#sometimes its a gummy vitamin.
ourfag · 6 months
when stede senses that ed is having a bad day or maybe that his brain is in the process of Going Into The Hole (If You Know You Know) he’ll go up to him with his hand behind his back and tell him to close his eyes and open his mouth and then pops a piece of surprise candy in there
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mostlikelyshutup · 5 months
oh me? yeah i do drugs *holds out a full handful of prescription medications in the proper dosages and divided into morning and night piles*
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blackmoldmp3 · 1 year
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hallo-anon · 1 year
Ghost: Price is making me participate in an ice breaker exercise...
Ghost: My goal is to make him regret it
Gaz: Sometimes I'm kept awake thinking about how Americans call the liquid they put in their cars "gas".
Gaz, reading his texts from Soap to Ghost: "Ate 67 gummi bears before realizing they were actually vitamins-
Gaz: I ripped a door clean off its hinges. I looked at my cat and he exploded."
Ghost: And what time were these sent?
Gaz: 02:56
Ghost: When your mouth is resting, are your teeth supposed to touch or not? Neither feels right and this is giving me anxiety
Price: "Your password is weak", yeah cos if I have to remember one more thing ever in my life i will disintegrate into the wind
Laswell: Life is not a fairytale.
Laswell: If you lose your shoe at midnight, you're drunk.
Very drunk Soap: Killjoy
Wheel of Fortune Puzzle: _UCK _E _N THE A__ TON_GHT
Price: Luck be in the air tonight.
Soap: Well i defiantly guessed that answer horribly wrong.
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notebotted-x31 · 4 months
Stupid ass hcs only I have bcyknow, fun (I hope I'm not the only one):
Bree's snarkiness comes from her feeling as if her dad doesn't actually really like her (Noted proof: Bree has so little episodes with Donald,only one where the purpose is hanging out with her dad, the one where he literally abandons her for her brothers)
Chase's ego is from the fact he hangs out with Donald more often then the rats (Notes: He is literally Donald's favourite fun fact,its a canonical note and he does show off mechanics and inventions with Donald)
Chase is the most socially aware, Bree is the least.
Adam is A trans man :) He hasn't gotten surgery but he likes binding and Brees doodled on it before as a joke. He's kept it on there ever since.
Bree actually likes football because I just enjoy the concept of sporty Bree with a hint of comic book nerd.
Leo takes vitamin gummies and medication to help with his bionic arm because there's sometimes Side effects of things you never notice.
Leo and Janelle to me is like "She's so pretty isn't she" and Janelle is "..According to this game we apparently have really bad compatability lol".
Speaking of Janelle she's a gamer tech nerd to me and she's beaten Chase in every video game they've ever played (Chase has gotten mad at her for this) (if they were Alive now Janelle would tell him to "Cope and Seethe"
Leo got into Baseball after his bionic arm was added as he has a gnarly catch now.
Leo despite his fear of sharks has a shark Teddy, it will terrify him and then he'll be like "oh Fred" and brush him off before going back to bed.
Tasha likes the idea of getting a divorce I imagine her wanting it.
I also imagine she probably enjoys a lot music based hobbies and enjoying crochet, she played hockey in high school.
Bree and Kaz would get along in my head because Kaz reminds her of Adam but with all the fun marks of him liking comics. I just want Bree to be friends with a guy.
Leo does unironic meditation, he has a whole yoga set, it's in his room.
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Shuckle (#213)
Shuckle modernus
General Information: Shuckle the Slime Mold Pokémon! This non-evolving Pokémon is known for its ability to turn berries into a mysterious juice packed with vitamins… and the fact that it has the strongest defensive stats out of all known Pokémon!
Shuckles have powerful digestive juices that allow them to turn their food into nutritious “Shuckle Juice” (it’s not always made with berries), and Shuckles will use their digestive juices to slowly dissolve rocks to form a new shell.
They average at 2 ft (0.6 M) tall and 45.1 pounds (20.5 kg), that weight being almost entirely the rock that forms its shell.
Habitat: Shuckle live in the mountains all over the world. How did they get there? Who knows! But Shuckle fossils have been found in rock beds for long over half a billion years, particularly in the modern remnants of the Central Pangean Mountains (Appalachians, Little Atlas Mountains, the Scottish Highlands/Caledonian Mountains, Ouachita Mountains), a range that was formed by multiple orogenous events over hundreds of millions of years. Because of this, Shuckles are believed to be one of the earliest surviving Pokémon species, a living fossil event amongst the other living fossils. Their simple shapes and survival strategies have earned them the privilege of remaining relatively unchanged after all this time, though of course it’s hard to know for sure what ancient Shuckles looked like since it’s their rocky shell that fossilizes well, not the soft squishy bits of their real body. But to better understand the longevity of the Shuckle species, they survived multiple mass extinctions and were ancient even to the dinosaurs, and they will likely survive humanity, too.
Life Cycles: Shuckles can live for decades. They are laid in small batches of 10-20 at a time, but each batch can be laid within a month apart from each other under optimal conditions. Newly hatched Shuckles receive no parental care, instead left entirely to fend for themselves. This is fine because Shuckles have a powerful instinct to know what they need to do: find a rock and claim it as theirs. Often the parent Shuckle will gather some discarded Shuckle shells or suitable rocks to have near the eggs—this is the extent of their parental care. The eggs will hatch in about 3 weeks after laying.
Unprotected Shuckles are at a strong risk of predation from primates, birds, rabbits, and rodents. Their soft squishy bodies make a fun gummy snack for predators, but once a Shuckle has its shell the risk of predation drops tremendously. Now, the predation risk comes from Pokémon that like to eat rocks, because they will definitely also eat the Shuckle. But have no fear, Shuckles are tough Pokémon that have survived on Earth for half a billion years for a reason!
As for mating habits, Shuckles have higher understanding of when it’s time to make more of themselves and when its not. They can reproduce up to every month for years at a time, but this is seldom necessary. Instead, Shuckles have an innate sense of when its an appropriate time to reproduce and when it isn’t. Scientists are uncertain when this higher reasoning trait evolved, but it almost certainly has led to Shuckle’s success as a species. Plus, while Shuckles have “males” and “females”, they are fully capable of agametic reproduction should it become necessary. And their “males” and “females” are not determined by sex chromosomes, but rather is determined by mysterious environmental factors that have eluded scientists for centuries.
