#abdominal pain after eating
mejomonster · 2 months
Perplexing to me. My health issues have made major progress, like eons of progress from 3 years ago and i am truly really grateful and hopeful.
But i also still wake up every morning with abdominal pain for a few hours :/ every day.
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healingheartdogs · 1 year
I love being in America where I have to decide if the pain of something clearly going wrong inside my body is urgent enough to risk getting COVID at an ER from sick people and doctors who are no longer masking and having to deal with a grossly inflated medical bill that I already know I can't pay because I have no insurance or income currently.
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fast-moving-ghost · 11 days
I am enjoying the cooler weather that September has brought, It has been shorts and flannel weather for me, 15-25°c. And I cannot wait for winter or halloween! I love halloween
I haven't actually done anything to celebrate since I was 13, But I love decorating and I love seeing all the houses done up and every one dressed up all cool
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stomach-treat · 3 months
Abdominal pain after eating rice is a common concern for numerous individualities. While rice is a staple food for a significant portion of the world's population, passing discomfort after its consumption can be unsettling. In this composition, we will claw into the implicit causes of stomach pain after eating rice, explore associated symptoms, and bandy effective remedies to palliate this discomfort.
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ladyelissarose · 1 year
———————— ☠️
“Sergeant, you’ve been sitting there for the past 30 mins. Do you seriously think you have that much time to waste?”
Your Lieutenant Simon Riley’s voice was dead yet firm in its tone, being evident that he wasn’t very pleased at the moment.
Placing yourself in his shoes, you’d be upset too, there was a mission coming up and much preparation was still needed, from ‘everyone’ in the team.
Trying to swallow the heavy rock in your throat, you tried to put down the pain of your humiliation from earlier, and replied lowly,
“No sir, but I’m waiting for someone-“
“For 30 minutes? Don’t you think that after 5-10 minutes of waiting it’d be very clear that they’re not coming back for you.”
‘Oh.. but why would they do that? Their supposed to help me-‘
“Sergeant? I asked a question-“
“Yes sir, you’re right. I apologize for wasting time and being delusional.”
With a confident tone you had replied, which was the total opposite of what you were feeling. And though you apologized, you stayed glued to that damned seat, clenching your thighs and the gut wrecking pain that seared from your stomach to your legs- who would’ve thought that period pains would make you feel like you’ve been shot and stabbed?
You bit your lip nervously at the scolding that was to come in a few seconds as you hadn’t moved, and neither had your Lieutenant Ghost, meaning he was waiting for you to move your ass up from the metal chair.
And the longer the seconds passed, you grew more sick and worried, for Ghost wasn’t the most nicest to the newest ones in the team, he was actually very strict and took no excuses from anyone- including you.
Although you haven’t been on that side of him, but you’ve seen it and wouldn’t dare cross that bridge. So far you’ve been one of the best alongside Johnny Soap MacTavish, listening attentively and being the best shot on the job. But now you’re letting a natural cause hold you back, and in shame you couldn’t move or budge.
Not after you were mocked and belittled for it- and it wasn’t even your fault, but of course they all made you feel like it was.
A low gruff was heard above you, and Ghost’s large boots shifted on the ground before he practically barked,
“Well then move Sergeant!? What’d ya eat this morning that was to heavy for you to even get up eh?!”
And to put the cherry on top, when you’re in this abdominal pain, along with your daily sores from the job and stresses, you’re gonna get emotional and teary.
Especially when you knew it could’ve been solved a while ago when you had asked a teammate to help you out, but they had left you out to dry obviously, telling you to stay in that seat while they ran to your barracks to get new pants.
So now you kept your gaze on the ground, refusing to move a bit, not knowing how to explain or hold it all in, until you felt a strong grip on your arm as he lifted you up and spoke in a harsh tone,
“I’ll move you then-“
In panic you grabbed the collar of his vest and held onto the hand that grabbed you as you pleaded with desperate eyes,
“Lieutenant Riley please! Just- please.”
Your bottom lip now quivered a bit, and your eyes frantically searched his, hoping to find mercy in them so he could let you go, but he didn’t. He only locked his cold brown eyes on you, as he tried to read the situation.
That was Simon’s best tactic, he could read people like a book when he wanted to and wasn’t in a bad mood. And once he gave himself the chance to do so, he could clearly tell you were devastated and anguished, as your brows furrowed tightly and your eyes were growing glassy.
In regret at his actions, as he saw your state, Ghost immediately let you go and remembered Soap’s words,
‘Be more understanding of everyone’s situations, you may not always know why they are a certain way.’
He took a deep breath and pat your arm from where he had grasped you, not ignoring the fact how you flinched a bit and a fat tear was wiped away from your cheek by your shoulder. Simon was quick to mumble feeling guilty,
“I’m sorry Sergeant. Didn’t mean to be so harsh-“
“I bled through my pants pretty badly Lieutenant.”
He was ready to check you thinking it was probably an injury, but you instantly grabbed his jaw so he wouldn’t look, and quickly explained,
“It’s not an injury.”
You could see the way his eyes spoke confusion, as he questioned,
“Then what is it Sargeant?”
Your grip on his jaw loosened as you grew shy, realizing how close he was to you, and you grew more conscious of your state. As calmly as you could, you did your best to say the least but enough to understand.
“Please don’t let me say it... I’ve been humiliated enough.”
The gears in his poor head twisted and turned, as he tried to read in between in the lines of your words. He repeated your words in his head, and saw your state-
‘Oh.. OH.’
Ghost sucked in a deep breath and replied his thoughts,
“Oh. Sergeant- ok.. here.”
He quickly shrugged off his jacket, and like a carrying mother, he tied the sleeves around your waist, making sure it covered you were needed. He tapped your waist when he finished and ordered,
“Walk in front of me, let’s take you to your room.”
In a quiet voice you tried to reason, hoping he’d let you go on your own, as you were still a bit embarrassed.
“It’s a long walk Lieutenant- literally across the whole base-“
“Then we’ll go to my office, I have an extra pair of cargo’s.. they adjust to any size-“
He then held your cheek with his gloved palm as he assured you,
“I’m not letting you go on your own, I’ll help you.”
Nodding dumbly because of his sweet gesture, you agreed. And well, that settled it for you, he wasn’t letting you go on your own, so off you went.
Like a guardian angel his broad built covered your smaller form fully, and with a reassuring hand on your shoulder he guided you away to his office.
You felt small in front of his full build, but never insignificant as he treated you like a person, maybe he started off the wrong foot at times, but that’s who Simon Riley was.. he wasn’t used to being all nice and kind. But when he’d find out his mistake he’s pluck it out and make it right ten times more.
In the comfort of his little room, clearly showing he lived there as it smelled like his musky and citrus scent, and the decorations were to a bare minimum (it was actually just the little lamp and a few large bullet casings laid around in different places, like they were posing.
Oh and all the little gum wrapper things you made for him were all resting on his tiny window seal- anyways.. you were safe in his room.
He left you to change in peace after he made you stand in the pants for five more minutes- until you spilled the names of the soldiers that had humiliated you. You really didn’t want to cause them problems, especially with the Lieutenant himself who was stern and harsh.. but he made you understand that it was well deserved anyways.
Now you’re buckling up your fresh pants when you heard the door open and Ghost walk in, his head lowered as he began,
“You good Sergeant?”
Nodding to yourself you replied to him verbally,
“Yes Lieutenant.. thanks. They fit well.”
He took that as your signal of, ‘I’m decent you can look’ so he did, seeing his pants on you. Maybe they did look pretty big on you, but they fit, and were stainless.
Satisfaction with a hint of care in his eyes, he nodded with a soft grunt,
“Alright kid.. Oh and take these… they help with the.. the cramps?”
Smiling a bit at his shy voice coming out and at his attentiveness to what your body was going through, you replied,
“Yes.. the cramps.. thank you.”
“Hmm hmm.. now, be at the shooting range. I’ll be there in 5.”
Worry then crashed, wanting to hit you as you thought about the chance of seeing those soldiers again, but Ghost once again reassured you,
“Don’t worry Sergeant… I got your back. Go on to the range.”
Releasing a breath of relief you sent him a small smile then went, happy and confident to know you had your Lieutenant’s protection. Simon watched you walk away and he felt warmth in his chest, as he was able to provide help and be good to and for you.
Ghost hardly ever practiced shots or trained with you, afraid he’d hurt you or be too stern. But now he was afraid to leave you on your own, and be hurt by someone else. So he figured, you’d be safe and learn well from him, while he’d learn to keep his temper and tolerance in check, as he’d have you in sight.. a win is a win.
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fairyniceyeah · 2 months
🧚🏻‍♀️Emeto cheat sheet
Causes of vomiting:
Alcohol (+Flush gene)
Allergic reaction
Cancer (+Chemotherapy)
Coffee on empty stomach
Crohn’s Disease
Cycling Vomiting Syndrome
Extortion (sports) on empty stomach       
Food intolerances       
Food poisoning (salmonella, E.Coli …)·       
Gastrointestinal Obstruction
Heat/Heat stroke   
Kidney Infection
Labyrinthitis (ear infection)
Lactose Intolerance
Medication (Antibiotics, opioids)
Ménières Disease
Motion sickness (cars, buses, boats, planes …)       
Panic Attacks  
Stomach flu
Ulcerative colitis
What happens before:
Abdominal pain
Clutching Stomach
Dry Mouth
Hand (Back of hand/Palm) to mouth
Heaviness of limbs
Nausea/Queasiness/Feeling sick
Paleness/Ashen, green or grey face
Rapid heartbeat
Reacting to stimulants (sight/smell/taste of food e.g)
Salivia builds up/Mouth waters
Shallow/Rapid breathing
Sour stomach
Stomach cramps
Throat tightening
Wanting fresh air
What happens during:
Echoing back 
Gurgling stomach
Rapid breathing
Vomit hitting water/receptacle
(No) Remnants of previous food
Color (Brown/Depends on previous food) of sick
Liquidly/Chunky/Thick sick
Vomit in corner of mouth
Vomit/Sick/Throw up splattering on floor
Previous food
Back rippling
Burning in mouth/throat/nose
Choking/Feeling like there is no air
Curling up into themselves/into caretaker
Hot vomit/bile/stomach contents
Liquidly/Chunky/Thick sick
Sticky sick on clothing
Stomach contracting/Rolling/Gurgling
Stomach contents sloshing around
Torrent/Wave/Spray/Mouthfuls of sick coming up
Vomit gushing/rushing out of mouth (+nose)/up their throat
Vomit seeping through fingers
What happens after:
Being overwhelmed
Blurry vision (from tears)
Changing clothes/Cleaning
Drinking water
Falling/Slumping forwards against toilet/bucket
Lost/Rough voice/Pain in throat
Passing out/Fainting
Resting head on toilet seat
Staying hunched over – not sure if gonna be sick again
Taking Temperature
Wiping away tears/vomit
What the caretaker can do:
Call for help (another caretaker/medical)
Hold bucket/trash bin/other receptacle
Holding back hair (strands/at the neck)/fringe
Holding sickie upright
Holding sickies hand
Make hot water bottle
Make sickie blow their nose
Make sickie drink to replenish lost fluids
Make sickie lay down (on their side/on caretaker’s lap)
Make sickie take medication/temperature
Make soup
Rubbing circles on back
Rubbing stomach
Soothe sickie (don’t hold it in, you will feel better after …)
Whispering comfort
Wiping away tears/vomit
Other related symptoms:
Abdominal pain/cramps
Headache/Dehydration headache
Inability to keep anything down
Paleness/Grey, green or ashen face
Possible scenarios:
Bathroom is occupied
Being in public/situation they can’t escape from
Caretaker finding sickie on bathroom floor
Carrying a bucket around wherever sickie goes
Clutching a bucket/bin/plastic bag/toilet so hard their knuckles turn white
Cramps so bad sickie can’t move
Curling up on bathroom floor
Eating something despite knowing they are allergic to it
Eating something without realizing they are allergic to it
Feeling sick all day without relief
Feverish and dizzy
Getting admitted to hospital
Inability to keep anything down
Movie marathon as distraction
Multiple sickies (+ not enough bathrooms)
Rubbing sick tummy
Sick during transport
Throwing up in (empty/full) trash bin
Throwing up in bag
Throwing up in bucket
Throwing up in hand
Throwing up in toilet
Throwing up on blankets
Throwing up on floor
Throwing up on something/someone
Throwing up the medication/pills
Throwing up what they just ate/drank
Unable to leave bathroom
Unable to make it to bathroom
Waking up sick in the middle of the night
If you have any more suggestions, please contact me ✌🏼
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BG3 Companions (& Halsin) Realizing That Their GN! Tav Might Have PMDD
Characters: GN! Reader! Tav; Astarion; Gale; Wyll; Shadowheart; Karlach; Lae’zel; Halsin
Pairing(s): None, but it’s written as All Companions x Tav so if you have a romanced companion you prefer, you can imagine they have most of Tav’s favor. 
