#meeting the classic animatronics
trashyswitch · 11 months
Dangerous? Or Friendly?
Mike is fearful of the animatronics. I mean, can you blame him? They're huge! But Abby appears to gain their trust really quickly. Who are these ghost kids hidden in the animatronics? And why do they want to play with him so badly?
Thus begins the first of many FNAF Movie fanfics. I had started this fanfic before watching the movie. Then, when I watched the movie, I went home and tweaked it before finishing off the rest of the story. Naturally, this fanfic is going to contain spoilers. But despite that, I hope you like it!
Mike stared at the huge bear animatronic that was walking closer to him. He had picked up a chair in an attempt to hit the bear animatronic…or at the very least, keep some space between them…He desperately didn’t want to die by the animatronics tonight. All he wanted was to finish this shift and get the heck out of there. 
“Mike!” He heard, running from the animatronics up to her brother. “They wouldn’t stop tickling me. I thought I was gonna die!” Abby explained. 
Mike was too busy staring at the orange-coloured eyes of the bear animatronic. It was not only huge, but the thing was growling at him suspiciously. He was too busy focusing on that, to realize Abby’s choice of words at first. 
“Freddy…this is my brother, Mike.” Abby told the bear. 
The bear looked Mike up and down, still suspicious of the adult in front of it. Mike didn’t know what to say…or even what to do. The only thing keeping him safe was the wooden chair in his hands. According to Abby, these huge machines weren’t really hurting her…well, not technically. They were tickling her, but not really causing any other harm to her. But he didn’t care if they were harmless right now…the animatronics were still hella terrifying…
Freddy’s eyebrows dropped their ferocious scowl and raised into a more ‘happy’ facial expression. Mike was a little taken aback by this. Was Freddy…not angry at him anymore? Then, the bunny animatronic started making its way up to Mike next. Still scared of the other animatronics, Mike quickly aimed the chair towards the bunny, making sure to keep some distance between them. “Stay there.” He warned. “Abby, get behind me.” he attempted to order.
Abby looked at her brother with worry. “They’re not gonna hurt you. You’re with me.” She told him. 
Mike was still unsure though. He'd rather risk losing their trust and keep the chair up, than lower the chair and let his guard down. As much as he trusted his sister…he was too scared to do anything that risked getting him killed. But…if he’s with Abby…and Abby gained the trust of the animatronics…then maybe…
“This is Freddy, Bonnie, Foxy and Chica.” Abby told him, pointing to every animatronic as she said the names.
He started to lower the chair. The chicken and the fox animatronics made their way closer to Mike as well, soon surrounding Mike in somewhat of a rough circle. Mike looked a little more nervous now…cause it seemed that no matter where he looked, an animatronic would be staring right at him. Though Freddy and Bonnie’s eyebrows had calmed down and showed its trust, the others hadn’t yet. They still looked as suspicious as ever.
But right as Mike felt like he finally had some control and comfort…he felt a single poke to his side. 
“-?!” Mike jumped, barely making a sound as he contorted his body to look at the animatronic that had poked him. “Who did that?!” He asked, staring at both the chicken and the fox. 
Abby giggled. “Chica did!” She told him. 
“W-which one? The…yellow one?” Mike asked. 
“Yup! Chica, as in chicken.” Abby replied. 
Though he would never admit it, Abby’s wordplay…was actually a good strategy to help him remember the name. 
“W-what…” Mike attempted to ask Chica as it got slightly closer. “What are you…” 
Another poke hit him right in the ribs, surprising Mike enough to let out something. “aAh-?!” His voice wobbled, a strained, tiny smile appearing on his face for only a moment. “No.” Mike warned the fox, who was staring at Mike and holding its index finger up in frozen shock. 
Abby smirked. “Uh oh~” she teased. 
“Abby, no.” Mike warned his sister. 
“It’s too late~” Abby teased evilly, letting out a giggle.
“Abby- GaAha-!” He jumped again, curling in a little bit and temporarily losing his footing. 
“Go for the ribs and armpits!” Abby declared. 
Mike looked over at Abby with panic and betrayal. “ABBY!” He reacted. 
“His feet are ticklish too! Hehehe!” Abby giggled. 
Mike shot Abby a fearful glare. “Shut it!” He ordered. Then he looked at the animatronics, which were all staring at Mike just inches away from him. “Sh-she’s lying!” He told them desperately, hoping and praying they don’t try anything. 
But this lie didn’t do anything…in fact, all it did was encourage Abby to run up and squeeze his sides! Mike gasped and hugged himself, curling up a bit and trying to keep his laughter in. “aAH- ST-Stop- stOP!” He ordered in desperation. Though they weren’t the most ticklish spot, they were still bad enough to render him somewhat helpless. 
“See?” Abby told the animatronics with a proud, shit-eating grin. 
The animatronics looked back and forth amongst each other, showing contentment in their robot faces. Mike didn’t know whether he wanted to strangle his sister, or run away. He loved his sister, but my god…the girl loved to test the waters and make him question it. And if this week wasn’t evidence enough of that…then I don’t know what was. 
On top of that, Mike could feel his knees beginning to buckle due to his sister’s tickles. He was curling into the sides and fighting every instinct to flee as he felt his legs weaken further and further. He knew he was going down slowly…but he was not going down without a vigorous fight. But his arms could only protect so much at once, especially when you’re trying to prove to the animatronics just how not ticklish he was. The truth was…Abby was right. He’s very ticklish, and wouldn’t be able to last much longer. 
The man wasn’t sure if he should continue to fight on, or just give up and laugh. 
…And then Abby pulled a brutal move on him…by squeezing his lower ribs. 
“aAAHA!” Mike dropped to his knees and hugged his ribs. “A-ABBYHYHY-!” Mike shouted, flopping onto his side and kicking his legs as Abby playfully dug further into his ribs. Mike had closed his eyes…which meant he couldn’t see the animatronics’ reactions and movements. Dammit, Abby! Why must she do this to him!? 
Mike’s panic only exacerbated the moment he felt a pair of large, metal, blue hands grab his waist and lift him up. Yes…I am not kidding. The animatronic lifted him up like a toddler, not even phased by the size and weight of this security guard. “AAH! NO! LET ME GO!” Mike shouted, now squirming and kicking his feet wildly. But to no one’s surprise, not even a body shift could compromise the animatronic’s undeniable strength. Whoever thought making scarily strong animatronics like this was a good idea…was unbelievably insane. 
“Wow! Bonnie’s really strong!” Abby reacted, somehow unphased by this huge feat. 
But Mike’s squirming halted for only a moment when he felt skitters and squeezes on his upper ribs. Mike gasped and started squirming for a completely different reason, as a wobbly, stupid little smile began to fill his lips. “Ohno- NONONO-!” Mike opened his eyes and screeched as he felt the fat skittering fingers of the bear animatronic, moving up and down his lower front ribs. Finally, Mike burst out in surprised laughter as he tried and failed to get out of their strong grip. “OHGOD NOHOHOHOhohooo! aaAAHAHAAA-!? NOHOHO! Thihis isn’t fahahairrr!” He laughed. 
Abby was giggling like mad, loving every second of this. “Hahaha! How’s it feel being tickled by robot tickle monsters?” Abby asked with a grin. 
“Thihihis ihis INSAHAHAHANE!” He hung his head and shook in Bonnie’s grasp. “C-Cohohome ohon-” He jumped and lost his composure yet again, when he felt the blue fingers going up his ribs slightly to the 4th or 5th rib. “NAHAHAHAhahahaha! W-WAHAIT- GAHAHAhahaha!” Mike yelled. 
Abby smiled brightly. “Go for the armpits! His armpits are bad too! They make him all squeaky!” Abby told Freddy. 
