ammesaep · 5 years
TWD Preference - How they fall in love with you...
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Negan -
Negan would fall in love with you during his first visit to Alexandria. He’d flirt with you a little bit but actually get to know you because he hasn’t felt this strongly about someone, even his wives. “Well, well, we’ll, look at you! Where have you been all my life, beautiful? What’s your name, sweetheart?”
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Rick -
Rick would fall in love with you after seeing how well you get along with Carl. He didn’t think he would love another woman after Lori but you changed his mind. He’d get the courage to ask you out one day. “I didn’t realize how good you were with kids. I could use your help more often, if you don’t mind.”
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Glenn -
Glenn would fall in love with you after saving him from walkers. He’d have butterflies in his stomach everytime he saw you after that. He hadn’t ever had such feelings for someone before. “Y/N! Wow, you look really beautiful today. Uh...I mean you look....nice.”
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Aaron -
Aaron would fall in love with you when he first sees you in the barn with Rick and the others. When he gets some alone time with you, he tries to get to know you a little bit. He’s a little shy and awkward at first but you help to release the tension. “Uh hello. What’s your name? I’m Eric..Uh..I mean Aaron! I’m Aaron.”
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Daryl -
Daryl would fall in love with you when you joined Ricks group and introduce yourself to him first. He couldn’t help but enjoy your company with your wonderful personality. He couldn’t help but start to fall in love with you. “I ain’t ever met someone like you before. I like you Y/N, I really do.”
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Eugene -
Eugene would fall in love with you when he realizes how much you both have in common. He felt happy to have someone to talk to about his interests especially since he felt a little bit like an outcast. He felt more comfortable around you and eventually developed feelings. “Y/N! I’m really happy to see you! I’ve been thinking about you all day! Oh uh, I mean...”
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Carl Grimes -
Carl would fall in love with you when he meets you at Alexandria. He hadn’t met a girl his age for the duration of the apocalypse so he couldn’t help but have a little crush when he met you. He would try to impress you only to get teased by Michonne and Rick. “Oh this? That’s just my missing eye. Pretty badass right?”
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lusty-loki · 7 years
Imagine: Finishing a stressful case, and Hotch is there to make it better
“Thank you Agent Hotchner. We wouldn’t of been able to catch this son of a bitch without you. Please, give my thanks to your team as well. They are an amazing group of people.” Detective Rodgers shook Aaron’s hand with both of his, giving him a big smile. The agent gave him a smile back and nodded.
“I will. Thank you for letting us help Detective.” Aaron nodded once more, then turned away from the Detective, getting ready to leave. His ready bag was in the federal SUV out front, along with all of his team. Agent Hotchner nodded and gave small waves to the cops who nodded farewell to him as he walked out of the Cedar Rapids police station. Morgan and Reid were leaning against the first SUV. Spencer looked to be deeply invested in something, and Derek stood there laughing, as if what Reid said amused him. Rossi, JJ and Prentiss were all in the second SUV, talking amongst themselves. But Hotchner wasn’t particularly interested in them, he was looking for one more person. Morgan saw Hotch looking around and excused himself from Reid.
“If you’re looking for Y/N, she walked down to the gas station about a street away to grab something to drink and snack on.” Derek put his hands in his front pockets and studied Aaron. He could tell that Aaron was worried, and Derek was too. This case had been very hard for you. An extreme sadist by the name of Parker Swinton was taking teenage girls, raping them, torturing them, then sending parts of their bodies to the families.  All of the girls looked the same. Brown hair and beautiful brown eyes. All of them looked uncannily like your little sister, Megan. You applied yourself too much, and got emotionally invested in the case, which ultimately ended up in catching him quicker, but at the expense of a little bit of your sanity. Hotchner saw how much this case took from you, and he had tried to help you through it, but each time you pushed him away.
“I’m worried about her Morgan. She’s got all of these things weighing down her shoulders and she’s pushing me away. I really care about her, but she won’t let me help.” Aaron helplessly put his hands in his pockets, and looked down at the ground furrowing his brows. Derek nodded and put his hand on Hotch’s back, and patted him twice.
“She’ll come around Hotch. I promise. She was just scared, and she had every right to be. The victims reminded her of her sister that lives in this very city. Just give her some time, alright?” Derek looked Aaron in the eyes until he nodded. “Good. I’m gonna hop in the car.” Just as Derek walked away, you walked around the corner carrying a Casey’s plastic bag in your left hand, and a water in your right. Hotch walked over to you, looking concerned. He stopped a few paces away, and allowed you to walk to him.
