#a starship idling nearby is it my time?
keydekyie · 2 years
When I look up at the sky, what meets my eyes?
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bgsartcavern · 1 year
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Starship idling nearby, is it my time? I crawl inside and turn the cockpit clockwise, toward the sunrise
Another Art Fight piece, this one's a bit of a mass attack! I grabbed every character from our little collab space crew project, Safe Haven, that I could find, and redrew them as the ending scene of Starlight Brigade by TWRP and Dan Avidan. Credits for characters under the cut. :)
(Reblog don't repost!)
Larimar (top middle) - Ship's mine!!
Ke'engi (top left) - @squemonn
Mauvit'fur (top right) - @potatoflavoredwaffle
Dox (middle left) - @bantamblip
Haven (middle) - @sobsinfrench
Ziv (middle right) - @manicpanic-arts1
Chumby (bottom left) - @draconicdeityarts
(hopefully i pinged everyone correctly haha ^^")
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capriccio-ffxiv · 1 year
Ryuu Tenshi: Endwalker Playlist
Finished my EW playlist for Ryuu and in true cringe early 2000s fashion, here's both the playlist, and a very long, wordy explanation of each damn track. Well, except when I didn't, in which case, I feel the track's self explanatory.
Playlist here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLN1DZZlTYVt0yz_JDkuu5l_fkl8aI_QHt
The Wake (2005 Mix); Abney Park
My father said Almost the whole world is asleep Everyone you know, everyone you see, everybody you talk to… Only a few people are awake And they live in a state of constant total amazement…
The awakening and realization regarding the Ancients and the Final Days; opening one's eyes and discovering that nothing was as it seemed.
Finale; Maedon
Your last chance, last summer Your last dance, beat to your own drummer Go out fighting, go out young A flash of lightning, eclipse the sun....
This really is it, isn't it? Why the hell can't the Forum see that? Fuck 'em. We sing and scream because we know.
Animus Vox x How Do I Get to Invincible? (Revision); The Glitch Mob
How do I get to invincible? Who's gonna be there to catch me when I fall? How will I know when I'm ready to, to....... All of my flaws make me out to perfection Lonely hearts never fear flying into messes I can't even lie, I might fight to the death, yeah But only if it feels like heaven...
It's just a very Warrior of Light song to me, ok? How DO you get to invincible/ Who IS gonna be there to catch you when you fall?
Go Small; Seeming
So write the song you need to hear Write it on the palm of your hand When the world is drowned in flames Write something you can understand
Garlemald. We save who we can. We do what we can. And yet. And yet. The skies turn red...
Nemo; Nightwish
Walk the dark path Sleep with angels Call the past for help Touch me with your love And reveal to me my true name
... who were you, Azem? For that matter, who were you, Zodiark? Who were you, Hydaelyn? The only truth we can find to save ourselves lies long in the past...
In Other Worlds; Azem Ali
She's still the key holder Through this portal She courts you now
If love be revealed In the spark of an eye Could all be redeemed In the sea of time?
If the stars embed Like nails into the ground From the unheard prayers That have torn up the skies
Would you will it all away As you sail on your way?
(On your own, you sail...)
Elpis theme. I tried to not just post all the damn lyrics but you should probably look them up for yourself.
Starlight Brigade; TWRP feat Dan Avidian
Can I just stand by While the world dies? (While the world dies?) Starship idling nearby Is it my time? I crawl inside and turn the cockpit clockwise Toward the sunrise
I hear a voice in the back of my head Screaming “This is suicide! Did you hear what I said!?” But then it fades into nothing With the rest of the light and sound I’m on my way out!
The End; Celldweller
"I wish we could," she whispered near "Go someplace far away from here." While hoping that small voice would disappear That said "Welcome to the end"
This is both "welcome to ultima thule" but also my song for the original Final Days & Sundering.
Signal to Noise; Peter Gabriel
And in this place can you reassure me With a touch, a smile while the cradle's burning All the while the world is turning to noise
Oh, the more that it's surrounding us The more that it destroys Turn up the signal Wipe out the noise
You Are Not Alone; Into the Woods; written by Stephen Sondheim
Mother cannot guide you Now you're on your own Only me beside you Still, you're not alone No one is alone, truly No one is alone
Sometimes people leave you Halfway through the wood Others may deceive you You decide what's good You decide alone But no one is alone.
The long walk.
Debated putting this up where Hydaelyn dies ("mother cannot guide you") but it works in both spots.
This Is What You Are; Warframe OST
I honestly can't explain this one well unless you've played Warframe. If you've played Warframe, you Know why this is here.
