#abby schmidt is a menace
trashyswitch · 8 months
Dangerous? Or Friendly?
Mike is fearful of the animatronics. I mean, can you blame him? They're huge! But Abby appears to gain their trust really quickly. Who are these ghost kids hidden in the animatronics? And why do they want to play with him so badly?
Thus begins the first of many FNAF Movie fanfics. I had started this fanfic before watching the movie. Then, when I watched the movie, I went home and tweaked it before finishing off the rest of the story. Naturally, this fanfic is going to contain spoilers. But despite that, I hope you like it!
Mike stared at the huge bear animatronic that was walking closer to him. He had picked up a chair in an attempt to hit the bear animatronic…or at the very least, keep some space between them…He desperately didn’t want to die by the animatronics tonight. All he wanted was to finish this shift and get the heck out of there. 
“Mike!” He heard, running from the animatronics up to her brother. “They wouldn’t stop tickling me. I thought I was gonna die!” Abby explained. 
Mike was too busy staring at the orange-coloured eyes of the bear animatronic. It was not only huge, but the thing was growling at him suspiciously. He was too busy focusing on that, to realize Abby’s choice of words at first. 
“Freddy…this is my brother, Mike.” Abby told the bear. 
The bear looked Mike up and down, still suspicious of the adult in front of it. Mike didn’t know what to say…or even what to do. The only thing keeping him safe was the wooden chair in his hands. According to Abby, these huge machines weren’t really hurting her…well, not technically. They were tickling her, but not really causing any other harm to her. But he didn’t care if they were harmless right now…the animatronics were still hella terrifying…
Freddy’s eyebrows dropped their ferocious scowl and raised into a more ‘happy’ facial expression. Mike was a little taken aback by this. Was Freddy…not angry at him anymore? Then, the bunny animatronic started making its way up to Mike next. Still scared of the other animatronics, Mike quickly aimed the chair towards the bunny, making sure to keep some distance between them. “Stay there.” He warned. “Abby, get behind me.” he attempted to order.
Abby looked at her brother with worry. “They’re not gonna hurt you. You’re with me.” She told him. 
Mike was still unsure though. He'd rather risk losing their trust and keep the chair up, than lower the chair and let his guard down. As much as he trusted his sister…he was too scared to do anything that risked getting him killed. But…if he’s with Abby…and Abby gained the trust of the animatronics…then maybe…
“This is Freddy, Bonnie, Foxy and Chica.” Abby told him, pointing to every animatronic as she said the names.
He started to lower the chair. The chicken and the fox animatronics made their way closer to Mike as well, soon surrounding Mike in somewhat of a rough circle. Mike looked a little more nervous now…cause it seemed that no matter where he looked, an animatronic would be staring right at him. Though Freddy and Bonnie’s eyebrows had calmed down and showed its trust, the others hadn’t yet. They still looked as suspicious as ever.
But right as Mike felt like he finally had some control and comfort…he felt a single poke to his side. 
“-?!” Mike jumped, barely making a sound as he contorted his body to look at the animatronic that had poked him. “Who did that?!” He asked, staring at both the chicken and the fox. 
Abby giggled. “Chica did!” She told him. 
“W-which one? The…yellow one?” Mike asked. 
“Yup! Chica, as in chicken.” Abby replied. 
Though he would never admit it, Abby’s wordplay…was actually a good strategy to help him remember the name. 
“W-what…” Mike attempted to ask Chica as it got slightly closer. “What are you…” 
Another poke hit him right in the ribs, surprising Mike enough to let out something. “aAh-?!” His voice wobbled, a strained, tiny smile appearing on his face for only a moment. “No.” Mike warned the fox, who was staring at Mike and holding its index finger up in frozen shock. 
Abby smirked. “Uh oh~” she teased. 
“Abby, no.” Mike warned his sister. 
“It’s too late~” Abby teased evilly, letting out a giggle.
“Abby- GaAha-!” He jumped again, curling in a little bit and temporarily losing his footing. 
“Go for the ribs and armpits!” Abby declared. 
Mike looked over at Abby with panic and betrayal. “ABBY!” He reacted. 
“His feet are ticklish too! Hehehe!” Abby giggled. 
Mike shot Abby a fearful glare. “Shut it!” He ordered. Then he looked at the animatronics, which were all staring at Mike just inches away from him. “Sh-she’s lying!” He told them desperately, hoping and praying they don’t try anything. 
But this lie didn’t do anything…in fact, all it did was encourage Abby to run up and squeeze his sides! Mike gasped and hugged himself, curling up a bit and trying to keep his laughter in. “aAH- ST-Stop- stOP!” He ordered in desperation. Though they weren’t the most ticklish spot, they were still bad enough to render him somewhat helpless. 
“See?” Abby told the animatronics with a proud, shit-eating grin. 
The animatronics looked back and forth amongst each other, showing contentment in their robot faces. Mike didn’t know whether he wanted to strangle his sister, or run away. He loved his sister, but my god…the girl loved to test the waters and make him question it. And if this week wasn’t evidence enough of that…then I don’t know what was. 
On top of that, Mike could feel his knees beginning to buckle due to his sister’s tickles. He was curling into the sides and fighting every instinct to flee as he felt his legs weaken further and further. He knew he was going down slowly…but he was not going down without a vigorous fight. But his arms could only protect so much at once, especially when you’re trying to prove to the animatronics just how not ticklish he was. The truth was…Abby was right. He’s very ticklish, and wouldn’t be able to last much longer. 
The man wasn’t sure if he should continue to fight on, or just give up and laugh. 
