#aaah I need season 2 soon...
meownotgood · 1 year
happy one year since chainsaw man, I miss you so much... <3
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butterflydm · 2 years
wot on prime rewatch: 1x08 the eye of the world (part 1)
spoilers through the end of season one of the wheel of time. I will do a reblog of this soon after I post it, with additional book-related spoilers.
1. Aaah, this opening. All in the Old Tongue! LTT is SUPER-HOT. The way we can see that the clothes they’re wearing here are kinda modern-ish with a twist. There’s so much visual information in this opening, in addition to the actual lore that we learn in the discussion between Lews and Latra. Just... opening up with “3000 years ago” and straight into a made-up language!
2. I like the design of Lews Therin’s house here. It does evoke a sense of grandeur, with those tall archways and columns, and there’s a lot of light coming in from every angle, and a nice tree inside the house. And the little (for now nameless) baby and us moving from the nursery and showing off that 3000 years ago was FUTURISTIC with flying cars, etc. And that the show itself is set in a post-apocalyptic world. Really nice reveal.
3. After the credits, we’re in the Blight with Moiraine and Rand.This is just a short scene to show that they are dealing with a place of rot and danger. Rand is, I think, feeling in over his head right now.
4. Back in Fal Dara, Perrin talks Egwene out of trying to chase after Rand into the Blight. They both talk about how they love Rand, check in with each other emotionally that this recent fight hasn’t impacted their friendship, and then have some consoling hugs. Very sweet scene.
5. During a rest stop, we learn that Rand and Lan talked off-screen at some point, and Lan told him that he’s from Malkier. Rand tries to do some emotional bonding with Moiraine over leaving the people they care about behind, but Moiraine is Not Ready for that kind of emotional commitment when she’s walking to what she believes to be her death. Or, honestly, ever in general.
6. Lan and Nynaeve share a moment, and she says that she’ll help him go after Moiraine and Rand, but he needs to bring Rand back when he does. Moiraine, of course, is his priority there, but... will she always be? Lan then tells Nynaeve that he admires her deeply, but also kinda shuts the gate on the idea of them being a couple. Makes sense to me -- from Lan’s PoV, Moiraine was able to use his affection for Nynaeve as a way to go off on her own, without respecting the choice that he made years ago to share in her dangers with her. So I get why he’s shutting a door that was only just opened with Nynaeve. His commitment to Moiraine and, you know, also saving the world means a lot to him.
7. Moiraine gets stabbed in a dream, and Rand confronts, ah, the Dark One, all flaming eyes. I wonder who he thought was the Dragon, since he says here that he DIDN’T think it was Rand. I’m gonna go with... Perrin. I think Moiraine was hoping it was Egwene, and that the Dark One thought it was Perrin (for book spoiler reasons that I will mention in the reblog). Both Rand and Perrin had individual dreams that we were shown, but Rand’s dream was a lot more chaotic than Perrin’s (literally everyone else was wandering around in his dream) and Perrin’s dream felt much more focused. That might reflect the Dark One being more focused on Perrin than on Rand.
8. Rand immediately shoots an arrow straight into his eye. Love that for him. The Dark One then pulls off his charred face by pushing in the arrow and just looks like a regular person. Anyway, arrow to the eye doesn’t work (at least not in whatever kind of dream this is). This actor is really really good (yes, I say that about pretty much all the acting on this show. But it’s all been really good!) and, right away, he shows a pretty deep familiarity with the past Dragon -- saying that Rand looks ‘nothing like him’, reaching out to touch his face, etc. Rand is, of course, pretty freaked out by all this. And the Dark One just talks very casually to “Lews Therin”. “Finally having a conversation once again.”
9. The Dark One negs Rand by telling him how pathetic it is for him to come here with just one Aes Sedai. I mean, gosh, put in some effort, Lews Therin, lol. He questions if Rand has ever even touched the Power (...not intentionally) and Rand pulls out a sword and points it at him. I mean, that’s kinda an answer all on its own. Anyway, Rand stabbing himself here is very logical from what he’s seen -- he assumes that he won’t ‘really’ get hurt (and doesn’t) because, well, he shot an arrow into someone’s head and they didn’t really get hurt. and I love that the Dark One is just kinda exasperated that Rand stabbed himself.
10. Much like Moiraine didn’t want to talk about how it felt to leave Lan behind with Rand, Rand doesn’t want to talk about his dream with Moiraine. Still processing everything that happened, I’m guessing. There was a lot! Rand wants to know what Moiraine’s plans are (this is always what Rand wants when it comes to Moiraine -- he just wants to be let on the plan!). Moiraine introduces him to the idea of a sa’angreal, to help amplify the Power. Moiraine says the plan is for Rand to put the Dark One back where he belongs.
11. “You thought it would be Egwene, didn’t you? You taught her to channel. You introduced her to your Amyrlin Seat. You thought it was her. So did I.” This is an interesting comment from Rand, because I kinda think that BOTH Moiraine and Rand ‘thought’ it would be Egwene for the same reason -- wishful thinking and denial. For Egwene, being the Dragon Reborn isn’t being sentenced to madness and death. For Mat, Perrin, or Rand, it is. Egwene is someone who can channel in the way that is culturally acceptable (in most places). Egwene being the Dragon Reborn would mean that the Aes Sedai wouldn’t need to question any of their current cultural practices re: gentling men.
12. Moiraine dances a great jig here to avoid telling Rand that she can’t actually see the Power when it’s used by men (as the show revealed in 1x4) and doesn’t know how to talk him through using it the way that she could talk Egwene through it. ~Oh, you’ll figure it out~ she vaguely tells him. No quiet intimate talks about rivers and trying to find the light in her jewel for Rand. imo, She is trying to maintain an illusion of certainty, both because she probably believes that Rand needs her to be certain so that he doesn’t lose his nerve and also because the illusion of certainty is pretty much how she lives her life. We get another of her great pauses where the Oath traps her from lying here, I think, when Rand presses her and asks her how she can be sure that he’ll figure out channeling when he needs it. And she goes into a story about an Aes Sedai beating her until she reached for the Power herself instinctively in order to make her stop. And this story is not actually answering Rand’s question! He doesn’t have a block, he has a lack of training. (but I do think her moment here of being genuinely vulnerable with Rand did reach him, and what she said helped him later, but it’s definitely a far cry from actually trying to teach him to reach the Power, like she did with Egwene).
13. Egwene, Nynaeve, Perrin, & Loial go to the bar where Min works to find some answers. Egwene starts the conversation with a demand (like how Rand started his conversation at the end of the last episode, though he backs down, apologizes, and starts over again when Min pushes back on him) - “We need some answers.” Min tells them, “People’s secrets are their business, no one else’s.” I respect show!Min so much. She doesn’t back down from this position! She doesn’t bend and tell them Rand’s secrets. And then the situation changes, as she gets a viewing of Nynaeve and then people all around them in the bar getting horribly injured. This is not very much warning for Min & Fal Dara. The horn in Fal Dara blows, and we see people head out out of the bar immediately. 
14. Through a break in the trees, Rand and Moiraine see the Shadowspawn army heading for Tarwin’s Gap. Rand worries about his friends in the city, but Moiraine tells him that the only way to really help is to continue on their path and confront the source of the problem. Inside Fal Dara, Lord Agelmar learns of sabotage, which means Darkfriends looking to help the Trollocs & Fades invade. I like the scene between Lord Agelmar and Lady Amalisa -- it sets the stakes of the coming conflict -- he does not expect to survive the battle, believes that the Last Battle is upon them all, and only hopes to help win enough time for the world to pull together and fight. And it’s a nice family moment between the two of them.
15. Moiraine and Rand arrive at a building that goes downward into the earth, mostly just a huge hole with many staircases. Rand feels a familiarity with the location and here, once they’ve reached this point, he asks Moiraine if she’s walking to her death here and when he realizes that she DOES believe she’ll die, he tells her that she should stay here (but of course she does not, for multiple reasons).
16. Moiraine says straight-out here that the White Tower’s libraries were purged by Darkfriends (of knowledge of this place, but I’m guessing of many other things as well), which helps establish the stakes of why she and Siuan have kept their search for the Dragon Reborn such a secret. They are aware that they have traitors inside the White Tower.
17. As Rand tries to explain how/why this place feels familiar, he has a vision of the person that we know from the cold open is Lews Therin, talking passionately to someone, then spreading out his hands. Very interesting at this point is that, when Rand is deep in trying to remember what happened here, he is speaking in the first-person from Lews Therin’s memories. “I fought someone here.” But he says that the puzzle pieces don’t all fit together correctly. We get a glimpse of the Dark One, standing opposite across the symbol from where Lews Therin had stood. If Moiraine still had any doubts about Rand, this speech of his likely would have wiped them away entirely.
18. Rand find the symbol at the center of the room -- a circle, divided into two halves by a sinuous line. One half black and the other half white. He touches the Eye and there’s a lot to unpack in the various climaxes of the episode, so I’m going to take a break here.
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ginjithewanderer · 2 years
Scout! Polka Dots — Summer-Colored Youths — Chapter 1
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Writer: Umeda Chitose || Season: Summer Character appearances: Tetora, Hinata
Tetora helps Hinata take care of the fields at school. As thanks, Hinata invites him to go to a summer festival together, and along the way, they meet lots of people...
Proofread by @mankaissengen
Chapters: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8
"That's part of it, but... That poster just caught my eye. Look, the one for the summer festival."
Translation under the cut
[After school, one day in early July]
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Tetora: Hinata-kun, have I watered this ridge enough?
Hinata: Yup! Even with vegetables, there are some that need lots of water and some that don't need as much. That's enough~
Hinata: That's all for today's watering! Thanks to you helping out, things got done way faster ♪
Tetora: I mean, weren't you the one who asked me to help? Like, "Tetsu-kun, you got here at just the right time."
Hinata: Sorry, sorry. I just happened to see you there, so...♪
Tetora: Nah, I don't mind. Besides, if you watered all the fields by yourself in this heat, you'd probably get heatstroke.
Hinata: Yeah. So, I was thinking of buying a farm hat for the summer soon.
Tetora: You're serious about this, huh...? Well, if you ever need my help, I'll come by again.
Tetora: Summer's just getting started, so the real heat's gonna get here soon, too~
Hinata: Thanks ♪ Harvest time for summer vegetables is gonna start soon, too, so if we get delicious ones, I'll split them with you.
Tetora: Ahaha, I look forward to it ♪
Tetora: ... That said, we only watered the fields for a little while, but I'm sweating a lot.
Hinata: Yup~ We better wipe our sweat and stay hydrated. Speaking of hydration, wanna get something cold at the cafeteria?
Tetora: Hmm, the cafeteria works, but... Since we're here, why don't we take a detour on the way home?
Tetora: I heard from Narukami-senpai that a shop that sells delicious shaved ice just opened.
Hinata: Shaved ice, huh. That's perfect for summer ♪
Hinata: Where's the shop?
Tetora: I think it's near the shopping center? She sent the info about the shop to my phone, so we should be able to get there without getting lost ♪
Hinata: Then let's put away our watering cans and go! That shaved ice is waiting for us!
Tetora: Ossu! Let's think of what flavors to get on the way there!
[Some time later]
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Tetora: —Delicious! It's delicious, Hinata-kun!
Tetora: I had a lot of trouble deciding, but choosing the red bean and brown sugar syrup shaved ice wasn't a mistake!
Hinata: No way, the strawberry and tomato shaved milk ice is amazing, too! Take one bite and you'll definitely get how good it is!
Hinata: ... On which note, gimme a bite ♪ I'll give you two bites of mine if you do ♪
Tetora: I'm fine with just one bite. It'd be unfair if I were the only one to get two.
Hinata: Huh~? But I even tried buying you shaved ice earlier, and you wouldn't let me.
Hinata: This was supposed to be thanks for watering the fields.
Tetora: Um... I'll take one big bite, so I hope that'll satisfy you.
Tetora: Here, you can take some, too.
Hinata: Grrr. But hey, I get a biiite...♪
Tetora: ... Mh!
Hinata: What is it? Are you surprised by how delicious my shaved ice is?
Tetora: That's part of it, but... That poster just caught my eye. Look, the one for the summer festival.
Hinata: Ooh~. Just when I was thinking the rainy season is over, it's already time for summer festivals to be held, huh?
Hinata: Do you have any memories from summer festivals, Tetsu-kun?
Tetora: Memories? Going to one with Ryuseitai last year was definitely memorable, but...
Tetora: Now that I think about it, I got shaved ice with Anego back then, too~
Tetora: We had some trouble with our live, but that was fun, too. I did whatever I could at the time, and that gave me a sense of accomplishment.
Tetora: ... Ah, speaking of which, I was taken to a summer festival as a kid once, too—
Hinata: AAAH!
Tetora: Wh- What's wrong? That was loud.
Hinata: Tetsu-kun, look! This summer festival is being held today!
Tetora: Whoa, you're right! I only saw the picture, so I didn't notice at all.
Hinata: ... Today, huh?
Tetora: What's up?
Hinata: Hm? I just thought, I don't have work today. I don't have anything to do at the agency today. And there's nothing I absolutely have to hurry back to Starmony Dorm for, so~
Tetora: I'm the same there. Maybe seeing this poster here was a sign...
Tetora, Hinata: ......... [looking at each other]
Tetora: Now that I know it's there, I wanna go ♪
Hinata: Me too~! Okaaay, let's head over right now!
Hinata: To make sure we get the right place, lemme take a picture of the poster. Click...☆
Tetora: Let's send it to the others, too. I'll put it in the second years' group chat ♪
Hinata: I'll DM it to Yuuta-kun, too... there. I wonder if we should send it to anyone else.
Tetora: I wanna send it to our seniors, but would they be busy?
Tetora: Well, even if they don't come, let's buy them dango as souvenirs ♪
Hinata: Hehe. I'm excited to see what kinds of stalls will be there!
Tetora: Yakisoba, grilled squid, corn... Just thinking about it is making me hungry!
Hinata: What about candy apples and other sweets? It's not even just apples nowadays, they make them with all sorts of fruits.
Hinata: I wanna eat them with Yuuta-kun~. Though, even if it's not candied fruits, I wanna eat whatever Yuuta-kun does...!
Tetora: Haha, it'd be nice if you can make good memories with Yuuta-kun ♪
Tetora: I'm gonna enjoy this summer festival with all I've got, too~!
Chapter 2
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Tumblr is being tumblr and not letting me reply so I’m doing it this way.
Ask #1:
Oh my goodness yes, as soon as I get through the arc I will want ALL OF THE FICS!!!
And yeah, I can absolutely see his reaction being due to trying to deal with Scully’s situation. That makes a lot of sense.
And no, the representation in this wasn’t stellar. 😂 But I’m of the same mindset as you when it comes to judging a media by its time.
Ask #2
Your gushing over MSR is so enthusiastic it’s why I started this show, and I love how excited you get about them. You see things I don’t, which is why it’s so much fun to hear you go on about it. Calling her his “absolute favorite person in the world” is the truest thing and I love it. Haha! And yes, he would be The One to sing differently.
Also WHAT??? How did I miss the stars moment? I’ve seen gifs of it (probably yours actually) but I totally missed in the show. Def going back to rewatch it.
Max was hard because it was all about losing people. He loses an abductee, she loses an agent, and even though they don’t know either of them all that well, it hits perhaps extra hard because they know they’re on track to lose the one they know best.
I will go back through and compile a list for you!!! there are so so many good angsty-fluffy fics... I love it
awww you're so sweet, I love knowing I got you into this tbh and getting to see your reaction as you go! it's so sweet of you to say all that ☺
she absolutely is his favorite person, it's so adorable tbh.
aaah that scene at the end of Max always gets me... I need to go find more gifsets lol. it's just so SOFT and I love Scully waxing philosophical and Mulder is just kinda soaking in her presence...
oh wow you're right about the themes of the episode though, it really is about loss. (also @fortes-fortuna-iogurtum will agree with this, so I must say it: Agent Pendrell deserved better, he was such a sweet guy, I loved him 😔). the season 4 mytharc is so different from other seasons because it's much more character-driven, which is why I think I like it so much. the pre-emptive sense of loss in those episodes HURTS but it's also so good? the way it's written (and the way Gillian and David play it) is just incredible, it gives me so much feels.
also I want you to know that you made me REALLY want to go back and rewatch these eps, so 🤣 thanks for that
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grimoire-of-seven · 4 years
p-please... just a smidge of Barbatos fluff as a treat? 🥺
PROMPT: Treating you with some Barba-fluff Rating: SFW [sugary for work] Words: 1000 Characters:Barbatos x Gender!Neutral Reader Notes: Considering anon asked so nicely, I figured it would be just fitting to spoil you with a few short sugary scenes of fluff. Enjoy, dearies.~
Plates stacked and utensils gathered by the servants of the prince’s castle with the chief manservant orienting and supervising their work, Barbatos conversed a few words with you and the brothers before leaving your station to do another task just as the avatars did to begin their nightly routines. 
Dinner has only passed by minutes ago and the butler already meeting another task. 
Has this man, or demon rather, known no rest?
Making an excuse for yourself with a tactic of drinking water, he smiled as he began folding the napkins for tomorrow morning, seemingly unbothered with your alibi -or rather, buying it. Taking the seat next to him, to where the Avatar of Greed did whilst trying to protect his meal from Beelzebub’s hunger, your fingers motioning to each place, then remembered who occupied each seat with the dining table having nine chairs in total.
