties - the average age to develop bipolar disorder is 25, which is typically when other serious mental illnesses emerge. 
As far as treatments go, there’s really only one thing that works consistently - medication. Lifestyle adjustments are also hugely important for managing bipolar disorder, but they are not enough on their own; most people need medication to control their symptoms, typically for the rest of their lives. Typically, you would be on a mood stabilizer like Lithium, and if you experience mania, it’s likely that you may also be on an antipsychotic.  The most challenging part of managing bipolar disorder is making sure that the person with bipolar disorder is consistent in taking their medication and managing their lifestyle. This is a huge struggle - more than 75% of bipolar patients do not take their medication consistently. The medications that are used to treat the disorder can unfortunately come with unpleasant side effects, and as with every type of disorder, it’s very easy to reach a point where people think “I feel fine now, I don’t need these anymore” and simply stop taking them. Bipolar disorder is a disorder with low insight, which means that people who have it often don’t recognize that they are sick, even when they have symptoms - when a person goes off their medication, they often won’t noticed that their symptoms have returned, even if it is seriously impacting their life, and once you are fully manic or depressed, getting back on a regular medication regimen can be extremely challenging. 
The lifestyle component of managing bipolar disorder can also be difficult to stick to. Even with medication, you can experience symptom flare-ups if you don’t make some serious lifestyle changes, and those lifestyle changes are not fun for most people. To keep symptoms in check, you generally need to live a very healthy and regimented life, with a strict routine, consistent bedtimes and mealtimes, no oversleeping, lots of healthy foods, daily exercise, no alcohol, and healthy stress-relief routines like yoga and meditation. If you’re a free-spirited 20-something who was used to going out with your friends until 3am and eating random junk throughout the day in place of solid meals, it can be hard to accept that you need to be in bed by 10pm every night so you can get up early to eat a balanced breakfast.  Bipolar disorder can be managed, however, and many people who have it do eventually find ways to control their symptoms and lead full, healthy lives. If you suspect that you may have bipolar disorder, it’s important that you speak to a medical professional right away for a proper assessment and diagnosis.  Hope this answers your question! MM
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FEMSLASH FEBRUARY 2021 #9: In which Cameron meets Donna in the city
[CN: food mentions, snacking]
Cameron and Donna remained in what was basically constant contact even when Cameron was out at her property. They emailed each other several times a day, almost always about work, and they talked on the phone nightly. “It’s kind of perfect?” Donna said one night, phone balanced between her ear and shoulder, as she rubbed some of the moisturizing lotion she kept on her nightstand into her hands. “I miss you, but I never feel like I miss you, if that makes sense? I always know that I’m going to see you in a few days, and I look forward to it.”
Cameron, lying on her bed so that she could see out the window, as she usually did, conjured up a very accurate image of Donna sitting up in bed while talking to her. With a content sigh, she said, “It makes perfect sense.”
Perfect though it was, neither Cameron and Donna’s routine not the regular return to the calm and quiet of her property was enough to stave off the inevitable: several weeks later, Cameron began to experience that old familiar restlessness that she always seemed to feel two to three months into working on a project by herself. Cameron had learned a lot about ‘working smarter’ while designing the navigator with Donna; with great effort, she’d gotten much better at taking regular breaks, at alternating between coding and other tasks, and at letting herself do some of her work related thinking in a more relaxed way, while doing household chores. But she’d finally reached the point where it didn’t matter how many errands she ran, how many breaks or walks or drives she took. She needed a true change of scenery.
On another nightly call, six weeks later, Cameron asked Donna, “Do you have anything big going on at Symphonic tomorrow? Or maybe the day after? Or would it be okay if I dropped in for a random visit?”
“I’m the boss,” Donna reminded her. “If anything big happens, it has to wait for me.” 
Sitting at her desk, holding her her cordless phone to her ear, knees hugged to her chest with her free arm, Cameron pictured the dazzling smile with which Donna always made such egotistical statements, an expression that always made Donna’s male colleagues, who knew that she wasn’t really kidding, visibly uncomfortable, but always seemed to amuse the women she worked with, who understood that she was, on some level joking. (Donna absolutely was the boss, and everything very much did have to wait for her. She also never would have dreamed of making any of her staff or the firm’s partners wait just to prove that she could, and the women who worked with her knew this.) What Cameron did not and could not picture was that at that very moment, Donna, once again sitting up in bed in one of her luxe pajama sets, was hunched forward, casually painting a layer of quick drying top coat over the red polish on her toenails, as carefree as a woman who had never once answered to anyone else in her life. 
“Couldn’t have happened to a nicer gal,” Cameron smirked.
“I know, right?” Donna said, putting the cap back on her bottle of top coat. She screwed it closed, and then set it on her nightstand. “So you’re coming up to San Francisco this week, then?”
“I think I just need like, a full day out of my workspace,” Cameron said, unfolding her legs. Planting her feet back on the floor, and setting her elbows on her desk, she said, “You know that thing, where it’s the end of the beginning with a project? And like, you can feel it? And it’s like, you’ve been doing real work, but at the same time, you know that the real work is about to start?” She sighed. “I feel like that’s a completely normal part of the process. Like, you have to get to that point to get anything done, right? But for some reason, it makes me nervous. It’s like, the ground levels out, and you realize that you’ve plateaued. I guess it’s the pressure to level up. Or whatever.”
Donna leaned back into her pillows, against her upholstered headboard. “Plateaued. You know what Gordon told me once? He said that during those over nights in the kill room at Cardiff, he learned what the word ‘jump’ means. Are you getting pre-jump jitters?”
Cameron took a deep breath and thought about it. “Well, this isn’t a risk like The Giant was. But I guess so?” She leaned back in her chair. “Even if it’s not a huge risk, I guess it’s just about jumping into the project, or something. Like, committing. You’ve done the prep work, and now you know that it’s time to step back for a minute, and then start getting ready for the next phase.” She looked around her trailer, and she pictured Gordon, how he’d looked when she first met him, the Cardiff office, Bos. After noting to herself that she needed to call Bos to confirm their next weekly dinner, she said, “It probably doesn’t help that the thing we’re trying to make is about people dying, and death.”
“It’s also about rebirth, though, I think,” Donna said gently. “And connecting.”
Abruptly, Cameron said, “I’ve been thinking about Japan a lot lately.”
“Oh yeah? What about Japan?”
“About…” Cameron started. “About what it was like to work on something by myself, after working in an office with so many people for years, in a completely new place where I didn’t know anyone. I wasn’t happy at Mutiny, and then I wasn’t happy with Atari, and, for a while I just assumed that I was incapable of happiness.” She frowned, and then said, “And then, you know, seven years later I got divorced, and I was like, ‘Oh. Okay.’”
Donna laughed and then made herself stop. “Sorry. That’s not funny.”
“It’s a little funny,” Cameron smiled. “You know what’s really funny? How much easier it is to deal with work and with professional struggles when you’re partnered with the right person.”
“That is funny, isn’t it?” Donna chuckled. “So. See you tomorrow, then?”
The next day, Cameron was woken up at 6:30 in the morning by the sound of pouring rain beating against the roof of her trailer. She waited to see if it might pass, but when it was still raining heavily four hours later, she called Donna to reschedule.
The day after that, Cameron woke up when her alarm went off 10am, to a gorgeous day and a light blue sky scattered with fluffy, unthreatening clouds. She got up, turned on the radio on her nightstand, and made her bed while humming along to the new Foo Fighters single, “Monkey Wrench.” She managed to not think about work once while showering, getting dressed, quickly making an egg sandwich and coffee, packing both to go, and heading out the door. 
Around 3:30, Donna heard Cameron’s voice. She was making small talk with her assistant, Maya, and holding a paper coffee cup in each hand. Donna jumped up and rushed to her office’s door and stuck her head out. “Hey! You made it!”
Cameron and Maya both turned to look at Donna. Cameron’s shoulders loosened, and her face relaxed, that pinched ‘help me!’ grimace melting into a real smile. Donna noticed that she looked just a little disheveled. “Here, come in,” Donna beckoned. “Sit. Relax!”