Behavior: Shuckles are not terribly picky about who they mate with, and will often mate with whoever is nearby and down. The fact that Shuckles are, for some unknown reason, in the “Bug” Egg Group, has surely done the species a huge advantage in mate availability.
As individuals, Shuckles are shy Pokémon who will hide in their shells at the sight of danger. They are incredibly slow moving and thus do not spread out quickly. Sometimes a Shuckle will hitch a ride with a bigger and faster Pokémon to get to where they want to go.
As companions, Shuckles are loveable and friendly and super safe for children of all ages.  
Diet: In “modern” times, Shuckles eat berries and other fruits. These are stored in its shell that slowly decompose and ferment into its famous Shuckle Juice. What did Shuckles eat before the evolution of flowering plants? That’s a great question, and one that has been puzzling scientists for decades. Its believed that Shuckles once ate lichens, mushrooms, algae, and the early terrestrial plants that existed half a billion years ago. In fact, Shuckles will still eat lichens and mushrooms if their favorite food (fruits and berries) are unavailable, but this produces a Shuckle Juice that is distasteful to humans.
Conservation: Least Concern
Relationship with Humans: Humans have had Shuckle friends for millennia, a source of fermented fruit juice that is packed full of vitamins and amino acids that may be difficult to acquire during hard times. This harvesting of Shuckle Juice is not a fast process and certainly no substitute for having enough food to eat, but poor families have been able to feed their Shuckles beets, blight potatoes, or even certain inedible berries and have their Shuckle produce a juice that helps balance their nutritional intake, making it easier to withstand famines and blights. Shuckle Harvesting is a time-honored tradition in Northern Europe, Morocco, and the Eastern United States, where Shuckles are at their most abundant.
In modern times, Shuckle Juice is moderately expensive, often made in small batches at local farms.
Classification: There are many “species” of Shuckles over the years, but many of these species designations are for archeological distinctions rather than any substantial evidence that there is a meaningful difference between them. There have genuinely been clear species distinctions, largely in the form of different shell shapes, but for the most part Shuckles have remained relatively the same. The modern version of Shuckle, Shuckle modernus is called thus because of the fact that it happens to be the current species.
Hey guess what, if you like my stuff, this is my website where you can find other Pokémon I've written on and more information about the game that I’m slowly making! Check it out! I write books sometimes too.
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cpunkwitch · 1 year
answering my own questions
[pt: answering my own questions]
dont really get sent anything and not many people sent in the questions when the games were posted and reblogged, and i wanted to talk about stuff, so here we are.
this might end up being a multiple part post series?
ask game one (link)
(if comfortable) tell us about your condition? as much info as youre comfy with sharing.
i have a defect in the base of my spine, since i was born its caused me chronic pain all throughout my development and in recent years its only gotten worse, twisting my spine, headaches, jaw issues etc. i've also got highly suspected rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia and ive been diagnosed with a pretty bad case of anemia so bad that everytime a doctor looks at my results after bloodwork they give me a pained look and say "heyy...did you know your iron is low? like...really really low?". that and a hand full of other things, vitamin deficiencies, etc. i dont mind talking more about this
2. do you know about the spoon theory? if yes, what do you think of it?
i'll be honest, the majority of my knowledge of spoon theory off the top of my head is that "drawer with limited supply of spoons" is the disabled way of saying i only have so much motivation and energy (phys, as "battery" usually refers to social and emotional) in me. i've read up on it ages ago but would not be able to put into better words what i still remember about spoon theory (esp since we had a different host back then), i like that its just so much quicker and easier to convey my amount of ability to do things for the day by saying whether or not i have the spoons for it.
i do like to joke that my drawer is always stocked with knives and forks for the ablests, but sometimes that requires spoons to handle too. /silly
3. do you have mobility aids? if yes, which ones? if no, do you want any in the future?
i've mention how i really wish i could have a wheelchair if i were in a different situation, i dont know if i'll ever get one and i almost cried when my brother responded to my joke of "would you make on for me?" with an "i would if i could", i really would like a wheelchair of some kind in the future if the world were more accessible and i were in a safer place. right now though, i've just got my cane that still needs repainting. i guess my moms back brace counts too, i take it with me to work sometimes.
4. how did you find out about cripplepunk? what drew you to the community and movement?
i dont exactly remember but i've known about it for years. i (prev host) might have come across it looking up different punk aesthetics, though im not completely sure why it showed up in a punk aesthetic list, possibly because its punk and people misinterpreted it? my first glimpse was seeing patches on jackets, spiked customized aids, cripples/phys disabled people in your classic punk attire (piercings, dyed spiked mohawks, ripped jeans and fingerless gloves) and i loved it. im a sucker for self expression through appearance and customizing things and then when i found out it was a whole community for support and centered around being physically disabled in general and slowly came to terms with my own disabled body and started accepting myself, i kinda fell in love with cripplepunk in the "this feels like home" sense.
i could probably ramble way more but i'll stop there.
5. if you deal with any kind of pain, what's your method of pain management?
i use hot packs, ice packs, voltaren cream, sometimes i take a cbd gummy, i do little stretches when i remember them, i take walks and hot baths/showers, im trying to go back to the chiropractor and my favourite instructors in rehab (theyre trans friendly and complimented my cane when i first came in with it i love them so much), and i take whatever meds i can, normally anti-inflammatory like ibuprofen but because i cant swallow pills i either take liquid (yeah, childs liquid meds works, the couple hours of mild relief is still worth it) or powdered tylenol or something. the hot/cold stuff depends on the pain and where on my body the pain is.
6. do you stand or sit in the shower or do you prefer baths/find bathing easier rather than showers?
i take baths for my muscles and during the damn monthly ouch in order to relax my body. i take showers just for my shoulders and when im feeling icky and wanna rinse off or something, i take showers on a "regular" basis and i normally stand because the only way i sit is if im crouched in the tub and if i do that i get extra dizzy standing up to get out when i turn the water off. thankfully im no longer near passing out when i take a shower but i still have to sit on the floor matt after because my legs demand rest. i gotta be careful with hot water cuz not only will it make me overheat quickly (i will not realize if in standing in blood-boiling hot water and turning myself into a cooked lobster until after im out) but it can also cause me to literally fall asleep in the bath which can go wrong.
