chaotic-orphan · 3 months
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Oprhan— how do you even pronounce it?! Opre-han? Opor-han?! IT DOESN’T MAKE SENSE but then what does on tumblr— *sigh*…
I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed…
In myself
R.I.P. Oprhan, you served us well
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depressedzelda · 5 months
I need like. A bible level miracle of an opportunity even suggest itself to me so i can possibly start a career in something lol
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forestofsprites · 2 years
from your "chamomile" anon!
sending you my favorite rock that i found in iceland at the base of a waterfall, it's small and glittery and striped with every color of the rainbow 🌈⛰️
oh anon, that's beyond kind of you! what an incredibly beautiful (and significant) rock! if you enjoy a fossil, I'm sending you my little double-sided ammonite fossil in return 🐚🌊
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softerstill · 6 days
What are your favorite phrases and words you could use to describe your body?
"I'm fat"
"I'm a little chubby"
"I'm a plump jiggly lil marshmallow"
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Marshmallow is my abbbbsolute fav, it just hits right 😂 But I like all of them 😬 Piggy is cute, fat girl as a term of endearment, heavy, round, soft (obviously). The list goes on ☺️
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thenickgirl · 2 months
do you think nick has a praise kink ?
ABBBBSOLUTELY he loves being praised. call him a good boy and he’s nuttin everywhere. when he doms he loves it as well, it makes him feel like a king.
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bigsoftbison · 11 months
as a cis lesbian what can I do to make it clear to trans girls that I'm abbbbsolutely interested and not at all turned off by dick. I'm horrible at approaching women and have lucked into pretty much every relationship I've been in and I wish that didn't limit me as much as it does :(
i don't know, i will say my experience is unlike anyone else's i know, i just assume off rip that lesbians are not interested in what i've got to offer. that's not always the case but it's how i operate
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i love mentally well and normal fictional men. completely well adjusted and healthy men. abbbbsolutely.
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ticklish-ticklee · 1 year
Do you like hand teases?
oh abbbbsolutely
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antaniashanae · 1 year
HAPPY FRIDAY, friends!
I want to share something with you and hopefully it encourages you to be your best self. I attended Washington Irving Elementary #14 in Indianapolis, IN. My principal was Dr. Elizabeth Odle. I remember every morning, all of the students and teachers would huddle in the gymnasium, Dr. Odle would make us recite this motto: “Good, better, best… Never let it rest until your good is your better, and your better is your best.”
I never understood the relevance of this motto. I didn’t realize why she drilled this in our minds so early in the morning, but this very affirmation is what has helped mold me into the woman I am today. As I became older and this quote would drop in my spirit at the most random times, it provided significant meaning at various stages in my life over the last twenty-odd years.
I want THE BEST for myself. I’ve experienced enough bare minimum in my lifetime to never want to settle, so I aim for greatness in everything. In our lives, we should never be ok with lesser than. Our goal should always be to level up. Our goal is to be better than we were before. Don’t settle, my friend. You deserve the abbbbsolute BEST!
XOXO ❤️,
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hailaxe · 3 years
Ascension by daine
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cursed-corn · 3 years
I didn't know wild kratts actually had a fandom
I love the show 🥺 can you introduce me to some good blogs
Glad u found us dweebs, here are some lovely ppl to check out :))))
@krazykratts has amazing AUs and art, and they are just a great human
@nikoniidus is an amazing artist in general, and does some lovely fanart
@ferryportlandingmayor has a wonderful AU with an adorable WK oc to check out.
@alanaartdream is also a great artist who does a lot of WK art and generally amazing animal doodles as well.
@kazzykatt is a wonderful WK fan artist who I also highly recommend
There are a TON more, but here's a few. Hope that helped <3
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Okay I need your ultimate gay crack/non canon ship ranking for the following:
Faberry, Pezberry, Jonesberry, Brittchel, Quinntana, Quinncedes, Quinntina, Quitt, Santina, Sancedes, Karley, Marlique, Blam, Kelliott, Hevans, Pinn, Fam, Partie, Puckerlynn and Puckurt
you've given me quite the task, anon.
1. Faberry. my favorite glee ship of all time. I love them, they're adorable. they're literally my wallpaper.
2. Pezberry. their dynamic is UNMATCHED. the sexual tension? I- off the charts. they're so cute too, like they seem to genuinely like each other.