Cameron turned back to Maya and said, “Gotta go, my boss is calling me,” making Maya giggle.
As soon as Cameron was in her office, Donna pulled her close, and kissed her on the cheek, and then frowned, and hastily tried to rub the dark pink spot of lipstick off of her face. “How are you?”
“I’m okay,” Cameron said. She offered Donna the coffee cup in her left hand, and Donna took it, grinning when she saw that it was a London fog. Cameron sat down on Donna’s couch, and put her own cup down on the coffee table, and as Donna sat down next to her, she opened her backpack and pulled out a paper bag packed with four plain scones. 
“Oooh,” Donna said. “Don’t mind if I do,” she said, as Cameron handed one to her. 
Cameron took a scone for herself, and then she said, “These are unfortunately store-bought. I thought about making some for us, but the airstream’s baking capabilities are limited. And I also thought it’d be silly to carry them all the way here, on the bus and the train.”
Donna nearly choked on her scone. “What do you mean, the bus and the train? You took the bus and the train all the way here? From Bonny Doon?”
Cameron’s face took on that mildly pinched look again. “Yes! I did! I was curious as to how long it would take, so I figured, ‘there’s only one way to find out’!” 
Donna’s mouth hung open for a second. “And?”
Smiling ruefully, Cameron nodded, “It definitely took two buses, two trains, and five hours!” 
Donna slumped back into the couch. “I’m exhausted just thinking about that, my G-d.”
“I thought growing up in the Dallas suburbs, where you totally need a car, and then going to school in Austin, where you don’t really, was weird.” She picked up her coffee and took a long sip. Cup still in hand, she continued, “But living in Japan for seven years, and then coming back here? That’s weird.” With a real frown and a heavy sigh, Cameron wailed, “I got so spoiled by Tokyo’s transit system.”
Donna smiled glumly at her. “Wanna move back? I can always open a regional Symphonic office there.” 
“Nah. But hey, if you wanna put that money toward lobbying whoever to get a high speed rail system built in the states….”
“Ugh,” Donna scoffed, throwing her head back in disgust. “Don’t get me started on this country’s crumbling infrastructure. If I could easily throw money at that problem, I would.”
“I know you would,” Cameron said. “And I would fully support you in that endeavor.”
Donna sat up and grabbed her drink and her scone. “How was it though?”
Putting her cup down, she said, “Well, it was a lot! But it was also relaxing. I ate my breakfast, and I did some reading, and then I just sat there for a while, and before I knew it I was taking out my notebook so I could write down some work ideas.” Wistfully, she said, “I did that in Tokyo a lot, I’d go to the train station and I’d just, get on whatever train, and go wherever. And every time I would worry about getting lost, but I never did? I always had my map, and there were plenty of maps in the stations, and there were always people there, both the other riders and all of transit workers, and they were always so down to at least try to help? It wasn’t anything like needing help here. Or in Texas.” 
Donna grinned at her. “So it was the change of scene you were looking for?”
Cameron smiled back at her, and then said, “Maybe you should ask me after I make it back home? For now though, yeah, it really was. What’s the saying? It’s the journey not the destination? Something like that, yadda yadda yadda,” Cameron said.
Donna sat up, and crossed her legs at the knee. “I’m very glad to hear that it worked out, then.”
“Yeah,” Cameron agreed. She waited a full minute before asking (partly because she was, as always, distracted by Donna’s crossed legs), “But still — would it like, totally ruin the moment if I begged you to give me a ride home? Or at least, to Mountain View?”
Donna laughed so loudly that it startled her assistant.
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xxisxxisxxis · 4 years
Shining Star | Part Four
Words: 3k
Warning(s): explicit language, drug abuse, sexual situations, mentions of rape
Tag list: @teller258316 @reigns420 @xpoisonousrosesx @oskea93 @blowinmeupwithherlove @redlipscrystalskies14 @sparxx27 @kaitieskidmore1 @sublimeprincesswasteland @cruecifymesixx
I nervously await my verdict, leaning against the wall plastered with Vogue shots of some of the greats in the modeling industry, smoke from my cigarette curling around my fingers as my mom comes back from the bathroom, sighing at the site of my smoking. 
"Stuff's not good for you, ya know." She remarks...pulling her cigarettes from her purse and lighting one up, too. 
I roll my eyes and don't argue, chewing the inside of my lip. 
The summer following graduation, I had been out with my mom grocery shopping when this creep started fawning over how "exceptional" I looked and insisted on flying us out to New York to get in touch with an agent he knew, Roseanne Thatchley...little did I know it was an invitation to hell.
"What's taking so goddamn long?" My mom grumbles on her third cigarette. 
I go to light another one up, but decide against it. 
I don't want to smell like a chimney when I go in there. 
By the end of her next smoke, mom's tossing the butt onto the floor and stomping to the door of the room I just met with the agency director in. 
"Mama, what're you doing?!" I whisper yell and she flicks me off and opens the door. "Mom." 
"What the hell is taking so long?" My mom demands impatiently. "She came in, paraded around like a damn farm animal just for you to take an hour and a half to pick whether you want her or not?" 
Roseanne looks at us pointedly and I want to sink into the floor. 
"Well, um, Miss Reilen, I have been trying to figure out a way to tell you…" She starts, clearing her throat. "I would really like to represent you, but there is something we must cover, first." She starts and I nod a little. "Your weight." 
I furrow my brows, confused, and she tries to clarify. 
"It says here you're 125 pounds, and you're only five-foot-three." She explains.
"Yeah?" I reply. 
"Most runway models are at least five-foot-nine and 120 pounds." She states. "I'm averaging someone your height to be about 105 pounds." She adds. 
"I'm at a healthy weight, most of it's muscle." I defend myself as politely as I can. 
"Models don't have so much muscle that it encapsulates a majority of their weight, dear." She tells me. 
"She's athletic." My mom interjects, pissed. 
"Athleticism doesn't equal chic, it doesn't equal Vogue and it won't get her to runway." 
"Are you smoking shit?"
"Mama, it's okay—"
"She's as fit for this as any of those starved coke-puppies draped in Chinese sweat-shop produced clothing on the cover of those magazines." She hisses and Roseanne smiles primitively and looks at me. 
"Slim down to 110 pounds, at the least, and we'll get started on your career." She informs me, standing up. 
"Suck my twat, Roseanne." My mom barks, turning to go, snatching me with her.
My mom was all about me not changing a thing about my physical appearance, until she learned how much money I could make doing it.
So what did I do?
"Look, I'm down to 116, but my body will not lose anymore than that--I've been working on it for the last two months and have tried everything short of starving myself." I tell Roseanna as I try to keep up with her where she's walking quickly to the elevator.
"Tansy, maybe you just aren't built for this." She suggests and I get defensive, stopping the elevator door that tries to close. 
"Tell what to do to lose the rest of it and I will." I state curtly and she raises her brows. 
"You want my honest recommendation?" She asks me. 
"Yes." I say, serious as a heart attack and she exhales, grabbing my hand and taking a pen, scribbling a number down. 
"There's a 'photography assistant,'" she explains, making sure to specify the fact he's not actually a photography assistant, "His name's Chester Straught, he goes by 'Sparkie,' though." She tells me and I furrow my brows. 
"Why 'Sparkie'?" I ask her. 
"Hell if I know, anyway call him and tell him Roseanne referred you and he will get you what you need to lose the weight." She assures me. "Come back when you're six pounds lighter." She adds and it stings to hear her talk about it so frivolously, like it's nothing major. 
"T-Thank you for this, and I will." I assure her before tucking my tail and scurrying at as fast as possible to get back to a payphone and call Sparkie. 
Sparkie ended up becoming my boyfriend of five years, and a nightmare all on his own without all the drugs in the mix, but of course there were plenty of those, too.
I exhale as the number rings again, hoping that he'll answer this time. 
He doesn't. 
I give up and head back to the hotel, trying my luck with their phone, and being met with a disgruntled, "hello?"