7. do you have a sort of comfort item or safety blanket that helps you feel better, especially on the worst days?
a couple things. a few of them are stuffies/plushies, or music, games or books to help me keep my mind off it i suppose.
8. name 3 things you hate about hospitals/doctors/nurses/the medical system
a) a lot of them refuse to take people seriously or actually listen. sure maybe theyre tired or heard the same shtick before and wanna make sure this person isnt just a drug user trying to pity their way into getting more, but even then all matters a patient presents them with should still be taken seriously and never brushed off or mocked.
b) the fact that the er, the place you take a ticket and wait, is called the Emergency Room, when its normally scheduled appointments and people taken in by the ambulance that are top priority. sure its called the er because most visits through the er are rushed "emergency" last minute visits, people going there because they couldnt schedule an appointment and needed to see someone on that day, but still it feels wrong to call it the emergency room when its really just a waiting room and regardless of the visit they arent actually treated as emergencies. the whole system of just going to see a doctor feels messed up and most of the time you end up just going to see a nurse, get a check up and leave when they tell you what they got after a talk and examination or they schedule to see you again when a doctor is available. because of this i tend to prefer walk in clinics.
c) the fact that they charge to damn much, no matter if youre insured, it still charges so much. no matter what they do. and yeah, healthcare in canada is free to an extent if youre insured but a lot of times they charge more than your insurance can cover and not everyone can get/has insurance. not to mention the medical debt so many people have in america. i get that staff and hospitals need pay and funding but the government should have that covered and not have the patients charged so much for getting help. i almost got charged over 3k just for my short visit to the ward because there was an issue with my insurance and thats a whole angry story for another time.
9. whats an accessibility tool you wish was more accessible/that you had access to?
one of them is aac, the one i have on my phone i have to disconnect my phone to and has a limited amount of phrases i can pick from. id like it better if the app or just aac programs in general when directly to your device speaker by default, had more options for more ease conversing and none of them were behind a damn pay wall, in-app purchase or otherwise. i rarely use it for several reasons but i'd love if i could use it more with less limitations.
also wheelchair ramps. i dont have a wheelchair ramp but i wish people stopped walking on them when theyre clearly able-bodied, i wished my parents taught me and my siblings what the ramps were for and not to run up and down them as well as other parents to their kids because those things are supposed to be clear for a wheelchair user. i also think the corners should be rounded for ease of turning and that wheelchair accessible paths in general should be firm to the ground (not a wimpy matt on the sand that flips over and gets buried on the beach unmaintained), maintained and cleaned regularly, not have any gaps (ive seen so many of the small ones installed in doorways that have a height gap above the ground which causes trouble getting the wheelchair on the ramp let alone through the damn door) and not have railings made of metal if theyre outside (they can often reflect light into peoples eyes and get too hot to touch in the sun both of which are not good issues to have no matter how small they seem.)
those are at least the first to come to mind.
10. whats the worst accessability cockblock you've seen ableds do/make?
theres quite a few i've seen but atm nothing significant comes to mind other than overpricing mobility aids or placing paywalls in front of aids in general.
however there was the few times in more than one school i went to you had to go to the office, provide a 'valid' reason and ask them for a key to the elevator, otherwise they make you take the stairs. i know they do it because they dont want able-bodied kids messing with it n shit but its stupid, it should be accessible to everyone regardless. thank fuck both collages ive been to so far give free elevator use to any staff or student but in the schools i went to i was only allowed have the access key because i couldnt walk up the steps on my sprained/twisted ankle and i had to give it back at the end of every day. the last school even limited my use to just the morning or 1-2 periods that i had on the second floor. nevermind if my locker was up there.
11. whats an accessibility tool youre very thankful for?
screen readers. my little brother uses/used em more than me and i dont use them too often but im glad they exist in general i used them when i was younger and my english teachers gave us work on the computer, i used it like an audiobook and it helped me majorly. i hate that people dont always provide translations to things and make things harder on screen readers by using coloured, tiny, non-serif font-ed or 'quirked' text but ever since i was a kid i was just as happy they existed as i was about braille.
12. name 3 things you like about hospitals/docs/nurses/the medical system
a) that there are some people there who are actually hoping, willing and ready to listen and help others.
b) that they provide things for kids like toys in the waiting room, people who specialize in caring for kids in the hospital, some doctors even have their office decorated. one doctor i went to had her entire office winnie the pooh themed and it helped me out a lot when i got blood work done n stuff, it was really comforting to stare at pooh bear instead of the sharp pokey in my arm.
c) that things are usually kept quiet with low voices, as it reduces risk of overstimulation as well as avoids hurting anyones head and protects privacy of those talking about whats going on. voices are usually only raised to a normal talking level when in the privacy of a nurse or doctor office and its something i dont see really acknowledged anywhere.
13. do you have any favourite disability rep? (media or character)
not picking from my own sources, when it comes to physical disability rep, its hard for me to pick something that involves a realistic character because most of them arent very well portrayed or i cant personally relate to. i can list Freddy freeman as one, hes a crutch user and how the shazam movie portrayed him does well in expressing what ableism can be like for some visibly disabled kids in school. i could probably list some shows that handle disability well through other means if i thought of them, i know theres a few that handle it through super heros being disabled (the one spider-person who's got both a wheelchair and a cane from the recent spiderverse movie for example) or non-human characters having differences that are implied to be disabilities, and i adore that creativity, especially with showing disabled super heros as it tells disabled kids theyre still strong, not broken, they can still be cool and do great things just like able-bodied people. hard for me to name specific things off the top of my head though, guess i like specific tropes around disability rep more than anything. it helps normalize disability and thats what really makes me happy with it. (thats a big reason why i made @/your-fave-is-crippled)
14. least favourite/worst disability rep?
not phys disabled but sia's fucked up movie right off the bat still angers me. i cant name any specifics once again, normally if theres some rep that i dont like i purposely forget they exist to begin with, they arent worth remembering if they arent gonna do it right, y'know? id rather forget and move on than linger and rage about it if i can help it.
