#a.l.i.e. x becca
laufire · 4 months
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STACKED100 | may 19th | “perverse instantiation: part two” Her core command is to make life better for mankind. She still thinks she's doing that.
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reneecle · 3 years
Does anyone else get The 100 flashbacks with D.A Jean Rosario in Nancy Drew?? Cause every time she appears on screen I’m like: “BECCA?? IS THAT YOU??”
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topazy · 2 years
What we found
Pairings: John Murphy x reader x Emori
Warnings: none
Chapter: 4.03
A.L.I.E's island isn’t somewhere you thought you’d ever be, but here you were. As the others from Skaikru walked ahead, you stayed back to talk to Luna.
“I’m surprised gon ai op Yu hir. Ai thought you’d living au gon still na au gon sea.” I’m surprised to see you here. I thought you’d still be living at sea.
“Radiation poisoning don frag op Oso kru. Ai jos survived kos i’m natblida.” The radiation poisoning killed our people. I only survived because I’m Natblida.
“I’m fiya.” I’m sorry
“Mo nou don ron ai sadon op. Na kefa.” They didn't give me a choice. Be careful.
“Chomouda dula op emo gaf in bilaik drein au?” Why do they want your blood?
“Emo fig raun em na kep klin everyone. Y/N i’m telling Yu, don’t trust these kru. Don’t let emo get in chit Yu are.” They think it can save everyone. Y/N I’m telling you, don’t trust these people. Don’t let them know what you are.
You nodded. The only reason you agreed to go with Murphy and Emori was that making yourself seem useful might be the only way you survive.
The group halted when it reached a line. A boy named Miller looked confused, “what’s wrong?“
“A.L.I.E.'s rule,” Emori said, concerned. “No frikdreina past this line. I've never crossed it.”
Becca wanted to keep the mutants out, which was ironic considering she was more of a monster than any frikdreina.
Murphy crossed over the line and reached his hand out to Emori. “I’ve never met a line I wouldn’t cross.”
You smiled watching the kind gesture.
“All right, everyone. Let's go. We have a long walk ahead of us,” Doctor Griffin explained.
You looked up at the sky when a buzzing noise got closer. It was a drone. “We need to run!”
“Why? What’s the penalty for crossing the line?” the brunette girl asked
You never got the chance to answer as the drone started shooting at everyone it detected. Everyone took off running in different directions. The bullets got closer to you as the drone hovered above your head. Emori reached out and pulled you underneath a small tree for shelter. The drone hovered above for a few moments before flying away.
“Thank you.”
She let out a chuckle, “anytime.”
After Luna took off, you split off into pairs to look for her. You ended up with Dr. Griffin. “Raven?” She spoke into the radio, “Do whatever you can to stop Luna from leaving.”
You frowned at the woman’s words, “why are you making her do this?”
“It’s Y/N, isn’t it?”
You nodded, “I go by Cora.“
“I’m sorry, Cora,” she sighed. “But Lune is our only hope to save everyone. We don’t have another choice.”
“But if there was another way you’d let her go?”
“I wish there was,” she said sadly. “But I need to do everything I can to save my people. My daughter is one of them.”
You understand her reasons. She wanted to protect the ones she loved. Which is exactly what you needed to do. The older woman jumped back when you pulled a knife from your belt. For a moment, she seemed scared, but she watched as you cut your own palm.
You held your hand up to reveal your black blood. “If I do it, you won’t need Luna.”
When you reached the outside of Becca’s lab, you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned to face Luna, who had a look of worry on her face, and said, “You can still back out.”
You shake your head, “I can’t. Not now,” you pulled her in for a hug. “This is how I repay you, by saving you the same way you saved me.”
She leaned back, “I hope all this is worth it.”
“I do too.”
You’d never seen anything so modern and high-tech as the inside of Becca’s lab before. It was truly amazing.
Murphy stood beside you, “so you’ve decided to share your little secret.”
“And nothing,” he shrugged. “I was under the impression you didn’t want anyone to know you were Nightblood.”
“Things have changed,” you said as you turned to face him. “I did it so Luna wouldn’t need to.”
“Yeah, and now Abby and Jackson are going to drain you dry.”
You chuckled at his words, “or my blood could help save everyone. Including you.”
“John, you need to come see this.”
Hearing the excitement in Emori’s voice, Murphy smirked. “Duty calls, try and not bleed to death.”
You scoffed at his comment. You liked Murphy. He was blunt but seemed to have a genuine caring side.
Abby appeared in front of you with a stressed look on her face. “Ready?”
“As I’ll ever be.”
She led you upstairs to a separate area, where it was just you, her, and Jackson. You grimaced when you saw the size of the needles laying out.
Luna’s voice echoed in your head as she began preparing you. You hoped this was worth it.
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The 100 and kill counts
Honestly one day (after finals) I’m probably going to write an entire “article”/post that is mostly me debating with the void about what in the TV show The 100 actually counts as a kill for a character’s kill count
Because this show is from a post-apocalypse universe, where it isn’t really as simple as “who would be declared legally responsible in a US court” anymore
But I do think that there are quite a lot of dubious cases in the show, and moral questions to be asked alongside those cases
Clarke cutting the throat of a grounder soldier in season 1? Yeah that is a kill on her kill count
But the grounder girl that died in season 1 because of the bomb on the bridge, who gets that kill? Everyone that had a vital role in the process of creating and placing the bomb, or only the person that came up with the idea, or only the person detonating the bomb, or the one that played the biggest role in the process or?
And when they burn the grounders alive in the season 1 finale, who gets those kills? Jasper, Clarke and Raven all played a vital role in that event so do they all get the kills or do you divide them?
In season 2, is Cage responsible enough for the deaths of those that died after the bone marrow extractions for those deaths to also be added to his kill count, or should only the person operating the drill get the kill?
When is someone in the position of a leader responsible enough for a death to earn the kill anyway?
The killing of the Mountain Men in season 2 is once again a situation where those kills wouldn’t have been possible without multiple people, not just Clarke
And what about events like the killing of the Trikru army send to defend them in season 3? Bellamy didn’t kill all those soldiers himself, so should he still get all the kills? How do you determine how many kills someone gets on their kill count in such a situation? Or should Pike and only Pike get all those kills, despite others repeatedly killing someone on purpose?
If Jaha was in control of his own body in season 3 is debatable, so should he still get the kills from when he was “enhanced” by A.L.I.E?