“Yes?” He answered, ironing the cloth, pressing it gently with his palm.
“Have you already eaten?”
Putting another fold aside, he smiled coyly as he pressed on another napkin.
Taking the hint, you inched closer, brows seemingly concerned; “When will you touch your food then?”
“I do not know. There is still more tidying to be done.” 
Removing yourself from the scene, as quietly and calmly as you could despite the worries,  you noticed by the farther side of the room, to where the servants gathered the used cutleries, a tray similar to what was served before you just minutes prior. 
Taking some matters onto your own, your lips gliding upwards before returning to his side with Barbatos unconcerned as he began taking the washed cups from the maids to dry.
“Wha-” Before he could speak, he watched your lips ever so closely touch the spoonful of soup resting on your gentle yet steady hands, blowing the trail of smoke far from the delight before carefully directing the spoon towards him;
“Say ahh.~”
“This is truly unnecessary.. I-”
“Think about it this way,” you replied, “You could still do your task while getting your tummy full. Wouldn’t that just save your time?”
Silent as though it needed time to contemplate, your eyes gleamed at the sight of him parting his mouth whilst his hands were occupied at his own chores. His puppy-eyes were on you as the spoon made its take-off, landing on his tongue for him to savor his own meal.
“With all due respect, I..believe this is rather ridiculous..” He confessed with a smile after gulping down the delicious soup he made for the whole party.
“Shush.. Just say aaah.~” you playfully remarked with another spoonful for him to eat.
With the spooky season arriving at Devildom after the annual wait, the festival booths that sprouted on the campus crowded all students in its open area. With all of them coming in different colors and some with their own groups, it could be said that one could easily get lost in it. 
With the brothers having their own agendas as their interests differ from one avatar to another, you were all that is left in the middle, not knowing where to go to. There were booths that may satisfy your appetite and those that may appeal to your liking however,  would it even be possible to go from one place to another and be able to return to the agreed meeting area for the later display of fireworks? 
Pacing towards a nearby bench to avoid the sea of devils dressing up as anything besides being devils, as fortunate as finding a needle dropped onto the floor, an ombre-teal hair sprouted from the busy gathering.
Grinning, you hurried along and directed yourself towards him when a herd of tall dressed-up demons pushed you far from your position, their elbows taking you to the farthest end when you felt someone grabbed you by the hand.
“It is a pleasure to have you in my sight.” He greeted back with his other hand close to his chest, taking you with him by a vacant seat - much to your legs’ comfort and plea.
It seems that Diavolo tried to get his chief servant off from his tail as the prince wanted him to enjoy the same sentiments he has without their title linked for this particular one night says Barbatos, reading your surprise as though he was anticipating it.
“If I may humbly ask, which booth would you like to visit?” He asked with that same smile from meeting you.
“I don’t think it’ll be wise to wander off. I don’t want to get lost by the crowd like the last time.. and the time before..”
“Here,” taking your hand, you felt his warm and comfortable as his fingers entwined with yours, “I will hold your hand until the festival ends. With someone as special as you are, take it from me to never let you get lost again, all right?”
Looking like a fool with tears straining your flushed cheeks on an empty hallway, its solitude provided refuge on your distress. You made a spectacle of yourself and everyone in the class soon became entertained by having you for a clown.
Trying to hold yourself from shaking, your breath quivering and unsteady, the touch of someone by your shoulder had you like a cat when startled, your nerves in fright when it all seeped down recognizing a familiar face.
“What troubles you, dear?”
Trying to come up with an answer, your breath only hitched more, making it difficult for air to come in.
“Th-this is just..t-tears of j-jo-oy.” Flashing the prince’s butler a smile as his ombre hair became a blur to your teary-eyes.
“Darling.. Breathe in with me for three seconds, all right?” Seeing his comforting eyes on you, your head vigorously nod, wiping your tears aggressively for your cheeks to dry as you took a deep breath.
“Now.. hold it in for four seconds.”
Like a puppy following their company’s footsteps, you could feel your chest tense as the numbers flew by your head before being instructed to breathe out for five seconds, the stress by your chest breathed out, making you feel at ease.
“How are you feeling?” His voice is as gentle as his company was when  he pressed his finger by his handkerchief to wipe the tears from your cheeks, making sure they would not get puffy tomorrow.
“Thank you, Barbatos..” 
Curling his lips warmly as he offered his arm like a gentleman, taking a stroll with him to wherever he may take you - it was comforting, to say the least, especially with his sweet smile.
“Dear, if I may somehow ask, who caused your distress?” he asked with that smile never leaving his gentle face.
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desiraypark · 4 years
Earth Angel
Continuation of SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL Characters: Flip Zimmerman x Mae (OC - Blk/F) Content: Fluffy/romantic; then a nasty lil’ quickie (PIV sex; FeedFlipSomeTiddies1975) Inspiration: Me telling some friends that this photoshoot (particularly the shirtless with hand in pocket photo) gave me “fuck you in the back of a Volkswagen on the way to Woodstock” energy lol
January 2, 1975 Dear Mae, I hope you had a good New Year’s Eve. And day. Also hope these letters haven’t been too much. I just think about you a lot I just enjoy talking to you. But anyway, I was thinking about my New Year’s resolutions. I’ve never really been big on them but thought 1975 would be the year I give one or two a try. Before I knew it, I got the crazy idea to go on a road trip. From Colorado Springs to Miami, perhaps? Shouldn’t take more than a few days--depending on how often we stop. Before I start stalling and using up this entire sheet to talk about bullshit, I’m going to come right on out and ask if you’d like to join me. I know it sounds crazy. But it would be nice to have some companionship and I can’t think of anyone else I’d like to see the country with. Let me know. Call me a fucking fool if needed.  Best Regards, Flip _____________________ January 16, 1975
Flip Honey, 
I’m definitely going to call you a fucking fool. You ARE a fucking fool. But God looks out for babies and fools, or however that phrase goes. I thought long and hard when I got your letter and you’ve got your answer: yes. I’d love to go on a road trip with you. Because I’m a fool, too. Spend a little change and call me when you get this, honey. You know the number. Better Regards, Mae
FEBRUARY 1975 Flip flew Mae out to Colorado Springs--her first plane ride. He’d temporarily exchanged his truck for a friend’s Volkswagen Transporter and filled it with supplies, dry foods, and toiletries. 
He was like an excited kid at the airport, waiting for Mae to walk through--and boy, did she! She wore a heavy red coat with some kind of fur at the collar and had her hair pinned up like a Park Avenue socialite. She had on a navy skirt or a dress, and some black high-heeled boots. “Look at you!” she said, meeting him halfway.  “Look at you,” he responded, wrapping his arms around her. “Looking great, as always.” It was about 4:30 when she and Flip arrived to his house. They’d picked up a pizza, sat in front of the television with it, and talked until they fell asleep. Eventually, they moved to the bedroom.  “No funny business, now,” Mae had said. Flip laughed. “You’d be too tired to keep up.” But they didn’t try a thing. Even with Mae’s perfect ass against him, and Flip’s strong arm holding her close, they didn’t try a thing. They slept through the night and hit the road for St. Louis (and whatever was in between) at 6:00AM on the dot. They got to St. Louis at about seven in the evening and stopped at a diner. 
“Thank you for saying yes to this, Mae,” Flip said before biting into a crispy chicken sandwich. She nodded.  “Thank you for askin’, Flip.” The lamp above them was dusty, but it made Mae look like an angel. Flip looked over her face. Every inch of it. And Mae felt him staring. The blood rushed to her cheeks and she looked down at her seasoned fries. “Why are you acting shy?” he asked. Mae shrugged. “Because you’re lookin’ at me all...I don’t know...”  Flip’s chest bounced, but no sound came out. Only a grin formed on his face--he was slightly amused by the sight. A woman who’d bounced up and down on him every night in Miami, suddenly blushing and averting her eyes over dinner. But he knew what had her blushing. They both knew that the air was different between them. And it wasn’t just because of the St. Louis cookin’. 
They finished off their food, got some gas, and found a motel to stay in. Even though they both know good and well they wanted to fuck each other’s brains out, the ride had worn them down a little. Especially Flip. Once again, they climbed in bed (well, on top of the bed, because Mae didn’t trust the sheets), and drifted off. ____________________ The Next Morning Flip and Mae hit the road just before sunrise. The road was empty and as much as Mae wanted to see the beautiful morning sky, she fell back asleep. Eventually, Flip turned the car radio on and hummed the songs to himself. Soon, the disk jockey decided to take him back about twenty years--when he was a tall, lanky kid who had nothing to get into but trouble. “Eaaarth angel, earth angel...will you be miiiine...my darling dear, love you all the ti-ime...” Flip perked up, turned the volume up and sang quietly to himself. He even tapped his thumbs against the steering wheel. “I'm just a fool, a fool in love with you...” he sang along. He glanced in Mae’s direction. She was slumped in the seat, the top of her head facing him. One of the buttons of her flannel shirt had popped open because her tits were so damned big. He looked back at the road and shook his head at his own self. He knew what was happening. Passion rushed his veins. His brain was foggy with adulation. Then, he looked gave her one more glance. She looked so good. Flip scanned every road sign he drove by for the next few miles--hoping for an indication of a truck stop or something. And there it was--a park en route! He followed the signs to the public park and drove through in search of a place to park. It took little time for him to find the park’s most discreet area--a wide open circle of dirt adjacent to a seemingly endless forest. 
It was early in the morning. No one else was there. Just the birds and insects that flitted and flew from tree to tree. Flip parked the van and tapped Mae’s thigh. Her eyes popped open quickly. “Mae?” “Yeah?” she asked yawning. “What’s wrong?!” “If I don’t get your tits in my mouth right now, I’m gonna lose my fuckin’ mind.” _____________________ Mae was nothing but nerves as her and Flip climbed into one of the back seats. Mae started undoing her pants, but Flip grabbed her shirt and ripped it open, sending the buttons flying. “Flip!” she cried. He grunted and pushed the cups of her bra up--causing her breasts to spill out. Then, he wrapped his lips around her left nipple, massaging the entire breast in the process. Mae ran her fingers through his hair, and watched him feast like a starving man. He held onto her breast as though it were going to run away from him, and moved his mouth to the other one--also giving the nipple a hard suck.  “Shit, Flip,” Mae whispered. “I missed you so much...” “Me, too Babygirl. Me, too...” he mumbled. 
He devoured her breasts for a few minutes before removing his belt and undoing his jeans. Mae lifted her leg--pulling it closer to her, and unzipped her boot. Flip grabbed the heel and pulled it off. They repeated the process on her other boot--which was hanging over the back of the seat. As Mae worked at her own jeans--pushing the denim and her panties down to the floor simultaneously--Flip pulled out his wallet, yanked out a condom and slid it on. He sucked his index and middle finger and shoved it into Mae’s pussy. She let out quiet moans as he worked her open, preparing her for him.  “I want you to get on top. You think you can handle that?” he asked.  “You know I can.” Flip bit his bottom lip and pulled his fingers out. Jeans stuck around his knees, he sat up and pressed his ass down on the leather seats. Mae sat up, straddled him, and gave him a hot, wet kiss. Flip held her hips and slowly--carefully--eased her down onto his rock-hard length. “Fuck...” they both groaned. Mae worked over him a little--trying to find comfort as he split her open like a log for firewood. Then, she began to bounce. He grabbed her hips and stared at her face. He couldn’t stare into her eyes--she had then squeezed shut, and was biting her lip.  “There you go, beautiful,” he mumbled. He gave her ass a slap.  “Mmph!” she hummed. She rested against his chest and wrapped her arms around his neck--groaning and clenching her teeth every time his tip hit the right spot. “Are you holding your moans in?” he asked. She was. But she wasn’t conscious of it until he asked. Suddenly, she realized the van was also bouncing and squeaking. Her eyes popped open and she scanned their surroundings. “There’s nobody out here,” Flip said, moving his hands directly onto her ass. He guided her up and down, and up and down--harder and faster. “Shit!” she shouted. “That’s right. Make all the noise you need to. Don’t hold that shit in. Didn’t I tell you in Florida?” he asked, his gruff voice booming so close to her ear that it made her temporal lobes feel like they were vibrating. “I’m gonna make you scream my name every time.” He smacked her ass hard. “Every...time.” “Oh, God...” Mae moaned. She fell against his chest again and closed her eyes--temporarily removing her own sense of sight so that touch was enhanced. She felt Flip’s chest moving up and down under hers; the calloused flesh of his large palms holding and kneading her ass cheeks; his dick dragging along her walls. Then, a hand moved away from her ass. He shoved it into the tight space between them and found her clit.  “Fuck!” Mae shouted. She sat up and stared into his dilated pupils. Her breasts smacked his chin until he stuck his tongue out and was able to capture one her nipples again.  Mae’s bouncing slowed down. She leaned across him once more, lifted her lower body just before the head of his dick came out of her, and expertly slid back down. Flip let go of her breast to let out an expletive.  “Do that shit again,” he said, throwing his head back and staring up at her. She did as requested--lifting off of him almost completely, then sliding back down. She did it one more time, and before she could lift a fourth time, Flip wrapped his arms around her waist, kept her down, and began to thrust up into her. “Aaah!” she cried. He dug deep inside of her, making her feel every pulse and every drag against her velvety walls--reminding her of what she hadn’t been getting for months. His pace was moderate, but each thrust was deep. He abruptly paused his stroke, grabbed her hair, and tilted his chin up. “You feel that dick deep inside of you, baby?” he whispered freakishly low. He pressed into her deeper. Deeper than she realized was possible. “Yes...” she squealed. Her nails dug into the nape of his neck. “Does it feel good?”  “Yes, Flip, yes...” she mumbled, shaking her head in disbelief. Flip gripped her scalp and banged into her one hard time. “Can’t hear you...” he said, his voice going above a whisper. “YES! FUCK!” she began to grind into him. “I wanna come, Flip. Please, make me come. Please!” Mae pleaded. Flip picked up his pace again, and Mae met his thrusts.  “Lean back and let me see you rub that pretty clit,” he said. “I’ve got you.” Mae leaned back and Flip held her with a palm against her lower back--making sure she didn’t fall backward. As she bounced her squelching pussy on his length, she rubbed her clit with the pads of her fingers. In no time, the heat began to build up in her belly. She tightened around him, and worked herself toward her release, screaming to the van’s ceiling. As she came, he drilled into her hard. “Fliiiiip! Yesssssssss!” she squealed, breasts bouncing all over the place. “Fffuuuuck!”
Flip began pumping shallow thrusts up into her--surrendering to the rush that soon fell over him. Mae looked down with a sweet (and pleased) smile as she rode out her wave--enjoying the spurt of warmth that filled her up. She could tell that it was a lot, too. Only a thin layer of protection keeping their sweet saps from merging and creating something more. 
Flip pulled her back to him and devoured her mouth. Then, they took a few minutes to catch their breath. Soon, they put their clothes back on. Mae had to dig in her suitcase for another shirt. Despite the place still being empty, Flip discreetly tossed his condom in a large garbage bin nearby. He climbed into the van and looked over at Mae. She returned the glance and burst into laughter, and he did the same. 
“Need me to drive, big boy?” she asked smirking.  “No. You just sit back and look pretty for me,” Flip said. He slapped her thigh and started the Volkswagen back up. 
They left the park warm and satisfied, and made their way down to Tennessee. 
____________________ TAG LIST @aloneandsleepless @tsarinastorm If you’d like to be on any of my tag lists, please leave a comment on my Tag List Request post!
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kittyprincessofcats · 4 years
She-Ra S5 E02 - Launch
This post may contain spoilers for the rest of the season, so be aware of that.
- I love how when Entrapta exclaims that Horde Prime’s message is “amazing”, Scorpia’s the only one who doesn’t look angry at all and just gives her this soft understanding smile. Their friendship is so sweet.
- That whole scene with exhausted!Adora is comedy gold. That pained “My body is betraying me!” - I love this dork so much. And Frosta’s “Is she dead?”, Bow freaking out completely, and finally Entrapta’s “But it’s for science!” - Love this whole scene.
- “What are you gonna do with those?” “Punch Horde Prime.” I love Frosta and what a kid she is. Really wish she had gotten to punch Horde Prime.
- Love Scorpia’s impression of Entrapta.
- On a more serious note: I like that the show actually addresses Entrapta’s actions and lets the other princesses be mad at her. She did betray them, build machines to destroy them, and help Hordak build the portal that almost destroyed the universe. Like, I personally love Entrapta, but I’m just glad that this show portrays that your actions have consequences and it makes perfect sense that the others wouldn’t trust her.
- That said, I also want to say a few things in defense of Entrapta: 1. The other princesses could at least acknowledge that they left her behind in the first place. Granted, they thought she was dead, but they could at least address it. So far, the only people who’ve apologized to Entrapta for that were Adora and Bow. 2. I find it a bit hypocritical that the other princesses have a problem with Entrapta, but have completely accepted Scorpia - to the point where they give Entrapta a chance because Scorpia asks them to. Scorpia was a Force Captain in the Horde and their enemy, too. Yes, she’s a nice, likable person, but she also willingly worked for the Horde and helped to attack the other princesses multiple times. Yet they’re completely fine with her now. 3. Some of the other princesses’ criticisms of Entrapta seem to be less about her actions and more about how “weird” she is. The princesses absolutely have a right to be mad at her for what she did, but singling her out for being “weird”/neurodivergent isn’t okay. 4. As Scorpia points out - they really need Entrapta. This entire season demonstrated multiple times that the rebellion would be completely screwed without her.
