#a social justice scarecrow
luckyspade-8 · 5 months
To @sirshiba Happy holidays! I had fun writing this and I hope I did your version of Scarecrow and Riddler justice!
That Damned Parasite of Joy
Words:750 tw:none
Trying to shake off the nerves, Jonathan reposition his arms on Ed's shoulders.
"I am not thrilled about this."
"For one who gets excited at the thought of fear, I would think you would be enthralled with this. All of these high strung beings, who could easily break from one of silver tongue."
"You know damn well I hate any social gathering. It's even worse you brought me to a Holiday Gala, Edward."
"Oh Please, spare me from your sharp word of anguish til after we leave with the information of our enemies."
Sighing, Johnathan continues to awkwardly sway to the music with Ed leading. How he even got here is ridiculous. All it took was Ed using his confounding words of 'intelligence' to get him in this ill fitting suit. Sneaking in was the easy part, but now getting out seemed impossible without the crowds staring at them trying to leave. Especially when Ed chose to wear a eye catching forest glitter green suit.
Choosing to keep dancing, Jon stares into his partners face. The crystal lights reflecting off Ed's gold frames certainly didn't help the sinking feeling. The harsh coldness of the vast ballroom pulling him close to Edward was even worse. God, Johnathan hated this time of year.
The demand to spend money on the people who are suppose to care about you unconditionally have their unspoken conditions met, the annoyingly colorful ads to buy snotty brats the toy of the year and of course. The worst of the all. The cursed plant he hated every single year. The little bunch of parasite plants hung so high. The thing that cause much pain in school dances. That-
"Would you look at that. Mistletoe. Do you know, it comes from three different parasite families. Notably, the most well-known are Viscum, Phoradendron, and Arceuthobium, all of which are members of the family Santalaceae. And of course, the well known saying from Egland that kissing under it will lead to marriage no matter what. Of course, that's just a saying that morphed from Druids buring bonfires and an old Norse legend."
Feeling the dread, Johnathan looks up and sees the dread parasite. Of course. A witches broom. Fuck, it aint the same thing but who cares. Before his face starts to burn with shame, John tries to shuffle away from the bushel of green leaves and white toxic berries. Feeling Edward stop him, John gulps down the fear threatening to spill out his mouth and look back at him.
"So. We both stuck in this predicament. A socially filled room and eyes are starting to fall on us. Of course, if you don't wish to do anything, You don't have to. I would never make you do anything you truly would hate, I'm not that cruel."
Taking a deep breath, Johnathan takes one look over of Ed. The crooked nose he came to adore, the cow lick in his hair that Ed would always avoid calling it that, the rooster tail in the back of his hair that stuck up and how his face would get frustrated when Jon used such words describe him. Edward may be one damn stubborn bastard, but he was the only one Jon would trust to kiss him.
Sighing with a non existing smile, Jonathan simply rolls his eyes hearing Ed go on about how incredibly kind he is before tapping his shoulder.
"Make it quick then."
"Of course, I wouldn't keep one waiting for such a lovely reward. An honor to be given affection from an intelligent being such as I. And furthermore-"
"Oh for the love of that's all holy."
Johnathan pulls the ginger man into a kiss, feeling the sudden warmth of his body temperature. Feeling the eyes starting to pull towards them, Jonathan pulls away. Before Edward could rant and rave about chivalry and ideals, Johnathan put his hand onto Ed's shoulder.
"You make this terrible season almost tolerable."
As the words hit Edward's keen ears, the classic shit eating grin spread across his face.
"Of course, I'm a wonderful delight to be around. To be blessed with such insight-"
"Don't make me regret saying that out loud."
Feeling content, Edward finally shut up.
For all of 5 seconds when he saw someone eating calamari and goes on a tirade on how elitist it is to enjoy something so gross yet expensive. Oh well, it something to ignore the never ending nerves of dread.
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dairy-farmer · 1 year
So here I am, feel free to ignore if I'm breaking any boundaries.
 Your story actually made me think of Tim’s process through the trauma and mainly how he processes most adult things. I do like soft, hurt, self-sacrificing Tim like any hot, red blooded fan, of course.
But let me argue that Tim Drake is not a child child, he has been his own responsible adult since he was six. He learned budgeting and bills and taxes and stranger danger and all the things adults eventually teach children from TV/the internet and he is not ashamed of it.
Kinda that when Jack and Janet left him alone with a housekeepr, he basically parentified himself.
So in comes the 12/13 year old who sees Batman tiptoeing the edge and goes: I can fix this dude so hard!
And yeah, Bruce is almost lost to his grief and barely conscious of the utter shitshow around him, “sure, whatever kid, be Robin, but train with other adults, I’m too broken hearted to adult right now. Oh, you learned from Alfred and Dick, great, Imma teach you and oh, you disappeared for a while, huh, you got even better, I wonder what you did, well whatever let’s go on patrol.”
And years pass, Bruce heals, he gets his family back, he gains allies and perspective.
And maybe one day he is high as a kite on some scarecrow or ivy drug or whatever, he beat the villain, he did the justice, weee~
And he realizes he is home and Tim’s tiny hand is pulling hin towards the bathroom and he is confused.
Tim, on the other hand, is so used to Bruce’s shit, that he simply taps him on the back of the knees to make him kneel by the toilet bowl and goes: “Okay, you feel up to puking on your own or should I make you?”
And Bruce is even more confused because his children usually weren’t like this, they were soft and depended on his stability, none of his children should see him this vulnerable.
And maybe he takes a little too long to reply because suddenly Tim is shoving two fingers down his throat while holding the back of his head and suddenly Bruce is vomiting and Tim pats his heaving back and makes sure none of it goes in his  hair while TSKING because “Really Bruce? Don’t be a baby, my hand can’t hurt that much, I’m like 13.”
And Bruce, for once, realizes he is not the parent in this relationship and he is not sure how it happened.
You can extrapolate Bruce Mommy/Daddy-issues Wayne would definitely fall for that scarily inteligent teen that has become his highly unimpressed new mommy if you like.
Or he simply tries (and fails) to parent this child who somehow doesn’t need him like Dick and Jason and Damian ever did and he is frightened that if Tim doesn’t need him he will leave.
Which is why Tim gets more benefits than Dick and Jason ever did at his age COMBINED.
A car? You got it.
A Ducatti? Red, black or both?
Your own team instead of integrating you to Dick’s? SURE THING!
It is quite telling that even if Dick is Bruce’s oldest adopted child and the one he is trusting the mission to, TIM is the one who is supposed to inherit the company and thus Batman’s biggest source of income and Bruce’s charity and social justice pet projects in case of Bruce’s death.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i just read the comment you left on ‘here cometh the iceman’ and i cannot tell you how happy i was to be greeted by this in my inbox!!!!!!! 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍!!!!
i love your tim HC so much because it reallly does align with how he behaves so often! tim is a child who has, often, had to parent himself. in the comics it’s implied that the majority of his developmental years in school were spent in boarding schools where his only supervisors were teachers and the few adults whose job were to look out for them. but even then tim would’ve had to learn how to deal with a lot of things himself- he had to put himself to bed, decide what and how to regulate his diet, how to deal with interpersonal issues along with any tension that came with living with another kid his age. tim is essentially a young adult in a child’s body. and to contrast that is bruce. who arguably, while he is an adult, lacks a lot of the landmark developmental milestones that tim has already had (through no choice of his own). 
bruce has alfred as a kind of crutch so many of the “adult” things tim experienced were things he never learned or developed the skills for. hence why when they came together, tim who was the more responsible, mature, and developed “adult” took care of bruce. it’s such an upside down pineapple situation where bruce is the grown up but the child and tim is the child but the grown up. so tim caring for bruce like when he gets poisoned and needs to vomit, tim treats him like a child who has swallowed something he wasn’t supposed to. he falls into caring for bruce like it’s a routine and bruce is struck with the realization of what had been happening while his head was buried in the sand from his grief.