"Um, yeah, this is Tansy Reilen? Uh, Roseanne told me to give you a call and--"
"--Oh, Roseanne." He sounds much more accepting of my call, now, and I raise a brow. 
"Yeah, she told me that you'd have something to help me lose a few stubborn pounds." I explain, hearing him scoff from the other end. 
"More than that." He comments and I furrow my brows. "Look, I'll be outta town the next couple days, but come by my place Thursday and I'll get you hooked up." 
"Oh, okay." 
"You know what, gimme your address and I'll come by and pick you up." He offers. 
I know, I know, "Tansy, why the hell would you give a random stranger your address and let him come pick you up?" Because Roseanne trusted him and he was my only option to do what I thought had needed to be done. Would I suggest doing it? No. Would I do it now? Not a chance in hell.
I give him the address and room number and all he says is, "okay" before abruptly hanging up. 
I go back to my room and open the door to see mom laying on the bed, flipping through the T.V. 
"I talked to Roseanne." I inform her. 
"Did she tie you to a treadmill and make you sweat the rest out? Because I would've." She replies and I roll my eyes. 
"I have a meeting with a dude she referred me to see about the extra stubborn fat."
"Is he gonna cut it off? Because that'll fuck up your skin with scars and that's gonna blow your chances altogether." She keeps her eyes on the T.V. 
"N-No, mama." 
"Double checking." 
"Have you heard from Viv or one of the guys?" I ask her next, remembering I gave them our number in case they wanted to call. 
"Tansy, I'm not your secretary, I'm not taking your calls." She states and I breathe out, closing my eyes for a moment to collect myself. 
"Okay, Mama, sorry." I mumble. "I'm getting a shower." 
"Good luck, there's only cold water." She tells me. 
"I'll make due." I reply, grabbing a ratty towel. 
Once I'm done and dry off, I head out of the bathroom, about to ask my mom what she wants to do for dinner…
"So, I'm thinking pizza if that's alright with--" I stop talking when I see my mother is nowhere in sight, but random stranger is in my room, sitting on the edge of the bed. 
I take a step back to the bathroom, ready to dodge inside and lock myself up. 
"Your mom told me to tell you she's out and about." He tells me, casually, taking a drag of his cigarette. 
"Umm, o-okay, are you…?" 
"Oh, yeah, Sparkie." He leans forward, reaching his hand out to shake mine and I stare at it for a moment. 
I didn't want to be rude and tell him to "fuck off," especially since I was curious to know how exactly he was going to help me lose the extra six pounds. With his long hair, shadow of a beard, crinkled corners of his eyes when he smiled, he didn't look too scary...but when he dug in his pocket and pulled out two baggies, beckoning me to come closer, my perception slowly started to shift.
"I'm not gonna bite," he tells me with a grin, nodding me over as he stands up.
I slowly step to him, my hands securely around my towel as I stand beside him. 
He smells like cigarettes and laundry detergent, an odd, but comforting smell, and something I wouldn't guess him to smell like. 
"Alright," He grins, one baggie having what looks like cocaine in it, the next is a capsule I don't recall seeing before. "Your options are cocaine," He tells me and I raise my brow. "Or a tapeworm." 
"A tapeworm?" I question. 
"Well, not the worm itself, it's egg. You swallow it and it grows in you and sucks away anything you swallow, and even stuff you don't." He explains and I can tell I probably look terrified. 
"Coke is an option, too, ya know…" he reminds me and I nod slowly.
"I'll just stick with the coke." I softly tell him and he hands it to me with a shrug, tucking the other back in his pocket. "So, what do I owe you?" I ask next, walking to my purse to grab some cash. 
"It's free." He tells me, and I stop and look at him. 
"Are you sure?" 
"First round is always free, the second round is gonna cost you, though." He says. 
"Okay, how much?" I dig through my purse for my wallet and he stops me, looking down at me. 
"A date." He tells me and I look at him oddly. 
"What? I don't know you." I laugh it off. 
"You could," he says. "I mean, c'mon, what are the chances you weren't able to shred those few more pounds and Roseanne gave you my number for you to call? Huh?"
"Very likely since she probably does it all the time." I point out. 
"Yeah for chicks who actually need to lose weight." He argues. "If you ask me, I think you're beautiful enough as is." 
"You think so?" 
"Are you kidding me?" He chuckles, looking me up and down. "Tell ya what, you won't have to pay me for drugs, ever, if you just go on one date with me." He offers. "We can go to the movies or something--so it doesn't have to be a date you have to talk to me on." He adds and I giggle, honestly contemplating it.
"I don't do drugs enough to need a regular dealer, though." I inform him. 
"Okay, well, you won't have to pay for anything, ever, if you just go on one date with me."
Thinking on it once more, I nod.
"Okay, one date." I tell him. "To a movie. You're buying." 
"With pleasure. Pick you up tomorrow night at 8:00pm." He agrees and I nod. "See you then." He heads for the door. 
"See you then." I mutter to myself as he shuts the door, before falling back on the bed, looking up at the baggie of coke. 
Dreading the burning that's gonna be put on my nostrils, I take a breath and go find my room key. 
He didn't exactly leave directions to tell me when to take a hit of some, how much, for how long, etc. I figured that baggie would last me a few days and I'd be going back to him soon enough. It seemed simple enough despite nothing in my life being "simple." I figured "what could possibly go wrong?" 
Taking one too many doses and going on our date coked out, only for this...
I throw my head back, moaning, my hands in Sparkie's hair, his face between my legs, my body numb from orgasm and strong stimulant coursing through me.
...To happen. 
We didn't even make it out of the hotel room he got next door to ours.
He rolls away from me once I decide to take a break, my once perfectly curled hair is now damp and unruly, each strand smelling of cigarettes, bitter powder, sweat, and Aquanet. 
I glance over him, actually taking time to examine him head to toe, well, head to waist to toe, since he still has his jeans on.
He's lean, but not a "fit" lean, like "junkie" lean. 
I catch my breath and sit up, pulling the covers on top of me and he licks his lips, lighting his cigarette with the candle on the table next to the bed.
The slug of soberness is starting to creep into me. 
"So," I start, clearing my throat. 
"So." He replies, grinning. 
"Why do people call you Sparkie?" I ask and he blows smoke from his lips, shaking his head a little. 
"I used to be real bad into freebase." He admits, coughing. "Not necessarily partaking in it, but I'd cook it up for people. If you're not careful you can really fuck yourself up while trying to get it just right. I got caught in a pretty gnarly blow-up with ether." He explains, sitting up and turning to show me his back with a bad burn scar down the right side of his ribs. 
"I'm sorry." I tell him, wincing slightly and he shrugs it off. 
"It was good money, it didn't stop me from doing it." He adds and I look at him like he's crazy. "You think I'm a fucking psychopath but I really do like my job, ya know? I'm big into chemistry so that part's interesting when it comes to getting stuff broken down in an easier form, and I see these people that come to see me for a fix. And they're broken, and they're miserable, and for just a little while I get to be a part of the solution, ya know? Watching them be so wired and stressed and sad and then watching all that fade from their face when they start feeling good it's just...a feeling I can't explain. I get a high off helping them feel that." 
"Are you not a part of the problem, though? I mean, yeah they feel great for a while, but once it wears off they fall lower, don't they?" 
He just chuckles. 
"I'm like the fucking messiah, Tansy. People take my hand and they're healed. If they need another round of healing, they know where to find me, and they always do." He states.
"You're so full of shit." I giggle and he keeps chuckling, his hand going to his pocket, pulling out a small baggie of a few pills. 
"What is the one thing you are the most worried about right now?" He asks and I look up at him, rubbing my lips together. 
"That I'm gonna get sent home." I tell him, trying not to let my voice break, but keeping my smile.
"Alright, well, I'm telling you now, they're not sending you home." He assures me. 
"How do you know?"
"I just do." He grins gently, grabbing a pill and holding it just above my lips.
"What is that?" I ask him. 
"Something to ease off the coke." He informs me and I raise a brow. "Do you not trust me?" 
"No." I laugh and he raises his brows. 
"You just let me eat you out and you don't trust me?" He asks. 
