#a rogue/oathbreaker paladin of devotion
emeraldties · 8 months
“We Were Sweet Once” Pt 1 / ?
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Alternative Title: God’s Favorite Princesses
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strangesmallbard · 11 months
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(character sheets under the read more)
brienne of tarth: paladin / oath of devotion / folk hero
cersei lannister: warlock / the fiend / noble
jaime lannister: paladin / oath of devotion oathbreaker / soldier / noble
arya stark: rogue / folk hero / charlatan / urchin / noble
lady stoneheart: paladin / oath of vengeance / haunted one
sandor clegane: fighter / great weapon fighting / soldier
daenerys targaryen: sorcerer / draconic bloodline (red fire) / folk hero / urchin / noble
stannis baratheon: cleric of r'hllor lathander / war domain / noble
melisandre of asshai: cleric of r'hllor lathander / light domain / acolyte
jon snow: ranger / ranger knight / wasteland wanderer (cold) / soldier / noble
ygritte: ranger / keeper of the veil / wasteland wanderer (cold) / outlander
mance rayder: bard / lute player / outlander / soldier
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ruewrites · 8 months
Devotion turned Oathbreaker Paladin
Far Traveler Background
Arcane Trickster Rogue
Charlatan Background
Storm Sorcerer
Hermit Background
Berserker Barbarian
Investigator Background
College of Glamour Bard
Entertainer Background
Rune Knight Fighter
Bodyguard Background
Death Domain Cleric
Bereaved Background
Circle of Stars Druid
Amnesiac Background
Drakewarden Ranger
Noble Background
Long Death Monk
Butler Background
College of Lore Bard
Noble Background
War Domain Cleric
Writer Background
Eldritch Knight Fighter
City Watch Background
Paladin of Devotion
Cook Background
Order of the Profane Soul Bloodhunter (Archfey Patron)
Endless Soul Background
Battlesmith Artificer
Experimenter Background
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deconstructthesoup · 26 days
When you have the realization that Leverage is essentially a D&D campaign set in the real world, there is no going back
Nate: He'd obviously be a Mastermind rogue, but I think it'd be cool if he also had a few levels of paladin in there (because, y'know, Catholic boy and all). I did debate cleric for him, but really, Nate going from Oath of Devotion to Oathbreaker to Oath of Redemption throughout the story makes sense, in a way that being a cleric can't fully encapsulate. Also, he'd still probably be a human in D&D world.
Sophie: There's no other choice for our girl than a bard, and I think it'd be really cool if she's gone through a few colleges in her lifetime---she started out as a Whispers bard when she first met Nate, became a Glamour bard after she attempted to give up grifting and focus on her acting career, and after the first year or so working with the team, she settled into being a Lore bard ('cause they're all about exposing the truths of the corrupt). In the same vein, I don't think Sophie can be anything other than a changeling---why keep on burning a Disguise Self slot, when your body can just do that normally?
Eliot: Battlerager barbarian, Way of Shadow monk. And, yeah, he's a dwarf. He's short, and he has amazing hair.
Parker: Everything about her screams Arcane Trickster rogue---yeah, I know that there's an actual "thief" subclass, but considering that Parker frequently performs feats that low-key defy the laws of physics, it feels only fair to give her some magic. She also feels very tiefling-coded to me, so... yeah.
Hardison: As much as it should make sense to make the hacker-type character an artificer, his skills, to me, read way more School of Divination wizard, especially if we assume they're in a more high-fantasy setting. Hell, he could even have a couple levels of Arcana Domain cleric thrown in there, just to give him a little bit more buff. As for species, I think it'd be cool for Hardison to be an elf. I dunno, it just feels fitting.
Harry: I can think of no other choice for him than the most lawyer-coded class/subclass in the game, and that is the College of Eloquence bard. And, again, I think he's just human. Our Mr. Wilson is "just a guy," through and through.
Breanna: Now, as an engineer and creator of gadgets, she would be perfect as a Battlesmith artificer, no question about it. It'd be pretty cool for her to be a halfling, too---often underestimated, but insanely lucky.
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cripplepunkbarbarian · 5 months
Bad Kids Class Swap (with some light "evil" influences) AU featuring:
Artillerist Artificer & Shadow Sorcerer Riz. Undead Warlock Kristen. Ascendant Dragon Monk & Fathomless Warlock Fabian. Storm Sorcerer Adaine. Vengeance Paladin Gorgug. Wildfire Druid & Zealot Barbarian Fig.
I have many thoughts about those class+subclasses but they're all very disjointed since I also haven't thought up a more cohesive way of getting them all in the same party since their "evil" influences all come from the different seasons.
I won't get too deep into it but the general inspirations are,
Riz: Artificer > Rogue, less focus on mysteries + more focus on his parents legacies. Shadow Sorcerer levels are developed after deepening his connection to Kalina, again reflecting the deeper focus on his relationship to his parents.
Kristen: She starts as a Devotion Paladin of Helio. Dies. Starts doubting the church. Becomes an Oathbreaker Paladin. Dies again. Is brought back by The Nightmare King as an Undead Warlock. Drops her levels of Paladin to focus on that connection.
Fabian: This one is the most canon divergent tbh. Has a more strained relationship with Bill. Doesn't take that 2 year gap to travel with him. Monk > Fighter is meant to reflect the shift in dynamic there. Ends up falling in with Dayne since they're closer in school year now, eventually learns from Kalvaxus (hence Ascendant Dragon). I still think Bill would eventually die and that death would impact Fabian. A Fiend Warlock would be more reflective of their canon dynamic imo so Fathomless helps separate that.
Adaine: Starts as her canon class, Divination Wizard, but her connection to magic is altered by the spirit of the former Oracle upon being awakened. Forcing her to lose her Wizard levels and pick up Storm Sorcerer, as like a "corrupt" Oracle. Honestly I could maybe see her eventually picking up levels of a martial class to regain some sort of control in regards to her adventuring experience.
