nasa · 10 months
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Moonbound: One Year Since Artemis I
On this day last year, the Artemis I rocket and spacecraft lit up the sky and embarked on the revolutionary mission to the Moon and back. The first integrated flight test of the rocket and spacecraft continued for 25.5 days, validating NASA’s deep exploration systems and setting the stage for humanity’s return to the lunar surface.
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On Nov. 16, 2022, the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket met or exceeded all expectations during its debut launch on Artemis I. The twin solid rocket booster motors responsible for producing more than 7 million pounds of thrust at liftoff reached their performance target, helping SLS and the Orion spacecraft reach a speed of about 4,000 mph in just over two minutes before the boosters separated.
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Quite a few payloads caught a ride aboard the Orion spacecraft on the Artemis I mission: In addition to a number of small scientific satellites called CubeSats, a manikin named Commander Moonikin Campos sat in the commander’s seat. A Snoopy doll served as a zero-gravity indicator — something that floats inside the spacecraft to demonstrate microgravity. 
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During the mission, Orion performed two lunar flybys, coming within 80 miles of the lunar surface. At its farthest distance during the mission, Orion traveled nearly 270,000 miles from our home planet, more than 1,000 times farther than where the International Space Station orbits Earth. This surpassed the record for distance traveled by a spacecraft designed to carry humans, previously set during Apollo 13.
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The Orion spacecraft arrived back home to planet Earth on Dec. 11, 2022. During re-entry, Orion endured temperatures about half as hot as the surface of the Sun at about 5,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Within about 20 minutes, Orion slowed from nearly 25,000 mph to about 20 mph for its parachute-assisted splashdown. 
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Recovery teams successfully retrieved the spacecraft and delivered it back to NASA’s Kennedy Space Center for de-servicing operations, which included removing the payloads (like Snoopy and Commander Moonikin Campos) and analyzing the heat shield.  
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With the Artemis I mission under our belt, we look ahead to Artemis II — our first crewed mission to the Moon in over 50 years. Four astronauts will fly around the Moon inside Orion, practicing piloting the spacecraft and validating the spacecraft’s life support systems. The Artemis II crew includes: NASA astronauts Reid Wiseman, Victor Glover, and Christina Koch, and CSA astronaut Jeremy Hansen. 
As we look ahead to Artemis II, we build upon the incredible success of the Artemis I mission and recognize the hard work and achievements of the entire Artemis team. Go Artemis!
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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katakaluptastrophy · 3 months
The ships … the ships were still full of people. I reached our hand out into space. I extended. I struggled. He said, I bit through the sun first. It’s human nature. That started things going.
Imagine being on those ships (and remember, not everyone in those ships was a nefarious trillionaire) zooming away from earth.
Maybe you've watched mushroom clouds blossoming across the face of the earth as you pulled away, the lines of communication fizzing out and going dead.
Watched...something...happen to the earth. Watched the sun flare and then flicker out.
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I sliced through Venus, Mercury, Mars … by that point a couple of the tugs had already launched through the Kuiper. I had to kill Jupiter and Saturn in a fucking hurry. I reached … they blinked away from me … all I could do was hope that they’d watched what I was doing and all died from fucking terror. You and I went full fucking Hungry Caterpillar. We took Uranus … Neptune … crunched down Pluto … found every satellite and craft, reached in, crunched up all the humans, moved on.
You try to make contact with the installations as you pass - the small city on Mars, the helium-3 capture facility at Jupiter, the mines on Saturn's moons, the skeleton crew constructing the shell on Uranus, the Kuiper platform. Maybe the comms are eerily quiet. Or perhaps, you make contact for just a moment, enough time to witness what happens when god doesn't kill people "clean".
As you speed away, the rings of the gas giants burst asunder and the planets seem to desaturate, the readings go haywire as their magnetic fields suddenly destabilise. And something, oh god, something seems to slip away from each one, some absolute acid trip of horror, like some kind of writhing, fleeing ghost.
The moment I found the fleet spinning up to enter FTL, it was too late … I could only grab one of them … and you and I held it in the palm of our hand. I was in there with them. All those frightened people. All those runaway rats.
And then something physically stops one of the ships. Alarms are going off, sparks are flying, lights are flickering, and there's a horrifying sense of presence (if John feeling Alecto's presence was unremitting screaming inside his head, what does the presence of the newly combined John and Alecto feel like? Because I don't think that invovles less eldritch psychic screaming, somehow).
And then you break free, and spin off into some kind of warp of time and space, with the knowledge that you are the last humans left alive in the universe and that something truly terrible lurks on the husk of the earth.
Imagine 5000 years of that tale being passed down through humanity (that's equivalent to the time that passed between the stone age and the present day), as civilisations rose and fell across planets and systems.
And then imagine, one day, being the ship that encountered something they'd never seen before. A ship, of an entirely unfamiliar design, bearing an unfamiliar symbol: a skull. The whole ship is covered in bones. Sleek, designed, inlaid bones. Human bones.
When they hail you, you see humans, but not like you've seen before. They're dressed in strange outfits: military uniforms and robes that look like something from a textbook of the most ancient history. They're carrying swords. Swords! Many of them seem starved and sickly, as if their bodies are consuming themselves. They speak of their empire and their god in strange, archaic words - an impossibly ancient language from the earth that was - of the resurrection of the dead, of the Lord over the River, of necromancy.
And you realise that however horrifying the tales of the earth's death in fire, there are things worse than death.
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holdmytesseract · 4 months
For the sleepover my love
Yn Kenobi looks for Kylo Ren after the force ghost of Anakin advised her to stop his dark path - they end up in a fight of swords and moral and attraction ❤️
Torn Apart
Kylo Ren x fem!Reader
Warnings: uhhh Star Wars stuff? Lightsabers/fights, angst, fluff? Y/N is Obi-Wan's granddaughter.
Word Count: definitely a bit more than a drabble 👀
a/n: Well... What can I say... I love this. Thank you so much, friend. I changed it up a bit, but you know. 😉
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The hangar was bustling with pilots, droids and other Resistance fighters; maintaining and repairing their ships and coordinating things. You didn't pay much attention, though. Your focus was entirely on getting your X-Wing prepared for your mission. But just as you wanted to board your star-fighter, a voice cut through the noises of heavy machinery and chatter. A voice you only knew too well.
"Y/N! Y/N wait!"
You knew you shouldn't; knowing that your friend would only try to hold you back, but you also just couldn't leave.
"Y/N!" Finn called out again; reaching you completely out of breath. "Finn. What are you doing here?" You had a guess, but asked anyway.
"Don't... Don't go." The former stormtrooper panted; looked at you with a pleading gaze. You sighed. "Finn... I have to." He violently shook his head. "No, no you don't. We'll find another way!" "There's no other way," you said; placing a hand on his shoulder. "There always is!" Your friend immediately shot back; almost desperate. "No. Not this time."
A frustrated groan left the man's lips. "Why, Y/N? Why you?! Why must you do this?! Just because you're former friends with this... traitorous snake?"
You sighed once again; memories of your youth quite a few years back flooded your mind, causing you to quickly shut your eyes and close them off again. Now was not the time to wallow in the past.
"We weren't just friends, Finn." It was all you said, before you climbed inside the X-Wing.
"Not just friends?" Finn had clearly trouble to catch up what you meant. "What is that supposed to- Hold on..." All features of your friend's face derailed. The next words he literally shouted at you fell on deaf ears. The cockpit around you was already closed. You took a deep breath, ignored Finn and started the engines. He had no other choice than to step aside and let you go.
You left the hanger and with that the main Resistance cruiser behind. But before you set course for the planet below you, you sent a last message to your General. Leia Organa.
"This is Y/N Kenobi on my way back to D'Qar. General Organa... You might not agree on this, but we both know that I have to do it. It's probably my last- no... My only chance." You paused; taking another deep breath. "I'm going to bring him back to you, Leia. Back to us. I will leave D'Qar with him... Or not at all." With those words you ended your message and addressed your droid. "BB-7?" The familiar beeping of your mechanic friend caused you to smile. "Can you send this message to General Organa as soon as we landed?" The answer came promptly. "Thanks, buddy. Now let's get this done." With that you flew off; opposed the direction of your people. While the Resistance evacuated D'Qar, you flew straight back into the danger zone; hoping that your target would come alone and not bringing any friends.
On your monitor, you saw the ships of the Resistance fleet jump to light speed and vanish on the radar.
You flew straight back to the now former base, hid away your X-Wing in the deep forests of the planet and waited. Waited for your destiny to find its way to you.
And it did.
You could already feel his presence through the force. Even though he hadn't stepped a single foot on this planet. Yet.
You hid on top of one of the tarnished mounds, right behind a massive satellite; watching his shuttle invade the sky above you. You expected him to fire everything he got at the base, but you also knew that he wasn't stupid. He landed - and when the ramp lowered and he stepped out, you felt your breath catch in your throat; heartbeat quickening.
You hadn't seen him in years. Lastly when he destroyed Luke's Jedi temple on Ossus all those years back. Once more, memories flooded your mind. Of that very night. How you tried to talk sense into Ben; screaming his name through the fire, cries and whirring sound of lightsabers. In vain. It was the moment you realised that you had lost him.
And now you were here to get him back.
Due to the mask he wore, you couldn't see his face, of course, but you knew that he must at least feel that something was off. He stood in the middle of the deserted base; looking around for a few moments. Then he made his way towards one of the entries.
That was it. The moment you had waited for; destiny finally catching up with you.
You took a deep breath and left your hiding place.
"They aren't here anymore. Nobody is. You're too late."
Kylo stopped in his movements; like frozen to the ground with his back towards you. You jumped from the mound; landing on the earthy ground right behind him. He clearly needed a moment to recover.
"Am I?" His distorted voice urged to your ears; almost causing your knees to give in. You were so weak in this very moment; knowing that your feelings for him hadn't changed. Not even in the slightest. The difficulty was to hide it from him.
"Yes," you answered as stoically as possible. "You won't find the Resistance fighters here. Neither your mother, nor your uncle."
Suddenly, he turned to face you, "That may be. But you are here." and started to slowly pace up and down. "Why?"
"Because I have to. It's where I need to be. My destiny."
"Your destiny?" Kylo spat mockingly. "This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard."
Yes... That clearly wasn't the man you once knew. The man you kissed at night and secretly shared a bed with; breaking the rules. But what he did was way worse than breaking some rules.
You clenched your teeth; knowing that you had to stay strong.
"Take at least that stupid mask off you're hiding behind, when you talk to the woman you once shared a bed with!" You could tell that your words hit a nerve; seeing his fists clench and unclench.
Silence settled over the base, until a mechanic hiss sounded from across you. He was taking his mask off. You didn't expect this. Not at all. And when familiar brown eyes met yours, you felt like a deer caught in the headlights. You couldn't even move a single muscle. All you did was looking in those beautiful brown eyes, which were once filled with love and gentleness. The same brown eyes you so often sought and found comfort in. Which had been your safe haven. The key element of your whole existence. The ones you had trusted with your life.