"I don't." I shake my head, giggling. 
He gets this wise-ass smile, and pops the pill into his own mouth. 
My mouth opens slightly in offense and he laughs as he tries to roll away from me but I stop him and roll over onto him, my lips finding his before I can control myself, and I let him push his tongue with the pill on it into my mouth, his arms wrapping around my waist as I swallow it down. 
To make this clear, this isn't romantic, this isn't cute, this isn't, "oh, she found the love of her life,"--clearly--because the little bits of getting high together off God knows what would soon turn into me looking like Skeletor, not even remembering my nights, and eventually my days, completely blacking out at photoshoots--which would be my goal--and waking up to random men throughout the years together that I would eventually find out Sparkie let rape me.
At the time, in that moment, in that room with what I thought was a pretty good guy, with an odd job for a backwards reason but thinking his heart was in the right place, I thought we would be great together and he could be what I would grow old or at least to thirty, next to.
And we were great together...in terms of destruction.
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soranihimawari · 4 years
running at 6a.m.
word count: 3.5k
random, but can you believe i haven’t written for hanamaki yet, @oikawa-obvs​? tagging: @m0nstergeneration20xx​ [youse all gotta thank them for this one, fr fr]
warnings: new neighbor x makki// seijoh 3rd years x baffoonery// slightly suggestive scenes [pg 13 recommended] // rated W for woo! 
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Of all the times in your high school career, you did not think you’d find yourself waking up before the sun when your neighbor called you at 5:45a.m. one weekend. Your neighbor, time and time again, has been trying your patience recently seeing that his sports club was asking for extra volunteers around this time of year for the conditioning exercises. Granted, your school was considered a powerhouse all because of one high caliber setter, and now you found yourself fumbling around your bed trying to ignore the chiming ringtone of your phone. Your eyes squint to readjust for the brightness of your Do Not Disturb setting to see the fourth missed call from him. You slide your finger in an attempt to unlock your phone the second time and redial the number.
“Morning ichigo no kori,” you state rather flatly. You knew the Hanamakis ever since you moved to this neighborhood to be closer to your high school after you had convinced your uncle and aunt to let them use their spare bedroom in the loft attachment of their town house. Your father was not shocked by this development in the slightest since he did lay out some ground rules between all parties involved. You did come from a single parent household, but given the fact the company your father worked for had a position opening up overseas in the Hong Kong office, you spoke at length about how you didn’t want to move right away due to your third year at aoba josai was about to begin again.Thus here you were, three months later, laying down in a comfortable full bed hoping neither of your guardians stirred from their slumber.
“Strawberry ice?” hanamaki was amused by this development. 
He remembered the day you moved because the moving truck was pretty hard to miss; his friends from the volleyball club were walking back from the convenience store with snacks only stopping briefly to ask if he knew about the family that lived there:
“You mean Kurarun-san?” hanamaki asked. He shrugged his shoulder explaining shortly thereafter he didn’t know them very well, but maybe his mom did. She was always seen talking about her day (the daily gossip) with the wife of the homeowner. “I don’t think they had kids.”
“You might be wrong about that,” his friend in arms, mattsukawa, mentions as his eyes wondered to where you were standing. Your arms folded over your chest observing the movers lower the ramp to the pavement. Now considering you were raised by your father, it didn’t surprise your uncle and aunt to say the very least, you grew up learning how to fix dirtbikes one summer with him. Your father taught you everything there was to known about rebuilding a motorcycle from spare parts, which to be fair, was a huge bonus to the quartet of volleyball boys across the way.
“Be careful with that! I built that bike from the ground up, ok?” you instructed sternly, lending a hand to the movers who nodded grateful you were there to help them when the bike teetered too far to one side. Your aunt came out of the garage clasping your shoulder when the bike was securely out and off the ramp.
“Oh wow, that’s a gorgeous bike dear,” your aunt smiled. “You going to take it out for a spin later?”
“Yep! Right after the movers leave for the day,” you said. Your smile did not go unnoticed by the boys who not only stopped to look, but now were staring at you. It was 16:24 (4:24p.m.) when Hanamaki Takahiro first fell in love with you.
True to your word you went out the rest of the week running errands for your hosts (did a little grocery shopping while wearing your favorite backpack) on Monday, then on Tuesday you took a little joyride to the library to familiarize yourself with the layout of the neighborhood, by Thursday you already knew the earliest and latest time you should be out the door to make it to campus, so by Saturday, you were free to help with the chores around the house. It was the same day your aunt had planned a special dinner with her neighborhood best girl friend, Hanamaki-sama, as you affectionately called her. You aunt reminded you to go start cleaning up after your uncle returned from buying the last of the ice cream pops at the store down the block. You took a quick shower and changed into a pair of jean shorts paired with a royal blue loose fitting dri-fit longsleeve v-neck. You wandered into the kitchen wearing ankle socks covered by your house slippers. You were tasked with setting the table trying to get a sneak peak at the hot pot dinner your aunt was stirring. After shooing you away with a short laugh, you took a glass out of the dishwasher drying rack and poured yourself some water. 
“Hanamaki-sama is bringing her son along too,” your aunt said, silently gauging how you’d react. You just sipped your water with a curt nod pretending to simmer down your nerves. Was her son older than you? Younger? Was he nice? Etc. 
“Apparently you’re going to be in the same year when the school year starts,” your uncle’s voice echoed from the living room. He shut off the television to join you two in the kitchen.
“Oh, that’s nice.”
“Looks like they’re here,” your uncle said, holding on to your glass for you. “Why don’t you let them in.”
You nodded, brushing your stray bangs behind your ear. With a soft sigh escaping your lips, you opened the door with a swift turn of the nob.
“My my, dearie, aren’t you gorgeous,” hanamaki’s mother greeted you tapping your arm gently. Hanamaki on the other hand, for as tall and lanky as he seemed, he seemed a bit lackadaisical upon seeing your bright smile greet them at the door. He held a small bowl that was filled with tri colored popcorn with a thin cellophane cover on top. The snack was his idea because he had heard his mother speak to your aunt at length candidly mentioning how you would watch home movies with your father’s family every weekend until you started primary school.
“Hello to you too hana-sama,” you reply motioning her to come in. Then you notice her son with strawberry blond hair walking in behind her. He had dressed a little bit more formal like how he would on days leading up to an official match (solid color slacks and relaxed-fit printed shirt with a small moogen [infinity symbol] embroidered on the left sleeve) “And you must be…”
“Hanamaki Takahiro, but you can call me Makki,” he says when you close the door behind them. 
“I saw you at the store the other day buying some popcorn,“ Hanamaki-san mentions when she hands you her light jacket to hang. “You know how we talk, anyways, your aunt told me how much you like bite size chocolate squares in your popcorn I heard.”
Makki says nothing when your eyes glance toward the bowl. You had a full conversation with him when you two kept looking at each other. Your aunt had washed her hands and joined you as she and Hanamaki’s mother exchanged casual greetings as they headed to the dining area; your uncle was giving the curry a final stir. You and Makki were thankfully, left to your own devices and my gods did you two relish in it. 
Earlier that afternoon, he was speaking at length about his mother had been invited over to their neighbor’s house. It wasn’t the first time Makki had come over before, yet he had trouble easing his nerves because you were also going to be there. Makki paced back and forth trying “to get his shit together” while the company he kept on call was chuckling in what would certainly be an entertaining story for future reference.
“Makki, if you don’t date her at some point in the first quarter of the year, i will gladly dote on her out of my own free will,” Mattsun meant well, but at the same time, Makki knew the threat was an empty one. He was on a video call with his friends who shared the same sentiment as Mattsun. Soon the time approached for when his mother told him about the dinner party at your place. 
“Listen Takahiro, take it from me,” Oikawa says. “Treat Mattsun’s words as not necessarily a threat, but more of a firestarter.”
“Makki!” his mother’s voice calls from the otherside of his closed door. “C’mon, let’s go.”
He ends the call after his teammates hang up.