“Hey, you ready to go?” You nodded and ran a hand through your hair, letting out a little scoff.
“Yeah. I called my dad and told him that Megan is safe, that we caught the son of a bitch. He’s just as relieved as I am.” You and Aaron walked to the SUV where Morgan and Reid were. Aaron opened the door and you sent a soft smile to him, climbing inside. Hotch tossed Morgan the keys, but Reid intercepted them, and the two boys argued over who was going to drive as Hotch got inside, and sat next to you. Finally, the argument ended with Spencer winning Rock, Paper, Scissors 2-1.
“Morgan, you knew that I was going to beat you. You suck at rock paper scissors.” Morgan just scoffed and shook his head with a smile as Reid started the SUV.
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever pretty-boy. I’ll get you next time.” Hotch chuckled and you smiled a little. Even though you had caught the UnSub, you still felt off, and so tired. You decided to turn your body from Hotch and Reid to look out of the window. Hotch frowned and hesitantly put his hand out, placing it on your knee. You whipped your head around, a little startled at the affectionate touch. Hotch looked sad and tired too, so you put your hand on his. You squeezed it and whispered.
“I’m fine Hotch, really. I’m just a little tired.” You tried to reassure him, but he wasn’t buying it.
“Y/N, I know how much this case took out of you. I saw it the whole way. I can’t help you if you won’t let me.” Hotch furrowed his brow and looked at you with his beautiful brown eyes. “Why aren’t you letting me help you?”
“Because I don’t want you to see me as weak Hotch…” You answered. Reid and Morgan went silent in the front seat as you sighed and tears pricked at your eyes. “We’re not supposed to make these things personal, but I couldn’t help myself. I don’t want you to look at me differently, and I don’t want you to think that I can't deal with cases like these. Because I can. And I’m just worried that if I bring down the walls that I place up when I’m at work and doing my job that I’ll be perceived as weak and you won’t let me do things…” You sniffled a little and looked out of the window.
“Y/N… That’s not at all what I think. For you to get emotionally attached, and get through it, is amazing. You are a very strong woman, and I can’t think of anything that would make you look week. Letting down your walls is a sign of strength, because you can show me that you’re vulnerable, but you’re strong enough to be okay. Y/N, I wouldn't think any less of you if you cried, or if you talked about it. I deeply care about you, you’re apart of the team, the family. And I don’t want you to keep all of these things in because you think you’ll be seen as weak.” Aaron’s voice hitched, but he kept on going. “Y/N, I love you, and nothing will change that, okay?” Hotchner searched your face as you searched his, then, out of the blue, he leaned in, and pressed his lips against yours. The next few moments you had to concentrate on breathing, but then you found yourself leaning into Aaron, and sharing the kiss. He brought a calloused hand up to your cheek, and stroked it with his thumbs as he kissed you deeper. Finally, after what seemed like a lifetime, he pulled away, and smiled. Derek whooped and hollered from the front seat as Reid cheered. You could hear Derek say something along the lines of, ‘Finally he got the nerve to kiss her. I’ve been waiting for this for a while now.’ But you ignored him, and smiled right back at Aaron.
“I love you too Hotch.”