A Glorioius Dawn; Symphony of Science; Carl Sagan ft Stephen Hawking
The sky calls to us If we do not destroy ourselves We will one day venture to the stars
A still more glorious dawn awaits Not a sunrise, but a galaxy rise A morning filled with 400 billion suns
Hey, little bird. Have you thought about singing hope?
Dreaming; BT; Electronic Opus version
Walk with me The future's at hand Here with us Here where we stand
We both know The power of pain We get back up and start it again New hope, no place for tears Leave behind those frozen years
Come with me And we'll go dreaming
And so we go onward, unto the next adventure!
Hey, you might be asking, where's Zenos? Where's that fight?
Well, just mentally insert the Benny Hill theme song (Yakkity Sax) anywhere in this playlist you think appropriate for Zenos and you've got it.
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dirt-grub · 4 years
i need to make a more chill playlist for driving cuz god forbid some absolute banger comes on ill be going 80 in a residential without realizing
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determinedartfreak · 3 years
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Day 3 : Vessel ( -ω-)/占~~~~~
A starship idling nearby, is it my time ? (*⌒▽⌒*)θ~♪
Redbubble : Bluesdrawings
Kofi: bluesdrawings
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rosieandthefreed · 5 years
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When I look up at the sky, what meets my eyes?
Can I just stand by while the world dies?
A starship idling nearby... Is it my time?
I crawl inside and turn the cockpit clockwise, toward the sunrise...
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pennywaltzy · 5 years
The Paths We Take, Glittering And Entwined (1/? - A “The Paths We Take, Glittering And Entwined” Story)
So this is going to be the start of a series with the same name because I love this title, but basically, this is going to set up for an AU Star Trek 2009. Spock is a Captain, Kirk is an Ensign who will end up the First Officer, and they’re soulmates. Fair warning: in this story, Kirk is addicted to a drug that kills any human attempting to go through withdrawal, but that’s something most humans don’t know. Spock is going to save his life and this is the only story where he’ll be an addict, but it is a prominent theme in this particular story. I hope @greenskyoverme will forgive me because apparently I had chapter 2 and 3 both finished and could have posted them last year. ::sheepish look:: Sorry!
The Paths We Take, Glittering And Entwined - Before the new ship the USS Enterprise is set to take its maiden voyage, it's new captain, Captain Spock, attempts to meet some of his crew on their "home turf." What he and Ensign James Kirk do not expect, however, is the rare connection that makes Kirk Spock's bonded t'hy'la. But Kirk is hiding a secret that is slowly killing him, and this unexpected connection leaves them both with problems: for Spock, it is how to remain unattached in the face of a personal crisis and for Kirk, it is how to remain alive with the secret he is keeping from both his captain and his best friend.
“Stardate 2258.66. This is Captain Spock of the Starship Farragut. We are returning to port in San Francisco after a three-year voyage exploring the farthest reaches of the known galaxy. Starfleet Command has said that it is their wish to decommission this ship and reassign the crew to new ships in the fleet, and I will be given captainship of the newest ship in the fleet, the USS Enterprise. I am...unsure...how I feel about this situation. I must ponder it some more.”
Spock turned off the recording mechanism on which he did his logs and then looked at the place which he had called home for the last three years. Home was an unfamiliar concept to him; Vulcan was not home, and neither was earth. He was a child of two cultures, two planets, and as such fit wholly into neither. He had essentially turned his back on Vulcan by choosing to go to Starfleet Academy and had, within five years, become the youngest Captain on record, surprising absolutely no one, it had seemed. His mother had been pleased. His father, he had not been sure about.
He would rather have not told them, he thought, but it was proper. It was, he supposed, an honor to have the youngest Captain in history as your son, but then, Starfleet was not too aware of Vulcan culture, and only one-half of his family was human.
He had always done his work with due diligence. He knew he was not everyone’s favorite captain, but he had no need to be. What he cared most about was doing his job, and doing it within the rules set forth by the Prime Directive. He cared about keeping his crew safe. He cared about keeping his ship in one piece.
And he cared about his duties above all else, it seemed, even himself.
He had bonded with no one on his crew, and as such he would not be sorry to see any of them leave his command. Perhaps it would be best if he had an entirely new crew. Perhaps he could study in depth the last three years and see where improvements could be made. Learn and improve. That was always his way.
He reached over for the paper logs he also kept. While technology was a marvelous thing, he did not entirely trust it. There was some comfort to pen and paper. For three years he had dutifully recorded is thoughts, some of which had not made official logs, and he went to the ones which were the earliest from this voyage. There was some time until they arrived in San Francisco and he would have to supervise the deboarding. He could begin his process of revisiting the past and improving upon it.