The cold piece of technological glass rubbed against your warm cheek. With your eyes closed, you recalled hearing OIkawa and Iwazumi remind the other two to spread the word to their juniors to start their conditioning regiment this upcoming weekend. Be it as it may, Makki took this opportunity to ask you if you wanted to be his running partner (this was a trap his other friends laid out for him since they’re trying their best not to meddle too much in your private affairs). 
You grumbled into your receiver imploring your neighbor to reconsider waking you up this early for a morning run. You left a note on the kitchen counter next to the landline in case your guardians woke up ahead of you to discover your now empty bed. Stifling a yawn, you meet Makki at your front door, dressed in a light jacket and a pair of running shorts. Your shoes weren’t in the best condition for running, rather, they were an old pair you didn’t mind using for this house call.
“Who runs at 6a.m. on a regular basis?” you ask him with a coy smile.
“Psychopaths and,” he holds your hand to steady yourself when you step down from the ledge of your short walkway. Makki lets go of your hand for a second to whisper an alternative answer. “Lovers.”
“Oh,” you tease, poking his cheek. An amused smile tugged your lips upward which you did not bother hiding. “Of course.”
“You don’t have to sound so annoyed by it, chisana josei.” 
Makki had since insisted on giving you the nickname because it was what his other three cohorts dubbed you one evening when you came over to return something your aunt borrowed from Hanamaki’s mother.
“Makki, who’s at the--oh hello there chisana josei,” the charming boy wearing an alien lime colored shirt and pearl sweatpants peered around the corner of the living room. You were reluctantly (read as invited inside) to disrupt the boys only sleepover being conducted at the Hanamaki household. 
“She’s cute Makki,” another disembodied voice, this time it was much deeper, spoke up this time. His curious eyes wandered up and down, yet although you were fully clothed, you felt entirely skyclad by the giant. You laughed a little bit at the compliment. 
“I wouldn’t say I’m cute,” you said when you ceased laughing, handing Makki the bowl and other tupperware you aunt borrowed from his mother a few nights ago. Makki quirked his brow at his two friends, sighing at their comments and for a split second, you saw his bottom lip jut out in a slight pout. 
“Oikawa, Mattsun, shut up,” he stated praying Iwazumi would at least straighten them out later. Unfortunately for Makki, Iwazumi was game in making his friend sweat a little bit because so far, you were able to refuse both Oikawa and Mattsukawa’s praises/favors.
“Oh ho ho,” you observed the last member of the trio to speak up. “And what would you describe yourself as anyway? It’s not like Makki to keep such a pretty secret from his friends.”
“Not you too Iwa-chan,” lime green sweater guy whined. 
“Are you three always like this to every girl or is it just the ones that don’t like you?” your eyes glazed over and Makki didn’t want to admit it, but you definitely telegraphed that you were angry. Iwazumi realized this as soon as he found himself face to face with your shorter stature defiantly staring up at him. The other boys watching the silent argument continue before Makki calmly told you they were just messing with you. Introductions and apologies were exchanged as soon as your stubbornness subsided when the four boys surrounded you rather quickly at the hallway of Makki’s front door. If it weren’t for the fact that each of them had a qualm of serenity, charisma, and stealth boosted up by plus 10, you would have challenged them to a simple game of chess. Then again, they were literal pillars loyal to the princely type who bestowed upon you your nickname.
“If they really wanted to ruffle my feathers,” you begin to say, crossing your arms over your chest opening. “They’d form a reverse harem and vie for my attention. You included Makki. I’ll see myself out.”
“I-wait, what?!” Makki finally had heard enough. 
“I have spoken,” you mentioned over your shoulder looking at his confused expression. “I’ll let you know when I’m back home. Have fun boys.”
You shut the front behind you, shaking your head whilst casting a glance to the heavens above, grinning like a wild cat.
“That went well, don’t you think?” OIkawa said, returning to his spot on the couch. “Makki, what’s with that look?” 
Mattsun and Iwazumi both shrugged when dragging their host back toward the kitchen area to gage how their friend suddenly realized something right then and there. It was 21:07 when Mattsun and Iwazumi realized their friend was in like with someone a month before their third year would commence. 
“I like her,” Makki found his voice suddenly and Oikawa had a large smile on his face. 
“Stage five, acceptance,” Mattsun states before he blocks a throw pillow aimed at his direction. Iwazumi shakes his head before laughing at the strawberry blonde’s luck.
When you two round the corner of your block for the fourth time, you slowed your pace while Makki turned around and began running backwards facing you. Sweat covered both of you in a glowing sheer shine as the sun was ever presently rising. 
“Slowing down already?” Makki taunted. 
“I’m not the one on the school’s volleyball team,” you explained in between your short breaths. “You submit your body to this kind of torture willingly and call it conditioning training?” 
He stopped jogging backwards for a second, instead opting to walk briskly toward you when he noticed your breathing becoming more steady. Makki might always be the first to challenge Iwazumi to an arm wrestling match and really gets along well with reading Mattsun’s expressions, but he was always reliable in helping keep Oikawa’s personality in check right behind the aforementioned. 
“Pretty much, chisana josei. C’mon,” he knelt down with his back toward you signaling to get on. You gladly accepted the piggy back ride on these mornings. It was the top reason why you didn’t mind the morning calls as much anymore. 
“I’m not too heavy for you?” you ask sheepishly, wrapping your arms around Makki’s shoulders when he stood up. 
“For the nth time, y/n, you’re not.” He shifted his arms underneath your knees, locking you in place after allowing you to shift your weight a little bit for comfort. 
“Ready when you are,” your breath fans across the back of his neck, causing his usually smooth spun cotton candy colored baby hairs to spike up. You pretended to not notice how pink his cheek was when you raised your head a short distance while he began his cooldown lap.
“Thank you Takahiro,” you say in a hazy tone, resting your head against his shoulder once again. He muttered a quiet “no problem,” internally screaming at himself for trying to not to die from the way he fell harder for you with every step he took. 
Makki glanced down a few minutes later, being greeted by your peaceful sleeping expression when he woke you up again arriving at his place once again; he was too proud to admit you were rather clingy as you got more drowsy during the third time you were invited to a film night. 
By this point, you had been living with your aunt and uncle for a week and a half, which in of itself was a delight for them. Yet it was rather treacherous for you because since the night you returned Makki’s bowls, you were often found crossing paths with either Oikawa, Mattsukawa, and/or Iwazumi. Sometimes Makki was with them or more often than nought, the boys were alone. Considering that the market was exactly in the center part of all your places of residence, the probability was rather high.
However, as a sign of good faith, OIkawa, with Makki’s blessing apparently a detail you were not aware of at the time, invited you to come along for a movie marathon the week before his birthday. Unbeknownst to you, as your eyes continued to droop during movie five of the line up, Makki froze when you decided to snatch one of the spare pillows from Oikawa’s sofa and used it as a buffer to rest your weary head on your neighbor’s lap. The boys were howling behind their eyes as they watched their friend finally succumb to the one time their newly appointed token girl friend had Makki wrapped around her finger by the simplest gesture the minute he started running his fingers through your hair. 
“Aaand here I thought Makki wasn’t going to get any sort of affection from a girl this year,” Oikawa teased. 
“Shut up and let me enjoy the movie,” Makki retorted. The other two in the living room sharing the couch with you and Makki noticed your childlike grin fade the deeper you fell asleep to the soundtrack of the movie.
Now you were sleeping again, tugging on Makki’s shirt instead, burrowing your head in between his shoulder blades causing his heart to jump to his throat. 
“Mmm, don’t want to go,” you mumbled. “Too early.” He found the spare key where his mom usually left it (in the rain gutter above the door frame) and opened his front door with ease; he coughed to clear his throat.
“OK,” was all Makki could say in the front of his peaceful hallway, kicking off his running shoes before entering the rest of his house. Upon reaching his room, he left the door slightly ajar as he laid your groggy self down on his bed. He was about to tuck you in after tracing your prominent features with his index finger, leaving a message on your cheek: “I like you my chisana josei.”
“Me too, ichigo no kori,” you murmur as you stifle a yawn, prying one eye opened allowing your selfish need to see Makki’s face turn to stone.
