#aa villains
maimreddwhite · 2 years
mimi miney literally has so much in common with other criminals in aa
mimi and april are both women who were driven (haha get it) to do Bad Crimey Shit because of their horrible bosses. they both used an outward appearance to deceive the court. they were also both in some ways victims of their circumstances. they had to hide their real feelings and thoughts into just being a clueless ditzy girl.
mimi and dee both lost a loved one in a very very traumatic way and wished to seek revenge on them. also morally grey
mimi and yanni both had to completely suppress who they were to put on a more stupid persona after suffering blame for a crime + the loss of a loved one
mimi and lana both, in some way, did what they did for the sake of their younger sisters, with lana doing it to protect ema and with mimi doing it to get revenge for the man who (technically) killed ini
her and acro were both people who are very morally grey and suffered the deaths of two people that really affected them, with their siblings death basically pushing them to harm someone they see as responsible
dahlia and mimi both Dyed Their Hair Red For Reasons Related To Their Kind Of Fucked Up Past
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veveisveryuncool · 9 months
me on my knees begging for a tails and nine interaction in season 3 🙏🙏🙏
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take to the skies, forgotten fox boy <3
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gradelstuff · 6 months
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Dabi in the Puzzles & Dragons game collaboration (2024)
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seefasters · 1 year
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me when there are brothers who are lawyers (aa with bcs dialogue)
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geebeeskoos · 1 month
Some people: well... You see, saying Manfred Von Karma was a terrible father figure to his children is a disservice to his character... We don't really have the ultimate proof he was awful... If he was a decent parental figure, it could actually give him some nuance... He could be more complex than he seems...
The character they're talking about: I SET MY ATM CARD'S NUMBER TO "0001" BECAUSE I'M NUMBER ONE.
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shaxza · 11 months
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packet-of-staples · 10 months
Thinking about how when Vivian says "The audience is quick to forget, especially ours." The game isn't just critizising how we as audience members will easily forget the wrong doings of big companies as soon as they come out with something new or the noise around them has died down, but is also challenging you the player to prove Vivian wrong.
Dont let big companies in our real lives get away with their crimes, continue to hold them accountable. Prove to Vivian Walton that you wont forget what they've done.
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kurowataa · 7 months
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my beautiful wives...if u guys even care...
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What the Ace Attorney Villains Could Get Charged With (to the best of my research) (in America laws)
Game One
!Disclaimer! I know nothing about law take this with a grain of salt I was just bored.
Frank Sahwit
Burglary - This one is obvious. He was a thief. He stole stuff. How many charges exactly depends on how many he admits to or can be traced back to him.
Breaking and entering - At least one charge from Cindy's case, potentially more depending on any other burglary charges.
Assault and battery - Hitting Cindy with the Thinker. The assault may or may not be aggravated depending on whether it was technically intended to be used in a way that would readily and likely cause death.
Second-degree murder - This one could potentially be brought down to voluntary manslaughter. It depends whether he intended to kill Cindy when he hit her, and if he was in enough emotional distress that hitting her would be semi-justifiable.
Incrimination - In pinning the blame on Larry, he did this.
Fraud - Even if pretending to be a newspaper salesman to steal from people didn't constitute fraud, Payne stated this as his job. This means he lied about his job to the court by saying he was a newspaper salesman. Which is fraud.
Redd White
Incrimination - This is when he tried to frame Maya, and when he shifted the blame on Phoenix. This may lead to two charges.
Obstruction of justice - In incriminating Maya, he tampered with the crime scene. Plus, blackmailing a judge is probably illegal and probably falls under this.
Corruption - He was a corporate official, which makes some of this other stuff constitute corruption, mostly the blackmail.
Blackmail - Speaking of, he could be faced with countless charges of this, depending how much could be tied back to him.
Assault and battery - Punching someone in the face multiple times is illegal, kids. So is hitting someone on the head. If Frank gets aggravated for the thinker, so does he. Phoenix's assault probably wasn't aggravated, though, as I doubt his rings/fists would be ruled a deadly weapon considering the intent.
Intimidation - His threat for an "accident" to happen to Phoenix is more than enough to be considered a threat of violence.
First-degree murder - His murder of Mia was completely premeditated. There's little he can do about this.
Criminal threat - Threatening to injure or kill someone is bad. And using flowery language like "accident" doesn't negate it.