15. list some creators (youtubers/bloggers etc) that are disabled and/or cater to a disabled audience that you enjoy? (if any)
@crippled-pvp, @cripple-culture-is are a couple blogs i follow that i enjoy seeing on my dash (sorry if you dont want to be tagged!)
there was a deaf/hoh girl i used to frequent the content of as she talks a lot about signing and i really enjoyed her videos, shes such a sweet person but i never remembered her name nor any of the other creators i watched/followed. no one else comes to mind atm
16. favourite aspect about the general disabled community?
i like that there are people with advice at the ready, whatever question you have or info you need etc, theres always going to be someone with the words you need. i just like how helpful people can be in general in this community and how easily support is accessed through the community.
17. least favourite aspect about the general disabled community?
the fact that theres in-fighting, fake claiming, judgment, quick assumptions, and general internalized ableism still going on when we're supposed to be a community helping each other out not tearing each other down. im not just talking about the fight over "inclusion vs exclusion" on cripplepunk and other sub/separate communities in the disability community.
18. favourite aspect about cripplepunk?
i think my answer to "what drew you to cripplepunk" also answers this.
19. least favourite aspect about cripplepunk?
honestly? none. i hate the people forcing themselves into a space not meant to include them nor benefits them in the first place. i cant actually think of an issue i have with the cpunk community, only issues with people outside being upset over how "exclusive" it is because they want in.
20. free space:
feel free to ask me about any of my answers! i'll make a second post for the second ask game some other time. its currently 11pm and i have to get up early for morning classes yuck
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[ID: banner reading "dni if... proship, transx/id, syscourse/discourse blog, anti-mspec lesbians/gays, anti-lesboy/turigirl more in pinned rentry. this blog is protected by the addams family, the de rolo family and co." in all black lowercase text. It has a grey cloud background. On the left is the De Rolo coat of arms with a cobweb in the top corner and symmetrically flipped on the right is the symbol of Vox Machina with the same cobweb in the bottom corner :End ID]
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fouralignments · 8 months
Things Peter would say
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Erik then immediately forces Apocalypse to go see a doctor.
Sleepy Peter is a cute, but deadly Peter.
Side note, I got into a bad headspace today and I got outta of it by baking brownies and feeling better after actually doing something. You know cabin fever is bad because its been cold lately. My aunt suggests that I take Vitamin D supplements, plus others to help with mental health. While, I do take CBD gummies. There is something to be said about maintaining a good diet and taking care of myself and eating regularly, I do forget to sometimes. But, here's the thing though, I eat a shit ton of cheese every week and at least once or twice I make a cheese platter with fruit, olives, crackers and cheese; so I think I'm good on Vitamin D.
What's the root problem of my mental health issue is the uncertainty and horridness of not having a job and not having that stability. Which it does take a mental toll on me. Plus all the deaths in my family.
I love my aunt, but her suggesting pseudoscience as a solution to my mental health issues; as if I don't know what's wrong with me and I don't have coping skills or things I know help me. Its not useful. Its insulting; thinking that she knows best for me.
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jokeson-u · 1 year
my ultimate fav characters in chronological order, but i only talk about if theyd be stoners.
-scooby doo: ULTIMATE STONER DOG, psuedo canonically a stoner
-hanna marin: only smokes socially, and pretty rarely. probably used to quite a bit with mona. edibles are her FAV. i absolutely see her in seasons 1-3 as a nic kid tho. like if nic sticks existed back then the way they are now??? she and mona would be those girls vaping in the bathroom during lunch LOL (and s3 she'd be a sad nic kid cus mona is gone and shes trying to quit). she and caleb probably smoke a LOOOT in season 5 though like fr. and i think she'd always like thc vapes. spencer doesnt smoke with her cus yk. her Issues. but i think hanna smoked emily up to comfort emily after maya, and then probably later on when she was done w swimming and had body pains. she and aria smoke occasionally and get silly
-jay walker: totally gets anxious/paranoid when hes high. was probably super not into it but kai and nya seduced him LMAO. he doesnt like it tho. he also gives nic kid vibes but like. vitamin vapes LMAO he has an oral fixation sorry. but he only buys blue vapes bc its his Brand. also he usually likes those flavors.
-sakura kyoko: realistically, based on location, not a stoner. however if she was in the states she'd probably be a stoner. sadly shes lived on the streets from such a young age, much worse things could happen to her. including worse drugs. but id like to think she wouldnt bc of her headstrongness and stubbornness and whatnot. but weed? hell yea. she probably only smokes alone, she doesnt like ppl seeing her vunerable, and it helps her sleep. madoka encourages her to stop, esp when kyoko smokes cigarettes around them, and kyoko often blows puffs of smoke at sayaka in response and madoka is like D: mami also tries to get kyoko to stop but kyokos like uhhh no shut up. sayaka kinda wants to try but its nervous. also, kyoko harshly judges nic stick kids (cough sayaka cough) cus she feels cigarettes are superior
mizusawa matsuri: again, based on location, probably not a stoner. in the states, omg. yes. matsuri would be such a lil pothead i love that for her. she thinks it makes her look cool 😭 esp when yuzu is like "matsuri omg put ur cigarette out" and she gets to go "its not a cigarette 😎." has probably laced something she brought to a gathering to get everyone high without them knowing because shes yk. fucked up LOL. she wants to get mei high so badly but mei knows better and doesnt eat/drink anything matsuri offers. but yea matsuri likes corrupting people. she'd always be peer pressuring nene into smoking tbh. but she gets to smoke w harumi sometimes, and once w her and yuzu. she also likes vapes, both nic and thc.
-beth greene: no 😭 not a stoner tbh. shes a happy drunk but i picture her throwing up when she tries to smoke LMAO her friends probably had her try and she got sick. like i wanna say yes but yea. no. maybe edibles. she'd probably likes gummies
-trini (power rangers 2017): probably smokes weed somewhat regularly but not necessarily a stoner. thinks cigarettes are gross and makes fun of kids who vape (kim absolutely has a lowkey nic addiction bc shes a vaper and trini loves ragging on her for it)
-toni topaz(doesnt really count, i dont watch or follow the show. i liked her when she was first around): yes. totally smokes w sweet pea and fangs
-emily junk: not a stoner but she smokes socially in college. beca, stacie, and cr invite her to join their smoke session one day. she coughs a LOT and is probably paranoid the first few times but then she gets really giggly. when the bellas graduate get develops a slight reliance, which happens again in her senior year during finals. but shes fine ! shes just got an addictive personality
-kate bishop: i so badly want to say yes but shes canonically a narc. like she literally made it her mission to hunt down this dude who was selling weed just cus she didnt know he had a license for it LMAO
-natalie scatorccio: the only actual canonical stoner on this list. nats a pothead and i love her for it. she smokes cigarettes regularly too, but if vapes were around in 1996 she wouldve been making fun of everyone who uses them
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chemanalystdata · 1 month
Vitamin B9 Prices | Pricing | Price | News | Database | Chart | Forecast
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 Vitamin B9 prices commonly known as folic acid or folate, plays a crucial role in various bodily functions, including DNA synthesis, red blood cell formation, and cell division. As a vital nutrient, it’s essential for maintaining overall health and preventing deficiencies, particularly during pregnancy. The pricing of Vitamin B9 supplements can vary widely, influenced by several factors including the form of the supplement, brand reputation, and regional availability.