You pull yourself high enough to bump the tip of your nose with his, causing your lips to briefly brush past his own. Immediately upon receiving said peck, Makki regained his composure rather quickly allowing his hands to find their way on to your shoulders pulling your lips back on to his again. Her lips always looked so inviting, plump and deliciously filled with the right amount of venom and sugar, Makki thought. You inhaled a sharp breath. There was a growing rhythm between you two within the fleeting seconds you counted in your head.
“Mmph~!” you nodded in a miniscule way to keep Makki setting the pace your body reacting to the way Makki’s hand openly traced over the exposed parts of you; you cautiously looping your arms propelling him forward. Makki crawled back onto his bed the moment he guided you back down amongst the wrinkling sea of the bedding; his body now hovered above you with knees on either side of you, thus caging you beneath him. You pulled away first, revealing a hauntingly entancing smile. 
Makki’s face seemed a bit more flushed than when you started running your regular route less than forty-five minutes ago. 
“Now look who’s the breathless one,” you chastised your host in a cheeky manner. 
For the first time since July, Makki really studied your features, trying to commit every imperfection to memory tethering it to this love-drum beating in his chest. You laid there surrounded by the dark gray and black undertones of the surrounding pillows, your attire cascading a holographic reflection of the ever rising sun, illuminating your figure. Makki was the only one who got to baskin your natural face with the lack of makeup; your heaving chest; your scar above the bridge of your nose from when a crab nicked you with its claw as a child in the market. Despite your insecurities you told him about one day, returning from the store with him together, Makki saw only beauty. 
He could tell behind the way your pupils were focused on his own, the sun’s rays enhancing his reflection in them that caused his heart to bask in the light of a new day. Makki liked the way your hair was frizzy and tangled from the way his hands tousled it in his hands when he laid you down beneath him. Her hands were strong yet at the same time gentle. And her sweetened lips tasted like spun sugar fresh from the fair. Makki bent down toward your left side and whispered something before he continued to kiss you senseless.
The way I know you relented as Makki played with you hair and held you tighter and tighter, was something you craved, even if you weren’t pondering it before, you returned the seemingly unspoken gesture with a similar kindness. 
You cradled Makki’s face in your hands, pushing back his saccharinely hued textured hair again, asking him to catch his breath for a moment, synching his breathing with yours.
“C’mon Takahiro, b r e a t h e,” you advise, your eyebrows added to your pleading, moving one of your hands to rest against the middle of his chest tapping your fingertips lightly against his chest. You took advantage of this tonal shift; using your lower body to coerce his in switching positions with him. You were now the one hovering him, your hair undone, snuffing out the morning’s rays eagerly trying to sneak their way through the blinds of Makki’s room. This was not how either of you thought running at six in the morning would have ended, yet here you both were caught in the throes of your own summer enquinoxal love. Whether you two would want this to continue was entirely up to the two of you. 
As Makki’s breathing finally returned to his resting rhythym, you allowed his hand to caress the side of your face, tucking a few long strands of hair behind your ear. 
“My pretty chisana josei,” he said in the lowest register of his voice. “Finally.”
“...call me that again,” your voice has a slight lilt in it when you sigh. “I need to get used to it.”
Your natural smile could rattle the stars and Makki was determined to make sure not only knew that, his friends in arms also knew it too.
“Mine,” Makki said looking away like a child about to get scolded. 
“Uh-huh,” your retort mixed wonderfully with a chuckle harmonizing the two. You release him from your hold, checking the time on the analog clock when you quietly lept off his bed. “Get some sleep dear one; you earned your keep.” 
You tapped your fingers over your lips glancing at Makki long enough to watch him bring an arm over his eyes. Literal steam could have been escaping his ears with how your taunts drove him mad.
It was 06:59 when y/n and Hanamaki decided this was when you truly loved another.
--weekend messaging rates apply--
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Suffice to say you made a mental note to make good on your word, but opted to maintain the peace seeing him outside with said dessert with a grin. 
9 notes · View notes
helpinghanikan · 5 years
Forgot the tie
Avengers (And Matt Murdock) x Reader
Sum: Even for heroes not everything will go right, even the fun things. (A Coitus interruptus story)
AN: Obviously I’m going through something, that something is exams. When the beast is slain hopefully my stuff will get better, until then this is what I got. 
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Steve Rogers:
           At first it seems like a dream come true to have a man that has an unlimited amount of stamina. Then it became a game of balancing risk and reward.
           Starting hours before the big event. His hands gently touching your hips, a gentle kiss on your cheek and a whispered “do you have work tomorrow?” in your ear. It doesn’t matter if you nod yes or no, either way he’s leaves you alone for the moment. It isn’t until later, when you’re both settling in for the night, that he makes his move.
           It shouldn’t be surprising that America’s golden boy was mostly vanilla. Best described as a soft dominate you had no fear of saying no to. That being said, you still had a safe word.
           One that was considered halfway through the night. When you reach to the bedside table for water and his hands pull you back into position. Kissing your back and moving your hair. Pulling your head to look at him and kiss, a non-verbal beg for “just one more, please, one more.” That one more never just stays one.
           “Ice cream, Steven, Ice cream…” You finally pant out. The safe word was used almost every time. Not out of pain or fear, but out of exhaustion. When your legs are shaking from trying to stay in one position and your hair is sticking to both of your bodies from sweat and grease. Steve moving the hair to get to your mouth for one last kiss, a distraction for his hips to stop moving and he gather himself.
           Next morning you’d wake up late, take a shower and the sheets would be changed before you had to.
Tony Stark:
           Despite the tabloids and reputation, it was rare you could get him out of that black shirt. Having to play the part of the lovely arm candy that distracted any cameras for him to make a quick exit from any celebration in public. In private playing the part of the lovely partner sliding between gently reminding and full on yelling for the bastard to take care of himself.
           What little time was left between them you had to patient, had to be understanding. Sitting on the edge of counters, catching him as he passed. It wasn’t hard to trap in your arms, wrap your legs around his center and refuse to let him go without at least a kiss.
           Most of the time he escapes quickly after a quick peck. Making a comment about “later” with a grip to your hip or side. Leaving you hanging on the counter.
         First rule of being walked in on; do not stop. If you stop, then you become the couple that got caught having sex. If you don’t stop, and pretend not to notice the intruder, then they become the person who watched a couple have sex.
           Your agency wasn’t willing to splurge on cabins for this stupid retreat. Instead forcing everyone to bring their own tents, and if you forgot, then you had to share. Your coworkers were clamoring to get to share a tent with you and your legendary man. To a point there was actual jealousy on your part.
           It was what brought you to drag your man away from your adoring coworkers. Pulling him into the tent you were forced to share and zipping the tent door behind you.
           Bracing both hands on his shoulders to balance, you were so focused you would have never heard the unzipping behind you. Thinking back, the only indication that there was an intrusion was Thor’s eyes flickering slightly to the side. His hand going against the back of your neck, pressing you into him.
           Your tent mate didn’t bother zipping the tent back up. Leaving a cold draft that pressed you harder into your man’s chest.
 Bucky Barnes:
           He’s grinning at you like a naughty teenager. A hand on your knee while driving, making it’s way up your thigh by the time you pulled into the lookout point that wasn’t nearly as popular at four in the morning.
           The car hadn’t even stopped rumbling before Bucky was on you. Holding your face in both hands, pushing you back against the passenger side door.
           It was a cute idea to stop at a look out point, make out and do more in a confined space. Having to scooch your butt down on the seat, making enough wiggle room for your legs to intertwine. Bucky’s hand so much colder then usual after being exposed to the night. Too much pressure on your breasts as he tried to pull the bra cup out of the way.
           “Sorry,” He groans into your mouth. Both your teeth clicking against eachother as he tries to wrap your legs around him. “I forgot there’s not a lot of room in cars. Hold on,”
           “I’ll wear a skirt next-oop!” It was just the little noise that finished your sentence. Bucky’s hands behind your knees shutting you up faster then a kiss. Your knees spread and pressed into your chest. Groaning into his mouth at the sudden pull and press of your legs. Fantasies of exotic positions always are easier when you don’t think about the training that it would require. “Fuck, stretch…”
           Bucky didn’t have time to respond to even acknowledge that your legs couldn’t naturally stretch that far. A few little knocks knock above your head stopped any of that from being expressed.