And what about Becca herself? Should Becca get the kills from A.L.I.E?
In season 4 when they try to recreate nightblood in Becca’s lab and kill the grounder dude in the process, should Luna also get that kill? After all, without her it wouldn’t have been possible, and what about Emori?
What about the battle in the gorge in season 5? Should Octavia get those kills, should Kayne get those, should McCreary get them, or the individual prisoners behind the guns or maybe someone else entirely?
I’m not saying that the way other people count kills for “what is the kill count of character X from the 100″ is wrong. However I do think that there are many conversations to be had about when someone in the The 100 universe is responsible enough for someone’s death to earn another kill on their kill count
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pretend-writer · 5 years
Down Below (Chapter 42)
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Summary: Y/N Reyes lands on Earth with the rest of the 99 prisoners. Being one of the first people to come back “home” after 97 years of living in space, she learns what it’s like to finally live in this planet.
Pairing: Bellamy Blake x reader, Raven Reyes x sister! reader
Word Count: 1714 words
Warning: mention of sex, swearing
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Bellamy sat on my bed as I closed the door to my room. I figured that it’d be better if we came to a quiet space for us to talk.
‘How was Farm Station?’ Maybe taking the conversation slow and easing up to the topic later would’ve been more effective, I thought.
'Luckily I had the seal to prove to Ice Nation that we were the 13th clan. They let us through but they took the people from Farm Station hostage and used them as slaves.’
'That’s horrible. What happened to them afterwards?’
Bellamy looked down with disappointment, 'We brought them back safely but the hydro generator is gone. That was the only way to take them out.’
'Good, good. You got our people back that’s great. Why do you sound so upset?’
'That was our only source of water once the radiation comes and now I feel like a bad guy I just-’ He paused and clenched his fist. 'I don’t know what I’m doing.’
I sat next to him on the bed, 'You’re not a bad guy. You were jus-’
'Its not just that.’ Bellamy looked at me, 'I was angry about Jasper too. I was jealous about you guys’ relationship and I had no right to be.’
My eyebrows raised, surprised to hear Bellamy’s reason to being upset this whole time. 'It’s okay. Those feelings doesn’t make you a bad guy either.’
'It makes me feel like I am. It’s not fair especially after the whole… Raven thing. You never brought it up with me and I just thought it’d be wrong to bring Jasper up too.’
'Bellamy, I would never be angry with you for talking about how you feel. The whole Raven situation does sometimes cross my mind but I trust you now. It’s different.’ Placing my hand on his lap, I tried to comfort him. 'Do you trust me?’
He smiled with his sincere eyes, 'Of course I do but it’s not that.’
'So what is it?’
Quickly shifting his eye contact with me, he stared down on the floor. 'I was jealous because of the things you did with him that we haven’t done… if you know what I mean.’
'Oh.’ I mumbled as he mentioned the sexual relationship I had with Jasper. I never thought about the situation I was with him and I felt bad that Bellamy had to hide his feelings for it this whole time.
'Yeah..’ Bellamy said, smiling nervously as he was embarrassed of the situation. 'I was never bothered by it honestly until you started to mention Jasper again and I couldn’t help but think…’
'It’s okay, I understand.’ I scooted closer to him for reassure him. 'I’m sorry I never noticed.’
He quickly sat up and stared at the ground. 'It’s not your fault. I’m sorry I was being a dick to you.’
I reached for his hand and gripped it tightly, trying to get his attention. As he finally made eye contact with me, I leaned in to kiss him.
Bellamy grabbed my cheeks and slowly kisses back as I lightly push him to lay him on the bed.
He pulled away from the kiss, 'No, we can’t do this.’
Embarrassed, I sat up and scratched my head. 'Oh, I thought this is what you wanted. I-I’m sorry.’
'No, don’t be.’ Bellamy got up and held my hand. 'Y/N, I just want it to be special. Not do it because I said what I said.’
I nodded and lightly smiled, happy that Bellamy wanted to share a special moment with me. 'Okay.’
He gave me a peck on my forehead, 'Thank you for understanding me and being here for me.’
'Of course I’ll be here for you. I’m glad you were honest with me.’
✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤
Tossing and turning on the bed, I slowly wake up to Bellamy’s light snore. I smile to myself, watching him sleep peacefully while playing with his soft, fluffy hair.
'You’re up early.’ Bellamy mumbled with his eyes still closed.
'Uhm, yeah. Just had a lot on my mind.’
'Like what?’
Clarke finally gave the speech to the rest of our people about radiation; Except she didn’t tell them the whole truth. She left out the part that not everyone can fit into Alpha Station or the fact that we still don’t have source of water and food.
'We don’t have a solution when Praimfaya comes.’
Bellamy turned towards me and looked me in my eyes, 'Actually, we kind of do.’
'What is it?’
'She’s making a list for a hundred people who can stay on the ship.’ Bellamy noticed my facial expression change, 'Don’t worry. You’re going to be on the list, Reyes.’
'That’s not the point.’ I wasn’t upset about the fact that I may or may not die from the radiation. 'Clarke doesn’t have the right to choose everyone’s fate.’
He nodded, acknowledging what I was saying. 'I get that but-’
'But what? People should have a choice to live or to die. Do you really agree with Clarke about keeping this from everyone?’
Bellamy sighed, lost for words. 'I-I don’t know.’
'Don’t know why I asked.’ I got up and grabbed my pants. 'You guys kept the whole list idea from me.’
'Hey, hey.’ He got up with me, grabbed my arm to calm me down. 'I don’t want to fight anymore.’
'We’re not fighting. I’m just disappointed.’
He pulled me in for a hug, 'We’ll find a way through Praimfaya. You said it yourself, we always find a way.’
The door bursted open, revealing Raven with panic all over her face. 'Bellamy, have you see-. Oh.’
Watching Raven smirk at us while we pull away, I scratched my head. 'You were looking for me?’
'Yeah. Both of you, actually.’ She grinned, 'We’re having a meeting so I was gonna say come in five minutes but seems like you guys need more time.’
Raven’s sarcastic remark got my eyes widened, 'Dude, he’s right here you know.’
Bellamy chuckled, 'We’ll be there in five.’
✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤
'Luna came by with others and she was sick.’ Raven explained that they’ve already been suffering from Radiation disease, which could of possibly came from the fish they ate. 'Abby’s taking care of them right now.’
