ewanmitchellcrumbs · 22 days
WIP Wednesday
Another week, another tag game! Please share your last sentence; or, if you don’t have one, share a plot bunny or idea! (OR sketch for your artwork!)
Thank you for the tag @timetravelingpenguin1066 - I know you tagged my main, but I don't really create anything on that account anymore (besides a fool of myself) so I'm posting to this blog instead!
This is the last sentence I wrote of the final chapter of Cozened Indigo:
“Send me your audio files,” he instructs, pushing himself back into a standing position, “and then go home and get to work. Your runny mascara is bad for office morale.”
No pressure tags: @flowerandblood @targaryenrealnessdarling @exitpursuedbyavulcan
@aemondtargaryenonlyfans @aemondsbabe @schniiipsel
@vampire-exgirlfriend @emilykaldwen @moris-auri
@superprincesspea @toms-cherry-trees @marthawrites
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vipervixxen · 1 month
15 Questions for 15 Friends
Thank you @snowblack-charcoalwhite @st-eve-barnes and @vhagar-balerion-meraxes for the tag! Let’s do it!
Are you named after anyone? Lauren Bacall and my middle name is a family name
When was the last time you cried? Today 😬
Do you have kids? Fur babies
What sport do you play/have you played? I was on the dance team for a year…then I moved on to choir and theatre. I’m not v athletic 😂
Do you use sarcasm? It depends! I know when to use it and when not to
What’s the first thing you notice about people? Eyes and smile
What’s your eye color? Blue
Scary movies or happy endings? Scary movies based on my current mood
Any talents? Acting, I loved theatre
What are your hobbies? Hanging out on this site, reading, watching movies, crafting!
Do you have any pets? I have 3 kitties 😵‍💫
How tall are you? 5’4”/5’5”
Favorite subject in school? Calculus
Dream job? Actor or cat sanctuary owner
No pressure tags (like zero pressure): @aemonds-fire @aemondsbabygirl @persephonerinyes @superprincesspea @spacerockfloater @aegonx @valyrianflower @viiisenyas @lost-and-founds and anyone else who would like to participate!
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superprincesspea · 3 months
Chapters: 13/? Fandom: House of the Dragon (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen/You, Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen/Original Female Character(s), Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen/Lady Baratheon, Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen & You, Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen & Original Female Character(s), aemond Characters: Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen, Reader, You, Lady Baratheon Additional Tags: Romance, Enemies to Lovers, Fluff, Eventual Smut, Forced Proximity, Possessive Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen, Smut Summary:
Aemond Targaryen is both the cause and witness to the greatest humiliation of your life. You would rather die than see him again. Yet summer at court and the precipice of civil war have other ideas.
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deandoesthingstome · 6 months
@mayloma - This may be the oddest birthday celebration ever.
A) It's me giving, not receiving and B) It's not about HC.
But you made a comment and I have free time, so I'm going to try to gather up a few TLK posts and recs for you.
I'm not sure if you are looking for canon, AU's, fix-it, etc, or who your main blorbos are. If it's not apparent from anything you've seen on my dash, Finan has my heart with Sihtric in close second place. I never read the books, so all my knowledge comes from the show.
Because I'm not very active in TLK anymore, I don't really know who is still here, writing, etc. You know how it goes when fandom flames dwindle on one or the other side...
Under the cut to save those who aren't here for it.
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You've already seen me rec where our pieces fall in place, (not that I'll pass up an opportunity to rec it again), but I'll also draw your attention to this sweet little number by @anotherwinchesterfangirl showing Finan falling for Ingrith: watch her take me by surprise Liz isn't around Tumblr much anymore at all, and her tastes skew away from TLK more often than not, but it's a nice little treat.
Need more Finan, but maybe with Eadith this time? @superprincesspea has Winchester's Finest (that he is), @emilyhufflepufftlk has all you had to do was stay, and Jade_Masquerade on AO3 has the alter is my hips (anyone recognize that phrase? yeah, it's so good).
Finan and Reader? @lady-writes20 has We Are Bound, @i-jus-wanna-writehappy has Handful.
Finan and OC? @lauwrite1225 gave us stuck between our heartbeats (Tumblr link to AO3) and @magravenwrites has A Good Place To Start, while @persephones-journey jumped him forward in time with As The Gods Make It.
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Sihtic more to your liking? @solinarimoon fed that need for me with Liquid Courage and her Wildflowers Series
Back to Both I Guess?
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I can't leave out this LOVE I left for some of the TLK crew last year.