           Before you can ask who it was Bucky reached past your head to roll down the window. A stream of light going directly into Bucky’s face coming first. Next, a friendly officer’s voice: “Alright, kids, zip it up and-.” His voice cut off at seeing the grown man staring back at him.
           “Everything’s zipped and haven’t been a kid for a while, sir.” Bucky says, cringing into the direct light.
           The light when down into your face. You giving the same cringed face at the direct light. “Do you need to see my ID, officer?” You ask.
           The poor man sighed as his flashlight clicked off. “No, just save it for home. Okay, guys?” He says, disappointed that there was a distinct lack of teenagers to yell at.
           “Yes, sir.” You say while Bucky does a mock salute.
           The window rolls up as the cop leaves, Bucky, skootching back enough for your legs to fall back into a comfortable position.
           “Did he recognize you?” You ask.
           “I don’t know, do you think we’d be arrested if he did?”
           “Yeah, then he’d ask for a picture. That would be some serious bragging rights.”
Natasha Romanoff:
         It’s been actual months since you or Nat had seen each other. This was a common occurrence; she disappears in the middle of the night. Leaves behind a note and a lip gloss coated kiss on your knuckles.
           For weeks everyone knew that Nat was gone, also knowing better then to ask about it. Just letting you stir your drink alone during lunch.
           It was a pleasant surprise when Steve came in one morning. Casually saying “I’m pretty sure Nat has a signal now. If you want to, I’m sure she’ll appreciate a call-.” If Steve weren’t such a wall you might have taken him out.
           “Hey, Pretty,” Nat says when her face appears on screen.
           “Hey yourself, Beautiful,” You say back. “It’s been so long, I miss you.”
           “I miss you too, traveling for work is part of the job, though.” She quickly turns her to the back of the room. Looking to the heavy door behind her as though to mentally will it to lock tighter. “I mean I really miss you.”
           You roll your eyes but still smile at her. “It’s only been a few weeks and you’re already like this.” It just happens to be a coincidence that your shirt is starting to unbutton. From under your chin to your naval, open to expose whatever bra you wore that specific day. “What are you going to be like when you get back?”
           The same strange occurrence happened on her end. The night shirt she was wearing pulled down far to the side. Showing an exposed shoulder and collarbone, the pajamas were purposefully loose. If she pulled it any further your get a look at the perfect breasts.
           “Just wait until I get back, Pretty.” She says but her face has completely stopped moving.
           “Babe? Are you-I think you froze? I think my WIFI is getting funky.” You say, tapping the mouse pad a few times.
           “No, it’s me. I’m not exactly in the best place for a signal right now. I’m sorry.” She says. “Just consider this technology a tease, Pretty. When I get back, then we’ll have real fun.”
           “You better, otherwise Sam is starting to look really handsome.” You warn.
           “That not funny,” She says, although you could hear the smile in her voice.
           T’challa was seven hours ahead of you, meaning you had to do major math if you didn’t want to wake him up. The safest time was to hit him up on your lunch break.
           ‘I miss you,’ You text off, a quick reminder that he had someone across the sea.
           It was very sporadic if he responded. Sometimes right away, ‘I miss you, too. Are you busy next week?’ or he wouldn’t respond until you were already in bed. There was an internal fear that he was saving those texts you wrote while half awake, more then a few were random declaration of love and want for cuddles.
           ‘At meetings like these, I miss you too.’ He responded.
           You had him. Skootching back in your office chair, lunch disregarded, and fully delving into your phone.
           ‘Important prince meeting? Are you wearing the black dress?’
           It took a second before he responded to that.
           ‘It’s not a dress. It’s a cutaway coat and pants, not a dress.’
           It takes a few steps before reaching your office door. It’s thick frame shutting with a chunk noise, announcing to the office to stay out.
           ‘Can you step away? Can I see?’ It took you months before taking this step. Knowing that if it were an important meeting he wouldn’t have responded until late at night.
           Another few seconds.
           ‘I’ve already tried.’ He texts.
           Formal wear for the office was just a regular pencil skirt and button but. Easy to manipulate just enough. Opening the first few buttons, pulling the undershirt down a little further to show the shadow of cleavage. Lifting the phone high and snapping a shot of the exposed collar bone you show by pulling the shirt further to the side.
           ‘Good thing I can.’ You send with the picture.
           Sending pictures was usually a one-way street between the two of you. What little he shared was always without any identifying markers; no face or birthmarks, and never anything that was unclothed. It was the same rules for you, never show your face or any moles. Worst you had sent were of underwear and even then, your face would be cropped out.
           It’s likely he didn’t respond as he had flipped his phone over at the sight of your picture. Sneaking a peek every few seconds before taking it completely off the table. Doing his thing of cupping it with both hands to hide the view from anyone near him.
           Stepping around your desk it’s easy to roll your skirt upwards, kicking yourself for not wearing a garter belt instead of regular tights. Skirt up past mid-thigh, sitting with your knees together and getting the picture of your exposed thigh and tight skirt in the next shot.
           ‘I like your coat and pants. I’ll wear the dress for us.’ You text back.
           It’s another few seconds before you get a response. Not from T’challa, but from Shuri. A picture of the office space they were both at. Picture pointed forward from her perspective. Pointed across the table toward T’challa on the other side. His hands cupping his phone like you had predicted, looking down at it with the serious face he has to keep on for meetings.
           The only thing that made your eyebrow raise was the reflection behind his head. A glass window showing almost everything that was in front of it. Including the back of T’challa’s head and his phone screen. An almost perfect image of your thigh displayed just above his head.
           ‘I like your skirt,’ Shuri texts with a smirking smiley face.
           It’s amazing your phone hadn’t broken being dropped onto your desk.
 Pietro Maximoff:
         It started as a romantic, cute moment that went wrong real fast. Starting with your hand on his bicep and a question in your ear. Escaping from whatever social obligation you had dealing with, hand in his, almost jogging. Even when he wasn’t running, he would walk too damn fast.
           You had never vocally told him it was a bad idea, but Pietro had revenge fantasies for a while. Always casting less than a friendly glance towards the toaster his sister had decided was a good match.
           It was why you only rolled your eyes when he led you to this specific door. Vision’s office, his little space, and he didn’t bother to lock it. The grip on your hand was tight, practically ripping you through the door before you get out “Are you serious?”.
           Pietro tries, he really does, but he gets excited about something he’s no better than a rowdy kitty cat. Moving faster than you can track, walking you backwards with a sever danger of tripping. His paws going everywhere with too much claws and too sharp teeth, but he’s just too happy to make complaints at. Just gently moving his hands to more appropriate places he could grab.
           Vision’s office could be describe as that over paid history professor. A lot of books, a lot of hard wood and dark colored leather furniture. All surrounded by the crown jewel of a thick wooden desk that was probably heavier then both of you. It’s edge hit a little above the small of your back, something that’d you’d have to do a little hop to get onto.
           Instead those paws held either side of your hips. Spinning you around and down way too fucking fast. He was very excited, a hand between your shoulder blades, moving you into position. The thunk your head made from hitting the heavy desk straight on was worse then any pain that came with it.
           Pietro immediately leaned over you, too scared to touch after causing this much harm to touch you. Hands, instead, hovering over your head while you cover your face. Trying to hide from an assault that wasn’t actually happening.
           “What the fuck?” You are asking between bursts of “I’m sorry!”.
 Peter Parker:
         Studying never involved studying for long. It was that rare night Peter used to catch up on his homework, for a smart guy he was turning things in late. Most mornings you’d let Peter use your back as a table, quickly jotting down the answers from Nate’s homework.
           Starting at either end of the couch, his legs stretching out for his feet to rest over your legs. Asking questions, he probably knew the answer to but cheated by looking at the sheet anyway. Doing this so often you lunged across the couch dramatically, reaching for the paper he held over his head.
