#favourites: my foe beheld it shine
laufire · 2 months
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this too is yuri.
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laufire · 1 year
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laufire · 11 months
[more posts about La Promesa that nobody cares about but] APPARENTLY I'm on that level of fandom engagement where you read actors' interviews and. I CANNOT believe Pía's actress joked about Pía and Petra rising Pía's baby together.
I'm still primarily into Cruz & Petra's Rebecca-Mrs. Danvers' vibes but I will admit. THAT is an enemies to lovers co-parents arrangement I could get behind ñalskdfjaf.
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laufire · 1 year
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laufire · 1 year
I think Elena's hate and thirst for revenge against Katherine is the strongest, most real thing she's ever felt in her entire life.
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laufire · 2 years
sometimes I do a little exercise after a story, especially one that’s given me mixed feelings or left me somewhat unsatisfied, where I like to imagine how I would’ve approached it. it’s not about “fixing it”, because I’m not judging it on its own merits, but simply thinking of what the story would look like if *I* had been given the barebones of the original premise and left to run with it.
in this case I was thinking about Do Revenge. big spoilers under the cut.
as I’ve mentioned before, I would’ve gotten rid of the secondary love interests. they gave me nothing I was interested in, so. goodbye.
I would’ve also dealt with Max differently. he wouldn’t’ve been the Final Evol to defeat for Drea and Eleanor to come together, because in my hands this film wouldn’t have a happy and reconciliatory ending between them lmao.
the reveal about Eleanor’s true past victimizer being Drea, and the whole thing being her revenge quest against her, would’ve probably happened around... half the story (I don’t quite remember if it was closer to the middle or to the end of the film). the latter half would’ve been Drea’s panicked plans to subvert it failing.
one thing I’m unsure of at the moment is whether Eleanor would’ve been completely or just partially successful in his revenge against Drea. one idea I have is Eleanor framing her for Max’s murder LMFAO; not sure of how said murder would’ve happened, but Drea wouldn’t have been 100% culpable neither 100% innocent of it. the metric of Eleanor’s success could be measured by whether Drea suffered legal consequences (in which case I’m picturing the final scene being Eleanor visiting her in jail xD), or just social ones -where everyone would’ve known she killed Max, because his true nature had been unmasked beforehand, but unable to prove it because Drea was partially successful against Eleanor. I actually can see her Drea coming to like this state of affairs on some level...
OH, also: Drea and Eleanor would’ve fucked in my version, obviously. post-reveal (pre-reveal it would turn Eleanor in the predator Drea made her out to be), with the two of them trying to do the most damage to the other through it. there would be debate over the ambiguity of how genuine they were being the whole time; there was obvious sexual attraction (although I picture Drea going about it homophobically on some level afterwards xD), but how much is it Eleanor enjoying her revenge? how much is it Drea trying to emotionally compromise her? etc. etc.
it would also have a very different aesthetic but that's a whole separate issue lol.
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laufire · 7 months
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clarke's face asñdlkfajsdf. one creepy mofo. from day one.
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laufire · 3 years
Castiel and Crowley could BOTH say "you want to fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid" to each other.
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laufire · 3 years
call Meg Castiel’s “bestie” one. more. time.
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laufire · 3 years
90+97 Megstiel xDD
Unexpected Virgin + Time Travel
Well, frankly, I found the fact that Castiel was a virgin everything but unexpected, given the circumstances. So the options would be a.) Meg finding it unexpected, from her POV, because are people idiots?? xDD; or b.) Meg as the REALLY unexpected virgin.
And sure, the girl is forward, but why not? (virginity says nothing about a person, after all). She’s either in Hell torturing or being tortured, she doesn’t seem to remember her human life so all bets are off there, and when she’s on Earth she’s doing hot demon shit for her causes or to get revenge over people.
I would imagine her being defensive asf about it if it came up lol. Like hey, maybe she just didn’t have the time, or better things to do, shut up. Otherwise she probably wouldn’t even think in those terms.
Anyway. The time travel. In this show it could happen in so many different ways... Due to angelic powers, for some convenient mission they have to take in the past. Or either of them gets tossed around in time and meets and older version of the other, having to convince them to help them return to the present. That last one has a lot of potential for angst, yup.
Send me two (2) tropes from this list + a ship and I’ll describe how I’d combine them in the same story.
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laufire · 3 years
Megstiel for the ask thing!
when of if I started shipping it: well, technically, since I decided to watch 15x13 months ago (before starting to see the show in its entirety; previously, I had only watched parts of s3-4)... since then lol. That moment where he’s initially so happy to see her until he realizes it’s the Empty impersonating her. It clicked for me; a quick search for content lead me to gifsets that made me like them more... and then 5x10 happened and I was ALL IN.
my thoughts: as annoying as the tag invasion is... it tickles my pickle that despite the comparatively minor content they’re one of those ships capable of causing trouble in a fandom lmfao. It pleases me xD (no matter what anyone says, ships with bad content don’t cause antis to insist, years after it’s over, on repeating over and over how platonic they were, sns xDD).