A/N: This is a highly indulgent imagine that absolutely NO ONE asked for (besides me lol) but I felt compelled to write it because I’ve been really struggling lately with some extreme PMS symptoms for the last few months or so. I don’t have a PMDD diagnosis yet or anything, but in looking up my symptoms I read about it and wanted to write this comfort piece for it. I kept Tav as gender-neutral as possible in this, but they do have a very active and very angry uterus in this.
TW: Discussion of Menstruation (Bleeding, Cramps/ Abdominal Pain), PMS, and PMDD Symptoms (Including Depression & Thoughts of Suicide) [Note: No one actually says ‘PMDD’, or Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder but that is the syndrome implied]; Brief Mentions of Sex (also small text)
Word Count: 3.7k
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“Have any of you seen Tav lately?” Astarion asked, coming to sit next to a handful of his fellow companions seated around their camp’s fire. 
“Why? Has something else gone wrong?” Shadowheart teased back from where she lay against a log, a goblet of half-drunk wine in her hand. “Or perhaps, you’re looking for a bite to eat?” 
“Ha-ha,” Astarion mock laughed. “‘Bite,’ because I’m a vampire, how hilarious Shadowheart.” 
“I don’t know Astarion,” Gale countered from where he was perched on the other side of the former Sharran devotee, “I’d wager you secretly found it rather punny.” 
“Ugh,” Astarion wrinkled his nose at Gale’s words, failing to hide the amused smile that graced his lips. “Honestly Gale, as if the orb isn’t enough.”
Astarion, having lost interest in sitting next to his companions, settled for standing, crossing his arms, and jutting out one hip in his signature semi-annoyed pose.
“Come now Astarion, you can’t say Gale’s love for language comes as a surprise,” Wyll joined the conversation, sheathing his blade after having used Lae’zel’s whetstone to sharpen it. “Why I’d wager even Lae’zel can attest that in the farthest reaches of the Githyanki galaxy, the repetition of a wizard’s sharpened tongue precedes them.” 
Lae’zel huffed affirmatively, taking the opportunity to sharpen her sword. “Tchk. The Blade is right. It is no secret that wizards cannot help but run their mouths.” 
Karlach, having been seated quite literally in the middle of the conversation, from where she lay next to the campfire flames, burst out laughing, sitting up with a start. 
Shadowheart and Astarion couldn’t help but chuckle as well. 
Lae’zel’s eyes glowered as she looked at her other companions. “I do not see the cause for such antics” 
“Yes! Thank you Lae’zel!” Gale spoke up, wagging a finger in protest at the display of his friends. “A wizard’s intellectual prowess is no laughing matter.” 
“That which you discuss has yet to be seen.” Lae’zel rebuffed Gale yet again. 
“Pfft!” Shadowheart nearly choked on her drink as Karlach resumed her boisterous laughter, Wyll joining in this time as well. 
“Enjoying a night of merriment, are we?” Halsin’s deep voice cut through the laughs, his large form coming into view as the Druid emerged from the tree line. Shirtless, and still dripping, his presence brought a warm air to the camp, despite the night’s chilled air. 
“We certainly are now,” Astarion purred, admiring the druid’s half-naked form. 
“Mhhm,” Shadowheart took another sip of her wine. “For once, Astarion,  I’d have to agree.” 
Completely comfortable in his nudity, and unintimidated by the other’s ogling, Halsin strutted confidently over to where his fellow companions had gathered around the fire. “I had just finished bathing when Tav came to the lakeside. Said they were going to take a bath to unwind before bed.” 
“I’m surprised they didn’t ask you to join them,” Astarion mused, eyes still raking up and down Halsin’s sculpted form. 
Halsin gave a half smirk at the compliment, but his mood remained subdued. “They seemed upset. I offered to stay with them, even just to chat, but they insisted they wished to be left alone.“ 
Frowning, Gale scanned the faces of his companions, looking for a negative reaction, finding a similar dower one had made its way across Wyll’s and Karlach’s features. 
Looking to Karlach for solidarity, Wyll spoke up first: “Has anyone noticed Tav to be much more despondent as of late?” 
Karlach nodded. “Yesterday as well. Hells, it’s so odd to see them so down in the dumps. They’re usually leading the charge in making sure the rest of us are happy.”
“Has something changed? Perhaps Raphael contacted them yet again?” Gale supposed. 
Shadowheart shook her head. “Not that I know of. Besides, even if he did, this feels too familiar to just be a coincidence.” 
Lae’zel resheathed her newly sharpened blade before stalking over to the Selunite priestess. “Tchk. If you have something to share ghustil, say it outright.” 
Shadowheart rolled her eyes at the quarrelsome nature of Lae’zel’s words but continued speaking nonetheless. “If I recall correctly, a similar thing happened a while back, a few weeks perhaps.” 
“Yes,” Wyll joined. “I remember Tav crying after one of our battles.” 
“Come now,” Gale countered. “That’s hardly a mystery. It’s completely understandable why they might break down every now and then. It’s been a hard few months, even for a leader as strong as Tav.” 
“Perhaps,” Wyll relented. “Although, I can’t recall Tav giving a specific reason for their meltdown.” 
“‘Reason’?” Asatrion scoffed. “How about the fact that we’re all infected with Mindflayer parasites which could hatch at any moment? On top of which we are expected to destroy this Absolute death cult, lest all of Baldur’s Gate be turned into a tentacle wasteland!” 
“It is enough to make one’s blood run cold.” Gale agreed. 
“I do think Shadowheart may have a point.” Halsin put his two cents in. “I do recall around two months ago, Tav coming to me for healing, relief for abdominal cramps.”
“Oh, well that settles it, doesn’t it? It’s merely that ‘time of the month’, rather unfortunate and annoying, but hardly devastating for our capable leader.” Astarion sounded unconvinced, as he looked down to admire his recently shaped fingernails. 
Halsin shook his head. “I sensed there was more they wished to request aid for. They were holding something back. What exactly and why, I am unsure.” 
“Maybe they’ve just got a tough go of it. I know my whole body was thrown entirely out of whack waking up in Avernus. It took years for me to feel like myself again.” Karlach gestured at her many scars as she did so. 
All the time, Lae’zel had been listening intensely, a curious look across her face. “What is this ‘time of the month’?” She repeated. “Is it another,” she paused, making sure to pronounce the following word right, “Tiefling trait?” 
Karlach shook her head. “We’re not exempt from it,” she replied honestly. “But no, it’s not just tieflings.” 
“You mean to tell me that female Githyanki don’t have periods?” Shadowheart asked, having thrown all her pretenses out along with the last of her wine. 
“As I have said before ghustil, we do not become parents through sex. When it is time, we are chosen by Vlaakith to lay the eggs of our young.” 
“And this, ‘egg-laying’, as you call it… it, isn’t um, gender specific?” Gale, ever the wizard, just had to know. 
“No. Sex is irrelevant. The only thing of importance is whether you are called by Vlaakith to bear that which houses her future children.” 
“... Right,” Gale answered, feeling rather queasy. “I think that’s all I’d like to know if you don’t mind.”  
“Can we please get back to the point?” Astarion interrupted, rather impatient. “Tav is spiraling or having a mental breakdown or something, and apparently, only the Cleric and Druid noticed, how cliche.” 
 “Alright, Astarion. What do you suggest?” Wyll asked. 
“Well, obviously we need to find out what’s wrong with them so we can fix it.” 
“If it is this ‘time-of-month’, then why not stop it before it comes? You know when it nears, why not strike it down before it starts?” Lae’zel suggested, still not fully understanding what a ‘period’ was for a human. 
“That may not solve all the difficulties Tav is experiencing.” Halsin finally pulled his shirt back over his head, much to the others' collective disappointment. “There is more, although I am uncertain if I should share it, as Tav shared it with me in confidence.” 
“If it could help us help Tav, perhaps it is best to share this once?” Gale suggested. “Normally, I’m not one for shifting loyalties, but I too, have some things I think it’s better I share with the group.” 
“Now that you mention it, I do recall Tav saying something off-color last night,” Astatrion added. 
“What did they say?” Karlach asked.
“They mentioned they had been feeling rather down. Really down. So down, that they, well…” Astarion gave an exasperated huff, clearly uneasy with the topic. “...Tav said that sometimes, they feel like giving up.” 
“What did you tell them?” Wyll asked, encouraging Astarion to go on. 
“I said of course they feel like that! I mean who wouldn't? Between the Mindflayer parasites, the constant goblin attacks, the thieves, and the looming threat of this Absolute Cult, who wouldn't want to lie down for a few hundred years or so?” 
“I must admit, Tav’s confession to me a few months back was similar in nature,” Gale attested. “They expressed how defeated they felt as if nothing they did mattered. All the battles, all the small victories, it didn’t change anything. The Absolute was still going strong, the threat of the world’s end still looming… They asked me if any of it was worth it.” 
Halsin nodded. “I fear I was told more of the same. Tav divulged that they sometimes wondered if I, if we, would fare better on our journey without them.”
A silence fell over the companions, a cerebral, unsettling kind of silence, the kind one could feel resonating, laden within one's bones. 
“Shit,” Karlch said, the first to speak. “I mean, I knew they were upset sometimes, but I just figured we all were.” 