bruce has sooo many hangups about his parents and their deaths, his relationship with them has guided so much of his life and how he expresses (or doesn’t express) his love. alfred had cared for and loved him but always maintained him an arm’s length away perhaos out of respect for bruce and the relationship he had with his parents. but tim! tim treats him in that soft way his mother did, taking a rag and dabbing away the sweat from his brow when bruce starts sweating buckets after vomiting. so many things tim does for him reminds bruce so starkly of his mother and father and it kind of makes him uncomfortable but that feeling gets trampled by and is the reason he never puts a stop to it - he likes it. he likes being doted on and cared for, he like that tim feeds him warm broths, oatmeals, and chicken soup. he likes that tim presses featherlight kisses to his scrapes and cleaned wounds. with tim there’s no expectation of him to make the first move, be responsible, or be the parent. not like there was with jason or dick.
but there’s also the fact that bruce no longer offers something to tim. safety, protection, etc. the things you expect from a parent. tim doesn’t want them, in fact he’s the one who provides them because bruce startles awake from a bad dream and tim is already there to comfort him.
bruce attempting to become the parent in their dynamic similarly failing leaves him scrambling and leaves him scared about the fact that tim could leave him.
this fundamentally changing their dynamic is so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its why tim gets more leeway than the others, why he’s treated differently and “allowed” so much independence. i think if jason and dick weren’t so preoccupied with their own lives and issues they might stop and be like “hey wtfff”.
tim and bruce’s relationship and dynamic is one of the most fascinating to me because the two of them are mirrors, foils, and almost caricatures of each other in some cases. the two of them share so much in common but are also fundamentally different people. if tim had been in bruce’s shoes from birth he would’ve likely followed the same path but been different. same with bruce. if he had been the little idealistic boy whose parents more or less neglected him, he would’ve followed the same path as tim had but been....different. the two of them are such good characters, their shared history and dynamic is fascinating and thank you so much for this really good deep dive into their character and relationship!!!!!!! it’s so good!!!!!!!!!!!!
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sebeth · 5 months
Who's Who In The DC Universe #1: Arkham Asylum, Atari Force, Atlantis
Arkham Asylum by Steve Bissette & John Totleben
Located on a wooded acre of land just north of Gotham City
Founded in 1921 by Dr. Amadeus Arkham, a vigorous social reformer, on land left to him by his mother
Amadeus’s mother suffered from mental illness
The asylum was the first facility of its kind in Gotham
Amadeus transformed his ancestral home into an asylum and staffed it with some of the most prominent psychologists and physicians of the time.
One of Arkham’s first inmates was “Mad Dog” Martin Hawkins, who had been found not guilty by reason of insanity in the murders of Arkham’s wife and infant daughters.
Dr. Arkham treated Hawkins with “great concern and compassion”, right up to Hawkin’s accidental electrocution two months after his incarceration.
In 1929, 6 days after the legendary stock crash, Dr. Arkham went berserk and was arrested when he attempted to electrocute his stockbroker. Amadeus wasn’t happy over losing his entire fortune in the crash.
Amadeus was committed to Arkham Asylum. He spent the remainder of his days carving indecipherable inscriptions on the floor of his cell while singing “The Battle Hymn of the Republic”.
Amadeus passed away in his sleep on April 7, 1963.
The Asylum wen through a series of state-appointed administrators after Amadeus’s incarceration.
The most recent was Dr. Byron Blaine, who has held the position since his predecessor was taken captive and replaced by Professor Achilles Milo, one of the Asylum’s inmates.
Other notable inmates include Two-Face, the Floronic Man, the Mad Hatter, Clayface III, Maxie Zeus, and the Joker.
Arkham Asylum debuted in the Batman comics in 1974 but has quickly become a foundational aspect of the Batman mythos. Hugo Strange, Harley Quinn, and Scarecrow all worked at Arkham Asylum in the various continuities. Numerous important storylines have taken place at Arkham, including the kickoff of Knightfall when Bane released the inmates to exhaust Batman.
I haven’t read Grant Morrison’s Arkham Asylum since it came out in 1989 but I think I remember the writer referencing Amadeus’s backstory. I seem to remember Mad Dog’s electrocution wasn’t so accidental after all. The Who’s Who entry (which pre-dates Morrison’s story by 4/5 years hints about the true nature of Mad Dog’s death when Amadeus attempts to electrocute his stockbroker). I don’t blame Amadeus, no one should be tasked to care for his wife and infant daughter’s murderer.
Amadeus played a background role in the Batman Arkham games when Quincy Sharpe, the Asylum’s current administrator, becomes convinced he is the reincarnation of Amadeus Arkham.
Arkham Asylum appears in all the various Bat Family titles and crossover media (cartoons, movies, video games). Notable storylines include the Arkham Asylum GN by Grant Morrison and Arkham Asylum: Living Hell. “Living Hell” isn’t as famous as Morrison’s graphic novel, but I enjoyed it. It follows a businessman who pleads insanity to avoid prison. The judge is fed up and sentences the man to Arkham. It doesn’t end well for him.
The Asylum has appeared in various non-Bat titles, including the Justice League, Justice Society, and Sandman. Arkham made appearances in the Justice League cartoon and a Suicide Squad animated movie.
Atari Force by Eduardo Barreto
Earth has been ravaged by war and ecological imbalance. The Atari Technology and Research Institute sent a specially trained crew throughout the multiverse to find a new world for humanity.
The crew found a new world after months of trials and tribulations. It was dubbed New Earth.
Twenty-five years later, the Dark Destroyer returned to menace New Earth.
Martin Chapman, one of the original founders of New Earth, founded the Atari Force to battle the Dark Destroyer.
The team is composed of Martin, his son, and members of various alien recipes.
DC issued digests in the 1980s (the size of the Archie digests you find in the grocery stores). One series of digests was devoted to the Legion of Super-Heroes (it’s how I read most of the Silver Age appearances of the Legion). Another had random reprints of various DC comics. This digest contained the only Atari Force story I have read. If you’re curious, the other stories in the digest were a Blue Devil story, the “Who Is Donna Troy” New Titans story, and the “Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner” Legion story (the one where Gim introduces Yera to his parents). I don’t recall much of the Atari Force story.
Atari Force was licensed from the actual Atari company which explains why the group isn’t seen/reference anymore.
Atlantis by Marshall Rogers
Located in the North Atlantic Ocean, the continent of Atlantis was one of the first places on Earth where civilization flourished. It was the most sophisticated civilization in the world, establishing twelve scattered settlement cities on other continents.
Magic was the dominant source of power in early Atlantis but science and technology gradually rose to prominence, later Atlantis combined magic with technology
Atlantis launched an exploratory spacecraft in 45,500 BC
King Thorval sent six expeditions in the 9600 BC to find alternate places for Atlanteans to live in the face of an impending natural catastrophe
One of the expeditions founded a colony in a secluded area between the earth’s surface and the hidden land known as Skartaris
Atlantis sank beneath the sea with only two of its cities surviving (Tritonis and Poseidonis)
The Atlanteans constructed protective domes around the cities and developed serums to allow underwater breathing
The citizens of Tritonis had an unexpected reaction to the serum and transformed into merfolk.
The Atlanteans developed telepathic abilities to communicate underwater. (But only Aquaman can command the creatures of the sea).
Tritonis remains secluded but Poseidonis has had more public exposure, including a major exposition held for the air-breathing people.
