#aasimar is my fav race
gallusneve · 1 year
About time more peeps are picking up Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous. Now I can gush over about Arueshalae, Nocticula, Camellia (I'M SORRY) and Wenduag.
I say this with extreme heavy caution, I love the story of WOTR moreso than BG3's. I love both games carnally though.
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enkisstories · 10 months
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If I don't post any sims content for the next few weeks, blame these people, please.
I played through chapter 1 of Pathfinder: Kingmaker and now have decided on my party for the actual playthrough.
(Very brief) character intros under the textbreak:
Summary: This party is actually a family of retired adventurers. They had their farm burnt down by the Stag Lord for refusing to pay "taxes" and afterwards decided to free the region of him. Of course that takes preparation, especially when the olde sword arm has become rusty and needs to get trained again.
Collin - CG Human Knife Master 2 (KM 4, then Slayer)
Collin participated in the attack on Oleg's outpost and got captured by the defenders. He technically knows where the Stag Lord's HQ is located, but temporarily lost his memory of the place due to a hit against the head. He does remember other distinct places, followers of the Stag Lord and general local threats, though (representing the knowledge I gained from my test run).
Collin prefers the easy path through life: Good meals, wine, jokes. But then fate said Hold my beer...
Sir Kuno - LG Aasimar Inquisitor 1 of Sarenrae
Kuno is the head of the family. He made it his mission to redeem the sole survivor of the outpost raid, Collin. Outsiders often have trouble processing Kuno's switching between his ice-cold tactical mind (subclass Tactical Master) in combat to the kind and supportive personality he displays otherwise.
Lady Jenny - NG Aasimar Cleric 1 of Iomedae (Fighter 1, then Cleric again)
Jenny chose her domains specifically for combating undead. She enjoys nature and might have made a fine druid, if not for her preferring the martial approach. Jenny is married to Kuno. They both earned the title of Knight during their previous adventuring.
Luise - NG Elf Grenadier 1
The couple's maid, Luise, surprisingly doesn't miss the farm too much. Traveling is just as good, and she looks forward to experiencing all the adventures her employers have told her about for herself now. Maybe they will see real elves along the journey? Raised in an orphanage in Restov, Luise doesn't know the first thing about elvish culture.
Arthur - CG Human Ranger 1 (Vivi 1, then Fighter)
An adventuring companion of Kuno’s and Jenny’s, he was the foreman on the farm, but often disappeared for days. Living in such close proximity to others every day now again streses Arthur. Crawlies stress him even more, in a totally irrational fashion (Fav. Enemy: Vermin). But that aside Arthur is actually the most levelheaded team member and able to teach Collin things about the region that the bandit has overlooked all the months he has lived here.
Moritz - NG Halfling Sorcerer 1 (Celestial Bloodline)
Mortiz isn't really a halfling, I just picked that race because I needed a small character to represent the little son of Kuno and Jenny. Moritz specializes in summons to protect and entertain himself and utility spells to aid the party. He has the potential to express his celestial heritage in ways his parents are locked out of.
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phires · 2 years
I created this series about a month or so back. I got inspired by seeing the old pinup poses and tried to incorporate it into the Dungeons and Dragons races. I know some aren't exactly in the pinup style x.x my hand went with the flow and then... ta da!
1. Elf
2. Aasimar
3. Tabaxi (big kitty streeeetch)
4. Kitsune
5. Water Genasi (she's got her water tube & ready *_* this one is my personal fav)
6. Tiefling!!!!
7. Dragonborn
8. Satyr
9. Changeling
10. Orc
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kayspaceprinceart · 3 years
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I saw an insta trend where you draw your Dnd ocs as other races and it seized my brain
My favs are human Nika and tiefling Aysa, but aasimar Nika and genasi Aysa are close runners up
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theworldbrewery · 4 years
Thoughts on character races? Do you have a fav race? (also, what pronouns do you use?)
(she/her for the most part--occasionally i have guest posts from others but most often you’ll be addressing me!)
I think my absolute favorite race would have to be Aasimar. I was a big fan of tieflings but tbh I think Aasimar aren’t as popular and they deserve more love! Back when I was a player, I had a tiefling cleric, so tiefs still hold a place near and dear to my heart.