1,181 words
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zugzwangcm-blog · 8 years
5 Months Later
"Y/n!" The loud yelling caused y/n to jump and clutch her hand over her heart. "Y/n are you okay?" Rossi moved towards y/n and rested his hand on her arm. SWAT team passed by the door with guns drawn. "Wh-what? Yes I am okay. What is going on?" She stuttered and spoke quickly, flustered over the sudden intrusion of her home. "Is it just you at home? Is anyone in the house?" Derek rushed towards her now. "I'm alone. What is happing? Where is Aaron?" Y/n began to panic. "I am so sorry to scare you y/n. You know about our current case yes?" Rossi asked as y/n began to calm down slightly. "Yes I know about it a little bit. What is going on?" Y/n responded. Rossi ran his hand over his stubbled chin. "We think you're in danger. We need to put you under witness protection." "What? No. I..I can't just leave. I am fine. No one has tried to hurt me." Y/n began to panic again. "No one has hurt you...yet." Derek spoke. "I want to see my boyfriend, I need to see Aaron!" Y/n was getting upset and angry. How can she just drop everything and leave. Derek sighed. "Aaron can't know where you are. Thats the whole point of witness protection. The unsub wants to hurt Aaron and we believe that he will hurt you to hurt him." "Please" y/n begged as she began to sob. Rossi knelt down and hugged y/n lightly. "I am so sorry but you have leave imediatly. I am sorry y/n." Tears rolled down y/n's face. "I can't even tell him." __________ 5 MONTHS LATER Y/n stood at her safe house kitchen, cleaning up after making a sandwhich and devouring a jar of pickles. Y/n smiled as she looked through the window. She saw children playing across the road, running through a sprinkler and having a water fight. Y/n found herself rubbing her stomach. The now large forming bump moved slightly causing her to laugh. "You will be able to play like that one day" Y/n giggled as she talked to her unborn baby. "Maybe you can play with Jack one day....and even your daddy." Y/n sighed and took a few breaths, trying to controll herself from crying. Y/n's feet padded across the tile kitchen floor and into the living room, where she plonked herself onto the couch and slowly drifted off to sleep. ______ "Y/n" Her whispered name awoke her slowly. "Y/n" Y/n kept her eyes closed. She knew that voice, she dreamt of hearing it every night. "I must be dreaming again. You're not here." Y/n whispered back. "Y/n open your eyes. I am here." A hand rested on her forehead. Y/n's eyes flew open. Aaron was on his knees beside the couch, slowly stroking y/n's head. "Aaron?" Y/n could hardly believe what she was seeing. "Oh my god!" Y/n threw her arms around Aaron and squeezed him tight, in fear that if she let go he would dissapear. "Y/n I am so sorry. I am sorry I couldn't see you. I am sorry this happened." Aaron began to tear up and he wrapped his arms around her. Aaron slowly let go and looked down at y/n's stomach. A tear fell from his face as he lowered his head to kiss her stomach. "How far along are you? I only found out yesterday that you were pregnant." Aaron whispered as he asked. "23 weeks" y/n sniffed and wiped away her tears. "I am sorry I havn't been here for you." Aaron rested his head on her lap. Y/n smiled soflty and stroked her hand through his hair. "It's not your fault, and I understand. You are here now though, and you sure as hell better be there when the baby is being born." Y/n smirked at him. Aaron began to laugh. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."
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superprincesspea · 8 years
TWD Story Cubes Challenge Masterlist
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Masterlist of all completed drabble submissions for my Story Cubes Challenge.
If you want to see the original challenge post find it HERE. Submissions are ongoing until 31st March. 
Bad Break by @opheliadawnwalker3 
It’s your first supply run with the Saviors. (Action, Adventure, Mild Gore, SFW)
The Monster by @i-am-negan-trash
You find Negan where you least expect him. (Fluff, Cute, SFW)
The Hunt by @melodicdolls 
Jesus has a surprise for Daryl (Fluff, Cute, SFW)
Blood for the Blood God by @dusty-cookie
You take up a new hobby and Negan is not impressed. (Fluff, Funny, SFW)
Magic by @ashzombie13
You and Aaron go on a run to find supplies for the Saviors. (Adventure SFW)
Bee Happy by @imjustmakingsuffupagain
Negan cheers Amy up (Fluff, SFW, Mentions of Depression)
The Road by @redisunamused
Daryl takes RM back to the Sanctuary. (Funny, SFW, Friendship)
Arat in Wonderland by @lucifers-trash-stash
Arat wakes up in Wonderland and sees some familiar faces. (hilarious, sfw)
Take the Long Way Home by @starshinesupergirl
Daryl has a hell of a time trying to get back to Hilltop. (Action, Fluff, sfw)
A Light in the Darkness by @embracetheapocalypsewithme
Negan see’s a light in the dark. (Negan/OC, Fluff, Pre Saviors,SFW)
Lost and Found by @fangirlindenial
You see a surprise for Negan. (Fluff, Mild Peril, Adventure, SFW)
Reminder by @daintyunicorn
Negan has a present for you. (Funny, fluffy, smutty)
Golfin’ in the Rain by @sherrybaby14
You find some fun on a run with Dwight. (Fun, Fluff, Adventure, SFW)
Probably Aliens by @grab-my-boner
You, Simon, Arat and Negan spend the night under the stars. (AU, Adventure)
The Woman by @may85
The Sanctuary’s children go on an adventure. (Negan, SFW)
Games by @vizhi0n
Negan and Simon play a game. (Negan/Simon, fluff, SFW)
A Place with No Name by @negans-dirty-girl
Negan finds a new kind of sanctuary in the desert. (Romance, SFW)
All Mine by superprincesspea
Arat wants you and the feeling is Mutual. (Smut, NSFW)
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hamleftme · 7 years
Vice President
Comments: Like i kinda went off of this
Paring: AaronxReader
Warnings: no cussing surprisingly but only because of the baby. SO a shit ton of fluff
Words: 529
Song Inspiration: Dear Theodosia (reprise)
“You know you look an awful lot like my mommy” A voice said from behind you. As you turned around you saw a young girl she couldn’t be more than four years old she wore a purple dress her hair was in two puffs with purple ribbons tied around them.