Remnants of the original Atlantean colony lost beneath the earth have been active again recently, attempting a takeover of Skartaris, which was thwarted by Travis Morgan (the Warlord).
Aquaman, Aquagirl, Aqualad, Arion, and Atlantis itself. Aquaman’s corner of the DC universe was features heavily in the first issue of “Who’s Who In The DC Universe”.
Atlantis has a role in all Aquaman series and other media projects.  Power Girl was connected to Atlantis in a unnecessary post-Crisis retcon. Don’t worry, the retcon was also retconned and Power Girl is once again a Kryptonian. Atlantis and its citizens were featured in Infinite Crisis when an unstable Spectre unleashed his wrath on the area (he was on a rampage against magic users). DC’s Atlantis has made appearances in the Justice League cartoon, Young Justice cartoon and comic, and an animated Justice League movie.
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arkhampsych · 2 years
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— 𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐒. — 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄.   jonathan crane, or ‘ scarecrow ’ . 𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄/𝐒.  he’ll respond to doctor crane, or simply  ‘ doctor. ’  a select few call him  ‘ jon. ’   he’s not fond of nicknames.  riddler’s taken to calling him  “ pumpkin. ”  joker ( reeves verse ) occasionally calls him   “ jonny. ”  𝐀𝐆𝐄.     27. 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐄𝐒.     Human.
— 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋. — 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘.     lawful / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true 𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐈𝐎𝐍.     n / a 𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐒.     greed / gluttony / sloth / lust / pride / envy / wrath 𝐕𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐔𝐄𝐒.     chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐔𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐒.     english. some latin. 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐒.      early life : where he grew up and what home was like.  his sexuality : it’s not an insecurity, but it’s also not something he likes to express openly.  social anxiety : he’s incredibly anxious when cornered or outnumbered. being confronted, being the center of attention, or speaking with a group of individuals of higher authority, makes him very uncomfortable. manipulation & blackmail :  crane accelerated through school by blackmailing and manipulating his professors and members of the board. he’s taken a similar approach securing his position at arkham.
— 𝐏𝐇𝐘𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋. — 𝐁𝐔𝐈𝐋𝐃.     scrawny / bony / slender / fit / athletic / curvy / herculean / pudgy / average. 𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓.  5 ′ 7 ″ . 𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐒 / 𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐒.     you’d have to be close to notice, but his face, back, and forearms are dusted with pale freckles. he has very subtle scars littering his shoulders, back, and hands. 𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐒 / 𝐏𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐒.     Incredibly intelligent. patient. very manipulative — if he’s not manipulating you directly he’s pulling strings in the background. he has a strong network within gotham’s organized crime, as well as many connections within law enforcement, the criminal justice system, gotham university, and the asylum’s board of funding. he’s excellent at scoping out others vulnerabilities. skilled chemist.  𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒.     crane’s easily physically overpowered. he has very limited experience fighting, If he’s unarmed and unable to manipulate an opponent or get inside their head, chances are he’s defeated. headache prone. when intimidated he may lose composure. he has a tendency to grow reckless when overconfident. though cautious, crane sometimes fails to register a legitimate threat — this is often his downfall.
— 𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐒. — 𝐅𝐎𝐎𝐃.     n / a 𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐊.     water.  hard liquor. 𝐏𝐈𝐙𝐙𝐀 𝐓𝐎𝐏𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐆.     doesn’t like pizza. 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐑.     a deep brown or dusty black. 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐈𝐂 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄.     If he had to chose, classical. 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄.     non fiction — psychology, medical, chemistry. as a hobby he reads historical or antiquated medical textbooks. he’s selecively Interested in a few works of gothic and southern gothic horror, though isn’t partial to the genre itself. 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐄 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄.  the few films he’s enjoyed are  psychological thrillers  that incorporate elements of  surrealism  [ ex. He likes the films ‘ THE GAME, ’ ‘ ANTICHRIST, ’ ‘ NIGHT OF THE HUNTER, ’ ] 𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐒𝐄 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃.  Its unlikely you’ll ever catch him swearing outside the context of patronizing another’s diction.. 𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒. petrichor, old books, lighter fluid, antiseptic, chloroform, vetiver, musk, brandy and tobacco themed fragrances.
— 𝐅𝐔𝐍 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐅𝐅 ! — 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐒. mural: III. — fransisco coll, luxembourg philharmonic orchestra, gustavo gimeno.  prelude, amber asylum. voices in the static, joseph bishara. cello concerto “tout un monde lointain” : IV. miroirs. lent et extatique, johannes moser. symphony no. 2 in c major, op. 61: III. langsam, robert schumann. 𝐀𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐂. shivering. fever dreams. cold air. adrenaline. strange shadows cast on the ceiling. steam rising from a manhole, obscuring the entrance to an endless alleyway. distressed clothing. syringes. crooked stitches. screaming. panic. an illustrated textbook. shapeless masks. rotting padded rooms. a frightened bird’s frayed and twisted feathers. dried blood. abandoned warehouses. a drafty basement illuminated by a singular fluorescent bulb. warped faces. a sweat stained straight jacket. broken glasses. emptiness. “ madness. ” 𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑. never. 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄𝐒 𝐏𝐔𝐍𝐒. he can appreciate a good pun, as it’s not at his expense.
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𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘. @jokethur, @banschivs, @hiptobescared 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐆.  anyone who hasn’t done this.
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lfthinker · 1 year
7 10 13 👀
what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how the fandom acts about them?
Already answered with Tim Drake, but honestly, I took a break from writing for Jonathan Crane because it was getting to a point where I was starting to dislike him and I wanted to reverse that.
worst part of fanon
Lord, where do I start? Other than the obvious answers and the various -isms, I think that the thing that grinds my gears the most is how sanitized popular fanon is. The Gotham Rogues are a found family, everyone gets along except for Joker, Nigma is the honorary fourth Siren, Crane gets pumpkin spice lattes with Harley, and everything dark and complex and engaging about them is ignored, and it's just so trite and boring. The Rogues are bad people. They aren't a found family. They don't even really like each other. They don't by and large care about social justice. They are a compelling group of characters and several of them are even sympathetic, but they are villains for a reason. You like the Bad Guys. Own it kiddos.
worst blorboficiation
It's really close between Riddler and Scarecrow, but I'm going to say Scarecrow. At least the Riddler fans are more willing to acknowledge his misdeeds. I've had readers who seem to be stunned and outraged that I would have a character who canonically fear-gassed an entire city behave like a man who would fear-gas an entire city. Sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't think Jonathan Crane is going to be a model boyfriend.
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dhampiravidi · 6 months
Jayn Loren (DC) holidays
New Year’s for her is kinda big because she’s celebrating another year that the world hasn’t ended & her vigilante family hasn’t lost anyone. Also there’s always some Gotham social event.
Valentine’s Day is celebrated in the early morning & the late evening, since she always has to work. That means sleepy sex, staying in for 20 min & trying to have a bit of breakfast w/her lover(s). If she’s single, she brings some kind of pastries to work for everyone & wears something a teeny bit more skimpy than usual (she’s basically the boss anyway). Cards for family/friends are either emailed or given in person, assuming she can make time. Patrol as usual, especially looking out for queer or interracial couples because she has a bias. The evening is when she meets up w/whoever for quality time.
St. Patrick’s Day always involves at least 1 chaotic moment on patrol, because it’s Gotham & people are drunk.
April Fools’ is scary when you have a family of super-stealthy people. It’s like X-Mas, in that anyone who has done wrong will face justice. Also, Joker always has some big scheme. It’s a tiring day.
Mother’s Day will never NOT make her sad. Even though she knows others who’ve lost their moms, they didn’t get on a plane, thinking things were safe, then watch strangers take their mother to who knows where. & she’s mad at herself & Bruce for not being able to find her mom (little does she know her mother is alive).
