harmonization · 4 months
[FIC] to play due process like a fiddle
My two previous fics for this ship were more on the serious side, so here's a more light-hearted narumitsu story from me, for once! Featuring Lang who's there as a central special bonus to the plot, lol. This is an EXTENDED version of the short 2k piece that I wrote for @nrmtzine - hope you enjoy ♥
to play due process like a fiddle → (narumitsu/wrightworth, 19.7k words, complete): https://archiveofourown.org/works/53476333/
As far as Miles can tell, Agent Lang's initial impression of certified hot mess Phoenix "That Man" Wright upon their first meeting wasn't exactly the most positive, and tragically enough, it's not like Miles can really blame him for having that perception. That said, they both probably should've known that Phoenix hadn't been named the Turnabout Terror for nothing. (Or: what it means to judge solely based on first appearances and then have all of your expectations rocked off-balance, especially when they revolve around one of the most outstanding attorneys the criminal justice system has ever known).
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ellie-bee242 · 7 years
My Heart Bleeds For You-Epilogue
I set up a survey to get your guys’ feedback on what you wanted to see for the epilogue and it was pretty close (out of 11 votes lol) but I have to go with the majority vote.
Also this chapter shows the more fluffy marshmallow Mitch Rapp that we see in the trailer before Katrina died. Admit it, he was a total cheese ball.
Chapter 11 - Chapter 12
Chapter 12: All Of Me (epilogue)
Song rec: All Of Me by John Legend
Tagged: @iknowisoundcrazy, @confidentrose, @amethystmerm4id, @iloveteenwolf24
Word count: 2,566 words.
Warnings: light swearing (of course), talks of sex/sex acts, overwhelming amounts of cotton candy (my term for that sweet, sweet fluff), 
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“(Y/N) please don’t do this. I thought you loved me. I thought we were a team.” Mitch said, staring at her as she held the pistol up to him, aimed at his head.
“I guess you were wrong.”
She squeezed the trigger and Mitch flinched as he got sprayed with a blast of water.
“That’s it! You’re going in the pool for that!” He decided and she screamed before dropping the empty water gun and running from the back yard towards the front. “Come back here! You betrayed me and you have to pay for it!” He called.
She got the gate open and raced into the front yard of the house, shouting “NOW NOW NOW!” as she went. Mitch came through the gate and immediately got soaked by the spray of a hose, held by a little dark haired girl who was giggling like a maniac.
“Got you daddy!” She shouted happily as (Y/N) turned off the hose.
“Yeah you sure did, Lilly petal.” He laughed as he wiped water from his eyes. He looked down at his dripping t-shirt and swim trunks and shook his head. “And now I’m gonna return the favor!” He growled in a monster-like voice. Lilly squealed and ran towards (Y/N).
“Mommy is the safe zone!” She declared.
“Mommy is no such thing, you are my sacrifice so he doesn’t come after me!” She laughed, stepping back so Mitch could scoop her up and give her a big bear hug, transferring the water that was on his shirt to hers. She squealed and shoved against his shoulders.
“Daddy! Let me go!” She demanded.
“Not until you give me a kiss!” He grinned and she immediately smacked a loud, exaggerated, kiss to his cheek. He set her down and she ran away to a safe distance.
“You still gotta toss mommy in the pool!” She told him. He grinned and turned to (Y/N). She lifted her hands to ward him off, her wedding band glinting in the afternoon sun.
“You do it and you’re sleeping on the couch for a week!” She warned.
“You were on my team, but you shot me in the face!” He snorted. “If anyone’s getting sofa city, it’s gonna be you sweetheart.” He taunted as he stalked towards her.
“I’m not afraid to drop you in front of your own daughter, Mitch Rapp!” She warned, pointing a motherly finger at him.
“I doubt you’ll have the time, (Y/N) Rapp.” He teased before lunging for her. She screamed as he lifted her princess style in his arms and started carrying her towards the the back yard.
“Mitch, please, please don’t! It’s cold!” She begged.
“What do I get if I listen?” He asked, pausing to talk to her.
“A happy wife?” She offered. He started walking again. “Okay, okay!” She shouted quickly, squirming frantically in his arms. He paused and rose a questioning brow. “A verbal coupon for a blowjob, redeemable whenever.” She whispered to him. He grinned and set her on her feet.
“Sorry kiddo, no tossing mommy in the pool today. She’s not feeling good.” He excused.
“Awwww.” She whined and stamped her foot. When that response didn’t get her anywhere she kicked at the grass grumpily.
“Lillian Katrina Rapp.... No tantrums.” (Y/N) warned, stopping it before it started. “Otherwise daddy’s gonna toss you in.” She added teasingly.
“I hope you’re talking about him tossing her in the dryer, your kid looks soaked.” Elle’s voice piped up from the sidewalk. Mitch hurried over to take the cooler from her hands. “Oh c’mon, it was empty.” She complained.
“Yeah, but you’re already carrying precious cargo.” He gave a pointed look to her stomach. She grinned and rested a hand over the growing bump.
“Okay true. I guess I’ll just laze about while you and Maria do all the heavy lifting.” She joked.
“(Y/N) will help too.” He chuckled.
“She will not.” The blonde huffed.
“Why not?”
“Because someone has to keep me company.” She said like it was obvious as she grabbed her friend’s arm and started walking with her towards the back yard. Mitch watched them walk away with a grin as they started chatting about how Elle was started to feel the baby kick and how it was keeping her up at night.
“Lilly, you wanna help me carry some stuff?” He asked and watched his daughter skip forward to take the small cooler from him to drag it to the back yard.
“I can’t believe she’s already four.” A short brunette said as she came up next to him.
“I know, it’s crazy. By the way, hey Maria.” He greeted offering up an arm for a hug. She looked at his wet clothes and rose an eyebrow. “Right.” He chuckled. She piled things into his arms and then grabbed a couple bags herself.
“This is a lot of food for a five person barbecue.” He quipped.
“I will not sleep on the couch because I did not bring enough food for Elle.” She snorted.
“Okay, point taken.” He agreed. “Is that everything or do we need an actual fork lift?”
“That’s everything.” She closed the trunk and grabbed a few things that were threatening to topple off the top of her own pile. “Now, if you drop anything I’m telling Elle.”
“That’s cold.” He accused.
“I’m not taking the fall for you! I’m the one that has to live with her! You get to send her away.” She laughed.
“Yeah after we all eat. Until then I get to deal with her complaining, ‘I can’t believe you dropped my chips’.” He mimicked.
“You dropped my chips?!” Elle’s voice shouted.
“No! They’re fine!” He promised with a laugh as he carefully opened the gate for Maria. They made it to the back yard without incident and set everything out on the table.
“Who’s cooking?” Maria asked.
“Not you.” Mitch and Elle said in unison.
“Rude.” She laughed.
“Babe, I love you, but the baby and I can’t eat charcoal.” Elle teased. Maria pouted and Elle got up to give her a kiss. “It’s okay. I do the cooking and you give the massages.” She reminded.
“Is this you saying you want a massage?”
“Yep.” She grinned and sat back down.
“Hey, where’d (Y/N) go?” Mitch asked.
“She said she had to go to the bathroom...” Elle frowned.
“I figured that’s where she was, but she would’ve come back out by now.” He frowned. Elle looked at his face and sighed before getting to her feet.
“I’ll cook, Maria will watch Lilly, you go look for your wife.” She smiled.
“Thank you.” He left her to the grill and walked inside. “(Y/N)?” He called once he was inside. “Sweetheart, where are you?” He asked.
“Bathroom.” She called as the faucet started running. He made his way down the hall towards her. He reached the door as it opened and (Y/N) stepped out, wiping a hand across the corner of her mouth.
“You okay?” He asked.
“I’m fine.” She promised, smiling.
“(Y/N).” He said seriously. She rolled her eyes and took his hand.
“Fine, I’ve got a surprise for you. I was going to wait until tonight but since you’re pushing...” She said as she led him towards their bedroom.
“Vix, we’ve got guests over.” He reminded her.
“It’s not sex you pervert.” She laughed and he shrugged, leaning against the doorway while she went to the closet and pulled out a small box. She handed it to him. He opened it and frowned in confusion.
“Why am I holding Lilly’s baby shoes?” He asked as he lifted up the pair of knitted shoes they’d put on their daughter to bring her home from the hospital.
“Because in about seven months we’re going to need them again.” (Y/N) admitted. He stared at her in shock as she placed a hand over her stomach and bit her lips together.
“You promise?” He asked and she grinned.
“I went to my OB/GYN two days ago while you were at the park with Lilly. I’m pregnant.” She assured him.
“Oh my god, (Y/N)!” He rushed forward and wrapped her up in his arms.
“No spinning or super squeezing!” She warned before he could lift her up.
“Morning sickness?” He guessed and she nodded. “Sweetheart this is amazing.” He couldn’t stop grinning as he kissed her. “Holy shit you’re pregnant.” He breathed and she nodded.
“I’m hoping for a boy this time. To even things out.” She decided.
“I’ll be happy as long as-”
“It’s healthy, I know.” She laughed. “Now let’s go back out and tell Elle and Maria.” She smiled as she took his hand and tugged him out of their room.
“You do realize that if it does end up being a boy, Stan is going to demand we name it after him.” Mitch chuckled as he walked over to the bed that night.
“Uugh, I swear he really did end up being a relative.” (Y/N) snorted. She shifted around and got settled, only for her to be displaced when Mitch plopped down at her side, making the bed bounce in the process.
“We should never have given him an invite to our wedding.” He joked.
“I did not need him crashing it and making a big fuss, all ‘I’m the reason you two are even together’.” She said pretending to be surly.
“Okay, I understand why you agreed to invite him-”
“Because he did have a point.” She said quickly.
“But please do not stick our possible son with a name like Stan.” He laughed as he lifted her shirt over her stomach so he could rest his hand against her skin.
“I’d never.” She promised. “But I was thinking Stanley, as a middle name.” She shrugged. “Possibly.” She added.
“It’s decent.” Mitch agreed. “As long as it’s a middle name.” 
“It would be.” She assured him as her hand came to rest over his. They were quiet for a bit.
“I can’t believe you’re pregnant again.” He murmured.
“Hey, at least it’s not as strange as it was with Lilly.” She pointed out.
“Yeah, we got back together, had been together for three months and then ‘Hey, so I’m pretty sure I’m pregnant’.” He quoted.
“Okay, you have no idea how worried I was to tell you, and you just frowned so deeply and I thought you were upset!” She pouted.
“I know, but you looked so upset. I thought you weren’t happy about it.” He shrugged.
“And I thought you were going to break up with me.” She explained.
“I’d never.” He swore.
“Well I know that now.” She snorted, lifting her hand to look at her wedding band and engagement ring. “I didn’t know then that you were planning to propose within the month.” She reasoned.
“Yeah.... The plan to get married got pushed back about two years. Happily. We ended up with the cutest flower girl.” He grinned.
“And now I’d like to go to bed, happily.” She joked.
“Can I say hi really fast before you do?” He asked quickly.
“You know I can never say no to that face.” She smiled and he kissed her quickly before moving down the bed so his face was level with her stomach.
“Hey little one, I’m your dad. I wanted to say hello, and let you know that I already love you so much. So spend your time growing big and healthy, and I’ll be here waiting to meet you when you’re ready.” He murmured, pressing a kiss to his wife’s flat stomach before moving back up the bed.
“I love you, so much.” (Y/N) smiled.
“I love you too.” He replied and met her for a soft kiss.
*Seven Months Later*
The process was brutal. Screaming, crying, cursing, and more than a few threats of harming parts near and dear to her husband along with promises to never let him touch her ever again, but it was worth it as she was passed a squirming blue bundle of blankets.
“Mitch... He’s so beautiful.” She cried.
“Just like his mamma.” He agreed, grinning from ear to ear as he stood next to the bed and watched her smile down at their son. She passed the baby to him and he chuckled at the disgruntled expression on his little face at being manhandled.
“Would you two like to allow family up now or later?” The nurse asked a few minutes later. Mitch looked to (Y/N) and she smiled.
“Go get them, they’re probably dying to see him.” She grinned. He kissed her forehead, passing the baby back to her before heading out the door.
Not ten minutes later and she heard a small group of feet bustling down the hall toward her room.
“Let me see my nephew!” Elle whisper-shouted.
“You’re not actually my sister you know.”
“Am too. Via time served, we are now related.” She argued. (Y/N) shook her head but refused to argue as she passed her son to her friend.
“So what’s his name?” Stan Hurley asked as he stepped through the door.
“They haven’t told you either?” The blonde asked.
“Nope. But I’m still holding out for Stan.” He smirked.
“It has Stan in it if that helps?” (Y/N) smiled, taking Mitch’s hand as he came back over.
“His name is Ian Stanley Rapp.” Mitch announced as Elle passed the baby to Stan to hold.
“You did good with this one. He doesn’t look like Mitch at all.” He joked.
“Yup, he’s as beautiful as his mom.” Mitch agreed, not even offended.
“You’re not getting a rise out of him, Stan, he’s way too happy right now.” (Y/N) smiled.
“Damn right I am. I have a son.” He said. “Totally healthy, ten fingers, and ten toes. And he’s here thanks to this amazing woman.” He leaned over and kissed (Y/N)’s forehead again.
“God you turn into such a cheese-ball when there’s a baby.” She smiled affectionately as Mitch took Ian back from Stan.
“Speaking of cheese balls, Maria is watching Lilly and Skye, and I have to go call her and tell her to go ahead and bring them. Congratulations guys.” Elle smiled. She leaned down and pressed a kiss to the top of (Y/N)’s head before stepping out of the room.
(Y/N) yawned and Stan stood up from the chair he’d sat in.
“I’ll step out too, looks like you could use some sleep.” He pat her blanket covered foot as a goodbye.
“Bye, Stan.” She mumbled, carefully readjusting in the bed so she could settle down more. Mitch carefully set Ian in his bassinet and walked Stan out of the room.
“Congratulations, kid.” Stan said, sticking his hand out to him.
“Thanks. For everything.” Mitch said sincerely. “I know (Y/N) and I give you shit, and I know you’re joking, but you are part of the reason I was able to find her. To be happy again.” He smiled.
“God, your wife was right. You’re a cheese ball.” Stan grumbled. “Get back to them before I puke.” He joked.
“See you later Stan.” He smiled before walking back into the room. (Y/N) had settled down in her bed and was already asleep, exhausted from the exertion of labor. He didn’t want to disturb her so he picked up Ian and went to sit in the rocking chair beside her bed.
“Hi, Ian. I’m you dad.” He whispered.
Hey guys.
I want to thank you for sticking with me through the story. I hope you liked the ending.
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nonbinary-kite · 7 years
closure: a ficlet
pairing: rukia kuchiki/aaronerio arruruerie, rukia kuchiki/kaien shiba
warnings: dubcon, violence
summary: listen i don’t fucking know 
It was as if she'd been waiting for him, even though he was dead. Waiting, waking up in the middle of the night with an aching between her thighs, and she cried for a dead man until the sun came up.
She'd waited for him, as if he might come back. As if by some miracle it had been a mistake. A misunderstanding.
It had been a mistake, she smiled to know. He was taller. He'd grown tall, and she'd stayed short. He grinned down at her and his hand was heavy on her head. It wasn't him, because he wasn't that tall. It wasn't him, because he always leaned down to speak to her, face-to-face.
It wasn't him, but she'd waited for his voice. Her knees buckled from that familiar pain. It wasn't him at all, it was some monster, but his eyes shined at her, even in the dark.
She'd always thought it would happen in the dark. With him, one night, probably when it rained. They'd hate themselves.
“Is there any part of him in there?”
He remembered her being pretty. The memory became fuzzy among all the other memories. It was so loud, so loud, and yet always he could hear her voice ringing like a choir bell in his busy head. He hated her. She'd loved him. He'd loved her. He hated that.
His grip on her dark hair tightened when she spoke. He never really touched anyone anymore. Or ever. He remembered what is was like to touch. He'd learned it from each and every meal.
“He's very loud. He never told you.”
She didn't ask what. She knew, because he'd told her in so many of her daydreams.
His gloved fingers threaded through her hair, down to her neck, tucking beneath the fabric of her beige cloak.
“Would you, if he wanted...?”
“What?” Her voice shook, and she couldn't tell if it was with want or with fear. An unhealthy combination of the two.
“Grant him one last happiness.”
“Rukia...” He said her name in his voice. He said her name like he'd done. His hand was on her back like when he died on top of her. “He never told you.”
She softened. He tugged the cloak from her shoulders. She had always been so pretty.
“Let him see you,” he demanded, soft, in his voice. Let me see you, for I know so much but I've felt so little. “You'll die. Shouldn't you at least...”
“I'm not going to die. I have to save Inoue.”
“Silly girl,” he cooed, as Kaien might, teasing. “She'll die too.”
He kneels down. One knee, like love. His hands surround her neck, gentle, soft, again, like love. The cloak is around her ankles. Her uniform is loose, always, because she is so small. Like a tiny bird he could crush her.
“What are you doing?” she asked.
He tugged the fabric, drawing it down her shoulder.
“What he wanted,” he said, simple as that, shivering as he leaned forward, his nose just brushing against her collarbone. From just that he got so weak. From just the scent of a woman's skin. “What you want.”
She trembled. It was stupid, really, she knew. It wasn't him. It looked like him. It spoke like him but it was a monster out to kill her. It was a beast aimed to use her body because its life was so grotesque no one would ever--
The pity made her weak. Always she had to pity ugly things. His lips were on her breasts. She was frozen as her sword could do.
She'd waited for him, hadn't she? She'd dreamed about this, in the dark, so sudden, so soft, had she not? He'd only grown a little bit taller, she thought. It was only a benevolent act, some charity for a lonesome monster...She groaned and it echoed. She was in his mouth.
He hadn't the faintest idea of what to do. His lips parted and he sucked, like eating, the only thing he was any good for. His hands surrounded her skinny back like the night Kaien died in her arms.
She did nothing. She didn't undress him, didn't wrap him up in her skinny arms. She'd waited for him, and she was powerless from time spent idle. She wept.