…And then Abby pulled a brutal move on him…by squeezing his lower ribs. 
“aAAHA!” Mike dropped to his knees and hugged his ribs. “A-ABBYHYHY-!” Mike shouted, flopping onto his side and kicking his legs as Abby playfully dug further into his ribs. Mike had closed his eyes…which meant he couldn’t see the animatronics’ reactions and movements. Dammit, Abby! Why must she do this to him!? 
Mike’s panic only exacerbated the moment he felt a pair of large, metal, blue hands grab his waist and lift him up. Yes…I am not kidding. The animatronic lifted him up like a toddler, not even phased by the size and weight of this security guard. “AAH! NO! LET ME GO!” Mike shouted, now squirming and kicking his feet wildly. But to no one’s surprise, not even a body shift could compromise the animatronic’s undeniable strength. Whoever thought making scarily strong animatronics like this was a good idea…was unbelievably insane. 
“Wow! Bonnie’s really strong!” Abby reacted, somehow unphased by this huge feat. 
But Mike’s squirming halted for only a moment when he felt skitters and squeezes on his upper ribs. Mike gasped and started squirming for a completely different reason, as a wobbly, stupid little smile began to fill his lips. “Ohno- NONONO-!” Mike opened his eyes and screeched as he felt the fat skittering fingers of the bear animatronic, moving up and down his lower front ribs. Finally, Mike burst out in surprised laughter as he tried and failed to get out of their strong grip. “OHGOD NOHOHOHOhohooo! aaAAHAHAAA-!? NOHOHO! Thihis isn’t fahahairrr!” He laughed. 
Abby was giggling like mad, loving every second of this. “Hahaha! How’s it feel being tickled by robot tickle monsters?” Abby asked with a grin. 
“Thihihis ihis INSAHAHAHANE!” He hung his head and shook in Bonnie’s grasp. “C-Cohohome ohon-” He jumped and lost his composure yet again, when he felt the blue fingers going up his ribs slightly to the 4th or 5th rib. “NAHAHAHAhahahaha! W-WAHAIT- GAHAHAhahaha!” Mike yelled. 
Abby smiled brightly. “Go for the armpits! His armpits are bad too! They make him all squeaky!” Abby told Freddy. 
Mike groaned through his laughter. “Abs plehehease stohohohop!” He pleaded. “Yohohohou’re nohohot- NO!” Mike screeched and yelled as Bonnie scooted its hands slightly lower on his ribs, presumably so Freddy had more access to his underarms…
Why Abby keeps telling Freddy and the animatronics his ticklish secrets, he could not tell you. But man, he was tempted to tickle his sister to tears the moment he got free. 
“F-FREDDYWAIT-” Mike stared at the thick fingers that were subtly threatening to tickle his now-vulnerable armpits. When Freddy had placed the fingers mere millimeters away from his armpits, Mike knew he was doomed. But still…he tried one last attempt to ask for freedom. He gulped. “Uh….m-mercy?” He asked rather anxiously. 
Freddy’s ears wiggled slightly before the fingers finally touched down on his armpits. Just the touch down was ticklish enough! But when the fingers started MOVING?! HOLY CRAP, IT TICKLED LIKE MAD! Any amount of laughter that filled his lungs, came out in an uncharacteristic, high-pitched squeal. “aaaAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA! AAAAAHAHAHAHAHA! NOHO! NaAaAAH! NAHAHAHEHEHEHE!” Mike squeaked and squealed through his laughter. 
Abby just laughed as she watched. “Isn’t Mike’s laugh funny?” Abby asked. 
Freddy then stopped his tickle attack for a moment, to let the man breathe. Mike treated the break like a trophy, and happily took advantage. It was like he hadn’t taken a breath in years! The feeling of a simple breath made him overwhelmed with gratitude. He cleared his throat a little bit as he tried to pull himself together. 
Once Mike felt calm enough to properly think, he tried to get himself free from Bonnie’s grip. “Okay…You had your fun. Can you please let me go now?” Mike asked. 
Abby looked at the other animatronics and watched as they…almost conversed with each other. Mike watched them with both confusion, and fear in his eyes. He lowered himself slightly to talk to Abby. “What’s happening? What are they talking about?” Mike asked. 
She giggled. “They’re talking about what tickle spot to go for next.” She told him outright. 
Mike bit his lip. Oh no…Not good. 
Wait…How does she know?! Can she- Can she TALK TO THEM?! 
Mike widened his eyes and turned to Abby with fear visible in his eyes. “Can you tell them to stop?” Mike asked. 
Abby tilted her head. “Why? They just want to play.” She told him. 
“I…I don’t have time to play. I’m supposed to be working.” Mike told him. 
The animatronics stopped their ‘conversation’ and looked over at Mike and Abby. Mike tensed up slightly as he stared at the animatronic bear’s eyes again. Something about those eyes looked dead inside, yet…their eyes glowed in a human-kind of way that made a shiver move up his spine. It was nerve-wracking, and he wasn’t sure he liked it all that much.  
But Freddy looked over at Chica, and…started waving for Chica to come over. Mike widened his eyes and started squirming all over again. No no no, that chicken thing had better not be getting closer to him. Abby had gasped and covered her mouth, letting out an excited squeal. Oh no! What in the world were they planning that was so exciting to her?! 
“Abby?! What are they planning?!” Mike asked. 
Abby looked at Mike, and giggled menacingly. For the love of-WHY WON’T SHE TELL HIM?!