Gorgug: Also starts as his canon class, Berserker Barbarian, but never goes down the Artificer route and is influenced by Porter into reframing his relationship with rage towards a pursuit of righteousness. I think Gorgug would've been leaning more towards Oath of Glory but Porter would've seen it as too passive and pushed for Oath of Conquest. Oath of Vengeance is what ends up being the "happy medium".
Fig: Instead of her infernal heritage coming out as her tiefling status, it presents a bit subtler with her connection to a Wildfire Spirit. I think that would allow her to live in denial about her heritage a bit longer since her mother has such a clear connection to nature, putting her in a more vulnerable position to be influenced by Porter as well. When the dots eventually connect, he acts as a "support" system encouraging (and actively empowering) her to channel and work with rather than against her rage. Hence levels in Zealot Barbarian.
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echolocation7 · 5 months
i'm avoiding doing hw, so here's my take on locked tomb characters in dnd
gideon would be a barbarian who takes a paladin oath when she becomes harrow's cavalier - oath of devotion ofc
harrow would be a death cleric - i can see the argument for her being a necromancer wizard but i feel like she's simply too weird about religion
palamedes though, that's a wizard right there
camilla i feel like would be a rogue/fighter multiclass. just look at her
pyrrha would be a paladin with an oath of vengeance - maybe oathbreaker? - multiclassed with fighter
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persephone-s-moon · 8 months
Since I have Baldur's Gate 3 brainrot with only a reasonable few hundred hours of gameplay under my belt, here's what I think The Lost Boys classes would be for bg3
(I'm doing bg3 and not dnd bc options are more limited (nice for me) and I do value what little sanity I have left.)
Class: Rogue Subclass: Arcane Trickster Notes: I feel like this one's obvious, but for those unfamiliar, the rogue class is known for stealth and deception, as well as thievery due to their lockpicking abilities. In general, rogue characters tend to be very conniving and typically hold their cards close to their chests. The Arcane Trickster sublcass adds some ✨magic✨ to the mix with a handful of spells and cantrips. Theoretically, this Could include some illusion spells. Perhaps for tricking someone into thinking their rice has turned into maggots. (Alternatively, Warlock with the sublcass of The Fiend or Wizard with the subclass of Illusion would also be fitting for David.)
Class: Paladin Sublcass: Oathbreaker Previous Subclass: Oath of Vengeance Notes: HEAR ME OUT. I like the thought of him with religious trauma. Paladins are inherintly religious warriors (very "I'm here to talk to you about MY savior" although you can't pick a specific god in bg3) with three possible oaths in game: Oath of the Ancients, Oath of Devotion, and Oath of Vengeance. Essentially "vow to fight against darkness", "be a knight in shining armor", and "take justice into your own hands" with a handful of tenets unique to each oath. Realistically, the lost boys could easily break ALL of those oaths in a heartbeat, but I ultimately decided on Oath of Vengence on account of one of the tenets: "No Mercy for the Wicked." I believe friendship counts as mercy, and The Lost Boys are FAR from saints. Also, it'd be poetic for him to die carrying out his old oath after Marko dies :)
Class: Barbarian Sublcass: Wild Magic Multiclass: Druid Subclass: Circle of the Moon Notes: I bet yall weren't expecting a multiclass! Anyway, Barbarians are heavy hitters that rely on instinct and rage to fight. They're one of the more physically strong classes, especially in comparison to spell casters and Rogues (RIP David). When Wild Magic Barbarians use their rage, they set off a random magical effect. Anything from accidentally shrinking your team members to accidentally turning into a very useless cat is on the table, and that sort of chaos felt right for Marko. A Druid is an elemental spellcaster with the ability to turn into animals, referred to as their "Wild Shape". Circle of the Moon Druids are able to turn into a giant badger, a giant spider, a dire wolf, a normal cat, a polar bear, and eventually gain the ability to turn into an owlbear. (It's considered a monstrosity and not an animal, but in more recent dnd media, The Rule of Cool has changed some general rules.)
Class: Ranger Sublcass: Gloom Stalker Notes: Rangers are skilled scouts and trackers with a deep connection to nature. I almost gave this class to either Paul or Marko, HOWEVER the Gloom Stalker subclass made me think of Dwayne. Gloom Stalkers are ambush-happy attackers with an affinity for darkness and can easily hide themselve in the shadows (if desired. Gods know The Lost Boys are NOT quiet and that includes Dwayne). Honestly, it's the closest one can get to being an Assassin without classing as a Rogue. And all I can think about is Dwayne faking his death near the end of the movie (which is something you can 100% do in bg3).
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missholloween · 10 months
Curt and Owen as d&d characters that change class/subclass after the banana incident
Curt as a scout rogue/devotion paladin. He uses his rogue expertise to compensate for his lack of dexterity, as he's mainly focused in strength and constitution (also charisma). But when Owen "dies", his oath dies with him, as he's now an oathbreaker. He also becomes erratic and reckless, abandoning his spies ways to become a barbarian berserker.
Meanwhile, Owen had always been slick and charming, precise with his words. After all, who could stop a mastermind rogue/eloquence bard? All his mental stats would be high, as well as his dexterity, reason why he would've dumped constitution. Little did he know, that leaves him at the doors of death in the banana incident. He comes back a changed man, abandoning all that had to do with spies to serve a greater purpose, now having undead warlock levels. His bard college would also change, now working from the shadows from the college of whispers.
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theaviskullguy · 9 months
D&D Obey me- Lucifer, Mammon, + The Twins!
@trash-opposum here you go. seperate post so people can find it but here!