           “You aren’t going to be able to use it on the test!” you said, pressing against him to reach over his head.
           “I’ll write it on my ankle, I’ll cheat!” Peter says, laughing that he was the one holding something out of reach for once.
           The big guns came out after you taunted him, stating that he didn’t even know how to cheat. Coming close enough to his face that it too him a second to register that you kissed him. A closed mouth press against his jaw, another one under his ear, followed by a nip he squirmed at.
           “No, this cheating.” He said, trying to hold the paper farther as if you still cared about it at all.
           Innocent high school grinding was always a little painful and really annoying. From your underwire stabbing into your chest to not being sure where to put your hands. This would have been more comfortable in pajama pants. Instead your jeaned legs are tangled together, the fabric chaffing your thighs. Underwear protecting the worst of your areas from the pain of the clothes.
           Forgetting the paper Peter let it fall to the floor. Putting his hand on your sides below the breasts. Making out was nothing new to either of you, but kissing was one thing. Over the clothes touching was another.
           Slowly inching upwards towards heaven, he went slow like this every time. Not that you were any better. Only once had your been brave enough to direct his hand, after a better then usual date, putting his hand over your breast. He frozen for a second, gently squeezing as if he was surprised.
           After that night he was braver but never reached right for his goal. Instead inching upward. Having to map out your ribs and side boob before reaching home.
           He was close to it, too. Finding the shape of your thinnest bra that you just happened to wear that night. Like any teenager he slid upwards, pressing against your mound like he was trying to find the right shape of it.
           Thank the Lord the coffee table was moved before the studying started. That flat palm against your breast pressed way too hard for a second, his other hand on your hip working to throw you right off. Stupid carpet way too thin to break your hard landing. Back hitting the floor so hard the ‘oof’ that came out was the same sound level as the door opening.
           “Hey, guys,” Aunt May says, using her foot to close the door. “Hope you’re hungry.”
           “I- You said you’d be home at nine.” Peter stammers, sitting with his knees to his chest. You taking up the position of pretending to read over the study sheet.
           “I got off early,” Aunt May has that smile like a cheery thirteen-year-old who learned a secret. “Do you want me to come back later?”
           “No!” You both practically yell in unison.
Stephen Strange:
         This thing was bought as a joke. From the combination of Black Friday sale and a won gift card from a friend’s bachelorette party. A red and white dress that barely went mid-thigh, matching stockings and garter belt that were surprisingly comfortable. It could probably be worn again if you happened to find a long enough dress or skirt.
           You had only showed it to your friends as a joke, in the ‘I’m gonna win at Halloween’ way. She only a little laughed at it’s presentation. “I just assumed it was for your man, didn’t he used to be a doctor?” she had said, laughing more at how your face changed then the outfit.
           He was sitting on the end of your shared bed. Holding two papers that was nothing but numbers and symbols to you. A quick look over some new information hidden in the corners of books before bed time. Sliding between the two as though they were self-referencing eachother.
           If he hadn’t known you were in the adjoined bathroom he would have looked up when you entered. Instead just scooching to make room for you. Expected the nightly tradition for you sitting down next to him, leaning your head on his shoulder and reading the papers that still don’t make any sense.
           “Stephen,” You said, stepping out from the doorway more.
           “Hmm?” he doesn’t look up, just making the noise and slightly tilting his head.
           Taking a few sides steps to be a little closer you put both hands on your hips. Perk the hip out a little, pretend like you’re the model that showed this thing off, and try again.
           “Paging Dr. Strange,” You say.
           It still takes him a second to look up at you. Head turning before his eyes left the page, a look of surprise with a twitched eyebrow.
           “We need go over the last patient’s operation,” You say.
           Unfortunately, the outfit did not come with a script. Instead having to make a guess about what to say or what to do. Thanks to the thicker walls you got a few minutes to test out a sexy voice, upon realizing that it just made it seem like you needed a cough drop it was best to stick with your normal one.
           The papers are tossed to the desk across from the bed. Not caring that he might have missed. Sliding back onto the bed as you walked forward, knees spreading apart for you to set a knee between them and lean forward against him. Arms around his shoulders, breasts pressed further against his chest. His hands don’t keep a firm grip on your sides, hovering just above so you wouldn’t be able to feel his shaky fingers.
           “You know I never mess those up, Nurse,” He says, looking over your face. Smirking at the outrageous red lipstick and eyeliner that no professional nurse would wear. “Are you saying I’m losing my touch?”
           He get’s braver, a hand sliding over your backside. Pressing against to both fondle and support your balance on one knee and heels.
           “Well, based on his reaction to ten milligrams of…adrenaline,” You push his chest forward until he is laying flat on his back. “You just might need an evaluation.”
           “Being dead is not the same as a reaction.” He says, staring up at you.
           “Eight milligrams of adrenaline would give him a heart attack or hemorrhage. Ten and he’s not going to make it.” Stephen is doing that thing where he twitches his head slightly while talking. Reading the little notes in his head he made years ago.
           “It doesn’t, that doesn’t really matter, Stephen.” You say, while still straddling him.
           “No, but not even an intern is that stupid.” He says, holding your hips.
           “Okay, wow,” even in those comical heels it’s easy to slide off him.
           “No,” He reaches out, but you’ve already stepped out of his reach. “Sweetie, I didn’t mean it like that!” he calls. But the bathroom door had already shut behind you.  
Matt Murdock:
           It was a pretty commonly known fact that when you lose one sense the rest will get stronger. That was why you never had to announce yourself when you got to Matt’s door or that he would always belly-ache about the amount of pepper you use in cooking. It was also why he was always more of a giver then a receiver.
           “Too much…Angel…Too much…” He speaks slowly, breathing out in puffs towards the ceiling. As though he were talking to the angels up above instead of the one right below.
           You were a sadist, Matt told you this every time. Even though he knew that if he really told you stop you would do so immediately. A safe word isn’t commonly used for such a vanilla couple as yourself, but it came in handy when Matt tended to babble when overstimulated.
           He does everything but grab your hair. Grabbing his own hair, the bottom of his shirt, covering his mouth and groaning deep into his hands.
           You had threatened to completely stop if he covered his face from you. You had taken him in as far as you could when he tried to retort. Calling you a sadist again but only getting out the “say” in the entire word. The rest lost towards the ceiling, in a surprised yelp. Your name following as he tried to moan instead of talk and annoy the neighbors.
           It was an awkward thing for Matt to admit that he didn’t last long. It was something that you both had to figure out yourself and force him to admit. Not that you were complaining about the other ways he got things done, even if you did come in second during the race.
           The real issue was getting the dramatic bitch to sit back and enjoy it. Not just for himself, or even for you, but for the both of you.
 Carol Danvers:
         There are a hundred romantic ways to describe the woman over you. About how her blond hair looks twined in your fingers. How her mouth makes an oval every time, having to work just a little harder to get the rolling back eyes to match.
           Now though? In the same poetic fashion; it was like trying to fuck a star.
           At first it was beautiful, the woman above you, bursting into a kaleidoscope of flames and colors. Without thinking you had reached out towards the flames. With so many colors that your woman was sitting on you had reset your brain. Whatever primal part was operating your brain assumed that that many colors couldn’t possibly be a bad thing.
           While carol would never intend to hurt you, she was busy in her own little world. Riding it for all it’s worth before you yelped.
           Panic set in at the same time for both of you. Carol falling off the bed in an effort to get away from you, the usual composed soldier scrambling on her hands and knees towards the kitchen.
           It was tingly at first. Becoming a burning that you couldn’t get from a regular fire. More like a sunburn, then a sunburn under a hot shower. Then add salt to that same feeling. Holding your hand close and groaning at the pain, burying your face into the pillow and crying into it.
           “Babe, babe, I’m so sorry,” Your woman is next to you again. Kneeling next to the bed and trying to coax your hand towards her. “I’m just too hot, I’m sorry.”
           You can hear her chuckle at her own little joke. Releasing your hand to the ice she applies.
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