'Abby’s back?’ I questioned as I thought about Marcus and Octavia.
Raven nodded for response then started typing on her computer. 'The radiation is already here so I did some calculations again. Praimfaya isn’t coming in six months, it’s actually two months. You need to make that list.’
Clarke looked over at me with a surprised face. Bellamy sighed, 'I already told her.’
'If you’re scared of people’s reactions, why are you leading us anyway?’ I laughed lightly out of frustration, 'You’re lucky I’m not crazy but if someone else finds this list, you’re in big trouble.’
She stayed silent, 'You have nothing to say now?’
Raven grabbed my hand and squeezed it, 'Y/N, calm down, it’s okay. We have a bigger problem anyways.’
'She’s right. Jaha apparently found a bunker that was used during Praimfaya years ago.’ Bellamy said while rubbing my back.
'You’re going to believe Jaha after he tried to get us all killed with the damn chip?’ Raven argued.
'We don’t have a choice right now but to believe him. It doesn’t hurt to go and see the possibility of our survival.’ Clarke said.
Bellamy tapped on my shoulder, 'Reyes and I can go check it out.’
'Actually, I’m thinking of staying.’
'Uhm, okay. Clarke, let’s go then.’ Bellamy kissed my cheek before he left the room.
The door shut behind Clarke and Bellamy, then Raven spoke up. 'I’m so done with all of this.’
'You have to be patient, Raven. I know we don’t have the time but-’
'But what, Y/N? You’re still trying to defend her after she knowingly kept the list a secret from you?’
Raven was right but no matter how much we argued with Clarke, there was no way she would do things our way. I didn’t have a choice but to trust that Clarke was going to help us.
'We don’t have a choice but to do what she says.’ I shook my head and lightly smiled at my sister. 'Let me know if you need anything, I’m going to see Abby.’
She nodded and smiled back and went back on her computer to continue her work.
✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤
'Y/N! Just the person I wanted to see. I can use a little help in here.’ Abby took a pill from the medicine shelf as she greeted me.
'Yeah, of course but you sure you want my help with this?’ I would love to help but I knew that I wasn’t technically qualified in the medical field.
Abby placed her hand on my shoulder, 'You’ve always been a huge help for me in the past few months. Don’t think you’re useless around here.’
'Thanks.’ I followed her back out to the room, filled with sick Flokru people.
I walked towards a familiar face and waved my hand, 'Hey, Luna. I hope you’re feeling better.’
'Actually I am.’ She said as she slowly sat up on the bed.
'It’s probably the nightblood. Everyone else isn’t doing too good but Luna… she’s healing.’ Abby stood next to me.
Before stopping A.L.I.E at Polis, Monty mentioned at Becca made nightblood and distributed it to people for an experiment. Perhaps we can use that method to possibly survive the radiation that’s coming in two months.
Abby looked at the expression on my face, 'I know. This can probably be the cure we’ve been waiting for.’
'Yeah…’ I mumbled to myself and looked over at Luna. 'Uhm, I just wanted to apologize for when we intruded the boat. I didn’t mean any of that to happen. We didn’t even know that one of us was chipped.’
As she lightly coughed, she shook her head. 'Don’t apologize. I understand that you were doing whatever it took to try to save your people.’
'The way we handled it was not right though. I’m very sorry for that.’
She chuckled lightly, 'You must think we deserve this… this illness.’
'No.’ Even to our worst enemy, I would never wish this deadly illness to anybody. 'Nobody deserves to suffer. Not like this.’
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thelittlefanpire · 5 years
I just realized.... I absolutely do not know the difference between canon divergent and canon spec. D: halp?
Great question! Let me give you a dictionary definition first:
Canon Divergence —set in a universe that diverges relatively narrowly from canon, with a point of departure in a character's backstory or even during canon. The changes made to canon usually answer a question like "What if character X lived instead of died?" or "What if character Y didn't meet character Z until later?”
Canon Speculation —Often described as the ‘What if …?’ genre, speculative fiction (spec-fic) describes any work where the writer explores unproven theories in a fictional scenario.
So what that means for Chopped:
Round 1 has Canon Divergence for Season 1-6. You can take any scene in Canon and change it’s course. Kind of like ‘Canon did this, but I’m going to do this instead. (Ex: Wells lives, Clarke doesn’t leave at the end of S2, Jaha doesn’t find A.L.I.E, no one dies in the Conclave, Octavia doesn’t eat people in the Bunker, Bellarke kiss instead of hug in 6x13)
And in Round 2, it’s Canon Speculation for Season 7! You take everything that happened in Canon and you add on to it! What happens next? What’s up with the Anomaly? Are we going to a new planet? Are we time traveling to Becca’s time? OR Fill In some gaps in Canon: what about the S5 Time Jump?! What really happened on the Ring? What else happened in the Bunker/Eden? The three month gap between S2 and S3? Maybe even something Pre-Canon? SPECULATE AWAY!
Hope that helps! Let @dylanobrienisbatman or I know if you have any more questions!
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team-adults-blog · 8 years
4.03 The Four Horsemen
A Reaction: Apologizing for the map upfront. Not as funny or with as good of an analysis aspect as 4.02, but my reactions to kabby will always be prime. 
NYKOOOOOO I love him so much. Dang they 40+ on the way.
Lol Abby is either the only sensible one or overly dramatic because she’s the only one who covers her face before approaching.
All the animals are dyinggggg noooooooooo
Hold up. When did Octavia get a kick-ass sholder tat? This is definitely a major step in her assimilation into grounder culture. It’s more than just Indra accepting her now- maybe it’s only trikru at the moment and she gets the tattoo from them, but it’s still a big step from last season when she’s still getting hate from them. Sure she’s always going to get hate for being an outsider, but probs more from killing everybody now. Kudos. It’s rad.
Indra “I’m so proud” Roan one death to save thousands, it’s good politics. Indra has the warrior daughter she’s always wanted, but has it gone too far?
Dr. Squad all with crossed arms. What a posse. So happy for Sachin. His promotion shots on instagram made me even happier. 
These like 6 people are all that’s left of Luna’s people… So fish are not friends. Or food.
Yo check out this groovy map of the mid-Atlantic. Here’s the fun part where I waste way too much time trying to pinpoint where these places are using google maps. 