Disclaimer, if i do the rest, im going to avoid making EVERYONE a tiefling or aasimar, those are just for who i think are exceptionally appropriate/is how im playing them as my current dnd character is just Belphegor. If yall want me to make the others (Asmo, Levi, Satan, maybe Diavlo but who knows) let me know!
so let's GOOOOOOOO
Aasimar, the kind from Mordenkainen so no special extra type
Noble background, mainly cause i cant think of anything else
As for class, we have four potential options
Two varieties of Paladin, cleric, or warlock
First paladin variety- Oathbreaker
In this case he was probably originally Devotion before the revolution, and whoops! Oath Broken!
It'd either be a point of pride for him ("I fought for what I believe is right, and there is no shame in that") or he'd hide it from everyone
Second paladin- order of the Crown! obviously because of Diavlo. fellas is it gay to swear undying devotion to your future ki- *gets shot*
Cleric, then Order Domain. clerics are sworn to gods and not demons but shush his patron might still be Diavlo. in an actual D&D setting i can see him instead swearing to like Tyr or something.
he wont be healing. clerics are tanky he's out here ordering people to drop their weapons and then fucking murdering them
Warlock, gotta be fiend patron. im not sure if its possible to be your own patron but itd be funny as shit. worse case its fiend patron with some flavor homebrew as i call it to literally just be a fiend in his own right climbing the infernal ladder as he levels up
i promise the others wont be as long
Earth Genasi as those are descended from the Dao, which are the greediest genie. Also, they just look rich with gem-like stuff growing in cracks on their skin you just know Mammon's one of them
Charlatan background. he is scamming people left and right and it works
Rogue, thief subclass. Honestly any subclass other than Arcane Trickster (hes not smart enough) or Scout (hes not equipped for the "outside of civilization" shit)
Unlike for Lucifer, the others have Backstory! Woo!
Mammon is the son of a Dao and a human. His human parent helped him escape from the Elemental Plane of Earth, but then he was left on his own
So. He quickly learned how to con people. At first it was for survival, and then greed.
He found Lucifer while running one of these cons. In particular, his "con" was a vanishing act. He claimed he could become "one with the earth" when really he was curling up on the ground and casting Pass Without Trace. Lucifer saw through this illusion and threatened to out Mammon as a conman, unless he joined him as his ally. So, he did.
Lucifer keeps him in check, but that's not to say Mammon isn't fully on the straight and narrow
Tiefling!!! variant tiefling favored to have fly wings.
Outlander background, ill explain why in a sec
Barbarian. Need I say More?
actually i will- Totem animal, spirit of the bear. Since bear gets resistance to all damage (other than psychic) while raging and i feel that works with Beel more than anything
now for his backstory! he isnt canon in the campaign im playing belphie in but his backstory has the same catalyst. When he was five years old, the kingdom he lived in was caught in a rebellion against a tyrant. In which, Beel saw his older sister get killed by a royal guard. Belphie was going to be killed- but was protected by a tiefling in a knight's armor (my previous character who was killed. rip avi)
Beel, in his five-year-old mind, just ran. He took off without a second thought- a decision he now regrets deeply.
He ran into the surrounding woodlands. And gets an Atalanta-style backstory. For those who dont know, Atalanta was a princess who was abandoned in the woods and raised by bears
So Beel is raised by bears. Which is way better than being raised by wolves
They teach him how to hunt, gather, and its all well and cute. He sometimes entered the rebuilding kingdom to trade in leftover meat for clothes and weapons- and, to try and find Belphie. No luck.
Eventually, Beel grows to be a powerful warrior. Hangry, sure, but his rage hold the rage of freaking bears. so keep him fed. please.
Anyways Lucifer and the gang (everyone minus belphie) encounter Beel in the woods, watching the cubs. Beel agrees to adventure with them. He says goodbye to bear mom and promises to visit- hopefully, with his twin, next time.
hehe its ME
Zariel Tiefling but i dont give a shit about the infernal legacy its just There. tail is a cow's tail he basically just looks like his demon form
Hermit background. again ill explain in a sec
Druid, circle of stars! to people about to scream "i just checked the wikidot why he no circle of dreams??" because that doesnt have to do with dreams and sleep as i wished it did. its the obligatory faewild subclass. i hate the faewild subclasses (other than the bard one that ones fun)
Currently n the campaign im in we're level 5, so his two wildshapes are wolf, and a bull. But he also has his three starry forms due to being circle of stars.
now. backstory! strap in this is Long
he's saved by my previous dnd character- Avi- and is taken in by him and his husband when the rebellion was over.
Except. due to seeing his sister die and not seeing his twin after that, Belphie assumed the worse and thought that Beel also died and he was the last one of his family
He fell into a pretty deep depression and had no motivation to do anything besides sleep, cry, and eat very tiny portions of meals.
eventually his adoptive dads start telling him stories. and. surprisingly. they seem to help! Belphie is still a shrinking violet but he eats more and can cook and do basic chores!
And Then Avi Goes Missing
His husband- Skull- asks the now 11 year old Belphie if he wants to come along to find him. Belphie declines, saying he needs to get in control of his life and some big quest is probably just gonna leave him with more trauma
Skull lets him stay home, and gives him one of his feathers. So if Belphie ever needs a hand, he can call Skull over and. well. have one of his dads at least
For five years, Belphie took to studying druidcraft, and the stars. He also enchanted his favorite pillow to float and be able to carry him. So he had a little more comfort when going out to buy groceries. He'd make detailed star maps to sell in return
When the sun rose on his 16th birthday, he left a note at home saying he felt ready to tackle his own destiny, and left.
He had a brush with Lucifer, but not Beel. so close, buddy.
