#about katieskarlette
katieskarlette · 2 years
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
Tagged by: @sparklymanacakes
Favourite colour: Blue
Pets:  At the moment, four goldfish.  Usually a betta, too.
Cats or Dogs:  Both are great but I’m mildly allergic (and have a close family member who is dangerously allergic) so I can’t have either.
Coke or Pepsi:  If you dangled me over a cliff and made me choose, Coke, but I never drink either one if I can help it.  I’m a root beer gal.
Day or Night:  Night!  (Thanks ever so much, circadian rhythm disorder...)
Text or call: Text
Chapstick or lipstick: Chapstick
Last song I listened to:  I’m not sure, but the one I have in my head today is “November Rain” for reasons that would be obvious if you looked out my window.
Tagging:  I’m always too shy to tag anyone in these things, but feel free to grab it and do the thing.
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sparrabeth · 7 years
katieskarlette replied to your post “CAN WE ALL TALK ABOUT HOW JACK SAID "DOES MUMMY EVER ASK ABOUT ME"...”
That line made me cringe, like after all this time they're still thumbing their nose at us shippers. "Nope, Lizzie never mentioned Jack at all. You silly fans were imagining their deep bond." Whether or not it's true (and I CANNOT believe she wouldn't have filled her son's head with tales of Captain Jack Sparrow), phrasing it like that just seemed like a middle finger to those of us on the good ship Sparrabeth. I hope in context it's not as grating.
but what’s even funnier is the wording of that question “does mummy ever ASK about me?” again, let me phrase our dear mariel (@colorblindly):
“I was weirded out by the choice of word!!!! Why /ask/??? Shouldn't it be, does she talk about me??? Why would she /ask/ about him to her son??? Who is only just now meeting him????”
and it’s just so true????? why in hell would elizabeth ever ASK about jack??? to a son who has never met the guy?? it doesn’t make any sense tbh but i’m also SURE that lizzie has told her son all about jack bc how else could she tell HER OWN STORY? AND WILL’S STORY?? 
what’s even worse is those fans that are being like “ha jack see she doesn’t care about you!!” which is?????? henry is just as weirded out as we are about jack’s choice of words?? (while sounding and looking terribly bad) and it’s just terribly fishy to assume that ELIZABETH SWANN never talked about jack? that’s NOT how you get rid of a ship fyi you don’t just deny the obvious
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boilingheart · 4 years
@katieskarlette replied to your post “I think whats so great about them is it’s so natural and seems right. ...”
I loved how he was like, "I've been writing a lot of poetry about her but I better not share that in public, so here's something about war and death and betrayal instead." And she's like, "Okay, but here's a love poem I wrote specifically for you, to you, about you. HINT HINT HINT." Now I want a scene where he reads her the poems about her!
omg if you do, you’ve GOTTA send it to me or tag me in it XD i am HUNGRY for MORE
god. everything about this was so so great aaaaaaaaaa
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yulon · 5 years
replied to your post
“anyway is this a good time to tell y’all im almost done with WoS and...”
Great to hear! I've been really hoping you'd give it an ending instead of leaving it hanging. Today's Wrathionapalooza not withstanding, the black dragon muse isn't what it once was for any of us, but your amazing saga deserves a conclusion. :)
sdgdgmln I could never forgive myself if I never finished it, especially where it is right now, right when it’s about to reach its full conclusion/climax. And ESPECIALLY when I have so many loyal readers (like you!!!) who have read it since forever. It would eat away at me. It wouldn’t be fair to me, it wouldn’t be fair to y’all (whether you’ve read it since the beginning or just started it,) and it wouldn’t be fair to the story. 
Suffice to say I started to choke when I realized I was almost done (inciting the long-ass wait since the last update) because I want it to be everything I’ve envisioned for so long but at some point I was like, fuck it, it has to be done, I’m gonna do it. It’ll probably be published in three parts, but I’m planning on writing them all at the same time and publishing in quick succession so there’s no long wait ever again. “The End” is about halfway done right now!
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He always knew.
(Ravenholdt Manor - Before Pandaria)
Wrathion was reading some papers on the table, the champion who arrived a couple weeks ago showed an incredible skill, so the Black Prince was counting with his comeback, therefore preparations were needed but he wasn’t alone that night.