“Bones, did you see? We both made the Enterprise crew!” James Kirk was nearly bouncing up and down with giddiness. Well, maybe not giddiness. It could be the aftereffect of his last bump of KCW. He usually felt pretty upbeat after he had some, and generally pretty shitty when he hadn’t. If it hadn’t been for that wonder drug he swore he never would have managed to make it through the Academy, not while trying to balance a social life and other responsibilities on top of it.
He’d tried for years to make his mom proud. For years to show her he wasn’t a screw-up, wasn’t a mistake. His dad had died when he was a baby, his brother had high-tailed it out of there when he was old enough to survive on his own, his uncle...well, the less said about him the better. And while his mom had gone off and traveled the stars Jim had stayed in Iowa and tried to just survive and be good for as long as he could, but eventually, he’d said to hell with it. And he’d made mistakes. Made more than he could remember until he’d been given the choice: jail or Starfleet.
It had only been because someone liked him he met Bones his first day. Leonard McCoy was no stranger to a crap life, and they’d bonded. Bones was more or less a straight arrow, though he had his vices, and he tried to guide Jim as best he could, with some moderate success. They’d made it through the Academy just in time to get placed on the newly commissioned Enterprise, under a returning Captain from one of the ships that was being decommissioned. He’d heard about the Captain, Spock. Supposed to be a tight-ass but fair. You didn’t mess around with him but he’d make sure you were okay.
Could be worse, he supposed.
Bones rolled his eyes. “Look, Jim, we gotta talk.” He grabbed Kirk’s arm mid bounce and pulled him to a shady grove of trees in the quad, looking around to make sure no one was nearby, and then pushed Kirk to something resembling a sitting position. “Just because that crank you take doesn’t show up on piss tests doesn’t mean I’m going to cover for you forever if you’re still taking it when this mission starts.”
“I can stop anytime I want,” Kirk said, with an indulgent shrug, but his fingers started tapping nervously against his leg. The very idea of quitting was just not appealing in the slightest, even though he knew this mission was five years in deep space and he had no idea if there was any way he could take that much KCW aboard or if he could get more once they left Federation space. The very thought of it all was making the euphoria of his hit ebb away like the water draining out of a tub.
“That’s bull and you know it,” Bones said, starting to pace. “You’ve been on this crap since day 1 when I met you. Do you even eat anymore? I mean really eat? I can’t think of the last time I saw you eat an actual meal of real food. And don’t think you’re going to have unlimited supplies of water like you do now, or get to take a bathroom break anytime you need. It’s not going to be like the Academy.” He shook his head. “I should rat you out. You know I should.”
“Don’t!” Kirk said, scrambling to his feet. “You know I need to go on this mission. I need to go out into space.” He reached over and put his hands on Bones’s shoulders. “You know it’s important.”
Bones stared into the eyes of his friend. “You need to get help, Jim,” he said, his voice soft but insistent. “You don’t kick this habit by the time the mission starts, I will tell the Captain. Got it?”
Kirk nodded, willing to agree to anything to get on that damn ship. “Fine. I’ll do it. Okay?” He could. He really could. He could kick the habit. He hadto, now. Bones wasn’t the type to make idle threats.
He just hoped it didn’t kill him in the process.
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skullzapped · 3 years
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When I look up at the sky, what meets my eyes? Can I just stand by while the world dies? A starship idling nearby, is it my time? I crawl inside and turn the cockpit clockwise, toward the sunrise 
tag dump.
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Summary: You came into a small town wanting to help people, that was it, hopefully having a good life. The small town you found, Four Corners, was unsuspecting. A town you never expected to have the impact on your life as it and it’s resident Conman would have.
Pairing: Ezra Standish/Reader (Rein in your horses. It’s slow burn)
Words: 1486
Warnings: There is a brief description of hanging other than that there is nothing. 
A/N: Welp...This is not Star Trek...Nor anything else I’ve written about. This story is dedicated to the small fandom of the Magnificent Seven Television series. I have fallen in love deeply with seven gunslingers. I hope you enjoy it. Even if you do not watch Mag 7 I: 1, highly suggest you do. and 2 would hope you read it just to validate me I have put a lot of work into this. 
A/N 2: Yes I did tag most of you on my list just so you are aware what is happening. If you want to remain tagged let me know. I won’t tag you all in the second chapter and forward unless you ask
Why did you ever come this far out west? You hadn’t been in town more than a few days and you were already in a horrible situation. Tied up, being threatened, and now you were having a rope tied around your neck. “You let my buddy Jonathan die.” You looked into to the angry eyes of the man in front of you.