- That whole scene with Catra watching Glimmer and the clone/Prime catching her - perfectly creepy in every way, love it. Especially the glance between Glimmer and Catra in the end.
- “I need to get close to the spire - to track - the signal.” “Aaah!” Love how Entrapta breaks down her words into a “simple” version for the others.
- UGH, have I mentioned how creepy Horde Prime is? I love it. That scene between him and Glimmer is so perfectly messed up. Also, just the fact that this is how Glimmer finds out her dad is alive... Good on her for standing up to Prime, though!
- “Oh, wow... hellooo. You’re very... technologically advanced.” Love how Entrapta’s just horny on main for robots.
- I do really like the scene where the others finally call Entrapta out. It really shows how hurt they were by everything she’s done, and Entrapta herself also finally understands what she did wrong. I also like the guilty look on Scorpia’s face the whole time - showing that she knows she’s not innocent either. As much as I was kind of rooting for the bad guys in season 2 (because I just love the Super Pal Trio), this scene here is really beautiful. And I think this is what really starts Entrapta’s character development this season. Her whole story from here is about learning to think about her actions first and prioritizing her friends over tech. And as much as I enjoyed her as a Chaotic Neutral who does everthing “for science”, I also really love her development into a Chaotic Good who’s motivated by helping the people she cares about. It’s a beautiful story and a beautiful lesson.
Entrapta: “I’m sorry I’m bad at listening. I’m sorry I mess everything up. But you need this signal and I’m gonna get it for you!”
Mermista: “You’re still trying to get the signal?”
Entrapta: [tears in her eyes] “Of course. Glimmer needs us!”
I’m not crying, you’re crying. That exchange is so beautiful. I love how the others accuse her of not caring and not even knowing who Glimmer is, and then this scene happens and we find out Entrapta cared all along and is just trying to help in the only way she knows how. Beautiful. Also I love the music in that scene. This whole season has so much beautiful music during the most emotional scenes.
- I love how Entrapta slaps herself with her own hair.
- I love the running gag of Mermista knowing the Fright Zone’s sewer system. Also Frosta’s excited “That was so gross!” is adorable.
- Entrapta’s blush and tears when the others tell her they’ve got her back... beautiful.
- Please tell me someone is going to cosplay Micah as She-Ra.
- “See you soon, baby girl.” 😭😭
- The final scene between Glimmer and Catra is is beautiful. Without many words it shows that they’re both at a point where they’ve lost hope and only have each other for company. And I know I keep calling every scene “beautiful”, but... this season is just so good!
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irresistiibles · 4 years
the master plotting post is below the cut. it’s kinda long so good luck fam. it’s really more about where my character are and how they’re doing but i am hoping that will help us both brainstorm some ideas together. i have put trigger warnings next to each individual blurb so that way if you’re worried about anything you can read the rest while skipping any that are potentially triggering. this is just where characters are starting a few of them i may still update, especially for characters who fears i haven’t completely worked out. toss this a like if you’d be interested in plotting and i will come to you! i will get another call out specifically for starters closer to the event
level 1: windstorm
asami sato / the legend of korra / unaware
girl is not really phased by the windstorm and will be pushing through and probably wind up leveling up. she’ll also be offering to help where she can so like if any characters need help to level up or just get by she will be around we can def do something. she’ll probably be getting pieces of her memories back in the storm but nothing concrete. probably one of my characters who realistically has a chance of making it to the safe zone. definitely open to teaming up
leveling up: probably
plots: anyone else trying to level up she can work with, someone to help out
blue sargent / the raven cycle / aware
not entirely sure what my plan for her is tbh. she’s seen like all the wild shit washington has thrown and honestly might try to find somewhere to bunker down and wait it out or maybe level up but either way she’ll be a fun mixed of chill yet pissed while on this level. not freaking out but annoyed after all of the things that happened her. a potential reluctant teammate
leveling up: a reluctant maybe
plots: someone she winds up working with for a bit even though teamwork and being nice is not her strong suit
lily evans / harry potter / aware
let’s be real after everything she’s been through in washington the windstorm does not feel like a big deal and she’s charging through to get through to the next level. she will ultimately wind up losing all of her memories as a result
leveling up: no
plots: teammates, people she knows who can find her after her memory loss, some help after her memory loss, someone she helps, since afterwards she’ll be bunkering down and helping people out
max caulfield / life is strange / aware
my one character? who is terrified for storms? caught in the windstorm? asdlfkjad incredible. anyway max is going to be freaking out and almost definitely stuck here the whole time she is terrified of storms and will be hoping to find a nice corner to crawl in and stay in with her hands over her ears
leveling up: no
plots: someone to help her please she will be screwed on her own,
melody pond/river song / doctor who / awareish
she will absolutely be leveling up. river is a high energy adventurer who is so shit at sitting still there’s no way she’s not moving up. honestly will be pretty unbothered in this level at least. i may give her some flashes of her parents from the windstorm to kind of set her on edge. down to team up though she’s always out for herself first and will ditch partners as needed
leveling up: probably
plots: let her be a chaotic teammate for someone, an injury she reluctantly treats as she tries to get out of there
pansy parkinson / harry potter / aware
honestly she’s mostly just tired and pissed. pansy, though obnoxious, is logical and focused on her own survival first. she’ll probably wind up finding a save space to be and see this thing out. if anyone needs some slightly less chaotic plots she’s probably someone good to hit up. she could be open to being the obnoxious teammate someone has ever had.
leveling up: no
plots: teammates in the sort of self serving way, bunkering down buddies, drinking buddies, a calm party crew 
persephone / percy jackson / aware
she’s a goddess she’s vibing and almost definitely leveling up tbh she doesn’t know what’s going on and her main priorities are finding hades and reluctantly nico but will try to offer some help where she can
leveling up: probably
plots: some people she helps out to either safety or level up, 
level 2: nightmares come to life
ben hargreeves / the umbrella academy / aware 
his nightmares are p limited ngl since being dead kind of takes away a lot of fears. i mean his main one was passing on and he did that last season so, i guess it’ll kinda be his powers. of course he’s mostly afraid of losing control and hurting people, but he’ll probably just be seeing/dealing with vague eldritch creatures. could maybe deal with his fear long enough but that’s really the only way he’s potentially leveling up. potentially open to teaming up
leveling up: doubtful
plots: some people he helps, teammates, maybe someone he accidentally hurts cause he does have powers and he may lash out when spooked so could cause an inury, 
jang man wol / hotel del luna / aware / level 2: nightmares come to life
her fears are complicated. like ? she mostly fears and hates herself lmao. i suppose she has some fear of the gods in her world but they aren’t really violent and can only hurt her if she hurts a human so she might be seeing them and getting freaked out and jumpy and convinced she’s gonna do something that ultimately gets her destroyed. honestly though, she’s at the second most stable she’s been in a while (a step down since chan sung’s memory loss) so she will be making her way to level 3 at some point.
leveling up: yes
plots: uh, maybe someone she almost lashes out and hurts but manages to last minute hold back, someone she helps/protects to avoid her own problems, though she wouldn’t be nice about it rip
jaskier / the witcher / unaware / level 2: nightmares come to life
this is my emotional support idiot he doesn’t really have any tangible fears not because he’s strong he’s just dumb, will be running straight into things trying to help people out. i would say he should get hurt but this man has survivridiculouslysly well on luck and charisma so far and i don’t think that’s going to change anytime soon. if i think of a fear for him i will update this. will probably find someone who looks strong to leech off of and feel safer around. you just know this idiot is writing a song about the whole experience as it occurs.
leveling up: maybe
plots: someone more powerful than him he follows around for safety
karolina dean / runaways / unaware
aaah um i’m not entirely decided on what her fear is yet at the moment but she’ll be doing her best to deal with it. honestly i don’t think she’ll be leveling up karolina is strong but struggling without her memories in terms of fighting. i might have her see her dad a bit even though she won’t recognize him she’ll feel the fear
leveling up: no
plots: any sort of teammates cause she works well in groups, maybe someone who sees her attempting to use her powers to fight things off 
kyoshi / avatar the last airbender / unaware
so kyoshi is not afraid of much. she’s a seven foot tall beast of a woman/nerd so of course she isn’t, but, i’m saying she’s afraid of clowns, because kyoshi is gonna panic and wind up bending in defense. of course she has no memories so she’s gonna spend the rest of the event like ‘hey what the fuck was that????’ honestly she may be able to level up but she’ll probably be focusing on helping people in level 2 as best she can
leveling up: no
plots: a teammate would be fine though she’ll probably only want one, she’ll have just discovered her bending so someone can be around for her to yell about that, any people she attempts to protect/get to safety  
lavender brown / harry potter / aware 
werewolves! she’s scared of them! because of course she is! and she’s absolutely flipping out! she’s probably stuck here ngl i do not think lavender is conquering this anytime soon. she’d fight a little bit but i imagine she’s mostly going to wind up hiding out. could probably use some help or support ngl. i debated saying she could get injured but i feel like this is already going to be rough enough on her ngl
leveling up: no
plots: anyone to help her out she could use it, i would offer her as a teammate but she’s going to be pretty freaked out so idk how much she can do, but maybe someone she likes hides out with and just tries to survive with
michiru kaioh / sailor moon / aware
death tw welcome to lesbian suffering. her biggest fear is going to end up in her seeing haruka’s dead body and uh, she’s definitely not recovering from this one she will be staying on this level the whole time probably losing her mind a little bit and not knowing what happened and blaming herself and it’s all going to be rough.  
leveling up: no
plots: she may attempt to team up with a person or two but her mood is going to be awful and she won’t be a great teammate, honestly anyone around to try and keep her slightly grounded
sam giddings / until dawn / aware
hello happy children it’s wendigo time! exactly what it sounds like. she’s not leveling up. this is a monster that eats people and can only be killed with fire. sam is running. going to be terrified but not freaking out at least not externally. might go for a minor injury with her. down to team up with anyone
leveling up: no
plots: lmao survival buddies, despite everything she will try to be helping people out so there could be something for that
toph beifong / avatar the last airbender / aware
so toph’s fears will probably include not having any earth around or below her. honestly this fear is less about her seismic sense and not being able to tell where things are around her. her other senses are still good even if it’s really not ideal and that will be partially upsetting, it’s more about feeling like she lost her earthbending. she’s also terrified of heights after dangling off of the warship in the finale so i might do something with that. i doubt she’s leveling up. down to reluctantly team up.
leveling up: no
plots: would be willing to team up but she’s feeling a little useless and stressed so how great she’d be as a partner would be mixed, she could cause an injury if anyone wants since she can’t sense any earth but i’m assuming there’s still going to be things she can bend around, so maybe some sort of an accident with that, honestly let her make a friend she’s not against help from friends will hold onto their arm most of the time
level 3: poisoned supernaturals
ciel phantomhive / black butler / aware 
gun tw: this boy has already had bad experiences with supernaturals so he’s not in a good mood about any of this. he’s got a gun and his concerns are himself and lizzie and that is about it. he knows physical strength is not his strong suit and has no intention of trying to fight his way out. may try and play the small defenseless boy card if he needs to in order to get some help and protection from actual nice humans on the level. not available to team up. available to trip another character while they’re both fleeing from the same thing.
leveling up: no
plots: someone who he injures, someone who injures him, a human he partners up with and could betray cause he’s a selfish little shit if that’s something someone’s interested in, or some human who’s physically strong who he pays to be around him as some sort of safety
dominique weasley / harry potter / aware
not a huge chance she’s doing anything but staying here and going ape shit. does not really have the willpower to manage to fight off the poison. is solidly in the middle between barely dangerous to destructive beast.
leveling up: no
plots: a feral crew, someone she hurts, someone who tries to snap her out of it, anything
elsa of arendelle / frozen / aware 
ice queen time babey! will be pretty destructive and very dangerous. open to her killing someone’s character if anyone wants since i’d love her to be upset about that after the fact. she already thinks she’s a danger let’s prove it!! she might wind up fighting off the poison but idk it would take a hot minute since she’s had a lot of stress and frustration lately and it’ll be coming out!! she’s ready to do some damage
leveling up: maybe
plots: someone she hurts and can feel real guilty about, someone who tries to snap her out of it
entrapta / she-ra / unaware
not nearly as concerned about danger as she should be. probably out here purposely trying to approach supernaturals to get a blood sample i hate her. not looking for her to die but could be open to a semi-serious injury. might level up ngl if she finds decent tech she will be able to defend herself. open to team ups but she’s not a great team partner
leveling up: maybe
plots: teammates. maybe someone who teams up with her to use her more than anything since she can build attack bots with really any scraps she can find so she’s good for people looking for defense and will not be able to tell she’s being used
glinda upland / wicked / aware
me realizing just this second glinda probably counts as a supernatural cause she’s got magic:  👁👄👁 so yeah uh this one is difficult i think she’ll be working to fight it off. even with poison she would not be good at being violent fam.
leveling up: maybe
plots: uuuh poisoned people trying to push her to the dark side, someone trying to help her fight it off, maybe a human she fights but doesn’t hurt, or if so it’s something minor, anything
haruhi fujioka / ouran high school host club / aware 
does not know what’s going on and isn’t sure they want to. tbh slightly similar to entrapta in the sense that they can manage self defense alright. they’re going to pepper spray a supernatural so fucking hard i swear to god. they aren’t like a super amazing fighter and sometimes they’re too reckless and stubborn for their own good, but haruhi is smart, and will probably mostly be hiding. they could be available for trying to help out other humans on the level
leveling up: maybe 
plots: single teammate or group of humans getting by, a not too strong supernatural for her to fight cause i don’t want her getting too hurt, but could be up for a small injury, anyone she helps
ji eun tak / goblin / aware 
lmao so technically eun tak has powers but they aren’t fighting powers she can just see ghosts but technically this still counts as powers so she’s affected. this doesn’t make her any stronger though she’s just angry but like not a threat. here is a picture of eun tak as provided by kasey (x). like the worst shes gonna manage is to mug someone and honestly, that is probably her goal. my girl has lived her whole life poor and she’s ready to make some bank
leveling up: no
plots: lmao please give her a strong supernatural that she’s hanging around so we’ve got destructive power plus baby with knife, someone she tries to, or successfully mugs, if you need a weak supernautral to fight to level your character out of level 3 she’s a good pick, anything
rita skeeter / harry potter / aware 
rita will probably go crazy stupid for a day and then start fighting it off. tbh she doesn’t care too much about if she’s hurting people. it’s not something she likes to do but it doesn’t freak her out a ton either, but she doesn’t like being out of control, and that sheer stubbornness might be enough for her to break through and level up. down for her potentially hurting or killing someone’s character if desired. will still be taking tik toks through it all the poison is not enough to stop that. she can hunt and film at the same time
leveling up: maybe
plots: feral crew, any other supernaturals working to fight it off at some point, i’m not saying let her film ur supernatural hurting an npc but like do it, anything
tessa gray / the infernal devices / awareish
so technically she’s part shadowhunter part demon but homegirl does not know it so it’s going to be a fucking interesting time for her. honestly destructive power is mixed cause she’s certainly got some but the lack of awareness will make it weaker. will probably use this as an excuse to trigger a few more of her memories. open to her injuring someone.
leveling up: probably not
plots: uh, someone she can freak out to in the first 24 hours before the poison hits because she doesn’t even know she’s supernatural, someone she gives a minor injury to maybe, someone trying to snap her out of it, anything
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let-it-show · 5 years
All The Love I Found In You 3/?
Here we go, part 3! It got a bit long, heh. Part 2 can be found here. Aaah Anna is feeling a little rough, there’s awkwardness, but Elsa does her best to help. They’ve got a guest they didn’t plan to see, and heavy emotions to work through. Are they any closer to figuring out this switch though? You can find part 4 HERE! And another tag to @hellodemoiselle !
Standing around to meet with Arendellians was always a bit of a drag for Elsa. It was rarely anything interesting. She was happy to help and loved when she could effectively settle any issues for anyone before her, but it was  lot of repetitive small things. And sometimes there wasn't anything. She should have felt relieved about that but people still wanted to talk to her instead of letting her go get some space.
It was even harder as Anna, who loved when there were no problems and would excitedly chat with just about anyone. Elsa didn't know how to force conversation like that. She was starting to feel a little suffocated.
After the third person gave her their life history in a buildup to how to get their neighbor's trees off their land, she was feeling worn out. She had to talk so much instead of gliding around always looking elegantly busy like she did when she visited. Everyone expected her to engage.
Ann had floated around like that for a little bit, just watching, but eventually she found Elsa's side again. She linked their arms and started to drag her off. "We're just gonna go off to the side for a bit," Anna told her. "They'll assume we're discussing something important."
Anna dragged her next to a curtain that half covered one of the larger windows in the hall. The light coming in warmed her neck. "Thank you, Anna," Elsa said in relief. She leaned her head on Anna's shoulder - her shoulder, it wasn't as bony as she feared. "I haven't done this in months..."
Kristoff chose that moment to find them. He stopped in front of them both. "There you two are! You were gone walking for quite a while," he said, and he looked a bit tired. Maybe not just tired, Elsa realized, but sad.