“Halsin,” Shadowheart started, gently. “When Tav told you they thought we’d be better off without them, what did you say?” 
“I embraced them and told them that in no uncertain terms, we needed them to lead us. I reminded Tav how amazing they are, and how, even though they themselves cannot see it, they are truly a marvel to behold. I expressed gratitude for them saving The Grove, for making peace between the tieflings and the druids.”
Wyll nodded along to Halsin’s words, recalling all that he and Tav had managed to accomplish together in such a short time, despite all the odds stacked against them. 
Halsin cleared his throat, swallowing down an ardent wave of emotion that threatened to escalate before he continued: “Lastly, I told them how I felt about them, how we all felt about them, and that should they ever require reminding, they need only ask.” 
From where he stood, Astarion sulked, a guilty expression making its way across his face. “I, I didn’t know. Godsdammit! I should have seen…”
“You cannot blame yourself Astarion.” Halsin did his best to assure his pale elf friend. “Even with Tav’s confession, I fear I did not heed their words the way I should have. Perhaps if I connected the dots more quickly, if I recorded the dates of their depressive episodes, we could have come to this conclusion weeks ago.” 
“What conclusion is that exactly?” Lae’zel enquired. “You say it is not this ‘time-of-month’, and yet, you make no other claims. What cause do you reference?” 
“It’s rare, but sometimes it happens that a human’s reproductive organs seemingly conspire against them,” Gale answered. “Well, more than is to be expected, I should clarify.” 
“Ah. So it is inferior istik reproductive organs to blame for our dear leader’s shakiness. Then perhaps they need be cut out.” 
“Lae’zel!” Gale gasped. 
Lae’zel crossed her arms as if to say ‘what’? 
“It needn’t come to that,” Halsin cut in, diffusing the situation. “That is not to say it’s not a possibility, but only in the most dire and extreme cases.” 
“Yes,” Shadowheart agreed. “And despite my being a cleric and Halsin being a druid, neither one of us is qualified for such procedures.” 
Lae’zel took a moment to process their words. “Indeed, I see. In that case, it is wise that that scalpel-wielding bard is not currently accompanying us. Vlaakith knows his surgical skills are nothing more than mere talk, given his removal of Tav’s eye.” 
“... Is that a joke?” Astarion asked, dumbfounded at Lae’zel’s choice of deadpan delivery amid such a dire discussion.   
“Do not look so surprised shka'keth, I am considered most humorous amongst my people.” 
“You know what?” Wyll butt in, “That, I do believe.” 
 Astarion scoffed. “Well, perhaps, Lae’zel could use her humor to cheer Tav up. Unless any of you have any other ideas?” 
“I think perhaps it would be better for us to sit Tav down for a heart-to-heart. Remind them how much they mean to us.” The Blade of Frontiers did not beat around the bush. 
“I agree,” Halsin seconded. “Perhaps the message coming from us all would be better received than it was coming from me alone.” 
“It’s worth a try,” Karlach agreed. “Gods know we care about them. And there’s no way we would have gotten this far without them.” 
“The tiefling is right. Tav may be istik, but they are still our leader.” Lae’zel spoke up, roused by her companions' sudden ire. “We have a duty to them to finish this, to cleanse these parasites from our bodies and destroy The Absolute.”
Shadowheart sighed, before righting herself and walking over to Lae’zel’s side. “If Lae’zel’s in, then I might as well join. Wyll, what about you? Up for an intervention?” 
Wyll looked at Karlach, catching her eye. Following a triumphant smirk from Karlach, the duo nodded their respective affirmations before joining Halsin, Astarion, Lae’zel, and Shadowheart where they stood. 
And that just left…
“Gale? Care to join us? Or will you be too busy pinning over your ex-goddess girlfriend?” Astarion ribbed. 
Gale shook his head, Astarion’s antics not being a new experience for him at all. 
“I’m not pining, and, even if I were, Tav is much more important at the moment. Why, in fact,” Gale’s voice got quieter, more serious, “Some nights I fear I would give up The Weave, hells, even eternity if it meant Tav would be happy.” 
No one else said anything in response, they didn't need to. It was clear to all of them, that they all loved Tav deeply, even on the days, or weeks Tav couldn't find any love for themselves. 
“Do you think Tav would be done bathing by now? Not that I’d mind getting a little peak, though I’m not sure how they’d feel about that.” Astarion mused. 
“Astarion,” Wyll warned.
“I’m only kidding. Mostly.” 
“I’m sure they’ll be back shortly. Let us prepare what we wish to say so that when they do arrive-” Halsin started, but was cut off by a rustling coming from just beyond the treeline. 
“Wait,” Tav’s voice cut through the air, a welcome bit of color amidst an otherwise chilly night, “Who’s arriving?” 
“Tav!” The companions turned in shock, feeling sheepish, as if they had just been caught in the act. 
“We were hoping you’d return soon,” Shadowheart admitted. 
“There are some things we’d like to discuss,” Gale added. 
Tav pinched the bridge of their nose. “Dammit Astarion, did you go around trying to bite everyone again? We’ve talked about this.” They let out an exasperated sigh. 
“What? Why-?! How dare you accuse me of such a thing!” Astarion puffed his chest up, making himself appear larger. “I’ll have you know we were actually discussing-” 
“We’re worried about you soldier,” Karlach interrupted Astarion’s indignant outburst. “We see how hard this has been on you, on all of us.” 
“We want you to know,” Wyll continued the sentiment for her, “That we care about you. And whatever hardships you endure, we’ll endure them with you.” 
Their companion’s words stopped Tav dead in their tracks. 
“Yeah, yeah, I know. And um, that’s really sweet of you. It’s just,” Tav frowned, “How do I put this? Um… As far as The Absolute and the Mindflayers are concerned, I’m grateful for your help, I am, really. But there are just some things that are-”
“Private,” Astarion finished for Tav. He walked over to Tav, before lowering his voice, speaking only to them. “I think you know,” he whispered, his expression suddenly melancholy, “Better than anyone, why each one of us knows how you feel.” 
And with that, the damn burst, Tav simply couldn't hold it in any longer. 
Their face contorted. They bit their lip before their mouth turned upside down, their nose wrinkled, and their eyes began to water. 
“It’s just been so hard!” Tav cried, their own voice barely more than a whisper. “And just when I think things are okay, that I’m finally better, it all just comes crashing down around me again!” Tav sobbed, their arms dropping to their sides in defeat. 
Moving to comfort them, Astarion placed a tentative hand on their shoulder, gently patting Tav with a ‘there-there’. His eyes darted back to his companions, a begging, uncomfortable look evident on his face. 
Karlach moved first, coming to Tav’s side opposite Astarion. Despite her engine being temporarily fixed, she knew her skin was still hot to the touch. Still, Karlach hoped her closeness would be its own comfort. 
“We’ve got you soldier.” Karlach wrapped the end of her tiefling tail around Tav’s calf. “Just let it all out, it’s okay.” 
Tav sobbed even harder at her words, pulling a rather flustered Astarion in for a tight embrace. 
“Ah. A little help over here!” Astarion whispered harshly past Tav’s ear, their face wedged between his arms and chest, and their tears and snot beginning to dampen his shoulder. 
Shadowheart chuckled, amused that despite him being such a flirt when he wanted, Astaron was still rather unfamiliar with the more platonic, or should she say, non-sexual forms of intimacy. “Step aside.”
Moving over to the huddle sandwich that was Astarion, Tav, and Karlach, Shadowheart wedged her way in between Astarion and Tav. “Just try not to drool too much on my top. It is leather after all.” 
“Tchck, Shadowheart.” Lae’zel chided. She walked over to the huddle, standing a safe six inches away, her arms crossed and brows furrowed. “Clothes are meaningless compared to a fellow soldier.” 
“I’m surprised I find myself agreeing, but Shadowheart, Lae’zel does have a point,” Gale concluded. “Tav’s emotional state is much more important than any item of clothing, or inanimate object.” 
“Says the wizard who eats shoes,” Astarion ribbed from under his breath. 
Gale clicked his tongue at the vampire spawn’s remark, but otherwise paid his pale companion no mind. 
“Besides,” Gale continued, undeterred. “I can always do another load of laundry. Should you ever need a shoulder to cry on, know that mine will always be available, tears or otherwise.” 
Tav nodded, enthusiastically grateful, switching from Shadowheart’s shoulder to Gale’s. 
Sighing, as the cool purple velvet rubbed against their cheek, Tav began to slow their breathing, gaining better control of the sobs that had previously uncontrollably wracked their body. 
“We may not know exactly what it is you’re going through, but that doesn’t make you any less of a leader worthy of our time and affection,” Wyll spoke up as he came to join the hug pile. “And sharing your fears and sadness does not make you a burden, it makes you strong.” 
Tav wailed once more, nodding emphatically as they did so. Deep down, they knew all that their friends had shared to be true, but they were not able to convince themselves of it on their own. 
“And if this sadness of yours comes at the same time every month, it may indicate a hormonal condition. Should that be the case, there are many treatments and spells we can cast to ease your pain.” 
“Really?” Tav asked through sniffles. 
“Indeed,” Halsin nodded, having walked over to also join his gathered companions. “Although there is something simpler, something I always have readily available.” 
“Don’t you dare—” Astarion started. 
At the same time Lae’zel spoke her own words of protest: “Do it druid, and you may very well live to regret it.” 
Tav ignored their outbursts and instead asked Halsin what he had in mind. 
“This,” he said, before outstretching his arms and encompassing everyone in a great big bear hug. 
Squished between their dear companions, their friends, their allies in this fight, and the next, Tav, for the first time in days, began to feel truly loved. 
The world may have looked bleak and hopeless, and with a raging uterus, it may have looked even more so, but as long as Tav had their friends, they would never know true defeat. 
Squashed between an equally irate Githyanki and a rather sentimental wizard, Astarion wriggled, trying to break free, but to no avail. Turning his head left to face his frog-esque friend, Astarion whispered threats under his breath.  
“I say the next time he wildshapes into a bear, we put a pretty pink collar around his neck and march him into town as punishment.”
“Chk. I find that offer rather agreeable.” 
“I dunno. I rather like this kind of medicinal approach.” Karlach said, feeling overjoyed to simply be touched. 
“You know he can hear you, right?” Wyll, ever the pragmatist, spoke from across the expanse of Halsin’s broad chest in order to address Astarion. 
Halsin nodded in the affirmative upon hearing Wyll’s words.
Astarion groaned. “Well, clearly he has now!” 
“And here I thought vampires were stealthy.” Shadowheart teased. 
“Oh, trust me, darling, all of your times shall come. Count on it!” 
“Astarion?” Tav‘s muffled voice asked from where their face was squished into Gale’s chest. 
Tav managed to pull their head away from Gale’s purple robe just long enough to give Astarion their best puppy-dog-eyed look. “Be nice? Pleaseeee?” They drew out the end of the ‘please,’ innocently batting their eyes as they did so. 
“... Fine. But don’t get used to it,” Astarion resigned before tossing his hair. “I have a reputation to uphold.” 
“Mhhm,” Tav agreed, putting their face back against Gale’s velvet-covered chest. 