[Skip if you don’t have time right now or are just rude]
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Polis=Baltimore/ Dc, looks a little above DC based on the Bay. It makes sense for Polis not be in DC because Trikru is. Tondc/ Ton DC was like “Washington DC” on a road sign and Lincoln got his name from the Lincoln memorial, which we get a glimpse of in S1.
Mount Weather= Looks to be around Luray area- which is really interesting to me because the cave/ tunnels would check out. A caving plug: Luray and Grand Caverns have really great features, but they’re dead. Railings and steps and lights have been put in everywhere to make it more accessible for folks, but more importantly to bring in a ton of money. To see Living caves in the valley, my brother is a cool dude who takes his students- and more importantly me- to see neat things without harming the cave like some punk ass bitch yanking stalactites off the ceiling.  
Arkadia= Looks to be around Culpeper… but if it was slightly more south (because the map Raven has is shit, but I’ll get to that) I could argue it’s between Charlottesville (!!!) and Culpeper, although more towards Culpeper. Like Orange/Madison counties. Literally no one cares about this but me because that is my homeland. Also TJ, Monroe (the president, not the dead character from this show that I should get back to…), and J Maddy-Mads. Zach-attack (this also works because he was a major general, not just for the rhyme) Is actually the closest to Arkadia- his house is in barboursville which puts him 25 min closer to Culpeper than TJ and Monroe. GW is up by Ton DC. Wilson is southwest of Arkadia. I don’t know/care enough about where Tyler and William Henry Harrison were from and I’m not going to look it up. This history/ geography lesson was brought to you by the Mother of Presidents, and viewers like you. Thank you.
Luna’s Rig= Somewhere off of DE/NJ coast. They might go back there, but otherwise I honestly don’t care where exactly the rig is. Like. Nyko just said that 40 people died on their way to Arkadia and Luna’s like this is all that’s left of my people. Soooooo… sorrynotsorry
Becca’s Island- I struggled figuring out what that said. I’m leaning towards it being a fictional island because the only thing I can think of it being is Sandy Hook. However, there seems to be land in the bay, soooo Sandy Hook would be part of the continental land mass instead of an island. If the picture wasn’t so wonky the only argument would be for Sandy Hook. I believe it’s only listed here because it will become plot relevant later this season when the tech team decided they need to access Becca/ A.L.I.E.’s drone or something to monitor radiation.
Note: The coastlines don’t match up perfectly. At first I was excited they’d taken rising sea levels with climate change into account, but that should make the bay larger and thus the gap between eastern Maryland/ Delaware and DC larger. So some of the Virginia coast looks good, but the east coast is on a passive margin (I took Geology guys can you tell), which means that it’s not colliding into another plate and thus being squished in on itself or mountain building (this is happening in the middle of the Atlantic) like on the U.S. west coast. But at the end of the day, I don’t think they really considered this when creating that map because 1) some areas are larger than they are now (like Long Island is now a peninsula instead of an island), indicating receding seas while 2) some coasts are cut off indicating rising sea levels. Basically. They would have been fine using a regular map from the internet. Not sure why they decided to render this shitty one or what purpose making their own serves. Maybe they don’t have rights to steal from the internet…?
You, the reader are now thinking, “who the fuck cares? That map was visible for under 30 seconds. all we were supposed to recognize is that it’s the VA/DC/MD area. Let’s move this train along I want to hear about things that actually matter.” And to this I say, you are not wrong. Let’s go. This 15 sec clip took me an hour to analyze and I’m not proud.
[Resume reading non-geography post here if you skipped. There were some jokes in there... not good ones]
Bellamy’s face at “choosing who lives or dies is your specialty” Ouch. Clarke can’t get a break. First Jasper, now Raven. Good thing he’s always on her side.
Someone’s taking the rover. My gut thought: is it fucking Jaha? Oh wait. Jasper’s problematic too and would pull that. Nope. Fucking Jaha. Your gut is always right. 
Naturally, radical Jaha who went off to find the city of light is not encouraging a trip to go find a doomsday bunker by a religious fanatic. Raven is the skeptic voice of ME. Like hey guys, remember when he did this last time? If it’s not real Clarkiepoo gonna make that list. I like
DOOMSDAY CULT MAN SAYS “there is a way out of the darkness. I can show it to you. You can be saved. Join me…” okokokokokok. Abby stays behind in Arkadia to show them the way out of the darkness. Then she is forced to take the chip and gets the rest of the camp to join her in the CoL. Coincidence? I THINK NOT.
Raven x Abby
Alright. Time to defend mom. Raven’s position of wanting to save the pills- because it’s too late for them to work on Luna’s people- is understandable. Abby’s desire to save people is also understandable. I happen to love Raven x Abby scenes because they’re both so stubborn and both usually have equally strong, but different arguments. Dr. Abby probs should not have told her eldest daughter she’s killing this child. Howeverrrrr my mother, Abby, and even I, with my son VPJB, understand the power guilt has over your children. My son tried to attack a shadow for 45min today so I’m still choosing my battles. Back to the show- the emotion they bring as actors is fantastic. I’d like to pull their history out of the back of your head. Abby and Raven meet because they both have someone who went down in the dropship they desperately want to see. They bond. They trust each other and sass each other and Abby tells Raven to go down without her. Raven tells Clarke how great her mom is at a time when Clarke thinks floating Jake is still 100% her mom’s fault. Raven gets shot, Abby frickin saves her life and she only has one lame leg instead of being paralyzed from the waist down. Kudos Dr. Abby. BUT. Raven hurts, and chronic pain is rough on people, so you’ll lash out. Raven calls Abby out for being a crappy chancellor and doctor. Abby hits her. She’s instantly sorry she lost her temper and they’re distant but not terrible. Despite some heated moments, they’re fam. Abby adopts everyone she sees, and Raven, with only Finn in S1 becomes family. Then Finn dies. Then her mentor Sinclair (who I really really really really really liked and wish got more developing prior to THAT episode [sidenote: I hate when secondary/ tertiary characters get developed just so they the audience feels some emotional investment that turns into pain. Especially within the same episode. Except they’re only there for that one episode to drive another character’s development as in the dying child (Adrian) Luna brought.], so now Abby and her friends are all she has. There’s love there, which doesn’t make talking to each other ok, but I’m confident they’ll forgive each other.  It hurts more because of the love.