“Huh well honey where's you're mommy?” You asked putting the stuff you had in you're hand down.
“Oh my mommy's dead” She said a smile still on her face, “but my daddy’s still here, he’s here someplace”
“Well we should go find him shouldn’t we?” You asked taking her hand. “What’s his name?”
“Daddy his name is Daddy” She said squeezing you're hand.
You chuckled at her response, “well sweetie what’s you're name?”
“Theodosia Burr” She said smiling up at you. The last name rung with you but you didn’t know why.
“So Theodosia were did you last see you're daddy?” You asked looking around for anyone that looked similar to Theodosia.
“Near the frozen stuff, he was getting some fruit so that we would make a smoothie” Theodosia said.
“Well we are all the way in the cereal how did you manage on you're own?” You asked Theodosia.
“I-” Theodosia was interrupted.
“Theodosia, Theo where are you Theodosia!” A voice called from a few aisles up.
“Would that be daddy’s voice?” You asked looking down at her, she nodded up at you.
“Umm I have a child by the name of Theodosia I think that she belongs to you” You called back taking a few steps forward. Aaron stuck his head out of the isle and sighed with relief as he walked over to you.
“Theo come here!” Aaron said as he extended his arms which Theodosia ran into. He said nothing for a few seconds before you decided that this was getting pretty creepy watching a father and a daughter hug as you turned around he called you back.
“Wait!” You turned back to face Aaron who had now picked up Theo and was walking towards you.
“That’s how I know you” You said smirking and outstretching a hand “Newly appointed Vice President Burr.”
“Well this isn’t fair at all you know my name and my daughter and I don’t know a thing about you.” He said shaking you're hand.
You pushed back you're jacket to reveal a badge and you're wallet, “Special agent Y/L/N Y/N”
He paused for a second you saw his mind wander of to a different place “You're the agent that’s been assigned to protect me for this term aren’t you?” He asked
“Guilty as charged” You laughed out.
“And yet you're not even on the clock and you’ve already protected me and my family. How can I repay you?”
“No sir please it was just a lost child I would have done the same for any other”
“Dinner tonight, it’s my last meal in our old house, I insist that you come”
“No sir that’s a violation of pro-”
“That’s an order from your vice president you really gonna say no?”
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ladymogar-archive · 9 years
I love you number 5 with Aaron.
“Bye guys!” You call back to the group as you leave Burnie’s Game of Thrones viewing party. They chorus a goodbye and wave and you turn to walk down the street.
“Hey, wait up!” You slow down as Aaron jogs to catch up with you, his cowboy boots thumping on the sidewalk. “I’ll walk you home.”
“No, it’s fine, I’ll be okay on my own.” You reassure him. “I only live like three streets over.”
“No, I’m going to walk you home.” Aaron replies firmly.
“Fine.” You give in, smiling a bit as he lays his arm around your shoulders. “But don’t think I’ll invite you in.” 
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this-is-ahrt · 10 years
Never Again
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Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Swearing, fighting and mentions of blood.
Summary: It was the news you didn’t want to hear.