Mike looked at the chicken animatronic and prepared himself. “Chick-Chica NO.” Mike lifted his right foot up and started pushing against Chica’s middle chest. “Stay back. I’m warning you.” He ordered before pushing with his other foot as well, in an attempt to get the animatronic away from him. 
But to both Mike AND Abby’s surprise, Chica grabbed his ankles, and gave him a bit of a tug. And to Mike’s horror, Bonnie let go of him and let him fly upside down! “WhooOOHNO-” 
Abby gasped and held her stomach as she bursted out laughing. 
Mike felt his bangs fall above his head as he struggled to come to terms with being upside down. Great…Looks like the animatronics were just toying with him at this point. 
“Abs, please…” Mike said, looking at her upside down. “What are they doing?” He asked, confused and worried. But his attention switched over to the fiddling and adjusting he felt against his shoe. “What-” Mike muttered as he curled himself up, attempting to see how his feet were being toyed with. “Hey! Stop that!” He ordered. 
But Mike widened his eyes in horror the second he felt his shoe being slipped off his foot. SHIT! 
“OHNO-?!” Mike started to panic as he heard the shoe fall to the ground. “Abby help!” Mike yelled as he pulled on his ankles and struggled to get himself right side up. “ABBY!” Mike held his arms out desperately. 
Abby only giggled. “You are all gonna love this! His feet are so ticklish!” Abby told them excitedly. 
Mike groaned and squeezed his eyes shut. “Abbyyyy…” Mike groaned. 
“And don’t forget his piggies!” Abby teased. 
“Abby-” Mike was growing somewhat impatient with his sister by this point. 
“Though be careful with his toes. He might die if he’s tickled too much there.” She warned. 
Heh…‘Be careful’...Hearing that was funny enough in its own right. At least she has the right of mind to tell them to at least be careful…
His breath hitched the moment he felt a fat finger on the arch of his socked left foot. He squeezed his eyes shut and covered his mouth with his hands. NO. They are NOT getting away with tickling him again. Nuh uh, no way. They can fight with him all they want to, but they will NEVER get a laugh out of him! Not now, not ever again. 
Or so he thought…
Only one little flutter…right under his toes…was enough to make every bit of laughter burst out of him. The poor man threw his arms against his chest and leaned his head back slightly as every laugh he had bunched up in his lungs, had finally let themselves free. “GAHAHAHAHAhahahaha! Ohohokahay, okahahahayyyyy!” Mike yelled. 
“YAY!” Abby declared, laughing alongside him. 
Mike put his hands in praying position. “Yohohou got mehehehee! P-Plehehehease stohohop! Ihihihi’m lahahaughihihing ehenohohough!” He pleaded. 
“Okay, let’s stop.” Abby told Chica. 
Chica moved its fingers away, and looked at Abby for her next instruction. 
Abby waited a few seconds, while listening to his brother breathe somewhat heavily from exhaustion. “You okay?” Abby asked. 
Mike huffed and puffed a few more times. “Ihihi…Ihi’m okay…I’m good.” 
“Do you need a break?” Abby asked. 
“Thahat…would be nihice.” Mike admitted. 
“Okay.” Abby replied. “How about…in a few more minutes?” Abby asked, looking at the animatronics. Mike nodded his head. A break sounded amazing right about now. Especially if…wait, did she say ‘in a few minutes’? 
“Okay go!” Abby suddenly told Chica. 
Mike’s eyes grew to the size of saucers. “Wait WHA-” 
Mike shrieked as the fat fingers started tickling him all over again. He couldn’t even hold in his laughter this time, instead just letting it fall out of him. “BAAAHAHAHAhahAHAhahaha!” Mike cackled, shocked by the sudden tickles against the ball of his foot. When he finished his fit, Mike took in a breath and squealed in a rather high-pitched voice before falling into another fit of cackles. “Plehehehehehease! HAHahahaha! Ihihit’s toohoohoohoo ticklihihish!” He told Abby. 
“So ticklish you can’t remember your right from left?” 
“HEHEhehehehe- Yehehehehesss!” He replied. 
Abby walked closer to Mike and started poking and tickling his sides. “How about now?” 
Mike jumped and grunted, grasping at his sister’s hands, laughing slightly harder. This is the most Abby has touched him, let alone tickled him, in quite a long time. And though he was technically in a very vulnerable position right now, there were much worse scenarios to be stuck in. 
“Alright. Let’s stop for real this time.” Abby told Chica. 
Chica stopped its fingers. 
“Can you flip him the right way, Chica?” Abby asked. 
Chica lowered its body down and placed its hands under Mike to help pick him up. “ooOKAY…” Mike felt as Chica grabbed under his arms and nodded to Bonnie. With that nod, Bonnie let go of Mike’s feet and let them drop. “Okay- OW.” He yelped as his foot inevitably hit Bonnie’s leg. “Ohokay.” He muttered. Chica lowered Mike down till his feet were touching the ground. “Thank you…” He huffed and attempted to pull himself together. “Not…sure how I feel about you being able to lift me so easily…” Mike admitted. Chica removed his fingers, accidentally tickling his armpit one more time. This made Mike jump snicker one last time. 
Abby shrugged her shoulders and smiled. “That wasn’t too bad, was it?” Abby asked. 
Mike turned to his sister…and slowly gave her a devious smile. “Get over here, you ticklish tattle-tale!” He declared, picking her up and skittering his fingers all over her ribs and belly. “Tick-a-tick-a-tick-a-tick-a-tickle~!” He teased, using toddler-like teases so he could further torment her. 