Murphy steals medicine to help a sick kid. Important because his father got floated for stealing him medicine when he was a sick child, and the medicine ended up not working. Abby knows better than to ask where he got it. She’s broken the law to save people before. Yay Jackson being sweet with this child. I frickin love Nyko too. He’s one cool dude.
Octavia x Indra x Gaia
Mom saves her daughter. Octavia is like oh nooo here let me help you up, my b. Another mother daughter conflict. But this time really related. Indra: My daughter was meant to lead armies. My daughter was meant to lead our people. Me and Gaia: looks like you got that after all. This scene was great. A parent who cannot understand their child. So common and yet this is the best portrayal of that I’ve seen, mainly because it wasn’t “But basketball’s your dream!” “No, Dad. basketball is your dream, not mine!” Octavia comes up with a plan to save the flame and Indra’s daughter. Loyal to Indra over Roan. I love that. Ilian’s sledgehammer was entirely too dramatic. Should have spent the money used on that effect for Raven’s map. I’ve got a bone to pick with Kirk Douglas or Michael Cliett- whomever was in charge of that. Not bitter. Omg Gaia is so sweet and lovely. I love her. I want her to stick around. Don’t let the radiation get her!
Bellamy + Clarke  x  Jaha
Leadership is lonely, it’s good she has you. You keep her centered. Obviously Jaha sees Clarke as the leader and Bellamy as her sidekick/ compass more than an equal? I feel like they co-lead well Together. Wink. You’ve got it backwards. Nice. But Jaha is giving Bell some questionable advice here- he’s saying stop blaming yourself for the massacre, you were doing what you though was best for your people, and as long as that’s true, you don’t need redemption. Sort of, Jaha. You may think you’re right, but someone is yelling at you that you’re wrong (i.e. Abby x Kane S1 culling, Kane x Boris S3 massacre), so you actually might need some redemption, maybe for your people to accept you, maybe for your soul. Kane goes off in search of redemption and atonement after he realizes the way of life on the Ark doesn’t have to be how life on Earth is. Bellamy, realizes slaughtering a village of non-militant grounders is wrong as he’s taking part in it. That’s why he convinces Pike to let Indra live. Yes, they both think they’re right, but when they realize, even in hindsight how wrong they were, they feel guilty. Jaha on the other hand is very set in this “That’s what I thought at the time and I won’t let the present change how I see my past actions.” He’s much more cold and cognitive than emotional, even with himself. Jaha’s all like, dude get over it, how many people do you have to save before you forgive yourself.
I’d say Jaha has been distant enough in that he’s been off by himself for most of the plot, or at least separated from the core group, to merit his comment on the state of Bellamy and Clarke’s relationship seriously. He has plenty of background with Clarke- his son was her best friend, their families were close pre-S1. Anyone can see Bellarke works well together, but Jaha’s outsider-insightfulness that everyone else may be too close to see (or too close to tell one of them) is that they center each other.
The List
First, can we talk about the Kabby couch parallel? Abby is snoozin at the start of S3 so peacefully and Kane glances over before going back to his sector mapping. ON THAT SAME COUCH is a peacefully sleeping Bellamy for Clarke to glance over at. He makes the list. I wonder if Riley did. Is Clarke reserving spots for grounders too or just sky people/ people in Arkadia? Bellamy gets spot 99. Good. Awe. He writes her name for her. Good job. Bellarke fans are screaming. Now we put it away... Y’all did a bang up job of that. Fold it once and put it in the OPEN CUBBY of the desk? No one will ever find it there. Snooping Jasper and Monty looking for their long lost weed never will. Oh wait. 
Funny how we’ve got another group of “100.” It’s always good to remember your roots.
End Thoughts Me: SHE’S A NIGHT BLOOD YOU DON’T HAVE TO RUN TESTS ABBY (and also you could have said “I’d like to run tests” slightly less creepily to a person who’s not the biggest fan of technology.) Abby and Clarke 20 seconds later- yeah there’s another variable here. yeah she a nightblood. Very happy Jackson got so many lines, even if they were tiny and sometimes in the background, he was in the conversation.
Noteworthy Absences and How I Feel About Them
Marcus Kane- I knew it was coming. I’m sure something big is happening with Octavia in the next episode. I thought the balance between Polis’ Octavia x Indra plot was well balanced with the Arkadia and Jaha x Bellarke plots. They were all satisfactorily interesting, a relief after Jaha’s 2B/3A plotlines. Adding a diplomatic Kane plot would be too much. He would have crowded Indra and her daughters’ scenes too. I’m good, but he was missed.
Harper McIntypre- She could have been standing guard with the Millers? Nate and Harper are besties. I like it. But then I want her to develop, so I’d rather her sit this one out and have meaningful airtime in another (or the next) episode.
Bryan- Also could have been on guard with the Millers. I actually would be really interested in seeing Bryan and Sergeant David Miller interact. Then again, He and Nate just had a fight last episode over fundamentally different beliefs, so they need air. In this case I do NOT want to have Miller Sr. interacting with them. He’s already had enough awkward interrupting couple-moments. I think he needed to be absent. There were already three plot lines and Briller drama would have pulled the show in too many directions, as with Kane. I’m cool with that.
Monty Green/ Jasper Jordan- This was a mother-daughter conflict episode with a splash of following Jaha’s whims. They didn’t fit. I’m cool with that. They’re going to find that letter Clarke should have hid in her pillowcase next week.
Echo- I’m bitter. She should have yelled at someone. What a badass.
Riley- Who is this dude. I just looked on IMDb and he’s in 6 episodes. Everyone seems to know him. I need to be part of that.
I felt we needed a refresher on full names…or lack there of...
I have no life and am very lonely. But it’s my own fault. so that’s just a nice explanation of why I have time to do this...
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laufire · 4 years
Raven Reyes and Anne Bonny?
Raven Reyes
overall: who? / i hate them / i dislike them / kinda wanna fight them / they’re alright / i like them / i love them / *accidentally drops thousands of pictures of them*
opinion: again, who??? / the purest bean / cinnamon roll / who knows really / sinnamon roll / the problematic fav
otp(s): Raven x heroics lol.
other ship(s): Echo, Memori, Luna, A.L.I.E., Becca, Marper (they invited her to a threesome in the ring, you all know this), Shawn, Octavia, Finn, Indra (my own WIP’s fault), Diyoza, Gaia, Ryker. Bellamy, once upon a time.
