#a rank
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Congrats! You got an A for-
wait, where did Pizzano and Pizzelle go?
Happy April Fools! Go check out my other blogs @rayman-chibi and @rayman-chibi-redrawn if you like Rayman (and sometimes Kid Klown) content! That's where these two little buggers came from! The real first official post will be released soon! For now, enjoy the April Fools joke I pulled on both ends!
".-- …. .- - / …. .- …- . / .. / -.. --- -. . .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.-"
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infinitum-monstera · 3 months
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Xenomorph: Danger Rank A
The Xenomorph, famously depicted in the "Alien" franchise, is a creature of chilling elegance and deadly efficiency. Standing approximately 7 to 8 feet tall, its biomechanical exoskeleton glistens with an oily black hue, adorned with ridged plates that enhance its formidable appearance. Its elongated head features a double set of jaws—a smaller inner jaw that extends with blinding speed to deliver a fatal bite. The creature moves with a sinuous grace, its long, segmented tail swaying hypnotically as it stalks its prey through the dark corridors of derelict spacecraft or abandoned colonies.
The Xenomorph possesses a myriad of terrifying abilities that make it a fearsome apex predator. Its primary advantage lies in its adaptability and resilience: capable of surviving in extreme environments from the vacuum of space to acidic atmospheres. Its blood is highly corrosive, making it dangerous to wound and difficult to contain. Equipped with razor-sharp claws and powerful limbs, it can scale walls and ceilings effortlessly, ambushing victims from unexpected angles. The creature's keen senses detect even the slightest movement and changes in environment, allowing it to track prey with deadly precision. Furthermore, it possesses a complex life cycle involving rapid growth and metamorphosis, enabling it to replenish its numbers swiftly.
Despite its formidable arsenal, the Xenomorph is not invincible. Its reliance on stealth and surprise means that direct confrontations can be exploited by those who maintain a strategic advantage. Its exoskeleton, while tough, has specific vulnerabilities to extreme temperatures and certain types of weaponry, such as high-powered firearms or energy-based weapons. Moreover, its complex life cycle and reproductive strategy, which involves implanting embryos into hosts, can be disrupted or exploited with careful planning and preparation.
Encountering a Xenomorph is a harrowing prospect, but there are crucial steps to increase survival chances. First and foremost, maintaining calm and avoiding panic is essential as the creature is attracted to movement and noise. Establishing communication and alerting nearby personnel or authorities is vital to coordinate a response. Retreat to fortified positions or areas with limited access points to minimize the creature's advantage in mobility and ambush tactics. Engage with precision weaponry that can penetrate its exoskeleton or deploy measures to neutralize its acidic blood upon injury. Finally, prioritize escape and evacuation, as containment may be impractical or dangerous.
In conclusion, the Xenomorph epitomizes terror with its deadly combination of stealth, agility, and lethal adaptations. Its presence demands caution, preparation, and a clear-headed response to mitigate its considerable threats. Understanding its strengths and weaknesses is crucial when confronted with such a relentless and adaptable predator. Surviving an encounter requires not only physical prowess but also strategic thinking and resourcefulness. The legacy of the Xenomorph serves as a chilling reminder of the dangers lurking beyond the stars, where humanity's survival often hangs by a thread against the darkness of space.
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Yay! I beat Resident Evil 2 under 4 hrs. Should I try to do this on hardcore… No I spent the whole day doing this. I’m just glad it wasn’t like cv. I spent days on that game trying to get the infinite rocket launcher. I got but I’m never doing that again
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queer-as-cinema · 2 years
Women Talking is an example of why we need more women in cinema.
Honestly, the amount of 1-star and half-star reviews I saw for this film on Letterboxd was appalling. Men calling it "not even cinema" and "better as a play." I would bet you hundreds of dollars they wouldn't say that about a film like 12 Angry Men, a film literally based on a play of the same name, but widely considered to be one of the best films ever made. No, this would not have been better as a play. Films give us far more immersion than a stage play ever could. Fantastical over-the-top stories work better on the stage where suspension of disbelief is not only expected, but required to enjoy the story playing out in front of you.