“Sorry’s not gonna cut it, Abs.” He teased. “You understood exactly what they were doing, and didn’t bother to tell me all of it.” He moved his fingers to her belly button, earning him a high-pitched squeal. “AND you couldn’t keep your mouth shut about how ticklish I am!” He added. “You’re a little menace who deserves to laugh just as much as I did.” He told her. 
“What belly button?” He asked innocently. “I didn’t know you had a belly button! Let me see!” Mike picked her up bridal style and blew a raspberry onto her belly button. 
Abby squealed and screamed with laughter as the raspberry filled her belly, before stopping. He lowered her sister down, and continued to hold her bridal style. Abby was still a bit of a giggly mess despite not being tickled for nearly as long. He put her down onto her feet. “There. Should we make it a tie?” He asked, holding his hand up. 
Abby nodded her head and gave him a high five. With that set in motion, Mike started to collect his stuff and take Abby out to the car. Funnily enough, the animatronics had tickled him up until his shift had ended. 
And by the time Mike had pulled into the driveway, Abby was sound asleep against the car door with a mauve blanket being used as a pillow. 
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shinewonder · 8 months
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had the time of my life with the movie
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tontalunar · 7 months
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Guess who watched the fnaf movieeee, it was very slay and I finally got some inspiration to draw Abby with her besties
It’s also on RedBubble as stickers and other products which you can get here :^D
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cultrise · 8 months
COFFEE AND KISSES. mike schmidt
𝜗𝜚 SYNOPSIS morning drabble with mikey <3
𝜗𝜚 CONTENTS fluff, mike x gn!reader, making out, ik mike is so attractive in the morning ><
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when mike gets out of bed in the morning, it’s hard. especially when it’s weekend and he had his week filled with nightshifts that seemed to never end, especially when all he wanted was to return to you and abby as soon as possible.
you feel the mattress shake as mike stands up, a groan leaving his lips as he rubs his eyes. he stands up with a sigh, walking to the bathroom to brush his teeth quickly before coming back to his bedroom, that he now shared with you, to slide some sweatpants on.
his mind only begs for coffee and he hurries to make one, still not aware you were watching. you get up with a stretch, following him to the kitchen and stopping to check on a sleeping abby on the way. the coffee machine whirrs, the hot liquid pours into the cup and, with soft blow to it, so he doesn’t burn his pretty lips, mike takes a much-needed sip.
you want to tease him a bit on his coffee addiction, the brunette still having taken no notice of your presence. but you miserably fail when your eyes trail on his figure.
you see, to you, mike looks absolutely stunning in the morning, even if he doesn’t believe it. that drowsy demeanour, those messy brown curls and… “morning, baby” that soft but hoarse voice. you were in a daze as you hurried to return the greeting. mike’s lower back presses against the counter, lip corners turning up into a smile at your flushed demeanour.
“see something you like?” okay, he was just teasing you at this point. you furrow your brows at him, trying to rid yourself of the want to jump him as mike grins, taking another sip. you take note of his big hands, the fingers you knew so well for caressing your skin each night, his arms that were much stronger than they looked, his neck, his sharp jawline…
“cat got your tongue?” mike presses on, increasingly amused as you blink repeatedly, trying to find your words. to him, it was weird how attracted you were to him… he just had no actual idea of how hot he really was.
“made me a coffee yet, pretty boy?” your added nickname makes mike’s demeanour falter a bit. you make your way next to him, pressing the button on the coffee machine as his brown eyes stay glued to you.
“pretty boy? so i wasn’t wrong, you’re staring at me like that again” mike quips, setting his cup down on the counter as you smile.
“not my fault you look so damn good” you admit, making him let out a chuckle. the husky and irregular undertone of his morning voice makes your whole body shiver as you attempted to focus on stirring your coffee. the clinking sounds of the spoon hitting against the cup echo through the kitchen.
“yeah?” oh fuck, you were so gone. your defence shatters, turning a head to see him leaning in closer, a sleepy smile on his face “do something about it, pretty” it was rare to see mike so bold since he always took extra care in everything he said and did, every action followed by a small tint of red to his cheeks. but in the morning when his brain wasn’t fully awake yet and he was unaware of everything he was spewing? he was a menace.
you set your cup down, turning to him as his eyes moved to your lips. his intentions were clear and you couldn’t help but set your hand on his jaw and bring him closer, pressing your lips to his in a soft kiss. what follows is a groan, coming from mike’s throat as his eyes close and he wraps his arms around your waist, torso pressed against yours.
you can taste the coffee on his lips, you dig your nails in his hair, you feel the soft breaths fan on your face… god, this man was nothing short of perfect. you pull back in awe, taking another quick glance at his sleep-filled features before he pulls you back in, needy and longing.
“eeeeewwwww!” a little scream hits your eardrums as you both pull away from each other, eyes wide and pupils blown “it’s 10 in the morning, can you not?!” the frail voice scolds you two as mike rolls his eyes.
“abby, stop being so dramatic” he retorts as she sticks her tongue out and sits herself down on the nearest chair. mike throws you a small smile, parting away from you with a scratch to his head. you take the chance to sit next to abby, apologising about the little incident her small eyes had to witness. you knew it didn’t actually bothered her. you knew she wanted nothing more than to see her brother happy. but you still played into her game, earning a chuckle from her.
“so, what will it be for breakfast?” mike chimes in with small smile as the three of you start arguing over what to eat.
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© cultrise | don’t steal, copy or translate my works.
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happy74827 · 7 months
Pst! Might be a fun lil challenge if you ever want to work on something like this....
Mike Schmidt adopts a stray cat but it's from the cats point of view.