June is hot. The only good part of that is when businessmen ask to meet her out of town (she sees this as a vacation).
She hates July 4th. Fireworks sound too much like rockets, cannons, or something even worse. If she can, she tries to spend the night somewhere rural.
August is the month of her & Jason’s birthdays & she LOVES celebrating birthdays.
Halloween has almost been banned in Gotham. Cosplaying already HAS been. It’s an unspoken rule that you don’t dress like any real hero or villain, unless you want to die. Scarecrow & Joker always act like they have something to prove that day.
Thanksgiving is 1 of her favorite holidays. She might not have forgiven Bruce, but she loves seeing her family (& eating Alfred’s food). The sit-down is moved to the weekend & there’s 2 patrol shifts. If possible, those w/a lowkey patrol stop @ Jason’s for a quick dinner.
Jayn knows that Martha Wayne (& her aunt Kate) was Jewish. Bruce doesn’t do most of the traditions of Hanukkah due to time & the fact that he’s more secular, but he’s taught his kids the story behind the holiday, plus how to play dreidel, some basic Hebrew phrases & how the menorah is lit. On the last day, there’s traditional music & food. Then everyone celebrates X-Mas on the 25th w/presents & a potluck (though most dishes are Alfred’s).
BONUS: Jayn used to celebrate Las Posadas w/her mom when they went to stay at her grandparents’ for all those nights. She doesn’t anymore, out of respect (& mourning) for the family she doesn’t have. But sometimes she’ll go over to a neighborhood where they DO celebrate & watch from the rooftops. She doesn’t celebrate Dia De Los Muertos anymore for several reasons: 1 being that ghosts have always scared her, since she blames Jason’s & her mom’s “deaths” on herself.
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heavenlyhoundoom · 8 months
One with their costumes part 1.
(The fnaf crew arrive at a halloween costume party being held at the town square. Freddy is dressed as Winnie the Pooh, Bonnie is dressed as an angel, Chica dressed as a zombie, and Foxy is dressed as a knight.)
Chica: I can't wait to see everyone's costumes.
(The fnaf crew come across the Wonderland crew with Willy dressed as a demon, Ozzie dressed as Frankenstein, Gus dressed as Frankenstein's monster, Tito dressed as a vampire, Sara dressed as a cave woman, Knighty dressed as a pirate, Arty dressed as a scarecrow, and Cammy dressed as a witch.)
Willy: Hey, guys.
Freddy: Hello, Willy.
Willy: Are you guys excited about the costume party?
Freddy: We sure are.
Gus: Look, they have free treats on that table ranging from ghost shaped cookies to caramel apples.
Chica: Oh, hell yeah!
(Gus and Chica rushed to the snack table.)
Tito: Classic Gus and Chica.
Tex: Ladies and gentlemen, please gather around because the costume contest's about to start.
(The contest began and after everyone voted which contestant had the best costume the contestants gathered on the outdoor stage.)
Tex: Alright everybody, the results are in, the last three places are Tiffany(goose) at third last with her boring white sheet she has for a ghost costume, Gerold(grasshopper) at second last dressed as a head of lettuce, and at dead last is Norman(human) who I think is crow?
Norman: I'm not a crow, I'm Batman, I just can't afford an actual Batman costume and had to make my own.
Tex: Anyway, at the top three, we have Mitzi at third place with her sylveon costume, at second place we have this man dressed as krampus-
?: I'm not Krampus, I'm a vampire.
Tex: Then why aren't you wearing a black suit and cape, or look more like a pale human with fangs.
?: Because not all vampires look the same, saying all vampires are pale human like creatures who wear black suits and capes is a stereotype!
Tex: Sir, you didn't have to go all social justice warrior on me.
?: Whatever...
Tex: Anyway, in first place, we have this lady wearing the most convincing witch costume in the whole crowd.
(The crowd claps while Tex gave Mitzi the third place prize(a huge gift basket filled with halloween treats) the man in the vampire costume the second place prize(a three hundred dollar cash prize) and the lady in the witch costume the first place prize.(a one week trip to Disneyworld during next year's Mickey's not so scary Halloween)
Tex: Now second and first place contestants, would you two mind telling us who you are underneath those costumes?
?: Oh, this is awkward, should we tell them, Hierophant?
Hierophant: I guess we should, Juniper.
Juniper: We aren't wearing costumes, I'm an actual witch and Hierophant's an actual vampire.
Hippo lady: That's cheating!
Tex: She's right, you two are disqualified!
(Tex took Juniper and Hierophant's prizes, brig up the 4th and fifth place contestants and swap around the prizes.)
Butterfly dressed as a killer clown: Thank you for the gift basket.
Beaver dressed as Buzz Lightyear: I finally have enough money to buy a vr headset!
Mitzi: I can't wait to go to Disneyworld.
(Juniper is pissed that she had her prize taken away from her.)
Juniper: I should be the one who gets to go to Disneyworld, not her!
Hierophant: Juniper, please don't be a sore loser, I told you this was a bad idea.
Juniper: Shut up!
(Juniper casts a spell to remove his mouth.)
Hierophant: (mumbling) You bitch!
The end of part 1.
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balioc · 2 years
What begins with a journey and ends with a charge?
For those who haven't seen it: The Batman portrays the Riddler as a heavily-alt-right-coded creep. He's Angry About the Injustices of the System, Man, and he's got a small legion of (apparently all-white-and-male) social-media followers who are really into guns and other tacticool military gear, and he plots with them to Take Action in a way that feels very QAnon / Jan. 6 / The Storm / whatever-you-want-to-call-that-thing.
My feelings about this are twofold:
1) My inner fanboy is mad, because that's missing the point of the Riddler, 100%.
...I mean, this is a matter of personal preference. Like every goddamn Batman character, the Riddler has been a whole lot of not-very-similar things over the years.
But the best portrayals of the Riddler, in my opinion, are the ones where he's an absolutely archetypical Batman baddie -- which is to say, completely driven by his own neuroses and foibles. He doesn't care about politics, he doesn't care about the wider world at all, he doesn't even care about being effective, he cares only about showing off how smart he is and having high-stakes puzzle-hunt fun. Making him an avatar of a topical cause celebre feels like a tremendous insult, even more than it would be for any other Batman villain (except Scarecrow, I guess).
These days, of course, lots of people channel their neuroses and foibles into political movements. So yeah, I get it, there's something there. But I feel strongly that the Riddler should be a throwback to a better world, a more individualistic world where you channel your neuroses and foibles into wearing a ridiculous outfit and writing cryptic crosswords, where the crime is just a PR stunt for the overwhelming essential force of your personality.
I am also a big fan of that Neil Gaiman comic with the Riddler giving a TV interview -- the one where he laments contemporary comic grittiness, and yearns for the days when supervillainy was gentlemanly and corny and fun and ultimately kind of softball. So seeing a Riddler who revels in carnage and destruction and death, for the sake of Making a Change, is also unpleasant on that front.
2) So the really weird thing here is that there's nothing explicitly alt-right, or right-wing at all, about The Batman's Riddler. He doesn't talk about race or gender; he doesn't talk about wokeness; he doesn't talk about Things Having Been Better Back Before; he doesn't even have a demonized outgroup, apart from the Rich and Powerful. His political speeches, which are pretty vague in their content, could come straight from the mouth of a Marxist. He wants justice for the little guy, and he's willing to do violence to get it, blah blah blah. All the right-wing coding is done with cultural cues: the white-male-ness of his following (and his own self), the love of tacticool shit, the vaguely-Kantbot-like discursive affect.