No, Women Talking could not have been a play. The flashbacks to the moments of assault juxtaposed with the current debate amongst the women make their words even more palpable. We see it, we aren't just told it. And that's what makes this story so powerful. This film is new-wave feminism distilled into 100 minutes. Communicating the complicated ways women are forced to deal with the circumstances dealt to them by a society created by men. I loved the diversity of the perspectives of the characters in this film. The performances are fantastic and really carry the film forward. I loved the bleak color grading, a literal representation of the drab and dreary mood of their situation. The impossible task of picking up their lives and moving on from a horrible patriarchal society. This movie achieves what it wants with flying colors. I just wish men would stop pushing back on films made by women. Women Talking: A Rank
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titleknown · 22 days
So, a comparatively high amount of states are voting on the fate of ranked choice voting this year. Missouri is voting on whether or not to kill it, Alaska is voting on whether or not to keep it, and most importantly, Nevada, Oregon and Idaho are voting on whether or not to adopt ranked choice voting, with maybe Colorado to follow.
And if you live in these states, even if you don't want to vote at the top of the ticket, I urge you to get out there and vote in favor of ranked choice voting on all of them.
Like, the two-party monopoly is a big part of the reason why politics in this country is so shit, and a big part of that is our "first past the post" system making it basically mathematically impossible for candidates outside of them to win anything beyond a local or state level.
So, if you want to try and break the cycle of voting for the lesser evil, of bipartisan cruelty towards the Global South and the country's own citizens alike, we need to change this and we need to vote on it where we can.
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im just grinding fates
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stil-lindigo · 10 months
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Naarm/Melbourne, Australia (19/11/2023)- the Starbucks and the McDonald’s on Swanston Street are both completely closed.
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gracefuldisasters · 8 months
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I needed to draw this headcannon about my favorite joke from the entire franchise.
Also, I want to see little Shadow and Maria just being little gremlin children.
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brionbroadway · 7 months
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every time raph is on dropout, he says something so earnestly that makes me laugh harder than any joke ever could
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frownyalfred · 2 months
the funny thing about the Justice League is that a junior member can absolutely 100% walk into a Founders meeting and completely derail it by holding up their bleeding hand and saying “I think I need help?” and it’s over. Six different parental instincts get activated in one glorious, overlapping moment.
What was this meeting about? Who cares, it’s time to get the baby hero into the medbay. This requires all of them, of course. And then it turns out it wasn’t a bleeding hand but blood from a (hidden) chest wound and now that newbie is going to wake up to six different parental lectures being delivered bedside in the most embarrassing moment of their entire life.
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I am incredibly serious right now when I beg you all, please, and if you have Twitter or Tiktok or whatever to please spread the word: click on an author's profile on Ao3.
You want to know if an author has written more? Want to know if they're still writing? Want to see more from them? Want to know if they've written a trope or kink or sex scenario you enjoy?
Click on their name. And look at their profile.
I cannot tell you how many times in the last six months someone has read a new or newer fic of mine and said they (a new reader who has read nothing else I've done) "can't wait to see what you do next!" I've written 50+ fics and over a million words already.
"I don't know if you're still writing..." click on my profile. I am. I literally wrote a 128k+ fic for that ship last month.
"Would you ever do X?" "Please do Y!" I already did. Click on my name and look at my works.
Archive of our Own is a library. It's an archive. Not social media. It is your responsibility to fight back against the laziness that corporate algorithms have trained into you.
Click my author name. Just click it. Just click it.
Before you demand more, or ask if a writer will do XYZ, or wonder if the author still writing, or anything - click on their profile. Click on the author's profile.
I'm not trying to be mean or condescending or anything like that. I'm just exhausted. It's disheartening and frustrating to repeat myself ad nauseam, because someone couldn't take thirty seconds to do the tiniest bit of work to see if I've written lately, if I've written more for their ship, or scan my works to see if I've written what they're asking for. Please. Please. I'm begging.
