#about half the time its a little square of chocolate and ed gets to guess what % cocoa it has and what else is in there etc
ourfag · 6 months
when stede senses that ed is having a bad day or maybe that his brain is in the process of Going Into The Hole (If You Know You Know) he’ll go up to him with his hand behind his back and tell him to close his eyes and open his mouth and then pops a piece of surprise candy in there
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moonlightrichie · 5 years
ok but, you should write the second part of the reddie meeting at a museum prompt where they see the stars. it's just so cute AAAAAA
Aah, sorry this took so long. I wasn’t really planning on writing a part 2, but then it happened oops heh. Hope you like it !! ♡ I also posted the entire thing on ao3!
Eddie was nervously scrolling through the pictures on his phone, fingers sliding between the three most recent ones. Gorgeous photos of Jupiter that Richie had sent, all of them wonderfully detailed and undeniably beautiful.
His phone had dinged not even five minutes after he’d left the museum with Bill that day, a frantic text reading:
From: Starboy♡
To: Starboy♡
Send them to me :)
So that was what Richie had done, and now Eddie was scrolling through them to calm himself down as he sat on the bus on his way to Richie’s apartment. There was no reason to be nervous, he knew. The two of them had texted constantly since that day at the museum, absolutely hitting it off, talking about everything and nothing. At some point, Eddie had lied awake until close to 4am, giggling at his phone screen when angry knocking from Bill’s room had snapped him out of it.
“It’s 4am, guh-go to sleep!” came Bill’s muffled yelling from the other side of the thin wall, and Eddie had sheepishly texted Richie that he’d had to go.
Eddie had felt bad keeping Bill up at night, but then again, could Bill really blame him? Knowing as well as Eddie that it had been a while since Eddie had dated anyone, Bill should really be more understanding. Eddie was enough of a giggler already when it came to crushes (he was really like a 12 year old school-girl at heart sometimes), but Richie was legitimately funny as well, leaving Eddie smiling so wide his face hurt for hours after. He’d even cried laughing once.
And now, the two were finally meeting up for their stargazing date. It had really only been three days since they’d met, but it was more than long enough to Eddie.
Richie was meeting him at the bus stop so they could walk to their destination together, and Eddie felt unprepared. When the bus speakers announced that Eddie’s stop was next, he started messing with his hair in the window reflection, the lack of light making it hard. His heart was beating with anticipation, his shaking fingers struggling to get his hair to look the way he wanted.
But then the bus stopped with a sudden halt, and a couple of seconds passed before he realized, scrambling out of his seat in a stressed hurry. He was halfway out the door when he noticed his bag missing, and with an unnecessarily loud “wait!” screamed at the driver, making several passengers jump in alarm, he sprinted back. Soon enough he was stumbling out the door of the bus, the handles of his tote bag tangled. He was struggling to get it over his shoulder when he heard laughter.
Eddie stopped in his tracks, already feeling the heat spreading across his cheeks as his eyes landed on Richie. Tall and mesmerizing with the telescope over his shoulder, he was smiling widely at Eddie.
“You…” Eddie shrank. “You saw that?”
“Uh huh”, Richie laughed.
“No, you didn’t”, Eddie argued.
“Oh, but I did.” Richie stepped in front of Eddie, staring down at him for just a moment.
“Damn it”, Eddie grumbled.
Richie just laughed before bending down to plant a soft kiss on Eddie’s cheek, hand gently placed on the side of Eddie’s neck. “Well, hi then.”
“Hi”, Eddie smiled as Richie pulled away.
“There’s a hill just past there.” He pointed towards some houses. “And I brought some light snacks and hot chocolate.”
They started walking, Richie leading the way.
“Sounds nice.”
“Also some blankets, and uh”, Richie rubbed the back of his neck, “I brought wine? Just in case you wanted that, although we’ll have to drink it from plastic cups.”
“Wine sounds great”, Eddie peaked a shy glance at Richie. “Do you need a hand with anything? I can carry your backpack.”
“No, I’m okay, I do this all the time.” They smiled at each other, hands brushing as they continued walking.
It wasn’t more than a ten-minute walk until they were standing on top of a small hill, away from all the houses, secluded and surrounded by stars.
Richie dumped his backpack on the grass, already starting to set up his telescope carefully. With a small glance up towards the sky, Eddie could feel all air leave his lungs. Never had he seen so many stars, thousands of glimmering dots decorating the sky.
“Wow”, he whispered.
“Beautiful, right?” Richie stepped up next to him. “The streetlights really ruin the sky on nights like this. When you get far enough away, it’s pretty amazing how many stars you can really see.”