(In fairness...he apparently doesn't believe that Gotham's new black lady mayor will be any less corrupt than Gotham's old white guy mayor. But no one in his position would have any reason at all to think that, except for someone terminally poisoned by the modern leftist flavor of demographic thinking.)
It's jarring, when you stop to think about it, in this particular cultural moment. Because, as far as I can tell, the only thing that makes him a villain rather than a hero -- according to the prevailing social script, I mean -- is the cultural coding. If he were black instead of white, if he were pushing his followers to use baseball bats and bricks instead of rifles, he could be someone from one of the fringier parts of Black Lives Matter...and then everyone would be talking about how He Sure Has a Point Even If He Goes Too Far, just like they did with Killmonger from Black Panther.
Have we lost the ability even to pretend that it's something other than "Who? Whom?"
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typingtess · 2 years
Tiptoeing through the “Work & Family” guest cast
Vyto Ruginis as Arkady Kolcheck Welcome to season 13 big guy.  Ruginis was last seen in "The Noble Maidens" last season.
Kavi Ramachandran Ladnier as NCIS Reserve Agent Shyla Dahr Was in "Hard For the Money" last week (episode one of two).
Natalia Del Riego as Rosa Back from "A Land of Wolves" in January.
Christine Horn as Elliot Reynolds Back from "Pandora's Box" – the social worker at the home where Pilar was staying - in late March.
Richard Gant as Raymond Hanna Was on the phone with Sam in "MWD".
Jeffrey Doornbos as William Baker Played Dane in Vicariously, Stuart Van Kley in Wake Up, It's Tuesday!.
Guest roles include Law & Order: Criminal Intent, Arrested Development, Law & Order: SVU, Criminal Minds, Private Practice, Grey's Anatomy, Law & Order: LA, All My Children, the US edition of Prime Suspect, Hot in Cleveland, Rake, Rosewood, Famous in Love, Deception, 9-1-1: Lone Star and Dave!
Was Marshall Tomko in NCIS's "Patriot Down" season seven episode.
On the Paramount lot.    Wind in his hair shot.    
Dani Scott as Becca/Woman Appeared in a number of short films.
Roger Davies as Jeremy Chambers Appeared in a number of British television series and an episode of SEAL Team.
Alan Toy as Mr. Langston Longtime working actor.  Played Professor Patrick Finley in Beverly Hills 90210 (1995) with guest roles in MASH, WKRP in Cincinnati, Trapper John MD, The Incredible Hulk, Quincy, The Fall Guy, AfterMASH, Hotel, Simon & Simon (Gerald McRainey was one of the Simons), Highway to Heaven, Berrengers. Benson, Airwolf, TJ Hooker, Scarecrow and Mrs. King, What's Happening Now!, Houston Knights, The Bronx Zoo, Hunter, Matlock, Equal Justice, The Sinbad Show, The Sentinel, Hangtime, Profiler, Diagnosis Murder, The West Wing, Alias and Brothers & Sisters.
Tess Rutherford as Nurse Rutherford is a real life Marine who appeared in an episode of Bull and Tino's Auto Shop.  She is also the significant other of longtime NCIS/NCIS: Los Angeles/Bull director Dennis Smith.
Written by:  R. Scott Gemmill wrote/cowrote “The Only Easy Day”, “Brimstone”, “Breach”, “LD50”, “Found”, “Borderline”, “Absolution”, “Archangel”, “Tin Soldiers”, “Impostors”, “Cyberthreat”, “Honor”, “The Watchers” and both sides of the NCIS Los: Angeles/Hawaii Five-0 “Touch of Death” episodes, “Recruit”, “Free Ride”, “Wanted”, “Ravens and The Swans”, “Impact”, “War Cries”, both ends of the “Deep Trouble” season five finale/season six premiere, “Inelegant Heart”, “Praesidium”, “Traitor”, “Active Measures” (season seven premiere), “Blame It On Rio”, “Internal Affairs”, “Matryoshka” part one,  "Talion" (season seven finale), “High Value Target”/“Belly of the Beast” (season eight premieres), “The Queen’s Gambit”, “Under Siege”, “Unleashed” (season eight finale), “Party Crashers” (season nine’s premiere), “This Is What We Do” (episode 200), “Các Tù Nhân”, “Goodbye Vietnam”, “Ninguna Salida” (the season nine finale), “Hit List”, “Asesinos”, “Till Death Do Us Part”, “Choke Point”, “The Guardian”, “Hail Mary”, “Kill Beale Vol. 1”, “Alsiyadun”, “Fortune Favors the Brave”, “The Bear” (season 12 premiere), “Angry Karen”, “Love Kills”, “Russia, Russia, Russia”, “The Noble Maidens”, “A Tale of Two Igors” (season 12 finale), "Subject 17" (season 13 premiere), "All The Little Things" and "MWD".
Directed by: Dennis Smith directed “Fame”, “Standoff”, “Rocket Man”, “Cyberthreat”, “Exit Strategy”, “Patriot Acts”, “Out of the Past” part one, “The Livelong Day”, Between the Lines”, “Deep Trouble” part two, “Black Budget", “Black Wind”, “Blame it On Rio”, “Defectors”, “Matryoshka” part one, “Granger, O”, “The Queen’s Gambit”, “Hot Water”, “From Havana With Love”, “Plain Sight”, the lighthearted “Monster”, “Superhuman”, “One of Us”, “Smokescreen” part one, “Decoy”, “Mother” (episode 250), “Alsiyadun”, “The Bear”, “Angry Karen” and “Signs of Change” and "Fukushu".
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anxiousnerdwritings · 4 years
Yandere Joker w/Horror!Author!Reader (platonic)
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You’re a renowned horror author. Writing some pretty crazy detailed works of pure nightmare fuel. Having been a huge horror fan yourself, it was your dream come true to write things that'll make the bravest of men need to sleep with a night light, all the while hiding under the covers.
It's no surprise Joker is a fan of your work. Loves the creativity you put in your writings. The gory, explicit, graphic, and vulgar detail. He lives for it.
Will sometimes orchestrate his newest plans of terror around his current reading of yours. Whether he targets someone with the same name, appearance, or background as a character you've written. Or he illustrates your graphic detailing on his newest victim/victims.
He will break out of Arkham and make a bee line for your residence. You better hope you don't live with anyone else or he may use them as inspiration to show his true devotion to your work.
100% Thinks you are like him. You gotta be psychotic to write the things you write. Who else would think of stuff the way you do? He's been clinically diagnosed as a psychopath and he can't even dream up half the things you write about. And he loves it!!
He wants to be the inspiration for your stories. He wants to read about himself from your point of view. Oh he thinks it'll be a hoot!!!! Seeing what you think about him and all his ways of showing how your books resignate with him.
He especially loves the ones where the killer, murder, psycho, or whatever perpetrator gets away and they're never found and brought to justice. Those ones really get him feeling some type of way. How the surviving victims and their loved ones don't get the closure they desperately want. Being left with the opposite. Fear, paranoia, and the lingering feeling of never being safe again.
Totally wants to be your best friend and share his chilling, gory, and graphic thoughts and ideas with you. Wants you to write his ideas and read them from you're point of view, seeing how you change, twist, and tweak them.
Watches whatever interviews you do religiously. Has a phone just to follow all your social media to stay updated. Reads any and every article about you. Will threaten any blogger or critic who doesn't give your works a fantastic review.
Will go to any and all of your book signings, dressed in a, probably flashy, laughable disguise. You'll know who it is without a doubt, keeping your mouth shut and going along with it.
You learn pretty quickly to just go along with whatever he wants to do with you. Whether it's hanging out, eating take out watching some horror movie he picked out or home movies he's made for you while committing unspeakable crimes. Or he's taken you out to witness his next big sha-bang.