Anyways he arrives at The Hunters Guild, finds his parents again, and takes residence in the observatory, where he studies his stars and druid magic again. But also, sleep and dreams.
and. yeah thats where we leave off! god that was long im sorry
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voloslobotomyservice · 9 months
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Elias Blackwood
Class: Oathbreaker of Devotion Paladin
Race: High Half-Elf
Age: 32 years
Background: Folk Hero
Game Progression: Middle of Act 3
Elias grew up in the small village of Goldenfield, raised by his mother and father. Mama took care of the home while Papa, a cavalier, would go away on crusade. He also has one younger sister, Elora, who was born eight years after he was. After his father failed to return home from a crusade, he decided to devote his life to becoming the best paladin he possibly could. He trained for years, practicing on his dummy and fighting off monsters and fiends to keep his hometown safe, while also helping his mother raise his sister, who was only three when their father passed. When he was in his early twenties, Elias moved to Baldur’s Gate to start his career as a paladin. His first night in the city, he went to The Blushing Mermaid and met Leila, a rogue half elf. Although they were never in a relationship, he considers her to be his first love. They were in each other's lives for over ten years, even sharing a home and a bed together. One day, the two were out on a mission beyond the city limits and were attacked by a pack of gnolls. Leila lost her life in this fight, and Elias blames himself for her death. If he had just been a bit more courageous, didn’t miss his swings, then he could have saved her. Leila currently serves as his Dream Guardian, adding on to his ever-building grief after losing her.
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In Act I, Elias makes a poor lapse of judgement and decided to attack a bugbear in the goblin camp. The creature wasn’t aggravated, but he thought that it would if he stayed around long enough, so he wanted to get the battle over with. Because of his actions, he broke his Oath of Devotion. The Oathbreaker Paladin paid him a visit, and gifted him Oathbreaker powers, along with a slightly altered (hotter) look.
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Just outside of Rosymond Monastary, Elias (32) ran into Elora (24), who he had not seen in over ten years. They would still write letters to keep in touch, but she became worried when he stopped returning her letters. Worried for the worst, Elora set off to go find her brother and hopefully bring him back to Goldenfield, as their mother had fallen ill and needed his help. She had wanted to be just like her older brother and trained to become a strong fighter. Elora asks to join her brother's party and to help with whatever mission they are on. Elias accepts, adding her to the troupe with open arms and a strange story about how a tadpole was placed in his head. (If she could she'd probably want to romance Karlach but this page isn't about her!!!)
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Over the course of his adventures, he’s had three hair styles: short and trimmed, a little loose, and all grown out
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Near the middle of Act 3, Elora received a sending from a family friend that their mother has passed away. She is devastated due to the loss and takes it out on her brother, because he refused to go back home to spend her final days as a family. Elias tried to explain that his life was at risk with the tadpole and that removing it was his number one priority. Their conflict drove a wedge in their sibling relationship, and they didn’t speak for days. They finally spoke after defeating Orin the Red at the Temple of Bhaal, where it was Elora who actually knocked the changeling into the abyss below the temple. They both apologized for their cruelty towards each other, recognizing that they were the only family members they had left. Their friendship is stronger now due to all that they’ve gone through!
He is currently in a loving and devoted relationship with Shadowheart and they are so cute together that I want to cry about it. Watching them grow so much as individuals and as a couple has been adorable, and I know that post-game they spend the rest of their half-elven lives together. 🩷
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ryttu3k · 5 months
With the caveat that this only uses BG3 options and not broader D&D ones, here is something I spent far too much thinking about while also watching the movies!
Gandalf: He's not a party member, he's an NPC. Specifically, he's a deity. Quasi-deity, maybe, but a deity nonetheless. Look, 'Wizard' just doesn't go far enough. The most powerful wizard we know of is Elminster, and I suspect Gandalf would definitely win. Maybe he couldn't go against Mystra directly, but he's certainly a far step above most of the other characters. (And if he was one of the player classes, he'd be a Sorcerer, specifically Storm Sorcerer, or possibly Light Cleric, with a particular love of Radiant magic and the Daylight spell, and a lot of proficiency in Animal Handling and a permanent Speak With Animals going on. Actually he's… got most Proficiencies.) Race is… well, deity, but he reads as human to most. Background is obviously Sage.
Aragorn: Literally the entire Ranger class is based on Aragorn. Specifically, he's a Hunter. By the time he's well and truly immersed in his storyline, he's become an Oath of Devotion Paladin as well. For race, I'm going to say High Half-Elf, to explain his Numenorian background, and he does canonically have elven ancestry! His background is Outlander, although he has elements of Noble. Has proficiencies in Nature, Animal Handling, Medicine, Stealth, Survival, and History.
Legolas: Wood Elf, and while Ranger seems like a fairly obvious choice, given his bow skills, I actually suspect he'd take a few levels at least in Bard, and frankly would fit any of the colleges. Not a ton of CHA, but a ridiculous amount of DEX. His background is… complicated (Noble but raised in Outlander settings?), and he has proficiencies in Nature, Survival, Arcana, History, and so much Perception, and, much to Gimli's dismay, Acrobatics :D
Gimli: Gold Dwarf Fighter, specifically Champion. "You approach the complex problems posed by combat with one distinctly effective solution - you hit those problems, really quite hard." Unexpectedly, he has the Noble background! Proficiencies include History and Persuasion; he struggles hard with Perception and Stealth.
Boromir: Human, multiclass as Battle Master Fighter, and also Paladin - originally Oath of Devotion, like Aragorn. But, critically, when he tries to take the ring from Frodo, he becomes - and dies as - an Oathbreaker. Boromir as the tragic side of Paladins. He has the Soldier background, and proficiencies in Athletics, Investigation, and Persuasion. High STR, but lower than usual DEX.
The Hobbits collectively: All of the Halflings have racial bonus proficiencies in Stealth and Sleight-of-Hand, very high DEX, and debuffs to STR and Intimidation. Most are Lightfoot, Sam is Strongheart.
Merry: Multiclass College of Lore Bard, and Rogue Thief. "You've been into Farmer Maggot's crops!" Later picks up Fighter and thus proficiency enough to use heavier armours. Background is Noble with elements of Folk Hero, and high proficiencies in Performance, Persuasion, Deception, Insight, and Perception.