Wiretapping - While he didn't actually put the wiretap there, it can be inferred he ordered it. This makes it conspiracy, so there is some shared guilt.
Conspiracy - The wiretapping was a joint effort between him and April. He may try to claim otherwise, but its degree of success is debatable.
Workplace abuse - It's a real good sign when your secretary fears you murdering her like you did to that defense attorney a couple days ago, Redd, I'm sure you could never get in legal trouble for that.
Dee Vasquez
Racketeering - Oftentimes, people in organized crime are automatically found guilty of this. This being charging someone for a service they haven't requested (think mafia "protection").
Blackmail - This one is also pretty obvious. Jack Hammer.
Obstruction of justice - This is her tampering with the crime scene when she moved the body. Also potentially when she tried to kill a lawyer involved with the case.
Attempted murder - By proxy, two charges, when she ordered her goons to kill Phoenix and Maya.
Voluntary manslaughter - Hammer was trying to kill her, she's got that justified self-defense plea. Not that it matters much, because...
Countless other mafia-related charges - We don't know the exact details of her mafia connections, but she's entrenched enough to have goons. We can safely say she did a lot of illegal stuff in organized crime.
Intimidation - Mafia goons trying to kill you is pretty intimidating. That and the threats of erasure.
Criminal threat - See above threats of erasure.
Conspiracy - She works together with Sal Manella in the obstruction of justice.
Manfred von Karma
Forgery - He's known to forge evidence constantly.
Obstruction of justice - See above. Plus, tazing lawyers and stealing their evidence is pretty frowned upon. So is intimidating witnesses.
Assault and battery - The evidence room fiasco. Potentially aggravated depending on the actual voltage of the tazer and if he lied about it or not, but given they didn't die, probably not.
Theft - He stole evidence from the evidence room.
Intimidation - Brandishing a taser at someone is generally considered this.
Corruption - Being a government official, most if not all this stuff constitutes corruption.
Incrimination - Due to his conspiracy with Yogi, he is guilty of attempting to frame Miles by proxy.
First-degree murder - He sees a gun and a man he doesn't like in the elevator, and he does think about it before doing it. Thus, it is premeditated and first-degree. Also, given his conspiracy with Yogi, he may also be guilty of murdering Hammond by proxy.
Child abuse - Both Miles and Franziska could push for this, even just with what we have explicitly stated. Depending on interpretation and how poor of a guardian he was, this charge could have some serious ground to stand on.
Emotional abuse - Pretty much the same hat as the child abuse charge, only less uncertain.
Criminal threat - I don't know what you want from me, man. He threatens everyone all the time.
Torture - I haven't played investigations yet, but from what I'm looking at, he psychologically tortured a guy, so. That's pretty non Geneva convention certified of him, even if this isn't a war.
Workplace abuse - Again, this is hearsay because investigations, but he's pretty crappy to his subordinates, it seems.
Solicitation - He heavily encourages Yogi to kill Hammond and frame Miles.
Conspiracy - He provides Yogi with the means to kill Hammond, so while there is technically no mutual agreement, he's also guilty of this.
Damon Gant
Corruption - As a government official, a great deal of his crimes constitute corruption.
Forgery - A great portion of the conflict of his case comes from the forged evidence he made.
Obstruction of justice - Most of the rest of the conflict of his case comes from the evidence he withheld.
Blackmail - Quite a severe case of it, at that. Multiple years against a single person is nothing to sneeze at.
Incrimination - That's what it was when he made it look like Ema killed Neil.
First-degree murder - He thought about killing Neil long enough to consider the pros and cons of doing so, and went through with it. That's pretty premeditated. A good lawyer may be able to get him down to second degree for Goodman, but it's highly doubtful considering.
Conspiracy - He had Lana hide Goodman's body, and while there was blackmail involved, there was still a mutual agreement. Thus, conspiracy.
Concealment of death - There are a few different names for this, but it's when he had Lana hide Goodman's body. It was unsuccessful, but there were still significant steps taken to have it happen on both their parts, so he may get a partial sentence.
Criminal threat - He makes so many threats.
Workplace abuse - I think using a pipe organ to punish your employees violates some international laws or something. Speaking of which...
Torture - Of the audio variety. Seriously this guy is the police how did this fly for so long that is BAD.