Aside from that...I think it’s easier to pick sub-races from their base than it is to play favorites in general. I love the ones that have panache (drow and dark dwarves have my heart) and I even have a soft spot for kenku because it’s fun to play a character with many different character voices!
But in my general play style I think I tend to enjoy mixing it up more than favoring any single race. Current NPCs in my campaign include aasimar (technically a backstory character from a PC), genasi, humans, gnomes, goblins, and elves.
My hottest takes are that halflings are the most overpowered core D&D race (the Lucky feature...) and elves have the shittiest lore. somewhere on this blog (or maybe in my drafts?) i have a post just tearing canon elf lore to shreds.
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taimatime · 5 years
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D&D Adoptables wip~ uvu
Here you find all 12 base classes represented, and all the 9 base races + tabaxi, aasimar and goblin. :3c 
I will color them too before I sell them, and they’ll probs go for 25-35$ or so, with some potential add-ons like character token portrait and what else! My patrons, ofc, get first pick once released or can  even claim beforehand.
Which one is you fav?
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zombieella · 5 years
Top 5 fav fantasy races
oh my gffjfghh
in no particular older
moonfolk, fae, kenku, aasimar, warforged.
Runners up halflings (because I love them, but what they excel at you can find elsewhere,) and genasi, goblins, and gnomes, who could be so cool if they could just,,, they just need a flavor tweak. A little push or a remix to take an idea further, or make it more refined.
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crowcrest-remade · 6 years
What is your favorite D&D race? I'm fairly new to D&D (but not tabletops) and I really love firbolgs (and orcs and dwarves and tiefs of course)! I'm making one of my fav OCs into a firbolg druid or bard.
honestly? i love gnomes and tieflings so much i cant choose. tieflings are my favorite ones to draw but my personal dndsona is a aasimar/gnome hybrid!!! 
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bardicbeany · 6 years
1, 2, 12?
1. What was the first race you ever played as?
The first race I ever played as was an aasimar!
2. What was the first class you ever played as?
The first class I ever played was dragon shaman. (yes, both the first race and class I played were not core. actually I didn’t play a core race or class until my third character/campaign lol)
12. What is your favorite 5e book?
Hmm, Volo’s Guide to Monsters I think has been my fav so far
[ ask meme ]
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checkfortraps · 6 years
For the dnd ask, how about 5 and 6! And just because I'm a curious dnd nerd, why those favs?
What is your favorite race?
Aasimar! I am endlessly fascinated by the concept of angel-blooded mortals, and I’m very fond of the fact that you can make them pretty unsettling because of the subtle hints of their heritage, like blazing eyes, metal-hued hair/skin, or slightly echoing voices. Like, miss me with the ‘unearthly beauty’ thing, I am much more interested in the more terrifying aspects of angels being reflected in aasimar. 
Also, I love that you can choose to have a discrepancy between their celestial heritage and their actual personality or class. Bonus points if they have an angelic guide who constantly tries to push them to do good, while they themselves have zero interest in that. For example, warlock aasimars with like, a fiend patron, who basically have an angel and a devil on their shoulder. That shit is good.
What is your favorite class?
Definitely cleric. As a pagan witch, I see myself reflected in that class, because I, too, gain a certain power through my worship. Mine isn’t as flashy though, so it is very nice to actually wreck shit with religious power in D&D, haha!
That aside, I enjoy versatile characters with lots of options, which fits the cleric to a T. Like, you get healing, you get damaging spells, you get utility, you get protection, and on top of that, you can have martial weapons and/or heavy armor depending on your chosen domain. That’s just the ideal balance for me personally, as shown by the fact that I have three (3) clerics ready to play rn.
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sundrenched-smilez · 7 years
@royaltype asked me som questions!!!!!
1. We’re you into monsters or dinosaurs as a kid? If so, what was your fave monster and/or dinosaur?
i was rly into pokemon and yugioh, and i watched the land before time . mb eduardo from foster’s home for imaginary friends!!!