You've gotten use to being around his presence. You don't really mind him breaking into your home anymore. Having been already desensitized to gore from your own writing, his thoughts and ideas don't even give you nightmares anymore. He really is good inspiration.
Once he's back in Arkham, he'll tell everyone the synopsis and plot of your newest book. He'll brag about inspiring your ideas for the killer. No one will cross his path without knowing about your books and novels.
God forbid he finds out Scarecrow reads your books too. He may have to make an example out of Crane. There can only be one #1 fan of your work and it's Joker, no one else.
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Izuku's "Quirk" allows him to manifest his "Imaginary Friend" into this realm of reality to aid him.
The Imaginary Friend happens to be LOL's fiddlesticks, a Terror Based Ur-Demon that mimicks sounds he hears to "talk."
He can hear every sound in the universe, at all times, from the dawn of time till now. He seemingly only likes to mimic traumatic shit.
Photo for reference.
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Some highlights:
- Fiddlesticks repeats loudly the words "Are you alright, Kacchan?" "Do you need help?" and later at UA "Stop Struggling! *Squelching Noises*" When in the near proximity of Bakugou. Like, it doesn't matter who else is there its first instinct will ALWAYS be to traumatize Bakugou.
- Izuku becomes by sheer narrative convenience even more of a ball of sunshine due to his morose friend. Like, all sunny smiles and bright disposition and wanting to help people and save the world while there's this Animated Scarecrow Ur-Demon behind him giving everyone the stink eye and emitting loud pig squeezing noises if someone gets too near them.
- "Get your FUCKING quirk bitch!" "It won't bite" "YES HE DOES!"
- The only person in 1-A that isn't instantly creeped out by them is Tokoyami. Dark Shadow and Fiddlestick actually begin a partnership of sorts, in the sense that one doesn't "out" the other the other will not out them. Nevertheless, Fiddlesticks some times will say, in a voice no one really recognize, the name Raum while "talking" to Dark Shadow.
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(Photo for Reference)
- Uraraka is terrified 24/7 but Gods help her this boy and his incredibly fucked up scarecrow saved her from getting squished to death and she's going to become his friend no matter fucking what.
- After a couple months she learns that 1) Prolonged exposure seems to mellow it something out, in the sense that if her friendship with Izuku is good Fiddlesticks will not traumatize her on purpose at least, and 2) Even with Izuku assuring her calling him Deku is fine she doesn't really know if she can survive another Soundwave of wailing exploding out of Fiddlesticks the first time she accidentally called Izuku that.
- Iida doesn't really know how to handle Fiddlesticks at first because on one hand he shouldn't judge people by their Quirk but on the other was it really necessary for it to scream at him his brother's agony while he was bleeding out in a alley In Hosu during their fight in the Sports festival on National TV?
- "I'm a badass champion of justice, you are nothing but an insane Street murderer" Stain is shook, Stain is speechless, Stain hesitates just long enough for the one mimicking the voice of a dead man to open its jaws and swallow him whole.
- Post Stains Arc Iida is far more accepting of Fiddlesticks due to his now morally grey behaviour which in turn leads to the Ur-Demon not to fuck with him too much. Mostly because Izuku knows how shitty that could be and wants to keep his friends as safe as possible from his Quirk.
- Monoma tries to copy Izuku's Quirk during the Joint Training Arc and somehow he ends up Summoning Tahm Khench the River King instead. Both classes are almost swallowed alive as payment for his "help" during the training, but Tsuyu manages to somehow bargain down to just sacrificing Mineta.
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(Photo for Reference)
- Todoroki has a complicated relationship with Midoriya because at the sports festival Fiddlesticks just up and screamed on national television using several different voices all the shit his father ever did which on one hand he guesses was nice since no amount of fame could ever cover that up, meaning social services have gotten involved, but on the other hand it kind of spiraled into Todoroki having a panic attack over having to hear over and over again his mother screaming about his "wrong" side, which wasn't nice. Somehow, Izuku managed to guide him out of it. He almost got burned alive for his troubles.
- Aizawa tries to cancel the Quirk at one point all he gets is Izuku disappearing into thin air with a confused Gasp for the entire duration of the erasure. He shows back a quick, surprised blink later by Aizawa who wasn't expecting that happening no worse for wear, and just looking slightly confused before moving on with his day. Fiddlesticks had remained there the whole time. Watching.
- Aizawa tries to investigate what happened there, mostly out of Midoriya's safety. What Aizawa get for his troubles is a murderous angry scarecrow screaming distressingly familiar words of encouragement at him, in a voice he hadn't heard in a long time.
- The ONLY, and I mean only, person on the planet Fiddlesticks doesn't say shit to, Is Izuku's Mom. He doesn't say a word to Inko, and in fact cowers a little when she shows up. Which is weird, because her Quirk is still extremely weak, even if for some weird reason there's some weak whispers coming out of somewhere when she activates it, as if she's drawing from some power unknown to man, hidden deep within reality and myth, in the void between reality and nothing, every moved object an hymn to some grand design, an alarm clock for the end of the world until, at last...
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They Awaken.
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myvividreams · 4 years
[Maribat] Hamilton the Musical AU
When @fsketchart​ started screaming about a Hamilton AU in the discord server, I screamed back with a Hamilton the Musical AU and now it’s a thing. Feel free to scream back to me about it!
First of all, yes, this is Jasonette
At the start of this AU, Jason is two years older than Mari, recovering from Pit Madness, reconciling with the Batfam, attending therapy with the rest of the fam, and recently declared legally alive.
When Jason’s therapist tells him he has to find more hobbies outside of hero-ing, some genii in the batfam decided to ‘help’ by arranging the entire production of a play since, you know, Jason in this AU is very much a thespian in addition to being a literature nerd. Alfred is very proud
Said play is Hamilton the Musical. It’s a charity production funded by the Martha Wayne Foundation, and all proceeds will go towards fixing up and providing aid to the residents of Park Row (which is half of what sold Jason on the plan).
Mari, having just finished her second year of college, is brought in by Tim as MDC to design and create the stage costumes.
On her way to the theater for her first meeting with the cast and crew of the play, Mari is caught in a villain attack---a minor one, as far as Gotham is concerned---that is resolved without needing any sort of intervention from her. It’s Red Robin and Red Hood who resolve it (since Tim and Jason were nearby and on their way to the same meeting as Mari).
Mari negotiated for a workroom in the theater so that she doesn’t have to keep lugging costume parts and cloth around. One night, she stays in a little late and Jason catches her singing to the Hamilton soundtrack while working. He asks her if she’d help him practice. She agrees.
It’s dark out though, and Mari still has to head home. Jason offers to walk her home bc Gotham is dangerous. She agrees. Which is a good thing because they’re held up by some thugs. When they attack, Jason takes down most of them only to turn and find that Mari is a BAMF who took down two of them herself. He’s impressed.
One of the batkids catch them practicing and snitch on them to Alfred who tells Jason to invite Mari over for dinner.
Mari helps Jason practice for a bit and then ropes the other batkids into helping him. Dick has video evidence of Jasonette practicing which he accidentally on purpose posts online. Social media goes wild.
Who is this girl with the second Wayne son?? They’re so cute??
By the way, the Justice League isn’t a thing yet in this AU. For a future JL meets the Batfam trope! (Plus Mari)
A few weeks into rehearsals, Eliza’s actress calls in sick after an encounter with Scarecrow, and Mari is roped into playing Eliza’s part for the day. Mari’s good at it, to the cast’s surprise, and the chemistry between Mari and Jason is great. Mari ends up being cast as Eliza’s understudy.