Knowing what she knew, it was hard to see anything other than sadness on his face. She also felt responsible and she avoided his gaze. She'd really made things difficult for Anna, not just then, but years in the making. It was a terrible feeling.
"Oh, I learned how to use the magic better," Anna told him. "You should let me make you something! And soon, too, it's growing again and I gotta use it."
"Ah," he let out a weak laugh and Elsa nearly winced at the sound of it. "No thanks Anna, that's okay. I think I may put some stuff together and go see the trolls. If I get an answer for you two I'll be back tonight, if not I'll probably stay up there."
"Stay up there?" Anna  asked, voice hushed.
"For tonight! I'll come back in the morning. Wouldn't want to miss the party, you know?" he asked her and there was the affection Elsa had gotten used to hearing from him. Kristoff wasn't a spiteful person at heart, even though she knew he was hurting.
"O-oh! Okay. I thought you meant..ah..."
"No, no. Um, well I'll be off now." Elsa looked up to see him puffing out his chest and looking determined. "I'll see you both later! ...Maybe not. I mean generally later but not later tonight maybe." He still tried to look at ease and like he said exactly what he meant to.
Elsa stifled a laugh. "Okay Kristoff. Travel safely, please," she said and she very much meant it. Whatever happened, he was family to them.
"Thanks. You too," he said and then just closed his eyes at his own words. "Alright, bye," he said, waving and turning.
"Bye Kristoff," Anna called out and then sighed, her body drooping. "That was awkward," she whispered. She looked down. "I wonder when it will stop being awkward."
Elsa had no answer for her. She took her hand and squeezed it. "It'll be okay. Kristoff? ...I'm sure he'll still be your friend. He's a pretty great person." He was forgiving and patient. That was exactly the kind of friend who was good for Anna.
He would have also been perfect for her to marry, she supposed, but that idea made her want to squirm.
Elsa had to separate once again to talk and say good evening to the people still milling around the castle and out in the courtyard. She had fought against wandering from the hall to the courtyard because it was getting cooler the later the day got, and the edges of her ears felt like they were being constantly nipped at.
How did Anna get along so easily with the cold? Elsa was aware it got colder than that in Arendelle. She was aware she was being kind of a wuss and that she shouldn't be bothered. Well, she was calm enough not to complain about the chill, but she could still be annoyed by it.
When she had the chance to be inside again, Elsa took one look at her body standing stiffly and looking flustered. She took Anna's hand and hauled her down and out of the castle to that little place by the water again. It really was a favorite spot for her even if being by it made her shiver.
Anna put her hand out and let ice shoot in an arch over the water before delicately dropping down and spreading across the surface briefly. She made a sunflower design in it which sparkled before going away. She sighed, held out her other hand, and repeated it.
Once more Elsa found herself lost in the beauty of Anna's work. She watched each little movement, anticipating the ice dropping and spreading when Anna did it the third time. That time the design lingered and Elsa's gaze stayed on it.
The small voice made her startle, not expecting Anna to say anything. "Huh? Yes?"
Anna sighed and traced random shapes in the air with ice. "I feel guilty. Really guilty."
"About Kristoff?" Elsa guessed easily.
Anna nodded and paced a little, slowly. "Do you really think I'm doing the right thing?"
"Anna..." She really wanted to talk about it with her, but at the end of the day. When they were done having to see anyone. If Anna needed to break down and sob then they could be alone to deal with it. "I think we should address this later, after dinner at least. But...yes, I think you're doing the right thing." She approached her and took her arm. "If you aren't sure you want to marry someone, then you shouldn't. If you don't feel like you can handle that big a change in your life right now, then don't make yourself. ...Don't make a lifelong commitment because you feel bad," she said finally.
Anna had shown she was listening, unlike Elsa she kept eye contact when talking about a heavy subject involving herself. At Elsa's last words though, she reacted with a little gasp, then chose to look to the castle and back at Elsa. "You're right..."
"You see? Sometimes you just need to put it in a simple way..." Elsa chuckled. She was just lucky she was good with words and Anna.
"Yes..." Anna smiled again. "Thank you. I love you Elsa," she told her, meeting her eyes.
"I love you too," Elsa said without thinking. It was automatic, and she was falling into Anna again. She actually felt like she was falling. Elsa wanted to tip forward and be caught in Anna's arms, in her actual arms and in her correct body. She wanted to stay in them, never move again as the world spun around her.
The gaze was broken as they heard chatter above them from inside the castle and Elsa remembered that they could be seen. Where they stood was not private after all and Elsa was sure she heard Mattias's voice from somewhere inside. He liked to walk it, sometimes, and Anna told him he was always welome.
"Well." Elsa took her hand and tugged. "If you're good for now, let's go back inside. If we want a nice big dinner, we ought to start helping in the kitchen."
Anna smiled. She did enjoy helping in the kitchen, and it had been a hobby for her when Elsa was queen. She hadn't done it in a long time, and since the most important parts of her day were over, Elsa figured they were free to enjoy themselves. Anna didn't need to hold any sort of council that night.
They enjoyed baking in the kitchen, tasting the seasoning, and seeing what the staff cooks were doing. It was hard to watch themselves and not interfer, as Anna had quickly learned some time ago that the staff liked to focus on their art: providing a magnificent meal. Who were they to disturb it?
They were the royal sisters and had every right to demand the food be done to their liking only, but they also weren't stupid. Left to their own devices, their cooks were nothing short of stunning and Elsa and Anna didn't disturb their balance.
Near the end of the food prep they had both stopped tasting and poking and watching over shoulders and stayed against the wall. It was nice to take in all the activity.
Royal servers seated them along with Olaf, who decided to join even if he didn't eat. He didn't join every night, sometimes going to see a friend in the village or getting stuck reading.
They also seated them with a guest, which was...not expected. When Kai walked the man in, he rushed up to the table with a guilty look on his face. "Queen Anna!" he exclaimed and Elsa nearly forgot to show she heard him.
She had just sat down. "Kai? Is that-?" The man was at least familiar. He was a tall, almost ridiculously muscular man with golden skin and a handsome face. His hair was long and curly, held back by a black band and brushing his neck. He was dressed in a fine dark green suit decorated with various symbols and little medals. Over his heart was his kingdom's crest: a silver shield featuring a green cloud housing green musical pipes. It was one of the oddest Elsa had ever seen.
"Menander! He is the appointed ambassador from Graeci that visited with Kristoff today. He insisted on meeting with you tonight and having dinner and since you didn't see him earlier-" Kai seemed very nervous. Elsa didn't really know why. Menander was a nice enough person even if any time he visited Arendelle he pushed to have a party. She hadn't seen him since she ruled as Queen.
"Of course. Hello Menander, is everything alright?" she asked, and then hurried to add, "I'm so sorry we missed you this morning!"
"Ah!" He clasped his hands together, bowed, and regarded them. "Oh yes, I believe so, but I did wish to see you! The energy coming from the castle has been so strange, so fantastic mostly but riddled with confusion. I did tell you I'm a bit of a psychic! I simply must learn what is going on!"
"You..." Elsa didn't know what to say.
"Oh yes! Anna did mention that to me too," Anna said quickly and while Menander's gaze was off her, she made a face.
"I remember too!" piped up Olaf.
"Yes. Yes! Ah, so that's why you've insisted on joining us?" Elsa asked, completely blown away by the direction the conversation was taking.
"Why yes! And if I see something bad hidden by all this, I will surely warn you," he said, and happily bowed again. "I do humbly request that you not see me joining you suddenly for dinner as an insult, your highness!"
Usually, it would have been. Elsa didn't tolerate any of her dinners with Anna being interrupted. That was time for them. However, she had also completely avoided meeting with the man that day and was fortunate he didn't count it as a slap in the face. "No, no it's fine. I was unable to see you earlier, after all!"
"You did send your absolutely delightful Kristoff! We always love seeing him, if he isn't helping us move things, he will often read lines with us when we practice our dramas in the courtyard." Menander reminded her of a walking smiley face with his big grin. "Wonderful. What is dinner?"
"We're having delicious skrei with olives and-" Anna tried to answer and was cut off.
"Wonderful!" He seemed to like that word.
"I can't eat it," Olaf chimed in. "But it sure does look good!"
"Aha little snowman! I almost forgot about when I tried to serve you apple pie and it dropped right through you." Menander happily pat Olaf's head and looked between the sisters eagerly. "That feeling is in the air again, stronger! And I believe I see a flaming heart of love about us," he said, and grinned at Anna.
"Oh um..." Elsa tried not to freeze up as she watched a little cloud start forming above Anna's head. "Sure, there definitely is."
"Where IS Kristoff?" Menander asked and Elsa caught on a second later. He had been referencing Anna and Kristoff, of course.
She pretended to act like nothing was going on. "Oh! He's well. He's gone to visit the trolls, but he will be back for the party. He wouldn't miss that."
"Excellent. I would hate to have him miss out. Hmm, but there's something else here, what is this sense in the air? Something is strong but there is unease..." He looked to Elsa. "Is there unrest in the kingdom?"
"No," Elsa answered, surprised. "Everything is well. What unrest do you think you feel?"
"Perhaps it's one of you!" He turned his attention to Anna, and opened his mouth to speak when food started to come out, starting with a salad. Anna and Elsa immediately dove in and so did Menander. His mouth was occupied and Elsa was relieved. She knew Anna was too which was great  - the little cloud faded.
Menander was nice, but he could tell something was up and didn't get that he should shut up about it. It was going to make things tougher for Anna, and the last thing they needed was her accidentally icing anyone.
Still, he continued when he could. "Something just seems off. Have you been happy, dear Queen? I have heard no news about the wedding we expected to learn more about. Has he foolishly changed his mind?"
Anna bristled a bit and hid her hands under the table. The air was...frosty. "No," answered Elsa, not about to get into that issue right then. "Honestly, Menander, we just want to enjoy dinner without this." She didn't know what he was doing anymore - sniffing out information? Playing at being a head doctor? It was likely both. Her hands became hidden as well as she tugged at her fingers.
"Well. I can stop," he said kindly as the main course was delivered. "But when all is unsettled, things get mixed about. I hope whatever is going on, you two figure it out," he told them. His eyes lit up at the delicious fish placed before him. "Perhaps focus on this warm fuzzy feeling my senses pick up. Until then, let's dine!"
"Yes! Let's!" Olaf chimed in, and then proceeded to start flipping through a book he brought in with him. .
When Menander turned to his fish, Elsa and Anna exchanged glances. His words hit a bit too close, but there was no way he could know what was happening. Still Elsa was aware she and Anna needed to talk more about her decision, and where her head was.
Making their way through dinner was a little painful. They weren't in the mood to entertain a guest, which was bad form for a queen but Elsa didn't care much at the moment. She tried to focus on eating and some chitchat with Menander, about the party, about decorations which she did not care about. Olaf, though, that amazing little snowman got excited about the party and started talking Menander's ear off about helping him put it together.
Elsa had to remember to do something extra special for him later.
Finally their dinner was ending with a lovely cake for dessert. "Fine, fine, how fine it all was!" Menander said, leaning back in his chair with a satisfied expression.
Anna had begun to look a little brighter; she always did adore her desserts. She had scarfed it a little more than Elsa would have liked, but she also ate a bit too delicately herself. There wasn't any food on her face. By the time she realized that she couldn't really smack any sauce on her cheek without it being blatant.
If Menander noticed anything, he didn't voice it, which Elsa was thankful for. "Yes, our kitchen staff is amazing, and they know just how we like things cooked," she said."
"How wonderful they haven't forgotten since you left for the forest!" Menander said with a smile.
"Elsa visits all the time," Olaf informed him with a big smile. "If they forgot, that would be ridiculous! Sometimes she goes in the kitchen when she's here and tastes things."
"Oh, yea, I like to just wander around and eat whatever I see when I visit," Anna said casually. She failed at hiding a small smile and Elsa had to bite her lip.
Well. She could shoot back. "Sometimes that's good, because I've been known to eat a whole sandwich right before dinner and if Elsa accidentally pigs out I don't really worry about there being less food." She calmly sipped her elegant little glass of water. Anna was glaring a little.
"One time when there was some tasty soup going, I just walked in there and froze it solid-"
"Anyway, I think it is time for us to retire for the night," Elsa said, cutting off whatever embarrassing story her sister was about to tell. She had many more she could fire back with and they should at least try to be civil in front of a guest.
Menander looked a little disappointed. "Oh? I did hope we could have drinks and perhaps sit by the fire!"
"It's been a long day," Anna said, looking at her plate. "I had a rude awakening this morning and well, I'm exhausted."
"And I must look after my sister and be sure that she's alright. We both need energy for your party tomorrow," Elsa explained.
That seemed to brighten up Menander. "Ah, yes! Glorious!"
"I'll come play cards with you," Olaf offered Menander. "Or we can play something else! I'm not tired," he said. Elsa felt a little bad, as Olaf usually hung around with Kristoff and Sven at the castle. He had to feel a bit lonely even if he did also spend more time in the library.
"Splendid!" Menander carefully arranged his dishes and smiled at Olaf. "I'm in!" He slowly rose from his chair, then turned to bow to the girls. "Thank you for having me to dinner this evening!"
"Well you sort of showed up," Olaf pointed out.
"And, we're glad for it," Elsa rushed out as she and Anna stood. "Thank you for your company, Menander. We are honoured to have you."
"Yes!" Anna added. "Very much so, and we will be happy to see you tomorrow."
Menander bowed again and bid them goodnight. Olaf ran to hug Anna and Elsa, and they both told him goodnight. As soon as the other two had left, the sisters picked up their dishes. Neither one was a fan of leaving an awful mess for the servers, even though sometimes they had to be batted away for the staff to do their job. Anna and Elsa were ever offended. They had the staff for a reason after all.
Both of them had also been known to be so helpful they made the job harder.
It felt like too long before they were able to get to their bath. And a magnificent bath it was - it was far bigger than the normal one person tub the girls used usually and was almost like a small swimming pool. The water was heated through the floor with a hypocast built far before the sisters were born. It worked wonderfully though, the room heated and the steam not thick enough to suffocate them.
The stone floor beneath them was almost shiny. Anna had kept it in good shape, but evidently never used the bath herself. For her first usage of it she had made sure flower petals were spread in it. There was lavender with red and yellow rose inviting them in for a stress-free soak. The staff who prepared it hastily left as Elsa told them they were not to be disturbed and finally they could get comfortable.
Elsa had a somewhat easier time stripping for the bath, knowing Anna seeing her own body wasn't too weird for her. At least she didn't think so.
When she was completely naked, she heard Anna make a sound and turned to see herself topless and staring. Elsa blinked. "Uh-"
"I've never seen my own butt! I mean I've - over my shoulder in the mirror. Not the same though." Anna started walking closer and Elsa felt weird. She covered herself with her arms. That made Anna roll her eyes. "Your nipples can't be cold!"
"They're not! It's just..it's weird to see me." She tried to keep her gaze on her own face. For some reason it felt awkward to look at her own nude body at the moment.
"Elsa these are your breasts," Anna said, stopping about a foot from her. "You don't have to be shy, you've seen them a lot. Probably."
"Oh, not helping." Elsa wasn't a prude, and she wasn't ashamed of her own body at all. It was just beyond bizarre to be seeing in front of her, and if she looked down then she saw her sisters naked form. She did not need to see that; she felt guilty enough any time she'd needed to use the bathroom that day.
She definitely didn't want to think about that.
"Yours are heavier than mine," Anna said and Elsa finally looked to see Anna shoving her hands under her breasts and jiggling them.
"What? If we have to be switched up then we might as well compare." Anna reached for one of Elsa's folded arms and tugged gently. "Come on, touch mine and then yours."
Elsa's cheeks burned but perhaps she was thinking about it too much. Anna was both her sister and her best friend. She was the only person Elsa felt truly comfortable around and if everything in that day showed her anything, it was how close she always wanted to be with her. "Right, right." She agreed, reached out one hand, and touched her own breast. "This is weird." With great hesitation she shoved one hand up underneath one of Anna's. It wasn't as strange as she thought it'd be. It certainly wasn't normal, but it was sort of interesting. "Yours are lighter than air," she said, kind of surprised. "I mean, comparatively anyway." Anna's were kind of perfect. But she'd rather touch them when in the proper body and- that's where it got weirder. She dropped both her hands. "Let's get in the bath," she said and quickly walked by Anna.
"Wait! Do you want to see your butt?"
Elsa wondered if her face was somewhere beyond red. She didn't answer Anna, going down the little steps into the bath. She shouldn't have such thoughts and it bothered her. To want to be near her sister, to want to protect her, hug her, and shower her with affection was normal right? Wanting to touch every inch of her perfect being and feel her precious skin under her fingers and lips was different. She wanted to appreciate her beautiful Anna.
She didn't even know if it was a sexual thing. Elsa had never been interested in the idea before. At the same time she never had anyone to talk to about it. There wasn't really anyone in her life to work those questions out with. Sadly it was yet another thing that had sort of gone by for her, and it was depressing along with confusing. She sank down into the water, watching the rose petals go by. If only it was the sort of thing she could ask Ahtohallan to clear up for her.
Anna had slipped into the bath, bringing a floating basket of soaps and hair wash for them. "Elsa?" she asked, her top half not underwater yet. "I'm sorry if I took it too far, it's just interesting, that's all. If we- in our normal bodies I wouldn't have been touching your chest like that. Not that I disliked it, I-ah..." And then Anna was red.