2. When playing an rpg (dnd, video game, etc) what class and race do you usually play as?
usu anything space themed, i’ve played as aasimar, and an alien :~) then for class i’ve done magus, but i defs love magic
3. How do you like to listen to music? (Digitally, cd, vinyl, etc)
my fav way to hear new music is driving w friends and hearing what cds they hav playin!!! and hearin their taste
my fav way is probs vinyl bc of its aesthetic, but i need speakers to get mine workin, they’re a quiet pal
other than that, usu digitially, but i think it’d b neat to use casstte tapes
4. What’s your favorite album and what track on that album would you play over and over again?
adult mom - momentary lapse of happily, and the songs i like a lot r what’s another lipstick mark, and survival
5. Fave starter Pokémon? (For any region!)
ooph thats hard, probs cyndaquil or brionne, or rowlet. piplup is in top 5
6. What food are you most skilled at preparing?
mb omelettes!! also brownies
7. What color would you say is “your color”? Or what have others said is “your color”? (Bonus: is it your favorite color? Why or why not?
ive seen my aura as a soft blue or green, depending on my mood!! as far as my color, i would say either a dark ocean blue, or like a midnight purple, or a plum/wine red thats rly deep and brownish.
i’ve been told my aura is saffron by a friend, and a blue that gets green arnd the edges by someone else :~) saffron is a vry nice color and probs one of my fav oranges
8. What song do you remember really liking as a kid?
my two jams were kids in america and one week bc of the digimon movie, id watch it all the time as a kid!! i rly loved it
9. What everyday sound is most pleasant to you?
cats!! also ravens + crows!! every mornin i walk by hundreds of them in trees, calling out in the darkness of morning and it’s rly wonderful.
i also love the sound of boiling liquid, that’s so calming to me 
10. What room in your house is most comfortable to you?
im not super comfortable in my apartment atm, but probs my living room, i have a lot of lights up that r red and it makes it super cozy and good. im just a lil sick of all the bugs bc i live on the bottom floor in the basement and its gross and the last tenants were revolting and let the place go, so it’s still nasty in places.
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blacktarzy · 6 years
11. What is your favorite edition of d&d? 12. What is your favorite 5e book? 13. How many d&d characters have you made? 14. What is the longest d&d campaign you have ever been part of? 15. What is your favorite weapon? 16. What is your favorite spell? 17. What is your favorite armor? 18. What level do you usually start your players at? 19.What level do you as a player prefer to start as? 20. Do you like to play in big or small groups?
11:I have only played 5th so12:I actually doesnt have any of the books i should have... I only have the starter pack, Princes of the Apocalypse, and Hoard of the Dragon Queen. and I havent been able to play any of them yet... Ive only played homemade stuff13: Harmonia (Halfling Bard), Ash (i forgot his race Paladin2 Cleric3), Crystal (Tiefling Cleric), Jauv (Tiefling Wizard), Syviis (Elf Rogue), Zephyr (Drow Ranger), Connor (Warlcok Deep Gnome), Arira (Halfling Druid), Carlin (Gnome Gunslinger), Wandie (Human Rogue), Lillian (Aasimar Ranger), Jillian (Halfling Paladin), Jaynie (Gnome Druid),  Yves (Centaur Fighter), Revas (Tiefling Warlock) thats 1514: We ran one for like half a year??? we keep restarting due to loosing DM’s and everyone moving everywhere for Uni and most not wanting to play online.15: Tridents or Maces16:  (ʘ言ʘ) no idea, too many17: Well I got scared out of having high AC as one DM just told me “Oh I’ll just kill you with Dex saves then” when he noticed my AC being 22 after i bought some better armor and he gave me a +2 shield (18 armor + 2 normal shield +2 extra) which is the type of meta gaming from the DM that I dont like. The random bandit we met doesnt know my AC is 22, only after he fails to hit me should he realize that he should try something else. so I dont like heavy armors anymore, but i dont have a fav 18-19 combo: I like to start them at either 1 or 3, tho honest, I personally really like playing at lower levels and when I play I enjoy starting at lvl 120: I have only played in a max 4 group and only DM’d 2, I will DM 5 this summer. 
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