Mike groaned through his laughter. “Abs plehehease stohohohop!” He pleaded. “Yohohohou’re nohohot- NO!” Mike screeched and yelled as Bonnie scooted its hands slightly lower on his ribs, presumably so Freddy had more access to his underarms…
Why Abby keeps telling Freddy and the animatronics his ticklish secrets, he could not tell you. But man, he was tempted to tickle his sister to tears the moment he got free. 
“F-FREDDYWAIT-” Mike stared at the thick fingers that were subtly threatening to tickle his now-vulnerable armpits. When Freddy had placed the fingers mere millimeters away from his armpits, Mike knew he was doomed. But still…he tried one last attempt to ask for freedom. He gulped. “Uh….m-mercy?” He asked rather anxiously. 
Freddy’s ears wiggled slightly before the fingers finally touched down on his armpits. Just the touch down was ticklish enough! But when the fingers started MOVING?! HOLY CRAP, IT TICKLED LIKE MAD! Any amount of laughter that filled his lungs, came out in an uncharacteristic, high-pitched squeal. “aaaAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA! AAAAAHAHAHAHAHA! NOHO! NaAaAAH! NAHAHAHEHEHEHE!” Mike squeaked and squealed through his laughter. 
Abby just laughed as she watched. “Isn’t Mike’s laugh funny?” Abby asked. 
Freddy then stopped his tickle attack for a moment, to let the man breathe. Mike treated the break like a trophy, and happily took advantage. It was like he hadn’t taken a breath in years! The feeling of a simple breath made him overwhelmed with gratitude. He cleared his throat a little bit as he tried to pull himself together. 
Once Mike felt calm enough to properly think, he tried to get himself free from Bonnie’s grip. “Okay…You had your fun. Can you please let me go now?” Mike asked. 
Abby looked at the other animatronics and watched as they…almost conversed with each other. Mike watched them with both confusion, and fear in his eyes. He lowered himself slightly to talk to Abby. “What’s happening? What are they talking about?” Mike asked. 
She giggled. “They’re talking about what tickle spot to go for next.” She told him outright. 
Mike bit his lip. Oh no…Not good. 
Wait…How does she know?! Can she- Can she TALK TO THEM?! 
Mike widened his eyes and turned to Abby with fear visible in his eyes. “Can you tell them to stop?” Mike asked. 
Abby tilted her head. “Why? They just want to play.” She told him. 
“I…I don’t have time to play. I’m supposed to be working.” Mike told him. 
The animatronics stopped their ‘conversation’ and looked over at Mike and Abby. Mike tensed up slightly as he stared at the animatronic bear’s eyes again. Something about those eyes looked dead inside, yet…their eyes glowed in a human-kind of way that made a shiver move up his spine. It was nerve-wracking, and he wasn’t sure he liked it all that much.  
But Freddy looked over at Chica, and…started waving for Chica to come over. Mike widened his eyes and started squirming all over again. No no no, that chicken thing had better not be getting closer to him. Abby had gasped and covered her mouth, letting out an excited squeal. Oh no! What in the world were they planning that was so exciting to her?! 
“Abby?! What are they planning?!” Mike asked. 
Abby looked at Mike, and giggled menacingly. For the love of-WHY WON’T SHE TELL HIM?!
Mike looked at the chicken animatronic and prepared himself. “Chick-Chica NO.” Mike lifted his right foot up and started pushing against Chica’s middle chest. “Stay back. I’m warning you.” He ordered before pushing with his other foot as well, in an attempt to get the animatronic away from him. 
But to both Mike AND Abby’s surprise, Chica grabbed his ankles, and gave him a bit of a tug. And to Mike’s horror, Bonnie let go of him and let him fly upside down! “WhooOOHNO-” 
Abby gasped and held her stomach as she bursted out laughing. 
Mike felt his bangs fall above his head as he struggled to come to terms with being upside down. Great…Looks like the animatronics were just toying with him at this point. 
“Abs, please…” Mike said, looking at her upside down. “What are they doing?” He asked, confused and worried. But his attention switched over to the fiddling and adjusting he felt against his shoe. “What-” Mike muttered as he curled himself up, attempting to see how his feet were being toyed with. “Hey! Stop that!” He ordered. 
But Mike widened his eyes in horror the second he felt his shoe being slipped off his foot. SHIT! 
“OHNO-?!” Mike started to panic as he heard the shoe fall to the ground. “Abby help!” Mike yelled as he pulled on his ankles and struggled to get himself right side up. “ABBY!” Mike held his arms out desperately. 
Abby only giggled. “You are all gonna love this! His feet are so ticklish!” Abby told them excitedly. 
Mike groaned and squeezed his eyes shut. “Abbyyyy…” Mike groaned. 
“And don’t forget his piggies!” Abby teased. 
“Abby-” Mike was growing somewhat impatient with his sister by this point. 
“Though be careful with his toes. He might die if he’s tickled too much there.” She warned. 
Heh…‘Be careful’...Hearing that was funny enough in its own right. At least she has the right of mind to tell them to at least be careful…
His breath hitched the moment he felt a fat finger on the arch of his socked left foot. He squeezed his eyes shut and covered his mouth with his hands. NO. They are NOT getting away with tickling him again. Nuh uh, no way. They can fight with him all they want to, but they will NEVER get a laugh out of him! Not now, not ever again. 
Or so he thought…
Only one little flutter…right under his toes…was enough to make every bit of laughter burst out of him. The poor man threw his arms against his chest and leaned his head back slightly as every laugh he had bunched up in his lungs, had finally let themselves free. “GAHAHAHAHAhahahaha! Ohohokahay, okahahahayyyyy!” Mike yelled. 
“YAY!” Abby declared, laughing alongside him. 
Mike put his hands in praying position. “Yohohou got mehehehee! P-Plehehehease stohohop! Ihihihi’m lahahaughihihing ehenohohough!” He pleaded. 
“Okay, let’s stop.” Abby told Chica. 
Chica moved its fingers away, and looked at Abby for her next instruction. 
Abby waited a few seconds, while listening to his brother breathe somewhat heavily from exhaustion. “You okay?” Abby asked. 
Mike huffed and puffed a few more times. “Ihihi…Ihi’m okay…I’m good.” 
“Do you need a break?” Abby asked. 
“Thahat…would be nihice.” Mike admitted. 
“Okay.” Abby replied. “How about…in a few more minutes?” Abby asked, looking at the animatronics. Mike nodded his head. A break sounded amazing right about now. Especially if…wait, did she say ‘in a few minutes’? 
“Okay go!” Abby suddenly told Chica. 
Mike’s eyes grew to the size of saucers. “Wait WHA-” 
Mike shrieked as the fat fingers started tickling him all over again. He couldn’t even hold in his laughter this time, instead just letting it fall out of him. “BAAAHAHAHAhahAHAhahaha!” Mike cackled, shocked by the sudden tickles against the ball of his foot. When he finished his fit, Mike took in a breath and squealed in a rather high-pitched voice before falling into another fit of cackles. “Plehehehehehease! HAHahahaha! Ihihit’s toohoohoohoo ticklihihish!” He told Abby. 
“So ticklish you can’t remember your right from left?” 
“HEHEhehehehe- Yehehehehesss!” He replied. 
Abby walked closer to Mike and started poking and tickling his sides. “How about now?” 
Mike jumped and grunted, grasping at his sister’s hands, laughing slightly harder. This is the most Abby has touched him, let alone tickled him, in quite a long time. And though he was technically in a very vulnerable position right now, there were much worse scenarios to be stuck in. 
“Alright. Let’s stop for real this time.” Abby told Chica. 
Chica stopped its fingers. 
“Can you flip him the right way, Chica?” Abby asked. 