“It was a severe infection. I did all I could.”
“Bullshit. You killed him and you should hang. Unless” he grinned as he brought his face closer to his breath reeking of strong sour liquor. “You wanna have some ol’ fashion fun.”
“Oh come on Billy just let her hang!”
A hand was placed on your leg, “Give me a minute Michael!”
“Burn in hell you bastard!”
“Come on now sweetheart, don’t be like that.”
“Billy, come on,” another man spoke as he shifted uncomfortably on his horse with the rest of the men with him.
“Joel shut up!”
You should’ve stopped yourself, but, You took the opportunity to spit in his face which earned you a slap. “You bloated white liner, yellow bellied son of a -” This time it was the back of a pistol and you nearly fell off your horse, which was keeping you alive
“Hey,” an unfamiliar voice called. “Is that any way to treat a lady?” You glanced up and saw seven men on horses at the top of the small hill.
“This ain’t a lady! She’s a snake.”
“Let her go,” another man shouted.
“My pleasure,” you capture laugh and he slapped the horse's hindquarters that was supporting you. It bolted and you felt rope tighten cutting off your air flow. You failed in attempting to catch a breath. You could hear the pounding of hooves or maybe that was just the blood in your ears. Maybe gunfire or your heart pounding. Your vision started to go as you struggling started to slow.
Suddenly there was a mass beneath you and an arm was around your waist easing you into a lap. You could suddenly breathe, taking gasping breaths as you heard a stream of comforting words. “Alright now, ma’am. You’re alright, let me get this,” there was a grunt of exertion as the rope slipped off your neck, “damn thing off you.” Then suddenly you were moving from the noise of gunfire, and you were pressed into the chest of your savior with your hands still bound in your lap. As soon as you were a top of the hill he reached his hands around you to untie your hands. You finally turned to look up at the man and God, he was handsome. “There you are, are you alright?”
You quickly looked down and nodded numbly trying to process what had happened. “y-yes, thank you, Mr-” you trailed off.
“Standish. Ezra Standish, no need to thank us,” He tipped his hat as the other men rode up beside him. “And the rest of these men are Josiah, Vin, JD, Chris, Nathan, and Buck,” he pointed to each man, in turn, and you followed his hand.
The one that Ezra had pointed out as Vin maneuvered his horse closer, “How are you feeling?”
“Okay,” you rasped, your throat sore.
“I’ll take a look at you back in town, you do live in Four Corners right?” Nathan asked and you nodded unconsciously leaning back into Ezra’s chest. “You just opened up a doctor’s office, came to town a few days ago?”
“I-I think that is enough questions for now gentlemen, let's just get this young lady home,” Ezra spoke urging his horse forward
After a few minutes you started to feel your chest get tight, and then tears started to fall. Ezra, who was in the middle of the pack pulled his horse back a bit wordlessly to the back of the pack. He reached into his breast pocket of his bright red jacket with one hand and pulled out a white handkerchief, gently he placed it into your hands.”It’s alright. You’re safe. Here dry your eyes.”
“I’m sorry,” you murmured unable to stop crying.
“Ma’am, not to sound rude, but you are being ridiculous. You have nothing to apologize for. You’ve had a close brush with death, I’d be a bit worried if you didn’t have some form of emotional reaction.” You dabbed your eyes, turning the handkerchief over in your hands. You ran your thumb over the embroidered, ‘E.P.S’.  You hiccuped and more tears fell, you felt him sigh, was it annoyance? “Now now,” he hushed, dropping a hand on your hands holding the hanky. “You’re okay. And I promise you will be okay. You’re safe with us. If those men ever come back we’ll protect you”
You looked at his hand on top of yours, it was such a soft gesture. You started to cry a bit harder, the people were nice enough but you had been rather alone. Not really making any connections.
“I think you were brave,” Ezra’s voice was soft, even softer than before. You started to laugh, a laugh tangled with a sob.
“I think you mean foolish.” You tilted yourself to the side and tilted your head up to look at him, finally taking the chance to examine your savior, there was no doubt the man was handsome. Sturdy jaw, bright snapping green eyes, as he started to smile, it was a wild mischievous one you realized, which was only enhanced buy a gold tooth that caught the sunlight.
“Well in most cases you be right. But it took a special kind of gall to call a man who has a rope around your neck a- a- what was that I heard you yell?” He tilted his chin down to look at you and your breath caught in your chest.
“Well before I was rudely interrupted I was going to call him, uh, a bloated, white liner, yellowed bellied son of a bitch.” one of the other men nearby started to laugh with Ezra.
“Wooo nelly, you certainly have grit little lady.”