-Fahrad you are particularly quiet today, what has your mind so occupied?-
The rogue woke up from his trip down memory lane when he heard the words from his prince, he looked at him, the voices wouldn’t shut up.
“Look at him, thinking he is someone. You have him in the palm of your hands. Destroy him. Torture him. He thinks he is a prince. The pathetic whelp thinks he is important. Prove him wrong. Corrupt him. Tear his body and mind apart.”
-I am sorry my prince, just wild thoughts.-
He got up and went to window, wind was strong that night, and the Manor was quiet, silent as a dead body.
Idiot Fahrad he already had feelings for the “Black Prince”. He looked at him like a son, he was his son, he knew it.
And that’s why he had to do that, Wrathion was meant for so much more, he was uncorrupted, his mere existing could turn the world upside down.
And Fahrad was an obstacle, the voices were and obstacle, they were going to control him at some point, and then...Wrathion wasn’t prepared enough and he was already a trained rogue dragon...the Black dragon tried to put that image aside.
-Wrathion you already know, who I am, right?-
The Black Prince was genuinely shocked hearing his name, the rogue would always refer to him as prince or some other fancy name, but, he still answered without lifting the head.
-Of course, you are Fahrad, a very well trained rogue who trains other rogues and...- But the other voice interrupted him, now the rogue was in front of the table.
-No, Wrathion, I mean, who I really am.-
Then the prince showed his very particular grin.
-Yes, you are Fahradion, a powerful black dragon who was in command of some of Deathwing must powerful forces, until you focused yourself on destroying human colonies from the inside, yes I know, why the question?-
Fahrad narrowed his eyes.
-As you said, I’m a powerful black dragon, but above all, I’m corrupted...and they...won’t shut up...about...killing you!!!-
The eyes of the rogue turned orange and with a powerful glow on them, smoke also came out from his nose but Wrathion didn’t blink.
-I already now that, but not to worry, they managed to erase the corruption in me, of course we can take it away from you, we only need time.-
Fahrad just lowered his head, now back to normal and he sighed.
-No, Wrathion you can’t take it away, you have to kill me to ensure your safety.-
The rogue almost managed to finished before seeing the red eyes of the prince in front of him, glowing even more than his.
-You don’t dare tell me what I can and cannot do, WE are going to take the corruption away and that’s IT.- The dragon finished his words slamming the table, kill him? No, never, there has to be a way, there was a way for him so he was going to find a way for Fahrad, that was for sure, yes, Alexstrasza had the information, a little bribe and that’s it...
-You know...it’s impossible, you know it deep inside you, make the promise Wrathion, make the promise that you will kill me when the Champion you chose finishes the tasks.- The rogue wasn’t very happy with what he said, but it was the truth, the only truth.
-...How...can I kill you?...- How could he do that?...Everyone knew that Fahrad wasn’t only another rogue to him, he was a mentor...a father-like figure...something he’d never have again.
Was that...sobbing? Was Wrathion...crying?...
It was for only a moment before he’d go back to his normal self but he definitely cried.
-You’re asking the impossible Fahrad, I can’t kill you, but overall I DON’T WANT to.- That was the final decision, you could heir it in his tone, Fahrad couldn’t help but to make a really melancholic smile, but he wasn’t going to keep insisting.
-You’ll know what to do...-
That sounded like a whisper, but it wasn’t really a whisper, more like the rogue said to the princes own mind.
-Let’s go my prince, you have to rest, there’s training tomorrow.-
And so the two dragons went to sleep, almost forgetting about the whole conversation, like it never happened, but it did...and it was going to affect the future.
(Ok so we all know that the only perfect ones Wrathion fickers are katieskarlette and Yulon BUT I still wanted to post this...and it helps me with my English writing so yeah, that. Headcanon about one of many Fahrad and Wrathion fights about “you have to kill me, no I can’t” I just love headcanons so so much, I’ll post more original content later I P R O M I S E)
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redandpointy · 6 years
java-n-tea commented on katieskarlette's post “An apology and a plea”
@redandpointy dude for real i do get ppl getting annoyed by malfurion but what did kalec do i cant really think of anything hes done thats like bad or super annoying
@java-n-tea yeah he’s a goober who wears his heart on his sleeve? And he’s just a really nice nerd? The manga wasn’t great but then again none of the characters in that were stellar. In game he’s pretty inoffensive and is about as helpful as Chromie - he just shows up less than she does. Like... did people really have a hard time with him as a raid boss or something? Balance of Power wasn’t hideous. I was more annoyed by “bring me 2786 shards from highmaul and 30billion tomes of hellfire citadel for the legendary ring” from khadgar. I mean, we couldn’t do BoP in LFR like the ring could be done, but that’s not something Kalecgos the character decided >.> and BoP wasn’t *hard* so much as mildly tedious because it was a chase item. (but again, that’s not Kalec)
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justwarcraftstuff · 6 years
katieskarlette replied to your post “I wish there was some way to favorite items...”