#noromo ship(s): space fam.
crack ship(s): Gabriel, Priya, Anya, Josephine.
fav headcanon(s): she’ll go visit Bardo and enjoy all that science stuff.
Anne Bonny
overall: who? / i hate them / i dislike them / kinda wanna fight them / they’re alright / i like them / i love them / *accidentally drops thousands of pictures of them*
opinion: again, who??? / the purest bean / cinnamon roll / who knows really / sinnamon roll / the problematic fav
otp(s): Anne/Jack/Max.
other ship(s): Anne/Miranda could’ve been something I’d be into.
#noromo ship(s): Vane. And I’ll always mourn the lack of Anne-Flint shenanigans, it’d been fun.
crack ship(s): Miranda counts.
fav headcanon(s): obviously Max got her out of the execution, duh (in an ideal AU, the rest of them too, of course).
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laufire · 5 years
Nineteen icons from The 100 under the cut, showing my multiple femslash rareships.
Do not edit them or claim as your own. Like/reblog if you use them or save them. Credit is appreciated. More on my icons page.
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[Diyoza x Octavia. s06e08, Diyoza cradles Octavia’s head and pets her hair to reasure her.]
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[Echo x Raven. s05e07, Echo stands behind Raven, who looks ahead, after Echo forced her hand with Diyoza.]
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[Echo x Octavia. s06e13, both women looking at the strange spiral in Gabriel’s basement.]
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[Echo x Emori x Raven. s06e01, sitting together on a table looking various degrees of skeptical.]
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[A.L.I.E. x Raven. s03e10, A.L.I.E. stands behind Raven while the latter tries to get rid of her.]
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[Becca x Raven. s04e11, Raven looks from above to a muzzled and tied up Becca.]
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[Emori x Raven. s05e11, in the woods with their hands up to avoid getting shot.]
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[Echo x Emori. s06e13, walking side by side while tricking Sanctum. Emori wears her Prime dress and Echo the stolen guard suit, and Echo’s hands are tied up with rope.]
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[Clarke x Josephine. s06e10, Clarke stares at Josephine while she looks at memories of her and Gabriel.]
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[Echo x Gaia. s06e10, looking at each other while they judge Ryker.]
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[Gaia x Raven. s06e13, back on the ship, looking worried.]
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[Diyoza x Raven. s06e02, Raven stands over Diyoza while trying to wake her up, looking as if she doesn’t know if she’s doing the right thing.]
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[Diyoza x Echo. s05e07, standing next to each other when Echo tries to win her over by handing her a “traitor”.]
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[Luna x Raven. s04e06, Luna holds Raven in her arms from behind, calming her down.]
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[Niylah x Octavia. s06e02, Niylah holds an angry Octavia back.]
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[A.L.I.E. x Becca. s03e16, standing next to each other with similar concerned expressions.]
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[Octavia x Raven. s02e09, judging people together.]
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[Indra x Raven. s06e09, Raven looks at Indra with concern while they both talk with Kane.]
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[Emori x Josephine. s06e08, Josephine puts an arm around her shoulders and Emori side-eyes her.]
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laufire · 6 years
A.L.I.E. and Raven icons (with some Braven and Becca) from s3 under the cut.
Do not edit them or claim as your own. Like/reblog if you use them or save them. Credit is appreciated. More on my icons page.
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[Close-up to ALIE’s expressionless face.]
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[Raven’s expression when she realizes her leg doesn’t hurt after taking the chip.]
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[Raven and ALIE standing face to face after she eats the chip.]
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[ALIE looking as Raven exercises to get her out of her mind.]
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[ALIE’s ominous expression.]
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[Raven’s face as she’s controlled by ALIE]
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[Raven’s ominous face, tied to a bedpost, controlled by ALIE.]
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[Raven, still controlled by ALIE, with blood on her lip from hurting herself, smirking.]
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[Raven tied to the bed with ALIE appearing on one side and Bellamy watching over her.]
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[ALIE sitting on the grounder’s throne.]
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[Bellamy and Raven hugging before he leaves for Polis]
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[ALIE and Becca in the City of Light, observing Clarke pull the lever.]
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[Raven looking up after ALIE’s defeat, grinning.]
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pretend-writer · 6 years
Down Below (Chapter 37)
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Summary: Y/N Reyes lands on Earth with the rest of the 99 prisoners. Being one of the first people to come back “home” after 97 years of living in space, she learns what it’s like to finally live in this planet.
Pairing: Bellamy Blake x reader (later on), Raven Reyes x sister!reader, John Murphy x reader
Word Count: 2925 words
Warning: cursing, death, sexual content (minor), violence
Down Below Masterlist
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Niylah glared at Bellamy as Monty and Octavia walked in with the EMP device they brought from the dropship.
‘Raven saw Niylah so A.L.I.E. knows where we are.’ Clarke said. 'We need to hurry before she sends people to get us.’
Sinclair quickly started activating the device, getting ready to fry Raven’s head to finally get rid of the system in her brain.
'That’s not going to work, you’re just going to give me brain damage.’ Raven spoke in a soft tone. 'Please don’t do this to me.’
'Shut up A.L.I.E.’ Jasper murmured. Raven’s facial expression changed; she then started bashing her head backwards onto the wall.
Bellamy and I held onto her head as we tried to stop her from hitting herself to death. With a shaky voice, I shouted. 'Sinclair, hurry.’
He quickly grabbed on the wires and attached it to her head. As the wires buzzed Raven closed her eyes shut, laying unconsciously on the bed.
'Raven?’ I called for her but she didn’t move a muscle. 'What’s wrong? Did it not work?’
'It should’ve worked.’ Monty commented as he stared at my sister.
Clarke then suddenly gasped then picked up a knife as she approached Raven. I furrowed my eyebrows, afraid of what she was going to do to her. 'What are you doing?’
She puts Raven on her side and lifts her hair up. 'Trust me on this.’
Although I didn’t fully trust her to use the knife on her, I had no choice right now but to believe in whatever she was going to do. I slowly nodded and watched her lightly cut a small portion of my sister’s neck.
Black goo dripped out of her and Clarke smiled lightly, knowing that her plan worked. 'When Lexa died, Titus, her flamekeeper did this to take the chip out of her.’
My heart dropped as I heard her lover had died. Even though I wasn’t really close with Clarke, I knew that her and Lexa loved each other. 'I’m sorry to hear that.’
Clarke stayed silent and continued to watch over Raven as the goo kept streaming down her neck.