That brought some comfort to Elsa. "I didn't dislike it either, Anna. The thing is -I'm...Anna?"
It was best to be honest. "Anna, you are the most beautiful person I've ever seen."
"Elsa!" Anna laughed nervously. "You're just being nice because you're in my body and you're a lot hotter than me."
"What!?" How could she think that? Elsa knew she herself was pretty, she wasn't up to acting like a fool for the sake of making anyone feel better, even Anna. At the same time, she felt she didn't compare to the redhead. "Anna, no, that's not true. I love-I love everything about this body," she said, rising up a little more and looking down. "But I really love it with you in it."
Anna bit her lip. "That's how I feel about yours. Elsa, you're stunning. I don't mind being trapped in you but...I wish it was back to normal too, so I could open my eyes and see you in front of me instead of myself. I want to hug you and be actually hugging your body. That's when I'm happiest."
"You mean in regards to being in our bodies?" Elsa asked, turning her head. She carefully fingered one of the yellow rose petals in the water, just for something to do with her hands. She had no gloves to tug or ice to shoot.
Anna dipped her hands in the water and the connection hissed. They must have been cold. She looked down."I mean...always. Elsa my favorite thing is being with you and close to you. I can't-I can't explain how much I've missed you." Her fingers moved under the water and there was a bit of a glow.
No chill had reached Elsa yet, though she wasn't sure if it would. She wasn't even focusing on the water temperature. "Anna, I've really missed you too..."
"And yet, you stay up there."
It was like a sword to the heart. Elsa felt guilt and sadness at once and she stared at the water too. She felt she ought to say something, but she didn't know what. Saying she was sorry didn't seem to suffice, and she didn't have any good excuse not to be at the castle more. If she was being honest with herself, even she wasn't sure what she gained by living between the glacier and the forest.
"I'm not mad at you," Anna said, and the water swished gently with her movement. "I know it might seem like it. Maybe I should be. But I don't want to spend any of our time together being mad, I just want to hold onto it as long as I can. I waited so long for you to open up your door... I'm not going to be angry now that you're here." She stopped just in front of Elsa, as she could tell from the water.
Yet, Elsa could not look up. She felt too ashamed. She hurt and closed Anna out and treated her to three short years of her time, then was gone again. However badly she felt about not being with her, what Anna dealt with from her was terrible and Elsa didn't even think she deserved to be around her.
"Elsa? Please look up at me," Anna told her, and suddenly cold hands cupped her face. Elsa startled and Anna gasped. "Sorry. I'm nervous."
The cold hands certainly got her attention and Elsa met her gaze. She fell in immediately, letting the hands carress her face gently. It all felt so good, the coolness on her cheeks and the heat over the rest of her body. "You're too good to me, Anna."
"Be kind to yourself." Anna touched their foreheads together. "I know behind the door you weren't happy either. I know you were alone and scared. I still had more freedom than you, I could be myself." She stroked the sides of her head slowly. "You deserve to be forgiven and you deserve to be cherished. I cherish you, Elsa."
Elsa was speechless. She had said similar things to Anna, tried to build her up all the time. That moment, their situation, that was different. She felt her eyes welling up as her love and gratitude started to spill over. They'd been discussing their bodies and somehow it turned into something else. Tears welled in her eyes before she could stop them. "Anna..."
Anna placed gentle kisses just above her eyes, paused, and then pulled her into a hug. She wrapped her arms around Elsa tightly. "I love you so much Elsa. I don't ever want you to forget it. I feel true happiness when you're here."
Immediately, Elsa hugged her back. She wished she were feeling Anna's smooth back under her hands instead of her own, wished it was Anna's chest against hers, but it was Anna's soul entangled with her own and so she was able to be satisfied. "Anna...I love you more than I think I can ever tell you," she said, squeezing her. "You're part of me." That wasn't said with the fifth spirit in mind.
They stayed like that, for a while. Elsa watched the yellow and red rose petals float gently around them, some stopping against their bare skin. She barely felt them. The smell of lavender gently drifted to her and calm gradually settled in her heart along with her bursting fondness for Anna. If only she could just stay in her arms...
After a while Anna shifted and released her, though she stroked her hands down her arms. "Would you like me to wash your hair?" she asked softly.
"I'd love that," Elsa replied. It did sound nice. When they were in their correct bodies she'd love it even more, but feeling Anna work through the tangly hair and massage her head sounded like heaven in that moment.
"Good," Anna said and she let go of her to get back the basket that had tried to float off. She quickly brought it over and pulled Elsa forward as she positioned herself behind her. Anna knelt behind her and first draped herself over Elsa's back. Her lips were next to Elsa's ear, breath warm on it as if she were going to speak.
She didn't, however. Anna kissed the side of her head and began to work on her hair instead, little tugs leading Elsa to tip her head back. She took a deep breath and let her eyes close. All she could do for the time being was lose herself in Anna, and she was okay with that.
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merinnan · 4 years
DMBJ Episode 10
Episode 10, the final episode for season 1! 
 We begin Episode 10 with the Xiaoge Rescue Count at 10 for Wu Xie, 14 for the protagonists, 15 for everyone 
 And the Wu Xie Swoon Count at 5
- We open back up on a slight recap of Wu Xie being a little shit, and it's delightful 
- I love how when Wu Xie sits in the other chair, the lead boduguard dude is like surprised Pikachu face, Huo Xiuxiu is shocked, and Xie Yuchen is like, hmmm, interesting
- And Granny just closes her eyes with a brief sigh 
- For she has triggered stubborn little shit Wu Xie 
- And I think she knows it 
- She's like, enough of this shit, and Pangzi is like, nope, my turn to stir it up
- Some subtle threats, a brief scuffle, and now what are you up to, Pangzi? 
- Oh, they settled down a bit once he left, being the troublemaker. Or at least the over troublemaker 
- And now Xie Yuchen playing a bit of a peacemaker 
- Hmm, I wonder who the 'friend' in question is?
- Just stay sitting in the seat until half past four 
- Simple tasks like that are never simple 
- So now I'm super curious what's going to happen between now and 4:30 
- Wu Xie is suspicious. Because he's smart like that. 
- Oh, another fishy with sneks!
- And god, the auctioneer lady's wig is AWFUL 
- Oooh, there's something important or weird about the left side seats in the upper floors. 
- Let's see what happens here 
- lol, the attendant's face when she came in and saw Wu Xie sitting in that chair
- There is apparently Some History with these chairs 
- Xiaogeeeeee   
 - God, Chengcheng, food, and money. Can't she just like shut up about it for once? 
- I feel like I'm missing something with this lantern here. I don't get why everyone is staring at it.
- Or why everyone is applauding once it's put up 
- Yes, Xiaoge is definitely dressed like a staff member. And staring up where Wu Xie is.
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- Pangzi's back, and evidently now knows about the seat 
- Oh, so apparently the lantern is tied to Wu Xie sitting in the seat 
- It's creating quite a stir 
- Oh, Wu Xie now seems to realise what this is, I think?
- Huh, I thought it was just me thinking that using bells for bidding was odd, but no, Pangzi has confirmed that the auctioneer girl is pretty good to be able to tell which bell is which 
- Her hearing used as a detection tool. Why am I now thinking of Liu Sang?
- Oh shit. That's what that means. 
- And that's why Granny is so fucking smug about it. 
- Ouch. 
- It's okay, it's the last episode, so I'm sure it'll turn out fine. 
- WOW her hearing is good to pick that up 
- God damn it Pangzi 
- Why do you always have to start shit like this?
- I think Xiaoge realises his Wu Xie is about to be in trouble
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- I like these little hints we're seeing of early Xiao Sanye
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- Lol, Pangzi pulls out a hidden baton, all the grey suits pull out batons, and he looks so shocked that he's not the only one with one 
 - Go, Pangzi, go! 
- Oh, ouch 
- Ahahah, thank you, Wu Xie. This is the Wu Xie I like to see. 
- Oh, kicking a girl like that, tsk tsk
- Them trying to drag Wu Xie out his chair, and him clinging on for dear life 
 - He's so stubborn. I love him. 
- Granny casually drinking tea while there's this huge fight going on around her 
- Xiaoge keeping an eye on things
- Pangzi to the rescue, keeping the chair propped up! 
- But like 
- And now Wu Xie enters the fray 
- Hahaha, good girl, Chengcheng. Like, I still don't like or trust you, but sometimes you do good.
- Granny was NOT expecting the silly little girl to take out her guy like that 
- I like Yuchen's reactions here. Everyone else seems either surprised, or angry, or smug, and he's just like "...this is interesting." 
- I know Xiaoge's gonna turn up any second now, and I can't wait
- But for now, I'm enjoying Pangzi being a badass, kicking people down stairs 
- Yuchen to the rescue! Nice 
- And Wu Xie thinks he looks familiar, so now I'm wondering where they know each other from
- XIAOGE! YES! Just casually walking out from the side with his hands in his pockets. Shit is about to get real
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- Xiaoge Rescue Count is now 10 for Wu Xie, 15 for the protagonists, 16 for everyone
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- It seems Granny has sent her guys after them 
- Wu Xie's expression is like "you have to be fucking kidding me" 
- Pangzi is like, yes, time for a fight! 
- I can't entirely blame her, because Wu Xie is still baby and has not yet developed the reputation that he'll have later on
- But I certainly see where his reputation is starting 
- This ep is confirming that Pangzi is a much better character outside the Lu tomb. It's as if Pangzi in the tomb was a doppelganger with a different personality that's similar enough to fool people into thinking it's real
- Pangzi beating up Granny's guys while Wu Xie and High Shao...just stand and watch? 
- Oh, now they're finally trying to run 
- Pangzi continuing to single-handedly keep the Huo guys at bay 
- A narrow alleyway seems like a bad place to run into, guys
- Grey suited guys have obviously never learned that you should never split the party 
- No, I'm not sure you're safe just yet, guys. Maybe hide a bit longer. 
- Your shoes aren't exactly quiet, since they're dress shoes 
- Wu Xie still proving that he's the smart one
- Chengcheng, they already know who you are. Forget the dumb phone. 
- Unless you have some ~~secrets~~ on there. Like who you really work for? 
- Wu Xie, baby, no, don't do that - You're too nice sometimes 
- You're a good boy, too, High Shao
- I'm wondering why it took her so long to make her move 
- Wu Xie Swoon Count: 6
- Wu Xie, you still don't get it, do you?
- Chengcheng, why are you surprised at his naivete? You've been pretending to be his friend for how long now? Haven't you realised yet that that's just who he is? 
- I'm impressed Wu Xie managed to stand up with his ankles tied like that
- She's not wrong, they were all fucking idiots when it came to just trusting her like that 
- No, Wu Xie, she's not your friend 
- I'm confused. If she wanted the fishy, why didn't she just take it once she knew Wu Xie had it? Or did she know there were 2 & she wants both of them?
- I'm pretty sure he didn't give his away anywhere, and he told Granny he had it, so his can't be the one at the auction. 
- Wu Xie, Wu Xie, Wu Xie. She doesn't care. It's sweet that you're trying, and you wouldn't be Wu Xie if you didn't, but it's not going to work.
- No, sweetie, A-Ning is so much better than you are. She's at least honest about who she is, and has some kind of ethics. 
- Oooh, who's come with a motorbike. I can think of three possibilities. Now we'll see which one it is. 
- Oh, and it was one I didn't think of
- I'll give her credit for being a good actress, though. Or, at least, she's good at pretending to be a silly, flighty girl. I'm not sure if she knows how to put on a different act than that.
- How did she miss that she dragged them next to a broken bottle? Like, even being in a hurry I feel that that's something she should have noticed. It's not like it's hidden, it's just right there under the window where she put them.
- Oh, she's a pretty good fighter, too. 
- Zipties? Oh, honey. Wu Xie, you need to learn how to break zipties without needing something sharp to cut them. 
- I'm sure Ershu can have Heiye teach you, if Xiaoge doesn't teach you first 
- A pink car. OMG. That is such a cliche.
- And hey, it's Huo Xiuxiu. For a sec I thought it was going to be Chengcheng, and if it was, I was gonna be so mad that she'd somehow got a custom pink car just waiting for her in Beijing 
- But I can accept Huo Xiuxiu having a pink car
- And they're back home already? Just like that, with no other explanations? 
- Yes, Sanshu, you were rather careless 
- Hang on, how did they know the guy's name was Qiu Dekao? I mean, I get that Sanshu might have, but why was the name familiar to the boys?
- Poor Sanshu, so cut up about Wenjin's niece turning out to be a fake 
- And now, mysterious photograph of mystery that High Shao has found online 
- Aaah, 20 year old photo of Sanshu and Xiaoge (and others) 
- I know what's coming up next, then!
- Well, not in the like 5 mins left of the season 
- But maybe in season 2 
- Why are they now talking about some box that hasn't been mentioned at all so far? 
- Sanshu's at-home outfit is pretty smart, though. That subtly patterned white shirt with black slacks and black vest
- It seems a lot of convenient fires conveniently burn important documents in DMBJ shows 
- Yes, Sanshu, how can they look so alike 
- I wonder what it is that you've just realised, that's so important you just abruptly threw Wu Xie & High Shao out and locked the door behind them
- Did they send the photo to Pangzi as well? Since he began talking about Xiaoge being a mummy as soon as they called him 
- Ah, there are two fishys. I didn't miss something there. 
- Hm. Messy shoes in the entryway. That's not a good sign. 
- Ofc Sanshu has gone & run off on them
- Probably doesn't want to drag them into a mess again 
- After how the last one went 
- And especially with that gang after the same kind of stuff 
- It's okay, Wu Xie, Xiaoge might have left without saying goodbye but he was still watching out for you when it mattered
And with that little narrated epilogue, both episode 10 and season 1 come to an end! 
Season 1 Xiaoge Rescue Count was 10 for Wu Xie, 15 for the protagonists, 16 for everyone 
Season 1 Wu Xie Swoon Count was 6 
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butterflydm · 2 years
wot on prime rewatch: 1x02 shadow’s waiting
spoilers through the end of season one of the wheel of time. I will do a reblog of this soon after I post it, with additional book-related spoilers.
1. Aaah, the Whitecloak cold open. This one was fascinating, because it really brought the Whitecloaks out as dangerous to Aes Sedai way before the books really positioned them as real threats. This is very effectively scary! The music is also incredibly unsettling here.
2. The Sister that he’d killing here in Yellow Ajah and probably did not have a Warder, is my guess. And, at this point in time, they aren’t terribly close to Tar Valon/The White Tower, because they will run into Moiraine & co later. The whole thing with Valda keeping trophies from the Aes Sedai that he kills is very effectively creepy.
3. I love this intro so much. It took me a while to noticed how great the timing of the names was -- Josha’s name appearing just as the golden threads start to weave is an amazingly subtle bit of abstract storytelling, imo. And I just love all the imagery here. I’m so curious if we’ll get a slightly different sequence in S2. I’d prefer having the same opening with the threads pulling apart but them it being weaved into different tapestries that reflect this upcoming season.
4. We open with our people in flight from the wave of Trollocs, with Lan doing his Warder duty of keeping watch and scouting out their back trail to see how closely they’re being followed.
5. The crossing at Taren Ferry is our next piece of plot business and we learn a lot here -- we learn that Trollocs fear deep water; we see how determined Moiraine is; and this is the first time we really see how Aes Sedai can work around their Oaths. Moiraine doesn’t kill the ferryman, but she also doesn’t reverse her work to try to save his life. We also see a Fade here and he is very creepy. Like the look of him. That’s a lot of teeth. And Moiraine and Lan DO try to help the ferryman here, but once he’d made his choice to go back into the water, they give up on him.
6. We get some more characterization notes: Mat tries to lighten the mood when they arrive at the ferry, and afterwards, Perrin is fatalistic and Egwene wants to help, then after the ferryman is dead, we have Lan noticing how unhappy Rand looks about everything. We also get some more of Moiraine and Lan’s wordless communication here, which I always love.
7. Some time afterwards, Lan lets them know that they’ve lost the Trollocs for now, so it’s time to set up camp, rest, and finally have a chance to try to process what happened at the end of episode one. As a quick ‘this is a rewatch’ reminder: Egwene saw Nynaeve get dragged away, Perrin accidentally killed his wife, Mat had to leave safety to go into the battlefield to protect his sisters because his parents forgot about them, and Rand learned that he was an infant on a battlefield who was picked up by his father and raised by him. So everyone has a lot of trauma but it’s all different types -- Rand is dealing with an identity crisis along with nearly losing his father, Egwene has survivor’s guilt, Perrin is terrified of the potential violence inside him, and Mat has had to abandon his sisters knowing that his parents weren’t looking out for them because they would be in more danger if he stayed.
8. We see Moiraine refreshing the horses with the Power, and Lan worrying over her exhausting herself over it. Over at the campsite, Mat tries to lighten the mood by mentioning that if Nynaeve were here, she’d constantly be making Moiraine’s life a misery, so Egwene has to deliver the unhappy news that she witnessed Nynaeve being dragged off during the fight. Perrin tries to reassure Egwene (and himself) that Nynaeve (Laila) died so quickly that she barely felt it (though he knows it wasn’t true for Laila and probably suspects it wasn’t true for Nynaeve either). Rand, otoh, immediately attempts to assume a leadership position in the group by saying that they need a plan between the four of them, because Moiraine can’t be trusted not to turn on them. So, I am really REALLY interested to see if Rand ever finds out about Moiraine setting the Red Ajah after Mat, because they really do kinda hammer this theme specifically with Rand-Mat-Moiraine throughout the whole season, imo. Rand doesn’t trust Moiraine with his friends’ safety and wants some kind of backup -- we, the audience, are aware that Moiraine DID turn on Mat because she didn’t trust him not to fail when faced with the Dark One. (and it’s interesting that Rand looks to Mat during this line -- trying to get his backup here?)