Im pretty sure legendaries can’t be vendored, but I don’t want to try it find out lol
I don’t know about other legendary items, but Dragonwrath seems able to be sold. At least, that’s what the info box claims when you hover over it while vendoring stuff. That’s about as far as I want to see!
Dragonwrath is definitely worth more than 50 gold, Blizzard. 
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iantojonesthebetta · 6 years
katieskarlette replied to your post: Something died in the 23G. I was doing a water...
Awww, so sorry :(
Thank you. <3 It happens. If it did indeed happen, it could’ve been an accident or he was older than advertised. From what I can tell, Betta albimarginata have an average lifespan of 2-3 years. I was told he was 9 months old when I got him, which would put him at about 19 months old, so just over a year and a half. Even so, I’m still remaining vigilant in case there’s something else amiss.
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Silveria Layers
tagged by @theforgottenflight
· Name: Silveria(Silva) Silverwing
· Eye Color: Blue-silver
· Hair Style/Color: light blue that flows down her back, with bangs that goes to the right side of her face. But when traveling she’ll put it but with a black ribbon.
· Clothing Style: Among the mortals she’s dress in a purple robe with silver trimming and blue gloves, along with a blank tabard that matches the robes. In hot environments she will wear a breast plate with leggings and leg armor and boots, that are heeled when in major cities and flats when in danger or traveling, all a same shade of purple as a chromatic whelping and silver lining. But the leggings are blue. During her time as a farmer. She would were the simple dresses that range in color and black flats.
· Best Physical Feature: Her eye scar and her horns
· Fears: Listening to the Old Gods’ whispers
· Guilty Pleasure: Being with the remaining chromatic whelping.
· Ambition for the Future: For the Chromatic DragonFlight to be prosperous as the other flights.
· First Thoughts Waking Up: ”What is going on?” 
· What They Think About the Most: “Where are my whelps!”
· What They Think About Before Bed: “Can’t wait to hit that pillow.”
· What They Think Their Best Quality Is: Even though she is a chromatic Drake, many find it odd that she isn’t hostile with the mortals and the some other dragons.
· Single or Group Dates: Single, I prefer to get to know someone alone so no-one can cause a problem
· To be Loved or Respected: Both.
· Beauty or Brains: Both.
· Dogs or Cats: None, Anytime I tried to help them they would scratch and bite at me. They are more difficult then the whelpings.
· Lie: I’ve lied to most of my friends about my race since I know their thoughts may change if they found out who I truly was.
· Believe in Yourself: Sometimes, not most of the time though.
· Believe in Love: Yes.
· Want Someone: Yes, Only one person.
· Been on Stage: Like for a speech or metaphorically like having a room full of people’s eyes on you.
· Done Drugs: No,( if the arcane doesn’t count) 
· Changed Who You Were to Fit In: Yes after I had escaped BlackRock Mountain and I found out of Nefarian’s death and shifting into a mortal form. I had chosen an High Elven disguise to fit in with the Humans of StormWind.
l DOB: July 27, 8 (600 by the King’s Calendar) I had hatched, but I was conceive and laid in the summer of the year 11,900.  
· How Old Will You Be: Mortal wise I’ll be 21 but draconic wise I’ll be 11,871
· Age You Lost Your Virginity: I.. um. Still a virgin. *Her face turning a bright red*
· Does Age Matter: For mortals and younger dragons yes. 
· Best Personality Trait: being protective and caring.
· Best Eye Color: all
· Best Hair Color: all
· Best thing to do with a Partner: Playing with the whelpings.  
· I love: My human friend and my whelpings
· I feel: happy
· I hide: who I’m truly am.
· I miss: My parents
· I wish: For the Chromatic Dragonflight to prosper.