And now? Now they only held darkness, strength and raw power. This realisation ripped your heart into shreds. You wanted to be so strong and now you had to fight so hard against the upcoming tears.
Avoiding his gaze was the only salvation. So you did; let your gaze wander over his facial features instead.
He had grown; was definitely more mature. That much you could tell. The sweet, happy, sunny boy replaced by a cold, harsh, merciless man.
Nevertheless, you couldn't deny that he was the same handsome man with the beautiful long black curls you fell in love with.
Kylo didn't say a single word either; just looking at you seemingly emotionless.
You shook your head; suppressing the tears. "What happened to you, Ben?" "I've seen the truth, Y/N. I killed the past."
This shot a searing pain through your whole body. "Killed the past? Ben, this isn't your destined path! You can still turn around! It's not too late!"
The man opposite you furrowed his brows. "That's why you're here? To win me over?" "No... This isn't just about winning you over. I'm here because I want the man I love back." Now Kylo was the one shaking his head. "It's too late for that, Y/N. You can't turn me. Nothing won't change my mind. Not even love. I'm going to do what I have to do and fulfil my grandfather's legacy...," he snarled; drawing his lightsaber. With an ear-piercing hiss came its blood red blade to light, "...and nobody will stop me. Not even you." pointed straight into your direction.
You swallowed hard and drew your lightsaber as well. Unlike Kylo's blade was yours blue. "Well, that's too bad for you, because I am not going to let you walk away a second time. I already made that mistake once. I won't let it happen again."
"Foolish of you to believe this. You've got too much of your father and grandfather in you." "Yes... Just like you, Solo."
Kylo gritted his teeth and stormed forwards; his lightsaber clashing against yours.
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The fight was hard, rough and unforgiving. You and Kylo threw in everything you got; not once backing up or lacking stamina. One moment Kylo had the upper hand and the next you. Your battle had led you away from the base and all the way into the woods; leaving a trail of burnt earth and destroyed trees behind.
And to make matters even worse, it had started to rain.
You stood on a hill; panting heavily. Kylo stood on the forest ground beneath you; throwing you an angry look.
"Let us stop this madness! Ben, please!" You screamed through the rain; feeling the water soaking your robes. He shook his head; waterdrops dripping from his black curls, "No! We are going to finish what we started!" and raised his lightsaber once more; ready to attack. "It's me - or you!"
You just stared at him for another moment, before you took a deep breath - and jumped. With a loud hiss met your lightsaber his. The strength of your blow caused him to stumble backwards, but he quickly recovered. Once again he stormed forwards and wanted to strike you, but you lifted both your arms; catching his wrists before he was able to hit you.
It was the first time since years, that you touched Ben again - and it almost took your breath away. It felt like time itself froze around you and him.
The force flowing through both your veins connected you; causing visions to explode in front of your eyes. Visions of the future. What was and what could be. They flew by way too fast. It was impossible for you to grasp all of them. But no matter how fast they came and went, they all had one thing in common... A different setting, but the same outcome. You and Ben. Together.
One showed you the two of you flying around the galaxy; exploring every existent planet. Another showed the two of you leading the Resistance, together with his mother. You saw love, a marriage, children - a family.
And suddenly it was all gone. Nothing but silence. Around you. In your mind. Everywhere.
Slowly, you blinked your eyes open; feeling the cold, wet forest ground underneath you. Still a bit dizzy and confused, you stood up and tried to understand what had happened.
Kylo sat on the groud as well, quite a few meters away from you.
The force... The two of you touching each other after such a long time was apparently too much.
But you knew what you saw. He must've seen it, too...
On still wobbly legs and knees, you walked over to Ben; hand outstretched. "Come with me. Please. I've seen the conflict inside you. I've seen your future. Our future. You must have seen it, too!"
Once again were those beautiful brown eyes looking up at you; reflecting the conflict you had seen. "I..." He eyed your hand; the light and darkness battling within Kylo. "I can't," he breathed; eyes filling up with tears.
There it was. The glimmer of hope.
You nodded. "Yes, yes you can! Just take my hand!"
He blinked; torn apart about what to do.
You were absolutely certain that you made it - made him see, but then Kylo acted too fast for you to react. Within the blink of an eye, he jumped to his feet and brought you down on your knees; both lightsabers flying off the ground and into his hands.
That was it. He had overpowered you. You couldn't stand a chance.
Perhaps he was right and it was really too late - but you refused to believe this and started one last desperate try.
"What are you waiting for? Do it! Kill me!" Kylo activated both lightsabers; jaw clenching. "Do it!" You screamed at him again. "I'd rather die than live my life without you; knowing that I really lost you forever!"
Your words caused the man towering above you to freeze in his movements.
"You... You would rather die than live without me?" Kylo asked in disbelief. Wind blew through his hair; rain hitting his face again. "Of course I would! You are all I ever wanted and needed! Don't you see?!"
He answered nothing; only stared at you. The gears in his head turning at lightning speed. Seconds felt like minutes, before he extinguished both blades of the weapons in his hands and threw them carelessly aside. You couldn't believe your eyes when he was dropping to his knees as well in front of you; taking both your hands in his. "I... I think I see now. Clearly, for the first time in my life."
You hesitated at first, but then you felt the conflict in him was gone. There was love, peace and light. You made it. Your love made it.
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drjae69 · 6 days
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It was one thing to go to medical school it was another to be the test case for them . Due to bombing the entrance exam and material instead of sending you on your way they decided to give you a chance at a satellite program of their said it would pay well and would be a hands-on experience . You said why not drove yourself to the facility once arriving there it appeared to be a clinic inside. You would inform the front desk that you came for the program and the masked nurse would check you in and take your bags for you while another one would show you around the facility and where you would be staying on campus . Your dormitory also appeared to be a one-to-one copy of a hospital room with a TV and bed and nightstands . You would get acquainted with your room wearing the customary head cap and mask before being asked to handover your phone for the time being and follow the nurse to an examination . There you were instructed to lay down as you were examined checking your vitals and reaction time . The nurses marking down certain aspects of you before you can ask if they were finished you would feel a quick jab seeing the nurse had hit you with a mild sedative as you trying to get up, you were pushed right. back down onto the bed as a slowly faded to nothingness unable to gather strength .
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Later you were awake in a daze now wrapped to a bed collared and gags . Too weak you saw a female surgical garb doctor physically examining your now naked body. then it started, she would place electrodes on your Vulva and Vagina before starting inserting her fingers and then hand along with medical instruments in you while applying electrical charge and stimulation . She wants slowly up first before rapidly speeding up increasing the charge as she went before a loud moon emanated from you as you orgasm . Satisfied with that test, she continued increasing the charge and frequency as she went and after each consecutive round the orgasms becoming more and more intense . It went on for hours as she tested the charge and intensity grew evermore intense and visceral . Once satisfied, you were put back under and awoke restrained to your bed the next morning . As you lay shocked at what had become of you realized instead of the nursing program you had wanted you were in an unwilling participant in a Sensitivity Program and had no way out from it .
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vexwerewolf · 7 months
In the same vein as a player with a Barbarossa could destroy the orbital satellite before the start of mission 3 of IGF, a player with a Calendula could simply float towards it while intangible, reappear once close enough that the escorts can't shoot them, and sabotage it from up close before vanishing in the Shadow Realm once again.
I'd still require rolls for calculating the right approach trajectory to intercept the satellite at the correct speed, actually clamping onto it, and sabotage it before Impact Dynamics marines can get to them.
Grammaton Mantle could be also abused to get into Impact Plaza and accomplish some objective like stealing Steele's Terashima Blade. I could go on about how to structure such a break-in, but I'll just note that the only frame aside from the Calendula that can become Intangible is the Mourning Cloak. They're rare and expensive, but someone as loaded and vain as Steele definitely has at least a couple among his security forces or for himself.
I also don't think there's much risk of a player derailing the story too much by killing Steele: that would be made extremely hard by needing to actually locate him in the station before he can surround himself with too many bodyguards to take out, and it's easily pointed out that if he dies, Impact Dynamics won't be any less alive and exploitative, but his successor might be actually competent.
Am I speaking nonsense or does this sound plausible? Did it cross your mind before?
Okay so this post sent me down a rabbit hole at the intersection of Lancer's lore and mechanics.
My first question was "wait, wouldn't they notice the Calendula coming and fire the laser?" But that actually reminded me that I didn't know whether or not an Intangible character can actually be seen by characters in the regular universe.
So, I went to the tireless heroes in #rules-questions, and the consensus is that an Intangible character can't be seen by tangible characters, at least not in any way that's "mechanically meaningful." Based on this sentence in Field Guide to the Karrakin Trade Baronies:
Tangible characters can move through INTANGIBLE characters and objects but not end their turns inside their spaces and can’t affect them in any way.
It is the understanding of #rules-questions that a tangible character could not, for example, reveal an Intangible character who was also Hidden, even if they would otherwise be in line of sight, because this would count as "affecting" that character. The only interaction tangible characters can have with Intangible characters is that they block each other from ending movement in each others' spaces, although this is likely a mechanical failsafe to make life easier for battlefield tracking on VTTs.
So if Intangible characters can't be seen and also can't see Tangible characters, there isn't an issue with stealth. Getting there in an appropriate timespan while in nonspace might be, though - space is big, and your mech doesn't have an orbital drive.
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mist1e · 8 days
Much like with my Ascended Astarion playlist, I created a playlist for Haarlep only this time I used Google Sheets table and a ranking system to help myself. It, too, tells a story and all the s̲o̲n̲g̲s̲ i̲n̲ i̲t̲ a̲r̲e̲ i̲n̲ c̲h̲r̲o̲n̲o̲l̲o̲g̲i̲c̲a̲l̲ o̲r̲d̲e̲r̲
This story is about Haarlep meeting Tav and how this very ordinary acquaintance turned into something utterly unexpected.
Link to playlist on YouTube at the end of the post.
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And now that all the normal people are just listening to the playlist, the nerds can click ‘keep reading’ to dive into the detailed breakdown of the story...
The playlist consists of 5 parts, and for each part I wrote a small drabble to share the vibe with you.
«Shhh… Hush, sweetheart, no need to make such a fuss. I haven’t even sunk my teeth into you yet. But do not fret, I’m not some rabid beast. I won’t lunge at you or tear you apart. I’m just a simple incubus, albeit an outstanding one.
What are incubi? I’m glad you asked.
We are the wielders of the enchanted word. Lords of the human soul. Masters of the all-consuming lust.
We breathe in air and breathe out passion. Love flows through our veins, voluptuousness drips from our fingertips, and our gaze ignites desire.
Your most daring dreams are our law. The innuendo swirling on the tip of your tongue is our feast. Guessing your desires before you even know them is like a drug to us.
Oh, you want to know more? Come closer, sweetheart. I never promised not to bite, but trust me, you are going to love it.»