“Stop that,” he said, too stern, as he laid her down. With his gloved hand he dried her tears.
Inside of her he shivered, grunting, unseemly in his lust. He was no gentle giant, nor so cruel he'd snap her spine. And surround him she did, with her knobby knees.
“I'm sorry,” she wept, running her fingers down that familiar, dead man's face.
“Thank you,” he bellowed, collapsing. It stung in his chest. “Thank you...” It was not all it was cracked up to be, this. But she was warm and sweet, and he kissed her neck. It stung so deep.
After he wilted, she squeezed out from under him. Sode no Shirayuki stood erect through his chest. She righted her uniform, now covered in his blood, in his seed, in her sweat. She'd been waiting so long.
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tfelizm · 6 years
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Impresión 3D como recurso para los museos táctiles medialab_ Ramon Rubio #accesibilidad #AAFIC #Gijón ~ en directo: contraseña AAFIC2018GIJON ~ acceso creagenio.es/aafic/ Web: asturiasarte.com (en Gijón, Asturias) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqzfl66g1XW/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=rocf8e1hmled
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ronsenburg · 6 years
@ghostoftheyear tagged me and this is officially my new favorite tag game ARE YOU READY FOR THIS NONSENSE?????
The Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Message or comment the title that most intrigues you, or interests you, and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!!
1. move in with me
2. sad
3. bonus waa fic
4. letter of resignation
5. i’ll keep finding you
6. my first aafic
7. delicate
8. Encouragement Ch2 Outline
9. Glowup
10. Happy Birthday Polly
11. Ice Cream
12. Like All the Boys Before (Ch2)
13. You Set me Straight At Love
14. Sometimes
15. Quarter Past Midnight
16. “What do you mean you’ve never been pumpkin picking”
17. Closer to Where We Belong
CALLING MYSELF OUT HERE SO calling out @notthelasttime and @kunfetti too
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piatalvere1971 · 3 years
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aaronieroh-blog · 8 years
Object Permanence, chapter 16: “A Sense of Order”
“I've been falling since then, holding out
My arms for no one to catch me.”
This is the end. I’m actually pretty proud of myself for (hopefully) pulling this off.
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harmonization · 1 year
[FIC] saplings twined in promise
Second time writing this ship, which is such a privilege because I absolutely love asoryuu 🥲 I also looove the "they actually met/knew each other as kids & forgot about it when they met again in adulthood" trope, so I just had to write it for @asryzine! This is an extended version of my zine fic btw; you get a few extra thousand words on top of the original 2k 👀 Hope you enjoy!
saplings twined in promise → (asoryuu, 5.5k words, complete): Ao3
‘Why do you keep staring at me,’ Ryuunosuke asks, lax lips pursed with curiosity. No protest, no discomfort; just plain interest, clear as day, and Kazuma can’t be more gratefully relieved for it. ‘It’s … sorry. Even now, I still—can’t shake the feeling,’ Kazuma admits, straightening his shoulders, hardening his jaw. No point in swerving the truth, after all. ‘You really don’t remember us meeting at any point before the speech contest?’
Or: slightly canon-divergent childhood friends AU in which Kazuma and Ryuunosuke don't particularly remember some fragments of their younger years, but that doesn't stop them from somehow drifting into each other's lives again when it matters, either way.
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harmonization · 1 year
[FIC] dust once rekindled; phantoms twice birthed
Excited to finally be able to write some asoryuu!! This is an extended version of the two (interconnected & combined) asry ficlets I wrote for @tgaazine. Though please be warned that unlike the zine version, the Ao3 version below isn't platonic lol 😂 Hope you still enjoy regardless ❤
dust once rekindled; phantoms twice birthed → (asoryuu, 5k words, complete): Ao3
That's probably the most unfair thing about it, by far: that Ryuunosuke doesn’t ever have to hope that Kazuma will be proud of him, or that he and Kazuma will always be written into the skin of each other’s palms and each other’s heartstrings and each other’s laugh-lines, or that Kazuma will always be by his side, no matter what. He already knows it’ll be the case. And god does his chest sting something fierce at the thought. Four times they wanted it to be real, and the one time it is.
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harmonization · 2 years
[FIC] veiled anatomy of a smile
So happy I got to write this, because Phoenix deserves so much love and it means a lot to me to be able to write this concept lol 🥺 This is an EXTENDED version of the short 2k piece that I wrote for @wrightworthzine! Hope you enjoy ♥
veiled anatomy of a smile → (narumitsu/wrightworth, 8.2k words, complete): https://archiveofourown.org/works/39415842
Everything considered, it’s hard not to wonder if he even has any right to look at Edgeworth the way he can’t help doing recently. And he wonders – not for the first time – if his face is going to eventually split apart and fracture with all the strained smiles he’s been flashing, luminous and brilliant, every minute of every day.
Phoenix tries his best and smiles, and smiles, and smiles so vibrantly through it all that it hurts.
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ellie-bee242 · 7 years
My Heart Bleeds For You-Part 1
So…. This is my first attempt at a reader fic. Ever. Be gentle, and give ample feedback.
I’m so psyched for American Assassin guys, omg, the first time I saw the preview I just had major heart eyes. (keep in mind i have not read the book i’m just hella hyped for the movie and am going off of trailer info)
And after months of re-watching all the trailers and dying ten million times inside, I decided to try my hand at writing a fic. Feedback is always welcome and appreciated please!
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3
Chapter 1: Rollin’
Song rec: Rollin’ by Calvin Harris ft. Future & Khalid
Word count: 2,916
Warnings: Obscure mentions of abuse, obscure mentions/ implied violence (fist fights), mentions of blood, swearing. Also consent. Lots and lots of super sexy consent.
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“I don’t care what the hell you have to do, just plant yourself in her life, she’s the easiest way to get to your target.” Hurley ordered from across the table.
Those orders were what brought Mitch Rapp to a standstill in the middle of a privately owned gym just outside the city. He sighed as he waited for the owner to grace him with her presence. She’d only made him wait twenty minutes passed the time they’d scheduled their meeting so far.
“It’s for the sake of the mission. It’s for the sake of the mission.” He chanted impatiently under his breath.
Finally the door to the owner’s office opened and two women stepped out.
“Just remember Sally, you never have to apologize to me, alright?” One of them said, somehow sounding both firm and gentle. Sally nodded meekly and wiped at her face.
“Thanks (Y/N).” She sniffled.
“Anytime. Think about what I said okay?” She inquired.
“I’ll be there next week, but do I have to participate?” Sally asked.
“Oh sweetheart, of course you don’t. Only what you’re comfortable with. And if that’s just watching, then that it one hundred percent fine. This place will always be safe for all.” She assured. “Is it alright if I hug you?” (Y/N) asked. Sally chewed on her lip before sticking her hand out, and the girl opposite her didn’t hesitate to take it and shake it. “I look forward to seeing you next week Sally.” She smiled and watched the girl walk into the locker room to change back into her normal clothes. Then she turned to her door and saw the note posted on the outside. She peeled it off and turned back around as she read it.
“Mitch Rapp?” She called out in a surprisingly loud voice, looking around the gym as she did.
He stepped forward and rose his hand to get her attention. Her bright eyes landed on him and his eyebrows rose in surprise as he watched her blatantly rake her gaze up and down his form. “You’re here for the job opening right?” She asked once her eyes returned to his.
“Yes, ma’am.” He nodded.
“(Y/N) will do just fine.” She assured him before beckoning him forward as she stepped back into her office.
“Have a seat if you like. Do you want a water?”
“No, thank you, ma’a-” He stopped himself at her quick look as she walked around the side of her desk to sit in the chair behind it. “No, thank you, (Y/N).” He corrected and she smiled.
“Well, Mitch,” she started as she reached into a drawer and pulled out a file, “I have to say that your resume is impressive. But I do have concerns.” She flipped it open and glanced through it one more time just to make sure she had all the vital information.
“What concerns?” Mitch asked, and she looked up to find him sitting straight in his chair.
“Your military experience. I’m not going to ask what you had to do, and I thank you for your service, but…” She hesitated, not wanting to upset him.
“You can be blunt, I don’t mind.” He promised when he realized why she had paused.
“Do you have any form of PTSD or anger management issue?” She asked. “Because if you do, I’m sorry but I can’t hire you as an instructor.” She frowned in worry.
“Why not?” He asked and at her look rushed to clarify, “I don’t have PTSD or any anger issues by the way, if you need a psych review I can provide one, I was just curious why that would disqualify me.”
“I would like a review, if you don’t mind providing one. And it would disqualify you because the type of gym I run is meant to be a safe and relaxing environment for everyone. We teach hand to hand combat two days a week and I can’t hire people suffering from PTSD because they might hurt their students. Likewise with people who have anger problems. They’re not welcome in my employ or under this roof in any capacity.” She said sternly. Mitch nodded respectfully.
“The ad said that I would be filling a Personal Trainer and hand to hand combat trainer position, is that still true or would I be going somewhere else?” He asked.
“No, I’m still in need of a personal trainer and kickboxing instructor. My last one quit in order to go back to college.” She smiled fondly. “And that’s why I had to ask if you suffered either that mental illness or instability. You will be working closely with individual clients and you have to be patient and kind.” She commanded.
“Yes ma'am.” He said reflexively. She shot him a look and he felt his lips twitch upwards briefly. “Sorry.”
“We don’t really apologize here. We just promise to work on it.” She grinned. He nodded. “Mitch I know this is technically an interview but you don’t have to be so serious. If your psych eval. comes back clean you’ll get the job.” She promised.
“It’s a bad habit I’m afraid.” He said, attempting to smile. (Y/N) briefly turned pink, her face contorting before she burst into laughter.
“Okay… So maybe you should stick with serious. That smile looked painful.” She teased. He shifted awkwardly in his chair and she tried to school herself.
“Alright, so if you don’t mind, I have a therapist who you can go see for your evaluation?” She offered.
“Actually, I have a one prepared. After I was discharged.” He explained.
“Oh. Alright. Just email it to me, or mail it to me, or whatever you’d like, and then I’ll get back to you once I look it over.” She said, quickly grabbing a sticky-note pad and scribbling her email address and the address of the gym down on it. She peeled it off and handed it to him.
“Thanks.” He said as he took it.
“I look forward to seeing you again Mitch.” She smiled as she stood, prompting him to stand too. He watched her walk around her desk and go and open the door for him. He stepped out of her office and she turned to him. “May I shake your hand?” She asked. He frowned, perplexed on why she had to ask and offered his hand out.
“Sure.” He assented.
“Sorry. That’s something I forgot to mention. If you work here, consent is always required for even the simplest touch. Some of our members have had unfortunate pasts that brought them here. So, in order to make sure everyone is comfortable, we always ask before coming anywhere close to someone, even another employee.” She explained as she took his hand and shook it.
“That’s actually very considerate.” He noted.
“I try to accommodate everyone. I never want anyone to feel uncomfortable inside my gym.” She said seriously. Mitch nodded at her and she smiled softly at him. “I can’t wait to work with you.” She said again.
“That’s only if you think my evaluation is good.” His reminder only caused (Y/N) to grin.
“Nine times out of ten I’m a good judge of character, and I have a good feeling about you, Rapp.” She said confidently, giving the hand she still held a single pat before letting it go and walking away.
A week later he found himself following (Y/N) around the gym and hour before it opened listening as she explained what happened where and what activities were available on what days.
“… and that’s the infirmary.” She pointed to the door in the corner.
“Infirmary?” Mitch asked, sure he’d heard her wrong.
“I offer a free self-defense class after gym hours twice a week. The program spans six weeks. The first time I offered the class I was in the hospital every other week because someone had panicked trying to get out of a hold and elbowed me in the face. Luckily no one has broken my nose yet, but I figured I should add a room with basic first aid for my nose bleeds, and in case anyone else needs simple medical attention.” She shrugged. “It’s served me well in the past three years.” She sighed.
“Wow.” He was honestly impressed.
“Yeah, I learned to dodge out of the way pretty quickly but occasionally someone will catch me off guard.” (Y/N) laughed awkwardly, thinking he’d been surprised at the fact that she’d been injured enough times to need a whole room for medical care.
“I meant, wow, I’m impressed that you do that.” He clarified.
“Oh! Well…. I mean…” She fidgeted. “Everyone should be able to defend themselves. It wouldn’t be right if I charged to teach people something that should be their right to learn.” She shrugged. He nodded.
“Anyways, moving on with the tour.” She said quickly, walking ahead a few paces. She pointed out a set of double frosted glass doors. “That is room used for yoga routines and personal training in between. The next room over is used for kick boxing classes on Tuesdays, spin class on Wednesdays, and aerobics on Fridays. Unfortunately I don’t really have a designated space for a personal trainer so you’ll kind of just float between rooms if that’s cool.” She told him.
“That’s fine.” He assured her.
“Okay. Men’s locker and changing room, individual showers included and they’re cleaned every night by a custodial service. Women’s locker and changing rooms on the other side, if you ever hear of a problem in the women’s locker room please come and get me specifically. Actually, the same goes for the men’s locker room.” She added after a second of thought. He nodded.
“Can I ask why?” He wondered.
“Because I’m the only one allowed to settle and stop altercations if and when they happen. That way no one can try and come after one of my employees with legal bullshit.” She said bluntly.
“And you can take on two roided out guys?” He asked with a skeptical smirk. (Y/N) gave him a challenging look.
“You doubt my combat skills, Rapp?” She asked. He shrugged.
“You are….” He pinched his fingers together. “Tiny.” He grinned at how indignant she looked.
“If even I am tiny, which I’m not, I can still handle myself in a fight against two meat heads.” She huffed.
“It’s true, she’s a badass.” The new voice made both of them turn as a tall blonde strode into the gym with a bag slung across her chest.
“Hey Elle.” (Y/N) called to her.
“Hey gorgeous.” She winked jokingly. “Who’s the mop top next to you?” She asked as she walked up to them.
“This is Mitch Rapp, he’s going to be the new personal trainer and combat specialist.” (Y/N) introduced. “Mitch this is my good friend, and first employee, Elizabeth.”
“Call me Elle, please.” She smiled. “Can I shake your hand?” She asked, offering hers out.
“Sure.” He agreed, remembering the rule about consent in all things. Elle shook his hand and then grinned at her boss.
“I’m gonna go change and prepare my room.” She told her before heading to the locker room.
“Elle teaches the spin class. That’s why her legs look so amazing.” (Y/N) nearly sighed as Mitch focused back on her.
“I hadn’t noticed.” He shrugged.
“Yeah sure.” She snorted. “And before you ask, no I don’t have a policy against romance between employees. Just keep it professional during business hours is all I ask.” She said quickly.
“That’s not going to be a problem. I’m not interested in Elle.” He shrugged.
“Alright then.” She said, sounding like she didn’t believe him one bit. “Anyways, you can use today to build a routine you’d like to implement for next week’s class, and spend the day familiarizing yourself with the gym. Feel free to look in on any of the classes, just be aware of the members. If they seem uncomfortable, move on.” She suggested and Mitch nodded quickly. “I’m going head to my office, if you have any questions my door is usually unlocked. Also, sorry in advance. Elle won the weekly competition so this whole week her music is going to be blasting through the gym.” She laughed.
“Weekly competition?”
“Every week we have a little competition, voted on by all the employees beforehand. We hold the competition on Sunday nights after closing. This week’s competition was to see who could do the most lunges. I won.” Elle said triumphantly as she came out from the locker room, now changed into a pair of athletic leggings and a sports-bra. Her hair was pulled up into a bun and she had a large water bottle clutched in one hand.
“So when does the torture start?” (Y/N) asked.
“As soon as you’ll let it.” Elle grinned.
“Not until five minutes before opening.” The other girl reluctantly groaned. Elle simply cackled in response. “Mitch, feel free to use any of the equipment in the gym as well today.” (Y/N) said suddenly, pulling his attention solely back to her. He nodded.
“Alright, I’ll keep that in mind.” He replied.
“Cool. I’ll be in my office if anyone needs me.” She called before closing her door.
“Try not to need her. She’s usually busy with paper work on days where she doesn’t teach a class, and if she gets interrupted too much she’ll have to stay late at night.” Elle informed him. “I know she knows some pretty comprehensive self-defense, and I know I said she’s a badass but I still don’t like the thought of her here all alone late at night.” She frowned. Mitch nodded.
“You wouldn’t mind if I came to you with questions then, would you?” He asked.
“Not at all.” She smiled. “But if you don’t have any that are pressing right this moment I would like to get my room set up for today’s classes.” She thumbed over her shoulder and he nodded, gesturing for her to go ahead. “Glad to have you aboard, Mitch. Hope you like it here.” She smiled kindly before heading into the spin room.
He looked around, alone now, and decided to go change into his sports-wear. He’d take (Y/N) up on her suggestion, and use the day to familiarize himself with the equipment as well as come up with a combat routine.
“Mitch!” (Y/N) called after the gym closed.
He turned his head and saw her jogging out from her office to reach him before he walked out the door.
“Hey, what’d you think of today?” She asked.
“It was nice.” He said shortly. (Y/N) nodded and rocked back on her heels. When she realized he wasn’t going to say more she cleared her throat awkwardly and looked around for a second.
“Would you mind terribly helping me set up a couple things? James normal does it but he’s out sick today.” She requested.
“Sure, whatever you need. What are we setting up for?” He asked.
“I have a self-defense class beginning tonight.” She explained as she led him back to the massive storage room next to her office.
“Oh.” He intoned, not knowing what else to say. She grabbed a mat that dwarfed her and he moved forward to help.
“Oh, I got this one, if you could get that dummy right there.” She kicked a leg up to point her toes at it, sat in the corner.
“Alright, if you’re sure you got it.” He frowned.
“I’m good, promise.” She giggled before dragging the mat out of the room she got it where she wanted and then pulled at the Velcro straps before jumping out of the way as the mat unrolled and flopped to the ground. She went around the corners, securing the Velcro to the floor and then told him where to place the dummy so it’d be easier for her drag it into place later.
“Thanks.” She smiled after he’d place it down.
“Do you think I could come to the class tonight?” He asked suddenly. She blinked in surprise.
“Sure, if you want. If you want to observe you can sit with everyone else.” She shrugged.