Pippin: Very similar to Merry, including picking up Fighter, although his background is more a combination of Noble and Entertainer. He doesn't have the same Perception that Merry has but does have particularly good Persuasion, and slightly lower INT and WIS in exchange for higher CHA and DEX.
Sam: He's a Paladin. Sam Gamgee is a Paladin. The moment he swears to at-least-quasi-if-not-more-deity Gandalf to protect Frodo, he becomes a Paladin (Oath of Devotion, although very specifically focused on Frodo). His backgrounds don't actually fit any of the in-game ones, but if 'gardener' or just a more generic 'domestic' was one, he'd be it. Higher STR than most halflings (being able to carry a full complement of pots and pans and also Frodo), INT isn't great but his WIS is ridiculously high, CON is maxed out, proficiencies in Insight, Perception, and Investigation, and actually doesn't have the Intimidation debuff!
Frodo: Finally, Frodo. He's a Fiend Warlock and Not Happy About It, due to having a bound object he can't get rid of that grants Invisibility but also causes Necrotic damage when used, and which causes severe debuffs to STR and CON over time. Background is Sage with some elements of Noble, although the Sage side tends to win out, with proficiencies in Insight and Perception, and starting proficiencies in Arcana, History, and Religion. He can cast Big Blue Eyes once per long rest for a Persuasion bonus :) Almost maxed out WIS to resist the Ring, and while he started with the usual halfling debuff to STR (say, -1 or the like) and decent CON, the Ring debuffs hit those hard.
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thetypingpup · 9 months
hi Ellie!!! i was wondering if you had any thoughts on who ATEEZ would be in Baludr's Gate 3
the greatest gift of all is letting me indulge so thank you for this anon! i'm gonna take this to mean class as opposed to character comparisons, so here we go!
(also i'm gonna try and give a brief explanation of each thing for the people who have no clue what any of this is 😅)
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(so far i only have three different reader characters, and you'll see them listed at the bottom)
Hongjoong: Definitely an Arcane Trickster Rogue. So rogues, that's like the main stealth class, very sneaky, do things underhanded, pickpocketing, sleight of hand, all that good shit. Arcane Tricksters can cast spells too and magically disguise themselves, which makes them hella dangerous. I can see him fucking shit up with magic and laughing from the shadows. He also uses weapons and ambushes, mainly hand crossbows and short swords. One of his weapons is a dagger imbued with sussur bark, which long story short when he stabs someone with it, they're silenced and unable to cast spells. Along with the arsenal of spells he knows, he also keeps quite a few spell scrolls on him, just to turn the tides when he needs to.
Seonghwa: Mainly a PALADIN and I will die on this hill. They're oathsworn basically knight heroes who use divine power to fuel their attacks. Seonghwa would be Oath of Devotion specifically, which swears to uphold duty and honor and be heroic. He'd be a Great Weapon Fighter, so he fights with giants swords and shit. He'd be a Paladin of Bahamut (the dragon god of justice) specifically, which you can't pick in the game, but it's not me if he's not associated with dragons somehow lmao. Speaking of dragon association, he also has draconic ancestry from his Sorcerer bloodline. Specifically his bloodline is descended from silver dragons, which means he's got a few frost powers up his sleeve and silver scales on different parts of his body, and a couple other dragon features. (*cough* dragon dick *cough*). Possibly becomes an oathbreaker bc i have way to much fun with oathbreakers not to include that too 😅 Mainly travels with cleric!reader, and was also with Yeosang and Mingi on a mission before getting separated from them. Now it's just him and cleric!reader against the world.
Yunho: I'm thinking Warlock, bc warlocks are spell casters that have a lotta rizz that's what fuels their spells. They get their powers from pacts with demonic patrons, and his patron would be The Fiend, Demon!reader specifically (haven't decided what kind of demon yet but you are from Minauros which is the greed ring of the Nine Hells). You grant him elemental spells (mostly fire) and whenever he defeats someone he gets some temporary health which is really useful. You also give him the ability to turn the tides in his favor, in limited instances of course. His pact with you is specifically a Pact of the Blade, so he can summon magic weapons and magically bind any weapon to himself. You also give him Eldritch Invocations, which long story short are extra warlock spells he can learn. You meet with him every so often, usually every full moon, to discuss the terms of your pact, and more importantly, payment. He asks for new powers, and you grant them, for a price of course. He's free to use his powers however he sees fit, so long as he serves you however you see fit. 😏
Yeosang: War Domain cleric, a cleric not to be fucked with. Not that you can fuck with any of them, but War Domain are more so fighters that focus on making themselves and their allies better in battle. So clerics are the main healing and support class, and just like paladins they get their powers from divine sources. He's specifically be a cleric of Tempus, the Lord of Battles. Tempus is also neutral, which I feel like fits Yeosang's vibe pretty well. So he's essentially a soldier that can also do cleric things lmao. He also has knowledge of weapon and armor forgery, and made a few things out of adamantine, a very rare metal that can only be forged in one hidden forge that he and Mingi found. He was one of the people traveling with Seonghwa and cleric!reader on a mission before getting separated, and travels with Mingi. He has a couple longswords that he likes to use, including one made out of adamantine with a shield to match, and uses a longbow that can give him an extra spell if he does enough damage with it.