They knew this moment couldn’t last forever, and it certainly wouldn’t solve all their problems— mind flayers, hormones, or otherwise. But they could at least stay put like that for just a minute longer. 
Or as a matter of fact? Make that two. 
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A/N 2.0: So there it is! I hope you enjoyed. This is definitely something I needed to read like two weeks ago, and also a month ago, and then the month before that lol. 
After this, we are back to our regularly scheduled programming. I will make an upcoming ask list, just so everyone is clear as to what is up and coming.
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As always Please Like, but most importantly, REBLOG!!!
(Reblogs mean more than Likes because they project my work to a larger audience.)
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And If you like my work, Consider Buying Me A Coffee <3. 
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dilfsfordinner · 8 months
a/n- this fucker is nasty, but my uterus is taking over my brain so idc
warnings- IF YOU DON’T LIKE BLOOD, DON’T READ, PLEASE, fem! bodied reader, period oral sex (fem! receiving), fingering, cramps and talk of periods in general
Since the torturous days of puberty, every year you had been suffering from the claws of your monthly blood week, your period somehow always finding a new way to piss you off, this time being the fact that you were getting pelted with an endless slew of pitchfork-esque cramps.
A warm bath didn’t help, sitting didn’t help, and somehow, sleeping didn’t either because the pinching twists in your uterus followed you into your dreams as well.
It didn’t matter that it was Saturday, if you couldn’t relax it wasn’t really the weekend. It didn’t help that the sky was gloomy either, clouds blocking the one thing that could possibly lighten your attitude. Toji didn’t seem to notice your very irritated mood, or the countless side-eyes you had been throwing at him since the beginning of the day, he just continued to prep breakfast, seemingly clueless to the war raging in your insides.
Groaning, you threw the heavy, down comforter off of your burning limbs, struggling to the kitchen in a very shaky fashion. You couldn’t even be mad at your man for not noticing, he was caught up in making food for the both of you, and you had to admit, it smelled wonderful.
You seemed to forget that his senses were unnaturally heightened, so dragging your feet and muttering under your breath did very little to conceal your presence, let alone your emotions. Making an effort to wrench the fridge open, you scanned for something sweet, preferably watermelon or something that wouldn’t make you feel like shit after eating, but to no avail, you were left with no fruit finds, a huff leaving you as you placed your hands on your hips, staring at the shelves as if you could make something just magically appear.
Warmth radiated from behind you, strong arms wrapping around your waist as Toji rested his chin on your shoulder, nuzzling his nose into the crook of your neck. “What’s the matter, pretty,” he murmured, kissing the soft panel of skin beneath your jaw before turning his attention to rubbing soft circles on your waist.
A half-moan, half-sigh was pulled from you, his actions relaxing the tense muscles coiling inside of your lower half, cramps calming briefly at the deep massage his fingers delivered. “My period,” was all you managed to breathe out, trying to appreciate the short-lived relief he gave you, your limbs almost going lax in his hold.
Toji stiffened against your back, his muscles tightening in some protective, almost primal way. He wished he could take your pain, even for a second, because the sight of his love struggling to eat, walk, and even stand for a week of every month was torture in itself.
“Do you want to eat now?” he asked softly, continuing his massage just below your navel. You were actually excited to eat, excited to finally satisfy one kind of abdominal ache, that was until a sharp, stabbing sensation ripped along your lower, left side, most likely caused by the long fingers kneading the muscles there.
Gritting your teeth to prevent a cry, you pushed Toji’s hands away, shrugging out of his hold to stomp back to your bedroom, anger, as irrational and undeserved as it was, fizzling off of you and pointedly toward Toji. Yes, your period made you the “stereotypical”, hormone-crazed, emotional woman, but you had an excuse, you were cursed with some of the most inconvenient pains, which inevitably caused your attitude to turn, well, a little.. sassy.
Toji, however, knew exactly how to quell such sass, as bold as it might seem. So, carefully, he followed behind the angry breadcrumbs of muttered insults you purposely said aloud, to join you in the warmth of your bedroom. There, Toji watched as you plopped on the end of the bed, the action causing your arms to fold over your stomach in pain, curses spewing from you as his presence was accidentally, or maybe, intentionally ignored.
Gathering his courage to approach the beast groaning on the bed, Toji made himself known by pushing open the door, his footsteps light as he made his way over to your hunched figure. Your hands came up to cover your face, a sigh shaking your shoulders as a ticklish sensation enveloped your feet.
There, kneeling before you, was your very caring, very concerned husband, his large hands cradling your feet, the warmth of his palms even hotter than the fluffy, woolen socks that adorned your toes. He didn’t say anything, his face perfectly calm, peaceful in the warm light of the lamps you had placed around the room.
Green eyes came up to meet your hidden gaze, your fingers split just so to peek down at him. “Let me help you,” was all he said, voice hushed, his hands continuing their massage further up your legs, and even then, he never broke eye contact. “Please,” he whispered, those eyes of his so genuinely interested in pleasing you, taking care of you, you couldn’t help but trust him, letting your hands fall away to slowly nod at him.
Humming gratefully, his hands skated up your thighs to grasp the waistband of your pajama pants and undies, fingers teasing the delicate skin of your navel. “Lie back for me,” he murmured, hands still as he awaited your response. Apprehensively, you let yourself sink into the thick blankets beneath you, watching as he lifted your legs to slide your clothes and undergarments off.
“Wait, Toji, I’m-”
“I know,” he hushed you, kissing the inside of your knee before pulling his black sweater over his head, leaving him bare from the waist up. You thought he was trying to get something for himself, but no, he used the sweater for you, one hand lifting both of your legs up so that he could slide the knit material under your bottom. A.. towel of a sort?
Finally realizing what he planned to do, you snapped your thighs closed, huffing to sit up on your elbows, Toji looking up at you with amused eyebrows, his head tilted knowingly. “I’m bleeding,” was what you settled on, surely thinking that that was enough to steer him away from anything remotely sexual.
Toji just looked at you, his gaze not faltering, almost like he was challenging you for a better excuse, “And?”
“It’s gross!”
“No, it’s not. Besides, it’ll help you relax.”
Holding eye contact, he lowered himself to leave a kiss on your ankle, continuing up until his nose nuzzled the top of your thigh. “Trust me,” he whispered, his arms snaking underneath your thighs hesitantly, before he was tugging you to the edge of the bed, the crook of your knees fitting perfectly over the curve of his shoulders.
Biting the inside of your cheek, your eyebrows furrowed, debating letting him have his way with you, a checklist appearing in your head; One, he was clean so there really wasn’t the need to worry about infections or uti’s, especially because he had washed his hands a bunch while making breakfast. Two, he hadn’t eaten so his mouth was clean after recently having brushed. The third was where you really struggled. Did he really want to? Was he really not disgusted by the fact that you were currently leaking blood?
His low eyelids and eager kisses answered your questions enough, the doubts you had disappearing one by one, so with slow movements, you settled back onto the blankets, body relaxing in his hold.
Now, there was no word to describe how good it felt to have “relations” on any regular day, but on your period, it truly felt other worldly. The second Toji’s mouth left a kiss to the curve of your pubic bone, it was like your cramps took it as a sign to stop their infernal pounding, like even they knew what was to come.
Those kisses didn’t stop at the top, oh no, they continued to places much lower. There was a pause in his sweet ministrations before a gentle lick was being delivered up your slit, Toji’s tongue stopping at the top of your crease before he started to suckle the little bud there, your clit wasting no time sending electric bolts of pleasure up your spine.
He continued to suck and suck, circling his tongue, up and down, and side to side all while you shivered in his hold, chest rising and falling faster with the need to pull in air, your hand coming down to rest in his silky hair, inky strands slightly askew from the restless movements you used, your fingers raking through his locks.
It went on like that for what seemed like hours, his tongue pattern routine in your mind. You were so close to falling off the edge, all of your pleasure funneling to one spot in your core before you felt something nudge your entrance. Said “thing” was long and expertly trained on the subject of fingering, Toji’s middle finger pushing into your hole, a breathy sigh of his name leaving your lips.
With the added appendage, the sensations you were feeling increased tenfold, that familiar heartbeat throbbing in your cunt making your hips restless in his hold, Toji never relenting, continuing his strokes added with the plunge of his finger.
Looking down, he was certainly a sight to behold. His eyes were closed, eyebrows drawn together, cheeks flushed a pretty pink, and his lips, his chin- they were red, smeared with a dripping, ruby substance. Humiliation burned throughout your body, your hands about to cover your face before a certain noise stopped you. He had groaned, you realized, and not only that, it had sounded desperate, throaty and utterly him. He really didn’t mind.
A second finger began to push into you, the cold band of his wedding ring entering the warmth of your cunt, two different types of liquids squelching from the curl of his fingers, trickling down the inside of his palm. The skin of your entrance was taut around his fingers with every plunge inside, a pink ring beginning to accumulate at the base of his knuckles, your white liquids mixing with blood to create an interesting mixture of telltale orgasmic signs.
His mouth was messy, tongue delving to tease your hole before licking back up to your clit, his fingers and lips sometimes trading places to stretch your sanity even thinner. You looked so pretty, your nipples peaked under the material of your shirt, your chest heaving, and your face, which was barely visible to him, was cast to the side, eyes closed and mouth open, panting his name and other mindless words he couldn’t focus on enough to decipher.
“Toji, I’m-” you couldn’t even finish your shaky sentence, Toji finding it in him to make sure you finished in the most overwhelming way possible, his strong arms curling around your thighs, anchoring you to his mouth to prevent you from running away.
With a brush against that spongey spot inside of you and a particularly deft suck to your clit, you came with a shudder, your thighs shaking and squeezing him, heart beating so fast it felt like blood was emptying into a hollow place in your head. Easing his fingers out of you, Toji slowly detached his mouth from your cunt, licking his lips, gazing fondly at your very lax limbs and panting chest.
A dip in the mattress told you that he had seated himself next to your spent form, your eyes too tired to actually open and see. The fingers of his clean hand stroked down your cheek- comforting and calm. “How do you feel?” he murmured, fingers continuing their strokes down the side of your face until you opened your eyes.
You hadn’t even realized until he’d brought it up, but the agonizing, devilish cramps you were pelted with before were now reduced to nothing but a dull ache, sharpness and nausea free from the chamber of your insides. “A lot.. better,” your last word was quiet, like you didn’t want to admit that he was right about the whole thing after all.
A teasing flick to your forehead hinted that he knew very well how right he was. “I told you,” Toji grinned, watching as you rolled your eyes playfully, using your jello-like arms to try and push yourself into a seated position.
Being right next to him, you noticed just how dirty you had gotten him. The bottom half of his face was stained red, pinkish lines from your liquids trailing down his jaw and down his neck. Holding a laugh, you gestured to his figure, “You need a wash.”
Moving past him, you bent to pick up your discarded clothing that had been thrown haphazardly in the moment. You should’ve known he was planning something because as soon as you grasped your pants, a slap was delivered to your bum, a gasp coming from your lips as your head whipped to face the culprit, Toji’s arms crossed, eyes looking suspiciously humorous.