The cost of Vitamin B9 supplements generally depends on whether the consumer is purchasing over-the-counter options or prescription-based forms. Over-the-counter supplements often come in different formulations, such as tablets, capsules, or gummies, each with varying price points. Gummies and other specialty forms tend to be priced higher due to their additional ingredients and production processes. Brand name supplements typically cost more than generic versions, though the efficacy of the ingredient itself remains consistent across brands. Consumers might find that higher-priced options often offer added benefits, such as enhanced absorption rates or additional vitamins and minerals.
Regional price differences also significantly impact the cost of Vitamin B9 supplements. In countries with well-established health systems and access to a wide range of nutritional products, prices might be lower due to competition and availability. Conversely, in regions where health supplements are less common or more regulated, the cost can be considerably higher. Import taxes, distribution costs, and local demand also play a role in influencing prices. For instance, in countries with high import duties or stringent regulations on health supplements, consumers may experience elevated prices compared to those in markets with more lenient policies.
Get Real Time Prices for Vitamin B9: https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/vitamin-b9-1253
Online retailers often offer Vitamin B9 supplements at competitive prices, partly due to the lower overhead costs associated with e-commerce compared to physical stores. Shoppers can benefit from price comparisons across various platforms, potentially finding better deals or discounts. Additionally, bulk purchasing options or subscription models available through online retailers can further reduce costs for regular users of Vitamin B9 supplements. However, it’s important for consumers to verify the authenticity and quality of products purchased online to avoid counterfeit or substandard items.
Seasonal promotions and sales can also influence Vitamin B9 pricing. Many retailers offer discounts during specific times of the year, such as during health awareness months or major shopping events like Black Friday. These promotions can provide opportunities for consumers to purchase high-quality supplements at reduced prices. Additionally, manufacturers may offer rebates or coupons that can further lower the cost for consumers, making it more affordable to maintain optimal levels of Vitamin B9.
The price of Vitamin B9 can also be affected by advancements in supplement technology and research. New formulations that enhance the bioavailability of the vitamin or combine it with other beneficial nutrients can sometimes result in higher prices. As research continues to uncover more about the benefits of Vitamin B9 and its role in health and disease prevention, these advancements can lead to new and potentially more expensive supplement options. Nevertheless, the fundamental value of Vitamin B9 in supporting overall health remains constant, regardless of the price fluctuations.
For individuals looking to manage the cost of Vitamin B9 supplementation, consulting with a healthcare provider can offer personalized guidance. A healthcare professional can recommend the most cost-effective and suitable form of Vitamin B9 based on an individual’s specific health needs and dietary intake. This personalized approach ensures that consumers are not only getting the best value for their money but also maintaining their health effectively.
In summary, the prices of Vitamin B9 supplements vary widely based on factors such as form, brand, regional availability, and purchasing platform. While the cost may fluctuate, the essential role of Vitamin B9 in maintaining health underscores its importance, regardless of price. By considering factors such as regional pricing, online options, and seasonal promotions, consumers can find cost-effective ways to ensure they receive adequate amounts of this vital nutrient.
Get Real Time Prices for Vitamin B9: https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/vitamin-b9-1253
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blahandwhatever · 1 month
Medical News Today
Long-Term Care
My prime preoccupation for the past month or so has been my health and, specifically, once again, my supplements and chemical balance. Once again, I got some of the weird feelings and symptoms I had for a while earlier this year, before experimenting with my calcium, magnesium, and iron and concluding I should keep taking all of them; once again, these were my prime suspects. But this time, I was extra-heavy on numbness and tingling and coordination issues. And I scoured the internet anew, overwhelmed by possibilities and underwhelmed by the extremely limited, incomplete information on every website, thinking I should someday make a big spreadsheet of all the possible symptoms of every possible nutrient deficiency or excess. Of course, there’s also always the possibility that I actually have A Disease, but I have to get the more likely basics covered before I consider that.
And I experimented, and I felt various types of bad, and I felt various types of better. This time, some of my worst-feeling days were the ones when I took magnesium - generally a safe supplement, and one I don’t take huge doses of, but it is probably the thing I’ve been supplementing the longest (since the Age of Anxiety) and also something I probably get enough of from my diet; it’s possible that, no longer living in anxious times, I no longer need the extra dose (there was, however, one time it helped when I got agitated. maybe its use should be as-needed). Some of my best-feeling days were ones when I took none of the three suspects - but then, there were random ones that differed. Another suspect I considered was my zinc and copper supplement, and zinc in particular, as I also took separate zinc gummies sometimes. The results on that one were pretty inconclusive, but I erred on the side of caution, reduced its frequency, and skipped the gummies altogether. I also upped my B12, as I’d somewhat neglected that one lately, and considered the additional possibility of too much vitamin D but thus far have done no experimenting on it (bit inconvenient, as it’s part of my fish oil supplement, and also I think the main negative effects of excess vitamin D are due to resulting excess calcium absorption, so a) might as well focus on testing calcium directly and b) I’m honestly skeptical I’d have too much calcium even with the supplements because, given what I tend to get from my diet, it just doesn’t add up. ALSO I’ve paid close attention to how I’ve felt before and after taking different supplements each day and never felt a difference after the fish oil/vitamin D supplement).