Chica lowered its body down and placed its hands under Mike to help pick him up. “ooOKAY…” Mike felt as Chica grabbed under his arms and nodded to Bonnie. With that nod, Bonnie let go of Mike’s feet and let them drop. “Okay- OW.” He yelped as his foot inevitably hit Bonnie’s leg. “Ohokay.” He muttered. Chica lowered Mike down till his feet were touching the ground. “Thank you…” He huffed and attempted to pull himself together. “Not…sure how I feel about you being able to lift me so easily…” Mike admitted. Chica removed his fingers, accidentally tickling his armpit one more time. This made Mike jump snicker one last time. 
Abby shrugged her shoulders and smiled. “That wasn’t too bad, was it?” Abby asked. 
Mike turned to his sister…and slowly gave her a devious smile. “Get over here, you ticklish tattle-tale!” He declared, picking her up and skittering his fingers all over her ribs and belly. “Tick-a-tick-a-tick-a-tick-a-tickle~!” He teased, using toddler-like teases so he could further torment her. 
“Sorry’s not gonna cut it, Abs.” He teased. “You understood exactly what they were doing, and didn’t bother to tell me all of it.” He moved his fingers to her belly button, earning him a high-pitched squeal. “AND you couldn’t keep your mouth shut about how ticklish I am!” He added. “You’re a little menace who deserves to laugh just as much as I did.” He told her. 
“What belly button?” He asked innocently. “I didn’t know you had a belly button! Let me see!” Mike picked her up bridal style and blew a raspberry onto her belly button. 
Abby squealed and screamed with laughter as the raspberry filled her belly, before stopping. He lowered her sister down, and continued to hold her bridal style. Abby was still a bit of a giggly mess despite not being tickled for nearly as long. He put her down onto her feet. “There. Should we make it a tie?” He asked, holding his hand up. 
Abby nodded her head and gave him a high five. With that set in motion, Mike started to collect his stuff and take Abby out to the car. Funnily enough, the animatronics had tickled him up until his shift had ended. 
And by the time Mike had pulled into the driveway, Abby was sound asleep against the car door with a mauve blanket being used as a pillow. 
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Glamrock Bonnie Heacanons
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Links to other characters at bottom of post
General headcanons to know beforehand
- Classic animatronics are better with little kids since the original pizza chain was aimed more towards under 10 before sun/moon were introduced
- They all love Dance Dance Revolution but no one can prove who the best is
- Monty, Roxy and Bonnie are much more laid back hanging out in their attractions/on stage. They go a little stiff in front of fans
- Decommissioned animatronics (Bonnie & Foxy) only hang out in their respective attractions. They don't perform or do meet and greets, can't get hired for parties and are only allowed in their attractions and in staff only areas. Their rooms are removed from Rockstar Row
Bonnie 🐰
- If Freddy is the dad of the group then Bonnie is the cool uncle
- Still good with kids but very chill, so works well with teens too
- Dry and sarcastic which sometimes leads to miscommunication with guests
- His feet are specially suited to be able to walk on bowling alley floors
- Chats with Bonnie Bowling employees
- Programmed to always win at bowling by just a little so he doesn't absolutely decimate the 7 year olds he plays with
- The others say that Bonnie's bowling ability is programmed into him but Bonnie swears it's pure skill. No one knows for sure
- Sees Monty as a little brother, Monty says he hates Bonnie but there are no hard feelings between them. They actually both enjoy each other's attractions.
- Monty being a sore loser amuses Bonnie when they play together
- He likes to steal Monty's sunglasses and Monty gets PISSED
- Probably the least athletic animatronic
- You ship them or not, you can't deny Freddy and Bonnie are each other's favs
- Bonnie and Chica love just hanging and talking together, they often affectionately make fun of Freddy
- They get people in Easter Bunny costumes to come around Easter time and he hates them. He considers the Easter Bunny his arch nemesis.
FNAF Character Headcanons
Glamrock Freddy
Montgomery Gator
Glamrock Chica
Roxanne Wolf
Daycare Attendant
Glamrock Foxy
DJ Music Man
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knight-princess · 5 months
Appreciation post for:
• Wererats. Fucked up little beasties. Do they turn into people on the full moon or did they used to be people, I can’t remember and Boorman certainly never explained. Look like roadkill and sincerely want to fuck you up. Two heads for some reason. Only appear once and are dope and real animatronics and everything I’m pretty sure
• “Chloe Allagash’s brave little man”, otherwise known just as Allagash. Insults extraordinaire. Spent like. ten years in a box pretending to be his best mate and was so committed to that bit he tried to sell it to his best mate’s other best mate and daughter. Gave up his life to fight trolls and save the gang. Hates olives. Iconic
• Madmartigan, who I spent far too long convinced was actually called Martigan and nicknamed “Mad” Martigan by all his mates. Also in a box when we meet him. Tries to feed roots to a newborn. Slays in pink. Souped up on the love potion, gains himself an enemies to lovers arc with the hot badass warrior queen
• Sorsha Tanthalos, said hot badass warrior, redemption arc speedrun, kiss in the middle of battle pro, stop listening to your evil mom and make your own choices queen. Pissed off that the dorky hot rogue confessed his undying love to her and it was just love potion. “‘I dwell in darkness without you’ and it went away???” Go off queen. You can fix that never fear. Dopest sword ever but also that would be so so sucky to get stabbed with because fuck that is a lot of serrations. Is it all that functional? Don’t know but it looks awesome. 10/10. Goes straight from being henchman to her evil mom to trying to run a whole kingdom, raise three kids and keep one of them from dying to fulfil the prophesy. Makes some dodgy decisions. Complains about it all to her (literal) captive audience. Saves her daughters life. Complicated queen
• Sorsha x Madmartigan. Enemies to lovers classic with all the fun twists. “Love her?!? I don’t love her! She kicked me in the face!” Oh you just wait buddy. Couple affirming kiss mid battle??? Oh fuck yeah, sign me the fuck up. “I dwell in darkness without you.” Wait. Was that foreshadowing
• Jade and Elora being besties. Unexpected and delightful. Elora calling her “J” nearly made me hit the cieling. You’re telling me they’ve got nicknames already??? Sign me the fuck up. I love it. Need more of it pls and thank you
• Lili of Cashmere. On the wyrms milk. Dresses like a Greek goddess. Known by the alias “the Crone” which she hates even tho she really is secretly a skeleton held together with goo and a love of drama (I’m reusing that description ok I enjoyed it too much the first time). Evil makeover specialist. A+ Lili I love you
• And last but not least, smart and sassy trolls. @lowkeyed1 is a lifesaver and provided me with the transcript for the episode bc I remembered they had some truly iconic lines but couldn’t for the life of me remember what they were. So we’ve got: “He’s not appealing, but he speaks his mind, and I suppose that’s something” of Sarris’s own brother. Of the Crone: “Is she the eldritch nightmare people make her out to be? Yes. But she has her positive qualities too.” Lol fair. The forever iconic “I deplore those who rouse rabble” and my personal favourite “yeah, cos when I said ‘I do’, what I really meant was ‘explain it to me like I’m an imbecile’.”
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kibbits · 11 months
I finally found a specialist to hopefully help get diagnosed in a few days so to celebrate I’ve got a cute Halloween Idea for the Break A Leg!Boys: While the Pizza Plex is all about general audience family fun, I love the idea that close to Halloween Fazbear sets up something like Knott’s Scary Farms/Fright Fest at Six Flags/Horror Nights at Universal/Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party. During the day, the animatronics and staff (both bot and human) dress in costumes, and let kids dress up in appropriate costumes (American school rules, no excessive gore, no inappropriate clothing, etc). Halloween concerts with Fazbear remixed covers (THIS IS HALLOWEEN BY IZZY REIGN WORKS AS ALL THE GLAMROCKS SINGING), family friendly horror plays, and just before the Plex closes the animatronics get to do mini meet-n-greets, take pictures with kids, and send them on their way with a treat or two (THE BOYS LOSING THEIR MINDS WHEN GROUPS OF PEOPLE COME IN DRESSED AS THEM OMG “MOON LOOK THEY GOT OUR COAT RIGHT!!!” “I KNOW!!”). The fun’s not over. Fazbear really capitalized on the old ‘rumors’ and the power of signed consent forms, and turns the Plex into a giant Haunted House and let’s the crew spook to their delight. The theater becomes the most highly trafficked spot with Moon using his zip line to the fullest, dive bombing guests. Y/N is either assisting, doing some spooking themselves, or if crowds ain’t your cup of tea, they’re in the boy’s room snugged up cozy for when the Plex actually closes for a movie marathon that turns into sleepy cuddles.