San: He's gonna be a Rogue and a Ranger, but mostly Ranger. So Rangers are scouts/trackers, are in tune with nature (not as much as druids but they know things lmao), and can cast a few spells for some razzle dazzle. Specifically, he's gonna be a Gloom Stalker Ranger and an Assassin Rogue, so he attacks from the shadows and can ambush people before they even have the chance to scream, scary shit. He's a Two-Weapon fighter and uses double short swords, and has a crossbow that can take down big monsters, but he's got another dagger that does extra damage when he ambushes people from the shadows. Long story short, there's only one way to get this dagger, which reveals the true nature of why he's a gloom stalking assassin. His traveling companions, Wooyoung and druid!reader, know and are completely cool with it. 😅 I'm not gonna get into Favored Enemies and Natural Explorers too much bc rangers get a bunch of them and we'll be here all day. But I will mention that he's a Beast Tamer than can summon familiars, so he can literally be like "this is my rabbit!". And yes, the rabbit's name is Mito. 😂
Mingi: We're going full Fighter for Mingi, which is exactly what it sounds like. Gonna make him an Eldritch Knight for a little razzle dazzle too. Eldritch Knights can cast spells and magically bind their weapons to themselves, so he can boomerang any weapon he wants much like what Yunho can do. The main weapon Mingi uses is an adamantine trident, which doesn't exist in the game but fuck it, I'm giving it to him. He also has adamantine armor, which he and Yeosang forged in that one forge that most people don't know about lmao. The spells he knows mainly do ranged damage, so yea he's gonna be a knight with ✨ pizzazz ✨ for sure. As far as fighting style, his is Defense, so he gets a little bonus when he's wearing armor. I can just imagine him throwing his trident at someone, and then when it comes back he points it at them like "aight lets fight". All of them can really make an entrance fr, but with Mingi yea that image really makes sense. He was one of the people traveling with cleric!reader and Seonghwa on a mission, and travels with Yeosang.
Wooyoung: Definitely Bard, definitely lute playing bard (which is why i asked if he knows any instruments). So they're the traveling performers and are also storytellers and artists. Bards have a lotta rizz and can basically talk their way out of any situation. Bards can also support their allies in a fight really well and can cast a lotta spells. Something funny that Bards use is Vicious Mockery, which is dealing damage to their enemies through insults. Sounds pretty on brand for Wooyoung 😅. He travels with San and druid!reader, and let's just say he knows why San has that special dagger, and is happy San is on his side. He himself uses a longsword that can use song empower his allies or do extra damage to his enemies.
Edit: the evil team of druid!reader and San needed to do more damage, so Wooyoung is a College of Swords Bard. He can still cast spells (like a lotta spells), but he's also a master swordsman and can do really cool things with his weapons.
Jongho: We're going Monk for Jongho. Monks are actually hella tough and fight hand to hand and with their staffs. Martial arts experts that're not to be fucked with. I'm thinking Way of the Open Hand monk for him, which doesn't even need a staff they just beat the shit outta people with their bare hands and can easily stun and knock their opponents out. Since Jongho is really strong, it'll make him even more powerful. He does have a staff that has the power to turn an opponents spell back on them, hella useful. He'd also have an arsenal of different gloves he can wear to change the damage he does, like fire, lightning, etc. Something else cool monks can do is if someone shoots them with an arrow, they can redirect it back to the shooter it's hella cool. So yea, seems calm and collected and serene but will fuck you up I love that for him. I say this, but I am debating on making him a Way of the Four Elements monk, which is exactly what it sounds like.
Cleric!reader: So this is the Cleric from the paladin!hwa piece. You are a Light Domain Cleric of Lathander, the neutral good god of birth, dawn, and renewal (also known as the Morninglord). Because of this, you have a lot of light powers, and a few fire powers for a little bit of razzle dazzle lmao. Originally, you went on a mission with Seonghwa, Mingi, Yeosang, and a few other people. After ending up separated from the others, your main traveling companion is Seonghwa, and you fall in love as you travel together.
Druid!reader: Hehe made an evil druid. So druids are really in touch with nature and are all about preserving the natural order. You have lots of elemental spells, some healing magic, can commune with animals, and can even turn into animals. Specifically you're a Circle of the Land druid, which means you can tap into some really powerful magic and can cast more spells than other druids. You are an elemental menace and most of your powers involve conjuring different hazards like entangling vines, patches of sharp thorns, icy storms, and even walls of fire. You travel with San and Wooyoung and have a dark past very similar to San, which gives you a dark secret of your own that of course, the other two know and are completely cool with. With your powers combined, you're lowkey the most menacing villain squad there is.
Patron!reader: You're the demonic entity that gives Yunho his Warlock powers. You are a Tanar’ri, or pure demon, straight from the Abyss. Now, you reside in Minauros, the greed ring of the Nine Hells. You serve under Mammon, archdevil of Greed, and secure contracts and pacts with mortals on his behalf. It's Yunho's greed for power that drew you to him. Your true demon form is gigantic with the lower half of a large serpent and the upper half of a person, four arms, fangs, claws, bat-like wings, snake-like eyes, and four horns that coil atop your head like a crown. You can shapeshift, but honestly Yunho prefers (and simps over) your true form, which is makes things a bit easier. Much of your power revolves around fire, which is why you imbue Yunho with a lot of fire spells. You let him use his powers as he sees fit, so long as he serves you as you see fit. As part of your pact, you visit Yunho every full moon. There, he can ask for more power, and you can grant his request, for a price. Quite often, that price involves you dominating him and toying with him however you want, a price he's all too willing to pay. And as an added caveat, he's not allowed to cum at any other time, not until you say he can, another aspect of this he quite enjoys. So every full moon, he looks forward to when you come to collect tribute from him, taking pleasure in the way you play with him, calling him pet or pup the entire time.
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sincerely-sofie · 7 months
What dnd classes would you say Twig and the others would have?
If we were to assign classes to their personalities, they would be the following:
Ark: Shadow magic sorcerer. This was the easiest choice out of the entire cast.
Celebi: Peace domain cleric, because Celebis in general are known to only appear in peaceful eras, and I think it’s funny for her to be a cleric who is her own divine sponsor
Dusknoir: School of abjuration wizard (but he has a significantly greater amount of levels as a celestial warlock from his time as Primal Dialga’s servant)
Grovyle: The most textbook thief rogue you’ve ever seen
Kip: He gave me a lot of trouble, but I think the best fit for him would be an armorer artificer
Twig: Banneret fighter— she’s an (ex) human fighter! Get it? Like the meme about bland D&D characters? Eh???