A/N: This seemed slightly rushed, I’m sorry :(( I still don’t have my computer but I should have it back by Monday <3
There was a sickly familiar smell to the doctor’s waiting room. It was the third time you’d been there that week. Doctor Hobson had insisted that it was simple testing of your blood, but you could sense the uneasiness in her voice. You had come in a few weeks ago to get suggestions for the best ways to get pregnant with your husband, Aaron. Said husband was currently at his job after you convinced him that you would be fine on your own and you could handle the big bad doctor’s office, and he didn’t need to come find out your test results with you. He reluctantly let you come alone, although right then you would have given anything to hold his hand. “(Y/N) Marquis?” Doctor Hobson’s voice ripped you out of your thoughts. You raised your hand and she smiled, a warm, comforting smile. “Come through with me.” You waded through the waiting room of coughing infants and elderly people that looked like they may have already been dead. Once you got to the sanctuary of Doctor Hobson’s office, she sat you down and placed herself across from you, the smile on her face flickering slightly. “Mrs Marquis...” She cleared her throat, as if trying to choke something out. “I’m sorry I have to tell you this, but you are infertile. You can’t have children.” Her voice drained out as you slowly attempted to process the information. Infertile. You weren’t stupid. You knew for a fact that that was a possibility as to why you couldn’t get pregnant after nearly a year of trying. But you denied it with all your might. Eventually, a pamphlet was pressed into your palm, something about trauma, and she was ushering you out, a comforting arm slung around your shoulder. Your feet were touching the ground, but you couldn’t feel it. You felt like this wasn’t you, that you were watching a sad movie that you and Aaron would watch before a few tears were shed by you and him. Aaron. How the hell would you tell him this? The moment you slipped into the car, reality hit you like a tonne of bricks and you burst into tears. You sobbed and sobbed, all the possibilities of what could happen now running through your head. After around twenty minutes of hopeless sobbing, you gathered yourself up enough to pull out of the car park and head home. Your hands were shaking as you unlocked the door but not through sadness. The only emotion left in you was fury. You swung open the door with a bang and stormed in, throwing your bag somewhere on the other side of the room. Aaron wasn’t due home for another ten minutes which left you alone with your anger. It wasn’t a good mix. First started the screaming. Screams of pure anguish echoed through the house and it took you a moment to realize they were coming from you. Then the lamp beside the couch was smashed against the wall. The phone was ripped from its charger and thrown against the door. The wedding photo was smashed under your foot. You weren’t doing this though. It was as though a monster had invaded your body and all you could do was watch it destroy all you loved. You ended up against the wall, crying erratically into your hands. Speaking of hands, blood was pouring out of a couple of your knuckles as you had punched a fairly large hole in the wall. “(Y/N)?” Your husband’s familiar voice resonated into the living room, followed by a loud gasp and footsteps thudding towards you. “(Y/N)! Baby, talk to me! Please, what happened?! You’re bleeding, holy shit, what happened?” Aaron babbled, grabbing at your wrists, pleading for you to explain to him what happened. So you did. You told him it all. Well, more you spat it out, literal beads of spittle forming at your lips as you attempted to voice your pain. Once it was all out in the open, an eerie silence covered both of you. You dared to peak out from your hands to face a distraught looking Aaron. “Your...Yo-you can’t have kids?” he whispered, and judging by the crack in his voice, he was trying desperately to hold back his tears. Not trusting your speech, you shook your head, watching him drop his head. A tear splashed to the ground from his eye before he stood up abruptly. Your eyes followed his body, watching him begin to pace angrily. “I can’t believe this…” he said, like it was a hassle to him. Suddenly, the anger from before roared back up and you stood to match him. “You can’t believe this? YOU CAN’T BELIEVE THIS?” you repeated it, screaming at the top of your lungs the second time. He seemed taken aback but nonetheless he continued. “I can’t believe you. If you had gotten the tests earlier, this could have been preventable (Y/N)!” he yelled, obviously trying to create an argument as to why he was so mad. “NO, IT COULDN’T HAVE BEEN AARON. I WAS BORN LIKE THIS. I COULDN’T HAVE PREVENTED IT IF I TRIED,” you screamed, squaring your shoulders and pressing closer to him. “YOU KNOW I’VE ALWAYS WANTED KIDS. YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THAT WOULD MEAN TO ME,” He screeched. You wanted to punch him. “AND YOU KNOW THAT THAT’S ALL I WANT. I’M SORRY I CAN’T GIVE THAT TO YOU. I’M SORRY I’M NOT THE PERFECT WIFE YOU WISHED FOR. I’M SORRY WE CAN’T HAVE THE FAMILY YOU ALWAYS DREAMED OF. WHY DON’T YOU GO ASK BARBARA, I’M SURE SHE’D BE HAPPY TO GIVE YOU THAT, ALONG WITH THE BLOWJOB SHE GAVE YOU LAST WEEK.” You emphasized the last bit, screaming loud enough that the neighbours could have quite possibly called the cops. He let out a small, almost inhuman growl. “This is your fucking fault,” he hissed before turning to storm out. You grabbed his arm, strong enough to get him to face you. “I’m fucking done talking about this (Y/N).” He said, shaking your grip but you forced him to face you. When he turned to you, you threw your wedding ring at him. “Go fuck yourself.” He looked at the gold band that had fallen to his feet before running out the door, slamming it hard enough to make the entire house shake. You had a gut feeling that he had not just walked out your door, but also your life.