“Or I could help you.” He suggested.
“Help me?” She wondered.
“Well, you need an ‘attacker’ don’t you?” He asked.
“No, not tonight. With what I had planned I’d break your nose.” She cringed.
“So I’ll help with equipment tonight.” He shrugged.
“I can’t pay you for this, it’s after hours and a free program.” She warned.
“That’s fine. I’d just like to help.” He shrugged.
“Alright. If you really want to spend your night lugging dummies around,” She rose her hands up in surrender, “then I definitely won’t be the one to stop you. You’ll be saving me a back ache.” She smiled. He nodded and gave her a minuscule smile in return.
“The class doesn’t actually start for another hour so if you want to do anything…” She shrugged.
“I’d like to get to know you, actually.” He said, startling her by the look of her expression.
“O-kay….” She said slowly.
“I thought we could be friendly.” He said as way of explanation.
“Alright. Wanna play twenty questions or something?” She laughed.
“I’m game if you are.” He shrugged.
“Why the hell not.” She sighed before plopping down on the mat sitting lotus style and leaning back on her hands. Mitch sat down across from her and mirrored her position. “You first.” She made a sweeping gesture between them.
“What’s your favorite color?” He asked.
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ellie-bee242 · 7 years
My Heart Bleeds For You-Part 9
Ayyyyyeeeee. I’m still alive so at least no one killed me over that cliff hanger lmao. (this one is gonna be worse and I’m prepared in a secret bunker y’all)
Also my friend Chloe helped contribute her bad influence too, her exact words were “ANGST TO THE MAX”. So blame those two is what I’m saying lmao.
Tagged: @iknowisoundcrazy, @confidentrose, @iloveteenwolf24
Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10
Chapter 9: All We Do
Song rec: All We Do by Oh Wonder if you ever listen to only one of my song recs PLEASE make it this one, I feel that the vibe of it goes so well with this chapter.
Word count: 3,552 (not including italicized paragraph in the beginning)
Warnings: Swearing, character in shock, blood, talks of death/murder/assault, non-sexual nudity, angsty as fuck.
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Anthony tipped back and she released the handle of the letter opener, watching in horror as her father fell with a thud onto the plush carpeting. (Y/N) stumbled back a step, tripping over her gown and falling onto her butt, unable to take her eyes off of the unmoving form before her.
“....(Y/N)..... (Y/N). (Y/N)!” Hands grabbed at her shoulders and shook her, making her jolt and stare up at Mitch. His face was battered and bloody but full of concern. “(Y/N) come on, you have to get up.” He urged.
“Mitch...” She said hoarsely. “I just-...”
“I know. You’re in shock.” He said calmly.
“Is he...”
“Yes.” His tone was grave. “I checked, but there’s no pulse. I called the appropriate people.” He said quickly. “Now I need you to stand up, sweetheart, can you do that?” He asked.
“I...... I killed him.” She whispered, her eyes falling to her lap.
“Hey, hey, (Y/N) look at me.” He demanded quickly. “You had to. You had to do it. If you didn’t he would have beaten me to death.” He took her face in his hands and made her look back up at him. “You saved my life, (Y/N).” He insisted. “You had to take his life in order to save mine. I’m so sorry you had to do that, I’m so sorry.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead.
“Mitch.” She whispered, hearing the pain in his voice.
“Please, I need you to get to your feet.” He requested. She shifted around and he got up and offered her his hands. He helped her to her feet and took his coat from his shoulders to wrap around her when he saw her start shaking from the shock. He checked her for physical injuries as well, and aside from the forming bruise on her cheek bone and around her eye he didn’t find anything, so hopefully she didn’t suffer any internal damage while he wasn’t looking.
“Where are we going?” She asked roboticly when he started herding her towards the door.
“Somewhere safe.” He promised. “Do you trust me?” He asked, and she nodded absently. He opened the door and glanced around the hall before pulling her along next to him.
She tried to keep up but her body wasn’t cooperating and she kept tripping to the point that Mitch decided to act.
“Can I carry you?” He asked. “We have to go down the stairs and I don’t want to risk you falling down them.” He explained. She nodded again and he let go of her arm. She wrapped her arms around herself and he lifted her into his, carrying her down the stairs princess style.
A sudden clatter made her jolt in his arms and he was quick to shush her.
“It’s okay, it’s just the sounds of the party. You’re safe.” He promised, sounding strained as he turned down a hall heading towards the garage that Anthony had told them to park their car in when they arrived. A door opened, laughter spilling into the corridor and Mitch quickly ducked into a dark room, biting back a groan as pain stabbed through his abdomen in protest to the strain of holding (Y/N).
“Sweetheart, can you walk? I can’t hold you anymore.” He set her down when she nodded and took hold of her arm again when she offered it to him.
He checked the hallway and when he found it clear of people he pulled her back out and they walked hurriedly out to the garage. Mitch fumbled for the keys in his pocket and opened the garage door once he found them before he guided (Y/N) over to the car and sat her inside. He got her seat-belt done up and closed her door before walking over to the drivers side and getting in.
“Did you complete the mission?” Was Hurley’s greeting when he answered Mitch’s call, making the younger man want to roll his eyes.
He’d taken (Y/N) to a safe-house just outside the city that had been set up for him for after he completed his mission, which he was supposed to do at tonight’s gala. He’d left her in the bathroom to take a shower, and went into the living room of the small one bedroom shack to call his superiors.
“He’s dead if that what you mean.” He retorted.
“Why do I feel like there’s more to this story?”
“Maybe because I’m not the one that killed him.” He revealed.
“What? Who did?” Stan demanded.
“(Y/N) did.”
“What the fuck? She killed her own father?” He asked in utter bewilderment. “What kind of Shakespearean bullshit are you trying to pull on me?”
“No bullshit.” He promised.
“I’m going to need this story.” He demanded. Mitch sighed and began telling the story of the night’s events, skipping over a lot of details having to do with his relationship with you, but focusing on the main points.
He’d just gotten to the part where Anthony had ordered him to break up with his daughter, and Mitch had made a rudely sarcastic comment, refusing him, when he heard a thud from the bathroom.
“Shit, I have to go.” He said quickly, not even waiting for a response before hanging up and rushing into the bathroom. He found (Y/N) sitting between her folded legs on the floor of the tub, shaking and staring at her bloodied hands in her lap as water rained down on her hunched over shoulders and back.
“(Y/N)?” He asked gently, kneeling down beside the tub. “Sweetheart?” He reached out and turned her head to look at him. The darkened shells of her eyes pained him more than all of his injuries combined. He was so used to seeing her beautiful eyes so vibrant, full of life and color. Now they were dull imitations of what they should be as she stared blankly back at him.
“I killed him, Mitch. I have literally got his blood on my hands.” She mumbled and the sound of her voice, so defeated and hollow, broke him.
“I’m so sorry, (Y/N).” He whispered thickly. “I can’t.... I wish you’d never had to do that. I wish I could take that moment from you.” He said hoarsely. She stared at him for a moment before lifting her hand and gently brushing her fingers over a cut on his eyebrow where a punch had split the skin.
“You’re still bleeding.” She mumbled, but he barely heard her, more concerned with how cold her hand felt when she’d touched him. He also realized there wasn’t any steam from the shower. He quickly stuck his hand into the stream and yanked it back out of the ice cold water with a curse.
“(Y/N), that’s freezing.” He complained.
“I thought it would wake me up.” She explained numbly. “I was hoping this was all just some horrible dream.” She whispered.
Mitch cursed lowly under his breath over the fact that he left her alone to take care of herself when she was obviously still in shock over what happened, and quickly shut off the shower before getting up and taking his shirt off carefully. She watched him shuck his pants as well before he got into the tub and crouched before her.
“Can you stand for me?” He asked, and she slowly started gathering her legs underneath her. He helped her back to her feet and then leaned passed her to restart the shower, making sure to dial it up till it was hot and he kept her out of the spray until it warmed up.
(Y/N) gaze stayed on him as he guided her back under the water and tipped her head back to wet her hair. He grabbed the shampoo and worked it through her hair methodically. Then he helped her rinse it out again.
“This place doesn’t have any conditioner.” He mumbled apologetically She shrugged, uncaring, and he sighed softly before grabbing the sponge and body wash.
He worked up a lather on the loofah and set about gently scrubbing her skin clean. He took her hands and cleaned them, making sure there wasn’t a single trace of red left behind save for her nail polish. Then he detached the shower-head and aimed the gentle spray across her body to rinse her off.
He’d just put it back on it’s hook when (Y/N) put her head to his shoulder and absolutely broke, crying hard as she pressed her face against him. He wrapped his arms around her, only able to hold her as she let out her pain.
“I was so scared that he was going to kill you.” She sobbed as she clutched at him. He kissed her temple and pet a hand over her hair.
“I’m here, sweetheart. Because of you, I’m still here.” He promised.
He held her a little longer, until the water started to run cold and then he leaned over to turn it off.
“Let’s get you dried off.” He murmured. She sniffled and nodded, but grabbed his hand tightly when he made to step out of the tub. “I’m right here.” He promised. “I’m just getting you a towel.” He reached over to where one was waiting on a towel rack and started wiping droplets of water from her skin. He wrapped it around her torso when he was finished and kissed her forehead quickly.
“I’ll be right back, just getting another towel for your hair.” He said before heading out into the hall to check the linen closet. He grabbed a towel for himself and wrapped it around his hips before heading back into the bathroom where (Y/N) had decided to sit on lid of the toilet. She was picking at the polish that coated her nails but looked up when she noticed he’d walked back into the room.
He placed the towel like a hood over her head and started rubbing gently down her hair with it, trying to get as much moisture from the thick locks as he could. He let the towel rest like a scarf around her shoulders as he reached into a drawer and grabbed a brush so he could comb the tangles out of her hair and tried not to cringe each time he encountered a knot.
“It doesn’t hurt.” She promised dully.
“Good, that’s what I’m trying to avoid.” He said.
“I meant, you can pull harder at the tangles.” She mumbled. He hesitated and she took the brush from him before pulling it much more roughly through her hair than he had been. He really did cringe at the ripping and tears sounds it made. She finished quickly and picked the hair out of the brush before handing it to him so he could use it.
She watched him start to lift the brush to his head before wincing and lowering his arm while his other hand came to rest over his ribs.
“I’ll do it.” She offered quietly, standing up to face him.
“Not if you’re gonna rip my hair out like you did yours.” He teased, trying to get her to smile. It worked, but the expression looked mechanical, as if she were forcing herself for his benefit.
She held her hand out wordlessly and he passed her the brush before carefully kneeling in front of her so she could reach the top of his head easily. She combed out his hair gently and then set the brush down on the counter. He got to his feet and took her hand to lead her out of the bathroom and into the bedroom.
He sat her on the bed and dug through the dresser, finding a couple brand new pairs of underwear, shirts, and pants for both of them to wear. He put a set of clothes on the bed for (Y/N) to wear and quickly changed into his own clothes while she slowly shuffled into hers before she laid down on the bed.
Mitch was going to lay down on the other side when the silence of the room was broken by the shrill ring of his cell phone. (Y/N) shot up into a sitting position, looking around wildly and he was quick to grab his phone and ignore Hurley’s call to stop the ringing.
“I’m sorry, I forgot to turn it down.” He silenced the device and tossed it to the foot of the bed before climbing onto the mattress and opening his arms in offer. She crawled over and settled herself against him, and he placed a kiss on her forehead as he wrapped his arms around her.
“You should try to sleep some, we need to talk in the morning.” He murmured. She nodded as she adjusted her head so she could hear his heartbeat and closed her eyes, knowing she was safe and protected with him holding her.
With the steady thudding of his heart under her ear and the feeling of his fingers spinning soft patterning into the skin just under the neck of her shirt, combined with the exhaustion of the night’s events, it took (Y/N) only minutes to fall asleep.
Mitch on the other hand, couldn’t sleep. He was too worried.
Worried about (Y/N) and how she was really handling the fact that she’d killed her father.
Killing someone, no matter how justified, could utterly break even the strongest of people. And (Y/N) was such a good person, she’d never harm anyone unless she had to, her focus was helping others. The process she was about to go through was bound to change her and tear her apart.
He just prayed that she’d come out the other side and be able to pull herself back together in relatively the same way.
He was also worried about what he was going to say to her when she woke up. How was he going to explain to her “So the only reason I asked you out that first time was because I’m a government assassin sent to kill your father, and now that he’s dead I’m probably going to have to leave which is going to fucking suck because I actually fell in love with you”?
As consumed as he was with his thoughts, he easily snapped back into the moment when he heard the front door creaking open. He reached into the nightstand and grabbed the handgun that sat inside the drawer before carefully extracting himself from underneath (Y/N).
He crept over to the doorway and glanced around but didn’t seen anyone in the hall. He kept the pistol pointed to the floor as he walked with his back along the wall, making his way towards the living room when a lamp beside the couch clicked on.
Mitch took the safety off and whirled around the corner towards the intruder, and Stan gave him an unimpressed look.
“This is how you greet m-”
“Shhh.” Mitch said quickly, holding his finger to his mouth as he relaxed and switched the safety back on, lowering the gun to his side. “Hurley, what the hell are you doing here?” He snapped in a whisper.
“You hung up on me-” Mitch shushed him again, glancing down the hall. “Is she here?” Stan demanded.
“Where the hell else was I supposed to take her?”
“To her apartment!” He snapped quietly.
“What and leave her there alone? She’s a civilian who just killed her father in order to protect me.” He hissed.
“To protect you?” Stan asked.
“I’ll explain if you just shut up.” He huffed.
“You better explain, you look like shit, Rapp.”
“I feel like shit.” He muttered truthfully. His head throbbed and he most likely had a concussion, he knew for a fact her had at least one broken rib, and he was generally just sore from forming bruises and split skin. “Her father was trying to beat me to death because I refused to break up with her. I was gonna let him get a little tired first but then (Y/N) busted into the room and things went to shit.” He muttered. “That’s the short version.”
“Why’d you hang up on me?” Hurley asked after he’d processed the story.
“I left (Y/N) to shower so I could call you but she was in shock. She kind of collapsed in the tub. I had to help her.” He frowned in concern, looking back down the hall, listening for any signs that she’d woken up.
“You didn’t have to.” Stan argued.
“Oh so I was supposed to just let her kill her own father, say thanks for doing my job for me, and then leave her with her emotional trauma and a dead body-” He cut off when he thought he heard a sound from the bedroom.
“..... no.... NO!” (Y/N) screamed and he raced down the hall to her. She was twisting around on the bed, rolling back in forth in the midst of a vicious nightmare, and Mitch rushed over to her.
He set the gun in the nightstand quickly and placed his hands on her shoulders to shake her awake.
“Hey, (Y/N), hey, wake up.” He called, and she jolted awake, her eyes flashing open as she gasped in a lungful of air. “It’s alright sweetheart, it was just a bad dream.” He promised, pulling her into his arms as she panted and shook. He wiped the sweat from her forehead and kissed her hair. “It’s okay, you’re safe-”
“He-he killed you.” She whimpered.
“No he didn’t, I’m right here.” He promised, taking her hand and lifting it to his chest so she could feel his heart beat steadily under her palm. “I’m right here, I’m alive because of you.” He reminded her. She buried her face in his chest and he rested his chin on top of her head for a moment. He turned his head when he felt a pair of eyes on him. Stan was watching from the doorway with a grim expression. He shook his head and turned, walking silently back into the living room to wait. Mitch turned his attention back to the shaking girl in his arms and focused on calming her down so she could sleep again.
It didn’t take long for (Y/N) to fall back asleep with Mitch’s gentle voice reassuring her that he’d be there if she needed him. He pulled the blanket off the bed to shake out the wrinkles and covered her with it before heading back into the living room, avoiding Stan’s gaze.
“Well this is fucking perfect.” Hurley said sarcastically after a moment of dead air between them.
“What?” He looked back at the older man with a frown, knowing what he was going to bring up but still hoping he wouldn’t.
“You got attached.” He sighed. Mitch didn’t bother trying to deny it. “Do you like her?”
“Fuck. Is it love?” He asked, his expression clearly pleading him to lie and say no.
“Yeah.” He said truthfully.
“Goddammit Rapp!” He snapped.
“Shut your fucking mouth, Christ, you want her waking up again and walking out here to see you and have her ask a million questions?” He hissed quietly. “If you’re going to yell at me we need to go outside.”
“Fine, you first.” He motioned ahead of himself and Mitch suddenly wished he hadn’t left his gun in the nightstand as he marched out the door. “I can’t believe you fell for a targ-”
“She wasn’t the target.” Mitch reminded him fiercely. “And you’re the one that told me that I had to date her because it would be faster. And you’re the one that pushed for me to sleep with her. I warned you it could happen!” He snapped.
“It’s sex! You can have meaningless sex!”
“I was dating her! Sharing personal information back and forth. It’s not meaningless after that!” He near shouted. Stan just shook his head and drug a hand down her face.
“What a shit-storm.” He muttered. “What are you going to do?” He asked.
“I don’t know.” Mitch sighed, running his hands through his hair in agitation.
“Are you going to tell her the truth?” Stan asked.
“I want to. But how the hell do I go about that? I can’t just tell her ‘I’m actually a government assassin and the whole reason we even met was because I was assigned to kill your father, thanks for doing it for me but you weren’t actually saving my life because I could’ve handled it’.”He exploded.
“You what?” His blood went cold at the sound of the voice behind him. Spinning around he saw (Y/N) in the doorway to the house and the look of betrayal on her face made him panic.
“(Y/N).” He said quickly as he stepped forward, but she backed into the house and slammed the door in his face. “(Y/N)!” He shouted, running up to the door. He tried the handle but she’d locked it. “(Y/N) open the door, I need to explain!” He begged.
“What’s there to explain, what you said before sounded pretty clear!” She spat. “You were only here to get to my father! Well lucky you, I did your job for you!” She screamed.
“(Y/N) please! I need to explain, please!” He shouted back. “(Y/N)?!” He called when he didn’t get a response. He was about to call again when the garage door suddenly opened and the tires of his car screeched loudly against the pavement as (Y/N) peeled out of the driveway and down the street.
