#a trillion tags
cleverusernameh · 5 months
I made a new dragon guys!!! This is Jotaro as an Icewing, and I don't think I did too bad considering this took so long; this thing was 4 hours I have the non-sped up footage to prove it.
In this video I feature a new brush for the lineart (and logo), and a very depressed sounding voiceover, since I have been feeling burnt out on the dragons. Still though, if I can get people--- such as you fine tumblr patrons ---to pay me for these, then it will be worth it. Since I need some time to cool the dragon jets, I've started making a fake book cover for book series i'd really like to publish one day. It's not really called that, but it is very much my "vitae opus", or "life's work" for the folks who didn't want to copy paste that into a translator. it may not turn out to be my best work, but it's something i've been working on for so many years, I just simply refuse to let it die. Anyway, here's what that looks like right now:
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Pretty sick if I do say so myself. I think it needs more background noise in order to make the falling objects not look weird (or maybe they just need different colors; color theory has never been my strong suit since most of the time i doodle traditionally with a mechanical pencil) But yeah, the cover is having the vibe I'm going for, so currently tracks.
Okay, that's it for me right now, I'll be scampering into the void until I come back with either a new video release or a fixed commissions rate. And now I have put in an audio URL and I don't know how to get rid of it, so here's this thing I found on Soundcloud because I'm too cheap for Spotify.
Alright, byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!
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o0kawaii0o · 3 months
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mxmarsbars · 3 months
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happy morning gorgious monday to all those who celebrate 🎉✨
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strawglicks · 3 months
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sometimes i just gotta write/draw them arguing it keeps me going
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space-gutz · 2 years
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oUUUGHHhh... can i have just ONE priceless gem? 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 please im just a widdle international thief oughh please im so desperate for money,, i just need 1 trillion dollars please pl ease plEASE 👉👈
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vaggieslefteye · 11 days
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Alastor's facial expression journey as he says: "Almost makes one sentimental."
Interesting details: -The old radio effect on his voice clears up significantly as he says the words "almost makes." -The use of "one" as the subject of his sentence instead of "me." -Closing his eyes. Alastor decidedly does not look at this group of people while saying this line in particular, despite gazing fondly at them at the start. -Shaking his head. Alastor shakes his head a total of three times as he says the word "sentimental." Shaking one's head side-to-side is considered the universal gesture for no. -This entire moment happens in just over 2 seconds. (Not all frames of the animation are shown here) It's very blink-and-you'll-miss-it.
Of course I have my ideas as to what this could mean. However, attempting to truly prove anything via reading body language in fiction and/or real life is always a lost cause, given that it's pseudoscience and you can never know anything for sure with that information alone. So these are guesses based on what his body language may be suggesting given what we know of his personality, his history with the hotel gang, and the given context of this scene.
I can say this with confidence, though: I think something stirred in him here, and we're very lucky as the audience to have witnessed it.
Everyone during this "last night alive" scene is, in some way, acting with the idea that some or all of them will be dead the next morning. So there's a good chance for emotional provocation. It seems like not even Alastor is immune to it. Has he had these thoughts about getting attached to the group for an amount of time before this scene? Did it hit him right then and there? There's no way to tell. But either way, I think physically talking about it out loud can be a way for him to control it. He can acknowledge that the idea and possibility is there and real, but at the same time insist that it won't apply to him, even though it could.
And yet, it seems he can't look directly at them while acknowledging this hypothetical sentiment. Sometimes we as humans avert our eyes or shut them completely from things that cause discomfort. He also can't quite commit to saying "Almost makes me sentimental. / I admit, I could get accustomed..." and instead puts the burden of this scenario on "one," or, a person just in general. That's interesting. And shaking his head could mean a lot of different things: Is it to release tension? Is it him unconsciously emphasizing the "almost" in his statement, like saying almost, but not quite? Or in that same vein, trying to literally shake the idea of becoming sentimental off of his mind? Multiple of these? Who knows.
As for his voice becoming clearer... When asked during a Q and A if Alastor loses the static in his voice when he's being more honest/genuine, Medrano answered: "That's something I can't reveal. Obviously, that's a big tell." I guess the answer will come with time :)
With all that being said, I don't think these feelings he may be having here are that significant to him. At the end of the day, he's still egocentric as ever and, more than anything, wants his freedom from his deal and to be "pulling all the strings." Friendship with this group is simply a low priority or petty distraction to him at best, and something that could actively get in the way of these goals at worst. If anything, this scene served to plant a seed and provide crucial context for both the ambiguity of his feelings toward the hotel gang in general and for his verse in the song Finale - as well as provide setup for the next few seasons. Either way, it looks like he doesn't want to become attached to them and won't let himself, either.
IF there is sentiment present, this moment here is his attempt to nip it in the bud. Only time will tell whether he was successful or not.
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missa-sinfonia · 1 year
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what the FUCK ⁉⁉
[ close ups and extras below ^_^ vv ]
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ursachaotic · 1 month
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He needed a nap lmao 😭
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brickeyssketchhut · 2 months
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i cooked up some spamton neo art that was.. very much stylized. my friends really liked it so i thought why not post it.
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rogdona · 4 months
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Elim Garak: fucking around vs finding out
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bimbvx · 10 months
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uhhhh fuck/marry/kill (from left to right) jeffrey c. hodek, jeffrey a. woods, jeffrey mason
(i made a poll on twt go fill it out)
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birbwell · 2 years
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all the season 1 columbo villains (excluding the pilot episodes!)
kind of want to make a series out of this hrmmm
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wowa-bublord · 1 year
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what happened to us? We used to be best friends..
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pigswithwings · 1 year
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oo oo you want to look at my oc so bad
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whyoneartheven · 9 months
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have a lil guy :)
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