And, last, but certainly not least, is @itbmojojoejo. Mojo is a little bit of a double threat because she is a GIF creator (and re-capturing ALL of Finan's scenes one episode at a time and I drown in drool a little bit every time she posts over on @mojosdumpingground) AND she has created this amazing and wonderful Mafia!AU with an OC in a bit of a love triangle with Finan and Sihtric and I'm really really really hoping the muse is waking up to help her finish this series: Crimes of Passion. I need to know who she ends up with!!!
Okay, like I said: Happy Birthday to me.
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bamby0304 · 6 years
Hello ♡, I was wondering if you can recommend your favorite writers or fics or you know
It kinda depends on what fandom you’re after. I do monthly rec lists, if that helps. Here’s the lists I’ve done so far:
Jan 2018
Feb 2018
Mar 2018
Apr 2018
As for some quick recs now, well…
Irresistible Danger by @flames-bring-a-ton-of-ash is an excellent Negan fic, that actually encouraged me to join Tumblr
@kellyn1604 has some great work, too. Sunny Days brought me over to this site (though, admittedly, it got to be a little too much for me, so I haven’t read it in a while (sorry!!))
@superprincesspea ‘s Honey House also brought me to Tumblr.
@sis-tafics is an amazing writer. The fact she’s been in all my rec lists should speak for itself. Give Our Little Secret a go, trust me.
My go-to A/B/O and smut person is @kittenofdoomage . Believe me, she is a magician with words, I swear!! Just look at Blood and Honey, or Taboo, and you’ll get what I’m saying!!
@impala-dreamer is also incredible. Any style of writing, she is a master. Smut? Yep. Angst? Yep. Fluff? Yep. I don’t think she can do any wrong.
If you’re a Sam!girl, then look no further than @cleverdame . Can’t deny the fact she played a role in me turning from a Dean!girl, to a Bi!Chester.
I know Your Wife (She Wouldn’t Mind) by @teamfreewill-imagine was one of the first RPF fics I read, and the first I really fell in love with.
@acreativelydifferentlove has a great RPF A/B/O fic going right now, Can’t Fight Fate. If you love Jensen Ackles, deffs give that ago.
There are plenty more, but I’ve had a long day, and I’m pooped, so I can’t really think of any other names or fics right now. Mind you, the fics I’ve recommended here… there’s a lot more where they came from. Hope this helps, though :):)
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M and V for the Halloween asks
M: Any Halloween traditions? 
The biggest one is watching Hocus Pocus at least once every October. I can’t get into the Halloween season without seeing it. Another would be decorating the yard for Halloween, which conveniently we’re going to start this afternoon. We can only put out a few things though, as we have a couple large props that can only be put up the day of Halloween.
V: Trick or treating: how old is too old? 
Personally I hate to put a number on it. Some people get picky about teenagers or people in their twenties, but to me as long as I see you in a costume and having fun I’m more than happy to give out candy. Not that I’ll ever turn anyone away, you know? But if the holiday still resonates with you and you like to trick or treat or just roam around the neighborhood enjoying the evening, no one should be squashing your fun.
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kijiboop · 7 years
21- Jilted Bride and Simon
Yes, ma’am! 
Want one?
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vveissesfleisch · 7 years
Once you get this you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, you have to send this to ten of your favorite followers. (non-negotiable, positivity is cool~) 🌈🌈
Thanks, darlin’! Alright, it’s my lunch break so let’s do this!
1) my ass (it’s round and getting quite firm, thanks yoga)2) my sense of humor (I might wheeze-laugh at my own jokes pretty frequently NGL)3) my high pain tolerance4) my eyes (thanks mom)5) my affinity for languages
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 3 months
WIP Summary Tag
Rules: summarize your WIP in 15 2-5 word bullet points (in a new post)
Thank you for the tag @emilykaldwen 💕
Cozened Indigo
Modern AU
Dark themes
Journalism and court reporting
Dragonstone as a prison
Family drama
Nobody has good intentions
All is not what it seems
Aemond is tragic but terrifying
Career driven OC
Ignoring obvious red flags
Larys is a lawyer
Helaena is a sweetheart
Aegon is past caring
A twist at the end
No pressure tags: @adragonprinceswhore @theoneeyedprince @targaryenrealnessdarling @humanpurposes @superprincesspea @wyldeout @zeciex @flowerandblood @huramuna @targaryen-dynasty
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melodicdolls · 7 years
The Hunt (TWD Story Cubes)
NOTES: So this is my contribution to the wonderful and creative contest hosted by @superprincesspea :) It’s my first time writing for this couple, and pretty much my first time writing something that doesn’t involve Negan...surprise!