“Yeah”, Eddie mumbled, eyes still locked on the black cover above, unable to stop staring. He could feel his heart slowing down into a steady beat, air filling his lungs in a way he hadn’t felt in a while. It was like finally being able to breathe, and he could feel tears well up in his eyes for a second, tranquility heavy in his chest. All at once it felt like he was pulled down to earth and flying at the same time, and it was all too much.  “I…” He stopped, speechless.
“I know the feeling.”
They stood looking up for a second, silence settling over them.
“I’ve set it up, if you wanna see?” Richie’s voice was quiet, softly pulling Eddie out of his daze.
Finally Eddie looked down to meet Richie’s eyes and was met with a nervous smile, crooked teeth biting down on the bottom lip. “Yeah.”
They walked up to the telescope, Richie pointing up the sky. “Do you see those stars over there? With the four stars like a square and three stars making a tail? Kinda looks like a wagon.”
Eddie followed Richie’s finger, and soon enough, he could see it. “Big dipper, right?”
“Oh, look at you having some knowledge on stars, huh?” Richie was nodding, impressed.
“I know some.” Eddie shrugged, a small smile forming on his lips.
“Well, the stars forming the Big Dipper are the seven brightest stars in Ursa Major, which you can also see if you look closely.” He pointed to the telescope for Eddie to peak into.
As Eddie looked closer, Richie talked, mentioning all the names of the stars, guiding Eddie all across the sky and its constellations for the next half hour.
With a careful hand placed on Eddie’s back, he pointed out the brightest stars, rambling about their history, how long they’d been burning, how long until they’d fade, why they had the names they did. And at some point, it all mushed together in Eddie’s brain, just like in the museum with Bill’s art. But the way Richie was waving his arms around, eyes lighting up just like the stars above was utterly endearing. Eddie was already falling in love.
“And now!” Richie clapped his hands together. “For the main entrée.”
Eddie giggled, a hand covering his mouth.
Richie’s excited smile faded into a softer one as he looked down at Eddie. “Holy shit you’re cute.”
Feeling a blush coming, Eddie looked away. “You’re the one who’s cute”, he mumbled.
“What?” Richie leaned closer. “Couldn’t hear ya there, Eds.”      
“I said…” Eddie sighed. “You’re the one who’s cute.”
Richie’s eyes widened, apparently not expecting that. For a few moments, he opened and closed his mouth, seeming to try to come up with a response. Then he ducked his head, a quick movement, but Eddie still caught the grin he was sprouting.
“The way you talk about the stars and all that, how passionate you are and wanting to show me, it’s really cute”, Eddie continued and smiled shyly when Richie looked back up.
“I’m”, Richie shrugged. “I, uhm, I don’t really know how to respond to that.”
“That’s okay”, Eddie turned back towards the telescope. “But at least now you know.”
“I guess.”
Eddie could still feel Richie’s gaze on him, eyes burning into the side of his face.
“So what was that you said about a main entrée?”
“Oh, right!” Richie started moving the telescope around and changing its direction, going between looking into it and up at the sky. After a couple of seconds, he stepped back. “There.”
He pointed out a swirly line of stars. “If you look into the telescope you can see them more clearly, but those are the stars forming Scorpio.”
“Like the star sign?”
After looking at the constellation for a few moments, Eddie felt a soft push on his bicep. He stepped away from the telescope, Richie taking over and once again moving it around, seeming to look for something specific.
“And then, if we just move it a little bit”, he mumbled to himself before pulling away with a satisfied smile. “Look now.”
Eddie peaked into the telescope again, met with a bright star in the center. It was the most prominent one he’d seen so far. Starting to get confused as to why exactly this star was more special than all the others, he almost pulled away when he realized that maybe this wasn’t even a star at all.
“Is that?”
“It is”, Richie chuckled.
And with some focus and concentration, Eddie was sure he could see the brow-toned colors of Jupiter blending together. Or maybe he was just imagining things.
“You probably can’t see much right now, but hold on, I can try adjusting a bit.”
Eddie stepped away and as Richie tinkered with the telescope, he glanced up at the sky, eyes settling on the gleaming planet just above the Scorpio constellation. And with a sudden awareness that the glorious Jupiter, Richie’s favorite planet, was right there, he inhaled sharply. Massive and breathtaking yet oh so small from where they were standing, and it was right there; not just a picture anymore. It was real, and Eddie was looking right at it.
“There, you should be able to see it better now.”
Eddie took a look, and for sure there it was. And it was so obvious now; the planet beautiful even from this simple view.
“It’s right there”, Eddie whispered. “What the fuck.”
A bark of a laugh made Eddie pull away to look over at Richie.