Twisting to see what he’d done, the slap he’d delivered had left a handprint, two imprinted fingers stained red on your skin, your previously clean body now sullied by your own blood. Scowling up at him, you watched as he strolled to the bathroom, saying over his shoulder, “Now you do too.”
With a muttered curse, the balled up pants you had in hand somehow made their way soaring across the room to hit the black haired man right to the back of his head. There’s one thing that never changed- if your period wasn’t the one pissing you off, Toji certainly knew how to take up that position.
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mxlktxa · 1 year
shameless plug, tlou masterlist - quick reads/rambles
𝘪𝘯𝘧𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘰𝘶𝘵𝘭𝘢𝘸𝘴; @jinxtheplanet @solaceocean
an; just to have a little something something while i work on two something somethings ;)
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“abby, no! that is raw cookie dough, stop fucking eating it!”
“its so good though!”
“youre gonna get sick, you big dummy! do you know how serious salmonella is?!”
“not serious enough to stop me!”
you chased after the huge set of muscles, throwing a spoon at her as she ran off with a bit more of the cookie dough from the mixing bowl. the bowl you were trying to hide from her to bake her some of your delicious vanilla sugar cookies alongside a large coconut cream pie, abbys favorite treat you make for the anniversary you both loved to celebrate. the blonde managed to sneak into the house while you were preoccupied with your phone and began scooping small servings of the raw mixture into her mouth.
“abby, seriously, stop it! you’re gonna get sick!” you began to soften your voice, too worried to be angry any longer, “i dont want you to be in the hospital for this, abs. its so stupid.”
abby turned to you as her smile faltered due to your behavior change, “hey, baby look, im sorry, okay. i couldnt help myself. i love when you make those sugar cookies,” both hands were on the sides of your face, kissing your forehead, “and that coconut pie? dont even get me started. oh! and your muffins and sweet bread are heaven sent.”
you giggled, hiding your smile as abby seemed to be going nuts over your baking skills. soon you both calmed down, now settling for a nice hug to give you comfort. abby placed plenty of apologetic kisses on your head, swaying you back and forth.
“i give it six hours before a fever starts to kick it.”
“huh?” the dirty blonde questioned.
“then youll shit yourself because youve got diarrhea, possibly start vomiting.”
“wait, what?!”
“youll be in pain as well. just some abdominal pain, of course,” you turned away from abby, leaving her to silently panic at what you just said, “im just fucking with you but it is gonna be bad. now, stop eating anything thats raw.” you sighed, walking back to the kitchen to start prepping the baking sheet.
“does that include you?” abby questioned, a small smirk on her face.
the comment flew over your head as you placed your focus on the task at hand. slowly your brain started obsessing with what she said, piecing together what she meant. your head slowly rose, eyes filled with annoyance while abby held back a chuckle, “you slut! stop being so nasty!” and with that you threw the whisk at her, having to chase her down once more since she started eating the remains of the raw mixture from the tool.
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hearttjason · 1 year
Please please please AKJason x reader where he's usually a big grump, but when his s/o starts to feel abdominal pain and can't keep food down, he gets all protective and caring. They spend the week together being all lovey dovey (reader even wears his clothes..) this can lead to smut or more fluff, writers choice!!
(also I've been having these bad stomach aches so that is why I ask.. thank you!! 😭)
AN: this is adorable😭 i hope your stomach feels better soon!! :( this is pretty much my first fic..feedback is greatly appreciated!!
I’ve got you.
pairing: jason todd x (gn) reader
warnings: none, pure fluff :)
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you were lying in you and jason's shared bed in your tiny apartment. the stomach aches you'd been feeling for a few days haven't ceased and you had no idea what to do about them. pain medicine didn't seem to work so you resorted to lying in bed for most of the day. groaning, you buried yourself more underneath the covers, the blanket swallowing you whole.
the front door had opened and you already knew it was your grumpy boyfriend. his heavy foot steps were heard around the apartment as he groaned and muttered curses under his breath. he must've had a bad day, you can tell because he didn't shout an "i'm home!" like he usually does on a good day. stumbling into the room with half of his armor off, his eyes settle on you- or rather, the you shaped lump.
"babe" he grumbled, trying to get your attention. you only let out a "hnn" in response, trying to bury yourself impossibly more into the mattress. he sat down on the other side of the bed after he rid himself of the rest of his armor. 'hey, what's wrong? talk to me" he whispered. you loved this side of him that only you got to see the soft jason that would move mountains for you or go get your favorite snacks at 3 am. everyone else got the grumpy closed off militia leader jason, but you had a special place in his heart.
a whine was the only thing that left your mouth, it felt impossible to even speak with this goddamn stomach ache. he scooted closer to you, rubbing your back through the blankets you buried yourself in. "talk to me sweetheart, what's got you like this, hm?" your head peeked out from the covers and jason found himself smiling a little at the sight of you. "tummy aches. they've been hurting really bad, can't eat" you mumbled out.
"why didn't you tell me, baby? i could've gotten you medicine or something. how long has this been happening?" "didn't want to bother you, jay. medicine doesn't work and it's been going on for a few days". he hummed for a second, trying to think of what to do. "i have something that'll help. can you turn around for me?" he asks sweetly. you groaned and turned your body so that you were facing him. your eyes were dull, dark circles more prominent and hair messy.
even though you looked like this, he still thought you were absolutely perfect. he smiled and then laid down next to you, cuddling you as you put your face in his chest. "i think this might help, don't you?" he asked with a small giggle. you nodded and miraculously, your stomach was feeling better. "feels a little better, jay. thank you" you sighed out, placing a kiss to his shirt covered chest. he only hummed in response and you both drifted off to sleep peacefully.
the next morning, you stirred awake with a yawn and jason was already staring at you with a small smile. "sleep good?" he asked. you nodded with a smile and kissed his cheek. "you really know how to make me feel better. are you magical?" you teased with a small giggle. "hmm maybe i am..let's get you in the shower and then you can eat, yeah?"
jason would always take care of you, that's what you loved most about him.
divider by @cafekitsune
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thelov3lybookworm · 1 year
Hi! I really like your writing style, and
I would like to request an Azriel x reader fic, but you can ignore this if you don't feel comfortable with it. So, lately I've been having a few problems with an ED (anorexia nervosa), and I think that reading how Azriel would react and deal with reader struggling with it, would help me and comfort me in some way.
I repeat, if you don't feel comfortable with writing this, it's completely okay, you don't have to do it. Whatever your choice will be, thank you in advance! ❤
With her.
Summary: Azriel finds out his mate's relationship with food, and tries to convince her to see Madja.
A/n: hello anon! Thank you for the ask, I love the idea. Also, I'm soo sorry you have to go through that and I hope you get better 🫶☺️ also any and all information I have was provided by Google, so please feel free to correct me if I write something wrong.
Hope you like it and hope it helps you in any way ❣️
Her chest heaved, her throat scratched as she hovered over the bowl, having just hurled her guts up. She slumped back against the wall, clutching her head.
Y/n stayed there for a couple of minutes before standing and turning to the mirror. She stared, then washed her face.
Before she left, though, she checked once to make sure the shield she had put up around the bathing room was up, because her newly found mate was in the house. She didn't want him to hear her.
And then all the blood drained from her face as she realised that she, while puking, had unintentionally left the shield down.
Her heart started beating wildly.
She was sure Azriel had heard her. There was no way he hadn't.
Even though the two of them had worked for Rhysand for centuries, they had barely had any interactions. And so, after they found out a month ago that they were mates, they were trying to get to know each other more. They'd been having dinner, and then she had excused herself, saying she needed to use the restroom.
She hesitantly stepped into her room, relieved but confused to find it empty. She had thought Azriel would be waiting in here to interrogate her. Did he not hear? Maybe she let the shield down after she was finished?
She decided to go down to the living room where Azriel was sitting before she left him there.
She found him staring into the fire, his jaw clenched.
"Hey, I'm back."
He turned to her and gave her a small smile. They then sat talking for some time, and with every moment that passed, the tension slowly bled from her shoulders. Maybe he hadn't heard anything, and she was worrying for no reason.
They talked carelessly, though Az continuously studied her.
"Are you in pain?" He asked, gesturing to her stomach.
She hadn't even realised she had wrapped her arms around herself until he pointed it out. But she was, in fact, in pain. She didn't think there was any harm in telling him about her abdominal pain, so she nodded.
"Nothing much though. It will subside."
"Are you nearing your cycle?"
She nearly laughed. "No. I haven't had my cycle in quite some time now."
"Why?" He asked, his stare intense.
She faltered. "Why what?"
"Why haven't you had your cycle?"
"Because..." That was when she realised that she was in deep shit. The male she was now taking to wasn't her mate. No, it was the Spymaster of the Night Court, and she was going to be interrogated.
"I always wondered why you made such elaborate meals for others but never ate them yourself. How you, somehow, never seem to be hungry. The unusual visits to the bathing room after eating."
"Are you having problems love?" He stood, coming towards her and crouching in front of her. His hands landed on her knees as he searched her face.
"You know that you can tell me anything, right?"
She nodded, blinking back tears.
"Then please tell me what you're going through. I want to help."
"I... I don't know how to tell you... its just–" She stopped speaking, wondering how to approach the topic. He stayed silent, rubbing circles on her thigh, letting her take her time. He wasn't going to let it go, so she had to tell him.
And then, all of it came out. She told him of how her mother had always wanted her to be perfect, and not being skinny was unacceptable. And so, in order to please her mother, she started eating less and less, eventually resorting to throwing up anything she ate.
"But your mother passed years ago. Why did you not stop?" He questioned gently, now sitting next to her.
She shook her head. "She had planted the image of perfection in my mind. If someone was not skinny, it took away from their beauty. I became obsessed with perfection. Or atleast what I thought was perfection.
"Whenever I looked at Mor, I would want to be perfect. And then, Feyre and her sisters came along. It worsened my obsession with being skinny."
"What are you saying?"
"They are just so damn beautiful. They have great figure, and even when they were mortal, they could have rivaled many fae females. And I want to be like them. Perfect. Someone who you could love. Someone worthy."
"No. Love, please don't think like that. I'm sorry you had to go through that, but you're beautiful as you are. I couldn't care less about your figure. I would love you no matter what."
Tears ran down his face as he said those words, and she instantly felt bad. She buried her face in his neck, trying to stop the tears.
"I'm sorry."
"What for? There is nothing you should be sorry about."
They stayed that way for quite some time, with him rubbing her back and constantly murmuring about how perfect she was and how she didn't need to do this. She sobbed into his chest, the guilt eating at her.
"Stop. Stop, don't feel guilty about it." She realised he could feel her emotions through the bond.
"Love? I suggest we go to Madja. She would know how to help."
"I don't need help." She mumbled, pulling away from him and clutching her knees to her chest.
"Y/n, darling, please..." When she again shook her head, he paused. Then, as if coming up with an idea, he spoke again. "How about we make a deal?"
"What deal?" She asked quietly.
"We go to Madja, and you follow her instructions and try to get better. In return, at the end of every week, I'll do anything you say."