Tagging: My wonderful usuals: @vizhi0n @ofdragonsanddreams16 @grab-my-boner @doyouhaveavacancy
Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Jesus x Daryl
Warnings: None
Words: 1,000 on the dot!
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When he finds the sheet of scribbled instructions on his pillow, Daryl is confused, to say the least. There's a list of brief directions above a single number with a riddle, and at the top, written neatly, is "Daryl's Personal Scavenger Hunt".
 For a long while he wavers, chewing at his lip, pacing back and forth in his room at Hilltop. Who the hell came up with this little game? Is it a joke, someone just trying to make him look like the dumb redneck everyone thinks he was? Daryl isn't stupid but he's never been good at riddles. Still, he can't help but let his gaze sweep to the first clue.
 1. In cartoons I’m seen over heads when there’s a great idea.
 He snorts. He and Merle didn't watch many cartoons as kids - not like they ever had cable. He remembers mama taking him to the dentist once, before things deteriorated beyond repair, and they'd had cartoons on in the waiting room. He'd loved it.
 He's tempted to throw the paper away without a second glance and to say to hell with it. But for some reason, he doesn't. Slowly, his gaze strays towards the ceiling, where a glass globe surrounds the light bulb within. Easy.
Pulling over a chair from the little table in his room, he stands on it as he reaches to unscrew the globe, not expecting the round little item that tumbles from within. He fumbles but manages to catch it; it's a rock the size of his palm, almost egg-shaped and brown in color with little ebony flecks, smooth save for the small emblem carved carefully by knife into one side: a lightbulb.
 He's seen rocks like these before, beneath the water in creeks and in the beds of rivers. He rolls it in his palm for a moment, and then his fingers pluck another piece of paper from the globe, which he unfolds to scan.
 2. I use my hands to hurt; I use my hands to heal. I use my hands to bring life; I use my hands to kill.
 "Easy," Daryl snorts, unintentionally becoming invested in the game, and proud that he so effortlessly solved the riddles, simple though they were. He'd always loathed being called stupid during his childhood because of his silence, his patchy, dirty clothes, and the rumors that circulated surrounding his drunken father.
 From there, he's off. He finds Carson in the infirmary, the man smiling knowingly when Daryl enters, handing him another stone - this one gray and slightly smaller with a sad, sickly looking faced carved into the side - and another clue.
 He finds a stone with a pyramid in the food pantry behind a pile of canned goods that have been stacked in a triangular shape, one with a magnet perched on the tailgate of one of Hilltop's trucks (and beneath the faded "my kid is an honor student" bumper magnet, another clue). He finds one in Maggie's office nestled behind her globe with the same image sketched in great detail on the rock, one with an arrow inside of the extra quiver of crossbow bolts kept for him in the armory. He finds one with a pair of dice in the game room, and the next clue leads him outside, but the riddles are becoming more complex and puzzling.
 That only means they're more rewarding when he figures them out. He smiles when he accurately traces the clue to a rock with a parachute on it that's weighing down one of Enid's familiar balloons near the gardens.
 When he reaches the last clue, it's dark out, and slivers of moonlight pierce the clouds, falling across the long strands of his dark hair as he bends his head to read the writing.
 You've come to the end, and for that, I am proud; meet me in the middle of the fields beneath the clouds.
 Daryl is surprised to find that he's...disappointed. The hunt is coming to an end, and he'd found that he'd enjoyed it. But at least now he will discover who set it up; the thought makes his heart thunder in anticipation.
 His boots thud gently against the earth as he strides through the large, grassy field beyond the garden. He can't see anyone else there, not yet, but his pale blue eyes scan the ground until he sees it, placed precisely in the middle of the field. It's the smallest of the stones, the smoothest, with tiny chips in it that reveal bright blue innards. There is a crescent moon carved on the front, the shallow lines blue as well.
 So invested is he in studying the stone that he doesn't hear anyone approach, and the sound of a footstep directly behind him makes him hiss and whirl.
 It's Jesus, that damnable smirk on his face. Daryl lets his gaze slide across the taller man's figure, taking note of his long khaki pants, his pale button-down shirt, his neatly combed hair.
 "This you?" Daryl asks gruffly, holding up the speckled rock with one hand and pointing to his bulging pockets with the other. Jesus nods, and Daryl feels his heart give a funny little jolt. "Why?"