9. Egwene, though, immediately steps in to defend Moiraine, which is VERY interesting because we saw that she was herself very upset at not being able to help the man at the ferry. Mat attempts to puncture this moment of potential tension between Rand and Egwene by making a mockery of the idea that any of them could possibly be the Dragon Reborn - “The most powerful channeler who ever lived”. Egwene points out that the Trollocs DID follow them, as Moiraine said that they would. Rand doesn’t have a specific counter to that, so falls back on the idea that they can’t really know what’s going on. Mat again attempts to keep the mood light by joking about the Dragon having wings. It’s very interesting here, how this already feels like a soft power struggle between Egwene and Rand to set the narrative of what’s currently happening in all of their lives. Egwene wants to Trust Authority/Moiraine and Rand wants to Question Authority/Moiraine, and the audience they’re both playing to is Mat and Perrin.
10. Moiraine interrupts the conversation between the four to tell them to stop worrying about what the stories of the Dragon say, and just get some sleep. I’m sure she wants to nip that “Question Authority” line that Rand is pushing in the bud as quickly as possible.
11. Rand insomnia count: 1. The reason that Rand sees Moiraine awaken Egwene to take her off for their private conversation is because he’s not able to get to sleep right away like the others. He sees them go off together but, unlike the books, he doesn’t appear to actually listen in on their conversation, simply moves his bedroll to the outside of the cave and sleeps there.
12. I notice that ‘in public’ Egwene defended Moiraine but, in private, she does question her, which is a very interesting contrast to Rand questioning her in front of the others. Of course, this is also a good time for some fun Aes Sedai lore-dumping. We find out about the Three Oaths and, very interestingly, in the show these are tied to ending Artur Hawkwing’s siege of the White Tower. We can also see here that Moiraine is already holding her arm and showing signs of continued injury.
13. But what Egwene gets here is exactly what Rand WANTED from Moiraine and never got in this early episode before they all parted -- she gets an explanation. Moiraine explains her reasoning, she explains why she made the choices that she made at the ferry, and she explains about how the Three Oaths impact her behavior. We know from what Egwene says that the stories about the Oaths do not have the Exact Words. So this is information that Egwene receives about Moiraine and the Aes Sedai that Rand, Mat, Perrin, and Nynaeve all do not receive. Egwene is given a unique look ‘behind the curtain’ of Moiraine’s calm surface here. The other four ta’veren do not get this glimpse behind her mask. Egwene’s experience of Moiraine is now fundamentally different from the others’ experiences. She gets walked through the entire potential sequence of events that might have happened if Moiraine had let the ferryman go back across the river.
14. And I think we can see here already that Moiraine WANTS Egwene to be the Dragon Reborn (and I think that’s why we get her taking Egwene aside like this in the show). Which makes a lot of sense! She disqualified Nynaeve for age reasons, so now she’s got three boys and one girl. If one of the boys is the Dragon Reborn, then he is going to get hit with the corruption that the Dark One placed on the male half of the One Power. And Moiraine, queen of wishful thinking (as we saw in the first episode), would very much like to avoid having a ticking time bomb as the savior of the world. So, the first test to finding out if Egwene is the Dragon Reborn is finding out if she can channel -- and Moiraine DOES establish that here. Egwene can channel, which means that it’s possible (in Moiraine’s opinion) that she might be the Dragon. Moiraine also does a good job here tying in using the One Power to something that Egwene would be familiar with - Listening to the Wind. This is a huge bonding scene between Moiraine and Egwene, trying them together with this huge thing that they have in common. Moiraine looks very hopeful at the end of this scene, imo, and I think it’s because she now feels like there’s a very solid chance that she won’t have to worry about the Dragon Reborn going mad.
15. When Egwene returns to the camp and sees Rand sleeping outside the cave, she tries to snuggle up to him and gets (relatively gently) rebuffed. And, again, I do understand both points of this scene -- I get why Egwene wants to reconnect with Rand but it also makes a lot of sense that Rand tells her that he doesn’t want that from her right now (”I came out here to be alone”).
16. When Egwene goes back into the cave, she finds that Perrin is now awake, staring at the fire (and the audience sees that he got wounded on his leg). Perrin is also having trouble sleeping. They talk about home, and Egwene says she doesn’t believe they’ll ever go back there.
17. Next is the first of our dreams. This one features Rand throwing up a bat. It makes sense for the ‘creepy rodent’ to be a bat instead of a rat, because they’re out in the woods by caves rather than in a city like Baerlon where the dreams started for them in the books. We get our first glimpse of ~the Man~ and Rand wakes to see that there really is a dead bat on the ground, and we find out that the other three also had creepy dreams about dead bats. Rand is instantly suspicious of Moiraine (as he was before) and asks her if she was involved in giving them the dreams (Lan immediately stands by Moiraine in a defensive posture).
18. So this is now the fourth time we’ve seen Rand challenge Aes Sedai/Moiraine’s authority -- it is officially a pattern. Instead of speaking directly to Rand and answering his question (like saying, for ex. ”No, I didn’t put anything in your dreams”), she instead questions all of them and asks them about their dreams. Mat mentions seeing bats with their necks snapped in mid-air. Perrin mentions the man with eyes of fire. “Dreams have power. More than you know.” Moiraine says, telling them to tell her about any future dreams. But not giving them any actual answers (again, very much in contrast to the specific detail that she went in with Egwene the night before).
19. This answer does not satisfy Rand and he challenges Moiraine again. He asks for clarity and she just straight-up brushes him off and refuses to answer. His temper snaps and he demands to have some answers from her before they go any further. He wants to know what the point of them following her -- he wants specific answers. Rand mentions that Egwene has a place at the White Tower, as a woman who can channel, but what place would the other three of them have? Moiraine essentially tells him to shut up and follow her. She rides off and pretends that she doesn’t care if they follow, but we also see later that Lan is sent off and around to watch them and see if they actually leave.
20. With Moiraine and Lan gone, we now go back to the power struggle between Rand and Egwene for the narrative about Moiraine’s intentions. And Egwene immediately starts getting ready to leave as well. Rand immediately reveals the information to the other two boys that he saw Moiraine taking Egwene off on her own the previous night. Egwene and Rand are fundamentally having two very different arguments here, from two very different bases of understanding. This is where that unequal understanding of Moiraine comes into play. Egwene has been given reasons to trust Moiraine that Rand has not been given (and Rand also looks over at Mat and Perrin again as this argument starts). Rand has stated why he doesn’t trust Moiraine (and we will get more information on this as we go further into Rand and Mat’s storyline in the future) -- essentially, it’s about what Mat says during episode six -- “I know what Aes Sedai do to men like me”. We’re going to play on this thread a LOT as the season goes on, so I’m, again, very curious about where this will go in future seasons. And Egwene’s trust of Moiraine is based on private information that was not shared with the others.
21. Then we get the two low blows of this argument (and, wow, Perrin and Mat look SO UNCOMFORTABLE in the background):
Egwene: “If I were her, I’d leave you behind.”
Rand: “You already did.”
22. Mat is instantly in peacekeeper mode as soon as Rand turns and comes back to him and Perrin -- he tells Rand not to be an ass to Egwene, but he also tells him that he’s right about Moiraine. He uses a friendly touch as a soothing mechanism. Mat’s extremely high EQ in these early episodes is just... really getting to me. He’s so good with his friends and with his sisters in the first episode! And it works! Mat affirming Rand’s feeling and giving him a personal connection makes him stop walking away, and he listens as Mat continues talking. Mat absolutely shows here that he understands how to reach Rand when he’s upset (and he shows it later with Perrin as well) and I’m just... oh, yeah, I am instantly seeing again why the show yanked me onto the Mat/Rand train. Mat is able to talk Rand down from his fit of temper and, with a touch of humor, convince him to carry on anyway. Egwene’s approach to talking Rand into continuing put Rand’s back up, and Mat’s approach smooths his ruffled feathers down and he moves into action (or gets a pufferfish to retract his spines, you might say).
23. Now we have our Whitecloak encounter. Moiraine gives her ring to Lan to hide, and she warns the kids not to mention anything dangerous, essentially. Again, we get to see here how seriously Moiraine takes the Whitecloak threat. More lovely sychronization between Lan and Moiraine as they dismount at the same time. We also see a bit of a crack between the ‘normal’ Whitecloaks and the Questioners (and the Questioners are repped by the same man who killed the Yellow Aes Sedai from the start of the episode). We learn a bit more about the situation to the south -- eight Sisters were sent to deal with Logain. The two sets of Whitecloaks split up at this point, and I think the implication may be that Valda splits off from the non-Questioner Whitecloaks whenever he goes Aes Sedai hunting.
24. Egwene rides up to talk to Moiraine privately and gets another insight into Aes Sedai and the Three Oaths that the other three don’t get. More on the importance of choosing your words so that you can misdirect without lying.
25. Ah, this shot has a great look at some ruins from the Age of Legends, love it. And it leads into the Manetheren song -- which is prompted by Mat noticing that everyone looks dispirited and trying to rouse their spirits. They did a good job showing how sensitive Mat is to his friends’ emotions. And after the song, we get Moiraine telling us the history of Manetheren. <3 Love this bit so much. So glad that Rafe & co fought for it to be in the show. I love us seeing that this bit of history has survived, if only as a song that no one still in the Two Rivers knows about the truth of it anymore, and I love Moiraine’s telling of the history. I’ve gushed about this scene a lot before, but it’s just so great. There’s some very apt reaction shots as well.
26. The next camping break, we notice briefly How Weird Mat sits. Love it. And I love how Moiraine and Lan keep getting off their horses in perfect unison. And we see that Moiraine and Lan noticed the trophies that the Whitecloak, Valda, was showing up.
27. Another break, another time when Egwene wants to talk about things right now, and Rand wants to have some time to actually process things for himself. Rand makes it clear here that he feels like what Egwene did needs to serve as a ‘clean break’ between them and that Egwene is making things harder by trying to reconnect with him before he’s ready to do anything like that. Egwene basically is making the argument that because the situation has changed so profoundly, they need to re-evaluate their break-up, essentially, but Rand never had a chance to finish processing it in the first place, because it was immediately superceded by the Trolloc attack and the news that he got from his father. Egwene is kinda demanding that Rand already process his emotions now, to make her feel better and reassure her. And we kinda do get the implication that this is a theme in their relationship from episode seven, I think, where it’s clear that Rand needs a lot more time on his own to process things that Egwene does, who prefers to process things verbally with other people.
28. I love Egwene’s traveling outfit here, btw. It’s definitely the most polished looking out of any of the Two Rivers’ kids, which is fitting since we do get the implication even from the show that she’s basically the darling of the town and that her family owns the inn that serves as the center of their community, and it’s such a lovely-looking traveling coat and belt.
29. Rand does reassure her here than he doesn’t hate her (”I could never hate you”), and his own processing essentially gets put on hold for Egwene’s sake, for the moment.
30. We see Perrin struggling with his wound and we get our first WolfSign!!! <3 His new wolf-friend licks his wound and, after that, he doesn’t seem to have anywhere near as much trouble with it. The wound is pretty nasty looking too. I like the music that starts up as his wolf-friend licks his wound. And then all the wolves head out. Their work here is done.
31. At camp for the night, Mat is Sitting Weird again. Egwene worries over Moiraine, and Lan tells them all to get some sleep, but Egwene is woken up later in the night and realizes that the Fade has found them, just as Lan is returning to warn them all. And Moiraine won’t wake. Lan makes the executive decision that We Will Go Into The Fallen City because even the Trollocs are scared of it, and we get a tense chase scene.
32. I love the set design of Shadar Logoth, very creepy. And the poor horses didn’t want to go in. Babies! Perrin is the one to notice there’s no sign of life in the city, not even birds or bugs. Moiraine has still not woken up at this point.
33. Lan gives them a brief history of Shadar Logoth -- how paranoia ate them alive during the Trolloc Wars, building a wall with no gate. An evil that isn’t of the Dark One, which is our first official introduction to that idea. Lan does give them a very clear warning not to touch or take anything, so he’s probably somewhat disappointed in Mat when he finds out about The Dagger.
34. We now get a moment of connection between two of the pairs that are about to be split up -- Rand goes off to the top of something tall to think alone (like in the first episode) and Egwene finds him (like in the first episode). In a wordless moment, Rand reaches out and they hold hands. I think it being wordless really helps Rand here, because he’s not being asked to process anything immediately? They’re just sharing a quiet moment together.
35. Inside the building, Mat goes over to comfort Perrin. He gives Perrin a knife that Laila had made, reassures Perrin that he also knew and mourns his wife, lets Perrin know that he’s loved. Again, Mat is so emotionally perceptive here. And this moment definitely made me half-ship Mat and Perrin for a hot minute. And Perrin then reaches back out to Mat to thank him for his kindness and reassure him that even if his parents aren’t looking out for Mat’s sisters, the rest of the community will -- his parents and Egwene’s parents.
36. Mat finds himself woken up in the night by the sounds of the horses being restless, and it seems like he’s being specifically drawn to the room with the dagger -- he sees some faint movements out of the corner of his eye and follows it. It does seem a lot more targeted towards Mat here, rather than Mordeth basically going for anyone that he could get in the books.
37. After Mat gets The Dagger, it is now time for some horses to die (poor babies) and for everyone to split up. Moiraine wakes up to find out they’re in Shadar Logoth and is Not Happy. And our pairs all split up: Moiraine and Lan; Perrin and Egwene; and Rand and Mat. Egwene promises Rand that she’ll find him and Mat tugs Rand along so that they can escape.
38. Poor Moiraine lost ALL her potential Dragons. And one of the things that’s interesting here is that our two potential leaders in the soft power struggle that’s been happening all episode each get split off specifically with the person who was already more sympathetic to them. Also, Mat touches Rand a lot in the this episode. And Egwene and Perrin hold hands as they jump off the wall. We also specifically have Egwene shouting for Rand and Perrin shouting for Mat, connecting back to the other half of the pair that they were already close with.
39. And our surprise ending is Nynaeve showing up not dead! <3 <3 <3 <3
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ofcloudyskies · 4 years
hiya! i really, really hope things get better for you soon. if you ever want to talk about it, just know that i'm here ♡ i know what you mean about tumblr being a safe haven. looking back, i think i came back here bc i was going through a really rough patch (existential crisis do that to you) and even after all this time, i still find comfort in the chaos that is this website. it's become some sort of refuge where i can be silly and speak into the void about the things that make me happy. (1/6)
hello marina! <3 thanks to tumblr for the reveal haha :D i'll post this to keep the whole thing in one place
apart from ouat, i used to be really into glee. i stopped watching ouat after s5 and the later seasons of glee were a real roller coaster. but i was so happy in both fandoms. i mostly kept to my tiny bubble but i did meet so many lovely people. and the fact that i'll probably never know what's become of most of them will always hurt a bit. but yeah, life goes on and one can only hope that they're happy, wherever they are. ah, this got sappy haha. what other fandoms were you in before? (2/6)
my mind keeps drifting these days, too, and the fact that summer makes me feel super drained isn't helping at all. but YES, YESSSSS, i'm definitely up for a buddy reading. that may help us beat our reading slump! we can read "if we were villains" or we can choose any other book you may be interested in, of course! speaking of naomi novik, i started reading "spinning silver" a while ago after hearing great things from a friend of mine. (3/6)
i don't think i picked it at the right time, but god, the writing was so atmospheric and raw. i'll definitely go back to it one day, i love retellings. also, i hadn't even thought about the colors of the covers, what a cool coincidence! black and gold will always be one of my favorite combos. there's something so magical and kingly about it, right? the collector's edition for crooked kingdom is black and gold, too, and i couldn't stop staring at it the day it came in the mail hahaha. (4/6)
see, i'm incredibly intrigued about nikolai. i need to know more about him. that's one of the main reasons why i want to read the shadow and bone trilogy, actually. if i manage to get out of this terrible slump, i think i'll jump back into the grishaverse and give the trilogy a go. in the meantime, could netflix please give us a trailer or some promo pics? i need something, anything! (5/6)  
ahh, tumblr won't allow me to send any more questions for at least an hour because i exceeded the ask limit. but i just needed to send one last message, so i'll just come off anon, i guess hahaha. anyway, feel free to write as much as you want!! as you can see, my messages just keep getting longer and longer. aaah, i'm so sorry. but what can i say, i love letters too! (6/6)
ah, thank you for good wishes <3 i don't want to burden you too much with my life problems and tbh it doesn't really get easier no matter how many times i talk about it, i will most certainly end up crying again if i start thinking about it too much again. i’ve been living with this terrible feeling of uncertainty about the future for a year now (because the thing will happen, the question is how soon) and it feels like i’m always at the verge tears, one word, one thought and i break. ugh, now i’m being weirdly vague akfdjhg sorry >< but i hope you managed to get through your rough patch! if you need to vent about anything, you know where to find me!
oh, i'm actually rewatching glee right now! i was so into it in high school but stopped watching at some point. last fall i needed a pick-me-up show to pass a few weeks of alone evenings so i randomly decided to rewatch glee and this time to watch the whole thing till the end. i think i'm at the start of s4 now. i mostly only listen to the episodes while cooking :D
other than ouat i think i only actively participated in doctor who fandom. for other things i was just a lurker/rebloger... then i got into animanga (mostly into this one baseball manga?? i literally didn't know the rules of baseball back then. don't ask why i like it so much, i don't understand it myself haha, i just accept it) and made a sideblog for that which i started using more than the main blog so i made a separate account and came here only from time to time
YAY we can agree on ‘if we were villains’!! i’ve been considering ‘the priory of the orange tree’ from samantha shannon recently but it’s definitely too long for a slump mood. ah, naomi novik has polish roots and i remember uprooted was based on polish folklore, it was nice to see elements of the tales from my country in the story. i wonder if her other books have that as well. and oh my, i envy you the collector's edition of crooked kingdom! i own the duology but in the basic covers, i love them lots anyway. what are your other fav covers on your bookshelf? and i hope i didn't oversell nikolai, would be bad now if you read the books now and were meh about him ahaha, fingers crossed!
if you like writing letters to strangers, there's this cool app called 'slowly'. you’re matched with a stranger from somewhere in the world and you can write each other letters. the letter takes time to arrive to the recipient according to the distance between the countries where both people live. i used it a bit when i was stuck at home and wanted to feel connected to the world c:
idk how we should keep this going :D does fanmail still exist on tumblr? if u have ideas let me know hah. have a good night x
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ain-t-bovvered · 5 years
15x02 commentary
bunch of tired and caffeinated Europeans ( plus a sleepy American) scream together, and then die and try to get on with their day ( lol AS IF)
Hello and welcome:
@purpleskiesandcherrypies​​  (Nat)
@dean-winchesters-bacon​​  (Kat)  
@waywardbaby​​  (Zee)
@ain-t-bovvered  (Giulia)
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 Nat : ready?