Who I tag. @katieskarlette @kalrumgreatforge @duraxxor @solastrasz
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demico-art · 7 years
katieskarlette replied to your post: In Ducktales 2017, I wonder... which is or are the...
I’m nervously awaiting Goldie’s appearance!
RIGHT!!! I forgot about Goldie XDDD Certainly excited about seeing her!!!
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hclark70 · 7 years
@katieskarlette  -I’m now having a flashback to Nightbane progression in original Karazhan, with a tank who was trying to learn the stance dance.
 THANK you for knowing what I am talking about - when I first started on my warrior tanking  in Molten Core, I didn’t do the ‘stance dance.’ I didn’t know of the Berserker stance quest until another warrior tank in the guild explained it all to me. I went and completed the quest after.
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katieskarlette · 3 years
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My mage got glasses!
When I first created Skarlette back in the summer of 2005 I tried to make her look as much like me as possible.  At the time it wasn’t a bad match.  She had my super pale skin and blue eyes, and my hair was collar-length then (although my color is more mousy brown than reddish-brown.)  I’m also not that skinny IRL, but the main discrepancy was the lack of eyeglasses.  
She wore a monocle through much of vanilla (The Eye of Flame) but that was just because it was the best head armor she could get her hands on before obtaining a tier helm from Molten Core.  I think that was my first epic, actually. 
Anyway, I soon grew my hair out IRL, but the barbershop wasn’t a thing yet.  When it was added to the game I tried making my mage’s hair longer but it just didn’t feel like Skarlette anymore, so I changed it back.
Because of that I wasn’t sure if glasses would feel right on Skarlette, either, but I ended up really liking them.  They’re cute, and do make her feel more like an in-game reflection of me.  I do miss her fiery halo, so I don’t think Skar will have glasses full-time, but for awhile she can finally rock the four-eyed look.
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shae-c-art · 7 years
I was tagged by @acheesecakewrites <3
RULES: 1. answer the questions given by the previous person 2. write 11 new questions 3. tag 11 people
Answers and questions under cut. ^_^
1. Everyone asks about favorite colors. is there a color that you hate?
I don’t hate the color now, but when I was younger I absolutely hated the color yellow. That was the color of a medicine I had to take and absolutely hated it. I don’t mind it now though.
2. Do you like to write/draw/read more when it’s sunny? dark? rainy? 
I like to draw when it’s sunny and I can get natural light, but i like reading/writing when it’s rainy or darker out. Especially if I’m writing/reading something a bit scarier.
3. How many languages do you speak/read/write?
English is my first language so I’m fluent in reading/writing and speaking it. I’m trying to learn Spanish though, and while I can’t really speak it well aside from a few phrases or really write it, I can actually somewhat read it. A good example is I couldn’t hold a conversation or write directions, but I could read a brochure/kid’s chapter book and know what they were talking about.
4. Do you prefer llamas or alpacas?
Llamas, because of the movie ‘Emperors New Groove.’
5. What’s your favorite place you’ve ever visited? do you want to go back or just hold onto the good memories?
I think my favorite place I’ve ever visited is probably England, and I’d absolutely love to go back there someday.
6. What is the correct number of cats? (for you, personally)
Two. That way they have a friend.
7. Are you a multishipper or do you latch onto just one or two OTPs?
I’m honestly a mix of these two. For certain characters I latch onto one OTP and for other characters I tend to have my favorite ships, but I multiship them with several different characters.
8. How often do you re-read stories(books or fics) or re-watch shows and movies?
A lot. I really like to go back to things and see if I can find something new in them, or just revisit them for the feelings they gave me the first time. I go back to specific moments I think more than just entire works in general in terms of reading, and in movies/shows I might work on other things while watching it, and then pause the other work I’m doing when certain scenes come up.
9. Do you have a favorite OC? is this a terrible question like asking you to pick your favorite pet? 
Ooooh boy this is hard. This is really, really hard. Okay, okay, I think I can do this! I’m going to go with Eskame Trevlyan, because of how easy she could have wound up as a villain, if she wasn’t a mage, because of how utterly devout her family was to the Chantry. If she hadn’t experienced the wrongness of the situation first hand, and known people as friends, not just mages, that were lost to things like tranquility and the circle’s abuse, she would have followed Meredith’s line of thinking. She basically would be the kind of villain that scares me the most, which is the ‘for the greater good’ kind, and is deciding what that ‘greater good’ is. I’d describe her story oddly enough as one of faith. Being fanatical as a child, losing it completely in the circle, being confused/angry in inquisition, to finding some faith again at the end, but it far more resembles the kind of faith Sera, Lelianna, and Vivienne have then what the Chantry would deem as ‘correct’. I just really enjoy her story, and seeing where/how she avoids villainy, the areas she softens in, the areas she stays cynical and hardened, and the way she deals with knowing what she could have been if she hadn’t had magic.