 "I wanted to do something special for you," Jesus says simply, taking a step closer until Daryl can smell the clean, soapy scent of him. "You figured out all of the riddles. I'm impressed – but I knew you would. You’re smart."
 And shit, if that doesn't make Daryl's heart stutter warmly, filled with pride. Jesus is speaking again, asking, "so which is your favor - " but Daryl's lips stop his words in their tracks as the lean tracker crushes his body against Jesus', a sudden, thoughtless movement as their lips slowly meet again and again before parting.
 Reluctantly, Jesus draws back to gaze at Daryl, his lips curled into a smile.
 "This one," Daryl says in a low rasp, holding up the little speckled rock. "Blue's the same as your eyes."
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superprincesspea · 6 years
I’m back
I never intended to take a break this long and I won’t say too much but I’m back! I’ve missed writing and I’ve missed tumblr. <3
Also, I only just finished watching the second half of season 8 of TWD and damn a lot of stuff happened! 
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thesixthh0ekage · 7 years
Angelfood xoxo
Angelfood Cake: Tell us a cringey childhood story.
Oh lord well here we go. There were three different instances where I fell in public in high school lmao
The first was walking off the bus I somehow fell down the stairs and started laughing. Everyone around said that they felt bad and weren’t gonna laugh but once I was just there on my ass on the sidewalk cackling they felt ok to laugh too XD
The second time was me walking through the commons to get to class and my friend bumped me on purpose walking by. Normally this wouldn’t be an issue but since I am chronically clumsy and off balance it literally sent me flying 2 feet across the room and into a table. I was left clinging to it-- again laughing at myself-- but, MIRACULOUSLY, no one saw me except him and my other friend.
The last was actually the first day (or one of the first days smh) of my senior year we were all in the auditorium waiting to go to class and my friends at a row or two up from me so i went to change rows and welp. Ended up slipping and almost falling going up the stairs LMAO I would have escaped without embarassment except this dude from across the room decided to yell “THAT GIRL ALMOST BUST HER ASS!” and then i ran up the stairs super fast LMAO
Bonus because i like embarrassing myself:
I had a crush on this dude my senior year (would NEVER recommend btw it was awful) and decided like a dumbass  to tell one of my friends who then told him someone liked him (god this is all so childish im cringing lmao) and then basically he thought it was her so she pressured me into telling him and it was all a big mess and he basically strung me along half a year and asked another girl to prom. the end.
🍰 Cake Shop Asks 🍰
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bamby0304 · 6 years
Hello, you have been identified as An Awesome Writer™! Congrats, you rock! So that all of your readers can shower you with some extra love today, please tell us your favourite five (or as many as you want) stories of yours and why you like them and then send this to another five fic authors you think deserve this title!
You’re too kind, seriously. I know we’ve talked about this over the last few days, but it still amazes me that someone who writes as amazing as you do actually liked my stuff. But, you do, and thank you so much for that support!!
There are too many fics for me to list, I love a lot, but I’m gonna leave a list of some of my fav series just to show some love. The list is kinda long, so it’s all under the cut :):)
Explosions by Crazy Pink Penguin
It’s a hot and heavy fic where the main character is a phone sex operator... and Daryl Dixon calls. There are a few little prequel oneshots, and an alternative timeline fic as well. It’s all great, trust me.
How Can I Love You? by jessica-bones-winchester
A series on fanfiction.net. I’m not much of a John Winchester fan, but this is sweet and pulled on my heart strings enough to keep me going. But in a twist of events the reader finds herself falling for a second Winchester... Dean. A great read
Irresistable Danger by @flames-bring-a-ton-of-ash
Negan has never looked better in this reader insert story. A slow burn that’ll have you hanging for more.
Knock by @superprincesspea
This little gem is the soul reason why I am now a proud member of the Simon Thirst Squad. It’s fluffy, it’s funny, it’s angsty, it’s hot... it’s perfect.
Our Little Secret by @sis-tafics
A Dean Winchester x Reader fic that has a new kink in every chapter, and a plot that melts your heart the further you fall into the words.
Rabid Animals by @curbitkirby
Another Peter Hale fic, only this one has a sassy OC. There’s a sequel part that is just as good as the first. Hot, complicated, funny and amazing, it’s worth a read.
Sunny Days by @kellyn1604
Negan finds a little sunshine in an otherwise dreary world when he comes across a sweet little thing called Sunny. This fic is a little different to what I usually go for, with the detailed smut and daddy kink worked in the plot, but that doesn’t change the fact that it is amazing.