- ✨ Starry ✨
Hi Starry!!! I said outside of the ask but HELL ye, I hope everything went well!!!!
Yeeee!!!! god i love those ideas so much!!! I didn't draw a kid or YN wearing one of theirs yet (keeping the second part of your ask for that! Or might combine with another one) but I love the idea, ough!!!
Man I agonized the longest time about the classic monsters but!
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And the sketch
Sun is a Mad Scientist with a booming cackle, he keeps startling people by laughing super loud suddenly. He has 'potions' (fizzy faz) and will practice evil laughing with the kids
In this case YN is Frankenstein's monster - fitting for an assistant
Gave YN the monster because I didn't want to give that look to the boys after the last pic where they were strapped to a table in storage, and also its a good middle ground between the scientists who creates them and the undead!
Moon is indeed a gremlin of a ghost who keeps dive-bombing guests djdjd can also yell banter from up high/help guests who get lost in the maze. Loves to do the thing like the Vine where the person lets all their limbs go slack like hes a dead body being carried around by the fly system fjdnf
Drawn in the weekly magma, it was fun!! Thanks for the ask! <33
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cosmiischillin · 2 years
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Meet the Toy animatronics, based on the 1986-7 line of the band and the toy figurine set of the they have a brighter, shiner appearance compared to the classic line. They are settled into the Pizzaplex’s Park and Picnic with a built in playground, games, snack vendors, and a stage for performances. For the best experience do not tamper with Mangle’s suit, she knows who bothers her.
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Tokyo next expansion idea: An immersive Alice in Wonderland land.
It's a perfect IP for a solo immersive land concept, it's a classic with interesting visuals and story and potential for being a all ages attractions
Tokyo was planning on doing this expansion but they cancelled i hope they pick it up again in the future they still have a plot of land for a expansion
In this land we would have regular characters meet and greets like Alice, mad hatter,the catterpilar( maybe is a animatronic), red queen and some cards
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Concept art from cancelled alice in wonderland land in tokyo disney
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Mad hatter and hare tea party house where we would have a British afternoon tea with of course tea and other drinks, themed cakes, themed cookies and other sweets and some savory options
Alice shows can seen difficult to do but there is an amazing alice in wonderland ballet from royal opera house that can be used as inspiration they were really creative with effects
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From alice and wonderland ballet royal opera house
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Disney paris from "park rovers"
Disney Paris has a alice in wonderland labyrinth it could be used in tokyo too
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Disney tokyo
A highly themed mad hatter roller coaster
Now the most important one: An alice in wonderland dark ride getting the tokyo version of the pooh tice treatment and having amazing animatronic and effects that truly transport you to the story
Disneyland has an alice in wonderland dark ride but Tokyo can and should take it to the next level it deserves and it would be an amazing E ticket
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spiritsofprogress · 6 months
Universal is pretty sweet actually
While I’m usually more of a Disney parks fan I was at Universal for part of my spring break and I’ve realized how harsh I’ve been on these parks and how “a bunch of screens” is really reductive. While they’re not filled with dark rides there’s a lot there to love.
I still have my fair share of criticism like for one thing they have stopped giving paper maps (despite supplying tickets) and force you onto the app if you want to know your way around.
Another being just how little there actually is (if there were more stores and restaurants or shows would’ve loved to know like maybe on a map or something) each park has a few rides making the waits INSANE at times. Then they took out a bunch of classics (Jaws, Twister etc) but then there’s just… no replacement, there’s just space and an empty facade as far as I’m aware. They keep closing and taking away like the Poseidon walkthrough was one of my favorite things and it’s gone for no real good reason as far as I know etc.
The theming in the parks is insane and I absolutely adored it. Every inch of both parks is so themed and its own little universe (in a world where Disney is stripping the theming from hotels and ruining sight lines, bare minimum queues etc this was refreshing). Every queue was fantastic and filled with detail, so waiting was a little less horrible with so much to observe.
Streetmosphere! MGM (Hollywood studios) and Disney used to similarly have this and have lightly brought back some characters out and about but not really. Alternatively universal had a BUNCH — a guy at the cab just walking in, blues brothers, all the classic cartoons out to meet and greet etc etc. preformance and walk about interaction was abundant— so adding this to their theming I was absolutely losing my mind.
Like the rides may be so so , all are enjoyable but you know what I mean- but what really hits it out of the park for me is how throughly they’ll tell a story. Starting in the queue and even continuing as you exit with details and employee behavior etc
“All screens” but I’ve noticed even screen heavy rides will tend to have a full set piece or two or it will be a healthy mix of both. Kong for example starts and ends in full sets and with animatronics. (They’ve changed it and it’s better than I remember but still the best queue I’ve ever been in)
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Also a huge love for far side lmao. Seen a few in at least two lines.
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Disney Dreamland - Part 5: Create-It-Land
Quite possibly the most visually eclectic of all the lands. This land embodies creativity and the arts, and quite frankly there is no one way to be creative or artistic, so I think the motley visuals are perfectly on theme. That said, I decided to tie the land together by having giant objects themed to each area. For this reason, I specifically wanted Wonderland and 100 Acre Wood next to the border of Fantasyland/Create-It-Land, so that the giant plants and cards of Wonderland and the giant book facade of Pooh would help transition to the giant toys of Toy Box Land and/or the giant art supplies of Toontown. The parade route exits down here.
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Showtime Boulevard
The entrance street of the land from the hub. Dedicated to the performing arts. Would resemble a city street, like a small town version of Broadway, but then transition to include giant objects. Giant instruments of the music playground. Giant sheet music. The ballet house could look like a giant music box. Even the normal buildings could have giant props on them, like giant comedy and tragedy masks, or giant film reels and clapperboards. There would also be a decent amount of performers to bring energy to the area, so that it doesn’t feel like a regular city street. Living statues and street musicians. 
Journey Into Imagination: If EPCOT isn’t going to put back Dreamfinder, I’ll gladly take him. Heck, I’ll even settle for a pseudo-sequel with an older Figment now taking on the role of Dreamfinder in honor of his friend. Sets and scenery from the original incarnation are mandatory. There could be a path leading off the boulevard to an area between Create-It-Land and Discoveryland where this ride could be placed, since it does reflect the spirit of both lands. 
Fantasia Music Hall: In the spirit of Walt’s original idea for Fantasia, certain classic segments would be permanent fixtures of the show (such as Sorcerer’s Apprentice) and performed by Animatronics on instruments and as dancers in the same vein as the former Mickey Mouse Revue show, while other segments could be animations shown on screen and switched out throughout the year (such as the segments originally planned for Fantasia 2006 that were later released individually). I would love it if the Animation Studio could create new unique animated segments exclusive to the attraction. Permanent animatronic segments would include characters from Pastoral Symphony, Rhapsody in Blue, Dance of the Hours, Night on Bald Mountain (though I could also work with it being a seasonal segment during Halloween), and The Firebird. Playing the full versions of every song would take too long, so the show would feature abridged versions in a medley. 