However, if they were to play a campaign in a human AU, they would choose classes like so:
Celebi: 100% would play a college of glamor bard. Hands down. She gives her character the most bizarre instrument she can think of that destroys the immersion of the sessions they run when she plays YouTube clips of people playing said instrument at critical moments in battles.
Grovyle: Echo knight fighter. Has a fun time asking way too many questions about the layouts of areas so he can put enemies in bad positions by swapping their places.
Kip: Eternally the Dungeon Master 😞 Except for the scattered oneshots Twig runs for him where she DMs for him as a solo player, he never gets to play. During those oneshots, he likes to play a wide variety of classes and subclasses, though he is very fond of ancestral guardian barbarians and monks in general!
Dusknoir: Oath of devotion paladin. Kip would create a moral dilemma for his character midway through the campaign and he’d elect to become an oathbreaker, though.
Twig: Beast master ranger. She’s really attached to her character’s animal companion, and Kip ignores the fact that said animal companion is able to die (unlike a wizard’s familiar) because he knows that if her pet elk was killed, she would go into a state of catatonic grief in real life.
Ark: Was extremely bewildered by all of the logistics that go into playing a campaign as well as building a character, so he’s just playing one of the pre-generated character sheets you can find online. He’s a very bland champion fighter who slowly evolves into a very elaborate character as Ark grows more comfortable with playing, and therefore is able to put all of his overthinking into piecing together his character’s past actions into an in-depth character arc with great implications for the future of his character.
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omgkalyppso · 7 months
OC Masterlist
If I forget any of them I apologize. Last updated March 10th.
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Baldur's Gate 3 / D&D:
Étoile - high elf oath of devotion oathbreaker paladin of Auril Borgakh - orc hunter ranger Meabh - wood half-elf assassin rogue dark urge Zavorys - mephistopheles tiefling oath of devotion paladin of Lathander Uleri - deep gnome illusion wizard Upton - bronze dragonborn fighter Voriya - seladrine drow draconic bloodline sorcerer dark urge Cemryt - mephistopheles tiefling bard Aoibhinn - hill / gold dwarf hunter ranger / monk Orboloth - lolth-sworn drow druid dark urge Determination - asmodeus tiefling tempest domain cleric of Selûne Yar'sul - githyanki barbarian Baudelaire - wood half-elf archfey warlock dark urge Arilemn - elven aasimar arcane archer fighter Serenity - high half-elf asmodeus tiefling college of swords bard Naimh - hill / gold dwarf horizon walker ranger Anivine - asmodeus tiefling life domain cleric of Lathander Artie - zariel tiefling oath of ancients paladin Zoltan - bronze dragonborn druid dark urge Namanyla - wood elf oath of ancients paladin, head of Adventurer's Guild in Baldur's Gate Anastasia - human vampire spawn, Leon's branch Jarnarei "Joy" - zariel tiefling, blacksmith clerk, Cal's partner Nephemir - asmodeus tiefling, baker, Lia's lover Vanora - water genasi unholy death knight, Umberlee's Chosen Tybalt - werewolf ranger, Malar's Chosen Gillian - werewolf fighter, Tybalt's wife Zavael'ahn - talosian drow sorcerer, Talos' Chosen Chri'dalto - zariel tiefling great old one warlock Vandren - high elf turned fiend, college of whispers bard Mordeimos "Atonement" - zariel tiefling monk Bedivere - Zevlor's summoned mount Blbxrl - Fimbrul Devil loyal to Mephistopheles in Raphael's service Yakrayat - Rakshasa Demon imprisoned in Avernus Nev - asmodeus tiefling sold soul during Descent Into Avernus Rohn - asmodeus tiefling sold soul during Descent Into Avernus Sozican - white dragon who has an albino drow guise
Fire Emblem:
Faedolyn - fe3h My Unit / Byleth oc Zoran - Faedolyn's genderfluid brother Avery - few3h My Unit / Shez oc Almanzor - Dimitri's cousin / Rufus' son Josiane - ex or ongoing Rufus lover Lucanus - Dimitri's cousin / Rufus' son Paulette - ex Rufus lover Eugénie - Felix's mother / Rodrigue's wife Évrard - Blaiddyd bastard impersonator / Rufus idolizer Armand - Rodrigue's brother Violaine - Armand's wife Jocelyn - Armand's son Fabrice - Armand's second son Dijana - Faedolyn's mother Balfour - Faedolyn's father Enok - Zoran's father Adrijan - Fae and Zoran's uncle / Dijana's brother Taisiya - Dimitri's mother Imelda - Mercedes & Jeritza's mother / Dimitri's aunt / Taisiya's sister Cocytus - Avery's adoptive mother / Agarthan kidnapper Othello - Avery's father Rosalind - Avery's mother Peregrine - Almanzor's wife Huguette - Peregrine's daughter Apolline - Peregrine's second daughter Rebecca - Claude's mother Régimbald - Lorenz's father Agneth - Lorenz's mother / Ionius IX's sister / Edelgard's aunt Ayane - Lorenz's mother when not Edelgard's cousin Philomène - Évrard's best friend Herschel - Hilda's father Hanna - Hilda's mother Ionius VIII - Ionius IX & Agneth's father Eurybia - Ionius IX & Agneth's mother Serge - Rodrigue's chief of staff Wilmar - Lorenz's chief of staff Olive - Ashe's sister / Oren's twin Oren - Ashe's brother / Olive's twin Luzia - Dedue's sister