The Escort by @ilostmyshoe-79​
The Reader needs to find a date for her family vacation, and in a desperate move she decides to call an escort of sorts, Dean Winchester. He offers to pretend to be her boyfriend in exchange of money, but things get complicated when they get closer than anticipated.
You Know Better by @xteenwolfwritingsx​
The first Peter Hale series I found... and the first I fell in love with. Another slow burn, but that doesn’t take away from the incredible plot and the complicated relationship between Peter and the reader.
I’m not gonna tag anyone, but if the people above or anyone else wants to join then go for it!! :):)
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selinakylebat · 7 years
Once you get this you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, you have to send this to ten of your favorite followers. (non-negotiable, positivity is cool~) 🌈🌈
@daintyunicorn also asked me this and you girls are the most amazing person that I ever meet! Thanks so much for remember me!
1 - I have a good memory. (I can study for a test on the day before and still get an A)
2 - My hands and especially my nails. This is so random, but everyone says I have model hands. lol
3 - Always being willing to try new things. 
4 - My ability to remain calm in stressful situations. 
5 - My ability to make other people laugh. I love knowing that someone laugh of my lame jokes.
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Hey hun. I love the prompts you've made for this challenge. Can I have the 'caught reading fanfiction' prompt? I've wanted to do a fic with these theme for a while so this is perfect!!!
Hey! Yessssss take that prompt, ma dear! I’m sooo excited to see what people write for that one :D
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tlkfanficfest · 4 years
Well TLK Fandom you have OUTDONE yourselves. What started as a little endeavour I thought would go nowhere resulted in 34 brand new fics in TWO WEEKS. Also, today they announced we are getting a Season 5 for TLK. If that isn’t the universe saying all our positive energy worked, I don’t know what is! 
I’ve tried to list the fills alphabetically by prompt, and included both a tumblr link/AO3 link(if available). Round 2 will go up tomorrow so check back soon because that prompt submission box will be open and ready to take your requests! I’ve also got a few new things coming but you’ll hear all about it tomorrow. 
Round 1 Prompt Fills:
"Keen is the wind, bare the hill, it is difficult to find shelter; the ford is marred, the lake freezes, a man could stand on a single stalk." - from a Welsh poem, 'Winter', c.11th century, author unknown
https://archiveofourown.org/collections/tlkfanficfest/works/25043593 by @chaos_is_welcome
"The ocean is full, the sea is in flood, lovely is the home of ships ... the rudder is swift upon the wide sea." - from an 11th century Irish poem, A Storm at Sea, author unknown
https://archiveofourown.org/collections/tlkfanficfest/works/25080601 by @chaos_is_welcome
Aelswith/Alfred, first meeting
https://minimartian.tumblr.com/post/622947185597743104/rolls-off-the-tongue-aelswithalfred by @minimartian
Aethelflaed/Aldhelm, “you have bewitched me, body and soul.”
https://tobebbanburg.tumblr.com/post/622074165361606656/duty-decency-tobebbanburg-the-last-kingdom by @tobebbanburg (https://archiveofourown.org/collections/tlkfanficfest/works/24943159)
Aldhelm has a Nice Day for once
https://cocchamscrew.tumblr.com/post/622713412871421952/day-out-aldhelm-x-aethelflaed by @cocchamscrew (https://archiveofourown.org/collections/tlkfanficfest/works/25068061)
https://sihtric.tumblr.com/post/622862452389019648/caged-birds-flying-free by @sihtric (https://archiveofourown.org/collections/tlkfanficfest/works/25117453)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24997012 by @superprincesspea
Aldhelm, resting and thinking back on his life, Finan and Sihtric come across him. They talk.
https://softestark.tumblr.com/post/622727659241275392/a-truth-you-cant-avoid-softestark-the-last by @softestark ( https://archiveofourown.org/collections/tlkfanficfest/works/25070851)
Coccham crew get drunk and start flyting against each other
https://tobebbanburg.tumblr.com/post/621729570931015680/flyting-fighting-tobebbanburg-the-last by @tobebbanburg (https://archiveofourown.org/collections/tlkfanficfest/works/24878602)
Eadith/Finan, it was never about pleasure for Eadith until Finan
https://superprincesspea.tumblr.com/post/621821375618891776/winchesters-finest by @superprincesspea (https://archiveofourown.org/works/24896029)
https://jade-masquerade.tumblr.com/post/622774509711327232/the-altar-is-my-hips by @jade-masquerade (https://archiveofourown.org/collections/tlkfanficfest/works/25082065)
Eadith/Finan, it was never about pleasure for Eadith until Finan / Eadith/Finan, Eadith trusts Finan with her life, but she needs to convince him she trusts him with her body.