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1. Don’t Stop Me Now
Literally can imagine him waking up to this song.
Yeah, I'm a rocket ship on my way to Mars On a collision course I am a satellite, I'm out of control I am a sex machine ready to reload Like an atom bomb about to Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, explode I'm burnin' through the sky, yeah 200 degrees that's why they call me Mister Fahrenheit I'm traveling at the speed of light I wanna make a supersonic woman of you
2. Aimed to Kill
You've been checkin' under your bed to see if I'm there When you look back up I'm under you pullin' your hair Getting lost inside my world, you don't know where I've been Oh no, oh no, I feel it comin' And I tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine But they're sharper than a knife, I aimed to kill And I tried to fix a heart with these lips that left some scars "I swear I won't do no harm," shh, I aimed to kill
3. Who Made You a Monster?
You've got a twisted way Of making it all seem fine Tricking the world to trust you But everything that you say Is some kind of sordid lie Who taught you how to lie so well? Who made you a monster? Who made you a monster?
4. The Devil is a Gentleman
He don't always come at midnight Burnin' red and talking sin But he knows how to play it just right If you gonna let him in Sleek along and brings you roses He's always got the words to say Just enough so you don't notice That you ain't nothing but his prey
5. Pass The Knife
Thought you had control, I'll strip you till you're bones Scraping your knees till you beg for more Cover you in scars, just to leave a mark Get you addicted, then tear you apart Pass me the knife and I'll eat you alive Take my time, I'll do it how you like it Pass me the knife and I'll eat you alive Love skin deep, you're only here to make me high
6. Terrible Things
All of the things that I've done Terrible things you would never believe Things that I've done, oh, how you'll run If you knew a single word of all of the things that I've done
7. Liquid Smooth
I see this one as a tenderness and longing for a connection, that is hidden deep inside.
I'm beautiful, I know 'cause it's the season But what am I to do with all this beauty? Biology, I am an organism, I'm chemical That's all, that is all I'm liquid smooth, come touch me, too And feel my skin is plump and full of life, I'm in my prime I'm liquid smooth, come touch me, too I'm at my highest peak, I'm ripe about to fall, capture me
8. Pure Imagination
The fantasy that he creates for the people whom he gets involved with.
Come with me and you'll be In a world of pure imagination Take a look and you'll see Into your imagination We'll begin with a spin Traveling in the world of my creation What we'll see will defy explanation
9. Mr. Sandman
He falls asleep, thinking to himself if there is a way to feel this longing that has been building inside him for quite some time during these lonely evenings in House of Hope, when all he did was waiting, wondering if Raphael would come to him or no. Next thing you know, Tav enters the boudoir...
Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream Make her the cutest that I've ever seen Give her two lips like roses and clover And tell her that her lonely nights are over Sandman, I'm so alone Don't have nobody to call my own Please turn on your magic beam Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream
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Haarlep leaned on the railing of the balcony and gazed thoughtfully into the distance. The grey ash-covered mountains drowned in a reddish haze. The ground beneath them was laced with a web of rifts, their bottomless depths blazing with lava flares. Dirty, colourless clouds drifted In the sky above the crooked-toothed mountain peaks. Avernus in all its ugliness.
His forked tongue lashed out of his mouth and wetted his parched lips. He drew in the air, heavy with dust that settled thickly in his lungs, and spat irritably over the balustrade.
He couldn’t resist tasting her, he just couldn’t. Damned girl.
Haarlep was used to being starved in the House of Hope. The howls of the damned souls and the flesh of devils were not sustaining in the slightest, and over the years, he just had to learn to control his hunger. There was certainly nothing good about it. Haarlep was weaker than he could be, it was harder for him to conjure magic, and sometimes in the mornings his veins painfully twisted into poisonous threads. It was the ache he could only relieve with exhausting, concentration-demanding meditation.
Haarlep's mind slipped into the vivid memories of yesterday.
Yesterday, he dreamed of his past life again… Feasts, masquerades, balls in the mortal world, where he could drink from four or five mortals in a course of a single evening, or even sneak around and drain a soul out of some petty wretch. And that last orgy at the Duke’s mansion? Haarlep closed his eyes and his nose tickled with the scent of the freshest rainbow caviar, which swam in the belly of a fish in the waters of Calimport the day before. His ears rang with the laughter of the young noblewomen, who used to lose their composure after the third glass of sparkling wine, pretending not to notice the lewd glances of the men smoking cigars in the half-dark corners of the room. And Haarlep… He was sitting in the centre of the hall on a golden throne — the Lord of that den of debauchery! — whilst the mortals were crawling on their knees, their faces drooping with lust, their hands reaching out to him as if he were their god… The memories ran through his body in a searing wave, and Haarlep involuntarily craned his neck, arching his back. Things had been different in his past life. The one he had before he fell to his knees in the presence of Mephistopheles.
Yesterday, when he opened his eyes and saw her in the Boudoir, Haarlep thought he was still dreaming. How could he have restrained himself? And was there any point in restraint?
Oh, how delicious she was… Her life essence flowed through his veins, blossoming with a long-forgotten arousal in his chest. Perhaps his starvation was to blame, but she tasted divine. Nothing like any other mortal he had had before. Purposeful, ambitious, a little naive, she opened herself to him like a soft book with a flowery spine and golden embossing, allowing him to drink in her deepest desires, fears, and dreams. And he did drink… At the moment of her climax, in the deep caverns of her soul, he tasted submission, desire to please, an urge to earn praise. Ah, if only he had a little more time! He would have guided her and under his tender yet insistent touch she would have unfurled like a beautiful flower in an overgrown garden. He would have nudged her to fall headfirst into the abyss of her darkest desires.
But he didn’t have enough time. It was all over in a flash. For some puzzling reason, she didn’t grab the Hammer and just slipped away unnoticed.
The faint scent of her arousal still lingered in the Boudoir, making Haarlep violently run his claws over his neck, crossing the impeccable skin with red brown marks. He had been hungry before, but now he was famished. All night after they’d met, he spent tossing and turning in bed, the silk sheets thrown to the floor, his fingers digging into the pillow.
Haarlep closed his eyes, which were stinging as if they were filled with sand, and rubbed the bridge of his nose nervously.
He must see her again.
He would sneak out of the House of Hope, follow the scent of her thoughts, and catch her again.
Consequences be damned.
10. Me and Mr Wolf
Hey little girl, you look so nice In the pretty red dress with those pretty black eyes Hello Mr. Wolf, oh what a surprise To find you here so deep in the night My dear little girl, what's the rush? How about supper, just the two of us? Oh Mr. Wolf, you want me to stay But I fear we'll regret it one day
11. Out Of Control — Haarlep
I watched her feet move, her hips they sway Does a hair flip then starts to say Oh my god, it's my favorite song I pull her close and she sings along We can't slow down even if we tried If the record keeps spinning so will I She likes disco and tastes like a tear Tells me don't stop dancing and she's pulling me near
12. Kill of the Night— Haarlep
The street's a liar I'm gonna lure you into the dark My cold desire To hear the boom, boom, boom of your heart I'm gonna catch ya I'm gonna get ya, get ya, oh, oh-oh I wanna taste the way that you bleed, oh You're my kill of the night
13. Terrible Thing — Tav
Oh for you, you terrible thing, you Terrible thing, you Terrible thing, you Beautiful thing Mm, you beautiful thing A wreck, a wreck you make You leave, you leave me in your wake Oh honey, let me go Aha, aha, don't you let me go
14. Tongues and Teeth — Haarlep
I've grown a mouth so sharp and cruel It's all that I can give to you, my dear And when you come in quick to steal a kiss My teeth will only cut your lips, my dear And I know that you mean so well But I am not a vessel for your good intent I will only break your pretty things I will only wring you dry of everything But if you're fine with that You can be mine like that
15. Horns — Tav
She got blood cold as ice And a heart made of stone But she keeps me alive She's the beast in my bones She gets everything she wants When she gets me alone Like it's nothin' She got two little horns And they get me a little bit
16. if u think i'm pretty
If you think I'm pretty, lay your hands on me Know you can't stop thinkin' 'bout it I know that you're shitty and you're bad for me But I can't stop thinkin' 'bout it Said you needed love, but you're only here for sex, and And I'm dyin' to be next Killed me once before, I just come back more obsessed with you
17. When You Say My Name — Haarlep
And does it scare you That I already know what you're into? You can say lеss, I bet I can guess That you say whatevеr to get me undressed Double dare you, tell me two lies Don't need no truths 'Cause I can see right through you You're no good at pretend I’m using your tricks that you use with your friends I like the way your mouth moves The way you say my name
18. Dirty Thoughts — Tav
I get dirty thoughts about you They get worse when I'm without you Does that mean that I'm going to hell? Or are you thinking them as well? But when you hold me In the fantasy, it's so convincing I shouldn't think the things I'm thinking But now I've gone and let them sink in
19. Eat You — Haarlep
Cause you've been sticky with your tricky words And I would crumble like a humble bird Now you're so tender with an ear I can bend And tell you how I feel I go hungry every night But not this time around I'm gonna eat you, you're my desire I'm gonna sharpen all my teeth and build a fire I'm gonna eat you, cook and defeat you I'm gonna breathe you in my lungs and make you mine
20. Sugar Water — Tav
My boy’s got a sharp twist, no, he’s wicked in the heart Feeds me sugar water just to keep me alive Saw him in my dreams again He’s wiping down the fingerprints Press so hard I float up to the sky It’s kind of tripping me up, babе I’ve got it bad for you Laying back sipping sugar water I’m so weak for thе things you do
21. salvation — Haarlep
Sleep with me Worship me Pray like I’m your god Find the light in my voice Treat us like it’s blasphemy Pray we don’t get caught Let me be your only choice I’ll deny you of salvation I’ll be the reason you repent Kiss me like I’m a conviction Beg for divinity in my breath
22. Pretty In The Dark — Haarlep
I want All the power and the pain I’ll love you in the flames Just tell me that you're mine I’ll be your beautiful obsession Center of attention That’s just what I like Run through your veins Got your heart to keep Calling my name Get down on your knees
23. A Dangerous Thing — Tav
Something about you is soft like an angel And something inside you is violence and danger I knew from the moment we met, you are a dangerous thing When you are with me, I feel like I'm living And living besides you can be unforgiving I knew from the very first step, you are a dangerous thing
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“What do you dream of?”
Haarlep lazily opened his eyes at the soft caressing sound of her voice. Just like always after their little romps, he was in a state of blissful indulgence, like a cat who got the cream. Usually, he would wait out the indolent peak of his satiety and then disappear from her sight again, bestowing her with a dazzling smile and a graceful flick of his wrist as a kiss goodbye. But today, for some reason, he felt overwhelmingly lazy and reluctant to leave.
He glanced down at her little head, which rested perfectly in the dent under his collarbone. The look on her face was pensive, and her delicate features were slightly tinged with a subtle sadness of some sort.
“I dream of having a unicorn,” he muttered.