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bektehterrible · 10 years
In the Morning
Pairing: Aaron X Reader
Rating: NC-17, morning sex, cursing, general nakedness
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I turned into morning sex thing. It was fun in my head.
The first thing you notice is the warmth around you. The second thing you notice is that you’re clearly not alone in bed. You tense before you remember the night before.
It was the Rooster Teeth holiday party. There was a lot of alcohol but not enough to make you forget anything. You turn over in the arms around you.
You smile as you snuggle closer to him, tangling your legs with his. This was not the first time you guys ended up coming home together. You two had this friends with benefits sort of thing happening for a few months now. But apparently some jealousy was noticed last night, some public displays of affection were made, and your relationship status has effectively changed.
You loop your arm around his waist and slowly drag your fingers along his back. There was a lot of making out and touching last night, but nothing else. You both wear still wearing underwear.
You feel him move, tightening his arms around you and tangling your legs together. You look up at him and see a smile on his face, his eyes still closed.
“Aaron…” you sigh as you feel his fingers slip under the waistband of your underwear.
“mhmm?” His eyes are still closed.
You place a kiss right under his jaw and he finally opens his eyes and looks down at you. He moves to give you a long deep kiss. You moan slightly and feel him twitching to life against your body.
You giggle slightly. “We never really took care of that last night, did we?”
He shrugs a bit and places a kiss on your forehead. “Not like we haven’t done that yet. I liked what we did last night.”
You slip your fingers in his waistband. “Well you did decide to just up and kiss me in the middle of the party. After publically professing that you wanted more than just a fuck buddy.”
He chuckles. “Did I use those words?”
You place a kiss on his cheek. “Yes. You did. I’m pretty sure there’s a pic on twitter with ‘fucking finally’ under it.”
You both chuckle. You move one of your hands to thread your fingers through his hair. He leans into the touch and kisses your palm. You shiver slightly at the tender gesture. A small smirk graces his features as his eyes lock with yours. You feel yourself blush under his stare.
“I ever tell you how cute you are when you blush?” He says, eyes sparkling.
“You mentioned it once or twice.” You whisper.
His eyes move to your lips then back up before moves to kiss you again. You feel the heat in the kiss move straight down to the pit of your belly. He’s straining against his boxers. You grind against him and feel the rumble of his moan against your chest.
“BEK… can I…”
You give him an open mouthed kiss and move to push his and your underwear down. You both kick them down and he moves away from you to grab a condom, placing it behind you. He moves his hand down your front and slips between your legs, stroking your folds. You’re already soaked and you feel him smile in the kiss before diving in. You moan and allow him to take control, moving your leg high on his waist se he could get deeper.
He moves his lips down your neck, leaving dark heavy marks all the way down to the tops of your breasts. You grab his ass and groan his name, feeling your pleasure building.
“Aaron please…” You moan, moving your hand to tease his tip. He groans, withdrawing his fingers and grabbing the condom.
He rolls it on and pulls your thigh tight around him. He positions himself and thrusts into you, causing you both to moan.
He moves a hand up and cards his fingers through your hair. You meet his gaze, smiling stupidly before leaning in to give him a gentle kiss. “Like this?” you quietly breathe in the space between your lips.
He presses his forehead to yours and nods, beginning to move his hips in you. You both were worked up from the night before so you knew you were not surprised to feel yourself so close so quick. The careful caress along your body as he slowly moves in you was something that was bringing you close to finishing that much faster.
You move your head away and meet his gaze. Your breath catches in your throat at the look he gives you, feeling the heat rise up your body. He smirks shifting slightly and rolling so you were sitting on top of him. You both moan as he hits just a little deeper. You place your hands on his chest and roll your hips in time with his thrusts. You feel his hands travel up your front and tease your nipples.
“Aaron… Please” You groan out.
He lets out an amused breath. He slides one hand down and teases your clit. You were gone soon after that, continuing to ride him as his thrusts became erratic. He quickly moves his hands to a tight grip on your hips to give a solid last few thrusts before he follows you, moaning your name as he comes.
You sigh and lowers your weight onto him. He wraps his arms around your waist and you sigh contently into his neck.
You shift to look up at him. “Yeah?”