Overall, I’ve come to feel and look and function better over time, for the most part, with a lot of ups and downs and no firm conclusions yet. It’s always a good idea to be cautious and conservative with supplementation. However, I still feel I benefit from some of my supplements, and some, I’m trying to figure out whether I should eliminate completely or just reduce. Currently, I’m feeling the most negative about the iron. I’ve mostly been skipping it and felt markedly worse the last couple of times I took it. The last time I took it, I had cold hands and orthostatic hypotension. It helped with those but made me feel worse overall. Questions continue to arise.
Urgent Care
A few days ago, I scratched myself by the neck with a long, jagged nail. Just barely - I thought nothing of it. Sometimes I’ll scratch myself when my nails get too long. Things got a little red, but I figured it’d go away soon.
The next day, the redness spread wider. Weird. A little concerning. But I trusted my body to do its thing. Took my zinc & copper supplement and felt better after a somewhat lethargic day.
By today, there were long streaks up my neck and down my chest. Bad. Very bad. The internet urged me to see a doctor ASAP.
And so I spent half this day trying to figure out, and go about, the best way to get treated. I searched around for high-rated urgent care clinics, explored their services and prices. I drove up to one in Northbrook, but it was about to close, and I didn’t go. Found the next best thing, open later, in Mount Prospect. Made an appointment, came back home, charged my dying phone, squeezed in a few quick tasks, and drove to the clinic.
I was a bit nervous - it had been almost a decade since I had seen a doctor. Wondered if they’d find me a mess just like the dentist did.
But it went pretty quickly and painlessly. My blood pressure was high, but they didn’t comment on it - maybe it was normal under the circumstances. No concerns about my lungs or heart. I got prescribed an antibiotic and told to use Neosporin.
By this point, it was 8 PM, and all the nearby pharmacies were closed. I found an open one in Palatine - at the Walgreens with the same address as my local one, where once upon a time GPS had brought me by mistake. So I drove way up there from Mount Prospect, and I dropped off my prescription, and it wouldn’t be ready for an hour and a half, so there wasn’t much to do but go home and come back.
And finally, by 10 PM, I had it all wrapped up, and I took my scary bright-red antibiotic, cringing at the thought of wiping out my microbiome, but oh well - it happens to the best of us.
Honestly kinda disappointed in my immune system for not having handled this better. I’ve had so many worse scratches and sores over the years that didn’t develop any issues. This was really such an odd one. Did I have some particularly bad bacteria on my hands, or was I particularly weak. Did reducing my zinc and vitamin C (which I only really take together with iron) supplements weaken my immunity? Today I took a zinc gummy and felt better after that one too. I’m thinking that isn’t something I need to limit supplementing.
But I also didn’t do anything about the scratch to begin with - again, because it seemed negligible. So, lesson learned there - I probably should have been alarmed by the redness much sooner. I bet some prompt disinfection could have stopped this in its tracks. Kinda mad I don’t get to see the alternate universe where one of my trusty gentle natural solutions - manuka honey, tamanu oil, coconut oil - prevents this whole thing. I’ve literally not had to use anything else to prevent skin infections in like 7+ years. I mean, I do keep rubbing alcohol, and sometimes antibiotic ointment, in stock in case any of those ever fail to work, but that has never happened.
Thankfully, this urgent healthcare need didn’t devastate my poor, uninsured ass (I sure wish I’d known the massive difference between ERs and urgent care clinics when I was younger). And the antibiotic somehow only cost me… $5? Rare win for the US healthcare system.
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keenarbiterearthquake · 2 months
Why Choosing the Best Multivitamin for Kids is Essential for Their Growth and Development
As parents, we always want the best for our children, especially when it comes to their health and development. In today's fast-paced world, ensuring that our kids get all the necessary nutrients can be a daunting task. This is where multivitamins come into play. Choosing the best multivitamin for kids is crucial to support their growth and development, and to fill any nutritional gaps that their diet might not cover. But why exactly is it so important? Let's dive into this topic and explore.
What Are Multivitamins?
Multivitamins are dietary supplements that contain a combination of vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients. They are designed to fill in the nutritional gaps that might exist in one's diet. For kids, multivitamins come in various forms like gummies, chewable tablets, and liquids, making it easier for them to consume.
Importance of Nutrients for Kids
Children are in a constant state of growth and development, which means their bodies require a steady supply of nutrients. These nutrients play a vital role in various bodily functions, such as:
Growth and development: Vitamins and minerals are essential for the development of bones, muscles, and tissues.
Immune support: Nutrients like Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Zinc help in boosting the immune system.
Cognitive development: Omega-3 fatty acids, Iron, and Iodine are crucial for brain development and function.
Energy production: Vitamins like B-complex are vital for converting food into energy.
Common Nutritional Deficiencies
Despite our best efforts, kids can sometimes be picky eaters, leading to potential nutritional deficiencies. Some common deficiencies in children include:
Vitamin D: Essential for bone health and immune function.
Iron: Crucial for blood production and preventing anemia.
Calcium: Important for bone and teeth development.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Vital for brain development and function.
How Multivitamins Can Help
Multivitamins can be a convenient way to ensure that children get the nutrients they need, especially if their diet is lacking in certain areas. They can help:
Fill nutritional gaps: Multivitamins provide a balanced mix of essential nutrients.
Support overall health: They contribute to the proper functioning of the body's systems.
Enhance immunity: Key vitamins and minerals help strengthen the immune system.
Promote growth and development: Essential nutrients support physical and cognitive development.
Choosing the Best Multivitamin
When it comes to choosing the best multivitamin for kids, there are several factors to consider:
Age-appropriate: Ensure the multivitamin is suitable for your child's age.
Nutrient content: Look for a comprehensive blend of vitamins and minerals.
Quality and safety: Choose reputable brands with high-quality ingredients.
Form and flavor: Select a form that your child will enjoy and is easy to consume.
What to Look for in Multivitamins
Here are some key points to keep in mind while selecting a multivitamin for your child:
Ingredients: Check for essential vitamins like A, C, D, E, and B-complex, as well as minerals like Calcium, Iron, and Zinc.
Dosage: Ensure the dosage is appropriate for your child's age and nutritional needs.
Additives: Avoid multivitamins with artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives.
Allergens: Check for potential allergens if your child has any allergies.
Best Multivitamins for Kids in 2024
With so many options available, it can be challenging to choose the best multivitamin for kids. Here are some top picks for best multivitamin for kids In 2024:
Kidzvits – Multivitamin Gummies for Kids Health: These gummies promote robust immunity, rapid growth, a sharp mind, an active body, and enhanced appetite.