Raven then twitched and started coughing as she slowly sat up. I sighed in relief and covered my mouth, trying to prevent myself from crying my eyes out.
'How’re you feeling?’ I approached my sister hesitantly, since we never made up from the time we cursed at each other.
'My body hurts everywhere.’ She said as she nodded. 'Y/N, I’m so sorry for all the things I said to you. With and without the chip in my head. I’ve been so mean to you these past few weeks.’
Carefully, I hugged her. 'I’m sorry too. For making you feel bad enough to where you thought you had to take the chip to make you feel pain free.’
Bellamy and Sinclair pulls Raven out of the bed, cautiously walking her to the rover as I followed them. 'It’s not your fault.’
'But as your sister I should’ve looked after you. I’ve been so selfish, I didn’t think about other people’s pain but mine.’ Not only did I ignore Raven’s pain but Bellamy’s as well. It was stupid to think that I had it worse out of everyone when they all had their own problems to solve too.
At this moment, I wish I took back all those days where I hated Bellamy because I hated myself for isolating him out of my life. It’s partially my fault that Raven is in this mess and completely my fault that Bellamy is not in my life anymore.
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Jasper, Monty, Raven, Clarke, Sinclair, Octavia and Miller were all in the backseat of the rover discussion how to get rid of A.L.I.E. Becca, the original creator of the chip kept a journal for her inventions which stated that she had somehow found a way to get into people’s minds.
We discovered the reason why A.L.I.E. tried to bash Raven’s head to death was because she already knew how to shut it down. The chip that Clarke had was the key to stopping her and we had to find a precise way to utilize it.
As I was continuing to listen in on the conversations they were having at the back of the rover, I caught Bellamy looking over at me a couple times. 'Something wrong?’
'Ah, nothing.’ Bellamy spoke softly as if he was embarrassed that I caught him looking. After seconds of a silent pause between us, he spoke up again. 'I’m sorry that Pike almost killed you.’
The memory of kneeling outside on the wet dirt with a gun on Pike’s hand flashed in my mind. I was ready for death and it terrified me that my old teacher was going to end my life just like that. That feeling was something I never felt before and I didn’t know if Bellamy’s apology was going to fix any of that.
'I honestly don’t know what to say.’
He slowly nodded, 'I don’t blame you.’
'It’s not your fault you know?’ I blurted unexpectedly. Even though Bellamy sided with the enemy, he wasn’t the person to blame in this situation. 'You practically made us enemies but it was my decision to break the law.’
'If I was by your side the whole time, you would’ve never been in that situation in the first place.’ Bellamy kept his eyes on the road as he said those words. I could tell by the look in his eyes that he felt guilty. However I didn’t know if he felt bad because he knew Pike was in the wrong or I almost died and his sister hated his guts right now.
'Woah.’ The word escaped Jasper’s mouth as the Arkadia gate was visible from the front windshield. 'Ghost town.’
The gate was left open and the whole Alpha Station seemed empty. As the rover entered the garage, I felt a little sense of fear. 'Do you think A.L.I.E. left for good?’
'Not sure but we need to get out as soon as possible.’ Bellamy said before he parked the rover in the garage. Quickly, everyone got out to gear up for whatever was coming next. 'Everyone get ready while Reyes and I go to the armory.’
Bellamy led me outside as we were headed to the armory. 'I have so many things to apologize to you about and I don’t know where to start.’
'Your apologizes don’t mean anything to me anymore, Blake.’
As we enter the armory, Bellamy picked up a bag and started filling it with ammo and guns. 'I know you’re tired of hearing it but I’m constantly making these mistakes. Call me a broken record but I need to apologize again. I owe you a bunch for everything I’ve done.’
Every since we’ve landed on Earth all we’ve done was bicker about something. Majority of the bickering came from what Bellamy did and I was tired of constantly being disappointed in him.
All I wanted was everything to be back to normal; but what was normal? Being trapped in the skybox or being down on Earth without adults? Constantly fearing the grounders and being at war? Nothing was ever right with all of us, especially with me since I was a little kid.
Maybe I was looking for stability, at least with someone. Perhaps that’s why I was hoping for something with Bellamy. With a bunch of shit that was happening in our lives, he kept me sane and I can say that I kept him sane as well.
As I grabbed a bag and started filling it with the rest of our weapons, I got distracted in my thoughts. I forgot that I was in the room with Bellamy. 'Now isn’t the time to talk.’
'We’ll never find the right time to talk so might as well do it now.’ Bellamy took a step towards me. 'I know you don’t hate me.’
'What makes you think that?’
'Miller… he said that before you turned yourself in, you told him you were sorry about everything.’
Zipping the bag up, I avoided his eye contact. 'That just means I feel bad for what I did.’
Bellamy sighed, 'Don’t hide your feelings anymore, Reyes. That’s why we fell apart in the first place. Can we just be honest with each other?’
'How can I be honest with you if I can’t trust you anymore?’ I finally held my head up and stared into his eyes. 'A lot has happened since then. We can’t just pretend like it didn’t happen and be all happy again.’
'What can I do to make it all better?’
'You can’t.’
Bellamy put his hands on his hips, 'The person that killed those innocent grounders… that wasn’t me. You know that’s not who I am. I was angry at you and at myself… everything was falling apart.’
'See that’s the thing; It shows that you’re the type of person to do irrational things, Blake.’
He bit his lips and stared at the ground for couple of seconds. 'You make me a better person. I always knew you were good for me but when I thought you died…’
As he put his hand over his face, Bellamy stopped talking. My mind was telling me to go approach him and hug him but I knew that was a terrible idea. I couldn’t give in and forgive him yet; no matter how much I loved him even after all of this.
Suddenly, Raven’s voice echoed through the radio as she called for Bellamy. He picked up the radio and coughed before answering her, 'You got something?’
'Yeah, we figured out how to activate A.L.I.E 2.0 but we need a nightblood host. It’s easier if we just try and find Luna.’
'Alright. We got our weapons and we’re on our way back.’ Bellamy replied.
As we picked up the bag full of guns and started walking back to the garage, the radio made a static noise. 'Hello.’
'Miller?’ Bellamy asked. Ever since he parted ways with Miller, Harper and Bryan before meeting us at Niylah’s, they haven’t answered any of our calls.
'Nope but I have him with me right here. Want to say hi?’