He shifts his hips a little. “Can I clean up?”
You smirk. “I suppose.” You roll to the side and watch him go to the bathroom real quick.
“Hey BEK…” You hear him call from the other room.
“Yeah Aaron.”
“Um… do you want to like… go out to eat? And maybe a movie?”
You laugh at the nerves you hear in his voice. “You wanna go on a date?”
There was no response. He poked his head out of the bathroom slightly to look at you.
You continue laughing. “Yeah Aaron. Let’s go on a date.”
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ammesaep · 5 years
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Oh my goddddd
I want to marry Aaron
My cute cinnamon roll
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ammesaep · 5 years
TWD Preference - How they act when they’re jealous...
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Negan -
Whenever he’d get jealous, he’d start to the threaten the other person, gesturing with Lucille and looking back over at you. “I think you better back off, I’d rather not use the iron again, but Lucille would be more than happy to bash your brains in.”
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Rick -
Whenever he’d get jealous, he’d walk up and tell the other person to go away before grabbing your hand and telling you he doesn’t want you to talk to that person anymore. “Why dont you just get out here. They don’t want to talk to you.”
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Glenn -
Whenever he’d get jealous, he’d try to shrug it off and act normal but he would still be a little sad. “No, no I’m fine Y/N, don’t worry about me. Just keep doing what your doing, I don’t mind.”
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Aaron -
Whenever he’d get jealous, he’d get angry with himself about not having trust in you. He knew that you loved him and him only so he couldn’t understand why he had these negative thoughts. “Y/N wouldn’t cheat on me. I feel stupid that I thought they would.”
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Daryl -
Whenever he’d get jealous, he’d scoff rather loudly and just roll his eyes whenever that person talked to you. He’d show his jealousy and would eventually confront the person himself. “Are you almost done talking? I’m tired of hearing your voice.”
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Eugene -
Whenever he’d get jealous he’d be disappointed and would frown whenever he looked your way. When you would confront him about it, he would deny everything. “I don’t know what your talking about. I deny ever doing such a thing.”
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Carl Grimes -
Whenever he’d get jealous, he would try to distract himself by finding a job to do or talking to someone else. When you’d confront him, he’d avoid the question saying he has to be somewhere. “I can’t talk right now, why don’t you keep yourself busy with them, huh?”
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ladymogar-archive · 9 years
“I don’t know you but I need some place to stay for the night, my roommate’s getting some” with Josh Ornelas, maybe? (And if you don't feel like writing Josh, I'd be more than okay with Aaron :)) PS. You've written so many prompts during these past few days! Thank you, you're the champ
sorry i don’t really know josh well enough to write him and I’ll try my best w/ Aaron
A knock sounded at your apartment door and you went and looked through the peep hole. You get an eyeful of out-of-control hair and pull open your door.
“Aaron?” You ask, tilting your head to the side. “It’s like 10.”
“I need a place to stay, just for tonight. Chris brought home a pretty redhead and I don’t want to listen to that all night.” He explained, leaning against the door frame.
“Oh, fair enough. I only have a couch, though.” You move to the side as you speak so Aaron can enter your apartment.
“You mean you won’t offer to share your bed with me?” He wiggles his eyebrows at you as he passes and you shut your door. You roll your eyes at him.
“No matter how hard you try, Marquis, you’re not getting in my bed.” You tell him.
“Not even if I ask nicely and offer cuddles?” He checks. You hesitate and he notices, a smirk spreading across his face. 
“Fine.” You huff, crossing your arms and pretending to be angry. “You can stay in my bed.”
“You don’t have to sound so happy about it.”
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bektehterrible · 10 years
Need Some Evidence
Pairing: Aaron X Reader
Rating: NC-17, shameless smut, cursing, quickies in offices
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I tried to make it short. apparently I am incapable of writing short. That is why this is late. That and the fact that work is bad for your soul. So sorry about the quickie but... ya know... sex is sloppy sometimes.
So maybe having you do the camera work for this particular RT shoot was a bad idea. You did win this shoot fair and square, rock-paper-scissors with JJ and Blaine and everything. But then you looked at the script.
You’re beginning to think they were purposefully fucking with you.
It was a buddy cop short and Aaron was one of the detectives. You and Aaron were still a relatively new item that not many people in the company knew about yet. Not that either of you were trying to hide it, but it was more of an air of professionalism you wished to upkeep. Not that it stopped either of you from being obvious, but hey the fans haven’t noticed yet.