Vigilantism - This is actually very interesting. Despite the fact that he is a member of law enforcement and Joe Darke did kill multiple people, he still used illegal means to bring him to some form of justice. Depending on how much he wanted Darke convicted, it could be argued that his actions constitute vigilantism.
Assault and battery - One case of assault against Goodman, and two charges of battery against Neil and Goodman. Assault is the threat of violence and the means to follow through, and battery is the actual act of violence; seeing as Neil was unconscious, he could not have been threatened. The assault was aggravated, as a knife is a deadly weapon.
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y-rhywbeth2 · 1 month
Bizzare statement, but Lolth and Corellon as depicted in Evermeet: Island of the Elves are divorce goals for many of the toxic relationships involving my characters.
It's a regular trashfire; my OG dysfunctional, abusive divine family from before the Bhaalspawn obsession kicked in. Throw the whole thing out! Partly why I enjoy using a BG2 tie-in to make my Durge a child of Bhaal and kind of the Seldarine for double the dysfunction, maybe.
Corellon is implied to be a tad obsessed with his gf (not even sure what's happening with Angharradh. 'I declare myself Queen and consort,' meanwhile Corellon's not even looking at her because he's busy looking at Lolth.)
Lolth finds him smothering. Vhaeraun and Eilistraee are neglected. Eilistraee is slightly better treated, but she's also noted to resemble her mother which uhhhh. Eilistraee is 'my child,' Vhaeraun is 'your mother's son.' And even Eilistraee's idea of optimism is; 'if I do something to please father (by recovering one of my mother's lost creations she made for him) maybe he'll divert his attention from obsessing over mother for five seconds and show me an iota of affection!'
Meanwhile Vhaeraun long ago gave up trying and hates them both, and his sister because at least Corellon likes her and Lolth doesn't seem to be physically and verbally abusing her.
"I am Angharradh," the new goddess said in a voice that was wind, moonlight, and music. "From the essence of the three greatest elven goddesses am I born. I am three and I am one—three to ensure that treachery never again enters the heart of a goddess of Arvandor, and one to stand at Corellon's side." Angharradh stooped and touched her hand lightly to Corellon's forehead, and again to his heart. The wounds closed, and the dark aura that clung to him seemed to part. The elf lord opened his eyes at last. They settled, not on the wondrous Angharradh, but upon Araushnee. His gaze held terrible heartbreak and equally strong resolve. "A great evil has entered our midst," he said in a dry whisper. "We must confront it now, for the sake of the Seldarine and all our elven children. The Council is convened. Let any who would, speak freely."
Corellon looked into Araushnee's malevolent crimson eyes, marvelling that he had never truly seen her before. She stood taut and defiant, her fists balled at her sides and her entire slender form quivering from the effort it took her to keep from striking out at him. Where did it come from—this rage, this terrible ambition? "What is this that you have done?" he said softly. "What could you possibly hope to gain by such actions? If there is anything that you lacked, you had only to speak and I would have given it to you with joy." "Exactly," snarled Araushnee. "You would have given. True power is not given, but seized! As to your 'great gifts,' I held in my hands the destinies of mortal beings—but was my own ever mine to command? You treated me like some cherished and cosseted possession, while standing in the way of everything I desired!" "Not so," Corellon told her gently. "Never did I show you such disrespect. I loved you." "And you will yet live to regret it," she hissed.
And then he - instead of killing her as everybody, including Lolth, knows would be the better option for the safety of everyone - banishes her. Fuck the wellbeing of your children - mortal and divine - as well as other mortals of Toril!
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May the best villain win
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I-✒️oh-☕️oh no-📚what-🥿 what's happening to me??🕰🩰💼☕️🎀✒️🫖🖼🍷📚🤎 *the world was on fireee and no one could save me but youuu* *the snow in the mountains was melting* *i saw my life branching out before me like the green figtree* *we dont read and write poetry because its cute* *do you blame shakespeare for any of it*
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weaverofink · 2 years
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happy valentine’s day-- ace attorney villains edition!!!
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gradelstuff · 7 months
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Shigaraki & Dabi edits from Ichiban Kuji's 'The way they walk' (2023)
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freebagels · 2 months
Kay and Edgeworth give off a little of Nimona and Boldheart
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aperture-of-bullshit · 3 months
they made heatwave a butch so. so you know. Win for me.
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