“Music Playground”: Interactive playground of giant musical instruments. Think of the piano scene from Big, but on a grader scale. Piano slides, trampoline drums, xylophone bridges, brass instruments the size of trees. I’ll admit, I don’t know if the audio results of this attraction would be wacky fun or pure tortuous chaos. I was originally imaging this as an outdoor attraction, but it might be better if this were indoors with each type of instrument given its own room with soundproofing.
“Russian Animal Ballet House”: I just wanted an excuse to see animals in fancy costumes performing ballet. Could be costumed actors or animatronics. Nutcracker performances during Christmas are mandatory. Building would resemble a giant music box. Alternatively, the stage could also be used for any original cultural performances from countries not already featured elsewhere in the park (Greek dramas, Bollywood dances, etc.). 
Muppet Comedy Theatre: Would have the same mixed media techniques as Muppet*Vision 3D (a screen movie, actual puppeteering, and costume characters), but features a new original story. Could also feature a small meet-and-greet area with Kermit and friends.
Hollywood restaurant: American cuisine. Themed to the Golden Age of Hollywood cinema.
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I want this area to have the same energy as Seuss Landing from Universal’s Islands of Adventure, which I personally feel makes for a better Toontown than Disney’s actual Toontown. The buildings would be slightly more distorted and more stylized. I’m wondering if it would also be possible to put some buildings on a moving platform so that they could tilt back and forth for a squash and stretch illusion. Maybe even have a few with giant faces that can emote. This area prominently features giant art supplies that are implied to have brought the land into existence, including giant paintbrushes that are poised in the middle of putting “finishing touches” to the buildings. The entire area would have lots of kinetic sculptures (think of the new Super Nintendo World at Universal) to make the land feel alive. Interactive gags like the Post Office and the Fireworks Factory would of course be included. I would remove the residential area and have the area only themed around Maroon Cartoons Studio, and the downtown area. Characters that don’t fit in any other area of the park could walk around here. 
“Mickey Mouse presents…”: Guests would take on the role of camera crew with Mickey as director. The star of the movie is late and we follow Mickey as he accidentally crashes various movie sets looking for the missing actor, who turns out to be none other than Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. The various movie sets would portray different genres of cinema. Based on the Mickey short cartoon Roll ‘Em (which, by the way, would have been a more appropriate replacement for the Great Movie Ride than Runaway Railway). While I intended for this to be part of Toontown, I am also okay with this being the last building on Showtime Boulevard to help transition into Toontown.  
Backstage Meet-and-Greet: Again, I personally do not care much for meet and greets (With the exception of Goofy. Goofy is the best.), but for the people that do, here you can meet Mickey and Friends including Oswald, Roger and Jessica. 
Maroon Cartoons Studio Tour: Based on Roger Rabbit Cartoon Spin but using the art style of Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway (but with actual sets, not screen projections), as well as an interactive element (partially inspired by Monsters Inc Ride & Go Seek in Tokyo). Guests would interact with the sets by “spraying” paint or thinner from the paintbrushes attached to their vehicles. Based on the video game mechanic from Epic Mickey, where paint brings objects into existence, and thinner erases them. For example, a guest could “paint” an anvil that would drop onto Roger’s head. Even spraying the animatronic characters would elicit funny dialogue, “Hey! Watch where you’re spraying! I just got a new paint job yesterday!” While the sets would be physical, the paint and thinner effects could be projections. The trickiest part is projecting a physical object to look like it’s been erased, and since it would set off chain reactions, the projections would have to hide certain objects’ movements. It would be very difficult, but I insist that this ride does not follow the Toy Story Mania route (I’m looking at you, Web Slingers). Please consult actual engineers.
Art of Animation Academy: History of animation exhibit, with animation from all over the world. Japanese anime, Soviet animation, stop-motion, etc. With acknowledgements that Quirino Cristiani and Lotte Reiniger’s films actually pre-date Snow White as the world’s first animated features. Drawing workshops included.
Happy-Go-Lucky Merry-Go-Round: In the same wacky spirit as the Caro-Seuss-el in Seuss Landing. Like the Caro-Seuss-el, the music could speed up and slow down when it operates. Rather than just having wacky versions of real animals, this carousel would have hybrid animals, like the Wuzzles! Also, what if the carousel could run backwards? 
Jolly Trolley: The vehicles would run on an elevated track to solve the problem of crowds blocking the way. The track could wind around Toontown, the same way as The High in the Sky Seuss Trolley Train Ride! does in Seuss Landing. Originally I was only going to have it stay in Toontown, but then I realized the wind-up key on the roof could make it pass for a toy, so why not have it travel through Toy Box Land too, for an even more scenic route. 
Goofy’s Bakery Studio: Decorate your own cupcakes and cookies with edible paint. 
The Art of Disney: Disney prints, paintings, figurines, and other art. Get your caricature drawn here.
Minnie Mouse Fashions: Disney apparel and headgear. Design and customize your own ears.
Handwich cart: I dunno about you, but I think the Handwich is pretty neat.
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Toy Box Land
Yes, Toy Story Land has been both overused as a land and under-utilized as a proper theme, but I simply love the giant toy aesthetic. It feels like being inside an I Spy book (does anyone remember those books?). I probably could have just made this land fully original with no ties to IP (like I did with choosing not to theme Winter VIllage to Frozen), which I am still open to, but also found it too irresistible to include everyone’s favorite lovable rascals. The movies’ existential themes of jealousy and self-worth, moving on and letting go would be difficult to adapt into attractions, so Toy Story’s inclusion here is to embody reconnecting with your inner child and creativity through play. The name change is just my attempt to make the IP sound less in-your-face. The giant art supplies from Toontown could transition into giant crayons in this area. Also, like Toontown, the entire area would have kinetic sculptures to bring energy to the area, like giant windup keys and pinwheels. To keep with the playful and friendly energy of the land there should be plenty of characters walking around interacting with guests. Woody, Buzz, Jessie, and Bo Peep should preferably be characters that can talk, not just silent costumes, and there would not be any giant static statues of them in the land. Bullseye and the Green Army Men are okay to keep as silent costume characters. Potato Head, Hamm, Rex, Slinky, and Wheezy are talking animatronics, preferably mobile animatronics that can roam the land alongside costume characters. I think the Little Green Aliens and Bo Peep’s sheep are the only characters that are okay to portray as static statues. Sid’s toys could be available characters during the Halloween season.
“Rube Goldberg Machine roller coaster”: Dual track wild mouse roller-coaster, based on a classic, over-convoluted Rube Goldberg design. One track has guests ride in giant toy karts, the other has guests inside giant marbles for a giant marble run track. Vehicles would set off chain reactions, possibly help other vehicles move forward, or create “obstacles” for others. Pulleys and wheels and dominoes galore.  This is another one of those ideas where I only know how I want it to function without knowing how to accomplish it. Please consult actual engineers. 
“Andy’s Playtime Theater”: Basically Mad Libs / Choose Your Own Adventure. This could either be a show or a ride, but I personally prefer the ride idea. If it were a show it would be part improv, involve guest participation, and have lots of giant props and gags. The Toy Story gang would mingle with the audience and be on stage at the same time. If it were a ride, guests can choose the path their vehicle takes. Andy narrates and has his toys act out a story. At several points, Andy offers two options on how the story can proceed. Stories would have wacky scenarios, like that of the opening scene in Toy Story 3. Multiple endings. Would have plenty of animatronics, and NOT just be screen-based. 
“Giant Toy Playground”: Build with LEGO bricks the size of your head, climb actual towers made of alphabet blocks, play on a chessboard with human-sized chess pieces. 
“I Spy Scavenger Hunt”: I absolutely loved looking at Walter Wick’s I Spy and Can You See What I See? illustrations for hours, and this activity is basically that come to life. I really want this land to be super detailed (and I mean absolutely LOADED) with lots of toy props hidden everywhere. The search criteria can change everyday for different routes. Winners can earn exclusive pins.