Okay this one got me LMFAO. I won’t necessarily call this a “oneshot,” but I had to write something with this iconic request. Thank you so much for this anon, it made my day.
You were a small thing, grey and white, with long fur and eyes that were almost unnaturally large. You sat there quietly, watching the people in the shelter walk past and occasionally licking your paw and brushing it against your face. You were not like the other cats, who were loud and energetic and climbed on everything. You were reserved and seemed almost disinterested.
That is until your eye caught Mike.
Then you sat up and watched him, not making a noise but staring at him. And when Mike stared back, you looked away, and then you looked back, and the look of pure joy spread across your little face...
"She likes you," the girl said.
"Yeah, sure," he replied, looking at the girl, who was beaming. "I'm not taking her.”
He took you home that night.
Mike set down the cat bed, the toys, and the food and then stared at the cat carrier for a moment before opening it. He heard you sniffing and meowing, and then your face poked out, and you looked around curiously.
Soon, you were out of the cage, walking around his apartment. Abby had grown a fondness for you and was currently chasing you around the living room, trying to get you to play. She had already caught you several times and was just playing with you now.
Mike wasn’t special enough to get that treatment. You were an asshole, a menace, and a demon. You peed in his shoes, stole his food, and once bit his arm for no reason.
He hated you.
You were curled up on his chest, purring as he read the newspaper. He was ignoring you and trying to get his mind off the fact that you were on him when you decided that he was going to pay attention to you.
Your paw found his cheek, smacking it lightly.
"What?" he said, lowering the paper.
"Mraow," You said, only looking up at him for a moment.
Your paw hit his face again. When he ignored you for the second time, you decided to go in with claws. You didn’t scratch his face, but his paper now had holes in it, and a few lines of ink were smudged.
"Hey! Bad cat!"
He moved to set you on the couch, but you didn’t let go. He ended up holding you as you screamed in his face, clawing at his shirt.
"You little asshole," he grumbled, setting you down and getting up. You followed him, crying loudly. He didn't have any intention of feeding you, but he wanted you to shut up.
"Meow meow!" you shouted.
"Yes, yes, I'm getting it," he said, filling your food bowl. "Now eat it."
You did not eat it. Instead, you looked up at him and cried louder.
"Oh, I'm sorry, do you want to starve? Because that can be arranged."
He went back to reading his paper, trying his hardest to ignore you.
It didn't work. You sat by his foot, screaming until he picked you up and put you on his lap. He was going to keep his hands busy by petting you, but that didn't work because as soon as he stopped, you would start screaming again.
He had no idea that cats were so demanding. But then again, he'd never owned a cat. He had no idea what to expect.
He wondered why he had ever adopted you.
He didn't have to wonder long.
As soon as he was done giving you attention, you got off him and sat down next to him. Mike looked down, and you looked up, and then you put your paw on his leg and started kneading his pants, making small noises.
You were so happy and content, and it was obvious.
"You are an asshole," he said. "But at least you're an adorable asshole."
You have a content little purr and laid down next to him. Sure, Abby might be the one who appreciated you more and the one who wanted to play, but Mike was the one you had chosen.
And you were never going to leave him. No matter how many times he seriously considered sending you back to the shelter,
You were never letting him go. And, despite what he says, he was never letting you go, either.
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adamwatchesmovies · 2 months
Five Nights at Freddy's (2023)
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While I didn't enjoy this film, that doesn't mean you won't. No matter what I say, the people involved in this project did it: they actually made a movie. That's something to be applauded. With that established...
It took so long for the Five Nights at Freddy’s movie to materialize that two knockoffs beat it to the finish line: The Banana Splits Movie and Willy’s Wonderland. The thing is, neither of those films was particularly good, so the wait could’ve been worth it. Unfortunately, the long-awaited feature-length adaptation of the video game by Scott Cawthon is yet another heartbreak. In fact, it’s even more of a letdown than the others because this is the film you’ve actually been waiting for, rather than the store-brand substitute.
Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria, a once-successful Chuck-E-Cheese-like entertainment center with animatronic mascots who sang, played music and entertained guests, was shut down in the 1980s after several child disappearances. In the present day, Mike Schmidt (Josh Hutcherson) struggles to make ends meet while taking care of his younger sister, Abby (Piper Rubio), and agrees to work as a security guard at Freddy Fazbear’s. Mike is still traumatized from the disappearance of his younger brother many years ago. Every night, he revisits his memories of that fateful day through his dreams, hoping some new detail will emerge and allow him to figure out who took Garrett. On his first night at Freddy Fazbear’s, he has a different dream, making him wonder if the mystery surrounding the abandonned building might help him get some answers.
I should begin this review by telling you that I only have second-hand knowledge of the game. I know what it’s about, I know the characters but I’ve never played. One thing I know is that it’s a horror game whose frights are primarily jump scares. This makes the film’s lack of scares - particularly of jump scares - stunning. If there was one movie that could’ve used long, tense stretches of someone in near darkness wandering through corridors while the audience waits for something to pop up out of nowhere, it was Five Nights at Freddy’s. Instead, we get a plot that frankly, was ill-conceived from the start.
One of the major issues with this film is the storyline with Garrett. When we meet Mike, he’s so mentally unhinged he violently beats a man he thinks is kidnapping a child. You’re supposed to think “Oh no! Poor guy! He's so messed up!". Instead, you begin suspecting the mechanical bear with gears for brains is smarter than him - you’re right. Of all the jobs Mike could’ve gotten, security guard is probably the worst one. See, he insists on going to sleep at the same time, every night. Before he goes to sleep, he stares at a photo of the trees from the park where his brother went missing and listens to the sound of birds. Mike believes that we actually remember everything we see and that if you can’t remember just yet, you can unlock your memories by visiting them through your dreams. You want to feel bad for him because his parents are dead now, leaving him alone to take care of his sister but he’s an irresponsible menace. You don’t sympathize with him at all.