Zee: Yes
Zee: No
Giulia: Yeah yeah YEAH
Nat : go
Giulia: GOD
Nat : NICE
Zee: Not jack dying again
Giulia: Can they stop making me see Jack dying again
Giulia: That must be a real tiny ass town tho
 Nat : Ah, something's gonna happen
Zee: I read tiny ass and was trying to figure out what it meant
Zee: Really?
Giulia: The fuck is she doing
Nat : Ah Rob
Nat : Is that still in that town?
Zee: That ain’t rob bitch
Nat : Ah yeah
Giulia: There are ALWAYS people who don’t evacuate
 Nat : Why is she not at the school
Nat : Woo? Woo girls being stabbed and it sounds like this?
Zee: Because she dum
Nat : Who is this
Giulia: AH LOL
Giulia: spelling bee
Nat : An academic ghost
Giulia: thank you NAN
Zee: Nice
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Giulia: The chains are already there
Zee: Louder Sam
Nat : lol Sammy
Nat : sHorTlY
Zee: Say it like you mean it sam
Giulia: Shut up
Zee: Cas’s “we're fucked” look
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Nat : I'm not their favorite
Nat : snorts
D: So you were a dick to 'em in Hell, huh?
B: No, I did my job. It's Hell. It's not a day spa.
Giulia: well he’s not wrong
Zee: Crowley whiplash
Zee: Poor dean
D: Why are you helping?
Giulia: YEAH why
I told you, I like Hell the way it was. I'm a good soldier.
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Can I direct you to Dean’s “surprised” eyebrows at the ‘ I’m a good soldier?’ I think that tell a lot.
Nat : Dangerous ghosts
Nat : Touble T?
Zee: Jack the Ripper
Nat : Great
Giulia: cool cool cool
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Nat : How is Jack the Ripper in the US tho
Zee: Because that’s where the Winchester’s challenged Chuck Nat
Giulia: Idk man...americans likes to have everything
Nat : Claiming ghosts that are not theirs
Giulia: AND of course there must be the stupid humans
Nat : Ah, this reminds me of something
Giulia: Oh look a ghostmeeting
Zee: Claiming ghosts, raising hell. The hell business
Giulia: OH that’s Jack the ripper then
Nat : Apparently MYSTERY SOLVED
Giulia: Where’s the accent
Nat : He apparently adapts
Nat : Wow, that's a great idea to sneak in
Giulia: AH sneeky humans
Zee: WHY?
Giulia: Hope u get killed Stupid fucks
Nat : I can't get over the weird ghosts
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Zee: Look at that close up
Giulia: you are so pretty Charles
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C: I just think we need to tell the family something. I mean, we found his wife's body.
S: Cass, we will. When we can.
C: When we can?
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he’s so done. lol
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Nat : The squint of Cas eyes tho
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Giulia: always
R: Am I interrupting something juicy?
Zee: Samuel
R: Castiel ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Nat : As if she doesn't want to help
Giulia: Samuel nou
Zee: Them bow legs
Nat : Dean's hair
Giulia: That stare is so not normal Sam. Please get on with the program
 Nat : I am not entirely happy with these ghosts, honestly
Giulia: Well The ripper is not that bad
Zee: Ketch
Giulia: KETCH
Nat : Ugh
Giulia: what’s that horrible suit tho
Nat : Dean's happy though. He just doesn't know how to show it
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I know! he looks a bit happy lol.
but also
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I mean...
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Nat : Yeah, but that's about it
Giulia: Ketch looks tanned
Giulia: Oh COME ON, can we not
Zee: Asking for single malt whiskey in the middle of the apocalypse. What a queen
Nat : Eyefuck
Zee: Is this awkward or not?
Giulia: They gonna fuk
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K: Jack?
B: Um no, I get that a lot
Nat : I get that a lot lol
Giulia: OH SHUT UP
Zee: Now I’m under jacks
Giulia: Oh does ketch knows him
Giulia: OH
Nat : Oh, he is a treat you just don't know it yet
Giulia: Yeah
Zee: What?
Giulia: OH
Nat : Is that Amara
Giulia: HELLO
Nat : Ah
Giulia: AAAH
Giulia: smite
Nat : I think it's probably the other way round
Nat : He's the darkness
Zee: Game of thrones ending ! Lol
Asshole: You said you'd keep us safe.
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Zee: Take a deep breath Cas
Nat : The dimples of discontent
R: So, uh, tell me about Arthur Ketch.
Dean’s not really having it today lol
D: Rowena, we have ourselves a crisis on our hands, okay?  Find yourself another boy toy.
Nat : Boy Toy
Giulia: BOY TOY
Zee: Don’t I ?
Nat : hey
Giulia: no ok but she really don t
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Nat : H E Y
Zee: Dropped the puck
Giulia: oh.......Are we doing this
Nat : Ah great to remind him Cas. Well done
Giulia: Yikes
C: I didn't tell you about Jack, and then after what happened with your mother...
Zee: Yikes
Zee: Shut up
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Giulia: YIKES
C: You're angry
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Nat : Dean bb
D: This mess... all the messes. It turns out that we're just hamsters running in a wheel our whole lives. What do we have to show for it, huh? Tell me you don't feel conned. God's been lying to you, Cass, forever. You bought into the biggest scam in history.
Giulia: HAMSTERS well he right
C: ou don't think I'm angry? After what Chuck did? After what he took from me?He killed Jack. But that doesn't mean it was all a lie
Zee: Mourning dad
Giulia: Oh no Cass
Giulia: Well he’s not wrong
D: really?
C: Chuck is all-knowing He knew the truth, he... he just kept it to himself.
Nat : Awe Cas
D: Well, now that his cover's blown, everything that we've done is for what? Nothing?
 Zee: Dean is about to snap tho
C: Even if we didn't know that all of the challenges that we face were born of Chuck's machinations, how would we describe it all? We'd call it "life". Because that's precisely what life is. It's an obstacle course, and maybe Chuck designed the obstacles, but we ran our own race. We made our own moves. And mostly, we did well with that.
Giulia: Bb
Nat: Great speech
Giulia: I love it
D: Did we? I'll tell you what we do know. Nothing about our lives is real. Everything that we've lost, everything that we are is because of Chuck. So maybe you can stick your head back in the sand, maybe you can pretend that we actually had a choice. I can't.
Giulia: DEAN
Nat : I can see Demon!Dean a little
Giulia: dean is MAD
Giulia: M. A. D
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Zee: You shut your mouth
C: Dean. You asked, "What about all of this is real?" 
 We are.
Nat : WE ARE
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Giulia: WE ARE
Giulia: MY GOD
Nat : SOBA
Zee: Ok. I love him
Giulia: *clapping *
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I can’t believe that actually happened right in front of my salad
Nat : It's not really ME
Giulia: Oh ok
Nat : snorts
D: You guys didn't come up with a cool weapon for Him, did you?
K: No
K: So, um... Tell me about the witch.
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Zee: Trouble. Ya think dean? You’re in a town filled with idiots
Giulia: im still in cas’ speech tbh
Zee: Focus
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Nat : So can we move away from ghosts in the next ep
Giulia: Yeah I’m already tired of them
Nat : I'm salty we waste two episodes on them
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Giulia: what
Zee: What?
Giulia: OH
Giulia: OOOOH
Nat : AH
Zee: Aaaa
Giulia: BB
Giulia: MY BABY
Nat : Hello smalls
Zee: Advanced placement
Giulia: wasn’t he in HEAVEN
Giulia: oh great
Giulia: BITCH
Giulia: FUCK HIM
Nat : Dean? I try
Giulia: NO GOD
Zee: God’s a dick
Giulia: well Amara seems calm
Nat : Ah, that's the oriental room we saw once on IG
Nat : She's not
Zee: She really isn’t
Giulia: Oh look he wanna tap out
Nat : It's not you. She knows
Zee: He’s buttering her up
Nat : I thought she was lil sis?
Giulia: Oh what if he needs her for his new project
Zee: The cogs are turning
Nat : I hope that they won't fuck
Giulia: what
Zee: Nat!! Ffs
Giulia: IT’S 8:30
Zee: It’s not a time thing Giuls
Nat : We are watching SPN at 8.30 what does that say about us.
 Nat : We will be salty the whole da
Giulia: we like pain
B: I guess I just assumed you two pros woulda wrapped it up by now.
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Nat : Whiny Kevin?
Nat : Shut up
Giulia: Typical millenial
Giulia: ...WHAT
Giulia: omg
Nat : No, it's actually Gen Z
Zee: What?
Giulia: NICE
Zee: Bitches focus
Giulia: but also
Giulia: ....I DON T LIKE THAT
Nat : Ah great
Nat : Like we all don't worry at all
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 Nat : So sick of ghosts UGH
Giulia: oh remember those scenes in the season trailer with dean being conflicted and sad with the colt?
Nat : U
Nat : G
Nat : H
Giulia: SNORTS
Zee: Yeah. Don’t !!
Nat : stop
Giulia: they all know Kevin Tran
Nat : I think it's universal that ghosts knows each other
Giulia: Sam and dean
Giulia: Sam and dean
Giulia: US
Giulia: Our chat is hell lol
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Zee: Thanks
Ketch and Rowena flirting again
Zee: Is this gonna be Ketcena?
Giulia: HATE THAT. Hate all of that. So much
Nat : I swear if we are still stuck in the ghost town by ep 3 I'm gonna flip a fucking table
Giulia: Is this flirting
Zee: Dean is cockblocking for once
Nat : He knew
Giulia: he feels these things
Nat : Ah, they know each other
Also Rowena needs to revaluate her standards 
Giulia: what is this
Zee: We’ve established that
Nat : Hey, don't insult Marry Poppins you fuck
Nat : Great
Giulia: ....
Nat : Have I mentioned that I hate ghosts
Giulia: Wow that was lame
Nat : What is this episode
Giulia: Ghosts
Nat : It's lame
Giulia: Why can he do that
Giulia: This is the last we see Kevin
Giulia: Just realized
Giulia: I don t wanna
Giulia: Awe Dean
Zee: Excuse me while I drool a bit
Nat : Meh
Zee: What?
Giulia: Of course
Zee: Oh fuck
Nat : I saw that he wasn't wearing the chain
Giulia: How they took it out tho
Giulia: GREAT
Nat : I'm so not into the episode
Giulia: yeah It s weak
Nat : Both of them were tbh
Giulia: FUCK
Zee: Yah me too 
Nat : This might be unpopular opinion
Giulia: well it’ll pick up
Nat : Idc
Zee: But is the ghost thing over?
Giulia: 🤷🏼‍♀
Nat : But it makes me mad that we waste 2 episodes
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Giulia: Tiny smile
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Giulia: KEVIN
Nat : The eyebrow
Nat : Look at the eyebrow
Zee: Relax your forehead Sam
Giulia: SANGRY
Zee: Is that eyebrow stuck?
Giulia: can relate
Giulia: IMMA CRY
Nat : Shut up Belphy
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Giulia: KEVIN BB
Giulia: SOBS
Giulia: SOOOB
Giulia: I love you kevin
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Giulia: OH NO
Zee: Oh fuck Oooooffff
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Nat : I feel Amara Amara is my spirit animal
Giulia: You sing backup
Giulia: Oooooooh burn
bUT HEY , maybe Amara will be one of those rare females on spn to not die
Zee: I kinda like her now
Giulia: I’m done chuck
Zee: Petulant
Giulia: Petulant narcissist
Giulia: Oh can Amara seal his ass away
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Nat : We'll still be stuck in ghost town next ep aren't we
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Zee: Ya think Rowena ?
Nat : Ugh eyes twitch
Giulia: Well it is the major problem
Nat : Yeah
Giulia: ...
Giulia: OH NO
Giulia: NOPE
Giulia: NOOOPE
Giulia: NOPE
Giulia: NO
Giulia: I HATE IT
Giulia: FUCK OFF
Zee: Like
Giulia: NO
Nat : I'm salty
Giulia: Please, It’s too soon for Rowena come on
Giulia: Nat
Zee: Fuck off
Giulia: HATE IT
Giulia: HATE IIIIIIIT Next episode is canceled
Zee: Like, get in the mood for next ep
Giulia: What next ep?
Zee: We both know we’re gonna be there
Giulia: The next one is 15x04
If you want to get tagged send an ask HERE or to @waywardbaby or a smoke signal, idk whatever I’m tired af.
TAGS: @wayward-angelgirl​  @destiel-honeypie​      @mariekoukie6661​      @dragontamerm​       @closetspngirl​    @rainflowermoon​     @mattiecat​       @bunnybaby121115​  @aliaitee2​    @jacks-word-of-the-day​     @4evamc​       @dammitsammy​     @legendary-destiel​   @winchesterprincessbride​    @destielhoneybee​    @castiellover20   @jacks-word-of-the-day​  @ravenhg​ @evvvissticante​
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linskywords · 5 years
1M Words Week: Hallsy/Ebs
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7
Aaah, I love these two. Here’s an opening of a story I started in the spring of 2018 when Hallsy was having his Hart-winning season. Should really finish this at some point -- that season deserved it!
Note that, of course, this is NOT finished. It would not end here!
It’s just a dumb bet.
Not even a bet. It was just a thing Ebs said once, at the end of their second season together. Whits had gone out and left two six-packs in the fridge, and like, they weren’t going to not make him regret that, and also they’d just missed the playoffs again, so they got super drunk and lay around on the couch talking about Ebs’ thirty-four-goal season.
“It was sick, man, sick,” Taylor kept saying, and Ebs kept laughing and betting Taylor stupid things, like which of them could stack more beer bottles on top of each other, except neither of them could stack any because they were drunk.
“I’ll, like, never score that many goals,” Taylor said, and Ebs, because he was an awesome bro, said, “Yeah, you will, of course you will,” and Taylor said, “But, like, it’s hard,” meaning goals and, like, everything else, and Ebs said, “It’s not hard, you just need the right incentive.”
“What do you mean, incentive?” Taylor asked. Words were hard when you were that drunk.
Ebs rolled an empty beer bottle across the floor toward him. “You know. Incentive. Maybe you don’t have the right one yet. Like…like, you get thirty goals in one season, and I’ll blow you.”
Taylors jaw dropped open. “You would not,” he said after like thirty seconds of not being able to speak.
“’Course not.” And then, just as Taylor’s heart was going back to its normal speed: “’Cause you’ll never get thirty goals,” Ebs said, and he was off, cackling like a maniac.
“Oh, fuck you!” Taylor said, and then they wrestled for a while so that when Whits came home the floor was strewn with empty beer bottles and puddles from the ones they hadn’t quite finished.
So it wasn’t even a real bet. Just a thing Ebs said that one time, when they were practically kids. And, okay, maybe Taylor thought about it a few times in the years after that, like when he was jerking off sometimes, but that was before Ebs moved out to be with Lauren. And then Taylor got traded and Ebs got engaged and Ebs got traded and Ebs got married and everything’s different now.
And then Taylor gets thirty goals.
He’s not gonna lie and say it doesn’t go through his head after the game. He’s talking to the media, and it sucks because they lost, but still, thirty goals, that’s awesome, yeah, he’s happy to be able to contribute to the team as much as he can, no, he didn’t quite see himself here last season, but it’s something he’s always wanted—and it crosses his mind, just a blip, that conversation with Ebs. Not enough for him to still be thinking about it a minute later.