Bellamy’s facial expression changed immediately, 'Who the hell are you?’
'Ah, you don’t remember me? You killed all of my people in Mount Weather.’
'Emerson…’ I whispered as my eyes widened and my heart started beating faster. All of the horrifying terrors flashed into my mind like snap shot.
As I dropped the heavy bag on the ground, I ran as fast as I can back to the garage. My mind was racing so fast I didn’t know what I was doing.
A vision of Emerson and Cage grinning as they pulled me onto the surgery table, Marcus and Raven’s screams ringing in my ears as they drilled my back; I thought that I was finally over my fears but I wasn’t.
Dashing inside the garage, Sinclair’s bloody body laid on the floor. My eyes widen as it paused my whole thought process.
Staring at the dead body, I felt someone shaking my shoulder as I heard a muffling noise. As my mind blanked out and I couldn’t quite understand what was going on until I felt hands holding my cheeks.
'Reyes!’ My eyes turned to Bellamy who was standing right in front of me as he held my face. 'Are you alright?’
As I snapped back to reality, I quickly nodded as we stared into each other’s eyes. 'I-I’ll be fine.’
'You can wait here while I get them back. If it’s uncomfortable for you to see him, I understand.’ He rubbed his thumb on my cheek whilst cupping my face.
The one thing I feared the most came back to haunt me. Even the thought of Emerson made me want to go go crazy, I can’t imagine being face-to-face with him once again. But I knew I had to face my fears to save my friends and my sister. 'No. I’m coming with you.’
'Reyes, you’re in shock and you don-’
'I need to save everyone. I’m going.’
✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤
Bellamy led us to the airlock where Emerson was holding everyone captive. As we saw Clarke on her knees while Emerson aimed the gun aimed at her head, we both loaded our weapons.
'Drop your weapon Emerson, it’s over.’ Bellamy shouted as he pointed his gun at him.
Miller, Harper, and Bryon was also in the airlock with Octavia and the others. Holding my gun up towards Emerson, I stared at my friends who were tied up in the airlock.
'It’s not over until I make every single one of you suffer after what you did to me and my people.’ He then suddenly paused and started chuckling. Well, well well. 'Look who we have here.’
As I shifted my eyes towards him, our eyes met. My knees started feeling weak and my palms were getting sweaty. A smirk appeared on his face as he grabbed onto Clarke. 'I remember you.’
'Good to see you again, Emerson.’ I said nervously.
'Alright I’ll give you a deal. I won’t shoot Clarke if I can have you.’
'There are no deals, you have two people with a gun aimed right at you.’ Bellamy stepped in front of me as he defended me.
Emerson took a step towards us, pointing the gun right at Bellamy. 'Do you want a deal or not.’
'You can have me if you let all my friends go.’
'Don’t do that Reyes.’ Bellamy blurted.
'Fine by me.’ Emerson gave a devilish grin as he shoved Clarke into the airlock.
Putting my gun down, I tucked it into the side of my pants to try to earn Emerson’s trust. 'That was not the deal. Bring all my friends out the airlock’
'Your turn pal.’ Emerson demanded Bellamy to get in however he stood there and stared at him.
He then walked over to me and aimed the gun on my head. 'I won’t say it again.’
Without any hesitation, Bellamy walked into the airlock. 'Why are you doing this? You said you just want me.’
'Yeah, I do.’ He said as he pressed the button to release the oxygen from the airlock. 'You know, I wish that you were in the dropship the time we kidnapped your friends.’
As I took a deep breath, I tried not to panic. The devil in my nightmare was standing right in front of me and was trying to kill my friends. I knew that I had to find a way to save everyone without making irrational decisions. The fear was terrifying but I couldn’t let it control me anymore.
Emerson approached me with a grin as he laid his hand on my shoulder. 'You could’ve been great for Mount Weather.’
I faked a smile, 'Are you sure that’s the only thing I would’ve been great for?’
He let out a soft laughter before he grabbed onto my face. As he leaned in closer, I headbutted him which caused him to fall onto the ground. 'You fucker!’
Grabbing onto my gun, I sat on his stomach and aimed the gun at him. 'It’s over, Emerson.’
'I’m enjoying every bit of this, darling.’ He chuckled out loud. Disgusted in him, I became even more angry than before. With the butt of the gun, I attacked him right on his forehead.
As he held onto his head and grunted in pain, I quickly got up and unlocked the airlock. Catching my breath, I pointed the gun at Emerson again. ‘I fucking hate you, you know that? You ruined my life.’
‘Did I really now?’ He continued on smiling, enjoying taunting me. ‘You seem fine to me.’
‘Every fucking night I dreamed the day you drilled me, over and over again.’ Tears started streaming down my face as the flashbacks appeared on my mind. ‘No matter how much I told my self everything’s alright now, you haunted me in my head.’
‘So why don’t you shoot me?’
The constant teasing got me fuming, ‘I’ll shoot you whenever I want to!’
‘Just do it already or are you too scared to kill me?’ Every time he talked, his grin got bigger and bigger.
The emotion got the best of me as I subconsciously kicked Emerson in the head, but that didn’t stop him from keeping his mouth shut. The blood dripped down his face as he continued to laugh. ‘Pathetic. One bullet and this will all be gone.’
‘No it won’t. You’re already in my head.’ I wiped my tears with one hand as I gripped the gun tightly with the other. ‘I don’t even know if I’ll get the satisfaction after I do kill you, Emerson.’
‘Wow, what a dark thought. Now I feel bad that I did all those stuff for you. You’re definitely one of us.’
‘I am nothing like you people. You guys are sick.’
‘I’ve been haunting you night after night. You are sick too.’ Emerson snickered.
Once again, without any thought process I punched him in his face. The constant pain I felt after the trauma took over and I just wanted to hurt him as much as he hurt me. My vision was blurry from the tears, I didn’t notice how long I was continuously punching him until Bellamy pulled me away.
‘Don’t worry, everything’s okay.’ he held me tight as he comforted me. I buried my face into his chest, crying like I never did before.
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tag list; @jodiereedus22, @coffeebooksandfandom, @bellamyblakemorley, @wisestydia-15, @dbtvluv , @hurricane–amelia , @lexalexy , @olkathefoxi, @lena-davina, @kellbell44, @thehakunamatara, @akelly4477, @morgannope, @littlegirl-fox, @captainam-erika-trash, @greygarbage
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