She thought about it. She knew what she was doing was unhealthy, and she did want to get better. If not for herself, then for Azriel. Which was messed up, considering she should be doing this for herself. But this could be a start.
"Anything?" She whispered.
He grinned. "Anything."
"So if I tell you to wear a chicken costume and go out onto the streets and squawk around for the whole day, you'll do it?"
A blush rose to his cheeks, knowing how embarrassed he would be, but he leaned closer. "If that is what it takes."
She blushed, leaning back, but he followed her until their noses bumped. He pecked her lips once, twice, before resting his forehead on hers. "I'll do anything to make you happy."
She smiled.
If he was ready to do anything for her, even wear a chicken costume for her, to help her, then she'll be damned if she became a barrier stopping him from his goal.
"And, if you don't eat in a healthy way, you'll have no energy. And you need that for when we eventually accept the bond."
She stared at him for a moment, wondering what the hell he meant. But when she realised, she stood, sputtering, her face a burning mess. He grinned cockily, leaning back as his hands came to rest behind his head, his legs spread.
"I mean, it'll go on for a week at the least, maybe even a month. More than that, if all goes to plan. So, what do you say?"
She nodded, fighting the smile threatening to overtake her face. "Okay, I'll go." She sat back down, snuggling into his side.
He kissed her head, wrapping his arms and wings around her. "Love? I just want you to know that you don't need to hurry. Take it at your pace. Don't worry about anything else. I'll be there for you in this journey, every step of the way. And when you finally come out on the other side, I'll be waiting for you. I'll always wait for you."
She smiled. She knew it was true.
He would be there for her, no matter what.
And her situation didn't seem so bad, now that he was with her.
They would get through this. Together.
Taglist: @eos-princess @bubybubsters
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gamergirl-niffler · 10 months
I have an emergency request to make. Today, I'm grappling with intense abdominal pain due to ongoing gynecological issues related to my CLL. It's not only causing physical pain but also triggering significant anxiety. Could I please request some comforting scenarios involving Dabi, Shigaraki, Bakugo, and Kaminari?
Oh, my sweetheart!!! I am so sorry to hear that! I hope soon you will feel better, and for now! Have your lovely boys showering you with comfort!
MHA boys x S/O with abdominal pain due to ongoing gynecological issues
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🔥 Dabi 🔥
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- Well, he is worried about you.
- You are unlucky enough to have someone like him following you around.
- There is not much he can do, he is not a doctor, but he can cuddle you on the couch
- Of course he is using his hands on your abdomen, warming it up a little to bring you a bit more comfort in the pain.
- Do you need a painkiller? He will go full on ‘marvel disguise’ and go to the pharmacy to get you whatever you requested.
- Your anxiety is acting up? You get wrapped in a blanket, together with some snacks and cuddles. “Yeah, I know it hurts but don't worry. I am here and I am going to help as much as I can.”
- He will actually go as far as finding you an actual doctor so you can have professional help.
- Overall, he will keep his eye on you until you get better. He won't let you suffer and will try whatever possible to stop the pain at least for a bit.
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🎮 Shigaraki 🎮
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- Does he look like a doctor? Nope. The only medical experience he ever had was in Surgeon Simulator… and it never ended well.
- Kurogiri is immediately sent to get you some meds. Just say what you want, and you shall receive.
- You need distraction from pain, so… he wraps the two of you in blankets with you comfortably sitting between his legs, Switches in hands.
- He prefers to kick your ass in Mario Kart but since it's all about you and distracting you from pain he lets you pick Untitled Goose Game so you can get completely distracted by villainous goos, running around and causing troubles.
- When you two get bored with playing, he is up to watching some anime with you. Of course, you pick, he’ll watch whatever you choose. Even if he hates it.
- When Kurogiri is back, he is immediately sent away to contact that old Kyudai for some medical help when it comes to you.
- The two of you just snuggle and eat snacks.
- To your own surprise, as simple as those methods are, they are indeed useful and really successful in distracting you from both pain and anxiety.
- When you eventually fall asleep in his arms, he uses this time googling everything he can about your ailments and how he can help you.
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💥 Bakugo 💥
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- Bakugo is worried. Of course, he is! He is not a heartless monster! 
- He gives you all the cuddles you request from him, warming up your lower belly as much as he can.
- Comfort food is something you need so right after taking your meds, you're sat in the kitchen, so Katsuki can keep an eye on you while cooking. 
- It doesn't matter what your comfort food is. You like it? He makes it. Simple as that.
- After the meal, there is more cuddling for you, with an even bigger amount of kisses than usual.
- You can pick something to watch. It doesn't matter if it's a movie or a cartoon. He is watching it without complaining.
- When you drift into sleep, Bakugo picks you up and moves you to bed. He loves you, but he is not going to mess up his back by sleeping on the couch 
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⚡ Kaminari ⚡
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- There is no other way to describe it. PANIC. Are you dying?! Are you going to leave him all alone!? He is not ready to lose you! He is too young… YOU ARE TOO YOUNG.
- Denki calms down after googling everything and talking to you about what's happening.
- Calm Kaminari is much more effective. 
- First, he makes sure you take your meds, then he brings you all snacks. 
- Denki starts watching TV with you, but there's a twist. He keeps talking to you, and since there’s nothing fascinating on the TV, you listen to him.
- He tells you a lot of his school stories, fun ones like the School Festival, and little scary ones like the attack on USJ. 
- Of course Kaminari being himself also tells you jokes! All sorts of jokes, together with funny faces and weird voices.
- Seeing you smile, without an ounce of anxiety, is the most beautiful thing in the whole wide world.
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faetima · 4 months
Hi!! Can I please request a hanahaki fic with blade? I'm not sure if you've written for him though!
Also, please take some breaks! You've written a lot of fics lately, you might get overworked 🤍
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𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐫𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫. .
. .hanahaki just had to put you through fucking hell, didn't it?
// tws ; lil bit of cursing, blood ; gn reader ; modern au, hanahaki au
i will be writing a part two to this.. soon enough :3
you couldn't do anything about this stupid disease anyways, so what was the point of even trying?
you heaved up clusters and clusters and clusters of ugly bright red petals, their sickly sweet scent making its way up to your nose. you felt so fucking nauseous and dizzy. the fragrant miasma of flowers overwhelmed you. you wanted to vomit or cry or die or anything but cough up these dumb stupid flowers.
the flowers flopped onto your floor--your newly polished floor-- ungracefully, covered in slick mucus and freshly coated in splatters of blood. they smeared the previously pristine tiling with blood, the iron stench of it mixing with the flowers and filling up the entire room. you just wanted the disease to kill you already. if it was going to either way, why make you suffer?
after what felt like hours and hours and hours and hours of coughing and heaving and choking, the flowers finally stopped fucking coming. you took shaky shallow breathes, trying to ground yourself.
your palms stung, and you looked down to realize you had been digging your nails into the palms of your hand almost strong enough to draw blood.
your gaze trailed up to the stupid fucking flowers.
upon closer inspection, you realized they were spider lilies. red ones.
his favorite flowers.
too bad you hated them.
his eyes were the same exact color of the flowers you had just coughed up.
blade sat two seats in front of you and one to the right, and whenever you saw him you couldn't help but wonder why you had fallen for him.
he was always so indifferent and cold. sure there might've been something warmer under his icy exterior, but you weren't the type of person to go dig through someone's cold attitude just to find out what they were actually like.
but some days you wished you knew what was under that cold front of his.
you were getting worse.
you'd barley come out of your room to stretch your legs or go to the bathroom or even eat.
the spider lilies were killing you from the inside out. of course you had to have hanahaki for someone who probably hated you, if he even knew you existed, that is.
and, on top of that, out of all flowers, the ones you coughed up had to be toxic.
if just hacking up the flowers was bad, the nausea they caused because of being toxic was worse. you couldn't even go five minutes without feeling abdominal pain and nausea.
blade swallowed hard.
why did he feel like this? why did his heart beat so fast when this random ass person passed by?
he gritted his teeth.
"kafka," he grumbled, barley glancing in her direction.
kafka glanced up from her book, setting it down elegantly and tucking a strand of mauve hair behind her ear, adjusting the tinted glasses sitting atop her head in the process.
"yes, bladie?" she grinned a little, and blade could only groan in irritation.
"who's that?" he muttered, gesturing towards the person he had been thinking about earlier.
"why?" kafka mused. "you've never been interested in learning others' names before now. what's changed?"
"nothing," he muttered gruffly, crossing his arms across his chest. his ears felt hot and his heart was beating faster and he was getting butterflies and he didn't know why.
kafka grinned, eyes glinting with amusement.
"ooh, i think someone has a crush."
"okay, let's go talk to them then bladie."
"why not? is it cause you like them?"
"..fine. let's go talk to them."
your head fell forward a little. another sleepless night of coughing up flowers didn't bring you any good.
suddenly, your eyes snapped open.
was that.. blade? walking towards you? with kafka?
no, it probably wasn't. you were probably just sleep deprived and hallucinating or something.
but then you smelt the strong and unmistakable scent of anise, too real to be your imagination.
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esmedelacroix · 8 months
3 days til' Christmas
in which husband!miguel o'hara helps you through abdominal pains in your pregnancy⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆
4 days til' christmas ← previous part
When they first started you panicked a bit. After having a phone call with your doctor you were able to calm down. That morning you had woken up with the usual vomiting but you also had cramps and you were spotting.
Your doctor reassured you, letting you know that it was completely normal to be spotting during pregnancy and there was nothing to worry about.
'If anything abnormal happens, you should definitely come to the hospital though,' Miguel thought it was your period finally coming back. You were glad you shook him off your tail because he was starting to suspect something was wrong.
That relief didn't help that it felt like something was stabbing you in the abdomen. The fact that you felt that pain while you were growing a human in there made you even more upset.
Miguel was in the kitchen making you some tea and getting you Advil to have with your water. You curled up in a fetal position, teeth digging into your plump bottom lip, fighting away the tears that stung your eyes.
No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't stop your tears from spilling. Just then Miguel walked in with your medicine, tea, and something for you to eat. "Did I keep you waiting?" Miguel asked as he sat next to you and helped you sit up against your bed frame.
He wiped your tears as he watched you take your medicine and slowly drink the tea he had prepared. Miguel always hated to see you in such pain during your period. He didn't like it when you cried. He didn't want you to feel distressed ever.
So he did what he could and he ran his hands through your hair in the way you liked. Your head was nuzzled into his chest, his heartbeat helping slow down your thoughts. Miguel was your safe space. He was your shelter from the storm of all your spiraling emotions.
"I love you," you mumbled into him.
"I love you more," he answered, planting a kiss on your temple. If his furnace of a body wasn't warming you up, the blood rushing to your cheeks from how soft and gentle Miguel was with you.
The two of you agreed on having yet another lazy day together. It broke Miguel's heart when you winced in pain occasionally holding onto him tighter when you felt sudden shocks of pain.
He couldn't do anything but rub your back and caress your stomach until it was time for your next dose and you could feel better again.
He knew that a lot of the time when you were experiencing cramps you played music or did something to distract yourself so he decided to put on one of your favorite comfort shows.