https://archiveofourown.org/collections/tlkfanficfest/works/24973942 by @chaos_is_welcome
Eadith/Finan/Uhtred, relationship negotiations
https://archiveofourown.org/collections/tlkfanficfest/works/24908578 by @NotInPublic
Finan and Uhtred roadtrip
https://archiveofourown.org/collections/tlkfanficfest/works/24953728 by @solarlotus
Finan, "Don't pretend like you're asleep. Should I find a way to wake you up?"(obvs on the smutty side... I can see it already!)
https://geekandbooknerd.tumblr.com/post/621931804972253184/morning-after-modern-finan-x-reader by @geekandbooknerd
Finan, Finan shares his cloak with the reader at the fire to keep them both warm. His hands wander occasionally / Sihtric rescues the reader from drowning.
https://righmarbh.tumblr.com/post/622266186253598720/love-like-winter by @righmarbh
Finan, Finan shares his cloak with the reader at the fire to keep them both warm. His hands wander occasionally.
https://lauwrite1225.tumblr.com/post/621715492568219648/cold-night-finan-x-reader by @lauwrite1225 (
Finan, him being soft and him caring for kids in my lfie
https://lauwrite1225.tumblr.com/post/622020890369130496/tlkfff2020-tlkfanficfest-imagine-2-finan-him by @lauwrite1225
Finan/Sihtric, that first night after Finan knows Sihtric didn't really abandon them.
https://archiveofourown.org/collections/tlkfanficfest/works/24996745 by @tobebbanburg
Finan/Uhtred, stuck in a confessional box. Can be as naughty as you like. Bonus for Aelswith coming to pray whilst they're stuck.
https://righmarbh.tumblr.com/post/621727119535407104/cloisterfuck by @righmarbh
Finan/Uhtred, they know each other like the back of their hands
https://azyland.tumblr.com/post/621846930215108608/etched-in-your-skin-azyland-the-last-kingdom by @azyland (https://archiveofourown.org/collections/tlkfanficfest/works/24901645)
https://tsukkinami.tumblr.com/post/622118184480342016/like-the-back-of-my-hand by @tsukkinami(https://archiveofourown.org/collections/tlkfanficfest/works/24951751)
Finan/Uhtred, we are bound.
https://bird-on-a-wire20.tumblr.com/post/622448696390565888/the-best-of-mornings-finanuhtred-drabble by @bird-on-a-wire20
https://archiveofourown.org/collections/tlkfanficfest/works/25114897  by @kirstenseas 
Gisela/Hild, hurt/comfort
https://druellasrosier.tumblr.com/post/622256354464317440/solertia-dolore-written-for-tlkfanficfest-prompt by @druellasrosier (https://archiveofourown.org/collections/tlkfanficfest/works/24979051)
Jealous possessive Finan please!
https://nxrdist.tumblr.com/post/621821341628317696/tlkfanficfest-prompt-fill-for by @nxrdist
Osferth saves Finan and Sihtric’s life from Danes and has a little smirk at the end. / Sihtric and Osferth bonding over being bastards
https://archiveofourown.org/collections/tlkfanficfest/works/24936049 by @limenal
Radio station AU of any description. Wessex FM, Bebbanburg Beats, Mercia Magic...
https://archiveofourown.org/collections/tlkfanficfest/works/25102252 by salto
Sihtric/Reader, Enemies to Lovers, smut should definitely take place. They have been on opposite sides for years until one day changes everything forever.
https://valhallasubstitute.tumblr.com/post/621804826542718976/that-one by @valhallasubstitute 
https://geekandbooknerd.tumblr.com/post/622293481002565633/opposites-sihtric-x-reader by @geekandbooknerd
The Coccham crew get a little tipsy and Sihtric ends up with his most interesting haircut yet
https://for-bebbanburg.tumblr.com/post/621846264781422592/the-haircut by @for-bebbanburg
The Cookham squad mourn the death of Steapa.
https://archiveofourown.org/collections/tlkfanficfest/works/24989260 by @chaos_is_welcome
Uhtred is visited by the actual Night Walker and they have a philosophical conversation around the campfire.
https://archiveofourown.org/collections/tlkfanficfest/works/24987775 by @kirstenseas
Uhtred/Gisela/Finan is a thing and they need to figure out who is the baby daddy now that Gisela is pregnant.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24960037 by @NotInPublic
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