However that resolve quickly crumbled as you looked at the man in front of you.
First off, the man’s trousers fit him very well. Second off, that little eyebrow suggestive thing was made all the more seductive in the clean crisp clothing. Third off, the holster.
So you had a thing for authority figures. Men in uniform and whatnot. It wasn’t even that intense of a uniform, considering it was only a detective get up.
You still felt yourself getting wet though.
The worst part was that Aaron kept making eye contact with your camera and clearly noticed how turned on you were as you filmed.
As soon as the filming is done you point at him and point over your shoulder at the building. He cocks his eyebrow and smirks as he continues talking with the other members, his eye contact still following you. You walk back to your office and lean on your desk, waiting for about 30 seconds before the door opens in front of you. He closes it immediately, locking it behind him.
“So you like the detective outfit then?” he says, smirk still on his face.
You take the moment to let your eyes drag down his body the way you wanted to while shooting. “You have no idea.”
Aaron smirks and walks toward you slowly, trapping you against the table with his arms. You lean into his body and wrap your fingers around the arm holsters and pull him down closer to you. He breaks out into a full smile before moving to give you a heated kiss. He slots his hips against yours and you moan at the feeling of his length against you. He uses this opportunity to explore your mouth and you can still taste the coffee and donuts from the shoot.
You smirk as you decide to grind against him. He groans and pushes you down onto your desk. “Hey if you’re gonna get all hot about the uniform, you gotta play along.”
You move one hand up his chest and neck, threading them in his hair. “Sorry Marquis, but I’m not a fan of listening.”
He gives a small breathy moan when you tug his hair. He responds by pushing your arms down on the desk and staring down to you. “Y/N, move up the table.”
You wiggle your ass on top of the table and feel his grip tighten on your hip. “What next?” you say, attempting and failing to sound much less like you were begging.
He chuckles. “Stay.” He let’s go of your arms and hips and quickly moves his fingers to remove your clothing. You move only when you’re prompted to until you’re laying naked on the desk. His fingers move up your inner thighs and pushes them apart. You almost lose your breath as you watch him lean in and give a long broad lick.
He immediately moves up your body and you whimper out a breathy “tease…”
He chuckles against your breasts. “The looks you were giving me throughout the entire shoot had me nursing a hard-on. I’m surprised we didn’t need multiple takes to do different angles. You’re also very wet. I want to fuck you now.”
You look down at his body. “Completely dressed?”
His face breaks into a full smile. “Well you like it right?”
You groan and fall back on the table. He pulls off his tie and throws it to some corner in your office, undoing just the top few buttons. You watch him open his pants just enough to pull himself out. He leans over you to grab a condom from your desk drawer, giving you a long open mouthed kiss and handing it to you. You smirk, opening the foil and unrolling it onto him then giving him a couple of short tugs.
He moves your hand away from him and moves to wrap your legs around his waist. He bends down to press his forehead against yours and gives you a small kiss. You smirk at the tender moment before moaning as you feel his tip at your entrance. He pushes slowly into you and the small amount of resistance causes you to realize just how turned on you were.
Aaron looks down at you as he bottoms out. “You still good?”
You move your hands up and graze the bit of open chest before you pull him into a kiss.
You feel him smile against your lips as he moves, pulling out so it’s just his tip before slamming back in. It’s a hard, slow pace that has you writhing against him and moaning far too loudly for the shared space. He moves his lips down your neck and chest, littering your skin with purple marks. You pull him up and give a nice mark of your own high on his neck, loving the vibration of his moan rattling your chest.
His pace picks up and his hand moves between you two, rubbing at your sensitive nub with gentle strokes. You whimper as you meet his thrusts, feeling the pleasure in your body building. “Aaron, I’ve been close all day. Please.”
He smirks and nods, moving faster against you. You moan and you feel yourself tighten around him and his pace falters at the feeling. He gives a few more thrusts before you feel him twitch inside you.
You both relax against each other, taking deep breaths. He eventually pulls out and grabs some tissues to clean himself while you sit up on the desk, still naked. His blue eyes drag over your body, making you flush and look away.
“So…” he runs a hand through his hair at an attempt of making it look as it was before.
You smile and hop of the desk, slowly putting on your undies before sauntering toward him. “Wanna come back to my place, Detective?”
He shutters but immediately matches the mischievous look on your face, moving his hand to give your ass a good squeeze. “Gonna have to. Gotta be thorough with this case.”
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