“Really?” she perked up, but her eyes narrowed upon seeing his snickering grin. She grudgingly elbowed Haarlep in the side, eliciting a little chuckle from him. “I’m asking you seriously.”
“Look at me, mouse. Are these eyes capable of telling untruths?” he batted his eyelashes innocently.
She sighed, but smiled with her lips only and didn’t ask further. The predawn silence enveloped them once more, as the morning light was just beginning to bloom in the sky. The first tinkling glints of sunlight seeped through the open windows, and a biting daybreak rolled down their shoulders with chill.
She shivered and snuggled closer to him. She smelled of sex, girlish sweat, floral honey, and something else he couldn’t quite put his finger on. He inhaled her scent deeply, and the corner of his lips tugged up in a slight smile against his will.
Haarlep was brimming with her life essence, and the barely perceptible magical connection still weaved between them, leaving the flavour of her thoughts on his lips. Her mind was emanating feelings and emotions that, to his incubus sense, were as tangible as her warm shoulder under his palm. He felt she wanted him to ask. But he didn’t ask.
No. He had no desire to ask.
“And what do you dream of, little mouse?” The words slipped from his lips involuntarily, clearly having a mind of their own.
“I want to go back to the Feywild someday. To see the place where I grew up again. To see the old oak grove, and the Falls of the Rejected Bride… To see where my parents are buried.”
Haarlep slid the tip of his tongue over his lips, feeling the bitter tang of her sadness in his mouth, and it made him feel unimaginably wistful.
“What a marvellous dream you have, my dear — to visit a graveyard of memories and bodies.” He snorted and let out a cynical hum. “You should dream of visiting the shores of Lake Esmel in Amn. The sun is warm on the skin, the men, and women have a true lust for life, and the wine there is absolutely fabulous…”
“Oh, that’s not what I meant at all,” she muttered quietly.
He sighed.
“I know, little mouse,” Haarlep murmured, pressing his lips to the top of her head, kissing her ashy hair. He closed his eyes and drew in her sadness with his nose. Damn, even her sadness tasted divine.
“Are you going soon?” she asked timidly. Her voice quivered with an unspoken hope.
Haarlep was silent. He took a deep breath again, deliberately intoxicating himself with her very nature.
“I’ll stay a little longer.”
24. FU In My Head — Tav
Take me closer, take my clothes off Oh I fantasize If I'm honest, it's more fun when you can't read my mind Sometimes I fuck you in my head I let you touch me when I'm lonely in my bed I wanna scream, but hold my breath The kinda thing that you would rather leave unsaid I got dirty wishes on my mind But you will never ever know that I I like to fuck you in my head You make me scream when there's nobody Just the thought of your body
25. Devil On My Shoulder — Tav
Every time I think I'm free, you're calling me Your love pulling me right back down Can't believe that I keep coming back But you make me feel so good I swore I'd never dance with you again Keep safe from the devil on my shoulder But you know me so well And you drag me to Hell I can't keep safe from the devil on my Keep safe from the devil on my shoulder
26. Maniac — Tav
You play girls like a man, but your eyes are like a child Your face is cool and calm, but your hair is wrecked and wild You hide behind your metaphors and pray that no one sees The fare behind your poker face: your dark and twisted needs Your fragile heart and your paper skin Such a beautiful boy filled with so much sin Your reflection is your very worst enemy Behind the glass is an angel, but the devil's beneath Let me in, wear me out Let me in, wear me out
27. You — Haarlep
What I would do to get into your head Crawl out my body into yours instead Swim through your veins all day and every fiber Raid your brain and all your desires If you only knew I would do anything For a taste of you I would do anything Just to see inside And no one else will do All that I want is to be you
28. the fruits — Tav
My love, are you the devil? I would worship you instead of him I have no time for confession For I'm too busy committing sins My love, you're something special I never met someone like you You made me fall from Heaven But I know just what I do But I don't I feel your hands grabbing my throat As you say
29. Rule #34 — Haarlep
I love that you shake When I ravage your skin It's so easy to bite with your hands pinned Shadows dancing on the sheets If you obey I might give you a treat Right now you're mine All mine Give in, you're mine All mine You look so good There on your knees Such a good girl, knows how to please Look at me, look me in the еyes Forget yourself Surrеnder your mind
30. Lovesick in Public — Tav
Last night you really got in my head How’d I get hung up on what you did When all you did was kiss my neck My cheek's red like a cherry Help me cause I am berry Lovesick in public I’m hooked on the way that you taste I know I’m headed for heartbreak
31. Good Looking — Tav
Play casino holes of my eyeballs Roll the dice on my thighs You stopped for breath and I sped up Just to impress you The skyline falls as I try to make sense of it all I thought I'd uncovered your secrets but, turns out, there's more You adored me before Oh, my good looking boy
32. You Put a Spell on Me — Haarlep
Before I hunt you down Grab your chin and kiss your lips You bring me back I lay you down and grab your hips And we lose all control And before you know it I put a spell on you Now you're mine I've got a hold on you, at least for the night
33. Keep It Down — Haarlep
You shoot me up through the clouds I’m a hero in your mouth I'm the sickness you found I'm the fever you're about While I throw you around You're gonna scream ... Shhh: girl keep it down The scars you leave on my back A painting of your attack You're biting down on my fist I know you cannot resist
34. Good Looking — Tav
Pressure on my lips I die for just one kiss Wake, I can't resist Could I be dreaming this? How do I fake it with another man? How do I love him on the weekend? How do I listen to another man? How do I get off on the weekend? You're in my heart, in my heart, in my head
35. So Damn Into You — Haarlep
Can I have you forever? Every single night It started with a bang Don’t know how you got me so messed up But baby I won’t ever get enough, oh 'Cause I’m so damn into you I’m so damn into you
36. From Persephone — Tav
No, I wasn't threatened Mother, I was not bound No, I wasn't carried Off on his three headed hound 'Cause I packed my own bag, found my own way Down into the underground See, mama, he may seem gruesome But he's even got a dog And don't you know that death is A very stable job? 'Cause I love my baby, tall, dark Hades Lord of death is down on his knees for me
37. Hearts a Mess — Tav
Pick apart the pieces of your heart And let me peer inside Let me in where only your thoughts have been Let me occupy your mind as you do mine You have lost too much love To fear, doubt and distrust, it's not enough You just threw away the key to your heart Don't get burned 'cause nothing gets through It makes it easier, easier on you That much more difficult for me To make you see
38. Closer — Haarlep
I wanna fuck you like an animal I wanna feel you from the inside I wanna fuck you like an animal My whole existence is flawed You get me closer to God You can have my isolation You can have the hate that it brings You can have my absence of faith You can have my everything
39. Choke — Tav
You are a shadow Following me where I go I'd be better without you What are you doing to me? I'm suffocating Don't know how to explain it But I feel like I'm fading What are you doing to me? Loosen your grip before I choke Can't catch my breath, I'm gonna choke I wish that you'd just let me go I don't want this, I promise, just leave me alone Loosen your grip beforе I-
40. she calls me daddy — Haarlep
It might be a little superficial She plays with the boys But she comes home to me Little fucked up but I think it's official ’Cause she might be your girl But she's calling me daddy She's mi-i-i-ine She wears a collar with my name Secretive but not ashamed She's mi-i-i-ine But I'd never tie her down They always come around now
41. The Masochism Tango — Tav
I ache for the touch of your lips, dear But much more for the touch of your whips, dear You can raise welts like nobody else As we dance to the Masochism Tango Let our love be a flame, not an ember Say it's me that you want to dismember Blacken my eye, set fire to my tie As we dance to the Masochism Tango
42. Wicked Game
The world was on fire, and no one could save me but you It's strange what desire will make foolish people do I never dreamed that I'd meet somebody like you And I never dreamed that I'd lose somebody like you What a wicked game to play To make me feel this way What a wicked thing to do To let me dream of you
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“Say it! I want to hear you say it!” It was not a spoken word, but a rasping growl that erupted from his chest. He loomed over her, with his back rounded, and bristled, like a wild beast over its prey.
His fingers clenched harder on her throat.
She dug her small fingernails into his straining arm. Wet strands of her fringe clung to her forehead, covered in beads of sweat. Her eyebrows were raised piteously, her emerald eyes fixed on his face. She parted her plump cherry lips wide as she gulped in the rhythmic breaths of air.
“I am yours,” she replied hoarsely. “I am yours, Haarlep. Yours… Haarlep! Haarlep. Haarley…”
He growled again and thrust his hips into hers with abandon. She cried out, running her trembling fingers through his wavy black hair, pulling it gently. Her emotions exploded like fireworks in his mind, blurring in coloured circles under his closed eyelids. He pushed his hips against hers like a man possessed, drowning in her sweet surrender. She was under him, and she was everywhere, enveloping him like a raging torrent. Her fragility tingled along his spine, her sincerity squeezed his heart like a vice, her vulnerability stroked him with hundreds of gentle fingers, her trust filled his very being with a velvety warmth.
He couldn’t drink enough of her, couldn’t inhale her with his full lungs. He could barely restrain himself from devouring her whole without a shred left.
As always with her, the pulsing life essence flowed easily, like a chiming stream, she gave it to him willingly. Despite the intoxicating madness threatening to overwhelm him, he tried to take as little as possible so as not to hurt his little mouse in any way.
“You’re driving me mad,” he growled into her ear in a frenzy, his fingers on her neck tightening into a bruising grip.
“I want you to go mad! Lose your mind! Go insane! For me…”
His hips picked up a punishing rhythm
She shrieked and dug her nails into his shoulders, forcing him to arch his back. Clenched like a spring, she stiffened and quivered beneath him, out of breath. Her consciousness blazed like a bonfire on Midsummer Night, spilling her life essence. It crushed him like a storm wave, drowning him in rapture. With the last thrust, Haarlep froze and shuddered, feeling the physical bliss merge with the cascade of her emotions flashing in his mind.
He collapsed on top of her, pressing himself against her hot chest, nuzzling his nose into the crook of her neck. She wrapped her legs around his hips, unwilling to let him go, pulling him greedily against her body. Her hoarse and frequent breathing burned his temple.
“Yours… Yours… And you are mine. My Haarley…” she whispered, choking on euphoria, trembling with delight.
With a growl that shook his chest, he slipped his arms under her back, pulling her close, so tight that it was probably hard for her to breathe.
“What have you done to me, mouse?” he exhaled, his whisper tinted with a hint of desperation and confusion.
“I bewitched you. Enchanted you, spellbound you, charmed you, beguiled you. Now you’re not going anywhere.”
For a few moments, only their laboured breaths echoed in the silence of their secret sanctuary.
"I am not,” he agreed and captured her sweet lips in a tender kiss.