10. Would you rather live underwater or in space?
Underwater! I’d want to be able to visit the surface a lot, but I think I’d like to be a mermaid and live underwater.
11. Which Dragon Age dragon is your favorite? (i like the sand howler. she’s pretty)
The Kaltenzahn in Emprise Du Lion! I love the design, the colors, and that was the dragon I fought where I discovered my absolute favorite team for dragon hunting. Vivienne, Bull and Cassandra.
My Questions:
1. What is your favorite book/movie or show from childhood?
2. Do you prefer headcannons that are based on in universe evidence, or headcannons that are just based on the fun of it?
3. What’s your least favorite level in any video game? (Mine was water levels in general, but nowadays it’s DAO: THE FADE. THAT LEVEL!)
4. Do you prefer to write/draw on the computer or traditionally?
5. If you could reboot any game/show/movie, what one would it be?
6. Do you prefer to be outside to read/write/draw or inside?
7. Did you have a pet as a child?
8. If you could visit any town from a video game world, which would it be?
9. What’s one place, real world, or not, that you never want to go?
10. You have a super power for 24 hours? What’s your power and what do you do with?
11. Favorite crossover or AU?
I tag: @milkymaccha @many-anduin-wrynns @deviantdragons @dichotomous-dragon @elthadriel @nyxythenightmare @boilingheart @katieskarlette @yetanothercriminalmindsfanatic @anabundanceofstilinskis @professionallilbrocarverhawke
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sparrabeth · 7 years
katieskarlette replied to your post: “trickstercaptain replied to your post: “katieskarlette replied to your...”
The only consolation in Willabeth spawning a child was that the kid was going to grow up with "Uncle Jack" around to tell him stories and corrupt him. We're supposed to believe that Elizabeth Effing Swann, who was fascinated with pirates since she was a little girl, who turned her life upside down to follow her dreams of freedom, who outwitted the smartest men in both the EITC and the Brethren Court, would raise her kid not to know about any of it?!!?!?!?!
this is so sad honestly!!!!! we had such high hopes for the kid!!! he would be raised in the brethren court and everyone would love and take care of him (the pirates would of course deny it!) and jack and barbossa would fight over which one gives him the best present or the biggest hat and when he would get older he would commandeer his own ship and meet with his father and his mother’s ships (bc the pirate king would be out there taking care of the Singaporean waters and various affairs) (also will would be there to ferry the souls of those THEY sank themselves) and UGH how could they destroy this happy AU in which everyone ended up taking what they wanted and giving nothing back... how could they make elizabeth HIDE all of it to her son, to DEPRIVE HIM AND HERSELF OF THAT LIFE!!!! a franchise about PIRATES depicting them the way it did (not how it really was ofc) and we didn’t get that ending!!!!
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New Year
Wrathion looked up to the sky, he saw fireworks in the distance, he wanted to see them closely but it was impossible, apparently Azeroth was having a party for this “new year”.
For him the past three years were the exact same, but this time he decided to go out of his cave and watch the fireworks. He offered Left and Right time to go and see the city, they both refused, Wrathion is their prince, their responsibility, no other kingdom is as important as he is, but they both remembered the beginning.
“You are now at his command.”
Fahrad said that a long time ago, and if it wouldn’t have been for the money they would have leaved that Black Prince long time ago, but now it was different, both the orc and the human cared for him, too much actually, their factions ceased to exist in their heads, Wrathion was the only one worth protecting.
The dragon went to the higher pick of the mountain where he was hiding, he wanted to see every single thing he could, he remembered, and daydreamed about what could have been of him if he was born just…a normal dragon, no corruption, no titanic device, only a whelp, he would probably not even know how to talk at this age, but…at that point, he hoped for that, to be with his mother, with his flight which he had to erase forever.