All Mitch could do was watch as the tail lights disappear around a bend in the road and trees blocked the car from view.
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ellie-bee242 · 7 years
My Heart Bleeds For You-Part 11
Howdy y’all! Last chapter, next one is the epilogue!
Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12(epilogue)
Chapter 11: Tonight
Song rec: Tonight (Best You’ve Ever Had) by John Legend and Ludacris
Tagged: @iknowisoundcrazy, @confidentrose, @iloveteenwolf24, @amethystmerm4id
Word count: 3,042 words.
Warnings: Swearing (duh), MAKEUP SEEEEXXXXXX (lmao), unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it yo), CONSENT CONSENT CONSENT ALWAYS GOTTA HAVE IT! (also be warned that the gif below the cut it like very large)
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Mitch stepped into the apartment and turned on the light with a sigh, closing and locking the door back up behind him, He went to set his keys on the kitchen counter but froze when his foot connected with something on the floor. He looked down and his heart skipped a beat when he saw a very familiar set of key and purse at his feet.
He picked them up and looked at a couple of the color coded keys on the ring. Those were definitely (Y/N)’s. He looked around but she wasn’t in the main living space or kitchen so he walked quickly down to his bedroom.
He threw open the door and found her, curled up in a tight little ball in the middle of his bed, clutching his pillow in her arms and wearing her pajama shorts and tank top.
When the door hit the wall she stirred and groaned softly as she shifted and stretched out a little more on the bed. She brought a hand up and rubbed at her eyes.
“(Y/N)?” Mitch’s voice startled her and her head whirled around in his direction.
“Mitch.” She breathed.
“You’re here.” “You came back.” They said at the same time.
“I forgot something...” He explained, still in shock that she was actually there talking to him.
“I listened to your voicemails.” She mumbled. He nodded and took a step towards her. She got up on her knees and moved across the bed towards him. “Do you really love me? You weren’t lying?” She asked.
“I wasn’t, I swear to god, I wasn’t lying. I love you so much, (Y/N).” He murmured as he took another step forward. She knelt on the edge of the bed.
“I love you, too.” She returned, turning her head up when he came to stand before her. He swallowed hard and his hands twitched at his side, desperate to touch her, but he didn’t want to risk upsetting her.
“You do?” He asked quietly. She nodded and reached out, putting her hand on his wrist.
And that was it, that was all it took for his tenuous control to snap like a twig. His hands reached up, one went to cup her cheek and the other went behind her neck to pull her mouth up against his. She whined and her hands grabbed fistfuls of his shirt to keep him there when he tried to pull back to see if he’d hurt her.
“Mitch...” She whimpered against his lips and he hushed her quickly.
“I’ve missed you so fucking much, sweetheart.” He muttered raggedly as his mouth moved across her jaw. She whimpered and tipped her head back so he had more room when his lips made their way to her neck. “I’m so sorry, (Y/N), I’m sorry.” He repeated.
She pushed him back to where she could look at him and he looked scared that she was about to tell him off. She was quick to change that expression.
“Talk it out later, right now you just need to kiss me, and keep kissing me.” She demanded. He blinked and then grinned.
“Yes ma’am.” He agreed before crashing his mouth down on hers again. She moaned and wrapped her arms around his shoulders to pull him closer. She shivered when she felt his hands on her hips, moving up under her thin tank top and pushing it up in the process. His hands reached her chest and he pulled away to raise an eyebrow at her. “No bra?” He teased.
“Kiss.” She insisted, pulling his head back down to hers. He chuckled against her lips and she smiled as she kissed him back. He pushed her back a bit and laid her out on the bed underneath him while his lips resumed their previous place on her neck, heading down.
(Y/N) was content to let him wander to a point but when his hands went to pull off her shorts she pulled his face back up to hers.
“I wanted-”
“Not tonight.” She mumbled, pressing her lips to his to silence his complaint. “I want you inside me.” She requested.
“Condom?” He asked.
“You don’t have one?” She replied, sitting up, which forced him to stand up before her.
“We used the last one I had the day before the gala and I obviously didn’t see the point in getting more when you weren’t talking to me.” He frowned. “You don’t have one in your purse?” He asked.
“I was in a rush.” She shrugged, biting her lip as she watched him rake his hands through his hair.
“So.... That talk then.” He turned and walked to the other side of the room, mainly so he wouldn’t have to look at how tempting she was unconsciously being on his bed. She got up and straightened her clothes, clearing her throat and tucking her hair behind her ear.
“Yeah.... Talk.” She muttered. They turned back to each other and stared for a moment. She chewed on her lower lip, her eyebrows raising questioningly. Mitch blew out a breath and gave a small shake of his head.
“Fuck it.” He muttered exactly what she’d been thinking and they practically launched themselves at each other. She jumped up onto his hips as he wrapped his arms around her and their lips connected once more. They fell onto the bed and pulled frantically at each other’s clothes, needing the contact of skin against skin.
As the last garments fell to the floor their pace slowed. Frantic grabbing smoothed out to sensual skimming of his palms on her sides, painting the feeling of his touch up her body and making her breathe out his name in a plea for more. He gave it to her easily, his fingers pressing into the supple flesh at her hips as his lips pressed small kisses and whispered sweet nothings into the soft skin just above her heart. She arced her back against him in need, and her nails dug little crescents into his shoulder blades.
“(Y/N) are you sure?” He asked, needing to be one hundred percent certain she was okay with this. She looked at him for a moment and nodded.
“Yes, I’m sure. Please.” She requested, bringing him down for a soft kiss. She gasped as he pressed inside and swallowed his groan as her arms wrapped around his shoulders.
“I love you.” She murmured when their hips were flush.
“I love you, too.” He promised as his forehead dropped to her shoulder.
“You can move.” She assured him.
“It’s a little intense.” He muttered and she hummed in understanding. He lifted his head and kissed her while he adjusted to the feeling of being inside her without any barriers.
When the feeling was a little less mind numbing he pulled his hips back and rolled them up against hers again. They both moaned at the intensity, and he felt her nails digging into his back when he went just a little harder on the next thrust.
He built up a rhythm of slow hard thrusts, and she moaned each time he slid into her. His lips and hands moved along her body, wanting to heighten her pleasure because he wasn’t sure he would last very long. The feeling of being inside her with nothing between them was pushing him towards oblivion far too quick.
His fingers came down over her clit and she whined as she scratched red lines into his back.
“Fuck... I love you, Vix.” He murmured against her jaw. She whimpered at his voice, and he kept talking. “You feel so good wrapped around me, sweetheart. So damn good.” He breathed as his thumb worked circles into her clit.
“Mitch I-I’m close...” She gasped.
“I can feel it, Vix. I can feel you squeezing me. Come for me, sweetheart.” He requested, pressing his thumb against her harder and thrusting into her faster. She arced up and cried out his name, her fingers clawed and scratched love lines down the length of his back and the feeling of it shoved him right up to the edge.
“Fuck, sweetheart.” He groaned. “I’m gonna come.” He warned, grabbing her leg to pull out if she wanted.
“Then come. I want it, Mitch.” She moaned, pulling him down and kissing him hard. He cursed and groaned out her name as he reached his release, pressing his hips up against hers as he spilled inside of her.
She held him as he rode out the high and peppered kisses along his skin when his forehead dropped to rest against her shoulder as he came down.
They were content to stay that way for a bit before eventually (Y/N) spoke up.
“I probably need to clean up, and you do too.” She murmured.
Reluctantly, he pulled away from her and watched her get up and go to the bathroom.
“Are you going to shower with me or not?” She called from inside. He got up quickly and followed her inside as she started up the water. He wrapped her in his arms and pulled her back up against his chest, pressing a kiss to her shoulder.
“I love you, (Y/N).” He murmured.
“I love you, too, Mitch.” She smiled. They were quiet for a second.
“You let me come inside you.” He stated.
“Yes I did.” She agreed, wondering why he was bringing it up so bluntly.
“You’re not on the pill.” He pointed out.
“No I’m not. It’s okay, I’ll go get the morning after pill tomorrow, but....” She thought for a second. “I’m pretty sure it’s a safe day.” She added. “I wanted to feel you come apart completely.”
“I definitely did.” He muttered and she giggled as she stepped into the shower and pulled him inside with her.
“I know.” She grinned. He kissed her.
“I love you.”
“I know. I love you, too.”
(Y/N) woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs and hummed as she stretched out on the bed. She pulled the blanket up and wrapped it around her torso as she climbed off the mattress and walked into the kitchen.
Mitch was standing in front of the stove in the clothes he’d worn the day before, cooking breakfast when he felt (Y/N)’s arms slide around his waist.
“Good morning.” She greeted, her voice still holding that dreamy quality from sleep.
“Morning.” He lifted his arm to wrap it around her and pressed a kiss to her head. “Sleep well?” She hummed in response and pressed a kiss to his chest over his shirt.
“Like a rock.” She smiled.
“Good. Breakfast is almost ready. Then we can talk.” He offered. She nodded and grabbed two glasses of apple juice from the fridge before she went to sit down at the breakfast bar.
Within two minutes he was pulling down plates and and scooping some scrambled eggs and bacon onto each. He handed one to (Y/N) along with a fork and a bottle of maple syrup before taking his plate and sitting down next to her.
He shook his head as he watched her pour some syrup onto one side of her plate and rip her bacon into small pieces so she could dip it in and eat it.
“What?” She demanded, grinning from ear to ear.
“That just looks so.... Gross.” He chuckled, wrinkling his nose up.
“It’s actually really good I promise. The mix of sweet and savory. You should try it.” She urged, dipping another piece into the sticky substance before offering it to him. He pulled his head back when she tried to bring it to his mouth.
“I’m good.” He promised with a laugh. She shrugged.
“You’re loss.” She sang before popping the bit into her mouth and chewing happily. He took her hand in his and wove their fingers together as they ate in relative silence for a while.
When they were mostly finished, she finally turned to him and gave his hand a squeeze.
“So.... Do you wanna start this talk or should I?” She asked.
“Well.... You said you listened to the voicemails.” He started.
“I did.” She nodded.
“Even the last one?” He cringed when she nodded. They were quiet for a minute.
“What was her name?” She asked softly.
“Katrina.” He replied. He didn’t say anything else for a moment but she waited patiently, her thumb rubbing soothingly against his. “We were on vacation, and I asked her to marry me. She said yes, and I went to go get us drinks to celebrate when the beach we were on got attacked.” (Y/N) got out of her seat and wrapped her arms around him tightly, as if she could protect him from further pain that way. “I went to a really dark place for a while. I don’t want to scare you with specifics. But basically, I learned how to track terrorist groups and started taking them down.”
“By yourself?” She asked, shocked. He nodded.
“For a bit, yeah. Then a government group found me, and brought me in to train me. And I became an actual assassin.” He explained.
“And your uncle, isn’t really your uncle.” She guessed.
“He’s not going through a divorce.”
“Nope. He was pissed that I wasn’t getting close to you fast enough.” He muttered.
“We were already dating how much closer could you-.....” She stopped and Mitch cringed. “Okay then. I think I want to punch your non-uncle in the face.” She decided.
“What? Why?”
“He made you pimp yourself out to me, that’s really not okay. You know my rule about consent.” She huffed.
“I do. And it’s not like I didn’t want to have sex with you.” He explained. “I just really wanted to avoid using you like that.” He clarified. “Believe me, I wanted to have sex.”
“So all those times you made excuses about wanting to go slow.....”
“I was lying my fucking ass off.” He said seriously and she laughed. “God, (Y/N), you’d been driving me up a goddamn wall! Kissing and touching and grinding, fuck, why do you think I call you Vixen?” He pointed out. She flushed happily and grinned. But the smile faded into a confused frown.
“So you initially slept with me to get close to my dad...” She said after a moment. “How...... How does that work?” She laughed.
“We knew he’d been keeping an eye on you, and we figured that if someone.... Got close enough to you, he’d want to meet them.” He hedged.
“And..... Why was my father a target?” She asked. These were the questions he’d been dreading but he wasn’t going to hesitate in answering them. She deserved the truth.
“The simple version is this: He made deals with quite a few terrorist cells and organized terrorist attacks across the globe. He made contracts to buy weapons under the guise that he was a buyer for a private security team, when he really just sold them at a mark up to terrorist groups.” He explained.
“So that’s how he was so rich. And how he could hire people to track down and kill someone.” She mumbled. Mitch nodded. “And you were going to kill him at the gala?” She asked.
“Yes.” He nodded.
“So while I thought I was saving your life...... In reality you could have easily handled it.” She frowned. He stared at her.
“I could have handled it myself but-”
“Mitch.” She warned. “Please don’t start lying now.”
“Yes I could have done it myself.” He said quietly, unable to meet her eyes anymore.
“Why’d you let him hurt you?” She asked.
“What?” He frowned.
“You let him beat you up. You could have killed him, easy. Why’d you let my father beat the crap out of you?” She wondered. He thought for a minute and looked back up at her.
“I deserved it. I was about to make your life implode. I was going to kill your father, and have to leave you high and dry. I..... I deserved a little pain too.” He said honestly. “And then you came in, and it all unraveled so quick... I’m so sorry about what you thought-”
“Stop.” His jaw snapped shut and he stared at her. She sighed and combed her fingers through his hair. “It happened, and it can’t be changed. And now.... We just have to learn to live with the consequences of the choices we’ve made. Preferably together.” She decided.
“Together is definitely preferred.” He agreed. She smiled and kissed him quickly.
“You forgive me?” He asked.
“I’m willing to work on it.” She nodded.
“I’ll take it.” He said quickly. “Whatever I can get.”
“You get me.” She shrugged. “It’s all I can offer.”
“It’s all I need.” He promised.
“So you’re actually staying then?” Hurley asked that night.
“Yeah. I can only have one or the other, and she’s more important to me.” Mitch said quietly, looking over to the bed where (Y/N) was sleeping soundly. He grinned at how, in his absence, she’d spread herself out into his space to search for him. Hurley’s sigh brought his attention back to the conversation.
“I’ll come by within the week to collect your weapons and the laptop, and we’ll update your resume to say you worked in the State Department or something so you can rejoin the civilian life.” He decided.
“Alright, thanks. I appreciate everything you’ve done for me.” Mitch said sincerely.
“Hey kid.” Stan stopped him before he could hang up.
“I’m happy for you, ya know? I’m.... Proud of you...” He said awkwardly. Mitch grinned, he could almost picture the other man shifting uncomfortably.
“Thanks, Hurley.”
“Yeah. Now treat her right, or she’ll kick your ass.” He said gruffly and the younger man chuckled.
“I have no doubt she will.” He agreed. “And I promise I’ll do my best.” He assured him.
“Alright. I expect to be invited to the wedding since I pushed you together. Bye, kid.” Stan demanded seriously.
“Goodbye.” Mitch hung up with a grin and a shake of his head and turned back around to look at (Y/N). “Invited to the wedding...” He muttered to himself, tilting his head a bit. It didn’t sound half bad to him.
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ellie-bee242 · 7 years
My Heart Bleeds For You-Part 10
AAAAYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEE So, very surprisingly, I haven’t been hunted down over the drama that happened last chapter, and y’all even came back for more? Whaaaaat?
Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11
Chapter 10: I Lie Awake Every Night
Song rec: I Lie Awake Every Night by James Vincent McMorrow
Tagged: @iknowisoundcrazy, @confidentrose, @iloveteenwolf24, @amethystmerm4id
Word count: 2,509 words.
Warnings: Swearing (this is a permanent fixture at this point lmao), angst, pining for lost relationships, break up feels, drinking, driving after drinking (WHICH PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS GUYS LIKE EVER IT’S SO DANGEROUS PLEASE DON’T).
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A week later (Y/N) found herself at the gym answering calls for maintenance on her equipment and dealing with bills for the month. She’d been staying with Elle, wanting to avoid the inevitable confrontation with Mitch.
When the blonde had opened her door the night everything happened and saw her friend looking so broken she didn’t ask a single question, she just opened her arms in offering and let (Y/N) dive into the hug. She promised that she could stay as long as she needed, and that she would beat the crap out of Mitch for everything he did, even though she had no clue what it was.
After a week with various nights of drinking wine and complaining about men and how they’re all liars, (Y/N) decided she wouldn’t think about him anymore. So she went to work and threw herself into the many things on her desk. She regrettably had to tell Mitch’s clients that he wouldn’t be returning to the gym before ultimately locking herself in her office to focus on boring paperwork.
She was in the middle of reading over the electric bill for the month when someone knocked at her door.
“Come on in Elle.” She called without looking. The blonde walked into the office and laid out on the small couch in the corner with a huff. “What’s up?” (Y/N) asked.
“Spin class just let out.” She mumbled.
“So you came to sweat on my couch?” She laughed.
“Well your couch is-” Elle was cut off by the sound of (Y/N)’s phone ringing. She looked at Mitch’s picture for half a second before declining the call. Elle sighed. (Y/N) had been ignoring his calls all week, and refused to listen to the half dozen messages he’d left asking her to just let him explain, to hear him out. Elle bet he had to have called twenty times each day, at the least.
“You were saying?” (Y/N) prompted.
“Do not call me that.” She warned. Elle quickly rose her hands in surrender.
“(Y/N) why don’t you just talk to him?” She asked. “Was it really that bad?” She asked.
“Yes.” She said vehemently as she ignored another call from him.
“Then block his number.” Elle shrugged. (Y/N) hesitated, like the thought never occurred to her and the blonde got off the couch to hop up onto the corner of her desk. “here give me your phone and I’ll-”
“No!” She snatched her phone from atop the papers before her friend could touch it and held it to her chest protectively. Elle grinned.
“You’re gonna forgive him.” She decided.
“No I won’t. I’m just not ready to-....” She couldn’t find the words she was looking for.
“You’re not ready to forgive him yet, but the kind of love you guys had... That’s passionate and strong and all-consuming. It’s not something you’ll just get over. When it’s like that you either pine hopelessly for the rest of your life or you come back together.” She said in a matter-of-fact tone as she hopped down from the desk and headed for the door.
She opened it to find a girl that had her hand poised to knock.