“Buck don’t be a vulture. Excuse him, ma’am. Oh!” Ezra exclaimed suddenly, “We have been very rude, very rude indeed, ma’am. My apologies might I ask your name?”
“Y/N,” Buck tested it out, “what a lovely name.”
The ride back to town was a fairly quiet one, there was some idle chit chat, but nothing past that. The feeling of a warm body, the gentle sway of the horse, and the exhaustion after the stress caused you to doze off in the arms of your savior.
You were not sure how long you were out but you were being awoken by gentle shake and whispers. “Come on now,” Ezra whispered, as you came too he placed his hands on your arms, “Nathan’s going to help you down. Okay?”
“Alright,” Nathan reached up towards you to grab your hands to help you hop down from the horse.
“Let’s get you up to my clinic so I can look at you.” Nathan took you by the arm and lead you up to his space above the livery.
“This is a nice place here. Nathan tell me if I am stepping on your toes but how would you feel about us combining our clinics?”
“Well, I think that be a fine idea,” He smiled as he helped you sit down. “Let's take care of the details later, I want to clean that cut on your face.”  You nodded as he kneeled before you, touching a rag to your face, you winched and tried to pull away from the stinging pain. “Sorry, it’s going to hurt for a while, and it going to be a nasty bruise.”
“Figured,” you hummed as he moved his attention to your neck. “Thank you. You have very gentle hands.”
“Thank you,” he smiled, “I do my best to make my patients comfortable.”
“You do very well.”
Nathan nodded and stood up, “You seem alright, just take it easy for a few days. Rest you’ve had a rough day. You are welcome to take a short rest here if you want.”
“I think I’ll just head home,” you stood and shook his hand. “Thank you, Nathan, I look forward to working with you.”
“And I you.”
As you exited the building and headed down the steps you ran into the other men, who were just waiting there, supposedly for you. “Can I help you, gentlemen?”
“We just wanted to see if you were alright,” Chris spoke up.
“I’m fine. Thank you again for saving me.”
“Ma’am it’s our job. No need to thank us,” Vin raised his hand to stop you.
“I sure hope this doesn’t scare you away,” Chris started to smile, “I think going back home would be a waste of your fire.”
“No. I’m staying, especially now I know I have you boys to back me up.”
TAGS: @outside-the-government @kaitymccoy123 @starshiphufflebadger @mccoymostly @bkwrm523 @youre-on-a-starship @thefanficfaerie @sparkedupsilver @pinkamour1588 @captainbabysitter-blog @make-me-imagine @7men @dumbcowboys
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janeykath318 · 7 years
Sand, Sun, and A Grumpy Doctor 1
Pairing: Fem! Kirk x Bones
Prompt 7.You’re famous and just got asked whether you were ever in love. This should be good--wait wHAT? 
"Please welcome our very special guest and star of the recent blockbuster hit Starship, Jenna Kirk!!!"
The enthusiastic voice on the television startled the half dozing man from his slumber on the sofa. Rubbing his face blearily, he reached for the remote to turn off the television he wasn't really watching anyway.
His movements were arrested with the sight of the lovely blonde woman striding confidently on stage to join the talk show host. His jaw dropped. It was her. His mind finally connected the name with the star and he swallowed as the wave of memories crashed over him. She was just as beautiful as he remembered, if less bubbly than he'd known her. Time changed everyone, he reflected, even movie starlets. How many years had it been since he'd unknowingly encountered her leading to an ill-fated, but passionate romance? 
"Oh, Jen," he sighed under his breath. "I'm glad you're happy."
Despite his better judgment, Leonard McCoy kept watching the interview, wanting to see Jen in her native habitat. He wondered if she was still dating that famous producer Spock she'd been rumored to be head over heels for a couple years ago, not that he cared or anything. She could do what she liked.
Jen answered the question's smoothly and graciously, charming the host and the audience with her easygoing humor. That was one quality public Jen and private Jen both had and had been the undoing of Leonard "Bones" McCoy.
He'd been sent on a forced vacation after he'd had a health scare brought on by the stress of working in the ER. Despite the sun and sand, he'd sat in the beach chair well covered with sunscreen, sun hat, and sunglasses sulking and grumbling under his breath about interfering head nurses and how it was all Christine's fault if he got skin cancer. His rather unjust musings were interrupted by a female voice from nearby.
"I've never seen anyone so unhappy to be relaxing on one of the nicest beaches in the world."
He looked up and squinted as a stunning blonde appeared in front of him, wearing a very floppy sun hat, expensive looking sunglasses and a breezy coverup over her swimsuit.