Mike won't win you over even after the film introduces the picture’s villain: his estranged aunt Jane (Mary Stuart Masterson). She wants custody of Abby so she can collect those monthly government child tax checks. You're wondering why she's necessary. Aren't those killer robots the villains? Well, she's included so she can hire a bunch of dumb-dumbs to break into Freddy Fazbear's. It's no surprise that they all get turned into hamburger meat and no, you won’t see anything shocking even then, as the killer mascots go through the trouble to clean up after themselves once the carnage is over. PG-13 horror can work. It doesn't here.
I cannot overstate how baffling the "missing brother" backstory thing is. It's more nonsense than sense, particularly once Mike realizes what happens in his dreams can carry over to real life. It's all building up to a mystery so easy to deduce you'll feel like a galaxy-brained genius. Not only is it obvious; it's clumsy. Loads of exposition is delivered point-blank by police officer Vanessa (Elizabeth Lail) and the ending is as convincing as this film is gory, which is to say not at all. At least Matthew Lillard as Mike's career counsellor seems to be having fun.
What's the worst thing about Five Nights at Freddy's? It might be this running gag that comes up a few times and then again during the end credits. I say that because it shows director Emma Tammi - who probably did her best while the executives pushed and bullied the junior director into making this watered-down would-be spook-fest - knows the premise would've been perfect for a horror-comedy. Instead, it's unintentionally funny at best - there's a scene in which one of the killer animatronics takes a cab ride(!!!) - and boring at worst. I'm sure die-hard fans will think it's great but that's only because of the name that's been slapped onto the poster. Five Nights at Freddy's is a colossal, disappointing mess.  (April 6, 2023)
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thetimelordbatgirl · 3 years
Marvel Descendants OCs
Acknowledgment: When Marvel Descendants was first written in 2015, one year after I joined Tumblr, at the time I wasn’t aware of how bad certain things were and while I am aware this is a bad excuse for what I’m about to acknowledge, it’s all I have really for what I wrote into Marvel Descendants at 14-15 as back then, I was into DC’s Kingdom Come and when I saw them ship Nightstar and Ibn al Xu'ffasch (pre-Damien Wayne), I didn’t see anything wrong with it and as a result, used the adopted family excuse for shipping Locket Lokidottir and Theo Thorson. Now that I am older and know more over the years, I wish I had known back then, but I wasn’t deep into Tumblr until December 2014 and even then, it took me until a while back to realize Marvel Descendants was wrong for that, but by that point, book 5 confirming the ship two married in the future, was out and while its too late to fix canon, I try to fix it in AUs and ship the two with other characters.  Any other issues within Marvel Descendants, I am trying to fix and hope to avoid in the future as I continue writing. 
Description of Marvel Descendants: Marvel Descendants is a marvel version of Disney Descendants that follows The Isle of the Lost, Descendants 1 and Wicked Wold in first two books and mini-spin off and goes on its own plot in book 3, with it now being tied @disneyfan50​ ‘s series, Descendant of Loki, starting from the team up/crossover, Daughters of The Trickster, with the series continuing on right now with planned future installments and AUs. 
Timeline so far: 
Book 1: The Area of The Lost. Summary:  Twenty years ago, all villains from Loki to Doctor doom were sent to the lost part of asgard with a shield around it to keep them there and them from ever escaping. The villains and their children now live in total isolation, forgotten by the world. But now there is a price for grabs, Loki's sceptre, could be their chance of escape, but they have to prove their more then willing to do anything evil to get hold of it. In their quest, they also learn, that being good can also help and isn't so bad at all sometimes. Link: https://www.quotev.com/story/6739788/The-Isle-of-the-lost-Marvel-Version/1
Book 2: Descendants: Marvel Version. Summary: Thor's daughter is about to be crowned goddess of lightning when she suddenly requests for the children of the villains to be given a chance at redemption. When their parents give them a task to get hold of the Tessaract so they can take over the world, the children of Loki, doctor doom, Sabertooth, the leader and the Mandarin and the granddaughter of red skull, have their own choice to make, be good or be evil like their parents. Link: https://www.quotev.com/story/6677501/Descendants-Marvel-Version/1
Book 3: Marvel Descendants: The Art of Mischief.  Summary:  Its been a week after tori's crowning of her title and the attack of doctor doom and the villains kids have been living a normal half term, well, as normal as they could get anyway, but now school is on again, but also, a old enemy is rising in the darkness of asgard, and he is out for revenge on asgard and earth. Sometimes, heroes are born at different points and sometimes, its not a good move to judge someone based on their look or their background.... Link: https://www.quotev.com/story/6814801/Marvel-Descendants-The-Art-Of-Mischief
Mini-Spin Off: Marvel Descendants: Wicked World. Summary:  The marvel descendants are back, and good is the new bad in this case, with drama and pranks and mischief and of course, the children of the heroes and villains, this is wicked world. Link: https://www.quotev.com/story/6924709/Marvel-Descendants-Wicked-World/1
Crossover with @disneyfan50​ : The Daughters of The Trickster.  Summary:  When a portal opens unexpectedly in Locket's room, another girl falls out. Her name is Lilith Lokidottir, the daughter of another Loki from and alternate universe. The tides of evil are rising, and at their helm is none other than the Queen of Darkness herself. Can Locket and Lily stop this menace together? Link: https://www.quotev.com/story/6859006/The-Daughters-of-the-Trickster/1
Book 4: Marvel Descendants: The Trickster’s Curse.  Summary:  Life is starting to go back to normal for Locket lokidottir, daughter of loki, the battle against mariana over, but that doesn't mean that there is not a effect in all of this. There is a curse on the school coming out, and it may be lockets and theos fault, when Loki though falls to it next, locket, theo, tamora and a new ally, lucy selvig, have to find the cure and put a end to this curse before it continues, but who set it? who left it? why is it affecting locket and her father the most? and why does darkness and poison come with it? Link: https://www.quotev.com/story/6984816/Marvel-Descendants-The-Tricksters-Curse/1/
Book 5: Marvel Descendants: Sins of The Past. Summary:  Its the year 2032- and things have changed. The X-Men have failed in their one mission: to get human acceptence. Now mutants, metra-humans, off world people and even humans who were assoicated with mutants or could have mutant kids, are either in prison, on the run or killed. Jackie Haller leads a group against this and they have a plan- go back in time to save the future. In 2016, the past is about to commit the one act that makes this happen without knowing it..... The resistance in the future are on a ticking time bomb to stop this event with the pasts help.... ....Or its game over. Link: https://www.quotev.com/story/8099153/Marvel-Descendents-Sins-Of-The-Past/1
Crossover with @disneyfan50​ : Untitled. Summary: TBA.