“Oh, hello.” She greeted. “What do you need, honey?”
“I was just wondering if Mitch is gonna be in today? We had an appointment ten minutes ago and he’s usually never late.” She frowned. Elle looked back at (Y/N)’s pained expression before asking to take the girl’s arm. When she agreed Elle walked her a little ways from the door.
“I’m sorry, but Mitch... He’s accepted a position at another gym, he’s not going to be back.” She lied.
“Oh.... Well can you tell me where he went? He was really good.” She requested.
“I swear I would tell you if I could, but I don’t know where he’s gone. I’m sorry honey.” She watched the girl frown and nod before heading out of the gym.
Inside the office (Y/N) ignored yet another call and went back to her bills. After an hour she looked down at her phone and found he’d stopped calling. She hated how much that realization hurt.
“(Y/N) please answer me... I have to explain this to you, please.”
She bit her lip as her finger hovered over the second message he’d left.
Two weeks and he’d given up on calling her, but she hadn’t deleted the messages. She’d left them unheard in her voicemail. Now she was back in her apartment and when she’d first returned to get more clothes she found a note and the spare key she’d given him resting on her bed.
I came over to talk but you’re making it pretty clear how much you hate me. Here’s your key back.
Please keep mine in case you ever change your mind. Or throw it away, I deserve it for what I did to you.
I love you
The paper was covered in water spots now, she’d cried over it multiple times throughout the week. It was currently folded in half on her nightstand, her spare key still taped to the page.
She sighed and set her phone down on the kitchen island with a shake of her head before turning and grabbing a bottle of wine from a corner counter by her fridge. She grabbed a glass from the cupboard and poured a hearty amount of Merlot into it before going back to stand before her phone.
The screen was filled with Mitch’s messages and it seemed to mock her from it’s spot. She chewed on her lip and tapped the toes of one foot down against the wooden floor.
Taking a healthy drink of wine, she picked her phone up and tapped on the second message to play it before bringing it up to her ear.
 She tossed the phone back onto the counter-top with a loud clatter. She picked up her glass and drank the rest of it before rinsing it out in the sink and corking the wine. She grabbed a bottle of vanilla rum instead and didn’t bother with a glass this time. She just unscrewed the cap and took a pull from the bottle. And then she took another drink after she glanced at her phone again.
“I’m a glutton for pain.” She grumbled as she picked her phone and restarted the message.
“Sweetheart, please... Please, talk to me. I’m so sorry, please.”
She swallowed hard at hearing the pain in his voice. She hit play on the third one down.
“At the very least I need to know you’re okay, please call me or text me or send a smoke signal or something,” The line made her laugh despite herself and she shook her head at his hidden dork-like behavior that he’d refused to show anyone but her, “Please, I need to know that you’re safe.”
She hit the fourth message without even hesitating. She missed his voice so much, even if hearing it ripped open the hole in her chest where her heart used to sit all over again.
“I was not stalking you, but I’m glad you’re at the gym. I’m guessing you’re staying with Elle, I’ve been by your place trying to talk to you but it didn’t look like you’d been there. I thought about trying to talk to you at the gym but that’s too public for the conversation I want to have. I’m going to keep trying your place. I miss you, (Y/N).”
She nearly smashed her thumb to the button of the fifth message in her haste to play it and the first thing she heard over the line was a sigh.
“I left your key at your place. It’s clear you’ve avoiding going back because you guessed, correctly, that I’d be there waiting for you. Even though I gave your key back, I want you to keep mine. You said you thought of my place as home.... Sweetheart, I’m praying that you’ll come home at some point. I’ll keep trying to call you. I love you.”
She wiped the tears off of her cheeks and dug into her purse for her keys. She stared at Mitch’s apartment key for a long time before setting it on the counter beside her phone. She picked up the cellphone and listened to the last message.
“Okay it’s pretty clear that you’re ignoring my calls, and I know I deserve it. I’d deserve it if you never spoke to me again. I’ll stop calling but that doesn’t mean I’ll stop waiting for you to come talk to me. Call me, or come by my apartment. Please. I love you, (Y/N).”
She put a hand to her mouth to stop herself from sobbing openly. She missed him so much. And as much as she hated herself for it she couldn’t help but love him still.
“This is ridiculous!” She snapped at herself, setting her phone down and going to the living room to pace. “He was sent to me. To kill my father!” She said, trying to convince her stupid heart that it shouldn’t still want him. She looked over at her phone on the counter then shook her head at herself before walking down the hall to grab some toilet paper to mop up her face.
“I need to invest in tissues.” She mumbled to herself as she wiped under her eyes and blew her nose. She tossed the wadded up toilet paper into her trash-bin and headed back out, set on not dwelling on Mitch, when her phone chirped from the counter.
She frowned and went over to check it. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw she had a missed call from him and a new voicemail. She didn’t hesitate to listen to it this time. It started with a heavy sigh and her heart sank instantly.
“It’s clear you don’t want to talk to me, or see me, (Y/N). So I’ll stop. You’re probably not even listening to the messages. This is probably going to end up deleted too so what the hell, I’m laying it all out. Yes I was assigned to get close to you so I could get to your father. I was supposed to be your friend first, and when that took too long I was urged to date you. I wasn’t, however, supposed to fall in love with you. I tried like hell not to but you got to me anyway. It’s been so fucking long since I’ve felt like this, (Y/N). The last time I was in love..... She was killed by terrorists right in front of me.” (Y/N) pressed a hand to her mouth in horror. “I spiraled. I went to a really dark place, trying to... Avenge her death. That’s how I ended up becoming an assassin. I shut myself off from getting close to anyone for so long but you just came along and blew apart every barrier I’d put in place like they were made out of tissue paper. Hell, for you, they probably were.” He laughed sardonically over the line and (Y/N)’s heart beat faster at the sound. “I’m going to run out of time soon, so I’ll just stop there. I was just calling to tell you, I’m leaving. It’s been pretty clear that you don’t want me in your life anymore. I’m so sorry I hurt you. I love you, (Y/N). Goodbye.”
“No!” She shouted at her phone. She fumbled through her contacts and hit frantically at his name to call him. She raised it to her ear as she started shoving things into her purse and grabbed up her keys. She hooked her arm through the straps of her purse and ran to her door, shoving on a pair of flipflops she kept by it before yanking the door open and slamming it closed behind her.
“You have reached the voicemail box of-” She hung up and tried to call him again.
“Pick up, please, pick up, pick up, pick up.” She chanted, hitting the elevator call button twenty times. As if that would make it come up to her faster. When his voicemail sounded again she huffed and tossed her phone back into her purse. She got tired of waiting for the elevator to crawl to her floor and raced to the stairwell.
She made it down the seven flights of stairs to the parking garage within two minutes and ran to her car. Getting in she threw her seat-belt on as she yanked it into gear and pressed on the gas, reversing with probably too much speed out of her spot.
She drove out from under the building and broke a few speed limit laws as she made her way to Mitch’s apartment. She parked haphazardly in a spot on the street and didn’t even bother with the meter as she ran inside the building and up the stairs till she reached his floor.
She fumbled through her set of keys to find his and jammed it into the door. The second the lock clicked open she twisted the knob viciously and threw open the door, slamming it closed behind her.
She looked around wildly when she got inside but, save for the big furniture pieces, the apartment was barren.
Her purse dropped to the floor with a dull thud, and her keys clattered down beside it. Despite the logical part of her brain telling her that he was definitely long gone, she went and checked the bathroom, and the kitchen, and his bedroom.
He’d left his sheets and his pillows on the bed with the blanket scrunched up at the foot of it.
Robotically she crawled up onto the mattress and grabbed the pillow she knew he used and hugged it against her chest as she curled up in the middle of his bed. She pressed her face into the soft fabric and breathed in the scent that was so unique to Mitch, leather, spice, and just a hint of gun powder, and cried.
“So, you’re coming back then?” Hurley asked as Mitch merged onto the interstate.
“Yeah.” He sighed and cursed at how busy it was even so late at night.
“And you remembered to bring everything?” Stan asked next.
“Yes, please do not turn into my mom. I packed up all my clothes, and my gun.” He huffed.
“Gun-z.” Hurley corrected.
“What?” Mitch frowned.
“Guns. You brought two with you.” He said and Mitch cursed. He’d forgotten the one he’d stashed under the sink in the kitchen. He was too busy thinking of (Y/N). Hurley sighed. “This is why we avoid love. It makes you careless.” He scolded.
“Yeah, yeah, I fucked up, I know. Thank you so much for rubbing it in.” The younger man snapped as he got off the next exit and headed back towards the apartment. “I’ll call you when I’m back on the road.” He muttered before hanging up and tossing his phone onto the passenger seat, not noticing the missed calls from (Y/N).
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ellie-bee242 · 7 years
My Heart Bleeds For You-Part 5
Jeez, I’m on a roll here. Just to warn you it might not last, I never know how long I can hold onto my motivation. But the likes i’m getting on previous chapters definitely help to keep me chugging along, because it let’s me know that people genuinely enjoy the work I’m putting into this. So if you’re one of the people that likes this story of mine, let me know if you want me to tag you so that you don’t miss any new chapters just like how I’m tagging @confidentrose!
Okay so my browser crashed while I was writing the first draft and the only thing it kept was the text above. I’m so fucking pissed because I really liked what I’d written and I know it’s not going to be exactly the same. Oh my god I’m so fucking frustrated guys.
♪One in the morning and I don’t give a fuck♪
Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6
Chapter 5: Body On Me
Song rec: Body On Me by Rita Ora ft. Chris Brown, Bom Bidi Bom by Nick Jonas and Nicki Minaj (I know, two songs this time! you’re gonna wanna save them and you’ll know when to play them, in the order I’ve listed.)
Word count: 6,079 another monster chapter. It’s 13 pages long in a word doc.
Warnings: Swearing (as always but more than usual this time), talks about sex (♪let’s talk about sex ba-by. let’s talk about you and me♪ jk jk jk), violence (self-defense fighting and a knife involved), and possibly definitely a lot of steamy kissing, some grinding, (a hard dick). And as always, some super sexy consent.
It is now two in the morning, so I shall go pass out. Let me know how you liked the chapter. Likes are loved but reblogs are great too!
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The day immediately following their first date (Y/N) approached Mitch right after he got done teaching his first kick boxing class and asked him out on another date. He quickly agreed, and they went to the movie theater that night.
He expected her to pick something from the romance genre, but was pleasantly surprised when she requested two tickets for the newest action film. He instantly liked her more for not making him sit through two hours of sappy a love story, but it honestly wouldn’t have mattered what they saw.
If you asked him the plot of the movie, he wouldn’t be able to tell you anything beyond “There were guns and explosions”.
However, if you asked him what (Y/N)’s lips felt like on his neck, or how her hands felt as they gripped his shoulders or tugged on his hair or pressed against his chest and stomach, or how it felt to have her practically sitting on his lap for nearly an hour..... Those things he could describe with novel-length detail, easily.
That frantic passion hadn’t faded after four dates, when he officially asked her to be his girlfriend, and she replied “I thought I already was?” and he’d had to kiss her simply to stop himself from grinning.
It was still there a week and half a dozen dates later, when various people caught them making out in otherwise empty rooms at the gym.
If anything it became more urgent as time went on. After a week and a half, (Y/N) tried to invite him into her apartment when he had driven her home after their date and walked her to her door.
He declined, using the excuse that he didn’t want her to think that he was only after sex.
Of course saying that made her nearly melt and she tried to assure him that she didn’t think he was like that. He simply smiled, kissed her forehead, and wished her good night before heading back down to his car.
She’d invited him in a couple more times, but his response was always the same. He didn’t want to rush it. He’d kiss either her hand, forehead, or cheek. He’d wish her good night. And then he’d leave once she was safely in her apartment.
It wasn’t that he didn’t want to accept her gracious invitations, god did he ever want to, because if the way she kissed was any indication then she’d be phenomenal in bed.
No, the problem was that he was only dating her to get close to a target, and he wasn’t going to use her any more intimately than he already was if he could help it.
After two weeks of dating, Hurley wasn’t so inclined to agree with him.
“What the hell is taking so long, Rapp? Remember the time limit?” He snapped over the phone one night after Mitch had returned to his little apartment from a date with (Y/N).
“I’m doing everything I can, sir.” He sighed, quickly losing his patience with these constant reminder calls.
“Clearly not if you’re not any closer to reaching your target.” The older man huffed.
“Well what the hell else am I supposed to do?” He demanded.
“Have you slept with her?” Hurley asked.
“No.” He scoffed.
“Then there’s something you can do.”
“I’m not a fucking prostitute.” Mitch spat.
“I’m not telling you to be. I’m telling you that in order to get closer to her, and subsequently your target, you need to get get your dick we-”
He knew he’d receive hell for it but he refused to listen to Stan try and order him to sleep with someone.
As expected his phone lit up again moments later, vibrating and ringing shrilly, and Mitch debated the pros and cons of answering.
Pro: If he answered he could apologize for his temper getting the better of him, and there was a slim chance that Hurley might not kill him.
Con: if he answered he’d have to listen to Hurley while the man ordered him to sleep with (Y/N).
Pro:...... He couldn’t really think of another pro to answering that call.
Con: Hurley would ask him if it was getting personal.
Pro:...... He was definitely still drawing a blank on further pros to this possible conversation.
Con: If he managed to convince Hurley that he wasn’t getting personally involved with (Y/N) he’d have to follow the order to sleep with her.
Seeing as the cons far outweighed the single pro, he ignored the call, shot Hurley a half-assed excuse via text about needing to go to bed so he could go to work at the gym the next day and maintain his cover, and then ultimately decided to shut his phone off to avoid further disturbances.
Three days and sixteen ignored calls later (Y/N) approached him just after he’d sent a client off to the showers after their training session.
“Hello gorgeous.” He greeted as she wrapped her hands around his waist.
“Hey, handsome.” She returned with a grin. “Elle sent me over with a message.”
“Not that I’m not ecstatic you’re the one who’s going to tell me this message, but why couldn’t Elle deliver it?” He asked.
“I kind of made her let me.” She shrugged and he chuckled.
“Alright then. What’s the message?” He asked.
“There’s a man here to see you, he says he’s your uncle.” She relayed to him and he did his best not to tense up, knowing it would make her ask what was wrong. But he had a pretty good idea who was asking for him. And he was dreading that conversation already, he didn’t need to add some made-up explanation to (Y/N) on why he didn’t want to see his “uncle” on top of it.
“Where is he?” He asked.
“He’s waiting outside. Said it was family business and that he didn’t want to come in and disturb everyone else just so you guys could talk.” She shrugged.
“Did you talk to him?” He asked.
“I was there while he was talking to Elle.” She offered up. “But no, I didn’t talk to him, why?” She asked, frowning up at him.
“Because he’s kind of a flirt and a smooth talker. I didn’t want him trying to steal you away from me.” He joked with her.
“Oh good thing then. I totally would have gone for him.” She snorted. He grinned down at her.
“See, that’s why I was worried.” He chuckled. “But as long as he didn’t talk to you, I’m safe. I’ll go talk to him after I schedule Eric for another session.” He said, wanting to put off the inevitable shouting match he was bound to get into.
“I can do it.” (Y/N) offered, trying to be helpful.
“No, that’s okay-”
“Mitch,” she interrupted, placing a hand on his chest, “It’s fine. I know your schedule, I can book Eric, and you can go talk to your uncle. Whatever he wants to discuss seems urgent. Go make sure things are okay.” She insisted. He couldn’t exactly refuse her help, not when she looked so concerned for his fake family issues. He leaned down an kissed her softly.
“You’re too good for me.” He murmured against her lips.
“Oh, you know I’m a sucker for sweet talking.” She grinned and kissed him again.
“Why do you think I do it so often?” He teased as he unwound her arms from his waist.
“Go talk to your uncle, if you stay here any longer I’ll end up dragging you into my office so I can kiss you some more.” She laughed.
“See, that’s not a threat, that’s what would make me stay.” He teased, pinching her ass playfully and dodging the light smack she had aimed at his arm. He winked before heading up to the front.
He passed Elle on his way and she reached a hand out to grab his attention, making him pause.
“Let me know if you can’t make it tonight, yeah?” She requested.
“Don’t worry, I promised I’d come to your torture-fest. I won’t miss it.” He assured.
“It’s not a torture-fest.” She laughed. “It’s my birthday party.”
“At a bar.”
“At a club.” She corrected.
“Oh, I’m sorry, that makes it so much better.” He said sarcastically.
“Just-” She huffed out a breath.
“I’ll let you know if I can’t make it.” He promised before she could ask again.
“See, that wasn’t so hard to just concede to my request. Why do you have to make everything an argument?” She taunted.
“I do not.” He scoffed and she rose an eyebrow at him.
“You just did.”
“You started it by saying something argumentative.” He accused lightly.
“Ugh, I can’t deal with you, go talk to your uncle.” She snorted and walked further into the gym.
Mitch groaned lowly to himself when he was alone and pushed open the doors to go face Stan Hurley, who was standing out on the sidewalk with his arms folded over his chest in a disapproving manner.
“What the fuck’s going on?” Mitch hissed instead of greeting him.
“I should be the one asking you that. You hung up on me, and you haven’t answered a single call since.” He snapped.
“Well I didn’t need to hear the same thing over and over. All you do is complain that I haven’t gotten to my target yet, like I could do it instantly but you think I’m just being lazy. I’m working my ass off and I don’t need you calling me every night just to berate me.” He retorted.
“Well it’s not like you’re doing every possible thing you can to move your mission along.” Hurley shot back, and Mitch barely held himself back from glaring at him.
“I’m not sleeping with her.” He bit out.
“Why?” His superior demanded. He grit his teeth, not wanting to answer so he could avoid- “Jesus, Rapp, did you let it get personal?” that precise question.
“No, I didn’t. I’m trying to avoid that but if you keep trying to shove me onto her it will get personal.” He huffed.
“How so?” He demanded skeptically.
“Are you shitting me? What the hell is more personal than sex?” Mitch scoffed.
“I’m sure you can compartmentalize your emotions.” Hurley belittled.
“It’s not like sleeping with her is going to make me closer to the target.” He huffed, changing tactics.