Meanwhile, Damian is forced into being the Burr understudy after he and Titus repeatedly disrupted rehearsals and destroyed stage props they were still making. Bruce (aka Alfred) hopes it will teach him to appreciate the work the cast and crew are doing.
Damian needs a lot of help. So Mari pitches in and then ropes Jason in, and then they both rope in the rest of the batfam one by one. Soon Mari is visiting the manor regularly to help them practice.
It starts with Steph. She volunteers to play Philip for the chance to play dead and dying again.
They’re singing Stay Alive (reprise) when Bruce walks in wondering what’s happening. Is someone hurt?? Was there an attack he doesn’t know about?? He spies them in the middle of the living room with Stephon the coffee table while Mari and Jason are sobbing over her dramatically.  He walks out. He’s done.
At some point, they convince Bruce to do Washington’s parts and are blown away. Washington’s lines resonate a little too well with the batfam, and it makes things awkward for a while. These emotionally constipated bois
Dick is King George. He relishes the opportunity to trash talk Bruce. Jason is annoyed he can’t join him and breaks character one time to gang up on Bruce
Imagine Dick singing da-dadada-DADAAA while swinging on the chandeliers
Tim sings/raps Jefferson’s parts. What Did I Miss and the Cabinet Battles are amazing to watch. Except Jason and Tim are uber competitive, and they make additional (historically accurate!) rap lines to keep the cabinet battles going.
Cass is still mostly non-verbal, so she helps out by handing the others props or figuring out a way to add special effects (like using a flashlight as a spotlight). She also signals if the acting of the Actual Actors in the batfam is accurate/passable or not.
...Cass is also The Bullet. It’s a very respectable role, what are you talking about!
The family therapist starts wondering why the batfam’s progress suddenly jumped. It’s because they’re working through their issues vicariously through the characters in Hamilton
Dick, Steph, and Tim post videos of the fam and Mari practicing on social media. They start trending.
They also coo over Jasonette singing It’s Quiet Uptown while walking through the manor gardens, dancing on the dining table, and basically serenading each other with broadway songs all around the house. And Gotham.
They have video evidence.
(The production crew create a blooper reel of all their cast and crew’s shenanigans which they later sell on DVDs as part of the charity. Batfam and Mari take up 80% of all the bloopers on the DVD)
After social media realizes that most of the batfam aren’t in fact part of the charity show cast, people start a petition for a show with all the Waynes acting in it.
They cut it too close to the dates of the charity show for it to be possible, but their therapist mentioned to Alfred once that having the family work on a fun (non-violent) project/activity together would be good for them.
So, Alfred convinced Bruce and mentioned it to Mari who convinced Jason who helped convince the rest of the fam, and they agree to hold a concert ala the 25th Anniversary Les Mis concert in place of the final show they had initially planned. Tickets sold out in the first hour.
Damian, seeing the petition’s success, creates his own petition---for Alfred the Cat to be part of the production. Everyone votes for it.
The director tries to talk him out of it but Damian is a stubborn brat. The director finally puts his foot down and says he’ll allow it but only for the concert with the rest of the batfam. Damian agrees.
The director approaches Mari for help in mitigating the “damage” by making the cat a costume. Just in case.
(She does, and it works for about half the song before someone notices that baby Theodosia is strangely mobile. Then the baby meows, Damian coos at it during the instrumental, and the audience slowly catches onto the fact that baby Theodosia is actually a cat.)
(Alfred the Cat goes viral.)
The charity shows go live on the weekend of Jason’s birthday. Opening night is Aug 14, then they have two shows each day on the weekend. The main actor for Burr and Eliza step down on Aug 16, Jason’s birthday, to give Mari and Dami the chance to perform---and so that Jasonette can act together.
They get a standing ovation.
Unlike the full production of the original charity shows, (Mari and) the batfam’s concert was entirely meme worthy.
It had all the wackiness of the blooper reels but cranked up to eleven
Damian’s rendition of Dear Theodosia becomes a meme. Someone was able to get a hold of a video of him singing it with and without Alfred the Cat as baby Theodosia. The difference is like night and day.
Bruce half regrets that he allowed it to be immortalized on film/DVD and sold with the bloopers.
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If you had a say in the set up of all DC superheroes' respective rosters of supporting characters and antagonists, from which hero's roster would you move to Superman's character roster? I've been seeing this sort of thread in a couple of posts on twitter, with my favorite out of the bunch being Anarky, otherwise known as Lonnie Machin, since firstly, he was initially characterised with no personal, tragic past, and fought crime solely in the name of his ideals and beliefs (1/4)
which could work if he was raised in your revamp of Metropolis, particularly Queensland Park, Newtown, because he would be both exposed to a neighborhood that’s a strong center for activism and social justice campaigning and estates from which Metropolis’ elites look down on the rest of the city and either spare little thought for the lives of those below, obsessed as they are with their rivalries between each other, or trap those, maybe relatives, friends, or neighbours of his (2/4)
, but not he himself, who managed to build communities at the bottom of Mount Royal in these games in which they experienced immense suffering at the hands of the rich and powerful, and be possibly influenced into becoming who he is now, to the point that he may even be one of the arsonists who burned down the neighbourhood during the Night of Pyres to open the area for redevelopment and rebuilding, and lastly, his idea of “destroying order” doesn’t really fit in a city like Gotham that (3/4)
already feels so chaotic with the Joker ALONE that I don’t even know what Anarky wants to destabilise over there in comics canon, BUT weeding out the corruption hidden behind the perfect image of Metropolis instead, this city that everyone views as the ideal and thus such a “great example” for all the other cities to follow DOES make more sense for him to do. (4/4)
Alright going to make a rule here: if you can't fit your post/ask into two posts at most, maybe consider just making an account and reposting any of my posts that inspire you, as a launchpad to write out your own takes? This isn't meant to dump on anyone, I appreciate the enthusiasm, but if you're feeling inspired why not just make a blog yourself and write up your own thoughts rather than just dump them into my asks where other people might never see them? It's what I did after getting inspired reading other peoples posts about comics and wanting to share some of my own. In the future I'm just going to ignore or delete any asks that are over two parts so consider yourselves duly warned. I will answer a couple of the multi-part asks that came in before I post this but nothing after.
Your idea for Anarky is cool. Were I to swipe a Batman Rogue for Superman's Rogues Gallery, I'd take Scarecrow. Feel like Superman could get more out of him as an ongoing threat at this point given how they usually use Scarecrow as a jobber over in Gotham.
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familyofpaladins · 3 years
My sister has been watching Arrow, and will occasionally ask me random questions about characters because, despite never having seen even an episode of it, I have Approximate Knowledge from watching a couple of justice leauge cartoons, and general info from tumblr/other social
Example, a couple weeks ago
Sister: hey abby.
Me: yeah?
Sister: which group of super heroes is it that you watch, DC or Marvel
Me: well it's the marvel movies that I have and watch but i know a little about DC
Sister: so iron man. .... he's dc right?
Me: No. He's marvel
Sister: What about spiderman?
Me: he's also marvel
Sister: *slightly exasperated face* well who is other dc heroes then??
Me: uuh, batman, superman, wonder woman, green lantern, green arrow, uh, the flash, aquaman-
Sister: but not iron man?
Me: no
Sister: well who else is a billionaire who builds a suit
Me: uuuuuhh *me trying to think of who that would be for dc* ...... batman??
Sister: he's got a metal suit.
*we both go and look at who she is referring to*
Me: *looking at the suit which doesnt really resemble anything I remeber seeing for a hero* I have no idea who that is
We then try to figure our if he's supposed to be a villian or hero, but I ultimately don't know. I do briefly wonder if he's supposed to be The Atom, but the suit and backstory dont quit match up with what I thought they were supposed to be, but I also dont really know that much about it
A little later
Sister: He's the Atom
Me: Oh! I kinda wondered if maybe it was him
And then today:
Sister, suddenly walking into the run I'm watching tv in: is Scarecrow a the name of a hero?