Far from there a Tauren raised his sight, the sky was quiet but he could see those flashing lights far away from the forest, and suddenly out of nowhere, he knew, Wrathion was somewhere out there, hiding, but at this moment they were both watching the same sky, Ebonhorn smiled while going back to his tent.
“Don’t worry, our flight may be small even if we unite, but at least, we are going to be a family…”
And so, both dragons let the night passed, without knowing what will happen next.
(Ok yeah so first of all GRAMMATICAL ERRORS I’m sorry, I wrote this last night and I tried to correct it right now but we’ll you can’t ask me much lol I will get better at English 2018 promise yes, and(?? Yeah there’s nothing much to say, couple of feels with Wrathion and Ebonhorn and cia 💕 so yeah! Some Chill this January 1st ✨
Alrighty! Now the nice message ❤️ thanks to the ones who started following this page(?? I mean really wasn’t expecting that at all, yes Wrathion has fans and all but idk I wasn’t expecting attetion and getting acknowledged by really nice people lol but thank you! I’m glad to know you enjoy this things 💕✨ thank you to @ravenholdt-crypts because those AUs are 👌🏻👌🏻 hope you had a nice new year really. Also @katieskarlette because she inspires me so much and is super awesome and her fanfics are gold and she knows so much and and omg you are a role model seriously, ily 💕
Sorry for tagging! If you want me to delete it no prob! ♥︎ and yeah, that’s pretty much it~ happy new year!
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redandpointy · 7 years
3Tagged by @katieskarlette RULES: 1. answer the questions given by the previous person 2. write 11 new questions 3. tag 11 people
Stuff under the cut!
Dragons. Often they fly. Sometimes they talk. As cool as ancient chickens are, DRAGONS.
2.  Would you rather fly to the moon, or visit the deepest trench in the ocean?
Moon. There would be more to see on the moon. deepest bits fo the ocean are kinda boring and dark. At least on the moon you can see stuff and bounce aorund.
3.  You have use of a time machine for one hour.  You cannot change the past, only observe.  Where/when would you go?
I want to see some dinosaurs with my real eyes. They’re not as cool are dragons but they’re still awesome. I CAN BRING BACK PICTURES.
4.  Have you ever created your own original universe and daydreamed what it would be like if it had a fandom?
Yes. I’m pretty sure I know which characters would get the slashfic.:D
5.  Have you ever met anyone famous?
define famous? I’ve met and worked with a fair number of the star trek actors through previous work.
6.  If you could have any animal, extinct or living, as a pet, which would it be?  (Ignore safety, legality and practicality.)
7.  If you had the chance to name a new planet, what would you name it?
Athena who is one of the most awesome members of the ancient greek pantheon and who is deserving of a planet.
8.  What’s the stupidest thing that you never fail to laugh at?
Marching Parrot: https://youtu.be/BYJB0zyjt70?t=1m12s
9.  If you could change the ending of one book/movie/game/show, what would it be, and how would you change it?
JUST ONE????????? Well, okay most of my complaints aren’t from the endings of anything. Here’s two: In Sanctuary, Ashley wouldn’t have died. In Stargate Atlantis Elizabeth wouldn’t have been killed.
10.  Do you prefer your video game clothing to be practical or ridiculous? Skimpy or protective?  Plain or liable to put someone’s eye out if you turn around too fast?  Realistic or only staying on because of magic and invisible tape?
I like that I have the option of ridiculous but it isnt’ the default. Let me opt into the sexy dress that doesn’t cover my vitals but give me awesome and actually protective armor if I want it, too please.
New Questions:
1: Favorite Game? 2: What was the first Fanfic you ever read? The first you ever wrote? (if you write them) Can you still find it? 3: What is one talent you wish you had? 4: First movie you can remember seeing? How old were you? 5: Book you go back to re-read? 6: The meme you just don’t get. 7: Do you have any Rare pair Ship(s)? What are they? 8: Food/flavors you cannot stand? 9: Dream job? 10: Do you RP? Who is your favorite OC? 11: Tell me about the thing you made/did/wrote/drew/watched/or read that you love and really wish people fan-flailed about but haven’t.
New tags!
@ussjellyfish @rhadgar-khadgar @fluffynexu @inquisitorhotpants @starrypawz @maykors @kitikara @fire-mage-catril @anjastasia @anduinsholydick @jthorsten
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