He didn't understand your deep emotional connection to a one-season animated show with only 10 episodes until he watched it with you and understood. Not only was the plot amazing, and the show hilarious, but it was also action-packed.
It also satisfied his urge to constantly match-make and gossip about things that are just not his business. You hated to enable this side of him but it was so silly to see him geek about things.
You enjoyed seeing Miguel talk about things that he was passionate about. It made his eyes light up in ways they never had before you truly got to know him. He loved when you asked him questions about his job and the specific sciences he studied all the time. He loved to teach you about the things that interested him so much that he dedicated his life to discovering different multiverses.
Most of all you loved it when Miguel came home to you. because every time he left to run the Spider Society there was a chance he wouldn't come back. You hated to see him all tattered up from a fight. But you loved to help him clean up. You loved being gentle with him when he was being treated the opposite way the whole day. You loved making him feel safe and the relieved look on his face the moment he saw you.
There was not a single period when you felt like you would be able to make it past the cramping stage until now. The overwhelming feeling of love and affection for Miguel overpowered the feelings of lain. Miguel was the father of your child and you couldn't have wanted anyone else to be that.
Tomorrow is Christmas Eve Eve and Miguel is taking me out on a date. Just have to get through two more days, then I can surprise him. You thought to yourself as you snuggled into Miguel and allowed his own snores to carry you to slumberland.
. . .
next part → 2 days til' Christmas
taglist: @aripet22@to-the-endoftheline
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tonkatsubowl · 1 year
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vampire!blade x fem!reader.
hella smut. blade eats u out while it's shark week eheh
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"aah... aa—! w-wait, slow... slow down..!"
when you started your menstrual cycle, you were always given the respectable space and distance from blade whenever it was needed. the cramps? the abdominal pain? it was too much to bear, especially knowing that your significant other was literally a vampire as well.
he thrived off of eating and drinking the flesh of blood of his victims, and if he needed nutrients, he would go out and kill to make sure his mara infestation doesn't get too erratic. that was how he lived. sometimes you'd even suggest that he can take nutrients from you, like biting your neck from time to time. but because how protective blade gets with you, he would never oblige to your offers.
...but this time, it was different. he needed you. he needed nutrients — and you.
a moment ago, you were incited for whatever reason. you were already on your menstrual cycle, and one of those annoying days came where you would be in heat for absolutely no reason... and blade knew of this.
and now would be the time he'd replenish himself with nutrients and your needs, too. originally, you didn't like the idea. you felt odd being on your cycle and having your partner just devour you there. would it be... dirty? yeah, you felt dirty from it. you felt filthy.
but blade didn't care. he loved you and wanted to be there for you, as well as wanting to satisfy himself (and you).
right now, he has you over a desk, your legs spread wide open for him. he was careful not to cut you with your fangs, but he was drinking, slurping and licking away at your rosebud as you were a messy, moaning mess. you were already at the moment of climaxing, and you had already came on his face once.
he was cleaning you up good. taking in every nutrient and fiber that left your system while also just practically fucking you with his tongue. he was already pent up, even, and was ready to stain himself with your own blood.
a string of saliva was connected between his mouth and your lower region, giving you a chance to breathe as he lifted himself up. you were breathing heavily after climaxing once again due to his masterful tongue, your eyes dazed. your hair a bit of a mess, and your body was full of hickeys, licks and trails of blade's saliva. you watched as your lover began to grind himself against you; his pent up frustration rubbing against your wet folds, hitting your most sensitive area as he was dry humping you.
"uwaa..." your moans were too adorable. too sweet. intoxicating to listen to. your hot breaths hit his neck as he leaned down to hold you, thrusting his hips into you.
"you sound so fucking cute." blade murmured. "you liked it when i had you with my tongue, huh?"
you turn red, murmuring a quiet, "s-shut up..."
earning a chuckle from blade, he raised himself up, unbuttoning his pants, letting his amazing girth reveal itself.
originally when the both of you began having sex, you were unsure if you could take his size, thinking that blade wouldn't fit. but after nights of pounding you in different locations of the stellaron hunters headquarters, he made sure that his pretty little thing could bear the size of his massive length.
when you felt his tip enter inside, a wave of pleasure hit you, granting you a small moan that escaped your lips. you gasp, your sickly sweet voice entranced by your heated breaths, your pupils shaping themselves to little hearts as blade began to fuck you there and now.
he rolled his hips back, already violently and roughly ramming his massive member into you, sounds of your skins clapping and juices squelching could be heard within the room the both of you were in. you could see there were soft traces of your blood painting all over his length, but he didn't care, he was into it.
he was fucking you rough, and boy he was fucking you hard. he made sure that only his princess would get some goodnight sleep after filling you up with his seed, or breeding you a couple of times at least.
blade began to breathe a bit harder, giving a visual indication that he was nearly at his limit. he leans down, pressing his lips against your neck, rolling his tongue all over your skin as he continued to ram inside of you. you felt the head of his member hit into your cervix points, granting you even more pleasure and..
god, it felt amazing.
you close your eyes as you felt yourself ready to cum as well, feeling the overall building up sensation in your lower regions.
"y/n... i'm—"
he began to speed up, and something hot and sticky began to flood inside of you immediately. his seed began to flood from your cute, puffy little folds as he finished pumping into you, filling you up with his seed.
he slowly rolled his hips into you, feeling your climaxing sensation as you twitched underneath him, your breath hitched as you felt everything in your body release, granting you that satisfaction and exhaustion that finally hit you.
you took a moment to realize what had happened. you were seeing stars, and your legs were so dead. your body was out cold, and you were too incredibly exhausted to move.
blade removed himself from you, leaning down to give you a kiss on your cranium. "you did so well," he whispered to you, "i'm so proud of you."
you couldn't respond as you were breathing too heavily, your eyes dazed and still shaped as hearts as you watched your lover began to take care of you. he picked you up, scooped you into his arms and carried you into the bedroom where he took care of you.
he retrieved a towel, cleaned you up, set aside some cold water and some warm tea if you needed it. it was right there on the nightstand next to your guys' bed if you ever wanted it.
as you both laid down, you cuddled blade, still bare naked as your head remained on his chest. your eyes were heavy, coming to a close as you allowed exhaustion to take you.
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wheredafandomat · 1 year
Based on this ask that I accidentally lost 😭
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@lulubelle814 I hope you enjoy it!!
Meant to be
Loki x female reader
18+ | TW: Infertility and problems associated with that including miscarriage, smut, use of drugs, alcohol
“Loki, Loki” you shake him awake trying to stop the trembling as your vision blurred “wake up, I need-I need to go to a hospital” you stuttered, Loki’s eyes flying open as he heard you.
“Y/n?” He questioned, cupping your face as he searched your expression in the dark room “what’s the matter?” He began, eyes widening as he noticed the crimson soaking into the sheets.
“I feel faint and I’m not due on” you tried to rationalise, not wanting to alarm Loki and trying to calm yourself down too.
“I’ll drive” he quickly stood up, flinging the duvet off of himself.
Loki helped you into the car before you both rushed to the hospital. You had been feeling abdominal pain for the past couple of days and you felt incredibly ill but you put it down to stress. Only now as Loki held your hand, frantically driving that you realised this was actually a lot more serious. When you made it to the hosptial, you were seen quickly.
“I wish I had known” you sniffled “if only I had known, I could have pretended, just for a while that we—we were going to be parents” you continued to cry as Loki rubbed soothing circles on your back, placing a kiss on your forehead. “I was a mother Loki and now—now I—” you sobbed, wanting the day to end as Loki bit back his own mournful tears. And just like that, another getaway, another attempt at normalcy.
It had been just over a month since you were at the hospital and already, you and Loki had spent all your weekends abroad, trying to have sex in as many different European countries as you could. Each country offered its own culture, its own fond memories and its own way of spicing up your sex life whether that was with aphrodisiacs or guided meditations. This weekend, you found yourselves in Amsterdam, a hotel overlooking a nearby canal as you each held a mushroom in your hand. It was on your way to get food that you stopped at a shop and picked the mushrooms up after an elderly lady working in the shop said that the mushrooms cured all that ails you. Turning towards each other, you smiled before eating them.
“When do they kick in?” Loki asked, wriggling his fingers as he held his hand in front of his face.
“Considering the fact that you’ve been staring at your hand for the past ten minutes, I think they already have” you answered, looking at him.
“Oh” he voiced, looking up at you “do they work?”
“Is your hair getting longer?” You questioned, squinting as you looked at Loki.
“Is yours getting shorter?” He replied, pointing at your hair before you stood up, making your way to the mirror.
“Oh my god!” You shrieked, Loki following behind you as you looked at yourself in the mirror.
“Norns!” Loki gasped, his hair long as he took in his appearance.
“Is this—do I have stubble?” You panicked, touching your face only it didn’t seem like your face. “Oh my god!” You yelped again as you felt an unfamiliar weight between your legs. Running your hand down your body, you almost passed out as you realised “I—I’m a man! Look Loki, look, I’ve got a—” you began to laugh, pulling your trousers down.
“Y/n, I fear I may have lost my—” Loki began before you interrupted, thrusting your hips.
“It’s so heavy” you chuckled.
“What on Midgard did we take?” Loki asked, his voice high.
“Who cares, the effects will probably wear off as the mushrooms do” you shrugged.
“Sooo, are you saying we should enjoy them whilst they last?” Loki grinned.
“Yes, besides, you do look irresistible as a woman. Very sexy” you purred, causing Loki to smile. “Your hair, your skin, I’m going to enjoy this” you smirked, your hand moving between Loki’s legs.
“Is there something you want to tell me?” Loki giggled, seemingly uncomfortable by how much you were enjoying this more feminine version of himself.
“No” you answered with the same giggle.
Both sated, a thin sheen of sweat clinging to your bodies as well as the aroma of sex lingering around the room, you rested your head against Loki’s chest as you took a deep breath.
“Thank you for this Loki” you murmured, kissing his chest.
“For what?” He queried.
“Taking us away, making me feel better, I’ve enjoyed it” you smiled. Sitting up a little, Loki kissed the top of your head before noting your hair growing again.
“Your hair” he pointed as you sat up, touching it.
“Oh yeah” you grinned before pulling the sheet that was covering Loki’s lower half away. “Oh how I’ve missed you!” You exclaimed, looking down at all eight inches of him.
“Could’ve fooled me” Loki joked.
“You think you’re funny?” You teased, straddling him.
“No thought, simply fact” Loki retorted.
“Mm?” You hummed questioningly as you guided his thick cock inside of you.
“Mhmm” Loki nodded in response as you lowered yourself onto him, eyes closing as he filled you to the hilt.
“Fuckk Loki” you moaned, rocking your hips forwards and backwards as his hands found purchase on your breasts.
“Just like that” Loki groaned as you clenched your walls around him “you feel so good.”
“Ughh Lokii” you whimpered, grounding your hips down against him as his cock throbbed inside of you.
“Keep doing that baby, fuckk” Loki pleaded as you circled your hips. “Feels too good” he almost mewled, rolling you over and switching your positions so that you were against the bed before he fucked into you with ardour, hitting that perfect spot as you thrashed against the bed, his pelvis rubbing against your clit.