43. I Wanna Be Yours — Haarlep
Let me be your 'leccy meter An' I'll never run out Let me be the portable heater That you'll get cold without I wanna be your setting lotion (Wanna be) Hold your hair in deep devotion (How deep?) At least as deep as the Pacific Ocean I wanna be yours
44. The Cult Of Dionysus
I'm feeling devious You're looking glamorous Let's get mischievous And polyamorous Wine and women and wonderful vices Welcome to the cult of Dionysus Run, run, run away Just take my hand and we'll abandon this world We'll wash those tears away You're young and beautiful, and I'll love you always We got no time for pain When it's just you and me in ecstasy
45. Angel of Small Death & the Codeine Scene — Haarlep
I watch the work of my kin, bold and boyful Toying somewhere between love and abuse Calling to join them the wretched and joyful Shaking the wings of their terrible youths Freshly disowned in some frozen devotion No more alone or myself could I be Lurched like a stray to the arms that were open No shortage of sordid, no protest from me
46. Obsessed With You — Haarlep
Your smile sets my heart aflame Electrocute me with your eyes The very mention of your name My stomach fills with butterflies Your love is better than cocaine I need you more than oxygen I've got it bad again An O-B-S-E-S-S-I-O-N But I want to get next to you Yeah, I love all the things you do I want to get close to you You are my dream come true I want to have sex with you Your sweet caress won't do Cause I'm obsessed with you
47. Misery Meat — Tav
You want a taste of my brain? Okay, it's yours anyway A bite of my eye? Alright I won't put up a fight As you open up my ribs the blood flows out like a river You strip my bones away as you indulge in my liver And the more that I am in pain The more that you'll gain And to me, that seems like a pretty fair trade
48. High Enough — Haarlep
Do you see anyone other than me? Baby, please I'll take a hit of whatever you got, maybe two, maybe three Oh, you're phenomenal, feel like a domino, fall to my knees I am a malady, you are my galaxy, my sweet relief I used to like liquor to get me inspired But you look so beautiful, my new supplier I used to like smoking to stop all the thinking But I found a different buzz
49. Dear Alice (Rainy Days) — Haarlep
I'm losing my faith in you, my long-lost friend, Alice Roses have lost their colors And it's breaking my heart (Ah) You take my breath away And I don't know what to do And I don't know what to do Before you say your last word That makes me want To lay you down I'll kiss, I'll touch, I'll cut you into the pieces And you feel the same And you'll know my crave And you'll see that I'm The only one for you
50. I Am Your Skin — Haarlep
I wanna be your skin I wanna feel everything you feel I will be your covering And I will hide you inside of me With every breath in harmony I wanna be your skin I wanna be your covering
51. Desire — Haarlep
Baby, I wanna touch you I wanna breathe into your will See, I gotta hunt you I gotta bring you to my hell Baby, I wanna fuck you I wanna feel you in my bones Boy, I'm gonna love you I'm gonna tear into your soul
52. Obsessed — Tav
I wanna feel you in my arms Hold you hostage in my heart It’s true 'Cause I'm so obsessed with you Your every word, I pick apart Down to the punctuation marks All you do 'Cause I'm so obsessed with you Oh, with you
53. Spiracle — Haarlep
I want the parts of you You only show to the birds outside your bedroom window I want the teeth that you lost as a child That you hide in a box under your pillow I want your secrets, your clementine fields The ropes that you climb up, the parts that won't heal I want your safe word, your passive resistance The sickness you foster, your favorite addictions And I want your nightmares, the ghost in your doorway Your paralyzed sleeping, your- (Aaaah) I want you butterfly, I want you sailor I am your lover and I am your jailor
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“All right. Take it off.”
Smirking, Haarlep pulled the silk blindfold off, and smiled at her ruddy face and eyes sparkling with mirth. He raised his gaze and looked ahead.
From the high hill where they sat, they could see Baldur’s Gate harbour buzz lazily beneath them. It was slowly preparing to shake off the last cargoes, sigh with its sleepy waves, and retire to rest for the day. The half sunk into the bay of the Chionthar River, casting a golden shimmering glow over its rippling surface. Haarlep lowered his eyes. Before him, on the blanket spread on the ground, she laid out small plates packed with all sorts of savoury delicacies. One was filled with green grapes and strawberries, the other with neatly arranged cheese and sausages, appetisingly glistening with fat. Nearby stood bowls of buns and sweet rolls of various kinds.
“Somehow this picnic looks suspiciously like a date,” he placed a finger on his chin with feigned thoughtfulness.
She shook her head.
“A date? What a silly thing to say. We’re going to unromantically stuff our faces with this unappetising food, that’s all there is to it,” she tossed a grape into the air. He caught it, and it burst in his mouth, spraying sweet juice on his tongue.
Haarlep sank to the grass and rested his head in her lap. She immediately ran her nimble fingers through his hair, stroking it absent-mindedly, as she was gazing out into the distance, at the orange sun setting in Chionthar.
They were silent. Haarlep had long ago realised that it was nice to be silent with her.
Wide over the water resounded the shouts of the workers, who wrapped up the unloading of the last fishing schooner. A loud crack of a wooden crate breaking reached their ears, accompanied by the selected swearing of the cargo handlers.
“You know, I’ve come to realise one rather curious thing,” Haarlep mused thoughtfully. “I know very little about mortals.”
“How so?” she snapped out of her reverie and, for a moment, stopped flicking through his hair and looked down at him. “You can reach into the most secret nooks and crannies of a person’s mind, find out things about them that even they themselves are unaware of.”
“Yes. Except I was looking for a very different thing.”
She continued to stroke him, running the silky strands of his hair through her fingers, as she studied him with an expectant gaze. Haarlep noticed how sweetly she always nibbled on her lower lip when she was curious, and smiled at his observation.
“I’ve always looked for the weaknesses, to see what buttons I can push to get what I need from a mortal, and I’ve always succeeded. I searched into their past. Their traumas, their fears, their most depraved sexual experiences and lusts. All other sides of humanity were always foreign to me. I considered them useless. But after glimpsing into your head, I changed my mind.”
She raised her arched eyebrows, and Haarlep’s mind responded to her emotion. Her sudden sky-blue surprise flashed before his inner gaze, her wonder glided tenderly over his arms like a soft caress. And amidst it all, there was something else — a subtle, salty undertone, tinged with pure, unadulterated hope.
Lately, she had been emitting life essence a little at a time almost constantly, and Haarlep didn’t even need to do anything to elicit it. He had never encountered something like this before. He had to resist the temptation to indulge his innate greed and delve into her. The trust she exhibited never ceased to amaze him.
“I became curious and looked a little deeper. I’ve seen your strength, tasted your fascination with the world, touched your thoughts about the future. And that’s just a small portion of you. There’s so much more...”
He grinned and shook his head slightly.
“I can’t believe it never occurred to me to do this before.” He fell silent halfway through the sentence, and sank deeper into his thoughts, but after a moment he smiled at her again and added, “I guess I just didn’t care. But with you, little mouse, everything is different. Perhaps you did bewitch me?”
“Of course I did. I have a witch’s eye.”
She leaned closer, rolling her eyes and made a funny face, eliciting a laugh from him. Oh, what a dummy.
Delighted that she had managed to humour him, she straightened up again.
“How does it feel to drink the life essence of a human?”
“Oh, it’s the most marvellous feeling.”
Haarlep sighed, and his gaze drifted towards the sky. The cirrus clouds scattered like weightless pinkish-orange silk threads across the deep blue canvas. Their weightlessness and ephemeral nature made him think they were about to dissolve right before his eyes, but they froze in the sky like translucent butterflies caught on a pin.
“Life essence differs from mortal to mortal,” he continued. “It contains their unique nature. In the moments of supreme physical delight, the mortal becomes vulnerable enough for an incubus to harvest it with ease. It’s like crushing a ripe peach in your hand and catching its sweet juice with your lips. The essence is coloured by human emotions and feelings, and each one we can taste, like a hint of flavour in a wine.”
She hummed thoughtfully and twisted a small strand of his hair around her index finger.
“It does sound marvellous.”
Haarlep shifted his gaze to her.
“Every emotion is not only a taste but also a colour, a smell, and sometimes even a sense of a touch. For instance, when I pin your wrists to the bed above your head, you quiver so sweetly… I feel a prickly shiver run down my spine, and you smell like the first snowdrop on an early Alturiak morning: meltwater, almonds, and a promise of warmth.”
She blushed, and an embarrassed smile flickered across her lips. Haarlep smiled back at her.
“It’s like I feel the world with your skin and through you. Your senses mingle with mine, your consciousness flows into mine, the reality bursts with new colours and expands like a star exploding.” He reached out and cupped her cheek, stroking it gently with his thumb. “I love looking at this world with you. I see things I never knew existed before.”
She closed her eyes for a moment, surrendering to his caressing touch.
There it was. Again. He felt it again.
“You know, there’s something quite mysterious about your life essence. No matter how many times I taste it, I can’t figure it out…” he frowned, and his hand fell limply to the grass along his body. “Every feeling and thought you have, they all have the same tinge, the same unknown flavour to me. Something very soft and sweet and enveloping, like… like…”
Haarlep fell silent, trying to find the words to describe this incredible sensation that made him want to squeeze his eyes shut. One that spreads with homely warmth through his body, rolls with tenderness across his tongue, drips from his fingertips akin to molasses.
“Like vanilla cream?” she suggested.
He fired a glare at her.
“Yes! Sounds about right…”
She blushed even more and turned her face to the setting sun again.
Of course, she knew what that vanilla-cream flavour of her feelings was.
And deep down, so did he.
54. Life Worth Living — Tav
Take what you need, darling I'm just here for you Ooh ooh ooh ooh (oh) Give me your love and Physical affection Ooh ooh ooh ooh Give me the worst of you to hold You to take me to the heavens Give me the best of all your grace You make life worth living
55. Love Like You — End Credits — Haarlep
If I could begin to be Half of what you think of me I could do about anything I could even learn how to love When I see the way you act Wondering when I'm coming back I could do about anything I could even learn how to love like you
56. Hardest of Hearts — Tav
There is love in your body but you can't hold it in It pours from your eyes and spills from your skin Tenderest touch leaves the darkest of marks And the kindest of kisses break the hardest of hearts There is love in your body but you can't get it out It gets stuck in your head, won't come out of your mouth Sticks to your tongue and it shows on your face That the sweetest of words have the bitterest taste Darling heart, I loved you from the start But you'll never know what a fool I've been
57. I Might As Well Die With You — Haarlep
Oh baby When I see your face Too beautiful for this place Don't let the vice and the bad deals Let it go to waste Over and over and over again Oh baby Spiraling out of control God save me Falling in love at the end of world Just take me now What’s the use? I Might as well die with you
58. Souls on Fire — Tav
Do you feel the burn between our hearts Souls on fire A strange desire Have you given in To this ancient ritual I don’t know how long we’ve been apart But we’re the same old souls playing different parts Same old souls playing different parts Picking up the broken pieces of our hearts
59. She — Haarlep
This is the song that started this playlist and it happened so that it ends it. A huge heartfelt thank you to @mina-astarvara for sharing it with me in the first place.