“It’ll make you closer to (Y/N). And when you’re close to her, her father is going to hear about it, and he’s going to demand to meet you.” Hurley listed off. Mitch’s jaw clenched. “You’ve got your orders. Get to the target using whatever means necessary as long as it doesn’t blow your cover. Get it don-”
“Fine.” He snapped, just so he’d shut up.
“Yes.” He spat. “And I will call you when I’ve made progress. So stop blowing up my phone. She’s going to think I’m cheating on her or something and it’s gonna ruin everything I’ve been working my ass off for.” He huffed.
“Fine. Now hug me.” Hurley ordered.
“She’s watching from the doors, and by the look on her face she can see you’re upset about something. So hug me and tell her that my house got vandalized or some shit.” Mitch sighed harshly before stepping forward and reluctantly hugging the older men. It was a creepily weird sensation to have Hurley pat his back like a father would his child, and he pulled away quickly.
Mitch turned around and saw (Y/N) quickly try to duck out of sight while Elle waved, not even trying to hide the fact that she was spying.
“What happened, what’d you two talk about, can you still come to my party?” Elle asked, rapid fire style the second he stepped back in through the door.
“Yes, I’m still going to the torture-fest.” He replied.
“And the other questions?” She pressed.
“Elle! The first two questions are none of our business.” (Y/N) reprimanded.
“Says you. What if his uncle has a debt with some thugs he can’t pay back and now Mitch is gonna have to pay up for him or take the fall.” She retorted, hands on her hips.
The other two stared at her like she was from another planet. “What world do you live in where that’s a real possibility?” Mitch asked. She shrugged.
“Fine, don’t tell me. But you better tell her otherwise she’ll have an aneurysm worrying about how much you trust her.” She snorted as she pointed at (Y/N).
“Elle!” She squawked indignantly. The blonde shrugged and turned on her heel to walk away and leave them alone to talk. “You don’t have to tell me.” she assured quickly, turning back to him.
“It’s okay, it’s bound to come up eventually. My aunt and uncle are getting a divorce because she cheated on him.” Realizing this conversation was better had in private (Y/N) took his hand and pulled him back to her office, locking the door so they wouldn’t be disturbed. “It kinda pisses me off, what she did to him. She made a commitment and a promise, and she broke it.” He huffed. 
“At least I know your thoughts on fidelity now.” She smiled after a moment of silence between them, trying to lighten the mood. He gave her a halfhearted smile in return. “I’m sorry about your uncle. That sucks.” She wrapped him up in a hug and he felt a wave of guilt for what he was going to end up doing to her.
This girl was so nice. So genuinely nice, and he was using her to get at her father. And she had no idea. She probably didn’t even know what her father did for a living. He was getting ready to blow up her life and she was none the wiser.
He wrapped his arms around her tightly, wishing he’d never come into her life. Praying that her strength would keep her standing tall when it all went to hell.
“Do you want to take the rest of the day to yourself?” She asked, pulling away a bit so she could look up at him.
“I can’t ask that, it’s not like if it were my parents.” He shook his head.
“I know but still. Part of your family is breaking apart and you looked like you were close with your uncle. If I was that close with my family I’m sure I’d be pretty upset. So if you need it-”
“I don’t. I don’t need to be alone.” He interrupted.
“Then tell me what you do need. And I’ll make it happen.” She promised, rubbing a hand up and down his arm.
“I just need you.” He murmured. She smiled and stepped in close.
“Then I’m all yours.” She promised. He stared at her a second, shocked once again by how genuinely good the woman that stood before him was, before his mouth suddenly crashed down on hers as he cupped her face between his hands.
“You’re too damn good for someone like me.” He said seriously against her lips. She started to shake her head in refusal so he kissed her again to keep her from arguing. She moaned softly against his lips and her fingers dug into his skin on his lower back, making him groan.
Before they could get too heated there was a knock on the door, making them peal apart from each other.
“Mitch, your four o’clock is out here waiting.” Elle called to him.
“Okay, give me a minute. Tell her to get changed or something.” He called back and heard her cackling on the other side--she probably suspected what they were doing inside the small room.
He ignored the laughter in favor of turning back to (Y/N) and kissing her again, chastely this time, before resting his forehead against hers. He closed his eyes, and took a second to breathe.
“Don’t worry. After work we’re going to Elle’s party, and we can relax.” He simply hummed in response and opened his eyes to look at her.
“Time to go back to reality, even though I really wish I didn’t have to.” He muttered. She smiled and gave his lips a quick peck before pushing him toward the door.
“I’m sure you’ll live.”
He was going to die. 
Cause of death: coronary, courtesy of one (Y/F/N).
Why would she be the cause, you ask? Because (Y/N)’s outfit for Elle’s party was just shy of indecently sexy, and it was driving Mitch up a wall. Her black top looked fine from the front, the cropped midsection showed off her defined stomach, and it was long sleeved. If that was all it was he wouldn’t have been cursing whoever designed it, but of course that wasn’t all. When she turned around, the only thing holding the back together were crisscrossed strings, making two large X’s across her back. And the strings wrapped around her waist a couple times before tying in the back. Her hair had remained in it’s high bun to show off her bare skin.
That top, combined with the fact that her long skirt had two slits up each side to show off her legs? As well as the fact that the skirt itself hugged her ass to perfection? He was losing his goddamn mind as he watched her hips sway in time to the beat of the music. He had swallowed down a few drinks to try and take some of the edge off, but it did little to help calm him as he continued to watch her.
The only problem was, he wasn’t the only one watching.
After the song ended, she came over to the bar to get a quick drink before going back out, and a guy two seats down shouted for the bartender to put it on his bill. Mitch frowned but (Y/N) turned to the guy and smiled politely.
“That’s nice but no, thanks, I’ll buy my own drinks. Even if they’re just soda.” She called back before handing the money to the man behind the bar.
“Aw c’mon honey, it’s just a drink! I saw you dancing out there, it had to make you thirsty.” He said as he came over.
“I said no thank you.” She said, sounding stern this time.
“Hey.” Mitch snapped before he could reach out and grab her. “She said no. Let it go, there’s a million other girls you can hit on in here.” He reasoned. She smiled at him, grateful that he backed her up without getting possessive. The guy glared at them both.
“Well fuck you then.” He scoffed before walking back to his seat. Mitch got up, pissed that he’d say something like that to someone he didn’t even know, but (Y/N) quickly put a hand on his chest.
“Let’s go dance.” She shouted over the loud music.
“I can’t really dance.” He shook his head.
“Sure you can, it’s easy! I’ll teach you.” She took his hand and gave him a pleading puppy eyed look. He groaned in mock exasperation before getting to his feet and allowing her to lead him into the crowd of swaying bodies.
The song changed just as they reached a semi free spot, and she smirked at the heady beat.
“Here, copy me.” She turned to face him, holding his hands in hers and stepping back to create enough space between them for him to watch her move. Then she began swinging her hips side to side in time with the beat. Her hands dropped to his waist and she pressed on his hip first one hand to get him to swing it to one side before pressing her other hand against the opposite side to bring him back. 
“See! You already have the hang of it.” She grinned after a couple seconds. “Now for the roll.” She showed him as she rolled her hips in a slow circular motion, almost as if she were trying to keep up an invisible hula hoop in slow motion.
“Perfect!” She complimented when he copied her moves. She stepped up to him and then turned to press her back to him. She grabbed his hands, placing one on her hip, and pulling the other until it wrapped around to her front and placed it low between her hip bones, pressing until it was splayed flat under her own. Then she leaned her head back on his shoulder and moved her hips against his with seamless grace.
When her hips changed from circling to dipping as she swayed, he easily changed to match her.
“And you said you couldn’t dance.” She purred into his ear.
“Maybe you’re just that good.” He said as he pressed a kiss to her neck.
“How unfair! I’m the birthday girl and I can’t find a single cute guy who dances well!” Elle said suddenly, bursting their bubble. 
“You can dance with Mitch if you want.” (Y/N) offered up. “He’s a good dancer.” She promised, stepping away before he could protest.
“As long as he doesn’t mind.” Elle shrugged. Mitch glanced at (Y/N), found her grinning encouragingly, and sighed.
“Anything to make the birthday girl happy.” He decided.
“Within reason.” (Y/N) said quickly, making Elle laugh as she stepped up and wrapped her arms loosely around Mitch’s neck.
“Relax, honey, he’s not my type.” She assured her friend. “I just want to dance with someone who can actually dance.” She stressed.
“Well, then-”
“Mitch can dance.” (Y/N) interrupted, shooting him a look. He chuckled and rolled his eyes, knowing she’d win if he tried to argue. He placed his hands in that very fine safe zone of hip meets waist, and danced with Elle.
He kept his eyes on (Y/N) and watched as a guy asked to dance with her and she accepted. Mitch wasn’t particularly happy with how low his hands were placed on his girlfriend, but knew she’d easily kick the guy’s ass if she felt uncomfortable.
The three danced for a couple songs before the girls traded partners. Mitch greedily brought her up against his body and put one of his hands against the low of her back to keep her in place, the other resting low on her hip. She grinned up at him and he smirked down at her as they danced together.
(Y/N) bit down on the corner of her lip and smirked up at him after another song change somehow brought them closer together to dance slow and sensual.
“Having fun?” She asked, pushing her hips up against his, intentionally pressing her body against the erection that was starting to strain against the fabric of his jeans. He groaned and narrowed his eyes at her.
“Vixen.” He accused, and she grinned.
“I take that title happily.” She promised, biting down on her lip teasingly. He growled and leaned down to press his lips to hers. The hand he had on her hip moved up to her waist so he could touch her skin as they kissed, and he felt more than heard her moan against his mouth. He nipped at her lip when her fingers went into his hair and tugged on it.
Then some asshole shoved him forward from behind and they had to break apart to stop themselves from falling.
“What the fuck?” Mitch snapped, turning to see the guy from the bar.
“You fucking stole her from me.” He accused.
“No I didn’t-”
“Yes you did, you prick!” He snapped. Mitch glared at him. The guy was already preparing for a fight, he could tell by the way the douche was glancing around. He was waiting for a sizable audience.
“I didn’t steal her because she’s not a fucking object, you asshole. Now walk away.” He warned.
“Walk away? You’re half my size.” He sneered.
“Looks can be deceiving.” (Y/N) piped up from behind him. “You really should walk away.”
“Hey, shut up bitch, I wasn’t talking to you.” He spat. Mitch felt rage boil up inside him.
“Apologize to her.” He demanded.
“I said apologize.” He snapped.
“You called her a bitch, now apologize.”
“She deserved it.” He insisted.
“Just because she refused your drink, and sub-textual offer for her to touch your tiny dick-” The guy swung and Mitch easily stepped back to avoid it. He blocked the next swing with his arm and quickly jabbed his own fist into the guy’s sternum, causing the air to leave his lungs and make him wheeze.
“I said apologize.” He snapped. The guy glared at him before trying to take another swing. Mitch stepped back, grabbed his wrist and used it to shove him away. “Apologize to her!” He shouted.
“Mitch, it’s okay-”
“No it’s not, he had no right or reason to call you that. He shoved me and talked about you as if you were a fucking object. He needs to apologize.” He growled, glancing over at her to find her face twisted with an upset expression. He decided he’d let it go, up until the fucker punched him in the jaw when he wasn’t looking. His head snapped to the side, but he still saw the next hit coming, aimed at his ribs. He took it, if only so he could trap the guy’s arm before he could pull it away. Once he was stuck in close, Mitch let his fist slam into the prick’s nose, feeling the crunch against his knuckles as he broke it, making the other man stumble back.
“You piece of shi-” Mitch hit him again, in the mouth this time to shut him up.
“I’m getting real tired of you spewing these rude ass names at me and my girlfriend.” He said calmly. the guy reached into his pocket and brought out a knife. And suddenly people started scattering away.
“Mitch!” (Y/N) yelped in worry at the guy lunged for him. He easily avoided the blade, grabbed the guy’s hand and bent his arm back hard until the pain made him release his hold on the handle. Mitch caught it and threw the guy to the floor, using the arm he held to pin him down and press the knife to his throat out of reflex.
“Apologize, you fucking asshole.” He snapped, and something in his eyes must have finally made the guy realize that yes he would slice his throat open if he didn’t do what he said. The second the knife had been drawn, he forgot about his surrounding, focusing solely on making sure his opponent was no longer a threat.
“I-I’m sorry!” The guy spluttered quickly. Mitch released his arm and pressed his knee to his chest to keep him down on the ground, holding the knife steady at his throat.
“For?” He demanded. The guy was quiet and he pressed the blade down just a fraction harder.
“Being a dick!”
“More specifically?” He asked, eerily calm.
“Mitch, stop! He apologized, let him go!” (Y/N) placed her hand on his shoulder and he remembered where he was. He looked up at her and saw the fear in her eyes.
Realizing he’d put it there, he felt a little sick. He moved off the guy and threw the knife to the ground a couple feet away.
“Shit. I’m sorry, (Y/N), I’m so sorry.” He moved to touch her arm and she stepped back. His stomach twisted at the sign of distrust. “I just wanted touch your shoulder.” He promised. She stared at him a second before offering him her hand.
“Let’s just leave, please.” She begged as he gently took her hand in his.
“Yeah.” He nodded quickly, ready to agree to anything as long as she stopped looking at him like he was a threat to her. She tugged him outside and to his car. He handed over his keys, seeing as she hadn’t alcohol and he had he figured it was best if she drove. She took them from him wordlessly and once they were both buckled in she drove in silence until she parked outside her apartment building. With a single look she ordered him to follow her and he did.
She walked up to her apartment, quiet as could be, and her silence was really starting to worry him. She opened the door and ushered him inside.
“Sit down.” He voice was a little jarring after so much silence, but he sat on the edge of her couch none the less, watching her disappear into the bathroom. A drawer opened and closed and then she was walking back out with a first aid kit.
She sat down in front of him on the coffee table and opened up the little plastic case.
“Show me your hands.” She ordered quietly and he offered them up without a single protest. She brought a wet cotton swab to his split knuckles and glanced up, but he didn’t flinch at the sting.
She set about cleaning his wounds in silence, and after she finished with one hand he couldn’t take it any more.
“Are you going to talk to me?” He asked hoarsely.
“About what?” She asked quietly.
“I scared you.” He stated. She nodded.
“You did.” She agreed, and his felt the sickness of guilt eat at his gut. “You were so-..... Clinical about it after he brought out the knife. Cold and precise. It’s like you were detached from the whole thing.” She mumbled. He swallowed hard. “Normal people get scared if someone pulls a knife, but you didn’t even flinch.” She breathed. “You just... Disarmed him and then turned his own weapon against him, like it was as easy as flipping the channel on a TV.”
“Because it was, to me.” He admitted quietly.
“You were ready to kill him.” She didn’t phrase it like a question but he answered anyways.
“I was.” She shot to her feet and started pacing.
“Anger. Anger I can handle. I can calm you down when your temper flares, but that? That?” She said, becoming more hysterical by the second. “I-I can’t handle that. I can’t calm you down if you’re already calm!” She said shrilly. “If that’s what you’re like when you get angry I-I can’t-”
“I’m not like that.” He said quickly.
“Really? Because it sure as fuck looked like you were! You seemed nearly sociopathic!” She shrieked. He stood and she stopped, facing him as if preparing to be attacked. His gut twisted into yet another knot.
“I know, I know how it looked but I swear that I’m not like that. He just pulled the knife and I just wanted to make sure he wouldn’t hurt you. It-it was-...” His brain froze and his words dried up on his tongue when she looked back at him.
“Reflex?” She filled in.
“Yeah.” He exhaled, his shoulders slumping. “I’m so sorry that I scared you, I just-.... I just wanted you to be safe from him.” He said honestly as he sat back down. He looked at his hands, and finally he began to feel the throbbing and stinging pains shooting up his arms from the cuts and forming bruises.
(Y/N) sat back down on the coffee table and lifted his knuckles to continue treating them, but he grabbed her hands in his, making her lift her gaze to face him. His head was hung low, and he wouldn’t look at her.
“I-.... I understand if you want to break up with me. And fire me.” He muttered quietly.
“Mitch, no.” She said quickly, trying to free a hand to touch his cheek but he held her fingers fast.
“I’ve killed people, (Y/N).” He admitted. 
“Were they bad people?” She asked. He nodded. “All of them?” Another nod. “Then I forgive you.” He shook his head in response to that. She pulled at her hands again and this time he let them go. She reached out and rested her hand to his cheek. He leaned into the touch unthinkingly. “Mitch, look at me.” She ordered softly. He lifted his head and she noticed the bruise forming on his jaw.
“Take off your shirt.” She commanded gently after remembering that he also got punched in the side. He carefully pulled his shirt from his head and she spotted the bluing flesh easily. It spread out in a sizable splotch up and down his side and she stood. “I’ll get you some ice.” She murmured when he looked up at her. She walked into the kitchen and grabbed two of the ice packs she kept in her freezer. She grabbed two hand towels from her linen closet in the bathroom and wrapped the ice packs inside of them before gently pressing the first to his cheek. He flinched simply because of the cold and she murmured out an apology before pressing the second even more delicately to his side.
He took over holding that one for her and looked back up at her once he had it situated to where the throbbing was most intense. His eyes looked broken and lost, and (Y/N)’s breath hitched, her heart breaking over the haunted look he had.
“Mitch. I forgive you.” She said seriously. “No, look at me.” She demanded when he glanced away. “I forgive you. For scaring me.... For those lives you had to take in order to protect your country.” Her tone was soft. “And that’s what you were doing. You were preforming a necessary evil to protect your country. To protect it’s people. To protect me.” She listed. He looked at her in silence for a moment before pulling her hand from his face as he lunged forward and pressed his lips to hers with urgency.
(Y/N) dropped the ice pack to the floor as she kissed him back with the same hurried passion he was giving her. She placed one hand on his shoulder, fingers pressing into the muscle there. The fingers of her other hand threaded through his hair and curled around the strands, tugging lightly for a second and causing him to groan as he moved out of his seat to lean forward, forcing her to lean back in order to keep her lips against his. He wrapped an arm around her back, hand splayed flat between her shoulder blades to hold her up as his other braced their weight against the table.