Agent of Asgard: Volume 1:  Summary: Well now i have done it- i never thought that in my life, that i would work for heroes- But here i am, Locket Lokidottir, working as a agent for Queen Jane of Asgard, but now, now im in the deep end, i got a crazy version of myself after me, im meeting weird people and theres some plot going on- Why cant i just go back to being normal yet? Link: https://www.quotev.com/story/8471877/Agent-Of-Asgard-Volume-1/1
Crossover with @disneyfan50​ and Entity High: Untitled.  Summary: TBA. 
Agent of Asgard: Volume 2: Summary: TBA. 
Agent of Asgard: Volume 3: Summary: TBA. 
Agent of Asgard: Volume 4: Summary: TBA. 
Spin Off: Siege Perilous: Summary: Being a dragon should mean you should always be able to soar through the air, no matter what- the skies your limit. But what happens when someone tries to clip your wings? Jayla Del'Tazar thought her troubles ended with Mariana Malora- she was wrong. As soon, Jayla finds herself in her own battle against a man named Draeko, a pureblood dragon determined to take her out for her relations, in any way possible. Travelling to Wakanda with Princess Kiara and Jayla's girlfriend, Peregrine Wilson, Jayla soon finds that when pushed to the edge of possible surrender and near death, that sometimes, you have to fight fire with fire...and in this case, that fire is discovering hidden abilities she never knew she had until then, and things only change from there on. Link: https://www.quotev.com/story/11017793/Siege-Perilous/1
Agent of Asgard: Volume 5:  Summary: TBA. 
Untitled Sequel to Siege Perilous: Summary: TBA.
Book 6: Untitled.  Summary: TBA.
Untitled third book to Siege Perilous: Summary: TBA.
Book Set in the Future: Marvel Descendants: Up From the Depths: Summary: Its the year 2032, and the Area of the Lost has existed for more then 20 years as the grandchildren of the villains and heroes now exist and the previous generation have grown up. But soon enough, after a crack appears in a dome and a poisoning of the villains grandchildren at SHIELD Academy happens, its a adventure that soon leads to a truth about the Area and its residents...and how unlike the heroes....not everyone has a good path in life....and may need help more then ever at this point. Link: https://www.quotev.com/story/9912322/Marvel-Descendants-Up-from-the-Depths/1
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Locket Lokidottir
- daughter of Loki-
India Eisley. 
Richard Creed
- son of Sabertooth-
Jason Scott Dolley. 
Victoria Von Doom
- daughter of Doctor Doom-
Raffey Cassidy. 
Alex Sterns
- son of The Leader-
Ferdia Shaw. 
- son of The Mandarin-
Ryan Potter. 
Schmidt- granddaughter of Red Skull-
Sadie Sink.
Torunn ‘Tori’ Thordottir
- daughter of Thor-
Chloe Grace Mortez.
Theo Thorson
- son of Thor-
Landon Liboiron. 
Lila Creed
- daughter of Sabertooth-
Mia Talerico. 
Johnny and Jessica (formerly Olivia)
- twins of Juggernaut-
Lizzie Octavious
- daughter of Doctor Octopus-
Frigga Thordottir
- daughter of Thor-
Abby Ryder Foster.
Ravan Darkholme
- son of Mystique-
Andrew and Ally Amoradottir
- twins of Amora-
Nathan Osborn
- son of Norman Osborn-
Thorn Sifson
- son of Sif-
Spencer Boldman. 
Amanda Amoradottir
- daughter of Amora-
Sabrina Carpenter.