She may be the face I can’t forget A trace of pleasure or regret May be my treasure or the prize I have to pay She may be the reason I survive The why and wherefore I’m alive The one I’ll care for through the rough And ready years Me, I’ll take her laughter and her tears I’ll make them all my souvenirs Oh, where she goes I’ve got to be The meaning of my life is she
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dduane · 1 year
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Oh dear Goddess but have I finally solved this problem I've been hacking at in Terragen for all this while?! ...Wow.
This is a shot of the alternate Earth on which the Middle Kingdoms are situated, viewed from about a million miles out (as opposed to any much closer map view).* The North Arlene peninsula is clearly visible at about halfway out to the nine o'clock position on the globe. (In fact, almost a little too clearly visible. I swear to everything, that clear space around it is not something I engineered on purpose! It's just how the NASA-based whole-planet cloud pack from this page at SolarSystemScape.com fell when I applied it.)
Still a lot of technical and artistic work to do on this before I'm done with it, as Terragen has many many MANY ways to customize imaging done from outside the atmosphere (even though it wasn't specifically built for that).** All the under-the-hood maps and images controlling terrain elevation and bathymetry, as well as the actual colors of terrain, oceans, polar caps, etc. etc., have to be repainted and detailed so that I can replace the very basic world maps used in this rendering. But at least now all the continents are appearing where they ought to—an issue that I've been struggling with for actual years (on and off since 2017 or so).
All praise to the lovely person or persons running the TerraTuts series of tutorials on YouTube. That's where I found out what I'd been doing wrong and how to put it right! ...Now I can just get on with the business of making this look more realistic...
*As in this view of our own Earth from the DSCVR:EPIC satellite.
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...My sources inform me that a Dragon can make it out to this distance in about thirty seconds: twenty-five seconds to get out of Earth's atmosphere at a decorous speed—because it's thought to be gauche to do any significant percentage of c inside what we would consider low earth orbit—and another five seconds to get from LEO out to the million-mile mark.
**To get a glimpse of the kind of thing it was built for: take a look at the video here (https://youtu.be/JWb9v8OB8HA) of the very handsome Paramount 100th-anniversary trailer. One of the great strengths of Terragen has always been the way it handles clouds, and that's very much on display in this trailer.
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kathegreat · 7 months
part ii of this shenanigan
their (twirling my locs writing this one word) house is so remote, it's not even located in those typical woods. it's in that beyond-the-horizon, far-removed backwoods with winding roads a speed limit of 15 & maybe one small 50-year-old radio station beside those big-ass c-band satellite dishes. god forbid someone gets lost or has vehicular issues. that motherfucka better know their stars & constellations, how to pray, or both ‘cause i can guarantee they’re not finding their way back onto that main road with one bar to zero cellular service.
at night is the first time it happened. sam hears a plethora of “shits,” just a few more “shits” for good measure & decides to drive his own whip down to offer some aid if accepted, but once the lost driver spots some 6’4 shadow person of “nah, fuck that” stepping out from behind those headlights, they immediately put their car on sports & never look back with fumes & tire marks left in wake. poor sam is left standing there like a fucking emoji, almost a little (very) hurt by the negative, sporadic response.
it's okay, sam. just keep your state farm lookin’ ass inside next time.
now, he decides to never approach the drivers again when it happens. instead, he calls for a tow truck or someone else depending on what explicities he hears, but that doesn't stop the absurd rumors among the parents since the first encounter didn't go so well.
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lightofraye · 19 days
Queen - Don't Stop Me Now
Tonight I'm gonna have myself a real good time I feel alive And the world, I'll turn it inside out, yeah I'm floating around in ecstasy So (Don't stop me now) (Don't stop me) 'Cause I'm having a good time Having a good time I'm a shooting star, leaping through the sky like a tiger Defying the laws of gravity I'm a racing car, passing by like Lady Godiva I'm gonna go, go, go, there's no stopping me I'm burning through the sky, yeah Two hundred degrees, that's why they call me Mister Fahrenheit I'm travelling at the speed of light I wanna make a supersonic man outta you (Don't stop me now) I'm having such a good time, I'm having a ball (Don't stop me now) If you wanna have a good time, just give me a call (Don't stop me now) 'Cause I'm having a good time (Don't stop me now) Yes, I'm having a good time I don't wanna stop at all, yeah I'm a rocket ship on my way to Mars on a collision course I am a satellite, I'm out of control I'm a sex machine, ready to reload like an atom bomb About to oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, explode I'm burning through the sky, yeah Two hundred degrees, that's why they call me Mister Fahrenheit I'm travelling at the speed of light I wanna make a supersonic woman of you (Don't stop me, don't stop me, don't stop me) Hey, hey, hey (Don't stop me, don't stop me, ooh, ooh, ooh) I like it (Don't stop me, don't stop me) Have a good time, good time (Don't stop me, don't stop me) Woah Let loose, honey, all right Oh, I'm burning through the sky, yeah Two hundred degrees, that's why they call me Mister Fahrenheit (Hey) Travelling at the speed of light I wanna make a supersonic man outta you (Hey, hey) (Don't stop me now) I'm having such a good time, I'm having a ball (Don't stop me now) If you wanna have a good time, just give me a call (Ooh, alright) (Don't stop me now) 'Cause I'm having a good time (Hey, hey) (Don't stop me now) Yes, I'm having a good time I don't wanna stop at all Ah, da, da, da, da Da, da, ah, ah Ah, da, da, ah, ah, ah Ah, da, da Ah, da, da, ah, ah Ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
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aashi-heartfilia · 1 year
Ochako's Quirk Awakening Ideas 💡
So here is a post that has been in my drafts for what? Like 4-5 months, and now I'm finally posting it! So, with all the chaos going on in the manga I think it's the perfect moment for Ochako's Quirk to awaken and here are some ideas about how it could happen and what new moves she could unlock next!
Zero Gravity Sphere:
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A bubble of gravity under which everything floats in zero gravity. Could be used to trap opponents and keep them suspended in ZG will make them nauseous and hinder their mobility.
Grav Burst Turbo:
Ochako using her spring boots and thrusters to generate momentum, and jumping from building to building and then suddenly using Zero Satellites to hurl objects at her opponents.
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It is basically a combo of her Zero Satellites and Space Walk. This is one of the most realistic moves I could think of given her costume and quirk factors.
Uravity Continental Punch:
This was a kind of gravity release combo. We have seen how she can release the gravity using her 'Release' technique but what if she can contain it and use it as a power punch?
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Black Hole:
Just like how her ideal hero 13 uses Black Holes, Uravity could do that too. After using tons of zero gravity, she can open a portal or hole of darkness under which she can trap her opponents.
Ochako was always a fan of 13, so it's a shame she never even interacted with her again after the USJ arc. Feels like such a wasted opportunity!
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Milky Way:
I just thought that this name was cool. If she could have a move like Zero Gravity: Spacewalk then why not the Milky Way?
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Jupiter Blast:
The most powerful ultimate move I could think of. Here she uses her Zero Gravity to the max and floats multiple objects but instead of releasing them, she builds up power inside of her and then she could use this Jupiter like power on some opponent!
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Like if she has lifted 5 tons of weight, she will store that energy for some time and it ultimately becomes a ball of that Jupiter like power and she could throw the entire thing at her opponents. I don't think a villain will survive after being hit by 5 tons of weight.
If you've seen Fairytail and remember the battle between Wendy and Ezel in Tartaros, then you know what I mean!
Ultimate Comet Rush:
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An upgraded version of her Comet Home Run. It was a move she used against Iida and Bakugo, where she takes multiple floating objects and launches them at a high speed using a heavy object . Now she could have come up with an upgraded version of this move. This could show how far she has come as a hero.
Zero Gravity Unlimited:
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She can float everything in a particular range without needing to touch anything. It looks like she has unlimited gravity at her command.
Gravity Plus:
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Not in this fight but I hope, this anime's original move becomes canon in manga. Maybe after this war is sorted out, she could be shown using it to capture villains and doing hero work and stuff.
So, that was my speculation. Now I would like to hear yours! Let me know in the comments section down below!
Note that these images are from anime/manga/fanarts and the credit goes to the respective artists.
Cheers! Sunshine!
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catierambles · 4 months
Sy meets Night Elves?
it never went anywhere but meh why not as I'm leveling my Arms Warrior through Pandamonium
“Uh…Captain, you seein’ this?” Syverson leaned forward in the truck, looking out of the windshield.
“A big fuck off tree in the middle of the goddamn desert? Yeah, I’m seein’ it.” Syverson said, “Matches the satellite images we got. Approach it, slowly though.”
“Yes, Sir.” Their speed decreased somewhat as they steered towards it, pulling up outside what looked like an entrance, an archway in the trunk. It was even more massive up close, the diameter stretching on what looked like endlessly and they could not see the top, just miles and miles of trunk and branches. “Holy shit.” They just sat there in the truck for a long moment, staring up at it before getting out as someone emerged from within, their armor strange. What skin they could see was dark, almost the color of a bruise and long thick ears jutted out from under thick dark hair, tapering to a point.
“State your business.” They ordered sternly.
“They can speak English.” One of the soldiers said and the woman gave him a withering look.
“Who speaks for you.” She said and Syverson stepped forward, drawing her attention.
“That would be me, Captain Syverson.” He said and held out his hand, “Ma’am.” She looked at it briefly but didn’t take it and he let his hand fall back to his side.
“You will come with me.” She said, “I will take you to the Mother Priestess.”
“To who?” Syverson asked and she sighed, clearly annoyed with the question.
“Our leader.” She said, “All outsiders are to be brought before her.”
“A meetin’ with your leader? Just like that?” He asked.
“Do not make me repeat myself.” She said and turned, walking back into the tree without another word and leaving them to follow. It was dark inside and smelled of earth, several other soldiers wearing the same armor looking at them curiously and with a hint of suspicion. “Step onto the platforms and hold onto the vines. You, Captain Syverson, will join me.” He stepped onto a platform with her, noticing how she stood a good foot taller than him, a curved sword strapped to her hip. His men stepped onto similar platforms and she gave some kind of signal, the platforms starting to rise and bringing them up through the tree, his hand tightening around the vine next to him as the ground shrank away. They eventually slowed to a stop and the woman stepped out into the open space. “Watch your step.” She said and he followed her, noticing his men come out of similar openings.
“Jesus.” He said, looking up and around him. There was an entire city of buildings and people inside, the dwellings seeming to have been grown out of the ground itself, but stone archways and walkways cut paths through the area. They were getting attention, more soldiers and what he guessed were civilians looking at them curiously, whispering to each other.
“Priestess.” The woman at his side said and he looked over as another joined them, this one wearing long robes that accentuated her figure, her skin also dark and her deep purple hair flowing down her back.
“More visitors!” She said excitedly, looking at all of them with a friendly smile. “Are you taking them before the Mother?”
“Yes, Priestess.” The soldier said.
“I’ll take them the rest of the way.”