(Y/N) wrapped her legs around his hips and leaned back further against the table so he could press more of himself against her. His mouth moved from hers to her jaw and then her neck.
She moaned his name softly and he bit down on her skin, making her gasp as her fingers tightened in his hair. He swept the tip of his tongue over the bite mark in apology before he started sucking lightly at the area. She mewled and her nails scraped against his shoulder as her fingers tried to hold him tighter.
He pulled away and looked down at the mark he’d left on her neck, but he didn’t get to enjoy the view for long. (Y/N) pushed against his chest and he sat back down on the couch.
She kept her hand on his chest as she got up from the coffee table and rose her legs to place her knees on either side of his hips, straddling him as he leaned back against the couch cushions to stare up at her. She used her free hand to pull the pins and ties from her hair, letting it spill around her face for a second before she tilted her head and gathered it all to one side. Then she leaned down and pressed her lips back down to his, humming appreciatively when she felt his hands wrap around the outside of her thighs, just above her knees.
Mitch bit down on her lip and she moaned, rocking her hips forward into his. He groaned out his approval when he felt her drag herself over his erection and his grip on her legs shifted. He lifted her up higher around his hips as he stood up and she gasped against his mouth as she wrapped her legs completely around his waist.
“Where?” He breathed against her lips, refusing to break away from her for even a moment.
“Down the hall, left.” She waved her arm in the general direction of her bedroom, and he started walking, pulling at the strings tying her shirt together on the way.
Yes I am, in fact, ending the chapter there. I know I don’t normally put notes at the end of the chapter but just in case you missed it up there, I wanted to let you know that if asked, I will tag you in the notes of each chapter so you don’t miss an update.
148 notes · View notes
ellie-bee242 · 7 years
My Heart Bleeds For You-Part 4
Howdy, howdy. Hope you’re all taking care of yourselves cause I’m sure not lmfao
This chapter is looooooong, just to prepare you.
Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5
Chapter 4: Feel It Still
Song rec: Feel It Still by Portugal. The Man
Word count: 7,247 words guys. This thing is fifteen pages long in a word document. It’s a BEAST okay?
Warnings: swearing, PG-13 Make out at the end there. (also possibly a few spelling/grammar errors. I tried to proof read but it’s currently 2:30 in the morning where I live.)
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The whole next day Mitch found himself glancing around for (Y/N) whenever he had a free moment. He even found himself watching her when it wasn’t a free moment.
Like when he was spotting for a new client as they bench pressed. He found himself watching her move around the gym, checking on some of the members, making sure they were alright and smiling as she talked to them. Because he was so distracted Mitch nearly missed it when the guy’s arms suddenly gave out on him.
The only reason he even noticed was because he’d been loosely holding the barbell in his own hands just in case this exact thing happened and he could keep it from crushing the guy, so when his hands were suddenly yanked downward his eyes shot to the client and he lifted the barbell with a grunt seconds before it came down on his client’s chest.
“Thanks.” The guy breathed quickly.
“Yeah. Next time will you listen when I say you shouldn’t press that much at the end of your work out?” He reprimanded lightly. The guy nodded sheepishly and Mitch set the barbell back on its hooks to keep it up. “Alright, done for today. Hit the showers and then we can schedule you for another session.” He instructed. The guy nodded and got up to head to the locker room and Mitch looked around for (Y/N) again.
“She’s starting a beginners yoga class.” Elle supplied helpfully. “I’m not doing anything at the moment, I’ll go schedule your guy so you can drool if you want.” She teased.
“Fuck you.” He grumbled. He’d learned the day before that Elle was pretty laid back and had a dark sense of humor, so he knew she wouldn’t take it personal.
“Mmm you wish, but you’re not my type sweet cheeks.” She taunted.
“I’m aware, I have a dick when you’d rather I have-”
“My goodness wait till (Y/N) finds out how dirty your mouth is.” She interrupted.
“What? She curses.” He frowned.
“I know. She’ll find it hot.” She grinned. “And for the record, I like sausage just as much as I like clams.” She joked. “You’re just too thin for me. I like bulky guys and curvy girls.” She explained.
“Good for you then.” He nodded, not knowing what else to say to that.
“Anyways, are you gonna go drool or not?” She asked.
“I can’t go into the room just to watch her.” He huffed.
“Sure you can. You have the new guy excuse.” Elle shrugged.
“The what?” She sighed at his question.
“The new guy excuse. You’re still the new guy so you can just use it as an excuse, say you wanted to check things out in your free time, see what her yoga class was like.” She explained.
“Uh....huh....” He said slowly.
“Are you gonna or not?” She asked. He glanced at the doors that led to the room where (Y/N) said they did yoga. Elle snorted and shook her head. “Get moving, I’ll handle scheduling your client.” She laughed, making a shooing motion at him.
“You’re so damn bossy.” He huffed.
“I know. Now march.” She pointed. He flipped her off before heading towards the doors. “Love you, too, newbie!” She called after him.
He slipped into the room and stayed back in the corner. He still caught (Y/N)’s eye the second he walked in and when he looked up at her she smiled at him in greeting.
“Okay, so my name is (Y/N) and I own New Dawn Fitness. Some of you are new members and some of you are just new to this class. Welcome to all of you.” She greeted. “A couple things to keep in mind during this class are the following. One, this is a beginner’s yoga class so it’s okay if you can’t hold the pose for the whole thirty seconds. It is also okay if your pose isn’t one hundred percent perfect. Tip two segues from one. Do not try and achieve a perfect yoga pose the first time. Your body has limitations and if you push them you could really injure yourself. You will achieve these poses eventually. It’s a gradual process. Trying to bend your body to the pose perfectly the first time would be like trying to squat a hundred pounds when you’ve never squatted anything before. I cannot stress enough to not rush your own flexibility.” She insisted. She looked around to judge the faces of the class and seemed satisfied enough to continue. “Three. I will be walking around the room as you hold your poses. And while I told you not to strive for instant perfection I will ask to adjust you if I think you need it.” She told them. “And that’s all for now. Let’s begin. Follow me through this first pose.” She placed her feet together on her mat and placed her palms together as if she were praying.
Slowly the class followed her lead and watched as she raised her pressed palms up above her head before leaning to the side. They followed and stayed like that for about fifteen seconds before (Y/N) slowly straightened up and then leaned to the other side.
“Move slowly, there’s no rush.” She said softly when she saw a few people quickly snapping from leaning to one side to leaning to the other. After holding that for fifteen seconds she straightened again and lowered her hands back to her chest, smiling. “Good. Well done. That was a greeting pose and a little bit of stretching added in. I’m sure you’ve all heard of Downward Dog, which is the next pose we are going to do. Ah, ah, don’t get ahead of me. And remember move slowly.” She reminded before re-positioning herself on her mat. She knelt down and then went to all fours before she slowly raised her backside into the air as she slowly exhaled.
The class copied her movement and Mitch watched as (Y/N) turned her head to look at them.
“I’m going to walk around, I want you all to keep holding this pose.” She said as she got to her feet and leisurely walked between mats.
“Hi, Stacy right?” She asked a girl who nodded, which Mitch thought looked slightly odd while her head was upside down. “Stacy, is it okay if I adjust your leg?” She asked.
“Sure.” The girl agreed.
“Alright, I’m going to grab your ankle and move your legs a bit closer together.” (Y/N) said as she knelt down and did just that. “There. Great job.” She complimented before moving around the room. She tweaked a couple more people before she walked back up to the front.
“Alright, everyone can stand up and face me.” She waited as everyone eased out of their poses and got back to their feet. “Next we’ll be doing a pose called the Cobra Pose.” She got down on her mat and inhaled as she placed her hands in a push up position. Then she exhaled as she rose up onto her hands while keeping her legs flat on the mat, her toes pointed. Once again the class followed her movements and soon the whole room looked like people imitating seals.
They held for thirty seconds and then (Y/N) told them the next pose.
“The Extended Puppy Pose.” She grinned when people laughed. “I don’t come up with their names but at least these ones are easy to pronounce.” She joked as she got on her knees and then leaned her torso down. Her arms spread out flat in front of her and Mitch found himself staring at her ass without thinking.
“Keep your arms aligned with your shoulders if you can.” He heard her say distantly. He was too focused on the perfect curve of her body.
He couldn’t really focus on the actually class after that, he was just blatantly staring at (Y/N) as she stretched and twisted her body in front of him. He nearly groaned at one pose that looked similar to the puppy thing only she had sat back on her legs, sticking her ass out further.
Before he knew it she was standing up and telling the class how she looked forward to seeing them again next week. They all rolled up their mats and (Y/N) came straight towards Mitch with a teasing smile on her lips. He was already learning to like hate that smile.
“Enjoy the class?” She asked when she’d reached him.
“Yeah it was interesting.” He nodded.
“Yeah? Which part?” She asked.
“The poses. They looked like they’d really stretch out your body.” He replied.
“Oh? You sure it wasn’t the fact that you could stare at my ass with half of those poses?” She asked teasingly.
“I could? I hardly noticed.” He lied blatantly.
“Mmhmmm. Sure. Then that groan I heard from you was just you expressing your sympathetic discomfort at how the pose ‘stretched me’?” She smirked.
“How do you know I was the one that groaned? Could have been one of your students.” He muttered.
“They were all women. The groan I heard was distinctly male.” She snorted. He didn’t have a good comeback for that and her grin widened. “Ya know, those weren’t even that great. If you want to check out me and my flexibility you should look in on the advanced yoga class.” She teased.
“I don’t know if I could physically handle that.” He admitted honestly before he could stop himself.
“Oh?” She was having real fun now.
“So anyways, our date tonight,” He said quickly to change the subject. It didn’t do anything to wipe the shit-eating grin off of (Y/N)’s face but he chose to ignore that, “do you want me to drive you or am I going to meet you there?” He asked.
“How about you follow my car in your own, because we’ll only have two hours after the gym closes and I’d like to play at least two games.” She suggested. “So we can just leave after the gym closes.”
“Sounds good. Do you want to get dinner afterward?” He asked.
“They have delicious pizza and burgers there actually.” She smiled. “We can just eat there if that’s okay.”
“Yeah, whatever you want.” He nodded.
“Well it’s your date too.” She pointed out.
“And I’ll be happy just being in your company.” He smiled, and she flushed as she looked at him.
“God, you can’t just do that.” She pouted.
“What?” He asked.
“Go from straight faced grump to blinding me with your cute smile.” She huffed.
“My cute smile blinds you?” He grinned.
“Yes.” She admitted.
“You think my smile is cute?” He asked next.
“Well yeah, that along with the rest of you.” She grudgingly admitted.
“I’m cute?”
“Mitch I swear to god. You have to know that you’re insanely attractive.” She said with a roll of her eyes.
“Am I?” He asked, just to mess with her. He wanted payback for her teasing him about him looking at her. She huffed out a sigh and narrowed her eyes at him.
“I see what you’re trying to do. You’re not slick.” She insisted, pointing a finger at him.
“What am I trying to do?” He was smirking now.
“Ya know what, I have paper work I have to get done if I want to close and leave on time. See you tonight Mitch.” She smiled before leaving the room. He watched her hips sway back and forth as she walked out.
He was so screwed, he just didn’t know it yet.
After the gym had closed for the night Mitch went to the locker room, showered quickly and got dressed. Then he went out to wait for (Y/N).
Just as he got into a comfortable position leaning against the wall near the women’s lock room the door opened, and he had to straighten up. When Elle stepped out from behind the door he relaxed a little.
“Sorry for the false hope. She’s almost ready, she just needed help with her hair.” She grinned. “She looks gorgeous and if you don’t tell her tonight, I’ll know. And I’ll kill you.” She warned seriously. Somehow he didn’t doubt she would.
“I’ll be sure to tell her.” He promised.
“You better. I’ll know. Treat her right, too. I’d say I’d kick your ass if you messed with her, but she can take care of it easy. So for the sake of your nose and your junk, don’t treat her bad.” She pointed a finger at him. “Cause if you do, I get second dibs on shoving my foot in your ass. I have the perfect pair of stiletto heels to wear when I do it too.” She smirked.
“I’ll remember that... Unique threat.” He nodded.
“Good. Now have fun and show her a good time. But not too good.” She added.
“Are you her mother or something?” He snorted.
“I love her, and I’m very protective of my loved ones. That’s not a bad thing.” She shrugged and flipped her hair over her shoulder. “Anyways, I’m out. Remember everything I said.” She sang as she strode past him towards the door. He shook his head at that crazy chick and focused back on the locker room door when it opened again.
When (Y/N) stepped out into view Mitch’s eyebrows rose in surprise. Up until that point he’d seen her in sweats or leggings, tank-tops, and ponytails with a clear face. She looked appropriate for a gym setting, and she’d definitely looked cute. Now though...
Now she looked gorgeous, just as Elle had promised. Her hair was down, with softly styled waves framing her face and she had on light make-up. She wore a tasteful charcoal top with a sweetheart neckline and cap sleeves tucked into the waistband of a flouncy burgundy skirt. The hemline reached her mid thigh and then the rest of her legs were bare until his gaze hit the ballet flats covering her feet.
“Wow.” He complimented when his gaze returned to hers. She smiled bashfully at him. “I feel severely under-dressed now.” He looked down at his white Henley, jeans, and sneakers and chuckled nervously.
“No, don’t feel bad, you look great.” She insisted.
“I look like a bum, people are going to see us walking around together and be like ‘oh look at that beautiful girl, she’s so sweet to help out with the homeless’.” He joked. She giggled and shook her head at him.
“More like ‘wow she really scored a good date’.” She corrected, walking over to him. “Can I take your arm?” She asked. He offered his arm out to her and she wrapped her own around it.
“Do you have to lock up?” He asked.
“No, Elle did that before she helped me with my hair. I only need to lock the front doors which I can do when we leave.” She smiled.
“Alright. You’re ready to go then?” He asked and she nodded eagerly. They walked to the front doors together and he waited for her to lock up before offering his arm to her again.
“Thanks, but we’re going to separate cars.” She reminded him. He shrugged.
“I was going to walk you to your car and then go get mine.” He explained.
“Still, it’s a short walk.” She pointed out.
“Fair enough.” He conceded. He watched as she chewed on the corner of her lip and he grinned before offering his arm out again as they walked towards the parking lot. This time she put her arm through the loop of his without complaint. “So I’m following you over?” He clarified.
“Unless you know where Neo-Bowl is?”
“I do not know where Neo-Bowl is. I’ll follow you.” He chuckled and she nodded before opening her purse and digging around for her car keys. She unlocked her car and Mitch grabbed the handle before she could, opening the door for her.
“Thanks.” She smiled. He nodded and then closed the door behind her once she was seated inside. He strolled over to his car, got in, and started it quickly before pulling out of his space and following (Y/N)’s car out of the lot.
Mitch parked in the space behind (Y/N) and got out as she did.
“How late do the parking meters go?” He asked.
“Three more hours, but don’t worry I have tons of spare change. I always seem to accumulate a bag full.” She smiled to assure him.
“I can just go get some quarters, I don’t want you to use-”
“It’s like two dollars.” She snorted. “Chill.”
“But that’s money you can save-”
“Mitch. You’d be doing me a favor, this much change gets real heavy after a while.” She smiled. He heaved a sigh and waved her on. Her grin widened and she quickly put five quarters into his meter. “There, it bought us two hours and fifty minutes. Now let’s go inside. Can I take your hand?” She asked. He offered it out with a small smile and she took it before she led him into the squat little bowling alley a few buildings down.
He opened the door for her and they were both hit with the sudden dissonance of music, the sounds of bowling balls crashing into pins, and people half shouting in order to be heard over it all.
“Lively place.” He noted.
“Yeah, it’s the best bowling alley in the city.” She smiled as they walked up to the counter.
“Hi, welcome to Neo-Bowl. How many games would you like to play?” The clerk asked.
“One to start.” (Y/N) piped up. Mitch dug into his pocket for his wallet and and handed over the money when the clerk told them the total.
“Shoe sizes?” He asked next. They each gave their size and the guy went to the rack to search for them. Mitch turned to (Y/N) and looked down at her feet.
“Do you have socks to wear?” He asked suddenly, just realizing it could be a problem.
“I’ve got a pair in my purse.” She assured him.
“Here you are.” The clerk said, placing the pairs of shoes on the counter in front of them.
“Thanks.” They each grabbed their shoes.
“You’re on lane six, have fun.” He told them.
“Thanks.” (Y/N) beamed at him before heading to their lane. Mitch frowned at the guy’s starstruck expression and followed after his date.
“What do you want your name to be?” She asked.
“What do you mean?” He asked. “My name is Mitch.” She laughed and shook her head.
“I meant on the scoreboard. It’s this thing I like to do. Sometimes I put my name as Wonder Woman, or Supergirl, or Leia, or something.” She shrugged.
“Oh.” He realized. “Uh...... You pick for me and I’ll pick for you?” He offered.
“Ooo that sounds fun, deal.” She grinned and thought for a second before typing in a name for Mitch while he changed into his bowling shoes. “Okay, no peeking at your name. But come choose one for me.” She grinned as she got up to switch seats with him.
He looked over at her as she took off her flats and pulled her balled up socks out of her purse. He thought about it for a moment and grinned, typing his idea in quickly and hitting enter.
“Are we gonna look together?” He asked.
“Are you finished?” She asked back.
“Then sure.” She grinned and they both turned to the screen over their alley.
“Grumpy Cat?” He scoffed.
“Hermione. Aw thanks.” She laughed.
“I was trying to compliment you, and you gave me Grumpy Cat. That’s so not far.” He huffed playfully.
“Hey! I happen to think Grumpy Cat is extremely cute.” She defended. He gave her a look and she laughed. “And it totally fits.” She cackled.
“Just for that you get no mercy.” He warned her.
“Bring it.” She challenged with a smirk. “You’re up first.” She motioned him forward. He went to the bowling ball racks and chose one that reminded him of the color of her eyes before going back to the lane and lining up his shot with his pins. He stepped forward, swung his arm back and then let the ball fly.