“It’s crazy, right?”
Eddie nodded frantically, eyed wide. “Yes, holy shit, I don’t even know how to react to that.”
Richie put his hands in his pockets. “We can just lie down on the blanket and look at the stars from here? You want wine, right?”
“Yes, please.”
The two of them sat down, both turned towards the other with their knees touching. Eddie got to talk to Richie about what he did too, working as a mechanic and rambling about his love for cars with Richie chiming in whenever he could.
“Maybe you could show me how they work and all that sometime?” His smile was nervous, as if he wasn’t sure Eddie wanted to meet again.
“I’d love that”, Eddie put his arms around his knees, pulling them close to his chest. “Dunno if it’s gonna be very interesting, probably boring.”
“Eddie”, Richie interrupted, scooting closer, “you just let me ramble about stars and constellations for an hour straight. I’d love for you to show me cars and, uhm, motors and stuff.”
Eddie nodded, head tilted to the side. “Okay.”
“Yeah?” Richie was leaning in closer, eyes flickering down to look at Eddie’s lips.
Then Eddie closed the gap, their lips meeting in a soft kiss, Eddie catching Richie’s bottom lip between his. Butterflies erupted in his stomach, all of his focus on the wetness of Richie’s mouth, the two of them fitting together perfectly. A hand landed on Eddie’s waist, pulling him closer, and Eddie’s heart was beating faster and faster for each second passing.
Something wet poked at the underside of his upper lip, and Eddie opened up to meet Richie’s tongue with his own. Soon he was lying on his back, Richie hovering over him, fingers stroking at Eddie’s bare hip underneath his sweater.
Richie pulled away after a few more seconds, looking down at Eddie with warm eyes behind his glasses. Even in the dark, Eddie could spot the litter of freckles on his face, and could only imagine the freckles covering the rest of his body.
As Richie leaned down again, capturing Eddie’s lips once more, Eddie knew where the night was headed. And he couldn’t wait to get to know the stars on Richie’s body just like he’d gotten to know the stars scattered across the glittering sky they were lying underneath.
Taglist: @annoyingtozier, @spastuetheobsessedphylosopher, @constantreaderfool, @violetreddie, @rainbow-reddie, @tinyarmedtrex, @ripeddiekaspbrak, @fuzzylogik
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mxstshamelesswoman · 4 years
49 questions I’ve never been asked tagmeme
Thanks @oediebees​ for tagging me to answer some random questions :D tbh feel like I don’t know that many peoples on here so I’ll tag @enemy0gene​ @halcyonnhood​ @kitsnicketts​ and also any of my followers who want to do this, answer some questions. Let’s get this thing going :D:D
1. What is the color of your hairbrush?
I have really long thick hair, so I have about 4 different brushes and combs. I have a shower comb that’s light blue, a purple hairbrush, a yellow and pink hairbrush, and I think I might have a green one too somewhere. 
2. A food you never eat?
I cannot stand mayonnaise, ketchup or other condiments. 
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold?
I feel like it alternates, but usually I’m too cold. 
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
Driving my mom’s car
5. What is your favorite candy bar?
I really love York bars, with mint in them. 
6. Have you ever been to a professional sporting event?
I’ve been to a Rockies game. I really want to see a professional MMA match, but we’ll see. 
7. What was the last thing you said out loud?
Told my brother where to find his shoes. 
8. What is your favorite ice cream?
Mint chocolate chip or butter pecan
9. What was the last thing you had to drink?
Milk, probably. I’m a cold glass of milk in the morning. 
10. Do you like your wallet?
Yeah, I guess. It’s a rip off of Yves Saint Laurent that I got from some street cart in Turkey.
11. What was the last thing you ate?
I had a waffle with some strawberries for breakfast. 
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?
Nope. I haven’t gotten new clothes since last winter, I haven’t really needed any. I think I might buy some cute bras soon, I moved up a cup size :/
13. The last sporting event you watched?
I have no idea...I watched like 5 minutes of some tennis match rerun on TV the other day, does that count. 
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?
I love caramel kettle corn. 
15. Who was the last person you sent a text message to?
My dad
16. Ever go camping?
Yes! I love camping, I actually went backpacking last with some classmates as part of our school’s orientation program. We went to Shenandoah Valley in Virginia and it was really awesome. Before I’ve been with my family and on some group trips. I really want to go on a big camping trip with just friends and no family. 
17. Do you take vitamins?
I take one of those gummy multivitamins everyday, don’t really know if it does anything but my dad’s kind of a nut about that stuff so I just do it. I also take those vitamin c packets you put in water, more as like yummy juice than anything else. 