Click the author's name, and explore before you ask.
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koschgay · 10 months
listen I know we’ve only had ncuti gatwa for ten minutes but oh my god I hope he stays for five series. he steals the whole scene every moment he’s on screen, he’s so sparkly and joyous and absolutely adorable. love of my life I hope he gets to kiss so many boys <3
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infinitum-monstera · 4 months
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The Flicker: Danger Rank A
The Flicker emerges as one of the most perilous adversaries in the game, boasting a combination of rarity, deadly attacks, and unique mechanics. Its strength lies in its ability to swiftly incapacitate players by emitting a powerful red light that drains their life force upon eye contact. This attack, known as the "Red Light Event," leaves victims unable to look away, resulting in certain death unless immediate intervention occurs. Furthermore, its elusive nature, often appearing in proximity to light sources, adds an element of unpredictability to encounters, making it challenging to anticipate and avoid.
However, The Flicker is not without its weaknesses. While its "Red Light Event" is devastating, players can evade it by avoiding direct eye contact and looking down immediately upon hearing the telltale static sound. Additionally, blocking the line of sight with obstacles can temporarily disrupt the entity's ability to initiate its lethal attack, providing players with a crucial window of opportunity to escape unscathed. Despite its intimidating appearance and abilities, The Flicker's reliance on maintaining eye contact for its deadliest attack makes it susceptible to clever tactics and quick reflexes.
Surviving an encounter with The Flicker demands heightened awareness and strategic decision-making. Players must remain vigilant for signs of its presence, such as flickering lights and ominous static, and react swiftly to prevent eye contact before it can initiate its "Red Light Event." Coordination among teammates is essential to ensure that all players are aware of the entity's presence and can take appropriate evasive action. Additionally, preparation is key, with players advised to keep defibrillators on hand to revive fallen comrades who may succumb to The Flicker's deadly gaze during recording attempts.
In conclusion, The Flicker poses a formidable challenge in the game, combining rarity, lethal attacks, and unique mechanics to create an intense and suspenseful gameplay experience. While its abilities make it a daunting opponent, careful observation, strategic thinking, and teamwork offer players a chance at survival against this enigmatic entity. Successfully navigating encounters with The Flicker requires players to remain calm under pressure and utilize every available resource to outmaneuver and ultimately overcome this deadly foe.
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skipppppy · 9 months
Just remembered that instead of going to bed at a reasonable hour last night I made a tier list ranking every male pokemon npc based on how divorced I think they are. This is a catastrophic discourse waiting to happen
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queer-as-cinema · 2 years
Puss in Boots: The Last Wish is one of DreamWorks' best films!
There really wasn't any reason Puss in Boots: The Last Wish went that hard. None. The first film was entertaining; a passable entry into DreamWorks' growing world. It was by no means a "deep" film. This one, however, dives into themes that I wasn't expecting a Puss in Boots movie to deal with: mortality. It does so with grace, honesty, and some genuinely funny moments. First of all, the animation in this film is just...incredible. The boom of 3D animation with 2D stylizations since the release of Into the Spidervers"e has been nothing short of delightful. As a Letterboxd user put it: "Every second of this film takes advantage of the medium of animation." I could not agree more. There is so much style, artistry, and reverie in every scene of this movie. Some of the fight choreography actually left my jaw on the floor. The ways they chose to animate some of the fight scenes is absolutely extraordinary. The villain of this film is genuinely scary. Like, I'm pretty sure if I were a child seeing this movie I would be genuinely terrified of Death, which speaks to just how good the character is. The vocal performance of not only Death's character, but every single character in this film is absolutely spot-on. I could go into some of my hang-ups of the film, but at the end of the day, this film succeeds at so much and blew so many of my expectations out of the water that I don't even feel the need to bring them up. The bottom line is, you should see this movie if you have any appreciation for the medium of animation! Puss in Boots: The Last Wish: A Rank
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lichqueenlibrarian · 1 month
Spock: The captain seems unhappy. Perhaps if I pretend to misunderstand a common Terran idiom, he will be amused.
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