It rolled seamlessly down the lane and hit the between the front two pins. He got seven down total on his first try.
“Oh no.” (Y/N) laughed.
“Oh yes. Fear my bowling power.” He smirked as his ball came back up. He grabbed it and knocked down two more pins. He smirked at her.
“Don’t get too cocky yet. You have yet to see me bowl.” She pointed out.
“Please, give me your best shot.” He swept his hand out in front of him, gesturing for her to proceed. She narrowed her eyes and chose a bright multicolored ball from the racks and stepped up to the lane. She shook out her hand before placing her fingers in the holes and walking forward as she swung her arm back. She let loose her ball and it rolled quickly down the lane. 
It hit the pins a little to the left side, but ended up knocking down six before it fell down to the tracks that would bring it back.
“Eh.” Mitch made a tilting motion with his hands and (Y/N) huffed indignantly.
“My turn isn’t over yet. You’re going to regret doing that here in a second.” She grabbed her ball and lined up with the lane.
“I’m sensing a bit of competitiveness.” He teased. She ignored him in favor of swinging her ball and letting it roll down the lane. It knocked down three of the remaining pins easy and the fourth wobbled dangerously, wiping off Mitch’s playful smirk in the process. They watched in anticipation and he blew out a relieved sigh when it stayed standing.
“You haven’t seen competitive yet.” She warned.
“Bring it on.” He spread his arms wide in challenge.
“So.... I’m supposed to fear your bowling power?”
“Shut up.”
“Just-.... Just, real quick. Tell me, what’s the score up there says, I can’t see it, I’m too busy laughing. Tell me.”
“Grumpy Cat’s total score is one hundred and eight. Hermione’s total score is eighty two.” (Y/N) grumbled through clenched teeth. She’s wasn’t actually mad, she was just trying not to smile because Mitch was unfairly cute when he was smug.
“Now who has to fear who’s bowling power?” He smirked.
“I demand a rematch.” She declared. Her stomach growled loudly at her and she flushed, grateful that it couldn’t be heard over all the other sounds. “After we get a pizza or burger.” She tacked on.
“Deal, I’m starving.” He chuckled. “What do you want, I’ll go order it and you can play in the arcade that you’ve been eyeing for the last two frames while I was kicking your ass.” He grinned.
“I can’t believe you got a turkey. I still say you rigged it somehow while my back was turned.” She accused, half joking.
“I swear that I did not magnetize the pins and ball or any other slanderous thing you think I did.” He teased. “I’m just that good.”
“Mmmhmmm.” She hummed sarcastically.
“Why do you doubt my skill? You just witnessed it!” He laughed.
“My score would have been just as high if you hadn’t started distracting me half way through the game.” She huffed.
“Distracting you?” He scoffed playfully.
“Yeah! Distracting me! You’re a dirty cheater.” She decided.
“How was I distracting you?” He demanded, grinning in the face of her righteous anger.
“You-... You like-.... And your pretty face! And your forearms!” She spluttered.
“My what now?” He asked, genuinely confused. “How the hell are my forearms a distraction?” He demanded.
“They’re all muscle-y and then you pulled up your sleeves and-.... Gah!” She threw her hands up. He laughed at her inability to put to words just how attractive and distracting he was.
“Ya know what..... I’m just gonna get some food.” She pouted before marching in the direction of the concession counter. He followed and quickly caught up to walk beside her.
“Okay, okay. I’m sorry I distracted you.” He grinned, clearly not sorry at all.
“Brat.” She grumbled as she stepped up to the counter. He chuckled and turned to look at the menu.
“Hi, what can I get you?” The young girl smiled brightly as she walked over.
“Can I get a bacon cheeseburger with a side of your cheese fries and a cup of ranch to dip it in?” (Y/N) asked.
“Would you like bacon on the cheese fries?”
“Sure, why not.”
“Alright then.” She quickly typed it into the register before her and then turned to Mitch. (Y/N) swore the girl’s bright smile kicked it up at least a kilowatt.
“And for you?” She asked.
“I’ll have the same burger, please.” He requested.
“Cheese fries as well?”
“Nah, we can share right?”
“No way, get your own.” (Y/N) laughed.
“Okay, damn, I guess I’ll have some bacon cheese fries too. And the ranch.” He added. His date rose a brow at him and he shrugged. “It sounded good.”
“It’s divine.” She insisted.
“Okay, that’ll be twenty three sixty two.” the cashier said quickly. (Y/N) went to dig into her purse but Mitch had his wallet pulled out and was handing the girl the money before she could even reach her own billfold. “Can I have a name to so I can page you when your order is ready?” Mitch quickly gave his name and she typed it in alongside their order. “Thank you, it shouldn’t be more than twenty minutes.” She smiled at them as they stepped away.
“I could have paid.” (Y/N) pouted.
“You can use your money for arcade games while we wait on our food.” He reasoned.
“Promise?” She demanded.
“Promise.” He grinned.
“Then let’s go. Can I take your hand?” She asked. He chuckled and turned to face her.
“Okay, how about this instead. As long as you don’t plan on doing anything violent, like punching me or anything, you have my express permission to touch me whatever way you want to. That sound good?” He asked.
“That’s pretty.... General. What if I wanted to touch you in a perverted way?” She questioned.
“How so?”
“What if I wanted to grab your ass?” She shot out. He grinned.
“Go for it.” He shrugged. She shook her head. “Like I said, as long as it’s nothing violent, you can do whatever.” He shrugged. “I’m a guy, I’m seriously not going to discourage you putting your hands on me.” He teased. She thought about it for a moment and then took his hand to lead him over to the alcove that housed the arcade games.
“Okay, then the same for me. As long as it’s not violent, you have permission to touch me when you want.” She shrugged.
“And what if I wanted to grab your ass?” He asked.
“Depends on the situation.” She shrugged.
“Elaborate.” He requested as they stopped in front of a pinball machine.
“Well, if we’re, say, walking down the street,” she placed fifty cents into the coin slot and then started playing, “and you decide to suddenly grab a handful, I’d have to say no thank you. But if we were kissing or something, sure, you can cop a feel.” She shrugged. “Over my clothes of course.”
“Of course.” He had to smile at her clarification.
“I wouldn’t want you to mistake me for a floozy.” She joked.
“I’d never.” He said seriously. She glanced at him and smiled. “Okay I have a scenario, for what I think is an ambiguous area.” He said after a second.
“And what scenario is that?” She asked as she pressed the buttons on the sides rapidly.
“If you’re, say..... Half bent over a pinball machine, and your ass is out there, can I grab it then?” He asked with a smirk. She looked up at him and flushed before focusing back on her game. She shrugged after a second.
“I guess.” She decided and rocked back on her heels a bit to push her backside out just a fraction more. Mitch grinned at her invitation.
“Good to know.” He said before walking over to a claw machine, leaving her to stare after him, startled he didn’t actually touch her. She forgot to look back at her game and the loud WAH WAH WAAAAAH sounded seconds later when her pinball fell between her unmoving flippers. She abandoned the machine and walked over to where Mitch was and failing to grab up a little keychain from the pebbles at the bottom of the machine’s case.
“This is just sad.” She said after his third attempt failed miserably at even grasping the trinket.
“Think you can do better?” He challenged with a smile.
“I know I can.” She bumped her hip into his side to nudge him out of the way and put fifty cents into the machine. She easily maneuvered the claw into position. “The key, young padawan,” she instructed as she pressed the button to send the claw down and they both watched it pick the keychain up and raise it into the air. It carried it over to the hole and dropped it down the chute. “Is to not want it so desperately. If you place all your hopes and dreams on the thing you’ll weigh it down and it’ll slip out of your grasp.” She teased as she bent down to retrieve the little keychain from behind the flap. She held it out to him with a triumphant smile.
“Keep it.” He told her. “Also that’s some deep advice for a claw game.”
“You’re not upset that I won it instead of you, are you?” She asked. He shook his head quickly.
“I was trying to get you for.” He chuckled.
“Oh.” Then it really hit her and she melted. “Aww, that’s sweet. And cheesy.” She teased, bringing the keychain to her heart. “And that advice works for life as well as the claw game.” She added.
“Mitch, your order is ready. Mitch, your order is ready.”
“Hopefully our cheese fries are cheesier.” He joked. “Grab us a table, I’ll go get the food. What do you want to drink?” He asked.
“Medium Lime-On Twist please.” She requested before she went and sat at an empty two-seater table. Mitch came over a minute later, setting her drink and then her basket of food in front of her.
“Thank you.” She smiled. She waited for him to sit down and then they both chowed down.
“So do you still want your rematch after we eat?” Mitch asked her between bites.
“Yes.” She nodded.
“Alright, then let’s make it interesting.” He grinned.
“What do you mean?” She asked.
“I mean, if you win, I’ll....... Do one thing you say. Doesn’t matter what it is, I’ll do it.”
“What if I told you to streak down the street, screaming your head off?” She asked.
“Okay, nothing illegal, otherwise anything else is game. Tell me to bow down at your feet and call you the supreme bowler, whatever.” He chuckled.
“Ooo, thank you for the lovely idea.” She grinned devilishly. “Okay, and what if you win?” She asked.
“You’ll go on another date with me.” He shrugged.
“Already planning the second date.” She gasped, pretending to be scandalized. “How forward. This one hasn’t even ended yet.” She teased.
“What can I say, I like to plan ahead.” He joked. “Do we have a deal?” He asked.
“Definitely. I can’t wait to make you bow at my feet.” She grinned.
“Only if you win.”
“When I win.” She insisted. “I’m more than properly motivated this time.”
They were seven frames into their game and Mitch had a lead of ten points. (Y/N) however, was set on winning by any means necessary and so she decided to cheat enhance her chances.
Just as he lined himself up with the pins and prepared to swing the ball Mitch felt a delicate hand smooth it’s way up over his spine from his lower back to his shoulder blades, and he froze.
(Y/N) moved her hand from between his shoulder blades to his actual shoulder and placed her other hand on top of the first before resting her chin on his shoulder just shy of her hands. She lifted her hand and combed some of his hair away from his ear before leaning forward to whisper to him.
“Don’t blow it.” She grinned as she felt him shiver. Then she pulled away from him. She watched him bowl his ball and it didn’t even make it half way down the lane before veering toward the gutter. She grinned, utterly gleeful. She didn’t bother him during his second attempt and he only got four pins.
He narrowed his eyes at her as she passed him, and she put on an innocent expression as she grabbed her ball from the return. She made sure to wiggle her ass at him as she lined up with her lane and heard his groan. She smirked to herself before taking a breath and letting her ball go.
It rolled seamlessly down the lane and she got a strike. She squealed and jumped in the air happily before raising her hands and turning to him. He smiled for a second before remembering they were competing. Then he huffed out a breath and swiped a hand down his face. His ten point lead was just knocked down to four.
“Your turn.” She sang, going to sit at the table.
“Stay.” He demanded, narrowing his eyes suspiciously at her.
“Yes, sir.” She mock saluted him as she plopped down in her chair. He grabbed his ball and stepped up to the lane. (Y/N) just happened to drop her newly acquired keychain and accidentally kicked it under the table. “Shoot!” She exclaimed, jarring Mitch’s focus as he looked back at her in concern.
He was met with the sight of her on all fours, ass in the air, as she reached under the table to grab the trinket. He swallowed hard, watching the hem of her skirt rise dangerously high on the backs of her thighs for a second before she eased back out from under the table with her keychain gripped in her hand. She looked up at him and frowned.
“Haven’t you gone yet?” She asked. He huffed and turned back to the pins, trying to focus. But all he could see in his mind was that damn skirt, taunting him, promising what would surely have been a great view if she had leaned just a little farther forward. He swung and within two rolls his ball was once again in the gutter, causing him to let out a curse.
“Aww, poor Mitch. Performance issues? Don’t worry it’s okay.” (Y/N) cooed.
“You’re a little fucking vixen.” He accused as he went to grab his ball from the return.
“I have no clue what you’re talking about.” She pouted, crossing her arms over her chest. Which may or may not have pushed her cleavage up more prominently. He glanced for a second before cursing and glaring playfully at her.
“It’s not going to work.” He warned.
“What’s not going to work?” She asked, pushing up from the table and walking over to him.
“Oh, no. You got sit down.” He demanded, stepping back when she got too close. She pouted, looking hurt.
“I just wanted to wish you good luck.” She frowned. He sighed, he couldn’t say no to such a cute face.
“Fine. No funny business though.” He ordered.
“Cross my heart.” She made a little x with her finger over the top of one breast and his eyes followed the movement without his permission. Then she came forward and squeezed up against him in a hug. “Good luck Mitch.” She said sweetly before pulling away and skipping back to her seat.
“I’m going to fucking need it.” He muttered to himself as he turned around and made to swing. He remembered the feel of her chest pressed up against his just before he let the ball go and cursed, knowing without having to look that it went straight into the gutter. Just like his mind apparently. (Y/N) squealed internally with pride as she jumped up to take her turn.
Her first roll knocked down nine pins and Mitch kissed his lead goodbye. She was skipping over to the ball return when he remembered how she said his forearms somehow distracted her last time. He leaned against the table and yanked up his sleeves quickly before casually folding his arms over his chest.
As expected, (Y/N) smirked back cockily as him and he flexed his arms. Her eyes lowered and watched his arms move while a blush crept up to her cheeks. He smirked and she glared at him.
She snapped her head forward and glared down at the pin. She channeled her sudden sexual frustration into her swing and watched with a vicious sense of victory as it sped down the lane and smashed into the only remaining pin, the force of her roll causing it to practically shoot into the back gutter.
She spun around and smirked at him.
“Last frame. Good luck, champ.” She teased as she sauntered back to her seat.
“Vixen.” He accused with no real venom. She grinned.
“I’ve decided what I want when I win.” She called before he could properly line up his shot. He turned to her and rose an inquisitive brow. “A kiss.” She smiled. “And not a little peck either. An actual kiss.” She could practically see the gears turning in his head as he thought of it. “Anyways, you can bowl now.” She said, jarring him out of his thoughts. He huffed and shook his head to try and clear it as he turned back around. He swung and let go, and they both watched with bated breath as his ball rolled down the lane. It veered at the very last second and hit only one pin.
Mitch dropped his head back to stare at the ceiling as (Y/N) giggled like a maniac. He wondered how the hell she’d gotten in his head so easily. Normally he could complete any task near flawlessly despite distraction. But this girl.... She practically unraveled him just to wrap him back up, around her little finger.
(Y/N) watched her date walk over to the ball return and decided to give him the last half of the frame to try and redeem himself. But because he was expecting her taunts, when they didn’t come it threw him off even more. He only got two more pins.
He huffed out a breath and walked back to his seat to get a good view to watch as (Y/N) destroyed him.
She grabbed her ball, lined up her shot, and watched the ball roll into the pins. She knocked eight of them over.
Her second roll caught the last two, securing her a spare and a fifteen point lead for her win.
As he watched her do a victory dance, Mitch decided there were worse ways to lose, and worse people to lose to.
“Congratulations.” He chuckled. “Your prize is ready to be redeemed whenever.” He grinned.
“Mmmm, I think I’ll sit on it.” She decided, twisting the hem of her shirt around an idle finger. It had come untucked from her skirt somewhere between the second and third frame of their second game.
“Just ask whenever you decide to cash in.” He told her as they both started changing back into their street shoes. She took his bowling shoes once he got them off and smiled before he could protest.
“I’ll return them. You can just head out to your car.” She said before heading over to the counter. He didn’t argue, he just walked outside and leaned against the hood of his car to wait for her.
She came out a moment later and looked up then down the street before smiling at him. She paused as she passed a car, frowned, and then doubled back.
Mitch watched her reach into her purse and pull out her coin pouch. She stuck a couple coins in the stranger’s meter before heading over to him.
“That was nice of you.” He noted. She shrugged.
“They don’t bother with tickets this late, they just go straight to towing.” She said as she stepped up in front of him. They were quiet for a second, neither wanting to be the first to say good night.
“Thank you, for tonight. I had a really good time.” (Y/N) smiled up at him.
“I’m glad. I had fun too.” He returned her smile. She stared up at him for a second before she suddenly pushed up on her toes and pressed her mouth against his. His hands instantly went to her hips and he kissed her back without hesitation.
She dropped her purse in favor of wrapping her arms around his neck to pull him closer and deepen their kiss.
He groaned softly when she bit his lip and his fingers sunk into the soft fabric and skin at her hips as he pulled her flush against him. He swept his tongue across her bottom lip and she opened her mouth to him easily. One of his hands moved from her hip to her back and then down over her ass and (Y/N) laughed lightly against his lips as she kissed him. He grinned and gave it a squeeze, making her pull back to laugh again.
He used his unoccupied hand to cup her cheek and bring her face back to his for another kiss. The bubbling playful mood quickly changed to simmering heat as their lips moved with each other.
Mitch sucked lightly on her lip and (Y/N) moaned softly. That small sound nearly drove him insane, and he quickly flipped their positions so he could grab her thighs and lift her onto the hood of his car.
They both groaned when she wrapped her legs around his hips and used that leverage to pull his hips to hers.
His fingers had just slipped under her shirt in order to feel her skin when someone walking by across the street called out to them.
“You’re not supposed to eat her!”
The two broke away panting and if (Y/N) wasn’t already flushed from Mitch’s kisses she would have been from that comment.
Mitch cleared his throat and lowered his hands back to her hips.
“Sorry.” He apologized.
“What for?” She asked. “I started that.” She reminded him with an easy grin. “And I sure as hell enjoyed it.” She added. A small smirk stole across his mouth.
“Good. I enjoyed it too.” He replied.
“Yeah, I felt just how much you enjoyed it.” She teased, feeling nearly high she was so giddy.
“That, I probably should apologize for, huh?” He chuckled awkwardly.
“If I minded I would have pushed you away.” She pointed out as she carefully slid off of the hood of his car. She leaned down and grabbed her purse from the ground before looking back up at him.
After a moment she reached up and pressed a quick kiss to his lips. “Good night, Mitch.” She practically sang as she walked to the driver side door of her car.
“Good night, (Y/N).” He said, watching her get in, start up her car, and pull away from the curb.
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