"I don't like to be idle," he grunted. "But they made me take a vacation because they thought I'd keel over. My old bones are much happier fixing people than lounging on a beach."
"Wow, that's a statement you don't hear very often," the woman commented, running her sandal clad foot through the sand with a delighted expression on her face.
"Prob'ly not," he admitted. "Most people actually WANT to come here. I'm wired differently."
"Workaholic?" She asked.
"You could say that," Leonard sighed, averting his eyes as she plopped her bag and towel down a few yards away and began shimmying out of her cover up. Oh, great. He strongly considered picking up and moving to another location as he caught a glimpse of hot pink and skin. He pulled his hat down lower and buried his face in a medical magazine to avoid temptation. Goodness knows he didn't need to get involved in some random flirtation or make himself look like a creep.
He smelled suntan lotion as a spray can hissed. Good, she had basic common sense. A lot of beachgoers were more obsessed with getting tan and didn't care about what UV rays really did.
"You wouldn't mind spraying my back, would you? I can never get enough there," the mysterious woman implored, shocking Leonard by the request.
"Umm, sure. That's uh......very trusting of you," he babbled, taking the can thrust into his hand.
"Oh, I pride myself on being a good judge of character," the blonde said, turning her back to him so he could apply the sunscreen. "You definitely aren't giving off creepy vibes; you just want peace and quiet. I promise I'll leave you to it, doctor."
He thoroughly coated her back and handed back the Can, face turning a bit red, but not from the sun.
"Thank you, kind stranger!" She said, bestowing another beautiful smile on him before waving and sauntering away.
"You're welcome, ma'am. Don't forget to reapply often!" He called after her, quickly returning to his reading. (Good night, she had LEGS!!)
Fortunately, or unfortunately, that random encounter was not the only time Leonard met the blonde.
Two days later, he was swimming in the unbelievably beautiful water when she reappeared, a blur of blue and gold that shot by him and popped up beaming.
Startled, Len stared wildly before he remembered her.
"Your face is priceless!" She giggled. "I've never seen such a great bugged out expression. Your eyes look like they're about to pop out of their sockets!"
"I'm glad you're so amused," he spluttered, shaking water out of his eyes. Today, she had on what looked like a short sundress made for the water. It was light blue and unbelievably cute on her.
"Having fun?" He asked indulgently.
"You betcha, Doctor. I'm Jenna, by the way."
"Leonard McCoy," he responded. "Pleased to meet ya. Even an old grump like me had to admit this water is awfully fine."
"Old? You?" She said in a tone of disbelief, looking at him like he was the best thing since sliced bread. "Hardly! I find it difficult to believe someone hasn't snatched you up already."
He shrugged, trying to hide under the water as much as possible.
"Been there, done that. She took everything but my bones in the divorce. No desire to ruin anyone else's life."
This came out somewhat more bitterly than he'd intended, but Jocelyn had made no secret of the fact she considered her cheating on him was HIS own fault.
"I'm sorry to hear that, Leonard," she said. "Won't you let me be your friend, though? No lives need be ruined, I promised. What could it hurt?"
Well, he hadn't been able to resist her imploring look and had agreed, thus changing the course of that summer.
He snapped out of his daydreams as the host asked Jenna a question.
"In your new movie, your character has a very delightful banter-filled relationship with the chief engineer. Have you ever had a real life relationship like that?"
Jenna smiled thoughtfully.
"Oh, yes I have. It was the best one of my life. We knew each other so well, and would practically finish each other's sentences. He was one of the glass half empty type and I'm the opposite, so we balanced each other out. I don't think I'll ever had a love quite like I had with Bones."
Leonard's heart stopped. She'd basically name dropped him on national television. Guess she had been more affected than he thought.
"Why do you call him Bones, if I may ask? The host inquired, looking intrigued.
"Oh, it was a nickname I gave him when he was grumbling about having nothing But His bones," Jenna explained a touch nervously. "He pretended to be such a grouch, but really wasn't."
"Don't go blowin' my cover," he muttered, a smile tugging at his lips.
"What happened?" The host asked.
"Oh, you know, our career paths were on opposite sides of the country in addition to the fact that I kind of blew it by not being truthful about who I was right from the start." She looked right at the screen and pointed at the audience.
"Kids, take a lesson from me, if you fall for some nice person, honesty is a key part of a relationship. Leave the acting for drama class and the movie cameras. Hi, Bones, if you're out there. Hope life is treating you well!"
Leonard sighed longingly as the interview returned to questions about the Starship movie. Jenna probably didn't even know about his relocation from Georgia to San Francisco. She was much closer now, but completely out of reach.