3. Blam. I don't even care anymore, I love them SOOO much. the support, the trust, the mutual respect?? UGH. CUTIES!
4. Marlique. cuties. they kissed, they linked pinkies, they have each other's backs, they're besties. girlfriends. 😘😘
5. Partie. yes, gimme that sweet sweet enemies to friends to lovers. their dynamic would be so cute oml.
6. Kelliott. super gay duets and off the charts chemistry. what's not to like?
7. Puckurt. I know a lot of people don't like them, but I am not one of those people lmao. I think that they're a super interesting pairing, and while I'm not sure that they'd last long as a romantic relationship, I live for the idea of them having a fling, or even a one sided crush on Puck's part.
8. Jonesberry. rivals to lovers? abbbbsolutely. gimme. Rachel practically came out as bisexual through a Jonesberry duet, soooo.
9. Karley. my guilty pleasure ship. I'll stand by my headcanon that Kitty is a lesbian who was acting out against her feelings for Marley until I die.
10. Puckerlynn. another guilty pleasure ship. I really like them.
11. Quinntina. cute. not much substance, but they're so cute that I literally don't care.
12. Quinncedes. I don't think that there was a romantic aspect to this relationship on Mercedes' end, but on Quinn's? I think it was Quinn's first crush on a woman that she was aware she had. Mercedes was Quinn's gay awakening.
13. Brittchel. childhood best friends that had a fling when they were little. Brittany would probably ask Rachel to make out with her in theit sophomore year, and they'd probably enjoy it. but I can't see it going beyond that. cute tho.
14. Santina. no strong feelings. they'd be hot af together. obviously. and Santana seems to like Tina more than she likes most of the Glee Clubbers, because she doesn't really go out of her way to insult Tina like she does everybody else, and she chose Tina to help write her song, so they must be moderately close. have they hooked up? absolutely. are they compelling romantically? eh.
15. Hevans. they lack the spice that I crave, but they're REALLY cute.
16. Pinn. as a relationship? no. as a one sided crush? absolutely. gimme it right NOW.
17. Sancedes. eh. besties? sure. I like them as besties, but I don't really get gay vibes off of them, though I do think that Santana would've hooked up with Mercedes in a heartbeat if Mercedes had asked her to.
18. Quinntana. I don't really like them. they're just fuckin' mean to each other, and then they had sex once. they're hot together, for sure, but other than that? nothing.
19. Fam. I saw a headcanon that Finn had a crush on Sam that he didn't know how to handle, and I find that premise pretty interesting. I don't hate it, but they don't spark anything within me.
20. Quitt. yes girl, give us nothing!
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avenirdelight · 3 years
Do u have any Tyrone fic recs? Read and loved Highlight of course <3
awww thank you so much!🥺❤️ jfyi i’m working on a tyrone imagine right now😋
here are some that i read recently:
@lxndonorris — night time (i abbbbsolutely love love love this)
@chilly-me-softly has a lot of tyrone imagines and they’re all amazing but one of my favourites is quite night
@emwritesfootball — piano lessons (series. yes. tyrone playing piano. beautiful. )
@jamesmaddiscnx — “wait! you can’t leave yet!”
gotta do a lot more of tyrone imagines reading!
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naimee · 2 years
adkfja;kdj i can't find the post but i wanna send a number so 3!
aww thank you!!! lol here's the post if you still need it
3. do you feel your age?
abbbbsolutely not lmfao. i'm going to be 25 in ten days and im just like ?????? but it also feels good to say that i have a desire to keep on living, keep on adding the years on and i think that counts for something. i don't think i ever want to feel my age though. i would rather strive to feel content with what pleasure i've found in living. for however long starts to matter less more and more everyday since i tend to hyperfocus on "time wasting away" if i think about it too much.
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cantsaythetword · 3 years
Hi cutie!😘
I was wondering if you could please answer the fortnight, tomorrow and Saturday writing asks! I’m interested in learning more about how you write. I hope you are doing well! I send you a big hug and lots of love!🥰 Thank you!
fortnight: what wip do you plan on posting next, if at all?