Devlin Kilgrave
- son of Kilgrave-
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*Maria Stark- daughter of Iron Man- Faceclaim: TBA. *James Fury- son of Nick Fury- Faceclaim: Tyrel Jackson.  *Poppy Coulson- daughter of Phil Coulson- Faceclaim: TBA. *Snow Banner- daughter of the Hulk- Faceclaim: TBA. *Luke Walters- son of She Hulk- Faceclaim: TBA. *Riley Jones- daughter of A-Bomb- Faceclaim: TBA. *Mark Hill- son of Maria Hill- Faceclaim: Bradley Steven Perry.  *Margaret ‘Peggy’ Rogers- daughter of Captain America- Faceclaim: TBA. *Andrew Wilson- son of the Falcon- Faceclaim: TBA. *Harry Pym- son of Wasp and Giant Man- Faceclaim: TBA. *Nick and Jade Barton- twins of Hawkeye and Black Widow- Faceclaim(s): TBA. *Lauren Howlett- daughter of Wolverine and Storm- Faceclaim: TBA. *Joy Summers- daughter of Cyclops and Jean Grey- Faceclaim: Mackenzie Foy. *Gwen Parker- daughter of Spiderman and MJ- Faceclaim: TBA. *Jessica Storm- daughter of the Human Torch- Faceclaim: TBA.
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*Lynn Richards- daughter of Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Woman- Faceclaim: TBA. *Atli Volstaggdottir- daughter of Volstagg- Faceclaim: TBA. *Heleo Fandralson- son of Fandral- Faceclaim: Ross Lynch.  *Vio Fandraldottir- daughter of Fandral- Faceclaim: TBA. *Ty Hogunson- son of Hogun- Faceclaim: TBA. *Andrea ‘Andy’ Barnes- daughter of Winter Soldier- Faceclaim: TBA. *Gordon Maximoff- son of Scarlet Witch- Faceclaim: TBA. *Millicent Maximoff- daughter of Quicksilver- Faceclaim: TBA. *Techna- daughter of Vision- Faceclaim: TBA. *Tee Strange- daughter of Doctor Strange- Faceclaim: TBA. *Kiara (formerly Ann)- daughter of Black Panther- Faceclaim: China Anne McClain. *Mick Gold- son of Mockingbird- Faceclaim: TBA. *Charles Danvers- son of Captain Marvel- Faceclaim: TBA. *Brooke Murdock- daughter of Daredevil- Faceclaim: TBA. *Willow Rhodes- daughter of War Machine- Faceclaim: TBA. *Destineva Heimdalldottir- daughter of Heimdall- Faceclaim: TBA. *Jake Amaquin- son of Crystal- Faceclaim: TBA. 
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*Danielle Rand- daughter of Iron Fist- Faceclaim: TBA. *Toby Masters- daughter of Taskmaster- Faceclaim: TBA. *Kasey Parker- daughter of Spiderman and MJ- Faceclaim: TBA. *Maxine- daughter of Electro- Faceclaim: TBA.
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*Alastair Quill- son of Star Lord and Gamora- Faceclaim: Bradley Steven Parry.
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*Lucy Selvig- daughter of Eric Selvig- Faceclaim: Saxon Sharbino.  *Aidan ‘Acrylic’ Lokison- son of Loki- Faceclaim: Eka Darville.  *James Selvig- son of Eric- Faceclaim: TBA.
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*Leela Theodottir- future daughter of Theo and Locket- Faceclaim: Grace Kaufman. *Leonardo ‘Leo’ Theoson- future son of Theo and Locket- Faceclaim: Logan Williams.  *Luna Theodottir- future daughter of Theo and Locket- Faceclaim: Lauren Boles. *Daniel Creed- future son of Richard and Joy- Faceclaim: Carter Hastlings.  *Roxanne ‘Roxie’ Thorndottir- future daughter of Thorn and Tori- Faceclaim: Caitlin Carmichael.  *Vanessa Wilson- future daughter of Andrew and Victoria- Faceclaim: Kyla Drew. *Jacqueline ‘Jackie’ Xavier- granddaughter of Charles Xavier- Faceclaim: TBA. *Elsbeth Wagner- daughter of Nightcrawler- Faceclaim: TBA. *Zelina Lebeau- daughter of Rouge and Gambit- Faceclaim: TBA. *Octave Lebeau- son of Rouge and Gambit- Faceclaim: TBA. *Cerise Wilson- daughter of Deadpool- Faceclaim: TBA. *Feliks Rasputin- son of Shadowcat and Colossus- Faceclaim: TBA. *Max Summers- son of Havoc and Polaris- Faceclaim: TBA. *Derek Worthington- son of Angel and Psylocke- Faceclaim: TBA. *Paige McCoy- daughter of Beast- Faceclaim: TBA. *Alix Drake- daughter of Ice Man- Faceclaim: TBA. *Screech Cassidy- daughter of Banshee- Faceclaim: TBA.
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*Jayla Antoine- adopted daughter of Colin- Faceclaim: Skai Jackson.
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*Ella- granddaughter of Elsa (in Auradon)- Faceclaim: Peyton Elizabeth Lee.. *Jamie Sterns- daughter of Alex and Snow- Faceclaim: Eve Moon. *Nike Stark- son of Maria and Lucas- Faceclaim: TBA.  *Dove Wilson- daughter of Andrew and Victoria- Faceclaim: Millie Davis.  *Tracy Octavious- daughter of Lizzie- Faceclaim: Bailee Madison.  *Misty Darkholme- daughter of Ravan- Faceclaim: Morgan Lily. *Alan Allyson- son of Ally- Faceclaim: Ty Simpkins. *Ava Allydottir- daughter of Ally- Faceclaim: Maggie Elizabeth Jones. *Renee and Brandon Creed- twins of Richard and Joy- Faceclaim(s): Kennedi Clements and Jacob Trembley.  *Kol Amandason- adopted son of Amanda- Faceclaim: Oakes Fegley.  *Usagi Del’Tazar- twin daughter of Jayla and Peregrine- Faceclaim: Sofia Wylie.
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