Pizza Planet restaurant: Customize your own pizza. Mix your own slushie. Gluten-free and vegan options. Also serves the Alien Mochi from Tokyo. Would follow the retro space building design of the movie .
“Build-A-Toy” shop: Inspired by the former Toys R Us Times Square location. Would include things like a Build-A-Bear Workshop, “Build Your Own Potato Head”, a LEGO play area, a nuiMOs plush modeling studio, and a mini indoor Ferris wheel.
Disney Dreamland Railroad Create-It-Land station: “Built” out of blocks and tinkertoys.
World Galleria
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nevis-the-skeleton · 7 months
Spring Bonnie and Gregory AU:
While the rest of the previous animatronics have merged into a giant wire-filled robotic beast... Springtrap is the only one that escaped from the merging... After being used by a child killer and the children's spirits as well as the Classic Animatronics blaming him for the kids' deaths, then losing his only friends (Fredbear + Puppet), Springtrap became a bitter grumpy shell of his former self.
He hides in the vents and walls of the Fazbear Pizzaplex, gazing silently at the children and the Glamrock Animatronics, trying to make sure that nothing happens.
Only Sundrop, Moondrop, the Giant DJ Spider and the tiny DJ Spider know about Springtrap, but they bond with him and so the grumpy Springtrap has a soft spot for them.
In this story, Glamrock Freddy is also infected by Glitchtrap's/Vanny's virus, so it's up to Springtrap to save the child Gregory.
Springtrap and Gregory don't get along at first, due to Springtrap's grumpiness and Gregory's sassiness... But Gregory then sees that the grumpy and old bunny is truly trying to help him, and thus they slowly bond... They become BFFs once they defeat Glitchtrap. 🐇⭐🐇
I like this story ^^ it's so great! I would love to see it as a comics, a novel or maybe even a fangame :D. I can even see why Spring(bonnie)trap can't help Gregory everytime. Glamrock Freddy can't because of his battery, and for Springtrap it's simply maybe because the others animatronics would attack him too. Also, he can't invite Gregory inside his "belly" X) unlike Freddy.
But now I'm questionning of how they meet and what was their reactions. I'm pretty sure that Gregory screamed of terror, since Springtrap is kinda spooky ^^;. And I see that Springbonnie stay Springbonnie, since he can't let a child in trouble, even a sassy child X).
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fnafsbheadcanon · 2 months
You know what. I have an idea.
Glamrock Freddy meeting the Classic animatronics.
Glamrock Freddy: …
The Classics: …
10 minutes later.
Glamrock Freddy comforting the Classics: It’s okay children. I promise that no one will hurt you ever again.
Wait... Aw that's actually adorable
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finnytheartist · 26 days
Share a little bit more of the idea for the comic? 👀
ABSOLUTELY IM GLAD YOU ASKED, with some art as I explain
So OF COURSE i may need to remind myself of fnaf lore, but who cares it barely makes sense anyway
The general idea, which i got some of my inpso from INTO THE PIT
basically, henry and william swap, but william still met his fate of being springlocked
I also wanted to involve what animatronics actually looks like, with the like silcon masks and stuff, BUT you get the drift, springbonnie kept the classic look.
I'll give you a synopsis
William meets a father and his daughter. The father promises to help William find his memories and find his kids, while he helps him with his daughter, as his daughter has deemed him to be her rabbit friend. It'll mainly focuses on william and this dad, but i do want to have parts centered around the daughter too, so I'd say overall, it's this whole trio..
I'll GLADLY go into more specific things if there's any other questions
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famousfilmsfan · 10 months
Criminal Case. Famousfilms edition.
Case #1. return to Slender
Chapter 1
Chief: Welcome new recruit. I’m Chief Schmidt, and welcome to the Crystal City PD, we got reports of a murder inside the neighborhood of Prepview. Go check it out with James he’ll meet you there
James is a brown haired man with black eyes.
James: Hey there, i’m James, your new partner, Jeeze what the hell happened to this guy?
The victim was a man with black hair and no…eyes. He was wearing a black suit with a yellow tie. His head was swollen and his throat was red, there was an envelope nearby that was open, and a package on the porch.
James: Hmm, okay this is anaphylaxis if I've ever seen it the victim's name is Davis Ramirez . But what's with his face..or lack of one? You think that envelope might be important? Then let's send it to the lab, and that package doesn't have any stamps, must have been hand delivered. Let's check it out
Kat: *panicked* officers thank God!
James: Wow ma’am calm down, this is a crime scene
Kat: And that’s my fiancee in that bag! What the hell happened?!
James: Oh uh, Miss you should stay put so we can question you.
Kat: What the hell happened? I got a call at work and I come to find this?!
James: Ma’am we’re doing our best to solve this, now did your fiancee have any enemies?
Kat:..none that I knew of.
James: are you sure?
Kat: yes i’m sure!
James: Hmm she isn't telling us the whole truth
The body
Janet: Hey there i’m Janet, the coroner for our precient. And let me tell you, whoever killed this guy really had it out for him.
James: How so?
Janet: Well he died of anaphylaxis due to a peanut allergy he had but there was nothing in his stomach, but there were vapers of it on his face, so he was shot in the face with it. The suddenness made him panic and didn't have time to react.
James: Great the killer didn't even touch the victim, no leads.
Janet: Actually, I got the dust on his face tested, and only one brand uses the exact formula, ‘Jonas Peanut Brittle’
James: So the killer eats peanut brittle, good to know.
(Info; The killer eats peanut brittle.)
The package
James; Okay let's inspect this package. It says it’s from Bryan Deville. What is
He tries to open it but red paint gets splattered all over him and a note is revealed.
James: Ugg, i’m gonna need to change my clothes, wait what's this? ‘Prank’d ya -Bryan’
James: Well, annoying or not this Bryan must have known the victim we should speak with him…after I changed my clothes
The envelope.
John: Hey there rookie, i’m John the forensics expert of the team. Let me tell you this envelope definitely has some surprises
James: Like what?
John; First off I found traces of peanuts in the paper, so it definitely had something to do with the murder, but there was something else. The envelope was purchased at a stationary store at the mall. So the killer had to get it there since they don’t have a website
Chat with Bryan
Bryan: Hello there officers how can I help you?
James: Well you can tell us why you decided to Prank Davis Ramirez with a paint bomb.
Bryan: Oh that, he was retiring from Fazbears so I decided to play a joke on him. Wait did he call the cops on me for a joke? That’s classic him.
James: No sir he was killed earlier today
Bryan: Oh my god. Honestly i’m not surprised
James: Whys that?
Bryan: He wasn't particularly liked in the company, he was a very…critical person, very angry, Pestered everyone about every tiny detail, he even scolded me for the brand of fake snow I used during the holidays. He said a child might eat it. Who would eat fake snow?
James; Anyone you think may have wanted him dead?
Bryan: Not really, it sucks he’s dead though.
The store
James: This place is creepy, where's the attendant? Oh, you found clues? That torn photo looks strangely out of place, and look this rack has the same type of envelope the killer must have taken it from there, let’s see if they left anything behind
The photo
It shows Davis yelling at a black cat animatronic
James: Is it me or is this guy yelling at Charlie the Cat from the Barnyard Bash?
James: Okay, I’m looking on the website it says our victim owned it…wait you want to question the animatronic in the picture? Alright if you think it’s necessary.
The rack
James: Hmm there’s a postcard here, it’s addressed to the victim. ‘Death is something you can’t escape such as death or a cheesecake that has curdled both of which always turn up sooner or later’ what the hell? This is utter nonsense. The part of death seems like a threat, let’s send this card to the lab, our profiler will get to the bottom of it.