SmartyPants Kids Formula: Known for its high-quality ingredients and comprehensive nutrient profile.
Flintstones Gummies: A popular choice with a balanced mix of essential vitamins and minerals.
Nordic Naturals Nordic Berries: Made with natural ingredients and free from artificial additives.
Benefits of Multivitamins
Providing your child with the best multivitamin can have numerous benefits, including:
Improved immunity: Essential vitamins and minerals help in boosting the immune system.
Better energy levels: B vitamins help in converting food into energy.
Enhanced cognitive function: Nutrients like Omega-3 fatty acids support brain health.
Healthy growth and development: A balanced intake of vitamins and minerals supports overall growth and development.
Risks and Considerations
While multivitamins can be beneficial, it's essential to be aware of potential risks and considerations:
Overconsumption: Excessive intake of certain vitamins and minerals can be harmful.
Interactions: Some multivitamins may interact with medications your child is taking.
Quality concerns: Choose high-quality products from reputable brands to avoid contaminants.
Balanced diet: Multivitamins should not replace a balanced diet but rather complement it.
Natural Sources vs. Supplements
It's always best to get nutrients from natural food sources whenever possible. Foods like fruits, vegetables, lean meats, dairy products, and whole grains are rich in essential nutrients. However, when dietary intake is insufficient, supplements can help bridge the gap.
Tips for Incorporating Multivitamins
Incorporating multivitamins into your child's routine can be easy with these tips:
Make it fun: Choose multivitamins in fun shapes and flavors.
Set a routine: Give the multivitamin at the same time each day to build a habit.
Combine with meals: Pairing multivitamins with meals can enhance absorption.
Educate: Explain the benefits to your child to encourage them to take their vitamins willingly.
1. Are multivitamins necessary for all kids?
Not all kids need multivitamins if they are eating a balanced diet. However, they can be beneficial for picky eaters or those with specific nutritional deficiencies.
2. Can multivitamins cause side effects?
In most cases, multivitamins are safe when taken as directed. However, overconsumption can lead to side effects like nausea, diarrhea, or toxicity.
3. How do I know if my child needs a multivitamin?
Consult with your child's healthcare provider to determine if a multivitamin is necessary based on their diet, health, and nutritional needs.
4. What is the best time of day to give my child a multivitamin?
It's best to give multivitamins with a meal to enhance absorption and reduce the risk of stomach upset.
5. Can multivitamins replace a healthy diet?
No, multivitamins should not replace a healthy diet. They are meant to supplement the diet and fill any nutritional gaps.
Choosing the best multivitamin for kids is an important decision that can significantly impact their growth and development. By understanding the role of essential nutrients, recognizing potential deficiencies, and selecting high-quality multivitamins, you can help ensure your child gets the nutrition they need to thrive. Remember, multivitamins are a supplement to a healthy diet, not a replacement. Prioritize a balanced diet and consult with healthcare providers to make the best choices for your child's health. Visit:  Gummies multivitamin in Pakistan
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sunset-telepath · 2 months
Yeah, people treat acne treatments as a frivolous cosmetic thing, but as someone with cystic acne, they're really not. People don't understand how excruciatingly painful acne can be.
Yeah lumping acne vulgaris in with "hair care treatments" and the like is so genuinely offensive to those of us who have had years of our lives ruined by the presence of cystic acne. We're not talking about a blackhead here and there or a particularly bad pimple.
We're talking about the mass infection of our skin, causing MASSIVE inflammation and irritation. It is excruciatingly painful and beyond that, it's not some "frivolous" cosmetic thing. Cystic acne genuinely ruins your face. It becomes red, putrid, yellow, and oozing. You will never be able to un-see it. Even filters can't get rid of it. The topography of your skin is noticeably changed.
And even after a particular pimple goes, you're left with an acne scar that will last for months. Literally a dark red gash/spot - just a spot if you're lucky like I was but the more unlucky people have the topography of their skin visibly changed (that will never go away without the intervention of drugs/lasers btw).
People with acne (not even just cystic acne but significantly visible acne) have a moral right to pursue a clear face either for cosmetic reasons or pain reasons. And it is deeply offensive to imply that their concerns are frivolous things on the level of "diet pills" and "hair oil scrubs" and "vitamin supplements." Is a person with a long scar on their forearm getting w-plasty or z-plasty to reduce their gash "falling to societal cosmetic concerns"? Is the victim with a botched skin graft that causes their hand to grow chest hair falling to "frivolous cosmetic" concerns by suing their doctor for medical malpractice and working to remove the hair? (Hawkins v. McGee). Is the trans person using HRT to make their face more feminine or more masculine "falling to frivolous gender-cosmetic concerns" by wanting to make their face look more like that of their true gender identity? (by true gender identity I mean the gender identity they have discovered that they actually are instead of the sex they were assigned at birth).
All of us who have serious and significant cosmetic ailments and want to engage in scientific methods of solving them (such as taking Accutane or doxycycline, undergoing plastic surgery, using laser hair removal, taking HRT) deserve recognition and respect and can't be lumped in with the snake-oil salesmen selling vitamin gummies and hair care oils and the like.
I hope your cystic acne gets better soon! I remember how bad it was before I took Accutane - each pimple hurt like fucking hell - the subdermal pockets of pus that never reached the surface were the fucking worst. Mine has almost entirely vanished now that I've been on accutane for 2-3 months and I still have 2 months left to go. (The color scars start to fade and your skin begins to regain its old topography and soft feel. Thankfully I never got any topographical scars because those need laser procedures to fully remove). Of course, like all medications, it doesn't work for everyone and sometimes it has really bad side effects. But it's worked really well for me and I'm literally so happy.
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The Wolf's brow creased in pain and anguish. He brushes his hands through the sand.
Of those fragments we knew each other well...it was during great turmoil, where all else had failed. Sometimes monsters, sometimes humans. Sometimes it's even my fragment, and sometimes...
His hands touch something and he makes to pick it up...but thinks better of it and buries it back into the sand.
...a hope...or three...fallen to darkness.
All you managed to glimpse was something red and metallic with rippling patterns on its surface before it is buried once more.