He thinks about it again, though, when he gets the text from Ebs. Everyone and their mom is texting him tonight—literally: he hears from Ebs’ mom and Davo’s mom and Nico’s mom and his own, obviously, and Ebs’ text is in the mix, just a WOOOOOT with random emojis that Taylor thinks are probably trying to be vaguely insulting. Then Ebs texts him again that night when he’s going to bed, when everything’s calmed down: we shld have hallsyebs day soon! to celebrate, and Taylor starts typing back something about his schedule, and then it hits him like a bolt of lightning or whatever—what if Ebs remembers?
There’s no way that’s what he’s saying. Ebs isn’t, like, lying in bed with fucking Lauren on the other pillow (the left one; Ebs is always on the right) texting Taylor to meet up for a blow job. Or—on the road; Taylor’s pretty sure the Isles are traveling right now. But still. Taylor’s been on enough road trips with Ebs to know that he doesn’t sneak around. The only times Taylor ever saw Ebs hook up was when he and Lauren were off-again. And maybe there were hookups Taylor didn’t know about—Ebs definitely didn’t know about a whole bunch of his hookups—but Taylor doesn’t think so. Ebs doesn’t like secrets.
So he texts Ebs his availability, even though probably they won’t have time for anything until the off-season anyway. He likes that Ebs wanted to, though. They used to have HallsyEbs days sometimes in Edmonton, after Ebs moved out and they didn’t see each other much outside the rink and Ebs said he didn’t want Taylor to pine for him or whatever so he’d come over and play video games and eat ice cream and other stuff Lauren probably didn’t like as much. Sometimes Ebs would be quiet at first, and Taylor would ask if he and Lauren were fighting, and Ebs would say no. Then after a while he’d tell Taylor all about it: how she wasn’t speaking to him, or how she was really great but he just wasn’t sure, and Taylor would make encouraging noises. Then a few days later he’d show up in the locker room all smiles at tell Taylor that Lauren said to thank him for whatever he’d said, that it had really helped, even though Taylor never said all that much. He was never surprised that Lauren knew they’d talked about it, though. Ebs really hated secrets.
Taylor doesn’t hear as much about their fights this year, if they’re having any. He and Ebs text a lot but it’s mostly about hockey shit. Ebs called him when he got traded, and they were both really excited to be in the same part of the country, but they don’t actually see each other aside from games. NHL schedules.
Which is why Taylor’s not surprised when it turns out they don’t have any overlapping availability before their game against each other on the thirty-first. that super sucks, Ebs texts. But they decide that Ebs will stay over at Taylor’s that night, since the Devils aren’t flying to Montreal until the next day, and Ebs sends him a text that’s ninety percent ice cream emojis. Taylor’s grinning when he falls asleep.
He’s super not expecting anything at all. He and Ebs have hung out after a bunch of games this year, and it’s great to catch up and shit, but it’s also super different. Before when they hung out at a bar or whatever it felt like of like Ebs was an extension of himself: like there were all the other guys, and then there was him and Ebs, operating on a different level. Even after Ebs moved out it felt like that. Now it’s more like a normal friend he doesn’t see very often. Like, it’s Ebs, so it’s still better, but…not the same.
So he’s, like, a little more excited about this time, but not really. Not a lot.
The Devils kill the Isles, obviously, and Ebs looks really bummed but still gives Taylor a patented Ebby hug when they meet up downstairs. Those haven’t changed. Ebs has always been really good at hugging: he, like, makes your body his own and just wraps himself around it and lots of hockey guys are strong but most of them don’t really apply themselves to hugs like Ebby does. Sometimes Taylor thinks Ebs is giving him new bruises, but it’s always worth it.
“Ice cream?” Ebs says, and he sounds really hopeful about it. Like Taylor would ever say no.
“Let me check what’s open,” he says, thumbing at his phone like he didn’t already look.
They end up at a Baskin Robbins that’s walking distance from the arena. “I don’t know, is this safe?” Ebs asks, smirking.
Taylor jostles him with his shoulder. “Newark is, like, just as safe as New York City.”
“Um, I play in Brooklyn,” Ebs says. “I don’t know what you get up to in your big cities. With your drugs and your violence and your—”
“You got checked by two-hundred-pound guys carrying sticks tonight,” Taylor says.
“Yeah, and some of them were you,” Ebs says, narrowing his eyes, and then they’re the ones who are dangers to the passers-by, trying to knock each other down on the sidewalk.
It’s really good. It feels more like old times than it has in a while. Maybe because they’re eating ice cream on dinky little chairs, measuring to see who ended up with more. Ebs gets black raspberry, which is heresy, but he still lets Taylor have a taste. It’s actually not bad.
They’re having such a good time that Taylor doesn’t even think about the thing, which is how it used to be, too: mostly he’d think about Ebs that way when Ebs wasn’t there. It felt safer that way. When he was with Ebs he was busy being with Ebs, and if he wanted to be with him more and in other ways it was easy to squash it down and distract himself with the Ebs who was right in front of him. It was only be later when he was alone that he would shiver and feel sick with how much he wanted the rest of it.
They finish the ice cream before the Baskin Robbins closes at eleven and walk back to Taylor’s car, Ebs asking him if he feels good to drive, he did have a lot of chocolate sprinkles, and Taylor asking him if he’s cold, does he need an extra bunnyhug to put on, and then Ebs trying to dunk him in a trash can. They’re a little quieter in the car: the sugar rush wearing off, the game weariness setting in. Taylor finds his left leg jiggling against the wheel as he drives.
“Guest room made up?” Ebs asks as they go into the condo.
“Yeah,” Taylor says, and maybe it’s the last of the sugar crash, but this weird flat feeling spreads over him: that’s it, end of night. But Ebs doesn’t go into the guest room. He collapses on the living room couch.
Taylor goes over and kicks at his legs a little, and Ebs looks sleepily up at him. “Too tired. Can’t go to bed.”
“Too tired from losing,” Taylor says.
“You got me.” Ebs blinks in a way that really does look tired. Like, he kind of always looks sleepy, but Taylor knows the difference. “You did good,” Ebs says, his voice low.
The words make a little ping inside Taylor. A lot of people have told him he’s done good lately. He had a twenty-eight game point streak—or, okay, twenty-one, if you consult the official NHL stats. He got his team into the playoffs for the first time in his NHL career. He should be used to hearing it. “Yeah?” he says anyway.
Ebs snorts. “Thirty goals. You know you did good.”
“Thirty-five,” Taylor reminds him.
“Yeah, yeah,” Ebs says. “You beat me,” and Taylor suddenly can’t quite look at him, can’t look away, because he’s wondering if Ebs remembers it. That conversation.
“Damn right I did,” he says, words not quite traveling through his brain, because his brain is totally fuzzed out. His brain is focused on how Ebs is sprawled out, how Taylor’s standing in front of him, how if Ebs were to sit up his mouth would be right—
Ebs keeps looking up at him with sleepy eyes. His foot nudges Taylor’s ankle, and the touch fizzes up Taylor’s leg. “You gonna make it to forty?”
His foot is still there, resting against Taylor’s ankle. “We only have four games left.”
“What, not up for it?” Ebs asks, smirking, and Taylor wants to—
It’s been ages since he’s felt like this: so fucked up his nerve endings aren’t connected right and keep sending little shocky bursts all over his body. He wants to fall onto Ebs and kiss the smirk off his lips.
He can feel his face getting hot, because he doesn’t do this anymore, doesn’t feel it like this. Ebs probably doesn’t even notice. His eyes are blinking sleepily, more closed than open.
“You can’t sleep here,” Taylor says. “You’ll fuck up your back.”
Ebs holds his hands out to him, and for a second Taylor thinks—but no, Ebs is asking for a hand up, wants Taylor to pull him to his feet. Taylor does, bracing and feeling his sore muscles stretch themselves a little, and then Ebs is on his feet, his hands warm in Taylor’s for a second before he lets go.
Once he does, he’s still really close, listing a little, eyes at half mast. His face is inches away. Taylor would just have to lean down an inch or two to—
Ebs smacks him in the stomach with the back of his hand. “’Snot as good as our old couch,” he says.
“Obviously not,” Taylor says. His voice sounds funny to his own ears. Kind of low and rough.
“We gotta do this more,” Ebs says. “Make time for it. We’re only like, what, an hour away? Gotta hang out more.”
“Okay,” Taylor says. He doesn’t know if Ebs really means it. Not enough to carry through with it, maybe, when there’s hockey and travel and Lauren. He wants to think he does.
Ebs steps away a few inches and takes some of the heat in the room with him. “Feels like old times,” he says. “Going off to our rooms.”
“Yeah,” Taylor says. It does. He never got what he wanted then, either.
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My favourite shows at the moment, the shows you can’t stop me obsessing over:
Lovleg (s2) -  A Norwegian real time show from a high school in the countryside. I have fallen so in love with this show and with the main Gunnhild, nothing beats it.
Druck (s3) - The German Skam. Yeah, I have fallen in love with this season too, especially Matteo and David and their lovestory.
Russian Doll -This. Is. So. Cool. Make sure to avoid spoilers and go watch it.
Skam España (s2) - Yeah, another real time show. I fell in love with this show when I checked it out for a second time. It’s very different from original Skam in many ways, and that’s refreshing.
The Umbrella Academy - There are some problematic things with this show, yeah, but i can’t help it. I love it. It’s strange and unpredictable and so good.
Star Trek Discovery (s2) - You just gotta love a sci fi show that has a relatively optimistic view on the future. No, but seriously, it’s really good. I am enjoying myself so much with this show.
The OA (s2) - This strange show could possibly be triggering for some, but I love, love, love it. I even tolerate the talk about angels (I’m not a believer).
Magnus - An amazing Norwegian fantasy/ humour show.
Well, and original Skam, of course. Always.
Shows that are promising / I am following them just because:
Blank (s2) - Season 2 follows Zehra (19) and her dream to go places with her music. I really like it, and i guess the only reason I’m not obsessed yet, is the fact that I follow too many shows at the moment.
Skam NL (s2) - I love the acting and the chemistry and a lot of the writing but I am tired of the s2 story so I don’t follow this in real time right now. I have become a Friday-watcher! Oh dear.
Skam Austin (s2) - Same as with SkamNL, basically, but there’s not much chemistry. I love some of the characters, though, and it’s worth it to watch just because of them. Mostly.
Shows I am planning to watch as soon as possible:
Heimebane (it’s about soccer but it still sounds really good)
American Gods (s2) - Aaah I gotta watch this!!! I haven’t figured out where to watch it yet, though.
Good Omens - I am so looking forward to this. 
Stranger Things (s3) - comes in July
Game of Thrones (s8) - Yeah. I guess I don’t need to say anything.
Black Mirror (s5) - I need to catch up on this show, and watch the new season when it comes.
Ragnarok - I mean, Norse mythology and a high school environment? sounds amazing)
Twin - a man kills his twin by accident and must take his place.... Sounds dark, but also intriguing and Kristoffer Hivju makes it worth to chech out.
So. 2019 is/ is going to be busy. :D
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bonjourtoaya · 6 years
Hundred Days Husband Ep. 14 Comments
[Naver] ‘Hundred Days Husband’ Doh Kyungsoo ♥ Nam Jihyun, Reunion That Leads To Kiss. The Reveal of Han Sohee’s Secret
source : naver 1
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1. [+2440,  -10] So this is why the adults are telling me to write a diary.
   > [+136,  -1] That’s a really nice one ㅋ
   > [+91,     0] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
   > [+11,     0] This one makes me LOL-ing ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
2. [+1041,  -25] My all time favorite drama! Doh Kyungsoo’s acting towards the end was daebak ㅠㅠ Is next week the last episodes for real? I can’t let this drama go.
3. [+687,  -10] Next week will be the last episodes~ I hope it’s a happy ending for sure
4. [+596,  -6] Today was also daebak. The ending was goosebump-inducing. Doh Kyungsoo’s electrifying acting.
5. [+524,  -13] I’m also enjoying the chemistry between the Crown Prince and Jung Jeyoon, and today the passionate kiss that Hongshim and Wondeuk shared was so heart racing!
6. [+253,  -3] No, but, today just before the kissing scene (in which he wore the traditional hat), Doh Kyungsoo’s face is a bit too much to me... I wasn’t a fan of his, but now I think I’m becoming one, and actually I’m still not able to escape the shock over his beauty in that moment yet. I don’t even know what I’m talking about right now, but seriously it’s as if his face is a blessing from God, and it’s the first time I’ve ever felt this way to a celebrity. Ah, it’s just. Hundred Days Husband is the best.
7. [+200,  -1] Am I the only one who’s uncomfortable that the drama’s gonna end next week?
8. [+198,  0] Can’t believe it’s already the 14th episode ㅠㅠ today’s dialogue was truly beautifully composed... “I have loved the 20 years old you whom I couldn’t meet. And I will still love you, up to your countless day,” the way he said it, Crown Prince ㅠㅠㅠ
9. [+187,  0] What’s with that Doh Kyungsoo kid? Is he an acting genius? To think that this is his first time doing sageuk, I truly can’t believe it.
10. [+175,  -1] “I have loved the 20 years old you whom I couldn’t meet,” he did this dialogue, and I’m not kidding. Hearing this, I thought I was upside down from a heart attack.
11. [+106,  -1] Right now, he becomes a person who’s looking creepily at the Queen. Yesterday, he was that guy who called “Yi Seo-ya.” with such deer-like eyes. It’s amazing how he’s showing such a big acting spectrum in one work.
12. [+101,  -1] Doh Kyungsoo is really doing a lead role’s work ㄷㄷ I get startled everytime I see him, cause he’s so handsome...ㄷㄷ
13. [+91,  -2] Honestly, Doh Kyungsoo’s acting is too good.
14. [+89,  0] Look at the dialogue that God Noh Ji-sul wrote ㅠㅠ I want to keep seeing Nam Jihyun and Doh Kyungsoo on the TV, but who is this who selflessly decide to cut it in only 16 episodes.. Let’s create the “Half a Century My Prince” as the follow up. [Lmao]
15. [+79,  -2] It’s the first time in my life that I watch a drama with such a solid story and awesome plot development.. The scene shown in the teaser, was only the scene from the 1st episode ;; It’s so unbelievably goosebump-inducing.. So, this is only the beginning. Everything else was a reminiscence of the past.
- etc
[Naver] ‘Hundred Days My Prince’ Doh Kyungsoo and Nam Jihyun’s Kiss ♥ “I will love you, up to your countless day”
source : naver 2
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1. [+693,  -5] Wondeuki’s passionate kiss ❤ That was really nice. “I will love you, up to your countless days,” this is the unforgettable highlight ^^
  > [+19,  0] To think that next week will be the last episodes... no, it can’t be... Don’t let this drama end ㅜㅠ
2. [+647,  -14] As an actor, Doh Kyungsoo’s vocalization, pronunciation, gaze, emotional expression, are all seriously so good. It’s to the point that the fact of him being originally an idol never crossed my mind!
   > [+36,  0] He’s like an actor by nature, that left me surprised. This makes me wanna follow his filmography.
   > [+34,  0] I originally knew him as an actor, it was only few days ago I found out that he’s an EXO member.
   > [+11,  0] Me too.
3. [+213,  -6] Truly so heart-fluttering.
4. [+93,  -1] I really love the look in Lee Yul and Yi Seo’s eyes, seriously... if this drama ends, how do I continue my live without it.
5. [+71,  -3] In his past life, Doh Kyungsoo must’ve been a Crown Prince for sure. Otherwise, how was he able to portray such role so naturally.
6. [+61,  -1] I really like Doh Kyungsoo ㅠㅠㅠㅠ His small posture never once come into my sight. His acting, his face, his voice. There’s no need to feel inferior to tall person (when you have this).
7. [+47,  -1] Please create the season two of this drama!ㅠ Of course, for Mon - Tue schedule again..ㅠ I can’t let it go, after being trapped by the gaze of Crown Prince’s eyes.ㅠ
8. [+44,  -1] Started stanning Doh Kyungsoo, and that got me busy watching EXO’s video as well. Why it has to be now. You, appearing in front of me ㅜㅜ
9. [+36,  0] Today’s episode is also great. It’s too bad that the drama will end next week, but I hope it’s going to be a happy ending.
10. [+31,  0] Yesterday, he was holding tears from falling down, with his eyes glazy like a deer’s. Today, he was looking at the Queen with such a creepy smile. His acting spectrum is the best.
- etc
[Naver] “Hundred Days Husband” Doh Kyungsoo Got His Memory Back... The Disclosure of Han Sohee’s Secret
source: naver 3
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1. [+506,  -6] Aaah, can’t believe next week this drama is going to end! It’s sickening me. I’m uncomfortable! My “Monday Blues” that’s already been healed by this drama will act up again! Eventhough I’m hoping for the next Monday to come soon, but I can’t see Doh Kyungsoo further more. Thinking about this drama that’s going to an end, and there won’t be new episode afterwards ..ㅠ ㅜ two episodes is too short for Prince Yool to take his revenge.. I wanna see  it longer ㅠ ㅠ
2. [+204,  -1] Today, as well, the Crown Prince with his heart-fluttering gaze~~ to think that next week will be the last ㅠㅠ Please, surely.. Make it a happy ending~~
3. [+134,  -4] Your highness, even with just doing the smirk in the last scene, you look so cool.
4. [+111,  -2] The large picture of the Crown Prince.. Seriously, along with that impassive expression, his charm was blowing up.
5. [+68,  -3] It was so fun ~♡♡♡
- etc
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