Charlie the Cat
James: Okay we’re at the restaurant. Uh. Hello Charlie? Mr…. the cat?
Charlie: Uh, how can I help you?
James: We’ll we’re here because your owner has died.
Charlie: Died?
James: Oh crap you’re a machine, okay death is like when you loose battery but you can’t recharge it and-
Charlie: I know what death is, that’s a stereotype.
James: Oh good that was like the birds and bees talk. Anyway did you have a good relationship with your owner?
Charlie: He was alright I guess, he was here a lot but wasn’t ‘here’ you know, in his own head a lot. Mumbling to himself too, the craziest thing
James: Okay then, uh call the station if you have anything else
You both leave
James: Okay uh. That was super awkward.
The postcard
Russel: Hello there detective I’m Russel the stations profiler, and I must say the postcard is quite interesting the handwriting shows whoever wrote it definitely wanted the victim to know who it was, the bold letters and perfect lining show it’s an educated mind
James: Okay. And what is the quote?
Russel: The quote is from famous children book series. ‘Series of unfortune events’ so your killer definitely reads that good.
James: Good to know.
Info: The killer reads Lemony Snicket.
James *sighs* Okay this whole day has been a mess, a man with no face is killed on his porch, we have a distressed fiancée, a less then upset former coworker, and a robot cat. The only thing we’re missing is a clown and it will be my worst nightmare
James: Yeah your right, we do know the killer eats peanut brittle and reads children’s books, but it could be anybody and-
Chief; James, detective drop what your doing there’s been a break in at the victims home!
(Should I continue this?)
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Glamrock Foxy Headcanons
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Links to other characters at bottom of post
General headcanons to know beforehand
- Classic animatronics are better with little kids since the original pizza chain was aimed more towards under 10 before sun/moon were introduced
- They all love Dance Dance Revolution but no one can prove who the best is
- Decommissioned animatronics (Bonnie & Foxy) only hang out in their respective attractions. They don't perform or do meet and greets, can't get hired for parties and are only allowed in their attractions and in staff only areas. Their rooms are removed from Rockstar Row
- His attraction is a pirate-themed playground with a dry section and a waterpark section
- Loves Monty and Roxy. Finds them very endearing and he loves their youthful enthusiasm
- Unfortunately he's kind of used to being the forgotten member. Though the other animatronics don't see him that way
- Chica chaos enabler (imagine foxy pushing chica around in a shopping cart)
- He's bad at fazerblast *gestures to hook and eyepatch*
- He's only allowed at Roxy Raceway after hours (he gets a little dangerous)
- He can get very camp
- Loves piratecore guests and will go out of his way to greet them
- Likes to sing to himself
- Good at puzzles
- Loves storytelling. Turns his advice into metaphors and stories
- Has a habit of glamourising real life events (can be very annoying when staff are trying to do incident reports)
- Was decommissioned before Bonnie. Him and Bonnie bond over it and often hang out together while the others are busy being popular
- Straight up cannot read
- Lowkey a health and safety hazard
- The most athletic but his limbs have a tendency to fall off when he moves a lot
- Likes telling teens darker pirate stories, usually real ones but he gets in trouble if he gets caught
FNAF Character Headcanons
Glamrock Freddy
Montgomery Gator
Glamrock Chica
Roxanne Wolf
Daycare Attendant
Glamrock Bonnie
DJ Music Man
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feralmoonlight · 2 years
Are you willing to expand more on your face value au and what you had in mind? I’m curious !!
FIRST UP This one hasn't actually been touched yet! by me at least aside from a doodle and adding my own two cents to it cause I keep forgetting to ask @pillowspace if they're planning anything more with it since the flailfest I unleashed over it XD And idk if tumblr search is being a butt but the only post/thread/thing I can find for it rn is this pic I did? no idea where the reblog chains went?? THOUGH in the last... 2 hours I think? I'd end up combining my thoughts on it with the red string soulmate AU cause who doesn't like to throw in the tension of 'how am I linked to a robot' as a soulmate??? THE MAIN GIST of it though was that YN has pretty bad vision. Enough to occasionally use a cane but not so much they can't get around on their own as long as they know where they're going. They have SOME vision but it's pretty blurry so their job options are also pretty limited (they insist on working to take care of their kid sibling, who's kind of a lovable brat). Sun/Moon have escaped from The Faz, and are currently in 'hiding' as a drifter/hobo sort. They've got a big hoodie and sun hides his rays during the day, but pretty soon after escaping they run into a street kid. Absolutely not standing for this, they end up doing what they can to help provide food/shelter for the kid, and eventually sort of gain their own little pack of them(and their families) and put their skills to use to build nice ish but still crappy shelters and work around here and there to bring back food. At some point they cross paths with YN and help them out with some heavy lifting, but YN doesn't pick up the fact they're an animatronic. They part ways, but run into each other again (pluck the red string a bit here for the pull of fate slamming them together again). Stuff happens, there's an incident with a third party, and Sun offers to walk YN home for safety. They talk as they go and things go well. They part. This goes on for a while and eventually Sun meets the sibling. Sibling is IN THE KNOW right away. BIG SQUINT. They get blackmailed by the child. Meanwhile YN is unaware and starts doing little things like making food for them as a thankyou. Food they cant eat, but the people they're helping can. THIS keeps going, more cute interactions, then one day there's a bigass storm and YN insists Sun stay over cause it's dangerous. He can't justify going out enough so he begrudgingly stays. The lights go out. NOW, MOON is not ok with this. Sort of. He doesn't trust YN at all at first and is only slightly ok when they start giving them food they can bring and also helping them out with more cash than they were making otherwise to get things their folks need. When he shows up though, he does his best(bad job) to try and pass for sun until the storm passes, but it's uh... A Struggle. YN isn't sure what's up but they shrug it off. Later after more basics, the news picks up The Faz is looking for the runaway animatronic. Sun/Moon panic. They're not in the most hidden area, but now there's a problem. MOON is not on board with maybe asking YN for help. They're definitely getting closer, but they're also positive that YN would rat them out. Not justified, but still. He's wary. SO time to test YN. He'll prove to Sun You can't be trusted, and one day after walking them home a little later at night, flips the switch and bam. Moon Time. Classic Moon Time. Well, Almost. Something of a chaotic reveal, YN is scared, but mostly taken aback they never put two and two together. BUT there's that pull. That little red string pulled tight in their soul. Moon won't hurt them. And they couldn't bear ratting them out. There's some back and forth along the way of the boys being in denial about actually having some kind of string of fate, and once the bot reveal happens, YN is like Oh god. Oh god I was falling for them. They aren't even Human. Im an IDIOT. But they also couldn't bear to throw them under the bus and let something bad happen. So as the Faz follows the rumors of the boys helping out this little pocket community, and they need somewhere to actually hide, the offer is made. Things are tense with Moon out and about freely now, now that Sun knows he won't be a problem, but Moon is still waiting for things to go south. The next while is pretty domestic, mostly them hiding out and getting anxious they can't help their kids. YN realizing how stupid they've been about SO MUCH. But also having Sun and Moon around the house as another pair of hands is... very helpful. Extremely so. And even though Moon is standoffish, both do go out of their way to make some things easier. YN can breathe for the first time in a while. they aren't doing things all on their own anymore, as much as they could, it's nice to be able to have someone loosen the line. They fuss over some things, the 'i can do it' vibe running strong, but Sun and Moon try not to step on their toes. Aaaand I tHINK that's about as far as stuff got in the rambling? (But Pillow, idk if you did wanna do stuff with this, but if not I am all kinds of on board to futz with it XD')
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kibbits · 1 year
While I like the ‘older siblings’ vibes, I feel like it would take the Glamrocks a various amount of time and interaction before the BAL!Boys are really accepted into the gang. And considering how reckless they swing around fully-grown humans, even Freddy’s wary of their incoming reintroduction to the extremely more fragile audience Sun and Moon would be preforming to. The bear is the only other one then Chica willing to give the boys a chance. Monty knows he’s being a hypocrite. A massive scaly hypocrite. But at least all his damage is relegated to easily (but annoying to) replaceable stuff (Like Bonnie). Humans aren’t. And certainly not kids. He may play monster, the rebel, the villain. Those clowns. That shambling thing of barely functioning code and bolts. It is one. And Roxy? She doesn’t need to access to the cameras to witness Y/N scrambling away from the ‘phantom’ stalking them across the catwalks. It’s a thin line the boys are balancing on. And if it not themselves breaking it, the ingrained desire in these new bots to protect children might be the final straw.