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jrcashwrites · 8 years
Star Wars- Poe Dameron x Armitage Hux
Words: 1,747
Warnings: Space boyfriends kissing.  Rated T.
Summary: Poe taking Hux for a ride in his X-Wing.
A/N: I didn’t want to think too much about how they ended up flying together in Poe’s X Wing together, so just go with it and the fact they are together for whatever reason (my brain is like 90% fried rn so coming up with a valid reason was just too much).I also watched a bunch of youtube videos of actual fighter jets doing stunts to make sure I was getting the maneuvers correct while writing this and almost threw up at my laptop.  I could only imagine what it would feel like to actually be in the cockpit.  Clearly I would make a horrible pilot in a galaxy far, far away.
Hux adjusted his great coat atop his shoulders as he pulled himself up to Poe’s waiting X Wing.  His movements were far from his normal grace, never having boarded a Resistance ship before, his footing unsure as he reached the top of the ladder that lead up to the open cockpit.  He stopped, hesitantly looking down into the expanse of the black and orange ship, noticing the single seat in the cockpit.  
“How am I supposed to fit in there with you?” Hux asked, glancing back at Poe with a skeptical look crossing his features as he turned back to study the interior of the ship again, trying to fathom how the both of them were squeeze into the cramped space.  
“Climb in and scoot all the way back. Gonna be a little tight but we’ll both fit” Poe replied easily from a few feet below Hux, waiting for the General to just to get into his ship already.  
 Swinging his leg over the side, Hux did as Poe had instructed him to.  Settling down into the tight space, Hux scrunched up his long legs to the best of his ability as Poe settled in front of him, already flipping toggle switches on the council as he dropped into the remaining space on the long nerf leather seat.  The ship’s engines roared to life around them with a deafening sound.  The General fought the urge to cover his ears with his hands, not wanting to look like a complete rube when it came to flying.  For someone who had spent most of his life aboard a ship, it was always a large ship where engines were silenced and he lived in comfort, not bothered with things like noise or tight spaces.  The smallest ship he’d ever been aboard were the Order transport ships that flew between nearby planets or other large star destroyers. Poe’s X Wing was completely foreign to him, a new experience he wasn’t quite sure he was enjoying much as he tried to make his lanky body adjust.           
Poe reached above them, pulling down the overhead hatch as the engines idled. Hux ducked to avoid getting hit in the head by the transparisteel covering as it clicked into place securing them for takeoff. 
 Resting his palms against his knees, Hux tried to press himself as far back as he could in the cramped space.  It was clear to him that Resistance fighter jets were not built for two people, even ones as heavily modified as Poe’s appeared to be. Hux squeezed his fingers against his pant legs as he felt the ship hover above the ground before a loud roar overtook them and the ship shot into the planet���s atmosphere. The General watched as the blackness of space surrounded them and Poe worked the controls with grace and ease he rarely displayed when on the ground. Hux was in awe, having never seen the pilot in his own element, doing what he always bragged he was best at.  It was obvious to him now why that Poe was known as the best pilot in the Resistance for a reason.  His ship seemed to be an extension of his own being as he piloted it with ease, banking to the left gracefully as it continued to gain altitude.  
 As the ship leveled off, the stars that surrounded them twinkled. The planet they had just left was now nothing more than a distant glow behind them. Poe glanced over his shoulder at Hux, who was still watching him work with a bemused look.
 “You’ve never flown before?”  Poe questioned, his eyebrow cocked in slight surprise.  He’d always figured that as General, Hux had received some sort of flight training based on the fact that General Organa was an excellent pilot herself, even if she rarely used her skills.  Yet again, Leia was married to Han Solo.  She had picked up piloting skills (of questionable morals) long before Poe was even born.    
 “No.  Never learned how to” Hux admitted. “Always had a pilot assigned to me if I ever needed one”.  
 Poe flashed Hux a devilish grin.  “You never had the best pilot before though”.
 As Poe grabbed hold of the controls, he pitched the X Wing sharply to the right before leveling out in a clear expanse of space.    
 “What are you doing?”  Hux questioned.  The look on Poe’s face as he eyed the openness before them made him skeptical, knowing that the pilot had something up the sleeve of his flight suit.  Hux just wasn’t quite sure what it  was.    