“I don’t think--”
“It’s fine, Captain.” She said, “I’ve a good feeling about these ones.” There was a pause before the soldier nodded.
“Yes, Priestess.” She said, “This one is their leader.” She moved her head at Syverson and the Priestess looked at him, her smile widening a touch.
“Welcome!” She said and went to his side, looping her arm in his, looking down at him with solid light blue eyes that glowed softly.
“You will show respect when brought before the Mother.” The soldier said.
“That will be all Captain.” The Priestess said and turned her attention back to Syverson, “Shall we?”
“After you, ma’am.” He said with a nod and they started forward, moving through the city.
“Don’t mind the Sentinel Captain.” She said apologetically, “She’s always been a bit surly, and recent events have not improved her disposition.”
“Recent events, ma’am?” One of his men asked.
“You are not the first to come here.” She said, “There have been others and they have not been…kind. Oh, but where are my manners? My name is Elistrya, I’m a Priestess of the Goddess. It’s my honor to serve the Mother Priestess, Mavranda, who you will be meeting shortly.”
“What should I expect?” Syverson asked.
“Just be polite and courteous, and you’ll be fine. Also, please keep in mind that you are guests here, so try not to make any undue demands.” Elistrya said.
“I’m guessing the…others tried.” Syverson said.
“Oh, yes, quite rudely.” She said, “We offered anything they might need freely, but they insisted on trying to take more than was offered by force. It did not end well for them.”
“How’d you handle it?” Syverson asked.
“They were removed from the tree via the…direct route.” She said delicately.
“You threw them from the top, in other words.” Syverson said.
“I mean, not me personally,” She said, leaning into him briefly, “But the Sentinels made sure their return to the ground was as expeditious as possible.”
“Goddamn.” Syverson said, “Well, ma’am, we will be on our best behavior, you have our word on that. Right, gentlemen?” There was a chorus of agreement from behind him and she smiled again.
“Wonderful!” She said.
“So, ma’am,” One of his men started, “If you don’t mind my asking, what is this place?”
“Its name has no direct translation from our language to yours, unfortunately.” She said, “But the closest we’ve found in your mythology is the Yggdrasil, the World Tree. You may call it that if you wish.”
“And where’d y’all come from?”
“Oh, we’ve always been here.” Elistrya said, “Just slightly…out of step with your reality. Able to see but not interact.”
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neonponders · 1 year
Part 39 for @wrecked-fuse ‘s pocketverse 🧜🏻‍♂️ ~ marine biologist!Steve x shark!Billy with his pilot fish guppies 🍣
Part 37 & 38 (merman!Billy x marine biologist!Steve)
Part 36 (main plot)
Part 31 & 32 (werewolf!Billy chapters haha)
( pt. 7′s art 🎩 ) ( pt. 9′s art 👀 ) ( pt. 14′s art 💨 ) ( pt. 19′s art 🦇 ) ( pt. 20′s art 🍳) ( pt. 27’s art 🦦 )
~ on ao3 ~
• • •
A quiet boat. That’s what Billy had said.
Steve presumed this meant a boat without an engine, but this cut Steve’s options in half. He didn’t know how to use any kind of sailboat - yet. He put that on the list of classes to take - and the matter of price made his options even more limited.
He decided on renting an ocean kayak as well as a satellite radio and a nautical gps because he had no idea what Billy intended. If the shark abandoned him in the middle of nowhere, he might have a chance to get himself back to shore.
In the shallows of their customary beach, he practiced paddling around, both seated and standing. He tipped himself on accident a few times, one of which had him coming back up in Billy’s arms. You call this a boat?
Steve wiped his eyes and shook his head for clarity. “I have conditions if we’re going somewhere.”
The subject got sidetracked by the littles greeting, “Hi, Stevie!”
“What’s this thing?” Small Billy smacked the side of the kayak and darted back to Billy’s side.
“It’s a kayak,” Steve said, wiping his eyes as Billy let his feet sink to the sand. “Billy said to bring a quiet boat. This is the best I can do in a day.”
Steve pressed the pads of his fingertips into Billy’s chest, warranting a lifted brow. “We can’t go far. If I can’t use an engine, I need enough energy to get back here. I’m not as strong as you.”
“I know,” Billy said, but it echoed a little in Steve’s mind. Maybe he wasn’t good at separating mental and auditory things the same way he couldn’t kiss without a little teeth.
For some reason, Steve felt like they were at an impasse. “Can I ask where we’re going?”
“You never asked before,” Billy said, and unfortunately he was right. Steve had always trusted him.
“This time I’m asking.”
“Not far,” Billy answered, scrutinizing the backpack Steve had tied to the front of his kayak.
“Could you not do that?” Steve droned as his rope got untied, but Billy ignored him to rework it to the front of Steve’s kayak.
“Get on, pretty boy. Would hate for you to get too tired to swim.”
“Why does that sound like a threat?” Steve countered, but he figured out what Billy intended. Once seated on his rented plastic salvation home, Billy started to swim with the kayak in tow. Steve felt bad. Sharks were like cheetahs; they could do impressive bursts of speed, but they were lazy endurance swimmers. Steve hoped his paddling relieved at least a little of the strain.
He and Billy had different measurements for ‘not far,’ but they stayed within a mile of the shore. Jagged pieces of land, not big enough to be an island, went by as well as clumps of reef.
Steve didn’t know what he expected. A sunken ship? An abandoned yacht? No, humans would notice those. But a cave was not it.
Billy must be able to feel or read his thoughts, because he stopped before the break in the cliff face to breach the surface and look at him. Steve felt his heart in his ears. Everything about this was different. He was used to seeing Billy in turquoise waters, so much blue, green, yellow, and pink. Not darkness. There was no way the littles lived in darkness. Colorful fish needed sunlight.
“You live in a rock closet?” he all but spat.
“Home is safe.”
“Where’s the sunlight?”
Little Steve held onto Billy’s hair as he tried to say above the choppier water, “It’s inside, Stevie! The fwont’s gotta look scawy to keep the bad fishies away.”
Little Billy joined him. “Thewre’s a beach inside. You gotta come with when the waterw’s down.”
That hole is usually covered, Steve’s brain reeled. What was he going to do? If Billy had finally decided to eat him, it’s not like Steve could out-swim him. And he’d constantly broken the hiking and sailing rules about telling people where he was going or when he’d be back. Nobody would come looking for him, except maybe his work colleagues when he’d missed too many shifts.
He rested the paddle on his lap, resigned. Billy took that as his cue to keep swimming. Steve had to use the paddle as a rudder to thread the needle of the opening. It was large enough for three or four kayaks to pass through, but with the sea swinging widely, he could become a bug splattered on the rocks too fast.
Once inside, the water was calm and aglow from the sunlight outside. Veins of light rippled over the rock ceiling. Steve’s heart bounced ferociously between the black tip of Billy’s silver tail and every new turn the winding tunnel made. Sometimes a stripe of rock would glitter, full of quarts flecks. If Steve wasn’t busy trying to figure out what he wanted his last words to be, he might appreciate it all more.
Of all the things he expected to see - fish skeletons, human debris like beer cans, maybe a piece of a boat or airplane - he did not anticipate the color green. Green like leaves. Green like there were holes in the ceiling, and the holes were getting bigger. Leaves and grass sprinkled the water from where masses of foliage hung over the collapsed sinkhole rims.
Steve was so busy looking up that he yelled when his kayak struck land. Small Billy giggled. “Scarwedy Stevie.”
Little Steve swam in excited figure eights. “Wewlcome to our beach!”
Steve carefully stepped out, glad that the stalagmites stood by the walls and not all over the floor. The beach had some soil and sand but was largely solid rock underfoot. Steve dragged his kayak up to where a long stretch of grass grew lush and green directly underneath the sunlight. Hopefully this area stayed dry during high tide.
“It’s pretty,” Steve admitted, and it was. He could see some wildflowers on the fringes of the biggest hole, and a butterfly fluttering around them.
Billy’s hand grasped Steve’s ankle, but didn’t pull. When Steve looked down at his long form stretched out over the beach, Billy said, “Let’s swim.”
Steve unpacked his flippers, snorkel, and mask. In the water, he crawled on his fingertips since the littles darted all around him, but after Billy took his hand, he gently kicked behind him.
The biggest sinkhole was just down the beach and around the corner, large enough for a couple of boats to anchor in. It made sense why Billy called this place home; with the above ground compromised, no humans would dare settle here, and any predators would have to risk entrapping themselves in the narrow tunnels.
This main room had sand and tall kelp that provided more hiding places if the littles needed it. When small Billy heralded, “Stevie! Fowllow me!” he followed the fish into the vast green swaying like hair in the gentle current.
“This is my shewll,” Billy said, managing to lift a shell no bigger than a dime. The inside of it was bright, watermelon red.
Steve tried to say, “Pretty,” under the water, but he settled on chipper humming instead. He pointed to his dandelion yellow shirt today, and the littles sorted through their shell collection until they found the yellowest one.
Little Steve moved on to a spot of sand. "We’ve got these ‘cause they wook wike big Biwwy.”
Steve helped him dig through the top layer of sand and made an awed sound over the collection of pearls. He touched his chest and gestured upward, where they followed him up so he could breathe and say, “Do you have a favorite?”
“Biwwy, obviously,” little Steve said.
The former laughed. “Yeah, he’s my favorite too. I like the blue and green ones. They look like your tails--”
Steve couldn’t say more, because a certain shark grasped one of his flippers and pulled him under the water. They spent a while playing Kissy Fish, which is just a variation of tag, but they were in Billy’s home terf and Steve tried his best to keep his flipper kicks gentle in their home. The consequence was his mask getting knocked off, a lot of kisses, and a bite on his leg that had him swimming back to the beach.
“Okay, okay. I need water and rest. Ow, this feels like a jelly fish sting.”
The littles knew that Steve needed fresh water, but beyond that they didn’t really understand. He sat on the beach, tossed his flippers onto his kayak, and guzzled from his two liter bottle as they spoke just as much to him as with each other.
“We twied swimming in borwing water.”
“It wasn’t borwing. It made me dizzy.”
“The snaiwls were yummy, but the water was dizzy, yep.”
“Stevie, why do you dwink borwing water but taste like us?”
He shrugged and offered, “Because we’re the same. We’re both salty; you just have a tail, and I have legs.”
His gaze lifted and he frowned a little at Billy pacing back and forth, black tips of his fins reminding him of the tips of cat tails.
“But why do you need borwing water then?” small Billy asked.
“We both need fresh water, but I drink mine and yours comes down as rain and rivers.”
Small Billy beached himself on Steve’s knee cap, chin poised on his little fist to think over that. “But we don’t swim in wivers.”
“That’s good for me. It’d be hard for me to find you in a muddy river.”
Billy smiled. “We found you firwst.”
“Stevie?” his smaller self asked. “Do you wike shewll meat?”