It will be one of 3 options. The first is a sequel to How The Tables Have Turned, the second is one that was kind of a comfort fic when I was feeling really stressed and not great (cute fluffy tword cuddles n sht), and the last is based on a thing that happened when I went to this girl’s house and we were messing around with a head scratcher and it was really twordy and we kept torturing each other with it (ngl I’ve had a crush on her for years but shhh). So we shall see which I finish first lol. If you have any preferences lemme know!
tomorrow: favourite ways to write fluff?
Honestly just basing it on things that have happened to me lmao. Cute fun sht that has no real plot but is just some feel good happy things. 
saturday: what gets you excited whilst writing?
When I feel like I’ve written a really cool or funny phrase, or when the things I’ve written exactly convey what I want them too haha. Yeah I’m a bit of a writing nerd shut up. 
Thank you so much for all the asks recently, I love talking to you! Sending the biggest of hugs and love right back to you! <3
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deeeelightfuldee · 3 years
surveys 067.
Is there anything purple nearby? my propel bottle Do you usually leave voicemails on other people's machines? yeah i do. why not. Do you know somebody whose christmas lights stay up all year round? ummmm, my uncle used to do that. not anymore.  Do you always shut your computer down when you're finished with it? almost always. the only time I don’t is if I’m stepping away to go to the bathroom or something like that. Are most of the pens around your house from random companies or plain? random companies lol Do you dread filling out the about you box on most websites? abbbbsolutely I have no idea how to summarize myself. Do you prefer the Code Red Mountain Dew to the Orange kind? i don’t know if I’ve tried either. Sixteen Candles or Pretty In Pink? uhhhhhhh i haven’t seen either one for years i honestly dk Do you want to have a big family in the future? I always did. I guess my biological timeclock is running out. Do you get embarrassed when talking about things like sex and periods? no, not at all. Do you often write people's moods off as 'PMSing?' ohhhhhh that’ll piss me off real quick. Do you think that men endure too much? :k I don’t like the tone of this question. Men deal with plenty. Just because they are male doesnt exclude them from the possibility of struggles, pain, tragedy, etc. Are there any towels in your house with cartoon characters on them? i highly doubt it Do the half sheet paper towels annoy you? nope. it’s less wasteful for us Ever been in a mosh pit? no. that sounds like a mess and I also don’t like sweaty, stinky people up in my space. What was the last thing you did that gave you a rush? I think sightseeing on one of my vacations Is Vegas one of your must-see places? I’d like to experience it I suppose, but it’s not a OMG MUST SEE. Pet rat ; Yay or Nay? thats a giant, solid no. Have you ever washed a cat in your bathtub? no. we always used the kitchen sink. Ever seen the movie Max Keeble's Big Move? Opinions? why does that sound familiar? Would you call yourself a writer? Written any stories lately? no, not necessarily. I can write, and I can write well. But it isn’t a passion of mine. Are you good at reading people's body language? yes, I tend to be very aware of body language and social cues 
Do you feel obligated to feel bad for people who are crying? ummm, no not always. I’ve seen so much fake crying in my time that it only brings out sympathy if its legitimate Ever ask a random stranger to pretend to be someone for you? lol no. I am tempted to try it though Ever threatened somebody and actually went through with it? sure! babysitting and nannying will mean actions have consequences Does holding newborn babies scare you? not at all. Are needles something that you're afraid of? not at all.
Piercings, Yay or Nay? I’m fine with them if they’re in normal places. I don’t understand like the dimple piercings, the clit ones, the eyebrow, the tongue.. I don’t mind ear, nose is fine. One guy I know has his penis pierced and that did look cool but woof. that sounds painful  Have you ever been prescribed medication? yes. I’m not on any rn Do you have a collage of pictures in your bedroom? not anymore no Are Mac computers a bit frustrating? theyre not user friendly for me personally  Ever consider a career in photography? no, I’m not that good at telling people how to pose Are your friends a different breed? (: they’re amazing. What colour does the button on your computer glow? White Did you ever have those glow in the dark stars on your ceiling? when I was a kid, yes Do you have a Friday night routine? not really. lately it’s relaxing at home. Hopefully it’ll one day become date night Do you kind of have to pee right now? nah, I went a few mins ago Does bad grammar in surveys annoy you at all? YES *** I’m glad to see you’re still active on here. I hope you feel better :( Congratulations on the house. I’m glad you’re still getting thru the days ok w/o me
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