“Loki” you almost screamed, the headboard banging against the wall as he pounded you.
“D’you want my cum? Tell me you want it” Loki growled, still thrusting hard into you.
“I need it Loki, fuckk” you moaned loudly.
“Want me to cum inside this pretty pussy?”
“Pleaseee” you near begged.
“Tell me to cum” Loki implored as your legs began to shake.
“C—fuckk—cum with me Lokiii” you exclaimed before Loki came, shooting his load inside of you as your climax shook you.
Collapsing down next to you, Loki kissed your shoulder.
“What time does the bar close?” You broke the silence.
“Not until 2AM, why?” Loki answered as you smiled at him.
“I THOUGHT THAT I HEARD YOU LAUGHING, I THOUGHT THAT I HEARD YOU SINGGG” you sang, on stage with an actual microphone after spending the past hour at the bar with Loki.
“I THINK I THOUGHT I SAW YOU TRY” Loki sang with you, his own microphone in hand.
“BUT THAT WAS JUST A DREAM” you both sang together as the audience you had accumulated cheered you both on.
“We’re really good Loki” you spoke to him.
“So so good, the best” he agreed, turning to kiss you as the cheers grew louder.
“I love you” you spoke against his lips, hands roaming one another’s bodies as the kiss deepened.
“Alright alright, that’s enough” you were both escorted off of the stage.
“Pool?” You asked once your microphones were taken off of you and losing my religion stopped playing.
“Pool” Loki nodded.
Running towards it, you were thankful that it was empty once you arrived. You began taking your clothes off before jumping into the water, Loki not far behind you in his boxers as you kissed, the water pooling around your waist.
“I love you so much, do you know that?” Loki asked, looking into your eyes as you wrapped your legs around his waist.
“You, Loki Laufeyson, are the love of my life” you smiled against his lips as you kissed him “now, do you want to take some more mushrooms and try on my dresses?”
“Yes,” Loki nodded.
“Great” you kissed him again.
The warm glow of the sunlight streaming into the room is what stirred you from your slumber. Stretching, you opened your eyes to find yourself in Loki’s arms. The feeling of you moving woke Loki.
“What happened yesterday?” You asked groggily.
“Why am I wearing a dress?” Loki spoke, looking down at his attire.
“And you’ve got lipstick on” you pointed out, looking at him.
“Well at least it’s yours” he smiled.
“How do you know it’s—” you began before Loki wiped some off of your lips. “Loki, are you wearing mascara?”
“Maybe” he shrugged.
“What a crazy weekend” you sighed.
“Indeed” he agreed and that was the end of that weekend. You both checked out of the hotel, flew home and continued your lives. The weeks turning into months.
Despite never admitting it to anyone, your favorite pastime was going to the park and reading a book with the sound of children in the background. It comforted you. It let you pretend that you were a mother, just for a moment, taking your child to the park. You’d get lost in the sound.
“Which one is yours?”
Looking up from your book, you turned to the elderly lady that sat down next to you. You felt a little embarrassed.
“Oh I don’t have a child” you tried to say nonchalantly.
“Yet” she smiled at you.
“No I-I can’t” you paused, falling silent as the lady looked you up and down.
“I wouldn’t be so sure dear” she smiled almost knowingly at you, a smile that sent shivers down your spine. Gathering your things, you left the park and headed home.
When you arrived home, you were greeted by Loki who was cooking. He kissed you on the cheek as you entered the kitchen and made your way to the fridge before getting the ingredients for a sandwich out.
“What are you doing? You’ll spoil your appetite” Loki tried to deter you.
“I’m starving” you excused.
“Wait for dinner then”
“Sorry mum” you laughed as Loki put the bread away. “Is that my apron?”
“My one is currently in the washing machine” he answered, wrapping his arms around the apron defensively.
“Okay” you continued to laugh.
After dinner, you still couldn’t get the encounter you had with the lady earlier on out of your head. You thought about it as you ate, as you showered, as you brushed your teeth and as you got into bed. You even thought about it as Loki’s lips traveled across your chest and down your body. You couldn’t keep it in anymore.
“I spoke to a lady today, she said some strange things” you finally let out.
“Like?” Loki prompted you to continue as his kisses met the hem of your panties before he began tugging them down.
“That she wouldn’t be so sure that I can’t have children” you admitted.
“Y/n” Loki began sadly.
“No I know I can't, it's just she said it with so much conviction” you explained as Loki’s expression turned into one of pity “anyways it’s not important, will you continue” you tried to dismiss. It didn’t take long for you to cum before falling asleep, Loki’s head still between your thighs.
“Y/n? Y/n?” He called to no avail.
The following morning, it was nausea that woke you up as you jumped out of bed and sprinted towards the bathroom and rid yourself of yesterday's dinner.
“Y/n?” Loki knocked the door as you flushed the toilet.
“NO! Don’t come inside. I’m hideous and vomity and—” you listed as Loki opened the door.
“Y/n” Loki smiled, cupping your cheeks “you’re beau” he started before retching and throwing up too.
“Have we got food poisoning?”
“Impossible” he insisted.
“Maybe it’s just a bug then”
“We should rest” Loki suggested.
“I actually feel quite alright now” you countered, standing up.
“Strangely so do I, but I’d never say no to a lazy day with you” he grinned.
“I would kiss you but we should probably brush our teeth first” you giggled.
The following month, you and Loki were invited to a gala. You had picked out a dress to wear a few weeks ago only now, it wouldn’t zip up. Noticing your struggle, Loki came up behind you and began pulling the zip up before he too was met with resistance.
“I think I’m gaining weight Loki” you sighed as you slumped down.
“I’ve been thinking the same” he answered, causing you to gasp as you straighten yourself out again “about me!” He quickly added “I’ve been gaining weight too.”
“It’s all the carbs Loki, we can’t keep having pasta dishes”
“Apart from tonight, I’ve made your favorite, carbonara for when we get back” Loki smiled.
“Can I have some now, I’m feeling a little peckish?” You asked before Loki led you both to the kitchen. Digging your fork into your plate, you ate a little before rushing to the bathroom to puke which is something you had been doing a lot recently.
“What if something is seriously wrong?” You asked, swishing listerine around your mouth.
“We’ll book you an appointment with a doctor in the morning, okay darling” Loki suggested, you nodding in response.
A few days later, you and Loki found yourselves back in the doctor's office as she looked through her notes before looking up at you both as you sipped your water, your nerves consuming you.
“Well good news, you’re fine and so is the baby.”
Spitting out your water, you told her to repeat herself which she did.
“You’re pregnant” she informed you.
“I—no-I can’t be” you stuttered, Loki holding your hand.
“Yes, almost four months now but we can scan you—”
“MONTHS!” You exclaimed.
“I mean, are you sure?” Loki finally spoke.
“Positive. Haven’t you noticed any changes to your cycle or any symptoms?” The doctor asked.
“I thought I was just going through the change” you whisper shouted.
“Y/n, this is amazing!” Loki cheered, kissing you. “We’re going to be parents” he spoke against your lips.
“I-I’m going to be a mother” you began to cry.
“I’ll give you both some time” the doctor spoke before leaving.
“Loki, how did this—when did this?”
“If you’re four months now, this must’ve happened almost five months ago” he figured.
“What did we do five months ago?” You questioned.
“We were on holiday, that’s when I woke up in the dress” he remembered.
“Yesss, we must’ve been pretty wasted because I can barely remember it.”
“That’s when we conceived,” Loki smiled fondly.
“That explains all the vomiting and the hunger, not your vomiting though Loki” you narrowed your gaze.
“Who cares, this is a joyous occasion” Loki kissed you again before the doctor walked in and scanned you.
“Hello baby” you smiled at the screen, tears in your eyes. “I want to call it Hope, Hope Laufeyson”
From then on, Loki had been very careful with you and extremely accommodating to the point where whenever you’d touch your stomach, he’d do the same, whenever your ankles would swell, so would his and whenever you’d vomit, he’d vomit too. He was taking sympathy pains to a whole new level.
“Yes love”
“I think we’re spending too much time together” you answered quietly.
“As if that’s a thing” he laughed off.
“No seriously, we’re doing the same things”
“Many couples find themselves—”
“I’m pregnant Loki”
“So we shouldn’t be acting the same way,” you explained.
“No we shouldn't,” he agreed.
“Loki!” You gasped, worrying him “come here” you called “I just felt a kick.”
Placing a hand on your stomach, Loki waited for another one before doubling over himself.
“Well this certainly shouldn’t be happening” he spoke.
“It puts a whole new spin on sympathy pains” he continued.
“I think—I think I just felt a kick too.”
“Impossible Loki, you have to actually be pregnant to—AHHHH!” You screamed.
“Whatt?” Loki yelped.
“I think I just saw the kick” you pointed to him.
“You don’t think I’m” Loki paused, stepping in front of a mirror and looking at his stomach.
“You can’t be, it’s not possible, is it?”
“What did we do on that weekend?” He worried.
“Well the best thing you can do is go to the doctors and get a scan just to check” you suggested.
“But I—I’m a-a man”
“Well, find a way of changing that”
“Like we did that weekend!” Loki gasped, remembering.
“Don’t you remember? We took something and it altered our genders. That’s when I must’ve conceived” he figured.
“I got you pregnant?”
“We need to wait for a scan but it appears so” he agreed.
Using a lot of his Seiðr, Loki managed to switch sexes again, transforming into who you liked to call Lady Loki.
“You should really do this more often, I like it”
“Look at the mess it’s gotten us into already” Loki answered before you both headed to the clinic.
“Good news, you’re pregnant” the doctor smiled, looking at you both.
“Can we have a moment please” you asked.
“Loki, how is this even going to work?” You began to panic.
“I’ll have to stay like this until after the pregnancy” she decided.
“We’ve gone from no children to two” you breathed.
“Isn’t it magnificent?” Loki beamed.
“Yeah?” You questioned.
“Yes! A miracle” she clapped.
“You’re right. You’re right!” You smiled, kissing her “we're going to be parents!”
“The best!” Loki agreed.
Four months later, Loki gave birth to a boy and you a girl. After watching you breastfeed for the first time, Loki changed back into a male and insisted on just being a dad. You really were the best parents.
“You know, we could go on another holiday soon considering the children are growing up” Loki suggested a few years later.
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I’m so happy for them 🥺
@lokisgoodgirl @thenotoriouserg @chantsdemarins @donaweasley @xorpsbane @mcufan72 @loz-3 @evelyn-kingsley @sailorholly @lovingchoices14 @lokiedokiee @noideakitten @mochie85 @mischief2sarawr @lokiprompts @lulubelle814 @fictive-sl0th @peaches1958 @gigglingtiggerv2 @tmilover1993 @lyds247 @dustychinchilla74 @lokis-dark-queen @november-rayne @12-pm-510 @vickie5546 @newtomofgods @eyesbluelikethetitanic @lokiestorch @somewhereinthegalaxi @beautyb1ade @angelilacsworld @lokidokieokie @mushypork @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @silver-tongue-taken-to-bed
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