Sarim - Claude's brother Sara - Claude's sister Asmaa - Claude's sister Shahid* - Claude's brother Sajad - Claude's brother Rumaisa - Claude's sister Shohreh - Sarim's wife Ami - Sara's (second) husband Yaser - Asmaa's husband Isabelle - Rumaisa's girlfriend Imran - Shahid's partner Samiya - Shahid's wife Hadiya - Shahid's mother Rahim - Claude and siblings' father / King of Almyra Noor - Sarim and Shohreh's daughter Ana - Sarim and Shohreh's second daughter Farid - Sarim and Shohreh's son Ben - Sara and Ami's son Alain - Sara and Ami's second son Tamara - Geralt's childminder Vera - Nader's childminder Miri - Sadaf's childminder
OT5 kids:
Halvard - Lorenz and Hilda's son Lorencia - Lorenz and Hilda's daughter Nader - Claude and Fae's son / Geralt's twin Geralt - Claude and Fae's second son / Nader's twin Sadaf - Claude and Fae's daughter Baldovin - Lorenz and Hilda's second son Diana - Avery and Fae's daughter Simon - Claude and Fae's third son
Blythe - Dimitri and Marianne son Elspeth - Sylvain and Felix daughter Keegan - Caspar and Ashe daughter Fernan - Dedue and Mercedes son Idoya - Dedue and Mercedes daughter in merciesyldue configuration Nicodème - Sylvain and Dedue son in merciesyldue configuration
Evalynn - fe:a My Unit / Robin oc Morris - prime timeline Morgan Lucy - prime timeline Lucina Miradonna - fe:a My Unit / Robin oc or Plegian oc Noravanna - Miradonna and Vaike daughter
Ghaymah / Honor - Claude's wyvern / cat Haris - Faedolyn's wyvern Unnamed - Hilda's first wyvern (dies in war) Braith - Hilda's second wyvern (dies in war) Unnamed - Hilda's third wyvern Magic - Lorenz's horse / dog Cookies And Cream "Cookie" - Zoran and Jeritza's cat Smoked Peach Skewer "Smokey" - Zoran and Jeritza's cat Justice - Caspar and Ashe kitten Chivalry / Tapeworm - Caspar's kitten Moonlight Knight "Mimi" - Sitri's cat Galahad - Ashe's cat Paladin - Ashe's cat Meatball - Caspar's cat Inferno - Caspar's cat Knives - Caspar's cat Dragon - Nader's cat / Claude's childhood cat Little Monster - Hanna (Hilda's mother)'s cat Noraxia - Holst's cat / wyvern Nidhogg - Holst's cat / wyvern Vigil - Sylvain's horse Lady Caramel de Bushels of Apples - Ferdinand's horse Cinnamon Brambleberry Racer - Sylvain and then Felix's horse
Meldiara - stealth and bow dunmer dragonborn Wylla - sword and shield imperial dragonborn werewolf Oretia - sword and shield imperial Farknir - nord sorcerer, Meldiara's brother Drynlof - nord sorcerer, Meldiara and Farknir's father Vigdna - nord civilian, Farknir's mother Ninayne - dunmer civilian, Meldiara's mother
Dragon Age:
Aerynne Aeducan - dual sword warrior, Paragon Farasuta Tabris - dual weapon rogue, Warden-Commander Illusen Amell - entropy healer, fugitive Galadriel Cousland - dual weapon rogue, Queen of Fereldan Wylla Brosca - two-handed warrior, Warden-Commander Maeve Mahariel - two-handed warrior, sacrificial lamb Marian Hawke - blue dual weapon rogue Kalyppso Hawke - blue dual weapon rogue Illusen Hawke - purple force mage healer Ursula Hawke - red sword and shield warrior Samaire Cadash - tempest rogue Aneirin Lavellan - assassin rogue Tarren Lavellan - champion warrior Olwen Lavellan - rift mage Mildred Trevelyan - knight-enchanter mage Wylla Cadash - reaver warrior
Mass Effect:
Jolene Shepard - Paragade, colonist, war hero, vanguard Victoria Shepard - Renegade, earth-born, ruthless, adept Celeste Shepard - Paragon, spacer, war hero, engineer Josephine Shepard - Renegon, colonist, war hero, sentinel
Sawyer - midlander hyur, monk / bard wol Sybille - wildwood elezen, scholar, Sawyer's interpreter Turold - Sawyer's father / Borgakh's husband
Original Setting / Stolen from Setting:
J - vampire jazz pianist from a sci fi future Theo - supernatural investigator Nova - magnetic presence for supernatural creatures
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crownomancer · 11 months
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Sharing some of my d&d art as well. Lots of different characters and thoughts
1. Amaryllis aen Fadyne - Human Artificer (artillerist)
2. Not mine, my friend’s lovely high-elf warlock
3. Changling Rogue NPC. Had a name, it’s been lost to time.
4. Warforged Druid NPC I forgot the name of. She liked to study plants.
5. Sajar Allayla - Tiefling Ranger (horizon walker, favoured terrain desert)
6. Edmond Viridium - Half-Elf Paladin (oath of devotion -> oathbreaker -> oath of redemption)
7. NPC party outfits
8. My latest, WIP, Woodelf Wizard (necromancer)
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hatigave · 18 days
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I need to put these into the carrd but .... some of my kids and vague concepts for bg3 verses:
Gilderoy. high half-elf. bard — college of lore. sage background. This verse would be so tightly knit to his 'main' bard verse where he's not very proficient with the control of his actual magic, but by merlin is he the best at vicious mockery. Not a tav character, more a volo.
James. human. paladin — oath of devotion oathbreaker. noble background. tav character who breaks his oath just before the start of the main storyline after chasing a pirate through a hurricane and in doing so needlessly ending the lives of those under his command.
Adelé. drow half-elf. rogue — thief. charlatan background. Very reluctant tav character who would very much prefer it if anyone else took lead ( but when they do she gets upset that things aren't being done her way. )
Victoria. mephistopheles tiefling. druid — circle of the moon. outlander background. Not a tav character, and a druid with dangerously low wisdom stats. A friendly companion who would spend half the journey in the shape of a cat if she could.
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