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River Person listen and watch him carefully, very curious about what he reburied, but don't ask.
"...I'm sorry if it hurts to talk about it, I apologize for asking,"
They sigh as their headache eases up, they obviously have plenty more questions, but decide to save them for later.
They then safely stick the audio cassette tape in the same pocket as the music player, and open the vitamin jar to try one of the gummies, pleased by the taste, giving the Wolf a thumbs up of approval.
They gaze at him thoughtfully before sitting down nearby on the sand and take off their gloves, sticking their hands in the sand too, unable to stop themselves from smiling.
"I think....think. .. I know I would been happy with any place or domain that you brought me to, but this... beach was a very good choice,"
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fitjourneydaily · 8 months
Enhancing Oral Health with Zoracel Dental Gummy: A Comprehensive Review
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Introduction: Maintaining good oral health is crucial for overall well-being. From brushing and flossing to regular dental check-ups, there are various ways to prioritize oral hygiene. However, sometimes we may need an extra boost to support our dental care routine. In this comprehensive review, we will explore the benefits of Zoracel Dental Gummy and how it enhances oral health. We will also delve into Zoracel Dental Gummy reviews to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of its efficacy. 1. Understanding the Importance of Teeth and Gums: Teeth and gums play a vital role in our overall oral health. Teeth are not only responsible for chewing and maintaining proper nutrition but also influence our appearance and confidence. Gums, on the other hand, act as a protective shield for the roots of our teeth and prevent harmful bacteria from entering our bloodstream. Neglecting oral health can lead to issues like tooth decay, gum diseases, and even systemic health conditions. 2. Introducing Zoracel Dental Gummy: Zoracel Dental Gummy is an innovative product designed to support oral health by providing essential nutrients and promoting a healthy microbial balance in the mouth. These gummies are packed with powerful ingredients specifically chosen for their ability to improve gum health, strengthen teeth, and enhance overall oral hygiene. 3. The Key Ingredients and Their Benefits: a. Xylitol: Zoracel Dental Gummy contains xylitol, a natural sweetener that not only adds a pleasant taste but also helps reduce plaque formation and prevent tooth decay. b. Vitamin C: This essential nutrient is known for its ability to support gum health and collagen production, contributing to overall oral wellness. c. Coenzyme Q10: CoQ10 is a potent antioxidant that promotes gum tissue repair, reduces inflammation, and assists in preventing gum diseases. d. Zinc: Zinc plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy immune system, which is essential for fighting off harmful bacteria that can cause gum infections. e. Vitamin D: This vitamin aids in the absorption of calcium, supporting the development of strong teeth and jawbone. 4. The Benefits of Zoracel Dental Gummy: a. Improves Gum Health: The unique combination of ingredients in Zoracel Dental Gummy can help reduce gum inflammation, strengthen gum tissue, and prevent conditions like gingivitis. b. Prevents Tooth Decay: Xylitol, as a key ingredient, has been shown to reduce the risk of cavities by inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria. c. Strengthens Teeth: The inclusion of essential vitamins and minerals like Vitamin D and zinc in Zoracel Dental Gummy promotes strong teeth and helps prevent enamel erosion. d. Freshens Breath: By supporting oral hygiene, Zoracel Dental Gummy helps combat bad breath and keeps your mouth feeling fresh throughout the day. 5. Zoracel Dental Gummy Reviews: Real users have experienced positive results after incorporating Zoracel Dental Gummy into their oral care routine. Many users have noted improvements in gum health, reduced sensitivity, and enhanced oral hygiene. Users have also praised the delicious taste of the gummies, making it an enjoyable part of their routine. Conclusion: Maintaining optimal oral health is an ongoing process, and adding Zoracel Dental Gummy to your routine can provide the extra support your teeth and gums need. With its carefully selected ingredients and positive user reviews, Zoracel Dental Gummy is a promising product to consider for enhanced oral health. Remember, consistent oral hygiene practices, including regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups, are crucial for long-term dental wellness. 1. Teeth and Gum Health 2. Oral Hygiene Products 3. Dental Gummy Benefits 4. Zoracel Dental Gummy Review Experience oral wellness with Zoracel Dental Gummies – read reviews and explore the benefits for your teeth and gums. Discover the power of Zoracel's dental formula. For more, visit the 'Zoracel Dental Gummies' website. Visit the Zoracel Dental Gummies Product Page. Read the full article
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mooniacc · 9 months
2024 - A Day of Change
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The day started like any other. As a busy marketing executive, my mornings are a whirlwind of activity – a quick jog, a healthy breakfast, and a long commute to the office. However, this particular day held an unexpected twist that would subtly shift my health routine.
It began during a coffee break with my colleague, Jenna. As we chatted about weekend plans and workout routines, she casually mentioned her latest find – Vitamin B12 gummies. She raved about how they had boosted her energy levels. This piqued my interest. I had been feeling a bit sluggish lately, despite my active lifestyle and balanced diet.
Curiosity led me to do a quick search on my phone about Vitamin B12. I learned about its crucial role in energy production, brain function, and overall well-being. It was a lightbulb moment for me, realizing that as someone who followed a predominantly plant-based diet, I might not be getting enough B12.
The rest of the workday passed in a blur of meetings and project deadlines. Still, the thought stayed with me. After work, I stopped by a health online store and picked up a bottle of Vitamin B12 gummies, hoping to address this potential gap in my nutrition.
That evening, as I tried my first B12 gummy, it felt like I was taking a proactive step towards better health. The gummy was surprisingly tasty – a bonus to its health benefits.
Dinner was a simple affair – grilled vegetables and tofu, a staple in my diet. As I ate, I thought about the different ways our bodies can be subtly deficient in certain nutrients, despite our best efforts to eat healthily.
Later, while unwinding with a book, I reflected on the day's discovery. It's intriguing how a casual conversation can lead to a significant realization about one's health. Adding B12 to my daily routine was a small change, but I was optimistic about the difference it could make.
As the day drew to a close, I felt grateful for the chance encounter that led me to learn more about Vitamin B12. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it's easy to overlook these minor yet crucial aspects of our health. Today was a reminder that sometimes, all it takes is a small shift in our routine to potentially improve our wellbeing significantly. With a new sense of awareness, I looked forward to seeing how this simple addition to my diet would impact my energy levels and overall health in the days to come.
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