18. Do you go to church every Sunday?
I’m Muslim, so that’s a big nope. I also don’t go to Masjid on Fridays (I did while I was at school, but not since coronavirus and never before going to college) I’ve been to church a couple of times for friend’s holy communions and family friend’s baptisms. 
19. Do you have a tan?
Kinda. My skin is pretty tan, but I’d love to just sunbathe and get a good tan going. 
20. Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza?
Probably Chinese food, but good Chinese food, not like Panda Express or something. 
21. Do you drink your soda with a straw?
Don’t drink soda so I guess that answer is no. 
22. What color socks do you usually wear?
Usually grey or black, depending on what I’m wearing. I wear neon socks when I go running, because they’re fun. 
23. Ever drive above the speed limit?
Omg, yes. It’s really bad, but there’s a lot of roads in my town that have like a “unofficial speed limit” that’s usually 5-10 mph higher than the actual limit. 
24. What terrifies you?
Everything. Real question is what doesn’t. I’m so scared for the future, especially the immediate future with coronavirus, and the state of our world and the election. 
25. Look to your left what do you see?
The couch back up to the wall in the office. My dad’s weird giant globe. My dog’s leash, abandoned on the couch where my brother left it after walking the dog. A pretty painting of some white flowers. 
26. What chore do you hate?
I hate filling the dishwasher with dirty dishes. I just don’t like touching dirty dishes in general. 
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent?
The Hemsworth brothers, tbh. Or my friend Sydney, who got her name because she was born on the first day of the Sydney olympics. 
28. What is your favorite soda?
I haven’t really had soda in a few years, but I really like Izzy’s which I guess might be soda. I like La Croix too. 
29. Do you go into a fast food place or just hit the drive through?
Always drive through. I hate going them, always smell like grease and bleach. 
30. Who was the last person you talked to?
My brothers,
31. Favorite cut of beef?
I love a good steak, so probably some cut of steak. 
32. Last song you listened to?
Right this minute, I’m listening to Lego House by Ed Sheeran. Before this, it was Bright by Echosmith. 
33. Last book you read?
Right now, I’m reading How to do Nothing by Jenny Odell, but the last book I finished before this was We Wish to Inform You that Tomorrow We Will be Killed with our Families by Phillip Gourevitch, which details the Rwandan genocide and its progression. It’s really graphic and depressing, but a good read. 
34. Favorite day of the week? 
I really love Tuesdays and Fridays.  I feel like they both have really good vibes. Nowadays though, all days feel the same. 
35. Can you say the alphabet backwards?
Probably yeah. I tried just now and my dog started staring at me like I had three heads. 
36. How do you like your coffee?
Little cream, a lot of sugar. 
37. Favorite pair of shoes?
I have ratty pair of black vans I like. And a pair of faux leather half cut cowboy boots. 
38. At what time do you usually go to bed?
I get in bed by around 10 but I don’t fall asleep until like midnight. 
39. At what time do you normally get up?
6:30 or 7, I like to go for runs in the morning before work. 
40. What do you prefer - sunrises or sunsets?
Sunsets, they’re so calming. 
41. How many blankets are on your bed?
I have 4 blankets on my bed right now, along with a plain old sheet. By the time I wake up, usually all but one have been karate kicked off the bed by yours truly. 
42. Describe your kitchen plates?
Um, at school I have just one blue plastic one, cause that’s all I need. At home, we have these white square ones with green flowers on them. 
43. Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage?
I don’t drink alcohol, but my friends make these mocktails out of grapefruit juice and Sprite that I like. I also like mojito gummy bears, so maybe I'd like mojitos. 
44. Do you play cards?
Yeah, I like poker, usually play 5 card draw. I also like Speed, Spoons, and BS, which I feel are more childish games but very fun. 
45. Can you change a tire?
Do I know how to? Yes. Would I be able to physically use the jack and lift a tire if I needed to? Guess we’ll see if I ever end up with a flat. 
46. What is your favorite province?
In Canada? British Columbia, I really love Victoria Island. 
47. Favorite job you ever had?
Right now, I’m an intern at a nonprofit and it’s a really great job. 
48. How did you get your biggest scar?
I have a lot of stretch marks, which I guess are scars? I was really small as a kid, because I was born premature, with a lot of growth issues. When those all got fixed, I shot up and out, and so I ended up with a crap ton of stretch marks, especially on my back, legs, ass and boobs. 
49. What did you do today that made someone happy?
I haven’t done much of anything today, but I went to see this car and that made my dad happy, even though I didn’t want to. So I guess that. 
If anyone read this to the end, thanks for playing along. If you decide to do it, tag me, I wanna see other people’s responses!
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