What makes me happy about them: each bit of content is A++ but the s7 mini-arc (which I just finished) is pure perfection. Castiel’s fixation is adorbs.
What makes me sad about them: they had so little time :(((
things done in fanfic that annoys me: as a multishipper (but primary Megstiel shipper), I feel I’m bound to be annoyed by a lot of what this fandom does fic-wise lmao, but I have yet to read a fic including Meg (both because I haven’t finished her arc and as a defense mechanism lol). For one, I’d be annoyed by anything that dismissed their dynamic or demonized (no pun intended) Meg.
things I look for in fanfic: I could be interesting in canon-divergence AUs where she doesn’t die/is brought back and they get to explore their relationship. OR pre-s5/even pre-s4 or earlier AUs (different first meeting is one of my favourite tropes ever).
My kinks: they already have fire kink, sort-of blade kink (nurse kink, but I’m not at all into that although I respect they are lmao)... also imo they’re a dom/masochist-switch-that-thought-she-was-a-dom pair, which can have interesting results xDD.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: I don’t really ship Meg with anyone else, not in “happy ending” capacity (and really only in ot3s with Castiel), so. For Castiel, my runner-up ships for which I actually see a possibility of a happy ending are with Bela (crackship I stumbled into lmfao) and Sam (I have Complicated Feelings about Destiel but none of them involves the possibility of ending up together tbh xD).
My happily ever after for them: listen, I’m not even half-way there and I already have a more-than-vague post-series idea about Castiel searching for Meg in the Empty, Orpheus and Eurydice style xDD (not even my only wip idea that includes a happy ending).
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laufire · 3 years
Samruby in SPN really was the fucking blueprint.
the themes. the blood sharing. the addiction plot. monstrous woman. demonic creature/not-fully-human. the long con. the manipulation. the conflicting loyalties and family drama. the life-long lessons even when it’s over. the emotional damage. the possibility for a bitter exes story (if the writers hadn’t been cowards). 
it had all it needed to steal me away~~
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laufire · 4 years
yessssss, I love that Indra got to kill Sheidheda.
I still wish she’d got to fuck him first BUT this was the important part for me, shipping-wise :D
I’m disappointed it wasn’t more close and personal though. that would’ve been sexier.
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laufire · 4 years
Brutal Honesty Max and Eleanor.
I appreciate this ship a lot more in retrospective and on rewatch -partially because the same happened with Eleanor the character-, to the point where it achieved OTP levels. Not bad for something I expected to be a pretty big NoTP lol.
Although I must reiterate that my love for this pairing hings on it happening exactly as it did in canon. I wouldn’t ship them if Max hadn’t won the game, and I firmly believe a.) not getting back together with Eleanor; and b.) Eleanor getting killed, where necessary for that to happen. And that’s a trade-off I was more than willing to make for Max’s victory.
And so, my love for the ship is the love you have for a tragedy, for a trainwreck of a romance. As that, I find it incredible, and moving and heartbreaking. I mean. Lovers to enemies to friends? That’s one hell of a journey, and one rarely explored in fiction in my experience.
BTW: I have this unmovable headcanon that Max seduced Eleanor (while she was still with Vane ofc) with some ulterior motives, or at least for more than one reason just like she did with Anne. I’m not saying she didn’t love Eleanor with all she had; I think she was blissfully happy with Eleanor in a way she might not achieve again (I always go back to how carefree she acted in that morning after scene in 1x02, and how that’s the last time we see her like that...).
But Max tends to have numerous motivations to do a thing and it would fit what we see on screen, in my opinion; especially that we’re told TWICE that Eleanor pays for sex with Max to be all “hers” so that she can establish boundaries with male clients. That was a way to remind us that the relationship was incredibly uneven, to hammer home this was happening between something akin to Nassau’s mayor and a sex worker benefiting from and depending on her money. I think Max’s feelings began as a bit of a “don’t know if I want to do you or be you” deal, tbh.
Send me a ship and I’ll give you my (brutally) honest opinion on it
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laufire · 4 years
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“Would you like it better if it was your tight?”
              “I thought you were a psychic... bitch.”
[Caption: two scenes between Allison and Erica in season 2 episode 5 of Teen Wolf. On the left, they’re sitting together in the lab and Erica threatens Allison and digs her claws on her leg, under the table; on the right, after paralyzing Erica, who’s lying on the floor with her eyes open, Allison kneels down next to her and softly touches her hair, getting close and personal.]
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laufire · 4 years
the more I think about it, the more I see that what gets a ship to enter my ~Hall of Fame of OTPs~ are these two elements:
Us vs. The World
Me vs. You
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