Me: No.
Sister, with a face that says "dammit": is scarecrow the name of a villain???
Me: .... yeah
Sister: and he wears rags?
Me: yeah I think he wears like, a burlap sack over his face
Sister: and his name is [something I dont remember]?
Me: I have no idea
Sister: well then what good are you
Sister: so when does the joker show up?
Me: uh, I have no idea. I dont think he does?? At least in this show
Sister: what about the penguin?! Or batman?!
Me: I dont. I dont think they ever show up
Sister: well why the crap not
Me: I dont know dude.
Me: I mean there's the show Gotham, but that's a young batman before he becomes batman. But it has joker and the penguin
Sister: *disgruntled face*
Sister: so it crosses over with the flash, what's the other show you mentioned?
Me: uuuh, oh supergirl
Me: well actually, I know she crosses over quit a bit with flash, idk how much with arrow
Me: also theres the show Legend of Tomorrow that I think also has some crossovers
Sister: *makes a face like "holy crap, that's so many shows I'm not gonna understand what's happening in*
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mysteriousdoll · 3 years
Jonathan Crane’s Backstory
For my AU, at least.
Trigger warnings: Mentions of abuse, self harm, specificitations of said abuse, death.
"Maybe villainy wasn’t the right way to go. Is it time to use the Scarecrow for real justice?"
Jon grew up in deep southern Texas, originally having lived with his loving mother before he was taken away at age 3. He spent the next 13 miserable years with his grandmother. She was rather extreme with her religious views, which unfortunately left a bad taste in Jon’s mouth about the subject. It likely didn’t help that she used it as a tool to punish him for nearly anything she could. Listening to music, reading anything but the Bible, allowing his hair to grow out, socializing...whatever she deemed not okay.
Of course, his grandmother never aimed for traditional punishment. She sought to it that Jon “marked” himself with a cross each time he “sinned”. If he had truly done something awful, such as going into rooms he wasn’t supposed to, then came the chapel. There was only ever one time he managed to escape, and while the crows chased him, he did his best to run to the scarecrow for safety... but he was too late and met an early fate.
Although, he has no memory of dying as a child, having blocked it out severely. As such, he’s not sure what brought him back, but he did recall hearing students at his school discuss an angelic figure being seen near his home that same night.
Fast forward to high school, where through a constant pushing of education and taking any and all summer classes he could, Jon managed to graduate early at the age of sixteen—and high tailed it out of Texas. He had no belongings aside from essentials and his horse, Checkers, whom he rode all he way to Gotham, New Jersey, where he met his soon to be college roommate, Harleen Quinzel.
Jon had never been the vocal type, let alone social, so a chatterbox like Harleen was brand new. He didn’t mind her, though. She was sweet and was nice to listen to. And while she would sometimes attend parties after they worked on assignments together, he’d stay back and relax while watching some television, the consarn thing being forbidden back home. It was on the television he found his inspiration, Harvey Dent. A man with such passion and kindness, with integrity and respect... seeing him truly set off Jon’s academic push.
He sought two things he was stellar at and took pride in them, excelling in chemistry and psychology. It was a rush! He felt happy, excited even! Nothing could beat the feeling he had!
Then came graduation...despite everything, Jon was lost. He never expected to get this far... no matter. He applied to a few places... and was only mocked for his accent and age, or seen as not experienced enough... Arkham accepted him, but only out of being desparate.
The way Jon saw it, even though he worked so hard and well deserved it, nobody gave him their respect. That’s when he had an idea. If they weren’t going to respect him, they’d fear him instead. Fear and respect were two sides of the same coin, weren’t they?
It didn’t take long to silence the voice in his head telling him what he was doing as the Scarecrow was wrong. He was finally getting what he wanted, just in a more violent manner. Besides, he was only getting revenge, it wasn’t as though he went after innocents... it didn’t make sense why Batman went after him, they were one in the same, really.
But you can only fly so high before you fall, and falling just what Jonathan did. In an attempt to escape the Bat, the Scarecrow used his scythe to halt the blades of large turbine. It didn’t hold, and he was cut in two. Jonathan Crane met his (second) death at the age of 21.
What he would soon struggle to see as luck came to him a year later, where after suffering in hell, he made a bet with a demon. It was a joke, he had thought, so he went the route he expected to lose... and that was the first time Crane witness Edward Nygma make something not about himself.
Jonathan Crane was given life once more, but after the suffering he faced... he’s not quite sure what to do. He had never seen what was wrong with his methods, yet now a question lingered in his head.... Maybe villainy wasn’t the right way to go. Is it time to use the Scarecrow for real justice?
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akonoadham · 3 years
Jackals and Hens
Many seem to take the easy way
and pick the lowest hanging fruit;
trampling and crushing them to
steal fame
and redirect well deserved blame,
to reach the desired exalted plane.
Redirect culpability towards the same
to purchase sympathy
and unreachable favours
with innocent blood of Saints
in avoiding well deserved punishment.
After being deceitfully stuck
like a condemn blissful pig
without good intent,
for not paying the slaver’s rent.
Left to respectfully bleed
like the running sap from maple trees,
severing the ties
to the life we lead.
With unclean hands,
malicious prosecution
intents to force
in due course
the legal blood letting
of the innocent victim.
By the time you become legally wise
you will have socially died.
Your life-force emptied and gone
like a fine broken bottle of red wine.
Flowing away on your coming dawn.
Socially Murdered in your prime,
in the deep dark cold night
without a chance
or a plea for your family’s needs.
While your flesh burns
at the sovereign’s weekly picnic.
As you hang from a popular tree
swinging in the breeze
with a stretch broken neck
over hearing the mocking giggles
on the privilege deck.
Your body
starved of it’s life,
flat lines into null prime,
leaving an empty carapace behind.
To act as a community scarecrow,
warding off brave hearted souls
of a similar mind.
This is legal delay
choreograph into a brilliant play
of a legal football game
with bias referees,
and there sick romance
preformed regularly on an uneven stage
of the pantomime.
Then played
in the bloody rain
with nothing to gain
by enduring the pain
After being force-feed
the “fruit of a poisonous tree”
then declaring victory,
letting there guilty friends roam free
with their degrees
in malicious prosecution philosophy.
Sucked dry by the bedbugs of justice.
On the sounding of the gong,
before long
you are gone
without a song,
devastated before your time
legally bullied into a death ride
six feet deep into null prime.
In the slaughter houses
The sacrificial Lamb’s stolen name,
his skin is to blame
for his notorious fame.
In accordance,
with the TRIAD’S DESIGN.
His innocence and righteous cause
are unjustly abandon in due time
because BLACK LIVES,
just Don’t MATTER,
in society’s sadistic mind.
But engineering defeat
to created your CRIMINALS BY DESIGN;
is the main objective pushing us in-line
to keep us forever blind.
But this is not enough
it is only the start
of the legal lynching inquisition
of deep seated self hate
for the black masses fate.
Legal guardians,
dehumanizing malice.
Malicious mockery,
trampling on the innocent carcass
of the black victims.
Is just a part of the
public lesson
in shifting the blame.
To sustain the privilege cast,
and enforce inequality in social order
with untruths and lies
of apparent fairness,
as my beautiful black people dies.
In an antiquated system
of masters and slaves,
vampire lords,
and the dark flesh
they so,
deeply love to feed upon.
Legal Poet
Wayne Ferron:All rights reserved @ copyright
BOOK: Child Of Hope
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