 Poe laughed as he accelerated his ship’s engines causing Hux to clutch suddenly onto his sides in surprise as the X Wing quickly lurched forward in a burst of speed.  The engines whined as Poe tilted the controls back, causing the X Wing to race upwards before whine dropped to a dull hum as the ship began arching to the side at a sharp angle, continuing on into a graceful loop.  Hux’s stomach dropped as the force pressed against him, his fingers digging further into Poe’s ribs.  The pilot’s laughter echoed in his ears. All of his other senses went numb as the X Wing continued through the remainder of the barrel roll.  His heart raced as he realized they were momentarily suspended upside down, the hazy light from the planet glowing beneath them.  Time seemed to move in slow motion as the X Wing continued to turn before leveling out to its normal, upright position.  Hux’s heart pounded in his chest as tried to loosen his grip on Poe, prying his fingers free from the orange fabric they had entwined themselves during the pilot’s little trick.
 Catching his breath, Hux leaned back in the seat.  He tried to still his shaking legs, to little avail, as his knees shuttered and knocked against the sides of the X Wing.  
“Kriff, Poe!  Do you always fly like that?” Hux managed to stammer as he ran his palms against his thighs, trying to rid himself of the beads of sweat that had collected on his pale hands.  
 “Only when I’ve got cute red-headed Generals aboard” Poe replied with a smirk as he began entering coordinates into the navi-computer. “You okay?”  
 “Of course” Hux said as he leaned forward, placing a kiss against the side of Poe’s helmet, unable to reach his actual cheek due to the plastic pieces that partially covered his face.  After the initial shock of being turned upside down in a matter of seconds, Hux rather enjoyed Poe’s daring moves.  It had been a long time since he’d felt such a rush surge through him, never having experienced temporary weightlessness during space flight.                      
 “Here. Flip that switch” Poe instructed, pointing to a blinking blue light on the control panel. He was enjoying the feeling of Hux pressed against his back as he flew, his sharp chin resting against his shoulder, watching each one of his moves as he piloted them along.    
 Hux reached forward, his arm sliding against the top of Poe’s leg as his finger made its way to  rest against the metal flip switch. He wasn’t quite sure if he fully trusted the pilot after the stunts he pulled minutes prior.    
 “What will that do?” Hux asked, making sure Poe wasn’t about to send them into another crazy maneuver, even if part of him wanted the pilot to do so.  His rational side reminded him that he needed to stay in one piece.    
 “Lightspeed...Just flip it” Poe encouraged.  
 Hux always liked the feeling of jumping into hyperspace. Even in the large starships he normally called home, there was a certain rush that overcame him as the jump was made.  He’d never seen the blue streaks he’d heard others talk about that supposedly appeared through the transparisteel in the cockpit, always working somewhere out of view while the jumps were made.  Hux obliged, flicking the switch, causing the control panel to light up and a loud hum to echo around the small cockpit.      
 In a blink, the X Wing shot forward, the stars and darkness that once surrounded them melting into streaks and swirls of blue light.   Contented that his ship had made the jump safely, Poe settled back against Hux, who wrapped his arms around the pilot’s waist.  
 “It’s really beautiful” Hux commented, taking in the ebbing cobalt and sapphire light surrounding the ship at it hurdled through time and space.  
 Poe worked the buckle of his helmet free from his chin, pulling it from his head before setting it atop the control panel in front of him.  Relaxing into Hux’s embrace, his ruffled curls fell around his face as he tilted his head back with a smile.  Hux dropped forward slightly over the pilot's shoulder, his lips brushing against Poe’s in a gentle kiss, glad his face was finally exposed for his affections.    
 “I always liked hyperspace” Poe admitted.  It was only better now having Hux in the cockpit with him.  Normally the hours spent speeding through the galaxy were ones used by the pilot to communicate with BB-8 or to catch up with filling out mission reports, not in the arms of the man he loved.  “You know, we’ve got some time” Poe added with a smirk and a wink.  
 “Not much space though” Hux commented back, trying to fathom how two full grown men would maneuver themselves into a comfortable enough position to do any of the ideas he knew were going through Poe’s mind.  
 “We can make it work” Poe replied, shifting his weight slightly against Hux to place a kiss against his jawline.  “Trust me”.  
 “Sounds like you’ve done this before” Hux said coolly as he felt the pilot’s lips work up against the side of his face, creeping towards his ear before feeling Poe’s teeth give his earlobe a playful nip.  
 “No, actually”  Poe whispered honestly in Hux’s ear as the tip of his nose nuzzled into the General’s ginger hair.  “But it’s something I’ve always thought about”.  
 Hux let out a low laugh at Poe’s admittance, liking the fact while he was flying missions for the Resistance, his mind was wandering to how he could possibly take a First Order General in his ship.
 Wrapping an arm around the pilot's broad chest, Hux turned Poe around to face him so he was straddling him on his lap.  As his hands settled on Poe’s hips, an enticing smile crossed Hux’s face. 
  “I think we can make this work after all”.  
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