Aa! Sorry it took so long to get back to you on this!
That's an interesting take! And oh boy, I see what you mean but I wouldn't put Bonnie under 'replaceable' fjlkd
I think a second meeting would be after the boys had the whole crisis/realization of "Oh my god, YN is a human and a friend, and suddenly we realize that they're so fragile and we could have killed them! Theyre a person! We're a person-- people!"
YN, in classic YN self-preservation, would be like "no it's fine it's all in the past now we're friends : )))"
They had frank discussions with the boys before that. They're not excusing them, but it's been a slow buildup in private between the boys and them. They had to show the boys that they could be people before that realization could take place.
They'll suplex any animatronic who tries to tell their boys that they're monsters and undermine all the hard work that YN put into letting them discover their personhood and self-confidence fljkgd
(Here, have an old sketch of YN about to suplex an animatronic fjkdkljg)
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TL;DR for the thing below: I accidentally made it all about masks, roles, and existential development again WHOOP! (Not sorry)
(thanks @lavenoon and @eyndr for helping me rubber duck this through and for your delicious thoughts fgjkldl)
See, I think it COULD work if instead of being played straight, Monty was being like. Low-key jealous?
As in "Why do THEY get to be cavalier about safety and property damage, but they still get to have a friend?!" But he doesn't want to face the fact that he's also seen as dangerous and 'monstrous', and should improve himself.
He's jealous that someone took a chance on them, betting their own safety. He's scared, because the boys did get put into storage for a WHILE before YN came along, and no one cared then. What if that happens to HIM? It'd only take one careless mistake. Is he lucky enough that someone would take a chance on him, too? Or would he go the way of Bonnie and Foxy?
(also I'm a sucker for misunderstood misfit who just needs some patience and kindness jdgjkl)
Roxy plays the disdain card, but her thoughts are actually pretty close to Monty's. Except that hers are 'am I good enough? If I'm not the best great, will that happen to me? What'll be the final straw?
I think, of all the reactions, Freddy's grates them the most. Keep in mind, the boys do feel awful about how they acted, even if that never actually ended with human deaths. Just. A lot of close calls and scares.
So that Freddy is so welcoming, so forgiving of them? It feels grating. It feels... Maybe not patronizing, but it feels like he's trying to excuse all the things they did and sweep it all under the rug. And the boys are like "No, actually it WAS fucked up of us! Sure, we were misguided and it wasn't like we were trying to hurt people with full understanding, but don't act as if we didn't do anything wrong!"
Y/N probably appreciates the bear making the effort to welcome and include the boys, though, and they thank Freddy in private.
Like Luce pointed out to me, though -- Freddy is the Face. He's used to not making waves. To having to keep the peace and status quo.
He's probably terrified for Sun and Moon, because he's already lost two friends before. Two very old, very public friends, gone just like that. He thought the weird theater kid(s) were gone for a long time, too, and he just got them back, and they've grown into such different, more full and lively personalities -- so of course he's walking on eggshells! Management has already proven that they can be fickle and decommission an animatronic on what feels like a whim.
He doesn't want to see all this new life and potential lost, so he waves off the past 'issues' to focus on the present.
Meanwhile Sun and Moon are still in the moment where they're reeling from everything: personhood (theirs and others'), being distinct from each other, fragility of life, morality -- everything is so different, so new, so open and full of possibilities now! Everything they did, everything that happened -- it's kind of integral to their development and to their budding morality.
They need to have what happened acknowledged, not only because of that, but also because accountability is real different when you're suddenly more than a role you play. A role assigned to you.
Chica is... She plays her role too well, ironically. She acts more happy-go-lucky and borderline ditzy than she is, and it makes it hard to read any deeper into her reactions. She gets treated like she's dumb, but overall she gets treated better if she acts dumb. She feels like if she can act happy enough, like everything's fine, maybe she can keep everyone together and healthy and safe. And if she breaks, it all breaks. She lost those friends, too...
It feels like pre-incident-and-storage, the Glamrocks were pretty secure in their roles and personhood -- especially in comparison to the strange theater kid(s), who felt more like a character than a person sometimes. The Glamrocks are more popular, too. Then Sun and Moon exit stage left, for a while.
Post rehabilitation, with everything Y/N has helped them work through and learn and grow from, suddenly the Glamrocks feel... Flat? Character-like? Or maybe something like stuck -- stuck playing a role, stuck in their growth...
They lost two band members, who were replaced with the new kids (Monty and Roxy) who developed their own insecurities which... Aren't even really being addressed?
They look at Sun and Moon, and they see growth, progress, freedom to be their own people and make their own mistakes and choices.
They look at themselves, and they realize that the line they've allowed themselves between, for example, Glamrock Freddy Fazbear, beloved Freddy's Mega Pizzaplex Mascot and beloved character, and.. Just Freddy, some guy who's grieving the loss of two very old, very dear friends... They see the change, how happier and more... real the boys are, now, and they want that, too.
Masks! Masks! It's all masks! it's all about seeing behind the roles and the masks fgkldgldkj
Thanks for the ask!!
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floofballsammy · 11 months
So, after having a few days to calm down from my hype and actually process everything, I'm ready to give my (NON SPOILER) thoughts on the FNaF movie. Spoiler thoughts will be in a seperate post.
[Cutting it off because this is a bit long and I dont want to clutter your timeline! :D]
My overall outlook on this movie is still very positive. I really liked it, and that's not just the hype speaking. I went in with practically no expectations, only having watched Matpat analyse the first trailer (to have atleast some idea of what i'm getting into) and was pleasently surprised in the end. And honestly I think that was the best way to approach this movie.
Yeah, I've waited 8 years for this movie, yeah, FNaF is a big franchise, but it's still, well, FNaF. We weren't gonna get some expertly crafted story that will change our lives forever. Not to mention we've also been so desensitized to dead kids and murder that this specific horror aspect will be somewhat underwhelming for us. So I admit, I was a bit worried where they were gonna take this at first. But they took (in my opinion) the best route, with a simpler story and some good jumpscares mixed in. Ya know, Classic FNaF 1.
This movie was clearly made with lots of genuine passion and love for the franchise. And it's really charming. The decision to go for actual suits and props rather than CGI was the best decision they could have made. The animatronics looked stunning and were a nice change of pace from other movies.
The referrences were also fun! I caught a lot on my first watch, but there are definetly some I missed. The movie also doesnt use these as a selling point or hinges on then, which actually let me focus on the movie itself.
But how is it for non FNaF fans? Good question! I went in with both someone who is a big fan and someone who barely played the first game. Later also meet some people who had only surface level FNaF knowledge. We all generally liked it. The plot wasnt hard to follow along and doesnt require any former knowledge. It all gets explained in the movie, fans will just pick up on things or come to conclusions quicker than non fans. But it's never alienating. So, new fans or non fnaf fans can watch it without having to stress over learning the lore.
All in all, it was a good movie. I went in expecting a FNaF movie and got a FNaF movie. It's not the best movie I've ever seen, but a movie I really like and will positively stay in my mind for a long while. Definetly one of my favourites.
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