Like clams? he wondered, just in time for Billy to emerge with a bushel of oysters in his hands. Considering he’d only brought a sandwich and pickles today, a grin brightened his face. “I sure do.”
All three fish stared at him when he removed his shirt to use as a scrub for the oysters. “What? You knew it wasn’t attached.”
The littles whispered to each other while Billy sank so only his nose and eyes gazed at him over the water. All Steve had to work with was how Billy’s face had flushed a rich pink. Steve defended weakly, “No biting.”
Billy crawled in between his legs, his shoulders knocking Steve’s arms out of the way for him to climb right up and kiss his mouth and purr, I’ll bite whatever I want.
“BIWWY!” the littles screamed as Steve slumped backwards onto the grass and weeds.
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Chenford + Tim has a secret admirer 👀
Well this one just flew right out of me in 15 minutes flat. Boom.
Angela calls Lucy the second she hears her phone alarm go off with the Empire’s Death March.
“Lucy - she’s out. Where’s Tim?”
Lucy refuses to panic, she and Tim have made plans for this. She pulls up her “find me now” app and sees that her husband of just over 3 years is at the park with the kids, 2 blocks from their home with the reinforced steel walled safety bunker.
They’d had the bunker installed after that horrible day Oscar Hutchinson had been found in their pool on Lucy’s unicorn floaty - the place she spent most afternoons giving her back a break from lugging around all the extra pregnancy weight. She couldn’t run and hide and she had no protection when the shots went off, so Tim had dived in front of her getting shot twice - effectively ending his police career and starting his stay-at-home Dad career.
“I’m on my way. Call Grey to sound the alarm and head home. I’ll meet you there. Code still the same?”
“Yes, - 0515- first kiss.”
Angela next called Tim, who answered like his wife, “Bradford.”
“Tim! She’s out! I repeat, she’s out! Get yourself and my god babies home ASAP.”
Tim was glad he had his sunglasses on- so he could scan the park looking for HER - Susan Johnson.
The last time he had seen her was at her parole hearing 2 years ago, where she had been claiming to be mentally sound enough to enter a work program - so Wesley had played his Trump card - bringing Tim to the hearing. Tim being the only one to have survived her ministrations. Susan had seen Tim and started screaming that their love was timeless, that she’d never stop working her way back to him.
He had been kidnapped and tortured much like Lucy had been- but not to kill him, not right away. But to love him. Susan Johnson, the most notorious serial killer after Rosalind Dyer, had been released from the psychiatric hospital that had recently been her home.
There was nothing remarkable about Susan. Dishwater blond hair, dull brown eyes, heavyset, average height, she blended into the background. No one ever noticed or suspected her.
Not until she set her sights on Tim, not until Lucy and Angela got involved.
Susan’s MO - which she had been following since middle school - was to send 4 unsigned cards, then reveal herself as that person’s secret admirer and kill them slowly if they didn’t reciprocate- Tim was the first and only victim ever to do so, to buy time for Lucy to find him.
Unfortunately, Susan believed him and refused to reset herself back to sanity - which she had done after her previous kills. She still thought Tim was in love with her and she was obsessed with “making him hers again.” Hence the outburst in court and her continued incarceration. Well until now anyway.
Tim was grateful swing time was over and that he had already placed his 2 year old twin girls (his mini Lucys) back in their stroller. Their seats faced each other so they could do their secret twin speak while eating their snacks.
While they were chatting away, Tim quickly gathered up their belongings and began to run/walk home. The extra speed made the stroller bounce more than usual, triggering peals of laughter from his girls.
He loved them so much, he memorized the sound, committing it to memory and prayed he’d live to hear it again.
As he walked up his driveway, a gray Toyota Camry pulled up to his house.
Tim ignored the car, realizing who was in it, and focused on getting his girls to the garage chute.
Their safety bunker had been custom designed by Nolan and two of Tim’s Army buddies. They basically built a bomb shelter/command center/family sized safe house in their basement with a full kitchen, a full wall of cctv, satellite phones, etc which was accessible via slides throughout the house for Lucy and the kids. Hidden behind everyday objects were slides to safety - inside the kitchen island, behind the refrigerator in the garage, the upstairs laundry chute. The back deck even slid to the side creating a space just wide enough for a full sized adult to gain entrance, but you’d have to know where to look and how to trigger its movement to get it to open.
Gigi and Mimi were only just over 2, but they knew the slides were for safety and how to call 9-1-1 once they got to their playroom and locked it down. Once in lockdown, you needed a bypass code after a scanner read your thumbprint to get in.
Tim leaned down to his girls, kissed each of them on the forehead and said it was slide time. Gigi nodded and climbed onto the slide and zipped down to the bunker. Mimi whispered, “Mama?” Tim nods and says, “or Aunt Angela.” Mimi then climbs in behind her sister, turns to look at her dad and says, “safety Dada” while touching her little palm to his cheek before sliding to safety herself. Tim shuts the panel, says a prayer of gratitude for the life he’s been lucky enough to live with Lucy and his precious girls. While he’s sad that he’ll likely miss out on prom and weddings and those grandkids Lucy promised, he wouldn’t change a second of the time he had with them. They were his happily ever after.
He stands up while grabbing the wrench they had planted in the fridge for this exact purpose. To give him a chance.
Tim turns around and sure enough, there stands Susan Johnson in his garage with a knife in her hand. He can hear the sirens in the distance getting louder and coming closer, but he doubts they will get there in time. All he can do now is do everything possible to keep his babies safe. Even if that means sacrificing himself.
“Hi” she says shyly. “Do you remember me? I’m Susan, your secret admirer.”
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rjzimmerman · 3 months
Excerpt from this story from Inside Climate News:
A detailed new analysis of NASA satellite images shows there is much more meltwater sitting atop Antarctica’s ice shelves than previously estimated, much of it in huge slush zones that haven’t been carefully mapped until now. The new information will help determine how vulnerable the shelves are to cracking and disintegration, according to an international team of scientists who published their findings in Nature Geoscience this week.
Human-caused climate heating means more meltwater forms on the surface of the ice shelves, which are the floating extensions of Antarctica’s giant glaciers. When ice shelves crumble and collapse, it can speed the flow of the land-based ice to the sea and raise the rate of sea level rise. 
Earlier this week, a separate study in the same journal also showed the increasing vulnerability of Antarctica’s ice shelves to melting from below, with the findings suggesting that a warming ocean is likely to lead to “runaway melting.”
But up to now, it’s been difficult to accurately map the slush zones because they are hard to distinguish from surrounding areas, said lead author Rebecca Dell, a glaciologist at Cambridge University’s Scott Polar Research Institute. 
“Slush can look like shadows from clouds, or other things, when seen by satellites,” she said. “But using machine learning techniques, we can get a clearer picture of how slush might be affecting ice in Antarctica.”
The idea to map the slush goes back a few years, when Dell was doing her Ph.D. research on ice shelves.
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keydekyie · 2 years
When I look up at the sky, what meets my eyes?
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batgirlsay · 3 months
Send Me Into Space
An Obiyuki Astronaut AU Playlist For Obiyuki AU Bingo 2024 by @snowwhite-andtheknight
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I was excited to see this theme on my board and rework one of my old space playlists! Many of these songs are very personal to me, but the lyrics work well for Obiyuki too. Ended up with too many ending songs… but the playlist title track from Maggie is a perfect outro.
Send Me Into Space
When The Moon Brings the Silver- Matt Pond PA 5 Light Years- Mae Space Song- Beach House Neither Heaven Nor Space- Nada Surf Eventful Horizons- Anchor and Braille Stellar (Acoustic)- Incubus Starlet (Acoustic)- Matt Pond PA Deep Space- Eisley Distant Solar Systems- Julien Baker Satellite- Maggie Rogers
Summary lyrics are cited after the cut:
When The Moon Brings the Silver- Matt Pond PA
When the moon brings the silver back down The end is always beginning
Cold in the veins, your hands in mine I am real when I’m with you
My mouth full of marbles, tumbling onto your side
I’ll take my side, cross the line You take my side, cross the line
5 Light Years- Mae
It was better to start with something Together we play But then we both left off with something The right way True wasted love sustained in doubt Pretend we turn the key I'm five light years from you calling my name Goodbye my love, if I don't see you again
If grace and love sustain throughout We tend to hold those keys
Space Song- Beach House
It was late at night You held on tight From an empty seat A flash of light
Were you ever lost? Was she ever found? Somewhere in these eyes Fall back into place
Neither Heaven Nor Space- Nada Surf
So quiet It's neither heaven nor space, it's just high And the ring around the moon Looks like light and love Neither of which I get enough of
Eventful Horizons- Anchor and Braille
Eventful horizons drawing my lips in Darker matters calling out my name, out my name Pulling you closer, handing me over Take your time and fall into my space, outer space
Can't explain it to you I just feel this way Life just works out better when you're around Take this how you want it, feel this deep inside Life just tastes the sweeter when you're around
Lighter speeds approaching, space between us closing Darkness coming for us on your kiss on my kiss Unexplained black holes forming out of my soul Universe expanding, but we keep collapsing
We're so far out there some may say we're gone
Stellar (Acoustic)- Incubus
Meet me in outer space We could spend the night Watch the earth come up I've grown tired of that place Won't you come with me? We could start again
How do you do it? Make me feel like I do It's better than I ever knew
Starlet (Acoustic)- Matt Pond PA
The starlet fell from the skies She was impossibly light She lit my world blue and green
Strangers stopped being strange We kissed the fire on the face I was awake in my dreams
There's so much I don't know I still know someday I will make sense To someone
The starlet flew before dawn And passed the world and my palms And in the dark I still see
Deep Space- Eisley
We wake, with the warmth on our shoulders Brilliant invention, by you in place of sunlight And I count it such a blessing I know I'm lucky to be lost in space, with love
We knew when we stepped foot on that air ship We would be saying farewell to green and blue and gold for always, And perhaps a tear slipped down sideways, But no regrets we say and we mean it as the fire burns, And we skyrocket home
The roaring of our golden ship, The calling of our black home, It quickens our hearts to explode like engines, So reach for my hand, we have reached deep space
Lost out in space you'll never lose me
Distant Solar Systems- Julien Baker
Distant solar systems and all the minor planets Know nothing of our satellites and 747s Fireworks that recreate the birth of constellations Dying suns that laugh at shotgun powder imitations
When I am a sailor, and the sky, a pitch-black ocean I'll look down at my bleeding heart and wish I were a Vulcan
'Cause great men of science and literature Don't impress me, what can I offer? Because I am a chisel in your hand Screaming at marble from a microphone stand
Satellite- Maggie Rogers
Steady as a rock, I stand, I wait With eyes that see, but eyes that can't erase Hands that hold, but hands that can't embrace A creature longing for some saving grace
Oh, and I have long since seen the Sun It set along the banks when I was young Oh, and it's been long since you've been near But fate was never kind to us, my dear
So, send me out to space and cut me free And like a satellite, just look for me Oh, and if there's darkness in your sight I'll be in the corner of the night
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